Purchase requisition for account assignment Table in SAP

  • EBKN Table for Purchase Requisition Account Assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • VSEBKN_CN Table for Version: Purchase requisition account assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : CNVS Module : SRM-EBP
  • T161F Table for Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition Release Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • CDBD_PR_H Table for Purchase Requisition header - CDB table Table Type : TRANSP Package : CDB Module : CRM-MSA
  • CDBD_PR_I Table for Purchase Requisition item - CDB table Table Type : TRANSP Package : CDB Module : CRM-MSA
  • EBAN Table for Purchase Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • EBAN_TECH Table for Purchase Requisition for External Sourcing Table Type : TRANSP Package : MEREQ Module : MM-PUR
  • FDM2 Table for Cash management line items from MM purchase requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : FF Module : CRM-MD-PCT
  • MEREQX Table for Purchase Requisition Change Parameter Table Type : TRANSP Package : MEREQ Module : MM-PUR
  • PREXT Table for Enhancement Fields for Purchase Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • PSPR_GRP_IND_PR Table for Grouping Indicators and purchase requisition numbers Table Type : TRANSP Package : PS_ST_EHP3_SFWS_SC Module : PS-ST
  • SER09 Table for Doc. Header for Serial Numbers for Purchase Requisition Item Table Type : TRANSP Package : IQSM Module : CRM
  • SNWD_PR_I_TPL Table for EPM: Purchase Requisition Item Database Table Template Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_EPM_AIE_TPL Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • T161G Table for Release Prerequisite, Purchase Requisition Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T161H Table for Fields for Release Procedure, Purchase Requisition Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T161S Table for Release Indicator, Purchase Requisition Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16CR Table for Version-Relevant Fields of Purchase Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : MEDCM Module : MM-PUR
  • TEE001 Table for Purchase Requisition from Easy Execution Table Type : TRANSP Package : CKEXECUTION Module : CO-PC-PCP
  • TME_TOL Table for Overdraw tolerance for Purchase Order / Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : FMFG_E Module : PSM-FM
  • VSEBAN_CN Table for Version: Purchase requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : CNVS Module : SRM-EBP
  • /SAPSRM/SH_PO_RC Table for Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Code Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPSRM/PDO_SHARED Module : SRM-EBP-PD
  • /SAPSRM/SH_PR_RC Table for Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Code Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPSRM/PDO_SHARED Module : SRM-EBP-PD
  • /SAPSRM/SH_PR_RG Table for Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Group Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPSRM/PDO_SHARED Module : SRM-EBP-PD
  • /SPE/CRMD_PR_MAP Table for Mapping Table Purchase Requisition CRM Sales Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SPE/CRM_GENERAL Module : LO-SPM-OUT
  • JKSDPORDERFLOW Table for IS-M: Assignment of Purchase Order Book to Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : JSDI Module : IS-M
  • DPR_OBJLINK_SCPO Table for Purchase Order and Purchase Order Item for SRM Shopping Cart Table Type : TRANSP Package : DEVELOPMENT_PROJECTS_SRM Module : PPM-PRO-EXT
  • TOIAE Table for Purchase Fee Account Assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : OIA Module : CRM
  • CRMC_ACC_MAP Table for Assignment of Account Assignment Group to Account Table Type : TRANSP Package : CRM_LEASING_SRM Module : CRM-LAM-BTX
