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Space exploration pros and cons: Are space programs a waste of money?

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Space exploration is a hugely expensive affair. Should we spend money on space exploration when we have so many problems on planet Earth? We debate the pros and cons of space exploration and the reasons for investing in space agencies and programs. 

Should we spend money on space exploration?

The launch of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket into has brought back media attention to space exploration . Elton Musk's private aerospace company is in the process of becoming a major player and a partner for many space programs. However, most of the efforts to discover whats out still depend mostly on public funding. 

Space exploration is costly, and many argue that in times of belt-tightening, we should focus on solving problems here on Earth, especially since the knowledge gained from space exploration has few immediate benefits. On the other hand, pronponents of space exploration argue that the knowledge to be gained is invaluable, and that it is in the very nature of humankind to explore. In addition, proponents of these programs argue that they have had significant benefits and resulted in the discovery or popularisation of many useful new technologies . Furthermore, space exploration could be the only way to escape  human extinction in case living conditions become unsustainable on Earth.

Today there are six big government space agencies with the capacity to create, launch and recover satellites: the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ), Russian Federal Space Agency ( Roscosmos or RFSA),the China National Space Administration ( CNSA ), the Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ),  the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency ( JAXA ) and the European Space Agency ( ESA ) which integrates several European space agencies. Among them only NASA, ROSCOSMOS and CNSA have full capacity for human spaceflights and lunar soft-landing.  In addtition to these there are many other government space agencies with variable capabilities, most of them have only the capacity to operate satellites, a few of them also have launch capabilities and can operate extraterrestrial probes. Some of these space agencies are competing to be the first to send humans to Mars  and investigating if there is intelligent life on other planets .

These space programs and agencies are very costly. It is estimated that the total annual budget of space agencies is $41.8 billion. Among them the highest budgets correspond to:

  • NASA (USA, $19.3 billion)
  • Roscosmos (Russia, $5.6 billion) 
  • ESA (Europe, $5.5 billion)
  • CNES (France, $2.5 billion)
  • JAXA (Japan, $2.5 billion)
  • DLR (Germany, $2 billion)
  • ASI (Italy, $1.8 billion)
  • CNSA (China, $1.8 billion)
  • ISRO (India, $1.2 billion)

Are all these costs justfified? Are there better ways to spend public funding? Should we mainly rely on private investors such as Elton Musk to promote space expliration? Will capitalistic incentives lead the way towards space exploration? In order to help make up your mind we outline next the most important benefits and problems of space exploration.

Space exploration pros and cons

  • Knowledge generation.  Thanks to space exploration programs we are discovering many things that help us understand the universe. For instance, learning about planets, comets, stars, etc. can help us find solutions for some of the problems our civilization will face, such as overopulation  and the need to colonize other planets.
  • Exploration and discovery are beneficial. Humans have always engaged in exploration to satisfy their sense of curiosity and look for opportunities. During the Age of Discoveries in the 15th and 16th centuries, countries such as Spain and Portugal heavily invested in expeditions, but thanks to them they became super-powers and gained many riches. Later, during the second age of explorations in the 18th and 19th century, the discoveries of pioneers such as Captain Cook or Livingstone heavily contributed to scientific discovery.
  • Artificial satellites are crucial tools in modern society. For instance they are used for defence purposes and to fight against terrorism. Satellites help us also monitor the effects of global warming  and detect wildfires. Space agencies are necessary to operate satellites.
  • Scientific advancement and by-products. Space exploration programs help introduce and test new technologies. Much of the research carried out to find solutions for space travel have applications elsewhere. For instance NASA research has contributed to develop velcro, fire-resistant materials, medical devices to relieve muscle and joint pain, new precise thermometers, artificial limbs, new air conditioning systems, land mine removal systems, improved radial tires, etc. 
  • Space race may save humanity. Life on Earth may be threatened by climate change, pollution, depletion of resources, infectious diseases or nuclear war. Further, space exploration is necessary to find another planet on which humans could pursue their lives. Space programs help also find solutions to adapt human lives to the space or other planets.
  • Space industry jobs. The space industry employs directly about 120,000 people in the OECD countries and 250,000 in Russia.
  • Few direct benefits to space exploration . True, space technology has helped us launch satellites and introduce many useful products, but do we need to keep pushing forward? The direct intellectual gains from learning about far away planets or satellites such as the moon can hardly compensate the costs. Historical exploration on Earth allowed collect and trade resources. Bringing resources to Earth is not possible with the current technology.
  • Space travel is hazardous.  Many lives have been lost in space expeditions. Space missions are very dangerous and can often cost lives and stress to the families of the astronauts or cosmonauts. Should highly qualified professionals and scientists risk their lives traveling outside Earth? 
  • Failure is common. Many of the space exploration fail. Probes and satellites crash, exploration robots are lost, rockets blow up in the air, etc. It is frustrating to see how so much money and time are wasted in unsuccessful missions.
  • Danger of establishing contact with alien life. One of the main goals of space exploration is to find out if there is life outside Earth. However, establishing contact with other civilizations can be extremely dangerous and could jeopardize human life. If we flag our existence to technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, we may be somehow exposing ourselves to their attacks and invasion. The wanna-be colonizers could be colonized. Primitive life-forms such as virus and bacteria could also provoke epidemic diseases.
  • New source of international tensions. The space race is not over. There is a growing international competition to be the first in fulfilling some challenges in space exploration. Sovereignty over other planets and satellites, and over their resources, will become a controversial issue. With the advancement of technology domination of the outer space may tip the balance of power on a bipolar or multipolar Earth.
  • Priorities and opportunity costs.  Even if there are benefits to space exploration, spending so much money and effort in reaching other planets is highly questionable. That money and brain power could be used to solve other more important problems for us. For instance governments could invest much more to prevent global warming, reduce crime rates and find a cure for cancer or Alzheimer's Disease.

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The UNESCO Courier

Is the space effort a waste of money?

Colossal strides in civilization in the past have followed each major advance in man's observation of the skies. Astronomical discoveries, time after time, have influenced and, in some cases, shifted the very course of history.

By Gene Gregory 

As the Apollo 11 and 12 spacecraft raced toward their rendezvous with the moon last July and last November, these most ambitious of man's ventures were the focus of a sharp and lively debate back on earth about the real meaning and value of space exploration.

Twelve years had passed since the Soviet Union launched the space age by firing Sputnik I into earth orbit on October 4, 1957. The United States had spent some $44 thousand million on space programmes, $24 thousand million on the Apollo project alone. Hundreds of thousands of top scientists and technicians had been striving together in by far the largest team of specialists ever mobilized in a single undertaking.

Yet the basic question was still being asked: "Is this trip really necessary?"

Was the moon landing a pointless "stunt", however adroitly executed, or a breath-taking demonstration of man's unlimited capabilities? Would the billions allocated for space be better spent on solving pressing problems here on earth? What, in short, is there in all this running around in space for those of us who remain earthbound mortals?

Arnold J. Toynbee, the esteemed British historian, expressed the concern of many serious-minded sceptics for whom the moon landing symbolized a yawning gap between technology and morals.

"In a sense," Toynbee remonstrated, "going to the moon is like building the pyramids or Louis XIV's palace at Versailles. It's rather scandalous, when human beings are going short of necessities, to do this. If we're clever enough to reach the moon, don't we feel rather foolish in our mismanagement of human affairs?"

But others contend that there is money enough for the moon and tasks on earth, too. And some go further to point out that the conquest of space has done much, through the development of new ideas, new attitudes, new techniques and new structures for the management of large-scale undertakings, to prepare man for a major offensive against the unsolved social and material problems at home.

"If you look at the thousands of years of civilization," Sir Bernard Lovell, director of Britain's Jodrell Bank Observatory reminds us, "you will find that only those communities that have been prepared to struggle with the nearly insoluble problems at the limits of their technical capacities those are the only communities, the only times, that civilization has advanced. The Roman Empire decayed when ¡t ceased to be progressive in this sense, and there are other examples. To a certain extent, you see the beginnings of it in the United Kingdom today, but fortunately not in the United States and certainly not in the Soviet Union."

Queen Isabella of Spain was confronted with something of the same sort of question nearly five centuries ago when she sold her jewels to assemble the resources necessary to finance the trip to the Indies of Christopher Columbus and his crew.

Her prime motives may well have been the glory and riches she expected to accrue to Spain. But the great results of this historical venture were not the spice and gold it brought to Spanish coffers, nor the vast territorial acquisitions which gave Spain dominion over the first global empire in history.

Far more important, the Columbian explorations marked the beginning of a major new cycle in the development of the world, enhancing man's mastery of the seas and bringing together in one great community, however unhappily, the entire human race.

It is not too much to contemplate that similar experiences may be awaiting us as we embark on the contemporary venture into unknown space. This is not simply because outer space provides a new dimension to potentially new resources, nor because the possibility of finding life on other planets has suddenly become much more real. Of even greater importance is the vast accumulation of new technology and new techniques resulting from the first decade of space exploration. Not unnaturally, the sheer spectacular quality of the moon landing tended to focus the world's attention on the heroic aspects of the achievement.

