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How To Write A Profile Essay Like A Professional Writer

how to write a profile essay

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a journey to master the art of writing profiles essays. Whether you’re a high school or college student, understanding the critical components of a profile essay is essential for academic success. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the definition of a profile essay and provide practical tips, example of a profile essay, and expert advice to help you excel in this form of writing.

A profile essay is a captivating narrative that enables students to explore the lives and experiences of individuals. Through vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling, these essays offer readers a glimpse into the unique qualities and perspectives of the profiled subjects. By mastering the fundamentals of this writing style, you can effectively communicate your observations and insights, creating compelling and informative profiles.

In our blog, we will discuss the essential elements of a profile essay and emphasize the importance of high-quality writing and the benefits of expert guidance. Whether you’re a student aiming to improve your writing skills or a teacher seeking to enhance your students’ abilities, this guide is designed to provide you with the necessary tools and techniques to create exceptional profiles.

Join us on this enriching journey, where we share valuable knowledge, practical profile essay examples, and insider tips, empowering you to produce outstanding profile essays. Let’s unlock the secrets of this unique form of writing and achieve fast, awesome results together.

Table of Contents

What is a profile essay, how to start a profile essay, profile essay structure guides, key considerations for writing engaging profile essays, crafting an outstanding profile essay: essential tips, profile essays in academic settings.

A profile essay is not just a collection of facts and figures; it is a powerful literary piece that delves deep into the essence of a person, place, or event. This form of writing goes beyond surface-level descriptions to create a vivid and engaging portrayal that captivates readers emotionally.

When crafting a profile essay outline, the writer aims to explore a specific individual’s life, personality, experiences, achievements, or unique qualities of a place or event. It seeks to paint a comprehensive picture, offering readers a window into the subject’s world and allowing them to connect with it on a deeper level.

A well-written profile essay immerses the reader in the subject’s experiences, thoughts, and emotions by employing descriptive language, storytelling techniques, and insightful observations. It evokes empathy and understanding, enabling readers to forge a connection and gain a deeper appreciation for the person, place, or event being portrayed.

In summary, a profile essay is a literary work that aims to go beyond superficial details and statistics. It is a means of conveying the essence of a subject through engaging storytelling, providing readers with a rich and immersive experience that leaves a lasting impact.

The beginning of a profile essay is vital in capturing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for the rest of the piece. It requires careful consideration and strategic planning to ensure a strong start. Here are a few practical ways how to write a good profile essay:

  • Look for unique qualities: Seek out subjects with unique backgrounds, experiences, or achievements. These aspects can add depth and intrigue to your profile essay.
  • Consider relevance: Choose a subject relevant to your intended audience or the purpose of the assignment. This will help create a stronger connection and interest among your readers.
  • Interview your subject: Reach out to the individual you are profiling and request an interview. Prepare a thoughtful question list about their life, experiences, and perspectives. These interviews will provide invaluable insights and personal anecdotes that can enhance the depth of your essay.
  • Read articles and books: Explore articles, books, and other publications related to your subject. This will provide a broader context and enable you to include relevant background information in your profile essay.
  • Explore online sources: Utilize reputable online sources such as websites, blogs, and academic databases to gather additional information and perspectives on your subject. Be critical of your authorities and ensure they are credible and reliable.
  • Be concise and specific: State your main argument or the central theme of your profile essay clearly and concisely.
  • Make it captivating: Use language that captures the reader’s attention and creates intrigue. A compelling thesis statement will generate interest and encourage readers to continue reading.
  • Provide a roadmap: Your thesis statement should act as a roadmap for your essay, indicating the main points or areas of focus you will cover. This helps readers understand the structure and flow of your essay.

Starting a profile essay requires careful consideration of the subject, thorough research, and a well-crafted thesis statement. Choosing an intriguing topic, conducting a comprehensive analysis, and formulating a solid thesis statement can captivate your readers and set the stage for a compelling and informative profile essay. Remember, the start of your essay sets the tone for the entire piece, so invest time and effort into crafting a high quality and strong opening that engages and intrigues your readers.

Writing a profile essay requires a structured approach combining storytelling and factual information. Follow these steps to create a well-crafted profile essay:

  • Introduction: Begin your essay with a compelling opening sentence that hooks the reader. Provide some background information about the subject and introduce the main thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraphs: Divide your essay into multiple paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect or theme related to the topic. Use a mix of narrative storytelling and factual information to engage the reader. Include anecdotes, quotes, and descriptions to bring your subject to life.
  • Organization and Flow: Ensure a logical progression from one paragraph to another. Use transitional phrases to maintain the coherence of your essay. Consider arranging your sections thematically or chronologically, depending on what suits your subject best.
  • Descriptive Language: Incorporate vivid and descriptive language to create a sensory experience for the reader. Use specific details and imagery to make your subject come alive.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in your essay and leave the reader with a lasting impression. Reflect on the significance of your topic and its impact on the reader.

A profile essay offers a comprehensive portrayal of a person or place, providing readers with a detailed understanding of the subject. Whether it’s about a place or a person, crafting an engaging profile essay requires careful planning and effective storytelling. Here are some key steps to consider:

How to Write a Profile Essay on a Place:

Choose an intriguing place: Select a location that is unique and holds significance for the readers. Observe and research: Immerse yourself in the place, exploring its history, culture, and physical aspects. Structure your essay: Begin with an engaging introduction, describe the place vividly, and provide personal insights. Incorporate sensory details: Utilize descriptive language to appeal to the readers’ senses. Conclude with a reflection: Share your overall impression and highlight the significance of the place.

How to Write a Profile Essay on a Person:

Select a captivating individual: Find someone with an interesting background, achievements, or experiences. Conduct interviews: Engage in in-depth conversations to gather firsthand information about the person. Organize your essay: Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction, present the person’s background and accomplishments, and delve into their personality traits and influences. Use anecdotes and examples: Illustrate the person’s characteristics through real-life stories and specific instances. Wrap up with a reflection: Offer your personal insights, reflect on the person’s impact, and conclude with a memorable ending.

Remember, in both types of profile essays, it is crucial to maintain a balanced blend of factual information and compelling storytelling to engage readers and leave a lasting impression.

how to write a profile essay

When writing a profile essay, it’s essential to remember key elements that will enhance the quality of your work. Here are some essential tips to help you craft an outstanding profile essay:

  • Choose an Engaging Format: While there is no strict format for a profile essay, you can structure it to suit your subject and the narrative you want to create. You can opt for a chronological structure, a thematic approach, or a combination of both.
  • Conduct Thorough Interviews: Interviews are crucial in gathering firsthand information about your subject. Prepare a list of relevant questions and conduct interviews with the subject and individuals associated with them. These interviews will enrich your profile essay with unique insights and personal anecdotes.
  • Focus on Descriptive Details: Pay attention to descriptive details to bring your subject to life. Use sensory language to create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Describe the subject’s appearance, gestures, and mannerisms. Include details about the environment, sounds, and smells to transport the reader to the scene.
  • Utilize Direct Quotes: Direct quotes from your subject and others you interview add authenticity and credibility to your profile essay. Use quotes to highlight important points or capture the subject’s voice and perspective.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Rather than simply stating facts, show the reader the subject’s personality, values, and experiences through storytelling. Engage the reader’s emotions by narrating impactful moments or sharing significant events that shaped the subject’s life.
  • Revise and Edit: Once you have completed your profile essay’s first draft, revise and edit it. Check for clarity, coherence, and grammar errors. Trim unnecessary information and ensure a smooth flow of ideas. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to gain valuable insights.

Profile essays are commonly assigned in various academic settings, including high school, college, and university. These assignments allow students to develop their research, writing, and storytelling skills while exploring diverse subjects and honing their analytical thinking.

