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Help Desk Support Resume: Examples and Best Practices

help desk tier 2 responsibilities resume

A well-crafted Help Desk Support Resume is critical for job seekers who want to land a Help Desk Support job. A Help Desk Support Resume serves as an introduction to the job candidate and provides a snapshot of their experience and qualifications.

A Help Desk Support Resume that is poorly written or lacks information can immediately disqualify a candidate from consideration. Conversely, a well-written and tailored Help Desk Support Resume can set a candidate apart from the competition and increase their chances of getting an interview.

Key Elements of a Help Desk Support Resume

When it comes to creating a help desk support resume, there are some key elements that every candidate should include. These elements will not only showcase your relevant experience and qualifications, but will also make it easier for potential employers to contact you for an interview. In this section, we will discuss the five key elements that should be included in every help desk support resume.

A. Contact Information

The first element of your help desk support resume should be your contact information. Make sure to include your full name, phone number, email address, and physical address. You can also include links to your LinkedIn profile or other professional online profiles. This information should be placed at the top of your resume so that potential employers can easily find it.

B. Summary Statement/Objective Statement

The second element of your help desk support resume should be a brief summary or objective statement. This statement should be one or two sentences that summarize your skills and experience. Make sure to tailor this statement to the job you are applying for. If you are unsure what to include, review the job description and company website for guidance.

C. Relevant Skills and Qualifications

The third element of your help desk support resume should be a list of your relevant skills and qualifications. Make sure to include any software, hardware, or systems that you are proficient in. You should also include any certifications or relevant training that you have completed. This section should be tailored to the job you are applying for so that potential employers can easily see how your skills match their needs.

D. Work Experience

The fourth element of your help desk support resume should be a detailed list of your work experience. Make sure to include the dates of employment, job titles, and key responsibilities. You should also include any accomplishments or positive feedback that you received while on the job. This section should be in reverse chronological order so that potential employers can see your most recent experience first.

E. Education and Certifications

The final element of your help desk support resume should be your education and certifications. Make sure to include the name of the institution, degree or certification earned, and the graduation date. You can also include any relevant coursework or projects. This section should be placed after your work experience section.

A strong help desk support resume should include all of these key elements. By tailoring your resume to the job you are applying for and highlighting your relevant experience and qualifications, you will increase your chances of getting an interview and landing the job.

Best Practices for Writing a Help Desk Support Resume

As a help desk support professional, it’s essential to create a resume that not only highlights your skills and experience but also demonstrates that you’re an excellent candidate for the job. Here are some best practices to follow when writing your help desk support resume:

A. Tailor Your Resume to the Job

Tailor your resume to the specific help desk support position you’re applying to. Read the job posting carefully and ensure that your resume highlights your relevant experience, skills, and education. Include any certifications or credentials that are required for the job.

B. Use Keywords and Phrases from the Job Posting

Use keywords and phrases from the job posting throughout your resume. This will help you stand out from other applicants and show the hiring manager that you have a deep understanding of the position requirements. Make sure to use specific technical terms and industry jargon that are relevant to the job.

C. Highlight Your Achievements and Responsibilities

Highlight your achievements and responsibilities in your previous roles. Be specific about your accomplishments and quantify them whenever possible. For example, if you reduced call wait times, include the percentage by which you reduced them.

D. Keep it Brief and to the Point

Keep your resume brief, concise, and to the point. Help desk support managers are usually very busy and don’t have time to read lengthy resumes. Try to limit your resume to one or two pages, using bullet points to summarize your experience and skills.

E. Use Action Verbs and Quantify Your Achievements

Use action verbs and quantify your achievements throughout your resume. This will help you convey a sense of action and accomplishment in your previous roles. For example, instead of saying “Answered customer calls,” say “Resolved customer issues by answering 50+ calls per day with a 95% customer satisfaction rating.”

Follow these best practices when writing your help desk support resume and stand out from the rest of the applicants. Remember, your resume is your first chance to make an impression, so make it count!

Examples of Help Desk Support Resumes

Sample help desk support resume #1.

Name: John Doe

Summary: 5+ years of experience in providing technical support and troubleshooting to end-users.

  • Experience with Windows and Mac OS
  • Knowledgeable in Microsoft Office Suite and Google Suite
  • Excellent communication and customer service skills
  • Knowledge in network administration
  • Experience in remote desktop support
  • Adept in ticketing systems and knowledge bases


  • Technical Support Specialist, XYZ Company (2 years)
  • Provided level 1 and 2 support to end-users for software, hardware and network issues
  • Configured and installed software, hardware, network and peripheral devices for new users
  • Maintained accurate records of service requests and resolutions through a ticketing system
  • Help Desk Analyst, ABC Company (3 years)
  • Resolved technical issues via phone, email or remote access
  • Collaborated with team members to investigate and troubleshoot complex issues
  • Provided first-class customer service to end-users

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University Relevant coursework: Networking fundamentals, Operating Systems, Database Management

Sample Help Desk Support Resume #2

Name: Jane Smith

Summary: 8 years of experience in technical support and problem-solving with a reputation for excellent interpersonal skills.

  • Proficient in Mac and Windows environments
  • Adept in Citrix, Active Directory and Exchange
  • Skilled in remote support
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Proven ability to work effectively both independently and in a team environment

1. Technical Support Engineer, DEF Company (5 years)

  • Resolved technical support requests for software, hardware, network, and server issues
  • Provided new employee onboarding training and support
  • Monitored backups and ensured all servers were up-to-date with software patches

2. Help Desk Manager, GHI Company (3 years)

  • Managed a team of four help desk analysts
  • Provided remote and on-site support to internal and external customers
  • Maintained ticket tracking system and provided monthly reports to management

Sample Help Desk Support Resume #3

Name: Mike Johnson

Summary: Help desk support specialist with over 7 years of experience providing top-notch technical support and customer service to end-users.

  • Proficient in Windows and Mac OS
  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office and other software applications
  • Experience with network management and remote desktop support
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to prioritize and work well under pressure

1. Help Desk Support Specialist, XYZ Corporation (4 years)

  • Provided technical support and troubleshooting for software and hardware issues
  • Assisted end-users with account setup, password resets, and system configurations
  • Utilized remote desktop tools to resolve issues efficiently
  • Documented support requests and solutions in the ticketing system
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to resolve complex technical problems

2. Technical Support Analyst, ABC Company (3 years)

  • Responded to support tickets and provided timely resolutions to end-user problems
  • Installed, configured, and maintained software and hardware systems
  • Performed system upgrades and patches to ensure optimal performance
  • Assisted in training new team members on support processes and procedures
  • Collaborated with vendors and escalated issues as needed for prompt resolution

Tips for Crafting a Stand-Out Resume Summary

A. Importance of a Strong Resume Summary

The resume summary serves as the first impression on potential employers. It is a brief paragraph located at the top of the page that summarizes your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. A strong resume summary can set you apart from other candidates by highlighting your unique value proposition and attracting the attention of the hiring manager.

A well-crafted resume summary can also give a clear idea of your career goals, your experience, and what you can offer to the company. It’s an opportunity for you to showcase your strengths and highlight how your skills align with the job you are applying for.

B. Examples of Effective Resume Summaries

Customer-oriented Help Desk Support with 5 years of experience providing technical assistance and support to internal and external stakeholders. Proficient in troubleshooting hardware and software issues, managing IT assets and helping end-users with their technical needs. Certifications include CCNA and CompTIA A+.

IT Specialist with a strong background in Tier 1 and 2 support experience. Equipped with excellent communication skills to provide efficient solutions for hardware and software issues. Proficient in MS Office programs, Active Directory, and remote access applications.

Help Desk Technician with over 3 years of experience in providing technical support for internal and external customers. Expertise in proactive system monitoring, hardware and software installation, and server management. Certifications include MCSA and ITIL Foundation.

C. Tips for Writing an Effective Resume Summary

Keep it concise: Your resume summary should be no more than 3-4 sentences long. Focus on highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences.

Tailor it to the job: Read the job description carefully and adjust your summary to emphasize how your skills align with the job requirements.

Highlight your accomplishments: Use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments and quantify them with specific numbers.

Showcase your skills: Highlight the skills that you bring to the table and how they can add value to the organization.

Use keywords: Incorporate keywords that are relevant to the job description and industry standards. This will help your resume get past the automated tracking systems and noticed by human recruiters.

A strong resume summary can make all the difference in your job search. By focusing on your skills and experiences, tailoring it to the job you are applying for, and using strong action verbs and keywords, you can craft a stand-out resume summary that highlights your unique value and enhances your chances of getting hired.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Help Desk Support Resumes

When creating a Help Desk Support resume, it is important to avoid common mistakes that can harm your chances of landing an interview. Here are some things to watch out for:

A. Generic Resumes that Lack Details

Avoid creating a generic resume that lacks specific details about your experience and qualifications. Make sure to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for by highlighting relevant skills and accomplishments.

B. Typos and Grammatical Errors

Nothing can destroy your chances of getting an interview faster than typos and grammatical errors. Make sure to proofread your resume carefully for mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

C. Including Irrelevant Information

Avoid including information that isn’t relevant to the job you’re applying for. Information about your hobbies or personal interests, for example, may not be important to a potential employer unless they directly relate to the position.

D. Exaggerating Accomplishments and Skills

Exaggerating your accomplishments and skills can be tempting, but it is not a good way to impress potential employers. Stick to the facts and provide concrete examples of your achievements to demonstrate your value as a Help Desk Support professional. Keep your resume concise and avoid using too many words to describe your accomplishments and skills.

Help Desk Support Resume Template and Format

If you’re looking to pursue a career in Help Desk Support, it’s essential to have a well-formatted and professionally crafted resume that stands out from the crowd. The following sections will guide you through the steps required to create a winning Help Desk Support resume.

A. Proper Formatting of a Help Desk Support Resume

A well-structured Help Desk Support resume should be divided into different sections, including:

  • Contact Information
  • Objective Statement
  • Professional Summary
  • Certifications

Technical Skills

  • Professional Experience

These sections should be arranged chronologically, starting with the most recent and ending with the oldest. It’s essential to customize your resume to cater to the specific employer’s needs while highlighting your skills and experience.

B. Recommended Font, Margins, and Spacing

Choosing the right typeface and font size is crucial in making your resume legible and easy to read. It’s recommended to use a standard font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri, with a font size between 10pt and 12pt.

When it comes to margins, it’s suggested to set them at 1 inch all around, allowing sufficient white space for readability. Additionally, proper spacing between paragraphs and sections is crucial. Using a single line break or double spacing, depending on your preference, can ensure the reader’s attention.

C. Resume Templates for Help Desk Support Professionals

Thankfully, several Help Desk Support resume templates can serve as a basis for crafting your own. These templates, easily customizable and tailored to your needs, can save you time and make your resume aesthetically pleasing.

