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The PhD mailing list and Slack group

If you have been accepted as a PhD student at DSV, please email the information manager from the PhD Council to be added to the mailing list ( remember to use your email to register ). This is the primary communication channel between the council and all PhD students at DSV.

You can also join our Slack channel ( remember to use your email to register ) for PhD students. Slack is where we post news and reminders during the year, as well as invitations to fika and other social stuff. Moreover, you can send direct messages to other PhD colleagues, make private channels with several people and you can create your own channels, so it provides an easy platform for communication with your peers!

Individual Study Plan

There are two important documents that every PhD student should take care of: the Basic Contract and the Individual Study Plan (ISP). New forms have been introduced for these two documents. The  ISP-form is to be filled up in the first year of admission – this also acts as a Basic Contract and serves as a legal document. The   ISP follow-up form is to be filled up from the second year of studies and onward.

  • Basic Contract This document specifies how often the PhD student and the supervisor meet each other. It also specifies how much percentage the PhD student should work and study, which is usually 20% departmental duty (340 hours per year) and 80% research. It also contains information like the activities which should be done in each year of PhD study. It is also used as evidence that the PhD student agrees on and knows about the legal issues like plagiarism control of the thesis.
  • Annual Review / Individual Study Plan This document specifies the plan for the next year. It includes information like when and what courses are going to be taken, how the courses are going to be combined with departmental duties, etc. It should be considered as a tool for planning and controlling the study. Thus, it is recommended that PhD students fill the form with the help of supervisors. This document also contains a summary of what student has been done in the previous year. This is a very important document since it specifies the progress that the PhD student has been achieved, which influences the salary as well.

The head of each Unit defines the departmental duties. DSV has four units : ACT in Communication with Technology , Information systems , Interaction Design and Learning – IDEAL , and Systems Analysis and Security . Therefore, it is important that PhD students participate in unit meetings, and the head of the unit can be considered as your boss. Your head of the unit is responsible for issues regarding the working environment etc. In addition to units, there are several centres, which are mostly relying on external funding. DSV has an intranet website with information on being a PhD student at DSV as well as a “good to know” resources page.

Important information from the department and your unit head is usually distributed via email.

There are two types of theses at DSV: monograph and collection of papers. The monograph is like a book which does not rely on publications. However, it is crucial to have publications so that reviewers in your community can verify your results. A collection of papers is common at DSV and is usually based on 4 to 6 publications, depending on the depth of papers. It is always good to have one or two journal publications at the end. It is highly recommended that you speak with your supervisors to define a framework on how to meet regularly and clarify how you are going to communicate.

DSV uses the Norwegian ranking system to measure the quality of publications. This ranking rates different publications with 0, 1, or 2 levels. Level 0 cannot be considered as an acceptable level for publications. It should, therefore, not be used for the articles in a PhD student’s thesis. Level 1 is usually a good place to start! However, it is essential to always discuss with your supervisor where to submit so that the publication is relevant and suitable. The levels are important since DSV and Stockholm University get credit through publishing in level 1 and 2 conferences and journals.

For students following the General Study Plans from 2016-09-01 (IS) or 2016-10-25 (CSS), the number of course credits is 75 PhD degree and 45 for the licentiate degree. Some courses are mandatory, and others you can select as you and your supervisor see fit. Based on the background knowledge/education of the PhD student, there may also be some supplementary course/s that a PhD student should take which are determined by the director of the PhD study. This and more information can be found in the Study Plans .

An updated list of the mandatory courses with registration information is available at the DSV Intranet .

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Finding potential problems in the thesis process in higher education: Analysis of e-mails to develop a support system

  • Published: 27 June 2013
  • Volume 20 , pages 21–36, ( 2015 )

Cite this article

thesis support dsv

  • Naghmeh Aghaee 1  

685 Accesses

10 Citations

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Autonomous learning hype has created much speculation in educational systems regarding how to develop the learning process. Final project (thesis) in Bachelor’s and Master’s levels is a significant part of study for students in higher education. However, there are some problems, which lead students not managing to do or finish their thesis. As a part of a solution to these problems, the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University, Sweden, has established an information and communication platform, called SciPro. The system was initiated in 2011 to support students and supervisors during the thesis process courses. This study contributes by exploring problems that learners have faced during the final project courses and analyzing discussed issues in the emails, sent to the SciPro support group, ThesisSupport. A random sample of one hundred emails has been analyzed with the help of a content analysis tool, in order to develop the categories, which cover the discussed issues. The result of the study shows six exhaustive and mutually exclusive categories of problems: 1) Thesis initiation (26 %), 2) Info-mail (4.7 %), 3) Technical issues (17.1 %), 4) Exemption (18.7 %), 5) Supervision (17.1 %), 6) Final seminar (16.4 %). Consequently, based on the significance of the categories, two groups of strategic suggestions are developed: 1) developing communications and 2) developing instructions. These strategies intend to enhance support for the autonomous learning process for the thesis courses in higher education.

