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NSF 101: Graduate and postdoctoral researcher funding opportunities

The U.S. National Science Foundation supports research opportunities and provides stipends for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and scholars.

There are multiple ways to find these programs, including the funding search on NSF’s website and the NSF Education & Training Application , which is growing its list of opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

To help begin your search, opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are listed below. The principal investigator, or PI (a researcher who oversees a project), is often listed on these grants, along with their graduate students or postdoctoral researchers.

Graduate Student 

While funding for graduate students is often included in a PI’s research proposal, the following opportunities are also available for early career researchers. 

  • Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards/Grants (DDRI/DDRIG) These programs help fund doctoral research in a variety of fields to help provide for items not already available at the academic institution. The funding provided cannot be used for items such as, but not limited to, tuition, stipends, textbooks or journals. The monetary amount listed in each DDRI/ DDRIG section does not include indirect cost associated with the project. The doctoral student should be listed as a co-PI on the grants with their advisor listed as the primary PI.

Archaeology Program- DDRIG : This program supports doctoral laboratory and field research on archaeologically relevant topics, with the goal of increasing anthropologically focused understanding of the past. Awards provide funding up to $25,000 per awardee.  

Arctic Science Section DDRIG : The Arctic Sciences Section offers opportunities for DDRI proposals in the following programs: Arctic Social Sciences supports research in any field of social science. Arctic System Science supports projects that address the relationships among physical, chemical, biological, geological, ecological, social, cultural and/or economic processes to advance our understanding of the Arctic system. Arctic Observing Network supports projects focused on scientific and community-based- observations; development of in situ or remote sensors and automated systems; design and optimization of coordinated and scalable observation networks; and management of Arctic Observation Network data, data accessibility and data discovery. Awards provide funding up to $40,000 for a maximum of 3 years. 

Biological Anthropology Program- DDRIG : This program supports research on human and non-human primate adaptation, variation and evolution. Awards provide funding up to $25,000 for up to two years.  

Cultural Anthropology Program- DDRIG : This program supports research that is focused on cultural anthropology research, including topics such as: Sociocultural drivers of anthropogenic processes (i.e., deforestation, urbanization); resilience and robustness of sociocultural systems; scientific principles underlying altruism, conflict, cooperation, and variations in culture and behaviors; economy, culture migration and globalization; kinship and family norms. Awards provide funding for up to $25,000 for up to two years.  

Decision, Risk and Management Science DDRIG : This program supports research on decision, risk and management sciences. This includes research in the areas of judgement and decision making; decision analysis and decision aids, risk analysis; perception and communication; societal and public-policy decision making; and management science and organizational design. Awards are for a maximum of 12 months. 

Economics DDRIG :This program provides funding for research focused on improving the understanding of the U.S. and global economy from macroscale to microscale, including all field of economics such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, econometrics, economic theory, behavioral economics and empirical economics.  

Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program- DDRI : This program supports basic scientific research about the nature, causes and/or consequences of the spatial distribution of human activity and/or environmental processes across a range of scales. The program welcomes proposals for empirically grounded, theoretically engaged, and methodologically sophisticated, generalizable research in all sub-fields of geographical and spatial sciences. Awards may not exceed $20,000 in direct costs. 

Linguistics Program- DDRI : This program supports research on human language, including syntax, linguistic semantics and pragmatics, morphology, phonetics, and phonology of individual languages or in general. Awards provide up to $12,000 for a maximum of two years. 

Dynamic Language Infrastructure- DDRI : This program supports research on building dynamic language infrastructure, which includes describing languages; digitizing and preserving languages; and developing standards and databases for analyzing languages. Provides funding up to $15,000 for up to two years. 

Graduate Research Fellowship Program This fellowship supports full-time master's or doctoral students earning their degree in a research-based program focused on STEM or STEM education. Students are the primary submitter for the fellowship. Fellows will be awarded a $37,000 stipend and $12,000 cost-of-education allowance for three years of the five-year fellowship. For tips on applying, see our previous NSF 101 article on the fellowship program . 

Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity   This supplemental funding opportunity is for graduate students funded by active NSF grants. PIs may submit for up to an additional six months of funding to allow students to participate in research internship activities and training opportunities in non-academic settings, such as the following: for-profit industry research; start-up businesses; government agencies and national laboratories; museums, science centers, and other informal learning settings; policy think tanks; and non-profit institutions. Students must have completed at least one academic year of their program. This funding request may not exceed $55,000 per student for each six-month period. A student may only receive this opportunity twice. In addition to the general INTERN opportunity, there are two topic-specific INTERN opportunities: 

Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students in Geothermal Energy Supplemental Funding Opportunity : This opportunity is provided by NSF in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. It maintains the same funding levels and requirements as the general INTERN program; however, funding may only be used for gaining knowledge, skills, training and experience in geothermal energy and technology.  

  • Research Internships for Graduate Students at Air Force Research Laboratory Supplemental Funding Opportunity : This funding opportunity is for students supported on an active NSF grant to intern at a Air Force Research Laboratory facility. AFRL has several potential technology directorates available for students at locations across the U.S.: Aerospace Systems (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio), Information (Rome, New York), Materials and Manufacturing (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio), Directed Energy (Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico), Munitions (Eglin Air Force Base, Florida), Sensors (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio), Space Vehicles (Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico), 711th Human Performance Wing Training (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio). 

Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship This summer internship is for doctoral students in mathematical sciences through a partnership between NSF and Oak Ridge Institute for Science and E ducation. It provides students who are interested in academic and non-academic careers with the opportunity to learn how advanced mathematics and statistical techniques can be applied to real-world problems. Participants in the internship will receive a stipend of $1,200 per week during the 10-week internship. In addition, there is travel reimbursement for up to $2,000 for those who live more than 50 miles away from their hosting site. 

NSF Research Traineeship Program Graduate students can apply for this traineeship through their institutions, if available. These topics can range across the scientific spectrum. Current projects can be found by state . 

Research Experiences for Graduate Students Supplemental Funding These awards provide additional funding for graduate students with mentors who have an active NSF grant. Currently funding is available through the following programs:  

Cultural Anthropology provides up to $6,000 per student for research activities. 

Human Environment and Geographical Sciences at Minority Serving Institutions and Community Colleges provides up to $7,000 per student for research activities. 

Postdoctoral Scholars 

Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship This fellowship supports research investigating a field within astronomy or astrophysics for up to three years. The stipend is $75,000, with a fellowship allowance (i.e., expenses for conducting and publishing research, fringe benefits) of $35,000. 

Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship This fellowship supports postdoctoral fellows in atmospheric or geospace sciences. Atmospheric science includes topics such as atmospheric chemistry; climate and large-scale dynamics; paleoclimate climate; and physical and dynamic meteorology. Geospace science focuses on aeronomy, magnetospheric physics and solar terrestrial research. This fellowship provides up to 24 months of support. The stipend is $70,000 per year, with a fellowship allowance of $30,000.  

Earth Science Postdoctoral Fellowship This program supports the study of structure, composition and evolution, the life it supports and the processes that govern the formation and behavior of Earth’s materials. Researchers are supported for up to two years at the institution of their choice, including institutions abroad. The stipend is $65,000 per year, with a fellowship allowance of $25,000 per year.  

Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

This program supports postdoctoral fellows performing impactful research while broadening the participation of members of groups that are historically excluded and currently underrepresented in mathematical and physical sciences. This fellowship can last between one and three years. The stipend is up to $70,000 per year, with a fellowship allowance of $30,000 per year. 

Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships This fellowship has two options:  

  • The Research Fellowship provides full-time support for any 18 months within a three-year academic period.  
  • The Research Instructorship provides a combination of full-time and half-time support over a period of three academic years, which allows the fellow to gain teaching experience. Both options receive up to $190,000 over the fellowship period. The full-time stipend is $5,833 per month and the part-time stipend is $2,917 per month. In addition, the fellow will receive $50,000 in two lump sums ($30,000 in the first year and $20,000 in the second year) for fellowship expenses.  

Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships This fellowship supports research in topic areas such as: biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, physical oceanography, marine geology and geophysics, ocean science and technology. This two-year fellowship with a stipend of $67,800 for the first year and $70,000 for the second year, with a fellowship allowance of $15,000 per year.  

Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Research Fellowships This fellowship supports postdoctoral research in any field of Arctic or Antarctic science. This two-years fellowship, with a stipend of $67,800 for the first year and $70,000 for the second year, with fellowship expenses of $15,000 per year.  

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology The Directorate of Biology offers a fellowship for postdoctoral researchers in one of three areas: 

  • Broadening Participation of Groups Underrepresented in Biology. This area requires a research and training plan that is within the scope of the Directorate for Biology and that enhances diversity within the field.  
  • Integrative Research Investigating the Rules of Life Governing Interaction between Genomes, Environment and Phenotypes. This area aims to understand higher-order structures and functions of biological systems. Research should use a combination of computational, observational, experimental or conceptual approaches. 
  • Plant Genome Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. This area has a broad scope and supports postdoctoral training and research at the frontier of plant biology and of broad societal impact. Highly competitive proposals will describe interdisciplinary training and research on a genome wide scale. The fellowships are for 36 months and have a stipend of $60,000 per year, with a research and training allowance of $20,000 per year. 

SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships This fellowship supports postdoctoral research in the social, behavioral and economic sciences and/or activities that broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in these fields. Funding is up to two years and has two tracks available:  

  • Fundamental Research in the SBE Sciences. This track supports research focused on human behavior, interaction, social and economic systems. 
  • Broadening Participation in SBE Sciences. This track aims to increase the diversity of post-doctoral researchers in the social, behavioral and economic sciences. In addition to the research proposal, these applications should also answer the question: “How will this fellowship help broaden or inform efforts to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in the United States?” The stipend for this program is $65,000 per year (paid in quarterly installments) and the research and training allowance is $15,000 per year. 

SBIR Innovative Postdoctoral Entrepreneurial Research Fellowship This fellowship supports postdoctoral researchers at start-up companies through the Small Business Innovation Research program. By recruiting, training, mentoring, matching and funding these early-career scientists, this fellowship addresses the need of doctoral-level expertise at small, high-tech businesses. The base stipend is $78,000 per year with optional individual health and life insurance, relocation assistance (company dependent), professional conference travel allowance, and professional development funds.  

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Individual Postdoctoral Research Fellowship This fellowship is for postdoctoral researchers to enhance their research knowledge, skills, and practices of STEM education research. If the fellowship is granted, the fellow is expected to remain affiliated with the host organization and PI sponsoring them. The fellowship can last up to two years with an annual stipend of $70,000, with fellowship expenses of $15,000.  


CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service This program is for students earning their associates, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree in cybersecurity. A stipulation of the program is that the recipients must work after graduation in a cybersecurity mission of the federal, state, local or tribal government for an equal amount of time as the scholarship's duration. It will provide full tuition and fees plus a stipend of $27,000 per academic year for undergraduates and a stipend of $37,000 per academic year for graduate students, in addition to a professional allowance of $6,000 for all levels. 

NSF-NIST Interaction in Basic and Applied Scientific Research This supplemental funding request is for NSF-supported researchers to collaborate with researchers at a National Institute of Standards and Technology facility. It can be used for travel expenses and per diem associated with on-site work at NIST. It is available for NSF-supported PIs, co-PIs, postdoctoral scholars, graduate and undergraduate students and other personnel associated with the research. PIs should contact their NSF program director for their award before applying. 

This extensive list shows the ways in which NSF helps train the next generation of STEM researchers. If you are interested in learning more about any of these programs, reach out to contacts listed on the award webpages.  

If you are interested in awards for high school students, undergraduates and post-baccalaureate scholars, check out our previous NSF101 for more information! 

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post doctoral dissertation

  • Postdocs: The Definitive Guide
  • After a PhD

As soon as you step outside the world of academia, the number of people who know what a postdoctorate is, what they involve and how to secure one quickly plummets. Given that a postdoctorate can be a popular option, especially for Science and Technology-related PhD graduates, it’s essential to address this current gap in knowledge.

What Is a Postdoc?

A postdoc is only one of many paths you can take after having completed your PhD. A postdoc (also referred to as a postdoc or postdoctoral) can be best thought as a temporary position designed to refine your research and teaching skills while undertaking practical research work. Because of this, most regard a postdoc position as a temporary stepping stone for developing a career in a more permanent position.

