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149 Capstone Project Ideas & Examples – 2024

June 6, 2024

The word “capstone” originally referred to the decorative, final piece of masonry that would be affixed to the top of a new building. But in terms of schooling, what is a capstone project? Academically, “capstone” is a fitting metaphor, as a capstone project serves as a culminating, crowning illustration of your scholarly work. The capstone project synthesizes the learning you have done in various fields, demonstrates your level of expertise in your specific area of study, and often marks the end or milestone moment of a current study path. In short, it’s a big achievement! In this article, we’ve outlined a few tips for cultivating your perfect capstone thesis and have included a list of capstone project ideas to get you started.

General Capstone Writing Tips

As you select a topic for your capstone project, be sure to consider the following criteria:

Personal Interest . A capstone project is meant to be the culmination of or milestone representing your specific path of study; as such, it should be a project that actually interests you! Perhaps you’ve already been working on a passion project or long-term scholarly paper on a topic that excites you. Or maybe you’ve heard about a specific branch of inquiry within your field that you find compelling and want to explore further. Whether you’re new to a specific capstone subject or have been working on it for a while, it’s important to know that your actual interest in a subject can increase your productivity and learning. [i]

Existing Research . For any new piece of scholarship, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand and acknowledge the current knowledge and findings that exist around your thesis. As an advancing practitioner in your field of study or profession, you should already have a sense of what other scholars and experts have said about your capstone project idea, but this is a moment to fully explore: Who are the major players in this professional or scholarly conversation? What are the most important pieces of research that ground this field of study? What recent innovations have been made in this topic?

Stakes . If you’ve ever been involved in a debate or had to write a persuasive speech , you know that an important question to answer is: “So what?” Why is this capstone project idea important? What will be affected if the ideas in your capstone do or do not come to pass? What exactly is at stake here?

Examples Continued

Stakeholders . The stakeholders of a capstone are those who will be affected by the information in your project. Perhaps you’ve already engaged in community service and have seen a gap that can be filled by your particular area of expertise. Maybe you are one of the stakeholders in your research. In every capstone project, your readers should know who will be most important to your work.

Identify a gap or problem . If you’ve done your research properly, then you now know what current holes or gaps exist in your field. Make sure you frame your capstone so that your audience is aware of the work that needs to be done.

Fill the gap . This is your moment to shine! What is your specific hypothesis? What kind of research will you conduct to prove it? Specifically, how is your work contributing to this field of study? To this profession?

Feasibility and Scope . The last question you need to ask yourself is: Can I actually do this project? Do you have the time and resources to complete the work you’re proposing? Is your capstone actually doable? If you find that your project seems too big, don’t despair! Many capstone project ideas can be narrowed down for specificity and feasibility. Take a look at the example below:

Very broad:

“What are some recent developments in women’s health research?”

More specific and feasible:

“What are the most current findings on early diagnostic testing and maternal health outcomes amongst American women?”

Capstone Project Examples

Below, we’ve listed 150 capstone project examples in various fields. Think of all of these focus questions and ideas as jumping-off points. Some are very broad, while others are much more specific. Your capstone project will most likely fall under the “specific” category (see “feasibility and scope” above), but broader topics and focus questions can get you started down the path of your own particular branch of research.

Computer Science Capstone Project Ideas

1) In what ways does social media influence current developments in information systems and marketing?

2) What recent developments have we seen in natural language processing? What innovations do we hope to see?

3) How is cybersecurity an essential consideration in political and public policy?

4) What is the potential for virtual reality within the fields of mental healthcare and / or physical rehabilitation?

5) How can cybersecurity better function in the healthcare industry?

6) What are current and developing applications for machine learning algorithms?

7) How can we develop more secure data encryption?

8) What are the current needs for development in image processing and design?

9) How does artificial intelligence promise to elevate, innovate, revolutionize, or render obsolete various fields and / or methodologies inside and outside of computer science?

10) What current developments exist in the field of neural networks?

11) In what ways can we develop more efficient data encryption algorithms?

12) What specific roles does computer science play in national defense?

13) Exploring automated testing systems.

14) In what ways have smartphone interfaces changed human behavior? Can we predict future changes?

15) What recent innovations have we seen in cloud computing and what changes can we expect to see in this field?

16) How can we improve specific algorithms that conduct market-based analysis?

17) What are the current most important ethical questions surrounding big data and information systems?

18) What are the current expectations around the development and use of cryptocurrency?

19) What specific relationships exist between national policy and internet censorship?

20) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of computer science that specifically interests you !)

Nursing and Medical Capstone Project Ideas

21) What roles might nurses have in administering pain management and anesthesia?

22) In what ways can we address the country’s nursing shortage?

23) In what ways is the field of nursing expected to change in the near future?

24) What innovations can be made in continuing education for nurses?

25) In what ways can nurse practitioners and PAs function more effectively in primary care and specialty settings?

26) Going forward, what roles can nurses play in mobile health and telemedicine?

27) How can clinical settings improve their mental and emotional health outreach for employees?

28) In what ways do nurses and PAs function in specific research roles (e.g. cancer research)?

29) Development of cultural sensitivity training and eliminating health equity disparities in the nursing field.

30) Recent developments in women’s health initiatives and research.

31) In what ways can communication efficacy be addressed in clinical settings?

32) What is the relationship between medical care and specific public policies?

33) Nursing, management, and leadership roles.

34) In what ways can technology improve nursing and healthcare initiatives?

35) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of medicine or scientific inquiry that specifically interests you !)

Humanities and Arts Capstone Project Ideas

36) How does art function in the political and public spheres?

37) What specific developments have we seen in the field of graphic design in the past decade?

38) Analyzing the relationships between marketing, commercial viability and contemporary literature.

39) In what ways do the humanities function in ecocriticism and the Anthropocene?

40) Social media and communication.

41) What are some recent examples of the relationship between popular culture and political propaganda?

42) Current distinctions between pop culture, avant-garde, and highbrow literature and art.

43) What is the role of philosophy in current public debate?

44) In what ways do / have the humanities function(ed) within and / or outside of the public sphere?

45) What is the role of the digital humanities in ancient / early modern / modern history?

46) What recent developments have we seen in the fields of women’s and gender studies?

47) How has a globalized media culture impacted our views on cultural exchange / postcolonialism / hegemonic power structures?

48) In what ways have sustainability initiatives become an essential part of art, theatre, fashion, film, and literary production?

49) Race, class, gender and / or sexuality, and recent developments in the construction of personal identity.

50) How does appropriation function in the realm of cultural production?

51) What is the current role of cinema in public and political culture?

52) Creativity and new genres in the wake of social media, artificial intelligence and monoculture.

53) How can / do museums and public spaces function as sites of cultural production?

54) In what ways has artificial intelligence begun to shape the arts and humanities?

55) Recent innovations and gaps in ____________. (Have you already done some research on a particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of humanities research that specifically interests you!)

Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

56) What is the role of engineering in specific manufacturing practices?

57) In what ways are environmental and sustainable efforts transforming various industries (transportation, manufacturing, public use, energy, etc.)?

58) How does artificial intelligence promise to function in various engineering fields?

59) What are the functions of drones in supply chains?

60) How does engineering specifically function in the production and management of public health (water purification and distribution, waste management, etc.)?

61) What recent innovations have we seen in the fields of engineering and defense?

62) Assessing the feasibility of solar power, wind power, etc.

63) In what ways can engineering facilitate specific infrastructure innovations in public spaces?

64) What does the privatization of the aerospace industry demonstrate about the relationship between public and commercial scientific research?

65) In what ways does current engineering promise to disrupt fields like the automotive, manufacturing, aerospace, etc. industries?

66) Examining various uses of 3D printing.

67) What are some recent innovations in electric, geothermal and/ or nuclear energy?

68) What is the current relationship between extraction engineering and the public sphere?

69) How does the field of robotics function in medicine and public health?

70) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of engineering or scientific inquiry that specifically interests you !)

Education Capstone Project Ideas

71) How do charter schools currently function in the education system?

72) What current pathways exist for continuing education in the teaching field?

73) What roles does artificial intelligence play in the future of education?

74) Disciplinary practices and education for early childhood, middle school, high school, etc.

75) Addressing income and resource disparities between public school districts.

76) In what ways does gender currently function in STEM education?

77) In what ways can mental health initiatives more thoroughly benefit students, staff, and educators?

78) In what ways is parental involvement a factor in current curriculum models?

79) What are the advantages and disadvantages of various modes of virtual learning, technology in the classroom, asynchronous learning, e-learning, etc.?

80) How can we address the current teacher shortage?

81) What are the current relationships between politics, public policy, school funding and curriculum development?

82) What recent innovations have we seen in outdoor learning, Montessori schooling, forest schools, eco-education, etc.?

82) How can schools facilitate better curricula and funding for special needs programs?

83) What is the current role of the arts in public education? In private education?

84) What is the relationship between public policy and homeschooling?

85) In what ways do race and class currently function in specific conversations around education?

86) What are current concerns and developments in the practices of school safety?

87) What developments are currently underway in curricula involving interdisciplinary and project-based learning?

88) What benefits and drawbacks currently exist in extracurricular programs and initiatives for students of various age groups?

89) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of education or curriculum planning that specifically interests you !)

Biology Capstone Project Ideas

90) What are some recent developments in the ethics of stem cell research and cloning?

91) How has public disease testing changed since the pandemic?

92) What is the role of the biologist in mining, extraction, and geoengineering?

93) What recent innovations have been made in pesticide production, distribution, and wider use?

94) How can biology serve manufacturing industries to prevent contamination and supply chain stalling?

95) How do specific ecosystems currently function in regard to climate change? What changes are predicted to these ecosystems in the next decade and why?

96) In what ways are biologists’ roles evolving in the development of biomechanical medical devices?

97) What roles do biologists play in understandings of human reproduction and DNA?

98) How are pharmaceutical and recreational drugs currently understood and classified?

99) What recent biological innovations have been made in the production of food? What developments do we foresee in this branch of biology?

100) In what ways are biological systems affected by various forms of energy extraction and consumption (electrical power, gas, wind and solar power, etc.)?

101) How does A.I. promise to affect the roles of biologists in various fields?

102) What current biological threats do we face in terms of biological warfare? How are biologists crucial players in national defense?

103) Explore a relationship between the biochemical signatures of the body and mental wellness / illness.

104) In what specific ways is the organic movement both a biological consideration and a marketing strategy?

105) How do biologists play significant roles in the prevention of spreading infectious diseases?

106) What are the relationships between human population growth or decline and natural ecosystems?

107) How is marine life affected by human activity (recent understandings and developments)?

108) How do biologists function in public and political conversations around sustainability?

109) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of biology that specifically interests you !)

Psychology Capstone Project Ideas

110) What recent developments have been made in research around specific social media platforms and mental health?

111) What roles did the pandemic play in social and mental health amongst particular age groups?

112) How are recent developments in digital communication (“ghosting,” “swiping,” “liking”) indicative of disordered psychological behaviors?

113) Considering particular contexts like time and place, explore the relationships between psychological wellness and gender.

114) Investigate stress reduction efficacy amongst particular populations.

115) What is the role of mental health awareness in policies and conversations around public health?

116) What role does psychology play in pain management?

117) In what ways are clinical psychologists and therapists uniquely poised to conduct empirical research?

118) What recent developments exist in research around various types of trauma?

119) What daily interventions need to be explored in the reduction of anxiety and sleep disorders?

120) What is the developing role of telemedicine and online mental healthcare?

121) In what ways are particular prescription drugs more or less effective when paired with traditional types of psychotherapy?

122) In what ways do companies utilize psychology in marketing and branding?

123) What is the role of the child psychologist in public schools?

124) In what ways can HR departments benefit from on-staff mental health workers?

125) Explore distinctions between child psychologists and early childhood educators.

126) What interventions can be made in the realm of public policy to lessen the social stigma of mental health disorders?

127) How can psychology be used to create more efficient workplaces?

128) In what ways can new technology like apps and AI be implemented in the ongoing care of mental health patients?

129) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of psychology that specifically interests you !)

Business and Accounting Capstone Project Ideas

130) What are the current impacts of globalization on business strategy?

131) How can organizations change communication practices?

132) What are the relationships between sales, brand perception, and social justice movements?

133) In what ways are women perceived and compensated in the finance field? How has this developed over the past decade? What developments remain to be seen?

134) What leadership training programs and strategies best serve managers?

135) Exploring sustainable business practices.

136) In what ways can company structure influence business innovation?

137) What are the current trends and best practices for inter-departmental conflict resolution within businesses?

138) Exploring effects of mergers and acquisitions for specific companies.

139) What is the specific role of HR in performance management amongst employees?

140) Recent explorations of forensic accounting in cases of embezzlement.

141) Perform a case study analysis of a particular taxation policy.

142) What are some important features of the ethics of non-profit accounting?

143) In what ways can we measure international accounting standards?

144) Due to the pandemic, how have budgeting and financial planning methods evolved in recent years?

145) What specific impacts can we predict in the accounting field as a result of AI and other advancing technologies?

146) Perform an analysis of marketing strategies that utilize social media.

147) How can companies maximize consumer engagement in saturated markets?

148 Which technologies and designs are most effective in brand management and dispersion?

149) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of business or accounting that specifically interests you !)

Capstone Project Examples – Works Cited

[i] Kahu, Ella., Karen Nelson, Catherine Picton. “Student Interest as a Key Driver of Engagement for First Year Students.” Student Success. Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 55-66. July 2017.

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Jamie Smith

For the past decade, Jamie has taught writing and English literature at several universities, including Boston College, the University of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon University. She earned a Ph.D. in English from Carnegie Mellon, where she currently teaches courses and conducts research on composition, public writing, and British literature.

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Apr 16, 2024

Everything About Capstone Projects: An In-Depth Guide

Think of your academic journey as a thrilling mountain climb. The capstone project marks the exhilarating, and sometimes daunting, summit. This culminating assignment is a staple in many degree programs, providing students with a unique opportunity to synthesize their learning, apply their skills to real-world challenges, and showcase their readiness for the professional world.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll get into the ins and outs of capstone projects, exploring their purpose, various forms, and the steps involved in bringing yours to successful completion.

The Purpose and Value of Capstone Projects

Capstone projects are much more than a final assignment. In a way, they bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world. At their core, capstone projects are designed to:

Synthesize Learning: They force students to draw upon and integrate the wide range of knowledge and skills accumulated throughout their entire academic program. This requires a level of reflection and critical analysis that promotes deeper understanding.

Apply Knowledge: Capstones are where theory becomes practice. Students take concepts learned in the classroom and grapple with how to implement them, address unexpected challenges, and refine their solutions in actual, or realistically simulated, situations.

Develop Essential Skills: Capstone projects foster a wide array of transferable skills that translate directly to success in all professions. These include problem-solving, critical thinking, research, project management, and effective communication.

Prepare for the Future: Whether a student is aiming for the workforce or further education, a capstone project gives them tangible experience to showcase to potential employers or admissions committees. It serves as evidence of their readiness to step into more complex and demanding roles.

Types of Capstone Projects

Capstone projects come in various forms, offering students the ability to choose an approach that best suits their interests and career aspirations. Here's a look at some common types:

Research Papers: Demonstrate deep understanding through focused investigation of a specific topic. Students research, analyze data, and draw defensible conclusions.

Case Studies: Involve applying theoretical knowledge to analyze actual real-world scenarios, dissecting decisions made, their outcomes, and lessons applicable to other situations.

Creative Works: Offer a space for expressing innovation, talent, and technical skills Unique to fields like art, design, music, or writing, they might result in a portfolio, performance, or original piece.

Internships: Provide hands-on experience in a professional setting, directly applying coursework to real challenges. This gives students an inside look into their potential career field.

Field Placement Projects: Involve working with industry or community partners, contributing to projects with real-life impact, and often focusing on problem-solving within a specific organization.

Research Papers

Research papers as a capstone project offer a classic way of demonstrating mastery of a field of study. They allow students to:

Choose a Focused Topic: Students hone in on a specific question or problem within their field, demonstrating their ability to identify and explore an area of interest.

Conduct Thorough Research: Students must navigate academic resources, including peer-reviewed articles, primary sources, and data sets. This shows their ability to find and evaluate reliable information.

Synthesize & Analyze: Capstone-level research isn't just about summarizing what others have said. Students need to analyze findings critically, draw their own conclusions, and present a defensible argument.

Master Formal Writing: Research papers require adherence to academic writing standards, including proper citation and strong thesis development.

Case Studies

Case studies empower students to connect classroom theories to real situations that professionals would face. They provide opportunities to:

Apply Theoretical Frameworks: Students use models and concepts learned in their coursework to analyze a specific case, demonstrating their understanding of how those theories work in practice.

Dissect Decision-Making: By dissecting the choices made within a case study, students learn to weigh the pros and cons of different approaches and critically assess the outcomes that those decisions generate.

Form Actionable Insights: The true value of a case study lies in identifying what lessons can be applied more broadly. Students learn to recognize patterns, potential pitfalls, and strategies that can be used in other situations.

Creative Works

When capstones take a creative form, students tap into their originality and technical skills. These projects often involve:

Conceptualization: Developing a unique idea, artistic vision, or original piece requires a student to think beyond what's been done previously, pushing them to innovate.

Technical Execution: The project must still demonstrate mastery of the chosen medium – whether that's painting, composition, filmmaking, or something else entirely.

Reflective Presentation: Often, creative works are accompanied by a written component or presentation where the student articulates their process, influences, and the conceptual significance of their creation.


Internships immerse students in the world of work directly related to their studies. They offer the chance to:

Gain Professional Experience: Students work on real-world projects, contributing to ongoing initiatives within established organizations.

Put Theory into Practice: Interns grapple with applying the concepts they've learned to the tasks and challenges faced by a specific company or organization.

Build a Network: Interactions with colleagues and mentors within their field can open doors to future job opportunities.

Develop Workplace Skills: Interns practice time-management, communication in a professional context, and collaborating with a team, which are essential for success in most careers.

Field Placement Projects

Field placements connect students with community partners, bringing a real-world immediacy to their capstone experience. These projects might involve:

Collaboration: Students work directly with a company, non-profit, or government agency, gaining insights into its goals, needs, and constraints.

Problem-Solving: Field projects often focus on addressing a specific challenge or contributing to the betterment of the partner organization.

Impact: Students can see a tangible result of their work, making the experience feel more meaningful than a theoretical assignment.

Adaptability: Working within an existing organization requires students to adapt to its structure and culture, honing their flexibility and communication skills.

Does completing a capstone project significantly enhance job market readiness?

Yes. Capstone projects bridge the gap between theory and practice, equipping students with in-demand skills that employers value highly. The experience of tackling a substantial project demonstrates initiative, problem-solving abilities, time management, and clear communication – all of which translate to success in the workplace.

Selecting a Capstone Project Topic

Choosing a capstone project topic is one of the most important decisions you'll make during your academic experience. It's a chance to align your effort with both your passions and long-term goals. Here's how to find the perfect fit:

Start with "What is a capstone project?" Understanding the broader meaning and purpose of this experience helps narrow your scope. A capstone project should push you to synthesize knowledge and skills from your education and apply those in a meaningful way toward professional growth.

Self-Reflection: What are your genuine interests within your field? What problems or issues do you find most intriguing? Don't be afraid to explore beyond your most recent coursework – sometimes the best ideas stem from earlier sparks of curiosity.

Career Aspirations: Where do you envision yourself after graduation? What kinds of problems would you like to solve in your chosen profession? Choosing a topic relevant to that vision gives you hands-on experience that will be invaluable.

Topic Relevance to Career Goals

While not always mandatory, it's beneficial to select a capstone project topic that speaks to your career goals. Here's why:

Building a Relevant Portfolio: Your capstone project becomes a major work sample when applying for jobs or further education. It demonstrates your competency and active interest in specific areas of your field.

Direct Experience: Working on a project tied to your career goals gives you a taste of the kinds of challenges and tasks you might encounter later. This is much more impactful than simply reading about such problems in textbooks.

Networking Opportunities: Depending on your project type, you might interact with professionals or organizations directly in your desired field. This helps build connections and could even lead to job leads.

Research and Preparation

Once you have a general focus, it's time to refine your topic:

Preliminary Research: Read up on your chosen area to see what kinds of questions are currently being explored. Identify what intrigues you the most, and what gaps in the research you might be able to address.

