• Veterinary School

Vet school personal statement examples

Vet School Personal Statement Examples

When you are putting together an application for vet school, vet school personal statement examples will be a great way to learn how to write your own. Samples statements are like templates, or a beaten path showing you the way forward.

You’ve consulted the vet school rankings , made your decision, and are getting set to apply to your top-choice schools. You need to ace the personal statement to go right along with your polished grad school resume and grad school letter of recommendation .

This article will give you a few veterinarian school personal statement examples to look over so you can perfect your own statement. We will also cover some helpful hints to make your statement as effective as possible, and some pointers on what writing mistakes you should avoid.

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Vet personal statement example #1.

“Saddle up,” is my favorite phrase of all time and it conveys with it a sense of adventure that few other phrases ever can. I suppose a lot of this comes from my early years where I loved cowboy stories, but it continued on through my life once I started learning about horses. I think that’s why I loved stories of the wild west to begin with: the horses – majestic, powerful, and almost living embodiments of freedom and adventure.

I grew up with horses. My cousin, Brianne, had horses and I spent as much of my time at Brianne’s place as I could. I found that other girls my age liked the idea of owning a pony, but weren’t as interested in the care of the animal. I didn’t mind it. I made connections, and learned rudimentary caring techniques. As I grew, I became more invested, and I started learning about how to care for animals on a deeper level.

My favorite thing that I learned was about trimming horse hooves. There are different schools of thought about shoeing, but I have always favored trimming and caring for horse hooves in their natural state. It is a difficult skill to master, but one of many I learned while looking after horses.

With that in mind, I took up my next job working in an animal shelter, and we dealt with all kinds of different animals that came through, mostly dogs and cats, but one animal we wound up with for a time was a chameleon named Fred who had been abandoned and neglected by his owner.

Fred proved to be a challenge – a less familiar creature than typical housepets. I started to read up on the care of lizards, tropical animals, and other exotic pets. I had to keep his cage warm, but mist it with water, and I learned that if another chameleon came into the store I would have to keep them separate, since they prefer living alone. I became fascinated with this lizard for these unique care items, and for his strange feet and rotating eyes. I knew that this was an area of study I wanted to pursue.

In case you were worried, Fred the chameleon is fine; I adopted him and he says, “Hello,” in his lizard way.

As much as I loved my job at the shelter, I decided that my experience would best come from the zoo. We live fairly near the city zoo, and a short bus ride brought me to work every day. I got first-hand experience working with exotic animals, and at last, my career goals, my love of exotic animals, and my love of adventure came all together to form one, clear path forward.

Whenever the zoo’s vets would come by and make their rounds, I would ask them questions and offered to help them with their activities. Through this, I got to “assist” on several routine events, usually with helping to control the animals and keep them still while medicine was being administered or a checkup was happening.

One of those doctors, Dr. Martin Bellford, offered to help me out with my studies, and has proved to be as inexhaustible at answering questions as I am at asking them. He has let me come with him on all subsequent zoo visits and has explained a lot of exotic animal medicine to me. He taught me about how to stay on my toes. There are so many different kinds of animals that a vet needs to know about!

My extracurricular activities inspired my academic pursuits. I have been studying biology extensively, and my favorite classes are my biology labs. I was a bit uncomfortable dissecting frogs; I didn’t know how to feel as an animal-enthusiast. I was grateful for the ability to learn about animal anatomy, but I do believe strongly in ethically caring for animals and ensuring their health and wellbeing, as well as their rights and welfare.

Someday, I hope to be an exotic animals specialist who works with strange, wild species. I’d also like to continue to care for horses, and serve as an expert or volunteer for organizations, like the World Wildlife Fund, to continue to aid the cause for wildlife preservation. Lofty goals, but goals that are filled with adventure and animals.

Saddle up.

I was screaming at a birthday party, trying to fold in on myself so completely that I couldn’t be seen by the dog sniffing me. My best friend Jake had a dog and I was terribly afraid of dogs. I had been knocked over when I was little and I guess that memory stayed with me long enough to develop a Pavlovian reaction to seeing a canid.

But, here I am, all these years later, writing this letter with two dogs’ heads resting on my lap. I went from terrified to an enthusiast.

This change of outlook happened while pet-sitting for a family friend. I was forced to come up against dogs. At first, I was all nerves and anxiety, but one of the dogs, named Lion, really was insistent that I play fetch. At first I was throwing the ball to get Lion away from me; without realizing it, I began to throw it for fun. That evening, I found myself petting Lion while watching TV. I made friends, and started to love those dogs.

I wanted to know more about animals and work with them. My uncle Carl is a vet, and in early high school days I asked if I could work for him at his clinic. He agreed, and while I mostly did menial office tasks befitting a summer job, I also got to help out with the animals

Most of what I did there was feed the animals and look after any overnight patients, but sometimes Uncle Carl would show me about a particular procedure, and he always made time to answer my questions. One day he got me to help him with a dog’s hurt hindleg – how to settle the animal, hold it gently but firmly, and how to dress the wound so that it would heal.

Again, my thirst for knowledge took over, and eventually Uncle Carl couldn’t keep up with me questions. He told me which classes I should be taking in school to learn more. I took as many biology classes as I could, and I read up on extra material. I found that I learned best by re-wording what I learned, and wrote several extra essays just so I could understand the material better.

Through working at Uncle Carl’s practice, I have discovered that I gravitate towards domestic animals. Pets are so important to me, and I want to enter a field where I can provide care for the fuzziest of family members

Last year, Uncle Carl promoted me, and I have been more directly helping with the animals under his supervision. I have come to appreciate and understand the complexities of the vet profession, and have received many hours of direct experience with medicines, evaluations, care, and treatment options for household pets. Dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, and a few spiders and snakes have all come under my purview.

I also volunteer several days every month with an animal shelter, bringing in my knowledge of how to care for these animals and help them with their health

I don’t have lofty ambitions of changing the world on a global scale; I want to be a family vet, caring for pets. I think that’s plenty of world-changing for many people who need their family cared for and their pets looked after. I have seen the relationship that vets have with their patients, and it is rewarding and wonderful.

There was nothing I could do, because when you have a three-inch gash across the stomach of a seven-inch piglet, it’s almost guaranteed to die. But hopelessness is for other professions. I’m a farm boy, so I dosed the piglet with Stresnil, grabbed a needle and thread, and sewed the little guy up.

Life on a farm has taught me a lot of things. It’s taught me about how to be tackled repeatedly by my older brother, how to fall in creeks your parents didn’t even know were there, and how to care for animals. I have seen every aspect of animal care, and participated in most of them as well.

I was there to welcome in newly-farrowed piglets, to care for them as they grew, to administer medicines and vaccinations, to feed them, scratch their backs, and put them down as quickly and humanely as possible when all else failed. Never have I lost an animal I haven’t fought for, and never have I given up on them, even in the last hours.

There is no question that this life has given me an excellent skillset and a lifetime of experience in working with animals, caring for them, and coming to understand their needs. As much as I appreciate being a farmer, my favorite aspect of the job is the care for the animals, and I want to focus on that. That’s why I want to go into the veterinary profession instead of following in my family’s business. Don’t worry, my brothers will keep the legacy going.

Maybe I shouldn’t tell you about my failures, but I feel like they were an important part of my journey, so I will. In college, when I started to study subjects I would need to become a vet, I found I had to get over myself. My experiences were valuable, but I didn’t know nearly enough. I had brought an arrogance with me; because I had direct experience with animal care, I thought I would breeze through my coursework and studies. I was wrong.

My first test score I got back for my environmental science course took me down a peg or two and I found out the hard way that I needed a better attitude, better studying habits, and to move into the hard sciences with more determination.

The attitude was a fairly easy adjustment. I have three brothers, and between their teasing and besting me in wrestling matches, my ego isn’t so fragile that it can’t take another hit. I accepted the fact that I needed to learn even more than my peers – I had allowed myself to fall behind. Then I fixed my study habits by setting a regular routine – I would always study directly after doing chores in the barn.

Finally, I took a whole new approach to my studies: I went in ignoring my grade entirely and instead just asking one question after another, allowing my curiosity to fuel my search forward. I have found that a need to understand is a far better incentive than a grade. A grade-seeker gets nothing more than a number, but a curious mind receives knowledge.

I won’t say I’m pleased that my grades have greatly improved, although they have, because I am far more wary of becoming egocentric again, but I will tell you that my studies are fairing better. I put in the work and have done some extra credit work to make up for my slow start.

Between school and farming I don’t have a lot of spare time, but I have made space to volunteer with an animal rescue organization, and I have even been fortunate enough to join them when they go out to retrieve loose animals. I have helped out with countless animals now, of many different kinds, and I am starting to expand my knowledge of the animal kingdom beyond those found on farms.

With that said, I do want to specialize in farm animals and become a veterinarian for farms. I might not be taking over for my parents, but I still love that life and those animals. I can’t save every piglet with a heavy wound, but I can try. What’s more, with training, I have the best chance possible of making every animal’s life a little bit better.

Each personal statement needs to answer one crucial question: why do you want to be a veterinarian? Answering that question is the main point of your VMCAS essay , but it must be more than that, or that reason won’t be impactful. Anybody can say “I like animals,” you need to say and show why, and you need to tell the story of your journey to getting to where you are.

The reason is because your personal statement being good also hinges on whether or not your story is personal, unique, and shows your journey in the best light. You’re going to show the application committee why you are the perfect fit for the profession of veterinarian.