There’s a common misconception that a postdoctorate is an advanced doctoral degree that is undertaken after having completed a PhD. This misconception arises from individuals associating the word “post” in “postdoctorate” with the word “after”. While you will learn a lot during your time in a postdoc position, it is nothing like a degree. There are no fees, coursework, exams or vivas to deliver (thankfully!). A postdoc is, in fact, a job, and as someone in a postdoc position, you will be considered an ‘employee’. And just like any other job, the position will come with its own salary, responsibilities, training and employers.

Most postdocs are awarded by universities or research institutes as temporary contracts. However, they can also be undertaken in private companies, non-profit charities or government bodies.

What Is The Purpose Of A Postdoc?

As mentioned above, the primary purpose of a postdoc is to help bridge the gap between your current skills and your current level of experience. Due to this, postdoctoral positions are popular amongst those who have recently obtained their PhD. This is especially true for individuals who which to pursue a career in academia or research but don’t yet have adequate experience in teaching or publishing.

For the ‘learning’ nature of this role, postdocs provide an excellent option for those to continue their self-development while pursuing research in a field they’re interested in.

What Does a Postdoc Do?

A postdoc works under the supervision of an experienced researcher known as a postdoctoral advisor. What you will do on a day-to-day basis will, therefore, depend on what they require support on at any given time.

While your responsibilities will depend on your postdoctoral advisor, you can expect the following duties as part of your role:

  • Contribute to the supervision of PhD students who are undertaking research projects in a closely related field.
  • Supporting the research team in managerial tasks related to planning, organisation and administration.
  • Undertake research, including but not limited to: qualitative data collection, data analysis and data and lab management.
  • Contribute to the production, review and dissemination of academic and non-academic writing, including publications.

Your responsibilities will also depend on who your postdoc position is with. Positions offered by universities will often place a high emphasis on the academic aspects of the role. This involves aspects such as working more independently, developing your supervisory and teaching capabilities, and improving your communication skills through participation in seminars and conferences. In doing so, they’re helping you to become an individual capable of both conducting research and transferring knowledge – in other words, a university lecturer!

The opposite is true for postdoc positions held in industry, such as a private organisation or government body. As you can expect, these roles will place almost all of its emphasis on conducting research and advancing projects forward, with little focus on anything that falls outside of this.

How Long Should I Be A Postdoc For?

There is no set rule for how long you should remain in a postdoc position. Regardless of this, most individuals stay within a postdoc position for between 2 to 4 years. During this period, it’s not uncommon to move between one or two postdoc positions, with one position being abroad for a more rounded experience.

The time you may choose to spend in a given postdoctoral position will depend on several factors. The most influential of these will be:

  • The size of the research project’s scope,
  • The support needs of the principal investigator/postdoc advisor,
  • The amount of funding available.

Although you could undertake a postdoctorate for a year or less, most will advise against this. This is simply because you will likely not have enough time to gain valuable experience associated with producing publications, writing research grant proposals and speaking at conferences. Although it may be possible to complete these within a single year, most researchers will opt for a minimum of two years for a single position. This will provide them with ample opportunity to contribute a significant amount to a project, publish a handful of papers and attend several conferences. On top of this, it will allow you to develop a deeper relationship with the students you help teach or supervise. This will prove invaluable experience should you plan on becoming a university lecturer .

How Are Postdoc Positions Funded?

Postdocs are usually funded in one of three ways:

  • The postdoc secures the funding themselves . This can be achieved in several ways, with the most common being applying to opportunities put out by government, research or charity bodies. Examples of these opportunities include the  NWO Talent Programme Veni  and the  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship . Securing funding under any of these schemes will provide you with a ‘stipend’ (which acts as your salary), and ‘’research funds’ for enabling the project. It’s worth noting that if you secure funding in this way, you won’t typically be restricted to any one university. Although when applying to these opportunities you’ll be required to indicate where you intended to undertake your research, if successful, you can take your funding and associated research project to any university or research institution of your choice.
  • A Principal Investigator (PI) secures a research grant  for a project, part of which will go towards hiring one or more postdoctoral assistants. In these scenarios, the university will employ you to work on the project they gained funding for.
  • A research body hires postdoctoral assistants irrespective of any new funding . In these scenarios, the researching body, who could be anyone from universities to research centres, charities and private organisations, may put aside their own funds to secure a postdoc assistant as a regular salaried employee.

What is the Average Postdoc Salary?

It goes without saying that the average salary for a postdoc will vary from role to role, with factors such as your country, your employer and your level of experience being influential factors.

If working as a university employee, your salary as a postdoc will be determined via a set pay scale known as the “ HE single pay spine “. Under this pay spine, a postdoc can expect to earn an average of £31,000 per year, though, in reality, a postdoc’s salary can range between £29,000 to £34,800.

On the other hand, the stipend (which will act as your postdoc salary) associated with the funding you have secured yourself will directly depend on the opportunity you acquire. Because of the wide range of possibilities, your potential stipend can vary considerably. As well as having a high variance, they also tend to have a higher ceiling compared to the salaries associated with a PI’s research grant or a research body’s employment. For example, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship can be worth over £50,000 per year. However, these types of fellowships are not only highly competitive but are also not an entirely fair comparison to postdoc assistant roles. This is due to the fact that a research fellow will be expected to have a greater amount of experience and to assume a higher level of responsibility than a regular postdoctoral researcher.

In case you’re thinking of working abroad, it would be useful to know that the median salary of a postdoctoral researcher in the United States is approximately $42,000 (£33,000 at the time of writing) per year.

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Civil and Environmental Engineering Communication Lab

Postdoctoral Fellowship Research Statements: What I Wish I Knew Before Writing

Written by Andrew Feldman

Photo of Andrew outside, with trees in the background. He wears glasses and a gray t-shirt.

Of course, the odds of receiving postdoctoral fellowships are not high (typically single digit percentages). Knowing these odds, I applied for eight fellowships: four through university departments and four through government agencies. I initially felt like I had no idea how to be successful, especially since I received none of the 12 doctoral fellowships I had previously applied for. I also had a rough start: my first postdoctoral fellowship application was rejected a month after submission for being slightly out of scope. It certainly required mental fortitude to continue through this application process.

After speaking with colleagues in my field, common themes emerged in how they approach proposals, especially in how to write a stand-out research statement. At this point starting the fifth year of my PhD, I understood the importance of conveying a strong vision in my research statement: it is essential for getting and staying funded regardless of how stellar one’s publication record is. While I knew the motivation and methodology well, my colleagues taught me that conveying my vision in a convincing, focused, and exciting way for other scientists is a different matter. I believe their collective advice was pivotal to improving my research statement and ultimately getting me on the “funded” pile for three of the eight fellowships. I share some of these insights here.

1) Why now? Why me? When formulating your idea, focus on ensuring that your proposal answers why this research should be completed right now, as opposed to anytime. Many committees strongly weigh how much of a priority your research question is. The best introductions will extend beyond an informative literature review and directly state why answering your question is necessary and urgent.

They also want to know: why are you the best person to address this problem as opposed to someone else? Explicitly sell your fit to your research problem and your vision. Lean on your PI choice here – PIs can fill in any technical knowledge gaps and provide complementary tools to those learned during your PhD.

Most surprising to me is how much focus you need place on “why now? why me?” in your motivation. There is no fixed number, but be sure you spend more real estate motivating why the problem and approach is so amazing rather than on addressing every pitfall with your research question and approach.

2) Your audience is broader than you think. Many proposal writers will incorrectly assume (like I initially did) that their committee will include that harsh reviewer of their journal articles who can identify all methodological shortcomings. Rather than trying to defend against this omniscient and unlikely reader, keep the focus on convincing a researcher of an adjacent field that your questions and approach are spectacular. An excellent research statement will ultimately excite any researcher enough to fund the work.

Another nuance to consider: postdoctoral fellowships are mainly offered through federal government agencies (i.e., NSF, NIH, etc.) and specific university departments. Government-based fellowships will be reviewed by researchers closer to your field (but not quite as close as that of a journal article review). In this case, lean slightly towards convincing them that you understand the limitations of the approach and that your background fits the problem. By contrast, university departmental fellowships will typically have committees of professors that will not be in your exact field. For this audience, lean towards exciting them with an accessible, clear problem motivation, provide only a broad overview of the methods you would use, and be very brief.

3) Spend time just thinking: resist the urge to open Microsoft Word and start typing. Spend time purely thinking and schematically charting out your research problem and anticipated results. If you sufficiently plan, the statement will write itself.

4) Less is more: your reviewers are just as busy as you are. They want to see your main idea fast. You may see a ten page limit and feel an urge to cram in as much material as possible. I did this initially, but the statement will quickly become noisy. Instead, prioritize reader friendliness. This means more pictures and less walls of text. Reviewers are thankful for 1.5 spacing, 12 point font, and schematic figures with question marks and arrows that clearly convey your research questions. Use parsimony in discussing methods – mention only the essential methods and main anticipated challenges.

5) Start early: I started formulating my research statement in June 2020. My first deadline was in early August 2020. While this seems early to start, it was not! Give yourself at least two months before your first fellowship deadline to formulate a problem with your prospective PI (or any co-PIs) and write your statements. Provide adequate time for your PI(s) to provide feedback on your ideas and statements. If applying to multiple fellowships with different PIs and/or different project topics, start even earlier.

Lastly, I encourage asking your colleagues for help. Folks around you regardless of career stage have likely spent a significant portion of their time writing research statements. The MIT Communication Lab was a great source of help for me that I used multiple times! Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I was always glad I did.

post doctoral dissertation

Academics | Candidacy & Defense

Frequently asked questions.

Students who have questions about candidacy, defense or thesis submission should first consult the General Announcements . All policies surrounding these events for doctoral candidates can be found here , and master's candidates here . A list of programs with contact information can be found here . Some commonly asked questions, with solutions, can be found below.

There are factors that affect when your candidacy petition is due. The first, based on when you started your degree program, is referred to as a "Time-Boundary". Review the General Announcements for more information, or review your individual time boundaries for candidacy and defense in your Esther account. In some cases, a student may achieve candidacy and plan to defend before their candidacy is actually due. In that case, the candidacy petitions are due Oct. 31st for a December conferral, February 1st for a May conferral, and July 1 for an August conferral. These deadlines are based upon when a program would be finished rather than when it began.

Students should follow the format guidelines here . Information on defense, thesis submission, and candidacy can be found here . The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies no longer requires that the thesis be printed, all submissions through our office are done so as PDFs. Some programs require students to provide printed copies of the thesis as part of the defense.

If you have already achieved candidacy but have not yet defended, you may change your thesis committee. Check with your program administrator prior to your defense to begin the process. Guidelines can be found in section B here . All thesis committee changes must be made prior to defense.

Refer here for instructions and process on obtaining thesis signatures.

All signatures are collected electronically. See the Last Semester Timeline and Thesis Submission pages for more information.

Currently, yes. While virtual defenses are permitted without additional permissions, students may also plan for an in-person or hybrid defense, following campus COVID protocols as posted at . When announcing your thesis , in the section for your abstract, please also add a zoom link to your defense in order to maintain the public nature of thesis defenses.

While virtual defenses are permitted without additional permissions, students may also plan for an in-person or hybrid defense, following campus COVID protocols as posted at . When announcing your thesis, in the section for your abstract, please also add a zoom link to your defense in order to maintain the public nature of thesis defenses. Thesis signatures will now be collected remotely via Adobe Sign. For more information on remote defense, click here ; for information on electronic thesis submission, click here .

For tips and tricks, click here .

  • From GPS: Tips & Tricks for virtual defense
  • From Rice OIT: Getting started with Zoom
  • From Rice OIT: Zoom Privacy & Security
  • From Rice OIT: Best practices for video conferencing

For more information on remote defense, click here ; for information on electronic thesis submission, click here .

If you require a delay on the publishing of your thesis, you may make this request directly through when submitting your documents.

You own the copyright to your work, so intellectual property concerns should not impede your ability to publish your work. In general, having a publicly-available dissertation does not make publishers less likely to publish your work, especially since you are likely to make significant revisions to your dissertation in preparing the manuscript for publication. See documentation here for more guidance on copyright in dissertations.

As the author, you hold the implicit copyright of the thesis. You may also register your copyright directly with the U.S. Copyright Office .

