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Online vs Traditional School: A Thorough Analysis

traditional education is better than online

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: January 23, 2017

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In the United States alone, data from the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 43% of students were enrolled in remote instruction (online school) in early 2021. The rise of online education can be witnessed around the world as technology continues to advance. The increased attendance and desire for online colleges during COVID were also to be expected.  In this article, we will assess the differences between online school vs. traditional school.

By the end of the article, you will be able to answer, “is online college better?” than traditional colleges.

traditional education is better than online

What is Online School and Is it Respected?

Online school is instruction and education that takes place digitally via the Internet. Online degrees vs traditional degrees are those earned online rather than in-person and on campus.

Online school may also be called distance learning, virtual schooling, or e-learning.

The big question when considering attending an online school that often arises is whether or not your future employer (or future educational institution) will respect or accept your online degree .

Since online school is becoming more popular, the social sentiments around online schooling are too. In fact, 83% of surveyed business leaders expressed that an online degree from a “well-known” institute holds the same value as one earned on campus.

One of the main things to look for when attending an online school is its accreditation status. Accreditation is the process of having an independent third-party evaluate an institution to ensure its credibility. The third-party will confirm whether or not the institution is equipped to deliver its promises and mission. For some graduate programs, they will only accept an undergraduate degree from an accredited program. This is another reason why it’s so important to check for accreditation when enrolling at an online school.

Advantages of Online School

When you consider the various benefits of online school, it’s clear to see why the option is becoming so popular. Here’s a look at some of the advantages:


Since online schools don’t necessarily have to operate a campus and cover those exorbitant costs, they tend to be more cost-effective and affordable than their traditional counterparts. In fact, you can even find online colleges that are tuition-free. For example, the University of the People is just that – a 100% online and tuition-free institution. There are some fees associated with attendance, but they add up to much less than that of the tuition at other schools.


Online school also tends to be more flexible in terms of scheduling than a traditional college. The reason is when it comes to earning an online degree vs on-campus, you can do so at your own pace. If classes are pre-recorded, then it’s up to the student to decide when to learn. In a traditional college setting, there’s a set schedule as to when the professor teaches a specific subject. There’s also a cap on how many students can attend each lecture. This means that some students may end up having to wait another semester or quarter (or in the worst case a whole year) to get into a class they might need to graduate.

Location independent

Geographic barriers can hinder one’s ability to attend a certain institution. Whether that is because of cost, visas, or responsibilities at home, or an existing job, learning online removes the element of the location as a concern. With online college, you can learn virtually from anywhere you choose.

Fewer distractions

Depending on how you set up your learning environment to attend the online school, it can be designed to be less distracting than that of an on-campus setting. Peers may distract you in class. Students who get up or chat during tests or lectures can hinder their ability to learn. With an online school, your environment ends up being more within your control.

Online schools also offer the option to learn at your own pace. You can enroll part-time or full-time, log on morning or night, and choose to work through coursework quickly or slowly.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”48358″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” css_animation=”flipInX” link=”” el_id=”cta-blog-picture”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Disadvantages of Online School

With so many benefits of online school, you may wonder, “What’s the downside?” Well, that really depends on you!

Requires self-motivation

With online school being self-paced and offering so much flexibility, it’s up to you to remain self-motivated and engaged. You won’t be surrounded by students or expected to show up to a lecture. Instead, it’s up to you to log on, maintain a schedule , and stay focused.

Technical considerations

With online school, there’s a requirement for sound technology to support your learning endeavors. The good news is that schools like the University of the People require nothing more than a strong internet connection and a compatible device. Once you have your tech stack sorted, you can log on and learn from anywhere in the world!

Advantages of Traditional School

Now that we’ve touched on the good and the bad of online school, it’s only fair to consider the advantages of traditional school.

Take a look:

Social experience

For some, the social experience of college or learning alongside peers is something that cannot be replaced. Students have a chance to develop in-person social skills while attending school.

Public speaking skills

In school, you may be tasked with assignments and projects that require you to get up in front of large amounts of students to present. These kinds of activities will help you build public speaking skills. While it is possible you’d do this in an online school via video, the atmosphere feels different when you can sense the energy of your audience in person.

Hands-on lab sessions

There are some subjects that are completely different in person. For example, think about the need for hands-on labs when it comes to learning hard sciences.

traditional education is better than online

Disadvantages of Traditional School

It’s pretty safe to say that when comparing online school vs traditional school, online school’s advantages tend to be traditional school’s disadvantages. You can bank on paying a higher cost to attend a traditional school and you won’t have flexible scheduling. Additionally, you may have to deal with:

Commute time

If you have classes on campus, you’ll have to find your way to campus, which adds commute time to your schedule.

Loss of individualization

It may be the case that you find yourself in a lecture hall with 300 students and the professor will never know your name. Traditional education tends to operate under a one-size-fits-all model. On the other hand, online school is more malleable and you can access online learning materials that are better suited to your learning style.

Online Learning at the University of the People

After reading this, you may be more interested in attending online school than ever before. It makes sense why you’d feel that way!

University of the People, a tuition-free university , offers a variety of degree-granting and certificate programs. For example, you can earn your degree (at various levels such as associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s)  in Health Science, Education, Computer Science, or Business Administration.  Take a look.  And, we also are accredited .

Closing Thoughts

Comparing the pros and cons of online school vs traditional school will look different for everyone. It’s a personal choice as to what you think will work better for you, your career and educational goals, and your own personal situation. While we promised to answer is online school better than traditional, the only answer can come from you and how you feel about it.

We hope we’ve helped you to better understand the differences and benefits of each style of instruction!

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Nathaly Ordonez

Business Administration Student, US

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Online education vs traditional education – which one is better and why

Find out what the critical advantages and disadvantages of online learning vs a traditional education environment are, and why this matters!

As teachers and schools move to online education and away from a strict traditional education environment, what are the key differences between these two approaches to teaching and learning.

What is online education?

What is traditional education, discipline and self-motivation, flexibility, social interaction, online teaching vs classroom teaching, what is the advantage of online education, what are the disadvantages of online education, what are the advantages of traditional education, what are the disadvantages of traditional education.

Online learning takes place over the internet and is a form of distance learning. It can be teacher lead at a specific time (synchronous) or student-paced working through the material unguided (asynchronous). Content can be delivered as text, images and video, and features could include online assessment or interactive activities.

Traditional education occurs in a classroom with a teacher who plans and presents a particular topic lesson. The teacher can use various educational tools such as introducing information on a chalk or whiteboard, student presentations, group or partner work, and individual exercises or activities. Class quizzes or informal assessments can be held and homework assignments set.

What is the difference between online learning and a traditional classroom setup?

There are several critical differences between online and traditional classes. These are vital factors students consider when they choose one or the other.

A traditional classroom set-up provides a structured timetable for classes. You need to attend a class at a specific time or miss the lesson and the teacher’s information (there may also be other repercussions!). Motivation to learn comes from the teacher, whose task is to present information to the students in an engaging manner and fellow students who may discuss course content together before or after class. In an online education environment, the student sets the pace of learning. They need to be disciplined enough to set aside time each day to focus on completing course content.

In some cases, they must complete all components in an online course by a specific date. In other cases, this is open-ended. While there may be online discussion forums for students taking an online course, or the ability to video conference or instant message with other students, the student must motivate themselves to continue and complete their studies online.

A traditional class takes place at a specific location and a set time. Students are given a timetable of their classes for the week, and the teacher will expect them to attend the course at the specified time. If they miss it, the students will have missed the teacher’s lesson. There may be an opportunity to catch up on some work, but this catch-up work will, in most cases, not be of the same standard as the lesson presented. In some situations, if the student misses too many set classes, they might not be allowed to write the final exam. This time dependency makes the traditional education approach difficult for some students with outside commitments, such as family or work. In these cases, the online education approach provides much-needed flexibility. Students can log into a course at any time of the day or night and complete the course content at their own pace. They will receive the same lesson content as other students completing the course and not be penalized if they don’t log in simultaneously. Communication in these courses can be asynchronous via, for example, an online forum, where students can leave messages and reply to other students at any point. Students can fit in their learning as and when they have the time for courses without a set completion date. Most online courses have set completion requirements such as reading or viewing all material and completing an online assessment and not set times spent online. This means the flexibility offered by online learning is ideal for students who have full-time jobs or might need to care for a family member.

If you live in a small town in a developing country, you may not have access to a wide array of educational options. Similarly, if you are interested in studying a specialized subject or with a particular teacher, you might need to move to a city or town the school is located. Online learning solves this problem. Someone in a village in India and a suburb of London can access the same content online (assuming access to devices and the internet). This decouples location from the learning experience.

One of the main benefits of a traditional classroom environment is the interaction with the teacher and fellow students. Informal discussions, as well as group work and classroom interactions, can be called social learning . In an online learning environment , teachers can replicate these interactions through forums or breakaway rooms for group work; however, the informal interactions in the classroom , corridor or break room are difficult to recreate online. Some students also report feeling isolated when taking online classes as it is sometimes tricky studying via a screen and browser at home or work.

Studies have shown that both online and classroom teaching is effective. In some scenarios, online learning may even be more effective. This depends on factors such as the student, technology infrastructure and subject taken . One of the critical factors in a successful online learning experience is student engagement. In a traditional classroom, the teacher constantly monitors student engagement, asks certain students for feedback on a topic or if they have any questions.

Difference between online learning and a traditional classroom

Student engagement is key to successful online learning. Original project work that centres on compelling content, community and peer engagement, instructor presence, synchronous meeting capabilities, advanced video production, and social learning opportunities bridges new concepts to real-world applications.

  • Choice – when you decide to enrol in an online course, the topics available for study are substantially more than in a traditional education environment. This means you can study subjects that are not available to students in your city or town, or specialist subjects only available from certain institutions.
  • Costs – online education usually comes at a more affordable price than face to face or traditional education. This lower cost is because there are fewer physical infrastructure costs, and you don’t need to employ a teacher full time to conduct the class. However, more and more online courses are being offered at a cost equivalent to the price of a traditional college or school education.
  • Flexibility – as mentioned above, flexibility is one of the main differences between a traditional and online education. It is also one of the main benefits for students who, for example, need to work or are not able to attend courses at a fixed time or location. This flexibility also allows students to choose subjects they are interested in but do not necessarily want to pursue as a career.
  • Guest classes or lectures by experts – while it is possible to invite a professional or business leader to conduct a lesson in a classroom, this requires scheduling the course at a time available to the guest lecturer. It is much easier to ask them to run a lecture via Zoom or Google Meet , where they can take time out of their day but remain at their office or place of work. This also allows lecturers from across the country or the world to share their expertise with the class.
  • Lesson recordings and notes – online courses come with the ability to record online lectures and make them available for repeated viewing by the student. Likewise, class notes and readings can be made available to the student digitally for repeated reference and adaptation and enhancement as required by the student to facilitate their learning. Lastly, digital resources can be quickly and easily updated with new or more relevant content as needed, meaning the student can access the latest information in their subject.
  • Participation – participation rates can be higher in an online class, particularly when there are rules for online learning that require a certain number of interactions via different channels per student.
  • Quality teachers-student interaction – if the instructor or teacher is comfortable using digital communication tools, the student could have more access to the teacher to ask questions or engage in discussion. This communication can be through email, instant messaging such as WhatsApp , or online forums and discussion groups.
  • Cheating – some students cheat at assessments in both online and traditional classes. However, it is difficult for the teacher to monitor an online evaluation where students may have a browser open searching for answers or instant messaging other students to assist.
  • Communication skills – listening to fellow students in class, discussing topics, defending arguments, and listening to others’ opinions develop interpersonal communication skills. This is one of the benefits of a traditional classroom setting, and these skills are difficult to develop in an online course, particularly when asynchronous.
  • Procrastination – putting something off until the last minute is a classic trope of the student. However, in an online class that may not have set deadlines for submitting assignments or a completion date, it is much easier to procrastinate.
  • Self-motivation – online students need to make the time and effort to complete their course requirements. With no set schedule and, in some cases, no teacher, self-motivation and time management skills are critical to a successful outcome for online learning.
  • Social isolation – some students, particularly those who are not employed or involved in other activities, may experience some form of social isolation when participating in an online course. Even though there are chances to interact with the other students online, the informal conversations and discussions between students in a traditional classroom setting are difficult to replicate.
  • Time commitment – when an online course is not instructor or teacher-led, there is sometimes substantially more reading or reference material to watch. This means that the student’s time commitment is more significant than a student taking a similar class in a traditional classroom setting.
  • Confidence – in a classroom setting, where a group of students work together with a teacher on a problem, a sense of academic confidence is built in students around their ability to approach new topics.
  • Group work – an essential part of the traditional classroom experience is the interaction between students and working together on group projects. These projects can be completed in an online environment but don’t allow for the same level of social interaction and informal learning in a classroom setting.
  • Interpersonal skills – by sitting in a class with fellow students and learning to interact with a teacher, critical interpersonal skills are cultivated. These skills are helpful in other situations in students personal and professional lives.
  • Pressure – a traditional classroom has a set schedule, with deadlines and set times to complete work. Students need to learn to work in high-pressured environments, which is a skill that is transferable to other areas of their lives.
  • Public speaking – having to ask questions in an entire class or debate your point of view in front of a teacher builds confidence in a student’s public speaking ability. These skills are difficult to make in an online class, even one where Zoom presentations are required.
  • Costs – there are higher costs incurred with a traditional classroom-based course. These include fees, which can be substantial, particularly at the college level, travel costs to and from the school or campus, and lost income for students working and needed to stop to complete their studies.
  • Interactions – depending on the lecturer or teacher’s class size and personality, students could have limited direct interaction with them. For students who need remedial support or would like extension activities, this could be a problem.
  • Lack of flexibility – with a set schedule, deadlines for assignments, required study hours and exams set on particular days, there is no flexibility for students who may need to work or care for their family. Likewise, a traditional education structure would have limited course options for a student to choose from.

4 thoughts on “Online education vs traditional education – which one is better and why”

Beautiful post to address the difference between online and traditional education. Yes, they both have their own glories and defects. Thank you for sharing the post.

Nice article! thanks for sharing such kind information with us. online education is the way of the future. Everyone has different experiences with online and traditional classes, and everyone will have their own preference when it comes to earning a degree. Both paths have pros and cons, and both are valued by modern employers across the industries.

Great read!! Thanks for sharing such a great blog.

I have been homeschooling my children and recently they have joined online school an they are doing well.

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Online Learning vs. Traditional Education: Pros and Cons


Did you know that online learning has grown more than 900% since its inception in the early 2000-s, according to Oxford College research .

When you think about online learning, you probably associate it with higher education or college. Online schooling for primary and secondary education has been available in the USA for 20 years. It is now quickly expanding globally.

Traditional studying for children is no longer the only way of education, as online schools are becoming increasingly popular. As education changes and learning shifts to digital platforms, you probably wonder what makes online studies unique and desirable.  

The effectiveness of online learning vs traditional learning depends on factors like student preferences, technology development, and courses taken. This article will explore one simple question: “Is online education better than traditional learning?”  To answer that, we need to explore their differences that are crucial for making the right decision.

Differences between Online Learning vs Traditional Learning

Traditional classroom vs online learning involves physical presence and face-to-face interactions between teachers and students. This provides an excellent opportunity to build a sense of community, socialize, and receive feedback. 

On the other hand, online education offers more flexibility and convenience to fit learning into your busy schedule. Online learning programs are a modern way of teaching that facilitates learning through the Internet. This is possible because of recent technology advancements. 

Online learning has several names, including online schooling, online education, and distance learning or e-learning.

It is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of online learning vs traditional classroom learning. In that way, you can determine which is best for you.

traditional education is better than online

Pros of Online Education

The online program has numerous benefits. With online education, access to comprehensive education is just a click away! Let’s consider learning outcomes in an online vs traditional course. 


1. Affordability

When deciding what learning styles best suit you, consider the cost of online learning vs traditional learning. Online education has a significant advantage in terms of cost-effectiveness. 

Students can save money on accommodation, travel, food, traditional books, living on campus, and learning materials. This may result in substantial financial savings, especially for students living in remote, distant areas. 

2. Flexibility

Online learning offers greater flexibility and autonomy. Students can choose courses according to their interests and goals, without location, time, or curriculum limitations. This can be very helpful for those who need flexible schedules. 

It offers students the freedom to learn at their own pace and convenience. This allows students to tailor their education to suit their individual needs. This strategy guarantees effective time management by emphasizing relevant material. Organizing time effectively is essential for university later in life, and children need to start developing this skill at a young age.

3. Location Independence

Online education allows people worldwide to access data, information, and quality education equally. Whether from small developing nations or London suburbs, students can study from the comfort of their homes. 

Our school has a mix of students from around the world, creating a welcoming and diverse learning environment. Multicultural environment provides our students with a safe space to share knowledge and experiences and learn about different nations. 

4. Self-Paced

Online learning allows students to learn at their own pace and create a schedule that works best for them. This method of teaching adapts to the individual needs of each learner. Students can customize their learning experiences to fit their unique needs. 

This approach enables students to concentrate on topics and tasks that are either interesting or challenging to them. By doing so, they can make the most out of their learning experience. They can also manage their time better, making room for non-school activities like training professional sports , dancing classes, or music activities. 

Our school uses adaptive technology to help students learn more efficiently. This technology evaluates each student’s performance and provides resources and feedback to address their individual needs.

It also has built-in tools and instructions that are helpful and useful, greatly enhancing the online learning experience. This is especially important for supporting children with learning difficulties or those who excel beyond grade level. 

5. Interactive Learning

Online schools are slowly changing the way we look at education! Learning has become more exciting and accessible with interactive platforms with videos, games, quizzes, and assignments. 


These platforms are intuitive and make it possible to learn a lot in a short amount of time. The EduWW platform makes learning easy and fun. Interactive and dynamic elements and audio and video visuals help learners understand new concepts. 

All necessary information, articles, materials, resources, and assignments are presented through games, audio recordings, and video clips . Some lessons even contain external links if learners want to learn more about a specific subject.

Adjusted Curriculum

Tutors closely monitor students’ progress, adjusting the pace of learning and adapting the curriculum. This approach helps students receive individualized attention and support, leading to better learning outcomes. 

In addition, our online school’s platform offers a variety of elective courses based on each student’s individual preferences. Besides our four core subjects – Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies – there are a number of specific subjects that allow students to specialize in their areas of interest.

Cons of Online Learning

Now that we have discussed the advantages of online schooling, let’s explore all its downsides.

1. Requires Self-Motivation and Discipline

Due to specific challenges, online learning may be less effective than in-person classes. These include difficulties with self-motivation and discipline, procrastination, loss of interest, laziness, and time constraints . 

Addressing these issues is essential so students can make the most of their online learning experience. Teachers in traditional classrooms are responsible for presenting lectures in an exciting and motivating way. They need to capture their students’ attention and encourage them to learn. 

This involves creating a stimulating and engaging learning environment. In contrast, in an online learning environment, the student determines the learning process. 

In our school, tutors actively participate in each student’s learning process. They carefully observe students’ progress and work with them to ensure their commitment and motivation during the semester.


2. Technical Consideration

Sound technology is essential for online learning to enhance your educational goals. However, the cost of technical equipment or a lack of website or platform optimization may be the issue. 

However, it doesn’t always have to be this way. Our online school is easy to join; you just need a compatible device and a reliable internet connection.

After that, you can log in from anywhere in the world and start building your way to academic achievements! 

Our platform is a complete learning management system (LMS) that offers a stable, engaging, and efficient learning experience.

3. Lack of Interpersonal Interaction

Although online education has many benefits, it sometimes needs more social interactions that make traditional classrooms valuable. In the online environment, students often need more formal discussions, group work, and classroom interactions.

At our school, we offer group classes, where students can learn while socializing with others. We also have student clubs and councils, allowing students to explore their interests and meet their peers. 

Pros of Traditional Education


In the past, traditional education was the superior form of learning when compared to its online counterpart. Now, let’s explore the benefits of traditional learning vs online.

