86 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best drunk driving topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ good research topics about drunk driving, 👍 simple & easy drunk driving essay titles, ❓ research questions about drunk driving.

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  • Public Service Ads Against Drunk Driving The PSA includes the imagery of glasses filled with alcoholic drinks crashing against each other with the sound of a car accident in the background.
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  • Tougher Laws Against Drunk Driving It must begin with laws that lower the limit so that drivers with a BAC of 0. 05 must not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle.
  • Public Policy: The Issue of Drunk Driving The Government puts a great amount of effort into the DUI policy to minimize the number of impaired drivers getting behind the wheel and mitigating the consequences of such conduct.
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  • Mothers Against Drunk Driving It is useful to victims of drunken driving and to the families of the deceased victims as a result of drunk driving.
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  • Did Ontario’s Zero Tolerance and Graduated Licensing Law Reduce Youth Drunk Driving?
  • What Are the Psychological Roots of Drunk Driving?
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 86 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/drunk-driving-essay-topics/

"86 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/drunk-driving-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '86 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "86 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/drunk-driving-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "86 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/drunk-driving-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "86 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/drunk-driving-essay-topics/.

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111 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Drunk driving is a serious issue that affects thousands of people each year. Whether it’s a drunk driver causing a fatal accident or someone getting a DUI, the consequences of driving under the influence can be devastating. If you have been tasked with writing an essay on drunk driving, it’s important to choose a compelling topic that will engage your readers.

To help you get started, here are 111 drunk driving essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The impact of drunk driving on society
  • The legal consequences of drunk driving
  • The emotional toll of losing a loved one to a drunk driver
  • The effectiveness of DUI checkpoints
  • The role of alcohol education programs in preventing drunk driving
  • The relationship between alcohol advertising and drunk driving
  • The effects of alcohol on driving abilities
  • The prevalence of drunk driving among college students
  • The dangers of buzzed driving
  • The impact of technology on preventing drunk driving
  • The relationship between alcoholism and drunk driving
  • The cost of drunk driving accidents to society
  • The role of law enforcement in preventing drunk driving
  • The effectiveness of ignition interlock devices in reducing drunk driving
  • The impact of media coverage on public perceptions of drunk driving
  • The role of peer pressure in drunk driving incidents
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and risky driving behaviors
  • The consequences of a DUI conviction on a person’s life
  • The impact of drunk driving on insurance rates
  • The role of parents in preventing underage drinking and driving
  • The dangers of driving the morning after drinking alcohol
  • The relationship between alcohol availability and drunk driving rates
  • The effectiveness of sobriety checkpoints in deterring drunk driving
  • The impact of stricter drunk driving laws on reducing incidents
  • The role of alcohol addiction treatment in preventing repeat DUI offenses
  • The dangers of driving under the influence of drugs
  • The effectiveness of public awareness campaigns in reducing drunk driving
  • The impact of peer intervention programs on preventing drunk driving
  • The relationship between alcohol abuse and mental health issues
  • The consequences of drunk driving for victims and their families
  • The role of bartenders and servers in preventing drunk driving
  • The effectiveness of designated driver programs in reducing drunk driving incidents
  • The impact of social norms on drunk driving behaviors
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and risky driving decisions
  • The consequences of drunk driving for professional drivers
  • The role of technology in detecting drunk drivers
  • The effectiveness of mandatory alcohol education programs for DUI offenders
  • The impact of alcohol addiction on a person’s ability to make responsible decisions
  • The relationship between alcohol availability and drunk driving rates in different countries
  • The consequences of drunk driving for underage offenders
  • The role of friends and family in preventing loved ones from driving drunk
  • The effectiveness of community-based prevention programs in reducing drunk driving
  • The impact of alcohol-related injuries on healthcare costs
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and aggressive driving behaviors
  • The consequences of drunk driving for commercial drivers
  • The role of peer pressure in influencing drunk driving behaviors
  • The effectiveness of alcohol treatment programs for DUI offenders
  • The impact of drunk driving on workplace safety
  • The relationship between alcohol use and impaired decision-making abilities
  • The consequences of drunk driving for first-time offenders
  • The role of alcohol abuse in causing repeat DUI offenses
  • The effectiveness of school-based prevention programs in reducing underage drinking and driving
  • The impact of alcohol availability on drunk driving rates in rural areas
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and fatal car accidents
  • The consequences of drunk driving for military personnel
  • The role of law enforcement in enforcing drunk driving laws
  • The effectiveness of zero-tolerance policies for underage drinking and driving
  • The impact of alcohol-related incidents on college campuses
  • The relationship between alcohol use and risky sexual behaviors
  • The consequences of drunk driving for professional athletes
  • The role of social media in raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving
  • The effectiveness of peer education programs in preventing drunk driving
  • The impact of alcohol-related incidents on academic performance
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and domestic violence
  • The consequences of drunk driving for individuals with prior DUI convictions
  • The role of alcohol abuse in causing impaired driving skills
  • The effectiveness of community service programs for DUI offenders
  • The impact of alcohol-related incidents on family relationships
  • The relationship between alcohol use and criminal behavior
  • The consequences of drunk driving for individuals with substance abuse issues
  • The role of public transportation in reducing drunk driving rates
  • The effectiveness of breathalyzer tests in deterring drunk driving
  • The impact of alcohol abuse on a person’s

