49 Opinion Writing Prompts for Students

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essay prompts opinion

One of the most common essay types is the opinion, or persuasive, essay. In an opinion essay , the writer states a point of view, then provides facts and reasoned arguments to support that viewpoint. The goal of the essay is to convince the reader to share the writer’s opinion.

Students aren't always aware of how many strong opinions they already hold. Use the following opinion writing prompts to inspire them to start thinking and writing persuasively.

Prompts About School and Sports

School- and sports-related topics often elicit strong opinions in students. Use these writing prompts to kick off the brainstorming process.

  • Ch-ch-ch-changes . What is one thing about your school that needs to change? Is bullying an issue? Do students need longer breaks or a dress code? Choose one vital issue that needs to change and convince school leaders to make it happen.
  • Special guest. Your school is trying to decide on a famous person to give a speech or presentation to students. Who do you think they should choose? Write an essay to convince your principal.
  • Oxford or bust. Is the Oxford comma essential or obsolete?
  • Scribble scrabble. Do students still need to learn cursive handwriting?
  • Co-ed conflict. Would students perform better if more schools were single-gender rather than co-ed? Why or why not?
  • Participation awards. Should there be winners and losers in sports, or is participation the ultimate goal?
  • Homework overload. Write an essay to convince your teacher to assign less homework.
  • Sports. Which sport (or team) is the best? What makes it better than the others?
  • No slacking . Write an essay persuading a fellow student to do their homework.
  • Class trip. This year, students get to vote on where to go for a class trip. Write an essay convincing your fellow students to vote for the place you’d like to go.
  • Superlatives. Which would you rather be: a top student, a talented athlete, or an accomplished artist?
  • Virtual athletes . Video games competitions are often aired on TV and treated like sports competitions. Should video games be considered sports?
  • Class debate. Should classes that students may not use or that don’t interest them (such as physical education or foreign language) be required?

Prompts About Relationships

Friendships, dating, and other relationships can be both rewarding and exasperating. These writing prompts about relationships will help students explore their feelings about both the positive and the negative moments.

  • Snitch. Your best friend tells you about his plan to cheat on a test. Should you tell an adult? Why or why not?
  • Give it a chance. Your best friend is convinced that she would hate your favorite book, even though she's never read it. Convince her to read it.
  • Friendships vs. relationships. Are friendships or romantic relationships more important in life? Why?
  • Driving age. What age do kids start driving in your state? Is that age too old, too young, or just right? Why?
  • Truth or consequences. Your best friend asks your opinion about something, but you know that a truthful answer will hurt her feelings. What do you do?
  • Who chooses? Your best friend is visiting, and you want to watch TV together, but his favorite show is at the same time as your favorite show. Convince him that your show is a better choice.
  • Fun times. What is the most fun thing you and your best friend have ever experienced together? Why does it deserve the top spot?
  • Dating. Are long-term dating relationships good or bad for teens?
  • New friends. You want to spend time with a new student at school, but your best friend is jealous. Convince your friend of the importance of including the newcomer.
  • Be mine. Is Valentine’s Day worthwhile or just a scheme for the greeting card and chocolate industry to make more money?
  • Debbie Downer. Should you cut ties with friends or relatives who are always negative?
  • He loves me not. Is it really better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
  • Elders. Should you respect your elders merely because they are older, or is respect something that must be earned?

Prompts About Family, Pets, and Leisure Time

The following writing prompts related to family, furry friends, and free time will help students reflect on preferences, ethics, and integrity.

  • Self-reflection. This time, you're the one who needs convincing! Write an essay to persuade yourself to start a healthy habit (or kick a bad habit).
  • Paper wars. Should toilet paper hang with the loose end resting on the top of the roll or hanging from the bottom?
  • Movie vs. book. Choose a book that has been made into a movie. Which version is better, and why?
  • Weekend wanderings . Do you prefer to stay home on the weekends or get out and do things around town? Write an essay to convince your parents to let you do what you prefer this weekend.
  • Sweepstakes. A travel agency is hosting an essay contest to give away an all-expenses-paid trip to the one place in the world you’d most love to visit. Craft a winning essay that convinces them they need to choose you.
  • Zoo debate. Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos? Why or why not?
  • Presence of pets. Should there be limits on the types of places pets can go (e.g. airplanes or restaurants)? Why or why not?
  • Inspiring stories. What is the most inspiring book you’ve ever read? Why is it so inspiring?
  • Dollar discovery. You find a $20 bill in the parking lot of a crowded store. Is it okay to keep it, or should you turn it in to customer service?
  • Vacation day. What is the very best way to spend an unexpected day off from school and why is it the best?
  • Digital or print? Is it better to read books in print or digitally? Why?

Prompts About Society and Technology

The people and technology around us have a significant impact on our lives. These writing prompts encourage students to consider the effect that society and technological advances have on our day-to-day lives.

  • Reverse technology. Pick one technological advancement that you think the world would be better off without. Explain your reasoning and persuade the reader.
  • Out of this world . Do aliens exist? Why or why not?
  • Social media. Is social media good or bad for society? Why?
  • Emoji. Has the use of emoji stunted our ability to express ourselves in writing, or does it help us identify our emotions more precisely?
  • Auto safety. Have advancements like self-driving cars, blind spot indicators, and lane departure warning systems made driving safer, or have they just made drivers less attentive?
  • Exploration Mars. Write a letter to Elon Musk convincing him that you should be part of a colony to Mars.
  • Fundraisers. Is it okay for kids to stand outside stores and ask shoppers for money for their sports teams, clubs, or band? Why or why not?
  • Inventions. What is the greatest invention ever made? Why is it the best?
  • Important cause. In your opinion, what global problem or issue deserves more attention than it currently receives? Why should more time and money be invested in this cause?
  • Minimalism. Does living a minimalist lifestyle make for a happier life? Why or why not?
  • Gaming gains. Are video games generally a positive or a negative influence? Why?
  • Rose-colored glasses. Is the current decade the best era in history? Why or why not?
  • Paper or plastic. Should plastic bags be outlawed?
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20+ opinion writing prompts

Use these opinion or argumentative writing prompts to help your students to state a point of view, and then provide facts and reasoned arguments to support that viewpoint. The goal of this kind of writing is to convince the reader to share the writer's opinion.

Opinion Writing Prompt examples:

  • What animal would judge us the most? Write a scene (based on truth or fiction) where two or more people are doing something silly, and they're being observed and criticized by animals.
  • Can honesty honestly be bad? Write about someone, fact or fiction, who gets in trouble for being too truthful.
  • Should books ever be banned? Discuss. If no, explain why. You might want to look at a list of commonly banned books. If yes, explain under what circumstances.
  • Imagine a moral dilemma (for example, you see someone shoplift or a friend tells a blatant lie to her parents about where she was last night) and explain what you would do and why you would do it.
  • According to a Czechoslovakian proverb, “Better a lie that soothes than a truth that hurts.” Agree or disagree? Explain.
  • List 10 places in the world that you would most like to visit, 10 places you’ve been, and 10 places you would never want to go.
  • Should students be able to grade their teachers?
  • Does gym help students perform better in all their classes?
  • How big a problem is bullying or cyberbullying in your school or community?
  • Does technology make us more alone?
  • Is online learning as good as face-to-face learning?
  • What role will robots play in our future?
  • What current musicians do you think will stand the test of time?
  • Should video games be considered a sport?
  • To what writer would you award a prize?
  • Is school designed more for girls than boys?
  • Why aren’t more girls choosing to pursue careers in math and science?
  • Do boys have less intense friendships than girls?
  • When do you become an adult?
  • Is it ethical to eat meat?
  • Can money buy you happiness?
  • Is kindness cool?

Many students face challenges in expressing their thoughts and opinions on paper

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The New York Times

The learning network | 200 prompts for argumentative writing.

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200 Prompts for Argumentative Writing

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2011/03/07/education/07classrooms.html">Related Article</a> | <a href="//learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/08/does-class-size-matter/">Related Student Opinion Question</a>

Updated, March 2, 2017 | We published an updated version of this list, “401 Prompts for Argumentative Writing,” as well as a companion piece, “650 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing.” We also now have a PDF of these 200 prompts .

Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and get five new Student Opinion questions delivered to you every week.

What issues do you care most about? What topics do you find yourself discussing most passionately, whether online, at the dinner table, in the classroom or with your friends?

Our annual Student Editorial Contest invites you to write an evidence-based persuasive piece on an issue that matters to you. To help jump-start your brainstorming, we have gathered a list of 200 writing prompts from our daily Student Opinion feature that invite you to take a stand.

Though you won’t be limited to these topics for the contest, you’ll see that our list touches on every aspect of modern life, from politics to sports, culture, education and technology. We hope the range inspires you, and we hope the fact that each question links to at least one related Times article gives you a starting point for finding evidence.

So skim the list below to think about the topic you’d most like to take on.

For more information, here are links to our spring 2014 editorial-writing contest , a list of winners from that contest and a related lesson plan on argumentative writing .

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2012/09/08/education/studies-show-more-students-cheat-even-high-achievers.html">Related Article</a>

  • Is Cheating Getting Worse?
  • Should Students Be Able to Grade Their Teachers?
  • Does Your School Hand Out Too Many A’s?
  • Should Middle School Students Be Drug Tested?
  • Should Reading and Math Be Taught in Gym Class Too?
  • How Seriously Should We Take Standardized Tests?
  • How Well Do You Think Standardized Tests Measure Your Abilities?
  • Do You Spend Too Much Time Preparing for Standardized Tests?
  • Should Schools Offer Cash Bonuses for Good Test Scores?
  • Should We Rethink How Long Students Spend in High School?
  • Do Schools Provide Students With Enough Opportunities to Be Creative?
  • What Are You Really Learning at School?
  • How Important Is Arts Education?
  • Does Gym Help Students Perform Better in All Their Classes?
  • Who Should Be Able to See Students’ Records?
  • Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Entitled to a Public Education?
  • What Is the Right Amount of Group Work in School?
  • Is Your School Day Too Short?
  • Do You Think a Longer School Calendar Is a Good Idea?
  • Should the Dropout Age Be Raised?
  • Should Students Be Allowed to Skip Senior Year of High School?
  • How Does Your School Deal With Students Who Misbehave?
  • Should Schools Be Allowed to Use Corporal Punishment?
  • How Big a Problem Is Bullying or Cyberbullying in Your School or Community?
  • How Should Schools Address Bullying?
  • Should Schools Put Tracking Devices in Students’ ID Cards?
  • What Do You Think of Grouping Students by Ability in Schools?
  • Do We Need a New Way to Teach Math?
  • Does Class Size Matter?
  • Should All Students Get Equal Space in a Yearbook?
  • Is Prom Worth It?
  • How Important Are Parent-Teacher Conferences?
  • Should All Children Be Able to Go to Preschool?
  • Should Colleges Use Admissions Criteria Other Than SAT Scores and Grades?
  • What Criteria Should Be Used in Awarding Scholarships for College?
  • Do You Support Affirmative Action?
  • Do College Rankings Matter?
  • How Necessary Is a College Education?
  • Should Engineers Pay Less for College Than English Majors?

Technology and Social Media

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/01/09/booming/in-your-face-book-heres-the-party-you-werent-invited-to.html">Related Article<br /></a>

  • Are the Web Filters at Your School Too Restrictive?
  • Does Technology Make Us More Alone?
  • Are You Distracted by Technology?
  • Do Apps Help You or Just Waste Your Time?
  • Do You Spend Too Much Time on Smart Phones Playing ‘Stupid Games’?
  • Has Facebook Lost Its Edge?
  • Does Facebook Ever Make You Feel Bad?
  • Should What You Say on Facebook Be Grounds for Getting Fired?
  • Should People Be Allowed to Obscure Their Identities Online?
  • What Should the Punishment Be for Acts of Cyberbullying?
  • Is Online Learning as Good as Face-to-Face Learning?
  • Do Your Teachers Use Technology Well?
  • Should Tablet Computers Become the Primary Way Students Learn in Class?
  • Can Cellphones Be Educational Tools?
  • Should Computer Games Be Used for Classroom Instruction?
  • How Young Is Too Young for an iPhone?
  • Should Companies Collect Information About You?
  • Would You Trade Your Paper Books for Digital Versions?
  • Are Digital Photographs Too Plentiful to Be Meaningful?
  • Do You Worry We Are Filming Too Much?
  • Would You Want a Pair of Google’s Computer Glasses?
  • How Would You Feel About a Computer Grading Your Essays?
  • What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future?
  • How Many Text Messages Are Too Many?
  • How Much Do You Trust Online Reviews?

Arts and Media: TV, Music, Video Games and Literature

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2012/05/14/business/media/in-evolving-media-landscape-television-holds-sway.html">Related Article</a>

  • Why Do We Like to Watch Rich People on TV and in the Movies?
  • Do TV Shows Like ‘16 and Pregnant’ Promote or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy?
  • Does TV Capture the Diversity of America Yet?
  • Is TV Too White?
  • Is TV Stronger Than Ever, or Becoming Obsolete?
  • Does Reality TV Promote Dangerous Stereotypes?
  • What Current Musicians Do You Think Will Stand the Test of Time?
  • What Artists or Bands of Today Are Destined for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
  • What Musician, Actor or Author Should Be a Superstar, but Hasn’t Quite Made It Yet?
  • Will Musical Training Make You More Successful?
  • Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?
  • Should Stores Sell Violent Video Games to Minors?
  • Can a Video Game Be a Work of Art?
  • Do Violent Video Games Make People More Violent in Real Life?
  • When Should You Feel Guilty for Killing Zombies?
  • What Game Would You Like to Redesign?
  • What Were the Best Movies You Saw in the Past Year?
  • To What Writer Would You Award a Prize?
  • Do You Prefer Your Children’s Book Characters Obedient or Contrary?
  • Where Is the Line Between Truth and Fiction?
  • Can Graffiti Ever Be Considered Art?
  • Do We Need Art in Our Lives?
  • What Makes a Good Commercial?
  • Why Did a Cheerios Ad Attract So Many Angry Comments Online?
  • Does Pop Culture Deserve Serious Study?

Gender Issues

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/10/01/nyregion/city-unveils-a-campaign-to-improve-girls-self-esteem.html">Related Article</a><a href="//learning.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/tyell/"></a>

  • Do Parents Have Different Hopes and Standards for Their Sons Than for Their Daughters?
  • Is School Designed More for Girls Than Boys?
  • Is There Too Much Pressure on Girls to Have ‘Perfect’ Bodies?
  • How Much Pressure Do Boys Face to Have the Perfect Body?
  • Do Photoshopped Images Make You Feel Bad About Your Own Looks?
  • Is It O.K. for Men and Boys to Comment on Women and Girls on the Street?
  • What Should We Do to Fight Sexual Violence Against Young Women?
  • How Do You Feel About Rihanna and Chris Brown Getting Back Together?
  • Do Fraternities Promote Misogyny?
  • Why Aren’t There More Girls in Leadership Roles?
  • Why Aren’t More Girls Choosing to Pursue Careers in Math and Science?
  • Should Women Be Allowed to Fight on the Front Lines Alongside Men?
  • Do You Believe in Equal Rights for Women and Men?
  • Are Women Better at Compromising and Collaborating?
  • Do Boys Have Less Intense Friendships Than Girls?

Sports and Athletics

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/09/18/sports/football/would-i-let-my-son-play-football.html">Related Article</a><a href="//learning.blogs.nytimes.com/category/news-quiz/weekly-news-quiz/"></a>

  • If Football Is So Dangerous to Players, Should We Be Watching It?
  • Should Parents Let Their Children Play Football?
  • Should College Football Players Get Paid?
  • When Do Pranks Cross the Line to Become Bullying?
  • Has Baseball Lost Its Cool?
  • Are Some Youth Sports Too Intense?
  • Is It Offensive for Sports Teams to Use Native American Names and Mascots?
  • Where Should Colleges and Sports Teams Draw the Line in Selling Naming Rights?
  • Should Colleges Fund Wellness Programs Instead of Sports?
  • Is Cheerleading a Sport?
  • How Big a Deal Is It That an N.B.A. Player Came Out as Gay?
  • Should There Be Stricter Rules About How Coaches Treat Their Players?
  • Should Athletes Who Dope Have to Forfeit Their Titles and Medals?
  • Should Sports Betting Be Legal Everywhere?
  • Should Home-Schoolers Be Allowed to Play Public School Sports?
  • Would You Want a Bike Share Program for Your Community?

Politics and the Legal System

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/08/30/opinion/global/chappatte-doubts-about-intervening-in-syria.html">Related Article</a>

  • What Local Problems Do You Think Your Mayor Should Try to Solve?
  • If You Were Governor of Your State, How Would You Spend a Budget Surplus?
  • When Is the Use of Military Force Justified?
  • What Is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security?
  • California Notice
  • Should the U.S. Be Spying on Its Friends?
  • Do You Trust Your Government?
  • What Do You Think of the Police Tactic of Stop-and-Frisk?
  • Do Rich People Get Off Easier When They Break the Law?
  • Should Rich People Have to Pay More Taxes?
  • Do Laws That Ban Offensive Words Make the World a Better Place?
  • Is It Principled, or Irresponsible, for Politicians to Threaten a Shutdown?
  • Do Leaders Have Moral Obligations?
  • Do Great Leaders Have to Be Outgoing?
  • How Should We Prevent Future Mass Shootings?
  • Should Guns Be Permitted on College Campuses?
  • Would You Feel Safer With Armed Guards Patrolling Your School?
  • What Is Your Relationship With Guns?
  • Do You Support or Oppose the Death Penalty?
  • When Should Juvenile Offenders Receive Life Sentences?

Parenting and Childhood

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/09/25/opinion/losing-is-good-for-you.html">Related Article<br /></a>

  • Do We Give Children Too Many Trophies?
  • When Do You Become an Adult?

When Should You Be Able to Buy Cigarettes, Drink Alcohol, Vote, Drive and Fight in Wars?

  • Should the Morning-After Pill Be Sold Over the Counter to People Under 17?
  • Should Birth Control Pills Be Available to Teenage Girls Without a Prescription?
  • Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood?
  • Are Adults Hurting Young Children by Pushing Them to Achieve?
  • How, and by Whom, Should Children Be Taught Appropriate Behavior?
  • What Can Older People Learn From Your Generation?
  • Do ‘Shame and Blame’ Work to Change Teenage Behavior?
  • How Should Children Be Taught About Puberty and Sex?
  • Is Dating a Thing of the Past?
  • How Should Parents Handle a Bad Report Card?
  • Should Children Be Allowed to Wear Whatever They Want?
  • How Should Educators and Legislators Deal With Minors Who ‘Sext’?
  • Do You Think Child Stars Have It Rough?

Health and Nutrition

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/09/06/health/e-cigarette-use-doubles-among-students-survey-shows.html">Related Article</a><a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/09/06/health/e-cigarette-use-doubles-among-students-survey-shows.html"></a>

  • Is Smoking Still a Problem Among Teenagers?
  • Are Antismoking Ads Effective?
  • Is Drinking and Driving Still a Problem for Teenagers?
  • Do You Think a Healthier School Lunch Program Is a Lost Cause?
  • How Concerned Are You About Where Your Food Comes From?
  • Is It Ethical to Eat Meat?
  • Do You Prefer Your Tacos ‘Authentic’ or ‘Appropriated’?
  • Should the Government Limit the Size of Sugary Drinks?
  • Should Marijuana Be Legal?
  • Should Students Be Required to Take Drug Tests?

Personal Character and Morality Questions

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/09/15/opinion/sunday/its-not-mess-its-creativity.html">Related Article<br /></a>

  • Do Bystanders Have a Responsibility to Intervene When There is Trouble?
  • Should You Care About the Health and Safety of Those Making Your Clothing?
  • Can Money Buy You Happiness?
  • Does Buying and Accumulating More and More Stuff Make Us Happier?
  • Are We Losing the Art of Listening?
  • Do People Complain Too Much?
  • Can Kindness Become Cool?
  • Which Is More Important: Talent or Hard Work?
  • How Important Is Keeping Your Cool?
  • When Should You Compromise?
  • Is Your Generation More Self-Centered Than Earlier Generations?
  • Can You Be Good Without God?
  • Have Curse Words Become So Common They Have Lost Their Shock Value?
  • What Words or Phrases Should Be Retired in 2014?
  • What Words or Phrases Do You Think Are Overused?
  • Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage?
  • How Important Do You Think It Is to Marry Someone With the Same Religion?
  • How Long Is It O.K. to Linger in a Cafe or Restaurant?
  • Does Keeping a Messy Desk Make People More Creative?
  • How Important Is Keeping a Clean House?
  • Should Scientists Try to Help People Beat Old Age So We Can Live Longer Lives?
  • Given Unlimited Resources, What Scientific or Medical Problem Would You Investigate?
  • When Is It O.K. to Replace Human Limbs With Technology?
  • Do You Think Life Exists — or Has Ever Existed — Somewhere Besides Earth?
  • Should Fertilized Eggs Be Given Legal ‘Personhood’?
  • How Concerned Are You About Climate Change?

Other Questions

<a href="//www.nytimes.com/2013/10/20/opinion/sunday/here-comes-the-neighborhood.html">Related Article</a><a href="//learning.blogs.nytimes.com/category/lesson-plans/"></a>

  • Is It Wrong for a Newspaper to Publish a Front-Page Photo of a Man About to Die?
  • What Causes Should Philanthropic Groups Finance?
  • Should Charities Focus More on America?
  • Should the Private Lives of Famous People Be Off Limits?
  • Did a Newspaper Act Irresponsibly by Publishing the Addresses of Gun Owners?
  • Would You Rather Work From Home or in an Office?
  • What Time Should Black Friday Sales Start?
  • Do You Shop at Locally Owned Businesses?
  • How Much Does Your Neighborhood Define Who You Are?

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Argumentative prompts – 200

So i was thinking about doing a topic of Nuclear War for school and i am not able to take and find it on here does anyone know were i can find it?

Many of these questions aren’t at all appropriate for someone writing a persuasive speech. Take the question about life existing other than on earth. The only argument that should convince anyone that life exists other than on earth would use definitive scientific evidence. And if we had that, there wouldn’t be an argument in the first place.

Regarding the section on Gender Issues:

Where are the questions regarding transgender teens or adults? Where are the questions regarding sexuality? Where are the questions regarding whether or not gender roles have an impact on teens? Where are the questions regarding society’s view on the LGBT(etc.) community?

Hi Tasha, We have touched on all of these issues on the blog numerous times, but for this collection of questions, we only highlighted those asked in a way that most naturally led to argumentative writing. But, for example, we have a whole collection on teaching about LGBT issues here, and we ask questions and run lesson plans around aspects of teenage sexuality regularly. (For instance, just off the top of my head, here , here , here , here , here, here , here and here .) But we’re always open to suggestions, so let us know what else you’d like to see. –Katherine

I have another persuasive argument-should students have recess in junior high?

