Module 5: Target Market/Segmentation

Assignment: target markets and segmentation.

Complete the following assignment in the discussion forum.

1. Read the following article from Inc. regarding defining your target market.

2. Assume you are the marketing manager for a new solar car that you are launching. Answer the following questions:

  • What segmentation characteristics would you use for your target market?
  • How would you define your target market? Be as specific and as detailed as possible.
  • Discuss a time when you may have done market segmentation in your career?
  • Provided by : Lumen Learning. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Target Market Assignment. Authored by : John Russo. Provided by : Santa Ana College. Located at : . Project : Project Kaleidoscope. License : CC BY: Attribution

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contoh assignment target market

Small Business Trends

What is a target market and how to pick one (examples and template included).

When marketing a business, the key to success lies in the ability to target the right group or groups of people accurately. Knowing your target market is essential for any company that wants to create an effective, compelling marketing message that resonates and results in sales.

In this guide, we’ll explore what a target market is, how to define one, and why it’s so important. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is Target Marketing?

target market

Target marketing is indeed a crucial strategy for businesses, particularly for small businesses aiming to maximize their reach and resources. It helps them to hone in on potential customers who are most likely to be interested in their offerings and tailor their messages to those individuals.

Below are some key points about target marketing:

  • Specific Focus : Target marketing allows businesses to focus on a specific demographic or set of customers. This focus could be based on age, gender, income, geographic location, interests, behaviors, or a combination of these factors.
  • Efficient Resource Utilization : By focusing on a specific target market, businesses can use their resources more efficiently. This helps reduce wastage of resources on marketing efforts that reach people unlikely to purchase their product or service.
  • Tailored Marketing and Sales Strategies : Businesses can customize their marketing and sales strategies to meet the specific needs and wants of their target market. This customization leads to more engaging, relevant, and effective messaging.
  • Enhanced Customer Relationship : With a well-defined target market, businesses can build stronger relationships with customers by better understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This understanding helps businesses to offer improved customer service and foster customer loyalty.
  • Increased Sales and Profits : By targeting those most likely to buy their products or services, businesses can increase sales and, subsequently, profits. Target marketing often leads to higher conversion rates since the marketing efforts are directed towards individuals with a pre-existing interest or need for the product or service.

In conclusion, target marketing is a strategic approach to ensure your business is connecting with the right customers. It can lead to increased sales, more efficient use of marketing resources, and improved customer relationships, all of which are essential for a thriving business.

Before you start a business, it’s also important to write a business plan that includes a personal brand statement and a vision statement to clearly define your goals and objectives.

How to Define Your Target Market

Creating a marketing strategy for your business begins with defining your primary target market.

Knowing who your ideal customer is and understanding their needs and wants is essential for creating an effective plan. Here’s how to define your target market in six simple steps:

1. Conduct Market Research

target market

Start by researching your potential customers to learn more about them. Target market research includes collecting data on demographics, interests, preferences, and purchasing habits. Doing so will help you create a profile of your ideal customer.

2. Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

target market

Your USP is what differentiates your product or service from competitors and should be tailored to meet the needs of your target market. By clearly defining your USP, you can create a compelling marketing message that resonates with potential customers.

3. Analyze Your Competition

target market

Once you understand the needs of your audience, take a look at what competitors are doing to determine which strategies may be most effective for reaching them. Analyzing the competition will help you determine the best approach for engaging your target market.

4. Segment Your Market

target market

Break down the larger population into smaller market segments based on characteristics such as location, age, gender, education level, income level, and interests. This will help you identify small groups of people with similar interests and needs. By segmenting your market, you can create more targeted campaigns, which will lead to higher conversion rates.

5. Determine Personas

target market

Create personas, which are fictional characters that represent each distinct market segment, so you can get a better understanding of how best to reach them with content that resonates with this specific audience. Doing so will help you create a more tailored message that is sure to resonate with potential customers.

6. Refine Your Strategy

target market

Based on the insights you have gathered in Steps 1-5, refine your overall marketing strategy to best cater to each segment of customers. Things you can refine include messaging, promotions and pricing, content, and channels of distribution.

For instance, a health food company initially struggled with broad marketing efforts. By conducting thorough market research and customer interviews, they redefined their target market to health-conscious consumers aged 25-40, leading to a more focused marketing strategy and a subsequent increase in sales. This example illustrates the practical steps and positive outcomes of accurately defining a target market.

Defining Your Target Market Template

Defining your target market is essential for developing effective marketing strategies and reaching the right customers.

A template can be a useful tool in this process, as it helps to organize and structure the information you gather about your target market.

The template below is designed to guide you through the process of defining your target market and includes prompts for important information such as demographics, behaviors, and pain points.

Target Market Template:

1. Demographics:

  • Income level
  • Education level

2. Behaviors:

  • Purchase habits
  • Brand loyalty
  • Media consumption
  • Hobbies and interests

3. Pain Points and Needs:

  • What are the problems or pain points that your target market is facing?
  • What are their needs and desires?
  • How can your product or service address these pain points and needs?

4. Goals and Objectives:

  • What are the goals and objectives of your target market?
  • How can your product or service help them achieve these goals and objectives?

5. Unique value proposition:

  • What unique value does your product or service offer to your target market?
  • How does it stand out from competitors?

6. Other relevant information:

  • Include any other information that might be useful in defining your target market.

contoh assignment target market

Why Knowing Your Target Market is So Important for Your Marketing Strategy

Understanding a specific target market is essential for any business to create an effective marketing strategy.

Without a proper understanding of the needs and wants of your target audience, it’s nearly impossible to craft a message that will resonate and result in sales.

Below are five reasons why knowing your target market is so important for your marketing strategy:

  • Increased Reach – By targeting a specific group of people, you gain access to an audience who may not have been aware of your business or product in the past. This allows you to reach more potential customers and build a larger customer base.
  • Cost Savings – More precise targeting means fewer wasted impressions, resulting in lower costs and higher returns on investment (ROI). Over the long term, this can result in significant savings for your business.
  • Improved Engagement – Knowing your target market enables you to craft content tailored specifically to their interests and needs, which leads to improved engagement rates with potential customers. So, not only are you reaching more people, but they are paying more attention to your message.
  • Targeted Promotion – You can use highly targeted promotions to strategically reach out to a select group of individuals and incentivize them to purchase from you. This can lead to higher sales and help you stand out from the competition.
  • Better Conversion Rates – Understanding the wants and needs of your target audience increases the chances that they will convert into paying customers. The better the understanding of your target market, the better the chance for success.

Consider the case of a startup that failed to identify its target market correctly, leading to ineffective marketing strategies and eventual business closure. Conversely, a successful enterprise, by understanding its target market’s needs, was able to tailor its products, pricing, and promotions, resulting in increased market share and customer loyalty.

These real-world scenarios underscore the importance of target market identification as a cornerstone of business strategy, significantly influencing marketing effectiveness, customer engagement, and overall business success.

target market

Target Market Segmentation

Target market segmentation is the practice of understanding and categorizing potential customers into distinct groups. This helps businesses better meet their customer’s needs by focusing on specific types of consumers and creating tailored campaigns that will resonate with them.

Take, for example, a clothing brand using psychographic segmentation to target fashion-forward young adults who prioritize sustainability. This approach enabled them to craft a resonant marketing message.

In contrast, demographic segmentation might involve a tech company focusing on middle-aged professionals for a new productivity tool, considering their occupation and income levels.

These instances show how different segmentation strategies can be applied to pinpoint the most receptive audience for specific products or services.

Psychographic Segmentation

Psychographic segmentation looks at lifestyle, attitudes, values, and opinions to segment an audience.

Through psychographic segmentation, you can develop a more personalized connection with your customers by crafting messages that fit their unique tastes, values, and interests.

Demographic Segmentation

A demographic target market is a group of consumers who share similar characteristics such as age group, gender, income, education, and occupation.

This type of target market is defined by measurable and observable characteristics.

For example, a business might target young professionals with a high disposable income and a college education.

Geographic Target Market

A geographic target market is defined by the consumer’s location. This type of target market focuses on reaching consumers in a specific geographic area.

For example, a business might target consumers in a specific city or state.

Firmographic Segmentation

Firmographic segmentation focuses on analyzing data about businesses to uncover insights about their strengths and weaknesses in order to reach the right buyers in a B2B setting.

Using firmographics allows marketers to understand which businesses are most likely interested in their products or services before they ever make contact.

A car rental business , for example, might target business travelers who frequently rent cars for work-related trips.

Behavioral Segmentation

Behavioral segmentation looks at how consumers interact with products and services, and their decisions to purchase or not purchase things based on past experiences, preferences, brand associations, and more.

By understanding behavior patterns marketers can craft messages that speak directly to the customer’s wants or needs.

Types of Target Markets

There are many ways to segment a target market, and the type of target market you choose will largely depend on your industry, product or service offering, and overall marketing goals.

Here are some of the most common types of target markets:

B2B (Business-to-Business) is an industry term used to describe companies that sell products or services to other businesses rather than individual consumers.

Examples include computer hardware manufacturers selling to corporate IT departments, accounting firms providing services to other businesses, and software developers creating programs for sale to other companies.

B2C (Business-to-Consumer) is a type of transaction where businesses sell their products directly to consumers, such as grocery stores selling food or clothing retailers selling apparel.

This type of targeting requires an understanding of consumer needs and preferences when crafting campaigns and messages that speak directly to the customer.

Niche Markets

A niche market is a smaller segment within a larger target market. This can be based on demographics, lifestyle choices, interests, or any other factor that defines a subset of customers who share common attributes.

Knowing your niche market can help you create more targeted ads and better understand the specific needs and wants of potential customers within that group.

How Big Should a Target Market be?

The ideal size of a target market depends on the type of product or service being offered and the goals of the business.

Generally, the larger the target market, the greater reach your campaign will have but it can also limit a business’s ability to customize messages to fit its audience.

Having too narrow of a focus when it comes to targeting can result in a lack of engagement from potential customers who could benefit from using your product.

It is important for businesses to find a balance between reach and specificity to maximize their results.

contoh assignment target market

Target Market Examples

When it comes to identifying and reaching your target market, it can be helpful to look at examples of how other companies have done it. Here are four examples of companies and their target markets:

Starbucks Target Market

Starbucks , the coffee giant, targets a wide range of consumers, including busy professionals, college students, and older adults.

They focus on providing a convenient and comfortable experience for their customers, with a wide variety of coffee and food options.

Starbucks locations are often found in high-traffic areas such as downtown business districts, university campuses, and suburban shopping centers.

Their target market is also characterized by consumers who are willing to pay a premium for high-quality coffee and an inviting atmosphere.

Nike Target Market

Nike , the sportswear giant, targets consumers who are active and value fitness and healthy living.

They focus on providing high-performance athletic apparel and footwear for a wide range of sports and activities.

Nike’s target market includes serious athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and casual athletes who want to look and feel good while they exercise.

The company also targets youth and urban culture and often collaborates with popular athletes and fashion designers.

Tesla Target Market

Tesla, the electric vehicle manufacturer, targets consumers who are environmentally conscious and value innovation and technology.

They focus on providing electric vehicles and energy solutions that are sustainable and efficient.

Tesla’s target market includes early adopters of technology, consumers looking for an alternative to traditional gasoline vehicles, and individuals who are willing to pay a premium for a high-performance electric car.

Disney Target Market

Disney , the entertainment giant, targets families and children with a focus on creating magical experiences.

They offer a wide range of entertainment options, including theme parks, cruises, movies, and television shows.

Disney’s target market includes families with children, grandparents, and adults who are young at heart.

They also target consumers who are willing to pay for the Disney brand experience and for the memories that come with it.

Target Marketing Strategies

Developing effective target marketing strategies can help you reach the right customers and increase your return on investment. Here are five target marketing strategies to consider:

  • Segmenting the market: Segmenting the market involves dividing the market into smaller groups of customers with similar characteristics. This allows you to create specific marketing strategies for each segment, increasing the chances of reaching the right customers.
  • Creating buyer personas: A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. Creating buyer personas can help you understand the needs, wants, and pain points of your target market, and tailor your marketing messages accordingly.
  • Developing a unique value proposition: A unique value proposition (UVP) is a statement that communicates the unique benefits of your product or service. Developing a UVP can help you stand out from the competition and attract the right customers.
  • Using data and analytics: Data and analytics can help you better understand your target market and develop effective marketing strategies. This can include things like analyzing customer data, tracking website traffic, and monitoring social media metrics as part of a social media marketing strategy.
  • Test and optimize: Once you have identified your target market and developed your marketing strategies, it’s important to test and optimize them based on the results. This can include A/B testing your messaging, testing different ad formats, and experimenting with different marketing channels.

contoh assignment target market

What is a target market?

