How To Write An Autobiography

Autobiography Examples

Nova A.

Top Autobiography Examples & Samples For Your Help

Published on: Sep 10, 2021

Last updated on: Feb 12, 2024

Autobiography Examples

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An  autobiography  is a story of a person's life written down or told. They are interesting to read, but they can be even more interesting to write.

An autobiography is different from a biography. A biography is someone else's story about a person's life. But, an autobiography is the person's own story about their life.

This may make autobiographies more interesting to read than biographies. Also, they give the thoughts and feelings of the person rather than someone else's interpretation.

There are many different stories in the world. Uniquely telling your story is not easy. You need to describe what is happening to make the reader feel like they are right there with you.

In this blog, you will learn about some amazing examples of autobiographies. So, start reading now.

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Autobiography Examples For Students

An autobiography is the story of someone's life written by them. They might write about their hardships or success. Here are some examples of autobiographies that might inspire you to write your own.

Short Autobiography Examples

This is a good example of a creative and interesting autobiography to read. It will teach you how to write your own great autobiography.

Autobiography Examples For Class 6

Autobiography essays are not easy to write. They are different from other essays because they tell the story of a person's life experiences. Every person has a lot of interesting experiences, so it can be hard to choose which ones to write about.

For your help, we compiled an example that you can use for your help and make your writing process easy.

Autobiography Examples For Grade 7

Only you know yourself best. Writing an autobiography is a great way to share your life with others. Everyone has a story to tell, and writing an autobiography is one way to leave your mark on history.

Here is an example that gives you a better idea of sharing your life story with others.

Autobiography Examples For College Students

An autobiography is a text that tells your life story. It can be in the form of a  memoir , which is more informal or more formal. Autobiographies can be written for different reasons:

  • To introduce yourself to the world.
  • To get into a program at school, for a job, volunteering, etc.

You can find more ideas for an autobiography from this example.

Note: As a college student, you might encounter confusion distinguishing between an autobiography and a statement of purpose . While both involve personal narratives, autobiographies provide a comprehensive life story, while statements of purpose focus on specific goals and qualifications for academic or professional opportunities. Understanding their distinct purposes and structures can help streamline your application processes effectively.

Autobiography Examples For High School Students

An autobiography is a self-written biography that someone writes about themselves. They might write about all of their life or just some parts. They do this to share their experiences, put them in a larger cultural or historical context, and entertain the reader.

Take a look at the below example and create a well-written one without any mistakes.

Spiritual Autobiography Examples

A spiritual autobiography is your life story. In it, you write about how God has been present in your life. This includes your journey in and out of organized religion and everything spiritual.

Writing your spiritual autobiography is a chance for you to identify specific experiences with God. You will then reflect on how those experiences have impacted you.

Below is an example for your ease.

Autobiography Examples in Literature

An autobiography is a book written by somebody about their own life. It tells the story of the author’s life, accomplishments, things they have done, etc.

The following is an example that can help you better understand how to write an autobiography.

Cultural Autobiography Examples

A cultural autobiography is more than just telling your life story. Your cultural identity reveals your beliefs and ideas about culture. It also shows how culture affects different cultural groups that make up who you are.

You may want to write a cultural autobiography better to understand yourself and your culture's role in your life. It is important to be aware of your own cultural identity in a multicultural world and be open to other cultures.

An example of a perfect cultural autobiography is below for your help.

Educational Autobiography Examples

The educational autobiography is a way to tell your life story. This type of autobiography includes what you did in school and how it affected other parts of your life.

Take a look at this example to see how to write a good educational autobiography.

Social Class Autobiography Examples

In most sociology classes, students are assigned to write a socio-autobiography. This assignment helps them understand that the subject is relevant to their daily lives. Your interactions with society have a big impact on who you become as a person.

Writing your social class autobiography is a great way to show people how you fit into society. The following example will show what kind of social autobiography looks like.

Autobiography Examples For Kids

Children are often encouraged to write an autobiography, but few people recognize the importance of this task. Everyone has something special from their childhood that they should remember and reflect on. Writing about your life is a good way to do this.

There are many different ways to write an autobiography. If you are writing about yourself, it is best to start by writing about your early life and work experience.

You can also mention your school experiences. After that, you can write about other topics that may be of interest to readers, like your hobbies or interests.

Here is an example that will help in starting an autobiography.

We all have the opportunity to write our own story, but it doesn't always come easy. If writing about yourself seems difficult, then follow the examples mentioned above.

However, if you want a professional writer to write it for you, just say ' write an essay for me ' and consult a professional at .

We have expert writers who will help you write an autobiography, personal narrative, college essay, and any academic assignment.

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As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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Autobiography Examples

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autobiographical essay for college application

How To Write An Autobiography Essay?


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is an Autobiography?
  • 2.1 Traditional Autobiography
  • 2.3 Intellectual Autobiography
  • 2.4 Spiritual Autobiography
  • 2.5 Confessional Autobiography
  • 2.6 Therapeutic Autobiography
  • 2.7 Fictionalized Autobiography
  • 3.1 What Structuring Approach to Choose?
  • 3.2 Thematic Order
  • 3.3 Reverse Chronological Order
  • 3.4 Flashback or Non-Linear Narrative
  • 3.5 Circular Narrative
  • 3.6 Epistolary Format
  • 4 How to Structure an Autobiography Essay?
  • 5 How to Title an Autobiography Essay?
  • 6.1 Identifying Key Life Events
  • 6.2 Theme and Narrative Arc
  • 6.3 Balancing Facts and Reflections
  • 6.4 Enhancing Your Essay with Dialogues
  • 6.5 Connecting to the Reader
  • 6.6 Honesty and Vulnerability
  • 7 Examples of Autobiography
  • 8 Bottom Line

When you start writing an autobiography essay, it simultaneously opens doors to your past, present, and future. Indeed, it’s an opportunity to delve into your experiences, emotions, and reflections, weaving them into a compelling narrative that resonates with readers. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or new to personal storytelling, the task may seem daunting. However, composing your life’s narrative can be enriching and fulfilling with the right approach.

In this article, you will find answers:

  • What types of autobiography essays exist;
  • How to write an autobiography;
  • What is the basic essay about yourself.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, unlocking the art of autobiographical storytelling.

What Is an Autobiography?

  • Definition and purpose: An autobiography essay is a narrative account of one’s life, exploring significant events, experiences, and reflections. Its purpose varies from personal self-reflection to academic assignments, memoir writing, or sharing insights with a broader audience. Thus, storytelling aims to convey a deeper understanding of oneself and the journey traversed.
  • Audience Consideration: Knowing your audience is paramount to crafting an effective autobiographical essay. Consider whether you’re writing for academic evaluation, personal introspection, or professional sharing. Besides, tailoring your narrative to suit your audience’s expectations, interests, and background enhances engagement and ensures your message resonates effectively.
  • Tone and Style: An autobiography essay’s choice of tone and style depends on its purpose and audience. First, consistency is key to adopting a formal, informal, or narrative tone. Also, reflect on the mood you wish to convey and the emotions associated with your experiences. It helps connect with readers and immerse them in your narrative journey.
  • Reflective Writing: Integrating personal reflections is at the heart of an autobiography essay. It involves introspection, analysis, and interpretation of life events through analogy , highlighting their significance in shaping one’s identity and worldview. Moreover, reflective writing adds depth and authenticity to your narrative, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and fostering empathy among readers.

Essentially, an essay is your honest dialogue with the readers. To add more engagement, sometimes, you can use an informal style . This way, you can connect with the readers using a conversational tone and no specific structure ─ only your ideas and reflections.

Autobiography Types

The captivating allure of autobiographical writing lies in its intimate exploration of lived experiences. But within this seemingly singular genre, a vibrant tapestry of distinct “essay types” exists, each offering unique approaches to self-narration and ways to start an autobiography. Let’s unravel the threads of these captivating forms:

Traditional Autobiography

This type of personal autobiography tells us the story from birth to the present, typically chronologically. It delves into various facets of the author’s life, including childhood, family, education, career, relationships, and significant life events. Additionally, its breadth offers a panoramic view of the author’s journey, providing readers with a thorough understanding of their life story.

More focused than a traditional autobiography of yourself, a memoir centers around a specific theme, period, or aspect of the author’s life. It emphasizes personal reflections, emotions, and insights over a strict chronological recounting of events. By honing in on particular experiences, memoirs offer deeper insights into the author’s psyche and the lessons learned from pivotal moments.

Intellectual Autobiography

This genre focuses on the evolution of the author’s thoughts, beliefs, and intellectual pursuits. It explores how various experiences, books, and interactions have shaped the author’s worldview and philosophy. Thus, academic philosophers or thinkers often penned intellectual autobiographies, offering readers a profound journey through the author’s intellectual growth.

Spiritual Autobiography

This genre may involve experiences of conversion, enlightenment, or a deepening of faith. While common in religious contexts, spiritual autobiographies can also encompass non-religious spiritual experiences, providing readers with insights into the author’s quest for meaning and transcendence. Don’t forget about the topic sentence as well.

Confessional Autobiography

This genre focuses on confessing and reflecting upon personal mistakes, struggles, or failures. Accordingly, it often adopts a tone of redemption or lessons learned. Besides, confessional autobiographies can be cathartic for the author and inspirational for readers navigating challenges. Thus, if you want to motivate readers to overcome some difficulties, you can write an autobiography about yourself and offer readers glimpses into the author’s vulnerabilities and triumphs.

Therapeutic Autobiography

Therapeutic autobiographies involve writing about traumatic or significant life events to process and understand them better. While not always intended for publication, these narratives serve as a means of personal growth and healing, empowering authors to reclaim their narratives, find solace in storytelling, and hook a reader.

Fictionalized Autobiography

This genre draws inspiration from the author’s life but incorporates fictional elements, altered events, or imagined characters. Indeed, fictionalized autobiographies offer creative freedom and allow authors to explore themes that might be difficult to address directly, providing a captivating blend of truth and imagination.

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Composing an Autobiography About Myself Essay Outline

Crafting an essay structure provides a roadmap for students to a comprehensive autobiographical essay outline. Moreover, it helps organize thoughts and ensures a cohesive narrative flow.

What Structuring Approach to Choose?

Choosing the right essay outline approach while writing an autobiography about yourself is crucial. While chronological order is straightforward, other methods like thematic or narrative structures offer unique perspectives and deeper insights into your life story.

Thematic Order

Writing an autobiography around central themes or subjects rather than time is the simplest way to create an autobiography essay. For example, if you’ve had a life-long passion for music, you could structure your story around music’s role at different stages of your life. Consequently, this approach allows you to delve deeply into how specific themes have influenced your development and worldview. If you need some help with the beginning, find hook examples .

Reverse Chronological Order

If you want to make your essay more engaging, you can use this method. Accordingly, write an autobiography starting from the present and working backward. It can be intriguing as it starts with who you are now and gradually reveals how you got there. For instance, you could begin with your current career achievements and then trace back to your education and early influences. Thus, this method can create suspense and a sense of discovery for the reader.

Flashback or Non-Linear Narrative

This method will help you to create a nonstandard essay. For example, when you write an autobiography essay, begin with a significant event and then use flashbacks to provide context and background. It can create a dramatic effect and draw readers in by immediately immersing them in a pivotal moment. After the initial event, you can jump around in time to slowly unravel the story and its implications.

Circular Narrative

Another way to make an engaging essay is by using a circular narrative approach when you plan your essay . For example, students who start and end with the same scene or theme create a circular journey. Thus, this technique can emphasize personal growth or resolving crucial life challenges. For instance, you might start with a scene of you running in a marathon, then recount how you became a runner, and conclude with the same marathon scene, now imbued with deeper meaning. Besides, you can find more autobiography examples for students on the Internet.