  • CDBC_REQPRIO Table for MM Requisition details table Table Type : TRANSP Package : CDB Module : CRM-MSA
  • EREC_GENERAL Table for General Requisition Form Settings Table Type : TRANSP Package : PAOC_MSS_E_RECRUITING Module : EP-PCT-MGR-HR
  • EREC_ISR_TYPES Table for ISR Requisition Scenario Types Table Type : TRANSP Package : PAOC_MSS_E_RECRUITING Module : EP-PCT-MGR-HR
  • EREC_ISR_TYPES_T Table for Text table for ISR Requisition Types Table Type : TRANSP Package : PAOC_MSS_E_RECRUITING Module : EP-PCT-MGR-HR
  • EREC_METHODS Table for Start Methods for Requisition Creation Table Type : TRANSP Package : PAOC_MSS_E_RECRUITING Module : EP-PCT-MGR-HR
  • MEREP_TREQUIS Table for MI Testtool - Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_ME_TESTTOOL Module : BC-MOB
  • MEREP_TVENDOR Table for MI Testtool - Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_ME_TESTTOOL Module : BC-MOB
  • NMATO Table for IS-H: Material requisition by nurse station Table Type : TRANSP Package : NPAS Module : CRM
  • T161A Table for Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Document Type Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LA Table for Texts on Status of Requisition Processing Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LD Table for Routines for Structure of Requisition Lists Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LE Table for Texts for Routines for Structure of Requisition Lists Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LF Table for Routines for Data Retrieval in Requisition Lists Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LG Table for Texts for Routines for Data Retrieval in Requisition Lists Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T75REQST Table for Requisition Status Table Table Type : TRANSP Package : PBNA_REC_MYSAP Module : PA-PA-US
  • TNM02 Table for IS-H MM: Material Requisition Parameters Table Type : TRANSP Package : NPAS Module : CRM
  • /ISDFPS/MEMMTRQ Table for Customizing: Requisition Types (Mobile) Table Type : TRANSP Package : /ISDFPS/ME_MM Module : IS-DFS-MA-MM
  • /ISDFPS/MEMMTRQL Table for Customizing: Requisition Type for Document Cat. (Mobile) Table Type : TRANSP Package : /ISDFPS/ME_MM Module : IS-DFS-MA-MM
  • /ISDFPS/MEMMTRQT Table for Customizing: Texts for Requisition Types (Mobile) Table Type : TRANSP Package : /ISDFPS/ME_MM Module : IS-DFS-MA-MM
  • /SAPCEM/BD01 Table for Planning: Default Values for Requisition Note Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPCEM/DISPO Module : IS-EC-CEM
  • /SAPCEM/BDKO Table for Header Data for Requisition Note Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPCEM/DISPO Module : IS-EC-CEM
  • /SAPCEM/BDPO Table for Requisition Note Item Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPCEM/DISPO Module : IS-EC-CEM
  • ACCRAC Table for Assignment of Acr./Def. G/L Account to Accruals Account Table Type : TRANSP Package : ACCR Module : FI
  • REQTYPE Table Data element for Requisition Type of the Mobile Requisition
  • /ISDFPS/ME_MM_REQTYPE Table Data element for Requisition Type of the Mobile Requisition
  • CO_BANFN Table Data element for Purchase requisition number
  • CO_BNFPO Table Data element for Item number of the purchase requisition in the order
  • SCEND_ACT Table Data element for Ind.: Purchase requisition at activity finish date
  • BBP_ES_RFP_TEXT_ID_PR Table Data element for Text ID for Storing RFP Reference in Purchase Requisition
  • BBSRT Table Data element for Purchase Requisition Document Type
  • BANFN Table Data element for Purchase requisition number
  • BNFPO Table Data element for Item number of purchase requisition
  • CREATE_IND Table Data element for Creation Indicator (Purchase Requisition)
  • CFB_BSART_PR Table Data element for Document Type for Creating Purchase Requisition from RMC
  • MRPDS_PURCHASE Table Data element for MRP DS: No Purchase Requisition Creation from APO