You may register your copyright directly with the U.S. Copyright Office . Fondren Library has a guide on the process, available here . Click on the "for authors" tab.

If you wish to have your thesis bound, you can contact Bella Becho Book & Print Bindery , The Bookbindery , or Houchen Binding . No kind of agreement or contact has been created between these companies and Rice, and this is not intended as an endorsement.

You can maintain your registration until the end of the semester in which you submit your thesis. If it is not necessary for you to continue to register for credit hours, you will be able to do this by registering for DSRT 999 . Students that are enrolled in this course are required to hold health insurance and are able to sign up for Rice's plan. Doctoral students will not be eligible for the subsidy if they are not registered full-time. Please send an email to [email protected] to register for the zero credit hour course. There will be a $100 fee associated with this course and you will be required to pay the Health Service fee.

Students and advisers should check thesis content carefully before submission to avoid errors. On occasion, however, significant errors in content are discovered after the acceptance of the thesis by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for degree conferral. Use the following form to request an errata form to be included with your thesis record in the University archive . The request form is available here .

At the discretion of the funding source, students may continue to be paid after their defense and before graduation if they continue to be registered full-time.

Please consult with the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) regarding your specific situation. Some students will be advised to register for the zero-credit DSRT course. Please send an email to [email protected] to register for the zero credit hour course. There will be a $100 fee associated with this course and you will be required to pay the Health Service fee.

Please consult with your graduate program administrator. Some students will be advised to register for the zero-credit DSRT course. Please send an email to [email protected] to register for the zero credit hour course. There will be a $100 fee associated with this course and you will be required to pay the Health Service fee.

No. The thesis must be submitted prior to the thesis submission date. Extension requests without reexamination must be made by the candidate with the unanimous support of the thesis committee, endorsed by the school dean, and approved by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. All theses are to be submitted electronically. See the Thesis Submission pages for instructions.

Updated November 2023

Writing Your Doctoral Thesis with Style

  • First Online: 29 November 2022

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post doctoral dissertation

  • Patricia Gosling 3 &
  • Bart Noordam 4  

1021 Accesses

All the raw material for your thesis is ready—at least it should be if you’ve successfully worked your way through the countdown plan described in Chap. 19.

If I have seen farther than other men, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants. — Isaac Newton

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Gosling, P., Noordam, B. (2022). Writing Your Doctoral Thesis with Style. In: Mastering Your PhD. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 29 November 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-11416-8

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-11417-5

eBook Packages : Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy (R0)

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Florida State University

FSU | The Graduate School

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The graduate school, postdoctoral.

Postdoctoral education plays an important role in the research enterprise of The Florida State University. Postdoctoral appointments provide recent Ph.D. recipients with an opportunity to further develop the research skills acquired in their doctoral programs or to learn new research techniques. Visit The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Website to learn more about The Florida State University's Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, events, and resources available to current postdoctoral fellows.

FSU Postdoctoral Scholar Definition

  • The appointee was awarded a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate (e.g., Sc.D., M.D.) in an appropriate field within 5 years prior to appointment. Exceptions can be made on an individual basis when justifiable and accompanied by supporting documents with prior approval from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
  • The appointment is a temporary traineeship; with a maximum total tenure of 4 years at FSU. Under special circumstances as approved in advance by the provost, postdoc appointments may be renewed for an additional year for a maximum of five years total. At the end of the training period, it is expected that the postdoc will move into a non-postdoctoral position either at FSU or elsewhere.
  • The appointment is viewed as preparatory for the trainee's career.
  • The appointment involves substantial mentored training in a field relevant to the trainee's career path, including research, scholarship, or teaching.
  • The appointee works under the mentorship of a faculty member.
  • When appropriate and with the approval of the advisor the appointee is encouraged to publish research or scholarship results during the period of the appointment.
  • All appointments will be classified as a postdoc under the employee class in OMNI.

Hiring Procedures and Coding Recommendation

  • All postdoctoral scholars are OPS appointees, hired under job code M9189 (M9189N for international scholars), exceptions can be made on an individual basis when justifiable and accompanied by supporting documents. Courtesy postdoctoral scholars are hired under job code H9189. Scholars are provided healthcare benefits if and as required by the state of Florida.

Hiring Letter Templates and Other Additional Information

Additional information for FSU Postdoctoral Administrators and PIs can be found by navigating to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs' Website.

National Academy of Education


post doctoral dissertation

The NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship supports 25 early career scholars working in critical areas of education research. These $70,000 fellowships support non-residential postdoctoral proposals that make significant scholarly contributions to the field of education. The fellowship also develops the careers of its recipients through professional development activities involving NAEd members.


Applications closed, webinar recording.

Watch a recording of the September webinar.

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Applicant Resources

Some candid suggestions…

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“The NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship program is special because it funds early career scholars from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives. To date, nearly 800 current and former fellows have been awarded this prestigious fellowship, including many of today’s most productive and influential education researchers.”

Michael Feuer Former President, NAEd

Year’s Teaching Leave

Professional Development Retreats Led by Senior Scholars

Fellowship Stipend


The NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is open to all eligible applicants regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation.

  • Applicants must have received their PhD, EdD, or equivalent research degree between  January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2022.  
  • Please note, if you defended your dissertation in 2022 but did not receive your diploma, or were not conferred, until 2023, then you will not be eligible to apply for the fellowship this year. However, please do consider applying next year.
  • Applicants may also not hold tenure status at the time of the application deadline.
  • Applicant should have a demonstrated record of research experience in education.
  • Proposed project must be an education research project. NAEd funds studies that examine the efficacy of curriculum and teaching methods, however, we do not fund the initial development of curriculum or instructional programs.
  • Applications will be judged on the applicant’s past research record, career trajectory in education research, and the quality of the project described in the application.
  • Applications must be made by the individual applying for the fellowship; group applications will not be accepted.
  • Non-US citizens are welcome to apply.
  • Concurrent funding for the proposed project is not permitted. You may not hold a grant from the Spencer Foundation at the same time as this fellowship.
  • Application form
  • Abstract of proposed research project
  • Project description
  • Career history
  • Example of past research relevant to education
  • Curriculum vitae/resume
  • Reference letters


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Oxford theses

The Bodleian Libraries’ thesis collection holds every DPhil thesis deposited at the University of Oxford since the degree began in its present form in 1917. Our oldest theses date from the early 1920s. We also have substantial holdings of MLitt theses, for which deposit became compulsory in 1953, and MPhil theses.

Since 2007 it has been a mandatory requirement for students to deposit an electronic copy of their DPhil thesis in the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) , in addition to the deposit of a paper copy – the copy of record. Since the COVID pandemic, the requirement of a paper copy has been removed and the ORA copy has become the copy of record. Hardcopy theses are now only deposited under exceptional circumstances. 

ORA provides full-text PDF copies of most recent DPhil theses, and some earlier BLitt/MLitt theses. Find out more about Oxford Digital Theses, and depositing with ORA .

Finding Oxford theses

The following theses are catalogued on SOLO (the University libraries’ resource discovery tool) :

  • DPhil and BLitt and MLitt theses
  • BPhil and MPhil theses 
  • Science theses

SOLO collates search results from several sources.

How to search for Oxford theses on SOLO

To search for theses in the Oxford collections on SOLO :

  • navigate to the SOLO homepage
  • click on the 'Advanced Search' button
  • click the 'Material Type' menu and choose the 'Dissertations' option
  • type in the title or author of the thesis you are looking for and click the 'Search' button.

Also try an “Any field” search for “Thesis Oxford” along with the author’s name under “creator” and any further “Any field” keywords such as department or subject. 

Searching by shelfmarks

If you are searching using the shelfmark, please make sure you include the dots in your search (e.g. D.Phil.). Records will not be returned if they are left out.

Oxford University Research Archive (ORA)

ORA was established in 2007 as a permanent and secure online archive of research produced by members of the University of Oxford. It is now mandatory for students completing a research degree at the University to deposit an electronic copy of their thesis in this archive. 

Authors can select immediate release on ORA, or apply a 1-year or 3-year embargo period. The embargo period would enable them to publish all or part of their research elsewhere if they wish. 

Theses held in ORA are searchable via  SOLO , as well as external services such as EThOS and Google Scholar. For more information, visit the Oxford digital theses guide , and see below for guidance on searching in ORA.

Search for Oxford theses on ORA

Type your keywords (title, name) into the main search box, and use quotes (“) to search for an exact phrase.

Refine your search results using the drop-downs on the left-hand side. These include:

  • item type (thesis, journal article, book section, etc.)
  • thesis type (DPhil, MSc, MLitt, etc.)
  • subject area (History, Economics, Biochemistry, etc.)
  • item date (as a range)
  • file availability (whether a full text is available to download or not)

You can also increase the number of search results shown per page, and sort by relevance, date and file availability. You can select and export records to csv or email. 

Select hyperlinked text within the record details, such as “More by this author”, to run a secondary search on an author’s name. You can also select a hyperlinked keyword or subject. 

Other catalogues

Card catalogue  .

The Rare Books department of the Weston Library keeps an author card index of Oxford theses. This includes all non-scientific theses deposited between 1922 and 2016. Please ask Weston Library staff for assistance.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

You can use ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global  to find bibliographic details of Oxford theses not listed on SOLO. Ask staff in the Weston Library’s Charles Wendall David Reading Room for help finding these theses. 

Search for Oxford theses on ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

Basic search.

The default Basic search page allows for general keyword searches across all indexes using "and", "and not", "and or" to link the keywords as appropriate. Click on the More Search Options tab for specific title, author, subject and institution (school) searches, and to browse indexes of authors, institutions and subjects. These indexes allow you to add the word or phrase recognised by the database to your search (ie University of Oxford (United Kingdom), not Oxford University).

Advanced search

The Advanced search tab (at the top of the page) enables keyword searching in specific indexes, including author, title, institution, department, adviser and language. If you are unsure of the exact details of thesis, you can use the search boxes on this page to find it by combining the key information you do have.

Search tools

In both the Basic and Advanced search pages you can also limit the search by date by using the boxes at the bottom. Use the Search Tools advice in both the Basic and Advanced pages to undertake more complex and specific searches. Within the list of results, once you have found the record that you are interested in, you can click on the link to obtain a full citation and abstract. You can use the back button on your browser to return to your list of citations.

The Browse search tab allows you to search by subject or by location (ie institution). These are given in an alphabetical list. You can click on a top-level subject to show subdivisions of the subject. You can click on a country location to show lists of institutions in that country. At each level, you can click on View Documents to show lists of individual theses for that subject division or from that location.

In Browse search, locations and subject divisions are automatically added to a basic search at the bottom of the page. You can search within a subject or location by title, author, institution, subject, date etc, by clicking on Refine Search at the top of the page or More Search Options at the bottom of the page.

Where are physical Oxford theses held?

The Bodleian Libraries hold all doctoral theses and most postgraduate (non-doctoral) theses for which a deposit requirement is stipulated by the University:

  • DPhil (doctoral) theses (1922 – 2021)
  • Bachelor of Divinity (BD) theses
  • BLitt/MLitt theses (Michaelmas Term 1953 – 2021)
  • BPhil and MPhil theses (Michaelmas Term 1977 – 2021)

Most Oxford theses are held in Bodleian Offsite Storage. Some theses are available in the libraries; these are listed below.

Law Library

Theses submitted to the Faculty of Law are held at the Bodleian Law Library .

Vere Harmsworth Library

Theses on the United States are held at the Vere Harmsworth Library .

Social Science Library

The Social Science Library holds dissertations and theses selected by the departments it supports. 

The list of departments and further information are available in the Dissertations and Theses section of the SSL webpages. 

Locations for Anthropology and Archaeology theses

The Balfour Library holds theses for the MPhil in Material and Visual Anthropology and some older theses in Prehistoric Archaeology.

The Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library holds theses for MPhil in Classical Archaeology and MPhil in European Archaeology.

Ordering Oxford theses

Theses held in Bodleian Offsite Storage are consulted in the Weston Library. The preferred location is the Charles Wendell David Reading Room ; they can also be ordered to the Sir Charles Mackerras Reading Room .

Find out more about requesting a digitised copy, copyright restrictions and copying from Oxford theses .

Scientia Sit Potentia.


Post Doctorate Programs

Post doctorate degree.

