StandOut CV

Medical student CV examples

Andrew Fennell photo

As a medical student, you need a CV which cuts through the competition to enable you to secure the next role in a worthwhile, inspiring career.

A medical student CV must encompass the wide base of skills, aptitudes and experience that you already have, delivered in the way that will impress employers.

Included here are 2 medical student CV examples along with clear details and step-by-step instructions to create a CV that secures your next role in the exact direction you want to head.

Guide contents

  • Medical Student CV examples
  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your Medical Student CV

CV templates 

Medical Student CV example 1

Medical Student CV 1

Medical Student CV example 2

Internship Medical Student CV-1

Unsure of what your Medical Student CV should look like?

Take a good look at the CV example above to get familiar with the structure, layout and format of a professional CV.

As you can see, it provides plenty of relevant information about the applicant but is still very easy to read, which will please busy recruiters.

Medical Student CV structure & format

The format and structure of your CV is important because it will determine how easy it is for recruiters and employers to read your CV.

If they can find the information they need quickly, they’ll be happy; but if they struggle, your application could be overlooked.

A simple and logical structure will always create a better reading experience than a complex structure, and with a few simple formatting tricks, you’ll be good to go. Check them out below:

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: Two sides of A4 makes for the perfect CV length , though one page is okay for less experienced applicants. This forces you to make sure that every single sentence adds value to your CV and ensures you avoid waffle.
  • Readability: Make sure your CV is easy to read and looks professional by applying some simple formatting tricks. Bullet points are great for making large paragraphs more digestible, while formatting your headings with bold or coloured text will help the reader to find the information they need, with speed.
  • Design: When it comes to CV design, it’s best to keep things simple and sleek. While elaborate designs certainly command attention, it’s not always for the right reasons! Readability is key, so whatever you choose to do, make sure you prioritise readability above everything.
  • Avoid photos: If your CV has photos, images or profile pictures, hit the delete button. They’re not needed and won’t add any value to your applications.

CV builder

Structuring your CV

For easy reading, write your CV to the following CV structure:

  • Contact details – Make it easy for recruiters to get in touch with you by listing your contact details at the top of your CV.
  • Profile – A short and snappy summary of your experience and skills, showcasing what makes you a good fit for the position.
  • Work experience / career history – Note down all your work history, with your current position first, then working backwards.
  • Education – A short list of your academic background and professional/vocational qualifications.
  • Interest and hobbies – This is an optional section, which you can use to highlight any relevant hobbies or interests.

Now I’ll guide you through exactly what you should include in each CV section.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Tuck your contact details into the corner of your CV, so that they don’t take up too much space.

Stick to the basic details, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, such as your full name.
  • Location -Just write your rough location, rather than your full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – If you include these, ensure they’re sleek, professional and up-to-date.

Medical Student CV Profile

Your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level applicant) provides a brief overview of your skills, abilities and suitability for a position.

It’s ideal for busy recruiters and hiring managers, who don’t want to waste time reading unsuitable applications.

Think of it as your personal sales pitch. You’ve got just a few lines to sell yourself and prove you’re a great match for the job – make it count!

CV profile

Tips for creating an impactful CV profile:

  • Keep it brief: Recruiters are busy, so to ensure your profile is actually read, it’s best to keep it short and snappy. 3-5 punchy lines makes for the perfect profile.
  • Tailor it: No matter how much time you put into your CV profile, it won’t impress if it’s irrelevant to the role you’re applying for. Before you start writing, make a list of the skills, knowledge and experience your target employer is looking for. Then, make sure to mention them in your CV profile and throughout the rest of your application.
  • Don’t add an objective: Leave your career objectives or goals out of your profile. You only have limited space to work with, so they’re best suited to your cover letter .
  • Avoid cliches: If your CV is riddled with clichès like “Dynamic thought-leader”, hit that delete button. Phrases like these are like a broken record to recruiters, who read them countless times per day. Hard facts, skills, knowledge and results are sure to yield far better results.

What to include in your Medical Student CV profile?

  • Summary of experience: Recruiters will want to know what type of companies you’ve worked for, industries you have knowledge of, and the type of work you’ve carried out in the past, so give them a summary of this in your profile.
  • Relevant skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant to Medical Student jobs, to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your CV.
  • Essential qualifications: Be sure to outline your relevant Medical Student qualifications, so that anyone reading the CV can instantly see you are qualified for the jobs you are applying to.

Quick tip: Remember to triple-check for spelling and grammar errors before hitting send. If you’re unsure, try using our quick-and-easy CV Builder for a quick and easy approach.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, create a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

Next up is your work experience section, which is normally the longest part of your CV.

Start with your current (or most recent) job and work your way backwards through your experience.

Can’t fit all your roles? Allow more space for your recent career history and shorten down descriptions for your older roles.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

Lengthy, unbroken chunks of text is a recruiters worst nightmare, but your work experience section can easily end up looking like that if you are not careful.

To avoid this, use my tried-and-tested 3-step structure, as illustrated below:

Role descriptions

Provide a brief overview of the job as a whole, such as what the overriding purpose of your job was and what type of company you worked for.

“As a third year student on the 24-bed Haematology Ward of the fast-paced city hospital, I provide clinical assistance and supervised procedures for patients with haematological and oncology-related conditions.”

Key responsibilities

Use bullet points to detail the key responsibilities of your role, highlighting hard skills, software and knowledge wherever you can.

Keep them short and sharp to make them easily digestible by readers.

  • Providing essential clinical care on the Haematology wards of the busy city hospital
  • Working with patients with leukaemia, myeloma, lymphoma, sickle cell, and clotting disorders
  • Applying a knowledge of bone marrow mechanisms and the haematopoietic stem cell cycle

Key achievements

Finish off by showcasing 1-3 key achievements made within the role.

This could be anything that had a positive effect on your company, clients or customers, such as saving time or money, receiving exemplary feedback or receiving an award.

  • Providing correct diagnosis in 100% of all patient reviews, being personally commended by Doctor
  • Finalising training for blood cultures and arterial blood gas sampling first in the training team
  • Being commended by 6 patients on good doctor-patient relationship and explanation of treatments

Next up, you should list your education and qualifications.

This can include your formal qualifications (a degree, A-Levels and GCSEs), as well as sector-specific Medical Student qualifications and/or training.

While school leavers and recent grads should include a lot of detail here to make up for the lack of work experience, experienced candidates may benefit from a shorter education section, as your work experience section will be more important to recruiters.

Interests and hobbies

The hobbies and interests CV section isn’t mandatory, so don’t worry if you’re out of room by this point.

However, if you have an interesting hobby , or an interest that could make you seem more suitable for the role, then certainly think about adding.

Be careful what you include though… Only consider hobbies that exhibit skills that are required for roles as a Medical Student, or transferable workplace skills.

There is never any need to tell employers that you like to watch TV and eat out.

Essential skills for your Medical Student CV

Tailoring your CV to the roles you are applying for is key to success, so make sure to read through the job descriptions and tailor your skills accordingly.

However, commonly desired Medical student skills include:

  • Medical knowledge – Concisely explain your speciality knowledge and experience gained so far e.g. trauma and orthopaedics, emergency medicine, pathology or surgery.
  • Practical skills – List your practical skills obtained in clinical settings covering procedures and any required problem-solving when administering treatment or tests.
  • Assessing and Planning – Demonstrate your skills in assessing patients, situations and clinical data and results, as well as planning courses of action.
  • Sensitivity – Explain your interpersonal skills such as active listening, compassion and care when undertaking patient consultations and physical examinations.
  • Organisation – Detail a commitment to organisation, software and IT use, accurate documentation and record keeping, as well outstanding time management.

Writing your Medical Student CV

Creating a strong Medical Student CV requires a blend of punchy content, considered structure and format, and heavy tailoring.

By creating a punchy profile and core skills list, you’ll be able to hook recruiter’s attention and ensure your CV gets read.

Remember that research and relevance is the key to a good CV, so research your target roles before you start writing and pack your CV with relevant skills.

Best of luck with your next application!

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The Only 3 Medical School Personal Statement Examples You Need to Read

medical student cv personal statement

Posted in: Applying to Medical School

medical student cv personal statement

Table of Contents

The personal statement is one of the most important parts of the med school application process because t his mini-essay is a critical opportunity for you to stand out from other prospective medical students by demonstrating your passion and personality, not just your grades.

Admissions committees receive hundreds or more AMCAS medical school applications , so yours should be unique and captivating. Your medical school personal statement shows admissions officers who you are beyond your high school or pre-med GPA , extracurriculars , and MCAT score . 

The best personal statements are… well, personal . This is your chance to share what life experiences have compelled you toward a career in healthcare or the medical field , and how those experiences shape the picture of your ideal future.

MedSchoolCoach has crucial advice for writing your personal statement . 

Read these examples of personal statements for prospective med students.

Writing a great medical school personal statement is a lot easier with the right support. We’ve helped numerous med school applicants craft top-notch personal statements and can do the same for you.

But first: 7 steps to writing an engaging personal statement.

Before you read these excellent examples, you need to understand the process of writing a personal statement.  

Include these in your medical school personal statement:

  • Why you’re passionate about becoming a doctor
  • Your qualities that will make you a great physician
  • Personal stories that demonstrate those qualities
  • Specific examples of the communities you want to serve as a member of the medical field

What are the most important things to remember when writing a medical school personal statement ?

  • Begin the writing process early: Give yourself plenty of time for brainstorming and to revisit your first draft, revising it based on input from family members and undergrad professors. Consult the application timeline for your target enrollment season.
  • Choose a central theme: An unfocused essay will leave readers confused and uninterested. Give your statement a clear thesis in the first paragraph that guides its formation.
  • Start with a hook: Grab the reader’s attention immediately with your statement’s first sentence. Instead of opening with a conventional introduction, be creative! Begin with something unexpected.
  • Be the you of today, not the you of the future: Forecasting your future as a physician can come across as empty promises. Don’t get caught up in your ambitions; instead, be honest about your current situation and interest in the field of medicine.
  • Demonstrate your passion: It’s not enough to simply state your interest in becoming a doctor; you have to prove it through personal stories. Show how your perspectives have been shaped by formative experiences and how those will make you an effective physician.
  • Show, don’t tell : Avoid cliches that admissions committees have heard hundreds of times, like “I want to help people.” Make your writing come alive with dynamic, persuasive storytelling that recounts your personal experiences.
  • Tie everything together: Conclude by wrapping up your main points. Reiterate your passion for the medical profession, your defining personal qualities, and why you’ll make a good doctor.

You can read more about our recommended method in our step-by-step guide , but those are the major points.

Example 1 — From the Stretcher to the Spotlight: My Journey to Becoming an Emergency Medicine Physician

Another siren shrieks as the emergency room doors slide open and a team of EMTs pushes a blood-soaked stretcher through the entrance. It’s the fifth ambulance to arrive tonight — and only my first clinical shadowing experience in an emergency medicine department since my premed education began.

