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How to Write a Summary | Guide & Examples

Published on November 23, 2020 by Shona McCombes . Revised on May 31, 2023.

Summarizing , or writing a summary, means giving a concise overview of a text’s main points in your own words. A summary is always much shorter than the original text.

There are five key steps that can help you to write a summary:

  • Read the text
  • Break it down into sections
  • Identify the key points in each section
  • Write the summary
  • Check the summary against the article

Writing a summary does not involve critiquing or evaluating the source . You should simply provide an accurate account of the most important information and ideas (without copying any text from the original).

Table of contents

When to write a summary, step 1: read the text, step 2: break the text down into sections, step 3: identify the key points in each section, step 4: write the summary, step 5: check the summary against the article, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about summarizing.

There are many situations in which you might have to summarize an article or other source:

  • As a stand-alone assignment to show you’ve understood the material
  • To keep notes that will help you remember what you’ve read
  • To give an overview of other researchers’ work in a literature review

When you’re writing an academic text like an essay , research paper , or dissertation , you’ll integrate sources in a variety of ways. You might use a brief quote to support your point, or paraphrase a few sentences or paragraphs.

But it’s often appropriate to summarize a whole article or chapter if it is especially relevant to your own research, or to provide an overview of a source before you analyze or critique it.

In any case, the goal of summarizing is to give your reader a clear understanding of the original source. Follow the five steps outlined below to write a good summary.

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example of a research article summary

You should read the article more than once to make sure you’ve thoroughly understood it. It’s often effective to read in three stages:

  • Scan the article quickly to get a sense of its topic and overall shape.
  • Read the article carefully, highlighting important points and taking notes as you read.
  • Skim the article again to confirm you’ve understood the key points, and reread any particularly important or difficult passages.

There are some tricks you can use to identify the key points as you read:

  • Start by reading the abstract . This already contains the author’s own summary of their work, and it tells you what to expect from the article.
  • Pay attention to headings and subheadings . These should give you a good sense of what each part is about.
  • Read the introduction and the conclusion together and compare them: What did the author set out to do, and what was the outcome?

To make the text more manageable and understand its sub-points, break it down into smaller sections.

If the text is a scientific paper that follows a standard empirical structure, it is probably already organized into clearly marked sections, usually including an introduction , methods , results , and discussion .

Other types of articles may not be explicitly divided into sections. But most articles and essays will be structured around a series of sub-points or themes.

Now it’s time go through each section and pick out its most important points. What does your reader need to know to understand the overall argument or conclusion of the article?

Keep in mind that a summary does not involve paraphrasing every single paragraph of the article. Your goal is to extract the essential points, leaving out anything that can be considered background information or supplementary detail.

In a scientific article, there are some easy questions you can ask to identify the key points in each part.

Key points of a scientific article
Introduction or problem was addressed?
Results supported?

If the article takes a different form, you might have to think more carefully about what points are most important for the reader to understand its argument.

In that case, pay particular attention to the thesis statement —the central claim that the author wants us to accept, which usually appears in the introduction—and the topic sentences that signal the main idea of each paragraph.

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example of a research article summary

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Now that you know the key points that the article aims to communicate, you need to put them in your own words.

To avoid plagiarism and show you’ve understood the article, it’s essential to properly paraphrase the author’s ideas. Do not copy and paste parts of the article, not even just a sentence or two.

The best way to do this is to put the article aside and write out your own understanding of the author’s key points.

Examples of article summaries

Let’s take a look at an example. Below, we summarize this article , which scientifically investigates the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Davis et al. (2015) set out to empirically test the popular saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples are often used to represent a healthy lifestyle, and research has shown their nutritional properties could be beneficial for various aspects of health. The authors’ unique approach is to take the saying literally and ask: do people who eat apples use healthcare services less frequently? If there is indeed such a relationship, they suggest, promoting apple consumption could help reduce healthcare costs.

The study used publicly available cross-sectional data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Participants were categorized as either apple eaters or non-apple eaters based on their self-reported apple consumption in an average 24-hour period. They were also categorized as either avoiding or not avoiding the use of healthcare services in the past year. The data was statistically analyzed to test whether there was an association between apple consumption and several dependent variables: physician visits, hospital stays, use of mental health services, and use of prescription medication.

Although apple eaters were slightly more likely to have avoided physician visits, this relationship was not statistically significant after adjusting for various relevant factors. No association was found between apple consumption and hospital stays or mental health service use. However, apple eaters were found to be slightly more likely to have avoided using prescription medication. Based on these results, the authors conclude that an apple a day does not keep the doctor away, but it may keep the pharmacist away. They suggest that this finding could have implications for reducing healthcare costs, considering the high annual costs of prescription medication and the inexpensiveness of apples.

However, the authors also note several limitations of the study: most importantly, that apple eaters are likely to differ from non-apple eaters in ways that may have confounded the results (for example, apple eaters may be more likely to be health-conscious). To establish any causal relationship between apple consumption and avoidance of medication, they recommend experimental research.

An article summary like the above would be appropriate for a stand-alone summary assignment. However, you’ll often want to give an even more concise summary of an article.

For example, in a literature review or meta analysis you may want to briefly summarize this study as part of a wider discussion of various sources. In this case, we can boil our summary down even further to include only the most relevant information.

Using national survey data, Davis et al. (2015) tested the assertion that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and did not find statistically significant evidence to support this hypothesis. While people who consumed apples were slightly less likely to use prescription medications, the study was unable to demonstrate a causal relationship between these variables.

Citing the source you’re summarizing

When including a summary as part of a larger text, it’s essential to properly cite the source you’re summarizing. The exact format depends on your citation style , but it usually includes an in-text citation and a full reference at the end of your paper.

You can easily create your citations and references in APA or MLA using our free citation generators.

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Finally, read through the article once more to ensure that:

  • You’ve accurately represented the author’s work
  • You haven’t missed any essential information
  • The phrasing is not too similar to any sentences in the original.

If you’re summarizing many articles as part of your own work, it may be a good idea to use a plagiarism checker to double-check that your text is completely original and properly cited. Just be sure to use one that’s safe and reliable.

If you want to know more about ChatGPT, AI tools , citation , and plagiarism , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

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  • Types of plagiarism
  • Self-plagiarism
  • Avoiding plagiarism
  • Academic integrity
  • Consequences of plagiarism
  • Common knowledge

A summary is a short overview of the main points of an article or other source, written entirely in your own words. Want to make your life super easy? Try our free text summarizer today!

A summary is always much shorter than the original text. The length of a summary can range from just a few sentences to several paragraphs; it depends on the length of the article you’re summarizing, and on the purpose of the summary.

You might have to write a summary of a source:

  • As a stand-alone assignment to prove you understand the material
  • For your own use, to keep notes on your reading
  • To provide an overview of other researchers’ work in a literature review
  • In a paper , to summarize or introduce a relevant study

To avoid plagiarism when summarizing an article or other source, follow these two rules:

  • Write the summary entirely in your own words by paraphrasing the author’s ideas.
  • Cite the source with an in-text citation and a full reference so your reader can easily find the original text.

An abstract concisely explains all the key points of an academic text such as a thesis , dissertation or journal article. It should summarize the whole text, not just introduce it.

An abstract is a type of summary , but summaries are also written elsewhere in academic writing . For example, you might summarize a source in a paper , in a literature review , or as a standalone assignment.

All can be done within seconds with our free text summarizer .

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

McCombes, S. (2023, May 31). How to Write a Summary | Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 27, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/working-with-sources/how-to-summarize/

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Home » Research Summary – Structure, Examples and Writing Guide

Research Summary – Structure, Examples and Writing Guide

Table of Contents

Research Summary

Research Summary


A research summary is a brief and concise overview of a research project or study that highlights its key findings, main points, and conclusions. It typically includes a description of the research problem, the research methods used, the results obtained, and the implications or significance of the findings. It is often used as a tool to quickly communicate the main findings of a study to other researchers, stakeholders, or decision-makers.

Structure of Research Summary

The Structure of a Research Summary typically include:

  • Introduction : This section provides a brief background of the research problem or question, explains the purpose of the study, and outlines the research objectives.
  • Methodology : This section explains the research design, methods, and procedures used to conduct the study. It describes the sample size, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • Results : This section presents the main findings of the study, including statistical analysis if applicable. It may include tables, charts, or graphs to visually represent the data.
  • Discussion : This section interprets the results and explains their implications. It discusses the significance of the findings, compares them to previous research, and identifies any limitations or future directions for research.
  • Conclusion : This section summarizes the main points of the research and provides a conclusion based on the findings. It may also suggest implications for future research or practical applications of the results.
  • References : This section lists the sources cited in the research summary, following the appropriate citation style.

How to Write Research Summary

Here are the steps you can follow to write a research summary:

  • Read the research article or study thoroughly: To write a summary, you must understand the research article or study you are summarizing. Therefore, read the article or study carefully to understand its purpose, research design, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  • Identify the main points : Once you have read the research article or study, identify the main points, key findings, and research question. You can highlight or take notes of the essential points and findings to use as a reference when writing your summary.
  • Write the introduction: Start your summary by introducing the research problem, research question, and purpose of the study. Briefly explain why the research is important and its significance.
  • Summarize the methodology : In this section, summarize the research design, methods, and procedures used to conduct the study. Explain the sample size, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • Present the results: Summarize the main findings of the study. Use tables, charts, or graphs to visually represent the data if necessary.
  • Interpret the results: In this section, interpret the results and explain their implications. Discuss the significance of the findings, compare them to previous research, and identify any limitations or future directions for research.
  • Conclude the summary : Summarize the main points of the research and provide a conclusion based on the findings. Suggest implications for future research or practical applications of the results.
  • Revise and edit : Once you have written the summary, revise and edit it to ensure that it is clear, concise, and free of errors. Make sure that your summary accurately represents the research article or study.
  • Add references: Include a list of references cited in the research summary, following the appropriate citation style.

Example of Research Summary

Here is an example of a research summary:

Title: The Effects of Yoga on Mental Health: A Meta-Analysis

Introduction: This meta-analysis examines the effects of yoga on mental health. The study aimed to investigate whether yoga practice can improve mental health outcomes such as anxiety, depression, stress, and quality of life.

Methodology : The study analyzed data from 14 randomized controlled trials that investigated the effects of yoga on mental health outcomes. The sample included a total of 862 participants. The yoga interventions varied in length and frequency, ranging from four to twelve weeks, with sessions lasting from 45 to 90 minutes.

Results : The meta-analysis found that yoga practice significantly improved mental health outcomes. Participants who practiced yoga showed a significant reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as stress levels. Quality of life also improved in those who practiced yoga.

Discussion : The findings of this study suggest that yoga can be an effective intervention for improving mental health outcomes. The study supports the growing body of evidence that suggests that yoga can have a positive impact on mental health. Limitations of the study include the variability of the yoga interventions, which may affect the generalizability of the findings.

Conclusion : Overall, the findings of this meta-analysis support the use of yoga as an effective intervention for improving mental health outcomes. Further research is needed to determine the optimal length and frequency of yoga interventions for different populations.

References :

  • Cramer, H., Lauche, R., Langhorst, J., Dobos, G., & Berger, B. (2013). Yoga for depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Depression and anxiety, 30(11), 1068-1083.
  • Khalsa, S. B. (2004). Yoga as a therapeutic intervention: a bibliometric analysis of published research studies. Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 48(3), 269-285.
  • Ross, A., & Thomas, S. (2010). The health benefits of yoga and exercise: a review of comparison studies. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(1), 3-12.

Purpose of Research Summary

The purpose of a research summary is to provide a brief overview of a research project or study, including its main points, findings, and conclusions. The summary allows readers to quickly understand the essential aspects of the research without having to read the entire article or study.

