PhD Positions in Mathematical Physics

  • Heriot-Watt U.
  • Brief statement of research interests (please identify potential supervisor(s) from the list below)
  • Academic transcripts for undergraduate and MSc, if the latter applies
  • Contact information for 1-3 lecturers or senior researchers willing to write letters of recommendation
  • Panagiota-Maria Adamopoulou - I am interested in continuous and discrete integrable systems and more precisely, in integrable nonlinear PDEs, their soliton-type solutions, Darboux-dressing methods, as well as connections with their discrete analogues and with solutions to the set-theoretical Yang-Baxter equation (and their generalisations to non-commutative settings).
  • Murad Alim - I work on quantum geometry, an area where mathematical structures are developed which are adapted to problems of quantization of physical systems and their dualities using methods from complex algebraic geometry, representation theory and number theory. I am particularly interested in studying the interplay of perturbative and non-perturbative structures using resurgence techniques in the context of topological string theory, mirror symmetry and BPS structures of supersymmetric theories.
  • Richard Davison - I am interested in the dynamics of strongly interacting quantum field theories, such as understanding how they thermalize and what collective behaviour emerges after this has occurred. My research uses tools like effective field theory and holography to answer these questions.
  • Anastasia Doikou - My research focuses on quantum & classical integrable models. Specifically, I am interested in integrable quantum spin chains and the Bethe ansatz formulation, quantum algebras, quasi-triangular Hopf algebras, braid groups, Hecke and Temperley-Lieb algebras, solutions of the Yang-Baxter and reflection equations, and their set-theoretic versions. I am also interested in classical discrete integrable systems & integrable field theories, in particular the Hamiltonian formulation, dressing methods, solitons and integrable PDEs & ODEs.
  • Anatoly Konechny - I am interested in patterns of renormalisation group flows and the phase structure of perturbed conformal field theories. I mostly work in the context of two-dimensional quantum field theories using the techniques of conformal field theory.
  • Richard Szabo - My current research interests focus on understanding mathematical underpinnings of higher form symmetries in quantum field theory (using 2-groups and 2-bundles), Poisson-Lie T-duality and other dualities such as U-duality (using generalized and exceptional generalized geometry), Donaldson-Thomas theory on Calabi-Yau 4-folds (using the geometry of instanton moduli spaces of supersymmetric gauge theories), various facets of noncommutative gauge theories and gravity including double copy relations (using homotopy algebras), among other topics.
  • Matthew Walters - My research focuses on various aspects of quantum field theory and quantum gravity, often from the perspective of the conformal bootstrap and holography. Lately I have been working on a new nonperturbative framework for studying general strongly-coupled systems, in order to study phenomena such as thermalization, scattering, phase transitions, and confinement.
  • Robert Weston - My work involves the study of quantum integrable systems. In particular, I am interested in formulating and solving these systems in terms their underlying symmetry algebras. My work thus lies at the intersection of quantum physics and representation theory. Physical applications are in both high energy and condensed matter physics.
  • Daniel Coutand ( [email protected] )
  • Publications

We are the q uantum t heory t eam led by Prof Erik Gauger at Heriot-Watt University.

To learn more please scroll down or use the site menu.

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About our research

We study harnessing quantum mechanical properties of nanostructures and light. We are motivated by wishing to better understand the physical world, as well as enabling novel types of technologies:

Unlocking the ultimate limits of energy efficiency requires a physical understanding at level of single quanta of energy.


Information processing in the quantum world offers fascinating non-classical advantages.

Quantum systems are fragile, and this can exploited for probing the environment.

Interactions with single quantum systems represents an exciting frontier and new access to visualing samples.

Group members

Prof erik m gauger.

Group leader, Professor of Theoretical Physics in the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciendes at Heriot-Watt, and Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh's Young Academy of Scotland.

Google Scholar

Dr Moritz Cygorek

Moritz is a senior Research Associate working on efficient and exact simulations of nanoscale quantum devices, as part of a joint project with collaborators at St Andrews.

Dr Nicholas Werren

Nick's main home is now the Quantum Photonics Labs but he also remains an active associate member of qtt, continuing his work on biological and bio-inspired quantum light-harvesting.

Dr Dominic Branford

is interested in quantum-enhanced (optical) sensing, imaging and metrology.

Hannah Scott

explores protocols for quantum metrology, studying both optical setups and spin sensors.

works on designing and engineeing photonic samples. He is jointly supervised with Luca Sapienza and Rob Benett from Glasgow and his main home is the Integrated Quantum Photonics Group

Zia Muhammad

currently works on dispersive, waveguide-assisted read out of double quantum dots. He is jointly supervised with Brendon Lovett and based at St Andrews.