1. Group Work and Building Interpersonal Skills

When it comes to traditional education, there are various ways to develop interpersonal skills. These include public speaking, group projects, class presentations, face-to-face discussions, teamwork, and direct interactions among students. 

These activities allow for quick feedback and concept clarification while also building confidence.  With that in mind, we ensured that our platform had all that, just in the online form. 

2. Structured Learning Environment

Traditional education often follows a fixed schedule and standardized curriculum to ensure a consistent and organized learning. Throughout history, this approach to learning has proven to be effective. 

However, some teaching strategies used in traditional classrooms may not be effective for all students. Not all students benefit from one-size-fits-all methods and standard curriculums. Some need extra help, while others are ahead of their grade level.

3. Socializing Opportunities

Building professional connections and socializing is crucial for anyone who wants to succeed in their career. Being physically present in an educational institution and meeting new people regularly to make connections is best. This is a highly effective way to establish relationships.

Online platforms like Zoom and Google Meet allow teachers and tutors to connect with online learners worldwide. Instructors can share expertise with students globally, expanding their reach and knowledge, even in traditional settings. 

Cons of Traditional Education

After exploring its benefits, let’s look at traditional education’s downsides.

1 .Commute time

Modern education through the Internet addresses the primary drawbacks of traditional one. Online learning time efficiency is crucial for students who have other obligations. That can be sports, hobbies, or even health issues, or different life circumstances. 

Not having to worry about traveling to and from school means they can spend that extra time on other activities they love.

2. Loss of Individualization

In conventional classrooms, professors face the challenge of balancing the progress of a large number of students. This can lead to a loss of individualization and make it difficult for students to receive the attention they need.

At our school, we ensure tutors are always available for every student. Students can schedule 1-on-1 sessions whenever they need extra support. Our tutors offer personalized academic assistance, including homework help, exam preparation, and general academic guidance.

traditional education is better than online

3. Lack of Flexibility

The learning process in a physical classroom follows a predetermined schedule, a standardized curriculum, and a fixed location. Students receive a weekly timetable with their classes and expected attendance times.

Missing a class would result in the student being unable to participate in that particular lesson. It’s possible but difficult for students to catch up with missed lessons. This can ultimately lead to a decline in the overall quality of learning. 

On the other hand, online learning allows students to learn at their own pace. Our innovative platform empowers students to follow a personalized curriculum and revisit each lesson as often as needed.

4. High Costs & Limited Course Options

Cost plays a vital role when deciding between traditional vs online learning. Generally, traditional schooling involves higher expenses, such as living costs, food, textbooks, and transportation.

Traditional schools offer a limited range of courses due to resource constraints and administration..

Online courses allow students to study various courses outside their hometown or living area. This gives students more flexibility to learn and access courses from all over the world, all from the comfort of their homes. 

Finally, everyone’s experience with traditional classroom learning and online learning is different. There are pros and cons on both sides of the spectrum that make them unique and effective in different learning situations. Some prioritize flexibility and accessibility, while others value social interaction and a standardized learning approach. Accordingly, personal preference plays a huge role in choosing a method for earning a degree. 

You can feel confident about your education no matter which route you choose. Colleges place the same value on a degree, whether it is earned online or not. 


Keep in mind that one methodology can’t fit all learners and that the education industry is changing rapidly. Therefore, when choosing between online vs traditional learning, consider your life goals and personal situation. 

Think about how each option aligns with your ambitions, plans, and circumstances. This will help you make an informed decision about what will work best for you in the long run. And remember, access to quality education can be one click away!

We hope that discovering the differences between traditional learning vs online learning through this article helped you decide what approach is the best for you!

Author: Ela Z.

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Online education vs Traditional Education: Which one is better for you?

Choosing which type of education you need can be a daunting process. In the last few years, the education sector has suffered many changes , changes that in previous decades would have been unimaginable. No one could have predicted the innovations that this field would witness. 

The current options are infinite but, let’s be honest, not all of them are a fit for all students . For this reason, in Classgap we want to list the different advantages and disadvantages of online and traditional education so each one of you can choose the most convenient for your student profile. 

Advantages of online study

  • Flexibility: distance education allows access to classes whenever and wherever you want. The schedule is flexible so the student can create a personal study plan with their needs in mind. There’s no need to give up anything because of a lack of time. 
  • Commodity: there’s no need to commute in vain.  The student can create a cozy place in their homes to concentrate. There’s no need for a classroom anymore. It’s in our hands to recreate the appropriate atmosphere to study in peace and without distractions. 
  • Customized learning experience: Most of the time, the lessons are taught in small groups and on an individual level. This method, more and more popular every day, allows the teacher to get to know the virtues and faults of their students and make the most out of the classes . This is a way for the students to set their learning pace and find a space to interact openly and freely with the tutor. 

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  • A wide selection of courses: online learning platforms offer a wide and diverse number of courses. From university to high school, there's a course for everyone. Students can even get a degree without stepping foot on a university campus . Online education also counts with very diverse and useful methodologies to meet the needs of every kind of student. 
  • Access to didactic material from anyplace anytime: the didactic resources of the lessons are available from whenever and wherever you want. The digital format allows access to them whenever its necessary . 
  • Time and cost-effective : in traditional education, the student must be present in the classroom for every lesson. So they need to commute from one place to the other and that is time and cost consuming. In online education, these expenses disappear and there’s no need to waste resources.

traditional education is better than online

Disadvantages of online study

  • A need for compromise, motivation, and self-discipline: there are students that without a predetermined structure have a hard time finding time to study. Self-discipline can be taught, but some students already possess it naturally. Online study demands a compromise with the tasks.
  • A need for technological equipment and a good internet connection: it’s not enough to have a notebook and a pencil case at your disposal. The equipment you need is a computer with a webcam, headphones (optimal) and, a good internet connection. If you don't have one of these, you will have to acquire it. 
  • Hard to use in some academic fields: not all disciplines can be taught online. A few subjects, mostly the ones that require practice, are better in person. However, there’s a way to combine both to achieve an optimal result. 
  • More stimuli capable of distractions: this can happen if the chosen place to study is not adequate. The education is in the hands of the student and as a result, it’s vitally important to have a proper space far from any potential distraction. The virtual environment is not enough to maintain the full concentration of the student. 

Online education is an efficient and underrated alternative that allows the student to study at their own pace . It also offers flexibility to combine studies and personal life. All of this from the commodity of home . You can even learn while traveling around the world without giving up your education. 

Besides, it saves you time and money. There’s no need to pay for transportation, the courses tend to be more affordable, and geographic barriers don’t exist. 

Choice your teacher

Advantages of traditional education

  • The feeling of sociability and solidarity: traditional education sometimes makes the student feel less lonely. The student might feel like they are not facing academic challenges alone and can even build more confidence. 
  • Ability to work in groups: traditional education, in general, allows for group projects and student interaction. As a result, they can learn from each other and share doubts and concerns. These social ties can help to come up with new ideas and stimulate creativity. 
  • Gives a stable and solid plan: students who lack self-discipline value a study plan that offers stability and is easy to follow. Traditional education forces the student to attend the lessons and to study when required. 

traditional education is better than online

Disadvantages of traditional education

  • Schedule stiffness: There’s no flexibility to create a personal calendar in order to combine studies and personal or work life. 
  • Higher costs not only of money but also of time: as previously mentioned, commuting demands an economic expense. And If the classroom is far, time is also a factor to take into account. You have to decide whether the trip is worth it or not. 
  • Loss of individualization in a large group of students: it’s hard for a teacher to have a customized study plan fit to the needs of each individual in the group. 
  • Less and more expensive didactic material available : traditional education is more limited when it comes to educational formats. Sometimes pictures, videos or forums aren’t accessible 24/7. This feature might limit the learning and hinder a good study plan.

Traditional education is still coming strong . It is a very efficient and solid option. More importantly, it provides students with a good study plan. And let’s be honest, sometimes it’s hard to leave the old habits behind and start a whole new routine out of the blue. 

In the end, the choice is in your hands. It is important to think carefully about what you need and what you want from your education. Ask yourself what is more important for you and make a decision. 

Platforms like Classgap

Classgap is the perfect solution if you are thinking of learning online. This format allows you to choose how, when and where you want to take your class. You will have total flexibility to meet a lot of teachers without any commitment and choose the one that best suits your needs.

You will be able to decide if you want your tutor to be native or bilingual, watch his/her presentation video and contact him/her to tell them what your learning goals are. With so much information it is impossible to choose the wrong teacher! 

You will be able to set the price you are willing to pay for an online lesson.

If you are a decision maker and feel free to choose how you want to learn, Classgap is the place for you. You will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of e-learning, as well as all the tools and benefits that the platform provides. Some of the advantages you will get are:

  • Personalisation: classes at classgap are totally personalised, as they are private lessons our teachers will adapt to your needs and your learning requirements.If you prefer to practice speaking only, all their effort will be focused on that, if on the other hand you need to prepare for an exam, they will help you to be prepared for all parts of the test and to pass it without any problem. 
  • Savings: by not having to leave your home to take the classes you will save time and money on unnecessary transport. To take a class at Classgap all you need is a mobile device, or a computer and a good internet connection.
  • Individual classes: during the class there will only be you and your teacher, so you won't have to adapt to the level of other students and you won't waste time solving other people's questions that you may already know. In addition, being alone will allow you to gain confidence with your teacher much faster and to become more comfortable.
  • Wide range of teachers: Classgap is a platform that connects students and teachers from all over the world, so you can be tutored from any city in Japan or any other country. This advantage allows us to offer you the opportunity to be in classes with the best teachers in the world, wherever they are.

You now have the information you needed to make your decision, so don't wait any longer and if you really want to advance in your learning, register in Classgap and start your online classes. Don't delay any longer, today could be the day!


Look Who’s Talking About Online vs. Traditional Education

Any student considering taking courses online who has never done so before may understandably have some trepidation. Is an online course really going to give you the experience and knowledge that you need to pursue the degree — and eventually career — that you want?

Luckily, we are no longer sitting at the starting gate with online learning. With more than 20 years of research available, it is much easier today to assess the impact of online learning on the learning experience, as well as the comparative learning outcomes for students that take an online path versus a more traditional one.

The following experts in learning methodology and online education have taken the time to research, write and publish their own findings. Each is employed by a university, most are full-time professors, though adjunct faculty are also represented.

Meet the Experts


The college learning experience extends far beyond what students may learn in a course. In fact, from one perspective, college as much about learning how to learn and how to think critically as it is about the actual substance of the courses themselves. Because of the importance of the critical thinking aspect and how that process is often supported by interaction between students and faculty, one of the criticisms levied against online education is that it makes these interactions more difficult.

In his piece for the International Journal of E-learning and Distance Education , Dr. Mark Bullen sets out to analyze one particular online course to determine:

  • whether the students were actively participating, building on each other’s contributions, and thinking critically about the discussion topics; and
  • what factors affected student participation and critical thinking

The conclusions of this study, which had a very small sample size, was that students’ discussions in the online course for the most part did not build upon one another, with most students adding comments that were independent from those of their classmates.

It is important to note that Dr. Bullen undertook this study in the nascent stages of online education with what would be very remedial technology in comparison to what is in use today. Advances such as live chat features, video conferencing, and “threaded” forums and discussion areas may all help facilitate interaction between students and faculty. Further, the instructor of the courses noted that “he might have been able to stimulate some discussion if he had taken a more active role, challenging students to elaborate their positions and to compare them with those of other students.”

Dr. Bullen has a Ph.D. in Adult Education, a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology and a B.Ed. from the University of British Columbia. He was also the Chief Editor of the Journal of Distance Education from 2006 to 2012.

Participation and Critical Thinking in Online University Distance Education


In the journal Quest , Drs. Gregg Bennett and Frederick P. Green undertake a thorough review of the available research on the phenomenon of online education as it compares to traditional classroom-based courses. The article identifies three key factors that collectively determine whether students in online and traditional learning environments will achieve the same outcomes: the instructor, the students, and the tools used for the course. Although the technology (such as the Learning Management System, or LMS) does play a role, it is only a well-designed course with a dedicated instructor and students who are motivated to learn that will, together, determine the success of an online program. Drs. Bennett and Green also find that collaboration, convenience, and easy access to additional resources are benefits that give online courses an advantage. The takeaway from the analysis as a whole is that with the right instruction — and the right students — it is possible to conduct courses online just as successfully as in a more traditional setting.

Dr. Bennett currently serves as a Professor of Health & Kinesiology at Texas A&M University where he was awarded the 2010 ING Professor of Excellence, while Dr. Green continues his scholarship focus on the relationship between leisure, leisure lifestyle and the community inclusion of marginalized groups at the University of Southern Mississippi.

Student Learning in the Online Environment: No Significant Difference?


Dr. Jennifer Jill Harman is an Associate Professor in the Psychology department at Colorado State University. In that role, she has written about the process of developing and teaching online courses from a personal perspective. Having taught in classrooms for more than 15 years, Dr. Harman was at first skeptical about the possibility of translating her rigorous psychology coursework to an online platform. However, with the right tools, she was able to create online courses that provided comparable learning outcomes and that, by their online nature, were accessible to more students. Dr. Harman was even able to incorporate counseling skills into her courses through the use of video conferencing tools like Skype and Google Hangouts.

Dr. Harman holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Connecticut and has published work in the Journal of Family Psychology and Children & Youth Services Review , among others.

Online Versus Traditional Education: Is One Better Than the Other?


In the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, Dr. Steven Stack has written about how learning outcomes differ in online and traditional educational settings. The study that Dr. Stack uses is particularly interesting because, unlike most other online learning studies, students were not able to choose whether or not they took an online or classroom course, due to an error in the course selection process. Therefore, a set of students took the same class with the same instructor, with some online and some in the classroom. The data from this study, which used 64 total students with a nearly balanced gender ratio, found that both sections of the course performed largely the same, with the online students outperforming the traditional students just slightly. Further, when students were asked to evaluate the course, the two sets gave nearly identical ratings for how much they learned and how they would rate the instructor.

Because of the unique “blind selection” data for this study, it is fascinating to note that the course delivery method, with the same instructor and the same materials, made little to no difference in how students perceived the course or how they performed on exams.

Dr. Stack continues to work as a Professor in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at Wayne State University, where his research interests include Social risk and protective factors for suicide, Cultural Axes of Nations and link to Public Opinion on Criminality and Deviance, and the impact of the death penalty on homicide.

Learning Outcomes in an Online vs Traditional Course


In the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, Dr. Yuliang Liu directly addresses the idea of how well students learn in an online environment as opposed to a traditional classroom setting.

Unlike the study that Dr. Sacks published, Dr. Liu used self-selected students at a midwestern university for his analysis. Subjects in one online and one traditional course, using the same learning objectives, were given pretests and posttests to assess their learning, as well as quizzes throughout the course. The results of the study found that online students did measurably better on quizzes and in the course overall and had fewer complaints about the course. In fact, Dr. Liu concludes that “online instruction can be a viable alternative for higher education.”

Dr. Liu holds a PhD in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University in Commerce. Prior to joining the faculty at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, he taught both graduate and undergraduate courses both in classrooms and online at Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

Effects of Online Instruction vs. Traditional Instruction on Students’ Learning


In the Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT), Dr. Maureen Hannay and Tracy Newvine conducted a study to assess student perceptions of their online learning experiences as compared to classroom courses. The study surveyed 217 students, most of whom were adults taking courses part-time and found that by and large, this student population preferred online learning and felt they were able to achieve more in an online environment. Students noted the convenience of online learning and being able to balance school with other commitments, something that is a great importance to part-time students. 59% of respondents reports achieving higher grades in their online courses while 57% indicated that they learned more in the online setting.

While this questionnaire may not hold all the answers to online vs. traditional education, it is certainly important to consider the views of students who have experienced both formats.

Dr. Hannay holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management from the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada and is a Professor of Management at Troy University while Tracy Newvine is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Criminal Justice at Troy University – Global.

Perceptions of Distance Learning: A Comparison of Online and Traditional Learning


In another article from JOLT, Dr. Cindy Ann Dell, Christy Low, and Dr. Jeanine F. Wilker analyze student results from online and traditional sections of the same courses. Rather than relying on tests and student reporting, this analysis looks directly at the work handed in for the different courses and compares the quality. The study looked at both graduate and undergraduate courses, using different assignments for each analysis.

Ultimately, this study found that the quality of work turned in was not significantly different for the online and traditional courses. Rather, the more important indicator of student success was method of instruction that the teacher chose. The study concludes that: “There are a few pedagogical variables that can have an influence including (1) the use of problem-based learning strategies, (2) the opportunity for students to engage in mediated communication with the instructor, (3) course and content information provided to students prior to class starting, (4) and the use of video provided to students by the instructor, to name a few. ”

It can be easy to get weighed down in the technological specifics of online learning, but what this analysis shows is that any instructor can excel in the online space with the right resources and attention to methodology.

Dr. Cindy Ann Dell holds an EdD in Adult and Higher Education from Montana University at Bozeman while Dr. Jeanine F. Wilker holds her PhD in Education with a specialization in Professional Studies from Capella University. Christy Low currently works as an Instructional Designer at Old Dominion University.

Comparing Student Achievement in Online and Face-to-Face Class Formats

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Benefits of online learning vs. in-person classroom learning

By Brian Fairbanks

Young woman with thought bubbles above head that highlight school

This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee.  Read more about our editorial process.

Hinrich Eylers, PhD, PE, MBA

This article has been reviewed by Hinrich Eylers, PhD, PE, MBA, Vice Provost for Academic Operations and Doctoral Studies

At a glance

  • Online learning offers flexibility that can help you save time and money as you earn your degree or certificate.
  • Attending a virtual class offers numerous lifestyle benefits , including improved work–life balance, more control over your learning pace and 24/7 access to course materials.
  • University of Phoenix offers more than 100 online degree programs aligned to upward of 300 careers, all while fitting in seamlessly with your day-to-day life.  

This article was updated on January 17, 2024.

Online learning vs. in-person learning

While COVID-19 may have brought remote learning to more people, online learning predates the pandemic and offers a completely different experience from watching a professor in an empty classroom struggle with Zoom.

Once considered a novelty, online education is more robust than ever and offers exciting opportunities to learn from any location.

But how exactly does online learning compare to in-person classroom learning? What are the benefits of online learning vs. in-person classroom learning?

If you’re new to online programs , it can be a little confusing. We’ll break down a few differences between online learning and in-person learning. Consider how these differences offer unique trade-offs to you. 

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Commuting vs. telecommuting

At a traditional university in-person class, there’s no getting around the back-and-forth of a commute. You might live an hour away and have to make that trek daily or weekly. This means you’re spending precious time and money traveling when you could instead be learning, working or caring for your family.

A virtual classroom removes the obstacles of geography. All you need is a steady internet connection to catch up on content.

Strict schedules vs. flexibility

A traditional on-campus university is usually an entity with specific class times and limited tolerance for tardiness or absences (even if there’s traffic or you have competing obligations to family or work). If you miss content delivered in person, you might have to rely on a classmate’s notes, or miss out entirely on key concepts that were presented.

But this isn’t the case in the virtual learning environment. All you have to do to catch up on classroom instruction is log in to your online learning portal and consume content, lectures or activities you would have otherwise missed. A single block of time that works within your schedule could potentially be more than enough to get back up to speed.

Limited vs. 24/7 access

While both in-person and online learning have deadlines and requirements for participation, an online learning benefit is that materials can usually be accessed anytime. Whether you’re burning the midnight oil or learning on your lunch break, you can attend class when it works for your schedule.

On-campus classes, on the other hand, might only have materials or content presented in person in the classroom, so if you miss something, you missed it for good. 

The cost of online learning can be  lower  than that of a traditional university. In addition to enjoying lower tuition rates, online students can save money by not living on campus and by purchasing digital textbooks instead of physical textbooks. When you factor in the savings of time and money from not commuting to campus, online school can feel especially attractive to busy adults who already juggle plenty of demands from work and family.

Online learning vs in-person learning infographic

5 benefits of online learning

Online learning has a lot to offer students, but the common thread is flexibility. From the flexibly paced nature of online classes to the 24/7 access to lectures and materials, online learning prioritizes the needs of students looking to save time and money. 

