A Touch of Business

Beginner’s Guide: Starting an Image Consulting Firm

Main Sections In This Post Steps To Starting An Image Consulting Business Points to Consider Knowledge Is Power Featured Video

In this post, you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to start an image consulting business.

In addition, we will give you an overview of what you can expect from operating an image consulting business and help you make better, more informed decisions.

You can access the latest resources in our “Knowledge Is Power” section, which can be used during the startup phase and once your image consulting business is fully operational.

There is an abundance of information available to explore. If you like this post, consider sharing it with others and bookmarking it for future reference.

Let’s get started with the steps.

The Steps to Take To Start Your Image Consulting Business

Below are the steps to starting an image consulting business.

Each step is linked to a specific section, allowing you to jump to your desired section or scroll to follow the steps in order.

  • An Overview of What You’re Getting Into
  • Image Consulting Business Overview
  • Researching Your Image Consulting Business
  • Looking at Financials
  • Creating Your Mission Statement
  • Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Choose an Image Consulting Business Name
  • Register Your Company
  • Create Your Corporate Identity
  • Writing a Business Plan
  • Banking Considerations
  • Getting the Funds for Your Operation
  • Software Setup
  • Business Insurance Considerations
  • Supplier and Service Provider Considerations
  • Setting Your Prices
  • Physical Setup
  • Creating a Website
  • Create an External Support Team
  • Hiring Employees
  • Getting Customers Through the Door

1. An Overview of What You’re Getting Into

a. ) Owning and Operating Your Own Business

Running your own business is different from having a job. It carries greater accountability and a shift away from the conventional nine-to-five routine.

As a business owner, you’re no longer bound by fixed hours; instead, you might work extended shifts to address unforeseen challenges inherent to entrepreneurship.

Before embarking on your journey as an image consultant, it’s imperative to introspect and determine if the entrepreneurial path aligns with your aspirations. Unlike a job, business ownership necessitates a heightened sense of responsibility and adaptability.

Assess your willingness to embrace these aspects and accept the unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship. Your capacity to thrive in this venture hinges on your ability to navigate through the uncharted waters of running your own business.

See Considerations Before You Start Your Business to identify points for a new business owner.

b.) Pros and Cons of Owning a Business

Every business venture has its advantages and disadvantages. While the appeal of owning and operating a business is undeniable, it’s imperative not to overlook the potential challenges.

It’s vital to thoroughly evaluate these aspects to understand the potential hurdles that may arise. By being aware of the problems you might encounter, you can reduce the element of surprise and prepare accordingly.

Many budding entrepreneurs become overly focused on the rewards, neglecting to consider the potential pitfalls. However, a balanced perspective that considers benefits and drawbacks is essential for making informed decisions and increasing your chances of success in the business world.

For more, see Pros and Cons of Starting a Small Business.

c.) Passion a Key Ingredient For Success

Passion plays a pivotal role in image consulting. It is the driving force behind one’s journey to success.

When you possess a genuine passion for your business, you approach challenges as opportunities for innovation and growth. Conversely, lacking passion can lead to seeking ways out when faced with difficulties.

The level of passion you invest in owning and operating an image consulting business significantly shapes your prospects.

Let’s explore a hypothetical scenario: imagine having boundless wealth, all desired possessions, and absolute freedom.

Would you willingly dedicate your time to running an image consulting business without financial gain in such a scenario?

If your answer is a resounding “yes,” it reflects a profound passion for image consulting and a precise alignment with your aspirations.

However, if your answer is “no,” it prompts introspection. What alternative pursuit would you prefer? This question encourages you to explore whether image consulting genuinely resonates with your passions.

In summary, success in image consulting is closely tied to personal passion. It’s not just a profession; it’s a vocation.

To maximize your chances of success, wholeheartedly embrace the world of image consulting.

View challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation, guided by your unwavering passion, which will illuminate your path toward excellence.

For More, See How Passion Affects Your Business .

2. Gaining an Overview of Owning an Image Consulting Business

Next, let’s spend some time on key issues to give you an overview of what to expect from owning and running an image consulting business.

Note:  This section contains an abundance of information that you will want to review. It will give you an overview of what to expect, and it’s worth reading this section.

a.) A Quick Overview of Owning an Image Consulting Business

An image consulting business is a niche profession dedicated to helping individuals, often clients from various walks of life, enhance their personal and professional image.

Image consultants work closely with their clients to develop and refine their visual, verbal, and non-verbal communication skills, ultimately boosting their confidence and self-presentation.

Day-to-Day Operations

  • Client Assessment : Image consultants begin by conducting comprehensive assessments of their clients. This involves understanding the client’s personal and professional goals, assessing their current image, and identifying areas that require improvement.
  • Wardrobe Analysis : One of the core tasks involves evaluating a client’s wardrobe. Image consultants help clients choose clothing that aligns with their body type, personal style, and professional objectives.
  • Personal Shopping : Image consultants often accompany clients on shopping trips or recommend suitable clothing and accessories. They guide clients in making informed fashion choices.
  • Style and Grooming Advice : Providing advice on grooming, hairstyle, and makeup is a routine aspect of the job. Image consultants offer suggestions to enhance a client’s overall appearance.
  • Communication Skills : Image consultants work on verbal and nonverbal communication skills, including improving posture, body language, and speech patterns.
  • Presentation Skills : Preparing clients for public speaking engagements or interviews is another critical duty. Consultants offer guidance on content development and delivery.
  • Ongoing Support : Consultants maintain continuing relationships with clients to ensure sustained progress. Regular follow-ups and adjustments to image strategies are standard.
  • Networking and Marketing : Building a client base is vital. Image consultants engage in marketing and networking activities to attract new clients and maintain existing relationships.
  • Continual Learning : Staying updated with fashion trends, communication techniques, and industry developments is crucial. Image consultants invest time in ongoing education to provide the best guidance to their clients.
  • Administration : Managing administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, billing, and record-keeping is essential to running the business efficiently.

In conclusion, an image consulting business enhances clients’ image and confidence.

Day-to-day operations involve diverse tasks, from wardrobe analysis to communication skills development.

This profession demands a blend of fashion expertise, interpersonal skills, and business knowledge to succeed.

b.) Image Consulting Business Models

  • Independent Consultant : An individual image consultant runs their practice independently. They offer personalized services, charging clients for consultations, assessments, and advice. This model provides full autonomy but requires self-reliance in marketing and operations.
  • Agency or Firm : Image consulting agencies or firms employ multiple consultants who specialize in different areas, such as fashion, corporate image, or personal branding. They collaborate to serve a diverse clientele, generating revenue from client fees and service commissions.
  • Online Coaching and Training : Image consultants can leverage online platforms to offer a global audience virtual coaching, webinars, and courses. Income is derived from course fees and the sale of digital products, providing scalability and flexibility.
  • Franchise Image Consulting : Operating as a franchise, this model allows individuals to buy into an established image consulting brand and business framework. Franchisees receive support and training from the parent company while paying franchise fees and royalties.
  • Corporate Image Consulting : Specializing in corporate clients, image consultants work with businesses to improve their employees’ professional appearance and branding. Revenue comes from corporate contracts and employee training programs.
  • Celebrity and VIP Image Consulting : These consultants enhance their public image by serving high-profile clients like celebrities and politicians. Income is generated through exclusive contracts, often with stringent confidentiality agreements.
  • Academic and Training Institution : Some image consultants establish training institutions or academies that offer certification programs for aspiring consultants. Revenue is generated from tuition fees and the sale of educational materials.

Choosing the suitable business model at the outset is paramount, as switching models later presents challenges.

Focusing on a niche allows you to tailor your services to a specific audience, positioning yourself as a specialist rather than a one-size-fits-all provider.

Identifying a business model that aligns with your image consulting business is essential for a smoother and well-planned startup phase, setting the stage for success.

c.) Challenges You Could Face When Starting and Operating an Image Consulting Business

Challenges in the Startup Phase

Starting an image consulting business can be a rewarding endeavor, but it comes with its share of challenges:

  • Market Entry Barriers : Gaining visibility and credibility in a competitive market can be tough. Building a client base from scratch requires effective marketing strategies and networking.
  • Financial Constraints : Limited initial funds for marketing, office space, and resources can hinder operations. Entrepreneurs often need to manage expenses and seek cost-effective solutions carefully.
  • Client Acquisition : Attracting the first clients can be challenging. Convincing potential clients of the value of image consulting services may take time and effort.
  • Industry Knowledge : A thorough understanding of fashion trends, personal branding, and communication skills is essential. Staying updated with industry developments is crucial.
  • Building a Brand : Establishing a recognizable brand identity takes time and consistent effort. Creating a strong brand image is vital for long-term success.
  • Client Retention : Maintaining client relationships and ensuring their satisfaction can be demanding. Providing ongoing value and support is necessary to retain clients.
  • Administrative Tasks : Managing administrative responsibilities, such as appointment scheduling and record-keeping, can be time-consuming and divert focus from client work.
  • Self-Promotion : Image consultants must market themselves effectively. Building a personal brand and online presence is essential for attracting clients.
  • Competition : The image consulting industry is competitive. It is crucial to identify a unique selling proposition and differentiate one’s business from competitors.

Challenges When Your Business is Up and Running

  • Client Diversity : Clients come from various backgrounds with unique needs and expectations. Balancing individualized services with scalability can be complex.
  • Market Trends : Staying updated with ever-evolving fashion trends and industry developments is essential to provide relevant guidance to clients.
  • Time Management : Balancing client appointments, administrative tasks, and personal development can be challenging. Effective time management is crucial.
  • Client Feedback : Dealing with client feedback, both positive and negative, requires skill and professionalism. Addressing concerns promptly is vital.
  • Business Growth : Scaling the business while maintaining service quality is a delicate balance. Expanding to meet demand can lead to operational challenges.
  • Technology Adoption : Embracing technology for online consultations and digital marketing is necessary to stay competitive in the digital age.
  • Legal and Compliance : It is crucial to adhere to industry regulations and ensure legal compliance, especially regarding client confidentiality.
  • Burnout Prevention : The nature of the image consulting business can be demanding. Implementing self-care practices and avoiding burnout is essential.

Navigating these challenges requires resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

Overcoming these obstacles can lead to a successful and thriving image consulting business.

d.) Questions You Need to Consider for Your Image Consulting Business

  • What Image Consulting Business Model Fits Best for You? The first step is determining whether you’ll operate as an independent consultant, an agency, or another model. Your choice will impact your business structure and approach.
  • Do You Possess the Necessary Skills for Business Management? : Assess your proficiency in managing and operating an image consulting business. Identifying skill gaps will help you prepare for success.
  • Solo or Team Effort? : Decide whether you will handle all aspects alone or hire employees. Balancing autonomy with delegation can affect your business’s efficiency and growth.
  • Management or Manager? : Clarify your role in business management. Will you take the helm or appoint a manager to oversee operations? This decision shapes your leadership style.
  • Customer Acquisition Strategy : How will you attract your initial clients? Establishing effective customer acquisition strategies is crucial for a successful start.
  • Understanding the Competition : Who are your competitors in the image consulting landscape? Analyzing your competition enables you to differentiate yourself and identify market gaps.
  • Client Retention Planning : To foster client loyalty, develop strategies to keep customers returning for more. This is essential for long-term success.
  • Exploring Partnerships or Investors : Consider whether you intend to collaborate with partners or seek investors. This choice can influence your business’s financial structure and growth potential.
  • Financing Your Startup : Determine how you’ll fund your initial startup costs. A clear financial plan is essential, whether through personal savings, loans, or investments.
  • Profitability Timeline : Have you estimated the time it will take to become profitable? Realistic expectations regarding the profitability timeline are vital for financial planning.
  • Financial Support in the Early Stages : How will you support yourself given the potential economic challenges in the early stages? Planning for personal financial stability is crucial.
  • Product and Service Offering : Define the products and services you’ll provide. Ensure they align with market demand and client needs.
  • Validating Market Demand : How do you know there’s a demand for your services? Market research and validation are critical to addressing a genuine need.
  • Setting Yourself Apart : Determine what unique value you’ll provide to set yourself apart from competitors. Your unique selling proposition is central to attracting clients.
  • Positioning Your Business : Decide whether your image consulting business will target a high-end, average, or discount market. This positioning shapes your branding and clientele.

By diligently considering these questions, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come your way as you embark on your journey in the world of image consulting.

3. Research

A.) inside information image consulting business research.

Before taking any further steps, conducting comprehensive research is a fundamental requirement for launching your image consulting venture.

Quality information provides invaluable insights into the industry landscape and potential challenges. It ensures you are fully aware of what lies ahead.

Seek Wisdom from Experts

Engage with experienced individuals who have successfully run image consulting businesses.

Their expertise is a reliable source of information. Spending time with them can yield priceless insights into their years of experience.

Connecting with the Right People

Discovering the right individuals to converse with extends beyond this post.

An article has been prepared to guide you on identifying and approaching relevant experts.

I strongly recommend reading “An Inside Look Into the Business You Want To Start” to comprehensively understand the image consulting industry and the insights needed to make informed decisions.

See An Inside Look Into the Business You Want To Start for all the details.

b.) Demand, the Competition and Your Location

To ensure a successful start for your image consulting business, you must analyze critical factors, including supply and demand dynamics, market saturation, competition, and your chosen location.

These considerations provide a comprehensive overview of the market conditions in your specific area.

Understanding Demand:

Determining the demand for your image consulting products and services is paramount. High quality and reasonable prices alone won’t suffice.

Ensuring substantial demand is essential to justify launching your business. Insufficient demand can lead to early closure and significant debt.

Assessing Market Saturation:

Beyond demand, consider market saturation. Is the market already flooded with similar services?

Gaining market share in a saturated market can be challenging unless you offer unique value that competitors don’t.

Furthermore, assess whether your competitors could easily replicate your idea, potentially eroding your market share.

Analyzing Competition:

A thorough understanding of your competition is vital. Avoid direct competition with dominant market players.

Instead, identify what sets you apart from competitors and whether your unique service aligns with your potential customers’ desires and willingness to pay.

Selecting Your Location:

Choosing the right location is a delicate balance between demand, competition, and affordability.

A densely populated area offers exposure but ensures that increased expenses won’t outweigh profits.

Conversely, cheaper rent may seem appealing, but assess if the location has enough of your target market to support your business.

Online Business Setup:

For online setups, location flexibility exists, but competition and demand remain pivotal.

In a highly competitive market, relying on search engine traffic can be challenging.

Conversely, if your keywords have minimal online demand, traffic will remain limited. International shipping can also be expensive and subject to customs delays.

Exploring distributor options in other countries may alleviate this concern.

Home-Based Business Setup:

Some models can thrive as home-based businesses, especially for online ventures with minimal customer interaction.

Beginning from home offers viability, with future expansion to a commercial location as your business grows.

In summary, selecting the right location while considering supply and demand dynamics is integral to your business’s success.

In-depth research and analysis of potential locations are essential to make informed decisions that align with your image consulting business goals.

For more, see the Demand for Your Products and Services and Choosing The Best Location for Your Business.

c.) Target Audience

The Value of Knowing Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience empowers you to tailor your products and services precisely to their needs and preferences.

Rather than offering a broad range, you can provide what genuinely interests your customers, ensuring a more effective and customer-centric approach.

Target Market Ideas:

  • Young professionals seeking to enhance their career image.
  • Individuals undergoing personal transformations.
  • Corporate employees aiming to improve their professional image.
  • Recent graduates entering the workforce.
  • Aspiring public figures and celebrities.
  • Business professionals seeking to strengthen their personal brand.
  • Individuals preparing for significant life events (weddings, interviews, etc.).
  • Entrepreneurs and startup founders seeking a professional image.
  • People re-entering the job market or changing careers.
  • International clients looking for image guidance in a new culture.

For more, see How To Understand Your Target Market.

4. Looking at Financials:

Understanding the numbers and making good decisions is a crucial factor in succeeding.

You will struggle to manage a successful operation without putting in the time and effort to understand and monitor the financials of your image consulting business.

This section has a lot to cover, and these are critical steps in starting and operating your business.

The section is broken up into the following:

Start-up Cost: In this step, we will look at the importance of getting an accurate estimate and a simple startup cost to help you get your setup ideas.

Monthly Expenses: Expenses must be monitored, or the operation could be jeopardized. A sample list of monthly expenses is provided, which can be used to generate ideas for the setup.

Profits: To keep your doors open, you must generate profits and enough to pay your bills, grow your business and support your income. There are a few points you will want to consider in this section.

Bests Practices: In addition to the above, we will examine a few best practices regarding your business’s financial aspects.

Let’s get started!

Start-Up Costs:

Understanding Startup Costs

Accurate estimation of startup costs is pivotal from the planning stage to the eventual opening of your image consulting business. A misjudgment can lead to financial hurdles.

Balancing Act: Underestimation vs. Overestimation

Underestimating costs may lead to a shortage of funds, hindering your business’s launch. Conversely, overestimating can make your operation seem excessively high-risk.

Determining Cost Factors

Startup costs hinge on various factors:

  • Business Size : The scale of your operation influences costs.
  • Location : Urban areas may entail higher expenses than suburban or rural locations.
  • Staffing : Deciding whether to hire employees affects costs.
  • Equipment : Choosing between new and used equipment impacts your budget.
  • Space : Expenses vary based on whether you rent, lease, or operate from home.
  • Online vs. Brick-and-Mortar : Online setups tend to be more cost-effective.

Effective Estimation

Create a comprehensive list of needs and obtain price quotes. Research may unveil additional expenses.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that no one can offer an exact figure for your unique image consulting business setup.

Define Your Business Model

The first step in practical estimation is defining your business model.

Online ventures generally incur fewer costs compared to brick-and-mortar or home-based setups.

Variable Complexity

Numerous variables come into play, making research and accurate estimates essential. It’s the most reliable way to determine the feasibility of starting your image consulting business.

In conclusion, understanding and meticulously estimating startup costs are critical steps.

By researching, obtaining accurate estimates, and aligning costs with your business model, you can make informed decisions about the viability of your image consulting venture.

Sample Startup Cost For an Image Consulting Business 

The purpose of the list below is to focus on the items in the list more than the numbers because these are general samples, and your figures will be different. Estimated Startup Costs for a Mid-Sized Image Consulting Business in the USA:

Business Registration and Legal Fees :

  • Lower Value: $500
  • Upper Value: $1,500

Office Space Rent/Lease :

  • Lower Value: $1,500 per month
  • Upper Value: $3,500 per month

Furniture and Office Equipment :

  • Lower Value: $2,000
  • Upper Value: $5,000

Technology and Software :

  • Lower Value: $1,000
  • Upper Value: $2,500

Marketing and Advertising :

  • Lower Value: $1,500
  • Upper Value: $3,500

Initial Inventory (Style Guides, Color Swatches, etc.) :

  • Upper Value: $1,000

Professional Insurance :

  • Lower Value: $800 annually
  • Upper Value: $1,500 annually

Professional Association Memberships and Certifications :

Website Development and Maintenance :

Office Supplies :

  • Lower Value: $300
  • Upper Value: $800

Utilities (Electricity, Internet, Phone) :

  • Lower Value: $150 per month
  • Upper Value: $350 per month

Legal Consultation and Contracts :

Initial Marketing Collateral (Business Cards, Brochures) :

  • Upper Value: $700

Travel and Transportation (Client Meetings) :

  • Upper Value: $1,200

Miscellaneous Expenses (Contingency):

  • Upper Value: $2,000

Total Estimated Startup Costs (Lower Value): $12,700

Total Estimated Startup Costs (Upper Value): $29,300

For more, refer to my article on Estimating Startup Costs.

Monthly Operating Costs:

Managing Monthly Expenses

Your monthly expenses mirror the earlier startup costs, but numerous factors influence them.

Independence vs. Staffing :

Running your image consulting business independently or with a full staff significantly impacts monthly expenses.

Location Matters :

Choosing a high-traffic area increases costs compared to a location with fewer potential clients.

Loan Payments, Marketing, and More :

Consider high loan payments, marketing campaigns, repairs, and potential expenses. Maintaining optimal operations while managing fluctuations in revenue requires keeping costs low without compromising quality, service, or productivity.

Sample list of estimated monthly expenses for a MID-sized image consulting business

Again, the purpose of the list below is to focus on the items rather than the numbers. The numbers are a general idea, and your numbers and list will differ. 

Staff Salaries and Benefits :

  • Lower Value: $4,000 per month
  • Upper Value: $7,000 per month
  • Lower Value: $75 per month
  • Upper Value: $150 per month

Website Maintenance and Hosting :

  • Lower Value: $100 per month
  • Upper Value: $250 per month

Loan Payments :

  • Lower Value: $800 per month
  • Upper Value: $1,500 per month

Travel and Transportation :

  • Lower Value: $250 per month
  • Upper Value: $500 per month

Office Supplies and Miscellaneous :

  • Lower Value: $200 per month

Total Estimated Monthly Expenses (Lower Value): $8,475

Total Estimated Monthly Expenses (Upper Value): $16,250

These approximate estimates vary based on location, staffing, marketing strategies, and specific business needs.

Careful financial planning and budgeting are essential to ensure the sustainability and profitability of your image consulting business.

Considerations for Profits

Profit Considerations for Your Image Consulting Business

Understanding the dynamics of profit is pivotal to your business’s success:

Overhead Impact :

High overhead can significantly reduce your profit margins, even with substantial sales. Estimating your image consulting business’s profit is complex due to the numerous variables.

Your Profit Estimation :

You can best estimate your potential profit based on your chosen business setup. Positioning your business as high-end or discount will affect your profit margins.

The Big Picture :

Focus on the broader perspective of profit. Avoid fixating on individual sales; instead, consider the volume of sales.

A high profit per sale may not cover overhead costs if sales volume is insufficient.

Conversely, emphasizing high sales volumes with lower profit margins necessitates ensuring each sale covers expenses and leaves room for a healthy profit.

Startup Phase vs. Operational Phase :

During startup, estimates are essential. Once operational, solid numbers emerge from acquired data.

Calculating Net Profit :

To calculate net profit, subtract your total costs from your total revenue. This straightforward equation yields your net profit.

Analyzing Profit per Sale :

Complex calculations can determine net profit per sale, helping you focus on profitable products and services.

Understanding profit intricacies is vital to optimizing your image consulting business’s financial health and long-term viability.

For More, See Estimating Profitability and Revenue.

Final Thoughts on Financials 

Financial management is a cornerstone of running an image consulting business. Beyond tracking and recording transactions for tax and legal compliance, closely monitoring profits and expenses and generating reports is crucial.

Proactive Insights :

Regular financial analysis provides insights. For instance, a sudden sales drop prompts an investigation. Was it market shifts, product/service issues, new competitors, or other factors?

Timely Action :

Monitoring finances allows for proactive responses to critical issues. Without it, these issues may go unnoticed until it’s too late to take corrective measures.