Jindrich "Henry" Hajek

Henry's main interest is the learning of non-Markovian open systems dynamics from experimental data.

Priyankar Banerjee

researches experimentally measurable signatures of (collective) quantum effects in biological and bio-inspired nano-emitters.

David Craig

explores approaches for understanding, controlling, and optimising solid-state quantum devices using machine learning. He is primarily based in Oxford in the Natalia Ares Group .

Lily Anderson

investigates quantum effects in the light matter interaction of strongly coupled systems with applicaitons for light-harvesting.

Julian Wiercinski

is working on understanding the properties of strongly coupled indistinguishable quantum emitters and absorbers.

Stewart Wallace

uses Bayesian inference for Lindbladian learning from measured data. He is jointly supervised with Cristian Bonato from the Quantum Photonics Lab .

Collaborative network

  • Dr Jakub Sowa, Univeristy of Texas
  • Prof Nir Keren, Prof Yossi Paltiel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Prof Daniele Faccio FRSE, Dr Niclas Westerberg, Glasgow University
  • Dr Giuseppe Luca Celardo, LENS, Florence
  • Dr Luca Sapienza, Glasgow University
  • Prof Brendon Lovett, Dr Jonathan Keeling, University of St Andrews
  • Prof Simon Benjamin, Prof Andrew Briggs, Prof Harry Andersson FRS, University of Oxford
  • Prof Tom Stace, University of Queensland
  • Dr Ivan Kassal, University of Sydney
  • Dr Jan Mol, Queen Mary London
  • Dr Edward Laird, Lancaster
  • Dr Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Massachusett's Institute of Technology
  • Dr Ahsan Nazir, Photon Sciences Institute, Manchester
  • Prof Florian Mintert, Imperial College London
  • Dr Felix Pollock, formerly Monash University Melbourne
  • Dr Neill Lambert, RIKEN Japan

Group alumni

  • Dr Dominic Branford - now back with us
  • Dr Niclas Westerberg - now Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1851) at Glasgow University, UK
  • Ms Nicole Farrier - now at BAE Systems, UK
  • Dr Alexandre Coates - now an analyst for the Civil Service of the UK
  • Dr Scott Davidson - now Senior Tech Lead at StackHPC, UK
  • Dr Berke Ricketti - now Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Lethbridge, Canada
  • Dr Dominic Rouse - now EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow at the University of Glasgow, UK
  • Dr William Brown - now working on Commodity Corporate Exotics and Solutions at BNP Paribas, UK
  • Dr Jakub Sowa - now Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Texas, US
  • Dr Eleanor Dale Scerri - now Junior Technical Artist at Ubisoft Blue Byte, Germany
  • Dr Amir Fruchtman - now Senior Algorithm Engineer at SAIPS, Israel
  • Dr Kieran Higgins - now Big Data Software Engineer, US
  • Dr George Knee - now Software Engineer at Magmo, UK / US
  • Dr Marcus Schaffry - now Business Solutions and Support Engineer, European Patent Office, Germany
  • Mr Jindrich Hajek (MPhys)
  • Ms Laura Rintoul (MPhys)
  • Mr Martin Damynov (MPhys)
  • Ms Jemma Callaghan (MPhys)
  • Ms Romane Moulin (MPhys)
  • Mr Jamie Nash (MPhys)
  • Ms Alicia Fallows (BSc Hons)
  • Mr Robert Hay (MPhys)
  • Mr Robert Chirnside (BSc Hons)
  • Dr Filip Auksztol (MMat)
  • ACE: open systems
  • Quantum batteries
  • Bunching for imaging
  • Scavenging heat
  • Single e- hopping
  • Guide-sliding
  • Molecular devices
  • Bunch to boost
  • Quantum photocells
  • Playing science: Orbs
  • Superabsorption
  • Diamond sensors
  • Gainless amplification

Quantum birds

Automated Compression of Environment(s) : We have developed a powerful general purpose tool for the numerically exact simulation of open quantum systems, including in the presence of multiple and non-Gaussian environments.

Demonstrating superabsorption of large numbers of organic molecules represents an important step toward developing a prototype of a Dicke quantum batttery.

With collaborators from Delft and Oxford, we have provided the first simultaneously recorded full mapping of the thermoelectric properties of a single molecule.