You have probably done more than one thing, focused on something other than just being a vet, have a hobby or multiple types of experiences in the professional or academic fields \u2013 highlight that diversity in your life. Just make sure you stick to 2-3 main experiences. You don\u2019t need to include every connection you have with animals, just a couple of your finest experiences. Showing the admissions committee a well-rounded individual with a variety of experiences and accomplishments will go a long way to being an impressive candidate. "}]">

Could your personal statement apply to any number of candidates? Then it isn\u2019t good. Your personal statement should be, first and foremost, personal to you. The more unique it is, the more it highlights your individual traits and experiences, the more valuable it is to you. "}]">

A personal statement is one of the best ways to stand out to the applications committee. This makes you more than a number or a list of accomplishments. It gives context to those accomplishments and shows your humanity and uniqueness – two very important factors in your acceptance and moving towards your future as an animal doctor.

Different schools process applications in their own way – including personal statements. With that said, most aren’t going to mark or grade the statement. That’s why it’s so imperative to make a statement that grabs your reader and makes you stand out. It needs to be a statement that makes the committee think, “I need to interview this person; I want to meet them.”

Again, it really depends on the institution; some will weight the statement more or less than others.

What you need to know is that your statement needs to grab the attention of the reader and that you should consider all aspects of your application to be of utmost importance.

All kinds are valid, and more types are better.

If you have cared for pets, volunteered at a shelter, or have more direct, medical experience with animals, anything is on the table and valid. Get as many different types as you can. More impressive candidates will demonstrate a rapport with animals – caring for them – as well as medical and scientific knowledge.

No, it isn’t. Obviously, if you have direct contact with the kind of animal you want to specialize in, that’s great, but wanting to be an elephant doctor or somebody who helps save pandas from extinction are great goals, and you won’t be penalized because you’re not one of the rare few people who have access to pandas.

Focus on the experiences you do have to get to the ones you don’t.

No, but you should be an animal lover, so to speak. Even if you aren’t 100% sold on creep-crawlies like millipedes, you can still love animals and want to care for them. Nobody’s asking you to give a shot to an arthropod, anyway.

Animal shelters, farms, pet stores, zoos, aquariums, and possibly even a vet’s clinic will all be places you can volunteer or work to gain experience working with animals.

Not at all. You just have to be interested in animals and their wellbeing, the skillset, and the requisite academic requirements and experiences. Pet owner can be part of that, but it’s not the only factor.

Brainstorm for a couple minutes. Just take a paper and pen and free-associate about vets and animals for two minutes. Time yourself and stop at the end of those two minutes; you’ll probably have a lot to work with.

If you’re still stuck, try thinking of the moment or series of events that led you to your decision to be a vet. Start telling that story, highlight your achievements and growth along the way, and you’ll mostly be done your statement right there.

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vet school personal statement 2021

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Vet school personal statement: how to write + examples.

vet school personal statement 2021

Reviewed by:

Jonathan Preminger

Former Admissions Committee Member, Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine

Reviewed: 4/26/24

Writing your personal statement for vet school is no easy feat, but we’ve got you covered! Follow along for expert tips and successful examples of vet school personal statements.

When it comes to your vet school application, one of the main requirements is your personal statement, which can hold a lot of weight. This essay is your first opportunity to demonstrate your personality and why you would be an excellent candidate beyond your grades. 

For some, an excellent personal statement can even help make up for low grades or test scores, so it’s important to get it right.

Luckily, we’ve compiled our best tips and successful vet school personal statement examples to help you through the process. We’ll review tips from our experts on how to write a stand-out essay, examine each of our essay samples, and explain what made them successful. 

If you’re currently applying for vet school and are looking for assistance on any part of the application process, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our experienced admissions advisors at any time. We know how hard it is to get into vet school ; we can help!

Let’s get started!

Get The Ultimate Guide on Writing an Unforgettable Personal Statement

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How to Write a Personal Statement for Vet School

Here are some of our top tips when writing a personal statement for vet school.

Write Now, Edit Later

In most writing scenarios, getting started is the hardest part. The best way to relieve that stress is to start writing and keep going. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it can be longer or shorter than the word count initially. The purpose of this method is to pull out all the information and review it later on.

Try writing out your entire story, front to back, of how you grew up and developed an interest in vet school . Make sure to include two to three relevant work experiences. 

Once you have nothing left to say, look at what you’ve written and highlight the best, most relevant parts. Then, you can begin editing backward and pull out your best ideas. 

Consider Your Unique Perspective

Your story, no matter what it is, has value. Vet schools are competitive, and your admissions committee will see hundreds of applications. Finding a way to frame your unique perspective in your personal statement can help to create a memorable essay that will leave a lasting impression on readers. 

Consider your hometown, culture, family, passions, etc. Some students compare their passion for learning a challenging skill like playing the piano to the commitment and dedication required for vet school. 

There are no wrong answers here, as long as you can connect what makes you unique to your work experiences and why you would be an excellent vet school candidate. 

Revise, Revise, Revise!

It may sound obvious, but there has never been a more important time to revise an essay repeatedly. Remember, vet school is competitive. Something as small as a spelling or grammatical error could make the difference between getting in or not. 

Run your work by your teachers, family, and friends for revisions - not rewrites! Every word should sound like something you would authentically say. It would help if you had others help you edit, but ensure the paper still sounds like you. 

Vet School Personal Statement Examples

Here are three excellent examples of vet school personal statements. Below you’ll find veterinary school personal statement samples and our explanations of why the essay was successful. 

1. Example From the Veterinary School at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

“Living with my single mother, a nurse who often works over 60 hours a week to support my family, has taught me the value of hard work. From her, I have learned to be passionate and meticulous in all the work that I do. She instilled in me the need to constantly stay busy and involved.  I thrive in an environment that challenges me and requires quick thinking. Due to the influence of my mother, I have developed a strong perseverance and sense of determination. My parents’ divorce kept me in a changing environment growing up–I had to adapt to a variety of living situations with little finances to support us.  From this, I acquired the skills of being thrifty and knowing how to make sacrifices. The characteristics I have developed through my home environment growing up made me into an ideal candidate for vet school and a future veterinarian – a person who is passionate and dedicated to their work, but who also can cope with a fast-paced environment and problematic situations.  For the past seven years, I have applied these qualities to volunteering and caring for animals, developing my interest in veterinary medicine further. When I was thirteen, I volunteered at Birmingham Zoo in Alabama.  A large part of my role there included guest education about the animals on exhibit, usually using artifacts such as animal hides and skulls to explain various topics.  I worked mainly in the lorikeet exhibit, where I stayed in the exhibit with the birds while guests walked through. My jobs were to watch over the interactions between the birds and the guests, as well as to educate the guests about the birds.  From working there, I realized that I really liked getting to educate people about animals, a large portion of the job of a veterinarian. The most influential experience I’ve had on my decision to become a veterinarian was working at Elk Grove Pet Clinic.  I have been a kennel attendant there since 2007, where my job is to take care of all the in-house pets, care for the boarding animals, assist in appointments, give medications, and help with the cleaning of the clinic.  I have observed numerous surgeries, including routine spay and neuter surgeries, but also more unusual surgeries such as a 6 pound tumor removal from a dog and a surgery on the clinic’s ferret to remove tumors from his pancreas.  I have handled and cared for not only cats and dogs, but also macaws, cockatoos, snakes, ferrets, chinchillas, and tortoises.  Through working there, I had the opportunity to observe the duties of a private practice vet and see how they normally handle appointments, surgeries, and client communication in difficult situations. I have observed the doctor discussing with clients care options and the possibility of euthanasia, as well as assisted in euthanasia.  I have also assisted during emergencies, such as immediate care for a dog hit by a car. Through working at Elk Grove Pet Clinic, I have seen the responsibilities of a vet in caring for an animal in appointments and emergencies, as well as the importance of educating and discussing options with the pet owners.  I spent my junior year of college interning at the Champaign County Humane Society. I did an Animal Care Internship in the fall and a Medical/Lab Internship in the spring. The Medical/Lab Internship reaffirmed my decision of wanting to go to veterinary school.  While interning, I was able to gain experience performing physical exams, drawing blood, giving treatments and medications, restraining animals, microchipping animals, trimming nails, and learning what signs to look for in a sick animal.  I learned how to make and read an ear cytology slide, as well as how to tell if an animal has a bacterial ear infection or ear mites. The animals that I worked with were mainly cats and dogs, but also included guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, hamsters, chinchillas, and bearded dragons.  I was able to compare the duties of a shelter veterinarian and a private practice veterinarian, which varied due to the financial constraints of a shelter and the fact that the animals in the shelter do not have owners for the veterinarian to consult with.  Through my internships, I learned how much I enjoy doing physical exams, finding out what is wrong with an animal, and learning how to treat it. As a veterinarian, I would be able to apply all of these experiences by working in a science that is continually advancing, while contributing to the field through research and public education.  The skills that I have developed and the knowledge I have gained through working with animals have strengthened my interest in veterinary medicine.  Overall, my experiences with animals, my profound passion for science, and the characteristics I have developed through my home environment have shaped me into an excellent candidate for veterinary school.” 

Why this essay works:

In this example, the student begins by connecting their passion for vet school to her childhood experiences. The applicant then lists their valuable experience to demonstrate continued investment in their chosen career path.

They conclude by summarizing their writing - mentioning their passions for animals, science, and experience, all as reasons to accept them into the program. 

This essay is strong overall; however, it lacks a bit of reading flow. While it’s good to remind the admissions committee of your achievements and how they helped you grow, keep in mind that they’ve already seen these accomplishments on your CV. 