Gather Resources: Talk to professors or mentors in your field. They can offer guidance on finding valuable texts, articles, and data sets relevant to your topic.

Narrow Focus: A successful capstone topic is focused enough to be tackled in depth within the given timeframe. Resist trying to address everything about a broad subject.

Is it critical to choose a capstone project topic related to one's career goals?

Though not strictly required, it's highly advantageous to choose a career-focused capstone project. The experience gained becomes relevant, immediately applicable to your professional development, and helps you stand out to future employers or graduate school admissions panels.

Integrating Capstone Projects with Other Academic Work

Capstone projects aren't isolated endeavors. They serve as a culmination of your academic journey , drawing upon and enriching your understanding of the knowledge gained through previous coursework. Let's explore these connections:

From Research Papers to Capstone Projects

Research papers and capstone projects both heavily rely on your research and analysis skills. However, they differ in their ultimate goals:

Research Papers: These hone your ability to research a specific topic, analyze existing literature, and present a well-supported argument. The focus is on understanding and critically evaluating established knowledge.

Capstone Projects: While research remains imperative, capstone projects move beyond pure analysis. Here, you apply the theoretical frameworks learned in research papers to tackle a real-world problem or create something innovative.

Linking Dissertations and Capstone Projects

Capstone projects share a deeper connection with dissertations , although the scale and scope are different:

Dissertations: These in-depth, original research projects are the cornerstone of doctoral programs. They involve extensive research, data collection, and analysis, culminating in a significant contribution to existing knowledge.

Capstone Projects: While not expected to redefine a field, capstone projects showcase your ability to conduct thorough research and apply it to address specific problems or opportunities within your chosen discipline. They provide a taste of the research rigor expected in graduate studies.

Capstone Projects vs. Term Papers

Term papers serve as building blocks for your capstone project, but they differ in scope and depth:

Term Papers: These typically focus on a specific aspect of a broader field, allowing you to explore a chosen topic and develop your research and writing skills. The research conducted for a term paper can form the foundation for a more comprehensive capstone project.

Capstone Projects: More comprehensive and demanding, capstone projects require a deeper dive into a topic. They involve applying knowledge from multiple courses, conducting original research if applicable, and potentially creating a tangible outcome.

Can Capstone Projects Incorporate Elements from Previous Academic Papers Effectively?

Absolutely! In fact, integrating elements from previous academic work significantly enriches your capstone project:

Provides Depth and Continuity: Prior research becomes the foundation for your capstone project, demonstrating the evolution of your understanding. This continuity strengthens your overall argument.

Highlights Skill Development: By showcasing how you've built upon prior research methods and analysis, you demonstrate a progression in your research and critical thinking skills.

Offers a Stronger Foundation: Previous papers can serve as springboards for more focused research questions within your capstone project.

By weaving together the knowledge gained throughout your academic journey, a capstone project becomes a powerful testament to your intellectual growth and your ability to apply knowledge meaningfully.

Writing and Presentation Techniques

The way you communicate your capstone project can be as important as the project itself. Here's how to nail both the write-up and the presentation:

Crafting a Compelling Introduction

Your introduction sets the tone for the entire project. Aim to capture your audience's attention and clearly convey the significance of your work right from the start. Here are a few techniques:

The Hook: Begin with a compelling fact, a provocative question, a relevant anecdote, or a quote that directly relates to your topic.

Problem Statement: Clearly articulate the specific issue, challenge, or opportunity your capstone project addresses.

Significance: Succinctly explain why this project matters. Highlight the potential impact of your research, the innovative nature of your creative work, or the tangible benefits of your practical experience.

Thesis Statement: If applicable, offer a concise and clear statement that summarizes your main argument or the central outcome of your project.

Developing a Coherent Structure

Whether presenting your work in writing or orally, a logical structure ensures your audience can easily follow your thought process and findings:

Written Reports: Follow standard academic formatting guidelines (if applicable). Use clear headings and subheadings to organize your ideas into logical sections. Consider a typical structure like:


Literature Review (if applicable)





Create a slide deck with clear visuals and concise talking points.

Practice your presentation to ensure a smooth, logical flow of ideas.

Maintain a clear distinction between the background information, your unique contribution, and the implications of your findings.

Additional Tips for Writing and Presentations

Know Your Audience: Are you presenting to professors within your field, potential employers, or a general audience? Tailor your language and presentation style accordingly.

Visual Aids: Pictures, graphs, charts, or other visual elements can enhance understanding and make your work more engaging.

Proofread Meticulously: Spelling and grammar errors reflect poorly on your attention to detail. Have someone else proofread your final draft before submission.

Practice and Prepare: For presentations, practice thoroughly, ensuring your timing is on point and you're comfortable answering potential questions.

Conclusion and Reflection

Your capstone project conclusion isn't just about restating what you already said. It's your chance to synthesize your journey and leave a lasting impression. Consider these elements:

Reiterate Key Findings: Concisely re-emphasize the most significant outcomes, discoveries, or insights gained from your capstone project. Be sure to connect them back to your original research questions or your project's main purpose.

Reflect on Growth: What did you learn about yourself as a learner and thinker through this process? What skills did you develop or strengthen? This personal reflection gives your conclusion depth.

Discuss Limitations Even the best projects have areas where constraints or unforeseen issues arose. Briefly acknowledging these shows your self-awareness and provides context for your findings.

Future Directions: If applicable, suggest possible avenues for further research inspired by your work. Or, discuss potential applications of your findings in a broader context.

Engaging with Your Audience

To make your capstone project truly memorable, go beyond just presenting information and focus on connecting with your audience:

Relevance: Explicitly explain why your project should matter to the people reading or viewing your work. What real-world problems does your research address? How does your creative work expand perspectives? What actionable skills did you gain from a practical capstone experience?

Storytelling: When appropriate, weave in anecdotes or examples that illustrate your process, the challenges you overcame, or how your findings illuminate a human element. Storytelling helps audiences connect with your project on an emotional level.

Call to Action: If relevant, don't be afraid to ask something of your audience. This could be a call for further investigation, a change in perspective, or action to be taken towards a problem your project explored.

Q&A: Leave ample time for questions and discussion, both in written and presentation formats. This demonstrates your willingness to engage further and shows that you consider your project an ongoing intellectual dialogue.

Revising and Finalizing Your Project

The revision stage is where your capstone project truly takes its final form. It's tempting to rush through this part, but putting in the time to carefully revise and polish will elevate your work significantly.

Give it Some Space: Step away from your project for a few days if time allows. Returning to it with fresh eyes will help you spot errors and areas in need of improvement.

Revisit Project Objectives: Go back to the original goals and requirements. Does your current draft fully address them? Are there any aspects that could be further developed?

Check for Cohesiveness: Ensure the flow of your work is logical, with clear transitions between sections. Pay attention to both the overall project structure and how smaller sections or paragraphs link together.

Scrutinize Details: Meticulously proofread for typos, grammatical errors, and proper formatting. Make sure citations are complete and accurate.

Addressing Feedback

Seeking feedback is crucial for ensuring your work meets expectations and makes a strong impact. Here's how to approach it:

Trusted Sources: Get feedback from professors, mentors, peers with strong academic skills, or even professionals in your field, if applicable. Diverse perspectives are invaluable.

Open-Mindedness: Embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve. Don't get defensive – feedback is there to help you grow, not to attack your work.

Careful Integration: Not all feedback needs to be incorporated blindly. Consider each suggestion carefully and decide if and how it will truly strengthen your project.

Is peer review an essential step in the revision process of capstone projects?

Yes! Peer review offers several distinct advantages:

Fresh Perspective: Peers can often spot inconsistencies or issues that you might be too close to the work to see.

Identifying Confusion: Areas that may be clear to you could be confusing to a reader encountering your topic for the first time. Peers can point out where more explanation or clarity is needed.

Exposure to Different Styles: Seeing how your peers organize their projects and communicate their findings can offer fresh ideas for improving your own presentation.

Practicing Constructive Feedback: Learning to both give and receive constructive feedback is a key skill in most professional settings. Peer review offers a safe space to hone this skill.

Navigating the Capstone Project Journey

The capstone project is a transformative experience that bridges the gap between classroom learning and the exciting challenges you'll face as a professional in your chosen field. From selecting a topic that aligns with your passions and goals to carefully integrating the diverse skills you've cultivated throughout your education, this project empowers you to make a meaningful contribution.

While the capstone journey may require significant effort and dedication, the rewards are undeniable. Not only will you gain valuable experience and produce a work sample that showcases your potential, but you'll also emerge from this experience with the enhanced confidence to tackle the complex problems that await you in your future career.

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What are Capstone Projects? The Complete Guide to Capstone Projects in High School & Middle School

The Ultimate Guide to Capstone Projects

In athletics, there are competitive matches; in the performing arts, there are stage performances. If you imagine school as a series of practices, capstones are the “big game”.

They provide an opportunity for learners to get their ideas out into the world by working on a project they are passionate about while making an impact on their community.

Already know about Capstones? Skip to Capstone Project Ideas

Looking for advice skip to capstone project tips, what are capstone projects, capstone project definition.

A middle school or high school capstone is a culminating experience where students design and execute a significant and impactful project, often in their final academic year. This project requires students to apply knowledge and skills from various subjects while addressing real-world issues.

A typical capstone project includes the following stages: research, planning, execution, iteration, and presentation. It aims to showcase a student’s critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills while fostering a deep understanding of the subject matter and its practical applications.

Projects can take various forms, such as a product or service prototype, a community service initiative, an action research paper, a multimedia presentation, or a performance, depending on the educational context and the student's interests.

Why Capstones?

The value of capstone projects extends beyond academic requirements. They provide a platform for students to delve into their passions and take ownership of their educational experience. As students immerse themselves in these projects, they not only contribute to their personal growth as well-rounded students, but they also make valuable contributions to their communities.

Capstones provide an opportunity for students to learn for the sake of learning, where research is rooted in what they are actually interested in, and where all of the foundational skills built in prior years suddenly have relevance. They serve as a bridge between classroom learning and real-world application, empowering students to demonstrate their readiness to embark on their next chapter, whether that be in higher education or the workforce.

How Capstones Improve Learning

Capstones create meaning in a learner’s life that can be transformational. Our philosophy at Unrulr is: when learners see the relevancy of learning a technical skill— and it's documented, shared, and celebrated—they're going to learn it at a much faster rate than had they not seen the relevancy. Also, the data shows that capstones or senior projects can help 12th graders avoid "senioritis" by providing students with a reason to remain engaged.

The main goal of capstone projects is to promote comprehensive learning. They aim to nurture a wide range of 21st century skills that go beyond subject-specific knowledge:

Application of Learning: Capstone projects bridge the gap between theory and practice. They encourage high school students to apply what they've learned in various subjects to real-world situations, enhancing their understanding and retention of knowledge.

Deepened Understanding: By immersing themselves in a specific topic of interest, students gain a deeper understanding of complex issues and nuances that traditional classroom settings may not fully capture.

Interdisciplinary Learning: Capstone projects often require high school students to draw from multiple disciplines to address multifaceted challenges. This interdisciplinary approach nurtures a holistic view of problems and solutions.

Research Skills: Students develop research skills, from conducting literature reviews to collecting and analyzing data to interviewing key stakeholders, fostering a foundation for academic and professional pursuits.

Critical Thinking: The complexities of capstone projects demand critical thinking. Students learn to evaluate information, assess perspectives, and make well-reasoned decisions.

Problem-Solving: Engaging in capstone projects hones problem-solving abilities. Students encounter obstacles, experiment with solutions, and adapt strategies as needed.

Creativity: Students have the opportunity to explore creative solutions and innovative approaches, encouraging imaginative thinking and originality. Additionally, students have the opportunity to work on creative projects, such as art installations or performances.

Communication: Capstone projects teach students to effectively convey ideas, findings, and progress. Students refine skills in expressing complex concepts, adapting messages, collaborating in teams, and delivering confident presentations. Additionally, regular reflection moments foster self-awareness and a deeper understanding of their journey.

How Capstones Help Students Get Into College

In an increasingly competitive landscape, college admissions seek students who exhibit not only academic prowess but also a commitment to growth and a willingness to embrace challenges. High school capstone projects provide a perfect platform for students to stand out.

Learners are able to showcase evidence of who they are and what they've worked on. Regardless of GPA or SAT score, when a college can see who a learner is and what they're capable of— what they care about— it’s so much more valuable than just a narrative essay.

When detailed in college applications, capstone projects showcase a student's dedication, initiative, and ability to see a long-term project through to completion. Admissions officers recognize that these projects demand a level of commitment and resilience that goes beyond standardized testing, and indicate a student's potential for success in college and beyond.

How Capstones Prepare Students for Life After Graduation

High school capstone projects have a significant advantage: they mirror the demands of the real world. From project planning and research to time management and effective communication, students gain practical skills that extend far beyond their classrooms. The collaborative nature of many capstone projects also cultivates teamwork and interpersonal skills, essential in today's interconnected world.

Also, capstone projects often require students to engage with their communities. This engagement nurtures civic responsibility and a deep understanding of the societal impact of their work. As they identify and address real issues, students learn the value of empathy, cultural awareness, and ethical decision-making—these are critical SEL skills.

We’ve seen capstones and the work that's come out of them be used for jobs and internships. A learner is able to showcase what they've built and how they worked on it. When projects are documented, this kind of evidence is appealing to potential employers, and can be more impactful than a generic resume that blends in with the rest.

Capstones can build confidence for learners by providing an opportunity to test out ideas in the safe environment of a school. Learners can launch entrepreneurial ventures, lead impactful campaigns, or champion social justice initiatives, and then they can carry that forward after graduation and into their future careers.

Real-World Capstone Example: Student Farmers Market

High School Capstone Project Example: Student-Run Farmers Market

“Don’t let your age stop you." - Chris Blake (Trinity's teacher)

Trinity embarked on an environmental science capstone project during her senior year. Her challenge was to enhance the school's sustainability. She identified a major issue faced by her school and the larger community: the heavy reliance on imported food in Hawaiʻi.

Empowered by the agency to choose her own direction, Trinity initiated an on-campus, student-led farmer's market. Through this endeavor, she honed various skills, even delving into web design to create a  website for the market. This experience ignited her passion for sustainability and farmers markets. It also boosted her self-confidence and taught her to leverage her age to her own benefit.

After graduating and attending a youth entrepreneurship summer camp, Trinity co-founded Mauka Market , the world’s first regenerative e-commerce and pop-up marketplace. Trinity's journey has culminated in her sole ownership of Mauka Market.

To learn more about Trinity's inspiring journey, listen to our podcast episode .

Capstone Project Ideas

Here are a few more examples of middle school or high school capstone project ideas that highlight some of the possibilities:

1. Design a Sustainable Energy Solution for the School | STEM

Students in this project might investigate renewable energy sources, conduct energy audits, and propose innovative ways to reduce the school's carbon footprint and stem environmental degradation. They could then design and build wind turbines or set up solar panels and analyze the cost-effectiveness of their solutions.

2. Create a Social Impact Documentary | Humanities

Students interested in social issues might create a documentary that sheds light on a particular challenge in their community, such as mental health challenges or food insecurity. They would conduct interviews, gather data, and present their findings through a compelling film that raises awareness and encourages change.

3. Curate an Art Exhibition | Arts

Artistic students could curate an art exhibition that explores a specific theme, technique, or art movement. They would select artworks, write artist statements, and design the exhibition space to convey a narrative to visitors. Student could be encouraged to collaborate with their peers to coordinate a larger art show, providing the opportunity to develop their communication and cooperative planning skills.

4. Establish a Community or School Garden | Community Service

Students interested in a community service project might initiate a project to establish a local community or school garden. They would plan the garden layout, engage the community (or school), and document the garden's development, from seed planting to harvest. For an added STEM component, students could try different methods of gardening across multiple plots and collect and analyze data on growth rates.

5. Launch a Student-Run Business | Business & Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial students might start a business within their school, such as a student-run café or an online store. They would handle all aspects, from market research and product development to marketing and financial management.

Personalizing Student Projects

Keep in mind, projects should be personalized to the interests and skillset of each student, while also taking into account your learning community's unique learning objects or portrait of a graduate. A well-planned capstone experience will help prepare students for college and their professional careers. Devoting class time to guide students through introspection and identity reflection will significantly aid in preparing them to generate project ideas that hold personal meaning and captivate their interest.

How to implement capstone projects

Steps to implement capstone projects

Successfully integrating capstone projects with your learners involves several crucial stages:

1. Ideation Encourage learners to explore their interests, identifying topics that resonate with them. In addition, have students consider what impact they want to create in their community. This phase is about sparking curiosity and allowing them to select projects that will hold their attention over the course of a semester or year. For a helpful exercise you can run with your students, check out our Heart, Head, and Purpose lesson plan .

2. Research: Guide students in conducting thorough research related to their chosen topics. This phase is essential for building a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding, which will inform the entire capstone journey.

3. Project Management & Planning: Teach project management skills that enable students to break their projects into manageable steps. Encourage students to create a quarter, semester, or year-long plan, depending on the duration of the capstone project. This stage emphasizes effective organization and time management, ensuring that progress remains steady.

4. Project Implementation & Documentation: This is the heart of the capstone journey. Students actively work on their projects, translating ideas into tangible outcomes. Simultaneously, they document and reflect on their progress, challenges, and successes to create a comprehensive record to draw from during their final presentations.

5. Final Presentation/Showcase: Offer students the opportunity to present their finished projects to an audience of key stakeholders at a culminating showcase event. This stage hones communication and public speaking skills, allowing learners to articulate their findings, insights, and the learning journey itself.

6. Reflection & Assessment: After completing their projects, encourage students to reflect on the entire experience. This process aids in recognizing personal growth, skill development, and the challenges overcome. Use these reflections to assess the overall effectiveness of the capstone process.

By carefully guiding learners through these stages, you create a structured and meaningful capstone experience that fosters skill development, critical thinking, and self-confidence.

Tips for running capstone projects

Sold on capstones? Here are our tips for running successful capstone projects:

Tip #1: Cultivate skills ahead of senior year (or 8th grade)

Begin laying the groundwork for capstone success by nurturing essential skills well before students reach their final year.

By initiating skill development at an earlier stage, educators can effectively equip learners with the capabilities and confidence needed to excel in their culminating project.

Tip #2: Implement weekly check-ins for clear progress tracking

Consider incorporating a weekly check-in system to keep tabs on your learners' progress. It will be the first time that many students will be embarking on a long-term project or being tasked with transforming their ideas into tangible realities. This transition can be overwhelming. To smooth this process, offer supportive scaffolding and introduce project management concepts.

By establishing weekly check-ins, you create a valuable framework for following your learners' progress and providing timely guidance.

Tip #3: Embrace your learners' identities, skills, and passions

A crucial aspect of capstone success is aligning it with your learners' unique identities, backgrounds, and life experiences. To do this, foster a culture of openness and trust through thorough ideation and an emphasis on vulnerability. Give ample space for learners to explore their interests, skills, and capacities, as well as the problems they aspire to solve in the world.

By dedicating time to these aspects, you enhance the overall value of the capstone experience.

Tip #4: Foster a capstone community

It’s important to engage essential players within the school ecosystem as you shape your program. This includes collaborating with college counseling, admissions teams, and the advancement office to facilitate mentorship opportunities for students. Equally vital is the participation of department heads (e.g. English and Social Studies) to co-create rubrics and align essential components of the capstone experience. By seamlessly weaving these elements into the fabric of existing courses, you create a continuous connection from ninth grade to twelfth grade.

Consider organizing several exhibition days throughout the capstone journey, rather than just at the end, to ensure that key stakeholders in a learner's academic journey remain informed and involved in the capstone experience. Capstones possess the remarkable potential to transform learning into a truly community-driven endeavor.

Unrulr: The ultimate capstone tool

Unrulr addresses a common challenge for capstone educators: how to monitor students' progress without overwhelming them with assignments and rigid milestones.

Unrulr empowers students to shape their capstone narratives and share their ongoing progress by documenting the evolution of their projects and capturing their reflections throughout their learning journey.

Learners can delve into each other's posts and reflections and add comments, transforming their capstone experience into an active and collaborative community.