We contributed to the study Understanding resonant charge transport through weakly coupled single-molecule junctions in Nature Communications, which tests our recent work Beyond Marcus theory and the Landauer-Büttiker approach in molecular junctions: A unified framework .

Our work on Light-harvesting with guide-slide superabsorbing condensed-matter nanostructures was selected for a Supplemental Cover in the The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Our study shows that superabsorbing light-harvesting should indeed be achievable, even with antennae consisting of noisy condensed matter nanostructures.

Our paper in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters shows how quantum interference in spiro-conjugated molecules could lead to attractive components for functional molecular circuits. Earlier work on single molecule junctions in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics translates the celebrated mechanism of Environment-Assisted Quantum Transport (ENAQT) from energy to charge transfer processes.

In our publication Attosecond-Resolution Hong-Ou-Mandel Interferometry we demonstrate that a Fisher-information informed protocol improves experimental HOM sensitivity by factor ∼100 and makes it comparable to classical phase-sensitive interferometry.

Quantum-enhanced light-harvesting

Our paper Photocell Optimization Using Dark State Protection , concerned with beating the famous Shockley-Queisser limit for light harvesting by exploiting collective quantum mechanical effects, has been selected as an Editor's Suggestion by Physical Review Letters and has been covered by ArsTechnica .

Play to Promote: Orbs

Orbs Game flyer

Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering

In a recent publication in Nature Communcations we show that the signature quantum effect of superradiance can be inverted, promising better photon detectors and improved light harvesting. Our paper has been highlighted by Nature Photonics and Physics World .

Single nuclear spin detection

A few years ago we proposed enhancing NV - -centre-based magnetic field sensors with an amplifier spin to achieve single nuclear spin magnetic moment sensitivity. This idea has now been realised by the Lukin group at Harvard.

No gain from weak-value amplification?

The debate we have triggered on the utility of postselected weak measurements for designing better quantum sensors continues.

Still no gain from weak-value amplification

Performing measurements which only reveal little information can sometimes be useful in the quantum world, as this does not collapse the wavefunction. Over the last few years, it has been suggested that such measurements combined with judicial postselection may even unlock superior metrological performance. However, analysing this question for magnetic sensors a couple of years ago we found no advantage. Our publication has since triggered a lively debate, inspiring a host of follow up work from all over the world.

We have also been digging deeper with an article in Phys. Rev. X which deals with imperfections at the detection stage. However, once more we find that amplification obtained by weak measurements generally does not improve metrological performance.

Together with Chris Ferrie and Josh Combes, we have now posted a survey about the state of play and remaining open questions in weak-value amplification.

Intriguingly, there is now increasing evidence that the compass sense of birds involves a quantum mechanical process, which may enable birds to literally 'see' the magnetic field.

Can birds see the magnetic field?

How precisely do birds navigate over long distances without getting lost? In a Biophysical Journal article , we suggest that certain migratory birds might literally ‘see’ Earth’s magnetic field superimposed on their normal vision, reminiscent of a fighter pilot’s heads up display.

Our proposal builds on the established Radical Pair model of the avian compass, replacing the hypothetical chemical signal transduction stage, for which no evidence exists, with a physical mechanism, by which an electrical dipole field directly influence the visual process in the bird’s eye.

Apart from simplifying the story, our model provides an explanation as to why the evolution of an extraordinarily long compass coherence time would have been favoured by natural selection. This provides at least a partial answer to this puzzling questions which we raised with a previous Physical Review Letter on the same topic.

We are always looking for enthusiastic and talented people to join our group!

PhD Studentships

Opportunities for fully funded PhD studentships for UK and international applicants regularly exist. Places are filled on a competitive, rolling basis. Please get in touch if interested.

We are open to discussing a broad range of project topics related to our research interests (see recent publications for an overview).

Postdoc Openings

We will be adversiting an opportunity to work on the project "Exploring bio-inspired collective light-matter interactions in the solid-state" supported by the Leverhulme Trust soon. Get in touch or check back soon if interested.

Fellowship Applications

We are happy to support applications and host recipients of personal research fellowships (e.g. URF, Marie Curie, 1851, Newton International etc).

