
What Is a Digital Presentation & How to Get Good At It

Learn the basics of presentation decks and how to create one. Explore examples and tips to make your own deck more effective and engaging.

whats a digital presentation

Dominika Krukowska

16 minute read

What is a digital presentation

Short answer

What is a presentation.

A presentation is a slide-based visual storytelling aid. It’s used for transferring information and emotion to an audience with visual, vocal, and textual communication.

The purpose of a presentation is to help the audience understand a subject matter. Presentations are used in business, academics, and entertainment. They can be made in PowerPoint, PDF, or webpage format.

Why people hate presentations (including yours)

Have you ever sat through a digital presentation that felt like it was dragging on forever? Or worse, have you been the one giving the presentation when people’s eyes glazed over?

This feeling of agonizing boredom is called Death by PowerPoint, and it means losing your audience's attention. They won't remember anything you said, and probably couldn't care less.

I’m going to show you how to never again suffer from Death by PowerPoint by avoiding the common PowerPoint pitfalls, immediately engage your audience, capture their interest, and make them care.

Let's dive in!

What is the main purpose of a presentation?

The purpose of a presentation is to communicate information or ideas to an audience in a clear and effective manner. The reasons for making a presentation can be to inform, persuade, motivate, educate, entertain, or simply share knowledge or experiences.

The goal of a presentation can be to help your audience understand complex concepts, make informed decisions, or take action based on the information you present.

In business settings, presentations are often used to pitch products or services, report on progress or performance, or make recommendations to stakeholders.

What are the 2 main types of presentations?

When it comes to creating a presentation, there are 2 primary types: (1) speech presentations and (2) digital presentations (made for reading). There are key takeaways for nailing each presentation type. Take note of them if you intend to get good at both.

Reading presentations

Speech presentations

Digital presentations (Reading presentations)

Digital presentations, on the other hand, are presentations that the audience can access on their own computer or phone without the presenter being physically present. These presentations require a different set of skills and techniques to keep the audience engaged.

Essentials for improving your digital presentations:

  • Written clarity is critical: Since your audience will be reading your presentation, it's essential to keep your content clear and concise. Say more with less.
  • Show, don't tell: Use supporting visuals to help illustrate your points and make your presentation more engaging.
  • Animation and annotation: Use animations and annotations to direct your audience's attention to the right place at the right time, keeping them engaged throughout. there are plenty of free animation software to help you create these.
  • Personalization: Make your audience feel like you're speaking directly to them by personalizing your presentation. Use inclusive language and address their pain points, needs, and interests.

Speech presentations (Face to face)

Speech presentations are the classic type of presentation where a speaker presents to an audience in person. These presentations are usually given at conferences or meetings, and can now also take place virtually through platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype.

Essentials for improving your speech presentations:

  • Less written, more spoken: Speech presentations are all about the spoken word, so it's crucial to avoid cramming too much text onto your slides. Focus on speaking to your audience instead.
  • Body language and voice: In a speech presentation, your body language and tone of voice are essential to engaging your audience. Use humor, sarcasm, or suspense to keep your listeners interested.
  • Rapport: Making eye contact and using real-time communication can help you build rapport with your audience and make them feel involved in your presentation.

What are the main types of digital presentations?

Digital presentations come in all shapes and sizes, but understanding the main types can help you choose the right format for your message.

Business presentations

Marketing presentations, sales presentations, education and training presentations, personal presentations.

Education & training

Business presentations are used for showcasing company performance updates, introducing new products or services, discussing future plans with clients and partners, or briefing investors.

Whether it's an internal meeting or an external one with stakeholders, business presentations are all about delivering a clear and compelling message that drives the company forward.

Marketing presentations are visual decks used to present your target audience, marketing strategies, and campaign outcomes to prospective clients, ad agencies, or stakeholders.

Sales presentations are decks that contain details about the features, pricing, and main benefits of your offering, and are used during in-person meetings or online sales calls. They’re designed to help sales reps close deals or land new clients.

Education and training presentations are slide decks designed to teach new concepts and best practices to a variety of audiences, including students, employees, or clients.

A personal presentation is used during networking events, business conferences, or public speaking engagements. It’s used to share your key accomplishments and demonstrate your passion and the main values you stand for.

What makes a good presentation?

A good presentation captivates by establishing trust, engaging the audience with interactive elements, and weaving data into an enthralling narrative that sparks emotions and inspires, leaving a lasting impact.

There are 3 things any good presentation must do:

1. Establish trust and credibility

Without your audience trusting you and your authority you will never get them to listen. And to really listen, some say, they have to like you.

To establish yourself as a credible source of information, use relevant visuals, stories, and examples that showcase your expertise and experience, earning the trust of your audience.

2. Interact with the audience

Static PowerPoint slides are no longer enough to engage anyone. Presentations need to be informative but also entertaining.

Therefore, incorporating interactive elements into your presentations like animations, videos, calculators, quizzes , polls, and live infographics is now essential to grab attention and keep your audience engaged start-to-finish .

whats a digital presentation

3. Tell a good story

When it comes to digital presentations, it's not just about the information you share, but how you share it. That's where storytelling comes in! It's all about weaving a relatable narrative that resonates with your viewers, leaving them eager for more.

By blending your data and facts into an enthralling tale, you're not only dishing out knowledge but also sparking emotions and inspiration. It's a game-changer for grabbing your audience's attention and getting your message across effectively.example

How to create a good digital presentation?

To create a great digital presentation, you need to think beyond the slides and consider the experience you want your audience to have.

Think of your presentation as a journey that takes your audience from point A to point B - you need to ensure that every step of the way is memorable and captivating.

When creating a digital presentation, there's more to it than just putting together a few slides.

You can make it real-pretty, but to make it truly effective you need to have a clear understanding of where you want to take your audience, and tailor your content accordingly.

whats a digital presentation

Good presentation example

This example shows how interactive content can make a presentation that pulls you in and makes you feel part of the journey.

What should a presentation include?

Most decks contain the following 3 elements:

  • Introduction (the objectives and agenda of your presentation)
  • Main body (key talking points that you want to cover)
  • Conclusion (followed by a single, actionable call to action)

The specific outline of your presentation will depend on your particular use case.

Check out our dedicated guides for particular business presentations:

  • What to Include in a Pitch Deck (Slides 99% of Investors Want)
  • 7 elements of a great sales deck structure
  • What should a one-pager include?
  • What does a marketing deck include?

How to start and how to end a presentation?

Start your presentation with a strong hook that captures your audience's attention and makes them interested in what you have to say.

You can end your presentation with a thank you slide, but that would be too bad. For your words to carry beyond the last slide you’ll need to give your audience the next step.

Thank you slide

And so, you should end your presentation with a singular, clear call to action that inspires your audience to follow through on your message.

What are the essential building blocks of a successful presentation?

Almost everyone nowadays makes beautiful presentations. But that’s not enough to make them successful.

5 key elements that every successful presentation includes:

1. Compelling (human) story: Your presentation should tell a story that connects with your audience on a personal and emotional level, making your message relatable and memorable.

Here are 5 quick storytelling tips to deliver engaging presentations:

5 Quick Storytelling Tips

2. Clear structure: A clear structure helps your audience follow along and understand the flow of your presentation. This can be chronological, sequential, before-after, problem-solution-resolution, or any other simple and easy-to-follow structure.

3. Problem and solution: Your presentation should address a problem that your audience faces and offer a solution that your product or service can provide.

4. Actionable takeaways: Your presentation should leave your audience with actionable steps or insights that they can use to apply the information you've presented.

5. Supporting visuals (product demo) and data visualization (graphs, charts, and infographics): Using visuals to support your presentation can reinforce your message and help your audience retain the information you presented.

6 biggest mistakes to avoid when creating a presentation

It’s easy to forget that the presentation is for your audience rather than for you. You may want to tell them everything from A to Z, but they may only want to know ABC.

It’s even easier to take for granted that the things you understand are clear to others. But for them, these things are horribly complex (look up the curse of knowledge).

1. Using too much text: Overloading your slides with text can cause your audience to lose interest and detract from your main points. Keep your text to a minimum and use visuals to reinforce your key takeaways.

2. Going too much into detail: attention is a limited resource so you can’t fit everything in a single presentation. Tell your audience only what they really want (and need) to know. Avoid any technical details or complex jargon that does not contribute to the core of your message.

3. Neglecting interactivity: Failing to include interactive elements can cause your audience to disengage. Use polls, quizzes, and other interactive tools, including email newsletter software , to keep your audience engaged.

4. Ignoring the power of storytelling: Telling a compelling story is critical to capturing your audience's attention and leaving a lasting impression. Use relatable stories and examples that support your key points.

5. Poor use of visuals: Using low-quality visuals, irrelevant images, or poorly designed charts and graphs can detract from your presentation and cause confusion. Use high-quality visuals that reinforce your key ideas and are easy to understand.

6. Lack of personalization: If you don’t tailor your presentation to your audience's needs, interests, and level of understanding, your message will fall flat. Make sure to consider your audience's perspective and adjust your deck accordingly.

You don't want your presentation to end up looking like this:

Bad sales one-pager example

How to design a presentation?

Designing a presentation is a bit like decorating a cake - you want it to be visually appealing but also yummy to consume. You want it to leave your audience with a taste for more rather than a bad taste in their mouth.

Lucky for you there are practical steps for designing a presentation that truly wows your audience every time. There's also a more practical presentation maker for this than PowerPoint. You can use it to get much more engaging presntations.

Practical presentation design tips:

1. Choose a color scheme: Just like choosing the perfect icing color for your cake, selecting a color scheme that complements your brand can make your presentation feel more coherent. Or, if you’re pitching to a client, you can use their brand colors instead in order to impress them.

2. Use high-quality images: Using high-quality images is like adding a layer of delicious, rich frosting to your cake. It makes your presentation more visually interesting and helps support your key message.

3. Use consistent fonts: Using consistent fonts throughout your presentation can make it easier to read. Stick to two or three fonts that complement each other and use them consistently.

4. Incorporate visual aids: Visual aids like colorful sprinkles and creative cake toppers can take your cake to the next level. Similarly, graphs, charts, and infographics can help break text patterns and, therefore, make your presentation more memorable.

Check out our use-ready slide design with every type of slide you can think of designed according to our tips and best practices.

whats a digital presentation

Where to find presentation templates?

Scouring the web for presentation templates can be a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack - it's time-consuming, frustrating, and can leave you feeling a bit lost. Most designs available look dull and samey, and are not optimized for engagement.

But don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are the best interactive presentation templates for different use cases:

Choose template by:

What tools to use to create presentations?

Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all tool for creating a digital presentation. And with so many presentation tools out there, it can be hard to know where to start looking.

That’s why we've done the research for you - check out our article rounding up the best presentation software to pick the right one for your needs!

And, if you want to learn more about creating effective digital presentations, check out these posts:

  • How to Make Effective & Impactful Presentations (12 Steps)
  • How to Make a Multimedia Presentation (5 Easy Steps)

How to give a presentation?

Giving a presentation can be intimidating, but it's an excellent opportunity to showcase your knowledge and expertise. To deliver a successful presentation, you need to focus on engaging your audience, keeping their attention, and providing valuable information.

9 tips to help you give a memorable presentation:

1. Start with a strong hook

A strong opening is crucial to grab your audience's attention and pique their interest. Begin with a bold statement, a surprising fact, or a personal anecdote that relates to the topic of your presentation. This will immediately grab the audience's attention and make them want to listen to what you have to say.

2. Make your objectives and agenda clear

Engage your audience right from the start by letting them know what's in store for them. Outlining your objectives and agenda early on will keep your audience focused and ensure that they don't miss out on any crucial information. Let them know why it's important to pay attention to your presentation and what they can expect to learn from it. By doing this, you'll build anticipation and get them excited about what's to come!

3. Leverage storytelling

People love stories, and they are an effective way to connect with your audience. Use anecdotes, metaphors, and examples to illustrate your points and make your presentation more relatable. This will help the audience understand the concepts you're presenting and retain the information up to 60-70% better .

4. Ask questions, use humor, give simple directions that prove a point

Engage your audience by asking questions, using humor, and giving them simple tasks to perform that illustrate your point. This will keep their attention and make the presentation more interactive.

5. Direct the audience's attention

Use a pointer or built-in animation to draw the audience's attention to critical information. This will help them focus on what you're saying and avoid distractions.

6. Work on the delivery

Speak slowly and clearly, use positive language, and avoid reading from notes as much as possible. Use humor and engage with your audience to make the presentation more enjoyable. Ensure your body language is confident and relaxed, and maintain eye contact with your audience.

7. Add interactive elements

Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or surveys to involve your audience and gather valuable feedback. This will make your presentation more engaging and ensure your audience retains the information presented.

8. Close with a CTA

End your presentation with a strong call to action (CTA). Inspire your audience to take the next step, whether it's signing up for a newsletter, buying a product, or visiting your website. Make it clear what you want your audience to do after the presentation.

9. Leave time for a Q&A session

Finally, leave ample time for a Q&A session. This will allow your audience to clarify any doubts and ask questions. It's also an excellent opportunity for you to engage with your audience and get valuable feedback on your presentation.

Create amazing digital presentations from templates

Creating a digital presentation that grabs your audience's attention and drives results may feel like a daunting task.

After all, a strong digital presentation can be the difference between leaving a lasting impression on your audience or falling flat and losing their attention.

It's like trying to teach a class without proper preparation - you're not giving your knowledge and expertise a chance to shine, and your audience might not retain the information you're presenting.

To make things easier, try using our customizable digital presentation templates that will help you create an engaging and impactful digital presentation in no time!

Where can I see examples of good presentations?

If you’re looking for real-life examples that drove results for other companies from different industry sectors, check out highly effective presentation examples by our clients .

Alternatively, if you want to see the best presentation examples that you can replicate to create your own, here are our dedicated guides:

  • 10 Perfect Presentation Examples That Win Over Anyone
  • 9 Unique Sales Deck Examples that Outsell the Rest
  • 10 Top Pitch Deck Examples to Inspire Your Fundraising Efforts
  • Top Product Presentation Examples That Wow Everyone
  • Marketing Deck: What It Is & How to Make It Win (Examples)
  • 6 Elevator Pitch Examples for Any Scenario (Ready for Use)

Where can I find good presentation templates?

If you’re looking for snazzy presentation templates, Storydoc should be your go-to place. We offer a fantastic selection of visually stunning designs to make your digital presentation pop.

All components have been designed with best practices in mind and optimized for engagement. Thanks to the built-in analytics panel, you can also check how your presentations perform in real-time.

Click on any of these categories to see the best presentation templates for your specific use case:

  • One-pager templates
  • Sales deck templates
  • Pitch deck templates
  • Business proposal deck templates
  • Marketing decks templates
  • Case studies templates
  • Report templates
  • White paper templates

What are common types of business presentations?

The most common types of business presentations are:

  • Sales decks
  • Pitch decks
  • Business proposal decks
  • Marketing decks
  • Case studies

Is a presentation the same as a slideshow?

Technically, a slideshow is a type of presentation, but not all presentations are slideshows.

A presentation can take many different forms, from a speech to a product demonstration, and can use various tools, including slideshows, to deliver the message. So while a slideshow is certainly a popular choice for presentations, it's not the only option out there.

What is death by PowerPoint?

Death by PowerPoint is the phenomenon of boring, uninspired, and ineffective presentations that use an overabundance of bullet points, text-heavy slides, and monotonous delivery. It's a surefire way to put your audience to sleep and leave them counting down the minutes until your presentation is over.

To avoid death by PowerPoint, aim to create presentations that are visually engaging, incorporate storytelling, and use multimedia elements like images, videos, and interactive features. Remember, a presentation should be a tool to enhance your message, not a crutch to lean on.

What are common types of presentation delivery formats?

There are 5 popular types of presentation delivery formats to choose from:

  • Powerpoint: A classic choice, PowerPoint offers a range of design and animation options to create static slide-based presentations.
  • Google Slides : As a cloud-based tool, Google Slides makes it easy to collaborate with others in real-time. It's an excellent option for static team presentations and remote work situations.
  • Keynote : Exclusive to Apple devices, Keynote is known for its sleek and elegant design options. It's an ideal choice for visually appealing presentations on Mac or iOS devices.
  • PDF: For a simple, static, and easily shareable format, PDF presentations are a reliable option. They ensure consistent formatting across different devices and platforms.
  • Storydoc : Taking presentations to the next level, Storydoc provides immersive and interactive templates that are sure to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

What are common types of presentation speech formats?

There are 4 common types of presentation delivery formats:

  • Memorized: In a memorized delivery, the presenter memorizes the entire presentation word-for-word and delivers it without notes. This format can be effective for short presentations or speeches but can be challenging to execute for longer presentations.
  • Manuscript: In a manuscript delivery, the presenter reads from a written script or teleprompter. This format is great for delivering complex or technical information but can come across as less engaging.
  • Impromptu: In an impromptu delivery, the presenter delivers a presentation without prior preparation or planning. This format is often used in situations like interviews or meetings and requires quick thinking and adaptability.
  • Extemporaneous: In an extemporaneous delivery, the presenter delivers a presentation using notes or an outline, but not a fully scripted presentation. This format allows for flexibility and engagement with the audience while still maintaining structure.

Why is a presentation important for my business?

Here are the main reasons why presentations are essential for your business:

  • Be the expert: Presentations provide a platform to showcase your expertise and share your unique perspectives with your audience, establishing you as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Build connections: Presentations provide an opportunity to connect with your audience, building relationships that can lead to future business opportunities.
  • Leave a lasting impression: An engaging and memorable presentation can leave a lasting impact on your audience, increasing brand awareness and improving message retention.
  • Achieve your goals: Presentations can be used to achieve business goals, from generating leads to securing funding or closing deals.

How to measure the effectiveness of a presentation?

Measuring the effectiveness of a presentation is crucial to ensure it hits the mark with your audience and achieves its goals. Here are some ways to measure the effectiveness of a presentation:

Ask for feedback: Don't be afraid to ask your audience for feedback after the presentation, either through surveys or live feedback. This feedback can provide valuable insights into what worked well and what could be improved, helping you refine your approach for future presentations.