As many quality marketing courses teach, a target market is a specific group of consumers that a business or organization aims to reach with its marketing efforts.

It is defined by characteristics such as demographics, behaviors, pain points, and needs. It helps businesses to understand the needs and wants of their potential customers and create products, services, and marketing strategies that meet those needs.

Can you have multiple target markets?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple target markets. Companies often segment their customer base into multiple target markets in order to design and deliver messages that are more tailored to each one.

It’s important to find the right balance between reach and specificity when attempting to market effectively across multiple target markets.

How do I answer the question ‘What is your target market’?

When asked ‘What is your target market?’, you can respond with an explanation of the type of customers who are most likely to purchase your product or service.

This could include demographic information such as age, gender, income level, and geographic location, and/or psychographic information such as values, interests, lifestyle choices, or preferences.

You may wish to also provide examples of how you identify and target these segments in your marketing campaigns.

What are the 3 common target markets?

The 3 most common target markets are demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, and psychographic segmentation. Demographic segmentation involves targeting customers based on their age, gender, income level, and other demographic information.

Geographic segmentation involves targeting customers based on where they live, such as by country or city. Psychographic segmentation involves targeting customers based on brand values alignment, interests, lifestyle choices, or preferences.

How detailed should a target market be? What is the purpose of a target market?

A target market should be as detailed as possible in order to ensure that it accurately reflects your ideal customer. The purpose of a target market is to identify the most likely customers for your product or service so that you can create effective and efficient marketing campaigns.

By focusing on this audience, you can make sure that you are reaching the right people with the right message to better engage them and increase your chances of conversion.

What is the difference between target market and target audience?

The difference between a target market and a target audience is that a target market is the group of potential customers that your company is aiming to reach, while a target audience is the people who are most likely to purchase your product or service.

A target market may include multiple different audiences, for example, young adults and retirees, while target audiences will be focused on one particular segment.

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contoh assignment target market

Target Market Examples

Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon Glucklich

7 min. read

Updated April 24, 2024

Imagine your dream is to own a diner.

You have restaurant experience and a great location in mind – you just need the bank to approve your loan to get started.

But the bank has questions. A big one it wants answered is: who is your target market?

It might be tempting just to say, “hungry diners.” But you’ll need to dig deeper to truly define your target market . 

In this article, we’ll use this diner scenario to walk through the market research process and illustrate what the final result could look like.

  • Questions about your target market

Before you even set foot in the bank, you should already have asked – and taken steps to answer – several key questions about your target market.

Let’s call our example business the Bplans Diner. Where is that perfect location you’ve found for the diner? Is it in a densely populated urban area, suburban neighborhood, or rural?

What are your hours of operation? Some diners cater to a breakfast crowd, while others might offer 24-hour dining to be a favorite among night owls. When you expect your peak hours could help determine whether you should expect to sell more omelets or hamburgers.

What’s the area’s median income, and what types of businesses or institutions are nearby? This information will help you determine pricing and marketing strategies for your diner. For instance, if your diner is located in a business district, you may want to offer lunch specials. But if it’s near a college or university, you might want to offer student discounts.

This is what a thorough target market analysis looks like, providing key insights and data to pinpoint the specific groups of customers most likely to patronize your diner. Gathering all of this information may sound intimidating, but it’s really just a matter of doing research. If you need help and guidance, check out our complete guide to conducting market research for your business . 

Let’s look at an example of a target market analysis for this diner. Then, we’ll break it down and discuss each element in detail.

  • Example of a target market analysis

contoh assignment target market

As you can see, the target market analysis follows the basic market segmentation process of splitting out potential customers into their demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral traits.

Next, let’s take a look at each in more detail. Afterward, we’ll look at how you can harness your target market analysis into actual business strategies.

  • Demographic

You may have noticed that the demographic analysis in our example is very broad – 18 to 65 years old, including students, workers, and some seniors.

Finding your target market isn’t always about identifying a narrow demographic to cater to. In the case of a restaurant, it makes sense to focus on the geographic location and who currently frequents the area (more on that in the next section).

A different approach may be needed for a technology product that’s sold online. In that case, narrowing the demographic focus to specific age ranges or needs would be much more important than where the business is located.

In the case of the diner, we reached our decision by conducting a demographic analysis, examining the age ranges, occupations, and other concrete data points about potential customers near the proposed location (Reminder: we didn’t do this for the Bplans Diner, we’re just providing an example). 

There are several ways to go about collecting this information for your business. The most straightforward is to get out in the neighborhood, take a look around and talk to people. Are you mostly seeing students, or families? Are there a lot of office workers in the area? 

You can also look up data from the U.S. Census Bureau , which includes population, age, income and other useful information, often down to the neighborhood level.

After conducting this research, one valuable step is to create a detailed customer persona that represents the typical customer you expect for your business (we provide an example of a customer persona for the diner further down in this article).

While the demographic analysis considers the type of people who might frequent your business, the geographic analysis considers the characteristics of the neighborhood itself. 

Our target market analysis for Bplans Diner noted that we plan to operate in an urban area near a university with heavy foot traffic and expect a fair amount of late-night diners.

A key reason for examining the geographic makeup of your businesses is to size up your competition. If there’s already a popular diner in the area you plan to target, getting customers could be a major challenge. But if there’s a lack of dining options or no one is serving diner-style food, you’re more likely to be successful. Determining the size of your market will help you create reasonable revenue projections. 

We also mentioned the plan for Bplans Diner to cater to a late-night crowd. Examining the geographic makeup of the neighborhood will help you determine if there are the kinds of businesses – bars, music venues, or businesses such as hospitals where people are working all hours – to justify targeting this group.

  • Psychographic

You know the demographics and geographic characteristics of your market. Now it’s time to consider the attitudes and values of your potential customers.

The psychographic analysis helps to understand the lifestyle of potential customers and how that might affect their preferences as consumers. If many of your potential customers are health-conscious, for instance, you’ll want to ensure your diner provides options like salads or gluten-free menu items. But if most customers are families looking for a place to bring their children, it may be important to keep classic items like hamburgers and french fries on the menu.

The best way to understand your potential customers’ attitudes is to get out and talk to them. Customer interviews are among the most powerful methods of validating a business idea , since you’ll get honest, real-time feedback from the kinds of people your business would depend on.

Finally, the behavioral analysis expands on customer psychographics by examining what customers do, given their values. This is another place where it’s worth considering the broad demographics of the diner’s target market – 18 to 65 years old, split among students, workers, and seniors.

They may all want the diner’s food, but their behaviors will vary widely. College students might be looking for a late-night study spot, or a place to meet up with friends for dinner before a concert or sporting event. But workers and seniors might be more interested in breakfast or lunch specials. 

Each of these behaviors gives a business owner valuable information to target individual segments of their target audience. For instance, you might want to play popular music in the evenings to get young diners ready for a night out on the town. But you’ll want a quieter ambiance at the time of day when seniors are most likely to come in. The environment can be adjusted based on when certain customers frequent the business.

Addressing behavioral aspects like buying motivations and concerns of your potential customers will also help you effectively market your diner. For example, you could create marketing campaigns based on student discounts, late-night specials, or a family-friendly atmosphere, depending on your customers’ behaviors.

  • Connecting a target market analysis to business strategy

So far, we’ve touched on each of the components of a target market analysis for a diner: customer demographics, geographics, psychographics, and behaviors. (It’s also important to conduct an industry analysis to understand competitive and macroeconomic forces affecting your planning.)

With the target market analysis complete, you’re better equipped to demonstrate a thorough understanding of your customers to a lender.

Here are a few insights a business owner could use for the Bplans Diner, developed through the above analysis.

  • Bplans Diner Competitive Analysis

Market Trends: Growing demand for late-night food options, increasing preference for healthy dining options.

Competitor Strengths and Weaknesses:

Competitor A: Strong brand but limited menu options.

Competitor B: Wide variety of options but lacking in ambiance.

  • Bplans Diner Marketing Strategy

Product Differentiation: Offering a diverse menu that caters to various preferences, including healthy options.

Positioning: Establishing Bplans Diner as a reliable, quality, 24-hour dining option in the region.

Promotion: Utilizing social media to announce special night-time deals and promotions.

  • Get started with your business plan template

A target market analysis is a key part of any business plan. But it’s just one piece. At Bplans, we take some of the pain out of business planning. We’ve developed a free business planning template to help reduce entrepreneurs’ time to create a full, lender-ready business plan. Bplans has also collected over 550 free sample business plans across numerous industries. Find a plan in your industry to get inspiration for your plan.

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Content Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon is a marketing specialist at Palo Alto Software, working with consultants, accountants, business instructors and others who use LivePlan at scale. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and an MBA from the University of Oregon.

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Table of Contents

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Article • 12 min read

The Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Marketing Model

What is the stp process in marketing.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

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Sofia has just started a new job as a marketing manager for a fashion outlet. She conducts a careful analysis of sales data within the first few weeks, and quickly identifies a profitable opportunity with a particular group of high-value customers.

So, she brainstorms several ideas with her team, and they come up with an exciting new product which has the potential to be a real success for the company.

But how can Sofia check whether her idea will really work? How can her team members develop the perfect product for their target market? And how should they communicate its benefits?

In this article, we'll look at the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Marketing Model, an approach that you can use to identify your most valuable market segments, and then sell to them successfully with carefully targeted products and marketing.

What Is the STP Marketing Model?

The STP Marketing Model can help you to analyze your product offering and the way you communicate its benefits and value to specific groups.

STP stands for:

  • S egment your market.
  • T arget your best customers.
  • P osition your offering.

The model is useful because it helps you to identify your most valuable types of customer, and then develop products and marketing messages tailored to them. This allows you to engage with each target group more effectively, personalize your messaging, and – ultimately – increase your sales.

STP Marketing: An Example

Marriott International® owns a number of different hotel chains that target specific consumer groups.

It splits its hotel portfolios into five key groups, each designed to target a different sub-set of consumer:

  • Luxury – targets the luxury consumer. These facilities provide bespoke, luxury experiences and include iconic brands such as The Ritz-Carlton, St Regis, JW Marriott, and W Hotels.
  • Premium – targets younger couples and business consumers. Premium brands offer sophisticated, chic hotels, and include classic brands such as Marriott Hotels and Sheraton, as well as more distinctive brands like Le MERIDIEN and Westin.
  • Select – targets seasoned travelers, and provides smart and modern amenities. Select brands include Courtyard Hotels, Four Points, Aloft Hotels and Moxy Hotels.
  • Longer Stays – targets families with children. These amenities are designed for longer vacations that mirror the comforts of home, and include brands such as Marriott Executive Apartments, TownePlace Suites, element, and Homes & Villas by Marriott International.
  • Collection – targets very high-end, luxury consumers looking for a special and unique experience. Collection accommodations offer distinctive, luxurious experiences, and include brands such as Autograph Collection Hotels, Design Hotels, and the Tribute Portfolio.

As you can imagine, Marriott International doesn't communicate the same marketing message to all of its customers. Each hotel is designed and positioned to appeal to the unique wants and needs of a specific group.

Applying the STP Model

Follow the steps below to apply the STP Model in your organization. For each step, we've also provided a worked example using the fictitious travel firm, the Adventure Travel Company.

Step 1: Segment Your Market

Your organization, product or brand can't be all things to all people. So, use market segmentation to divide your customers into groups of people with common characteristics and needs. This allows you to tailor your approach to meet each group's needs effectively, and gives you a huge advantage over competitors who use a "one size fits all" approach.

There are many different ways to segment your target markets:

  • Demographic – by personal attributes such as age, marital status, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, education, or occupation.
  • Geographic – by country, region, state, city, or neighborhood.
  • Psychographic – by personality, risk aversion, values, or lifestyle.
  • Behavioral – by how people use the product, how loyal they are, or the benefits that they are looking for.

You can also use Simonson and Rosen's Influence Mix to identify factors that influence customer purchases.

The Adventure Travel Company is an online travel agency that organizes worldwide adventure vacations. It has split its customers into three segments, because it's too costly to create different packages for more groups than this:

  • Segment A is made up of young married couples, who are primarily interested in affordable, eco-friendly vacations in exotic locations.
  • Segment B consists of middle-class families, who want safe, family-friendly vacation packages that make it easy and fun to travel with children.
  • Segment C comprises upscale retirees, who are looking for stylish and luxurious vacations in popular locations, such as Paris and Rome.

