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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Skills?

Explore the multifaceted world of "Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Skills." Uncover the many benefits, including building strong relationships, problem-solving, clear understanding, and enhanced self-confidence. In this blog, gain a deeper understanding of the pros and cons that play a pivotal role in personal and professional interactions.


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Communication Skills can bridge gaps, foster understanding, and build trust. However, it can also become a source of confusion and conflict. Want to know how? Read this blog to learn everything about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Skills. Read ahead to learn more! 

Table of Contents  

1) Advantages of Communication Skills 

     a) Building strong relationships 

     b) Enhancing professional growth 

     c) Facilitating problem solving 

     d) Ensuring clear understanding 

     e) Boosting self-confidence 

2) Disadvantages of Communication Skills 

     a) Risks caused due to misinterpretation 

     b) Over-reliance on verbal communication 

     c) Potentially overwhelming amount of information 

     d) Incorrect medium choice 

     e) Breeding conflicts 

3) Conclusion

Advantages of Communication Skills  

After learning about What are Communication Skills, it’s time to learn about the advantages of Communication Skills. These advantages are as follows: 

Building strong relationships  

One of the most important aspects of having good Communication Skills are to build meaningful professional and personal relationships. You can understand more about them by going through these components:  

Building strong relationships with effective Communication Skills

1) Foundation of trust: Effective communication fosters transparency and honesty. It is an essential element for building trust in any relationship. 

2) Deepened understanding: Regular and open dialogue allows individuals to understand each other's perspectives, emotions, and motivations, leading to deeper connections. 

3) Conflict resolution: Good Communication Skills are crucial for addressing and resolving misunderstandings or disagreements, preventing them from escalating into larger issues. 

4) Shared experiences : Communicating allows individuals to share personal experiences, creating shared memories and strengthening bonds. 

5) Validation of feelings: By expressing and acknowledging emotions, individuals validate each other's feelings, promoting mutual respect and empathy. 

6) Collaborative decision-making: Effective communication encourages participative decision-making where all parties feel heard and valued. 

7) Setting and respecting boundaries: Clearly communicating one's boundaries and understanding those of others ensures mutual respect and harmony in relationships. 

8) Empathetic listening: Active and empathetic listening not only facilitates understanding but also makes individuals feel valued and heard, strengthening relational bonds. 

9) Shared goals and aspiration s: Discussing future plans and aspirations aligns individuals towards common objectives, reinforcing their connection. 

10) Cultural sensitivity: Good Communicators are often sensitive to cultural nuances and differences, promoting inclusivity and respect in diverse relationships. 

11) Adaptability: Effective Communicators can adapt their style and tone based on the situation and the individual they're interacting with, ensuring that the relationship remains harmonious. 

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Enhancing professional growth  

Having good Communication Skills can immensely help you in your professional growth. This is how: 

1) Career advancement: Employees with exemplary Communication Skills often stand out, making them prime candidates for promotions and leadership roles. 

2) Networking opportunities: Effective Communicators can build and maintain extensive professional networks, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations. 

3) Efficient team collaboration: Clear communication ensures team members understand roles, responsibilities, and project goals, leading to enhanced productivity and fewer mistakes. 

4) Building credibility: Clear and concise communication can establish an individual's reputation as reliable and knowledgeable, fostering trust among colleagues and superiors. 

5) Effective problem-solving: Good Communicators can articulate challenges and facilitate discussions, leading to quicker resolutions and innovative solutions. 

6) Influential presentations: The ability to present ideas persuasively can drive change, secure funding, or initiate new projects within an organisation. 

7) Client relationships: Clear and empathetic communication is key to understanding client needs, ensuring customer satisfaction, and fostering long-term business relationships. 

8) Feedback reception: Those skilled in communication are typically more receptive to feedback, viewing it as an avenue for growth rather than criticism. 

9) Negotiation skills: Effective Communicators have an edge in negotiations. They are able to articulate their standpoints clearly and understand the positions of others. 

10) Professional development: Regularly participating in discussions, meetings, and conferences not only enhances visibility but also contributes to continuous learning. 

11) Cross-departmental collaboration: Good Communicators often bridge gaps between departments, ensuring that projects run smoothly and organisational goals are achieved cohesively. 

12) Embracing digital communication: Leveraging communication tools and platforms effectively can further enhance collaboration and information dissemination.  

Communication Skills Training

Facilitating problem solving  

Effective Communication Skills help you to solve problems both in your personal and professional life. This is how you can use your skills for problem-solving: 

1) Identification of issues: Clear communication allows team members to articulate challenges, ensuring that everyone understands the problem's root cause. 

2) Collaborative solutions: Open dialogues foster brainstorming sessions where diverse perspectives converge, leading to innovative solutions. 

3) Mitigation of conflicts: Effective communication helps address misunderstandings, preventing them from escalating into major disputes. 

4) Decision-making process: Engaging in constructive discussions aids in weighing pros and cons, ensuring well-informed decisions. 

5) Feedback loop: A continuous communication channel ensures feedback is received, processed, and acted upon, refining solutions further. 

6) Stakeholder alignment: Clear communication ensures that all stakeholders, from team members to management, are aligned with the proposed solutions. 

7) Documentation: Properly documenting discussions and decisions aids in creating a reference point, ensuring consistency in approach and understanding. 

8) Resource allocation: Communicating the nature and scope of problems can help in the appropriate allocation of resources for resolution. 

9) Transparency: Open communication fosters a transparent environment where challenges are openly discussed without fear of retribution. 

10) Emotional quotient: Recognising and addressing emotional concerns alongside logical issues often leads to more comprehensive solutions. 

11) Follow-up mechanism: Effective Communicators ensure follow-ups, gauging the efficacy of solutions and making necessary adjustments. 

12) Skill development: Regular problem-solving discussions can enhance analytical skills, with communication acting as a medium for knowledge exchange. 

Ensuring clear understanding  

Communication Skills help you to communicate all ideas and propositions effectively. This is how these skills help you: 

1) Elimination of assumptions: Clear communication minimises the chances of people making assumptions, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. 

2) Active listening: Active Listening Skill is pivotal in truly understanding the speaker's intent and message, fostering deeper comprehension. 

3) Feedback mechanism : Encouraging questions and feedback ensures that any ambiguities are promptly addressed. 

4) Visual aids: Using diagrams, charts, or presentations can enhance understanding by appealing to visual learners. 

5) Simplicity: Breaking down complex ideas into simpler terms or using analogies can make concepts more graspable. 

6) Consistent messaging: Reiterating key points or using repetition ensures that the main ideas are firmly ingrained in the listener's mind. 

7) Tailored communication: Adjusting the communication style based on the audience, be it experts or novices, ensures better resonance and understanding. 

8) Clarity in writing: In written communication, clarity and organisation are essential in conveying ideas without confusion. 

9) Non-verbal cues: Paying attention to body language, facial expressions, and tone can offer insights into the listener's level of understanding and engagement. 

10) Contextualisation: Relating information to real-life scenarios or providing relevant examples can anchor understanding. 

11) Immediate recap: Summarising the key points at the end of a discussion reinforces understanding and offers a chance for any lingering questions. 

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Boosting self-confidence  

Good Communication Skills help you to deliver your ideas effectively. You are greeted with more positive feedback and entrusted with responsibilities. This is how these skills can help you boost your self-confidence:  

1) Positive feedback loop: Receiving acknowledgement and appreciation for clear communication can significantly boost self-esteem. 

2) Practice and preparation: Regularly practising and preparing for important discussions can build a comfort level, reducing anxiety and boosting confidence. 

3) Self-awareness: Reflecting on one's communication style and actively working on improvements enhances self-esteem. 

4) Controlled non-verbal signals : Control over body language, like maintaining eye contact and adopting open postures, reinforces a confident image. 

5) Empowered decision-making: Clear communication aids in making informed decisions, enhancing self-reliance and confidence in one's choices. 

6) Building relationships : Establishing strong interpersonal relationships through communication fosters a sense of belonging and self-worth. 

7) Navigating difficult conversations: The ability to handle conflicts or challenging discussions with poise augments self-assuredness. 

8) Continuous learning: Regularly updating and refining Communication Skills through training or reading can instil confidence in adapting to various scenarios. 

9) Public speaking opportunities: Embracing opportunities to speak in public forums or meetings and receiving positive feedback can significantly elevate confidence levels. 

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Disadvantages of Communication Skills  

Like every skill (if not implemented precisely) can have drawbacks, there are several Disadvantages of Communication Skills as well. Let's have a detailed look at some of them:   

Disadvantages of Communication Skills

Risks caused due to misinterpretation  

There are several cons of Communication Skills. Miscommunication can have a lot of potential to create misunderstandings. They can lead to the following: 

1) Cultural differences: Varied cultural backgrounds can lead to different interpretations of words, gestures, or expressions. 

2) Ambiguity: Using vague or ambiguous language can cause confusion, leading to potential misunderstandings. 

3) Over-reliance on digital tools: Text-based digital communication, devoid of vocal tone or facial expressions, can be easily misconstrued. 

4) Non-verbal mismatch: Body language or facial expressions that don't align with verbal messages can lead to confusion about true intentions. 

5) Technical jargon: Using industry-specific terms with those unfamiliar can cause confusion or misinterpretation. 

6) Emotional barriers: Personal biases, prejudices, or emotions can distort the reception of a message. 

7) Information overload: Bombarding someone with too much information can lead to key points being overlooked or misinterpreted. 

8) Poor listening skills: Not actively listening can result in missing crucial details or misunderstanding the message's essence. 