But it wasn’t my first time in an emergency room, and I knew I was meant to be here again.

In those crucial moments on the ER floor, many of my peers learned that they stumble in high-pressure environments. A few weeks of gunshot wounds, drug overdoses, broken bones, and deep lacerations in the busiest trauma bay in the region were enough to alter their career path.

They will be better practitioners somewhere predictable, like a pediatrician in a private practice where they choose their schedules, clients, and staff.

Every healthcare provider has their specialties, and mine are on full display in those crucial moments of lifesaving care. Why am I pursuing a career in Emergency Medicine? Because I’ve seen firsthand the miracles that Emergency Medicine physicians perform.

12 years ago, I was in an emergency room… but I was the one on the stretcher.

A forest-green Saturn coupe rolled into my parent’s driveway. The driver, my best friend Kevin, had just passed his driving test and was itching to take a late-night run to the other side of town. I had ridden with Kevin and his father many times before when he held his learner’s permit. But this time, we didn’t have an adult with us, and the joyride ended differently: with a 40-mph passenger-side collision, T-boned by a drunk driver.

I distinctly recall the sensation of being lifted out of the crumpled car by a paramedic and laid onto a stretcher. A quick drive later, I was in the care of Dr. Smith, the ER resident on call that night. Without missing a beat, he assessed my condition and provided the care I needed. When my mom thanked him for saving my life, he simply responded, “It’s what he needed.”

Now I’m watching other doctors and nurses provide this life-saving care as I observe as a premed student. I see the way the staff works together like a well-oiled machine, and it reminds me of my time in high-school theater.

Everyone has a role to play, however big or small, to make the show a success. All contributions are essential to a winning performance — even the technicians working behind the scenes. That’s what true teamwork is, and I see that same dynamic in the emergency department.

Some actors freeze during performances, overcome by stage fright. Other students are too anxious to even set foot in front of an audience; they remain backstage assisting with split-second costume changes.

Not me. I felt energized under the spotlight, deftly improvising to help my co-stars when they would forget their lines. Admittedly, I wasn’t the best actor or singer in the cast, but I provided something essential: assurance under pressure. Everyone knew me as dependable, always in their corner when something went awry. I had a reputation for remaining calm and thinking on my feet.

My ability to stay unruffled under pressure was first discovered on stage, but I can use it on a very different platform providing patient care. Now, when other people freeze under the intensity of serving public health on the front lines, I can step in and provide my calm, collected guidance to see them through.

As an ER doctor, I will have to provide that stability when a nurse gets flustered by a quarrelsome patient or shaken from an irreparably injured infant. When you’re an Emergency Medicine physician, you’re not following a script. It takes an aptitude of thinking on your toes to face the fast pace and unpredictable challenges of an emergency center.

During my time shadowing, I saw experienced physicians put those assured, gentle communication skills to use. A 13-year-old boy was admitted for a knife wound he’d received on the streets. He only spoke Spanish, but it was clear he mistrusted doctors and was alarmed by the situation. In mere minutes, one of the doctors calmed the patient so he could receive care he needed.

Let me be clear: I haven’t simply gravitated toward Emergency Medicine because I liked it most. It’s not the adrenaline or the pride that compel me. I owe Emergency Medicine my life, and I want to use my life to extend the lives of other people. Every person brought into the trauma bay could be another me , no matter what they look like.

People are more than their injury, health record, or circumstances. They are not just a task to complete or a challenge to conquer.

My childhood injury gave me an appreciation for the work of ER doctors and a compassion for patients, to foster well-being when people are most broken and vulnerable. I already have the dedication to the work and the heart for patients; I just need the medical knowledge and procedural skills to perform life-saving interventions. My ability to remain calm, think on my toes, be part of a team, and work decisively without making mistakes or overlooking critical issues will serve me well as an Emergency Medicine physician.

Some ER physicians I spoke with liked to think that they’re “a different breed” than other medical professionals — but I don’t see it that way. We’re just performing a different role than the rest of the cast.

Breaking It Down

Let’s look at what qualities make this a great personal statement for med school.

  • Engaging opening: The writer painted a vivid scene that immediately puts the reader in their shoes and leaves them wanting more.
  • Personal examples: The writer demonstrated his ability to stay calm, work as a team, and problem-solve through theater experience, which he also uses as a comparison. And, he explained his passion for Emergency Medical care from his childhood accident.
  • Organized: The writer transitions fluidly between body paragraphs, connecting stories and ideas by emphasizing parallels and hopping back and forth between time.
  • Ample length: Makes full use of the AACOMAS and AMCAS application personal statement’s character limit of 5,300 characters (including spaces), which is about 850-950 words.

Unsure what traits and clinical or research experience your preferred medical school values ? You can research their admissions requirements and mission statement using the MSAR .

Example 2 — Early Clinical Work For Empathetic Patient Care

The applicant who wrote this personal statement was accepted into University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, University of Central Florida College of Medicine, and Tufts University School of Medicine.

As I walked briskly down the hall to keep up during our daily rounds in the ICU, I heard the steady beeping of Michelle’s cardiac monitor and saw a ruby ornament twinkling on the small Christmas tree beside her. She was always alone, but someone had decorated her room for the holidays.

It warmed my heart that I wasn’t the only one who saw her as more than a patient in a coma. I continually felt guilty that I couldn’t spend more time with her; her usual companions were ventilators, IV bags, and catheters, not to mention the golf ball-sized tumors along her spine. Every day, I thought about running to Michelle’s bedside to do anything I could for her.

Thus, I was taken aback when my advisor, who was visiting me that day, asked me if I was okay. It never crossed my mind that at age 17, my peers might not be able to handle the tragedies that healthcare workers consistently face. These situations were difficult, but they invoked humanity and compassion from me. I knew I wanted to pursue medicine. And I knew I could do it.

From my senior year of high school to my senior year of college, I continued to explore my passion for patient interaction.

At the Stepp Lab, I was charged with contacting potential study participants for a study focusing on speech symptoms in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. The study would help future patients, but I couldn’t help but think: “What are we doing for these patients in return?” I worried that the heart and soul behind the research would get lost in the mix of acoustic data and participant ID numbers.

But my fears were put to rest by Richard, the self-proclaimed “Parkinson’s Song & Dance Man,” who recorded himself singing show tunes as part of his therapy. Knowing that he was legally blind and unable to read caller ID, I was always thrilled when he recognized my voice. The spirit in his voice indicated that my interest in him and his journey with Parkinson’s was meaningful. Talking with him inspired me to dive deeper, which led to an appreciative understanding of his time as a sergeant in the U.S. military.

It was an important reminder: my interest and care are just as important as an effective prescribed treatment plan.

Following graduation, I began my work as a medical assistant for a dermatologist. My experience with a patient, Joann, validated my ability to provide excellent hands-on patient care. Other physicians prescribed her painkillers to relieve the excruciating pain from the shingles rash, which presented as a fiery trail of blisters wrapped around her torso. But these painkillers offered no relief and made her so drowsy that she fell one night on the way to the bathroom.

Joann was tired, suffering, and beaten down. The lidocaine patches we initially prescribed would be a much safer option, but I refused for her to pay $250, as she was on the brink of losing her job. When she returned to the office a week later, she held my hand and cried tears of joy because I found her affordable patches, which helped her pain without the systemic effects.

The joy that pierced through the weariness in her eyes immediately confirmed that direct patient care like this was what I was meant to do. As I passed her a tissue, I felt ecstatic that I could make such a difference, and I sought to do more.

Since graduation, I have been volunteering at Open Door, a small pantry that serves a primarily Hispanic community of lower socioeconomic families. It is gut-wrenching to explain that we cannot give them certain items when our stock is low. After all, the fresh fruits and vegetables I serve are fundamental to their culturally-inspired meals.

For the first time, I found myself serving anguish rather than a helping hand. Usually, uplifting moments strengthen one’s desire to become a physician, but in this case, it was my ability to handle the low points that reignited my passion for aiding others.

After running out of produce one day, I was confused as to why a woman thanked me. Through translation by a fellow volunteer, I learned it was because of my positivity. She taught me that the way I approach unfavorable situations affects another’s perception and that my spirited attitude breaks through language barriers.

This volunteer work served as a wake-up call to the unacceptable fact that U.S. citizens’ health suffers due to lack of access to healthy foods. If someone cannot afford healthy foods, they may not have access to healthcare. In the future, I want to partner with other food banks to offer free services like blood pressure readings. I have always wanted to help people, but I now have a particular interest in bringing help to people who cannot afford it.

While the foundation of medicine is scientific knowledge, the foundation of healthcare is the word “care” itself. I never found out what happened to Michelle and her Christmas tree, but I still wonder about her to this day, and she has strengthened my passion to serve others. A sense of excitement and comfort stems from knowing that I will be there for people on their worst days, since I have already seen the impact my support has had.

In my mind, becoming a physician is not a choice but a natural next step to continue bringing humanity and compassion to those around me.

How did this personal statement grab and sustain attention so well?

  • Personalization: Everything about this statement helps you to understand the writer, from their personal experiences to their hope for how their future career will look.
  • Showing, not telling: From the first sentence, the reader is hooked. This prospective medical student has plenty of great “on paper” experience (early shadowing, clinical experience, etc.), but they showed this with storytelling, not by repeating their CV.
  • Empathy: An admissions committee reading this personal statement would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this student cares deeply about their patients. They remember first names, individual details, and the emotions that each patient made them feel.
  • A clear path forward: The writer doesn’t just want to work in the medical field — they have a passion for exactly how they want to impact the communities they serve. Outside of strictly medical work, they care about the way finances can limit access to healthcare and the struggle to find healthy food in food deserts around the US .

Read Next: How Hard Is It to Get Into Medical School?

Example 3 — Beyond the Diagnosis: The Importance of Individualized Care in Medicine

The applicant who wrote this personal statement was accepted into Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine and Nova Southeastern University College Of Osteopathic Medicine.

Dr. Haywood sighs and shakes her head upon opening the chart. “I was worried about her A1C. It’s up again. Hypertension, too. Alright, let’s go.”

As we enter the patient’s room, I’m expecting the news about her blood sugar and pressure to fill the room. Instead, Dr. Haywood says, “Roseline! How are you doing? How’s your girl, doing well?”

Dr. Haywood continues to ask questions, genuinely interested in Roseline’s experience as a new mother. If not for the parchment-lined examination chair and anatomy posters plastered to the wall, this exchange could be happening in a grocery store. What about her A1C? Her blood pressure? Potential Type II diabetes?

As I continue to listen, Dr. Haywood discovers that Roseline’s mother moved in with her, cooking Haitian meals I recognize as high on the glycemic index. Dr. Haywood effortlessly evolves their conversation to focus on these. Being Haitian herself, she knows some traditional dishes are healthier than others and advises Roseline to avoid those that might exacerbate her high blood sugar and blood pressure. Dr. Haywood also suggests Roseline incorporate exercise by bringing her baby on a walk through her neighborhood.