The qualification after a Doctorate Degree is a Post Doctorate Degree.  Any person who has a Doctorate Degree can apply to do post-doctoral research by Distance/Online mode for a further 2-3 years (or sometimes less, depending on the proposed area of post-doctorate research).  At the completion of the study the post-doctoral researcher will be awarded a Post Doctorate Degree.

This program is designed for participants to conduct an in-depth research in their area of study. The Post-Doctoral thesis must contribute to the existing body of knowledge and must be passed by external examiners. Part of the thesis must also be accepted for publication as an article in a refereed journal or conference at the end of the student’s candidacy.

Applications to commence post-doctoral research can be made at anytime of the year.  Once accepted, students must pass the compulsory unit PRGM 8000 Post-Graduate Research Methods and Analysis prior to conducting their research.  Students and Supervisor’s will communicate via email.


  • Prospective candidates shall apply for a Post-doctorate degree program. The application shall include the proposed topic of the study. If accepted, the candidate will enrol for the Program. Applicants should note that a Post-Doctorate Degree dissertation must contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
  • Each candidate will be supervised by at least one supervisor appointed by KIUST. If two supervisors are appointed, one of the supervisors will be designated as the Principal supervisor and the second will the Associate supervisor. Each supervisor must be appointed by KIUST and must report to KIUST.
  • Excluding periods of deferment and leave of absence granted by the Doctorate Research Committee, candidates usually take between 2-3 years (or sometimes less, depending on the proposed area of post-doctorate research) to complete the Post Doctorate Degree. If after 3 years a candidate has not yet submitted his or her dissertation for examination, the candidate status as a student may be terminated unless there are good reasons for not meeting the submission deadline. If a Post-Doctorate degree candidate is transferring from another institution to KIUST, the number of years spent in the other institution prior to transferring to KIUST may reduce the number of years required for the submission of dissertation. However, candidates should bear in mind that KIUST is interested in the quality of the dissertation not the number of years spent on the dissertation. The dissertation must contribute to the body of knowledge.
  • As soon as KIUST receives notice from a candidate of his or her intention to submit a dissertation, KIUST shall appoint two examiners.
  • The dissertation examination process at KIUST is divided into the following two important parts.

Part 1: INTERNAL EXAMINATION OF THE DISSERTATION: When the dissertation is submitted to KIUST, KIUST will appoint 2 of its own professors to examine the dissertation and make recommendation as to whether or not the dissertation should:

  • Be accepted without modifications, or
  • Be accepted with some modifications, or
  • Be accepted with major modifications, or
  • Be rejected and classified as failed.

NOTE: If the result of the examinations is not satisfactory to the candidate, the candidate may request for the dissertation to be re-examined by another two internal examiners.

Part 2: EXTERNAL EXAMINATION OF THE DISSERTATION IN TERMS OF ITS SUITABILITY FOR PUBLICATION: If in Part A, the dissertation is accepted for the post-doctorate degree, the next final Stage in examining the worth of the doctorate study is to have at least one paper from the findings of the study accepted for publication in refereed conference proceedings, or refereed journals, or book chapters in refereed research books.

If the above requirement has not been met, the candidate will be advised to consult his or her supervisor and discuss when and how to fulfil this requirement. This means that qualifications will not be issued until this requirement in Part 2 of the doctorate degree examination has been met. This is absolutely essential because it will allow an external assessment of the worth of the study in terms of its contribution to knowledge and will also enable some of the findings of study to be made available to the public.

If at least 3 refereed papers from the dissertation are accepted for publication in refereed journals or refereed conference proceedings , the dissertation may be awarded with distinction. However, the publication must occur either during candidature and or within 12 months of submission of the dissertation for examination.

  • As soon as the candidate fulfills the above examination requirements it shall be recommended by the Academic Board to the Senate Council that the candidate is qualified to be admitted to the degree of Post Doctorate degree that the dissertation was examined for. A copy of the recommendation shall be forwarded to the candidate.

PPOL PhD Dissertations and Job Placements

In this section.

  • Economics Track
  • Judgment and Decision Making Track
  • Politics and Institutions Track
  • Science, Technology and Policy Studies Track
  • Current Students
  • Doctoral Student Handbook
  • Dissertations & Job Placements
  • PhD Student Life
  • Faculty & Research

Learn about the dissertations of our PhD in Public Policy graduates and their job placements directly following graduation.


Jiahua liu (economics track).

Dissertation Title: Essays on International Trade and Firm Growth in Developing Countries Advisor: Gordon Hanson Job Placement: Economist, Cornerstone Research

kristen McCormack (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environmental Economics Advisor: David Cutler Job Placement: Economist, U.S. Treasury

dayea oh (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Applied Microeconomics Advisor: Will Dobbie Job Placement: Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University

lauren russell (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on the U.S. Criminal Legal System and Black-White Inequality Advisor: David Deming Job Placement: Economist, Labor Markets Section, Federal Reserve Board

Samuel stemper (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Education Advisor:  Christopher Avery Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Auckland

Amy wickett (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Diversity Advisor:  Desmond Ang Job Placement: to be confirmed

Shweta Bhogale

Dissertation Title: Essays on Agriculture and Rural Development in Developing Countries Advisor:  Rema Hanna Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, King Climate Action Initiative, J-PAL

Kevin Carney

Dissertation Title: Essays in Development and Behavioral Economics Advisor:  Gautam Rao Job Placement:

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow (one year), Department of Economics, University of Chicago
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Michigan

Dissertation Title: Two Essays on Legal Entanglements and One Essay on Worker Voice Advisor: Will Dobbie Job Placement: Research Director, People Lab, University of California, Berkeley

Stuart Iler

Dissertation Title: Essays on Shock Propagation in Economic Production Networks: Applications to U.S. Oil Price Episodes and Green Jobs Advisor: Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Consultant, Resources for the Future

frina Lin (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Health Care and Inequality Advisor: Marcella Alsan Job Placement: to be confirmed

Grace McCormack

Dissertation Title: Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics Advisor: David Cutler Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Southern California

José Morales-Arilla

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Political Economy of Development Advisor:  Edward Glaeser Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University

Felix Owusu (Economics track)

Dissertation Title: Policy and Inequality in the Criminal Legal System Advisor: David Deming Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley

James Reisinger

Dissertation Title: Social Spillovers in Beliefs, Preferences, and Well-being Advisor:  Michela Carlana Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Furman Center, New York University

Elizabeth Spink (economics track)

Dissertation Title: Essays on Water Utility Quality and Access Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Economist, Environmental Protection Agency

Yazan Al-Karablieh

Dissertation Title: Essays on Corporate Taxation Advisor:  Stefanie Stantcheva Job Placement: Economist, Economist Program, International Monetary Fund

Sebastián Bustos

Dissertation Title: Essays in International Economics, Development, and Globalization Advisor: Ricardo Hausmann Job Placement: Senior Fellow, Growth Lab , Center for International Development , Harvard Kennedy School

Holly Dykstra

Dissertation Title: Essays in Behavioral Economics Advisor:  Brigitte C. Madrian Job Placement: Junior Professor, Department of Economics, University of Konstanz

Marie-Pascale Grimon

Dissertation Title: Essays in Labor Economics and Child Welfare Advisor:  Amanda Pallais Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University

Blake Heller

Dissertation Title: Essays on Late Investment in Human Capital Advisor: Joshua Goodman Job Placement:

  • Assistant Professor, Hobby School of Public Affairs, University of Houston
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow 2021-2022, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University

Shefali Khanna

Dissertation Title: Essays in Energy and Development Economics Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Economics and Public Policy Department, Imperial College London

Kunal Mangal

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Public Sector Recruitment in India Advisor: Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Visiting Fellow, Azim Premji University

Niharika Singh

Dissertation Title: Essays in Development Economics Advisor:  Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Notre Dame

Daniel Stuart

Dissertation Title: Essays in Energy and Environmental Economics Advisor: Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Associate, Analysis Group

Andrew Bacher-Hichs

Dissertation Title:  Essays on the Economics of Education Advisor: Christopher Avery Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Education Policy, Boston University

Megan Bailey

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Climate Policy and Innovation Advisor: Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

Patrick Behrer

Dissertation Title:  Three Essays in Environmental and Development Economics Advisor: Rema Hanna Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University

Elijah de la Campa

Dissertation Title:  Three Essays on the Provision of Local Public Goods Advisor:  Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Senior Research Associate in Economics and Urban Analytics, Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative

Charlie Dorison

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Emotion and Decision Making Advisor: Jennifer Lerner Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dispute Resolution Research Center, Management and Operations Department, Northwestern University

Madeleine Gelblum

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Labor and Personnel Economics Advisor: David Deming Job Placement: Labor Market Analyst, Facebook

Guthrie Gray-Lobe

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics Advisor: Michael Kremer Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard University

Asad Liaqat

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics and Political Economy Advisor: Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Research Scientist, Novi Economics team, Facebook

Heidi Liu 

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Behavioral Economics, Gender and Employment Advisor: Iris Bohnet Job Placement: Sharswood Fellow, University of Pennsylvania School of Law

Sharan Mamidipudi

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics and Political Economy Advisor: Gautam Rao Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland

Aroop Mukharji

Dissertation Title:  Sea Change: McKinley, Roosevelt, and the Expansion of U.S. Foreign Policy 1897-1909 Advisor:  Fredrik Logevall  Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Christine Mulhern

Dissertation Title:  Personalized Information and College Choices: The Role of School Counselors, Technology, and Siblings Advisor: Christopher Avery Job Placement: Associate Policy Research, RAND

Dissertation Title: Essays in Energy and Development Economics Advisor: Rohini Pande Job Placement: Applied Scientist, Uber

Rebecca Sachs

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Health Care Markets and the Safety Net Advisor: David Cutler Job Placement: Analyst, Health Studies Unit, Congressional Budget Office

Chris Umphres

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Judgement and Decision Making Advisor: Jennifer Lerner Job Placement: United States Air Force

Bradley DeWees

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Judgment and Decision Making Advisors:  Jennifer Lerner , Julia Minson Job Placement: Assistant Director of Operations, United States Air Force

Abraham Holland

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics Advisors: Edward Glaeser ,  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analyses

Ariella Kahn-Lang

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Labor Market Inequality Advisors:  Christopher Avery ,  Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Researcher, Human Services, Mathematica

Jennifer Kao

Dissertation Title:  Essays in the Economics of Health and Innovation Advisors:  Pierre Azoulay ,  Amitabh Chandra ,  David Cutler Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Strategy Unit, UCLA Anderson School of Management

Stephanie Majerowicz

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Education and Development Economics Advisors:  Asim Khwaja ,  Michael Kremer Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Government, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, briq Institute on Behavior & Inequality)

Emily Mower

Dissertation Title:  Algorithms and Applied Econometrics in the Digital Economy Advisors: Kris Johnson Ferreira ,  Joshua Goodman , Shane Greenstein Job Placement: Senior Data Scientist, edX

Gabriel Tourek

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development and Public Economics Advisors:  Nathaniel Hendren ,  Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Associate, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)

Daniel Velez-Lopez

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Environmental Economics Advisor:  Joseph Aldy Job Placement: Lead Analyst, Venture Fellowship Program, National Grid Partners

Rohit Chandra

Dissertation Title:  Adaptive State Capitalism in the Indian Coal Industry Advisor: José A. Gómez-Ibáñez

Juan Pablo Chauvin

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Urban Economics and Development Advisor:  Edward Glaeser Job Placement: Research Economist, Inter-American Development Bank

Cuicui Chen

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Environmental Economics and Industrial Organization Advisors: Joseph Aldy , Ariél Pakes Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, State University of New York at Albany

Stephen Coussens

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Health and Behavioral Economics Advisors:  David Cutler , Brigitte Madrian Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

Raissa Fabregas

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics and Education Advisors: Michael Kremer , Rohini Pande Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin

Todd Gerarden

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Environmental Economics and Industrial Organization Advisors: Ariél Pakes ,  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University

Sarika Gupta

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Development Economics and Governance Advisor:  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Young Professionals Program, The World Bank

Alicia Harley

Dissertation Title:  Why Does Technology Fail to Benefit the Poorest Farmers? A Sociotechnical Approach to the Study of Innovation and Poverty Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Sustainability Science Program, Harvard Kennedy School

Janhavi Nilekani

Dissertation Title:  Essays at the Intersection of Environmental and Development Economics Advisors: Rema Hanna ,  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Founder, Aastar

