Crime and punishment IELTS model essay with vocabulary

Our band nine sample essays give you the opportunity to learn from successful essays that show off the best structure, vocabulary and grammar. This IELTS essay on crime and punishment explores the advantages and disadvantages of harsh punishment for criminals.

band Nine Sample Essay

In some countries, crimes are punished harshly. what are some advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Several nations have opted to implement a system of strict penalties, such as long jail sentences and execution, for crimes. In this essay, I will explore the advantage that this is a good deterrent with the disadvantage that this harms rehabilitation .

Punitive measures can help deter future crime. If people can see that crimes will be punished harshly, they are far less likely to want to commit a crime . Because people consider risk versus reward before acting, making crime as risky as possible by increasing punishment can stop criminals. Conversely, when countries have light punishments for crimes like shoplifting , people in those countries might feel like it is worth the risk to do these crimes.

However, these strong punishments also increase recidivism by failing to rehabilitate people. One of the main purposes of sending people to prison is to prevent them from committing crimes when they leave; however, making prisons and other punishments too strict works against this purpose. When criminals have a heavily punitive experience, they lose self-confidence and become distrustful of authority , meaning they are more likely to be involved in crime when they leave prison. Alternatively, if prisoners have access to training and support, such as drug rehabilitation programs and anger management classes, they are far more likely to rejoin society in a productive way. 

In conclusion, the correct punishment for crimes is a complex issue. On the one hand, strong measures deter crime; on the other hand, the same measures make it more likely for prisoners to reoffend .

crime and punishment vocabulary

Although crime and punishment is a common topic in the IELTS exam, there, thankfully, is not too much vocabulary you need to know for it. Let’s take a look at some of the high level vocabulary in this answer to kick start your learning.

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Essay on Crime And Punishment

Students are often asked to write an essay on Crime And Punishment in their schools and colleges. And if youโ€™re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Letโ€™s take a lookโ€ฆ

100 Words Essay on Crime And Punishment

Understanding crime.

Crime is an act that breaks the law. It can be small, like stealing candy, or big, like robbing a bank. Some people commit crimes because they are poor, others because they want power or excitement. No matter the reason, crime harms others and disrupts peace in society.

Purpose of Punishment

Punishment is given to people who commit crimes. It serves two main purposes. First, it discourages the person from committing the crime again. Second, it warns others that crime leads to unpleasant consequences.

Types of Punishment

Punishments can be different based on the crime. For small crimes, punishments can be fines or community service. For serious crimes, punishments can be jail time or even the death penalty in some places.

Effectiveness of Punishment

Punishment can stop people from committing crimes, but itโ€™s not always effective. Sometimes, people commit crimes again after being punished. This shows that we need to find better ways to prevent crime, like education and providing opportunities.

250 Words Essay on Crime And Punishment

Understanding crime and punishment.

Crime refers to acts that break the law. These are actions that society and law consider wrong. For example, stealing or hurting someone physically. Punishment, on the other hand, is what happens when someone commits a crime. It could be a fine, jail time, or community service.

Why Crimes Happen

People commit crimes for many reasons. Some do it out of need, like stealing food to eat. Others might do it because they think itโ€™s fun or exciting. Sometimes, people commit crimes because they are angry or upset. Understanding these reasons can help us stop crimes before they happen.

Punishments are given based on the crime. Small crimes, like stealing a candy bar, might result in a small fine. Bigger crimes, like hurting someone, could lead to jail time. Some punishments aim to help the person learn from their mistakes, like community service.

Effect of Punishment

The goal of punishment is to stop people from committing crimes. It makes people think twice before doing something wrong. Yet, sometimes, punishment doesnโ€™t work. Some people continue to commit crimes even after being punished. This shows that we need to find better ways to stop crime.

In conclusion, crime and punishment are important aspects of our society. They help keep order and ensure safety. By understanding the reasons behind crime and the effects of punishment, we can work towards a safer and more peaceful society.

500 Words Essay on Crime And Punishment

What is punishment.

Punishment is what happens when someone is found guilty of a crime. Itโ€™s a way for society to show that breaking the law is not okay. Punishments can also be different based on the crime. For example, if someone steals, they might have to give back what they stole and spend some time in jail. If someone hurts another person, they might have to go to jail for a long time.

The Purpose of Punishment

Punishment serves several important roles. First, it helps to teach the person who committed the crime that what they did was wrong. This is called deterrence. The idea is that if the punishment is tough, people will think twice before committing a crime.