Following Guidelines:

When working on a profile essay for school or college, it’s crucial to follow the guidelines provided by your instructor. This ensures that you stay on track and meet the assignment requirements. Consider the following points:

  • Pay attention to specific requirements: Your instructor may provide instructions regarding length, formatting, citation style, and other essential details. Make sure to adhere to these guidelines to avoid any penalties.
  • Understand the objectives: Familiarize yourself with the purposes of the assignment. This will help you shape your essay and focus on the key aspects your instructor wants you to explore.
  • Align with learning outcomes: Consider how the profile essay fits into the broader learning outcomes of the course. This will enable you to approach the assignment with a clear understanding of its purpose and relevance.

Seeking Assistance:

If you struggle with the assignment or need extra support, online essay assignment help and custom writing services are available. These services offer expert guidance and assistance, ensuring you receive high-quality, well-crafted profile essays that meet your academic requirements. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Online homework helpers: These platforms connect you with knowledgeable tutors who can guide and answer your questions about profile essay writing. They can offer valuable insights and help you overcome challenges you may encounter.
  • Custom writing services: If you feel overwhelmed or lack time to complete the assignment, custom writing services can be a viable option. These services employ professional writers who can create custom profile essays tailored to your needs and requirements. However, it’s essential to choose a reputable and trustworthy service to ensure the quality and originality of the work.

Profile essays in academic settings offer students a valuable opportunity to develop their research, writing, and storytelling skills. By following the guidelines provided by your instructor and seeking assistance when needed, you can ensure that your profile essays meet the objectives of the assignment and align with the course’s learning outcomes. Remember, practice and persistence are crucial to mastering the art of writing compelling and informative profile essays.

Get Profile Essay Writing Help Today!

Mastering the art of writing a profile essay requires a combination of skill, guidance, and support. By following the guidelines and tips provided by experts, you can create captivating profiles that engage and resonate with your readers. Along the way, it’s essential to seek assistance when needed, and fortunately, there are affordable options available that provide class-leading customer support.

When embarking on the journey of writing a profile essay, remember to choose an intriguing subject and conduct thorough research to ensure the accuracy and depth of your piece. Craft a strong thesis statement that serves as a roadmap for your essay, guiding your readers through the main aspects you’ll be exploring.

In the process, it’s reassuring to know that expert guidance and support are accessible. Whether you require assistance structuring your essay, some college assignment help , or understanding the nuances of profile essay writing, affordable online platforms provide the expertise you need. These platforms offer friendly customer support to address your queries and provide valuable insights, ensuring you receive the guidance necessary to excel in your writing endeavors.

By availing yourself of these resources, you can enhance your profile essay writing skills, boost your confidence, and achieve outstanding results. So, embrace the art of writing profiles backed by expert guidance, affordable options, class-leading support, and friendly assistance. Let your words paint vivid portraits and create lasting connections with your readers through the power of the profile essay.

What is a profile essay, and what is its purpose?

A profile essay is a type of academic or journalistic writing that aims to provide a detailed description and analysis of a particular person, place, event, or organization. Its purpose is to present a comprehensive and engaging portrayal of the subject, highlighting its unique qualities, experiences, and significance.

How do I choose a suitable subject for my profile essay?

When selecting a subject for your profile essay, consider individuals, places, or events that possess distinct characteristics, have a compelling story, or hold relevance in a specific context. It could be a notable figure in your community, a memorable travel destination, or an event with cultural significance. The key is to choose a subject that allows for rich exploration and offers an opportunity to captivate your readers.

What are the essential elements to include in a profile essay?

A profile essay typically includes several key elements to portray the subject comprehensively. These elements may include a vivid and engaging introduction, background information, descriptive details, anecdotes, quotes, and personal observations. It is important to capture the subject’s personality, experiences, and significance through a well-structured narrative that keeps the reader engaged.

How can I ensure the accuracy and credibility of the information in my profile essay?

To maintain accuracy and credibility in your profile essay, conducting thorough research and gathering information from reliable sources is crucial. This can involve interviewing the subject, conducting background research, and seeking multiple perspectives. Always verify the information you gather and cross-reference it with trustworthy sources to ensure the accuracy of your content. Remember to attribute any quotes or specific details to their respective sources.

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How to Write a Profile Essay: Comprehensive Guide


Table of contents

  • 1 What is a Profile Essay?
  • 2 The Purpose of a Profile Essay
  • 3 Difference Between Profile Papers and Other Essays
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Body Paragraphs
  • 4.3 Conclusion
  • 5 Tips to Write an Outstanding Profile Essay
  • 6.1.1 Early Childhood
  • 6.1.2 Olympic Fame
  • 6.1.3 Fighting for a Social Cause

Over their high school and college years, students have to write various essays on different subject matters. While some are narrative and literary, others are more technical and detail-oriented. However, be they persuasive, expository, or argumentative, papers follow specific rules of academic writing.

Among other types, profile essays are some of the most common that professors assign. These assignments come in almost all disciplines, so it’s vital to understand the basics of the writing process.

What is a profile essay, and what features does it cover? Why is it critical to observe and discuss various individuals, events, or places? How do these literary works differ from other essay types ?

This guide will help you grasp the fundamentals of profile essay writing and deconstruct its content with a clear overview of what each part contains. It will also highlight essential hacks you should consider when writing, plus a qualitative example.

What is a Profile Essay?

In short, writing profile essays focuses on a narrow-scoped description of a famous individual, location, event, or activity. Your work should profile the topic you selected and provide qualitative information about the importance of the subject. Therefore, the writer must present vivid descriptions and thorough explanations through various methods.

You may choose to interview your subject to collect the necessary data. Alternatively, you can survey or research the topic to gather relevant insight if the person you’re discussing died. Observing a fair or visiting a town and then writing about it is also viable. Another unusual aspect of a profile assignment is that you can include objective facts and subjective or interpreted ideas.

In most cases, the essay will be factual. It will introduce valid and relevant questions and answers. For example, you may write about a distinguished USA president, civil rights activist, or athlete. Similarly, you can depict an ancient city, historical landmark, or high-rated festival. Last, consider dedicating your work to a local business, musical performance, or community service project.

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The Purpose of a Profile Essay

This essay type aims to offer the audience a comprehensive perspective of a particular topic and help them understand the concept. Hence, all data must be well-structured and presentable not to confuse the reader and raise doubts.

Moreover, anyone reading your work must be able to make informed judgments on the theme. In many cases, writing a short essay is a wise idea to portray the case or individual you’re discussing. Besides your writing skills, you will also showcase your organization and presentation abilities.

Difference Between Profile Papers and Other Essays

Most importantly, writing a profile essay will rely on valid and accurate facts. In short, focus on using first-hand information by conducting an interview, survey, or personal observation and involvement. Presenting amusing and authentic ideas will urge your target audience to enjoy your piece.

Unlike other essay types, these avoid using a secondary source. For instance, while writing a good opinion essay will involve your standpoints on a topic, the profile paper will concentrate on genuine insight supported by evidence. However, biographies and studies written by others are helpful when verifying the facts you collected yourself.

Overall, finding secondary sources is less demanding and time-consuming than establishing your pool of bibliographical information. Still, primary materials are ideal for writing a profile essay. Also, you must draft it in the third person to maintain an unbiased perspective of your subject.

Comprehensive Profile Essay Structure

You probably wonder how to start a profile essay and keep your thoughts and ideas streamlined and concise. And while you can find online essay help , we prepared a detailed overview of the layout you should follow. Here are the roles of each part.


Undoubtedly, the first section of your work will be the opening which typically consists of a single segment. Its primary role is to lay the foundations of the subject and hook the readers to explore until the end. Hence, share intriguing background details such as a quote or anecdote.