Stay vigilant to ensure the financial health of your image consulting business.

5. Create Your Mission Statement

Defining Purpose with a Mission Statement

A mission statement serves as the compass guiding your image consulting business.

It crystallizes your purpose, ensuring you focus on delivering critical benefits to your clients and community.

Examples of Mission Statements for an Image Consulting Business:

  • “Empowering individuals to radiate confidence and authenticity through personalized image transformation.”
  • “Elevating professional success by enhancing personal style and communication for clients and their communities.”
  • “Dedicated to cultivating self-esteem and positive self-expression through tailored image solutions.”
  • “Enabling clients to project their best selves, both professionally and personally, for lasting impact.”
  • “Committed to building self-assured individuals and fostering inclusive communities through the art of image enhancement.”

Each mission statement reflects a unique aspect of an image consulting business’s purpose, emphasizing its commitment to clients and the broader community.

For more, see How To Create a Mission Statement.

6. Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Crafting Uniqueness with a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the key to distinguishing your image consulting business.

It aids in identifying and creating distinctive elements that set you apart from competitors.

Whether it’s a unique approach, specialized service, or exclusive expertise, your USP defines your uniqueness.

Examples of USPs for an Image Consulting Business:

  • Personalized Style DNA Analysis: Offering clients in-depth assessments to unlock their unique style essence, tailored to their personality and lifestyle.
  • Sustainable Image Transformation: Focusing on eco-friendly fashion choices and sustainable styling practices, aligning image enhancement with environmental values.
  • Multicultural Image Mastery: Specializing in catering to diverse cultural backgrounds and understanding the nuances of global fashion and image expression.
  • Executive Presence Enhancement: Targeting professionals seeking to elevate their executive presence through a holistic image and communication approach.
  • Total Image Transformation Programs: Providing comprehensive packages encompassing style, grooming, and communication to deliver a complete image makeover.

These USPs emphasize specific strengths, cater to distinct client needs, and uniquely position the image consulting business in the market.

7. Choose a Business Name

Selecting an Impactful Business Name

Choosing the right name for your image consulting business is a critical decision. Here are key considerations:

Catchy and Relevant :

Opt for a name that’s catchy and industry-appropriate. It should be easy to pronounce and memorable.

Long-Term Perspective :

Business names tend to endure, so choose wisely. Take your time to decide.

Online Presence :

Ensure the availability of a matching domain name for your online presence.

Avoid Conflicts :

Check for existing registrations to avoid legal conflicts.

Here Is a List of Sample Image Consulting Business Names:

  • StyleCraft Pro
  • ImageWise Mastery
  • Elegance Evolve
  • Aura Edge Advisors
  • ChicSense Consultants
  • Polished Persona
  • Identity Elevation
  • GlamourGrid Guides
  • Signature Stylecraft
  • Image IQ Innovators
  • Iconic Attire Artistry
  • Refined Presence Partners
  • Graceful Image Gurus
  • TrendTact Specialists
  • EvokeStyle Consultants
  • ModeMasters Alliance
  • Radiance Revamp Experts
  • Exquisite Aura Architects
  • Aesthetic Influence
  • ImageAlchemy Pros
  • PoshPersona Pioneers
  • VerveStyle Visionaries
  • ChicEssentia Masters
  • Identity Enhance Group
  • ElegantEcho Consultants
  • StyleFinesse Artisans
  • GlamGuidance Gurus
  • RefineRise Advisors
  • ModaMatrix Masters
  • OpulentAura Architects

This list can serve as inspiration for crafting a unique and meaningful name that resonates with your image consulting business.

For more, see the following articles:

  • How To Register a Business Name
  • Registering a Domain Name For Your Business

8. Register Your Company

Legal Compliance for Your Image Consulting Business

Ensuring the legality of your image consulting business is paramount for smooth operations. Here’s how to navigate legalities:

Consultation with a Professional:

Engage a professional like an attorney or accountant to ensure your business structure aligns with tax benefits and liability protection.

Standard Registrations for Image Consulting Business:

  • Business Structure Registration: Choose a legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation) and register accordingly.
  • Business Name Registration: Register your business name with the appropriate local or state authority.
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN): Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) for tax purposes.

Permits and Licenses (In-Point Form):

  • Business License: Obtain a general business license from your local government.
  • Professional Certification: If required in your state, secure certifications for image consulting.
  • Sales Tax Permit: If applicable, register for sales tax collection and remittance.
  • Home Occupation Permit: Check if a permit is needed if operating from home.
  • Zoning Compliance: Ensure your location complies with zoning regulations.
  • Health Department Permit: If offering makeup or skincare services, adhere to health regulations.
  • Online Business Compliance: Comply with e-commerce and data protection laws for online services.
  • Music Licensing: If using music in your business, ensure proper licensing.

Navigating the legal landscape for your image consulting business is vital.

Consulting professionals and obtaining necessary registrations, permits, and licenses will help you operate within the bounds of the law while maximizing benefits and minimizing risks.


  • How to Register Your Business
  • How To Register a DBA
  • How to Register a Trademark
  • How to Get a Business License

Business Structures:

  • How to Choose a Business Structure
  • Pros & Cons of a Sole Proprietorship
  • How To Form an LLC
  • How To Register a Business Partnership
  • How To Form a Corporation
  • How To Choose a Business Registration Service

9. Create Your Corporate Identity

Crafting a Cohesive Corporate Identity

Your Corporate Identity (ID) is a visual representation of your business.

It encompasses essential elements like logos, business cards, websites, signs, stationery, and promotional materials.

Maintaining a consistent, professional design across these components is crucial for leaving a lasting impression on new and existing customers.

A cohesive Corporate ID enhances brand recognition and trust in your image consulting business.

Visit our pages for an overview of your logo, business cards, website, and business sign, or read A Complete Introduction to Corporate Identity Packages.

10. Writing a Business Plan

The Crucial Role of a Business Plan

A business plan serves as the backbone of your image consulting venture. It’s not just a document; it’s a roadmap for success with several key aspects to consider.

A Vital Tool for Financing and Investors :

A well-structured business plan becomes your persuasive tool when seeking financing or investors. It communicates your vision effectively.

Time and Effort Investment :

Crafting an effective business plan demands time and effort. It’s a process of envisioning your fully operational business, requiring careful planning and attention to detail.

Clarity for Startup and Operation :

Once completed, your business plan clarifies the startup and operational phases.

It outlines what’s needed to begin and how to navigate the business landscape.

Diverse Creation Options :

Creating a business plan offers flexibility. You can start from scratch, enlist professional help, use templates, or employ business plan software.

Regardless of the approach, active participation is vital to convey your business’s nature and management effectively.

Adaptability and Optimization :

Expect that your business plan and operations might evolve. Regularly reviewing and adapting the document as you gain experience or respond to market changes is wise.

Flexibility ensures your business remains aligned with your goals.

A well-crafted business plan is your strategic tool, guiding you through the complexities of the image consulting industry. It’s not static but dynamic, evolving with your business.

Business Plan Template for an Image Consulting Business

Note: This template provides a comprehensive Image Consulting Business Plan structure.

Tailor the content to suit your specific goals, objectives, and market.

1. Executive Summary:

  • Business Name, Location, and Owners.
  • Business Mission Statement.
  • Brief Overview of Services and Target Market.
  • Summary of Financial Projections.

2. Business Description:

  • Detailed Description of Your Image Consulting Business.
  • Business Objectives and Goals.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and Competitive Advantage.

3. Market Analysis:

  • Market Research Findings.
  • Industry Trends and Outlook.
  • Target Market Profile and Segmentation.
  • Competitor Analysis.
  • SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).

4. Services and Pricing:

  • List of Services Offered.
  • Service Descriptions.
  • Pricing Structure.
  • Revenue Projections.

5. Marketing and Sales Strategy:

  • Marketing Plan (Online and Offline).
  • Sales Strategy and Approach.
  • Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategies.
  • Branding and Positioning.

6. Operations and Management:

  • Business Location and Facilities.
  • Equipment and Technology Requirements.
  • Team Structure and Roles.
  • Training and Certification Plans.
  • Workflow and Process Management.

7. Financial Projections:

  • Startup Costs and Funding Requirements.
  • Sales Forecasts.
  • Expense Projections.
  • Cash Flow Statement.
  • Break-Even Analysis.
  • Profit and Loss Statement.

8. Legal and Compliance:

  • Business Structure (LLC, Sole Proprietorship, etc.).
  • Licensing and Permits.
  • Contracts and Legal Agreements.
  • Insurance Coverage.

9. Marketing and Sales Strategy:

10. Risk Analysis and Mitigation:

  • Identification of Potential Risks.
  • Risk Assessment and Impact Analysis.
  • Strategies for Risk Mitigation.

11. Appendix:

  • Supporting Documents (Resumes, Certifications, Market Research Data).
  • Any Additional Information Relevant to Your Plan.

12. Conclusion:

  • Summarize Key Points.
  • Emphasize Your Commitment to Success.

This business plan template offers a comprehensive framework for your image consulting business.

Customize each section with detailed information and data relevant to your business goals and strategies.

Regularly update your business plan as your business evolves and grows.

See How to Write a Business Plan for information on creating your business plan.

11. Banking Considerations

Selecting the Right Bank for Your Business

When choosing a bank for your image consulting business, opt for a nearby institution that focuses on small businesses and has a reputable presence in the financial sector.

Building a professional relationship with your banker is crucial. They provide valuable advice, streamline applications, and offer support during prosperous and challenging times.

A dedicated business account allows you to segregate personal and business transactions, simplifying expense tracking, report generation, and tax filing.

Additionally, consider obtaining a merchant account or online payment service to accept credit and debit cards, enhancing sales convenience for your customers.

For more, see How to Open a Business Bank Account. You may also want to look at What Is a Merchant Account and How to Get One.

12. Getting the Funds for Your Operation

Securing Financing for Your Image Consulting Business

If you require financial assistance to initiate your image consulting business, consider the following tips:

Explore Funding Options: Investigate traditional lenders, private loans, potential investors, or selling assets you own.

Government Grants: Check for government grants that can provide startup capital for your image consulting business.

Preparing for the Loan Application Meeting:

When meeting with a loan officer, consider these factors:

  • Business Plan: Present a well-structured business plan outlining your business concept, strategies, and financial projections.
  • Credit History: Ensure your personal and business credit histories are in good standing.
  • Collateral: Be prepared to discuss potential collateral to secure the loan.
  • Financial Statements: Provide comprehensive financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow projections.
  • Legal Documents: Prepare legal documents such as business licenses, permits, and registration certificates.
  • Personal Identification: Bring personal identification documents, such as a driver’s license or passport.
  • Business Structure: Clearly define your business structure, whether a sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation.
  • Repayment Plan: Outline a feasible plan for loan repayment.
  • References: Offer personal and professional references to vouch for your credibility.

Sample List of Documents for New Business Loan Application:

  • Business Plan
  • Credit Report
  • Collateral Details
  • Financial Statements (Income, Balance, Cash Flow)
  • Legal Business Documents
  • Personal Identification
  • Business Structure Information
  • Loan Repayment Plan

Organizing these documents and addressing these considerations will enhance your prospects when meeting with a loan officer and applying for financing to launch your image consulting business.

For more, see the following:

  • Getting a Small Business Loan
  • SBA Small Business Grants
  • Search: Image Consulting Business Start-up Loans
  • Search: Grants For an Image Consulting Business

13. Software Setup

Efficient software is essential for your image consulting business. Consider these factors:

1. Compatibility and Ease of Transition: Opt for software that suits your needs from the start to avoid data migration hassles.

2. Established Providers: Choose companies with a track record, ensuring dependable future support.

3. Demos and Trials: Utilize available demos to assess software suitability before committing.

4. Reviews and Forums: Investigate user reviews and forums for insights from others’ experiences.

5. Financial Management Software: Research tools for expense tracking and financial document preparation, crucial for tax filing.

Consulting with your bookkeeper or accountant aids in selecting the right accounting software for your needs.

Types of Software for Image Consulting Business:

  • Client Management: CRM software for client relationship management.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Tools for scheduling client consultations and appointments.
  • Inventory Management: Software to track clothing and accessory inventory.
  • Financial Management: Accounting software for expense tracking and financial reporting.
  • Image Analysis: Specialized software for style and image analysis.
  • Website and Social Media Management: Tools for online presence and management.
  • Marketing and Email Campaigns: Software for marketing strategies and email campaigns.
  • Project Management: Tools for organizing and managing client projects.
  • Customer Feedback and Surveys: Platforms for collecting feedback and conducting surveys.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Software for monitoring business performance and generating reports.

Carefully selecting and integrating these software types streamlines image consulting business management and operations.

Check out Google’s latest search results for software packages for an image consulting business.

14. Get The Right Business Insurance

In image consulting, safeguarding your business through insurance is paramount. Here’s what you need to consider:

1. Comprehensive Protection: Prioritize insurance coverage to shield your clients, employees, yourself, anyone on your premises, and your assets. Comprehensive protection minimizes risks associated with unforeseen incidents.

2. Professional Liability Insurance: Protect yourself from legal challenges with professional liability insurance. It offers a safety net in case of lawsuits or disputes.

3. Business Interruption Insurance: This can be a lifesaver in case of an unforeseen incident that forces your business to shut down involuntarily. It provides financial support during these challenging times, helping you stay afloat.

4. Home-Based Business Consideration: If you operate your business from home, communicate with your home insurance agent. Failure to do so could inadvertently void your existing home insurance policy.

5. Seek Professional Guidance: To ensure adequate coverage, collaborate with a proficient insurance broker. Their expertise will help you navigate the complexities of insurance and provide peace of mind, knowing you’re protected in various scenarios.

Prioritizing insurance for your image consulting business is a strategic move to mitigate risks and protect your venture from unexpected challenges.

For more, see What to Know About Business Insurance . You can also browse the latest Google search results for image consulting business insurance .

15. Suppliers and Service Providers

Creating and maintaining positive relationships with your suppliers and service providers is a pivotal aspect of your image consulting business. Here’s what you need to consider:

1. Reliability and Trustworthiness: Depend on suppliers and service providers who are reliable and trustworthy. Their consistency is crucial for your success.

2. Competitive Pricing: Collaborate with suppliers who offer competitive prices, enabling you to provide cost-effective services to your clients while bolstering your profit margins.

3. Adequate Supplies: Ensure your suppliers can guarantee a steady flow of necessary supplies to keep your business running seamlessly.

4. Mutual Benefits: Foster a mutually beneficial relationship by respecting your suppliers and service providers and ensuring they derive financial advantages from the partnership. This approach strengthens your working ties.

Items and Services from Suppliers and Service Providers:

  • Clothing and Accessories: Reliable sources for clothing, accessories, and styling products.
  • Tailoring and Alterations: Services for custom fittings and alterations.
  • Printing and Marketing Materials: Suppliers for business cards, brochures, and promotional materials.
  • Software and Technology: Providers of image analysis software, scheduling tools, and marketing software.
  • Photography Services: Photographers for portfolio shots and client image documentation.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Agencies or freelancers for marketing campaigns and brand promotion.

Selecting suitable suppliers and service providers empowers your image consulting business with essential resources and expertise, contributing to your overall success.

For More, See How To Choose a Supplier.

16. Setting Prices

Effective pricing is a critical aspect of your image consulting business. Here are key considerations:

1. Research for Success: Thorough pricing research is essential at the outset of your image consulting venture.

2. Avoid Overpricing: Too high prices can deter potential clients, leading to lost sales.

3. Steer Clear of Underpricing: Extremely low prices may attract more clients but can jeopardize your ability to cover expenses and generate profits.

4. Strike a Balance: Find a pricing sweet spot that aligns with your target market’s expectations while emphasizing the value you provide. This balance will ensure that you remain competitive and profitable.

By carefully researching and determining optimal pricing, you maximize your chances of success and sustainable growth in the image consulting industry.

See the following for more:

  • Setting the Price of Your Products and Services
  • Search Results for Pricing Strategies for an Image Consulting Business.

17. Physical Setup

Optimizing Your Online Image Consulting Business Setup

Creating a conducive work environment for your online image consulting business is crucial. Here’s how to achieve it:

Layout and Setup Overview:

In the virtual realm, your workspace is digital, but organization remains vital. Ensure your digital workspace is structured for maximum efficiency.

Keep files and resources well-organized, making accessing client data and consultation materials easy.

Effective Signage:

Although you operate online, professional signage is essential. Your website’s main business sign should be appealing and informative, guiding visitors to your services.

Additionally, consider utilizing signs in relevant digital locations, such as social media profiles, email signatures, and professional networking sites.

These signs enhance your online presence and credibility.

Efficient Office Setup:

Managing an online image consulting business can be time-consuming, so an organized office setup is key to productivity. Equip your digital office with the necessary tools, software, and resources.

Invest in a reliable computer, high-speed internet connection, and communication tools to seamlessly interact with clients. Organize your digital files and documents systematically, ensuring easy retrieval when needed.

Creating a well-structured online workspace, maintaining professional signage, and organizing your virtual office are integral steps to streamline your image consulting business’s operations in the digital realm.

Here are Considerations for The Setup of Your Office for tips and ideas to make your office work for you. Also, have a look at our article About Company Signs.

18. Creating a Website

Essential Online Presence: Your Image Consulting Website

In the digital age, a website is indispensable for your image consulting business. Here’s why:

1. Central Hub: Your website serves as potential clients’ primary point of contact. It offers a centralized platform to showcase your services and expertise.

2. Ownership and Control: Unlike social media accounts, your website is owned and controlled when you host and register a domain name. This autonomy ensures your online presence remains secure and adaptable.

3. Marketing Power: Utilize your website as a powerful marketing tool. Engage your audience through informative blogs that share industry insights and valuable tips. By doing so, you build trust and establish yourself as an expert in the eyes of your potential clients.

A well-designed and informative website is the cornerstone of your image consulting business, allowing you to effectively communicate your services and establish credibility in the online landscape.

For more, see How to Build a Website for Your Business .

19. Create an External Support Team

Building an External Support Team: A Valuable Asset

Establishing an external support team of professionals for your image consulting business is essential. Here’s why it’s beneficial:

1. Dependable Advisors:

Your support team consists of individuals you can rely on for advice and services, offering expertise in their respective fields.

2. Non-Payroll Arrangement:

Importantly, these professionals are not on your payroll. You engage their services as needed, whether for specific project tasks, on a contractual basis, hourly, or via a retainer arrangement.

3. Ongoing Relationship Building:

While you may already collaborate with some individuals, recognizing them as part of your team emphasizes their significance. Continuously expanding and nurturing these professional relationships enhances your network.

4. Diverse Expertise:

Your external support team may include experts in various domains such as accounting, law, finance, marketing, technical aspects, and consultancy. This diverse skill set ensures you have access to specialized guidance when required.

Building a robust external support team takes time, but it’s a valuable asset for your image consulting business. These professionals offer valuable insights and services, aiding your business’s growth and success.

For more, see Building a Team of Professional Advisors for Your Business.

20. Hiring Employees

Running your image consulting business alone during the initial stages is cost-effective. However, as your business expands, you may need to hire employees. Here’s why and what positions to consider:

Cost Management:

Initially, solo operation helps control costs, as payroll is a significant expense.

Growth Challenges:

Managing day-to-day operations alone becomes overwhelming as your business grows, making employee hires necessary.

Hiring Wisely:

When hiring employees, prioritize qualifications and work ethics to ensure the right fit for each role.

Job Positions or Outsourced Services to Consider as Your Business Grows:

  • Assistant Image Consultants: To handle client consultations and support.
  • Administrative Staff: For office management, appointment scheduling, and record-keeping.
  • Marketing Specialist: To develop and execute marketing strategies.
  • Technical Support: For website maintenance and technical aspects.
  • Accountant/Financial Advisor: To manage finances and ensure financial stability.
  • Legal Counsel: For contractual and legal matters.
  • Virtual Assistants: For various administrative tasks, including email management and social media.
  • Event Coordinator: If you plan to organize workshops or events.

Expanding your team strategically ensures smoother operations and allows your image consulting business to flourish.

For more, see How and When to Hire a New Employee.

21. Getting Customers Through the Door

When you have reached this step, your business is set up and ready to go, with one more final step, which is important: getting customers through the door.

There are numerous ways to do this, like advertising, having a grand opening , word of mouth, etc.

Let’s dig a little deeper into the following sections.

a.) Marketing Considerations

Attracting Customers to Your Image Consulting Business

Your image consulting business’s success hinges on attracting the right customers. Here’s why and some simple methods to get the word out about your services:

Customer-Centric Success:

Without customers, your business lacks purpose. Focusing on the right clientele is crucial.

Initial Challenges:

Attracting customers can be challenging initially, especially when your business is new and relatively unknown.

Building Reputation:

As you establish a good reputation and gain marketing experience, customer acquisition becomes more manageable.

Simple Marketing Methods:

  • Social Media: Create engaging profiles on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to showcase your expertise and connect with potential clients.
  • Networking: Attend industry events, seminars, and workshops to build professional relationships and gain referrals.
  • Content Marketing: Share informative blogs, videos, and infographics on your website and social media to demonstrate your expertise and provide value.
  • Word of Mouth: Encourage satisfied clients to refer others to your services.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list and send subscribers regular updates, tips, and promotions.
  • Collaborations: Partner with related businesses or influencers to expand your reach.

Simplify your marketing approach by raising awareness about your image consulting business.

Practical strategies help attract and retain customers, ensuring your business’s growth and success.

See How To Get Customers Through the Door and our marketing section for ideas on promoting your business.

b.) The Market Can Guide You:

Listening to Your Customers: A Path to Success

Years of business experience have taught me a valuable lesson: pay attention to your customers’ needs and desires.

While you may have a specific vision for your image consulting business, remaining receptive to market demand is essential.

The market may sometimes indicate a demand for variations of your products or services that differ from your initial plan.

While staying committed to your original vision is natural, ignoring market signals can mean missing out on lucrative opportunities.

Remember, it’s your business, and the final decisions lie with you.

However, consistent market indicators should prompt you to reconsider your approach.

Adaptability and responsiveness to customer preferences can be the key to building a thriving image consulting business.

c.) Sample Ad Ideas:

1. Elevate Your Style with Expert Guidance!

  • Unlock Your Full Potential with Image Consulting. Get Started Today!

2. Transform Your Image, Transform Your Life!

  • Discover a New You with Our Professional Image Consultation.

3. Confidence Redefined – Discover Your Best Self!

  • Expert Image Consulting Services for a Fresh and Confident You.

4. Elevate Your Presence – Unleash Your Inner Confidence!

  • Personalized Image Consulting for a More Stylish, Confident You.

5. Stand Out from the Crowd – Ignite Your Style!

  • Achieve Your Style Goals with Our Expert Image Consultation.

d.) B2B Ideas

Collaborating with other businesses can strategically expand your client base and create a mutually beneficial relationship.