While there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to resume templates, selecting one that caters to the required skillset, industry, and experience can help you land your dream job. When using a resume template, remember to adjust it to your individual work experience, education, and skillset.

Crafting a winning Help Desk Support resume requires effort, attention to detail, and customization to the specific employer’s needs. Utilizing these best practices of proper formatting, font, margins, and spacing, along with selecting an appropriate resume template, can help set you apart from the crowd and land you a job.

How to Showcase Soft Skills in a Help Desk Support Resume

When it comes to applying for a help desk support role, it’s important to acknowledge the value of soft skills. While technical ability is crucial to the position, possessing soft skills can make all the difference in providing exceptional customer service.

A. Importance of Soft Skills in a Help Desk Support Role

In a help desk support role, you will be the face of the company for many customers. It’s important to have exceptional soft skills to handle difficult customers, diffuse tensions, and offer effective solutions. Soft skills can also assist in creating a positive customer experience, which can lead to repeat business and positive reviews.

B. Examples of Relevant Soft Skills

Some of the essential soft skills you should possess as a help desk support professional include:

  • Communication: Clear and concise communication is key to resolving customer issues. Active listening and adapting your communication style to suit the customer’s needs and personality can also increase their satisfaction levels.
  • Empathy: Being able to identify with your customers’ concerns can help them feel heard and understood. This can result in a positive outcome, even in challenging situations.
  • Time Management: Effectively managing your time and workload can increase your efficiency and the number of customers you’re able to assist.
  • Problem-solving: As a help desk support professional, you will encounter a wide variety of issues. Being able to think critically and offer creative solutions is essential to succeeding in this role.

C. Tips for Highlighting Soft Skills in Your Resume

To showcase your soft skills effectively, consider the following tips:

Utilize the job description: Review the job description and ensure that you include any keywords or phrases that are mentioned. This can demonstrate that you possess these skills and are a strong match for the position.

Use specific examples: Rather than simply stating that you have excellent communication skills, provide examples of instances where you utilized these skills to solve a problem or create a positive customer experience.

Quantify your achievements: If possible, quantify the impact of your soft skills. For example, mention the percentage increase in customer satisfaction ratings following your implementation of a new time management technique.

Emphasize team collaboration: Collaborative skills can be particularly important in a support role. Highlight any instances where you worked with others to provide exceptional customer service.

Showcasing your soft skills as a help desk support professional can strengthen your application and increase your chances of landing your dream job. By utilizing these tips and highlighting your relevant skills, you can stand out as an excellent candidate for the role.

Qualifications and Certifications to Include in Your Help Desk Support Resume

As a help desk support professional, your resume should highlight your qualifications and certifications to demonstrate your expertise in the field. Here are some tips on what to include:

A. Relevant Qualifications for Help Desk Support Professionals

When listing your qualifications, focus on those that are relevant to the help desk support role. These may include:

  • Education: A degree in computer science or a related field can demonstrate your knowledge of IT concepts and technical skills.
  • Relevant experience: If you have prior experience in a help desk or customer service role, highlight the skills you developed that are relevant to the position. This may include strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and technical troubleshooting experience.
  • Other training or certifications: If you have completed any training programs or certifications that demonstrate your knowledge of IT software or hardware, be sure to include them.

B. IT Certifications for Help Desk Support Professionals

In addition to your relevant qualifications, you may also want to include any IT certifications that you have earned. Some of the most common certifications for help desk support professionals include:

  • CompTIA A+: This certification covers hardware and software technologies, making it relevant for help desk technicians.
  • ITIL: This certification demonstrates knowledge of IT service management, including service design and delivery, incident management, and problem management.
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): This certification demonstrates expertise with Microsoft technologies, which are commonly used in help desk environments.

C. Tips for Highlighting Your Certifications and Qualifications

When listing your certifications and qualifications, make sure they are prominent and easy to read. To ensure that they stand out:

  • Include them in a separate section of your resume labeled “Certifications” or “Qualifications.”
  • Use bullet points to break up the information and make it easier to read.
  • Focus on those certifications and qualifications that are most relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Use descriptive, action-oriented language. For example, instead of just listing a certification, describe the skills and knowledge you gained through the training program.

By highlighting your relevant qualifications and certifications in your resume, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you have the skills and expertise needed to succeed as a help desk support professional.

How to Optimize Your Help Desk Support Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

A. how applicant tracking systems work.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)  are software systems that help recruiters and employers manage the recruitment process. These systems can quickly and easily filter through resumes to identify the most qualified candidates based on their skills, experience, and other key factors.

Essentially, the ATS acts as a gatekeeper, screening all of the resumes that come through and only allowing the most qualified applicants to move on to the next stage of the hiring process. It uses algorithms to scan resumes for keywords and phrases that match the job description, as well as other criteria such as work experience, education and certifications obtained.

Without proper optimization for ATS, a Help Desk Support resume may be overlooked despite its overall merit.

B. Best Practices for Optimizing for Applicant Tracking Systems

Here are some tips to help you optimize your Help Desk Support resume for ATS:

Use relevant keywords and phrases. When crafting your Help Desk Support resume, be sure to include key skills, experiences, and certifications that are relevant to the job description. This will help your resume to appear more prominently in an ATS scan.

Follow a clear, easy-to-read format. To make sure that the ATS can easily read your Help Desk Support resume, stick to a clear and easy-to-read format. Use bullet points and section headings to organize your information, and avoid using images or graphics.

Use job-specific titles when describing your experience. Use the exact titles of your previous positions, as listed in the job description. This will help the ATS to recognize your experience and qualifications.

Keep it professional. When designing your Help Desk Support resume, stick to a professional and simple format. Avoid using fancy fonts or graphics, and make sure that your contact information is prominent.

C. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Optimizing for Applicant Tracking Systems

Avoid the following mistakes when optimizing your Help Desk Support resume for ATS:

Using irrelevant keywords: Don’t over-stuff your Help Desk Support resume with irrelevant keywords in an effort to get past an ATS. Your resume should be genuine and relevant to ensure proper scoring.

Submitting an unformatted resume: Avoid submitting a resume with a poorly structured format that cannot be processed by ATS.

Using unconventional design elements: Do not use unconventional design elements such as photos, graphics, icons, or tables which can break formatting.

Failing to review your resume: It is crucial to review your resume before submission to avoid mistakes in formatting, spelling, and grammar as these may compromise your candidacy.

By following these best practices and avoiding common mistakes, you can optimize your Help Desk Support resume for ATS and increase your chances of getting noticed by the employers.

In addition to the relevant soft skills, Help Desk Support professionals are required to have technical knowledge and expertise to provide solutions and assistance to customers. In order to showcase your technical skills, it’s important to create a separate section in your resume highlighting your proficiency in various technical areas. Here are some examples:

Hardware Skills

Help Desk Support professionals must have a thorough understanding of the hardware components of a computer system. This includes knowledge of different types of hardware such as desktops, laptops, printers, and scanners. Additionally, professionals should have expertise in diagnosing hardware issues and providing recommendations for maintenance or replacement.

Software Skills

An important aspect of Help Desk Support is troubleshooting software-related problems. One must have knowledge about operating systems like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Additionally, proficiency in software applications such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Suite is a must.

Network and Security Skills

With the increasing usage of cloud technologies and remote work, network and security skills are becoming more and more important. Familiarity with network topology, protocols, and administration is necessary for providing assistance for connecting, configuring, and troubleshooting network and server issues. Knowledge about firewalls, anti-malware software, and data-security measures are also key to addressing the security concerns of customers.

Remote Support Tools

Help Desk Support professionals must be familiar with remote support tools such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and TeamViewer. These tools enable professionals to provide remote assistance and securely diagnose and troubleshoot customer problems from a distance.

Mobile Devices and Applications

With the shifting trend towards mobile devices, Help Desk Support professionals must also have expertise in providing assistance for mobile devices and applications. Knowledge about smartphone operating systems such as iOS and Android, and proficiency in mobile applications such as email and messaging apps, is a must.

Highlighting your technical skills is an essential aspect of creating an effective Help Desk Support resume. These skills set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate to the employer that you have the required knowledge to troubleshoot and solve customer issues.

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help desk tier 2 responsibilities resume

How to Write a Tier 2 Support Job Description + 5 Examples

Mercer Smith

Tier 2 support team members are the folks responsible for handling technical escalations and more advanced inquiries that are beyond the skills or knowledge of your first level customer service representatives.

When supporting a highly technical product, a tier 2 team may handle implementation and core product guidance. In contrast, the tier 2 team supporting a retail product may handle lower priority bugs, dispute resolutions, or triage, as their skills are less about product knowledge and more about service experience.

In our examples below, we've chosen to use a SaaS (software as a service) product that helps users build and design websites. In the case of this company, a tier 2 support team would work directly with customers explaining technical details of the product and triaging or resolving bugs.

As we outline what a tier 2 support job description for this company might look like, consider which elements work for your team and which may need to be adjusted.

Customer Service Interview Builder

Good interviews are at the heart of great hires. This tool makes it quick and easy to build a thoughtful interview process, from crafting job descriptions to asking the right questions.

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Section 1: About the job

The information at the top of your tier 2 support job description will serve to attract and engage potential applicants. Beyond that, it will also set the stage for how your company treats support, explain what kind of culture you have, and differentiate you from other places candidates might apply.

In this section, while you will undoubtedly describe the role itself, you should focus on your company and how support fits within the larger ecosystem. For instance, if there are exciting aspects about how your company is structured or things within your culture that are unique, this is the place to mention them.

It's also a great place to sell your company's values and how they fit into how you offer support. Many companies are hiring for tier 2 support team members: Why should an applicant be interested in working for you?

An example:

<li>Empower each other.</li>,Empower each other.

Beyond these basics, this section is an excellent place to describe the unique benefits of your workplace and the deeper issues that your product resolves for your customers.

You may also want to talk about the company's stage, if you've taken on funding or are a public company, and how many people work on the team. Some applicants may be happy working for a more established, larger team, while others prefer to work scrappily and wear many hats.

You may also include information in this section about who this role reports to or the hours they're expected to work. It's particularly effective for international teams to indicate which time zone(s) they are seeking coverage for, and you’ll see specific examples of this below.

Section 2: Key responsibilities

Whereas the "About the Job" section seeks to describe your company and how tier 2 sits within it, this section gives the potential applicant a detailed view of what they'll do for their everyday work.

Despite wanting to portray your company in the best light to attract possible candidates, it's essential to be as detailed and honest as possible in this section.

While your potential candidates may have been hypothetically imagining themselves working at your company, this is the first place where they'll be able self-identify with the specific role. If you don't include all of the nuts and bolts, you may attract individuals who aren't the best fit.

