essay writing competition 2021 in india for college students

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All India Essay Writing Competition

Essay competition 2022-23.

First Prize: Roshan Xalxo, Jnana Deepa, Pune

Second Prize: Shreya Roy, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata

Third Prize: Anshika Tripathi, Naresh Vihar Colony, Lucknow

Consolation Prizes

  • Kasu Eliyas Reddy
  • Sabin Abraham
  • Andrew Jose
  • Neelesh Kumar Mishra
  • Megha Kumari Sah
  • Advit Mittal
  • Savio Saldanha
  • Richard B Vadakkan

Congratulations to all the winners!

All india essay/ poster competition 2023-2024, announcing new competition.

Topics : Scams, Scandals, Ethics and Integrity

General Topic: Ethics, Business and Society

How do scams and scandals in our society reflect the need for ethics and integrity? How do scams and scandals affect the common people? What can we do about them? What are the ethical and moral demands on our soicety, given the increasing cases of scandals, scams and corruption?

The larger framework of this competition is to explore the significance of ethics in the society at large and in the business world in particular. So, you are requested to choose one specific topic which you are convinced of and argue for it. Do not remain at the general or descriptive level. Choose one particular area, find arguments for and against and come to a reasoned and deliberate opinion. More details can be found at

  • Role of ethics in character building
  • Ethics is purely subjective!
  • There cannot be an objective ethics.
  • Ethics creates identity
  • Topics of your own choice (related to ethics and society)
  • For more topics see the website ( )

An online workshop, which will be helpful for the final essay, will be conducted for those who register before Dec 10, 2023. In order to register, send an email with your full name, bio details, educational background and contact address to [email protected] . Registration Form ]. -->


  • You are welcome to add references, to make your arguments more consistent, cohesive and persuasive. Keep the footnotes to minimum.
  • Avoid plagiarism by all means.
  • Use APA style with in-text citations. For details and model essays, please see
  • In the essay, please try to be focused and specific. Argue persuasively for your point, bringing out logically consistently reasons or premises. You may quote business leaders, ethicists or thinkers.
  • The decision of the organizing committee is final.

For APA style For more on themes and topics visit the page:

Important Dates

Last date for submission of the essay: July 20, 2024

No of words (including bibliography and footnotes): 2,500-3,500

Last Date for submitting draft December 25, 2023 for feedback and comments.

Two online workshops will be conducted. Dates will be announced later in this page.

Announcement of the Prices: July 31, 2024

Selected Essays will be published with DOI and ISSN or ISBN.

Prize Money: ₹ 65,000

Prize Money: First Prize: ₹ 20,000 Second Prize: ₹ 15,000 Third Prize: ₹ 10,000

Ten consolation prizes of ₹ 2,000 each

Participation certificates will be given to deserving participants.

Organized by JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics - XLRI, Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur

Email: [email protected]

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MIT announces winners of essay writing competition

The competition was conducted in two categories – school and college.

13 Sep 2021 | By Aultrin Vijay

MIT announces winners of essay writing competition

(l-r) Sridhan G Pai, Niveditha Singh and Rahul Rajeev Nair

Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) has announced the winners of its essay writing competition, which was held from 1 August 2021 to 1 September 2021.

Participants, which included school- and college-going students, had more than 30 days’ time to prepare and write the essays. However, both categories – school and college – were given different topics to write on.

The theme for the college students was ‘Covid-19: Did the pandemic jumble print education system’, whereas for school students, it was ‘Covid-19: Did the pandemic jumble our education system’.

Rahul Rajeev Nair and Niveditha Singh, final year students from Department of Media Technology, MIT received the first and second place respectively in the college level. Meanwhile, Sridhan G Pai, a seventh standard student from Little Rock Indian School, Udupi, Karnataka clinched the first prize in school level.

Dr Amrutharaj H Krishnan, professor and head, Department of Media Technology, Manipal Institute of Technology, told  PrintWeek , “Both categories were good and to the expected standard.”

“We were amazed to see and understand the thoughts of our students,” Krishnan added, citing the various essays written by 41 students – 23 college students and 18 school students.

Krishnan informed that five teachers from the Department of Media Technology, MIT, MAHE were the jury members, who were stringent during the selection process. According to Krishnan, the jury also checked for plagiarism in the essays to make the competition fair.

The winning essays

Sridhan G Pai (first prize) Little Rock Indian School, Udupi, Karnataka Covid-19: Did the pandemic jumble our educational system? Kids with new uniforms, new bags, colourful umbrellas, neatly combed hair, some with smiley faces, some with heavy hearts and some crying, some too excited. These are the happenings we come across in the first week of June. This tradition of school, which was there for many years, was altered; from making college students to school-going kids sit in front of mobile phones/laptops, the pandemic took away these beautiful life moments and can never be forgiven.

Life is a roller coaster ride, new dreams, higher goals, climbing the stairs of success, challenging students who aim to reach their destination. Doesn't the feeling of happiness students get when they score good grades by writing exams in school count? Have they got to experience this lately? Though they have scored 100% there is criticism on not scoring by writing the exams. Dreams, goals vanished in thin air.

The fun children used to have during offline lessons and play time can't be found now in online classes. The pleasure of sharing  tiffin  is totally different. Gossiping during classes (about what chocolate they ate), being shouted at by the teacher, and behaving obedient for the next few days is not happening now. The enjoyment they used to get during physical education or PE periods is only in memories now. Fighting for victory in games with their friends is unexplainable. Such an amusing education system is engulfed by this pandemic.

Indian culture gives a high place to the teacher for his role in imparting knowledge, moulding the character of the student. This student teacher relation is now online. On Independence Day and Republic Day, patriotism would flow in the minds of students. Intense hard work for the preparation of annual days, much care shown by the students to not spoil their makeup is something to see. The ice cream they get to eat after an event on sports days is something they will miss the most. This kind of educational system not only aims at teaching them the lessons, but also makes them a responsible citizen when they reach their adulthood. All the joy and delights of this educational system is concealed by the blanket like pandemic.

This pandemic surely has jumbled the educational system, but also everyone's life; it has troubled the whole planet. Being worried about it will help nothing. We should work under the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan as announced by our Prime Minister. Should learn time management from a child. Should make use of the time at home to bring out great colour from these academic years. There is no doubt that many competitions such as drawing, singing, essay writing, and storytelling conducted online will help in sharpening young minds during this time.

Rahul Rajeev Nair (first prize) Department of Media Technology, MIT

Covid-19: Did the pandemic jumble the print education system?

Adaptation – the ability to learn from past experience. The use of knowledge to alter their environment. But how does one adapt if there were no past experiences to prepare or alter for an event? This is the conundrum that's currently haunting the entire print industry. Disruptions occurring on a global scale has become a part of daily life, while some have found themselves thriving others had to find ways to sustain themselves.

The print industry is one that doesn't fit either of these categories well. Albeit the industry has remained somewhat similar in terms of demand in the FMCG sector and the digital print sector, the overall industry has seen a reduction in the production of more than 40%. Unfortunately, this downfall has also propagated into the print education systems where almost all the universities with esteemed print courses had to be halted physically for a period of more than a year, if not more.

Once again, the virtue of adaptation is paramount for the survival of any endeavour. Henceforth, almost everything in regard to the education of print shifted to a virtual environment, everything ranging from theory to practice. In an industry where up to 90% of the work done is practical, the initial shift to a virtual classroom was met with doubts and resistance. To further exacerbate, students became more and more hesitant to pay huge fees for education concerning an industry that cannot be done through a glass pane. "Students may not like to commit to large fees for online content, especially for print education. This is mainly because the practical and hands-on training play a major role in print-related education," said professor Ramnath Shenoy, a senior faculty at the prestigious Manipal Institute of Technology, one of the foremost colleges leading the education in the print and packaging industry.

Several methods were tried to induce lab learning, practicals, and research work at universities, but the distance was always an issue that formed cracks in the efficiency. One of the most pressing issues was that of the collision of studies and duties. As most students live with their families, the levels of distraction and other "seemingly important" work were significantly higher. Along with the chaos and pandemonium outside, lagging network connectivity, chores and other distractions, students were stressed constantly almost on a day-to-day basis. This significantly affected a major segment of people to provide their optimal potential in the classes conducted.

Mitt Romney once said, "Education is the investment our generation makes in the future." This holds particularly true for an industry, which for the most part is well misunderstood and underestimated within a longboat of people. Therefore, the downfall or rather the insufficiency of knowledge among the next generation of print and packaging pioneers directly correlates with the future of the industry as a whole.

Institutes harbouring the best print education systems in the world are trying their level best to unwind these tangled knots in the current teaching scenario. However, due to the sudden shifts occurring in the climate surrounding these decisions, things still appear to remain stagnant. As the uncertainty regarding the education of print and packaging students continue, the dip in their actual learning gains causes doubts and anxiousness within the print industry.

"The students must gain practical first-hand knowledge of the various processes occurring within a print workflow, the absence of which can cause severe troubles in their future work life. The lack of offline, physical internships and apprenticeships due to the pandemic is seriously affecting the students' abilities to learn directly about the knowledge of the craft of print from the veterans and experts of the industry," said Rajeev Kavuthodi, managing director of Al Sulaiman Media, Qatar.

Every industry has been affected by Covid-19, and print is not exempt from the pandemic's ramifications. Our business, as well as the education that goes with it, has been particularly hard hit. It is reflective of the fact that the print business is ailing and that in order for it to survive, adjustments will be required. At the end of the day, no one can be blamed or vilified for the situation at hand. One must work with what we have and make the best of it. Then again on the bright side, the next time an event of this magnitude occurs, our industry's virtue of adaptation will manifest itself to protect us better than the last time.

Niveditha Singh (second prize) Department of Media Technology, MIT

Covid-19: Did the pandemic jumble the print education system? In the normal paced life, where everyone was running to the daily chores, something unpredictable had set itself up, waiting to set its shadow. Just like dark clouds, our livelihood got surrounded by Covid-19. Did Covid-19 have a huge impact on society? Each and every disaster in an individual’s life teaches a new lesson and makes a person even stronger. It motivates mankind to do something effective, which can repair the particular damage. Did it affect the print education system?

If this pandemic had never hit the millennium, we would never try to think out of the box. This major hurricane in our life forced us to make the best out of technology. In other words, this pandemic directed the technology to a totally advanced level. At the same time, we cannot deviate from the fact that this entire situation has unbundled our classic print education system and turn it into disarray. Because of Covid-19 everything is operating online. Day by day, technologists are striving hard on how to make the digital platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet even more comfortable and efficient for the students, professors, corporate world, industries, manufacturing units and more. Technology is not always efficient and causes disruption to classes. Online learning requires students to have a high speed internet connection and at least one gadget, which a few students aren’t even able to afford. But with books, the government gave free supplies to the students. Students have trouble grasping concepts that are taught through online classes as marking and highlighting is difficult to do.

If we could go back in time, say around five years, we would never have been able to anticipate the turn in the education system or the learning process. Now that the classes are taking place on online platforms, thus, it's hard to predict to what extent the technology will evolve. The print education system is not completely dissolved, but due to the pandemic, it is holding onto a threat. As the pandemic is taking more time to settle down than anticipated, the specialists will try to give their best shot on innovative and creative ideas and fulfil the requirements of each and every individual. In this time of crisis, online classes are the best alternative to the print education system. Most of the students prefer digital learning over books because it’s not breaking the barrier between learner and learner’s learnings. But certain things cannot be erased from our memories, no matter which path our lives have put us in. As per the statistics, due to the lack of printed books, the students find it difficult to memorise. Even the assignments assigned to the students aren't bringing out the utmost abilities, as paperwork tends to help and is never a con to the students.

In pre-Covid times, as students, there was a different level of excitement in buying new books or attractive stationeries. Going to a Xerox shop to print pictures or buy A4 size papers in order to convert those attractive stationery into captivating masterpieces demanded a set of creative minds. Begging seniors for their guides and assignments gave the early taste of negotiations and learnings. The inauguration of new books and then creativity oozing out on the same ones through doodling had its own fanbase. Carrying a backpack full of books to the school every day, completing the tasks to avoid punishment, reading the lessons out loud had an irreplaceable place in the development of a child. The efforts, not only to take the previous year papers from the librarian, but also to be the first ones to do so, rushing to the teachers at the last moment to acquire important questions; these are not mere memories, but were a whole experience. The digitised books and education not only clouded the grasping, but also eclipsed the holistic development of a student that is needed.

As the education system has almost shifted to online learning, the study material has become very accessible and affordable to the students, but we definitely learnt many values such as coordination, teamwork and interaction from the print education system. Because of Covid-19, many kindergarten students are missing out on a lot of things such as human touch, growth and physical activities, which play a vital role in their lives.

Due to constantly sitting in front of the screen at a very young age, they are developing ophthalmological issues. The writing abilities of children have decreased with the decrease in practical learning. The digital books and education eclipsed the holistic development of a student. But just like a coin, everything has two faces, two visions, two sides.  The pandemic has forced us to think out of the box such as gaining more technical knowledge and increasing our creativity. On the other hand, we can see the entire print education system in danger. The print education is at a very undefined state as the pandemic has forced the people to opt for non-print education. Covid-19 has indeed jumbled up the print education system. Covid-19 has turned out to be like an ocean, whose tides are the problems thrown by it on the shore. Humankind has turned on its survival mode to fight back and thus led to acquiring more skills to combat the situation.

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  • National essay writing Competition


I am delighted to inform you that with a purpose to develop writing skills amongst students of all classes, National Citizens’ Committee has launched National Essay Writing Competition on “Student Development under the leadership of Narendra Modi as Chief Minister of Gujarat and Prime Minister of India”.

