
  • Guide: Black Belt

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Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

  • Last Updated: May 25, 2024
  • Learn Lean Sigma

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is a prestigious certification that represents a deep understanding of the Lean Six Sigma methodology. This guide will walk you through what it means to be a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, the skills required, the benefits, and the process of becoming certified. Whether you are a professional looking to advance your career or a business aiming to improve its processes, understanding Lean Six Sigma Black Belt can be a game-changer.

Table of Contents

What is lean six sigma.

Lean Six Sigma is a robust methodology that integrates the principles of Lean and Six Sigma to enhance efficiency and quality within processes. Each component of Lean Six Sigma brings unique strengths:

Lean : The primary goal of Lean is to eliminate waste and ensure smooth, uninterrupted flow in processes. Waste, in this context, refers to any activity that does not add value to the end customer. Lean principles focus on improving overall process speed and reducing costs by identifying and removing non-value-adding steps. Common Lean tools include Value Stream Mapping , 5S , Kaizen , and Just-in-Time (JIT) production.

Six Sigma : Six Sigma focuses on reducing variability and defects within processes. It aims to achieve near-perfect quality by identifying and eliminating the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. The Six Sigma methodology follows the DMAIC framework (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), which provides a structured approach to problem-solving. Key Six Sigma tools include Statistical Process Control (SPC) , Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) , and Design of Experiments (DOE).


By combining these methodologies, Lean Six Sigma is a framework for process improvement that addresses both speed and quality, leading to more efficient, effective, and customer-focused operations.

Who is a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt?

A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is a professional who has achieved a high level of expertise in the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Black Belts are the key drivers of process improvement projects within an organization. Their responsibilities include:

Leading Projects : Black Belts are often project leaders responsible for large-scale improvement initiatives. They define project goals, scope , and deliverables, and ensure that projects align with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Mentoring Green Belts : Black Belts mentor and support Green Belts and other team members. They provide guidance on Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques, helping Green Belts to successfully complete their projects.

Driving Organizational Change : Black Belts play a crucial role in creating a culture of continuous improvement . They advocate for Lean Six Sigma principles and work to embed these methodologies into the organization’s processes and culture.

Black Belts are valued for their advanced skills in statistical analysis and project management. They are adept at using data to drive decisions and improvements, making them invaluable to organizations committed to enhancing their processes.

Skills and Knowledge Required

To become a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, individuals need an understanding of both Lean and Six Sigma principles, as well as a range of technical and soft skills. Key skills include:

Process Mapping : Black Belts must be skilled in process mapping , which involves creating visual representations of processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. Tools such as flowcharts, Value Stream Maps, and SIPOC diagrams (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers) are commonly used.

Analyze Data

Project Management : Effective project management skills are crucial for leading Lean Six Sigma projects. Black Belts need to be proficient in planning, executing, and closing projects. They use project management tools and techniques to keep projects on track, manage resources, and ensure that objectives are met.

Change Management : Black Belts guide organizations through the changes that result from process improvement initiatives. They must be adept at managing resistance, communicating the benefits of change, and ensuring that new processes are adopted and sustained. This involves skills in stakeholder management, communication, and training.

Step 4 - Quality Teams

By mastering these skills, Lean Six Sigma Black Belts can drive significant improvements within their organizations, enhancing efficiency, quality, and overall performance.

The Role of a Black Belt

Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are critical to the success of process improvement initiatives within an organization. Their role encompasses a range of responsibilities aimed at enhancing efficiency and quality. Here’s an in-depth look at their role:

Project Leadership : Black Belts lead significant projects that align with the strategic goals of the organization. They are responsible for defining the scope, objectives, and deliverables of the projects. This includes identifying key stakeholders, setting timelines, and ensuring resources are allocated effectively.

Defining the Problem : One of the first tasks of a Black Belt is to clearly define the problem that the project aims to address. This involves understanding the current state of the process, identifying pain points, and setting measurable goals. The Define phase of the DMAIC framework (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) is critical here.

Measuring Current Performance : Black Belts gather data to measure the current performance of the process. This involves selecting appropriate metrics, designing data collection plans, and using statistical tools to analyze the data. Accurate measurement is essential for establishing a baseline against which improvements can be measured.

Analyzing Data : With data in hand, Black Belts perform in-depth analysis to identify the root causes of problems. They use tools such as cause-and-effect diagrams, Pareto charts , and hypothesis testing . The goal is to uncover the underlying issues that are contributing to inefficiencies and defects.

Improving Processes : Based on their analysis, Black Belts develop and implement solutions to address the root causes. This may involve redesigning processes, implementing new technologies, or changing workflows. They use Lean tools like Kaizen (continuous improvement) and Six Sigma tools like Design of Experiments (DOE) to test and validate improvements.

Warning Signal 5 - Control Chart - Learn Lean Sigma

Mentoring and Guiding : Black Belts work closely with Green Belts and other team members, providing guidance, support, and training. They mentor Green Belts through their projects, helping them apply Lean Six Sigma tools and methodologies effectively. This mentorship is crucial for building a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.

Stakeholder Communication : Effective communication with stakeholders is a key part of a Black Belt’s role. They must present project findings, progress, and results to senior management and other stakeholders. Clear and concise communication helps in gaining buy-in and support for Lean Six Sigma initiatives.

Benefits of Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification

Achieving Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification offers a range of benefits, both for individuals and their organizations:

Career Advancement : Black Belts are highly sought after in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and service sectors. Their expertise in process improvement makes them valuable assets, leading to better job opportunities and higher salaries. Certification often opens doors to leadership positions and greater career growth.

Organizational Impact : Black Belts drive significant improvements in organizational efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction. By leading projects that eliminate waste, reduce variation, and improve processes, they help organizations achieve their strategic objectives. The impact of their work can lead to cost savings, increased revenue, and a stronger competitive position.