Let’s take a closer look at five of the key benefits.

1. Easy access to instructors and peers

As long as you have a reliable computer and internet connection, you can connect with your peers and instructors through a school’s learning portal.

Online institutions like University of Phoenix create opportunities for one-on-one connections with both instructors and peers for a learning experience that’s tailored to each student’s interests and needs. Given the online format, you can find the time in your schedule to connect for interactions that are both convenient and helpful. 

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2. affordability.

We’ve already touched on how learning online can be less costly than traditional higher education, but even online universities can vary in terms of affordability. The cost per college credit is only part of the equation. Some online colleges charge per credit hour, some charge per course and still others charge per semester .

University of Phoenix offers fixed tuition rates for your program, which lock in your tuition rate at enrollment. This gives students peace of mind and the ability to plan ahead because they know exactly what they’ll be paying throughout the duration of their program.

3. Enhanced work–life balance

Balancing responsibilities with work and life commitments is hard enough when you’re not a student. Taking in-person classes three or more days per week can present an entirely new challenge on top of all these things.

While both online and in-person college require timely completion of assignments, the online format allows students to learn from home. This provides a flexibility to listen to lectures or review content while the kids are at soccer practice or you’re making dinner — whenever works best for you.

4. Reasonable pacing

In addition to being able to access course assignments and information on your own schedule, some online universities, like University of Phoenix, allow students to take just one class at a time. This enables you to learn at a pace that fits into the rest of your life, which can enhance your overall retention of the course’s subject matter.

chaotic group project with distracted individuals

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5. 24/7 availability.

The internet is always on — which means even when traditional universities are turning out the lights and locking up for the night, you can be responding to peers or faculty about the latest class discussion or completing assignments. 

A huge benefit of online learning is that it’s 24/7. You can rewatch recorded lectures or access your course materials at any time. And if you missed what your instructor said, no worries. Just replay the video.

University of Phoenix and other online universities have accredited online program offerings , instructors with real-world experience and degree programs designed to cultivate value-driven skills in students. All of this — along with other benefits like University of Phoenix’s 5- or 6-week classes, fixed-rate tuition, course flexibility and lifetime career counseling — ensure that today’s students enjoy a range of advantages inherent to online learning.

When it comes to pursuing higher education, there are more options than ever. It’s just a matter of researching the pros and cons of what’s available to decide which path is your path.

If you think your work and life commitments and needs would benefit from full-time or part-time online courses, be sure to take a look at University of Phoenix’s offerings, which include degree programs in business, IT, healthcare, education and other career-focused fields of study. Certificates , which can sometimes be completed in under a year, offer relevant skills in business, technology, education and healthcare.

University of Phoenix bird logo


Brian Fairbanks is a freelance writer with a background in SEO content creation and blog article development.

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Student Opinion

Is Online Learning Effective?

A new report found that the heavy dependence on technology during the pandemic caused “staggering” education inequality. What was your experience?

A young man in a gray hooded shirt watches a computer screen on a desk.

By Natalie Proulx

During the coronavirus pandemic, many schools moved classes online. Was your school one of them? If so, what was it like to attend school online? Did you enjoy it? Did it work for you?

In “ Dependence on Tech Caused ‘Staggering’ Education Inequality, U.N. Agency Says ,” Natasha Singer writes:

In early 2020, as the coronavirus spread, schools around the world abruptly halted in-person education. To many governments and parents, moving classes online seemed the obvious stopgap solution. In the United States, school districts scrambled to secure digital devices for students. Almost overnight, videoconferencing software like Zoom became the main platform teachers used to deliver real-time instruction to students at home. Now a report from UNESCO , the United Nations’ educational and cultural organization, says that overreliance on remote learning technology during the pandemic led to “staggering” education inequality around the world. It was, according to a 655-page report that UNESCO released on Wednesday, a worldwide “ed-tech tragedy.” The report, from UNESCO’s Future of Education division, is likely to add fuel to the debate over how governments and local school districts handled pandemic restrictions, and whether it would have been better for some countries to reopen schools for in-person instruction sooner. The UNESCO researchers argued in the report that “unprecedented” dependence on technology — intended to ensure that children could continue their schooling — worsened disparities and learning loss for hundreds of millions of students around the world, including in Kenya, Brazil, Britain and the United States. The promotion of remote online learning as the primary solution for pandemic schooling also hindered public discussion of more equitable, lower-tech alternatives, such as regularly providing schoolwork packets for every student, delivering school lessons by radio or television — and reopening schools sooner for in-person classes, the researchers said. “Available evidence strongly indicates that the bright spots of the ed-tech experiences during the pandemic, while important and deserving of attention, were vastly eclipsed by failure,” the UNESCO report said. The UNESCO researchers recommended that education officials prioritize in-person instruction with teachers, not online platforms, as the primary driver of student learning. And they encouraged schools to ensure that emerging technologies like A.I. chatbots concretely benefited students before introducing them for educational use. Education and industry experts welcomed the report, saying more research on the effects of pandemic learning was needed. “The report’s conclusion — that societies must be vigilant about the ways digital tools are reshaping education — is incredibly important,” said Paul Lekas, the head of global public policy for the Software & Information Industry Association, a group whose members include Amazon, Apple and Google. “There are lots of lessons that can be learned from how digital education occurred during the pandemic and ways in which to lessen the digital divide. ” Jean-Claude Brizard, the chief executive of Digital Promise, a nonprofit education group that has received funding from Google, HP and Verizon, acknowledged that “technology is not a cure-all.” But he also said that while school systems were largely unprepared for the pandemic, online education tools helped foster “more individualized, enhanced learning experiences as schools shifted to virtual classrooms.” ​Education International, an umbrella organization for about 380 teachers’ unions and 32 million teachers worldwide, said the UNESCO report underlined the importance of in-person, face-to-face teaching. “The report tells us definitively what we already know to be true, a place called school matters,” said Haldis Holst, the group’s deputy general secretary. “Education is not transactional nor is it simply content delivery. It is relational. It is social. It is human at its core.”

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Online vs. Traditional Education: What You Need to Know

By Will Erstad on 08/16/2017

Online versus traditional education

The word “college” might make you think of students hanging out in dorm rooms or gathering for classes in enormous lecture halls. But that depiction is becoming increasingly out-of-date as technology provides for more and more ways to learn.

In fact, online and distance learning has steadily grown in popularity among college students, but does that mean it’s a good choice for you? In order to help you answer that question, take some time to compare and contrast traditional versus online education.

Comparing online versus traditional education

Both online education and its traditional counterpart have pros and cons, so it’s important for students to understand what to expect before they step foot—or log into—the classroom. We focused this side-by-side comparison on three key areas that make an impact on a student’s experience. We’ll also take a closer look at what a “blended learning” model has to offer.

Online vs. traditional education: Flexibility

One of the key components to consider when weighing the options is the amount of time you have every day to dedicate to schoolwork. Are you willing and able to attend college full-time or do you need more flexibility to work around your busy schedule?

Online education:

A benefit to taking online courses is that they offer flexibility to the student. This is a great option for those who already have time commitments with family and work. Online classes will mold with your schedule—and allow you to log into your online course at a time that works best for you, as opposed to having to attend a lecture at a specific time.

Most online courses will follow a weekly format where students are expected to log in, read course materials, contribute to online class discussions and complete assignments prior to the beginning of the next week. You’ll still have plenty to do for each class—but you’ll have more options for fitting this work in around other commitments.

Traditional education:

Generally speaking, this is the best option for students who have a little more freedom in their schedules. That said, traditional students do have some flexibility in their scheduling in that some schools offer night classes or classes that follow a schedule where they meet only once per week.

One easy-to-overlook factor when it comes to scheduling is travel time to campus—a long commute can certainly make schedules difficult, especially if you’re planning on working while in school .

Online vs. traditional education: Discipline & self-motivation

Something else to consider while weighing your college options is your level of self-discipline. Both traditional and online education certainly require some discipline to succeed, but there can be significant differences in how learning is structured. These structural differences can have a significant effect on your ability to stay on track.

The increased flexibility of online learning comes with a bit of a trade-off—you’ll need to be highly self-motivated. All college classes require students to keep up on required reading and assignments, but some students may struggle to stay motivated when learning from the comfort of their home.

The best online students develop strategies for staying up to date on their coursework. Things like setting aside time every week for studying and creating a work space with minimal distractions can help immensely.

When it comes to discipline and motivation, traditional education does have an advantage in the eyes of many. The structured schedule of attending class a handful of times per week and having routine face-to-face interactions with instructors can help keep students on task. Students in traditional, on-campus settings have more opportunities to be reminded of upcoming assignments, which can help if you tend to procrastinate on large, time-consuming assignments.

Online vs. traditional education: Social interaction

One final area to consider is the level of social interaction you’re hoping to have as you earn your degree. Do you need interaction from your peers and instructors to succeed and stay motivated? Or do you thrive in an independent study environment?

Social interaction with instructors and other students, while not as common in online courses, still happens regularly. The biggest difference is in the form it takes, with many online student interactions happening via video chat or through online discussion posts.

Some courses may also offer pre-recorded videos of the same lectures given to traditional, on-campus students. If you’re a social learner who likes to ask questions and pick the brains of your instructors, these video lectures can help you earn a deeper understanding of assigned reading materials.

Despite technological advances, traditional education is still likely the better option for those who thrive on face-to-face communication. Seeing and interacting with your instructors on a regular basis can be motivating for some—it’s a little easier to go the extra mile if you know your instructor is likeable and invested in your education. Traditional, in-class settings may also offer more opportunities for spur-of-the-moment questioning or interesting tangents that may help a concept “click” in the minds of students.

Online vs. traditional education: The blended education model

By now, it’s probably becoming clear to you that both online and traditional education each have their perks. So is there a way to get the best of both worlds? One option that is increasing in popularity is called “blended learning.”

In this format, curriculum is designed to implement both traditional, in-person learning and online coursework. The implementation of this can vary greatly, depending on the subject and instructor. But as an example, instructors may require only meeting once weekly for lectures, while assigning projects or other activities for students to complete online on their own time. This allows students to receive some of the positives from face-to-face social learning while still allowing for scheduling flexibility.

Another example would be a program that offers some courses on campus and others online. For example, a nursing program may include an online anatomy course, and a nursing simulation lab on campus. The idea here is that certain courses involve material that is conducive to online learning, while other lessons can only be taught in a physical classroom or lab.

The decision is yours

In the case of online versus traditional education, there is no right or wrong answer. Much of it comes down to personal preference and knowing how you learn best. These learning formats can all be very effective, no matter your personal learning style and situation.

Ready to get started with a new college experience? Find a campus location near you or check out the online program offerings of Rasmussen University.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was originally published February 2014 and has been updated to reflect information from 2017.

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About the author

Will Erstad

Will is a Sr. Content Specialist at Collegis Education. He researches and writes student-focused articles on a variety of topics for Rasmussen University. He is passionate about learning and enjoys writing engaging content to help current and future students on their path to a rewarding education.


Posted in Online Learning

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traditional education is better than online

Online Education or Traditional: Which is Right for You?

Online Education

The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the educational landscape, offering learners more options than ever before. With the rise of online education, the choice between pursuing a traditional brick-and-mortar education or opting for online learning has become a crucial consideration for students. In this blog, we will explore the key factors to help you determine which mode of education, online or traditional, is the right fit for you.

Flexibility and Convenience

One of the primary advantages of online education is the flexibility it offers. Online courses provide the convenience of studying at your own pace and location. If you have other commitments such as work or family responsibilities, online education allows you to fit your studies into your schedule. On the other hand, traditional education requires adherence to a fixed schedule and location, with specific class times and campus attendance. Consider your lifestyle and time management skills when deciding which mode of education aligns better with your needs.

Learning Style and Personal Preferences

Reflect on your preferred learning style and how it aligns with each mode of education. Online education typically involves self-directed learning, with a greater emphasis on reading, online discussions, and multimedia resources. If you are self-motivated, enjoy independent learning, and are comfortable with technology, online education may suit your learning style. However, if you thrive in face-to-face interactions, benefit from real-time discussions, and prefer hands-on activities, traditional education may be a better fit.

Support and Interaction

Consider the level of support and interaction you desire from your educational experience. Traditional education provides immediate access to instructors and classmates, fostering direct interaction, immediate feedback, and collaborative learning opportunities. In contrast, online education relies on digital platforms for communication, which may require self-initiative and proactive engagement. Assess your preferred level of interaction and support when choosing between the two modes of education.

Resources and Networking Opportunities

Traditional education often offers access to extensive resources, such as libraries, laboratories, and physical campus facilities. It also provides opportunities for face-to-face networking, forming connections with professors, classmates, and alumni. Online education, however, offers its own set of resources, including digital libraries, multimedia content, and online communities. Consider the resources and networking opportunities that are essential for your educational and career goals.

Cost and Accessibility

The financial aspect is a critical factor to consider when deciding between online and traditional education. Online courses often come at a lower cost compared to traditional education, as they eliminate expenses associated with commuting, campus facilities, and other overheads. Additionally, online education can be more accessible for individuals who face geographical constraints or have limited mobility. Evaluate your budget and accessibility requirements to determine which option is more feasible for you.

Choosing between online education and traditional education is a highly individualized decision. Assess your priorities, preferences, and goals to determine which mode of education aligns best with your needs. Consider factors such as flexibility, learning style, support and interaction, resources, networking opportunities, cost, and accessibility. Remember that both online and traditional education have their own merits and limitations. Ultimately, selecting the right mode of education will contribute to a fulfilling and successful learning experience that sets you on the path to achieve your academic and career aspirations.

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traditional education is better than online

It gives me tremendous pleasure to welcome you to Acacia University. As Provost of this highly innovative and forward-thinking university, I am very pleased to greet you and, on behalf of the faculty and academic staff who are the heart of our growing institution, to invite you to explore these pages to discover what Acacia has to offer you.

As a global institution delivering top-tier distant education programs, Acacia brings together all of the human and technological resources to create a dynamic space where you can truly thrive. You will discover here a learning environment that is highly interactive, connecting faculty and students from every quadrant of the globe.

We are proud that our award-winning faculty are widely acknowledged as among the finest in their fields, and their academic credentials and experience make them ideally suited to provide you and your fellow students the education you need for success in life, not just for now but throughout your entire career.

Thank you again for visiting Acacia, and come back often.

On behalf of the faculty and staff of Acacia University it is my pleasure to say welcome. You are invited to experience the challenging and rewarding educational opportunities we offer current and prospective students.

Our academic programs are led by world-class faculty who are leaders in their fields and who have numerous international and national awards.  In our online classrooms, you will discover what it is like to be driven by excellence and innovation.  Acacia provides its students with the knowledge and skills necessary to increase their potential and to actualize their desired careers.  The entire faculty and staff will work closely and productively with you because you are so much more than a student to us; you are a member of our academic family. Together we will excel in the years to come.

Acacia University offers a variety of programs ranging from Master’s to Doctorate degrees in Education and we have expansive plans to offer business degrees in the very near future.  We are committed and qualified to provide students an education that is focused on preparing them with the necessary academic and intellectual skills required for their future as well as practical knowledge and skills that are in high demand in today’s global workforce.

We are here to help you realize your full potential and propel you into excellence.  On behalf of the Acacia University community, I welcome you and wish you the absolute best in your educational and personal growth.  We look forward to having you and serving you along the way.

My best wishes for a successful achievement of your goals and objectives.

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Welcome to our University! As the Dean for Acacia University’s School of Education, I am excited to be a Westford Education academic team member. Our team shares a vision of excellence and spirit of innovation for creating a better world through global education.

We are committed to the global delivery of high quality educational programs through innovative forms of distance learning. Our students come from all corners of the world and during their studies they collaborate with students from different cultural backgrounds. We are proud that our graduates are now leaders who are impacting the educational lives of students from local and international communities.

We are excited that you are considering furthering your higher education. Our course offerings include innovative and creative educational programs. We have a fully dedicated faculty and support staff ready to assist you with your educational and career goals. Our world-wide presence continues to grow with the expansion of more programs to address the needs of a diverse international population.

Please explore our website which will provide the pathway for a plethora of possibilities that can be accomplished from anywhere in the world. We look forward to our expanding growth and subsequent successes as a world-class university.

Firoz Thairinil is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Westford Education Group, the leading higher education provider and education management company based in the UK and the UAE. As a 21st-century visionary educational leader, Firoz ensures that a solid commitment to high standards and a performance culture are embedded across the entire group.

Firoz comes from a BFSI background with strong management credentials and an MBA from the University of Wales, UK. He started his career in the banking sector in 1995 as a clerical grade officer and rose to the rank of Country Head in 15 years. During his stint in the Banking Industry, he got the chance to collaborate with reputed institutions like Standard Chartered Bank, Emirates International Bank (ENBD), and National Bank of Umm Al Quwain (NBQ).

He started his entrepreneurial journey in 2008 with a solid vision to create an impact in the education sector. Despite being faced with tough challenges initially, the quality of education was never compromised. He ensured a continuous investment in technology and an excellent student support ecosystem. Slowly, the group succeeded in winning the confidence of its learners and the community due to its steadfast commitment to students’ welfare and their success stories.

With Firoz’s consistent determination and hard work, Westford branched out as a network of business schools with students from more than 130 countries across the globe since its humble beginning in 2008. The group’s exponential growth has been accomplished through Firoz’s visionary business acumen accomplished the group’s exponential growth.

Under his leadership, Westford Education Group leveraged technology to disrupt the existing education models, making them more accessible and affordable. The latest technology, combined with partnerships with prestigious universities characterized by rich legacies of hundreds of years, made the group unique in the saturated higher education sector.ted higher education sector.

Samras is a passionate edupreneur with more than 22 years of experience in the BFSI and education industry. A highly consummate professional turned entrepreneur, he holds an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Anglia Ruskin University, UK, and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from the University of Wales, UK, Leadership and Management Development program from UCLA extension, USA. Samras, with his astute leadership skills, has brought many transformational changes and has played an instrumental role in expanding the Westford group to new heights. Over the years, the group has built its reputation on delivering quality and supporting students in their learning journey.

Samras leads the strategic initiatives and projects of the group-wide organization of Westford Education Group. In addition to the group role, Samras spearheads and leads the entire business with P&L responsibility for Exeed College, Exeed ECX, Taito Education, Airtics Education, and Coding School, independent SBUs of the group. He is also responsible for steering the group’s project initiatives and strategic investments for its business expansions and cross-border transactions. Samras focuses on sustaining and growing existing partnerships and developing new associations and affiliations with external partners and plays an instrumental role in the organization’s corporate affairs and public relations.

The group’s exemplary growth has been accomplished through his business skills and his strong commitment to the highest standards of excellence and ethics. He upholds the values of strength, performance and passion and believes these qualities have contributed significantly to his progressive growth, success, and leadership.

Having been at the helm of Acacia University, Exeed College, Exeed ECX, Taito Education, Airtics Education and Coding School, the prestigious entities under Westford Education Group, Samras is on his mission to open the borders of futuristic education and provide opportunities for aspiring learners across the globe.

An award-winning researcher with several years of experience in planning, designing, and delivering business management programs in the higher education and corporate sectors in the UK, Europe, Middle East and India, Dr Vivek currently holds the position of Academic Quality Advisor, Acacia University. A PhD holder in Business Management, Dr Vivek’s responsibilities include safeguarding the academic standards of the university’s teaching provision, achieving outstanding academic quality, and promoting quality enhancement activity to enrich the student learning experience.

An outstanding leader with more than 30 years of experience, Anil is presently spearheading all academic programs for Westford Education Group, as the Academic Director. Anil heads the academic functions of the group responsible for the academic planning, evaluation and assessment administration, curriculum development, academic resources development, accreditation and managing quality and standards.

Anil has taught at leading universities and business schools and is also a master trainer. In addition to academia, Anil had successful stints in the corporate world being an outstanding leader in the domain of Corporate, HR and Business Management Services.

A veteran ex-army officer, Anil was also extensively involved in training while serving in the Indian Army and was deputed by the Indian Government to train the Botswana Defense Force.