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I would like to express my appreciation to the DSV thesis coordinator, Associate Professor Henrik Hansson for his great supervision, guidelines and constructive comments, and to Associate Professor Matti Tedre for his guidelines for the methodology section of the study. In addition, my appreciation also goes to the SciPro ThesisSupport, Ulf Larsson and David Hallberg for their supports for the data collection. Moreover, since this paper had been sent to the IRIS conference 2012, I am grateful to assistant professor Christina Keller for her valuable comments, besides the workshops’ group members, especially the leader of the group, Professor Lars Svensson from University West. Special thanks to William Jobe and Aron Henriksson for the language improvements. And finally thanks to the students and faculty at the department of Computer and System Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University, who provided support to develop this paper.

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Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University, Forum 100, SE-164 40, Kista, Sweden

Naghmeh Aghaee

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Correspondence to Naghmeh Aghaee .

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About this article

Aghaee, N. Finding potential problems in the thesis process in higher education: Analysis of e-mails to develop a support system. Educ Inf Technol 20 , 21–36 (2015).

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Published : 27 June 2013

Issue Date : March 2015


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Medea & University: Master thesis project of a Diving Support Vessel (DSV) by Mattia De Rosa

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This 2018 was really satisfactory for Us. We had a good feedback on budget, completed work and satisfied customers, but that’s not all.

This was a year full of concrete experiences for our university’s students.

For years Medea brings students to get in touch with the future that awaits them, thanks to a partnership agreement with the Universities of Naples “Federico II” and “Parthenope”.

Who knows us knows how much we care about training , especially the preparation for the working life. We try, through our training courses , to transmit at  young graduates a precious baggage of knowledge for their future.

With great satisfaction we announce the achieving for Mattia De Rosa of the Master’s degree in Naval Engineering , with the highest marks.

The neo-engineer’s degree thesis was based on the study of a Diving Support vessel (DSV), a type of vessel * with which Medea has to do daily in his work of consultancy.

WhatsApp Image 2019-02-06 at 15.43.14

The main topics discussed in the thesis :

  • Preliminary definition of dimensions and weights
  • Ratings on propulsion and choice of thrusters
  • Stability analysis and structural sizing
  • Finite element analysis of a ship block with comparison of the regulatory calculations
  • Estimation of ship costs

The internship plan for the student included practise on structural analysis of cylindrical blocks and the preparation of a DSV security plan .

The technical Department staff was very satisfied for the collaboration and the commitment of Mattia during the training sessions.

We do our best wishes to Eng. Mattia De Rosa sure that his passion for the sea and the nautical world will guide him towards a brilliant future .

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Improve and optimize the management of Diving Support Vessel (DSV) during design, construction, and operation.

Yin, qingkui, master thesis.


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Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Thesis defence: manoja weerasekara.

Thesis defence

Date: Tuesday 13 June 2023

Time: 10.00 – 13.00

Location: Room Lilla hörsalen, DSV, Borgarfjordsgatan 12, Kista

Welcome to a thesis defence at DSV! Manoja Weerasekara presents her thesis on ICT and occupational stress.

Portrait photo of Manoja Weerasekara.

On June 13, 2023, Manoja Weerasekara will present her PhD thesis at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University. The title of the thesis is “Design of an ICT-Supported Intervention for Occupational Stress Management: Case of Sri Lankan Software Employees”.

The defence takes place at DSV in Kista, starting at 10:00 am. Find your way to DSV

PhD student: Manoja Weerasekara, DSV/NSBM, Sri Lanka Opponent: Annika Vänje, Dalarna University Main supervisor: Åsa Smedberg, DSV Supervisor: Hélène Sandmark, Ramazzini Research, and Ganga Karunathilake, NSBM, Sri Lanka The thesis can be downloaded from Diva