Problem-Solving Skills : The rigorous training required for Black Belt certification equips professionals with advanced problem-solving skills. They learn to approach complex problems systematically, using data-driven methods to identify and address root causes. These skills are valuable not only in Lean Six Sigma projects but also in everyday business challenges.

Credibility : Certification as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt provides formal recognition of your expertise and commitment to continuous improvement. It demonstrates to employers, colleagues, and clients that you have the knowledge and skills to lead significant process improvement initiatives. This credibility can enhance your professional reputation and increase your influence within the organization.

Becoming a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt


Recommended Requirements

Before you can pursue Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, there are typically a few prerequisites you must meet:

Green Belt Certification : Most certification programs require that you have already achieved Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification. This ensures that you have a foundational understanding of Lean Six Sigma principles and some experience applying them.

In my expert opinion, it is important to get a basis of Lean Six Sigma at a green belt level with a qualification and then application for at least a year before advancing to the black belt level and applying statistical tools. I always find that most businesses have simpler smaller problems that must be addressed first using lean techniques before Six Sigma principles become relevant for improvements.

Experience in Process Improvement : Having practical experience in process improvement projects is crucial. Some certification bodies might specify a certain number of years of experience or a minimum number of projects completed. This experience helps ensure you have the practical skills needed to handle more complex Black Belt-level projects.

Educational Qualifications : While not always mandatory, some programs may require specific educational qualifications. Typically, a bachelor’s degree in engineering, business, or a related field is preferred. However, relevant work experience can sometimes substitute for formal education requirements.

Professional Experience : Depending on the certification body, you may need to have a certain level of professional experience in a managerial or supervisory role. This is because Black Belts often need to lead teams and manage projects effectively.

Training and Certification Process

Once you have met the prerequisites, the journey to becoming a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt involves several key steps:

Course Content : Black Belt training programs cover advanced Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques. The curriculum typically includes topics such as advanced statistical analysis, design of experiments, process mapping, and advanced problem-solving techniques. Training also covers leadership skills, project management, and change management.

Delivery Methods : These programs are offered by various institutions, including universities, professional training organizations, and online platforms. You can choose between in-person classes, online courses, or a hybrid approach, depending on your learning preferences and schedule.

Duration : Training programs can vary in length, typically ranging from a few weeks to several months. The duration depends on the depth of the curriculum and the mode of delivery.

Project Completion

Practical Application : Most certification bodies require you to complete one or more real-world projects demonstrating your ability to apply Lean Six Sigma principles. These projects are crucial for showing that you can lead and execute process improvement initiatives effectively.

Project Requirements : The projects usually need to be substantial in scope, involving significant process changes and measurable improvements. You may need to document your projects thoroughly, including problem statements, data analysis, implemented solutions, and results.

Mentorship and Support : During your projects, you might receive mentorship and support from experienced Black Belts or Master Black Belts. This guidance helps ensure your projects meet the necessary standards and achieve meaningful results.


Comprehensive Test : After completing your training and projects, you will need to pass a comprehensive exam. This exam tests your knowledge of Lean Six Sigma methodology, tools, and techniques. It typically includes multiple-choice questions, case studies, and practical problem-solving scenarios.

Exam Preparation : To prepare for the exam, you can use study guides, practice exams, and other resources provided by the certification body. Some training programs also offer exam preparation courses to help you review key concepts and practice exam questions.


Certification Award : Upon successful completion of the training, project requirements, and examination, you will receive your Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification. This certification signifies that you have the knowledge and skills to lead complex process improvement projects and drive significant organizational change.

Maintaining Certification : Some certification bodies require you to maintain your certification through continuing education or additional project work. This ensures that your skills remain current and that you continue to contribute to the field of Lean Six Sigma.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification is a significant achievement that can propel your career and greatly benefit your organization. It requires a deep understanding of process improvement, advanced statistical skills, and strong leadership abilities. By becoming a Black Belt, you position yourself as an expert in creating efficient, high-quality processes that can drive substantial improvements in any industry.

  • Laureani, A. and Antony, J., 2011. Standards for lean six sigma certification.   International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management ,  61 (1), pp.110-120.
  • Downing, C.G., 2011, June. Using Design for Six Sigma Practices to Develop a “Rose” Belt Course. In  2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition  (pp. 22-1611).

Q: What are the prerequisites for becoming a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt?

A: Typically, you need a Green Belt certification, experience in process improvement projects, and possibly specific educational qualifications or professional experience in a managerial role.

Q: What does Black Belt training involve?

A: Black Belt training covers advanced Lean Six Sigma tools, statistical analysis, project management, and leadership skills. Training is available through various institutions and can be taken online or in-person.

Q: How are real-world projects incorporated into the certification process?

A: Certification requires the completion of one or more projects that demonstrate the application of Lean Six Sigma principles. These projects must be substantial, with measurable improvements documented.

Q: What is included in the Black Belt certification exam?

A: The exam tests knowledge of Lean Six Sigma methodology, tools, and techniques. It typically includes multiple-choice questions, case studies, and practical problem-solving scenarios.

Q: How can Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification benefit my career?

A: Certification enhances your problem-solving skills, increases job opportunities, and may lead to higher salaries. It also provides credibility, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to continuous improvement.

Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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Lean Six Sigma Project Examples | 17 Full Case Studies

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By analysing such case studies, one can gain insights into the successful application of Six Sigma in various industries and understand its impact on process improvement. Read this blog on Six Sigma Case Study to learn how real-world businesses have achieved remarkable process improvement and cost savings. 

Table of Contents  

1) Understanding Six Sigma Methodology 

2) Six Sigma Case Study 

a) Improving customer service 

b) Improving delivery efficiency 

3) Conclusion 

Understanding Six Sigma Methodology

Understanding Six Sigma Methodology

By applying statistical analysis and data-driven decision-making, Six Sigma helps organisations identify the root cause of problems and implement effective solutions. It emphasises the importance of process standardisation, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction. With its focus on rigorous measurement and analysis, Six Sigma enables organisations to drive efficiency, reduce waste, and deliver exceptional products and services. The methodology follows a step-by-step process called Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). These five phases are briefly explained below: 

a) Define: The project goals and customer requirements are clearly defined in this phase.  

b) Measure: In this phase, data is collected to understand the process's current state and identify improvement areas.  

c) Analyse: This phase focuses on analysing data to determine the root cause of defects or variations.  

d) Improve: This phase involves implementing solutions and making necessary changes to eliminate the identified issues.  