Step 2: Target Your Best Customers

Next, you need to decide which segments to target by identifying the group that will offer the largest return and will be the most profitable. There are several factors to consider here:

  • The profitability of each segment. Which customer groups contribute most to your bottom line?
  • The size and potential growth of each customer group. Is it large enough to be worth addressing? Is steady growth possible? How does it compare with other segments? (Make sure that you won't be reducing revenue by shifting your focus to a niche market that's too small.)
  • How well your organization can service this market. For example, are there any legal, technological or social barriers that could have an impact? Conduct a PEST Analysis to understand the opportunities and threats that might affect each segment.

The Adventure Travel Company analyzes the profits, revenue and market size of each of its segments. These are its findings:

  • Segment A has profits of $8,220,000.
  • Segment B has profits of $4,360,000.
  • Segment C has profits of $3,430,000.

So, it decides to focus on Segment A, after confirming that the segment size is big enough (it's estimated to be worth $220,000,000/year.)

Step 3: Position Your Offering

Finally, you need to identify how you should position your product to target the most valuable customer segments. Then, select the marketing mix that will be most effective for each of them.

Consider why customers should purchase your product rather than those of your competitors. Do this by identifying your unique selling proposition , and draw a positioning map to understand how each segment perceives your product, brand or service. This will help you determine how best to position your offering.

Also, look at the wants and needs of each segment. A good way to do this is by pinpointing the problem that your product solves for these people. Create a value proposition that clearly explains how your offering will meet this requirement better than any of your competitors' products, and then develop a marketing campaign that presents this value proposition in a way that your audience will appreciate.

The Adventure Travel Company markets itself as the "best eco-vacation service for young married couples" (Segment A).

It hosts a competition on Instagram® and Pinterest® to reach its desired market, because these are the channels that these target consumers tend to favor. It asks its followers on these channels to send in interesting pictures of past eco-vacations, and the best one wins an all-inclusive trip.

The campaign goes viral and thousands of people send in their photos, which helps build the Adventure Travel Company mailing list. The company then creates a monthly e-newsletter full of eco-vacation destination profiles.

The Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Model helps you position a product or service to target different groups of customers more efficiently. STP stands for:

  • T arget your best consumers.

This three-step approach helps you quickly zoom in on the most profitable parts of your business, so that you can fully exploit the opportunities that they offer.

To use the model, start by segmenting your market into groups. Next, choose which of these you want to target. Last, identify how you want to position your product, based on the personality and behavior of your target market.

* Originator unknown. Please let us know if you know who the originator is.

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Learn what the STP marketing model is with segmentation, targeting & positioning examples and as brand case study. By segmenting your target market, targeting the right customers and properly positioning your products.

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Nike Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

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Nike is one of the top sports shoe suppliers and sports equipment manufacturers globally. The company was first launched in 1964 by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman. Whether its shoes and sports apparel for your daily workouts or just want to have signature shoes designed for your favorite athlete, you indeed have tried visiting Nike for these items. This kind of response from its customers reflects one of its marketing strategies to target athletes and young adults.

Since it was founded, Nike has vastly improved its products to be lighter and more comfortable, enabling customers to use its products for longer hours without feeling uncomfortable and sore on their feet. The firm also offers a vast selection of shoe types and colors focusing on training, running, or lifestyle shoes. It has also expanded its brand to provide sports equipment, guards, clothing, backpacks, and soccer balls.

The company's mission is to excel in nurturing and expanding human potential and impacting their customers in different communities. Since it's a global brand, it provides easy access to its products by mounting physical stores worldwide. This strategy and other marketing elements will be comprehensively discussed in this article using the Nike market segmentation approach.

Mind Map: Nike Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

If classifying facts using charts is not your liking, you can adopt a much easier and modern approach through mind maps. Here's how it looks.

Nike Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

  • Market Segmentation
  • Demographic
  • Psychographic
  • 15-55 years old
  • Men, women, and kids
  • Sports enthusiasts
  • High-income groups
  • Urban areas
  • International locations
  • Personality
  • Purchase frequency
  • Consumer loyalty


  • Innovative technology
  • First choice for sports products
  • Build a connection between Nike and the achievements of prominent athletes

Market Segmentation of Nike

In its most straightforward meaning, Market segmentation refers to the process of dividing a company's target market into achievable and approachable groups. Nike creates sub-segments based on needs, demographics, priorities, shared interests, and behavioral and psychographic criteria.

The process of identifying the segments will vary from company to company. For Nike, its market segmentation involves four categories - geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral.

For Nike's demographic segmentation , the firm included various age groups, gender, and the customer's financial status. Nike has classified its products according to gender and group, typically between 15 and 55 years old. The company also categorizes its products from men, women, and kids. Nike offers promos, discounts, or cuts prices to reduce costs in special cases. The company's special offers sometimes fall on special occasions to entice customers to buy their products. It's Nike's way to have customers buy products that they cannot afford before the discount.

The presence of physical stores in different parts of the world is one of Nike's strategies under its geographic segmentation . This segment acknowledges that each country has varied lifestyle habits and cultures. The company introduced different products for various countries that meet the customers' needs. Nike conducts multiple promotional campaigns in the US, Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa since sports vary in regions and cities. You might notice that most commercials in the US focus on baseball and football, while in Europe, ads refer to soccer.

Nike also customizes its campaigns in New Delhi, India, by promoting cricket equipment and rugby for England and Sydney. Nike's most significant markets include North America, China, and Western Europe, where the firm performs segmentations more and focuses on urban areas.

Nike's psychographic segmentation tackles offering their customers a selection of products that can cater to their needs and suit their interests. This stage in the Nike market segmentation allows Nike to explore the preferences of every customer.

Finally, the behavioral segmentation of Nike is about providing benefits to customers through clothing, comfortable footwear, and essential sports equipment. Nike also creates a series of versions for a product to satisfy the preferences of each customer. Nike gives its customers the mindset of feeling athletes if they use Nike products. It also builds customer engagement by offering distinct quality and innovative products to choose from. More importantly, Nike allows its target market to share their experiences with family and friends, including product reviews on the internet and other social media channels. This, in turn, will have a significant effect on customers' purchasing behavior.

Targeting of Nike

This marketing strategy phase includes systematically choosing the segments that will yield the most efficient and practical approaches to achieve the firm's goals. As you know, Nike has three classifications of its target customers, including men, women, and kids. For men, Nike designs shoes for running, lifestyle, gym and training, American football, football, tennis, golf, crickets, baseball, basketball, skateboarding, softball, and athletics.

Nike includes yoga in its shoe selection for women. Meanwhile, the company targets young athletes in its kids' classification. Besides providing quality shoes, Nike offers various colors for its products since the company believes that comfort and the products' physical appearance can give satisfaction and enjoyment to customers.

Positioning of Nike

Positioning is all about placing the company's brand in the market with other competitors. Nike has strategically positioned its brand as a market leader for sports equipment that provides innovative and premium quality technology. Nike's swoosh logo, "Just Do It" slogan, and its promotional initiatives to connect to magnificent achievements of great athletes convinced its customers that it's a victorious and ambitious brand. Nike' speaks' into athletes' hearts through meaningful and unique feelings, making the firm exceptional from its competition. The company has also solidified its place in fashion, where a part of its products defines specific markets' lifestyles.

Nike has effectively imprinted a strong belief in its customers' minds that its products are the best options every time they need to buy sports products.

The Nike market segmentation, targeting, and positioning will be ideal to the points discussed above outlined in simplified words. The table below will provide a quick illustration of Nike's three elements for its marketing initiatives.

Bonus: 2 Other Analysis Diagrams of Nike

Nike pestel analysis.

Nike Pestel Analysis

In the SWOT Analysis below, Nike's strengths include a global presence, a high brand value, substantial market share, and effective marketing. However, they face weaknesses such as supply chain issues, rising operational expenses, reliance on the US market, and legal disputes. Nike has opportunities to expand into sports infrastructure, in-house manufacturing, and digital channels. Nevertheless, they face threats from counterfeit products, trade tensions, and ongoing supply chain challenges.

Nike SWOT Analysis

Nike SWOT Analysis

In the PESTEL analysis below, Nike's political factors include the stability of the American economy and manufacturing regulations. Economic aspects encompass emerging global markets and production costs. Social factors involve changing lifestyles and workplace stress. Nike is affected by technological advancements and social media trends. Environmentally, they face concerns over eco-friendly products and their factories' pollution impact. Legally, the company deals with false discounts and tax evasion issues.

Key Takeaways

Nike, through the years, had its formidable competition but continues to solidify its brand in the industry, thanks to its effective marketing initiatives. Similar to other international brands, it is very evident in Nike's marketing approach the intent to vary its product offering depending on its target customer and location. In the industry where Nike belongs, it is essential to study every marketing segment to cater to its customers' needs better. For example, a target market in countries that experience winter must not offer summer products. The same goes for a basketball country that must not be provided with equipment used to play cricket.

This also goes to other companies who want to use Nike's market segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies. Besides the weather, it is also vital to consider the culture and preferences of customers in a specific region or location for the product to have value to them. Meanwhile, your brand does not necessarily have to be in the global market to take inspiration from Nike's principles. There are fundamental principles that smaller companies can use for their brands.

This article also presented a simplified diagram to categorize the three principles in Nike's marketing strategy. Modern diagramming utilizes mind maps for illustration. EdrawMind is a mind mapping tool that uses a friendly interface ideal for beginners and advanced users. The pre-built templates on market segmentation and STP Analysis are helpful, especially for those who do not want to structure their mind map from scratch. The software is flexible enough, giving you options for creating and editing your mind maps. You can use the browser or launch the software from your desktop. Either way, the features stay the same.

  • Learning from Nike's Positioning Segmentation and Targeting in Marketing
  • Market Segmentation: Definition, Types, Benefits, & Best Practice
  • Market Segmentation, Market Target and Market Positioning of Nike Company
  • Nike's Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning on the Tennis Market - Example
  • Nike's Target Markets: Everything You Need to Know

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contoh assignment target market

6 Real-Life Target Audience Examples to Help You Define Your Own (B2B and B2C)

target audience examples - hero image

Target audience research allows you to better understand your potential customer(s) and their underlying pain points.

The more you drill down into your high-value audience groups through strategic market segmentation, the closer you are to your next sale.

Learn the ins and outs of target marketing with plenty of examples to inform your strategy.

What Is a Target Audience?

How a target audience differs from a buyer persona, how psychographic and demographic data informs marketing campaigns.

  • How To Analyze and Define Your Target Audience

Do Target Audiences Vary by Channel?

3 b2b target audience examples.

  • 3 B2C Target Audience Examples

A target audience is a group of consumers within a predefined target market that has been identified as the best recipients for a particular marketing message. And a target market broadly describes B2C or B2B consumers who care about your product or service and, under the right conditions, are most likely to spend money with your company.

An audience is a segment within that market.

For example, the target market for an online bookkeeping tool might include businesses with over $500K in annual revenue.

So a target audience profile for our bookkeeping program might be technology stakeholders with influence on decision-makers at companies that haven’t reviewed their accounting software needs in over two years. It’s much more specific than our target market, which is important because we can craft content marketing collateral that speaks directly to the challenges and needs of this influential group.

To create effective messaging within your marketing campaigns, you first need to define your target audience.

When marketers try to appeal to the broadest possible audience for their products and services, they often end up feeling exhausted without much to show for their efforts. Their messaging seems inauthentic and doesn’t really resonate with anyone in particular.

To create effective messaging within your marketing campaigns, you first need to define your target audience. Doing so will help you engage key decision-makers and eventually convert them into loyal customers.

At this point, you might be asking, “Isn’t that just a buyer persona?” And while the two concepts are similar, they are distinct enough to warrant further discussion.

A buyer persona is a fictional character who represents one of your ideal customers . They have names, occupations, likes and dislikes, as well as challenges and ambitions.

While target audiences are valuable tools for many types of content marketing campaigns, buyer personas tend to be more useful in a B2B context, because they focus on challenges and business information. For example, a B2C company that sells protein bars would not need to create multiple personas, because people from many backgrounds and with varying job titles might purchase their products.

In a B2B context, targeting personas can be extremely valuable, especially when employing content marketing strategies. A SaaS company might create personas for each stakeholder involved in the buying process, for instance. An HR persona might be interested in blog content that addresses common pain points, while a CFO persona would be more interested in white papers with lots of data.