Not only does this have the potential to create attrition within your company, but it can also create dissatisfaction among applicants. People share their interview experiences, and if you've misled applicants with a job description that isn't honest, people will talk about it.

Here's an example of what the "key responsibilities" section of your tier 2 support job description could look like:

<li>Scheduling calls with prospects if they need to debug or troubleshoot a technical problem.</li>,Scheduling calls with prospects if they need to debug or troubleshoot a technical problem.

Lists like these can get pretty long and drawn out. Focus on using descriptive, concise language to make it impactful.

Section 3: Skills and qualifications

Next, provide potential applicants with the credentials they will need to do the job. Include only necessary information here — or if it's a nice-to-have but not necessary, indicate that instead.

Many companies choose to have two sections under this header, one that shows qualities someone will need immediately and another area that indicates "stretch goals" or things that would signify a dream candidate.

Another consideration here is that the qualifications and skills may be an additional layer on top of the skills and capabilities required for your tier 1 support team. Consider where you want to list all of those out, or instead link back to a tier 1 job description as a reference.

Lastly, you may want to list out specific programming languages if those are a requirement for this role. You may choose to have that under a separate section or within the main section of the post.

Here's what this section may look like:

<li>You enjoy empowering users with the knowledge to do things for themselves in the future, not just fixing things for them.</li>,You enjoy empowering users with the knowledge to do things for themselves in the future, not just fixing things for them.

Keep the descriptions short enough that they're easy to skim but detailed enough to inspire and excite the reader. In this section, we did not include necessary education — formal education does not always have a direct impact on acquired skills for this type of role.

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Customer Support Job Description: Examples and Best Practices

Customer Support Job Description: Examples and Best Practices

5 great examples of real tier 2 support job descriptions.

There are many names that tier 2 support falls under. Some companies call them "support engineers," some call them "support II" or “second level.” In these tier 2 support job description examples, you'll see a few different ways of referring to this role, as well as several different methodologies for writing the page.

1. Monday, Technical Support Engineer

monday tier 2 support job description

The tier 2 support job description posted by Monday hammers home that it's not just technical knowledge that will set candidates apart, but knowledge of Monday's product itself. It also explains which skills are required and which are nice to have.

2. Marketplacer, Technical Support Specialist

marketplacer tier 2 support job description

View the full job description

Rather than just going through the benefits in their "About the Job" section, Marketplacer gives them a front and center position within the job description. They recognize that while the role may attract potential candidates, the benefits may do more of the heavy lifting if given a chance.

While having separate sections like these may not be a good fit for your product, it’s a way to create a job description that is easy to skim.

3. Webflow, Technical Customer Support Specialist

monday tier 2 support job description

Right from the start, this job description lets folks know where they'll need to work from. For a large, international company like Webflow , this is very important.

The introduction is short and sweet before getting right into what the applicant can expect from the role. Unlike some other job descriptions, this one ends with a large section about the company and the benefits that it offers.

Benefits sweeten the pot. The applicant can already imagine their fit within the role and see the cherry they'd receive on top if they were hired.

4. Lattice, Technical Support Engineer

monday tier 2 support job description

What sets this job description apart is how much it links out to explanatory material. Instead of just saying that the company does something, Lattice uses a link to prove its practices. For instance, notice the sentence "Check out what our CX team is up to here!" that links to the CX team's Notion page .

5. Snowplow Analytics, Technical Customer Support Engineer

monday tier 2 support job description

Snowplow starts by letting the potential applicant know what time zone they'll be working in. Instead of specifying a location, they recognize that a remote applicant may be willing to work hours outside the traditional 9-5.

Snowplow brings their values into this job description more than many of the other listed examples. They include them right in the introduction and throughout each section below it. If you are a very values-driven company, this may be an excellent way to emphasize that to your applicants.

What to Call Your Customer Service and Support Teams

What to Call Your Customer Service and Support Teams

Go forth and create great teams.

Whether you're calling it a technical support engineer, premier support engineer, or even technical customer service role, your tier 2 support job description should encompass enough helpful information to attract your ideal candidates.

Emphasize the pieces of your culture that make your company and your tier 2 team unique. Start by telling potential team members what sets you apart and how they would be a great fit.

Allow applicants to visualize themselves within the role by providing remarkable detail and context for the work they'll be doing. When you're honest with them right from the start, you are building the trust and safety they will need to succeed.

<li><a href="/blog/customer-onboarding-specialist-job-description/">Customer Onboarding Specialist</a>,<a href="/blog/customer-onboarding-specialist-job-description/">Customer Onboarding Specialist

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Mercer smith.

Mercer is the VP of CX Insights & Community at PartnerHero, a yoga fanatic, and strives to make the world a little bit happier one customer at a time. You can find her at and on Twitter .

help desk tier 2 responsibilities resume

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  • • Resolved technical issues for over 100 employees, increasing overall productivity by 20%
  • • Implemented new IT systems, increasing system efficiency by 15%
  • • Led a team of 5 junior IT specialists, improving team efficiency by 10%
  • • Resolved technical issues for over 50 employees, ensuring minimal downtime
  • • Assisted in the implementation of new IT systems, reducing system errors by 25%
  • • Collaborated with the IT team to meet quarterly targets, achieving 100% of goals
  • • Supported senior IT specialists in resolving technical issues, contributing to a 10% increase in efficiency
  • • Assisted in managing IT systems for 20 employees, maintaining 100% system uptime
  • • Assisted in the preparation of quarterly IT reports, achieving 95% accuracy

5 Help Desk Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your help desk resume should highlight your technical proficiency. Showcase your experience with relevant software and troubleshooting methods. Demonstrate your customer service skills clearly. Employers need to see your ability to communicate effectively and resolve issues efficiently.

All resume examples in this guide

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Desktop Support

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Help Desk Manager

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Service Desk Manager

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Technical Support Manager

Resume guide, in this guide, you’ll learn, looking for related resumes, how to create a help desk resume that gets you hired, the right way to write a header for a help desk resume, how to make an outstanding experience section for your help desk resume, 18 essential skills to highlight in your help desk resume.

Help Desk resume example

The customer is king.

But as a help desk…

You’re the king of customer service.

Anyone can pick up the phone or respond to an email, but very few can do so efficiently.

Your work extends way beyond solving simple technical problems.

Without you, companies can’t keep up good relationships with their clients. Many businesses would struggle to improve their brand image and keep their loyal customers around.

You help employees from inner departments solve tech issues in a timely fashion. That’s how you allow everyone to be more productive and stay focused on crucial tasks.


The days of simple FAQ pages and Q&A sections on forums are over.

Companies have understood the full extent of your importance. That explains why headhunters today work hard to recruit the best help desk professionals.

But to land the job you want:

You need an outstanding help desk resume that promotes your worth. And that’s what we’re going to teach you today.

We created this guide to help you make a brilliant resume that stands out and gets results.

We’ll show you how to feature the right skills, experience, and other essential sections to make you shine.

Let’s get started.

  • Why reading the job description is crucial to picking and featuring the right experience and skills on your resume
  • How to structure and format your resume to inspire recruiters and keep them reading
  • Best way to showcase your relevant experience and convince headhunters of your worth
  • Top technical and soft skills to help you master your job duties and excel at customer service
  • Most important additional sections to include if you want to outshine your competition
  • Computer Science Resume
  • Network Engineer Resume
  • Tech Resume
  • IT Project Manager Resume

A help desk resume is your chance to leave a strong first impression on recruiters and make them want you.

It's not just a bunch of details or meaningless words sitting on a page. In reality, it's the portal through which you'll land the job you want at the company of your dreams.

Every detail matters, from the way you structure your resume to the way you write your sentences.

Therefore, you must remain strategic in your approach.

First of all:

You need to pick a proper layout for your resume .

There are lots of options to choose from, but not all of them will fit your background.

Here are your two options:

If you have a rich work history and lots of details to share, a reverse-chronological layout is best. Combine that with a double-column temlplate and you can fit everything within a single page without sacrificing any details.

A single column resume template works great for you if you're just getting started as a help desk. You don't want to leave lots of white space in your resume, so you can structure the information to fill the whole page. You might prefer the funcional resume layout in such case, as it allows you to focus on skills, rather than experience.

You need to be different from everyone else.

Think about it for a second…

The company needs assistance from a professional help desk. They've been looking for an ideal candidate for a while — yet they still haven't hired anyone.

Why do you think is that?

Two reasons:

  • The majority of applicants don't have the right set of experience and skills to compete for the job
  • No one has addressed the hiring company's needs precisely, and most candidates are ego-centric only looking for their own interest

That's where you'll beg to differ and prove yourself deserving of the position.

You'll highlight your unique expertise, most excellent qualities, and career achievements to stand out from the pack. But more importantly, you'll tailor your resume to answer to the company's needs precisely.

This way, you're outperforming everyone in the race and give recruiters a million reasons to hire you.

Best sections for a help desk resume

  • Certifications

What recruiters want to see in a help desk resume

  • The right customer service experience to help you assist clients effectively
  • A solid background in IT and computer science to prove your fitness for the job
  • Quantifiable achievements and work results demonstrated through reliable metrics and precise numbers
  • Eagerness to learn various technical skills quickly and apply the knowledge in practice
  • A set of soft skills including solution-oriented mindset, patience, and interpersonal abilities to allow for flawless communication

The header is a small section sitting at the top of your resume to help you identify yourself.

It only includes personal details - so it shouldn't affect your chances of getting hired.

You want recruiters to remember who you are in a pile of hundreds of resumes. So, this is your chance to hammer your name into their heads.

You must follow the right structure in making your header. You have to feature your key personal details. And you also need to leave away any unnecessary information.

So, where do you begin?

It's simple.

For starters, you only need to include the following information:

  • Email address

Next, you'll work on placing them correctly on the page.

Make your name memorable by using a bigger font and separating it from the rest of the details.

The job title comes underneath your full name but in a smaller font.

Featuring your full address is optional, especially if you live far away from the hiring company's location.

So, adding just the city and state in your address is okay.

LinkedIn is where most headhunters go to publish job postings and find qualified candidates. And the platform presents an opportunity for applicants to showcase their worth beyond a one-page resume.

Featuring a link to your LinkedIn profile is your way of helping recruiters notice you. It allows them to learn more about you before the interview, which is something they're grateful for.

Let's look at a couple of examples:

Recruiters must be sure that you're their best candidate they can hire before choosing you.

They want to see that you have solid experience with customer experience. And they need to be sure of your IT skills and problem-solving abilities.

But how do you prove any of that?

Well… it's quite simple!

Show that you've done it all before.

Craft an experience section that presents your job experience professionally. Then, fill it with details about your career successes and accomplishments.

Here are three golden rules to follow when writing your experience section:

1- List your experience in chronological order.

A perfect experience section must be chronological. That means you should start from the most recent position and continue further down.