Moreover, the excellent thesis statement must reflect the subject you will write about later in your manuscript. It should be well-thought and concise. The introductory part shouldn’t exceed 15% of the entire essay length. Also, ensure you avoid in-text citations except to begin the introduction with a direct quotation.

Body Paragraphs

This part presents the main idea and answers the most important interview questions. It is also the most substantial segment in terms of word count. According to the PapersOwl writing service , the body section should consist of at least two paragraphs. The number of paragraphs will depend on the distinct points the essay writers plan to cover.

Also, there is no specific length for body paragraphs , but you should avoid walls of text. Another guideline for a successful piece is to write at least four sentences in each body segment.

The closing paragraph offers a concise overview of the body paragraphs. It will focus on restating your thesis statement in a final attempt to emphasize the role and value of the selected subject.

The ending should also revisit the topic sentences and demonstrate the impact on our society. Therefore, don’t write about something not mentioned before. This section takes about 10% of the total word count and can contain an in-text citation as a call to action.

Tips to Write an Outstanding Profile Essay

Below, we share a thorough list of advice to teach you how to write a profile essay worth your professor’s attention.

  • Read a few essays. You can look for quality articles in popular magazines that regularly publish interviews. A narrative essay might also prove helpful if you need to adjust your tone and language.
  • Ensure the subject of interest is easy to reach. If you get stuck with an unreachable goal, PapersOwl can write your essay for money in the shortest timeframe possible.
  • Study the topic by analyzing the background of your subject and focus on what makes their lives so unique. If it’s a place or activity, learn about its past and future.
  • The most impactful way is to write in simple language. Steer away from jargon or idiomatic phrases to avoid misunderstandings, particularly in the thesis.
  • Use vivid adjectives and transitions to convey your central point.
  • Each body paragraph shouldn’t exceed 150 words.
  • Keep your facts in check and avoid sharing your personal opinion unless based on authentic data.
  • Engage all senses by visualizing events, telling jokes, or describing sounds.
  • Follow a pre-defined structure where each body paragraph tackles a different point.
  • Proofread your work for grammar errors and typos.
  • Run your essay through an online plagiarism checker to avoid copied content.
  • Ensure your ideas are concise and clear and split run-on sentences.

Crafting a profile essay requires an in-depth understanding of the chosen topic, whether it’s a person, place, or thing. The writer must be able to convey clear and engaging information that fully describes and explains the subject. It’s essential to have a writing style that can capture the reader’s interest and keep them engaged throughout the essay. To make the process easier, working with a quick essay writer can be helpful, as they can provide the necessary expertise and experience to create a high-quality profile essay that stands out.

Your Qualitative Profile Essay Example

The best approach is to go with the standard 5-paragraph structure. Here’s an excellent profile sample.

The Incredible Story of Wilma Rudolf

“My doctors told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.” This famous quote by Wilma Rudolph, an African American athlete, tells tales about her life journey. She made history in the Olympic Games in Rome, becoming the first American woman to win three gold medals and break three world records. Her life, full of obstacles and hardship, took her to the throne of athletics and the heart of burning social issues.


Early Childhood

Born on June 23, 1940, in Tennessee, Wilma had 21 siblings. While she had the support and care from her extended family, it was challenging for the family to make ends meet. Things worsened when Rudolph contracted polio, double pneumonia, and scarlet fever. Though she survived the severe bouts, her illness left her paralyzed, and Wilma had to wear a leg brace. The doctor’s prognosis was grim, but with her family’s help, Rudolph started to hop on one leg in two years. Soon, she began to move, and by 12, Vilma regained her walking ability and took up basketball. She soon proved a natural athlete, challenging every boy in the neighborhood at running.

Olympic Fame

The Olympic Games were a pipe dream to young Rudolph. Yet, she caught steam and never lost a race in all high school track meets. At 16, Vilma brought a bronze medal from the Summer Olympics in Melbourne. In 1960 she participated in the Olympic Games in Rome, Italy, and won three gold medals. A striking fact about this triple victory is that in the 100 and 200-meter dashes, Wilma finished three yards before the closest contestant. In addition, her relay team won the 400-meter race thanks to her exceptional performance. Vilma attracted the world’s attention; the crowds cheered her and called her “La Gazelle.” However, she decided not to participate in the next Olympic Games, fearing that she won’t duplicate her success.

Fighting for a Social Cause

Rudolph dedicated the rest of her life to teaching the lessons she learned the hard way. She was particularly keen on coaching underprivileged children. Wilma even wrote her autobiography and worked in several community sports centers. She also gave numerous motivational speeches and founded the Wilma Rudolph Foundation to promote amateur athletics. Wilma died in 1994 of a brain tumor. Survived by two daughters and two sons, Rudolph has left a remarkable inspirational legacy.

Wilma played a critical role in the way we see sports today. Her poor health as a child instilled the “never give up” attitude in her mindset. Learning to overcome fear and weakness gave Rudolph the courage to aim high. Vilma’s personality proves that a strong will and perseverance can take you to stardom.

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questions to ask for a profile essay

How to Write a Stellar Profile Essay?

09 February, 2021

13 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

A profile essay, or article, is a piece of journalistic-cum-literary writing. The aim is to present factual information on a given topic (person, place, animal, or event) while writing with an individual tone and style. In this article, we will expand on the concept of a profile essay. We will also tackle what a profile is and what purpose profiles serve. Finally, we will present strategies for preparing your research and strengthening your writing technique, as well as offer tips on structure and potential topics.

Profile Essay

What Is a Profile Essay?

A profile essay can be considered a literary piece of writing, in which the writer mainly delivers a descriptive account of a person, place, or event. The goal of the profile essay is to be informative. It usually conforms to standards found in journalism – that is to say, using facts and offering impartial reportage – while conveying this information in a literary style.

profile essay

Literary style means offering more to the reader than a revised press release or stenographed interview. Offer insight and immersion to the reader, show them the layers of character and environment, and run these underlying factual happenings through your individual interpretation of it all. 

The Purpose of Profile Essays

The purpose of a profile essay is to be read and well-received by an audience. It is not an obscure technical writing piece, although it may cover obscure figures or events. In general, profile essays appear in magazines and newspapers – in either their print or digital formats. They also appear in scholarly or trade journals, usually covering rising or established people within these niches.

For the writer, a profile essay is a piece of writing aimed at joining the journalistic and literary style. As mentioned in the previous section, journalistic writing must be factual and rigorously checked for errors. Literary writing has some joy involved in its reading; in what way that joy comes out in ‘writing style’ is up to you.

Ultimately, with those two concepts in mind, the purpose of a profile essay is to get you, the writer, some more work. Profiles are highly prevalent and serve as a fantastic way of adding more pieces to your portfolio, whether you’re a new essay writer or a seasoned pro.

Prepare for your essay

Preparing for a profile depends on how close you are to starting writing. Writers coming to this article with a stretch of time ahead of them have the luxury of doing some background reading that is not directly related to the matter at hand. Finding a good profile essay example has the hidden benefit of looking like a lazy weekend afternoon; get a stack of magazines and read.

Some of the most common places to find quality profiles are The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, the London Review of Books, Esquire, or National Geographic. Another perspective is to look for writers, head to your bookshelf or local book store, and do some digging. Again, read and make some notes on the qualities you enjoy and dislike in a range of profiles.

Lastly, in terms of reading, examine the differences between an essay or article profiling a person and one that profiles an event.

That form of preparation is more akin to education. It is needed to bolster your understanding of the broad picture and what is essentially the marketplace for your piece of work. 

Preparing for your actual essay, not the skill of writing an ambiguous profile essay, is another matter. The research and reading that are highly relevant to your subject matter will make or break your profile essay. 

To begin with, you must find all profiles of your subject that are in existence and don’t require a transatlantic flight to a dusty library archive – in this instance, simply email the library and ask if they’ve considered digitizing their collection, starting with your desired piece. 