Research summaries serve several purposes, including:

  • Facilitating comprehension: A research summary allows readers to quickly understand the main points and findings of a research project or study without having to read the entire article or study. This makes it easier for readers to comprehend the research and its significance.
  • Communicating research findings: Research summaries are often used to communicate research findings to a wider audience, such as policymakers, practitioners, or the general public. The summary presents the essential aspects of the research in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for non-experts to understand.
  • Supporting decision-making: Research summaries can be used to support decision-making processes by providing a summary of the research evidence on a particular topic. This information can be used by policymakers or practitioners to make informed decisions about interventions, programs, or policies.
  • Saving time: Research summaries save time for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders who need to review multiple research studies. Rather than having to read the entire article or study, they can quickly review the summary to determine whether the research is relevant to their needs.

Characteristics of Research Summary

The following are some of the key characteristics of a research summary:

  • Concise : A research summary should be brief and to the point, providing a clear and concise overview of the main points of the research.
  • Objective : A research summary should be written in an objective tone, presenting the research findings without bias or personal opinion.
  • Comprehensive : A research summary should cover all the essential aspects of the research, including the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  • Accurate : A research summary should accurately reflect the key findings and conclusions of the research.
  • Clear and well-organized: A research summary should be easy to read and understand, with a clear structure and logical flow.
  • Relevant : A research summary should focus on the most important and relevant aspects of the research, highlighting the key findings and their implications.
  • Audience-specific: A research summary should be tailored to the intended audience, using language and terminology that is appropriate and accessible to the reader.
  • Citations : A research summary should include citations to the original research articles or studies, allowing readers to access the full text of the research if desired.

When to write Research Summary

Here are some situations when it may be appropriate to write a research summary:

  • Proposal stage: A research summary can be included in a research proposal to provide a brief overview of the research aims, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Conference presentation: A research summary can be prepared for a conference presentation to summarize the main findings of a study or research project.
  • Journal submission: Many academic journals require authors to submit a research summary along with their research article or study. The summary provides a brief overview of the study’s main points, findings, and conclusions and helps readers quickly understand the research.
  • Funding application: A research summary can be included in a funding application to provide a brief summary of the research aims, objectives, and expected outcomes.
  • Policy brief: A research summary can be prepared as a policy brief to communicate research findings to policymakers or stakeholders in a concise and accessible manner.

Advantages of Research Summary

Research summaries offer several advantages, including:

  • Time-saving: A research summary saves time for readers who need to understand the key findings and conclusions of a research project quickly. Rather than reading the entire research article or study, readers can quickly review the summary to determine whether the research is relevant to their needs.
  • Clarity and accessibility: A research summary provides a clear and accessible overview of the research project’s main points, making it easier for readers to understand the research without having to be experts in the field.
  • Improved comprehension: A research summary helps readers comprehend the research by providing a brief and focused overview of the key findings and conclusions, making it easier to understand the research and its significance.
  • Enhanced communication: Research summaries can be used to communicate research findings to a wider audience, such as policymakers, practitioners, or the general public, in a concise and accessible manner.
  • Facilitated decision-making: Research summaries can support decision-making processes by providing a summary of the research evidence on a particular topic. Policymakers or practitioners can use this information to make informed decisions about interventions, programs, or policies.
  • Increased dissemination: Research summaries can be easily shared and disseminated, allowing research findings to reach a wider audience.

Limitations of Research Summary

Limitations of the Research Summary are as follows:

  • Limited scope: Research summaries provide a brief overview of the research project’s main points, findings, and conclusions, which can be limiting. They may not include all the details, nuances, and complexities of the research that readers may need to fully understand the study’s implications.
  • Risk of oversimplification: Research summaries can be oversimplified, reducing the complexity of the research and potentially distorting the findings or conclusions.
  • Lack of context: Research summaries may not provide sufficient context to fully understand the research findings, such as the research background, methodology, or limitations. This may lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the research.
  • Possible bias: Research summaries may be biased if they selectively emphasize certain findings or conclusions over others, potentially distorting the overall picture of the research.
  • Format limitations: Research summaries may be constrained by the format or length requirements, making it challenging to fully convey the research’s main points, findings, and conclusions.
  • Accessibility: Research summaries may not be accessible to all readers, particularly those with limited literacy skills, visual impairments, or language barriers.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Scientific Journal Article Summary Example: Best Practices

We can all agree - condensing complex scientific research into an accurate, engaging summary is tricky.

But with the right approach, you can craft summaries that effectively convey key details and implications to various audiences.

In this post, you'll uncover best practices for summarizing scientific journal articles. You'll learn how to identify core findings, summarize methodologies precisely, convey results properly, and synthesize everything into a cohesive narrative. An example APA-formatted summary is also provided to see these tips in action.

Introduction to Scientific Journal Article Summaries

Summarizing scientific journal articles is an important skill for researchers and students. It allows you to concisely communicate the key objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of a study to various audiences.

The Art of Condensing Complex Research

When summarizing scientific research, it is essential to identify and highlight the core elements that capture the essence of the study. This involves analyzing complex details and data to extract the most critical information. Key steps include:

Clearly articulating the central research question or objective

Condensing the methods into a simple overview

Highlighting key results and statistics

Summarizing the conclusions and implications

Skills like active reading, critical thinking, and concise writing help distill multidimensional research into accessible summaries.

Target Audience: Tailoring Summaries for Different Readers

Scientific article summaries should be adapted based on the intended reader. For example:

Emphasize key learning points

Define discipline-specific terminology

Focus on practical applications

Academic Peers

Use precise disciplinary language

Include technical details on methodology

Highlight novel contributions to the field

Scientific Journal Article Summary Example for Students

Here is an example summary of a microbiology study tailored specifically for a student reader:

A 2022 study on antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) found that a synthetic AMP named “peptoid-1” effectively killed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in lab tests. The peptoid-1 molecule disrupted the bacterial cell membranes of MRSA, including difficult-to-treat biofilms. The research demonstrates the potential of synthetic AMPs as a promising new class of antibiotics to combat drug-resistant superbugs like MRSA. This has important implications for developing urgently needed antibiotics to address the growing global threat of antimicrobial resistance.

This summary briefly explains the key learning points of the study in straightforward language appropriate for students. Technical details are avoided, and emphasis is placed on articulating the essential findings, applications, and implications.

How do you write a summary for a scientific journal article?

A well-written summary of a scientific journal article should cover three main points:

Why the research was done

The first section of your summary should provide background information and context about why the research was conducted. This includes:

The research goals, questions, or hypotheses being investigated

Gaps in existing knowledge the study aims to address

The overall importance of the research topic

For example:

This study investigates the effects of climate change on crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa. Prior research has not examined how higher temperatures may impact staple crops in this region specifically. Understanding climate change effects on agriculture is critical for food security policymaking across developing nations.

What happened in the experiment

The second section should explain the methodology and highlight key findings from the study's experiments, data analysis, or other research activities. Use concise language to describe:

The study sample, materials, and procedures

Statistical analysis techniques

Major results that relate to the research questions

For instance:

Researchers compiled 30 years of temperature data and crop production records from six countries. Using regression analysis, they found higher temperatures significantly reduced wheat and maize yields by an average of 15% and 12%, respectively.

What conclusions the author drew

Finally, summarize the researchers' conclusions, implications, and recommendations based on their results. Mention any limitations noted and future research suggested.

The authors conclude rising temperatures from climate change could seriously impact food security in sub-Saharan Africa. They call for policies to help farmers adapt through heat-tolerant crop varieties and improved irrigation access. Additional research is needed to develop effective adaptation strategies.

Following this basic structure will help you efficiently summarize the essential information in a scientific journal article.

What is journal article summary?

A journal article summary concisely overviews the main points and key takeaways from a scientific paper published in an academic journal. It allows readers to quickly understand the core findings and arguments of the original article without having to read the full text.

An effective summary should:

Identify the main objective or research question the authors aimed to address

Highlight the key methods, data sources, and analytical approaches used

Summarize the major results and main conclusions

Note any limitations or unanswered questions for future research

For example, a summary of a psychology paper might overview the hypothesis tested, experiment methodology, participant demographics, statistical analyses conducted, and whether the findings supported or rejected the original hypothesis.

Summaries are a useful way for scientists to stay current with latest developments across broad fields of research. They also help readers determine if they should invest time reading the full article based on whether the topic and findings are relevant to their own work. As such, summaries should provide enough detail and context to evaluate the scope and implications of the research.

Formatting a Journal Article Summary

When writing a journal article summary, the exact formatting can vary depending on the target publication or audience needs. However, some key elements tend to be consistent:

Citation: Include a full citation of the original paper using the required scholarly style

Background: 1-2 sentences placing the research in context of current knowledge state

Objective: 1 sentence stating the purpose/focus of the study

Methods: 1-2 sentences summarizing the experiment, data, analyses performed

Results: 2-3 sentences describing the major findings

Conclusion: 1-2 sentences covering implications and future directions

The full summary is typically 150-250 words or 8-15 sentences. Brevity and precision are key when condensing a complex study into such a compact overview.

What is the general format for summary of a journal article?

Summarizing a scientific journal article requires capturing the key details while maintaining brevity. Here are some best practices:

Follow the structure of the original paper

Like an abstract, organize your summary by:

Introduction - Cover the background, purpose, and hypothesis.

Methods - Briefly describe the experimental design.

Results - Highlight the main findings without going into excessive detail.

Discussion - Summarize the author's interpretation and conclusions.

Focus on key information

Identify and extract only the most critical details:

Research goals

Sample characteristics

Variables examined

Statistical analyses performed

Major results obtained

Conclusions reached

Maintain objectivity

Present the findings in a neutral tone without inserting your own opinions or judgments.

Use paraphrasing

Summarize points in your own words instead of relying heavily on direct quotes. However, scientifically precise terminology should be retained.

Follow formatting guidelines

Adhere to style formatting per journal or publisher requirements. Most scientific summaries require American Psychological Association (APA) citations.

Keeping summaries clear, accurate, and concise requires practice. But following these research article summary guidelines will help ensure quality. With wisio.app 's tools for discovering papers and translating terminology, scientists can efficiently produce summaries to advance their work.

How do you summarize a journal article in APA?

When summarizing a journal article in APA style, it is important to follow some key guidelines:

Use Your Own Words

Read through the full article and highlight the key points

Write the summary using your own words while staying true to the original meaning

Avoid directly quoting chunks of text from the original

Focus on Relevant Elements

Identify the critical elements like purpose, methods, findings, conclusions

Summarize only details directly relevant to the core focus of the article

Keep contextual details brief or exclude if non-essential

Maintain Clear Distinction

Clearly indicate in the summary which ideas are yours versus the author's

Do not interject your own analysis, evaluation, or interpretation

Keep the summary objective and descriptive in nature

Follow APA Formatting

Include a citation to the original article

Apply proper in-text citations for any verbatim short quotes

Format the summary using standard APA guidelines for font, spacing, etc.

Keep it Brief

Strive to keep the summary less than 10-15% of the original length

Tighten long summaries by removing non-vital details

Aim for brevity while preserving meaning and scientific accuracy

Following these basic tips will help produce an APA-style summary that accurately conveys the essence of the journal article in a clear and concise manner.

Understanding the Structure of Scientific Articles

Delve into the typical structure of scientific journal articles to understand the framework from which summaries are derived.

Dissecting the IMRaD Format

The IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) format is a standard structure used in scientific writing. Understanding this structure is key when summarizing journal articles.

The Introduction presents background context, defines key terms, and states the research objective and hypothesis. When summarizing, capture the main research goals and questions driving the study.

The Methods section provides details on the experimental design, materials, data collection procedures, and statistical analysis. Identify the overall methodology without delving into granular specifics.

The Results present objective findings from the data analysis. Highlight key quantitative outcomes and discoveries in your summary.

The Discussion section interprets the results, explores their significance, compares them to other studies, acknowledges limitations, and suggests future work. Summarize the main conclusions, implications, and next steps discussed.

Decoding Abstracts and Conclusions

Article abstracts concisely overview the purpose, methods, findings, and implications covered in the full text. Leverage abstracts when first assessing articles for relevance.

Conclusions summarize the key points and provide final thoughts. Use them to validate your understanding of the central themes.