Do Photoshopped Images Make You Feel Bad About Your Own Looks? Have you ever seen an image of a model in a magazine and thought to yourself “wow, I wish I looked that remarkable”? You are not the only one. They are perfect, however, the images we view of these women and men are 99.9% not how they actually look. They use a tremendous amount of photoshop to create a look they could not even achieve themselves. Yes, looking at these images have an outcome of someone staring unhappily in the mirror, not seeing perfect skin and chiseled abs. Looking at perfect people in pictures for hours and then looking at yourself, you seem to come across every blemish and fault that the models in the pictures did not have. Having the idea that you could never look as flawless as the unreal people in magazines does have the power to lower your self-esteem. You do not really know how bad you feel about your looks until you see teeth as bright as the sun, the perfect coke bottle shape, and the flawless sun kissed skin in your favorite magazine. Photoshopped images make you look and feel better, but then again it portrays an unrealistic person that is hardly yourself. Everyone has flaws and with this photoshop madness, the flaws are erased. With no flaws in these images there is no limit to how far someone will go to get that level of perfection, even though that level is unachievable because a great deal of lightening, smoothing, and shrinking has been added to the image. The more photoshop is being used to clear up insecurities; the more it is just adding to ours. If you see before and after photos, you will realize that people in the photoshopped images are not as perfect as they claim to be. And we should not feel bad about ourselves because of this, but we do. Seeing how a size 10 model can be photoshopped down to a size 1 is ridiculous. How can wrinkles vanish inconspicuously, uneven skin tones be evened out, dark circles erased, and stretch marks blurred? In real life this is not possible to be completely without a blemish or flaw. So, when we see all of these photoshopped images we start putting our heads down in shame knowing we cannot look as impeccable as these fake images display. Altering images to try and fit the society’s way of how people should look is nonsense. We will never look like that and it is just making people self-esteem worse because we will go to the end of the world and back to figure out every secret to acquire glowing skin and youthful looking skin like the individuals in our magazine. But the secret is all in the image, it is a little thing called photoshop and it is ruining the way we look at ourselves.

Do Photoshopped Images Make You Feel Bad About Your Own Looks? Have you ever seen an image of Kim Kardashian in a magazine and thought to yourself “wow, I wish I looked that remarkable”? You are not the only one to think in this fantasizing way. Kim is perfect; however, the images we view of her are 99.9% retouched. Photographers use a tremendous amount of photoshop to create a look of pure perfection they could not achieve themselves. Yes, looking at these images has an outcome of staring unhappily in the mirror, not seeing perfect skin and chiseled abs. Looking at perfect people in pictures for hours and then looking at yourself, you seem to come across every blemish and fault that the models in the pictures did not have. Having the idea buried in your mind that you could never look as flawless as the unreal people in magazines does have the power to lower your self-esteem. You do not really know how bad you feel about your looks until you see teeth as bright as the sun, the perfect coke bottle shape, and the flawless sun kissed skin on your idle, in your favorite magazine. Photoshopped images make them look and feel better about themselves, but then again it portrays an unrealistic person that is hardly close to the real you. Everyone has flaws and with this photoshop madness, the flaws are erased. With no flaws in these images there is no limit to how far someone will go to get that level of perfection, even though that level is unachievable because a great deal of lightening, smoothing, and shrinking has been added to the image. The more images being photoshopped to clear up insecurities; the more insecurity there is being piled on the viewers. If you see before and after photos, you will realize that people in the photoshopped images are not as perfect as they claim to be. And we should not feel bad about ourselves because of this, but we do. Seeing how a size 10 model can be photoshopped down to a size 1 is ridiculous. How can wrinkles vanish inconspicuously, uneven skin tones be evened out, dark circles erased, and stretch marks blurred? In real life this is not possible to be completely without a blemish or flaw. So, when we see all of these photoshopped images we start putting our heads down in shame knowing we cannot look as impeccable as these fake images display. Altering images to try and fit into society’s way of how people should look is nonsense. We will never look like that and it is just making people self-esteem worse because we will go to the end of the world and back to figure out every secret to acquire glowing and youthful looking skin like the individuals in our magazine. But the secret is all in the image, it is a little thing called photoshop and it is ruining the way we look at ourselves.

Carly H & Maggie W Galvin Middle School Canton, MA 02021

Should student be able to wear whatever they want?

Many adults argue there is a line between skimpy and sweet. More than 75 % of schools in the United States have issued dress codes that limit what boy and girls are allowed to wear on school grounds. Unless schools are supplying uniforms or paying money for students’ wardrobes we believe schools should not have a say. Although many teachers would say middle school and high school students’ choice of clothing is rather inappropriate and distracting, almost all parents and students would beg to differ. As middle schoolers we strongly believe schools have taken away students right to express themselves. Middle school and high school age kids are just starting to come out of their shells. Some students feel more comfortable in their own clothes than they would feel in a uniform. Nowadays students have been bullied due to what they are wearing. Kids have been called “ugly” or “weird” and “gay”. Kids want to fit in and wear the newest styles. It seems though these styles have been getting skimpier and skimpier. Letting a child wear clothing of their choice it can boost their self confidence. We feel that as long as your parents let you out of the house the way that you are dressed then the schools should not have a say. About 63% percent of kids in middle school get bullied because of what they are wearing. Without a dress code students have that chance to fit in and develop a personal style. Many teachers and faculty believe schools without dress codes have lower test scores. People say that these low test scores can be because students are dressing inappropriately. Dressing inappropriately can distract other students and faculty. Some people have a hard time paying attention in school and then skimpy clothing can just make it worse. One theory suggests that students who wear uniforms and who don’t not have freedom to wear what they want get better grades in school. Even though wearing uniforms might seem like it can solve all problems no matter what people choose to do clothing will always be a debate in schools. All in all wearing whatever you want has its advantages but also disadvantages. When you have the freedom to wear what you want there is always going to be the kids that take that for granted. But then having that freedom can be a way for children to fit in and express themselves. We believe that students should be able to wear whatever they want.

Colleen B. Sofia C. Galvin Middle School Canton, MA 02021

Why women are not pursuing careers in the S.T.E.M. field.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Throughout history humans haven’t been treated equally, most of this injustice has to do with sex, race, or ethnicity. As humanity has developed we have created rights for the discrimination. Women have always been thought as the inferior gender, however as time has progressed women have earned more rights. Unfortunately many women still think of themselves as secondary.

One reason the majority of female has not been choosing careers in math and science has to do with encouragement. Repetition builds a muscle, a muscle builds a habit and habit builds a character that sticks. If children are not encourage from a young age, or don’t get exposed to S.T.E.M. careers, their mind has already been developed and is not focused on exploring the science and math fields. Most children of this generation are steered toward sports from a young age, which does not allow females in particular to see a variety of career options in their future. Its not that the majority of women don’t want to work in the S.T.E.M. field but their upbringing does not promote these callings.

Throughout history, women have always been stereotyped as the inferior gender. Women are usually thought as less intelligent and are relegated to lower paying jobs. Females in the past have had a very small work selection. From the 1950s to the 1970s, women commonly had two job options, becoming a teacher or a nurse. However, as time has progressed women have begun to expand their career choices but still make less than males. The Media can make a big impact on how women are seen through pop culture.

Even though statistics state that the percentage of females in the S.T.E.M. field has decreased, people still believe that our country has a stable science and math field. Many believe that in our future, the science fields will open up to women population more. This may be true but the fields are already open for females to enter. However, the majority of females still do not choose to pursue these careers.

Just as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Until more women explore the S.T.E.M. fields we can never quite tell how strong and intelligent women are.

Is Prom Worth it?

As teenagers we all want to have one perfect night, especially girls. For us prom is the only chance to have a complete Cinderella dream. You wait all these years until the day finally comes, dress hunting. That’s the moment when you doubt and say the unspeakable, “Is prom worth it?” Some might say yes while others may say no whatever the reason is the glitz or the thought of getting rejected. People come in and out of our lives, but many articles say this is our last chance to be with our peers. It isn’t really because there is still graduation but to have a lot of fun with our peers, proms the night. In that one night you become the person you were when you walked into to high school for the first time and now you get to leave as the person you have become. In high school you change, you make new types of choices and maybe become mature. Sometimes in growing up we forget the things that makes us, us and in this night you get a chance to remember and become that graduating class that you were always meant to be. To some people they still say no, however I think it is still worth it. Other articles say that prom is a big memorable moment. You all fall into places like in a story, there is a king and queen and moments to remember. Moments aren’t only captured in pictures but in places, in our minds, in people, in heartbeats. These moments are what brings a class together and helps us say, “Don’t you remember…” This will definitely be something you will remember. Many of us want to do everything, trying anything, and do them with the people they love. We have choices in our lives which sometimes get’s in the way of doing things but is prom a choice which helps us accomplish this? About twenty five percent of the teen population don’t attend prom. Some might not want to go after seeing the price on the dress tag or the ticket itself. Most families spend about a thousand one hundred thirty nine dollars. For most families this is a lot and people don’t plan to spend this much unless it’s their wedding. In this economy college tuition also seems a lot to families and this seems like an unnecessary expense. Despite the cost and the drama that prom brings on, it is a night to remember. From the moment you meet your date to the moment the limo picks you up there is a story to be told within.

• //learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/02/is-prom-worth-it/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 • //www.lifeway.com/Article/parenting-teens-family-Prom-in-Perspective

Grace K and John A Galvin Middle School Canton MA 02021

School Dress Codes . In middle schools and high schools all over the country, administrators are punishing children for their clothing choices. The reason for this being that girl specifically, dress too provocatively. Therefore, stricter dress codes are being enforced, but is it worth it? It isn’t appropriate for anyone besides a child’s parents to tell them what they can and can not wear. Period. Most people buy their kids shorter, smaller and lighter clothes for the warmer months, spending their own hard earned money. For a public school to then proceed to tell those parents that their child is not permitted to wear that clothing on school grounds, where they spend over 7 hours of their day, just isn’t right. If a child’s legal guardian is perfectly fine with their kids wearing a pair of “short-shorts” then why should a school policy be allowed to them they can’t? Especially when the school isn’t providing uniforms or money to buy clothing that fit into their particular dress codes. Another reason why schools shouldn’t enforce such strict dress codes is because of basic human rights. Freedom of expression, by definition, is the right to express one’s ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other communication. For centuries, clothing has been one of those forms of other communication. To deny people their rights is illegal, no matter what age, race, or sex and schools not allowing students to wear clothing of their choice is no exception. Besides it being against the law, schools are supposed to encourage kids to be themselves, stand up for what they believe in, and help them find their identities. One of the best ways for our country’s youth to accomplish these things is to allow them to be as unique and personal with their clothes as possible. If this means letting a child wear a tank top with straps that are less than 3 inches wide, so be it. Many people don’t want to give kids, girls in particular; the freedom to wear whatever they want to school because they think it will be too much of a distraction for boys. While I agree with that, I think it is more important for children to be able to express themselves freely. Besides that, who’s to say that girls aren’t distracted by the clothing that boys wear? There are almost no restrictions or limitations towards the clothing that boys are allowed to wear yet there are several for girls. It shouldn’t be a female student’s problem that some young boys get too “distracted” by what they wear when boys are hardly even affected by the dress code at schools anyways. In conclusion, school dress codes are harsh and unnecessary and should be lessened at the least. Plenty of people agree with this as well as disagree. Hopefully, schools will see the error of their ways and adjust their clothing policies, as they are currently unfair and too strict for many different reasons.

Colleen B. Sofia C. Galvin Middle School Canton, MA 02021 Why women are not pursuing careers in the S.T.E.M. field. Eleanor Roosevelt once said “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Throughout history humans haven’t been treated equally, most of this injustice has to do with sex, race, or ethnicity. As humanity has developed we have created rights for the discrimination. Women have always been thought as the inferior gender, however as time has progressed women have earned more rights. Unfortunately many women still think of themselves as secondary. One reason the majority of female has not been choosing careers in math and science has to do with encouragement. Repetition builds a muscle, a muscle builds a habit and habit builds a character that sticks. If children are not encourage from a young age, or don’t get exposed to S.T.E.M. careers, their mind has already been developed and is not focused on exploring the science and math fields. Most children of this generation are steered toward sports from a young age, which does not allow females in particular to see a variety of career options in their future. Its not that the majority of women don’t want to work in the S.T.E.M. field but their upbringing does not promote these callings. Throughout history, women have always been stereotyped as the inferior gender. Women are usually thought as less intelligent and are relegated to lower paying jobs. Females in the past have had a very small work selection. From the 1950s to the 1970s, women commonly had two job options, becoming a teacher or a nurse. However, as time has progressed women have begun to expand their career choices but still make less than males. The Media can make a big impact on how women are seen through pop culture. Even though statistics state that the percentage of females in the S.T.E.M. field has decreased, people still believe that our country has a stable science and math field. Many believe that in our future, the science fields will open up to women population more. This may be true but the fields are already open for females to enter. However, the majority of females still do not choose to pursue these careers. Just as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Until more women explore the S.T.E.M. fields we can never quite tell how strong and intelligent women are. -//learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/22/why-arent-more-girls-choosing-to-pursue-careers-in-math-and-science/ -//www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept09/vol67/num01/Encouraging-Girls-to-Pursue-Math-and-Science.aspx

Should cyber-bullying laws be passed?

Cyber-bullying is extremely serious, no one should suffer from cyber-bullying, those doing the bullying should not get away with it they need to be punished. More laws on cyberbullying and punishments need to be passed. If cyber bullying doesn’t get prevented it will drastically increase over the years due to the progress of new technology. Cyberbullying is cruel and hurtful, it can cause depression, thoughts of suicide and low self esteem. Anna Maria Chavez the chief executive officer of girl scouts once said “unless and until our society recognizes cyberbullying for what it is, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue.” Hurtful words take a toll on the individual, at times they may feel worthless and believe the world would be a better place without them. In the United States 49 states have bullying laws only 19 states include cyberbullying, meaning 31 states have yet passed a cyberbullying law. How much longer until more cyberbullying laws are passed? How many more lives will be lost? Each year over 13 million individuals are bullied, there are about 4,400 deaths in the United States by suicide those being bullied have a greater chance to be one of those individuals. No one should be cyber bullied, bullies need to be punished for their actions. Megan Meier from Dardenne Prairie, Missouri committed suicide on October 17, 2006 at the age of 13 due to cyberbullying. After Megan’s death, her mother Tina Meier urged that Megans bully must be punished, and was able to get “Megans Law” passed which protects individuals from harassment on social networking sites. The majority of parents plead for more cyberbullying laws, why aren’t they passing? Therefore each state should pass laws preventing cyberbullying and punishments for bullies. Bullying is a stab in the heart after the constant fighting,trying to get through the pain, the heart gives up as the individual cannot take it anymore. Katherine Jenkins, a classical crossover singer has said “children should be able to live free from bullying and harassment and it is time that we all took a stand.” Cyber Bullying must end before it´s too late.

Sources The Associated Press. “Mother Wants Maximum Penalty in Cyberbullying Case.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 28 Nov. 2008. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. //www.nytimes.com/2008/11/29/us/29internet.html?ref=meganmeier “About Tina Meier.” Megan Meier Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. //www.meganmeierfoundation.org/about-tina-meier.html “State Cyberbullying Laws.” N.p., Feb.-Mar. 2014. Web. Feb.-Mar. 2014. < //www.cyberbullying.us/Bullying_and_Cyberbullying_Laws.pdf>. “Bullying and Suicide.” Bullying Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. //www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/bullying-and-suicide.html Jenkins, Katherine. “Beatbullying’s The Big March 2012.” Beatbullying’s The Big March 2012. Feb.-Mar. 2014. Address. Chavez, Anna Maria. “Confronting Cyber Violence in the Digital Age.” The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 25 Apr. 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. //www.huffingtonpost.com/anna-maria-chavez/confronting-cyber-violenc_b_3157086.html

It can’t be worked out systematically. Young people need to leap beyond the assumption that at 18 they can do everything; buy cigarettes, drink alcohol, vote, drive and fight in wars—but it actuality, not until they’re 21.

Young people need to be protected by law since a majority is ignorant of the consequences that follow every decision. Anemona Hartocollis found that many young people thought they weren’t mature enough in making life-or-death decisions before 21. It not only applied to drinking and smoking, but combat as well. When both parties are in agreement that one is in need of guidance, justifies raising the age limit, making it equivalent, provides consistency.

Dealing with consumption, privileges and the civic engagement, privileges are the least controversial of the three. At 16, young people can receive their license. There should be regulations—which some states have already implemented. The ‘We Check to Protect-Vertical Identification Program’ requires those under 21 a vertical (portrait) style driver’s license (Johnson). This ensures health and safety of young people as reminder for teenagers, parents, businesses, law enforcement, retailers and merchants.

Buying cigarettes and drinking alcohol is next controversial. Enforcing an age limit is virtually impossible (by society’s standards, since keeping up with our standard of living in our culture of instant gratification, where underage this that and the other, are the best things these days) it wouldn’t make a difference. It would receive outcry.

“If [loved ones] condone it, then… it’s acceptable,” says Patrick Brown who sought the consultation of his mother before enlisting. Even though it may not be idealistic with underage consumption, ‘Older adults with the benefit of a lot of hindsight might tend to agree’ (Hartocollis).

Immaturity extends beyond a person’s legal entrance into adulthood. Cheryl G. Healton, dean of Global Health at N.Y.U. says, “The executive function [of the brain]…is really not fully developed until…over 21” (Hartocollis). If, through someone else’s experience, has better knowledge about these issues, then the government raising the age limit to 21, for a majority of them, is right when young people aren’t fully prepared to comprehend such actions psychologically.

Some will argue about the consistency. Keeping the age limit to drive at 16, treating them like minors until 21, and raising it to 21 for the other issues, will receive different levels of criticism. It’s simpler to have a bit of difference than to have no congruity.

Buying cigarettes, drinking alcohol, voting, driving and fighting in wars shouldn’t be given freedom until 21. Young people are supposed to make mistakes and everyone is a life lesson learned. We don’t want to be guilty by association of not trying to prevent such lessons learned at severe expenses and/or too early.

Hartocollis, Anemona. “Smoking? Combat? Wait Till 21, Young Recruits Say.” New York Times [New York] 23 Apr 2013, early ed. A19. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. < //www.nytimes.com/2013/04/24/health/smoking-combat-wait-until-21-to-decide-young-recruits-say.html>.

Johnson, Ruth. Michigan. Department of State. Vertical Driver’s License Helps with Age Verification!. State of Michigan, 2003. Web. < //www.michigan.gov/sos/0,1607,7-127-1627_8669-70561–,00.html>.

Nathaniel Skinner

Are we Ever Without God?

People often wonder “Can we be good without God?” . It’s a common question; one may argue that there are good atheists all around us. This is true, even by Christian standards; there are atheists practice good deeds and some who practice evil deeds, just like there are Christians who practice good deeds and some who practice evil deeds. Some atheists give to the poor, help those in jail, feed the hungry, clothe the naked and do other things a good Christian should do. Being an atheist does not always equate to being an immoral or bad person. So yes you can be good and you can do this without believing in God. What is God, is there a single definition or are there multiple? According to Roman Catholic belief, what we refer to as God is an all powerful deity consisting of The Father, the son, and the Holy spirit. A common understanding of this God, to many non-Christians is the guy in the white garb standing on the clouds with the beard and sandals;this is not the sole image of God. God is all powerful, so why would ‘he’ maintain one form for all the 7 billion plus people on earth now, not to mention all the people who have come before us? In truth God is all things good, God is happiness, God is love, God is faith, God is truth and God is compassion. Truly whatever religion whatever race what ever culture, if you are just and honest and practice these things then God is with you. So The more prevalent question here instead of can you be good without god is: are people ever without God?

God is not bound to human form nor is God bound to any of the laws of physics or reality that are recognized by modern day science(Proverbs 15:3) This means that God can and does appear in a multitude of forms and situations. We must be careful not to put God into human restraints: God is not subject to the same terms that we judge our fellow men and women(Job 11:7-9). In this way God is all around us, even inside our hearts. God knows us like we know ourselves because we all have a little piece of God in ourselves, this furthers the fact that no one can be without God. Even people who are commonly considered immoral or evil have God in them or around them; just because one does not believe in God does not mean God is not present so even murderers and stone cold criminals have God in their life.

God is also all knowing, meaning that god knows the future, the present and the past by “heart”. The argument can be made that if God knows a certain person will go to hell after they die from the beginning why does he not just send them straight to hell? The answer is that life is a journey and if God were to send people straight to hell without giving them a chance to walk the path of life and understand what they are called to do, then it would be extremely unfair. Just because a person is an atheist does not mean they are doomed to hell; actions speak louder than words. It really is true. So if you worship god in your actions but don’t do it in your voice or mind then this still counts as being with God.

God loves all of us; every human to walk this earth have received love from God even if they don’t know it. God has a roundabout way of getting things done. Every Action is weaved into God’s design: running like a perfect machine every action affects somebody,then somebody else then somebody else and so on. God is in fact everywhere and we cannot and will not part unto death. until then there is never a step one person walks without God

“I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It’s just that the translations have gone wrong.”

― John Lennon

Due to the controversial and seemingly almost unique view included in this editorial, there are no New York Times sources that support the ideas expressed. I hope to receive a slight pardon for not having a NY times source. If this essay does not qualify, I understand. N. Skinner


Proverbs 15:3


Why does society (men and women) tell women that they have to appeal a certain way to the public eye? Women are the most beautiful creation God has made because without women, there wouldn’t be a population to grow to carry out the future. Since this is true who do we as a society tend to present to women that they need to change. keep in thought that we don’t have to make something perfect, if it was already perfect to begin with. In some cases women have always been told what to do or how to appeal a certain way to the public eye. I believe that society’s appeal to the preconceived image of the perfect woman is unjust because no two women are the same and no to women should have to conform to look like one another. Society, both men and women, have been putting pressure on women to have that ‘perfect’ body. From the New York Times, Katherine Schulten had said that “the ads show girls of different races and sizes, and others playing sports in a wheelchair. Each one with the campaign’s slogan: ‘I’m beautiful the way I am.’” This describes how women shouldn’t be discriminated on how their body appears in the public eye. The woman should see herself just as worthy as she sees all the other women. In some circumstances, women have always been told that they have to take the second seat to man. There’s a song that compares women and society, it shows how “we say to girls: ‘You can have ambition but not too much. You should am t be successful, but not too successful, otherwise you will threaten the man’ (Knowles). Throughout this song i can confer that some women are able to handle the pressure of the workplace, whereas other women like the role of being a domestic engineer. However, Maybelline expresses through their campaign that women should indeed wear makeup. Maybelline’s President, David Greenberg, claimed that “makeup helps women feel more comfortable with going out in public.” Mr. Greenberg says that they’re not trying to make women have a false identity, but instead trying to make them have a secure sense of security. Women shouldn’t be judged by their appeal to the public eye. Society needs to stop advertising a certain type of woman, and show all types of women. If a woman were to walk down the street, either she is insecure, obese, and/or depressed, and she were to look up to a beautiful woman on the billboard, shes going to feel more insecure and want to change how she appears. A life of a woman shouldn’t be based on their physical appearance, because every woman is beautiful in their own way and it shouldn’t be hidden due to what society says. – Schulten, Katherine. “Is There Too Much Pressure on Girls to Have ‘Perfect’ Bodies?” The Learning Network Is There Too Much Pressure on Girls to Have Perfect Bodies Comments. New Yorks Times, 03 Oct. 2013. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. < //learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/03/is-there-too-much-pressure-on-girls-to-have-perfect-bodies/>.