Epistolary Format

You may think that this method is only suitable for fiction books. However, it works just as well with autobiographical student essays. For this purpose, try to write your life story through letters, diary entries, or emails. It can provide a personal and intimate feel, and the chronological order can be varied to convey your story best. If you need help, you can always order essay online .


How to Structure an Autobiography Essay?

When you Google: “ autobiography of myself as a student, ” you can find the answer varies depending on the individual’s experiences and storytelling style. However, the following autobiography format is commonly used among students.

The “autobiography about yourself” format is simple and similar to any other type of essay. There are no strict limitations or requirements, but certain considerations should be considered.

Each body paragraph should focus on one event or story, maintaining a clear and well-structured path through the paper. Moreover, providing details and writing with clarity is essential, as readers need background information, context, and character relationships to engage fully.

Although not strictly chronological, the essay should have a logical structure, allowing retrospections and flashbacks to flow smoothly. Transitioning between paragraphs should be seamless to maintain coherence and clarity.


Crafting an engaging introduction sets the tone for the essay and presents the thesis, or central theme. Accordingly, it should capture the reader’s attention and provide a glimpse into the unfolding story. Thus, start an autobiography essay with interesting facts about yourself.

Body Paragraphs:

Structuring body paragraphs involves developing the narrative, providing vivid details, and ensuring coherence. For this purpose, each paragraph should contribute to the overarching story while focusing on the chosen themes or events.


If you use transitions between different stages or events in the story when writing an autobiographical essay, the essay becomes flow and coherent. Likewise, transition words and phrases help guide readers through the narrative, ensuring a seamless reading experience.

Autobiography conclusion:

To end an autobiography, you must summarize the main autobiography ideas presented in the essay and may offer insights or reflections on the author’s experiences. It should be concise and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

While these components are typical of autobiographical writing, the order and emphasis may vary depending on the author’s preferences and storytelling approach. Ultimately, the goal is to create a cohesive autobiography narrative that engages readers and offers insight into the author’s life journey.

After writing, you need to revise and polish the essay . Also, don’t forget about punctuation rules .

How to Title an Autobiography Essay?

In autobiography writing, there are no rules for beginning at a certain point; some students prefer to write the title first, and others leave the tasks to the end. How to begin an autobiographical essay depends on the writer, but one of the most important things, regardless of its order, is a good title.

The key points to consider when titling an autobiography are:

  • Keeping the title short and precise.
  • Make it as engaging as possible.
  • Don’t include every keyword you chose in this part.

Some good title examples are:

  • The Moment That Changed It All.
  • My First Day at the Office Taught Me 4 Things.
  • Surviving College.

Tips on Writing Autobiographical Essay

Crafting a compelling autobiographical essay requires careful consideration and skillful storytelling. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process and create a captivating narrative that resonates with readers.

Identifying Key Life Events

Identify key events or periods that have shaped who you are today. These could be moments of triumph, struggle, growth, or transformation. For this purpose, choose events that are significant to your personal development and contribute to the overarching narrative of your story.

Theme and Narrative Arc

Find a central theme or narrative arc that ties your story together. It could be a journey of self-discovery, resilience in the face of adversity, or pursuing a lifelong passion. Thus, a clear theme will help guide your storytelling and give your essay depth and coherence.

Balancing Facts and Reflections

Strike a balance between storytelling and personal reflections. While providing factual details and descriptions is important, remember to infuse your narrative with insights and reflections that add depth and meaning to your experiences. As a rule, you should use storytelling techniques such as vivid imagery, sensory details, and emotional resonance to bring your story to life.

Enhancing Your Essay with Dialogues

Consider incorporating dialogues into your narrative to add authenticity and depth. No doubt, dialogues can bring characters to life, provide insight into relationships, and create moments of tension or intimacy. Use dialogues sparingly and strategically to enhance the overall impact of your essay.

Connecting to the Reader

Make your story relatable and engaging by connecting with the reader personally. For instance, share universal truths, emotions, and experiences that resonate with a broader audience. Plus, use descriptive language, vivid anecdotes, and heartfelt reflections to draw readers into your world and make them feel invested in your journey.

Honesty and Vulnerability

Be honest and vulnerable in your narrative, openly sharing your triumphs and struggles. Accordingly, you can embrace vulnerability as a strength, not a weakness, and show humility in recounting your experiences. Besides, authenticity fosters empathy and connection with readers, making your story more impactful and memorable.


Examples of Autobiography

Reading other autobiographies can provide valuable insights into various narrative techniques, styles, and content choices. By exploring how different authors have structured their life stories, you can gain inspiration for your autobiography. For instance, “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank offers a poignant perspective through diary entries, while “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela provides a comprehensive look at political struggle and personal growth.

Other notable examples of autobiographies:

  • “Dreams from My Father” by Barack Obama: A memoir by the former U.S. President exploring his early years, his journey of racial identity, and his start in politics.
  • “A Moveable Feast” by Ernest Hemingway: Hemingway’s memoir of his years as a young writer in Paris in the 1920s, filled with insights into his creative process and portraits of other famous contemporaries.
  • “Educated” by Tara Westover: A recent memoir that has gained significant attention, it tells the story of Westover’s upbringing in a strict and abusive household in rural Idaho, her self-education, and her eventual escape to study at Cambridge and Harvard.
  • “Angela’s Ashes” by Frank McCourt: A Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir detailing McCourt’s impoverished childhood in Ireland and his family’s struggles with poverty and alcoholism.

Bottom Line

When you write an autobiography about yourself, you must reflect on the key takeaways. Thus, embracing authenticity, selecting significant life events, and weaving them into a cohesive narrative is paramount. Your story becomes compelling and relatable by finding a central theme or narrative arc, balancing facts with reflections, and connecting with readers personally. Additionally, honesty and vulnerability are your allies in engaging readers and leaving a lasting impact. Therefore, conclude an autobiography with these insights and embark on your journey of self-discovery through storytelling, knowing that your autobiographical essays for college can inspire and resonate with others. Feel free to use a professional essay service if you need some help with the essay.

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autobiographical essay for college application

How to Write an Autobiography Essay: Guide for College Students

So what is an autobiography essay? It is a paper based on your own personal knowledge that usually dwells upon one episode that had a major influence on one’s personality or worldview. It might be a part of a usual assignment or a necessary part of a college application. In any case, it is something you are sharing to present some personal qualities or make an interesting outcome. It might seem very simple to write about yourself at first glance, however, it takes a lot of skill and planning to select the subject and display it in the best possible way. Some people find writing an autobiography essay even more complicated than any other paper as there is a lot of freedom regarding the subject and there are always worries about not being too self-involved. This article on how to write an autobiography essay will help you complete a flawless and powerful paper.

Autobiography Essay Format

Considering planning a paper, an outline is one of the fundamental parts. You need to have a draft plan for the work’s structure. Not only does it provide a coherent order to your reflections, but it also makes a paper more readable and easy to follow. The first thing to do before starting on your own paper is to find inspiration. You can ask for some illustrations from your professor, or look for them online – there are many good presentations on the internet. An autobiography essay is not a story of one’s life; it usually concerns one event or experience that is worth sharing. An event that had an influence on the person who lived it through, and can provide a meaningful message to the reader.

How Do You Structure an Autobiography?

Generally, an autobiography essay outline follows the common framework of any essay, meaning a five-paragraph paper. It shouldn’t be very long; however, you may change the standard outline according to your needs. It might be closer to a narrative paper, but remember to use the first-person narration, as it is not fiction. It is not a short story, it is a personal essay.

When planning an outline consider the story and how it can be presented, how many paragraphs do you need and what are the demands to an assignment. It might be a good point to include a plot twist. However, you can never go wrong with a well-proven traditional structure.

How to Title an Autobiography Essay?

There is no right or wrong time for choosing the title for life story. Some start with it, others do it in the end, it is totally up to you. A title can be creative if you want but it should be appealing, intriguing and deal with the main point of your paper.

The tips on how to write a title vary, but the main aspects are:

  • It shouldn’t be very long;
  • Do not try to include all the key points in a title;
  • You may use puns for a comedy effect if it is appropriate;
  • Make it engaging for a reader.

You can look through creative titles about yourself online and use them as a basis for your thought process. However, do not use someone’s idea as your own as it won’t represent your writing.

Here are some autobiography titles ideas that might inspire you:

  • Driving Exam that Almost Drove me Crazy;
  • Living Through a Happy Accident;
  • What My First Job Taught Me;
  • The Day that Changed it All;
  • Surviving High-School Graduation.

The choice of a title is completely up to you as long as it is made in accordance with the assignment’s requirements.

How to Start an Autobiography Essay?

Before you start writing, brainstorm and choose an incident you want to depict. It must be relevant and have something to tell the reader. Create an outline and follow a coherent way to describe it. The first sentence of an autobiography paper must be attention-grabbing and interesting. You might as well start right with the story instead of putting a long autobiography introduction. Underline the main idea of your writing and what is going to be disclosed.

There are several good ways to start an autobiography, such as to start in the middle of a setting, “Here I was standing in front of the whole group with my presentation.” Another way is to add a little bit of suspense, like “I never knew that such a simple thing as going to a vet with my dog can change my whole perspective”.

An autobiography essay introduction doesn’t have to be very long. Underline the main point, create a setting or go directly to the events that inspired you. A good idea is to use a non-chronological order in the description of events to make the story more interesting. It is also crucial to have a nice transition to the main part; it can be a sentence like, “I’d never expected that what was coming next would be the most important day of my life.”

How to End an Autobiography Essay?

Autobiography conclusions are as essential as the beginning, as they sum up the story, tie the ends together and make a meaningful impact on the reader. How to end an autobiography in a stylish and exciting way? First of all, conclude what has been stated before and focus on why it is important, what was the influence on your life and what conclusion did you make from this experience. Refer to the significance and make a connection to the beginning. Describe the central person in the story if there had been one. It is also great if you tell what was so unexpected for you and what this event has taught you about yourself or the world around you.

If the story was non-chronological, make sure that by the end of an autobiographical essay it all comes together as one comprehensive piece. Check one more time if it is easy to follow and creates a vivid picture in the reader’s mind.

autobiographical essay for college application

Extra Tips on How to Write a Good Autobiography Essay

Writing an autobiography essay can be challenging as it deals with the introspective process and makes us learn about ourselves more. It is important not only to follow formatting requirements but also to create a living picture of an event that the reader can re-live. Some students choose to use a fast essay writing service to help them with this assignment and it is only understandable.

Here are some more tips for writing an excellent autobiography narrative essay:

  • Select an event you are excited to tell about, it will make it more engaging and easy to write;
  • Think about the audience of your paper, who will read it and what they might be interested in;
  • Use a first-person narration to underline your perspective;
  • Be sincere and be yourself. After all, this is your life you are writing about. Even a negative experience can teach us a lot;
  • Understand the purpose of your work – what is the key point you are making? What is the question you are trying to answer?
  • When writing an autobiography essay always check the demands of the assignment. An application and a college task have different purposes. Be sure you know all the guidelines;
  • Don’t forget to describe the setting and add some vivid details to make the story more interesting and create a picture in the reader’s mind;
  • After you are done, take some time to proofread your text. Here are some useful proofreading tips that might help you to check your writing and make sure it is flawless.

Autobiography Essay Example/Autobiography Sample Essay

Here is a short excerpt from an autobiography essay:

“When I was growing up I had never wanted to be a teacher unlike many of my peers. However, one day what promised to be a normal Monday changed my whole perspective. I was in high school at that time, and we went with my mother to visit a college to find out more about the programs I might follow in the future. We were lucky to visit a lecture by a physics professor and I thought it might be boring at first. Little did I know, this lecture was the most important hour in my life.