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Essays on Drunk Driving

We all know the dangers of driving while being intoxicated, but your drunk driving essay should cover them in detail. Drinking even a small amount of alcohol leads to disruptions in the work of various systems in the human body. Many drunk driving essays explore the fact that driving while drunk leads to violation of traffic rules, enhances the risk of an accident with serious consequences to human health and life, as well as damage to material property. There is not a single driver who has not heard about the severity of punishment for alcohol intoxication while driving, but some choose to ignore it. However, statistics show that 25% of lethal driving accidents happen because the driver who lost control of the car while being intoxicated. As you write essays on drunk driving look through our essay samples below – our drunk driving essay samples may help you discover some new points on the subject.

Alcohol and Driving Alcohol shouldn't be consumed before or while operating a motor vehicle. It changes the victim's brain chemistry, which lowers their ability for sound reasoning. Driving requires drivers to read traffic signs correctly, which is impossible to do while intoxicated. Driving while under the influence of any substance on...

The goal of the study was to examine the effects of DUI courts on self-reported drunk driving behavior, future DUI arrests, and other offenses related to alcohol consumption. The assessment is focused on determining whether DUI courts decreased the number of future DUI arrests. The authors made the assumption that...

Words: 2569

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Drunk Driving: A Major Issue Drunk driving is also a major issue all over the world. The main issue with driving while intoxicated is that it endangers not only the driver s life but also the lives of other passengers. According to reports, collisions are the leading source of accidental fatalities...

Words: 1200

Identification of knowledge and purpose for referralStan is a 35-year-old male adult who was recommended for specialized alcohol abuse therapeutic assistance. Stan has been accused of driving under the influence of alcohol several times. Stan nevertheless maintains that he is not an alcohol abuser, despite the facts raised in the...

Words: 2304

Related topic to Drunk Driving

Drunk Driving Essay

How To Write A Drunk Driving Essay? (+20 Bonus Topics!)

The issue of drinking and driving has been in the public limelight for decades now. What is heartbreaking about this topic are the devastating negative impacts. That is why it would seem close to impossible to miss a drunk driving persuasive essay assignment.

Essay About Drunk Driving – What You Need To Know

It would be best to have a fresh perspective or modify the existing information into exciting content that can attract new readers. Getting the best writing professionals can save you a lot of time and effort.

However, before you seek essay writing help, here are the fundamentals of this persuasive paper:

It would help if you used verifiable facts and statistics Be cautious of the diction you use since there may be victims reading your essay Using personal experiences would be a good idea but remember to keep emotions out of your paper Include working solutions, not merely suggestions For effectiveness, watch the latest news headlines touching on the issue

Strive to make it as captivating as possible to attract readers and make your paper stand out. Who knows? Your essay might be used by one of the international bodies as a benchmark during a conference.

