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How to Write a Great Personal Statement for the Global MPH

May 15, 2019

personal statement for a public health course

Imperial College London’s School of Public Health is renowned for conducting world-class research on today’s most pressing public health issues. No matter how compelling your research findings are, it is essential to communicate them clearly in order to promote positive change.

The same principle applies to your personal statement for the Global Master of Public Health (MPH) program . This personal statement is a chance to make the case that you belong at Imperial. Making that case clearly and effectively can be as important as your academic and professional qualifications.

Many students get anxious about this portion of the application, or worry that their writing skills aren’t up to the task. Our advice? Don’t panic!

You don’t have to be an outstanding writer to craft a great personal statement. Your task is to provide Imperial’s reviewers with the information they’re looking for in 1500 words or less. Let’s break the key points down into three specific areas: your past, present, and future.

1. Past: your background in public health

Start by introducing yourself. You’ve already provided a CV with your application, so this is an opportunity to put your experience in context. Tell us how and why you became interested in public health, the skills you’ve developed, and what you’re most proud of in your studies and career. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through!  

Key points:

  • Previous academic and professional experience
  • Relevant exposures to public health related work and research
  • Areas of interest in healthcare and why they interest you

Examples from the MPH Class of 2018-19:

“Throughout my years at University and recent postgraduate studies, I have worked in a pharmacy as a pharmacy/ dispensing assistant, in both community and hospital settings with the latter being involved with cancer clinical trials. These roles have greatly advanced my knowledge of patient care, different treatment options and health awareness strategies within the NHS and local CCGs.”

“I worked on a retrospective study to examine the trends and outcomes of aortic valve replacements performed on veterans from 2005 to 2015. Prior coursework in statistics equipped me to interpret data analyses. I co-authored two abstracts. I often considered how researchers contribute towards reducing health inequities in specific populations.”

2. Present: why you are applying to the Imperial College MPH

After you’ve introduced yourself, explain your motivation for your application. What is driving you to take your career in public health to the next level, and why is the Imperial Online MPH right for you? Make a compelling case why you are applying to this program, specifically, and why now is the right time.

  • Your motivation for your professional and/or research career in public health
  • Why you are applying for the Online MPH program, specifically

Examples from MPH Class of 2018-19:

“My healthcare background has given me the drive to move my career from disease treatment to increasing awareness of disease prevention. With an increasing life expectancy and an uncertain national healthcare budget, prevention of poor health from preventable diseases has never been more imperative.”

“I am particularly interested in studying at Imperial College London due to its Public Health Policy Evaluation Unit, as the research areas of the unit match my own areas of interest for future research which include big healthcare data, healthcare access and health policy; within these areas I have an interest in mental health, cancer and primary and secondary care.”

3. Future: goals for your research at Imperial and your career beyond graduation

Finally, show that you have a specific vision for your time at Imperial and your post-MPH career. Include a short proposal (150 words or less) for a research project that you would be interested in carrying out as part of your dissertation over approximately a three month period. This gives the team more of an idea of your research interests and motivation to undertake the online Global MPH program. If you are accepted, you will not be required to carry out the proposal from your application. If you’d like to pursue the proposal from your application as part of your research portfolio, you can.

Key Points:

  • Your future career goals
  • Your proposed research area

“I believe the course will be able to provide an opportunity to obtain a more in-depth knowledge within these areas, but also developing a strong theoretical understanding of health policy, epidemiology and research methods, which I will give me the underpinning knowledge to undertake a PhD in Public health evaluation and policy in the future.”

“I aim to perform research to evaluate and improve the effectiveness and accessibility of health services for chronic conditions in low-income communities.”


One last piece of advice: write an honest statement that gets across your true character and motivations, rather than writing something you think the panel will want to hear. Imperial’s goal in requesting these personal statements is to get to know prospective applicants on a personal level. Focus on providing a clear account of who you are, why you’re applying, and what you plan to do during and after the program.

The Global MPH offers the opportunity to get a world-class graduate degree in public health from one of the top 10 universities in the world (QS World University Rankings 2019). The program is affordable, flexible, and 100% online. As such, it attracts a diverse, highly-qualified group of students from across the globe. With a great personal statement, you can significantly increase your chances of joining the next cohort!  

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Public health is one of the most diverse fields in healthcare practice, and the public health industry is expanding and changing at a rapid rate. 1 To break into this competitive field, strong qualifications, such as a Master of Public Health (MPH) , are essential, and a winning public health personal statement is a critical component of a successful MPH application. However, writing a personal statement for public health graduate school is substantially different from crafting one as a recent graduate or first-time job-seeker.

This post explains the importance of the MPH personal statement, and highlights four elements to consider when crafting a strong, engaging, effective statement as part of your application.


In public health professions more than in most careers, who you are matters. Because public health focuses on the human side of sickness and well-being, public health professionals interact continuously with individuals, communities, policy makers and educators. 2 Your personality is an important factor in determining the professional you will become. Admissions committees, therefore, need to understand you as a person in order to appreciate you as a candidate.

Among your application documents, your personal statement most effectively reveals who you are to an admissions committee. It demonstrates your passion and suitability for the program you are applying to and establishes you as more than the sum of your skills and qualifications.


A list of who you are, what you do, and where you see your career going will give the admissions committee a good sense of your suitability for the program to which you are applying. However, if you really want to engage your readers, show them rather than telling them. Human beings are narratively wired; we learn, remember and relate to material better when it is delivered in the form of a story. 3 A strong personal statement will be made even stronger if it is structured around a particular narrative.

To incorporate storytelling effectively in your personal statement, think about your strengths as an individual and the episodes in your life that have demonstrated and developed them. Emphasize the strengths that best align with public health professions: interpersonal and communication skills, an analytical and problem-solving mindset, a strong sense of social justice , and cultural competency are all good choices. 4 Tell the story of your life and career with your chosen strengths in mind. Show how each new experience has helped you progress toward being the ideal public health candidate.


The story you tell must illustrate more than just your relevant skills and experiences; it should highlight your passion for and commitment to public health. Admissions-committee members know that the field of public health is demanding, 5 and a good MPH candidate is one who has the drive and dedication to face its many challenges. In your personal statement narrative, explain why public health matters to you.

Public health is a universal concern , and the work of public health professionals touches many aspects of our everyday lives. As you decide on the experiences you’ll include, consider how they demonstrate your personal connection to the public health profession. How have public health leaders inspired you? Where have public health issues affected your life? How have your achievements contributed to improving public health? Where do you hope to see further improvement, and why? By linking the answers to questions such as these with personal narrative, you will demonstrate your passion for the field.


Competition for admission to graduate school is always fierce, and this is especially true when it comes to MPH programs. 6 To craft an effective personal statement, therefore, you must show that you are the perfect candidate for the specific school and program to which you’re applying.

Provide details on how your goals, experiences and passions align with the specific MPH program to which you are applying. You may want to comment on the research opportunities embedded within the program, for example, or the research specializations of key faculty members . Show how the unique details of the program align with your unique characteristics as a candidate.

By including specific references to the MPH program, you show that you’ve done your research and invested your time and energy in choosing a program carefully. Your demonstrated desire to be a part of the unique community and culture of your chosen program will make you a significantly more attractive candidate.


Finally, it is essential that you pay close attention to the grammar, expression and tone of your personal statement. As it is in many careers, writing is a crucial component of effective public health professionalism. 7 A successful public health practitioner must speak and write effectively. Producing a well-crafted, accurate, clear, engaging personal statement will demonstrate your competency in this area.

As you compose your personal statement, strive for a tone that is professional and formal. It will help balance the intimacy of the narrative style discussed above, resulting in a personal statement that feels both human and competent.

Check your work carefully for any errors in formatting, grammar or vocabulary, and make sure that you’re using technical terminology appropriately; mistakes in these areas suggest a lack of care and attention to detail that will reflect negatively on you. Ask someone whose writing skills you trust to proofread your personal statement. Even proficient writers can become blind to their own typos, and someone else’s knowledgeable perspective is always helpful, even if only to confirm the strength of your work.


An MPH is the first step on the path to success in a dynamic, fulfilling career. With your Kent State online Master of Public Health in Health Policy and Management , Social and Behavioral Sciences or Epidemiology , or your Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology , you can make a difference in a field with wide-ranging impact.

  • Retrieved on August 6, 2020, from degreequery.com/top-20-demand-careers-public-health/
  • Retrieved on August 6, 2020, from apha.org/what-is-public-health
  • Retrieved on August 6, 2020, from time.com/5043166/storytelling-evolution/
  • Retrieved on August 6, 2020, from phf.org/programs/corecompetencies/Pages/Core_Competencies_Domains.aspx .
  • Retrieved on August 6, 2020, from mphprogramslist.com/50-great-reasons-to-pursue-a-public-health-career/
  • Retrieved on August 6, 2020, from mphprogramslist.com/mph-admissions-process/
  • Retrieved on August 6, 2020, from nursingcenter.com/journalarticle?Article_ID=682376&Journal_ID=420959&Issue_ID=682375

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Writing the Personal Statement

The personal statement, your opportunity to sell yourself in the application process, generally falls into one of two categories: 

The general, comprehensive personal statement:  This allows you maximum freedom in terms of what you write and is the type of statement often prepared for standard medical or law school application forms. 

  • The response to very specific questions: Often, business and graduate school applications ask specific questions, and your statement should respond specifically to the question being asked. Some business school applications favor multiple essays, typically asking for responses to three or more questions. 

What's special, unique, distinctive, and/or impressive about you or your life story? 

What details of your life (personal or family problems, history, people or events that have shaped you or influenced your goals) might help the committee better understand you or help set you apart from other applicants? 

When did you become interested in this field and what have you learned about it (and about yourself) that has further stimulated your interest and reinforced your conviction that you are well suited to this field? What insights have you gained? 

How have you learned about this field—through classes, readings, seminars, work or other experiences, or conversations with people already in the field? 

If you have worked a lot during your college years, what have you learned (leadership or managerial skills, for example), and how has that work contributed to your growth? 

What are your career goals? 

Are there any gaps or discrepancies in your academic record that you should explain (great grades but mediocre LSAT or GRE scores, for example, or a distinct upward pattern to your GPA if it was only average in the beginning)? 

Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships (for example, economic, familial, or physical) in your life? 

What personal characteristics (for example, integrity, compassion, and/or persistence) do you possess that would improve your prospects for success in the field or profession? Is there a way to demonstrate or document that you have these characteristics? 

What skills (for example, leadership, communicative, analytical) do you possess? 

Why might you be a stronger candidate for graduate school—and more successful and effective in the profession or field than other applicants? 

What are the most compelling reasons you can give for the admissions committee to be interested in you? 

If you are applying to several schools, you may find questions in each application that are somewhat similar. 

Don't be tempted to use the same statement for all applications. It is important to answer each question being asked, and if slightly different answers are needed, you should write separate statements. In every case, be sure your answer fits the question being asked. 

  • Think in terms of showing or demonstrating through concrete experience. One of the worst things you can do is to bore the admissions committee. If your statement is fresh, lively, and different, you'll be putting yourself ahead of the pack. If you distinguish yourself through your story, you will make yourself memorable.
  • Don't, for example, state that you would make an excellent doctor unless you can back it up with specific reasons. Your desire to become a lawyer, engineer, or whatever should be logical, the result of a specific experience that is described in your statement. Your application should emerge as the logical conclusion to your story.
  • If you're like most people, your life story lacks drama, so figuring out a way to make it interesting becomes the big challenge. Finding an angle or a "hook" is vital.
  • The lead or opening paragraph is generally the most important. It is here that you grab the reader's attention or lose it. This paragraph becomes the framework for the rest of the statement.
  • The middle section of your essay might detail your interest and experience in your particular field, as well as some of your knowledge of the field. Too many people graduate with little or no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the profession or field they hope to enter. Be as specific as you can in relating what you know about the field and use the language professionals use in conveying this information. Refer to experiences (work, research, etc.), classes, conversations with people in the field, books you've read, seminars you've attended, or any other source of specific information about the career you want and why you're suited to it. Since you'll have to select what you include in your statement, the choices you make are often an indication of your judgement.
  • There are certain things best left out of personal statements. For example, references to experiences or accomplishments in high school or earlier are generally not a good idea. Don't mention potentially controversial subjects (for example, controversial religious or political issues).
  • If a school wants to know why you're applying to it rather than another school, do some research to find out what sets your choice apart from other universities or programs. If the school setting would provide an important geographical or cultural change for you, this might be a factor to mention.
  • Be meticulous. Type and proofread your essay very carefully. Many admissions officers say that good written skills are command of correct use of language are important to them as they read these statements. Express yourself clearly and concisely. Adhere to stated word limits.
  • A medical school applicant who writes that they are good at science and want to help other people is not exactly expressing an original thought. Stay away from often-repeated or tired statements.