Personas aren’t entirely without value to B2C marketers, however. They can serve as useful guides when crafting messages to engage and inform consumers.

A persona typically includes:

  • Personal information: Name, age and geographic location.
  • Content preferences: Favorite channels, content formats, tone and style.
  • Business background information: Job title, level of influence in decision making processes.
  • Objectives: Measurable goals related to the persona’s job.
  • Challenges: Frustrations and pain points standing in the way of the persona’s goals.

Your target audiences should be informed by both demographic and psychographic information. The former category describes your intended audience on a superficial level, while the latter describes their motivations.

  • Demographics may include cursory information such as gender, age, income and marital status.
  • Psychographics include personal interests, attitudes, values, desires and specific behaviors.

When defining and targeting an audience, demographics will only get you so far. For example, if you’re promoting a B2B SaaS solution, your specific audience may be made up of men and women ages 35-49 who earn more than $100,000 annually. That’s all good information to have, but it applies to too broad of a cohort.

Psychographic data for this specific audience could include: worrying about lost resources throughout a supply chain, wanting to eliminate redundancies, or being skeptical of flashy new technology.

Combined, demographic and psychographic information can help you fine-tune your audience targeting goals.

Combined, demographic and psychographic information can help you fine-tune your audience targeting goals. The challenge is where to find this data. Psychographic research may include interviewing existing clients, conducting polls and analyzing your site traffic.

How to Analyze and Define Your Target Audience

Defining the target audience for a particular marketing campaign requires data. Unfortunately, there isn’t a crystal ball that can tell you how to adjust your messages to bring in the right audience. But that’s not to say you can’t trust your gut.

You know your business better than anyone, so combine that experience with hard data to generate a market segment and target audience that is characteristically human, and also strategically defined by scientifically gathered data.

contoh assignment target market

A Three-Step Approach To Defining A Target Audience

1. Conduct target customer research

Your business plan , content marketing strategy, professional experience and prior knowledge of your target customers will lay the foundation for your research. Compile all of your existing intelligence on your target market, and look for opportunities to learn more about it. For example, you might know that most of your customers are senior-level business people, but you may not know if they all have the same job title, or if they all consume content through the same channels.

To uncover key audience insights, use Google Analytics to drill down into your site traffic and perform a deep audience analysis. Custom audience reports can show you demographic and psychographic data, geographic locations as well as the types of technology your site visitors use.

2. Analyze the market

Once you know a little more about your target customers and have compared that data with your business process or goals, it’s time to get some context. Not only are you attempting to place the right messages in front of the right people at the right time, but you’re also competing with potentially thousands of other messages.

Review your competitors’ marketing efforts and business plans to better understand what you’re up against. Likewise, you’ll want to be aware of any other campaigns your business is currently running, as you don’t want to cannibalize your share of audience attention.

3. Define the audience

With hard data in tow and a thorough understanding of your audience’s interests, challenges and needs, it’s time to create a concise target audience to which you can direct your content marketing efforts.

Ask yourself these questions as you work to define your target audience:

  • What problems does your product or service solve?
  • Which demographic characteristics influence the decision-making process?
  • Which psychographic traits impact content consumption?
  • How does your audience prefer to engage with brands similar to yours?
  • Is your audience segment large enough?

That last question is particularly important, because it will prevent you from sinking resources into ultra-niche campaigns with low ROI. Niche marketing is certainly a useful tactic, but your target audiences should represent a group large enough to reach through social and organic channels.

3-step approach to defining target audience

Knowing your intended audience is only one half of the equation. The next step in the target audience analysis process is to determine where this group consumes content so you can develop an actionable marketing strategy.

Depending on the demographic and psychographic data you’ve collected, some channels will be more effective at engaging your intended audience than others. For instance, some decision-makers in a market segment may be more likely to open an email than to click on a social media ad.

Within channels, a specific audience may prefer unique platforms. B2B buyers are more inclined to seek out information on LinkedIn than Instagram, for example.

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(Keep in mind the following custom audiences are meant to inform specific campaign messages! These companies may have different audience segments for other targeting efforts. Each example is based on a real client I’ve worked with.)

1. Bookkeeping SaaS Solution

Key demographics

  • Age range: 35-49.
  • Gender: 65% male, 35% female.
  • Common job titles: Head of Digital, Senior Accountant, Chief Financial Officer.

Key psychographics

  • Values job security.
  • Likes to review all the data before making a decision.
  • Striving for a better work-life balance.
  • Skeptical of solutions that promise to solve all their problems.
  • Their current digital solution is showing its age.
  • Current lack of third-party integration is slowing down internal processes.
  • Boss/shareholder demands are making work stressful.

Preferred channels

  • Email for first contact, then phone conversations.
  • Browses social media platforms like LinkedIn , mostly looking for news.

Preferred content types

  • Data-rich white papers.
  • Case studies.

target audience examples - example 1

2. Business Travel Company

  • Age range: 30-55.
  • Gender: 70% female, 30% male.
  • Common job titles: Procurement Officer, Travel Buyer, Supplier Relations Expert.
  • Values relationships when working with suppliers.
  • Dislikes working on repetitive, mundane tasks.
  • Is wary of handing off responsibilities to a third party.
  • Suppliers fail to deliver on promised rates.
  • Doesn’t have enough data to make informed decisions.
  • Not familiar with ground-level travel concerns.
  • Looks for answers via organic search.
  • Communicates with other procurement professionals on social media platforms.
  • Easily digestible blog posts.

target audience examples - example 2

3. Facility Security Services

  • Age range: 45-60.
  • Gender: 80% male, 20% female.
  • Common job titles: Facility Manager, Head of Security.
  • Doesn’t like drawn-out negotiations.
  • Likes to be prepared for everything; gets nervous when things are uncertain.
  • Prefers to get pitches from two or three companies before making a decision.
  • Needs to save costs, but isn’t willing to sacrifice quality of service.
  • Needs a third-party supplier with technology integrations.
  • Email for marketing materials.
  • Blogs and news sites for industry trends.
  • Data-rich infographics.
  • Email newsletters.

target audience examples - example 3

B2C Target Audience Examples

4. athletic shoes.

  • Age range: 18-29
  • Gender: 60% male, 40% female
  • Wants to look stylish, but doesn’t like to follow trends.
  • Looks up to sports figures.
  • Strongly values friendships and community.
  • Loyal to one or two athletic brands.
  • Finding athletic footwear that is both stylish and comfortable.
  • Loves the look of designer sneakers, but can’t afford them.
  • Follows athletes and influencers on social media.
  • Watches sponsored events on YouTube.
  • Looks for exercise tips on Google.
  • Social media posts.
  • Image-rich articles.

target audience examples -example 4

5. Organic Protein Bars

  • Age range: 18-35.
  • Gender: 50% female, 50% male.
  • Strives to eat food that is nutritious and sustainable, but isn’t always successful.
  • Loves to hang out with friends in nature.
  • Feels loyalty toward brands with values similar to their own.
  • Finds it difficult to eat healthy food when they’re busy.
  • Has a limited food budget.
  • Needs a protein source that is compact and easy to transport.
  • Follows nature photography accounts on Instagram.
  • Watches supplement reviews on YouTube.
  • Follows health gurus on Twitter.
  • Event marketing.

target audience examples - example 5

6. Credit Union Mortgage Products

  • Age range: 25-39.
  • Gender: 50% male, 50% female.
  • Enjoys spending time with friends and family at home.
  • Tries to spend their money wisely, but isn’t always sure how to do that.
  • Craves stability, but fears another economic recession.
  • Feels anxious every time they think about having a mortgage.
  • Is thinking about mortgages for the first time ever.
  • Unclear on the difference between a bank and a credit union.
  • Reads online news sites.
  • Downloads how-to guides online.
  • Watches home-hunting videos on YouTube.

target audience examples - example 6

When you have well-defined, custom audiences informed by strong research, you can stop waiting for buyers to stumble upon your brand and start actively pursuing them with precise messaging.

contoh assignment target market

Editor’s note: Updated November 2021.

Michael O'Neill

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contoh assignment target market

Mike O'Neill is a writer, editor and content manager in Chicago. When he's not keeping a close eye on Brafton's editorial content, he's auditioning to narrate the next Ken Burns documentary. All buzzwords are his own.

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Mengenal Apa Itu Target Market dan Contohnya

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Hampir semua orang pasti setuju jika membangun bisnis sendiri bukanlah suatu perkara yang mudah untuk dilakukan. Ada banyak sekali hal yang harus dilakukan dan dipertimbangkan agar bisnis yang sedang dirintis bisa berkembang dan mencapai kesuksesannya.

Pasalnya, hanya karena satu kesalahan saja dalam menentukan keputusan berbisnis, sebuah usaha dapat menjadi stagnan dan tidak berkembang. Bahkan, bukan tidak mungkin bisnis tersebut akan gulung tikar ketika belum berhasil memberikan keuntungan materiel sama sekali. Agar hal tersebut tidak terjadi, sebelum memutuskan untuk berbisnis, pahami dulu faktor apa saja yang harus dipahami dan dipersiapkan dengan matang.

Salah satu faktor penting dalam memulai sebuah bisnis adalah menentukan target pasar. Anda mungkin berpikir, apa sih yang dimaksud dengan target pasar dan apa pengaruhnya dalam kinerja bisnis yang akan dikembangkan? Jika berbisnis diibaratkan sebagai mobil, target pasar adalah setir yang menentukan ke mana bisnis akan berjalan.

Ketika target pasar ditentukan dengan tidak tepat, bukan tidak mungkin bisnis yang dikelola akan sulit berkembang dan akhirnya tidak menghasilkan keuntungan. Nah, karena peran target pasar yang krusial tersebut, cara menentukannya dapat menjadi kunci utama pebisnis bisa meraih kesuksesan.

Target market merupakan salah satu hal krusial yang wajib dipahami oleh seorang marketer , baik bisnis offline maupun online . Dalam menetapkan target pasar, perusahaan harus terlebih dulu melakukan segmentasi pasar, dengan cara mengelompokkan konsumen ke dalam kelompok dengan ciri-ciri yang sama.

Target pasar merupakan sekelompok konsumen yang menjadi sasaran bisnis agar membeli produk/jasa yang ditawarkan. Apa saja contohnya? Simak penjelasannya di bawah ini.

Apa Itu Target Market?

Target market atau pasar sasaran adalah kelompok spesifik dari calon pelanggan atau konsumen yang menjadi fokus utama dari strategi pemasaran suatu produk atau layanan. Ini adalah kelompok orang yang memiliki karakteristik, kebutuhan, dan preferensi yang serupa, dan kemungkinan besar akan tertarik untuk membeli atau menggunakan produk atau layanan Anda.

Dalam pemasaran, identifikasi target market sangat penting karena membantu perusahaan atau organisasi untuk lebih efektif dalam menyusun marketing campaigns , mengembangkan produk, dan menyusun pesan yang tepat. Dengan memahami siapa sasaran pasar Anda, perusahaan Anda dapat mengarahkan sumber daya dan upaya pemasaran yang lebih efisien untuk mencapai audiens yang paling potensial dan relevan.

Penentuan target pasar ini dapat melibatkan analisis data demografis, psikografis, geografis, dan perilaku konsumen untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik kunci dan preferensi yang umum dari kelompok yang dituju. Beberapa faktor yang dapat diperhatikan dalam penentuan target pasar meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, pendapatan, lokasi geografis , minat, gaya hidup, kebiasaan pembelian, dan nilai-nilai yang dipegang oleh kelompok tersebut.

Contoh sederhana target market adalah jika sebuah perusahaan memproduksi mainan anak-anak yang didesain untuk anak usia 3-5 tahun, maka target mereka adalah orang tua dengan anak usia 3-5 tahun. Untuk mengetahui ini, Anda dapat mengarahkan upaya pemasaran perusahaan Anda untuk menarik perhatian dan mencapai orang tua yang memiliki anak dalam kelompok usia tertentu tersebut.

Contoh Target Market

Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya untuk berbagai produk atau layanan.

1. Produk Perawatan Kulit Organik

Target: Perempuan berusia 25-40 tahun, yang peduli dengan perawatan kulit alami dan organik. Mereka mungkin tertarik pada produk yang bebas dari bahan kimia berbahaya dan ramah lingkungan.

2. Layanan Pendidikan Anak-Anak

Target: Orang tua dengan anak usia 3-6 tahun, yang mencari layanan pendidikan prasekolah yang berkualitas. Mereka mungkin mencari lingkungan belajar yang aman, kreatif, dan menstimulasi bagi anak-anak mereka.