Does Technology make us more alone? As a greatness that has increased the way that we perceive the world, technology can be a burden. Unlike the many screen glossed eyes and over exerted thumbs, technology is doing something far worse than hand cramps: it is making the human mind more comfortable with being alone and devoid of human contact. Technology has created, based upon evidence stated by Sherry Turkle, the desire ‘to customize our lives’ through the vast creativity that technology provides. It forces people to only ‘pay attention to what interests them’. But who wouldn’t? People typically pay more attention to the subjects that interest them and would most likely try to find those subjects online where they are easiest to access. Yes, despite increasing our knowledge, it is decreasing our ability to converse with one another. The fear of being judged all gone with eye contact glued to a screen. It is as if no one wants to be bothered by others around them, but is willing to have millions follow them on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Even Sherry Turkle- a psychologist and professor employed at M.I.T- states in her article The Flight from Conversation that ‘people are comforted by being in touch with a lot of people- carefully kept at bay’. This need to be important and loved by a persona is a reassuring concept that provides those two wants without having to deal with actual human emotion. The need for interaction with living, breathing people seems to be cast aside for the more accurate version from a nonliving thing such as a robot. We live in an age where technology is a necessity in life, but it is becoming a way to destroy connecting and feeling emotions from other people, enforcing being alone in a world that is barely real.

“The Flight From Conversation”. New York Times. April 21, 2012. Web. March 2, 2014. //www.nytimes.com/2012/04/22/opinion/sunday/the-flight-from-conversation.html?pagewanted=all

Legalize Marijuana Drugs aren’t as harmful as people believe them to be. Marijuana is more helpful than harmful. Statistics state that 88,000 people die from alcohol and more than 480,000 people die from cigars. While less than a hundred people die from the marijuana usage. This drug benefits people with diseases such as cancer. It seems that many people would rather drink alcohol that can become addictive rather than smoke marijuana which is a drug that most people value for medical needs. Marijuana is being legalized in many places for different reasons. In Mexico City officials suggest “Legalization of marijuana, not other drugs.” People smoke the drug instead of having any other addictions such as shopping, sex, tv and video games. In Guatemala, the president has put forward a plan for the government to legalize and sell the drug. While these two places are allowing the drug, majority of the U.S is still against the use of marijuana. “The U.S has rejected legalization as a solution to drug use.” Citizens in the U.S have different emotions about this debate with many citizens not accepting the drug. Marijuana isn’t harmful because it is a natural substance. People should be able to smoke a substance that is natural rather than tobacco which is mixed with a highly addictive substance called nicotine. Allen St. Pierre a Executive Director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws agrees that the drug marijuana should be legalized. He stated that he hopes more Americans would legalize it. “Since 1996, 18 states approved marijuana for medical use.” And also “13 states have decriminalized the possession of marijuana, removing the possibility of jail time.” This suggest that many of the world’s population are able to persuade their government that marijuana isn’t as much as an addictive drug as society believes it to be. Marijuana isn’t a harmful substance unless it is laced with another drug. Marijuana has been proven to be a palliative drug and should be legalized in the U.S

Archibold, Randal C. “Americas Coalition Suggests Marijuana Laws Be Relaxed.” New York Times. 18 May. 2013: A.7. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

Gonchar,Michael. Should marijuana be legalized?.Ny times. 31, May 2013. Web. 10, March 2014

Sexual Violence against Young Women According to American Medical Association, Sexual violence and rape are considered the most under reported violent crime. In the Steubenville case 2 high school football players were found guilty of raping a 16-year-old girl. After being found guilty of raping and sending nude images of the girl around, 1 boy got 1 year in juvenile jail and the other boy got 2 years. After the case one of the boys apologized to the victims family stating “No pictures should have been sent around, let alone ever taken.” The fact that the 2 high school boys raped and took pictures shows that we as a society are not teaching the effects and consequences of rape to young adults. According to an article in the New York Times, “the judge of the case noted that the boys could have had far worse punishments and said that this was a cautionary lesson.” The fact that the judge is giving them a cautionary lesson astounds me. Rape is rape and no matter what age the rapists are the consequences should be served based on the crime not their age.

In Ms. Nathman’s article “Raising children who will speak up tot prevent rape, not defend it,” she discusses the “Cult of Masculinity” and how male power and strength are being praised upon especially since these 2 boys were football stars. The teenage boys thought that because they were football stars that they were unstoppable and could get away with anything until they were caught and found guilty. Nathman states that there is often and impulse to “Blame the victim” and that is one thing I disagree with her. There in any case is never an impulse to blame the victim noted on what she was wearing. So the amount of insincerity people are showing to the victim of this case is unbearable. Social media also had a big role on the insincerity people showed the victim.

In my opinion, the work of these college activists is impressive, but we need to do more. I also agree with the college activists saying that colleges and high schools are falling short in educating students about sexual assaults since most young adults are defending the rapists of this case. Also many people are tweeting to the victim that she “ruined their life” when the rapist ruined their own life. “Rape is not a recreational activity. We, as a society, have an obligation to do more to educate our young people about rape. They need to know that it is a horrible crime of violence. And it is simply not ok.” Stated Ohio attorney of the Steubenville case Dr. DeWine.

Guarino, Mark “Steubenville’s Troubling Question: Is Rape Just a Part of ‘Hook-up Culture?’ Christian Science Monitor, March 20, 2013 n.p

Oppel, Richard “Ohio Teenagers Guilty in Rape That Social Media Brought to Light”. New York Times, March 17, 2013

Books not Guns

In 2002 at a Arizona university, an irate student shot three professors to death. This event and many other school shootings lead to one of the biggest questions in Arizona’s and other states government and schools… “Should weapons be aloud on campus?” Guns and other weapons should not be permitted in schools and on campuses. They can cause danger to other students and professors. Students or teachers may use them without a cause or for the wrong reasons, and bringing weapons to campus can be the cause of more school shootings. If students bring weapons to school, it can put everyone in that building or on that campus in danger. Students or professors may feel unsafe and not comfortable there, even though a campus is supposed to be a comfortable, friendly environment. Having people on campus able to carry weapons on them can cause students and/or teachers to have violent outburst. For example, if the student thinks it’s unfair to have an assessment or finds the material they are learning too difficult, they might use their weapon upon the teacher. The number of students bringing weapons to school is sky rocketing and the number teachers being threatened by their students is increasing as well. As of now the risk of a student accidentally getting shot or obtaining a gun during a school year has increased by 40 percent in the past four decades. Because of one child carrying a gun on campus, others may feel they can too. “Campus shootouts are a relative rarity, but they do occur. The most notorious shooting at an Arizona university took place in 2002 when a disgruntled nursing student shot three professors to death.” Just from being angry and dissatisfied, she shot the people there to help her. Exactly as Carmen Themar stated, “…and bullets don’t always go where they are aimed.” Taking out your frustration on someone may impact another’s life. The shooting victims most likely have families that are devastated. The anger could cause those certain people to shoot others. A gun shooting is more than just injuring or killing that human; whole families are affected. Guns should stay out of any educational environment because schools are for learning and guns have no purpose to be there.

“Should Guns Be Permitted on College Campuses?” The Learning Network Should Guns Be Permitted on College Campuses Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

Szabo, Liz. “Guns in the Home Are Proving Deadly for Kids.” //sks.sirs.com . Newspaper USA Today, 29 May 2013. Web.

Is it really worth calling a sport? From experience, I can tell you cheerleading is a sport. Girls train endless, tiring hours each week perfecting a routine that includes a combination of gymnastics, dance, and stunting. Not only do you need a high level of strength and skill, cheerleading offers a high risk of injury. And what is that cheerleading doesn’t have that other sports do? “An athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature” is the definition of a sport according to Dictionary.com. Cheerleading exceeds all these criteria. According to the Women’s Sport Foundation, a sport must include a physical activity which involves propelling a mass through space or overcoming the resistance of mass, like a football, baseball, or in cheerleading, a person.Of course it takes strength and skill to throw a ball accurately, but to throw a person up into the air takes a tremendous amount of strength. All sports are governed by rules, and have some element of competitiveness. Cheerleading has rules that restrict skills in each level and performance time, and as far as I know, cheerleading is the most competitive sport I’ve ever participated in. Cheerleaders travel the U.S. all year round to compete in different states. There is even a competition called The World Championship that is broadcasted on ESPN. If its broadcasted on television, then its definitely a sport. 65.1% of all catastrophic sports injuries in high school females are from cheerleading, according to livescience.com. So, over half of all injuries in high schools in girls are from cheerleading, so what makes it not a sport? Injuries are sadly common in every sport, and I have experienced one before. As a backspot, my job is to catch and make sure my flyer stays up safely in the air. While putting their safety before mine, I have numerous girls fall on me, especially my head. After many visits to the doctors, I was diagnosed with a concussion. Missing many days of school, I had left my team stranded with one less team member. Injuries really take a toll on life, especially when you play a sport that has a high risk of it occurring. According to, George W. Bush was the head cheerleader at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. Since, cheerleading has grown tremendously. Numerous cheer gyms are opening in every state, why would there be such a demand for them if cheerleading wasn’t a sport. Not only are their gyms continuously opening, but cheerleading is all over the media, television and online shows are dedicated to the sport. So, if you still don’t think cheerleading is a sport, ask cheerleader, and they will tell you countless reasons why it is.

Sources Thomas, Katie. “Cheering Clamors to Be Sport.” The New York Times 22 May 2011: 1-5.

IS Music The Key to Success?

Music. It’s Not Just For Entertainment

Collaboration. Creativity. Discipline. Three important qualities that are hard to come by in society today. As people, we need to find a way to acquire these traits. Many people look to music for entertainment. Unfortunately they are missing the big picture. Music can encourage these desired qualities within us. In fact, many successful people in business, acting and newscasting have been classically trained in music. Coincidence? I think not. Alan Greenspan, a man who served as the chairman of the federal reserve,and grew up playing the clarinet and piano, told the New York Times that he himself, knows that this is no coincidence. “The probability that this is just chance is extremely small.” Greenspan explains. In agreement, many pose the question, “Why does this connection exist?” Most would simply say “It just does.” Paul Allen says otherwise. The co founder of Microsoft has played both the violin and the guitar. He informed the New York Times that at the end of a long day of programming, he would pull his guitar out and play, learning to express himself in a brand new way. The sad part is that music isn’t being taught to many students. In a 2003 Gallup Poll, only 54% of American households said they have have at least one musician. Since 1978, this statistic has dropped by 15%. Sooner or later, there will be nobody playing musicians. Parents have argued that the arts do nothing for our students, but do gym classes really do anything for us? At a small middle school in Holliston Massachusetts, kids are required to take a form of music class. Students can play instruments, sing in the chorus or study general music. Holliston has ranked number 18 in the state. Interestingly, all of the schools ranked ahead of Holliston require music to graduate. In an article in Forbes Magazine, a writer says that if a scientist were to have musical training it would have no relevance on how great a scientist they are. Thus, countering the fact that musical training will lead to success. This may be true but most would agree that listening to music can help us concentrate on work. Music being a branch of performing arts also can give us confidence. SInging in front of a crowd could help with public speaking. Playing an instrument in front of thousands shares the language of melody, sharing our ideas in front of a crowd shares the language of our knowledge. Many instrumentalists refer to music as a “hidden language.” If we believe that languages of countries will help us to be successful, then we believe that the language of music will help too.

Works Cited: Lipman, Joanne. “Is Music the Key to Success?.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 12 Oct. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. < //www.nytimes.com/2013/10/13/opinion/sunday/is-music-the-key-to-success.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0> .Ubel, Peter. “An Embarrassingly Unscientific New York Times Op-Ed On Music And Success.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. < //www.forbes.com/sites/peterubel/2014/01/10/an-embarrassingly-unscientific-new-york-times-op-edon-music-and-success/>.

Collaboration. Creativity. Discipline. Three important qualities that are hard to come by in society today. As people, we need to find a way to acquire these traits. Many people look to music for entertainment. Unfortunately they are missing the big picture. Music can encourage these desired qualities within us. In fact, many successful people in business, acting and newscasting have been classically trained in music. Coincidence? I think not. Alan Greenspan, a man who served as the chairman of the federal reserve,and grew up playing the clarinet and piano, told the New York Times that he himself, knows that this is no coincidence. “The probability that this is just chance is extremely small.” Greenspan explains. In agreement, many pose the question, “Why does this connection exist?” Most would simply say “It just does.” Paul Allen says otherwise. The co founder of Microsoft has played both the violin and the guitar. He informed the New York Times that at the end of a long day of programming, he would pull his guitar out and play, learning to express himself in a brand new way. The sad part is that music isn’t being taught to many students. In a 2003 Gallup Poll, only 54% of American households said they have have at least one musician. Since 1978, this statistic has dropped by 15%. Sooner or later, there will be no musicians left. Parents have argued that the arts do nothing for our students, but do gym classes really do anything for us? At a small middle school in Holliston Massachusetts, kids are required to take a form of music class. Students can play instruments, sing in the chorus or study general music. Holliston has ranked number 18 in the state. Interestingly, all of the schools ranked ahead of Holliston require music to graduate. In an article in Forbes Magazine, a writer says that if a scientist were to have musical training it would have no relevance on how great a scientist they are. Thus, countering the fact that musical training will lead to success. This may be true but most would agree that listening to music can help us concentrate on work. Music being a branch of performing arts also can give us confidence. SInging in front of a crowd could help with public speaking. Playing an instrument in front of thousands shares the language of melody. Sharing our ideas in front of a crowd shares the language of our knowledge. Many instrumentalists refer to music as a “hidden language.” If we believe that languages of countries will help us to be successful, then we believe that the language of music will help too.

Can you suggest me any topic /argumentative essay on aboriginal health?

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70 Opinion Writing Prompts for Engaging, Thought-Provoking Classroom Discussion

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on August 30, 2022

Categories Education , Inspiration , Writing

Do you ever struggle to get your students excited about writing? It can be tough to come up with topics that will engage them and make them want to think critically. That’s where opinion writing prompts come in handy! This blog post will provide a list of 70 prompts to help your students express their thoughts and opinions on controversial topics. These prompts are perfect for sparking engaging classroom discussion!

70 Opinion Writing Ideas

  • How would you describe your favorite toy?
  • What’s something you like to do?
  • What’s something you don’t like to do?
  • What would it be if you’d spend the rest of your life doing just one thing?
  • What’s your favorite color? And why?
  • What’s your favorite song right now? And why?
  • Who’s your best friend, and why?
  • Do you sometimes get scared at night when no one else is around? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever wanted something very much and not gotten it for some reason? How did it make you feel, and what did you do about it (if anything)?
  • If one animal lived in every home in the world, what animal would it be and why?
  • What’s your favorite season of the year? And why?
  • Do you like to read? What’re your favorite books and authors?
  • Which superhero would you like to be? And why?
  • If you could’ve one superpower, what would it be and why?
  • What’s your favorite song right now? Why do you like it so much?
  • If you could choose any place in the world to go on vacation, where would you choose it and why?
  • Name three important things in life (friends/family, school, etc.) and explain why they’re important to you!
  • What’s special about your hometown?
  • Why has that had an impact on who you’re today?
  • Do you think there should be more rules at school, and if so, what kind of rules would they be (give an example)?
  • What would it be if you could change one thing about your school?
  • Should there be a dress code at school? Why or why not?
  • What’s your favorite subject at school? And why?
  • Who’s your favorite teacher, and why?
  • Where do you like to eat lunch at school? Why is your favorite place to eat lunch?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
  • What’s your favorite TV show?
  • What’s your favorite sport, and why do you like it so much?
  • What’s your favorite way to spend your time alone?
  • What’s the most important lesson your teacher taught you this year?
  • What do you do when you’re sad or upset? And does it help you feel better?
  • What would it be and why if you could invent a new food?
  • Do you think it’s important to keep up with the latest technology? Why or why not?
  • What would it be if you could give yourself one piece of advice?
  • If you’d to live in another country for a year, where would you go and why?
  • Who’s your role model, and why?
  • Do you think kindergarten through 5th-grade children should have homework every night? Why or why not?
  • What’s more fun at school than homework?
  • Do you think students should have access to cell phones in school during class? Why or why not?
  • Should children be allowed to vote if they’re under 18? Why or why not?
  • Should there be a law against bullying in schools, and if so, what would you include?
  • What would you do if a bully harassed your best friend?
  • Are you an outdoors person, or do you prefer to stay inside? Explain why.
  • What do you like about your school and your classmates?
  • Is it okay to use only one language for all purposes?
  • Is it right to eat animals?
  • Is it better to live in a city or a small town? And why?
  • Are there too many tests in school or not enough?
  • Do you think teachers should be allowed to use technology in their classrooms, or are they better off using traditional teaching methods?
  • Is it okay for teachers to give students different grades based on their effort instead of their performance?
  • What is the best way to keep students engaged and learning in the classroom?
  • Why do you think it’s important for kids to be involved in their community?
  • What would it be if you could introduce one new subject in school?
  • If you could eliminate one subject in school, which one would you eliminate and why?
  • When are you most creative?
  • What do you like best about the school year?
  • Is it a good idea to give people more than one chance? Why or why not?
  • Should people be allowed to own pets? Why or why not?
  • Do you think cats should be able to live both inside and outside, or just one or the other?
  • Do you think it’s important to recycle? Why or why not?
  • What would it be and why if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life (but it had to be real)?
  • Should there be winners and losers in sports, or is participation the ultimate goal?
  • Should video games be considered a sport?
  • What’s your opinion on social media?
  • Do you think having a job you love is important, or is money more important?
  • Should you respect your elders just because you’re older, or do you’ve to earn respect?
  • At what age do you think you should be allowed to take a paying job, and why?
  • If you could see the world through colored glasses, what color would you choose and why?
  • Suppose you had enough money and freedom to start a business or buy a house; what would you choose?
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Why Opinion Writing Skills Are Important

Whether in 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, or higher, having students be able to write an opinion piece and express their ideas before they enter high school will improve their writing skills and critical thinking.

You can start by choosing one of the prompts above as a sentence starter and starting from there. This will give them a topic to write and think about. Start with a simple opinion writing prompt (e.g., Favorite thing…) so it’s not as difficult as persuasive writing prompts where they’ve to choose their words more carefully because they feel like it’s an argumentative writing prompt like test prep. You want them to have fun with at least the first few opinion writing prompts. Once you’ve developed an opinion writing routine with them, you can move on to a more complex topic.

Help Them Work on Their Reading Comprehension

Having their own opinion is a good reason for students to learn how to research and read words more carefully, which means improving their reading comprehension as they research. This is especially important in 4th and 5th grade when reading skills develop just like writing skills. Start with a simple rubric to get them started working on reading comprehension.

How to Encourage Children to Speak Their Minds Freely

Children need to know that they can be honest with you, and your willingness to accept their feelings as valid is critical to encouraging that honesty.

You should also tell them that it’s okay if they disagree with you. If a child feels that their opinion has no value in the family, they’ll be less willing to express it. They must understand that everyone has a different opinion and that those opinions are worth listening to.

Here are some tips:

  • Start with a question. The most important thing is that your child has a choice and is allowed to express their opinion without fear of judgment or consequences. For example, “Do you think the color of this dress looks good on me?” or “Do you like the food we’re going to eat tonight?”
  • Acknowledge what they say. This makes your child feel comfortable expressing their opinion and shows them that their feelings are important to you. For example, “Yes, I like it.” or “No, I don’t think so.”
  • Depending on their answer, ask more questions until they’ve nothing more to say or don’t want to answer (that’s fine!).
  • Don’t interrupt them, even if you disagree with what they say.
  • Don’t pressure them to agree with you or others; let them choose their opinions and beliefs.

Teach Them Boundaries, So They Don’t Cross the Line

As a parent, it’s your job to teach your children how to express their opinions and feelings freely. But everything has its time and place.

Just as important as encouraging them to express themselves is setting boundaries. Here are some tips on how to help your kids learn both:

  • Start early. Children should be encouraged to speak up from an early age. That way, they grow up knowing that their voice is important and that they can speak up when they don’t like something.
  • Teach them what’s private and what’s public. For example, it’s okay for your child to tell you about the playground fight they got into – but not in front of their friends at school!
  • Teach them when it’s appropriate to speak up. For example, it’s okay for your child to tell you he hates broccoli… But not when he or she’s a guest at a dinner party!
  • Be a role model for good behavior by saying when something isn’t right or fair – and then taking action, such as contacting an authority figure or making changes within your family.

250+ Opinion Essay Topics to Write About


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Select the Best Opinion Essay Topic?
  • 2 Opinion Essay Writing Tips
  • 3 Opinion Essay Topics for High School
  • 4 Opinion Essay Topics for College Students
  • 5 Personal Opinion Essay Topics
  • 6 Public Opinion Essay Topics
  • 7 Nursing Opinion Essay Topics
  • 8 Opinion Essay Topics on Culture
  • 9 Social Media Opinion Essay Topics
  • 10 Sports Opinion Essay Topics
  • 11 Psychology Opinion Essay Topics
  • 12 Political Science Opinion Essay Topics
  • 13 Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics
  • 14 History Opinion Essay Topics
  • 15 Environment Opinion Essay Topics
  • 16 Education Opinion Essay Topics
  • 17 Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Opinion essay topics and ideas are a great way to share your thoughts and opinions on various subjects. These essays let you explore topics like current events, social issues, and political debates. Choosing a topic that you care deeply about helps you express and support your viewpoint.

It is crucial to write your essay in a clear and concise manner. Make sure your arguments are straightforward and backed by reliable evidence. It’s also essential to consider other people’s opinions with respect. This approach not only enriches your essay but also demonstrates your critical thinking skills and deep understanding of the topic.

How to Select the Best Opinion Essay Topic?

When you choose an opinion essay topic, consider the purpose of the essay and who will read it. Select a topic that will capture and hold your readers’ interest. Focus on topics you feel passionate about and have strong opinions on. It’s important to check how much research you need for the topic.

After you narrow down your list, research the topic well to make sure you understand it thoroughly. Also, think about different viewpoints and prepare to address them in your essay. Finally, ensure the topic is relevant and timely. If you follow these steps, you can choose the best topics for your opinion essay.

  • Consider the purpose of your essay. Do you want to inform, persuade, or entertain? Knowing this will help you choose a suitable topic.
  • Think about the audience. Are you writing for a general audience or a specific group? Knowing your audience helps you pick a topic that will interest and engage them.
  • Consider the scope of your essay. Will it be short or long? Will you discuss one issue or many? This knowledge will guide you to select a suitable topic.
  • Research your potential topics. Find reliable sources and look at different perspectives on the issue. This will help you make an informed decision about which topic is best for your essay.
  • Choose a topic you are passionate about . A topic you care about makes the opinion paper process easier and more enjoyable.

Opinion Essay Writing Tips

We’ve created some steps for you to follow to select the perfect topic for your opinion paper:

essay prompts opinion

Opinion Essay Topics for High School

There is a variety of opinion writing ideas that high school students can choose from. Some popular opinion topics, for example, include the significance of staying physically fit, the importance of eating habits, the implications of eating disorders, how government controls religious practices, etc. The important point to note while selecting an opinion essay topic is to consider your personal beliefs and interests.