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Step by step process of how to start the process of writing a personal statement for Public Health Graduate School, by Wing Yu Tang

Personal statements can be very tricky for a variety of reasons, both in terms of content and style. A common issue that I’ve seen among students is that many are so overwhelmed by the whole process that they do not know where to begin. Below are some of my suggestions to jump start ideas, and perhaps help tailor your thinking to the program you are applying for: 1) For those of you who are early in your timeline in applying, a great idea is to use a blog to keep track of the experiences and ideas during the course of your studies, work, research, or volunteer activities. This doesn’t have to be anything formal; rather, it helps in both documenting your ideas and allow you to write under minimal pressure. As the stress of applying only builds with closing deadlines, you don’t want lose valuable time trying to remember and articulate under stress. Another very important thing to keep in mind is that the blog does not have to tailor to a certain graduate program--it is perfectly find to explore and discover new and different fields. Writing just adds another dimension, another mirror if you will, that you can then reflect to see the type of career you want. Graduate programs are looking for candidates that have taken a careful and deep looks into their past--and using that to branch out to a career that both matches the student and their program. 2) Once you have determined a specialization (Biology, Chemistry, Public Health, etc.) then it would be a good idea to look into the specifics of these graduate schools, and the concentrations in which they provide. Public Health, for example, has five major areas of concentration: Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Services Administration, Behavioral Sciences/Health Education, and Environmental Health Sciences. Each accredited school has to offer these ranges of concentrations, though some schools specialize in certain aspects of these core (i.e. Yale has a chronic disease epidemiology program that is unique to its school of public health). Look at many programs to get to know the general academic requirements, but also pay close attention to experience. Columbia, for example, requires entering students to Population and Family Health to have at least 2 years of full time experience. It would be extreme negligence on the applicants part to bypass this strict criteria. As you browse through the schools, make sure to take note of programs that you see are suited to your interest. For example, I was very interested in cancer and cardio epidemiology research, both which were heavily founded by the professors affiliated with Yale’s School of Public Health. Hence, research and knowing your vocabulary among these concentrations is important as well. 3) Don’t rule out personal experiences! Many people might believe that their personal experiences should not be considered, but I believe that adding it in healthy amounts can set you apart. Since diversity is a major key, especially if you are applying to a program like global health, being from a certain area automatically sets you apart from the pool. For me, my families had to deal with many healthcare related issues, and I utilized my take from a patient’s perspective in my essay.  Of course, do not overdo this. The last thing you want to do is to come off arrogant, or, even worse, unappreciative. This component should enhance whatever you already have. 4) So what should the personal statement include? How formal should it be? What types of formats are acceptable, if any? A personal statement should be about you. I’ve seen too many students try to tailor or even “fudge” their writing in ways to fit what they think the readers (admissions committee) want to hear. When the piece starts becoming more about them rather than yourself, the piece loses its meaning and its ability to communicate effectively. I will elaborate more on this in a later entry, but this is important to keep in mind that your audience will know if you are only writing to please them. That being said, your personal statement should be written extremely well. You should definitely have multiple editors, and, if possible, some professors, or professionals, from the field in which you are applying into. Take advantage of both the Writing Place and Writing Program, both of which provide excellent services and/or technical advice on your pieces. Students, if you are comfortable enough, would be another resource, though more for fluidity and content check only.

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Personal Statement and Writing Sample

Personal statement.

In your statement of purpose, please discuss the following in one to two single-spaced pages:

  • Your professional, academic, and community experiences
  • The area of research you wish to potentially pursue as a student in the program, the name of at least one member of the PHS PhD Program Faculty or Participating Faculty who shares this research interest, A brief statement regarding your proposed research area interests with the research of the identified faculty member(s),
  • Your specific interest in UNC Charlotte’s program
  • Your career and personal goals including how the program aligns with your career plans
  • How you plan to actively participate in UNC Charlotte’s mission to advance health equity and well-being in an urbanizing world

Writing Sample

In addition to the statement of purpose, a writing sample is required for all applications to the PhD program. The writing sample should

  • Demonstrate aptitude for scholarly writing, e.g., a literature review, a report of a needs assessment or evaluation project, a master’s thesis, or a published original research article on a public health topic where the applicant is the sole or first author.
  • Demonstrate conceptual and analytic skills
  • Use appropriate and consistent citation and reference formatting
  • Applicants without existing examples of academic or scholarly writing should develop a 10-20 page paper on a public health topic of interest that demonstrates conceptual skills and writing ability, use appropriate and consistent citation and reference formatting

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personal statement for a public health course

Personal statement of purpose - MSc Public Health

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07 July, 2022

Personal statement of purpose - msc public health share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I am keen to undertake the MSc Public Health course at Birmingham City University (BCU) to fill in my academic gap in knowledge and skills in the contemporary trending functional areas of Health. My Pharmacology & Therapeutics background has given me the drive to move my career to increasing awareness of disease prevention.

My previous study of BS in Pharmacology & Therapeutics at Delta State University, NigeriaIprovided me with comprehensive knowledge in core Health functions while covering other related functions that Public Health organizations possibly have. During BS in Pharmacology & Therapeutics studies over the last four years, the excellent course structure coupled with high academic standards further stimulated my interest in the field of Health. After graduating I chose to work for Temitayo Clinic & Mat. Home, Lagos to learn about Medical performance and develop professionalism. That was a great experience for me. One of the most valuable things I learned from my BS and work experience is a structured way of thinking that has enabled me to have greater clarity of the things I need to accomplish and respective priorities both in my academic and professional life. Following lead from my attainments, the study of this MSc Public Health degree will help me develop great interpersonal skills, be a quick problem solver and overall a health professional.

At BCU, this MSc Public Health programme is taught by professionals and entrepreneurs. This program is made up of courses for health, designed to provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary for a successful career. This course is designed to help students understand how health regulation operates in a global public health. In this class,I will have the chance to be introduced to the principal perspectives on several of the key issues and topics in Public Health Foundations, Public Health: From Health Protection to Community Development, Global Public Health: A Social Context Approach, Epidemiology and Evaluation, Leadership and Project Management for Health and Healthcare, Research Methods of Enquiry and Dissertation. Those are to help me understand different components of the career of public health.

Successful completion of this MSc Public Health degree would enhance my career prospects, enabling me to progress on to senior roles at either operational, policy or commissioning level in a wide range of areas. In addition, Public health research and practice is at the heart of tackling many of the world’s current threats to health including the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The study will provide me the opportunity to develop the skills and understanding needed to become a leader and agent for change in Public Health. From the study, I will be able to advance my public health knowledge, skills and approach to teamwork, multi-agency collaboration and community partnerships throughout the modules on this course and critically evaluate strategies to improve public health outcomes. These skills are increasingly relevant for the public health workforce and while in profession I will be able to use these in a variety of settings including multilateral and international NGOs, local health authorities, National Public Health authorities, the voluntary or the private sector.

During my studies in the UK, there will be an opportunity for me to develop the critical thinking skills, creativity and confidence that employers look for. The advantages of doing my degree from the UK will obviously boost my employability. UK qualifications are worldwide recognized. Choosing to study overseas at a UK university has many financial, cultural and social advantages as well. A shorter and a more intensive course structure means I will be able to fast-track my career. The UK welcomes over 400,000 international higher education students each year. Sitting at the top of the world rankings, UK universities have a reputation for developing the skills that employers are looking for. UK universities have an impressive international reputation and rank among the best in the world four of the global top ten is in the UK! Research carried out by UK universities also impacts our lives every day, and is internationally renowned for its excellence. By studying here, I will be immersing myself in centuries of high quality academia.

Birmingham City University is one of the UK’s leading universities. With around 24,000 students from 80 countries, Birmingham City University is a large and diverse place to study. BCU puts students at the heart of everything they do, giving them the best opportunities for future success. The University has an enviable reputation for providing quality, student-focused education in a professional and friendly environment. Over 97 % of their students are employed or in further study within six months of graduating. (Destination of Leavers from HE survey 2016/17). The University is the 87th in the Times University Guide 2019 and 97th in the Guardian University Guide 2019. This course has been developed in alignment with the Public Health Knowledge and Skills Framework (PHKSF, 2016) and the UK National Occupational Standards for Public Health. At BCU, I will have the opportunity to present my work at the University Faculty conference and at other relevant conferences. The university hosted a series of events to rewrite the world-renowned Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (World Health Organisation) as the UK Charter and gained international reputation in the area of health. With hospital ward, biomedical laboratories, simulation mannequins, skills practice and clinical enhancement facility, visual case creator resources alongside one of the UK's largest specialist health education libraries, Mary Seacole Library, BCU is my first choice for this course in the UK.

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How to Write a Personal Statement for Public Health

Last Updated: February 24, 2023 Approved

This article was co-authored by Daniel Santos . Daniel Santos is a College Admissions & Career Coach and Prepory's co-founder and CEO. Prepory is a leading college admissions consulting firm that has guided over 9,000 students from 35 countries through the US college admissions process. Prepory is a member of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling and a trusted admissions counseling partner to several competitive high schools across Florida. Prior to founding Prepory, Daniel worked at various leading law firms and the United States House of Representatives. Daniel has been featured as a college admissions and career coaching expert across several major publications, including the Wall Street Journal, FORTUNE, and The Harvard Crimson. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 86,046 times.

Graduate programs in public health require a personal statement as part of the application process to gauge whether a student is a fit for the program. This statement, also referred to as a statement of purpose, outlines a person's academic achievements, professional background and personal characteristics. Particularly in highly competitive programs, the personal statement is weighed carefully in admissions decisions. The following are important considerations for writing a personal statement for public health.

Step 1 Read the personal statement guidelines provided by the public health program.

  • Pay attention to the required word count, character limits and line spacing instructions. Some public health programs sort through large numbers of applications. Make a good first impression by complying with the length and formatting requirements.

Step 2 Write the personal statement in essay format.

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  • Provide original content. Many universities issue warnings against hiring a writing service to create a personal statement because they want to hear your thoughts and voice in the letter. Write the entire letter yourself and ask someone with solid language skills to provide feedback on content, grammar and tone. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://career.berkeley.edu/Grad/GradStatement
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/job_search_writing/preparing_an_application/writing_the_personal_statement/index.html
  • ↑ https://ctl.yale.edu/sites/default/files/basic-page-supplementary-materials-files/writing_personal_statements_for_graduate_school.pdf
  • http://sph.berkeley.edu/students/admissions/5_essays.php

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Sample Statement of Purpose in Public Health (MPH)

personal statement for a public health course

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In statement of purpose.

The following statement of purpose is written by an applicant who got accepted to several top master’s programs in public health. Variations of this SOP got accepted at Rutgers, and Chicago. Read it to understand what a top SOP in MPH should look like.

Example Statement of Purpose in Public Health (MPH)

I have been intrigued by cultural/ethnic, gender, racial, religious, sexual, and socioeconomic groups since I started high school. As my interest in learning about disability and diversity further developed, this prompted me to pursue an undergrad program in Anthropology at Brown. However, once I started this program, I realized that I also wanted to learn practical skills to be able to work with these diverse groups of people beyond just understanding them. Therefore, I started a Certificate and Diploma in Integrative Humanistic Counseling at the University of Georgia while doing my undergrad.

During my coursework and training at the University of Georgia, I have been fortunate to have been tutored, supervised, and mentored by esteemed public health practitioners like Professor Brandee M. Appling and Ginny Jones Boss. My experience of being taught by these individuals has shown me the sophistication, a deeper self-awareness, commitment to ethics, and a firm grounding in empirically based techniques inculcated by public health programs. This has inspired me to pursue a similar program to develop my skillsets and broaden my vision.

My objective is to pursue a Master’s in Public Health with a concentration in Population Mental Health. I am particularly interested in working with LGBT issues, gender-based violence, and survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA). I have worked with disadvantaged populations such as transgender individuals, CSA survivors, and sex workers since my undergrad degree. I was a part of a participant-observation group with transgender individuals for a university project and since then have been associated with ‘The Blue Bird Project,’ which is working towards sensitization towards transgender individuals and creating a gender-inclusive society. During my undergrad, I also completed a year-long project with adult survivors of CSA. In addition, I recently delivered a workshop on raising awareness about this topic at the Academy of Letters.

This program will allow me to learn the best ethical practices used in professional work and espoused by the American Counseling Association (ACA). All MPH programs in mental health cover essential topics in Social and Behavioral Health, Adult Psychopathology, and LGBTQ Health, besides courses in therapeutic techniques and developmental theory. A unique aspect of my intended program is the opportunity to be part of practicum classes. In these, one’s assessment and evaluation skills are supervised and mentored by distinguished public health practitioners who expose one’s blind spots and test and develop the trainee’s analysis skills. Being exposed to this rich and broad curriculum will further build my critical skillset, like my tutors and mentors at Brown and the University of Georgia.

My domestic academic and professional exposure has prepared me adequately to work well with my clients; however, I aspire to learn from the best scholars and experienced health specialists on specialized topics such as working with the transgender population, victims of human trafficking sold into prostitution, victims of child sexual abuse and domestic violence, and prison populations. While I completed my projects during undergrad, I felt restricted by social and cultural constraints, sometimes even by my instructors. Learning through the classroom and my first-hand exposure to topics of my interest in America will further encourage me to return to my home country and have the skillset and the confidence to work better with these populations. I am fascinated by the group work my U.S.- qualified supervisors do in my home country. Some run groups for trauma survivors; others run groups for gay men, yet others work with prisoners. I hope to be able to learn these advanced group skills and work similarly. In addition, I am interested in running support groups for the populations I’ve mentioned.

MPH programs in the U.S. give students a comprehensive understanding of how public health professionals can play a crucial role in reducing the impact of emotional distress, mental illness, substance abuse, alcohol use, and suicide on society. They significantly sensitized toward the emotional development of individuals adversely affected by systematic social factors related to class, gender, race, age, disability, and sexuality. I hope that my training in the U.S. reinforces my skills which will help me better take up a role as a public health practitioner, therapist, and supervisor, as well as an advocate for causes that are very close to my heart. I provide individual therapy to clients whose issues of terrorism, domestic violence, sexuality, addictions, CSA, and other mental health problems have been impacted. I also serve as an observer/facilitator for one of the certificate classes, which is geared towards my independently tutoring a class of trainee therapists in the future.

This concentration will provide me with a foundational knowledge of psychopathology and equip me with the skills to understand current treatments, interventions, practices, and policies to improve global mental health and promote health equity. In addition, it will improve my grasp of group work, enabling me to conduct more advanced group processes. Finally, I will be able to learn the best practices of working with causes of empowerment, healing, and connection in populations mentioned above without the fear of judgment or hurting cultural sensibilities.

