24 Fun & Inclusive PE Games High Schoolers Love

These inclusive high school PE games are all about fun and fitness.

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While we all tend to think of gym class as a time to exercise, it's also really a great opportunity for kids to have fun playing sports or other games. From the old favorites we've all played for years to new discoveries, there are so many fun PE games to choose from. We've rounded up some of the best here, so get ready to have a great time. 

Classic Fun Gym Games for High School Students

Over time as physical education programs grew and developed, a few standout games were introduced and became classics because of their wide appeal. People have been playing these for years for a reason, though. They really are super fun.

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There are a ton of reasons to play dodgeball. Gym class dodgeball is highly competitive, requires little equipment, and involves the whole class simultaneously.

The point of the game is to eliminate all the players on the other team by hitting them with a ball or catching a ball they throw. There are two teams with any number of players and only a few balls in play to make the game challenging.

What's fun about dodgeball is you get to hit your friends, or enemies, with a flying object with the permission of a teacher. If you have a teacher who likes to play, it's also fun when the class teams up to get them out.

Relay Races

A relay race is a small team activity with endless possibilities (and lots of potential for hilarity). Essentially, you need at least two teams, each with at least two people. The more teams and players, the more fun and competitive the game.

One player at a time completes their designated leg of the race, then tags the next teammate to complete their leg, and so on until the entire team finishes. Relay races can feature straight running or include a variety of activities like crawling, skipping, and walking backward. Fun Attic offers more than 10 ideas for funny and entertaining relay races like ones using tricycles, balloons, and bananas.

To play handball, you need a large gymnasium with lots of open wall space and some handballs. You can work on handball skills and play games on an individual basis or in groups — whatever works for your situation. Teens use only their hands to hit the ball toward the wall and then keep hitting it back as it bounces off the wall. This coordination game is fun because it involves an individual challenge, and the repetition can be addicting.

Four Square

Everyone remembers this recess favorite! This game is exactly as it sounds, made up of four squares. All you need to make a court is some tape and space where you can tape down a grid featuring four equal, intersecting squares.

The goal is for an individual player to get others out and advance to the fourth square, which is the highest level. There is one game ball that you try to bounce inside another square without the person in that square hitting another square.

Any number of kids can play Four Square because it is super fast-paced and features a line for waiting players who enter the game when someone gets out. This game is really simple to play, but it's highly addictive, which makes it fun.

This version of kickball is a team game that leaves room for individual skills and preferences. Instead of standard bases, Matball uses large gym mats as bases because multiple players can be on a base at one time.

There are two teams — one starts as the kicking team, and the other in the outfield. Each kicking player advances to the first mat and then decides on each teammate's turn whether they think they can make it to the next base without getting out. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins. Teens have the most fun when they work as a team and run the bases in a large group or create distractions to get the fastest players home.

Obstacle Course

If you want an individual activity, obstacle courses are a great way to encourage each student's skill set. Basically, you want to create a course with various obstacles, then time each person as they attempt to complete the course.

Classic obstacles include crawling through tunnels, funny walks like the crab walk, and zig-zagging through a line of cones. Picking up a bunch of small objects, jumping over something, or having to do the limbo under a bar or rope can also be great.

To get everyone involved in the obstacle course, ask kids to brainstorm obstacles ahead of time. They'll come up with some hilarious ideas, and everyone will have even more fun playing this PE game.

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag has many versions, but the basic indoor game is like a team game of tag. Each team tries to steal the flag(s) of the other team before theirs gets stolen. To make the game more exciting, start with at least four teams instead of the traditional two. Give each team more than one flag and rule that only one flag can be taken at a time or include bonus point items.

Traditional Sports

There's no reason to leave the classic sports out of PE — after all, these are games too. Comprehensive physical education programs typically involve individual fitness, cooperative games, and an introduction to classic sports . Depending on your specific facilities, include some of the traditional high school PE games:

  • Basketball - Learn the basic rules of this two-team game from Basketball Breakthrough .
  • Volleyball - The Art of Coaching Volleyball offers standard gameplay and setup, along with relevant terminology.
  • Baseball - Dummies.com gives you the simplest breakdown of the complicated rules in this outdoor game.
  • Soccer - Learn the history, basic rules , and team strategies of gym class soccer.
  • Football - Standard football rules are often modified in gym class with no tackling, like in Flag Football .
  • Swimming - Groups with access to a swimming pool teach everything from basic strokes to pool exercises to group water games .
  • Lacrosse - When played in PE classes, the game uses modified equipment and lacrosse rules .

If you use some traditional sports, be sure to focus on inclusion and mixing things up. By the time kids reach high school, they've had a chance to experience several sports either as players or spectators. Teens who are die-hard athletes or passionate about a specific sport find these traditional games fun and exciting, but teens who aren't as active may struggle to enjoy competitive sports.

Modern Favorite PE Games for High School

Inclusion is the name of the game these days with PE. In recent years, physical education class standards across the country have seen major changes. The new focus is on promoting health for all kids, not just the ones who excel at or love sports. Teachers now look for ways to encourage individual participation in activities selected by each student or group games with less competition.

These modern games are super fun for everyone, no matter their skill level.

Ultimate Frisbee

With gameplay similar to football, basketball, and soccer, Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact team sport using a frisbee in place of a ball.

To play, you'll need a large open area like a football field. The best aspects of this game are that anyone can play, and teamwork is essential. To score, teams need to utilize all of their players because once you have the frisbee you can only pivot, not run. The lack of contact also prevents injuries and levels the playing field for kids who aren't as classically athletic.

Frisbee Golf

This slow-paced game is played just as it sounds. Like golf, there are designated "holes," a target of some kind like a safety cone or a tree, you try to hit with a frisbee in the least number of throws possible. Frisbee golf works best in a large outdoor area but can be played inside a large gymnasium.

Those with limited resources can designate found objects like trees and fences as holes outside or tape spots on the wall around the gym indoors. This is an individual game with an element of totally friendly competition when teens play against each other for the lowest score.

A combination of tennis and ping-pong, this super popular and active game features simple rules and a slower pace great for people of all ages and skill levels.

To play you need a court similar to a tennis court with a net, pickleball paddles, and the ball which resembles a whiffle ball. Play a singles game or play with a small team. Teens will feel like they're in a giant-sized ping-pong game.

  • 20 Benefits of Pickleball That'll Convince You to Start Playing

When Capture the Flag mixes with a snowball fight, you get Yuki Ball. Based on a Japanese game, teams hide behind barriers and launch small softballs to protect their flag and steal the other team's flag. To play, you need to buy a Yuki Ball kit for around $900 that includes balls, barriers, pinnies, and buckets. Or you can construct your own from things you have in the gym — make your own set with cardboard box barriers and wool dryer balls or the fake snowballs you find around winter in stores.

Two teams of up to seven people each can play at one time, but you can have more than one game going at a time in a gym. Keep score and have fun.

Hunger Games Gym Class Competition

Tie in pop culture with your curriculum when you include this fun game inspired by The Hunger Games novels and movies. The main goal is to be the last person standing in the game. To do this, you'll need to avoid getting hit by "weapons" like dodgeballs and pool noodles wielded by other players. The Hunger Games Competition can be played in a gym, in several rooms, or outdoors.

To start, all the "weapons" are placed in the center of the room and the players are placed in a circle at equal distances from the center. Teens can try to get a "weapon" or choose to run away. Each person hangs a bandana or flag from their waist that, when pulled off, eliminates them from the game. If a person gets hit with a weapon, they aren't out of the game, but they do lose the use of whatever body part got hit for the rest of the game.

Hoop Scrabble

You know how it's great when one game tackles multiple learning areas? This high-paced game gets the whole class moving at once, requires cooperative teamwork, and incorporates other areas of learning.

In Hoop Scrabble , you form small teams and give each a hula hoop to place on the ground in their designated area around the perimeter of the gym. Dump a ton of small balls, like tennis or ping-pong balls, in the center of the room. Teams then have to collect balls and spell a word inside their team's hoop before any other team does or before anyone steals their balls.

What's great about this creative game is teens don't need to be athletic to have fun playing. Once all the balls have been collected, teams start stealing from each other, which makes the game more fun.

This fun PE game is super simple and doesn't require a ton of equipment. You'll need three red dodgeballs. To play, give a dodgeball to each of three kids and tell them to start tagging people. If they hit someone with the ball, that person is temporarily out and should sit down and cover their face.

For tagged kids to get back in the game, another student needs to stand behind them and say the words "Guess who." If the tagged person can guess who is standing behind them just from their voice, they are back in. Keep playing until everyone is out.

Originally a tailgating game, cornhole is awesome in PE class too. Most of the kids probably already know how to play, but you can refresh them on the rules of cornhole if you need to.

You use cornhole boards (or tape out a "board" on the gym floor) and try to see which team can score the highest. Teams take turns tossing bean bags into the hole of the board. Those who make it in the hole are worth three points, and those who land on the board are one. The team that hits 21 points first is the winner.

Original PE Games

Sometimes the best gym games are the ones you and the teens create, so get creative with the old games to make something totally new. These are a few ideas to take inspiration from traditional or classic PE games for high school and make them unique using special equipment or rules.

Shape Shifter

Think of this as an advanced form of following the leader. You don't need any equipment — just an open space, and some creative, willing kids. Divide the group into teams of at least five people on each team and set each team in a line, one person behind the next. Teams will jog together staying in a line. The teacher will call out "Shape Shift" at various points and teams must react appropriately at that time.

To start, the first person in each line forms a shape or pose with his arms and everyone in line holds the same position as they start to jog. When you call out "Shape Shift" the second person in each line forms a new arm pose and all other team members copy it. To do this, the first person in line will need to turn around and will be jogging backward for the rest of the game. Repeat these actions until the entire team is turned backward. This is a fun, non-competitive game.

Flag team is an individualized version of Capture the Flag. Give each student a designated spot in the gym with a hula hoop on the floor and a flag in the middle of the hoop. The goal is for each person to protect their flag but also steal at least one other flag. If your flag is stolen, you choose another person who still has their flag to join. You cannot steal any more flags once you are out, but you can help the other person defend theirs.

The rules are simple in terms of offense and defense. You cannot stand inside your hoop or anyone else's. To stop someone from stealing your flag, you must tag them on the back only. If you get tagged on the back by any player at any point in the game, you are out.

Get Your Game On

Everyone has a different definition of fun. It's awesome to create a physical education class inclusive of every kid when you choose a wide variety of games. The only true way to know if teens will like a game is to try it out, so introduce some new games and see which ones become favorites with your group.


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PE Lesson Plans for High School (FREE High School PE Activities)

  • Doug Curtin
  • November 17, 2021

Two students practices a kneeling table top during a yoga lesson in physical education class.

Physical education teachers have a lot to cover! We have put together a week’s worth of PE lesson plans for high school students that range in fitness, nutrition, yoga and more. We hope you enjoy the free content and give some lessons a try with your students! 

Struggling to find engaging PE activities for high school students ?

Finding quality physical education lesson plans for high school is no simple task! Getting the right instructional materials that will engage and excite your students while not breaking the bank is hard! 

Yes, you can search online, go to a Shape America conference, or talk to fellow PE teachers and find hundreds of PE activities and physical education lesson plans to use.

But, you will often end up with tons of phys ed games for high school students that are fun once and then quickly lose student’s attention. Or, you end up finding workouts that have barely clothed models that are a far cry from what you want for high school fitness lesson plans . 

What is there for high school PE ?

Producing high school physical education units on multiple topics is tough!

Do you feel like you are a jack of all trades and yet a master of none? You only have so much money in your budget and time in your day to teach all the different PE topics well. You are left asking yourself, 

  • What equipment do I need for fun and cutting edge PE games for high school ? 
  • Do I have the right equipment to run PE workouts for high school ? 

How does this all even fit into what my administrators want for high school physical education lesson plans ?

A week’s worth of free PE lesson plans for high school classes

When you feel like you are at stalemate with your lessons, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to sample! With so many great phys ed lesson plans for high school, it is hard to make sense of all that is out there. Here you will find a sample week of high-quality content that high school pe teachers tap into on a yearly basis. 

With a combination of fitness, nutrition, yoga, and dance, there is something to for every student to look forward to in the week. Additionally, you’ll find that some days give you a little extra time to sprinkle in some of those fun pe games that your kids still long for!

Day 1: Intro To Fitness – Air Squat & Hinge 

Many students arrive to high school needing a full introduction to foundational human movements. Even if they did learn things like the squat, lunge, hinge, press, and pull at the middle school level, chances are that your high school physical education class will greatly benefit from movement review. 

Today, we are beginning our movement and fitness journey by learning two of the most important foundational human movements – the Squat & the Hinge.

  • 2 Minutes of light cardio
  • Spiderman & Reach – 1 Minute Continuous Movement, Alternating 
  • Alt. Samson – 1 Minute Continuous Movement
  • Good Mornings 4 x 10 Reps 
  • Elbow Plan 4 x :20 Seconds 
  • 1:00 Rest After Each Round
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance 
  • Air Squat 2 x 5 Reps

5 Rounds Of 10 Air Squats + 2:00 Walk/Jog/Run

Day 2: Intro To Nutrition – Calories 

Are you tasked with teaching wellness within your physical education class? If you need a day off from physical activity and in need of lesson ideas, nutrition can be a fantastic addition. 