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What Is a Capstone Project?

capstone project

A capstone project is a multifaceted academic experience typically required for students during the final year of an academic program. It is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary project that often requires students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their academic careers to solve real-world problems or issues. 

Capstone projects come in all shapes and sizes, including research papers, case studies, creative works, internships, and field placement projects. They are designed to challenge students to think critically, solve complex problems, and demonstrate their readiness for work in their field. Capstone projects are often a highlight of a student’s academic career and can provide valuable experience and skills for their future endeavors.

Types of Capstone Projects

Capstone projects are an essential part of many academic programs. They can vary from program to program and take shape depending on the specific discipline and project goals. 

Research Paper/Major Project Course

A research paper or major project course is a comprehensive capstone that aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct research and produce a high-quality research paper or major project. These typically include various topics such as research methodology, literature review, data collection, and analysis, as well as writing and presentation skills.

The course typically begins with an introduction to research methodology, including the different research types, research design, and ethical considerations. Students are taught how to conduct a literature review, which involves identifying and analyzing relevant literature on the topic of their research. Data collection and analysis are also a focus in this type of capstone project, with students demonstrating mastery in learning how to collect and analyze data and showcasing various methods such as surveys, interviews, and even experiments. They are also taught how to use statistical software, such as Tableau and Power BI , to analyze data and draw conclusions. 

It’s also standard for these courses to focus on writing and presentation skills, with students learning how to write a clear, concise, and well-structured research paper or project relating to their major or focus. They are taught how to use proper citation and referencing techniques, as well as how to present their findings in a professional and engaging manner.

Completing a capstone research paper or major project course is crucial for students to acquire the skills and expertise needed to conduct research and present their findings in a comprehensive manner. It serves as a culminating showcase of their academic achievements.

Internship or Field Program

An internship or field placement program is an opportunity for students to gain practical experience in their field of study. It typically involves working for a company or organization for a set period of time. 

The benefits of an internship or field program include gaining hands-on experience, building professional networks, and developing skills that can be applied in future careers within the field of study. It also provides an opportunity to explore different career paths and industries and to learn from experienced professionals.

To find an internship or field program, students can search online job boards, attend career fairs, or reach out to companies directly. Researching the company and the position is vital to ensure it aligns with career goals and interests. In addition, some programs offer professional partnerships that connect students and businesses in established internship programs. 

During the internship or field placement program, it’s essential to ask questions, be proactive and take on responsibilities. This can eventually lead to a positive reference or even a job offer. Maintaining a professional attitude and work ethic is also important, as the experience can impact future career opportunities.

Portfolio-Building Course

A portfolio-building course is designed to help individuals create a professional portfolio that showcases their skills and accomplishments. The course covers key points such as identifying your target audience, selecting a suitable format for your portfolio, creating a solid visual design, and selecting the best pieces to include. 

These courses are designed to showcase the creativity and ingenuity of the student. Additionally, a portfolio-building course provides guidance on writing compelling descriptions and captions for each focus piece included. It also offers tips for presenting your portfolio to the necessary stakeholders, like professors, advisors, and even prospective employers.

By the end of the course, participants should have a polished portfolio that can be used to showcase their work to potential employers or clients. 

Group Project Course

A group project course is designed to allow students to work collaboratively on a project that requires them to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their respective fields of study. The course covers key points such as project planning, team building, communication, problem-solving, and project management. Students are expected to work in teams to identify a problem, develop and execute a project plan, and clearly present their findings. 

A group project course also emphasizes the importance of effective communication within the team and with external stakeholders. Through this course, students develop critical thinking, leadership, and teamwork skills essential for success in their future careers.

woman looking down at textbook studying in her home

What Is the Goal of a Capstone Project?

A capstone project aims to demonstrate a student’s mastery of a particular subject or field of study. It is typically a culminating project that integrates and applies the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course of a degree program. The project may involve research, analysis, problem-solving, and creative work, and it should demonstrate the student’s ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and work independently. The ultimate aim of a capstone project is to produce high-quality, original work that contributes to the student’s academic and professional development.

What Programs Usually Require Capstones?

Capstones are usually required in programs that involve hands-on learning and the practical application of skills. These programs typically include engineering, computer science, business, healthcare, education, and social sciences. Capstones require students to demonstrate their mastery of the subject matter through a comprehensive project or presentation. Capstones are often required in graduate programs as a way to exhibit a student’s research and analytical skills.

How to Choose a Capstone Topic

After dedicating time and effort to your academic program, the following requirement is to select a unique interest topic that will embody all the knowledge and academic growth attained throughout your studies. How do you choose a capstone topic? What determines what kind of topic is most suitable?

  • Identify your interests and passions : Choose a topic that you are passionate about and interested in. This will make the research process more enjoyable and engaging, not only for the student but also for the audience.
  • Consider your career goals : Examine your future career goals and choose a topic that aligns with them. This will help you gain relevant skills and knowledge that will be useful in your future career.
  • Research current trends and issues : Look for current trends and issues in your field of study and choose a topic that addresses them. This will make your capstone project more relevant and impactful.
  • Consult with your advisor : Consult with your capstone advisor to get their input and guidance on choosing a topic. They can provide valuable insights and help you narrow down your options.
  • Consider the scope and feasibility : Choose a topic that is manageable in terms of scope and feasibility. Make sure you have access to the necessary resources, equipment, and data to complete your project successfully.
  • Brainstorm and refine your ideas : Brainstorm a list of potential topics and then refine them based on your interests, career goals, and feasibility. Choose a topic that you are excited about and can confidently expound upon.

The Six Components of a Capstone Paper

A comprehensive capstone paper typically consists of six key components that are essential for its success. These components include an introduction , literature review , methodology , discussion , conclusion , and recommendations . 

1. Introduction

The introduction section of a capstone paper is a crucial part of the document that sets the tone for the entire project. It should cover the key points of the paper, including the purpose, scope, and significance of the research. The introduction should also provide a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the central argument or focus of the paper. 

2. Literature Review

The literature review section of a capstone paper provides an overview of the existing research and knowledge on the topic. It covers key points related to the research question or problem statement and helps establish the study’s overall context. The literature review should be comprehensive, well-organized, and focused on the most relevant and recent sources. It should also identify gaps in the literature and highlight the need for further research. 

3. Methodology

The methodology section should provide a clear and detailed description of the research methods used in the capstone project and should demonstrate that the research was conducted in a rigorous and ethical manner. 

  • Research design : This section should describe the overall approach to the research, including the type of study (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods), the research questions or hypotheses, and the sampling strategy.
  • Data collection : This section should describe the methods used to collect data, such as surveys, interviews, or observational data sources. It should also consider any instruments or tools used to collect data, such as questionnaires or interview guides.
  • Ethical considerations : This section should examine any ethical considerations related to the research, such as confidentiality and privacy.
  • Limitations : This section should review any research limitations. This involves acknowledging any weaknesses or shortcomings in the research and discussing how they may have affected the results, such as sample size, data quality, or financial resources.

4. Discussion

The discussion section of a capstone paper summarizes the findings of the research and provides an analysis of the results. Key points include:

  • Summary of findings : The discussion section should begin with a brief summary of the main findings of the research. This should include a concise critique of the results and their significance.
  • Interpretation of the results : This portion of the discussion section should offer an analysis of the data and clarify what it means in the context of the original research question.
  • Comparison with previous research : The discussion section should also compare the research results to prior studies in the field. This helps to contextualize original findings and identify any similarities or differences.
  • Implications of the findings : Another critical component of the discussion section should also discuss the impact of the findings on the field of study. This involves classifying any practical applications of the research and examining how the results can be used to inform future research.

5. Conclusion

The conclusion of a capstone research paper strives to objectively present the data or information that you gathered throughout the entire capstone project. The story you tell will point readers to any figures and tables that illustrate relevant data and tie it back to the general purpose of the research. The overall goal is to bring it all back to the initial hypothesis.

6. Recommendations

Capstone research papers typically include a recommendations section, which provides recommendations for future research related to the topic. This involves identifying areas where further research is needed and suggesting potential avenues for future study.

Additionally, this section can be derived directly from the research findings, providing readers with concrete examples and recommendations based on the data and its implications.

man sitting on couch taking notes as he flips through textbook

Capstone Project vs. Thesis Paper

Capstone projects and thesis papers are both important academic assignments that students may be required to complete in order to graduate from their degree programs. While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences between the two.

A capstone project is typically a final project that allows students to showcase the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout their academic program and apply them to real-world problems and issues. They take many forms, including research papers, case studies, presentations, or even creative projects like portfolios. These projects often involve collaboration with other students or professionals in the field and may require the use of primary research methods.

By contrast, a thesis paper is a more traditional academic research paper focusing on a specific research question or hypothesis. It typically involves a thorough literature review, data collection, and analysis, as well as a detailed discussion of the findings. Thesis papers are often written by students pursuing graduate degrees and are intended to contribute new knowledge to the field.

While both capstone projects and thesis papers require a significant amount of research and critical thinking, capstone projects tend to be more practical and applied, while thesis papers are more theoretical and research-focused. Additionally, capstone projects often involve more collaboration and may require students to work with external stakeholders, while thesis papers are typically completed independently. 

Both assignments can be valuable learning experiences and can help students develop important skills that will be useful in their future careers.


At its core, a dissertation is a lengthy and detailed research paper that is typically written by students pursuing a doctoral degree. It is a formal document that presents original research and findings on a specific topic or issue. Much like a thesis paper or capstone project, a dissertation requires extensive research, critical analysis, and a thorough understanding of the subject matter. 

By comparison, a dissertation is a research project that is typically required for a doctoral degree, while a capstone project is a culminating project that is required for a master’s degree . In a similar regard, a thesis paper is similar to a dissertation in that it is a research project, but it is typically required for a master’s degree. 

The main distinction between a dissertation and a capstone project or thesis paper lies in the academic level they are intended for and the breadth of the research involved. Dissertations usually involve more comprehensive research and require original findings, whereas capstone projects and thesis papers may concentrate on utilizing existing knowledge to address a particular problem or concern.

A “capstone” project is the crowning achievement of an academic program, as it combines all the skills and knowledge gained into a culminating conclusion. Typically the capstone is the final piece of work or project that wraps up the entire academic program and represents a significant milestone in academic and professional development.

Although they are similar, capstone projects and thesis papers differ at their core. The level of difficulty depends on various factors, such as the project’s topic, scope, and requirements. However, a capstone project may generally be considered less intensive than a thesis paper, as it typically involves the practical application of knowledge and skills, while a thesis paper requires extensive research and analysis of a specific topic.

The length of time it takes to complete a capstone project can vary depending on the specific requirements of the project and the program. Capstone projects can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to complete. Therefore, project planning and time management are required to ensure that you are able to complete the project within the given timeframe.

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A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make a Capstone Project Proposal

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make a Capstone Project Proposal

Embarking on a capstone project is a significant milestone in any academic journey. A well-crafted capstone project proposal sets the stage for success, guiding you through the project's objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. This step-by-step guide will provide you with the essential insights needed to create a compelling and effective capstone project proposal.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the unique purpose and importance of a capstone project proposal in academic programs.
  • Choose a relevant and feasible research topic that aligns with your academic and career goals.
  • Structure your proposal with essential components, logical flow, and adherence to formatting guidelines.
  • Conduct a thorough literature review to support your research and integrate findings into your proposal.
  • Set a realistic timeline and budget, and ensure to seek feedback and make necessary revisions before finalizing your proposal.

Understanding the Purpose of a Capstone Project Proposal

A capstone project proposal aims to outline the plan for a capstone project, a research project or creative work that students typically complete at the end of their studies. The proposal is typically the first step in completing a capstone project and is usually submitted to a faculty member or committee for review and approval before the project can be undertaken.

Identifying a Suitable Research Topic

Choosing a relevant topic is crucial for the success of your capstone project. Select something that will hold your interest throughout the duration of your research. This will not only make the process more enjoyable but also ensure a higher quality of work. When considering how to find a research question, think about areas that spark your curiosity and align with your academic goals.

Evaluating the scope and feasibility of your topic is essential. Make sure that your topic is not too broad or too narrow. A broad topic will lead to a lack of focus, while a narrow topic will limit your research scope. Ensure that there's enough literature available on your research topic and that you have the resources and time to conduct the research.

Aligning your topic with your academic and career goals is another important step. Your chosen topic should not only fulfill the requirements of your academic program but also contribute to your long-term career objectives. This alignment will provide additional motivation and relevance to your work, helping you to overcome any thesis anxiety you might experience.

Structuring Your Capstone Project Proposal

When structuring your capstone project proposal, it is crucial to ensure that it is well-organized and logically coherent. A well-structured proposal not only enhances readability but also demonstrates your understanding of the research process. The following sections will guide you through the essential components, logical flow, and formatting guidelines necessary for a successful proposal.

Conducting a Literature Review

Purpose of a literature review.

The primary purpose of a literature review is to provide a comprehensive overview of existing research on your chosen topic. This involves a critical appraisal of the literature , identifying significant knowledge and ideas that have been established, and highlighting any research gaps. By synthesizing the findings, you can establish a solid foundation for your own research and ensure that your work is grounded in existing scholarship.

Steps to Conduct an Effective Review

  • Define Your Research Question : Start by clearly defining the research question or hypothesis that your capstone project will address.
  • Search for Relevant Literature : Use academic databases, journals, and other reliable sources to find literature related to your topic. Knowing how to find literature efficiently is crucial.
  • Evaluate Sources : Critically assess the quality and relevance of each source. Look for tools to help you organize your literature review , such as research method, sample size, and theoretical framework.
  • Synthesize Findings : Compare, contrast, and connect the findings from different sources. Identify common themes, patterns, and gaps in the research.
  • Write the Review : Organize your findings into a coherent narrative that supports your research question. Ensure that your review is well-structured and logically flows from one section to the next.

Integrating Findings into Your Proposal

Once you have conducted a thorough literature review, the next step is to integrate your findings into your capstone project proposal. This involves summarizing the key points from the literature, highlighting how they relate to your research question, and identifying any gaps that your project aims to fill. By doing so, you can demonstrate the relevance and significance of your proposed research within the broader academic context.

Methodology and Research Design

When crafting your capstone project proposal, the methodology and research design section is crucial. This part outlines how you intend to conduct your research, ensuring that your approach is both systematic and aligned with your research objectives. Presenting a well-defined research methodology is essential for the credibility of your proposal.

Setting a Realistic Timeline and Budget

Creating a project timeline is essential for the successful completion of your capstone project. Detail the steps of your project and state when you expect to do what. This can usually be given in the form of a table with specific dates. Also, state when you will be meeting with your supervisor/mentor and giving progress updates.

Budgeting for resources is another critical aspect. The project budget will primarily cover expenses such as materials, software, and any other resources needed. A detailed budget breakdown will be provided upon approval of the proposal. Ensure that your plan is feasible within the given time frame.

Monitoring progress and adjustments is crucial. From time to time you can correct the schedule, especially if you see that one task you can perform quicker while another can require more time than you have scheduled. For convenience, you can utilize organizers on your smartphone or PC in order to keep track of your progress at any moment.

Review and Revision Process

The review and revision process is a critical step in ensuring the quality and coherence of your capstone project proposal. Seeking feedback from advisors is essential to gain different perspectives and improve your work. Advisors can provide insights that you might have overlooked and help you refine your arguments and methodology. Common mistakes to avoid include neglecting to proofread for grammatical errors and failing to ensure a logical flow of ideas. It's important to address these issues to maintain the clarity and professionalism of your proposal. Finally, finalizing your proposal involves a thorough review of all sections to ensure completeness and adherence to guidelines. This step is crucial before submission to ensure that your proposal meets all academic standards.

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In conclusion, crafting a compelling capstone project proposal is a critical step in ensuring the success of your academic endeavor. This guide has provided a comprehensive overview of the essential components and steps involved in developing a well-structured proposal. By adhering to the outlined strategies and maintaining a clear focus on your research objectives, you can effectively communicate the significance and feasibility of your project. Remember, a meticulously prepared proposal not only sets the foundation for your capstone project but also demonstrates your commitment and preparedness to undertake this significant academic challenge. As you embark on this journey, utilize the resources and insights shared in this guide to navigate the proposal writing process with confidence and precision.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a capstone project proposal.

A capstone project proposal is a document that outlines the objectives, methodology, and significance of a capstone project. It serves as a blueprint for the entire project and is typically submitted for approval before the project begins.

Why is a capstone project proposal important in academic programs?

A capstone project proposal is important because it helps ensure that the project is well-planned and feasible. It allows advisors to provide feedback and guidance, and it sets clear expectations for the project's scope and objectives.

How do I choose a suitable research topic for my capstone project?

Choosing a suitable research topic involves selecting a topic that is relevant to your field of study, assessing its feasibility and scope, and ensuring it aligns with your academic and career goals. It's important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that has enough available resources for research.

What are the essential components of a capstone project proposal?

The essential components of a capstone project proposal typically include an introduction, literature review, methodology, research design, timeline, budget, and references. Each section should be well-organized and clearly written to convey the project's purpose and plan.

How should I conduct a literature review for my proposal?

To conduct a literature review, start by identifying key sources related to your research topic. Evaluate and summarize the findings of these sources, highlighting their relevance to your project. Integrate these findings into your proposal to demonstrate the background and context of your research.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a capstone project proposal?

Common mistakes to avoid include choosing a topic that is too broad or too narrow, failing to provide a clear research question or hypothesis, neglecting to justify your methodological choices, and not seeking feedback from advisors. It's also important to proofread your proposal to avoid grammatical and formatting errors.

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What Is a Capstone Project vs. Thesis

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As students near the end of their academic journey, they encounter a crucial project called the capstone – a culmination of all they've learned. But what exactly is a capstone project? 

This article aims to demystify capstone projects, explaining what they are, why they matter, and what you can expect when you embark on this final academic endeavor.

Capstone Project Meaning

A capstone project is a comprehensive, culminating academic endeavor undertaken by students typically in their final year of study. 

It synthesizes their learning experiences, requiring students to apply the knowledge, skills, and competencies gained throughout their academic journey. A capstone project aims to address a real-world problem or explore a topic of interest in depth. 

As interdisciplinary papers, capstone projects encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. They allow students to showcase their mastery of their field of study and demonstrate their readiness for future academic or professional pursuits.

Now that we’ve defined what is a capstone project, let’s discuss its importance in the academic landscape. In case you have short-form compositions to handle, simply say, ‘ do my essay for me ,’ and our writers will take care of your workload.

Why Is a Capstone Project Important

A capstone project is crucial because it allows students to combine everything they've learned in school and apply it to real-life situations or big problems. 

It's like the ultimate test of what they know and can do. By working on these projects, students get hands-on experience, learn to think critically and figure out how to solve tough problems. 

Plus, it's a chance to show off their skills and prove they're ready for whatever comes next, whether that's starting a career or going on to more schooling.

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What Is the Purpose of a Capstone Project

Here are three key purposes of a capstone project:

What Is the Purpose of a Capstone Project

Integration of Knowledge and Skills

Capstones often require students to draw upon the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their academic program. The importance of capstone project lies in helping students synthesize what they have learned and apply it to a real-world problem or project. 

This integration helps students demonstrate their proficiency and readiness for graduation or entry into their chosen profession.

Culmination of Learning

Capstone projects culminate a student's academic journey, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. 

tackling a significant project or problem, students demonstrate their understanding of concepts and their ability to translate them into practical solutions, reinforcing their learning journey.

Professional Development

Capstone projects allow students to develop skills relevant to their future careers. These projects can also be tangible examples of their capabilities to potential employers or graduate programs.

Whether it's conducting research, presenting findings, or collaborating with peers, students gain valuable experience that enhances their professional readiness. 

Types of Capstone Projects

Capstones vary widely depending on the academic discipline, institution, and specific program requirements. Here are some common types:

Research-Based Projects Original research within a specific discipline that involves formulating questions, collecting data, and drawing conclusions.
Practical Application Projects Apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems, often through collaboration with industry partners.
Creative Projects Produce original artistic or creative works, showcasing proficiency in a creative discipline.
Policy Analysis/Case Studies Analyze policies, laws, or case studies to understand their impact and propose recommendations.
Interdisciplinary Projects Collaborate across disciplines to address complex issues from diverse perspectives.
Service-Learning Projects Combining academic study with community service to address social needs, fostering civic engagement.