I also want to understand further the values of tolerance, multiculturalism, and individualism. My expectation from my degree is to help me realize my potential so that I can more effectively help my society realize theirs. I want to learn from and assimilate the experiences and views of the best minds in the world and share my own varied experiences from my own culture and work with them. I’m thrilled and looking forward to learning from highly distinguished professors who have worked to improve the human condition in their respective areas of interest. The research work, awards, publications, and experience of the professors shall all inspire me to stretch myself to be like them.

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MSc Public Health Personal Statement Guidance

A person has an injection

To gain a place on MSc Public Health, you’ll have to submit a personal statement and meet our entry requirements when you apply.

Within your personal statement (up to 750 words), we’ll want to understand:

  • What motivates you and what past experience (both academic and non-academic) do you have?
  • What are your main interests in public health?
  • What professional or personal development have you undertaken to support you with your studies and goals around public health?
  • What are your future career goals?
  • Why have you chosen to apply to the University of Salford and the MSc Public Health programme?

You should also provide a CV and two references (at least one should be an academic reference) provided on letterhead paper, signed and dated.

An English qualification is an essential entry criteria for the programme, special attention should be paid to your writing style and expression in the statement.

What else should I include?

Why have you chosen to apply to the University of Salford and the MSc Public Health?

  • An understanding of where Salford is geographically located would assist your application reflecting your research on the institution.
  • Tailor your personal statement to the institution and programme that you are applying for. You can provide specific examples in order to demonstrate your extensive research into the programme and the institution you have applied to. You can make reference to any of the following, to name but a few: course content, facilities, teaching staff or the scholarships available to international students etc.
  • Please write the content in your own words, as this aids the flow of your personal statement.
  • Please use clear and concise paragraphs in your personal statement- bullet point answers are not acceptable.
  • The personal statement is limited to 750 words!
  • What are your future career goals? Avoid statements such as “I look forward to working within the NHS” or “I wish to be part of the UK health system” as these may raise concerns during the CAS process. 

CV: Please include the dates of your roles and list your responsibilities. If this is not done it may slow the assessment process, where clarification is required.

The CV should also include:

  • Any courses/conferences/workshops you participated in.
  • The dates of attendance.

Two references - where possible, these should be:

  • In a non-editable format (i.e. pdf)
  • On letter-headed paper
  • Dated and signed by your referee
  • Including your referee’s contact information (i.e. email address, contact number)
  • Supportive of your application to study at the University of Salford.

More information

Good luck with your application, we hope to see you on campus soon.

You can find some more general information about  how to apply as an international student .

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Guide to Effective Public Health Personal Statements

Table of Contents

A  public health personal statement  is a written account of an individual’s experience, qualifications, and expertise in public health. It demonstrates your suitability and capability for a position or program. 

A personal statement allows the writer to display their knowledge while providing insight into their values and beliefs related to public health initiatives.

Whether a student or professional, you’ll likely encounter a task requiring you to write a personal statement. Most special programs and postgraduate programs require applicants to include a personal statement .

The Importance of a Personal Statement

A personal statement is crucial in any application process because it provides recruiters and admissions board members a glimpse into your values .

Understanding an applicant’s values is important because you learn about the things that matter to them most. The values they embody will often determine their suitability for a role, program, or community. This is based on the premise that someone with specific values will likely work well with like-minded people.

Moreover, your personal statement is a golden opportunity to cement a good impression in your reader’s mind.

Tips for Writing an MPH Personal Statement

Add specific examples.

It’s easy enough to make bold claims and sweeping statements that sound great. Specific anecdotes are a surefire way to stand out from the crowd. They sound more authentic and are a chance to create a vivid image in your reader’s eyes. Be sure to also add specific, factual evidence to support your claims. 

Write with Emotion

Speak from the heart. We are inherently drawn to people and things that know how to evoke emotions. Choose words that evoke emotion in your reader, and show off your passion for the subject matter. Your reader may not remember every detail of your personal statement, but they will surely remember how they felt reading it. 

Avoid Repetition

Vary sentence structure and syntax to make your writing more exciting and engaging. To avoid repeating yourself and try using synonyms or uncommon words whenever possible. A clear, interesting personal statement will keep your reader hooked until the end. 

Use Colloquial Language Properly

Try sprinkling in slang or colloquial language throughout your essay to give it a casual, personable feel. However, remember to keep it professional by avoiding overly informal terms. 

Provide Clear Explanations

Your essay should always include clear explanations of why you want to pursue public health and what makes you passionate about the field. Explain in detail why this is the right path for you and how it will benefit you and society.

Public Health Personal Statement Samples

person holding amber glass bottle

If you have difficulty applying these tips to your personal statement, try to gain inspiration from these examples.

I am an experienced healthcare professional eager to leverage my skill set and passion for public health management in a postgraduate program. From managing critical patients to delivering data-driven insights, I have gained invaluable insight into the importance of preventive and proactive approaches to healthcare. 

My commitment to taking calculated risks and never shying away from difficult conversations or challenging problems makes me an ideal candidate. Through my dedication to interpersonal relationships, I am confident I can serve as a strong collaborator and leader within any public health organization. As someone who thrives in chaotic environments, I look forward to this next step. I am to hone my expertise and become a respected figure in the field.

I have been passionate about the field of public health since I first started college. After completing my undergraduate degree, I pursued a Master of Public Health to further my knowledge and understanding of global health issues. My academic background and professional experience have enabled me to understand the importance of tackling public health challenges from different angles. This inspired me to create an interdisciplinary approach combining epidemiology, basic medical science, research, and practice for better disease prevention and health improvement initiatives. 

I am aware of our work’s impact on people’s lives and the world at large. This drives me to continually seek new opportunities to contribute positively to public health management. 

From researching effective interventions to helping communities access healthcare services, I strongly believe in making positive change through collaboration.

A master’s program in public health is the best step toward achieving this goal while also sharpening my skill set. In particular, I want to excel in global health promotion, policymaking, and data analytics. Attending such a course will undoubtedly enable me to become part of the worldwide effort to improve human well-being and life expectancy. 

Therefore, it is my sincere hope that this application will provide me with an opportunity to attend the desired postgraduate program. I wish to fulfill my ambitions of effectively addressing pressing health issues worldwide.

I am a student applying for a postgraduate program in public health management to further develop my career. Throughout my educational journey, I have had the opportunity to attend diverse universities and schools while focusing on the science of care. 

Through this time, I have been able to think critically about what it takes to lead policy development and teaching focused on public health. Each class has allowed me to expand my knowledge base and better understand how to best serve our community. I’ve been able to develop thought-out initiatives that are both effective and innovative. 

I am confident that I will be able to leverage the skills gained through my education to bring tangible results.

I am a graduate student highly interested in studying public health management. After researching this area for over a year, I have realized its importance in medical care and research. This is especially true when it comes to providing access to crucial information and resources to those who need them most. 

As a student passionate about medicine, my story has always been one of dedication and understanding. It has led me to take a deep dive into the world of public health. 

My experience with public health began long before I ever stepped foot in a classroom. Over the past few years, I have taken on various internships and worked closely with healthcare professionals to gain invaluable insight into the sector. This work has left me feeling strongly connected to public health as a whole and eager to further explore its implications. Throughout my studies, I have become more confident in asking questions and seeking answers that will contribute to better patient care. This is why I believe furthering my education is absolutely essential. 

A postgraduate degree in public health management is the perfect way to combine my passion for medicine with my knowledge of public health-related topics. It would allow me to apply what I have learned throughout my studies. 

Writing a public health personal statement is a straightforward affair that emphasizes your values and character . If you want to increase your chances of success, take the time to master these tips. While they won’t help you master the task overnight, they offer you the opportunity to create good habits. These will serve you well in your future endeavors, whether you work in a local hospital or with an international team.

Guide to Effective Public Health Personal Statements

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Writing the Personal Statement for Health Professions Applications

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The personal statement gives you the opportunity to present a compelling snapshot of who you are and perhaps why you want to be a doctor. Use your personal statement to say what others can’t. The personal statement can be a tricky genre to master. On the one hand, you want to give the admissions committee a sense of your personality and who you are. On the other hand, you must sound focused and professional, which sounds like it might impede your ability to capture your personality.

But this does not have to be the case. What you need to do is figure out how to say what drives you to want to become a healthcare professional in as specific a way as possible. The more specific you can be, the more the admissions committee will feel as if they have a sense of who you are.

You don’t need gimmicks, jokes, artificial drama, or hyperbole to express who you are or why you would make a good medical student or doctor. All you need are carefully selected details that you can craft into a unique and compelling story that conveys a sense of purpose and motivation.

What Makes a Good Personal Statement?

  • There is no exact template for an effective personal statement. Often, however, strong personal statements combine a concise description of a personal experience with reflection on how this experience either led the writer to pursue medicine or indicates the writer’s character or commitment.
  • Good personal statements often have a strong sense of narrative. This does not mean that they read like short stories, though they can relate a few scenes or anecdotes from your life. They have a strong sense of narrative, rather, in how they convey the writer’s sense of dedication to medicine. Strong personal statements often give readers an idea of how applicants see their experiences as leading to the decision to pursue medicine.

How to Get Started

The personal statement is an exercise in self-reflection. Questions to consider:

  • Who are you?  I am driven to… I have learned to… I believe…
  • What are your most passionate interests or concerns?  What problem(s) most occupy your thinking and your efforts?
  • How did you develop those interests?  (Not just the story, but what drives you.)
  • What errors or regrets have taught you something important about yourself?
  • When does time disappear for you?  What does this tell you about your passions, your values?
  • What ideas, books, courses, events have had a profound impact on you?  How so?
  • To what extent do your current commitments reflect your most strongly held values?
  • When have you changed?  Consider yourself before and after; what does this change mean?
  • How do your interests and who you are relate to your goals in medical school and as a doctor?

Start a “shoebox”; a place to keep random notes for your personal statement; be ready to write at any time. Review these items occasionally; let them tell you more about what you want your personal statement to say. Start writing drafts, experiments; you will know when a paragraph begins to gel.

A Suggested Writing Process

Everyone writes differently, so these are potential strategies rather than rules.

  • Make a list of some of your most defining experiences – extracurricular activities, specific classes, volunteer work, research, hobbies, etc. Try not to include overly personal experiences (breakups, trouble with parents, illnesses in the family, and so on). It’s difficult to write about such things without being sentimental or cliché. You want experiences in which you did something and had to make a choice.
  • From this list, try to select an experience that particularly demonstrates your intellectual curiosity, your dedication to service, your composure under pressure, your leadership ability, or any other personal trait that you think is particularly relevant to your case that you would make a good doctor or medical student.
  • Start writing a draft based on this experience. You want to be specific, but don’t get bogged down with an abundance of anecdotes or minutiae. Try to use your draft to craft a succinct story that demonstrates your character and your motivations.
  • Set the draft aside for some time (a number of days or weeks), and then revisit it with fresh eyes. Be as honest with yourself as you can be: What works in this draft? What doesn’t work? What sounds cliché or unspecific? Would a reader who doesn’t know me at all get a sense of my personal character and dedication?
  • Revise, revise, revise: tighten the structure, add new things to make your point clearer, take away sentences or sections that now seem unnecessary, use the active voice as much as possible, and anything else that needs to be done. If what you have just doesn’t seem to be coming together, do not be afraid to start over.
  • Solicit feedback from a couple of trusted readers and revise again based on the suggestions that you find most useful. Don’t solicit feedback from too many people though – too many responses can be overwhelming.
  • Edit your work for grammatical mistakes, typos, clumsy repetitions, and so on. Make your prose impeccable before you submit your statement. Asking help from other readers can be especially helpful with editing, as sometimes it gets difficult to read your work with fresh eyes.

Things to Do

  • Use the experience that you describe to tell a story of personal progress, particularly progress towards your commitment to medicine.
  • Write with active verbs as much as possible.
  • Strive for concision.
  • Sound humble but also confident.

Things Not to Do – Common Pitfalls

  • Don’t talk in hyperbolic terms about how passionate you are. Everyone applying to medical school can say they are passionate. Instead, show your readers something you have done that indicates your passion.
  • Don’t adopt an overly confessional or sentimental tone. You need to sound professional.
  • Don’t treat the personal statement like a piece of creative writing.
  • Don’t put your resume in narrative form.
  • Don’t use jargon, abbreviations, slang, etc.
  • Don’t use too many qualifiers: very, quite, rather, really, interesting…
  • Don’t write in overly flowery language that you would normally never use.
  • Don’t include famous quotations. If you must quote, use something that shows significant knowledge.
  • Don’t write about yourself in an overly glorifying or overly self-effacing manner.

What to Remember

  • They are read by non-specialists, so write for an intelligent non-medical audience.
  • Actions sometimes speaks louder than words so give examples of experiences rather than describing them.
  • All information must be accurate – don’t pad, but don’t be falsely modest either.
  • The personal statement, in part, serves as a test of your communication skills.  How well you write it is as important as the content.

Writing Resources

  • AAMC: 7 Tips for Writing your AMCAS Personal Statement
  • Graduate Admission Essays: What Works, What Doesn’t and Why , Donald Asher, Ten Speed Press
  • On Writing Well , William Zinsser
  • Elements of Style , Strunk and White, Macmillan
  • Article :  2 Med School Essays that Admissions Officers Loved
  • Guidance for Writing Personal Statements, Work & Activities Section, Secondary Applications

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Health Sciences Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Health and Social Care
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5

Are you fascinated by the multidisciplinary nature of healthcare and the pursuit of well-being for individuals and communities? Eager to explore the intricacies of human health, disease prevention, and healthcare delivery?

Pursuing a course in Health Sciences can provide you with a broad foundation of knowledge, preparing you for diverse careers in healthcare, research, public health, and beyond.