Your personal statement should be focused on telling your story rather than simply listing your achievements. Still, this student wrote a successful essay. 

2. Example from the University College Dublin’s Veterinary Medicine Program (Graduate)  

“From an early age, it was clear to me that my career path would involve working with animals in a clinical context, as I have always had a passion for science, animal health, and welfare.  My first exposure to the veterinary clinical environment was through a high school program, which provided me with the insight into how rewarding and fulfilling it was to be able to use scientific knowledge in order to diagnose, treat, prevent and ideally cure diseases.  This has led me to study Biochemistry for my undergraduate degree, as I wanted to have a solid basis for a comprehensive understanding of the metabolism and function of animals in health and disease. During my postgraduate studies, I had conducted a one-year research project working with Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agents for African Trypanosomiasis, an infectious disease of wild and domestic animals and humans of sub-Saharan Africa.  As African Trypanosomiasis is a zoonotic disease, this research experience had introduced me to the ‘One Health’ transdisciplinary approach and increased my awareness of the intricate relationship between human and animal health.  I have developed a strong appreciation on the importance of both veterinarians and human health professionals working together in order to detect, prevent and control disease outbreaks, as well as the key role that veterinarians play in the bigger picture of society. My latest internship at a companion animal veterinary clinic has taught me the importance of high-quality animal care and optimal health maintenance by providing routine treatments and the appropriate vaccinations.  I thoroughly enjoyed working in a veterinary clinical setting, from communicating with the clients to determine the animal’s medical history, aiding during the clinical examinations, using the various laboratory equipment for diagnostics, to the hands-on component of the job such as dental cleaning and assisting during surgical procedures. I want to become a veterinarian because I am dedicated to improving public health goals and outcomes by assessing, investigating and managing animal health and zoonotic disease risks.  I will enjoy collaborating with other veterinarians and various health professionals, such as epidemiologists and pathologists, to understand and identify new and emerging diseases and control them, reducing the time they circulate in the animal population.  Working as a public health veterinarian would also involve protecting the welfare of animals by ensuring that the standards of animal-keeping are met.  This would ensure that the animals, especially livestock, would be healthy, and diseases that could have repercussions on human health will be reduced as much as possible.  In this regard, I would also like to foster better collaboration with human health professionals so that future interdisciplinary public health issues can be tackled more efficiently. I believe that my educational background and experience have prepared me well for a veterinary medicine program and I would be honoured to be able to attend the University College Dublin’s Veterinary Medicine (Graduate Entry) program to pursue my career as a veterinarian.”

This applicant displays a passion for veterinary medicine through their unique initiatives and career experiences. Something unique that this student focuses on in their personal statement is how they intend to improve the world of veterinary medicine. 

This is an excellent perspective to present in your personal statement! Consider the specific shortcomings you’ve noticed in veterinary medicine and how you intend to improve upon those areas. It’s not essential if you don’t have any ideas, but it looks great on an application. 

3. Example from the University of Scranton  

“Ever since I can remember I have always had a passion for animals. Their beauty and ability to comfort me are only outmatched by their honesty, loyalty and faithfulness. My path to realizing that my true calling lies in veterinary medicine began when I took a life biology course in high school.  In this course I realized my intrigue with animals went far beyond their cute and cuddly parts. I was interested in how they worked from the inside and realized that I should be their doctor. Ever since that first high school class I have focused my educational path in pursuit of becoming a veterinarian.  I have volunteered at animal shelters, worked in clinics, shadowed veterinarians and participated in basic science research. Now that I stand at the doorstep of college graduation I cannot imagine my life if I do not attend veterinary school.  I shadowed my veterinarian Dr. Henry Nebzydoski and was amazed by his precision, immense knowledge and skill. I learned that in medicine many things can go wrong in a situation, but there are also many ways to solve problems.  I loved being able to meet clients whose love for their pets was apparent. That love between an animal and its owner drew me further into the love of veterinary medicine. This shared compassion and love for animals helped me relate to clients.  Volunteering at local shelters, I gained more perspective on a career as a veterinarian. I learned how to care for abused and homeless animals and to let go of the animals I had grown to love when it was in their best interest. While shadowing Dr. Michelle Falzone, I observed that each veterinary practice was different.  Doctors bring their own personality to make each experience unique; it is never just a routine doctor's visit. I believe that I, too, will bring individuality to the field of veterinary medicine that will benefit my clients. I obtained a job at an emergency animal hospital where the number of patients and the variety of problems presented was vastly different from daytime practices.  Veterinarians have to work under time constraints and I learned about the hard choices a family often makes. At first, I thought the patient-doctor bond was absent in these cases, but the doctors make sure the connection is still present by spending time talking to clients and personally calling them to disclose test results.  I learn a great deal everyday at the emergency clinic, such as filling medications, diagnosing symptoms and caring for patients and animals in difficult situations. Seeing many prognoses, I learned that there is hope for even the worst one and that a doctor's optimism is important.  Most importantly this experience taught me the value of communication skills in veterinary medicine. I have to explain procedures and calm down many patients in order to be able to understand the problems involved with their pets. I will never forget the first time I watched a pet euthanized.  Distraught, I thought for a time I would refuse to perform euthanasia in my practice. As I took in more of the doctor-patient interactions, I realized this would not be fair. The bond between a veterinarian and a pet owner becomes very important and is needed throughout the animal's life.  The doctor, who has been there throughout the good and difficult times, needs to be there for the owner and the pet when the only choice left is to end the suffering of the animal. For more than a year I have been interning at The Commonwealth Medical College.  I am conducting a research study with Dr. John Arnott on the expression of connective tissue growth factor in osteoblasts. This experience provided me with new insights into the importance of the basic sciences and I have developed great respect for their study and place in clinical medicine.  More than anything scientific research has taught me humility and that success requires tenacity. This experience has helped me grow as an individual and to find that I am capable of doing things I never dreamed.  With my help, we are one step closer to figuring out the steps in the cellular pathway to bone growth and thus are closer to potentially identifying molecules that will enhance bone growth. Veterinary medicine is a love of the science used to care and treat animals.  This coincides with the compassion for and communication with pet owners. As these animals are unable to communicate as a human might, veterinarians become dependent on the owner's ability to detect and describe problems. This challenge continues to fascinate me and I look forward to devoting my life to the field of veterinary science.  Becoming a veterinarian began as a dream many years ago for me, and is now close to a reality. My dream has always been a simple one - to pursue a love I have harbored since a youth, carrying it from a fascination and love of animals, to creating a successful veterinary practice. I am ready for the next step to fulfill this dream.”

Why this essay works:  

This essay is the most successful example we’ve shown due to its readability. Notice how the applicant includes descriptive language when they mention their previous experiences. 

They present their personal statement as a cohesive, flowing story from when they first became interested in veterinary medicine to now. It’s simple, compelling, honest, and - perhaps most importantly - easy to read. 

These examples of personal statements for vet school should guide you in the right direction when creating yours.

FAQs: Personal Statement for Vet School

Here are our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about personal statements for vet school.

1. What Should A Vet School Personal Statement Include?

Your vet school personal statement should describe how your passion for veterinary medicine began, and two to three experiences you’ve had that demonstrate how you’ve improved upon that passion. It should flow nicely, be easy to read, and conclude by reinstating your passion for the profession and how you intend to improve the field. 

2. How Long Is A Personal Statement For Vet School?

Personal statements for vet school are typically one page or 3,000 words long. However, schools will often give you specific parameters for your essay. Pay close attention to the prompts given to you throughout your application process. 

3. How Do You End a Vet School Personal Statement?

There are several ways to end a vet school personal statement successfully. You should always reinstate your passion for veterinary medicine and end on a high note. Suppose you have a specific way you intend to improve veterinary medicine. In that case, the end of your personal statement is an excellent place to state your intentions. 

4. What Makes a Good Personal Statement for Vet School?

A good veterinary medicine personal statement must include your passion for the field, showcases unique experiences and qualities, exhibits a strong connection to animals, and utilizes effective storytelling and structure. 

It must also exhibit strong and concise writing and attention to detail. It should authentically convey your motivation and leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

5. How Important Are Personal Statements for Veterinary Schools?

A personal statement for veterinary school is extremely important. It provides applicants a platform to showcase their individuality, express their motivation, and demonstrate their suitability for the veterinary profession. 

Personal statements offer insights into applicants' personal and professional qualities that may not be apparent from other application components. 

Final Thoughts

Your vet school personal statement should be thoughtful, heartfelt, and informative. You should ensure that your story is easy to read by using descriptive language and lining up the highlights of your work experience in order. 

Consider your unique perspective. Remember, these programs are competitive. Putting your unique twist on your essay will help you stand out from the pack and remain in the minds of the admissions committee. 

Good luck! 

vet school personal statement 2021

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How To Write a Vet School Personal Statement

Personal statements are one of the first big steps towards becoming a vet, but how do you write one? Find out in our detailed guide.

How to write a vet school personal statement

Getting into a great veterinary school can be tough. Vet course admissions are very competitive, so you need to do everything you can to prove that you are an exceptional candidate. This includes writing a great veterinary personal statement. We look at how to write a personal statement for vet school, key items to include, and why nailing your personal statement is important.

Why we have to write personal statements

Your personal statement is an important part of your application process, as veterinary school is highly competitive. This is the chance to add a personal touch to your application and make you stand out from the crowd. While your resume will list all of your accomplishments, educational background, and experience, your personal statement allows you to tie all of this together and let your passion, personality, and enthusiasm for veterinary medicine shine through. Your personal statement is also where you can mention anything that doesn’t fit into the other sections of your application, and it’s an ideal place to reinforce how you meet the admission requirements .