While nutrition can be a part of k-12 physical education plan, high school is often the first time where students can start to contextualize the science and practical application of nutrition. With written and video lessons, paired with chapter questions students have an interactive way to start exploring their everyday nutrition.

  • Written lesson breaking down what our body sees when we eat and how many calories we need 
  • Video breaking down energy and chemistry of calories
  • Check out the full lesson segment here
  • Written lesson discussing signs of not eating enough or eating too much 
  • Video introducing and explaining the hunger to fullness scale
  • Check out the full lesson segment here 
  • 9 chapter questions provided that can be either done individually or incorporated as part of a group discussion

Discover the Power of PLT4M

Curious how more than 10,000 PE teachers are using PLT4M’s Fitness and Wellness Curriculum and digital learning software? 

PLT4M featured on different technology devices.

Day 3: Intro to Fitness – Press & Pull 

Returning back to another fitness lesson plan for high school PE. Now, we hit the upper body and learn how to safely press and pull. We focus on scaling and modifying with all our physical activity, but place a special emphasis on this with things like pressing and pulling. 

In this lesson students will learn how to appropriately scale the level of difficulty the push up and inverted row.

  • Shoulder Warm Up – 15 Slow Reps per movement 
  • 1:00 Jumping Jacks
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance of push up  
  • Review movement scaling and elevating the push up 
  • Elevated Push Ups 4 x 5
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance of the inverted row 
  • Inverted Row 5 x 5
  • Introduce the butterfly sit up 
  • Butterfly sit up 2 x 5
  • AMRAP 8: 60 Jumping Jacks, 10 Push Ups, 10 Butterfly Sit ups

Day 4: Intro To Yoga – Standing Poses 

Yoga is one of the most popular exercise options and requires no equipment. But as a physical education teacher you may not feel comfortable teaching yoga. 

Like any type of physical activity, yoga has basic components that can be introduced as an excellent start. In this lesson, students will get a chance to try and practice four of the most popular standing poses in yoga, and then put them into a more traditional flow.

  • Begin yoga integration 
  • Flow Sun A with performance and refinement cues 
  • Flow Sun A using breath to movement
  • Chair Pose Intro & Practice 
  • Warrior 2 Intro & Practice 
  • Extended Side Angle Intro & Practice 
  • Reverse Warrior Intro & Practice
  • Apply new poses to a full flow 
  • Practice 2 times through, 1 slow, 1 faster

Day 5: Dance Fitness 

Many physical education programs have what is called a ‘fun Friday.’ If you arrive on day 5 and want to give the choice of different gym games for high school students, then go for it!

You have had a great week of lessons, and your students can now have some time to explore and play different games like frisbee, badminton, or volleyball that you have throughout the gym. 

If you want to have a little more structure but keep the fun, give dance fitness a try! A trending topic in the world of fitness, dance gives students a fun way to sweat and move.

  • Get moving with some light cardio 
  • Layer in a few static stretches
  • Introduce and and practice the 8 main dance moves for the main cardio effort
  • Put the 8 dance moves to work through a fun sequence following along with Coach Alexa
  • Let your heart rates come back down and hit some stretches before going on with the rest of your day

Let us do the heavy lifting! Get access to our complete lineup of PE lesson plans for high school students

This was just one week of PE lesson plans to give you a taste! At PLT4M, you can tap into hundreds of high school physical education lesson plans that fit your goals and needs. Tap into fitness, flexibility, yoga, dance, weightlifting, and more all in a centralized and easy to use spot. 

All of PLT4M’s instructors make these resources with high school students in mind and work to keep it fun and engaging. On top of keeping your students excited about PE, keep your administrators happy knowing all of PLT4M’s programs are aligned to Shape America national standards.

How are Plt4m’s high school PE units delivered?

PLT4M is totally flexible and customizable to your classroom, students and teaching style. Use it as much or as selectively as you like to enhance your curriculum. PLT4M is designed to work seamlessly with your classroom technology, whether you have a projector, are one-to-one, or can allow students to use their phones. 

What types of high school physical education activities do you cover?

Our ever-growing library of original content includes a variety of programs intended to spark lifelong physical literacy. Check out the options below: 

  • Weight Training 
  • Dance Fitness 
  • Mindfulness 
  • Remote Learning 
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Drug and Substance Education 
  • Physical Literacy
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Health Education Lesson Plans 

Do you only provide fitness activities for high school students?

No, we also have PE lesson plans for middle school students that are age appropriate and engaging! There is something for everyone within PLT4M! 

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9 Exciting Indoor Physical Education (PE) Games for High School Students

The job of a school is to ensure the overall development of the kids – from academics to personality development to physical fitness . As such, physical education has become an indispensable part of school curriculums everywhere. So much so that gym classes have become mandatory in several schools across the United States and if you choose it as one of your electives, passing it is a must .

Usually, schools opt for outdoor games as they are a fantastic way for the students to stay active but some days, due to inclement weather, students will have to migrate indoors. This does not mean that they cannot find a way to enjoy themselves or stay active. 

Fun games, whether indoor or outdoor, energize and rejuvenate students, particularly senior ones, who are at a crucial stage of their lives and under a lot of stress. 

In this guide, we have compiled a range of engaging indoor physical education games that high school students can enjoy. If it’s raining outside or the weather is too precarious, this is the best way to stay entertained and engaged. 

Indoor physical education game ideas

1. ultimate dodgeball showdown.

Ultimate Dodgeball Showdown

A classic game, dodgeball is fun and interactive. The objective of the game is to eliminate all players of the opposing team by hitting them with a ball. To reduce any risk, you can use soft foam balls. 

The students should be divided into two teams and placed on opposite sides of the room. Keep a few balls in the middle of the area. 

Here are the rules: 

  • Students must throw the ball at the other team members who have to dodge it. 
  • If someone from the other team catches the ball, the thrower is out of the game.
  • Students must not cross the designated area. 
  • If someone is hit by the ball and fails to catch it, they are out of the team. 
  • Continue the game until one team is entirely eliminated.

2. Obstacle Course Relay

Obstacle Course Relay

If the indoor game is taking place in the gym or a large room, then an obstacle course relay would be an excellent game.

Here’s what to do:

  • Set up an obstacle course in the gym using mats, cones, and other stationary objects that are not very high.
  •  Divide students into teams and have them race through the obstacle course
  • Make use of a stopwatch to time each team, and the team with the fastest completion time wins.

3. Yoga Challenge

Yoga Challenge

The perfect way to introduce some exercise and keep the students entertained is through yoga games and challenges. But first, you will have to introduce the students to some yoga poses and stretches. 

Then organize a yoga challenge where each student will have to hold different poses. As you switch between different poses, make sure that the students are holding the poses correctly. The students who fail to do so will be eliminated from the game.

4. Musical Mats

Musical Mats

We’ve all played musical chairs at some point in our lives. But, what are musical mats? Well, it is a similar game but with a twist. Here’s what to do:

  • Lay out a grid of gym mats on the floor.
  • Play music during which the students have to keep moving from one mat to another. 
  • Stop the music and call out a fitness exercise, a yoga pose, etc. 
  • Students have to find the nearest mat and perform the exercise until the music resumes
  • Students who fail to find a mat or perform the exercise are eliminated from the game. 

5. Indoor Bowling

Indoor Bowling

Bowling is a popular indoor sport and usually requires a proper set-up. However, you can organize an indoor bowling match at the gym or hall as well. Usually, bowling is an individual game but to promote team spirit and good sportsmanship, divide the students into teams. Here’s how to go about the game:

  • Make the use of plastic pins and soft balls.
  •  Set up a bowling alley by keeping the plastic pins on the other end of the room.
  • Students should be divided into two teams (team A and team B) with the members taking turns rolling the ball to knock down the pins. 
  • Keep the scores separate for both team A and team B. 
  • Let the teams compete for strikes and spares. 

5. Fitness Bingo

This is quite a popular indoor game. It is the perfect way to include fitness exercises into the high school students’ curriculum. Here’s what to do:

  • Create a bingo card with different physical activities such as jumping jacks, burpees, lunges, push-ups, etc. 
  • Give one card to each student
  • The instructor has to call out one activity and students are to perform this exercise if they have it on the card. 
  • They can then mark it off their card and the first student to complete a row or column shouts “Bingo” 
  • Give the one who first completes a row or column a small reward as a mark of appreciation

6. Tug of War

Tug of War

A classic game that can be played indoors, tug of war teaches students a lot about team spirit, strength, and reliability. This is how you go about it:

  • Remove any obstacles indoors and clear the area for the game
  • Divide students into four teams or more, depending on the number of students
  • Only two teams can play the game at one time
  • Give them the rope and keep the game going until one team loses
  • Then allow the next two teams to play
  • The final match is between the last two teams standing

7. Indoor Soccer Relay

Football or Soccer is a favorite American sport and most students grow up playing it. It is an excellent game that combines speed and agility. Here’s how you can take the game indoors:

  • Divide the students into two or more teams, with each team having an equal number of participants
  • Set up a relay course and mark it with obstacles using cones, hoops, etc. 
  • The student will have to dribble the ball through the course, carefully navigating the obstacles that come their way
  • Once done, they make their way back to the starting line and pass the ball onto their teammate, who repeats the course
  • The team that completes the race first wins. 

8. Table Tennis

Table Tennis

Another popular high school game, table tennis or ping pong teaches students a lot about agility, coordination, precision, and reflexes. 

  • Use a small rectangular table and divide it with the help of a net
  • Players can either play solo or in pairs of two, with one pair on each side
  • The players take turns hitting a small ball back and forth over the net using paddles
  • The objective is to score points by making the ball bounce twice on the opponent’s side
  • Besides, the opponent fails to score a point if they cannot hit the ball
  • Keep scores and time the game

9. Indoor Parkour

Indoor parkour is a fun and exciting physical education activity for high school students. Traditionally, parkour is a discipline that focuses on efficient movement through obstacles using techniques like jumps, vaults, and rolls. Here’s how to create an indoor parkour course:

  • With the help of safety mats, cones, small benches, and foam blocks, create a series of obstacles. For instance, the benches will serve as hurdles to jump over
  • Teach students some basic parkour moves such as precision jump , cat leap , etc. keeping safety precautions in mind.
  • Let the students start with simple obstacles but increase the complexity as they gain confidence
  • Have a qualified instructor oversee this game and provide proper guidance

Indoor physical education games provide high school students with opportunities to stay active, even when the weather outside limits movement. Besides, it promotes teamwork, teaches them agility, and how to adapt to different situations. The physical well-being of students is of great importance, especially since high school is such a trying time when they are burdened with academic pressure. Incorporating these games into their schedule will help students stay engaged, focused, motivated, and physically fit.

fun physical education activities for high school students

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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Top 5 Active Indoor PE Games

Picture of Jason Gemberling

In Central Pennsylvania, Mother Nature keeps us inside for PE for many months during the school year, and having indoor PE games and activities that keep things fresh and exciting is a must! My PE department is always looking for new and exciting indoor games for PE to let our students try, and over the years we have collected some excellent options. 

I will rank these in a top 5 countdown leading up to the top indoor gym game based on student request and excitement at my high school. The following are great PE games for high school and middle school!

#5 – Yuki-Ball

This is a game I found from Gopher and was a little skeptical about at first because it is similar to dodgeball in that students are eliminated.  After having it in my closet for a year and waiting for the right time to try it, I brought it out and my students seemed to enjoy the concept.  Yuki means snow in Japanese, and snowball battles in Central PE are very common.  This game smashes snowball battles, dodgeball, and paintball into one game with barriers and soft-coated “snow” balls that has students diving all over the gym and working as a team to secure a flag at the opposite end of the field.

Honestly, I never thought in a million years this would be a game that my students would get excited about, but now if my students see a barrier come out they are ready to play instantly! Learn more about Yuki-Ball™ .

#4 – Sabakiball

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Sabakiball is a game I was introduced to at a conference and knew instantly my students would be interested.  This is a non-stop game that keeps students moving and involved constantly.  My students love the concept of this PE game and the ability to use their hands and feet while playing.  They also do a fantastic job of utilizing teamwork to move the ball around the field of play.

We play Sabakiball in our gym and can fit 2 games in a smaller sized gym going bleacher to bleacher.  It sometimes looks like chaos, but it is organized chaos!  You will need a student to play goalie in this game and they will get hit with the Sabakiball at times, so be warned.  They are aiming at a pin, but I have students that love to play goalie and they have no problem putting their bodies in front a ball thrown by our number one pitcher on the baseball team!  Again, this is a fast-paced game that is great to keep students’ heart rates up.