9) Assumptions: Making assumptions about what the other person knows can lead to gaps in understanding. 

10) Lack of feedback: Without a feedback mechanism, it's challenging to clarify or correct misunderstandings. 

11) medium choice: Choosing the wrong mode of communication (e.g., email for a sensitive topic) can lead to misinterpretations. 

Over-reliance on verbal communication  

If you only focus on verbal communication, then you might be neglecting the other areas, where verbal communication alone can pose some risks. They can cause the following: 

1) Loss of nuance: Without accompanying non-verbal cues, the depth and emotional context of a message can be missed. 

2) Distortion risk: Without written documentation, verbal messages can be misremembered or altered over time, leading to distortions. 

3) Lack of record : Verbal Communication offers no tangible record, making it challenging to refer back or verify information. 

4) Inefficiency: Repeated verbal explanations, due to a lack of visual aids or written documents can be time-consuming and redundant. 

5) Inefficiency: Repeated verbal explanations, due to a lack of visual aids or written documents, can be time-consuming and redundant. 

6) Ambiguity: The absence of visual cues or written context might lead to misunderstandings or vague interpretations. 

7) Noise interference: External noises or disturbances can distort or drown out verbal messages, causing miscommunication. 

8) Dependency on memory: Relying solely on memory after verbal communication can lead to forgetting key details or inaccuracies. 

9) Limited outreach: Verbal communication might not be effective for communicating with a larger group simultaneously, unlike written or digital mediums. 

10) Absence of time to reflect : Instant verbal interactions might not give recipients ample time to process information or form thoughtful responses. 

11) Potential for emotional misreads: Without written clarity, the emotional tone of a verbal message can be misinterpreted, leading to unnecessary conflicts. 

12) Lack of accessibility: For those with hearing impairments or language barriers, sole reliance on verbal communication can be exclusive and limiting.  

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Potentially overwhelming amount of information  

Communicating several pieces of information can create problems. This is how miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings: 

1) Information fatigue: Continuous exposure to excessive data can lead to fatigue, making individuals more prone to overlook crucial details. 

2) Dilution of the main message: With an abundance of information, the primary message's significance might get diluted and lost among less relevant details. 

3) Stress induction: Feeling pressured to absorb and understand excessive data can induce stress, affecting overall well-being. 

4) Decision-making delays: If confronted with too many details, individuals might procrastinate or delay decision-making. 

5) Decreased productivity: Sifting through an overabundance of information can consume valuable time, hindering task efficiency. 

6) Analysis paralysis: Overthinking due to excessive data can halt action, leading to stagnation in projects or decision-making. 

7) Reduced information retention: When bombarded with too much at once, the brain might not retain essential details effectively. 

8) Impaired judgment: With overwhelming information, individuals might struggle to discern what's critical, potentially impairing judgment. 

9) Avoidance behaviour: To escape the constant barrage of information, individuals might start avoiding certain communication channels or sources. 

10) Loss of credibility: Consistently overloading recipients with information might be seen as lacking discernment or clarity, leading to diminished trust. 

11) Ineffective collaboration: In team settings, overwhelming data can lead to misalignment as members struggle to align their understandings and actions. 

Incorrect medium choice  

You need to know the correct medium of communication for different situations. Otherwise, they tend to cause the following:  

Incorrect medium choice

1) Loss of nuance: Some mediums can't convey the depth or emotion of a message, leading to misinterpretation or reduced impact. 

2) Delay in feedback: Choosing a medium with asynchronous communication, like emails, can lead to delays in response, impacting real-time decision-making. 

3) Reduced engagement: Some mediums may not be engaging enough for the audience, causing a loss of interest or attention. 

4) Confidentiality issues: Unsuitable mediums might expose sensitive information to unauthorised individuals, leading to data breaches. 

5) Decreased accessibility: Not everyone has access to or familiarity with all mediums. Choosing an inaccessible medium can alienate parts of your audience. 

6) Impersonal nature: Relying solely on text-based mediums might come across as impersonal, missing the warmth of face-to-face or voice-based communication. 

7) Over-complication: Using a complex medium for a simple message can lead to confusion and complications. 

8) Increased costs: Some communication channels, especially advanced technological platforms, can incur additional costs. 

9) Technical failures: Dependence on tech-based mediums comes with risks of technical glitches, leading to communication breakdowns. 

10) Misalignment with content: Some messages, like detailed presentations, require visual aids, making purely verbal mediums ineffective. 

11) Lack of record: Oral communication doesn't offer a tangible record, unlike written mediums, making it challenging to verify or revisit discussions. 

12) Audience size limitations : Some mediums are not suitable for large audiences, making mass communication challenging. 

Breeding conflicts  

Communication can sometimes lead to a lot of misinformation spread quickly. As a result, it can cause the following: 

1) Misinterpretations: When messages are not clear, recipients may understand them differently, leading to disagreements and misunderstandings. 

2) Cultural missteps: In diverse settings, a failure to consider cultural norms and values can inadvertently offend or alienate, fuelling conflicts. 

3) Decreased trust: Consistent communication failures can erode trust between parties, making future interactions strained. 

4) Reactive responses: Misunderstood messages might elicit emotional reactions, leading to knee-jerk responses or retaliation. 

5) Hampered productivity: Conflicts often distract from primary tasks, leading to decreased efficiency and focus. 

6) Creation of cliques: Prolonged communication problems can lead to the formation of groups or cliques, further deepening divisions. 

7) Reduced morale: Constant misunderstandings and disagreements can demotivate individuals, reducing enthusiasm and commitment. 

8) Avoidance behaviour: Some might start avoiding interactions altogether to sidestep potential conflicts, hindering collaborative efforts. 

9) Escalation: Minor misunderstandings, when not addressed promptly, can escalate into larger issues, consuming more time and resources. 

10) Loss of opportunities: Conflicts often delay decisions, leading to missed opportunities in competitive environments. 

11) Stunted growth: In the long run, continuous conflicts can hamper the growth and development of teams or organisations. 

12) Compromised reputation: Frequent internal or external conflicts can damage an organisation’s reputation, impacting stakeholder trust and loyalty. 

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Effective Communication Skills are indispensable, fostering understanding, collaboration, and growth. While they present numerous Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Skills, a striking balance between them can refine these skills and ensure optimal personal and professional interactions. 

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IELTS Advantage/Disadvantage Essay Sample 4 – Communication

Practising writing IELTS task 2 essays on a range of topics is a great way to learn new vocabulary for those topics, but also to practice your essay structures. You begin to develop your ideas around those topics, thinking of examples and giving your opinions.

If you would like to learn how to structure an advantage/disadvantage essay  please click the button below >

Social media has replaced the traditional methods of communicating and people use more and more of social media to communicate and to follow news and events. Some people think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion with example.

On the one hand, the main advantage of using social media as a communication tool to message friends and keep up to date with current news and events is that you can easily access this information at any time on your mobile device. Using news apps means that you can read about events as they happen in real-time, as well as write comments on news articles. This way of learning about news and interacting with it has evolved with the increasing use of social apps. For example, the BBC news reported in 2017 that 90% of readers use the app to read news and comment on articles via their Facebook page. 

In conclusion, the advancement of social media has more benefits than drawbacks for this is the easiest way of sharing information and connecting different people around the world. 

The following video will give you contains sample Essay in audiovisual format.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Communication

Our communication has been dramatically changed by technology. Before, people communicated face-to-face or by writing letters.

Table of Contents

Today, email, text messages, social media, and video chats allow us to communicate instantly with anyone in the whole world. We have seen a profound impact on both our professional and personal lives due to this change.

Now we can work with clients, colleagues and employees in different time zones and connect with friends and family living far away.

In this article, I will write down the advantages and disadvantages of information and communication technology and discuss in details the positive and negative impacts of technology on communication.

Advantages of Communication Technology

There are lots of good effects of technology on communication, following are the few of them.

Technology advantages in communication infographic

1. Speed and time

It is possible to save both time and money through internet communication. Information can be transferred much more quickly and cheaply this way.

Contacting a business partner or relative is also faster and more efficient. Today we can send and receive instant messages and emails at any time from anywhere in the world.

Face-to-face communication has also been made possible by the internet. A number of communication tools are available, including Skype, social media sites, video conferencing, and many others

2. Instantaneous and Efficient

Technology makes it easy to find and deliver data to your employees or customers wherever they are. Instead of waiting until your employee returns to your facility to send him complex information, you can text him or email him both simple and complex information on his smartphone or tablet

High-resolution pictures and videos can be provided quickly with digital still and video cameras to help your employees complete a task.

Customers’ needs can be communicated promptly and they can receive real-time information on appointment status. Furthermore, she will be able to provide helpful feedback quickly, so you will be able to satisfy her needs as quickly as possible.

3. Allow Remote Communication

Communication over long distances is possible today just because of technology. You can communicate with people throughout the world like a universal language.

Technology gave us the ability to communicate without having to travel.

The speed and quality of communication also increase with technology. It is possible to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world.

You can present your company’s products or services to employees and clients anywhere in the world

4. Elimination of Wires and Cables

Cables and wires are becoming obsolete due to technological advancements. Everyone wants to eliminate wires and cables from the workplace.

Cables and wires are replaced with wireless technology which leads many people to choose technology for communication. It is possible to communicate without wires and cables thanks to technology.

5. Mass Communication

It is easy to share information with a large number of people through electronic communication, like email, or even you can use social media as well.

Electronic communication is common in businesses and academic institutions to communicate with many people at once.

For example, educational institutes send notifications to parents of students at once.

Some organizations also use digital marketing to reach advertisements to hundreds and thousands of people. We couldn’t communicate as fast and easily as we do now without technology.