3. Gadget dan Aksesoris Teknologi

Target: Konsumen berusia 18-35 tahun, yang tertarik pada teknologi terbaru dan ingin membeli gadget , seperti smartphone , laptop, atau aksesoris teknologi.

4. Produk Makanan Organik

Target: Individu berusia 25-45 tahun, yang memiliki gaya hidup sehat dan pilihan makanan yang sadar akan nutrisi. Mereka mungkin mencari makanan organik yang bebas dari pestisida dan bahan kimia sintetis.

5. Layanan Perjalanan Petualangan

Target: Para petualang berusia 25-45 tahun, yang mencari pengalaman petualangan dan liburan yang aktif. Mereka mungkin tertarik pada hiking , menyelam, atau berbagai aktivitas petualangan lainnya.

6. Produk Kebugaran dan Kesehatan

Target: Orang-orang berusia 18-50 tahun, yang memiliki minat dalam kesehatan dan kebugaran fisik. Mereka mungkin tertarik pada suplemen makanan, alat olahraga, atau layanan kebugaran.

7. Layanan Konsultasi Keuangan

Target: Profesional berusia 30-50 tahun, yang mencari bantuan untuk merencanakan masa depan keuangan mereka. Mereka mungkin ingin mengatur investasi, pensiun, atau mengelola utang mereka dengan lebih efektif.

Perlu dicatat bahwa contoh-contoh di atas adalah umum dan beragam tergantung pada produk, layanan , dan industri tertentu. Identifikasi target market yang tepat sangat penting untuk mengarahkan market strategies , mengembangkan produk, dan mencapai kesuksesan dalam bisnis.

Cara Membuat Target Market

Hal ini melibatkan langkah-langkah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendefinisikan kelompok calon pelanggan yang paling relevan dan potensial bagi produk atau layanan Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah untuk mengejar target bisnis Anda.

1. Analisis Produk atau Layanan Anda

Pertama, pahami dengan baik produk atau layanan Anda. Identifikasi fitur, manfaat, dan nilai unik yang dapat ditawarkan kepada calon konsumen.

2. Identifikasi Karakteristik Demografis

Tentukan karakteristik demografis dari calon pelanggan yang paling cocok dengan produk atau layanan Anda. Beberapa faktor demografis yang penting meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan lokasi geografis.

3. Analisis Psikografis

Pahami nilai-nilai, minat , gaya hidup, dan kebiasaan pembelian calon pelanggan. Ini akan membantu Anda memahami motivasi dan preferensi mereka terhadap produk atau layanan tertentu.

4. Studi Pesaing

Tinjau dan analisis pesaing Anda. Identifikasi kelompok pelanggan yang menjadi target mereka dan coba pahami bagaimana Anda bisa mengambil pendekatan yang berbeda untuk menarik perhatian calon pelanggan .

5. Survei dan Wawancara

Lakukan survei atau wawancara dengan pelanggan Anda yang sudah ada atau calon pelanggan untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi mereka secara mendalam.

6. Buat Segmen

Berdasarkan analisis Anda, kelompokkan calon pelanggan ke dalam segmen berdasarkan kesamaan karakteristik dan preferensi. Setiap segmen akan menjadi target yang berbeda untuk strategi pemasaran Anda.

7. Pilih Target Market Utama

Dari segmen yang sudah Anda buat, pilih satu atau beberapa target utama yang memiliki potensi terbesar untuk membeli produk atau layanan Anda. Pilih target market yang paling relevan dan terukur.

8. Buat Profil Pelanggan Ideal

Buat profil pelanggan ideal untuk setiap target yang dipilih. Profil ini harus mencakup karakteristik demografis, psikografis, dan perilaku yang paling mewakili calon pelanggan Anda.

9. Uji dan Evaluasi

Setelah Anda menentukan target , uji dan evaluasi strategi pemasaran Anda secara teratur untuk memahami respons dan kinerja dari setiap kelompok target market . Sesuaikan strategi Anda seiring waktu untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik.

Membuat target market adalah proses yang berkesinambungan dan perlu di- update sesuai dengan perubahan dalam pasar dan preferensi pelanggan. Dengan memahami dengan baik siapa target market Anda, Anda dapat mengarahkan upaya pemasaran Anda dengan lebih efektif dan meningkatkan kesempatan untuk mencapai kesuksesan dalam bisnis.

Demikian artikel mengenai target market . Mulai dari pengertian, manfaat hingga contoh target pasar yang bisa Anda pelajari untuk menetapkan seperti apa target market yang akan diterapkan pada perusahaan Anda.

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What is market segmentation? Definition, 5 types, and examples

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Market segmentation is a vital component of any product marketing strategy. Without it, you may fail to address the diverse needs and pain points of your varied customers.

What Is Market Segmentation? Definition, 5 Types, And Examples

Market segmentation helps you develop products that cater to the specific needs of distinct segments within the total market. This enables you to more effectively solve customer problems. Moreover, market segmentation ensures a return on investment while guaranteeing profitability and market success.

Defining market segmentation

Market segmentation is a strategic approach that divides the total addressable market (TAM) into several smaller segments. Each segment consists of customers who share similar characteristics, such as demographics, pain points, needs, etc. Consequently, a single product or a similar set of products can satisfy all customers within a particular market segment.

Segmenting the market enables you to target customer segments with a highly personalized approach. This aligns with current industry trends that emphasize hyper-personalization across omnichannel customers.

5 types of market segmentation

The five most common types of market segmentation are:

  • Demographic segmentation
  • Firmographic segmentation
  • Geographic segmentation
  • Psychographic segmentation
  • Behavioral segmentation

5 Types Of Market Segmentation

1. Demographic segmentation

Demographic segmentation is perhaps the most common and straightforward method of segmenting the market. It considers demographic characteristics such as age, income, gender, ethnicity, profession, and level of education.

The assumption here is that individuals with similar demographic traits are likely to have shared preferences and are therefore likely to purchase the same products to meet their needs.

2. Firmographic segmentation

Firmographic segmentation applies an organizational perspective to demographic segmentation. In other words, it pertains to organizations rather than individuals.

For instance, the needs of a small firm will likely differ from those of a midsized organization or large corporation.

3. Geographic segmentation

Geographic segmentation is a subset of demographic segmentation. It pertains to people within a specific geographic area and takes into account their unique needs based on their location.

4. Psychographic segmentation

Psychographic segmentation is arguably the most challenging type of segmentation because it divides the market based on factors that can change or vary over time, such as lifestyle preferences, and motivations. However, this form of segmentation is gaining traction due to the industry’s shift towards hyper-personalization.

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When large internet companies gather customer data from online transactions, they use this information to make decisions about intrinsic preferences and spending habits, providing a comprehensive picture that allows for effective customer segmentation.

5. Behavioral segmentation

This type of segmentation is driven by customers’ past behavior. It projects market segments based on data collected from previous purchases and customer preferences over time, thereby predicting what they are likely to buy in the future.

Examples of market segmentation

To truly understand the power of market segmentation, let’s look at three companies that have effectively used this strategy to drive their success:

Apple’s demographic and psychographic segmentation

Apple, the tech giant behind the iPhone and iPad, has skillfully used both demographic and psychographic segmentation. The company targets customers based on age and income — typically younger, affluent consumers — as well as social class and occupation.

This understanding of their customer base allows Apple to focus on creating products with superior design and user experience, knowing that its target customers are willing to pay a premium for high-quality items.

Slack’s firmographic segmentation strategy

In the market of team collaboration tools, Slack stands out for its effective use of firmographic segmentation. The company targets businesses of all sizes, recognizing that a small startup’s needs will differ from those of a large corporation.

By segmenting its market in this way, Slack can offer tailored solutions — from Slack Free for smaller teams to Slack Enterprise Grid for larger organizations — that meet each segment’s unique needs.

Netflix’s mastery of behavioral segmentation

Streaming service Netflix provides an excellent example of behavioral segmentation. By collecting extensive data on users’ viewing habits — including what they watch, when they watch it, how often they watch it, and even when they pause or stop watching something — Netflix can segment its users based on these behaviors.

This approach not only allows Netflix to provide personalized content recommendations but also informs its decisions about which original series or films to produce.

Tips and best practices for effective market segmentation

  • Adopt a data-driven approach — Relying on data for research and analysis allows you to quantify and define market segments accurately. This method leads to a more rationalized approach to market segmentation
  • Define personas — Because market segmentation is based on user characteristics, defining user personas can help map these characteristics effectively. This process aids in creating a more precise segmentation
  • Use established business models — Employing proven business models, such as Porter’s Five Forces , can provide insights into market conditions. Understanding factors such as market penetration and competition can lead to robust market segmentation

Market segmentation forms the bedrock of an effective marketing strategy. It ensures that the product is built for the right target customers, guarantees product profitability, fosters long-term customer retention, provides return on investment for marketing efforts, and supports an efficient business model.

Taking it one step further, market segmentation ensures that products are highly personalized and tailored for specific customer segments. Therefore, product and product marketing teams that adopt the market segmentation approach are best positioned to capitalize on the market for ensuring product success.

Featured image source: IconScout

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Market Segmentation: Definition, Example, Types, Benefits

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Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. Her expertise is in personal finance and investing, and real estate.

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What Is Market Segmentation?

Market segmentation is a way of aggregating prospective buyers into groups or segments, based on demographics, geography, behavior, or psychographic factors in order to better understand and market to them.

Key Takeaways

  • Market segmentation seeks to identify targeted groups of consumers to tailor products and branding in a way that is attractive to the group.
  • Markets can be segmented in several ways such as geographically, demographically, or behaviorally.
  • Market segmentation helps companies minimize risk by figuring out which products are the most likely to earn a share of a target market and the best ways to market and deliver those products to the market.
  • With risk minimized and clarity about the marketing and delivery of a product heightened, a company can then focus its resources on efforts likely to be the most profitable.
  • Market segmentation can also increase a company's demographic reach and may help the company discover products or services they hadn't previously considered.

Investopedia / Matthew Collins

Understanding Market Segmentation

Companies can generally use three criteria to identify different market segments:

  • Homogeneity , or common needs within a segment
  • Distinction , or being unique from other groups
  • Reaction , or a similar response to the market

For example, an athletic footwear company might have market segments for basketball players and long-distance runners. As distinct groups, basketball players and long-distance runners respond to very different advertisements. Understanding these different market segments enables the athletic footwear company to market its branding appropriately.

Market segmentation is an extension of market research that seeks to identify targeted groups of consumers to tailor products and branding in a way that is attractive to the group. The objective of market segmentation is to minimize risk by determining which products have the best chances of gaining a share of a target market  and determining the best way to deliver the products to the market. This allows the company to increase its overall efficiency by focusing limited resources on efforts that produce the best return on investment (ROI).

Market segmentation allows a company to increase its overall efficiency by focusing limited resources on efforts that produce the best return on investment (ROI).

Types of Market Segmentation

There are four primary types of market segmentation. However, one type can usually be split into an individual segment and an organization segment. Therefore, below are five common types of market segmentation.

Demographic Segmentation

Demographic segmentation is one of the simple, common methods of market segmentation. It involves breaking the market into customer demographics as age, income, gender, race, education, or occupation. This market segmentation strategy assumes that individuals with similar demographics will have similar needs.

Example: The market segmentation strategy for a new video game console may reveal that most users are young males with disposable income.

Firmographic Segmentation

Firmographic segmentation is the same concept as demographic segmentation. However, instead of analyzing individuals, this strategy looks at organizations and looks at a company's number of employees, number of customers, number of offices, or annual revenue .

Example: A corporate software provider may approach a multinational firm with a more diverse, customizable suite while approaching smaller companies with a fixed fee, more simple product.

Geographic Segmentation

Geographic segmentation is technically a subset of demographic segmentation. This approach groups customers by physical location, assuming that people within a given geographical area may have similar needs. This strategy is more useful for larger companies seeking to expand into different branches, offices, or locations.

Example: A clothing retailer may display more raingear in their Pacific Northwest locations compared to their Southwest locations.

Behavioral Segmentation

Behavioral segmentation relies heavily on market data, consumer actions, and decision-making patterns of customers. This approach groups consumers based on how they have previously interacted with markets and products. This approach assumes that consumers prior spending habits are an indicator of what they may buy in the future, though spending habits may change over time or in response to global events.

Example: Millennial consumers traditionally buy more craft beer, while older generations are traditionally more likely to buy national brands.