Monitor engagement: Keep a pulse on engagement metrics such as views, shares, or the average reading time if the presentation is delivered online. These metrics can give you a sense of the level of interest generated by the presentation and which parts resonated with your audience. Our own presentation maker comes with built-in analytics tracking and reporting .

Track business outcomes: If your presentation is designed to drive business results, track metrics such as lead generation, sales, or conversion rates to assess its effectiveness in achieving these goals.

whats a digital presentation

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What is Digital Presentation?

What is Digital Presentation?

A digital presentation is a concise and interactive way to share information, using digital tools and technology. It combines text, images, graphics, and multimedia elements to effectively communicate ideas or deliver a message.

In today’s digital age, digital presentations play a crucial role in various industries, including business, education, and entertainment. They are commonly used for sales pitches, training sessions, academic lectures, and conferences, providing an engaging and dynamic platform to present information.

Digital presentations offer the advantage of customization, allowing presenters to easily modify content, add multimedia elements, and incorporate interactive features to enhance audience engagement. With the ability to reach a wide audience through online platforms, digital presentations have become an essential tool for effective communication.

Table of Contents

What Is Digital Presentation?

Digital presentation refers to the use of technology to present information and ideas in a visual and interactive format. It has become an essential tool in various industries and sectors. The importance of digital presentations lies in their ability to captivate and engage the audience.

With the evolution of technology, traditional modes of presentations have given way to more dynamic and impactful digital formats. Digital presentations enable presenters to incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, images, and audio, making the information more engaging and memorable.

They also allow for easy sharing and distribution, eliminating the need for physical copies. Moreover, digital presentations offer flexibility, allowing presenters to tailor the content based on their audience’s needs and preferences. With the advancements in virtual reality and augmented reality, digital presentations have the potential to create immersive and interactive experiences for the viewers.

In conclusion, digital presentations have revolutionized the way information is communicated, making it more accessible, dynamic, and visually appealing.

Benefits Of Digital Presentations

Digital presentations offer numerous benefits, making them widely used in various professional settings. The visual appeal of digital presentations instantly captivates the audience, enhancing engagement. Interactive features further boost audience participation, facilitating effective communication and understanding. These features enable real-time interactions, allowing presenters to address questions and concerns instantly.

Additionally, digital presentations provide customization options, empowering presenters to tailor their content to specific audiences. From selecting design templates to incorporating multimedia elements, customization enhances the overall quality and impact of presentations. With the ability to seamlessly integrate images, videos, and audio, digital presentations leverage the power of visuals and multimedia to convey information more effectively.

Ultimately, digital presentations enable presenters to deliver their message with clarity and impact, leaving a lasting impression on their audience. Whether in business meetings, conferences, or educational settings, digital presentations have become an essential tool for effective communication.

Types Of Digital Presentations

Digital presentation refers to the use of technology to convey information or ideas. One of the types of digital presentations is the slideshow presentation, which involves displaying images and text in a sequential manner. Another type is video presentations, where videos are used to present information in a visual and engaging way.

Interactive presentations, on the other hand, allow the audience to actively participate by clicking or interacting with the content. These types of presentations have become increasingly popular due to their ability to capture attention and enhance understanding. Slideshow presentations, video presentations, and interactive presentations are all effective tools for communicating and engaging with an audience in the digital age.

Tools For Creating Digital Presentations

Digital presentations are an essential part of today’s communication tools. Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Prezi are widely used in creating impactful presentations. These tools allow users to design visually appealing slideshows with various features such as animations, transitions, and multimedia integration.

PowerPoint offers a user-friendly interface and a vast library of templates and designs. Google Slides, on the other hand, offers collaborative features, allowing multiple users to work simultaneously on a presentation. Prezi stands out with its unique zooming and panning features, creating a dynamic and engaging presentation experience.

Whether used for business meetings, educational purposes, or personal projects, these tools provide a professional and efficient way to convey information and ideas. With user-friendly interfaces and a range of features, digital presentations have become an indispensable tool for effective communication in today’s digital age.

Best Practices For Creating Effective Digital Presentations

Digital Presentation is a powerful tool for conveying information in a visual and engaging manner. By following best practices, you can create effective digital presentations that capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impact. To begin, focus on using concise and engaging content that gets straight to the point.

Avoid overloading your slides with text and instead opt for key points and visuals that convey your message effectively. Incorporating visuals such as images, charts, and graphs can help illustrate your ideas and make them more memorable. Furthermore, utilizing storytelling techniques can enhance the overall narrative of your presentation, making it more relatable and engaging for your audience.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your digital presentations are impactful and successful in delivering your message effectively.

Tips For Engaging The Audience During Digital Presentations

A successful digital presentation involves engaging the audience through various strategies. To grab their attention, utilize audience participation features that encourage interaction. Incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, images, or infographics to make the presentation more visually appealing and dynamic.

Throughout the presentation, actively encourage questions and feedback, creating a dialogue with the audience. By incorporating these tips, you can create an engaging digital presentation that keeps the audience interested and involved.

Steps To Create A Successful Digital Presentation

Creating a successful digital presentation involves several key steps. First, clearly define your objective to ensure your presentation is focused and impactful. Next, carefully plan the structure and content of your slides, considering the key points you want to convey.

Then, design visually appealing slides that effectively communicate your message. Pay attention to the layout, fonts, and colors to ensure a professional look. Finally, rehearse and practice your presentation to refine your delivery and boost your confidence. By following these steps, you can create a digital presentation that engages your audience and effectively communicates your message.

What is Digital Presentation?


Common Mistakes To Avoid In Digital Presentations

Digital presentations are a common way to share information, but there are mistakes to avoid. One common mistake is overloading slides with text. This can overwhelm the audience and make it difficult for them to focus on key points. Another mistake is reading directly from the slides.

This can come across as unprofessional and make the presentation feel impersonal. Additionally, neglecting to proofread and edit can lead to errors in spelling, grammar, and formatting that can distract from the overall message. It’s important to take the time to review the presentation and make necessary adjustments.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can create a digital presentation that effectively engages your audience and delivers your message clearly and professionally.

Enhancing Digital Presentations With Audio And Video

Digital presentations are a powerful tool for engaging audiences. By incorporating audio and video elements, these presentations can be taken to a whole new level. Adding voice-over narration allows presenters to provide a more dynamic and informative experience. It helps to convey key points and capture the attention of viewers.

Additionally, integrating relevant video clips helps to visually illustrate concepts, making the presentation more engaging and memorable. Videos can effectively convey information in a concise and visual manner. Moreover, using background music strategically can enhance the overall impact of a digital presentation by setting the mood and creating a more immersive experience.

When used appropriately, audio and video elements can greatly enhance the effectiveness of digital presentations, making them more captivating and memorable for the audience.

Sharing And Delivering Digital Presentations

Digital presentation refers to the process of sharing and delivering presentations through various digital means. This includes uploading presentations to online platforms and sharing them via email or social media. Digital presentations can also be delivered live in virtual meetings, allowing for real-time interaction and engagement.

With the advancement of technology, digital presentations have become a popular and effective way to communicate ideas, information, and data. They offer flexibility, convenience, and the ability to reach a wide audience. Whether for business, education, or personal use, digital presentations provide a dynamic and engaging way to convey messages and make an impact.

By utilizing online platforms and virtual meeting tools, individuals and organizations can deliver compelling presentations that captivate and inform their audience.

Future Of Digital Presentations

Digital presentation refers to the use of technology to showcase information, ideas, and concepts. The future of digital presentations lies in the integration of AI and virtual reality, which bring a whole new level of immersive experiences. The advancements in user interface design have made it easier for presenters to create visually appealing and interactive presentations.

Through the use of AI, presentations can now adapt to the audience’s preferences and provide personalized content. Virtual reality adds an element of realism and engagement, allowing viewers to feel like they are part of the presentation. The integration of these technologies has revolutionized the way presentations are delivered, increasing interactivity and creating a more engaging experience for the audience.

In this digital age, the power of technology has transformed the art of presenting, enhancing communication and leaving a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Is Digital Presentation?

What is digital presentation with example.

A digital presentation is a visual way to present information using digital tools, such as slides or videos. An example is a PowerPoint presentation.

Is Powerpoint A Digital Presentation?

Yes, PowerPoint is a digital presentation tool commonly used for creating visual slideshows.

How Do You Start A Digital Presentation?

To start a digital presentation, follow these steps: 1. Plan your content and structure beforehand. 2. Create an engaging opening slide to grab attention. 3. Use clear and concise language in your presentation. 4. Incorporate visual aids like images, videos, or graphs for better understanding.

Why Do We Use Digital Presentation?

Digital presentations are used for their convenience, engagement, and ability to convey information effectively.

Digital presentation is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we communicate and convey information. Its ability to engage, inform, and inspire audiences is unmatched, allowing businesses and individuals alike to create dynamic and interactive presentations that leave a lasting impact.

By leveraging technology and the widespread availability of devices such as smartphones and tablets, digital presentations have become accessible to a wider audience than ever before. Through the use of multimedia elements like images, videos, audio, and animations, digital presentations have the potential to captivate and hold the attention of viewers.

The flexibility and versatility of digital presentation software also allow for customization and personalization, enabling presenters to tailor their content to specific audiences or objectives. Furthermore, digital presentations offer a range of benefits, including cost-effectiveness, convenience, and environmental friendliness. By reducing the need for printed materials and physical resources, digital presentations contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to information sharing.

The digital era has brought about countless advancements in communication, and digital presentation is undoubtedly one of its most impactful innovations. With its ability to engage, inform, and inspire, it is an essential tool for anyone looking to effectively communicate their message in today’s fast-paced, digital world.

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To improve presentation skills, focus on understanding the purpose of the presentation and use visual aids to support your message effectively. By preparing thoroughly and engaging the audience, you can deliver a compelling and impactful presentation that leaves a lasting impression. With practice and appropriate dress, you can boost your confidence and connect with your…

Representing Data in A Presentation

Representing data in a presentation effectively communicates complex information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. In today’s fast-paced world, where attention spans are short, visual data representation is crucial for engaging and retaining an audience’s interest. Through the use of charts, graphs, infographics, and other visual aids, data can be presented concisely, allowing viewers…

What are the Advantages of Digital Slides?

What are the Advantages of Digital Slides?

Digital slides offer numerous advantages, including enhanced accessibility and ease of storage and sharing. They allow for quick access to slides from any location with an internet connection, making them ideal for remote learning or collaborative work. Additionally, digital slides can be stored indefinitely without the risk of physical damage or loss, providing a secure…

How to Assess Your Presentation? Know the Indicators of a Good Presenter

Public speaking, in all its forms, is a skill that can significantly impact your personal and professional life. Whether you’re giving a business presentation, a TED Talk, or simply speaking at a social event, the ability to convey your message effectively is invaluable. But how do you know if you’re truly a good presenter? What…

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10 Tips For Giving Effective Virtual Presentations

What to know before you go live.

September 26, 2016

An illustration of a computer screen with messy notes and graphs around it.

Presenting online? Try these suggestions to improve your results. | Illustration by Tricia Seibold

As audiences go global and you need to reach more people through technology (including webinars, conference calls and teleconference), you must consider the challenges to connecting with a virtual audience. Here I pinpoint 10 valuable best practices to ensure you communicate successfully.

1. Be Brief

Audiences begin to lose attention after roughly 10 minutes of hearing from the same presenter. If you have more than 10 minutes of content, use interactive activities to keep your audience engaged (for example, take a poll, give quizzes, or ask audience members for their opinions via chat).

2. Be Simple

Keep slides simple — avoid too many words, graphics and animation features. Less is definitely more!

An illustration of a lamp

Light yourself well | Illustration by Tricia Seibold

3. Be a TV Personality

Look straight into your camera, not the screen. Wear clothing that is neutral in color (no plaids or stripes). Light yourself well and from above. Be mindful of what appears behind you in the background. Invest in a good microphone.

4. Be Standing

Even though your audience cannot see you, stand when you present. This allows you to stay focused and use good presentation delivery skills such as belly breathing, vocal variety, and pausing.

5. Be Prepared

Practice delivering your presentation with your technology in advance of your talk. Make sure all of the features of the technology work. Record your practice using the recording feature of your tool. Watch and listen to learn what works and what you can improve.

6. Be Assisted

Have someone available to deal with technical issues and to field email/text questions. Also, if you have multiple remote audience members in one location, be sure to pick one of them to be your “eyes and ears.” Ask them to queue up questions and facilitate discussion on your behalf.

7. Be Specific

Ask pointed questions to avoid too many people answering at once. For example, rather than ask, “Are there any questions?” try “Who has a question about the solution I provided?” Set a ground rule that people state their names prior to speaking.

An Illustration of two pictures of people.

Imagine your audience | Illustration by Tricia Seibold

8. Be Synchronized

Transitions are critical. You must connect what you just said to what is coming next when you move from point to point. Transitions between topics and slides are good opportunities to get people reengaged to your talk.

9. Be Connected

Imagine your audience even though you can’t see them. You can place pictures of audience members behind your camera so you can look at people as you present.

10. Be Early

Encourage your audience to access your call or webinar in advance of the start time so you can iron out any technical issues in advance and get them familiar with the technology.

Matt Abrahams is a Stanford GSB organizational behavior lecturer, author, and communications coach.

For media inquiries, visit the Newsroom .

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What is Digital Presentation: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!

‍In this article, I am going to tell you about What is Digital Presentation . so if you want to know about it, then keep reading this article. Because I am going to give you complete information about it, so let’s start.

A digital presentation is a way of sharing information or ideas using digital tools and technology. It involves using software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote to create slides that can be shown on a screen.

Digital presentations have benefits like looking good, being flexible, interactive, and easy to share. They can include text, images, videos, and audio to help presenters communicate their message effectively and engage the audience.

What is Digital Presentation

Today’s article focuses on the same, i.e., “What is Digital Presentation” The articles entail each bit of information necessary for you to know.

Let’s get started!✨

Table of Contents

What is Digital Presentation

A digital presentation refers to the use of digital tools and technologies to deliver a visual and interactive presentation. It typically involves the use of software applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote, to create slides or visual content that can be projected or displayed on a screen.

Digital presentations allow presenters to combine text, images, graphics, videos, and audio to convey information and engage their audience. These presentations can be created in advance or developed in real-time during a presentation using presentation software. They are commonly used in various settings, such as business meetings, conferences, educational settings, and sales pitches.

The advantages of digital presentations over traditional methods, such as physical slides or transparencies, include the ability to easily edit and revise content, incorporate multimedia elements, and deliver dynamic and engaging presentations. Additionally, digital presentations can be easily shared and distributed electronically, enabling remote viewing and collaboration.

Digital presentation tools often provide features like slide transitions, animations, embedded multimedia, speaker notes, and the ability to include hyperlinks and interactive elements. These features enhance the visual appeal, interactivity, and overall effectiveness of the presentation.

Overall, digital presentations offer a flexible and multimedia-rich approach to delivering information and ideas, allowing presenters to communicate their message more effectively and captivate their audience.

Types of Digital Presentation

There are several types of digital presentations that can be created using various software tools and techniques. Here are some common types:

  • Slideshow Presentation : Slideshow presentations are the most common type and are typically created using software like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote. They consist of a series of slides containing text, images, graphics, and other visual elements. Slideshow presentations are widely used for business meetings, educational lectures, and conferences.
  • Interactive Presentation : Interactive presentations involve engaging the audience through interactive elements. This can include clickable buttons, hyperlinks, quizzes, polls, or embedded videos that allow viewers to actively participate and navigate through the presentation at their own pace. Interactive presentations are often used for e-learning, product demos, and sales presentations.
  • Video Presentation : A video presentation involves creating a video file that combines audio narration or background music with visuals, such as text, images, and animations. Video presentations are useful for storytelling, marketing campaigns, and online tutorials. Tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie, or online video editors can be used to create and edit video presentations.
  • Web-based Presentation : Web-based presentations are designed to be viewed and interacted with online through a web browser. These presentations are often created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or web-based tools like Prezi, Sway, or SlideShare. Web-based presentations allow for seamless sharing, collaboration, and the integration of multimedia content.
  • Infographic Presentation : Infographic presentations utilize visually appealing graphics and data visualizations to present information in a concise and easily understandable format. Infographics can be created using specialized software like Adobe Illustrator, Canva, or Piktochart. These presentations are effective for conveying complex information or statistics in a visually appealing manner.
  • Storyboard Presentation : Storyboard presentations are commonly used in creative industries such as film, animation, or advertising. They involve presenting a sequence of visual frames or sketches to outline a story or concept. Storyboard presentations are created using software like Adobe Photoshop, Storyboarder, or specialized storyboard software.

These are just a few examples of digital presentations, and there are many other variations and combinations depending on the specific purpose, audience, and content requirements. The choice of presentation type will depend on the goals and preferences of the presenter and the nature of the information being communicated.

Tools for Digital Presentation

There are numerous tools available for creating digital presentations. Here are some popular ones:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint : PowerPoint is one of the most widely used presentation software. It offers a wide range of features for creating slideshows, including text formatting, slide transitions, animations, multimedia embedding, and collaboration options.
  • Google Slides : Google Slides is a web-based presentation tool that is part of the Google Workspace suite. It allows users to create and collaborate on presentations online. Google Slides offers similar features to PowerPoint and provides easy sharing and real-time collaboration.
  • Apple Keynote : Keynote is a presentation software developed by Apple for macOS and iOS devices. It offers a variety of visually stunning templates, animations, and effects. Keynote is known for its smooth transitions and multimedia capabilities.
  • Prezi : Prezi is a cloud-based presentation tool that offers a unique zooming and panning interface, allowing for non-linear presentations. It enables users to create dynamic and visually engaging presentations with a focus on the big picture.
  • Canva : Canva is a versatile graphic design tool that offers pre-designed templates for presentations. It provides a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality and allows users to create visually appealing slides with ease.
  • Adobe Spark : Adobe Spark is a suite of creative tools that includes Spark Video, Spark Page, and Spark Post. Spark Video allows users to create animated videos with narration, while Spark Page helps create web-based presentations. Spark Post is useful for designing social media graphics and visual content.
  • SlideShare : SlideShare is an online platform owned by LinkedIn that allows users to share and discover presentations. It is commonly used for sharing slide decks, infographics, and documents. SlideShare supports various file formats and provides a platform for showcasing and distributing presentations.
  • Powtoon : Powtoon is a web-based tool for creating animated presentations and videos. It offers a range of templates, characters, and animations to help create engaging and dynamic content.
  • Haiku Deck : Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that focuses on simplicity and visual impact. It offers professionally designed templates and access to a vast library of royalty-free images to enhance presentations.
  • Visme : Visme is a versatile visual content creation tool that allows users to create presentations, infographics, reports, and more. It provides a wide range of templates, charts, icons, and multimedia options to create visually appealing and interactive presentations.