You don't need to include every single position you've ever had. So, be careful when choosing what you put in this section.

2- Be specific.

It's more important to show than just tell when talking about your work history.

Headhunters are tired of reading repetitive job tasks over and over again. Every applicant they come across sounds the same with all the generic duties they find on Google.

The key here is to give recruiters what they want to see specifically. And to find that, you must look through the job description .

Make each bullet point you list here counts by mentioning the impact you had in your previous positions.

But more importantly:

Everything you mention here has to be relevant to the job you're applying for.

3- Quantify your achievements.

This rule gives hiring managers a rational anchor point for comparison. If your numbers are better than everyone else's, you'll separate yourself from the pack.

You won't be stuck at the bottom with the unqualified candidates who also claim to be good at customer support.

Each bullet point must come with a concrete example or a quantifiable achievement to inspire headhunters.

Use precise numbers of the results you achieved in the past to quantify your career wins.

Check out this example:

  • • Responsible for customer service and inquiries
  • • Helped customers with technical issues related to the company’s products and services
  • • Stayed up-to-date with the latest company technologies and software updates

Nobody likes buzzwords , especially not hiring managers.

They've read hundreds of resumes where job responsibilities are listed with no concrete numbers to prove them.

There's nothing to back up those claims and achievements. As a result, such resumes get largely ignored or even count against the applicant.

The solution is to focus on concrete numbers to demonstrate your impact as a help desk professional.

You need to keep an active language when showcasing your work as a help desk. Stick to action verbs and industry-specific verbs to highlight relevance and competence.

Now, here's what a great help desk experience section looks like:

  • • Answered, evaluated, and prioritized 3200 customer inquiries and support requests while maintaining 98% ratings of positive feedback
  • • Assisted in the hiring and scaling of the team from 10 teammates to 35 by screening potential candidates
  • • Recorded, tracked, and updated support interactions using the company’s ticketing system to help with software development

Featuring the right skills in your resume is key to getting you hired.

Recruiters often find themselves stuck choosing between candidates with the same level of experience. So they rely on the skills section to decide on the best applicant for the job.

But here’s the thing:

It isn’t always clear to you as a job-seeker which talents are essential to showcase in your resume.

Companies differ in the way they operate and deal with their customers. The technologies and tools they use also vary significantly from one industry to another.

As a rule of thumb, you must focus this section on two types of skills:

  • Soft skills
  • Technical skills

Soft skills include customer service, the ability to stay on top of client requests, troubleshooting, problem-solving, etc…

Patience and solution-oriented thinking are also crucial to helping you excel at your job.

Moreover, you must demonstrate a willingness to learn and adapt to new tools whenever needed. That shows hiring managers your eagerness to succeed at the job and go the extra mile.

On the other hand:

Technical skills vary widely based on the technology used by the company. There are no universally sought-after technical skills in the job market today.

You can recognize what the company needs from you in the job offer. And many tools and technologies are so popular that most businesses in the market today are using them.

So, by this point…

Your primary focus should be to find the most relevant abilities required for the job. Once you identify them, you’ll only need to narrow your list down and present it in this section.

To do that, you should:

  • List all the soft and hard skills you possess in one list.
  • Define the most sought-after soft/technical talents by reading the job description and keep them in a separate list
  • See which skills correlate the most (those are the ones your help desk resume needs to feature)

Here’s our hand-picked list of the most critical help desk resume skills:

Most sought-after technical skills for help desk resume

  • Active directory
  • Desktop support
  • Technical support
  • Service desk
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Google Suite
  • Troubleshooting
  • Email support

Best soft skills to showcase in your help desk resume

  • Customer service
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Multitasking
  • Attention to detail
  • Solution-oriented

Key Takeaways

  • Read the job description thoroughly to identify the hiring company’s needs and address them in your resume
  • Create an eye-grabbing header to keep headhunters reading
  • Feature your relevant work experience and solidify your claims through precise metrics and quantifiable achievements
  • Showcase your technical/soft skills in your experience and skills section to make your resume more appealing
  • Feature your educational background and certificates to stand out from the crowd and outshine your competitors

Help Desk resume examples

Explore additional help desk resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Desktop Support Resume Example

Desktop support roles are similar to a foundational pillar in IT infrastructure. Therefore, desktop support trends can impact the way whole organizations function.

Emphasize your ability to troubleshoot swiftly and accurately. Display your familiarity with common operating systems and applications. Demonstrate your soft skills relevant to desktop support such as communication, team work and patience. Prove that you understand user issues and solve accordingly. Frame your resume in such a way that it showcases your skills in hardware and software, as well as how those skills led to efficient troubleshooting.

Don't just list qualifications; show how you used them to improve the system. Following 'skill-action-results' could look like 'improved ticket resolution time by...' or 'reduced system crashes by...' and so on.

Help Desk Manager Resume Example

Help Desk Managers play a critical role in customer service. Their actions can have great influence on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Experience in software such as ticket tracking systems and database software is a must. Showcase your customer service skills and ability to manage teams. Demonstrate how you have implemented support strategies that reduced resolution time and improved satisfaction.

Avoid simply listing skills. Instead, show how your management style and technical abilities resulted in improved key performance indicators (KPIs). For example, 'Reduced average call handling time by implementing...', 'Increased customer satisfaction by...' et cetera.

Service Desk Manager Resume Example

A Service Desk Manager role is as a bridge between users and IT operations. This influential role can shape IT processes within a company.

Your resume should demonstrate your expertise in IT service management principles like ITIL or COBIT. Highlight how you have developed and implemented operational procedures that improved efficiency.

Don’t just list your skills. Instead, show how they have led to more efficient operations. Following 'skill-action-results' could look like 'lowered downtimes by implementing...', 'improved service delivery through...' and so on.

Technical Support Manager Resume Example

Technical Support Manager roles form a cornerstone of customer and client support systems. Trends within this sphere have far-reaching implications for any tech company.

Among others, highlight your ability to manage and train a team of tech support representatives. Tout your familiarity with a range of software and hardware specific to your industry. Demonstrate a history of increasing customer satisfaction rating by streamlining the tech support process.

Show, not just tell, your skills. e.g. 'lowered tech support turnaround times...', 'improved customer satisfaction ratings by...' and more.

help desk resume example

Looking to build your own Help Desk resume?

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Looking for an IT Help Desk resume?

[ Click here to directly go to the complete IT help desk resume sample ]

IT help desk is an important part of any organization.

As an IT help desk professional, it is your responsibility to provide technical support to customers and uphold the productivity of an organization.

And in this blog, we have listed all the tricks and tips to help you frame the perfect job-winning IT help desk resume that can get you on the radar of the recruiters.

Before going further, take a look at our IT help desk sample resume to know what an ideal resume should look like:

  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, C#, C++
  • Service Management Software: TOPdesk, ServiceNow, Spiceworks, Jira Service Desk, SolarWinds Service Desk
  • Oversaw 15+ help desk staff members who were tasked with assisting customers remotely, by e-mail or phone, or in-person
  • Played a key role in hiring, scheduling , and providing employee evaluations and feedback
  • Administered repairing, upgrading , and complete configuration of 200+ PCs and related peripherals
  • Performed periodic hardware & software checks to ensure that they are functioning properly; improved quality by 17%
  • Motivated the team members, administered training materials and gave KTs to small or large audiences once a month
  • Trained 150+ non-IT employees on analyzing & repairing minor hardware/software failures to increase efficiency by 15%
  • Performed random audits to ensure that the help desk team of 50+ employees is providing good customer service
  • Increased client satisfaction by 30% through effective communication and problem solving
  • Attended major support calls (~20/day ), 5+ walk-in customers, and 30+ emails daily for Tier 2 & 3 levels technical support
  • Developed, executed, and followed IT operational policies, standards, and work instructions for customer support
  • Installed and updated hardware & software and recommended computer equipment to reduce the overall cost by 18%
  • Designed & performed tests on 15+ applications as per the required standards and ensured data security
  • Documented all software/applications upgrades & modifications and maintained the IT & software Inventory
  • Responded to user's inquiries ( 25+ daily ) regarding computer, email, phone connectivity, software or hardware inquires
  • Answered, evaluated, and prioritized incoming telephone , voicemail, e-mail, and in-person requests for assistance
  • Collaborated with 7+ vendors to troubleshoot issues related to IT equipment, LAN/WAN connectivity, and software
  • Installed and configured computer systems & installed/updated to the latest software/applications for 30+ employees
  • Responded to 15+ customer inquiries in a day, diagnosed the issue and assisted them in troubleshooting challenges
  • Updated, maintained & monitored all aspects of computer networks and resolved network related issues
  • Assisted in resolving technical issues concerning 15+ client's accounts and the company's software infrastructure
  • CompTIA A+ Certified Professional | CompTIA | Apr '17
  • GPA: 4.5/5.0

Here is a brief overview of our 2022 It Help Desk Resume Blog:

  • Unless you are a job hopper or looking for a change in your career, make use of the reverse-chronological format.
  • Create separate sections to highlight your key skills and technical skills in an IT help desk resume skills.
  • If you are a certified professional, make sure that you mention the details in your IT help desk technician resume.

To analyze more about what to put on a resume for IT help desk job, keep reading.

You will also learn how to write a job-winning IT help desk support resume while simultaneously learning:

  • What to put on a resume for IT help desk job that can make you stand out.
  • How to highlight your skills in an IT help desk entry level resume.
  • How to create a keyword optimized IT help desk resume.
  • How to compose a suitable IT help desk resume summary.
  • How to optimize your IT help desk resume skills.

Hiration's Online Resume Builder is here to help you write the perfect IT help desk resume with professional assistance.

Our Online Resume Builder is stocked with a huge library of resume examples and an IT help desk resume template that will make your job application easier and effective!

All you have to do is replace the pre-filled information in our example templates with your details as per the targeted job application requirements.

Follow the given steps and learn how to write an IT help desk resume that will further help you communicate your skills to the recruiters:

Pick the Right IT Help Desk Resume Format

Include distinct sections to organize your it help desk resume, start by framing your it help desk resume header, draft a flawless it help desk professional experience section, provide the details of your education in the it help desk resume, highlight your it help desk resume skills, conclude your it help desk resume with a suitable summary/objective, use hiration’s services to create the perfect it help desk resume.

Here is a list of all the topics that you will learn in this blog:

[ Back to Table of Content ]

The Applicant Tracking System is a reliable software used by most recruiters and employers during the hiring process.

And the right resume format can help you enhance your IT help desk resume in the most effective way and make it easier for the recruiters to recognize your professional expertise.

Pick the most suitable resume format from the most distinct ones described below:

Reverse-Chronological: This is one of the best and the most preferred resume format because your most recent and relevant professional details are highlighted upfront to make it recruiter-friendly. Additionally, it is also ATS-friendly and hence gives you a higher chance to get recognition from the recruiters.