 In a signed message, the Vice-President of India M. Venkaiah Naidu wished the National Essay Writing Competition all success and appreciated this initiative of National Citizens Committee.

 We are inviting Indian students to participate in this online essay writing competition on the following Link: by contributing Essay in 600 words in any language out of 14 Indian languages including Hindi, English, Urdu, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Manipuri, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil or Telugu on or before 15.02.2022. 

 There are 4 categories including (1)School students of up to 5 th  grade (2) School students from 6 th  grade to 8 th  grade (3) School students from 9 th  grade to 12 th  grade and (4) Graduate / Post-graduate College students.

We are expecting a very large number of students to participate in this online essay competition, and this event is likely to be recorded in the Jurists Book of World Records.

 There will be Prizes for the top entries (in each language and each category of1 st  Prize of Rs. 25,000/-, 2 nd  Prize of Rs. 20,000/- and 3 rd  Prize of Rs. 15,000/-. Hence there will be 56 participants who will get 1 st  Prize; 56 participants who will get 2 nd  Prize and 56 participants who will get 3 rd  Prize on merit basis in this Competition. 1 st  prize winners in each category will be considered for telecast of video recorded essay narrations on national television channels.

 We have also decided to select 3 participants from each of the 14 languages and each 4 categories by way of “Spin the Wheel” to give them individual surprise gifts as a token of appreciation. Therefore a total of 168 participants will get surprise gifts by way of “Spin the Wheel”.

 Every participant will be provided E-Certificate for contributing essays in the Competition.

The Principals of the institutions with participation of over 50 percent students will be felicitated.

15 Heads of Education Boards with high percentage of participation will also be honoured.

 I request you to forward to all educational institutions under your aegis for circulation of this information among all students or their parents about this Competition through Email / WhatsApp, enabling students to participate in this National Essay Writing Competition and submit their Essay on the Link :  upto 15.02.2022.

 The letter of request addressed to head of the educational institution and Brochure by Dr. Adish C Aggarwala, Chairman, National Citizens’ Committee, meant for students are also attached for circulating amongst the students and teachers by the educational Institution.

 In case you are unable to circulate this information to educational institutions, then it is requested that we may kindly be provided list of all educational institutions with their contact details including their postal addresses, email addresses, phones and mobile numbers, enabling us to directly request the educational institutions to circulate this information amongst the students or their parents and teachers.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

(Bhubaneswar Kalita)

Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha)

General Secretary, National Citizens’ Committee

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Essay Writing Competition (AMRUT MAHOTSAV 2021)

  • This event has passed.

essay writing competition 2021 in india for college students

“Writing is the painting of the voice”

To commemorate the 75th independence day, under the aegis of ‘’Amrut Mahotsav‘’, Anthropos – HRD Cell has organized an Essay Writing Competition for all the universities and institutions across the country.

Essay writing is an art that brings out writing skills. So, put on your writing hat and get your pens ready. Share your views and win exciting rewards. We invite you to grace this occasion with your presence.

Topics for the same are:

“Startup Culture can’t sustain without having a concrete plan and a solid idea”

“Is money the key to happiness and a leading factor to work better?”

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Home » Opportunities & Events » Essay Writing Competition 2021 by IDIA & LAAC, NLU-J: Register by Mar 28

Essay Writing Competition 2021 by IDIA & LAAC, NLU-J: Register by Mar 28

  • Akanksha Bharadwaj
  • Mar 18, 2021
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The LAAC (Legal Aid and Awareness Committee) of NLUJ and IDIA are conducting the Essay Writing Competition 2021. Register for the competition by March 28th.

About the Organizers

The Legal Aid and Awareness Committee (LAAC) is a student-run body of National Law University Jodhpur, which works towards imparting practical knowledge and information regarding the basic legal rights and remedies to the masses. LAAC has undertaken initiatives aimed at spreading legal awareness and improving the quality of life of socially and economically disadvantaged by helping them attain their rights under socially beneficial legislation.

Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access (IDIA) is a non-governmental organization that strives to make legal education accessible to all, regardless of geographical or financial constraints. It also aims to bring about class, caste, and gender equality in law schools. The work of IDIA does not stop here; it also provides the zealous and hardworking students, who are otherwise unable to afford it, coaching for various law entrance examinations like – CLAT, AILET (after they are selected through an aptitude test).

Furthermore, IDIA students who qualify through such entrance exams are provided with scholarships for the continuance of their law school education, along with additional training and mentoring to ensure that the scholars can cope with the academic workload at par with other students.

The Competition

With this Competition, the Organizing Committees aim to achieve a dual purpose:

  • By furthering academic discourse, facilitating conversation, and increasing discussion around sociologically important topics.
  • By contributing towards the goal of increased access to education to the students from marginalized communities.
  • Towards this end, 100% of the amount obtained as registration fee from this Competition will be used to sponsor the training/education of IDIA trainees.
  • The essay competition is divided into two categories. The following are the two categories.
  • Gender stereotypes in classrooms/education system.
  • Should housewives be compensated for their household work?
  • Crimes against women in India – An analysis of the current scenario in India along with policy suggestions to improve the status quo.
  • Gender stereotypes: An analysis of their existence in today’s modern society, or a comparative study of the past and present (what has changed, what hasn’t) … in the context of law, politics, education, etc.
  • “Women: Creating, Doing, Leading”
  • Sociological analysis on the reasons behind the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields.
  • Should menstrual relief benefits be made mandatory in the interest of women in India? If yes, provide suggestions for its inclusion as a legislative mandate.


The participants can register for the essay competition by paying a nominal fee of ₹ 150 by the registration deadline, i.e. March 28, 2021 .

Interested students can register themselves at this link

The participants shall submit their essays latest by 11:59 p.m. on 7th April 2021.

Participants can either Paytm or Google Pay the fee amount to:-

  • Gpay: praveena.kan@okaxis (Praveena)
  • Paytm: 8890253685 (Pooja)
  • Winner (In college category): A cash prize of ₹ 5,000/- + An opportunity to publish in FeminisminIndia, to intern with Niti Manthan.
  • Winner (In the school category): A cash prize of INR 2000
  • Runner-Up (In the school category): A cash prize of INR 1000
  • The top three entries from each category will be felicitated with a certificate of merit.
  • Participation certificates would also be provided to all the participants.

Contact Information

Kindly find attached the rules of the Competition. In case of a query, you can contact :

  • Pallavi Diwakar (LAAC, Co-convener: 7905034356
  • Praveena NS (Deputy Team Leader, IDIA Rajasthan Chapter): 9959235575
  • Pooja Dhamor (Deputy Team Leader, IDIA Rajasthan Chapter): 8890253685

Click here for the brochure.

Click here to register for the competition.

Keep following our ‘ Essay Competitions ‘ section for more such essay writing opportunities.

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Essay Writing Competition

Essay Writing Competition

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India is glad to announce essay writing competition on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, 2021. As you are aware ...

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India is glad to announce essay writing competition on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, 2021 . As you are aware that every year, 31st May is observed as World No Tobacco Day (WNTD), highlighting the health and other risks associated with tobacco use, and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption.

Following the guidelines of COVID 19, on this occasion of great significance, the Ministry is glad to announce this competition to explore the creative instinct of students from classes 8th – 10th ; 11th & 12th and college students (under graduation), and encourage them to express their ideas on “Protection of future generation from harmful effects of tobacco” .

Guidelines for Participants: The Essay Competition is meant for students of classes as per the following five categories; 1. 8th 2. 9th 3. 10th 4. 11th & 12th 5. College students (under graduates)

Word Limits of Essay The essay should be within 1000* word limit. *The essay should not exceed word limit. This would lead to disqualification.

Important dates • Start Date: 31st May, 2021 • Last Date of Submission: 18th June, 2021

• The announcement of awardees will be done with cash prizes as per the following details in each category (8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th and college students (under graduation)) Ist Prize: Rs. 25,000/- IInd prize: Rs. 20,000/- IIIrd prize: Rs. 15,000/-

Certificate of Participation will be given to the genuine entries and which follows the terms and conditions given for the competition. The certificate will be sent through email only and a hard copy will not be issued. Therefore all the participants are required to provide their email address correctly.

Click here to download Participation Form

Click here to read Terms and Conditions

essay writing competition 2021 in india for college students

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21st Dinesh Vyas Memorial Government Law College, National Legal Essay Competition 2021-22

Details for the post: Government Law College, Mumbai presents the 21st Dinesh Vyas Memorial Government Law College, National Legal Essay Competition 2021-22

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essay writing competition 2021 in india for college students

Government Law College, Mumbai presents the 21st Dinesh Vyas Memorial Government Law College, National Legal Essay Competition 2021-22

Writing is a proclivity that a lawyer must never detach from himself, and thus, each year, the Magazine Committee of Government Law College, Mumbai, organises a national level legal essay writing competition, the ‘Dinesh Vyas Memorial Government Law College National Legal Essay Competition’. The Dinesh Vyas Memorial Government Law College National Legal Essay Competition is sponsored in the memory of Late Mr Dinesh Vyas, one of GLC’s most distinguished alumni, who obtained his LLB degree from Government Law College in 1967.

The Magazine Committee of Government Law College, Mumbai curates the annual magazine of the college titled méLAWnge . méLAWnge is not just an annual publication, it is a part of aeonian history. It is for this reason that students, professors, lawyers and judges have come together, once again, to breathe life into this edition.

The Topics for this year’s edition are:

  • Analyse Indian laws with respect to reproductive rights. Do they sufficiently protect the bodily autonomy of all the stakeholders involved?
  • With reference to previous laws passed, address the need for formulating a refugee law in India.
  • In light of the recent establishment of the Sports Arbitration Centre of India, comment/shed light upon the scope of arbitration in disputes relating to sports.
  • Critically appraise the concept of live-streaming court proceedings. Does it do more harm than good?

Analyse the Mediation Bill, 2021. Is it a step forward in the right direction?

Submission Rules

  • The Essay must be written in English.
  • Each entry must be the original and previously unpublished work of the participant.
  • A copy of the entry should be e-mailed to [email protected] in both the PDF and Word formats with the subject “Entry for Vyas 2021-22”.
  • Participants must submit a short bio-data in the body of the e-mail containing the following information: Full name, year, college name, telephone number & postal address along with personal contact number, email-id & postal address.
  • In the body of the same email, participants are required to specify which topic they have chosen to write on. Such specification must not be included in the entry itself.
  • Participants must submit a scanned copy of their College Student Identity Card or equivalent Fee Receipt. Entries which do not contain the same, will not be accepted.
  • No Registration fee is to be paid by the participants.

Co-authorship up to 2 authors is permitted within students from the same educational institution.

Presentation Rules

  • Each entry should be no shorter than 3500 words, and no longer than 5000 words. The word limit is inclusive of footnotes.
  • The entry should adhere to the following formatting requirements: Font type – Times New Roman, Font size – 12, Double-spacing, One inch margin on each side, with justified alignment of text.
  • The footnotes should adhere to the following formatting requirements: Font type – Times New Roman, Font size – 10, Single-spacing, with justified alignment of text.
  • The citation must be strictly in accordance with the Harvard Blue Book Citation Style, 20th Edition.

The identity of the student or the college, university, institution, etc. should not be revealed in the text of the essay in any manner whatsoever.

Marking Criteria

The following are the criteria for marking and the marks allotted to each category:

Sr. No.

Marking Criteria

Marks Allocated


Overall subjective evaluation



Issues covered and ingenuity of ideas



Flow and structure of essay



Legal content and use of authorities, references etc.







Negative marks shall be allotted as per the following scheme:

  • Violation of word limit (per 150 words) -2 marks

Violation of each presentation rule -2 marks.


  • All entries shall be deemed to be the property of ‘Vyas Memorial Government Law College National Legal Essay Competition’, which reserves the right of publication of the same in any periodical, journal, book, electronic resource or in any other manner as it may deem appropriate
  • The organising committee’s decision as regards the interpretation of rules or any other matter related to the competition shall be final.
  • In the event that any situation arises, which is not contemplated in the rules, the organising committee’s decision on the same shall be final. The organising committee reserves the right to vary, alter, or repeal any of the above rules as they deem appropriate.

The decision of the judges shall be final and binding on all concerned.


The registration is free and open to all candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria provided hereinabove.

Students pursuing LL.B. (3 Years or 5 Years Courses)/ LL.M. course from any recognised University or College can participate in the competition.

  • 1st Prize: ₹20,000/-
  • 2nd Prize: ₹15,000/-
  • 3rd Prize: ₹10,000/-

The first prize winning entry will be published in méLAWnge 2021-22, the Annual College Magazine of Government Law College, Mumbai. All publishing rights will remain with the organising committee.

The entries must be submitted on or before 23rd January 2023.

You may email us at [email protected] or contact Khadija Hetavkar, Chief Student Editor +91 9136032099

To know more click on Dinesh Vyas Memorial Government Law College National Legal Essay Writing Competion 2021-22_Brochure

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Be known for shaping the leaders of tomorrow

Tata Building India School Essay Competition is India’s most prestigious essay competition held every year across schools from over 400+ cities across the country.

It is one of the key initiatives undertaken by Tata Group with the objective of motivating the youth and fostering the spirit of nation building. Through this essay writing competition, Tata Group wishes to encourage today’s young minds to become thoughtful leaders of tomorrow.

Each year, school students are given this unique opportunity to showcase their writing skills and get recognized at 3 levels – the school level, the city level and the national level. To ensure a level-playing field, the competition is divided into two categories, viz. Junior Category for students of classes 6th - 8th, and Senior Category for students of classes 9th - 12th.


Drive student engagement and holistic learning

A national competition like the Tata Building India School Essay Competition is a great way to foster holistic learning that is both fun and rewarding for your students. With an essay topic around nation building, students are encouraged to research, explore and think on a vast variety of subjects that make them more socially and intellectually aware.