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Six Sigma Case Study  

In this section we discuss two Six Sigma Case Study that will help you understand and use it better.  

Case Study 1: Improving customer service  

This Six Sigma Case Study will focus on a telecommunications company facing significant customer service challenges. The issues included long wait times, frequent call transfers, unresolved issues, and many more. The company decided to apply Six Sigma methodologies to enhance customer satisfaction.  

a) Define phase: Using the DMAIC approach, the team began by defining the problem: long wait times and inefficient call handling. They set a goal to reduce average wait time and increase first-call resolution rates.  

b) Measure phase: In this phase, data was collected to analyse call volume, wait times, and reasons for call transfers. This helped identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.  

c) Analyse phase: During this phase, the team discovered that inadequate training and complex call routing were key contributors to the problems. They also found that certain product issues required better resolution protocols.  

d) Improve phase: In this phase, targeted solutions were introduced and implemented to address these issues. The team revamped the training program, ensuring agents were well-trained and equipped to handle customer inquiries. They simplified call routing and introduced automated prompts for quicker issue resolution.  

e) Control phase: Finally, monitoring systems were established in the control phase to track key metrics and ensure sustained improvements. Regular feedback loops were implemented to identify emerging challenges and make necessary adjustments.  

The results were exceptional. Average wait times were reduced by 40%, and first-call resolution rates increased by 25%. Customer satisfaction scores improved significantly, leading to increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.  

This Six Sigma Case Study highlights how Six Sigma methodologies can drive transformative improvements in customer service. By focusing on data analysis, process optimisation, and continuous monitoring, organisations can achieve outstanding outcomes and deliver exceptional customer experiences. 

Understand the in-depth process of Six Sigma with our Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course . Join now!  

Case Study 2: Improving delivery efficiency

characteristics of Six Sigma

a) Define phase: The business used the Voice of the Customer (VoC) tool to understand customer needs and expectations. They identified prompt delivery, correct product selection, and a knowledgeable distribution team as crucial customer requirements. 

b) Measure phase: The team collected data to evaluate the problem of slow delivery. They discovered that their Order Fulfillment Cycle Time (OFCT) was 46% longer than competitors, leading to customer dissatisfaction.  

c) Analyse phase: The team brainstormed potential causes of slow delivery, including accuracy of sales plans, buffer stock issues, vendor delivery performance, and manufacturing schedule delays. They conducted a regression analysis, revealing that inadequate buffer stock for high-demand products was the main issue affecting delivery efficiency.  

d) Improve phase: The distributor implemented a monthly demand review to ensure that in-demand products are readily available. They emphasised ordering and providing customers with the specific products they desired.  

e) Control phase: The team developed plans to monitor sales of the top 20% of bestselling products, avoiding over or under-supply situations. They conducted annual reviews to identify any changes in demand and proactively adjust product offerings.  

By applying Six Sigma Principles , the plumbing product distributor significantly improved its delivery efficiency, addressing the root cause of customer dissatisfaction. Prompt action, data-driven decision-making, and ongoing monitoring allowed them to meet customer expectations, enhance its reputation, and maintain a competitive edge in the industry. This case demonstrates the power of Lean Six Sigma in driving operational excellence and customer-centric improvements. 

Take the next step in your professional development and boost your career by joining our Six Sigma Green Belt course .  


We hope this blog gives you enough insights into the Six Sigma Case Study. This blog showcased the effectiveness of its methodology in driving transformative improvements. By applying DMAIC and using customer insights and data analysis, organisations have successfully resolved delivery inefficiencies, improving customer satisfaction and operational performance. The blog highlights how Six Sigma can be a powerful framework for organisations seeking excellence and exceptional value. 

Learn the six-sigma methodology to achieve business objectives with our Six Sigma Certification Training today!  

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Top 10 Six Sigma Black Belt Project Examples & Ideas

Home Blog Quality Top 10 Six Sigma Black Belt Project Examples & Ideas

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A certified Six Sigma Black Belt expert is a professional who knows and can explain and implement the Six Sigma principles and philosophies. These include tools and supportive systems. A Black Belt professional must have impeccable leadership skills and understand team dynamics. They work in a collaborative manner to assign team members and give them roles and responsibilities.  

A Six Sigma Black Belt certification can add a professional advantage to your career. They have a thorough understanding of the DMAIC model. The model defines — define, measure, analyze, improve, and control — as the Six Sigma principles. This course will provide you with basic lean knowledge and concepts.

Six Sigma Black Belt Project Requirements

  • The requirements for the Black Belt certification require two complete projects. These should be signed affidavits with 3 years of work experience shown in the same. The work experience should be in the Six Sigma Knowledge of Body.  
  • You also have to show a full-time work experience in a paid role. You cannot apply with any internship, freelance, or paid- internship.  
  • The project requires professionals to have innovative thinking capabilities and the knowledge of customer needs and requirements. Effective communication, along with leadership and other collaborative skills, are expected in the professional.  
  • A mindset that can work effectively and communicate easily is an add-on as it produces good financial results for the business.  
  • You are also required to have a passion for quality improvement.  
  • Professionals should know statistical tools and technologies that can be incorporated into the project.

Attributes of a Good Project

The Six Sigma approach consists of five attributes or phases. These five attributes are listed in the following order:

The first phase in the Lean Six Sigma project is called the define phase. Defining phase has a problem and goal statement. You are required to state your problem and later define the goals accordingly. As the project leader for the Black Belt, you are responsible for creating a project charter, a developing process map, and other needs of customers associated with the same.