As an experienced HR, Training & Development Professional, his expertise includes, conducting MBA courses for working professionals through the aegis of elite global universities, and conducting corporate training and learning festivals for large corporations. He has diverse experience in all HR matters on recruitment planning, induction, training and development, motivational and behavior aspects of a large workforce, manpower planning, labor laws interpretation, etc.

Person on laptop in the comfort of their home

  • Blog and News

Online vs. Traditional Education: Which One Is Right For You?

If you are considering going back to school , you've probably realized that you have a number of options in front of you - and figuring out the differences between them, then deciding which is right for you, can be a challenge .

The biggest choice most adult learners face is deciding whether to attend an online college or attend on-campus classes. To help you understand the pros and cons of each, we've broken down the key factors to consider for each of them.

Differences Between Online and On-Campus Colleges


One of the biggest draws of online vs. on-campus education is the convenience factor. Simply put, online education can be done from anywhere, at any time, and is an extremely flexible option that can easily fit into students' busy schedules . Students can "go to class" during their commute, on their lunch break, over the weekend, or after their children go to bed - it's completely up to them to manage their class time in a way that works for them.

On-campus education, on the other hand, is a less flexible option. While many programs, especially those geared towards adult learners and working professionals, will have nighttime class times to accommodate students' other commitments, students will still have to attend class at set times, which may conflict with working hours, parenting responsibilities, and other routines. Additionally, students should factor in travel time to and from campus - this may pose a significant barrier to those who lack reliable transportation, or to those who live in remote areas without a college campus nearby.

Program Variety

Another benefit of choosing an online college is that you will have nearly unlimited options when it comes to degree programs . When you're attending classes online, you can enroll in any school that offers the program you're interested in, regardless of whether that institution is located in a neighboring state, across the country, or even around the world. That means you can truly pick a degree program that fits your goals, interests, and career path.

One of the biggest limitations for students considering on-campus classes is that they are restricted by the course offerings of the schools nearby. While relocating is an option, it's often not a realistic one for adult learners, who have established lives, careers, and relationships. For most adult students who wish to attend on-campus classes, they only have the choice of a few schools due to geography, and those schools may or may not offer the program that they're interested in.

Classroom Experience

On-campus education is usually structured in a way that's very familiar to students: classes take place in physical classrooms, professors are giving lectures and leading discussions, and students are having in-person conversations about course material. This is very similar to the classroom experiences students may have had in high school, and so it's something that adult learners are naturally drawn to. On-campus class experiences are built around face-to-face interaction, and that's something that many learners thrive on - being in a classroom surrounded by your peers, able to start conversations, form friendships, ask questions, and schedule in-person meetings with faculty and support staff as needed.

For some students, the online learning experience can feel very unfamiliar and even a little uncomfortable at first, especially if they are not used to communicating via writing. However, by the end of their first term, most students have completely adjusted to this new way of learning, and find that their interactions with professors and classmates come to feel completely natural, and the same conversations, friendships, questions, and meetings still occur. Additionally, some students actually find the online discussion format to be more rigorous than a traditional classroom experience, since they have to think more carefully about what they write and can't just put their hand up to respond to a question.

Learning Style

One of the biggest determiners of whether you should choose online or on-campus classes is your preferred learning method .

In-person classes are in some ways more dynamic than online classes, and offer more options to learners with different learning styles - if you are an auditory or visual learner, lectures may work well for you; discussion groups can help people who learn best by talking through a subject or question; and those who learn best through reading and writing can take notes and review course presentation materials after class. Additionally, there is an argument to be made that in-person education offers more accountability, since you must show up to class every day, and more support, since you have a built-in network of classmates, professors, and academic support facilities available to you. If you are someone who needs structure to succeed, a classroom environment may be right for you.

On the other hand, online classrooms are much more flexible, which can be a big plus for some students and a challenge for others. Online students must be very self-motivated and organized, and hold themselves accountable for attending class and completing assignments just as they would if they were attending classes on-campus. If you have significant personal drive to succeed and are an independent learner (something that requires a measure of self-discipline), online learning could be a good option for you. Other factors to consider when assessing the compatibility of your learning style with an online learning environment include your comfort with reading as a means of absorbing information and your ability to communicate effectively in writing, as both are essential to your success in an online classroom.


Affordability is an issue on all prospective students' minds, regardless of whether they are considering online or traditional education. It's also a factor that can vary significantly from institution to institution, so it is difficult to state that one form of education is much less expensive than another. However, in general, students can expect some savings from online education , due to the lack of expenses associated with on-campus education, such as transportation, room and board, and textbooks. Tuition does also tend to be lower, due to the lack of overhead required to run online programs.

While traditional education is generally more expensive, it can range in price from being roughly equivalent with an online education (particularly state colleges) to much more expensive. One of the benefits of traditional education is that many schools offer institutional financial aid , which many online colleges do not, and this can dramatically affect the out-of-pocket expense to the student, especially when combined with federal financial aid options or employer tuition reimbursement.

To assess the affordability of their various options, students should contact the financial aid offices of the schools they are considering to learn more about average aid packages, their eligibility for student loans , and tuition costs, and do a comparison of the final dollar amounts they would owe per semester. They should also do a full analysis of the overall cost of attendance for the institutions they are considering. It's important to determine whether students are expected to be additional, hidden fees relating to things like access to distance learning, technology, online libraries, or materials (for an online program) or student activity fees (for on-campus programs). These all must be factored in when calculating the cost of your education , and can add up quickly.

Ultimately, while both in-person and online degrees have their advantages and drawbacks, both are excellent options, and it's up to the individual student to determine which will best fit their lifestyle, habits, and schedule.

  • Going Back to School
  • Online Learning

About the Author

Sonya krakoff.

Sonya Krakoff is the Senior Content Marketing Specialist at Champlain College Online, where she is the voice behind the CCO blog and helps tell the school's story across multiple digital platforms. Sonya has extensive experience in writing, content marketing, and editing for mission-driven businesses and non-profit organizations, and holds a bachelor's degree in English (with a focus on creative writing) from St. Lawrence University.

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Traditional Classes vs. Online Classes: Which One Is Better?

  • October 21, 2022

Table of Contents

What is meant by traditional classes, what is meant by online classes, social interactions, closer relationship between the students and the professors, exchange of ideas, consistency/routine, less distractions, accessibility for working people, more independence, flexible scheduling, follow their own pace, course flexibility, conclusion: which one is better.

Lately, online education, usually referred to as remote learning, has become increasingly popular. The number of students taking at least one college course online keeps rising steadily.

There might be confusion about the difference between online and traditional classes. Some may be asking themselves which is better: traditional or online classes? While many schools and universities are expanding their online course offerings amid a global pandemic, both traditional and online classes have pros and cons. 

This article contrasts traditional classes vs. online classes and explores the real potential of each.

Traditional education is a term used to describe instruction in a physical classroom with the teacher and students. It usually appeals to students who prefer face-to-face communication or want to experience college life firsthand. 

Students must physically attend classes on campuses of traditional educational institutions. They typically play a more passive role in a physical classroom where a teacher or instructor is at the front of the room and the students occupy the remaining area. 

Any education delivered through the internet is called online learning (also known as e-learning or remote learning). With the aid of various digital tools, students can take online classes or engage in real-time conversations with teachers and students on the other end. 

Online education is a reality and is progressively being included in traditional schooling. Online learning crosses international borders and is made available to dispersed college students, allowing them the chance to select the online course of their choice.

What Are the Benefits of Traditional Classes?

Traditional classes have several advantages over online classes. Here are some of them. 

The social atmosphere of a college campus, which includes hanging out with fellow students, conversing with professors after class, or participating in clubs and other extracurricular activities, is something that many students look forward to. These interpersonal connections can sometimes be essential to keep students interested in and completely happy with the learning process.

Students and professors can get to know each other better through classroom learning. This enables professors to assess the students’ skills and weaknesses, serve as mentors, and direct pupils toward possible careers.

In a typical classroom, students can ask questions and directly share their opinions with the professor, receiving prompt responses. Additionally, classroom instruction is more beneficial because of the constant interaction between students and teachers; this helps pupils overcome their exam anxieties, which is uncommon with online education.

In a traditional setting, there will be other students in the room. Whether the classes are about the onboarding process or a particular work-related topic, this offers the multiple advantages of brainstorming, exchanging ideas in a roundtable setting, hearing questions you would not have thought of, and networking with your colleagues. Traditional, in-class settings might also provide more chances for students to ask questions on the spot or go off on fascinating tangents that might help a subject “click” in their minds.

Nowadays, more and more businesses want candidates to have excellent interpersonal skills, including demonstrated teamwork and communication. The development of these crucial interpersonal skills is better facilitated in traditional classrooms.

Traditional education has an advantage when it comes to motivation and discipline. Students can be kept on task by a disciplined schedule that involves going to class a few times a week and having regular face-to-face meetings with teachers.

When you enter a classroom or training facility, you automatically “tune in” to learning and can better concentrate on the task. This is made possible by a set schedule and location. Their interaction with peers their age, improved discipline, ability to adhere to a routine, and increased physical and mental alertness are all benefits of frequent attendance in school. 

A structured classroom provides students with a unique and helpful learning environment, particularly those with learning issues. It frequently equates to a safe classroom, where students may relax and concentrate on their studies. This way, students are more likely to prosper and improve academically and personally in a structured learning environment.

What Are the Benefits of Online Classes?

Just like with traditional classes, online classes have their advantages . We have listed some of them below. 

Students might work while studying for reasons such as financial issues, gaining experience, and networking . Because online studies offer the opportunity to tailor your own schedule, students can continue working while pursuing academic credentials. These students tend to become masters in time management and know how to stay organized because they balance classes and work. 

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With online programs, you have the option of attending the university that best suits your needs and goals, no matter where it is. Additionally, students who take online classes have more autonomy over their education. They must be able to encourage themselves to do the needed reading and tasks in an online program. This, in turn, necessitates strong self-discipline and motivation. 

Time management is a crucial skill you need when enrolling in online classes. Online courses can suit you if you think you can manage your time efficiently and work well alone. Also, the capacity to self-motivate and complete tasks will be essential to your success. 

One of their obvious advantages is your flexibility when taking classes online. Even though deadlines are still a part of their studies, students who take online courses can choose when to study, finish assignments, and attend lectures while simultaneously managing their household, work, and school. They can freely choose their daily schedule, creating a more self-centered learning environment. 

Additionally, to attend online classes, all you need is your laptop and a good internet connection, and you will be able to join class discussions from the locations best suited for you.  

Some students simply do not adapt well to a fixed learning schedule and a classroom setting, and they perform better in self-paced courses. Online classes allow students to control their education when they take college courses online. 

You can take one at a time, all at once, or even space your sessions over the course of the year. Classes typically start every six weeks so that you can move more quickly or slowly, depending on your needs and goals. 

Online courses are frequently less expensive per credit hour than traditional courses, though this is not always the case. The top online universities will also assist you in maximizing transfer credit so that your prior learning and experiences can contribute to your degree, lowering expenditures.

Additionally, taking online classes costs less because there are fewer travel expenses and the teacher does not have to work full-time to run the class. Transit time and associated costs, such as gas, tolls, and meals, can be a burden as well. 

Online classes offer subject flexibility in addition to time flexibility. In many cases, students can receive coursework tailored to their needs or learning style . Traditional classes can restrict the options for courses or subjects. That is not the case with online programs. 

You can truly focus on the subject you are interested in and can pick from several online courses and programs. You can choose what to learn next without worrying about where your classes are when you are studying online.

As it is obvious, learning environments in traditional and online schools might differ. Which one you choose will depend on your priorities, lifestyle, and how accommodating you are with your lessons.

Each learning approach has advantages and disadvantages, and considering the months of pandemic, you may have been able to have a taste of both. So regarding online vs. traditional schooling, there is no right or wrong answer as to which one is better. In fact, should you want to benefit from both, you can always find hybrid programs available.

Bay Atlantic University

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traditional education is better than online

  • October 12, 2023
  • Education Advice

Top 6 Advantages of Traditional Education

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When considering college, prospective students have many choices. They can enroll in a traditional four-year college program, speed up their college studies with a two-year associate’s degree or they can choose an online degree . Online classes can be beneficial and sometimes less expensive than other college options, but there are some things that students will miss out on without traditional campus learning . In this article, we will explore the numerous advantages of traditional education or traditional learning.

Importance of Traditional Education

Before online learning got in the game, on-campus learning was the only efficient learning format. Multiple benefits students typically gain from traditional campus learning aren’t limited to study only. While on campus, students get to hone their social skills while interacting with both their teachers and colleagues. It creates a routine that the students have to follow, and in turn, this will bring punctuality and discipline.

Advantages of Traditional Classroom Learning

As online learning has become more and more popular in the internet era, traditional classroom learning continues to be a tough contender. Despite its advantages, online learning cannot replace traditional education. Its many perks will make sure of it.

Active learning

One of the top reasons that traditional campus life can benefit a student’s college life is having contact with professors and instructors. With online learning, the options are limited. On-campus, students can set up face-to-face meetings with their professors to discuss the class, their performance, or a project.

Maintaining interpersonal relationships


Students are involved with different people throughout their college experience. One benefit of being enrolled in an on-campus university is creating meaningful relationships that will probably last for years. The college experience is entirely about having to be part of many individual and group projects which require you to communicate with your colleagues. Different clubs that are created in the university, gatherings to study for exams and the sharing of the study notes are some of the ways through which one can maintain interpersonal relationships. While retaining those relationships on campus is quite easy, doing so online will surely be a problem.

Not all majors can be taught online

If a student is considering a major in nursing, agriculture, biology, music, or theater, online programs can only get them so far. While it is easy to take some required classes online in these majors, the classes that include labs, clinical practice, or performances cannot be done without a traditional campus class. Having a traditional campus learning environment for these majors will provide access to equipment and materials they would normally not have access to with an online class.

Access to libraries and research materials


A university’s campus library is always a busy place for students to study, collaborate, and do research for papers and projects. Without easy access to research materials held by the university and everything that the library has to offer, a student cannot always reach their full potential with in-depth study in a particular field.

Learning is scheduled

University officials organize the courses in a way that all the students can attend them. Attending classes means joining the class on time. In this way, students will get a routine of their own, which will inevitably make the students punctual and disciplined. As they practice being punctual throughout the academic years, they’ll build those habits and carry them into adulthood.

Extra-curricular activities

There are some school experiences you won’t gain in any other place. Field trips, school activities, and different clubs, part of which you can be are just some of those experiences. From each of those activities, you’ll take life lessons that will be beneficial in your future.

Disadvantages of Online Learning


We can easily say that the aspects that aren’t the strongest suit of online learning format are definitely of traditional classroom learning.

Lack of face-to-face interaction

While in the beginning, some may see the lack of one-on-one interaction with teachers and colleagues as an advantage, this may turn out to be not the advantage expected. In the long-term, you’ll see that it will take way more effort to interact with the teachers and colleagues online. Even though the contact through emails and social media might make the communication easier for both parties, you’ll never have the connection and intimacy live communication has.

Not all majors are available

While you can study many different subjects online, some of them can’t be adjusted to the online format. All those majors that require hands-on training or use of any equipment fall in this category. To study these particular majors, you may have to attend their classes on campus.

Increased responsibility

Sure, flexibility is what makes online learning unique and convenient for students. However, this flexibility can be a double-edged sword. While you can attend the classes at your own pace, it’s your responsibility to organize everything else in between and to manage your time efficiently. No one will remember you to log in to the online classroom, join message boards, and finish the assignments on time. You need to be motivated and disciplined enough to finish your online program.

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Lack of accreditation

While many universities in the world, even ivy league ones among them are more and more joining the online format classroom, the risk of enrolling in an online university that might not be certified by state agencies is still present. For you not to become a victim of these kinds of universities, you should do thorough research on the chosen university beforehand.

Networking challenges

Online students might miss a lot of opportunities on-campus students may take for granted. On the university grounds, you will meet people who share the same passion for the field you’re studying, get to be part of many conferences where guest speakers are invited, or introduce yourself to teachers of different fields. Those meetings, no matter how short in time, will yield many job offers. Although online learning might have many benefits, this isn’t one of them.



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Traditional Education VS Online Education

When it comes to comparing traditional learning vs e-learning, students may focus on the financial aspect. While online learning might cost you less on tuition, you won’t get to make use of the benefits of offline learning which we mentioned are high in number. While 70% of students see online instruction to be nearly as good, if not better than its counterpart, traditional instruction seems to be the best solution to give attention to the underachieving students.

Traditional education has been around forever. It seems like its numerous perks will make it impossible for it to be entirely replaced by any other learning format. However, for as long as those two formats are in “competition” with each other, we’ll keep on seeing them bring out the best in each other.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the benefits of a traditional face-to-face classroom.

There are several benefits to a traditional face-to-face classroom:

  • Students have the opportunity to interact with their teachers and peers in real time, which can help them to build meaningful relationships and engage in a more dynamic learning experience.
  • Traditional classrooms provide a structured environment that helps students to stay focused and on-task. In addition, traditional classrooms often provide students with access to various resources, such as textbooks, materials, and technology, which can enhance their learning experience.
  • Traditional classrooms allow students to participate in extracurricular activities, which can help them develop social skills and explore their interests outside of the classroom.

What is the difference between traditional and online education? Which one is best?

Traditional education involves attending classes in person at a physical location. Online education, on the other hand, occurs entirely through the internet, with students accessing course materials and interacting with instructors and classmates virtually.

Both traditional and online education have their unique advantages and disadvantages. The best option depends on individual needs and preferences.

What is the focus of traditional education?

In traditional education, the focus is often on imparting knowledge and information to students through lectures, textbooks, and exams. The teacher is typically seen as the main source of knowledge and authority in the classroom, and students are encouraged to engage with and understand the material.

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Traditional Education Vs. Online Education

Ashley Friedman

Definition of Online Education

With the rise of the internet and the easy access that most Americans have to computers, smartphones, tablets and Wi-Fi networks, exploring the offerings of the World Wide Web has never been easier. As expected, this new technology has made significant developments possible in the field of education.

What Is Online Education?

Online education can be a confusing term. For many people, the expression "online education" is suspicious, implying a questionable degree from a likely noncredible university. However, online education has gone through significant developments since the advent of the internet. Today, the term "online education" can be understood as any educational undertaking that primarily utilizes the internet to deliver coursework, assessments and assignments from teacher to student.

Online assessments as a part of online learning may mean using the internet as a means of communication between student and teacher, or it may mean using online programs or dedicated websites as the educational material. Students can access this educational material to take tests, write papers and complete other work that will be evaluated by a professor or a teaching assistant.

Online School vs. Traditional School

Online education can be as comprehensive and involved as an online, real-time video lecture. It can be as removed and passive as an assignment sent from a teacher to a student's inbox that is returned for assessment in the same manner. The term "online education" refers to any sort of educational, pedagogical practice that uses the internet as a means of transferring information, but this can be done in many ways.

For example, a teacher may choose to hold an online class, and the students will log on with their personal computers at a given time. In this way, the class will be conducted the same way it would be in a classroom. In other scenarios, the teacher may prerecord a series of lectures. Students will have the relevant information and can access it at their leisure, communicating questions and concerns electronically.

Is Online Education Better Than Traditional Education?

There is a continuous debate on the topic of online learning vs. traditional learning. In the early days of the internet, the assumption across the educational field and the prevailing sentiment of the culture in general was that online education would always be inferior to traditional, classroom-based education. The thinking was that serious students would never entrust their education to anyone over the internet.

People also thought that only lazy students who wanted an easy degree and diploma would bother to invest in online education. There was also the not-unfounded fear that the situation was ripe for fraud and that people who were not credible educators would take advantage of students looking for easy access to education. While there is certainly strong evidence to suggest that certain people have used the advent of online education to defraud would-be students, the fact is that online education has opened up a wealth of educational opportunity and possibility.

What Are the Benefits of Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes?

Students who previously could not afford a four-year college are now able to enroll in online classes at accredited universities and do the coursework in their own time. Many formidable brick-and-mortar universities now have an online arm, allowing the chance for quality education and the university's level of instruction to be available to students for whom geography would make attendance in person impossible. This is a huge factor in the debate around online education vs. traditional education.