Help your students develop critical skills

Essays are a great way to build independent thoughts and opinions. Structuring one’s thoughts within word limits helps students frame subtle connections concisely that help articulate ideas and concepts clearly. This not only helps students write better at their

academic exams but also communicate more effectively.

National level recognition

Ultimately, a school’s achievement lies in the success of its students. Tata Building India School Essay Competition is unique in its structure of providing participating school students an opportunity to win at 3 different levels (although the essay is written only once). Winning essays at the school-level are further evaluated at the city-level and ultimately at the national-level. There are prizes and recognition given to winning students and their schools at all the 3 levels. The crowning moment for the national-level winners is the intended visit to New Delhi and a face-to-face meeting with a national dignitary.

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essay writing competition 2021 in india for college students

15 Contests and Awards for Short stories in India

Picture of Namrata

  • May 4, 2020

Before we share the curated list of contests and awards for short stories in India, we want to share a bit about what prompted us to create this list.

Why should you submit to contests and awards for short stories in India?

A story always begins with an idea followed by writing, lots of it. You write you to edit and then you write some more. This involves multiple sleepless nights of doubt, weeks of introspection, and countless discussions with friends and fellow writers. It is only after such an arduous process that you manage to create something you are extremely proud of – a story that’s worthy of winning an award or two at least.

After  where to submit my work , the most asked question is which contests to send my work to. Writing competitions are a good way of analyzing your writing skills. Participating in writing competitions also helps you build a great writer’s CV. This list of Contests and Awards for Short stories in India has been created to help writers achieve this.


Simply put, winning an award is one of the ultimate recognition of one’s work. Irrespective of the genre one writes in, winning a contest and getting an award is public applause for one’s writing. That is the reason we encourage aspiring writers to participate in Contests and Awards for Short stories in India. While the ultimate goal might be a book, winning an award can help you gain credibility with a publisher/agent too.  Submitting short stories and winning accolades will help create a reader base and earn a name and fame. Some awards offer money, but if your interest is earning through writing, check out our blog on seven ways to earn money through writing.

So, here’s a list of Contests and Awards for Short stories in India where you can submit your work. There are multiple renowned awards like the Booker Prize, Pulitzer, and the DSC South Asian but these are for full-length novels. Here, we have curated a list of Contests and Awards for Short stories in India where you can send your short stories.


A few pointers before we share the list of Contests and Awards for Short stories in India:

  • Please note, that this list of Contests and Awards for Short stories in India is dynamic and will be updated regularly.
  • All the Contests and Awards for Short stories in India have a deadline that has been mentioned clearly along with submission guidelines.
  • While they accept all genres, in case of exceptions it has been highlighted.
  • All the below-mentioned Contests and Awards for Short stories in India accept submissions only in English.
  • The list includes Contests and Awards for Short stories in India that are based in India and which accept submissions from Indian residents. We might make another list in the future which will include international contests and awards.
  • If there are any other Contests and Awards for Short stories in India you think we have missed, let us know and we will add them to this list.

[su_note]Disclaimer: Himalayan Writing Retreat has no affiliation with any of these contests or anthologies. We have solely collated a list as a reference guide for writers. In case of any queries, please write to the concerned organizers on the email ids provided on their sites directly. Team HWR will be unable to respond to any queries regarding your submissions to them. [/su_note]

Contests and Awards for Short Stories in India

**Updated as of 10th February 2022**

Story Mirror

Founded in 2015, StoryMirror is a tech start-up focused on building a creative ecosystem that offers everyone a platform to launch themselves in the field of literature

Apart from hosting regular contests in various Indian regional languages, they also host awards like ‘Author of the year’, ‘Author of the Week’ and ‘Most admired Author’.

Contests and Awards for Short Stories in India

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Submission Fees: NIL
  • Themes/ Genres accepted: All ( Submissions accepted in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Oriya, Marathi, Kannada and Malayalam)
  • Closing Deadline: Competition specific
  • Prize: Participants will receive certificates and will also be published on Story Mirror site.
  • No. of Prizes to be won: 3
  • Literary Quotient: Good


KDP Pen to Publish Awards 

The KDP Pen to Publish Contest aims at recognizing literary excellence among authors who publish original works in any genre in English, Hindi or Tamil languages on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) between a specified period by Amazon. Since its inception two years ago, it has managed to bring forth some prominent names in literary world.

Contests and Awards for Short Stories in India

  • Submission Guidelines: Amazon Pen to Publish Contest Program: Participate Kindle Direct Publishing Pen to Publish Contest & Win Grand Awards-
  • Themes/ Genres accepted: All ( Submissions are accepted in English, Hindi and Tamil)
  • Closing Deadline: Not yet announced for 2021
  • Prize: A Kindle, mentoring by top authors, your work stands a chance to be adapted by Prime Video and be the featured author on Amazon site.


  • No of Prizes to be won: 5 each across the 3 languages (English, Hindi, and Tamil)
  • Literary Quotient: Excellent

WELCOME 2022 Writing Contest

Brilliant Flash Fiction is a USA-based nonprofit organization offering publishing opportunities for writers of flash fiction.

Send your entry pasted into the body of an email and also as a Word attachment (in the same email) to  [email protected] . Please place your story title in the subject line of your email.

Formatting requirements : Please submit your story double-spaced using font-size 12 pt. Times New Roman. This is a blind-judged contest, so please do not put your name on your story. Instead, please submit a brief author bio in a separate attachment with your contest entry. Results will be announced sometime before June 30, 2022.

Authors retain all rights to submitted work.

Fiction only, please. No poetry or essays.

All entries must be original and unpublished. This means submissions that have been accepted for publication anywhere else, including blogs, radio broadcasts, personal web pages, etc., are not eligible. Entries of more than 500 words or entries found to be published anywhere else will be immediately disqualified.

All winning and shortlisted entries will be published on our website.

Judge: Pamela Painter

PAMELA PAINTER is the award-winning author of five story collections, most recently  Fabrications:  New and Selected Stories .  She is also co-author with Anne Bernays of the widely-used textbook,  What If?  Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers.   Her flash stories have appeared in  Flash Boulevard, FracturedLit,  Matter Press, New Flash Fiction Review,  and  SmokeLong Quarterly,  among others and in numerous anthologies, such as  Sudden Fiction, Flash Fiction ,  From Blues to Bop, Four Minute Fictions, Flash Fiction Forward,   MicroFiction, Nothing Short of 100,  and  New Micro .  She has received grants from The Massachusetts Artists Foundation and the National Endowment of the Arts and has won three Pushcart Prizes.   Painter’s stories have been presented on National Public Radio, and on stage by   the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre, and in Los Angeles, New York City, and London by Cedering Fox’s Word Theatre Company. Her flash stories also appear on well-known artist Anthony Russo’s YouTube channel CRONOGEO.

  • Themes/ Genres accepted: All
  • Closing Deadline: 15th April 2022

$200 first prize $ 100-second prize

$50 third prize

$20 and publication on our website for shortlisted stories

Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors

, Fix Grist’s solutions lab is accepting submissions for their second annual climate fiction short-story contest. Fix was founded on the simple premise that promising solutions to the climate crisis exist.With Imagine 2200 , they’re inviting writers to envision a future in which those solutions soar, and our world is radically better.

  • Submission Guidelines: Fix Submission Manager (
  • Vivid characters
  • Cultural setting
  • Creative solutions
  • Decolonized futures

We will also judge submissions based on the quality of artistic voice, originality, craft, and technique, as well as the depth of the environmental, scientific, historical, and/or cultural background that informs the story.

  • Closing Deadline: 5th  May 2022
  • Prize:  The first-prize story will be awarded $3,000; second prize is $2,000; and third prize is $1,000. Nine additional finalists will each receive $300.

Fiction Factory First Chapter + Synopsis Competition 2022

The Queen Mary  Wasafiri  New Writing Prize is supported by  Queen Mary University of London , Routledge , and The Literary Consultancy and the prize supports new writers, with no limits on age, gender, nationality, or background.

  • Submission Guidelines: First Chapter Competition May 2022 – Fiction Factory (
  • Submission Fees: Entry £15 ‘Early-Bird Special’ for entries received on or before 15th March 2022 /  Entry + Optional Assessment  £35.00
  • Themes/ Genres accepted:  All genres will be accepted except Children’s and Young Adult Fiction.
  • Closing Deadline: 31st May 2022
  • Prize: First Prize: £500 – The winning entry will be read by literary agent Joanna Swainson of the Hardman & Swainson Agency. Joanna is looking for originality and distinctive voices. Winning entries will be published on their website, subject to the author’s permission.

Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize 

The Queen Mary  Wasafiri  New Writing Prize is supported by  Queen Mary University of London , Routledge , and The Literary Consultancy and the prize supports new writers, with no limits on age, gender, nationality or background.

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Submission Fees: £10 for a single entry, £16 for a double entry. However, they offer a limited number of subsidized entries at a rate of £6 per entry, which must be accompanied by an explanation of the entrant’s need for subsidized entry (up to 200 words). There is capacity for 25 subsidized entries per month during the months that the prize is open (February-May 2020).
  • Closing Deadline: Submission guidelines for 2022 will be announced soon.
  • Prize: The winners of each category (There are 3 categories currently – Fiction, Poetry and Life Writing) received a £1,000 cash prize and will be published by  Wasafiri  in print and online. They will also be offered the Chapter and Verse or Free Reads mentoring scheme in partnership with The Literary Consultancy (dependent on eligibility). Shortlisted writers will be published online with Wasafiri and may be eligible for Free Reads mentoring also.
  • No. of Prizes to be won: 3 for the main prize and 10 shortlisted winners.

Create the Future Writing Contest 2022

Create The Future is a small climate project with big ambitions.

They work to alleviate climate anxiety and enable behaviour change through climate optimism, creativity, and empowerment, working with a range of people and organisations to change the narrative on the climate crisis to one of hope and imagination.

  • Submission Guidelines: Writing competition – Create the Future
“What happens if we  do  take action to protect the planet? What does a sustainable future look like to you? What happens when we dare to dream?”

You can interpret these questions as loosely as you wish and explore it from any perspective. When assessing submissions, we will be looking for any of the following:

  • Fresh, new ways of thinking about and strengthening our connection to the rest of the living world For example, poems, creative essays or short stories about our connection to each other and the world around us
  • Bold, imaginative predictions or hopes for the future For example, solarpunk, utopian and speculative fiction. To get you started, think about a day in the life of someone your age in 100 years’ time. What are the most common jobs? How do you travel? What do you wear? Where do you shop? What does your town/city look like?
  • Stories that show us how we get from here to there For example, an imagined retrospective/letter to our generation from someone living in 50 / 100 years’ time
  • We are particularly keen to hear from  voices that are not usually represented within the environmental movements , including but not limited to indigenous writers, writers of colour, writers from working-class backgrounds, writers with disabilities, and other marginalised voices.
  • Closing Deadline: 13th February 2022
  • First prize: £50 and 1x Delphis Eco Home bundle
  • Second prize: 1x Delphis Eco Kitchen bundle
  • 3rd prize: 1x Delphis Eco Bathroom bundle
  • First prize: £50

Commonwealth Short Story Prize

The Commonwealth Short Story Prize is awarded for the best piece of unpublished short fiction (2,000–5,000 words) in English. Regional winners each receive £2,500 and the overall winner receives £5,000. Translated entries are also eligible, as are stories written in the original Bengali, Chinese, French, Greek, Kiswahili, Malay, Portuguese, Samoan, Tamil, and Turkish.

The contest will open for the 2022 Commonwealth Prize next year and the winners will be announced in early 2023.

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Closing Deadline: Yet to be announced
  • Prize:  The overall winner of the Commonwealth Short Story Prize will receive £5,000 and the remaining four regional winners £2,500. If the winning short story is translation into English, the translator will receive additional prize money.
  • No of Prizes to be won: 5 regional winners and one overall winner

Raymond Carver

Now in its 21st year, the Raymond Carver Short Story Contest is one of the most renowned fiction contests in the world. Featuring prominent guest judges and offering $3000 across five prizes, the contest delivers exciting new fiction from writers all over the world. The contest winners are published in their annual fall issue in October.

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Submission Fees: $17 online / $15 mailed.
  • Themes/ Genres accepted: No genre fiction (romance, horror, sci-fi); literary fiction only.
  • Closing Deadline: 15 th May 2022
  • Prize: $2000 (1st), $500 (2nd), $250 (3rd), and two $125 (Editor’s Choice) apart from being published in their annual fall issue in October.
  • No. of Prizes to be won : 5


Bath Short Story Prize

The International Bath Short Story Award is organized by Jude Higgins, Jane Riekemann, and Anna Schlesinger. And this year, 2020, award-winning short and short-short story writer, Alison Woodhouse, has joined the team. Launched in 2012 the BSSA has rapidly become established as one of the prominent short story competitions in the UK receiving over a thousand worldwide entries each year and producing a yearly anthology of short-listed and winning authors.

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Submission Fees: There is no limit to the number of entries but there is a fee of £8 for each story submitted.
  • Themes/ Genres accepted: Any genre
  • Closing Deadline: 11th April, 2022
  • Prize: 1st £1200 ; 2nd £300 ; 3rd £100 , with a local prize of £50 , for the best entry from any BA, BS, GL or SN postcode unplaced in the main competition. In addition there is The Acorn Award of £100 for the best entry from an unpublished writer, unplaced in the main competition.
  • No. of Prizes to be won: 5

The Iowa Short Fiction Award & John Simmons Short Fiction Award

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Themes/Genres accepted: All
  • Closing Deadline: Mailed between August 1st to September 30th, 2022
  • Prize: Award-winning manuscripts will be published by the University of Iowa Press under the Press’s standard contract.