It was a nice sunny day and the campus looked great, there were lots of students and they all seemed so adult to me. It also was unbelievable that soon I might be one of these intelligent and nice people. We were welcomed and had a great excursion over the campus and the main building and now it was the time to visit a lecture.”

It is an example that shows how to complete an introduction and connect it to the main part. Here are many other autobiography essay examples that you can read and use as an outline for inspiration.

When working on a personal essay it is important to spend a lot of time planning and selecting a subject. Find an event that was significant for you that can present your worldview or unique experience. Create an outline and take enough time to draft ideas and think on how to present a story.

Remember to be frank about what you are writing, do not make fiction as it is inappropriate. Show what you’ve learned and focus on it in the conclusion.

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How to Write an Autobiographical Essay

Last Updated: April 11, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alicia Cook . Alicia Cook is a Professional Writer based in Newark, New Jersey. With over 12 years of experience, Alicia specializes in poetry and uses her platform to advocate for families affected by addiction and to fight for breaking the stigma against addiction and mental illness. She holds a BA in English and Journalism from Georgian Court University and an MBA from Saint Peter’s University. Alicia is a bestselling poet with Andrews McMeel Publishing and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets including the NY Post, CNN, USA Today, the HuffPost, the LA Times, American Songwriter Magazine, and Bustle. She was named by Teen Vogue as one of the 10 social media poets to know and her poetry mixtape, “Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately” was a finalist in the 2016 Goodreads Choice Awards. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 872,949 times.

An autobiographical essay is just an essay about something you experienced. Even so, writing an autobiographical essay can be challenging. You might write an autobiographical essay for a class, an application, or just for your own personal enjoyment. Whatever your reason, there are some key concepts and strategies that you will want to keep in mind as you write. Keep reading to learn more about how to write an autobiographical essay.

Planning Your Essay

Step 1 Choose a story that you really want to tell or that you just want to get out of your system.

  • an accomplishment like winning an award, getting a job, or graduating from high school
  • a trial like a difficult class, an injury, or losing a loved one
  • a meaningful experience like discovering a hobby, meeting your best friend, going away to camp, or learning something about yourself
  • Make sure that you are comfortable sharing your story. Don’t write about anything too hard or heartbreaking if you are not emotionally ready to handle it.

Step 2 Define your purpose for writing.

  • If you are writing an autobiographical essay for an application, make sure that you read the instructions well. If the application includes a prompt or question that you need to answer, make sure that the story you intend to tell will respond to this prompt or question.
  • If you are writing an autobiographical essay for a class, make sure that you read the assignment guidelines well. Make sure that the story you intend to tell will work for this assignment. Ask your instructor if you have any questions about the assignment.

Step 3 Consider your audience.

  • If you are writing your essay as part of an application, consider what your readers will be most interested in hearing about.
  • If you are writing your essay for a class assignment, consider what your instructor will expect you to include in your essay.

Step 4 Generate ideas for your autobiography.

  • Try listing. List the ideas that you have for your autobiography and then look over the list you have made and group similar ideas together. Expand those lists by adding more ideas or by using another prewriting activity. [5] X Research source
  • Try freewriting. Write nonstop for about 10 minutes. Write whatever comes to mind and don’t edit yourself. Review what you have written. Highlight or underline the most useful information for your autobiography. Repeat the freewriting exercise using the passages you underlined as a starting point. You can repeat this exercise many times to continue to refine and develop your ideas. [6] X Research source
  • Try clustering. Write a brief explanation of the subject of your autobiography on the center of a piece of paper and circle it. Then draw three or more lines extending from the circle. Write a corresponding idea at the end of each of these lines. Continue developing your cluster until you have explored as many connections as you can. [7] X Research source
  • Try questioning. On a piece of paper, write out “Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?” Space the questions about two or three lines apart on the paper so that you can write your answers on these lines. Respond to each question in as much detail as you can. [8] X Research source

Step 5 Make an outline.

  • It may be helpful to decide where to start from and where to finish, and then work on filling in the middle.

Drafting Your Essay

Step 1 Write in the first person.

  • Do not use the second person perspective (“you”) or switch back and forth between “I” and “you.” Use the first person perspective (“I”) throughout your entire essay.

Step 2 Begin with an engaging sentence that gets right into your story.

  • Jump right in. One way to begin a story is to immediately begin describing something that happened, even if it happened in the middle of your story. You might start with something like, “There I was, standing in front of the entire 10th grade reading a story I had written.” [11] X Research source
  • You can start writing your draft in any order that you like, but then remember to organize the completed story in the proper order.

Step 3 Describe the setting.

  • Say something tantalizing to your reader. For example, you might start with something like, "I never expected to be as happy as I was on that day." Or, "Many things have happened to me in my life, but this was the worst.” Just make sure that the opening fits with your topic.
  • Avoid beginnings that are too general or broad. Never open with, “Since the dawn of time…” This type of opening does not help your reader understand what your story is about. "Too general" openings are boring as well. [13] X Research source
  • Avoid opening with a quote, unless it is meaningful to you and crucial to your story. If you want to include a meaningful quote in your autobiographical essay, it should have something to do with your story. You should talk about what it means to you when you provide it.

Step 4 Transition from the introduction into your story.

  • You might say something like, “Under these circumstances, I began the most challenging year of my life.” Or, “Before this happened, I had no idea that I could do something so huge.” Choose a transition that fits your introduction and that will connect with the ideas in your next paragraph.

Step 5 Tell your story.

  • Talk about why this story is significant to you and what you learned from it. [16] X Research source
  • Refer to the beginning of your story in the end by mentioning a situation or person that was central to your introduction. [17] X Research source
  • Tell your readers about something that came out of this experience that you were not expecting. [18] X Research source

Enhancing Your Essay

Step 1 Include lots of vivid details and dialogue where appropriate.

  • Instead of saying that your teacher wore a blue dress, say that it was aqua blue with white lace trim on the sleeves.
  • Instead of saying you felt nervous, describe your trembling hands, the knot in your stomach, and the weak feeling in your knees.
  • Instead of saying that you spoke to your teacher about something important, put the conversation that you had with your teacher into dialogue.

Step 2 Consider organizing your story in a non-chronological manner.

  • Use chronological organization if you want to start at the beginning and describe your story in the order that it happened.
  • Use starting in the middle organization if you want to put your readers into the midst of your story and then go back to the beginning.
  • Use starting at the end organization if you want to tell your readers how your story ended up and then explain how you got to that point.

Step 3 Be yourself.

  • Don’t be afraid to show your sense of humor, as long as you don’t think it will disrupt the tone of your essay. In other words, if you are telling a sad story, using sarcasm or making a joke about something serious might not be appropriate.

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Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Be concise. When writing a story about your life, it’s best to keep it simple and be straightforward. Avoid padding out your autobiographical essay with unnecessary information. Just include the most important details and describe those details well. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0
  • Share your work with supportive friends and family. Ask for feedback on what they like and how you can improve your story. If you're a student, try asking your English teacher to help you. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 3

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About This Article

Alicia Cook

To write an autobiographical essay, choose a story from your own life that you're excited to share. Consider who your audience is when selecting a story and go with something that will appeal to them. Next, create an outline for your essay to help you organize all of your thoughts. When you're ready to get started, kick off your essay with an engaging sentence, then jump right into the action to hook your readers. Remember to write in first person and include vivid details to bring your story to life. Let your unique personality shine through! To learn how to enhance your essay by including dialogue, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Autobiography Examples

40 autobiography examples (autobiographical essay templates).

Writing an autobiography template isn’t an easy undertaking. When written, there will be as many life stories as there are people. What will make an autobiographical essay stand out are the essential topics.

Those which will make it unique among the rest, sorting out the most significant events in one’s life and writing about them are difficult. There is an abundance of experiences to choose from.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Autobiography Examples
  • 2 Formats for autobiography examples
  • 3 Autobiography Samples
  • 4.1 Map out your whole life
  • 4.2 Creating your narrative
  • 5 Autobiographical Essay Templates
  • 6.1 Edit your information first
  • 6.2 Publishing your autobiography

Fortunately, there are plenty of innovative and well-thought-out autobiography samples that are available. They can assist you in organizing your thoughts to come up with a great autobiography. These samples can save you valuable time, especially on how to start an autobiography. Check out our extra 40 biography templates

Free Autobiography Template 01

Formats for autobiography examples

As mentioned earlier, there could be as many life stories out there as there people. Each life story is unique; no two can be the same. It will be up to the writer to make his autobiography stand out.

The presentation of ideas will be an integral factor. Using the right strategies and format to make the writer more creative are necessary. As we all know, an autobiography is an account of a person’s life and it’s written by that person. Find out a suitable autobiography example to take reference from.

The reasons for writing an autobiographical essay differ from person to person. The main point of the writer’s exercise is to convey his life events using words. Autobiography samples will make it easy for the writer to organize thoughts.

To get you started, learn first the following types of written works:

  • Dramas or scripts Usually presented on stage or screen as the venue, this type is in script formats.
  • Graphic novels This new genre of novels is unique in the sense that they use drawn panels to convey a true story. Simply said, it’s a novel in comic-strip format. They tell stories through pictures and words.
  • Memoirs This type limits the information you will present. It’s an account written from personal knowledge or special sources. Its main focus is on specific moments in one’s life. Those which could either are historical, religious, philosophical, adversity, coming-of-age, and more.
  • Personal narratives or essays This type is shorter than a memoir. Its narratives focus on a single event in time. It expands that moment’s experience through conversations and imagery. These types are usually seen in classrooms, magazines or written by internet bloggers.
  • Traditional autobiographies This type usually covers the events of the writer’s life from birth to the present moment.
  • Vignettes This type covers just one particular occurrence at a time. It’s a brief evocative description, account or episode. You can even call it a lone chapter in a compilation of vignettes. You can have it published as a complete piece of work. Bear in mind, though, that each chapter in the collection is not directly related to the others.

Autobiography Samples

Free Autobiography Template 10

How to start an autobiography

Interesting lives make for good autobiographies. When we say interesting, it means the person lived a life full of fascinating experiences. Those he can and should share with others.

A good trick when writing your autobiography example is to think of it just like any other story, a good one at that. There’s always the protagonist, a central plot, and a number of compelling characters. All these will keep the reader’s attention.

Before venturing for an autobiography sample, think of an important event in your life and build your story on that. There is a writing craft or a technique that can make your story come to life. Read on and make your writing sing!

Map out your whole life

It wouldn’t be so hard to map out your timeline; after all, you have lived it. Before anything else, conduct a study on your life. Make a timeline to ensure you will include the important details, both events, and dates.

This will provide you a basis to work on. Don’t inhibit yourself from writing down all you can recall. Don’t underestimate the importance of each event.

  • Autobiographies needn’t always start with your birth Include a brief history of your ancestors if relevant. Introducing your family’s history can make readers relate. They can understand how you evolved into who you are at this moment.
  • Identify your main characters Make them interesting and compelling, either he/she be friend or foe. Be sure they help in moving the story along. Obviously, an autobiography sample will mention your parents. Also, include your spouse, friends, and relatives. But think past your family and friends. Search for those characters that have directly influenced your life. They should play their roles in your life story.
  • Include the best stories Your life is a collection of short stories and anecdotes. Each day, each struggle could be in itself a chapter. But there would be too many of them to contain in a book. Choose the best stories you can remember that have influenced you. Begin your manuscript with these chosen stories. Weave them together to create a picture of your life.
  • Write using your own voice Most people like reading autobiographies to experience what it’s like to be the writer. Being yourself when writing your story is a great way to maintain the reader’s attention. Remember, you are writing about yourself and your life experiences. Stiff and formal writing is for college essays . It won’t and can’t totally engage your readers.
  • Reveal things about your life You can reveal the truth about yourself without having to be too explicit. Write down the good as well as the bad experiences. This will make the reader feel the human side of you. You can write about your accomplishments but you also need to write the flaws that have made you what you are. Readers should empathize with you and may even cheer for you as the story progresses.
  • Show your weaknesses too You may have pitfalls in life but will still remain a protagonist. Write about your mistakes and the times that you have failed in some struggles. Writing too much about your positive side may even turn off some of your readers.