Despite the advancements in online education, it is still believed by the educational community to be an inferior sort of education, especially when compared with a university education. However, there are different tiers of online education that might be sought out by various students. In addition to traditional undergraduate education, online programs are offered at the graduate level.

Beyond that, short courses that do not carry degree credits are also available. Studying a foreign language online, for example, is now possible with a teacher in the native country. In many ways, the tool of online education can supplement classroom instruction and in doing so make all education richer and more powerful.

Is Online Schooling Better Than Public Schooling?

In contemporary America, there are continuous conversations about the viability of the public school system. Public schools in almost every state are chronically underfunded, and more and more teachers find it necessary to strike to demand fair pay and support from the department. Safety issues in some schools and overcrowded classrooms and subpar conditions in many others have raised the question about offering students an online school option.

Many people wonder how online classes vs. traditional classes would fare for an elementary, middle and high school population. Some think that there would be a tremendous loss in the quality of education if students left the classroom. Others feel that the additional oversight might improve the quality of education students receive. Many educators and parents feel that the classroom experience beyond the material taught is a critical piece of a good education.

What Are the Benefits of Public Schooling vs. Online Education?

Spending the day with peers, getting to know other students and working on group projects together are some of the ways that experts have explained the importance of the in-school environment. With this in mind, it would be difficult to say that online education is better than traditional public education. However, that does not mean that online education is not in some ways helpful as an added tool for students who can use the internet to supplement what is being taught in the classroom.

The value that online education and online learning can have, especially for young students, is the advantage it offers in terms of allowing the students the opportunity to access their work at home, thus giving them less time to forget what they learned and a further opportunity to apply what they learned in the classroom.

Is Online College Cheaper Than Traditional College?

As online education has improved in quality and in scope over the last 20 years, it has gone from being considered a poor option for learning to becoming a feature of elite colleges and universities. One of the major draws of online education is that costs for taking online classes are much cheaper than enrolling at a traditional college.

This is not strictly the case, as the cost of credit-bearing courses at a university may be the same online and in person, but the advantage of online classes is that students do not have to pay for room, board and other expenses for which students on a campus are typically responsible. If you work full time, have a family and still have a desire to get your degree, then online college can be a welcome and much more affordable alternative.

Are Online Classes Better Than Traditional Classes?

When it comes to the question of online classes vs. traditional classes, there are several factors to consider. Depending on the format of the online class, it may be identical to the format of a lecture or a seminar done in person in the more traditional classroom style. However, the advantages that online classes have over traditional classes are immensely valuable, particularly to students with jobs or family responsibilities.

Students who are not in a position to attend classes in person can, through the benefit of online classes, improve the quality of their education and even earn a degree. Students who live far from any institute of higher education who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to go to college can attend a college online and expose themselves to an entirely different world.

Additionally, online classes are helpful to companies and businesses that may want to train their employees about new programming or software or protocol but not have the ability to get everyone together in one place for such training. In this way, online classes are superior to traditional classes because they remove the barriers of space and time to allow people to learn together.

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  • Forbes: Will Online Education Replace Classroom Education Anytime Soon?
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Ashley Friedman is a freelance writer with experience writing about education for a variety of organizations and educational institutions as well as online media sites. She has written for Pearson Education, The University of Miami, The New York City Teaching Fellows, New Visions for Public Schools, and a number of independent secondary schools. She lives in Los Angeles.

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Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning: What’s More Effective?

traditional education is better than online

Education is a fundamental aspect of human development, and the methods of acquiring knowledge have evolved significantly over the years.

With the advent of technology, online learning has gained popularity as an alternative to traditional classroom-based learning.

Online learning offers flexibility, convenience, and accessibility, while traditional learning provides face-to-face interaction and a structured environment.

This article aims to explore the effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional learning, considering various factors such as learning outcomes, engagement, and student satisfaction.

Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning Online Learning: Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Flexible scheduling. Self-paced learning possible. Relies on digital tools and platforms. Traditional Learning: In-person in classrooms or institutions. Fixed schedule and location. Direct interaction with instructors and peers. Physical resources (e.g., textbooks, labs).

Table of Contents

Online Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of online learning.

  • Flexibility: One of the key advantages of online learning is the flexibility it offers. Students can access course materials and lectures at their own pace and convenience, allowing them to balance their studies with other commitments such as work or family responsibilities.
  • Accessibility: Online learning eliminates geographical barriers, enabling students from different parts of the world to access quality education. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for individuals living in remote areas or those with physical disabilities.
  • Self-paced Learning: Online courses often provide self-paced learning options, allowing students to progress through the material at their own speed. This personalized approach caters to individual learning styles and preferences.
  • Cost-effective: Online learning can be more cost-effective compared to traditional learning. Students can save on commuting expenses, accommodation, and other associated costs. Additionally, online courses are often more affordable than their traditional counterparts.

Disadvantages of Online Learning

  • Lack of Face-to-Face Interaction: One of the main drawbacks of online learning is the absence of face-to-face interaction with instructors and peers. This can hinder the development of interpersonal skills and limit opportunities for collaborative learning.
  • Self-discipline and Motivation: Online learning requires self-discipline and motivation as students need to manage their time effectively and stay motivated without the structure and accountability provided by traditional classrooms.
  • Technical Challenges: Technical issues such as poor internet connectivity or software compatibility problems can disrupt the learning experience. Students may face difficulties accessing course materials or participating in online discussions.
  • Limited Hands-on Learning: Some subjects, such as laboratory-based sciences or performing arts, require hands-on practical experience. Online learning may not provide the same level of hands-on learning opportunities as traditional learning.

Traditional Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of traditional learning.

  • Face-to-Face Interaction: Traditional learning provides direct face-to-face interaction between students and instructors. This allows for immediate feedback, clarification of doubts, and engaging discussions, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Structured Environment: In a traditional classroom setting, students follow a structured timetable and curriculum. This structure helps in maintaining discipline, setting clear expectations, and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  • Hands-on Learning: Certain subjects, such as science experiments or art projects, require hands-on learning experiences. Traditional learning provides access to laboratories, workshops, and other facilities that facilitate practical learning.
  • Social Interaction: Traditional learning offers opportunities for social interaction and networking with peers. Students can form study groups, engage in group projects, and develop interpersonal skills through face-to-face communication.

Disadvantages of Traditional Learning

  • Lack of Flexibility: Traditional learning follows a fixed schedule, which may not be suitable for individuals with other commitments or those who prefer a more flexible learning environment.
  • Geographical Limitations: Traditional learning is often limited to specific geographical locations, making it inaccessible for individuals residing in remote areas or those unable to commute to educational institutions.
  • Higher Costs: Traditional learning can be more expensive due to costs associated with commuting, accommodation, and campus facilities. Tuition fees for traditional programs are often higher compared to online courses.
  • Limited Course Options: Traditional learning may have limited course options, especially in areas where specific subjects or specialized programs are not available locally. This can restrict educational opportunities for some individuals.

Effectiveness of Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning

The effectiveness of online learning versus traditional learning depends on various factors, including the individual’s learning style, the subject matter, and the quality of the educational program.

While both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, research suggests that online learning can be equally or even more effective than traditional learning in certain contexts.

A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Education found that students who engaged in online learning performed better, on average, than those receiving face-to-face instruction.

The study analyzed various online and traditional learning studies and concluded that online learning can lead to higher learning outcomes when implemented effectively.

Online learning provides opportunities for personalized learning experiences, allowing students to progress at their own pace and revisit concepts as needed.

This flexibility can enhance understanding and retention of the material.

Additionally, online learning often incorporates interactive multimedia elements, such as videos, simulations, and quizzes, which can improve engagement and knowledge retention.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of online learning depends on factors such as the quality of the online course, the level of student engagement, and the support provided by instructors.

A well-designed online course with interactive components and regular instructor feedback can significantly enhance the learning experience.

FAQs – Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning: What’s More Effective?

1. is online learning as effective as traditional learning.

Research suggests that online learning can be equally or even more effective than traditional learning in certain contexts.

Factors such as course design, student engagement, and instructor support play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of online learning.

2. What are the advantages of online learning over traditional learning?

Some advantages of online learning over traditional learning include flexibility, accessibility, self-paced learning, and cost-effectiveness.

Online learning eliminates geographical barriers and allows students to access course materials at their own convenience.

3. Does online learning provide the same level of interaction as traditional learning?

Online learning may not provide the same level of face-to-face interaction as traditional learning.

However, online courses can incorporate interactive elements such as discussion forums, video conferences, and virtual group projects to facilitate interaction among students and instructors.

4. Can online learning cater to hands-on learning experiences?

Online learning may have limitations when it comes to hands-on learning experiences, especially in subjects that require practical components such as laboratory experiments or performing arts.

Traditional learning provides better access to facilities that facilitate hands-on learning.

5. Is online learning suitable for all types of learners?

Online learning can cater to various types of learners, but it may be more suitable for individuals who are self-disciplined, motivated, and comfortable with independent learning.

Some learners may thrive in a traditional classroom setting that offers face-to-face interaction and structured learning environments.

6. Are online courses recognized by employers and educational institutions?

Many reputable educational institutions offer online courses and degrees that are recognized by employers and other educational institutions.

However, it is important to ensure that the online course or program is accredited and meets the necessary standards.

7. Can online learning be more cost-effective than traditional learning?

Online learning can be more cost-effective than traditional learning in many cases.

Students can save on commuting expenses, accommodation, and other associated costs.

Additionally, online courses are often more affordable than their traditional counterparts.

8. Does online learning require more self-discipline and motivation?

Online learning requires self-discipline and motivation as students need to manage their time effectively and stay motivated without the structure and accountability provided by traditional classrooms.

However, online courses often provide flexibility that allows students to create their own study schedules.

9. Can online learning provide personalized learning experiences?

Online learning can provide personalized learning experiences as students can progress through the material at their own pace and revisit concepts as needed.

Online courses often incorporate interactive multimedia elements that cater to different learning styles and preferences.

10. Can online learning be accessed by individuals in remote areas?

Yes, online learning eliminates geographical barriers and can be accessed by individuals in remote areas.

It provides opportunities for quality education to individuals who may not have access to educational institutions in their vicinity.

11. Are there any technical challenges associated with online learning?

Technical challenges such as poor internet connectivity or software compatibility problems can disrupt the online learning experience.

Students may face difficulties accessing course materials or participating in online discussions.

However, advancements in technology have significantly reduced these challenges.

12. Can online learning provide immediate feedback and clarification of doubts?

Online learning can provide immediate feedback and clarification of doubts through various means such as discussion forums, email communication with instructors, or virtual office hours.

However, the availability of immediate feedback may vary depending on the course and instructor.

13. Can online learning foster social interaction among students?

Online learning can foster social interaction among students through discussion forums, virtual group projects, and collaborative assignments.

While it may not provide the same level of face-to-face interaction as traditional learning, online platforms can facilitate meaningful interactions.

14. Can online learning be suitable for practical subjects such as science or engineering?

Online learning may have limitations when it comes to practical subjects such as science or engineering, which require hands-on laboratory work.

However, online courses can incorporate virtual simulations and interactive modules to provide some level of practical learning experiences.

15. How can one choose between online learning and traditional learning?

The choice between online learning and traditional learning depends on individual preferences, circumstances, and educational goals.

It is important to consider factors such as learning style, flexibility, access to resources, and the level of interaction desired.

Evaluating the pros and cons of each method can help in making an informed decision.

Summary – Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning: What’s More Effective?

Both online learning and traditional learning have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Online learning offers flexibility, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, while traditional learning provides face-to-face interaction, a structured environment, and hands-on learning opportunities.

The effectiveness of each method depends on various factors, including the individual’s learning style, the subject matter, and the quality of the educational program.

However, the effectiveness of online learning relies on factors such as course design, student engagement, and instructor support.

It is crucial to ensure that online courses are well-designed, interactive, and provide regular opportunities for feedback and interaction.

Ultimately, the choice between online learning and traditional learning depends on individual preferences, circumstances, and educational goals.

Some individuals may thrive in a traditional classroom setting, while others may prefer the flexibility and accessibility of online learning.

The key is to choose a learning method that aligns with one’s needs and maximizes the potential for effective learning outcomes.

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Is Online Education Better than Traditional Education? (2024)

Educational institutes have been practicing the traditional teaching method since ages. Most of us are familiar with the traditional model where one teacher is teaching fifty students at a time.

No one knows if those fifty students are able to understand what is being explained or if they are even paying attention to the lecture. This style of teaching is not considered very effective today.

Students have access to new technology which helps them learn and retain information in a far better manner. Which means, it is time for educational institutes to bring some changes to its teaching methods. A popular alternative to traditional education is online education or eLearning.

Online education is better than traditional education, debates the most significant element of the online education model. The online education model is basically trying to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional education system, while also providing additional benefits.

In a traditional teaching model, students listen to long lectures, take notes, and usually resort to rote memorization.

This leaves little or no room for active interaction in the classroom. Online education, on the other hand, encourages participation in classroom activities and peer-to-peer collaboration.

With the availability of various forms of online study resources, students are able to engage with their courseware and gain knowledge in a much more engaging manner.

How Online Education in 2024 Impacts Traditional Education?

Students can learn at their own pace:.

Students have complete control over their lessons. Meaning, they can now learn as per their own pace and learning capacity. Each student learns and memorizes differently.

Some might be quick learners, while some might take time to understand a certain topic. In a classroom environment, the teacher explains concepts and answers doubts, but there’s only so much that they can do.

There could be students whose doubts remain unanswered. Some students might feel that the teacher’s pace of teaching is too fast for them. It’s not possible for a teacher to pay individual attention to each student.

Online education addresses this issue by offering additional information and explanations via eBooks and other forms of online resources.

Students do not have to wait for the teacher to start/finish a chapter, they can do it themselves.

Online learning allows them to take control of their own learning process. They can go through the content, re-read chapters, listen to audio-books or take help from external links.

This helps them undertake courses as per their learning capacity and convenience. Online education helps students in becoming active learners, rather than passive learners while taking full responsibility for their own studies.

Also read: Top Benefits of Using Digital Textbooks in Education


Reduces Dependency on Teachers:

When students have an online learning option available to them, the dependence on teachers for more information or notes reduces.

They can get additional information all by themselves with the help of online libraries . With easy access to the internet, students can browse through thousands of online learning content.

This would better prepare them for their examinations, as they have access to not only their own courseware that the institute has recommended but also external and additional information. Online learning thus reduces dependence on teachers for notes and explanations.

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Cost Effective Learning Materials:

If you compare the cost factor, you would find that online education is way more affordable for students than traditional education. This is because of the difference in the creation of online course materials and printed textbooks. A paperback book is costlier because it involves a lot of process in its making. From cutting down trees to the production of paper, printing, packaging, and shipping.

All these processes add to the cost of each printed book. Whereas eBooks are created on an online software and is digitally published and distributed.

Hence, the cost of eBooks is always cheaper than the combined cost of traditional textbooks for the academic year. Moreover, you get all the learning materials at one place.

Students do not have to buy different books for different subjects, unlike traditional education demands. Thus, online education is environment and student friendly.

Click on the image below to view an infographic on reasons why students prefer digital content.

6 Reasons Why Students Prefer Digital Content infographic

More Social Interaction and Collaboration:

The traditional education model allows students to interact with each other in and outside of school. But those are mainly face-to-face or telephonic interactions.

Online learning model allows further interaction by providing an online platform for discussions. eBooks can be embedded with sharing features, where students can share content and comment on other student’s posts.

With most students being active social media users, this kind of an interactive platform encourages them to share, like and comment on course contents.

Students can post doubts and queries on the online platform, starting a discussion thread with teachers and other students.

Teachers may prefer to continue the discussion in classrooms, enabling everyone to share their views and opinions, and understand others’ perspectives as well. It thus helps in having in-depth and engaging classroom discussions.

Easy to Assess and Give Feedback:

Teachers usually spend a good amount of time in correcting papers, grading students, checking assignments etc. There’s too much paperwork involved in the traditional education approach.

Introducing online course modules will help in reducing this time. The teachers could instead spend more time creating an interactive learning environment in the classroom with activities, discussions etc.

Online assignments are comparatively easy to assess. Students submit their tests or assignments online and teachers can view the answers and evaluate them anytime and anywhere.

They don’t have to sit with a bunch of paper for review. As online content can be viewed on mobile-based platforms , they can do it while waiting for the bus, taking a break in between lectures etc.

And they can also give feedback to students via the same platform. So, online education makes life easy for students as well as teachers.

Analyze the Learning Pattern:

In the debate traditional education vs online education, the traditional education system has no means to gauge the interest levels of students. You can’t really tell if the students have finished reading a particular chapter.

Whereas in online education analytics tool gives an in-depth report about every student’s performance. It enables you to measure the engagement level of the entire class.

Teachers can look into the course delivery and consumption patterns, such as the number of chapters read, progress rate, tests attempted etc.

This information helps teachers to design their classes as per the learning patterns of students.

Encourages Students to Talk Rather Than Listen in Classrooms:

The flipped classroom approach has gained popularity in recent times for its ability to reverse the traditional teaching model. Which means teachers now encourage students to do their ‘homework’ in school and do the reading and studying part at home. Students are asked to read online content or watch video-based learning content at home and the same is discussed in the classroom.

This approach helps in creating an interactive classroom where students learn by solving problems in class with their peers and teacher around them. This makes for a more effective learning technique. With a flipped classroom approach, teachers are aiming to provide more knowledge to students by encouraging them to ask questions, perform individual or group activities etc. Thus, the reverse learning model encourages teamwork and collaboration, leading to an engaging learning experience.

Students Can Revisit the Classes That Were Missed:

Students sometimes tend to miss out on a few lectures, either because they are unwell, or they find it too dull and boring to attend. In either case, it is not possible for the teacher to conduct the same lecture again for a couple of students. Because doing so would be unfair to the other students in the class.

But, with the help of online courses, students can go through the courseware at their convenient time or when they feel they are in an attentive state. As online notes can be shared with peers, students would also have access to any extra information provided by the teacher in class.

They no longer have to fear missing out on topics and chapters. Because even if they miss out on a few topics, they can catch up with the help of online tutorials and other links. Some universities also record their lectures for students to view later. Online education, thus ensures, that students never miss any topics covered in the classroom.

Interactive Content:

While online education promotes classroom interaction, it also enables students to interact with their courseware. With features like drag and drop and click and reveal, online learning allows students to engage with their learning material.

The courseware is designed in a responsive fashion so that students can easily access them on any platform and device of their choice. And the content is also embedded with multiple interactive elements such as external links, videos, audio etc., for better engagement.

Educational publishers and institutes also include gamification and interactive quizzes and assessments to make the course module more challenging for the students. When the course contents become interactive, it helps students to retain information faster.

Learn how to create an interactive ebook now!

Also Read: 10 Must-Have Features of an Online Education Platform


Traditional teaching has been around for thousands of years. We don’t recommend shutting down schools and colleges and conducting only online courses. The traditional method has its own benefits like face-to-face interaction and developing interpersonal skills and group learning, which are essential skills for the overall development of a student. 

The debate on t raditional education vs online education sparks a lot of questions on the education system. But, it can’t be denied that technology, if used wisely, can play a powerful role in teaching. So, instead of replacing formal education with online education, they can be merged together to create a more effective, efficient, and interactive learning experience.

Contact  our expert team now and get started!

To know more, please write to us at  [email protected] .

  • 9 Reasons for the Growth of eLearning in Education
  • 10 Must-Have Features of an Online Education Platform
  • Pre-K Learning: Enhancing Education with Digital Technology
  • Are eTextbooks The Next Big Thing in K-12 Education?
  • Top 7 Innovations in K-12 Education
  • Interactive eBooks: The Reinvention of Reading and Interactivity
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Interactive Workbooks for Schools
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traditional education is better than online

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Forest Trail Academy

Is online schooling better than traditional schooling.

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Is Online Schooling Better Than Traditional Schooling?

Myths of online homeschooling.