Anthology Magazine Short Story Competition

Anthology Magazine Short Story Competition is open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world.

  • Submission Guidelines: short-story-award-submissions-open-anthology-magazine-2021
  • Submission Fees: Early Bird:  30 April 2022 – €10 per story Deadline:  31 August 2022 – €15 per story
  • Themes/Genres accepted: Stories submitted must be on the theme of ‘Courage’ and not exceed the maximum of 1,500 words. Writers can submit as many entries as they wish.
  • Closing Deadline: 31st August 2022
  • Prize: The winner will receive a €500 cash prize  and the chance to see their work published in a future issue of  Anthology . The winner will also receive a one-year subscription to Anthology  magazine
  • Literary Quotient: Medium

Muse of the Month- Short Story Contest by Women’s Web

Women’s Web as the name suggests is a site dedicated to encouraging women to share their stories. Since 2014, Women’s Web hosts a monthly short story contest where each month they give out a cue, which in turn is based on a theme decided for the year. The participants are expected to write a short story based on the cue and submit it.

  • Submission Guidelines: Muse Of The Month December 2021 With Ranjani Rao – Women’s Web: For Women Who Do (
  • Submission Fees: NIL. However, the submission has to be uploaded after registering with Women’s Web. The registration is free.
  • Genre/Themes accepted : All but in accordance with the cue shared based on the theme of the year.
  • Closing deadline: Varies from month to month. Usually mid of the month. The last date to submit entries for the July 2022 prompt is by 3 P.M of 14th July, 2022
  • Prize: The top 5 winners are published in mostly the last week of the month, Monday to Friday, and get an Amazon voucher as a prize. Furthermore, since 2016, all the winning stories of the year are automatically eligible to be chosen from, for the year end e-book that the Women’s Web team publishes and is released at the Orange Flower Awards.

Bristol Short Story Prize

The Bristol Short Story Prize is an international writing competition based in Bristol, UK, which aims to publish great short stories and promote the stories and writers as much as possible.

  • Submission Guidelines: Bristol Short Story Prize | Short Story writing competition to promote great stories and writers (
  • Submission Fees: £9 ( There are 250 free online entries available to   those for whom the entry fee is a barrier to submitting to the 2022 Bristol Short Story Prize  – for instance, those on low income or without paid employment. The free entries will be offered on a 50 per month basis with any remaining carried over to the following month. Those wishing to enter using the free entry option may do so via our  online entry facility . There is one free entry available per person.  No email request or any other method of application is necessary to use the free entry option.  No distinction between free entries and those submitted paying the entry fee will be made during the reading and judging processes.
  • Genres or Themes Accepted: The maximum length of submissions is 4,000 words (does not include title), there is no minimum length. Stories can be on any theme or subject and are welcome in any style including graphic, verse or genre-based (Crime, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Romance, Children’s etc.)
  • Closing Deadline: May 4th, 2022
  • Prize: Published in an anthology. Prizes for 2022 are: 1st prize-£1000, 2nd prize -£500, 3rd prize -£250. Each of the 17 remaining shortlisted writers will receive £100. An additional prize of £100,  The Sansom Award,  in recognition of the contribution to Bristol publishing of  John and Angela Sansom,  will be presented to the highest placed story by a Bristol writer. If no story by a Bristol writer is selected for the 2022 Bristol Short Story Prize longlist, Bristol Short Story Prize reserve the right not to present the Sansom Award. In the event of two or more stories by Bristol writers being selected for the 2022 Bristol Short Story Prize longlist, Angela Sansom will select the winner of  The Sansom Award .

The Writing Quarter Short Story Prize 2022

  • Submission Guidelines : Competition – The Writing Quarter
  • Genres/Themes accepted: The Writing Quarter runs a monthly free-to-enter short story competition. This is an ongoing monthly competition with the deadline being the last day of each month.
  • Closing Deadline: Last day of each month
  • Prize:  $ 30


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23 Responses

Quite exhaustive . Please keep me posted with the latest development. I blog at Speaking Tree and Word Press. And also contribute to Free Press Journal Mumbai. I have authored four books- The Matter of the Mind, Make The Mind Mount Kailasa and The Infinite Mind (coauthored) and NaMo303 Words to Victory. I belong to the Indian Railway Traffic Service and am currently posted as Principal Chief Operations Manager North Central Railway Prayagraj. Also I am faculty of the Art of Living. Normally I write on Mind Matters, Yoga ,Meditation, also on travelogues and personalities. I have also written some short stories. Can you please provide contacts in papers and magazines where I can contribute.

Thanks. I am glad you found value. I am afraid we cannot provide any press contacts. Thanks!

Thank you Sir. This list was much needed at this hour…and with clear-cut information.

Hey I saw a few more which you can add maybe

Toto funds the arts award..I think they closed but they are old and can be in the list for next year

Bombay Review awards, they have a submission fee but free for below 25. Also a paid contest for new Dalit Writing

Sharing Stories the Facebook group has a best first book awatd. They have a website too now it is India based.

Hey Rahul, thank you so much for sharing these with us! We will check them out and add to the list once we find relevant details.

Grants too……seems interesting

Very nice information provided by you. Once we get the relevant details, we will check them and add them to the list.

Hi, Thanks for all the information. But seems like they are all passé. Do you have the latest list with relevant submission dates? Thanks IshaB

Hi Isha. We’ll update this list with new dates and information this month. Thanks.

It’s good. There is a another magazine you must include. “Shabdodweep”. Shabdodweep is an international web magazine for all writers, artist, and photographers to publish their creative activities. Writing language is Bengali.

In every month 2 times writing contest are going on. Participation is free of cost. Anyone who have writings in Bengali can submit their articles, poetry, story etc.

Please add the magazine name in this list.

Shabdodweep Web Magazine

In 2022 also there any competition please say that date and information about that.

We are currently working on updating this list.

Kindly update the list for 2022

Hi, thanks! We will do it soon.

Contract forming

Hey! This list has quite helped me a lot and I have sent many of my short stories to the websites recommended here. So thank you for that 😊 But now this list has become outdated and thus I wish that you keep to your promise and update this list frequently 💜. Then it would be helpful to me and hopefully a plethora of dreamers pursuing their ambitions. Once again thank you for accompanying me in this hopeful journey called life.

Thanks a million. This has been so helpful. You’re a great resource. Deeply appreciate.

I have self published my book, Values and School Practices’ by Power Publishers Kolkata. There are stories of true events related to students of tribal students, life of tribals. The atrocities, bias and discrimination against tribals and scheduled caste are also dealt in some stories. The human values and the need of social justice are illustrated in each of the stories . Where can I apply for an award/recognition?

Congratulations, Shivendra. You might find some relevant awards at this link:

Fiction books have always held a special place in my heart, and I wanted to leave a comment to express my appreciation for the captivating world they create. Whether it’s a thrilling mystery, a heartwarming romance, or a mind-bending science fiction tale, fiction books have the power to transport us to different realms, evoke a range of emotions, and ignite our imagination.

Congrats everyone.

Wow! This article is simply amazing !!!

Sir How to ensure that the stories submitted are not stolen or plagiarized?

You have to trust the process. If you’re very particular, you can copyright them as explained at

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Announcing Winners of the ‘Essay Writing Competition’ Reading Time : 7 minutes -->

essay writing competition 2021 in india for college students

  • Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

essay writing competition 2021 in india for college students

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India organized the ‘Essay Writing’ on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, 2021. The entries for the competition was called from 31 st May, 2021 to 18 th June, 2021 and received tremendous response across the country. This competition was organized to explore the creative instinct of students from classes 8 th – 10 th ; 11 th & 12 th and college students (under graduation), and encourage them to express their ideas on  “Protection of future generation from harmful effects of tobacco.

Each downloadable entry was carefully evaluated by the Committee, in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of the competition. We are glad to announce the list of top 3 winners in each category (8 th , 9 th , 10 th , 11 th & 12 th and college students (under graduation) of the Essay Writing Competition . Certificate of Participation  will be given to the genuine entries, that have been downloaded and evaluated and have also followed the terms and conditions given for the competition. The certificate will be sent through email only and a hard copy will not be issued.

Click here to view the list of winners of the Essay Writing Competition.

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  • Social Sciences

2024 Free-Entry International Writing Contests

  • Author: Alianess Benny Njuguna

This article lists a number of free writing contests.

This article lists a number of free writing contests.

R M Media Ltd

Submit Your Writing for the Win

Look no further if you're searching for writing competitions to participate in. Herein, you'll find an updated list of writing contests that are free to enter, covering essays, poetry, short story, and creative nonfiction, just to name but a few.

The writing contests curated within this article are genuine; you don't have to worry about submitting your entry to a scam competition.

Note that the updated list contains contests that are restricted to a certain geographic region and contests that accept entries from any part of the world. Additionally, some of the contests listed are limited to certain age groups or restricted to students of a certain age group or those with certain levels of education.

As always, if you don't win in one contest, try your hand in another one. And, don't be discouraged! There are plenty of contests available for whatever reason you might have in wanting to enter your entry.

2024 January Deadline

1. immerse education essay competition.

Open to: Students of all nationalities

Entrants are required to submit essay responses to a pre-set question relating to their chosen subject.

10 winners will receive a 100% scholarship, and runner-ups will be awarded partial scholarships of up to 50% to study their chosen subject with Immerse.

The winning entrants can use the awarded scholarship in enrolling in any of Immerse's residential summer school programmes offered at Cambridge, Oxford, London or Sydney. Alternatively, they can utilize the awarded scholarship towards an online programme.

Deadline: January 4, 2024

Details here .

2. Biopage Storytelling Contest

They're looking for inspiring, uplifting, and heartwarming stories.

Open to: Anyone from everywhere, every country, every corner of the world.

Length: 1,000 words



Wellington House: Britain's WW1 Propaganda Bureau

Winner - $300

Five runner-ups - $100 each

The winners will be determined by the quality of writing, and the votes by other users' likes and comments.

Deadline: January 31, 2024

3. Voice Talent Scholarship Competition 2023-2024

Open to: Students enrolled in a university or college anywhere in the world.

#1: Top Five Tips for Voice Overs

#2: Voice Talent in Gaming: Golden Age or Obsolete?

#3: Auto-captions in Video Translations: Helpful or Hurtful?

You can write one blog post on any of the topics, two of them, or three of them. You are required to write a blog post and send the url of the blog entry on their application form.

Length: 300-500 words

3 scholarships worth $3,000

Woman Reading Book Near Cat

Woman Reading Book Near Cat

Photo by P T on Unsplash

4. Profile in Courage Essay Contest

Describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917, the year John F. Kennedy was born. Include an analysis of the obstacles, risks, and consequences associated with the act. The essay may concern an issue at the local, stage, national, or international level.


The contest is open to United States high school students in grades nine through twelve attending public, private, parochial, or home schools; U.S. students under the age of twenty enrolled in a high school correspondence/GED program in any of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, or the U.S. territories; and U.S. citizens attending schools overseas.

The winner receives a $10,000 cash award. If the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation holds the 2024 Profile in Courage Award event in person, the winner and her/his/their fang will be invited to travel to Boston to accept her/his/their award in May 2024. Travel and lodging expenses will be paid for the trip to Boston for the winning student and her/his/their parents.

Second-place winner receives $3,000. Five finalists receive $1,000 each. Right semifinalists receive $100 each. Two students receive honourable mentions.

The nominating teacher of the firs-place winner is also invited to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library to receive the John F. Kennedy Public Service Grange in the amount of $500 for a hool projects encouraging students leadership and civic engagement. Travel and lodging expenses will be paid for the trip to Boston.

All participants receive a Certificate of Participation.

Deadline: January 12, 2024

5. 2024 Essay Contest - High School Category

Open to: Grades 9-12 students who are attending a public or private school or reside in Washington, D.C., or Montgomery County, MD.

Topic: Open

  • Length: 500 words

1st place - $250 and published in the July/August issue of Bethesda Magazine.

2nd place - $150

3rd place - $50

All winning essays will be published on the Bethesda Urban Partnership and Bethesda Magazine websites and will be honored at a special event during the Local Writer's Showcase, March 15, 2024.

Deadline: January 16, 2023

6. Story Unlikely's Annual Short Story Contest

Genre: Open

No restrictions on age or location of participants.

Length: 4,500 words

First place - $750

Second place - $500

Third place - $250

The winning story will be featured on Story Unlikely's website. All three placing stories will be published in the monthly issue. Honorable Mentions will receive a certificate and considered for publication in their monthly magazine or podcast.

Deadline: January 31, 2023

7. ALMANAC 2024 Essay Contest

Subject: The Best Money I Ever Spent

Length: 200 words

First prize - $300

Second prize - $200

Third prize - $100

8. The TSL 2024 International Student Essay Competition

Open to : 7-18 year old students

Theme: Nature Based Solutions

They state, "We want to hear students' own views on how they feel that nature can support the achievement of SDGs in their own communities...They are strongly encouraged to include their own personal views, perspectives and experiences to help bring their thoughts and visions alive."

One Overall Grand Winner will receive a trophy and a cash prize of £1000 and £500 for their school, with one Runner Up receiving a trophy and a cash prize of £500 and £250 for their school. All participating Teacher Champions, Essay Finalists and Honourable Mentions, and International Debate participants, will receive personalized e-certificates.

Deadline: January 18, 2024

9. Past Forward Essay Competition 2024

Submission of articles which "must focus on a local history topic within geographical boundaries of Wigan Borough."

a) Adults - 1,000 words

b) 11-18 year - 500 words

c) 10 years and under - 200 words


a) Adults - 18 years and over

b) 11-18 years

c) 10 years and under

a) 1st prize - £100

b) 2nd prize - £75

c) 3rd prize - £50

d) Five runners-up prizes of £25

11-18 years

a) 1st prize - £20 gift vouchers

b) 2nd prize - £15 gift vouchers

c) 3rd prize - £10 gift vouchers

10 years and under

The winning articles will be published in

Past Forward Magazine along with other submissions.