Here are some businesses you could approach for potential partnerships:

  • Fashion Boutiques and Retail Stores: Fashion retailers often have customers seeking style advice. Partnering with them can lead to referrals in exchange for promoting their products to your clients.
  • Hair and Beauty Salons: Clients getting haircuts or makeovers might want to enhance their overall image. You can offer referrals to salons, and they can recommend your image consulting services.
  • Photographers and Studios: People often seek professional photography services for special occasions or professional headshots. Collaborating with photographers can lead to referrals, and you can recommend them for photography needs.
  • Event Planners: Event planners often work with clients who want to make a great impression at special events. They can refer clients to you for image consulting services, and you can recommend their event planning services.
  • Personal Trainers and Fitness Centers: People investing in fitness may also want to revamp their style. Collaborating with personal trainers or fitness centers can result in cross-referrals.
  • Wedding Planners: Brides and grooms want to look their best on their big day. Wedding planners can refer clients to you for image consulting, and you can recommend their wedding planning services.
  • Career Coaches and Resume Writers: Clients looking to advance their careers may need a polished image. Partnering with career coaches and resume writers can lead to referrals from clients seeking a professional image.
  • Real Estate Agents: Homebuyers and sellers often want to make a good impression during real estate transactions. Real estate agents can refer clients to you for image consulting, and you can recommend their real estate services.
  • Corporate HR Departments: Large corporations may seek image consulting services for their employees. Partnering with HR departments can lead to corporate contracts and referrals.
  • Wedding Dress Shops: Bridal shops can refer brides-to-be for image consulting to ensure they look their best in their chosen wedding attire.

When approaching these businesses, consider offering referral fees, reciprocal referrals, or joint promotions to incentivize collaboration.

Building strong relationships with complementary businesses can be a win-win.

They can help you expand your client base and provide added value to your clients.

Points To Consider

Next, let’s review essential points for more tips, insights, and considerations before starting your image consulting business.

We will cover sections, including skills to consider, points to focus on, and equipment. Then you’ll reach the “Knowledge Is Power,” section, where you will want to use the resources for valuable information.

Key Points for Success in the Setup Phase of an Image Consulting Business:

  • Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, competition, and service demand.
  • Business Plan: Create a comprehensive business plan outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections.
  • Legal Requirements: Ensure your business is legally compliant, including business registration, permits, and licenses.
  • Financial Planning: Estimate startup costs accurately and secures necessary funding. Consider working with a financial advisor.
  • Branding and Positioning: To differentiate your business, develop a strong brand identity and define your unique selling proposition (USP).
  • Professional Network: Build relationships with professionals like accountants, lawyers, and mentors who can provide guidance.
  • Online Presence: Establish a professional website and social media presence to reach potential clients.
  • Services: Determine your service packages, pricing strategy, and payment methods.
  • Marketing Strategy: Create a marketing plan, including digital and offline marketing efforts to attract clients.
  • Training and Certification: Invest in relevant training and certifications to enhance your skills and credibility.

Points for Success in the Operational Phase of an Image Consulting Business:

  • Client Relationships: Nurture strong client relationships by providing exceptional service and communication.
  • Continual Learning: Stay updated with industry trends and continue your professional development.
  • Efficient Operations: Streamline business operations for maximum efficiency, including scheduling and record-keeping.
  • Feedback: Collect and act on client feedback to improve your services continually.
  • Networking: Attend industry events and network with other professionals for potential collaborations.
  • Marketing Efforts: Keep marketing efforts consistent to maintain a steady flow of clients.
  • Financial Management: Maintain financial discipline by tracking expenses, managing cash flow, and tax planning.
  • Diversification: Consider expanding your services or targeting different niches to diversify your client base.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Stay updated on legal requirements and ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Adaptability: Be adaptable to changing market conditions and client needs, and be willing to pivot your strategies when necessary.

Succeeding in your image consulting business’s setup and operational phases requires careful planning, continuous learning, client-centric approaches, and a commitment to excellence.

Ideas to Make an Image Consulting Business Stand Out:

  • Specialize in Niche Markets: Instead of targeting a broad audience, specialize in niche markets like executive image consulting, bridal image consulting, or fashion-specific consulting. This specialization can make you the go-to expert in that area.
  • Personal Branding Workshops: Offer workshops and training sessions on personal branding, helping clients build a unique and memorable image both online and offline.
  • Virtual Consultations: Provide virtual image consulting services for clients worldwide, expanding your reach and accessibility.
  • Sustainable Fashion Focus: Emphasize sustainable and eco-friendly fashion choices in your consultations, catering to clients with environmentally conscious values.
  • Body Positivity: Promote body positivity and inclusive styling by celebrating diversity in body types, genders, and cultural backgrounds.
  • Wardrobe Audits: Offer wardrobe audits to help clients declutter and organize their closets, optimizing their existing clothing collections.
  • Corporate Image Training: Partner with businesses to provide corporate image training for employees, enhancing their professional appearance and brand representation.
  • Online Courses: Create and sell online courses on image consulting, allowing clients to learn independently.
  • Image Analysis Software: Invest in image analysis software that provides personalized recommendations based on clients’ body shape, skin tone, and style preferences.
  • Collaborations: Collaborate with fashion brands and designers, offering clients exclusive discounts and access to curated collections.
  • Image Makeovers: Showcase dramatic image makeovers through before-and-after photos and success stories from satisfied clients.
  • Social Media Presence: Maintain a solid social media presence with engaging content, fashion tips, and style inspiration to attract a broader audience.
  • Charitable Initiatives: Establish partnerships with nonprofit organizations or contribute a percentage of your profits to social causes, demonstrating your commitment to making a positive impact.
  • Inclusivity Training: Offer training on diversity and inclusion in the fashion and image consulting industry, ensuring sensitivity to various cultural backgrounds and preferences.
  • Personalized Style Profiles: Develop personalized style profiles for clients, making it easier for them to make fashion choices aligned with their image goals.

Ideas for Add-ons for an Image Consulting Business:

  • Clothing Subscription Boxes: Partner with clothing brands to create subscription boxes tailored to your client’s style preferences, delivering new fashion pieces regularly.
  • Hair and Makeup Services: Offer on-site hair and makeup services for clients, ensuring their entire look aligns with their desired image.
  • Personal Shopping Services: You provide personal shopping experiences by accompanying clients to stores or shopping online on their behalf, selecting clothing that suits their image.
  • Color Analysis: Integrate color analysis into your services, helping clients identify their most flattering colors for clothing, makeup, and accessories.
  • Virtual Wardrobe Management: Develop a virtual wardrobe management app that lets clients digitally catalog their clothing, making outfit planning easier.
  • Monthly Styling Subscriptions: Offer monthly styling subscriptions where clients receive personalized style recommendations and tips regularly.
  • Image Maintenance Packages: Create ongoing image maintenance packages, including periodic consultations and updates to adapt to clients’ evolving needs.
  • Personal Branding Photography: Collaborate with professional photographers to offer personal branding photoshoots, ensuring clients have high-quality images for their online presence.
  • Image Retreats: Organize retreats or workshops offering intensive image transformation experiences over several days.
  • Gift Certificates: Provide gift certificates for image consulting services, allowing clients to gift your services to friends and family.
  • Accessories Line: Design and sell branded accessories, such as scarves, jewelry, or handbags, that align with your image consulting recommendations.
  • Mobile App: Develop an app that offers image tips, virtual consultations, and a style community for clients to connect with others.
  • Online Styling Challenges: Host online styling challenges or competitions for clients, encouraging them to experiment with their style.
  • Seminars and Workshops: Organize seminars and workshops on various image-related topics, inviting industry experts to share insights.
  • Image Consultation Packages: Bundle image consulting services with other services like hairstyling, makeup application, or spa treatments for comprehensive image makeovers.

Implementing these ideas can help you differentiate your image consulting business and provide additional value to your clients, helping them achieve their desired image and style goals.

Hours of Operation:

  • Regular Business Hours: Typically, weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM, accommodating clients’ work schedules.
  • Evening Appointments: Extend service hours into the evening to cater to clients with daytime commitments.
  • Weekend Availability: Offer consultations on Saturdays or Sundays to reach clients with busy weekday schedules.
  • Virtual Consultations: Provide flexibility by scheduling virtual consultations outside traditional office hours.
  • Special Occasion Services: Consider offering extended hours for events like weddings or special occasions.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Adapt hours to reflect seasonal demands or fashion trends.
  • Appointment-Based: Structure hours around pre-scheduled appointments to maximize efficiency.
  • Emergency Consultations: Offer emergency services for last-minute styling needs.
  • Holiday Availability: Decide whether to operate during holidays or offer holiday-themed services.
  • Customized Scheduling: Be open to customizing hours based on individual client needs when possible.

Equipment and Supplies

A List of Equipment and Supplies to Consider for an Image Consulting Business:

  • Full-Length Mirror: Essential for clients to view their outfits from head to toe.
  • Wardrobe Racks: For organizing and displaying clothing options.
  • Hangers: High-quality hangers to maintain the shape of garments.
  • Steamer or Iron: To ensure clothes are wrinkle-free and presentable.
  • Clothing Tags and Labels: Used for organizing and categorizing clothing items.
  • Measuring Tape: For accurate measurements of clients’ body proportions.
  • Sewing Kit: Basic sewing tools for minor clothing alterations.
  • Fabric Care Products: Stain removers, fabric fresheners, and other cleaning supplies.
  • Style Books and Magazines: References for fashion inspiration.
  • Personal Styling Tools: Such as color swatches, fabric samples, and body shape guides.
  • Digital Camera or Smartphone: For capturing before-and-after photos of clients.
  • Computer and Software: To manage client records, appointments, and marketing materials.
  • Printer and Scanner: For printing style guides and scanning documents.
  • Lighting Equipment: Adequate lighting for accurate color assessment.
  • Styling Accessories: Belts, scarves, jewelry, and other accessories for outfit coordination.
  • Makeup and Hair Supplies: Basic cosmetics and hair products for makeup consultations.
  • Personal Styling Kits: Comprising color analysis tools and style assessment materials.
  • Comfortable Seating: For clients during consultations and fittings.
  • Business Cards and Marketing Materials: To promote your services.
  • Office Supplies: Pens, notepads, folders, and other administrative necessities.
  • Sound System: For playing background music during consultations.
  • Reference Books and Guides: Fashion and style reference materials.
  • Laptop or Tablet: For presenting digital style guides and lookbooks.
  • Wi-Fi and Audiovisual Equipment: To facilitate virtual consultations.
  • Tailor’s Dummy: A dress form for making clothing adjustments.
  • Body Shapers: To help clients visualize the potential impact of shaping garments.
  • Shoe Collection: A variety of footwear options for complete looks.
  • Jewelry Collection: A selection of jewelry to accessorize outfits.
  • Fashion Magazines: For staying up-to-date with current trends.
  • Storage Solutions: Cabinets, shelves, and drawers to keep your workspace organized.

Remember that the specific equipment needed may vary based on your business model and range of services.

Assessing your unique requirements and budget before acquiring these items is essential.

Focusing on your skill set is crucial when considering an image consulting business. Your skills determine the quality of service you provide. If you lack essential skills, you have options: invest in learning them or hire experts.

Crucial skills for an image consulting business owner include fashion expertise, color analysis, body shape assessment, interpersonal skills, marketing, organization, and adaptability to stay updated with industry trends.

Find an Image Consulting Business For Sale

Benefits of Buying an Established Image Consulting Business:

  • Immediate revenue generation upon takeover.
  • Bypassing the challenging startup phase.
  • Assurance that the business model is functional.
  • Access to known financial figures (revenue, profit, expenses).
  • Existing customer base.
  • Established business reputation.


  • Higher initial cost due to goodwill and customer base acquisition.
  • Risk of losing customers if operational changes are implemented.
  • Inheriting the negative aspects of the business’s reputation.

Even if there isn’t an exact match for an image consulting business for sale, it’s worth exploring similar opportunities within the industry through the provided link.

The latest search results for an image consulting business for sale and others in the same category.

Knowledge Is Power if You Use It!

Utilize knowledge effectively—access valuable industry information in the provided links for the startup and operational phases.

Trends and Statistics

Analyzing industry trends and statistics is vital for an image consulting business, as it offers insights into adapting and thriving in a dynamic market.

See the latest search results for trends and statistics related to the image consulting industry.

Image Consulting Associations

Trade associations provide members with industry news updates and networking opportunities.

See the search results on image consulting associations and the benefits of Joining the Chamber of Commerce.

The Top Image Consulting Companies

Studying established image consulting businesses can inspire innovation, reveal industry gaps that can be exploited for competitive advantage, and uncover overlooked services provided by competitors.

See the latest search results for the top image consulting companies.

The Future of the Image Consulting

Researching the industry’s future is crucial for aspiring image consultants, offering insight into potential trends and opportunities.

See the search results for the future of image consulting.

Customer Expectations

Examining search results for customer expectations in image consulting offers insights into their perspectives, enabling the fulfillment of their needs and the potential to surpass expectations, uncovering overlooked issues, and thorough preparation.

See the search results related to customer expectations for image consulting.

Expert Tips

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How Do I Start an Image Consulting Business?

An image consultant is a person who works with clients to refine or enhance their personal and professional presence and public persona through appearance, behavior, and communication skills. (The ABCs.) A professional consultant can transform a person’s outward appearance and even their lifestyle in the way that a chameleon adapts its skin. It is an educational process, which is designed to incorporate the psychological, physical, and cognitive changes that arise by working on a client’s ABC’s.

Anyone can change the way he or she looks, but an image consultant provides encouragement, structured advice, and feedback to ensure that the process is streamlined and productive. Image consulting can impact people of all ages and walks of life as a learning path to discovering how best to present themselves. Image consulting can also make a difference in people-facing positions, including sales or customer service roles.

What is Image Consulting?

Image consulting is the process by which a professional evaluates and makes recommendations for how to better position oneself. Image consultants often use a combination of public relations techniques, fashion recommendations, and marketing approaches to reshaping a person’s public appearance. A consultant’s background and training could include knowledge and courses in social and business etiquette , presentation, communication techniques, style, clothing, body language, coaching, training, personal branding, and executive presence. Unlike stylists who are primarily clothing and fashion-oriented, consultants work in-depth with clients on lifestyle, goal setting, and professional and personal presence technical skills.

Image consultants work with the general public, politicians, and executives, but they also work with other celebrities and personalities to achieve specific professional agendas or personal advancement opportunities. A consultant can help to change or gradually evolve the way the public or a specific target audience sees virtually any individual.

How to Become an Image Consultant

An image consultant is usually an independent contractor. The person may have experience in specific sales, PR, or executive roles, where appearance is important. While a degree is not required for a consultant, the person needs to have knowledge in some of the following skills: etiquette, style , clothing coordination, and presentation. They need to be versed in the way their clients dress, act and speak in a way that best supports and furthers his or her desired goals.

To pass industry certification with the Association of Image Consultants International, men and women take coursework and earn certification in consulting or related fields like fashion, PR, cosmetology, etc. The consultant needs to understand and articulate professional recommendations for hairstyles, make-up, fashion, and personal presentation to the client. More than that, though, they must consult in a way that will be accepted and understood by the client. It is also important to understand how cultural differences affect a person’s style and overall lifestyle choices.

Very occasionally, consultants new to the field may find a mentorship or apprenticeship situation, where they learn the skills and techniques under an experienced consultant. While a license, insurance, or certification is not necessarily required for a consultant, that does depend on the specific service. If the consultant personally works on the client’s hair, make-up, and other aesthetics, professional certification, and exams are essential.

With more than 30 years of experience, London Image Institute offers the image-consulting training and certification services that are designed to meet the needs of passionate individuals. Whether you are a coach, entrepreneur, corporate trainer, or consultant, these courses and programs are targeted to give you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.

How to Start an Image Consulting Business

The steps in setting up your consulting business similar to any start-up entrepreneurial business. You should consider training and certification as the best way to establish credibility, with a solid framework for your future consulting. The next step is to develop a business plan, with specific steps that include identifying your customer base. With a solid business plan, as well as the background and experience, you need, you can start working part-time as a consultant.

Depending on the level of service you will be offering, you will need to invest in supplies and equipment, as well as pursue the necessary certifications. You should also develop branding materials, including business cards, stationary/letterhead, brochures, and a website. It is also important to invest in video-capture hardware and virtual-beauty software, so you can offer recommendations for improvement and demonstrate results.

How to Run a Home-based Image Consulting Business

Consulting is not an easy business to break into, whether you are offering consulting or other services. The role of a consultant is particularly challenging because you must stay up to date on current fashion and cultural trends. Since this is an image-focused industry, your good reputation is of the utmost consideration. While you can work out of your home, you may need to bring in other experts or consultants to achieve the desired goals.

You should also research local laws and even consult with a lawyer to make sure that you set up your small business the right way. It takes a lot of legwork, but it is better to know what you are getting into and address any potential setbacks or challenges before you end up in hot water. Even if you do not hire an accountant full time, you should consult with a financial professional to make sure that you are prepared for success in the right way.


Corporate Image Consulting Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Cynthia Ejike

Home » Business Plans » B2B Sector

Are you about starting a corporate image consulting business? If YES, here is a complete sample corporate image consulting business plan template & FREE feasibility report.

If you are a brand enthusiast or someone who has background in advertising and branding matters, and you intend starting your business, then you should consider starting your own corporate image consulting firm.

There are many corporate organizations, corporate executives, entrepreneurs and even startups that will be more than willing to patronize your services.

Being a corporate image consultant means that you will help your clients handle everything that has to do with the corporate image they want the public to see. Running this type of business requires that you should be trained as a brand and public relations specialist

A Sample Corporate Image Consulting Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Corporate image consulting firms are under the Public relations industry and players in this industry manage the communications between an organization and the public to promote favorable relationships and portray a desired image.

This includes communication with the general public, employees, investors, customers, analysts and other stakeholders.

In contrast to advertising, PR campaigns aim for exposure through public interest and news coverage, rather than paid advertisements, to give their message third-party legitimacy.

A close study of the Public Relations Firms industry shows that the industry experienced comfortable growth in recent time. As economic conditions have improved, industry revenue has increased due to businesses increasing their marketing expenditure. No doubt, players in this industry have also benefited from the shift to digital media in recent years.

Going forward, public relations firms will continue to benefit from rising marketing budgets. The expansion of niche and social networking services and the continued development of mobile media are expected to contribute to relatively strong growth.

So also, the biggest players in the industry are expected to remain active in their acquisition of mid-sized niche firms, as global advertising agencies look to diversify their service offerings.

The public relations firm industry is in the mature phase of its life cycle and luckily for the industry, the advent of digital media has provided an opportunity for the industry to explore and experience vibrant growth. Of course, the industry is becoming more concentrated, as seen by a few large global firms dominating the market and gaining huge market share of the available market.

The Public Relations Firm Industry is indeed a very large industry and pretty much thriving in all parts of the world especially in developed countries.

Statistics has it that in the united states of America alone, there are about 44,164 licensed and registered public relations cum corporate image consulting firms responsible for employing about 92,332 employees and the industry rakes in a whooping sum of $14 billion annually with an annual growth rate projected at 2.9 percent.

It is important to state that the establishments with lion share of the available market in this industry are The Omnicom Group Inc. and The Interpublic Group of Companies Inc.

A recent report published by IBISWorld shows that over the five years to 2017, the Public Relations Firms industry has achieved growth through clients’ expanding marketing budgets.

With an evolving digital media landscape, clients have shifted their budgets away from traditional mass media such as TV, print and radio, toward more below-the-line or niche-focused strategies to reach targeted audience.

Consequently, industry operators have focused on social media outlets such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and blogs as areas of growth for public relation (PR) campaigns.

In addition to isolating fragmented consumer segments, these strategies enable clients to measure the reach of campaigns through direct online interaction and analytics, making them a more attractive option.

Over and above, corporate image consulting firms cannot be phased out despite the change in PR approaches and the emergence of new media. It is easier for corporate image consulting firms to leverage on modern technology to reach out to their target market.

As a matter of fact, it is cost effective and far reaching for them to make use of social media platforms to carry out some of their PR campaigns.

2. Executive Summary

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. is a U.S based corporate image consulting firm that will be located in Lake Street, Petoskey – Michigan. We have been able to secure a standard office facility in a central business district in Lake Street.

We are set to compete in the highly competitive public relations firm industry not only in the United States market, but also in the global market because our clientele base will not be restricted to just businesses in the United States but in the internal market.

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. will offer robust corporate image consulting services to both corporate organization and individuals. Our core services will revolve around corporate and lobbying services, general/full PR services, media relations, event management, public relations, image promotion and political consulting.

Our business goal is to become one of the leading corporate image consulting firms in the United States of America with high profile corporate and individual clients scattered all around the globe.

Our workers are going to be selected from a pool of talented and highly creative public relations and media experts in and around Petoskey – Michigan and also from any part of the world as the business grows.

We will make sure that we take all the members of our workforce through the required training that will position them to meet the expectation of the company and to compete with leading corporate image consulting cum public relations firms such as The Omnicom Group Inc., and The Interpublic Group of Companies Inc. in the United States and of course throughout the globe.

At Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. our client’s best interest will always come first, and everything we do will be guided by our values and professional ethics. We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client’s business needs precisely and completely.

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. is a privately registered family business that is owned by Nelson Pearce and his immediate family members.

Nelson Pearce graduated from University of California, Beckley with BA in Mass Communications and he has hands on experience that revolves around corporate branding and advertising, market researching, public relations and business management et al.

3. Our Products and Services

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. was established with the aim of maximizing profits in the Public Relations industry.

We want to compete favorably with leading corporate image consulting firms in the United States and of course throughout the globe which is why we have but in place a competent team that will ensure that we meet and even surpass our customers’ expectations.

We will work hard to ensure that Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. do not just work for clients in the United States of America, but also for clients in other parts of the world. Our services offerings are listed below;

  • Public relations
  • Image promotion
  • Political consulting
  • Corporate and lobbying services
  • General/full PR services
  • Media relations
  • Event management
  • Other related corporate image advisory and consulting services

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to establish a standard corporate image consulting firm whose services and brand will not only be accepted in the United States of America, but also in other parts of the world.
  • Our mission is to provide professional and highly creative result oriented corporate image consulting services and other related public relations advisory and consulting services that will assist businesses, individuals and non-profit organizations in promoting their brands and reaching out to a wide range of potential customers all over the globe.

We want to build a corporate image consulting firm that can favorably compete with other leading brands in the industry.

Our Business Structure

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. is a consulting firm that intends starting small in Lake Street, Petoskey – Michigan, but hopes to grow big in order to compete with leading corporate image consulting firms in the United States.

We are aware of the importance of building a solid business structure that can support the picture of the kind of world class business we want to own, which is why we are committed to only hiring the best hands within our area of operations.

At Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. we will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, hardworking, and creative, result driven, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all our stake holders.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of five years or more as agreed by the board of trustees of the company. In view of the above, Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. has decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Creative Director
  • Corporate Image Consultant / PR Specialist

Human Resources and Admin Manager

  • Sales and Marketing Executive

Client Service Executive

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Generates, connects, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization

Creative Director:

  • Serves as project manager of the organization
  • Responsible for designing advertising concepts and winning business proposals for the organization
  • In charge of copy writing and laying out chronological advertisement plans
  • Develops strategic plan by studying technological, and financial opportunities; presenting assumptions; recommending objectives
  • Accomplishes subsidiary objectives by establishing plans, budgets, and results measurements; reviewing progress; making mid-course corrections.
  • Builds company image by collaborating with customers, government, community organizations, and employees; enforcing ethical business practices.
  • Maintains quality service by establishing and enforcing organization standards.
  • Makes certain that operations and marketing department perform efficiently, coordinate employee efforts, and facilitate communications between management and employees
  • Ensures that the organization works in line with international best practices.

Corporate Image Consultant/PR Specialist

  • Responsible for handling media planning and representation
  • Responsible for creating advertising campaigns
  • Responsible for disseminating advertising campaigns through available mediums, such as TV, Radio and periodicals et al
  • Responsible for handling core corporate image consulting services such as public relations, lobbying, image promotion, political consulting, corporate and lobbying services, general/full PR services, media relations and event management
  • Handles other related corporate image advisory and consulting services
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily office

Sales and Marketing Manager

  • Manages external research and coordinates all the internal sources of information to retain the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
  • Models demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data generated by customer
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts; participates in the structuring and financing of projects; assures the completion of development projects.
  • Writes winning proposal documents, negotiate fees and rates in line with organizations’ policy
  • Responsible for handling business research, market surveys and feasibility studies for clients
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding sales
  • Creates new markets cum businesses for the organization
  • Empowers and motivates the sales team to meet and surpass agreed targets


  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for one or more properties
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the organization
  • Serves as internal auditor for the organization.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the manager in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the company’s products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries
  • Receives Visitors/clients on behalf of the organization
  • Receives parcels/documents for the company
  • Handles enquiries via e-mail and phone calls for the organization
  • Distribute mails in the organization
  • Handles any other duties as assigned by the line manager

6. SWOT Analysis

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. engaged the services of a professional in the area of business consulting and structuring to assist our organization in building a well – structured corporate image consulting firm that can favorably compete in the highly competitive public relations firm industry in the United States.

We know that if we get things right before starting our corporate image consulting firm, we will not have to struggle before attract loyal clients and building our clientele base to a level where we can easily breakeven in record time.

We hired the services of Dr. James Meadow, a HR and Business consultant with bias in business structuring to help us conduct SWOT analysis for our company and he did a pretty good job for us. Here is a of the result we got from the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc.;

Our core strength lies in the power of our team. We have a team of creative, result driven and highly proficient corporate image consultants cum PR expert, a team with excellent qualifications and experience in various niche areas in the public relations industry. Aside from the synergy that exists in our carefully selected workforce, our services will be measurable, result driven and guided by best practices in the industry.

As a new corporate image consulting firm in Petoskey – Michigan, it might take some time for our organization to break into the market and gain acceptance especially from top profile clients in the already saturated and highly competitive public relations industry; that is perhaps our major weakness.

Another weakness is that we may not have the required cash to pump into promoting our business especially via main stream media (TV, Radio and Newspapers et al) the way we would want to.

  • Opportunities:

The opportunities available in the public relations industry is massive considering the number of individuals and corporate organizations who want to promote their image and create positive public perception. As a standard and world class corporate image consulting firm, we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that is available in the industry.

Just like any other business, one of the major threats that we are likely going to face is economic downturn. Another threat that may likely confront us is the arrival of a corporate image firm in same location where our target market exists and who may want to adopt same Business model like us.


  • Market Trends

It is becoming obvious that digital media has become a prominent force within the public relations industry and due to the influx of a more specialized workforce. Going forward, downstream clients will invest in PR campaigns to build brand loyalty among consumers.

It is trendier in recent time to note that, loads of traditional corporate image consulting firms have started to specialize in online promotions so as to stay competitive in the industry. As a result of this trend, the revenue generated in the industry has grown tremendously over the years.

Going forward, the public relations firm industry will continue to experience sustained growth, as the proliferation of digital devices such as tablets and smartphones, provide new streams of income. Another common trend in the public relations industry is that majority of corporate image and PR firms no longer rely on tradition media for promoting their image, they now fully embrace new media.

As a result of this trend, they no longer settle for clients within the location where their physical office is located but also from any part of the world. The truth is that with the advent of the internet, it is now easier for a corporate image consulting firm to work for clients in any part of the world.

For instance, a corporate image consulting firm can be located in the United States of America and have their biggest client in United Arab Emirates or in China. Many thanks to the power of the internet which has brought the world closer to us. Lastly, the public relations firm industry will continue to evolve due to the advancement of computer technology and software applications designs et al.

8. Our Target Market

Prior to starting our corporate image consulting firm, we are certain that there is a wide range of both corporate and individual clients who cannot successfully run their businesses without the services and support of a standard corporate image consulting firm; a company that can help them reach out to their target market and effectively promote their corporate brand and image.

In view of that, we have created strategies that will enable us reach out to various corporate organizations and individual who we know can’t afford to do without our services. We have conducted our market research and survey and we will ensure that we meet and surpass the expectations of our clients.

Below is a list of the people and organizations that we will specifically market our services to;

  • Banks, Insurance Companies and other related Financial Institutions
  • Blue Chips Companies
  • Manufacturers and Distributors
  • Real Estate Owners, Developers, and Contractors
  • Research and Development Companies
  • The Government (Public Sector)
  • Schools (High Schools, Colleges and Universities)
  • Celebrities, Politicians, Public Figures and Public Speakers
  • Sport Organizations
  • Religious Organizations
  • Political Parties and Politicians
  • Television Stations
  • Aspiring celebrities
  • Entrepreneurs and Startups

Our Competitive Advantage

Surviving in the business world as a corporate image consulting firm requires more than your expertise, knowing how to conduct your business but also how to network with key people that matters.

We are quite aware that to be highly competitive in the public relations industry means that you are not only expected to deliver consistent and excellent services, but you must be result driven and able to meet set targets. No one would want to continue to hire your services if don’t always meet up with the target of the organization.

Our competitive advantage lies in the power of our team. We have a team of creative, result driven and highly proficient corporate image consultants, a team with excellent qualifications and experience in various niche areas in the public relations industry and other related industry.

Aside from the synergy that exist in our carefully selected corporate image consultants, our services will be measurable, result driven and guided by best practices in the industry.

Lastly, all our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry. It will enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our business aims and objectives.


  • Sources of Income

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the public relations firm industry and we are going to go all the way to ensure that we do all it takes to meet and surpass the expectations of all our clients.

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. will generate income by offering the following corporate consulting services.

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain, there would always be corporate organizations, government agencies, non – profits and individuals (celebrities and public figures) who would need the services of corporate image consulting firms to help them promote their brands and corporate image.

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. is well positioned to take on the available market in public relations industry and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough profits from the first six months of operation and grow our corporate image consulting firm to enviable heights.

We have been able to critically examine the corporate image consulting marketing space and we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projection is based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to similar startups in Petoskey – Michigan.

Below are the sales projections for Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc., it is based on the location of our business and of course the wide range of the corporate image consulting and PR services we offer and our target market;

  • First Fiscal Year: $200,000
  • Second Fiscal Year: $500,000
  • Third Fiscal Year: $750,000

N.B : This projection was done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any major competitor offering same corporate image consulting and PR services as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

We are mindful of the fact that there are stiff competitions in the public relations industry, hence we have been able to hire some of the best marketing experts to handle our sales and marketing.

Our sales and marketing team will be recruited based on their vast experience in the public relations industry and they will be trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet the targets and the overall business goal of Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc.

Our corporate goal is to grow our brand to become one of the leading corporate image consulting brands in the United States of America which is why we have mapped out strategies that will help us take advantage of the available market and grow to become a major force to reckon with not only in the United States of America but also in other parts of the world.

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. is set to make use of the following marketing and sales strategies to attract clients;

  • Introduce our corporate image consulting firm by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to individuals, corporate organizations, government agencies, non-profits, religious organizations and key stake holders
  • Promptness in bidding for corporate image consulting contracts from the government and other cooperate organizations
  • Advertise our business in relevant business magazines, newspapers, TV and radio stations
  • List our business on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Attend relevant international and local expos, seminars, and business fairs et al
  • Create different packages for different categories of clients in order to work with their budgets and still deliver excellent services
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our business
  • Engage direct marketing approach
  • Encourage word of mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with our in – house brand and publicity consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the heart of our target market. We are set to become the number one choice for both corporate and individual clients in the whole of the United States and beyond which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our corporate image consulting firm.

Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote and advertise Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc.;

  • Place adverts on both print (newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community based events/programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote our services
  • Install our billboards in strategic locations all around Lake City Petoskey – Michigan
  • Engage in roadshows from time to time in targeted neighborhoods
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas
  • Contact corporate organizations, non – profits and government agencies by calling them up and informing them of Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. and the services we offer
  • List Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. in local directories / yellow pages
  • Advertise Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site
  • Ensure that all our staff members wear our branded shirts and all our vehicles are well branded with our company logo et al.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

At Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. we will keep the prices of our services below the average market rate by keeping our overhead low and by collecting payment in advance from corporate organizations who would hire our services. In addition, we will also offer special discounted rates to all our customers at regular intervals.

So also, there are some clients that would need regular access to corporate image and PR consultancy and advisory services, we will offer flat rate (commission/percentage) for such services that will be tailored to take care of such clients’ needs.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via credit cards
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via mobile money transfer
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our clients make payment for our services without any stress on their part. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

It is a known fact that in setting up any business, the amount or cost will depend on the approach and scale you want to undertake. If you intend to go big by renting a place, then you would need a good amount of capital as you would need to ensure that your employees are well taken care of, and that your facility is conducive enough for workers to be creative and productive.

The materials and equipment that will be used are nearly the same cost everywhere, and any difference in prices would be minimal and can be overlooked. As for the detailed cost analysis for starting a standard corporate image; it might differ in other countries due to the value of their money. However, this is what it would cost us to setup Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. in the United of America;

  • Business incorporating fees in the United States of America will cost – $750
  • The budget for Liability insurance, permits and license will cost – $3,500
  • Leasing / renting an office space in a good location in Lake Street Petoskey – Michigan that will accommodate the number of employees for at least 6 months (Re – Construction of the facility inclusive) will cost – $150,000
  • The cost for furnishing and equipping the office (computers, printers, projectors, markers, servers / internet facility, furniture, telephones, filing cabinets, and electronics) will cost – $30,000
  • The amount required to purchase the needed software applications – $3,500
  • Launching an official Website will cost – $500
  • The amount need to pay bills and staff members for at least 2 to 3 months – $70,000
  • Additional Expenditure such as Business cards, Signage, Adverts and Promotions will cost – $5,000
  • Miscellaneous – $5000

Going by the report from the market research and feasibility studies conducted, we will need about two hundred and fifty thousand ( 250,000 ) U.S. dollars to successfully set up a medium scale but standard corporate image consulting firm in the United States of America.

Generating Startup Capital for Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc.

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. is a private registered business that will be owned, financed and managed by Nelson Pearce and his immediate family members. They are the sole financiers of the business which is why they decided to restrict the sourcing of the start up capital for the business to just three major sources.

These are the areas we intend generating our startup capital;

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings and sale of his stocks
  • Generate part of the startup capital from friends and other extended family members
  • Generate a larger chunk of the startup capital from the bank (loan facility)

N.B: We have been able to generate about $100,000 ( Personal savings $85,000 and soft loan from family members $15,000 ) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $150,000 from our bank. All the papers and documents have been duly signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

It is an established fact that the future of a business lies in the number of loyal customers that they have, the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business, then it won’t be too long before the business closes shop.

One of our major goals of starting Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc.  is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to offer our corporate image consulting and public relations advisory and consulting services a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are well prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Nelson Pearce™ Corporate Image Consulting Firm, Inc. will make sure that the right foundation, structures and standard operating processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce is at the top burner of our business strategy.

We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Incorporation: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts various banks in the United States: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Securing a standard office facility in a good location in Lake Street, Petoskey – Michigan: Completed
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating part of the startup capital from the founders: Completed
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents: In Progress
  • Design of Logo for the business: Completed
  • Secure trademark for our products: In Progress
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Promotional Materials: Completed
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed furniture, office equipment, software applications, electronic appliances and facility facelift: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the business: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement: In Progress

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Financial Model, Business Plan and Dashboard Templates - FinModelsLab

9 Essential Steps to Launch Your Image Consulting Business Successfully!

By henry sheykin, resources on image consulting.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan
  • Bundle Business Plan & Fin Model


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to open/start/launch your very own image consulting business! As the demand for personal branding and enhancing one's image continues to grow, there has never been a better time to enter the image consulting industry.

In the United States, the image consulting market is thriving. According to recent statistics, the industry is expected to reach a value of $19.9 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 7.9% . This impressive growth indicates a significant opportunity for aspiring image consultants to establish a successful business and help individuals transform their personal and professional lives.

With our step-by-step checklist, we will guide you through the process of starting your own image consulting business, ensuring you have a solid foundation for success. From market research to launching your business, we've got you covered.

9 Steps to Start a Image Consulting Business

Before launching your image consulting business, there are several important steps that you need to take to ensure a successful start. These steps will help you understand the market, develop a solid plan, secure funding, and establish your brand identity, among other crucial aspects.

By following these nine steps, you will be well-prepared to open your image consulting business. Remember to dedicate time and resources to each step, as they are all crucial for a successful launch. Good luck!

Conduct Market Research To Understand The Demand And Competition

Before venturing into the image consulting business, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research to understand the demand and competition in your area. This research will provide valuable insights into the target market's preferences, expectations, and existing service offerings.

Here are some key steps to conduct effective market research:

  • Identify your target market: Determine who your ideal clients are and segment them based on demographics, psychographics, and location. This will help you tailor your services to meet their specific needs and preferences.
  • Analyze the competition: Research existing image consulting businesses in your area to understand their service offerings, pricing, target market, and marketing strategies. This will help you identify gaps in the market and differentiate yourself from competitors.
  • Survey potential clients: Gather feedback from individuals who may be interested in image consulting services. Conduct surveys or interviews to understand their pain points, desired outcomes, and willingness to pay for such services.
  • Monitor industry trends: Stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the image consulting industry. This includes fashion trends, grooming techniques, and shifts in consumer preferences. This knowledge will allow you to offer up-to-date and relevant services.

Tips for conducting market research:

  • Utilize online surveys and questionnaires to collect data from a wide range of potential clients.
  • Attend industry conferences and seminars to network with professionals in the image consulting field and gain industry insights.
  • Take advantage of social media platforms to engage with your target market and gather feedback on their needs and preferences.
  • Consider hiring a market research firm or consultant to conduct in-depth market analysis if you have the resources.

By conducting thorough market research, you will gain a clear understanding of the demand for image consulting services and the competitive landscape. This knowledge will inform your business decisions and help you position yourself effectively in the market.

Develop A Comprehensive Business Plan Outlining Goals, Target Market, Pricing, And Marketing Strategy.

Developing a comprehensive business plan is essential for the success of your image consulting business. It serves as a roadmap, guiding you towards your goals and outlining the steps you need to take to achieve them. Here are the key components to include in your business plan:

  • Goals: Clearly define your long-term and short-term goals for your image consulting business. These goals can include revenue targets, client acquisition goals, and any expansion plans you may have in mind.
  • Target Market: Identify your target market by researching the demographics, psychographics, and preferences of the individuals who are most likely to seek image consulting services. Understanding your target market will help you tailor your services and marketing efforts to meet their needs and expectations.
  • Pricing: Determine your pricing structure by considering factors such as the value of your services, the competition in your area, and the target market's willingness to pay. It's important to find a balance between affordability and profitability in order to attract clients and generate revenue.
  • Marketing Strategy: Outline your marketing strategies, including how you will raise awareness about your services, attract clients, and differentiate yourself from competitors. Consider using both online and offline marketing channels, such as social media, networking events, and collaborations with other professionals or businesses.
  • Research and analyze your competitors' business plans to gain insights and identify areas where you can differentiate yourself.
  • Keep your goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to track your progress effectively.
  • Regularly review and update your business plan as your image consulting business evolves and adapts to market changes.

By developing a comprehensive business plan, you will have a clear roadmap to follow while launching and growing your image consulting business. This will increase your chances of success and help you stay focused and organized throughout the process.

Create A Solid Financial Model To Determine Startup Costs, Ongoing Expenses, And Revenue Projections

Creating a solid financial model is essential for the success of your image consulting business. It will help you determine your startup costs, ongoing expenses, and revenue projections, allowing you to make informed decisions about pricing, funding, and business growth.

Here are some key steps to follow when creating your financial model:

  • Identify your startup costs: Make a list of all the expenses you will incur before officially launching your business. This includes costs such as website development, marketing materials, office space or rental fees, furniture, equipment, and initial inventory.
  • Calculate your ongoing expenses: Determine the regular expenses you will need to cover on a monthly basis. This includes rent or mortgage payments, utilities, insurance, marketing and advertising expenses, employee salaries or contractor fees, and any other operating costs.
  • Estimate your revenue projections: Research the market demand for image consulting services and consider the pricing strategy you will use. Estimate the number of clients you expect to attract and calculate your revenue based on your hourly rate or project fees. Take into account any seasonal fluctuations or industry trends that may impact your earnings.
  • Consider consulting with a financial advisor or accountant to ensure accuracy and reliability in your financial model.
  • Include a contingency fund in your startup costs and ongoing expenses to account for unexpected expenses or economic downturns.
  • Regularly review and update your financial model as your business grows and circumstances change.
  • Keep detailed records of all your financial transactions and regularly monitor your revenue and expenses.

By creating a solid financial model, you will have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your image consulting business. This will enable you to make informed decisions, set realistic goals, and ensure the long-term success and profitability of your business.

Secure Funding Through Personal Savings, Loans, Or Investors.

Starting an image consulting business requires sufficient funding to cover startup costs and sustain the business until it becomes profitable. Here are some steps to secure funding:

  • Assess your personal savings: Determine how much personal savings you can contribute towards starting your business. This initial investment can give you a head start and show potential lenders or investors your commitment to the venture.
  • Evaluate loan options: Research and compare different loan options available for small businesses. Visit banks or credit unions to explore the possibility of obtaining a business loan or line of credit. Ensure that you understand the terms and conditions, interest rates, and repayment plans before finalizing a loan agreement.
  • Seek potential investors: Consider pitching your business idea to potential investors who may be interested in supporting your image consulting venture. Prepare a persuasive pitch deck outlining the value proposition, target market, and revenue potential of your business. Be prepared to negotiate terms and conditions of the investment.
  • Prioritize building a strong personal credit score as it will impact your ability to secure loans or attract investors.
  • Consider starting small and gradually expanding your business as it generates revenue. This approach can help minimize the need for external funding.
  • Network with professionals in the industry who may provide valuable insights or connections to potential investors.

Obtain Necessary Permits And Licenses To Legally Operate The Business.

Before launching your image consulting business, it is crucial to ensure that you have obtained all the necessary permits and licenses required to legally operate. This step will help you avoid potential legal issues and establish a trustworthy and professional reputation in the industry.

Here are some important points to consider when obtaining the necessary permits and licenses for your image consulting business:

Research Local Laws and Regulations:

  • Start by researching the specific permits and licenses required for operating an image consulting business in your local area. This information can typically be found on your local government's website or by contacting the relevant department.
  • Ensure that you comply with all zoning laws, business registration requirements, and any other regulations that may apply to your business.

Apply for Business Licenses:

  • Determine the type of business license(s) you need and apply for them through the appropriate channels. This may include a general business license, professional license, or any other licenses specific to your industry.
  • Gather all the necessary documents and information required for the license application, such as identification, business formation documents, and proof of insurance.

Obtain Permits:

  • Check if any permits are required for operating a consulting business, particularly if you plan to have a physical location or conduct business in public areas.
  • Common permits may include a Home Occupation Permit if you are operating from your home, a Sign Permit to display your business signage, or a Health Permit if you offer services that involve personal grooming.

By taking the time to research and obtain the necessary permits and licenses, you can operate your image consulting business legally and with peace of mind. This step demonstrates your commitment to professionalism and ensures that you are compliant with local laws and regulations.

Identify And Acquire The Necessary Resources And Tools For Consultations And Presentations.

Once you have established your image consulting business, it is important to identify and acquire the necessary resources and tools to effectively conduct consultations and presentations for your clients. These resources will help you provide a professional and high-quality service, ensuring client satisfaction and success.

Here are some important resources and tools to consider:

  • Professional Image Consulting Software: Investing in specialized software can greatly streamline your consulting process. Look for tools that allow you to create client profiles, track progress, create customized style recommendations, and schedule appointments.
  • Digital Tools: Ensure you have reliable internet access, as well as a computer and/or tablet with necessary software for creating presentations, showcasing visual examples, and accessing online resources.
  • Style and Fashion Resources: Build a library of fashion magazines, books, and online resources to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, styling tips, and fashion advice. These resources will help you provide valuable insights to your clients.
  • Personal Shopping Tools: Consider investing in tools that can assist you in the personal shopping process, such as smartphone apps for creating customized shopping lists, organizing clients' wardrobes, and making informed purchasing decisions.
  • Measurement Tools: Equip yourself with tools like tape measures, color swatches, and body shape analysis tools to accurately measure and assess your clients' body proportions, coloring, and style preferences.
  • Research and compare different image consulting software options to find the one that best suits your business needs and budget.
  • Stay updated with the latest technological advancements in the industry to ensure you leverage the most effective digital tools for your consultations and presentations.
  • Join professional associations, attend workshops, and network with other image consultants to gain insights into the tools and resources they find valuable.

By identifying and acquiring the necessary resources and tools for consultations and presentations, you will be well-equipped to provide top-notch image consulting services to your clients.

Establish A Brand Identity, Including A Name, Logo, And Online Presence.

Establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for the success of your image consulting business. It not only helps differentiate your services from competitors but also creates a lasting impression on potential clients. Here are some key steps to consider when establishing your brand identity:

  • Choose a Memorable Name: Select a name that reflects the essence of your consulting services and resonates with your target market. Keep it simple, unique, and easy to pronounce.
  • Create a Captivating Logo: Design a professional logo that visually represents your brand and leaves a lasting impression. Consider hiring a graphic designer or utilizing online design tools to help bring your vision to life.
  • Build an Online Presence: In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential. Develop a user-friendly and visually appealing website that showcases your services, expertise, and client testimonials. Additionally, establish a presence on social media platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn to reach a wider audience and engage with potential clients.
  • Create a consistent visual identity across all platforms, including your logo, color palette, and typography.
  • Ensure your brand messaging aligns with your target market's preferences and values.
  • Consider hiring a professional copywriter to craft compelling website content and social media posts.
  • Regularly update your online platforms with fresh, relevant content to stay engaged with your audience.
  • Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your website's visibility and attract organic traffic.