  • The benefits of a college education
  • Impact of social media on adolescent growth
  • The pros and cons of standardized testing
  • The importance of physical education
  • The benefits of extracurricular activities
  • The effects of bullying on teen development
  • Why are family bonds important?
  • An opinion essay on the benefits of positive self-esteem
  • The effects of teenage pregnancy on teen development
  • The pros and cons of co-ed schooling
  • The importance of volunteer work
  • The benefits of a healthy diet
  • The effects of teenage drinking and drug use
  • Is time management suitable for students?
  • The importance of a good education
  • Should students be allowed to have cell phones in school?
  • Should students have to wear uniforms?
  • Should students be required to take physical education classes?
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
  • Should students be required to do community service?
  • Should students be allowed to pray in school?
  • Should students be allowed to eat during class?
  • Should students be allowed to listen to music during class?
  • Should students be allowed to use social media in school?
  • Should students be allowed to have part-time jobs?

Opinion Essay Topics for College Students

A college student usually navigates through a plethora of different controversial issues and dilemmas during his/her education. Students who want to express their thoughts and ideas while also engaging in meaningful debate can use opinion essay writing as an opportunity. From campus violence related issues to gun laws, students get the chance to express their views and beliefs. Some good opinion essay topics that are relevant to the experiences are as follows:

  • The impact of social media on the development of teenage social skills
  • The benefits of studying abroad for college students
  • The effects of a college education on future income potential
  • The importance of internships for college students
  • The value of a liberal arts education
  • How to choose the right college for you
  • How to pay for college
  • The role of college athletics in the educational experience
  • How to balance work and school
  • The challenges of returning to school as an adult
  • The impact of technology on the college experience
  • The changing role of the professor in the classroom
  • The benefits of study groups
  • How to stay motivated in college
  • The importance of college graduation


Personal Opinion Essay Topics

Topics for personal opinion essays can encompass everything from current events to personal experiences. When selecting a topic for an opinion essay, it’s crucial to ensure that you have a strong stance and can back it up with solid evidence. Opinion topics provide an opportunity to persuade others and introduce them to a diverse range of perspectives.

  • The impact of social media on personal relationships
  • The dangers of smoking
  • The importance of regular exercise
  • The effects of stress on the body
  • The benefits of getting a good night’s sleep
  • The dangers of drinking alcohol
  • The importance of staying safe online
  • The effects of technology on the brain
  • The benefits of meditation
  • The dangers of using too much screen time
  • The benefits of a positive outlook on life
  • The effects of gratitude on happiness
  • The importance of spending time with loved ones
  • The importance of taking time for oneself
  • Should parents be allowed to choose their children’s education?
  • Should the government impose stricter gun control laws?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Should the government provide free healthcare?
  • Should the government provide free college tuition?
  • Should the government increase taxes on the wealthy?
  • Should the government invest more in renewable energy sources?

Public Opinion Essay Topics

Public opinion refers to the attitudes and views held by a substantial segment of society regarding a specific issue. These opinions are typically impacted by a range of factors, such as government policies, personal experiences, and cultural values. Here are some ideas for public opinion essay topics to consider:

  • How does the media shape public opinion?
  • Are there any benefits to having a public opinion?
  • How much impact do social networking platforms have on us?
  • Does the public have a right to know everything?
  • How can we ensure that the public’s opinion is heard?
  • How does angry parenting affect children?
  • The pros and cons of health insurance
  • Modern pop stars and their influence on the youth
  • Does the government have a responsibility to act on the opinion of the public?
  • Is it possible to have a collective opinion?
  • How can we ensure that public opinion is not impacted by fake news?
  • Who should be responsible for shaping the opinion of the common man?
  • Analysing the impact of media coverage on public
  • The effectiveness of military training programs
  • The pros and cons of using medical marijuana

Nursing Opinion Essay Topics

  • What are the benefits of a career in nursing?
  • What challenges do nurses face in the healthcare system?
  • How can nurses best advocate for their patients?
  • What role does technology play in modern nursing?
  • How can nurses help to reduce medical errors?
  • How can nurses help to improve patient satisfaction?
  • What is the impact of nurse-patient ratios on patient care?
  • How can nurses help to reduce healthcare costs?
  • What ethical considerations are important for nurses to consider?
  • How can nurses help to reduce health disparities?

Opinion Essay Topics on Culture

  • The Impact of Social Media on Culture
  • The Role of Religion in Society
  • The Impact of Technology on Culture
  • The Influence of Music on Culture
  • The Impact of Immigration on Culture
  • The Role of Education in Shaping Culture
  • The Impact of Media on Culture
  • The Influence of Art on Culture
  • The Impact of Language on Culture
  • The Role of Family in Shaping Culture
  • The Impact of Social Class on Culture
  • The Role of Gender in Society
  • The Impact of Globalization on Culture
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Society
  • The Role of Tradition in Culture

Social Media Opinion Essay Topics

Online social platforms have become a significant part of our daily existence. They affect various aspects of our lives in various ways. Hence, there are a multitude of potential essay topics to consider.

  • How have online social platforms changed the way we communicate?
  • Online social platforms shaping the way we think
  • Influence of social media on human behaviour
  • How can we use online social platforms for our benefit?
  • Drawbacks of using digital social platforms
  • Ways how online social platforms impact mental health
  • Is your physical health impacted by the excessive use of online social apps?
  • Influence of social media platforms on relationships.
  • How does excessive use of social media affect our productivity?
  • Is it ethical for parents to have access to social media control tools?
  • How are political leaders using online social apps for their own benefit?
  • How is social media shaping our societal norms?
  • Unleashing the power of social media platforms and online communication
  • Do online social platforms affect our control over privacy?
  • Navigating the dark side of online social platforms and their threat to our society

Sports Opinion Essay Topics

If you’re a sports fan, there are many aspects of sports that make for great opinion essay topics. Whether you choose to write about the impact of sports on youth growth or the evolving nature of the sports world, make sure to present a clear, well-supported opinion backed by relevant research and data.

  • The impact of sports on society
  • An opinion essay on the business of sports
  • Sports and its contribution to national identity
  • The impact of sports on individual development
  • The positive and negative effects of sports on mental health
  • Sports and the media
  • Sports and gender
  • Sports and disability
  • Elite sports and the exploitation of athletes
  • Amateur sports and the benefits for participants
  • Sports and obesity
  • Sports and violence
  • Sports and gambling today and in the past decades
  • The impact of sports on international relations
  • Envisioning the future of sports, trends and predictions


Psychology Opinion Essay Topics

Psychology is a captivating field of study that has sparked numerous opinions and debates for years. If you’re seeking thought-provoking topics for your opinion essay within psychology, there are many fascinating options to choose from:

  • How does the human brain process information?
  • How do different cultures perceive mental illness?
  • How does the media affect the way people view mental illness?
  • What are the benefits of therapy?
  • What are the different types of therapy?
  • Assessing the Efficiency of Various Therapeutic Approaches
  • How do family dynamics affect mental health?
  • An opinion essay on stress and its effect on mental health?
  • How does trauma affect mental health?
  • How does poverty affect mental health?
  • How does immigration affect mental health?
  • How does discrimination affect mental health?
  • How does social media affect mental health?
  • Do Internal online platforms affect mental health?
  • Technological advancement in the field of psychology
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • The Role of Genetics in Personality Development
  • The Effects of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • The Impact of Technology on Human Behavior
  • The Relationship Between Stress and Mental Health
  • The Impact of Substance Abuse on Mental Health
  • The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Mental Health
  • The Role of Attachment Theory in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Culture on Mental Health
  • The Role of Exercise in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Parenting Styles on Mental Health
  • The Role of Nature vs. Nurture in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Social Support on Mental Health
  • The Role of Gender in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Religion on Mental Health
  • The Role of Self-Esteem in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Media on Mental Health
  • The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Trauma on Mental Health

Political Science Opinion Essay Topics

The study of politics provides numerous opportunities for crafting thought-provoking opinion essays. There is a range of topics to choose from, covering everything from local politics to international governance and political control instruments.

  • The impact of social media on political participation
  • The impact of campaign finance on the political process
  • The role of the media in shaping public opinion
  • How does the voting system impact the political outcomes
  • The impact of political polarisation on legislative productivity
  • The impact of gerrymandering on electoral outcomes
  • The impact of term limits on the quality of representation
  • The impact of redistricting on political representation
  • Campaign advertising and its effect on voter behaviour
  • Political dynasties and how they shape political competition
  • The role and effect of youth engagement in the political process
  • The impact of women’s participation in politics
  • Does ethnic diversity contribute to political outcomes?
  • Religious diversity and how it shapes political outcomes
  • The influence of social media on political division

Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics

A powerful way to communicate and engage your perspective with society is by opinion writing For instance, you can write about artificial intelligence, the slavery controversy, global warming, any philosophy essay topics , or modern society. In all cases, a successful opinion essay resonates with you on a personal level.

  • What is the key to academic success?
  • Does Asian culture dominate the business world?
  • Eating disorders—is the media to blame?
  • Vulgar power display and its impact on society – is this a good thing?
  • Is the current drinking age too high?
  • Are angry parents to blame for behavioral problems in children?
  • What are your personal views on domestic violence?
  • Is modern culture based on the ideology of feminism?
  • Do we need to rethink the way we approach education?
  • Is the internet a positive or negative force in our lives?
  • Should we be worried about the rise of artificial intelligence?
  • How do we deal with the challenges of globalization and economic inequality?
  • What is the future of the human race?
  • Should we be more environmentally conscious and take steps to help with global warming?
  • How can we create a better world?

History Opinion Essay Topics

History is a realm that lets you get a glimpse of the past and understand how events of the past shaped the world of today. There are many opinion essay topics that you can choose from, including the events leading up to World War, civil wars, and colonialism.

  • How has the role of women changed in society over the past few decades?
  • How has modern culture affected the way we view traditional values?
  • How do different cultures view slavery and the slave trade?
  • How does the rest of the world view our country and its politics?
  • How did World War II affect the entire world?
  • How has the internet changed the way we research and learn about history?
  • How do different cultures celebrate holidays and traditions?
  • What are some lesser-known historical facts about your own country?
  • What are some controversial topics in history that are still debated today?
  • How do we remember and commemorate historical events?
  • How do we balance historical accuracy with artistic license when telling historical stories?
  • What is the future of historical research and scholarship?
  • How do we ensure that the lessons of history are not forgotten?
  • What is the impact of historical revisionism on our understanding of the past?
  • How does history shape our understanding of the present and future?
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society
  • The Legacy of the American Revolution
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Civilizations
  • The Influence of Religion on Politics
  • The Causes of the French Revolution
  • The Impact of Imperialism on Colonialism
  • The Significance of the Cold War
  • The Legacies of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Impact of the Scientific Revolution
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Society
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Environment Opinion Essay Topics

We cannot deny the fact that the environment is an important part of our planet, and it has a paramount impact on all of us. If you are an environment enthusiast, then you must be searching for an opinion essay topic that translates your beliefs.

  • What are the most effective ways to reduce air pollution?
  • Should governments impose stricter regulations on companies to reduce their environmental impact?
  • Should the use of plastic be banned?
  • Is nuclear energy a viable alternative to fossil fuels?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce water pollution?
  • Should governments invest more in renewable energy sources?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of using genetically modified crops?
  • Should the use of pesticides be banned?
  • How can we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce deforestation?

Education Opinion Essay Topics

There are several opinion essay topics that can be explored in the field of education. This can include the role of technology in the education system, gender bias faced by students, and unequal access to quality education.

  • How can academic writing help students achieve academic success?
  • What are the benefits of distance learning for high school students?
  • Personal skills that students develop in single-gender schools.
  • Is sex education necessary in the school curriculum?
  • How effective is home-schooling as an educational option?
  • Is it a challenging task to educate modern children?
  • What are the flaws in the current educational system?
  • How can the school curriculum be improved?
  • What is the impact of age differences on the educational process?
  • How do modern children spend their free time?
  • What are the benefits of challenging tasks for students?
  • How can students balance their academic and personal lives?
  • Is there a way to reduce stress in the educational process?
  • What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for students?
  • Should standardized tests be abolished?
  • Should college tuition be free?
  • What is the best way to teach a foreign language?
  • Should the education system be more flexible?
  • Should online education be more widely available?
  • Should schools prioritize STEM education?
  • Should schools provide more vocational training?
  • Should schools have uniforms? Should schools have a longer school day?
  • Should schools have a longer school year?
  • Should schools have more extracurricular activities?
  • Should schools provide more mental health services?
  • Should schools provide more career guidance?
  • Should schools be more culturally inclusive?
  • Should schools provide more financial literacy education?
  • Should schools provide more technology education?
  • Should schools have more parental involvement?
  • Should schools have more community involvement?
  • Should schools have more global awareness education?
  • Should schools have more environmental education?

Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Literature is a landscape that is rich and offers the opportunity to explore the intangible, such as human experience and emotions.

  • Is there a universal classic book that everyone should read?
  • Is there a difference between classic literature and modern literature?
  • How has literature changed over the years?
  • What is the most important element of a successful novel?
  • What is the most important thing a reader should look for in a book?
  • Is there a difference between reading a book and watching a movie based on the book?
  • What is the most important lesson that literature can teach us?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about life?
  • How has literature influenced society?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about ourselves?
  • How has literature changed over time?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about the world?
  • How has literature shaped our culture?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about justice?
  • How has literature impacted our understanding of history?
  • How has literature shaped our understanding of morality?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about love?
  • How has literature helped to shape our understanding of gender roles?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about democracy?
  • How has literature helped to shape our understanding of race and ethnicity?

Opinion topics are not easy to decide on. But if you want to write a winning essay, you need to pick a topic that you have a good understanding of. No matter if you’re writing about education, politics, or sports, it’s important to have solid evidence and examples to back up your opinion. This way, you can write an interesting and convincing essay that will have a lasting impact on your reader.

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Lori Ballen

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65 Opinion Writing Prompts that Get Results

Writing / September 15, 2023 by Lori Ballen / Leave a Comment

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Opinion writing is a powerful tool that equips students with critical thinking, communication skills, and the confidence to express their ideas and opinions on a wide range of topics. Can you imagine the intellectual growth and vibrant discussions that would follow if every student could effectively communicate their perspective on subjects such as climate change or their favorite sports team?

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of opinion writing, exploring its importance, the difference between opinion writing and persuasive writing, and providing a treasure trove of stimulating opinion writing prompts covering current events, personal interests, and school life. So buckle up and let’s embark on a journey that will ignite your passion for opinion writing!

Key Takeaways

  • Opinion writing has the power to sharpen students’ skills, stimulate critical thinking and provide an outlet for self-expression.
  • Explore diverse perspectives & build reasoned arguments to strengthen opinion writing skills & craft persuasive essays.
  • Stimulating prompts cover current events, social issues, hobbies and personal interests – encouraging open dialogue & respectful debates!

The Power of Opinion Writing

Opinion writing is invaluable for students because it sharpens their writing abilities, encourages critical thinking, and provides a platform for self-expression. Imagine a classroom where every student feels confident discussing controversial topics, such as the question “should video games be allowed in schools?” The result would be an environment that cultivates intellectual curiosity and fosters a love for learning.

Persuasive writing aims to sway the reader towards the writer’s viewpoint, while opinion writing focuses on students expressing their individual beliefs and substantiating them with solid arguments. The ability to articulate strong opinions and back them up with evidence is an essential skill that will serve students well throughout their academic and professional lives.

Embracing Diverse Perspectives

To embrace diverse perspectives, you should be open to various ideas and consider them thoughtfully while forming your opinions. This process can lead to a deeper understanding of the issue at hand and a more informed and open-minded perspective, which is especially important for high school students as they prepare for their future.

Reading articles from various sources and listening to alternate viewpoints is an effective method to consider different perspectives. For example, when forming an opinion on school sports and their impact on students, it’s important to consider the perspectives of:

  • student athletes

By exploring diverse perspectives, students can develop more well-rounded opinions and engage in richer classroom discussions.

Building Reasoned Arguments

The aim of providing evidence and reasoning in opinion writing is to bolster the writer’s opinion and persuade the reader to agree with it. For instance, when discussing the pros and cons of being an only child, a well-supported argument can be far more convincing than a simple statement of personal preference.

Opinion writing can help students develop their personal opinions, provide supportive reasons, think critically, and use evidence. It also hones their skills in presenting logical reasoning and persuasive arguments. Engaging in opinion writing allows students to:

  • Construct stronger, well-reasoned arguments on a variety of topics, like the effectiveness of e-learning
  • Strengthen their opinion writing skills
  • Improve their overall academic performance

Opinion Writing vs Persuasive Writing

Upon initial observation, opinion writing and persuasive writing might appear similar; yet, a significant difference exists between them. Opinion writing is about expressing your viewpoint and elucidating why you feel or think that way, whereas persuasive writing is focused on persuading others that your opinion is accurate.

For example, in an opinion essay about your favorite song, you would share your thoughts and feelings about the song and explain why it resonates with you. In a persuasive piece, on the other hand, you would strive to convince your readers that your favorite song is the best one out there. Both styles of writing require strong opinions, but opinion writing places a greater emphasis on personal beliefs and experiences.

Stimulating Opinion Writing Prompts

One of the most effective ways to engage students in opinion writing is to provide them with thought-provoking prompts that span a wide range of topics and interests. From current events to personal passions, these prompts will ignite students’ creativity and encourage them to express their thoughts and ideas.

The subsequent sections will delve into three categories of prompts, namely current events and social issues, hobbies and personal interests, and school life and extracurricular activities. Each category offers a variety of prompts that will challenge students to think critically, develop their own opinions, and hone their writing skills.

Current Events and Social Issues

Current events and social issues offer a treasure trove of fascinating topics for opinion writing. By engaging with these subjects, students can develop their understanding of the world, form well-informed opinions, and participate in meaningful conversations about important matters.

Thought-provoking opinion writing prompts related to current events and social issues can be found in a well-written blog post. These prompts include topics such as climate change, gun control, and immigration, encouraging students to explore new perspectives, engage with complex issues, and develop empathy for others.

Expressing their viewpoints on current events and social issues, students express their potential to impact the world and influence their future as students perform in various activities.

Hobbies and Personal Interests

Opinion writing prompts about hobbies, personal interests, and favorite pastimes allow students to explore their preferences and passions. These prompts encourage students to reflect on their own experiences and share what makes them unique.

Examples of engaging prompts related to hobbies and personal interests include:

  • Writing about the ultimate vacation spot
  • The all-time greatest movie
  • The most thrilling sport to play
  • Your favorite board game
  • The best T.V. show right now

Connecting with their personal interests can make students feel more invested in their writing, thereby enhancing their enjoyment of crafting opinion essays and allowing their creative juices to flow. By expressing their own opinion, students can develop a deeper connection to the topic at hand.

School Life and Extracurricular Activities

Prompts related to school experiences, extracurricular activities, and educational policies provide students with an opportunity to engage with topics that directly impact their lives. These prompts can inspire passionate discussions and encourage students to think critically about their educational experiences.

Examples of school life and extracurricular activities prompts include debating the merits of homework, discussing the pros and cons of school uniforms, and exploring the effectiveness of online learning. Engaging with these topics can provide students with a deeper understanding of their educational environment and help them form well-reasoned opinions on the issues that are most significant to them.

Tools and Resources for Opinion Writing

In addition to engaging prompts, there are a variety of tools and resources available that can assist students in improving their opinion writing skills. These resources can provide guidance, inspiration, and feedback to help students take their writing to the next level.

In the following subsections, we’ll explore some of these helpful tools and resources, including mentor texts and examples, as well as assessment and feedback tools. Utilizing these resources can bolster students’ confidence in their opinion writing abilities and equip them better for meaningful classroom discussions.

Mentor Texts and Examples

Mentor texts and examples can serve as valuable references for students when writing their opinion essays. These texts demonstrate how to craft an opinion piece effectively and provide an understanding of the elements of opinion writing. They can inspire students and guide them in their own writing endeavors.

Some excellent mentor texts for teaching opinion writing include:

  • “The Case for and Against Homework” by Etta Kralovec and John Buell
  • “The Benefits of Year-Round School” by Jennifer Brozak
  • “The Pros and Cons of Social Media” by Sarah Miller

Studying these examples can provide students with insight into the structure, style, and substance of effective opinion essays, which they can then apply to their own writing.

Assessment and Feedback Tools

Assessment and feedback tools, such as WriQ, can help students enhance their writing abilities by pinpointing areas where they can refine their writing, such as grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. These tools can also provide feedback on the overall structure and content of their writing, enabling them to take their writing to the next level.

Some other great assessment tools to consider include Teachers Pay Teachers, Thoughtful Learning, and ELLii. These resources can empower students to become more confident in their opinion writing skills and better equipped to tackle various aspects of their education.

Encouraging Open Dialogue and Respectful Debates

Creating an environment where students feel comfortable expressing their opinions and engaging in respectful debates with their peers is essential for encouraging critical thinking, promoting understanding of different perspectives, and helping students develop empathy. An open and respectful classroom atmosphere can foster meaningful conversations and inspire students to explore new ideas.

Teachers can foster open dialogue and respectful debates by creating a safe and supportive environment, modeling respectful behaviour, and encouraging students to actively listen to each other. By promoting a culture of open discussion, students can develop their critical thinking skills, broaden their perspectives, and become more empathetic individuals.

Tips for Effective Opinion Writing

Providing students with practical tips and strategies is crucial in helping them improve their opinion writing skills. Some key points to consider include conducting thorough research, organizing ideas effectively, and editing for clarity and conciseness. Incorporating these tips into their writing process can enable students to compose more engaging and persuasive opinion essays.

In addition to these tips, students should also strive to:

  • Express their opinions early in their writing
  • Connect their opinions to the subject
  • Uncover unique facts to support their arguments
  • Avoid stating the obvious
  • Tailor their writing to their audience

Following these guidelines can boost students’ confidence in their opinion writing abilities and aid them in excelling in their academic pursuits.

Opinion Writing Prompts

The main purpose of opinion writing is to effectively communicate and persuade the reader to share the writer’s opinion.

(1) In today’s world, many people feel that technology is moving too quickly. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

2) As reading on screens becomes more common, many people are concerned that our society will become less literate and knowledgeable. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

3) When it comes to watching television, most viewers enjoy using their DVRs to skip commercials. What are some benefits of watching television with the use of DVRs?

4) An increasing number of people now believe that obesity is a public health crisis in America. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

5) Some teachers say using technology for long periods during class time is distracting to students and inhibits their learning. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

6) In today’s world, many people feel that technology is moving too quickly. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

7) As reading on screens becomes more common, many people are concerned that our society will become less literate and knowledgeable. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

8) When it comes to watching television, most viewers enjoy using their DVRs to skip commercials. What are some benefits of watching television with the use of DVRs?

9) An increasing number of people now believe that obesity is a public health crisis in America. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

10) Some teachers say using technology for long periods during class time is distracting to students and inhibits their learning. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

11) There are plenty of people who believe that violent video games are just as bad for children as smoking cigarettes. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

12) Many parents think that too many educational toys can be detrimental to their child’s learning. Others say these toys help children develop important skills. Which do you think is true?

14) When children are young, most parents believe that they should be spanked for misbehaving. Do you think that children should ever be spanked?

15) Some people claim that popular music is no longer about talent and has lost its value as an art form. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

16) Miley Cyrus is an extremely popular celebrity. Many people think that Miley’s behavior has become increasingly inappropriate over the years. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

17) Children are often told not to play with their food, but children who do usually have more fun eating it. Does playing with your food make it taste better?