Deadline: January 15, 2024

Cat on Laptop

Cat on Laptop

February Deadline

1. young voices in the chemical sciences for sustainability.

Theme: How can chemical Sciences contribute to 'decarbonizing' the production of energy and to eliminate the generation or release of greenhouse gases from large-scale manufacturing and agricultural processes?

Open to: Individuals, internationally, who are under the age of 35

Length: 1,500 words

Regional winners will receive a prize of $500 and a Winner's certificate and the Regional Winners' essay will be published in RSC Sustainability.

Each Finalist will receive a Finalist's certificate and the Finalists' essays will be collected in an annual compendium, Young Voices in the Chemical Sciences for Sustainability, published as a PDF online and available on IOCD's website.

East Asia and Pacific

Europe and Central Asia

Latin America and Caribbean

Middle East and North Africa

North America

Sub-Saharan Africa

Deadline: February 28, 2024

Details here

2. 2024 SADC Tertiary Institution Essay Competition

Topic: What in your opinion has SADC achieved since its formation; and does it reflect the vision of its founders?

Eligibility: Tertiary institution-going learners from SADC Member States

Length: 4,000 words

The entries will be coordinated by the Ministries of Education in all respective SADC Member States. It is the responsibility of Government officials in SADC Member States to submit the top three (3) essays to SADC Secretariat for adjudication at regional level.

The winners at the regional level will be added as follows:

1st prize - $2,000

2nd prize - $1,500

3rd prize - $1,000

The top 10 winners will all receive certificates signed by the Chairperson of the SADC organ on Politics, Defense and Security. There will be no monetary rewards for national winners, but certificates of recognition for the top three (3) essays from each Member States.

NOTE: The Secretariat will not accept entries from individuals and as such those entries will be disregarded and disqualified.

February 29, 2024 - Entrants should send their entries to the Ministry of Education in their respective SADC Member State

March 31, 2024 - Ministry of Education should send to the Secretariat the entries they had received

3. 2024 Human Rights Essay Award

Topic: Protection and Assurance of Human Rights in Digital Environment all

Eligibility: Must hold a law degree, Juris Doctor, (J.D), Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), or equivalent

An entrant should have a demonstrated experience or interest in international human rights law.

Length: Not exceed 35 pages, including footnotes

The Academy will grant two Awards , one for best article in English and for the best article in Spanish. The Award in each case will consist of:

A full tuition scholarship to the Program if Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Las for either the Diploma or Certificate of Attendance options (travel, housing and per diem living expenses are not included)

The best articles may also be published in the American University International Law Review, which contains relevant and diverse academic material.

Deadline: February 1, 2024

March Deadline

1. the alpine fellowship writing prize 2024.

Theme: Language

All genres of writing are permitted, including fiction, non-fiction, and non-academic essays

Open to: All nationalities

Age: 18 years and above

Length: 2,500 words

First place - £3,000

Second place - £1,000

Third place - £1,000

The winner and runners-up will also be invited to attend their annual symposium. They will be offered up to £500 travel expenses to help with travel to the event and meals and accommodation during the symposium dates are also covered.

Deadline: March 1, 2024

2. OxBright Essay Competition 2024

Question: How does collaboration in [subject] support social impact and innovation? Discuss how working together is essential when addressing global challenges and creating meaningful challenge?

Open to: Anyone

Age: 15-18 years

Length: 3,800 characters ~ 500 words

Subjects: Architecture, Biology, Business, Computer Science & Coding, Writing and Journalism, Economics, Engineering, Geography, History, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology

The first 1,000 shortlisted entrants will be invited to attend on of OxBright Conferences, free of charge (worth £95) in the autumn.

All shortlisted entrants and their parents and teachers will be invited to attend the Award Ceremony in April 2024z where the winners will be announced.

Most Outstanding Essay (prize: a place on Oxford Scholastica Academy's residential Oxford Summer School in 2025, worth £6,995)

Best Essay for each subject category (prize: a place on an OxBright Online Course or Online Internship worth £995)

Highly Commended (prize: for the top 20% of entries, who will receive a Certificate of Achievement)

Deadline: March 31, 2024

3. WRA Essay Competition 2024

Topic: The water management strategies and technologies that can address climate issues in Jamaica

Open to: All registered high school students in Jamaica

Length: 800-1,500 words

First, second and third-place winners will be awarded gift vouchers valued at $40,000, $30,000 and $20,000, respectively. The winner will also be presented with a gift basket valued at $10,000. A 400-gallon tank will be donated to the school where the first-place winner attends.

Deadline: March 8, 2024

4. Young Family Historian Essay Contest 2024

Question: Share a story from your personal family history. What lessons have you learned from that story, and how can you apply those lessons to your life today?

Eligibility: All public, private, parochial, and home school students enrolled in grades 4-22 in any U.S. state or territory

a) Grades 4-6

b) Grades 7-8

c) Grades 9-12

a) Category A - 500 words

b)Category B - 750 words

c) Category C - 1,000 words

Each winner in each category will receive $500 and each semi finalist in each category will receive $250

Each winner and semifinalist will also receive a one-year student membership to American Ancestors.

5. Religious Liberty Essay Contest

Theme: Witness to Faith

They state, "Share a story about a witness to religious freedom. Participants should choose one person (or a group, such as an organization or community) who is important in the story of religious freedom.

Open to: All high school juniors and seniors

Length: 1,100 words

The first-place essay will be published on Our Sunday Visitor and awarded a $2,000 scholarship.

The second-place essay will receive a $1,000 scholarship and third-place will receive a $500 scholarship.

Deadline: March 29, 2024

6. 2024 Neureuther Student Essay Competition

They are open to essays about an applicant's personal book collections.

Book collections can reflect any genre, language, or time period.

Open to: Full-time Undergraduate and graduate Washington University's students

Length: 2-4 pages

Four cash awards will be awarded: $1,000 and $500 at the graduate and undergraduate levels

7. The Azim Premji University Short Story Contest for Young Writers 2024

Theme: Model Homes Layout

Accepted languages: English or Kannada

Open to: Any resident of Kannada (current or past) between the ages of 16 and 25

Length: 1,500-3,000 words and fictional

Two winners (Kannada and English) will receive a certificate if recognition and book coupons worth INR 5,000 each; four runners-up (two from each language) will receive book coupons worth INR 2,500

Deadline: March 10, 2024

April Deadline

1. casa África purorrelato 2024 micro-story contest.

Theme: Free

The micro-stories should be related to Africa in some way. The story could take place inside or outside the continent and its degree of relation with Africa could range from a detail to the total protagonism of the story.

Languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese

Previous winners are not eligible

First award - 750 euros

Second award - 375 euros

Third award - 225 euros

Deadline: April 16, 2024

2. The 2024 Essay Contest

Topic: Identify a specific unmet need in biomedical knowledge or a scientific question that is insufficiently addressed in biomedical research today

Open to: Medical students, interns, residents and fellows; doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in biomedical sciences; and graduate students training in health professions programs e.g. public health, dental, pharmacy, etc who are currently doing research. Applicants (from the US or any other country) must be currently participating in an educational program. This program may be located in any country.

Length: 800 words

Winners will receive up to $5,000. Monetary prizes will be directed to the winner's university to be used towards the winner's educational expenses.

The winning essay will be published in the July issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Deadline: April 2, 2024

3. The Letter Review Prize

Open to: Writers who live anywhere in the world

Categories: Short Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry and Unpublished Books

The Prize is held every two months in the above categories, and a yearly prize pool of $30,000 is awarded to winners in the mentioned categories.

a) The Letter Review Prize for Short Fiction

Theme: Open

Length: 5,000 words

i) 2-4 winning entries will be published

ii) The winners will share $1,000 Prize money.

iii) All entries will be considered for publication, submission to the Pushcart Prize, and for further anthologies

b) The Letter Review Prize for Poetry

Subject: Open

Style: Open

Length : Not more than 70 lines

  • 2-4 winning entries will be published
  • The winners will share $1,000 Prize money.
  • All entries will be considered for publication, submission to the Pushcart Prize, and for further anthologies

c) The Letter Review Prize for Nonfiction

d) The Letter Review Prize for Unpublished Books

They include Novels, Novellas, Short Story Collections and Nonfiction Books.

Length: 5,000 words (Don't send complete manuscript)

Entries must not have been traditionally published. They will accept unpublished , self-published, and indie-published as long as the author retains all copyright, and the work is not bound in any way to another party or publisher.

Deadline: April 30, 2024

3. Nappert Prize in International Arbitration

Topic: Submit unpublished papers on commercial arbitration or investment arbitration

Open to: Law students, junior scholars and junior practitioners from around the world. The authors must:

  • be either currently enrolled in a B.C.L., L.L.B., J.D., LL.M., D.C.L., or Ph.D. program (or other local equivalent) or
  • have taken their most recent law degree within the last year; or
  • have been admitted to the practice of law for no more than three years.

First place - CAN $4,000

Second place - CAN $2,000

Third place - CAN $1,000

Winners of all three awards will be required to present their essays at a symposium to be held at McGill University's Faculty of Law in Autumn 2024 (the expenses if the winners for attending the symposium will be covered)

The best oralist will receive an award of CAN $1,000

Language: English, French, Spanish

Length: 15,000 words

4. 2024 CNO Naval History Essay Contest

A) 2024 cno naval history contest - midshipmen and cadets.

The Challenge: Submit essays that apply lessons from throughout naval history to establishing, and maintaining maritime superiority in an era of great power competition

Eligibility: Students enrolled at the United States Naval Academy, United States Coast Guard Academy, the United States Merchant Marine Academy, and the State Maritime Academy or

Students enrolled in an official naval NROTC program

Length: 3,000 words

First Prize - $4,000

Second Prize - $2,000

Third Prize - $1,000

Winners will be published in Naval History magazine of Proceedings and online with the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC).

Copper Sheathing from USD CONSTITUTION (provided by NHHC).

Recognition on NHHC's website.

A one-year Naval Institute membership and a one-year subscription to Naval History magazine.

b) 2024 CNO Naval History Contest - Professional Historian

The Challenge: Submit essays that apply lessons from throughout naval history to solving today's Navy challenges

Eligibility: U.S. and international professional historians (including history museum curators, archivists, history teachers/professors, persons with history-related doctoral degrees)

Authors of books on naval history (not including self-published works)

Civilians who have published articles in an established historical or naval journal or magazine.

First Prize - $5,000

Second Prize - $2,500

c) 2024 CNO Naval History Contest - Rising Historian

Eligibility: Entrants that do not fall in the Professional Category and are either active duty, reservists, veterans, or federal civilian personnel of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, or U.S. Merchant Marine, or

Members of foreign militaries that have orders and are serving in an official billet in one of the above Services.

Third Prize - $1,500

5. Baen Fantasy Adventure Award

Genre: Fantasy

Length: 8,000 words

The GRAND PRIZE winner will be published as the featured story on the Baen Books main website and paid at industry-standard rates for professional story submitted. The author will also receive a handsome engraved award and a prize package containing $500 of free Baen Books.

SECOND place winner will receive a prize package containing $300 of cree Baen Books.

6. The Preservation Nonfiction Anial Stories Contest

Open to: Anyone from any country

Stories should be factual and true accounts of an encounter or encounters by the author with a wild animal or animals. These include, but are not limited to, birds, fish, butterflies, snails, lions, beats, turtles, wormbats etc., as long as it is not a domesticated animal or pet.

Length: 1,000-5,000 words

Winner - $200

Runner-up - $100

Finalists: certificates of achievement

7. The Wilbur & Nisi Smith Adventure Writing Prize - Author of Tomorrow

Age: 21 years and under from any nationality

What they are looking for: "We are looking for stories that focus on the thrill of the adventure, the excitement of discovery, and the triumph of bravery. We believe you can write a story that is not only thrilling, but also uplifting and inspiring for readers of all ages."

Categories, Length & Prizes:

Category 1:

  • Age: 16-21 years
  • Length: 1,500-3,000 words
  • Prize: £1,000

Category 2:

  • Age: 12-15 years
  • Length: 1,000-2,000 years
  • Prize: $250, pluss £150 in book tokens for their school, library or charity of choice

Category 3:

  • Age: 11 years and under
  • Prize: £100, plus £150 in book tokens for their school, library or charity of choice


Sarah Richter

May Deadline

1. china focus 2024 anuual essay contest.

Topic: Choose one of the two topics provided

Open to: Undergraduateand graduate students, and recent graduates. The entrants should be students enrolled during the 2023-24 academic year as well as students who graduated after May 23.

Language: English or Chinese

Length: 2,500 words (English) and Chinese - 3,000

2 winners will be awarded $1,000 each, including the 1990 Institute Prize and the Jimmy Carter Prize.

4 runner-ups will be awarded $500 each.

Deadline: May 1, 2024

2. Bacopa Literary Review

Age: 18 years and older

Entrants should submit one entry from one category only. The categories including word length are:

  • Fiction - 2,500 words
  • Flash fiction - 1,000 words
  • Creative Nonfiction - 2,500 words
  • Formal poetry - 1-3 poems
  • Free verse poetry - 1-2 poems
  • Visual poetry - 1 poem

$200 Award and $100 Honorable Mention in each of six categories.

Deadline: May 2, 2024

3. Casa África Essay Prize

Theme: intra-African immigration

Age: 18 years and above of any nationality

Length: 15,000-20,000 words

Language: Spanish, English, French or Portuguese

The winning work will be published in their Essay Prize Collection and awarded a prize of €2,000.