What Is the Difference Between a Thesis and a Capstone Project

Here's a breakdown of the key differences between a thesis and a capstone project:

Thesis Capstone
The primary purpose of a thesis paper is to contribute new knowledge or insights to the academic field. It involves conducting original research, analyzing findings, and presenting a cohesive argument or hypothesis. The purpose of a capstone project is to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout an academic program to address a practical problem or challenge in a real-world context.
Thesis Capstone
Theses are typically more extensive and in-depth than capstone projects. They often require significant independent research and may span several chapters, including literature review, methodology, results, and discussion. Capstones are usually narrower in scope and more focused on a specific issue or project. They may involve practical applications, such as designing a solution, implementing a project, or creating a product.
Thesis Capstone
Theses are typically written documents that follow a traditional academic format, including an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. They are often subject to peer review and may be published in academic journals. Capstones can take various forms depending on the academic program and discipline. They may include written reports, presentations, portfolios, prototypes, creative works, or multimedia presentations. The format is often more flexible and tailored to the specific project requirements.
Thesis Capstone
Theses are primarily intended for an academic audience, including professors, researchers, and scholars in the relevant field. They contribute to the scholarly discourse and may influence future research. Writing a capstone project is often designed for a broader audience, including stakeholders, industry professionals, policymakers, or community members. They aim to address practical problems or challenges that may affect real-world decision-making or implementation.

How to Write a Capstone Project

Let's dive into the specifics with actionable and meaningful steps for writing a capstone project:

1. Select a Pertinent Topic

Identify a topic that aligns with your academic interests, program requirements, and real-world relevance. Consider issues or challenges within your field that merit further exploration or solution. 

Conduct thorough research to ensure the topic is both feasible and significant. Here are some brilliant capstone ideas for your inspiration.

2. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly articulate the objectives of your capstone project. What specific outcomes do you aim to achieve? 

Whether it's solving a problem, answering a research question, or developing a product, ensure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

3. Conduct Comprehensive Research

Dive deep into existing literature, theories, and empirical evidence related to your chosen topic. Identify gaps, controversies, or areas for further investigation. 

Synthesize relevant findings and insights to inform the development of your project and provide a solid foundation for your analysis or implementation.

4. Develop a Structured Plan

What is a capstone project in college without a rigid structure? Outline a comprehensive plan for your capstone project, including key milestones, tasks, and deadlines. 

Break down the project into manageable phases, such as literature review, data collection, analysis, and presentation. Establish clear criteria for success and regularly monitor progress to stay on track.

5. Implement Methodological Rigor

If your project involves research, ensure methodological rigor by selecting appropriate research methods, tools, and techniques. 

Develop a detailed research design or project plan that addresses key methodological considerations, such as sampling, data collection, analysis, and validity. Adhere to ethical guidelines and best practices throughout the research process.

6. Analyze and Interpret Findings

Analyze your data or findings using appropriate analytical techniques and tools. Interpret the results in relation to your research questions or objectives, highlighting key patterns, trends, or insights. 

Critically evaluate the significance and implications of your findings within the broader context of your field or industry.

7. Communicate Effectively

Present your capstone project clearly, concisely, and compellingly. Whether it's a written report, presentation, or multimedia deliverable, tailor your communication style to your target audience. Clearly articulate your research questions, methodology, findings, and conclusions. 

Use visuals, examples, and real-world applications to enhance understanding and engagement. Be prepared to defend your project and answer questions from peers, faculty, or stakeholders.

In wrapping up, what is a capstone project? It’s like the grand finale of your academic journey, where all the knowledge and skills you've acquired come together in one big project. 

It's not just about passing a test or getting a grade – it's about proving you've got what it takes to make a real difference in the world. So, if you ever need capstone project help , our writers will gladly lend you a hand in no time.

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What Is a Capstone Project in College?

How to do a capstone project, how long does a capstone project take to complete.

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  • T. (2023, June 16). What Is a Capstone Project? National University.
  • Lukins, S. (2024, May 12). What is a capstone project? And why is it important? Top Universities.
  • Capstone Project vs. Thesis: What’s the Difference? (2021, December 9). UAGC.

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What is a Capstone Project in College?

A woman in a yellow shirt working on her college capstone project

The capstone project in college is the apogee, or completion marker, of a student's coursework leading to the culmination of their program with a degree in their chosen field of study. The original definition of a capstone focuses on the actual stone placed at the top of a wall or building, marking the successful completion of the structure. It's a significant and celebrated piece of architecture, considered to be the most important of an entire construction project.

"(Capstone projects are) the apex of all a student's work done throughout their college career," said Dr. Jeff Czarnec , a social sciences adjunct online and on-campus at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). Retired after 23 years in law enforcement, Czarnec served as an associate dean of criminal justice and social sciences at SNHU for nearly a decade. He now leverages his extensive background to teach social sciences, enriching the academic experience with his practical insights. 

When entering a capstone course, there's an expectation that you have all the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful. 

Dr. Thomas MaCarty, associate dean of social sciences programs at SNHU

You have the opportunity to pick a research topic that is of interest to you and run with it. "After having to write research papers in all of their courses prior to (the capstone), the task is not one to dread, but to enjoy. It is their time to shine as students and to enjoy the journey," MacCarty said.

A capstone course is more than a potential degree requirement. It can serve as an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge mastery and creative thinking, which may help you stand out to potential employers.

What is Involved in a Capstone Project?

Dr. Jeff Czarnec, a social sciences adjunct at SNHU

Each university, program and instructor may have different requirements — or models — for a capstone project. According to Czarnec, a general design might first include selecting a topic of interest that the instructor will approve. 

Czarnec said that, depending on the program, a capstone may include anything from a video presentation or an architectural model to an art exhibit or short film; however, it almost always includes a paper demonstrating an introduction, theory, evaluation, research and individual issues relevant to the proposal.

"Students are expected to be ready to enter the world as professionals in their field upon completion of the capstone course," said MacCarty.

The time it takes to complete a capstone project usually depends on the course's length. If you're in an undergraduate online program at SNHU, for instance, your capstone course would take eight weeks to complete, Czarnec said. 

Capstone courses are research-based, and you can choose your topic early on, allowing you more freedom to conduct research  independently. Capstone topics usually align with a program's specific disciplines, too.

For example, in the social sciences realm, "our focus is on human behavior and cognition, which may be different from a capstone course in business or STEM," MacCarty said.

Find Your Program

Types of capstones.

There are many types of capstone projects that you could consider, and they vary from learner to learner, Czarnec said. "Some will investigate issues or phenomenon that they are familiar with either professionally, personally or courtesy of a discipline-related source, such (as) a police or human services agency," he said. 

In a nutshell, a rough outline of a capstone, according to Czarnec, may look something like this:

  • Select a topic and have it approved by the instructor
  • Evaluate relevance to the proposal
  • Perform necessary research
  • Present results in the agreed-upon fashion

Czarnec said that if you're looking for a capstone topic, you may consider focusing on an area you're passionate about or you could also try to ask you instructor for some assistance. For example, Czarnec said that he can act as a guide, mentor, editor and research resource for his students to help them focus and narrow their search for a capstone topic.

Are Capstone Projects Difficult?

"Not necessarily," said Czarnec. "It does force you to be efficient and very specific to topic. No fluff. Straight forward. Razor sharp." 

The capstone is more of an opportunity to catch your breath, he said, and to retrace and pull up what you have learned in a more stress-free environment .

"It helps validate students as learners," Czarnec said.

Depending on the major and course requirements, there may be opportunities to connect with outside contacts, not only to assist with the capstone project research and problem statement but also to provide a networking community .

"Not every research project is, nor should they be, the same," Czarnec said. "Everyone has a different approach."

What is the Difference Between a Thesis and a Capstone Project?

A blue and white icon of a pencil writing on lines

A capstone is similar to a thesis in that the starting point involves the strengths needed for a thesis or dissertation work. For example, you may need to consider the skeletal structure of research and form your theory, hypothesis and problem statement.

"While a capstone is certainly a scholarly piece of work and does share some aspects of a thesis, the time and detail that is required of a master's thesis is greater," MacCarty said. 

A capstone paper may be 25 pages, whereas a thesis could be 100 or more. If you choose to further your education beyond a bachelor's degree, the capstone project could be an invaluable tool in preparing for a graduate thesis.

Capstone Projects are About Your Success

Capstones of all programs are leading you to the end game, Czarnec said. The goal is to develop you into a well-rounded thinker who can pull their work together in a coherent, articulate, well-organized fashion while considering the demands of the profession or vocation you're interested in.

The focus and intent of a capstone should be to create an effective device to assess and measure all that you've learned throughout your program in an aggregate fashion so you can demonstrate your life-long vocational skills in a nice, neat package. 

"My goal is for students to leave the program confident about their skills and abilities," said Czarnec.

MacCarty said that capstone courses should be structured to support your success in fulfilling program requirements and allow you the opportunity to showcase your academic abilities and skills gained throughout your degree program.

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Laurie Smith '14 is a writer, editor and communications specialist. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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Capstone Project: Definition, Types, Structure, and Examples

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by  Antony W

January 2, 2024

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If you're reading this, chances are that you're in your final year of school and the words "capstone project" have come up somewhere in your first or second semester.

You're probably looking for a quick score on the topic - what it's about, a project template, or even a sample. If so, you're in the right place.

Before we get into it, you' need to know that you're in the hands of consummate capstone project experts.

Help for Assessment is composed of scholars at all levels of academic achievement including Masters and Ph.D., all inspired and motivated to help students like you achieve their academic goals. The expertise and experience we have spans years. Even better, this combined academic expertise is placed at your disposal. If your capstone research project is already giving you goosebumps, we will do it for you from scratch including the project proposal, research, write up, and final review before submission.

Remember, you can trust Help for Assessment to complete your capstone project successfully and earn you top grades. All you have to do is order the service here on our service page.

 In the meantime, let us explore the definition of the capstone project, types of projects for students, and a sample capstone project.

What Is a Capstone Project? 

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A capstone project in college is a final independent project undertaken in a program of study designed to assess the skills, knowledge, and expertise acquired by the student.

As the name suggests, it is the capstone or crowning achievement of academic life and the last class taken before graduation. It gives you the final credits required to pass the course, which is why every student must take the project.

Since it is designed to assess knowledge and skills gained in a particular discipline, capstone projects vary from school to school and discipline to discipline.

Such a project might involve something as simple as research on a topic, an evaluation of a new technique or method, development of a health program, research into a historical figure or event, or even composing a skit or theatre presentation.

No matter what kind of project you choose to undertake, the result is the same. You get to showcase your understanding of the coursework material learned and display your readiness to enter the professional world to start your career. It is a rewarding experience if done right, but can mess up your final year and possibly your graduation if you manage to mess it up.

Do you know that a successful capstone project also helps to land you lucrative jobs? That’s right, capstone projects are one of the ways potential employers find out just how learned, resourceful, and talented you are. Think of it as a kind of thesis.

Capstone projects are also called culminating projects, experience, senior exhibition, or other similar names. The project is usually self-directed, and most students find it a challenge to even come up with the right capstone project topic. 

Capstone Project Vs. Thesis

what to do capstone project on

A capstone project and a thesis are both very similar in that they represent a final effort from the student just before graduation.

They are done in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course being undertaken. The comprehensive approach and assessment involved are very similar, and sometimes the structure and methodology might overlap.

Both also have to be reviewed and approved by the institution and will remain in the public domain after publishing.

However, there are some important differences.

  • A thesis is purely academic while a capstone project focuses more on the practical preparation of the student for the real world/job market.
  • A thesis is guided by a research question resulting in the addition of new knowledge to the field, while a capstone project is guided by the practical importance of the project to the field.
  • A thesis involves academic research and analysis, while a capstone project can be anything including a dance or film.
  • A thesis is expected to be original and authentic, while a capstone project will have more loose requirements. You can borrow another person’s capstone project ideas , so long as you demonstrate your own advancement in the field.
  • A capstone project will usually only have a brief write-up or report, while a thesis generates a detailed, extensive writeup.
  • The final presentation of a thesis, called a defense, is meant to prove and show that you have mastered the subject. You are supposed to be a mini-expert in the field. A capstone project presentation comes off as a kind of exhibition where you showcase your project without having to defend it.

Types of Capstone Projects

what to do capstone project on

Capstone projects vary not just in the type of project, also in the level at which they are done.

There are projects for juniors and seniors in college as well as for postgraduate students.

Here are some examples of the forms of projects depending on the academic level.

  • In-depth research projects.
  • Developing the concept of a product, tool, or service.
  • Expositions.
  • Experiments.

Capstone projects can be conducted either individually or in a group.

However, the key thing is to make sure that the project proposal has been reviewed and approved by the instructor/panel/institution in charge before proceeding.

Senior Capstone Project

Senior projects are so called because they are done by high school students in their senior year.

Just like other projects, they represent a culmination of the coursework with an interdisciplinary application of knowledge and skills gained so far.

The project usually takes the better part of the final academic year and will have different parts to it, depending on the type of project chosen.

It will also require a presentation where the student(s) explain and describe the project to an audience, including their classmates.

Sample Capstone Project Outline

The write up for a project consists of several parts. However, even before starting the write-up, you need to do a few things:

  • Come up with an idea for your project. What will be your subject matter, topic, or premise?
  • Find sources for the project and review them beforehand to ensure that they will be of help to you.
  • Come up with a step-by-step methodology for your project.

Using this information, you will then write a capstone project proposal for your project. It informs your instructor or review panel exactly what you intend to present so that they can approve or reject it.

Once approved, you can go on to the next stage. The final write-up has the following parts.

  • A title page.
  • Project outline.
  • A description/abstract.
  • Introduction
  • Rationale/relevance/reason for doing the project.
  • Objectives of the project.
  • Procedures/methodology.
  • Research and analysis.
  • Evaluation of results and findings.
  • Conclusion and future work/suggestions.
  • Bibliography/works cited/reference list.

Note that the project is carried out in stages. Once approved, you will need to be submitting weekly or monthly status reports to your supervisor. After the project report is submitted, you will also have to make a presentation about the whole project.

This brief outline is only meant to be a rough guide. We have a much more detailed article detailing how you can do your capstone project, including a project template. 

Capstone Project Examples

Help for Assessment has extensive experience when it comes to capstone projects of all kinds.

Whether it’s a high school project, a college capstone, or a senior capstone project, you can trust us to carry it out successfully for you.

You can check out various project samples here . 

Get Help With Your Capstone Project

Capstone projects in every level of school are a make or break it deal. Given that they complete the graduation credits required, it makes sense to leave this important part of your coursework to experts.

We are proud to offer you a guide on how to write a capstone project here . If you need help, you can take advantage of our capstone project writing service at affordable, student-friendly rates with amazing discounts. 

Check it out here and make your order to experience excellence, peace of mind, and success thanks to our stellar services.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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How to Write a Capstone Project Outline Guide with Examples

Updated 13 Jun 2024

Embarking on a capstone project is a thrilling and pivotal moment in your academic journey. It culminates years of hard work, knowledge acquisition, and intellectual growth. 

The capstone project outline serves as your project's roadmap, guiding you through the research, analysis, and presentation of your findings. It brings clarity to your objectives, ensuring that you stay focused on the core purpose of your project. Moreover, it acts as a communication tool, enabling effective collaboration with your project advisor and providing a framework for valuable feedback and guidance.

Throughout this blog post, we will delve into the key components of a capstone project outline, offering insights into each section's purpose and the content they should contain. We will also discuss common mistakes to avoid, ensuring that your outline remains focused, comprehensive, and aligned with your project's objectives.

Why is creating a capstone project outline a good idea?

What is a capstone project in general? It is a final academic endeavor where students apply their knowledge and skills to tackle real-world issues or delve into specific areas of interest. To get the most out of it, you need to take some time and create an outline, as it holds significant importance. Here is why a capstone project outline is so important:

Organization and Structure.  It acts as a guide, helping you navigate the vast amount of information, research, and ideas you have gathered. By outlining the structure and flow of your project, you can ensure that your work remains focused and organized. It lets you break down your project into manageable sections, making the entire process more approachable.

Clarity of Objectives.  By clearly stating your research question or problem statement, you can maintain a clear focus and direction throughout your project. This clarity ensures that you stay on track and that every aspect of your work aligns with your intended purpose.

Communication and Feedback.  Think of the capstone project outline as a communication tool. It allows you to collaborate with your project advisor or supervisor effectively. Sharing your outline early on enables them to provide valuable feedback, ensuring that your project meets the academic requirements and aligns with the expected standards. Their guidance can help refine your ideas, suggest additional sources or methodologies, and prevent pitfalls.

Time Management.  You can effectively plan and prioritize your work by breaking down your project into smaller sections within allocated time frames. This approach helps you avoid the stress of last-minute rushing and ensures a more balanced and systematic project progression.

Evaluation and Assessment.  It acts as a reference point for both yourself and your evaluator to gauge the progress and development of your work. It allows you to cover all the aspects of your project and meet the required standards.

Capstone project outline in a nutshell 

While writing a capstone paper outline, there are several key components to include:

  • Introduction: Begin your outline with an introduction that provides an overview of the project. State the problem statement or research question you aim to address and explain why the topic is so important. 
  • Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of your capstone project. What specific outcomes or goals do you intend to achieve? List them concisely and ensure they align with the project's overall purpose.
  • Literature Review: Include a section dedicated to the literature review in your outline. Outline the main theories, concepts, and prior research relevant to your topic. This section should demonstrate your understanding of the existing knowledge in the field.
  • Methodology: Describe the methodology you will employ to answer your research question or solve the problem. Outline the data collection methods, analysis techniques, and any other relevant procedures you will use.
  • Results and Analysis: Outline how you will present and analyze the data or information you have collected. Specify the techniques, tools, or models you will utilize to interpret the results and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Discussion: Dedicate a section to discussing your findings about your research objectives. Analyze the implications, limitations, and potential applications of your results. Engage in critical thinking and consider alternative perspectives.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and conclusions of your capstone project. Highlight the significance of your work and its contribution to the field. Emphasize any recommendations or future research directions that emerge from your study.
  • References: Include a list of the sources you have cited throughout your outline. Follow a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and ensure the accuracy and completeness of the references.

Remember, this outline is a flexible framework that will guide you as you write your capstone project. It provides a structure to help you stay focused and organized throughout the process. Adapt it based on your specific project's requirements and your advisor's guidance.

Creating a capstone project outline 

Many students have questions about how to write a capstone project outline. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Understand what you’re asked to write 

Start by thoroughly understanding the requirements and guidelines provided by your institution or capstone project supervisor. Familiarize yourself with the expectations, formatting guidelines, and any specific elements they want you to include in the outline. 

💡 Extra tip: Pay close attention to any sections or subsections that must be included. Understanding the requirements from the outset will help you structure your outline effectively.

Step 2: Determine the Key Sections

Identify the main sections that must be included in your capstone project outline. Common sections typically involve an introduction, literature review, methodology, results and analysis, discussion, and conclusion. However, this may vary depending on your field and project requirements.

💡 Extra tip: You can start by researching examples of capstone project outlines within your field to understand the typical sections included. Adapt and customize them to fit the specific needs of your project. 

Step 3: Craft precise section headings

Create clear and concise headings for each section of your outline. These headings should accurately reflect the content and purpose of each section.

💡 Extra tip:  Use clear and descriptive language in your headings to provide a snapshot of each section's cover. It will make it easier for you and others to navigate through the outline.

Step 4: Break down each section

Break down each section into subsections or bullet points to further detail the content you plan to include. This step helps you organize your thoughts and ensures comprehensive project coverage.

💡 Extra tip: Prioritize logical flow and coherence when breaking down each section. Arrange the subsections to enhance the understanding of your project's progression and argument.

Step 5: Provide brief descriptions or key points

Under each sub-section, include brief descriptions or key points that outline the main ideas or arguments you intend to present. These descriptions serve as a roadmap for your writing process.

💡 Extra tip:  Be concise and specific when outlining key points. Aim for clarity and avoid being overly general or vague. These descriptions will guide your writing and ensure that you address all necessary aspects of your project.

