Stepping Stones Study Centre

A Heroic Deed

Whenever I look at my plaque of achievement, I will always remember the day when Gabrielle and I did something heroic …

My sister, Gabrielle, and I were running some errands for Mum at supermarket when all of a sudden, we heard a thunderous roar. Arousing our Sherlock Holmes’ instinct, we decided to check it out.

We ran to the place where the sound came from and came face to face with a horrifying sight. A portly man was branding a cleaver and threatening the shoppers.

“Should I stop him? But he is armed! What should I do? Wait, since he is porky, he should also be clumsy and slow too! That is it, I must go and save the day! What’s more, Gabrielle and I are trained in taekwondo. We have ever taken on opponents tripled our sizes and defeated them like a piece of cake so we should not have any problem taking him down.’ With that thought, I looked at Gabrielle and knew that she also had come to the same conclusion as I.

“1…2…3!” I whispered to Gabrielle, as we launched ourselves at the infuriated man.

“Drop that cleaver and surrender or you’ll regret!” I hollered.

He turned to face me and could not hold onto his laughter. “Arghh! What is this? You are just a puny kid and you will to challenge me!” he mocked with his face contorted in rage.

“We shall see! Now, watch it!”.

As soon as I spoke, Gabrielle and I darted forward and we went for his legs. He lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground. There, blows after blows were landed on his face and slowly but surely , he was losing the fight and in no time, he threw in the towel.  Were we proud of ourselves? You bet! Those present cheered us on.

Soon, the police and paramedics arrived and took over the situation. One of the policemen  took my statement and told us we would be presented a plague of bravery soon. We were on cloud nine. Then , they fetched us home.

On the way home, Gabrielle whispered into my ears. “Bro, I want to be in the future. I want to be a policewoman – to fight crime and save the day.

I grinned at her and we exchanged a high five in the air. “Me too!”

Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “A heroic deed” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduation Exams.

A heroic deed

The story of man is full of heroic deeds. One of the acts of heroism that I have seen myself was that of my uncle, who was attacked by a huge tiger while we were in our plantation, one day.

My uncle, a young and well-built man, and I had left our home early in the morning to do some work in the plantation. When we reached there, we could hear some dogs barking in the distance. But we did not suspect anything, and began to do our work.

While we were working, however, we noticed some foot-prints of some animal. We then examined them closely and were satisfied that they did not belong to any member of the cat family, the most ferocious of animals. We then resumed our work. My uncle took a long knife and began to cut some sticks and branches of plants scattered throughout the plantation, while I did some other work. Soon, however, I saw a movement in the bush, a short distance away. I was alarmed. I ran up to my uncle to draw his attention, but he was hardly interested in what I had to say. He continued to do his work. But shortly afterwards, my uncle himself observed the movement in the bush. Yet, he showed no signs of fear, and his composure dispelled my anxieties. He warned me, however, to be careful, and picked up an axe that had been lying on the ground. His knife, he gave to me. Then, he moved slowly and cautiously towards the bush, ready for any attack.

To our horror, a huge tiger soon emerged from the bush. But my uncle was prepared to face it, to escape seemed impossible. The tiger too seemed to be fully aware of the strength and courage of its adversary. It paused several times while advancing towards my uncle. Then all of a sudden, it sprang on my uncle, but his agility enabled him to escape the sharp claws of the brute with the slightest injury. Now with the axe still in his firm grip, my uncle struck the tigers face again and again, until it was bleeding profusely. The length of the handle of the axe made it difficult for the tiger to get to close to my uncle. That the tiger was at a disadvantage was clear to me from the beginning.

In the end, however, the tiger collapsed and died. Within hours, after that all the people in our area heard of my uncle’s bravery, which saved us both from death. It was indeed a greatest act of heroism that I had witnessed.

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Baljit Singh

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heroic deed essay in english

Beowulf: An Epic Tale of Heroism and Legacy

Beowulf, the ancient epic poem that has captivated readers for centuries, stands as a testament to the power of storytelling and the rich tapestry of anglo-saxon literature..

Medieval Poem Beowulf

“The Beowulf poem is an exceptional literary masterpiece that weaves together elements of heroism, loyalty, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. It offers a window into the past, shedding light on the cultural milieu of the early Middle Ages, while also inspiring readers with its portrayal of the indomitable human spirit in the face of formidable challenges.” Dr. Michael Johnson, Historian of Anglo-Saxon Literature.