Creating your narrative

One, or perhaps the most important element of an autobiographical essay, is the plot. Not just a plot but a great one that could hold your readers spellbound. When you’ve gathered the material to work with, it’s time to create a fascinating story that would end with a climax as well as final resolutions.

Autobiographical Essay Templates

Free Autobiography Template 20

Craft your story by organizing your memoirs and anecdotes in an autobiography example. Keep in mind that these are coherent to your plot and should flow logically together. There should be a central conflict in your narrative.

It can involve an eventful experience in your life that took you years to conquer.

  • Build the suspense and tension to make it interesting Organize your plot in such as a way that every story would veer towards the conflict’s climax. Make it your goal to include anecdotes on your initial successes and failures. Readers love underdogs. Build on that.
  • Think about your climax Every story will have to end as the protagonist will deal with the conflict. You have read novels and seen movies. You should know what a climax is. You should also know that it’s very important.
  • Also, think about the resolution Autobiographies usually end with happy endings. If for some reason your story’s ending isn’t happy, just make sure that it’s profoundly satisfying. You might have lost the race but the wisdom you gain from the experience will be compensation enough.
  • Determine where to start your story Most autobiographies start with birth and end with the present. But many successful writers have resorted to mixing up their chronology. This makes the narration more interesting. If you’re bold enough, try doing this.
  • Weave in your themes Try to remember major themes in your life. Use them to link stories together by connecting the past with the now. Apart from a central conflict, there are themes that have followed us all through life. Use these themes as often as you can to form a consistent depiction of your story.
  • Reflect on the content of your autobiography template You surely have learned many lessons during the course of your life. It would be nice to relay your desires, intentions, feelings of joy and loss, and more you’ve gained in your life. You can include these lessons intermittently throughout the story. Reflect on these important experiences and what they have meant to you. This is a great way you can add profundity to your life story.
  • Add structure to your book by using chapters The use of chapters will permit you transition from talking about specific times in your life. We’ve all heard the expressions, “closed a chapter” and “opening a new chapter” in life. These are very applicable to autobiography samples and autobiography examples.

Free Autobiography Template 30

Creating and publishing your autobiography

After you’ve written everything, subject your work to several processes. Do this to make sure that its contents are true and accurate. Be sure to comply with all the rules of writing to avoid any problems that may arise later.

First, does a substance check. Second, do forms check? Here are some tips for you:

Edit your information first

  • Your facts should be completely accurate Double check or even triple if you have the time. Check the names, event descriptions, dates, and other things. Everything in your story should be accurate. Wrong facts will certainly get noticed at one time or another by people acquainted with you.
  • Ask permission from those you mention in your book You may name names or quote quotes from sources. In this case, make certain they’ve granted permission. Many don’t appreciate the thought of appearing in an autobiography. Respect that. If the character is central to the plot, describe them differently or change their names.
  • Go through your draft and edit if needed After you’ve finished the initial draft, go through your life story again. Comb through it by double checking your data. Reorganize the paragraphs, passages, and characters if necessary. Check your vocabulary and replace tedious words. Make your phrases more clear and compelling. And lastly, check your grammar and spelling.
  • Let other people read your work An outside or second opinion will be necessary to make sure that your work would appeal to all. You may find passages in your book that are funny or serious but would be mundane or even offensive to others. Present your work to as many close acquaintances and listen to their feedback. This will make sure that your thoughts will come across clearly with other people.
  • Hire a copy editor The job of a copy editor is to clean up your work and make those boring parts shine. Almost all writers seek the services of copy editors. Being a beginner, take a hint by seeking their help as well. Hire a seasoned copy editor to make sure that your book will have that professional polish.
  • Think of your title Think of a title that is intriguing and attention-grabbing. A simple and short title for your autobiography can be “My Autobiography”. If you find it too direct and common, choose something more unique.

Publishing your autobiography

Some people try self-publishing their books. That means they will have their finished work printed but only for themselves. It would also be appropriate to present your work to persons you mentioned in your book.

There are companies that can handle your book design, printing, and even shipping services. But if you want to go public on publishing your autobiography, the sensible thing to do is hire a literary agent.

He will send a query letter to research agents who work frequently with autobiographies. The query will contain information about your autobiography. It will also contain information about the author and how you want to market the book.

You can also send the query letter yourself directly to the publisher and wait. Depending on your query letter, he might get interested. Don’t send them your manuscript all at once. Send it when you get a request for your manuscript.

You can also try publishing your work online. This new alternative method is increasingly getting popular. It doesn’t involve expenses for printing and shipping. Search for online publishers and send them a query letter.

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autobiographical essay for college application

How to Write an Autobiography

autobiographical essay for college application

Writing your autobiography is like exploring a treasure trove of memories that make up your life. But starting can feel overwhelming. Where do you begin? How do you turn your experiences into a compelling story? Don't worry – this guide is here to help. Whether you're a seasoned writer or a total beginner, we'll break down the process of how to write your autobiography into easy-to-follow steps. Together, we'll uncover the magic of storytelling and turn your life into a captivating reflective essay that's uniquely yours. Get ready to start this adventure of self-discovery and creativity!

What Is an Autobiography

The autobiography definition explains it is a written account of a person's life penned by the individual who has lived those experiences. It is a personal narrative that chronicles significant events, reflections, and emotions throughout various stages of the author's life. Unlike a biography, which is typically written by someone else, an autobiography provides a firsthand perspective, allowing the author to share their thoughts, memories, and insights. It is a cogent medium for self-expression, enabling students to convey the essence of their unique journey, impart lessons learned, and leave a lasting record of their lives for themselves and others to explore.

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Autobiography vs. Biography: What’s the Difference

The key distinction between an autobiography and a biography lies in the authorship and perspective. An autobiography is a personal account of one's own life written by the subject themselves. It offers an intimate insight into the author's experiences, emotions, and reflections. For instance, in "The Diary of a Young Girl," Anne Frank provides a poignant autobiographical account of her life hiding from the Nazis during World War II. On the other hand, a biography is a narrative of someone's life written by another person. It often involves extensive research and interviews to present a comprehensive and objective view. A notable example is "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson, a biography offering an in-depth portrayal of the Apple co-founder, drawing on interviews with Jobs himself and those who knew him. While both genres illuminate lives, the crucial difference lies in the source of the narrative – whether it emanates directly from the subject or is crafted by an external observer.

A biography vs autobiography offers distinct perspectives on individuals' lives, shaping narratives through either personal reflections or external observations. Maya Angelou's "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" is a powerful autobiography chronicling her tumultuous childhood and journey toward self-discovery. In contrast, a notable biography like "Leonardo da Vinci" by Walter Isaacson delves into the life of the Renaissance polymath, painting a vivid picture through meticulous research and analysis. Autobiographies often provide a deeply personal lens, as seen in "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, where Walls recounts her unconventional upbringing. In contrast, biographies such as "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand meticulously document the extraordinary life of Louis Zamperini, offering a comprehensive view shaped by the author's investigative work. These examples underscore the unique storytelling approaches each genre employs, either from the firsthand perspective of the subject or the external perspective of an author.

Autobiography Example

Ready to explore autobiography examples? We've got a cool section coming up where we'll check out two awesome examples. Autobiographies are like personal tours into someone's life, and we'll be looking at the stories of Alex Sterling and Trevor Noah. They've poured their experiences onto the pages, and we're going to see what we can learn from their journeys. Get ready to be inspired and maybe even think about telling your own story down the line. Let's dive in!


Example 1: “Wanderer's Odyssey: The Uncharted Life of Alex Sterling”

This autobiography recounts the life of a character born in a bustling city who, driven by a thirst for adventure, leaves behind urban life to explore the open road. The narrative explores the protagonist's experiences of hitchhiking, forming connections, and finding self-discovery in the midst of the unpredictable journey. The story emphasizes the lessons learned from the road, the challenges faced, and the ultimate embrace of authenticity. The epilogue reflects on the character's life as a well-lived odyssey, highlighting themes of resilience, connection, and the pursuit of one's true identity.

Example 2: “Echoes of Eternity: The Memoirs of Amelia Reed”

This autobiography follows a character from a countryside village who harbors expansive dreams of adventure. The narrative unfolds as the protagonist sets out to pursue these dreams, facing trials and triumphs that shape their character and lead to self-discovery. The story emphasizes the transformative power of embracing the unknown, with the epilogue reflecting on a life well-lived, highlighting the legacy of fulfilled dreams and the enduring impact on future generations. In addition to examples, we have samples of narrative essay topics that might be useful for you as well.

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Autobiography Elements Explained

Writing an autobiography provides a personal account of one's experiences, achievements, challenges, and personal growth. While each autobiography is unique, certain common elements are often found in this genre:


  • Autobiographies typically begin with an introduction where the author sets the stage for their life story.
  • It may include background information such as birthplace, family, and early experiences.

Birth and Early Years

  • Authors often include details about their birth, childhood, and family background.
  • Early influences, relationships, and experiences that shaped the individual may be highlighted.

Significant Life Events

  • Autobiographies focus on key events and milestones that have had a significant impact on the author's life.
  • This could include achievements, failures, relationships, and other impactful experiences.

Challenges and Obstacles

  • Autobiographies explore the challenges and obstacles the author faced throughout their life.
  • This can include personal struggles, professional setbacks, or other difficulties.

Personal Growth and Development

  • Authors reflect on their personal growth and development over the years.
  • This may involve self-discovery, learning from experiences, and evolving perspectives.

Achievements and Milestones

  • Autobiographies highlight the author's achievements, whether personal, professional, or both.
  • Major milestones and successes are often detailed to showcase the individual's journey.

Influential Relationships

  • Autobiographies frequently discuss relationships with family, friends, mentors, and significant others.
  • The impact of these relationships on the author's life is explored.

Reflection and Insight

  • Authors often reflect on their lives, offering insights into their beliefs, values, and lessons learned.
  • This section may also include the author's perspective on the world and society.

Themes and Motifs

  • Autobiographies may explore recurring themes or motifs that run throughout the individual's life.
  • Common themes include resilience, determination, love, loss, and personal identity.
  • Autobiographies typically conclude with a summary or reflection on the author's life.
  • The author may share their current perspective and future aspirations.

Writing Style

  • The writing style can vary, ranging from a formal tone to a more conversational and reflective approach.
  • Authors may use literary devices and storytelling techniques to engage readers.

Remember that autobiographies are highly personal, and the structure and emphasis on different elements can vary widely depending on the author's preferences and purpose for writing.

Autobiographical Essay Structure

Autobiographies typically follow a chronological order, beginning with the author's early life and progressing towards the present or a significant moment. The introduction sets the stage, introducing the author and offering insight into the main themes. As you can see in an autobiography example, the narrative then unfolds, exploring the author's significant life events, challenges faced, and personal growth. Achievements and milestones are highlighted, and the impact of influential relationships is examined. Throughout, recurring themes and motifs add depth to the narrative. In the reflection and insight section, the author shares personal lessons learned and beliefs. The conclusion summarizes the autobiography, reflecting on the author's life and future aspirations.

Autobiographical Essay Structure

Learning how to start an autobiography involves captivating the reader's attention while providing context. Authors often employ engaging anecdotes, vivid descriptions, or thought-provoking statements related to the overarching theme of their lives. The goal is to draw readers in from the beginning and establish a connection between the author and the audience. In the introduction, authors can introduce themselves to the reader. This can be done by sharing a captivating snapshot of their life or posing a question that intrigues the audience. The autobiography introduction sets the tone for the entire narrative, providing a glimpse into the themes and events that will be explored in the autobiography.