18) Some people say that there is no longer any originality in Hollywood. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

19) Many people think that “talking” toys are a good idea, but children should never play alone with a stuffed animal. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

20) Teachers who take their students on field trips say they are very helpful. Do you think that field trips are essential to a good education?

21) Some people believe that children should never be left at home alone before the age of 14. Other parents say it is fine for kids as young as 10 to stay home alone after school until their parents get home from work. Do you agree or disagree that 10-year olds can be left alone after school until their parents get home? Why or why not?

22) Many people use social media websites regularly, but some feel these websites are detrimental to society. What are some negative aspects of using sites like Facebook regularly?

23) Although most people have become more health-conscious in recent years, many still drink soda regularly which is high in sugar and caffeine. Which do you think is worse for your health, soda or coffee?

24) Many people believe that talking on a cell phone while driving endangers the lives of drivers and their passengers. What are some ways to reduce this danger when possible?

25) Some say that having robots in nursing homes would be beneficial because they could help with difficult tasks. Do you agree or disagree with this view? Why or why not?

26) Many people think it’s harmful to eat at fast-food restaurants regularly because these establishments use poor quality ingredients, etc. On the other hand, others say that it’s fine to eat fast food occasionally because there are times when one just needs to grab a quick bite between activities/appointments and cooking would take too much time. Which do you agree with more? Why?

27) For some people, using their smartphones during family dinners is considered disrespectful of the time together. Do you think this attitude is warranted or not?

28) Many parents believe that playing sports in school is vital for social development. Others are concerned that children who spend too many hours on sports are missing out of important opportunities to develop other skills. What are your thoughts on these opposing views of extracurricular activities?

29) A new study says that high-fructose corn syrup can lead to an increase in obesity, but there’s no conclusive evidence that it’s harmful to one’s health. Do you agree with the study’s findings? Why or why not?

30) Some people say that students should never use Wikipedia as a source for research papers. Do you think it is acceptable to use Wikipedia for this purpose, or do you agree with those who oppose it? Why?

31) Watching TV shows and movies depicting violence can desensitize viewers to the real thing. What are some examples of shows or movies that can have this effect on people?

32) Many people think that drive-through windows at restaurants are convenient, but they increase the risk of contamination by allowing orders to be prepared ahead of time. Do you agree with these opposing views? Why or why not?

33) Spending time outdoors in nature is becoming less popular among people of the younger generations. What are some possible reasons for this trend?

34) Some people think that using a cell phone while driving is a dangerous habit, while others think that it’s not any more dangerous than eating or drinking in a car. Are you in agreement with either of these two opinions? Why or why not?

35) In general, do you agree with the idea that women should earn less money than men because they typically work fewer hours outside the home?

36) Many people agree that it’s not necessary to be in a committed relationship in order to have children. Given this attitude, do you think the number of single mothers will increase? Why or why not?

37) Some people believe that cell phones should be banned from all classrooms, while others say that phones can actually benefit learning environments. What are some ways that using cell phones can help students perform better academically and personally?

38) Most people agree that driving through city streets is more complicated than driving on freeways. However, some people argue that driving around town isn’t as difficult as it seems because slower speeds give drivers more time to react if need be. Do you agree with one of these opinions over the other? Why or why not?

39) Should a woman be paid equally for doing the same job as a man who has more experience? Why or why not?

40) Some people say that students should study one hour for each grade level, while others argue that this rule isn’t necessary. What are your thoughts on these two opposing views?

41) Many people believe that it’s possible to be both fit and overweight at the same time. Do you agree with this idea, or do you think being fit requires maintaining a healthy weight?

42) It’s common for teenagers to spend less time reading than they did in previous generations because of technology. However, many experts claim that young adults need to read more often in order to become good writers. Do you agree with this statement or do you think technology is more important in developing writing skills?

43) Some people say that teens should never lie to their parents, while others argue that there are some situations when it’s acceptable. For example, the teen might not be in trouble for asking a question or may have uncovered something that makes them believe they need to lie for their own safety. Do you agree with one of these points of view over the other? Why or why not?

44) Some people say that men are better at reading maps because they are taught from an early age to read directions and street signs. However, others claim that women are actually better at both reading maps and finding their way around new cities because they typically pay attention to various landmarks along the way. Do you agree with one of these two opinions over the other? Why or whynot?

45) Many people are beginning to realize that violence in movies doesn’t lead to more violence in real life. However, some experts claim that there’s still a link between violent movies and aggression. Based on your own experience and knowledge about this issue, do you think movies can cause aggressive behavior in viewers?

46) Some teenagers believe that they will be able to afford anything they want as long as their parents pay for it. Other teens understand that even though their parents may help them out financially, they cannot expect money whenever they ask for it. Which opinion seems more accurate to you based on what you about parenting and teens today?

47) A growing number of people believe that elderly parents should be allowed to live on their own as long as they are healthy and feel comfortable doing so. In your opinion, do elderly parents have the right to disagree with their children about where they should live? Why or why not?

48) Some people think that online education provides an equal learning experience as traditional classroom experiences, while others argue that there’s something special about being able to interact with other students and a teacher face-to-face. Do you agree with one of these opinions over the other? Why or why not?

49) Many employers understand that potential employees will more likely succeed if they have a work-life balance rather than working all hours of the day and night. Do you agree with one of these points of view over the other? Why or why not?

50) Many people believe that students should learn foreign languages in order to succeed in their careers, while others argue that knowing a second language isn’t as important as having skills like computer literacy. Which opinion do you think is more accurate?

51) Some people say that children will grow up to be productive members of society if they go through an organized sports program at an early age, while others claim that children who aren’t athletically inclined can still lead healthy lives without participating in team sports. Do you agree with one of these opinions over the other? Why or why not?

52) A growing number of people believe that the use of marijuana should be legalized. However, many others claim that legalizing marijuana will lead to increased drug addiction in America. Which opinion do you agree with more? Why or why not?

53) Some experts believe that exercise is necessary for maintaining good health, while others argue that it’s possible to have a healthy diet without performing any kind of physical exertion. Based on your knowledge of this issue, which opinion do you think is most accurate about exercise?

54) Most people are aware of the dangers associated with smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. However, some teens believe that it’s okay to smoke because they feel confident they can avoid developing a nicotine addiction. Why or why not?

55) Many experts claim that young children should be exposed to a variety of foods and flavors in their diets because it will help them develop healthier eating habits for life. Do you agree with one of these opinions over the other? Why or why not?

56) Some people believe that adults should be required to learn English before they move to America, while others feel that it’s possible for immigrants to integrate into an English-speaking society even if they don’t know the language. Which opinion do you think is accurate based on what you’ve learned about immigration issues today?

57) A growing number of experts believe that standardized tests are unfair to students who don’t have access to private tutoring programs. Do you agree with one of these points of view over the other? Why or why not?

58) Most people understand that a variety of factors can influence a person’s weight, but some believe that it is possible to be overweight simply because someone eats too much and doesn’t exercise enough. Which opinion do you agree with more? Why or why not?

59) A growing number of parents think that there is such thing as teaching too early when it comes to learning complicated academic skills like reading and math before elementary school age. However, others feel that children aren’t given enough opportunities to learn new skills in overcrowded classrooms. Do you agree with one of these opinions over the other? Why or why not?

60) Many experts believe that children will grow up to be productive members of society if they are exposed to a variety of activities outside of school, while others argue that parents should spend most of their time encouraging kids to excel only in the activities that provide academic credentials. Which opinion do you think is more accurate?

61) A new study claims that people get better results when they meditate for ten minutes before beginning an exercise program rather than waiting until after exercising. Do you agree with one of these points of view over the other? Why or why not?

62) Some experts suggest that students benefit from restorative practices like meditation in order to stay focused and emotionally balanced in stressful environments, while others feel that traditional methods like discipline, rewards, and punishments are the only effective ways to achieve educational goals. Which opinion do you agree with more? Why or why not?

63) A growing number of parents have begun homeschooling their families in order to protect them from the risks associated with peer pressure for activities like drugs, and violence in public schools. However, other parents feel that it’s important for children to learn how to manage potential dangers in social situations when they are supervised by adults. Do you agree with one of these opinions over the other? Why or why not?

64) Schools across America require students to provide proof of vaccinations before entering kindergarten; however, many people believe that this practice places an unfair burden on certain families who may not be able to afford the necessary vaccinations or live in an area where they are not accessible. Which opinion do you think is more accurate based on what you’ve learned about this controversial issue?

65) While most teachers encourage students to work hard at school so they can attend college later in life, some research has suggested that many young people might be happier and more successful if they chose to pursue a career that didn’t require a college degree. Which opinion do you think is most accurate based on the information that has been shared about school and future success?

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200+ Amazing Opinion Essay Topics and Ideas

Updated 20 Jun 2024

opinion essay topics

Choosing to write an opinion essay can be challenging if student does not consider relevant opinion essay topics that would meet an event or subject, making it suitable to provide good argumentation. When college professor asks to present such essay type, it means that formal writing piece on particular topic or event is requested. It must represent an opinion, a personal take on specific issue.

Still, as one wants to maintain academic style structure for opinionated writing, it is necessary to mention an opposite view right before conclusion paragraph. Yet, how does one choose successful opinion essay topic to receive A grade? Just like paper title generator , one needs strong arguable thesis subject. Selecting the right opinion essay topics is crucial for a persuasive argument, and an essay writing service can assist in refining your topic and crafting a strong essay. Choosing good opinion essay topic should relate to personal skills, experience, reliable sources, analysis, and solid research that reveals reasons for specific viewpoint.

7 Opinion Essay Writing Tips

Good opinion writing topics may be compared to prompts that instantly describe what the article is about. The same goes for each piece of writing where opinion is given. Here are writing tips from EduBirdie’s experts that make essay writing a breeze.

  • Brainstorm Future Topic - select from several opinion essay topics so one can see if chosen research meets course requirements.
  • Use Supporting Evidence - always backup presented information with reliable sources that include accurate citations.
  • Mind Opinion Paragraph Topic Sentence - make sure that prompt is clear as to what side is taken.
  • Remember Opposite Viewpoint - always insert opposing reasoning that’s why choose a suitable opinion essay topic.
  • Turn to Related Research - see if there is any other research on given subject.
  • Strong Thesis - first paragraph should have perspective statement that links to subsequent paragraphs.
  • Proofreading - check twice for grammar, spelling, structure, citing to meet each grading rubric points.

200 Opinion Essay Topics Divided by Subject

Good opinion topics are relevant to initial discipline and student’s strongest skills. Below are 150 ideas in most popular disciplines to choose from. Good assignment idea asks a question and is  argumentative, posing an opinion.

Political Science Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Effectiveness of the United Nations in Maintaining International Peace
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns and Elections
  • Universal Basic Income: A Solution to Economic Inequality or a Utopian Dream?
  • The Role of Whistleblowers in Modern Democracies
  • Climate Change Policy: Should It Be a Central Focus in Political Agendas?
  • The Future of the European Union Post-Brexit
  • The Ethics and Implications of Political Lobbying
  • Cybersecurity in Politics: Protecting the Integrity of Elections
  • The Influence of Corporate Money in American Politics
  • Immigration Policy: Balancing Human Rights and National Security
  • The Pros and Cons of Direct Democracy in the Digital Age
  • The Role of Political Satire in Shaping Public Opinion
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation: An Achievable Goal or a Lost Cause?
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Future Political Decision-Making
  • The Role of Women in Political Leadership Globally
  • Political Polarization: Causes and Solutions for Bridging the Divide
  • The Ethics of Drone Warfare and Remote Military Intervention
  • The Influence of Religion on Political Policies and Decisions
  • The Rise of Populism: Causes and Consequences for Global Politics
  • Media Censorship and Freedom of Speech in Authoritarian Regimes

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History Opinion Essay Topics

  • The True Motivations Behind European Colonization of the Americas
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Modern Society
  • The Role of Women in World War II and Its Long-Term Effects
  • The Historical Accuracy of the 'Great Man' Theory of History
  • The Consequences of the Treaty of Versailles: Fair or Overly Punitive?
  • The Influence of Ancient Greek Democracy on Modern Political Systems
  • The Ethics of Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • The Crusades: Religious Duty or Economic and Political Gain?
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union: Inevitable or Preventable?
  • The Role of Propaganda in Shaping Public Opinion During the Cold War
  • The Impact of the Renaissance on Modern Western Thought
  • The Historical Significance of the Silk Road in Global Trade
  • The Legacy of Colonialism in Africa: Development Hindered or Helped?
  • The Effectiveness of Non-Violent Protests in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Real Causes of the Great Depression and Its Lessons for Today
  • The Influence of the Mongol Empire on Eurasian History
  • The Role of the Printing Press in Democratizing Knowledge
  • The Historical Impact of the Spanish Inquisition on Religious Freedom
  • The Significance of the Berlin Wall in the Context of the Cold War
  • The Evolution of Feminism and Its Impact on Modern Society

Environment Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Real Impact of Climate Change on Global Weather Patterns
  • The Effectiveness of International Agreements in Combating Climate Change
  • Should Governments Prioritize Economic Growth Over Environmental Protection?
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Shaping the Future of Global Energy Policies
  • The Ethics of Genetic Modification in Agriculture: Balancing Risks and Benefits
  • Ocean Pollution: The Unseen Crisis Affecting Marine Life and Human Health
  • The Impact of Deforestation on Biodiversity and Climate
  • Urban Sprawl: Environmental Catastrophe or Necessary Growth?
  • The Feasibility of a Zero-Waste Lifestyle in Modern Society
  • The Role of Individual Actions vs. Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Conservation
  • The Future of Electric Vehicles and Their Impact on the Environment
  • The Consequences of Overfishing: A Global Perspective
  • The Viability of Nuclear Energy as a Clean Energy Source
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment and Sustainable Alternatives
  • The Role of Technology in Solving Environmental Challenges
  • The Ethics and Environmental Impact of Animal Testing
  • Water Scarcity: A Looming Global Crisis
  • The Environmental Costs of Digital Technology and E-Waste
  • The Effectiveness of Carbon Tax in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Sustainable Agriculture: The Key to Feeding the World Without Destroying It

Nursing Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Nurse-to-Patient Ratios on Patient Care Quality
  • The Role of Nurses in Shaping Health Policy Decisions
  • Ethical Implications of Rationing Care in Times of Healthcare Shortages
  • The Effectiveness of Holistic Nursing Practices in Modern Healthcare
  • Mental Health Nursing: Addressing the Stigma in Healthcare Settings
  • The Challenges and Rewards of Geriatric Nursing
  • The Role of Technology in Enhancing Nursing Efficiency and Patient Care
  • Nursing Burnout: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Strategies
  • The Importance of Cultural Competence in Nursing
  • The Impact of Telemedicine on Nursing Practices and Patient Access to Care
  • Nursing Leadership: Key to Effective Healthcare Teams
  • The Ethics of End-of-Life Care in Nursing
  • Pediatric Nursing: Balancing Emotional Connection with Professional Detachment
  • The Role of Nurses in Patient Education and Health Literacy
  • The Future of Nursing: Trends and Predictions in Healthcare
  • The Challenges of Rural Nursing and Strategies for Improvement
  • Nursing and Public Health: Bridging the Gap Between Hospital and Community
  • The Impact of Nursing on Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Ratings
  • The Role of Advanced Practice Nurses in Healthcare System
  • The Importance of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

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Social Media Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Social Media on Teenage Mental Health
  • Social Media: A Tool for Social Change or a Platform for Misinformation?
  • The Ethics of Data Collection and Privacy in Social Media
  • The Role of Social Media in Modern Political Campaigns
  • Cyberbullying: The Dark Side of Social Media
  • The Influence of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem
  • Social Media Addiction: Myth or Reality?
  • The Effectiveness of Social Media as a Tool for Education and Learning
  • The Role of Social Media in Business Marketing and Consumer Engagement
  • The Impact of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Skills
  • Social Media Influencers: Shaping Consumer Behavior and Culture
  • The Pros and Cons of Censorship and Moderation on Social Media Platforms
  • The Role of Social Media in Cultural Preservation and Globalization
  • Social Media and the News: The Changing Landscape of Information Dissemination
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Media 'Likes' and Validation
  • The Future of Social Media: Trends and Predictions
  • Social Media as a Platform for Artistic Expression and Recognition
  • The Role of Social Media in Crisis Management and Emergency Response
  • The Impact of Social Media on Professional Networking and Career Development
  • Social Media and Democracy: Enhancing or Hindering Public Discourse?

Education Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing in Education
  • The Impact of Technology and Digital Learning on Traditional Classroom Education
  • Should Financial Education Be a Mandatory Part of School Curriculum?
  • The Role of Arts Education in Student Development
  • Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • The Effectiveness of Bilingual Education in Schools
  • The Importance of Physical Education in Schools
  • The Role of Teachers vs. Technology in the Future of Education
  • The Impact of School Uniforms on Student Behavior and School Culture
  • The Pros and Cons of Sex Education in Schools
  • The Influence of Social Media on Student Learning and Concentration
  • The Necessity of Life Skills Education in Schools
  • The Benefits and Challenges of Inclusive Education
  • The Role of Parental Involvement in Children's Education
  • The Impact of Cultural Diversity in the Classroom
  • The Future of Higher Education: Online vs. Traditional Universities
  • The Role of Education in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • The Ethics of Corporate Sponsorship in Schools
  • The Importance of Teaching Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
  • The Effect of Class Size on Student Learning and Teacher Effectiveness

Generation Gap Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Technology on the Generation Gap
  • Understanding the Different Work Ethics Across Generations
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Bridging or Widening the Generation Gap
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Generational Identities
  • Differences in Political Views Between Generations
  • The Evolution of Family Dynamics Across Generations
  • How Education Systems Have Changed and Their Impact on Different Generations
  • The Shift in Life Goals and Aspirations Across Generations
  • Generational Differences in Attitudes Towards Mental Health
  • The Changing Nature of Retirement and Its Perception Across Generations
  • The Effect of Globalization on the Generation Gap
  • Intergenerational Communication: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Role of Music in Defining Generational Gaps
  • Differences in Environmental Consciousness Across Generations
  • The Impact of Economic Fluctuations on Different Generations
  • Generational Perspectives on Gender Roles and Equality
  • How Technological Advancements Are Perceived Differently by Various Generations
  • The Influence of Historical Events on Generational Worldviews
  • The Changing Nature of Privacy and Sharing in the Digital Age Across Generations
  • The Role of Elders in Modern Society: Respected or Overlooked?

Literature Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Relevance of Shakespeare in Modern Times
  • The Role of Women in Victorian Literature
  • Dystopian Literature: A Reflection of Society's Fears or a Warning for the Future?
  • The Impact of Cultural Background on Interpretations of Classic Literature
  • The Representation of Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary Literature
  • The Influence of Digital Media on the Evolution of Narrative Forms
  • The Role of Mythology in Modern Literature
  • The Ethics of Posthumous Publications in Literature
  • The Significance of the Bildungsroman Genre in Shaping Young Adult Perspectives
  • The Impact of Translation on Literary Interpretation and Appreciation
  • The Evolution of Science Fiction and Its Predictions for the Future
  • The Role of Literature in Social and Political Change
  • The Psychological Depth in Gothic Literature
  • The Importance of Children's Literature in Early Development
  • The Representation of Mental Health in Modern Novels
  • The Influence of Historical Events on Literary Movements
  • The Role of Symbolism in Poetry
  • The Decline of Reading in the Digital Age: Causes and Consequences
  • The Representation of LGBTQ+ Characters in Literature
  • The Impact of Literary Awards on Readership and Publishing Trends

Culture Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Globalization on Local Cultures
  • Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Exchange: Where to Draw the Line?
  • The Role of Traditional Festivals in Modern Society
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Youth Identity
  • The Preservation of Indigenous Languages and Cultures
  • The Impact of Western Culture on Eating Habits Worldwide
  • Cultural Impacts of Tourism: Beneficial or Harmful?
  • The Role of Art and Literature in Cultural Preservation
  • The Effects of Digital Media on Cultural Practices and Traditions
  • The Evolution of Family Structures and Values in Different Cultures
  • Cultural Perspectives on Gender Roles and Equality
  • The Role of Museums in Cultural Education and Preservation
  • The Influence of Hollywood on Global Film Cultures
  • Cultural Responses to Climate Change
  • The Impact of Immigration on Cultural Identity
  • The Role of Music in Cultural Expression and Unity
  • Cultural Attitudes Towards Aging and Elderly Care
  • The Effect of Consumerism on Cultural Values
  • Cultural Traditions vs. Modern Healthcare Practices
  • The Role of Language in Shaping Cultural Identity

Psychology Opinion Essay Topics

  • The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treating Anxiety Disorders
  • The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health
  • Nature vs. Nurture: The Ongoing Debate in Psychological Development
  • The Ethics of Using Placebos in Psychological Research
  • The Psychological Effects of Long-Term Remote Work
  • The Role of Psychology in Understanding and Combating Climate Change Denial
  • The Influence of Childhood Trauma on Adult Behavior and Mental Health
  • The Effectiveness of Art Therapy in Mental Health Treatment
  • The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health: Causes and Solutions
  • The Psychology of Addiction: Beyond Substance Abuse
  • The Impact of Sleep on Mental Health and Cognitive Function
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Personal and Professional Success
  • The Psychological Implications of Virtual Reality Technologies
  • The Influence of Parenting Styles on Child Development
  • The Role of Psychology in Enhancing Sports Performance
  • The Impact of Stereotypes and Prejudices on Social Behavior
  • The Psychological Effects of Aging in a Youth-Centric Society
  • The Role of Resilience in Overcoming Trauma
  • The Influence of Music on Mood and Cognitive Performance
  • The Ethics and Effectiveness of Deception in Psychological Studies

These are far not all topics we offer. Contact our 24/7 experts for specific essay topics or help with opinion essay writing.

Opinion Essay Sample for Students

It is not a secret that best way to learn is by examples, therefore, below is an opinion essay samples that you may use as an example while completing your own opinion essay on any topic:

Social Media has Negative Impact on Body Image

Social media networks may be compared to invisible role models that dictate fashion and moral standards. Since there is no control per se making information is freely available even to young people, social networks contribute to distorted standards promotion. One of them is body image that is based on celebrities and anorexia templates that results in eating disorders and traumatic experiences. Because of power of peer pressure online, young people copy improper and distorted viewpoints in order to become popular and successful, which results in healthcare hazards including mental breakdowns.

Social networks like Facebook or Instagram, control what is popular by sharing or reposting celebrities’ images which unificates body shapes and fashion standards. Having a post by certain pop star or an actress (actor) in social network influences personal views even subconsciously. It forces young people to mimic their heroes by eating less and focusing on brand clothes, copying improper behaviors. Striving to become popular among initial circle, online users limit themselves to what is being offered and repeated on a daily basis.

Even though it can be assumed that online users do not always count on peer pressure, but large media networks promote fashion standards and body image with forced advertisements that link certain patterns with success and power. Those that oppose negative Instagram impact should research narcissistic digital era culture behavior that rarely promotes healthy eating or physical activity. Networking itself limits physical interaction, proper body images analysis that person encounter on his or her own without socio-cultural pressure.