Purchase requisition for account assignment Table in SAP

Purchase requisition for account assignment related terms


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Purchase Requisition (PR) in SAP, Tables, Tcodes & Menu path

Table of Contents

Let us look some details about purchase requisition in  SAP. Purchase requisition is an internal request to purchase items or services to the purchasing department. It can be created automatically or manually. Shortly it represent as SAP PR. This SAP Purchase requisition tutorial contains the reference data about its menu path , Pr codes , Purchase requisition tables , table fields , function modules and SAP components .

About SAP Purchase Requisition

An internal document used to request the purchasing department to procure specific goods or services.
Initiates the procurement process.
Logistics -> -> Purchasing -> Purchase Requisition -> Create
– Material or service to be procured – Quantity required – Delivery date – Budget information – Requesting department
Needs approval from the purchasing department and possibly other departments depending on budget and complexity.
– Purchase order (PO) – Goods receipt (GR) – Invoice
– Streamlines the procurement process – Provides transparency and traceability – Helps control costs
– Can be created for individual items or groups of items. – Can be linked to projects or cost centers. – Can be used for both direct and indirect materials.

Purchase requisition Menu path in SAP

Here is the possible menu path to access purchase requisition menu in SAP.

Logistics – Production – KANBAN – Environment – Purchasing – Purchase Requisition –

Logistics – Sales and Distribution – Foreign Trade/Customs – General Foreign Trade Processing – Environment – Purchase – Import – Purchasing – Purchase Requisition –

SAP Purchase requisition Tcodes

Here is a list of important  transaction codes  dealing with purchase requisition in SAP.

  • Purchase Requisition  – S_AL0_96000495
  • Change Purchase Requisition  – ME52
  • Release Purchase Requisition  – ME54N
  • Release Purchase Requisition  – ME54
  • Display Purchase Requisition  – ME53N
  • Display Purchase Requisition  – ME53
  • Display Purchase Requisition  – /KYK/ME53N
  • Change Purchase Requisition  – ME52N
  • Create Purchase Requisition  – ME51
  • Create Purchase Requisition  – ME51N
  • Buyer Approval: Purchase Requisition  – ME52NB
  • Create PO from Requisition  – MMPURUIPRCREQ
  • C MM-PUR Reorganization: Requisition  – OMEX
  • C MM-PUR Matchcode Requisition  – OMHM
  • For Requisition Account Assignment  – MECCP_ME2K
  • Reconciliation of Purch. Requisition  – FMRC22
  • Requisition for External Release  – ME_EXT_REL_PR
  • G/L Account Auth. in Requisition  – OMRO
  • Display Requisition  – /PTGWFI/M_DIS_REQ
  • C MM-PUR Requisition Processing Time  – OMEW

SAP Purchase requisition Tables

Here is a list of important  system tables  storing purchase requisition related data in SAP.

  • Purchase Requisition  – EBAN
  • Version: Purchase requisition  – VSEBAN_CN
  • Enhancement Fields for Purchase Requisition  – PREXT
  • Purchase Requisition Account Assignment  – EBKN
  • Purchase Requisition for External Sourcing  – EBAN_TECH
  • Release Prerequisite, Purchase Requisition  – T161G
  • Release Indicator, Purchase Requisition  – T161S
  • Purchase Requisition from Easy Execution  – TEE001
  • Purchase Requisition Change Parameter  – MEREQX
  • Overdraw tolerance for Purchase Order / Requisition  – TME_TOL
  • Version: Purchase requisition account assignment  – VSEBKN_CN
  • Fields for Release Procedure, Purchase Requisition  – T161H
  • Grouping Indicators and purchase requisition numbers  – PSPR_GRP_IND_PR
  • Version-Relevant Fields of Purchase Requisition  – T16CR
  • Doc. Header for Serial Numbers for Purchase Requisition Item  – SER09
  • Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition Release  – T161F
  • Mapping Table Purchase Requisition <-> CRM Sales Order  – /SPE/CRMD_PR_MAP
  • Routines for Structure of Requisition Lists  – T16LD
  • Texts on Status of Requisition Processing  – T16LA
  • Routines for Data Retrieval in Requisition Lists  – T16LF

Table Fields with Purchase requisition data

Here is a list of important table fields which are used for storing purchase requisition related data in SAP.

  • REQ_TYPE – Requisition Type of the Mobile Requisition
  • BANFN – Purchase requisition number
  • BNFPO – Item number of the purchase requisition in the order
  • SCHED_END – Ind.: Purchase requisition at activity finish date
  • RFP_TEXT_ID_PR – Text ID for Storing RFP Reference in Purchase Requisition
  • BE_DOC_TYPE – Purchase Requisition Document Type
  • PREQ_NO – Purchase requisition number
  • PREQ_ITEM – Item number of purchase requisition
  • CREATE_IND – Creation Indicator (Purchase Requisition)
  • BSART_PR – Purchase Requisition Document Type
  • BSART_PR_CREATE – Document Type for Creating Purchase Requisition from RMC
  • NO_PURCHASEREQ – MRP DS: No Purchase Requisition Creation from APO
  • REFBN – Number of Reference Purchase Requisition
  • BNFPO – Item number of purchase requisition
  • BSART – Purchase Requisition Document Type
  • STATU – Processing status of purchase requisition
  • ESTKZ – Creation indicator (purchase requisition/schedule lines)
  • FRGST – Release strategy in the purchase requisition
  • MENGE – Purchase requisition quantity
  • MEINS – Purchase requisition unit of measure

Function Modules for Purchase requisition in SAP

Here is a list of important function modules which are used with purchase requisition related processes in SAP.