Finally, punishment can also help the person who committed the crime to become a better person. This is called rehabilitation. The idea is to help them understand why what they did was wrong and how they can avoid doing it in the future.

The Balance Between Crime and Punishment

Itโ€™s important to make sure the punishment fits the crime. This means that the punishment should be just right โ€“ not too harsh, not too light. If the punishment is too harsh, itโ€™s not fair to the person who committed the crime. If itโ€™s too light, it might not stop them or others from committing more crimes.

Final Thoughts

Crime and punishment are important parts of our society. They help keep order and teach people the difference between right and wrong. Itโ€™s a complex system, but itโ€™s necessary to ensure that we can all live in peace and safety. Itโ€™s also a system that is always changing and evolving, as we learn more about what works best to deter crime and rehabilitate those who have committed crimes.

Remember, the goal is not just to punish, but also to prevent future crimes and help those who have committed crimes to become better people. This way, we can all live in a safer and more peaceful society.

Thatโ€™s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

Posted by David S. Wills | Nov 20, 2020 | IELTS Tips | 0

Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

If you have practised for IELTS writing, then you have more than likely encountered the IELTS topic of crime and punishment . I am not talking about the book by Russian novelist , Fyodor Dostoevsky. Instead, I mean the general topic that covers issues relating to crime, criminals, police, the law, and methods of punishing lawbreakers.

This is a pretty common topic in IELTS writing and also in the speaking test, so today I would like to show you some useful vocabulary and also to run through some crime and punishment IELTS essays so that you can better understand this topic.

IELTS Vocabulary for Crime and Punishment

If you want to prepare for the topic of crime and punishment, then you should learn some vocabulary to help you discuss it with ease. A great way to start is to read some news articles about crime. You can try searching your favourite English-language news source. I recommend the BBC , but any high-quality news outlet is fine. You might also find it useful to search Wikipedia for crime-related topics, such as “ capital punishment .” These will invariably contain many useful words. For example:

wikipedia article on capital punishment with highlighted vocabulary

Of course, I usually stress that you should not just learn words in isolation. Try to learn groups of words that commonly go together or longer phrases that might help you. For example, you could learn some adjectives and nouns that go together:

  • law-abiding citizens
  • hardened criminals

It is also worth noting that the word “criminal” can be a noun or an adjective:

  • criminal behaviour (adjective)
  • an unrepentant criminal (noun)

Notice that I am mixing adjectives and nouns to provide more accurate and also colourful language. This is a good way to improve your writing skills – but of course it only helps when the language is used accurately.

Here is a video that I recently made covering the topic of crime and punishment as it relates to IELTS. This includes some useful vocabulary to talk about the court system:

  • attorney vs solicitor
  • capital punishment and its synonyms
  • jail vs prison

More Vocabulary: Types of Crime and Criminals

If you want to talk about crime, then it would be useful to know the name of various crimes and also the criminal associated with them. Here’s a list of crime words I made for you:


IELTS Speaking: Crime and Punishment

The topic of crime and punishment could be considered quite controversial in some ways. Think about the issues that arise: imprisonment, violence, reforming criminals. These are serious issues that cannot be summed up in short sentences without further justification. As such, this is not a common topic for part one of the speaking test.

Likewise, you probably would not be asked to talk about this for part two. Can you imagine if the cue card said, “Describe a criminal you know?” 🤨 That would not really be appropriate. It has the potential to make people feel embarrassed or ashamed or even to completely draw a blank.

Therefore, crime and punishment mostly arises in part three of the IELTS speaking test. This is where you are asked about bigger issues that require more thought and explanation. These can be viewed as similar to the sorts of question you see in task two of the writing exam.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Crime

ielts speaking questions about crime

Here are some example questions and answers from part three of the speaking test:

Q: Do you think that young criminals should be sent to prison for serious crimes?

A: No, I do not think that it is right to send young offenders to prison. In fact, that seems to be the worst way to deal with them. In any advanced society, juvenile delinquents should be dealt with through education, with the intention of reforming them into law-abiding adults. Sending them to jail or prison simply puts them in contact with other criminals and makes them more likely to commit further offenses.

Q: What do you think makes people commit acts of violent crime?