During my shadowing experience, I observed one of the core components of being a physician through several encounters like this one. By establishing a relationship with her patient where Roseline was comfortable sharing the details of new motherhood, Dr. Haywood was able to individualize her approach to lowering the patient’s A1C and hypertension. Inspired by her ability to treat the whole person , I began to adopt a similar practice as a tutor for elementary kids in underserved areas of D.C.

Shaniyah did not like Zoom, or math for that matter. When I first met her as a prospective tutee online, she preferred to keep her microphone muted and would claim she was finished with her math homework after barely attempting the first problem. Realizing that basing our sessions solely on math would be fruitless, I adapted my tutoring style to incorporate some of the things for which she had a natural affinity.

The first step was acknowledging the difficulties a virtual environment posed to effective communication, particularly the ease at which distractions might take over. After sharing this with Shaniyah, she immediately disclosed her struggles to share her work with me. With this information, I found an online platform that allowed us to visualize each other’s work.

This obstacle in communication overcome, Shaniyah felt more comfortable sharing details about herself that I utilized as her tutor. Her love of soccer gave me the idea to use the concept of goal scoring to help with addition, and soon Shaniyah’s math skills and enthusiasm began to improve. As our relationship grew, so did her successes, and I suspect the feelings I experienced as her tutor are the same as a physician’s when their patient responds well to prescribed treatment.

I believe this skill, caring for someone as a whole person , that I have learned and practiced through shadowing and tutoring is the central tenet of medicine that allows a doctor to successfully treat their patients.

Inspired by talking with patients who had received life-altering organ transplants during my shadowing experience, I created a club called D.C. Donors for Georgetown University students to encourage their peers to register as organ donors or donate blood. This experience taught me that to truly serve a person, you must involve your whole person, too.

In starting this club to help those in need of transplants, I had to dedicate my time and effort beyond just my physical interactions with these patients. For instance, this involved reaching out to D.C.’s organ procurement organization to inquire about a potential partnership with my club, to which they agreed. In addition, I organized tabling events on campus, which required significant planning and communication with both club members and my university.

Though exciting, starting a club was also a difficult process, especially given the limitations the pandemic imposed on in-person meetings and events. To adapt, I had to plan more engaging meetings, designing virtual activities to make members more comfortable contributing their ideas. In addition, planning a blood drive required extensive communication with my university to ensure the safety of the staff and participants during the pandemic.

Ultimately, I believe these behind-the-scenes actions were instrumental in addressing the need for organ and blood donors in the D.C. area.

From these experiences, I have grown to believe that good medicine not only necessitates the physician cares for her patient as a whole, but also that she fully commits her whole person to the care of the patient. Tutoring and starting D.C. Donors not only allowed me to develop these skills but also to experience such fulfilling emotions: the pride I had in Shaniyah when her math improved, the gratefulness I felt when she confided in me, the steadfast commitment I expressed to transplant patients, and the joy I had in collaborating with other passionate club members.

I envision a career as a physician to demand these skills of me and more, and I have confirmed my desire to become one after feeling so enriched by practicing them.

Here’s what makes this personal statement such a good example of what works:

  • Desirable qualities: The student clearly demonstrates qualities any school would want in an applicant: teachability, adaptability, leadership, organization, and empathy, to name a few. This again uses the “show, don’t tell” method, allowing the readers to understand the student without hand-holding.
  • Personalized storytelling: Many in the healthcare profession will connect with experiences like the ones expressed here, such as addressing patient concerns relationally or the lack of blood donors during the recent pandemic. The writer automatically makes a personal link between themselves and the admissions committees reading this statement.
  • Extensive (but not too long): Without feeling too wordy, this personal statement uses nearly all of the 5,300 characters allowed on the AMCAS application. There’s no fluff left in the final draft, only what matters.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

You can learn a lot from those personal statements. They avoid the most common mistakes that med school applicants make when writing the medical school personal statement.

Here are some things you should avoid in your personal statement if you want to be a doctor:

  • Name-dropping: Admissions counselors won’t be impressed when you brag about your highly regarded family members, associates, or mentors. You need to stand on your own feet — not someone else’s.
  • Dishonesty: Lies and exaggerations can torpedo your application. And they’re bad habits for anyone entering the medical field. Don’t do it.
  • Unedited AI content: Artificial intelligence can help you edit and improve your writing, but don’t let it do the work for you. Your statement needs to be authentic, which means in your voice! A chatbot can’t feel or adequately convey your own empathy, compassion, trauma, drive, or personality.
  • Grammatical errors and typos: Have someone reliable proofread your essay and scour it for typos, misspellings, and punctuation errors. Even free grammar-checking apps can catch mistakes!
  • Telling without showing: I’ll reiterate how important it is to prove your self-descriptive statements with real-life examples. Telling without showing won’t persuade readers.
  • Too many examples: Have 3-4 solid personal stories at most; only include a few that are crucial for providing your points. The more experiences you share, the less impact they’ll make.
  • Fluff and filler: Cut all fluff, filler words, and irrelevant points. There are many other places you can include information in your application, such as secondary essays on your clinical experience, volunteer work, and research projects . 

You can find more valuable do’s and don’ts in our in-depth guide to writing your best personal statement .

Need extra help? We’ve got you covered.

Schedule a meeting with medschoolcoach for expert support on writing and editing your personal statement. we’re here to help you impress medical school admissions committees .

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Renee Marinelli, MD

Dr. Marinelli has practiced family medicine, served on the University of California Admissions Committee, and has helped hundreds of students get into medical school. She spearheads a team of physician advisors who guide MedSchoolCoach students.

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Med School Insiders

2024 How to Write a Medical School Personal Statement (11 Steps)

  • By Med School Insiders
  • December 2, 2023
  • Medical Student , Pre-med
  • Medical School Application , Personal Statement

Each piece of a med school application brings a unique set of anxiety-ridden challenges, but few equal that of the personal statement. A personal statement is much, much more than a narrative-version of your CV. Reiterating your grades and extracurriculars in complete sentences is not how to write a medical school personal statement.

A personal statement is an opportunity to tell your story. Why do you want to study medicine? What drives you? This is your chance to let an admissions committee know who you really are beyond your grades.

Of course, you’re studying to become a doctor, not a novelist, which means the idea of crafting your personal statement may seem daunting, to say the least.

In this guide, we’ll take a comprehensive, step-by-step look at how to write a medical school personal statement, including how to get started, everything you need to include, and common mistakes to avoid.

Article Sections

  • Anatomy of Medical School Personal Statement

What Med School Admissions Committees Look For

How to get started.

  • How to Write a Personal Statement

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Medical school personal statement examples, anatomy of a medical school personal statement.

A personal statement has a 5,300 character maximum, about 1.5 pages of single-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font. The challenge isn’t trying to fill in words; the challenge is selecting the key moments in your life that made you want to be a doctor and expressing them concisely.

A personal statement is made up of three parts:


It’s essentially a short essay that uses your life experience to succinctly demonstrate why you’re the right person for the job. If someone’s making a movie about your life and the events that shaped your desire to become a doctor, what key moments do you want to highlight?

Your introduction must capture an admissions committee’s attention. Use the introduction to hook your readers. The first few sentences should entice them to read more.

There isn’t a perfect number of paragraphs or set structure. This is where you discuss the experiences that have shaped your personality, your desire to study medicine, and your dreams for the future.

This is the summary of your statement, and it should tie in directly to your introduction. Now is the time to emphasize why you want to be a physician and your future goals.

Learn more about the Anatomy of a Stellar Medical School Personal Statement .

Admissions committees need to know they’re accepting students who are ready to face the rigorous day-and-night grind of medical school. They have your CV and transcripts; now you need to demonstrate you have what it takes to succeed.

The personal statement is your chance to display your personality and highlight the experiences that shaped you. What drives you? What strengths and experiences will you bring to medical school? Why are you an asset?

The admissions committee isn’t looking for a list of your accomplishments. They want to know your story . Don’t tell the admissions committee you’re compassionate and driven; show them with tangible examples from your life.

So you’re a great listener. What’s a moment in your past that demonstrates this? If you care deeply about the wellbeing of others, what story from your life illustrates that passion?

1 | Read Real Personal Statement Examples

Right off the bat, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone—far from it. Every medical student who came before you has written personal statements, which means you have a wealth of examples to read and learn from.

Every personal statement is unique to the writer. Don’t expect to find a perfect blueprint you can copy off of, but reading several different personal statements will give you a sense of the themes, concepts, strategies, and stories that can help you find success.

If you know people in your own life who have successfully matriculated to med school, it’s a good idea to ask them if you can take a look at their personal statement. Med School Insiders compiled a database of personal statements donated by successful medical school applicants. Reading successful personal statements will give you an idea of what’s expected.

Reading bad personal statements can also give you an idea of what mistakes to avoid. Learn from our bad personal statement examples , which includes key insights into what you should do instead.

2 | Reflect on Past Experiences

Hand writing journal Personal Statement prompts

Take this as an opportunity to reflect. Don’t think of it as brainstorming, and don’t worry about being creative just yet. Simply think back on key moments from your past.

Think of your personal statement like your superhero origin story. You may have excellent grades, abilities, and a natural aptitude for science, but why are you pursuing medicine? What moment or moments in your life revealed to you why you had to be a doctor?

Take Spider-Man. Yes, Peter Parker received his superpowers from a radioactive spider bite, but that’s not why he fights crime; Spider-Man fights crime so that what happened to his Uncle Ben never happens to anyone else. Bruce Wayne is incredibly smart, incredibly strong, and incredibly rich, but that’s not why he fights crime as Batman. Bruce Wayne became Batman so that no one else would lose their parents to a random act of violence like he did.

The truth is, a lot of superheroes have pretty similar motivations, and doctors have similar motivations, too. Your desire to become a doctor likely stems from a genuine intellectual interest in medicine, a desire to work closely with other humans, and a drive to help people and save lives. The other med school hopefuls you’re applying with have very similar motivations.

The key is digging deep and determining what you value most about becoming a doctor. Once you know that, think about the tangible experiences in your life that helped you realize those values.

Utilize our list of 25 medical school personal statement prompts as you ideate and reflect on your life to date.

3 | Choose Which Experiences/Traits to Highlight

Identify three to four personal strengths you are particularly proud of and want the admissions committee to know. Where did these strengths shine in your premedical years? What experiences helped you build on these strengths? This will make up the body of your personal statement.

Remember: writing a personal statement takes time—and lots of it. It will likely take several different attempts and drafts. After discussing your selected strengths, you may find that they don’t define you well enough or that there are better options. Don’t be discouraged. Give yourself plenty of time to reflect on and explore a variety of different strengths.

Don’t forget about the interview; the admissions committee will certainly ask you to further elaborate on the experiences outlined in your personal statement. Share personal stories that you want to be asked about and feel comfortable addressing.

Generally, personal statements involve experiences in the following categories:

  • A passion for patient interaction
  • Intellectual curiosity for medicine (academics, research, etc.)
  • Dedication and discipline (medicine or another pursuit)
  • Perseverance in the face of adversity
  • Interpersonal and professional skills

How to Write a Medical School Personal Statement

4 | show, don’t tell.