Somehow, the casting of the Apollo 11 and 12 voyages on millions of television sets around the world gave it the character of a sports event. Focus was on the astronauts, champions of a new interplanetary Olympiad, and on the faultless performance of the spacecraft. In the process, the real significance of space exploration became obscure.

If the experience of the past three or four thousand years has any value, it tells us that in freeing himself from the millennial confinement of the earth's gravitation and its atmosphere, man has added a vast new dimension to his environment and to his character. In broadening his horizons, he has in a qualitative sense altered his very being and completely changed his relationship to the rest of nature, and this in turn presages sweeping changes in every field of human activity.

Colossal strides in civilization in the past have followed each major advance in man's observation of the skies. Astronomical discoveries, time after time, have influenced and, in some cases, shifted the very course of history.

Now, the impact of space exploration the most momentous of all human adventures promises to usher in a new stage of civilization the broad outlines of which remain undefinable, if for no other reason than that the exploration has only begun. The potential of the universe for mankind is as completely unknown today as was that of the New World after the return of Columbus to Spain.

As Margaret Mead, the American anthropologist, has put it: "Once you raise the question that other land than this earth is possible to live on, that other places are possible places to found colonies, or that there may be other living creatures somewhere, you have changed the whole place of man in the universe. You've altered everything. This involves a considerable reduction of human arrogance and a tremendous magnification of human possibilities."

Just as the age of earth exploration completely transformed the political matrix around the globe, the space age will radically. Alter the present global political constellation and institutions. The nation state, already ill-suited to human needs in the last half of the twentieth century, can hardly be expected to effectively serve man's goals in space.

The on-again off-again trip to Mars, originally scheduled for the 1970s, will very likely be too expensive for either the United States or the Soviet Union to undertake alone. By combining in this and other projects in the conquest of space, it is possible to co-operate where prejudices and conflicting interests are least involved. In this age of global problems, the necessity of co-operation in space as human beings with predominantly common interests cannot but have a feedback on earth. If and when space exploration becomes more than a marginal activity, its higher priority is bound to give new stimulus to international joint ventures in space.

Already COMSAT (Communications Satellite Corporation) and INTELSAT (the international space communications organization of 70 member countries) have established a pattern for international public utilities in space communications. American and Soviet rockets are launching European, Australian and Japanese satellites into space. And some 40 tracking stations around the globe, involving varying degrees of international co-operation, participated in the Apollo project.

But if no one knows where this new adventure in space will eventually take us, what new worlds will be discovered what new horizons will open as man colonizes the moon or other planets, or what advantages may be found in manufacturing instruments and equipment in the vacuum of outer space, the first decade of the Space Age has given us a foretaste of what is in store for the future.

Since 1967 hardly a person on earth has not been directly or indirectly effected in one way or another by the results of the space exploration. Liberated from the forces that have kept us earthbound throughout recorded history, we now have capabilities (intellectual and material) that are immeasurably greater than ever before. These new capabilities open unlimited opportunities for the development of human faculties and the satisfaction of human needs.

A whole galaxy of earth satellites is now providing global services which have already brought vast improvements to communications, weather prediction, geology and geodetics, navigation and oceanography. These and other vital tools for the enhancement of man's control over his environment are available not only to the advanced industrial countries that have developed them, but have had immediate benefits for all countries around the globe providing developing countries with tremendous new capabilities for more rapid economic and social advance.

New technologies products, materials, processes, manufacturing techniques, operating procedures, and new standards born of space requirements are being transferred from their original space application to industry, commerce, education and public health, replacing products or practices currently in use to provide those which will better fill the vast variety of human needs.

But, most important, effective techniques and structures have been developed for the "forcing" of technology transfer, and private industry, universities and governments now have at their disposal vast computerized data banks of knowledge and data on virtually every field of the physical and social sciences, technology and the humanities.

But an even more important aspect of the Space Revolution is the last one: techniques for directing massive projects undertaken by thousands of minds in a close-knit, synergistic combination of government, universities and industry. Taken together these techniques are potentially the most powerful management tool in man's history, changing the way civil servants, scientists and managers approach virtually every task they undertake.

About the authors

U.S. engineer Gene Gregory is also a writer specializing in economic and technological questions.

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Is It Worth It? The Costs and Benefits of Space Exploration

Given the cost associated with space exploration, one naturally has to ask what the benefits are and whether or not they are worth it..

Matthew S. Williams

Matthew S. Williams

Is It Worth It? The Costs and Benefits of Space Exploration

Ever since the Sunset of the Apollo era and the Soviet Union collapsed (thus ending the Cold War), there has been an unavoidable question regarding space exploration.

It has become even more relevant in recent years in response to new proposals to send astronauts to the Moon and Mars.

“Given the sheer cost, is space exploration really worth it?”

Let’s face it; space exploration isn’t exactly cheap! It takes millions of dollars to send even a single robotic mission to space and billions of dollars to send astronauts to orbit.

If you’re looking to send explorers to even the nearest celestial bodies, chances are the costs will run into the hundreds of billions.

To be fair, exploring space, the other celestial bodies of the Solar System, and the Universe at large also comes with innumerable benefits. The problem is the most obvious benefits are largely intangible. How do you put a dollar value on scientific knowledge, inspiration, or expanding our frontiers?

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

NASA on The Commons / Flickr

What About Earth?

For those debating the worth of space exploration, things often turn toward the issue of how many problems we have here on Earth. As the argument goes, we’ve got enough challenges here at home – climate change, hunger, overpopulation, and underdevelopment. These should take priority over exploring and/or establishing a human presence in other worlds.


For example, in a recent op-ed piece , Amitai Etzioni – an adviser to the Carter administration – countered some of the arguments for colonizing Mars and other planets in the Solar System (as put forth by luminaries such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk ). Addressing the argument that humanity needed to do so to survive long-term, Etzioni wrote:

“[W]hat the droughts, the fires, the hot summers, and the melting glaciers call for is not an escape from Earth, but a redoubling of the efforts to save it… What is needed are major technological breakthroughs that will allow for protecting earth while sustaining a healthy level of economic activity… To make such breakthroughs we need major concentrations of research and development resources, talent, and leadership, all of which are in short supply. Hence, any serious Mars endeavor will inevitably cut into the drive to save Mother Earth.”

While these arguments have a certain logic, they are subject to three major assumptions/fallacies. First , they seem to be built around the idea that space exploration and addressing our many problems here on Earth are mutually exclusive rather than complementary.

One of the greatest benefits of human spaceflight and space exploration has been the ability to study Earth from orbit. This has allowed us to learn an unprecedented amount about our planet’s climate and weather systems, not to mention giving us the ability to measure these systems and the impact that human agency continues to have on them.

It also gave rise to the understanding that our planet is a single, synergistic, and self-regulating complex system — the Gaia Hypothesis . Originally proposed by famed scientists James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the 1970s, this scientific theory is one of the cornerstones of the modern environmentalist movement.

Second , there is the assumption that directing funds into space exploration and space-related ventures will deprive other efforts (such as addressing climate change, alleviating poverty, feeding the hungry, etc.) of vital resources.

Once again, the same type of “either/or” reasoning is at play, with no apparent room for “and.” When you get right down to it, there is no basis (other than facile logic) for thinking that money spent on scientific endeavors in space means there will be less money from addressing problems at home.

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

United States Department of Energy/ Wikimedia Commons

What’s more, there is no guarantee that money not spent on space exploration would be automatically diverted to dealing with social, economic, and environmental issues. While the argument appeals to a certain concern for humanity and social justice, it is not born out by reason.

Third , if the argument comes down to the question of resources being better spent elsewhere, why single out space exploration? Why not something that’s even more expensive and has less demonstrable benefits? Why not something like military spending?

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute , in 2014, roughly $1.8 trillion US was committed to military expenditures worldwide. Could this money not have been better spent on humanitarian aid, addressing extreme poverty, or assisting the transition to renewable energy worldwide?

To be more specific, let’s look at the fifth-generation F-35 Lightning II combat aircraft, which began development in 1992. According to estimates compiled in 2016 , it has cost over 1.5 trillion dollars to get this fighter from the drawing board to procurement by the US and other nations’ armed forces.

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

Master Sgt. John R. Nimmo, Sr. | US Air Force /

Spread over twenty-four years (1992-2016), which works out to an average of over $125 billion annually. These cost overruns have been largely due to design flaws and technical failures resulting in multiple aircraft losses during testing.

But some critics think the program has endured because it has become “ too big to kill .” Had the program been terminated years ago, could the billions of taxpayer dollars saved not have been put towards addressing social problems? Just saying…

Consider the amount spent annually to subsidize the fossil fuel industry as a second example. According to the International Energy Agency , the value of global fossil-fuel subsidies was over $300 billion in 2017 alone.