  • OIO_NV_EBKN_TO_EBAN_P – Tracking: purchase requisition to purchase requisition item               
  • OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_PO_PR – Create purchase/stock transfer order from purchase requisition            
  • OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_EBAN_P – Tracking: stock transport requisition item to purchase requisition item   
  • OIO_NV_EKKO_TO_EBAN – Tracking: stock transport requisition item to purchase requisition item   
  • OIO_NV_ESLH_TO_EBAN_P – Tracking: stock transport requisition item to purchase requisition item   
  • OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_EKPO – Tracking: stock transport requisition item to purchase requisition item   
  • OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_EBAN_T – Tracking: purchase requisition item to transport requisition item         
  • GM_OPEN_ITEM_PR – OI Interface: Purchase Requisition                                        
  • Z_PURCH_REQ_DBR9150 – FM to create Purchase Requisition                                         
  • BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE – Create Purchase Requisition                                               
  • BAPI_REQUISITION_CHANGE – Change Purchase Requisition                                               
  • /SAPAPO/OM_SPP_PUR_REQ_GET – Get SPP Purchase Requisition Orders                                       
  • B45A_REQUISITION_CHANGE – Change purchase requisition                                               
  • ME_RELEASE_REQUISITION – Process Purchase Requisition                                              
  • NOR3_REQUISITION_CHANGE – Change purchase requisition                                               
  • ZBAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE – Purchase Requisition Create                                               
  • CSO_I_PUR_REQ_DBREAD_END – Check Purchase Requisition                                                
  • CSO_I_PUR_REQ_CHECK – Check Purchase Requisition                                                
  • Z_PURCH_COPY_DBR9483 – FM to create Purchase Requisition                                         
  • BS01_REQUISITION_CREATE – Create purchase requisition                                               

Purchase requisition handling Components in SAP

Here is a list of important components / sub modules which are dealing with purchase requisition related processes in SAP. List contains sub module name, then containing component and description.

  • PA-ER-RM – KER0000001 – Requisition Management
  • IS-H-MM-REQ – I041002033 – Material Requisition
  • MM-PUR-REQ – HLA0006039 – Purchase Requisitions
  • PA-BN-PL-SP – AHR0000161 – Stock Purchase
  • EC-CS-CSF-AT-PCH – HLA0100221 – Purchase Method
  • MM-PUR-PO – HLA0006041 – Purchase Orders
  • IS-M-SD-MS-SL-Q – I500000235 – Purchase Quantity Planning
  • SRM-EBP-POR – PFC0000005 – Local Purchase Order
  • MM-PUR-GF-REL-POR – HLA0001531 – Release of Purchase Orders
  • SRM-EBP-PRE – EBS0000001 – Purchase Order Response
  • LO-MDS-CPO – ALR0002161 – Collective Purchase Order
  • SRM-EBP-PD – A4C0000198 – Purchase Document Methods
  • MM-PUR-EM-PO – AEN0000073 – Empties Management in Purchase Orders
  • MM-IV-PO – HLA0006605 – Purchase-Order-Based Invoice Verification
  • IS-DFS-MM-STO – /ISDFPS/KL10000026 – Storage Location, Stock Transfer, Purchase Order

Some Basic Questions & Answers

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Using Workflows for Purchase Requisition

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Define and manage workflows for purchase requisitions

Workflows for Purchase Requisitions

Flexible workflow for purchase requisitions.

The flexible workflow for purchase requisitions allows you to define one-step or multi-step approval processes for purchase requisitions according to your requirements. Approvers can then approve or reject corresponding work items in the SAP Fiori app My Inbox .

Options for the approval of purchase requisitions:

Overall release: The entire purchase requisition is approved. This type of approval is also referred to as header-level approval.

Release of purchase requisition items: The items of a purchase requisition are approved individually. This type of approval is also referred to as item-level approval.

You can define the workflow scenarios for each of the options for regular purchase requisitions and for central purchase requisitions if you are using Central Procurement respectively.

Watch the following video to learn how to use the Flexible Workflow for Purchase Requisitions.

Workflow Configuration for Purchase Requisitions

pr account assignment table in sap

You can adjust the default settings, if required.

By default, for purchase requisitions, the flexible workflow is active for the document types NB (standard purchase requisition) and NBS. For type NBS, the overall release is defined.