If essays or storytelling aren’t necessarily your strong suit, think back to math class and those equations where the teacher made you show your work for the full grade. It’s not enough that you got the answer right; you had to show how you arrived at the answer.

Think of this in the same way. It’s great that you’re compassionate, but the admissions committee isn’t going to take you at your word. They want you to back up that claim with evidence. It is vital that you show the admissions committee you’re compassionate with concrete examples from your life that illustrate your journey to medicine.

It’s much more impactful to share a story that demonstrates specific qualities than it is to tell someone you have those qualities directly. Saying you are hardworking or resilient is not enough. You need to craft a story that allows the reader to infer those qualities about you.

5 | Leverage the Narrative-Based Approach

Book open - Narrative for Medical School Applications

You are applying to medical school along with an immense number of other students with great grades, stellar qualifications, and impressive clinical hours. These are all key to your medical school application, but the best grades in the world won’t set you apart in the eyes of the admissions committee.

Your personal statement is a chance to stand out in a crowded field. Too many personal statements read like a CV but with full paragraphs, which quickly becomes monotonous.

Leverage a narrative-based approach so that the admissions committee is excited to learn more about you. Your entire application should illustrate your compelling journey toward becoming a doctor. Highlight how your experiences make you an asset who will contribute uniquely to the medical school.

It’s not enough to simply check off the boxes. The admissions committee wants to know your story.

Learn How to Develop a Cohesive Narrative for Medical School Applications .

6 | Create an Outline

After taking the time to reflect on the experiences and traits you want to include in your personal statement, create an outline to structure your approach .

You do not need to stick to it, but this is the general structure of most personal statements:

  • Introduction (A strong hook to catch the reader’s attention—usually an anecdote or reflection that introduces the theme of your story. Hook the reader with the opening sentence.)
  • Experience 1
  • Experience 2
  • Experience 3
  • Conclusion (Tie your story back to the opening hook/theme. Summarize why you want to be a physician and what your future goals are.)

Remember, this is not a list of your accomplishments. The personal statement must read like a cohesive narrative, not a resume.

Establish a theme in the introduction that’s central to your desire to become a doctor. Each following paragraph will illustrate how your personal experiences have shaped that desire and prepared you for your journey. In the conclusion, gracefully tie back to your central theme or hook to turn the personal statement into a consistent, interconnected story.

7 | Force Yourself to Start Writing

It’s understandable and common to feel overwhelmed while writing a personal statement. In fact, if you don’t feel overwhelmed, it’s safe to say that you’re not taking this seriously enough.

Start with a theme, but don’t get stuck trying to come up with the perfect opening sentence. That comes later. Once you have a general outline, just start writing. See what happens, and—most importantly—be kind to yourself.

The first words you write won’t be perfect, but they will get you started. You should fully expect the first draft of your personal statement to be terrible. That’s okay. First drafts are never perfect.

Your first draft probably won’t look anything like your final essay. Put one foot in front of the other and just start writing. Get the ideas out and worry about editing later.

8 | Keep it Concise and Direct

In your subsequent drafts, focus on cutting down your words and being concise. It’s not your use of flowery language that will impress the admissions committee. Forget about extravagant word choices and convoluted sentence structure. You don’t have the space for poetic tangents anyway.

Use your words efficiently, and favor clear language over long, complicated words. It’s easy for readers to spot when you’re using a thesaurus, and it will only take away from your end message. Find the simplest way to say something.

For example:

Hard-working over Assiduous

Compassion over Magnanimity

Agree over Concur

Use tools like the Hemingway App to keep your language direct and concise.

9 | Take Some Time Away

Take time away from your drafts. Once you complete a draft, take a break, and let it sit. Go for a walk, watch some TV, or work on a completely different activity. After your break, come back to your personal statement with fresh eyes. You may find that the fantastic opening line you came up with isn’t so fantastic anymore, or that sentence you weren’t so sure about actually works really well.

Writing your personal statement will take time. Even if you feel extremely confident in your personal statement, take time away from it and come back.

10 | Refine, Review, and Edit

Hand editing paper Personal Statement Editing

We recommend using editing apps like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor , but don’t rely on bots alone to catch possible mistakes.

Ask your friends and family for their first impressions on the content of your personal statement. Tell them to be brutally honest (because the admissions committee certainly will be.) Reach out to a mentor or people who have been through this process before.

Spelling or grammar mistakes indicate carelessness on your part and are an automatic red flag for admissions committees. Read over your work carefully, and ask others you trust to do the same.

The editing process is such a critical phase for your personal statement. Learn how to edit your personal statement to impress admissions committees.

11 | Invest in Essay Editing Services

Your medical school personal statement is arguably the most important piece of your application. While an excellent essay can lock-in your interview offer, a poorly-written personal statement can ruin your chances—even with stellar grades, impressive academic awards, and a notable list of extracurriculars.

Don’t risk your acceptance. Essay editing services can provide the help that friends, family, and mentors cannot.

Med School Insiders Personal Statement Editing Services includes careful analysis of content and tone as well as helpful insights into how you can improve your essay and impress admissions committees.

How to Write a Personal Statement List of 11 steps

Avoid the following common personal statement mistakes .

  • Don’t list your accomplishments or rehash your CV and extracurriculars.
  • Don’t make spelling or grammar errors.
  • Don’t overuse the word I. Doing so makes you more likely to state your accomplishments instead of telling a story.
  • Don’t use flowery language or words you found in a thesaurus.
  • Don’t explain to a physician what medicine is all about. Talk about yourself and your experiences; the admissions committee already understands medicine.
  • Don’t state the obvious or use clichés. (Every applicant likes science and wants to help people.)
  • Don’t lie or fabricate your personal stories.
  • Don’t make excuses for poor grades or a low MCAT score.
  • Don’t speak negatively about another physician or healthcare professional.
  • Don’t plead for an interview or acceptance.
  • Don’t edit your personal statement by yourself.
  • Don’t procrastinate.

Learn more: 20 Personal Statement: Dos and Don’ts .

Personal Statement Mistakes to Avoid list

It’s important to read the personal statements of matriculated students. While you won’t be able to mimic someone else’s personal statement, you can still learn a lot from them, and reading different statements can spark ideas for your own essay.

We compiled a selection of real medical school personal statements from successful applicants. These statements are for reference purposes only and should not be plagiarized in any way. Plagiarism detection software is used when evaluating personal statements, and plagiarizing is grounds for an automatic disqualification.

Be sure to read the included feedback regarding the personal statements as well, as this will give you extra insight into what admissions committees are looking for.

Read Real Medical School Personal Statement Examples .

Medical School Personal Statement Editing

Don’t write your medical school personal statement alone—we can help. Med School Insiders offers a range of personal statement editing packages , from general editing to unlimited, in-depth editing with a physician who will be there to advise you every step of the way.

Learn more about our Comprehensive Medical School Admissions Packages . Our team of doctors has years of experience serving on admissions committees, so you’ll receive key insights from people who have been intimately involved with the selection process.

Next read: Guide to Understanding the Medical School Application Process

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the Career Doctors

Medical Student CV: 9 Tips Plus Examples, Personal Statements & Length

Avatar für Anthony Llewellyn

For most medical students the point at which you need to think about compiling a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume comes in your final year of medical school. This is the time when you need to think about applying for a job for after graduation. As a doctor who has seen 10,000+ CVs in his career I’ve put together some tips for the medical student CV, including how it may differ from other types of doctor CVs or medical resumes.

But before we dive into these tips. Let’s look at what the key aspects of a medical student CV are. In order to compile a good quality medical student CV, you should ensure the following vital elements are covered:

  • The most prominent element on your medical CV should be your name. This is what you want potential employers to remember.
  • You should have clear and professional contact details. So they can get in touch easily.
  • A personal statement is highly recommended. As you then get the chance to control the narrative (not the employer).
  • Your education history will take prominence over work history, which is different from the way it goes for the rest of your career. You should, therefore, try to continue “the narrative” in this section and signal some of your special achievements during this time.

There are of course other things which should go on your medical CV. But the above are in my experience the most critical elements and if you focus upon these then you will have a very good first page for your medical CV and this is the bit of your CV that actually gets read.

9 Tips For Compiling A Good Quality Medical Student CV.

Tip 1. don’t leave it till your final year of medical school..

It seems obvious to say this but you should really be thinking of making a CV the moment you enter medical school. Keep an original copy somewhere that you use to keep a record of your achievements over time. You can then use this to make shorter variations when it comes time for applying for jobs.

The term CV is actually a misnomer. A CV technically is a full record of all your career information. For doctors who have worked a while this document can get quite big. With the various jobs they have done, the courses, conferences, papers published etc…

The document you are normally putting forward is generally more akin to a resume which is a tailored synthesis of your career put against the actual role you are applying for.

At the very least start thinking about your medical CV in your penultimate year of medical school. This is because you want to giver yourself the time to collect the number of  referees  you may require on the document. Normally this is a minimum of two.

Tip 2. Leave the Photo Off (Unless Specifically Requested). Make Your Name “the Hero”.

Photos are  distracting and seen as too flashy on Medical CVs . They also inject unneeded bias into the process before you get to front the interview panel.

Occasionally you may be requested to include a photo as a formal requirement. If so do then. Otherwise leave it off and use the space to make your name the biggest item on the front page. You want the reviewer to remember you name as they hopefully put your medical CV into the “for interview” pile.

Tip 3. Include a Personal Statement.

Personal Statements or  Career Goal Statements  are really important. Once, you realize  how long it takes  (or doesn’t take) to review your CV. You will realize the importance of a summary statement at the top of the CV that lets you tell the story of your career and doesn’t leave it up to the reviewer to make up.

For a medical student CV I tend to recommend a Personal Statement over a Career Goal Statement. It can be seen as just a little too presumptuous at this stage to be declaring your specialty intentions at this point.

Concentrate on talking a little bit about:

  • Why you choose a career in Medicine
  • What your interests are. You can broadly allude to your career intentions, for example use terms like “critical care”, “interested in procedures”, “rural medicine”. Make sure though that you back this up with some evidence from your medical school about how you pursued these interests. So it doesn’t come off as a second thought.
  • And then finally try to throw in some value for the employer. What skills do you bring that add some thing additional that others perhaps do not. Again, this could be some of the extra stuff you did throughout medical school or for many it might be skills you developed in a career prior to medicine.

Tip 4. Continue The Use of Narrative and Sell Your Educational Achievements.

Because you don’t have a medical work history its very important that you signal any special achievements you had during medical school. You don’t have to just talk about your formal education in this section. You can bring in other things you may have done during this time. A classic is tutoring other students or other forms of part-time work.

Most students have to work on one or two projects or some form of research during medical school so you could also talk about the outcomes of this work.

If you were on a committee talk about what that committee achieved during the year.

If possible try to quantify your outcomes. If, for example, you helped organise a rural medicine one-day workshop state how many attended.