Here, you’ll introduce yourself and explain why you’ll be a great fit for the program, touch on what has inspired you to further your studies, and why you think you are good candidate to become a veterinarian. You might also want to include what you like about this particular program and how you think it will enrich your knowledge and understanding of veterinary medicine. 

This means that when you get an interview for admission, the admissions officer should already know a bit about you and allows you to jump straight into answering their questions.

Demonstrate your passion for animals 

Since you only have limited space on your personal statement, it’s important to use this space to convince the admissions team that your passion for animals would make you an excellent veterinarian.

In order to uniquely demonstrate your passion for animals, try to think outside of the box. Don’t just talk about family pets. Mention times you’ve been proactive, hands-on, and gained experience with animals. This might include helping with the birthing season on a local farm, volunteering in kennels, or helping strays find foster homes in animal shelters.

It’s also important to specify what type of animals you have interacted with. Did you grow up riding horses and love tending to large mammals? Or did your family raise small animals? Whatever your particular interest in the veterinary world, be sure to add it. Schools like to see students who have a plan of where to specialize and continue their education.

Of course, don’t forget that most vets have to work with people too, so it’s a good idea to include something that shows you can work as part of a team or with clients.

Highlight all relevant experience

Whatever you’ve done for animals outside your normal household, include it, especially if it’s something related to wellbeing and health. Even better, if you can remember a particular interaction that made you want to be a veterinarian, be sure to include it. 

Your resume will list your experience and qualifications, but your vet school application personal statement is where you can say why your experience is relevant to the program. When you’re planning your statement, you can make notes of what experience you have, and what transferable skills you have gained. Then you can find ways to tie this into veterinary medicine. For example, if you’re an empathetic person who has worked in customer service, you can relate this to dealing with clients at a standard vet practice. If you have experience running a social group, this ties into leadership skills and motivation to go above and beyond for something you’re interested in.

Remember, you’ll have gained invaluable experience from almost everything you do, whether that’s education, work, voluntary roles, or hobbies. You just need to think about how it is relevant to what you want to do next.

Set yourself apart from the crowd  

First, you should try to think about what makes you unique. Try to think about the things you’ve done that other people haven’t, or experiences you’ve had. Remember that you’ll be competing for a seat against people all over the country and potentially all over the world, so even the most basic things might be unusual compared to other applicants.

Just like in the previous section, think about how your background gives you a different perspective or relevant skills. Try to tie it into the topics you’ll be learning in vet school, and the challenges you would face in your daily life as a veterinarian.

While you might want a large portion of your statement to be positive, you can also bring up any difficulties you’ve had and how you’ve used problem-solving skills and resourcefulness to overcome them. It shows that you’re willing to do a lot to reach your dream, which suggests you’ll be a focused and dedicated student.

You should also be sure to be personable in your personal statement. Vet school committees will expect you to remain professional and precise in what you say with word limitations in mind. However, you should aim for a conversational, friendly tone. Your personal statement is about you, so it should give the admissions committee an insight into your personality. Try to find a happy medium where you don’t sound too stiff and formal, but also don’t use slang too much.

Preparation is key

There are a lot of different things you will want to cover in your personal statement for vet school, and it’s more than simply a ‘why I want to be a veterinarian’ essay. That’s why it’s vital to prepare and plan your statement before you write it.

Just like any other assignment, you should break the statement down into sections. Make sure you highlight the goal of each section – one section might be talking about your background, and one might be about your experience. Then plan out each section with some key points to include, such as the skills your experience has provided. Then you can write the actual contents without wavering too much – and you definitely don’t want to waste words.

Afterward, be sure to proofread it thoroughly. If you can, you should ask someone else to read it too. Ask them if it makes sense, as well as get them to note any errors they find.

If you’re ready to take the next step and start studying at a leading vet school, contact us to speak to one of our expert advisors. St. Matthew’s University School of Veterinary Medicine provides graduates with new knowledge, skills, and methods necessary to become caring, competent veterinarians.

Check out webinar events at St. Matthew’s School of Veterinary Medicine for more information about the application process, including your personal statement.

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Veterinary Science Personal Statement Examples

vet school personal statement 2021

What is a veterinary medicine personal statement?

Your veterinary medicine personal statement is an opportunity to sell yourself to admissions tutors, and tell them why you would make a great candidate on their course.

Your statement should include how you meet all the entry requirements for a veterinary science degree and demands of the course. For example, your love of animals, patience, empathy, and your academic and practical skills.

How do I write a veterinary medicine personal statement?

Most veterinary medicine candidates open their personal statement with why they want to become a vet. Motivations for wanting to study any course at university are always important.

We recommend you write a series a notes about your skills, experience, hobbies, extracurricular activities, career plans and anything else that is relevant to your application.

When you have put an initial draft together, proofread it and leave yourself plenty of time to amend your statement.

Ask family, friends and tutors to read your veterinary medicine personal statement, and invite them to make suggestions, comments and any other feedback to help you improve it.

What should I include in my veterinary medicine personal statement?

  • Your passion for animals should be obvious from the outset. Think about what made you want to pursue a career in veterinary medicine in the first place - was it a childhood experience or something you read or encountered? Were you inspired by a family member or friend who is already a qualified vet?
  • Talk about any work experience (paid or unpaid) or voluntary roles that have helped you gain experience in the veterinary science field. This will help demonstrate your skills, commitment and ambition to the university admissions tutors.
  • If you're applying to Oxbridge, your personal statement will need to be exemplary. Veterinary medicine is a highly competitive course, so you have to show that you are a talented, dedicated and enthusiastic student that meets all the academic and vocational requirements.

For more help and advice on what to write in your veterinary medicine personal statement, please see:

  • Personal Statement Editing Services
  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
  • The 15th January UCAS Deadline: 4 Ways To Avoid Missing It
  • Personal Statement FAQs
  • Personal Statement Timeline
  • 10 Top Personal Statement Writing Tips
  • What To Do If You Miss The 15th January UCAS Deadline.

What can I do with a veterinary medicine degree?

There are many career options available to those wanting to study veterinary medicine, including:

  • Animal nutritionist
  • Veterinary surgeon
  • Animal physiotherapist

However, there are other job roles where your veterinary science degree could be useful, such as:

  • Animal technician
  • Veterinary nurse
  • Environmental consultant
  • Nature conservation officer.

For more information about careers with a veterianary science degree, please see Prospects and The Times .

What are the best UK universities for veterinary medicine?

Currently the best UK universities for veterinary medicine are:


For more information about UK university rankings for veterinary science, please see The Complete University Guide and The Guardian .

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  • Nov 18, 2020

Five Tips to Make Your Vet School Personal Statement Stand Out

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

Veterinary applications teams will read hundreds of vet personal statements per year, so it goes without saying that making yours unique and interesting to read is essential. People applying to vet school, as a general rule, have much in common - which you would expect given that you are all applying for such a vocational degree - so this makes it particularly important to make your vet school personal statement stand out. We have listed our top tips here on how to write your personal statement for vet school. Please note, this is not a comprehensive list - you will find our full breakdown and detailed instruction in our Vet School Personal Statement Guide .

Veterinary Personal Statement

1) Write a strong introduction

This is the equivalent to making a good first impression in real life - your introduction can make or break the rest of your vet school statement, so make it stand out! This is a good part of your Veterinary Personal Statement to discuss your motivation for studying veterinary medicine, and our advice here is to make it personal to you specifically. Please avoid clichés here such as “making a difference” and the “satisfaction of helping animals” etc - these may well be true, but unfortunately also very commonly seen in Examples of Personal Statements for Veterinary Medicine so doesn’t add much to your application. Think about what has happened to you personally that has led you to want to become a vet. Keep it succinct and clear - the introduction doesn’t need to be long (words are precious with a 4,000 character limit) so just make it relevant and unique.

2) Be reflective

Simply listing what you have done is not only boring to read, but also doesn’t really demonstrate that you have developed knowledge or skills from doing it. When you mention your vet school work experience , discuss what you learned from it and provide examples. Likewise, when discussing your hobbies, demonstrate what you have learned from them that is relevant to a career in Veterinary Medicine - did they help to develop your teamwork skills, for example?

3) Discuss your personal attributes and why they would make you a good vet

It is a ‘Personal’ Statement for a reason - the veterinary applications team will be trying to get a glimpse into your personality beyond simply what you have achieved - much of this, at least academically, will already be evident in your GCSE scores and predicted A Level grades for vet school. When discussing your attributes, back them up wherever possible with examples of when/where you demonstrated this; if you are struggling on this, we highly recommend visiting the Veterinary Personal Statement Examples Section on our website for help on how to write a personal statement for vet school.

4) Show that you appreciate the realities of a career in Veterinary Medicine in Your Personal Statement

It is not uncommon for young applicants to have a ‘rose tinted’ view of what a career in Veterinary Medicine might look like - obviously, you are applying to vet school because this is your dream career - but it is important that you are also aware of the pitfalls and difficulties that vets and veterinary students are likely to encounter. This will show that you have carefully considered the realities of a career as a vet, and thus makes your veterinary application stronger. Often this will be evident through the vet work experience that you have carried out.

5) Conclude your statement clearly

Essentially, this should summarise the key points of your Vet Personal Statement to round it off succinctly and confidently. Using points previously made in your statement, reinforce the final demonstration of your motivation to study Veterinary Medicine.