Health social care is a field of study that focuses on the physical, psychological, and social needs of individuals, families, and communities. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including public health, health promotion, health education, and health care delivery. This field of study is important for those who wish to work in the health care industry, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of health care.

This course will also provide students with an overview of the various aspects of health social care, including the roles and responsibilities of health care professionals, the different types of health care services, and the legal and ethical considerations of health care delivery. In addition, students will learn about the different types of health care settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. The course will also cover topics such as health promotion, health education, and health care financing.

Apart from the theoretical aspects of health social care, the course will also provide students with the opportunity to develop their skills in the practical application of health care. This will include developing an understanding of the different types of health care services, such as primary care, preventive care, and long-term care. Students will also learn about the different types of health care providers, such as physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals .

The course will also provide students with the opportunity to develop their skills in the areas of communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, research, and teamwork, equipping them for a wide range of professional scenarios.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

Someone with a degree in health and social care can pursue a variety of career opportunities. These include:

  • Social Worker: A social worker provides support and assistance to individuals and families in need. They help clients access resources, provide counseling, and advocate for their rights.
  • Health Care Administrator: Health care administrators are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of a health care facility. They may be responsible for budgeting, staffing, and overseeing patient care.
  • Health Educator: Health educators provide information to individuals and communities about health and wellness. They may work in schools, community centers, or health care facilities.
  • Mental Health Counselor: Mental health counselors provide counseling and therapy services to individuals with mental health issues. They may work in private practice, hospitals, or community centers.
  • Public Health Professional: Public health professionals work to improve the health of the population by developing and implementing health policies, programs, and services.
  • Nursing: Nurses provide direct care to patients in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes.
  • Physician Assistant: Physician assistants work with physicians to provide patient care. They may assist with exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, and order and interpret tests.
  • Health Care Manager: Health care managers are responsible for the overall management of a health care facility. They may be responsible for budgeting, staffing, and overseeing patient care.

UK Admission Requirements

In order to be accepted into a university course in Health and Social Care, applicants must have achieved a minimum of 5 GCSEs at Grade C or above, including Maths and English, and a minimum of 2 A-Levels at Grade C or above.

This entry criteria is similar to many other university courses, as the majority of courses require a minimum of 5 GCSEs at Grade C or above and two A-Levels at Grade C or above. However, some courses may require additional qualifications such as a BTEC or Access to Higher Education Diploma.

In addition to the academic qualifications, applicants may be required to demonstrate their suitability for the course through an interview or written assessment. The university may also consider other factors such as work experience or extracurricular activities.

UK Earnings Potential For Health and Social Care

The average earnings for someone with a degree in health and social care can vary depending on the job role and the sector they work in. Generally, salaries in the health and social care sector are lower than in other sectors, with the median salary for health and social care roles in the UK being around £25,000 per year.

However, there are a number of factors that can affect the salary of a health and social care professional, such as the location of the job, the level of experience, and the type of employer. For example, those working in the public sector may earn more than those working in the private sector, and those with more experience or higher qualifications may be able to command higher salaries.

In terms of trends in the job market, there is currently a high demand for health and social care professionals in the UK, with the sector expected to grow significantly over the next decade. This is due to an ageing population and an increasing need for care services, as well as the introduction of new technologies and treatments. As a result, salaries in the sector are likely to increase in the future, with experienced professionals able to command higher wages.

Similar Courses in UK

Other related university courses in Health and Social Care include:

  • Nursing: Nursing is a healthcare profession that focuses on providing care to individuals, families, and communities. Nursing courses focus on the science and practice of caring for patients and their families in a variety of settings. The key difference between Health and Social Care and Nursing is that Nursing focuses more on the science and practice of caring for patients, while Health and Social Care focuses more on the social and psychological aspects of health and well being.
  • Social Work: Social work is a profession that focuses on helping individuals, families, and communities to identify and address their needs and challenges. Social work courses focus on the skills and knowledge needed to work with vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, and those with disabilities. The key difference between Health and Social Care and Social Work is that Social Work focuses on helping individuals, families, and communities to identify and address their needs and challenges, while Health and Social Care focuses more on the social and psychological aspects of health and wellbeing.
  • Public Health: Public health is a field of study that focuses on the health of populations, rather than individuals. Public health courses focus on the prevention and control of diseases and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The key difference between Health and Social Care and Public Health is that Public Health focuses on the health of populations, while Health and Social Care focuses more on the social and psychological aspects of health and wellbeing.

UK Curriculum

Key Topics:

– Understanding the role of the health and social care professional – Theories of health and social care – Working with individuals and families – Working in multi-disciplinary teams – Understanding the legal and ethical frameworks of health and social care – Understanding the impact of culture, diversity and inclusion on health and social care – Understanding the impact of health and social care on society

– Introduction to Health and Social Care – Health and Social Care in Practice – Professional Practice in Health and Social Care – Health and Social Care Research – Health Promotion and Education – Health and Social Care Law and Ethics – Mental Health and Wellbeing – Working with People with Complex Needs

Hands-on Experience/Practical Work:

– Observation of health and social care professionals in practice – Participation in simulated activities to develop knowledge and skills – Working with individuals and families in a variety of settings – Participation in research projects related to health and social care – Developing and delivering health promotion and education initiatives – Developing and implementing care plans for individuals and families

Alumni Network

Notable alumni from the University Course in Health and Social Care include Dr. Jane Goodall, who is a world-renowned primatologist and conservationist. She is best known for her long-term field research on the social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Tanzania. Dr. Goodall has worked tirelessly to protect the environment and promote animal welfare. She has also been a vocal advocate for the rights of indigenous peoples.

The University Course in Health and Social Care also has several alumni events and networking opportunities available. These include an annual alumni reunion, which brings together former students and faculty to celebrate the accomplishments of their peers.

The university also hosts an annual Health and Social Care Alumni Networking Dinner, which provides a platform for alumni to connect with each other and discuss their professional and personal experiences. Additionally, the university offers an alumni mentorship program, which connects current students with alumni to provide guidance and advice.

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Are you passionate about helping others? Pursuing a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree can help you become a leader in this dynamic field and address your community’s top health issues.

But what is an MPH, and how can it prepare you for a career in public health?

An MPH degree is one of the most comprehensive courses of study for anyone who wants to play an active role in improving communities’ well-being. It touches on several public health trends, including globalization, climate change, and mental health to ensure you’re well-equipped to address these challenges head-on.

If you’re interested in learning more about this educational path, here’s an overview of what an MPH is and the benefits you can expect from earning this advanced degree.

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What is an MPH?

A Master of Public Health degree helps you identify societal health risks and manage them using public health skills like data analysis, research, and advocacy. MPH degree programs also teach you how to develop strategies that promote healthy behavior, improve access to healthcare services, and reduce the spread of disease.

“When you get a master of public health degree, you're going to get the foundations of every area of public health,” says Dr. Frazier Beatty , director of the online Master of Public Health program at Regis College. “You're going to get the foundations in epidemiology, biostatistics, social behavior, health education, environmental health, and research.”

Earning an MPH is a great opportunity to specialize in topics that interest you the most. For example, a prospective epidemiologist can learn about how to study, track, and analyze disease patterns, while a public health advocate’s education can focus on communication skills and public health policy.

Many public health professionals start with a bachelor’s degree in public health or a related field, but the interdisciplinary nature of the industry allows career changers to make a difference with a master’s level education.

So if your goal is to pursue leadership positions or transition from another field, it’s crucial to earn an advanced degree to expand your public health skill set. In fact, according to our analysis of job posting data, 58 percent of public health graduates in 2022 had at least a master’s degree.

Educational Breakdown of Public Health Professional in Massachusetts

MPH vs. MSPH vs. MHA

Depending on your goals, it’s important to know what type of master’s-level education will be the most beneficial for your career.

To help you choose which educational path is right for you, here’s an overview of your options:

  • Master of Public Health (MPH) : A more “practitioner-focused” degree that provides a comprehensive foundation in public health through practical application in epidemiology, health policy and management, and environmental health.
  • Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) : An advanced degree for professionals with a scientific background who want to deepen their expertise in biostatistics and epidemiology to prepare for research-oriented roles.
  • The Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) : A professional graduate degree that prepares students for leadership and strategic planning roles in healthcare settings, focusing on healthcare management, policy, and economics.

The right degree program should directly align with your career aspirations in public health.

As Beatty explains, the MSPH is “more focused on the science of public health instead of the practice of it. The master of science person may be working in a research lab for a university hospital or a university that does public health research.”

The MHA is best for professionals who want to become leaders in hospitals, clinics, and other health facilities.

An MPH is a popular choice among aspiring health advocates who want to actively address public health issues. Due to its versatility, even those who specialize in health administration can become leaders in public health facilities.

In addition, COVID-19 has contributed to a greater awareness of and desire for these programs. This is reflected in our analysis of academic program data showing a 43 percent growth in MPH programs since 2022.

Master's in Public Health programs have grown by 43% from 2018 to 2022

Whether you're drawn to hands-on public health practices, research, or healthcare administration, understanding these options can guide you toward a fulfilling career that matches your goals and contributes significantly to global health and wellness.

Three Things to Consider When Choosing an MPH Degree

Any accredited MPH degree program can give you a comprehensive foundation in public health principles, but your overall student experience will differ across schools. As you compare options, here are three things to look for in a reputable MPH program.

Program Format

MPH programs are available in various formats to accommodate diverse student needs.

Traditional graduate programs involve on-campus attendance and offer the benefits of in-person lectures, one-on-one peer interaction, and synchronous learning. Yet, traditional programs are typically the least flexible in terms of class schedules, making them best suited for learners who can commit to full-time attendance.

Hybrid and fully online MPH programs provide the most flexibility, allowing students to complete asynchronous or synchronous coursework remotely. Online programs are ideal for working professionals, parents or caregivers with familial obligations, and other learners who are unable to attend classes in person.

Whether virtual or in-person, part-time MPH programs are a convenient option for those who need to learn or pay for their education at a slower pace. Completing fewer credits per semester enables students to balance academic pursuits with other responsibilities and extend their duration of study as needed.

Private vs. Public

Another thing to consider is whether you prefer to attend a public or private institution. Private institutions often stand out for their smaller class sizes and distinguished faculty, offering a more personalized and engaging learning experience. While they may come with higher tuition costs, almost 83 percent of MPH programs are offered at private colleges according to our analysis of academic program data.

Majority of Public Health Programs Are Offered At Private Institutions

In contrast, public institutions are often more affordable. However, private colleges excel in delivering a high-quality curriculum, expert faculty, and unique resources, making them an appealing choice for those seeking a comprehensive and immersive educational experience in public health.

Curriculum is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a program.

“In a master of public health program, students will learn the core principles of public health and how public health works in society,” Beatty says.

In a well-structured program, students can expect to learn more about the top issues affecting populations today, such as the opioid crisis, environmental pollution, and the rise in obesity.

The foundational courses for a master's in public health program include:

  • Biostatistics : The use of statistical methods to interpret biological and health-related data and make informed public health decisions.
  • Epidemiology : The study of health issues and disease transmission in different populations based on the analysis of trends and risk factors, such as environmental conditions and social determinants of health.
  • Environmental health : The study of environmental conditions, such as air, food, soil, and water quality, and their impact on community wellbeing.
  • Health policy : The evaluation and planning of policies and programs designed to improve healthcare outcomes, access, and education within populations.
  • Health administration : Efficient management of healthcare organizations or systems, ensuring effective healthcare delivery, staff coordination, resource allocation, and financial planning.
  • Social and behavioral health : The study of how social, cultural, economic, and behavioral factors influence health outcomes and disparities, with the goal of developing successful interventions.

An MPH curriculum often incorporates hands-on experiences such as internships, fieldwork, and research projects to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world public health challenges. Many programs also provide opportunities to specialize in more advanced knowledge and skills.

Benefits of an MPH Degree

Getting clarity on your professional goals is crucial before you make a financial or time commitment to a challenging graduate degree program. Ask yourself: Why is a master's degree in public health worth it?

Here are some of the potential benefits of pursuing this specialized public health education.

Career Opportunities

Public health has no shortage of career opportunities, and incoming professionals are creating more crossover disciplines. According to our analysis of job postings data the average growth of public health occupations has been 20 percent.

Average Growth of Public Health Occupations in the U.S.

“I don't know if there's a typical pathway,” Beatty notes. “Some students want to do research or work in the community. Some people want to do data analysis or specifically work with women and children. A couple of students want to be veterinarians. I think it depends on the student, but it's so many areas.”

Public health is an expansive field, with new career paths continually emerging as technology evolves. However, if you’re ready to enter the field as soon as possible, here are some of the top public health careers you can obtain with an MPH:

  • Epidemiologist : Investigates patterns and causes of diseases to reduce the risk of negative health outcomes affecting communities.
  • Biostatistician : Applies statistical principles and methodologies that can help in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of health data.
  • Public health researcher : Conducts studies to better understand health and diseases in populations.
  • Public health program manager : Oversees the planning, implementation, and evaluation of health-related programs and initiatives.

Within each of these fields, public health professionals can work in niche areas based on their interests.

For example, researchers might focus on women’s, children’s, or mental health. Epidemiologists may specialize in veterinary diseases, pharmaceuticals, or genetics. Program managers and educators support every subdiscipline, facilitating the spread of information between researchers, health providers, policymakers, and the public.

Skills Development

If you’re currently in public health or interested in starting a career, an MPH can accelerate skill development. Thriving in public health roles depends on the consolidation of diverse knowledge from multiple disciplines. Gaining well-rounded professional experience from one position to another takes time. MPH programs are designed to introduce learners to the complex topics and questions they can expect on the job, giving them the proficiency and confidence to take on higher roles.