2. Measure or Count

The measure phase is also called the starting point of the project. Here the team will be working to select the right measures for the project. They will create a plan for the data collection. All the data about the baseline and the updated project charter is measured in Phase-2 of DMAIC. 

All the data that is collected and measured in Phase-2 is analyzed in Phase-3 of the DMAIC. You will closely examine all the processes and know the causes of the problems (if any). You can also use data analysis and process analysis tools to interpret the information visually.

After the measurement and analysis of the problem, phase 4 of the DMAIC is on improvement. You can brainstorm the possible solutions, design the future aspects and all the process maps to get the right solution. Make sure your solutions have positive outcomes. You can measure the improvement in the process and know about its risks.

5. Command and Control

The last phase of the DMAIC is control face. As the improvements are met, they need to be sustained. Comprehensive planning and monitoring of the developed and implemented protocols is done under the control phase. The improvement phase also has Lean Six Sigma principles that need to be maintained throughout the project.  

We refer to these five as the DMAIC phases. This method provides a systematic approach to issue solving. Typically, the goal of Six Sigma is to solve a business problem. However, the potential of Six Sigma is such that it can be utilized to solve problems in almost every industry — sports, food, health, music, and so on. The meticulous and systematic approach of the Six Sigma methodology, as well as the comprehensive stages in the Six Sigma methodology, are the key reasons for this power.

Before delving into the phases, it's important to understand when this structured technique should be employed in issue resolution. Of course, the globe is riddled with a plethora of issues (and they make the world quite an interesting place). The difficulties, however, vary in complexity.  

The Six Sigma methodology's goal is to assist you in determining which inputs or factors have a major effect on your output and then to optimise and control those inputs so that you receive the intended output.

By the time you get to the Control phase, you would have identified the major elements and discovered means to keep them under control so that you can consistently give the intended output. The Six Sigma methodology provides a logical, documented, data-driven, and long-term approach to solving corporate problems.

We have chosen a few of our projects to showcase, such as Lean and Six Sigma case studies and have completed a wide range of Lean Six Sigma projects around the world. Projects have been carried out in a variety of sectors and industries. Some projects are short, while others have taken months to complete. Some have proved complicated with several barriers, while others have been simple.

Lean Six Sigma Case Studies

1. helical wires for the japanese market.

This Six Sigma case study examines how our client's manufacturer was able to enter into the Japanese market. Minor cosmetic concerns stopped their items from being approved by Japanese customers for nine years. Over the years, numerous attempts were made to solve the problem. Much money, time, and effort were expended in vain.  

Resolved: When the DMAIC technique of LSSBB was finally applied to the problem, it was solved in three months. Two big Japanese clients accepted the product created using the new technique and settings. In just one year, the manufacturer sold $3 million in products to Japanese clients, representing a significant boost in revenue.

2. Drilling Fluids Company Reduces Inventory

This Six Sigma case study examines how we were able to dramatically cut inventory levels for our client in the oil and gas business. This was accomplished without reducing service levels. Within six months of the event, the company's inventory turnover increased by nearly 200 percent to 3.5 turns. It is still rising.  

Resolved: As a result, tens of millions of dollars in cash savings and working capital reduction were realized. The project required a detailed Define phase along with the analyses. As the oil and gas business is complicated, the project had its goals defined, accurately measured and analyzed. It is a small project but requires a lot of effort.  

3. Steel Hardware Productivity Improvement

This Six Sigma case study examines how we boosted efficiency for a steel hardware manufacturing company. Capacity was increased with no further investment. With the help of Lean Six Sigma principles, project heads were able to detect the problems. How productivity can increase, and the cut can be done, is carried around the analysis phase. Here, the project lead was able to work wonders.  

Desired Results Achieved: Capacity and productivity both rose by over 25%. The factory may now work six days a week without having to turn down any orders. The output must be sustained with the other Lean Six Sigma principles.

4. Capability Reduces Costs

This Six Sigma case study examines how a company that manufactures formed steel wires easily cuts product costs. This was one of the simplest cost-cutting projects we had ever done, but it was effective. The project team used tools and other statistical techniques to draft the right solution. Although it was easy to define and analyze, implementing control was a hectic task. With the essential tools, the task was done.

Resolved: It is a fantastic example of how essential tools can help you save money. Product costs were lowered by an average of 1.3 percent. With around $30 million in sales of this product, this represented a direct cost savings of nearly $400,000.

5. Handling Time Reduction at the Call Centre

This Six Sigma case study examines how our client, a call centre, was able to significantly lower the average handling time of inbound calls. It was a relatively small project and required less time to complete. With the proper follow-ups in the define, and analysis phase, the measures were taken and increased to 18%.

Resolved: The average handling time was reduced by 18%. Capacity was also enhanced by 18% as a result of this. This resulted in annual savings in the millions of dollars in a call centre with thousands of inbound calls per day.

6. Reduced Days Sales Outstanding

This Six Sigma case study looks at a huge oil and gas firm that had acquired several smaller companies over the years and had plans to acquire several more. They needed a lot of money to achieve this. But with the help of Six Sigma fundamentals, the task was easy.  

Resolved: They employed the most effective strategy for increasing cash flow — the simple fundamentals of Lean! Most sites' DSO was reduced to less than 100 days. This amounted to over a million dollars in savings for the majority of sites. Multiply it with over 50 sites in the area, and you have got a lot of money!

7. Online Prepaid Cellular Service Top-Up

This Six Sigma case study examines a cellular service provider's challenge with their online top-up system and how the DMAIC process was used to resolve them. These kinds of projects require an excellent Define phase. If you know what kind of problems and objectives you have to set within the cellular service, it becomes easy to comprehend it in the analytical phase.  

Desired Results Achieved: With the proper measures, the registration success rate has risen to 91%. The success rate of top-ups has risen to 90%. This resulted in an increase in revenue of more than $300,000 each year.