Selected publications

  • Eliminating radiative losses in long-range exciton transport Physical Review X Quantum 3 , 020354 (2022)
  • Quantum microscopy based on Hong-Ou-Mandel interference Nature Photonics 16 , 384 (2022)
  • Coherence in Cooperative Photon Emission from Indistinguishable Quantum Emitters Science Advances 8 , eabm8171 (2022)
  • Large-scale FRET simulations reveal the control parameters of phycobilisome light-harvesting complexes Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 , 20220580 (2022)
  • Simulation of open quantum systems by automated compression of arbitrary environments Nature Physics 18 , 662 (2022)
  • Superabsorption in an organic microcavity: towards a quantum battery Science Advances 8 , abk3160 (2022)
  • Complete mapping of the thermoelectric properties of a single molecule Nature Nanotechnology 16 ,426 (2021)
  • Understanding resonant charge transport through weakly coupled single-molecule junctions Nature Communications 10 4628 (2019)
  • Light Harvesting with Guide-Slide Superabsorbing Condensed-Matter Nanostructures The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 , 4323 (2019)
  • Attosecond-resolution Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry Science Advances 4 , eaap9416 (2018)
  • Projected gradient descent algorithms for quantum state tomography npj Quantum Information 3 , 44 (2017)
  • Photocell Optimization Using Dark State Protection Physical Review Letters 117 , 203603 (2016)
  • Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering Nature Communications 5 4705 (2014)
  • When amplification with weak values fails to suppress technical noise Physical Review X 4 , 011032 (2014)
  • Violation of a Leggett-Garg inequality with ideal non-invasive measurements Nature Communications 3 :606 (doi: 10.1038/ncomms1614) (2012)
  • Proposed spin amplification for magnetic sensors employing crystal defects Physical Review Letters 107 , 207210 (2011)
  • Sustained quantum coherence and entanglement in the avian compass Physical Review Letters 106 , 040503 (2011)
  • Damping of Exciton Rabi Rotations by Acoustic Phonons in Optically Excited InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Physical Review Letters 104 , 017402 (2010)

Prof Erik M Gauger Room DB 1.10 Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences School of Engineering and Physical Sciences Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)131 451 3345 [email protected]

physics phd heriot watt

Beyond Binary Quantum Information

Group Leader

physics phd heriot watt

Prof. Mehul Malik

Professor of Physics and Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPaQS), Heriot-Watt University

Email: m.malik(at) Phone: +44 (0) 131 4518117 Office: David Brewster building, Room 2.08

Mehul was born in New Delhi, India. After completing his PhD in Optics at the University of Rochester, NY in the group of Robert W Boyd, he spent five fruitful years in Vienna as a Marie Curie fellow in the group of Anton Zeilinger and a senior postdoctoral fellow in the group of Marcus Huber at IQOQI Vienna. Outside of physics, Mehul is passionate about science communication and issues of gender diversity and researcher mobility in academia. He is an avid cook and enjoys exploring BBQ cuisines from around the world at the annual BBQLab BBQ. He is a keen backcountry skier, loves art+film+music, and is not shy on the dance floor. In his spare time, he can be found exploring the many beautiful hills around Edinburgh and spending time with his wife and two amazing kids!

Research Associates

physics phd heriot watt

Dr. Will McCutcheon

Senior Research Associate Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPaQS), Heriot-Watt University

Email: w.mccutcheon(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room G.03/G.35

Will joined our emerging team in 2019 following his PhD (2017) and several years post-doc in University of Bristol, Quantum Engineering Technology Labs with Prof John Rarity FRS and the quantum information group. There he developed his background in nonlinear quantum photonics in fibers and integrated optics as well as quantum information theory, and since has been applying these methods to high-dimensional systems, their characterisation and applications in quantum communication/networking settings. As an on-going programme committee member for the conference ‘Q-turn: Changing paradigms in quantum information science’, UCU member, and past role of EDI session chair at Bristol Quantum Information Technologies conference he champions academic cultural principles around workers’ rights and inclusion. Out of the office, Will can be found (and heard) in front of pianos and drumkits at open jams, and seen rolling, jumping and flipping around parks on his skateboard.

physics phd heriot watt

Dr. Natalia Herrera Valencia

Research Associate Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPaQS), Heriot-Watt University

Email: n.herrera_valencia(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room G.03/G.35

Natalia is from Bogotá, Colombia. She obtained her B.Sc in Physics from the National University of Colombia, gained her M.Sc in Photonics with the Europhotonics Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s program, and got her PhD at BBQ Lab in 2023. Her research interests include finding novel ways to generate, characterise, and manipulate complex quantum states of light. Natalia feels passionate about the importance of diversity and equality in science. She is one of the founders of Red de Fisicas Unal, a network that seeks to connect, support and promote Colombian women in Physics. She also tries to get involved in projects in the UK that seek to tackle the challenges that underrepresented groups face when working in STEM. When she’s not doing science, Natalia enjoys swimming, cooking, binge-watching TV shows, listening to inspiring podcasts, and going to charity shops.