A: Well, crimes have different motivations. Some are committed out of desperation and others are crimes of passion. In other words, they are spur-of-the-moment offenses that had no forethought. Then there are other crimes that are definitely pre-meditated. These are the worst ones and probably the hardest to pin down in terms of motivation. In any case, it is hard to say what makes people do these things, except that it depends entirely upon the individual case.

Q: Do you think that video games encourage young people to commit crimes?

A: No, absolutely not, and the scientific consensus nowadays appears to back that stance. The idea that video games encourage people to commit crimes is laughable. If this was true, we would have to go and censor TV and books, and even change how we report the news. People who are going to commit crimes do so for a variety of reasons, but to suggest that they do it to imitate a game is quite absurd. If someone really did claim that their crime was inspired by a computer game, they would probably be lying or else they had underlying mental issues that made them particularly susceptible to outside influences.

Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay Topics

This topic is much more common in the writing exam than other parts because it requires the expression of complex ideas. As such, you will see many IELTS writing task 2 questions about crime and punishment.

Common sub-topics include:

  • young people and crime
  • capital punishment
  • reasons for criminal behaviour
  • reforming offenders

Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay

Here is a quite representative task 2 essay question:

Some people think that offenders should be put in prison. Others, however, believe that providing offenders with education and training is more effective than putting them in prison. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Band 9 Answer

For thousands of years, people have discussed the different ways of dealing with criminals, and even in the modern era there is a great degree of disagreement on this subject. Some believe that prison is an effective measure, but others argue that education and training would be better. This essay will look at both sides of the argument and then argue in favour of a balanced approach.

For centuries, prisons have been used as a way of both punishing criminals and keeping them away from law-abiding citizens. Although it works as a deterrent and also as a practical means of keeping society safe, it is not without its controversy. For one thing, prisons are notorious hubs of gang activity, and impressionable young lawbreakers can easily be moulded into hardened criminals during a short stint behind bars. Moreover, prisons are violent places where young offenders can be raped, beaten, or even killed during their sentence, and when they are released they carry with them the stigma of their incarceration. This means that they will struggle to return to normal society and, for this reason, recidivism rates can be quite high in some places. Thus, although prisons are an effective means of punishing people and keeping society safe, they are not without substantial problems.

On the other hand, educating and training criminals is controversial because people tend to think of it as overly lenient. Many law-abiding citizens believe that those who break the law should be punished harshly or else there is little reason to adhere to the rules. However, this approach should not be seen as rewarding criminals but rather rehabilitating people who were pushed to extreme actions by their unfortunate circumstances. Statistically, most prison inmates come from backgrounds of poverty and abuse, so giving them a helping hand can be more beneficial than punishing them and then hoping that they do not return to a life of crime.

In conclusion, this is an extremely complex issue that requires serious scrutiny, but it appears as though prison should be reserved only for violent and habitual offenders while the majority of petty criminals should be dealt with through education and training.

Notes on the Answer

There was a lot of great vocabulary in this answer for the purposes of a descriptive and thoughtful essay:

  • impressionable young lawbreakers
  • a short stint behind bars
  • the stigma of their incarceration
  • recidivism rates
  • rehabilitating
  • requires serious scrutiny
  • petty criminals

Task 1 – Crime-related Essays

For IELTS writing task 1, it is also possible that you could have to describe data about crime. This is harder to predict because it really could be about almost anything, but here is an example of a line graph about various types of criminal activity:

newport crime rate line graph

The line graph shows changes in crime rates over a ten-year period in the city centre of Newport. Three types of crimes are listed, two of which ended the period at roughly similar levels to where they began, and one experienced a major drop.

In 2003, which was the beginning of the recorded period, burglary was the most common type of crime in Newport, with just under 3,500 cases reported. This rose slightly the following year, before entering into a long downward trend, reaching a low of about 1,200 in 2008. After this, the number of burglaries reported fluctuated until 2012.

The number of car thefts was about 2,800 in 2003, and ended the period slightly lower, at 2,700. During the decade-long period, it fluctuated, reaching low points in 2006 and 2008. Car theft was the second most common type of crime in 2003, but the fall in burglaries meant that from 2008 onwards, they were the most common crime in Newport.

Robberies were the least common crime and followed a somewhat similar trend to that of car thefts, starting and ending the period with around 700 incidents. It fluctuated only slightly during the ten-year period.

This essay originally appeared here .