Functional: This format is not the best kind to be used as it is not effective enough to help you rank high on the ATS. But for freshers, job-hoppers, and people looking for a change in their career, this resume format can have its benefits. Try and avoid using it if you have a smooth sailing career trajectory.

Combination: This resume format can be effective for framing your IT help desk resume if you have extensive years of professional experience ranging between 15-20 years. You can highlight both your skills as well as your work experience and describe them in detail.

In case you are not sure about which resume format to use to frame your resume for IT help desk, you can always rely on our resume experts at Hiration.

Here is an opportunity to get your resume reviewed by professionals to make it recruiter friendly and ATS-compliant.

There are two types of resume sections and you need to know exactly which sections to include in your resume that can help you frame a job-winning resume.

The sections listed below are the traditional or standard sections that should be included in your resume at all times:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience

The below-given sections are optional and you can include them whenever required or deemed necessary to add value to your standard sections:

  • Certifications (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)
  • Awards & Recognitions (if any)

To learn more about resume sections you can go through Hiration's 2022 Guide to adding the right sections in a resume .

Or you can simply go to Hiration’s Online Resume Builder and create an IT help desk support resume that can help you get shortlisted for the job of your dreams.

If you are someone who uses "CV" or "Resume" as your resume header, you have to stop stating the obvious and start saving precious space on your resume.

Your name should be written at the topmost part of your IT help desk resume to maintain its unique identity and make it allow the recruiters to keep an easier track of your resume.

Use the largest font size in the range of 16-20 font size and simply leave a space between your first name and last name.

In case of a middle name, just write the initial of your middle name, add a full stop and place it between your first and the last name.

To get an in-depth knowledge of curating the perfect resume header, you can go through Hiration’s 2022 Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header .

Look at the IT help desk resume example illustrating an ideal resume header that we have made with Hiration’s Online Resume Builder :


IT Help Desk Resume: Personal Information

Provide the required details to make sure that the recruiters get in touch with you for any likely shortlist.

An ideal personal information section should contain the following:

  • Contact Number: Provide the contact number that you actively use through which the recruiters can easily get in touch with you.
  • Email Address: Provide an email address that has your real name to maintain a professional approach.
  • Current Location: If you are applying for a job abroad, mention your state and country. Else simply mention your current city and state of residence.

Additionally, you can also mention the details of the following as per your discretion:

  • LinkedIn profile link
  • Link to an online portfolio

For more details on this section read Hiration's 2022 Guide to composing your contact information .

Refer to the sample IT help desk resume given below to see what an ideal personal information section looks like in an IT help desk support resume:


Our Online Resume Builder can help you put together an impeccable IT help desk entry level resume.

IT Help Desk Resume: Profile Title

The second-largest text in the range of 14-16 font size should be used to curate your profile title on a resume.

It communicates your current designation, your functional industry, and the level of seniority in your field of work.

If you are tempted to exaggerate your profile title, get rid of the thought because it can only spell doom for your job application.

Be accurate with what you have professionally done and where you stand in your professional podium for the recruiters to recognize your professional status.

An ideal profile title should look like the one shown in our below-given IT help desk sample resume:


Our AI-powered Resume Review Service is available to give your resume an in-depth and constructive analysis within minutes of uploading it on our tool!

Since the professional experience section takes up most of your resume you need to make the best use of this section.

Every relevant work experience or the current job profile that you are holding should be described for the recruiters to easily recognize your professional expertise and raise your chance of being shortlisted for the targeted job profile.

To ensure that you frame an impressive professional experience section, you need to apply the following factors:

STAR Format

  • Frame Points

Bucketing & Bolding

[ Back to Table of Content ] Use the STAR format to describe your work details for the recruiters to easily recognize your potential:

STAR refers to:

  • S: The s ituation, backdrop, or context of your contributions.
  • T: The actual t ask that was assigned to you.
  • A: The strategy you put into a ction to execute the assigned task.
  • R: The r esult or outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure.

Framing Points

[ Back to Table of Content ] What do employers look for in resume for IT help desk?

Well, the answer is simple!

They simply look for those applicants who are qualified to shoulder the responsibilities of an IT help desk.

Just as simple as the answer is to the question asked, your professional experience statement should be simple and easy to understand too.

Let us look at the two sets of IT help desk resume examples that we have given below for you to understand the effectiveness of framing your points and how it can be easily done.

IT Help Desk Resume Example 1

"As an IT help desk for the XYZ company I was assigned to oversee 10 help desk staff members who were given the task to remotely assist the customers and clients, through e-mail or phone. I also played a key role in the process of scheduling meetings, hiring, and providing evaluations of the employees. I have successfully administered the complete configuration of 150+ personal computers for two different departments by repairing and upgrading. Additionally, I performed periodic hardware or software checks to ensure that they were properly functioning and improve the quality of work by 15%."

IT Help Desk Resume Example 2

Oversaw 10 help desk staff members who were assigned to remotely assist customers, via e-mail or phone Played a key role in the process of scheduling, hiring, and providing evaluations of employees Administered the complete configuration of 150+ PCs for two departments by repairing and upgrading Performed periodic hardware/software checks to ensure the proper functioning and improve 15% work quality

Framing Points: Analysis

From the two IT help desk resume examples illustrated above, we can observe that:

  • Writing a long paragraph to describe your professional roles & responsibilities as an IT help desk does not do justice to your expertise and potential. It is hard to recognize your skills at a glance and most recruiters may not spend enough time going through the whole paragraph.
  • Whereas, framing one-liner bullet points are easier to read and hence the recruiters would easily recognize the positive impact you had on your work. Moreover, one-liner points tend to focus on your main involvements and do not highlight vague points.

In conclusion, you can curate ATS-friendly resumes by using bullet points to frame one-liners and communicate your professional caliber to the recruiters.

[ Back to Table of Content ] Another important factor that can contribute towards enhancing your professional experience section is bucketing and bolding.

To understand why it is so, look at the two IT help desk resume examples give below.

Administered materials for training materials and conducted KTs to both small and large audiences every month Trained 100+ non-IT employees on how to analyze & repair failures of hardware/software Increased 50% client satisfaction through effective communication and problem solving Attended support calls (~30/day) and 40+ emails for Tier 2 & 3 levels technical support Provided customer support as per the IT operational policies and standards to ensure the best service
Training & Customer Satisfaction Administered materials for training materials and conducted KTs to both small and large audiences every month Trained 100+ non-IT employees on how to analyze & repair failures of hardware/software Increased 50% client satisfaction through effective communication and problem solving Client Relationship Management Attended support calls (~30/day) and 40+ emails for Tier 2 & 3 levels technical support Provided customer support as per the IT operational policies and standards to ensure the best service

Bucketing & Bolding: Analysis

  • Framing points in one-liner alone are not enough to get the attention of the recruiters as it does not make the highlights of your points stand out for the recruiters to easily recognize.
  • Whereas applying bucketing and bolding makes it easier for the recruiters to recognize the most significant points without having to read through the whole resume.

In conclusion, you must always list all the similar points under the relevant buckets by creating unique headings. And enhance your framed points to communicate your work experience for the recruiters to easily read and comprehend.

To understand this section in detail and learn how to master it, read Hiration's guide on framing the work experience in your resume .

IT help desk resume sample for Professional Experience

Here is an IT help desk resume sample signifying an ideal professional experience section:


IT Help Desk Resume Keywords

To make sure that your IT help desk entry level resume ranks high on the ATS, you need to keyword-optimize your resume.

Suitable keywords can be found in the IT help desk job description.

Before you start sending out your resumes to the recruiters, make sure that you compare your job description and the keywords included by the recruiters in the job listing.

Pick the most relevant and significant keywords that highlight your professional skills and list them in your professional experience section and key skills section.

You can also add suitable keywords in your IT help desk resume summary and IT help desk resume skills sections.

Including the right keywords in your resume can raise your chances of ranking high on the ATS and give your better opportunity to end up being recognized by the recruiters who can give you the required shortlist.

Every time you wonder what to put on a resume for IT help desk job, remember that your educational qualification can raise your chances of landing your dream jobs.

Do not skip the education section in your resume, especially if you are writing an IT help desk entry level resume.

The education section of your resume should ideally consist of the following details:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Enrollment and graduation dates in the month & year format.

We have an exhaustive guide written just for this section on Hiration's 2022 Guide on how to list education on your resume .

Refer to the IT help desk support analyst sample resume showcasing the ideal education section for your resume:


IT Help Desk Resume: Certifications

Apart from the details of your educational qualification, you can also add any relevant certifications that validate your eligibility to practice your line of work.

The certification section of your IT help desk support resume should consist of the following details:

  • Certification course name.
  • Name of the institute of affiliation.
  • Location of the institute of affiliation.
  • Enrollment and completion date of the course in the month & year format.

Hiration's 2022 Guide on listing certifications on a resume has more in store for you to get a better understanding of this section.

The below-given sample resume for IT help desk is showcasing what an ideal certifications section for your resume looks like:


Create an impeccable resume with the help of our Online Resume Builder .

It is safe to say that this section can do wonders for your resume and raise your chances of being shortlisted by the recruiters if curated effectively.

Most of the skills that need to be highlighted in this section are ideally present in your professional experience section. So simply scan through your one-liners and pick those skills that have been justified, then list them in this section.

To use this section in your favor and rank high on the ATS, add suitable and relevant keywords that are mentioned in the job description.

Make sure to read Hiration's 2022 Guide on what skills to put on a resume and learn more about curating the perfect skills section.

Here is an IT help desk resume sample showcasing the perfect key skills section:


IT Help Desk Resume Summary

A resume summary is an important feature of a resume that can help you give the recruiters an insight into your resume in just a few lines without wasting their time.

It is most suitable if you compose this section in the end because that way it will be easier for you to decide which points to skip and which points to mention.

Compose an IT help desk resume summary only if you have more than 3 years of work experience to highlight in your resume.

Try to keep it short and precise in 3-5 lines and add suitable keywords

There is more about this section in our Resume Summary Guide so make sure that you go through it to learn how to compose a suitable IT help desk resume summary.

Attached below is an IT help desk resume sample showcasing the ideal resume summary:


In the meanwhile, make resume-writing an effortless affair with Hiration's Online Resume Builder now!

IT Help Desk Resume Objective

Compose an IT help desk resume objective if you are a fresher writing an IT help desk resume entry level or have very less experience to highlight in your resume.

It gives an overview of your resume just as an IT help desk resume summary.

The only difference is that you need to keep professional experience on the sideline and focus on your skills and describe how you can contribute towards the higher goals of an organization.

Read Hiration's 2022 Guide on Resume Objectives to learn more about resume objectives.

Looking for a state-of-the-art resume builder and review services to help you build an impeccable It help desk resume?