The autobiography conclusion offers the culmination of the author's life story. Here, authors often summarize the key points and experiences shared throughout the narrative. It is a moment of reflection, where the author can offer insights into the significance of their journey and the lessons learned along the way. The conclusion may also touch on the author's current perspective, providing a sense of closure to the narrative while leaving room for future aspirations and growth.

Literary Forms of Autobiography

Autobiographies, while generally a non-fiction genre, can take on various literary forms and styles. Here are some literary forms commonly found in autobiographical works:

Traditional Autobiography

  • The straightforward narrative of an individual's life, which is usually written by the person themselves. It follows a chronological order, covering significant events and experiences.
  • Similar to an autobiography but often focusing on specific themes, periods, or aspects of the author's life rather than a comprehensive account. Memoirs often delve into personal reflections and emotions.

Diary or Journal Form

  • Some autobiographies adopt the form of a diary or journal, presenting the author's life through dated entries. This format provides a more immediate and personal perspective.

Epistolary Autobiography

  • Written in the form of letters, an epistolary autobiography may consist of the author addressing themselves or others. This style adds an intimate and conversational tone to the narrative.

Graphic Novel or Comic Memoir

  • Autobiographical stories are presented in a graphic novel or comic format. Visual elements complement the written narrative, providing a unique and engaging way to convey personal experiences.

Experimental or Nonlinear Autobiography

  • Some authors choose to play with the chronological order, presenting their life story non-linearly. This experimental approach can create a more artistic and challenging reading experience.

Biographical Fiction

  • While not entirely autobiographical, some authors write fictionalized versions of their own lives. It allows for creative exploration and artistic liberties while drawing inspiration from real experiences.

Travelogue Autobiography

  • Autobiographies that take on the form of a travelogue often focus on the author's journeys, both physical and metaphorical. The narrative is shaped by the places visited and the impact of these experiences on personal growth.

Essayistic Autobiography

  • Autobiographies that incorporate elements of essays, exploring themes, ideas, and reflections on the author's life. This form allows for a more contemplative and philosophical approach.

Collaborative Autobiography

  • Co-written autobiographies involve collaboration between the autobiographical subject and a professional writer. It is common when the subject may not be a writer but has a compelling story to share.

These literary forms highlight the versatility of autobiographical writing, showcasing how authors can creatively shape their life stories to engage readers in various ways. Are you working on other academic assignments? Use our term paper writing services to put your finger on any pending task at hand quickly and for a reasonable price.

How to Write an Autobiography in 5 Steps

Writing an autobiography can be a rewarding and reflective process. Here's a simplified guide in 5 steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Reflection and Brainstorming

Begin by reflecting on your life, considering important events, challenges, and moments of growth. Make a mental inventory of key experiences and people who have influenced you.

Step 2: Establish a Focus

Choose a central theme or focus for your autobiography. This could be a specific period of your life, a significant achievement, or a recurring theme that ties your experiences together. Having a clear focus will guide your writing.

Step 3: Create a Chronological Outline

Develop a rough chronological outline of your life story, starting from your early years and progressing through significant events to the present or another crucial point. Identify key moments and experiences to include in each section.

Step 4: Write with Detail and Emotion

An important aspect of writing an autobiography for college is appealing to emotion. As you delve into each body paragraph, share your story with vivid details. Use descriptive language to bring your experiences to life for the reader. Infuse your writing with emotion, allowing readers to connect with the depth of your personal journey.

Step 5: Conclude Reflectively

In the concluding section, summarize the key aspects of your life story. Reflect on the significance of your journey, the lessons you've learned, and how you've grown. Provide insights into your current perspective and aspirations for the future, bringing your autobiography to a thoughtful conclusion.

Writing Techniques to Use in an Autobiography

When you write an autobiography, the process involves employing various techniques to make the narrative engaging, evocative, and compelling. Here are some tips for writing autobiography commonly used in autobiographies:

Descriptive Language

  • Use vivid and descriptive language to paint a detailed picture of events, people, and settings. Engage the reader's senses to create a more immersive experience.
  • Incorporate dialogue to bring conversations to life. Direct quotes can provide authenticity and convey the personalities of the people involved.

Show, Don't Tell

  • Instead of merely stating facts, show the emotions and experiences through actions, reactions, and sensory details. 

Flashbacks and Foreshadowing

  • Employ flashbacks to delve into past events and foreshadowing to create anticipation about future developments. 

Metaphors and Similes

  • Use metaphors and similes to enhance descriptions and convey complex emotions. Comparisons can make abstract concepts more relatable.
  • Integrate symbols and motifs that hold personal significance. This adds depth to the narrative and can be a thematic thread throughout the autobiography.

Humor and Wit

  • Infuse your writing with humor and wit when appropriate. 
  • Introduce suspense by strategically withholding information or revealing key details at crucial moments. 

First-Person Perspective

  • Utilize the first-person point of view to offer a direct and personal connection between the author and the reader. 

Dramatic Irony

  • Introduce dramatic irony by revealing information to the reader that the author may not have known at the time.


  • Create parallel structures within the narrative, drawing connections between different periods, events, or themes in your life. 

Experimenting with different styles can make your story more engaging and memorable for readers. If you haven’t used these techniques in your paper, simply say, ‘ edit my essay ,’ and our experts will imbue stylistic and creative devices in your document to increase its scholarly value.

Benefits of Writing an Autobiography

Working on an autobiography can be incredibly beneficial on a personal level. When you take the time to reflect on your life and put it into words, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself. It's like a journey of self-discovery where you uncover patterns, values, and beliefs that have shaped who you are. This process not only promotes self-awareness but can also help you grow and bounce back from tough times. Writing about challenging moments can be a therapeutic release, allowing you to confront and make sense of your experiences, leading to emotional healing.

On a broader scale, sharing your life story through an autobiography has its impact. It becomes a piece of history, offering insights into the times you've lived through, the culture around you, and societal changes. Your personal narrative connects you with others, creating empathy and understanding. Autobiographies often inspire people by showing that it's possible to overcome challenges, find purpose, and navigate the ups and downs of life. By sharing your story, you become a part of the larger human experience, contributing to a rich tapestry of diverse stories that help us better understand the shared journey of being human. Order an essay or any other type of task to streamline your educational progress is only a few clicks.

Best Piece of Advice for Making Your Autobiography Spot-on

The most valuable advice is to infuse authenticity into every word. Be genuine, raw, and honest about your experiences, emotions, and growth. Readers connect deeply with authenticity, and it's what makes your story uniquely yours. Don't shy away from expressing vulnerability, as it adds a human touch and makes your narrative relatable. Share the highs and lows, the triumphs and struggles, with sincerity, and let your true self shine through. This honesty not only enhances the impact of your autobiography but also contributes to a more profound connection between you and your readers, creating an authentic and memorable narrative. Here are additional tips for bringing your autobiography assignment up to par:

  • Essential Details. Focus on key moments that significantly contribute to your story, avoiding unnecessary details.
  • Thematic Cohesion. Introduce and explore recurring themes to add depth and coherence to your narrative.
  • Authentic Expression. Embrace your unique voice, personality, and storytelling style to create an authentic connection with readers.
  • Dialogue and Monologue. Use genuine dialogue and inner monologue to provide insights into your thoughts and emotions during pivotal moments.
  • Symbolic Elements. Incorporate symbolic imagery or metaphors to convey deeper meanings and emotions.
  • Strategic Foreshadowing. Use foreshadowing purposefully, providing subtle hints that contribute meaningfully to the overall narrative.
  • Reflective Closure. Conclude your autobiography with a reflective summary that offers insights into the broader significance of your journey.

Our essay writers know many more tips regarding all possible types of academic tasks. If you ever find yourself in writer’s block, not knowing how to tackle any particular assignment, let us know!

Final Words

If you want to understand how to write a good autobiography, think of it as painting a vivid picture of your life for others to see. It's about being real, digging deep into your memories, and choosing the moments that really matter. Let your personality shine through in your writing – be yourself because that's what makes your story unique. Weave in themes that tie everything together, and use storytelling techniques like dialogue and symbolism to make your narrative come alive. And as you reach the end, leave your readers with some food for thought – a reflection on the bigger lessons learned from your journey. If you ever need assistance with this or any other college assignment, use our research paper services without hesitation.

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How to Write an Autobiography?

How to start an autobiography essay, what is the difference between autobiography and biography.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

autobiographical essay for college application

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Autobiography Essay | Overview, Techniques & Examples

Juliann Urban has taught high school English and has previously held the positions of English tutor for at-risk high school students and lead teacher at a private K-12 tutoring center. She holds a bachelor's degree in English with a concentration in secondary education from Governors State University, an associate in arts degree from Moraine Valley Community College, and a professional educator license with senior high and middle school language arts endorsements.

Bryanna has received both her BA in English and MFA in Creative Writing. She has been a writing tutor for over six years.

How do you write an autobiography essay?

To write an autobiography essay, choose one aspect of your life about which to write. Use the first-person point of view, write in a narrative style, and include only relevant details. The essay should contain an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

How do you start an autobiography about yourself?

An autobiography should begin with a catchy introduction, one that captures the attention of the reader. This could be a rhetorical question, a quote or something that someone said, foreshadowing the end of the story, or briefly describing the most interesting part of the story that will be expanded on later.

Table of Contents

What is autobiographical writing, how to write an autobiography essay, autobiography essay techniques, example of an autobiography essay, lesson summary.

What is autobiographical writing? Biographies and autobiographies are two types of nonfiction writing. Unlike fiction, nonfiction is about true events. A biography is a written account of someone's life. The biography A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar recounts the life of the renowned mathematician John Nash who also suffered from schizophrenia. An autobiography is a written account about one's own life. "Long Walk to Freedom" is an autobiography by human rights activist and former South African president, Nelson Mandela. In it, he recounts his early life, education, activism, imprisonment, and eventual triumph.

To remember the difference between a biography and an autobiography, it helps to remember that the prefix auto comes from a Greek word meaning "self," as in the word automatic which means "self-acting."

What is an autobiography essay? An autobiographical essay is similar to other essays that are written for academic purposes, but instead of writing about a novel or a historical event, the writer's life is the essay's topic. An autobiographical essay is much shorter than an autobiographical book that often recounts a person's entire life. In an autobiographical essay, the writer usually focuses on one personal experience. The essay is written using first-person point of view, meaning the writer uses pronouns such as I , me , and my . This makes sense given that the writer is recounting personal experiences. Although an autobiographical essay should be factually accurate in recounting experiences, the essay should still contain elements of creative writing that make it interesting to read. The essay should be organized and include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Autobiographical essays are sometimes referred to as autobiographical statements on college admissions or job applications. However, the format and instructions for writing an autobiographical statement are similar to the autobiographical essay.

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  • 0:01 Definition
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How does one write an autobiography essay? There are certain principles and steps to follow when writing an autobiographical essay. First, the writer should choose one personal experience, set of experiences, or aspect of his or her life to give the essay a specific focus. This should be an experience that stands out, one that shaped the writer into the person he or she became. Second, only include details that are relevant to the essay's focus and use clear, concise language. If the essay's topic is about how a near-death experience as a teen gave the writer a new appreciation for life, the writer should not include any unrelated details like who his kindergarten teacher was. Third, the essay should be written in a narrative style. That is to say, it should read like an interesting story even though the events are true. Fourth, chronological order is usually the best method for organizing the events recounted in the essay. Begin with the first thing that happened and end with the last.