It’s a well-known fact that media reports very often tend to blow things out of proportion. “Media hype” has taken on new meaning over the last few years. While the information being reported may be valuable, it is often accompanied by a lot of noise. Quite often, this noise tends to drown out the truth. Of late, online schooling has been going through a similar phase. There has been quite a lot of negative information being broadcasted about how online learning platforms aren’t everything they claim to be. Some have even gone on to claim that traditional schooling environments deliver better results than online programs. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Why? Well, there are several reasons for this.


For one, traditional learning environments are drastically different from virtual schools. They include several aspects that come with high input capital costs such as setting up the necessary infrastructure, hiring teaching faculty and administrative staff, students’ course curriculum, ongoing maintenance costs and several other miscellaneous expenses that make them very expensive options. On the other hand, online education platforms can be relatively inexpensive in terms of setup costs. Since they are entirely web-based, infrastructure costs are a lot lesser when compared with traditional schools. Faculty and staff can be managed efficiently to minimize redundancy and the costs for distributing course material too, are relatively low. Maintenance and other costs too, tend to be much lower when evaluating an online platform versus a brick-and-mortar classroom.

The second important factor is the learning process. There are major differences between the manner in which education is delivered in traditional classrooms and via the internet. Conventional classroom teaching involves the use of books and requires students to be physically present in the classroom. Also, the pace of learning is determined based on the grasping abilities of the majority of students present in the classroom. Certain students with lesser capacities, including those with special needs, are then forced to keep up with the rest of the class, which puts them at a disadvantage. This often leads to them losing interest in their studies and has been reported as the primary cause for students dropping out of school. In some cases, the student-teacher ratios have been reported to be highly unfavorable, which is detrimental not only to the students but also to the teacher.

In such cases, teachers are unable to provide quality education and in most cases, struggle to cater to the needs of every student in the class. Such circumstances result in biased procedures skewed toward students who show much better promise of success than those who don’t. Very often, students facing difficult circumstances at home may find it hard to reach out to their teachers. Studies have shown that behavioral issues evidenced by students are very often the result of disturbed environments at home. These are just a few of the challenges of traditional educational environments that online learning platforms aim to overcome. Studying online involves an entirely different approach than convention learning procedures. As opposed to being physically present in a classroom, students are required to log in to their computers via the internet. This can be done from their homes or any other place where they have access to the internet.

Once they’ve logged in, they are free to access their course material in a manner that is best suited to their needs. Online schooling methodologies aim to accommodate the learning needs of every student in an effort to encourage them to go beyond the objective of just earning their high school diploma. Certain accredited online schools like Forest Trail Academy go beyond the call of duty to encourage students to pursue a lifelong learning process. Additionally, virtual schools are designed in a manner to accommodate students with special needs too. While studying online aims to simulate traditional learning environments through web-based platforms (to a certain extent), they have so much more to offer than old-school methodologies.


In a virtual learning environment, students are provided with the ability to interact with their classmates but in a manner that is mutually independent. No student is under pressure to cope with the learning pace of another. The impact of having access to an environment that provides you with the kind of flexibility  online courses  do can be astounding. Several students who were considered underachievers and were written off by their teachers have managed to turn things around for themselves with the help of online learning programs. Accredited online schools now provide students with a number of options that include full-time programs as well as part-time courses. Students can opt for courses as per their needs. This can be especially useful when students are looking for ways to make up for lost credits or evaluating options for college such as  Advanced Placement (AP) programs . Recent research shows that almost every student in the United States takes at least one course online.

Online schooling aims to explore avenues that are beyond the reach of traditional schooling environments. In a bid to increase student engagement, the course curriculum is designed to be extremely engaging and interactive. As a result, students are more likely to go on with their education and earn their high school diploma. The teacher-student ratio in online environments too, is determined in a manner beneficial to both students and teachers. While some schools have been in the news for exploiting this in a manner that focuses only on profitability, most virtual schools make use of this advantage to deliver high-quality education while focusing on the wellbeing of their teachers. Each student is given individual attention and their progress is monitored on a regular basis. Since the entire platform is based online, teachers and parents have access to real-time updates about a student’s progress.

In addition to enabling efficient decision making, accredited online schools minimize response time, which can significantly impact the course of a child’s future. They are truly a boon to us all if only you look beyond the noise!

traditional education is better than online

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Don’t wait! Inquire and unlock a world of educational possibilities for your child.

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traditional education is better than online

An accredited, international, K-12, online school 2101 Vista Parkway, Suite 226 West Palm Beach, FL 33411, United States


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The In-person Advantage: Why Face-to-face Education Has Benefits

When choosing how to get a college degree, students have more choices than ever before. In particular, online learning can be cost-effective, eliminating the need for commuting or moving to a campus. For non-traditional students or those needing more accessibility, online learning can be flexible and adaptive. However, for traditional college students, choosing the most convenient path isn’t always the best option. While attending class without ever leaving your room or your pajamas may sound appealing, there are big benefits to in-person education. Keep reading to learn more about how students with hands-on learning experiences have significant advantages in today’s job market.

1. Better Academic Performance

Did you know students who engage in traditional, in-person learning perform better academically than online students ? In-person students are less distracted and can often stay more disciplined. The ease of multitasking in the online environment can affect students' ability to listen and engage even in face-to-face digital environments. Students who are physically present in a course may also struggle with the temptation to play on laptops or daydream, but doing so in an in-person environment is significantly more obvious and frowned upon. Being physically in the classroom holds an accountability factor that digital learning can’t.

Similarly, being in a classroom lets you receive more direct instruction , allows faculty to adapt their teaching styles to your needs and helps you build stronger connections with professors. Of course, an online instructor can set up opportunities for feedback or breakout sessions within a digital learning environment, but the level of connection pales in comparison to a faculty member walking around a room, holding a student’s work in their hands, addressing questions and being able to give clear, direct feedback . Not to mention, in-person interactions allow students to experience positive body language and emotional encouragement in different ways than online.

Describing the difficulty of getting to know students during COVID-19, Department Chair of Exercise Science at Berry College David Elmer says, “Faculty members who want to build community online have to be thoughtful about their course structure and instructional design. During COVID-19, when teaching to a computer screen, it was harder to tell if students were listening, and students were much more reluctant to discuss concepts and ask questions. The class community was not nearly as strong as in a traditional classroom. It was also hard to get to know students purely through online class sessions. I saw their names but didn’t get to know them as well unless I had had them in class before COVID-19.”


2. Stronger Interpersonal Skills and Community

In-person interactions with a faculty member are not the only valuable relationship-building that happens more easily. In general, students who have in-person college experiences come away with stronger interpersonal skills. Imagine the difference between a physical lab experiment versus a digital lab experiment. One of the greatest differences is how students are required to work together or engage with each other. Beyond listening, reading and responding to one another’s ideas in online forums, there is less group work that can happen solely online. In contrast, in traditional classroom settings, students are required to work together on presentations, labs and more, learning to clearly communicate with each other and practicing collaboration, a valuable skill in the workplace.

Likewise, as students take multiple classes together and work on group projects, they begin to form community and professional connections beyond the classroom space . These relationships can turn into future networking opportunities. Students also may grow in their connections with faculty members and seek guidance and mentoring outside the classroom. From these mentoring relationships, faculty members can easily connect students to other valuable resources on campus. Online, there is less structure for meeting together beyond the digital classroom experience and less pointing students to other physical places for guidance or support.


3. Access to Resources and Support

College campuses, the physical spaces themselves , are also significant advantages for students as they are built to support student success and to cultivate an atmosphere of learning. Students can easily find help and resources as well as having access to labs, technologies and library resources that are unavailable to online-only students.

Another advantage of the in-person college experience is the built-in support system of community. No matter what kind of day students have had, on a physical campus, students have more opportunities for faculty, staff or peer mentors to come alongside them because they are embedded in a culture rooting for their success. The in-person experience allows for a more holistic approach to student care and education as college campuses are built to knit together people into a community working toward similar goals.


Figure Out What Matters Most

Online learning may be a convenient, flexible way to get a college degree, but it’s worth considering the advantages and disadvantages. As you decide what’s right for you, keep in mind face-to-face education likely means better academic performance, stronger social development and access to resources and community-building you just can’t find off campus.

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Courses and certificates.

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  • Healthcare Administration – B.S.
  • Human Resource Management – B.S. Business Administration
  • Information Technology Management – B.S. Business Administration
  • Marketing – B.S. Business Administration
  • Accounting – B.S. Business Administration
  • Finance – B.S.
  • Supply Chain and Operations Management – B.S.
  • Accelerated Information Technology Bachelor's and Master's Degree (from the School of Technology)
  • Health Information Management – B.S. (from the Leavitt School of Health)

Master's Degrees

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  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • MBA Information Technology Management
  • MBA Healthcare Management
  • Management and Leadership – M.S.
  • Accounting – M.S.
  • Marketing – M.S.
  • Human Resource Management – M.S.
  • Master of Healthcare Administration (from the Leavitt School of Health)
  • Data Analytics – M.S. (from the School of Technology)
  • Information Technology Management – M.S. (from the School of Technology)
  • Education Technology and Instructional Design – M.Ed. (from the School of Education)


  • Supply Chain
  • Accounting Fundamentals
  • View all Business Degrees

Bachelor's Preparing For Licensure

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  • Elementary Education – B.A.
  • Special Education and Elementary Education (Dual Licensure) – B.A.
  • Special Education (Mild-to-Moderate) – B.A.
  • Mathematics Education (Middle Grades) – B.S.
  • Mathematics Education (Secondary)– B.S.
  • Science Education (Middle Grades) – B.S.
  • Science Education (Secondary Chemistry) – B.S.
  • Science Education (Secondary Physics) – B.S.
  • Science Education (Secondary Biological Sciences) – B.S.
  • Science Education (Secondary Earth Science)– B.S.
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Bachelor of Arts in Education Degrees

  • Educational Studies – B.A.

Master of Science in Education Degrees

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  • Curriculum and Instruction – M.S.
  • Educational Leadership – M.S.
  • Education Technology and Instructional Design – M.Ed.

Master's Preparing for Licensure

  • Teaching, Elementary Education – M.A.
  • Teaching, English Education (Secondary) – M.A.
  • Teaching, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades) – M.A.
  • Teaching, Mathematics Education (Secondary) – M.A.
  • Teaching, Science Education (Secondary) – M.A.
  • Teaching, Special Education (K-12) – M.A.

Licensure Information

  • State Teaching Licensure Information

Master's Degrees for Teachers

  • Mathematics Education (K-6) – M.A.
  • Mathematics Education (Middle Grade) – M.A.
  • Mathematics Education (Secondary) – M.A.
  • English Language Learning (PreK-12) – M.A.
  • Endorsement Preparation Program, English Language Learning (PreK-12)
  • Science Education (Middle Grades) – M.A.
  • Science Education (Secondary Chemistry) – M.A.
  • Science Education (Secondary Physics) – M.A.
  • Science Education (Secondary Biological Sciences) – M.A.
  • Science Education (Secondary Earth Science)– M.A.
  • View all Technology Bachelor's Degrees
  • Cloud Computing – B.S.
  • Computer Science – B.S.
  • Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – B.S.
  • Data Analytics – B.S.
  • Information Technology – B.S.
  • Network Engineering and Security – B.S.
  • Software Engineering – B.S.
  • Accelerated Information Technology Bachelor's and Master's Degree
  • Information Technology Management – B.S. Business Administration (from the School of Business)
  • View all Technology Master's Degrees
  • Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – M.S.
  • Data Analytics – M.S.
  • Information Technology Management – M.S.
  • MBA Information Technology Management (from the School of Business)
  • Full Stack Engineering
  • Web Application Deployment and Support
  • Front End Web Development
  • Back End Web Development

3rd Party Certifications

  • IT Certifications Included in WGU Degrees
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  • View all Health & Nursing Bachelor's Degrees
  • Nursing (RN-to-BSN online) – B.S.
  • Nursing (Prelicensure) – B.S. (Available in select states)
  • Health Information Management – B.S.
  • Health and Human Services – B.S.
  • Psychology – B.S.
  • Health Science – B.S.
  • Healthcare Administration – B.S. (from the School of Business)
  • View all Nursing Post-Master's Certificates
  • Nursing Education—Post-Master's Certificate
  • Nursing Leadership and Management—Post-Master's Certificate
  • Family Nurse Practitioner—Post-Master's Certificate
  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner —Post-Master's Certificate
  • View all Health & Nursing Degrees
  • View all Nursing & Health Master's Degrees
  • Nursing – Education (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Leadership and Management (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Nursing Informatics (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. (Available in select states)
  • Nursing – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. (Available in select states)
  • Nursing – Education (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Leadership and Management (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Nursing – Nursing Informatics (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
  • Master of Healthcare Administration
  • Master of Public Health
  • MBA Healthcare Management (from the School of Business)
  • Business Leadership (with the School of Business)
  • Supply Chain (with the School of Business)
  • Accounting Fundamentals (with the School of Business)
  • Back End Web Development (with the School of Technology)
  • Front End Web Development (with the School of Technology)
  • Web Application Deployment and Support (with the School of Technology)
  • Full Stack Engineering (with the School of Technology)
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Bachelor of Arts

Educational Studies Degree

This online, non-licensure educational studies degree prepares you to make a difference .

Do you enjoy finding creative ways to share information with others? Does the career you’re interested in require skills pertaining to education, but not necessarily a teaching license? If this describes you, a bachelor's in educational studies is exactly what you've been looking for.

Put your passion to work with an education studies degree where you can make a meaningful contribution in people's lives as an educator. This online, non-licensure bachelor's education degree program gives you the skills you need to educate and care for diverse learners in a variety of fields.

Based on your career goals and interests, you can choose an educational studies program in a content area that meets your needs while working toward employment in school settings, corporate training, and instructional design—just to name a few! However, these programs do not lead to a teaching license. If you are interested in a degree program that leads to a teaching license, please visit one of our initial licensure programs , or learn the differences between BAES and an initial licensure program . WGU has 10 non-licensure BAES programs for you to choose from: 

traditional education is better than online

  • Elementary Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Elementary and Special Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Mild to Moderate Special Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Secondary Biology Science Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Secondary Chemistry Science Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Secondary Earth Science Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Secondary Physics Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Middle Grades Science Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Secondary Mathematics Education - B.A. Educational Studies
  • Middle Grade Mathematics Education - B.A. Educational Studies

Time to completion 

Each educational studies emphasis contains different coursework and specialization, resulting in various average completion times. WGU lets you move more quickly through material you already know and advance as soon as you're ready .

Tuition per six-month term is

Do the math and you'll see that you're in control of the cost of your teaching degree. We charge tuition per term instead of per credit. Finish faster, pay less!

On average, students transfer

28 credits*

Your associate degree or previous college credit may waive some courses through transfer. We review your transcripts for transfer credits, helping you accelerate this bachelor's degree in education.

*WGU Internal Data

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Educational Studies Courses

Online courses focused on preparation for unique educational situations and helping you become a better educator..

This online educational studies bachelor's degree program was designed and is regularly updated with input from the experts on our Education Program Council. These experts know exactly what it takes for a graduate to  be a successful educator. 

Some of the courses in your program may be waived through transfer from your previous college experience. The rest you will complete one at a time as you make your way through your program, working with your Program Mentor each term to build your personalized Degree Plan. You’ll work through each course as quickly as you can study and learn the material. This means that you can finish as many courses as you're able in a term at no additional cost.

You will complete your courses by studying and working independently with instruction and support from WGU faculty. You will be expected to complete a certain amount of coursework each term for on-time progress.

Consult your specific program guide for courses included in your area of emphasis:

Common Courses Across All Emphasis Tracks See Program Guide for Full Course List

General Education & General Science Education

Professional Core

Welcome to Composition: Writing with a Strategy! In this course, you will focus on three main topics: understanding purpose, context, and audience, writing strategies and techniques, and editing and revising. In addition, the first section, will offer review on core elements of the writing process, cross-cultural communication, as well as working with words and common standards and practices. Each section includes learning opportunities through readings, videos, audio, and other relevant resources. Assessment activities with feedback also provide opportunities to check your learning, practice, and show how well you understand course content. Because the course is self-paced, you may move through the material as quickly or as slowly as you need to gain proficiency in the seven competencies that will be covered in the final assessment. If you have no prior knowledge or experience, you can expect to spend 30-40 hours on the course content.

In this course you will learn key critical thinking concepts and how to apply them in the analysis and evaluation of reasons and evidence. The course examines the basic components of an argument, the credibility of evidence sources, the impact of bias, and how to construct an argument that provides good support for a claim. The course consists of an introduction and four major sections. Each section includes learning opportunities through readings, videos, audio, and other relevant resources. Assessment activities with feedback also provide opportunities to check your learning, practice, and show how well you understand course content. Because the course is self-paced, you may move through the material as quickly or as slowly as you need to gain proficiency in the four competencies that will be covered in the final assessment. If you have no prior knowledge or experience, you can expect to spend 30-40 hours on the course content.

Welcome to Introduction to Communication: Connecting with Others! It may seem like common knowledge that communication skills are important, and that communicating with others is inescapable in our everyday lives. While this may appear simplistic, the study of communication is actually complex, dynamic, and multifaceted. Strong communication skills are invaluable to strengthening a multitude of aspects of life. Specifically, this course will focus on communication in the professional setting, and present material from multiple vantage points, including communicating with others in a variety of contexts, across situations, and with diverse populations. Upon completion, you will have a deeper understanding of both your own and others’ communication behaviors, and a toolbox of effective behaviors to enhance your experience in the workplace.

Welcome to Composition: Successful Self-Expression! In this course, you will focus on four main topics: professional writing for a cross-cultural audience, narrowing research topics and questions, researching for content to support a topic, and referencing research sources. Each section includes learning opportunities through readings, videos, audio, and other relevant resources. Assessment activities with feedback also provide opportunities to check your learning, practice, and show how well you understand course content. Because the course is self-paced, you may move through the material as quickly or as slowly as you need to gain proficiency in the seven competencies that will be covered in the final assessment. If you have no prior knowledge or experience, you can expect to spend 30-40 hours on the course content. You will demonstrate competency through a performance assessment. There is no prerequisite for this course and there is no specific technical knowledge needed.

Mathematics for Elementary Educators I guides preservice elementary teachers in an investigation of number systems, place value, number theory, and ratio and proportion. This is the first course in a three-course sequence.  There are no prerequisites for this course.

This is Introduction to Physical and Human Geography, a three-module course that addresses the question of what geography really is in today's complex world; how migration affects—and has been affected by—geography; and one of the biggest present problems related to geography: climate change. Because the course is self-paced, you may move through the material as quickly or as slowly as you need to, with the goal of demonstrating proficiency in the five competencies covered in the final assessment. If you have no prior knowledge of this material, you can expect to spend 30–40 hours on the course content.

​This course presents a broad survey of U.S. history from early colonization to the mid-twentieth century. The course explores how historical events and major themes in American history have affected diverse populations, influenced changes in policy an established the American definition of democracy.  This course consists of an introduction and five major sections. Each section includes learning opportunities through reading, images, videos, and other relevant resources. Assessment activities with feedback also provide opportunities to practice and check how well you understand the content. Because the course is self-paced, you may move through the material as quickly or as slowly as you need to, with the goal of demonstrating proficiency in the five competencies covered in the final assessment. If you have no prior knowledge of this material, you can expect to spend 30-40 hours on the course content.​ 

This course provides students with an overview of the basic principles and unifying ideas of the physical sciences: physics, chemistry, and earth sciences. Course materials focus on scientific reasoning and practical, everyday applications of physical science concepts to help students integrate conceptual knowledge with practical skills.

This course provides students an introduction to using the scientific method and engaging in scientific research to reach conclusions about the natural world. Students will design and carry out an experiment to investigate a hypothesis by gathering quantitative data. They will also research a specific ecosystem using academic sources and draw conclusions from their findings.

This is a Global Arts and Humanities course that contains three modules with corresponding lessons. This course is an invitation to see the world through the humanities, examine the humanities during the Information Age, and explore the global origins of music—essentially questioning what makes us human, and how people are connected across culture and time. Each module includes learning opportunities through readings, videos, audio, and other relevant resources. Assessment activities with feedback also provide opportunities to practice and check learning. With no prior knowledge or experience, a learner can expect to spend 30-40 hours on the course content.