Visit our Online Resume Builder and explore the best we have to offer you.

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Your resume will be reviewed in compliance with the below-mentioned parameters:

  • Compliance with industry norms ** Conversion Scope
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  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

Online Resume Builder for Your Resume

Here is a list of the resources that come with our Online Resume Builder :

  • JD-resume matcher
  • Intuitive text recommendations
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 25+ resume designs
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  • Option to save unlimited resumes

Our Online Resume Builder is here to help you create job-winning resumes.

Key Takeaways

  • Always use the right resume format that best suits the trajectory of your career and the requirements of your job application.
  • Label your resume with your name as the header and provide your contact details along with an accurate profile title.
  • Frame action-oriented one-liner points and apply the bucketing and bolding to make them effective.
  • Make sure that your resume is keyword optimized to rank high on the ATS and raise your chances of being shortlisted by the recruiters.
  • Clearly mention the details of your education and certification to enhance your resume.
  • Create a separate section to highlight your most significant skills.
  • Compose a suitable IT help desk resume summary to give an overview of your resume.

Now that this blog has come to an end, we advice you to make use of all the IT help desk resume examples and IT helpdesk resume samples while writing the best resume.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

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3 Help Desk Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

As a help desk specialist, you keep the company up and running by providing technical support. your role is to help both end-users and employees troubleshoot their issues with software or hardware. that is why help-desk professions are so important in any organization. do you want to take your resume to the next level check out this guide. we’ll help you create your own help desk resume with three customizable templates and insightful tips. let’s get started..

Hiring Manager for Help Desk Roles

A help desk is an IT system and the main point of contact between a company and its users. It provides support for both its personnel and customers. Additionally, these systems include self-service resources such as articles and a community channel. They have a contact channel where users can request a help desk analyst to help them solve their issues with products. Employees can also talk to technicians if they need help with setup or networking issues. 

Help desk technicians must be proficient at troubleshooting and networking. These are two main things you should mention in your resume. You should also have excellent communication skills and logical thinking to resolve issues efficiently. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the majority of entry-level computer support specialists have an associate degree in a computer science -related field. However, some employers will hire candidates with only a high-school diploma and relevant IT experience. You can also include relevant certifications in your resume to stand out. 

Most help desks work with support tickets to keep track of the volume of requests and prioritize those with higher urgency. As a help desk specialist, you can work on multiple bulks of tickets with a prioritization approach.

In this guide, we’ll discuss some of the different help desk roles and give you tips on how to optimize your resume. Take a look below to get more insights about each career.

Help Desk Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Help Desk Analyst
  • Help Desk Technician
  • IT Help Desk (Entry Level)

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Help Desk Resumes

Help Desk Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Administrative Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 3: Help Desk Analyst Resume Example

Help desk analysts assist customers and employees with technical support via email or phone calls. They have a customer service role as well as an IT technician. That’s why it is vital to demonstrate outstanding interpersonal skills in your resume. Sometimes you will be talking to people who don’t have a technical background, so you must be patient and explicative.

A help desk analyst that highlights relevant skills

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Help Desk Analyst resume in 2024

   demonstrate your knowledge of help desk software..

Most help desk analysts work with specialized software like Jira to optimize operations. This type of software helps technicians with ticket prioritization and automation. Therefore, it is crucial to mention in your resume that you are familiar with these systems.

Demonstrate your knowledge of help desk software. - Help Desk Analyst Resume

   Highlight your technical skills.

Some employers might overlook your educational background if you have the right skills and experience. That’s why it is important to put some effort into this section. Include skills like troubleshooting, networking, customer service, etc. It is vital to focus on your technical competencies.

Highlight your technical skills. - Help Desk Analyst Resume

Skills you can include on your Help Desk Analyst resume

Template 2 of 3: help desk technician resume example.

A help desk technician’s primary goal is to improve customer satisfaction by helping them resolve technical issues with the organization’s product. That’s why your resume should be tailored to the IT industry. They will also assist employees with technical queries. Another relevant help desk technician's responsibility is to educate employees on how to use machinery and software.

A help desk technician resume example that prioritizes work experience

Tips to help you write your Help Desk Technician resume in 2024

   indicate your familiarity with agile principles..

Most help desk technicians work with an Agile approach. This helps them reduce productivity leaks and encourages collaboration among team members and stakeholders. That’s why it is worth mentioning your knowledge of this system in your resume. Technicians who are familiar with Agile principles are generally more efficient.

   Mention your abilities to cooperate with teams.

As we mentioned earlier, help desk technicians often assist employees with technical support, but they must also help them understand how to use software and hardware responsibly. Therefore, collaboration and team work skills are competencies that you must highlight in your resume.

Mention your abilities to cooperate with teams. - Help Desk Technician Resume

Skills you can include on your Help Desk Technician resume

Template 3 of 3: it help desk (entry level) resume example.

Help desk centers usually work in tiers, meaning that technicians have a designated level of complexity with technical support. Some of them handle advanced issues while others focus on basic setup tasks and lower-level troubleshooting. That is precisely the work of an entry-level IT help desk specialist since they don’t have extensive experience on their resume.

A IT help desk (entry-level) resume template that is tailored to the IT industry

Tips to help you write your IT Help Desk (Entry Level) resume in 2024

   include volunteering experience in it..

Having a lack of professional experience in help desk centers doesn’t have to prevent you from applying to this position. You can also include relevant experience in volunteering and internships. These days, this type of on-the-job training has a lot of value in the IT industry.

Include volunteering experience in IT. - IT Help Desk (Entry Level) Resume

   Highlight projects in which you used your transferrable skills.

If you have worked in personal or extracurricular projects where you used your technical support skills, you can mention that in your resume. This is a good idea to demonstrate your value. You can highlight skills from this experience, such as problem-solving and troubleshooting.

Highlight projects in which you used your transferrable skills. - IT Help Desk (Entry Level) Resume

Skills you can include on your IT Help Desk (Entry Level) resume

We consulted with hiring managers from companies like IBM, Dell, and Accenture to gather their best tips for creating a winning help desk resume. The following tips will help you showcase your technical skills, customer service abilities, and problem-solving expertise to land your next help desk job.

   Highlight your technical skills

Employers want to see the specific technical skills you possess that are relevant to the help desk role. Include a 'Technical Skills' section on your resume and list the software, hardware, and systems you are proficient in.

  • Proficient in Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems
  • Experienced with help desk software including Zendesk, Freshdesk, and ServiceNow
  • Skilled in remote desktop tools such as TeamViewer and LogMeIn
  • Knowledge of networking protocols including TCP/IP, DHCP, and DNS

Bullet Point Samples for Help Desk

   Emphasize your customer service experience

Help desk roles require excellent customer service skills. Highlight any customer service experience you have, even if it's not directly related to IT.

  • Answered phones and responded to emails
  • Helped customers with their problems

Instead, quantify your achievements and provide specific examples:

  • Maintained a 95% customer satisfaction rating while handling 50+ support tickets per day
  • Resolved complex technical issues for non-technical customers, resulting in a 20% reduction in escalations to higher-level support

   Show your problem-solving skills

Employers want to see that you can troubleshoot and solve complex technical problems. Use bullet points to describe specific examples of how you used your problem-solving skills to resolve issues.

  • Diagnosed and resolved a recurring network connectivity issue, resulting in a 30% reduction in related support tickets
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to identify and implement solutions to a critical system outage, minimizing downtime by 50%

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Customize your resume for each job application by using keywords from the job description. This will help your resume pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and grab the attention of hiring managers.

For example, if the job description mentions specific skills like 'ITIL' or 'Salesforce', make sure to include those keywords in your resume if you have those skills.

Experienced help desk professional with 3+ years of experience providing technical support for Windows and macOS systems. Skilled in ITIL best practices and experienced with Salesforce CRM. Achieved a 98% customer satisfaction rating and resolved over 500 support tickets per month.

   Include relevant certifications

Certifications demonstrate your expertise and commitment to your field. If you have any relevant certifications, such as CompTIA A+, ITIL, or HDI certifications, make sure to include them on your resume.

List your certifications in a separate 'Certifications' section or include them in your 'Education' section. For example:

  • CompTIA A+ Certification, 2021
  • ITIL Foundation Certification, 2020
  • HDI Desktop Support Technician Certification, 2019

   Highlight your achievements

Use metrics and data to showcase your achievements and demonstrate your impact in previous roles. This will help you stand out from other candidates and show the value you can bring to the organization.

  • Resolved customer issues in a timely manner
  • Improved customer satisfaction scores

Instead, quantify your achievements:

  • Consistently resolved customer issues within a 2-hour average response time, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rate
  • Implemented a new ticketing system that increased first-call resolution rates by 20%
  • Trained and mentored 5 new help desk technicians, resulting in a 30% increase in team productivity

Writing Your Help Desk Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name on the first line.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, making it easy for hiring managers to identify whose resume they're reviewing. Use a larger font size than the rest of your contact details.

  • John Smith | 123 Main St, Anytown, CA | (555) 555-5555 | [email protected]

Instead, format your header with your name on its own line:

  • John Smith 123 Main St, Anytown, CA | (555) 555-5555 | [email protected]

2. Include essential contact details

After your name, list your key contact details so employers can easily get in touch:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • LinkedIn profile URL (optional)
  • City and state of residence
John Smith (555) 555-5555 | [email protected] | | Seattle, WA

Including your full mailing address is no longer necessary. Listing your city and state is sufficient and protects your privacy.

3. Optionally include your target job title

While not required, you can include your target job title in your resume header to immediately communicate the role you're seeking. This helps busy hiring managers quickly understand your career goals.

Here's an example of a resume header that includes the target job title:

  • John Smith IT Help Desk Specialist (555) 555-5555 | [email protected] | Seattle, WA

However, avoid listing multiple job titles or unrelated roles, as that may confuse hiring managers about your career focus.


A resume summary is an optional section that highlights your most relevant qualifications for the job you're applying to. While it's not required, it can be a strategic way to provide additional context about your career goals and the value you'd bring to the role, especially if you're changing careers or industries. Avoid using an objective statement, which focuses on your own goals rather than how you can contribute to the company.

When writing a summary for a help desk position, focus on your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and customer service experience. Keep it concise and avoid repeating information that's already included in other sections of your resume.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Help Desk resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Help Desk resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Help Desk Resume Summary Examples , or Help Desk Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your technical expertise

Employers hiring for help desk roles are looking for candidates with a strong foundation in technical support and troubleshooting. In your summary, showcase your proficiency in the specific technologies, software, and systems relevant to the position.

For example, instead of using a generic statement like this:

  • Experienced IT professional with a background in technical support

Provide specific details about your technical skills:

  • Help desk professional with 5+ years of experience troubleshooting Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems, as well as network connectivity issues and software installation

By highlighting your technical expertise upfront, you'll demonstrate to hiring managers that you have the necessary skills to excel in the role.