Don’t just put down that you were the Secretary of the Medical Society without talking about your achievements. Employers are acutely aware how much a waste of time most committees are. So they will assume that you took up the position to add to your CV and did nothing during that year.

Tip 5. Your Work History Prior to and During Medicine is Of Interest.

Your work history or “work achievements” prior to medicine is of interest to employers. It may help to make you a more unique candidate. Definitely put this down its not a disadvantage.

I once had a medical student ask me if they should put down the fact that they were an Executive Assistant in a prior career. My answer was absolutely! Interns are in fact glorified Executive Assistants for a fair bit of the time. And EAs are well known for their ability to get work done, time manage, juggle tasks and be the linchpin of teams.

Tip 6. Stick to a Simple Style and Format.

Try to avoid too much formatting to your CV until you are close to completing it. Ideally, choose one font-type and don’t vary the size too much. A contrast in colour is ok. As is the use of a colour block with whit text to highlight important things like your name.

Avoid going too crazy with underlined words and bolding and italics. Also try to stick with only one level of indenting and bullet points. Otherwise it can start to look a bit chaotic.

Also, check that sections are not being split between pages. If they are pad things out a bit so that new sections start at the top of the page.

Tip 7. Start a LinkedIn Profile.

Now that you have completed all that work in compiling your CV. Why not go the extra step and set up a LinkedIn profile if you have not already OR update it if you have.

There are a number of reasons for doing this but the prime one is that employers now do Google searches on prospective employees and  LinkedIn profiles rank well on Google  so it once again gives you a chance to control what is being said about you, as well as manage your online reputation.

In this case make sure that you do include a photo as it is expected on LinkedIn.

Tip 8. Your CV Should Be As Long As It Needs To Be And No Longer.

I see so much rubbish on the internet about how a Resume should be no longer than 2 pages or in some instances 1 page. The logic being that if you can’t synthesise your career down to that length to make a winning proposition to an employer. Then you are no go.

I’m calling BS on that.

Sure I have seen some really good tight doctor CVs or Resumes that have managed to get down to 2 pages. But these have generally either been medical students or interns.

I have also seen people try to cram all their information on to 2 pages and make it look a mess because the font-type size is too small.

Once you have worked as a doctor for a while you accumulate a lot of work experience and other good stuff. So generally this takes a few more pages to fill out. Normally this is 4 pages but if it requires more then fine.

Remember employers mainly only focus on the first page in any case. Concentrate on getting this right and then include other things that you think support that first page.

Tip 9. Don’t Get Overly Concerned About How Much a CV Matters At This Point.

Perhaps I should have put this point first. But I wanted you to understand all the other points above first. In most cases you do need a CV. So you might as well make a good one.

That being said. Because there is no medical work history to put on your CV. Employers will not pay as much weight to it. Employers know that the best test of whether someone is good for the job is to try them out in it. And the second best is if they can relate similar succesful job experiences from the past.

So don’t get too concerned if you feel that yours doesn’t have much of interest on it.

Recommended Format For a Medical Student CV.

The format I recommend for most Medical Student CVs is as follows:

  • Big Bold Name at the very top.
  • Contact details just underneath or to the right hand side. You really just need a mobile phone number and a professional looking email address so they can contact you. If you have social media profiles such as LinkedIn you can include these as well.
  • Short Qualification Summary just below as well as any other pertinent information such as citizenship or visa status.
  • Personal Statement. See Above.
  • Education Achievements. Note we use “Achievement” rather than “History”
  • Work Achievements
  • Other Headings
  • Referees. Always Come Last.

By the time you have finished the Education Achievements Section you are probably going to be onto the second page. After Work History you can pretty much use what ever other headings you choose in the order that you feel represents you best. But remember you can always bundle some of the good stuff up under your Medical School description as well.

So some other headings you may wish to use include:

  • Publications
  • Academic Achievements
  • Professional Development
  • Volunteer Work
  • Quality Improvement
  • Certificates
  • Committee Work

Below is an example:

Related Questions.

Question: Are There Cases Where I Do Not Need a CV?

Answer : For most Intern applications in Australia you need to supply a CV. For NSW  you do not need to supply a CV  unless you are applying via the Rural Preferential Pathway.

Question: How Do I Put Together a Medical CV As a Trainee Doctor Or Consultant?

Answer : We have you covered over here in this  comprehensive guide .

Question: What Sort of Referees Should I List on My CV?

Answer: As a general rule you should have at least one referee who has worked with you in a supervisory capacity in the last 12 months. You don’t necessarily have to have all doctor referees on your CV. But you should have at least one. Try also to have a diverse range of referees on your CV. For a more comprehensive overview of referee selection and how to list them check out the  related post .

Question: What Is The Best Way To Proof Read My CV?

Answer: Proof reading of CVs is important. Even small typographical errors can be seen as an indication of a lack of eye for detail. You have spent so much time making this CV that you are the worst one to spot any remaining errors. At the very least give it to someone you trust to go over it thoroughly. Ask them to identify any errors for you. And ask them to also let you know if it makes sense and reads as authentic. If you want to spend some additional dollars on it. You can pay someone to  review your CV  for you.

Medical Student CV Example

FRANZCP, MHA, GAICD | Medical HR Expert and Coach.

Anthony is an experienced health public sector executive, medical educationalist and coach.

Anthony is an expert in Medical HR. He has reviewed numerous CVs, chaired and conducted over a thousand job interviews and provided advice to a number of employers and Colleges about selection processes.

Anthony's background: Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Manager with 20 years’ experience as a medical practitioner in public health services in a range of roles.

From 2012 to 2016, Anthony was the Medical Director of the Health Education & Training Institute (HETI), involved in overseeing a number of network training programs. He is also a Senior Lecturer at the University of Newcastle’s School of Medicine & Public Health, and Year 5 Psychiatry Coordinator. He is currently completing a PhD in Medical Education, exploring personal learning environments in the intern training space.

Anthony recently delivered for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians a Best Practice Guide for Trainee Selection into Employment Roles

Anthony was born on Mouheneenner land in Hobart (Tasmania) and pays respect to the traditional owners of lands he lives and works on, and elders past and present. His most important role in life is proud father of two boys.

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Based On An Article Originally Requested By the NSW Medical Students Council about medical student resumes. Being able to compile a CV or Resume is an essential skill for pretty much any career.  But as a medical graduate, you may not necessarily have been taught this specific skill so far. In my experience it is…

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medical student cv personal statement

Writing a Curriculum Vitae for Medical Residency

What's a curriculum vitae.

Your curriculum vitae (CV) is the next evolutionary step beyond the self-summary that made up your medical school applications. It provides a succinct chronicle of your education, training, and experience to this point. The CV (or vita) isn’t a résumé as much as it is a multipurpose declaration of your professional history, gathering your academic and employment histories alongside honors, awards, presentations, research, and organizational affiliations.

Writing Your CV

Longer isn’t necessarily better when it comes to CVs. No matter how many accomplishments you list, you won’t impress interviewers during Match season if they can’t quickly pick out two or three good reasons to choose you over someone else. Aim for concision. And remember that reverse chronological order is the most common structure.

How is Your CV Used During Medical Residency Match?

CVs are more than just a framework for Match residency interviews. Anyone providing you with a letter of recommendation will better grasp your background and aims by referring to your CV.

Strategies for Writing Your CV

  • You’ll find the foundation of your CV in whatever leadership roles, research experience, scholarships, or other opportunities you undertook early in medical school, even if you haven’t previously compiled these elements in CV form. Once you’ve organized this information, update your CV every six months or so. Start with what you’re doing now and work backward.
  • Including examination scores on your CV isn’t necessary. Program directors receive this information through the Electronic Residency Application Service, and those composing letters of recommendation on your behalf won’t benefit from it. 
  • Keep it short. Full sentences can weigh your CV down. Your personal statement is the place for narrative, expression, and explanation.
  • Your CV design and layout should be neat and simple, with plenty of space for your text to breathe. It’s the content that counts, not the look. Read  Strolling through the Match  to see a sample CV layout.

medical student cv personal statement

The Strolling Through the Match guide includes expanded advice and a sample CV from a fourth-year student.

Get the Guide

Eight Steps to Writing a Stronger CV

  • Start now:  Chances are, you already have examples of your research, scholarship, leadership, volunteer efforts, or published work to help you stand out. 
  • Keep the length short:  You won’t impress interviewers if the best reasons to choose you are on the fifth page.  
  • Make your language concise:  Your CV should be succinct, not explanatory. Recap your achievements and save the details for your personal statement, bio, or cover letter. 
  • Get the order right:  Arrange your CV in reverse chronological order, starting with where you are today.
  • Be unique:  Application forms show what an institution wants to know about everybody, but a CV lets you put the spotlight on yourself: the key accomplishments and activities that truly set you apart.
  • Customize it:  Review, restructure, or even rewrite your CV so that it’s tailored to the position you’re seeking. Consider keeping two versions handy — a short summary of your training and experience, and a longer document with sharper focus on your publications and presentations.
  • When in doubt, leave it out:  Be honest and specific about your level of participation in a project or activity, and never invent or embellish.
  • Ask an expert:  Your dean’s office may be able to share CV samples or other guidance, student organizations at your school may hold CV review events, and many conferences offer these services to attendees. Look for opportunities to have your CV reviewed through local and national student, medical, and specialty societies.

8 Tips to Strengthen Your CV

Eight tips to help you strengthen your CV for a successful Match.

View the Infographic

Nine Elements of a Medical Student's CV

  • Personal Data:   Keep personal data limited to name and contact information, and use it in the header of your CV. Give your name exactly as it appears in your medical school records. Use an address, phone number, and email address that you check often.
  • Education:  List your current place of learning first. Include the name of the institution, the degree sought or completed, and the date of completion or date of expected completion. Remember to include medical school, graduate education, and undergraduate education.
  • Honors and Awards:  It’s appropriate to list any academic, organizational, or community awards or scholarships, but you must use your own judgment as to whether an achievement that you value would be valuable to the person reading your CV.
  • Professional Society Memberships:   List any professional organizations to which you belong and the years of your membership. Include leadership positions held, if any.
  • Employment Experience:   List the position, organization, and dates of employment for each work experience. Limit this list to those experiences that are medically related or that show the breadth of your work experience. You may wish to use a section header such as “Selected Employment Experience” to convey positions not directly related to your medical career but show your diverse work history.
  • Extracurricular Activities:   List your outside interests, volunteer service, and extracurricular activities. These help develop a broader picture of your personality and character. Also, any special talents or qualifications that have not been given due recognition in other parts of the CV should be highlighted in this or a separate section.
  • Publications and Presentations:   List any papers you’ve published or presented by title, place, and date of publication or presentation. Works accepted for publication but not yet published can be listed as “(forthcoming).”
  • Personal and Professional Interests:   Include any information demonstrating your passion and drive that might not have been captured in other sections.
  • References:   You may be asked to provide personal and professional references. These names may be included in the CV, appended as part of a cover letter or application form, or noted as “Provided Upon Request.”