6. Reduced Costs and Time

It is a great advantage of technology that communication is now cheaper and faster as compared to without technology. People can save time and money while still can communicate with others.

Communication has become faster and easier thanks to technology. Lots of debates have been held over the past few decades about the future of communication and its impact.

Technology has a significant impact on communication, and it is very important for everyone especially students to study its effect and future applications.

7. Expansion of coverage areas

With technology, communication has spread to all parts of the globe, which has made it possible for the whole world to become like a small village.

Now, we can communicate with anyone around the globe in seconds like a village. Technology has removed the distance.

For example, a person in the USA can communicate with a person in China in seconds through mobile phones and emails. This all becomes possible due to advancements in technology.

These were some of the advantages of technology in communication. Now, let’s discuss the disadvantages as well.

Disadvantages of Communication Technology

There are lots of bad effects of technology on communication as well, the following are a few of them.

Technology disadvantages in communication infographic

1. Deteriorating Language

There have been dictionaries, treatises, and books written about the vocabulary and peculiarities of text messaging and online slang.

People who do not speak English natively may find this slang extremely confusing which can make it hard to comprehend.

The habit of texting and chatting online can cause people to use it even in situations where it is inappropriate or out of place. Such as in school essays or business messages.

2. Privacy Issue

Technology in communication lacks privacy which is one of its most obvious disadvantages. Mobile phones can be used as two-way microphones and cameras as well as tracking devices.

Many phones now have GPS tracking capabilities, which can be used to track a person.

Today society is really strange as we constantly have our privacy violated.

Technological advances have made it possible for hackers and others to track, monitor, and spy on people in lots of ways.

As a result of technology, communication has changed and is often done in public or semi-public, which poses a privacy concern.

Due to the fact that email, the Internet, and cell phones do not display the voice and face of the person, it is easy for them to hide behind them. Also, it makes them anonymous from others.

3. Overruling cultures

Internet has created a global village, but some cultures have consumed others as a result. For example, the way people from western countries dress, act, and behave has influenced teens from other parts of the world.

Due to this fact, lots of cultures have vanished.

4. Distraction from Real Life

You may feel lonely and left out if you are sitting next to someone who is engaged in a heated text message conversation.

People who are engrossed in their gadgets can develop tunnel vision when using technology as their primary means of communication.

As a result, thumb talkers may neglect their jobs, neglect their relationships with friends and family and drive dangerously without realizing the bad results.

5. Potential for Misunderstanding

You lose the subtleties of body language and voice inflection when you communicate over the phone, computer, or other gadgets.

A wink or all caps at the end of a jovial text can show the severity of your message, but your words can still be misconstrued. Physical conversations also provide instant clarification.

6. Lose the Art of Conversation

Our society has lost face-to-face conversation due to technology . Getting the point across is as easy as a quick telephone call or text message.

As a result of technology, there are too many distractions that make conversing difficult. By using a phone or computer, you can be completely absorbed in the conversation, which detracts from its quality.

Friends and family are often kept in touch through social media. Face-to-face communication is challenging. A person’s perfume or voice cannot be smelled or heard.

A real, face-to-face conversation can’t be substituted for this type of communication.

Conclusion on Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Communication Technology

Thank you for reading the complete article. As far as the final verdict is concerned, you already know the advantages and disadvantages of technology in communication. It will be wrong to say that technology is only good or only bad for communication as we normally do in conclusion. If we use technology effectively and efficiently, it can be beneficial for our communication. It can be worst as well if we use it in a bad way.

Relevant Resources:

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Agriculture
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Society
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Healthcare
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Classroom
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Business

Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali (Author)

Ahmad Ali has been a technology enthusiast and writer for the past 5 years having vast knowledge of technology.

Rehmat Ullah

Rehmat Ullah (Content Reviewer)

Rehmat Ullah is a software engineer and CEO of Softhat IT Solutions. He is an expert technologist, entrepreneur, and educationist.

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Communication Styles: [See Their Benefits, Examples, And Disadvantages]

Communication Styles - LMSHero

Communication styles can make or break any relationship. Communication is a complicated process that takes place between two or more people.

The idea is that individuals process information differently, which means what comes across to one person as rude, another person might not perceive it that way.

This article provides a rundown of this theory – what it is, how communication styles differ from one person to another, their benefits, examples, and helpful tips to improve your communication skills.

Overview: What Are Communication Styles?

Communication styles are how we communicate with others and how others communicate with us. Communication styles change as we develop relationships.

Ever tell someone something and it goes over like a lead balloon? They don’t respond the way you wanted. Is this because you didn’t communicate in the way they preferred? Or do they just not “get” what you are saying?

If you want to make sure your message gets across the way you want it to be perceived, you’ll want to know the different communication styles and how each impacts the other person when they are in a conversation.

What Are the Types of Communications Styles Available?

1. passive communication style.

If you’re a writer like myself, most often, you’ll try to avoid using “passive communication”. That is, the type of communication that “hides” who did what and instead it uses ambiguous language like “it is believed that…” or “it has been reported that…”.

Examples of Passive Communication phrases

Benefits of passive communication style, disadvantages of passive communication style, 2. assertive communication style.

The assertive communication style is a way for people to communicate in an honest and direct way about the issues that are important to them.

Examples of Assertive Communication Phrases

Benefits of assertive communication style, disadvantages of assertive communication style, 3. aggressive communication style.

An aggressive communication style has characteristics of anger, hostility, and negativity. It is one that creates conflict or tension where there was none before.

This style of communication refers to a set of behaviors that place emphasis on getting what you want and make no room for the needs or opinions of others. It is one of the few types of unhealthy communication styles that shows in business settings.

However, depending on how you use it and people perceive it, an aggressive communication style in business can either motivate or demotivate people.

Examples of Aggressive Communication Phrases

Benefits of aggressive communication style, 4. passive-aggressive communication style.

A passive-aggressive communication style is usually passive in terms of its form (e.g., using silence to express displeasure), and aggressive in terms of its function (e.g., to make a partner feel guilty or hurt without being confrontational).

It is a covert but expressively aggressive way to communicate and the communication usually has aspects of whining, complaining, criticizing, and/or threatening.

You can recognize people who use passive-aggressive communication style with the following behaviors:

Examples of Passive-aggressive Communication Phrases

Benefits of passive-aggressive communication style, disadvantages of passive-aggressive communication style, 5. manipulative communication style.

Though many do not regard this as one of the communication styles, it is. Every day it is used unknowingly by spouses, friends, colleagues, and sometimes at an escalating scale by ex-spouses, stalkers, bullies, and sexual abusers.

Simply from the name, you know what it is and obviously, there’s no point talking about its benefits and disadvantage. What’s important is knowing how to avoid manipulative communicators .

Why Should You Know Your Communication Style?

Identifying your communication style is important for several reasons. First, learning your own style helps you understand why you may sometimes feel uncomfortable with the way certain people communicate.

If someone else has a very different style from yours, his or her preferred communication technique may be disconcerting or confusing to you, especially if you aren’t exposed to it very often.

Once you’ve learned how your preferred style contributes to the ways you interpret and respond to others, you’ll know how to broaden your range of responses to accommodate your colleagues’ preferences. This will set the stage for improved understanding and collegiality.

In conclusion, knowing what your own style is can help you to create stronger relationships with friends and family, as well as colleagues at work.

4 Effective Way To Improve Your Communication Skills?

1. don’t take everything personal.

If someone tells you that your favorite shoes are ugly, it doesn’t mean you should wear them more! Instead, keep a professional tone of voice and try to understand where everyone else is coming from.

2. Ask genuine questions

Genuine, open-ended questions help you to create meaningful connections with people very quickly. They also dramatically improve your ability to give a memorable answer when somebody asks you that dreaded question, ‘So tell me a little about yourself…’

3. Listen to understand not respond

When you’re able to listen to your employees, clients, and colleagues without bias, you can address their issues and concerns in a way that makes sense to them.

4. Make eye contact

Eye contact is crucial in establishing trust and rapport in a conversation. Try to make eye contact with the person you’re talking to, but don’t stare him or her down.

For making contact with a large group of people, try to alternate your gaze between their eyes and their nose so that you engage with everyone without staring at a single person for too long.

Good eye contact is a key part of effective communication. If you look down a lot or keep taking your eyes off someone, it shows them you’re not interested and makes them feel uncomfortable.

Communication Styles: FAQs

Is communication style important, how do you recognize different communication styles, what is an empathetic communicator.

An empathetic communicator is someone who listens effectively and can put themselves in others’ shoes – it’s an effective approach when trying to understand others or have a ‘win-win’ conversation.

Communication Styles: Conclusion

The key takeaway from reading this article is that different people react to communication styles in different ways. Some may be drawn to one style and some may dislike it, so there are certain communication styles for everybody out there.

You must know, communication is a two-way street, and your varying styles of communicating with others can impact how they communicate back with you.

By knowing what their style is, you can decide if it is appropriate or if you need to switch. While you may have one particular style that you favor, be sure to be open-minded when interacting with others.

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How to do IELTS

IELTS Essay: Online Communication

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 2 Comments

IELTS Essay: Online Communication

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of online communications and meetings from the real IELTS exam.

The same topic came up on IELTS about a year ago and then again very recently.

For my exlusive PDFs related to IELTS, sign up for my Patreon here .

In many workplaces, online communication is now more common than face-to-face meetings.

Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Offices around the world these days are opting to hold meetings online to save both time and money. In my opinion, despite the potential loss of a strong rapport between co-workers, this is a positive considered as a whole.