8. Statistical Survey Analysis for Improvement

This Six Sigma case study looks at how a call centre used survey results to determine what steps to take. Most businesses utilize surveys to determine how well they are performing on various customer satisfaction criteria. This call center, on the other hand, used statistical approaches to examine the findings in order to get conclusive answers on the measures that needed to be taken to boost customer satisfaction.  

Desired Results Achieved: As we all know, customer satisfaction is a statistic that takes time for actions to have an effect. Customer satisfaction increased by about 5% in the first six months after preliminary improvement initiatives were implemented. This is bound to rise when the spawning projects are done.

9. Lead Time Reduction in Aluminium Casting

This Six Sigma case study examines how a company that manufactures aluminum castings was able to boost productivity and cut production lead times by implementing Lean principles. This would increase if the spawning projects were done. The factory was able to complete a standard order in around two weeks.  

Solved: Productivity and capacity were also increased. With the short lead time, the sales team honored their promise and enticed more buyers. Even better, the factory could readily accommodate these orders because they had recently increased their capacity with this project! Finally, the product's price dropped because it now required fewer overhead and labor person-hours.

10. Food Equipment Manufacturers Saved Dollars in Annual Warranty Claims

Large equipment purchases require a warranty to ensure protection against defects. It is essential for the customers to get the warranty so that the sale is not affected. If such companies fail to give warranty for their manufacturing food-processing equipment, they may lose customers. The warranty is essential, and if it is not handled well by the company, it can cause a massive loss for the company.  

Solution: The companies are required to keep the costs under control and provide warranties to the customers. This is where the project leaders of the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt come to play their role. With their DMAIC model, the project heads can ensure a culture of operational excellence and continuous process improvement. They can help you cope with unnecessary payouts and pay your debts on time.

To truly comprehend what Six Sigma is, you must first understand its goal. When you understand the goal of the Six Sigma initiative, the Six Sigma measures and techniques come together and become clearer. Historically, the focus of Six Sigma has always been on reducing variance and enhancing process capabilities to reduce defects. KnowledgeHut Quality Management certification  courses will help you advance your career by learning the in-demand quality management tools.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Lean Six Sigma is exclusively used in the industry today. Some of the famous examples of the same are the cycle time required to manufacture solar cells in labs, natural gas dehydrators and their defects in the manufacturing, pipeline projects and construction welding repairs, and IT system downtime for an accounting firm. These are some common examples where we use Six Sigma Projects.

The team leaders use the Six Sigma Black Belt. It will measure, analyze, improve, and control all the fundamental processes that will influence customers. Customer satisfaction, along with productivity and growth, is handled by the Six Sigma Black Belt certified professional. They can operate as internal consultants and can work in many teams.  

Project selection, like other Lean Six Sigma techniques, should be quantified based on facts rather than subjective guesswork. A good project should result in cost savings, improved quality, and increased capacity. It can also be used to meet the needs of shareholders.

The black belt certified individual handles all the financial aspects of the company. Hence the financial impacts like the reduction of the defect, machine reduction setup, correcting areas of audit, reduction the added labor, and extra material are all examples of the black belt certified individual. 

Six Sigma tools are problem-solving tools used to support Six Sigma and other process improvement activities. The Six Sigma specialist employs qualitative and quantitative methodologies to promote process improvement.

A brainstorming session is one method for selecting a Six Sigma project. The targeted outcome is a list of potential initiatives. Then, in an intriguing twist, rank these initiatives against one another. Finally, propose a highly rated project for executive approval.


Shivender Sharma

Shivendra Sharma, an accomplished author of the international bestseller 'Being Yogi,' is a multifaceted professional. With an MBA in HR and a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, he boasts 15 years of experience in business and digital transformation, strategy consulting, and process improvement. As a member of the Technical Committee of the International Association of Six Sigma Certification (IASSC), he has led multi-million dollar savings through organization-wide transformation projects. Shivendra's expertise lies in deploying Lean and Six Sigma tools across global stakeholders in EMEA, North America, and APAC, achieving remarkable business results. 

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Case Studies

Six Sigma Project Success by Roman Benton

Six Sigma Project Success by Dan Seal

Six Sigma Project Success by Tim Wright

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

June 18th, 2019

Introduction The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is a growing state agency with increasing volumes of records to manage. Previously, most of TDLR’s records were housed at one of the State’s primary storage and archive facilities. In 2012, when accounts receivable verified that the cost to store the agency’s records and documents had […]

Demonstration of Six Sigma Principles through Catalent Pharma Solutions

August 16th, 2013

Six Sigma has been used by numerous companies since 1986 when Motorola developed these principles as best practices. Customer satisfaction is increased by reducing the number of defects produced by a company. This process has been successfully implemented by major companies such as General Electric. Chief Executive Officer, Jack Welch, has made Six Sigma famous […]

Six Sigma Improves the Environment: A Look at a Baxter Manufacturing

Six Sigma best practices are instrumental in changing the way businesses operate. Motorola recognized this in the 1980s when the company employed Six Sigma principles in manufacturing processes. What began as a methodology to reduce defects in a production line has evolved into a way for all industries including healthcare, telecommunications, education, finance, military and […]

Aerospace Manufacturer Streamlines Processes and Improves Cycle Time

Six Sigma best practices were devised to eliminate the defects in processes. Motorola developed this concept to help improve processes within the company. With improved processes, increased revenue typically follows. After General Electric adopted Six Sigma principles, the company increased revenue by $300 million. This is just one example of why companies are interested in […]

3M Case Study – Pollution Prevention

August 15th, 2013

Six Sigma best practices are designed to help companies reduce the number of defects in business processes. Defects are defined as product defects or undesirable events. For instance, one company may describe excessive pollution as a defect. This is an undesirable event that should be removed to make the process more efficient. The concept of […]

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lean six sigma black belt case study

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Course curriculum, getting started.