Step 6: Consider the Order and Hierarchy

Consider the order and hierarchy of your sub-sections to create a logical and coherent structure. Ensure that the sections flow smoothly and build upon one another.

💡 Extra tip: Consider the most logical progression of ideas and arguments. Arrange your sub-sections to strengthen the overall coherence and readability of your project.

Step 7: Go over your paper one more time 

Review and make necessary revisions to your paper. Check for clarity, completeness, and coherence. Ensure that your outline reflects the scope and depth of your project.

💡 Extra tip:  Seek feedback from your capstone project supervisor, peers, or mentors. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights and help you refine your outline. Be open to making adjustments based on their suggestions.

Step 8: Finalize and follow the outline

Once you are satisfied with your work, finalize it and use it as a guide throughout your project. Follow the structure and content outlined in your outline while conducting research, collecting data, and writing.

💡 Extra tip: Regularly refer to your outline as your project progresses. It will help you stay focused and cover all the necessary aspects outlined in your plan.

Writing a capstone project outline may initially seem overwhelming, but following these steps and incorporating the insights provided can create a well-structured and comprehensive paper. Remember, the outline serves as the foundation for your project, guiding your research and writing process. Take your time, seek guidance when needed, and approach each step with intention and focus. If you just start working on your project, you can gather education сapstone project ideas , which will help you in kicking off an outline. 

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Capstone project outline example & formatting tips 

Your job is to maintain consistency, clarity, and readability. Here are some guidelines on how to format your capstone project outline:

Use a consistent heading hierarchy.  Start with the main title of your capstone project at the top of the page, followed by section headings in a hierarchical format. Use different levels of headings (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3) to indicate your outline's main sections and subsections.

Do not neglect bullet points or numbering.  Use bullet points or numbering to list the key points or ideas you plan to include within each section and subsection. 

Indentation and spacing.  Use indentation to distinguish between different levels of headings and subheadings visually. It helps to create a clear hierarchy and improves readability. Maintain consistent spacing between sections and subsections for clarity and visual separation.

Formatting style

Use a consistent formatting style throughout your outline. It includes font type, font size, and alignment. Times New Roman or Arial, font size 12, are commonly used for academic documents. Align your text to the left for a professional and clean look.

Here's a general sample of a formatted capstone project outline:

  • Introduction
  • Background and context
  • Problem statement
  • Research objectives
  • Literature Review
  • Key theories and concepts
  • Previous research findings
  • Gaps in existing knowledge

III. Methodology

  • Research design
  • Data collection methods
  • Data analysis techniques
  • Results and Analysis
  • Presentation of data
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Discussion of findings
  • Implications of findings
  • Limitations of the study
  • Recommendations for further research
  • Summary of main findings
  • Contribution to the field
  • Final remarks

VII. References

(Include a list of cited sources in the chosen citation style)

Common pitfalls to avoid 

  • Avoid using vague or ambiguous language that might lead to confusion regarding the content or objectives of your project.
  • Don't overlook the importance of a comprehensive literature review. Avoid a shallow or limited exploration of existing research and theories. Strive to include relevant and up-to-date sources that support your project's objectives.
  • Ensure that your outline demonstrates a logical flow of ideas and information and has a connection between different sections. Maintain a coherent narrative throughout your outline.
  • While your outline should be concise, it should also provide enough detail to understand the content you plan to include clearly. Avoid being overly vague or omitting important supporting points.
  • If you receive feedback or suggestions from your advisor or peers, take the time to consider and incorporate constructive input into your outline. It will help strengthen your project and address any potential issues early on.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you feel like dealing with the project too much, you can buy capstone project and benefit from the expert assistance. 
  • Regularly refer back to your project's objectives and ensure that every section of your outline is aligned with these goals. Avoid including irrelevant or tangential information that does not contribute to the overall purpose of your project.
  • Don't delay creating your outline until the last minute. Starting early allows you ample time to refine and revise your outline, seek feedback, and make necessary adjustments before diving into the actual project.

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What Is a Capstone Project? All You Need to Know on College Capstones

What is a capstone learn all about what capstone projects are and how these important assignments play a major role during your studies..

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You’re almost done.  3.7 million students  graduated from high school in 2019, moving onto college and professional lives. But there’s one last stone they had to step on. 

The capstone project is many student’s worst nightmares. In both high school and college, you may very well have to make one.

But don’t panic. 

What is a capstone? How do a high school’s capstone projects and courses compare to a college’s? What are some capstone project ideas, and how should you go about developing your capstone? 

Answer these questions and you can graduate from school with a project you can be proud of. Here is your comprehensive guide. 

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What Is a Capstone Project? 

Literally speaking, a capstone is a stone that goes on the top of an arch. It supports the arch and provides a decoration as a crowning jewel.

A capstone project accordingly is the crowning jewel of a student’s high school or college career. It encapsulates what they have learned while acknowledging their core interests. 

Most capstone projects are long papers. On the high school or collegiate level, a student may write a paper dozens of pages in length. But some students may make a film, deliver an oral presentation, or create an art piece in lieu of a paper. 

Capstone projects require weeks of research. Many teachers specify that students have to use a certain number of sources in their work. They may need to prepare a proposal for their project and an outline of the points they want to hit. 

The principles of a high school capstone project are the same as a college capstone project. The main differences between the two are length and sophistication. A college student is expected to prepare more material on a more nuanced level than a high school student. 

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What Is a Capstone Course? 

Many schools help students prepare for their projects through capstone courses. Each capstone course is different, but there are some things you can look for on the high school and college levels. 

High School 

Most high schools do not have separate capstone courses. Toward the end of a student’s senior year of high school, their teacher presents them with a capstone project. 

A student may have to perform a capstone project for each subject they take. But teachers communicate with each other so a student does not feel overwhelmed by the work they have to perform. 

The capstone projects of honors courses tend to be longer and more detailed than those of other courses. Some schools may allow students to prepare an “honors project.” They may work alongside a teacher to generate a longer paper. 

Most colleges do have separate capstone courses. College seniors sign up for them during their last semester, after they have declared their majors. Their courses are within their majors, and they do not take capstones for other subjects. 

College capstone courses tend to be in small groups with one professor. The professor listens to the students’ ideas and provides some texts for them to consider. They may teach their students how to write a good thesis statement. 

But most of the course is student-directed. They may pair up to workshop each other’s papers and compare ideas. They may give verbal presentations to the room about what they are learning. 

Courses may take place once or twice a week. They may take place at night, later than other courses on a student’s schedule. 

Homework for the course comprises preparing for the capstone project. A teacher may ask students to find sources or write segments of their papers. By the end of the course, they have their entire projects done. 

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Starting Your Capstone 

Do not worry about your capstone until your senior year. Enjoy your high school and college years, and create a good  work-life balance  for yourself. 

Once you make it to your senior year, you can start thinking about your project. Think about the overall themes and subjects that you have dealt with in school. If a particular subject has been interesting to you over the last three years, consider writing about it. 

Read over the instructions from your teacher very carefully. Nearly all instructions give you broad latitude for your subject, but you may need to meet some additional requirements. You should expect to use a certain number of credible sources. 

All rules for academic research apply to your capstone project. Under no circumstances should you plagiarize or have someone else write your paper for you. It is okay to go to others for help, but your project is your responsibility. 

Developing Your Project

The course your project takes largely depends on your subject. Each subject has its own perimeters for academic writing, and you may be expected to do different things in your paper. 

English Language Arts

English capstone projects are writing-heavy. You will write a paper, though you may need to give a presentation at some point. 

You should pick a particular book or author you want to focus on. Picking a book is good if you want to engage in explication, but it may be hard to find academic literature on it. Picking an author lets you talk a little more about the sociopolitical context for individual works. 

Once you have a book, you need to spend a lot of time reading it. Read it through once without taking notes so you can get a feel for its overall themes. Then read it through multiple times, taking notes while following  good note-taking tips . 

You should then go to academic sources. You should find materials about the book you are analyzing, the author, and the author’s sociopolitical environment. 

Your capstone project should describe what a book is trying to say, how the author uses literary techniques, and how the book applies to important ideas. You should address a question common amongst scholars of your author. 

You may be able to pursue a creative project instead of an academic paper. You will need to ask for permission from your teacher, and you may need to participate in some research for your project.

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Social Studies 

The category of social studies includes history, political science, and philosophy. On the high school level, these subjects are often grouped together, though there are individual AP courses in each one. On the college level, a student may major in one particular subject. 

Social studies capstone papers tend to answer questions in a given subject. A paper answers one precise question that the student comes up with, but their question must impact scholars in the subject. “How did William Jennings Bryan campaign?” is not a good question, but “How did William Jennings Bryan’s methods of campaigning for office impact future presidential campaigns?” is. 

Research is an essential component of social studies capstone projects. A student often must break down the individual details of their question. A student answering the above question needs to look into who William Jennings Bryan was, how he campaigned, and how others adopted his methods. 

The student then develops a thesis statement that answers all aspects of their question. This thesis statement may be controversial, so they have to address contrasting opinions in their paper. They can do so toward the end of the paper after they present most of their findings. 

On the high school level, different branches of sciences are grouped together in one class. A student may explore physics, engineering, and biology in one year. On the college level, each subject is its own major. 

In general, capstone papers in the sciences focus on experiments. A student is expected to create an experiment that answers a question in their field. This experiment must conform to  the scientific method , and the student must detail how their experiment does so in their paper. 

Scientific papers do require extensive research. Most have a literature review toward the beginning, which describes the consensus of scholars.

A student may need to relate the findings of their experiment with the findings of other scholars. If a student disagrees with others, they must articulate why their argument deserves respect. 

Scientific papers can have interdisciplinary components. It may be relevant for a student to talk about the history or philosophy of science. The student may need to talk with their teacher about incorporating other disciplines. 

Related Read : 10+ Best College Tips & Advice to Improve Your University Experience

So What Is a Capstone? 

Many students are nervous about their capstones, which are, essentially, the culmination of your academic achievements in school. 

A capstone course is a class that helps you prepare for your project, and your professor or teacher gives you instructions on what to do. 

How should you prepare for a capstone? Read your teacher’s instructions, then figure out a subject you want to pursue. Spend plenty of time researching and generate a good research question and thesis statement. 

For more great college advice, check out the rest of our articles on navigating university !

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What Is A Capstone Course? Everything You Need To Know

Ryah Cooley Cole

Expert Reviewed

Updated: Apr 5, 2024, 12:19pm

What Is A Capstone Course? Everything You Need To Know

College comes with so many requirements, it can be hard to keep track. For instance, if you’re applying to school or are currently in a degree program, you’ve probably heard the term “capstone course.”

Capstone courses are important and often required to complete a degree, especially at the graduate and postgraduate levels. But what is a capstone course? Read on to learn what it’s all about.

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What Is the Difference Between a Capstone Course and a Capstone Project?

A capstone course allows college students to demonstrate expertise in their major or area of study. This course is typically required for graduation. Details can vary depending on the major, program and school. Capstone courses typically last at least a semester and sometimes include internships or volunteering.

A capstone course typically involves a project such as a final paper, a portfolio, a performance, an investigation, a film or a multimedia presentation. Some programs use the term “capstone project” instead of capstone course.

Details regarding your capstone project depend on your major. Journalism majors might complete long-term investigation projects, for example, and architecture students may design a building or bridge.

Is a Capstone Course Required?

Not all colleges require capstone courses, and some might only require capstone courses for certain majors or programs. For instance, The University of California, Los Angeles offers 73 undergraduate majors that include a capstone course or project for most students.

Benefits of a Capstone Course

Here’s how a capstone course can enhance your higher learning experience.

Increases Confidence

Taking on a big, longer-term academic or professional project can be very challenging. So when you complete a capstone project, it can provide a confidence boost by demonstrating to yourself and your peers, professors and future employers what you’re capable of accomplishing in your field of study.

Develops Skills

Since capstone projects are hands-on, they allow you to hone existing skills in your field and develop some new ones. Some capstone projects require you to work in a group, which adds another layer of collaborative soft skills for you to fall back on in your professional and personal life.

Prepares You for Graduation

Learning by doing, as they say, is the best way to find out if something is right for you. Since a capstone project involves using skills from your field to create a product that mimics the professional version of what you’d like to do after school, this prepares you for the workforce in a practical way.

On the other hand, a capstone course can also be a good way to decide that a career isn’t the right fit for you. If you don’t enjoy the process of the capstone project, you might not like the corresponding career after graduation, either.

Builds Your Résumé

Since most capstone courses culminate with a project, you can expect your capstone to give you an example of your work to show to potential employers when you start job hunting. Some capstone courses even distribute awards to the creators of the best capstone projects, which could translate to another accolade to add to your résumé.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Capstone Courses

What does a capstone course consist of.

A capstone course can include lectures and feedback from a professor, plus time to work on a final paper, project, film or performance. A capstone project may be independent or a group project.

Why is it called a capstone course?

The term comes from the final “capstone” used to finish a monument or building. The word has been commonly used in U.S. higher education since post-World War II. As in architecture, a capstone in education can be thought of as the crown jewel of your educational accomplishments.

Can you fail a capstone course?

Yes, you can fail a capstone course. However, failing a capstone course at some universities could disqualify you from graduating from that particular major or program. At other schools, you may not be allowed to submit your capstone project until your department chair or advisor is confident you can achieve a passing grade.

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Ryah Cooley Cole is an award winning writer and a high school English teacher based on the Central Coast of California. She is most interested in bringing diverse stories to her readers and students.

Veronica Beagle is the managing editor for Education at Forbes Advisor. She completed her master’s in English at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Before coming to Forbes Advisor she worked on education related content at and Red Ventures as both a copy editor and content manager.

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No matter what you call it, a capstone project:

  • Is something you complete as an undergrad, usually in your senior year
  • Will allow you to deeply engage with a topic and showcase your subject knowledge
  • Is in partnership with instructors
  • Is a blend of in-depth research , reflection, and will evolve over many drafts
  • Can be 15 to 50+ pages in length and take months to complete
  • Can involve an internship, service-learning, lab work, portfolio, exhibit, collecting data in the field, or analyzing historical data

Capstone project instruction examples:

  • English Capstone
  • Communication Studies Capstone
  • Geography Senior Project

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10 of the Most Common Capstone Course Questions Answered

  • Taking Courses

You already know what a Capstone course is.

You just have no idea what to do about it.

Many students get confused when it comes to the Capstone. Is it a research paper? Not exactly; it is much more than that. Although you are the researcher, the Capstone goes beyond the mere collection of information. Instead, you will demonstrate the skills learned in your undergraduate studies to solve a problem based upon certain assumptions related to your topic. That means you will conduct your own field research and collect primary source data to create a scholarly, academic project that supports an argumentative thesis statement or major question with new work and ideas.

In a nutshell: this is a course unlike any other you have taken.

Why? Because you will have a great deal of latitude over the direction and development of your project. Your mentor will serve as a facilitator, who will direct you toward your goal. At the end of the day, your project will allow you to follow your passion and create something that will add to the body of knowledge in your chosen field. All while exploring and applying your knowledge to something new.

Often, that amount of latitude can feel overwhelming. So, other than writing it for you, here are some common Capstone questions, answered:  

Question 1: When should I take the Capstone course?

Answer: If you have 9 credits or less remaining for graduation, have completed any research courses required in your area of study as well as your composition requirement. So if you still have 30 credits to complete, or haven’t finished the composition requirement, wait to register for the course.

Question 2: How do I know if I should take the Capstone as an online course (OL) or a Guided Study (GS)?

Answer: If you like interaction with classmates, you may prefer the online format. However, if you prefer to work independently, you may like Guided Study better. With the Guided Study format, you won’t be required to participate in online discussions. However, the online course format offers the benefit of peer feedback as well as an additional influence toward your final grade.  

Question 3: Can I take multiple courses during the same term I am registered to take the Capstone course?

Answer: Some students have found the pace of the Capstone course and an additional course to be manageable in the same term, while others have chosen to focus on the Capstone during any one particular term. To decide which course schedule is right for you, consider your personal and professional responsibilities. Will you have the extra time to commit to an additional workload? Can you manage two courses at once? Being honest with yourself about the answers will help guide your decision.

Question 4: I’ve already written a research paper in my area of study. How is the Capstone different?

Answer: This is anything but a typical research paper. Throughout your project, you will be an authentic researcher who explores and adds to the body of knowledge in your field of study. You are expected to present an ethically responsible, globally minded final project that will serve as a bridge to employment or future endeavors and prepare you for graduate-level study.

Question 5: Is there a lot of research involved in the Capstone or is it primarily writing?

Answer: Your Capstone project involves equal parts writing and research. For some degree programs, a Capstone may require a project and subsequent presentation; for others, it may include an assessment to test interdisciplinary skills. It may also involve a final research paper exploring a topic of interest, emerging from your individualized program of study. Your interests, academic field and area of study will influence the type of project you select and the direction you choose to go in.

Question 6: How do I accomplish my Capstone project?

Answer: You build your Capstone based on an inspiration for greater knowledge of certain subject matter, idea or concept. You research, collect, organize and produce an analysis of the information from both primary and secondary sources. The major part of this nonexperimental, qualitative study will involve field research through interaction with people who will be your study participants.

Question 7: How do I select a topic?

Answer: Select a topic you feel passionate about, something that has meaning to you either personally or professionally. You may also benefit from choosing one relevant to your work environment/field of experience. This will give you extra backup to be able to interpret and answer your research questions as well as use this project as part of your professional portfolio.

Question 8: What is involved in a Capstone project?

Answer: Your Capstone project consists of six modules including study assignments, discussion assignments and written activities. Study assignments consist primarily of readings in the course textbook(s) and in course documents and supplemental research. It also includes overarching major questions and subquestions to be answered. The major question should reflect the results of this entire endeavor and drive your subquestions, culminating in a strategic plan to answer your question or solve a problem.  

Question 9: Do I have to present my Capstone project?

Answer: This is not a requirement, although a PowerPoint presentation or a video presentation of your work to share with your mentor and classmates is appreciated.  

Question 10: What are some things I should keep in mind while developing my Capstone project?

Answer: Pay attention to the mechanics of your project, including grammar and punctuation as well as proper formatting, citations and author information consistent with academic, scholarly writing. Make sure your research does not stand alone, and that you have analyzed and explained how the research best supports your thesis argument and key points. Any error in either the organization or writing of your project detracts from the professionalism of your work.

Editor's Note: This article was originally published in August 2016 and has been updated for accuracy.

Written by Thomas Edison State University

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How to Write a Capstone Project?

05 May, 2020

7 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

Depending on your professor, he or she may define a capstone project as a capstone experience, a senior exhibition, or a culminating project. All of these terms refer to the assignment known as the capstone project. So what is a capstone project? Good question!

capstone project

If you’ve never had to do one before, don’t worry—you surely have the skills to complete it. According to The Glossary of Education Reform, this particular type of assignment is “
a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience
”. Simply put, the goal of this assignment is to integrate a variety of skills and knowledge acquired throughout the length of an entire course.

Still wondering what is a capstone project? Here are a few more defining details. These types of projects are considered long-term and are assigned well before their due date. Students are often asked to select a topic of interest, conduct research, track their process, and create an original final project to share the entire process and findings. Capstone projects rarely culminate in a single paper. They often involve portfolios and/or a multimedia presentation of some sort as well as an oral presentation. Check out these capstone projects at Yale University.

While this type of assignment is for a single class, presentations may be presented in front of a panel of teachers or professors as well as community stakeholders. Capstone projects are long, involved, require a great deal of planning, and are often heavily weighted in a student’s overall grade. In short, they require students to demonstrate a wide variety of skills in a multi-stage assignment.

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How to Write a Capstone Project

Capstone Project Outline

When you first receive this type of assignment, it’s a good idea to sit down and brainstorm a capstone project outline. Taking the time to map out your approach will save a great deal of time later. This type of project requires a broad range of skills including the following:

  • Media literacy
  • Independent work
  • Oral communication
  • Interdisciplinary

Identify any weak areas early and develop a plan to tackle them head-on. Most professors allow students to select the best presentation method for their capstone project; therefore, you’ll have the ability to select a final product that you’ll enjoy doing. This could mean creating a public service announcement or perhaps a pamphlet to be distributed at a local event. It could also mean presenting your research at an appropriate local event. The first step in approaching what is a term paper is to consider your final product. Once you’ve determined where you’re going, it will be much easier to plot a path to get there.