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Structural Transformation and Trade Advisors:  Melissa Dell ,  Martin Rotemberg Job Placement: Harvard Graduate Students Union, United Auto Workers

Martin Abel

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Labor Markets in Developing Countries Advisors: Rema Hanna , Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Middlebury College

Jonathan Baker

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Water Conservation and Water Quality Programs Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Economist, Analysis Group

Tomoko Harigaya

Dissertation Title:  Delivering Financial Services to the Poor: Constraints on Access, Take-up, and Usage Advisor:  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Research Associate, Precision Agriculture for Development

Laura Quinby

Dissertation Title:  Compensation and Employment Policies in the U.S. Public Sector Advisor:  Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Research Economist, Center for Retirement Research, Boston College

Dissertation Title:  State Strategies Under Global Rules: Chinese Industrial Policy in the WTO Era Advisor: Peter A. Hall Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oregon

Samura Atallah

Dissertation Title:  Studies in Labor Economics, Organizational Economics, and Development Advisor: Ellen J. Langer Job Placement: Associate, McKinsey & Company

Tara Grillos

Dissertation Title:  Participation, Power, and Preferences in International Development Advisor:  William Clark Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Purdue University

Nils Hägerdal

Dissertation Title:  Ethnic Cleansing as Military Strategy: Lessons From Lebanon, 1975-1990 Advisor: Robert H. Bates Job Placement: Junior Research Fellow, Brandeis University

Elizabeth Linos

Dissertation Title:  Three Essays on Human Capital in the Public Sector Advisor:  Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Optimizing Social Policy for Different Populations: Education, Targeting, and Impact Evaluation Advisor:  Lant Pritchett Job Placement: Founder and CEO, StellarEmploy

Yusuf Neggers

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Economic Development and Political Economy Advisor:  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Watson Post-Doctoral Fellow, Brown University

Oyebola Okunogbe

Dissertation Title:  Essays in Political Economy and Development Advisor:  Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Economist, Development Research Group, The World Bank

Trisha Shrum

Dissertation Title:  Behavioral and Experimental Insights on Consumer Decisions and the Environment Advisors: Joseph Aldy ,  David Laibson Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Earth Lab, University of Colorado

Samuel Stolper

Dissertation Title:  Oil and Water: Essays on the Economics of Natural Resource Usage Advisors:  Joseph Aldy , Robert Stavins Job Placement:

  • Fall 2016 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Energy Initiative, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Fall 2017 > Assistant Professor, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan 

Maria Cecilia Acevedo

Dissertation Title:  Essays in the Political Economy of Conflict and Development Advisors: Rohini Pande , James Robinson Job Placement: Consultant, Poverty Global Practice Division, The World Bank

Natalie Bau

Dissertation Title:  Essays at the Intersection of Development and Education Advisors:  Asim Khwaja ,  Nathan Nunn Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Toronto

Syon Bhanot

Dissertation Title:  Field Experiments in Behavioral and Public Economics Advisors:  Brigitte Madrian ,  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Swarthmore College

Gabriel Chan

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Energy Technology Innovation Policy Advisors:  William Clark ,  Laura Díaz Anadón Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Science, Technology and Policy, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota

Sarah Cohodes

Dissertation Title:  Essays on the Economics of Education Advisor:  Christopher Avery Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis, Teachers College, Columbia University

A. Nilesh Fernando

Dissertation Title:  Land, Labor and Technology: Essays in Development Economics Advisors:  Lawrence Katz ,  Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Notre Dame (Post-Doc at Harvard University)

Daniel Honig

Dissertation Title:  Navigating by Judgment: Organizational Structure, Autonomy, and Country Context in Delivering Foreign Aid Advisor:  Peter A. Hall Job Placement: Assistant Professor, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

Mahnaz Islam

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Development Economics Advisors: Rema Hanna , Rohini Pande Job Placement: Economist, Amazon

joo Julia A. lee

Dissertation Title: Essays in Organizational Behavior Advisor:  Francesca Gino Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institutional Corruption Program, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University

Andry Liscovich

Dissertation Title: Essays in Experimental and Labor Economics Advisor:  Nicholas A. Christakis Job Placement: Director of Technology, RA Capital Management

Richard Sweeney

Dissertation Title:  Essays on Industry Response to Energy and Environmental Policy Advisors: Ariél Pakes ,  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Boston College

Elizabeth Walker

Dissertation Title:  Essays at the Intersection of Environment and Development Economics Advisor:  Rema Hanna Job Placement: Consultant, Energy, Environment, and Network Industries Practice, NERA Economic Consulting

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Transmission and Diffusion of Productive Knowledge in International Economics Advisor:  Elhanan Helpman Job Placement: Senior Associate Economist, Inter-American Development Bank

Ariel Dora Stern

Dissertation Title: Essays in the Economics of Health Care and the Regulation of Medical Technology Advisor:  Amitabh Chandra Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Technology and Operations Management Unit, Harvard Business School

Alexandra van Geen

Dissertation Title: Essays in Experimental Economics and the Improvement of Judgment and Decision Making Advisor: Iris Bohnet Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Erasmus School of Economics

Clara Monika Zverina

Dissertation Title: Essays in Public and Labor Economics Advisor: Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow in Disability Research, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Will Dobbie

Dissertation Title: Essays in Labor Economics Advisor: Roland G. Fryer, Jr. Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Department of Economics, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University

Jeffrey Friedman

Dissertation Title: Cumulative Dynamics and Strategic Assessment: U.S. Military Decision Making in Iraq, Vietnam, and the American Indian Wars Advisor: Stephen Walt Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow in International Security and U.S. Foreign Policy, John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College

Marie E. Newhouse

Dissertation Title: Kant's Typo, and the Limits of Law Advisor: Arthur Applbaum Job Placement: Residential Lab Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard Law School

Olga Rostapshova

Dissertation Title: Pushing a Troika of Development: Promoting Investment, Curbing Corruption, and Enhancing Public Good Provision Advisor: Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Specialist, Social Impact, Social Science Genetics Association Consortium, National Bureau of  Economic Research (NBER) and Senior Evaluations

Laurence Tai

Dissertation Title: Hierarchical Game-Theoretic Models of Transparency in the Administrative State Advisor: Daniel Carpenter   Job Placement: Residential Lab Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard Law School

Christopher Carrigan

Dissertation Title: Structured to Fail? Explaining Regulatory Performance Under Completing Mandates Advisor:  Daniel Carpenter Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, George Washington University

Souman Hong

Dissertation Title: Online Institutions, Markets, and Democracy Advisor: Matthew Baum Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Yonsei University

Avinash Kishore

Dissertation Title: Essays on Economics of Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution in India Advisor: Dale Jorgenson Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), New Delhi, India

Robyn Meeks

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Household Water Access in Developing Countries Advisor: Rohini Pande Job Placement: Assistant Professor in Environmental Economics, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan 

Karl Neumar

Dissertation Title: Essays on Optimal Management of Portfolios Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement:, Founding Partner, HNC Advisors

Philip Osafo-Kwaako

Dissertation Title: Essays in Economic History and Development Advisor: James Robinson Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences at Harvard

Matthew Ransom

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Climate Change Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Senior Analyst, Health and Environment Division, Abt Associates

Christopher Robert

Dissertation Title: Wealth, Welfare, and Well-being: Essays in Indebtedness and Normative Analysis Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: President and CEO, Dobility; Adjunct Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School

William Skimmyhorn

Dissertation Title: Essays in Behavioral Household Finance Advisor:  Brigitte Madrian Job Placement: Assistant Professor, United States Military Academy (West Point)

Maoliang Ye

Dissertation Title: Gradualism in Coordination and Trust Building Advisors: Raj Chetty ,  Brigitte Madrian Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Remin University of China

Tristan Zajonc

Dissertation Title: Essays on Causal Inference for Public Policy Advisor: Guido Imbens Job Placement: Visiting Fellow, Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard; Co-founder and CEO, Sense, Inc.

Ina Ganguli

Dissertation Title: Labor Markets in Transition: Science and Migration After the Collapse of the Soviet Union Advisor: Richard B. Freeman Job Placement:

  • 2011–2012 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School
  • 2012 > Assistant Professor, Stockholm School of Economics

John Horton

Dissertation Title: Online Labor Markets Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Economist, Odesk

Victoria Levin

Dissertation Title: Choices and Consequences: Decisions on Health, Wealth, and Employment Advisor:  Brigitte Madrian Job Placement: Economist, The World Bank

Suerie Moon

Dissertation Title: Embedding Neoliberalism: Global Health and the Evolution of the Global Intellectual Property Regime (1995-2009) Advisor: John Ruggie Job Placement: Non-academic offers—undecided

Gary Reinbold

Dissertation Title: Essays on Child Mortality and Growth Faltering in Bangladesh and Kenya Advisor: Mary Jo Bane Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Illinois Springfield

Abigail Fisher Williamson

Dissertation Title: Beyond the Passage of Time: Local Government Response in New Immigrant Destinations Advisor: Robert D. Putnam Job Placement: Preceptor, Harvard College Writing Program

Andrés Zahler

Dissertation Title: Essays on Export Dynamics Advisor: Ricardo Hausmann Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Public Policy Institute, Diego Portales University

Mohamad Al-Ississ

Dissertation Title: The Role of Beliefs in Financial Markets: Three Essays on Violence, Trust and Religion Advisor: Iris Bohnet Job Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Cairo, Joint appointment with Business School and School of Global Affairs

Sharon Barnhardt

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Impact of Residential Location on Networks, Attitudes and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from India Advisor:  Rohini Pande Job Placement: Institute for Financial Management and Research, Chennai, India

David Deming

Dissertation Title: Long-Term Impacts of Educational Interventions Advisor: Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Heinz School of Public Health, Carnegie Mellon University

Brooke Kelsey Jack

Dissertation Title: Essays on Developing Country Markets in Environment and Health Advisor: Christopher Avery Job Placement:

  • 2010–2011 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2011 > Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Tufts University

David J. Lynch

Dissertation Title: Does Analogical Reasoning Affect Political Attitudes? Evidence from Survey Experiments Advisor: Gary King Job Placement: Consultant, RWS Advisory

Santitarn Sathirathai

Dissertation Title: Loyal Friends and Fickle Lenders: The Behavior of Financial Institutions During Financial Crises Advisor: Asim Khwaja Job Placement: Credit Suisse, Singapore

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Economics of Education Advisor:  Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Institute of Education Sciences, (National Center for Education Evaluation), U.S. Department of Education

Hunt Allcott

Dissertation Title: Consumer Behavior and Firm Strategy in Energy Markets Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement:

  • 2009–2011 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2011 > Assistant Professor of Economics, New York University

Jeffrey Bielicki

Dissertation Title: Integrated Systems Analysis and Technological Findings for Carbon Capture and Storage Deployment Advisor: John Holdren Job Placement: Weinberg Fellow, Research Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Jonathan Borck

Dissertation Title: Beyond Compliance: Three Essays on Voluntary Corporate Environmentalism Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Economist, Analysis Group, Boston

Warigia Bowman

Dissertation Title: Digital Development: Technology, Governance, and the Quest for Modernity in East Africa Advisor: Sheila Jasanoff Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy Leadership, University of Mississippi

Jennifer Bulkeley

Dissertation Title: Perspectives on Power: Chinese Strategies to Measure and Manage China’s Rise Advisor: Ashton Carter Job Placement: Special Assistant for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Oeindrila Dube

Dissertation Title: Essays in the Political Economy of Conflict and Development Advisor:  Sendhil Mullainathan Job Placement: 2009–2010 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Center for Global Development, New York University

Allan Friedman

Dissertation Title: Privacy, Security, and the Dynamics of Networked Information Sharing Advisor: David Lazer Job Placement:

  • 2009–2010 > Post-Doctoral Fellowship, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Center for Research on Computation and Society, Harvard University
  • 2010 > Brookings Institution

Felipe Kast

Dissertation Title: Essays on Poverty Dynamics and Social Policy Advisor: Alberto Abadie Job Placement: Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Dissertation Title: Green Chemistry: A Study of Innovation for Sustainable Development Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, Yale University

Holly Ho Ming

Dissertation Title: Growing Up in the Urban Shadow: Realities and Dreams of Migrant Workers’ Children in Beijing and Shanghai Advisor: Anthony Saich Job Placement: Breakthrough, Ltd, Hong Kong, Youth Foundation, Beijing and Shanghai