Contact Manoja Weerasekara

Rapid technological advancements have paved the way for better support for human health and well-being, and ICT-supported occupational stress management is one such growing area. However, this field lacks studies that can provide pragmatic solutions for occupational stress management through the design of artefacts for specific occupational groups, especially in developing countries. Previous studies of ICT-supported interventions for occupational stress management have shown low engagement and adherence, which have reduced their potential benefits. The aim of this thesis is therefore to conceptualise, design and evaluate an ICT-supported intervention for occupational stress management that can support user engagement and adherence among Sri Lankan software employees. The software industry in Sri Lanka is a fast-growing sector that is prone to producing stressed employees due to the demanding nature of the work. Design science research methodology was used as a guide for the research activities in this study. The thesis consists of eight interrelated studies in which a diversified range of research strategies were applied. Data were captured from three stakeholder categories: software employees, human resource managers in Colombo-based software companies, and stress experts from private, non-governmental and governmental organisations. The data collection methods used in the studies varied, and included literature reviews, questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions. Inductive thematic analysis was applied to analyse the qualitative data, and descriptive statistics were used for the quantitative data. Based on these studies, the proposed artefact was conceptualised as a self-help intervention that could be used with little guidance to promote health and well-being. The artefact incorporates multiple functional modules that provide both a ‘personal space’ and a ‘collaborative space’. The personal space provides users with resources and tools to manage stress independently, whereas the collaborative space provides avenues for seeking social support, and allows for interactions between peers and experts. To support engagement and adherence, the intervention was designed to be enjoyable, easy to use and responsive to the user’s needs. An evaluation of a prototype with the three stakeholders indicated that the intervention has the potential to be useful in practice. This thesis contributes to existing knowledge in the empirical domain through the instantiation of a viable design prototype for managing occupational stress among software employees in Sri Lanka. It also advances the current knowledge of design science research practice in regard to ICT-supported interventions. This knowledge can be applied to the design of similar ICT-supported interventions to promote human health and well-being. Keywords: ICT, Software Employees, Occupational Stress, Design Science Research, ICT-Supported Stress Management, Sri Lanka

Last updated: May 31, 2023

Source: Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, DSV

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Innovation in transportation and logistics

We explore and develop innovative solutions.

In a rapidly changing world, people have higher demands to the products and services they purchase while technology provides smarter ways to supply.

At DSV, we believe that with cutting-edge operations and the right products on the shelves, customers will choose us. We stay inspired and embrace innovation by digitizing our core business and creating new digital logistics solutions – all for the benefit of the customer experience.

Innovation takes place on all levels at DSV and in many countries around the world.

The DSV Innovation Hub drives our global innovation efforts on a group level, and reports directly to the executive management. 

Our skilled team helps DSV embrace digital transformation and collaborates actively with tech innovators and start-ups to ideate, test and develop the best solutions in the market. 

From corporate strategy to innovative practice

Our strategy and governance framework

Our thesis for the future of the industry

The future of the industry is characterized by increasing digitization, regulation, and a call for greener and more resilient supply chains. This development is driven in part by global mega trends that are pushing the industry and will have a major impact on the way we do business in the future.

AI and automation

Sustainability, network and service economy, urbanization, some of our previous innovation projects, digital warehouse twin.

We have established a full Digital Warehouse Twin with a combination of 3D model with current information from live data (such as tracking and computer vision) and data from other systems such as dimensions, throughput, or inventory of individual products or materials.

Digital Cargo Twin

We have implemented in-motion scanning solution, which accurately captures weight & dimensions from pallets. The physical dimensions of cargo are mirrored into a digital twin. Hence, a digital cargo twin provides better data foundation for planning, execution and invoicing of transports.

Offshore cargo drones

We have implemented autonomous drones for spare parts delivery to technicians offshore (e.g. windfarms and oil rigs) or remote. Hence, they provide a fast and cost-efficient alternative compared to traditional modes of transport.

Visibility platform

We offer a visibility platform to enable live cargo tracking using active trackers on shipment level and asset trackers. You will thereby obtain complete supply chain visibility, which ensures transport compliance.

Semi-autonomous trucks to mitigate driver shortage

DSV are partnering with leading Truck Manufacturers and Technology Companies to test semi-autonomous driving. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are key to improve the safety and comfort of our drivers. 

Autonomous Inventory Drones

We have implemented autonomous drone system to track goods without human interaction and detect if pallet positions are empty or occupied. The system thereby minimizes disruption and improves quality of warehouse operations.

Our offshore cargo drones

See how our offshore cargo drones work 

Any questions or suggestions?

Get in touch with Peter Matthiesen, Senior Director, Group Innovation

Peter Matthiesen

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  2. Medea & University: Master thesis project of a Diving Support Vessel

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  6. Medea & University: Master thesis project of a Diving Support Vessel

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  1. Master thesis

    Master thesis. Master's programmes at DSV end with a master thesis. You select and implement relevant scientific methods to write an academic thesis in relation to one of the Department's research areas. A two-year master thesis consists of 30 credits and a one-year master thesis of 15 credits. You study at a 100 percent study pace for 30 ...

  2. IT services at DSV

    Writing you thesis - . SciPro is used as an administrative support tool for students and supervisors during the thesis writing process. Log on to SciPro here. Recorded lectures - . All recorded lectures are available on play. Log on to Play here.

  3. Contact

    The study counsellors at DSV assist in questions regarding courses and master programmes within computer and systems sciences, such as course selection, course or programme requirements, study leave, credit transfer as well as general planning of your studies. ... Thesis support answers questions and helps with everything related to the master ...