Once you’ve determined your final outcome, it’s time to create a capstone project outline. Brainstorm the best sources for research. Consider creating questioners for professionals in the field you’re researching and make appointments to interview them to get primary source information. Consider investigating multiple forms of information including newspapers, magazines, journals, and other informational texts. Consider the problem from various viewpoints to ensure that you’re covering all aspects of your chosen topic.

Next, you’ll need to organize all your research into logical groups to present it in some way. Whether you create a multi-media presentation, give a lecture, create a brochure, or air a PSA, the information will need to be easily accessible to the audience and accurate.

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Capstone Project Format

Your capstone project format can take a variety of different shapes. Since each capstone project format may be different depending on the issue that you’re researching, it is very important to get approval for your idea from the teacher or professor. Before you begin any type of research, be sure that your project is in line with what the professor wants. Set up a meeting during office hours to review your goals, your approach, and your final product. Once you have approval, you’re good to go! Not sure how to approach your capstone project format? Here are some potential ideas:

  • Creating a business plan for a product or service that would solve a current issue in the community; the plan will be presented and assessed to local industry leaders and community stakeholders
  • Create an air a PSA concerning a local issue
  • Write and illustrate a children’s book on an important issue; present the book to age-appropriate children and lead lessons on issues in the book
  • Designing an app to help a specific population or address a specific community need

As you can see, a capstone project format can take a variety of different forms. While there is certainly writing involved in the “what is a capstone project”, the emphasis will be on the culminating project.

How to Write a Capstone Project

Capstone Project Writing

Once you’re finished with the capstone project format it’s time to get down to the capstone project writing. Depending on what your capstone project format it will depend upon the type of capstone project writing you’ll need to do. While some students will be focused on scripts and press releases, other capstone project writing will be more along the lines of formal reports or text for multi-media presentations.UTICA College has a great step by step guide for approaching all the parts of capstone projects. Whether you need to write a formal report or many smaller pieces of text for a brochure or oral presentation, the same rules apply. All capstone project writing should be grammatically perfect and well-organized.

Related post: Research paper topics list

Hopefully, this guide has answered basic questions regarding what is a capstone project. Remember: this type of assignment is meant to be a culminating activity. This means that it will rely on all the skills you’ve learned throughout the course to make it a success. Choose your topic wisely; you’ll be spending a great deal of time researching information, organizing it, and presenting it. Planning out your approach and setting milestones for your project will be essential to its success. You’ll need to avoid procrastination and work diligently throughout the duration of the project. Ask your professor and/or mentor for help; they will be invaluable resources during this important assignment.

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what to do capstone project on

List of 500 Plus Nursing Capstone Project Ideas to Consider as a nursing Student

what to do capstone project on

In most nursing schools, you might be required to work on a capstone project, often known as a senior capstone. It is usually a prerequisite for your final course in a degree program that requires its completion. Most nursing students prefer undertaking a capstone nursing course.

A capstone project is an individualized research project on a specific nursing topic of your professional or personal interest. It is usually completed within between 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the nursing school and the program you are pursuing. It is usually part of a project-based nursing capstone course that runs within a selected duration and is led by a capstone instructor. The first step of writing a capstone is choosing a topic that focuses on the quality improvement process, procedure, or policy and creating a nursing capstone project proposal/nursing project proposal or presentation.

A standard nursing capstone project is between 20 to 100 pages, but that depends on the institutional requirements and the preference of your capstone instructor. It is a chance to show what you have learned, enhance your professional development, specialize in your nursing career, and investigate/solve community-related health issues. The capstone project paper is based on evidence-based practice (EBP) project , which makes it necessary to follow the PICO format . Therefore, the first step is choosing the topic when doing the capstone at BSN, MSN, or DNP level.

This guide is about the first step, specifically to help you choose a good and manageable topic for your nursing capstone project. Cognizant that selecting a topic depends on the area of specialization that you are interested in (Family nursing, forensic nursing, informatics, pediatrics, nursing administration and management, nursing education, or public health, etc.), we have categorized the ideas and topics into nursing specialties to make it easier for you to brainstorm and choose a good topic for your nursing capstone paper.

General Nursing Capstone Ideas

  • Patient-controlled fluid restriction monitoring
  • The effects of tai chi on cardiovascular risk factors of hypertension, BMI, anxiety, depression, quality of life, and its safety and feasibility
  • Exercise to improve cancer-related fatigue
  • CPM machine protocol for knee replacements
  • Managing hypertension with lifestyle modifications
  • Self-engagement to decrease blood pressure readings and reduce non-compliance
  • The application of the ABCDE bundle in ICU
  • Controlled donation after circulatory death
  • Effectiveness of using virtual reality in oncology settings
  • Impacts of the clinically aligned pain assessment tool (CAPA) on pain management
  • The influence of "deliberate practice" on skill competency
  • Consequences of massage therapy for agitation in dementia
  • Impact of virtual simulation on knowledge transfer
  • Increased discharge compliance through mental health follow-up
  • Impacts of early mobilization
  • Impacts of bedside shift reports on patient safety
  • Effects of physical activity and patient education on rheumatoid arthritis
  • Benefits of non-physician-led hypertension management
  • Reducing the rates of use of emergency departments by homeless and at-risk homeless through screening
  • Improving discharge timeliness and patient outcomes
  • Role of Nurses in policymaking
  • Video education on fever to empower and educate caregivers
  • Protecting the health and safety of nurses working with at-risk populations

Forensic Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Forensic nursing is a very lucrative area of specialization in nursing. If you consider specializing in forensic nursing to become a Nurse Death Investigator (NDI), sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE), legal nurse consultant, forensic psychiatry nurse, correctional nurse consultant, forensic nurse educator, or forensic nurse examiner, consider these topics and ideas for your capstone. It is not exhaustive but gives you an upper hand when selecting a suitable topic for your forensic nursing capstone project. If you are looking for nursing ebp project ideas related to forensic nursing, check out these:

  • Impacts of forensic nurses in preventing intimate partner violence
  • Role of forensic nurses in developing community interventions to prevent elderly abuse and neglect
  • Coordinated community response as a strategy to address elderly abuse
  • Role of forensic nurses in identifying and preventing sexual abuse in pediatric emergency departments
  • Does Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) training affect the attitudes of Emergency Department nurses toward sexual assault survivors?
  • How sexual assault nurse examiners practice trauma-informed care
  • Roles of forensic outpatient nurses
  • Use of simulation in training forensic nurses
  • Attitudes of forensic nurses working at psychiatric facilities
  • Benefits of incorporating forensic nurses as part of the multidisciplinary teams in psychiatric health facilities
  • Importance of forensic nurse research
  • Collaboration between forensic nurses and law enforcement agencies
  • Implementation of sexual assault services in a clinic setting
  • Effects of an emotional education program on prisoners
  • Occupational injuries and workplace violence among forensic nurses
  • Stress and burnout among forensic nurses working in mental health facilities
  • Role of forensic nurses in examining medical error
  • Role of forensic nurse examiner in patient education for victims of sexual assault
  • The rhetoric of therapy in forensic psychiatric nursing
  • Evaluation of a Standardized Patient Simulation on Undergraduate Nursing Students' Knowledge and Confidence On Intimate Partner Violence
  • Evidence-based practice in forensic mental health nursing
  • Standards of practice for forensic mental health nurses
  • Innovative assessments for retention of sexual assault nurse examiners
  • Collection and preservation of evidence by forensic nurses
  • Compassion fatigue among pediatric forensic nurse examiners
  • Investigating chronic traumatic encephalopathy among national football league players
  • Nurses and Medicolegal Death Investigation
  • Strategies for documenting evidence used by forensic nurses
  • Forensic nurses as expert witnesses in courts of law
  • Role of forensic nurses in research in correctional facilities
  • Causes and consequences of forensic nurse shortage
  • Ethical issues encountered by forensic nurses in correctional facilities
  • De-escalation and limit-setting in forensic mental health units
  • How forensic nurses can prevent human and organ trafficking
  • Risk factors for domestic minor sex trafficking in the United States
  • Mental illness as a vulnerability for sexual assault
  • Cardiovascular risk factors among prisoners
  • Establishing the therapeutic relationship between a forensic nurse and a patient
  • Benefits of a holistic approach to training forensic nurse examiners
  • Impacts of trauma-informed care training on the competency and confidence of forensic nurses
  • Forensic nursing interventions with patients with personality disorder
  • A forensic nurse's perspective of trauma-informed care approaches to medico legal death investigation
  • How forensic nurses handle families and loved ones of those who succumb in emergency departments
  • Forensic nurses and human rights abuse
  • Responsibilities of forensic nurses
  • SANE vs. non-SANE forensic nurses
  • Required skills for forensic psychiatric nurse
  • Veracity for children in pediatric forensics
  • Strategies for screening children for abuse and neglect
  • Trauma-Informed Care Education in Baccalaureate Nursing Curricula in the United States
  • Understanding nonfatal strangulation
  • Role of forensic nurses in advocating for pregnant women in correctional facilities
  • The professional identity of prison nurses
  • Role of education and continuous professional development in strengthening the science of forensic nursing
  • Stress and burnout in forensic health nursing
  • Using telehealth for sexual assault forensic examinations
  • Promoting professional quality of life and resiliency in sexual assault nurse examiners
  • Child labor trafficking essentials for forensic nurses
  • Sexual assault nurse examiner forensic examinations for immigrant victims

You can find more topics concerning forensic nursing from Topics by

Critical Care Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Critical care nursing, also called intensive care nursing , is a domain of nursing practice that deals with seriously ill patients. If you are interested in pursuing critical care/ICU nursing, you can focus your capstone project on a related topic. Here are some ideas for critical nursing or ICU nursing capstone project.

  • Impacts of critical incident stress debriefing for nurses in acute care departments
  • Strategies to address stress and burnout among critical care nursing staff
  • Role of critical care nurses in palliative care
  • Nursing interventions to prevent central line bloodstream infection (CLABSI) in the ICU settings
  • Benefits of SNF infection prevention online training on CLABSI prevention
  • The role of law and policy in addressing healthcare-associated infections in critical care
  • Impact of needleless connector change frequency on central line-associated bloodstream infection rate
  • Effects of surveillance of hospital-acquired CLABSI in pediatric NICU
  • Impacts of CLABSI on length of stay and readmission in ICU
  • Using Nurse-Driven Protocols to Eliminate Routine Gastric Residual Volume Measurements
  • Implementing a standardized communication tool in an intensive care unit
  • Decreasing 30-day readmission rates in patients with heart failure
  • Strategies for assessing discomfort in critically ill patients
  • Increasing nurses' knowledge of and self-confidence with family presence during pediatric resuscitation
  • The link between perceived and actual risk assessment by ICU nurses and the use of catheters
  • How critical care nurses can prevent blood contamination during transfusion
  • Risk factors and preventive measures for pressure ulcers among patients in critical care units
  • Factors Leading to critical nurses shortage in the USA
  • Compassion fatigue among ICU nurses and strategies to prevent it
  • Pain assessment by critical care nurses through physical and physiological monitoring
  • The use of CDSS in decision-making within the ICU
  • Critical Nurses' education and Competencies in the USA
  • Impacts of nurse-patient Ratio on patient safety and Outcomes in critical care units
  • Prevalence of nurse burnout syndrome among ICU nurses
  • Strategies to help critical nurses achieve excellence
  • Collaborative decision-making between ICU nurses and patients in end-of-life care
  • Attitudes of critical care nurses on terminally ill patients
  • Hand hygiene adherence among critical care nurses
  • How critical care nurses can leverage big data and AI to improve safety and outcomes
  • Strategies to optimize intubation in the ICU
  • The link between ICU staffing and patient outcomes
  • Quality improvement strategies for neonatal ICU
  • The application of telemedicine in ICU settings
  • Strategies to optimize mechanical ventilation in the neonatal ICU
  • Patient education strategies for children with adult patients in the ICU
  • ICU nurses assist patients in making the DNR orders
  • Payment Structure and morale among ICU nurses
  • Challenges experienced by ICU nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Intensive care nurses' knowledge and practice on endotracheal suctioning of the intubated patient
  • Benefits of promoting shared decision-making in the ICU
  • Intensive care nurses' experiences and perceptions of delirium and delirium care.
  • Reasons why nurses should have empathy with newborn families in neonatal ICU
  • Nurses' Perceptions of Telemedicine Adoption in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Importance of allowing ICU nurses to grieve when patients die
  • The perceptions and attitudes of ICU nurses on the use of ICU diaries
  • The experiences of new nurses in ICU units
  • Strategies ICU nurses use to screen delirium among ICU patients
  • Impacts of brownout on ICU nurses
  • Attitudes of ICU nurses on caring for patients with mental illness
  • Impacts of hemodynamic monitoring training for ICU nurses on patient safety and outcomes
  • Readiness of novice nurses to practice in ICU
  • Nurses' experiences of caring for patients during a prolonged critical illness
  • Oral practices for ICU nurses
  • Caring for non-sedated mechanically ventilated patients: Attitudes of ICU nurses
  • Knowledge and practice of physical restraints in ICU

Nursing Education Topics and Ideas

Nursing education is a vast area. You can never run out of ideas to explore in your nursing education capstone. Here are some potential rn to bsn capstone project ideas to consider:

  • The impacts of the Nurse Residency Program
  • Undergraduate pediatric nursing education: Issues, challenges, and recommendations
  • How mentorship post-residency affects the experiences of new graduates transitioning from novice to competent
  • Benefits of mindful meditation for nursing students
  • A new leadership development model for nursing education
  • Evidence-based practice and quality improvement in nursing education
  • Role of stakeholder engagement in nursing education
  • Strategies to improve nurse to patient ratio through nursing education
  • Use of simulation in nursing education
  • Effectiveness of a venous thromboembolism course using flipped classroom with nursing students
  • Perceptions of the use of reflective learning journals in online graduate nursing education
  • Effects of nursing education on students' pain management knowledge
  • Cultural competencies for graduate nursing education
  • Implications of virtual reality and augmented reality in nursing education
  • The use of gamification in education with digital badges
  • Strategies to dismantle racism and disparities in nursing education
  • Importance of teaching reflective practice among nursing students
  • Arts-based inquiry in nursing education
  • Supporting the integrative health care curriculum in schools of nursing
  • Educational pathways to becoming a registered nurse
  • Strategies to make nursing education lucrative for the millennial generation
  • How educators can influence the success of nursing students
  • Philosophical perspectives of nursing education
  • Use of social media and technology in nursing education
  • Should nurses stay longer in college?
  • Faculty shortage in nursing schools
  • Impacts of the scarcity of clinical experiences on the competency of new nurses
  • The gap between education and practice and the nursing staff shortage
  • Benefits of integrating climate change topics in nursing curricula
  • Impacts of problem-based learning models in nursing schools
  • Benefits of promoting multicultural nursing education
  • Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion topics into an undergraduate nursing research course
  • Benefits of nurses having a personal philosophy in nursing school
  • Using active simulation to enhance the learning of nursing ethics

You can also consider topics related to mental health issues or mentally ill patients. The goal is to find the best topic to stand out among the nursing capstone projects submitted to your professor. 

Health Promotion Ideas for Capstone Projects

  • Implementing community cooking courses to prevent nutritional knowledge deficit
  • Promoting the use of honey in diabetes foot ulcer management
  • Application of the health belief model in tailoring nursing interventions to prevent adolescent smoking
  • Using an educational program based on the health belief model to improve the preventive behaviors of nurses against cardiovascular diseases
  • Factors affecting health promotion activities by nurses
  • Attitudes of registered nurses and midwives toward health promotion targeting obese patients
  • Attitudes of Nurses towards health Promotion
  • Role of Nurses in health promotion and Disease prevention
  • Health promotion strategies to reduce smoking among nurse practitioners
  • Roles of Nurses in preventive care
  • Impacts of nursing advocacy on health promotion
  • Role of advanced practice nurse in health promotion
  • Healthy lifestyle behaviors and health promotion attitudes in preregistered nurses
  • Practical approaches to health promotion in nursing
  • Translating social ecological theory into guidelines for community health promotion
  • Health promotion strategies that work best with indigenous populations
  • Ethical dilemmas in health promotion by nurses
  • Strategies to promote mental health promotion in psychiatric facilities

Nursing Shortage and Burnout Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Benefits of having an official mentoring program on nursing retention and job satisfaction
  • Impacts of burnout and fatigue on patient outcomes
  • Results of implementing patient acuity tool on nurse satisfaction
  • Effects of meaningful recognition on med-surgical unit's staff satisfaction and retention
  • Benefits of compassion fatigue education on oncology nurses

Women's Health Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Benefits of early screening for postpartum depression
  • Impacts of patient education on reducing postpartum depression
  • Breastfeeding and consumption of sweetened foods
  • Challenges facing women with disabilities in exclusive breastfeeding
  • Relationship between the mental health of the mother and the outcomes of a pregnancy
  • Promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles among women
  • Helping women address the challenges that come with menopause: perspectives of a nurse
  • Long-term effects of preeclampsia on mother and neonate
  • Strategies to prevent preeclampsia
  • Preeclampsia screening within healthcare facilities
  • Diagnosis and management of atypical preeclampsia-eclampsia
  • Cardiovascular Sequels During and After Preeclampsia
  • Impacts of superimposed preeclampsia on women
  • Preeclampsia and maternal risk of breast cancer
  • Nursing care approach for women with preeclampsia and eclampsia
  • Administration of NSAIDs during pregnancy and the initiation of lactation
  • Diagnosis and management of fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Educating women on the dangers of consuming alcohol when pregnant
  • Sexual dysfunction in women with alcohol dependence syndrome
  • Impacts of female genital mutilation on the reproductive health of women
  • Assessment and prevention of postpartum depression among pregnant women
  • Etiology and consequences of postpartum depression
  • Use of oxytocin in the management of postpartum depression
  • Postpartum depression and breastfeeding efficacy
  • Diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus during pregnancy
  • Relaxation techniques for pain management during labor
  • Benefits of multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy
  • Methods of milk expression for lactating women
  • Effects of disorder eating on the fertility of women
  • Hypertension disorders of pregnancy
  • Implementation of the maternal-fetal triage index to improve obstetric triage
  • Strategies to prevent obstetric hemorrhage
  • Childbirth experiences of women with an autism spectrum disorder in acute care settings

Pediatrics Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Efficacy of using music therapy in NICU
  • Pain and Sedation Scales in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
  • Impacts of skin-to-skin contact as a method for body warmth for infants with low birth weight
  • How to maintain normothermia among newly born infants
  • Effects of very early skin-to-skin contact on the success of breastfeeding
  • Chest-to-back skin-to-skin contact in regulating body temperature for preterm babies
  • Early intervention to achieve thermal balance in term neonates
  • Benefits of infant massage for infants and parents in the NICU

Patient Falls Topics and Ideas for Capstone

Patient falls management is another excellent area to consider for your capstone. You should inquire into some of the best strategies to solve patient falls associated with mortality and morbidity. Reducing falls is an indicator of quality improvement in healthcare settings. Here are some ideas and topics to get you started:

  • Impact of Hourly Rounding on Fall Rates
  • Evidence-based fall management strategies for patients aging in place
  • Nursing-led interventions to prevent falls in clinical settings
  • A multifactorial approach to fall management in healthcare settings
  • Impacts of patient education on fall rates
  • Multi-professional team approach in fall management
  • Use of telehealth to assess and address fall risk among elderly patients
  • Fall risk assessment and patient safety
  • Evaluation and management of fall risk in primary care settings
  • The link between polypharmacy and fall rates among older adults
  • Rates of falls and hospital readmissions among the older adults
  • Utilizing technology to prevent falls in healthcare settings
  • Benefits of patient-centered fall prevention toolkit in reducing falls and injuries among patients
  • Fall Prevention Decision-Making of Acute Care Registered Nurses
  • Occupational therapy falls prevention interventions for community-dwelling older adults
  • Multifactorial falls prevention programs for older adults presenting to the emergency department with a fall
  • Fall prevention strategies for Emergency departments
  • The effectiveness of exercise for fall prevention in nursing home residents
  • Role of physical therapists and aromatherapy for fall prevention in older people
  • Use of radar and sensor technology to prevent falls in primary care settings
  • Use of alarms to prevent falls on medical-surgical floors
  • Applying bed exit alarms to prevent falls
  • Using bathroom safety constructions to prevent elderly falls
  • Application of intelligent socks system to reduce falls in clinical settings
  • Addressing the nutritional needs of elderly patients to prevent falls
  • Using smartphones to detect and prevent falls in homes and hospitals
  • Use of robots in fall management