One of the most surefire organization tactics for research is timelining. Start at the beginning; be sure to go into ‘negative digits’ and look at the parent’s history or the town’s history, or anything else that emerges in your research.

After ‘time’ as a category of thinking comes ‘significance.’ What were the defining features of this person’s life, and to what sort of ‘movement’ might they belong? Add this into your timeline research and press on.

Have you selected a person or place that is feasible to contact and ask for a quote or interview? You may also want to reach out to other players in the story you’re telling and see what they have to say on things.

Preparing all this research can get messy and cluttered. The best way to solve this problem is to  follow a system from the start, as mentioned above; time is a great organizer. Also, keep a running bibliography in a separate file on your computer. Keep tabs on everything you’ve read, and be as forensic as possible with maintaining records. Who knows what might happen in the future regarding the focus of your essay? They might run for president, or they might fade into obscurity. 

Profile Essay Outline

As a profile essay combines qualities of journalism and literary writing, the ideal outline doesn’t exist. Literary writing can take the reader on a journey; in fact, the only requirement of the structure is to guide this journey as magnificently as possible.

Were we to suggest a general profile essay outline, it would contain these sections and ingredients. The order is flexible to an extent. It depends on the content of your profile. Have you got an interview to draw upon, or are you using your storytelling powers to deduct and infer from other sources?

In your introduction, if you’ve conducted an interview, use a quote for your lede. A good quote is an excellent way to set the tone and give an impression of your subject to the reader. Those without an interview might consider a bold statement; be sure that you use something here to act as a powerful lede and bring the reader on board. 

Alluring mysteries are one thing; though the crunch point for this gambit is to make the pay-off worthwhile. Else, the cliff-edge and the tension you create will be for nothing in the end. 

There will be time to provide things like background and biography in the main body of a profile essay. These tend to follow the lede as they’re a nice cool-down; they give the reader a chance to build knowledge on an obscure topic. Whereas for the writer, both the background and biography offer an opportunity to peg in some facts, figures, and breadcrumbs to draw upon later.

The body of a profile essay is tricky. You, first of all, need to engagingly tell your readers the story in it. Remember to build tension and really ‘let go’ when it comes to releasing that tension. Tell it to a friend, read it aloud. Move around the paragraphs. Remember that the profile is following an arc and in your conclusions, hook back in the initial qualities of the opening part. This technique is like cadence in music, and it will please your audience as long as it isn’t too trite. 

Profile Essay Topics

A suitable subject or topic depends on your qualities as a writer and the desired outcome of writing such a profile essay. Now, it does not have to include an interview, but many profile essays do include them. Some profile essay topics may be inanimate objects or complex emergences of human life (events). If this is the case, you can still interview 

For interviews, considering you’re likely a lowly reporter on a college paper, getting an interview with a high-flying sportsperson, politician, or musician is unlikely. In any event, the lower-flying specimens of these species could make a good target. 

The most important thing to consider when choosing the topic or subject is to work with your gut and instinct. If you’re interested in the story, you’re going to have much more to put into it, and your excitement and verve will show through in writing. It may also make it easier to stomach the long hours of tedious research that can emerge when trying to prove or disprove an obscurity of some kind. 

If you haven’t decided on the topic, there’s still room for maneuver. You can look at the subject matter and present your perspective on the case; that’s the subjective element of a profile, your view.

This perspective of yours can focus on just one specific aspect of a person or event. By removing the duller or more well-trodden elements of a character, you open up the chance to explore a new side of a topic. It’s also a fantastic skill for writers to be able to recap well-known things or facts quickly. Writing in this style for a very general audience should be a skill in any writer’s arsenal. 

Profile Essay Examples 

Properly digesting the advice and points made in this article can be aided by reading some profile essay examples. Look for examples given out in your class, or search around using the main keyword – profile essay examples. 

Here are a few examples for you to get a catch on how to write profile essays excellently:




Writing Tips for a Profile Essay

How to write a profile essay in three steps; pick a subject, do your research, and start writing. Remember that a profile essay is a literary and a journalistic piece of writing. It’s non-fiction, so your facts and figures must be accurate, and any discrepancies or controversies surrounding your data can form a part of your analysis.

Always write with your reader at the forefront of your mind. Visualize your reader, even if it’s a college essay, and think of how you could pitch your piece to a publication. The natural home of a profile is in the media, not in the college textbook. So write the essay with publication in mind. 

 Here are some essential tips for a profile essay composition:

  • Conduct thorough research on your topic, look for potential interviews or aspects not covered in previous profiles if they exist. Also, make sure you’ve read all of the profiles on or related to your subject matter; a profile is an evolving topic, and new facts can emerge.
  • Profile examples are available online, as well as those posted by educational institutes, and of course, those featured in the media. Reading these serves as excellent preparation and inspiration.
  • The structure and overall outline of a profile essay is something with a degree of flexibility. While the introduction and rounding off of the essay will look familiar, tracking a person’s profile or event can involve highly unique pieces of information. Unlike many other papers, profiles don’t have to strictly conform to the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis structure. However, this familiar form of writing still works in part when writing a profile. 

Write a Profile Essay with HandmadeWriting

HandmadeWriting can help with the development, construction, and polishing of a profile essay. As an organization, we draw on academics and writers’ expertise from across the spectrum of the written word. 

Getting started can be difficult, but consulting with HandmadeWriting offers a way to get the ball rolling. The writers at HandmadeWriting are used to working on a countless number of topics and essay styles. The staff is also familiar with working under a tight deadline, not to mention those tasks where the endpoint is less defined. 

HandmadeWriting makes composing an essay or profile piece simple. Talk with a skilled writer and editor today on your topic, and you can make a start immediately.

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questions to ask for a profile essay

36 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing Your Personal Statement

April 25, 2017

questions to ask for a profile essay

Phase I of Writing Your Personal Statement: 36 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Begin

In less than 650 words, you have to persuade a stranger to care about you and your application. That’s why the Common App personal statement is one of the most discussed aspects of the college application. Think about how much time you spend on homework, standardized testing, and extracurriculars. This single essay will influence admissions officers as much as these other factors. You could be the perfect applicant, but if your reader doesn’t get to know you and CARE about YOU, you won’t be admitted.

There is no formula for creating the perfect personal statement. The best personal statement topic for your friend might not work well as a topic for you. The topic that might inspire your friend to show his most unique thoughts, the challenges he’s overcome, and the maturity he has gained, might not help you reveal what’s most interesting and compelling about you.

So, how can you write the best possible personal statement for you and your application? Here are the first steps in the process.

1. Start early!

The worst thing you can do is rush the creation of your personal statement. The next two steps below might take weeks...and these occur before you even have a good first draft and can start multiple rounds of edits. You should edit your personal statement multiple times. You should get feedback from as many family members, friends, and teachers as you can.

But, before you get to this stage, you need to choose the perfect topic (and the best Common App essay prompt )  for you .

So, when is the right time to start the process of writing your personal statement ? You should start brainstorming for your personal statement as early as the spring of your junior year and as late as the summer between junior and senior year.

Why shouldn’t I start earlier? A successful personal statement relies on having a strong and mature sense of yourself. It can also rely on your understanding of what you’d like to do in college, what type of college community you’d like to be a part of, and why you care about your education. Starting too soon might mean you need to start over (see step 3) after you really do some soul-searching about college.

There is a lot of thinking and planning that happens before you start writing, so that’s why you should start early. You will complete your best work when you’re not up against a deadline and you’ll be able to start over (again, see step 3) if this is in your best interests.

2. Brainstorm

If you complete this stage of the process with care and attention, you won’t be faced with Step 3. This step in the process helps you pinpoint that perfect topic for you... which won’t be the same perfect topic for someone else.