Both provide a helpful frame of reference when synthesizing summaries.

Critical Reading for Effective Summarization

Carefully analyze each section and subsection

Annotate and highlight meaningful passages

Identify connections between key ideas

Focus on what findings reveal about the research problem

Capture enough detail to convey original intent

Synthesize using clear, concise language

Thoughtful critical reading builds comprehension essential for quality summarization.

How to Summarize a Research Article

Summarizing a research article requires identifying the core findings and contributions, accurately capturing the methodologies, conveying the key results and implications, and crafting a cohesive narrative. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Identifying Core Findings and Contributions

When summarizing a research article, it is essential to pinpoint the most significant findings and contributions of the study. Key steps include:

Read the abstract and conclusion to understand the major findings.

Highlight unique discoveries, breakthroughs, or advances made.

Note the implications and importance communicated by the authors.

Identify knowledge gaps filled or new frameworks proposed.

Focusing on these elements will help determine the core essence to convey in your summary.

Summarizing Methodologies with Precision

While summarizing the methodologies, avoid oversimplifying complex research processes. Key tips include:

Use concise yet precise language to describe methods applied.

Specify instruments or tools leveraged in the research.

Provide sample sizes and measures captured if relevant.

Note statistical or analytical techniques utilized.

Maintaining key methodological details demonstrates analytical rigor when sharing the research with others.

Conveying Results and Their Implications

An effective summary should clearly communicate the study's results and why they matter. To accomplish this:

Report quantitative findings or qualitative discoveries made.

Contextualize results using benchmarks, comparisons, or real-world impacts.

Connect results back to the research aims and knowledge gaps identified.

Discuss limitations along with future research needed.

This enables readers to grasp the meaningfulness of the results.

Crafting a Cohesive Narrative

Finally, structure the various summary elements into a cohesive overview:

Organize content using section headers around aims, methods, results, and conclusions.

Use transition words (e.g. “additionally,” “in contrast,” “as a result”) to improve flow.

Focus on information that supports the core findings and contributions of the work.

Avoid excessive details and maintain brevity.

Following these steps will produce a concise yet insightful summary showcasing the relevance of the research.

Scientific Journal Article Summary Example APA Format

Adhering to proper formatting guidelines is critical when summarizing scientific journal articles, especially for academic purposes. The American Psychological Association (APA) style provides clear standards that enable precise, uniform communication across scientific disciplines.

Adhering to APA Style in Summaries

Following APA style lends credibility and ensures readers can easily reference sources. Key elements include:

Properly formatting in-text citations and references

Using headings and subheadings to organize content

Applying title case capitalization

Using active voice and clear language

Formatting title page with running head, page numbers, and other elements

Adhering to these conventions helps establish summaries as reputable academic works worthy of consideration.

Example of an APA-Formatted Summary

Here is an example of a properly formatted APA summary:

Smith, J. (2021). The impact of climate change on coral reef ecosystems. Marine Biology , 166 (3), 201–215. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-021-03876-8
This study examined the effects of rising ocean temperatures and acidification on coral reef health over 5 years. The author tracked changes in coral cover and biodiversity across 12 reef sites in the Caribbean Sea. On average, coral cover declined by 18.7% and species richness decreased by 22.4% on reefs exposed to prolonged marine heatwaves. The declines were attributed to mass coral bleaching triggered by unusually warm water temperatures. The findings suggest climate change may severely degrade coral reef ecosystems within decades. Further research into mitigation strategies is warranted to preserve these valuable marine habitats.

Key elements like the citation, use of third-person perspective, headings, and formal academic language adhere to APA conventions.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in APA Summaries

When writing APA-style summaries, writers should avoid:

Neglecting to include a full citation for the original work

Using first-person pronouns like “I” or “we”

Inserting opinions or commentary from the summarizer

Failing to use headings to organize content

Including direct quotes from the original text

Avoiding these pitfalls will ensure an APA-compliant summary format.

Practical Tips for Writing Scientific Summaries

Language and terminology: clarity above all.

When summarizing scientific research, it is crucial to use clear, precise language and terminology. Avoid vague or ambiguous phrasing, and opt for specificity whenever possible. Define key terms, acronyms, or concepts that may be unfamiliar to readers. Simplify complex statistical analysis or scientific jargon for general audiences without losing integrity. Stick to plain language with straightforward syntax to ensure readers grasp the key findings.

Brevity vs. Completeness: Striking the Right Balance

Balancing brevity and completeness presents a challenge when summarizing scientific papers. Focus on highlighting the central objective, methodology, results, and conclusions. Resist dwelling on intricate experimental details or tangential discussions. However, take care not to oversimplify complex research. Seek to distill the essence without omitting information that substantively impacts the interpretation or reproducibility of the study. Adhere to word limits when required but avoid excluding key facts, figures, or takeaways in the quest for brevity.

Ethical Considerations in Summarizing Research

When writing scientific summaries, it is vital to represent the original piece fairly and avoid misconstruing the author's intent. Exercise caution when paraphrasing specialized statistical analysis or scientific terminology. Cite sources properly, and refrain from plagiarizing significant portions of the original text. Also, recognize the limitations of summarization; for complete details, readers should consult the primary literature. By maintaining high ethical standards, scientific summarizers uphold the integrity of research communication.

Conclusion: Synthesizing the Essentials

Summarizing scientific journal articles effectively requires adhering to several key best practices. By focusing on the article's key findings, methodology, and conclusions, skilled summarizers can efficiently communicate the essential information to readers.

Recapitulating Best Practices for Summary Writing

When summarizing a scientific article, it's important to:

Highlight the important methods, data, and analyses used in the study

Note the study's core findings and conclusions

Maintain the authors' original meaning and intent

Follow applicable formatting guidelines (e.g. APA style)

Adhering to these principles helps preserve the accuracy and integrity of the research while making the information more readily digestible.

Summary of a Research Article Example

Here is an example summary incorporating the best practices covered in this article:

Smith et al. (2021) set out to understand the effects of climate change on crop yields. The authors analyzed 30 years of temperature, rainfall, and corn production data across major farming regions of the U.S. Midwest. They found that increased temperatures and shifting rainfall patterns have already caused measurable declines in corn yields over the past decade. Based on predictive climate models, the authors expect these negative impacts on crop productivity to accelerate in the coming years if mitigation measures are not adopted. This clearly structured summary concisely conveys the objective, methods, key results, and conclusions of the article while maintaining authorial intent and voice. The formatting adheres to APA guidelines.

In this way, skillful summarization enables efficient scientific communication while upholding standards of accuracy and integrity.

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Antonio Carlos Filho @acfilho_dev

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How To Write A Research Summary

Deeptanshu D

It’s a common perception that writing a research summary is a quick and easy task. After all, how hard can jotting down 300 words be? But when you consider the weight those 300 words carry, writing a research summary as a part of your dissertation, essay or compelling draft for your paper instantly becomes daunting task.

A research summary requires you to synthesize a complex research paper into an informative, self-explanatory snapshot. It needs to portray what your article contains. Thus, writing it often comes at the end of the task list.

Regardless of when you’re planning to write, it is no less of a challenge, particularly if you’re doing it for the first time. This blog will take you through everything you need to know about research summary so that you have an easier time with it.

How to write a research summary

What is a Research Summary?

A research summary is the part of your research paper that describes its findings to the audience in a brief yet concise manner. A well-curated research summary represents you and your knowledge about the information written in the research paper.

While writing a quality research summary, you need to discover and identify the significant points in the research and condense it in a more straightforward form. A research summary is like a doorway that provides access to the structure of a research paper's sections.

Since the purpose of a summary is to give an overview of the topic, methodology, and conclusions employed in a paper, it requires an objective approach. No analysis or criticism.

Research summary or Abstract. What’s the Difference?

They’re both brief, concise, and give an overview of an aspect of the research paper. So, it’s easy to understand why many new researchers get the two confused. However, a research summary and abstract are two very different things with individual purpose. To start with, a research summary is written at the end while the abstract comes at the beginning of a research paper.

A research summary captures the essence of the paper at the end of your document. It focuses on your topic, methods, and findings. More like a TL;DR, if you will. An abstract, on the other hand, is a description of what your research paper is about. It tells your reader what your topic or hypothesis is, and sets a context around why you have embarked on your research.

Getting Started with a Research Summary

Before you start writing, you need to get insights into your research’s content, style, and organization. There are three fundamental areas of a research summary that you should focus on.

  • While deciding the contents of your research summary, you must include a section on its importance as a whole, the techniques, and the tools that were used to formulate the conclusion. Additionally, there needs to be a short but thorough explanation of how the findings of the research paper have a significance.
  • To keep the summary well-organized, try to cover the various sections of the research paper in separate paragraphs. Besides, how the idea of particular factual research came up first must be explained in a separate paragraph.
  • As a general practice worldwide, research summaries are restricted to 300-400 words. However, if you have chosen a lengthy research paper, try not to exceed the word limit of 10% of the entire research paper.

How to Structure Your Research Summary

The research summary is nothing but a concise form of the entire research paper. Therefore, the structure of a summary stays the same as the paper. So, include all the section titles and write a little about them. The structural elements that a research summary must consist of are:

It represents the topic of the research. Try to phrase it so that it includes the key findings or conclusion of the task.

The abstract gives a context of the research paper. Unlike the abstract at the beginning of a paper, the abstract here, should be very short since you’ll be working with a limited word count.


This is the most crucial section of a research summary as it helps readers get familiarized with the topic. You should include the definition of your topic, the current state of the investigation, and practical relevance in this part. Additionally, you should present the problem statement, investigative measures, and any hypothesis in this section.


This section provides details about the methodology and the methods adopted to conduct the study. You should write a brief description of the surveys, sampling, type of experiments, statistical analysis, and the rationality behind choosing those particular methods.

Create a list of evidence obtained from the various experiments with a primary analysis, conclusions, and interpretations made upon that. In the paper research paper, you will find the results section as the most detailed and lengthy part. Therefore, you must pick up the key elements and wisely decide which elements are worth including and which are worth skipping.

This is where you present the interpretation of results in the context of their application. Discussion usually covers results, inferences, and theoretical models explaining the obtained values, key strengths, and limitations. All of these are vital elements that you must include in the summary.

Most research papers merge conclusion with discussions. However, depending upon the instructions, you may have to prepare this as a separate section in your research summary. Usually, conclusion revisits the hypothesis and provides the details about the validation or denial about the arguments made in the research paper, based upon how convincing the results were obtained.

The structure of a research summary closely resembles the anatomy of a scholarly article . Additionally, you should keep your research and references limited to authentic and  scholarly sources only.

Tips for Writing a Research Summary

The core concept behind undertaking a research summary is to present a simple and clear understanding of your research paper to the reader. The biggest hurdle while doing that is the number of words you have at your disposal. So, follow the steps below to write a research summary that sticks.

1. Read the parent paper thoroughly

You should go through the research paper thoroughly multiple times to ensure that you have a complete understanding of its contents. A 3-stage reading process helps.

a. Scan: In the first read, go through it to get an understanding of its basic concept and methodologies.

b. Read: For the second step, read the article attentively by going through each section, highlighting the key elements, and subsequently listing the topics that you will include in your research summary.

c. Skim: Flip through the article a few more times to study the interpretation of various experimental results, statistical analysis, and application in different contexts.

Sincerely go through different headings and subheadings as it will allow you to understand the underlying concept of each section. You can try reading the introduction and conclusion simultaneously to understand the motive of the task and how obtained results stay fit to the expected outcome.

2. Identify the key elements in different sections

While exploring different sections of an article, you can try finding answers to simple what, why, and how. Below are a few pointers to give you an idea:

  • What is the research question and how is it addressed?
  • Is there a hypothesis in the introductory part?
  • What type of methods are being adopted?
  • What is the sample size for data collection and how is it being analyzed?
  • What are the most vital findings?
  • Do the results support the hypothesis?


  • What is the final solution to the problem statement?
  • What is the explanation for the obtained results?
  • What is the drawn inference?
  • What are the various limitations of the study?