These are just a few examples of the many tools available for creating digital presentations. The choice of tool depends on the specific requirements, preferences, and available resources of the presenter.

Pros and Cons of Digital Presentation

Digital presentations offer numerous advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional methods. Here are some pros and cons of digital presentations:

  • Visual Appeal : Digital presentations allow for the incorporation of multimedia elements like images, videos, and animations, making them visually appealing and engaging for the audience.
  • Flexibility and Interactivity : Digital presentations offer flexibility in terms of editing, rearranging, and adding content. They also enable interactivity through hyperlinks, clickable buttons, quizzes, and other interactive elements, enhancing audience engagement.
  • Easy Distribution and Sharing : Digital presentations can be easily shared electronically via email, file-sharing platforms, or online presentation hosting services. This allows for easy distribution to a wide audience and facilitates collaboration.
  • Multimedia Integration : Digital presentation tools offer the ability to seamlessly integrate various multimedia elements, such as audio, video, and interactive charts. This enables presenters to convey information in a more dynamic and impactful manner.
  • Real-Time Updates : Digital presentations can be updated in real-time, allowing presenters to make changes or add new content during the presentation itself. This is particularly useful for adapting to unexpected circumstances or incorporating audience feedback.
  • Remote Presentations : Digital presentations can be delivered remotely, allowing for virtual meetings, webinars, or online conferences. This eliminates the need for physical presence and enables global participation.
  • Technical Issues : Digital presentations rely on technology, and technical issues like software glitches, compatibility problems, or connectivity issues can occur. These issues can disrupt the presentation flow and require troubleshooting.
  • Dependency on Equipment : Digital presentations require the availability of appropriate equipment, such as computers, projectors, or screens, to display the content. Inadequate or malfunctioning equipment can hinder the presentation.
  • Distractions and Overload : The use of multimedia elements in digital presentations can sometimes lead to information overload or distract the audience from the main message. It is essential to balance the use of visuals and ensure clarity of communication.
  • Lack of Personal Touch : Digital presentations may lack the personal touch and human interaction that can be experienced in face-to-face presentations. Non-verbal cues and physical presence may be diminished, affecting the overall engagement and connection with the audience.
  • Learning Curve : Using digital presentation tools effectively may require a learning curve for presenters who are unfamiliar with the software or lack technical skills. This can lead to difficulties in creating and delivering polished presentations.
  • Accessibility Concerns : While digital presentations offer numerous advantages, accessibility can be a challenge for individuals with disabilities. Presenters need to ensure that the content is accessible to all users, including those with visual or hearing impairments.

Overall, digital presentations have revolutionized the way information is conveyed, making it more dynamic, engaging, and accessible. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and take necessary measures to mitigate them for a successful presentation experience.

Popular software options for creating digital presentations include Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote, Prezi, Canva, and Adobe Spark, among others.

You can enhance the visual appeal of your digital presentation by using high-quality images, well-designed templates, consistent color schemes, appropriate font choices , and incorporating visual elements like charts, graphs, and videos.

Yes, digital presentation tools often allow you to add multimedia elements like images, videos, audio, and animations. This can help make your presentation more engaging and dynamic.

You can make your digital presentation interactive by incorporating elements such as hyperlinks, clickable buttons, quizzes, polls, and interactive charts. These features can encourage audience participation and engagement.

Yes, digital presentations can be easily shared with others. You can share them via email, file sharing platforms, or by using online presentation hosting services. This allows others to view and collaborate on your presentation.

Yes, digital presentations can be presented remotely. You can use video conferencing tools, webinar platforms, or screen sharing features to deliver your presentation to remote audiences.

Read also:)

  • What is Digital Storytelling Software: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!
  • How to Sell Digital Products Online: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!
  • 10+ Best Tools for Digital Marketing: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!

So hope you liked this article on What is Digital Presentation . And if you still have any questions or suggestions related to this, then you can tell us in the comment box below. And thank you so much for reading this article.

whats a digital presentation

How to make a slide show

Learn how to make a slide show with photos, videos, music, and custom settings using a slide show maker.

Learn how to make a slide show with PowerPoint

Discover how to make a slide show with photos, videos, music, and custom settings using a slide show app like PowerPoint.

What is a slide show maker?

To create a slide show, you’ll want to use a slide show maker—or slide show app—which is a software program or online service that enables you create digital slide shows with text, photos, videos, music, and other special effects. The full range of slide show features and functionality varies from program to program.

Once you’ve created a slide show, it can be published on the internet or shared with others as a video file. Additionally, you can use slide shows to create dynamic, interactive content on websites.

Slide show software can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating presentations for work, school, and even your personal life. For instance, slide shows are often used to:

whats a digital presentation

Display photos during an event

Slide shows are a great way to share photos and videos with guests at a wedding, birthday, or other special event.

whats a digital presentation

Create a digital photo album

Some slide shows are created for personal reasons, such as sharing important memories with family or friends.

whats a digital presentation

Highlight products or services

Businesses can use slide shows to showcase their products, promote special offers and sales, or pitch their services to potential clients.

whats a digital presentation

Enhance teaching, training, and public speaking

Slide shows can also provide helpful visuals in educational settings, classroom presentations, and public speaking forums.

What you need to make a slide show

When it comes to creating a slide show, there are a few things you'll need to get started. First and foremost, you'll need a device equipped with presentation software or access to an online slide show app. Secondly, you’ll need a way to display your slide show, which usually means connecting your device to a projector or big screen TV. Beyond that, you’ll need some visual aids and other media to bring your slide show to life.

Explore each of these slide show requirements in more detail:

Devices and equipment —To create a slide show, you’ll use a computer or other device—such as a tablet or mobile phone—with PowerPoint or a similar program installed. You will also need a way to project the slides onto a screen or wall. This can be done with a projector, but if you don't have one available, you can use your TV or computer monitor. Simply connect your device to the TV or monitor using an HDMI cable and select the correct input. Your slides will now be projected onto the screen.

Media —Of course, creating a slide show requires media that adds visual and even audio elements to your presentation. This can be anything from photos and videos to music and text. You can use search engines to find copyright-free media to use in your slide show.

Another option is to purchase royalty-free stock footage, images, and audio files from online media libraries. This could be a bit more expensive, but it guarantees that you have the legal right to use the media in your presentation.

Finally, you can also use your own videos, images, and even music. While this can be a time-consuming process, it does allow you to create custom content specifically for your slide show.

Slide show creator —To bring your slide show together, you’ll need a slide show creator. The slide show software you choose will depend on your presentation requirements and preferences. There are many slide show makers on the market, with Microsoft PowerPoint being one of the most popular and widely used programs globally.

How to choose a slide show maker

When choosing slide show software, it's important to consider the features and specifications that are most important to you. Some of the questions you might ask when choosing a slide show maker include:

  • How easy is the software to use?
  • Is the software Mac or PC compatible?
  • Can I access and edit my slide show on the cloud?
  • What kind of slide shows can be created with the software?
  • How many photos and/or videos can be included in a slide show?
  • Can text and other elements be added to slide shows?
  • Are transitions and effects available for slide shows?
  • Is music accompaniment an option?
  • What are the options for saving and sharing your slide show?

Building a slide show doesn't have to be difficult. With the right software, you can create an engaging presentation in no time.

Six steps for creating a slide show

whats a digital presentation

1. Plan your slide show

Before getting too deep into your slide show project, it’s a good idea to select and save the photos and videos you want to use. This helps you create a slide show more efficiently and purposefully, ensuring a better outcome.

whats a digital presentation

4. Import media

Start adding photos, videos, and other desired media to your slides. You can upload these from your device or online media libraries. If you planned your slide show in advance, you should have all your media saved in one place.

whats a digital presentation

2. Launch your slide show app

Once you’ve decided on a slide show maker, you’ll want to launch the app from whatever device you’ll be using to create your presentation.

whats a digital presentation

5. Add text, music, and transitions

After you’ve arranged the visuals in your slide show, you can provide additional information and communicate sentiment using custom text, music, and timed slide transitions.

whats a digital presentation

3. Choose your theme

Most slide show software offers a variety of pre-set themes, colors, and designs. You can choose one that best suits your slide show or create a custom theme using the program’s various tools and features.

whats a digital presentation

6. Record, save, and share your slide show

Now you’re ready to record your slide show, which can include a voiceover or Cameo . Once your slide show is complete, you can save it as a video to your device or to the cloud, such as OneDrive . You can access your saved slide show at any time to display at events, use in meetings, share online, or send directly to other people.

How to make a slide show with photos

Adding photos to your slide show is a great way to enliven your presentation and make it more visually interesting. Here are a few different ways you can add photos to your slide show in PowerPoint.

A user adding photos to their PowerPoint presentation

Add photos from your device

Whether you’re using a computer, tablet, phone, or other device, you can use photos that are saved to your device to create your slide show. In PowerPoint, simply select “Insert” then “Pictures” from the program menu, then choose “This Device.” This will open your photo library and allow you to find the photos you want to use. Once you’ve selected the photos that you want to import, just click on the "Insert" button and they will be added to your slide show. If you’re using a pre-made theme, you can also right-click the image in the slide show and select “Change Picture.” Again, you will choose “This Device” to access your photo library. After inserting your photo, you can reposition it on your slide or resize it however you like.

Two people looking at a laptop and pointing at the screen

Use stock photos

Another way to add photos in PowerPoint is to follow the same process you would when adding photos from your device, but when prompted to choose your photo source, select “From Stock Images” instead of “This Device.” This will display a library of photos that you can use in your slide show without worrying about copyright infringement. There are thousands of stock images available in most slide show maker programs. Once the library is open, you can explore existing photo categories or use keywords to search for photos that fit your needs.

Two people in a conference room viewing a slideshow in PowerPoint on a large display

Explore online photo sources

Online photos are images you can insert into a PowerPoint slide show directly from the internet, as opposed to using those you have saved on your device. This is a convenient option if you don't have photos already prepared for your slide show, or if you can’t find the right kind of photo in the stock image library. However, there are some potential risks associated with using online photos, namely that you must be careful to use royalty-free images so not to infringe on any copyrights. In PowerPoint, there is a filtering option to ensure your search results only show royalty-free photos. Inserting photos from online sources follows the same process as the previous two methods, but this time, you’ll select “From Online Sources.”

How to add videos, music, and text

Two people in a meeting room viewing a PowerPoint presentation titled We Create Extra Ordinary Experiences.

How to add videos to PowerPoint slide shows

Adding videos to your slide show involves accessing videos from your device, a stock video library, or online video sources—just as you would when adding photos. In this case, however, you’ll navigate to the menu in PowerPoint and select “Insert,” followed by “Media,” then “Video.” Once your video appears on your slide, you can resize or reposition it to fit your presentation needs. You can also set your video to play automatically in the slide show by selecting “Playback” on the menu and choosing “Start Automatically.”

A person wearing headphones and using a laptop view a PowerPoint presentation

How to add music to PowerPoint slide shows

Much like adding videos, you can add music to individual slides in PowerPoint by navigating to “Insert” on the menu, then “Media,” and finally “Audio.” You can then import music from your device, or you can record your own audio directly in PowerPoint. However, if you want your audio to play across multiple slides in your presentation—for example, as background music for a slide show—you’ll have to take a couple of extra steps. Once you’ve imported your audio file, select “Playback” from the menu and choose the “Play in Background” option. Your music will now play across all slides. You can set one song to loop for the duration of the slide show, or you can add more songs to play continuously throughout the slide show.

A person using a pen and tablet to add text to a PowerPoint presentation being displayed on a desktop monitor

How to add text to PowerPoint slide shows

Premade themes in PowerPoint make adding text slide shows easy. On slides that already have templated content, you can simply click on the text and begin editing. In addition to changing what the text says, you can resize, recolor, reposition, and add special effects to the text. Of course, you can also change the font—or style—of the text. Most of this can be done from the “Home” tab on the menu while certain effects, such as shadows, can be found on the “Shape Format” tab. If you’re designing your presentation slides from scratch, or want to create additional text, find “Insert” on the menu, then choose “Text Box” or “Word Art,” depending on your desired text effect.

Discover custom slide show settings

Add even more effects to your PowerPoint slide show with custom settings like timing, transitions, and looping.

Four people in a meeting sitting around a circular table while a PowerPoint presentation is being given over a Teams call

Set slide show timing

Adding timing to your slide show is a great way to control the pacing and flow of your presentation. To add timing in PowerPoint, go to the "Transitions" tab on the menu and find the "Advance Slide" area. Make sure the box next to “After:” is checked, then input the amount of time you’d like each slide to appear on-screen. The slides will automatically advance, creating a movie-like effect that’s great for events and special occasions.

Three people in a conference room using tablets and laptops and a presentation is displayed on a large screen on the wall

Create slide show transitions

Now that you’ve added automatic timing to your slide show, you can make it more visually appealing by creating slide transitions. Transitions are special effects that allow you to animate the way your slides change from one to the next, and there are a variety of different transitions in PowerPoint that you can choose from. You can add these transitions to your slide show from the "Transitions” tab. From there, you’ll select the transition you want to add. To preview the transition, simply click on it. You can click “Apply To All” to automatically add the same transition to every slide in your slide show, or you can manually add different transitions to different slides.

A person standing over their desk and looking at a PowerPoint presentation being displayed on a desktop monitor

Loop your slide show

If you want your slide show to play continuously until you choose to turn it off, you can set your PowerPoint presentation to loop. This will ensure your slide show automatically starts over from the beginning once it reaches the end. To get started, navigate to the “Slide Show” tab on the menu and select “Set Up Slide Show.” When the settings window opens, check the box next to “Loop continuously until ‘ESC’” and then click “OK.” When you’re ready to turn your slide show off, simply press the Esc key on your keyboard.

Slide show template and theme tips

Search themes and templates online.

With numerous slide show themes and templates available, it’s easy to find one that fits your needs.

Customize your design

If you can’t find the perfect theme or template, you can change things like colors and fonts.

Build a custom template

If you want a blueprint to use with future slide shows, you can create your own template.

Add new slides

If you need more slides, you can choose a specific layout and your theme will be carried over.

Edit your slide layouts

Even when using a theme or template, you can rearrange slide content to highlight key information.

Add photos, videos, and text

Themes and templates make adding media easy since most slides have designated content areas.

Change or resize your fonts

If your theme’s font is too small, you can resize it or choose a new font to make it easy to read.

Reorder your slide show

Some themes and templates have a predefined sequence, but you can reorder slides to meet your needs.

Create your own slide show

Slide shows are a great way to engage your audience and present important information. Whether you're creating a slide show for personal or professional reasons, slide shows are an essential tool for anyone who wants to share information in a visually appealing manner.

Discover more ways to improve your slide show

What options are available to create a slide show?

Slide show makers come in many forms. Some slide show software can only be used on specific devices, while other slide show creators can be accessed via the cloud from any device at any time.

It’s a good idea to evaluate a variety of slide show makers to ensure that you find one with all the features you need. For instance, some slide show software skews toward business use cases and others toward personal.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular slide show app that allows you to save presentations to your device or the cloud, and is widely used for personal, professional, and educational purposes.

Frequently asked questions

What are slide show apps and software.

Slide show apps and software are used to create and share slide shows. Slide show programs are typically used to communicate information, diagrams, plans, or processes. They can also be used to display photos and videos at events or retail stores. Usually, slide show makers have a range of built-in features and layouts, making them easy to use, regardless of technical skill levels.

What should a slide show include?

An effective slide show should be engaging, visually appealing, and informative. To achieve this, you'll want to make sure to include the following elements:

  • A catchy headline or title. This will help grab your audience's attention and set the tone for the rest of your presentation.
  • A variety of images. Don't just rely on text—incorporate photos, illustrations, or even video to maximize viewership.
  • Bullet points or short blocks of text. Keep your slide content concise and easy to digest; too much information will only overwhelm your viewers.

How do I make a picture slide show?

There are a few different ways to make picture slide shows. You can use online programs, or you can create a slide show directly on your computer, phone, tablet, or other device using slide show software. Some programs, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, can be accessed on your personal device and on the cloud.

How long should a slide show be?

The length of your slide show will depend on several factors, such as the topic of your presentation, the audience you're presenting to, and the amount of time you have. That said, slide shows are generally between five and ten minutes long.

How can I make a slide show better?

Here are a few tips to make your slide show more engaging:

  • Add images, videos, and music to bring your slide show to life.
  • Use a font that is easy to read from a distance.
  • Try not to use too many words on each slide.
  • Use custom transitions and timing to make your slide show flow.
  • Ensure a cohesive slide show by using a theme or template.
  • For live presentations, practice with the Speaker Coach feature .

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

whats a digital presentation

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

whats a digital presentation

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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7 Keys to Powerful Digital Presentations in Business

Feb 04, 2019 by maurice decastro in communication skills , leadership , presentation skills.

4 people gathered around the table for meeting around the globe

In today’s world, virtual meetings and digital presentations are the norm.

Presenting face to face is often an onerous task for even the most experienced business professional. Now we are increasingly called on to do it digitally. 

– Get close to the camera, but not too close.

– Make eye contact, project energy and make it interactive.

– Eliminate distractions.

– Choose the right background.

– Present standing if possible.

– Let your audience see your hands.

– Ditch the bullet points.

– Keep them fully engaged, maintain their attention, interest and curiosity.

There’s plenty more where these came from and whilst they apply to in-person presenting too, it feels tougher when presenting virtually. 