Establishing a strong brand identity takes time and effort, but it will ultimately help you attract and retain clients who resonate with your unique image consulting services.

Develop A Marketing Strategy To Raise Awareness And Attract Clients.

Once you have established your image consulting business, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to raise awareness and attract clients. Here are some key steps to develop an effective marketing plan:

  • Identify your target market: Understand the demographics, psychographics, and preferences of your ideal clients. This will help tailor your marketing messages and strategies to resonate with them.
  • Create a strong online presence: Invest in a professional website and optimize it for search engines. Utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to showcase your expertise and engage with potential clients.
  • Offer valuable content: Share helpful tips, trends, and insights related to image consulting through blog posts, videos, or podcasts. This demonstrates your expertise and builds trust with potential clients.
  • Network and collaborate: Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with other professionals in related fields. Collaborating with hairstylists, makeup artists, or personal trainers can lead to referrals and broaden your client base.
  • Utilize testimonials and case studies: Collect and showcase testimonials and case studies from satisfied clients. This social proof will attract potential clients and instill confidence in your services.
  • Implement targeted advertising: Utilize online advertising platforms such as Google Ads or social media ads to reach your target audience. Use strategic keywords, demographics, and interests to maximize your advertising effectiveness.
  • Offer free consultations or discounted services to attract new clients and showcase your expertise.
  • Collaborate with local businesses, such as clothing boutiques or salons, to cross-promote services and expand your reach.
  • Attend industry conferences and trade shows to connect with potential clients and stay updated on the latest trends in image consulting.
  • Leverage email marketing by creating a newsletter or regular updates to keep in touch with current and potential clients.

By implementing a well-rounded marketing strategy, you will raise awareness of your image consulting business and attract a steady stream of clients who are seeking to enhance their personal brand and improve their overall image.

Launch The Business, Offering Personalized And Tailored Image Consulting Services To Clients.

After diligently following the previous eight steps, it's finally time to launch your image consulting business and start offering personalized and tailored services to your clients. Here are the key elements to consider as you enter this exciting phase of your entrepreneurial journey:

  • Promote Your Services: Spread the word about your image consulting business through various marketing channels, such as social media, networking events, and industry partnerships. Utilize both online and offline strategies to capture the attention of your target audience.
  • Create a Memorable Client Experience: Emphasize the importance of delivering outstanding customer service throughout the client journey. Strive to exceed expectations and provide unique experiences that leave a lasting impression on your clients. Word-of-mouth recommendations can be a powerful tool for growing your business.
  • Deliver Personalized Recommendations: Meet with each client individually to understand their goals, preferences, and challenges. Use this information to develop personalized recommendations and action plans that align with their unique needs. This tailored approach will set your services apart from generic consulting options.
  • Continuously Enhance Your Skills: Stay up-to-date with industry trends, fashion styles, and grooming techniques. Attend workshops, conferences, and training programs to expand your knowledge and further refine your expertise. As an image consultant, your clients rely on you to guide them in their personal transformation.
  • Encourage Client Feedback: Actively solicit feedback from your clients to continuously improve your services. Encourage honest opinions and suggestions for areas of improvement. This feedback loop will not only foster stronger relationships with your clients but also help you refine your business operations.
  • Nurture Professional Relationships: Cultivate meaningful connections with other professionals in the industry, such as fashion designers, hairstylists, and makeup artists. Collaborating with these experts can enhance the value of your image consulting services and provide a well-rounded experience for your clients.
  • Stay Visible Online: Maintain an active online presence through social media platforms, a professional website, and regular blog posts or newsletters. Share valuable tips, fashion advice, and success stories to engage with your target audience and attract potential clients.
  • Network and Attend Industry Events: Participate in relevant industry events, conferences, and trade shows to expand your professional network and showcase your expertise. This not only helps you establish credibility but also opens doors to potential collaborations and partnerships.
  • Seek Referrals: Don't be afraid to ask satisfied clients for referrals. Word-of-mouth recommendations from trusted sources can be a major driver of new business. Build a referral program that incentivizes clients to refer their friends, family, and colleagues to your image consulting services.

Remember, starting your own image consulting business requires dedication, perseverance, and a deep understanding of your clients' needs. By delivering personalized and tailored services, you can elevate their personal brand and create a lasting impact on their lives.

Opening an image consulting business requires careful planning and preparation. By following the nine steps outlined in this checklist, you can set yourself up for success in this highly sought-after industry. Conducting market research, developing a comprehensive business plan, securing funding, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and establishing a strong brand identity are all essential steps in launching your business. With a solid marketing strategy and a commitment to providing personalized and tailored services, you can attract and retain clients who are seeking to enhance their personal brand and improve their overall image. So, take the first step towards starting your image consulting business and embark on a rewarding entrepreneurial journey.

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  • Business Ideas
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How to Start an Image Consulting Business – Complete Guide

  • January 4, 2024
  • by Editorial Team

Do you want to start an image consulting business? If yes, you are in the right place. Here is a detailed business plan guide to launch an image consulting company with costs, equipment, profits, and much more.

An individual having true passion and interest in helping others can initiate this business part-time from home. Image consulting is a self-rewarding and exciting career to start with. You will need to have an inner sense of style, fashion , and knowledge about the current trend.

Your client may be an individual or a corporation. The business of image consulting is highly paid. As per Glassdoor, the average salary of an image consultant in the United States is more than $45,000 per year.

What is an Image Consulting Business?

An image consulting business is a professional service that assists individuals in enhancing and refining their personal and professional image. Image consultants, often referred to as stylists or personal shoppers, provide expert advice on clothing, grooming, and overall presentation to help clients project a polished and confident image.

Some of the key services that an image consultant provides are as follows:

  • Personal Styling: Image consultants assess clients’ body types, preferences, and lifestyles to recommend clothing that complements their style. This can involve wardrobe assessments, closet organization, and personal shopping services.
  • Color Analysis: Consultants help clients determine the most flattering colors for their skin tone, considering factors such as complexion, hair color, and eye color. This ensures that clients make informed choices when selecting clothing and accessories.
  • Grooming and Appearance: Beyond clothing, image consultants offer advice on grooming and overall appearance. This may include hairstyling suggestions, makeup tips, and guidance on accessories to enhance the overall look.
  • Corporate Image Consulting: Some image consultants specialize in corporate or executive image consulting. They work with professionals to refine their business attire, executive presence, and overall image in the workplace.

Is Image Consulting Business Profitable?

As per this report , the Global Image Consulting Market size was valued at US$ 3.92 billion in 2023. It is expected to reach US$ 6.29 billion by 2030 and grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% from 2023 to 2030. The main reasons for this expansion are the increase in disposable income and a growing interest in personal appearance and style.

However, the profitability of an image consulting business can be influenced by various factors including consumer demand, flexibility in service offerings, quality of service, etc.

Here are the 8 steps to follow to start a profitable image consulting business:

10-Step Image Consulting Business Plan

1. skills required for image consulting.

You must have a passion for fashion and a keen eye for detail, as well as be up to date with the latest fashion trends and color schemes and be familiar with a huge range of fashion labels. An understanding of body and face shapes will also be a necessity.

You will need to have patience and not let your ego rule and be creative and able to think outside the box. One must be highly organized, self-motivated, honest, trustworthy, and presentable. Furthermore, you also need to have the ability to work to a schedule and have a sense of humor.

Before initiating an image consulting business you may avail of some training programs. These programs may cover certain aspects of fashion, such as colors and business wear, as well as areas such as nutrition and communication.

Many associations provide certifications and training to image consultants. Following are some of the trade associations:

  • The Image Consultants’ Society International (ICSI)
  • International Federation of Image Consultants (IFIC)
  • Association of Image Consultants International (AICI)

2. Services You Can Offer as an Image Consultant

Image Consultants can offer the kind of advice that can help people, land a job, get a promotion, find someone to love, or just feel good about themselves. Some of the services you can provide are as follows:

  • Image Makeover : Assist a client with a makeover, which could include color analysis, wardrobe detox, a new hairstyle, and makeup tips.
  • Communication & Etiquette Consultant: Advise people on their vocal communication (voice, grammar, vocabulary, etc.), non-verbal communication (handshakes, posture, eye contact, etc.), and etiquette – from dining to cell phones.
  • Personal Shopper: Personal shopping, including purchasing clothing and accessories on the client’s behalf.
  • Liaison Services: Making liaisons between the client and other professionals who can improve the client’s appearance, such as physical trainers, hairdressers, or dermatologists.
  • Marketing Consultant for Fashion Businesses: Working closely with fashion designers and selected boutiques to develop ensembles made specifically for the client.

Other image consulting careers you can consider are corporate trainer, fashion stylist, and brand strategist.

3. Understanding the Market for Image Consulting

Your potential clients can include individuals setting out on a new career, business executives trying to relate to their stockholders and customers, actors, and news personalities like politicians attempting to project a successful image.

Furthermore, your customers can be brides-to-be who are challenged in the wardrobe or social etiquette areas, and a host of others looking for expert advice on how they can physically and/or psychologically create an impact.

Your clients can also be corporations who may hire you to train the executives or employees or to give the company dress code a face-lift. It is advised to conduct extensive market research to understand the demand and trends of your existing market.

4. Create a Business Plan

It is essential to write a business plan for your image consulting business. For startups starting on a small scale, you may not need a lengthy business plan document. Some of the basic issues to be addressed in your plan are as follows:

  • Initial and recurring costs
  • Target customers
  • Pricing plan
  • Services you are going to offer
  • How you are planning to promote your image consulting services

5. Name your Business

Select a catchy and relatable name for your image consulting company. Also, do not forget to book a similar domain name for your website.

Learn More: How to Name Your Business

6. Licenses and Permits for Image Consulting Business

Register your image consulting business under which you are going to operate day-to-day operations. If you are from the United States, forming an LLC will help you in protecting your assets.

Talk to the local appropriate authority for the kind of licenses and permits you need to start an image consultancy business. If you want to provide makeup services to clients, some states will ask you to have a cosmetology license.

7. Fix Pricing

Develop a competitive pricing structure based on the complexity of your services, your expertise, and market rates. Consider offering package deals or subscription plans for ongoing consultations.

8. Equipment For Image Consulting

You can start image consulting by just having a mobile and a computer with an internet connection. As your business grows you can purchase mirrors, makeup, color swatches, and fashion books and magazines of your own.

You will also need to have a video camera and accessories to keep the views of your clients before and after having makeup.

9. Build Your Brand

You must develop a strong brand identity that reflects your style and the values of your image consulting business. This includes a memorable logo, color scheme, and cohesive branding across all platforms.

10. Promote Your Image Consulting Business

80% of building an image consulting business relies on how you market and promote yourself and only 20% is about the actual execution of consulting services.

A marketing plan will help you define who your target demographic is and what steps you will need to take to reach your target demographic. Concentrate on building brand identity through business cards, brochures, and a website .

In starting an image consulting business, building your credibility starts by developing a media kit . Press or media kits include many things such as professional photos, your biography, and press releases. Network with professionals and civic organizations. Introduce yourself to wedding consultants, caterers, and event planners, who can refer you to their clients. Conduct workshops and seminars for private and corporate clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does an image consultant provide.

Image consultants offer a range of services, including personal styling, wardrobe assessments, color analysis, grooming consultations, and personal shopping. The goal is to help clients enhance their personal and professional image.

How do I determine my niche in image consulting?

Identify your passion and strengths within image consulting. Consider your target audience—whether it’s individuals seeking personal styling or professionals looking to enhance their executive presence. Your niche should align with your expertise and market demand.

Do I need formal education to become an image consultant?

While formal education is beneficial, it’s not mandatory. Many successful image consultants have a combination of formal training, certifications, and hands-on experience. Consider obtaining a certification in image consulting to enhance your credibility.

How long does a typical image consulting consultation take?

The duration of a consultation varies based on the services provided and the client’s needs. Personal styling sessions, wardrobe assessments, and color analysis may range from one to several hours. Tailor the consultation time to fit the scope of the service.

What should I include in my portfolio as an image consultant?

Your portfolio should showcase your expertise and successful client transformations. Include before-and-after photos, case studies, testimonials, and any relevant certifications. Highlight a variety of services to demonstrate your versatility.

Is it necessary to have a physical office for an image consulting business?

Not necessarily. Many image consultants operate successfully without a physical office. Virtual consultations and flexible meeting locations can be convenient for both you and your clients. Consider your target market and their preferences when deciding on a physical location.


Editorial Team at 99BusinessIdeas is a team of experts led by Rupak Chakrabarty with over 25 years of experience in starting and running small businesses. Started in 2010, 99BusinessIdeas is now one of the largest free small business resources in the industry.

business plan for a image consultant

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Introduction:   Starting an Image Consultation Business has a lot of similarities with starting most businesses. There are professional and legal process to go through. There are decisions about how you will reach clients, choosing a name and logo, opening business accounts, developing resources that will support your business and finding the finances to pay for all of this. You have to consider insurance, technology set up and software, an accounting system, a website, and permits required for your area. You need to identify your opportunities, develop a plan and structure for your business, and know your competition. Marketing and promotion is just one more necessity to face.

In spite of all the technical decisions that have to be made, a consultant can face this sprawl of paperwork because of the excitement of being on the edge a spawning a new career. Preparation and planning is the key to staying on top of each part of this stage of your business. Taking time, giving each piece thought and consideration, working through the steps in an organized fashion and using all the resources available to educate yourself will create a business that is sound. The main word is time. Take time. Don't rush. Learn everything you can, talk to lots of people in different places in life and different stations in life. Write everything down. You will want to review what you see, hear, and read, many times.

A. The Plan : When you begin to research a career as an Image Consultant, you must gather all the information, organize it and use a check list for easy reference to what you've done and what you have left to do. Trusting yourself to keep in all in your head would be your first and biggest mistake. Here is an example of a check list.

1.  Research everything you can about Image Consulting, including talking to those who do it.

2.  Determine how great the need is in your area and if you can make a profit.

3.   Develop your business plan (see below)

4.  Choose a business name/verify the right to use that name/check domain availability

5.  Register the business name/ get a business certificate/register the domain name

6.   Choose your location

7.  Check zoning laws

8.   File partnership or corporate papers if you decide to go that route/reserve your corporate name

9.   Attain required business licenses and permits

11.   Apply for a patent if you make any products

12.  Comply with community laws about advertisement of your intent to do business there

13.  Set up phone, computer, fax, scanner, printer, purchase software or download free software

14.   Check into business insurance needs

15.   Make sure you are covered with health insurance

The following represents what is required in a strong business plan for a start-up. If your intention is to work for a company, you do not need a business plan but you should put together a life plan with goals to guide your career.

Business Plan

1.    Profit and loss statement – This is prepared for you to begin using the day your business opens. It is a statement that tracks your revenue streams, expenses (do this for each quarter) and puts the amount of net profit or loss at the bottom. (also called a financial statement, P&L, or pro forma income statement)

2.    Cash flow statement – explains how much cash you bring in, pay out, and a balance. (This is done monthly and is important to keep track of so you have enough to pay bills)

3.    Balance sheet – This is a picture of your business's financial position at a moment in time. It will lists assets (what you have) and liabilities (what you owe) and equity (what part of the business you own and what it is worth). You should be able to look at this sheet and know where you stand financially.

4.    Sale's forecast – How much you will charge a client and how often you predict to make such a charge. You can break this down for different parts of your business.

5.    Personnel plan – Even if you don't hire at the beginning, you need to plan what personnel you might add in the next year, write job descriptions, hours and possible cost.

Keep your business plan handy and review it on a regular basis. It can be modified anytime in any way and organize the different parts so you can add the new sheets on a regular basis or keep it in some form of an account book

B. The Training:  There are international organizations that sponsor training, institutes that offer training, it is available on line and in books. Sometimes the training is featured for image consulting and other times for style coaching, life coaching, and fashion consulting. It is important to examine the training choices with a detailed eye before deciding which direction to go. You don't want to make the mistake of paying for training, taking time to invest in it and then realize it was not worth it. You should go and visit any brick and mortar school, call people who have had the courses and talk to image consultants who currently are finding success. Don't dismiss this as too much trouble because in the long run it will save you so much, get you started on the right foot and give you the training you will need. Just getting a certificate to put on the wall is not the point. The point is to become professional at what you are about to undertake. The objective of training is to learn skills that will give you the basis for becoming an expert in the industry.

If you intend to pursue a niche consulting service, make sure that you are getting thoroughly trained in that area you have chosen as well as a good basic all-around general training. If you intend to branch out you need to go ahead and get deep training in all areas or be prepared to go back for more training later in your career. Whatever you decide to do, remember that staying current in the field will require continual training of some kind.

Your business success depends upon how well you are able to be a consultant, to do your job. You will be dealing with very personal issues with people, not just selling a product. You are selling yourself and your ability to accomplish what the client needs, so work to be an expert in all things you do. Demonstrate what you know in the way you work and live. Be a person that others can trust and have confidence in. Show you have the skills by demonstrating the best image you can have. Make the most of your own personal qualities.

C. The Legalities:  You've already been introduced to some of the business paperwork that is necessary for your business to be effective, turn a profit and keep good records. There are a few other things for you to learn. If you start your own business you have to declare it as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company or LLC, or a corporation. 

Sole proprietorship is often used for a business operated by a single individual. This is the easiest and simplest plan. The downside is that you cannot sell interests in your business to raise money and the owner is fully liable for all debts and legal suits of the business. Any lawsuits can access your personal assets.

A partnership is similar to a sole proprietorship but with more than a single individual involved. These people share in all profits and losses of the business. It is easy to set up and not subject to taxes required of larger corporations. The partners are liable for any debts and legal suits as the sole proprietorship. The downside is during financial struggles partners can have interpersonal difficulties.

Corporations are controlled by a group of people who own shares in the company. The shareholders dictate who runs the company and how it does business. These owners receive profits based on the shares they own. Corporations are able to raise money more easily because they are supported by more people and often start with more capital. They are slow to act due to the process of voting by shareholders. Corporations are also subject to more taxes and fees.

LLC's or Limited Liability Companies have the elements of a corporation and the sole proprietorship. Owners are not personally responsible for debts and other liabilities, they can make decisions about the business faster than corporations and they are less controlled by legalities.

Summary:  As with any business, the Image Consultant who is ready to go to work has got to start with a plan. Everything must be included in the plan. If you have it in the plan and you follow your plan, then you are looking at a well-established business. If not, prepare for problems. Starting any business is a stressful time, but with a well-developed plan as a guide, you will be in good hands. It's important that the consultant spend time and thought building the plan and access professional help as needed.

Training is another part of the process that is of great importance. Hopefully as an Image Consultant, you will have some talent for fashion, dressing, beauty and color, however, having the talent and skill isn't all there is to know. There are many details, people skills, knowledge of keeping clients healthy and safe, knowing about fabrics and the various cuts of clothing and appropriate care. Being able to tell your clients that you have been trained by a school that is recognized by the top international associations will gain their confidence.

Getting the permits and legal paperwork done, choosing software to keep good records, setting up bank accounts and developing your business name, logo, location and brochures is a third very important and necessary task in the process of starting a business. The most important part is to do it right. Before you open your door for business, advertise for clients, or develop your expert referrals, you have to hammer down the legalities of the business.  

Make notes in your journal or notebook about what you have learned in this article, what you need to pursue and what more information you need to gather. Make a copy of the checklist and keep it in your business plan and with your notebook. Begin now to pull all of this together.

Why I Need a Business Plan

A. Introduction:

A business plan is an organizational document that guides you from the beginning to the end of your business. Most business don't actually end but they morph and change along the journey. A business plan should be clear and simple. If you need to explain or provide details, do it in another document. This is a plan to get you started, keep you focused on your goals, and can be easily tweaked if you decide to do so.

A Business Plan:

Defines your business

Explains your program, vision, mission, and goals

Organizes your basic operations/methods/processes/strategies

Identifies your customer

Includes certifications, licensing needed, permits, tax numbers,

Determine financial needs, transaction methods

Why keep it simple?

It is easy to make changes as you go along

It provides information that is important

It will assist you when you make a pitch

It can be used for marketing

It is more specific and straight forward.

It can be used as your action plan

B. My Business Plan Step by Step       

1. Overview:  Explain the purpose of your business, for example; My business will develop an individual's image for the purpose of building confidence and self-esteem.

2. Product:  What are your selling? I will provide one on one consulting, a skin care product line and group sessions that target corporate employees.

3. Marketing:  How will you market your service? I will provide business cards, brochures, newsletters and start a website for my business that will provide information about our services, our costs, and our certifications.

4. Profit:  How will I make money? I will charge a flat rate for the first session and a per hour fee for the work we do together. I will not charge for three "check-in" visits after service is ended.  I will charge a flat rate fee for groups up to 10 who want to learn about a topic of choice, which will be outlined on my brochure and web site and over that an extra fee for each person up to 20. For groups over 20 I will charge "presentation" fees with no individual interaction.

5. Clients:   I intend to find customers by phone, visit, referrals, and through my website. I will promote my business with newsletters to organizations and corporations, handing out my business card, and writing blogs about the success this training offers each person. 

6. Goals:  One year from the date of this plan I will be averaging one training sessions per week in my schedule and 3 initial individual consultations per week and one presentation to a large group each month.

7. Annual income goals:  Within two years I will be profit a minimum of $60,000 per year.

8. Challenges:  1. My shyness, 2. My lack of business experience, 3. Care for my children when I am working.  

9. Solutions to these challenges:  1. Practice and become determined, 2. Read books and articles on line about business and find a mentor, 3. Partner with another business trainer to swap care-giving with each other.

This is a lot to think about, but you are ready if you can answer these questions. Write down an answer for each of these questions. Put this information into organized form into your official business plan.  Remember, the most important part of this plan is that it is flexible, changeable, and your guide to success. It is a work in progress but a great place to begin your journey into this new phase of life.

C. Legal Issues:  Take one day and phone, e-mail, or check websites and find out about community, county, state, national, health department laws, permits, zoning laws and fees that you will be required to attend to. Take another day to search the domain names, patent, trademark, and copyrights you want to use. A third day will be to learn everything you can about the various structuring; sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, and corporation and the cost on insurance to protect your business. You will find resources on line, the small business association and you can also discuss this with your banker, an accountant and a lawyer. By the way, it would be smart to use a lawyer who works with businesses to monitor your progress, structuring, taxes and legalities.