Thus, it seems that online media promotes incorrect viewpoints and takes away creativity, personal analysis, leaving no freedom of making a choice. Online promotion is powerful, yet this power must have supervision within ethical and moral norms, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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162 Persuasive Writing Prompts & Topics: Examples & Tips

essay prompts opinion

Writing a persuasive essay can be a challenging task. While it is excellent for improving a student’s critical thinking and rhetoric skills, coming up with a good topic might be difficult.

The easiest way to kickstart the writing process is to find persuasive writing prompts. Are you passionate about some controversial issue? Want to express your opinion? A prompt will help you to start thinking about it critically. It may contain a set of questions or a brief guideline for your discussion.

Our team will help you!

There is plenty of persuasive writing prompts for high school and college that deserve attention. So, we’ve prepared a list of such. Once you choose one to your liking, remember to read a prompt thoroughly. The controversy of an issue is usually apparent. It is crucial to find a prompt that states the main aspects of the topic clearly.

Believe us—writing a persuasive essay is elementary with prompts at your disposal!

  • 🤷 Writing with Prompts
  • 💡 How to Write?
  • ⭐ 12 Best Prompts
  • 🧒 Elementary School
  • 🎒 Middle School
  • 🖊️ High School
  • 🌊 Environment
  • 🕹️ Video Games
  • 🔌 Technology

🤷 Persuasive Writing with Prompts

Before we dive into the prompts, let’s answer a few vital questions.

What is a persuasive essay?

A persuasive essay is a type of academic writing where you try to persuade your reader using arguments and supporting evidence. You provide facts and examples that explain why your position is the correct one. Describe the issue in the introduction, and express your stance on it in your thesis statement.

Remember to include the other side of the argument in your essay. It is essential to consider different perspectives on the problem. You can find numerous examples of persuasive papers in a free essay database . Not only will it serve as a sample, but can act as a source of writing prompts, too.

What is a writing prompt?

A writing prompt is a short passage that describes an idea for an essay, report, article, or some other piece of writing. It can be as short as one sentence, although it is usually more elaborate.

Some prompts can be presented in the form of an image. The most crucial thing is that they give a clear understanding of the topic.

Re-read the writing prompt when to ensure that you should write a persuasive essay.

How does a persuasive writing prompt look like?

The main goal of persuasive writing is to convince the reader that your side of an argument is the most legitimate one. Unlike in expository or descriptive writing, persuasive essay prompts express the duality of a dispute.

Persuasive letter prompts should be pertinent to the audience’s concerns. A prompt should ultimately convey your stance on the subject. Use words like convince , persuade , and why . Avoid using how in a persuasive essay prompt as it distracts from the purpose of such writing.

💡 How to Write a Persuasive Essay Using a Prompt?

Persuasive writing prompts help produce a good quality essay. Here is a list of things you should do to write an essay using a prompt:

  • Read it and learn what issue the prompt states. What should you elaborate on? Look out for words that you find especially important or problematic.
  • Understand what the prompt wants you to do. See whether you should discuss causes and effects or your opinion. In the case of persuasive writing prompt, it asks you to convince your reader in something. In what? Should you discuss both sides of an argument or state your opinion immediately?
  • Divide the prompt. Look deeper into what it’s saying. Write down your initial thoughts on the subject.
  • Compose a thesis statement . Outline the question or the situation the prompt states and elaborate on it in one topic sentence.
  • Write arguments and supporting evidence. Dedicate one body paragraph to describing the opposing argument. Remember to use transition words to ensure good writing flow.
  • Revise if you have time for it. Check with the prompt not to miss anything. That’s why writing drafts is always a good idea. This way, you can change your text without making a mess out of your paper.

⭐ 12 Persuasive Writing Prompts for High School

  • Cooking as art — a delicate craft.
  • 4-Day work week.
  • Facebook vs. Instagram: visual design.
  • Winter holidays — a time for friends.
  • Is living in a village stressful?
  • Beef production.
  • Is kindergarten education importnat?
  • Hobby as a job is a bad idea.
  • High school students and independence.
  • Allowance for kids: how much?
  • Reptiles as pets — a lifelong commitment.
  • Outside classes and fresh air benefits.

✔ 50 Persuasive Essay Writing Prompts

If you have trouble coming up with ideas for writing a persuasive essay, here is our prompts list. Whether you’re in school or college, we’re sure here you’ll find a topic that interests you!

Ask someone to proofread your persuasive essay.

🧒 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

  • Your parents should go to bed at 9 pm every day. They say that it’s your time to fall asleep, but why? This way, they get to have a good night’s rest to feel energized the next morning. And your parents need it as their jobs are tedious and stressful. While you would like to have more spare time before going to bed. Persuade your parents that going to bed at 9 pm is perfect for them, not for you.
  • We should stop wearing a uniform to school. If not every day, at least once a week, students should be allowed to wear casual clothes to school. Discuss why it is a fun and useful initiative.
  • You need to move to another country for a year. Explain why you think that studying abroad is essential for you. Which country would you pick and why? Discuss what made you choose this country.
  • Every child needs a pet. Some parents don’t allow animals at home. Explain why it is vital to have a pet in a family. Convince that a pet of your choice is the perfect option for any kid.
  • Pupils should select their seats in the class . Your teacher always tells you where to sit in class. Would it be better if you get to pick your place? What is your opinion on that?
  • Playing music is an educating activity that is crucial for child development. What musical instrument is the most fun to play? Convince your reader that the music instrument of your choice is the best one.
  • The summer break has to be longer. Do you believe the summer holidays are long or short? Is it enough for you to get rest and find the strength to start a new term? Convince your reader that your point of view is the right one.
  • The ability to read people’s minds in both the worst and best superpower. Imagine that you get to have this superpower. What are its advantages and disadvantages? When can you use it? Is it ethical? Discuss your opinion in your essay.
  • Pupils should select their tutors. In school, you don’t get to choose your teacher. Would it be better if you could? Can students change teachers based on their personal preferences? Discuss why or why not.
  • We should manage our budget from an early age. Do your parents give you pocket money? Well, they’re better to start. Some parents think they should give their kids pocket money even if they misbehaved. Others wouldn’t give allowance to their children if they did something wrong. What position do you think is fairer, and why?

Giving a set budget for a specific task teaches teenagers responsibility.

🎒 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Middle School Students

  • Tutors should wear uniforms to schools, just like students do. Imagine there is an initiative that wants teachers to do so. Some people believe it is a sign of equality and professional attire. Others think that just a formal dress code is enough. What is your opinion on this?
  • Every school has to initiate school trips. Some individuals think they are disruptive to the study process. Other people claim that such trips unite students and are an essential part of education. What do you think? Explain your point of view and why it is the right one.
  • Students should learn from famous people from time to time. There is an opportunity for one famous person to come to your school with a motivational speech. Who would you want to come, and why? Discuss why your school can benefit if a celebrity of your choice gives a speech there.,
  • Single-sex schools are better than mixed ones. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Talk about your point of view using convincing argumentation.
  • Some individuals should lack money. What’s better: enough money to get by or too much money and more problems? Some think that too much money makes you forget about more straightforward and essential things in life. Yes, cash gives more opportunities, but people tend to strive for more money than necessary. What’s the point of millionaires in the 21st century? What is your opinion on this?
  • Fast food damages children’s health and should be excluded from the school meal plan. Do you agree or disagree? What are some benefits of having fast food as a meal option at school? Discuss which opinion is more legitimate.
  • Educational institutions have to support the arts and sciences more. Imagine there is a new building opening up in your school. The school administration hasn’t decided what is going to be there. It could be an art studio, a new sports center, or a computer class. Explain why it should belong to the arts and sciences. Talk about how such disciplines motivate students to evolve.
  • We should study for four days a week. There is a law that considers implementing a more extended weekend. Do you think three days would be too much? Why or why not? Support your point of view with thoughtful arguments.

25 US states have at least one district using a four-day school week.

  • Teachers should be required to turn off their mobiles during the classes. You can’t use your phone during the course (or at school). It’s a law in various educational institutions and for obvious reasons. Should teachers be prohibited from using their phones as well? Is it fair?
  • It is better to have PE lessons as the first classes of the day. Some people think it is an excellent way to kickstart the day. Others believe that students will be physically tired to carry on with other classes. Which opinion is the right one?
  • Plagiarism and cheating should be punished more strictly. Copying others’ works or using crib notes in class is strictly prohibited, yet it happens. Should schools implement more measures to ensure there is no cheating? How can they work?
  • Students should select their courses according to their performance. Some people are better at science, while others excel at arts. Would it be better if we were allowed only to study things we are naturally good at? Why or why not? Convince your reader that your opinion is valid.
  • You shouldn’t eat in class. Teachers generally think that it interrupts the lesson and distracts other students. At the same time, eating a snack can help you concentrate better and stay energized. Discuss your opinion on this in your essay.
  • There should be mixed sports teams at school. Girls often like to play the same sports as boys. Should schools let them play in the same groups? Why or why not? Support your opinion with argumentation.
  • Teachers should treat every student equally. It seems like an obvious thing, but the reality is often different. What would you do to make sure everyone is respected? Why?

🖊 Persuasive Writing Prompts for High School Students

  • In the US, the 18-year-olds should be allowed to drink alcohol. In the country, driving is permitted after age 16, while drinking becomes legal after 21. How fair are these age thresholds? Statistics show that countries with integrated drinking culture (like France or Italy) have lower alcoholism rates. Would it be better to bring the legal drinking age down to 18? Discuss why or why not, using supportive argumentation.
  • The “book of your choice” is fantastic, and here is why. Write a persuasive essay explaining why your favorite book deserves attention. Convince your audience it is worth reading it.
  • Time management skill is vital for a successful adult life. It’s what you acquire in school and use for a job. Why is being organized so important? And why should you learn this already in school? Talk about your opinion on this subject.
  • What’s more important in school – discipline or an ability to self-express? Some think that you come to school to get knowledge and acquire social skills. However, some students thrive in a less harsh environment. Discuss your point of view and why it is valid.
  • Educational institutions should implement anti-bullying policies. School authorities should intervene if a student is bullied by other students, even outside of school. Do you agree or disagree? Convince your reader that your opinion is the most legitimate.

The definition of bullying includes three characteristics.

  • Parents shouldn’t raise their children the same way they’ve been raised. Some people think there are universal values and principles that parents should teach their kids. While this is true, times change tremendously as generations grow up. What do you think is more just? Discuss your point of view in your essay.
  • Your neighborhood requires a renovation. Imagine city authorities are planning on improving your area. What would you change in particular, and why? Write an essay using the appropriate argumentation.
  • The importance of community is overrated. Some people are naturally more outgoing and thrive in such environments. Others often feel pressured and may feel out of place. Talk about your opinion on that subject.
  • Are fictional books useless? Some people believe fiction improves imagination and teaches empathy. Others consider it a waste of time since there is no actual value in it. Which stance is more valid?
  • Life is fair because it is unfair to everyone. Do you think this statement is true? Discuss the issue of class privilege. Do you think modern society gives everyone equal opportunities? Why or why not?
  • Community service should be mandatory for high school students. Do you agree or disagree? What kind of activities would be included? Discuss your point of view in your essay.
  • Classic literature should be an integral part of the high school curriculum. Should students be required to read old texts like Homer’s Odyssey or Shakespeare’s tragedies? Why or why not?
  • You can make a career out of a hobby. True or not? Pick your side of an argument and convince a reader it’s valid.
  • It would be better if all countries in the world switched to one currency. There are many aspects to consider when talking about this argument. Which side of it would you support? Why?
  • Safety on school property should be a primary concern. Some institutions offer inefficient security services, which can result in tragedies. They may lack funds to ensure their students are safe. Should the government prioritize these issues? Discuss your opinion on this.

🎓 Persuasive Writing Prompts for College Students

  • Abortions should be legal in all US states. Some religious communities are vehemently opposed to abortions. People with more liberal beliefs claim that it should be a mother’s personal choice. Discuss your opinion in an essay.
  • The military should be voluntary. Military service is a civic duty is some countries. Should it be obligatory everywhere? Why or why not? Persuade your reader that your opinion is the most legitimate.
  • Veganism and vegetarianism should become a new norm. They start to gain popularity in Western society. Some people consider it beneficial for health and the environment. Others switch to these diets because good meat is often too pricey. What are the real advantages? Or are they a myth? Discuss your opinion.
  • The education system in the Western world has become outdated. Do you agree or disagree? What should be changed to make it more suitable for modern times?
  • Your parents shouldn’t be your buddies. What’s better: a parent who is your mentor or best friend? Choose your stance on the subject and defend it using appropriate reasoning.
  • Soft skills are more important than hard skills. It is thought that employers often prioritize your personal skills over professional ones at first. Do you think this is the right position? Express your opinion and support it with facts.

Technical skills alone are not enough to be truly effective.

  • Social media is a major frustrating factor in the lives of many people. Have you ever gotten FOMO looking at other’s picture-perfect lives? Why is it so easy to succumb to this illusion of ideal life? Discuss your opinion on the subject and support your point of view with pertinent facts.
  • Democracy has proven to be the most sustainable governmental form. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Express your opinion and use relevant argumentation in your essay.
  • United Nations have become inefficient over time. There is an opinion that the UN does not function properly anymore. Would you agree with this statement?
  • Are genderless pronouns a good idea? They have become a crucial tool for transgender and genderfluid people to express their identity. Or does society overthink about words instead of actions? Do you agree or disagree?

💯 Persuasive Essay Writing Topics

If you feel more confident and inspired after reading our prompts list, check out some persuasive writing topics!

🎤 Persuasive writing: Music

  • Hip-hop music objectifies women .
  • Jazz does not exist anymore.
  • Music festivals involve too many drugs.
  • Classical music is the most sophisticated genre.
  • The music culture of other societies does not get enough attention because of Western dominance .
  • Musical therapy is not efficient.
  • Patriotic songs can have a stimulating effect on people.
  • Listening to music can increase one’s productivity.
  • Anyone can learn how to sing.
  • Humanity cannot imagine itself without the art of music.
  • Music is the most influential form of art.
  • Rap should be considered a form of poetry .
  • Jazz sounds the best at a live concert .
  • A piano is the best musical instrument.
  • All children should have musical training at school.
  • Music can unite people from all over the world.
  • Specific lyrics can trigger aggression in people.
  • Queen is the most influential band in Western history.
  • To some extent, all music reflects a creator’s personal experience.
  • Is the bell ringer a musician?

🦙 Persuasive Writing: Animals

  • Wild animals should not be kept in a zoo.
  • Animal fights should be illegal.

Three most common types of animal fighting in the US.

  • Hybrid animals are unnatural.
  • Agricultural production puts endangered species at more significant risk .
  • Slaughtering farm animals for food does not justify their killing .
  • Animal hunts should be illegal everywhere.
  • There is no better alternative than animal experimentation for some medicine.
  • Exotic animals should not be kept as pets.
  • Animals should not be treated as objects—they are meant to cohabitate with humans .
  • Cow milk is terrible for human health.
  • Dolphins are the most intelligent animals.
  • Using animals for medical research is unethical.
  • There are better alternatives than cosmetic testing on animals .
  • Poaching has multiple adverse effects on the economy.
  • Farming is a form of animal abuse .
  • Zoos can help in preserving endangered animals.
  • All makeup brands should switch to cruelty-free policies.
  • The use of elephants in the entertainment industry can lead to their extinction .
  • Children should be taught how to treat animals.
  • A dog is the best animal companion for a human.

🌊 Persuasive Writing: Environment

  • Governments should advocate for the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Garbage recycling should be obligatory.
  • Humanity should take rainforest conservation more seriously.
  • Urban areas should implement environment-friendly design and policies .
  • There is a connection between waste management and global warming.

Fuel buyers in the United States could be convinced to buy back their carbon.

  • If proper measures are not taken, the loss of biodiversity in coral reefs will be devastating .
  • Greta Thunberg is the voice of her generation . The girl’s letter to the UN was one of the most discussed events of 2019. Talk about why her call to enhance environmental protection is more than timely.
  • Sustainable clothing is the best fashion trend in 2023.
  • Poor farming technologies accelerate climate change .
  • Water pollution will soon become a more significant issue than air pollution.
  • Environmental conservation is an essential element of economic growth in developing countries .
  • First-world countries should implement a carbon tax.
  • It is impossible to decrease environmental pollution without severe damage to the world’s economy .
  • Weather forecasts are too inaccurate.
  • Climate change trends have made the risk of natural disasters worse.

🌽 Persuasive writing: Food

  • Parents in America should take better care of their children’s diets . Childhood obesity is a growing concern in the US.
  • Healthy eating is more important than exercise.
  • Overeating junk food affects mental health.
  • Restaurants should be transparent about the nutritional value of the food they serve.
  • There is no harm in consuming GMOs .
  • Addiction to sugar can be worse than drug addiction.
  • The fast-food industry isn’t entirely responsible for consumers’ health . It is up to every individual to take care of their diet.
  • Food is not just fuel; it’s a leisure experience .
  • Schools must provide students with healthy food options.
  • Intuitive eating is the best diet.
  • The downsides of sugar substitutes aren’t thoroughly researched .
  • Being underweight is more dangerous than being overweight.
  • Social and psychological factors have a notable role in obesity development .
  • Eating meat is bad for health.
  • Food supplements are harmful.

🕹 Persuasive Writing: Video Games

  • Violence in video games causes behavioral problems in kids .
  • Board games will never go out of fashion.
  • Playing computer games can develop one’s cognitive skills .
  • Game addiction is a more prominent concern than most of us realize.
  • Virtual reality can disrupt one’s social skills .
  • Children should have limited access to certain video games.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests the time for video games should be limited.

  • There is no place for gaming in education.
  • Certain video games can be beneficial for human health and brains.
  • Hunger Games should not have been turned into a franchise.
  • Gaming will become the most popular leisure activity in 30 years.
  • You can earn a fortune by playing online games.
  • Video games have multiple adverse effects on children .
  • Gaming is just a way to escape reality.
  • First-person shooter games improve one’s reaction and reflexes.
  • Playing video games too much affects one’s academic and life performance.

🔌 Persuasive Writing: Technology

  • Siri is the best example of publicly available Artificial intelligence .
  • Computer science classes at school should incorporate beginner-level software engineering.
  • Internet is humanity’s greatest invention.
  • E-learning in medicine is still too expensive .
  • Nowadays, nobody’s personal data is protected.
  • If World War III happens, it will be a war of modern technology and information, not nuclear power.
  • Genetically modified organisms are science’s big mistake.
  • Cloning should be illegal.
  • Cell phone addiction will soon become humanity’s worst challenge.
  • Cyberbullying leads to drug and alcohol abuse among the youth .
  • Robots will never be able to replace humans .
  • Technology can help individuals with learning disabilities .

Assistive technology is available to help individuals with many types of disabilities.

  • Drones are an invasion of privacy and should be illegal.
  • Apple is the best technology brand on the market.
  • Data mining is an essential part of every company’s marketing strategy .

Thank you for reading the article! Leave a comment below to let us know what you think. Share the page with friends who may find the persuasive writing prompts and topics useful.

🔗 References

  • 15 Awesome Persuasive Writing Prompts: Thoughtful Learning, K-12
  • 200 Prompts for Argumentative Writing: Michael Gonchar, The New York Times
  • English II Persuasive Essay [10th grade]: Brianna Johnson, Trinity College
  • Writing Prompt (Composition): Richard Nordquist, ThoughtCo
  • What Is a Writing Prompt: Karen Frazier, LoveToKnow
  • What Makes a Great Writing Prompt: Laura Davis, Kripalu
  • Writing Prompts for Middle School: Holt McDougal Online
  • Persuasive Essay Outline: Houston Community College Learning Web
  • Tips To Write An Effective Persuasive Essay: Melissa Burns, The College Puzzle
  • Counterargument: Gordon Harvey for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Persuasive Essay: EssayInfo, Writing Guides
  • Ten Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques: Brian Clark, CopyBlogger
  • 31 Powerful Persuasive Writing Techniques: Karri Stover, Writtent
  • A CS Research Topic Generator or How To pick A Worthy Topic In 10 Seconds: Department of Computer Science, Purdue University
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essay prompts opinion

50 Amazing Opinion Writing Prompt Ideas

Opinion writing prompt ideas

Are you having trouble brainstorming some great opinion writing topics for your students to use during writing block or writer’s workshop? Many prompts have already been used year after year. I created a list of 50 opinion writing prompts that will get your kids thinking and may even spark some new ideas for you. Take a look at these fun topics and see what your creative kids can come up with!

In this blog post, I share 5 different category topics of opinion writing ideas to choose from. You will find 10 ideas in each category and once finished, you will walk away with FIFTY opinion writing prompt ideas! Fill out the form below to have all 50 sent to you in an easy, printable list that will help simplify your lesson planning! Get ready for an opinion writing template that will blow your mind.

50 Opinion Writing Prompt Ideas!

This FREE printable list of 50 opinion writing prompts ideas can be sent straight to your inbox! Simply drop your personal email address below & I’ll send it right over! 

*Using a school email address makes it very likely that you won’t receive your freebi e! 

Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on these opinion essay topics for your kids. Kids of all ages will enjoy these opinion writing prompts in first grade and beyond. They are a great starting point before diving into persuasive writing.

Prompts About Entertainment and Hobbies

A few opinion essay topics for students include the best place to vacation, the greatest movie ever made, the best sport to play, their favorite board game, or the best T.V. show at the time. Use these fun 3rd-grade opinion writing samples to spark creativity in your students’ writing. Some of these are great opinion questions for kids during discussions as well.

  • Where would you choose and why if you could choose anywhere in the world to go on vacation?
  • In your opinion, what was the best movie ever made and why?
  • Based on the sports you enjoy, which is the best sport to play?
  • Which would you choose if you had to play a board game with a family member or friends?
  • What is your current favorite T.V. show and why?
  • If you have a favorite place to go, where is it and why?
  • In your opinion, what is something everyone should learn do to?
  • Which is better, cooking or baking? Tell us why you think that.
  • What is the best sport to watch someone else play? Why?
  • Tell us about your favorite thing to do in the winter and why.

Opinion Writing Ideas

Prompts about Family and Friends

All kids love writing about their loved ones. These opinion writing prompts are a great way to let students express their opinions and share their home life with the class. Grab your writing paper and teach opinion writing in a fun way.

  • How does a family member or friend make you feel loved, and why?
  • Share your Mother or Father’s superpower. What makes you think they have this superpower?
  • What is the nicest thing a friend could do for you?
  • In your opinion, who is the strongest person in your family and why?
  • Which of your friends would be the best person to take to the zoo and why?
  • Of all of your friends, which would you take to see a superhero movie and why?
  • Are you a middle child, an only child, or something else in your family tree? Do you like your position in your family tree?
  • Which friend or family member gives you the best hugs? Tell us about them!
  • What is a great trait for a friend to have? Traits might include being a good listener, a great hugger, or someone who is creative.
  • Would you like to have a pen pal? Why or why not?

Opinion Writing Ideas

Prompts about School and Extracurricular Activities

Kids have wonderful opinions about school and their extracurricular activities, so they will thoroughly enjoy these opinion writing prompts. You will love hearing their thoughts about topics like: should kids have more or less homework, should kids have more or less recess, and uniforms in school.