#3 – Spikeball®

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Spikeball® is a rather new game to my school and so far as worked really well at getting students active and involved.  This game has roots in volleyball and is played 2 on 2 in a small amount of space with little equipment.  Your set will included a rebounder and Spikeball and that is really all you need.  With very few rules this is a game students can pick up quickly.  We have played this game both outside and inside, but my students prefer inside, although a couple prefer the sand at the beach.

My students have really been enjoying playing this game and some have said they have even played at home or on vacation with sets their family has purchased. Check it out here!

#2 – Tchoukball

Tchoukball is one of my favorite indoor PE games and also close to first place in the minds of my students!  This game is fast, non-stop action from end to end.  The part I love most about Tchoukball is that you can play absolutely NO defense!  I do not have to worry about students hitting each other to get the ball or running each other over.  If your team does not have possession, you are only allowed to position yourself on the court to catch the ball after the other team shoots at the rebounder.  There are also no specific ends to shoot at, so teams can throw from end to end and back and shoot.  The hardest part for my students to understand is the no defense!

After playing for a couple years now, they have the concept and strategy of the game and when they are done, heart rates are up and sweat is pouring.  Again, I think everyone should have this game and if your school has it and you want to set up a match let me know, because my students want to start a high school league! Check out Tchoukball here !

#1 – PickleBall

Pickleball Indoor

If you are ever in Central PA around December and January, feel free to stop by my high school for some PickleBall .  The only problem you might have is finding a spot to play in my gym.  My students beg to play this indoor PE gym game all year long and honestly for some of them I have considered it, because they love it so much and play this game harder than anything else I throw at them.  Pickle Ball is a combo of tennis and table tennis played with wooden paddles and a plastic Pickle Ball.  I actually have teachers stop during their plan periods to play this game because I have hooked them as well.

Again, these are the top 5 indoor PE games in the eyes of my high school students and in my eyes too!  There are several others that we do, but with these 5 I know my students will be excited, active, and sweating at the end of class. Feel free to share your schools top 5 and maybe I will find a new game to add to my school!

Bonus Indoor PE Games:

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Volleybound: Each student uses a rebounder to score points in this fun PE game of volleyball. Students will instantly find success with this unique version of volleyball.

ACTION! Tri-Bound Set: Bounce balls off our three-sided rebounder to send them flying into opponents’ zones in these strategy games for kids!

4 Responses

Out west, a lot of us do not have gymnasiums. It would be great to have ideas for activities inside the classrooms as well. Thanks for all the great ideas!

Modification to Yuki-Ball to keep all students engaged and non-elimination.

*Combination of dodgeball and capture the flag. 1) Goal is for players to either capture all of the other team or capture the most flags (3 in each hoop to begin play) 2) Jail is 3 hula hoops on opposite side of the gym behind the baseline. 3) When hit with a ball players must go to jail. Teammates can unfreeze one player at a time. 4) When crossing into the other territory they must choose 1) unfreeze someone with free walk back to their side or 2) go for a flag located in a hula hoop in the corner of the basketball court. 5) If they make it back to their side with a flag they place it in their hoop. My 3rd-5th grade students absolutely love this game and everyone is active.

A post using “standard” gym equipment would be helpful. All of these games, while they look very fun, require purchasing expensive equipment. For most schools the Physical Education budget is meager, and none of these games are possible. It also looks like you would need to purchase multiple sets for bigger class sizes.

These games are great ideas to include in indoor Physical Education. They work well in small spaces and keep students moving while utilizing different fitness components and skills. I have not heard of a few of these (Yuki-Ball and Sabakiball) and will have to do some more research about how to add these to my Physical Education activities.

I was also wondering about how some of these activities would work with multiple classes in a shared gym space. I’m sure these could work like other team sports or small group activities with rotating groups in and out if gym space and safety are a concern.

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5 ways small sided games make a big impact, author: jessica shawley, a brand new tool for pe you didn’t know you needed, author: brett fuller, 5 skill-based floor hockey games, author: michael beringer, 16 parachute team building activities, author: tim mueller, we're social, motivating unmotivated students​, author: dr. robert pangrazi, jessica shawley, and tim mueller, promoting activity and success through adapted pe, author: dr. robert pangrazi, marci pope and maria corte, author: randy spring.

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The PE Specialist

Awesome Resources for Physical Education Teachers

Awesome Warmups and Instant Activities

Awesome Warmups and Instant Activities

fun physical education activities for high school students

How do you Start Your PE Class Each Day?

When my kids walk into their Physical Education class, our routine is that I give them a quick greeting and then we get into a quick warm-up or instant activity.   After that we do a little stretching with our Daily Warmup Routine while we’re spread out at our Home Base Spots .  While we get stretched out I take attendance and give any needed announcements and then get into our lesson for the day.

Rules Review

For every K-2nd Grade class I always start by reviewing 3 important rules that my kiddos struggle with (see below)

Start Simple

At the beginning of the year I usually keep the warm-up really simple and do walking lines and jogging lines (jog the sidelines and walk the end lines) to some upbeat music for about 2-3 minutes ( here are my PE Playlists ).  As the year progresses we’ll add some more locomotor movements on the lines like skipping, galloping, sliding. 

Sometimes we also add in some footwork ladders on the lines or even going over and under hurdles while traveling around the room.

Skill Related Instant Activities

Once my kids are in a good routine I start to mix it up with some other instant activities.   Sometimes we add challenges related to the unit or lesson we are working on that day – for example balancing a ball on a paddle or dribbling a basketball while you are traveling around.

Skill Formula = 4-5 Reps of any skill – Jog a Lap – Repeat

For an example, check out the video below for an instant activity that I use in my Frisbee Unit .   

The formula above works great for any unit that you’re teaching just change the skill challenge to apply to your lesson, you can change the number of reps and change the skill, for another example in the video below we’re working on throwing and catching off the wall and only doing 3 catches.

You can also add more levels if you want them to work on more than one variation of the skill, see an example below for a format that I use often to allow students to self progress using animated GIFS to show skill specific instant activity challenges.

Fun Quick Games and Challenges

I usually don’t introduce games as instant activities until after at least the first quarter since I want my kids to get into a good routine and learn the dynamics of each class and student.  Once I feel we are ready I will introduce some fun quick games or challenges as instant activities for my classes that can handle it.  For my K-1st students I normally keep it pretty simple and use the same activities I’ve mentioned above, but with my 3rd-5th grade classes (and sometimes a mature 2nd grade class) I find that most of the games below work pretty successfully.

The Thunderstick Challenge

This is a classic activity that I always do with my kids during our Jump Rope Unit, but I also bust it out every now and then just for fun to switch things up for our instant activity.

Check it out below for an example:

Basically, I have the kids all come to the middle and if the rope hits their feet – they either head to the walk/jog lines, or grab a jumprope and practice until the 3 minute timer is done.

Another great Jump Rope Warmup if your students already know how to do it is doing the “ Whirlwind Challenge ” for 3 minutes, same rules as Thunderstick if you get eliminated (Shoutout to J.D. Hughes for showing me this awesome jumprope game).

I spend an entire lesson of our jump rope unit on the Whirl Wind challenge with my 3rd – 5th graders and then once they already know the rules we might use it for an instant activity in a following lesson.

Switch is a really fun no equipment game that’s perfect for recess and can be played on a 4 square court or using 4 cones, spots or tape to mark the 4 corners of a square.

If you’ve never seen it, check out the video below:

If you want more info about SWITCH you can head over to this page for a more detailed breakdown of the game

The Cone Flip Mixer

This is a game that I used for a Field Day Relay Race and the kids loved it so much that I started using it as a mixer or instant activity as well to talk about winning and losing and learning to be a good sport.

Check out the video below for an example:

If you want more info, check out this page for a more detailed breakdown of the game

The Fastest Class Challenge

This is a fun class running challenge that I do with all my classes in 1st – 5th grade.

I run the challenge 3 times a year and it’s been super motivating for students and allows for some healthy competition between classes.

You check out the video below for an overview of the Fastest Class Challenge:

All Links from the video linked on the page below:

  • Check Out Fastest Class Challenge Resources Page

Plug and Play Activities

There are definitely times that I need to setup or take down equipment to transition from one class to the next or do some other management task – in those situations I use warm-ups that are plug and play – so the kids are engaged and active while I’m getting ready for the lesson.  

These are some of my Favorite Plug and Play Warm-Up Activities.  They are great for those situations when need to transition or prepare for the next lesson, but also need to get your class warmed up.   Just setup a projector or plug into a TV and you are good to go.

If you don’t have to do another task like setup equipment or take attendance you can join in the activity with your kids and lead by example, while also offering feedback and refinements throughout the activity.

Note : The first 3 activities will require a screen, TV or projector of some kind.

Youtube Follow Alongs

After the year most teachers had in 2020 and many of us going virtual for at least part of the time, there are TONS of awesome follow along videos that would work great for kids warming up.  Some of my favorite channels for quick warmups are Go Noodle , Fitness Blender , Just Dance Videos and Get Kids Moving

When I was teaching virtually I also made a cool resource for our Membership and TPT store with over 100 of my favorite follow along workouts and warmups – you can check it out on TPT here: The Youtube Resource Guide or if you’re a member you can download it in the membership area.

Sometimes I even put my own Daily Warmup Follow Along up for the kids if I am setting up for an activity

Follow the Leader Skills Videos and Animated GIFS

After I got a TV installed in my gym I started creating follow the leader videos for each unit that I was teaching my students.  I really loved having them warmup using skills that are specific to the lesson and would contribute to the overall focus of the unit.

It was a ton of work figuring out how to use a green screen and deciding what skills to use, but I’m so glad I did because it’s been a great tool to use when teaching.   In the videos I take students through different skills related to the unit and move to a new skill every 30 –  60 seconds depending on the video

I also used the videos to create some great Animated GIF Slideshows that I use to progress. students through a lesson and sometimes use as Instant Activity challenges as well, see the video below for an example:

Or sometimes instead of having a sequence 1-4, I’ll just throw up a few different skill challenges and let the students choose the one they would like to work on

You can see below for an example of a summary slide from our Jump Rope Unit, so students could choose out of these 4 skills which one they’d like to work on.

If you want to see the whole process I used to create these Follow The Leader Videos and Animated GIF Packs, check out this post

The Sworkit App

Sworkit is a great App and also has an online version as well now with a “Kids” section that is free for anyone to use.   If you want to see a walkthrough of how to sign up and what the workouts look like check out this video .

It’s an awesome tool for PE Teachers.  You can create custom workouts with your own exercises and choose any length that you’d like.  

The examples are all appropriate for elementary age students and the app has kids performing the exercises as well.  Just plug your iPad, iPhone or computer into a projector or TV and have your kids follow along.

You can sign up for a free account at https://sworkit.com/

Offer a Choice

Another fun and motivating thing to do is to offer your students an option to choose between 2 warmup activities.

For example sometimes I tell my students they can either do a Just Dance video in the middle of the gym jog and jump hurdles on the jogging lines.

Before I had a TV in my Gym, I would just offer students the choice to do a Line Dance in the middle or jog the outside, here’s a fun line dance if you need an idea .  

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Interval Timer Pro

No TV or Screen?  Then this one is for you.  I use this App any time we are doing a tabata style or crossfit style warmup.  I use station slips to indicate a few exercises or activities for students to choose from at each station and then input what intervals I want to use – play some music and then the app rotates the kids around the room for a set number of rotations automatically.  

If you do have a screen you can plug the app into the screen so students can see the countdown timer for each rotation as an added bonus.

You can use any exercises, but I created my own set of 25 Exercise Posters that I use for interval workouts, see an example below: 

fun physical education activities for high school students

You can check out the 25 Exercise Posters Pack Here if you’re Interested

I usually do a 30 seconds on – 15 seconds rest/rotate – If you have 6 stations that means you have a 4.5 minute warmup activity (3 minutes of work, 1.5 minutes of rest/rotation)

This is also a great way to use stations to give a quick review of content you’ve already taught or give your students practice for something you are planning to teach soon.  

Workout Posters

  • If you haven’t taken advantage of the hundreds of free workout posters at Darebee.com you really need to check them out.   You can also find posters homemade by some great Phys Ed teachers around on the internet… Like these super hero posters for example.
  • Workout posters are great – they give students a few options to choose from and are self paced .  Just set a time limit and see how many times your kids can get through the workout before the time limit is up.  I leave a few permanently up on my walls in the gym.
  • I also created some pretty cool One Page Workouts myself using the exercise posters I mentioned earlier, which you can check out here if your interested

fun physical education activities for high school students

Daily Stretching Routine

After my students complete one of the instant activities I mentioned in this post we will head to our Home Base Spots which is how I do assigned seats in my gym.  I will lead a quick stretching routine (or have a student lead) and take attendance while the kids are getting stretched out.  

  • Daily Stretching Routine Poster

I hope some of those instant activities and warmups are useful for you and spark some new ideas for you to try with your students!

Got some ideas I didn’t mention?  Leave them in the comments!

Have fun and teach on.

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Reader Interactions

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January 9, 2023 at 4:18 pm

I teach at an alternative school. My students are all 6-8 grade. So far there are some things I will probably incorporate. However, we only have an outside court, so many of the things for placing on walls will not work, especially since most days are highly windy. The Good Sportsmanship, and Self-Assessment ideas I love.