To start the process of writing your personal statement , ask yourself the series of 36 questions below. These will help generate topics that will be important and meaningful to you. Keep a written list of possible topics you could choose.

  • What’s your main academic area of interest?
  • Why does this matter to you?
  • When did this interest first start to matter to you? Was there a specific event that sparked your interest?
  • How did your interest evolve over time?
  • Did you ever face a really big challenge in continuing to learn about or study this topic?
  • Was this challenge the result of your gender, race, or religion?
  • Was this challenge the result of your family’s socio-economic background or the result of the culture of the place you lived?
  • Would you still pursue this academic interest if you earned a very small income with your future job in this area?


  • What’s an extracurricular activity you do that’s incredibly rare?
  • What’s an extracurricular activity that has shaped your personality and character?
  • Why does this activity matter so much to you?
  • When did this activity first start to matter to you? Was there a specific event that sparked your interest?
  • How did your interest in and commitment to this activity evolve over time?
  • Have you done something with this activity that no one else you know has done?
  • Did you ever face a really big challenge in continuing to pursue this activity?
  • Was this challenge the result of your family’s socio-economic background?
  • Was this challenge the result of the culture of the place you lived?


  • Is there something you’ve done or experienced that changed you forever in a positive way?
  • How did this event make you more mature, compassionate, self-aware, determined, or strong?
  • Is there a day from your life that you reflect on often? Why is this day so memorable to you?
  • Are you similar to or different from your parents / siblings? What made you this way?
  • When did you feel like you didn’t fit in with a group of people? What made you different than others?
  • Is there something (non-academic / extracurricular) that you devote A LOT of time to? Why do you do this?
  • What have you done that didn’t earn you praise, attention, or success?
  • What makes you feel like your life is meaningful and important to you?
  • What is one thing that you would never change about yourself or your life experiences?

Once you’ve created your list of topics, you’ll need to start narrowing them down. For each topic, ask yourself:

  • Is this a topic I care about?
  • Is this a topic that I’ve cared about for more than 1-2 years?
  • Is this a topic I think shows something about my character and personality?
  • Is this a topic that shows something impressive and / or unique about my achievements or activities?
  • Is this topic memorable to me? Do I think about this fairly often in my life?
  • Am I the only student in my high school class who would write about this topic?
  • Does this topic show only positive things about my character, maturity, and perspective on life?
  • Would I be interested in reading about this topic if someone else wrote about it?
  • Could I write 10 pages about this topic (far more than you’ll need to write, of course)?

If the answer to most or all these questions is “yes!” you’ve probably landed on an ideal topic for you! And get started with writing your personal statement ! 

I talk more about choosing your personal statement topic, as well as some of the best topics and worst topics here:

3. Start over?

Have you already written your 650 words? Ask yourself: is this best possible story I could tell about myself to admissions officers? What does this story show about me? Is there anything that’s negative in this essay? Is there anything that would make me appear privileged, immature, irresponsible, unfriendly, boring, or unmotivated?

One of the best skills you can develop while writing your personal statement is not to be too attached to your writing. Good editors make BIG changes. And sometimes “big change” means starting over from scratch.

I’ll share my story as a cautionary tale. After careful planning, I wrote the first draft of my personal statement during the summer before my senior year of high school. I was really proud of it. I’d developed a (I thought) complicated and literary metaphor throughout the personal statement. I printed it off. I gave it to my dad to read. He read it through once and said, “you should start over from scratch.”

I was shocked and horrified. What about the more than 5 hours I’d spent planning and writing this essay? My dad pointed out to me the ways in which my personal statement didn’t show the most impressive things about me. It was fine. But it wasn’t unique. It wasn’t personal.

Writing your personal statement is a very strategic part of your college application. There are many "bad" topics you should avoid , there are many “good” topics you could choose, but there are a few that are “outstanding” because they bring a new, personal, thoughtful, and insightful angle to your application and your personal story. This is the personal statement you want to write! Your personal statement needs to engage your readers in less than 650 words in a way that convinces them to believe in you. Your admissions officer will need to advocate for you in order for you to be admitted. You want this person on your side.

Ask your family, friends, and teachers to read your personal statement or consider the topic you’ve selected. Do they feel like this piece of writing or this topic shows the person they know and love? Could this topic make a stranger care about you in the way that your family, friends, teachers care about and support you? This is your personal statement topic selection goal!

Tags : common app , common app essay prompts , personal statement for college , writing your personal statement , college application , applying to college , college application essay , common app personal statement , Personal Statement

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Profile Essays: Overview

Introduction to the profile essay.

The purpose of a profile is to give the reader new insight into a particular person, place, or event. The distinction between a profile and, for example, a memoir or a biography is that a profile relies on newly acquired knowledge. It is a first-hand account of someone or something as told by the writer. You have probably read profiles of famous or interesting people in popular magazines or newspapers. Travel and science publications may profile interesting or unusual places. All of these are, in effect, observation essays. A curious writer gathers as much information as s/he can about a subject, and then presents it in an engaging way. A good profile shows the reader something new or unexpected about the subject.

Dialogue, description, specific narrative action, and vivid details are all effective means of profiling your subject. Engage your reader’s senses. Give them a sense of what it’s like to be in a particular place. Try to show your reader what’s behind the scenes of a familiar place or activity, or introduce them to someone unique.

A profile is not strictly objective. Rather than merely reporting facts, a profile works to create a dominant impression. The focus of a profile is on the subject, not on the writer’s experience. However, the writer is still “present” in a profile, as it is s/he who selects which details to reveal and decides what picture they want to paint. It is the writer’s job to use the information and writing strategies that best contribute to this dominant impression, which was a concept discussed in the narrative introduction as well.

Above all, a profile should have a clear angle. In other words, there should be an idea or purpose guiding it. Why do you think your subject is something other people will be interested in reading about? What is the impression you hope to convey? The answer to these questions will help you discover your angle.

Writing Strategies for Profiles

Conducting research.


The best way to conduct research about your subject is to observe it firsthand. Once you have decided on a topic, you should spend some time gathering information about it. If you decide to profile a place, pay a visit to it and take notes. Write down everything you can; you can decide later whether or not it’s relevant. If you have a smartphone, take pictures or make recordings to refer to later. Most people think of observing as something you do with your eyes, but try to use of all of your senses. Smells, sounds, and sensations will add texture to your descriptions. You may also spend time observing your subject at his/her work or in different contexts. Again, write everything down so you don’t forget the key details. Remember, it’s the specific details that will distinguish the great profiles from the merely proficient ones.

Interviewing If you choose to profile a person, you will want to conduct an interview with him/her. Before doing so, plan what you are going to ask. You probably have a good idea of why this person will be a good subject for a profile, so be sure your questions reflect that. Saying “tell me about yourself” is unlikely to get your subject talking. Saying, “tell me what it was like to be the first person in your family to go to college,” will get a much more specific answer.

Organizing your profile Once you have gathered all of your information, it’s time to start thinking about how to organize it. There are all different ways to write a profile, but the most common organizational strategies are chronological, spatial, and topical. Most profiles are some combination of the three.

Chronological order  is presenting details as they happened in time, from start to finish. A chronological profile of a person might talk about their past, work up to their present, and maybe even go on to plans for the future. A chronological profile of an event might begin and end when the event itself does, narrating the events between in the order they happened. If you’re profiling a place, a chronological profile might begin with your first impressions arriving there and end with your departure. The advantage to writing in chronological order is that your writing will unfold naturally and transition easily from start to finish. The disadvantage, though, is that strict chronological order can get tedious. Merely recounting a conversation or experience can be dry, and can also pull focus from the subject onto the writer’s experience.