4. On The Premise Mini-Contest

Theme: The Hat

Length: 25-50 words

Only one entry per author is allowed.

The winning entries will be published, and awarded

$35 for first place

25$ for second place

$15 for third place

Deadline: May 3, 2024

5. The Cambridge Re:think Essay Competition

Prompt: Choose from the following areas: Religion and Politics, Political Science and Law, Linguistics, Environment, Sociology and Philosophy, Business and Investment, Public Health and Sustainability, Genetics, Biotechnology, African Intelligence and Neuroengineering.

Only one entry is allowed.

Open to: Students from around the world aged 14-18 years who have not yet commenced undergraduate studies (high school students).

Length: 2,000 words

Gold - 10 Global Recipients

  • $150 Cash Award, $500 CCIR Academy Scholarship and a digital award certificate

Silver - 19 Global Recipients

  • $100 Cash Award, $300 C IR Academy Scholarship and a digital award certificate

Bronze - 10 Global Recipients

  • $50 Cash Award, $200 CCIR Academy Scholarship and a digital certificate

Special Prizes

  • The Logos Prize for Best Argument
  • The Pathos Prize for Best Writing
  • The Ethos Prize for Best Research

Each Special Prize will be awarded to 1 recipient globally. The winner will receive $250 Cash Prize, $500 CCIR Academy Scholarship, a digital award certificate, an invitation to the Award Ceremony and Dinner at the University of Cambridge.

Honourable Mention - 10% of the total recipients

The participants will receive a digital certificate and invitation to the Award Ceremony and Dinner at the University of Cambridge.

All participants will receive a digital certificate.

Deadline: May 10, 2024

6. The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2024

Theme: One Resilient Common Future: Transforming Our Common Wealth

  • Senior Category (14-18 yrs)
  • Junior Category (under 14 years)

Open to: Nationals and residents of all Commonwealth countries and territories aged 28 and under, including entrants from Zimbabwe.

Entries are also accepted from residents of non-commonwealth countries who submit through their local RCS branch.

Entries can be presented in any form/method of creative writing. Pictures/illustrations are particularly engaged in the Junior Category.

Winners and Runners Up (accompanied by one adult/guardian) will be brought to London for a week of educational and cultural events, culminating in a special Award Ceremony.

A number of Gold Finalist, Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards will be given in both the Senior and Junior categories, rewarding excellence in writing.

All succesful entries will receive a certificate of participation.

Deadline: May 15, 2024

June Deadline

1. 2024 international essay content for young people.

Theme: My Experiences of Overcoming Conflict

Age: 25 years and below

a) Children (ages up to 14)

b) Youth (ages 15-25)

a) 700 words for English or French

b) 1600 characters for Japanese

1st prize - Certificate, prize of 100,000 yen (1 entrant)

2nd prize - Certificate, prize of 50,000 yen (1 entrant)

3rd prize - Certificate and gift (5 entrants)

Honorable Mention - Certificate and gift (25 entrants)

Deadline: June 15, 2024


Seven Shooter

July Deadline

1. john locke institute 2024 global essay prize.

Age: 18 years and below

Subject Categories: Philosophy, Politics, Economics, History, Psychology, Theology and Law

Each category has questions to choose one to base your essay on.

You should register before you submit your entry.

Registrations opens: April 1, 2024

Registration closes: May 31, 2024

There is a prize for the best essay in each category. The prize for each winner of a subject category, and the winner of the Junior category, is a scholarship worth US$2,000 towards the cost of attending any John Locke Institute programme, and the essays will be published on the Institute's website.

The candidate who submits the best essay overall will be awarded a honorary John Locke Institute Junior Fellowship, which comes with a US$10,000 scholarship to attend one or more of their summer schools and/or visiting scholars programme.

The competition is free-to-enter by the deadline of June 30, 2024. However, late entries will attract an entry fee of $20, the deadline being July 10, 2024.

2. The Woolf Essay Competition 2024

Topic: Choose a response from the questions provided

Open to: All women students currently in Year 13(or equivalent), from any country or school

Length: 1,500-2,500 words

The prizes are in form.of book tokens as follows:

First Prize - £300

Second Prize - £200

Third Prize - £100

Deadline: July 8, 2024

Questions & Answers

Question: Are there writing competitions for students below the age of 15?

Answer: Yes, there are, for instance, the Commonwealth competition. If a contest accepts entries from participants from the age of 13 upward, I will indicate so that you can know.

Question: Are the writing contests described in this article open for any age?

Answer: These contests are mostly opened for people above the age of 18. Wherein there is a specific age required for in a contest, I will indicate it. Some contests have not mentioned the age range but normally the interested participants should be 18 years and above.

Question: What is the preferred language when participating in international writing contests?

Answer: The preferred language is English. In each contest I have provided a link which will direct you to the website's contest page. In that page they will indicate which languages they accept. If they have not indicated which language you should use in submitting your entry, the English language is the preferable one or the one you should use.

Question: How can we send essays to the writing contests you mentioned in your article?

Answer: I have provided a link at the end of each contest. Click the link and it will direct you to that website's contest page. There you'll find details of how to send your essays, either through submission form or by email.

Question: How do you assist a writer to better his writing skills? Are scores given and corrections made in the form of feedback?

Answer: It depends on the organizers of the different contests. Due to a high number of submissions or entries, it is difficult for a participant or writer to get feedback in whatever form including corrections. However, a writer can better his writing skills by participating in many contests and joining writing groups. There are many online writing groups. Also, making use of online grammar correctors, both free and paid; reading various online articles that touch on grammar and spelling are other ways a writer can use to perfect his writing skills.

Question: Is there any entry contest for 17-years old in the short story category?

Answer: Yes, there are short story contests that accept entries from individuals who are below eighteen years of age.

Question: Are these writing contests open to all nationalities?

Answer: Yes, they are open to all nationalities.

Question: When will a new contest about the "outlook" on the people of the islands be available?

Answer: I have never heard of the contest but I will check on it, and inform you once I get information concerning it.

Question: Can participants from any country participate?

Answer: Yes, any individual from any country can participate in the contests. If a contest is reserved for individuals from a certain country, I will indicate in the contest.

Question: Are there writing competitions for 13 year olds?

Answer: Yes, there at writing contests for children from the age of 13 and onward.

Question: Are these international contests open to all, including those in the Phillippines?

Answer: Yes, the contests are open to all individuals. The contests which are open to a specific region or nation, I have indicated in such contests but the majority of contests are open to all.

Question: How do we know the results of writing and non-writing contests?

Answer: The editors of the contests usually send an email to the winners. A few of them send notification whether you have won or not.

Question: Can any child from any country participate in a free international writing contest?

Answer: Yes, children from the age of 13 onwards can participate. However, it depends on a contest. At the end of each contest, I have provided a link which you'll find is a word, especially here, which is in color. Click it and it will direct you to that contest page where it will provide you with more information and if you are eligible at your age. In the future, I will be indicating age to make it easier to know if someone under the age of 18 is eligible to participate.

Question: I am 36 years old from Pakistan. I am very good in creative writing. I write poetry and other stuff. I want to write a short story for this contest. Can I participate as my age is a bit over thirty?

Answer: This article lists contests. This webpage doesn't offer contests. Check each contest and at the end of each, I have provided a link to the contest. Click on it and you'll get more details on how to submit.

Question: Are there any essay competitions that have scholarship prizes attatched to them especially for African secondary students?

Answer: There are scholarship competitions for secondary school students both on Africa and in other countries.

I will update the list with scholarship contests once I come across such contests.

Question: I only write poetry, can I participate in writing competitions?

Answer: Yes, you can. Since there aren't many poetry competitions, don't limit yourself to writing poetry contests. Participate in short story and essay contests.

Question: Is there a mailing list for any of these free international writing and non-writing entry contests?

Answer: In some contests, yes but not many of them. When you click the link to the contests it will be indicated in that website contest's page whether there is.

Question: Can we send an essay through email to enter a writing contest?

Answer: Yes. Please check with each contest. They've indicated how they want entries to be submitted. I have provided a link at the end of each contest. Click the links to know how to submit.

Question: Are there any poetry competitions for students aged 13 or more?

Answer: Yes, there are poetry competitions for students from age 13 onwards. Please, keep on checking this contest page regularly as I will update them when I come across them.

Question: How will they give you the prize if you win the contests listed in this article?

Answer: If the prize is in form of cash (money) they'll send you the money through their preferred mode of payment e.g. PayPal, deposit to your bank account, western union, money gram and so on. If the prize is non-cash, they will send it to the postal address you've provided when they request it.

Question: Are there any writing competitions for people from India?

Answer: Yes. The writing contests listed on this page accept entrants from any part of the world. They are not limited to specific country. Only a few contests are limited to specific regions. In this case, I have noted the contests which are limited to specific regions.

Question: Can the essay be written on any topic for the 2019 Free International Writing contest? If not then what will be the topic for May 31 contest?

Answer: Yes, the essay can be on any topic. Additionally, you can write more than one essay since one is free to choose one topic to base his/her essay on or several of the topics meaning you can write more than one essay on the different topics.

Question: Are these writing competitions international in scope?

Answer: Yes, these competitions accept people from any part or region of the world. There are some contests that are restricted to certain regions. I have indicated the contests that accept entrants from a specific region. Those that I haven't indicated accept international entrants.

Question: Do fanfiction writing contests exist?

Answer: They do exist. Sadly, they are not common among contests. However, when a contest invites people to submit their contests and they don't request certain genres to be submitted, you can submit this genre. Many shirt contests don't specify which genre to submit.

Question: Are there writing competitions for students below the age of 13?

Answer: Yes, there are contests for children under the age of 13 years.

Question: Are these writing contests scams? I live in India. How can I get cash prizes from these writing contests? I hope this is not a scam because I have lost money in the same way while participating in this kind of competitions.

Answer: The contests I list on this page are genuine and reputable. The good thing about these contests is that they're free to enter. If you don't win, you won't lose the money you paid to enter the contest.

Question: Are there writing competitions for people below the age of 18?

Answer: Yes, there are competitions that accept entrants who are below the age of 18.

Question: How many words should I write in the contest about teachers?

Answer: The minimum words they accept is 6 and the maximum is 749. Thus, your entry should be between 6 to 749 words.

Question: Are there any handlettering competitions?

Answer: There are some competitions that accept submission through postal mail but they should be typed. However, it is difficult to come across a handlettering competition.

Question: Are there any poetry contests?

Answer: Many poetry contests are usually held during the first five months. Keep checking back.

Question: Can any nationality join the international writing contests?

Answer: Yes, all the contests listed in this page accept submission from any nationality. They are not limited to a specific nationality or country.

However, I will include the name of a region (s) if a contest has limited its submission to a specific nation(s).

Question: Are the International Writing contests listed in this article online?

Answer: Yes, all of these contests are online.

Question: Are there any competitions for quotes, poetry, Shayari and fiction for students between the ages of 15 to 17?

Answer: There is a quote contest you might be interested in.

Also, there is poetry competition at the age range you've indicated.

Lastly, there is a short story contest that accept entrants from the age of 16 onwards.

I will post the contests this week.

Question: Can I submit the same piece of writing in multiple competitions if it's following their rules like word limit and genre?

Answer: Yah, it's possible. However, read each contest's rules to be certain they accept the same piece of work which has been submitted to another competition(s). If they haven't indicated, it's best to avoid it.

Question: Are these international contests free to enter/participate?

Answer: Yes, the contests are free to enter. Any individual from any part of the world can participate. Some contests are targeted at a different age group.

Question: For the Bracken Bower Prize 2019, it says it is open to people under 35. Would a 12-year old be able to enter?

Answer: Unfortunately, it won't apply to you. It is for those who are between the ages of 18-35.

Question: If I win a contest and I live in India, how will I get my prize?

Answer: There are different ways you can get the cash prizes depending on the contest. Some pay through PayPal which means you've to register for a PayPal account.

If it's not indicated in a contest how the cash will be paid, you will need to wait till the winners are announced. It will be communicated to you how you'll be paid.

I think it's best you register for a PayPal account online as it's by may companies or organizations to pay individuals.

Question: How can we submit entries for the Free International Writing contest?

Answer: At the end of each contest, I have provided a link to the contest's page which provides information how to submit your entry. Examples: Click here. The 'here' in red colour is a link you need to click. Or, if you see at the end of a contest a letter(s) in red, it's a link. Click it; then you will be directed to the contest's page which provides the necessary information.

Question: Is there any age restriction for the 2019 Free International Writing Contest?

Answer: Some contests are limited to a certain age. If a contest doesn't mention the minimum age to enter the contest, then it means it's open to people from the age of eighteen onwards.

Question: I am a 52-years old Indian man. I love writing essays in English and I am an invalid like Mr. Stefan Hawking. Is there any online competition in an English essay contest in which I can participate?

Answer: There are English essay contests you can participate in. Most of the essays contests accept entrants above the age of 18 thus you fit the age requirement. Browse through this contest page to find an essay contest that accepts entrants over the age of either 16 or 18.

Question: How can I register for a writing contest?

Answer: At the end of each listed contest, there is a link. It is a word that is highlighted in colour, mostly 'here.' Click it. It will direct you to a page where you will get information on how to register or participate.

Question: Should I write in the Tamil language to enter the contests listed here? Are Tamil language entries accepted?

Answer: The contests listed on this page don't require the use of Tamil language to submit your entry. Some of these contests have indicated specific languages to use, not the Tamil language.

Question: I had started writing for Hubpages from 2013 to 2016 before I stopped due to an injury. I would like to continue. Is everyone allowed to write on HubPages or just a specific community or only us nationals?

Answer: Anyone from any region of the world can be registered at the site -Hubpages. It isn't limited to a specific community, country or people.