Critics of these changes often point to its effect on interpersonal relationships in an office. The meeting itself is largely secondary as most information can be communicated just as easily through an online teleconference or an email. True value lies, instead, in the moments before, during and after meetings when colleagues have a chance to socialise or exchange ideas about what they have been working on. This is the reason some companies, famously Apple and Pixar, designed their offices to maximise opportunities for employees to chat with individuals from different departments. The strengthening of social bonds and the sharing of novel perspectives can both boost morale and help drive innovation.

Nonetheless, meeting online is more convenient for employees and saves money for companies. When employees must come in for their work already, many of the benefits listed above are already present and meetings mainly serve as a distraction. Remote workers will also appreciate not having to commute for a short meeting, especially if they have family or other working commitments. Moreover, companies benefit from the time that employees save because it allows them to better allocate their labour towards actual work, thereby increasing efficiency. There are also a range of costs that can be reduced once online communications become standard such as leasing less office space and savings related to office expenses and employee perks.

In conclusion, though communicating online can be detrimental to personal relationships in an office, they offer thoughtful conveniences to employees and help cut costs. Companies ought to shift as much training to online as possible.

1. Offices around the world these days are opting to hold meetings online to save both time and money. 2. In my opinion, despite the potential loss of a strong rapport between co-workers, this is a positive considered as a whole.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about IELTS introductions here .

1. Critics of these changes often point to its effect on interpersonal relationships in an office. 2. The meeting itself is largely secondary as most information can be communicated just as easily through an online teleconference or an email. 3. True value lies, instead, in the moments before, during and after meetings when colleagues have a chance to socialise or exchange ideas about what they have been working on. 4. This is the reason some companies, famously Apple and Pixar, designed their offices to maximise opportunities for employees to chat with individuals from different departments. 5. The strengthening of social bonds and the sharing of novel perspectives can both boost morale and help drive innovation.

  • Write a clear topic sentence with your main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop your argument.
  • Use specific examples.
  • State the results of your example to develop it.

1. Nonetheless, meeting online is more convenient for employees and saves money for companies. 2. When employees must come in for their work already, many of the benefits listed above are already present and meetings mainly serve as a distraction. 3. Remote workers will also appreciate not having to commute for a short meeting, especially if they have family or other working commitments. 4. Moreover, companies benefit from the time that employees save because it allows them to better allocate their labour towards actual work, thereby increasing efficiency. 5. There are also a range of costs that can be reduced once online communications become standard such as leasing less office space and savings related to office expenses and employee perks.

  • Write another topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain the main idea.
  • Develop it.
  • Switch to a second advantage.
  • Develop that advantage fully.

1. In conclusion, though communicating online can be detrimental to personal relationships in an office, they offer thoughtful conveniences to employees and help cut costs. 2. Companies ought to shift as much training to online as possible.

  • Summarise your ideas and repeat your opinion.
  • Add a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean?

Offices around the world these days are opting to hold meetings online to save both time and money. In my opinion, despite the potential loss of a strong rapport between co-workers , this is a positive considered as a whole .

Critics of these changes often point to its effect on interpersonal relationships in an office. The meeting itself is largely secondary as most information can be communicated just as easily through an online teleconference or an email. True value lies , instead , in the moments before, during and after meetings when colleagues have a chance to socialise or exchange ideas about what they have been working on. This is the reason some companies, famously Apple and Pixar, designed their offices to maximise opportunities for employees to chat with individuals from different departments . The strengthening of social bonds and the sharing of novel perspectives can both boost morale and help drive innovation .

Nonetheless , meeting online is more convenient for employees and saves money for companies. When employees must come in for their work already, many of the benefits listed above are already present and meetings mainly serve as a distraction . Remote workers will also appreciate not having to commute for a short meeting, especially if they have family or other working commitments . Moreover, companies benefit from the time that employees save because it allows them to better allocate their labour towards actual work, thereby increasing efficiency . There are also a range of costs that can be reduced once online communications become standard such as leasing less office space and savings related to office expenses and employee perks .

In conclusion, though communicating online can be detrimental to personal relationships in an office, they offer thoughtful conveniences to employees and help cut costs . Companies ought to shift as much training to online as possible.

these days nowadays

opting choosing

hold meetings online have meetings over the internet

despite regardless of

potential loss possible disappearance

strong rapport good relationship

co-workers colleagues

considered as a whole on level

critics detractors

point to argue about

interpersonal relationships relations between people

largely secondary less important

just as easily equally simply

teleconference talk alone

true value lies actual importance comes from

instead actually

colleagues have a chance co-workers get the opportunity

socialise talk in a friendly way

exchange ideas share views

famously well-known

designed made for

maximise opportunities increase the chances

chat with talk to

different departments other parts of the company

strengthening making stronger

social bonds interpersonal relationships

sharing of novel perspectives exchanging new views

boost morale increase happiness

drive innovation make more creative

nonetheless regardless

convenient useful and easy

benefits listed above advantages I wrote about before

already present exist now

mainly serve mostly are

distraction draws away your focus

remote workers people who work from home

appreciate be grateful for

commute travel in to work

commitments obligations

better allocate divert towards more useful areas

towards going in that direction

thereby increasing efficiency as a result increasing productivity

range of costs many different expenses

standard common

leasing less office space renting fewer offices

office expenses costs in the office

employee perks privileges for workers

detrimental to can hurt

thoughtful considerate

help cut costs reduce money spent

shift change to


ðiːz deɪz   ˈɒptɪŋ   həʊld ˈmiːtɪŋz ˈɒnˌlaɪn   dɪsˈpaɪt   pəʊˈtɛnʃəl lɒs   strɒŋ ræˈpɔː   kəʊ-ˈwɜːkəz kənˈsɪdəd æz ə həʊl ˈkrɪtɪks   pɔɪnt tuː   ˌɪntəˈpɜːsən(ə)l rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps   ˈlɑːʤli ˈsɛkəndəri   ʤʌst æz ˈiːzɪli   ˈtɛlɪˈkɒnfərəns   truː ˈvæljuː laɪz ɪnˈstɛd ˈkɒliːgz hæv ə ʧɑːns   ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz   ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ aɪˈdɪəz   ˈfeɪməsli   dɪˈzaɪnd ˈmæksɪmaɪz ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtiz   ʧæt wɪð   ˈdɪfrənt dɪˈpɑːtmənts ˈstrɛŋθənɪŋ   ˈsəʊʃəl bɒndz   ˈʃeərɪŋ ɒv ˈnɒvəl pəˈspɛktɪvz   buːst mɒˈrɑːl   draɪv ˌɪnəʊˈveɪʃən ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs kənˈviːniənt   ˈbɛnɪfɪts ˈlɪstɪd əˈbʌv   ɔːlˈrɛdi ˈprɛznt   ˈmeɪnli sɜːv   dɪsˈtrækʃən rɪˈməʊt ˈwɜːkəz   əˈpriːʃɪeɪt   kəˈmjuːt   kəˈmɪtmənts ˈbɛtər ˈæləʊkeɪt   təˈwɔːdz   ˈðeəˈbaɪ ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ ɪˈfɪʃənsi reɪnʤ ɒv kɒsts   ˈstændəd   ˈliːsɪŋ lɛs ˈɒfɪs speɪs   ˈɒfɪs ɪksˈpɛnsɪz   ˌɛmplɔɪˈiː pɜːks ˌdɛtrɪˈmɛntl tuː   θɔːtfʊl   hɛlp kʌt kɒsts ʃɪft  

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

Offices around the world t____________s are o_______g to h____________________e to save both time and money. In my opinion, d________e the p_______________s of a s________________t between c_______________s , this is a positive c_________________e .

C___________s of these changes often p_________o its effect on i_________________________s in an office. The meeting itself is l________________________y as most information can be communicated j________________y through an online t________________e or an email. T______________________s , i_________d , in the moments before, during and after meetings when c_________________________e to s_____________e or e_________________s about what they have been working on. This is the reason some companies, f___________y Apple and Pixar, d___________d their offices to m_________________________s for employees to c_____________h individuals from d__________________________s . The s___________________g of s_________________s and the s____________________s can both b_______________e and help d_________________n .

N________________s , meeting online is more c________________t for employees and saves money for companies. When employees must come in for their work already, many of the b___________________e are a__________________t and meetings m_________________e as a d____________n . R__________________s will also a_______________e not having to c_____________e for a short meeting, especially if they have family or other working c________________s . Moreover, companies benefit from the time that employees save because it allows them to b________________e their labour t____________s actual work, t______________________________y . There are also a r______________s that can be reduced once online communications become s_____________d such as l___________________________e and savings related to o_______________s and e_________________s .

In conclusion, though communicating online can be d_______________o personal relationships in an office, they offer t______________l conveniences to employees and h_______________s . Companies ought to s_______t as much training to online as possible.

Listening Practice

Learn about a related topic below:

Reading Practice

Read about why people hate meetings here:

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking topics from the real IELTS speaking exam:

  • Do you work or are you a student?
  • What do you like about your work?
  • What has changed at your work since you started?
  • Do you like to work in the morning or afternoon?

Writing Practice

Write about the following related topic then check with my sample answer below:

Many people try to balance work and other parts of their life. However, this is very difficult to do.

What are the problems associated with this?

What is the best way to achieve a better balance?

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Work-Life Balance

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The growth of technology has led to a fundamental shift in the way companies hold meetings or conferences through face-to-face to online communication like email, instant messaging, and social media. While this trend has led to a dramatic increase in time and interpersonal communication, it can also cause misinterpretations and security theft.