Spatial organization  is presenting information as it occurs in space or by location. This is a great choice if you’re writing about a place. Think of it as taking your reader on a tour: from room to room of a house, for example. For an event, you might move your reader from place to place. If you are writing about a concert, for instance, you might describe the venue from the outside, then the seating area, then the stage. Spatial organization can even work for a person, depending on your focus. Try profiling a person at home, work, and school, for example.

Topical organization  is just what it sounds like: one topic at a time. Think first of what you want to say about a person or place and organize details and information by subject. A profile of a person might talk about their home life, their work, and their hobbies. A topical profile of a place might focus on the physical space, the people who inhabit it, its historical significance, etc. Look at the information you gather from observation and/or interviewing and see if any topics stand out, and organize your paper around them. Most profiles are some combination of chronological, spatial, and topical organization. A profile might begin with a chronological narrative of a hockey game, and then flashback to provide some background information about the star player. Then it might go on to talk about that player’s philosophy of the sport, returning to the narrative about the game later on. As you read the sample essays, notice how the writers choose details and arrange them in order to create a specific impression.

Using description Vivid descriptions are key in a profile. They immerse your reader in the subject and add texture and depth to your writing. However, describing something is more than deploying as many adjectives as possible. In fact, the best descriptions may not have any adjectives at all. They rely instead on sensory detail and figurative language. Sensory detail is exactly what it sounds like: appealing to as many of the reader’s senses as possible. Adjectives can be vague, and even subjective. Think about this example:

“My grandmother always smelled good.”

What does good mean? What does good smell like? Do we even agree on what kinds of things smell good? Instead, try this:

“My grandmother always smelled good: like Shalimar, Jergen’s lotion, and menthol cigarettes.”

Now your reader knows much more. Perhaps they are even familiar enough with those scents that they can imagine what that combination would smell like. Moreover, you have delivered some emotional information here. Not every reader would agree that the smell of cigarettes is “good,” but perhaps that smell is comforting to you because you associate it so strongly with someone you care about. Of course, smell is not the only sense you can appeal to. Sights, sounds, temperatures and tastes will also enliven your writing.

Figurative language can add depth and specificity to your descriptions. Use metaphors, similes, comparisons and images creatively and purposefully. Consider the following:

“She was so beautiful.”

“Beautiful” just doesn’t tell us much. It is, like “good,” both vague and subjective. We don’t all have the same standards of beauty, nor is beauty one particular quality. Try a comparison instead:

“She was so beautiful that conversation stopped every time she entered a room.”

True, we don’t know much about what she looks like, but we do know that nearly everyone finds her striking.

Similes (comparisons using like or as) are not only efficient, but are also more vivid than adjectives. Compare these two sentences:

“He was short and muscular.”   vs.   “He was built like a bulldog.”

Write With Clarity

Considering point of view Because a profile is a first-hand account, you will need to consider point of view carefully. Many profiles are written entirely in third person. Others use first person. Different instructors may have different expectations, so be sure to consult your assignment guidelines to see what your options are. In a third-person profile, the writer is not “present” in the writing. S/he does not refer to his/her own actions or use first-person pronouns, but is more of an objective observer or “fly on the wall.” Most journalistic profiles are written from this point of view. The advantage of using third person is that it places your subject firmly at the center of your paper. In a first-person profile, the writer is an active participant, sharing his/her observations with the reader. First person narration closes the distance between writer and reader and makes the subject feel more personal. On the downside, it can pull focus from your subject. If you use first person, be sure you’re not intruding on your subject too much or making the piece about you.

Using appropriate verb tense Often, profiles will be written in present tense. This gives the reader the sense that s/he is “there,” experiencing the subject along with the writer. Present tense lends a sense of immediacy and intimacy that past tense may not. It may also help the writer stay focused on the “here and now,” rather than reflecting on the past, as s/he might in a memoir. Other times, writers may need to shift tenses to talk about previous events or background information. Be sure to use verb tenses carefully, shifting only purposefully, correctly, and when the subject demands it. You can read more on tense shifts here.

Finding a topic and an angle Virtually anything can be the subject of a profile. What matters is that you have something to say about it. People are an endless source of material; everyone has a story. Make a list of people you know who

– have lived through important historical events: war, the civil rights era, the Depression, etc. – have been through challenging experiences: survived a major health crisis, difficult childhood, etc. – have an unusual job or hobby, or special talent or skill. – have unique personalities: they are eccentric, funny, selfless, energetic, artistic, etc.

Places can be equally interesting. Consider a local establishment, a natural wonder, a festival or celebration, a landmark, a museum, a gathering place, etc. What makes that place interesting and worth visiting? What makes it special or noteworthy?

Don’t just think about what you want to write about; instead, think about what you want to say about it. Why is it interesting to you, and why might your audience find it worth reading about?

Student Paper Rationale

For an assignment to write a profile essay, Joshua Dawson described his purpose and audience: “This essay is about my grandmother and how she overcame the hardships of life. [. . .] The purpose of this essay is to show how a woman can be tough and can take anything life throws at her. I hope the essay reaches students who have a single parent and those who don’t know what a single parent goes through.” Joshua showed a clear idea of what he wanted his essay to do.

Sources Used to Create This Chapter

The majority of the content for this section has been adapted from the following OER Material:

  • Write What Matters by Liza Long and Amy Minervini, and Joel Gladd, which was published under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Starting the Journey: An Intro to College Writing Copyright © by Leonard Owens III; Tim Bishop; and Scott Ortolano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Writing a Bio: My 20 Favorite Questions to Ask

questions to ask for a profile essay

Writing a concise bio for a business website may seem like a no brainer. A few paragraphs, hit all the usual points like schools, charity work, career highlights and then, BAM! Bio, check.

The problem with that approach? There’s a high likelihood you’ll churn out super boring bios, fast. When I think of old school bios, I think of a stuffy headshot accompanied by a few paragraphs of text that no one wants to read. But the days of stale bios are over. Believe it or not, people actually want to learn about you and your company, and they’d rather not fall asleep while doing it.

A well-written bio will combine the overall company culture and voice with that of the profiled team member. While website bios are generally concise—anywhere from Twitter-short to a few paragraphs—choosing the particulars to highlight can be tricky. Gathering the right information up front, in a 15-20 minute interview, is key.

Here are my favorite questions to ask when writing a bio. Note: these don’t include the usual slew, like general career experience and education.

1.      Who is someone you admire, and why?

2.      Tell me three pet peeves.

3.      What’s a typical day like for you?

4.      Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?

5.      If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be? (Don’t overthink it!)

6.      Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?

7.      If we went to happy hour, what would you order?

8.      Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me...

9.      How do you want people to remember you?

10.  What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

11.  Name three words that you describe you.

12.  How do you think your colleagues would describe you?

13.  What do you want to make sure you do before you die?

14.  What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

15.  Name a few of your daily habits (other than a shower and brushing your teeth).

16.  What publications do you regularly read?

17.  What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?

18.  What are some causes you care about?

19.  What do you do with friends in your spare time?

20.  What would be your personal motto

Joanna Furlong

Copyright 2018 Joanna Furlong, Freelance Writer. All rights reserved. 

20 Interview Questions that Guarantee a Compelling Story

Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content and has gained 600K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.

Good interview questions are not a mining expedition, but rather a conversation with a caring friend. People like telling their story, especially if you show empathy with them. When you ask and then listen, you build trust.

It’s the person behind the facts that makes a compelling story.

These kinds of real-life stories are a powerful tool.

Try these interview questions to help the storyteller reveal the heart and soul behind the tale.