Mathematics for Elementary Educators II engages preservice elementary school teachers in mathematical practices of algebraic reasoning. This course explores important algebraic topics such as patterns, expressions and equations, linear equations, inequalities, and functions. This is the second course in a three-course sequence. 

American Politics and the U.S. Constitution examines the evolution of representative government in the United States and the changing interpretations of the civil rights and civil liberties protected by the Constitution. This course will give candidates an understanding of the powers of the branches of the federal government, the continual tensions inherent in a federal system, the shifting relationship between state and federal governments, and the interactions between elected officials and the ever-changing electorate. This course will focus on such topics as the role of a free press in a democracy, the impact of changing demographics on American politics, and the debates over and expansion of civil rights. Upon completion of the course, candidates should be able to explain the basic functions of the federal government, describe the forces that shape American policy and politics, and be better prepared to participate in America’s civic institutions. This course has no prerequisite.

Mathematics for Elementary Educators III engages preservice elementary teachers in important concepts in geometry, measurement, data analysis and statistics, and probability. This is the third course in a three-course sequence. 

The School as a Community of Care is a key component of WGU's Professional Core and is a required course for all initial licensure candidates. This course prepares candidates to meet the social and emotional needs of learners, taking into account theories and philosophical perspectives on child and adolescent development and learning. Candidates learn to effectively collaborate with parents, families, caregivers, and other community stakeholders in each child's education, to build a strong foundation for academic and personal success. Emphasis is placed on family engagement as candidates gain knowledge of individual, cultural, and community assets that can be used to facilitate learner growth and development, as well as understand mental health and emotional differences among learners that may necessitate leveraging additional resources to support students' wellbeing. Issues of youth mental health, substance abuse, suicide awareness and prevention, and abuse within families will be addressed as will the importance of parent involvement. Candidates will engage in seven hours of preclinical experiences, which include visual observations of learning environments that involve parents and families in their children's' education while supporting the social and emotional learning (SEL) needs of learners and an interview with an educational professional to explore topics related to parent involvement, youth mental health issues, and professional responsibilities to ensure student wellbeing. Additionally, crosscutting themes of technology and diversity are interwoven for further development.

Educational Foundations is a key component of WGU's Professional Core and is a required course for all initial licensure candidates. The course provides candidates with early classroom experience where they observe multiple school settings at three different levels of schooling and interview an educator to learn how state standards and various legal and ethical issues affect classrooms today. The course also provides candidates with opportunities to gain foundational knowledge about what it means to be a teacher in the current educational context while exploring their future role within the larger landscape of historical and cultural influences. This course ensures candidates have a firm grasp on important issues affecting educators including state standards-based curriculum, legal and ethical requirements affecting educational opportunities, and professionalism, preparing them for subsequent coursework within the Professional Core and their content area major courses. Five preclinical hours are interwoven throughout this course, and cross-cutting themes of technology and diversity are introduced for further development throughout the candidate’s programs.

Educational Psychology and Development of Children and Adolescents is a key component of WGU’s Professional Core and is a required course for all initial licensure candidates. This course prepares candidates to support classroom practices grounded in research-validated principles from the areas of educational psychology and child/adolescent development. Candidates will be introduced to learning theories that equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to support the diverse populations of students with whom they will interact. This course addresses theories of human development, spanning early childhood through adolescence, and candidates completing this course will be able to explain and analyze the guiding perspectives on linguistic, physical, cognitive, and social development. This course will also cover appropriate instructional and assessment strategies to support student learning and development. Candidates will engage in four hours of virtual classroom observations related to issues in educational psychology and learner development. Cross-cutting themes of technology and diversity are interwoven for further development.

Fundamentals of Diverse Learners is a key component of WGU's Professional Core and is a required course for all initial licensure candidates. This course prepares candidates to consider and address the wide range of learning needs in the classrooms of today. This course teaches candidates to identify and support the needs of diverse populations of learners, including, for example, students with disabilities (Including Dyslexia), students who are English language learners, and students who are gifted and talented. Practical strategies for differentiating instruction while creating a safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive learning environment are explored. This course helps candidates develop skills for partnering with parents and advocating for all students, particularly those impacted by provisions of IDEA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Multitiered systems of support are addressed to prepare candidates for their future classrooms as they seek to select appropriate instructional practices and interventions to best serve their students. Candidates will engage in four hours of preclinical experiences that include a simulated teaching experience in which skills learned can be applied. Cross-cutting themes of technology and diversity are interwoven for further development.

Managing Engaging Learning Environments is a key component of WGU's Professional Core and is a required course for all initial licensure candidates. This course prepares candidates to establish and contribute to safe and productive learning environments that support the success of all learners by ensuring student engagement and motivation for learning. Candidates will learn strategies, such as incorporating consistent routines and expectations, to provide positive behavior supports, increase learner motivation, promote active learning and self-direction, and ensure a safe and productive classroom setting that fosters a sense of community through collaborative educational practices. The course will culminate in evidence-based, practical application of current strategies, theories, or philosophical perspectives related to motivating and engaging all students in a learning community. Candidates will engage in seven hours of preclinical experiences that include both virtual observations of classroom settings and time in a simulated classroom environment where theory can be put into practice. Cross-cutting themes of technology and diversity are interwoven for further development.

Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment is a key component of WGU's Professional Core and is a required course for all initial licensure candidates. This course provides candidates with the knowledge and skills necessary to create engaging and standards-aligned lessons that meet the needs of all learners. Candidates will learn to analyze learner needs based on a variety of inputs, including their state P–12 standards, assessment results, and knowledge of learner differences. This course will help candidates design, deliver, and modify instruction in accordance to needs and educational requirements. Candidates will engage in three hours of preclinical experiences that include virtual classroom observations. They also will record a short teaching segment, allowing for authentic teaching experience. Crosscutting themes of technology and diversity are interwoven for continued development.

Assessing Impact on Student Learning is a key component of WGU's Professional Core and is a required course for all initial licensure candidates. This course equips candidates to evaluate student learning and their own professional practice, ensuring candidates are prepared to ensure all learners' success. In this course, candidates learn multiple methods of assessment to ensure they are able to implement a balanced approach to assessment while monitoring their students’ progress. Assessments types such as formative, summative, standardized, and common assessments are addressed so candidates understand their purposes and can apply them within the context of a lesson to determine impact on learning. Data literacy skills are taught to ensure candidates interpret and analyze individual and classroom data and apply their knowledge in ways that support academic success. Candidates will engage in three hours of preclinical experiences that include virtual classroom observations. Cross-cutting themes of technology and diversity are interwoven for further development.

Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning is a key component of WGU's professional core and is a required course for all initial licensure candidates. This course prepares candidates to incorporate technology into their classroom practices in ways that improve teaching and learning. The ISTE standards will form the basis for their practice. The material will teach candidates to critically evaluate software and hardware options that may positively impact the classroom environment, while also increasing their awareness of ethical usage and considerations related to equity, access to technology, and appropriate use of technology by P–12 students. Assistive technologies to meet the needs of a diverse learner population also will be taught in this course. Candidates will engage in three hours of preclinical experience including virtual observations of classroom practices incorporating technology in order to achieve educational goals. Crosscutting themes of technology and diversity are interwoven for further development.

This course is a foundational introduction to the biological sciences. The overarching theories of life from biological research are explored as well as the fundamental concepts and principles of the study of living organisms and their interaction with the environment. Key concepts include how living organisms use and produce energy; how life grows, develops, and reproduces; how life responds to the environment to maintain internal stability; and how life evolves and adapts to the environment.

Number of Courses Varies by Program

The number of courses in your program will depend on the emphasis area you select.

At WGU, we design our curriculum to be timely, relevant, and practical—all to help you show that you know your stuff.

Skills For Your Résumé

As part of this program, you will develop a range of valuable skills that employers are looking for. 

  • Lesson Planning: Created effective lesson plans for optimal instrucitonal delivery.
  • Teaching: Established positive and meaningful relationships with students, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
  • Classroom Management: Developed and implemented organizational routines and norms for classroom discourse and student work, fostering an environment conducive to effective learning and collaboration.
  • Research:  Expertly evaluated research evidence, identifying weaknesses, inconsistencies, biases, and other issues to ensure the reliability of information.
  • Writen Communication:  Communicated ideas with clarity and precision through written communication techniques.
  • Communication:  Delivered messages through tailored communication methods, ensuring resonance with diverse audiences.

“After completing my degree, my husband also completed his degree at WGU and went back to pursue his master's degree at WGU. It is not unreasonable for our family to say that WGU changed our lives.”

—Amanda Rogers B.A. Elementary Education

WGU vs. Traditional Universities Compare the Difference

Traditional Universities


Per credit hour

Flat rate per 6-month term

Schedule and wait days or even weeks to meet with one of many counselors

Simply email or call to connect with your designated Program Mentor who supports you from day one

Scheduled time

Whenever you feel ready

Professor led lectures at a certain time and place

Courses available anytime, from anywhere


Approximately 4 years, minimal acceleration options

As quickly as you can master the material, typically less than 3 years


Few accepted, based on certain schools and specific courses

A generous transfer policy that is based on your specific situation

traditional education is better than online

You Aren't On Your Own

WGU has Program Mentors who work with you from the day you start, all the way through graduation. They help you chart your courses, answer your questions, and ensure you can go through your program. You're not alone when you choose an online degree at WGU.

traditional education is better than online

Flexibility You Need

Students choose WGU for their online degree program because of its flexibility. Whether you already have a full-time job, have responsibilities as a parent, or just have a busy schedule, WGU can work for you.

traditional education is better than online

Strong Alumni Network

When you enroll in an online bachelor's degree program at WGU, you join an impressive network of teachers.

Accredited, Respected, Recognized™

One important measure of a degree’s value is the reputation of the university where it was earned. When employers, industry leaders, and academic experts hold your alma mater in high esteem, you reap the benefits of that respect. WGU is a pioneer in reinventing higher education for the 21st century, and our quality has been recognized.

NWCCU accreditation logo


An Affordable  Educational Studies Degree Program

By charging per six-month term rather than per credit—and empowering students to accelerate through material they know well or learn quickly—WGU helps students control the ultimate cost of their degrees. The faster you complete your program, the less you pay for your degree.

A College Degree Within Reach

There is help available to make paying for school possible for you:

traditional education is better than online

The average student loan debt of WGU graduates in 2022 (among those who borrowed) was less than half* the national average.

traditional education is better than online

Most WGU students qualify for financial aid, and WGU is approved for federal financial aid and U.S. veterans benefits. 

traditional education is better than online

Many scholarship opportunities are available. Find out what you might be eligible for.

* WGU undergraduate students have approximately half the debt at graduation compared to the national average, according to the Institute for College Access and Success (2022).


A Different Way to Learn: Degree Programs Designed to Fit Your Life—and All the Demands on Your Time

Professional responsibilities. Family obligations. Personal commitments. At WGU, we understand schedules are tight and often unpredictable for adult students. That’s why we offer a flexible, personalized approach to how education should be. No rigid class schedules. Just a solid, career-focused principal preparation program that meshes with your current lifestyle. You'll be challenged. You'll work hard. But if you commit yourself and put in the hours needed, WGU makes it possible for you to earn a highly respected degree as a busy working adult.

"Getting my degree from WGU helped me achieve the career I always dreamed of having. It opened doors for me to become a lifelong learner and go to a job everyday that I love!”

—Sarah Hyde M.A. Elementary Education

traditional education is better than online


Earn A Degree in Education Studies Online and Make a Difference

The educational studies degree is a non-licensure program that sets the foundation for teaching in a variety of settings. Often, those who earn a bachelor’s degree in educational studies work as tutors, trainers, community outreach partners, or in any position where they teach others and encourage learning and improvement. In addition, this program can serve as a foundation for future graduate work in fields such as sociology, counseling, or instructional design. While this non-licensure program does not lead to a professional license, it can prepare you to pursue that route later.

Return on Your Investment

On average, wgu graduates see an increase in income post-graduation.

Average income increase from all degrees in annual salary vs. pre-enrollment salary. Source:  2023 Harris Poll Survey  of 1,655 WGU graduates.

Survey was sent to a representative sample of WGU graduates from all colleges. Respondents received at least one WGU degree since 2017.

Employment in education, training, and library occupations is projected to grow 7% from 2021 to 2031.

—U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Extensive Career Possibilities

Graduating with a degree in educational studies opens the doors to many career possibilities, including:

  • Instructional support
  • Community outreach
  • Education staff (museums, learning centers, etc.) 
  • K-12 opportunities that do not require a teaching license

Impressive Class of Graduates

Graduates of the WGU Teachers College include recipients of many professional honors, including:

  • Gates Millennium Scholars
  • Intel Grant for Mathematics and Technology
  • Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction Award
  • Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award
  • Association of Public Charter Schools Educator of the Year Award

Bachelor of Educational Studies Admission Requirements

For educational studies programs, there are currently no additional admission requirements beyond the general admission requirements.

NOTE: You do not need to take the ACT or SAT to be admitted to this program.  Learn why we don't require these tests.

traditional education is better than online

Get Your Enrollment Checklist

Download your step-by-step guide to enrollment.

traditional education is better than online

Get Your Questions Answered

Talk to an WGU Enrollment Counselor.

Transfer Credits

Get added support and flexibility as you start your degree  take a course or two at your pace before committing to a full degree program. strengthen your study habits, gain essential learning skills and, best of all, each completed course counts toward your degree requirements. .

Learn More about Pathways to Starting

More about the B.A. in Educational Studies

  • More About This Degree

Does this program lead to a teaching license?

No. The Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies does not lead to a teaching license. For teaching degrees that lead to licensure, click here.

What is a bachelor’s degree in educational studies?

A bachelor’s degree in educational studies prepares graduates to learn about education for different levels and groups. Our 10 educational studies programs provide general knowledge and skills in areas including special education, science, and math. You can be prepared to become a preschool teacher, a classroom assistant, a tutor, and more.

What can I do with a degree in educational studies?

A degree in educational studies helps you gain education skills that can be used inside or outside of the traditional classroom. Educational studies degree earners may opt to teach daycare, support community outreach efforts, or do private tutoring. Graduates of the educational studies also prepares learners for K-12 settings, including the potential to complete a WGU Master of Arts in Teaching program

How long is a bachelor’s degree in educational studies?

Traditionally, earning a bachelor’s degree in educational studies takes around four years. However, WGU's competency-based education model allows you to accelerate your study and earn your degree more quickly. Many of our students earn their degree in less than two or three years.

Does WGU require transcript submissions of prior college work?

Yes. Transcripts are used by your program mentor to help develop your personalized degree plan. WGU requires that official transcripts of previous academic work completed at other colleges or graduate schools be submitted for evaluation. It is your obligation to request official transcripts from the institutions you have attended when applying for admission. At the present time, we don't require a minimum grade point average (GPA) or SAT/ACT scores for admission.

Do graduate students need to submit transcripts?

Yes. Students applying to a graduate degree program must send bachelor's degree official transcripts verifying their receipt of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally or DETC-accredited institution. The Records and Admissions Departments should receive the official transcripts by the 1st of the month prior to the start of your program. WGU accepts  limited  college transfer credits at the graduate (master’s) level in  only a few programs : M.S. Nursing and Master of Health Leadership. Transfer credit is  not accepted  in all other master's programs. For all other graduate-level programs, requirements are not cleared through transfer because of prior graduate school study. However, competencies obtained through prior study will help students to accelerate toward degree completion.

Who reviews my transcripts? How long does it take?

Your official transcripts will be evaluated by a member of the Transcripts Department. The time it takes to review your transcripts and report which subject areas (domains) are cleared will vary. We will inform you via email when your transcripts arrive, and we endeavor to report transfer decisions through your  Enrollment Counselor  within two weeks of that date.

What is the deadline for transcript submission?

Because your mentor will use your transcripts to help develop your personalized Degree Plan, it is important we receive official transcripts directly from all the colleges and universities you have previously attended no later than the 1st of the month prior to your intended start date. WGU will not award transfer credit based upon the work identified by transcripts received after your start date.

Can I submit unofficial copies of transcripts?

If you have questions about your transcripts prior to submission of your official transcripts, you may  contact your Enrollment Counselor  to discuss the Transfer Evaluation Guidelines for your intended degree program.

Can I transfer previously earned college credits to WGU?

Yes. If you’re applying for a bachelor’s degree program and have completed college coursework at another institution, you may have your transcripts evaluated and may be able to have some or all of the requirements for lower-division courses cleared through transfer credits. In some programs, professional certifications may clear additional requirements.

What credit hours can I expect to transfer into WGU?

Many students transfer into a WGU degree program already having accumulated many credit hours or having earned an associate’s degree. Transcripts are evaluated on a course-by-course basis according to the following general guidelines:

  • If you hold an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree from an institution that is recognized as nationally or regionally accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, you should clear all or many of the lower-division requirements for a bachelor’s degree in Business or Information Technology. For Health Professions and Teachers College programs, a course-by-course evaluation is typically required. Only an official transcript evaluation can determine how many requirements you may be able to waive.
  • If you earned an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) or other applied associate’s degree, you may be able to clear a significant portion of WGU's lower-division degree requirements.
  • If you have completed college courses but have not earned a degree of any type, you may also be able to have some degree requirements cleared through a course-by-course transcript evaluation.
  • WGU accepts  limited  college transfer credits at the graduate (master’s) level in  only a few programs : M.S. Nursing and Master of Health Leadership. Transfer credit into the M.S. Nursing and Master of Health Leadership programs will only be considered for new students beginning their program on February 1, 2021, and beyond. Transfer credit is  not accepted  in all other master's programs. For all other graduate-level programs, requirements are not cleared through transfer because of prior graduate school study. However, competencies obtained through prior study will help students to accelerate toward degree completion.

I have lots of credit hours but don't have a bachelor's or associate's degree. What will transfer?

It depends on how well the courses you’ve already taken match the competencies in the WGU degree program you’re applying for.

Each WGU degree program specifies the competencies you must possess and demonstrate mastery of in order to receive your degree; having accumulated credits isn’t sufficient proof that you have mastered the competencies.

Prior courses must be relevant. If your prior coursework directly matches the requirements for your WGU bachelor’s degree, you may be able to clear one or more required lower-division courses. However, if your coursework was in subject areas that don’t match WGU's degree requirements, the amount of transfer credit you receive may be limited.

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DCU Primary Savings Account

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Best Online High-Yield Savings Accounts

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us and terms apply to offers listed (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate banking products to write unbiased product reviews.

High-yield savings accounts are like traditional brick-and-mortar savings accounts, but they generally offer much higher rates. This means you'll be able to build towards savings goals more efficiently with a high-yield savings account.

We report on the strongest high-yield savings account rates currently available. We've listed the top interest rates that financial institutions offer, as well as two high-yield accounts from popular national brands. All of the banks and credit unions listed offer at least 4.25% APY (Annual Percentage Yield), significantly higher than the national average.

Featured Nationally Available Deposit Rates

Account NameAPY (Annual Percentage Yield) Accurate as of 6/17/2024Minimum Account Opening Balance
5.00% (with $5,000 minimum balance)$100

Best High-Yield Savings Accounts Today

The best high-yield savings accounts will have a strong interest rate, good perks, and national accessibility. The top options also offer no monthly maintenance fees and low minimum opening deposits.

Many of the best banks and credit unions for high-yield savings accounts are online. Our top picks for savings accounts are federally insured by the FDIC or NCUA. Federal insurance protects up to $250,000 per depositor in the event of a bank failure.

Here are the best high-yield savings accounts as picked by Business Insider editors in 2024.

The DCU Primary Savings Account is the only savings account that offers 6% APY. You can earn 6.17% APY on balances up to $1,000. If you have an account balance above $1,000, the interest  rate drops to 0.15% APY. This account doesn't charge monthly service fees.

To open the Digital Federal Credit Union Primary Savings Account, you'll have to meet certain membership eligibility requirements. You must live in select areas of Massachusetts, live in a New Hampshire participating condominium community, work for a Select Employer Group, or belong to a local participating organization. 