For self-service requisitioning, the default document type is NB, unless you define a different document type in the app Default Settings for Users . For the document type NB, item-level approval is defined. So by default, purchase requisitions are approved at the item level, and the approval is performed automatically.

Workflow Definition for Purchase Requisitions

pr account assignment table in sap

The main activities for defining workflows are done in the app Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions . This is a mandatory step for using flexible workflows for purchase requisitions.

Role Configuration Expert - Business Process Configuration (SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT) is required for defining the workflows.

Using the app Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions , you create the workflows, define the preconditions, assign recipients, define the order in which the preconditions are checked, and activate or deactivate the workflows.

As soon as the start preconditions for a workflow are met, this workflow is used. Defining the order ensures that only one workflow is started, even if several workflows have matching start preconditions.

If none of the start preconditions are met, the active default workflow Automatic Approval of PR is used, provided that it is active.

If you define your own default workflow, you must ensure that it is positioned at the end of the defined order and that it is active.

The following table shows the roles and the apps that are used in the business process.

Business Process

Employees who create purchase requisitions or who want to view the approval status of a purchase requisitionEmployee - Procurement (SAP_BR_EMPLOYEE_PROCUREMENT)Create Purchase Requisitions
Purchasers who create purchase requisitions or who want to view the approval status of a purchase requisitionPurchaser (SAP_BR_PURCHASER)Create Purchase Requisitions - Advanced
Purchaser (SAP_BR_PURCHASER)Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional
ApproversOne of the following roles or role combinations: My Inbox - Approve Purchase Requisitions or Edit and Approve Purchase Requisitions

You can define the Start Conditions for a workflow, which determines when a particular workflow should be picked up. The preconditions that you can select are determined based on whether the workflow is for the overall release or an item-level release of a purchase requisition.

  • In the Start Conditions section, you can choose, for example, Company Code of Purchase Requisition for the overall release of purchase requisitions. Note that this precondition is applicable only if all items of the purchase requisition have the same company code. In the case of limit items, if the start condition of the workflow is based on the net amount or total net amount, the expected value of the limit item is considered. You can configure additional preconditions using BAdIs Providing Additional Conditions for Scenarios and Value Evaluation of Additional Conditions for Scenarios in the Custom Fields and Logic app. You can add multiple preconditions, if required. The workflow starts only if all the preconditions are satisfied.

Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions

pr account assignment table in sap

  • Use of class-based workflow scenarios in the Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions SAP Fiori app for approval of purchase requisitions.
  • Support for several new features, such as workflow simulation for purchase requisitions.
  • Ability to add deadlines for identifying the workflows that are overdue for pending approval.
  • Use of the Edit and approve purchase requisition option in the My Inbox SAP Fiori app to enable relevant approvers to partially edit some purchase requisitions while they are in the approval process.
  • Deadline monitoring for the purchase requisition workflow.
  • Determination of the workflow initiator's manager for approval process in the Purchase Requisitions Line Item approval scenario.
  • Send email notifications when a purchase requisition is approved or rejected, by choosing the required email template and the recipient in the Workflow Notifications section. In the list of recipient roles that can be selected, you also have the Workflow Initiator role.
  • Choose Responsibility Management teams as recipient roles while adding workflow steps to the workflows corresponding to the scenarios for overall release.

Review Activities in Purchase Requisition Approval Workflow

pr account assignment table in sap

Define the reviewers or people responsible for monitoring the progress of the workflow. You can also define the corresponding step conditions and deadlines. When a workflow is started, all the reviewers are notified. The reviewers can then track the progress of the workflow.

Make use of an additional option Exclude Restricted Agents Determined by BAdI that is available under Exclude Restricted Agents

  • Monitoring the Progress of PR Approval Workflow through the Workflow Lifecycle
  • Multiple Reviewers with different step conditions/agent determination rules
  • Simple to configure Reviewer Steps
  • Deadlines can be configured for reviewer tasks
  • Approval workflow step conditions and agent determination rules are available for reviewer steps configuration
  • Reviewers receive notifications on the reviewer tasks
  • Approval details show the reviewers who have received the reviewer task
  • Reviewer task is also restarted when Approval Workflow is restarted

pr account assignment table in sap

It is possible to skip a step in flexible workflow for purchase requisitions. For example:

  • You can mark one or more steps as optional.
  • If a step is skipped, the system continues with the next step.
  • The workflow history log provides detailed information on skipped steps, for example, the agent could not be determined, but the workflow should continue.

pr account assignment table in sap

Create, read, update, and delete material and service limit items using the Purchase Requisition OData API. Configuration experts can define workflows for Purchase Requisitions containing limit items.