Patient Education Capstone Project Ideas

  • Impacts of polypharmacy teaching in reducing adverse effects at an acute setting
  • Benefits of patient education in promoting healthy lifestyles
  • Patient education and reduced falls within home settings
  • Impacts of using social media to facilitate patient education
  • Role of patient-centered education in improving adherence and outcomes of patients in long-term care facilities
  • Patient education in wound management and outcomes
  • Impact of patient education on utilization of nonpharmacological modalities for persistent pain management
  • Patient education and self-care management practices
  • Benefits of patient education in medical rehabilitation
  • Therapeutic patient education and outcomes in heart failure patients
  • Benefits of multi-professional approach in diabetes patient education
  • The benefits and challenges of providing patient education digitally
  • Factors affecting patient education in healthcare settings
  • Using healthcare information infrastructure to deliver education to patients with chronic conditions
  • Impacts of using electronic health records to facilitate education for patients in rural areas
  • The Effects of Tailored Diabetic Education in the Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Emergency Nursing Topics and Ideas for Capstone

If you are struggling to develop a perfect topic for your capstone project and are interested in emergency nursing, you can consider these capstone ideas and topics. Emergency nurse practitioners often face many challenges, including workplace incivility, lateral violence, bullying, brownout, stress, and high workload, which is a great place to start. You can also address their roles in emergency preparedness and management. Here are some ideas:

  • Solutions and strategies to address Emergency Department overcrowding
  • Causes and consequences of emergency room overcrowding
  • Nurse-led strategies to prevent emergency room overcrowding
  • Evidence-based approaches to address ED overcrowding
  • Challenges for patient onboarding in the ED
  • Use of technology and data modeling to address ED overcrowding
  • Use of RFID technology to reduce ED overcrowding
  • Application of telemedicine in addressing ER overcrowding
  • Innovations to reduce demand and crowding in emergency care
  • The use of wearable tech to address overcrowding in the ER
  • Strategies to improve access to ER in rural areas
  • Role of ER nurses in disaster management
  • Factors affecting emergency nurses' perceptions of the triage systems
  • Attitudes and skills of ER nurses in triage decision-making
  • Perceptions of ER nurses in the assessment of the risk of emerging infectious disease in ED
  • Role of ER nurses in disease surveillance
  • Role of ER Nurses in disease outbreaks
  • Strategies to prevent ER nurses from burnout and stress
  • Addressing compassion satisfaction and fatigue among ER nurses
  • Benefits of cultural competence training for ER nurses
  • Feelings and emotions of ER nurses related to dying and death of patients
  • Factors causing high turnover among emergency room nurses
  • Pediatric pain management strategies that ER nurses managing pediatric patients use
  • Strategies to address work fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders among ER nurses
  • Strategies to improve communication skills among ER nurses and other healthcare practitioners in the ED
  • Enhancing systems thinking for undergraduate nursing students using Friday night at the ER
  • How ER nurses can apply nursing theories when caring for patients
  • The impact of reflective journaling and diaries for ER nurses
  • Perceptions and attitudes of ER nurses on teamwork in ED
  • Causes of occupational stress among ER nurses
  • Factors affecting radiation protection behaviors among ER nurses
  • How ER nurses provide care to patients with self-harm
  • Impacts of incivility, bullying, and workplace violence on effectiveness and performance of ER nurses
  • Strategies to foster collegiality and civility
  • Impacts of educational intervention through online training on incivility among ER nurses
  • Lateral violence among ER nurses
  • Interventions to reduce the risk of violence toward emergency department staff
  • The emergency nurse's perception of incivility in the workplace
  • Impacts of cognitive rehearsal training for ER nurses on confronting bullying and lateral violence
  • Importance of implementing a psychiatric triage algorithm
  • Use of simulation-based emergency to train ER nurses on responding to emergency situations
  • Benefits of using emergency nursing competency scale for school nurses
  • The lived experiences of ER nurses encountering patients with mental illness in prehospital emergency care
  • Knowledge and practice of nursing students regarding bioterrorism and emergency preparedness
  • Impacts of continuous competency assessment and education for ER nurses
  • Emergency nurses' knowledge, attitude, and perceived barriers regarding pain Management in Resource-Limited Settings
  • Effect of problem-based learning on severity classification agreement by triage nurses
  • Effects of a standardized patient-based simulation in anaphylactic shock management for new graduate ER nurses
  • Emergency Room nurses' perceptions of leadership, teamwork, turnover intention and patient safety
  • Attitudes of ER nurses towards patient safety
  • Factors affecting patient satisfaction in nurse-led triage in ED
  • ER Nurses' experience with emergency room psychiatry services
  • Impacts of CPR training for ER nurses on patient outcomes
  • Nurses' attitudes to supporting people who are suicidal in emergency departments

Telemetry Capstone Ideas and Topics

  • Improving cardiac telemetry use
  • Improving Quiet-at-Night on a telemetry unit
  • Reducing Cardiac Telemetry Alarm Fatigue
  • Impacts of alarm fatigues on patient safety
  • Evaluation of Telemetry Utilization in Medical-Surgical Unit
  • Customizing Physiologic Alarms in the Emergency Department
  • Impacts of default order set settings on telemetry ordering
  • Strategies for transitioning Novice Nurses to Expert Nurses in Progressive Telemetry Care
  • Preventing stress and burnout among nurses in the telemetry unit
  • Strategies to optimize the use of telemetry in nursing training
  • Is simulation efficient for telemetry nurse trainees?
  • An Evidence-Based Approach to Reducing Cardiac Telemetry Alarm Fatigue.
  • Physiologic monitoring alarm load on medical/surgical floors of a community hospital.
  • Impacts of alarm management program on alarm fatigue among telemetry and ICU RNs
  • Benefits of customizing physiologic alarms in ED
  • Effect of a Nurse-Managed Telemetry Discontinuation Protocol on Monitoring Duration, Alarm Frequency, and Adverse Patient Events
  • Impacts of introducing patient-customized monitoring bundle in decreasing alarm fatigue in ICU
  • Alternative strategies for cardiac alarm management on telemetry units
  • Role of monitor watchers in decreasing alarm burden of nurses
  • Stress and burnout among telemetry nurses

Geriatrics/Gerontology Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Perspectives of nursing students undertaking a practicum at a gerontology facility on their experience
  • Geriatric assessment in daily oncology practice for nurses and allied health care professionals
  • Hospital nurses' perception of the geriatric nurse practice environment
  • Use of a screening tool and primary health care gerontology nurse specialist for high-needs older people
  • Competency and skills of nurses practicing in elderly homes
  • Assessing the perceptions and attitudes among geriatric resource nurses
  • Attitudes of nurses on physical restraint for hospitalized elderly people
  • Role of geriatric nurses in addressing falls among elderly patients
  • Strategies to reduce restraint use for older adults in acute care
  • Strategies to care for elderly patients with schizophrenia and dementia
  • Addressing the nutritional needs of elderly adults who are homeless through a community nursing center
  • Strategies to promote physical activity among the elderly patients
  • How to improve the quality of life of elderly adults who are veterans
  • Caring for elderly adults with cerebrovascular accidents
  • Burnout and stress among registered nurses working in nursing homes
  • Addressing social isolation and loneliness among elderly patients
  • The application of robots in dementia care
  • Benefits of administering vitamin C supplements to elderly adults
  • Impacts of tai chi and yoga on improving the health of elderly patients
  • Nonpharmacological interventions to improve sleep patterns among elderly patients
  • Effectiveness of geriatric nurses getting trained in dementia care
  • Use of social media to reduce depression among elderly adults
  • Role of community health nurses in addressing osteoporosis among the elderly populations

To find more topics you can search for nursing capstone project examples pdf online and peer-reviewed nursing journals. You can be inspired to choose a unique, memorable, and manageable topic.

Final Remarks!

For topics on nursing informatics, check out our exclusive blog article, where we share a list of nursing informatics topics that you can choose for your capstone project.

Related Reading:

  • Critical nursing research topics for nursing papers
  • Writing an outstanding personal nursing philosophy paper.
  • Is WGU BSN worth it?
  • Tips and tricks for shadow health assessments

The main goal of a capstone project is for the nursing student to demonstrate their ability to identify specific health issues, conduct community assessments, and develop evidence-based strategies, interventions, or plans to address these critical health problems in the healthcare environment.

It is also a chance for students to demonstrate their awareness of the importance of nursing research and the nursing profession/practice in addressing societal challenges. It also helps students disseminate knowledge on pertinent issues that face the rapidly changing healthcare industry from the nursing perspective within a scholarly environment. A nursing student who completes a nursing capstone is ready to undertake leadership, administration, management, and educational functions, which promotes career growth and development.

We understand that the senior nursing capstone is an intensive and demanding project, so we have writers who can help you at every stage. As you work with your nursing capstone instructor, preceptor, or supervisor (visiting nurse), our nursing capstone project writers will work with you to produce relevant papers.

After choosing your topic from the list above or developing one of your own, you can get help from our website. As a leading nursing writing website , we guarantee 100% confidential, private, reliable, and available service. You will also get 100% original paper written from scratch using nursing lingo, format, and peer-reviewed sources published in the last 5 years.

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Public Health Students Propose Solutions To Mobility Challenges On Texas A&M Campus

A student rides a bike past the Academic Building on the Texas A&M University campus.

Eight seniors in the Texas A&M University School of Public Health used their capstone course project to analyze the growing use of skateboards, bicycles and scooters as well as personal electric vehicles on the university’s sprawling campus. Many of the team’s recommendations are being considered for implementation by Texas A&M’s administration to make the campus a safer place for pedestrians, bikes and other wheeled devices, and full-size vehicles.

The students — Janeth Aviles ’24, Adrian Barajas ’24, Brianna Dorotik ’24, Laticia Ellankil ’24, Katherine McGee ’24, Hadley McGhee ’24, Chase Parrish ’24 and Yulissa Rodriguez ’24 — were part of the PHLT 445 Honors Capstone course, taught by Jennifer Griffith, who had support from instructors Tommy McDonald and Adam Pickens. The required course was a culmination of the students’ undergraduate academic experience.

Unlike the School of Public Health’s traditional capstones in which students responded to a hypothetical request for proposals, the honors capstone course required students to work closely with a real client on a complex challenge.

“The goal for the entire semester was that they were listening to what the client identified as major needs and major issues or concerns around micromobility safety and use on campus,” Griffith said. “Then they had to determine what they would do as public health students to develop a plan that would address the challenge.”

Analyzing a complex challenge

The use of skateboards, bicycles, scooters and other personal vehicles on and around Texas A&M’s campus has expanded significantly as the growing student body navigates the 5,200-acre campus. The human- or electric-powered vehicles are lightweight (under 500 pounds) and low-speed (less than 20 miles per hour). Texas A&M Transportation Services’ 2023 Mobility Survey found a 16 percent increase in the use of these options as the primary means of transportation on campus and a 12 percent increase in students making these vehicles their primary way to get to campus.

Now a regular part of campus life, these vehicles also pose a real safety concern for  people who are distracted . “The days are over when individuals can walk out of a building with over-the-ear headphones on and engrossed in watching what is playing on the phone without looking out for their own personal safety,” said Byron Prestridge ’94, manager of Texas A&M Transportation Services’ Sustainable Transportation Department.

Although there wasn’t data about micromobility-related mishaps available for Texas A&M, the public health team did identify this type of data at a peer institution, Arizona State University. That data indicated that 25 percent of pedestrians reported a crash or near-miss within the last year, 81 percent were hit by someone on a bike, e-scooter or skateboard, and 89 percent of the crashes resulted in an injury.

Not surprisingly, many Texas A&M stakeholders are concerned. The Transportation Services’ survey found that 52 percent of pedestrians believed that current university infrastructure inadequately separated pedestrians and cyclists.

In developing solutions, Texas A&M Transportation Services leaders wanted the School of Public Health team’s project to propose solutions respectful to all campus users.

“One of my unique challenges to this group was not to give into pointing fingers and isolating one group,” Prestridge said. “It isn’t just the responsibility of those that choose to use these devices. We’re in a new paradigm and we’re all going to have to learn how to adjust.”

Presenting recommendations

A student rides a bike past the Academic Building on the Texas A&M University campus on a foggy day.

The student team spent the spring semester researching the issue, including analyzing data and developing a budget and evaluation plan. The students also met with stakeholders, including representatives from the Texas A&M University Police Department, University Health Services and the Division of Marketing and Communications.

At the end of the semester, the team gave a presentation of its recommendations to Prestridge and key Texas A&M Transportation Services leaders and allies.

“They didn’t need notes or prompts in their final presentation,” Prestridge said. “They were passionate about what they were talking about, which to me meant they were fully engaged. This wasn’t an exercise for them; they were engaged with intent and passion, and it really showed in their work product.”

The team identified a knowledge gap between vehicle users and Texas A&M’s regulations. The students noted in their presentation that even those who are aware of the rules tended to be noncompliant.

Using this information, the students recommended a three-year, three-phase implementation plan.

The first phase focuses on preparing online infrastructure. The team’s recommendations included implementation of a registration website for scooters, bikes, skateboard and other personal vehicles that are used on campus; having an acknowledgement form for students to complete on the university’s Howdy Portal; and creating an online resource center.

The second phase involves creating an awareness campaign. The team noted that the recommended process would increase awareness of vehicle safety and the university’s regulations, which would lead to a reduction of on-campus traffic violations, accidents and congestion. In the long term, the team believed the recommendations would improve user safety.

The third phase focuses on enhancing physical infrastructure. The team recommended implementing gated parking and creating Howdy Zones in high-student-traffic areas to encourage “Good Ag” behaviors of greeting each other with “ Howdy .” It also suggested identifying detour routes for no-ride zones that reroute users and establishing “kiss-and-drop zones” to address traffic congestion in areas where students and others are dropped off.

Applying knowledge

The capstone project team members came away with a deeper understanding of how to integrate their undergraduate learning and how to use skills such as collaboration and communication, which they will need in their respective careers.

Many team members described feeling challenged when they learned the focus of their project.

“It is easy to see how public transportation is a public health issue, but we didn’t necessarily have transportation-specific expertise from our classwork,” said Parrish, who completed his bachelor’s degree in public health and plans to attend medical school. “It was surprising at first how little we knew about the specific topic going into it and how much we had to research.”

This capstone project challenged the students to stretch beyond what they believed they could do.

“Our professors said, ‘Here’s the issue. Now go and fix it.’ Everything was completely in our boat, which at first seemed overwhelming and we were drowning at first,” said Barajas, a resident of Laredo who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in public health and will be attending  Texas A&M School of Law  in the fall. “But once they gave us the assignment, it inspired our creativity. We had to figure out where, when and how to implement the recommendations and what the budget would be. We quickly took the project apart and divided it up, started researching, and taught ourselves about the issues.”

Ultimately, the project bolstered each team member’s confidence. “I learned about the capability that I possess as an undergraduate public health student,” said Rodriguez, a resident of Laredo who earned her bachelor’s degree in public health and will pursue a career in health policy and management. “While there were times in which I doubted that I could be successful in creating a project of this capacity, I ultimately demonstrated that I do have the potential to utilize a variety of critical thinking skills to develop an intuitive presentation.”

The team also appreciated the opportunity to give back to Texas A&M before they graduated.

“I walked two miles from my apartment through all of campus to get to the School of Public Health for my classes, so I got to see all of the mobility issues, with people walking, using these micromobility devices, and trying to drive through campus but can’t because of the constant crowds,” said Parrish, who is from Fort Worth. “Since this will continue to be an issue, I think this project has given us an important role in trying to make things safer in terms of these huge crowds that are moving around Texas A&M’s campus. That’s a cool opportunity.”

A bicycle rider navigates a sidewalk full of pedestrians in Academic Plaza on the Texas A&M University campus.

This article by Dorian Martin originally appeared on Vital Record .

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Capstones and culminating projects.

Many SPS graduate programs require students to undertake a capstone course or similar final project. Capstone courses can take the form of a workshop or independent study. Regardless of their title, such courses provide SPS students with a unique opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the skills and knowledge acquired through their studies in replacement of a master’s thesis. 

Working in teams or independently, capstone students solve real-world problems for a range of organizations. For example, the Sports Management Supervised Research Projects have had NFL staff as clients; Sustainability Management M.S. students have consulted with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and Technology Management M.S. students have worked with mentors from BP, Goldman Sachs, HBO, Prudential, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 

For the culminating project of their master’s degree, SPS students present their capstone project methods, findings, and recommendations before faculty, students, and industry clients, including government and nonprofits. You may find these projects below. 

Bioethics Capstones

Emily Beer - Building Patient Protection into Medical Implant Development and DisseminationMaster’s thesis: Biomedical implants’ technology, industry, and ethical considerations Spring 2023
Eric Cyphers - Mistake of Future Roadmap—Getting Your Act TogetherMaster’s thesis: The Patient Test Result Information Act and its healthcare, legal, ethical, and socioeconomic implications Spring 2023
Samantha Dyar - Adolescent Cancer Patients and AddictionMaster’s thesis: Adolescent cancer treatment and mitigating the risk of opioid addiction Spring 2023
Rebecca Grinberg - Applied Behavioral Analysis—as a Treatment for ASDMaster’s thesis: The ethics of treating autism spectrum disorder with applied behavioral analysis Spring 2023
Piet Hinoul - The Price is Right(eous)Master’s thesis: Fair profit in the medical-industrial complex  Spring 2023
Rachel Levy - Planned Oocyte Cryopreservation—Past, Present And FutureMaster’s thesis: The risks, costs, and potential rewards of planned oocyte cryopreservation  Spring 2023
Peri Lowell - Patchwork Policy: Organ Transplantation in the U.S.Master’s thesis:  Inequity and its impact on organ donations and transplants Spring 2023
Avi Pion - Finding Solace in the Air We BreatheMaster’s thesis: Investing in the social determinants of health as a form of preventative care Spring 2023

  Learn more about the program

Construction Administration Capstones

Lewis Reddick - Conquer Urban BlightConstruction Capstone, exploring solutions for complex construction challenges Fall 2023

Learn more about the program

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Capstones

Kevana Funches - Resolving the Cycle: Minneapolis' Reactive Nature to Incidents of Police BrutalityCommunity case study: Minneapolis community and police relations Fall 2023
Merritt Johnson - Revolutionary Tragedy: Moving Forward in the Aftermath of George FloydCommunity case study: Minneapolis community and police relations Fall 2023
Theresa Klepper - Google-Nest Merger: Accessibility as a Workplace ShiftOrganizational case study: Google & Nest Merger Fall 2023
Gonzalo Miranda - Yemen in the Shadows: The Reality Faced by ChildrenInternational case study: Yemen, post-Arab Spring Fall 2023
Chuyue Zhang - Google Walkout: Re-establishing Trust After Corporation RetaliationOrganizational case study: Google & Nest Merger Fall 2023

Strategic Communication Capstones

Strategic Communication Capstone ExperienceCapstone Project - Communication Strategy for legacy publishing brand n/a