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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Crime Commitment and Punishment Essay (Critical Writing)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writerโ€™s block
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Crime commitment is a history-long and complicated social issue that has been addressed by many nations in a different way. Regardless of the variations between the views on the characteristic features of a crime and proper ways for punishment, one idea remains commonly relevant; namely, crimes are the results of delinquent behavior. Consequently, crime is committed by delinquents or people who have a desire, a need, or a psychological inclination to break the law. In my opinion, crimes are commonly committed by individuals whose judgment is impaired due to the strong adverse social influence. I believe that criminal activity is the result of social learning, which is why individuals who are raised in underprivileged communities or observe law-breaking since their youth are more likely to engage in unlawful behavior.

As for the crimes that our country should focus on, they should include the ones that have the most significant damage as the outcome. For example, murder, serial murders, and rape should be addressed with a particular level of precision since they result in the loss of human lives or significant psychological trauma. On the other hand, the crimes that the law enforcing system should concentrate on should include not only the most serious offenses but also those prevailing in contemporary society but not sufficiently addressed. For example, assault, bullying, and discrimination are some of the issues that require special attention.

Finally, the punishment that is required for crimes should be aligned with a general perspective of the corrective system on the interplay between delinquency and its outcomes for an offender. Indeed, I think that the law-enforcing system should work toward shifting from punishing to correcting the behavior of the individuals who commit crimes. While imprisonment is a valid punishment for severe crimes, it is important to implement correctional activities. They should be aimed at restructuring the psyche of the criminals and helping them learn new behaviors that would allow them to become law-abiding citizens in the future.

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IvyPanda. (2022, October 9). Crime Commitment and Punishment.

"Crime Commitment and Punishment." IvyPanda , 9 Oct. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Crime Commitment and Punishment'. 9 October.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Crime Commitment and Punishment." October 9, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Crime Commitment and Punishment." October 9, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Crime Commitment and Punishment." October 9, 2022.

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Crime & Punishment Essay Titles

IELTS Essay Questions for the Topic of Crime & Punishment. All essay questions below are reported by IELTS candidates and seem to have been repeated over the years. Regardless of the years the questions were reported, you could get any question below in your test. You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below. This topic is more likely to appear in the Academic test than the GT writing test. However, all candidates should prepare for all topics to be safe.

Crime & Punishment Essay Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2

The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can prevent and solve crime. Do you agree or disagree? (Reported 2017, 2021 Academic Test)
Many criminals commit further crimes as soon as they released from prison. What do you think are the causes of this? What possible solutions can you suggest? (Reported 2015, 2017, 2022 Academic Test)
It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime can be attributed to violence in the media. Do you agree that this is the main cause of juvenile crime? What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation? (common question)
In some societies, the number of crimes committed by teenagers is growing. Some people think that regardless of age, teenagers who commit major crimes should receive adult punishment. To what extent do you agree? (2020, 2023)
Some countries are struggling with an increase in the rate of crime. Many people think that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime. To what extent do you agree? (2018, 2020)
Some people think that women should not be allowed to work in the police force. Do you agree or disagree?
Many crimes are often related to the consumption of alcohol. Some people think that the best way to reduce the crime rate is to ban alcohol. Do you think this is an effective measure against crime? What other solutions can you suggest?
Some people think certain prisoners should be made to do unpaid community work instead of being put behind bars. To what extent do you agree? (Reported 2017, 2020, GT Test)
Many people believe that having a fixed punishment for all crimes is more efficient. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a fixed punishment? (common question)
Some people think that the government should be responsible for crime prevention, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the individual to protect themselves. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The death penalty is the best way to control and reduce serious crime. To what extent do you agree? (2018, 2020)
While it is sometimes thought that prison is the best place for criminals, others believe that there are better ways to deal with them. What is your opinion? (common question – this is often reworded with a focus on the best ways to deal with criminals)
Crime rate, in most countries, is often higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Why do you think that is? What can be done to reduce the crime rate?
Some people think that poverty is the reason behind most crimes. Do you agree or disagree?
Internet crime is increasing rapidly as more and more people are using the internet to make financial transactions. What can be done to tackle this problem ?
Some people think that the parents of children who commit crime should also receive a punishment. Do you agree or disagree? (2020)

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. That means questions may have appeared more frequently than have been reported. These questions may vary slightly in wording and focus from the original question. Also note that these questions could also appear in IELTS speaking part 3 which is another good reason to prepare all topics thoroughly.

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IELTS essay Crime and Punishment

Crime and punishment.

This blog teaches you how to write essays on the topic of Crime and Punishment.