Don't forget to work up the following documents:

Profit and loss statement

Cash flow statement

Balance sheet

Sale's forecast sheet

Personnel plan

D. Planning to work for someone else:  Often an image consultant decides to work for another consulting business that is already up and running. If that is the case, you are not required to develop a business plan but you do need to develop a career plan.

A career plan takes some time for self-reflection, deciding on some goals, and knowing what your passions are. Careers that start in one area often slide into a similar area, one that works with your original career field, or something totally different. And that is definitely okay. You want to grow and learn and seek out new areas that continue to keep you motivated. But in the beginning there are some specific things you can look at to gain a bit more understanding of yourself and what you want.

1.  What kind of lifestyle are you living currently and what do you see as your future lifestyle? Make a list of the key characteristics of how you are living now and decide if your career path will take you to the future lifestyle of your dreams.

2.  Think about what you like to do and what you enjoy in your free time. Often what you choose to do in your free time is a great guide to a specific career field. If you prefer to spend time alone or need to be with people can tell a lot about what type of job you might like. What things do you avoid at all costs? Think of these activities and your chosen career.

3.  What are your strengths and weaknesses? Be honest and realistic. When do you feel most engaged and energetic doing? What is your passion? Do you enjoy continually learning new things or do you prefer something that is the same day to day? Are you happier doing technical jobs or working with your hands, or do you like developing ideas and writing?

4.  How do you define success? Is it a comfortable living in a small town or a fast pace environment? Do you see success as becoming someone important, making lots of money, traveling to other countries, or is success a job that allows you time for family and other things and not so much lots of money? What will make you feel content?

5.  What about your personality. Are you outgoing, shy, a people person, a loner or a leader or follower? Do you need to move a lot in a day, do you need a different experience each day, or do you prefer to know exactly what is required from you on a regular basis? Can you work independently or do you need another person to guide you?

6.  Where are you in your career journey now? What skills and education do you have? What are you willing to pursue? Can you afford to move, attend classes, leave your current job?

Take some time now to go back over the above points and make notes in your notebook. Make so to do lists and prioritize them. You should not continue until have confidence in yourself to work through each topic presented here.

Once you have answered these questions, you are ready to proceed to the next steps.

1.  Choose a career field and research the various pathways in that field, the education required and the jobs that fit with who you are and what you want. Look at on-line resources, visit someone who works in that field, examine the need for workers, the pay, required education and various businesses that offer the career path that interests you.

2.  List the exact qualifications and search for job postings. Call these – not to apply just yet – but for information. Find out everything you can and let them know you are considering this as a career field but are researching before you take that step.

3.  Decide if you have the qualifications or if you will need to increase your skills or education. If you decide to go for this, then develop a timeline or a plan of action to achieving this job. Set some specific life goals. Write them down. Review them from time to time.

Summary:   No matter what you decide to do, you have to take charge of your life and make it what you want it to be. If you are waiting for someone else to do something, for something to happen first, to have enough money, time, energy, then you will be waiting forever. You can wait forever and meanwhile your life is passing you buy. If you want something, then begin now to prepare for it. Be ready when the door opens. There is a saying that you find success when your "preparedness meets opportunity." That simply means to be ready. Learn all you can. Know everything there is to know. Talk to people, read, search the net, stay invested in your dream and make it happen. There are many opportunities in life. Your job is to be ready, willing and able to take advantage of that opportunity. Keep your eyes open and invest in yourself by filling your life with knowledge, creative endeavors, and active participation.

Another part of preparedness is knowing what you value. Look at what you have, what you do, how you spend your time, and what you enjoy. Most people put what they value first in their lives. Family before job, an expensive car before a home, clothes before a savings account or possibly travel before education. What you value has a way of moving to the front of the line. If you say you value family but work late and weekends, then maybe you really value your job more. If you are honest you will examine where you spend your time to know what you value.

Stop now and examine yourself once again. Write down what you put first in your life and see if it aligns with what you value most. If not write down what you intend to do about it. Make another list of who you need to be more prepared for those opportunities that do open up.

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How to create a consultant business plan

  • Nirit Braun
  • Oct 30, 2023
  • 12 min read

How to create a consultant business plan

When launching your consulting business, one of the essential first steps is crafting a well-structured and detailed business plan. Your consulting business plan is like a strategic playbook that lays out your goals, tactics and financial projections. It not only steers you toward success but also equips you to adapt and thrive in the dynamic world of consulting.

Keep reading for tips on how to build a strong business plan for your business. Use the template provided at the end to get started on your own plan.

Looking to kick off your consultancy business? Create a business website today with Wix.

Why create a consultant business plan? Top benefits to consider

A business plan forces entrepreneurs to thoroughly evaluate their business idea, target audience and competitive landscape. This process clarifies their vision and mission, ensuring that they have a clear understanding of how their consultancy will provide value to clients. A business plan helps you in the following ways:

Create a business blueprint : With a business plan in place, entrepreneurs looking to start a business can make informed decisions based on a solid foundation of research and analysis. They can choose the most effective strategies for marketing, pricing and service delivery, enhancing their chances of success. Your business plan can also be used to explain what type of business you'll start - whether that's an LLC, Corporation or something else. Learn more about how to start an LLC .

Secure funding : The cost to start a consultancy business can range from around $60 to several thousand dollars . For those seeking external funding, a well-developed business plan demonstrates credibility and professionalism. Investors and lenders are more likely to support a venture with a thought-out plan that showcases its potential for growth and profitability.

Set measurable goals : A business plan sets measurable goals and performance metrics, which is vital with this type of business . This allows entrepreneurs to track their progress, adapt strategies as needed and celebrate milestones along the way.

Want to remind yourself of the basics? Learn more about how to start a service business .

How to create a successful consultant business plan in 6 steps

In this section, we'll break down the key components involved in crafting a successful consultant business plan in six steps.

Executive summary

Business and domain names

Market analysis and research

Operations plan

Marketing and advertising plan

Financial plan

01. Executive summary

An executive summary serves as a concise overview of the consultant's business plan, providing a snapshot of the key components and the business' essence. It's usually the first section investors, lenders and stakeholders read, so it must encapsulate the business' value proposition, objectives, strategies and projected growth. To write a clear executive summary for a consultant business make sure to keep it succinct yet informative. Clearly state the purpose of the business, the services offered, the target market and the unique value proposition. Avoid technical jargon that may confuse readers.

Then you can mention the business' strengths, such as the expertise of the consultants, unique methodologies or specialized services. Emphasize factors that set your consultancy apart from competitors.

Briefly discuss the market need for your services and how your consultancy plans to fulfill it. It’s worth noting that strategy and management consulting, as well as technology consulting, financial consulting and HR consulting are in high demand . Highlight any trends or changes in the industry that your business can capitalize on.

Remember to include a snapshot of your financial projections, indicating expected revenue, costs and profitability. This provides a glimpse into the business' potential financial success.

Example of an executive summary for a consultant business

"XYZ Consulting is a boutique consultancy firm specializing in digital transformation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With a team of seasoned professionals, we offer tailored solutions to help businesses harness the power of technology for growth. Our unique approach blends strategic consulting with hands-on implementation, ensuring tangible results. In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, XYZ Consulting is poised to be the partner SMEs need to thrive. Our financial projections forecast a steady growth trajectory, with a focus on achieving profitability within the first two years. With a proven track record and a finger on the pulse of industry trends, XYZ Consulting is well-equipped to guide businesses toward digital success."

02. Business and domain names

Knowing how to name a business is crucial for a consultancy venture and a key step before you register your business . It's the foundation of your brand and influences how clients perceive your services. With Wix , you can use a free business name generator or consulting company name generator as helpful tools for brainstorming unique and memorable names. Ensure the name reflects your expertise and the services you offer.

Similarly, the domain name for your business website is vital. It should be easy to remember, relevant to your services and ideally, match your company name. Check the domain's availability using domain registration platforms. Ensure the domain name aligns with your consultancy's focus and services. Generally, this means keeping it short and easy to spell and pronounce.

Learn more: How to make a consulting website

03. Market analysis and research

Incorporating a thorough market analysis within your consultant business plan is essential. Understand the competitive landscape, target audience and market trends. Research your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, pricing strategies and client base. This information will shape your business strategies and help you identify gaps in the market that your consultancy can fill.

04. Operations plan

The operations plan outlines the logistical aspects of your consultancy. It covers location, premises, equipment and staffing requirements. Determine whether your consultancy will be home-based, have a physical office or operate virtually. Define the equipment and software needed to deliver services effectively. Outline your staffing needs, including the roles and expertise required.

05. Marketing and advertising plan

Your marketing and advertising plan outlines how you will promote your consultant business. Identify the most effective strategies to reach your target audience. Consider content marketing, social media campaigns, networking events and speaking engagements to showcase your expertise. Emphasize how your marketing efforts will build brand awareness and attract clients.

You’ll need to develop a suite of brand assets to use in your marketing as well, starting with a company logo. You can use a free logo maker to get a professional logo in minutes.

06. Financial plan

The financial plan is a critical component of any business plan. It outlines how you will raise money for your business initially and provides a timeline for reaching profitability. Detail your startup costs, including equipment, marketing expenses and personnel. Present your revenue projections, taking into account different pricing models and growth scenarios. Highlight your break-even point and the strategies you'll employ to achieve profitability.

By addressing each part of their plan, entrepreneurs can create a robust business plan that guides them toward achieving their business goals and building a reputable consulting brand.

steps to developing a business plan

Consultant business plan examples

These templates illustrate two hypothetical consultant business plans, each tailored to a specific niche. These are just templates and should be adapted to your specific business goals and industry dynamics.

Consultant business plan template 1: XYZ Digital Consultants

XYZ Digital Consultants is a pioneering consultancy firm focused on digital transformation for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age. Our team of experienced professionals offers strategic guidance and hands-on implementation to drive growth through technology adoption. With projected profitability within two years and a commitment to excellence, XYZ Digital Consultants is poised to lead businesses into a successful digital future.

Company and domain name

Company name: XYZ Digital Consultants

Domain name: xyzdigitalconsultants.com

Market opportunity: The rapid shift toward digital operations has created a substantial demand for expert guidance. Our analysis reveals a gap in the market for holistic digital transformation solutions tailored to the needs of SMEs.

Competitor research: We've identified key competitors and their strengths, which informs our strategy to emphasize personalized service and comprehensive implementation.

Location: Primarily virtual, with occasional in-person consultations as needed.

Premises: Home-based setup with access to modern communication tools.

Equipment: High-speed internet, latest software tools and virtual meeting platforms.

Staffing: Founder and lead consultant, supported by contract specialists as projects demand.

Content marketing: Regular blog posts on digital transformation trends, case studies and client success stories.

Social media campaigns: Active presence on LinkedIn and X to engage with potential clients and share valuable insights.

Networking events: Participation in industry webinars, seminars and local business events to showcase expertise.

Speaking engagements: Leveraging speaking opportunities at conferences and workshops to establish authority in the field.

Startup costs (equipment, website development, marketing materials): $15,000

Revenue projections (year one): $150,000

Revenue projections (year two) : $300,000

Break-even point: Achieved by the end of year one

Funding: Initial investment and savings from the founder

Consultant business plan template 2: LeadersEdge Consultants

LeadersEdge Consultants is a dynamic consultancy dedicated to leadership development and organizational excellence. Our experienced team offers customized programs that empower leaders to drive positive change. With a projected growth trajectory and a commitment to fostering impactful leadership, LeadersEdge Consultants is poised to transform organizations and elevate their success.

Company name: LeadersEdge Consultants

Domain name: leadersedgeconsultants.com

Market opportunity: Our analysis reveals a growing need for leadership development programs in diverse industries.

Competitor research: We've identified competitors' offerings and recognized an opportunity to provide a unique blend of coaching, training and strategy implementation.

Location: Virtual consultations, with the option for on-site workshops

Premises: Virtual office setup with video conferencing capabilities

Equipment: High-quality audiovisual tools, assessment software and learning platforms

Staffing : Founder will serve as the lead consultant, supported by certified leadership coaches

Customized workshops: Designing tailored leadership development programs for individual organizations.

Webinars: Hosting webinars on leadership best practices to showcase expertise and engage potential clients.

Thought leadership content: Publishing whitepapers, eBooks and video content on leadership topics.

Collaborations: Partnering with HR and talent development professionals to expand reach.

Startup costs ( making a website , training materials) : $10,000

Revenue projections (year one): $120,000

Revenue projections (year two): $250,000

Break-even point: Achieved within the first six months

Funding: Initial investment from the founder.

How much should you be charging as a consultant?

The amount you charge as a consultant will depend on a number of factors, including:

Your experience and expertise

The type of consulting services you offer

The value you provide to your clients

The market rate for consulting services in your field

In general, consultants charge between $100 and $500 per hour. However, some experienced and highly specialized consultants can charge upwards of $1,000 per hour.

To determine your consulting rate, you can use the following formula:

Consulting rate = Hourly rate * Value multiplier

Your hourly rate should reflect your experience and expertise, as well as the type of consulting services you offer. For example, if you have 10 years of experience and you offer specialized consulting services, you can charge a higher hourly rate than a consultant with less experience and who offers more general consulting services.

Your value multiplier should reflect the value you provide to your clients. For example, if you can help your clients to achieve significant results, you can charge a higher value multiplier.

Here is an example of how to use the formula:

Consultant: Experienced consultant with 10 years of experience offering specialized consulting services

Hourly rate: $200 per hour

Value multiplier: 2

Consulting rate: $200 per hour * 2 = $400 per hour

Can a consulting business be profitable?

Yes, a consulting business can be profitable. In fact, consulting is one of the most profitable industries in the world. According to a report by IBISWorld, the average profit margin for consulting businesses is 20%. This means that for every $100 in revenue, consulting businesses generate $20 in profit.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the profitability of consulting businesses. First, consultants are able to charge high fees for their services. Second, consulting businesses have relatively low overhead costs. Third, the demand for consulting services is high, and it's only expected to grow in the coming years.

Of course, not all consulting businesses are successful. Some consultants struggle to find clients or to charge high enough fees. Others may not be able to deliver the results that their clients expect. However, for consultants who are able to overcome these challenges, the potential rewards are great.

Here are some tips for increasing your chances of success as a consultant:

Specialize in a high-demand area of consulting. This will allow you to charge higher fees and attract more clients.

Build a strong reputation and network of clients. This will help you to generate word-of-mouth referrals and land new clients.

Market your services effectively. Make sure that potential clients know about your services and how you can help them.

Deliver high-quality results. This is the most important thing you can do to ensure that your clients are satisfied and that they continue to use your services in the future.

How much does it cost to start a consulting business?

The cost to start a consulting business can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of consulting services you offer, the size of your business and your location. However, in general, you can expect to spend between $10,000 and $50,000 to start a consulting business.

Here is a breakdown of some of the typical start-up costs for a consulting business:

Business formation: $100 to $1,000

Website and domain name: $100 to $2,500

Marketing and advertising: $500 to $5,000

Office equipment and supplies: $500 to $5,000

Professional liability insurance: $500 to $1,000

Other miscellaneous expenses: $500 to $5,000

Total start-up costs: $10,000 to $50,000

You can reduce your start-up costs by working from home, using free or low-cost marketing tools and purchasing used equipment. You can also start your consulting business part-time while you continue to work your full-time job. This will give you a chance to generate revenue and build a client base before you leave your full-time job.

If you need financial assistance to start your consulting business, you may be able to qualify for a loan from a bank or credit union. You may also be able to find investors who are willing to invest in your business.

Which clients to avoid and which to take on?

Here are some tips on which clients to avoid and which to take on in a consulting business:

Clients to avoid

Clients who aren't willing to pay your rates. If a client isn't willing to pay your rates, it's a sign that they don't value your services.

Clients who are unrealistic about their expectations. If a client has unrealistic expectations about what you can achieve, you're likely to set yourself up for failure.

Clients who are difficult to work with. If a client is demanding, rude or disrespectful, it's best to avoid them.

Clients who aren't a good fit for your business. If a client isn't in your target market or if their business isn't aligned with your values, it's best to decline working with them.

Clients to take on

Clients who are willing to pay your rates. This shows that they value your services and are committed to working with you.

Clients who have realistic expectations. This makes it more likely that you will be able to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

Clients who are easy to work with. This will make the consulting process more enjoyable and productive for both of you.

Clients who are a good fit for your business. This means that they're in your target market and that their business is aligned with your values.

In addition to the above, here are some other factors to consider when deciding which clients to take on:

Your own skills and experience. Make sure that you have the skills and experience to help the client achieve their goals.

The client's budget. Make sure that the client has a budget that's sufficient to cover your fees.

The client's timeline. Make sure that you have the time and resources to meet the client's timeline.

Your gut feeling. If you have a bad feeling about a client, it's best to trust your gut and decline working with them.

It's important to be selective about the clients you take on. By avoiding difficult clients and focusing on good-fit clients, you can set yourself up for success in your consulting business.

Consultant business plan FAQ

What qualifies you as a consultant.

To qualify as a consultant, you need to have the expertise and experience in the area that you're consulting in. You also need to be able to communicate your ideas effectively and build relationships with clients.

How do you start off as a consultant?

How to make 6 figures as a consultant, how do you pay yourself as a consultant, do consultants pay their own taxes, want to create another business plan.

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Image Consultant

Startup Costs: Under $2,000 Home Based: Can be operated from home. Part Time: Can be operated part-time. Franchises Available? Yes Online Operation? Yes

As an image consultant, you'll give clients makeovers, coach them on the right wardrobe style for the image they want to project and even weed out closets or go on shopping expeditions. You'll also likely give hair and makeup advice, instructions on effective body language and tips for self-confidence. You can snag corporate clients by teaching tactics for better sales and customer relations, or you can work with clients facing media spotlight to help them look and act their best. Some advantages to this business: You can work at home, you can start part-time with low costs, and it's often creative and satisfying -- whether you’re helping someone advance in their career or feel good about themselves in their personal life. In some states, you need a cosmetology license to work on clients' skin, so if you plan to offer makeup services be sure to check with your state board of cosmetology (and if you can't apply makeup to your clients yourself, you can supervise while they do their own). As an image consultant, you'll need an innate sense of style and up-to-the-second knowledge of fashion, hair and makeup trends in both personal and professional settings. You'll also want to know the latest conventions in big- and small-business conduct. Your clients may feel vulnerable in coming to you, so you'll need the ability to suggest changes in a kind, empathetic way. Last but not least, this is a practice-what-you-preach business -- you'll have to look polished, professional and dressed for success on all public occasions.


How much money can you make?

Nationwide, the average salary for an image consultant is $42,431 per year, according to Glassdoor.

What kind of experience do you need to have?

“First of all, you need to have a background in fashion or a related field, but more importantly, you need to gain experience dealing with people on the retail side of business. Image consultants do need to understand fashion, trends and clothing, but the reality of the business is dealing with people -- their fears, flaws and emotions. Some of the greatest fashion icons could never be an image consultant because they do not have the ability to deal with people on a personal level. Image consulting is direct and raw. Clients need to hear the harsh truth about themselves in order to course-correct. Aside from a relative degree, people skills is the most important experience someone would need to enter the field.” - Amanda Sanders , image consultant and personal shopper

What’s the most important thing to know about this business?

“Any time I'm in a rut or needing new perspectives or something like that, styling is definitely one of my go-tos. I also ask myself, ‘What is the problem that you're trying to solve?’ A lot of times as we think about creating solutions, we think about, ‘What do we have right now, and how can we make it better?’ I think a better question is just wiping the slate clean and saying… ‘In an ideal world, if we could rewrite everything, what would we do?’” - Katrina Lake , Stitch Fix

Your clients can be individuals who want to look sharp for a big social occasion, are looking for a new or better job, or have decided it's time to turn over a whole new leaf. Your clients can also be corporations who may hire you to train groups of executives or employees or to give the company dress code a facelift. Place ads in local publications and offer coupons in direct-mail coupon books. Network in professional and civic organizations. Introduce yourself to wedding consultants, caterers and event planners, who can refer you to their clients. Give workshops and seminars for private and corporate clients. You should also target public relations agents who may refer their clients to you. Send PR people your brochure, then follow up with a phone call to cement your service in their minds.

Needed Equipment

All you really need to get started are mirrors, makeup, color swatches, and fashion books and magazines. You may want to purchase, either during startup or after your business gets going, computer software that gives your clients a virtual beauty makeover before they take the actual hair-cutting plunge. If you plan on going the corporate route, you may also want to invest in a video camera and VCR so clients can judge their before-and-after speech and body language performances. In some states, you need a cosmetology license to work on clients' skin, so if you plan to offer makeup services be sure to check with your state board of cosmetology. If you can't apply makeup to your clients yourself, you can supervise while they do their own.

Image Consultant Ideas

Makeup artist.

Know how to create magic with powders, lipsticks and shadows? This could be the business for you.

Pedicure Service

Enjoy flexible hours while keeping people's feet looking great with a pedicure service.

Hospitals and medicals centers are among the growing consumer opportunities for wig businesses.

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The Pros and Cons of Starting an Image Consulting Business

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Alyssa Gregory is an entrepreneur, writer, and marketer with 20 years of experience in the business world. She is the founder of the Small Business Bonfire, a community for entrepreneurs, and has authored more than 2,500 articles for popular small business websites.

Some people, especially those in the public eye, look to professionals to help them present themselves in the best way possible. This is where an image consultant comes in. Image consultants coach others on how to dress for success, what accessories to use, how to wear makeup properly, and specific etiquette tips that help them make a great first impression and achieve their goals.

If you are fashion-savvy, an excellent communicator, and a people-person, a small business as an image consultant might be a great business for you. Learn more about the pros and cons, as well as exploring some resources that will help you get started.

The Pros of Starting an Image Consulting Business

Not only do image consultants get to create a business around something they are passionate about, but they may also experience other benefits including:

  • Startup costs are relatively low.
  • You can work out of your home.
  • You can use your creativity to help your clients.
  • You can form partnerships with hairstylists, makeup artists, dietitians, personal trainers, and life coaches.
  • You can specialize in working with celebrities, executives, politicians or any other group who uses the services of an image consultant.
  • You can watch as your clients become highly confident and successful.

The Cons of Starting an Image Consulting Business

Although there are quite a few benefits, like any new business, a business as an image consultant may also comes with a few hurdles to get over. Some of the potential challenges of starting an image consulting business include:

  • Image consulting can be a difficult field to break into.
  • You will be exposed to extra scrutiny and have to be able to make an excellent impression on others in order to sell your services.
  • You need to stay up-to-date on all of the current fashion trends.
  • You will need to exhibit a gentle tact when it comes time to analyze your clients' images.
  • You may need to bring in other experts if you don't have experience in all areas of image consulting.

Recommended Resources for Starting an Image Consulting Business

To help you fully research this business idea, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the Association of Image Consultants International .

As with starting any small business, it's best to research local laws in your city and state that apply to home business owners. Do your homework before you start, and you'll be prepared to take the first steps in your business the right way.