  • Improved integration to include enhanced limit items using the Purchase Requisition OData API, for example, from an external system.
  • Enhance Purchase Requisition workflow for limit items.
  • ExpectedOverallLimitAmount - The amount expected to be spent on the limit item.
  • OverallLimitAmount - The maximum amount that can be spent on the limit item.
  • If the start condition of the workflow is based on the net amount or the total net amount, the expected value of the limit item is considered.

pr account assignment table in sap

You can define workflows for purchase requisitions containing limit items. If the start condition of the workflow is based on the net amount or the total net amount, the expected value of the limit item is considered.

pr account assignment table in sap

Choose to exclude restricted agents from being approvers of the purchase requisitions created by them.

On choosing the option Exclude Requestors in Exclude Restricted Agents , requestors/creators of purchase requisition will not receive requisitions created by them for approval in their inbox.

The Exclude Requestors option is not relevant for automatic release of purchase requisitions.

After exclusion, if no recipients are determined, the workflow moves to error, unless the step is marked as optional.

Deadline Monitoring for the Purchase Requisition Workflow

You can define the deadline by which the step should be completed, beyond which an overdue notification is sent to the approver. The workflow deadline can be specified in minutes, hours, days, or workdays.

Workdays are determined based on the factory calendar. The factory calendar can be defined using the BAdI -Determination of Factory Calendar for Workflow Deadline (MMPUR_PROC_WF_FACTORY_CALENDAR). If there is no custom logic defined, all days of the week are considered workdays.

Edit and Approve Purchase Requisitions

pr account assignment table in sap

You can view and edit fields in the purchase requisition, for header and item level approval. Approvers can change the account assignment for purchase requisitions with header level approval. You can view and edit header notes.

You can extend the application by adding custom fields and adapting the UI.

You can choose decision reasons before making a decision on the requisition.

You can view the web service ID and the material and edit the delivery date for header and item level approval.

  • Account Assignment Category
  • Distribution Indicator
  • Account Assignment Details

View and edit limit items in purchase requisitions.

Choose the document type while adding attachments to purchase requisition items. You can choose either For Internal Use or For External Use based on whether the communication is intended for internal or external stakeholders.

View details of the Review Steps, if any, under Approval Details. This contains the list of reviewers or people responsible for monitoring the progress of the workflow.

pr account assignment table in sap

As an approver, you can edit the contact information (Purchasing Group, Requisitioner) of the purchase requisition, if required. This is applicable for both header and item level approval.

  • Improved process efficiency through availability enablement of direct edit.
  • Reduced time and effort due to maintenance of precise/correct purchasing group and requisitioner.
  • Applicable for both header and item level approval.

My Inbox - Approve Purchase Requisitions

pr account assignment table in sap

You can use the My Inbox app to make important decisions with mobile or desktop devices anywhere and anytime. Using the app My Inbox, you can approve, reject, or request rework of purchase requisitions.

You can view the purchase requisition header or item object page embedded in My Inbox app.

pr account assignment table in sap

You can view and download GOS attachments in workflow items corresponding to the scenario Overall Release of Purchase Requisition. GOS attachments are the attachments that have been added to the purchase requisition using the Create Purchase Requisition - Advanced app.

Inquiry in the Approval Process of Purchase Requisition Documents Through Workflows

pr account assignment table in sap

Configure workflows with step type Overall Release of Reworkable PR and Release of Reworkable PR Item to enable approvers to send back purchase requisitions or items to requestors for rework. Configure the resultant action for Rework Requested exception as Repeat Step, Restart Workflow or Continue

On configuring workflows with step type Overall Release of Reworkable PR or Release of Reworkable PR Item , purchase requisitions or items that are subject to these workflows can be sent for rework.

The resultant action after rework can be configured as follows:

  • Repeat Step - The same workflow step is repeated.
  • Restart Workflow - The workflow starts again from the beginning.
  • Continue - The workflow continues with the subsequent step.