Psychographic Segmentation

Often the most difficult market segmentation approach, psychographic segmentation strives to classify consumers based on their lifestyle, personality, opinions, and interests. This may be more difficult to achieve, as these traits (1) may change easily and (2) may not have readily available objective data. However, this approach may yield strongest market segment results as it groups individuals based on intrinsic motivators as opposed to external data points.

Example: A fitness apparel company may target individuals based on their interest in playing or watching a variety of sports.

Other less notable examples of types of segmentation include volume (i.e. how much a consumer spends), use-related (i.e. how loyal a customer is), or other customer traits (i.e. how innovative or risk-favorable a customer is).

How to Determine Your Market Segment

There's no single universally accepted way to perform market segmentation. To determine your market segments, it's common for companies to ask themselves the following questions along their market segmentation journey.

Phase I: Setting Expectations/Objectives

  • What is the purpose or goal of performing market segmentation?
  • What does the company hope to find out by performing marketing segmentation?
  • Does the company have any expectations on what market segments may exist?

Phase 2: Identify Customer Segments

  • What segments are the company's competitors selling to?
  • What publicly available information (i.e. U.S. Census Bureau data) is relevant and available to our market?
  • What data do we want to collect, and how can we collect it?
  • Which of the five types of market segments do we want to segment by?

Phase 3: Evaluate Potential Segments

  • What risks are there that our data is not representative of the true market segments?
  • Why should we choose to cater to one type of customer over another?
  • What is the long-term repercussion of choosing one market segment over another?
  • What is the company's ideal customer profile, and which segments best overlap with this "perfect customer"?

Phase 4: Develop Segment Strategy

  • How can the company test its assumptions on a sample test market?
  • What defines a successful marketing segment strategy?
  • How can the company measure whether the strategy is working?

Phase 5: Launch and Monitor

  • Who are key stakeholders that can provide feedback after the market segmentation strategy has been unveiled?
  • What barriers to execution exist, and how can they can be overcome?
  • How should the launch of the marketing campaign be communicated internally?

Benefits of Market Segmentation

Marketing segmentation takes effort and resources to implement. However, successful marketing segmentation campaigns can increase the long-term profitability and health of a company. Several benefits of market segmentation include;

  • Increased resource efficiency. Marketing segmentation allows management to focus on certain demographics or customers. Instead of trying to promote products to the entire market, marketing segmentation allows a focused, precise approach that often costs less compared to a broad reach approach.
  • Stronger brand image. Marketing segment forces management to consider how it wants to be perceived by a specific group of people. Once the market segment is identified, management must then consider what message to craft. Because this message is directed at a target audience, a company's branding and messaging is more likely to be very intentional. This may also have an indirect effect of causing better customer experiences with the company.
  • Greater potential for brand loyalty. Marketing segmentation increases the opportunity for consumers to build long-term relationships with a company. More direct, personal marketing approaches may resonate with customers and foster a sense of inclusion, community, and a sense of belonging. In addition, market segmentation increases the probability that you land the right client that fits your product line and demographic.
  • Stronger market differentiation. Market segmentation gives a company the opportunity to pinpoint the exact message they way to convey to the market and to competitors. This can also help create product differentiation by communicating specifically how a company is different from its competitors. Instead of a broad approach to marketing, management crafts a specific image that is more likely to be memorable and specific.
  • Better targeted digital advertising. Marketing segmentation enables a company to perform better targeted advertising strategies. This includes marketing plans that direct effort towards specific ages, locations, or habits via social media.

Market segmentation exists outside of business. There has been extensive research using market segmentation strategies to promote overcoming COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and other health initiatives.

Limitations of Market Segmentation

The benefits above can't be achieved with some potential downsides. Here are some disadvantages to consider when considering implementing market segmentation strategies.

  • Higher upfront marketing expenses. Marketing segmentation has the long-term goal of being efficient. However, to capture this efficiency, companies must often spend resources upfront to gain the insight, data, and research into their customer base and the broad markets.
  • Increased product line complexity. Marketing segmentation takes a large market and attempts to break it into more specific, manageable pieces. This has the downside risk of creating an overly complex, fractionalized product line that focuses too deeply on catering to specific market segments. Instead of a company having a cohesive product line, a company's marketing mix may become too confusing and inconsistently communicate its overall brand.
  • Greater risk of misassumptions. Market segmentation is rooted in the assumption that similar demographics will share common needs. This may not always be the case. By grouping a population together with the belief that they share common traits, a company may risk misidentifying the needs, values, or motivations within individuals of a given population.
  • Higher reliance on reliable data. Market segmentation is only as strong as the underlying data that support the claims that are made. This means being mindful of what sources are used to pull in data. This also means being conscious of changing trends and when market segments may have shifted from prior studies.

Examples of Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is evident in the products, marketing, and advertising that people use every day. Auto manufacturers thrive on their ability to identify market segments correctly and create products and advertising campaigns that appeal to those segments.

Cereal producers market actively to three or four market segments at a time, pushing traditional brands that appeal to older consumers and healthy brands to health-conscious consumers, while building brand loyalty among the youngest consumers by tying their products to, say, popular children's movie themes.

A sports-shoe manufacturer might define several market segments that include elite athletes, frequent gym-goers, fashion-conscious women, and middle-aged men who want quality and comfort in their shoes. In all cases, the manufacturer's marketing intelligence about each segment enables it to develop and advertise products with a high appeal more efficiently than trying to appeal to the broader masses.

Market segmentation is a marketing strategy in which select groups of consumers are identified so that certain products or product lines can be presented to them in a way that appeals to their interests.

Why Is Market Segmentation Important?

Market segmentation realizes that not all customers have the same interests, purchasing power, or consumer needs. Instead of catering to all prospective clients broadly, market segmentation is important because it strives to make a company's marketing endeavors more strategic and refined. By developing specific plans for specific products with target audiences in mind, a company can increase its chances of generating sales and being more efficient with resources.

What Are the Types of Market Segmentation?

Types of segmentation include homogeneity, which looks at a segment's common needs, distinction, which looks at how the particular group stands apart from others, and reaction, or how certain groups respond to the market.

What Are Some Market Segmentation Strategies?

Strategies include targeting a group by location, by demographics—such as age or gender—by social class or lifestyle, or behaviorally—such as by use or response.

What Is an Example of Market Segmentation?

Upon analysis of its target audience and desired brand image, entered into an agreement with Matt Damon to promote their platform and cryptocurrency investing. With backdrops of space exploration and historical feats of innovation,'s market segmentation targeted younger, bolder, more risk-accepting individuals.

The Bottom Line

Market segmentation is a process companies use to break their potential customers into different sections. This allows the company to allocate the appropriate resource to each individual segment which allows for more accurate targeting across a variety of marketing campaigns.

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Target Market: Arti, Contoh dan Cara Menentukan

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Dalam menjalankan strategi bisnis, penting bagi kamu untuk tahu target market terlebih dahulu. Mengingat target dalam marketing ini menjadi kunci kesuksesan dari pemasaran sebuah bisnis.

Apabila kamu salah menentukan, maka akan berakibat fatal terhadap bisnis kedepannya. Nah, biar nggak salah dalam menentukan target yang pas, kamu perlu cari tahu detail informasinya. Kali ini MinLup akan membagikannya di sini.

Apa itu Target Market? 

Target market adalah sebuah kelompok orang yang akan dijadikan sasaran pemasaran sebagai bentuk upaya pendekatan bisnis. Di mana, target ini dapat tertarik untuk membeli sebuah produk atau jasa yang perusahaan tawarkan.

Secara umum proses penentuan dari target ini dengan mengetahui segmentasi pasar seperti pengelompokan di dalam masyarakat. Bisa berdasarkan jenis kelamin, usia, tempat tinggal, ataupun gaya hidup.

Setelah mengetahui pasar yang akan dituju, kamu bisa mengkategorikan mana segmen paling sesuai untuk bisnis yang akan kamu pasarkan. Dengan begitu, target pasar kamu akan terbentuk.

Contoh Target Market Berdasarkan Produk

Ada banyak sekali contoh target pasar berdasarkan layanan atau produk yang ditawarkan. Beberapa contohnya antara lain:

1. Produk Perawatan Kulit Organik

Biasanya produk ini akan menargetkan perempuan dengan rentang usia 25-40 tahun yang peduli terhadap kesehatan kulitnya. Golongan ini cenderung tertarik dengan perawatan berbahan alami dan ramah lingkungan.

2. Gadget dan Aksesoris Teknologi

Sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, maka target untuk Gadget dan aksesoris teknologi ini paling cocok seseorang dengan rentang usia 18-40 tahun.

3. Layanan Travelling

Sesuai dengan jiwa petualangan, target untuk layanan traveling cenderung pada golongan usia 25-45 tahun. Jenis traveling yang disenangi biasanya aktivitas air, naik gunung, atau champ .

4. Bimbingan Belajar Khusus Anak

Layanan pendidikan untuk anak-anak bagus sekali untuk orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 3-6 tahun. Sekarang ini waktu orang tua dan anak sangat terbatas, sehingga butuh tentor yang akan membantu anak dalam pendidikan pra-sekolah.

Jadi, bimbel khusus anak sebaiknya menargetkan kepada orang tua yang memiliki anak masih kecil.

Manfaat Menentukan Target Market

Menentukan target pasar memang bukan hal mudah, tetapi akan memberikan hasil yang memuaskan dalam bidang pemasaran. Apalagi segmentasi pasar menjadi kunci utama dalam pemasaran bisnis.

Penasaran apa saja manfaat dari menentukan segmentasi pasar secara akurat? Yuk, simak pembahasannya di sini:

  • Memudahkan pebisnis untuk mengatur produk atau layanan yang akan ditawarkan.
  • Membuat perhatian calon konsumen lebih terarah.
  • Membuat proses penetapan kunci pemasaran bisnis lebih jelas dan terstruktur rapi.
  • Proses pengelompokan budget untuk usaha pun menjadi lebih mudah dan tepat sasaran.
  • Bisa dijadikan sebagai alat untuk menentukan dan membandingkan peluang usaha yang sudah beredar di pasaran berdasarkan kebutuhan konsumen.
  • Bisa memanfaatkan sumber daya bisnis yang terbatas secara efektif dan efisien.
  • Dapat mengantisipasi persaingan yang cukup ketat.
  • Menjadi media untuk mengatur produk atau layanan bisnis menjadi lebih baik.
  • Berpotensi besar untuk menemukan dan membandingkan kesempatan di pasar.
  • Menjadikan bisnis untuk menargetkan segmentasi pasar lebih luas lagi dengan arah yang tepat dan tersusun rapi.

Cara Menentukan Target Market

Target pasar sangat bermanfaat sekali utamanya dalam membuat strategi pemasaran berjalan lebih efektif dan efisien. Selain itu juga bisa menghemat biaya sebab targetnya tepat sasaran.

Biar kamu bisa menentukan pasar dengan tepat, ayo cari tahu cara menjangkau target market berikut ini:

1. Mengumpulkan Data tentang Segmen Pasar

Pertama, untuk menentukan target secara tepat maka kamu perlu mengumpulkan data terlebih dahulu. Sebelum itu, proses pengumpulan ini harus kamu lakukan secara terpisah dengan riset.

Kamu bisa memanfaatkan data pasar yang sudah ada untuk mengetahui segmen paling tepat. Cara paling mudahnya dengan mengecek melalui beberapa sumber seperti followers media sosial, pengunjung blog, atau pun e-commerce .

2. Lakukan Riset Kompetitor

Berikutnya melakukan riset kompetitor dengan bisnis serupa akan membantu kamu untuk memilih target pasar yang tepat. Namun, sebelum itu pastikan kamu sudah menemukan insight penting.

Langkah pertama, cari tahu apakah kompetitor memiliki target kelompok yang sama. Setelah itu, lakukan riset dari target kompetitor yang belum sempat kamu pikirkan. Berikutnya, pelajari bagaimana cara kompetitor akan menerapkan strategi brand .

Berdasarkan beberapa insight tersebut, maka kamu bisa mendapat data tambahan untuk memutuskan apakah bidang usaha kamu dapat diperluas, dipersempit, atau justru harus mengubah total target yang sudah ada.

3. Catat Kelebihan Produk

Jangan sampai kamu cacat terhadap produk sendiri. Cari tahu kelebihan dari produk yang kamu keluarkan dan tidak dimiliki oleh brand lain. Dengan begitu, kamu akan bisa bersaing dengan kompetitor sejenis.