Here are 7 keys to delivering powerful digital presentations

1- know what you are up against.

I recently attended an online presentation whilst preparing an invoice, accepting a LinkedIn connection request and responding to an email.

It’s not something I’m particularly proud of. I don’t brag about it as my ability to multi-task.

Why did I do it?

To put it simply, it was deathly boring!

Despite my guilt, I’ve done it before and it’s likely I’ll do the same thing again if I’m on the recieving end of a mindless presentation.

Research suggests that the human mind is conditioned to wander 47% of the time. When you’re attending digital presentations with easier access to a wide range of other distractions, I’m sure that number soars.

That’s the first key; awareness

If you approach and craft your presentation with the awareness that you have an enormous amount to compete with, you will be compelled to raise your game.

From start to finish, make sure that everything you plan to share both verbally and visually is rich, relevant and compelling.

If it isn’t, you are giving your audience license to enter the mind wandering zone.

Give your audience a very good reason to stay connected to you.

2- Start with a promise

Which do you think is more likely to grab and keep your attention?

a) A six-point agenda

b) A promise of something that will make a tangible difference to your life

Therein lays a significant challenge.

It’s easy to ramble through a six-point agenda and a great deal harder to make a promise you can keep. 

We live in a world where most of us are overwhelmed with information. The last thing we need is someone reading through a scripted agenda that we could easily read for ourselves.

Make your audience a promise you can comfortably keep; and make sure it’s the first thing you do.

Don’t save your message for the end. Give them a glimpse of the future very early on. In other words, how you aim to make their lives better, easier, happier or positively different.

3- Stick to the point

I have long been a huge fan of the work of the late Stephen Covey. The author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People , which sold over 25 million copies shared some great truths and wisdom.

Famous for a number of very powerful quotes one of my personal favourites is, “ The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”

I’ve heard many business presenters open their presentation with that one quote and then immediately continue to talk about everything other than, ‘the main thing’.

When presenting digitally you want to focus on one topic and one topic alone; if you don’t you will very quickly lose your audience.

Sticking to the point requires clarity of your message and your objective.

What is your message and what do you want your audience to do with it when they close their laptop.

If a piece of data, insight, story or visual does not support your message and objective, leave it out.

Focus with laser like clarity on your message and allow your audience to do the same.

4- Think like a designer

Remember, the moment your audience feels the slightest bit bored you will lose them to one of the other multiple devices they have at their fingertips. The bullet points and charts are guaranteed to send them off.  

When using slides

Keep them simple.

Use high quality, compelling graphics.

Colour arouses interest and evoke emotions – use them well.

Stick to one point per slide.

Ditch the templates.

Use single images.

Forget the fancy transitions.

Create bill boards not slides.

5- Get them talking too

Don’t forget, your audience is only 5 seconds away from LinkedIn or Twitter, so lecture them and they’re off.

Get them involved and keep them engaged by not only ensuring that you content is rich and compelling but:

– Ask for their opinions

– Keep it interactive

– Create a poll

– Run a quiz

– Ask for a show of hands

– Invite questions and comments

– Ask them what they think and how they feel

Plan ahead of time to get your audience involved every 3 to 5 minutes. Don’t leave it any longer and don’t leave it to chance.

6- Let them see you

Presenters are often uncomfortable with the fact that they can’t see their audience and that’s quite understandable. Imagine how your audience feel if they can’t see you. Facial expressions and non-verbal gestures are crucial elements of high impact presenting.

People like to see people, not just hear their voices.

Make yourself visible by using a webcam. Don’t rely on your voice alone to hold their attention and stay connected.

Digital presentations are very visual, aesthetic experiences. Not only do your visuals need to look great but you do too.

– Make sure the lighting is good above and around you.

– Dress in plain colours, leave the stripes and patterns in the wardrobe.

– Remember to keep looking into the camera rather the screen.

– Prepare the space around you carefully as they will see that too.

– Ask your audience to turn their cameras on.

7- Speak with impact

You’re not in the same room as your audience, you can’t always see them but if you’re using a webcam, they can see you.

There is a great deal of pressure on your vocal chords to ensure you stay connected and speak with impact.

If you are one of those speakers who has a quieter voice, can sound a little monotone or even have problems slowing down, its likely to sound worse online.  Don’t rely on chance or hope that your voice will serve you exactly how you want it to on the day:

– Stretch and challenge it beforehand.

– Do some vocal exercises and warm up your voice before you speak.

– Record yourself on your phone and play it back several times being very honest with yourself about how you sound.

– Get some feedback.

– Make appropriate changes.

Crafting and delivering a digital or video-based presentation is a significant challenge. Implementing these 7 keys, will serve you extremely well.

If you need help with digital presentations

– Book yourself onto a powerful  public speaking course .

– Invest in some really good one to one  public speaking coaching .

– Get yourself some excellent  presentation training

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Blog Data Visualization 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

Written by: Ryan McCready May 08, 2023

Best Presentation Ideas, Design Tips & Examples

Did you know that 46% of people can’t sit through a presentation without losing focus? 

That’s why I wanted to learn how to make a presentation that will captivate an audience. After looking at hundreds of different authors, topics and designs, I’ve assembled over 100 presentation ideas and tips on how to design a compelling presentation for:

  • Social media
  • Online courses
  • Pitch decks
  • Lead generation

In this blog, you’ll find 120+ presentation ideas, design tips and examples to help you create an awesome presentations slide deck for your next presentation.

To start off, here’s a video on the 10 essential presentation design tips to make sure that your presentations don’t fall under the YAWN category.

1. Use a minimalist presentation theme

Modern Airbnb Presentation Ideas


The best designs can also be some of the simplest you see. In the Airbnb pitch deck below, they use a minimalist color scheme and font selection.

Creative Airbnb Pitch Deck Ideas

A minimalist design is sleek, organized and places the most important thing in focus: your information. There are no distracting stock images, icons, or content. Everything on this unique presentation feels like it belongs and works together perfectly. 

Learn how to customize this template:

2. Use a consistent design motif throughout your presentation

Here’s a go-to tip to for a cohesive presentation design: use a design motif. The motif could be a recurring shape (like circles, lines or arrows) or symbol (like a leaf for “growth” or a mountain for “goals”). For more ideas, check out our guide to common symbols and meanings used in design .

For example, this  presentation template uses circles as a design motif. The same circle icon is used in three different colors to add a bubbly touch to the design. The team photos are also incorporated using circle frames:

Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

3. Use an eye-catching presentation background image

Photography Creative Presentation Ideas copy

Like with any type of design work, you should want to catch the eye of your audience. In a presentation, this should be done from the beginning with a  compelling background image or a color gradient.

Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

In this presentation template, the creators were able to do just that with a landscape photo. When a presentation like this is seen on social media, during a webinar or in person, your audience will definitely listen up.

4. Visualize your points with icons

Storytelling Business Presentation Ideas

Icons are the perfect visuals to include in presentations. They’re compact and can convey a concept to your audience at a glance. You can even combine multiple icons to create custom illustrations for your slides. 

Use the Icon Search in Venngage to find illustrated and flat icons:

Venngage Icon Search

5. Use a black & white color scheme for a corporate presentation design

Easy Black Business Presentation Ideas

In the presentation below there are only two colors used: black and white. Now, you might be worried that only using two colors is boring, but it all comes down to balance.

Minimalist White Business Presentation Ideas

Playing off the ideas of classic minimalism, the designer made this presentation look sleek and professional. And now your content can be the main attraction of your presentation as well!

6. Repurpose your slide deck into an infographic 

OfficeVibe Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

Different types of presentations serve different purposes and sometimes it helps to work smarter, not harder when you are creating a unique presentation. In fact, the spacing, layout, and style used in this presentation makes it easy to repurpose the same images into an infographic.

OfficeVibe Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

This allows you to create two unique pieces of content from one idea!  Which is exactly what  Officevibe did .

coronavirus webinar

Join Venngage’s CEO, Eugene Woo, to learn how you can design impactful infographics that will help maintain trust, increase productivity and inspire action in your team.


7. Break your genre mold for a fun presentation idea

SEMRush Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

When I first clicked on this creative presentation from SEMrush, I was not expecting to be transported into a comic book. I’m glad I clicked because it may be the most unique slide deck I have ever seen. Going this extreme with your presentation ideas may seem a bit risky, but to be able to break the mold in this age of cookie-cutter presentations is worth it.

To leave a lasting impression on your audience, consider transforming your slides into an interactive presentation. Here are 15  interactive presentation ideas  to enhance interactivity and engagement.

8. Make your presentation cover slide count

WebTrends Business Presentation Ideas

As I was scrolling through all of the presentations, this one made me stop in my tracks. It could be that I have a life-long love of Star Wars, or it could be that their presentation cover slide was designed to do just that: grab your attention. That’s why you should not stick with a boring, text-only title slide. Don’t be afraid to use icons and illustrations to make a statement.

9.  Alternate slide layouts to keep your presentation engaging

Easy Real Estate Presentation Ideas

Keeping your audience engaged throughout an entire presentation is hard, even if you have been working on your presentation skills . No one wants to look at slides that look exactly the same for an hour. But on the other hand, you can’t create a unique masterpiece for each slide.

Creative Real Estate Marketing Presentation Ideas

That’s why I’m very impressed with what the designers did in the presentation example above. They use a consistent visual theme on each slide, but alternate between vertical and horizontal orientations.

The swapping of orientations will show people that the presentation is progressing nicely. It can help you make a strong, almost physical, distinction between ideas, sections or topics.  

10. Make your audience laugh, or at least chuckle

Modern Company Branding Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to not take your business presentations too seriously. Not sure what I mean? Go check out slide number 10 on this slide deck below.

Funny Branding Presentation Ideas

If you did not actually laugh out loud, then I don’t know what to tell you. Small illustrated embellishments can be very powerful because they evoke an emotional response and to gain your audience’s trust.

Did you know 70% of employees think that giving a good presentation is an essential workplace skill? Check out the top qualities of awesome presentations and learn all about how to make a good presentation to help you nail that captivating delivery.

11. Supplement your presentation with printed materials

Presentation Ideas Brochure

Printed takeaways (such as brochures and business cards ) give audience members a chance to take home the most important elements of your presentation in a format they can easily access without using a computer. Make sure you brand these materials in a way that’s visually consistent with your slide deck, with the same color scheme, icons, and other iconic features; otherwise, your recipients will just end up scratching their heads.

Presentation Ideas Brochure

If you’re giving people multiple materials, try packaging them all into one convenient presentation folder. There are over 100 styles with a wide range of custom options, so feel free to get creative and make your folder stand out. Sometimes a unique die cut or an unusual stock is all you need to make something truly memorable. Here are some brochure templates to get you started.

12. Only use one chart or graphic per slide 

Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Having too much information on a slide is the easiest way to lose the focus of your audience. This is especially common when people are using graphs, charts or tables .

Blue Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

In this creative slide deck, the author made sure to only include one focal point per slide, and I applaud them for it. I know this may sound like a simple presentation tip, but I have seen many people lose their audience because the slides are too complex.

13. Keep your employee engagement presentations light   

OfficeVibe Modern Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to get away from stuffy, professional presentation ideas to capture your audience’s attention. In this case, Officevibe used some very colorful and playful illustrations to stand out from the crowd.

Creative Startup Presentation Ideas

I mean, who could not love the plant with a face on slide number 9? And if you want to see some more icons and illustrations like this, be sure to check out our article on how to tell a story with icons.

14.  Feature a map when talking about locations

Purple Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Including a map in your creative presentations is a fantastic idea! Not only do they make an interesting focal point for your slide layout, they also make location-based information easier to understand.

Purple Startup Pitch Presentation Ideas

This cool presentation example by our pro designers at Venngage uses maps to visualize information. This map both dominates the screen, and also displays all the locations being covered.

15. Use a font that is large and in charge 

Bold Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you are presenting to a small group or a packed stadium, make sure your audience can see your text! Use a large and in charge font that can be read from even the nosebleed seats. 

Honestly, you really never know where your unique presentation will be seen. It could be seen in a conference room or conference hall, and everything in between. Be ready to present almost anywhere with a bold and easy to read font.

16. Use pop culture references to build a fun presentation 

Drift Business Presentation Ideas

Using a meme or pop culture reference is another way that you can jive with your audience. It can be used to quickly get a point across without saying a word or create a moment that you can connect with the room. For example in this presentation, they used Napoleon Dynamite to give the audience feelings of nostalgia.

17. Use more than one font weight on your presentation cover slide

Steve Jobs Apple Presentation Ideas

Just like you would never use one font on an infographic, you should never use just one font on your presentation (for more tips, read our guide on how to choose fonts ). In this presentation example from HubSpot, they use a bunch of different font weights to add emphasis to key words and ideas.

As you can see, they use a bold font on the presentation cover to bring attention to Steve Jobs name. This makes it easy for the audience to know what your presentation is going to be about from the beginning as well. 

18. Use a color theme for each idea 

Colorful Dell Tech Presentation Ideas

Color is another extremely powerful nonverbal tool that you can use to guide your audience. By using a different color for each section of your creative presentation, Dell is able to clearly indicate when they are switching points or ideas.  Going from green to orange, and even red almost effortlessly.

Colorful Technology Presentation Ideas

This is a great way to design a list, guide, or a  how-to presentation as well. And each color can be assigned to a different step or number with ease. 

Need help picking the perfect color palette? Start here !

19. Use illustrations instead of pictures 

Illustrated Tech Presentation Ideas

An easy way to keep your design consistent throughout your unique presentation is to use illustrations like in this slide deck by Domo.

They used illustrations instead of pictures to show off their subject on slide numbers 4-10 and it looks fantastic. This will ensure that the audience focuses on the content, instead of just the photo they could have used.

It also helps that illustrations are a top design trend for 2020 .

20. Use contrasting colors to compare two perspectives or sides of an argument 

Creative Comparison Presentation Ideas

Contrasting colors can be used to quickly show each side of topic or an argument. For example in this presentation, they use this trick to show the difference between their company and the competition.

Simple Product Comparison Presentation Ideas

They use color very effectively in this example to show their company is better, in a nonverbal way. With a lighter color and illustrated icons, the company is able to position them as the better choice. All without saying a word.  

Now if they would have used similar colors, or a single color the effect wouldn’t have been as strong or noticeable.

21. Include your own personal interests

Innovative Business Tech Presentation Ideas

This example is one of the most interesting and cool presentations I have seen in awhile, so I suggest checking out the entire thing. The creator inserts a bunch of his personal interests into the slide to make his presentation about education fun and relatable. And they even use a Super Mario Bros inspired presentation cover, so you know it has to be fantastic! 

22. Try to stick to groups of three 

Simple Black Presentation Ideas

How many major ideas should be present on your presentation aid? Never break your  presentation layout down into anything more than thirds. This means there should be at most three columns, three icons, three ideas and so on.  A great example of this idea starts on slide number 9 in this slide deck and continues throughout the rest of the presentation.

 Here is a great three columned slide template to get started with.

23. Add a timeline to help visualize ideas 

Modern History Presentation Ideas

One of the best ways to visualize a complex process or historical event is to use a timeline presentation. A list of all the steps or events is just not going to cut it in a professional setting. You need to find an engaging way to visualize the information.

Simple History Class Presentation Ideas

Take the presentation example above, where they outline the rise and fall of Athens in a visually stimulating way.

24. Label your graphs & charts 

Creative Data Visualization Presentation Ideas

If the people at Pollen VC had not added those annotations to the graphs on slide number 5, I would have definitely not known what to make of that graph.

But when you combine the visuals on a graph with descriptive text, the graph is able to paint a picture for your audience. So make your graphs easy to understand by annotating them (this is a chart design best practice ).

Create a free graph right here, right now!

25. White font over pictures just works 

Elegant Marketing Presentation Ideas

There is a reason that you see so many quotes or sayings in a white font that are then overlaid on an image. That it is because it just works in so many situations and the text is very easy to read on any image.

If you do not believe me, look at the slide deck example above where they use a white font with a few different fonts and about 100 images. Plus the presentation template is chocked full of other tips on how to create a winning slideshow.

26. Color code your points across the whole presentation 

Creative Tech Startup Presentation Ideas

Here is another example of a presentation that uses color to keep their points organized. In this case, they use 10 different pastel colors to match the 10 different tips for employee engagement.

Illustrated Tech Business Presentation Ideas

Check out our guide for how to pick the best colors for your visuals .

27.  Use a simple flow chart to break down a process

Colorful Sponsorship Presentation Ideas

If you’re a fan of the movie Step Brothers , you may have heard of Prestige Worldwide before. In this fun presentation example they are back to sell you on their business model and growth plans.

This time, the presentation will be effective because it actually talks about what the business does.

Colorful Marketing Event Presentation Ideas

Instead of making a music video, they use a helpful flowchart template to explain their business model. I would recommend following their lead and creating a dynamic flow chart to visually break down any process.  Try making your own flowchart  with Venngage.

28. Make your slide deck mobile friendly 

Globoforce Red Human Resources Presentation Ideas

As more people move to mobile as their main device each year, making your presentations mobile-friendly is becoming increasingly important. This means that the text is large and there aren’t too many small details, so everything can scale down. Just like in this presentation example from the creators at Globoforce.

29. Don’t be afraid to include too many examples 

With Company Product Development Presentation Ideas

If you are presenting a complex idea to a group, especially a large audience, I would recommend having a ton of good examples. Now, I would try not to overdo it, but having too many it is better than having too few.

In this creative presentation, the people at With Company spend about 20 slides just giving great examples of prototyping. It doesn’t feel too repetitive because they all are useful and informative examples.

30.  Use consistent visual styles for an elegant presentation design

Black Professional Business Presentation Ideas

I have already written extensively about using icons in all of your design projects . I haven’t talked as much about matching icons to your presentation template.

Modern Business Marketing Presentation Ideas copy

But that’s just as important, especially if you want to create a professional presentation for your audience.

As you can see in the example above, the designer used minimalist icons that fit the slide designs. All of the other graphics, charts and visual elements fit together nicely as well.

Plus the icons don’t distract from the content, which could ruin a stellar presentation.

31. Use a consistent presentation layout 

Bannersnack Graphic Design Presentation Ideas

In this example from Bannersnack, they use a consistent layout on each of their slides to help with the flow by using the same margins and text layout.