Digital Federal Credit Union currently has an A+ rating from the BBB. The credit union hasn't been involved in any recent public controversies. 

The My Banking Direct High Yield Savings Account may be a solid option if you have at least $500 to open a savings account . The My Banking Direct High-Yield Savings Account pays 5.55% APY on balances of $1 or more. It also doesn't charge any monthly services.

Keep in mind that a $500 minimum opening deposit is pretty steep compared to other financial institutions. You might consider one of our other top picks if you don't have that much money to deposit upfront. 

My Banking Direct is an online bank and part of Flagstar Bank. Flagstar Bank has received an A+ ranking from the BBB. It hasn't been involved in any recent public settlements.

The Western Alliance Bank High-Yield Savings Premier account offers 5.36% APY on the entire account balance. It has no account activity or maintenance fees. This account might be a good choice if you're looking for an account that does not require a certain amount of money to stay in the account to earn a high interest rate.

This account does require a $500 minimum deposit when opening the account, which is pretty high when compared to many other savings accounts. Additionally, Western Alliance Bank (Member FDIC) is primarily a business bank and doesn't offer many other personal banking services. If you don't have $500 to open the account, or if you'd prefer to do all your banking in one place, this might not be the account for you.

Western Alliance Bank does not currently have a rating from the BBB. It has not had any recent controversies.

Western Alliance Bank High-Yield Savings Premier Review

The BrioDirect High-Yield Savings Account offers a competitive rate of 5.30% APY and doesn't charge monthly maintenance fees. You also might like BrioDirect if you're looking for a 1-year CD that pays more than the national average. 

You might consider another bank if you'd like to open a high-yield savings account with a low minimum opening deposit. The BrioDirect High-Yield Savings Account requires $5,000 to open an account. 

The BBB also gave BrioDirect's parent company, Webster Bank, a  B- rating because it received numerous customer complaints and hasn't resolved one of the complaints.

Webster Bank has also been involved in a recent controversy. In January 2024, Webster paid $1.4 million in a settlement over a class action lawsuit. The lawsuit was over a ransomware attack on Webster Bank that resulted in some customers of the bank having their personal information stolen.

BrioDirect Review

Forbright Growth Savings is a high-yield savings account available for anyone online. It offers a high  5.30% APY. It also has no minimum opening deposit and no monthly service fee. If you're interested in banking with an environmentally friendly bank  while still earning a high interest rate, this account might be a good choice for you.

Forbright only offers its high-yield savings account and its certificates of deposit to online users. If you're interested in also opening a checking account, money market account, or credit card with Forbright to keep all of your accounts in one bank, you'll have to go into one of its branches. It only has branches in Maryland and Virginia, so if you don't live in one of those states, you'll have to go elsewhere.

Forbright Bank has an A+ rating from the BBB. But it has been involved in a recent controversy.

In 2022, Forbright Bank entered into a consent order with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the state of Maryland's Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation. The consent order required Forbright to improve its anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism program. Forbright Bank does not admit wrongdoing by entering into the consent order.

Forbright Bank Review

The Ivy Bank High-Yield Savings Account might be a good choice if you have at least $2,500 to open an account. You'll also need to maintain an account balance between $2,500 and $1 million to earn 5.30% APY. Otherwise, you'll only earn 0.05% APY on account balances under $2,500. 

Ivy Bank is an online-only division of Cambridge Savings Bank. Anyone in the United States is eligible to open an Ivy Bank account except for California residents. 

Ivy Bank hasn't been rated yet by the Better Business Bureau. However, Cambridge Savings Bank has received an A- rating because it has failed to respond to a few customer complaints. 

The TAB High-Yield Savings Account pays a high interest rate with no monthly maintenance fee. This account also might be a good choice if you'd like to open a savings account with $0 upfront.

TAB Bank does not have an ATM network. If you'd like to withdraw money from an ATM, TAB charges a $2 ATM fee.

The BBB gave TAB Bank an  A rating  because government action has been taken against the bank.

In 2022, the bank entered an  Assurance of Discontinuance with the State of Iowa. According to the settlement, the State of Iowa accused TAB Bank of charging Iowa residents more than the permitted maximum APR for consumer installment loans. The bank has stopped making consumer installment loans to Iowa residents and can resume if it provides a 30-day notice to the state and follow the state code.

TAB Bank Review

Greenwood Credit Union High Yield Savings Account

The Greenwood Credit Union High Yield Savings Account is a top high-yield savings account on Raisin. Through Raisin, you can use one platform to find, fund, and manage multiple high-yield savings accounts and CDs from a variety of banks and credit unions. There are also other savings accounts and CDs available on Raisin that pay 5.00% APY or more, though.

Raisin doesn't have checking accounts , so it's not ideal if you want to do all your banking with the same institution. Also, you'll need to be comfortable with a completely digital experience.

Raisin received a B+ rating from the BBB because there are numerous complaints against the company on the BBB website.

Raisin Review

UFB Secure   Savings

UFB Secure Savings might be worth considering if you want easy access to your account. It comes with a complimentary ATM card, so you'll have easy access to your bank account.

The Better Business Bureau gave UFB Direct an A+ rating . The BBB looks at a company's responses to customer complaints, honesty in advertising, and transparency about business practices to determine ratings.

Customers with existing savings accounts may have to call customer service to get upgraded to the newest rate.

It also may not be easy to deposit cash at UFB Direct. You'll have to see if there are cash-accepting ATMs in your area.

UFB Direct Review

The BMO Alto Online Savings Account is a good choice if you want to open a savings account with a $0 minimum opening deposit and get a competitive savings rate.

BMO Alto is an online-only division of BMO Financial Group, and it has a high-yield savings account and CDs. You won't be able to visit BMO branches for customer support. That said, customer service is still available 24/7 by phone.

You might consider another financial institution if you prioritize mobile banking. BMO Alto doesn't have a mobile banking app .

BMO has received an A+ grade from the Better Business Bureau. However, the bank has been involved in one recent public controversy.

In 2022, a Minnesota jury ordered the bank to pay $564 million in damages  in a lawsuit involving a Ponzi scheme operated by a Minnesota businessman. That said, the Ponzi scheme was uncovered in 2008 at M&I Bank, and BMO Harris didn't buy M&I Bank until 2011. 

BMO Alto Accounts  

The Betterment Cash Reserve Account is offering a promotional APY boost to new customers. With the APY boost, you can earn 5.50% APY for three months. After the 3-month period, you'll earn the standard rate.

To earn the promotional rate, you'll open it through the signup link and make a deposit from an external bank account in the first 14 days. Once you make the deposit, the rate on your Cash Reserve Account will be raised by 0.50% APY for 92 days. You cannot have an existing Betterment account. Existing customers will earn the standard rate.

If you're looking for a place where you can save and invest, Betterment may be a strong choice.

You may also prefer another institution if you'd like to open CDs or money market accounts. Betterment only offers a checking account and cash reserve account, which is similar to a high-yield savings account.

The Better Business Bureau gave Betterment an F rating because it has a high volume of customer complaints on the BBB website and several unresolved complaints.

It has also been involved in a recent public controversy. In 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission required Betterment to pay $9 million in a settlement that accused the investment advisory firm of omitting information regarding automated tax loss harvesting, which the SEC claimed affected clients. 

Betterment Cash Reserve Review

The Synchrony High Yield Savings Account is one of the best online savings accounts because it has no minimum opening deposit, and it charges zero monthly fees. It also comes with an ATM card so you can access your savings quickly. Synchrony high-yield savings rates  and CD rates also make this bank an appealing option.

Synchrony has an NR rating from the BBB because it is currently responding to previously closed complaints.

Synchrony doesn't have a checking account, so it might not be the best option if you want to do all your banking with one institution.

Synchrony has also been involved in a couple of recent public controversies. In 2023, Synchrony was required to pay $2.6 million in a settlement  when accused of calling customers about bank accounts they didn't have.

In 2021, the bank also was required to pay  $3.5 million in a settlement  when accused of making unreasonable phone calls to debtors living in California.

Synchrony Bank Review

Our Top Picks for the Best High-Yield Savings Account Rates

  • DCU Primary Savings Account : 0.15% to 6.17% APY
  • My Banking Direct High Yield Savings Account: 5.55% APY
  • Western Alliance Bank High-Yield Savings Premier : 5.36% APY
  • BrioDirect High-Yield Savings Account : 5.30% APY
  • Forbright Growth Savings : 5.30% APY
  • Ivy Bank High-Yield Savings Account : up to 5.30% APY
  • TAB High-Yield Savings Account : 5.27% APY
  • Greenwood Credit Union High Yield Savings Account : 5.27% APY
  • UFB Secure Savings: 5.25% APY
  • BMO Alto Online Savings Account : 5.10% APY
  • Betterment Cash Reserve Account : 5.50% APY for new customers' first three months, then 5.00%
  • Synchrony High Yield Savings Account : 4.75% APY

What Is a High-Yield Savings Account?

Higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts.

High-yield savings accounts generally offer higher rates than traditional, brick-and-mortar savings accounts do. That's because they're generally offered by online banks and credit unions, so these financial institutions don't generally have to pay for all of the expenses that brick-and-mortar banks and credit unions do.

Safe and Secure

Like other bank accounts, almost all high-yield savings accounts are either FDIC-insured or NCUA-insured, depending on whether you're banking with a bank or a credit union, respectively. This means your money will be ensured up to $250,000 for an individual bank account or up to $500,000 for a joint bank account .

Ideal for Growing Your Money

High-yield savings accounts can be great for when you want to earn some money on your savings without risk and while still having easy access to it. This makes it ideal for emergency funds ; you don't want to risk your emergency funds on investing, and you want to be able to access your emergency funds if something major happens. With high-yield savings accounts, you'll still be able to make money off your money without sacrificing safety and access.

How to Choose the Best High-Yield Savings Account for Your Needs 

The interest rate isn't the only thing that matters in a high-yield savings account. When choosing an account, make sure you can afford the minimum deposit. You should also check whether there is a monthly service fee — and if so, find out if you qualify to waive it — or any requirements to earn the highest interest rate. Some institutions also limit the number of monthly withdrawals/transfers you can make from your high-yield savings account before charging you a fee. You want an account that will result in a high interest rate and few to no fees so you can earn as much as possible. You'll also want to consider accounts tailored to your specific circumstances; for example, if you're in the military, you might want a savings account from one of the best military banks .

High Interest Savings Account Interest Rate Facts

Generally, you'll find the best nationwide savings interest rates at online banks. That said, a local credit union currently offers the highest interest rate on a savings account overall. You may get 6.17% APY on up to $1,000 in your savings if you join Digital Federal Credit Union. Membership, however, is limited to people who live in select areas of Massachusetts, live in a New Hampshire participating condominium community, work for a Select Employer Group, or belong to a local participating organization. 

How Savings Accounts Work

A savings account is a type of interest-earning bank account. A savings account rate is variable, which means it can fluctuate after it is opened. Your bank will usually email you to tell you the rate will go up or down soon.

Savings accounts may also have transfer limits, according to federal rule Regulation D. Generally, if a savings account has a transfer limit, this means that you'll only be permitted to make six transfers from the account each month. If you exceed the transfer limit, you will have to pay a fee for each additional transfer.

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve has recently amended Regulation D , so banks may choose to suspend the monthly transfer limit so customers can make unlimited monthly transactions, or they could enforce a six-per-month limit.

Typical Interest Rates on High-Yield Savings Accounts

The average savings account in the United States offers 0.45% APY as of June 2024.

If you're more comfortable banking with a brick-and-mortar bank, a traditional savings account might be a better option for you. Just know that you may not be getting the best possible interest rate because online banks and credit unions  usually offer higher rates.

High-Yield Savings Account Fees

Depending on where you bank, some savings accounts may charge monthly bank maintenance fees . A monthly service fee is an amount you'll have to pay each month to maintain an account. Some accounts will allow you to waive a monthly service fee if you meet certain requirements while others cannot be waived. Bear in mind that some savings accounts do not charge certain fees at all.

The Different Types of Savings Accounts

There are six types of savings accounts : traditional savings accounts, high-yield savings accounts, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, cash management accounts, and specialty savings accounts. The best savings account for you may depend on your banking preference, goals, and when you'll need to access your money.

A high-yield savings account, for example, is a strong choice if you're comfortable with banking digitally and want to obtain a high interest rate.

Maximizing Your Earnings with High-Yield Savings Accounts

To maximize your earnings with a high-yield savings account, shop around to find one that pays a high rate and doesn't charge monthly service or excess withdrawal fees for taking money out regularly. You may find it helpful to set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your high-yield savings account. If you receive your paycheck as a direct deposit, you can also ask your employer to send a percentage of your paycheck to your high-yield savings account each pay period. As your balance grows with automatic savings and direct deposits, you'll earn more interest.

What to Do When Your High-Yield Savings Account Rate Drops

Interest rates on high-interest savings accounts closely follow the federal funds rate. This means rates are variable and can change several times per year at the whim of the Federal Reserve. Savings rates may go up or drop after the next Fed meeting .

If the interest rate on your savings account drops significantly, you may decide to look at other financial institutions to see if you can find a more competitive interest rate elsewhere. However, bear in mind that changing accounts may not be worth the effort, particularly if your new account's rate drops afterward.

You also might consider other types of savings account options. For example, buying savings bonds or setting up a CD ladder may be worth considering if you've already established your emergency fund.

Alternatives to High-Yield Savings Accounts

High-yield savings accounts vs. cds.

The best CD rates are comparable to the best high-yield savings account rates. You might prefer a CD if you want to lock in a high rate for a set period of time, because your rate is fixed. You won't risk your rate decreasing as you would with a savings account. But CDs offer less flexibility.

You can't put more money into a CD after the initial opening deposit, and you'll pay a penalty if you take out money before the term ends. So if you open a 3-year CD , you won't be able to take your money out of the CD until three years have passed without paying early withdrawal penalties.

If you're trying to decide between CDs versus high-yield savings accounts, your choice could come down to when you need to deposit and/or withdraw money.

High-Yield Savings Accounts vs. Money Market Accounts

Money market accounts are similar to high-yield savings accounts, but they typically make it easier to access your savings. The best money market accounts come with features checking accounts might have, such as an ATM card, debit card, or paper checks.

High-Yield Savings Accounts vs. High-Yield Checking Accounts

High-yield checking accounts are great tools for earning even more interest on your money. But checking account balances are often lower than savings account balances because you use them to spend money. If you're serious about using interest to grow your balance, a high-yield savings account is usually the better bet.

High-Yield Savings Account Frequently Asked Questions

APY stands for annual percentage yield. The APY of a savings account will tell you how much money you'll earn in a year, factoring in compound interest. 

Digital Federal Credit Union currently offers the highest savings account rate right now, paying 6.17% APY on balances up to $1,000. Credit Union membership is limited to people who live in select areas of Massachusetts, live in a New Hampshire participating condominium community, work for a Select Employer Group, or belong to a local participating organization. 

Multiple banks offer 5% interest savings accounts . A few examples include BrioDirect, Newtek Bank, and BMO Alto.

Savings account rates will likely be highest at the beginning of 2024, and comparable to current savings rates. However, the savings rate forecast for 2024 also indicates rates are expected to drop in 2024 once the Federal Reserve begins to cut rates.

It's safe to keep all of your money in a high-yield savings account if your balance is $250,000 or less (for an individual account) or $500,000 or less (in a joint account). The FDIC and NCUA insure up to $250,000 per owner, per category. So if your bank fails , all of your insured money would be safe. If you have more than the FDIC or NCUA would insure, consider opening a second account at another institution or investing some money if it makes sense for you.

Many high-yield savings accounts offer an APY of 5% or higher. With a 5% APY, you would have $10,500 in your account at the end of one year.

Yes; high-yield savings accounts are a great way to earn a high interest rate on your money while still being able to access it if you need to. Your money is also safe in a high-yield savings account, as it is FDIC-insured up to $250,000 for a single-owner bank account and $500,000 for a joint-owner account.

The best high-yield savings accounts pay at least 4.50% APY. In one year, 4.50% APY on $1,000 would add around $45 to your account.

Which bank offers the best high-yield savings account for you will largely depend on what you need from a bank. Currently, Digital Federal Credit Union offers the highest APY for a high-yield savings account, but it only offers that rate for the first $1,000 in the account. If you want to put more in your high-yield savings account, you might want to consider banks like Western Alliance Bank, BrioDirect, or TAB Bank.

Yes, the interest rate on your savings account will most likely change. Interest rates on savings accounts are variable, meaning they can and will change regularly and without advance notice. These fluctuations are based on the federal funds rate, which is set by the Federal Reserve .

Yes, high-yield savings accounts are still great places to store your extra money or emergency funds. With high-yield savings accounts you're making money on your savings with low risk and easy access.

Why You Should Trust Us: Experts' Advice on Choosing the Best High-Yield Savings Account

We consulted banking and financial planning experts to inform these picks and provide their advice on finding the best high-yield savings accounts for your needs.

  • Tania Brown, CFP, vice president of coaching strategy at  OfColor
  • Roger Ma, certified financial planner with lifelaidout® and author of "Work Your Money, Not Your Life"
  • Sophia Acevedo, banking editor,  Business Insider
  • Mykail James, MBA, certified financial education instructor,

Here's what our expert panel had to say about high-interest savings accounts. (Some text may be lightly edited for clarity.)

Generally, what makes a high-yield savings account good or not good?

Roger Ma, certified financial planner with lifelaidout® and author of "Work Your Money, Not Your Life" :

"It might not be as seamless to get your money out of an online savings account as it is a brick-and-mortar, but you don't want to have so much friction where it's such a pain to get the money out when you need it."

Mykail James, MBA, certified financial education instructor, :

"Anything with a fee is not a good high-yield savings account. Anything that restricts how much you can save is, to me, not very good. If I can't save more than $10,000 in this account, and then I have to move it over somewhere else — to me, that's not a really good savings account, because it's not really prepared to help me expand and grow, which is what a savings account is supposed to do. I also look at interest rates, definitely. I look to see when the interest is paid. Is it quarterly, or is it monthly? How often do they pay out interest, and what are the interest rate stipulations?"

Sophia Acevedo, banking editor,  Business Insider :

"I would consider looking for features that will help manage your account. Some banks have high-yield savings accounts that let you separate your savings into individual goals and track your progress. Other financial institutions will let you deposit cash at ATMs or some retailers. A good high-yield savings account will likely be an account where you can grow your savings without unnecessary hassles."

How should someone decide whether to put their money in a high-yield savings account, money market account, or CD?

Tania Brown, CFP, vice president of coaching strategy at  OfColor :

"So I guess we'll start off with how much money you want to put in and the level of transactions you want to have. If you want to have any transactions, that automatically takes out CDs. Then you're stuck between the high-yield savings and the money market account."

Sophia Acevedo, CEPF:

"I would create a list of what I prioritize most in a bank account. For example, some banks have accounts that charge monthly service fees. I would look to see what the requirements are for waiving the monthly service fee and whether I think I could feasibly meet those requirements each month. If I'm searching for an interest-earning bank account, I'll pay attention to interest rates. I would make sure the account pays a higher interest rate than the average bank account."

Our Methodology: How We Chose the Best Savings Accounts

There are many high-yield savings accounts available across financial institutions. Through our research, we've found that the best high-yield savings accounts are offered by banks with a strong online presence, robo-advisors, and other internet-only financial companies. If you're more comfortable banking with a national brick-and-mortar bank, you'll likely have to consider a premium savings account to earn a more competitive interest rate.

We review savings accounts at nearly three dozen institutions weekly to identify the strongest options. While interest rates are an important aspect of any savings account, we also consider minimum deposits and balance requirements, transfer limitations, and any other standout features.

At Business Insider, we aim to help smart people make the best decisions with their money. We understand that "best" is often subjective, so in addition to highlighting the clear benefits of a financial product or account — a high APY, for example — we outline the limitations, too. We spent hours comparing and contrasting the features and fine print of various products so you don't have to.

See our full ratings methodology for checking, business checking, savings, and money market accounts »

traditional education is better than online

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traditional education is better than online

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