Tatsuya Nishida

Dissertation Title: Incomplete Alliances: A Comparative Analysis of the Hub-and Spoke System in the Asia-Pacific Advisor: Stephen Walt Job Placement: Post-Doc at a Japanese university

Jason Richwine

Dissertation Title: IQ and Immigration Policy Advisor: George Borjas Job Placement: Research Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Juan Saavedra

Dissertation Title: The Role of Resources and Incentives in Education Production Advisor:  Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, School of Government, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Judith Scott-Clayton

Dissertation Title: Understanding America's Unfinished Transformation: Three Essays on the Economics of Higher Education Advisor: Christopher Jencks Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

Sandra Sequeira

Dissertation Title: On the Waterfront: An Empirical Study of Corruption in Ports Advisor:  Sendhil Mullainathan Job Placement:

  • 2009 > Post-Doctoral Fellow, New York Law School
  • 2010 > Lecturer in Development Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science

Yuhki Tajima

Dissertation Title: Order and Violence in Authoritarian Breakdowns: How Institutions Explain Communal Violence in Indonesia Advisor: Robert H. Bates Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of California, Riverside

Ngoc Anh Tran

Dissertation Title: Corruption, Ranking and Competition Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, University of Indiana

Dissertation Title: Three Essays in Environmental Economics Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Mount Holyoke College

Fotini Christia

Dissertation Title: The Closest of Enemies: Alliance Formation in the Afghan and Bosnian Civil Wars Advisor: Robert H. Bates   Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kessely Corea Hong

Dissertation Title: Group Differences in Preferences, Beliefs, and Perceptions? Advisor: Iris Bohnet On family leave

Sebastian S. James

Dissertation Title: Essays on Tax Policy and Tax Compliance Advisor: Caroline M. Hoxby Job Placement: Senior Economist on Tax Policy, The World Bank

Bailey W. Klinger

Dissertation Title: Discovering New Export Activities in Developing Countries: Uncertainty, Linkages, and the Product Space Advisor: Ricardo Hausmann Job Placement: Director, Center for International Development (CID) Research Lab, Harvard Kennedy School

Carolyn M. Kousky

Dissertation Title: Responding to Risk: Information and Decision Making in the Floodplains of St. Louis County, Missouri Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Fellow, Resources for the Future

Elta C. Smith

Dissertation Title: Governing Rice: The Politics of Experimentation in Global Agriculture Advisor: Sheila Jasanoff Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Environment and Political Economy, University of California, Berkeley

Nicole A. Szlezak

Dissertation Title: Global Health in the Making: China, HIV/AIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Advisor:  Sheila Jasanoff Job Placement: Consultant, McKinsey & Company

Adam T. Thomas

Dissertation Title: Forgotten Fathers: A Collection of Essays on Low-Skilled Men and Marriage Advisor: William Julius Wilson Job Placement: Research Director, Economic Studies, Brookings Institution

Dissertation Title: Nonparametric Methods for Inference After Variable Selection, Comparisons of Survival Distributions, and Random Effects Meta-Analysis, and Reporting of Subgroup Analyses (Department of Biostatistics) Advisor: Stephen Lagakos Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles

Blair s. Williams

Dissertation Title: Essays in Legislative Behavior Advisor: David King Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, United States Military Academy (West Point)

Naomi Calvo

Dissertation Title: How Parents Choose Schools: A Mixed-Methods Study of Public School Choice in Seattle Advisor: Christopher Jencks Job Placement: Principal Associate, Education Resource Strategies

Dissertation Title: Essays on Environmental Tax Policy Analysis: Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Approaches Applied to China Advisor: Dale Jorgenson Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Andrew Feldman

Dissertation Title: What Works in Work-First Welfare? Advisor: Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School

Fiona Greig

Dissertation Title: Barriers to Advancement: Perspectives from Behavioral Economics, Negotiation and Gender Analysis Advisor: Iris Bohnet Job Placement: Consultant, McKinsey & Company

Dissertation Title: Essays on Education Production in China and the U.S. Advisor: Anthony Saich Job Placement: Policy Specialist, Human Development Report Office, UN Development Programme

Beau Kilmer

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Consequences of Drug Use and Drug Testing Advisor: Mark Moore Job Placement: Associate Policy Researcher, RAND

Indhira Santos

Dissertation Title: Essays on Natural Disasters and Household Income Advisor:  Jeffrey Liebman Job Placement: Research Fellow, Bruegel

Dissertation Title: Essays on Environmental, Energy, and Natural Resource Economics Advisor: William Hogan Job Placement: Assistant Professor in Energy Economics and Policy, Department of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering, Penn State University

Pelin Berkmen

Dissertation Title: Essays on Monetary Policy and Debt Accumulation Advisor: Andrés Velasco Job Placement: Research Economist, International Monetary Fund

Eduardo Cavallo

Dissertation Title: Living as a Debtor in a World of Sudden Stops: The Roles of Exposure to Trade and Commitment Advisor: Jeffrey Frankel Job Placement: Research Economist, Inter-American Development Bank

Dissertation Title: Household Behavior and Energy Demand: Evidence from Peru Advisor: Mark Rosenzweig Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Dissertation Title: The Economic Interdependence of China and the World Advisor: Robert Lawrence Job Placement: Private Sector Consultant

Jenny Schuetz

Dissertation Title: Land, Money and Politics: Essays on Government Intervention in Housing Markets Advisor:  José A. Gómez-Ibáñez Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, New York University

Jong-Sung You

Dissertation Title: A Comparative Study of Income Inequality, Corruption, and Social Trust Advisor: Robert D. Putnam Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego

Chad b. steinberg

Dissertation Title: Does the Neighborhood Matter? Three Essays in International Economics Advisor: Dani Rodrik Job Placement: Economist, International Monetary Fund

Khuong Minh Vu

Dissertation Title: ICT and Global Economic Growth: Contribution, Impact, and Policy Implications Advisor: Dale Jorgenson Job Placement: Visiting Professor, Sawyer School of Management, Suffolk University

Steven c. Anderson

Dissertation Title: Analyzing Strategic Interaction in Multi-Settlement Electricity Markets: A Closed-Loop Supply Function Equilibrium Model Advisor: William Hogan Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Electricity Policy Group

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environmental Economics and Policy Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Visiting Professor, University of Texas at Dallas

Andrew k. Leigh

Dissertation Title: Essays in Poverty and Inequality Advisor: Christopher Jencks Job Placement: Fellow, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University

Gavin Samms

Dissertation Title: Essay in Education Policy Advisor:  Christopher Jencks Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Sheryl Winston Smith

Dissertation Title: Innovation and Globalization in Four High-Technology Industries in the United States: One Size Does Not Fit All Advisor: Lewis Branscomb Job Placement: Research Associate in Economics and Management, Gustavus Adolphus College

Lori d. Snyder

Dissertation Title: Essays on Facility-Level Response to Environmental Regulations Advisor:  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy, Nicholas School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, Duke University

Carolyn Gideon

Dissertation Title: Sustainable Competition or Inevitable Monopoly? The Potential for Competition in Network Communications Industries Advisor:  Lewis Branscomb Job Placement: Assistant Professor of International Communications and Communications Technology, Tufts University

Gabriel Kaplan

Dissertation Title: Between Politics and Markets: The Institutional Allocation of Resources in Higher Education Advisor: Joseph Kalt Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, University of Colorado Denver

Tuan Minh Le

Dissertation Title: Analysis of Tax and Trade Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Vietnam Advisor: Dwight H. Perkins Job Placement: Public Finance Economist, The World Bank

Pierre LeBlanc

Dissertation Title: Essays on Tax-Deferred Saving in Canada Advisor: David Wise Job Placement: Economist, Department of Finance, Government of Canada

Dorina Bekoe

Dissertation Title: After the Peace Agreement: Lessons for Implementation from Mozambique, Angola, and Liberia Advisor: Robert H. Bates Job Placement: Associate, International Peace Academy

Sheila Cavanagh

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environmental Economics and Policy Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University

Ajay Chaudry

Dissertation Title: Child Care Arrangements Among Low-Income Families: A Qualitative Approach Advisor: Mary Jo Bane Job Placement: Faculty Member, The New School

Dissertation Title: Money and Mission: How Non-Profit Organizations Finance Their Charitable Activities Advisor: Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Public Finance Associate, UBS Paine Webber 

R. Karl Rethemeyer

Dissertation Title: Centralization or Democratization: Assessing the Internet's Impact on Policy Networks Advisor: Jane Fountain Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Affairs and Policy, Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Policy, State University of New York at Albany

Lisa Sanbonmatsu

Dissertation Title: Child Neglect in a Changing Economic and Social Policy Context Advisor:  Mary Jo Bane Job Placement: Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research

Andres Vinelli

Dissertation Title: The Management and Performance of Microfinance Organizations Advisor: Mark Moore Job Placement: Special Assistant to the Chairman, National Association of Securities Dealers

Alix Peterson Zwane

Dissertation Title: Essays in Environment and Development Advisor:  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley

Dissertation Title: Integrating Information and Decision Making in a Multi-Level World: Cross-scale Environmental Science and Management Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Research Associate, Sustainability Systems Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

RicHARD Doblin

Dissertation Title: Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana Advisor: F.M. Scherer Job Placement: President, Multi-Disciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Judith Kelley

Dissertation Title: Norms and Membership Conditionality: The Role of European Institutions in Ethnic Politics in Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia and Romania Advisor: Lisa Martin Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Duke University

Anthony Patt

Dissertation Title: Strategy and Psychology in Environmental Assessment Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Boston University

Sasha Pivovarsky

Dissertation Title: Essays on Institutions and Finance Advisor: Benjamin Sachs Job Placement: Economist, International Monetary Fund

David Skilling

Dissertation Title: Policy Coordination, Political Structure, and Public Debt: The Political Economy of Public Debt Accumulation in OECD Countries Since 1960 Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Economist, New Zealand Treasury

Marcus Stanley

Dissertation Title: Essays in Program Evaluation Advisor: Claudia Goldin Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Case Western Reserve University

Robert Taliercio

Dissertation Title: Administrative Reform as Credible Commitment: The Design, Sustainability, and Performance of Semi-Autonomous Revenue Authorities in Latin America Advisor: Merilee Grindle Job Placement: Fellow, Young Professionals Program, The World Bank

Todd Olmstead

Dissertation Title: The Effects of Freeway Management Systems and Motorist Assistance Patrols on the Frequency of Reported Motor Vehicle Crashes Advisor:  José A. Gómez-Ibáñez Job Placement: Consultant, McKinsey & Company

Gustavo Merino-Juarez

Dissertation Title: Federalism and the Policy Process: Using Basic Education as a Test-Case of Decentralization in Mexico Advisor: John Donahue Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Carlos Rufin

Dissertation Title: The Political Economy of Institutional Change in the Electricity Supply Industry Advisor: William Hogan Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Business Strategy, Babson College

Howard Shatz

Dissertation Title: The Location of U.S. Multinational Affiliates Advisor:  Benjamin Sachs Job Placement: Research Fellow, Public Policy Institute of California

David Snelbecker

Dissertation Title: Pension Reform in Economies with Large Informal Sectors: The Case of the Ukraine Advisor: William Hogan Job Placement: Manager, The Services Group

David Autor

Dissertation Title: Essays on the Changing Labor Market: Computerization, Inequality, and the Development of the Contingent Work Force Advisor: Lawrence Katz Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alison Earle

Dissertation Title: Keeping the Job You Find: Understanding Job Turnover Among Welfare Recipients Who Obtain Work Advisor: David Ellwood Job Placement: Research Scientist, Department of Health and Social Behavior, Harvard School of Public Health

Karen Eggleston

Dissertation Title: Incentives in Health Care Payment Systems Advisor: Joseph P. Newhouse Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Tufts University

Karen Fisher-Vanden

Dissertation Title: Structural Change and Technological Diffusion in Transition Economies: Implications for Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in China Advisor: Dale Jorgenson Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Program, Dartmouth College

WooChan Kim

Dissertation Title: Essays in International Capital Markets Advisor: Wei Job Placement: Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Republic of Korea

Chang-Yang Lee

Dissertation Title: A Theory of the Determinants of R&D: Consumer Characteristics and Technological Competence Advisor: F.M. Scherer Job Placement: Director, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Republic of Korea

Steven Todd Schatzki

Dissertation Title: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of Land Use Change Under Uncertainty Advisor: Robert Stavins Job Placement: Senior Analyst, National Economic Research Associates