Questions to get started

1. Describe where you were when [event].

2. What circumstances led you to [event]?

3. What did you do when [event]?

Questions about people involved

4. Who else was involved?

5. In what ways did those involved help you/ create challenges for you?

6. How did your friends and family react?

7. Describe why [relationship] was so meaningful to you during [event].

Questions that go deeper

8. What did you do next?

9. How did you decide to [action]?

10. Tell me the biggest reason you [action].

11. How did that work for you?

Questions that pull out a life lesson

12. What was the most significant moment during [event]?

13. At what point did you realize [situation]?

14. In what way (ways) are you a different person today because of [event]?

15. How has this experience impacted the decisions you make today?

16. Name the top two or three lessons you learned from your experience.

17. What would you say to others who find themselves in a situation similar to yours?

Questions that tie story to your organization

18. How did you find out about [organization]?

19. Why are you willing to share about your experience?

20. How does your experience reveal what [organization] is all about?

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150 Profile Essay Topics Easy and Fun to Write

Profile essay topics are considered some of the most engaging assignments students usually get.  Writing profiles is an exciting process because you receive a chance to explore something on a deep level, but the problem is, there are lots of things that should be taken into account before you can even think about success. Profile essay is an informative type of writing where you provide your readers with a clear description of someone or something, be that a person, a character, an event, or even a place.

Such papers have two major features: they should have lots of vivid details and they must flow smoothly. Whatever profile ideas you choose, you should write in a specific style. It must be descriptive, objective, and engaging, instantly attracting readers’ attention and holding it until the very end. But first, you have to understand what exactly you’re going to be profiling, and here’s where you might need some help. Not all themes will be interesting, just as not all of them will inspire you to start writing. We have prepared a list of essay topic samples that students may use for any subject.

Getting Good Profile Essay Ideas

How to choose a topic for profiling? There are many options, but sometimes it feels like none of them work. If nothing immediately comes into your mind, don’t worry — start with general tips before narrowing them down to something more specific.

  • Look through samples of profile essays.  Before deciding on a topic, take a look at similar papers published online. Check example after example, noting down what other people decided to explore and letting it stimulate your own ideas. This way, you’ll get inspiration as well as gain an inkling as to what kind of profile essays you’d prefer to work on.
  • Consider subjects.  Think about what you like. Are there topics you find genuinely inspiring? Maybe there is a family member or a friend who you love and want to describe. Perhaps there is a movie character that haunts your thoughts, and a profile essay is a chance to understand them even better. If it’s an intriguing historical event or a place you dream of visiting, it’ll result in an exciting paper, too, so consider your surroundings and decide on the best profile ideas.
  • Prepare for an essay thoroughly.  If you think you’ve chosen suitable topic, start collecting information about this subject. In case this is a place, visit it or study pictures depicting it. The more detailed they are, the better. If this is a person, talk to them, ask them some interesting questions, and make extra notes about their personality. If you find them fascinating, you stand higher chances of conveying this to your readers and making them feel the same. All these steps will be of great help as you start writing an essay.

List of Good Profile Essays Topics

We came up with 150 essay topics that college students could find mentally stimulating. If you see an option you like, be sure to use it!

  • President Trump’s Profile: His Ambitions, Personal Qualities, and Intentions
  • Greece as a Country with the Most Interesting History
  • Typical Behavior for a Three-Year-Old Child
  • Christmas as the Most Favorite Holiday for Americans
  • Fox Mulder as the FBI Profiler: Understanding His Personality
  • Writing a Self-Profile: How I See My Personal Characteristics
  • Profile on the Person Who Has Most Hits in Google
  • Objective View on Africa: Its History, Real Problems, & Victories
  • Profiling Zodiac Killer: What Kind of Person They Could Have Been
  • Why Ted Bundy Was Not Caught For So Long: Charming Personality & Violent Interior
  • Understanding Why Cats Behave Like They Do & How to Build a Bond With Them
  • Profile One of Ancient Kings Based on Available Historical Information
  • My Role Model: A Person Who Helped Me Determine My Life Path
  • Adolf Hitler, His Ideology and Personality: What Drew So Many Germans to Him
  • Develop a Perfect Image of a Father Figure: What Kind of Features Should They Have?
  • Dogs as Human’s Best Friends
  • Why France is Considered the Most Romantic Country?
  • Mystery Surrounding Egypt: How It Appeared and What It Means
  • Analyze Your Favorite Bakery and Explain Why It’s Good
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  • How Birds Communicate with Each Other
  • Create Full Background For Your Favorite Movie
  • Bryan Fuller as the Strangest and Friendliest Director
  • The Most Genuine Charity in the US
  • Sportsman Who Has Had a Big Impact on the Country
  • How Sleep-Deprived Students Act & How to Recognize Them
  • Ideal President: Describe Him or Her
  • What Makes a Specific Holiday Resort Stand Out
  • Profile on Jack the Ripper
  • The Coziest Coffee Shop in the City
  • Profiling Jack Reeves and His Attitude to His Wives
  • What the Concept of Home Means for You
  • TV Brand Most Consumers Choose: Why is It Special?
  • Popularity of iPhones: Why Does It Happen?
  • Your Favorite Subject at College
  • Describe & Analyze the Latest Movie You Have Watched
  • My Mother as the Embodiment of Grace
  • My Father as Representation of Patience
  • My Grandfather as Picture of Endurance and Dry Wit
  • My Grandmother as Representative of Strength and Affection
  • Serial Cheaters: Why They Do What They Do
  • YouTube and Story Behind Its Development
  • Profile of President Putin and His Leadership
  • What Makes Lives of Movie Stars Difficult
  • Story Behind My Favorite Childhood Toy
  • How Dating Agencies Operate
  • What Kind of People Use Online Dating?
  • What My Best Friend’s Mind Is Represented By

Have you found some most interesting profile paper topics? If you haven’t yet, we have more options for your future essay.

  • Musical Performance That Changed My Life
  • Profile on a Person Who Experiences Frequent Panic Attacks
  • Profiling a Fictional Demon: Sebastian Michaelis
  • Create Picture of Your College
  • What Your Room Says About You
  • Why One Specific Chocolate Brand Stands Out in Your Mind
  • The Most Influential Person You Know
  • Best Camp For Children
  • Features That Turn Halloween Into Beloved Holiday
  • Most Comfortable Zoo I Visited
  • The Most Exciting Episode of House MD
  • Which Love Story Is Considered Most Beautiful
  • What Type of Dancing You Prefer
  • Most Expensive Painting in the World
  • Racial Profiling and How It Is Done
  • What Matchmakers Are Motivated By
  • Amazon, Its Assets, Challenges & Owners
  • People Who Become Police Officers
  • Why Someone Choose to Become Firefighters
  • Who Becomes a Nurse

Still nothing? There are more profile essay topics below.

  • What We Can Say About Humans Who Commit Hate Crimes
  • Profile Topic on Serial Rapists
  • Dana Scully as Embodiment of Rationality and Empathy
  • Famous Footballer: A Story of Determination
  • Why Opposites Attract: Reasons and Implications
  • Understanding How Starbucks Operates
  • Profile Topic on People With Volatile Temperament
  • Moscow as the New World Capital
  • Students Who Choose Philosophy as a Major
  • What We Can Assume About Queen Victoria
  • Hilton Chain of Hotels and Their Key Advantages
  • Types of Personalities That Decide on Being Surgeons
  • My Brother’s Girlfriend: Features and Observations
  • What Makes Females Commit Crimes
  • Profile Topic on Average Tumblr User
  • How Stalin Managed to Build a Strong Country
  • What People Usually Suffer from Panic Attacks?
  • Describe a Memorable Conflict: Why It Occurred & How It Was Resolved
  • What Motivates Countries to Start Wars
  • Taxi Drivers and the Stories They Could Tell
  • Deceased Celebrities and Why They Are Remembered Years Later
  • Person Who Corresponds to Conventional Beauty Standards
  • Largest Cemetery in the World
  • Worst Known Roommates
  • Most Impressive Ballet Opera in 2020
  • Most Famous Unsolved Murder
  • How & Why Social Networks Appeared
  • Why Some Winters Are Hot
  • Favorite Disney Princesses American Children Have
  • Why New York Is So Popular
  • What Turns Wine Expensive
  • Forgotten Historical Landmarks Few of Us Know About
  • The Fiercest Battle That Happened During WW2
  • War Museums in Germany & Their Meaning
  • Somali: Background, War, & Future Possibilities
  • How Weapons Appeared & Evolved Over the Years
  • Oldest Cold Case That Still Has Not Been Solved
  • The First Reality TV In History
  • Who Is the Richest Man in 2020 & Their Background
  • Richest Woman in the World & How She Handles Her Fortune

Here are ten other good profile essay ideas. Pick any topic you like and develop it for college essay.