However, according to a 2017 study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the University of California, the price tag is much higher. Once you consider all of the indirect ways in which fossil fuels are subsidized – not to mention the costs of dealing with the impact of fossil fuel burning – the total cost comes to a whopping $5 trillion.

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

Not only is all that money not being used to address the urgent problem of climate change, but it is also actively financing it. If some of those trillions were to be diverted to financing solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources, would we not see a more rapid decline in carbon emissions?

To be fair, those counter-arguments are also a bit over-simplistic and deflect from the question. But then again, the question itself is very hard to answer. When all is said and done, it isn’t easy to take seven decades of space exploration, size up the accomplishments, and reduce it all to a yes/no answer.

But between the cost of resources and the measurable benefits we get from space exploration, a basic cost/benefit assessment should be possible. So let’s look at what humanity has gained by going to space over the past few decades, starting from the beginning…

First Forays Into Space

The Soviet Union was the first to make it to space, launching its Sputnik 1 satellite in 1957. Several satellites followed, as well as the first animals (such as Laika the dog ), followed by the first man and woman in 1961 and 1963. These were cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova , who flew to space as part of the Vostok 1 and  Vostok 6 missions, respectively.

The United States followed suit, creating NASA in 1958 and launching the first American satellites with the Explorer program. Test launches (including animals) came shortly thereafter, followed by Project Mercury and the first American astronauts being sent to space (the Mercury Seven ).

On both sides, a great deal of time and resources went into developing rockets and testing the effect of spaceflight on creatures big and small. And the advancements made within each national space program were inexorably tied to developing nuclear weapons. 

As such, it can be difficult to differentiate between the cost of some of these early projects and general military spending. Another issue is the difficulty in obtaining accurate information from the early Soviet programs, which were kept secret from Western sources and the Soviet Union’s people.

Nevertheless, public cost assessments were made for certain programs (mainly NASA ones). So if we were to consider the kinds of advancements made as a result of a program and then weigh that against the money it took to make it happen, we could construct a rough cost/benefit analysis.

Project Mercury and Vostok:

According to cost assessments made by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) covering 1965 to 1984, Soviet government spending on its space program was comparable to that of the United States. As stated in a report that was compiled in 1985 (and declassified in 2011):

“We estimate the annual dollar costs of the program (including research and development, procurement, operating and support costs) expressed in 1983 prices, have risen from the equivalent of over $8 billion in 1965 to over $23 billion in 1984 – averaging growth of about 6 percent per year.”

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

Adjusted to 2019 prices, the Soviet Union space program cost the equivalent of $25.5 billion in 1965 – by which time they had already sent six crewed missions to space as part of the Vostok program – and steadily grew over the next few decades.

By this time, the Soviet Union had also conducted multiple test launches and sent numerous satellites into orbit as part of the Sputnik program . So while it is difficult to price individual programs, it is fair to say that $25.5 billion a year was the price the Soviet Union paid to be the first country to send an artificial object and human beings into space.

For NASA, the cost of early crewed spaceflights is easier to assess. This began with Project Mercury, which officially ran from 1958–1963 and succeeded in placing the first American astronaut into space. This was astronaut Alan Shepard, sent into orbit on May 5th, 1961, as part of the Freedom 7 mission.

According to cost assessments made by 1965 (two years after the program ended), Project Mercury cost US taxpayers roughly $277 million over five years. Adjusted for inflation, that works out to a total of 2.2 billion dollars, or $440 million a year.

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

Project Gemini , which ran from 1961–1966, sent several more crews into space using two-stage rockets and spacecraft capable of sending two astronauts in a single flight. Based on cost assessments compiled in 1967, this program cost taxpayers $1.3 billion over five years.

Once adjusted to 2019 dollars, that works out to $9.84 billion, or $ 1.97 billion a year. So really, these two programs cost taxpayers over $12 billion over eight years (1958-1966). This brings us to a total bill of about $91 billion, or $11.375 billion annually.

The Race to the Moon

But by far, the greatest commitment in time, energy, money, and expertise went into the Apollo Program. This program called for the development of rockets, spacecraft, and related technologies that would lead to the first crewed missions in history to the Moon.

The Apollo Program began in earnest in 1960 to develop a spacecraft capable of accommodating up to three astronauts and a super-heavy launch vehicle capable of breaking from Earth’s gravity and conducting a trans-lunar injection maneuver.

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

These needs were met with the creation of the three-stage Saturn V rocket and the Apollo spacecraft – which consisted of the Command Module (CM), the Service Module (SM), and a lunar Landing Module (LM). 

The goal of landing astronauts on the Moon by the end of the decade required the most sudden burst of creativity, technological innovation, and the largest commitment of resources ever made by a nation during peacetime. It also entailed a massive support infrastructure that employed 400,000 people and over 20,000 industrial firms and universities.

And by the time the last Apollo mission was flown ( Apollo 17 , in 1972), the program had cost a pretty penny. According to the NASA authorization Hearings held by the Ninety-third Congress in 1974, the Apollo program cost taxpayers USD 25.4 billion.

Adjusted for inflation, that equals  $130.23 billion in 2019 dollars. Considering that that spending was spread over a twelve-year period (1960-1972), this works out to average annual spending of $10.85 billion a year.

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

But consider that these programs did not exist in a vacuum, and a lot of money went into other programs and additional support. Regarding NASA’s total budget, spending on space exploration peaked in 1965, with a total budget of about $50 billion (adjusted to 2019 dollars).

The Soviet Union was also budgeting very heavily at this time. Doing the math, at 6% growth per annum, the Soviet Union would have spent the equivalent of around $25.5 billion to $46.22 billion a year between 1965 and when the last Apollo mission flew in 1972.

While the Soviet Union never sent astronauts to the Moon in this same period, they did send many more crews to orbit and several robotic explorer missions to the Moon (the Luna and Lunokhod programs) and other bodies in the Solar System.

Pricing the “Space Race”:

Any way you slice it, $25.5 to $50 billion a year is a LOT of money! For comparison, consider the Hoover Dam, one of the largest engineering feats in history. This massive hydroelectric operation cost approximately $49 million to build between 1931 and 1936. That works out to about $815 million spread over five years, or $163 million yearly.

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

In short, for what they spent on the Apollo Program alone, American taxpayers could have footed the bill for 177 Hoover Dams. Think of the electricity that could have been provided! Or, to use a more robust statistic, the US government has committed $89.6 billion in 2019 to its Health and Human Services department.

In that respect, the Apollo Program costs roughly 14% of what the US government spends annually on the health and well-being of millions of its citizens. If that kind of money were injected into healthcare spending, the US would greatly expand its medical coverage.

The comparison is a bit crude, but it gives you a sense of how monumentally expensive space exploration has been for all who have dared to engage in it. One, therefore, has to ask, what benefits did all this spending bring?

Aside from the national prestige and the inspiration it provided, what tangible benefits can be cited as justification for all the money spent?

What Came Of All This?

The most obvious benefit of the Space Age was how it advanced humanity’s knowledge of space. By putting satellites and crewed spacecraft into orbit, scientists learned a great deal about Earth’s atmosphere, Earth’s ecosystems, which led to the development of Global Position Satellite (GPS) navigation.

The deployment of satellites also led to a revolution in communications technology. Since Sputnik 1 was launched to orbit in 1957, about 8,100 satellites have been deployed by forty countries for telecommunications, television, radio broadcasting, navigation, and military operations.

As of 2019, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs  (UNOOSA) estimated 5,074 satellites are in orbit on Earth. And in the coming years, thousands more are expected as part of the growing telecom and satellite internet markets. In the latter case, these satellites will be essential to meeting the growing demands for wireless services in the developing world.

Between 2005 and 2017 , the number of people worldwide who had internet access went from 1 billion to over 3.5 billion – 16% to 48% of the population. Even more impressive, the number of people in developed nations with internet access went from 8% to over 41%. By the latter half of this century, internet access is expected to become universal.

The deployment of satellites, crewed missions, and space stations – culminating in the creation of the International Space Station (ISS) – also had a revolutionary impact on Earth’s sciences and our understanding of the planet.

As noted, the study of Earth from space gave rise to the theory that all living organisms interact with their environment to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet – once again, this is known as the “Gaia Hypothesis.”

Interestingly, this theory resulted from Lovelock’s work with NASA, where he helped develop models for assessing whether or not life could exist on Mars. Thanks to these studies, scientists have understood how life emerged and evolved here on Earth.

They have also been able to create models that predict under which conditions life could exist in extra-terrestrial environments. This goes beyond locations in the Solar System (like Mars or within the moons of Europa, Ganymede, Enceladus, Titan, etc.) and includes extrasolar planets.

Aside from being a historic feat, which was never before seen (or since), the Apollo missions also resulted in many profound scientific advancements. The study of lunar rocks, which the Apollo astronauts brought back with them, led scientists to theorize that the Earth and Moon were once part of the same protoplanet.