Stuart Orin Shapiro

Dissertation Title: Speed Bumps and Road Blocks: Procedural Controls and Regulatory Change Advisor: Cary Coglianese Job Placement: Policy Analyst, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Office of Management and Budget

Tay Keong Tan

Dissertation Title: Silence, Sacrifice, and Shoofly Pies: An Inquiry into the Social Capital and Organizational Structures of the Amish Community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Advisor:  Katherine S. Newman Job Placement: Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore

Kathryn p. Boudett

Dissertation Title: In Search of a Second Chance: The Consequences of GED Certification, Education and Training for Young Women Without Traditional High School Diplomas Advisor: Thomas Kane Job Placement: Research Fellow, Harvard Project on Schooling and Children

Bryan c. Hassel

Dissertation Title: Designed to Fail? Charter School Programs and the Politics of Structural Choice Advisor: Paul E. Peterson Job Placement: Consultant, Private Company

Christopher e. Herbert

Dissertation Title: Limited Choices: The Effect of Residential Segregation on Homeownership Among Blacks Advisor: Kain Job Placement: Senior Analyst, Abt Associates

Jason c. Snipes

Dissertation Title: Skill Mismatch, Turnover, and the Development of Young Workers’ Careers Advisor: Ronald Ferguson Job Placement: Research Associate, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation

John d. Chapman

Dissertation Title: Biased Enrollment and Risk Adjustment for Health Plans Advisor: Joseph P. Newhouse Job Placement: Vice President, Health Care Information Systems

Ingrid gould Ellen

Dissertation Title: Sharing America's Neighborhoods: The Changing Prospects for Stable, Racial Integration Advisor:  Richard Zeckhauser Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University

Tae Yun Kim

Dissertation Title: An Analysis of Defense Procurement Policy in Korea: Selection, Cost Accounting, and Profit Policies Advisor:  F.M. Scherer Job Placement: Government Official, Republic of Korea

Dara e. Menashi

Dissertation Title: Making Public/Private Collaboration Productive: Lessons for Creating Social Capital Advisor:  Ronald Ferguson Job Placement: Consultant, Private Company

Richard g. Newell, Jr.

Dissertation Title: Environmental Policy and Technological Change: The Effect of Economic Incentives and Direct Regulation on Energy-Saving Innovation Advisor:  Robert Stavins Job Placement: Fellow, Resources for the Future

Vicki Norberg-Bohm

Dissertation Title: Technological Change for Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Mexican Electric Power Sector Advisor: William Clark Job Placement: Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Michael a. Santoro

Dissertation Title: Trade Investment and Human Rights: A Moral Framework for Foreign Relations with China Advisor: Frederick Schauer Job Placement: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University

person writing on the desk

May 15, 2024

Tips and Resources for a Successful Summer of Dissertation Writing

By Yana Zlochistaya

Summer can be a strange time for graduate students. Gone are the seminars and workshops, the student clubs, and the working group, that structured the semester and provided us with a sense of community. Instead, we’re faced with a three-month expanse of time that can feel equal parts liberating and intimidating. This double-edged freedom is only exacerbated for those of us in the writing stage of our dissertation, when isolation and a lack of discipline can have a particularly big impact. For those hoping not to enter another summer with lofty plans, only to blink and find ourselves in August disappointed with our progress, we’ve compiled some tips and resources that can help.

According to Graduate Writing Center Director Sabrina Soracco, the most important thing you can do to set yourself up for writing success is to clarify your goals. She recommends starting this process by looking at departmental requirements for a completed dissertation. Consider when you would like to file and work backwards from that point, determining what you have to get done in order to hit that target. Next, check in with your dissertation committee members to set up an accountability structure. Would they prefer an end-of-summer update to the whole committee? A monthly check-in with your chair or one of your readers? Setting up explicit expectations that work for you and your committee can cut through the aimlessness that comes with a major writing project.

For those early on in their dissertation-writing process, a committee meeting is also a valuable opportunity to set parameters. “One of the problems with the excitement for the discipline that happens post-quals is that it results in too many ideas,” says Director. Soracco. Your committee members should give you input on productive research directions so that you can begin to hone in on your project. It is also important to remember that your dissertation does not have to be the end-all-and-be-all of your academic research. Ideas that do not fit into its scope can end up becoming conference papers or even book chapters.

Once you have a clear goal that you have discussed with your committee, the hard part begins: you have to actually write. The Graduate Writing Center offers several resources to make that process easier:

  • The Graduate Writing Community. This is a totally remote, two-month program that is based on a model of “gentle accountability.” When you sign up, you are added to a bCourses site moderated by a Graduate Writing Consultant. At the beginning of the week, everyone sets their goals in a discussion post, and by the end of the week, everyone checks in with progress updates. During the week, the writing consultants offer nine hours of remote synchronous writing sessions. As a writing community member, you can attend whichever sessions work best for your schedule. All that’s required is that you show up, set a goal for that hour, and work towards that goal for the length of two 25-minute Pomodoro sessions . This year’s summer writing community will begin in June. Keep your eye on your email for the registration link!
  • Writing Consultations : As a graduate student, you can sign up for an individual meeting with a Graduate Writing Consultant. They can give you feedback on your work, help you figure out the structure of a chapter, or just talk through how to get started on a writing project. 
  • Independent Writing Groups: If you would prefer to write with specific friends or colleagues, you can contact Graduate Writing Center Director Sabrina Soracco at [email protected] so that she can help you set up your own writing group. The structure and length of these groups can differ; often, members will send each other one to five pages of writing weekly and meet the next day for two hours to provide feedback and get advice. Sometimes, groups will meet up not only to share writing, but to work in a common space before coming together to debrief. Regardless of what the groups look like, the important thing is to create a guilt-free space. Some weeks, you might submit an outline; other weeks, it might be the roughest of rough drafts; sometimes, you might come to a session without having submitted anything. As long as we continue to make progress (and show up even when we don’t), we’re doing what we need to. As Director Soracco puts it, “it often takes slogging through a lot of stuff to get to that great epiphany.”

Yana Zlochistaya is a fifth-year graduate student in the Department of Comparative Literature and a Professional Development Liaison with the Graduate Division. She previously served as a co-director for Beyond Academia.

Graduate College

Postdoc examines impact of fungal priority pathogen cryptococcus.

The World Health Organization lists Cryptococcus as a fungal priority pathogen  to guide research, development, and public health action.

Andrew Jezewski

In extreme cases, Cryptococcus is breathed into the lungs before traveling to the spinal cord and brain, causing c ryptococcal meningitis -- an infection that is fatal if untreated.

Andrew Jezewski, a postdoctoral fellow in the Krysan Lab in the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics at the University of Iowa, studies how Cryptococcus grows in the human host. Specifically, Jezewski investigates how the fungus grows in the brain and how it tolerates carbon dioxide. Jezewski estimates that carbon dioxide levels are 100-fold higher in the human body than in the environment.

“Most strains of Cryptococcus don’t grow well in the human body,” Jezewski says. “If that strain gets in your lungs, chances are it won’t survive. It’s a stress on Cryptococcus to encounter substantial amounts of carbon dioxide. But a few strains can resist that stress from carbon dioxide.  I am trying figure out how those strains can tolerate that carbon dioxide stress because those are the strains that cause severe disease.”

Cryptococcus isn’t passed from human to human and almost never causes disease in immunocompetent individuals. This alleviates concern when Jezewski and his advisor, Damian Krysan, a professor of pediatric-infectious diseases, work with Cryptococcus that has been isolated from an individual patient. 

People with cryptococcal meningitis can experience seizures and may require cerebral spinal fluid drainage. They are treated intravenously with the antifungal medication amphotericin B .  Jezewski says there around 200,000 cases of cryptococcal meningitis worldwide, with 150,000 resulting in death. 

Since the World Health Organization lists cryptococcus as a fungal priority pathogen, resources are being increased in resource-impoverished areas, so amphotericin B can be more widely prescribed to patients. Researchers like Krysan and Jezewski are also working to identify novel therapeutic strategies.

Grant writing perfection

Jezewski received a rare perfect score on his National Institutes of Health K22 grant application, which will support his research as a faculty member.

“ I circulated that grant with a lot of people who had won K awards before and got helpful feedback,” Jezewski says. “I took all the feedback to heart to try and improve my grant. My grant received a perfect score in the first round, so I didn’t have to do a resubmission.”

Jezewski plans to take his K22 award, worth $250,000 over two years, with him to his faculty position.

“This shows, as proof of concept, I am competitive in writing grants. When I apply for positions, which are dependent on writing grants, I can at least show I have a record of that,” Jezewski says. “You can take that money to help get your research off the ground in combination with any start-up package you get. When you get offered a start-up package from an institution, (the employer) must show the NIH that the (new hire) is receiving the same level of support that they would give a faculty member who is not receiving a grant.”

Krysan believes that new faculty members doing research must learn to write and communicate their ideas effectively. 

“Andrew has expansive curiosity and creativity. However, one must be able to convince others that what you are interested in and how you will study it are significant and feasible,” Krysan says. “He has written grant proposals at multiple times during his training, culminating with a perfect score on his NIH K22 application; the evolution of his writing and his ability to express his creativity and insights have been gratifying to watch and read.”

  In the upcoming academic year, Jezewski will be joining the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry at Clemson University as an assistant professor affiliated with the nationally renowned Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovation Center (EPIC). His research will focus on Cryptococcus, but he also has prior experience working with other eukaryotic pathogens, including Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, and the brain parasite Toxoplasma.

“I am excited to bring my expertise to this new role and collaborate with a distinguished group of faculty," Jezewski says. "Together, we aim to advance our understanding of neglected and complex pathogens, ultimately working toward novel therapeutic strategies.”

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Post-doctoral dissertation (Habilitation)

The Habilitation serves as proof of the ability to independently represent a scientific field in research and teaching (venia legendi). The completion of this teaching qualification confers the right to add the suffix “habilitatus” (abbreviated “habil.”) to the academic degree of doctor. All necessary information on Habilitation at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences can be found on this page.

Doctoral and Habilitation Officer

Foto von Frau Florence Scholz

Mrs. Florence Scholz

Tel.: 0331 977-3419, Building 1, Room 1.28 [email protected]

You can find more information about the Habilitation committee here

The Habilitation procedure

Step 1: check prerequisites.

Admission to the Habilitation procedure requires that the applicant completes

  • A doctorate with at least the grade “good” (“cum laude”) from a university or equivalent institution of higher education in the relevant subject area,
  • A Habilitation thesis or scientific work equivalent to a Habilitation thesis,
  • Evidence of sufficient teaching experience,
  • Evidence of relevant scientific work after the doctorate. The applicant must prove that he/she has worked scientifically after obtaining his/her doctorate, in particular in the subject area for which he/she is seeking the teaching qualification. This should be documented by publications, as is customary in the relevant field.

Step 2: Admission to Habilitation

Please submit an application for admission to Habilitation in written form to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. The application must identify the intended field of teaching qualification and include the following documents:

  • A curriculum vitae outlining the professional career,
  • A single copy of the dissertation ,
  • The doctoral certificate ,
  • A list of other scientific publications ,
  • The written Habilitation thesis in at least seven copies ,
  • A record of courses taught,
  • A statement of ongoing or completed Habilitation procedures .

Please enclose all other scientific publications that are not part of the written Habilitation thesis. These serve only to illustrate the applicant’s scientific work; they will not be subject to review. Receipt of the application for admission will be acknowledged and then reviewed. All submitted documents - except the originals of the certificates and the publications - remain with the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.

Step 3: Opening of the Habilitation procedure

After the examination, the dean notifies the members of the Habilitation committee about the received application and initiates the opening of the procedure by the Habilitation committee.

The Habilitation committee consists of the full-time professors, the associate professors, and the private lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Potsdam who have completed their Habilitation at the faculty. Professors and lecturers with a Habilitation who have left this faculty continue to be members of the Habilitation Committee for at least two years after their departure. Professors within the meaning of these Habilitation regulations are tenured professors, employed professors, retired professors, and dismissed professors.

Step 4: Appraisal

The reviewers appointed by the Habilitation committee prepare written reviews. The expert opinions recommend the acceptance or rejection of the written Habilitation thesis. The chairperson of the Habilitation committee shall set a reasonable deadline for the reviewers to submit their reviews.