Drunk Driving Essay Sample

Driving is one of the privileges citizens of the free world enjoy. The right of driving comes with responsibilities which is why most countries require minimum age before the right to drive can be enjoyed. Drivers are not only responsible for their own interests but also the interests of fellow drivers and pedestrians. We have laws against drunk driving because drunk drivers do not only endanger themselves but also impose huge financial and social costs on the society.

When individuals are drunk, there have slow reaction rates, blurred vision, and reduced judgment capabilities . As a result, they are more likely to be involved in crash . In addition to posing a danger to themselves and fellow occupants, they also pose danger to other drivers as well as pedestrians. The consequences are often quite grave including life-altering disabilities and death.

Driving under the influence is a crime and may result in professional setbacks. DUI convictions may appear in background checks conducted by employers and result in the offender losing on the job he/she might have gotten otherwise. In addition , time and money is also lost in dealing with lawyers and the court system. Other economic and social costs include higher auto insurance rates, deteriorating work relationships with professional co-workers and acquaintances, and deteriorating personal relationships .

Drunk driving imposes huge economic and social costs on both the individual and the society. Actions go but consequences remain, often for lifetime, thus, individuals should take every measure to ensure they do not have to sit behind wheelswhen under the influence of alcohol.

Drunk Driving Essay Structure

How to start an essay on drunk driving depends on your grasp of its outline and structure. If you find yourself getting stuck along the way, then it means you skipped a step in either of the two. Before you begin your essay, think about the following first:

  • Conduct extensive research from reputable sources (books, newspapers, news)
  • Check how the findings match your topic. Do they agree or disagree with it?
  • Draft the main points with brief explanations
  • Start your essay

The writing process will be fun if you have followed the steps above correctly. Let us look at the drunk driving essay structure:

Drunk Driving Essay Intro

Provide a background context of your topic. If you are writing a ‘how to prevent drunk driving essay’ – give details on the impacts of drunk driving and why we should prevent it by all means possible.

Include a straightforward thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph. It will determine the direction that your essay will take.

The Body of A Drunk Driving Essay

It is where you argue out your points to convince your reader. The arguments should appear hierarchically. Use relevant examples to give your paper a human aspect.

The structure of the body paragraphs is:

  • A topic sentence
  • An explanation
  • Examples to support the argument

You can use styles such as satire to make your body paragraphs thrilling.

Drunk Driving Essay Conclusion

Give a summary of your arguments while restating your thesis statement. An excellent way to end your essay would be to use a call to action at the end. For example, ‘let us all join hands in stopping drunk driving!’

Drunk Driving Essay Topics

To give you a head start on what to do, our guru writers have compiled a list of 20+ top-notch topics for your inspiration. You can modify the topics or use them as they are for your next essay assignment.

How To Prevent Drunk Driving Essay Topics

  • Discuss the role of the traffic police department in mitigating drunk driving
  • Is it possible to stop drunk drivers from starting the car engine?
  • Should drunk drivers face lifetime jail terms for such an offense?
  • What legislations can help curb drunk driving?

How Has Drunk Driving Affected Victims Essay Topics

  • Physical and psychological impacts of drunk driving
  • Why most victims of drunk driving do not want to be on the road again
  • Do insurance firms cover affected victims of drunk driving?

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay Topics

  • How drunk driving has contributed to the rising number of widows
  • Why mothers are the most concerned about drunk driving
  • How drunk driving has separated mothers from their children

Why Not To Drink And Drive Essay Topics

  • Adverse effects of drinking and driving
  • Why drinking and driving might cost you your life
  • Alternative means of reaching home after drinking

Drinking And Driving Solution Essay Topics

  • Using technology to prevent drinking and driving
  • Is the Alco blow significant?
  • Introducing hefty fines for drunk drivers

Negative Effects of Drunk Driving Essay Topics

  • Loss of lives
  • Medical expenses
  • Road carnage
  • Compensation expenses

Our pro writers are ready to offer you fast and affordable assistance online for your drunk driving essay. Try us today!