A high-quality MPH program can help you develop skills such as:

  • Data analysis : Analytics involves the ability to collect, organize, and evaluate health-related data to draw actionable conclusions. This includes knowledge of statistical models, data visualization, and software applications used in decision-making processes.
  • Systems thinking : Systems thinking is a holistic method of examining the interconnected relationships, factors, and feedback loops involved in health outcomes. These skills involve identifying and addressing the root causes of health challenges in order to promote sustainable solutions.
  • Risk analysis : Risk analysis is the ability to identify potential health threats and vulnerabilities among populations and estimate the likelihood and impact of adverse events. Risk analysts come up with strategies to mitigate threats such as infectious diseases, environmental exposures, and harmful pharmaceuticals.
  • Biostatistics : Biostatistics is the use of statistical strategies to create health studies, assess findings, and apply the results to health disparities facing populations. Biostaticians also track and measure the effectiveness of interventions.

Community Impact

Public health professionals make significant contributions across numerous health disciplines, which offers an enriching opportunity to make a real impact in the community.

“I think the benefits are really incredible for a person who has a humanitarian spirit,” Beatty says. “And public health education allows you to tap into so many different areas of service. You can get into just about anything you want to that deals with people or animals.”

An MPH equips professionals with a versatile skill set and in-depth understanding of public health practices that enable them to advance or transition into adjacent fields. By applying skills in research, data analysis, epidemiology, program development, and policy advocacy, professionals in the field can come up with innovative ways to make an impact in the community.

Take the Next Step in Your Public Health Career

If you’re passionate about earning a master’s degree in public health, the next step is to compare individual programs to see how each institution can support your career growth. Choose an accredited program with an in-depth curriculum, experienced faculty, and a successful track record of educating qualified professionals.

Regis College’s Master of Public Health degree offers a multifaceted approach to public health education. Coursework combines real-world case studies with expert instruction from faculty who have contributed to health innovation in their respective disciplines. Students gain the core knowledge and critical thinking abilities to address complex health issues, collaborate on solutions, and apply their insights to emerging challenges.

To learn more about the program, contact an admissions counselor to find out how an education at Regis can serve your professional goals.

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The main manuscript document 

Have a look at your chosen journal’s submission guidelines for information on what sections should be included in your manuscript. Generally there will be an Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Statements and Declarations section, and References. Be sure to remove any identifying information from the main manuscript if you are submitting to a journal that has a double-anonymized peer review policy and instead include this on a separate title page. See the Sage Journal Author Gateway for detailed guidance on making an anonymous submission .   

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The title page  

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  • Article title  
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Sage Author Services 

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Graceland foreclosure sale halted as Presley…

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Graceland foreclosure sale halted as presley estate’s lawsuit moves forward.

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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — A judge on Wednesday said Elvis Presley’s estate could be successful in arguing that a company’s attempt to auction Graceland is fraudulent as he halted a foreclosure sale of the beloved Memphis tourist attraction.

Shelby County Chancellor JoeDae Jenkins issued a temporary injunction against the proposed auction that had been scheduled for Thursday in Memphis, where the king of rock ‘n’ roll’s former home is located. Jenkins’ injunction essentially keeps in place a previous restraining order issued after Presley’s granddaughter Riley Keough filed a lawsuit to fight off what she said was a fraudulent scheme.

“Graceland is a part of this community, well-loved by this community and indeed around the world,” the judge said.

A public notice for a foreclosure sale of the 13-acre estate posted earlier in May said Promenade Trust, which controls the Graceland museum, owes $3.8 million after failing to repay a 2018 loan. Keough, an actor, inherited the trust and ownership of the home after the death of her mother, Lisa Marie Presley , last year.

Naussany Investments and Private Lending said Lisa Marie Presley had used Graceland as collateral for the loan, according to the foreclosure sale notice. Keough’s lawsuit alleged that Naussany presented fraudulent documents regarding the loan in September 2023.

“Lisa Maria Presley never borrowed money from Naussany Investments and never gave a deed of trust to Naussany Investments,” Keough’s lawyer wrote in a lawsuit.

Neither Keough nor lawyers for Naussany Investments were in court Wednesday. Keough’s attorney, Jeff Germany, said outside of court that he has not had direct contact with representatives from Naussany.

Naussany did file an unsuccessful motion asking the judge to deny the estate’s request for an injunction.

Kimberly Philbrick, the notary whose name is listed on Naussany’s documents, indicated that she never met Lisa Marie Presley nor notarized any documents for her, the estate’s lawsuit said. The judge said the notary’s affidavit included in the lawsuit brings into question “the authenticity of the signature.”

The judge noted that Keough may be able to successfully argue that the documents are fraudulent if her lawyer presents evidence that proves it. He said Naussany will have a chance to defend itself from the fraud claims.

Graceland opened as a museum and tourist attraction in 1982 as a tribute to Elvis Presley, the singer and actor who died in August 1977 at age 42. It draws hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. A large Presley-themed entertainment complex across the street from the museum is owned by Elvis Presley Enterprises.

“Graceland will continue to operate as it has for the past 42 years, ensuring that Elvis fans from around the world can continue to have the best in class experience when visiting his iconic home,” Elvis Presley Enterprises said in a statement.

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Health and social care personal statement example.

Due to previous experiences of working with a range of people in the care sector I believe that throughout my time on various work placements with people who have disabilities and difficulties in communicating, along with the experiences gained throughout my studies, my wish to pursue a career in the care profession has grown.

To further my interest in working with and around people I completed a course in childcare. Throughout this course I was able to gain valuable experience of working with special needs children. While this was very challenging I also found it an extremely rewarding and enjoyable experience.

To further my knowledge and passion for working with people I took a health and social care advanced course and took a weeks experience in a day centre that involves working with people who suffer from difficulties in communicating and having disabilities.

This again helped to broaden my understanding of working with people and also how to deal with children and adults with disabilities. Within my spare time I have researched the job role and requirements for health promotion to find out what is involved.

To build upon these interests further, I am taking up a one week work experience within the health field. I will be spending the first week in a care home focusing on helping elderly people that suffer from dementia and my second week assisting a health promoter to experience a more professional job role in health care. I am looking forward to this valuable experience as it will further consolidate my desire to study health and social care.

I currently work as a sales assistant which has given me a valuable experience of working with people and how to assist their needs in any way possible. During this time I am developing effective communication skills and good working relationships.

In addition to this it is also helping me to show how committed I am to my responsibilities as well as demonstrating good organisation skills. Having to juggle work and school as well as social activities this also shows that I am developing my time keeping skills to make myself more committed and more punctual.

During my first year of sixth form I helped to raise money for the McMillan Cancer trust charity. I also found this very rewarding as I was helping others that were in need, just like during my work placements. I often play sports after sixth form with my friends; this has helped me to develop extra skills in working well in a team.

In addition I have completed voluntary work with a year six class to increase my knowledge of working with young people, another activity that I very much enjoyed and found extremely rewarding. To further my interest in working with people I have recently volunteered to do a level 3 v-volunteering in my spare time, the certificate itself is an accreditation form Newcastle University.

During my spare time I mainly like to dance and sing. I find this is a good way to express myself in addition to help me keep fit. I also attend the gym often to also help keep me fit I also like to attend various different events and take advantage of any activities that I am offered whether it is through school or outside of school.

This helps to increase my confidence and also helps me to meet new people. I feel that university is definitely the right path for me. I am always working extremely hard to achieve the best I can, a feat which I intend to carry on throughout my university years.

I feel I have the necessary skills needed to enjoy university to the full and also be successful in future years. In addition I would also like to go to university to help develop my skills even further so I can gain a good job in the health and social care sector which is always my main interest.

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This personal statement was written by fayej44 for application in 2011.

fayej44's university choices Newcastle College University of Sunderland

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

fayej44's Comments

This is what i have sent to the universities i am applying to. could people please give me feedback on what you think of how my personal statement sounds please. one of the universities i have apllied for has already recived it and i'm hoping that with this p.s it is good enough.

This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

Its very good but you should.

Sun, 01/09/2013 - 19:34

Its very good but you should write what universities you had applied for just for the help of other people.

You have written in such simple writing that makes it even more incredible. Well Done. :)

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  • Open access
  • Published: 14 May 2024

Health systems challenges, mitigation strategies and adaptations to maintain essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic: learnings from the six geopolitical regions in Nigeria

  • Segun Bello 1 ,
  • Rachel Neill 2 ,
  • Ayodele S Jegede 1 ,
  • Eniola A. Bamgboye 1 ,
  • Mobolaji M. Salawu 1 ,
  • Rotimi Felix Afolabi 1 ,
  • Charles Nzelu 3 ,
  • Ngozi Azodo 3 ,
  • Anthony Adoghe 3 ,
  • Munirat Ogunlayi 2 ,
  • Saudatu Umma Yaradua 2 ,
  • William Wang 4 ,
  • Anne Liu 4 &
  • Olufunmilayo I. Fawole 1  

BMC Health Services Research volume  24 , Article number:  625 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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The COVID-19 pandemic control strategies disrupted the smooth delivery of essential health services (EHS) globally. Limited evidence exists on the health systems lens approach to analyzing the challenges encountered in maintaining EHS during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to identify the health system challenges encountered and document the mitigation strategies and adaptations made across geopolitical zones (GPZs) in Nigeria.

The national qualitative survey of key actors across the six GPZs in Nigeria involved ten states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) which were selected based on resilience, COVID-19 burden and security considerations. A pre-tested key informant guide was used to collect data on service utilization, changes in service utilization, reasons for changes in primary health centres’ (PHCs) service volumes, challenges experienced by health facilities in maintaining EHS, mitigation strategies implemented and adaptations to service delivery. Emerging sub-themes were categorized under the appropriate pillars of the health system.

A total of 22 respondents were interviewed. The challenges experienced in maintaining EHS cut across the pillars of the health systems including: Human resources shortage, shortages in the supply of personal protective equipments, fear of contracting COVID-19 among health workers misconception, ignorance, socio-cultural issues, lockdown/transportation and lack of equipment/waiting area (. The mitigation strategies included improved political will to fund health service projects, leading to improved accessibility, affordability, and supply of consumables. The health workforce was motivated by employing, redeploying, training, and incentivizing. Service delivery was reorganized by rescheduling appointments and prioritizing some EHS such as maternal and childcare. Sustainable systems adaptations included IPC and telehealth infrastructure, training and capacity building, virtual meetings and community groups set up for sensitization and engagement.

The mitigation strategies and adaptations implemented were important contributors to EHS recovery especially in the high resilience LGAs and have implications for future epidemic preparedness plans.

Peer Review reports

The COVID-19 pandemic remains the biggest global health systems shock of the 21st century leading to about 6.8 million deaths as of 26th February, 2023 [ 1 ]. The interventions implemented to control the pandemic have had far-reaching consequences, ranging from disruptions to socio-economic activities, to decline in health services provision and utilization. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), countries henceforth need to make trade-offs between the scale of direct response to health threats and the actions geared towards maintaining essential health service delivery, to mitigate the risk of system collapse [ 2 ].

Disruptions are defined as “unforeseen events that interfere with the provision of healthcare goods and services” [ 3 ]. During the COVID-19 pandemic, disruptions in health service delivery and decline in essential health services utilization was documented across all health systems including high, medium and low-income countries [ 4 ]. These disruptions were attributed to aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic response including lockdowns and reorganization of health service delivery with a shift in focus to COVID-19 control [ 2 ]. For example, in Europe, screening for cancers decreased by as much as 65 − 95% during the early phase of the pandemic [ 5 ]. In Africa, several health programmes including the malaria elimination programme, HIV/tuberculosis control, diabetes, and hypertension services were deprioritized during the pandemic [ 6 , 7 ]. Heavy declines were also reported for maternal, child health and immunization programmes [ 8 , 9 ]. effectively threatening the gains achieved in health programme outcomes over decades of investment [ 10 ]. These health programmes reported decline in service output as well as set- backs in performance indicators as similarly demonstrated during the West Africa Ebola outbreak pandemic. Analysis of the 2014–2015 Ebola outbreak suggested that the number of deaths caused by measles, malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis attributable to health systems failure during the Ebola outbreak exceeded deaths from Ebola [ 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 ].

The WHO health systems framework describes the core building blocks or pillars of the health systems which contribute to the resilience of a health system [ 15 ]. The performance of the health system in handling health crisis depends on its baseline capacity predating the crisis, as well as the magnitude of the crisis [ 2 ]. Kruk et al. defined health systems resilience as ‘the capacity of health actors, institutions, and populations to prepare for and effectively respond to crises; maintain core functions when a crisis hits; and, informed by lessons learned during the crisis, reorganize if conditions require it.’ [ 16 ] Thus, apart from maintaining the core functions of a health system, resilience includes the health system’s ability to transform, evolve and enhance its performance in improving the health of the population [ 17 ].

A well-prepared health system should have the capacity to maintain essential health services delivery to reduce morbidity and mortality from sources other than the cause of the health systems shock, throughout the duration of an emergency. Both demand and supply factors have been documented as challenges mitigating against the maintenance and utilization of essential services across health systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic increased the workload for health systems, resulting in pressure and inadequate health workforce all over the world [ 5 ]. However, LMICs have been particularly affected from operating more vulnerable health systems with challenges that predated the COVID-19 pandemic. To compound the challenges of human resource shortages, about 50% of health facilities across Africa reported COVID-19 infection among staff, shortages in personal protective equipment (PPE), underfunding, reduced supply of medications and poor information systems [ 6 , 18 ]. Most African countries are dependent on importation of essential medicines and products. These countries were affected by the disruptions in the global supply chain because drugs were not readily available or were expensive because of the high demand relative to supply [ 19 ]. Patients expressed difficulties in accessing medicines due to the high cost [ 20 ].