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Consulting Business Plan: 5-Step Plan For A Successful Firm

If you want to start a consulting business , then you need to write your consulting business plan.

I’ve watched countless starry-eyed entrepreneurs “start” their business with a 50-100 page business plan.

They spend weeks — or even months — toiling away at their desk after their 9-5 detailing everything about their future business.

After they’ve written it, they beam with pride.

“This plan is the key to my success in consulting! With this plan, I can’t fail.”

Then, they take their plan out to the real world.

The real world isn’t as perfect and pretty when starting your business.

And that golden business plan? Well, it almost always doesn’t work the way they’d hoped.

All of the projections they made? Naw, not even close.

So they scurry back to their desk to revise the plan — and the cycle continues.

Here’s the truth about consulting business plans…

You don’t need a long, complex business plan.

If your business plan is more than 5 pages, every extra page you write is almost certainly wasting your time.

All you need is a 1-3 page document to cover the foundations of your business.

By the end of this post, you’ll write your 5-part entrepreneurial consulting business plan — and have everything you need to start a successful consulting business.

Let’s begin with the first part: your consulting business model.

1. Consulting Business Model

  • “What kind of consulting business do you want to build?”

That’s the first question you want to answer for your consulting business plan.

Understand what type of business you want to build first before you start building it.

Six-Figure Blueprint

That way, you’re building a business to support your lifestyle and not the other way around.

At Consulting Success®, we believe that your business shouldn’t consume your life .

Your consulting business should enrich your life and create a fulfilling lifestyle for you and your family.

For your consulting business model, you have 4 options:

1. Solo Model : The classic independent consultant . Your business is just you (and maybe a few contractors). From delivering projects to marketing and sales, you are responsible for every part of the business.

(To see the pros and cons of each model, see our post on The 3 PROVEN Consulting Business Models .)

2. Firm Model : The typical large consulting firm. Your firm consists of consultants, associations, junior and senior people. Your role starts off as doing a bit of everything — but eventually, your role becomes hiring, training, and managing your team.

3. Productized Model : This model comes out of one of the above models. You identify a particular problem your clients have, and you build your business around solving that problem with a focus on efficiency. This model is all about systems, efficiency, and scale.

4. Hybrid Model : The hybrid model is a mix of the models above. For example, you might offer a productized consulting offer — but also do some solo custom consulting. Once you’ve mastered one of these models, the hybrid model helps you add new products and services to create more revenue.

Pick one of the models above. If you’re unsure about which one to use, start with the solo model. You can always change it in the future. Chances are, your business will evolve in the future anyways.

With your consulting business model selected, let’s move to the next part of your consulting business plan — clarity around your ideal client.

For every hour you spend on planning, you should spend 4 hours on putting your plan into action.

2. Ideal Client Clarity

  • “Who is the ideal client my consulting business will serve?”

That’s the second question you’ll answer with your consulting business plan.

This is all about how you’re going to specialize .

As an entrepreneurial consultant, specialization is crucial.

You can’t offer everything to anybody.

You’ll have to begin by choosing a specific type of client to serve — your niche.

A niche is a certain subset of people whom you might potentially serve — SaaS companies, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, etc.

To find your ideal client, you’ll have to test out different niches.

This is why we teach the Niche Scoring Method in our Clarity Coaching Program .

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Using this scorecard, you score each potential niche from 1 to 5 based on the following factors:

  • EXPERIENCE . How would you rate your experience with this niche?
  • EXPERTISE . How would you rate your status as an expert within this niche?
  • RESULTS . How would you rate your confidence that you can deliver results for this niche?
  • POTENTIAL . How would you rate this niche’s growth and how willing they are to hire consultants?
  • INTEREST . How would you rate your interest in this niche?
  • ACCESS . How would you rate your ability to speak with ideal clients in this niche?

In the Clarity Coaching Program for Consultants , we also teach you about the different layers of specialization, how to find and validate your ideal client’s potential, how to do outreach to potential clients, and more.

By going through these exercises, you’ll figure out which niche is best for you to start with.

Picking a niche and defining your ideal client is the foundation on which you’ll build your business — and get clients.

You shouldn’t move on with your consulting business plan until you’ve defined your ideal client.

Once you’ve done that, you can move on to the next part: Magnetic Messaging.

3. Magnetic Messaging

  • “What message will get my ideal client’s attention?”

That’s the third question you’ll answer on your consulting business plan.

You’ve picked your business model.

You’ve defined your ideal client.

Now, you’ll write a message designed to get your ideal client’s attention.

We’ve created a formula to make writing this message as simple as possible: Magnetic Messaging.

Here’s the formula:

I help [WHO] to [solve WHAT problem] so they can [see WHAT results]. My [WHY choose me]…

Let’s break each part of the formula down.

  • WHO : Who you serve.
  • WHAT (Problem): What problem you solve for them.
  • WHAT (Result): What result you create for them.
  • WHY : Why they should choose you.

Why does this message grab your ideal client’s attention?

  • It speaks to who they are.
  • It mentions what problem they have.
  • It showcases what result they can get.
  • It differentiates you from others who might provide a similar service.

When your message contains these 4 elements, it will draw interest from your ideal clients. They’ll want to learn more.

They’ll browse your marketing materials, read your articles, sign up for your email list, and reach out to you for conversations.

Effective messaging is the foundation of your marketing: what you communicate to the marketplace to get your ideal client’s attention.

You won’t write the perfect message on your first try.

But you do need to write a first draft — and actually put it to work in the marketplace.

Once you’ve written down your first magnetic message, it’s time to start planning your strategic offer.

4. Strategic Offers

  • “What can I offer my ideal client — and at what price point?”

That’s the 4th question you’ll answer on your consulting business plan.

With clarity around your ideal client and a message that grabs their attention…

…you must create an offer — a service — that solves their problems and gets them the result that they want.

The classic custom consulting service is the “full engagement.”

After you engage in a meaningful sales conversation with your prospective client, you’ll send them a consulting proposal .

In your proposal, instead of including one option, you’ll include three:

Option 1 – $

  • Basic offer
  • Minimum effort required
  • Provides value
  • Lowest investment

Option 2 – $$

  • Help them reach results quicker than option 1
  • Provides more value than option 1 (ideally, without having to spend more time)
  • Higher investment

Option 3 – $$$

  • If money isn’t an issue
  • Best results
  • Shortest time to result
  • Highest investment

Map out the different options you’ll offer your prospects.

Take a look at the marketing consulting example below for an idea of how the 3 different options might look:

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However, we recommend you start with a discovery offer .

A discovery offer is a smaller service (priced at $1.5K to $15K). You design it to get your client a quick, low-risk win.

Your discovery offer helps get your “foot in the door” with the client. Once you get them that quick, low-risk win, they’ll trust your expertise. This will open the door for larger projects with the same client.

Discovery offers are easier to sell, create, and deliver.

Here’s our discovery offer checklist:

  • Align with what the buyer wants
  • Is a logical first step
  • Leads to the next steps
  • Ranges between $1.5K to $15K
  • Provides tangible benefits (growth, clarity, etc)

Of course, you’ll also have to set your consulting fees .

You can use the hourly method, the fixed-rate method, the value-based method , or the retainer method.

Pricing is an incredibly complex and deep topic. But you’ll have to pick a price to start with and adjust it based on the feedback you get.

Never sell yourself short. Remember: pricing is marketing. If you can deliver your clients results, then charge what you’d feel good about.

Once you’ve mapped out your 3 engagement options and a discovery offer, you’re ready to take your offers to the marketplace — and start winning consulting business.

5. Marketing Engine/Sales Pipeline

  • “How am I going to create conversations with my ideal client?”

This is the final question you’ll answer on your consulting business plan.

And it’s where you start to see real results: winning clients, delivering projects, and earning revenue.

However, according to our How To Become A Consultant Study , marketing and sales are where consultants struggle the most.

Your Marketing Engine is what you’re doing every day to get in front of your ideal clients.

Your Sales Pipeline organizes all of the leads who come into contact with you.

Let’s start with your pipeline.

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Your pipeline is organized into 6 columns:

  • LEAD . You’ve identified the prospective client and have begun reaching out to them to set-up a conversation.
  • CONVERSATION . You’ve had a sales conversation with the prospective client.
  • PROPOSAL . You’ve sent a proposal to the prospective client.
  • WIN . The prospective client has accepted your proposal and you won the business.
  • LOSS . The prospective client has declined your proposal and you lost the business.
  • NURTURE . Most people you reach out to won’t be ready to buy or make a decision right away. In fact, even people who say ‘No’ to a proposal now, may buy from you later as long as you stay top of mind through your nurture process.

All of your prospective clients fit into one of these 6 categories.

Using a CRM to create and organize this pipeline will help you organize your marketing and sales efforts.

Marketing is what fills up your “lead” column.

Without marketing, you won’t have any leads. And without leads, you won’t have the chance to win new business.

We organize marketing for consultants in 3 different categories:

  • Outreach: Reaching out to your ideal clients to initiate conversations.
  • Follow-Ups: Following up with your ideal clients to initiative conversations.
  • Authority Building : Creating content for your ideal clients that demonstrates your expertise and adds value — and helps create conversations.

A basic Marketing Engine will have you doing a mix of these different methods every day.

Every day, you want to be reaching out to new clients, following up with your leads, and creating content that demonstrates your expertise and adds value.

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The type of marketing you focus on also depends on the stage of your business .

If you’re a newer consultant, you’ll rely more on outreach. You don’t have as much of an audience for authority content to work yet.

But if you’re a later-stage consultant, you’ll rely more on content. Your content and consulting website has a farther reach, and can generate leads at scale.

For your business plan, focus on setting up a pipeline that is easy to track, and creating the right marketing habits to fill up your leads column.

At this stage, your plan is done.

It’s time to start taking action.

Imperfect Action: Write Your Entrepreneurial Consultant Business Plan

By answering these 5 questions…

…you’ll write a consulting business plan that enables you to take action.

We’ve included dozens of articles, case studies , and guides on how to answer these 5 questions.

However, in consulting, execution is more important than your plan.

So, use our resources to help answer these 5 questions — and go build your consulting business.

Ready to Take Your Consulting Business to the Next Level?

Apply to join our Clarity Coaching Program , the place where dedicated consultants go to get a personalized plan, strategy, coaching and support to grow a successful consulting business.

If you’re committed and serious about growing your consulting business, then this customized coaching program is for you.

We’ll work hands on with you to develop a strategic plan and then dive deep and work through your ideal client clarity, strategic messaging, consulting offers, fees, and pricing, business model optimization, and help you to set up your marketing engine and lead generation system to consistently attract ideal clients.

Schedule a FREE growth session today to apply for our limited-capacity Clarity Coaching Program by clicking here .

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How To Write A Consulting Business Plan

Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be especially helpful for consultants who want to establish their credibility and get ahead in the industry.

A well-crafted business plan not only outlines your vision for the company but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it. In order to create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article will provide an overview of the key elements that every consultant should include in their business plan.

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What is a Consulting Business Plan?

A consulting business plan is a formal written document that describes your company’s business strategy and its feasibility. It documents the reasons why you will be profitable, how you can succeed in your market, what will set your product or service apart from others, and includes information about your team members, if applicable, to convince investors and lenders (if needed) that you have what it takes to make your venture successful.

Why Write a Consulting Business Plan?

A consulting business plan is required for banks and loan companies, and it is often requested by investors. This document is a clear and concise guide of your business idea and the steps you will take to make it profitable.

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting their new company or venture, especially if they are inexperienced in starting a business.

Writing an Effective Consulting Business Plan

The following are the key components of a successful consulting business plan:

Executive Summary

The executive summary of a consulting business plan is a one to two page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your consulting firm
  • Provide a short summary of the key points of each section of your business plan.
  • Organize your thoughts in a logical sequence that is easy for the reader to follow.
  • Include information about your company’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast.

Company Description

This section should include a brief history of your company. Include a short description of how it all started, and provide a timeline of milestones the company has achieved.

If you are just starting your consulting business, you may not have a long company history. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in this industry and how and why you conceived your new venture. If you have worked for a similar company before or have been involved in an entrepreneurial venture before starting your consulting firm, mention this.

Industry Analysis

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a consulting business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends, identify your potential customers, and the potential size of this market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the consulting industry are you targeting?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now?

You should also include information about your research methodology and sources of information, including company reports and expert opinions.

Customer Analysis

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

You can include information about how your customers make the decision to buy from you as well as what keeps them buying from you.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to buy from you, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or consulting services with the right marketing.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis helps you  determine how your product or service will be different from competitors, and what you are using as your unique selling proposition (USP) that will set you apart in this industry.

Complete a SWOT Analysis. Your SWOT analysis should include:

  • Strengths : what are your strengths?
  • Weaknesses : what are your weaknesses?
  • Opportunities : how can you take advantage of competitive weaknesses and strike back at them with your strengths and possible new product or service offerings?
  • Threats : what are the potential threats to your company? How can you prepare for them? What can you do to mitigate potential risks?

You will then use this information to develop your own competitive strategy. Determine your competitive advantage and how you will differentiate your business from these competitors.

Marketing Plan

Your consulting marketing plan is where you determine how you are going to reach your target customer(s). Your marketing strategy should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service : Make sure your service offering is clearly defined and differentiated from your competitors, including the benefits of using your service.
  • Price : How do you determine the price for your service? You should also include a price strategy that takes into account what customers will be willing to pay and how much the competition within your market charges.
  • Place : Where will your customers find you? What channels of distribution will you use to reach them?
  • Promotion : How will you reach your target market? You can use social media or write a blog, create an email marketing campaign, post flyers, pay for advertising, launch a direct mail campaign, etc.

You should also include information about your paid advertising budget, including an estimate of expenses and sales projections.

Operations Plan

The operations plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your service to customers? For example, will you do it in person or over the phone only?
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

The operations plan is where you also need to include your company’s business policies. You will want to establish policies related to everything from customer service to pricing, to the overall brand image you are trying to present.

Management Team

Include a list of team members including names and titles, as well as their expertise and experience relevant to your specific consulting industry. Include brief biography sketches for each team member.

Financial Plan

Now include a complete and detailed financial plan. This is where you will need to break down your expenses and revenue projections for the first 5 years of operation. This includes the following financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue : how will you generate revenue?
  • Cost of Goods Sold : These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss) : once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, what is the net income or loss? 

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Consulting Firm

Balance sheet.

Include a balance sheet that shows what you have in terms of assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Consulting Firm

Cash flow statement.

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include:

  • Income : all of the revenue coming in from clients.
  • Expenses : all of your monthly bills and expenses. Include operating, marketing and capital expenditures.
  • Net Cash Flow : the difference between income and expenses for each month after they are totaled and deducted from each other. This number is the net cash flow for each month.

Using your total income and expenses, you can project an annual cash flow statement. Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup consulting business.

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Consulting Firm

You will also want to include an appendix section which may include:

  • Your complete financial projections
  • A complete list of your company’s business policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.)
  • A list of your hard assets and equipment with purchase dates, prices paid and any other relevant information
  • A list of your soft assets with purchase dates, prices paid and any other relevant information
  • Biographies of the key employees listed in the executive summary section above.
  • References to people you have done business with who are willing to confirm their positive business holdings with your company.

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and grow your consulting company. It not only outlines your business vision but also provides a step by step process of how you are going to accomplish it. Sometimes it may be difficult to get started, but once you get the hang of it, writing a business plan becomes easier and will give you a sense of direction and clarity about your consulting company.  

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Growth Management and Strategies

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

Growth Management and Strategies (GMS) is an ambitious innovative new company that is attempting to turn the small business consulting business on its head. With an experienced consultant at the helm as President, GMS intends to grow at more than 50% per year through solid customer service, a great sales plan, proven competitive strategies, and a group of people that bring dynamic energy to the company and the sales process.

The goal for this plan is financial: GMS needs a Small Business Adminstration (SBA) loan, and this document is one step in the process. It is also a road map for the company. The document gives all present and future employees, as well as the owner a sense of purpose that may exist without the business plan, but becomes more relevant after the business plan is written, reviewed, shared, and edited by all. It is a living document that will last far beyond the SBA loan purpose, or if that doesn’t occur, to bring an investor on board.

GMS’s financials are realistic, and based on very conservative sales figures relative to the industry as a whole. That is because one of the goals of GMS is to build the business one client at a time, and to serve each client as if it were the last. This is how loyalty is generated, and cultivated. Customer service is what GMS will do best, and is a large part of the company’s overall mission.

Business consulting business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Objectives

The objectives for Growth Management and Strategies are:

  • Gain access to an SBA loan upon start up.
  • Grow the company from 2 employees in Year 1, to over 10 by Year 5.
  • Increase revenue to over $3 million by Year 3.
  • Increase client base by 450% in three years.
  • Maintain job costing that keeps margins above 70%.

1.2 Mission

The company mission is to serve small business clients that are in need of logistical, technical, and business strategy services. All projects will be chosen based on the availability of human resources, and each individual employee will be given the respect of a contract worker, and will share in profits for each job. Politics have no place at Growth Management and Strategies, and to limit the affects of favoritism, the company will implement and clearly communicate a performance review policy that applies to those at the bottom as well as the top of the leadership ladder. Credit will be given to the person who performed and/or innovatively modified a project, and compensation will be both financial and in the form of commendation.

Growth Management and Strategies is a company that respects the needs and expectations of its employees and clients. If either is compromised, adjustments will be made so that the company culture may remain intact.

1.3 Keys to Success

Our keys to success are:

  • To maintain client satisfaction of at least 90%.
  • To keep overhead low.
  • To ensure professional marketing and presentation of services.
  • To provide an active and functional website.

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

Growth Management and Strategies was established as a C corporation. The company’s headquarters are located in Boston, MA, near Copely Place. The company was established as a result of the efforts of its owner, Bill Dawson, and his experience in leading small businesses into prolonged periods of growth and innovation. Dawson worked for McKinsey before being hired away to Bain and Company. A Harvard graduate, Dawson spent hundreds of hours each week for nearly a year, slowly building the company to where it is now.

The company has had numerous successes this year, including one client that was purchased by a major multinational conglomerate, and another that experienced product sales growth of over 700% the first year.

2.1 Start-up Summary

This start-up summary table lists all the costs associated with establishing a lease, purchasing office equipment, and pulling together the other resources necessary to get the business off the ground. Furniture, LAN lines, and additional technology purchases are a must in order to properly communicate with clients, and to establish a website.

Other services included in the start-up summary are legal consulting fees, kept to a minimum thanks to resources provided by Nolo. Incorporation fees are included in the legal fees line item.

The free cash flow (cash balance) appearing in this start-up table is high relative to other small consulting businesses of its size. The owner is preoccupied with maintaining positive cash flow, and is risk averse enough to understand that during months in which contracts are not available, the corporation must sustain itself.  With this said, planned debt leverage is low, therefore risk to the lender is relatively low as well.

Business consulting business plan, company summary chart image

2.2 Company Ownership

Growth Management and Strategies is wholly owned by Bill Dawson, and is classified as an LLC.

Growth Management and Strategies offers a variety of services to the small business client. Many of the services are customized for each client, and a bidding process is observed. The company also offers a traditional fixed rate sheet for its services.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

The target customer owns a small business, and is generally dissatisfied with the revenue that the business is generating, or is dissatisfied with the daily management of their business. The customer is likely to operate a business worth between $200K and $10 million, with growth rates of between 1-10%, or even a negative growth rate.

Market growth, that is, the predicted growth in the small business sector within the Boston/Cambridge Metro area is expected to be around 3% per year. This may increase due to additional SBA lending programs designed to match the strengths of research and faculty grant work with the needs of the market and small businesses willing to take new products to market. Regardless of the market growth, the company’s customer base is far more dependant upon service needs, and a solid reputation. Mr. Dawson is well respected within the community, and has built a number of relationships with high profile individuals, and is a frequent contributor to the business section of the Boston Herald.

The corresponding market analysis table below breaks the potential market down into tactical sub-markets.

4.1 Market Segmentation

Pro Tip:

  • Debt of more than 30% yearly revenue.
  • Free cash flow frequently in the negative, requiring deep pocket borrowing or investment.
  • Long-term growth underperforming relative to competitors.
  • Management discord and performance issues.

These are not the only differentiators used to determine the market potential for a client, they are simply a starting point for the sales team as they reach out to this group of small businesses, owners and investors.

Business consulting business plan, market analysis summary chart image

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

The target market strategy involves isolating potential customers by revenue, then drilling down to very specific needs via the sales team’s needs analysis methodology.

The first tier customers, businesses with over $3 million in revenue, is more experienced in outsourcing and may find themselves more comfortable hiring Growth Management and Strategies on retainer. Strategically, a retainer helps maintain consistent cash flow, even if during some months these customers will require more services than what they have paid for that month. This issue will be addressed in the Personnel topic.

The second tier customers, those businesses operating at revenue levels of $501K – $3 million, typically are very excited to have moved out of the home office stage, and into a new level of stability. If they are self-funded, these businesses can be the most challenging to work with because they are often not willing to part with company shares, and don’t yet have a sense of what kind of marketing investment is necessary to grow a business at this stage. The company will serve these small businesses based on a bid cycle, and needs analysis.

The third tier customers are easier to identify, and more ubiquitous than the rest. These small businesses are operating on $200K – $500K in revenue, often are operating out of a home, and have a firm sense of their market and potential, yet have trouble executing their plans effectively, or following through on growth strategies that generate wealth. Again, the strategy is to provide these businesses with a short needs analysis, and focus on the quantity of such customers to maintain a solid revenue stream.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

This industry is split up between a variety of players, including small businesses advising small businesses, such as the case with Growth Management and Strategies, to large conglomerate multinational consulting firms that send in newbie MBAs and use their name recognition to convince their clients that every one of these MBAs will generate over $300K a year in value. Sometimes they do, but when they don’t, GMS plans to be there.  

At the other end of the spectrum, there are a wide variety of mom and pop consulting firms owned by very talented people who simply don’t have the marketing resources or expertise to reach a broader spectrum of customer.

GMS is somewhere in between. With years of guerrilla marketing experience, and a long-term plan for success, Mr. Dawson is determined to build the company each client at a time, and to focus on a sales team that outperforms all the competitors.

GMS is planning to grow exponentially within the first two years, to over $2 million in consulting revenue. At this point the service business analysis will be re-evaluated from the outside in.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

Typically small business clients will learn about the consulting services market through word-of-mouth experience passed on through a friend or contemporary. Still, outbound sales teams dominate this category, and the stronger your sales team and name recognition, the greater your odds of finding clients willing to place your company on retainer or accept your company’s bid. The most competitive players in this market tend to have some of the best sales teams in the industry, that is, people who know not only how to communicate the technical needs analysis in a non-technical way, but in addition, are able to follow through and execute on promises and provide accurate, industry specific information that is useful to the client even before the deal is made.