We also provide a tailored servi ce as part of our Vet Personal Statement Guide, & Ultimate Package where we w ill individually assess and critique your personal statement, giving feedback and suggestions/corrections to optimise your chance of success - click above to see more. You will be assigned a personal Admissions Specialist who will guide your Vet School Personal Statement until it is perfect - you have unlimited access to them!

Written by Dr Rebecca & the BecomeAVet Team

Click HERE to find out more about how our tutors can help you maximise your chances of gaining an offer to study Veterinary Medicine.

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vet school personal statement 2021

The Personal Statement

The personal statement is arguably one of the most important aspects of your application because it is one of your only chances to speak directly to the review committee about yourself. The 5000 characters alloted is your opportunity to show the committee that there is more to you than just your academics and experiences. You need to show them that you are a unique individual that is passionate about the profession and prepared to take the next step of going to veterinary school. Many schools no longer do interviews, so this most likely will be your only chance to show them why you deserve that last spot in their class over another applicant who is just as qualified as you.  

Whoa!! I know that seems really intense, but this is truly how you should view the personal statement when you start writing it. Many people wait until the last minute or don't put enough effort into their personal statement, which can really hurt their application. Below are some very basic tips about writing your personal statement and then my own completed personal statement. Once you have looked through this, you can continue down into the next area where we will take a more in-depth look at how to write a personal statement. 


- Start EARLY!!! I started writing my personal statement nine months before the VMCAS was due. 

- Write lots of drafts. You are not going to write your final statement the first time. You need to continually revise. I personally wrote 6 complete drafts, with many small revisions inbetween.

- Have lots of people look at your statement throughout the entire process. Ask your Mom, best friend, random professor, writing center consultants, academic advisor, veterinarian, and anyone else who will take a look at your statement. The more eyes you have looking at it the better it will become. Other people will be able to catch mistakes, give you new perspectives, and help you continually improve your thoughts. 

My Personal Statement

The following is my actual personal statement that I submitted to the VMCAS application for the 2013-2014 cycle. I am giving you access to this very personal document because I want you to be able to see a real-life example of what a student just like you wrote about. Please do not copy or takes parts of my personal statement for your own use. Instead, I hope that you will use this as a jump start to thinking about what you want to write about with your own experience and aspirations.

         There I stood holding the oxygen support mask near the mouth of Tanner, the family's beloved labrador, as he took his last breaths. His body was shutting down; toxins were spreading through him due to acute renal failure. His weeping owners stood next to me. They had come to our emergency hospital with no inclination that their precious family member, who had been seemingly healthy that morning, was dying. Despite it being heart wrenching, I kept my composure. It was my job to support the family during their time of suffering by means of comforting words, reassurance, and emotional support. As we stood there together while Tanner passed away, I saw so much love mixed with grief. It is that human-animal connection that has drawn me into this profession. I have experienced nothing more satisfying and heart touching than reuniting a previously ill pet with their eager owner or witnessing the true bond between pet and owner as a pet passes away.   

        I first applied for the veterinary assistant position at West Michigan Animal Emergency Hospital (AEH) during the summer after my freshman year. It was disappointing when I was not extended a position at the hospital, but they reassured me that I should apply the following year. Over the next twelve months, I shadowed at four different veterinary clinics in the area, volunteered at a cat rescue center, was awarded a grant-funded research project in chemistry, and pushed even harder in school to maintain my high academic standards. When I went back into that interview with the same manager a year later, I was a more confident and experienced individual. In a matter of weeks, I was hired as a new trainee and began preparing for my position as a veterinary assistant for the summer. 

         Providing treatment for patients is a central component of the veterinary profession, but being a part of the AEH team has really shown me that our primary role is working with people. As an exam assistant, the moment a client walks in through the door he or she become my responsibility, which was the case when a frantic woman rushed in one night with a cat howling in pain. I quickly assessed the situation, determined that the cat was in distress due to a severe urinary blockage, and hurried him to the treatment area. A history was collected, which I communicated to the doctor, and a treatment plan was drawn up for me to present to the distraught owner. I could hear crying as I approached the door of the waiting room, but I remained professional. My training had prepared me to walk in calmly, provide comfort through reassurance and understanding, and thoroughly explain to the owner exactly what we needed to do for treatment. I left the room with a signed treatment plan and a much more relaxed client. This ability to understand the different perspectives and needs of clients is just one of the extremely valuable skills I have learned from working at AEH.    

        In addition to my employment at AEH, I have gained experiences and valuable skills through observing at four small animal clinics, an equine practice, a zoological hospital, and at the West Michigan Beef Company. I eagerly continue to pursue any opportunity I encounter to widen my breadth of knowledge about veterinary medicine. Through my experiences, I am beginning to appreciate that the possible career options for a veterinarian are endless. Examining the carcasses of beef cattle for signs of illness, monitoring the fertility of horses with an ultrasound, caring for exotic frogs that have a prolapsed rectum, and doing routine check-ups for companion animals are all opportunities I have had over the past two years. With each experience, I get a different perspective of the profession and invaluable mentoring from the veterinarians. Communication, teamwork, leadership, and most importantly passion are all aspects that I am continuously developing each day I work as a veterinary assistant, observe in clinics, and further my education.      

         Being accepted into a veterinary program has been the driving force in my life for the past five years and now that it is becoming a reality, I have no doubt that I will make veterinary medicine my career. Upon completing a degree in veterinary medicine, I aspire to work as a companion animal veterinarian, eventually open my own practice, and continue to advance my knowledge. The medical field is constantly evolving and I am excited to find opportunities to help further these advancements and utilize them in my own practice in the future. As this year unfolds, I am eagerly anticipating where life takes me in these next steps towards achieving my life-long passion of becoming a veterinarian. I am confident my strong academic background, extensive clinical skills, leadership abilities, and motivated work ethic will make me a competitive candidate for your DVM program.

- 4861 characters

Why I wrote this......

My personal statement took months to write and many different drafts. I was lucky enough to have had the privilege of taking the course Writing for Graduate and Professional School at GVSU with Professor White. It was during this course that I began, wrote, and finished my personal statement. My biggest advice is to get started early, have a lot of people look over it, and revise it many times. 

Paragraph 1: Introduction/Attention Grabber

- The purpose of this paragraph was to grab the attention of the committee members reading my personal statement. I wanted them to want to get to know me more so that they would continue reading. 

- I chose this particular story because it is personal and showcased my employment. Through this story I hoped that committee members would see my passion and understanding of the profession. 

Paragraph 2: Background

- After my attention grabbing introduction, I went into a little bit of background about how I became employed at AEH. Here I wanted to show them my persistance and hard work because at first I didn't get the job at AEH. However, over that next year I improved both academically and in respect to veterinary experiences. This ultimately led to my employment as a veterinary assistant at AEH. 

- This was also another way for me to outline some of my non-veterinary related achievements, such as my research, volunteering, and high academics. 

Paragraph 3: Skills/Qualifications

- After setting up the background, I went straight into showcasing the skills that I have obtained by working at AEH. My goal with this paragraph was to show them that I am a unique student who is highly experienced due to my extensive training and on-the-job opportunities, as well as my in-depth understanding and passion for veterinary medicine. 

- This was my paragraph to shine and show them what I can do as an undergraduate student and how that will help me succeed in veterinary school. 

Paragraph 4: Showcasing my experiences

- I had spent a lot of time talking about my employmet at AEH, so in this paragraph I wanted to give them a quick glimpse at everything else that I have done related to animals and veterinary medicine. I wanted to show them that I am well-rounded and passionate about all aspects of the profession.

- I tried to point out the very unique opportunities that I had, such as observing at a beef company, volunteering at a zoo, and assisting an equine vet in the field. 

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

- In this paragraph I summarized my career goals and desires related to veterinary medicine. A lot of schools like you to directly addess what type of medicine you want to go into and what kind of future you see for yourself.

- These are the final thoughts that the committee is going to be reviewing, so you want to make sure you point back to your strengths and highlight why you should be chosen. 

How to write a Personal Statement!

Overview: The personal statement is supposed to be a portrait of your life that is set in a narrative tone that is supposed to show the addmissions committee that you are unique and qualified. You also want to highlight your career vision and long-term goals. Unfortunately for professional students you are not able to customize your personal statement since it is sent out in bulk through the VMCAS. Your time for being able to customize comes in during the secondary application process. 

Questions:  Since the personal statement is an intimate portrait of yourself you are going to want to answer the following questions:

- Where did you come from (past)?

- Where are you now (present)?

- Where are you going (vision/future)?

These are really important questions that the admissions committees are going to be looking for you to answer. You don't necissarily need to do it in that order, honestly chronological is probably not the best route. 

Be vivid: Your goal when writing this personal statement is to get the admissions officers to put you into the yes pile. The way that you are going to do that is be engaging, memorable, and make your readers think. You want to show them and not just tell them, so use vivid details that appeal to your readers senses in order to recreate experiences that are personal to you.

Be sincere: Another point to remember is to be sincere. Don't write what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. Write from your heart and personal experiences to show them that you are the right applicant. Always include a vision for your future and be definitive about it because they want to know you have a plan. 

Stay positive: Try to keep the main statement of your essay positive. You can talk about your negative attributes if you like, but make sure to spin them in a positive light. 

Use your resources:  The best thing you can do is get help. Meet with professors, advisors, university faculty, veterinarians, and even your friends to get ideas to start writing your personal statement. Ultimately you know yourself best and it will be the sincerest if you write it yourself. However, using all of the resources avaliable to you is definetely in your benefit. Once you start getting ideas down and you begin your rough draft.....just write from the heart. Your first rough draft isn't going to be anywhere near perfect and you might not even use it, but you have to start somewhere! Once you get some solid ideas and even a full rough draft done you can go to the writing center at you college or have your advisor look over it. The more eyes you have looking at your personal statement, the better it is going to get. The internet also has a lot of resources out there that can be very helpful in getting started. Below I have some helpful links that I recommend you take a look at. 