Geographic variability in the level of disruptions and restorations to EHS were reported within countries [ 21 ]. The COVID-19 high burden states/areas were likely to have experienced a higher level of restrictions and enforcements of protocols which could affect the levels of disruptions and the time taken for restorations. Furthermore, recovery may be slow, temporary, or partial depending on sub-national health systems resilience. Reported innovative adaptations to halt or reverse decline in EHS delivery included home delivery, use of phones, improved triaging, shift to remote consultations, and expansion of the scope of work of community health workers and task shifting [ 21 , 22 ]. Limited evidence exists on the health systems lens approach to analyzing the challenges encountered in maintaining EHS delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly at the sub-national levels. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the health system challenges encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic and document the mitigation strategies and adaptations made across the geopolitical zones (GPZs) in Nigeria. The learnings will guide policymakers, decision makers and health administrators on how to improve health systems in Nigeria to ensure that they are resilient and prepared to respond to public health emergencies. Learnings from Nigeria especially on the mitigation and adaptation strategies may be transferrable to similar decentralized health systems.

Study setting

The study was qualitative in design involving interviews of key persons at state ministries of health (SMoH) and State Primary Health Care Development Agencies (SPHCDA) across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Following the Alma Ata declaration in 1978, the primary health care (PHC) system became the fulcrum of health systems development in Nigeria. Not much progress was made in PHC however, until 1985 when the then Minister of Health adopted 52 Local Government Areas (LGAs) to build models based on the Alma Ata declaration [ 23 ]. Thereafter, the model was expanded to include all LGAs and the responsibility for overseeing the working of the PHC including immunization, antenatal care services was devolved to the LGAs [ 23 ]. PHC in Nigeria focuses on preventive services including immunization, antenatal care services, as well as the provision of basic health care services at the grass root level [ 23 ].

The Primary Health Care Under One Roof policy was introduced in 2010 and approved in 2011 [ 24 ]. It aims to strengthen the national health system by integrating all PHC services under one authority. By implications, all resources for PHC implementation are to be repositioned from all agencies, departments and ministries to the new State PHC development agencies or boards [ 24 ]. This initiative produced some improvements in health outcomes [ 25 ].

Like many other African countries, Nigeria has consistently failed to implement the 2001 Abuja declaration at which African heads of state pledged to allocate 15% of the annual national budget to health [ 26 , 27 ]. Currently, the PHC system has deteriorated with most of the 30,000 PHC facilities across the country lacking the capacity to provide essential healthcare services thereby, transferring enormous pressure to the higher levels of healthcare [ 28 ]. The challenges PHC facilities experienced before COVID-19 included poor staffing, inadequate equipment, poor distribution of health workers, poor quality of healthcare services, poor condition of infrastructure, and lack of essential drug supply.

Study design and approach

The study was part of a large national qualitative survey on resilience of the health system which aimed at identifying the key challenges to maintaining essential health services during the pandemic, from the perspective of subnational actors. This current report focused on the regional level data, but the other aspect of the study focused on comparative LGA-level data on how some LGAs overcame challenges and sustained essential health services, while comparable, neighbouring LGAs experienced ongoing disruptions [ 29 ].

Study site and participants’ selection

The study enrolled subnational actors at the state level, across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. These participants were engaged in the COVID-19 response and were at decision-making levels such as directors, assistant directors and heads of programmes.

Selection of study sites was guided by multiple criteria namely High Resilience (HR) LGAs; COVID 19 disease burden and regional hotspots such as LGAs with the highest cumulative cases and those with international airport or land borders; security considerations, by avoiding LGAs with considerable security challenges such as LGAs with insurgents and banditry. The procedure for identifying high resilience LGAs has been described in detail elsewhere [ 29 ]. In brief, the general outpatient (GOPD) and Ante-natal care (ANC) health services data from the National Health Management Information System (NHMIS) (January 2019 – December 2021) was analyzed using the interrupted time series. The analysis identified HR LGAs. HR LGAs were defined as LGAs which experienced a recovery in service volumes within three months of decline precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. LGAs were then stratified and ranked within each geopolitical zones and, in combination with COVID-19 burden and security considerations, 12 h LGAs were finally selected from 10 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) across the six geopolitical zones: South-West [ 3 ], South-South [ 2 ], South-East [ 2 ], North-West [ 1 ], North-Central [ 2 ], North-East [ 1 ].

Participants for the parent study were selected purposively across state, LGA, health facilities, and community levels. However, this report is limited to the analysis of response from state-level participants across the GPZs where two participants each were selected per state.

Data collection

A key informant guide was developed following extensive review of literature on health systems resilience and essential health service maintenance (see Supplementary File). The guide was pretested among similar personnel in Nasarawa state before data collection. The interview guide was sectioned according to: profile of the study participants; services used during COVID-19; data monitoring and use; self-regulation; adaptive-short term; integrated capacities or planning; relevance to maternal neonatal and child health (MNCH); and adaptive-long term. The data presented in this report focuses on the following sections of the tool: services used during the COVID-19 pandemic and self-regulation which contained information on participants’ assessment of changes in service utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic; reasons for the changes in Primary Health Centres (PHCs) attendance, challenges experienced by facilities to maintain routine services during the pandemic, specific countermeasures that the state governments took to overcome the challenges and activities done by the state governments to encourage clients to continue to utilize the PHCs.

The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) led the project and played an oversight role in data collection with supervisors leading research teams to the states. The interview teams paid advocacy visits to explain the purpose of the research and obtain the support of stakeholders in the ministries of health. The interview team comprised of a supervisor, a moderator and a note taker per state. All data collectors and supervisors were trained for the purpose of this research. All participants gave informed consent before they were interviewed face-to-face and audio-recorded in their offices. A data collection pause was implemented after the first few interviews during which the interviews conducted were transcribed, reviewed and feedback were communicated to the field teams. The interview took an average of 73 min. Data was collected between June through July, 2022.

Data management

The recorded interview audios were transcribed verbatim in the original language of the interview. Transcripts were complemented with notes taken during the interviews. The transcripts, audio files and notes were labelled with unique identifiers that enabled data linkage across files. A data security protocol was implemented to safeguard against data breach. A Dropbox folder, which was only accessible to designated research team members, was created for the safe storage of the audio files, transcripts and summary notes.

Coding was done using Atlas.ti. One coder was involved in the coding the data while multiple coders coded subsets of the data for agreement. The entire research team interrogated the data and review the coding. Emerging sub-themes were categorized under the appropriate pillars of health system including (i) service delivery, (ii) health workforce, (iii) health information systems, (iv)medicines and supplies, (v) financing, (vi) leadership/governance [ 15 ].

Respondent socio-demographic characteristics

A total of 22 state-level participants were interviewed from 10 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Respondents’ age ranged from 40 to 60 years. The majority 18(82%) were male while the median total duration of employment was 23.5 years. The respondents held leadership positions in SMoH and SPHCDA, with many being Deputy/Acting Directors 6 (27%) and Directors 5 (23%) and commissioners for health 2 (9%) (Table  1 ). Most 20 (91%) had been in their current position for at least 2 years.

Health services delivery volumes at the PHC during the COVID-19 pandemic

All participants acknowledged reduction in patients’ attendance at the PHCs while some also mentioned interruption in health services delivery. The decrease in facility utilization was more pronounced during the early stage of the pandemic particularly from March 2020 through June/July, 2020. Notably, there was a drastic reduction in the antenatal clinic attendance by pregnant women and the under-5 children outpatient visits across all regions of the country.

The movement restriction during lockdowns and the fear of contracting COVID-19 were the two most prominent reasons stated for reduction in health facility patients’ attendance. Where facilities were still in operation, fear of contracting the virus among patient and health workers was common in all regions.

On the supply side, some health workers did not go to work, while some facilities were instructed to close completely. The lockdown reduced the number of health workers who were able to commute to work especially those who did not have personal means of transportation. Some state governments (such as Lagos) tried to ameliorate this by providing ambulances that took frontline workers to work. Health workers were also given stickers to identify them as essential workers so that the law enforcement agents would allow them to move through the lockdown. Like the patients, the health workers were also scared of contracting COVID-19 infection and they encouraged patients that could be managed at home to stay away from the health centers. They also referred patients very readily to the next level of health care with minimal investigations. The decline in services were attributed majorly to the COVID-19 pandemic.

On the demand side, patients were unable to travel to health facilities because of lockdown restrictions. Participants also emphasized on the economic challenges and bank closures which reduced people’s ability to purchase goods and services including healthcare. Community members exhibited fears from the belief that COVID-19 was domiciled in the health facilities. People were further afraid of being isolated in the event that they were diagnosed with COVID-19.

Differential impact of COVID-19 on LGAs

There was consensus between the participants from the different regions that urban areas had a higher burden of COVID-19 infection including disease incidence and case fatality. Consequently, there were more COVID-19 response activities in urban areas.

Participants in all regions believed that health service provision had returned to normal by June, 2022 especially for some suspended activities in the pandemic. Such activities included the integrated supportive supervision of health facilities which was believed to have returned to pre-COVID-19 levels. The isolation centers were no longer in existence and ad-hoc workers were no longer in employment. However, some COVID-19 prevention strategies such as the social mobilization, advocacy and risk communication were still on-going at the time of data collection.

Challenges faced in maintaining essential health services

Key challenges were identified by participants. Human resources shortage was the most commonly mentioned challenge from 4 GPZs, 6 states (Lagos, FCT, Imo, Kano, Abia, Ogun) of the country. Other commonly mentioned challenges included: Shortages in the supply of Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) 4 GPZs, 5 states (Imo, Lagos, Ogun, FCT, Gombe); fear of contracting COVID-19 among health workers 4 GPZs, 4 states (Imo, Ogun, FCT, Rivers); misconception, ignorance, socio-cultural issues 2 GPZs, 2 states (Rivers, Imo); lockdown/transportation 2 GPZs, 2 states (Abia, Lagos); and lack of equipment/waiting area 2 GPZs, 2 states (FCT, Oyo). Less commonly mentioned challenges included: training gap, inadequate referral, diversion of other facility budget lines to PPEs purchase, and insecurity. The challenges considered to pre-date COVID-19 included: human resources shortage, shortages in equipment and PPEs, poor infrastructure and inadequate funding.

The challenges faced in maintaining essential health services in different health systems pillars are highlighted below with sample quotes from individual respondents (Table  2 ):

Leadership and governance

The respondent from the North Central (NC) zone explained that most of the resources allocated to various other activities in health facilities were redirected to meet the needs of COVID-19 response especially the provision of PPEs (Table  2 ):

…. the challenge of diversion… of resources [budget for other facility needs]… for PPEs.

From the Southwest (SW) zone, a respondent stated that insufficient funding had always been a challenge in carrying activities such as providing electricity in the PHCs. The challenge pre-dated COVID-19 pandemic.

“Insufficient funding has always been on ground. It is not really related to COVID-19. It has always been a case in most of the PHCs getting stipend to run the PHC like lightings, generators, pumping of water.” ( SW , )

Service delivery

The majority of the PHCs lacked infrastructure that could aid organization of services to provide physical distancing for the patients. A participant in the SW was quoted:

…majority of the health facilities do not have waiting area….

The health facilities experienced difficulty in transporting COVID-19 patients referred to isolation center for care. This was expressed by a participant in the NC zone:

“…referral, when somebody is positive having to evacuate from the hospital to the treatment center was a challenge” ( NC ) .

In the South-south (SS) and Southeast (SE) zone, the participants expressed concerns about patients’ misconceptions about COVID-19. Many patients did not believe that COVID-19 exist and as a result, were unwilling to adhere to facility COVID 19 prevention protocols. These misconceptions were reinforced by socio-cultural norms and reliance on dictates of religious leaders.

“.Misconceptions about the disease… with thoughts that there was no COVID-19 in the first place” ( SS ) .

“…the person [patient], and/or.relatives are not willing to adhere to the protocols, …what do you do?.socio-cultural issues,…where some people will say my pastor said…” ( SE ) .

Human resources

Inadequate human resource which predated the COVID-19 pandemic was expressed by both northern and southern zone respondents across six states. However, this challenge was amplified by the pandemic. There was limited number of personnel with the requisite skills to perform tasks related to the response. The task shifting strategy implemented to share task and thereby, reduce the number of health workers in facilities at any one time, also reduced the human resource capacity in the PHCs.

“The major challenge is… inadequate man power which has existed before COVID-19….” ( SW ) .

“Then during the pandemic too some health care workers absconded….health workers who had the requisite capacity were quite few” ( SE ) .

“….there was some sort of shifting done to reduce the number of health workers working at the same time…” ( NC ) .

Respondents in SW and SE also described the challenges that health workers encountered in getting to the health facility during the early period of the pandemic due to the lockdown. This was said to compound the human resource shortages.

“They [workers] find it a bit difficult to get to their work place some of them have to use their workplace as home …” ( SW ) .

“It included even the health service providers. They were locked down. They could not even access the facilities” ( SE) .

The human resources shortages in the facilities was confirmed to have been a long-standing problem that existed before the pandemic across all regions of the country which was now amplified by the pandemic.

“It [staff shortfalls] was on ground before …” ( SW ) .

“Yes, I said it that staff shortfall has been a long-term issue. The work is becoming voluminous everyday” ( SW ) .

“Of course, we have human resources gaps, before and even during the pandemic” ( NC ) .

“Well, I will say the issue of the human resource for health, it has been a long-lasting challenge even before the pandemic. So, it was now heightened by the pandemic…” ( SE ) .

Health workers’ attitude to work was stated as being a challenge to utilization of PHCs by clients. Due to the fear of contracting COVID-19, health workers were not committed to work.