How to use this course

Important Reading - Get Started

Introduction to Learning Management System

Participant Honor Code

Downloads and Installation

Minitab Application Installation and Instructions

IGRAFX Installation

Downloads - Required for the Course

Instructor led live Virtual Classroom

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Virtual Classroom Schedule

Black Belt Virtual Classroom Link

Black Belt Virtual Classroom Manual Login details

Know your business and customers

Business Model Canvas

Know Your Customer

Operating Model Canvas

Forcefield Analysis

Download - Resources


RACI Matrix

Webinar - Define Phase (BASICS)

Activity- Define Phase

Webinar - Define 1

Tutorial - Process 2013 for Six Sigma

Case Study - Process Modelling

Process Modelling - Airline Case Study - What if Scenarios

Process Modelling Applications

Downloads - Measure

Basics of Normal Distribution

Getting Started with Minitab 17

Webinar 1 - Measure Phase

Introduction to Gage R & R study

Illustration - Gage R&R

Performance Assessment Methods

Goal - Is it feasible?

Downloads - Analyse

Webinar - Basics - Analyse Phase - VA/NVA

Webinar Basic - Analyse Phase - FMEA

Webinar Basic - Analyse Phase - Qualitative Screening

Webinar Basic - Hypothesis Testing

Webinar Basic - Hypothesis testing + Regression

Sample Size for Estimation

Parameter Estimation - MEAN

Parameter Estimation - Standard Deviation

Parameter Estimation - Proportion

Webinar -Analyse Session -1

Webinar - Analyse Session 2

Illustration - Hypothesis Testing

Downloads - Improve


Ideation - De Bono Six Thinking Hats

Procedure - De Bono Six Thinking Hats

Introduction to Design Thinking

Introduction to Design Experiments 1 by Prof. Stuart Hunter

Introduction to Design Experiments 2 by Prof. Stuart Hunter

Design FMEA - 1

Design FMEA - 2

Webinar - Improve 1

Webinar - Improve 2

Introduction to Design of Experiments

Design of Experiments - Full Factorial

Design of Experiments - Revision 1

Design of Experiments - Revision 2

Webinar - Control Phase

Minitab Basics

Minitab 17 - Descriptive Statistics

Minitab 17 - Histogram

Minitab 17 - Pie Charts

Minitab 17 - Box Plot

Minitab 17 - ScatterPlot

Minitab 17 - Control Charts

Minitab 19 Basics - E- learning Module

Coursework - Mandatory

Coursework - Submission Guidelines

Application Exercise

Black Belt Practice Exercises

Green Belt Simulation Project Case Study

Green Belt Simulation Project Data Files

Black Belt Simulation Project Case Study

Black Belt Simulation Project Data Files

Green Belt Simulation Project - Guidance

Black Belt Examination

BB Sample 1

BB Sample 2

Quiz - Define Phase

Quiz - Measure Phase

Quiz - Analyse

Quiz - Improve

Quiz - Control

Examination Enrollment Form

Statistical Foundation - Manual Computation (optional)

Effect of Outliers

Confidence Intervals - Manual computation

Paired t test - Manual Computation

Introduction to ANOVA - Statistical Background

One Way ANOVA - Manual Computation

Mann-Whitney U Test - Manual Computation

Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit

Chi-Square Test for Independence

Business Analytics Foundation

Exploratory Data Analysis

Basics of Data Analysis

Acceptance Sampling - Sample Question

Multiple Regression with continuous and categorical X variable

Y discrete, X continuous and discrete

Webinar - Session 1

Webinar - Session 2

lean six sigma black belt case study

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  • 37 hours of video content

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Case Studies

Get a complete insight to our projects. Learn on what problems we faced, what were the parameters, and how we weaved the way to business success. Have a look at our case studies.

Demonstration of Six Sigma Principles through Catalent Pharma Solutions

Demonstration of Six Sigma Principles through Catalent Pharma Solutions

Case Study: Lean Six Sigma Improves Environment – Baxter Manufacturing

Case Study: Lean Six Sigma Improves Environment – Baxter Manufacturing

Case Study: Lean 6 Sigma in Aerospace Manufacturer Streamlines Processes & Improves Cycle Time

Case Study: Lean 6 Sigma in Aerospace Manufacturer Streamlines Processes & Improves Cycle Time

3M Six Sigma Case Study – Pollution Prevention – 6sigma

3M Six Sigma Case Study – Pollution Prevention – 6sigma

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Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Skill Set

Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are experts in executing Lean Six Sigma projects. As a program manager they are responsible for managing complex breakthrough projects and supporting improvement teams with tools and techniques. Very often Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are assigned full time to work on improvement programs.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belts have both skills for applying analytical tools and skills for leading change. The scope of the project is often across departments and organizations. We can distinguish Lean Black Belts that are working on process improvement projects and Lean Six Sigma Black Belts that are working on complex data driven projects. Lean Six Sigma Black Belts master all Lean techniques as well as additional statistical and sophisticated analytical Six Sigma techniques.

In the case that an organization does not employ a Master Black Belt, the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt may fulfil the role of supporting management in Lean Six Sigma deployment and coaching Green Belts in executing their projects.

You can get certified as Lean Black Belt or Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. The certification consists of a theoretical element and a practical element. The full Black Belt certificate requires sufficient achievement in both theoretical and practical element.

lean six sigma black belt case study

Theoretical Exam Criteria

  • The Lean Black Belt theoretical exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions.
  • The duration of the Lean Black Belt exam is 120 minutes.
  • To pass the Lean Black Belt exam, at least 25 questions need to be correctly answered.
  • The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt theoretical exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions.
  • The duration of the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam is 180 minutes.
  • To pass the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam, at least 38 questions need to be correctly answered.
  • The exams are open book exams, where a maximum of 2 books are allowed. The exercise book is not allowed.
  • A calculator or statistical software (e.g. Minitab) is allowed.
  • You must be able to identify yourself with photographic ID.