Bannersnack Modern Design Presentation Ideas

It’s a solid presentation example because they help the user know where to look immediately. It may seem like they are playing it safe, but anything that can speed up the time it takes for a user to read the content of the slides, the better.

32. Use loud colors as much as possible 

Colorful Creative Tech Presentation Ideas

This is one of my favorite presentations because of the highlighter yellow they chose to use as their main color. It is actually very similar to one that I saw presented live a few years ago and I have used this same approach in a few presentations ideas of my own.

33. Pull your design motif from your content 

Creative Education Workshop Presentation Ideas

If you are talking about an interesting topic, why not use the topic as the main design motif in your creative slide deck? For example, in this presentation about sketchbooks, the creator uses a sketchy, handwritten motif. It is something simple that helps the audience connect with the topic. Plus, it allows you to include a ton of great examples.

34. Utilize a call & answer cadence

Simple White Marketing Presentation Ideas

In this SlideShare about how to create a presentation, Peter Zvirinsky uses a two-step process to present a point. First, he presents the header presentation tip in a speech bubble. Then he shows a supporting point in a responding speech bubble. This gives the presentation a conversational flow.

35. Repurpose ebook content into a creative presentation

Purple Seth Godin Presentation Ideas

This slide deck was adapted perfectly from a Seth Godin ebook into the presentation example you see above. In the slide deck, they take a piece of content that would usually take a while to read and cut it down to a few minutes. Just remember to include only the most important ideas, and try to present them in a fresh way.

36. Add a timed outline to your presentation

Simple Blue Monthly Business Presentation Ideas

We have already covered how important it is to have a table of contents in your slides but this takes it a bit further. On the second slide of the presentation below, the creator added how long each of the slides should take.

White Minimalist Business Presentation Ideas

This is great because it helps your audience know the pace the presentation will take and will help keep them engaged. It also will help them identify the most important and in-depth parts of the presentation from the beginning.

37. Use a “next steps” slide to direct your audience

Purple Gradient Presentation Ideas

One of the worst things you can do as a presenter is to leave your audience without any idea of what to do next. A presentation should never just end because you ran out of slides.

Blue Creative Gradient Presentation Ideas

Instead, use a conclusion or “next steps” slide like in the example above to finish your presentation. Sum up some of your main points, tell your audience where they can get more information, and push them to take action.

38. Go a bit crazy with the design 

Velocity Partners Simple White Presentation Ideas

Sometimes you need to throw convention to the wind to create something unforgettable. This presentation from Velocity Partners does just that, and I think it is one of my favorite ones from this entire roundup.

Velocity Partners Simple Tech Presentation Ideas

They use unconventional typography, quirky icons, and unusual presentation layout to make each slide surprising.

39. Make your slide deck easy to share 

Simple Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you are looking to get a lot of eyes on your presentation I would make sure people will want to share it on social media. How do you do that? By presenting new and interesting value. This means your content needs to answer a common question and your design needs to be clutter-free. For example, look at this very social media-friendly. The slides are simple and answer questions directly.

40.  Use shapes to integrate your photos into the slides

Colorful Food Presentation Ideas

Want to include a bunch of images in your presentation? I say do it!

Now most of the time you would add a raw image directly to your slide. However, if you want to present images in a professional way I would recommend using an image frame .

Nutrition Creative Presentation Ideas

Like in the example above, you can use these frame to create a collage of images almost instantly. Or provide a similar visual theme to all of your slides.  

Overall, I believe it’s a great way to add a new visual component to your presentation.

41. Hijack someone’s influence in your marketing slides

Creative Social Media Presentation Ideas

If you are stuck in the brainstorming phase of your presentation, focusing on a brand or influencer is a great place to start. It could be a case study, a collection of ideas or just some quotes from the influencer. But what makes it effective is that the audience knows the influencer and trusts them. And you are able to hijack their awareness or influence.

42. Put y our logo on every slide 

Moz Business Marketing Presentation Ideas

Whether you have a brand as powerful as Moz, or you are just getting started, you should always have your logo on each slide. You really never know where a presentation is going to end up–or what parts of it will! In this presentation template, Moz does a good job of including their branding and such to get others interested in Moz Local. Don’t have a logo yet? Our logo design tips will help you create a logo that’s iconic and will stand the test of time.

43. Lead your audience to it 

Blogging Tips Presentations Ideas

In this example, the creator uses something very similar to the call and answer approach I mentioned above, but with a little twist. Instead of just throwing all the info up at once, they use three slides to build to a particular point and include a subtle call to action in the third slide.

44. Make visuals the focal point of your presentation slides

Non Profit Creative Presentation Ideas

If you haven’t noticed, illustrated icons are having a revival in 2020 and beyond. This is likely because minimalist icons dominated the design world for the past decade. And now people want something new.

Brands also like using illustrated icons because they are seen as genuine and fun.

Blood Donation Creative Presentation

And because they are so eye-catching you can use them as focal points in your presentation slides. Just like they did in the creative presentation example above.

Picking the perfect icon is tough, learn how you can use infographic icons like a pro.

45. Use a quirky presentation theme 

Animation Ninja Funny Tech Presentation Ideas

In this slide deck, the authors show you how to become an Animation Ninja…and they use ninja graphics and icons extensively. This caught my eye immediately because of the amount of work that I knew was behind this. It takes a lot of time and effort to line all of the content and graphic up to create a cohesive theme, but the payoff can be massively worth it.

46. Use a consistent background image 

Simple Modern Business Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of the way that Aleyda Solís uses only a single presentation background image throughout her presentation.

Modern SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

By using this tactic the audience is able to focus on what is happening in the foreground. Plus it gives the whole presentation a different feel than all the other ones I have looked at.

47. Summarize your points at the end

Deanta Data Driven Marketing Presentation Ideas

It’s a good idea to summarize your points before you end your presentation , especially if you’ve covered a lot of information. In this presentation example, Deanta summarizes exactly what they do on slide numbers 16-18. They also provide their contact information in case their audience has any more questions. I think that every presentation should use this same approach, especially the ones you are presenting outside of your company.

48. Use a minimalist presentation template

QuickBooks Minimalist Presentation Ideas

This slide deck from QuickBooks uses a minimalist theme to help the audience focus on what is important, the content.

QuickBooks White Simple Presentation Ideas

There were only five colors used in the entire presentation and the graphics were simple line drawings. This made it easy to read and very pleasing to the eyes.

49. Split your slides length-wise 

Sequoia Startup Presentation Ideas

Here is a simple template you can use to separate your headers, or main points, from your body text in a presentation.

Minimalist White Startup Presentation Ideas

Instead of using a solid presentation background, split the slide in half like Sequoia did in their slide deck. They used their brand color for the title portion and a neutral white for the supporting content.

Use this company report template to create a very similar slide right now!

50.  Embrace a bold color scheme throughout your presentation

Colorful Modern Creative Presentation Ideas

My favorite part of the creative presentation example above is the use of complementary colors in each slide. As you can see, not one of the slides use the same color scheme but they all feel related connected.

Colorful Modern Presentation Ideas

This approach can be used to make your presentation visually unique, without abandoning a cohesive theme or idea.

51. Put text in the top left corner 

Simple Orange Business Presentation Ideas

English speakers will instinctively try to read text from a top to bottom, left to right orientation. I would recommend using a left alignment for your text and adding additional things from top to bottom, just like Aaron Irizarry did in this presentation layout.

52. Break up your tables 

Intuit Financial Business Presentation Ideas

A plain table with a white background with black or gray lines are difficult to read on a computer screen, so why would you create one for viewing on a large presentation screen? You shouldn’t!

Instead, follow Intuit’s lead and break up the rows with a bit of color. This applies to data visualization in general , but think it is even more important when it comes to presentations.

53.  Present connected information in a visually similar way

Yellow Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

In this startup pitch presentation example, they have a ton of information to get through. But they present their most important slides, the problem and solution, in a visually similar way.

Yellow Creative Startup Presentation Ideas

By using a similar layout on each slide, the audience will be able to quickly make a connection. If you want to present two connected pieces of information, use this tactic.

Yellow Modern Startup Presentation Ideas

From the font to the layout, it’s all basically the same. The main message they’re trying to impart is a lot more impactful to the reader.

If they would have used two wildly different presentation layouts, the message may have been lost.

54. Roundup expert tips into one presentation 

Venngage Presentation Ideas

If you are looking for useful insights into the topic of your presentation, talk to some influencers in your niche. These are called “expert roundups” in the content marketing world and they are incredibly shareable.

Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Plus, they are pretty easy to create and have a great shelf life. In the example above, we talked to a gaggle of marketing experts about what makes a SlideShare great.

55. Use bold & brash colors throughout 

Gradient SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

B old colors usually make your presentation template a lot easier to read and remember. Like at this slide deck made by our talented designers, which doesn’t shy away from bright, bold colors.

Want to pick a perfect color palette for your presentation? Read this blog on the do’s and don’ts of infographic color selection .

56. Make your graphs easy to read & interpret 

Futuristic Presentation Ideas

It should not require a Master’s degree in statistics to understand the graphs that someone uses in a presentation. Instead, the axis should be easy to read, the colors should enforce the point, and the data should be clearly plotted.

Creative Data Presentation Ideas

For example, in this presentation on slide numbers 14 and 25, the graphs nail all of those tips perfectly.

57. Condense your presentation into a memorable line 

Red Simple Business Presentation Ideas

If you can, try condensing your information into a simple one-liner to help the message stick with your audience. In slide number 36 of this presentation, Mika Aldaba does just that and shows that “Facts + Feelings = Data Storytelling.”

Minimalist White Business Presentation Ideas

He does this again a few times throughout the presentation with other memorable one-liners.

58.  Bring attention to important figures with colorful icons

Blue Investor Pitch Deck Presentation Idea

If you’re including a figure or number on your slides, I’m guessing you want the audience to actually see it.

That’s why I would recommend using an icon or graphic to highlight that figure. Maybe use a color or icon that isn’t used anywhere else in the presentation to make sure it really jumps off the screen.

Colorful Blue Yellow Investor Presentation Idea copy

In the presentation example above, all that’s used is a simple circle to make each figure a focal point. It’s really that easy, but many people leave it out of their presentations.

59. Anchor Your Text With Icons 

Studio Ninja Creative Gradient Presentation Ideas

Having your text or content floating out in the white space of your presentation is not a good look.

Studio Ninja White Presentation Ideas

Instead, you should use anchor icons to give the text something to hold onto and draw the audience’s eye. If you need some examples of good anchor icons, check out slide numbers 4, 7 and 9 in this presentation example.

60. Add semi-opaque lettering as a presentation background 

Stinson Illustrated Presentation Ideas

A neat way to keep your slide deck organized is to number your slides or points using semi-opaque lettering in the background.

Stinson Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

Then, place your slide content on top of the opaque lettering. This helps your audience know that you are on the same point or idea, plus it just looks really good when done right.

61. Use simple or minimalist borders

Transparent Orange Business Presentation Ideas

An easy way to class up your slides is to put a border around your text. Take this presentation from Venngage that uses a couple of different types of borders to make their slides look professional.

Modern Orange Business Presentation Ideas2 copy

Plus it helps keep all of your content contained on the slide!

62. Feature one idea per slide

Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

Nothing is worse than a confusing, cluttered slide. Instead of trying to pack a bunch of ideas into one slide, focus on one core idea on each slide. If you need to flesh the idea out, just make another slide. 

Having trouble condensing your slides? Our presentation design guide can help you summarize your presentations and convey a singular idea with a clear focus.

63. Keep your style consistent with your brand 

Creative OfficeVibe Presentation Ideas

You might be tempted to switch up the style of your creative presentations each time, but think again. If your brand is known for fun and lighthearted content, like Officevibe, let that be your style throughout all of the presentations you publish under that brand. This will make your slide decks recognizable and will enforce your brand’s message .

64. Use accent fonts to emphasize important numbers

Social Media Business Presentation Ideas

Some people hate pie charts with a passion, but I think they are perfect for presentations. Especially if you want to bring attention to a figure or percentage point .

Colorful Social Media Marketing Presentation Ideas

In this simple example, the pie charts are used to visualize each figure in an interesting way. Plus the pie charts fit the circular and fun theme of the rest of the presentation very well.

65. Use patterned and textured presentation backgrounds

Design Tips Presentation Ideas


Adding some subtle textures, icons or shapes to the presentation background can help make your slides more interesting. This is especially effective when you are only showing one point per slide, because it makes the slide design less sparse.

DesignMantic Creative Presentation Ideas

You can even switch up the colors on your shapes or textures to match the theme of the slide like DesignMantic did in this presentation.

66. Illustrate complex or confusing concepts with icons 

Gluwa Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Ideally, you don’t want every slide in your deck to just be text. Instead, switch things up every few slides by using just pictures.

Simple Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

This slide deck by Gluwa uses icons to create little diagrams to illustrate their presentation ideas. Their slides still communicate concepts to the audience, but in a new way.

67. Overlay stock photos with color 

Change Sciences Data Driven Presentation Ideas

One problem many people encounter when creating a presentation or slide decks are finding photos with a consistent style. An easy way to edit photos to make them consistent is to add a transparent color overlay. In this example, Change Sciences uses a blue overlay on all of their photos. Plus, the color you choose can also help convey a particular mood.

68. Use black and white blocks 

Creative Leadership Presentation Ideas

An easy way to make your text pop, particularly on a photo background, is to use white font on a black blog background (and vise-versa). Check out this slide deck by Abhishek Shah, which uses this trick in an effective way.  

Now if you want to become a better leader this year, check out some of our favorite leadership infographics .

69. Use photos with similar filters 

Hubspot Business Presentation Ideas

Using a bunch of photos with wildly different filters can be jarring in a business presentation. To maintain a consistent flow, use photos with a similar filter and color saturation.

Hubspot Creative Presentation Ideas

Take a look at this example from HubSpot across slide numbers 1-6 and you can see what I mean.

70. Visualize your points with diagrams 

Purple Data Driven Presentation Ideas

Sometimes the best way to get your point across is to throw some diagrams into the presentation mix. But be sure to make is something that the audience can pick up on in three to five seconds tops.

Purple Data Driven Business Presentation Ideas

For example, Jan Rezab uses a diagram to illustrate what takes up time in our lives on slide numbers 4, 5, 7 and 9!

71. Get experts to share tips

Expert Business Presentation Ideas

If you want to provide even more value to your audience than you can offer yourself, why not call in some expert reinforcement? See what experts in your field have to say on the topic of your presentation and include their tips and insights. Plus you can hijack their influence and expand your audience fairly quickly. 

72. Mimic a popular presentation style 

Uber Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Uber’s pitch deck helped them raise millions of dollars in venture capital eventually leading to the glorious moment when they IPOed this year.

Aside from our sleek design upgrade (hey, we love good design!), this pitch deck template is the exact same one that Uber used to go from Idea to IPO.

And who knows? Maybe you might start the next Uber. But to raise money, you will need to create flawless business pitch decks to impress investors and raise those dollars.

73. Plan your presentation idea ahead of time

HighSpark Marketing Presentation Ideas

I know that minimalist designs are all the rage this year, but there is a big difference between a well-thought-out minimalist design and a lazy design without the finish touches. The same goes for a cluttered design with too many things going on at once.

HighSpark Creative Presentation Ideas

That’s why it’s worth it to take the time to really plan out your presentation ideas and design concepts. Take this slide deck about storytelling by HighSpark. A quick glance will tell you that they put a lot of thought into designing their slides.

74.  Use tables to compare your brand to the competition in sales presentations/pitch decks

Mint Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

There are a lot of ways to visually compare similar things in this day and age. You could use a comparison infographic , or even a venn diagram!

However, when it comes to presentations I think that the simple table is best. Especially if you are comparing more than two things, like in this presentation example.

Green Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

With a table, you can clearly lay out all the pros and cons of each idea, brand or topic without it being overwhelming to the audience. Plus, virtually everyone knows how to follow a table, so your information will be easy to consume.  

See more examples of the best pitch decks .

75. Blend icons & content effortlessly

Social Media Trends Presentation Ideas

Usually, icons are used as eye-catching objects detectors or anchors for text in a slideshow. But they can be used for so much more than that!

Social Media Marketing Presentation Ideas

Like in this marketing presentation from Constant Contact they are very large but do not distract from the content.

76. Make your audience want more 

Green Growth Hack Presentations Ideas

This tactic has been used by everyone since the idea of marketing was invented (or close to that). In this presentation example called “100 Growth Hacks, 100 Days” the creator only shows the audience the first 10 days of it and then uses a call to action at the end of the presentation to encourage them to seek out the rest.

Simple Green Marketing Presentations Ideas

The only risk with these kinds of presentation ideas is if your initial content is not great, you can’t expect your audience to seek out more information.

77. Use memes (for real, though) 

Moz Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

Usually, memes do not have a place in a serious business setting, so maybe don’t use them for formal presentations. But if you’re covering a lighter topic, or if you’re going for a fun presentation that will connect with your audience, don’t be afraid to throw a meme or two into the mix.

The audience immediately knows what you are trying to say when you use a popular meme in your presentation. For example, on slide number 7, the creator uses a meme to show that it will be hard to create great content

78.  Include a slide that introduces your team in pitch decks

Modern Black Business Presentation Ideas

In this presentation example, the creators decided to include their team on a slide. I think it’s a great gesture.

Minimalist Black Presentation Ideas

Showing your team can help the audience put a face to your brand and make the whole company feel more genuine. So if there is a team that has helped you get where you are today, give them some recognition!

79. Feature a complementary color palette

Bright Yellow Gary Vaynerchuk Presentation Ideas

Even though I am not a formally trained designer, I still understand that proper color usage is the base of any good design. Although not all of the tenets of color theory work great for presentations, complementary colors are always a great pick.

Creative Gary Vaynerchuk Presentation Ideas

Take a look at the color usage in this business presentation from Gary Vaynerchuk below . The purple and Snapchat yellow, which are complementary colors, look fantastic and the content jumps off the screen.