  • What is something you like to do when you are not at school and why might others like it as well?
  • What is the best thing about the school playground and why?
  • In your opinion, should kids have more or less homework?
  • Do you think kids should be allowed more recess time? Why or why not?
  • Should kids have to wear uniforms in school? Why or why not?
  • What is a school special (music, dance, art) that you wish were offered at your school and why?
  • If there was one lunch item you could add to the menu every day, what would it be?
  • Which subject is your favorite and why?
  • Should school go year-round? Why or why not?
  • What is the best way to start the day in the classroom? Tell us about it and why it’s the best way.

Opinion Writing Ideas

Prompts about Favorite and Least Favorite Items

These opinion writing prompts are focused on favorite and least favorite items. Students get to write about their favorite foods, drinks, songs, and their least favorite vegetables. They will love sharing some of their favorites and some things they don’t love as much.

  • Tell us what your least favorite vegetable is and why.
  • Share your favorite candy and why it is your favorite.
  • If you could bring one toy for show and tell what would it be and why?
  • What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?
  • Which book could you read over and over again?
  • If you had to eat one vegetable for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  • Which season is your favorite and why?
  • What is your favorite song at the moment and why?
  • Do you have a favorite drink? What is it and why?
  • What is your favorite day of the week and why?

Opinion Writing Ideas

Want access to all of these prompts to use in your classroom? Just fill out the form below for access.

Prompts about Pets and Animals

Allow your students to put their thoughts to paper as they consider their pets and favorite animals with these opinion writing prompts. Let them explore favorite pets, the coolest animals, and even made-up animals.

  • Convince your parents to let you have a special pet. Choose an animal you would love to have as a pet and tell us why they would make an amazing pet.
  • Do you think cats should be able to live indoors and outdoors or one or the other?
  • What is the coolest animal you have ever seen?
  • Which animal is your favorite and why?
  • Are there any animals that would make horrible pets? If so, choose one and tell us why.
  • Pick one ocean animal. Why is it the coolest ocean animal of them all?
  • If you could create your own pet, what would it be and why? (Think about a half-dog so it can bark and a half-lizard so it can catch bugs with its tongue.)
  • Are there any animals you are afraid of? If so, which one and why?
  • Think of an animal you would love to encounter in real life. Which animal is it and why?
  • What is an animal trait you would love to have for yourself? Maybe you would like to fly like a bird or slither like a snake. Tell us why.

Opinion Writing Ideas

Opinion writing can be such a fun task for elementary students. They get to express their thoughts on paper and share them with the class. It’s always fun to hear their ideas while teaching persuasive writing. Using these 50 opinion writing prompt ideas is a fantastic way to get their creative juices flowing as they practice paragraph writing fluency. I hope you and your students love these opinion writing activities and can benefit from them while teaching opinion writing.

Try my Weekly Writing Prompts as well! These opinion writing worksheets are a great way to practice weekly. They are perfect for the classroom and come in print and digital downloads. Who knows, they may even spark more good opinion essay topics.

I hope you enjoy these prompts. They are great 2nd-grade writing prompts as well as for upper grades! Grab these free writing prompts for 3rd-grade students to explore new topics. If you need 4th grade journal writing prompts, these work well, or you can check out the posts below.

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Opinion writing prompt ideas

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essay prompts opinion

72 Fun Opinion Writing Prompts that Students Will WANT to Write About!

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Kids love to tell you what they think and opinion writing is the perfect outlet for them to do it appropriately . These elementary opinion writing prompts will have your students wanting to write so they can tell you exactly what they think about topics that are relevant and interesting to them!

Opinion writing is the perfect way to introduce the more formal persuasive writing genre. It allows students to practise developing and justifying their own ideas before requiring a multi-paragraph essay with multiple pieces of evidence, proof or examples.

Want this list of prompts dropped straight into your inbox? Sign up below to get all these opinion writing topics in a hand PDF, ready to be printed and cut out for the perfect writing centre or writer’s workshop task!


Get a FREE printable PDF version of all the opinion writing topic ideas in this post! Be sure to use a personal email address to make sure it gets to you!

Fun opinion writing prompts task cards on desk with lined paper and pencil.


From table games, to sports and TV & entertainment, your students will love to write an opinion paragraph on these interesting topics!

  • What is the best game to play with friends? Why?
  • Are card or dice games better? Why?
  • Which are better – indoor or outdoor recesses? Why?
  • If you could plan the ultimate weekend, what would it look like and why?
  • What is your favourite TV show? Why?
  • In your opinion, who is the best actor in the world? Why?
  • What sport is your favourite to watch? Why?
  • What is the best board game to play with friends? Why?
  • Do you think that school sports are important? Why or why not?
  • At what age do you feel children should be allowed social media? Why?
  • Would you rather sing or dance in front of an audience? Why?
  • How do you feel about video games? Explain.


Asking students to write about familiar topics is important for developing confidence and there is nothing students know better than their own family and friends. This category is full of opinion writing topics that your students are sure to already have strong thoughts about.

  • What is your favourite activity to do with your family and why?
  • If you could plan your next family vacation, where would you go and what would you do? Why?
  • Would you rather have brothers or sisters? Explain your reasoning.
  • Do you think children should receive an allowance? Justify your thinking.
  • If you had to do one chore every day until you grow up, which one would you choose? Why?
  • Would you rather your friends think of you as funny, kind or smart? Why?
  • Should kids have to help around the house? Explain why or why not.
  • How many siblings is the perfect number? Why?
  • Where would you like to go with your friends: the zoo, the movies or the skatepark? Why?
  • What qualities make a really great friend? Describe each quality and explain why it is important.
  • What, in your opinion, makes you a good friend? Explain.
  • What do you think is the best thing about your family? Why?

Student hand holding pencil over blank writing paper choosing opinion writing prompts.


The key to a topic being interesting is that it is relevant to students. The school category gives students the chance to tell you how they feel about favourite subjects, homework and more with entertaining topics for opinion paragraphs.

  • What is the best subject in school? Why?
  • Which subject is the worst? Why?
  • Should students receive grades? Why or why not?
  • Should teachers give homework? Justify your opinion.
  • Do you think college and university should be free? Why or why not?
  • Which subject is the most important? Why?
  • What is your opinion on school uniforms? Explain your thinking.
  • What one book do you think all students should have to read? Why?
  • What is one subject you would like to see added at school and why?
  • What qualities make a great teacher? Describe each quality and explain why it is important.
  • What is your opinion on watching movies at school? Explain your thoughts.
  • Do you believe that school sports should be mandatory for all students? Why or why not?

Stack of books with the text: How to run literature circles in older grades


How to Set Up and Run Literature Circles


This category will have students thinking about the world around them from serious topics such as environmental issues to fun outdoor activities. Choose from simple preferences between types of environments to really imaginative topics like the animal trait they would most like to have.

  • Would you choose beach or mountains? Why?
  • What is your favourite outdoor activity? Why?
  • Which season is the best? Why?
  • What unusual animal do you think would make the best pet and why?
  • What is your opinion on global warming?
  • Would you rather hike to a waterfall or ancient ruins? Explain your opinion.
  • Which animal is the scariest? Why?
  • How do you feel about camping and why?
  • Would you rather go bungee jumping or swim with sharks? Why?
  • What do you think is the most important thing we should do for the environment and why?
  • What animal skill or trait would you most like to have and why?
  • What is your opinion on zoos? Why?


Get a FREE printable PDF version of all the opinion writing topics in this post – an instant writers’ workshop activity! Be sure to use a personal email address to make sure it gets to you!


Let students write opinion paragraphs about their favourite, and least favourite, foods and drinks. Some writing topics are fun and others are more philosophical. Many could make for a great verbal debate too!

  • What is your favourite snack? Describe it and explain why it is your favourite.
  • If you had the choice, what is one food you would never eat again? Why?
  • If you could, what food would you happily eat for every meal?
  • Do you prefer hot or cold drinks? Why?
  • Would you choose vegetables or salad? Explain your decision.
  • Invent the perfect dessert. Describe it and explain why it is so great.
  • Should people be vegetarians? Why or why not?
  • If you had to eat one vegetable every day for the rest of your life, which one would you choose and why?
  • Describe your perfect meal and explain why.
  • At what age should drinking alcohol be legal? Justify your opinion.
  • Is a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not?
  • Does pineapple belong on pizza? Justify your opinion.

Lightbulb with text, What is Genius Hour? And why you should try it!


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There really is no end to fun opinion writing prompts for elementary grades. Here I’ve created 12 bonus writing prompts that are full of writing ideas from aliens to cellphones.

  • Do you think aliens exist? Why or why not?
  • What is the hardest job in the world? Explain your thinking.
  • At what age do you think people should be able to drive? Justify your opinion.
  • Would you rather go to the moon or Mars? Why?
  • If you were running the country for a day, what law would you change and why?
  • Who would you most love to meet? Why?
  • Should kids be allowed cell phones? Why or why not?
  • Do you think video games should be considered a sport? Justify your opinion.
  • What is your dream job? Why?
  • Name a superhero power that you would love to have and explain why.
  • If you were entered into a talent show, what would your performance be? Why?
  • What day of the week do you feel is the worst? Why?

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Image of a student writing in a notebook with the text: 72 fun opinion writing prompts.

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essay prompts opinion

Opinion Writing: a Guide to Writing a Successful Essay Easily

essay prompts opinion

An opinion essay requires students to write their thoughts regarding a subject matter. Relevant examples and explanations back their point of view. Before starting an opinion paper, it is important to study the definition, topics, requirements, and structure. Referring to examples is also highly useful. Perhaps you need help with our admission essay writing service ? Take a look at this guide from our dissertation writing service to learn how to write an opinion essay like an expert.

What Is an Opinion Essay

A common question among students is: ‘What is an Opinion Essay?' It is an assignment that contains questions that allow students to share their point-of-view on a subject matter. Students should express their thoughts precisely while providing opinions on the issue related to the field within reasonable logic. Some opinion essays type require references to back the writer's claims.

Opinion writing involves using a student's personal point-of-view, which is segregated into a point. It is backed by examples and explanations. The paper addresses the audience directly by stating ‘Dear Readers' or the equivalent. The introduction involves a reference to a speech, book, or play. This is normally followed by a rhetorical question like ‘is the pope Catholic?' or something along those lines.

What Kind of Student Faces an Opinion Essay

Non-native English-speaking students enrolled in the International English Language Testing System by the British Council & Cambridge Assessment English are tasked with learning how to write the opinion essays. This can be high-school or college students. It is designed to enhance the level of English among students. It enables them to express their thoughts and opinions while writing good opinion essay in English.


We will write you a plagiarism-free opinion essay, with a title page, unlimited revisions, and bunch of other cool features included!

What Are the Requirements of an Opinion Essay?

What Are the Requirements of an Opinion Essay

Avoid Going Off-Topic: Always write an opinion essay within relevance to answer the assigned question. This is also known as ‘beating around the bush' and should not be included in any opinion paragraph as it may lower your grade.

Indent the First Paragraph: With most academic papers, opinion writing is not different. Therefore, it contains the rule of indenting the first line of the introduction.

A Well-Thought Thesis: The full thesis statement is a brief description of the opinion essay. It determines the rest of the paper. Include all the information that you wish to include in the body paragraphs

The Use of Formal Languages: Although it is okay to write informally, keep a wide range of professional and formal words. This includes: ‘Furthermore,' ‘As Stated By,' ‘However', & ‘Thus'.

Avoid Internet Slang: In the opinion paper, avoid writing using slang words. Don'tDon't include words like ‘LOL', ‘OMG', ‘LMAO', etc.

The Use of First Person Language (Optional): For the reason of providing personal thought, it is acceptable to write your personal opinion essay in the first person.

Avoid Informal Punctuation: Although the requirements allow custom essay for the first-person language, they do not permit informal punctuation. This includes dashes, exclamation marks, and emojis.

Avoid Including Contradictions: Always make sure all spelling and grammar is correct.

We also recommend reading about types of sentences with examples .

Opinion Essay Topics

Before learning about the structure, choosing from a wide range of opinion essay topics is important. Picking an essay theme is something that can be done very simply. Choosing an excellent opinion essay topic that you are interested in or have a passion for is advisable. Otherwise, you may find the writing process boring. This also ensures that your paper will be both effective and well-written.

  • Do sports differ from ordinary board games?
  • Is using animals in circus performances immoral?
  • Why should we be honest with our peers?
  • Should all humans be entitled to a 4-day workweek?
  • Should all humans become vegetarians?
  • Does a CEO earn too much?
  • Should teens be barred from having sleepovers?
  • Should everyone vote for their leader?
  • The Pros & Cons of Day-Light Saving Hours.
  • What are the most energy-efficient and safest cars of X year?

Opinion Essay Structure

When it comes to opinion paragraphs, students may struggle with the opinion essay format. The standard five-paragraph-essay structure usually works well for opinion essays. Figuring out what one is supposed to include in each section may be difficult for beginners. This is why following the opinion essay structure is something all beginners should do, for their own revision before writing the entire essay.

You might also be interested in getting more information about: 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY

Opinion Essay Structure

Opinion essay introduction

  • Address the audience directly, and state the subject matter.
  • Reference a speech, poem, book, or play.
  • Include the author's name and date of publication in brackets.
  • 1 or 2 sentences to make up a short description.
  • 1 or 2 summarizing sentences of the entire paper.
  • 1 sentence that links to the first body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 1

  • Supporting arguments
  • Explanation
  • A linking sentence to the second body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 2

  • Supporting argument
  • A linking sentence to the third body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 3

  • A linking sentence to the conclusion.

Conclusion paragraph

  • Summary of the entire paper
  • A conclusive sentence (the bigger picture in conclusion)

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Opinion Essay Examples

Do you need something for reference? Reading opinion essay examples can expand your knowledge of this style of writing, as you get to see exactly how this form of an essay is written. Take a look at our samples to get an insight into this form of academic writing.

Over the past, American popular culture has been strong in creating racial stereotypes. Images displayed through television, music, and the internet have an impact on how individuals behave and what individuals believe. People find their identities and belief systems from popular culture. Evidently, I believe that American pop culture has created racial stereotypes that predominantly affect other ethnic minorities. Analyzing the history of America reveals that African Americans have always had a problem defining themselves as Americans ever since the era of slavery. AfricanAmericans have always had a hard time being integrated into American culture. The result is that African Americans have been subjected to ridicule and shame. American pop culture has compounded the problem by enhancing the negative stereotypes ofAfrican American. In theatre, film, and music, African Americans have been associated with vices such as murder, theft, and violence.
The family systems theory has a significant revelation on family relations. I firmly agree that to understand a particular family or a member, they should be around other family members. The emotional connection among different family members may create functional or dysfunctional coexistence, which is not easy to identify when an individual is further from the other members. Taking an example of the extended family, the relationship between the mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law may be tense, but once they are outside the family, they can pretend to have a good relationship. Therefore, I agree with the theory that the existing emotional attachment and developed culture in the family is distinctively understood when the family is together.

Opinion writing is a form of academic paper that asks students to include their thoughts on a particular topic. This is then backed by a logical explanation and examples. Becoming more knowledgeable is a practical way to successfully learn how to write an opinion paper. Before writing anything, it is essential to refer to important information. That includes the definition, topics, opinion writing examples, and requirements. This is what turns amateur writers into master writers.

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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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What readers have to say about long Covid, FDA and diversity, and more

Patrick Skerrett

By Patrick Skerrett June 29, 2024

Illustration of a large open envelope with many symbols of healthcare and science pouring out, on a purple background

F irst Opinion is STAT’s platform for interesting, illuminating, and maybe even provocative articles about the life sciences writ large, written by biotech insiders, health care workers, researchers, and others.

To encourage robust, good-faith discussion about issues raised in First Opinion essays, STAT publishes selected Letters to the Editor received in response to them. You can submit a Letter to the Editor here , or find the submission form at the end of any First Opinion essay.


“Long Covid feels like a gun to my head,” by Rachel Hall-Clifford

As someone living with chronic illness, I just want to a) applaud the author and everyone else out there who continues surviving and fighting for answers about long Covid and other post-viral syndromes and b) want to provide a bit of a public service announcement:

It’s well known amongst the community of people living with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) at this juncture that long Covid is largely a trauma/virus induced dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (aka dysautonomia), specifically POTS. Many of us have lived with the symptoms of “long Covid” long before there was Covid. Folks genetically predisposed to autoimmunity and other precursors to POTS were extremely likely triggered by the coronavirus. It pains me that this is still not common knowledge for sufferers. Please seek out help from a POTS specialist and continue digging into your underlying condition, when you have the energy, so that you can eventually regain a fuller life. It’s not easy and takes a tremendous amount of time and will. But it will be worth it. Be as well as possible!

— Sandra Ivanov

“FDA: Don’t rush publishing your diversity guidance plan. Take your time and do it right,” by Tamei Elliott and Maria Vassileva

“Equity” in clinical trial participation doesn’t mean that trials “look like America,” but rather that they “look like the therapeutic population.” But it’s got to be more than just about clinical trial participants. What’s equally important is that we must also expand diversity in clinical trial designers, recruiters, principal investigators, FDA review teams, and advisory committee members — and not just patient representatives. This isn’t the end, it is only the beginning, and the goal mustn’t be diversity for diversity’s sake, but to facilitate better trials leading to better data, better agency reviews, better and more precise labeling, resulting in and better patient options and outcomes.

— Peter Pitts, Center for Medicine in the Public Interest

“AI and rural health care: A paradigm shift in America’s heartland,” by Bill Gassen

I found some of AI’s potential cures misleading. While the article states AI does not save clinician time reducing cognitive burden, the burden of responding to patients is not lifted by text prompts. And those fully transcribed clinical encounters have to be fully reviewed. Without knowing the why of higher rates of later-stage cancers, risk calculators and reminders may not deliver on their supposed promise. Much of what AI promises is to repair the unintended consequences of the last great idea, electronic health records.

Can AI make inroads into the disparities of care for our rural citizens? Perhaps. But this, like many other articles, is more about vested interests looking at the newest shiny object that promises to “move fast, break things, and apologize later.”

— Charles Dinerstein, American Council on Science and Health

About the Author Reprints

Patrick skerrett.

Acting First Opinion Editor

Patrick Skerrett is filling in as editor of First Opinion , STAT's platform for perspective and opinion on the life sciences writ large, and host of the First Opinion Podcast .

Clinical trials

diversity and inclusion

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Over 1,000 Writing Prompts for Students

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Compiled by Michael Gonchar

  • April 12, 2018

Note: We have 300 new argumentative writing prompts to add to this list.

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Of all the resources we publish on The Learning Network, perhaps it’s our vast collection of writing prompts that is our most widely used resource for teaching and learning with The Times.

We’ve published iterations of this post in the past — 200 , 401 and even 650 prompts — but never before have we gathered all our prompts, for both personal and argument writing, into one categorized list.

Admittedly, the list is huge. In fact, there are 1,219 questions below on everything from video games and fashion to smartphones and parenting, and each prompt links to a Times article as well as to additional subquestions that can encourage deeper thinking.

To help you navigate this page, here’s an index of topics:

Technology (1-74): Social Media • Smartphones • Internet & Tech Arts & Entertainment (75-248): Music • Television • Video Games • Movies & Theater • Books & Reading • Writing • The Arts • Language & Speech School & Career (249-449): School • Learning & Studying • Education Tech • Teachers & Grading • School Rules & Student Life • College • Work & Careers Identity & Family (450-828): Parenting • Family • Childhood Memories • Growing Up • Overcoming Adversity • Your Personality • Religion & Morality • Role Models • Gender • Race & Ethnicity • Neighborhood & Home • Money & Social Class • What If... Social Life & Leisure Time (829-1,059): Friendship • Dating & Sex • Looks & Fashion • Food • Sports & Games • Travel • Holidays & Seasons • Shopping & Cars Science & Health (1,060-1,140): Science & Environment • Animals & Pets • Exercise & Health Civics & History (1,141-1,219): Guns & the Justice System • Government Policy • History & News

So dive into the hundreds of writing prompts below — and let us know in the comments how you might use them in your classroom.

Social Media

1. Is Social Media Making Us More Narcissistic? 2. Are You the Same Person on Social Media as You Are in Real Life? 3. How Young Is Too Young to Use Social Media? 4. What Advice Do You Have for Younger Kids About Navigating Social Media? 5. How Do You Use Facebook? 6. What Is Your Facebook Persona? 7. How Real Are You on Social Media? 8. What Memorable Experiences Have You Had on Facebook? 9. Does Facebook Ever Make You Feel Bad? 10. Does Facebook Need a ‘Dislike’ Button? 11. Has Facebook Lost Its Edge? 12. Would You Consider Deleting Your Facebook Account? 13. Would You Quit Social Media? 14. Do You Have ‘Instagram Envy’? 15. Who Is Your Favorite Social Media Star? 16. What’s So Great About YouTube? 17. What Has YouTube Taught You? 18. What Are Your Favorite Viral Videos? 19. What Are Your Favorite Internet Spoofs? 20. What Would You Teach the World in an Online Video? 21. Do You Ever Seek Advice on the Internet? 22. Would You Share an Embarrassing Story Online? 23. Do You Use Twitter? 24. Is Snapchat a Revolutionary Form of Social Media? 25. Why Do You Share Photos? 26. How Do You Archive Your Life? 27. What Ordinary Moments Would You Include in a Video About Your Life? 28. Are Digital Photographs Too Plentiful to Be Meaningful? 29. Do You Worry We Are Filming Too Much? 30. Have You Ever Posted, Emailed or Texted Something You Wish You Could Take Back? 31. Would You Want Your Photo or Video to Go Viral? 32. Do You Worry Colleges or Employers Might Read Your Social Media Posts Someday? 33. Will Social Media Help or Hurt Your College and Career Goals? 34. Should What You Say on Facebook Be Grounds for Getting Fired? 35. Are Anonymous Social Media Networks Dangerous? 36. Should People Be Allowed to Obscure Their Identities Online? 37. Are Parents Violating Their Children’s Privacy When They Share Photos and Videos of Them Online? 38. Would You Mind if Your Parents Blogged About You?

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  • Americans’ Views of Government’s Role: Persistent Divisions and Areas of Agreement

Wide majorities of Biden and Trump supporters oppose cuts to Social Security

Table of contents.

  • Views on the efficiency of government
  • Views on the government’s regulation of business
  • Confidence in the nation’s ability to solve problems
  • Views on the effect of government aid to the poor
  • Views on government’s role in health care
  • Views on the future of Social Security
  • Trust in government
  • Feelings toward the federal government
  • Acknowledgments
  • The American Trends Panel survey methodology

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Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans’ attitudes about U.S. government, such as its size and role.

This report is based primarily on a survey of 8,709 adults, including 7,166 registered voters, from April 8 to 14, 2024. Some of the analysis in this report is based on a survey of 8,638 adults from May 13 to 19, 2024.

Everyone who took part in these surveys is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATP’s methodology .

Here are the questions used for the report and its methodology .

While the economy, immigration and abortion have emerged as major issues in the 2024 election, Joe Biden and Donald Trump also have dramatically different ideas about the size and role of government.

Chart shows Deep divides between Biden and Trump supporters on size, scope of government

These differences reflect decades-old divisions between Democrats and Republicans over the scope of government.

Among registered voters, large majorities of Biden supporters – roughly three-quarters or more – favor a bigger, more activist government.

  • 74% say they would rather have a bigger government providing more services.
  • 76% say government should do more to solve problems.
  • 80% say government aid to the poor “does more good than harm.”