3. Prepare the first draft

Now that you’ve listed the key points that the paper tries to demonstrate, you can start writing the summary following the standard structure of a research summary. Just make sure you’re not writing statements from the parent research paper verbatim.

Instead, try writing down each section in your own words. This will not only help in avoiding plagiarism but will also show your complete understanding of the subject. Alternatively, you can use a summarizing tool (AI-based summary generators) to shorten the content or summarize the content without disrupting the actual meaning of the article.

SciSpace Copilot is one such helpful feature! You can easily upload your research paper and ask Copilot to summarize it. You will get an AI-generated, condensed research summary. SciSpace Copilot also enables you to highlight text, clip math and tables, and ask any question relevant to the research paper; it will give you instant answers with deeper context of the article..

4. Include visuals

One of the best ways to summarize and consolidate a research paper is to provide visuals like graphs, charts, pie diagrams, etc.. Visuals make getting across the facts, the past trends, and the probabilistic figures around a concept much more engaging.

5. Double check for plagiarism

It can be very tempting to copy-paste a few statements or the entire paragraphs depending upon the clarity of those sections. But it’s best to stay away from the practice. Even paraphrasing should be done with utmost care and attention.

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6. Religiously follow the word count limit

You need to have strict control while writing different sections of a research summary. In many cases, it has been observed that the research summary and the parent research paper become the same length. If that happens, it can lead to discrediting of your efforts and research summary itself. Whatever the standard word limit has been imposed, you must observe that carefully.

7. Proofread your research summary multiple times

The process of writing the research summary can be exhausting and tiring. However, you shouldn’t allow this to become a reason to skip checking your academic writing several times for mistakes like misspellings, grammar, wordiness, and formatting issues. Proofread and edit until you think your research summary can stand out from the others, provided it is drafted perfectly on both technicality and comprehension parameters. You can also seek assistance from editing and proofreading services , and other free tools that help you keep these annoying grammatical errors at bay.

8. Watch while you write

Keep a keen observation of your writing style. You should use the words very precisely, and in any situation, it should not represent your personal opinions on the topic. You should write the entire research summary in utmost impersonal, precise, factually correct, and evidence-based writing.

9. Ask a friend/colleague to help

Once you are done with the final copy of your research summary, you must ask a friend or colleague to read it. You must test whether your friend or colleague could grasp everything without referring to the parent paper. This will help you in ensuring the clarity of the article.

Once you become familiar with the research paper summary concept and understand how to apply the tips discussed above in your current task, summarizing a research summary won’t be that challenging. While traversing the different stages of your academic career, you will face different scenarios where you may have to create several research summaries.

In such cases, you just need to look for answers to simple questions like “Why this study is necessary,” “what were the methods,” “who were the participants,” “what conclusions were drawn from the research,” and “how it is relevant to the wider world.” Once you find out the answers to these questions, you can easily create a good research summary following the standard structure and a precise writing style.

example of a research article summary

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Writing a Summary – Explanation & Examples

Published by Alvin Nicolas at October 17th, 2023 , Revised On October 17, 2023

In a world bombarded with vast amounts of information, condensing and presenting data in a digestible format becomes invaluable. Enter summaries. 

A summary is a brief and concise account of the main points of a larger body of work. It distils complex ideas, narratives, or data into a version that is quicker to read and easier to understand yet still retains the essence of the original content.

Importance of Summaries

The importance of summarising extends far beyond just making reading more manageable. In academic settings, summaries aid students in understanding and retaining complex materials, from textbook chapters to research articles. They also serve as tools to showcase one’s grasp of the subject in essays and reports. 

In professional arenas, summaries are pivotal in business reports, executive briefings, and even emails where key points need to be conveyed quickly to decision-makers. Meanwhile, summarising skills come into play in our personal lives when we relay news stories to friends, recap a movie plot, or even scroll through condensed news or app notifications on our smartphones.

Why Do We Write Summaries?

In our modern information age, the sheer volume of content available can be overwhelming. From detailed research papers to comprehensive news articles, the quest for knowledge is often met with lengthy and complex resources. This is where the power of a well-crafted summary comes into play. But what drives us to create or seek out summaries? Let’s discuss.

Makes Important Things Easy to Remember

At the heart of summarisation is the goal to understand. A well-written summary aids in digesting complex material. By distilling larger works into their core points, we reinforce the primary messages, making them easier to remember. This is especially crucial for students who need to retain knowledge for exams or professionals prepping for a meeting based on a lengthy report.

Simplification of Complex Topics

Not everyone is an expert in every field. Often, topics come laden with jargon, intricate details, and nuanced arguments. Summaries act as a bridge, translating this complexity into accessible and straightforward content. This is especially beneficial for individuals new to a topic or those who need just the highlights without the intricacies.

Aid in Researching and Understanding Diverse Sources

Researchers, writers, and academics often wade through many sources when working on a project. This involves finding sources of different types, such as primary or secondary sources , and then understanding their content. Sifting through each source in its entirety can be time-consuming. Summaries offer a streamlined way to understand each source’s main arguments or findings, making synthesising information from diverse materials more efficient.

Condensing Information for Presentation or Sharing

In professional settings, there is often a need to present findings, updates, or recommendations to stakeholders. An executive might not have the time to go through a 50-page report, but they would certainly appreciate a concise summary highlighting the key points. Similarly, in our personal lives, we often summarise movie plots, book stories, or news events when sharing with friends or family.

Characteristics of a Good Summary

Crafting an effective summary is an art. It’s more than just shortening a piece of content; it is about capturing the essence of the original work in a manner that is both accessible and true to its intent. Let’s explore the primary characteristics that distinguish a good summary from a mediocre one:


At the core of a summary is the concept of brevity. But being concise doesn’t mean leaving out vital information. A good summary will:

  • Eliminate superfluous details or repetitive points.
  • Focus on the primary arguments, events, or findings.
  • Use succinct language without compromising the message.


Summarising is not about infusing personal opinions or interpretations. A quality summary will:

  • Stick to the facts as presented in the original content.
  • Avoid introducing personal biases or perspectives.
  • Represent the original author’s intent faithfully.

A summary is meant to simplify and make content accessible. This is only possible if the summary itself is easy to understand. Ensuring clarity involves:

  • Avoiding jargon or technical terms unless they are essential to the content. If they are used, they should be clearly defined.
  • Structuring sentences in a straightforward manner.
  • Making sure ideas are presented in a way that even someone unfamiliar with the topic can grasp the primary points.

A jumble of ideas, no matter how concise, will not make for a good summary. Coherence ensures that there’s a logical flow to the summarised content. A coherent summary will:

  • Maintain a logical sequence, often following the structure of the original content.
  • Use transition words or phrases to connect ideas and ensure smooth progression.
  • Group related ideas together to provide structure and avoid confusion.

Steps of Writing a Summary

The process of creating a compelling summary is not merely about cutting down content. It involves understanding, discerning, and crafting. Here is a step-by-step guide to writing a summary that encapsulates the essence of the original work:

Reading Actively

Engage deeply with the content to ensure a thorough understanding.

  • Read the entire document or work first to grasp its overall intent and structure.
  • On the second read, underline or highlight the standout points or pivotal moments.
  • Make brief notes in the margins or on a separate sheet, capturing the core ideas in your own words.

Identifying the Main Idea

Determine the backbone of the content, around which all other details revolve.

  • Ask yourself: “What is the primary message or theme the author wants to convey?”
  • This can often be found in the title, introduction, or conclusion of a piece.
  • Frame the main idea in a clear and concise statement to guide your summary.

List Key Supporting Points

Understand the pillars that uphold the main idea, providing evidence or depth to the primary message.

  • Refer back to the points you underlined or highlighted during your active reading.
  • Note major arguments, evidence, or examples that the author uses to back up the main idea.
  • Prioritise these points based on their significance to the main idea.

Draft the Summary

Convert your understanding into a condensed, coherent version of the original.

  • Start with a statement of the main idea.
  • Follow with the key supporting points, maintaining logical order.
  • Avoid including trivial details or examples unless they’re crucial to the primary message.
  • Use your own words, ensuring you are not plagiarising the original content.

Fine-tune your draft to ensure clarity, accuracy, and brevity.

  • Read your draft aloud to check for flow and coherence.
  • Ensure that your summary remains objective, avoiding any personal interpretations or biases.
  • Check the length. See if any non-essential details can be removed without sacrificing understanding if it is too lengthy.
  • Ensure clarity by ensuring the language is straightforward, and the main ideas are easily grasped.

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example of a research article summary

Dos and Don’ts of Summarising Key Points

Summarising, while seemingly straightforward, comes with its nuances. Properly condensing content demands a balance between brevity and fidelity to the original work. To aid in crafting exemplary summaries, here is a guide on the essential dos and don’ts:

Use your Own Words

This ensures that you have truly understood the content and are not merely parroting it. It also prevents issues of plagiarism.

Tip: After reading the original content, take a moment to reflect on it. Then, without looking at the source, write down the main points in your own words.

Attribute Sources Properly

Giving credit is both ethical and provides context to readers, helping them trace back to the original work if needed. How to cite sources correctly is a skill every writer should master.

Tip: Use signal phrases like “According to [Author/Source]…” or “As [Author/Source] points out…” to seamlessly incorporate attributions.

Ensure Accuracy of the Summarised Content

A summary should be a reliable reflection of the original content. Distorting or misrepresenting the original ideas compromises the integrity of the summary.

Tip: After drafting your summary, cross-check with the original content to ensure all key points are represented accurately and ensure you are referencing credible sources .

Avoid Copy-Pasting Chunks of Original Content

This not only raises plagiarism concerns but also shows a lack of genuine engagement with the material.

Tip: If a particular phrase or sentence from the original is pivotal and cannot be reworded without losing its essence, use block quotes , quotation marks, and attribute the source.

Do not Inject your Personal Opinion

A summary should be an objective reflection of the source material. Introducing personal biases or interpretations can mislead readers.

Tip: Stick to the facts and arguments presented in the original content. If you find yourself writing “I think” or “In my opinion,” reevaluate the sentence.

Do not Omit Crucial Information

While a summary is meant to be concise, it shouldn’t be at the expense of vital details that are essential to understanding the original content’s core message.

Tip: Prioritise information. Always include the main idea and its primary supports. If you are unsure whether a detail is crucial, consider its impact on the overall message.

Examples of Summaries

Here are a few examples that will help you get a clearer view of how to write a summary. 

Example 1: Summary of a News Article

Original Article: The article reports on the recent discovery of a rare species of frog in the Amazon rainforest. The frog, named the “Emerald Whisperer” due to its unique green hue and the soft chirping sounds it makes, was found by a team of researchers from the University of Texas. The discovery is significant as it offers insights into the biodiversity of the region, and the Emerald Whisperer might also play a pivotal role in understanding the ecosystem balance.

Summary: Researchers from the University of Texas have discovered a unique frog, termed the “Emerald Whisperer,” in the Amazon rainforest. This finding sheds light on the region’s biodiversity and underscores the importance of the frog in ecological studies.

Example 2: Summary of a Research Paper

Original Paper: In a study titled “The Impact of Urbanisation on Bee Populations,” researchers conducted a year-long observation on bee colonies in three urban areas and three rural areas. Using specific metrics like colony health, bee productivity, and population size, the study found that urban environments saw a 30% decline in bee populations compared to rural settings. The research attributes this decline to factors like pollution, reduced green spaces, and increased temperatures in urban areas.

Summary: A study analysing the effects of urbanisation on bee colonies found a significant 30% decrease in bee populations in urban settings compared to rural areas. The decline is linked to urban factors such as pollution, diminished greenery, and elevated temperatures.

Example 3: Summary of a Novel

Original Story: In the novel “Winds of Fate,” protagonist Clara is trapped in a timeless city where memories dictate reality. Throughout her journey, she encounters characters from her past, present, and imagined future. Battling her own perceptions and a menacing shadow figure, Clara seeks an elusive gateway to return to her real world. In the climax, she confronts the shadow, which turns out to be her own fear, and upon overcoming it, she finds her way back, realising that reality is subjective.