Steps for Writing an Autobiographical Essay:

  • Define the purpose, topic, and audience. Why is this essay being written— for a class assignment, a college admissions essay, a job application? What is the topic— is it narrow enough, is it interesting, is it important? Who will be reading it— a teacher, readers of the school newspaper, a prospective employer?
  • Brainstorm topics and make an outline. There are several methods of brainstorming including making lists and using graphic organizers. Once a topic is chosen, make an essay outline that includes the important details of the experience that will be recounted in the essay. The outline should have an introduction, body paragraphs (three paragraphs is conventional), and a conclusion like a standard essay. The introduction should introduce the topic, the story of the experience should be told in the body paragraphs, and the conclusion should summarize why the experience was important or impactful in the life of the writer.
  • Write the first draft, or version, of the essay using the outline as a guide. The purpose of a first draft is to get the writer's ideas into an essay format. The first draft reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the essay's topic. Spelling and grammar are secondary at this point in the writing process.
  • Edit and revise the first draft. Editing includes correcting spelling and grammar mistakes, but it also includes adding and deleting ideas or sections of the essay. Write additional drafts as necessary until the essay is polished.

Using certain autobiography techniques can make an ordinary essay into an extraordinary essay. Beginning the essay with a compelling or catchy introduction is one technique. An essay that immediately captures the reader's attention or piques their interest will stand out and compel the reader to keep reading. This can be done in a variety of ways: ask a rhetorical question; quote someone; foreshadow the end of the "story" that will be told in the essay or the lesson learned from the experience; briefly describe the most interesting, exciting, or crazy bit of the story.

Another technique that will improve the essay is using emotionally expressive language . When describing situations and experiences, use words that convey to the reader what the writer (you) was feeling at the time. This helps the reader to become emotionally invested in the story, to feel the same feelings.

Though they are more often thought of as creative writing techniques, character development and dialogue are important in an autobiographical essay, which essentially tells a story. Obviously, the "characters" in this type of writing are real people, but it is important to impart the essence of the important people mentioned in the essay to make the reader feel like he or she knows who they are and what they are about. Character development can be achieved through descriptions of a person's appearance, actions, and dialogue. Dialogue is a conversation or the things that people say, which often reveals a lot about a person.

The use of retrospective lessons is a technique that helps readers become invested in the essay. Retrospective lessons are lessons that are learned afterward when looking back upon incidents. Two well-known writers, Call of the Wild author Jack London and Go Tell it on the Mountain author James Baldwin , use this technique in their autobiographies.

A photo of Jack London published in 1916

Jack London reflects on extreme poverty that surrounded him as a child and how it forced him to realize the simplicity of humans— food and shelter are our most important priorities in his autobiography What Life Means to Me . To get food and shelter, people sell things, be it merchandise, their trust, their honor, or their bodies. James Baldwin reflects on the bad relationship he had with his father in one of his autobiographical essays in a collection called Notes of a Native Son . After his father died, he wished he had done something to improve their relationship.

A photo of James Baldwin taken in 1974

Below is an excerpt from the first chapter of Life , an autobiography by Keith Richards of the band the Rolling Stones. Though not an example of an autobiography essay, it contains many of the elements discussed above such as beginning with a catchy introduction that foreshadows a later event, first-person point of view, concise language, and a narrative style.

Why did we stop at the 4-Dice Restaurant in Fordyce, Arkansas, for lunch on Independence Day weekend? On any day? Despite everything I knew from ten years of driving through the Bible Belt. Tiny town of Fordyce. Rolling Stones on the police menu across the United States. Every copper wanted to bust us by any means available, to get promoted and patriotically rid of these little fairy Englishmen. It was 1975, a time of brutality and confrontation. Open season on the Stones had been declared since our last tour, the tour of '72, known as STP. The State Department had noted the riots (true), civil disobedience (also true), ... and violence across the united States. All the fault of us, mere minstrels. We had been inciting youth to rebellion, we were corrupting America, and they had ruled never to let us travel in the United States again.

An autobiography is a written account about one's own life. It is a type of nonfiction writing, meaning it is about true events. An autobiographical essay is an essay in which the writer's life is the topic of the essay. Autobiographical essays usually focus on one aspect of the writer's life; use first-person point of view through pronouns like I and me ; include an introduction, body, and conclusion; include only relevant details and concise language; use a narrative style; and organize the events in chronological order.

The steps to follow when writing an autobiographical essay are to define the purpose, topic, and audience; brainstorm topics and create an outline; write the first draft of the essay using the outline; and edit and revise the essay. Some techniques that may be incorporated are beginning with a catchy introduction that grabs the reader's attention, using emotionally expressive language that convey what the writer was feeling at the time, proper character development that helps the reader to become acquainted with the people mentioned in the essay, relaying dialogue or things that people said, and including retrospective lessons or lesson learned when looking back upon incidents as Jack London and James Baldwin do in their autobiographies.

Video Transcript

Unlike a biography , which is a true account of someone else's life, an autobiography is a focused account of a writer's life told from the writer's own point of view. Autobiographies fall into the nonfiction category.

Autobiographies are typically written in the first person , and use the pronoun, 'I', which makes it easier for the writer to reflect upon and provide some perspective on life events.

Although autobiographical essays can be an abbreviated summary of an entire life, they usually focus on a certain accomplishment or experience. Their purpose is to educate, entertain or illustrate lessons learned retrospectively. As works of nonfiction, autobiographical essays are expected to be accurate, as well as creative and expressive, so that readers remain interested. Readers will only care about the writer's life if he or she is emotionally invested.

Writing Guidelines

When writing an autobiographical essay, either for a class or for potential publication, there are three basic criteria to keep in mind.

First, because an essay is shorter than a novel, focus on one aspect of your life, such as a job, your family or the loss of a loved one, and dig into it. Use the essay to embrace mistakes and show readers what you have learned.

Second, make your writing clear and focused, and only include those details essential to your story. For example, if you're writing about your marriage, do not go onto a tangent about your childhood pet.

Third, keep in mind that, even though you are writing about true events, the essay should still read like a story. Start with a catchy lead-in, develop your characters and plot and finish with an ending that leaves readers thinking.

After gaining literary fame, Jack London published an autobiographical essay in which he describes the struggles he faced growing up with no means and lofty ambitions, entitled 'What Life Means to Me', written in 1905. Let me read you an excerpt.

'…I was down in the cellar of society, down in the subterranean depths of misery about which it is neither nice nor proper to speak. I was in the pit, the abyss, the human cesspool, the shambles and the charnel-house of our civilization. This is the part of the edifice of society that society chooses to ignore. Lack of space compels me here to ignore it, and I shall say only that the things I there saw gave me a terrible scare.

I was scared into thinking. I saw the naked simplicities of the complicated civilization in which I lived. Life was a matter of food and shelter. In order to get food and shelter, men sold things. The merchant sold shoes, the politician sold his manhood, and the representative of the people, with exceptions, of course, sold his trust; while nearly all sold their honor. Women, too, whether on the street or in the holy bond of wedlock, were prone to sell their flesh. All things were commodities, all people bought and sold…'

By writing about his past self, London was able to reflect on his struggles and the horrid conditions forced upon the lower class. Notice how London dissects his emotions, such as his fear and repulsion when confronted with poverty. Instead of just writing 'I was poor,' he paints a picture of poverty and helps readers understand his emotional state.

Another famous American writer and social critic, James Baldwin, published several autobiographical essays in his 1955 collection, Notes of a Native Son . In his title essay, Baldwin unearths painful memories about his deceased father. Here's an excerpt:

'…I had not known my father very well. We had got on badly, partly because we shared, in our different fashions, the vice of stubborn pride. When he was dead I realized that I had hardly ever spoken to him. When he had been dead a long time I began to wish I had. It seems to be typical of life in America, where opportunities, real and fancied, are thicker than anywhere else on the globe, that the second generation has no time to talk to the first. No one, including my father, seems to have known exactly how old he was, but his mother had been born during slavery. He was of the first generation of free men. He, along with thousands of other Negroes, came North after 1919 and I was part of that generation which had never seen the landscape of what Negroes sometimes call the Old Country…'

In his essay, Baldwin reflected upon his and his father's broken relationship. Fueled by hatred and paranoia that originated from a dark past, Baldwin's father pushed the writer away. When his father died, Baldwin lost all chance of mending the relationship. By using expressive language, Baldwin not only engages readers, but also helps them become emotionally invested in his loss.

An autobiographical essay is a work of nonfiction about a writer's own life, typically told in the first person.

Although the story must be accurate and true, the use of creative writing techniques, such as expressive language, engages readers and helps them become emotionally invested in the story.

Guidelines to writing the autobiographical story include a clear and concise approach to a specific aspect of your life. Catchy introductions, an interesting plot, well-developed characters and a thought-provoking conclusion are also important. Popular autobiographical essays, such as 'What Life Means to Me' by Jack London, and 'Notes of a Native Son' by James Baldwin, relied upon emotionally expressive language and lessons learned in hindsight, which made them of interest and relevant to readers.

Learning Outcomes

When you're through with the video lesson on autobiographical essays, test your readiness to:

  • Differentiate between a biography and an autobiography
  • Present the guidelines for writing an autobiographical essay
  • Recognize examples of autobiographical essays

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How to Write an Autobiographical Essay in 7 Easy Steps

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Is anyone ever really comfortable writing about themselves? Have you tried to write a simple bio for your website or filled out the About section of your social media profile? It’s not always the most comfortable thing to do. What do you say? It can feel awkward talking about yourself.

Surface-level accomplishments are one thing, but what about the deeper, nitty-gritty details of life that have shaped us into the person we’ve become? Yeah, that stuff. How do you clean it up and make it presentable enough to share with an audience? 

If you’ve ever considered writing a memoir or an autobiography, beginning with an autobiographical essay might be a good place to test the waters. 

This guide about autobiographical essays answers these questions:

What is an autobiographical essay .

Well, you’ve likely guessed that it’s writing about yourself , but what makes it different from any other personal writing like memoirs , autobiographies , and biographies ? An autobiographical essay (also called a narrative essay) is a subcategory of an autobiography. It’s similar in that it’s about your life story but a lot shorter. It is considered a primary source since it is written in the first person and based on facts (not autobiographical fiction ) pulled from personal experiences. A well-written autobiographical essay follows the same structure as a standard five-paragraph essay that’s divided into an introduction, body, and conclusion. They can be any length, but those used for work and school applications are usually no more than 650 words. 

What should I do before writing an autobiographical essay?

Before beginning the writing process, ask yourself the following questions:

Why am I writing this essay? 

Autobiographical essays are often written for college applications, and since they are in first person, they are not the best fit for book bios; however, they can work for an author website bio if you want to give readers a close peek into your backstory. 

Who is my audience? 

Similar to the previous question, knowing who (audience type) will be reading your essay will make it easier for you to create a more engaging piece. Knowing your audience’s expectations can help to guide your writing. A single story can be told in many different ways. You are not trying to build your story into something it is not, but rather, develop it in a way that answers the questions your audience may want to know.

What part or parts of my life do I want to share? 

It’s up to you. Similar to an autobiography, you can share your life story (summarized, of course) or you can select an event or group of events that shaped your life in some way (similar to a memoir). 

Who do I want to include in my story? 

Unlike an autobiography or memoir , an autobiographical essay is short and sweet, so there’s not a lot of room to bring other characters into the story if you’re giving an overview of your life history. An exception is if you choose to focus on a specific incident or event, but only a brief mention of others is recommended since the story is about you.

What should my writing process look like?

It’s up to you. There are different ways to write and it just depends on how you process, develop, and write information. As mentioned in this article on prewriting strategies , planning and researching before you begin writing will save you time and make the process smoother. Some examples of prewriting include:

Mind-mapping – a process that allows you to visually connect ideas to create cohesiveness in writing.

Research/ Notetaking – allows you to gather information and then put it into a form that you can use later, which is critical to a well-written essay. 

Free-writing / Journaling – writing freely without regard to format, punctuation, or order. It allows you to get all of the words out onto the page without rules. 