Today, the number of people working remotely at least part-time has risen because many companies have multiple offices. Technologies like Skype, Slack, and other popular platforms help keep the team connected. Online communication can contribute to workers talk things out across the globe through a video call. This trend is not only incredible but decreases the chances of miscommunication that could become costly in terms of money and time.

However, communication online means you will often share the confidential information of the company. Hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in gleaning all those secret stuff. To prevent this to happen, employees must be aware of what to share or not in order to preserve the security of the organizations. Moreover, in personal communication, several elements come into play to promote effective communication, including non-verbal signals and tone in the voice. For example, if the boss says something gruff tone, you will generally understand he/she is angry. But in online communication, you will not have that luxury which is the cons of this trend.

In conclusion, the online holding of meetings or conferences can be substantially useful for those who tend to work at home or are far away from their office location. This could be effective as long as it is used in a controllable and understandable way.


Really good writing, Mahsid!

You followed the strucutre well – be careful about over-using linking phrases in your 3rd paragraph!

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What is Verbal Communication? Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

January 7, 2022 by Prasanna

Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication: Communication is an integral aspect of society. Without communication, people would be unable to express themselves. Communication is inextricably interlinked with self-expression and the right to speech. Hence, without communication, there would be no place for expressing one’s opinion.

In several sections of society, individuals feel secure when conveying their thoughts to other people successfully and effectively through communication, whether verbal or non-verbal. Verbal communication is more prevalent in today’s society.

Students can also find more  Advantages and Disadvantages  articles on events, persons, sports, technology, and many more.

In various social settings, individuals need to convey their thoughts, opinions, and concerns to the individuals around them, forming a solid basis for communications and building social relationships.

Verbal communications are easier to hold. They save time and are more powerful owing to the emotions at play while someone talks. The feedback loop is more expressive, and there is an economic base to it. The tone of Verbal Communication is simple to read.

Advantages of Verbal Communication

Disadvantages of verbal communication.

  • Comparison Table for the Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

FAQS on Pros and Cons of Verbal Communication

What is verbal communication advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication 2021.

Communication is a two-way method through which opinions, information, thoughts, ideas, and feelings, are exchanged between different individuals via the application of the commonly recognised symbols and signs. Communication is an essential constituent for the economic prosperity of any business.

Communication can be of various types depending on the pattern of expression and the signs or symbols used. One of these types is Verbal Communication.

Verbal Communication is a sort of vocal Communication through which a specific message gets transmitted by spoken words to the listener. In this type of communication, the sender gives a verbal form to their personal feelings, opinions, ideas and thoughts and displays them in a speech, conversation, etc.

The successful effect of Verbal Communication depends primarily on the speaker’s tone. Other factors include precision of speech, speed, volume, body language and words utilised in the specific conversation.

Verbal Communication includes an immediate feedback mechanism since both the speaker and listener have a synchronous transmission and reception of the original message.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication 2

The Four Major Types of Verbal Communication

  • Interpersonal Verbal Communication: This type of verbal communication is practised only between two individuals. Thus it can also be termed as a ‘one-to-one conversation.’
  • Intrapersonal Verbal Communication: This type of verbal communication is practised with great privacy. This type of communication is strictly restricted to ourselves.
  • Small-Group Verbal Communication: This type of Verbal communication can be held at any place only if more than two individuals are present during the conversation.
  • Public Verbal Communication: We can hold this type of Verbal communication at any place where one individual has the role of addressing a larger audience.
  • Time-Saver: With the method of verbal communication, tasks can be efficiently dealt with. Verbal communication saves time and helps us complete jobs within a few minutes by avoiding other lengthy procedures. Through Verbal communication, you can convey your thoughts or instructions at your regulated speed and not wait on such tasks that are to be completed. This method can help you communicate better with others as well as understand what they have to say.
  • Quick Feedback: Feedbacks are necessary for any social scenario where communication is involved. By utilising verbal communication, you will be able to produce quick feedback to the hosts’ original message. In the case of doubts or questions, verbal communication helps clarify them much faster than any other method of communication.
  • Convenient: Verbal communication is the most widely accepted method of communication. Individuals worldwide prefer verbal communication over other variance of communication due to its convenience. Verbal communication makes language and oral comprehensions more straightforward and understandable.
  • Ease preparation: Any individuals who know how to convey their thoughts into words need to prepare the least in the case of verbal communication. It is one of the most simple types of communication which does not involve any material to convey the intended message and are the easiest to conduct.
  • Privacy : Verbal communication ensures privacy to individuals to maintain the secrecy of certain events. It is easier to convey specific urgent thoughts through the way of verbal communication than using symbols or other methods. Verbal communication can also prove to be of use in emergencies.
  • Improved clarity: Verbal communication occurs in either oral or written form; hence, the speaker or writer and the listener or reader can clearly understand the subject or context of the message. Therefore, it improves clarity.
  • Distorted meaning: Sometimes, the meaning of intended messages can change during verbal communication and drift far from the actual point. These are the barriers that come in the way of effective communication. If instructions are not conveyed properly or are not appropriately understood due to lack of clarity, it can delay work or result in something unexpected.
  • Inconvenient for long messages: Verbal communication is inconvenient when conveying long paragraphs since it can miss important points and become very lengthy, causing misinterpretation or effective communication. If used for writing long passages, the written form of verbal communication can cause problems for other people to understand the meaning behind it efficiently.
  • Unnecessary information: When it comes to conveying your thoughts and opinions ideas orally, it can include unnecessary or irrelevant information, leading to a gap in communication and delaying effectiveness.
  • Misunderstanding: If the message through verbal communication is not conveyed well and with precision, it can create misunderstandings for a communication gap. Putting your ideas or thoughts across to the audience is a critical factor in any kind of communication; hence, sometimes verbal communication can cause misunderstandings if not taken into consideration.
  • Communication expense: Verbal Communication can be expensive sometimes. Suppose the conversation being held is not in your native language or a language. In that case, you understand the cost of translation and other such factors can be way more expensive than any other form of communication, making it inconvenient.
  • No place for rectification: While interacting verbally, if an individual says a writes something they did not wish to, it can lead to ruining their reputation tour or the primary intention of the interaction. Therefore, due to no space for rectification, speakers or writers must avoid any kind of errors.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication 1

Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

Helps to get work done in less time.Can result in distortion of the true meaning.
It Aids people to give faster feedback.Causes inconvenience for long messages.
Quite convenient for interaction amongst anyone.The conversation may drift onto a different direction if unnecessary information is included.
Very easy to prepare.Can cause misunderstandings if not understood clearly.
Helps to maintain privacy or secrecy of information.Communication cost is very high in certain cases.
Information is conveyed clearly.There is no place for a correction once the message is sent.

Advantages of Verbal Communication

Question 1. What are the problems one faces while using Verbal Communication?

Answer: Sometimes, Verbal Communication may be swayed by emotional barriers, speech disabilities, or distractions. The audience may be lacking attention and find speakers uninteresting. It is not rare to find differences in viewpoints of the two sides, leading to a communication gap.

Question 2. What are the essential things to consider in the subject of Verbal Communication?

Answer: Several factors can impact one’s ability to speak confidently, including their solid command of the matter or word choice. The tone of one’s voice, body language, and eye contact with the audience to convince them are necessary skills a speaker must possess.

Question 3. What is a good example of Verbal Communication?

Answer: Verbal communication can occur in many various contexts such as sessions, performances, group meetings, seminars, interviews, and so on.

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Effects of Social Media — Social Media Cons and Prons: Evaluating Its Advantages and Disadvantage


Social Media Cons and Prons: Evaluating Its Advantages and Disadvantage

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Words: 553 |

Updated: 29 March, 2024

Words: 553 | Pages: 3 | 3 min read

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The advantages of social media, social media cons.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay about communication disadvantages

essay about communication disadvantages

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Communication IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Aug 12, 2022

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Communication IELTS Writing Task 2 is an advantages-disadvantages based essay. The three sample answers have been provided below. Answers begin with the overview of the topic. The sample answers include 3 parts: introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction includes an overview on the topic. The body explains and highlights points of advantages and disadvantages. The conclusion will have the opinion of the candidate. IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics

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Topic: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Communication?

Band 7 IELTS Essay

With the development in technology and advent of the internet, the mode of communication has become much more convenient and highly effective. Because of the internet it has been possible to make online communication. Moreover, people are able to connect with their distant relatives or friends using just a click of their smartphones. The presence of social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp and Gmail has allowed people to communicate online. However, both advantages and disadvantages of online communication exist. It is certainly known that online communication is highly cost effective compared to physical meetings. The use of modern technology with Skype or Video Calling using laptop or smartphone makes communication easier. It has been possible that connectivity in the world has increased due to online communication. However, people can make use of different devices and electronic gadgets. Effectively, in the business world online communication has been able to enhance productivity. This is so with constant communication through Integrated and Communications Technology (ICT). With the use of this, it is possible for organisations to ensure that they are able to enhance with their employees and retain them. Online communication can be considered as a tool based on which communicating with customers has been possible through social media. However, the disadvantages of online communication might also be identified to be issues. Online communication has been able to facilitate outsourcing of experts in organisations hence, unemployment is increasing. Moreover, privacy has been compromised due to the online communication mode considering the growth of hackers . However, the cultural gap can be identified as a serious issue because online communication is more friendly with the generation in the youth. This generation is more technologically advanced while it creates a cultural divide between the previous and current generations. However, it is important to understand that the advantages of online communication outweigh the disadvantages in terms of convenience and cost.