Summary: “Winds of Fate” follows Clara’s adventures in a surreal city shaped by memories. Confronting figures from various phases of her life and battling a symbolic shadow of her own fear, Clara eventually discovers that reality’s perception is malleable and subjective.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a summary.

A summary condenses a larger piece of content, capturing its main points and essence.  It is usually one-fourth of the original content.

What is a summary?

A summary is a concise representation of a larger text or content, highlighting its main ideas and points. It distils complex information into a shorter form, allowing readers to quickly grasp the essence of the original material without delving into extensive details. Summaries prioritise clarity, brevity, and accuracy.

When should I write a summary?

Write a summary when you need to condense lengthy content for easier comprehension and recall. It’s useful in academic settings, professional reports, presentations, and research to highlight key points. Summaries aid in comparing multiple sources, preparing for discussions, and sharing essential details of extensive materials efficiently with others.

How can I summarise a source without plagiarising?

To summarise without plagiarising: Read the source thoroughly, understand its main ideas, and then write the summary in your own words. Avoid copying phrases verbatim. Attribute the source properly. Use paraphrasing techniques and cross-check your summary against the original to ensure distinctiveness while retaining accuracy. Always prioritise understanding over direct replication.

What is the difference between a summary and an abstract?

A summary condenses a text, capturing its main points from various content types like books, articles, or movies. An abstract, typically found in research papers and scientific articles, provides a brief overview of the study’s purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. Both offer concise versions, but abstracts are more structured and specific.

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Academic sources, also known as scholarly sources or academic references, are materials used by researchers, scholars, and students to support their academic work. These sources are specifically created for use in academic contexts and contribute to the body of knowledge in a particular field of study.

A secondary source refers to any material that interprets, analyses, or reviews information originally presented elsewhere. Unlike primary sources, which offer direct evidence or first-hand testimony, secondary sources work on those original materials, offering commentary, critiques, and perspectives.

The ability to effectively incorporate multiple sources into one’s work is not just a skill, but a necessity. Whether we are talking about research papers, articles, or even simple blog posts, synthesising sources can elevate our content to a more nuanced, comprehensive, and insightful level.






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  • How to Write a Summary | Guide & Examples

How to Write a Summary | Guide & Examples

Published on 25 September 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on 12 May 2023.

Summarising , or writing a summary, means giving a concise overview of a text’s main points in your own words. A summary is always much shorter than the original text.

There are five key steps that can help you to write a summary:

  • Read the text
  • Break it down into sections
  • Identify the key points in each section
  • Write the summary
  • Check the summary against the article

Writing a summary does not involve critiquing or analysing the source. You should simply provide an accurate account of the most important information and ideas (without copying any text from the original).

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Table of contents

When to write a summary, step 1: read the text, step 2: break the text down into sections, step 3: identify the key points in each section, step 4: write the summary, step 5: check the summary against the article, frequently asked questions.

There are many situations in which you might have to summarise an article or other source:

  • As a stand-alone assignment to show you’ve understood the material
  • To keep notes that will help you remember what you’ve read
  • To give an overview of other researchers’ work in a literature review

When you’re writing an academic text like an essay , research paper , or dissertation , you’ll integrate sources in a variety of ways. You might use a brief quote to support your point, or paraphrase a few sentences or paragraphs.

But it’s often appropriate to summarize a whole article or chapter if it is especially relevant to your own research, or to provide an overview of a source before you analyse or critique it.

In any case, the goal of summarising is to give your reader a clear understanding of the original source. Follow the five steps outlined below to write a good summary.

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example of a research article summary

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You should read the article more than once to make sure you’ve thoroughly understood it. It’s often effective to read in three stages:

  • Scan the article quickly to get a sense of its topic and overall shape.
  • Read the article carefully, highlighting important points and taking notes as you read.
  • Skim the article again to confirm you’ve understood the key points, and reread any particularly important or difficult passages.

There are some tricks you can use to identify the key points as you read:

  • Start by reading the abstract . This already contains the author’s own summary of their work, and it tells you what to expect from the article.
  • Pay attention to headings and subheadings . These should give you a good sense of what each part is about.
  • Read the introduction and the conclusion together and compare them: What did the author set out to do, and what was the outcome?

To make the text more manageable and understand its sub-points, break it down into smaller sections.

If the text is a scientific paper that follows a standard empirical structure, it is probably already organised into clearly marked sections, usually including an introduction, methods, results, and discussion.

Other types of articles may not be explicitly divided into sections. But most articles and essays will be structured around a series of sub-points or themes.

Now it’s time go through each section and pick out its most important points. What does your reader need to know to understand the overall argument or conclusion of the article?

Keep in mind that a summary does not involve paraphrasing every single paragraph of the article. Your goal is to extract the essential points, leaving out anything that can be considered background information or supplementary detail.

In a scientific article, there are some easy questions you can ask to identify the key points in each part.

Key points of a scientific article
Introduction or problem was addressed? formulated?

If the article takes a different form, you might have to think more carefully about what points are most important for the reader to understand its argument.

In that case, pay particular attention to the thesis statement —the central claim that the author wants us to accept, which usually appears in the introduction—and the topic sentences that signal the main idea of each paragraph.

Now that you know the key points that the article aims to communicate, you need to put them in your own words.

To avoid plagiarism and show you’ve understood the article, it’s essential to properly paraphrase the author’s ideas. Do not copy and paste parts of the article, not even just a sentence or two.

The best way to do this is to put the article aside and write out your own understanding of the author’s key points.

Examples of article summaries

Let’s take a look at an example. Below, we summarise this article , which scientifically investigates the old saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’.

An article summary like the above would be appropriate for a stand-alone summary assignment. However, you’ll often want to give an even more concise summary of an article.

For example, in a literature review or research paper, you may want to briefly summarize this study as part of a wider discussion of various sources. In this case, we can boil our summary down even further to include only the most relevant information.

Citing the source you’re summarizing

When including a summary as part of a larger text, it’s essential to properly cite the source you’re summarizing. The exact format depends on your citation style , but it usually includes an in-text citation and a full reference at the end of your paper.

You can easily create your citations and references in APA or MLA using our free citation generators.

APA Citation Generator MLA Citation Generator

Finally, read through the article once more to ensure that:

  • You’ve accurately represented the author’s work
  • You haven’t missed any essential information
  • The phrasing is not too similar to any sentences in the original.

If you’re summarising many articles as part of your own work, it may be a good idea to use a plagiarism checker to double-check that your text is completely original and properly cited. Just be sure to use one that’s safe and reliable.

A summary is a short overview of the main points of an article or other source, written entirely in your own words.

Save yourself some time with the free summariser.

A summary is always much shorter than the original text. The length of a summary can range from just a few sentences to several paragraphs; it depends on the length of the article you’re summarising, and on the purpose of the summary.

With the summariser tool you can easily adjust the length of your summary.

You might have to write a summary of a source:

  • As a stand-alone assignment to prove you understand the material
  • For your own use, to keep notes on your reading
  • To provide an overview of other researchers’ work in a literature review
  • In a paper , to summarise or introduce a relevant study

To avoid plagiarism when summarising an article or other source, follow these two rules:

  • Write the summary entirely in your own words by   paraphrasing the author’s ideas.
  • Reference the source with an in-text citation and a full reference so your reader can easily find the original text.

An abstract concisely explains all the key points of an academic text such as a thesis , dissertation or journal article. It should summarise the whole text, not just introduce it.

An abstract is a type of summary , but summaries are also written elsewhere in academic writing . For example, you might summarise a source in a paper , in a literature review , or as a standalone assignment.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

McCombes, S. (2023, May 12). How to Write a Summary | Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 24 June 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/working-sources/how-to-write-a-summary/

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Writing Article Summaries

  • Understanding Article Summaries 

Common Problems in Article Summaries

Read carefully and closely, structure of the summary, writing the summary.

  • Sample Outlines and Paragraphs

Understanding Article Summaries

An article summary is a short, focused paper about one scholarly article that is informed by a critical reading of that article. For argumentative articles, the summary identifies, explains, and analyses the thesis and supporting arguments; for empirical articles, the summary identifies, explains, and analyses the research questions, methods, findings, and implications of the study.

Although article summaries are often short and rarely account for a large portion of your grade, they are a strong indicator of your reading and writing skills. Professors ask you to write article summaries to help you to develop essential skills in critical reading, summarizing, and clear, organized writing. Furthermore, an article summary requires you to read a scholarly article quite closely, which provides a useful introduction to the conventions of writing in your discipline (e.g. Political Studies, Biology, or Anthropology).

The most common problem that students have when writing an article summary is that they misunderstand the goal of the assignment. In an article summary, your job is to write about the article, not about the actual topic of the article. For example, if you are summarizing Smith’s article about the causes of the Bubonic plague in Europe, your summary should be about Smith’s article: What does she want to find out about the plague? What evidence does she use? What is her argument? You are not writing a paper about the actual causes of Bubonic plague in Europe.

Further, as a part of critical reading, you will often consider your own position on a topic or an argument; it is tempting to include an assessment or opinion about the thesis or findings, but this is not the goal of an article summary. Rather, you must identify, explain, and analyse the main point and how it is supported.

Your key to success in writing an article summary is your understanding of the article; therefore, it is essential to read carefully and closely. The Academic Skills Centre offers helpful instruction on the steps for critical reading: pre-reading, active and analytical reading, and reflection.

Argumentative Articles

As you read an argumentative article, consider the following questions:

  • What is the topic?
  • What is the research question? In other words, what is the author trying to find out about that topic?
  • How does the author position his/her article in relation to other studies of the topic?
  • What is the thesis or position? What are the supporting arguments?
  • How are supporting arguments developed? What kind of evidence is used?
  • What is the significance of the author’s thesis? What does it help you to understand about the topic?

Empirical Articles

As you read an empirical article, consider the following questions:

  • What is the research question?
  • What are the predictions and the rationale for these predictions?
  • What methods were used (participants, sampling, materials, procedure)? What were the variables and controls?
  • What were the main results?
  • Are the findings supported by previous research?
  • What are the limitations of the study?
  • What are the implications or applications of the findings?

Create a Reverse Outline

Creating a reverse outline is one way to ensure that you fully understand the article. Pre-read the article (read the abstract, introduction, and/or conclusion). Summarize the main question(s) and thesis or findings. Skim subheadings and topic sentences to understand the organization; make notes in the margins about each section. Read each paragraph within a section; make short notes about the main idea or purpose of each paragraph. This strategy will help you to see how parts of the article connect to the main idea or the whole of the article.

A summary is written in paragraph form and generally does not include subheadings. An introduction is important to clearly identify the article, the topic, the question or purpose of the article, and its thesis or findings. The body paragraphs for a summary of an argumentative article will explain how arguments and evidence support the thesis. Alternatively, the body paragraphs of an empirical article summary may explain the methods and findings, making connections to predictions. The conclusion explains the significance of the argument or implications of the findings. This structure ensures that your summary is focused and clear.

Professors will often give you a list of required topics to include in your summary and/or explain how they want you to organize your summary. Make sure you read the assignment sheet with care and adapt the sample outlines below accordingly.

One significant challenge in writing an article summary is deciding what information or examples from the article to include. Remember, article summaries are much shorter than the article itself. You do not have the space to explain every point the author makes. Instead, you will need to explain the author’s main points and find a few excellent examples that illustrate these points.

You should also keep in mind that article summaries need to be written in your own words. Scholarly writing can use complex terminology to explain complicated ideas, which makes it difficult to understand and to summarize correctly. In the face of difficult text, many students tend to use direct quotations, saving them the time and energy required to understand and reword it. However, a summary requires you to summarize, which means “to state briefly or succinctly” (Oxford English Dictionary) the main ideas presented in a text. The brevity must come from you, in your own words, which demonstrates that you understand the article.

Sample Outlines and Paragraph

Sample outline for an argumentative article summary.