Storyboarding – the use of sticky notes or other forms of quick notes like index cards to write down story parts and rearrange them until you create the ideal story order. 

What are the steps to writing an autobiographical essay about my life?

Autobiographical Essay - Journaling Before Writing

There are 7 steps to writing an autobiographical essay. As previously mentioned, a standard essay consists of five paragraphs that make up three parts:

  • Introduction (one paragraph) 
  • Body (three paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (one paragraph) 

Step 1: Create an outline

Whether you’re a plotter (someone who prefers outlines) or a pantser (someone who prefers to “fly by the seat of their pants” when writing), autobiographical essays have a particular structure, so outlining can definitely save you time and frustration. You have a finite amount of space to say what you want, so every sentence has to be placed strategically in order to get the details in the proper order so that it makes sense. 

Start with a basic three-part outline: introduction, body, and conclusion.

Step 2: Expand the outline

What part or parts of your life did you decide to share? Remember that you only have three paragraphs so you want to narrow your story down to the most impactful moments. Expand the body section of your outline to include these parts. 

In the case of autobiographical essays, less is more. Trying to cram too many things into your story can minimize it’s impact. 

Step 3: Start your essay with an engaging introduction

Greet your reader with who you are and what you are about to share. The introduction is your space to hook the reader so that they’ll want to read the rest of your essay. 

Step 4: Fill out the body of your essay. 

Chronological order is best. With autobiographies and memoirs, there’s room for flashbacks and playing around with sequence, but not with essays. The safest route is from point A to point B.

Step 5: Wrap up your story

Your conclusion is the nice pretty bow that you add to the gift of your life story that you’ve just shared. Sharing your story takes a lot of courage, no matter how short it is. It’s inviting someone into the deeper parts of you who are, and that’s a big deal. The conclusion is a great place to remind the reader why you shared your story and what you hope they’ll glean from it. Maybe it’s to get to know you better or perhaps take something from it that can help them in some way. Whatever you choose to say, make it memorable. First impressions are important but last impressions leave a mark.

Step 6: Edit, and then edit again 

Similar to writing a book, editing is everything. Great editing shines a light on what you may have overlooked while also pushing you to write authentically and succinctly. Unlike writing full-length books where hiring a professional editor is essential, autobiographical essays can get by with a good spell-checker, a writing app , and an alpha reader (someone you trust who can give honest feedback.). 

This is not to say that you can’t hire a professional editor. There are very talented editors available who would be more than happy to assist, but if that is not in your budget or just not part of your big-picture plans, make the best of the resources you have at your disposal. 

Some writing assistants you can use include: Hemingway App

Prowriting Aid

Once you’ve finished writing and editing your essay, read it out loud to yourself or use the text-to-speech option available with some writing editors like Google Docs. Do you like the way it sounds? How's the flow? Do your ideas connect seamlessly or are they disjointed? Be honest with yourself, so you can decide the next best steps. 

Step 7: Finalize your essay

If you need to go back and rewrite some things, don’t let that discourage you. The best writers understand that rewrites can help you fine-tune your story and create the best version possible. 

Writing an autobiographical essay is not only a way to share a part of your life story with others. It’s good practice if you've ever considered writing an autobiography. The shorter version might be what's needed to spark your interest. You never know.

No two life experiences are the same. Maybe yours is exactly what someone else is looking for to give them a new perspective on life.

Are you ready to write your life story? 

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How to Write an Autobiographical Essay for a Graduate School Application

Van Thompson

How to Write an Essay With a Thesis Statement

A traditional autobiography may be hundreds of pages and can cover dozens of mundane interactions in minute detail. A graduate school autobiographical essay, however, should be much shorter and to the point, highlighting achievements and life events that are relevant to your studies or display an important aspect of your character. Before you begin writing, make an outline of the most important points you want to cover. This can make it much easier to tell a clear, logical story that gets you into the school of your dreams.

Grabbing Their Attention

You need to grab the attention of your readers in the first sentence or two, so steer clear of platitudes, truisms or statements any student could make such as, "XYZ school is the school of my dreams." Instead, try telling a compelling story, introducing an interesting quote or presenting the ideas of a philosopher, writer or politician. The theme in this hook should tie into your essay in some way. If, for example, you're applying to grad school in political science, you might introduce a quote from Thomas Jefferson or present a scene rife with political conflict.

The Thesis Statement

Because you're not writing an argumentative paper, it's easy to forget the importance of a thesis statement. But a thesis still helps define the scope of your autobiographical essay and makes it easier for you to remain focused on your primary point. Try a thesis such as, "My life experiences have prepared me for graduate school by...." or "I know that I can contribute to the XYZ school community because..." Sometimes the thesis in these essays actually fits better at the end, as a conclusion, but it's typically easiest to put the thesis at the end of the first paragraph.

Elements to Include

Outline relevant information that's not already in your application packet. You might mention charitable work, any hardships you've overcome, lessons you've learned in your job or ways your life has caused you to choose a particular career path. Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through by, for example, mentioning your passion for good food or animal welfare, but don't stray away from your central topic, and avoid using colloquial language or slang. It's also important not to add unnecessary detail that clouds the focus of your essay or needlessly takes up space.

Elements to Avoid

Avoid controversial topics, even if they're an important part of your identity. A struggle with addiction or an abortion aren't generally appropriate topics, and an essay outlining the struggles you've faced in life is rarely appropriate unless you can tie it directly to your academic achievements or goals. For example, a domestic violence victim might explain that she wants to get a degree in psychology so she can help other trauma survivors. Never avoid blame or responsibility; for example, don't blame a low grade on a professor or on your classmates.

Completing the Essay

Meticulous proofreading can save you the embarrassment of a typo or misspelling, so read through your essay several times and have another person do the same. Conclude your essay by thanking your readers for their attention, emphasizing the ways in which the ideas you've outlined make you an ideal fit for the school you've chosen and -- if appropriate and if space permits -- including a brief sentence or two about why you're excited to attend the school you've chosen.

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Van Thompson is an attorney and writer. A former martial arts instructor, he holds bachelor's degrees in music and computer science from Westchester University, and a juris doctor from Georgia State University. He is the recipient of numerous writing awards, including a 2009 CALI Legal Writing Award.

Learn How to Write an Autobiography for College Application

  • Keren Perles
  • Categories : College , Education
  • Tags : Education college topics admissions

Learn How to Write an Autobiography for College Application

Don’t Just Expand Your Resume

When you’re considering how to write an autobiography for a college application, you may think about other autobiographies that you’ve read. Typical autobiographies might begin with the day you were born, who your parents and other family members are, and what your childhood was like. This is not the direction you should take when writing an autobiography for a college application. Instead, you’ll need to choose a focus to build your essay around.

Choose a Focus

Think about one aspect of your life that has affected you more than anything else. For example, have changes in your family structure over the years (e.g., divorce, adoption, remarried parent, additional siblings) affected you enormously? Can you divide your life into several sections based on two or three life-changing episodes? Has a friend, a mentor, or an experience truly changed the course of your life? Have your career aspirations evolved from childhood? Any of these ideas could turn into the focus of your paper.

You’ll want to make sure that your focus has specific situations or people that you can describe in your essay. It should also span most of your life, if possible. Your focus should also show some way that you’ve grown and changed for the better, without focusing too much on negative aspects of your personality or of the situation.

Catch the Reader’s Attention from the Start

Begin your autobiography with an attention grabber. This may be a startling statement (“I spent the most glorious moments of my life doing important work with my grandfather: shoveling dung.”), a thought-provoking question (“Why do people often overlook their most important strengths until they lose them?”), or a retelling of an interesting experience. Develop this attention grabber briefly in your first paragraph, and then add a transition to take the reader into the rest of your paper.

Drafting the Body

The body of your autobiography should show how you have grown or changed over the years. It should bring you from one bookend of your essay (the introduction) to the other (the conclusion), showing any causal relationships along the way. Make sure to include transitions in your essay so that it flows smoothly. Many applicants may draft the perfect paragraphs for their autobiographies but neglect to show how all of the paragraphs are connected.

The Other Bookend: Your Conclusion

Keep in mind that the second bookend of your autobiography, your conclusion, is the last part that your reader will see. You’ll want it to finish off your essay with a powerful statement that ties together your entire college application essay. To do this, you’ll want to somehow refer back to your introduction if possible, showing how your essay has come full circle. For example, you might reexamine the question that you asked at the beginning of your paper or more deeply discuss the interesting experience that you mentioned there.

Last be sure to read and re-read your autobiography. Also ask a family member or friend to listen as you read it aloud. These t ips on how to write an autobiography for a college application can help you put together the perfect application essay.

This post is part of the series: Applying to College

Applying to college can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences you’ll ever go through. This series examines different parts of the college application process, including how to write a stellar college essay and how to ace a college interview.

  • Writing an Autobiography for a College Application
  • Tips and Sample Prompts for Writing the Perfect College Essay
  • Competitiveness in College Admissions: Is It Tougher to Get in Than It Used to Be?

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An Example on How to Write an Autobiography for a Scholarship

What goes into writing an autobiography for a scholarship? How do you make it worth a read? With the help of the example provided below, you can learn how to write one for yourself.

Autobiography Example for Scholarship

Funding a college education is difficult for most, which is why attaining a scholarship becomes important for students. However, not everyone is eligible for a scholarship, and a lot needs to be done to get that help with funding an education that will simply ease your worries a little. One such thing is proving why only you are eligible for that scholarship by providing an autobiography that explains your abilities and your worth for this funding. Now, what goes into a good autobiographical essay for a scholarship? Here, we provide you with an example that will help you get that scholarship.

How to Write an Autobiography for Scholarship

When writing your autobiography, focus on what your grade sheets, letters of recommendation, and other additional documents you have given for your admission do not focus on. This is your chance to prove your suitability for a scholarship. Your transcripts already reflect your GPA, and your letters of recommendation already show what others believe you are capable of. In an autobiography, you can show what you believe you are capable of. Unless relevant, don’t mention where you grew up, which school you went to, or how your friends changed your life. Only mention experiences as relevant as they can get to your cause and directly improve your chances of getting the scholarship. After taking a look at the example provided below, you should be able to get an idea of how you would like to go about writing your own.

Throughout school, I was never sure what I would do with my life, or what I would study once I graduated. I always believed that time would help me decide what I should do. I also believed that my interests would guide my choice of education. In my opinion, education without interest is futile, solely because without interest one can never excel in any field. On the other hand, only interest cannot suffice as aptitude is necessary to be able to do well in a field. However, I do feel that if you have the interest, you are bound to work hard enough to make yourself better at anything you do. Talent can definitely be developed and honed to a point where it is at its best.

Fortunately, I have always been an above average student, and am the kind who can get good at something if I really want it (perhaps that is where my belief in interest and excellence stems from). This is why, finally making a decision about what I wanted to do in college was difficult. I have however, always had a great affinity towards art and sketching, and have found myself to be good at it. I then spoke to my teachers, who have always given me appropriate guidance, and began contemplating careers in art. They suggested that I speak to various professionals in the field. After doing so, I finally realized that interior design would be the perfect career choice for me.

Ever since I decided that this is the field I wish to be a part of, I have made an attempt to pay closer attention to design detail in various spaces such as homes and commercial areas. I understand that interior design is not just a field where a professional is required to choose the color of a wall and the type of a lampshade that needs to be kept in a room. Interior design tends to go much beyond its supposed perception, and can impact a person’s life in more ways than one. The way a room is designed and decorated changes the way a person feels. You would understand if you moved from a room that is messy to a room that is well-organized, how you seem to find clarity of thought. Similarly, simply by adding a dash of color, or changing the position of a table, your room can be given a whole new life, without altering its basic identity. My sole focus as an interior designer would be to design a space in a manner that brings out the best in the person residing in that room, be it a home or a commercial space. I have also noticed that the need for green and eco-friendly design is vastly increasing. I intend to focus my design abilities in this direction so that I can help everyone do their bit for the environment, by doing my bit. Yes, I understand speaking about it is much easier than implementing it, but I do have full faith in my abilities as an interior designer.