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How To Prevent Drunk Driving Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Law , United States , Disaster , Drunk Driving , Driving , Alcohol , Criminal Justice , Alcoholism

Words: 1300

Published: 11/11/2019


Drinking And Driving Essay Introduction

Drunk driving is the effect of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of accidents and deaths across the world. In the United States, Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of deaths among young people below the age of 24 years. Data from the US Department’s National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (2011) show that more than forty percent of the deaths are as a result of alcohol related accidents. Accidents occurring as a result of consumption of alcohol are so prevalent in the US that at some point in life, an estimated 40% of all people in the US will be involved in some sort of traffic mishap blamed on alcohol. The flipside of these statistics is that most of the accidents occurring as a result of drunk driving can be avoided. Even though there has been a witnessed drop in alcohol related accidents for the last few years, there are still many accidents that occur and can be easily prevented. As much progress is being made to try and reduce these accidents even further, drunk driving continues to be a tragic problem affecting the nation. Drunk driving not only affects those who are under the influence, but also other innocent users of roads who may end up being hurt or killed.

Consumption of alcohol affects a person’s sense of judgment and motor skills

More statistics from NHTSA paints a grim picture on the consequences of drunk driving. Data from the department shows that in 2008 alone, almost 13,000 people lost their lives as a result of drunk driving. It is even disturbing to note that around 1300 of the death were as a result of teenage drunk driving (p. 2). These accidents not only result in deaths, but also lead to immense financial loss running into billions of dollars on the part of the government. These disturbing statistics on drunk driving have necessitated the need for penalties and safety measures to deal with the problem. There are various laws in the United States have been put in place to prevent these accidents. One law has been the increase in the legal age of drinking to twenty one. Also, some States have given full authority to arresting officers to seize licenses of drivers who refuse to co-operate with them or refuse to take the breath analyzer test. Other measures that have been done include holding seminars, especially in schools and colleges to disseminate the negative consequences of drunk driving.

Penalties for drunk driving have been increased, even for the first offenders. Additionally, through the lobbying of some organizations like the Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) numerous laws have been put in place with the aim of combating drunk driving. Majority of the States in the US have also passed Administrative License Revocation (ALR) laws that gives arresting officers powers to take licenses of drivers who fail or refuse to take breath tests (Buddy, n.p). Moreover, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit has been lowered by all States from .10 to 0.08 for adults and has also passed Zero Tolerance laws that prohibit drivers below the age of 21 from having any amount of alcohol in their bodies that can be measured.

When it comes to drunk driving, the drunk drivers cannot escape responsibility. They are held accountable to some extent for the accidents they cause. They are held accountable by the justice system for the people they injure or kill. They have to cushion the monetary liabilities for causing such accidents and these might run into millions of shillings. Drunk drivers are liable to pay punitive damages as awarded by the court. In some areas, drivers are obliged to face the victims as part of the Driving under Influence (DUI) school curriculum (NHTSA, 3). The idea of doing this is for the drunk drivers to get an opportunity to listen to the painful stories of the victims and feel their pain. The idea is for the drivers to feel the pain of the victims and make them think twice before repeating the offense again. Therefore, once a person is found liable for causing injury or death as a result of drunk driving, then they will have to pay fines, costs of lawsuits and have their licenses revoked for a period of time. Other State will require that one be place under probation at their cost and ordered to perform some form of community work.

Michigan, just like the other States in the country has put in place laws to curb drunk driving. The State has very strict laws when it comes to driving under influence. Generally, the legal limit for blood alcohol in the State is 0.80 and this is only applicable to people who are above 21 years. The State is also an “Implied Consent” state; meaning that the mere act of operating a vehicle means that you have consented to be administered a breathalyzer test. Refusing to take the test lose their license for one year and a second refusals are not legible to apply for hardship licenses. When it comes to convictions, a first conviction may result to a prison term of up to three months and have the licenses suspended for 6 months with fines ranging from $100 to $500. Offenders are also subject to 360 hours of community work and have a breathalyzer device put on their vehicles. A second conviction results in a prison sentence ranging from 5 days to one year and fined between $200 and $1 000. The license is also suspended for at least a full year with six points being added to the license. Offenders may also be sentenced to community service ranging from 30 to 90 days. The third conviction is counted as a felony and a person can be jailed for not less than one year to 5 years. This will also lead to confiscation of the license and the vehicle immobilized for a 3 to 6 months. The fines range from $200 to $1000.Michigan has experienced a fairly steady decline in the number of accidents occurring as a result of drunk driving. The table below summarizes the number of alcohol related deaths from 2000 to 2008.