physics phd heriot watt

Dr. Vatshal Srivastav

Research Associate, Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPaQS), Heriot-Watt University

Email: vs54(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room G.03/G.37

Vatshal comes from Prayagraj, a city of multiple histories in India. He survived his B.S. and M.S. in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. His interest in issues of access and privilege in education rivals his passion for physics. He volunteers with SwaTaleem, a non-profit initiative that offers high-quality education to underrepresented women. His diary is full of paintings of Edinburgh, interspersed with chess-notation and grandma recipes. You can quiz him on quantum steering, high-dimensional entanglement, and spatial correlations.

physics phd heriot watt

Dr. Fiona Fleming

JPL Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Email: f.fleming(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room 2.07

Fiona was born in Melrose in the Scottish Borders in 1991. She grew up in Berwickshire on the South-east coast of Scotland and completed her undergraduate degree at Heriot-Watt University, graduating in 2015 with an MPhys (Hons). In October 2015 she began her PhD in the Nonlinear Optics Group at Heriot-Watt University working on the development of compact high repetition rate mid-IR solid-state lasers. On completion of her PhD in October 2019, Fiona joined the Single-Photon Group at Heriot-Watt as a Postdoctoral Researcher where she is now studying infrared single-photon counting using integrated Ge-on-Si SPADs (single-photon avalanche detectors). In her spare time Fiona enjoys hiking, watching football and tennis, reading and baking. She is currently representing the Single-Photon Group and BBQLab as a visiting postdoc working on superconducting detector arrays at JPL and Caltech in Los Angeles, CA.

Doctoral Students

physics phd heriot watt

PhD Student, Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPaQS), Heriot-Watt University

Email: gs74(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room G.06B/G.35

Primarily from New Delhi, Suraj has stayed in and experienced almost all corners of India. He comes from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi where he completed his B.Tech in Engineering Physics. He loves to do cool experiments with photons. Although he comes up with a new hobby every few months, outside the lab you can find him making circuits that automate different parts of his home, or doing some shiny night sky photography at the moment. One can also find him fantasizing about some amazing eastern philosophies on life and reality!

physics phd heriot watt

Sophie Engineer

PhD Student, Bristol Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training and IPAQS, Heriot-Watt University

Email: se2008(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room 1.56D

Sophie joined the BBQLab after her first year in the Quantum Engineering CDT at the University of Bristol. Before that, she completed a masters degree in mathematics at the same university. She is interested in quantum thermodynamics, understanding the quantum-to-classical transition and applications of this in complex media. Although Bristol has a firm place in her heart, she is excited to move to Edinburgh and experience the city’s gothic architecture and explore the surrounding Pentlands. Besides physics, she enjoys upcycling and creating her own clothes as well as other crafts, cycling and yoga.

physics phd heriot watt

Dylan Danese

Email: dd52(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room 1.56D/G.37

After completing both of his undergrad research projects with us (BSc and MSc) in Physics here at Heriot-Watt, Dylan was impressed enough that he decided to join our lab as a PhD student in 2022. He’s Swedish-Welsh, having grown up in the city of Gothenburg he is already used to the cold of Edinburgh. His research interests and learning lie mainly in manipulating quantum optical systems with complex media. He enjoys biking around Edinburgh and exploring food from all over the world both by cooking and eating.

physics phd heriot watt

Daniel Sabogal

Email: drs2002(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room G.03/G.37

Daniel is from Colombia, where he completed his undergraduate and master’s degrees in physics at the University of Los Andes. Daniel enjoys learning about multi-photon interferometers and spending time in the lab. In his free time, Daniel often goes cycling around the mountains to find beautiful landscapes to admire, cooks classical Colombian recipes, explores new places, and watches some TV sitcoms.

physics phd heriot watt

Mariana Annameng Ma

Email: mma2024(at) Office: David Brewster building, Room 1.56D/G.35

Mariana, also known as Maannameng(马安那蒙), is originally from the historic city of Xi’an in China. She moved to Argentina in 2008 with her family, and completed her master’s in physics at the University of Buenos Aires. She spans her interest from multipartite entanglement in high dimensions, to its applications in quantum communication. In her free time, she enjoys cooking Chinese food, hiking, sewing and recycling clothes, and many other things. She is excited to begin a new adventure at Edinburgh, to find the best bubble tea in the city, meeting new people, and to learn many other skills in life, just in case quantum physics doesn’t work out.