Composed in Old English and believed to date back to the 8th or 11th century, Beowulf is not only the oldest surviving epic in the English language but also a literary masterpiece that continues to inspire and enthrall.

With its fusion of pagan and Christian elements, its alliterative verse, and its exploration of heroic ideals, Beowulf is a timeless work that delves into the depths of heroism, fate, and the enduring legacy of one brave warrior.

King Hrothgar & The Monstrous Creature Grendel

Beowulf tells the legendary story of its eponymous hero, who embarks on a perilous journey to aid King Hrothgar in his battle against the monstrous creature Grendel. The poem unfolds in a world teeming with fantastical creatures, fierce battles, and complex human emotions. As the narrative progresses, it becomes evident that Beowulf is not merely a tale of physical prowess, but a reflection of the cultural values and beliefs of the time.

Pagan and Christian Elements

One of the striking aspects of Beowulf is its blend of pagan and Christian elements. Although the story is set in a pre-Christian era, there are several Christian references scattered throughout the poem. This amalgamation of traditions can be attributed to the historical context in which the epic was composed. It serves as a reminder of the transition from paganism to Christianity and the complex interplay between these belief systems.

Poetic Structure

The poetic structure of Beowulf is another noteworthy feature. Written in alliterative verse, the poem relies on the repetition of consonant sounds, particularly at the beginning of words. This stylistic choice not only adds a musical quality to the verses but also reflects the oral tradition through which Beowulf was likely transmitted before being transcribed. The rhythmic cadence of the poem, combined with its vivid imagery and evocative language, creates a captivating reading experience.

Beowulf Battles

Beowulf unfolds through three pivotal battles fought by the hero. The first confrontation is with Grendel, a fearsome and bloodthirsty monster terrorizing the Danes. Beowulf’s valor and strength shine as he defeats Grendel and subsequently battles the creature’s vengeful mother. These victories solidify Beowulf’s reputation as a formidable warrior and a symbol of heroism.

However, it is the third and final battle, against a fire-breathing dragon, that highlights the themes of fate and mortality in Beowulf. Here, the aging hero faces his ultimate test, knowing that his death is imminent. Beowulf’s tragic fate echoes the belief in the inevitability of destiny that permeates the poem. Through his unwavering resolve and selfless courage, Beowulf leaves behind a legacy that transcends his mortal existence.

“Beowulf, a captivating epic poem, stands as a testament to the warrior culture of early medieval Scandinavia. Through its rich storytelling and heroic deeds, the poem provides valuable insights into the values, beliefs, and societal structures of the time, illuminating the spirit of heroism that resonates across generations.” Dr. Sarah Adams, Professor of Old English Literature.

Beowulf, the ancient epic that has survived the test of time, continues to captivate readers with its exploration of heroism, fate, and the clash of cultures. Its unique blend of pagan and Christian elements, its alliterative verse, and its portrayal of three epic battles make it a cornerstone of English literature.

Beyond its historical significance, Beowulf serves as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the universal themes that resonate with readers across generations. As we delve into the epic narrative of Beowulf, we are reminded of the timeless allure of heroic ideals and the indelible mark left by those who face their fears with unwavering courage.

Beowulf: An Epic Tale of Heroism and Legacy | 5 Great Books

“Beowulf: A New Translation” by Maria Dahvana Headley This modern and gripping translation of Beowulf captures the essence of the epic poem while making it accessible to contemporary readers. “Beowulf: A Verse Translation” by Seamus Heaney Renowned poet Seamus Heaney’s masterful translation of Beowulf beautifully preserves the poetic and heroic elements of the original text. “Beowulf and Other Old English Poems” edited by Craig Williamson This anthology not only includes the complete Beowulf poem but also presents other significant Old English poems, providing valuable context and comparisons. “The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays” by J.R.R. Tolkien In this collection of essays, the celebrated author J.R.R. Tolkien examines the significance and depth of Beowulf, offering profound insights into its themes and literary importance. “Beowulf: An Illustrated Edition” by J.R. Skelton This visually stunning edition of Beowulf combines the full text of the poem with evocative illustrations, bringing the heroic tale to life in a captivating manner.