80. Use a heavy or bold font 

Throwback HR Presentation Ideas

The very back of the room should be able to read your content if you are giving a group presentation. To ensure that your entire audience can read the slides I would not only use a large font, but also use a heavy font.  If you are confused by what I mean by a heavy font take a look at this unique presentation example by Slides That Rock.

81. Do the math for your audience

Data Driven Startup Presentation Ideas

If you are going to use a graph in your presentation to compare data you should do the match for your audience. Do not make them do the calculations in their head because you will quickly lose their attention. For example, on slide number 5 the people at Sickweather lay out exactly what figures they want the audience to take from the slide.  

82. Use unique colors for different sections

Copywriting Presentation Ideas

The example below has 145 slides but it does not feel overwhelming or confusing.

Marketing Tips Presentation Ideas

That’s because each section has a different corresponding color, which makes it easier to flip through the slide deck and find a particular part.

83.  Give your presentation a catchy title that anyone can remember

Information Creative Presentation Ideas

What I really love about the presentation example above is that it features a catchy tagline on the second slide–“The 3S Framework.” It’s simple but it works!

Modern Summary Presentation Ideas

This motto helps outline the structure of the presentation, and each slide referring back to it. Plus, the tagline will give the audience something to latch onto and remember from the presentation.

84. White backgrounds are not always bad 

Minimalist White Presentation Ideas

A lot of people think that plain white background is a boring presentation faux pas. So the first thing they do is add color or image, which is not a bad thing at all.

Modern Simple White Presentation Ideas

But I also think that when used correctly, like in this example, plain white backgrounds can lead to beautiful presentations.

85. Split the header text from the body text

Bold Purple Tech Presentation Ideas

This idea is very similar to the one-two punch tactic that I talked about above, but it spreads the content over two slides as opposed to a single slide.

Bold Orange Tech Presentation Ideas

Use this design choice when you have fairly easy to follow presentations, like the one below from Steve Young. I know that this is effective because it allows the audience to focus on the main point before he drives it home with the supporting details.

86. Feature circle image frames 

Black & White Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of the design choices that Frank Delmelle uses in this slide deck about content strategy. He uses circles as his main design motif and frames his images in circles as well.

87. Talk directly to your audience 

Simple Gray Tech Presentation Ideas

This slideshow tops out at 70 slides but it’s a breeze to flip through. That’s because the creator, Ian Lurie, decided to present it in the form of a conversation instead of a classic slide deck.

While each slide only has one or two sentences, it flows just like a friendly chat. He also includes the necessary pauses, breaks and other conversational tics that helps make it even more convincing.

88. Illustrated icons are key this year 

Illustrated Design Guide Presentation Ideas

Icons add a fun and functional element to your designs. In this presentation by Iryna Nezhynska, they use illustrated icons to make a potentially intimidating topic seem manageable.

89. Highlight key numbers and percentages 

Marketing Stats Presentation Ideas

Surprising percentages have the ability to excite and shock an audience. To make the percentages on your slides even more impactful, present them in a different color or font than the rest of the text.

Simple Data Driven Presentation Ideas

In the presentation example above, Contently uses that exact tactic to bring more attention to key numbers.

90. Use a gradient as your presentation background 

Modern Gradient Business Presentation Ideas

Just like bold color schemes, gradients are a current social media graphic design trend . They may feel retro to some, but I believe they will be around well into the future.  

Gradients are perfect for presentation backgrounds because they are so versatile and eye-catching. I mean, you can literally create a gradient with any colors you can think of! And they look a lot more interesting than a simple flat background.

So embrace the future and use a gradient in your next presentation!

91. Track the steps in a process 

10 Tips Human Resources Presentation Ideas

In this example, the creators from O.C. Tanner add a very interesting feature to their slides, starting on slide number 6. If you take a look at this business presentation template, you will see that they number the steps in a process and track which step they’re on at the bottom of the slides.

92. Use mind blowing font pairings 

Visual Communications Presentation Ideas

The creator of this slide deck uses at least 10 different types of fonts. And it looks fantastic because they know that one font choice is boring. But this does not mean that you should use a bunch of random fonts–pick font pairs that play well together and keep your font choices for different types of information consistent throughout the presentation.

93. Make your ideas as obvious as possible 

White Tech Education Presentation Ideas

Your audience shouldn’t be guessing at what you mean. That is why I think that this presentation example from In a Rocket is so powerful because they make the information easy to digest.

White Simple Education Presentation Ideas

Learning to code can be challenging, but they break the information down with simple diagrams and clear examples. Heck, I have not touched CSS in a few years and I could still follow what they were instructing.

94. Use images that will actually scale 

Modern Education Presentation Ideas

A large mistake that you can make in your slide deck is using low-quality images. They may look great on your computer, but as soon as the slides are put up on a screen, the low quality will show. In this example by ThoughtWorks, all of their presentation background images look great and will scale well to a bigger screen. And that is even after the image compression that LinkedIn most likely does!

95. Take risks with your presentation layout

Creative Illustrated Presentation Ideas

I honestly was blown away the first time I saw this presentation because it capitalized on such a risky design idea. The creators from Weekdone literally turned their presentation into an 8-Bit video game. A nd if you are looking for something that will stick with your audience, I would take a few creative cues from them!

96. Seriously, you better use memes 

Creative Data Driven Presentation Ideas

In this day and age memes are mainstream, so why wouldn’t you use them in a creative presentation? These do not have to be the coolest meme that all the hip kids are sharing, they can be some of the classics. Like the one that Dana DiTomaso uses on slide 16 to emphasize that it’s a trap!

97. Follow a clear design rhythm

Ultra Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

I really like how this presentation introduced each new point in three or four steps, using the same design. It gave the presentation a rhythm that flowed almost like a song!

White Minimalist Marketing Presentation Ideas

I would recommend using this approach if you have to introduce multiple points per slide.

98. Use LOTS of icons

Creative Project Management Presentation Ideas

If you have made it this far in the list you have already probably seen how effective icons are in presentations. They are the perfect way to support your ideas and make your presentation more pleasing to the eyes.

Illustrated Project Management Presentation Ideas

For example, take a look at all the icons SlideShop uses in this presentation. Almost every slide has at least one icon and a few have more than ten!

99. Give each slide its own spark

Creative HR Presentation Ideas

I know this goes against earlier points I had about creating a cohesive theme in your presentation layout, but everyone knows that rules are made to be broken (if you can do it better)!

Illustrated Creative HR Presentation Ideas

In this slide deck, the team at Officevibe literally created different designs for all 27 of their slides. And to top it off, each of the designs fit the quotes they used extremely well.

100. Use LARGE header cards 

Growth Hack Marketing Presentation Ideas

An easy way to stick to that “one piece of content on each slide rule” is to use header cards. They are basically the header that you would normally use in a blog post or article, but it gets is own slide before the content. Here is an example of that idea in the real world in this presentation from Brian Downard.

101. Ask your audience questions 

Creative Branding Presentation Idea

I think one of the most common elements I saw in all the slide decks was that they asked the audience questions. You can use questions to engage with your audience and get them thinking a bit harder about the topic. The Site By Norex team did an exceptional job of this when they explored what the topic of what makes up a brand.

Need some more info about creating a memorable brand? Check out some of the best branding stats for 2020 and beyond!

102. Introduce yourself and your brand 

Grey Tech Presentation Idea

I would say that a majority of presentations that I looked at in this list just jumped right into the content without an introduction to the author or brand in the actual slide deck.

This introduction is very important because it establishes your credentials from the beginning, especially if someone is just reading the slide deck. In this example from Losant, they do just that by spending the first few slides telling the audience who they are.

103. Mix up your mediums 

Creative Tips Presentation Ideas

Finally, this slide deck effectively marries two very distinct content forms together: digital images and hand-drawn illustrations. In this example, Freshdesk uses the timeless classic of a comic strip, Calvin & Hobbes, in something so modern to inform the audience in a fun way.

104. Show off your credentials 

Simple Tech Presentation Ideas

Just like with any piece of content, people are more likely to believe what you are saying if they know what your company does. That is why I really like when people insert their qualifications right into the presentation slides. Just like Andreas von der Heydt, from Amazon, did at the beginning of this presentation about thinking big.  

105. Highlight key data points 

Simple Graph Presentation Idea

If you are presenting a chart or graph on a dry topic, I would recommend using a single color to highlight the most important data point. For example, the investment firm a16z uses orange to highlight the data points they want their audience to focus on in each of their charts.

Check out some examples of how to highlight your key information in bar charts .

106. Show your audience where to find more information 

Blue Futuristic Presentation Idea

A lot of people end their presentations by literally just running out of slides, and that is the wrong way to do it. Instead, CBInsights consistently pushes their readers towards another piece of content at the end. This is also where you can insert a call to action!

107. Tell your origin story

Blue Marketing Presentation Ideas


This idea is kinda similar to showing off your company qualifications at the beginning of your presentation. But with this approach, you are trying to make an emotional connection with your audience instead of just showing off accolades.

White Marketing Presentation Ideas

And Rand from Moz does this extremely well in the presentation example above.

108. Use one focused visual 

Modern Tech Presentation Ideas

This presentation uses a central visual of a structure, with each slide moving down the levels of the structure. This is incredibly powerful because the entire presentation is about sinking your company, and the visual they designed mirrors that idea perfectly. Using one focus visual also makes your slide deck design cohesive.

109. Don’t take presentation design too seriously

Retro Creative Presentation Ideas2

Sometimes we get caught up trying to make the perfect presentation and it ends up making us crazy!

Retro Creative Presentation Ideas1

But in this presentation example, Jesse Desjardins uses a mix of wit and hilarious retro images to create a memorable and light-hearted presentation.

110. Use size to your advantage 

Blue Startup Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

I am a big fan of using bubble charts and other charts that use size to compare two pieces of data. That is why I like this pitch deck from the ShearShare team that utilizes a size-based chart on slide number 9. The chart is used to illustrate the massive growth potential in their industry.

111. Split section headers from the main content with different background colors 

Design Presentation Ideas1

In this presentation, Seth Familian uses alternating colors in a very interesting way. For each of the title slides, he uses a black color background, but for the content slides he uses a white background.

Design Presentation Ideas2

This helped the readers follow along and comprehend what was on the page even faster. And when you are presenting to hundreds of different types of people, this can make or break your presentation.  

112.  Have a conversation with your audience 

Creative Marketing Presentation Ideas

Take a conversational tone in your presentation is a great way to encourage your audience to participate.

In this slide deck example, we presented a simple storyline and use questions to engage with the audience throughout. And it helped create a flow throughout the  presentation template  that is easy to follow.

113.  Include your branding throughout your presentation ideas

Hubspot Marketing Presentation Idea

Another thing that people seem to forget when they are working on a presentation is to include their business’s branding. You honestly never know where your work is going to be shared, so it is important to make sure people know it’s yours. HubSpot does an outstanding job of this on all their presentations, as you can see in the bottom left corner of each slide.

Plus you have spent a ton of time creating your  brand guidelines , might as well use them.

114.  Include multiple slides to build to your main point

Creative Art Presentation Ideas

Try using multiple slides to build to your main point. This helps you walk through the components of one overarching point while also building suspense. In this slide deck, the creator uses 6 slides to build up to one main point, adding a new illustration to the diagram on each slide.

115.  Split the difference 

Apple Tech Presentation Ideas

Use either the left or right side of the slide to hold your text and the opposite to display an image. If you are using a photo or graphic as the main background in your slides, this is a great way to keep things organized. 

116. There are millions of fonts out there…use them

Modern Nonprofit Presentation Ideas

Hey, I love simple fonts just as much as the next guy, but sometimes you need to step up your font game to stand out. For example, WebVisions uses a very gritty, probably custom font in their unique presentation that fits the topic extremely well. Take a look!

117.  Build your presentation content around icons 

Illustrated Health Presentation Ideas

Try using icons as the focal points of your presentation layout. This example from Omer Hameed  uses icons to draw the audience’s eyes  right to the middle of the presentation, where the main points and headers are located.  

118.  Mix up font style to emphasize important points

SEO Marketing Presentation Ideas

If you would like to draw some extra attention to a certain word or idea,  switch up the font  to one that is bolder. For example, in this oldie but goodie presentation from HubSpot they use a heavy sans-serif font to highlight ideas, as opposed to the serif font for the other text.

119.  Add personal touches to your presentation

Simple Creative Design Presentation Ideas

If you want to create a truly unique presentation, add personal touches. In the slide numbers 6-13 from this presentation, the creator adds something to their design that no one else could ever have: they use original drawings they did themselves.

120.  Harness the power of your own brand colors

Modern White Digital Marketing Presentation Ideas

Sometimes people forget that they already have a battle-tested color palette that they can use in their  brand colors . I try to incorporate one of our brand colors in most of my designs and it makes so much easier to choose colors.

In this simple presentation example, Spitfire Creative used a palette that had both of their brand colors throughout the slideshow.

121.  Used dark-colored blocks to highlight words

Bold Yellow Marketing Presentation Ideas

I have seen this trick used in a lot of presentations and it works well. Highlight certain words or phrases by laying them overtop a colored rectangle. Take slide number 7 in this presentation example as a great guide. Use it to bring attention to a saying or idea you really want your audience to remember.

122.  Show the audience your mug 

Content Marketing Presentation Ideas

This presentation example comes from the same presentation as a previous one, but it was too good not to share. Throughout the slides, you will see Rand from Moz pop up to add a human element to the design. Using an image of your team or yourself can put the audience at ease and make it easier to connect with the presenter.

123.  Include a helpful table of contents 

Facebook Marketing Presentation IDeas

I only saw this presentation idea used a few times throughout my research, but I believe it should be used a lot more. A table of contents will help the audience know what to expect and keep their focus throughout. Especially if you are creating a presentation that is a bit longer than normal.

124.  Do not post just screenshots, do more

Tech Pitch Deck Presentation Ideas

Screenshots of a program or app are very common in any blog post, but I think you can do a little better when it comes to presentations.

So instead of just posting a boring screenshot, add a little more to the slide by using illustrations and product shots. If you are not sure what I am talking about, just check out how great the screenshots look at slide numbers 7 and 8 in this presentation.

125. Highlight keywords using BOLD color 

Lifestyle Presentation Ideas

Here’s another slide deck that uses different colors and blocks to highlight keywords. If you are going to use text-heavy slides, then make sure the key points are easy to pick out. Take this slide deck: starting in slide number 4, they highlight exactly what they want you to take away from the text on each slide!

Enough presentation ideas for you?

You made it! I applaud you for making it through all those presentations. Hopefully, now you have a few nifty presentation ideas ready for when you need them.

The next step is to create a presentation that will captivate a meeting room, an amphitheater, and even the world (hey, it doesn’t hurt to dream big).

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whats a digital presentation

10.2 Developing Digital Presentations

Learning objectives.

  • Recognize that PowerPoint slides are useful for creating digital presentations.
  • Know that you can develop digital presentations in class wikis, in Word files that are submitted through e-mail, in course management systems, in personal websites, and on films posted on the Internet or burned to a DVD.
  • Understand how links, video segments, and audio pieces are used in digital presentations.

As technology advances, the options for digital presentations Delivery of information that exists only in the virtual world without using paper. continue to grow. Digital presentations refer to methods of presenting your work in the virtual world without using paper. Some of the most common current options are included in this section. All the options can take advantage of links to other parts of the document as well as links to related locations on the Internet. Using such links is one way to take advantage of the capabilities available in digital work. The internal links A hyperlink within a document that leads to other locations within the document. allow readers to instantly access other sections of your paper. External links A hyperlink within a document that leads to locations outside of the document. lead to related text, videos, or audio pieces that are located on the Internet. Most of these digital options also allow you to embed video or audio segments so that the reader can simply click on a button or arrow to activate the segments. (For more on what’s at stake when you write for and publish on the web, also see Chapter 13 "Writing on and for the Web" .)

Creating PowerPoint Slides

PowerPoint is Microsoft Office software that has nearly become a standard presentation software. When you create PowerPoint slides to present your paper, you should use a small number of slides, typically less than ten. The slides should cover the most important aspects of your paper and should be at least somewhat visual in nature. PowerPoint also presents the option of textual and visual animation as well as audio components. In an effort to keep your slides as visual as possible, place bullets next to sentences whenever possible. Also, use fonts that are large enough for a group to read from a screen: 28 points or larger for base text and at least 36 points for headings.

Allow for ample white space on each slide. Without making the pages overwhelming, use color and visuals to add interest to the slides. If you do not have value-adding images, tables, or graphs that you can use, you can add color to the background, to text, or to text boxes.

You can add your voice and other audio to your slides. And you can create a slideshow that you can turn on and run automatically, presenting visuals and sound simultaneously. These capabilities allow you to create your entire presentation and run it without actually saying a word during the presentation. If you intend to run an automatic presentation, make sure you go through practice runs until the entire presentation works as you intend it to work.

Submitting Files Electronically

Chances are, you will create your paper using Microsoft Word, which has nearly evolved into the standard word processing software in higher education. If you’re not working in Word, save your file as a Word document or in a Word-like format your instructor and peers are likely to be able to open. You will likely be asked to submit your major essays digitally as e-mail attachments or through a digital dropbox A portal for uploading documents within a course management system. , file exchange Another feature of course management systems allowing students to submit their work. , or assignment area within the course management system your instructor or college is using, such as Blackboard. If you are asked to submit your essays digitally, you should assume your instructor and peers will be reading your work on a computer screen and quite possibly online. Therefore, your work can include links and imbedded audio and video components. If, on the other hand, you are asked to submit your essays in hard copy, you can’t make the same assumptions about how it is likely to be read and assessed. There’s nothing wrong with asking for permission to submit your work digitally if you prefer for it to be assessed in that context.

Posting on a Personal Website

You could present your work on your personal website using web features, such as homepages, navigation buttons, links to other sites, buttons that activate audio and video segments, and overall visual presentations. As a college student, you should only present your work this way when instructed to do so by your instructor. Since not all students have a personal website, this option is still not widely used as a means of presenting college work; however, some instructors are moving in this direction, especially as digital portfolios become an increasingly common expectation. (For more on digital portfolios, see Chapter 13 "Writing on and for the Web" , Section 13.4 "Creating an E-portfolio" .)