Time: The earlier you start working on your personal statement the better! I started my personal statement nine months prior to the time when the VMCAS was due. When it comes down to the wire in September/October you don't want to be frantically revising your personal statement. In addition to starting early you need to realize that it will take a lot of time to write a quality personal statement that will get you into veterinary school. You will probably go through 8-10 different rough drafts before you get a personal statement worth sending in. It is up to you how much effort you want to put into the personal statement, but remember that this is your chance to speak to the admissions committee directly on a personal level.

You aren't in this alone! There are so many different people and resources out there that can help you put together the best possible personal statment and application possible. 

Helpful Links

Writing a Personal Statement - http://www.studential.com/guide/write_personal_statement.htm

Purdue OWL: Personal Statement -  https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/642/01/

Writers Workshop -  http://www.cws.illinois.edu/workshop/writers/tips/personalstatement/

28 Tips for Writing a Personal Statement -  http://www.public.coe.edu/wac/28tipspersonalstatement.htm

Huffington Post Perfect Personal Statement -  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/01/personal-statement-tips_n_4191226.html

Top Rated Personal Statements -  http://www.studential.com/personalstatements/pstop.asp

MSU Example Personal Statement -  http://www2.onu.edu/~n-woodley/Excellentpersonalstatement.pdf

Life in Vet School Blog/Personal Statement -  http://sharonostermann.blog.com/2010/06/23/veterinary-school-personal-statement-example/

GVSU Personal Statement Guide -  http://www.gvsu.edu/cms3/assets/C7078FCF-E2C3-F3DD-7F8E1630561E3F3E/personal_statement_handout.pdf

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Statement of Purpose 

The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications. You should describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen degree program, noting the experiences that shaped your research ambitions, indicating briefly your career objectives, and concisely stating your past work in your intended field of study and in related fields. Your degree program of interest may have specific guidance or requirements for the statement of purpose, so be sure to review the degree program page for more information. Unless otherwise noted, your statement should not exceed 1,000 words. 

Personal Statement

Please describe the personal experiences that led you to pursue graduate education and how these experiences will contribute to the academic environment and/or community in your program or Harvard Griffin GSAS. These may include social and cultural experiences, leadership positions, community engagement, equity and inclusion efforts, other opportunities, or challenges. Your statement should be no longer than 500 words.

Please note that there is no expectation to share detailed sensitive information and you should refrain from including anything that you would not feel at ease sharing. Please also note that the Personal Statement should complement rather than duplicate the content provided in the Statement of Purpose. 

Visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a Personal Statement is required. The degree program pages will be updated by early September indicating if the Personal Statement is required for your program.

Writing Sample 

Please visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a writing sample is required. When preparing your writing sample, be sure to follow program requirements, which may include format, topic, or length. 

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  • Best Budgeting Apps

Compare the Top Budgeting Apps

  • Budgeting App Reviews
  • Introduction
  • Features to Look for
  • How to Choose an App
  • Setting Up and Using an App
  • Pros and Cons
  • Alternatives
  • Why You Should Trust Us

Best Budgeting Apps of July 2024: Manage Your Finances Efficiently

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us and terms apply to offers listed (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate products and services to help you make smart decisions with your money.

Budgeting can already feel difficult, but with the right money management tool, you should be able to track your spending habits, find ways to spend less and save more, or budget effectively as a couple.

Quicken Quicken Simplifi

50% off for new customers (offer ends July 14, 2024)

$3.99 monthly subscription or $47.88 annual subscription

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Connect all your bank accounts, investments accounts, and credit cards
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Help you save for individual savings goals
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Create a budget
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Track expenses
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. 30-day money-back guarantee
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Must buy a subscription (no free option)

Quicken Simplifi is a great budgeting tool if you want to create a detailed monthly spending and savings plan and don't mind paying for a subscription. If you would rather get a budgeting app that doesn't have a subscription fee, you'll have to consider other options.

  • Up to 50% off on Simplifi for all new customers
  • Stay on top of your finances in under 5 minutes per week.
  • Check your custom budgeting plan — anytime, anywhere!
  • Track your spending
  • See where your money is going and discover places to save.
  • Keep your bills in check
  • Find subscriptions you don't use and start saving from day one.

Check out our picks for the best budgeting apps, and read more about how we chose the winners.

Best Budgeting Apps of July 2024

  • Rocket Money : Best overall for reducing spending and creating a budget
  • Monarch Money : Best for saving toward financial goals
  • Quicken Simplifi : Best for robust budgeting features
  • Honeydue App: Best for couples

The top budgeting apps have a straightforward sign-up process, a decent fee structure, strong budgeting tools, and an overall positive user experience. Learn more about the best budgeting apps, below.

Rocket Money Rocket Money

Free to create a budget. Subscription fee applies to premium services.

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Connect all your bank accounts, credit cards, and investment accounts to track spending
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Bill negotiation feature
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Free plan available
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited features available with free plan
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited customer support availability

Rocket Money is featured in our best budgeting apps guide. While the Rocket Money app is free, there is a subscription fee if you want to use Premium features, like concierge services or premium chat.

Monarch Money Monarch Money

Offers a 7-day free trial

Premium Plan with a 7-day free-trial, then $14.99 per month or $99.99 annually

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Link bank accounts
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Create unlimited budgets and make customizable categories
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Track individual savings goals
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Graphs and charts that track your spending and savings
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No free plan

Monarch Money is an overall solid option if you prioritize creating monthly budgets and saving for individual savings goals. The main downside of the app is that it doesn't offer a free plan. You'll have to a monthly or annual subscription fee.

Honeydue Honeydue App

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Budgeting app for couples
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Can have individual and shared finances
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Create monthly bill reminders
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Can discuss finances through chat feature
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Only available through mobile app

Honeydue is featured in our best budgeting apps guide as the best option for couples. It's a great option if you don't want to pay a fee. It also allows you to have individual and shared finances.

Top Budgeting App Reviews

Budgeting looks different for everyone, so we selected four picks for budgeting apps. We selected a well-rounded budgeting app, one designed for couples, another that's appealing for setting goals, and lastly one with more detailed budgeting features.

We have a mix of free budgeting apps and ones that have premium plans with subscription fees, so you can choose an option based on your financial needs and priorities.

Best Overall: Rocket Money

Rocket Money (previously known as TrueBill) is our best budgeting app overall because it has a variety of tools to help you save and limit spending.

Rocket Money has both a free plan and a premium plan. With the free plan, you'll be able to link bank accounts, credit cards, and investment accounts to track spending and you'll also be able to create a budget .

The premium plan includes concierge services, which review your bills and subscriptions to help you cancel or get refunds for these services on your behalf. It also includes premium customer chat, unlimited budgets, customizable budget categories, a savings account, real-time updated syncing, and a credit score report.

The app's standout feature is Bill Negotiation. You'll upload a copy of your bill, and Rocket Money will determine whether you can get the same service with the company for a lower price. Rocket Money may also help you get refunds if you're charged bank overdraft fees or late fees.

When Rocket Money negotiates a bill, you'll have to pay a percentage (you may choose any amount from 30% to 60%) of whatever it will save you for the year. If you plan to change your internet, cable, phone, or wireless provider in the next year, you could end up losing money, though.

Pricing: You may choose how much to pay each month through a sliding scale. Rocket Money has a free plan that's $0. The Premium plan has a 7-day free trial; after the free trial, you'll have to pay around $6 to $12 per month (the lower-price plans are billed annually instead of monthly).

Rocket Money Review

Best for Couples: Honeydue App

Honeydue is a budgeting app designed specifically for couples. The sign-up process is short and simple — you'll create an account by setting up your email, then invite your partner to Honeydue.

Honeydue allows you to see both your individual and shared finances in one place. You also have to option of setting limits to how much your partner can see. When you connect a bank account to the app, you may choose to share both balance and transaction information, share information only, or share no information.

With Honeydue, you can organize your finances by creating monthly bill reminders or discussing personal financial information through the app's chat feature.

If you would like an additional place to store money for a common goal, like a holiday budget or a couple's vacation.

You won't be able to access Honeydue through your computer; it's only available through a mobile app. Some of our other top picks have both online and mobile platforms for more convenience.

Regular Pricing: Free

Best for Saving for Financial Goals: Monarch Money

Monarch Money may be worthwhile if you are looking for a budgeting app that helps you save for financial goals and create a budget. It's also become one of the most hyped-up Mint alternatives among Redditor users since Mint shut down.

Through Monarch Money, you'll be able to make unlimited personalized savings goals . You can customize goals, organize them by order of importance, and link them to bank accounts. The app also helps you create a zero-based budget, track your net worth, and analyze your cash flow.

Monarch Money doesn't have a free plan. You can try out a 7-day free trial. However, after that, you'll need to pay a subscription fee. If you do not want to pay a subscription fee for a budgeting app, you'll want to consider one of our other picks.

Regular Pricing: Premium Plan with a 7-day free-trial, then $14.99 per month or $99.99 annually

Best for Robust Budgeting Features: Quicken Simplifi

Quicken Simplifi might be a good choice if you want a budgeting app that provides a detailed breakdown of your spending and savings.

In addition to letting you create budgets with customizable categories and make individual savings goals, Quicken Simplifi analyzes your spending and savings through charts and data.