According to this theory, known as the Giant Impact Hypothesis , the Earth-Moon system results from a collision that took place some 4.5 billion years ago between Earth and a Mars-sized object (named Theia). This occurred just a few million years after the Earth formed from the protoplanetary disk surrounding our Sun.

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle (SSC)

The deployment of space-based telescopes has also had a major impact on astronomy and cosmology. By operating in orbit, these telescopes are not subject to atmospheric distortion and can capture images of distant galaxies and cosmic phenomena that would not be possible using ground-based telescopes.

For example, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has contributed over a million observations in its 30 years of service. These have allowed astronomers and astrophysicists to learn more about the Universe by measuring the rate at which it is expanding (which led to the theory of Dark Energy), testing General Relativity, and discovering extrasolar planets.

This last area of research, which has since been taken up by the likes of the Kepler Space Telescope (KST), the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite , the Gaia space observatory , and (soon) the James Webb Space Telescope has allowed scientists to search for life beyond our world like never before!

The Kepler mission alone has discovered nearly 4000 candidate extrasolar planets . Of these, 49 planets have been earmarked for follow-up studies because they are considered good candidates for habitability. Once again, looking for life out there is causing scientists to take a good like at how life emerged here.

And then there is the way space travel has brought the world together and facilitated international cooperation. When Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go to space, he instantly became a hero, not just in the Soviet Union. During the frequent tours he did after his historic flight, Gagarin’s warm manner and bright smile were said to have “ lit up the darkness of the Cold War. “

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

The same was true of Neil Armstrong when he became the first man to set foot on the Moon. His famous words, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind,” are considered iconic well beyond the United States. After returning to Earth, he toured the Soviet Union as an honored guest and delivered an address at the 13th annual conference of the International Committee on Space Research.

During  Apollo 11, Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left a package of memorial items on the Moon to honor astronauts and cosmonauts who had died in training accidents. In addition to Grissom, White, and Chaffee (who died in the 1967 fire that consumed the Apollo 1 Command Module ), they also honored Vladimir Komarov and Yuri Gagarin – who died in 1967 and 1968, respectively.

Laika the dog, the first canine to go into space, is regarded as a hero by space enthusiasts worldwide. Even though these events all took place during the Cold War, the way these achievements united the world in celebration allowed for a bit of a thaw.

You also have collaborative efforts like the International Space Station (ISS), which 18 national space agencies participated in creating. These included NASA, Roscosmos, the European Space Agency (ESA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and others.

These same countries have regularly contributed both personnel and experiments to ISS expeditions. As of 2019, 236 astronauts have visited the station (many of them multiple times), with 149 being from the US, 47 from Russia, 18 from the EU, nine from Japan, eight from Canada, and individual astronauts from a wide range of countries.

But of course, the benefits of 70 years of space travel go beyond scientific advancements and international cooperation. There are also innumerable technological and commercial benefits that have resulted from space-related government-funded research and development.

Within the United States, these benefits are cataloged by NASA Spinoff , founded in 1973 by the NASA Technology Transfer Program to report on how technologies developed for space missions have been made available to the corporate sector and the general public.

For instance, did you know that NASA-funded research led to the development of Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs), portable cordless vacuums, microwaves, freeze-drying technology, temper foam, video enhancing and analysis systems, computer-assisted design (CAD), Embedded Web Technology (EWT), and weather visualization and forecasting software?


How about health and medical advances like ventricular assist devices (VADs), artificial limbs, food safety systems, water and air filtration systems, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? It has also advanced our understanding of genetic disorders, osteoporosis, and degenerative diseases.

The list goes on and on, but to break it down, a 2002 study conducted by George Washington University’s Space Policy Institute indicated that, on average, NASA returns $7 to $21 back to the American public through its Technology Transfer Program. That’s a pretty significant return on investment, especially when you consider the other ways it has paid off.

What Does the Future Hold?

Asking whether or not space exploration is worth the investment is both sensible and necessary. But an equally valid question to ask while considering all that we’ve derived from it so far is, “Would that have been possible otherwise?”

Would we have seen the same revolutions in communications, computing, transportation, medicine, astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary sciences? Would we have come to learn as much about our origins on this planet? Would we understand just how interconnected life and ecosystems are today?

Pondering these two questions is vital as we embark on an era of renewed space exploration, which will require a similar commitment in time, energy, resources, and vision. It’s also worth considering whether or not we will even be able to address our problems here on Earth without investing in space exploration. 

Looking to the next decade and after, NASA, Roscomos, China, India, the EU, and many other space agencies hope to explore the lunar surface, create a permanent outpost there, send astronauts to Mars, explore the outer planets of the Solar System, and search for life both near and far.

All of this will require a lot of money, and it is uncertain what the future budget environment will be like. And while countless innovation promise to make going to space more cost-effective and accessible (like reusable rockets and space planes), we may run into some problems in the future and need to make some sacrifices.

But for now, it seems that we are intent on making the next generation of exploration happen. According to recent polls conducted by Pew Research , most Americans (72%) believe it is essential for the United States to be a leader in space exploration.

The same polls found that 80% of Americans surveyed believe the International Space Station (ISS) has been a good investment for the country.  On the question of the role played by NASA and NewSpace, the polls found that 65% of Americans believe that NASA must continue to be involved in space exploration instead of leaving it all to private industry.

As Manasavi Lingam, a postdoctoral researcher from Harvard University’s I nstitute for Theory and Computation (ITC), told Interesting Engineering via email, the benefits of continued space exploration include:

“The ability to greatly advance our understanding of several fields ranging from geology (e.g., learning about other crusts and mantles) to astronomy (e.g., building a telescope on the moon) and perhaps even biology (e.g., extraterrestrial life).”

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

Another way in which we stand to benefit from continued exploration is the expansion of our resource base. “Here, it will be essential not to overexploit the likes of the asteroid belt, Mercury, etc., all of which have substantial abundances of metals,” said Lingham.


And, of course, there are the words of the late and great Carl Sagan, who had plenty to say on the benefits of exploration:

“We embarked on our journey to the stars with a question first framed in the childhood of our species and in each generation asked anew with undiminished wonder: What are the stars? Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars…

“our remote descendants, safely arrayed on many worlds throughout the solar system and beyond, will be unified by their common heritage, by their regard for their home planet, and by the knowledge that, whatever other life may be, the only humans in all the universe come from earth. they will gaze up and strain to find the blue dot in their skies. they will love it no less for its obscurity and fragility. they will marvel at how vulnerable the repository of all our potential once was, how perilous our infancy, how humble our beginnings, how many rivers we had to cross before we found our way.”.

Given what stands to be gained and what we will miss out on if we stop, the costs of space exploration seem infinitely bearable!

  • NASA – NASA Spinoff
  • Wikipedia – Benefits of space exploration
  • CIA – USSR: Cost of the Space Program (2011)
  • UNOOSA – Benefits of Space for Humankind
  • Global Security – Launch Services Cost Study (2010)
  • The Space Review – Cost of US piloted programs (2010)
  • CIA – US and Soviet Space Programs: Comparative Size (1966)

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Matthew S. Williams Matthew S Williams is an author, a writer for Universe Today, and the curator of their Guide to Space section. His works include sci-fi/mystery The Cronian Incident and his articles have been featured in, HeroX, Popular Mechanics, Business Insider, Gizmodo, and IO9, ScienceAlert, Knowridge Science Report, and Real Clear Science, with topics ranging from astronomy and Earth sciences to technological innovation and environmental issues. He is also a former educator and a 5th degree Black Belt Tae Kwon Do instructor. He lives on Vancouver Island with his wife and family.  


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Is Space Exploration a Waste of Money? Pros and Cons

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

Many nations around the world are scaling up their efforts in space exploration. Companies like NASA and SpaceX have invested a lot of money in Space exploration. In 2021, countries around the world spent $92 billion, an 8 percent increase from the previous year on Space exploration. Although all these monies have been spent, there haven’t been significant achievements apart from improvement in technology .

In this article, we are going to answer the question; is space exploration a waste of money and also focus on pros and cons of space exploration.

Reasons Why Space Exploration is Not a Waste of Money

We are going to first focus on why space exploration is a waste of money, pros and cons. We will look at arguments from those that support and those against space exploration. 

1. Scientific Knowledge is Valuable Compared to the Cost

Knowledge is invaluable. Space exploration proponents argue that although Space exploration is very costly, the cost is worth it since the knowledge humans have gained from Space is not comparable to the cost. They argue that humanity can be saved by colonizing other planets like Mars in case of impending danger. Elon Musk , SpaceX CEO is on a mission to colonize Mars. Space exploration will help us understand how the earth came to be. 

2. There Have Been Many Discoveries

Space exploration has also led to numerous findings and discoveries about Space. For instance, man has come to know that some planets like Mars can support human life. Besides, non-stick pans were developed as a result of space exploration. Rocket science and landing on the moon led to the discovery of non-stick pans.