  • General topic of article
  • Author’s research question or approach to the topic
  • Author’s thesis
  • Explain some key points and how they support the thesis
  • Provide a key example or two that the author uses as evidence to support these points
  • Review how the main points work together to support the thesis?
  • How does the author explain the significance or implications of his/her article?

Sample Outline for an Empirical Article Summary

  • General topic of study
  • Author’s research question
  • Variables and hypotheses
  • Participants
  • Experiment design
  • Materials used
  • Key results
  • Did the results support the hypotheses?
  • Implications or applications of the study
  • Major limitations of the study

Sample Paragraph

The paragraph below is an example of an introductory paragraph from a summary of an empirical article:

Tavernier and Willoughby’s (2014) study explored the relationships between university students’ sleep and their intrapersonal, interpersonal, and educational development. While the authors cited many scholars who have explored these relationships, they pointed out that most of these studies focused on unidirectional correlations over a short period of time. In contrast, Tavernier and Willoughby tested whether there was a bidirectional or unidirectional association between participants’ sleep quality and duration and several psychosocial factors including intrapersonal adjustment, friendship quality, and academic achievement. Further they conducted a longitudinal study over a period of three years in order to determine whether there were changes in the strength or direction of these associations over time. They predicted that sleep quality would correlate with measures of intrapersonal adjustment, friendship quality, and academic achievement; they further hypothesized that this correlation would be bidirectional: sleep quality would predict psychosocial measures and at the same time, psychosocial measures would predict sleep quality.

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Research Summary Structure, Samples, Writing Steps, and Useful Suggestions

Updated 13 Jun 2024

What is a Research Summary and Why Is It Important?

A research summary is a type of paper designed to provide a brief overview of a given study - typically, an article from a peer-reviewed academic journal. It is a frequent type of task encountered in US colleges and universities, both in humanitarian and exact sciences, which is due to how important it is to teach students to properly interact with and interpret scientific literature and in particular, academic papers, which are the key way through which new ideas, theories, and evidence are presented to experts in many fields of knowledge. A research summary typically preserves the structure/sections of the article it focuses on. Get the grades you want with our professional research paper helper .

How to Write a Research Summary – Typical Steps

Follow these clear steps to help avoid typical mistakes and productivity bottlenecks, allowing for a more efficient through your writing process:

  • Skim the article in order to get a rough idea of the content covered in each section and to understand the relative importance of content, for instance, how important different lines of evidence are (this helps you understand which sections you should focus on more when reading in detail). Make sure you understand the task and your professor's requirements before reading the article. In this step, you can also decide whether to write a summary by yourself or ask for a cheap research paper writing service instead.
  • Analyze and understand the topic and article. Writing a summary of a research paper involves becoming very familiar with the topic – sometimes, it is impossible to understand the content without learning about the current state of knowledge, as well as key definitions, concepts, models. This is often performed while reading the literature review. As for the paper itself, understanding it means understanding analysis questions, hypotheses, listed evidence, how strongly this evidence supports the hypotheses, as well as analysis implications. Keep in mind that only a deep understanding allows one to efficiently and accurately summarize the content.
  • Make notes as you read. You could highlight or summarize each paragraph with a brief sentence that would record the key idea delivered in it (obviously, some paragraphs deserve more attention than others). However, be careful not to engage in extensive writing while still reading. This is important because, while reading, you might realize that some sections you initially considered important might actually be less important compared to information that follows. As for underlining or highlighting – do these only with the most important evidence, otherwise, there is little use in “coloring” everything without distinction.
  • Assemble a draft by bringing together key evidence and notes from each paragraph/ section. Make sure that all elements characteristic of a research summary are covered (as detailed below).
  • Find additional literature for forming or supporting your critical view (this is if your critical view/position is required), for instance, judgments about limitations of the study or contradictory evidence.
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Research Summary Structure

The research summary format resembles that found in the original paper (just a concise version of it). Content from all sections should be covered and reflected upon, regardless of whether corresponding headings are present or not. Key structural elements of any research summary are as follows:

  • Title – it announces the exact topic/area of analysis and can even be formulated to briefly announce key finding(s) or argument(s) delivered.
  • Abstract – this is a very concise and comprehensive description of the study, present virtually in any academic article (the length varies greatly, typically within 100-500 words). Unlike an academic article, your research summary is expected to have a much shorter abstract.
  • Introduction – this is an essential part of any research summary which provides necessary context (the literature review) that helps introduce readers to the subject by presenting the current state of the investigation, an important concept or definition, etc. This section might also describe the subject’s importance (or might not, for instance, when it is self-evident). Finally, an introduction typically lists investigation questions and hypotheses advanced by authors, which are normally mentioned in detail in any research summary (obviously, doing this is only possible after identifying these elements in the original paper).
  • Methodology – regardless of its location, this section details experimental methods or data analysis methods used (e.g. types of experiments, surveys, sampling, or statistical analysis). In a research summary, many of these details would have to be omitted; hence, it is important to understand what is most important to mention.
  • Results section – this section lists in detail evidence obtained from all experiments with some primary data analysis, conclusions, observations, and primary interpretations being made. It is typically the largest section of any analysis paper, so, it has to be concisely rewritten, which implies understanding which content is worth omitting and worth keeping.
  • Discussion – this is where results are being discussed in the context of current knowledge among experts. This section contains interpretations of results, theoretical models explaining the observed results, study strengths and especially limitations, complementary future exploration to be undertaken, conclusions, etc. All these are important elements that need to be conveyed in a summary.
  • Conclusion – in the original article, this section could be absent or merged with “Discussion”. Specific research summary instructions might require this to be a standalone section. In a conclusion, hypotheses are revisited and validated or denied, based on how convincing the evidence is (key lines of evidence could be highlighted).
  • References – this section is for mentioning those cited works directly in your summary – obviously, one has to provide appropriate citations at least for the original article (this often suffices). Mentioning other works might be relevant when your critical opinion is also required (supported with new unrelated evidence).

Note that if you need some model research summary papers done before you start writing yourself (this will help familiarize you with essay structure and various sections), you could simply recruit our company by following the link provided below.

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Research Summary Writing Tips

Below is a checklist of useful research paper tips worth considering when writing research summaries:

  • Make sure you are always aware of the bigger picture/ direction. You need to keep in mind a complete and coherent picture of the story delivered by the original article. It might be helpful to reread or scan it quickly to remind yourself of the declared goals, hypotheses, key evidence, and conclusions – this awareness offers a constant sense of direction, which ensures that no written sentence is out of context. It is useful doing this even after you have written a fourth, a third, or half of the paper (to make sure no deviation occurs).
  • Consider writing a detailed research outline before writing the draft – it might be of great use when structuring your paper. A research summary template is also very likely to help you structure your paper.
  • Sketch the main elements of the conclusion before writing it. Do this for a number of reasons: validate/invalidate hypotheses; enumerate key evidence supporting or invalidating them, list potential implications; mention the subject’s importance; mention study limitations and future directions for research. In order to include them all, it is useful having them written down and handy.
  • Consider writing the introduction and discussion last. It makes sense to first list hypotheses, goals, questions, and key results. Latter, information contained in the introduction and discussion can be adapted as needed (for instance, to match a preset word count limit). Also, on the basis of already written paragraphs, you can easily generate your discussion with the help of a conclusion tool ; it works online and is absolutely free of charge. Apart from this, follow a natural order.
  • Include visuals – you could summarize a lot of text using graphs or charts while simultaneously improving readability.
  • Be very careful not to plagiarize. It is very tempting to “borrow” or quote entire phrases from an article, provided how well-written these are, but you need to summarize your paper without plagiarizing at all (forget entirely about copy-paste – it is only allowed to paraphrase and even this should be done carefully). The best way to stay safe is by formulating your own thoughts from scratch.
  • Keep your word count in check. You don’t want your summary to be as long as the original paper (just reformulated). In addition, you might need to respect an imposed word count limit, which requires being careful about how much you write for each section.
  • Proofread your work for grammar, spelling, wordiness, and formatting issues (feel free to use our convert case tool for titles, headings, subheadings, etc.).
  • Watch your writing style – when summarizing content, it should be impersonal, precise, and purely evidence-based. A personal view/attitude should be provided only in the critical section (if required).
  • Ask a colleague to read your summary and test whether he/she could understand everything without reading the article – this will help ensure that you haven’t skipped some important content, explanations, concepts, etc.

For additional information on formatting, structure, and for more writing tips, check out these research paper guidelines on our website. Remember that we cover most research papers writing services you can imagine and can offer help at various stages of your writing project, including proofreading, editing, rewriting for plagiarism elimination, and style adjustment.

Research Summary Example 1

Below are some defining elements of a sample research summary written from an imaginary article.

Title – “The probability of an unexpected volcanic eruption in Yellowstone” Introduction – this section would list those catastrophic consequences hitting our country in  case of a massive eruption and the importance of analyzing this matter. Hypothesis –  An eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano would be preceded by intense precursory activity manifesting a few weeks up to a few years in advance. Results – these could contain a report of statistical data from multiple volcanic eruptions happening worldwide looking specifically at activity that preceded these events (in particular, how early each type of activity was detected). Discussion and conclusion – Given that Yellowstone is continuously monitored by scientists and that signs of an eruption are normally detected much in advance and at least a few days in advance, the hypothesis is confirmed. This could find application in creating emergency plans detailing an organized evacuation campaign and other response measures.

Research Summary Example 2

Below is another sample sketch, also from an imaginary article.

Title – “The frequency of extreme weather events in US in 2000-2008 as compared to the ‘50s” Introduction – Weather events bring immense material damage and cause human victims. Hypothesis – Extreme weather events are significantly more frequent nowadays than in the ‘50s Results – these could list the frequency of several categories of extreme events now and then: droughts and associated fires, massive rainfall/snowfall and associated floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, arctic cold waves, etc. Discussion and conclusion – Several types of extreme events indeed became significantly more frequent recently, confirming this hypothesis. This increasing frequency correlates reliably with rising CO2 levels in atmosphere and growing temperatures worldwide and in the absence of another recent major global change that could explain a higher frequency of disasters but also knowing how growing temperature disturbs weather patterns, it is natural to assume that global warming (CO2) causes this increase in frequency. This, in turn, suggests that this increased frequency of disasters is not a short-term phenomenon but is here to stay until we address CO2 levels.

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Let Professionals Help With Your Research Summary

Writing a research summary has its challenges, but becoming familiar with its structure (i.e. the structure of an article), understanding well the article that needs to be summarized, and adhering to recommended guidelines will help the process go smoothly.

Simply create your account in a few clicks, place an order by uploading your instructions, and upload or indicate the article requiring a summary and choose a preferred writer for this task (according to experience, rating, bidding price). Our transparent system puts you in control, allowing you to set priorities as you wish (to our knowledge, few competitors have something equivalent in place). Obviously, we can help with many other essay types such as critical thinking essay, argumentative essay, etc. In particular, the research paper definition article on our website highlights a few popular paper types we work with.

Another unique advantage is that we allow and encourage you to communicate directly with your writer (if you wish) guiding his or her work – feel free to request partial drafts, to clarify potential issues you worry about, or even to revise papers as often as needed (for free) until you achieve a satisfactory result. We’ve implemented a system where money is released to writers only after students are fully satisfied with what they get. If you feel like giving it a try, it’s easy and worry-free! Just follow the link below.


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Written by Paul Calderon

As a trained writer and an expert in book publishing and finalization, Paul knows how to engage readers in his text. As an author himself, Paul never misses a chance to write. Writing is his true passion as he explores technology, education, and entertainment among many popular subjects these days. His mentoring experience and skills of creative guidance make his writing accessible, clear, and fun to follow.

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Video Transcripts: Summarizing Sources: Definition and Examples of Summary

Summarizing sources: definition and examples of summary.

Last updated 1/5/2017

Visual: The screen shows the Walden University Writing Center logo along with a pencil and notebook. “Walden University Writing Center.” “Your writing, grammar, and APA experts” appears in center of screen. The background changes to the title of the video with books in the background.

Audio: Guitar music plays.