To ensure your resume includes the right technical skills and keywords, try using Targeted Resume . This tool analyzes your resume against a specific job description and provides feedback on how well your qualifications align with the requirements.

2. Emphasize your customer service skills

In addition to technical expertise, help desk positions require strong communication and customer service skills. Use your summary to showcase your ability to interact with users, explain complex technical concepts in simple terms, and provide patient, empathetic support.

Help desk technician with a proven track record of providing exceptional customer service and resolving complex technical issues. Skilled in active listening, clear communication, and maintaining a positive attitude under pressure. Committed to delivering timely, effective solutions to ensure user satisfaction and productivity.

By emphasizing your customer service skills, you'll show hiring managers that you have the interpersonal abilities necessary to succeed in a help desk role.

Avoid using generic soft skill buzzwords like "team player" or "strong communicator" in your summary. Instead, provide specific examples or metrics that demonstrate your customer service abilities, such as consistently maintaining high user satisfaction ratings or successfully resolving a high volume of tickets.

3. Tailor your summary to the specific role

To make your summary more impactful, customize it to the specific help desk position you're applying for. Review the job description carefully and identify the key skills, technologies, and experience the employer is seeking.

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with a particular ticketing system or customer relationship management (CRM) software, make sure to highlight your proficiency with those tools in your summary:

  • Experienced help desk technician with expertise in using Zendesk and Salesforce to efficiently manage and resolve customer support tickets

By tailoring your summary to the specific requirements of the role, you'll demonstrate to hiring managers that you're a strong fit for the position and increase your chances of landing an interview.

After tailoring your resume to the job description, use Score My Resume to get instant feedback on how well your resume matches the key criteria hiring managers look for. This tool analyzes your resume on over 30 essential factors and provides personalized suggestions for improvement.


Your work experience section is the most important part of your resume as a help desk professional. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your technical skills and knowledge to solve problems, support customers, and contribute to your team's success. In this section, we'll break down the key steps to writing a compelling work experience section that will catch the attention of hiring managers.

1. Focus on your help desk achievements

When describing your work experience, don't just list your day-to-day responsibilities. Instead, focus on your key achievements and the impact you made in each role. Use specific examples and metrics to quantify your successes.

For instance, instead of writing something generic like this:

  • Responded to customer inquiries and resolved technical issues
  • Collaborated with team members to improve support processes

Highlight your achievements with specific details and numbers:

  • Maintained a 95% customer satisfaction rating by promptly addressing and resolving an average of 50+ support tickets per day
  • Implemented a new ticketing system that reduced average resolution time by 30%, improving team efficiency and customer satisfaction

2. Highlight your technical skills and tools

As a help desk professional, your technical skills and knowledge of specific tools are crucial to your success. Make sure to showcase your expertise by mentioning the specific technologies, systems, and tools you've worked with in each role.

For example:

  • Proficient in troubleshooting hardware, software, and network issues across Windows, macOS, and Linux environments
  • Experienced in using ticketing systems like Zendesk, Freshdesk, and JIRA to manage and track support requests
  • Skilled in remote support tools such as TeamViewer, LogMeIn, and Bomgar for efficient issue resolution
Developed and maintained comprehensive knowledge base articles using Confluence, reducing ticket volume by 20% and empowering customers to find solutions independently.

3. Show your career progression

Hiring managers love to see candidates who have grown and advanced in their careers. If you've been promoted or taken on additional responsibilities within your help desk roles, make sure to highlight that progression in your work experience section.

For instance:

  • Promoted from Help Desk Technician to Senior Help Desk Analyst within 18 months, based on strong performance and technical expertise
  • Took on additional responsibilities as a Team Lead, mentoring and training 5 junior help desk staff members

By showcasing your career growth, you demonstrate your ability to learn, adapt, and take on new challenges – qualities that are highly valued in the fast-paced world of help desk support.


The education section of your help desk resume should be concise and highlight your most relevant qualifications. It's important to format this section correctly and include the right information to showcase your skills and knowledge. Here are some tips to help you write an effective education section on your help desk resume.

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you've recently graduated or have limited work experience, place your education section above your work history. This will draw attention to your academic achievements and relevant coursework.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of California, Los Angeles Graduated: May 2022 Relevant Coursework: Network Administration Database Management IT Service Management

2. Include relevant certifications

Help desk positions often require specific certifications. If you have earned any relevant certifications, include them in your education section or create a separate 'Certifications' section.

Relevant certifications for help desk roles include:

  • ITIL Foundation
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA)

Here's an example of how to list certifications:

Certifications: CompTIA A+ (2021) ITIL Foundation (2020)

3. Keep it concise if you're a senior professional

If you have extensive work experience in help desk roles, your education section should be brief. Include your degree, university name, and graduation year (optional).

Senior help desk professionals should avoid:

  • Listing irrelevant or outdated degrees
  • Including graduation dates that may lead to age discrimination
  • Mentioning high school education

Instead, keep it simple:

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology University of Texas at Austin

Action Verbs For Help Desk Resumes

Help desk analysts must possess excellent communication skills and be extremely reliable. To demonstrate this in your resume, it is important to use the right language. You can streamline your resume by adding bullet points to your work history and describing your experience and achievements. 

These bullet points should start with strong action verbs that accurately describe your experience. Action verbs provide trustworthiness and improve readability, so this is an excellent way to impress your potential employer.

Action Verbs for Help Desk

  • Streamlined
  • Interpreted
  • Troubleshooted
  • Strengthened

For more related action verbs, visit Customer Service Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Help Desk Resumes

Skills for help desk resumes.

As a help desk analyst, you must have a combination of technical support and customer service skills, since you’ll be working with people. You must have analytic thinking, attention to detail, patience, and team working skills. These are traits that you should highlight in your resume.

The skills section is very important for a help desk specialist's resume, so you should spend some research in advance. Try to find related job posts and find opportunities for skills that you can add. This way, your resume has better chances of getting past applicant tracking systems and it’s more relevant for your potential employer. 

  • Technical Support
  • Troubleshooting
  • Active Directory
  • Computer Hardware
  • Help Desk Support
  • Windows Server
  • Customer Service
  • Operating Systems

Service Desk

  • Microsoft Access
  • Printer Support
  • Remote Desktop
  • Software Installation
  • Information Technology
  • System Administration
  • Computer Repair
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Network Administration
  • Computer Hardware Troubleshooting

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Help Desk Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Help Desk Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Help Desk job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Help Desk Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other administrative resumes, desktop support.

A Desktop Support Engineer resume showing extensive experience in the financial, customer service, and professional recruitment industries.

  • Customer Service Resume Guide
  • Virtual Assistant Resume Guide
  • Administrative Assistant Resume Guide
  • Executive Assistant Resume Guide
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  • Research Assistant Resume Guide
  • Customer Success Resume Guide
  • Back Office Resume Guide
  • Inventory Manager Resume Guide
  • Desktop Support Resume Guide
  • Loan Processor Resume Guide
  • Warehouse Manager Resume Guide
  • Fundraising Resume Guide
  • Service Desk Resume Guide

Help Desk Resume Guide

  • Administrative Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Administration Resume Guide
  • Scheduling Resume Guide
  • Gig Economy Resume Guide
  • Project Administrator Resume Guide
  • Facilities Resume Guide
  • Revenue Cycle Resume Guide
  • Help Desk Analyst Resume Example
  • Help Desk Technician Resume Example
  • IT Help Desk (Entry Level) Resume Example
  • Tips for Help Desk Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Help Desk CV Examples
  • Help Desk Cover Letter
  • Help Desk Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Helpdesk Engineer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the helpdesk engineer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Support the Tier 2 and Tier 3 help desk for a large scale identity management system supporting over 120,000 users
  • Coordinate with the development team (Tier 3) to identify and resolve software issues
  • Initiate incidents and manage third party vendors to resolve client issues
  • Perform limited on-call duties on a quarterly basis
  • Facilitate use of technology-based change management/issue tracking tools (e.g. JIRA or ClearCase) to log and track open issues to closure
  • Work on other outstanding issues or assigned projects from Service Center Team Lead
  • Build and nurture positive working/collaborative relationships with Deloitte and client teams
  • Provide Desktop, Application & Network support to end users within the company head office and remote office locations
  • Cover the IT Help Desk Room and provide walk in assistance, while delivering exceptional customer service
  • Basic Networking knowledge
  • Manage Desktop OS & Application Rollouts
  • IT asset and inventory management
  • Maintain IT documentation and/or create documentation to be added to our knowledge base
  • Manage all employee desktops (Windows and Ubuntu) / laptops (both Windows and Mac)
  • Troubleshooting and configuring multifunction, network printers, LCD projectors, etc...
  • Microsoft MCP, A+ and Network+ is a big plus
  • Logical and quick solutions provider
  • Strong knowledge of network devices, connectivity methods and printing devices
  • Working knowledge of common operating systems and software applications
  • Knowledge of Windows clients and servers as used in a corporate or small business setting
  • Responding to staff requests via phone and helpdesk system, on all company supported applications
  • Write technical notices and Knowledgebase articles to enhance future support model
  • 2+ years’ experience with Microsoft Windows 7 professional edition standard user functions
  • Understand and comply with procedures outlining the confidentiality and security of client’s information, infrastructure, access and permissions
  • Collaborate with consultants and engineers to ensure client infrastructure is operating effectively
  • Analyze and address automated data backup and remote monitoring incidents
  • Management Service Provider experience is a major
  • Document troubleshooting steps and current incident status in Microsoft CRM service module

11 Helpdesk Engineer resume templates

Helpdesk Engineer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, helpdesk engineer level resume examples & samples.