3. It is the Nature of Man to Explore

Since it is the nature of man to explore, space exploration is worth it. Without exploration, some continents would still be inhabited by indigenous people. Some countries like the US have grown due to interaction with people from across the world. Besides, exploration helps alleviate ignorance.

4. Improved Technology

Through Space exploration, technology has significantly improved. For instance, companies like SpaceX have managed to develop rockets that can go beyond the earth to planets like Mars. Other tech improvements include the creation of Space Airbus which is being used to help build and design Solar Orbiter. 

5. Multiple Benefits

To sum up all the benefits of space exploration, there have been multiple discoveries like satellites that provide information about clouds, and weather forecasting. Weather forecasting has saved lives by warning people about impending danger like storms and hurricanes.

Reasons Why Space Exploration is a Waste of Money

The following are arguments from those who feel space exploration is a waste of money.

1. There is No Direct Benefit from Space Exploration

Many opponents of space exploration argue that apart from gaining knowledge about Space, there is no direct benefit to humans. Most of the benefits of Space exploration are indirect like the discovery of Satellites used in weather forecasting. As such, the benefits of space exploration are not worth the cost.

2. Space Exploration is Very Risky

Space Exploration is very risky and has led to the loss of lives. Some of NASA’s spacecraft like Apollo 1 have exploded and astronauts have lost their lives. Spacecraft accidents during space missions and training are fatal and lead to huge losses. For instance, NASA lost control over unmanned spacecraft that had been sent to Mars. 

3. The Earth has Not Been Fully Explored

Instead of colonizing other planets like Mars, humans should first fully utilize the earth. Besides, the world is soon going to face the challenge of underpopulation due to low child birthrate. As such, there is no use to colonize other planets while we haven’t fully utilized earth.

4. Money Can Be Used to Help Impoverished Humans on Earth

Other people who feel that space exploration is a waste of money feel that the money can be used to help humans who are living in dire poverty . Many continents like Africa are still lagging behind and people cannot afford three meals in a day and basic needs like clothing . As such, instead of focusing on studies, we should first help humans live dignified life.

Summary: Space Exploration is a Waste of Money Pros and Cons

The arguments of those in support and against space exploration are all correct to a certain degree. However, space exploration is worth the cost, and governments should collaborate and support it. There have been huge milestones that have been achieved by NASA and private companies like SpaceX in space exploration and cannot be underestimated.

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The Planetary Society • Aug 30, 2021

Why space exploration is always worthwhile

Your guide to advocating for space in a complicated world.

Most people who love space and believe in exploration have probably heard this once or twice: “We shouldn’t waste money on space exploration when there are problems to deal with here on Earth.”

While public health concerns, social injustices, climate change, and other urgent issues are important to address, solving these problems doesn’t depend on defunding space programs.

This can be a difficult conversation to navigate, so we’ve outlined a few ideas here that you can share when advocating for space.

Space research isn’t as expensive as people think

Many countries around the world invest in space science and exploration as a balanced part of their total federal budget. Public opinion research has shown that people estimate NASA to take up as much as a quarter of the U.S. federal budget, but in fact,  NASA’s budget only represents about 0.5% of the total federal budget and the proportion is even smaller for other spacefaring nations . The correct information may go a long way to reassuring critics that space spending isn’t eating up as many public resources as they think.

The United States government spent approximately $6.6 trillion in fiscal year 2020, of which just 0.3% ($22.6 billion) was provided to NASA. In this chart, shades of blue represent mandatory spending programs; shades of orange are discretionary programs that require annual appropriations by Congress. "Defense and related" includes both the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Source: Office of Management and Budget Historical Tables 8.5 and 8.7.

Space spending pays off

If someone is arguing that public funds should be spent on solving the world’s problems, they should know that money spent on NASA positively impacts the U.S. economy . We get the same kind of payoff for space spending in other countries. Spending on space supports highly skilled jobs, fuels technology advancements with practical applications, and creates business opportunities that feed back into the economy. This in turn grows the pool of public money that can be spent on solving the world’s most pressing problems.

Space research directly impacts Earthly problems

When people apply themselves to the challenges of exploring space, they make discoveries that can help the world in other ways too. Studying how we might grow food in orbit or on Mars yields insights into growing food in extreme conditions on Earth , generating knowledge that can help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Medical research conducted on the International Space Station helps us understand the human body in new ways, helping save lives and improve quality of life .

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Studying space helps us understand our own world

Studying the cosmos gives us an important perspective shift. When we learn about what lies beyond Earth, it gives us context for understanding our own planet. Studying the other worlds of our solar system and beyond makes it clear that Earth is a precious oasis for life. When we sent spacecraft to Venus we saw how a runaway greenhouse effect turned the world from a habitable planet to an absolute hellscape. When astronauts travel into space they see just how thin and tenuous Earth’s atmosphere is, appreciating the fragile balance in which we live . A cosmic perspective underscores the importance of protecting our planet’s habitability and encourages investment in that effort.

Studying space may one day save us all

All the social and environmental progress in the world won't help us if an asteroid impacts the Earth. We have to explore space to find and study the asteroids and comets in our cosmic neighborhood if we want to make sure we can  defend our planet  if an object ever heads our way.

Space is inspiring

Not every child who dreams of becoming an astronaut will get that opportunity. This is a sad truth that many of us know from experience. But to be inspired to aim for something so grand gives kids the motivation to study hard and gain skills in science, engineering, medicine, or other fields that benefit humanity and directly help overcome problems that we face as a species.

And inspiration isn’t just for kids. When we marvel at the beauty of Jupiter’s clouds or the mystery of Enceladus’ oceans , we get an opportunity to appreciate the wonder and majesty of this cosmos that we inhabit. The idea that life might exist elsewhere in the universe reminds us that we might not be the only planet struggling to achieve balance, justice, and sustainability. And even in the bleakest of times, there’s something beautiful about still striving to achieve something great and discover something that could change how we see ourselves and our cosmos forever.

There’s plenty of room at the table

There’s no denying that there are many important issues facing humanity that need fixing. But to deal with those problems doesn’t mean we have to stop looking up, stop exploring, and stop making discoveries.

Human civilization has astonishing capacity, and we can do more than one important thing at a time. If someone thinks that a particular issue should get more attention and investment, they can and should advocate for that. The problems we face don’t persist because we’re spending money on space science and exploration. And there’s no reason to pit our aspirations against one another.

The Time is Now.

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Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

Space exploration begins at home

“Why do we waste so much money on space when we have so many problems here on Earth?”

By Aditi Sharma

From the climate crisis to the current global pandemic, our Earth faces significant threats. This has led many people to criticize space exploration, emphasizing instead that before looking to the stars we should focus on the issues on the planet we live on.

It seems that many believe investing in space signifies a severe lack of commitment to improving the Earth. However, such an argument fails to address how space exploration has already benefited modern society and our technologies. For instance, with the development of satellite technology, scientists have been able to study the Earth from an important perspective. Before weather satellites, some disasters, such as the Galveston hurricane in 1900 that killed between 6,000 and 12,000 people, caused greater losses of life and economic disruptions due in part to the lack of early-warning systems.

Our climate is suffering. Each day we see a new ecosystem burn, and hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves intensify. Initially, it would seem that funding toward space exploration would not aid the climate crisis. Yet, satellites provide crucial information about our climate daily. Satellites are being used to monitor greenhouse gas emissions, and these data provide crucial information to develop an understanding of climate change. The continual innovation of this technology has meant that scientists have the precise data needed to analyze and predict the impact of climate change.

The future of space technology is equally as promising. For instance, solar power stations in space could provide the world with limitless clean energy. Currently, implementing solar energy on Earth has multiple constraints. Other than the cost, the Sun is not a constant power source throughout the day on our planet. Yet, above Earth, there’s no day and night cycle and no clouds or weather that might obstruct the Sun’s rays.

 Space-based solar power first gained attraction in the 1970s, however, at the time it was not deemed economically feasible. Recent advancements in technology such as photovoltaics and electronics have meant that the costs of this venture can be lowered. In 2015, a research agreement between Northrop Grumman Corporation and Caltech provided up to $17.5 million for the development of space solar power system. As of December 2017, the team at Caltech have developed prototypes that verified their concept and presented that they can collect and wirelessly transmit 10 gigahertz of power. The next stage is conducting experiments in space that the team hopes to achieve in the next couple of years.

Ultimately, the Earth we reside on demands our attention and it is integral that world leaders continue to direct focus upon developing solutions to pressing predicaments. The mentality of many is that we must strictly explore Earth or strictly explore space. However, this outlook is too restrictive, and it is apparent that advances in space technology could greatly benefit Earth itself.

Space exploration may seem to many a ‘waste’ and an economic commitment. But it is also a necessary commitment to human curiosity and progress.

Aditi Sharma is a science communicator and prospective chemical engineering student. She’s working this summer on the BMSIS YSP project “Communicating Topics in Earth and Space Science”.

Space exploration: Colossal waste of money or one giant leap for mankind?