It includes the following:

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  • Capital Punishment: the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime.
  • Detention: the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody.
  • Forensics: scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of crime.
  • Incarceration: the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment.
  • Juvenile Delinquency: the habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, particularly one below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible.
  • Misdemeanor: a minor wrongdoing; a non-indictable offense, regarded in the US (and formerly in the UK) as less serious than a felony.
  • Probation: the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision.
  • Rehabilitation: the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.
  • Restorative Justice: a system of criminal justice that focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large.
  • Sentencing: the declaration of a punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by a court, or fixed by law for a particular offense.

Crime and punishment are critical components of any society’s legal and moral framework, reflecting how a community upholds justice and social order. This topic encompasses the various aspects of the criminal justice system, the ethics of punishment, and the effectiveness of different punitive measures. Understanding these elements is essential for fostering a safer, more just society.

Debates in the realm of crime and punishment often revolve around the effectiveness and morality of various forms of punishment, such as capital punishment versus life imprisonment. Proponents of harsher sentencing argue that severe penalties deter crime more effectively. In contrast, advocates for rehabilitative approaches emphasize the potential for reducing recidivism through programs focused on reintegrating offenders into society. Another area of contention is the application of restorative justice and its role in healing communities versus traditional punitive measures.

๐„๐ฑ๐š๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐‚๐ฎ๐ซ๐ซ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐„๐ฏ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฌ: Internationally, the debate over the abolition of the death penalty in various countries continues to evoke strong opinions on both sides.

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime and the motivation for committing it should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that a uniform set of legal consequences should be applied to all offences, while others contend that the specific details and reasons behind each crime should be taken into account when determining the suitable penalty. This essay discusses both views and explains why I believe that the best approach would utilise both types of sentences depending on the severity of the case.

Advocates for fixed legal consequences have two main arguments. The main one is that a standardised approach ensures equality in the justice system. For instance, traffic violations typically incur set fines, which means that all lawbreakers receive the same penalty for the same criminal acts. Moreover, victims of crimes can feel that equity is upheld. This is because they can have clear expectations about the punishment perpetrators will receive.

Conversely, people who believe it is better to decide the penalty on a case-by-case basis, argue that such an approach neglects the nuances of individual cases. They assert that true justice requires consideration of the context of each crime, such as any mitigating circumstances. For instance, killing a person in self-defence should be treated differently than premeditated murder. Furthermore, in some cases where the perpetrator has suffered from an unusually harsh background, rehabilitation should be prioritised over retribution. For example, addiction or mental health issues may warrant treatment and support rather than strict prison sentences.

In conclusion, I believe both sides of the argument have merits. However, an ideal approach is to use fixed disciplinary actions for minor offences as they offer clarity and deterrence; however, for major offences where the consequences are severe, the circumstances should be considered to account for the intricacies of each case.

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write a essay on crime and punishment

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment

Janice Thompson

Updated On Jan 12, 2024


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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment

IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

In IELTS Writing Task 2, students are asked to write a formal essay of at least 250 words, in 4-5 paragraphs based on the given writing task 2 essay topics. The task is similar for both Academic and General Training with regards to the type of questions and the scoring, but the topics given for General Training will be slightly easier than Academic. Given below is a cause and solution essay with sample answers that will help you to practise and get a good score.

Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

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Cause/ Solution Essayย 


Introduce the essay topic and paraphrase it by giving a proper preface. Then, state the essay’s intent in two subsequent paragraphs, i.e., the causes and solutions for the essay topic.ย 

Paragraph 1: A large proportion of criminals leave prison only to reoffend, owing to a lack of rehabilitation and reskilling opportunities in prison

Paragraph 2: These criminals can take effective measures to keep engaged in activities that will help them acquire new skills.ย ย 


State the solutionย 

Sample Essay

Most criminals tend to commit crimes again, once they are released from jail. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation in prisons and also the difficulty they face in finding employment. There are a lot of solutions to overcome this situation. In this essay, we will explain why the criminals commit the same crime again and the reasons to overcome this.

The main reason for the repetition of crimes is the lack of reskilling options in jails. Since they are unable to find the right employment, they resort to unfair means to earn their daily bread. Another reason is that there aren’t strict laws to keep them under control.

ย  Some effective measures are imposing strict punishments and improving their skills like craft making, fashion designing, catering and so on. They will be engaged in work once they are out of prison and become self-sustained.