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Personal Narrative Essay: My Most Heroic Deed

heroic deed essay in english

Show More Jeremy Metzger Teacher S. Dhawan English 10 27 October 2017 My Most Heroic Deed It was November 13 2014, seventh grade, I'd have spent a solid week or two at the new school I just transferred to. It was a usual day, I entered my fourth period late, tossing my late excuse paper to the teacher , not saying a word, getting a couple glares, taking my seat anxiously hoping people would turn their eyes toward something or someone else. They did, but it wasn't the teacher, or the chalkboard. On the projector was history unfolding, the first comet landing ever, done by the "European Space Agency's Rosetta". It was a heroic breakthrough of science, people were excited. After the two minute video was done, another kid entered the room quietly. He had …show more content… It was childish how they were acting, like I was in Elementary again, everyone pointing their fingers at someone and ganging up, not realizing what's going on. I noticed two of them walking up to him, I eased up to them, I took a breath and decided to speak out "This is ridiculous, back off and grow up." I said, and pushed them away, I was fully ready for backlash, but instead they did just as I asked, and walked back to their table. Slightly stunned, I sat down, and with hesitation threw the hood off the kid. "What's your" I said nervously, I didn't want trouble, only to help. "Shane, thanks for that, they always come over here and punch on me, poke at me, I don't know if I could have taken it today, no one ever notices it, not even the teacher, I'm happy someone did, thank you." He said, eyes pointed at the table. I smiled, I felt like I just made my first true friend here. I knew I wasn't going to be liked by those kids after that, but I was okay with that. It might not seem like a lot, but to me I felt like I just helped someone from a breakdown, or a possible scene in the middle of class, I knew what that was like, to get bullied, to get ganged up on, I didn't want the same for anyone that didn't deserve it. I put my hand out, "Jeremy, cool to meet you Shane." We talked until the bell rang, we later became great friends, making excellent

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Example sentences heroic deed

We shouldn't see this kind of surrender as some heroic deed to become spiritual.
He refused rewards for his heroic deed from the prince electors.
Ancestors who had done heroic deed are of the usual favorite.
He succumbed from the effects of his wounds shortly after the accomplishment of his heroic deed .
His heroic deed served as an example and an inspiration to his comrades throughout the ensuing 4-day battle.

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Essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character

Students are often asked to write an essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character

What are good deeds.

Good deeds are kind actions we do for others. They can be as simple as helping an old person cross the street or sharing lunch with a friend. These acts show we care about people and want to make their day better.

Good Deeds Show Kindness

When someone does good deeds, it shows they have a kind heart. Kindness is a part of good character. It means thinking about others before ourselves and doing things to help without wanting anything back.

Good Deeds and Respect

Good deeds also show respect. When we act kindly, we are treating others the way we want to be treated. This respect is a big piece of having good character.

Good Deeds Inspire Others

Seeing good deeds makes others want to do the same. This creates a chain of kindness. One good action can lead to many more. This is how good deeds can make a big difference in the world.

250 Words Essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character

Good deeds are actions we do that help others or make the world a better place. They can be small things like helping an old person cross the street or big things like raising money for people who are sick. When we do good deeds, it shows that we care about others and not just about ourselves.

Good Deeds Show Who We Are

Our actions speak louder than our words. This means that what we do shows our true character more than what we say. When someone does good things for others, it shows that they have a kind heart and think about other people’s feelings. This is what good character is all about.

Good Deeds Make Us Feel Good

When we do something nice for someone, it makes us feel happy inside. This is because being kind and helpful is a part of who we are as humans. We feel good when we do good. So, doing good deeds not only shows we have good character but also makes us feel better about ourselves.

When people see us doing good deeds, it can encourage them to do the same. It’s like when one person smiles, it can make others smile too. Good actions can spread from person to person, making a chain of kindness. This shows that one person’s good character can really make a difference in the world.

In short, good deeds are a clear sign of good character. They show kindness, caring, and a willingness to help others. By doing good deeds, we not only prove our good character but also spread positivity and inspire others to do the same.

500 Words Essay on Good Deeds Reflect Good Character

Understanding good deeds.

Good deeds are actions that help others and make the world a better place. They can be as simple as helping an old person cross the street or as big as starting a charity to help those in need. When we do something good for someone else, it not only brings a smile to their face but also warms our own hearts.

Good Character Shines Through Actions

A person’s character is like a tree, and their good deeds are like the fruit it bears. Just as sweet fruit is a sign of a healthy tree, good deeds show that a person has a good character. When someone is kind, honest, and caring in their actions, it is clear they have these qualities inside them. Good deeds are like a mirror that reflects what is in a person’s heart.