Since you didn't delete your Hubpages account, you can continue writing articles for the site. If you remember your username and password, you're good to go. If you can't remember your password, you can click the 'forgot password" under the log-in page.

Question: Are there writing competitions for the people above the age of fifty?

Answer: Yes. These competitions are for people above the age of eighteen. If there is a specific age or age bracket I will note it but if the age bracket isn't indicated, then individuals of any age can participate.

Question: I am from Ethiopia, Africa. Can I participate in any free writing contests?

Answer: Yes, you can participate. The contests listed on this page accept writers from any country. The only contests that accept writers from a certain country are those that I have indicated the contests are restricted to writers from 'this' country. The contests that I haven't indicated they accept writers from a specific country are contests which any individual from any nation can participate.

Question: Are there online writing contests for 13-years old entrants?

Answer: Yes, there are writing contests for 13-years old entrants. This contest page is always updated therefore keep on checking to see if your age is included.

Question: Are there any writing contests for international residents this year?

Answer: I'm afraid, no. There aren't residents contests for international applicants. They are limited to certain residents from a specific region.

Question: Will I have to register before writing my essay for the International writing contest?

Answer: I'm not sure which essay you're referring to but if you're asked you have to register or fill a form before submitting your entry, then you have to do so.

Question: I started filling the form for card poetry but I couldn't submit it. When I write my content, the tab for submitting disappears. How can I complete the submission to a contest?

Answer: I haven't yet submitted mine. Have you tried several times and it has failed? It might result from poor network reception.

If you have tried several times but the problem persists, try on a different smartphone or computer. If it persists, contact the Blue Mountain Arts. There might be some technical problems.

Question: There is a contest you've listed whose deadline is 21 September 2019. When will they announce the winner?

Answer: At the end of the contest, I have included a link. Click it and it will direct you to the contest's page where they have indicated announcement of winners. If they have not indicated, wait for their email. They will notify you if you're the winner.

© 2017 Alianess Benny Njuguna

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on August 25, 2020:

@Thomas, unfortunately, most of these competitions are eligible to entrants who are above the age of 18.

Here is a contest that you might want to join as it accepts entries of those under 18: 'Creative Writing Ink Competition.'

Once I come across a competition for your age, I will post.

K.H Thomas on August 24, 2020:

Can a 13 year old join in the competitions?

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on July 28, 2020:

@Lakshanya, you're welcome.

Lakshanya on July 27, 2020:

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on July 24, 2020:

Thank you, S.rjarajan.

@Sadhna, unfortunately, there are no writing competitions in Hindi.

S.rjarajan on July 23, 2020:

Sadhna on July 23, 2020:

How I can participate in a writing competition in Hindi

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on July 15, 2020:

At the end of a contest, you'll see 'Details here.' Click or press 'here.' It is a link which will direct you to the contest's page.

Janet on July 14, 2020:

How do we submit please

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on July 09, 2020:

You're welcome

Favour on July 09, 2020:

@Favour, at the end of each contest, you will see 'Details here.' Click or press 'here.' It will direct you to that contest's page. The 'here' is linked to that particular contest's page.

where should i click to the competition page

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on July 08, 2020:

@Pinkey, at the end of each competition, you'll see 'Details here.' Click here which is a link. It will direct you to the competition's page where you'll get information how to submit and further guidelines.

Pinkeymughal on July 08, 2020:

I am an Pakistani please take me in this competition

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on July 07, 2020:

@Favour, you can join the contests as they accept entries from all over the world. The contests that contain 'restricted to..' are only eligible for a certain country (ies). Those that don't contain 'restricted to...' are eligible to anyone in the world.

Favour on July 07, 2020:

hi ,am in Africa can i join this competition.

please am in Africa can i join these competition

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on July 06, 2020:

main vah nahin hoon jo kantestents ko host kar raha hai. main vaastavik svatantr pratiyogita khojata hoon aur unhen post karata hoon. pratyek pratiyogita ke ant mein mainne ek link shaamil kiya hai jo aapako pratiyogita ke prshth par nirdeshit karega. vahaan aapako sabamit karane kee jaanakaaree milegee

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on June 28, 2020:

@Nisha, yes you can send an essay as an educator. If the contest hasn't indicated the age entrance, you can participate. If it has, and your age falls in the age range of the contest, you can participate. But if the age indicated is below 18 years, you can't enter that contest.

Nisha on June 28, 2020:

Can an educator send essay who is above 20?

@Rehan, there are two contests that fit the criterion you've indicated. The deadline for the contests is July. They are: Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award & 2020 Essay Competition.

Rehan Sheikh on June 26, 2020:

Is there any international writing contest for 12 year old child? Kindly assist me

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on June 26, 2020:

@Rusell, most of the listed contests accept entrants who are above the age of 30. Unless it is indicated that a contest accepts a certain age range, the contest is eligible for participants at the age of 18 and onwards.

This means, if a contest indicates it accepts entrants above the age of 18 or doesn't list the entry age, the contest is applicable for individuals who are 18 years and above.

Russel Bitchayda on June 25, 2020:

Is there Essay contest for 30 years old and above?

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on June 24, 2020:

@Rubayet, there are scientific-related competitions but they're less frequent than non-scientific contests.

When I come across scientific contests, I will post it.

Rubayet Alam on June 24, 2020:

is there any scientific or science-related article writing competition?

Kurie on June 19, 2020:

Hello, I found this page to be very helpful :) but I'm in Africa and a variety of the competitions are restricted. Not sure if you can help me find competitions i can compete in.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on June 14, 2020:

@Zahra, unfortunately, I am not the one holding the contests. I have listed contests that are free and genuine.

In each contest, I have included a link that will direct you to the contest page where it lists how you can submit your entry.

At the end of each contest, you'll Details here. Click here which is a link to the contest's page.

In each contest, I have included the deadline. The deadline indicated is the correct one.

Students can participate in the contests if they are 18 and above.

Zahra Ali on June 13, 2020:

In the recent Writers Contest can students participate? What is the correct deadline please acknowledge

Zahra Ali ( [email protected]) on June 13, 2020:

Please send in the email address where we can send our writings for competition. Thank you.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on June 03, 2020:

@Renuga, all the contests are free to enter.

Renuga on June 03, 2020:

Did all the events are really free?

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on April 10, 2020:

Thank you, Rajpereira.

Rajpereira on April 10, 2020:

Useful information

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on March 27, 2020:

Not all contests offer certificate of participation. It depends with an organizer of a contest.

Saksham on March 26, 2020:

Should we get certificate

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on March 24, 2020:

Thank you, Casey. I appreciate bringing fort these two contests. I will post them on the contest page.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on February 27, 2020:

Thank you, You don't need to know. Maybe you'll find the contest you want in future.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on February 26, 2020:

Thank you, You don't need to know. Maybe future contests will.interest you.

Thank you, [email protected]

You don't need to know on February 26, 2020:

Thank anyways I couldn't find a a contest

[email protected] on February 26, 2020:

I like what your doing

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on February 21, 2020:

Thank you, Alifiya

Alifiya on February 21, 2020:

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on January 12, 2020:

Thank you, Neelamani. I appreciate it.

Neelamani Sutar on January 12, 2020:

Your site is a great platform for writers. I always get valuable information.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on January 08, 2020:

In some contests individuals who are less than 18 years can participate. When contests require people of below 18 years to participate incl 12 years, I will indicate in the details of the contest.

anonymous on January 07, 2020:

is a twelve year old eligible to participate in any writing contests?

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on December 18, 2019:

M. Kalaivani, I don't conduct the contests or organizer of any of the contests on this page. I list genuine free to enter contests. I have provided links under each contest which will direct you to the contests' page where you can find more information on how to submit.

You can send your entry to the address provided if the contest allows. Or you can access a computer that is internet enabled at your local cyber cafe.

M.kalaivani on December 18, 2019:

I have many story .but I don't have cell.plese give a chance send letter to the address

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on December 04, 2019:

Thank you, Donna. I wish you all the best in the contests which you'll participate.

Donna L Stoycoff from Hollister, California on December 04, 2019:

Thank you for sharing all these links to writing contests. I am going to enter some of the poetry contest! Awesome article!

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on December 02, 2019:

Thank you, Sayali

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on December 01, 2019:

Thank you, Sayali for the feedback.

Sayali Sharad rane on November 30, 2019:

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on November 26, 2019:

Thank you, Jupitara.

jupitara kalita on November 16, 2019:

thanks a lot for the information

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on October 30, 2019:

Thank you, Diana

Thank you Nonso, you found this helpful.

Diana on October 30, 2019:

Nonso on October 23, 2019:

I'm really glad I found these. Thanks alot!

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on October 19, 2019:

Thank you, Shirly. Much appreciated.

Shirly Singh on October 19, 2019:

This site was bery helpful... i.never knew it had so many writing contests.

shivanshi on September 27, 2019:

gamsamnida, thank you for putting everything at a single place. it helped a lot.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on September 27, 2019:

You are welcome, Daanish.

Daanish on September 27, 2019:

thank you for this

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on September 23, 2019:

Thanks Afshin for considering us. I will post your contest.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on September 18, 2019:

Thank you, Afshin for considering us. I will include it in this list.

Afshin on September 18, 2019:

Great resource!

I just launched our 2019 Short Story Competition and I'm hoping that you can add it to your list. It expires on November 10th of 2019.

Here's the link for the competition information:

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on September 16, 2019:

@nyi, postal code refers to sending mail through postal mail. This is when you take the envelope containing a letter or whatever is in the envelope to the post office so that they can send it to the intended person.

I think is what you are asking.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on September 13, 2019:

@Rana. You can join anytime. Each contest has a deadline. Choose the contest you want and submit your entry before the deadline.

nyi one/[email protected] on September 13, 2019:

what is postal code?please I want to know this word for form writing.

Rana on September 09, 2019:

Can I join now??

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on September 05, 2019:

Thank you, Sujwin for considering this webpage in announcing your contest. I will include it in this page.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on August 29, 2019:

I don't know what you mean but the contests are helpful in a number of ways e.g. sharpening your writing skills, recognition of winning a contest and winning the mentioned prizes.

caitlyn on August 25, 2019:

is this helpful?

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on July 07, 2019:

Thank you, Kasha.

Kansha on July 07, 2019:

Thanks for the list! Really helpful and informative

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on June 11, 2019:

I agree with you, Rakesh.

rakesh pattar Aikur on June 11, 2019:

essay competition is very good for students and modern youths

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on June 08, 2019:

Tishya, I am not the organizer of these competitions. I have only listed contests that are free to enter. Choose the contest you want as there are many short story contests to choose from the above list. At the end of each contest I have provided a link, which is a one word in colour. Click it and you will be directed to another page where you will get information how to apply. Try your lack because they are free to participate.

Tishya on June 08, 2019:

Writing is my passion and my dream is to become a writer.I have written a number of stories based on the mind contents of a teenager . I have written motivational stories and stories that can enhance a teenage mind. I am just searching for a chance. I request you to give me a chance.

Rohan singh on June 03, 2019:

I am rohan from jamshedpur jharkhand

Writing is my hobby and I want to become a writer. I have written many stories in my copy .please give me a chance to write a story. I writes horror stories,sad stories, about dream. So sir please give me a chance to participate in this contest

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on June 01, 2019:

@ Any, yes you can participate in the contests. You are not required to be a professional writer to participate.

Choose the contest you want, click the link at the end of the contest you want. The link is in colour. It will take you to the contest's page where you will get more information about the contest. You can participate in many contests you want.

@ Manish, I'm not the one holding contests. I have only listed the contests. Read the contest you want then click a link at the end of the contest which will take you to you the contest's page where you will get more information how to participate. The link is red in colour.

Ensure you only write the names of one person. You can write together but only put the name of one person in your entry.

Anu on May 31, 2019:

Sir I am an Indian Housewife, no professional writer, can I participate in competitions

Manish Kashyap on May 31, 2019:

I Manish Kashyap and my Girl Friend Mrigakshi Kashyap we are in a relationship since class 8 and we want to write essay together so please give us a chance now immediately.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on May 30, 2019:

At the end of each contest, I have included a link that directs you to the website's contest page. There you'll find information how to send your entry.

When you see a word in colour at the end of each contest, that is the link you need to click. It will direct you to another website where it contains more information about the contest and how to send your entry.

Tia on May 30, 2019:

Where should I send my writing like Short story, poem, essay?

Yes, you can participate in any of the contest including short stories that have been posted in this page.

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on May 24, 2019:

Thank you, Glory. I am glad to hear this article was helpful to you. If you ever win from any of these contests let me know. It will mean a lot to me.

@Krishna, there are free entry poetry contests for people under the age of 18. As of now, I haven't come across one but keep on checking. When I come across the free poetry contests, I will post them in this contest page.

Glory Godday on May 24, 2019:

this article is an open door for writers, including one like me

Krishna kant sharma on May 21, 2019:

Is there any poetry contest in written form for below 18 years of age and with free entry for Indian residents

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on May 09, 2019:

It will depend with the contest. Some allow you to publish the work you have submitted and won to other contests or online sites. If you don't win, you are free to submit the work in any contest. Do click the link I have provided under each contest to learn if you can own rights to your work or they will be reverted to the contest.

Eddy on May 07, 2019:

Do I still own my work if I will or don't??!Like I can publish it??

Alianess Benny Njuguna (author) from Nairobi, Kenya on April 28, 2019:

This article contains list of free short story and essay contests. I have included a link under each contest, which is red in colour. Click it and it will direct you to the contests page which contains more information.

Ayena bridget on April 28, 2019:

I was looking for more essay and short story writing contests that are free to enter and open internationally for all. If you can assist me please give in your links.