Practical Exam Criteria

  • For Lean Black Belt: two successful projects at CIMM level-III (or higher).
  • For Lean Six Sigma Black Belt: two successful projects at CIMM level-III and IV or higher.
  • The project should have a significant impact to the organization. This means that it has a financial impact of € 50,000 on an annual basis or another relevant CTQ (like Lead Time) has substantially been improved.
  • The project must follow the DMAIC or DMADV roadmap.
  • The templates for submitting the projects can be downloaded from the LSSA website (max. of 25 pages).
  • The projects should be signed off by the Champion to declare that the projects have been carried out professionally and that objectives have been achieved and sustainable.
  • A single Black Belt can submit the projects for certification in its role of project manager.
  • The project must be submitted no later than three years after passing the theoretical examination.

lean six sigma black belt case study

A Case Study Approach Using Minitab®

  • © 2022
  • Timothy D. Blackburn 0

The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

  • Provides Lean Six Sigma instruction in the context of a case study, between the Green Belt and Black Belt levels
  • Demystifies the use of the DMAIC phases (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control)
  • Shows how to use Minitab and applied statistics to resolve novel problems; compatible with versions 18, 19, 20 and 21

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Table of contents (8 chapters)

Front matter, the case study – kind karz.

Timothy D. Blackburn

An Introduction to Six Sigma

The define phase, the measure phase (with minitab tools), the analyze phase with minitab tools, the improve phase, the control phase, storyboards, back matter.

  • Lean Six Sigma Textbook
  • Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists textbook
  • Six Sigma and DMAIC
  • Lean Six Sigma for Engineering Managers
  • Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers

About this book

This book introduces the reader to Six Sigma, a problem-solving technique for reducing defects and variation in processes. The author uses DMAIC phases (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) and a data-centric approach, leveraging applied statistics with Minitab ® .  Readers are enabled to solve novel problems where there isn’t an apparent root cause or solution identified. The author walks readers through an (imaginary) case study, explaining both the DMAIC approach and how to use Minitab in a practical way. The presentation includes data sets and instructions on how to analyze data in the context of Six Sigma using Minitab. 

Authors and Affiliations

About the author.

Timothy D. Blackburn is a Summa Cum Laude graduate from the William States Lee College of Engineering (UNC-Charlotte) and holds an MBA from the Kenan-Flagler School of Business (UNC-Chapel Hill).  He also received a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from The George Washington University (GWU).

He is a licensed Professional Engineer in multiple states and holds a Master Blackbelt in Six Sigma. Currently, he is a Professorial Lecturer in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE) at The George Washington University where he teaches multiple Master’s and Doctoral level courses and advises doctoral students in their research phase. He is frequently a committee member for Dissertation and Praxis defenses. Tim is widely published in peer reviewed journals and has spoken at professional conferences. He also works in the pharmaceutical industry providing internal consulting in many of the areas covered in this book.  Contents in the book benefit from over 30years of experience in both industry and academia.

Tim’s affiliations (current or previous) include the Tau Alpha Pi and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Societies for academic achievement, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE), American Society for Quality (ASQ), Pharma Engineering Roundtable, International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), International Foundation Process Analytical Chemistry (IFPAC), and American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES).

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : Six Sigma

Book Subtitle : A Case Study Approach Using Minitab®

Authors : Timothy D. Blackburn

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96213-5

Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Intelligent Technologies and Robotics , Intelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0)

Copyright Information : The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-030-96212-8 Published: 13 April 2022

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-030-96215-9 Published: 15 April 2023

eBook ISBN : 978-3-030-96213-5 Published: 12 April 2022

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XV, 258

Number of Illustrations : 46 b/w illustrations, 278 illustrations in colour

Topics : Control and Systems Theory , Statistical Theory and Methods , Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes

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Using DFSS and DACE to Increase Product Reliability

Healthcare organizations currently implementing Six Sigma are finding no shortage of opportunities for applying this approach – and many are reaping substantial benefits in terms of cost, quality and productivity. One area increasingly targeted in recent years has been the cardiac catheterization lab, which is generally a high-volume, challenging and complex environment within any healthcare facility. […]

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  6. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

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  1. Lean Six Sigma

  2. LSSBB Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Exam

  3. Lean Six Sigma White Belt

  4. Components of DWM

  5. How the Lean Six Sigma Belt System works

  6. Using Six Sigma to Reduce Energy with Limited Data (2013 IIE Conference)


  1. Guide: Black Belt

    Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification signifies expertise in improving processes by eliminating waste and reducing variation. This guide covers everything from prerequisites to the benefits of certification. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is a prestigious certification that represents a deep understanding of the Lean Six Sigma methodology. This ...

  2. Lean Six Sigma Project Examples

    Increasing First Run Parts From 60% to 90% With Lean Six Sigma. Reducing Bent/Scratched/Damaged (BSD) Scrap for Building Envelopes. Reducing Lead Time in Customer Replacement Part Orders by 41%. Reducing Learning Curve Rampu0003 for Temp Employees by 2 Weeks. Reducing Purchase Order Lead Time by 33% Using Lean Six Sigma.

  3. Six Sigma Case Study: Success Stories of Process Improvement

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  4. Top 10 Six Sigma Black Belt Project Examples & Ideas

    Lean Six Sigma Case Studies 1. Helical Wires for the Japanese Market. This Six Sigma case study examines how our client's manufacturer was able to enter into the Japanese market. Minor cosmetic concerns stopped their items from being approved by Japanese customers for nine years. Over the years, numerous attempts were made to solve the problem.

  5. Top Black Belt Project Examples and Tips

    The case studies we have selected below are meant to demonstrate the versatility and adaptability of Lean Six Sigma practice. They may also inspire you in your own Lean Six Sigma project. 1. Helical Wires on the Japanese Market. This Six Sigma Case Study examines the way our client's manufacturing company was able to enter the Japanese market.

  6. Lean Six Sigma Case Studies

    WellCare Lean Six Sigma Kaizen Blitz Team Reduced Process Document Waste by 75%, improvedd process Speed from 60 days to 1 day, and a Monthly Revenue Recovery of ~$15 Million per Month. Lean Six Sigma Case Studies from the International Standard for Lean Six Sigma (ISLSS), including Deployment, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Kaizen ...