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January 10, 2023 at 4:10 pm

No problem Willam! We always say, “Take what works, trash what doesn’t”. Glad you’re finding some of the resources helpful!

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October 12, 2022 at 1:33 pm

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these warm up activities. I am going to start implementing these in all of my PE classses. I feel like the students and I get very bored of the typical dynamic warm up. I cannot wait to change it up!

October 12, 2022 at 4:07 pm

Hey Madisen!

Glad you’re enjoying the resources!

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January 21, 2022 at 1:16 am

As a high-school PE teacher, I still find so much value in your posts. I’ll be looking for ways to adapt and include the “fastest class challenge” and “SWITCH” into future classes. Thanks for all of your hard work!

January 21, 2022 at 3:10 pm

That’s awesome to hear David! Thanks for sharing! Good to see the resources still being helpful at the secondary level!

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September 14, 2021 at 2:11 pm

Where did you get the stick for your Thunderstick Challenge? I have jump ropes and whiffles balls but that hollow stick how do you keep the rope in there it looks like they have a cap on the end to keep it tight. ????

September 14, 2021 at 4:51 pm

Hey Lindsey!

You can find all my recommended equipment and technology tools at the link below:


The Jump Baton/Thuderstick is on the list and linked below:


Hope this helps!

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August 17, 2021 at 3:52 pm

I would love some ideas for just outside as my school does not have a gym. We are outside ALL year round.

August 18, 2021 at 3:48 pm

Hey Cynthia,

We usually teach in my gym to save time and steer clear of distractions, but sometimes I’ll go outside when the weather is nice or when we have a scheduling conflict in the gym.

Below you’ll find a few ideas for teaching outside.

Jump Rope is a great activity and can be taught and played pretty much anywhere, overview of my unit below https://www.thepespecialist.com/jumprope/ Frisbee is an awesome outdoor activity, here’s a walkthrough of how I teach it: https://www.thepespecialist.com/frisbeestations/ Four Square is a classic recess/camp activity and is great if you have a black top or some concrete to play on. I’ve never played on dirt or grass, but if it was hard enough ground you might be able to make it work https://www.thepespecialist.com/foursquare/ Tag Games are always fun to play outside here’s a few of my favorites Noodle Tag https://www.thepespecialist.com/noodletag/ Fire and Ice https://www.thepespecialist.com/fireandice/ Throwing and Catching games are fun if you have a fenced in area, if the area is too big or unfenced it can get annoying with all the balls getting lost or rolling super far away, so it kind of depends on your space, a few of my favs are linked up in the post below: How I Teach Throwing and Catching in PE: https://www.thepespecialist.com/throwing Team Building Games are great for any setting Cross the River Pass the Frog Hula Hut Relays Adventure Bingo The Crazy Cards Challenge Fitness activities can be done anywhere as well, I will sometimes do circuit training with my 25 Exercise Posters or use my One Page Workouts to do an AMRAP style workout Using Exercise Posters for Warm Ups and Workouts Also, the Fastest Class Challenge is a good outdoor activity: https://www.thepespecialist.com/fastestclasschallenge/

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September 15, 2020 at 4:33 pm

I would like to purchase a Thunderstick. If I am trying to find one at a vendor, what would it be called?

September 15, 2020 at 6:11 pm

Thunderstick can be found at the link below: http://amzn.to/2tyOO1n

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September 15, 2020 at 8:39 am

In times of COVID I am looking for new plans for when I have a substitute teacher. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

September 15, 2020 at 6:02 pm

You’re welcome Cindy! Glad you’re enjoying the resources!

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May 21, 2020 at 3:14 pm

We have a set warm up we do, called Head to Toe. I like the idea of having it printed out for students to refer too (the cheat sheet). I teach PE in the UK to Years 1-6.

May 28, 2020 at 8:27 am

Thanks for the feedback!

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April 1, 2020 at 6:12 pm

Great way to work out and have fun at same time.

April 2, 2020 at 12:15 pm

Hey Matthew,

Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate it!

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March 16, 2020 at 1:07 pm

Thanks for all of the great ideas. When my students come into the gym, I have a specific place for them to stand. I call it their “Homebase”. Once they all get to their spot, I will usually give them a choice for the warm-up exercises to do for the day. This did take some time to go over at the beginning of the year, but they now know a wide variety of warm-up exercises get to choose from their favorites.

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March 16, 2020 at 3:52 pm

Awesome! It’s so helpful to have a good routine in place.

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August 27, 2019 at 11:44 pm

Hi, I am a member and use your posters all the time. I am trying to print your stretching routine poster but it is going to charge me $4. Since I am a member, is there a way to get this poster for free? I teach at three different schools. Thanks, Tami

September 2, 2019 at 1:09 pm

Yep! You can just login to the forums and download it in the Posters and printables section, if you missed our welcome page explaining how to access resources check it out below:


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August 1, 2018 at 4:30 am

Warm up before a workout is very essential because without warming up muscles are not prepared for firing in a maximum throughput and will also lead to injury. Thanks for sharing this information on warmup movements.

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July 28, 2018 at 12:34 pm

I love your blog! I have a quick question: Do you let students pass one another when they are jogging/walking the lines for warm up? Or do they have to stay in a line? This has been such a struggle for me. I’ve tried it both ways and when they pass, they cut corners and almost knock people over and when they stay in a line, there is always that slow person who refuses to walk fast or jog and it slows everyone down. Any suggestions? I teach PreK through 5th grade.

July 31, 2018 at 4:21 pm

With K-2 I usually do no passing, with 3-5 I sometimes allow them to pass each other depending on the responsibility of the class and put out 4 cones for them to jog around

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May 18, 2018 at 3:32 pm

Hello, I am so pleased to join your blog! I am teaching a health and PE course for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. You have given me many wonderful ideas for engaging my teachers in teaching skills according to the psychomotor, affective and social-emotional development of each student. I will be returning soon!

May 19, 2018 at 10:02 pm

Hey Ellen – so pumped to hear you’ve gotten some good ideas, thanks for the feedback!

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January 25, 2018 at 8:16 pm

I noticed that besides the superhero warmup posters there were cards. Any ideas on how the cards are used? I am wondering if there is a game? Thanks for any ideas.

January 29, 2018 at 4:45 pm

No idea, but you could contact Mr. C on Twitter and ask him how it works – he’s the one that created the cards

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September 11, 2017 at 10:17 pm

Ben, thank you so much for the self-assessment idea for the end of class. I now use it in my health and PE classes and the students LOVE it. I used emojis for the WOW…Got it…Almost There… Not Yet and my second and third graders love tapping out at the end of class. I’m getting great feedback from other teachers as well! Thank you for sharing your ideas. Chris

September 12, 2017 at 7:51 pm

I’ve seen a few of the Emoji versions on Twitter – I might have to add some to mine, cool idea.

Glad it’s working for you

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September 7, 2017 at 9:27 am

This is my 17th year teaching but it’s my first as a full time gym teacher. I have used all of your suggestions for the first week and I cannot tell you how much you have positively impacted my program. The Home Base spots, Conflict corner, PE Rules, noodle tag, walking and jogging lines… Everything has been incredibly helpful. I think I’m going to love teaching gym! Thank you, Melanie

September 8, 2017 at 4:13 pm

So great to hear that Melanie! Hope you have an awesome first year!

P.S. Start calling yourself a “PE Teacher” instead of “Gym Teacher” – the gym is your classroom not what you teach 🙂

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September 12, 2017 at 10:51 am

Thank you, Ben. I ALWAYS teach my PE students (and teachers) to call me/or others, Physical Education teachers, or PE teachers for short. I’ve found that “gym teachers” is actually demeaning to our profession. Always try to keep a positive/tactful attitude when working to change things.

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August 8, 2017 at 8:36 am

Thank you so much Ben, your contents are very nice and hopefully will help me tomorrow to get my job dream, PE teacher.

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July 19, 2017 at 9:29 pm

Your blog is making the transition into my first year as Physical Education Teacher amazing!

July 25, 2017 at 10:11 am

Thanks Scott! Appreciate you checking it out and I’m pumped that it’s helpful – have a great first year!

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July 18, 2017 at 2:12 pm

This is getting me motivated for that first week. My goal is to read a bit of your site/blog each day to prepare me for my new role in Physical Education.

As an Ontario teacher, I am pleased to see the OPHEA video.

Thank for all of your guidance and keeping PE fun. D

July 19, 2017 at 11:21 am

Wow – I’m excited for you with the new job – congrats! I hope the site gives you some great ideas.

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March 11, 2017 at 2:55 pm

I love Parillo’s Let’s Dance videos on You Tube

March 13, 2017 at 3:10 pm

Yes! Ben’s got a great Youtube Channel – definitely recommend it.

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September 1, 2016 at 11:24 pm

What an incredibly helpful website you’ve created! Thank you. I plan to use many of your ideas this school year. I teach k-5 at a small Christian school and the kids will love many of these activities. Thank you, Aimee

September 2, 2016 at 2:08 pm

That’s great Aimee, thanks for sharing! Glad it’s helpful.

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fun physical education activities for high school students

50 Fun PE Games Your Students Will Love

by Sara Ipatenco

Kids naturally love PE because it’s a time to be active and play fun games. An essential part of the school day, PE teaches kids the life skill of getting regular exercise. While playing the same old games over and over again can get a bit boring, incorporating a wide variety of games into your lesson plans helps keep PE fun and engaging. With a few PE staples, such as foam balls, hula hoops, and bean bags, your students will be having fun in no time! Here are 50 PE games to get you started.

1. Blob tag

Choose one child to be “it.” As that child tags other children, they link arms or hold hands to create a “blob.” The game continues until the blob has tagged everyone in the game.

2. Chain tag

This is kind of like blob tag, but instead of forming a blob, students must link arms to form a chain.

3. Bean bag balance

Give each student a bean bag. Ask the students to balance their bean bags on various parts of their body, such as their foot or knee. See how long the students can balance before they move off their bean bag falls. Give increasingly hard challenges as you go, such as on the shoulder or the thumb.

4. Clap and catch

Arrange your class into a large circle. Give one player the ball and have them get ready to toss it. Players must clap before they catch the ball. If a student doesn’t clap or drop the ball, they are out.

5. Animal races

Line your PE class up at one end of the gym or playing field for this game. Call out an animal, such as a cheetah or a frog, and students have to race to the other end, running like that animal.

This is another racing game that starts with lining your students up on one end of the playing field. Every time you yell, “jump,” students jump as far as they can. Repeat until the winning player reaches the end of the field or until the whole class finishes.

7. Bridge tag

This game starts as regular tag, but each time a student is tagged he must kneel and form a bridge. Players can rejoin the game when another player crawls under their bridge, which frees them.

8. Crab soccer

This game follows the rules of traditional soccer, but players crab walk instead of regular running.

9. Step back

Put your class into teams of two. Have them stand about three feet apart and roll a hula hoop to each other. Once the other person catches the hula hoop, they must take a large step backward and continue playing. As they get further apart, the game gets more challenging.

10. Freeze tag

This is another tag game that starts out like traditional tag. However, once a student is tagged, they are “frozen” until another player tags them. They can then rejoin the game. The last player to be frozen gets to be “it” on the next round.

11. Parachute change

Arrange your students around a large parachute. Call out things like colors the students are wearing or birthday months. Any player who fits the category you call out has to run under the parachute and switch places with someone else.

12. Parachute volleyball

Have your students arrange themselves around a parachute. One half of the parachute is team A while the other half is team B. Put a beach ball in the middle of the parachute. The objective is to launch the ball off the parachute and over the heads of the opposing team, which scores one point.

13. Banana tag

Spread your students around the play area and choose two kids to be “it.” They are the monkeys. When they tag another student, he turns into a banana and must put both arms straight up above his head. Other players can free the “bananas” by peeling them, which means they pull down one arm and then the other arm.

14. Teacher island

This PE game includes the teacher! Stand on a stool and have a bunch of cones or balls handy. Start throwing them toward the students, who are spread out around you. If a student fails to make a catch, he is out. Play continues until only one student is left.

15. Throw archery

Set up five jump ropes at various distances from where your students will stand. Give them bean bags and have them try to get them past the different jump ropes. The further away the jump rope, the more points the student gets. For example, getting the bean bag past the first jump rope is worth ten points while getting it past the last jump rope is worth fifty points.

16. Crazy moves

Set out several mats around the play area. Start calling out numbers and that number of kids need to find a mat and stand on it together as fast as they can. Any student who doesn’t find a mat is out.

17. Rob the nest

Set up the game by putting a hula hoop (nest) in each corner of the play area and ten or more basketballs in the middle of the play area. Divide the class into 4 teams, one at each hula hoop. Students take turns getting a basketball and dribbling it to their hoop. Any time you blow the whistle, students can steal basketballs from other nests. The winner of each round is the one with the most basketballs when you blow the whistle a second time.