When we do good things for others, people tend to respect us more. This is because they see that we are thinking about others and not just ourselves. For example, if a student helps their classmates with homework, those classmates will think of the student as helpful and kind. This respect comes from seeing the good character the student shows by doing a good deed.

Good Deeds Create a Ripple Effect

One amazing thing about good deeds is that they can start a chain reaction. If you do something nice for someone, they might feel happy and do something nice for someone else. This is called a ripple effect. It’s like throwing a stone into a pond and watching the ripples spread out. Good deeds work the same way, spreading kindness and good character from one person to another.

Learning from Good Deeds

Good deeds are also a way for us to learn and grow. When we do something nice, we learn about compassion and empathy. We start to understand how other people feel and why it is important to help them. This learning makes our character even stronger and helps us do even more good deeds in the future.

Challenges to Good Deeds

Sometimes, doing good deeds can be hard. We might be busy, or we might not feel like helping. But it is important to remember that every good deed counts, no matter how small. Even when it is tough, choosing to do a good deed shows that we have a strong and good character.

In conclusion, good deeds are a clear sign of a person’s good character. They show that we care about others and want to make a positive difference in the world. Good deeds earn us respect, start a ripple effect of kindness, and help us learn important values. Even when it is difficult, we should always strive to do good deeds because they reflect who we are inside. Let’s all try to do more good deeds and show the world the best of our characters.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on God’s Importance In Life
  • Essay on Goals For The Future
  • Essay on Goals Are Good For You

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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ESSAY: Talk about A heroic deed

Talk about a heroic deed.

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English Essay on “A Good Deed” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

A Good Deed

“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”

A Good Deed is one act, big or small, of kindness which makes life a wee bit easier for someone other than you. Acts of kindness can be so many that you actually do not have to plan it or think about it too much. All you need to do is be good at heart and when the occasion presents itself be sure to act. It is not good enough to be moved by the miseries of others without pitching in to help. A good deed is something that should come naturally to you, so much so that you do not think about it after it is done. Helping a child cross the road, stopping to give directions to a person who is lost, running errands for your old neighbor, soothing a hurt child….the list of good deeds are endless.

Small niceties lead to good deeds. If you give someone the right of way or smile when you enter an elevator, you are being polite and soon, this very habit of just being nice will be synonymous with just being “you” and unknowingly, you will be doing many good deeds without effort and without any expectations whatsoever. Just think how much better this world will be because of you!

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Write a paragraph about a heroic deed you have seen

write a paragraph about a heroic deed you have seen

In about 140 words, write a paragraph about a heroic deed you have seen.

The story of man is full of heroic deeds. One of the acts of heroism that I have seen myself was that of my uncle, who was attacked by a huge tiger while we were in our plantation, one day.

While we were working, however, to our horror, a huge tiger soon emerged from the bush. But my uncle was prepared to face it, to escape seemed impossible. Then all of a sudden, it sprang on my uncle, but his agility enabled him to escape the sharp claws of the brute with the slightest injury. Now with the axe still in his firm grip, my uncle struck the tigers face again and again, until it was bleeding profusely. In the end, however, the tiger collapsed and died. It was indeed a greatest act of heroism that I had witnessed.

Trong khoảng 140 từ, hãy viết một đoạn văn về một hành động anh hùng mà bạn đã thấy.

Câu chuyện về con người đầy những hành động anh hùng. Một trong những hành động anh hùng mà tôi đã từng chứng kiến ​​là của chú tôi, một ngày nọ, người đã bị một con hổ to lớn tấn công khi chúng tôi đang ở trong đồn điền của mình.

Tuy nhiên, trong khi chúng tôi đang làm việc, trước sự kinh hãi của chúng tôi, một con hổ khổng lồ sớm xuất hiện từ bụi cây. Nhưng chú tôi đã chuẩn bị tinh thần để đối mặt với nó, trốn tránh dường như là điều không thể. Rồi bất ngờ, nó lao vào người chú tôi, nhưng sự nhanh nhẹn đã giúp ông thoát khỏi móng vuốt sắc nhọn của kẻ vũ phu với vết thương nhỏ nhất. Bây giờ với chiếc rìu vẫn còn trong tay cầm chắc chắn, chú tôi đã đánh liên tục vào mặt hổ, cho đến khi nó chảy rất nhiều máu. Tuy nhiên, cuối cùng, con hổ gục xuống và chết. Đó thực sự là một hành động anh hùng vĩ đại nhất mà tôi được chứng kiến.

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heroic deed essay in english


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