Visual: Slide changes to the title “Summarizing Sources” and the following:

  • Central thesis, argument, or purpose
  • Main ideas, findings, or conclusions

Definition : An articulation of a source’s basic argument and main points.

Audio: Summary, in its simplest form, is an articulation of a source’s basic argument and main points. What this means is that it’s broad in nature. A summary doesn’t focus on one idea or fact from a source. Instead, it gives an overview of the entire source. This overview should include the source’s central thesis, argument, or purpose, as well as the source’s main ideas, findings, or conclusions. Think of this as a high-level overview of the source. Finally, you may also include the context in which the article was written. For example, you might note if an article was written in response to a government policy or refuting another study.

Visual: The slide changes to the following: What makes a strong summary?

  • Balancing accuracy with concision
  • High-level overview of main points
  • Ensuring your voice as the author

Audio: There are a few things you can do to write a strong summary. First, your summary should be accurate. You need to make sure you are accurately representing the source and the author’s ideas in your summary. Doing so can often be a balancing act; you don’t want to include too many details, but you do need to include enough information so that you can accurately convey what the source said to your reader. Think about your summary in this way: If you were giving a colleague the gist of the article, what main points would you include to ensure he or she understood the overall points of the source?

Next, your summary should be concise. Because a summary is a high-level overview and broad in scope, a summary will be longer than a paraphrase. A paraphrase is a concise rephrasing of a particular idea or piece of information in one or at most two sentences. As a result, even a concise summary will be longer than a paraphrase, at least a couple of sentences long. However, your summary shouldn’t be too long either; most of the time you should be able to summarize a source in one paragraph. However, the length of your summary will always depend on the length of the original source and the level of detail you need based on your assignment’s guidelines.

Finally, your summary should use paraphrases, not quotes. Because summaries are a high-level overview, put the source’s information into your own words, rather than quoting the original source. Doing so will help increase the flow of your summary and ensure your voice as the author comes through. Paraphrasing rather than quoting will also help you keep your summary concise. There could be scenarios where you might want to partially quote a key phrase, but even that should be done sparingly.

Visual: The slide changes to the following:

            In their research, DeBruin-Parecki and Slutzky’s (2016) studied current U.S. pre-K standards, which are meant to set up students for success in kindergarten and beyond. The authors collected quantitative and qualitative data from diverse survey respondents about pre-K learning standards. The key finding from this study was the positive viewpoint most pre-K teachers have of the national learning standards.

Audio: Let’s take a look at this sample summary. As you can see, this summary is a high-level overview of this source. It starts by introducing the source’s authors with a full citation and introducing the topic or focus of the source. It then transitions to discussing the data the authors collected, ending with the authors’ key finding.

This sample summary is accurate, concise, and includes paraphrased main ideas, the three things that make a strong summary. It accurately represents the source authors’ original ideas, while still being concise. The summary’s author also put all of these ideas into their own words.

Visual: The following are overlayed on the paragraph: “the authors” or “this study”

Audio: The final note I want to make here is about citations. It’s important to cite the source in the first sentence of the summary. In subsequent sentences, the citation isn’t necessarily required, although it is important to ensure the reader knows you’re continuing to discuss the same source. This might mean using phrases like “the authors” or “this study”, but you may also include citations in each of these sentences too.

If you’re not sure whether you should cite the source in each sentence in a summary, be sure to ask your instructor.

  • Annotated bibliographies
  • Compare/contrast essays
  • Explicit requests
  • Part of note taking
  • Synthesizing or paraphrasing sources
  • Literature reviews
  • Graduate writing

Audio: Alright, so now that you know what a summary is and how to write a strong summary, when should you use a summary? Students most commonly summarize sources in annotated bibliographies and compare/contrast essays. However, you may also find that an assignment prompt or course instructor asks you to summarize as part of another assignment. You may also use summarizing as one of your note-taking and reading strategies; summarizing a source is a great way to ensure you understand and can re-articulate what a source is saying.

It is important to note that summarizing usually isn’t appropriate if you’re being asked to synthesize or paraphrase a source; this is particularly true in a literature review and generally in graduate writing. While summarizing particularly important sources initially or in the note taking stage may make sense in these cases, you don’t want to rely on summarizing extensively.

Visual: Slide changes to display the following: Questions? E-mail [email protected] .

  • Previous Page: Summarizing Sources: The Process of Summarizing
  • Next Page: Summarizing Sources: Incorporating Citations Into Summaries
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A critique asks you to evaluate an article and the author’s argument. You will need to look critically at what the author is claiming, evaluate the research methods, and look for possible problems with, or applications of, the researcher’s claims.


Give an overview of the author’s main points and how the author supports those points. Explain what the author found and describe the process they used to arrive at this conclusion.

Body Paragraphs

Interpret the information from the article:

  • Does the author review previous studies? Is current and relevant research used?
  • What type of research was used – empirical studies, anecdotal material, or personal observations?
  • Was the sample too small to generalize from?
  • Was the participant group lacking in diversity (race, gender, age, education, socioeconomic status, etc.)
  • For instance, volunteers gathered at a health food store might have different attitudes about nutrition than the population at large.
  • How useful does this work seem to you? How does the author suggest the findings could be applied and how do you believe they could be applied?
  • How could the study have been improved in your opinion?
  • Does the author appear to have any biases (related to gender, race, class, or politics)?
  • Is the writing clear and easy to follow? Does the author’s tone add to or detract from the article?
  • How useful are the visuals (such as tables, charts, maps, photographs) included, if any? How do they help to illustrate the argument? Are they confusing or hard to read?
  • What further research might be conducted on this subject?

Try to synthesize the pieces of your critique to emphasize your own main points about the author’s work, relating the researcher’s work to your own knowledge or to topics being discussed in your course.

From the Center for Academic Excellence (opens in a new window), University of Saint Joseph Connecticut

Additional Resources

All links open in a new window.

Writing an Article Critique (from The University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center)

How to Critique an Article (from Essaypro.com)

How to Write an Article Critique (from EliteEditing.com.au)

  • << Previous: Writing an article REVIEW
  • Next: Citing Sources >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 15, 2024 9:32 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.randolph.edu/summaries

The authors in this study assessed the relationship between job performance in first-level managers (as rated by their supervisors) and their affective commitment, continuance commitment, and job satisfaction. Affective commitment is defined as an emotional attachment to the organization (Meyer, Paunonen, Gellatly, Goffin, & Jackson, 1989). Alternatively, continuance commitment is based on the costs that employees associate with leaving the organization. Job performance was assessed according to 3 dimensions ((1) according to an average on 6 specific activities, (2) based on a subjective rating given by the immediate supervisor, and (3) ). The participants were 23 district managers and 65 unit managers from a large food service organization. The researchers found that affective commitment was positively related to overall performance and promotability. The correlations between continuance commitment and all 3 performance dimensions were negative and significant. What I learned from this article and these findings is that supervisor ratings of performance and promotability increase as the employees’ affective commitment increases; on the other hand, supervisor ratings of performance and promotability decrease as continuance commitment increases.


Meyer, J. P., Paunonen, S. V., Gellatly, I. R., Goffin, R. D., & Jackson, D. N. (1989). Organizational commitment and job performance: It’s the nature of the commitment that counts. 152-156.


How to Summarize Any Research Article Better: Proven Tips Outlined

example of a research article summary

Rev › Blog › Marketing › How to Summarize Any Research Article Better: Proven Tips Outlined

You’ve got content gold on your hands—  primary  and  secondary  research materials from some of the top market research companies. Now, it’s time to decide how it relates to your products, project, or consumers. What’s more, you need to distill each article’s essential parts into easy-to-read, accurate, informative, and, most importantly, concise summaries. Overwhelming? Maybe. Impossible? Heck no; you just need a good strategy. So, where to start?

You’ve landed on the right page! These tips and techniques provide a template to help guide you through the process. 

Know Your Focus

The streaming TV hit,  Cobra Kai,  brings to mind Mr. Miyagi’s age-old wisdom– ‘Focus, Daniel-San.’ Focus is vital, as some sections of a research article are more relevant to your strategy than others. 

For example, a summary crafted for a school project or a university may focus on the experiment itself. In contrast, the article’s results and discussion sections may be more relevant to consumer marketing or for a business model.

Once you establish your focus, you’re less likely to waste time.

Read The Research Article

But before you do, let’s look at the makeup of these articles. Market research, focus group data, and surveys usually consist of five or more sections.

  • An abstract or hypothesis
  • Explanation of the methods used
  • Tests or experiments performed
  • Summation and or discussion of the results
  • A list of references or source materials

Read The Abstract

Since some of the research articles you find will not work for your purpose, you should always start with the abstract. It’s an overview of the data and explains the purpose of the study as well as the expected results. So you’ll know whether to include the article or move on to the next piece of research.

Take Good Notes

The next step– read the article from abstract to references. But be prepared! Your mind may wander when faced with numbers, statistics, and long-winded wording. So grab your highlighter and pen and start taking notes.

Depending on the space available, you can write your notes in the margin. If you’re in a time crunch, check out  Rev . We’ve designed a convenient application perfect for taking notes! Download our  Voice Recorder App  for free and read your notes out loud. You’ll get a 99% accurate transcription of your summary notes sent to your email or account with a simple tap. 

example of a research article summary

Research Hack:  As an overview, a research article may not include every insight from the participants, interviews, or market data. Take a look at the references. You may find some hidden gems that will help your strategy stand out.    

Outline Your Thoughts

You’ve made notes, sifted through the numbers and statistics; but, there’s still a ton of information. An outline will make your writing process much more efficient. Although each research article is relatively straight-forward, you want your summary to stay on strategy.

Write A Summary

Okay, you’re ready to condense someone else’s work. Rather than stress over grammar and length, take the pressure off by writing a rough draft. Use key points from your notes, REV transcriptions, your outline, and the research article’s sections as your guide. 

Identify The Goal And The Methods Used

Like the author’s abstract, the beginning of your summary should address the research article’s fundamental objective .  This section may also include critical details about demographics, customer behavior, or trends. When summarizing, consider three key questions. 

  • What is the goal of the research?
  • What methods did the author(s) use?
  • Are potential obstacles to success listed?

Methods vary in market research. You may have focus groups ,  in-depth interviews , or online discussions. Depending on the reason for your summary, the raw audio or video clips used in the study may hold nuggets. If full transcripts aren’t available, save time by uploading the clips to Rev. Our human transcription service costs $1.50 per minute, and we offer a 99% accuracy guarantee. We also offer a more cost-effective A.I. speech-to-text solution for only $0.25 per minute .

Describe The Observations

The experiment is the “meat” of the research. In your own words, briefly explain what the author(s) observed as the testing played out in real-time. You can talk about the time it took participants to complete tasks or directives. Were they excited about the client’s brand or disinterested? Basically, you’re recapping the participant’s reactions. 

Discuss The Outcome

As with any study, the results make or break the goal of the research. Was the test successful? Was anyone surprised by the outcome, or were there any unexpected developments? Pay careful attention to detail as you layout all conclusions reached by the author(s).

Article Summary Quick Tips: Do This, Not That

Is your head spinning yet? You can simplify the editing process by following these technical takeaways.

  • Be Careful Not To Draw Your Own Conclusions:  You are summarizing the results of the research. The last thing you want to do is editorialize your summary. To avoid this, use the third-person point of view and present tense.  
  • Keep Your Copy Clean And Free Of Errors:  Reread your text. Eliminate words like “that,” “in fact,” “however,” and adverbs. Make sure your summary is accurate. Then, use free websites like  Hemingway App  or paid services such as  Grammarly  to check for grammar or spelling issues. 
  • Watch For Plagiarism:  Unless you’re using a word coined by the researcher, paraphrase your text. If you notice similar wording in your summary, reread the article so you can explain the data in your own words.
  • Cite Your Sources: Steer clear of directly quoting the research. It’s best to paraphrase the data and reference the source using: the name of the university, the name of the journal and year of publication, or the name of the researcher, team, or society and year of study.  