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Band 7.5  IELTS Essay

Online communication has become one of the most common technological phenomena in the 21st century. Development in technology and internet connectivity has been able to enhance its effectiveness for the people and businesses.However, both advantages and disadvantages of online communication exist. It is important to know that online communication is cheaper and more efficient than physical meetings. It has been possible that connectivity in the world has increased due to online communication. Moreover, people can make use of different devices and electronic gadgets. Moreover, people are able to connect with their distant relatives or friends using just a click of their smartphones. The presence of social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp and Gmail has allowed people to communicate online. People can even talk and chat through video calls on Skype or any other online message app.communication in the business world has definitely become more convenient with online communication. The management in England might directly communicate with their Indian franchisee regarding updates using mail or Whatsapp. People have been using Google Chat to keep up with the internal communication of the workers. Employee engagement has been made possible with significant competitive advantage. However, the disadvantages of online communication might also be identified to be issues. Online communication has been able to facilitate outsourcing of experts in organisations. This has led organisations to focus more on freelancers or contractual experts rather than full timers increasing issues of unemployment. The growth of online platforms has led to growth of hackers who try to attack personal information hence, privacy has been compromised. However, the cultural gap can be identified as a serious issue because online communication is more friendly with the generation in the youth. This generation is more technologically advanced while it creates a cultural divide between the previous and current generations. However, I feel that despite the disadvantages, I think that these might be mitigated through effective regulations and more rigidity. Hence, for me online communication has advantages which outweigh disadvantages.

Band 6.5  IELTS Essay

Online communication has both advantages and disadvantages in the modern world. Considering it is one of the most effective advances in the technological sphere, the benefits of it are highly effective. The essay would discuss both the views of pros and cons. In case of the pros, it has been possible that connectivity in the world has increased due to online communication. People can make use of different devices to communicate online to create more understanding whenever they want. The presence of social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp and Gmail ensures that people have been able to keep in touch even after years. People can even talk and chat in their own convenient hours and whenever they wish because of the online connectivity. Even for businesses, online communication has enabled higher engagement and workplace efficiency. It is easier to keep updates of the work going on across departments. People have been using Google Chat to keep up with the internal communication of the employees in organisations. However, the disadvantages of online communication might also be identified as important concerns. Online communication has been able to increase the growth of work from home jobs as well as hiring contractual employees. Thus, reducing cost on resources but increasing unemployment. Different cultures are being overruled in terms of lifestyle for instance, western cultural styles have been able to influence Eastern culture. This creates a serious lack of concern for one's own culture as well. However, the older generations like our grandfather or grandmother and in some cases even our parents are unable to understand the use of online media. They have to struggle a lot to keep up with modern technology as well. However, I feel that despite the disadvantages, I think that these might be mitigated and dealt with in long-term aspects. Hence, for me online communication has advantages which outweigh disadvantages.

Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of this change. Or Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this change. Or Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages of this change.

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Answer the 'Advantages and Disadvantages' topic

IELTS advantages and disadvantages questions normally give you a statement and ask you to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of that statement.

Answer structure for the type of essay

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1 – advantages
  • Body paragraph 2 – disadvantages

Examples to start your body paragraph:

  • The main advantage is...
  • The disadvantage of this...
  • The main benefit...
  • Despite these advantages...
  • One possible drawback...

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication

Communication has become a very important part in our lives today. In recent years, communication has grown in many ways and may without doubt better than ever. People are always trying to find new things that will improve our lives significantly. Part of the way to communicate is through writing, audio, verbal and so forth. All have positive effects and negative effects on our lives and the way to communicate.

Communication can also be very helpful but sometimes it can be very dangerous Advantages of verbal communication are saving of time, saving of money, more effective, knowledge of reaction of message, clear doubts and increase in productivity and efficiency. While for disadvantages of verbal communication are lack of proof of message, not suitable for future reference, not suitable in case of distance. The greatest advantages of verbal communication, first is saving of time.

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Under this system of communication the messages are communicated immediately without consuming any time. Verbal communication is the only way out during urgent condition and when immediate action is necessary. Second, is saving of money as there is no formal method of communicating the message, no help of any particular media of communication is taken, this type of communication saves a lot of money. Besides that, is more effective as there is direct touch of the sender of message with the receiver of message these messages prove to be more effective.

The sender of message can also exercise his personal influence over the receiver of message. The greatest disadvantages of verbal communication is that there is no proof of the message communicated. Besides that, it is not suitable for future reference because as there is nothing in writing supporting the messages communicated under this method, it is not suitable for future reference. If there is any dispute on any point of the message, it cannot be helped in any way.

It is also not suitable in case of distance, if the receiver and the sender of the message are living at a distance from each other, this method of communication is not suitable because it will increase the cost of communication, it will no be effective because of lack of personal touch and it may not be clear and explanatory. When a message is communicated in writing, it is called written communication. Written communication takes place in the form of letters, circular, reports, magazines, notice board, handbook and notices. Written communication is generally, used for ommunicating a message from the top management to the subordinates. Written message must be clear and understandable. It must be brief and self-explanatory and must be prepared in a simple language. Advantages of written communication are no need of personal contact. If the receiver and sender of the message are at a distance, it is economical to communicate the message in writing because communicating by post is cheap and quite economical. Besides that, a great advantage of written communication is that it provides a proof for future reference.

If there is any dispute on any point in this regard, the message may be referred. Others, written messages are very clear and self-explanatory. The receiver of the message can easily follow it and understand it. The greatest disadvantage of written communication is the delay in communication. The message is writing is communicated after a certain process is completed. It is prepared, verified and order by the concerned officer. Consequently, the message is delayed. Another great disadvantage of written communication is that secrecy cannot be maintained because these messages can be read by anyone.

A written communication involves heavily expenditure. If the receiver and sender of message are near to each other, it is fairly costly to communicate in writing. The advantages of oral channels of communication are fast – useful for obtaining very recent unpublished information. Oral communication are based on two-way communication and therefore promote an understanding of the real information needs and the communication of relevant information. It are flexible which are easy and pleasant to use.

It also simplify and facilitate the transmission of information between people working in different subject. The disadvantages of oral channels of communication are can lead to misconceptions because the information is sometimes incomplete. It are not open to everyone such as established researchers have access to good networks of contacts, but these usually take time to cultivate. Oral communication also are difficult to maintain and therefore unstable. It can also lead to mix belief,as oral promises do not lend anywhere.

As a human nature one can make mistake in spelling something different which can sometimes leads to major mistake Modern world became more visualized in every aspect due to the high influence of media. A consumer who thinks about buying a product will definitely visualize it in the mind for a while. So the use of visual communication is very crucial to the business man. Visual communication is the communication in which pictures, colors, graphics are used. A skull and two cross bones shows the meaning of danger.

Advantages of audio communication are Quick communication because The use of pictures and symbols is very easy for a fast communication. The receiver gets the idea fast. It also can be Understanding at a glance When the logos or trademark are posted, it will be easily understood to the people. consequently, it Comparison as The audio communication is very useful to compare. When a consumer decides to buy a product, they will visualize the product with competitor’s product. It also easy to Memorizing because the audio communication is a good tool to memorize things.

It is a good way to teach kids with the help of visual pictures. The same can be done in marketing activities. The Disadvantages of audio communication are Costly. The cost of going visual communication is very high. There should be a high consumption of time and needs experts to be appointed. Although, it is Inefficiency because audio media alone is inefficient. It is done with the help of other media such as radio, computer based media, smartphone and others. It is not good to use in meeteing because it have a Message limitation. The visual media lacks the content. It can give the idea. But cannot tell the whole story.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Communication

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essay about communication disadvantages

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate world of Internal Communication , examining its various advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the dynamics of internal communication is crucial for any organization striving for excellence in effective communication . This guide not only highlights key examples but also provides insightful analysis on how internal communication strategies can significantly impact organizational efficiency and employee morale. From fostering a collaborative environment to navigating potential miscommunications, this guide is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their communication skills within a professional setting.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Communication?

Internal Communication refers to the exchange of information and ideas within an organization. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the workplace environment and influencing employee engagement. The advantages of effective internal communication include improved team collaboration, enhanced employee morale, and streamlined decision-making processes. Conversely, the disadvantages can involve the risk of miscommunication, potential information overload, and the creation of communication silos. Understanding these aspects is essential for developing a balanced and effective communication strategy .

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Communication (1)

Advantages of Internal Communication Disadvantages of Internal Communication
: Facilitates better understanding and cooperation among team members. : Can lead to misunderstandings if not clear or effective.
: Good internal communication can increase job satisfaction and motivation. : Too much communication can overwhelm employees.
: Efficient communication aids in faster and more informed decision-making. : Poor communication can lead to isolated groups within an organization.
: Clear communication can lead to more efficient workflows and reduced downtime. : Some employees may resist new communication methods or tools.
: Open communication contributes to a more supportive and engaging workplace. : Some voices may dominate, while others are unheard.
: Open channels of communication can lead to new ideas and innovations. : Heavy reliance on digital communication tools can be problematic if there are technical issues.
: Regular and honest communication builds trust among employees and management. : Misunderstandings or differing opinions can lead to conflicts.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Communication Essay

Internal communication is an essential component of any organization, playing a crucial role in shaping its success and employee well-being. This essay explores the various advantages and disadvantages of internal communication, underscoring its impact on organizational efficiency and employee dynamics.