Following Elon Musk’s brilliant, yet also brilliantly expensive Falcon Heavy launch , there was again social media outrage decrying it as a huge waste of resources that could have been better used on Earth. It’s something I’ve heard a lot here and there from both liberals and conservatives: “Why should we invest so much in something that barely affects us?”

I’m not that surprised when this question comes from supporters of the current administration. Our supremely well-qualified EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt, just recently stated , “We know that humans have most flourished during time of warming trends. I think there’s [sic] assumptions made that because the climate is warming, that that necessarily is a bad thing.” Trump has also tried to hide and censor scientific facts that go against his platform, even cutting funding for many major science agencies .

This makes it even more strange that some liberals are against the scientific progress that space exploration brings.

The common “bleeding-heart liberal” argument is often that “since money isn’t being spent on poor people or starving children in Africa, it’s a waste.” For example, Nathan Robinson describes these launches as “indefensible wastes of money” in his article that sums up much of this childish reasoning. Robinson tries to casually equate Musk’s position about space exploration with the idea that “anyone who mentions the colossal waste the project involves, or the various social uses to which these resources could be put, [should] be dismissed as a killjoy.”

He’s exactly right. These people are indeed killjoys, and should be educated on the benefits that research can bring. In addition to being applied to Elon Musk and other rich entrepreneurs, this argument is also used for reasons that we should defund NASA.

What Robinson fails to address is the fact that the research and development that is needed to undertake such a massive project directly benefits us back on Earth. This is something I believe cannot be overstated enough: Even though we might just see something like a rocket launch as “cool” or an “oh wow” moment, in reality so much preparation and research goes into it that will inherently flow back and benefit us. Imagine a life without prosthetic limbs, heart pumps, solar power, advance firefighter gear and water purification. NASA has played a large part in the research and development of all of these items .

Innovations that are developed through NASA’s research are known as spin-offs, and often include medical and safety breakthroughs. Robinson states, “perhaps we could make it so that a child no longer dies of malaria every two minutes,” but space exploration could actually be the solution to this disease or similar ones through spin-offs. The technology that results from these large scale missions could solve many problems back on Earth.

From an economic standpoint, space exploration in general has so many benefits. Starting off, NASA doesn’t occupy a large portion of the federal budget at all, clocking in at a 0.4% of the 2018 budget . Even then, it’s not like the money that goes into NASA is being wasted. Each dollar that goes into NASA adds $7-14 to the economy. It’s a good investment to invest in space: we get great technology that we can use here on Earth as well as a boost to industry.

Viewpoints like Robinson’s disparaging Musk for using his own money on his own project instead of sending it off to another cause are reasons that wealth redistribution (which is needed in society) is often looked down upon within the U.S. The idea that rich people are both the sole problem and sole solution for society doesn’t really make sense, and especially not for scientists like Musk who are trying to develop ways to advance society. At the same time we as a society disparage wealthy people for working hard and having money, we expect them to give up that money and magically solve all of the world’s problems.

Even when Musk is involved with such a scientific breakthrough that will no doubt benefit the majority of members of society, much of it from his personal investment, he is still insulted. Even when the government is able to make an amazing return on its investment from NASA and other space programs that can be used to help civilians, people like Robinson will no doubt still bash on the agency. If anything, we need to invest in space technology: instead of ridiculing Elon Musk for shooting a car into space, we should relish the technology and R&D that went into it.

Contact Tiger Sun at [email protected]

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Student Opinion

Should We Still Be Sending Astronauts to Space?

NASA’s Artemis program plans to send astronauts back to the moon for the first time since 1972. Is this kind of human space exploration still necessary?

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

By Natalie Proulx

Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut or working for NASA?

In September, Eleanor Lutz wrote about NASA’s next human mission :

Since the final Apollo mission in 1972, the moon has been undisturbed by human footsteps. But that may soon change. NASA plans to send astronauts back to the moon this decade in a series of spaceflights called the Artemis program. The first planned launch is a test flight with no crew members aboard. NASA has postponed the flight twice so far, including on Saturday [Sept. 3], because of technical issues during the launch countdown, and will reschedule a third try soon. Eventually, though no earlier than 2025, NASA will send astronauts for a weeklong stay near the moon’s south pole. The crew will include the first woman and the first person of color to walk on the moon, NASA said.

That third try is slated to happen on Wednesday. What is your first impression of this mission? Are you excited by the thought of Americans returning to the moon? Are you skeptical or indifferent? Why?

In “ NASA Is Returning to the Moon This Week. Why Do We Feel Conflicted? ” Shannon Stirone, a space journalist, hosted a written online conversation with Leroy Chiao, a retired NASA astronaut; Lori Garver, a former deputy administrator of NASA; and David Grinspoon, an astrobiologist, about the big questions surrounding the Artemis launch. Here are some excerpts from their discussion:

Shannon Stirone: How’s everyone feeling about NASA returning to the moon after almost 50 years? Leroy, let’s start with you as the one who has been to space. Leroy Chiao: I’m glad we’re finally going to launch this rocket (hopefully). It has been a long time, and a lot of money. Since I was inspired to become an astronaut by the Apollo moon missions, I would have loved a chance to go to the moon myself. But I have mixed feelings, though I hope that we have a successful mission. It is always exciting to see a new vehicle fly.

Ms. Garver adds:

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Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Space exploration: pros and cons, reference list.

According to Space Foundation (2016), over 70 countries as at 2015 had developed space programs. Only Russia, United States of America and China have achieved spaceflight as the standard of space programs. Other countries yet to go into space have designed budgets and policies aimed at reaching the space at one point in time. By the end of 2010, over 52 countries had sent satellites that orbit the earth as part of the steps geared towards achieving space exploration.

The ability to launch and recover several satellites has been achieved by several agencies. Some of the agencies established around the world include China National Space Administration (CNSA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Indian Space Research Organization (ISIRO), and the Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA). Arguments for or against space programs have led to an intense debate on their usefulness or irrelevance. In this paper, I argue that space programs are necessary for research and scientific developments so that job creation and technological development improves lives.

Billions of dollars have been spent in space exploration. However, little achievements have been realized regarding improving the lives of people. Improved technology as part of exploration has been realized through massive spending (Baum 2009). The world has serious problems such as global warming and climate change which should be tackled. Budgets should be allocated towards reducing cases of serious issues such as high temperatures, droughts, floods, and hurricanes that continue to cause death in various parts of the world.

The depletion of rainforests should be considered a key priority that is spending money on the development of space technologies. Furthermore, pollution of oceans is a more pressing issue that pride of reaching the space. Desertification is at an alarming rate. Without adequate resources to tackle real problems that affect the planet, space exploration and programs are likely to be futile in the near future. Research on space exploration is, therefore, a waste of money, time, and effort.

Crucial resources from the planet should be spent in the management of challenges affecting humanity (Baum 2009). The Central American rainforest is facing the reality of being depleted. However, government authorities would rather spend resources on space exploration than consider the long-term sustainability of resources. All space exploration programs depend on the sustainability of current resources. As a result, there is no need to waste time in space when in the long-term; resources will not be enough to guarantee continued presence in space. The civilization of the world has serious consequences to the world.

The development of cities and technologies has led to massive deaths over years. The way forward is not to spent time in space but to look for ways in which the plant can be sustainable to the need of all people. Funding should be channeled to the science of seed clouds so that farmers continue in agriculture that can sustain humanity (Baum 2009). Since the population is on the rise, resources should be channeled into food so that famine and suffering do not continue affecting humanity.

According to Ehrenfreund (2012), the ingenuity to develop technologies and work in space is part of the progress that comes from space programs. Technologies such as satellites and spec exploration tools cannot be developed without exploration. Research and innovation are futile when students and members of the public are not supported to engage in space exploration. The development of space-shift has opened the world to several opportunities of developing alternative technologies that improve life. Technologies such as airline crash protection have been developed to improve air transport safety (NASA 2004).

Without space programs, safety programs designed to improve safety of air transport is likely to be futile. Space programs also create jobs for citizens. Space agencies as well as networks that support space programs contribute to the employment of millions of citizens, directly and indirectly. Universities and other institutions benefit through the employment of students into space programs. As a result, the economic impact of space programs to any nation motivates the high level of space programs and budgets around the world. In the case of Curiosity Mars rover landing, NASA asserts that over $2.5 billion was spent. A large amount of the money was spent on projects that affect the lives of people on earth. In the United States, space programs create over 7,000 jobs in over 30 states.

Space programs are not a waste of money. Space programs have led to the development of technologies that improve air transport. Spending over $2 billion in space exploration is not a waste of money considering the number of people employed directly or indirectly in space projects on earth. Genuine scientific discoveries cannot be achieved without funding. Despite the challenges that affect the planet, there is still need for space programs while allocating resources that deal with global warming and climate change. The need to gather knowledge in space is necessary for designing programs surrounding climate change and global warming.