18. Tic-Tac-Throw

Set up nine hula hoops in a 3×3 grid, like a tic-tac-toe board. Make enough grids so you can divide your class into teams of two. Give the teams two different colors of bean bags. The students will throw the bean bags into the hula hoops trying to get three in a row.

19. Bounce into buckets

Set up enough buckets in the middle of the play area that there is one for each group of two kids. At each bucket, have one student on each side. The kids take turns trying to bounce balls into the buckets. Make it more challenging by having the students back up further from the bucket as they go.

20. Backward soccer

Play this game just like you would regular soccer but turn the soccer goals around backward.

21. Speed ball

This PE game combines basketball and soccer. Divide your students into two teams and give them a rubber ball to play with. Play starts with students passing the ball to other players on their team. There is no bounce passing in this game. If the ball hits the floor, the game switches to soccer.

22. Pool noodle archery

Have one student hold up a hula hoop while another child tries to launch pool noodles through the hoop. Once a student gets a noodle through, the players switch places.

23. Kangaroos and Crocs

Divide your class into two teams – one team will be kangaroos and the other team will be crocs. Have the teams line up back-to-back in the middle of the play area. Call out one of the animals. That team will try to make it to the end of the play area without getting tagged by the other team. Anyone tagged sits down and is out. Play continues with additional rounds.

24. Noodle hockey

Play a traditional PE game of court hockey but use pool noodles and a small plastic ball instead of hockey sticks and a puck.

25. Continuity ball

Have your students spread out in the play area. Give them one beach ball and challenge them to keep it from hitting the ground. Gradually add more beach balls until you have several going at the same time.

26. Birds on a branch

Set up two balance beams and split the class into two teams. Have the teams line up on the balance beams and call out directions, such as “stand on one foot” or “put your arms above your head.” If a student falls off the beam, he is out. The winning team is the one who keeps the most “birds” on their branch.

27. Shark zone

Set up mats, hula hoops, and other PE equipment around the gym. Use items that students can stand on or inside of. These are shark-free zones. Identify one or two students as sharks. When you say go, players will run around the gym standing on mats or inside hula hoops to stay away from the sharks. If a student fails to get to a safe area before being tagged, they are out.

28. Cats and mice

Give each student a scarf – one color for cats and one color for mice. Have them tuck the scarves into their back pockets or waistband as tails. Cats will chase mice and mice will chase cats. If the opposite team catches a tail, they keep it. The winning team is the one who steals all the tails first.

29. Tunnels and trains

Choose two students to start out as trains. The rest of the students put their hands and feet on the floor creating a tunnel with their bodies. The trains must crawl through the tunnels. When a train goes through the tunnel, that student joins the tunnel at the front and the next student at the back of the tunnel turns into a train. Play continues until all students have become trains.

30. Noisy running

Explain to students that you will be playing music and the louder the music gets the faster they need to run around the play area. As you turn down the volume, they will slow their running.

31. Freeze dance

Play some upbeat dance music and encourage students to free dance. When you stop the music, they must freeze. Any student who doesn’t freeze is out.

32. Eight dance

Choose one student to start the game. Turn on some upbeat music and have the student demonstrate any move they want, such as jumping or spinning in circles. The rest of the students must copy the move eight times. Let all the children have a turn to be the instructor.

33. British bulldogs

Choose one student to be the bulldog. He stands in the middle of the play area. The rest of the players try to get past the bulldog without getting tagged.

34. Body part tag

This game is played like traditional tag except that whatever body part gets tagged cannot be used anymore. If a student gets tagged on the arm, they cannot use their arm anymore. If he gets tagged on the leg, he has to hop on the other leg.

35. Crab Kickball

This game is played just like traditional kickball except that students must walk and play in the crab walk position.

36. Broom hockey

This is a PE game played like regular hockey except students use brooms instead of hockey sticks.

37. Hop in a hoop

Lay out several hula hoops in the play area. Have students run around the hoops while you play music. When you stop the music, students must hop into a hula hoop – one student per hoop. Students who don’t have a hoop are out.

38. Hot potato

Arrange your students in a circle and give them a small ball. They will pass the ball around the circle until you blow the whistle. The student holding the ball when the whistle blows is out.

39. Scooter tag

This PE game is played just like traditional tag except students must play by sitting on and moving around on scooters.

40. Bucketball

This game is played just like regular basketball except students use a bucket instead of the usual basketball hoop.

Break your class into small teams of 5 or 6 players. Give one student from each group a jump rope. That student will spin the jump rope on the ground while the other members of the group jump over it. If the “snake” touches a student, they are out.

42. Shipwreck or Captain Says

This is a game that puts a twist on the traditional “Simon Says.” Line your students up and start calling out commands that have to do with ships and pirates, such as “swab the deck” or “walk the plank.” Instead of saying “Simon says,” you’ll say, “Captain says.”

43. Hula hoop tag

This is another version of traditional tag. Students follow the same rules as regular tag, but they must spin a hula hoop while they run around.

44. Museum guard

This game is like freeze tag. Students will tiptoe silently around the play area pretending to sneak around a museum. When you call out “museum guard” they must freeze. Students who don’t freeze are out.

45. Mirror, Mirror

Divide your class into teams of two. Have them stand facing each other. One person does a move, and the other students must copy the move. Continue playing, encouraging students to make the movements harder and more complicated.

46. Backward tag

Play this game just like regular tag except students can only walk or run backward during play.

47. Alligators in the swamp

Choose several students to be alligators and have them lay on their stomachs in the middle of the play area. Spread them out so there are several feet between each alligator. The rest of the class starts on one end of the play area and has to try to get past the alligators. If an alligator tags them, they are out.

48. Sleeping baby

Students run around the play area until they hear the teacher yell, “sleeping baby.” At this point, all the kids drop to the floor and pretend to be sleeping. The last student to “fall asleep” is out.

49. Garbage tag

Wad up a bunch of pieces of paper to be the garbage. Choose one student to be “it.” That person starts to throw the garbage at the other players. Any player hit with a piece of garbage is out.

50. Lighthouse and ships

Place several obstacles around the gym, such as cones or mats. Students will close their eyes and pretend to be ships trying to get to the lighthouse. If they run into one of the obstacles, their ship is sunk and they are out.

PE class is about to get so much more fun for your students! Any of these games are sure to make PE their favorite class of the day.

50 Fun PE Games Your Students Will Love


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Warm Up Games

The PE Warm Up Games section provides you with Physical Education resources which will help you to plan PE Warm Up Games. Each PE Game outlines what equipment is required, how to set the game up, how to play the game and how to differentiate the game. The resources can be downloaded and can support your PE planning. Lots of the resources are free. Explore the PE Games below:

Dangerous Dogs

Dangerous Dogs PE Game and Warm Up

Dangerous Dogs is a PE Warm Up Game focused on leg and arm movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Traffic Lights Football

Traffic Lights Football Soccer is a PE Warm Up Game focused on football control

Traffic Lights Football / Soccer is PE warm up game focused on ball control. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Peg Invasion - 2 Games

Peg Invasion is a Physical Education PE Warm Up Game focused on attacking and defending

Peg Invasion is PE warm up game focused on attacking and defending. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Dance Tag Warm Up PE Game

Dance Tag is a PE Warm Up Game focused on creativity and dance movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse PE Game

Cat and Mouse is a PE Game focused on movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Dragon Tails

Dragon Tails Warm Up PE Game

Dragon Tails is a PE Game focused on movement and strategy. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Kings & Queens

Kings and Queens Rock Paper Scissors is a Warm Up PE Fitness Game

Kings and Queen: Rock, Paper, Scissors is a PE Game focused on exercises and strategy. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Slide in the mud

Slide in the mud Warm Up PE Game

Slide in the mud is a PE Warm Up Game focused on tagging and teamwork. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Traffic Lights

Traffic Lights Warm Up PE Game

Traffic Lights is a PE Warm Up Game focused on rule following and movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Body Parts PE Game and Warm Up

Body Parts is a PE Warm Up Game focused on reactions and movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Bridges and Rivers

Bridges and Rivers PE Warm Up Game

Bridges and Rivers is a PE Warm Up Game focused on strength and movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Crossing the river

Crossing the river PE Game and Warm Up

Crossing the river is a PE Warm Up Game focused on movement and space. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

fun physical education activities for high school students

The World's Most Evidence-Based Physical Education & Physical Activity Programs!

Free Lesson Plans

Spark sample lesson plans, the following pages include a collection of free spark physical education and physical activity lesson plans. if you’re searching for lesson plans based on inclusive, fun pe-pa games or innovative new ideas, click on one of the links below..

fun physical education activities for high school students

Snakes and Lizards Lesson Plan

Field Day Activity

Centipede Pass

Manipulatives Lesson

Partner Hoop Rolling

Parachute Switcheroo Lesson Plan

Catching and Throwing

Catching and Throwing Circuit Lesson Plan

Skill Cards

Skill Cards (Spanish)

Back to School

Back to School (Spanish)

Social and Emotional Learning

Kindness Definition Card and Lesson

fun physical education activities for high school students

Fitness Circuits

Body Composition Circuit Lesson Plan

Mirror, Mirror Lesson Plan

Performance Rubric Assessment

Choice Count (Pedometer Activity)

Cross the Pond

3-Catch Basketball Lesson Plan

SEL Definition and T-Chart Card

fun physical education activities for high school students

Flying Disc

Durango Boot

Zone and Player-to-Player Defenses

Radio Control

Mini Soccer

Soccer Student Self-Assessments

Track and Field

Sprints and Jumps Circuit

Skill Cards (English & Spanish)

Task Cards (Spanish)


Spartan Adventure Race 201

Spartan Adventure Race 101

fun physical education activities for high school students

Group Fitness

Yoga Basic Training Lesson Plan

Yoga Content Cards

Yoga Content Cards (Spanish)

Basic Training Peer Checklist

Basic Training Peer Checklist (Spanish)

SFI Certification Tracking Sheet

iGames Lesson


Boulder Runner

I Got Your Back Lesson Plan

Practice Plan

Practice Plan (Spanish)

fun physical education activities for high school students

Fitness Fun

Fun and Fitness Circuit Lesson Plan

Fitness Station Cards

Fitness Station Cards (Spanish)

Fun Station Cards

Fun Station Cards (Spanish)

Great Games

Balanced Breakfast

Flying Disc Group Challenge Lesson Plan

Task Card (Spanish)

fun physical education activities for high school students

Building Blocks

Starting and Stopping Lesson Plan

Family Fun Activities

Family Fun Activities (Spanish)

Beanbag Bonanza

Station Play Lesson Plan

Station Cards

Have a Ball

Bounce and Catch

fun physical education activities for high school students

Recess Activities

Social studies.

Social Studies Fitness Relay

State Lists

State Lists (Spanish)

Fitness Relay State Cards

STEM Fitness Training

STEM Fitness Training Cards (English & Spanish)

fun physical education activities for high school students

Me Activities



We Activities

WE: INSIDE (3-5)


3 Activities

3: INSIDE (3-5)

3: OUTSIDE (K-2)

fun physical education activities for high school students

Sample Resources

Group Juggling

Object Control Skills-Underhand Throwing

What Your PE Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Wishes You Knew

Football Unit Inclusion Strategies 3-6

fun physical education activities for high school students

SPARK Holiday Lesson

Hearty Hoopla

Stop the Grinch!

Zombie Graveyard

Build a Turkey

Let's Be Friends

Stay connected to hear about new upcoming events!


JUNE 2023: SPARK is celebrating 34 years - Evidence. Innovation. Impact. Thanks to all past, present, & future SPARK customers, partners, & funders for positively impacting so many students, youth and children worldwide! #physed #afterschool #ECE #activeclassroom #earlychilhdood pic.twitter.com/8lnL2SFe54


📣 Starts in 1 hour! (5pmPT/8pmET) SPARK June Webinar: Units to Invigorate Your PE Program - New SPARK K-12 Activities bit.ly/3TrwoLH #physed pic.twitter.com/H8szuGXm7P

SPARK Enhanced Active Classroom (& Recess) - Lesson Plans Available! Check out all the details here: bit.ly/448ud4r #ActiveClassroom #physed #physicalactivity #recess pic.twitter.com/eMegOhTINX

Join @JeffMushkin SPARK Content Development Director TONIGHT for our SPARK June Webinar: Units to Invigorate Your PE Program - New SPARK K-12 Activities There is still time to register here: bit.ly/3TrwoLH?utm_so… #physed pic.twitter.com/SwmmjMyOzp

Make sure to stop by the SPARK booth at #KYSHAPE23 conference - chance to win an iPad! Plus, don't miss our presentation today at 1:45pm: Prep - Set & Thrive with SPARK PE Strategies, Activities, and More! (secondary focused) #physed @KY_SHAPE pic.twitter.com/VVgjH3ptP1


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fun physical education activities for high school students

  • Pete Charrette

PE Games for Elementary Students: 6 Dynamic Physical Education Games to Transform Your Classes

Physical Education games serve as the heartbeat of an engaging and effective physical education curriculum. These activities not only energize PE classes but also bring to life the crucial motor movement, fitness development, and manipulative skills students learn throughout their PE journey. By transitioning from traditional skill practice to dynamic, inclusive games, physical educators can witness firsthand the transformation in their students’ abilities to navigate space, collaborate with peers, and apply strategic thinking in real-time. This evolution in teaching approach aligns seamlessly with the broader educational goals set forth by SHAPE America Standards, ensuring that each game played contributes meaningfully to the development of physically literate individuals.