Advantages of Internal Communication

  • Enhanced Collaboration and Teamwork : Effective internal communication fosters better collaboration among employees. It ensures that everyone is on the same page, leading to a more cohesive work environment. This kind of effective communication promotes teamwork and helps in achieving common goals more efficiently.
  • Improved Employee Morale and Engagement : Regular and transparent communication within an organization boosts employee morale. It makes the workforce feel valued and involved in the company’s affairs, which, in turn, enhances their engagement and commitment to their roles.
  • Efficient Decision-Making and Problem-Solving : When communication channels are open and clear, decision-making becomes quicker and more effective. Employees are better informed, which allows them to contribute meaningfully to problem-solving processes and decision-making.
  • Transparency and Trust Building : Open communication channels contribute to a transparent work environment. When information flows freely, it builds trust between employees and management, creating a more honest and open workplace culture.
  • Innovation and Creativity Stimulation : Good internal communication encourages the sharing of ideas and innovation. It creates an environment where creative thoughts are welcomed and discussed, leading to innovative solutions and improvements.

Disadvantages of Internal Communication

  • Risk of Miscommunication and Misunderstandings : One of the major pitfalls of internal communication is the risk of miscommunication. Misinterpreted or unclear messages can lead to confusion and errors in work.
  • Information Overload : Excessive communication can lead to information overload, where employees feel overwhelmed with the amount of information they need to process. This can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress.
  • Potential for Conflict : Different viewpoints and communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts among team members. If not managed properly, these conflicts can escalate and affect workplace harmony.
  • Dependency on Technology : In today’s digital age, much of internal communication relies on technological tools. This dependency can become a disadvantage if there are technical issues or if employees are not equally tech-savvy.
  • Exclusion and Inequality : Poorly managed communication can result in some employees feeling excluded. This can happen in large organizations where information may not reach every employee equally, leading to feelings of inequality and disenfranchisement.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal and External Communication

Certainly! Here’s a table outlining five key advantages and disadvantages of both internal and external communication:

1. Enhances collaboration and teamwork within the organization. 1. Improves brand image and public perception.
2. Boosts employee morale and engagement. 2. Facilitates business partnerships and customer relationships.
3. Aids in efficient decision-making and problem-solving. 3. Expands market reach and helps in identifying new opportunities.
4. Promotes transparency and trust among employees. 4. Provides valuable feedback from customers and stakeholders.
5. Encourages innovation and idea sharing within the company. 5. Enhances company’s reputation and credibility in the market.
1. Risk of miscommunication and misunderstandings. 1. Risk of misrepresenting the company’s message or values.
2. Can lead to information overload and employee burnout. 2. Public criticism or negative feedback can impact brand image.
3. Potential for conflict and disagreements among staff. 3. Requires careful management to maintain consistent messaging.
4. Dependency on technology can lead to communication breakdowns. 4. Can be costly, especially for extensive marketing and PR campaigns.
5. Inequality in information distribution can create disparities. 5. Risk of sensitive information leakage damaging the company’s position.

In conclusion, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of internal communication is crucial for any organization. This guide offers insights and practical examples to navigate these dynamics effectively. By embracing clear and inclusive communication strategies, companies can enhance team collaboration, boost morale, and avoid potential pitfalls, ultimately leading to a more cohesive and productive work environment.


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Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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McLuhan’s theories arose from the inquiries the logician received to systematically back his media studies (Logan, 2007). The premise analyses four occurrences cooperative to all media and human interactions, specifically to enhance, retrieve, reverse and obsolesce. The innovative structure of media may progress or accelerate the present form of communication, portraying several advantages. It may also repeal its unique characteristics when pushed to new dimensions.

The new forms sometimes acquire characteristics from prior forms of communication and repossess earlier forms of services. Finally, it may lead to the total annihilation of previous forms, leading to their desertion (Poster, 2010). For example, a cell phone may enhance voice connections, reverse controls, retrieve infancy howling, and make the handset radically obsolesce.

The theorist saw culture as technical transformations, which could be easily personalized due to lack of self-sufficiency. Technologies manipulate the way man thinks, work, and share, thus prejudicing their discernment and understanding of information (Lawson, 2004). The materialization of new technology is often accompanied by emotional, material and social effects in the expansive humanity. McLuhan concludes that we create machinery, which in turn influences our etiquette.

Communication media circled from verbal to print in the early 60s, as TV and radio stretched the reach of addressees. This new association brought different societies together, forming prevalent and shared backgrounds. This theory may be used currently in decision making to determine the attainment of profits, or predict changes in an institution linking human interactions.

The society can thus organize and illustrate the new medium or expertise before it presents any alterations in routine. The relationship of technology and communication typifies both the benefits and shortcomings that new machinery provides.

Technological determinism has two magnitudes related to the elemental attributes of technology that do not permit human alterations and a low determinism which may consent human choice and modifications (Lawson, 2004). This emphasizes the relationship between the densities of society and how it influences the forces of expertise.

A HRO is a group which has effectively managed to shun disasters in the highly hazardous environment which characterizes the modern setting. Multipart processes arise in different organizations, apart from the routine procedures which necessitate watchful and unswerving procedures (Dyer & Ericksen, 2004).

Thriving organizations thus continue to reinvent themselves and streamline the response institutions to contain any arising misfortunes. Canadian manufacturers and exporters is an example of a HRO in Canada, depicted in its building of a competitive business setting by providing significant and well-timed capacity (Canadian manufacturers and exporters, 2009)

Safety records do not depend on fortuity, but in an institution’s efficacy in dealing with complex perilous technologies. There are several directorial structures which go beyond the usual traditional hierarchies of decision making to let the personnel make their coherent resolutions based on personal viewpoints. There are instances of unsatisfactorily assessments which may receive condemnation, but advantageous decisions are visibly honored. Everyone thus feels part of the group thus avoiding strict schedules which may fashion monotony.

Individuals standardize themselves into different patterns depending on the customary conditions, rather than the typical one-structured system of organizations (Pool,). Such organizations change their forms from hierarchical to mutually respectful depending on the position.

The organizations stress own learning, thus avoiding the fixed points where instructions are precisely specified. Slip-ups are not punished when a person originally had intentions of performing a positive deed, as it may demoralize employees and fail communication channels owing to the preset instructions.

Engagement in the creation of services requires apt consideration, judging by the accidents that harm the repute of various organizations. Economic barriers have extreme effects in the running of the organization, alongside the appreciation of the Canadian dollar (Myers, 2008).

Another test is to generate more innovators in order to solve common consumer problems and develop their livelihood standards. Competitive pressures affect how the group would create and retain their operation in the innovation of novel technology which ensures the sustainability of the HRO.

Canadian manufacturers and exporters (2009). Dare to compete champions meet their challenges head on… Canadian manufacturers and exporters. Web.

Dyer, L. & Ericksen, J. (2004). Toward a strategic human resource management model of high reliability organization performance . Center for advanced human resource studies. Web.

Lawson, C. (2004). Technology, technological determinism and the transformational model of technical activity . Rough draft. Web.

Logan, R. (2007). The 14 messages of new media . Media shift: philosophy. Web.

Myers, J. (2008). Is there a future for manufacturing in Canada? Canadian manufacturers & exporters. Web.

Pool, R. (1997). Beyond engineering: how society shapes technology . New York: Oxford University Press US.

Poster, M. (2010). “McLuhan and the cultural theory of media”. Media tropes ejournal, Vol. ii, No. 2, 1-18.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 11). Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings.

"Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings." IvyPanda , 11 May 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings'. 11 May.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings." May 11, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings." May 11, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings." May 11, 2018.

Preparation for the IELTS Exam

IELTS advantage disadvantage essay

Model answer for an ielts advantage disadvantage (outweigh) essay..

Updated:  February 2024

One of the most difficult essay types for many band 6 students is the ‘outweigh’ essay, which is an advantage disadvantage essay that is asking your opinion about which side you think is stronger.

The keyword in the task is ‘outweigh’. So you must cover the advantage and the disadvantage in this essay and clearly state your opinion. Do not only write about the advantages. you will need to cover both sides for a higher score in task response.

If you believe the advantage is stronger you must give your opinion on that in the thesis statement, but also make sure you show what a possible downside is. Have a look at the structures below for this type of essay.

Note that these are just guidelines. There is nothing mentioned in the marking criteria about the correct structure to use.

IELTS advantage disadvantage essay structure

Check this blog post on the 3 types of advantage disadvantage essays.

Model answer.

People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the development of communication technology and transportation. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent times people have the choice of any location worldwide to live and work because of advances in communication technology and transport. Although there are downsides, this essay argues that the advantages are stronger as this has positively changed work life because people can work remotely via the internet from anywhere in the world.

One considerable advantage of technological innovation in transportation and communication is that it has revolutionised the way people work, bringing new opportunities and employment that did not exist before. In my view, this has had a positive impact on peoples lives due to the flexibility of combining work with travel. For instance, reliable Wi-fi networks and cloud computing, cheaper flights and high-speed trains allow people to live anywhere in the world while working online. Additionally, employees can participate in video conference calls and international forums, while entrepreneurs can run their businesses online from any location worldwide.

Admittedly, there are drawbacks in that some individuals have issues while living and working in different countries. In particular, culture shock and motivational problems while living outside their home country. This tends to lead to frustration for many remote workers who are relocated to offices in other countries. For example, multinational companies often neglect to train employees to deal with culture shock, as they assume that a positive experience on vacation in a new country will lead to easy cultural integration abroad. I believe communication technology has a positive role to play here, such as online coaching, which could help employees with motivation and cultural adjustment.

To conclude, despite the downsides, I believe that the benefits of communication technology and transport are greater because of new opportunities to travel and work online globally.

As you can see, I’m going with one advantage and one disadvantage here. This is ok for a Band 7+ but the essay must be well developed. If you have 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages, you may run out of time and end up with a very long essay at well over 300 words. Keep the essay concise.