Baum, S 2009, ‘ Cost-benefit analysis of space exploration: some ethical considerations ’, Space policy , vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 75-80. Web.

Ehrenfreund, P 2012, ‘ Toward a global space exploration program: A stepping stone approach ‘, Advances in Space Research , Vol. 49, No. 1, pp.2–48. Web.

NASA 2004, The Vision for Space exploration . National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Web.

Space Foundation 2016, Global Space Programs. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 7). Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money?

"Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money?" IvyPanda , 7 Sept. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money'. 7 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money?" September 7, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money?" September 7, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money?" September 7, 2020.

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Space Exploration Essays

by Arvind Sharma (India)

Space Exploration Essays

Space exploration is much too expensive and the money should be spent on more important things. What is your opinion? In many countries, a big proportion of expenditure is being spent on exploring the space. It is argued that this expenditure should be spent on other important things rather than on space exploration. However, in my opinion, keep other significant things in mind, space program is very crucial and important for the whole world and should be funded due to the fact that it will help to improve the communication between countries in the world and also helping to search a new alternate to live. To begin, a reason to support funding space program is communication between all over the globe. Because business and organizations are being expanded geographically, they need a communication channel to run these businesses in an effective manner. It has become possible after launching satellites in the orbit. For instance, NASA, which is a reputed space organization has launched many satellites in the orbit, which are being used to broadcast the signals in the form of audio and video to across the globe. Moreover, the satellite television has only become possible due the space programs, and people are able to watch the global events instantly from anywhere. Thus, it can be said that by doing the space exploration, world communication has utterly been changed and for this reason it should be financially aided. Furthermore, As global warming has become a serious concern for the whole world, scientist have started to find the alternate planet to live. Due to this fact, there are going to be conducted more space programs and eventually more money is needed to support these programs. For instance, ISRO, which is an Indian space research organization has been funded by the Indian government. As a result, they have managed to launch own satellite without help of other countries. In addition, there is a need to resolve the problem of global warming and this could only be possible if more space programs will be aided financially. Thus, it has been important for every country to give financial support to these programs so that the next generation can live in a better place. In conclusion, I firmly believe that space program should be supported financially as there is need to get together the whole world to improve the communication and fight against the environmental problems. *** Please can you check my essay on space exploration.

Your Conclusion can improve
Jan 30, 2017

Apr 23, 2017

conclusion should be elaborated
Oct 01, 2017

From this essay we can help our child learn about space but the conclusion should improve.
Dec 05, 2017

your Space Exploration Essay
Jan 04, 2018

Conclusion needs more work
Jan 26, 2018

Very nice essay, I used it to get an E on my english assignment. Do you know where my dad dissapeared I mean he went to the pool yesturday but never came back, he is black btw might be the reason.

Jan 26, 2018

The text was decent, some grammar mistakes. However the conclusion was terrible, inadequate to say the least. The overall text wasn’t too bad but the conclusion really lowered it from University level to Kindergarten. However I am jewish and my critique may be harsh due to my verbal intelligence.

Jan 26, 2018

Several occurences of grammatical errors. Bad text overall
Jan 26, 2018

Curiosity has played an integral role in the advancement of the human species. From the discovery of fire by ancient ancestors to modern space explorations, it has been curiosity and the pursuit for a better future that has made humanity explore and innovate. However, exploration and innovation has never come without sacrifice. In regards to modern space exploration, the efforts to explore the universe has had negative effects including the loss of 18 human lives as of 2005 (CBS News, 2005), a tremendous investment of money, as well as adverse environmental effects both within Planet Earth and the solar system. These sacrifices have been made in efforts of propelling humanity into its most technologically and scientifically advanced stages. Therefore, due to the overwhelming social, economic, and scientific technological advancements that have been made because of investment in space exploration, the stakes and sacrifices made do not outweigh the benefits contributed.

Before one can criticise the efforts invested in space exploration, particularly monetary efforts, one must understand the underlying beneficial societal impact that is associated with investing time and money in space exploration. One is not only investing in merely ‘visits to outer space’ when funding and supporting space exploration (The US Space Program Benefits, n.d.). The money spent is invested in various industries such as manufacturing, research and development, salaries and benefits, doctors, teachers, scientists, students and various businesses.
Mar 16, 2018

Nice essay... Thank you for the help...
Mar 31, 2018

Hey, the essay is fine, I brought some points for consideration: Please also revise your conclusion, it is only one sentence, and rather weak.

In many countries, a big proportion of expenditure is being spent (expenditure spent -the words are almost the same, better "a big proportion of expenditure is allocated/distributed to space exploration).

on exploring the space. It is argued that this expenditure should be spent on other important things rather than on space exploration. (It is argued that funds should be spent on other ....)

However, in my opinion, bearing other significant factors in mind, space program is very crucial for the whole world and should be funded due to the fact that it will help to improve the communication between countries in the world and also help in a search for an alternative life.

To begin with, one reason to fund space programs is to facilitate communication across the globe.
Because businesses and organizations expand geographically, they need a proper communication channel to function/run in an effective manner.

This has become possible after satellites have been launced into the orbit.

For instance, NASA, which is a reputed space organization has launched many satellites in the orbit, which are being used to broadcast the signals in the form of audio and video across the globe.

Moreover, the satellite television has only become possible due to space programs, and people are able to watch global events instantly from any part of the globe. Thus, it can be said that by doing the space exploration, world communication has been profoundly changed and for this reason it should be financially aided.

Furthermore, As global warming has become a serious concern for the whole world, scientists have
started a search for the alternative planets to live in. Due to this fact, more space programs are planned to be implemented, and eventually more money will be needed to support these programs.

For instance, ISRO, which is an Indian space research organization has been funded by the Indian government. As a result, they have managed to launch an own satellite with no help from other countries. In addition, there is a need to resolve the problem of global warming and this could only be possible if more space programs receive proper funding. Hence, it is important to give financial support to these programs so that the next generation can live in a better place.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that space program should be supported financially as there is need to share the efforts of the whole world to improve communication and find solutions to environmental problems.
May 11, 2018

Conclusion needs a lot of improvement
May 11, 2018

Thanks, your passage is very good. But you can add something more
Jun 05, 2018

It is completely better than mine i will say
Oct 21, 2018

ok nice but conclusion is nicest
Jul 21, 2019

Nov 22, 2019

I like this site...very good
Jan 30, 2020

not bad.........
Mar 01, 2020

I think your essay is very comprehensive but you totally ignored the dark side and show only positive you have to work on it.
May 14, 2020

Useless and Boring
Aug 25, 2020

Many countries are investing large amount of money on space exploration. In my opinion, we should invest money after emphasizing our priorities.It is necessary to define our priorities in accordance with the situations faced by the people living on Earth. Firstly,space exploration is necessary and interesting. Secondly,it is necessary but not essential as compared to other basic needs.

Space exploration is fruitful,but it requires tremendous amount of investment of time and money.For research purpose,astronauts like Kalpana Chawla and many more scientists dedicated lives too.Due to space exploration,many things were invented. For instance, gravitational boundary of Earth. Satellites rotate around earth because of balance of this gravitational boundary.These satellites now have numerous applications.Countries even competed among themselves to launch their first satellite on Mars and Moon and invested lot of money for research purpose.

During this pandemic period,money should be invested on providing essential medical facilities.In India,many people are below poverty line.They cannot afford basic medical facilities and many labourers have lost their jobs.In quarantine period the amount of thefts,people dying because of empty stomach and committing suicide has increased.In Australlia,government credited 750 dollars in their people's account so that they can survive during lockdown.This strategy can be implemented so that basic needs are fulfilled.

Thus,it would be the best decision to invest in space exploration after the fulfillment of essential needs.In my opinion,money investment in space exploration should be invested wisely after over viewing it's benefits,requirements and most importantly consequences.
Mar 09, 2021

Leaving grammatic errors aside, the content itself needs a lot of work. You dealt with only one perspective and not only that only one niche of that perspective instead of including the whole topic. That's not a good way to go. Besides that like others mentioned, conclusion needs to be more conclusive. Don't get stuck up with one point, elaborate more about various points and if the word limit is a problem then leave acceptable open ends.
Nov 25, 2021

Amazing, but only the conclusion is somewhat not appropriate. Otherwise from that, it is amazing!
Sep 30, 2022

Ur conclusion may have more elobaration
There are many useful sentences I came to know
Indian space exploration is the best topic to be elobarated and been spoken out for a longer period of time has been given us the information and spce knowledge

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Spending Money on Space Exploration

by sayali vilas jadhav (pune)

Money spent on space exploration is a waste and can be put to better use on earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Nowadays, most of the countries in the world are giving more importance to space exploration because it is a thing of pride for a country to achieve success in space exploration. According to me, money spends on space exploration is worth as this gives us a chance for us to know new things around us. space exploration gives us a chance to innovate new things for the welfare of people.As we know, we found out that there is water on the moon. Due to this scientists planning for sending people to the moon to minimize population and to provide quality life to people. But sometimes I feel that the money which we are spending on space exploration can be minimized and put into the welfare of poor people. due to this roadside children may also get an education and poor people may get jobs. The bottom line is there should be a balance between both things as both things are good for the welfare of people. space exploration is also important like minimizing the poverty from the country.