  • At a minimum, a Degree in IT / Information Systems or a related IT discipline
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to communicate effectively at all levels
  • Excellent organisational and time management skills
  • Ability to work independently or as part of a team to meet objectives
  • Flexible and willingness to adapt with business requirements
  • Works to the highest professional, ethical and moral standards
  • Exercises discretion and confidentiality at all times
  • Takes a proactive approach to developing knowledge/skills, including developments concerning technology, end user devices and systems in general

IT Helpdesk Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide Desktop, Application & Network support to end users within the company head office and remote office locations
  • Delivering quality IT support offering by managing & resolving all IT issues in a timely fashion - including trouble shooting, incident investigating & root cause analysis
  • Manage Desktop OS & Application Rollouts
  • Administraion of backend infrastructure including Windows servers, VMware, Veeam
  • 2 years' experience in a service desk support role
  • BS.c in an I.T related discipline
  • Strong Microsoft Windows skills, Network Troubleshooting skills and Application Support experience
  • Microsoft, Cisco & VMware Certifications would be distinct advantage
  • Full driving licence would be desirable

Helpdesk Engineer With French Resume Examples & Samples

  • In a customer service oriented manner, providing first-level support to employees for their IT and Facility needs
  • Identifying and troubleshooting incidents, resolving where possible and reassigning to 2nd level support teams if necessary
  • Logging, tracking, closing and reporting on all contacts received to the Service Desk, ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the information captured
  • Ensuring timely follow-up on outstanding tickets, escalating issues through departmental procedures when required
  • Working with larger IT Teams to triage and help resolve outstanding issues
  • Prioritising and Problem solving
  • Supporting customers through problem resolution in a professional, prompt and polite manner
  • Maintaining task list to a manageable level
  • Enhancing on-line technical support database by identifying common problems, and developing and adding solutions to the database
  • Adherence to all corporate and customer quality requirements
  • Setting-up, transferring and deleting of user accounts
  • Participating in focus groups and/or specific project teams as required

Service Desk / Helpdesk Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide 1st level support to CME Group internal customers via phone, tickets or in person
  • Manage user accounts, reset passwords and unlock accounts
  • Respond to email messages for customers seeking assistance
  • Provide technical assistance and support for Network, VPN and Wireless connectivity issues
  • Ensure company policies and procedures are adhered to all times
  • Work with relevant departments to resolve known issues
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in a related field or equivalent work experience
  • 2+ years previous Service Desk Experience providing desktop and application support to end users
  • Previous experience AD Network Administration and Troubleshooting
  • Strong background in Windows systems
  • Strong background in MS Office suite
  • Excellent Written and Verbal communication skills
  • Experience with Remote Access Technologies ( VPN’s, Bomgar, Portals)
  • Strong background with collaboration tools such as Microsoft Lync, Group Chat
  • Ability to support mobile device (iPhone/Ipad) including MDM software
  • Proven track record as a self-starter who can self-manage
  • Proven ability to resolve problems independently
  • Ability to troubleshoot and understand basic MAC related queries
  • Understanding of incident management tools
  • Aware of ITIL Framework and how it should be incorporated into an IT company
  • Experience with Xenapp/ Xendesktop Systems
  • Experience in deploying software to multiple machines

Quick Response Center Helpdesk Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Executing Technical issues resolution for the Direct Customer in a timely manner, including supporting the lower skill set QRC Team members in” case resolution as a mentor in a complete team support structure
  • Reduce on site services' execution jobs by solving technical issues on a remotely basis
  • Act as technical expert for customers using the remote system and process
  • If technical issue cannot be solved remotely, request on site execution in terms of maximizing efficiency and optimizing resources
  • Receive, Log, Resolve issue(s) quick OR when necessary, Forward issues to correct x-function to resolve the issue fast
  • Collecting of fleet issues to support the emergent issue process
  • Optimizing of first fix rate via telephone and remote support
  • Participation in the 24/7/365 Support shifts per DP business structure, product line and IR Ops team you represent
  • Attend periodically (2-3 times) annually field service jobs to maintain product line expertise
  • Attend product line trainings for all DP products to broaden your product line knowledge and expertise
  • Strong previous work experience as field services technician (electric or mechanic)
  • Be able to read and interpret electrical/mechanical flow and instrument diagrams
  • Self-initiated communications with end user (on-site customers) to help resolve issues
  • Strong knowledge of products and services of DP Product line (Jenbach/Waukesha)
  • Ability to analyze operating data to understand nature of customer issues quickly
  • Good communication skills, issue tracking in the business’s applied tool, clarity of process and business structure
  • Strong computer skills and advanced user of office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Fluent in Business English and in Spanish is a must. Candidates that do not speak fluently Spanish will not be considered
  • Fluent in any other European language, specially Italian and/or German
  • Serving as point of contact for all customer technical support needs
  • Supporting internal and remote customers with various IT requirements
  • Managing audio/visual set ups for complex trainings and presentations
  • Basic Project Management while practicing Kanban methodology
  • Manage all employee desktops (Windows and Ubuntu) / laptops (both Windows and Mac) and all other equipment related to departmental needs including Manufacturing equipment (wireless tools, all in one computers etc)
  • Documenting IT processes to ensure process repeatability
  • Minimum Associates degree in business, information technology or computer science
  • IT Industry Certifications (college course certificate, Microsoft MCDST, Cisco CCNET, ITIL, etc.)
  • Windows, Mac OS and Linux Experience
  • Digital Signage and Audio Visual experience
  • Experience troubleshooting and setting up both Windows, Mac and Linux OS
  • Successful experience within a customer facing environment
  • A logical and customer-centric approach to problem solving
  • Ability to multitask and work well in a fast paced, team oriented environment
  • Great interpersonal communication and collaboration skills
  • ServiceNow experience or experience with another ITIL-certified Service Management platform
  • 2 years experience

Helpdesk Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshoot client incidents escalated from Tier 1 support
  • Inform clients and consultants of progress towards resolution and update incident severity as required
  • Understand and comply with procedures outlining the confidentiality and security of client’s information, infrastructure, access and permissions
  • Travel to client locations and provide on-site support and project assistance to consultants, as needed
  • 2 Year Technical Degree or Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Information Technology/Computer Science
  • Technical certifications desirable (e.g. MCSE, CCNA, etc.)
  • 2-3 year’s work experience implementing or supporting infrastructure solutions

Gaza-helpdesk Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Monitoring internal help desk system for the delegation, assignment and/or resolving completion of trouble tickets
  • Troubleshooting computer problems, determining source of computer problems (hardware, software, user access, etc...)
  • Documenting resolutions for future reference
  • Troubleshooting and configuring multifunction, network printers, LCD projectors, etc..
  • Preparing hard desk imaging, hard desk cloning and imaging server
  • Managing IT inventory and maintaining the availability of frequently used items
  • Interacting with end users or clients on the phone or in person in a courteous, professional manner
  • Minimum 2 to 3 years of experience in similar position
  • Adequate familiarity with IP-Phones
  • Friendly presence and helpful attitude
  • Professional demeanor, previous customer service experience strongly desired
  • Ability to handle constantly changing flow of traffic; remain productive during slow times
  • Problem solving & analytical Thinking
  • Ability to work under pressure in courteous and professional manner
  • Ability to work responsibly with or without direct supervision
  • Bachelor degree in computer Science, Engineering related field
  • Analyses technical problems which are reported via phone, e-mail, internet.. by customers, partners or customer service engineers
  • Provides feedback to the service requester on the status of the problem, corrective actions taken and anticipated resolution time and estimated cost
  • Resolves issues through ordering the necessary resources, both material and labour, after verifying technical compatibility, logistical possibilities and required competencies
  • Detect quality issues and forward all relevant information to the appropriate escalation channel
  • Provides information to the rest of the organization in case of escalation
  • Reviews result of corrective actions, checking explicitly with client whether or not the actions lead to a full solution of the reported problem(s)
  • In some cases, performs scheduled/emergency on-site service repairs
  • Should be able to work on day or night shifts i.e 24 x 7 support
  • Min. 5 years experience in Windows/Linux system
  • Min. 3 years experience of Networking / CCNA
  • Maintain the IT Ticket queue using Service Now while meeting or exceeding agreed upon Service Level Agreements
  • Present IT New Hire Orientation to all incoming employees as well as prepare all equipment requested, including desk set up for each new hire
  • Coordinating Audio/Visual setups with the Level 2 IT support team
  • Learning and participating in an Agile/Scrum and ITIL environment
  • 1-2 years Help Desk experience
  • Windows and Mac experience is a must
  • Must be a team player with the ability to multitask and work well in a fast paced environment
  • Linux knowledge preferred
  • ServiceNow experience or experience with another ITIL-certified Service Management
  • IT Industry Certifications (college course certificate, Microsoft MCDST, Cisco CCNET, ITIL, etc.) preferred but not required
  • Identify and escalate high priority or high visibility client issues to project leadership
  • Actively participate in technical/functional project meetings
  • BA/BS in Business Administration, Accounting, Computer Science, Information Systems Administration or related field
  • BMS - Control SA; Approval Applications
  • Strong communication skills required; must be able to concisely communicate in writing and verbally to clients and internal stakeholders
  • 1+ years’ experience installing custom software packages (using provided documentation)
  • 2+ years’ experience with Microsoft Windows 7 professional edition standard user functions
  • 1+ years’ experience with Microsoft Windows 7 Professional administrative functions (e.g. driver installation and troubleshooting, network issue resolution, and browser diagnostics)
  • Familiarity or hands on-experience with one or more of the following technologies: Active Directory, Windows Group Policies, x.509 PKI Certificates, ActivIdentity (HID Global) Middleware, Oracle IAM software
  • Familiarity with installation of peripherals and conducting end-to-end testing of workstations as required

Senior Technical Helpdesk Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of two years related experience, a minimum of one of which is in a customer service environment
  • Prefer one year experience with Aesynt/Health Robotics products
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Windows operating systems, advanced networking, and SQL skills required
  • Positive, professional demeanor and presentation in all internal and client interactions
  • Ability to speak Italian, English and French, Dutch or German preferred
  • Experience in coaching and providing guidance to employees
  • Ability to balancing multiple priorities

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  1. Help Desk Resume Sample & Job Description [+Entry Level]

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  4. Help Desk Technician Resume Samples

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  5. Service Desk Technician Tier 2 Resume Sample

    06/2020 to Current. Service Desk Technician Tier 2 Lulus - Chico, CA. Receives requests escalated from Tier 1/scheduled work. Works to resolve technology issues assigned to them. Completes incidents and requests in timely thorough manner. Identifies trends in incidents to service problem management. Provides end user support and training.

  6. Tier 2 Technical Support Must-Have Resume Skills and Keywords

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  18. 3 Help Desk Resume Examples for 2024

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  19. Tier II Support Technician

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  20. Help Desk Tier 2 Responsibilities Resume

    Help Desk Tier 2 Responsibilities Resume - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  21. Tier 2 Technical Support Resume Sample

    Claire. [email protected]. (555) 432-1000. Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. Summary. I am a Technical Customer Service Specialist with a vast knowledge of web applications, software and framework seeking to assist clients in all troubleshooting endeavors. Hard working with strong commitment.

  22. Helpdesk Engineer Resume Samples

    Gaylord LLC. Support the Tier 2 and Tier 3 help desk for a large scale identity management system supporting over 120,000 users. Coordinate with the development team (Tier 3) to identify and resolve software issues. Initiate incidents and manage third party vendors to resolve client issues. Perform limited on-call duties on a quarterly basis.

  23. Unsure of what to put on Resume, am I tier 2 help desk?

    I'd put on the resume what your title is, what your duties are. I'd look for jobs that are a step (or 2 or whatever you wanna shoot for) higher, for instance if your title is below what you are doing. I'd pick up A+ or Net+ if you don't already have those to really make yourself shine for those better-than-help-desk-tier-1 jobs. 5. Award. CraigAT.