6 Dynamic PE Games that will Transform Your Physical Education Classes

The incorporation of PE games into the curriculum offers a unique opportunity to cement the foundational skills taught in PE classes. Through carefully designed activities, students can apply and refine these skills in a context that emphasizes fun, engagement, and practical application. This method not only reinforces learning but also enhances students’ ability to adapt and apply various movement patterns and strategies across different situations, fostering a more comprehensive understanding and appreciation for physical activity.

Adhering to the SHAPE America Standards, this article aims to explore the multifaceted benefits of PE games. These standards serve as a guiding framework, illuminating the path towards achieving educational excellence in physical education. By integrating these games, educators can ensure their programs are not just meeting but exceeding the expectations for developing well-rounded, physically literate individuals who value and engage in physical activity for life. Through this lens, we delve into the transformative power of PE games, showcasing their potential to enrich the PE experience for students of all ages.

Benefits of Incorporating PE Games into the Curriculum

Incorporating engaging and fun games into the physical education curriculum offers multifaceted benefits, directly contributing to the development of students' physical, cognitive, and social abilities. These games are instrumental in translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills, enhancing the overall learning experience in physical education.

Benefits of Incorporating PE Games into the Curriculum

Engaging Students in Active Learning

Engaging students in active learning through PE games not only captures their interest but also significantly improves their motor skills and movement patterns. These activities offer a dynamic classroom atmosphere where students are eager to participate and learn. The skills utilized during PE games help address SHAPE America's standards as referenced below:

Fostering Motor Skill Competency (SHAPE America Standard 1 )

Fostering Motor Skill Competency (SHAPE America Standard 1)

Variety of Movement Patterns:  PE games introduce students to a wide range of movements such as throwing, catching, and kicking, helping to build a solid foundation of motor skills.

Skill Development Through Play:  Engaging in a pe game allows students to practice and refine these skills in a supportive and enjoyable setting, encouraging continued participation and improvement.

Application of Knowledge and Skills (SHAPE America Standard 2 )

Application of Knowledge and Skills (SHAPE America Standard 2)

Strategic Thinking and Decision Making:  Games often require students to use strategy and make quick decisions, applying their understanding of movement concepts in real-time scenarios.

Real-World Skill Application:  Through small and large group games, students learn how to apply movement principles and strategies, enhancing their ability to perform and collaborate effectively.

Promoting Physical Fitness and Well-being

By making physical activity enjoyable and varied, PE games motivate students in a middle, high or elementary school to participate more frequently, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. These activities are essential in demonstrating that fitness can be fun and rewarding, encouraging students to remain active both in and outside of school.

Maintaining Physical Activity Levels (SHAPE America  Standard 3 )

Maintaining Physical Activity Levels (SHAPE America Standard 3)

Regular Engagement:  PE games ensure students are actively participating throughout the class, contributing to their daily physical activity quota.

Health-Enhancing Fitness:  Activities are designed to improve cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance, supporting a lifelong journey towards a healthy lifestyle.

Incorporating PE games into the educational framework allows physical educators to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment. By aligning these games with the SHAPE America Standards, educators can ensure that students not only achieve their physical education goals but also develop a lifelong appreciation for health and fitness.

The Role of PE Games in Promoting Social and Personal Responsibility

Physical Education games are essential in teaching more than just physical skills; they foster social and personal responsibility, encouraging students to act with respect and integrity both on and off the field. By embedding these values into the curriculum, students can partake in healthy competition and educators can leverage PE games to promote growth in every student, directly aligning with SHAPE America's Standards 4 and 5.

Cultivating Responsible Behavior and Respect

PE games serve as a practical tool for educators to instill important social skills, such as cooperation, respect, and responsible behavior, crucial for personal development and academic success.

Teamwork and Fair Play (SHAPE America Standard 4 )

Teamwork and Fair Play (SHAPE America Standard 4)

Combined Effort and Responsibility : Games provide a context for students to practice teamwork and experience the importance of fair play. These activities encourage students to take responsibility for their actions and understand their impact on the group's success.

Respect for Diversity:  Diverse PE games allow students to interact with a wide range of peers, teaching them to respect and value different abilities and backgrounds, fostering a culture of inclusivity and empathy.

Highlighting the Value of Physical Activity

Through engaging and enjoyable PE games, students can discover the comprehensive benefits of physical activity, including its impact on health, personal fulfillment, and social well-being.

Enhancing Health and Wellness (SHAPE America Standard 5 )

fun physical education activities for high school students

Boosting Self-Esteem:  Regular participation in PE games emphasizes the importance of physical activity for maintaining health, highlighting its role in enhancing physical and mental well-being.

Promoting Enjoyment and Self-Expression:  Cooperative games or activities like an obstacle course offer students a platform for challenge, enjoyment, and expressing themselves, encouraging a lifelong engagement with physical activity for pleasure and personal achievement.

Facilitating Social Interaction:  By participating in PE games, students develop social skills and build relationships, understanding the value of physical activity in creating and maintaining social bonds.

Incorporating PE games into the educational framework not only meets the SHAPE America Standards but also enriches the learning environment. Educators are equipped to guide students in developing a sense of responsibility, respect for themselves and others, and an appreciation for the integral role of physical activity in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life.

Featured PE Games

Explore the following selection of 6 dynamic PE games crafted to inject excitement, teamwork, and strategic thinking into your physical education classes. With each game offering distinct objectives and skill sets, they guarantee to captivate every student, reshaping your PE lessons into exciting and inclusive adventures. These featured games are perfect for aligning with SHAPE America's Standard 2 which states: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

SHAPE America's Standard 2 which states: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Game Overview

BattleShip - PE Games

Battleship  is an engaging and fun game, that emphasizes students' development of

throwing, rolling, and blocking skills within a teamwork and strategy-focused context. Set in a naval-themed arena, this game challenges students to collaborate and think strategically as they aim to "sink" opposing teams' ships by knocking over their pins, simulating the battle on the high seas.

Equipment Needed

8 – 12 mats (representing battleships)

6 pins per battleship

Velcro tape or other markers for pin placement

8-12 flags or flagpoles (one for each battleship)

Matching scrimmage vests for scuba divers

20-30 gatorskin balls

20-30 yarn balls

Transform your gym into a vast naval battlefield with battleships stationed around the perimeter. Each battleship is represented by a mat, with six pins set around it to act as targets. A flag at the front signifies the ship's presence. Distribute various balls around the gym class floor as ammunition. Assign 4 – 8 students to each battleship, with one person from each team wearing a vest matching their flag color as the scuba diver. Designate one student from each team as a "scuba diver," identified by a vest matching their team's flag, who will operate off the mat to gather balls - the ammunition.

BattleShip - PE Games

Rules and Gameplay

The objective is for teams to sink opposing battleships by knocking over their pins using balls.

When all a team's pins are down, that battleship is considered sunk, and they must lower their flag.

Even after being sunk, teams can continue to play and aim to sink the remaining battleships.

Players must manage their positions on their mat, covering their battleship effectively.

Each team has a scuba diver who collects balls from the gym floor to distribute to their respective teams but they cannot block shots. Each ball is like a hot potato and must be rolled quickly to a teammate.

Scuba divers can gather multiple balls at a time but must avoid interfering with the gameplay.

Players on the battleships must not step off the mat, doing so may result in a penalty such as knocking down one of their own pins.

The game concludes when only one battleship remains or the one with the most pins standing after a predetermined time. Reset the pins after the conclusion and the game continues

Teaching Tips

Differentiation/Modification: Consider using taped-off areas or cones to define battleships for easier setup. Adjust the type and size of balls to modify the game's difficulty and Change the number of pins required to sink a battleship based on skill levels. You can also vary the number of scuba divers based on team size and skill.

Safety: Encourage players to maintain positions on their mats to prevent falls. Scuba divers should be cautious of their surroundings to avoid collisions with players or obstacles.

Assessment: Assess students on their ability to apply proper throwing, rolling, and blocking techniques. Observe students' teamwork and strategic planning, ensuring they adhere to game rules and demonstrate fair play.

Storm the Castle

Storm the Castle - PE Games

Storm the Castle  focuses on the dynamic skills of dodging, fleeing, chasing, and tagging within a large group setting. This medieval-themed, multi-faceted tag game encourages students to strategize and work as a team to protect their castle and its treasures while attempting to invade the opposing team's fortress. Play music to start and stop the game and for transitional purposes.

8-, 18-, or 24-inch cones for treasures.

Small saucer cones for dungeons.

16 Poly Spot Markers.

2 sets of different colored vests for teams.

Boundary lines to define the playing area.

To set up the game, begin by dividing the class into two teams, each team taking up residence on one side of the play area, symbolizing their respective castles. At the rear of each castle, place four cones, each serving as a treasure, positioned strategically on four of the eight spot markers. The play area is then divided into two distinct sections, each representing a castle. Each castle is equipped with two gates positioned at opposite ends and two dungeons situated on opposite sides, adding layers of strategic depth to the game setup.

Storm the Castle - PE Games

Knights (students) start in their castle and the game starts on the teacher's signal.

The objective is for knights to cross into the other team’s castle, avoid being tagged, and retrieve treasures to bring back to their side. The first team to secure all 8 treasures wins.

Knights prevent opponents from stealing their treasures by tagging them before they can grab a cone. No diving, sliding or blob tag allowed.

Tagged knights are sent to the dungeon and can be freed by a teammate who reaches the dungeon without being tagged.

Freed knights must link with the rescuer and students walk safely return to their castle.

Knights carrying a stolen treasure must walk with it above their head to show it was legally taken and are immune to being tagged while doing so.

Up to 4 guards per team can protect the treasures.

Referees or rock/paper/scissors can resolve disputes or close calls.

Differentiation/Modification: To accommodate various play spaces, the length of the court or field may be adjusted. Playing outdoors offers a refreshing alternative to indoor spaces. The number of cones representing treasures can be varied to modify the game's difficulty, and adjusting the number of guards per team allows for strategic flexibility.

Safety: Safety is paramount in Storm the Castle. Diving or sliding to retrieve cones is strictly prohibited to minimize the risk of injury. Students are reminded to maintain control over their movements at all times, keeping an eye out for open spaces to navigate safely. It's also crucial to ensure a safe distance from walls and other obstacles, protecting students from potential harm during the excitement of play.

Assessment: Observation focuses on students' techniques in chasing, dodging, tagging, and fleeing, ensuring they apply these skills effectively within the game context. Additionally, students' adherence to the rules, their ability to work as a team, and employ strategies for cooperation are key aspects of the assessment.

King/Queen Pin

King/Queen Pin - PE Games

King/Queen Pin , created by an accomplished physical educator from North Carolina, Gabe Erbin - @ErvinGabe , engages students in refining their throwing, rolling, and defensive abilities within the imaginative context of a royal court. Participants adopt roles as either noble guardians (kings and queens), endeavoring to protect their kingdom's valued treasures (pins), or as rebellious contenders (peasants), aiming to overthrow the monarchs by knocking down their treasures. This activity promotes strategic planning, collaborative effort, and physical dexterity, all wrapped in an entertaining medieval narrative.

10 – 15 bowling pins

Several Nerf, Gator skin, or yarn balls

16 Poly Spot Markers

Boundary lines

To set up the game, envision the playing area as the court of a king or queen, with the monarchs positioned centrally to defend their treasures, represented by several large bowling pins placed at the heart of the play zone. Some students take on the role of a king or queen, assigned the task of guarding their pin. Meanwhile, the remaining students, cast as peasants, position themselves behind the court's sideline, ready to engage. The field is dotted with a variety of soft, Nerf, Gator, or yarn balls, serving as ammunition for the impending challenge.

King/Queen Pin - PE Games

 Instructions for Play

Divide students into two groups: King/Queen Pins (defenders) and Peasant throwers/rollers (attackers).

The goal for attackers is to knock down the King/Queen Pin’s pin by throwing or rolling balls.

Throws or rolls must be executed with at least one foot on the Peasant line.

Balls can be retrieved from anywhere but must be launched from the Peasant line.

Successfully knocking down a pin allows a Peasant to dethrone the King/Queen Pin and take their place.

King/Queen Pins defend by blocking balls with any part of their body, without directly supporting the pin to prevent it from falling.

The aim for King/Queen Pins is to maintain their status by effectively defending against the attackers.

Differentiation/Modification:  Try substituting balls with indoor Foam Frisbees for an added challenge. Additionally, the number of pins used in the game can be modified to accommodate the size of the group or to alter the level of difficulty, ensuring that the game remains challenging yet accessible for all players.