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Contacting Aliens Essay

by LennyBoyyy

Some Scientists think that there are intelligent life forms on other planets and messages should be sent to contact them. Other scientists think it is a bad idea and would be dangerous. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. The opinions of scientists go apart when it comes to the topic of other life forms. Some say there exist other life forms and that they should be contacted, while others would not do that because it could be dangerous. There are without a doubt pros and cons regarding this topic, but in my opinion it would not be a good idea to contact them, because I would find it better to gain some knowledge about the other life forms before you contact them. On the first hand would It be an unbelievable success to get to know other life forms. Scientists are searching for other life forms probably since decades, but never got any signs. Millions of Dollars were spent to reach these goal. It would change drastically people’s lives. In addition, the technology could in cooperation with the other life forms, advance massively. On the other hand, could the contact with other life forms become very dangerous, because of the lack of knowledge the humanity has regarding other life forms. Not knowing how your communicating partner looks like, functions or thinks could be very risky. Additionally, it could be also the case that there don’t exist other life forms and that huge amounts of money were spend without any sense. Summarized, I would not try to contact other life forms, because the cons in form of the uncertainty if other life forms exist and the danger in which humanity could be exposed exceeds in my opinion the pros in form of the probability that other life could be found and that a stable communication could be build.

Spending Resources to Explore Space

by Nidhi Pareek (Ahmedabad )

Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think that it is essential for human kind to continue to explore the universe in which we live. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. It is an undeniable fact that over the past few years space exploration has become one of the most discussed topics in today’s society. As a result, some people think that studying space is crucial for humanity, others argue that it is a waste of resources. In this essay, I would like to put forth my views on both the sides with a valid opinion in the conclusion. Firstly, space research has many benefits such as latest technological advancements in satellite communications which include smartphones, satellite television and radio broadcasting are all breakthrough of space research. Furthermore, space research is important for getting minute-details of weather conditions and it also provides the future predictions of climatic conditions. Moreover, space scientists are keen to find the possibility of life on other planets like Mars and if they get success then growing population problem of earth will be solved. Finally, having well developed space research organisation in any country is a matter of prestige for government and it's citizens. However, we seldom give a thought to ponder over the other side of this essay so there are some drawbacks of space research and that is why some people are against the exploration of space. Foremostly, space research requires colossal amount of budget and it is a time consuming study. Furthermore, success ratio of space research is very low. In addition, risk of life is always there with space explorations. For an example, in the year 2006 a prominent astronaut of NASA, Ms. Kalpana Chawla and her team travelled to space for research but unfortunately their space-shuttle crashed while they were returning back to earth. The seemingly inexorable description about the space research can keep on going. Nevertheless, showing a deep reverence and observing the finer nuance of the matter mentioned above I espouse the notion of supporting that space research is an essential part for an economic development but as we all know it is considered as the most expensive scientific discovery so countries should collaborate and there should be a joint efforts for space studies to make it cost effective.

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Space Exploration is too Expensive and Money Should be Spent on More Important Things- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Mar 05, 2024


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Space Exploration is too Expensive and Money Should be Spent on More Important Things-  IELTS Writing Task 2

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Space exploration is too expensive and money should be spent on more important things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Opinion Essay


Sentences 1&2 – Paraphrase the essay with the help of synonyms to create an understanding of the topic.

Sentence 3 – Mention that the essay will elucidate the importance of space exploration for humans.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Mention a brief about the origins of space exploration, then jump onto how it has now become a global initiative.

Paragraph 2 – Talk about its importance and how it helps secure the future of humanity. Talk about other positives, and give examples.

Paragraph 3 – Acknowledge the argument against it, but also mention that preserving our present at the cost of the future is a risky gamble, and humans are destined to find a home other than the earth.

Restate your views.

Sample Essay

Space exploration is often deemed as the next frontier for humanity to conquer. However, while governments across the world are ratifying means of stamping authority in space, the critics are wary of its expenses. They deem it unnecessary while stressing to channel that money towards more important things. Nevertheless, I feel that space exploration is necessary, and this essay will elaborate on the same.

Ever since our ancestors studied the stars, astronomy has come a long way and branched off into space exploration in the twentieth century. What started as a “war” between the USA and USSR has transformed into cooperation of various countries worldwide. For instance, the $100 billion International Space Station, the crown jewel of space exploration, is a multinational collaboration among six countries. With space exploration, newer technologies and inventions are also developed with serve purposes to people in a general sense.

Nowadays, private companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic are trying to further our reach in space. While SpaceX wants to establish a human colony on Mars, Blue Origin hopes to utilize the resources of the Moon. No matter what the goal is, the outcome is the same – to be able to carry on interplanetary expeditions. It is necessary as the Earth is saturating rapidly in terms of its assets , and finding another “home” is indeed a possible solution.

The critics argue that money funneled into space exploration can serve better purposes to create a stable present by focusing on issues like global warming, waste management, and climate change. But, one must realize that saving the present at the cost of the future is an unfortunate gamble, and while humans are indebted to our mother planet, our future lies away from the Earth. As the adage goes, humanity was born on the Earth but not meant to die with it.

To conclude, I would like to mention another aphorism , “Curiosity and exploration have been two cornerstones of the human race.” Hence, space exploration is a necessary step.

Band 9 Sample Essay

Several advanced and developing countries have recently invested billions of dollars in space research, driven by a desire to discover life on other planets and galaxies. As a result, it is a time-consuming and tedious process that costs a fortune. Some argue, however, that space exploration is a waste of time and money and that the funds could be better spent on other issues affecting the planet. Rather than investing money in space exploration, I believe the best way to spend money is to help improve the living standards of underdeveloped countries.

To begin with, space exploration is a prohibitively expensive endeavour. How many ever benefits science may have bestowed on mankind, spending resources on space exploration and determining whether life exists there is a waste of time because the brilliant minds searching for water on Mars could use their intelligence to find better ways to power humanity’s insatiable desire for energy, feed the world’s starving population, and improve living standards on Earth. Furthermore, space exploration has no immediate advantages, and many of the ‘advancements’ brought forth by space exploration are irrelevant to everyday life.

Besides, human needs should always take precedence as humanity is the most critical priority. There are countless people in need of financial assistance and the environment which needs to be taken care of. As a result, instead of investing money in robots or sending spaceships to other planets, money should be focused on helping people and nature. Several impoverished countries are confronted with substantial obstacles in the areas of health, education, and employment, resulting in poverty. Furthermore, global warming and climate change pose a danger to human life on the planet. Thus, money spent on space travel would be better spent on these remarkable concerns, which would help to build a more stable environment for people on Earth.

However, proponents of space exploration argue that investing billions of dollars to find unsolved mysteries on other planets is an intriguing task as it allows them to gain invaluable knowledge and discover many technologies. These people also believe that space exploration could only be an alternative way to escape human extinction in case living conditions become unsustainable on Earth. In contrast, I believe that millions invested on space exploration can be used to solve the prevailing problems existing on Earth.

To sum up, Although successful space exploration may provide unquestionable improvements to people’s lives if it is invested with an exorbitant amount, I believe space exploration is a waste of time, and effort and that its funding could be better used to address existing problems likes global warming and climatic change. Why waste money on space exploration when we could be improving our own planet, where humans presently live?

  • Ratifying  

Meaning – sign or give formal consent to. Example – The housing society is ratifying a pay increase for its helpers and cleaners.

  • Crown jewel  

Meaning – a particularly valuable or prized possession or asset. Example – The Kohinoor was India’s crown jewel.

  • Multinational 

Meaning – including or involving several countries or individuals of several nationalities. Example – Tata & Sons is a multinational conglomerate that serves in many countries.

Meaning – guide or channel (something) through or as if through a funnel. Example – The governments are funneling more and more money towards space exploration.

Meaning – a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth. Example – The old adage, “Honesty is the best policy” is very true.

Meaning – the extreme limit of understanding or achievement in a particular area. Example – We should try to expand the frontiers of our knowledge.

  • Collaboration 

Meaning – the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing Example – The collaboration between the companies he owns is inevitable.

  • Interplanetary 

Meaning – being or occurring between the planets or between a planet and the sun Example – The movie showed an interplanetary war.

Meaning – a useful or valuable thing or person Example – She became wealthy as she knew how to manage her assets.

Meaning –  a concise statement of a principle Example – The aphorism ‘A barking dog never bites’ is applicable to him.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 1042 - spending money on space exploration is a complete waste, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, with all the problems in the world today, spending money on space exploration is a complete waste. the money could be better spent on other causes..

essay space exploration is a waste of time and money

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Money spent on space exploration is a complete waste. Governments could better spend this money on other things to benefit the nation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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