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19 Free Writing Contests With Cash Prizes in 2021

19 Free Writing Contests With Cash Prizes in 2021

Below are 19 free writing contests with cash prizes and numerous opportunities to see your work published. Check 'em out and get your manuscript ready for submission!

And, if you're looking for help getting your work out into the world with care and purpose, check out these upcoming classes on the business of writing:

You can join literary agent Christopher Hermelin for his 3-Week Zoom Publishing Seminar: Getting Your Query Letter Right starting September 28th.

Sign up for Poets & Writers Magazine contributing editor Michael Bourne for his How to Pitch to your Dream Publication Zoom Seminar on October 14th.

Join our Executive Director, Blake Kimzey, for his Publishing in Literary Journals to Launch Your Career Zoom Seminar on January 13th, 2022.

And, you can get your submissions out the door and into the hands of the waiting editors below. What are you waiting for? Get out there!

You can win $15,000 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press with this prize, awarded for a collection of short fiction.

You may submit an unpublished manuscript of short stories, two or more novellas or a combination of novellas and short stories. Your total word count should be between 150 and 300 typed pages. You must also have already published a novel or book-length work of fiction “with a reputable publisher,” or no fewer than three short stories or novellas in nationally-recognized journals.

Deadline: Annual submissions must be postmarked between May 1 through June 30.

2. Graywolf Press Nonfiction Prizes

Graywolf Press hosts a variety of contests for both established and up-and-coming writers. Graywolf also offers smaller fiction and nonfiction prizes, with genres rotating by year; 2020 was a nonfiction year, so fiction is up in 2021. These awards include a sizable advance — $12,000 in previous years — as well as publication with Graywolf.

Deadline: Contest is held annually with rotating genres; the 2021 deadline is TBA.

3. The Jeff Sharlet Memorial Award for Veterans

Hosted by the prestigious Iowa Review, the Jeff Sharlet Memorial Award is offered to U.S. military veterans and active-duty members writing in any genre about any subject. Manuscripts of up to 20 pages will be accepted, and the first-prize winner will receive $1,000 and publication in the Review. A second place prize of $750 is also available, as well as three runner-up prizes of $500 each.

Deadline: Biennially. The next contest will be held in 2022.

4. PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers

This contest requires you to have already published a short story in a literary magazine or journal or cultural website. But if you’ve made your debut (but gone no further), you may be eligible for the generous cash prize of $2,000, which is annually awarded to 12 emerging writers, whose works are then published together in an anthology.

Short stories of up to 12,000 words are eligible and must be published in the calendar year preceding the year in which the award is given. Additionally, keep this in mind: Submissions are only eligible if submitted by an editor. Authors may not submit their own work.

Deadline: Contest is open annually between June and November.

5. Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards

Fiction and nonfiction writers who have recently published a book that “contribute[s] to our understanding of racism and our appreciation of cultural diversity” are eligible for this award, which offers $10,000 cash as well as media and publicity opportunities. Plus, winners receive their prize at a ceremony in Cleveland.

Submissions must be published in the prior year (so books published in 2020 are eligible for the 2021 award).

Deadline: Annual submission window is September 1 through December 31.

6. Marfield Prize (aka National Award for Arts Writing)

Presented by the Arts Club of Washington, this award seeks to honor nonfiction books that deal with the “visual, literary, media, or performing arts.” The prize is $10,000 and may be awarded to works of criticism, art history, memoirs and biographies, and essays.

Deadline: Annually in the last quarter of the year; the 2021 deadline is November 16 to December 31.

7. W.Y. Boyd Literary Award for Excellence in Military Fiction

If you’re a war buff, this competition is for you. It awards $5,000 — and a 24-karat-gold-framed citation of achievement — to the best piece of fiction set during a period when the U.S. was at war (war may either be the main plot of the piece or simply provide the setting). Submissions may be adult or YA novels.

Deadline: Annually on December 1.

8. Hektoen Grand Prix Essay Contest

Hektoen International, an online journal dedicated to medical humanities, offers two prizes annually for essays of no more than 1,500 words: $5,000 is awarded to the winner and $2,500 to the first runner-up. Eligible topics are broad so long as they have a relation to medicine, and many include art, history, literature, education and more.

Deadline: Annually; September 15, 2021 is the most current deadline.

9. St. Martin’s Minotaur / Mystery Writers of America First Crime Novel Competition

Writers 18 and older who have never had a novel published (in any genre) are eligible for this prize, awarded to an original book-length manuscript where “murder or another serious crime or crimes is at the heart of the story.” The winner receives a publication contract with Minotaur Books and an advance of $10,000 against future royalties.

Deadline: Annually in the first quarter of the year; the deadline for 2022 is TBA. 

10. ServiceScape Short Story Award

ServiceScape, a platform matching freelance writers, editors and graphic designers with clients offers a yearly Short Story Award of $1,000 to a winning fiction or nonfiction work of 5,000 words or fewer. The winner will also have their story featured on the ServiceScape blog, which sees thousands of readers each month.

Deadline: November 30, 2021

11. Stowe Prize

This biennial prize of $10,000 honors an American author whose adult fiction or nonfiction work has had an impact on a critical social justice issue (as did Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin ).

Deadline: Biennially; the 2022 deadline is TBA. 

12. The Diana Woods Memorial Award in Creative Nonfiction

Creative nonfiction essays of no more than 5,000 words on any subject are eligible for consideration for this award, whose winner receives $250 and publication in Lunch Ticket , the literary and art journal produced by the MFA community of Antioch University Los Angeles.

Works must not have been published elsewhere. Award winners are required to submit a 100-word biography, recent photo and a short note thanking the Woods family for their generosity and support.

Deadlines: Biannual reading periods are in February for the Summer/Fall issue and in August for the Winter/Spring issue.

13. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Essay Contest

Each year, this Canadian organization offers three prizes, ranging from $500 to $1,500, to the essay with the most thoughtful, well-reasoned arguments around a specific human-rights theme. (For example, 2019’s prompt was, “Should universities police student behavior at private events?”

The contest is open to Canadian college and university students, and essays should be 2,500 words or less in length.

Deadline: 2021 contest guidelines and deadline TBD

14. Write the World

For young writers ages 13-18, these cool contests also serve as mini workshops. Recognizing that “a first draft is never perfect,” submissions actually receive peer review by authors, writing teachers and other experts and writers are given the chance to revise their pieces based on this feedback before submitting them for final prize consideration.

Contests vary each month, but there’s a $100 prize for the winner and $50 for the runner-up (plus $50 for the best peer-reviewer). All three are featured on Write the World’s blog alongside comments from a guest judge. And since each month’s prompt is from a different genre, developing writers get a chance to test out different styles.

Deadline: Monthly.

Prose offers weekly challenges meant to spark your creativity; many are just for fun, but look for the weekly numbered challenges posted by Prose (rather than community members or sponsors) for a chance to win money.

Prizes are typically between $100 to $200 and word counts are low — some as low as under 150, some as high as 500. So even if all you get from the prompt is a chance to flex your brain, it’s not a bad deal.

Deadline: Weekly and monthly.

16. The Restless Books Prize For New Immigrant Writing

First-generation immigrants have a chance to win $10,000 and publication by Restless Books for telling their stories (real or imagined). The contest alternates annually between fiction (novel or short story collection) and nonfiction (memoir, essay collection, narrative nonfiction). In 2021, it will go to a work of nonfiction of at least 25,000 words; 2022 will be fiction.

Deadline: Annually; the deadline for 2021 has passed. The 2022 submission deadline is TBA.

17. African Poetry Book Fund Prizes

The APBF awards three prizes annually for African Poetry. The Luschei Prize for African Poetry gives $1,000 for a book of original African poetry published in the prior year.

The Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets gives $1,000 and a publication contract for a book-length collection of poetry by an as-yet-unpublished African author.

The Brunel International African Poetry Prize is a new prize that grants £3,000 to a poet who was born in Africa, or has African parents, who has not yet had a full-length book of poetry published. (U.S. citizens qualify.) To submit, you’ll need 10 poems.

Deadlines: See individual prize pages.

18. Tufts Poetry Awards

Claremont Graduate University presents two awards each year to poets they deem to be “outstanding.” The Kate Tufts Poetry Award grants $10,000 for a published first book of poetry that shows promise.

The Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award grants a mammoth $100,000 for a published book of poetry by an established or mid-career poet.

Deadline: 2021 deadlines not yet announced.

19. Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest

Now in its 21st year, this humor contest wants your best published or unpublished work for a grand prize of $2,000; runners-up are awarded $500 and 10 honorable mentions will receive $100 each. Writers of all ages from eligible countries can submit an original, humorous poem with 250 lines or less, and it must be in English.

Deadline : April 1, 2022.

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Press Club Of India’s National-Level Essay Competition Result Announced

Students from 27 states and union territories participated in the essay writing competition on the theme of the united nation’s sustainable development goals (sdgs)..

Press Club Of India’s National-Level Essay Competition Result Announced

Result of the national-level essay competition for high school students by the Leaders For Tomorrow foundation, Press Club of India and Voice of Kids has been announced.

Shambhavi Sinha of Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh; Aanya Rastogi of Queens' College, Indore; Aadrit Banerjee of Apeejay School, Park Street; Satakshi Sharma of Khaitan Public School, Ghaziabad; and Aseema of Notre Dame Academy, Patna are the top five winners.

Students from 27 States and Union Territories participated in the essay writing competition on the theme of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“We are overjoyed with the overwhelming response and participation of students from all across India in the competition and look forward to organising this competition on a much larger scale in the coming year," Binoy Job, Founder and CEO, Leaders for Tomorrow Foundation, said.

The top three winners will get Rs 20,000, Rs15,000, and Rs 10,000 respectively, in addition to other prizes, the organisers said.

“These include: three-full scholarships for a German language course offered by Goethe-Institut, full scholarships for writing and reporting programmes offered by Development Channel, certificates, cash awards, trophies and medals,” they said.

The competition was held in partnership with Korean Cultural Center, Goethe-Institut, and Development Channel.

“The top 100 winners competed in the finale round of the competition organized in association with our Principal Partner, the Korean Culture Centre. The students were given the option of writing an essay on either Cultural Relations between Korea and India or Korea's Status and Role in International Society. Bhavika Asmi Verma of Motilal Nehru Public School, Jharkhand and Srinivasa Hariharan Iyer of Sudarshan Vidya Mandir, Karnataka emerged as the top two winners, who will each receive a fully sponsored week-long victory trip to South Korea,” an official statement said.

“The top hundred participants will also be provided the opportunity to get trained as student reporters, working on reporting about development issues, sponsored by the Development Channel; training will begin on 27th December. All winning essays at the national and state levels will be published in Voice of Kids (VoK),” it said.

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Press Club Of India’s National-Level Essay Competition Result Announced

SAT Dates and Deadlines

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At this time, registration is open for all students for the entire 2024–25 testing year.

All deadlines expire at 11:59 p.m. ET, U.S.

June 2024 Test Dates

These test dates and deadlines apply to all students—U.S. and international—taking the digital SAT:

SAT Test Date* Registration Deadline* Deadline for Changes, Regular Cancellation,
and Late Registration**
June 1, 2024 May 16, 2024 May 21, 2024
*Students will need to register and request their device earlier than the registration deadline—at least 30 days before test day.

**Late registration is available internationally starting in March 2024.

August 2024–June 2025 Test Dates

These test dates and deadlines apply to all students—U.S. and international—taking the SAT:

SAT Test Date* Registration Deadline Deadline for Changes, Regular Cancellation,
and Late Registration**
Aug 24, 2024 Aug 9, 2024
Aug 13, 2024
Oct 5, 2024 Sept 20, 2024
Sept 24, 2024
Nov 2, 2024 Oct 18, 2024
Oct 22, 2024
Dec 7, 2024 Nov 22, 2024
Nov 26, 2024
Mar 8, 2025 Feb 21, 2025
Feb 25, 2025
May 3, 2025 Apr 18, 2025
April 22, 2025
June 7, 2025 May 22, 2025
May 27, 2025
*Students will need to register and request their device earlier than the registration deadline—at least 30 days before test day.

**Late registration is available worldwide.

Anticipated 2025–26 Test Dates

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Policies for International Testing

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International Fees

Learn about SAT registration fees and other fees for students taking the test outside the United States.


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    The Honourable President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu, Mr. Harish Bhat, Brand Custodian, Tata Sons, and Mr. Venguswamy Ramaswamy, Global Head, TCS iON, with the national winners of the Tata Building India School Essay Competition 2019-20 & 2020-21, at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on April 17, 2023. Register your school for free for Tata Building ...

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  16. Essay Writing Competition for School Students

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  20. 19 Free Writing Contests With Cash Prizes in 2021

    2. Graywolf Press Nonfiction Prizes. Graywolf Press hosts a variety of contests for both established and up-and-coming writers. Graywolf also offers smaller fiction and nonfiction prizes, with genres rotating by year; 2020 was a nonfiction year, so fiction is up in 2021. These awards include a sizable advance — $12,000 in previous years ...

  21. Essay competition

    The Press Club of India has announced the results for its national-level essay writing competition that had been held for high school students across India earlier in March this year. The competition was held in partnership with Leaders For Tomorrow, Voice of Kids, Korean Cultural Center, Goethe-Institut and Development Channel.

  22. Press Club Of India's National-Level Essay Competition Result Announced

    Students from 27 States and Union Territories participated in the essay writing competition on the theme of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  23. SAT Dates and Deadlines

    These test dates and deadlines apply to all students—U.S. and international—taking the digital SAT: SAT Test Date*. Registration Deadline*. Deadline for Changes, Regular Cancellation, and Late Registration**. June 1, 2024. May 16, 2024. May 21, 2024. *Students who need to borrow a device from College Board will need to register and request ...