Undergraduate Students

physics phd heriot watt

Athena SWAN Summer Scholarship Student, 2023 Heriot-Watt University

Email: [email protected]

physics phd heriot watt

Philipp Oleynik

Undergrad Summer Student, 2023 Heriot-Watt University

Email: [email protected]

physics phd heriot watt

Xavier Toisoul

Visiting scholar, Spring 2024 École Centrale de Marseille

Email: xavier.toisoul(at)

physics phd heriot watt

Kesini Chumphuthong

Visiting scholar, Spring 2024 Prince of Songkla University

Email: dai.opw27 (at)

physics phd heriot watt

Dr. Rebeca Tudor

Scientific Researcher IMT Bucharest, Romania

Email: rebeca.2dor(at)

physics phd heriot watt

Dr. Hugo Defienne

CNRS Researcher and ERC Grantee Sorbonne University, Paris

Email: hugo.defienne(at)

physics phd heriot watt

Florian Brandt

Visiting Scholar, Summer 2018 Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), Vienna

Email: florian.brandt(at)

Dr. Sabine Wollmann, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, 2021-23

Dr. Saroch Leedumrongwatthanakun, Research Associate, 2020-23 Current Position: Lecturer, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Gaia Sottimano, 4th Year Project Student, 2022-23

Lily Taylor, 4th Year Project Student, 2022-23

Nathan Graham, 4th Year Project Student, 2022-23

Louis Ferreira, 4th Year Project Student, 2021-22

Euan Mackay, 4th Year Project Student, 2020-21, IPAQS Summer Scholarship, 2020

Dylan Danese, 4th Year Project Student, 2020-21

Pippa Holroyd, Athena SWAN Summer Scholarship Student, 2020

Clara Flegel, IPAQS Summer Scholarship Student, 2019

Sean Condy, 4th Year Project Student, 2019-20

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The Maxwell Institute Logo

Graduate School

Over 140 academics and excellent facilities provide a superb environment for phd study in all areas of the mathematical sciences, a rich environment and lively seminar programme.

Our graduate school includes an EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT), and  covers all areas of mathematics, operational research and statistics. There are numerous meetings, workshops and conferences held through the year, both at the two universities and, often jointly, at the Edinburgh-based International Centre for Mathematical Sciences .

What's On Offer

Our different types of phd programme:, analysis and probability.

Our theme conducts a wide variety of research in modern analysis and probability.  Areas that are well represented at the theme include harmonic analysis, analysis and numerics for stochastic differential equations, dispersive, elliptic, and parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs), geometric measure theory, stochastic PDEs, general relatively, machine learning, limit theorems for stochastic processes, random graphs and processes on them, stochastic networks, interacting-particle system, calculus of variations and spectral theory.

DATA AND Decisions

The Data and Decisions research theme undertakes research at the forefront of modern mathematical, statistical and computational problems related to core elements of Data Science: optimization, operational research, statistics & uncertainty quantification, as well as their applications in imaging, environmental and medical statistics, epidemiology, actuarial science and financial mathematics.


You will join a team of researchers investigating the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Higher Education.  The team has expertise in the use of technology for teaching and assessing mathematics and developing strategies for lecturers’ development. We welcome proposals on the transition from school to university mathematics and on the teaching, learning and  assessment of Mathematics at the university level, preferably through the use of  technology 

GlaMS is a joint PhD training centre between the University of Glasgow, the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University. Offering innovative training within a broadly interpreted remit of algebraic structures which includes geometry and mathematical physics. 

Applied and computational mathematics

Our theme works on core research topics in modern applied and computational mathematics.  We offer PhD training in the broad area of applied and computational mathematics including mathematical and computational modelling, numerical analysis, mathematical biology, fluid dynamics, machine learning, industrial mathematics, applied stochastic analysis etc. Our PhD projects are generally offered through the MAC-MIGS 2024 PhD Collaborative Training Centre.

Mac-Migs 2024 Programme

The Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation ( MAC-MIGS ) PhD programme is a collaborative training programme, focused on the formulation, analysis and implementation of state-of-the-art mathematical and computational models.  

Maxwell Institute Training Programme

Our core training programme, offered to all PhD students in any of the research themes of  the Maxwell Institute Graduate School, covering topics  such as  Analysis & Probability, Optimisation, Operational Research, Statistics & Actuarial Mathematics, Structure & Symmetry and more. 

Our application procedure

We actively promote equality, diversity and inclusion and welcome applications from all qualified applicants.

Check you meet the programme entry requirements. 