Contohnya, ada sebuah perusahaan C yang menjual produk sama dengan milikmu. Namun, kamu baru menyadari bahwa produk kamu lebih unggul daripada perusahaan C. Contohnya kain tenun yang kamu jual lebih halus dan hasilnya rapi.

Jika sebelumnya kamu hanya mengambil nilai jual dengan penawaran harga miring, beraneka desain, dan asli dari NTB. Kini, kamu bisa menambahkan strategi pemasaran dengan pembahasan kain lebih halus dan hasil tenun sangat rapi.

4. Tentukan Target Statement

Kemudian, setelah kamu berhasil melakukan ketiga langkah di atas, maka tahap selanjutnya adalah membuat target pasar statement. Pembuatan dokumen ini akan sangat penting karena dapat menerapkan strategi brand positioning secara tepat.

Berikut adalah contoh detailnya . “Kami menargetkan perempuan muslim yang tertarik dengan baju tertutup arabian seperti kaftan dan gamis”.

Perbedaan Target Market dan Target Audience

Sudahkah kamu mengetahui apa perbedaan target pasar dan target audience ? Banyak orang mengartikan bahwa kedua target ini sama. Bahkan, beberapa tenaga marketing justru kurang memahami benar perbedaan dari keduanya.

Padahal, meskipun keduanya cukup mirip tetapi ada perbedaan mendasar yang cukup kompleks. Di mana, untuk target audience ini fokus pada seseorang yang akan disasar untuk penargetan pemasaran.

Sedangkan target pasar atau market adalah sekelompok orang yang akan menjadi target konsumen atau pelanggan dari produk atau layanan yang ditawarkan.

Sekilas mungkin keduanya terlihat sama, tetapi kamu perlu tahu bahwa ternyata keduanya memiliki perbedaan yang mendasar.

Contoh konkretnya terletak pada bisnis bimbingan belajar khusus anak-anak. Layanan jasa ini mengambil target audience orang tua yang memiliki anak pra-sekolah dengan usia 4-6 tahun. Padahal, target pasarnya adalah anak-anak.

Nah, dari pembahasan di atas pengen pengetahuan seputar marketing makin bertambah? Yuk, jangan lupa ikuti terus artikel Ngalup biar makin banyak insight kamu tentang marketing seperti target market dan target audience .

Apakah target market juga harus dilakukan untuk bisnis kesehatan?

Tentu saja. Semua bisnis sebaiknya menggunakan agar target lebih terarah.

Apakah menentukan target pasar dapat membantu bisnis berkembang?

Ya. Karena target pasar yang tepat akan membantu bisnis berkembang lebih cepat.

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Bisa dari sosial media, workshop online , atau blog seperti Ngalup.

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Home » Business and Marketing » Pelajari 7 Contoh Market Analysis Business Plan dan Tips Jitu Membuatnya untuk Bisnis Anda!

Pelajari 7 Contoh Market Analysis Business Plan dan Tips Jitu Membuatnya untuk Bisnis Anda!

Miftah putra.

  • April 12, 2024
  • Business and Marketing

contoh market analysis business plan

Market analysis merupakan salah satu elemen kunci dalam menyusun rencana bisnis yang efektif. Dengan melakukan analisis pasar yang cermat, Anda dapat memahami pasar secara menyeluruh dan membuat keputusan strategis yang tepat untuk pertumbuhan bisnis. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membahas secara komprehensif tentang market analysis business plan , termasuk contoh market analysis business plan dan tips jitu dalam menyusunnya.

Apa yang Harus Ada di Market Analysis Business Plan?

Dalam menyusun market analysis dalam rencana bisnis, ada beberapa elemen penting yang harus Anda sertakan untuk memahami pasar dan mengembangkan strategi yang efektif. Berikut adalah detail dari setiap elemen yang harus ada di dalam market analysis :

Baca Juga:  Memahami Konsep Cohort Analysis dan Aplikasinya dalam Membuat Strategi Pemasaran

1. Deskripsi Bisnis dan Tujuan

Pertama-tama, Anda perlu memberikan deskripsi yang jelas tentang bisnis, termasuk produk atau layanan yang ditawarkan, visi, misi, dan nilai-nilai perusahaan. Ini membantu pembaca memahami konteks dari analisis pasar yang dilakukan dan tujuan bisnis Anda.

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2. Target Pasar

Identifikasi dengan jelas siapa target pasar Anda. Sertakan informasi demografis seperti usia, jenis kelamin, pendapatan, dan preferensi konsumen. Pahami kebutuhan dan preferensi pasar yang akan Anda layani untuk menyesuaikan strategi pemasaran.

3. Kebutuhan Pasar

Analisis kebutuhan pasar untuk memahami apakah ada kebutuhan yang belum terpenuhi dan bagaimana produk atau layanan Anda dapat memenuhinya. Tinjau juga apakah kebutuhan tersebut sudah ada sebelumnya atau Anda menciptakannya dengan produk atau layanan baru.

4. Pertumbuhan Pasar

Tinjau pertumbuhan pasar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan proyeksikan pertumbuhan pada masa mendatang. Hal ini akan membantu Anda memahami potensi pasar dan mengidentifikasi peluang pertumbuhan untuk bisnis.

5. Tren Pasar

Analisis tren pasar untuk memahami perubahan perilaku konsumen, teknologi, atau regulasi yang dapat memengaruhi bisnis Anda. Tinjau apakah ada pergeseran ke arah produk atau layanan tertentu yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai peluang bisnis.

6. Pengujian Riset Pasar

Jelaskan metode dan hasil dari pengujian riset pasar yang telah dilakukan. Informasi ini akan memberikan kepercayaan kepada pembaca bahwa analisis Anda didasarkan pada data yang valid dan relevan.

7. Analisis Kompetitif

Identifikasi pesaing utama Anda dan analisis kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka. Tinjau juga strategi pemasaran dan posisi pasar pesaing. Ini akan membantu Anda mengidentifikasi celah pasar dan keunggulan kompetitif dalam bersaing.

8. Tantangan Bisnis

Tinjau tantangan atau hambatan yang mungkin dihadapi dalam memasuki pasar atau bersaing dengan pesaing. Identifikasi strategi untuk mengatasi tantangan ini dan meminimalkan risiko bagi bisnis Anda.

9. Regulasi

Analisis regulasi yang berlaku dalam industri Anda dan bagaimana hal itu dapat memengaruhi operasi bisnis. Pastikan untuk mematuhi semua regulasi yang berlaku dan pertimbangkan dampaknya terhadap strategi bisnis Anda.

Melalui penyertaan semua elemen tersebut dalam market analysis business plan , Anda akan memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang pasar yang dituju dan dapat mengembangkan strategi yang tepat untuk mencapai kesuksesan bisnis.

contoh assignment target market

Contoh Market Analysis Business Plan

Untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang bagaimana market analysis dalam sebuah rencana bisnis disusun, berikut adalah contoh nyata yang dapat dijadikan referensi:

Baca Juga:  Digital Marketing Framework: Simak Cara Menyusun Framework Digital Marketing untuk Strategi Bisnis

Contoh Deskripsi Bisnis

Sebuah perusahaan start up yang berfokus pada produksi dan penjualan perangkat lunak manajemen proyek online untuk bisnis kecil dan menengah (UKM). Perangkat lunak ini dirancang untuk membantu UKM mengelola proyek dengan lebih efisien, meningkatkan produktivitas tim, dan memastikan proyek selesai tepat waktu.

Contoh Target Pasar

Target pasar perusahaan ini adalah pemilik bisnis UKM dengan jumlah karyawan antara 5 hingga 50 orang, terutama dalam industri jasa profesional seperti desain grafis, pemasaran digital, dan pengembangan perangkat lunak. Mereka adalah pemilik bisnis yang mencari solusi untuk mengelola proyek dengan lebih baik tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya besar untuk perangkat lunak manajemen proyek yang kompleks.

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Contoh Kebutuhan Pasar

Analisis pasar menunjukkan bahwa pemilik bisnis UKM sering mengalami kesulitan dalam mengelola proyek secara efektif. Mereka membutuhkan solusi yang sederhana, terjangkau, dan mudah digunakan untuk membantu mengatur tugas, jadwal, dan anggaran proyek dengan lebih baik.

Contoh Pertumbuhan Pasar

Pasar perangkat lunak manajemen proyek diprediksi akan terus berkembang seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah bisnis UKM yang menyadari pentingnya manajemen proyek yang efisien. Selain itu, tren kerja jarak jauh dan kolaborasi tim secara online juga akan mendorong permintaan untuk solusi manajemen proyek yang dapat diakses secara cloud .

Contoh Tren Pasar

Tren pasar menunjukkan bahwa banyak bisnis UKM beralih ke solusi perangkat lunak berbasis cloud untuk meningkatkan fleksibilitas dan aksesibilitas. Permintaan untuk fitur kolaborasi real-time dan integrasi dengan aplikasi lain seperti email dan kalender juga makin tinggi.

Contoh Pengujian Riset Pasar

Perusahaan telah melakukan survei online dan wawancara langsung dengan pemilik bisnis UKM untuk memahami kebutuhan dan preferensi mereka terkait manajemen proyek. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden menginginkan solusi yang mudah digunakan, terjangkau, dan dapat diakses dari mana saja.

Contoh Analisis Kompetitif

Pes konkuren utama perusahaan ini adalah perangkat lunak manajemen proyek lain yang sudah mapan di pasar, baik yang berbasis cloud maupun yang berbasis desktop. Namun, perusahaan ini memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dalam harga yang lebih terjangkau, antarmuka yang lebih ramah pengguna, dan dukungan pelanggan yang lebih responsif.

Contoh Tantangan Bisnis

Dalam memasuki pasar perangkat lunak manajemen proyek, perusahaan menghadapi beberapa tantangan yang perlu diatasi:

  • Persaingan yang Ketat : Pasar perangkat lunak manajemen proyek sudah sangat ramai dengan pesaing-pesaing yang sudah mapan dan memiliki pangsa pasar yang besar. Perusahaan perlu memiliki strategi pemasaran yang kuat untuk membedakan diri dari pesaing dan menarik perhatian pelanggan potensial.
  • Penerimaan Pengguna : Salah satu tantangan utama adalah mendapatkan penerimaan pengguna terhadap produk baru. Beberapa pengguna mungkin sudah terbiasa dengan perangkat lunak manajemen proyek lain atau bahkan menggunakan metode manual untuk mengatur proyek mereka. Perusahaan perlu melakukan pendekatan yang efektif untuk memperkenalkan produknya kepada pasar dan memastikan bahwa pengguna dapat dengan mudah beradaptasi dengannya.
  • Ketersediaan Sumber Daya : Pengembangan dan pemasaran perangkat lunak membutuhkan sumber daya yang signifikan dalam hal waktu, uang, dan tenaga kerja. Perusahaan perlu memastikan bahwa mereka memiliki sumber daya yang cukup untuk menghadapi tantangan ini dan memastikan kesuksesan produknya di pasar.

Contoh Regulasi

Dalam operasinya, perusahaan juga perlu memperhatikan berbagai regulasi yang berlaku dalam industri perangkat lunak, termasuk:

  • Perlindungan Data : Dengan adanya regulasi perlindungan data seperti Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi, perusahaan perlu memastikan bahwa mereka mematuhi standar keamanan data yang ketat dalam pengelolaan informasi pelanggan.
  • Hak Kekayaan Intelektual : Perusahaan perlu memperhatikan hak kekayaan intelektual terkait dengan pengembangan perangkat lunak mereka, termasuk hak cipta dan paten. Hal ini penting untuk melindungi produk dari pelanggaran hak kekayaan intelektual oleh pihak lain.
  • Peraturan Ekspor-Impor : Jika perusahaan berencana untuk beroperasi di pasar internasional, mereka perlu memperhatikan regulasi ekspor dan impor yang berlaku dalam perdagangan internasional. Hal ini termasuk aturan terkait dengan ekspor perangkat lunak dan layanan ke negara-negara tertentu.

Dengan menyertakan contoh-contoh konkret seperti di atas dalam market analysis business plan , perusahaan dapat memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang pasar yang mereka hadapi dan merancang strategi yang tepat untuk meraih kesuksesan dalam bisnisnya.