Safety:  Prioritize the use of soft balls to ensure safety. All throws should be made from behind the designated sideline to maintain order and fairness in the game. Players should stay aware of their surroundings to prevent collisions and avoid diving or sliding for balls. All throws should be aimed at the pins, ensuring a safe and controlled play environment.

Assessment:  Focus on observing students' technique in throwing, rolling, catching, and blocking. Evaluate students' rule adherence, teamwork, and strategic execution to assess their engagement and understanding of the game's objectives.

Sky Bowling

Sky Bowling - PE Games

Sky Bowling introduces students to a unique blend of throwing, catching, blocking, and gathering skills within a game that prioritizes teamwork and strategy. Set in an indoor environment transformed into a competitive sky, the game challenges students to knock over the opposing team's hidden pins while protecting their own.

8-10 mats placed upright to form a "Sky Cloud" barrier

15-20 nerf, gator skin, or fleece balls for throwing

24-30 hula hoops scattered across each side

24-30 bowling pins or cones with whiffle balls on top, positioned within the hula hoops

A scoreboard or alternative scoring device

The gym is split into two halves, separated by upright mats linked together to form a "Wall Cloud." Around 8-10 mats are positioned upright in the center, dividing the playing area. On each side, 12-20 hula hoops are placed, each containing a bowling pin or a cone topped with a whiffle ball. Players distribute themselves across their half, ready to throw balls and defend their pins, with basketball goals set up on the wall for an additional challenge.

Sky Bowling - PE Games

Instructions for Play

Players are divided into two teams, taking positions at their end line within their designated "Sky Bowling" court.

Upon the start signal, players rush to collect balls from their side and throw them over the "Wall Cloud" towards the opposing team’s pins.

Each player can only throw one ball at a time and must release it within three seconds of picking it up.

Throws must be made from the spot where the ball was picked up or stopped, with only a single step allowed for momentum.

Catching a ball cleanly allows the player a chance to score a basket; successfully doing so permits them to reset one of their knocked-down pins.

The game progresses with players catching and attempting baskets, with pins only being reset by those who score.

The match concludes after a predetermined time, with the team having the least number of pins knocked down declared the winner.

Differentiation/Modification:  To modify "Sky Bowling," you could lower the mats or use a volleyball net for better visibility. Introducing different types of balls, like beach balls, offers varied gameplay. Adjusting the playing court's size or using lines instead of mats as dividers provides flexibility in setting the game's difficulty.

Safety: Players should use soft gator skin or fleece balls to minimize injury risks. Awareness of the surroundings is crucial to avoid accidental collisions. Gathering and distributing balls should be done cautiously, and contact with the dividing mats ("Wall Cloud") is discouraged to prevent them from toppling over.

Assessment:  Observation focuses on the students' proficiency in throwing, catching, and accurately shooting balls. Additionally, adherence to the game's rules, the demonstration of fair play, and the ability to collaborate effectively within teams are key aspects of the assessment, reflecting each student's understanding and application of the game's strategies.

Stars and Strikes

Stars and Strikes - PE Games

Stars and Strikes   offers a dynamic experience for students, focusing on developing throwing, rolling, and guarding skills through strategic gameplay. Set in an imaginative space-themed environment, this game encourages teamwork as students work to protect their planet's command centers (bowling pins) while attempting to knock down those of the opposing team.

10 bowling pins set up on polyspots or tape dots behind each team's territory

25+ yarn, nerf, or fleece balls scattered across the play area for use as ammunition

2 red vests and 2 blue vests for the "Aliens" role

Center line to divide the gym into two halves, representing different planets

The gym is divided into two halves, representing different planets. Each side has 10 bowling pins arranged behind the back line, symbolizing the planets' command centers. The play area is filled with yarn/nerf balls, serving as ammunition for the players, or "Star Troopers," who are tasked with saving their friendly alien planet and destroying the enemy one. Two "Friendly Aliens" on each team assist in the defense and supply of ammunition.

Stars and Strikes - PE Games

Players are divided into two teams, each defending their planet's command centers while attempting to knock down the opposing team's pins.

Crossing the middle line is prohibited to maintain the integrity of each planet's atmosphere.

Star Troopers can throw or roll only one ball at a time in an effort to hit the bowling pins on the opposing side.

The "Aliens," (usually two students per team, identified by vests), are the only ones permitted behind the bowling pin line, tasked with protecting the pins and redistributing balls to their team.

The game aims to knock down all the opponent's pins or achieve the highest number of knocked-down pins within a set time limit.

Differentiation/Modification: The game can be adapted for various skill levels by using only fleece balls for younger or less experienced players, adjusting the number of pins, or changing the distance between pins. Bringing pins closer together can make the game more accessible for younger students.

Safety: Emphasize the use of soft fleece/yarn balls to ensure safety during play. Players should remain aware of their surroundings to avoid accidental collisions and are encouraged not to dive or slide for balls. All throws should be directed towards the pins, maintaining a safe and controlled environment.

Assessment: Observation is key in assessing students' ability to apply proper techniques in throwing, rolling, catching, and blocking. Additionally, assessing students' adherence to the rules, their ability to cooperate within their team, and their strategic planning offers valuable insights into their understanding and application of the game's objectives.

Meteor Blitz

Meteor Blitz   sometimes referred to as "MonsterBall" is designed to refine precision in both

Meteor Blitz - PE Games

throwing and rolling, merging the elements of teamwork and strategic gameplay. Set within a galactic theme, participants are thrust into a cosmic battle, with the objective of propelling large balls—referred to as 'planets'—into the opposing team's domain. This is achieved by skillfully hurling smaller balls, dubbed 'meteors,' towards these planets to drive them across the territorial boundary."

20-40 gator skin, nerf, or yarn balls as meteors

3-6 Large balls like exercise, beach, or slo-mo balls representing planets

4 red vests for meteor retrievers, 2 for each team

A center line to divide the playing area - eight or nine hula hoops can also be used as a divider

Two back "Meteor Launching" lines for each team

A scoreboard or scoring device to keep track of points (eight or nine hula hoops)

The gym is divided into two halves with a center line, and 3 to 6 large balls are placed on this line to start the game. Each team has two or three designated meteor retrievers who position themselves within the play area, ready to assist their team. Around the gym, several yarn, nerf, or gator skin balls are scattered to serve as meteors. Teams line up behind their respective "Meteor Launching" lines, spreading out to cover the area from one end to the other, preparing to launch their meteors into space.

Meteor Blitz - PE Games

Teams work to move the large balls across the opponent's line by hitting them with smaller balls.

"Meteor Launchers" stay behind their line, using strategy to throw or roll meteors at the planets.

Points are scored by moving planets across the opponent's line, hitting an opponent, or hitting an opponent's meteor retriever.

Meteor retrievers gather and return meteors to their team, but cannot directly interact with the planets.

If a launcher steps over the line, they must count to 50 in a penalty area before returning.

Direct contact with the large balls by any player results in points for the opposing team.

Differentiation/Modification: The game can be tailored to the participants' needs by limiting the action to rolling for younger students or those less skilled in throwing. Adjusting the number of planets in play can increase or decrease the game's difficulty, as can altering the number of retrievers or modifying the distance between launching lines to suit the space available or the participants' abilities.

Safety: Emphasizing safety, only soft balls should be used for throwing to minimize the risk of injury. Participants are encouraged to stay alert and control their movements, avoiding any actions that could lead to collisions or falls, such as diving or sliding for a ball. When throwing, focus should be maintained on the large balls to ensure the safety of all players, particularly the retrievers moving across the play area

Assessment: Observation is key in assessing students' application of accurate throwing or rolling techniques and their ability to catch and field rolling balls effectively. Additionally, evaluators should note each student's ability to follow the game's rules, their cooperation and teamwork within their group, and their strategic thinking in navigating the game's challenges.

If you enjoyed these games, I have written another article on my website with 6 more! Click the following link to view the games: Energize Your Physical Education classes with 6 Action-Packed Large Group PE Games

fun physical education activities for high school students

Final Reflections

PE Rocks - PE Games Article - Cap'n Pete

Navigating through these highlighted PE games, we've embarked on a journey that extends beyond mere physical activity. These games are a gateway to teaching invaluable life skills—teamwork, resilience, and the joy of movement. It's remarkable to witness how games like Battleship  and Storm the Castle  can transform a regular PE class into an exhilarating adventure, where every student, regardless of ability, finds their moment to shine. This isn't just about meeting educational standards; it's about crafting experiences that students will treasure, fostering an enduring enthusiasm for physical activity.

So, as we wrap up, remember the power you hold in shaping an inclusive, dynamic, and joyful learning environment. Through the strategic integration of these diverse games, you’re not just instructing; you’re inspiring a lifelong commitment to health and fitness. Here’s to making every PE session a highlight of your students’ day, and here's to you, the educators, who make it all possible. Keep the spirit of play alive in your teachings, and watch your students thrive in ways beyond the physical.

Passion is your power—let it shine through! Keep igniting the spark of physical education, making it a lively and meaningful adventure for every learner.

Need some FREE resources?

Do you need some large group games for your physical education program that includes detailed lesson plans and comprehensive diagrams with fun graphics? Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered!

3 FREE Engaging Large Group PE Games:

Fill in the form below to download 3 FREE  Engaging Large Group PE Games:

1. Pirates-  Fast-paced, high-energy chasing, fleeing, and tagging game

2. Galaxy Quest-  Intergalactic, engaging chasing, fleeing, and tagging game

3. Survivor 1-  Defending, rolling, throwing for accuracy game

This freebie set will be sure to enhance your PE curriculum for years!

A Mega Bundle of Large Group Games

If you're looking for a way to improve your physical education curriculum, check out Cap'n Pete's Large Group PE Games - Triple Series Mega Bundle . In the mega bundle, there are 36   quality games designed to be engaging, student-friendly, and highly active.

Cap'n Pete's Large Group PE Games - Triple Series Mega Bundle on capnpetespowerpe.com.

You can download them from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website  or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store

This comprehensive collection includes 12 ROCKIN GAMES + 12 OUT OF THIS WORLD GAMES + 12 PE GAMES FOR SUPERHEROES! That's 36 quality themed, large group games for your PE program.

Each game comes with a detailed lesson plan consisting of 1. Overview and Purpose, 2. SHAPE AMERICA Standard 3. Learning Outcomes, 4. Essential Questions, 5. Differentiation/Modification, 6. Game Setup and Procedures (Instructions for Play), 7. Materials and Resources, 8. Safety and 9. Assessment Suggestions. An easy to follow, full page graphical diagram is also included for each game in the Large Group Game Mega Bundle.

Pete Charrette signature send-off pic.

  • Activities and Games
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…click a category above for great p.e. games, category: warm-up.

Grade level: K-4 Equipment: Special Object (ex. trophy, stuffy, Olympic torch) Game Description: Far Away is a super easy and effective game to explore spatial awareness. Players will move around and try to be FAR AWAY from others, teaching safety in numbers and moving to open spaces. (Thanks James Barton for this game idea)

Mr Wolf Dice Roll

Grade level: K-3 Equipment: 1 Foam Dice Game Description: Another Mr. Wolf type game (modification by Deric Hafer). Good for reaction time, running (or other movement skills) and following directions/commands. Use it in combination with the original or as a stand-alone game!

Tight Spaces Tag

Grade level: 2-8 Equipment: Flags Game Description: A really fun and dynamic tag game for almost all ages (thanks Deric Hafer)!

Cleanies vs Messies

Grade level: K-3 Equipment: Cones, Soccerballs (for soccer variations) Game Description: 5 different ways to play this updated version of Knockemdowners. It really is a classic game, students really move, and practice a variety of skills in fun variations which can be used in any primary PE class or football (soccer) program!

Sneak & React

Grade level: K-8 Equipment: None Game Description: Great for all ages, super fun. Works on reaction timing. Use this one as an instant activity or a warm-up but it can be a stand alone game as well. You also don’t need any equipment either.

Gorilla Man Gun

Grade level: 2-7 Equipment: None Game Description: A great game idea with no equipment needed! 3 different actions or poses: Gorilla, Man, and Gun. Uses the ‘Rock Paper Scissors’ format with a running portion and competition as well. Sure to get kids moving and having fun with decisive actions, movement execution, and chasing/fleeing. (Thanks to Angela Pilcher)

Cat & Mouse

Grade level: K-5 Equipment: Beanbags, cones Game Description: This game combines a couple other game ideas into 1 unique and fun game: you’ve got the mice who need to grab the cheese along the way. And you’ve got the cats who try to stop the mice and catch them. (Thanks to Deric Hafer for this game)

Grade level: K-6 Equipment: None Game Description: Try this traditional Indigenous game for some good old fashioned fun. Get nice and sweaty.