Step 5: Display

Once the expert opinions have been received, the written Habilitation thesis and the expert opinions are made available to the members of the Habilitation committee for one month (during the lecture period) or for two months (during the non-lecture period).

Step 6: Acceptance

After the expiration of the design period, the Habilitation committee decides on the acceptance of the thesis on the basis of the available expert opinions and the written statements.

Step 7: Presentation and colloquium

After acceptance of the written Habilitation thesis, the applicant proposes three topics for the Habilitation lecture to the chairperson of the Habilitation committee. The topics must be from the field of the intended teaching qualification. They may not be taken from the written Habilitation thesis.

The chairperson of the Habilitation committee will inform the candidate of the selected lecture topic at least three, but no more than four weeks before the date. A shortening of the deadline is in principle possible in agreement with the candidate.

The lecture and the colloquium (max. 45min each) are open to the public. Only the members of the Habilitation committee are entitled to ask questions in the colloquium. Subsequently, the applicant will be informed whether the teaching qualification will be awarded.

Within a reasonable period of time, usually at the inaugural lecture, the dean will present the habilitated person with the certificate of teaching qualification.

Step 8: Publication

The Habilitation thesis must be published no later than two years after the award of the teaching qualification. A copy of the published Habilitation thesis must be submitted to the faculty.

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Jessica leff (neuro ‘24) wins dowling thesis prize for undergraduate neuroscience research.

  • May 13, 2024

Neuroscience concentrator Jessica Leff received the John E. Dowling Thesis Prize. Named for MCB professor John Dowling , the prize honors excellence in neuroscience research and undergraduate thesis writing.

“I’m so honored to receive the Dowling Prize – I honestly was not expecting it at all!” Leff says. “I think my jaw actually dropped when I heard my name called at the Neuro Thesis Awards night. I would love to thank my PI Dr. Takao Hensch , my postdoctoral mentor Dr. Saad Hannan , and all the members of the Hensch and Fagiolini labs for helping me build my confidence in research. Finally, thank you so much to my friends and family for being there for me during the highs and lows of this thesis process. I couldn’t have done it without you all!” 

Leff’s thesis, titled “VIP: A Very Important Peptide in Regulating Adult Neuroplasticity,” identified a new role for a compound called vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the brain. She found that VIP regulates neuroplasticity by altering structures called “perineuronal nets” or PNNs. During critical periods, when neuroplasticity is wide open, there are few PNNs in the brain. But after the critical period ends, PNNs form around certain types of inhibitory neurons, closing down the brain’s plasticity. Leff found that stimulating VIP-producing neurons led to breakdown of the PNNs and increased neuroplasticity. The results connect VIP-producing neurons to the gamma (γ) oscillations in the brain associated with critical periods. 

Identifying the new role for VIP could shed light on neurological disorders. “Throughout my experience at Harvard, my interests in neuroscience have grown alongside my passion for mental health,” Leff says. “The subject of neuroplasticity is extremely relevant within this intersection, and my thesis allowed me to focus on the neurobiological aspects that might hopefully inform our understanding of psychiatric disorders down the line.”

“I was very happy for Jess as the project involved a substantial amount of work and she thoroughly deserves the prize,” says Leff’s postdoc mentor Saad Hannan of the Hensch Lab, whose research also focuses on inhibitory neurons. “Jess was able to show bidirectional modulation of perineuronal nets by VIP activity. She extended these studies by probing mechanisms involved in the process implicating key immune cells in the brain. This is new and has important implications for opening neuroplasticity in adulthood as well as in pathological states. The thesis is also rich in terms of the breadth of experimental approaches that were employed.” 

“For a newcomer to wet biology to make a major discovery that changes the way we think about how the brain works is remarkable,” says MCB faculty and Leff’s thesis adviser Takao Hensch . “Jess found a novel role for a circuit signaling mechanism that controls adult neuroplasticity, which has immediate implications for clinical application and understanding.”

Conducting these extensive experiments proved to be an enormous time commitment for Leff. “One of the biggest challenges was honestly the sheer amount of time I spent in the lab,” she says. “Most of my results were based on microscope images, which take time to acquire and to process. I often spent days in the lab in front of the microscope…But, in hindsight, I’m grateful for the time I invested into my research and am glad I was able to incorporate all those hours into a finished product I’m proud of!”

Faculty praised the thesis’s ambition and scope. “What impressed me about this thesis is its depth, breadth, and significance,” Dowling says. “It breaks new ground with regard to neuroplasticity, something critically important for understanding brain function and mechanisms. The thesis is beautifully written and very clear.”

Hensch is enthusiastic about Leff receiving the Dowling Prize. “Rewarding a job well done during this ‘critical period’ can have a lasting impact on a student’s career trajectory,” he says. “It did for me (as one of John’s students in Bio 25 years ago)!”

Congratulations to Jessica Leff! 

post doctoral dissertation

(l to r) Takao Hensch, Jess Leff, and John Dowling

Upcoming Thesis Defenses

Evelyn Jiang thesis defense

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Four from MIT named 2024 Knight-Hennessy Scholars

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Two by two grid of Top row: Vittorio Colicci, Owen Dugan, Carina Letong Hong, and Carine You, all with the same reddish roofttops and trees in the background

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MIT senior Owen Dugan, graduate student Vittorio Colicci ’22, predoctoral research fellow Carine You ’22, and recent alumna Carina Letong Hong ’22 are recipients of this year’s Knight-Hennessy Scholarships. The competitive fellowship, now in its seventh year, funds up to three years of graduate studies in any field at Stanford University. To date, 22 MIT students and alumni have been awarded Knight-Hennessy Scholarships.

“We are excited for these students to continue their education at Stanford with the generous support of the Knight Hennessy Scholarship,” says Kim Benard, associate dean of distinguished fellowships in Career Advising and Professional Development. “They have all demonstrated extraordinary dedication, intellect, and leadership, and this opportunity will allow them to further hone their skills to make real-world change.”

Vittorio Colicci ’22

Vittorio Colicci, from Trumbull, Connecticut, graduated from MIT in May 2022 with a BS in aerospace engineering and physics. He will receive his master’s degree in planetary sciences this spring. At Stanford, Colicci will pursue a PhD in earth and planetary sciences at the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability. He hopes to investigate how surface processes on Earth and Mars have evolved through time alongside changes in habitability. Colicci has worked largely on spacecraft engineering projects, developing a monodisperse silica ceramic for electrospray thrusters and fabricating high-energy diffraction gratings for space telescopes. As a Presidential Graduate Fellow at MIT, he examined the influence of root geometry on soil cohesion for early terrestrial plants using 3D-printed reconstructions. Outside of research, Colicci served as co-director of TEDxMIT and propulsion lead for the MIT Rocket Team. He is also passionate about STEM engagement and outreach, having taught educational workshops in Zambia and India.

Owen Dugan, from Sleepy Hollow, New York, is a senior majoring in physics. As a Knight-Hennessy Scholar, he will pursue a PhD in computer science at the Stanford School of Engineering. Dugan aspires to combine artificial intelligence and physics, developing AI that enables breakthroughs in physics and using physics techniques to design more capable and safe AI systems. He has collaborated with researchers from Harvard University, the University of Chicago, and DeepMind, and has presented his first-author research at venues including the International Conference on Machine Learning, the MIT Mechanistic Interpretability Conference, and the American Physical Society March Meeting. Among other awards, Dugan is a Hertz Finalist, a U.S. Presidential Scholar, an MIT Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awardee, a Research Science Institute Scholar, and a Neo Scholar. He is also a co-founder of VeriLens, a funded startup enabling trust on the internet by cryptographically verifying digital media.

Carina Letong Hong ’22

Carina Letong Hong, from Canton, China, is currently pursuing a JD/PhD in mathematics at Stanford. A first-generation college student, Hong graduated from MIT in May 2022 with a double major in mathematics and physics and was inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics honor society. She then earned a neuroscience master’s degree with dissertation distinctions from the University of Oxford, where she conducted artificial intelligence and machine learning research at Sainsbury Wellcome Center’s Gatsby Unit. At Stanford Law School, Hong provides legal aid to low-income workers and uses economic analysis to push for law enforcement reform. She has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals, served as an expert referee for journals and conferences, and spoken at summits in the United States, Germany, France, the U.K., and China. She was the recipient of the AMS-MAA-SIAM Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research, the highest honor for an undergraduate in mathematics in North America; the AWM Alice T. Schafer Prize for Mathematical Excellence, given annually to an undergraduate woman in the United States; the Maryam Mirzakhani Fellowship; and a Rhodes Scholarship.

Carine You ’22

Carine You, from San Diego, California, graduated from MIT in May 2022 with bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering and computer science and in mathematics. Since graduating, You has worked as a predoctoral research assistant with Professor Amy Finkelstein in the MIT Department of Economics, where she has studied the quality of Medicare nursing home care and the targeting of medical screening technologies. This fall, You will embark on a PhD in economic analysis and policy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She wishes to address pressing issues in environmental and health-care markets, with a particular focus on economic efficiency and equity. You previously developed audio signal processing algorithms at Bose, refined mechanistic models to inform respiratory monitoring at the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, and analyzed corruption in developmental projects in India at the World Bank. Through Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow, she taught computer science to Israeli and Palestinian students in Jerusalem and spearheaded an online pilot expansion for the organization. At MIT, she was named a Burchard Scholar.

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    Once you have a clear goal that you have discussed with your committee, the hard part begins: you have to actually write. The Graduate Writing Center offers several resources to make that process easier: The Graduate Writing Community. This is a totally remote, two-month program that is based on a model of "gentle accountability.".

  23. Postdoc examines impact of fungal priority pathogen Cryptococcus

    Andrew Jezewski, a postdoctoral fellow in the Krysan Lab in the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics at the University of Iowa, studies how Cryptococcus grows in the human host. Specifically, Jezewski investigates how the fungus grows in the brain and how it tolerates carbon dioxide. Jezewski estimates that carbon dioxide levels are 100-fold ...

  24. Post-doctoral dissertation (Habilitation)

    Post-doctoral dissertation (Habilitation) The Habilitation serves as proof of the ability to independently represent a scientific field in research and teaching (venia legendi). The completion of this teaching qualification confers the right to add the suffix "habilitatus" (abbreviated "habil.") to the academic degree of doctor.

  25. Jessica Leff (Neuro '24) Wins Dowling Thesis Prize for Undergraduate

    Faculty praised the thesis's ambition and scope. "What impressed me about this thesis is its depth, breadth, and significance," Dowling says. "It breaks new ground with regard to neuroplasticity, something critically important for understanding brain function and mechanisms. The thesis is beautifully written and very clear."

  26. Upcoming Thesis Defenses

    Upcoming Events There are no events to display Recent News. May 6, 2024 Upcoming Dissertation Defenses; May 6, 2024 Upcoming Thesis Defenses; May 6, 2024 Frontiers in Biostatistics with Christian Tomasetti - 5/7; May 6, 2024 NSAPH seminar with Professor Matt Wand - 5/8; May 6, 2024 Marvin Zelen Leadership Award in Statistical Science Lecture - 5/9; May 6, 2024 Apply Now to StatStart!

  27. Four from MIT named 2024 Knight-Hennessy Scholars

    Caption. Clockwise from top left: Vittorio Colicci, Owen Dugan, Carine You, and Carina Letong Hong. Credits. Photos courtesy of the Knight-Hennessy Scholars. MIT senior Owen Dugan, graduate student Vittorio Colicci '22, predoctoral research fellow Carine You '22, and recent alumna Carina Letong Hong '22 are recipients of this year's ...

  28. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  29. 2024 Outstanding Dissertation Award Winners

    2024 Outstanding Dissertation Award Winners. Anne Converse Willkomm, Associate Dean of the Graduate College (right) presenting an Outstanding Dissertation Award to Daniel Schoepflin, a PhD student in computer science (left) at Graduate Student Day on June 1, 2023. The Outstanding Dissertation Awards are presented to doctoral-level students who ...

  30. Machine-Building Plant (Elemash)

    In 1954, Elemash began to produce fuel assemblies, including for the first nuclear power plant in the world, located in Obninsk. In 1959, the facility produced the fuel for the Soviet Union's first icebreaker. Its fuel assembly production became serial in 1965 and automated in 1982. 1. Today, Elemash is one of the largest TVEL nuclear fuel ...