You will notice in the thesis statement that I state:

‘Although there are downsides, this essay argues that the advantages are stronger as this has positively changed work life because people can work remotely via the internet from anywhere in the world.’

This shows balance as I have referred to the fact that there is a downside. In main body one, I cover the advantage and give my opinion on this. ‘ In my view, this has had a positive impact on people’s lives… .’

In main body two, I stated:   ‘Admittedly, there are drawbacks….’  this shows the examiner that I’m covering the downsides now.

In the conclusion I refer to the disadvantages again briefly then restate my opinion… ‘ To conclude, despite the downsides, I believe that….’

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Gunnar Eberhardt appointed Executive Vice President, UPM Communication Papers and member of the Group Executive Team

UPM-Kymmene Corporation Stock Exchange Release (Changes board/management/auditors) 27 June 2024 at 16:15 EEST

Gunnar Eberhardt has been appointed Executive Vice President, UPM Communication Papers. He will be a member of UPM's Group Executive Team and report to Massimo Reynaudo, President and CEO. He will start in his role in October 2024.

Gunnar Eberhardt, born 1977, will join UPM from Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, where he has worked as Corporate Vice President, Adhesives Automotive OEM Business since April 2022. Prior to his current role he has held several sales, marketing, business unit and region head roles at Henkel and Osram since 2000.

He has a Diploma in Industrial Engineering and an Executive Master's degree in Innovation & Technology Management. He is a German citizen, and will be based in Augsburg, Germany.

"I'm very pleased to welcome Gunnar to UPM and the Group Executive Team. He brings a wealth of international experience from a range of industries, a commercial mindset and strong leadership track record.  With Gunnar, the UPM Communications Paper team will get an inspiring leader, and I look forward to our collaboration," says Massimo Reynaudo .

UPM, Media Relations

Mon-Fri 9:00-16:00 EEST

tel. +358 40 588 3284

[email protected]

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  1. Advantages and disadvantages of communications technology Essay Sample

    essay about communication disadvantages

  2. Disadvantages Of Modern Communication Technology Essay Example

    essay about communication disadvantages

  3. Communication Devices: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Example

    essay about communication disadvantages

  4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Technology Essay

    essay about communication disadvantages

  5. PPT

    essay about communication disadvantages

  6. Advantages and disadvantages of communications technology Essay Sample

    essay about communication disadvantages


  1. 5 line shot essay on Disadvantages of Internet in English l Disadvantages of Internet 5 line essay l

  2. Writing Communication

  3. Advantages and Disadvantage of non verbal communication

  4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Communicative Language Teaching

  5. essay on importance of communication/paragraph on importance of communication in english

  6. 3 February 2024, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, Evening Slot, INDIA


  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication

    Additionally, the over-reliance on digital communication can reduce face-to-face interactions, which are essential for developing strong interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Another disadvantage of communication is information overload. With the proliferation of digital media, individuals are constantly bombarded with information ...

  2. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Communication Skills: Drawbacks

    1) Advantages of Communication Skills. a) Building strong relationships. b) Enhancing professional growth. c) Facilitating problem solving. d) Ensuring clear understanding. e) Boosting self-confidence. 2) Disadvantages of Communication Skills. a) Risks caused due to misinterpretation.

  3. Online Communication: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

    Disadvantages of Online Communication. Irrespective of the information above, it is impossible to ignore the fact that online communication can imply some drawbacks. The possible disadvantages include the "lack of security, Internet addiction, information overload, and loss of social contacts" (Drahošová and Balco 1009).

  4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

    5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication Essay. Delve into the nuances of verbal interaction through this essay that explores five pivotal advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication. Each point is dissected to understand its impact on everyday interactions, professional exchanges, and personal relationships.

  5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication

    Advantages of verbal communication are saving of time, saving of money, more effective, knowledge of reaction of message, clear doubts and increase in productivity and efficiency. While for disadvantages of verbal communication are lack of proof of …show more content…. It are flexible which are easy and pleasant to use.

  6. IELTS Advantage/Disadvantage Essay Sample 4

    IELTS Writing Task 2 advantage/disadvantage essay example that is a band score 8. The question is > Social media has replaced the traditional methods of communicating and people use more and more of social media in communicate and to follow news and events. Some people think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion with example.

  7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Communication

    Potential for Misunderstanding. 6. Reduced Costs and Time. 6. Lose the Art of Conversation. 7. Expansion of coverage areas. Conclusion on Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Communication Technology. Today, email, text messages, social media, and video chats allow us to communicate instantly with anyone in the whole world.

  8. Communication Styles: [See Their Benefits, Examples, And Disadvantages]

    The assertive communication style is a way for people to communicate in an honest and direct way about the issues that are important to them. When you are assertive, you are rock-solid and steady. You can back up your statements with facts and logic. When others disagree with you, they cannot force you to retreat.

  9. Essay on Communication [Edit & Download], Pdf

    Communication. Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and feelings. It bridges the gap between individuals, enabling them to share their thoughts and emotions. This exchange can take various forms: Verbal Communication: This involves the use of spoken words and is the most direct method of conveying messages.

  10. IELTS Essay: Online Communication

    1. Offices around the world these days are opting to hold meetings online to save both time and money. 2. In my opinion, despite the potential loss of a strong rapport between co-workers, this is a positive considered as a whole. Paraphrase the overall essay topic. Write a clear opinion.

  11. Written Communication Advantages and Disadvantages

    Students can also find more Advantages and Disadvantages articles on events, persons, sports, technology, and many more. For effectiveness in written communication Essay, the writing should be complete, clear, concise, and correct.Written communication comprises an arrangement of words in proper order, choosing words carefully, and cohesive sentence composition.

  12. What is Verbal Communication? Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication: Communication is an integral aspect of society. Without communication, people would be unable to express themselves. Communication is inextricably interlinked with self-expression and the right to speech. Hence, without communication, there would be no place for expressing one's opinion. In several sections of society, individuals feel ...

  13. Social Media Cons and Prons: Evaluating Its Advantages ...

    Among these innovations, social media platforms have emerged as prominent mediums facilitating global connectivity. While extolled for their efficacy in communication, social media platforms also harbor inherent drawbacks. This discourse meticulously examines the multifaceted nature of social media, delving into both its advantages and ...

  14. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Communication IELTS Writing Task 2

    Band 7.5 IELTS Essay Online communication has become one of the most common technological phenomena in the 21st century. Development in technology and internet connectivity has been able to enhance its effectiveness for the people and businesses.However, both advantages and disadvantages of online communication exist.

  15. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years

    Band 8. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of this change. Or Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this change. Or Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages of this change. # communication # years # impacts # change. There has been a heated debate in recent years about ...

  16. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Communication

    It also encourages reticent people to communicate freely in cyberspace. However, with the popularization of online communication, more and more disadvantages of online communication appear. Firstly, online communication is lack of non-verbal expressions. Moreover, people use online communication frequently have more possibility to get Internet ...

  17. ⇉Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Essay Example

    Communication can also be very helpful but sometimes it can be very dangerous Advantages of verbal communication are saving of time, saving of money, more effective, knowledge of reaction of message, clear doubts and increase in productivity and efficiency. While for disadvantages of verbal communication are lack of proof of message, not ...

  18. Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Communication

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Communication Essay. Internal communication is an essential component of any organization, playing a crucial role in shaping its success and employee well-being. This essay explores the various advantages and disadvantages of internal communication, underscoring its impact on organizational efficiency and employee dynamics.

  19. Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings Essay

    Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings Essay. McLuhan's theories arose from the inquiries the logician received to systematically back his media studies (Logan, 2007). The premise analyses four occurrences cooperative to all media and human interactions, specifically to enhance, retrieve, reverse and obsolesce.

  20. Communication Disadvantages

    Communication Disadvantages. Decent Essays. 1315 Words; 6 Pages; Open Document. Communicative Disadvantages "Diversity in the workplace focuses on observable attributes such as race/ethnicity, nationality, age, and gender, as well as underlying attributes such as values, skills, knowledge, and cohort membership," (Thomas, 1996, p. 371). All ...

  21. IELTS advantage disadvantage (outweigh) essay model answer

    The keyword in the task is 'outweigh'. So you must cover the advantage and the disadvantage in this essay and clearly state your opinion. Do not only write about the advantages. you will need to cover both sides for a higher score in task response. If you believe the advantage is stronger you must give your opinion on that in the thesis ...

  22. Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Communication Technology

    Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Communication Technology. Communication allows us to share ideas, feelings and facts and in the times we now live in, communication can be done in so many different ways (social media, e-mail, Internet, telephone, radio and television). It is so much more easier now to communicate with people on the ...

  23. Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Communication

    Advantages of Texting As stated above, texting allows for a fast and effective way to communicate among humans without having to be face-to-face. Kelly et al. (2012) state that texting provides advantages such as "convenience, increased control, and reduction of inhibition" (p. 1).

  24. Forking paths and workflow in statistical practice and communication

    A challenge in science communication is when people have preconceived notions and are not open to following the data or willing to accept empirical results. This is related to the "law of small numbers" fallacy identified by Tversky and Kahneman (1971), that there is an expectation that all evidence on a topic should go in the same direction.

  25. Gunnar Eberhardt appointed Executive Vice President, UPM Communication

    Gunnar Eberhardt appointed Executive Vice President, UPM Communication Papers and member of the Group Executive Team. Gunnar Eberhardt has been appointed Executive Vice President, UPM Communication Papers. He will be a member of UPM's Group Executive Team and report to Massimo Reynaudo, President and CEO. He will start in his role in October 2024.