Price is also important, and operates on a complex tiered system that is dependant upon the effectiveness of a particular salesperson, the word-of-mouth (WOM) advertising already in the mind of the potential client, and the ability of the client to reform the way they think about their own business. The demands of turning a business around, or pushing it to the limits of its potential are in direct proportion to the price of each bid. GMS must be careful not to be lured into out bidding a competitor, only to find that the customer has no plans to modify their business plan, and are seeking a “magic bullet” that may or may not exist. Competition in this industry leads to frustration and burnout for many people, and it takes a strong sense of purpose to push the business beyond the realm of the high-intensity, low-return client.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

GMS will pursue a strategy in line with the experience of the owner, and implementation will be performance based and follow a clear path. Milestones are important to the implementation of this plan, and so is the vision and the will of the company’s owner, Mr. Dawson. The overall company strategy is tied very closely with the sales strategy, that is, with the front lines of the business. One of the biggest threats to any strategy is that they can become too high-minded, and not literal enough to translate into action. This will not be the case with GMS, a solid company that hires top talent and achieves it’s goals on time and on budget.

5.1 Competitive Edge

GMS has a significant competitive edge in the following areas:

  • Customer service mobility – As a customer-centric firm, GMS offers no hold phone lines, same day email responses, and callbacks within one hour. In addition, the phone technology is set up in such a way as to provide salespeople with all databased information about the customer before they say “hello”. 
  • “Needs Analysis” service – Possibly the best competitive edge in an industry fraught with agressive outbound sales teams and your run of the mill ego-centric, customer alienating, consultants.
  • A considerable network of contacts – Mr. Dawson is well connected in the area of general consulting, and his Harvard degree opens doors via simple bragging rights, and an extensive alumni network.

5.2 Marketing Strategy

GMS’s marketing strategy revolves around a three-tiered focus. At the top of pyramid one, imagine a customer service ideal. This ideal is also included in the competitive comparison.

Pyramid three has at the top a team-centric company culture. Tactics revolve around building this culture from the ground up so that it rewards innovation and determination, and management shows no personal bias or favoritism except when a salesperson or consultant is outperforming the mean. Although this strategy appears to be an internal management goal or company summary object, it is highly relevant to marketing’s performance because without integrity standards and a consistent company culture, GMS’s marketing will feel disconnected and unsupported, and will suffer as a result. A more detailed breakdown of tactics and programs related to this strategy is available in the full marketing plan. 

5.3 Sales Strategy

GMS plans to develop and train 5-6 new salespeople by year two. Upon start up, the primary sales contact will be Mr. Dawson, but this will change as the revenues increase, and the company is able to invest in human capital.

GMS has a sales strategy that focuses on an initial needs analysis. Once the results of the needs analysis has been forwarded or described over the phone to a potential client, the salesperson will ask for a personal interview, a chance to sit down and discuss specifics. At no time should this be perceived by the potential client as “pushy” or “agressive.” 

The goal of this sales process is to get behind the numbers, and the business successes, to identify where the client’s needs lie. Once this is mapped out, GMS will decide how these problems can be best addressed, and will offer both a bid and some action points. If the client wants to use the action points to move forward on their own, this is very acceptable. GMS’s research has in fact shown that the clients that choose this path, often come back to seek additional information, and more often than not, accept the bid.

This strategy differs from the course often taken by large consulting firms in that the customer is not condescended to, or treated as if the knowledge isn’t right there in their own heads. Often, consulting companies will send a large ego to clean up a client’s mess, and find that the strategy backfires when the client only chooses to give the consultant the chance to bid. GMS’s sales strategy revolves around customer service and empowerment, not condescension and sales “closers.”

5.3.1 Sales Forecast

Sales forecast is based on the assumption that most of the revenue will be the result of consulting bids. The growth in retainer revenue is about 30% lower than the expected yearly growth in consulting bids of 80%/year. This may seem like an agressive number at first glance, but this is not a large company being discussed in this business plan. The smaller the company, often the larger the opportunity for exponential sales growth, and especially if the firm uses sound sales and marketing strategies to take share from the larger, less nimble consultancies.

The Needs Analysis service is listed only to highlight the fact that some outside information gathering firms/consultants will be used to compile the necessary information. This poses some risk because there are no costs associated with the Needs Analysis efforts. Nevertheless, GMS is confident that this product will set the company apart from the competition, and generate sales far in excess of the costs incurred.

Business consulting business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.4 Milestones

The milestones table includes one listing each for the business plan and the marketing plan. Each of these are crucial to the long-term and short-term success of GMS. The other milestones are also important, but most are simply tasks necessary in starting up almost any business. Nevertheless, the most important milestone in this table is financial. The SBA loan will determine whether this company will have the working capital to operate for 5-12 months with little or no immediate revenue. If GMS cannot find the working capital to meet the minimum cash flow expectations set forth in this document, the company will dissolve and the owner will turn his talents elsewhere. Therefore, it is possible that the line item for “SBA Loan” may be changed to acquire family or friends as investors. Ideally it will not come to that and Mr. Dawson will be able to retain full control of the company, and direct it entirely based on his vision.

Business consulting business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

The management team will initially consist of Bill Dawson. A Harvard MBA, and world-renowned consultant for major Fortune 500 companies, Mr. Dawson has built a reputation based his customer-centric approach to consulting, a relative anomaly in the world of high profile consulting. Many consultants are trained to believe they are right and the client was put on this earth to learn from the consultant. That is not the case for GMS, as the management team (Dawson) takes a different tact. The consultant acts as an interviewer, learning all that is possible to learn about the client in a one or two week period. As a management tool, this approach is very effective because it gives the sales team flexibility in dealing with potential customers, and relieves the uncomfortable pressure to close the sale.

Mr. Dawson’s approach to managing customers is also the approach he will take in dealing with his salespeople. GMS doesn’t need a hefty management structure, or administrative overhead. Many of those processes may be handled through outsourcing and Internet technology. On the contrary, the management structure at GMS is designed to reward the performer and educate the underperformer. Each salesperson is given a battery of psychological and rational tests, and most importantly, are screened based on how well they will fit into the Dawson management style. This leaves little to chance, and encourages a team atmosphere that remains light-hearted and fun.

6.1 Personnel Plan

This table demonstrates how GMS plans to start acquiring clients. One salesperson will be trained initially, and that person will later head a team of salespeople as the company expands. The promise of growth, and chance to work for a strategically positioned consulting business is enough to have three major players bidding for the job. Although each will see a major cut in salary from their current position, the chance to share in company profits (10%) and growth is enough to draw them to a low base, high commission position that offers no guarantees.

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The Financial Plan is based on a pending SBA loan, and a corresponding cash flow amount held in a highly liquid account.

7.1 Important Assumptions

7.2 break-even analysis.

The Break-even Analysis table is based on the assumption that each hour worked can be billed at approximately $70 per unit, and the employees will start at approximately $25/hour. This doesn’t include the cost of the payroll burden, however the assumptions are fairly accurate. Fixed costs are related to the lease and other monthly costs.

Business consulting business plan, financial plan chart image

7.3 Projected Cash Flow

The following table and chart show the Projected Cash Flow figures for Growth Management and Strategies.

Business consulting business plan, financial plan chart image

7.4 Projected Profit and Loss

The following table and charts are the Projected Profit and Loss and Gross Margin figures for Growth Management and Strategies.

Business consulting business plan, financial plan chart image

7.5 Projected Balance Sheet

The following table is the Projected Balance Sheet for Growth Management and Strategies.

7.6 Business Ratios

Business ratios for the years of this plan are shown below. Industry profile ratios based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 8742, Business Management Consultants, are shown for comparison.

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FAQS · January 2, 2022

What is an Image Consultant? 10 Ways Image Consultants Can Help You

What is an image consultant.

What is an Image Consultant? That’s a question that many people ask, however it can be hard to answer that simply. Image consultants are experts in developing an image strategy, which means they help their clients create the best image for themselves based on their desired goals. An image consultant will work with you to figure out what your goals are and then help you develop a plan to achieve them.

The following are 10 ways in which image consultants can help you!

An image consultant helps people develop and improve their personal brand by giving them advice on appearance, personality and dress style to achieve the best possible version of themselves in public. There are many ways in which an image consultant can impact your life including 10 ways listed below:

  • Clothing : An image consultant may help someone choose what they should wear for different occasions such as parties or interviews so that they portray themselves well socially while projecting the right professional look. They will also advise clients on current fashion trends so that clothes bought today aren’t out of date in a few months.
  • Colors : An image consultant can help choose colors that flatter the client’s skin tone and hair color to create an overall look that is cohesive and complementary.
  • Dressing for Your Body Shape : Different body shapes need different styles of clothing in order to look their best and an image consultant will be able to advise on which clothes work well for each individual’s figure type.
  • Accessories : From jewelry to handbags, accessories play a huge role in completing an outfit. An image consultant can give guidance on what pieces will add the most impact for each person’s personal style.
  • Makeup : Many people feel lost when it comes to makeup, but with the help of an image consultant they can learn the correct techniques to make their face look its best.
  • Grooming : An image consultant should be able to advise on the type of haircuts, colors and styles are most flattering for each person’s individual features. They may also give advice about facial hair or even how often a person should get waxed.
  • Physical Fitness : Being physically fit in today’s society is deemed beautiful. Therefore, an image consultant can provide guidance on what types of exercise can improve your body shape while maintaining energy levels at work throughout the day. This could include healthy eating habits as well which helps people lose weight if necessary, without feeling deprived when it comes to food choices.
  • Personal Presentation Skills : Presentation skills teach people how to stand, sit and speak in a way that is confident and commanding. This can be extremely beneficial for those who wish to pursue a career in the public eye or even just want to feel more comfortable when meeting new people.
  • Social Media Image | Your Personal Brand Image : Many image consultants also provide help with social media image management or personal brand image management. They will advise on which photos look best online, how to write effective bios, and what types of content works well on various platforms.
  • Communication Skills : Knowing what to say, when to say it, and especially how to say it are top skills that every successful professional must master. Working with an executive image consultant can help you improve your success in this area.

An image consultant can help you in all of these areas so if you’re looking to improve your personal brand then it’s definitely worth considering hiring one!

what is an image consultant

Image consultants help clients in creating their own personal style and achieving the look they want. They can provide advice on finding clothing, makeup, hairstyles, accessories, etc., that will best suit them. However, this service is an investment in your own personal development.  Therefore, depending on your location or desired package you will pay any where from $500-$5000 per session with some professionals.

  Some ways in which image consultants can help you are:

  • helping you to develop a personal style
  • choosing the right clothes for your body type and coloring
  • advising on makeup, hair, and accessories
  • teaching you how to dress for different occasions
  • working with you on color analysis and wardrobe planning
  • showing you how to shop smartly and mix and match your outfits
  • providing tips on packing for travel
  • giving advice on dressing for your age or career development

What Can an Image Consultant Do For You?

An image consultant can help you with your wardrobe, to ensure that it reflects the type of person that you are and what job role you have. If you work in a creative industry, then explore bright colors and patterns but if your profession is more conservative think classic tone-on-tone looks or tailored pieces. Clothes don’t make the person so do not try too hard as this will often backfire making you look desperate for attention.  Find a happy medium between being yourself and looking professional, confident and stylish at all times!

what can an image consultant do for you

Image consultants can also help with hair styling tips which can be incredibly useful when going on job interviews or for any other formal occasion. To shave your beard or not shave your beard? To pony tail your hair or not? The best image consultants will give you top tips on how to make your hair look effortlessly stylish and professional, ultimately making it work harder than you!

Top image consultants can also help with body image issues such as weight loss or gain, posture correction, and overall well-being. Part of feeling great about yourself is having good self-esteem so top image consultants can help you boost your self-esteem, which has a huge impact on an individual’s emotional wellbeing!

In closing, image consultants are incredibly useful professionals who have the ability to improve your life significantly both personally and professionally. If not now, then when? Think about all those times that you’ve been caught off guard by a social event where only a quick dress rehearsal would have helped you feel more comfortable in your skin. Image consultants provide these types service, so why not take the plunge and book an appointment today!

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Tips on Setting Up Your Image Consulting Business

business plan for a image consultant

What kind of training should I take? How do I reach my audience? How do I manage funds?

I had a lot of questions when I decided to become an image consultant. And if you’ve decided to set up your image consulting business, you must have a lot of questions too. So, to help you better, I am sharing a few important things that I have learned from my experience.

Read on for some very important tips to create a roadmap before starting your image consulting business.

Decide what kind of customers you wish to target

As an image consultant, you can work with a variety of clients seeking different services such as makeover consulting, personal shopping assistance, event consulting, employability skills training, soft skills training, etc. And though a variety of projects will cut the monotony out of your life, you must choose an area of interest where you can demonstrate your expertise. This will help you target exactly the kind of clientele you wish to attract.

So, find out what you’re naturally good at; it could be networking, communicating, presenting, public speaking, grooming, clothing and styling, etc. Now check where your strength fits perfectly under the image consulting umbrella. This will give you a clear idea of your career path even before you set out on it.

Get trained and certified

Once you identify your strengths, opt for formal training to become an expert. You may come across many self-taught image consultants, but believe it or not, a certification immediately improves your credibility. People’s trust that you are trained to assist them on all aspects of fashion, behaviour, and communication will help you establish a better client base more quickly than self-taught image consultants do. Moreover, a structured image consulting course will cultivate business skills in you and give you a great start.

Do not quit the job that pays the bills

When you decide to pursue image consulting, you will be tempted to quit your current job and invest your time completely in training. But that may not be a wise decision. You will require funds to finance your training and to set up your business. And for that, you must have a back-up plan in place. So, continue what you’re doing so that the cash flow isn’t disrupted. You can start out by taking classes on the weekends and practicing in the evenings or on your day-offs. This will help you progress slowly but consistently. And once your image consulting career starts paying off, you can quit your job and take up image consulting full-time.

Network with other people in the industry

In the image consulting industry, networking is the key. The reason is that you won’t have a portfolio as soon as you start. And this is where word-of-mouth marketing comes into the picture. You can get your initial few clients through your network to create a portfolio and build your way up from there. So, expand your horizons and meet experts from different industries such as IT, event management, photography, training & development, education, etc. and communicate that you are open to opportunities. Putting extra effort to create and use your network to your advantage will give you the kick start you need.

Start investing in things you will need for your business

A great thing about setting up an image consulting business is that it doesn’t require you to invest in a brick and mortar space. All you may require is some training material, fashion magazines, a video camera to record clients’ growth, and a few subscriptions to help you stay on top of your game. So, start investing every month in your business as soon as you start training so that these expenses don’t burden you all at once.

This strategy will definitely help you set up your image consulting business without a lot of trouble and surprises. So, make a note and get started. All the best!

Author Bio:

business plan for a image consultant

Suman Agarwal, cofounder of Image Consulting Business Institute (ICBI), is an award-winning Image Management Professional. She has helped students, home-makers, women on sabbatical as well as people seeking second career alternatives to explore Image Management and Soft Skill Training as a vibrant professional choice. She frequently writes blog posts about the urgent need of image consulting professionals and soft skill trainers in the 21st century and loves guiding people in exploring lucrative career options.

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Here’s Why You Need an Image Consultant

We caught up with david mcknight - a certified executive coach and image consultant. david began his image consulting journey in 2006 after taking classes at the fashion institute of technology (fit) in ny. he did this while working full-time as a management consultant for accenture. after completing his coursework, david began working with professionals on the weekends to elevate their personal and professional style. he would visit their homes to edit their wardrobes and then take them personal shopping. david swiftly built an impressive roster of high-profile clients based on referrals. eventually, he was able to combine his interest in image with his corporate experience, by speaking on the topic at conferences, universities, and other corporations. these experiences led him to write his first book the zen of executive presence..

coach, executive coach, life coach, business, coaching, executive coaching special

After two decades as a management consultant and financial services executive, David is now the president of McKnight Image Lab , which is an executive coaching and image consulting firm. His personal mission in life is to teach professionals how to transform and leverage their presence and brand. Applied correctly, it’s a strategic tool to skyrocket their performance, effectiveness, and success in the workplace. We hear all about the importance of this below.

Tell us a little bit about image consulting? 

To me, image consulting is all about raising a client’s awareness about the efficacy and power of their visual messaging, communication style, and presence. Prior to working with me, most clients had blind spots about their image and the signals it conveyed. Through our work together, I identify the blind spots, and we explore how they may be currently perceived. We then take action to strategically control and influence those perceptions.

Countercurrent to popular opinion, image consulting is not just about fashion. However, it is about teaching someone how to utilize clothing as a tool to support their message and maximize their impact. We don’t stop there, we also work on communication, behaviour, and virtual presence. One recent client reached out to me because he was hired as the Chief Medical Officer of a large hospital system. We worked on his wardrobe, his presence, and also the decor for his office. As a result, he felt more confident in his role as a leader. In fact, he recently texted me to say that, after only one year, he was promoted to President of the hospital. He credited our work together as a key factor that contributed to his success.

Countercurrent to popular opinion, image consulting is not just about fashion. However, it is about teaching someone how to utilize clothing as a tool to support their message and maximize their impact.

Why is it important to have an image consultant as a CEO? 

According to the Fall 2021 Fortune/Deloitte survey with CEOs, the talent challenge is the biggest challenge that CEOs face. To support this, when asked to describe their role in 1-3 sentences, 42% identified leading talent as the top theme. My takeaway is that CEOs have an opportunity to show up as the inspirational leaders that talent wants to work for. In other words, they must be the example for others to follow. To start, they must be fully aware of how they are perceived, and then make adjustments where necessary.  As we used to say during my days of change management consulting, ‘the tone is set at the top’.

Given today’s post-pandemic world, CEOs will be measured by how to handle the virtual and hybrid workplace challenges. It’s not enough to focus on products, service and competition. Without knowledgeable and satisfied employees, the company will fail.  Therefore, CEOs must be acutely aware of their personal brand and their message delivery. An image consultant can help her or him decode the messages that they may be unintentionally sending through communication, actions, and appearance. In turn, they can help devise a plan to remedy any gaps. As one of very few certified image consultants and executive coaches in the world, I’m uniquely qualified to work with CEOs to stress test their assumptions and identify blind spots. I enjoy becoming a trusted partner to help them navigate personal, organisational, political, and people challenges.

Tell us about your Executive Presence mini-course and your book. How can they help people? 

For those individuals who may be looking for self-led transformation, I have two resources to offer. The first is my book, The Zen of Executive Presence. I wrote this book while still working as a full-time consultant. I wanted to write a book that would teach the reader about the four pillars that influence executive presence. These include appearance, behaviour, communication and digital presence. Over the years, the book has served as a platform for me to develop and deliver workshops and coaching programs for employees of large organisations.

I took full advantage of the pandemic’s stay-at-home orders and created a mini-course. Designed specifically for busy professionals, it consists of concepts directly from my book. The Executive Presence mini-course includes eight short videos that are between two and four minutes long. The videos are accompanied by a worksheet for reflection and action. My intention was to create a product with digestible, bite-size content that could be accessed and consumed easily. Even while on the go. Both products can be found on my website: www.mcknightimagelab.com .

What are your top tips for CEOs on achieving excellent presence and image? 

As CEOs undergo workforce transformation, it’s important to start with self-awareness. Central to this is a deep understanding of how they’re currently perceived. Remember, it’s less about one’s intention and more about the perception others have of them. Once this is understood, it’s time to develop a plan that bridges the gap between the two, and then implement it.

Second, in a study completed by Catalyst , employees identified empathy as the top trait that they wanted in a leader. The report revealed that ​​“empathy is an important driver of employee outcomes such as innovation, engagement, and inclusion—especially in times of crisis.” Therefore, I would encourage leaders to lead with empathy and communicate with warmth. These are two simple ways to transform one’s presence and image.

In summary, understanding and honing your professional image is paramount. Our image is a constellation of attributes and traits. The good news is that it’s completely controllable. Once an executive recognises the role their image plays, it can be leveraged strategically to positively impact the organisation’s brand and bottom line.

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Business Consultant for Starting a Data Entry Service - 03/06/2024 16:06 EDT

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I am new to entrepreneurship and looking to start my own data entry business. To ensure I start on the right foot, I'm seeking an experienced business consultant who can guide me through the process of setting up and scaling my services. Here's what I'm looking for in a consultant: - Proven experience in business planning and startup consultancy - Knowledgeable in the data entry industry and market trends - Ability to create a comprehensive business plan - Expertise in financial planning and strategy - Guidance on team building and operations management The ideal candidate will help me understand the essentials of starting a data project, including market analysis, service structuring, pricing strategies, and marketing. I am confident in my abilities and, with your guidance, I'm ready to prove myself in the business world.

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  2. How to write a business plan for an image consulting firm?

    The projected P&L statement for an image consulting firm shows how much revenue and profit your business is expected to make in the future. A healthy image consulting firm's P&L statement should show: Sales growing at (minimum) or above (better) inflation. Stable (minimum) or expanding (better) profit margins.

  3. Craft a Winning Image Consulting Business Plan: 9 Steps to Success!

    With a well-crafted business plan, you can confidently approach investors and lenders for funding, and navigate the challenges of starting and running an image consulting business. So, take the time to carefully plan and strategize, and watch your business flourish in the exciting world of image consulting.

  4. [Guide] How to Start an Image Consulting Business

    How to Start an Image Consulting Business. The steps in setting up your consulting business similar to any start-up entrepreneurial business. You should consider training and certification as the best way to establish credibility, with a solid framework for your future consulting. The next step is to develop a business plan, with specific steps ...

  5. Image Consulting: What, Why, Who, When, Where, How

    Our comprehensive Business Plan for Image Consulting is the perfect tool to help you achieve success. With a personalized plan, flexible service options, and affordable pricing, our business plan will guide you towards building a strong brand and attracting a loyal client base. Get started today with our Image Consulting Business Plan in Word.

  6. Learn How to Start a Successful Image Consulting Business and Image

    An image consultant business plan outline and worksheet with an earnings income projection model; An image consultant marketing plan outline and worksheet- tailored for the image consultant industry and includes today's top marketing strategies; Sample business card, post card and brochure templates;

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  10. How to Start an Image Consulting Business in 10 Easy Steps

    Pricing plan. Services you are going to offer. How you are planning to promote your image consulting services. 5. Name your Business. Select a catchy and relatable name for your image consulting company. Also, do not forget to book a similar domain name for your website. Learn More: How to Name Your Business. 6.

  11. Developing an Image Consultation Business

    1. Research everything you can about Image Consulting, including talking to those who do it. 2. Determine how great the need is in your area and if you can make a profit. 3. Develop your business plan (see below) 4. Choose a business name/verify the right to use that name/check domain availability. 5.

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  13. Free Consultant Business Plan Template

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    As an image consultant, you'll need an innate sense of style and up-to-the-second knowledge of fashion, hair and makeup trends in both personal and professional settings. You'll also want to know ...

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