Sustainability Management Capstones

WCS Bronx Zoo Events and Catering Department Final Report: Net Zero MissionWildlife Conservation Society - Events & Catering Department Fall 2023
Building a Greener Future: Leveraging Environmental Data in Real Estate     OSCRE International Fall 2023
Ocean Awareness and Sustainability: Hotel Engagement & ProgrammingOcean Rescue Alliance International Fall 2023
Gamifying the Race to Net-Zero BuildingsUrban Green Council, City Atlas Fall 2023
A Rare Approach to the Environment: Developing a Framework for Strategic PlanningRare Fall 2023
Finding Refuge: A Plan for Sustainable Humanitarian Operations at International Rescue Committee (IRC)International Rescue Committee Fall 2023
Community Engagement Plan: City of Palm Coast      City of Palm Coast, FL      Fall 2023
Expedite the Adoption of GRI 13: Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Fishing in the United StatesGlobal Reporting Initiative Fall 2023
Seaside Sustainability Strategic Consulting PlanSeaside Sustainability Summer 2023
Removing Policy Barriers to Distributed Renewable Energy in AgriculturePower for All Summer 2023
Zamalek Island Ecosystem Services AssessmentZamalek Association for Services Development, Cairo, Egypt Spring 2023
Climate Adaptation Project Impact Assessment GuideC40 Cities Finance Facilities (CFF) Spring 2023
Innovation in Forest & Biodiversity ConservationThe Overbrook Foundation Spring 2023
The Business Cost of Corporate Conflict with Communities Impacted by Extractive ProjectsAmazon Watch Spring 2023
Recommendations for RGGI States to Leverage Auction Proceeds Given the Inflation Reduction ActThe Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Spring 2023
Marine Park Alliance Strategic PlanMarine Park Alliance Spring 2023
Sustainable Business Model for Coastal Resilience in South FloridaOcean Rescue Alliance International Spring 2023
Scaling the Ground Source Heat Pump Industry in New York State New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO) Fall 2022
Stand for Trees, Forests, and Biodiversity The Overbrook Foundation, JustChange, Rainforest Alliance  Fall 2022
Empowering Environmental Stewardship in Florida Title 1 Students through Coral Restoration Education Coral Restoration Foundation Fall 2022
Integrating Health and Equity into an Economic Valuation of Nature OneNature and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Fall 2022
Understanding Sustainability Portfolio Risks and OpportunitiesTrinity Church Wall Street Fall 2022
Advancing ElectrificationOffice of Sustainability, Ithaca, NY Fall 2022
U.S. Supermarket Refrigeration: Most Effective Policies for Achieving Net Zero EmissionsNorth American Sustainable Refrigeration Council Fall 2022
Workforce Development for Clean Energy Economy in NJ & PAEnergy Efficiency Alliance Summer 2022
Environmental Impact Measurement Tool for Agricultural StartupRe-Nuble Summer 2022
Strategy for Tracking and Reducing Scope 3 Freight EmissionsColumbia University Summer 2022
Sustainable Model Transit-Orientated Design and PolicyTri-State Transportation Campaign Spring 2022
Evaluating the Future Availability of Clean Electricity for Sea-Tac AirportPort of Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Aviation Division Spring 2022
Saving Wild Spaces: Ecotourism as a Tool for ConservationWild Tomorrow Fund Spring 2022
Advancing Environmental Justice in the Private SectorEPA Smart Sectors Program Spring 2022
Building Park Management Capacity among Parks Groups in NYCFriends of Morningside Park Spring 2022
African Forestry Landscape Restoration InitiativeWorld Resources Institute’s (WRI) Global Restoration Initiative (GRI) Spring 2022

Sustainability Science Capstones

Estimating the Environmental Impact of the Shift to E-Commerce in New York CityOpen Plans Fall 2023
From Carbon Removal to Credits - an Assessment FrameworkThe International REC Standard  Spring 2023
Sustainability Analysis of the Dirty Heating Fuel Switch Under NYC’s Clean Heat ProgramNYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Fall 2022
Risk Assessment and Monitoring Plan for Buchanan-Verplanck Elementary SchoolIndian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board  Spring 2022

Technology Management Capstones

Ariana Cakala - FlexiveReinventing workout industry by providing personalized application, individual workout space and equipment at hand. Summer 2023
James Rogers - Fitness for Future: Excellence in Activity (F3EA)Revolutionize and Replace the current physical fitness standards and testing in the United States military. Summer 2023
Vandita Verma - Nutri ByteGamechanger in the nutrition industry by preparing cooked meals and delivering them to your doorstep. Summer 2023
Sophia Wei - DineDate: Where Foodies UniteDating app that brings foodies together based on their food passion and dining experiences. Summer 2023

Program on the Environment

  • College of the Environment
  • University of Washington

Capstone projects database

This capstone project database is currently being built. Once projects complete migration, the old “past capstone projects” page will be replaced with this one.

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Red Beets? Try Green Beats: Sustaining Melodies, Harmonizing Futures

Grace stevens, strategic alignment in information systems and corporate sustainability: a knowledge management perspective, lia pecunies, visualizing a path towards sustainability: a model of data management for the future, moving beyond the like: crafting captions for meaningful environmental engagement, jillian evans, skyrocketing social media for small businesses: from ground zero to success, rexford curtiss, life and death: how does western hemlock mortality in a city park affect pileated woodpecker livelihoods, muwei zhang, exploring the gifts of community gardening: environmentally, economically, and socially, protecting seattle’s urban canopy: policy revisions & education, lauren williams, how hospitals can focus on health in regards to the environment, keara taylor, carbon, communication, and climate: how we can reach net zero with less than 1000 acres, midori sylwester, centering environmental justice: fostering equitable and sustainable communities in the classroom, assessing the impact of european green crab on native coastal fish size using citizen science, miriam stearns, the power of purchasing and partnerships: government money makes sustainability go ‘round, what are we wasting: a deep dive analysis into public waste receptacles and waste characterization, jacob smith, breaking the sound barrier: promoting marine environmental outreach across formal and informal settings, brit skolnik, fostering youth engagement in sustainability; discovering motivating factors and pathways to action, stephanie schmidt-pathmann, interdisciplinary environmental education, immigrant support, and the fight against climate change, john romano-olsen, sustainability within hospitals: how hospitals can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using sustainability frameworks to track, benchmark, & find solutions, timothy reagan, eating dirt can be good actually: a research analysis of early-childhood environmental education, zola ontiveros, wellbeing over waste: engaging youth on addressing plastic pollution, issac olson, playing for keeps: multimodal learning in outdoor environmental education, ruby o'malley, farming in the desert: equitable and sustainable agriculture in arid climates, miranda o'herron, evaluating outreach opportunities within rainwise to increase participation in homeowner green infrastructure and support clean water goals, quynhnhu nguyen, go rainwise: outreach and its impacts on community perception of green stormwater infrastructure, modernizing environmental education: integrating telemetry data into academic practices, emily muterspaugh, healing from the inside out: a research study on the impacts of outdoor environmental learning on overall student well-being, faith murray, how invasive blackberry affects soil conditons and the implications for ecological restoration, colin macdonald, measuring the sustainable impact of a construction tool reuse system, forage fish distribution across tidal elevations: implications for habitat management, tabitha lederer, compostable products: breaking down barriers and building up solutions, evaluating social infrastructure’s impacts on community networks to build resilience, exploring personal food sovereignty: the relationship between perception and action in the food justice movement, maddie keating, analyzing western hemlock decline in seward park, eric holmquist, who’s been touching your food: an analysis of local food systems and their impact on the community, economy, and environment, lizzie hackett, sustainable business communication: strategies for effectively conveying sustainability efforts to consumers, valerie gwyneth, diving into marine science: using telemetry to teach ecological responsibility, grace glisson, growing a better tomorrow: exploring the role of community gardens in promoting sustainability and community well-being, jayce gilles, living in a city doesn’t have to mean living disconnected from nature, graham gaimari, snow problem: how forest adaptation strategies can mitigate the effects of warming winters, adaptive sampling strategies to capture shifting fishery stocks in the eastern bering sea, dylan fournier.

Advancing Sustainability through UW-Madison’s Sustainable Systems Engineering Capstone Projects

The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s interactive online Sustainable Systems Engineering (SSE) Master’s Degree program is built on the strengths of UW-Madison as a leader in engineering, energy and environmental sciences. One of the components of this program is the SSE Capstone course, which serves as the culmination of students’ master’s degree work.

The course is designed to integrate the knowledge and tools acquired in the program and bring them to bear upon a problem. Students select a problem, creatively develop a solution, and evaluate the feasibility of the solution. Program faculty are continually impressed with their students’ ability to apply what they learned in the classroom to a real problem.

The spring 2024 SSE Capstone students demonstrated their expertise with a variety of impactful projects. The three projects below are great examples of how our students are advancing sustainability through their project work.

  • The City of Madison is on the verge of implementing the largest geothermal district heating and cooling system in Madison as a component of the renovation for the Triangle neighborhood. A neighborhood that has around 400 units to grow into about 1500 units all of which could be powered by this geothermal system. Students created an information website that was shared via community mailer. Visit the website here.
  • Students created a YouTube video of a sustainable desert home to showcase fundamentals of sustainable building design. Check out the video here .
  • Students created a traditional white paper on EV Battery life cycle assessment. Read the white paper here.

These projects exemplify one of the core tenants of the UW – Madison interactive online engineering master’s degrees: the focus on industry experience in classroom work and instruction. We are proud of the work that our students accomplished this semester.

Visit our website for more information about the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s interactive online Sustainable Systems Engineering (SSE) Master’s Degree program.

7 MCP Capstone Projects Funded and Published

Congratulations to City and Regional Planning Master of City Planning students Jacquelyn Broader, Angie Chen, Mallika Gupta, Katie Heuser, Andre Soucy, Sandra Romero, and Winnie Zhuang (MS/MCP) on receiving fellowship funds from the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) Berkeley and the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (PSR), the Regional University Transportation Center, to conduct research for their capstone project.

“ITS Berkeley is pleased to support these seven students with their capstone research,” says ITS Berkeley Director Daniel Rodriguez. “We had a number of tremendous applications and are excited to see the results during capstone presentations.”

The fellowship award program is administered by ITS Berkeley and supported by federal funding from the US Department of Transportation through PSR, the US Region 9 center comprised of California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, and the Pacific Islands. PSR is led by the METRANS Transportation Center, University of Southern California and includes the following partners: California State University, Long Beach, Northern Arizona University, Pima Community College, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Davis, University of California, Irvine, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Hawaii, and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 

Fellowship receivers are UC Berkeley graduate students in the Master’s in City Planning degree program in their second or third year of study and conducting research on their capstone project. Research related to topics consistent with PSR-UTC and UC-ITS priorities: Accessibility and Mobility for All; Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains; Labor in a Changing Transportation Landscape; and Housing and Transportation Linkages were encouraged and prioritized, though not be limited to.

Click on a person below to see their published paper.

what to do capstone project on

Jacquelyn Broader

Advisor: Karen Trapenberg Frick; MCP Project Title: Tapping In: Leveraging Open-Loop Fare Payments to Increase Financial Inclusion

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Advisor: Daniel Rodriguez; MCP Project Title: A Safe System Approach to Pedestrian High Injury Network Development in Oakland, California

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Mallika Gupta

Advisor: Daniel Rodriguez; MCP Project Title: Power to Pedal: A Gendered Analysis of the Barriers and Joys of Cycling in Oakland

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Katie Heuser

Advisor: Karen Trapenberg Frick; MCP Project Title: “Don’t Keep Us Out of the Revolution:” Understanding Desires for Accessibility for Autonomous Vehicle Rideshare in California

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Andre Soucy

Advisor: Charisma Acey; MCP Project Title: East Oakland Mobility Justice: A Case Study of the International Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit Project Safety and Displacement

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Sandra Romero

Advisor: Dan Chatman; MCP Project TItle: Universal Basic Mobility Pilots in Oakland and Los Angeles: Striking a Balance Between Accessibility and Sustainability

what to do capstone project on

Winnie Zhuang

Advisor: Marta Gonzalez; MCP Project Title: Transit to California’s National Parks: An Assessment of Accessibility and Policy-Level Barriers


  1. How to Write a Capstone Project

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  2. 50+ Best Capstone Project Ideas for Students in 2022

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  3. What is the Capstone Project

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  4. 140 Cutting-Edge Capstone Project Ideas for 2023

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  5. 240 Innovative Capstone Project Ideas For Students

    what to do capstone project on

  6. How to Write a Capstone Project: The Complete Guide

    what to do capstone project on


  1. Capstone Presentation

  2. CH: 23

  3. Exp19_Access_Ch02_Capstone

  4. The Capstone Project

  5. Capstone Project Demonstration Video



  1. How to Do a Capstone Project: A Step-by-Step Approach

    Conducting a Comprehensive Literature Review. A comprehensive literature review is a critical step in your capstone project. It involves a systematic examination of existing research to build a foundation for your study. Invest time in writing a compelling literature review as it is supposed to pinpoint gaps or unanswered questions and hypotheses.

  2. 149 Capstone Project Ideas & Examples

    Capstone Project Examples. Below, we've listed 150 capstone project examples in various fields. Think of all of these focus questions and ideas as jumping-off points. Some are very broad, while others are much more specific. Your capstone project will most likely fall under the "specific" category (see "feasibility and scope" above ...

  3. How to Write a Capstone Project: The Complete Guide

    Create and stick to a structure for the project and write-up. Presentation and flow of ideas play a bit part in the impression you make and the points you will get. Use only reliable, academically relevant sources. Make use of primary sources wherever possible, because this gives your project credibility.

  4. How to Start a Capstone Project: A Comprehensive Guide

    A capstone project is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic experience for students, typically at the end of an academic program. It involves research, problem-solving, and practical application of theoretical knowledge. How do I choose a topic for my capstone project?

  5. Everything About Capstone Projects: An In-Depth Guide

    The capstone project marks the exhilarating, and sometimes daunting, summit. This culminating assignment is a staple in many degree programs, providing students with a unique opportunity to synthesize their learning, apply their skills to real-world challenges, and showcase their readiness for the professional world. ...

  6. What are Capstone Projects? The Complete Guide to Capstone Projects in

    The complete guide to High School Capstone Projects! This comprehensive guide explores the purpose, benefits, and implementation of capstone projects, from ideation to presentation. Discover how capstones foster holistic learning, skill development, and real-world application. Get insights, tips, and success stories for creating impactful capstone experiences.

  7. What is a capstone project? And why is it important?

    The capstone project is a unique opportunity to carry out independent group research in order to devise an innovative solution for a real-world problem. While a project of this scope and scale can be challenging, it can also be very rewarding. The capstone project is usually the final assignment and plays a vital role in preparing students for ...

  8. What Is a Capstone Project?

    A capstone project is a multifaceted academic experience typically required for students during the final year of an academic program. It is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary project that often requires students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their academic careers to solve real-world problems or issues.

  9. What's a Capstone Project? And Why Do I Have to Take It?

    The capstone course is the last class in a program of study. It's called a capstone because it represents a crowning achievement as a capstone does in architecture. For some degree programs, a capstone course may require a project and subsequent presentation; for others, it may include an assessment exam to test interdisciplinary skills (like ...

  10. Your Complete Guide to a Successful Capstone Project

    A capstone project is a major, culminating project for a student in higher education. Generally, it is the final step of a college degree program, such as a Bachelor's or Master's degree.

  11. A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make a Capstone Project Proposal

    A capstone project proposal aims to outline the plan for a capstone project, a research project or creative work that students typically complete at the end of their studies. The proposal is typically the first step in completing a capstone project and is usually submitted to a faculty member or committee for review and approval before the ...

  12. What Is a Capstone Project: Definition, Types, Writing Steps

    A capstone project is a comprehensive, culminating academic endeavor undertaken by students typically in their final year of study. It synthesizes their learning experiences, requiring students to apply the knowledge, skills, and competencies gained throughout their academic journey. A capstone project aims to address a real-world problem or ...

  13. What is a Capstone Course?

    A capstone project in college is a culmination of knowledge and experience that occurs at the end of a student's an academic program. The capstone project in college is the apogee, or completion marker, of a student's coursework leading to the culmination of their program with a degree in their chosen field of study.

  14. Capstone Project: Definition, Types, Structure, and Examples

    A capstone project in college is a final independent project undertaken in a program of study designed to assess the skills, knowledge, and expertise acquired by the student. As the name suggests, it is the capstone or crowning achievement of academic life and the last class taken before graduation. It gives you the final credits required to ...

  15. How to Write a Capstone Project Outline: Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 7: Go over your paper one more time. Review and make necessary revisions to your paper. Check for clarity, completeness, and coherence. Ensure that your outline reflects the scope and depth of your project. 💡 Extra tip: Seek feedback from your capstone project supervisor, peers, or mentors.

  16. What Is a Capstone Project? All You Need to Know on College ...

    A capstone project accordingly is the crowning jewel of a student's high school or college career. It encapsulates what they have learned while acknowledging their core interests. Most capstone projects are long papers. On the high school or collegiate level, a student may write a paper dozens of pages in length.

  17. What Is A Capstone Course? Everything You Need To Know

    Capstone courses typically last at least a semester and sometimes include internships or volunteering. A capstone course typically involves a project such as a final paper, a portfolio, a ...

  18. What is a Capstone Project?

    No matter what you call it, a capstone project: Is something you complete as an undergrad, usually in your senior year; Will allow you to deeply engage with a topic and showcase your subject knowledge; Is in partnership with instructors; Is a blend of in-depth research, reflection, and will evolve over many drafts; Can be 15 to 50+ pages in length and take months to complete

  19. 10 of the Most Common Capstone Course Questions Answered

    Question 6: How do I accomplish my Capstone project? Answer: You build your Capstone based on an inspiration for greater knowledge of certain subject matter, idea or concept. You research, collect, organize and produce an analysis of the information from both primary and secondary sources. The major part of this nonexperimental, qualitative ...

  20. What is a capstone project? And why is it important?

    What is a capstone project? And why is it important? As the former Head of Sponsored Content for and, Stephanie created and published a wide range of articles for universities and business schools across the world. She attended the University of Portsmouth where she earned a BA in English Language and an MA in ...

  21. How to Write a Capstone Project?

    Students are often asked to select a topic of interest, conduct research, track their process, and create an original final project to share the entire process and findings. Capstone projects rarely culminate in a single paper. They often involve portfolios and/or a multimedia presentation of some sort as well as an oral presentation.

  22. Capstone Project Ideas and Topics for Nursing (ADN & BSN-DNP)

    Most nursing students prefer undertaking a capstone nursing course. A capstone project is an individualized research project on a specific nursing topic of your professional or personal interest. It is usually completed within between 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the nursing school and the program you are pursuing.

  23. Capstone Project Tips: How to Plan, Start, and Finish Your Project

    Working on a capstone project can be challenging, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can make it through to the end successfully! Good luck! Keep your timeline in mind. When you're working on your Capstone project, it's important to keep your timeline in mind. You want to make sure that you're staying on track and making ...

  24. Public Health Students Propose Solutions To Mobility Challenges On

    Eight seniors in the Texas A&M University School of Public Health used their capstone course project to analyze the growing use of skateboards, bicycles and scooters as well as personal electric vehicles on the university's sprawling campus. Many of the team's recommendations are being considered for implementation by Texas A&M's administration to make the campus a safer place for ...

  25. Academics Capstones and Culminating Projects

    Capstones and Culminating Projects. Many SPS graduate programs require students to undertake a capstone course or similar final project. Capstone courses can take the form of a workshop or independent study. Regardless of their title, such courses provide SPS students with a unique opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the skills and knowledge ...

  26. Program on the Environment » Capstone projects database

    4. 5. ». This capstone project database is currently being built. Once projects complete migration, the old "past capstone projects" page will be replaced with this one.

  27. Advancing Sustainability through UW-Madison's Sustainable Systems

    The spring 2024 SSE Capstone students demonstrated their expertise with a variety of impactful projects. The three projects below are great examples of how our students are advancing sustainability through their project work. Madison Geothermal: The Largest Geothermal Project in the City of Madison

  28. What Is a Juris Doctor (JD) Degree?

    Capstone project. Not every law school requires a capstone project, but it may be worthwhile to complete one because it can provide you with an opportunity to apply what you've learned. Capstone projects tend to take the form of a legal document, such as a brief or draft complaint, or a scholarly article that might be placed in a law review. ...

  29. 7 MCP Capstone Projects Funded and Published

    7 MCP Capstone Projects Funded and Published. Congratulations to City and Regional Planning Master of City Planning students Jacquelyn Broader, Angie Chen, Mallika Gupta, Katie Heuser, Andre Soucy, Sandra Romero, and Winnie Zhuang (MS/MCP) on receiving fellowship funds from the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) Berkeley and the Pacific ...

  30. What Is a Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree?

    An MPH is a master's degree that is designed to provide graduate students with the skills you'll need to work with various populations on their health and well-being. There are in-person programs, online programs, and hybrid programs, all designed to suit each student's unique needs. Because public health is such a broad topic, you may find ...