From the table it can be seen that the State had the highest number of alcohol related deaths (AlC-Rel) in 2000 at 528 and the lowest in 2008 at 331. The state witnessed a peak in alcohol related fatalities (Tot) in 2000 at 1382 and the lowest was witnessed in 2006.

Drunk driving continues to be an issue of concern in the country and is increasingly causing many deaths and injuries on the roads, many of which are unwarranted. The recent past has witnessed laws and programmes which are meant o curb this vice. Organizations and lobbies have not been left behind and all of these are fighting to make our roads safe for everyone. New and tough rules are being put in place to mitigate the grim trends. However, all said and done, rules alone will not reduce accidents, what is needed is change in people’s attitude through education and awareness creation so that citizens can be in the forefront of promoting highways that are free from alcohol.


Buddy, Tom. Penalties for Driving Drunk: Penalties For the Drunk Driver Are Get Stiffer. 10,

January, 2011. Web. 20 March 2011. http://alcoholism.about.com/cs/drive/a/aa082797.htm Gursten, steven. A safety app to reduce drunk driving and car crashes in Michigan?

September 7th, 2010 Michigan Drunk Driving Statistics. Web. 20 March 21, 2011 http://www.alcoholalert.com/drunk-driving-statistics-michigan.html US Department’s National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA), Alcohol IPT.

18 March 21, 2011. Web 20 March 21, 2011. <http://www.nhtsa.gov/


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Driving while Intoxicated Persuasive Essay

This persuasive essay will argue against driving while intoxicated. It will discuss the dangers and consequences of drunk driving, including risks to public safety and legal repercussions. The piece will aim to persuade readers about the importance of responsible behavior and the need for stricter enforcement of DUI laws. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Alcohol.

How it works

Did you know that in 2016, 10,497 people died from alcohol-impaired crashes? That means every 50 minutes, one person loses their life due to a person driving under the influence. Drunk driving is a serious problem that needs to be put to an end.

What even is a DUI? DUI stands for driving under the influence. A DUI is also sometimes referred to as a DWI, which means driving while intoxicated. Driving home with a BAC (blood-alcohol concentration) of 0.08% or higher would result in the person receiving a DUI.

The person would be legally considered drunk and therefore should never be allowed to drive home. Someone’s BAC is affected by their body weight/size. Basically, a heavier person can drink the same amount of alcohol than someone that’s lighter, and still have a lower BAC than the lighter person. BAC is also affected by the amount of alcohol someone drinks. This means that the more you drink, the higher your BAC will be. Some people think that if their blood-alcohol concentration level is below 0.08% they can still operate their vehicle legally, but an officer can still give the person a DUI if their BAC is from 0.05-0.07%, only if their behavior suggests they are impaired. If a driver’s chemical test shows that they have a BAC of 0.08% of more, the driver could get a DUI, and the repercussion would be having their driving privileges suspended for six months. Also, if a driver refuses to take a breath test, the driver may be liable for up to $500 for the costs of the blood tests if they are convicted of a DUI. That’s not all. A person’s first offense could include both criminal penalties and a longer licence reinstatement process if convicted. The State of Illinois estimates that the total cost of a 1st time offense could be up to $16,000. This includes increased insurance rates, temporary loss of income, court costs and lawyer fees.