Trump supporters, by comparable margins, take the opposing view on all three questions.

The Pew Research Center survey of 8,709 adults – including 7,166 registered voters – conducted April 8-14, 2024, examines Americans’ views of the role and scope of government , the social safety net and long-term trends in trust in the federal government .

Democratic support for bigger government is little changed in the last five years but remains higher than it was a decade ago. Republicans’ views have shifted less over the last 10 years.

Among all adults, about three-quarters of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents favor a bigger government, up from about six-in-ten in 2014 and 2015. The share of Republicans and Republican leaners who prefer a bigger government has increased only modestly over the same period.

Democratic support for bigger government, while slightly lower than in 2021 (78%), remains at nearly its highest level in five decades. During Bill Clinton’s presidency in the 1990s, fewer than half of Democrats said they preferred a bigger government with more services.

Voters continue to express very different views about government’s role in specific areas than about the government generally.

Chart shows By wide margins, Biden and Trump supporters oppose reducing Social Security benefits

A large majority of voters (80%) – including 82% of Biden supporters and 78% of Trump supporters – say that in thinking about the long-term future of Social Security, benefits should not be reduced in any way.

However, Biden supporters are more likely than Trump supporters to say Social Security should cover more people with greater benefits.

  • 46% of Biden supporters favor expanding Social Security coverage and benefits, compared with 28% of Trump supporters.

Most Americans (65%) continue to say the federal government has a responsibility to make sure all Americans have health care coverage.

Democrats overwhelmingly (88%) say the federal government has this responsibility, compared with 40% of Republicans.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the federal government has a responsibility to ensure health coverage for all

The share of Republicans who say the government has a responsibility to provide health coverage has increased 8 percentage points since 2021, from 32% to 40%.

There are wide income differences among Republicans in opinions about the government’s role in health care:

  • 56% of Republicans with lower family incomes say the government has a responsibility to provide health coverage for all, compared with 36% of those with middle incomes and 29% of higher-income Republicans.

When asked how the government should provide health coverage, 36% of Americans say it should be provided through a single national program, while 28% say it should be through a mix of government and private programs. These views have changed little in recent years.

Democrats continue to be more likely than Republicans to favor a “single payer” government health insurance program (53% vs. 18%).

Other key findings in this report

  • Americans’ trust in the federal government remains low but has modestly increased since last year. Today, 22% of American adults say they trust the government to do what is right always or most of the time, which is up from 16% in June 2023.
  • While the public overall is divided over the nation’s ability to solve important problems, young adults are notably pessimistic about the country’s ability to solve problems . About half of Americans (52%) say the U.S. can’t solve many of its important problems, while 47% say it can find a way to solve problems and get what it wants. Roughly six-in-ten adults under age 30 (62%) say the nation can’t solve major problems, the highest share in any age group and 16 points higher than two years ago.

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ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER  Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of  The Pew Charitable Trusts .

© 2024 Pew Research Center

  • The exponential growth of solar power will change the world

An energy-rich future is within reach

The sun at dawn rising over a solar panel

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I t is 70 years since AT&T ’s Bell Labs unveiled a new technology for turning sunlight into power. The phone company hoped it could replace the batteries that run equipment in out-of-the-way places. It also realised that powering devices with light alone showed how science could make the future seem wonderful; hence a press event at which sunshine kept a toy Ferris wheel spinning round and round.

Today solar power is long past the toy phase. Panels now occupy an area around half that of Wales, and this year they will provide the world with about 6% of its electricity—which is almost three times as much electrical energy as America consumed back in 1954. Yet this historic growth is only the second-most-remarkable thing about the rise of solar power. The most remarkable is that it is nowhere near over.

To call solar power’s rise exponential is not hyperbole, but a statement of fact. Installed solar capacity doubles roughly every three years, and so grows ten-fold each decade. Such sustained growth is seldom seen in anything that matters. That makes it hard for people to get their heads round what is going on. When it was a tenth of its current size ten years ago, solar power was still seen as marginal even by experts who knew how fast it had grown. The next ten-fold increase will be equivalent to multiplying the world’s entire fleet of nuclear reactors by eight in less than the time it typically takes to build just a single one of them.

Solar cells will in all likelihood be the single biggest source of electrical power on the planet by the mid 2030s. By the 2040s they may be the largest source not just of electricity but of all energy. On current trends, the all-in cost of the electricity they produce promises to be less than half as expensive as the cheapest available today. This will not stop climate change, but could slow it a lot faster. Much of the world—including Africa , where 600m people still cannot light their homes—will begin to feel energy-rich. That feeling will be a new and transformational one for humankind.

To grasp that this is not some environmentalist fever dream, consider solar economics. As the cumulative production of a manufactured good increases, costs go down. As costs go down, demand goes up. As demand goes up, production increases—and costs go down further. This cannot go on for ever; production, demand or both always become constrained. In earlier energy transitions—from wood to coal, coal to oil or oil to gas—the efficiency of extraction grew, but it was eventually offset by the cost of finding ever more fuel.

As our essay this week explains, solar power faces no such constraint. The resources needed to produce solar cells and plant them on solar farms are silicon-rich sand, sunny places and human ingenuity, all three of which are abundant. Making cells also takes energy, but solar power is fast making that abundant, too. As for demand, it is both huge and elastic—if you make electricity cheaper, people will find uses for it. The result is that, in contrast to earlier energy sources, solar power has routinely become cheaper and will continue to do so.

Other constraints do exist. Given people’s proclivity for living outside daylight hours, solar power needs to be complemented with storage and supplemented by other technologies. Heavy industry and aviation and freight have been hard to electrify. Fortunately, these problems may be solved as batteries and fuels created by electrolysis gradually become cheaper.

Another worry is that the vast majority of the world’s solar panels, and almost all the purified silicon from which they are made, come from China. Its solar industry is highly competitive, heavily subsidised and is outstripping current demand—quite an achievement given all the solar capacity China is installing within its own borders. This means that Chinese capacity is big enough to keep the expansion going for years to come, even if some of the companies involved go to the wall and some investment dries up.

In the long run, a world in which more energy is generated without the oil and gas that come from unstable or unfriendly parts of the world will be more dependable. Still, although the Chinese Communist Party cannot rig the price of sunlight as OPEC tries to rig that of oil, the fact that a vital industry resides in a single hostile country is worrying.

It is a concern that America feels keenly, which is why it has put tariffs on Chinese solar equipment. However, because almost all the demand for solar panels still lies in the future, the rest of the world will have plenty of scope to get into the market. America’s adoption of solar energy could be frustrated by a pro-fossil-fuel Trump presidency, but only temporarily and painfully. It could equally be enhanced if America released pent up demand, by making it easier to install panels on homes and to join the grid—the country has a terawatt of new solar capacity waiting to be connected. Carbon prices would help, just as they did in the switch from coal to gas in the European Union.

The aim should be for the virtuous circle of solar-power production to turn as fast as possible. That is because it offers the prize of cheaper energy. The benefits start with a boost to productivity. Anything that people use energy for today will cost less—and that includes pretty much everything. Then come the things cheap energy will make possible. People who could never afford to will start lighting their houses or driving a car. Cheap energy can purify water, and even desalinate it. It can drive the hungry machinery of artificial intelligence. It can make billions of homes and offices more bearable in summers that will, for decades to come, be getting hotter.

But it is the things that nobody has yet thought of that will be most consequential. In its radical abundance, cheaper energy will free the imagination, setting tiny Ferris wheels of the mind spinning with excitement and new possibilities.

This week marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Sun rising to its highest point in the sky will in decades to come shine down on a world where nobody need go without the blessings of electricity and where the access to energy invigorates all those it touches. ■

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “The solar age”

Leaders June 22nd 2024

  • AI will transform the character of warfare
  • Emmanuel Macron’s project of reform is at risk
  • How to tax billionaires—and how not to
  • Javier Milei’s next move could make his presidency—or break it
  • India should liberate its cities and create more states

War and AI

From the June 22nd 2024 edition

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Opinion: As conservatives target same-sex marriage, its power is only getting clearer

An LGBTQ+ Pride flag outside the Supreme Court building

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It’s been two years since the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Dobbs case that overturned the federal right to an abortion, and the troubling concurring opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas in which he expressed a desire to “revisit” other landmark precedents, including the freedom to marry for same-sex couples, codified nationally by the Obergefell Supreme Court decision, nine years ago Wednesday

Since that ruling, the LGBTQ+ and allied community has done much to protect the fundamental freedom to marry — passing the Respect for Marriage Act in Congress in 2022; sharing their stories this year to mark the 20th anniversary of the first state legalization of same-sex marriages, in Massachusetts; and in California , Hawaii and Colorado launching ballot campaigns to repeal dormant but still-on-the-books anti-marriage constitutional amendments.

Boyle Heights, CA - March 05: Brandon Ellerby, right, of Los Angeles, casts his ballot during Super Tuesday primary election at the Boyle Heights Senior Center in Boyle Heights Tuesday, March 5, 2024. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

California Democratic Party endorses ballot measures on same-sex marriage, taxes, rent control

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May 19, 2024

This winter, I worked with a team at the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law to survey nearly 500 married LGBTQ+ people about their relationships. Respondents included couples from every state in the country; on average they had been together for more than 16 years and married for more than nine years. Sixty-two percent married after the court’s 2015 Obergefell marriage decision, although their relationships started before before that. More than 30% of the couples had children and another 25% wanted children in the future.

One finding that jumped out of the data: Almost 80% of married same-sex couples surveyed said they were “very” or “somewhat” concerned about the Obergefell decision being overturned. Around a quarter of them said they’d taken action to shore up their family’s legal protections — pursuing a second-parent adoption, having children earlier than originally planned or marrying on a faster-than-expected timeline — because of concerns about marriage equality being challenged. One respondent said, “We got engaged the day that the Supreme Court ruled on the Dobbs decision and got married one week after.”

Eddie Daniels, left, and Natalie Novoa get married at the L.A. County Registrar office in Beverly Hills.

World & Nation

Same-sex marriage ruling creates new constitutional liberty

The Supreme Court’s historic ruling Friday granting gays and lesbians an equal right to marry nationwide puts an exclamation point on a profound shift in law and public attitudes, and creates the most significant and controversial new constitutional liberty in more than a generation.

June 26, 2015

As we examined the survey results, it became clearer than ever why LGBTQ+ families and same-sex couples are fighting so hard to protect marriage access — and the answer is really quite simple: The freedom to marry has been transformative for them. It has not only granted them hundreds of additional rights and responsibilities, but it has also strengthened their bonds in very real ways.

Nearly every person surveyed (93%) said they married for love; three-quarters added that they married for companionship or legal protections. When asked how marriage changed their lives, 83% reported positive changes in their sense of safety and security, and 75% reported positive changes in terms of life satisfaction. “I feel secure in our relationship in a way I never thought would be possible,” one participant told us. “I love being married.”

The evolution of same-sex marriage

I’ve been studying LGBTQ+ people and families for my entire career — and even still, many of the findings of the survey touched and inspired me.

Individual respondents talked about the ways that marriage expanded their personal family networks, granting them (for better and worse!) an additional set of parents, siblings and loved ones. More than 40% relied on each other’s families of origin in times of financial or healthcare crisis, or to help out with childcare. Some told of in-laws who provided financial assistance to buy a house, or cared for them while they were undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

In his dissent in the Supreme Court's same-sex marriage decision, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, seen here in 2011, showed contempt for his colleagues.

Analysis:: Antonin Scalia’s dissent in same-sex marriage ruling even more scornful than usual

The legal world may have become inured to wildly rhetorical opinions by Justice Antonin Scalia, but his dissent in the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision Friday reaches new heights for its expression of utter contempt for the majority of his colleagues.

And then there was the effect on children. Many respondents explained that their marriage has provided security for their children, and dignity and respect for the family unit. Marriage enabled parents to share child-rearing responsibilities — to take turns being the primary earner (and carrying the health insurance), and spending more time at home with the kids.

The big takeaway from this study is that same-sex couples have a lot on the line when it comes to the freedom to marry — and they’re going to do everything possible to ensure that future political shifts don’t interfere with their lives. As couples across the country continue to speak out, share their stories — and in California, head to the ballot box in November to protect their hard-earned freedoms — it’s clear to me that it’s because they believe wholeheartedly, and with good reason, that their lives depend on it.

Abbie E. Goldberg is an affiliated scholar at the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law and a psychology professor at Clark University, where she directs the women’s and gender studies.

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FILE - This Jan. 26, 1965 file photo shows Mildred Loving and her husband Richard P Loving. Bernard S. Cohen, who successfully challenged a Virginia law banning interracial marriage and later went on to a successful political career as a state legislator, has died. He was 86. Cohen and legal colleague Phil Hirschkop represented Richard and Mildred Loving, a white man and Black woman who were convicted of illegally cohabiting as man and wife and ordered to leave Virginia for 25 years(AP Photo, File)

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Los Angeles, CA - June 02: Participants at the 2024 West Hollywood Pride Parade Los Angeles, CA. (Zoe Cranfill / Los Angeles Times)

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A demonstrator waves the intersex-inclusive Pride flag during the We The People March on July 2, 2023 in Los Angeles.

The U.S. has caught up to California on views of LGBTQ+ rights, poll shows

June 6, 2024

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FILE - Insurrectionists loyal to President Donald Trump try to break through a police barrier, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol in Washington. A New York man has pleaded guilty to charges that he snatched away a police officer’s can of pepper spray during a chaotic clash with officers guarding the U.S. Capitol building during the Jan. 6, 2021 riot. Authorities on Friday, May 24, 2024 said Troy Weeks was among a group that tried to overwhelm officers who were blocking an entryway to the building as supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol grounds in protest of Trump’s election loss.(AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File)

Column: A Supreme Court ruling may help Jan. 6 rioters. Here’s why it’s less likely to help Trump

June 28, 2024

FILE - In this photo illuminated by an off-camera flash, a tarp covers a portion of a homeless person's tent on a bridge overlooking the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023. The United States experienced a dramatic 12% increase in homelessness as soaring rents and a decline in coronavirus pandemic assistance combined to put housing out of reach for more Americans, federal officials said Friday, Dec. 15, 2023. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)

Opinion: The Supreme Court’s purely ideological reasoning will change our lives

First lady Jill Biden, right, stands with President Joe Biden at the conclusion of a presidential debate with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump hosted by CNN, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Abcarian: Yes, Biden looked and sounded awful. But the debate didn’t change the stark choice we face

President Joe Biden, speaks during a presidential debate hosted by CNN with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Opinion: Joe Biden has always put duty to country first. Will he do it again now?


  1. 20 Prompts for Opinion Writing That Motivate Kids

    essay prompts opinion

  2. 35 Opinion Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade

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  3. 60+ College Essay Prompts for 2022-2023 Applicants

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  4. 50+ Opinion Writing Prompts and Tips for Better AI Writing

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  5. Opinion Writing Ideas for 5th Grade

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  6. 51 Awesome Opinion Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade Students

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  1. How to express your opinion correctly in IELTS

  2. Dissecting Writing Prompts & Rubrics

  3. Opinion Essay/IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Academic/ Essay Structure/ Essay Templates

  4. IELTS Writing Task 2: Как писать Opinion Essay

  5. What are the Harvard essay prompts for 2023 2024?

  6. IELTS Writing Task 2: Opinion Essay Introduction Topic: Books in the Future


  1. 49 Opinion Writing Prompts for Students

    49 Opinion Writing Prompts for Students. One of the most common essay types is the opinion, or persuasive, essay. In an opinion essay, the writer states a point of view, then provides facts and reasoned arguments to support that viewpoint. The goal of the essay is to convince the reader to share the writer's opinion.

  2. 130 New Prompts for Argumentative Writing

    Try our student writing prompts. In 2017, we compiled a list of 401 argumentative writing prompts, all drawn from our daily Student Opinion column. Now, we're rounding up 130 more we've ...

  3. 36 Opinion Writing Prompts for Students » JournalBuddies.com

    Opinion essays, or persuasive writing, require that writers — of any age — present opinions on a specific topic. They usually begin with a strong opinion statement and then use supporting examples and evidence to support the argument. This type of writing requires critical thinking, helps to develop writing skills, and, best of all, boosts ...

  4. Over 170 Prompts to Inspire Writing and Discussion

    You can find even more Student Opinion questions in our 300 Questions and Images to Inspire Argument Writing, 550 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing and 130 New Prompts for Argumentative ...

  5. 310 Prompts for Argumentative Writing

    Every school day, we publish new questions for students based on the news of the day, including prompts, like these, that inspire persuasive writing. Below, we've rounded up over 300 of those ...

  6. Opinion Essay Topics: 280 Compelling Ideas

    The List of Opinion Essay Topics. An opinion essay is a platform for you to share your beliefs on a specific topic. You'll clearly state your position and convince the reader why it's valid. Don't forget to back up your arguments with evidence like facts, statistics, or personal anecdotes to make a strong case.

  7. 49+ Opinion Writing Prompts to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

    Absolutely. Opinion writing prompts can help reluctant writers by giving them a clear starting point for their writing. They can stimulate thought and make the task of writing less daunting. Additionally, writing about their opinions can often be less intimidating, as it's a topic they are familiar with and can connect to on a personal level.

  8. 20+ Opinion writing prompts

    20+ opinion writing prompts. Use these opinion or argumentative writing prompts to help your students to state a point of view, and then provide facts and reasoned arguments to support that viewpoint. The goal of this kind of writing is to convince the reader to share the writer's opinion.

  9. 200 Prompts for Argumentative Writing

    Updated, March 2, 2017 | We published an updated version of this list, "401 Prompts for Argumentative Writing," as well as a companion piece, "650 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing.". We also now have a PDF of these 200 prompts. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and get five new Student Opinion questions delivered to you ...

  10. 70 Opinion Writing Prompts for Engaging, Thought ...

    This makes your child feel comfortable expressing their opinion and shows them that their feelings are important to you. For example, "Yes, I like it." or "No, I don't think so.". Depending on their answer, ask more questions until they've nothing more to say or don't want to answer (that's fine!).

  11. 51 Great Opinion Writing Prompts That Get Pens Moving

    That's why these prompts make a great addition to teachers' collection of writing activities and essay topics. So whether you want students to share their opinions about school, family, or other topics, include a few of these opinion writing prompts in your lesson plan this week. ... your lesson plan this week. Opinion Writing Prompts. Even ...

  12. 250+ Opinion Essay Topics to Write About

    6 Public Opinion Essay Topics. 7 Nursing Opinion Essay Topics. 8 Opinion Essay Topics on Culture. 9 Social Media Opinion Essay Topics. 10 Sports Opinion Essay Topics. 11 Psychology Opinion Essay Topics. 12 Political Science Opinion Essay Topics. 13 Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics.

  13. 65 Opinion Writing Prompts that Get Results

    For example, in an opinion essay about your favorite song, you would share your thoughts and feelings about the song and explain why it resonates with you. In a persuasive piece, on the other hand, you would strive to convince your readers that your favorite song is the best one out there. ... Opinion writing prompts about hobbies, personal ...

  14. 200+ Best Opinion Essay Topics for Any Subject

    200 Opinion Essay Topics Divided by Subject Good opinion topics are relevant to initial discipline and student's strongest skills. Below are 150 ideas in most popular disciplines to choose from. Good assignment idea asks a question and is argumentative, posing an opinion. Political Science Opinion Essay Topics

  15. 100 Opinion Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

    Diversify Topics: Rotate between different types of prompts. This variety keeps students engaged and helps develop a range of skills. Consider Current Events and Relevance: Incorporate prompts related to recent events or topics for opinion writing relevant to students' lives. This makes the writing exercise more engaging and relatable.

  16. 162 Persuasive Writing Prompts & Topics: Examples & Tips

    50 Persuasive Essay Writing Prompts. If you have trouble coming up with ideas for writing a persuasive essay, here is our prompts list. Whether you're in school or college, we're sure here you'll find a topic that interests you! 🧒 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Elementary Students. Your parents should go to bed at 9 pm every day.

  17. 50 Amazing Opinion Writing Prompt Ideas

    A few opinion essay topics for students include the best place to vacation, the greatest movie ever made, the best sport to play, their favorite board game, or the best T.V. show at the time. Use these fun 3rd-grade opinion writing samples to spark creativity in your students' writing. Some of these are great opinion questions for kids during ...

  18. 72 Fun Opinion Writing Prompts that Students Will WANT to Write About!

    These elementary opinion writing prompts will have your students wanting to write so they can tell you exactly what they think about topics that are relevant and interesting to them! Opinion writing is the perfect way to introduce the more formal persuasive writing genre. It allows students to practise developing and justifying their own ideas ...

  19. 300 Questions and Images to Inspire Argument Writing

    19. Snail Mail: Do you think handwritten cards and letters still have value in the digital age? 20. Cyberbullying: Should social media companies do more to prevent online harassment? 21. Phone ...

  20. How to Write an Opinion Essay: Structure, Examples

    Opinion essay introduction. Address the audience directly, and state the subject matter. Reference a speech, poem, book, or play. Include the author's name and date of publication in brackets. Thesis. 1 or 2 sentences to make up a short description. 1 or 2 summarizing sentences of the entire paper.

  21. 30 Great 5th Grade Opinion Writing Prompts

    You can nurture this important skill in your students with our set of 30 5th-grade opinion writing prompts. Yeppers, our list of ideas make student work fun! Your students will love these 5th grade opinion writing prompts, persuasive prompt and opinion essay prompts. Indeed, we hope you'll be amazed by the thoughtful opinion pieces they'll ...

  22. First Opinion readers respond to essays on long Covid and more

    First Opinion is STAT's platform for interesting, illuminating, and maybe even provocative articles about the life sciences writ large, written by biotech insiders, health care workers ...

  23. Analysis and commentary on CNN's presidential debate

    Read CNN's analysis and commentary of the first 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in Atlanta.

  24. 2022-23 Student Opinion Writing Prompts

    2022-23 Student Opinion Writing Prompts. July 14, 2023. Share full article.

  25. Over 1,000 Writing Prompts for Students

    Of all the resources we publish on The Learning Network, perhaps it's our vast collection of writing prompts that is our most widely used resource for teaching and learning with The Times. We ...

  26. Role of Government and Where Americans Agree, Disagree in Their Views

    Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans' attitudes about U.S. government, such as its size and role. This report is based primarily on a survey of 8,709 adults, including 7,166 registered voters, from April 8 to 14, 2024. Some of the analysis in this report is based on a ...

  27. The exponential growth of solar power will change the world

    As our essay this week explains, solar power faces no such constraint. The resources needed to produce solar cells and plant them on solar farms are silicon-rich sand, sunny places and human ...

  28. Opinion: Biden and Trump's presidential debate performance rated by

    Related article Opinion: The real loser in Thursday's debate In the end, all that matters is the impression the American public have of Biden, and this debate put an exclamation point on some of ...

  29. Opinion: As the right wing targets same-sex marriage, its power gets

    Opinion: As conservatives target same-sex marriage, its power is only getting clearer. A same-sex marriage supporter flies an LGBTQ+ Pride flag at the Supreme Court last year on the anniversary of ...

  30. When AI Gets More Capable, What Will Humans Do?

    In this essay by Dan Shipper, which we're republishing to cap off a week of prompt engineer (and new Every columnist) Michael Taylor's tactical AI pieces, he warns against capability blindness ...