Restart Flexible Workflow Triggered by Changes

Critical changes made to an existing purchase requisition re-triggers the workflow. You can change the default conditions according to your business requirements to determine if the restart of the approval workflow should be triggered. You can maintain this in the following ways.

pr account assignment table in sap

You can overwrite the default conditions that control the restart of the approval workflow for purchase requisitions using the configuration app Manage Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow in the Manage Your Solution app. Using this configuration app, the restart of Purchase Requisitions approval can be stopped for specific attributes.

Column SS Proc. is applicable for purchase requisitions created from the self service purchase requisitions app Create Purchase Requisition . By default, the attributes relevant for self-service procurement are selected and editable. The attributes that are not editable indicate that they are not applicable for self-service procurement. These are purchase requisitions with creation indicator, ESTKZ = S , that is, self-service procurement

Column Prf. Proc. is for Purchaser role is applicable for the purchase requisitions created from the Create Purchase Requisition Advanced and Manage Purchase Requisition Professional apps. By default, the attributes relevant for professional procurement are selected and editable. The attributes that are not editable indicate that they are not applicable for professional procurement. These are purchase requisitions with creation indicator, ESTKZ = R , that is, Realtime (manual).

You can deselect the attributes that on change should not restart the approval workflow.

pr account assignment table in sap

To decide which critical changes lead to a restart, you can create an implementation using Business Add-In (BAdI) Define Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow in the Custom Fields and Logic app.

You can use BAdI Define Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow ( MM_PUR_S4_PR_WFL_RESTART) to further control the restart approval workflow based on attribute values. Create an implementation in Define Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow using the Custom Fields and Logic app. An example implementation is provided for reference with the BAdI. This BAdI can be used to influence the approval restart of purchase requisitions with any creation indicator.

Example: There is no need to restart the approval of purchase requisitions for a particular plant. Assume the plant is 'ABCD'. The following code snippet can be implemented using the Custom Fields and Logic app.

Code snippet Copy code IF PURCHASEREQITEMSCURR-PLANT = 'ABCD'. "Purchase requisition plant CLEAR RESTARTWORKFLOW. ENDIF. Expand

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Account Assignment Categories and Document Types for PR in SAP

How to assign categories and document types for purchase requisition.

The following training tutorials guide how to assign account categories and document types for PR. You can assign categories and document types for PR by using one of the following navigation methods.

  • SAP IMG Path : – Project system >> material >> procurement >> Account Assignment Categories and Document Types for Purchase Requisitions
  • Transaction code: – OPS8

Refer below step by step procedure to assign account assignment categories to document types for purchase requisition in SAP.

Step 1: – Enter transaction code “OPS8” in the SAP command field and press enter key.

Step 2: – On material flow in the network overview screen, click on new entries to assign categories and document types

Step 3: – On new entries of the Account assignment screen, update the following fields.

  • Procurement: – Update the three digits alpha-numeric id that identifies the procurement indicator and updates the descriptive text.
  • Priorities: – Priorities control various stock types, for example, you can set priority project to 1, priority plant to 2, and priority sales to 3.
  • Control data: – Control data control the purchase requisition network, third-party material is delivered to customers, and preliminary purchase requisitions.
  • Default item category: – Update the default item category for the item category MRP (Material Requirement Planning)

After maintaining the required details Account Assignment Categories and Document Types for PR Click on the save button to save the configured data.

Continue to read SAP PS Tutorial with real-time scenarios.


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    pr account assignment table in sap

  6. Account Assignment Categories and Document Types for PR SAP

    pr account assignment table in sap


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  5. SAP purchase requisition (PR) tables

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  1. Solved: purchase requisition tables

    You can pass the value of PR no in OBJECTKEY field of the change tables (CDHDR & CDPOS ).One more condition is that ,when you input PR no. in these change tables, then make sure that the number of digits of PR no. should be 10. Suppose for eg., if your PR no. is 600012 (6 digits), make sure to add 4 more preceding zeroes, so that total will be ...

  2. Solved: Data Base Tables for Purchase Requisition.

    12-16-2008. 12-16-2008. 12-16-2008. For PR data is stored in EBAN, EBKN, STXH, STXL. 12-16-2008. All of the Text will be stored in either STXH (Header Table) or STXL (Line Item). Solved: Dear Experts, Can anybody please give me all the data base tables for Purchase Requisition, where the PR data is saved. Specially also give the pr data base.