Working on a Class-Wide Wiki

Your instructor might have an online class site where you and your classmates can post your papers, review each other’s work, and edit your work. When the due date arrives, your instructor would then read your final version. In this case, your entire paper would function as a digital presentation. Your instructor can read through your paper, follow your links, and listen or watch video and audio segments you have included. Keep in mind that, unlike a course management system requiring a password and enrollment in the course, both personal websites and class-wide wikis may well be visible to anyone using the web. This fact should cause you some concern about the content you share and the way you choose to present yourself and your identity, but it can also provide a meaningful opportunity to write for external, real audiences.

Filming a Digital Presentation

Using video filming equipment, you could film yourself presenting your work and capture both audio and video. You could then upload your presentation to the Internet (via a common video sharing site like YouTube) or you could burn it to a DVD. If you want your digital films to include a variety of multimedia options, you would have to learn how to incorporate such features using the equipment available to you.

Key Takeaways

  • When using a PowerPoint slide to present your paper, you should use less than ten slides to cover the important aspects of your paper. PowerPoint presentations can include textual and visual animation as well as voice and other audio. PowerPoint gives you the opportunity to create an entire presentation and run it as a slideshow without you saying a word.
  • When you present your work digitally, you typically have the option of linking one part of your work to another or linking your work to relevant locations on the Internet. Within digital presentations, you can also often embed video and audio pieces.
  • You can digitally share your work by submitting Word files as e-mail attachments; using a digital dropbox, file exchange, or assignment features on course management systems; posting files on your personal website; using class wikis; or filming your presentation and then posting it on the Internet or burning it to a DVD.
  • Create two PowerPoint slides that contain the same basic information. Make one slide that uses the visual preparation suggestions in Section 10.2.1 "Creating PowerPoint Slides" and one that does not use those suggestions. Ask your classmates to identify the good and bad points about your two slides.
  • Create a PowerPoint slide that includes both audio and visual components. Demonstrate your slide’s functions for your classmates.
  • Write a two-page Word essay and include an internal link from the first page to a point on the second page and an external link to an Internet site. Demonstrate your links for your classmates and explain why the links are meaningful.
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  • Pages & Files

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whats a digital presentation

How to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint

whats a digital presentation

What type of content do you primarily create?

Recording yourself presenting a PowerPoint can be challenging, especially getting the technical aspects right. You need to capture your screen, webcam, and audio seamlessly while delivering your content naturally and avoiding awkward transitions between slides.

Finding a tool that integrates all these components can seem daunting. However, recording yourself presenting a PowerPoint doesn't have to be reserved for the tech-savvy or professional speakers.

Whether you're a teacher creating online lessons, a marketer producing a product demo, or someone looking to improve their presentation skills, this guide will walk you through user-friendly tools and strategies that will teach you how to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint.

  • Recording yourself presenting a PowerPoint can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be reserved for experts.
  • Video recording offers unlimited reach, repurposing opportunities, and a more engaging experience.
  • Use PowerPoint's built-in recording feature or tools like Descript for a polished presentation.
  • Other tools like Zoom, Loom, OBS Studio, Clipchamp, and Quick Time Player can also be used for recording.
  • Tips include practicing your script, using slide notes, ensuring high-quality audio and lighting, and incorporating storytelling techniques.

Why video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint? 

Video recording your PowerPoint presentations offers several advantages:

  • Unlimited reach : Unlike in-person presentations confined to a specific time and location, recorded videos allow your message to reach audiences globally at their convenience.
  • Repurposing opportunities: Recorded presentations can be repurposed as evergreen content across multiple platforms, such as social media, online courses, webinars, and internal training materials, maximizing their value.
  • Personal and engaging : Recording yourself narrating a presentation adds a personal touch and dynamic element that static slides alone cannot replicate. Your viewers can see and hear you deliver the content, creating a more immersive and engaging experience.

How to record your presentation with the PowerPoint app

Built-in recording feature in powerpoint.

1. Open the PowerPoint slide you want to record. 

2. Click on the Record tab of the top toolbar.

3. Click on the Record button and choose from any of the following options:

  • From Current Slide
  • From Beginning

4. You'll see the PowerPoint screen recording window.

5. Select the microphone and camera from the icon on the top-right.

6. Click the Stop and Replay buttons to end or replay your recording.

7. To export your presentation's recording, click Export to Video within the Recording tab.

Benefits : Easy to use, no external tools needed

Limitations : Limited editing capabilities.

How to make a more polished recording of your presentation with Descript 

While PowerPoint's built-in recording features are helpful, they may not produce the refined result you want for your presentation. That's where Descript comes in handy. 

It’s a whole production studio at your fingertips, with video recording, transcription, and editing capabilities, ready to transform dull PowerPoint slides into an engaging experience for your audience. Descript also has a built-in screen recorder.

You can use Descript on Windows, Mac, or even straight from your web browser. 

Here's step-by-step guide to recording your PowerPoint presentation with Descript.

Set up your screen recording

1. Install and open Descript. At the top of the editor, click and open the Record panel. 

2. Select Screen.

3. Set Recorder settings:

Adjust the default recording settings to your liking, including the transcription language, the maximum recording resolution, and more. 

4. Set recording options. Choose which audio and video sources to record (e.g., microphone, computer audio, camera). Remember to turn the camera on to capture your talking head video alongside your PowerPoint presentation.

5. Click the Additional Settings icon for

  • Studio Sound (Optional): Enhance audio quality with noise reduction and background removal
  • Transcription (Optional): Enable automatic transcription for easier editing
  • Recording separate audio tracks

6. Add (optional) Speaker labels for each audio track (e.g., "Narrator," "Expert") by typing them in the text box next to your audio inputs. 

Capture your screen recording

1. Select the right recording option:

  • Recording into script : Choose this if you haven’t recorded anything yet.
  • Replace selection : Choose this if you already have a script and want to replace a specific section with a new recording.
  • Record new layer : Pick this for recording your video as a new layer on top of an existing recording.

2. Click Record at the bottom of the Record panel.

3. Drag over the area of your screen you wish to record. Click Start Recording. Press Space to start recording the full screen.

4. Click Stop to finish recording

Bonus: Descript creates separate tracks for camera, microphone, and computer audio. You can edit each track individually for more precise control.

  • Do a short test recording to ensure everything is set up correctly.
  • Set your recording to transibe for easier editing.

Editing and polishing your PowerPoint recording in Descript

Descript's AI video editing tool makes it a breeze to trim, cut, and splice your video footage, ensuring a seamless flow from start to finish. You can add smooth transitions and other visual effects to make your presentation pop.

Here’s a glimpse of how to edit and polish your PowerPoint recording in Descript:

Edit your recording like a doc

Did you make a mistake during a slide transition? No problem. Just delete those sections in the text transcript (created automatically by Descript) and the video will adjust to match.

Remove filler words

Sound smoother and more confident by easily removing filler words like "um" and "uh" from the transcript.

Fix voiceover mistakes by typing

Didn't nail your delivery on a specific slide? No need to start from scratch! Descript's Overdub feature lets you simply type in the correct narration and replace the audio on that slide with AI voice cloning.

Boost video quality and engagement : 

  • Crisp up audio quality by reducing background noise and room reverb with the AI-powered Studio Sound feature.
  • ‎Replace your background completely with the Green Screen Video Editor —look like you're presenting in a sleek studio or broadcasting from a beach.
  • Enable Eye Contact simulation with AI, so it appears you're making direct eye contact with viewers, even if you’re looking or reading something off-camera.

Other ways to video record yourself presenting a PowerPoint 

Use Zoom’s meeting recording feature to record yourself giving a PowerPoint presentation. Start a Zoom meeting with yourself, share your PowerPoint window, and enable recording

Loom is a handy screen recording tool that also offers a webcam overlay. Launch the Loom app or Chrome extension and set it to record your screen and webcam. Expect high-quality recordings but no advanced editing features. The free plan offers only five minutes of recording at a stretch.

3. OBS Studio

OBS Studio is a free, open-source screen recorder/streaming software with a steeper learning curve. It’s popular among advanced or tech-savvy users who need granular customization and control.

To record your presentation, add a "Screen Capture" source to capture your PowerPoint window and a "Video Capture Device" source for your webcam. 

4. Clipchamp: Recording natively in Windows

You can use Microsoft’s Clipchamp , the built-in screen recorder and video editor for Windows, to simultaneously capture your computer screen, webcam, and audio for recording your PowerPoint presentation. It’s also available as a browser-based app. You can record up to 30 minutes on screen and webcam recordings.

Users can also adjust the screen and webcam recordings in the editing timeline separately. 

5. Quick Time Player Recording natively in Mac

Use Mac’s Quick Time Player to record your PowerPoint presentation. It’s not as straightforward as the other options on this list, so here’s a quick guide to help you out:

  • Launch Quick Time Player.
  • Select File and go to New Movie Recording.
  • You'll be recording your entire screen in addition to recording your face, so adjust the size and location of the recording window so that it's in a nonintrusive corner of your PowerPoint.
  • Go to View and select Float on Top .
  • Next, go to File and select New Screen Recording.
  • On the menu that appears, select Record Selected Portion and drag a border around your PowerPoint and the webcam recording window.
  • Press Record and start presenting.
  • You can adjust the video quality and the audio source in the webcam recording window.

How to turn your PowerPoint presentation slides into a video 

Did you know PowerPoint lets you save your presentation as a video, too? 

Here's a breakdown of the two ways you can do so—keeping all the presentation elements (narration, animation, pointer movements, timings, and so on) intact in the presentation itself.  

Save your PowerPoint presentation as a video

This creates a separate video file (MP4 or WMV) that anyone can play, even without PowerPoint. 

Follow these steps:

  • Save your presentation
  • Go to File > Export > Create a Video
  • Ultra HD (4K): Best for large screens (if you have Windows 10+)
  • Full HD (1080p): Great for computers and TVs
  • HD (720p): Good for streaming online or on DVDs
  • Standard (480p): Smallest size, good for phones

4. Decide on narration

  • If you haven't recorded yourself talking, choose "Don't Use Recorded Timings and Narrations" from the dropdown menu
  • If you have a recording, choose "Use Recorded Timings and Narrations." You can also set how long each slide shows for (default is 5 seconds)

5. Click Create Video

6. Name your video, pick a folder to save it in, and choose a file type (MPEG-4 or Windows Media Video)

Creating the video might take a while, especially for longer presentations. You can even leave it running overnight. Once done, find your video in the chosen folder and double-click to play it.

Save your PowerPoint presentation as a slideshow

This saves your presentation as a special file (PPSX) that starts playing automatically on full screen when opened. It only works with PowerPoint.

Here’s how it works:

  • Make sure your presentation is saved (regular PowerPoint file)
  • Go to File > Save As .
  • Pick a folder to save the slideshow in.
  • Under Save as type, choose PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx) .
  • Click Save .

Now when someone opens the file, it will automatically play the slideshow.

Pro tips for making better video PowerPoint presentations 

Practice your script.

Recording a flawless PowerPoint video rarely happens in one take. The key is practice.

Record practice run-throughs and watch them back. Make notes on areas that need improvement or parts lacking clarity. The more you drill your script, the more confident and natural you'll sound in the final recording.

Take advantage of PowerPoint's built-in Speaker Coach . The feature shows you whether your pace is too fast or slow, your use of filler words like "um," and suggestions to improve your voice modulation.

Use slide notes for coherent delivery

Wouldn’t a personal teleprompter make presentations so much easier? That’s what slide notes are for.

Having your thoughts and talking points organized within your PowerPoint file lets you have all crucial information and prompts readily available when recording.

Go ahead and add detailed notes or even a full script for each slide. This will help you stay on track and provide a handy transcript reference if you need to do any editing or voiceover work in post-production.

Use high-quality audio equipment or turn on Studio Sound

Poor audio recording quality is a surefire way to make even the most visually polished video feel amateurish. Do your presentation justice by investing in a decent external or Bluetooth microphone and audio interface to capture clear voiceover audio.

If you must use a built-in mic, record in a quiet environment to minimize background noise pickup. Or better yet, pair up with an AI-powered audio enhancement tool like Descript's Studio Sound , which reduces background noise , reverb, and other artifacts.

Ensure a clean background and even lighting

Ditch cluttered backgrounds. You want people to focus on the content of your PowerPoint and not be distracted by the funny shapes and colors in your video. 

Your video lighting and framing matters, too. Position yourself facing a natural light source or bring supplemental video lighting to eliminate weird shadows and squinting-level glare.

Look directly into the camera or turn on Eye Contact

Looking directly into the camera is essential to create a sense of connection with the audience. Position your webcam or camera at eye level and imagine you're talking to a friend. If you're using Descript, enable the Eye Contact feature to auto-adjust your gaze towards the camera.

  • Dress professionally and maintain a good posture to project confidence and authority.
  • Use visuals, animations, and multimedia elements to enhance your presentation and keep your audience engaged.
  • Consider adding closed captions or subtitles to your video for better accessibility and engagement, especially for those watching without sound.
  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace, using vocal variety to emphasize key points and maintain interest.
  • Incorporate storytelling techniques, real-life examples, or personal anecdotes to make your video presentation more relatable and memorable .

Take your PowerPoint presentations from amateur to amazing 

Recording yourself virtually presenting a PowerPoint allows you to distribute your message using the most engaging type of content: video. And there are many screen recording tools out there that can capture your screen and web camera footage with just a few clicks. 

But how do you stand out?

By focusing on the presentation's depth, your delivery, and the video's quality. The first two are the bare minimum to communicate your message effectively. 

But the right screen capture software and all-in-one video creation tool like Descript can help you with third. Use the tool to improve the quality of your recorded PPT presentations. 

With Descript, it's easier than ever to record your screen, polish up the audio, and create stunning visuals all in one place. So why wait? 

Sign up for Descript today and simplify your workflow while creating a PowerPoint presentation video that sticks with your audience in the long term.

How do you make a presentation video with your face?

To create a presentation video with your face, follow these steps:

  • Open your presentation in PowerPoint.
  • Go to the Slide Show tab.
  • Click on Record and choose From Current Slide or From Beginning .
  • Choose your microphone and camera by clicking on a sound icon on the top-right.
  • Start recording by clicking on the record button.
  • Speak into your microphone to narrate the presentation.
  • Your webcam will capture your face during the recording.
  • Click Stop when you finish recording.
  • Export your recorded presentation by clicking on File> Export>Create a video.

How do you present yourself in PowerPoint?

To present yourself effectively in PowerPoint, follow these steps:

  • Determine the key information to include in your presentation.
  • Design and prepare your PowerPoint slides with a cohesive theme.
  • Craft a compelling introduction to engage your audience.
  • Tailor your presentation to different time constraints for flexibility.
  • Capture the audience's attention before you begin speaking.

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What Are The Advantages of Digital Presentation? | Explained With Six Aspects

Digital presentations present a great opportunity to engage and captivate the audience with digital multimedia tools. It can be an amazing option to increase the learning curve of concepts among the students as well as captivate the dealers in business meetings.

In this article, we will dive a bit deeper into this subject.

What Are The Advantages of Digital Presentation

Table of Contents

What Is The Purpose of a Digital Presentation?

The goal of a digital presentation is to use digital technologies and multimedia components to effectively transmit information, ideas, facts, or a message to an audience. It serves as a modern and interactive way of presenting content in various contexts.

In classrooms and online learning environments, in business settings, workshops digital presentation is used to convey lectures, proposals, etc. to visualize the contents better and effectively. In marketing campaigns, digital presentations are used to showcase products, services, or company profiles to potential customers or investors. 

By utilizing multimedia elements, interactivity, and dynamic content, digital presentations have become a powerful communication tool across various domains, enhancing the overall presentation experience for both presenters and audiences.

What Are The Advantages of Digital Presentation?

Digital presentations offer numerous advantages over traditional paper-based or physical presentations. 

1. Understandable

Digital presentations are easier to understand and visualize. It can be used to make topics easier for the audience.

2. Dynamic and Interactive

Digital presentations are dynamic and interactive. Multimedia elements like videos, audio, animations, and hyperlinks can be used to keep the audience engaged and enhance their understanding of the topic.

3. Editable

Digital presentations are easier to edit and carry in their compact form such as a USB drive or accessed through cloud storage.

4. Cost-effective

Digital presentations are more cost-effective as they eliminate the need for printing and physical distribution. They also reduce costs associated with paper, ink, and distribution materials. It also makes them environmentally friendly. 

5. Flexibility

Digital presentations offer more flexibility in design, allowing to tailor the visuals, fonts, and layouts to match your branding or presentation style.

Digital presentations can be shared online, allowing for a potentially global audience. The presentation can also be recorded and shared later with those who couldn’t attend in real-time.

What Are A Few Disadvantages of Digital Presentation?

Even though digital presentations offer numerous advantages, they also come with some disadvantages. Digital presentations rely on technology. Technical glitches like software crashes, compatibility issues, or internet connectivity problems can disrupt or delay the presentation. Again, digital presentations may lack the personal touch and human connection that comes with face-to-face presentations.

Digital presentations may incorporate multimedia elements that, while engaging, can also be distracting. Excessive animations, videos, or hyperlinks can divert the audience’s attention from the main message. Digital presentations can be susceptible to unauthorized access or hacking, particularly when shared online. 

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQ)

What can be used in a digital presentation.

To make the presentation more interactive, graphs and charts, photographs, audio etc. can be added. You can even add interactive polls and 3D models to make your presentation more engaging. If relevant, you may include social media elements to encourage audience participation and sharing.

What Makes a Good Digital Presentation?

A good digital presentation is one that effectively communicates the intended message, engages the audience, and leaves a lasting impact. Clear and concise content, limited texts, engaging visuals and consistent designs are the core element of a good presentation. 

The digital presentation can be an amazing tool to reach your goals through great engagement with your targeted audience. It can provide you with helpful tools but at the end of the day, it’s your idea and creativity that will decide the end result.

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What you need to know about education for sustainable development

What is education for sustainable development  .

Education for sustainable development (ESD) gives learners of all ages the knowledge, skills, values and agency to address interconnected global challenges including climate change, loss of biodiversity, unsustainable use of resources, and inequality. It empowers learners of all ages to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change society and care for the planet. ESD is a lifelong learning process and an integral part of quality education. It enhances the cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural dimensions of learning and encompasses learning content and outcomes, pedagogy and the learning environment itself. 