  4. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

    DSV is located in the Nod Building with contemporary specially designed premises, a modern study environment with IT-labs - all with the very latest technology. ... A new PhD thesis explores how the challenge of dimensionality can be tackled. Digitalization and AI - Theme page. 2024-03-14. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences.

  5. Doing a PhD

    DSV has an intranet website with information on being a PhD student at DSV as well as a "good to know" resources page. Important information from the department and your unit head is usually distributed via email. Thesis types. There are two types of theses at DSV: monograph and collection of papers.

  6. Find support

    Need help with a quote, login to self services, find a DSV office, apply for a job, or do you just have a question? Find support no matter the topic here. Why DSV ... Back Support See page Find your local DSV office; Self services; FAQ; Glossary; Help and contact; Quote request; Search DSV. Search Search Select country/region ...

  7. Finding potential problems in the thesis process in higher ...

    As a part of a solution to these problems, the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University, Sweden, has established an information and communication platform, called SciPro. The system was initiated in 2011 to support students and supervisors during the thesis process courses.

  8. Ict Support for The Thesis Process: a Case As a Literature Review

    The DSV had initiated a project to implement an ICT supported system for the thesis supervision process in 2011 in order to address the issue of quality. Sci-Pro, the thesis supervision support system, was launched in 2011 and has grown into a mature system during the last six years.

  9. Study abroad

    Note, DSV does not allow you to write your thesis during the exchange semester. Translation of credits. 30 ECTS correspond to 30 credits in the Swedish system. In cases where the ECTS system does not apply, you have to study the equivalent of 20 weeks of full-time studies to 30 credits. ... Medical certificate regarding special support (if ...

  10. PDF Web Applications for Large-Scale Decision Support

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  11. PDF Blended Supervision for Thesis Projects in Higher Education: A ...

    effect of the IT support system in reducing the issues in thesis supervision and retention of dropout students. The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University and the thesis support system SciPro is taken as the case to investigate. Thereby an effort is taken to demonstrate a case of blended

  12. During your studies

    Student union DISK. DISK is the student union for the students at The Department of Computer and Systems Science, DSV, at Stockholm University. DISK is run by students for students. If you are involved in the student union, you will get to know students from other programmes and courses and be able to take part in all of DISK's student ...

  13. Daisy

    Own degree thesis project statistics. by nikos | 2023-07-18 | Daisy. Teachers have now access to a new view with statistics about degree thesis projects that they have contributed to as supervisor, assistant supervisor, reviewer or examiner. The statistics are presented by year or education cycle and it is also possible to only include...

  14. Medea & University: Master thesis project of a Diving Support Vessel

    6 February 2019 Medea & University: Master thesis project of a Diving Support Vessel (DSV) by Mattia De Rosa. This 2018 was really satisfactory for Us. We had a good feedback on budget, completed work and satisfied customers, but that's not all.. This was a year full of concrete experiences for our university's students.. For years Medea brings students to get in touch with the future that ...

  15. (PDF) The Usefulness of ICT Support Systems for Thesis Courses

    The respondents were different learners (students) with active thesis projects at the bachelor or master level in different programs at DSV between 2012 and 2015.

  16. Help and contact

    Find answers to your questions with guidance to popular topics, or send us your question today.

  17. Find support

    Need help with a quote, login to self services, find a DSV office, apply for a job, or do you just have a question? Find support no matter the topic here. Why DSV ... Back Support See page Find your local DSV office; Self services; FAQ; Glossary; Help and contact; Quote request; Search DSV. Search Search Select country ...

  18. Improve and optimize the management of Diving Support Vessel (DSV

    This thesis mainly focuses on the design and operational issues of a saturation diving support vessel (DSV). First, make the right investment decisions from the market survey of the saturation diving operation and the market needs, referring to the worldwide saturation diving support vessels design and specification.

  19. Thesis defence: Manoja Weerasekara

    Invitation to PhD student Manoja Weerasekara's thesis defence at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University. She will present her thesis "Design of an ICT-Supported Intervention for Occupational Stress Management: Case of Sri Lankan Software Employees". The thesis defence takes place in room Lilla hörsalen, Borgarfjordsgatan 12, Kista on June 13, 2023.

  20. thesis support dsv

    The DSV had initiated a project to implement an ICT supported system for the thesis supervision process in 2011 in order to address the issue of quality. Sci-Pro, the thesis supervision support system, was launched in 2011 and has grown into a mature system during the last six years....

  21. Innovation in transportation and logistics

    At DSV, we believe that with cutting-edge operations and the right products on the shelves, customers will choose us. We stay inspired and embrace innovation by digitizing our core business and creating new digital logistics solutions - all for the benefit of the customer experience. Innovation takes place on all levels at DSV and in many ...

  22. Thesis Info DSV

    Thesis Info Dsv - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis, including the large amount of research required, managing different aspects of the project, and balancing thesis work with other commitments. It then describes how seeking professional assistance from can help students ...