Driving under the influence has become a common issue for younger adults or teenagers. Even though the Zero Tolerance Law makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drive with any measurable alcohol in their blood, some teenagers still do it because they tend to think they are invincible. They go to parties and still drive home even after they had a few beers because they think it makes them look “cool.” Teenagers don’t take into account that they are not only risking their own lives by driving home, but other people’s lives too. They don’t understand that if they injure or kill someone, all of their hopes and dreams could be taken away because they would be convicted of killing or injuring an innocent person. For example, in the popular movie, Remember the Titans, the main character Gerry Bertier died from a drunk driver accident at age 29. I bet the driver didn’t realize what kind of affect he would have on people when he decided to drive that night. Also, studies show that many teens accepted a ride from a drunk driver within the past year. In my opinion, teenagers accept rides from people under the influence because they are put into peer pressure. They don’t want to say no to the driver, so they just say yes because they can be a little bit intimidated. In addition, if parents give their children a curfew, and if they happen to be running late coming home, they might risk it and drive home illegally just to make their curfew. Even though the percent of teenagers that drink and drive has dropped immensely since 1991 (it dropped by one-third in the past three decades), the issue of teen drinking and driving is still out of hand.

There are many ways people can help stop the problem of drunk drivers. Clearly there are laws set to try to end this, but legal action alone cannot help end drunk driving. The first thing anyone can do is make the choice themselves to not drink and drive. Anyone, even yourself, could end up causing a crash or getting a DUI. Another way to help end driving under the influence is to educate children on the effects and consequences on drinking and driving. Through this education, hopefully many people will understand the danger of drinking and driving. For example, every school’s driver education class should be teaching the students about the risk of intoxication. My driver education class has done a good job of that so far. In addition, parents should try to be good role models for their children and model good driving behavior. Also, if their child drinks, they could provide them with some way to get home, other than having them drive home themselves. The parents picking them up themselves is a much better option. Also, if someone is looking for a way to help, they could volunteer at an organization that is set out to help stop drinking and driving. This would help them to get the word out that there are many dangers in doing this action. People could donate to these organizations, too. Donations are what makes it possible to keep drivers educated and safe. In the United States and Canada, there is a very successful organization called MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) that strives to stop drunk driving, support those affected by drunk driving, and prevent people drinking underage. They are also pushing for a stricter impaired driving policy. People should definitely consider donating to this organization because it is one of the best ones. Volunteering, donating, and fundraising are all ways someone can help with the MADD organization.

Overall, drunk driving and people getting DUIs needs to be put to an end because it puts so many people at risk, including the driver, passenger/passengers, other drivers, and pedestrians. All of these people are innocent and don’t deserve to have their life taken away because of one stupid mistake like driving under the influence. We also need to educate people on the issue of drunk driving and help organizations that try to stop drinking and driving. If we all work together, drunk driving can be a thing of the past and so many lives can be saved. 


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PapersOwl.com. (2021). Driving While Intoxicated Persuasive Essay . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/driving-while-intoxicated-persuasive-essay/ [Accessed: 17 May. 2024]

"Driving While Intoxicated Persuasive Essay." PapersOwl.com, Apr 25, 2021. Accessed May 17, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/driving-while-intoxicated-persuasive-essay/

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Drunk Driving, Outline Example

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Specific Purpose: To persuade my audient to prevent drunk driving

Thesis Statement:

Thesis Statement: Drunk driving is an epidemic that continues growing with the pass of the time, if we simply take a few steps against drunk driving we can help decrease this epidemic.


Attention Getter

Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2011.)

  • We need to consider the question; why do people prefer to drink and drive? Another important question is; how many of you guys at one time of your life driven when you were drunk??
  • I have enough experience with drinking and I quit drinking about five years ago. I am therefore qualified to speak about the topic.


  • Recall story about my friend receiving phone call that his brother, Peter, had been involved in a drunken driving accident.
  • I have also witnessed a number of road accidents and about 28% of them are attributed to drunk driving. I therefore confirm that the topic needs great attention.
  • This topic has also been a focus for research and the findings indicate that there is need to address drunk driving as a growing epidemic in the society.

Preview main points/thesis statement.