“We had challenges with attitude to work you understand? Some people were more reluctant” ( SS ) .

“…health workers had a ground to be afraid because there were gaps [in] science” ( SE) .

“…even health workers were scared and they were not so committed to work because there was risk [of infection]” ( NC) .

Medicines and supplies

Respondents across most of the regions reported shortages in medical consumables such as PPEs, face masks and sanitizers especially at the beginning of the pandemic. One respondent decried challenges with the supply chain because of restricted access to PPEs even though some facilities had supplies locked up in the store.

“… it was so bad that some doctors will even use their money to buy sanitizers and face masks so as to protect themselves” (SW) .

“…dearth in supply of PPEs….but that was at the initial period. Before COVID − 19, there were no local manufacturers” (SE) .

“…when we started there was really a challenge in the facilities because even face masks were running out. Sanitizers were running out because of the increased use.” (NE) .

“…challenges about the supply chain in terms of internal access to the PPE. We put the PPE in the store and health workers in the emergency unit were not having access” (NC) .

“Rapid test for SARS-CoV-2 was not available at the beginning [of the pandemic]” as expressed by a respondent from the FCT (NC) .

The dearth in supply of consumables was confirmed to be a challenge that existed before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the increase in the cost of some consumables such as PPE, gloves and face masks was a challenge that came with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Dearth in supply of PPEs was actually a challenge that was in existence beforehand” ( SW) .

Mitigation strategies to health systems challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

Several interventions were implemented by state governments to address the challenges of maintaining essential health services (Table  3 ). State governments focused on the provision of consumables; recruitment, redeployment and provision of training for health workers; expansion of the infrastructural capacity; provision of vaccines, stipends, security and subsidizing health services costs. These interventions were in all regions of the country.

Political will improved during the COVID-19 pandemic, state governments were positively disposed to improving health services delivery.

“Government was ready to approve all the ongoing projects, all the ongoing services, basic medical services were being provided, they also were fighting stigma within the facilities” (NC) .

“They [government] made some services affordable, available and accessible and within the reach of the community member. They were taking services even to the community outside the facilities, services like outreach services, information dissemination and empowerment. ” (NC) .

Key interventions implemented across the regions were cascaded from state level to the LGA and facility levels down to the community. Across all regions, training and capacity building were stepped down to LGAs, facility heads and community. These activities were facilitated through LGA officers and community stakeholders.

“Health worker training was also done for health workers at the primary care centres and the secondary facilities at each of the area council. So, all the activities, all the IPC was also done.” ( NC ) .

“At the state, we have a state officer, we have the Local Government officers, we also have the health facility officers. These trainings were cascaded down from the State to the Local Government and to the health facilities to ensure that the various layers of response are well equipped in terms of capacity.” ( SE ) .

“We train and monitor. We also conduct supportive supervision from the state level down to the local government levels then to the ward and facility level; we do that routinely. We check their knowledge gap and also do on the spot training for whichever gap that we are able to identify.” ( SE ) .

“…there were trainings that we received, training upon training which usually comes from the national to the State and then we step it down to the local government and then from the local government to the wards within local governments and the facilities.” ( SW ) .

“We work with the medical officers of health in the twenty-three LGAs and the heads of facility to redistribute our staffs.” ( SS ) .

Coordination across levels of the health systems also ensured timely distribution of health facility materials:

“The moment the supply comes into the state with immediate effect they write to the MOHs (Medical office of health) in the local government stating we have some materials for you, because we do not wait until the MOHs come to collect the materials, so we send a letter to them via email communicating the delivery time. E.g. we are bringing it tomorrow morning or we are bringing it this evening be available to receive it. The moment it gets to the MOHs, the MOHs step it down to all the facilities and PHCs with immediate effect.” ( SW ) .

“The state primary health board makes funds and logistics available at the local government level” ( SW ) .

“The intervention trickles down to the facility level. The State made sure that the issue of man power, issue of adequacy of jobs you know and consumables at the health facility are addressed at the highest decision level” ( SW ) .

The COVID-19 response was supported by donor partners such as in the provision of PPEs. The government also mobilized funds from the private sector which was made available to the hospitals and PHCs.

“The state government provided PPEs, because there were also donations to them, many private sectors also donated and… they made it available for the public hospitals” ( SE) .

Regarding service delivery during the pandemic, interventions implemented included reorganizing service delivery for more facilities to render more services.

“We had to reorganize our system to ensure that more facilities in some strategic locations were rendering more services, had more people to render services, you understand, 24/7. We actually had to do that” ( SS) .

The government also built COVID-19 isolation and treatment centers to relieve the pressure on the hospitals and ensure COVID-19 patients had good care.

“They [state government] provided treatment centers for those who required admission,” ( NC) .

“Government-built isolation centers all across the 20 local government in Ogun state that is the jurisdiction.” ( SW ) .

In the Northwest (NW) zone, the government organized the Emergency Maternal and Child (EMC) services where they provided ambulances to pick up pregnant woman that required emergency surgery. Provision of ambulances was not limited to the NW region as other regions also mentioned government support by providing ambulances.

“For example, during COVID-19 pandemic people there had emergency cesarean sections especially pregnant women. There is an ambulance that picks them and there is also another one that is called EMC services, it is a special service provided by the State government for Maternal and newborn child free up to this moment” (NW) .

Intervention strategies in facilities also included prioritization of facilities in terms of services and staffing needs, rescheduling of patients’ appointment that were not emergency cases.

Clients were also redirected from facilities that were shutdown to nearby facilities that could provide treatment services. Services prioritized included patient monitoring/treatment, immunization services and provision of ambulance for transportation.

“Well, the patient monitoring evaluation and treatment were prioritized because we do not want to come down with a lot of mortality. So adequate equipment [and] consumables were provided by the State and the manpower involved were adequately remunerated and then the State paid a lot of money for them to maintain this service” ( SE ) .

“The services like maternal and child care…. those services are key. We want to make sure that mothers, pregnant mothers access care on time, the children too… Those that need to be immunized and all of that.” ( SW ) .

“The maternal, new born and child health services were prioritized and also the health workers themselves were prioritized because they are the frontliners” ( SE ) .

“…anybody that falls sick and gets to the hospital will receive care but we pay attention on pregnant women and little babies more because their own case is peculiar” ( SW ) .

“The mother too who attended antenatal clinic and even the test that will be run everything was done for free and was sponsored bby the PHC Board to the extent that they printed cards and gave it to them for free that they were not supposed to pay. The registration, everything was made free at that time. This is just to act as reliefs at that time for those who access health at the health facilities” ( SW ) .

To address the shortfall in human resources, the SW region employed health worker cadres such as doctors and nurses in batches per time, as the budget could accommodate. In some other regions such as the SE, health workers were redeployed to work at facilities which were near where they lived to improve delivery. Ad hoc staff were also engaged to work for a few months.

Workshops were organized by the state governments to train and inform the health workers on IPC and to improve their skills. This helped to alleviate their fears on contracting the virus so as to alleviate their apprehension.

Health workers including adhoc staff were motivated by increasing the hazard allowance, which led to the increment in their monthly salary.

“They [government] gave some allowances to adhoc workers for a few months. So those adhoc workers helped….The state government also provided ambulances, one ambulance to one local government. They gave ambulances and drivers…also provided security…” ( SE ) .

“Health care workers were also provided with the relief materials to also help them continue in their work” ( SE ) .

“Increasing the health workers hazard allowance is something that the government did….” ( SW ) .

“Yes, the government provided allowances to encourage those who were at the frontline to ensure that they [health workers] at least had something reasonable to hold on to while offering their services and apart from that government was coordinating the activities of the various fronts including that of security.” ( SE ) .

“Giving reliefs, packages, and giving us bonus that was all.” ( SW ) .

“Those that took part in surveillance were given certain stipends, those that did case management were given certain stipends, those that took part IPC, risk communication, point of entry was given certain stipends.” ( SS ) .

“Governor continued, was even giving transport stipends to surveillance officers, laboratory personnel, just to encourage them to do the work and so, these things were going on as a kind of stimulant, a kind of motivation to assist in getting the job done. So as at that period those things were not lacking for us, so that is what I can say about that .” ( SS ) .

“The support is the trainings that were done, stipends were paid adequately as at when due and the health workers were happy with that, as they carried out their duties” ( SE ) .

“The hazard allowance was increased, I think to about 15% or thereabout, so all those incentives were there for health workers to actually motivate them to do more, so the State government did that.” ( SW ) .

“Palliatives, all the health workers were given palliatives.” ( SW ) .

“All the health workers were given adequate and reasonable support; number one, in the FCT, they were well paid. Those that were directly involved [in COVID-19 control] were well paid by the honorable minister of the FCT, secondly, they were all provided at any given point in time with PPEs, they were also well trained to monitor patient, and even the family of those who died were given some support, I think some were promised land, I don’t know if they have given them. They were given high level of support.” ( NC ) .

Other support granted by the State to motivate health workers included training, recruitment to support existing staff, provision of security, relief packages and ambulances.

“I know I have talked about redistribution of workers, of course ad-hoc workers for those very few months, then some of the PPEs and some of the security, I think that’s the only thing I can say.” ( SE ) .

“To be sincere we have to appreciate the state government, at that time they even gave us accommodations, food and everything during the first pandemic. They support us with training of case management for us to take care of patients as well as series of other training. We all attended online training on oxygen therapy and it was even paid for” ( NW ) .

“At one point, it was difficult for health workers to move from one point to the other, so government aided the movement of health workers by providing certain things to identify them, also providing ambulances, movement support to enable them move from their homes. They also provided accommodation for health workers at the isolation center.” ( SE ) .

“And also, they bring in special teams to also support the teams on ground.” ( SE ) .

“Well, we did some form of reorganization and that did include the personnel. So, we had to increase the number of personnel in our focal facilities which increase the services” ( SS ) .

“Yes training has always been in existence so they do refresher training but during the COVID it become more intensified because of the session or season we are.” ( SW ) .

Information systems

Respondents mentioned that government engaged in communication/sensitization programmes to improve service utilization using different media including the traditional and social media. The targets of the communication programmes were the community members including religious and ethnic groups. Communities, markets, churches and mosques were some of the places where the health promotion campaigns took place (Table  3 ).

Adaptations of the health systems during COVID-19

Sustainable adaptations.

Table  4 shows the emerging themes on sustainable adaptations done by the health systems. Respondents considered the infection, prevention and control (IPC) infrastructure (taps for running water), the telehealth call center, the IPC protocols and the service reorganization, as sustainable. A respondent mentioned that each health facility had an IPC focal person and also IPC teams which the health system can continually optimize.

Respondents considered that the training programs and capacity building efforts (especially the ‘network electronic platform’), implemented during the pandemic were sustainable. They opined that IPC training should be mainstreamed because the topic was broad and had impact on prevention of other infectious disease areas apart from COVID-19.

Respondents also mentioned that the volunteer groups formed during the pandemic for community sensitization and community engagement, were retained and would be used for other intervention programmes. Health teams have also retained the virtual mode of conducting team meetings.

Unsustainable adaptations

Respondents considered some adaptations in financing, service delivery and supplies, as unsustainable (Table  5 ). The funds that the government mobilized in form of incentives to health workers, stipends for campaigns team members and payment for other ad hoc staff such as town criers, were no longer being provided. The free testing and healthcare for COVID-19 patients which governments implemented was not sustained. The health workers who were redeployed have returned to their pre-pandemic assignments. In addition, all the services rendered to patients at the COVID-19 treatment centers including treatment, accommodation, consumables, were free and therefore, considered unsustainable. This also included the free consumables supplied to the health workers.

Summary of findings

The qualitative study selected senior persons in decision-making positions. Respondents acknowledged a reduction in patients’ attendance at the PHCs and interruption in service delivery. This prominently affected antenatal care attendance by pregnant women and the care for the under-5 children across all regions in the country. There was consensus among the regions that the urban communities had a higher burden of COVID-19 infection making the activities around COVID-19 control more intense in these communities. Unfortunately, this negatively impacted the provision of care in health facilities in these communities, leading to a negative impact on provision of EHS.

The challenges experienced in maintaining essential health services cut across the pillars of the health systems. Resources were reallocated to COVID-19 control activities from other budgetary lines due to insufficient funds to implement control activities. The infrastructure of most of the PHCs could not accommodate changes in service reorganization which was needed to enable physical distancing. It was also challenging to transport referred COVID-19 patients to isolation centers. Patients had misconceptions on the cause and transmission of COVID-19 and were unwilling to adhere to facility protocols. There was severe shortage of human resources which predated and was accentuated by COVID-19 control interventions such as lockdowns, staff redeployment and task shifting. Health workers were reluctant to discharge their duties because of fear of contracting the infection. There was inadequate consumables for use albeit sometimes due to deficient supply chain management.

Several mitigation strategies were implemented to address the challenges encountered. Political will towards improvement of health service projects was increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was reflected in government efforts to make health services available, accessible and affordable. Efforts were also made to provide consumables, recruit both permanent and ad-hoc staff, motivate existing health workforce, and redeploy/train health workers. The health infrastructure capacity was also expanded across regions, to free up spaces for provision of EHS by building/renovating COVID-19 isolation and treatment centers. Service delivery was also reorganized by rescheduling appointment for non-emergency to a later date and prioritizing essential services such as immunization, maternal and child care. Health promotion campaigns to groups and communities, were conducted to improve service patronage. Sustainable systems adaptations included IPC and telehealth infrastructure, IPC protocols, IPC teams and focal persons, training and capacity building, virtual meetings and community groups set up for sensitization and engagement. Unsustainable adaptations included funding, free healthcare and consumables, redistribution of staff, and the maintenance of COVID-19 treatment centers.