  • If you are applying for a University of Edinburgh programme, please check this website .
  • If you are applying for a Heriot-Watt University programme, please check this website . Applications are reviewed continuously until June 15th, but early applications (preferably before the end of March) have the best chance of success. 
  • If you are applying to the MAC-MIGS CDT, please check this website . 
  • If you are applying to GlaMS, please check this website .

Research Interests – this section is not for MAC-MIGS applicants

Identify your research interest and determine in which theme you wish to carry out your work. 

You should contact staff members prior to making an application in order to identify possible projects and supervisors. This is especially the case for international applicants who may not have the opportunity to attend an interview. However, it isn’t essential for you to have secured a supervisor before making your application. 

You can use the search function in the “Possible PhD Supervisors” section below or the search function in the People section to identify possible supervisors and research areas/ topics. When using the search function to identify potential supervisors, please filter by status and select “staff”.

English Language

You must demonstrate a level of English language competency that will enable you to succeed in your studies, regardless of your nationality or country of residence.

Language requirements vary between programmes so check the relevant website.

Required Documents

  • All degree certificates and transcripts – if you do not yet have a transcript, please subit an interim transcript. If you do not yet have a degree certificate, please request a letter from your University stating you have satisfactorily completed your studies or are expected to.
  • 2 Academic references  to be provided directly by your referees.
  • English Language Certificate  (where applicable).

Where you are asked for a research proposal, you may ignore that request as mathematics does not require one. 

Submit your application 

You should submit your application via the relevant application portal-

  • University of Edinburgh   – please note if you wish to apply to the University of Edinburgh, you must select the appropriate PhD programme (i.e. Algebra, Statistics, etc) when submitting your online application by 22nd January 2024.
  • Heriot-Watt University – please note if you wish to apply to Heriot-Watt University, you must follow the steps to create an account before you can submit your application.
  • MAC-MIGS CDT programme  

Possible PhD supervisors

This part is NOT FOR MAC-MIGS applicants.  Please use the search function below to identify potential supervisors based on your current research interests.  If you do not have fully-formed views on these, you can use the search function to identify possibilities. We would encourage you to contact supervisors directly so that you can get an idea of the types of project that may be on offer. When seeking to identify potential supervisors, you should select “Filter by status” and choose “Staff”. 

Moreover, each research theme , includes various research groups.  A list of research groups can be found below. Some of research groups have additional information about supervisors and projects on dedicated webpages.

Research groups at the University of Edinburgh

  • Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group
  • Hodge Institute
  • Optimization and Operational Research

Research groups at Heriot-Watt University

  • Actuarial & Financial Mathematics
  • Algebra, Geometry & Topology
  • Analysis and PDEs
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Mathematical Biology & Ecology
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Probability & Statistics

A description of the PhD projects offered by the HW research groups can be found here . 

If you are applying for the MAC-MIGS CDT Programme we expect you to keep an open mind about research topics and supervisors. Matching between students and supervisors will usually be done in the middle of the first year – see the MAC-MIGS CDT  web site  for more details.

What we offer:

Admission to the Maxwell Institute Graduate School often includes a scholarship covering fees and living expenses, but we also consider self-funded applicants. The funding period for PhD projects varies between 36 and 48 months, depending on the previous experience of the candidate. The MAC-MIGS doctoral training scholarships are all for 48 months.

The Bayes Centre

The Bayes Centre in the Edinburgh city centre offers a modern space where all MIGS 1st year PhD students will be located.

physics phd heriot watt

A complete range of high quality training is on offer to all of our students to take advantage of - both academic and beyond.

physics phd heriot watt

More than 150 fellow PhD students between Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh.

physics phd heriot watt

A vibrant research environment including many seminar series and further activities

For a PhD in Analysis and Probability, Data and Decisions, TEMSE

Please use the search function to find academics working in the area of research that interests you. You should then contact them via email to discuss possible research topics. 

You are encouraged to apply by 22nd January 2023 for full consideration. Later applications will be considered until all positions are filled. If you are shortlisted for a PhD programme, you will be invited for interview. These will be held online.

MAC-MIGS CDT and Applied and Computational Mathematics

Please go to the MAC-MIGS programme website for further information about the application process. 

GlaMS Programme PhDs​

Please see the GlaMS  website for further detail and information about the application procedure.


These two CDTs are no longer hiring. For information about the activities of the MAC-MIGS CDT  see here .

The MAC-MIGS CDT has been replaced by its follow-up programme, the  MAC-MIGS 2024 PhD Programme . the latter is both active and hiring!