Cops N Robbers

Grade level: K-6 Equipment: None Game Description: Here’s the classic game of Cops N Robbers. First and most importantly is to find a fun area to play this game (technically it could be played anywhere but the more obstacles and hiding spots, the better). You’ll create a couple Cops whose job is to find and tag the Robbers. Once robbers are tagged they need to go to jail. Sounds simple because it is, and it’s a whole lot of fun too! (Thanks to a friend and colleague Paul Grosskopf for bringing this game back to life)

Predators & Prey

Grade level: 1-6 Equipment: None Game Description: Here is an awesome cross-curricular idea that’s lots of fun, and teaches science concepts through play. Find a playing area indoors or outdoors. Have a quick discussion to see what students know about predators, prey, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, etc. Ask students to give some examples. Then start setting up the game (it’s really simple actually). You’ll start by choosing a herbavore (example rabbits). Most of the players will be the rabbits. Their job is to simply run away from the taggers (the omnivores and carnivore). Then choose 2-3 players to be the omnivores (example foxes). The foxes will be chasing down the rabbits to try to tag them. But then you will also choose a carnivore, at the top of that food chain (example wolf). The wolf is able to chase after either the foxes or the rabbits and tag them. When players are tagged they need to go to the teacher at the side to perform a predetermined quick exercise to get back into the game. The teacher also has a special job… (thanks to Richard Turenne for this game idea!)

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Header content, georgia high school student awarded 11th annual poet laureate’s prize.

May 28, 2024

  • Mary Anne Lane

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Earlier this month, Georgia’s Poet Laureate, Chelsea Rathburn, in partnership with Georgia Council for the Arts, announced the winner and finalists of the 11th annual Poet Laureate’s Prize. The prize is awarded for an original poem written by a Georgia high school student.   The program encourages students in grades nine through 12 to write original poems and engage in the art form of poetry, in turn building creative communications skills and self-confidence.    More than 300 students submitted poems for the 2023-2024 school year, an increase of more than 100 submissions over the previous year and nearly double the amount of high schools participating.   The students’ grade levels noted below reflect the 2023-2024 school year.   2024 WINNER POET LAUREATE’S PRIZE   Grayson Jones – “Pennies” Grade 12, Thomas County Central High School Thomasville, Thomas County    2024 FINALISTS POET LAUREATE’S PRIZE  (listed in alphabetical order by last name)   Muriel Chan – “Stomping Grounds” Grade 9, McIntosh High School Peachtree City, Fayette County   Samanyu Ganesh – “Ode to Garbage Collectors” Grade 10, The Westminster Schools Atlanta, Fulton County   Quinn Kelsey – “Poison Ivy” Grade 12, Decatur High School Decatur, DeKalb County   Autumn Martin – “Learner’s Permit” Grade 12, Carrollton High School Carrollton, Carroll County   “Reading the Poet Laureate’s Prize entries, which come from across the state, from students just entering high school to those about to graduate, is a powerful experience,” said Georgia Poet Laureate Chelsea Rathburn. “I’m reminded how poetry is both intimate and universal, expressing individual concerns but also showing how much we have in common.”   Through a partnership with Atlanta Magazine, all winning and finalist poems are featured on its website. To read the poems, click here . All of the 2024 finalists will be invited to participate in a private poetry reading at the State Capitol and to receive a commemorative photo with Governor Brian Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp in honor of their achievement.   “Access to arts education provides young people a foundation for success, and Georgia’s Poet Laureate’s Prize has been a catalyst for artistic engagement among our state’s high school students for over a decade,” said Georgia Council for the Arts Executive Director Tina Lilly. “We are continually inspired by the talent and creativity of students statewide, and extend our gratitude to the teachers and schools who guided and encouraged these students throughout this year’s contest.”   All Georgia high school students are encouraged to participate in this annual competition. Details about the 2025 competition will be available on the Georgia Council for the Arts website in fall 2024. The annual submission deadline is at the beginning of spring.  Click here to learn more about the program.  

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Planning for the Future: Career Exploration Activities for High School Students

High angle view of a diverse group of young adults seated around table

Career education has always been an important part of the high school curriculum — especially since students’ understanding of potential career paths can drastically affect the decisions they make. It’s one of the reasons why high school (and increasingly middle school!) is the prime time for educators to educate students about potential pathways after graduation. Keep reading for meaningful career exploration activities that will help students discover their interests, skills, and passions, and guide them towards fulfilling and successful careers and occupations.

Career Exploration Activities and Ideas to Help High Schoolers Plan for their Futures

Here are a few ideas for career exploration that educators, counselors, and parents can use to help students plan for life after graduation.

Facilitate a self-reflection activity

Before high schoolers can even begin to explore potential career paths, they must first gain a deeper understanding of themselves. Through self-reflection activities — like personality assessments and writing prompts — you can encourage students to reflect on their academic passions, values, personal strengths and weaknesses, and lifestyle goals. This helps students begin to identify what’s most important to them, and start thinking about potential career paths that are most aligned with their values, strengths, and visions for the future.

Clickable image of a TPT resource

Career Readiness: Soft Skill Reflection Task Cards by The Career Ready Teacher Grades: 7-12

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Career Scenarios | Personality Traits and Interest Assessment by The Transition Teacher Grades: 9-12 | Special Education

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Career Exploration Worksheets with Career Interest Survey & Personality Test by Jenn Liu — Engaging to Empower Grades: 8-12

Encourage students to do an inventory of their interests

Career surveys and inventories are assessment tools that are designed to help students identify potential career paths that are aligned with their interests. Try one of these resources to facilitate meaningful discussions with students about their interests, and to help empower them to make informed decisions about their future.

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Career Cluster Interest Inventory Survey PLUS Career Exploration Assignment by School Counseling Essentials Grades: 6-12

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Career Interest Symbol Supported Student Survey by Adulting Made Easy aka SpedAdulting Grades: 6-12 | Special Education

Assign a career research project for in-depth investigation

After some initial research reflection, the next step is for students to begin exploring specific careers or occupations in more depth. Through career research projects, students can investigate potential opportunities and learn more about job responsibilities, required qualifications, salary expectations, positives and negatives, and growth opportunities. 

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Career Exploration & Research for Google Drive™ by College Counselor Studio Grades: 9-12

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Future College and Future Career Research Paper Bundle by The Daring English Teacher Grades: 7-12

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Introduction to Design: Middle, High School Art & Design Career Research Project by Look Between the Lines Grades: 6-12

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Business, Management, & Administration Career Cluster Research Digital Activity by Business Education with Denise Leigh Grades: 9-12

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Career Exploration Worksheets for STEM Jobs Research Project by Meredith Anderson – Momgineer STEM Activities Grades 6-10

Play a career exploration game in class

Through career exploration games, students can explore different career options and industries in a fun, engaging way. You can incorporate quizzes and decision-making activities to help students understand the skills, qualifications, and paths associated with different careers. These resources can provide students with hands-on experiences that are sure to spark curiosity, facilitate discussion, and inspire informed career choices.

Clickable image of a TPT resource

Career Exploration Game Job Salaries Fun Activity by Career And Employment Prep Grades: 6-12

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Career Card Grab Game for High School Career Development by The Counselor Clique Grades: 9-12

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Career Exploration Activity Game – Middle and High School Occupations by Informed Decisions Grades: 6-12

Discover more activities for career and technical education on TPT.

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UH expands free summer program for high school students to learn about intelligence field

A free summer school program is available for high school students in Hawaii who are interested in learning more about entering the intelligence field. 

What You Need To Know

The free four-week program takes place online and at the university of hawaii at manoa campus this year, the expanded program will include spots for 40 students students will learn about power and world politics since 1945, with simulations, games, lectures and field trips applications are due by june 1.

The four-week program takes place online and at the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus, introducing students to power in world politics since 1945, with an emphasis on the U.S. 

The College of Social Sciences will host the Academy for Hawaii Intelligence Studies Summer Program for a second year. 

“AHI-SP POLS was the first program of its kind in Hawaii that provided high schoolers statewide with college credit for a workforce pathway to national intelligence,” said Jairus Grove, AHI-SP POLS program director and political science professor, in a statement. “It revealed an overwhelming demand and enthusiasm for educational programs in this field.”

This year, the expanded program will include spots for 40 students. 

“AHI-SP POLS changed my life,” said Tasanee Cogliandro, a graduate of the inaugural AHI-SP POLS class and currently a senior at Kihei Charter High School on Maui. “I wasn’t sure what (career) I wanted to go into until I participated in this program and really understood that I truly do have a passion for political science.”

The program runs from July 5 to 27, which includes an online component (July 5-20) and an in-person residence week on the UH Manoa campus with simulations, games, lectures and field trips (July 21-27).

Students earn three college credits for completing the program. A commencement ceremony will take place on July 26. 

To learn more about the program, an informational session will take place via Zoom on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Pre-register by emailing: [email protected] .

The Pacific Intelligence and Innovation Initiative pays for registration, tuition, fees, airfare, on-campus housing and meals. 

The program is open to Hawaii high school juniors and seniors, and incoming UH Manoa freshmen, with applications due June 1. Students must be Hawaii residents with a minimum GPA of 3.0. 

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  1. 24 Fun & Inclusive PE Games High Schoolers Love

    Classic Fun Gym Games for High School Students. Over time as physical education programs grew and developed, a few standout games were introduced and became classics because of their wide appeal. People have been playing these for years for a reason, though. They really are super fun. Related Articles

  2. 25 Gym Class Games for High School

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  3. 22 Exciting Pe Games for High School

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  4. PE Lesson Plans for High School (FREE High School PE Activities)

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  5. 9 Exciting Indoor Physical Education (PE) Games for High School Students

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  6. Gym Games For High School Students: Warm-Ups ...

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    The PE games you will find on this site are used by professional physical education teachers as part of successful programs in school gyms - here you'll find amazing ideas for P.E. - tried, tested, and proven by physed teachers and coaches! DIRECT LINK TO YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Physedgames YouTube Browse the categories at the top to enjoy quick and easy video descriptions to learn a new game ...

  8. Top 5 Active Indoor PE Games

    Tri-Bound Set. Volleybound: Each student uses a rebounder to score points in this fun PE game of volleyball. Students will instantly find success with this unique version of volleyball. ACTION! Tri-Bound Set: Bounce balls off our three-sided rebounder to send them flying into opponents' zones in these strategy games for kids! Here are my top ...

  9. Awesome Instant Activities and Warmup Ideas

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  10. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    High School PE Lesson Ideas. Volley Sports. Volleyball Unit Plan. 9-12. 35,937. 1/6/2020. High School PE Lesson Ideas. Class Management. Daily Routines-Goal Setting in High School PE Unit Plan.

  11. 50 Fun PE Games Your Students Will Love

    This PE game is played just like traditional tag except students must play by sitting on and moving around on scooters. 40. Bucketball. This game is played just like regular basketball except students use a bucket instead of the usual basketball hoop. 41. Snake. Break your class into small teams of 5 or 6 players.

  12. 12 Fun Physical Education Games

    Watch as students learn fun games that can be adapted at any level! Check out more awesome videos on my page!Adapted Physical Education Activities and Games...

  13. PE Games for Small Groups: 6 Gym Games Tailored for ...

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  14. Best 14 Fun physical education games

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  15. The PE Shed

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  16. Free Lesson Plans

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  17. 13 Quick and Fun Daily Classroom Fitness Activities

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  19. Warm-up

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  21. Curriculum

    Respect & Responsibility: Students are to exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self, others, facilities and equipment. (PE Standards 4 & 5) Unit Participation: Students work to achieve learning objectives for each unit, improving their skills in a variety of activities. (PE Standards 1 & 2)

  22. Moscow Middle School Physical Education

    Moscow Health & Physical Education. Moving Healthy, Active Minds & Bodies! The goal of Physical Education at Moscow Middle School is to develop physically literate students who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity . MOSCOW MIDDLE SCHOOL WEBSITE.

  23. About

    *Website created by MMS students! This program provides support for the whole school in Nutrition Education & Physical Activity. It is a school-wide wellness program! We look for student leaders to help run the program. From cafeteria make-over to lunchtime activities, we have fun with Fuel Up to Play 60!

  24. Georgia High School Student Awarded 11th Annual Poet Laureate's Prize

    More than 300 students submitted poems for the 2023-2024 school year, an increase of more than 100 submissions over the previous year and nearly double the amount of high schools participating. The students' grade levels noted below reflect the 2023-2024 school year.

  25. Planning for the Future: Career Exploration Activities for High School

    Through career exploration games, students can explore different career options and industries in a fun, engaging way. You can incorporate quizzes and decision-making activities to help students understand the skills, qualifications, and paths associated with different careers.

  26. Full article: Developmentally Appropriate Physical Activities in the

    Physical activity programs during the school day prevent students from being sedentary. One of the environments where students spend the most time during the school day is the classroom. The purpose of this article is to provide suggestions for how students can participate in physical activity during the school day in the classroom environment.

  27. Athletic Eligibility

    Physical Exam Students are required to undergo a physical examination and have it, along with an Interim Questionnaire, on file with the school prior to their first practice in any IHSAA sponsored sport, cheerleading, or dance activity. The Idaho Health Examination and consent form and Interim Questionnaire are available online at idhsaa.org.

  28. Free summer program teaches about intelligence field

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  29. Using empirical science education in schools to improve ...

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