Results in the context of the literature

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted EHS in almost all countries of the world and the disruption continued for over two years in more than 90% of countries surveyed by the WHO [ 30 ]. Particularly affected were the maternal and childcare services as corroborated in both quantitative and mixed methods design studies [ 31 , 32 , 33 ]. Our study corroborated findings from surveys among health workers and community members in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Nigeria, confirmed partial-to-total interruptions in health services delivery and utilization especially maternal and child health services [ 34 ] due to lockdowns, fear of infection/stigmatization, misconceptions/misinformation about the disease, stockout of drugs, and lack of transportation due to lockdowns [ 35 , 36 ]. As noted in this study, the disruption affected most services to the extent that some PHCs with low capacity were closed down. Studies indicated that disruptions appeared to affect disproportionately maternal and child care including immunization [ 30 ]. As noted in the WHO survey and as corroborated by our study, the major barriers to health service recovery were health systems challenges which predated the COVID-19 pandemic. Very prominent pre-existing health systems deficiencies identified by our study were in the human resources, service delivery and the finance pillars.

The adaptations to service delivery implemented in healthcare facilities were similar across regions in Nigeria and notably, were designed to reduce patient inflow. Non-emergency cases were discouraged from accessing clinics and follow-up appointments were rescheduled because the facilities lacked the capacity to implement the recommended physical distancing between patients. In Ghana [ 37 ] similar adaptations were made to routine healthcare service delivery which also aimed at reducing patient flow to the health facilities. In this study, only clients with extremely important conditions were encouraged to visit the health facilities, appointments were reduced, non-essential medical and surgical procedures were less prioritized.

Although, facility closures occurred in most settings around the world during lockdowns because there was no health manpower to provide services [ 3 ], the telemedicine infrastructure which existed before the pandemic in some settings, were deployed to bridge the gap in consultation demands [ 3 , 38 ]. Nigeria developed a telehealth call center which was mainly for COVID-19 case finding but provides opportunities for general health consultations use.

Also, some health professionals were reassigned to COVID-19 control programmes which ultimately affected services such as home visits, immunization and other community health services [ 37 ]. A study conducted in Lagos, Nigeria highlighted the willingness of community health workers to function as care providers during the pandemic but were challenged by heavy workload and lack of transportation [ 39 ]. These recommendations informed some of the decisions to improve health workforce care packages including financial incentives and employment of additional staff [ 39 ].

Limited evidence exist in the literature on the challenges encountered in maintaining EHS in health systems. In Bangladesh, similar challenges were reported as we found in our study. The demand pull challenges in Bangladesh included fear of COVID-19 infection, difficulty with commuting during lockdown and reduction in health seeking behavior emanating from closure of health facilities without providing alternatives [ 40 ]. Also, as found in our study, health resources were redirected to COVID-19 leaving other important health programmes deprived. Likewise, there were staff shortages which predated COVID-19: Acting in synergy with panic among health workers, more health facilities and programmes were further abandoned as similarly documented in our study.

The literature was richer in terms of mitigation and adaptation strategies implemented to maintain EHS during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kabwama et al., used the same health systems pillar thematic framework to analyze the interventions implemented in maintaining EHS in Uganda [ 41 ]. Prominent in the Uganda analysis was the private sector engagement for public-private partnership in fund mobilization as reported in our Nigeria analysis. Unique adaptation in service provisions in Uganda involved leveraging patient networks to deliver medicine which was not found in our analysis. The Ugandan study appeared to focus more on general interventions that were not specifically directed at challenges in maintaining EHS contrary to what our study did. The mitigation strategies implemented in Bangladesh closely mirrored what our study found such as provision of consumables under the medicines and supply pillar, fund mobilization under the leadership/governance and finances pillars among others [ 40 ].

Perhaps, the most robust survey on service adaptations involved 129 countries and was conducted by the WHO [ 30 ]. It was clear that in all countries, services were shifted off the health facilities and moved to home-based or to tele-infrastructure. Low and middle income countries like Nigeria may benefit from such easily adaptable strategies because creating separate facilities for COVID-19 and EHS delayed implementation as a result of the considerable financial investment required. Policy makers involved in emergency and epidemic preparedness plans may incorporate proactive plans to achieve rapid implementation of similar strategies. Other prominent cross-cutting mitigation strategies reported across countries in the WHO survey included healthcare financing, health workforce training and capacity building, procuring of essential medicines and consumables, risk communications and community engagement.

Implication of findings and lessons learned

The WHO recommends that advanced planning and long-term investments in health systems is important for epidemic preparedness and in safeguarding the continued provision of EHS during a health crisis [ 42 ]. Findings derived from this study are imperative for a robust epidemic preparedness plan. Strategies to maintain supply and demand for EHS should be incorporated as essential elements of epidemic preparedness plans. Response to health crisis require a more holistic and proactive approach at planning. The challenges facing the Nigerian health system are long-term which will require considerable and consistent efforts to resolve. Thus, learnings on mitigation strategies and adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic would be applicable for future public health emergencies as well as routine health services delivery. The sustainable adaptations can potentially serve as a foundation for a gradual, planned, and intentional investments in the core functions of the Nigerian health system in order to improve its resilience and preparedness. For example, maintaining a pool of potential ad hoc volunteers consisting of retired health workers and community volunteers who can be mobilized at short notice. Also, the partnership built during the COVID-19 pandemic between the government of Nigeria and the private sector could be strengthened and optimized for epidemic preparedness and EHS delivery. The government at all levels received funds and donations from the private sector which was channelled to COVID-19 control and health care service delivery.

Our study also highlights the importance of adequate and timely public health messaging. Misconceptions and misinformation were rife during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria [ 23 ]. Also noted [ 23 ], most of the information provided were technical and focused on prevention of COVID-19, with only minimal messaging on the provision/utilization of EHS. Thus, on the social media, misconceptions festered and was a major cause of demand-pull decline in EHS utilization by communities. Both patients in need of treatment and those who were on follow-up appointments, largely stayed away from the health facilities due to fear of contracting COVID-19. Health facilities were stigmatized, and health providers discriminated against for fear of contracting the virus. Another driver of decline in demand was the fear of testing positive and being isolated [ 43 ]. Although, adaptations to EHS later reduced the need for physical contact with the health facilities, a large proportion of potential clients stayed away from the formal health system. The learnings derived from adaptations during the pandemic could provide opportunities for a transformative evolution of the primary health care system in Nigeria. Before the pandemic, across the country, only about 20% of the PHCs were assessed as functional [ 28 ], resulting in consultation overload of the secondary and tertiary facilities. The participants considered the telehealth call center to be a sustainable innovation. The Nigerian health system could benefit from upgrading and expanding telemedicine infrastructure to shift some of the PHC overload to this platform. This will enhance an elastic, epidemic prepared EHS delivery system.

As confirmed in this study, poor funding was a systemic challenge that predated COVID-19 pandemic. EHS delivery suffered major set-backs partly because the meagre financial resources available for healthcare delivery were diverted to COVID-19 control. The budget for the State PHC Board in a state in North Central zone of Nigeria was reduced by 11.5% in order to secure funds for COVID-19 control activities [ 44 ]. The government was able to raise some funds mainly from the private sector most of which was deployed towards public health measures for COVID-19 control with little investment to strengthen the health system [ 45 ]. Public-private partnership could be strengthened to form an extra-budgetary sovereign wealth fund which will be used for emergency health purpose only and which can be mobilized at short notice. The state governments demonstrated commitment to long-term public health investments and reforms during, and in the immediate post-pandemic period [ 46 ]. A sustained commitment will improve the overall performance of primary healthcare in Nigeria in the near future.

Strengths and limitations of the study

The strength of this study is that participants were actors at the sub-national (state) -level. They were senior personnel who were decision makers in COVID-19 control and provision of EHS. They had good knowledge of activities that transpired in the states during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, we sampled participants from all geopolitical zones of Nigeria in the interviews, which ensured representativeness. We translated and back-translated tools across zones to ensure accuracy.

The tool was designed using the conceptual framework developed by Kruk et al. [ 16 ], which was not initially based on the health systems pillars. It is possible that data on some health systems pillars exist which were not captured during the interviews. Conceptual framework used in the Kruk’s framework are not strictly health systems pillars or building blocks. Our study recruited mainly senior personnel in the ministries which might skew observations without the views of the junior personnel. Readers should interpret the findings with the view that potential richer health systems context may exist.

This study showed that there were significant challenges in maintaining essential health services delivery and utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. The maternal and child care services were particularly affected. The core health systems challenges which prevented the maintenance of EHS delivery were mainly in the human resources, service delivery and the financing pillars. The mitigation strategies and adaptations implemented were important contributors to EHS recovery especially in the high resilience LGAs and have implications for future epidemic preparedness plans.

Data availability

The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


The authors appreciate all participants who invested their time in responding to the interviews, colleagues at the FMoH who guided the smooth execution of this work and Hanovia Limited colleagues for the implementation of the qualitative data collection and transcription. Mohammad Tawab Hashemi provided additional support from the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children, and Adolescents.

Funding for this study was provided by Gates Ventures and the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children, and Adolescents. The funders of this study were involved in the study design, data collection, interpretation, and reporting. The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of the funders.

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University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

Segun Bello, Ayodele S Jegede, Eniola A. Bamgboye, Mobolaji M. Salawu, Rotimi Felix Afolabi & Olufunmilayo I. Fawole

The Global Financing Facility for Women, Children, and Adolescents, 1818 H ST NW, Washington, DC, 204333, USA

Rachel Neill, Munirat Ogunlayi & Saudatu Umma Yaradua

Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health, Federal Secretariat Complex, Phase III, Shehu Shagari Way, Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria

Charles Nzelu, Ngozi Azodo & Anthony Adoghe

Gate Ventures, Seattle, Washington, USA

William Wang & Anne Liu

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SB, RN, ASJ, EAB, MMS, RFA, CN, NA, AA, MO, SUY, WW, AL, & OIF were involved in the conceptualization and/or design of this study. RN, SB, ASJ, NA, CN, AA, MO, SUY, & OIF were involved in data collection and analysis. SB and OIF developed the first draft of the manuscript. SB, RN, ASJ, EAB, MMS, RFA, CN, NA, AA, MO, SUY, WW, AL, & OIF reviewed and revised the manuscript. All coauthors have approved the manuscript for publication.

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Bello, S., Neill, R., Jegede, A.S. et al. Health systems challenges, mitigation strategies and adaptations to maintain essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic: learnings from the six geopolitical regions in Nigeria. BMC Health Serv Res 24 , 625 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-11072-2

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Received : 09 September 2023

Accepted : 03 May 2024

Published : 14 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-11072-2

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CPH: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a pre-approved provider of Certified in Public Health (CPH) recertification credits and is authorized to offer 1.0 CPH recertification credits for this program.

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A Memphis judge ordered a pause on the foreclosure sale of Elvis Presley’s iconic Graceland home in a brief hearing Wednesday morning.

Chancellor JoeDae Jenkins ruled that the home could stay in the hands of the Presley family for the time being, amid evidence that documents giving a company the right to sell it may have been forged.

Naussany Investments and Private Lending LLC sought to auction off Graceland and its surrounding property in Memphis, Tennessee, to the highest bidder on Thursday.

Visitors queue to enter the Graceland mansion.

The company claims it had loaned $3.8 million to Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis’ only daughter, before her death in January last year. The estate was then transferred to her daughter, Riley Keough.

Jenkins said Wednesday the sale must be postponed until there is clear evidence of who owns the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll’s home , adding that a premature verdict would cause great harm to Presley’s family.

“The estate is considered unique under Tennessee law, and in being unique, the loss of the real estate will be considered irreparable harm,” Jenkins ruled.

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Keough filed a lawsuit May 15 to block the sale, claiming documents which named Naussany as the owner of the estate were “fraudulent.” 

The company claims Lisa Marie signed a deed of trust in 2018 that used Graceland as collateral. 

Following the hearing, Graceland’s operators issued a statement: “As the court has now made clear, there was no validity to the claims. There will be no foreclosure. 

“Graceland will continue to operate as it has for the past 42 years, ensuring that Elvis fans from around the world can continue to have a best in class experience when visiting his iconic home.”

Riley Keough, Lisa Marie Presley and Priscilla Presley seen in a June 2022 photo.

Lisa Marie’s mother and Elvis’ ex-wife, Priscilla Presley, also refuted the company’s claim, slamming it as “a scam” on social media. 

Keough alleged in her 60-page lawsuit that her mother never borrowed any money from Nassauny, with a notary public agreeing that they had never notarized anything Lisa Marie had supposedly signed. 

Jenkins said the affidavit from the notary public was enough to delay the foreclosure sale until Nassauny can prove it made a loan, it wasn’t repaid and that the estate was offered as collateral. 

The judge, however, hinted that the case will ultimately favor Keough, telling the heiress she’ll be “successful” as long as her defense team can back up the affidavit from the notary at a future hearing.

Attorneys for Naussany could not be immediately reached for comment. 

Graceland has been a fixture in Memphis since Elvis bought the estate in 1957 for $102,500, the same year he released the hits “Blue Christmas” and “All Shook Up.”

Spanning 13.8 acres, the estate — preserved as it was when Elvis died there in 1977 — draws hundreds of thousands of visitors annually who come to celebrate the legacy of Elvis.

Graceland is also the final resting place of Elvis and his family, including his parents, Lisa Marie, and her son Benjamin, who took his own life in 2020.  

The mansion, originally built in 1939, was named after Ruth Brown Moore’s aunt, Grace Toof.

Lisa Marie inherited Graceland in Elvis’ will and it opened to the public as a museum in 1982. After her death in January 2023, Riley  became the sole heir.

Priscilla, 78, has also stated her wish to be  buried next to her ex-husband  upon her own death.

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