  • Doctor at Your Local Hospital: Personal Interview and Insights
  • People Obsessed with Cars: How They Choose Their Passion?
  • Profile on Merlin From TV Show: His Obsession & Goodness
  • President Kennedy and What Made His Life Popular
  • Barack Obama and His Contribution to America
  • Humans Who Develop Drug Addiction Most Often
  • Old-Fashioned Wedding Rituals
  • COVID-19: Full Profile on the Known Symptoms & Treatment
  • Women Who Choose Breast Implants: Who Are They?
  • Known Ghosts in the United States & Their Story

Suffer from writer’s block?

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Some profile essay topics for college students could be more creative.

  • Drawing Facts about Albert Camus From Available Works
  • What Jane Austen’s Novels Say About Her Personality
  • Everything We Know About the Genius That Was Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Generations Fighting For Slavery Abolition: What Motivated Them?
  • Influences That Shape Best Writers
  • Hugo Boss’ Success Story
  • Mindset That Most Successful Creative Designers Have
  • Trying To Understand Goldfish and Their Thought Process
  • People Who Do Not Care About Social Norms
  • Why Sailors Are Drawn In By the Sea

Here are more interesting profile paper topics for essays that high school students might prefer an.

  • Why Children Love to Have Sleepovers Together
  • How Unfair Treatment Affects Student’s Academic Success
  • What Makes Religion Dangerous
  • Who Uses Instagram
  • Dangerous Sports and People Who Love Them
  • Forces That Drive Politics
  • The Best US Store For Teenagers
  • Real Personality of Christopher Columbus
  • What Could Be Derived From David Wallace’s Works About His Personality
  • Stephen King as the Master of Horrors: What Earned Him This Status

And these are ten last profile essay topic ideas.

  • What People Knowingly Marry Imprisoned Serial Killers
  • The Best Racing Car From the Current Collection
  • Understanding Character of Bella Swan
  • Profile on Your Local Town Deputy
  • What Is Happening in the Minds of People Who Abuse Their Power
  • A Complete Profile on My Overweight Cat
  • People Who Survive Tragedies: What Makes Them Strong
  • An Objective Evaluation of a Person I Dislike
  • Understanding Irresponsible Dog Owners
  • Profile of a Person Who Faces Discrimination Since Childhood

Choose a Great Topic and Impress Your Audience

There is a huge amount of good profile essay topics. As a profiler, you get an opportunity to learn something on a deeper level as well as share your insights with others. To a big extent, your success depends on the choice of a topic, so pay a lot of attention to it. Don’t make random choices — instead, analyze something you feel interested in.

If you are still feeling stuck and unable to make a final decision, you could always buy college papers . We have experts of different kinds working for us, and they could create profile essay topic ideas just for you or even write your paper entirely. Your wish is our command, so if you’re having any problems, let us know! Drop us a message, call us, or leave a request online, and before you know it, your work will be completed.

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Answering 'what are you passionate about' in a job interview.

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Talking effectively about your passions will set you apart in an interview.

Interviewing is stressful, and one of the most challenging questions to answer is “What are you passionate about?” It’s a tough question because it may be unclear how to answer it in a way that seems relevant to the job—and it’s uncomfortable to be under the interviewer’s microscope, feeling the pressure to put yourself in your best light.

Preparing for this question is important to getting the role though, because the job market is challenging and the competition is fierce. Fully 73% of people experience frustration with the job search process, according to a survey by The Harris Poll conducted for Bloomberg , and 73% also say they have declining faith in the system, based on data from Monster ,

But if you are prepared to demonstrate your capability and your confidence, you can shine through the difficulty and increase your chances of getting the job.

Why Interviewers Ask, “What Are You Passionate About”

Why is this an important question that is often included in interviews? While it may seem too personal or unrelated to the job, interviewers have legitimate reasons for asking questions about your passions. They want to know what you’re interested in and what motivates you —and they want to know your strengths. They also want to know if you’re self-aware and able to reflect on what you most enjoy.

Employers understand that if you’re doing things that you like and that you’re good at, you’re more likely to be engaged, more satisfied , do great work and stay with the organization.

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Baby reindeer piers morgan seeks richard gadd for interview after real martha appearance, if you feel out of place at work here are five strategies for success, how interviewers ask about your passions.

What are the different potential versions of the question, “What are you passionate about?”

You’ll want to listen for interviewers to ask a question about your passion in multiple ways. They may ask directly, “What are you passionate about?” But they may also ask questions like,

  • What energizes you?
  • What do you like to do outside of work?
  • What are you most enthusiastic to do on the job?
  • What do you do best?
  • What kind of work makes you most excited?
  • What do you find most engaging?

No matter how they ask the question, be sure you’re ready with the key themes you want to communicate as well as a few examples—so you have ideas prepared, especially if they ask multiple questions or ask follow up questions.

Talk about why you're passionate about an activity and link to the job.

How to Answer “What Are You Passionate About”

So how should someone answer, “What are you passionate about?” in an interview? And what are key points or themes that should be included in the response? These are the specific ways you can answer the question most successfully.

1. Be Authentic

Perhaps most important is that you talk about something you’re genuinely passionate about. If you choose something contrived, the interviewer will be able to tell. A lack of transparency will detract from your credibility and ability to build rapport with the interviewer.

Communicate key points about what you’re interested in, what energizes you and what you’re drawn to.

2. Give an Example

Bring your answer to life by providing an example of how you’ve experienced your passion.

3. Provide a ‘Why’

You’ll make your answer relevant by clarifying why you love the activity—being sure to choose something that you can relate back to the job.

Perhaps you love tutoring children because you especially love to coach others and bring them along—and you appreciate working together with teammates to coach and guide. Or maybe you enjoy deep sea fishing because it requires knowledge of ocean currents and regional weather patterns, and you love the process of learning and expanding your capabilities—which you’ll be enthusiastic to do in the job as well.

4. Link Your Passion to the Job

Of course, the most important portion of your answer is how you link your answer to the job you’re applying for. You can connect almost any passion to a job by emphasizing your strengths or positive characteristics.

Coaching others or learning are examples. You might also talk about how much you love hiking and you appreciate not only being out in nature, but the analytical process of mapping the trails, planning for elevations and establishing best practices for taking necessary provisions—all of which relate to the analytical nature of the job you’re applying for.

Or you may love to travel, including the emphasis on managing the details of flights, hotels and scheduling tours—much like the project management aspects of the job you want. Or you may love painting or pottery—and creating something new and always applying fresh thinking—much like the ways you’ll apply innovative approaches to the job you’re seeking.

Be Yourself

When you’re talking about your passion, be yourself and let your enthusiasm come through as you answer. You’ll build trust with the interviewer when you demonstrate that you’re open and genuine about what you’re sharing.

You’ll also need to find the balance of sharing something real, and not sounding like you’re forcing a connection. You probably have a few different passions, so choose one that you can relate to the job you want—and ensure you can effectively and meaningfully articulate the links.

By letting your passion show , you’ll be able to give yourself a terrific advantage over other candidates—and get the job.

Tracy Brower, PhD

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