To sum up, the government must closely monitor the criminals even after they are out of prison and ensure that there is a reduction in crime rate so that we can make the world a better place to live in.ย 

Band 9 Sample Essay

Several criminals are likely to commit other offences after serving their initial term, owing to their incapacity to maintain economic stability and difficulty finding suitable employment. However, there are several options for dealing with this scenario, such as providing financial assistance and instilling the necessary skills. This essay will look at why criminals commit the same crimes over and over again and how to avoid them.

To begin with, most first-time convicts commit crimes after serving their first sentence due to the lack of employment options and opportunities to retrain and master new skills to make a living. Moreover, since society does not accept the convicts as respectable people anymore, they join hands with their criminal friends and perpetuate the same crimes, such as pickpocketing or robbing, to make ends meet and avail basic necessities. As a result, the financial hardships of the perpetrators prompt them to recommit the crimes regardless of the repercussions.

There are some viable measures to rehabiliate habitual criminals. The government can provide financial assistance to them after they complete their sentence as this will help them stabilize their economic status and make a living for themselves. The government can also ensure that criminals have the opportunity to retrain vital skills while in prison, as this will help them find stable work after their sentence is over and will improve their reintegration into society and financial development.

To sum up, the convicts recommit the crimes owing to a lack of financial help, job opportunities, and rehabilitation. Still, crime rates would drop considerably if the government implemented the above-mentioned measures and kept a close eye on first-time offenders once set free.

  • Rehabilitation ย 

Meaning: the action of restoring someone to a healthy or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illnessย  Eg: The older woman was sent to a rehabilitation centre.ย 

Meaning: succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty) Eg: It was difficult for John to overcome the loss of his pet.ย 

Meaning: teach (a person, especially an unemployed person) new skillsย  Eg: The University started a reskilling program for the students.ย 

  • Repetition ย 

Meaning: the action of repeating something that has already been said or written. Eg: The staff was fired due to her repetition of mistakes.ย 

  • Earn (one’s) daily breadย 

Meaning: to do work of any kind for a living Eg: The man earned his daily bread by working at a construction site.ย 

  • Self-sustainingย 

Meaning: able to continue in a healthy state without outside assistanceย  Eg: Kay was self-sustaining from his business.ย 

Meaning: observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of timeย  Eg: The teacher monitored the students during the exam.ย 

Meaning: make certain that (something) will occur or be the case ย  Eg: My mother ensured that I scored good marks.ย 

Meaning: turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.ย  Eg: Jill had to resort to a loan from the bank.ย 

Meaning: force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someoneย  Eg: The government imposed strict travel restrictions.ย 

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Many people argue whether every crime should have a fixed punishment. Some people disagree saying that the motive and intent of the crime must be found out.

It is believed that if the criminals are given fixed punishments, they will be more careful while performing their daily activities and will fear to do unlawful activities. This may turn advantageous to society.ย 

If the punishments are fixed, a lot of time and money will be saved. If different sentences are to be given, the government might have to spend more money on lawyers and on enforcing security measures. Instead of spending money on these purposes, it can be used for other sectors like education, development of society and so on.

On the other side, people think that having the same punishment for every crime may not bring justice in a real sense, because some crimes are unintentional. To avoid this, the punishments must be given knowing the real reason behind them.

Thus we can say that the main focus should be on serving equal justice to the people. There is no point in giving the same punishment for all crimes because no two crimes are of the same motive.

Other essays related to Crime and Punishment

There are also other related essays that you can make use of while practicing for writing task 2 essays. The list is given below:

  • Juvenile Criminal
  • Some people say that when children under 18 are committing a crime they should be punished, while others believe they should be educated. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
  • Studies show that criminals get a low level of education. Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is by educating people in prison so they can get a job after leaving prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?
  • Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that having these people to give a talk to school students is the best way to tell them about the dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?

More Writing Task 2 Essay Topics

  • Some People Prefer to Spend Their Lives Doing The Same Things and Avoiding Change
  • Some People Believe That Reading Stories From a Book is Better Than Watching Tv or Playing Computer Games for Children.
  • Some People Say That Economic Growth Is The Only Way to End Hunger and Poverty
  • Scientific Research Should Be Carried Out and Controlled by the Government
  • The Tradition of Families Getting Together to Eat Meals is Disappearing
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Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Proven tips to score Band 9 in IELTS Writing

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Masterโ€™s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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