You can receive monthly reports for spending, general income, income after expenses, savings, and net worth . You can also now check your credit score through the web application if you have early access (This feature is currently only available to U.S. residents). Checking your credit score through Simplifi won't affect it.

The one major downside to this app is that it doesn't have a free plan. You'll have to pay a subscription fee, although you can try the app for 30 days with a money-back guarantee.

There's also a special promotion available right now — 50% off for new customers (offer ends July 14, 2024).

Regular Pricing: $3.99 monthly subscription or $47.88 annual subscription

Quicken Simplfi Review

Budgeting App Trustworthiness and BBB Ratings

We review the ethics of each company so you can see if a specific financial institution aligns with your values.

We also include the settlement history of the last 3 years so you're aware of any recent public controversies involving the bank.

We include ratings from the Better Business Bureau to evaluate how companies address customer issues and handle transparency.

CompanyBBB rating
Rocket MoneyB
Monarch MoneyNot rated
Quicken SimplifiF (rating for parent company, Quicken)

Rocket Money has a B rating due to a high volume of customer complaints.

Honeydue has an F rating because it hasn't responded to three customer complaints and it hasn't been in operation for a long time.

Quicken has an F rating because it has received a high volume of customer complaints filed, and failed to respond to 13 customer complaints.

A good BBB rating won't guarantee you'll have a good relationship with a company. You also might want to read customer reviews or talk to current customers before making your decision.

Intuit does have some public issues surrounding its tax-filing software, TurboTax.

Introduction to Budgeting Apps

Why use a budgeting app.

A budgeting app can help you understand where you spend your money. It's also useful for building and maintaining an effective budget.

The top budgeting apps let you create a monthly budget using customizable categories.

Many also help you save money effectively . For example, budgeting apps use your transaction history to make charts and graphs. You can use this information to analyze your spending patterns and figure out where to make adjustments in your budget.

Key Benefits of Budgeting Apps

The primary benefit of using a budgeting app is that it gives you a big-picture view of your financial situation.

Many budgeting apps let you link different types of bank accounts, investment accounts, credit cards , and loans. You'll be able to see all your accounts in one place and see how you're spending versus saving.

Budgeting apps also help you build better money habits. If you've struggled to maintain a budget in the past, it might be easier to track your spending on an app than completely on your own. Budgeting apps do the work for you by syncing all your accounts — you just need to make sure everything is synced correctly and make small adjustments when they aren't.

Features to Look for in a Budgeting App

User-friendly interface.

A good budgeting app has a design format that's easy to use. The app should load quickly and make it easy to get started. You should be able to create a budget on your own without much help. If you encounter technical difficulties, you should also easily be able to contact a customer representative through the app.

Syncing with Bank Account

Many easy-to-use budgeting apps for beginners allow you to sync savings accounts, checking accounts , investment accounts, or credit cards.

Apps often use Plaid to link bank accounts. Plaid can connect more than 11,000 U.S. banks and credit unions, including the best banks .

Expense Tracking

Once bank accounts are linked, your spending will be updated on the app so you have up-to-date information. A strong budgeting app will provide updates frequently, and during the same day so you can stay on top of your budget.

Customizable Budgeting Categories

Many budgeting apps allow you to create a zero-balance budget. With a zero-balance budget, you're figuring out where every dollar of your income is going. You can create budget categories for every expense. You can also create savings goals if you're setting aside money for a specific purpose, like a down payment on a home or a future vacation.

A good budgeting app allows you to make customizable budgeting categories rather than pre-set categories. That way, you can make a budget that's tailored to your life and make categories as broad or specific as you want.

Charts and Visual Analysis Features

A top budgeting app analyzes your habits so you can see how you manage your money over time. Some apps provide charts of your monthly budget so you can see how your categories compare to one another. Others might have visuals to indicate how much money you have left to spend in a certain category for that month.

Several budgeting apps also provide reports for broader areas of your finances. For example, you might be able to view your cash flow balance over several months or how your money in your retirement plans has grown over time.

How to Choose the Best Budgeting App for You

To find the right budgeting app, you need to know what features you're looking for. Are you looking for ways to cut back on spending? Do you want a free plan or a subscription plan for your budgeting app? Do you want a detailed breakdown of your finances or more of a general overview? Knowing the answers to these questions can help narrow down your options.

If you have your eye on a few budgeting apps, you can try out the free trials or free versions of each before settling on the right one. That way, you can see if the interface is also user-friendly and manageable for the long-term.

Setting Up and Using a Budgeting App

Step-by-step guide to setting up your budgeting app.

To use a budgeting app, you'll have to download it through the Android or Apple store. To set up most budgeting apps, you'll enter your name and email address. If the app charges a subscription fee, it will prompt you to sign up for a plan or free trial.

The best budgeting apps will walk you through the app's different features and help you get started. You'll typically be prompted to link accounts. Then, you can create a budget or set savings goals.

Tips for Effective Budgeting with the Apps

If you're new to budgeting apps, it may be helpful to start off with some structure.

For example, you could use a popular savings method like the 50/30/20 rule or pay-yourself-first strategy.

The 50/30/20 rule breaks down your budgeting, so 50% goes to needs, 30% goes to wants, and 20% goes to debt or savings. The pay-yourself-first strategy focuses on savings — you'll automatically transfer money from your paycheck to some of your savings and then distribute what's left over to your expenses.

Another tip for effective budgeting is to look at your expenses to see if they reflect your financial goals and values. If you have certain goals that are of higher priority than others, find ways to reduce spending in categories that aren't a priority for you. That might mean waiting before making a purchase, creating a meal plan or grocery list to limit spending on food, or auditing your subscriptions to see if there are any you can cancel.

Common Mistakes to Avoid on Budgeting Apps

Experts recommend trying out a budgeting app's free plan or free trial before committing to an annual plan.

There are many budgeting apps out there, so you want to try to find the one that best aligns with your financial needs. Testing a few apps can help you decide the best one, and it also keeps you from paying too much for a budgeting app that you won't end up using.

Pros and Cons of Budgeting Apps


Alternatives to Budgeting Apps

Budgeting apps vs. spreadsheet or diy budgeting methods.

You may prefer building a spreadsheet budget if you don't want to link all of your bank accounts or credit cards in a mobile app. However, setting up and maintaining your budget will primarily hinge on how much work you're willing to put into it.

A budgeting app does the tracking for you. With a spreadsheet, you'll have to either start from scratch or use a template. Either way, a budgeting app still offers more comprehensive features.

Budgeting Apps vs. Personal Finance Software

Budgeting apps and personal finance software share the same features. The best option for you will depend on whether you have preferences on the tool's accessibility.

A budgeting app is primarily designed for mobile experiences. Some apps also have an online dashboard which you can access through your computer, but it is always something that's offered.

Meanwhile, personal finance software is designed for computer access. You'll either download the software to a desktop or use an online platform. Some will also have apps, but some features might not be available.

Budgeting Apps vs. Savings Accounts with Goals Features

Some of the best online banks have added unique features to their savings accounts to help customers with goal-setting.

If you're specifically looking for a way to save for goals, it may benefit you to get a savings account with buckets . Buckets are customizable tools that separate your savings so you can save for specific goals. Since they are an integrated bank account feature, they also might be easier to manage than a budgeting app.

If you would rather have more robust budgeting tools, a budgeting app will likely still stand out to you. Budgeting apps also connect investment accounts, credit cards, and loans, so you'll be able to see everything in one place.

Budgeting App FAQs

A budgeting app is beneficial for tracking expenses and sticking to a budget. It can also help you save for financial goals and prevent lifestyle creep .

To choose the best budgeting app for your needs, consider what your financial goals are and how a budgeting app can best help you achieve them. If you need help cutting back on expenses, you might consider a budgeting app with bill negotiation features. If you need help with savings, you might prioritize an app that helps with goal-setting features.

Most budgeting apps have encryption to store data, making them secure to use if you're linking your accounts. To keep your username and password safe, budgeting apps might also have multi-factor authentication so they can verify your identity when you're logging in.

A budgeting app can help you understand your financial situation so you can create a budget that saves you money over time. These apps can help you find areas where you can reduce your spending. Some also offer a bill negotiation feature so you can see if you can save money on subscriptions.

Yes, there are free budgeting apps available in the Apple and Android stores, though they typically have more limited features than apps with paid subscriptions. The best free budgeting app is Honeydue, which is specifically for couples.

Mint shut down in March 2024. You'll have to switch to Credit Karma if you want to continue using an Intuit personal finance platform, or you can switch to an alternative budgeting app.

In most cases, the best budgeting app for beginners will be one that makes budgeting easy — this means it has an easy-to-use interface and links to your accounts, so you don't have to enter every transaction manually. It can also be good to have an app that teaches you about money.

Rocket Money is our best budgeting app overall, and it has a free plan. If you're in a couple, our top pick is Honeydue which is also free to download.

Why You Should Trust Us: Experts' Advice on the Best Budgeting Apps

We consulted banking and financial planning experts to inform these picks and provide their advice on finding the budgeting app for your needs.

  • Sophia Acevedo, banking editor, Business Insider
  • Mykail James, MBA, certified financial education instructor, BoujieBudgets.com

Here's what they had to say about budgeting apps. (Some text may be lightly edited for clarity.)

What should I look for in a budgeting app?

Mykail James, MBA, certified financial education instructor, BoujieBudgets.com :

"My best tip for people who are looking to start using a budgeting app is to figure out what you're missing in your financial system. For example, if you are a person who knows that you want to stick to a zero-based budget, and you've been doing that manually, but you need maybe a little bit more help with the organization, then you can center your focus on searching for apps specifically solve your problem."