For more detailed CV writing tips and strategies, download your free copy of Strolling Through the Match .

ERAS and Your CV: Why Both is Better

CVs are not among the standard Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS®) application documents. Though residency programs can generate a report in CV format based on the information in your application, creating and maintaining your own CV allows you greater flexibility in what aspects of your education, training, and affiliations you include, and how these and other elements are structured. And it’s a document you’ll use and revise throughout your career.

ERAS® captures

  • Biographical information
  • Transcripts
  • Publications

Preparing a stand-alone CV lets you

  • Reduce time spent completing the ERAS application
  • Meet some programs’ CV requirements
  • Allow yourself greater flexibility about what to include
  • Maximize your interview readiness
  • Get a head start on documenting your entire career.

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  • Medical School Student

Medical Student CV Examples & Writing Guide

Medical student CV

Reviewing medical student CV examples is essential when you are trying to create your own. If you're looking to attend one of the  medical school in Canada  or the United States, then in addition to keeping up with your courses, you will need to apply for  medical school electives  and other academic programs in order to strengthen your candidacy for residency. Having a compelling and well-formatted medical student CV is your key to success in that department. In this blog, we discuss the importance of preparing your medical student CV early, as well as how to format it and what it should contain. We also share some medical student CV examples with you. 

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What exactly is a medical student cv .

When you were preparing for your medical school application, you probably did everything you could to make your medical school resume stand out. As a medical student, you need to do the same but with a different document. Your "Curriculum vitae," or as it is more commonly referred to - CV, is one of the most important documents you can prepare for your ERAS or CaRMS applications. As we already mentioned, however, your medical student CV will have more purpose than residency apps – it will help you gain those valuable experiences that will make you stand out as a residency applicant.  

A resume is a concise 1 to 2-page document that provides a snapshot of your academic and professional background. On the other hand, a residency CV or a medical student CV is a more comprehensive document that can extend beyond the two-page mark depending on your experience level. It has unique sections that allow you to showcase your experiences and achievements in more detail. Essentially, your medical student CV is supposed to showcase your most significant academic and extracurricular achievements, as well as your skills and abilities. Its aim is to leave a lasting, positive first impression on those who review it. Medical student CVs are often used to apply for various types of academic programs, volunteer and clinical experience opportunities, internships, and so much more. 

We highly recommend that you start preparing your medical student CV in your first year of medical school and update it as you progress through school. Having a readily available CV from the beginning of your medical school career will save you a lot of time and headaches when you need one to apply for different opportunities.

Most people are familiar with the concept of a medical school application resume, residency CV, and, eventually, a  physician resume . What many students often don't realize is how important it is to have a medical student CV as well. Having an updated and well-formatted medical student CV can help you with the following:

Check out this infographic for a quick summary:

As a medical student, you not only have to learn  how to study in medical school  in order to keep up with the demanding course load, but you also have to  prepare for residency applications.  Considering the competitive nature of residency programs, that means building up your CV by taking advantage of  clinical research opportunities , participating in various extracurriculars, applying for grants or scholarships, and other activities that will make you a more attractive residency candidate. Having an updated medical student CV will make it easier and faster for you to apply for these different opportunities that can come up during medical school. 

There is a lot of competition for research grants, clinical experience programs, and other electives of this nature. This means that as a medical student, you must be able to generate a current CV on immediate request if you want to be a competitive applicant for different opportunities. At the end of the day, a program can’t consider you for an opportunity if it does not know you or the skills that you have to offer. It is your medical student CV and other application components that are used to communicate this information to them.

The competition is even more fierce for International Medical Graduates (IMG). If you are attending medical school abroad, you should make sure that you have an updated medical student CV at your disposal. Especially if you want to eventually get into a residency program in North America. Having the right experiences will make it easier for you to get electives and clinical experience in the US and Canada as an IMG. You need to be prepared to apply and submit all the required documents as soon as possible, so having an up-to-date medical student CV will make the application process faster and easier as you compete for valuable opportunities with other applicants.

Are you an International Medical Graduate? This video is for you: " css-class="video youtube " title="YouTube video">

 As you apply for and participate in different activities, you need to keep track of those that will eventually end up on your residency application. We recommend familiarizing yourself with the  CANmeds roles  and the AAMC’s core competencies for using those frameworks to guide the experiences you gather while in medical school. By getting your CV ready early, you can easily see what roles and skills are represented in the experiences and skills you currently have on your CV and which ones you still need to work on. 

 For example, let's say you have been focusing on getting research experience, which is great because this shows that you are a scholar - one of the seven roles identified in the CANmeds framework. However, in looking at your medical student CV, you may notice that you don't have anything in your experiences that showcases your understanding of the other competencies. Figuring this out in your second year of medical school, when you still have time to look for other activities, is better than coming to this realization when you are already preparing other application components such as your residency personal statement . 

Preparing your residency application:

Some may even require you to talk about the experiences that helped you choose your medical specialty . Having a clear record of all the experiences you've picked up while in medical school will help you prepare these documents.

Furthermore, turning your medical student CV into a residency one will be much simpler because you will already have all the information in the right format. You will simply need to do a final update where you review and edit your student CV to ensure that it only reflects the most important information you want to showcase to the residency program. Now that you know why having a medical student CV is essential let's talk about what you need to have a compelling CV that actually accomplishes what it is supposed to.  

How to format your medical student CV

While there is no specific length specified for CVs, they tend to be around 2 to 5 pages. We strongly suggest that you keep your CV about two to three pages long unless you have several years of work experience under your belt. Remember that your CV aims to get the most important information across in a clear manner. This means that it should be concise and straight to the point. If your CV is too long, you risk losing your audience.

Furthermore, while crafting your CV, you should remember that presentation matters almost as much as content. You need to make sure that your CV is aesthetically pleasing and, more importantly, easy to read. Contrary to popular belief, there is no golden template for CVs. The key to a winning CV is making it easy to follow and read.

As mentioned earlier, your CV should be separated into clearly labeled sections. Let's go over the categories that your medical school CV should have: 

Medical Student CV Examples: 

Medical student CV example #1

Essentially, it is a document that is supposed to walk the reader through your academic and professional background. It should list all of your academic and professional experiences and achievements leading up to and so far in medical school. 

You need one to apply for different academic programs and research opportunities while in medical school. Later, you will also need it to make a residency CV and apply to residency programs.

We recommend that you prepare one during your first year of medical school and make sure it is constantly updated as you progress in your studies. 

You can, but we don't recommend that you do. The program will specifically request a CV most of the time, and even if they don't, your medical school resume may not be up to date, and it will not be as detailed as a CV. That could easily cost you the opportunity that you're applying for. 

Absolutely. A  medical school advisor  can review your CV and help you make it as compelling as possible!

CVs are typically between 2 and 5 pages long. We recommend that you keep your CV as concise as possible.

 Your CV should have your personal/contact information, education background, clinical experiences, research experiences, presentations and publications, volunteer or extracurricular experiences, awards and honors, and optional sections like skills, languages, or hobbies. 

We recommend updating your CV whenever you participate in a new relevant experience. This is the best way to keep track of your activities and ensure that it is always up to date and ready to submit.

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Medicine Personal Statement Examples

Get some inspiration to start writing your Medicine Personal Statement with these successful examples from current Medical School students. We've got Medicine Personal Statements which were successful for universities including Imperial, UCL, King's, Bristol, Edinburgh and more.

Personal Statement Examples

  • Read successful Personal Statements for Medicine
  • Pay attention to the structure and the content
  • Get inspiration to plan your Personal Statement

Personal Statement Example 1

Check out this Medicine Personal Statement which was successful for Imperial, UCL, QMUL and King's.

Personal Statement Example 2

This Personal Statement comes from a student who received Medicine offers from Bristol and Plymouth - and also got an interview at Cambridge.

Personal Statement Example 3

Have a look at this Medicine Personal Statement which was successful for Imperial, Edinburgh, Dundee and Newcastle.

Personal Statement Example 4

Take a look at this Medicine Personal Statement which was successful for King's, Newcastle, Bristol and Sheffield.

Personal Statement Example 5

Pick up tips from this Medicine Personal Statement which was successful for Imperial, Birmingham and Manchester.

Personal Statement Example 6

This Personal Statement comes from a student who got into Graduate Entry Medicine at King's - and also had interviews for Undergraduate Medicine at King's, QMUL and Exeter.

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Medical Student Resources: Personal Statement

  • Medical Student Resources
  • Personal Statement

Program directors will be looking at your personal statement for things like your character and ambitions, which cannot be found in your CV. A personal statement is typically used by candidates to highlight their qualities and outline their experiences to show why they are a good fit for a program. Your personal statement is a good place for you to expand on anything in your CV that might be ambiguous.

We've included some tips below that you should follow when crafting the perfect personal statement:

  • Don't use jargon
  • Avoid using acronyms — your reader(s) may not know them
  • Write in complete sentences
  • Ask mentors, advisors, and friends to critique your personal statement
  • Use a thesaurus for some variety
  • Make your personal statement stand out among the rest

Outline any nontraditional paths

Be sure to outline any nontraditional paths you've taken during your schooling journey to avoid any confusion about gaps on your CV. If you choose to write about any challenges you have faced, put a positive spin on them and follow up with what you've learned from those experiences. Writing an intriguing opening paragraph can be intimidating, so feel free to skip it and write it last. Your opening paragraph should stand out among others and should do more than just summarize your personal statement.

Consider free personal statement review.

Avoid relying on your personal statement to rescue your residency application — program directors do not solely use personal statements when selecting candidates for residency interviews Your personal statement could, however, affect your application if it is too generic or has an abundance of grammar and spelling mistakes. Therefore it's important to proofread your personal statement yourself, and to have others look it over, as well. At PracticeMatch, we offer free personal statement review to help you submit a personal statement that will highlight what makes you an excellent candidate for residency.

Your personal statement is a good place for you to expand on anything in your CV that might be ambiguous.

  • You may submit your Personal Statement for review by PracticeMatch
  • Learn More:
  • Preparing your CV
  • Choosing Specialty
  • Residency Application Process
  • Financial Assistance
  • Submit CV or Personal Statement for Review
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How to Write a CV Personal Statement [+4 Real-life Examples]

Background Image

Creating an effective CV takes time and close attention to detail. You've already included your jobs and experience , and now you want to allow the recruiter or hiring manager to understand the strategic value you can add.

This is when you need to utilize a personal statement at the top of your CV.

How to Write a CV Personal Statement [+4 Real-life Examples] 

cv personal statement example

What is a Personal Statement? 

A personal statement is a few brief and direct sentences at the top of your CV. The personal statement is also referred to as a career summary or personal mission statement.

This is used to grab the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager and summarizes essential experiences or training that you can bring to this position.

Why do I Need a Personal Statement?

A recruiter or hiring manager is tasked with sorting through an enormous amount of resumes every single day. A personal statement is a way to separate yourself from the other applicants.