How does UNESCO work on this theme?  

UNESCO is the United Nations leading agency for ESD and is responsible for the implementation of ESD for 2030 , the current global framework for ESD which takes up and continues the work of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) and the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD (2015-2019). 

UNESCO’s work on ESD focuses on five main areas: 

  • Advancing policy
  • Transforming learning environments
  • Building capacities of educators
  • Empowering and mobilizing youth
  • Accelerating local level action

UNESCO supports countries to develop and expand educational activities that focus on sustainability issues such as climate change, biodiversity, disaster risk reduction, water, the oceans, sustainable urbanisation and sustainable lifestyles through ESD. UNESCO leads and advocates globally on ESD and provides guidance and standards. It also provides data on the status of ESD and monitors progress on SDG Indicator 4.7.1, on the extent to which global citizenship education and ESD are mainstreamed in national education policies, curricula, teacher education and student assessment.  

How does UNESCO mobilize education to address climate change?   

Climate change education is the main thematic focus of ESD as it helps people understand and address the impacts of the climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to act as agents of change. The importance of education and training to address climate change is recognized in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , the Paris Agreement and the associated Action for Climate Empowerment agenda which all call on governments to educate, empower and engage all stakeholders and major groups on policies and actions relating to climate change. Through its ESD programme, UNESCO works to make education a more central and visible part of the international response to climate change. It produces and shares knowledge, provides policy guidance and technical support to countries, and implements projects on the ground. 

UNESCO encourages Member States to develop and implement their  country initiative  to mainstream education for sustainable development. 

What is the Greening Education Partnership?

To coordinate actions and efforts in the field of climate change education the  Greening Education Partnership  was launched in 2022 during the UN Secretary General's Summit on Transforming Education. This partnership, coordinated by a UNESCO Secretariat, is driving a global movement to get every learner climate-ready. The Partnership addresses four key areas of transformative education: greening schools, curricula, teachers training and education system's capacities, and communities.

How can I get involved?   

Every single person can take action in many different ways every day to protect the planet. To complement the ESD for 2030 roadmap , UNESCO has developed the ESD for 2030 toolbox to provide an evolving set of selected resources to support Member States, regional and global stakeholders to develop activities in the five priority action areas and activities in support of the six key areas of implementation. 

UNESCO also launched the Trash Hack campaign in response to the 2 billion tons of waste that the world produces every year, waste which clog up the oceans, fill the streets and litter huge areas. Trash Hacks are small changes everyone can make every day to reduce waste in their lives, their communities and the world.   

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Synthetic identities: the darker side of generative ai.

Forbes Technology Council

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Shahid Hanif is the Chief Technology Officer and Founder of Shufti Pro, a biometric identity verification (IDV) solution.

The complexity of criminal activities is rising along with the expansion of artificial intelligence and its applications. Because of the conveniences of digital banking, e-commerce and other online services, people's lives are now simpler and more accessible. But this ease comes with a major drawback: making individuals and businesses vulnerable to fraud.

Many applications and platforms hold a plethora of viable data, including personal and financial information. Regrettably, fraudsters are using this digital convenience for their own gain, resulting in a significant increase in identity theft, synthetic identities, deep fakes, online payment fraud and account takeovers.

Undoubtedly, generative AI is a transformative technology with a dark side that must be recognized and dealt with effectively. This sophisticated technology is helping fraudsters create synthetic identities, deepfakes and digital injection attacks, spawning new business challenges.

Unregulated Technologies And Synthetic Identities: The New Form Of Compromises

Identity theft has become a concern across the globe, impacting more than 42 million individuals in 2021, accounting for around $52 billion in the U.S. during that year. With the emergence of generative AI, the banking sector and other businesses are facing a new and more complex risk: synthetic identity fraud (SIF).

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Traditionally, ID theft relies on people’s stolen information. In contrast, synthetic identity fraud involves creating an entirely new person who doesn't exist legally by combining stolen, manipulated and fictitious personally identifiable information along with bogus facial imprints.

How Synthetic Identities Are Created

Here is how criminals harness the power of AI to create synthetic identities.

1. Cybercriminals create forged ID documents containing a mix of real, stolen and fake information (for instance, an ID card number combined with an entirely forged name and slightly altered address).

2. Scammers then develop synthetic imagery matching the legal ID document photo to manipulate KYC systems.

Synthetic identities are a newly emerged fraud variation that manipulates ID verification and facial biometric authentication systems. However, present data checks for customer identity verification are no longer viable to detect fraud. Fighting such attempts requires robust biometric verification along with rigid document verification checks.

Generative AI: A Growing Threat

AI is not intrinsically harmful; there are many positive applications, too. Some of the factors that make the use of AI questionable are as follows.

• Growth Of Crime-As-A-Service: Easy access to online generative AI tools is helping scammers reshape the fraud ecosystem. AI is assisting criminals in committing deepfake and spoofing attacks faster and on a broader scale. In case these attacks succeed, they can multiply in volume and are shared among crime networks or over the dark web.

• Public Perception And Disinformation: Generative AI impacts organizations, individuals, government, the information landscape and the world’s economy, creating adverse real-world effects. In 2023, the stock market was negatively affected by an AI-generated image of an explosion at the Pentagon that went viral.

Presentation Attacks Vs. Digital Injection Attacks

Tens of variations in presentation attacks exist that AI-backed criminals can deploy to unlawfully access victims’ accounts or financial information. Scammers also try to impersonate a real user using an artifact held up to a camera. In addition to these techniques, criminals can develop a deepfake that effectively manipulates the facial biometric verification procedure.

Digital injection attacks involve the same technology as deepfake but leverage a video, injecting it into the victim’s data stream while taking over the account.

However, deepfakes become more adverse when carried out using digital injection attacks, as they can scale and automate more robustly than presentation attacks.

How Synthetic IDs Add More Complexity And Risk

Before the surge in digitization, identity theft was restricted to one person presenting a stolen identity at a time. The fraud process was slow, and the intelligence of in-house employees was key to detecting and mitigating such fraud risks.

With the increase in the creation of synthetic IDs and the rise of digital presentation or injection attacks, cybercriminals can defraud businesses and individuals on a large scale. Using synthetic identities, criminals can produce countless identities that they can impersonate to gain unauthorized access. Using AI, potentially hundreds of these attacks can be launched from any part of the world to reap illicit benefits.

As manipulation techniques become more sophisticated, scalable and automated, it's crucial to highlight that the human eye cannot always detect such attempts. That is why businesses should integrate cutting-edge facial biometric verification systems to fight deepfakes.

Deepfake and generative AI technologies have become potent tools for fraudsters capable of exploiting real footage to create fabricated content. Recently, a deepfake video was widely circulated over the internet showing Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong marketing a fake crypto investment platform allegedly designed by Elon Musk. This video was a manipulation of a real interview on CGTN.

Combating Synthetic Identities With More Robust ID Scanning

With bad actors leveraging combinations of fake and real information to create synthetic identity documents, a traditional facial scan will no longer suffice. That’s where an AI-backed facial biometric verification can capture, extract and authenticate identities in real time while mitigating the risk of deepfakes and other fraudulent activities.

Businesses can onboard customers with utmost confidence by implementing a data-driven approach that includes non-forensic and forensic inspection of multiple ID document types and 3D liveness detection that forms an almost fool-proof biometric check.

The continuous learning and flexibility of artificial intelligence algorithms and AI-driven identity verification solutions ensure that they can extract and verify vast types of IDs across multiple jurisdictions, enabling businesses to offer user-centric and transparent services while not compromising security and trust.

Finding Suitable Tech Partners

The combination of scammers and IDs, synthetic identities, deepfakes and generative AI poses a significant risk to the digital ecosystem. Without the right technology stack to help companies protect their integrity against the sophistication of AI-generative fraudulent schemes, they can be exposed to financial crimes, non-compliance fines, sanctions and reputational damages. Therefore, it's important to look for technology partners that can help you mitigate this type of fraud.

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Muhammad Shahid Hanif

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Home / 2024 / May / The UC Santa Cruz Film and Digital Media Department presents: 'Echoes of Home'

The UC Santa Cruz Film and Digital Media Department presents: 'Echoes of Home'

A showing of six documentaries that represent the best of UCSC filmmaking

May 30, 2024

By Gaby Messino

six MFA film students

To celebrate their achievements over the past two years the graduate film students are showcasing their works. The presentation at the Del Mar Theatre marks years of progress and the end of their time at University of California, Santa Cruz. These six documentaries represent years of dedication and hard work by students and faculty.

This film presentation has been a yearly tradition in the Film and Digital Media (FDM) department for years. Though it stopped briefly during COVID, it was brought back last year, and is now celebrating yet another year of graduates. The Social Documentary (SocDoc) MFA is the UC system’s only graduate degree program designed for media makers committed to social change. 

Student filmmakers started the program with an idea of what their film would be. Each documentary focuses on cultural diversity, and the filmmakers' connection to home. The theme, which in previous years was Beyond the Story , shifted this year and is now Echoes of Home . This theme represents how home can be a place we know intimately, or a place of diasporic imagination that we have never been able to experience—an echo that reaches us from another time or generation. 

These six works take us to homes all over the world including countries like Turkey, China and Costa Rica. They explore issues that impact people all over the world through explorations into topics such as the AIDS epidemic and the murder of Indigenous landback activist Jerhy Rivera.

Michale Lindsey, who’s been the graduate program coordinator for SocDoc since November, helped organize the event. “I've known these students for about five months now, and it's exciting to see their efforts and their projects come to an end,” says Lindsey. “I'm looking forward to seeing what they have to share.”

This year's six featured filmmakers are Azad Azizyan, Rita Carmona, Meloddy Gao, Ruebi Jimenez, Vega Darling, and John Ortiz. Past graduates from SocDoc have gone on to have their works played at festivals both locally and nationally.

With thanks to the UC Santa Cruz Arts Division, these filmmakers were able to create unique heartfelt pieces that connect to diverse audiences. This film presentation is a once-a-year chance to see the future of documentary and how it can be used for the greater good.

More Information

Wednesday June 12, 2024

Del Mar Theatre

1124 Pacific Ave. 

Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Free and open to the public.

Open seating

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Last modified: May 31, 2024


  1. Creating a Digital Presentation with Google Presentations

    whats a digital presentation

  2. Why Digital Presentations? by Nathan Filbert

    whats a digital presentation

  3. Visual Digital Presentation

    whats a digital presentation

  4. Your Guide to Creating a Digital Presentation That Blows Everyone Away

    whats a digital presentation

  5. Your Guide to Creating a Digital Presentation That Blows Everyone Away

    whats a digital presentation

  6. How to Create the Best Digital Presentations

    whats a digital presentation


  1. What Makes a Great Presentation?

  2. Digital Presentation Of information On A Screen Monitor

  3. Digital Presentation of the traditional and marketing ecosystem


  5. Digital Presentation of Integrated Management Research Project


  1. What Is a Digital Presentation & How to Get Good At It

    Use high-quality images: Using high-quality images is like adding a layer of delicious, rich frosting to your cake. It makes your presentation more visually interesting and helps support your key message. 3. Use consistent fonts: Using consistent fonts throughout your presentation can make it easier to read.

  2. How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

    Apply the 10-20-30 rule. Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it! 9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule. Simplicity is key.

  3. Best Practices For Virtual Presentations: 15 Expert Tips That ...

    Here are 15 expert tips to set you up for success in your next virtual presentation: 1. Get the Lighting Right: As a presenter, it is essential that people can see you well. Make sure you have ...

  4. How to Create a Multimedia Presentation (& Tools to Use)

    Step #4: Add multimedia content. At this stage, your presentation probably looks good-looking, but static. Let's make it interactive by adding unique multimedia presentation tools. Start adding multimedia content to the slides that need it.

  5. What is Digital Presentation?

    A digital presentation is a concise and interactive way to share information, using digital tools and technology. It combines text, images, graphics, and multimedia elements to effectively communicate ideas or deliver a message. In today's digital age, digital presentations play a crucial role in various industries, including business ...

  6. Crush Your Next Virtual Presentation

    Above all, be concise and clear. My coaching client, an engineer named Carlos, is a magnificent in-person storyteller. He talks with his hands and tells lengthy, animated stories replete with ...

  7. Google Slides: Presentation Slideshow Maker

    Present like a pro, directly from Google Meet. Access all of your Slides and Meet controls in one place, and enjoy smoother high resolution presentations. Premium feature. This feature is available on some Google Workspace and Google Workspace plans.

  8. Google Slides: Online Slideshow Maker

    Present slideshows with confidence. With easy-to-use presenter view, speaker notes, and live captions, Slides makes presenting your ideas a breeze. You can even present to Google Meet video calls ...

  9. 20 Ways to Create an Interactive Presentation That Stands Out

    1 Start your interactive presentation with an icebreaker. The first step is creating a rapport with your audience. You can do this by helping them to get to know you a little better and get to know each other as well. The way you go about this will depend on the size of your audience.

  10. 10 Tips For Giving Effective Virtual Presentations

    4. Be Standing. Even though your audience cannot see you, stand when you present. This allows you to stay focused and use good presentation delivery skills such as belly breathing, vocal variety, and pausing. 5. Be Prepared. Practice delivering your presentation with your technology in advance of your talk.

  11. 10 Ways To Bring Your Digital Presentation to Life

    Keep your points as concise as possible, and avoid flashy colors or busy graphics. A brief overview of the subject, whether it is a sales pitch or presentation of data, keeps your audience focused. If you dump too much data on your viewers, you'll likely see their eyes glaze over really fast.

  12. What is Digital Presentation: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!

    A digital presentation is a way of sharing information or ideas using digital tools and technology. It involves using software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote to create slides that can be shown on a screen. Digital presentations have benefits like looking good, being flexible, interactive, and easy to share.

  13. How to Make a Slide Show

    Six steps for creating a slide show. 1. Plan your slide show. Before getting too deep into your slide show project, it's a good idea to select and save the photos and videos you want to use. This helps you create a slide show more efficiently and purposefully, ensuring a better outcome. 4.

  14. What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

    Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images. You'll make presentations at various ...

  15. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  16. 7 keys to powerful digital presentations in business

    Presenting face to face is often an onerous task for even the most experienced business professional. Now we are increasingly called on to do it digitally. - Get close to the camera, but not too close. - Make eye contact, project energy and make it interactive. - Eliminate distractions. - Choose the right background.

  17. 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

    The swapping of orientations will show people that the presentation is progressing nicely. It can help you make a strong, almost physical, distinction between ideas, sections or topics. 10. Make your audience laugh, or at least chuckle. Source. Sometimes you need to not take your business presentations too seriously.

  18. Introduction to Digital Presentations

    Help us caption & translate this video!

  19. 15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

    You need high-quality business presentation software to take your slides to the next level. Some of the best presentation software include Visme, Haiku Deck, Prezi, Microsoft Powerpoint, Canva and Google Slides. In this comparison guide, we'll analyze each of these tools and many more to understand what the difference is between them so you ...

  20. Developing Digital Presentations

    Know that you can develop digital presentations in class wikis, in Word files that are submitted through e-mail, in course management systems, in personal websites, and on films posted on the Internet or burned to a DVD. Understand how links, video segments, and audio pieces are used in digital presentations. As technology advances, the options ...

  21. What are Digital Presentations and how can I make one

    The incorporation of these tools to better convey material and/or to have more flexibility and time-independence with content are both characteristics of digital presentations. Digital Presentations can take many forms. Power Point has been a popular tool used since the early days of computers to help individuals and groups provide image-rich ...

  22. How to Video Record Yourself Presenting a PowerPoint: 7 Ways

    Record new layer: Pick this for recording your video as a new layer on top of an existing recording. 2. Click Record at the bottom of the Record panel. 3. Drag over the area of your screen you wish to record. Click Start Recording. Press Space to start recording the full screen. 4. Click Stop to finish recording.

  23. Presentations and slides for any occasion

    Choose a design from our presentation templates or create your own from scratch. Customize your presentation with colors, fonts, and key information. Add animations, videos, images, illustrations. Use assets and other media content from your Brand Kit (Pro) to stay consistent with your business or school brand.

  24. What Are The Advantages of Digital Presentation?

    Digital presentations offer numerous advantages over traditional paper-based or physical presentations. 1. Understandable. Digital presentations are easier to understand and visualize. It can be used to make topics easier for the audience. 2. Dynamic and Interactive. Digital presentations are dynamic and interactive.

  25. College Success

    OpenStax College Success is a comprehensive and contemporary resource that serves First Year Experience, Student Success, and College Transition courses.

  26. What you need to know about education for sustainable development

    Education for sustainable development (ESD) gives learners of all ages the knowledge, skills, values and agency to address interconnected global challenges including climate change, loss of biodiversity, unsustainable use of resources, and inequality. It empowers learners of all ages to make informed decisions and take individual and collective ...

  27. Sensing Success: OpenAI, Anthropic And 40+ Others Leverage ...

    Ask the average man or woman to define AI and might describe a digital interface where you type in a question or request, and a few seconds receive a 'humanlike' answer. Something a lot like ...

  28. Trust the leader in virtual apps and desktops

    Explore Citrix's leading virtual apps and desktop solutions to deliver unparalleled VDI and DaaS experience from any cloud or hybrid environment. Enhance your enterprise's security posture, manage workloads efficiently, and provide seamless access from anywhere. Discover how Citrix supports superior user experiences, hybrid multi-cloud flexibility, and sustainable IT practices while ...

  29. Synthetic Identities: The Darker Side Of Generative AI

    Presentation Attacks Vs. Digital Injection Attacks Tens of variations in presentation attacks exist that AI-backed criminals can deploy to unlawfully access victims' accounts or financial ...

  30. The UC Santa Cruz Film and Digital Media Department presents: 'Echoes

    The presentation at the Del Mar Theatre marks years of progress and the end of their time at University of California, Santa Cruz. These six documentaries represent years of dedication and hard work by students and faculty. This film presentation has been a yearly tradition in the Film and Digital Media (FDM) department for years.