Sophia Acevedo, banking editor, Business Insider :

"I would look for features that would help me with my goals. Like if I'm trying to curb spending, I would look for a budgeting app that helps me minimize payments in certain spending areas."

How do I know if a budgeting app is right for me?

Mykail James, MBA, CFEI:

"Give it time. Every budgeting app is going to feel uncomfortable during the first month. Give it at least three months before deciding if it's not something for you. Actively try and use it before considering a switch."

Sophia Acevedo, CEPF:

"I would first try out the free version and see how it works. Some budgeting apps are entirely free, while others have different plans or trials at a variety of price points."

Methodology: How Did We Choose the Best Budgeting Apps?

At Business Insider, we aim to help smart people make the best decisions with their money. We understand that "best" is often subjective, so in addition to highlighting the clear benefits of a financial product, we outline the limitations, too.

First, we compiled a list of 18 popular budgeting apps available in both the Google Play Store and Apple Store.

Then, we reviewed each budgeting app for a week. To determine our top picks, we reviewed the initial sign-up process, pricing, budgeting tools, and user experience. We also considered whether each app accomplished everything it advertised, and how regular users reviewed the product on the Apple and Google Play store.

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Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

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The making of a veterinarian

  • Kevin Myatt

25 Jun 2024

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Marquis Harper taking vital signs of an animal.

The first day: "It was exciting, very exciting, but also very scary as if, 'Am I good enough? Am I going to make it?' " recalled Marquis Harper, a food animal track recent graduate from Henderson, North Carolina. 

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What does it take to become a veterinarian?

Veterinary school has been described like a boot camp that pushes students to their limits. Getting into veterinary school often requires multiple attempts for even the most qualified applicants.  

Each class is filled with "Type A" highly motivated, hard-working students dedicated to becoming veterinarians and having proven themselves capable of excelling academically. However, even for these high achievers, a professional program presents new experiences. 

The recently graduated Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Class of 2024 reflects on the grueling yet rewarding path that molded them into veterinarians. What began as an exciting, if daunting, first day of classes (during the COVID-19 pandemic) turned into a profound four-year transformation. 

Drinking from a firehose

"That was the first time where I was like, 'Whoa, this is a lot of information,' " said Kayla Blatman, a mixed animal tracker from Northern Virginia. She remembered her early encounters with the torrent of material in courses like virology and parasitology. The volume is immense, the pace relentless — an experience likened to "drinking from a firehose." 

Students vividly remember their first few weekends prepping for exams and the sobering realization that it is impossible to master every detail.

"I realized there just wasn't enough time to study everything. It's so much material in such a short period of time. There's just not enough time in the day to study everything," said Shaela Clay, an equine tracker from California. 

The strategies and philosophies they relied on during undergraduate studies had to evolve. 

"At the end of the day, it's more important to understand the 'why' than it is to just memorize the answer," said Roger Mack, a mixed animal tracker headed to a private clinic in Columbus, Ohio. 

"For me, it was about focusing on one day at a time or one week at a time, because if I thought about the totality of it all, it was really overwhelming," said Harper. 

The program's first two years focus on developing core knowledge, skills, and attributes across different species through the integration of basic and clinical sciences. Courses are grouped into themes and cover dealing with threats, sensing and seeing, moving, breathing and circulating, and other scientific curricula. In addition, DVM students work on crucial professional competencies, including animal welfare, clinical communication skills, practice management, professional behavior, and other veterinary issues. 

Students face exams every two weeks, along with lab exams, a cumulative final exam each semester, weekly quizzes, and case-based problem-solving sessions. 

Shaela Clay (on left) showing another student how to interpret blood tests in the Large Animal Unit of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Persevering through self-doubts and failures

Invariably, there are stumbles along the way that shake students' confidence.  

"I failed an exam in vet school, I got a big fat F. It's not something you ever want to see, " said Emma Loessberg, a public and corporate veterinary medicine tracker from Richmond headed to a small animal general practice. 

For many students accustomed to academic success, "It really instills a seed of self-doubt," Loessberg said. "You question, 'Am I smart enough to be here?' "   

Blatman resolved "to keep pushing and keep finding new ways to learn the material" – meeting with professors, studying with classmates, and experimenting with different techniques until she found what worked for her.  

"We have room to fail and improve and get back up and grow," Loessberg said. "It really didn't matter at all. It will not impact my day-to-day life and how I will practice medicine." 

Embracing a calling

"Finishing first year, I studied hard, and I did really well," Harper said. "And I thought, 'OK, maybe I am smart enough and tough enough to make it through this.'  

"What they don't tell you when you start veterinary school is that every semester gets progressively harder." 

The third year is a transformative point when everything starts clicking into place. In the summer after their second year, students enter clinics for the first time to complete four clinical rotations. 

This immersion in a workplace environment allows students to apply their gained knowledge and skills to real-world experiences. 

"Third year really brought it together for me," said Blatman. Those first successful clinical experiences reveal students' newfound capabilities. 

For Blatman, assisting with ovine cesarean sections gave her an unforgettable thrill:   " 'I just did that — this lamb is coming into this world because I just did it.' It was a glimpse into what clinics and practice would be."   

The later years of the curriculum allow students to focus on an area of interest called tracking. Once students have gained foundational knowledge in core material during the first two years, they can build on this through advanced courses concentrating on their career goals.  Tracks include small animal, food animal, equine, mixed animal, and public/corporate. 

Loessberg also discovered a newfound confidence: "Once I've gotten into clinics, that's really when you realize, 'Wow, I've actually learned a lot. And I'm 10 steps further ahead than I initially thought I was going to be.' " 

By the fourth year, spent entirely in clinical rotations, the transformation is striking. Brimming with anticipation for her first job, Loessberg said: "I'm ready to get out there. I've become much more confident that I can do this." 

Year 2 DVM Students work in teams as surgeon, anesthetist, or assistant whilst performing cat spay surgery under the close supervision of multiple faculty.


Among the greatest highs are major milestones — passing demanding examinations like anatomy practicums and, ultimately, the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination. 

"Just opening that document and seeing that 'pass,' I felt like I could let out a breath I had been holding in for the last three and a half years," Loessberg said.

Victoria Marshall, small animal tracker from Pamplin, Virginia, vividly recalled the thrill of her first successful surgery: "I really like surgery. I like using my hands. And I like thinking things out, getting my hands dirty, so to speak, and actually doing something to help an animal." 

Loessberg said: "Veterinary school requires a lot of support from your peers, professors, and family." 

Mack agreed: "I don't think this career can be done without working with one another. Whenever I was willing to be vulnerable and felt like I needed more support, I could ask for it." 

Marshall echoed the importance of her team. "My team is my family and my fiancé. They've all been very supportive. You definitely need a good friend group and good family support system for veterinary school. It's a very rigorous program, but they make it easier to deal with." 

Culminating an arduous but rewarding journey 

Poised to join the veterinary community, students exhibit a newfound self-assuredness and resilience hard-earned through the four years.  

"I think I'm a lot better at handling stress. I can take a step back and look at a situation and kind of analyze everything that's happening," Clay said. "Veterinary school teaches you to think differently." 

"I'm probably better at managing my life than I used to be, being able to know when to stop," Loessberg said. 

"There's so much material, and you want to keep going, and you could keep going forever, you could memorize everything. But, knowing what resources you have and how to go and look things up, I think that's really important." 

"I've come a long way. And I've had a lot of ups and downs," Blatman said. "I've gotten to see myself overcome a lot of challenges. Veterinary school has challenged me in a way that I've really never had before. " 

"I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to be here, and I'm glad I chose to go here. Veterinary school was hard, but I will forever cherish my friendships here," shared Harper. 

"I just feel like I've had a lot of opportunity to grow," Loessberg reflects. "And I feel ready."

vet school personal statement 2021

Andrew Mann


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Inaugural 2024 Penn State Vet Biomed Sciences Student Internship

Posted: June 28, 2024

Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Dr. Fred Metzger, representatives from Mars, Inc, VCA Metzger Animal Hospital, the Animal Science Department, and the Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Department celebrated the completion of the inaugural VCA Metzger Animal Hospital Internship, six pre-veterinary CAS students from ANSC (1) and VBSC (5) presented case studies and celebrated the end of the internship with faculty, staff, and family. Congratulations to all who participated!

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Personal Statement feedback

Hello! Not sure if this is the right place for this, but would anyone in here (preferably a professional) be willing to take a look at my personal statement for veterinary school applications? its the first draft so its a little rough, but looking for some honest feedback. Thanks!


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    VET SCHOOL PERSONAL STATEMENT. Living with my single mother, a nurse who often works over 60 hours a week to support my family, has taught me the value of hard work. From her, I have learned to be passionate and meticulous in all the work that I do. She instilled in me need to constantly stay busy and involved.

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  26. Personal Statement (VMCAS) : r/veterinaryschool

    6. Reply. MyDegreeIsBS • 2 yr. ago. Most personal statements should be about 1 page or about 500-1000 words. It is 100% okay to go longer if you feel the information is worthwhile to include, but definitely do not stretch out your essay to fit some artificial limit that you feel you need to reach.

  27. Personal Statement feedback : r/veterinaryschool

    Personal Statement feedback Hello! Not sure if this is the right place for this, but would anyone in here (preferably a professional) be willing to take a look at my personal statement for veterinary school applications? its the first draft so its a little rough, but looking for some honest feedback.