This statement summarizes your experience and highlights your unique talents . The CV personal statement is meant to demonstrate why you are the perfect fit for the job. 

Even med students need a medical school personal statement , as it is what differentiates them from all the other students applying. Plus, it allows them to share their personal stories and objectives.

Where do I Start? 

Always begin by reading the job description carefully and thoroughly.

Your personal statement should be tailored to each job description, so it explicitly states the value you’ll bring to the position you are applying. A generic personal statement cannot do that. 

Once you have a solid handle on the job description, you can begin writing. It’s important to keep your personal statement brief, about 50-200 words will do.

Don’t forget that you have your whole cover letter to show some personality and include engaging content.

The personal statement should be a quick summary that highlights why you are the best person for the job. 

You’ll need to decide whether you are writing your personal statement in first- or third-person. This should follow how you've written the rest of your CV.

For example, if you've already written, “I grew and developed a team of 50 salespeople,” in your CV then you will want to keep your personal statement in first-person to match the prevailing style.

No matter what you choose, make sure that you keep it consistent throughout. Do not switch between first- and third-person as that will get confusing to the hiring manager.

Writing a personal statement for your CV in first-person does not mean you need to start every sentence with “I.”

There are ways to craft your personal statement to sound snappy, concise and personal, and here are a few examples to help inspire your personal statement. 

CV Personal Statement Examples

It doesn’t matter what chose as your desired career or how much experienc e you have, use these examples to drive the creation of your own personal statement.

You can take snippets from each or write something completely different. Always remember that your personal statement is a reflection of yourself and should align with your own personal goals and experience.

If these examples don’t fit your exact career, feel free to take some pointers and write yours from scratch. 

#1: Personal Statement Example for Recent Graduate CV

“As a recent graduate from university, with an honors degree in communications, I held several internships within leading organizations, including Bertelsmann. These internships enabled me to gain experience in the field and learn how to serve up valuable contributions in a fast-paced, professional environment.”

Explanation: This example should be customized to include the university you’ve graduated from and any relevant internships. A compelling personal statement always highlights relevant skills and experiences.

In this case, a recent graduate does not have extensive experience in the workforce, so soft skills like experiencing success in a fast-paced work environment and becoming a trusted team member become even more critical.

#2: Personal Statement Example for Returning to the Workforce CV

“A highly motivated and experienced office administrator, I am currently looking to resume my professional career after an extended hiatus to raise my family. Proficient in all Microsoft Office programs, I can lead meetings and work with clients to keep your office running smoothly and efficiently. After spending several years volunteering as an administrative worker for a local charity, I am committed to resuming my professional career on a full-time basis.”

Explanation: After time off from a career, it can be hard to break back into the market. This personal statement outlines the reason for the break, the relevant qualifications and what the applicant has been doing in between jobs.

Any volunteer experience becomes highly relevant when there is no concrete professional experience to draw upon, to demonstrate the use of those skills. 

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#3: Personal Statement Example for a Career Change CV

“With over 15 years as a sales manager, I have extensive experience building high-functioning sales teams that consistently achieve budget numbers. In fact, my ability to grow talent led to a 20% increase in annual renewals across the board. Now, after 15 years, I am seeking new challenges to flex my marketing muscles in a fast-paced environment.” 

Explanation: When changing careers , it's essential to highlight skills that are transferable between industries.

In this case, leadership and team-building experience can apply to any industry. Homing in on concrete numbers and percentages increases credibility when applying for a position.

The applicant ends with the reason behind the desired career change. This part is not necessary but may be appealing to some hiring managers who are wondering what the impetus for the career change.

#4: Personal Statement Example for a Experienced Professional CV

“As a friendly, professional and highly trained educator, I am passionate about teaching and have an innate ability to understand student’s needs. Creating a safe and productive environment for optimal learning is my top priority. I’ve worked as a teacher for nearly 10 years in a variety of subjects and my experience and skill set make me the perfect fit for your team.”

Explanation: With more experience comes more skills and a better idea of strengths and weaknesses. Showcasing your passion for the industry is a great way to begin a personal statement, as it shows the hiring manager your dedication to the craft. 

A personal statement can be written in many different ways, but it is ultimately up to you to determine what skills you want to highlight for your chosen position.

You can follow these examples or take learnings from each to contribute towards your personal statement. 

If you understand the job you are applying for and know the unique skill set that you bring to the table, you will have a stellar personal statement for your CV that will get you across the table from the hiring manager in no time.  

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]
  • 43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job
  • 150+ Must-Have Skills for Any Resume  [With Tips + Tricks]
  • How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”

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medical student cv personal statement

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CV and Personal Statement Resources

School of medicine, cv resources.

A CV is a detailed document summarizing your professional and academic history and highlights your experience and skills.

While you may not need to upload a CV to your residency application (depending which program you use), it becomes a strong resource to reference during the application process and can also be used to apply for other opportunities.

CVs can be used to:

  • Apply to away rotations
  • Apply for scholarships
  • Apply for research opportunities
  • Provide helpful information to one’s Letter of Recommendation writers
  • As a reference when completing your residency application

Creating a CV

At the end of the day, your CV should be easy to read, consistent in formatting, and free of spelling errors. Below are some steps you can take to begin or continue working on your CV.

Refer to these website articles for additional tips regarding putting your CV together:  Careers in Medicine - "Writing a Curriculum Vitae"       

CV Templates

Refer to the below templates to see our suggested formatting techniques for your CV. You can download any of the templates and plug in your information or simply use them as a guide to identify appropriate information to include, section header names, font sizing and styling, etc.

Selecting a template is completely subjective to your preference - what layout do you like best? Keep in mind that the order in which sections are listed (with the exception of the “Education” and “Hobbies” section) can be re-arranged to accommodate the opportunity in which the CV is being used for.

CV Checklist

Once you have put together a draft of your CV, review the checklist to verify you have followed some important CV formatting guidelines and best practices.  After going through the checklist and making any necessary adjustments to your CV draft, have your advisor or mentor review it for additional feedback!

Personal Statement Resources

A personal statement is needed when applying to some away rotations and residency programs. These statements should not exceed one page. While the level of weight your personal statement carries in an application process depends on the program you are applying to, in most cases, the personal statement can do more harm than good if it is not well thought out and contains many spelling or grammatical errors.

Personal Statement Basics

Refer to these website articles for guidance on writing your personal statement:           

             Careers in Medicine – “ Writing your Personal Statement ”

             Careers in Medicine – “ Write a Winning a Personal Statement ”

Sample Personal Statements

  • Refer to the Longitudinal Course Canvas Page for sample Personal Statements.
  • Personal Statement Examples

  Other Resources

Use the University of Utah Writing Center for grammar and content editing

Meet with your mentor or advisor to discuss or review your personal statement.

  • Offices of Medical Education >
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  • Advisement & Counseling >
  • Career Advising, Mentoring & Tutoring >

Applying to Residency

Residency road map, first and second year.

Students with questions about different medical specialties and plans for their careers are encouraged to reach out to advisers designated by each department, academic staff in Office of Student and Academic Affairs (OSAA) and faculty in their respective program.

Fall-Winter Intersession : Session to introduce residency application process, CV, personal statement, MSPE (“Dean’s Letter”) discussion

Spring : Meet with Office of Student and Academic Affairs Deans to review career plans, noteworthy characteristics for MSPE

Summer : Class meetings to review residency application and Match processes

Fourth Year

Fall: Complete and submit ERAS application. Residency interviews begin (typically run from October-January)

Winter: Residency program interviews continue. Rank list due in February

Spring: Match Day mid-March

Most students will be applying to residency via the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS).

The Office of Student and Academic Affairs provides support to students during their application to residency programs. An ERAS token will be issued to you early in your fourth year of medical school that will allow you to gain access to the ERAS.

ERAS Application Components

Medical student performance evaluation (mspe).

The MSPE, also known as a dean's letter, will be an important part of your application and will be discussed with you during spring of your third year. A meeting between you and one of the Student and Academic Affairs deans will be scheduled during the spring of your third year. There will also be time to review your MSPE before it is submitted during your fourth year (fall semester).

Noteworthy Characteristics in MSPE

Contained within the MSPE, a maximum of three characteristics highlighting your most salient noteworthy characteristics is required. This section should be presented as a bulleted list. Each characteristic should be described in 2 sentences or less. Information about any significant challenges or hardships encountered by you during medical school may be included.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A residency CV is an important document that is used to highlight your experience and training in a succinct, easy to understand format. You will use the information in your CV to fill out either the ERAS residency application or other matching applications. The main goal of a residency CV is to showcase your most significant academic and extracurricular achievements, leaving a lasting, positive, first impression to those who review it. Essentially, your CV should convince residency directors that you are exactly what they are looking for and are a strong match for their residency program. Not only is having an up-to-date CV important for applying to residency and crafting your personal statement, but it's also important for filling out rotation applications and when securing letters of recommendation from physicians.

Letter of Recommendation

You need at least three letters of recommendation per residency, and you can submit up to four per residency. You can check school-specific requirements on the Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database (FREIDA).

Personal Statement

The residency personal statement should include and reflect:

  • What draws you to the specialty
  • The skills or qualities that will help you succeed during the residency and as a practicing physician
  • Your long-term plans, what you hope to accomplish, your preferred setting
  • Personal attributes that make you well-suited to the specialty and training
  • What attracts you to a particular program (if you’re applying for a specific program outside of the national matching system or if you customize a personal statement within National Residency Matching Program (NRMP).

Ultimately, the combination of these elements will give program directors a sense of the kind of colleague you would be and how you would fit into their program.

ERAS is the system through which you will submit all of your residency application materials, while the NRMP is the organization that facilitates the actual matching process, once all of your documents have been submitted to your programs of interest.

Non-ERAS Residency Application

Students applying to Opthalmology, Plastic Surgery or the military match should contact/notify the Office of Student and Academic Affairs for questions/guidance and if you require components of your education record for Plastic Surgery Common Application (PSCA), San Francisco Residency and Fellowship Match Services (SF Match) or military match.

  • Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Apply Smart data
  • Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Careers in Medicine
  • American Academy of Opthalmology (AAO)
  • Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS) User Guide
  • Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database (FREIDA)
  • 3/17/23 JSMBS prior year Matches
  • National Residency Matching Program (NRMP)
  • Plastic Surgery Common Application (PSCA)
  • San Francisco Residency and Fellowship Match Services (SF Match)
  • Texas STAR (Seeking Transparency in Application to Residency)

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A 10-Step Guide to Writing an Outstanding Personal Statement

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Applying to college can be daunting, especially when it comes to writing a personal statement. This essay showcases not just your writing skills but also your unique personality, achievements, and aspirations. Understanding that while grades are crucial, a personal statement often becomes the differentiating factor in your application. To navigate this essential component, we’ve compiled a ten-step guide, replete with examples, to ensure your personal statement leaves a lasting impression on admissions officers.