  7. Case Studies in Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Projects: Driving

    Let's delve into two real-world case studies to illustrate the transformative impact of Lean Six Sigma Black Belt projects on organizations. Case Study 1: Reducing Manufacturing Defects. In a ...

  8. Six Sigma Case Study: General Electric

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  9. Six Sigma Case Studies Archive

    August 16th, 2013. Six Sigma best practices were devised to eliminate the defects in processes. Motorola developed this concept to help improve processes within the company. With improved processes, increased revenue typically follows. After General Electric adopted Six Sigma principles, the company increased revenue by $300 million.

  10. Lean Six Sigma Case Studies

    INDUSTRIES & FUNCTIONS LEAN SIX SIGMA CASE STUDIES GLSS helps deliver measurable improvement results and create a Culture of Continuous Improvement. WE'LL HELP YOU DELIVER PROCESS IMPROVEMENT RESULTS LIKE THESE 140XROI $213,3740Average SavedPer Project**Green Belt Project with Coaching 550%Average Reductionin Downtime 540%Average Reduction inProcessing Time 530%Average DefectReduction 610 ...

  11. PDF Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Study Guide

    Obtaining a Lean Six Sigma certification is one of the most rewarding and valuable professional accomplishments. You will feel an increase in self-confidence, more capable when leading people and problem-solving abilities well above your peers. The professional opportunities for a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt are vast and across all industries.

  12. Lean Six Sigma Case Studies and Examples

    Welcome to the Lean Six Sigma Academy's Case Studies section! Here, you will find a collection of real-world examples of how companies have successfully implemented the Lean Six Sigma methodology to improve their business operations. Each case study includes an overview of the business challenge that was faced, the approach that was taken ...

  13. IASSC Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Study Guide

    The IASSC Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Study Guide is a free, quick-reference list of essential materials to prepare for and pass the certification exam. ... 1.3 Selecting Lean Six Sigma Projects. 1.3.1 Building a Business Case & Project Charter. 1.3.2 Developing Project Metrics. 1.3.3 Financial Evaluation & Benefits Capture. 1.4 The Lean ...

  14. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt by VarSigma

    The Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is a professional who can explain Six Sigma philosophies and principles, including supporting systems and tools. A Black Belt should demonstrate team leadership, understand team dynamics, and assign team member ... Black Belt Simulation Project Case Study. Black Belt Simulation Project Data Files. Green ...

  15. Bank Deposits: A Black Belt Case Study

    Bank Deposits: A Black Belt Case Study. The Black Belt began working at online bank, and his first project involved the process of how deposits were made to this bank. Since it was an "online" bank, there were no branches for customers to use. Instead, deposits were mailed using the United States Postal Service (USPS). Savings resulting ...

  16. Case Studies Archive

    Six Sigma Black Belt Training; Six Sigma Master Black Belt Training; Belt Comparison; Lean. Lean Introduction; Lean Fundamentals; Lean Master; ... Case Study: Lean 6 Sigma in Aerospace Manufacturer Streamlines Processes & Improves Cycle Time. 3M Six Sigma Case Study - Pollution Prevention - 6sigma.

  17. PDF IASSC Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Study Guide

    The IASSC Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Study Guide is a free, quick-reference list of essential material to prepare for and pass the certification exam. It is derived from the IASSC Universally ... 1.3.1 Building a Business Case & Project Charter 1.3.2 Developing Project Metrics 1.3.3 Financial Evaluation & Benefits Capture .

  18. Chapter 10: Six Sigma Master Black Belt Level Case Study

    10.1.1 Scope of Injection Molded Parts. A great deal of emphasis has been placed on the repeatability of the injection molding operation (Figures 10.1 through 10.4, for a typical injection molding machine refer to Figure 6.7) through the use of feedback control techniques. However, it is the molded parts whose quality determines performance ...

  19. Example Black Belt Projects-Services Archives

    Bank Deposits: A Black Belt Case Study. The Black Belt began working at online bank, and his first project involved the process of how deposits were made to this bank. Since it was an "online" bank, there were no branches for customers to use. Instead, deposits were mailed using the United States Postal Service (USPS).

  20. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt: Skills and Certification

    The duration of the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam is 180 minutes. To pass the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam, at least 38 questions need to be correctly answered. The exams are open book exams, where a maximum of 2 books are allowed. The exercise book is not allowed. A calculator or statistical software (e.g. Minitab) is allowed.

  21. Example Black Belt Projects-Manufacturing Archives

    Case Studies, Example Black Belt Projects-Manufacturing, Master Black Belt Finding the Sigma Level of Customer Complaints In the beginning of a deployment, many companies set a goal of 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) using Six Sigma quality concepts in production, and later extend this concept to other operational areas.

  22. Six Sigma: A Case Study Approach Using Minitab®

    Timothy D. Blackburn. Provides Lean Six Sigma instruction in the context of a case study, between the Green Belt and Black Belt levels. Demystifies the use of the DMAIC phases (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) Shows how to use Minitab and applied statistics to resolve novel problems; compatible with versions 18, 19, 20 and 21.


    Six Sigma is methodology that was born in 1980 in Motorola, using the DMAIC method. (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control), based on the basi c thinking that the customer. satisfaction is ...

  24. Example Black Belt Projects-Health Care Archives

    Healthcare - Increasing Cath Lab Capacity Through Six Sigma. Healthcare organizations currently implementing Six Sigma are finding no shortage of opportunities for applying this approach - and many are reaping substantial benefits in terms of cost, quality and productivity. One area increasingly targeted in recent years has been the cardiac ...

  25. Yoseph Alemayehu, PMP on LinkedIn: Lean Six Sigma Black Belt was issued

    UPDATE: police case number is 23-227-0531 UPDATE2: Full story here https://lnkd.in/gP8xf97k #findyohaneskidane 22,330 931 Comments