  3. Purchase requisition for account assignment Table in SAP

    A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields. List of Purchase requisition for account assignment tables in SAP. EBKN for Purchase Requisition Account Assignment. VSEBKN_CN for Version: Purchase requisition account assignment. T161F for Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition Release.

  4. SAP Help Portal

    Learn how to create and manage purchase requisitions with account assignment in SAP S/4HANA on-premise with this comprehensive guide.

  5. Purchase Requisition (PR) in SAP, Tables, Tcodes & Menu path

    Here is a list of important transaction codes dealing with purchase requisition in SAP. Purchase Requisition - S_AL0_96000495. Change Purchase Requisition - ME52. Release Purchase Requisition - ME54N. Release Purchase Requisition - ME54. Display Purchase Requisition - ME53N. Display Purchase Requisition - ME53.

  6. Creating Purchase Requisitions

    You must provide the account assignment data. The accounts are debited when the goods receipt or invoice is posted. The following are the examples of account assignment objects: The account assignment object cost center (account assignment category K): When you make an account assignment to a cost center, you must enter the general ledger (G/L ...

  7. Account Assignment

    Account Assignment; Purchasing (MM-PUR) 6.0 EHP8 Latest. Available Versions: 6.0 EHP8 Latest ; ... To mark this page as a favorite, you need to log in with your SAP ID. If you do not have an SAP ID, you can create one for free from the login page. ... Create Custom PDF Share. Table of Contents ...

  8. Purchase Requisition Tables in SAP

    Purchase Requisition Database Tables in SAP (60 Tables) Login; Become a Premium Member; TCodes; Tables; Table Fields; SAP Glossary; FMs; ABAP Reports; ... Account Assignment in Purchasing Document MM - Purchasing: Transparent Table 29 : E1BPEBANTX: BAPI purchase requisition: Item Text MM - Basic Functions: Structure 30 :

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    Using the app Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions, you create the workflows, define the preconditions, assign recipients, define the order in which the preconditions are checked, and activate or deactivate the workflows. As soon as the start preconditions for a workflow are met, this workflow is used. Defining the order ensures that only ...

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    Account assignment is used to find. In the standard version of the SAP System, all billing types are defined in such a way that the offsetting entry is made to the customer account. If you want the offsetting entry to be made to a G/L account (for example, to a cash clearing account), a billing type which contains the cash clearing key EVV must ...

  11. Pr Account Assignment Tables in SAP

    Transparent Table. 12. BSIS. account ing: Secondary Index for G/L account s. FI - Financial Accounting. Transparent Table. 13. EKKN. account assignment in Purchasing Document.

  12. Account Assignment Tables in SAP

    T163K. account assignment Categories in Purchasing Document. MM - Purchasing. Transparent Table. 30. TFKCOD. FI-CA: CO account assignment Key/Allocation. FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable. Transparent Table.

  13. Account Assignment Categories and Document Types for PR SAP

    Step 1: - Enter transaction code "OPS8" in the SAP command field and press enter key. Step 2: - On material flow in the network overview screen, click on new entries to assign categories and document types. Step 3: - On new entries of the Account assignment screen, update the following fields. Procurement: - Update the three digits ...

  14. Pr Account Assignment Category Tables in SAP

    14. EREN. pr edefined Event Numbers (Forecast) Logistics - Forecast Procedures. Transparent Table. 15. EBKN. Purchase Requisition account assignment. MM - Purchasing.

  15. PR account assignment category.

    HI Gurus. Use of Account Assignment Category in Purchase Requisition. right now we are not using Account assignment category. if we will use the account assignment category , then what will be the use of that.. our objective is to just it for Internal Order \ Cost centers. Just for information purpose only. thanks . Thomas. Edited by: James Thomas on Jun 21, 2010 8:07 PM

  16. Can BAPI BAPI_PO_CHANGE update the account assignm...

    I need your help. I currently use BAPI BAPI_PO_CHANGE to update purchase orders in S4. There was a case that the account assignment was successfully updated for a PO line without any goods receipt or invoices posted but the account assignment was not updated for the PO line with GR and invoices posted even the GR and invoices were reversed.

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    Following is the settings for Maintain Field Status for Assigning FM Account Assignments for PS: Please guide how to resolve this issue. Note: System is already deriving Funds Center against Network activity in another scenario where PR is auto generating on Project. There FM Trace is populating and AVC check is also working properly. Regards,