Applying to college can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to writing a personal statement. This essay not only showcases your writing skills but also highlights your unique personality, achievements, and aspirations. While it may seem unnecessary, tedious, time-consuming, and just another tick-the-box, know that as each application is processed, grades are just one of the criteria of selection, more often than not a personal statement becomes the differentiating factor.

A diverse group of smiling students looking down into the camera, holding a speech bubble sign that says 'THIS IS MY STORY' at a gathering, symbolizing individuality and shared experiences in crafting personal narratives.

To help you navigate this crucial component of your application, we’ve compiled a ten-step guide, complete with inspiring examples to ensure your personal statement makes a lasting impression on admissions officers.

  • Start Early and Brainstorm Begin the process early to give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm. Reflect on your experiences, achievements, and motivations. Think about what makes you unique, both in terms of personality and life experiences.
  • Understand the Prompt Make sure you clearly understand what the college is asking for. Each institution may have different prompts or questions. Tailor your response specifically to each prompt, ensuring you answer it fully and directly. Be comprehensive and succinct in your answers, choosing words that convey your candidature the best.
  • Create an Outline Draft an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a coherent flow of ideas. This will help you structure your statement effectively, making sure every part contributes towards presenting a compelling narrative.
  • Exhibit, Don’t Tell Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualities and achievements. Instead of stating that you’re a great leader, describe a situation where you demonstrated leadership. This method makes your statement more engaging and believable.
  • Focus on Your Strengths While it might be tempting to cover a wide range of subjects, focusing on a few key strengths or experiences can have a stronger impact. Depth over breadth is crucial in personal statements.
  • Be Authentic Admissions officers can tell when a statement is genuine. Write honestly about your experiences and passions and let your natural voice shine through. Authenticity is key to making a personal statement stand out.
  • Get Feedback After drafting your statement, seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or friends. They can provide insights on clarity, grammar, and the overall impact of your essay. They all have a perspective of you from an external viewpoint, so do not skip this step.
  • Revise and Edit Use the feedback to revise your statement. Look for areas where you can clarify your points, eliminate redundancy, and correct grammatical errors. This step is crucial for polishing your final submission.
  • Keep It Concise Adhere to the word limit. Being able to express your thoughts concisely and effectively is a skill appreciated by admissions officers.
  • Final Review Before submitting, do a final review. Read your statement out loud to catch any remaining errors or awkward phrasing. Make sure it sounds natural and is easy to read.

Examples of Exemplary Personal Statements:

Example 1: The Innovator Jane’s personal statement begins with a vivid description of her tinkering with a broken radio at age eight, which sparked her interest in technology. She intertwines her personal journey with her academic achievements, such as leading her school’s robotics team to a national competition. Jane uses specific examples, like designing a new robot navigation system, to demonstrate her passion and skill in engineering.

Example 2: The Community Leader John opens his statement with a powerful recount of organizing community relief efforts during a local flood. Highlighting his role in mobilizing volunteers and coordinating with local authorities, he demonstrates strong leadership and commitment to his community. His narrative includes feedback from the community and the personal growth he experienced, providing a well-rounded view of his character.

Example 3: The Attentive Listener Emma’s personal statement explores her profound appreciation for music and its role in shaping her interpersonal connections. She describes an afternoon spent sharing playlists with a group of international students, which turned into a deep discussion about cultural expressions through music. This experience not only highlights her listening skills but also illustrates her ability to forge meaningful relationships through shared interests.

Example 4: The Compassionate Leader David writes about his high emotional quotient and how it spurred him to lead a community initiative focused on animal welfare. His personal statement recounts organizing local workshops to educate people about animal kindness and launching a successful campaign for a local shelter. David’s story reflects his empathy and leadership in translating compassion into actionable community improvement.

Commentary: Every life is extraordinary; it’s how you narrate your story that captures the reader’s eye. Your personal statement should reflect your unique experiences and aspirations.


In crafting your personal statement, remember, you don’t have to be extraordinary in the usual sense—honesty and transparency are key. Be a dreamer of the art of the possible; dream as big as you can and let those dreams articulate themselves in your words. This approach not only reveals your true self to admissions officers but also shows your potential to contribute meaningfully to their academic community. Start your adventure today! Use these steps as your guide to find the university that best fits your future goals. Dream big and achieve even bigger.

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The priority deadline to submit your application for fall 2024 is Feb. 1 and the final deadline is June 1. The last LSAT we will accept for the 2024 application cycle is the June 2024 exam.

The admissions committee admits applicants on a rolling basis; therefore, we encourage all applicants to submit their application early.

All applications must be completed through the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). Please note that McGeorge does not accept hardcopy applications. The application should be complete when submitted.

You will need the following to complete your application:

  • A completed application form
  • Personal statement
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation submitted through your LSAC CAS account. (Up to three letters will be accepted)
  • Bachelor's degree
  • CAS report with letters of recommendation, all undergraduate transcripts, LSAT score and LSAC Writing Sample or GRE score (taken in the last 5 years)
  • Email address (this is the primary form of communication from the law school)

Personal Statement

The statement must be no more than three pages, double-spaced and 12 pt. font. An applicant's personal statement is an opportunity to provide information that the applicant believes should be considered.

The personal statement prompt is: Tell us about a person or event that impacted/influenced your life.  Please list the prompt at the top of your written statement.

If an applicant wishes to address their grades, academic disqualifications, etc. they may do so by addressing these circumstances in the Optional Essays section.

Provide a Resume of full-time employment and other activities, starting with the most recent. Include dates, name(s) of employer(s), and position(s) held. List the hours worked per week and academic honors received since entering college. List extracurricular activities, hobbies and community service. Describe the nature and extent of employment during college and include volunteer work. Please include summers. Explain any periods of time after high school not accounted for by the preceding educational and employment history. However, all high school information should be omitted.

Letters of Recommendation

In support of the application, applicants must submit two letters of recommendation directly to LSAC; we will accept a maximum of three letters. Applicants are strongly encouraged to reach out to their college professors and administrators who have had the opportunity to assess their academic, time management, research and analytical skills to write on their behalf.

Applicants who have been out of school for a considerable amount of time can submit letters of recommendation from employers, business colleagues, and mentors. Letters from family members and close personal friends are discouraged. These letters should address skills relevant to your potential success in law school.

Please note that LSAC will not release an applicant's CAS report to McGeorge until they have received a minimum of two letters of recommendation.  The application will remain incomplete and will not be reviewed until the applicant's file is complete.

Credential Assembly Service (CAS) and LSAT or GRE

Applicants must register with LSAC for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and LSAC's Credential Assembly Services (CAS). Transcripts of prior college and university coursework must be furnished directly to LSAC. LSAT scores must be from administrations within five years prior to the year of enrollment. An application file is not complete and will not be reviewed until an applicant's law school report, including an LSAT score or GRE score, has been received. Please note, if you have a valid LSAT score on file, the GRE score will NOT be considered for admission.  (Applicants whose undergraduate degrees are not from educational institutions within the United States, its territories or Canada must use LSAC's Credential Assembly Service for international document authentication and evaluation.)

Applications will not be considered for final action until all required information has been received.

McGeorge School of Law maintains a long-standing policy of not discriminating in any of its activities based on race, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability, marital status, age, color or religious belief.


All transcripts for college and graduate work must be submitted directly to LSAC. LSAC will evaluate each transcript and forward a report to each law school the applicant designates.

If an applicant matriculated at another law school, a letter of good standing from that school is required. Additionally, if an applicant sat for an examination at that school, a transcript from that law school must also be submitted directly to LSAC.

Please note if an official transcript with degree posted is not initially submitted in the CAS report , an applicant is required to submit  a copy of an official transcript with degree posted directly to the McGeorge JD Admissions Office before the first day of orientation to complete e nroll ment . 

Optional Essays: Diversity, Adversity Statements and Addenda

You may choose to attach a response to one or more of the following questions in addition to the required Personal Statement if you feel the information would be helpful to us when considering your application or submit an addendum to explain any discrepancies in your application.

  • Explain any discrepancies in your application.
  • Fully clarify and provide more information regarding any Character and Fitness questions.
  • Tell us more about your interest in McGeorge School of Law.  What makes our school a good fit for you in terms of academic interests, programmatic offerings and learning environment?
  • Discuss how your specific personal experiences, given your background (race, ethnicity, disability, LGBTQIA+ status, economic disadvantage or otherwise) demonstrate an important quality of your character and/or one more unique ability you can contribute to the law school.

Additional Application Requirements for Foreign Applicants

Test of english as a foreign language (toefl).

An applicant who did not complete their bachelor's degree from an English-language college or university, and for whom English is not their primary language is required to take the TOEFL. This requirement also applies to recent immigrants who have completed their education outside of the United States where English was not the language of instruction.

A minimum score of 600 for the paper-based test, 250 for the computer-based test, or 100 for the internet-based exam is required. Please note that acceptable scores must come directly from TOEFL and be submitted to LSAC. For additional information on TOEFL, visit .

Transcripts (International)

McGeorge requires that foreign transcripts be submitted directly to LSAC Credential Service which is included in the CAS subscription fee. A foreign credential evaluation will be finalized by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRO) and will be integrated into your CAS report.

Student Visa

Once an international applicant is admitted to the law school and has paid their first seat deposit, the Director of Graduate and International Programs will contact the student to obtain an I-20 application form, certification of finance, a notarized copy of their birth certificate, passport, and when applicable, marriage license. Once all of these items are received, the Director of Graduate and International Programs will process the student's SEVIS I-20. An I-20 form is one part of the requirement for an applicant to obtain a student visa .

Online Status

Once an applicant submits their application, they can check the status online through the Application Status Online. Login information for the Applicant Status Online is emailed to applicants when the application is submitted to the law school. The admissions committee will review files in the order that they were completed. Our admissions committee is devoted to reviewing each file in a holistic manner. Please allow four-to-12 weeks to receive an admission decision. Offers of admission will be sent via U.S. mail. Other admission decisions will be sent via email. Changes to an applicant's email or mailing address should be communicated to the Office of Admission immediately.  

Other Applicants

  • Transfer Applicants
  • Visiting Applicants
  • Questions regarding the Undocumented/DACA Admissions Policy
  • Summer Session Applicants

Non-Discrimination Policy

The McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, in compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (45 CFR 86), and Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, does not discriminate in the administration of any of its educational programs, admissions, scholarships, loans, or other activities or programs on the basis of race, gender (identity and/or performance), sexual orientation or preference, national or ethnic origin, color, disability, marital status, age, or religious belief.

Inquiries regarding compliance with these statutes and regulations may be directed to the Office of the Dean, 3200 Fifth Ave., Sacramento, California 95817, 916.739.7151, or to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, in San Francisco or Washington, D.C. Student records: Inquiries about the School's compliance with student access and privacy rights regarding educational records, under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, may be directed to the Office of the Dean or to the Student and Family Educational Rights and Privacy office, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C.

JD Admissions Phone: 916.739.7105 Fax: 916.739.7301 Email:  [email protected]

Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 3200 Fifth Ave., Sacramento, CA 95817

University of the Pacific


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