In my attached portfolio, you will be able to see a glimpse of my capabilities, which I intend to hone after attaining admission into the interior design course at your college.

Should I attain the scholarship you are providing, I will be able to complete my education uninterrupted, and will be able to focus better on my ultimate career goal. I will not have to take a semester off to save enough money for tuition and then come back to continue it. Further, a little additional funding and a lesser educational debt by attaining a scholarship is always beneficial. It reduces the stress that a graduate has to undergo in order to repay educational loans, when the real focus should lie on developing a strong foothold in the industry and moving ahead towards the real goal.

I hope you will consider me for the scholarship you are offering for this course. As of now, all I can give you is my word that I will make every penny of the scholarship provided to me well worth its value.

As you can see, the sample focuses on the person’s belief in herself and what she would do with the education that would be funded with the scholarship. Similarly, ideally even you should focus on the same subject and ensure that you definitely are a worthy candidate for the scholarship. As long as you do your best, you can leave the rest to the discretion of the scholarship committee. Good luck!

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Autobiographical Narrative of My Desire to Study Psychology

  • University: Chapman University

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Words: 1274 |

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Words: 1274 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

I lived in a small town in northern California for most of my childhood. I attended elementary school, and was involved in pretty much everything - especially the performing arts. When I was in fifth grade my parents announced that we'd be moving to Ventura, California -- the first major change in my life. For a long time my life was turned upside down. I moved to Ventura and made the transition from elementary school to middle school, which was a huge step in itself. Eventually I made friends, and settled into my new school and community.

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Life changed again when I chose to attend Foothill Technology High School, a small college-preparatory magnet school. All of my friends chose to go to the other local high schools, which were much easier to get good grades at than my choice. Even so, I've never regretted my decision to attend Foothill. I've grown intellectually and emotionally because of the stimulating environment and motivation of the teachers and students. I've been involved in shaping my new school's reputation since my freshmen year: I was the Club Director in the Associated Student Body, participated in school-organized events, joined many organizations, and sang for fundraisers. There is one major need in my life, though, that Foothill has not been able to accommodate: the opportunity to study the performing arts. I've been fortunate to find opportunities to study the arts in other ways throughout the years. So in this autobiographical essay example for college I'll describe my academic experiences as a background for my desire to study psychology.

In 2003 I was selected as a California Arts Scholar in Vocal Music, which provided me with the opportunity to study at the California State Summer School for the Arts on the Cal Arts campus. I spent one month studying music with professionals and talented student-artists from around the world, constantly immersed in my art -- collaborating with other students, studying world music, history, theory, and receiving individual instruction from professionals. This experience was life-changing. I was living like a college student in a dorm, learning to be responsible for myself, studying my art form in depth while learning about others, and working with the most diverse and artistically talented group of people that I have ever encountered. We came together like one chorus, blending many different voices and harmonies together to create one song. During this time I matured emotionally, artistically, and intellectually. Suddenly a light went on, and everything seemed clearer. I became committed to my art -- I decided that I wanted to study it in more depth during high school as well as college.

Throughout the rest of my high school career, I have been studying music at the local community college. Having the chance to take classes at the college level with college-aged students has been very rewarding. I have been able to take classes several evenings a week- learning different styles of dance, music fundamentals, studying voice, and even performing in college shows. I've studied with very talented teachers and students, challenging myself to stretch and grow along the way. Because taking additional classes on top of my regular scheduled coursework is very time consuming, I've learned to organize and manage a busy schedule on my own. I have learned to work at a higher academic level.

Being in shows at Ventura College, and elsewhere, has always been a big part of my life. Since I was young I've performed in small community theater shows, young artist shows, semi-professional civic light opera shows, dinner theater shows, and school/community college shows. During this time, I've performed in more than twenty shows. Performing and singing have always been the most meaningful of my activities; the whole experience is amazing. The cast bonds and works together, overcoming obstacles as difficult as the suicide of a fellow cast member halfway through the run. The performer's life is intense, because everything each individual has goes into his or her piece of art. We have to give up our comforts and time and be absolutely selfless, working as a team, because if we don't, the result isn't believable. I love being on stage in costume, dancing, singing, acting. With each new experience I have to stretch my comfort zone and talents to new levels. With each new experience I meet new people and learn more music. When I combine the experience of bonding, learning, stretching my limits, and a chance to perform music in front of an audience, I become excited because I feel so fortunate to be able to participate in an activity that affects my life in such a positive way.

As a sophomore I was selected to be a Peer Helper (counselor) at Foothill. I was trained to help students with types of issues ranging from simple problems with their friends, to more serious issues such as suicide. I've been a member of this program for three years now, and I am currently one of four student officers in the program. I've discovered that I have a passion and great ability for helping people, mainly as a result of all of the years I've spent with such a diverse group in theater, learning to be tolerant and understanding. During my sophomore year I began to notice that my boyfriend was depressed and suicidal. Between my realization and the time when this situation became out my hands, my skills as a Peer Helper and my ability to make good decisions in urgent and frightening situations was tried. Eventually I helped him seek hospital treatment, and he was diagnosed with a disorder related to Autism. This event was difficult for me emotionally, and I grew from the struggle. Helping him through his depression was also the event that specifically sparked my interest in Psychology.

Looking back at all of the years of my life, I feel that all of the activities I have been involved in all my life are going to pay off. Someday I hope to find a career in psychology, helping people improve their lives. I have a gift for understanding people; one of my best qualities is empathy. This quality, my gift of understanding, is important to me because I can use it to make someone happy, to bring a smile to someone's face. If I can make a difference -- if I can contribute anything to this world -- it will be through helping people, because I have both the passion and the ability. I also hope to find some side career or way to be continually involved in theater and music, because my life could never be complete without it. What is really important to me in my future is happiness. My definition of success is this happiness, which I know I can achieve with a loving family, an inspiring career, and a healthy and artistic lifestyle.

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To conclude my autobiography essay for college, I know that Chapman's small school environment will be good for me and provide me with opportunities to be involved in as many different ways as my small high school does. I know it can help me to build the foundations for what I need to achieve happiness. I hope to receive a well-rounded education. I plan to work in the community, study the performing arts, and gain the knowledge and degree I need to become a successful psychologist. College will be my time to grow and mature, to learn about the real world, and to make decisions about my life. I am confident that with my work ethic, and all that Chapman has to offer in my areas of interest, that I will be able to achieve whatever goals I set for myself for my future, and to be successful in anything I choose to do.

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Biden Loves to Tell Tall Tales. We Cut Them Down to Size.

By President Biden’s account, he was a fierce civil rights activist in his youth, had an uncle who fell prey to cannibals and used to drive an 18-wheeler.

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President Biden standing and smiling with his hands raised at a lectern in front of American flags.

By Linda Qiu

Reporting from Washington

In President Biden’s telling, he was a teenage civil rights activist, a former trucker, the first in his family to go to college and the nephew of a cannibalism victim.

All of these claims stretch the truth or are downright false. But Mr. Biden persists in telling personal tales with rhetorical flourishes and factual liberty when he works a room or regales an audience. They are a way to connect with voters, emphasize his “middle-class Joe” persona and charm his audience.

Despite Mr. Biden’s penchant for exaggerating details when recounting episodes from his life, these autobiographical embellishments differ in scale and significance from the stream of lies about a stolen election peddled by his opponent, former President Donald J. Trump.

A White House spokesman, Andrew Bates, said that Mr. Biden had “brought honesty and integrity back to the White House” and that he shared life experiences that had shaped his outlook.

Here are some of the president’s most repeated yarns.

Connecting with his audience through hyperbole

What Was Said

“In our last debate, when I was 29 years old, the first question he was asked at the debate was, ‘Do you have any regrets, Senator Boggs?’ And he said, ‘No.’ Then we came to the very end of the debate, where I spoke and then he was to conclude. He stood up, and he said, ‘You know, I was asked if I had any regrets. I said no, but I have one: Had Joe Biden gone to the Naval Academy when I appointed him, he’d still have seven months left on and wouldn’t be able to run.’” — in a May commencement speech at West Point Military Academy

Mr. Biden has repeatedly recounted this tale to graduating cadets at various military academies and to families of service members: In high school in the 1960s, he had been nominated to attend the United States Naval Academy by Senator J. Caleb Boggs of Delaware, his Republican opponent in his first Senate race. Mr. Boggs, Mr. Biden sometimes adds, later lamented that Mr. Biden had declined to accept the nomination in a 1972 debate. It is an anecdote that dates as far back as 2010, when Mr. Biden said in a speech that Mr. Boggs had “considered” him for the academy.

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    Autobiographical essay example. Stephanie Jones ID # 1112222 Page 1of 5. Autobiographical Essay. Stephanie Jones. ID: 1112222. My name is Stephanie Jones, and I was born in Small Town, MB in August 1971. I am the eldest and my brother is three years younger. The two towns where I have resided most of my life are Small Town and Middle Town ...

  16. Autobiography Examples for Students That are Seriously Inspiring

    An autobiography is one of the most important essays for students aspiring to get admitted into a college of their choice. Here is an article that will give you some examples and also tips on how you can write one for yourself. As a student, an autobiography is usually essential when applying to colleges for higher studies. It may be the ...

  17. How to Write an Autobiographical Essay for a Graduate School Application

    A graduate school autobiographical essay, however, should be much shorter and to the point, highlighting achievements and life events that are relevant to your studies or display an important aspect of your character. Before you begin writing, make an outline of the most important points you want to cover. This can make it much easier to tell a ...

  18. Learn How to Write an Autobiography for College Application

    Drafting the Body. The body of your autobiography should show how you have grown or changed over the years. It should bring you from one bookend of your essay (the introduction) to the other (the conclusion), showing any causal relationships along the way. Make sure to include transitions in your essay so that it flows smoothly.

  19. An Example on How to Write an Autobiography for a Scholarship

    Here, we provide you with an example that will help you get that scholarship. How to Write an Autobiography for Scholarship. When writing your autobiography, focus on what your grade sheets, letters of recommendation, and other additional documents you have given for your admission do not focus on. This is your chance to prove your suitability ...

  20. How to Write a College Application Essay

    A student should write a college application essay that distinguishes them from other applicants. For example, writing about playing a niche instrument or winning an Olympic medal can help students stand out from other applicants. Doing so also demonstrates how your distinctive qualities will add to campus life. 5.

  21. 12 Outstanding Personal Statement Examples + Why They Work 2024

    If you're applying to college, you'll most likely need to write a personal statement as part of your college application. (And please note that the personal statement examples below are for undergraduate applications—if you're trying to find grad school statement of purpose examples, please head to that link.). But before diving into analyzing some great personal statement examples, it ...

  22. Autobiographical Narrative of My Desire to Study Psychology

    I've been fortunate to find opportunities to study the arts in other ways throughout the years. So in this autobiographical essay example for college I'll describe my academic experiences as a background for my desire to study psychology. In 2003 I was selected as a California Arts Scholar in Vocal Music, which provided me with the opportunity ...

  23. 19 College Essay Topics and Prompts

    Avoid passing your paper along to too many people, though, so you don't lose your own voice amid all of the edits and suggestions. The admissions team wants to get to know you through your writing and not your sister or best friend who edited your paper. 5. Revise your essay. Your first draft is just that: a draft.

  24. Biden Loves to Tell Tall Tales. We Cut Them Down to Size

    Reporting from Washington. June 9, 2024, 5:02 a.m. ET. In President Biden's telling, he was a teenage civil rights activist, a former trucker, the first in his family to go college and the ...