  • Drunk driving has already been pointed out as a critical epidemic that continues growing with the pass of the time in our society, it is therefore imperative that we must consider some vital steps against drunk driving so that we decrease this epidemic.

Transition: having identified drunk driving as an epidemic in our society today, lets start with some facts about this controversial topic

  • Drunk driving occurs every day, and many lives are taken because of one-person choice.
  • Specific problem: The problems that are associated with drunk driving include higher risks of accidents, injuries as well as deaths.
  • Unfulfilled needs: appropriate actions are needed to stop this menace that is continuously taking away the lives of innocent people every day.
  • Despite the concerted efforts in this field however, drunk driving has persisted as a grievous national epidemic with tragic effects on many victims throughout the year.
  • Every 52 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunken driving crash (10,288 people in total in 2013), (Madd.org “About drunk Driving”).
  • About 900,000 people are arrested each years and 1/3 of those are repeat offenders. (drinkinganddriving.org “Drunk Driving Statistics”).
  • The annual cost of alcohol- related crashes totals more than $51 billion. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “ Impaired Driving: Get the Facts”).
  • An average drunk driver will drive drunk 87 times before being pulled over. (Word Press, “Statistics”).
  • Three in every five Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in his/her life (NHTSA, 2011).
  • This problem relates to the audience. It is a common practice among people to overlook the dry statistics and fail to relate them to real lives as well as real people who have been involved in these accidents.

Internal summary statement

Each injury or death arising from an accident that is attributed to drunk driving is absolutely preventable.

After you known all those incredible facts, I will now proceed to discuss some important things that can help us to prevent drunk driving.


We all need to actively help prevent drunk driving. Drunk driving is one of the many social problems that are characterized with resistance to simple solutions by the victims. However, it is important to consider some important actions that have been proven to have significant role in reducing the risks that are associated with drunk driving:

  • Plan ahead. In case the driver must take alcohol, you need to consider some important action plans.
  • Put money aside for a taxi.
  • Have a designated driver.
  • Have a back up designated driver.
  • Never let anyone drive drunk.
  • Offer to drive them home.
  • Offer to get them a taxi.
  • Stop being afraid to speak up.
  • Hosting a party
  • Make sure people are leaving with a sober driver.
  • Offer for them to have a sober driver take them home.
  • Offer for them to stay the night.
  • Take their keys.

Internal summary

Considering and implementing the things mentioned above will increase safety on the road and evade dangerous situations. If you suspect that a driver in another vehicle is impaired due to drinking, report the case to the police by calling 9-1-1 while keeping a safe distance from that vehicle.

If we put in practice all those things that I said before I am pretty sure all those irrational statistics about drunk driving will decrease.


  • If we actively start taking the steps planning ahead, and not allowing anyone to drive while drunk, and if hosting a party make sure no one leaves drunk, then we are all helping to prevent more fatalities due to drunk driving.
  • If we don’t start preventing drunk driving actively then, it is going to become a bigger crisis than it already is. More and more people will continue to perish in road accidents that are caused by drunk driving and can otherwise be prevented.

Everyone is always hearing about a drunken driving incident that happens, but are you going to step up and help to prevent this problem that is increasing with the pass of the time Action

It is the responsibility of all people to prevent drunk driving!

  • We all need to make a conscience effect to plan ahead.
  • Stop letting people drive drunk because you think someone else is going to say something.
  • Never let anyone leave your house drunk because you are responsible for that person’s actions when they cant make them.

Works Cited

Drinking and Driving.org. “Drunk Driving Statistics.” Drinking And Driving .Org. Drinking and Driving .org, Web. 23 July 2012. <http://www.drinkinganddriving.org/>.

U.S. Department of Transportation. “About Drunk Driving.”

MADD – About Drunk Driving. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 25 Jan. 2011. Web. 23 July 2012. <http://www.madd.org/drunk-driving/about/>.

Word Press. “Statistics.” Drunk Driving Statistics, Drinking and Driving Stats |. Word Press, Web. 23 July 2012. <http://dontdiedrunk.org/drunk-driving-stats/>.

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