Tips Jitu Membuat Market Analysis Business Plan untuk Bisnis Anda

Tips Jitu Membuat Market Analysis Business Plan untuk Bisnis Anda

Market analysis merupakan langkah kunci dalam menyusun rencana bisnis yang efektif. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips jitu yang dapat membantu Anda membuat market analysis business plan yang tepat dan efektif untuk bisnis:

1. Lakukan Riset Pasar yang Mendalam

Mulailah dengan melakukan riset pasar yang menyeluruh untuk memahami tren, kebutuhan, dan preferensi pasar. Gunakan berbagai sumber informasi seperti data statistik, laporan industri, dan survei konsumen untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang pasar yang Anda tuju.

2. Kenali Target Pasar Anda

Identifikasi dengan jelas siapa target pasar Anda dan pahami kebutuhan serta preferensi mereka. Mengetahui siapa pelanggan potensial akan membantu menyesuaikan strategi pemasaran dan pengembangan produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar.

Baca Juga:  3 Cara Efektif Mengidentifikasi Segmen dan Target Pasar

3. Analisis Kompetitif yang Mendalam

Lakukan analisis kompetitif untuk mengidentifikasi pesaing utama Anda dan memahami kekuatan serta kelemahan mereka. Dengan memahami pesaing, Anda dapat mengembangkan strategi yang tepat untuk bersaing dan memenangkan pangsa pasar.

4. Gunakan Data dan Fakta yang Valid

Pastikan bahwa semua informasi yang Anda sertakan dalam market analysis didukung oleh data dan fakta yang valid dan relevan. Menggunakan data yang akurat akan memberikan kepercayaan kepada pembaca bahwa analisis Anda didasarkan pada bukti yang kuat.

5. Tinjau Tren Pasar

Perhatikan tren pasar terkini dalam industri Anda dan perubahan perilaku konsumen yang mungkin memengaruhi bisnis. Dengan memahami tren pasar, Anda dapat mengidentifikasi peluang baru dan mengantisipasi perubahan dalam permintaan pasar.

6. Libatkan Seluruh Tim

Melibatkan seluruh tim dalam proses penyusunan market analysis dapat memberikan sudut pandang yang beragam dan membantu memastikan bahwa semua aspek pasar telah dipertimbangkan secara menyeluruh.

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7. Perbarui Secara Berkala

Ingatlah untuk secara berkala memperbarui market analysis Anda sesuai dengan perubahan pasar dan industri. Hal ini akan memastikan bahwa rencana bisnis Anda tetap relevan dan responsif terhadap dinamika pasar yang terus berubah.

Dengan menerapkan tips-tips di atas, Anda dapat membuat market analysis business plan yang kuat dan efektif untuk membantu mengarahkan bisnis menuju kesuksesan. Pastikan untuk menyertakan semua aspek penting dari analisis pasar dalam rencana bisnis Anda dan terus memperbarui strategi sesuai dengan perkembangan pasar yang terus berubah.

Dalam menyusun market analysis business plan , kita telah melihat betapa pentingnya pemahaman mendalam tentang pasar yang kita tuju. Dengan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan, tren, dan kompetisi dalam pasar, kita dapat mengembangkan strategi yang tepat untuk memasarkan produk atau layanan kita dengan efektif dan meraih kesuksesan bisnis.

Melalui contoh-contoh market analysis yang telah dibahas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa market analysis bukanlah sekadar langkah formal dalam menyusun rencana bisnis, tetapi merupakan fondasi yang kuat untuk mengarahkan langkah-langkah bisnis yang akan diambil. Dengan memahami pasar dengan baik, kita dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih tepat dan mengurangi risiko yang mungkin dihadapi.

Untuk memastikan market analysis business plan Anda dapat diaplikasikan dengan baik dan memberikan hasil yang optimal, kami menawarkan bantuan tambahan melalui jasa digital marketing dari ToffeeDev. Sebagai mitra Anda dalam mengembangkan bisnis secara online , kami siap membantu mencapai tujuan bisnis melalui strategi pemasaran digital yang terukur dan efektif.

Keunggulan layanan digital marketing dari ToffeeDev meliputi:

  • Strategi Pemasaran Berbasis Data : Kami menggunakan pendekatan yang didasarkan pada data untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran yang tepat sasaran dan efektif.
  • Optimalisasi SEO : Kami membantu meningkatkan visibilitas dan peringkat situs web Anda di mesin pencari melalui praktik SEO terbaik.
  • Manajemen Konten : Tim kami akan membantu Anda dalam menciptakan konten yang menarik dan relevan untuk menarik perhatian dan mempertahankan pelanggan.
  • Analisis Kinerja : Kami menyediakan laporan kinerja berkala untuk memantau hasil kampanye pemasaran Anda dan melakukan penyesuaian jika diperlukan.

Jika Anda tertarik untuk meningkatkan kehadiran online bisnis dan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dari market analysis , jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami dan mulai jadwalkan konsultasi gratis hari ini.

ToffeeDev siap membantu Anda mencapai kesuksesan dalam bisnis Anda melalui strategi pemasaran digital yang efektif dan terukur!

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Market Segmentation Study Guide

Market Segmentation Study Guide

Market segmentation example for sports shoes

  • Elite sports,
  • Everyday wearers,
  • Fashion sports, and
  • Budget conscious consumers.

These five example market segments are shown in the following diagram:

exampl market segmentation for sports shoes

  • 1 The sporty market segment
  • 2 The elite sports market segment
  • 3 The everyday wearers market segment
  • 4 The fashion sports market segment
  • 5 The budget conscious market segment

The sporty market segment

This is the traditional segment of the sports shoe market. These consumers are actively involved in fitness or sports on a regular basis.

They are usually looking for a good quality sports shoe that has the performance required to support them in their chosen field of activity. Many of these consumers would go to the gym or some form of fitness class on a regular basis or participate in some form of organized sport.

They are most interested in well-known brands that offer higher quality shoes. They are willing to pay a higher price (within reason) for a suitable product.

The elite sports market segment

Consumers in this particular market segment are highly committed to a particular sport, and probably train more than 10 hours per week. Some may be professional athletes, but the majority are serious competitors in their chosen sport.

They are particularly interested in shoes that are designed for a particular function (such as running, cycling, basketball, and so on) and typically seek out more modern innovations and technologically-advanced products.

This will be a high involvement purchase decision for these consumers and will tend to be relatively brand loyal as a result.

The everyday wearers market segment

It is a very mainstream market. It consists of a wide variety of people who are looking to purchase sports shoes to wear on day to day lifestyle basis.

Because they do not wear the shoes for any specific sporting purpose, they are less concerned with the actual quality and performance specifications. They are most interested in comfortable shoes that represent good value for money.

They tend to be quite attracted to very well-known brands because they consider that to be a safe, low risk choice.

The fashion sports market segment

This is an emerging segment that is looking for sporty looking fashion shoe.

They do NOT buy the product for its sports function, but for its style, look and brand image (for their social/self identity).

As this market tends to be teenagers, young adults and young professionals, they want brands that are unique to themselves, not brands that their parents wear.

The budget conscious market segment

Like any market there are a proportion of people who are very budget conscious, or will buy cheaper shoes on occasions. These consumers are after low quality, low priced shoes that have a sporting look about them.

Consumers in this market tend to be families, retirees, or consumers looking for an extra pair of shoes simply to wear around the house or in the garden.

See more market segmentation examples

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    A target audience is a group of consumers within a predefined target market that has been identified as the best recipients for a particular marketing message. And a target market broadly describes B2C or B2B consumers who care about your product or service and, under the right conditions, are most likely to spend money with your company. An ...

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    Contoh Target Market. Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya untuk berbagai produk atau layanan. 1. Produk Perawatan Kulit Organik. Target: Perempuan berusia 25-40 tahun, yang peduli dengan perawatan kulit alami dan organik. Mereka mungkin tertarik pada produk yang bebas dari bahan kimia berbahaya dan ramah lingkungan. 2.

  13. Group Assignment MKT421 CASE Study Analysis M.A.C Cosmetics Group 9

    MKT Assignment 3 - 301222. Assignment 1 - Rabiatul Addawiyah Binti MOHD DIAH. MKT420 Assignment 2 Infographic Segmentation. MKT420 Assignment 2. marketing assignment bachelor of business administration (hons) marketing mkt421 marketing concepts and practices march 2022 august 2022 report group assignment.

  14. What is market segmentation? Definition, 5 types, and examples

    The five most common types of market segmentation are: Demographic segmentation. Firmographic segmentation. Geographic segmentation. Psychographic segmentation. Behavioral segmentation. 1. Demographic segmentation. Demographic segmentation is perhaps the most common and straightforward method of segmenting the market.

  15. Market Segmentation: Definition, Example, Types, Benefits

    Market segmentation is a marketing term referring to the aggregating of prospective buyers into groups, or segments, that have common needs and respond similarly to a marketing action. Market ...

  16. Target Market: Arti, Contoh dan Cara Menentukan

    Cara Menentukan Target Market. Target pasar sangat bermanfaat sekali utamanya dalam membuat strategi pemasaran berjalan lebih efektif dan efisien. Selain itu juga bisa menghemat biaya sebab targetnya tepat sasaran. Biar kamu bisa menentukan pasar dengan tepat, ayo cari tahu cara menjangkau target market berikut ini: 1.

  17. Week 3 Marketing Objectives Segmentation & Target Market 1.pptx

    3.1.1 Marketing Objectives Instructions: • Briefly define 3-4 marketing/sales-related objectives for the company to enter, establish and/or expand in your selected country market with the assigned product over the next 3-5 years. Ensure that you include: a) marketing/sales objectives that relate to the Business Objectives in the Week 1 Power Point, plus b) at least 1 sustainable marketing ...

  18. 7 Contoh Market Analysis Business Plan dan Tips Membuatnya

    Contoh Regulasi. Tips Jitu Membuat Market Analysis Business Plan untuk Bisnis Anda. 1. Lakukan Riset Pasar yang Mendalam. 2. Kenali Target Pasar Anda. 3. Analisis Kompetitif yang Mendalam. 4.

  19. Market segmentation example for sports shoes

    Fashion sports, and. Budget conscious consumers. These five example market segments are shown in the following diagram: Contents [ hide] 1 The sporty market segment. 2 The elite sports market segment. 3 The everyday wearers market segment. 4 The fashion sports market segment. 5 The budget conscious market segment.

  20. Georgian president vetoes 'foreign agents' bill after widespread

    Georgia's President Salome Zourabichvili has vetoed a controversial "foreign agents" bill that sparked weeks of widespread protests across the country.

  21. MKT420 Assignment 4PS MARKETING MIX

    PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICE OF MARKETING principles and practice of marketing group assignment course code mkt 420 program code ba243 lecturer name dr zatul fahany. ... Companies must build strong relationship with customers and create brand image and equity among target market. REFERENCES. Hitesh Bhasin. (2020, January 25). Markeing mix of Domino ...

  22. Russian forces use border-town captives as 'human shields ...

    Russian forces have captured dozens of civilians in the border town of Vovchansk, a Ukrainian official has said, with a top regional police officer accusing them of using the captives as "human shields." Moscow has ramped up its offensive in northern Ukraine. Last week it launched its most ...

  23. Britain summons Russian ambassador, targets Moscow-owned homes ...

    The United Kingdom has summoned the Russian ambassador and announced a swathe of new measures against Moscow, including the targeting of Russian-owned buildings that the British government said ...

  24. Zelensky wants China at Ukraine peace talks, cites 'influence ...

    Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine wants to work with countries like China with "influence on Russia" as his country faces a renewed Moscow offensive, urging Beijing to attend peace talks next month.


    MKT GP Assignment; Group 1 MKT243 Group Assignment; Mind mapping mkt23 chap 7; Mind mapping mkt243 chap5; Marketing PLAN MKT243 A4AC1104B (SYED Mokhtar Albukhary) ... live and work in the target market and some agent can be considering as the publisher of the product. "Creamer Dadih" can be expired in a week. Consequently, it would be a ...

  26. Analysis: This is the goal of Putin and Xi's meeting in Beijing

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping met in Beijing. China is Russia's top trade partner, and international sanctions over Moscow's war in Ukraine have driven the two ...

  27. PMK Assignment

    Etc for marketing strategy. MARKETING STRATEGY Ainaa Beauty is one of the developing local skin-care company established in 2018. Their target market is the people who are of age 15-54 as they tend to care a lot about their beauty and makeup products. Their aim is to

  28. Ukraine's foreign minister blames 'everyone who is not doing enough

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Saturday he blames "everyone who is not doing enough" for Ukraine's recent setbacks on the battlefield as he admitted the current situation on ...