To learn more about our MIGSAA programme you can view related information at the archive site .

how to apply

For further information about how to apply to the Maxwell Institute Graduate School, visit our PhD Admissions page. 

Any further questions?

To learn more about our PhD studies or view key contact information on our programmes, visit our FAQs page.

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Physics BSc (Hons) Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University

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Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

Edinburgh Campus


Course summary

Heriot-Watt University ranked 1st in the UK for physics in the National Student Survey 2020 (Overall Student Satisfaction) and 5th in the UK in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2021. BSc Physics is accredited by the Institute of Physics.

The study of physics is the investigation into understanding the world and the universe around us. It allows us to accurately measure the things around we are surrounded by, develop models to explain what is going on, and then use those models to predict what is otherwise unknown.

Physicists come from all backgrounds and have a range of strengths and interests, but the common thread between all of them is their passion for understanding and their constant wondering of “why?” and more importantly “how?”.

The flexibility and versatility of the skillset you develop while studying physics is widely desired. From studying particles so small their existence can only be inferred, to researching the largest and most massive black holes we have found in the universe, this subject trains you to rapidly adapt and use your skills to tackle the next emerging challenge, whatever that may be.

Programme structure

The Physics degree at Heriot-Watt University covers subjects including dynamics, electromagnetic fields and optics. These areas lead onto the quantum world of subatomic particles, the unique nature of laser light, and the philosophically challenging ideas of quantum physics and astrophysics. Mathematics also plays an important part to help us understand physical concepts in more depth. In later years, dedicated courses for Biophysics, Nanophotonics, Fibre-Optic Communications and Quantum Mechanics allow students to delve deep into current research areas and discuss their questions with leading experts.

Application deadline

Modules (Year 1)

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£ 24,048 per year

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A level : BCC - BBB

including Physics and Maths, with one at B for entry to Year 1.For entry to Year 2: ABB including Physics and Maths with one at A.

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Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University

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Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, City Of, EH14 4AS, Scotland

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Heriot-Watt congratulates Nobel laureates

Published: 10 Oct 2022


Heriot-Watt University is delighted to congratulate Alain Aspect, John F Clauser and Anton Zeilinger, for winning this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics.

Professor Aspect received an Honorary Doctorate from the University in 2008 while two Heriot-Watt academics have worked with Professor Zeilinger in the past.

The Prize was awarded to the trio for their pioneering research in quantum physics and photonics, probing the fundamental laws of nature, but also laying the foundation for quantum technology which will lead to next-generation computers, sensors, and secure communication systems. 

Professor Richard A. Williams, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University, said: “My sincere congratulations go to this year’s winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics, with a special mention for Professor Aspect and Professor Zeilinger who have long-standing and strong ties with this University.  “Their collective impact on the field of quantum physics and photonics opens a new chapter in future technologies for sensing, computing and communications, offering exciting opportunities for individuals and companies in future innovation and enterprise.”

Professor Alessandro Fedrizzi and Professor Mehul Malik from Heriot-Watt’s physics department, worked in Professor Zeilinger’s research group for many years. Following the announcement of the Nobel Prize winners, the science journal, Nature, published a collection of research papers  to highlight their key achievements and some advances they helped inspire. This included four papers by Professor Malik that he authored with Professor Zeilinger as well as independently at Heriot-Watt, and another by Professor Fedrizzi when he was working on his PhD with Professor Zeilinger.  Reflecting on his time with the Nobel Laureate, Professor Malik, said: “The five years that I spent working with Anton in Vienna have had a profound impact on my own research in Quantum Technologies at Heriot-Watt. Perhaps the most important thing I learned from him was to not only appreciate the beauty that lies within Physics, but to actively pursue it with all of one’s passion."

Professor Fedrizzi also shared fond memories of working with Professor Zeilinger, adding: “I remember a press conference, in which Anton Zeilinger was asked why we had done a particular research project. He answered, 'because it was fun’. That’s the most enduring lesson I learned from him—not all research needs an immediate application, we should be led by our curiosity instead. The applications will follow, one way or another."

Heriot-Watt University has a strong track-record in photonics and quantum technologies, and earlier this year was recognised with the highest honour in UK education, the Queen’s Anniversary Prize , for its research in Photonics. This was bolstered further when Heriot-Watt’s expertise in quantum technology was singled out as a key contributor towards the University being named the best in Scotland for research in physics in the influential Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 . This work has contributed real practical and economic benefits, achieved by working closely with industry and business, and by supporting students in undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degree programmes.


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