Finalize Your Article Summary

Remember, you want your summary to be clear, straight-forward, and compelling. The market research article or study you’ve chosen may prove vital to you or your client’s business strategy and brand analysis. Take your time. Read and reread your summary. Make sure it’s representative of the research. And always triple-check your text for technical and factual accuracy.

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example of a research article summary

Research is a systematic investigation to establish facts and reach new conclusions. It involves collecting and analyzing data, often using a research questionnaire , and presenting findings to expand knowledge in a specific field. Key aspects include adhering to research ethics and exploring crisis communication research topics to manage and communicate effectively during crises.

What is Research?

Research is a systematic investigation and study of materials, sources, and data to establish facts and reach new conclusions. It involves gathering information, analyzing it critically, and presenting findings in a structured manner to increase knowledge in a specific field or address a particular problem. This process is fundamental in various disciplines, including science, humanities, and social sciences, and it helps to develop theories, inform policy, and contribute to the advancement of society.

Examples of Research

Examples of Research

  • Medical Research
  • Educational Research
  • Environmental Research
  • Psychological Research
  • Market Research
  • Historical Research
  • Sociological Research
  • Technological Research
  • Crisis Communication Research
  • Agricultural Research
  • Economic Research
  • Political Research
  • Linguistic Research
  • Public Health Researc h
  • Cultural Research
  • Genetic Research
  • Behavioral Research
  • Engineering Research
  • Legal Research
  • Anthropological Research

Examples of Research in a Sentence

  • The research conducted by the university scientists led to a breakthrough in renewable energy technology.
  • She spent several months doing research for her thesis on ancient Greek literature.
  • Our team is currently engaged in market research to understand consumer preferences better.
  • The research findings were published in a prestigious medical journal.
  • He was awarded a grant to continue his research on climate change and its impact on coastal ecosystems.
  • Before launching the new product, the company conducted extensive research to ensure its success.
  • Her research into the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function provided valuable insights.
  • The research project aims to develop more effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • During the conference, many scholars presented their research on the latest advancements in artificial intelligence.
  • The research paper highlighted the importance of early childhood education in academic achievement.

Research Examples for Students

  • Science Fair Projects: Students conduct experiments to test hypotheses, such as examining the effects of different fertilizers on plant growth.
  • History Papers: Students research a historical event, like the Civil Rights Movement, analyzing primary and secondary sources to understand its impact.
  • Environmental Studies: Students investigate local water sources to assess pollution levels and propose solutions for improvement.
  • Literature Analysis: Students research the themes and symbols in a novel, such as analyzing the use of symbolism in “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.
  • Social Studies Projects: Students explore different cultures by researching their customs, traditions, and societal structures.
  • Health Studies: Students study the effects of nutrition on adolescent health, conducting surveys and reviewing scientific literature.
  • Technology Projects: Students research the development of artificial intelligence and its potential impacts on various industries.
  • Business Studies: Students analyze market trends and consumer behavior to develop a marketing plan for a hypothetical product.
  • Psychology Experiments: Students conduct research on human behavior, such as studying the effects of sleep on memory retention.
  • Creative Arts: Students research different art movements, like Impressionism, and create a presentation showcasing key artists and their works.

Quantitative Research Examples

  • Survey on Consumer Preferences: A company surveys 1,000 customers to quantify their preferences for different product features, such as color, size, and price.
  • Medical Trials: A pharmaceutical company conducts a clinical trial involving 500 participants to measure the effectiveness of a new drug.
  • Educational Achievement Study: Researchers collect standardized test scores from 10,000 students across various schools to analyze the impact of different teaching methods on student performance.
  • Market Analysis: An economist analyzes sales data from 50 retail stores to identify trends and predict future sales patterns.
  • Census Data Analysis: Government agencies use census data to quantify population growth, demographic changes, and housing needs over a decade.
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey: A restaurant chain distributes a survey to 2,000 customers to measure satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement.
  • Behavioral Economics Study: Researchers conduct an experiment with 300 participants to quantify the effects of different incentives on saving behaviors.
  • Workplace Productivity Study: A company tracks the productivity levels of 1,200 employees over six months to assess the impact of flexible working hours.
  • Public Health Research: Health researchers analyze data from 20,000 participants to determine the correlation between exercise frequency and incidence of chronic diseases.
  • Political Polling: Pollsters survey 5,000 voters to predict election outcomes and understand voter preferences and behavior.

Qualitative Research Examples

  • Interview Studies: Researchers conduct in-depth interviews with participants to explore their experiences and perspectives on a specific topic, such as the impact of remote learning on student engagement.
  • Focus Groups: A group of participants discusses a particular issue, like consumer attitudes towards sustainable fashion, allowing researchers to gather diverse opinions and insights.
  • Ethnography: Researchers immerse themselves in a community or organization to observe and document cultural practices, social interactions, and daily routines, such as studying the work culture in a tech startup.
  • Case Studies: An in-depth analysis of an individual, group, or event, like examining the recovery process of a patient with a rare medical condition, to understand the complexities involved.
  • Narrative Research: Collecting and analyzing stories from individuals to understand how they make sense of their experiences, such as exploring the life stories of immigrants adapting to a new country.
  • Phenomenological Research: Investigating the lived experiences of individuals regarding a particular phenomenon, such as the experiences of first-time mothers during childbirth.
  • Grounded Theory: Developing a theory based on data collected from participants, like studying the coping mechanisms of people living with chronic pain to formulate a new psychological model.
  • Content Analysis: Analyzing texts, media, or documents to identify patterns and themes, such as examining newspaper articles to understand media representation of climate change.
  • Action Research: Collaborating with participants to address a problem and implement solutions, such as working with teachers to develop and test new classroom management strategies.
  • Discourse Analysis: Studying communication patterns, language use, and social interactions within a specific context, like analyzing political speeches to understand how leaders frame policy issues.

Types of Research with Examples

Research is a systematic investigation aimed at discovering new information, understanding existing phenomena, and solving problems. There are several types of research, each with its own methodologies and purposes. Below are the main types of research with examples.

1. Basic Research

Basic research, also known as pure or fundamental research, is conducted to increase knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles. It is not aimed at solving immediate practical problems but rather at gaining a deeper insight into the subject. Example: A study investigating the molecular structure of proteins to understand how they function in the human body.

2. Applied Research

Applied research is designed to solve practical problems and improve the human condition. It uses the knowledge gained from basic research to develop new products, processes, or techniques. Example: Developing a new medication to treat Alzheimer’s disease based on findings from basic research on brain cell functions.

3. Quantitative Research

Quantitative research involves the systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques. It seeks to quantify data and typically uses surveys, questionnaires, or experiments. Example: Conducting a survey to measure customer satisfaction levels among users of a new smartphone.

4. Qualitative Research

Qualitative research aims to understand human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. It involves collecting non-numerical data, such as interviews, observations, and open-ended surveys. Example: Interviewing patients to understand their experiences and feelings about a new healthcare program.

5. Descriptive Research

Descriptive research seeks to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred, but rather “what” is happening. Example: A study detailing the demographics of students in a particular school district.

6. Experimental Research

Experimental research is used to establish cause-and-effect relationships among variables. It involves manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable. Example: Testing the effectiveness of a new drug by administering it to one group of patients and a placebo to another group.

7. Correlational Research

Correlational research investigates the relationship between two or more variables without manipulating them. It identifies patterns, trends, and associations between variables. Example: Studying the correlation between hours of study and academic performance among high school students.

8. Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is conducted to explore a problem or a new area where little information exists. It is often the initial research conducted before more conclusive research. Example: Exploring the potential uses of a newly discovered plant with medicinal properties.

9. Longitudinal Research

Longitudinal research involves repeated observations of the same variables over a period of time. It is useful for studying changes and developments over time. Example: Following a group of children from kindergarten through high school to study the impact of early education on later academic success.

10. Cross-sectional Research

Cross-sectional research analyzes data from a population, or a representative subset, at a specific point in time. It provides a snapshot of the variables of interest. Example: A survey assessing the health status of a community at a single point in time.

11. Case Study Research

Case study research involves an in-depth, detailed examination of a single subject, group, or event. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the case being studied. Example: Analyzing the business strategies of a successful startup to understand the factors contributing to its success.

12. Action Research

Action research is conducted to solve an immediate problem or improve p Example: Implementing and assessing a new teaching method in a classroom to improve student engagement and learning outcomes.

Types of Research Methods and Example

  • Method: Distributing questionnaires or online surveys to collect data from a large group of people.
  • Example: Conducting a national survey to assess public opinion on climate change policies.
  • Method: Manipulating one or more variables to determine their effect on another variable in a controlled environment.
  • Example: Testing the impact of a new educational program on student performance by comparing test scores of participants and non-participants.
  • Method: Observing subjects in their natural environment without interference.
  • Example: Studying children’s behavior in playgrounds to understand social interactions and play patterns.
  • Method: Conducting an in-depth analysis of a single subject or a small group of subjects.
  • Example: Analyzing the business strategies of a successful startup to identify key factors contributing to its growth.
  • Method: Systematically examining texts, media, and documents to identify patterns and themes.
  • Example: Analyzing social media posts to understand public sentiment during a major political event.

What are the Characteristics of Research?

  • Research follows a structured and organized approach, involving specific steps and methodologies to ensure consistency and reliability.
  • Research includes control mechanisms to minimize bias and external variables that may influence the results, especially in experimental studies.
  • Research relies on observable and measurable evidence. Data is collected through direct or indirect observation and experimentation.
  • Research is based on logical reasoning and sound theoretical frameworks. Conclusions are drawn from data analysis and established principles.
  • Research can be repeated by other researchers to verify results. Replication helps to confirm the validity and reliability of findings.
  • Research aims to be unbiased and impartial. The researcher’s personal beliefs and opinions should not influence the study’s outcomes.
  • Research involves critical analysis and interpretation of data. Researchers seek to understand patterns, relationships, and causality within the data.
  • Research can involve numerical data (quantitative) or non-numerical data (qualitative), depending on the nature of the study and the research questions.
  • Research adheres to ethical standards, ensuring the rights and well-being of participants are protected. Informed consent, confidentiality, and integrity are essential.
  • Research seeks to explore new ideas, develop new theories, and discover new knowledge. It often addresses gaps in existing literature.

Importance of Research

Research is crucial in various fields, offering numerous benefits and advancing knowledge in significant ways. Here are some key reasons why research is important:

1. Advancement of Knowledge

Research pushes the boundaries of what is known and explores new areas of inquiry. It helps to uncover new facts, theories, and insights that contribute to the collective understanding of a subject.

2. Informed Decision-Making

Research provides reliable data and evidence that guide decisions in fields such as healthcare, business, education, and public policy. For example, medical research can lead to the development of new treatments and drugs.

3. Problem-Solving

Research identifies and analyzes problems, proposing effective solutions. For instance, environmental research can help address climate change by finding sustainable practices and technologies.

4. Innovation and Development

Research fosters innovation by developing new products, technologies, and processes. Technological advancements, such as smartphones and renewable energy sources, are direct results of extensive research.

5. Economic Growth

Research drives economic development by creating new industries and improving existing ones. It leads to job creation, enhances productivity, and contributes to a nation’s economic stability.

6. Educational Enrichment

Research enhances educational content and teaching methods. It provides a deeper understanding of subjects, helping educators develop better curricula and instructional strategies.


What is a hypothesis in research.

A hypothesis is a testable prediction about the relationship between two or more variables. It guides the research process.

How do you choose a research topic?

Select a topic that interests you, fills a gap in existing literature, and is feasible in terms of resources and time.

What is a literature review?

A literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic. It identifies trends, gaps, and key findings.

What is the difference between primary and secondary data?

Primary data is collected firsthand by the researcher. Secondary data is gathered from existing sources like books, articles, and reports.

What are research ethics?

Research ethics involve principles like honesty, integrity, and respect for participants. Ethical guidelines ensure research is conducted responsibly.

What is a research design?

A research design is a plan that outlines how to collect and analyze data. It includes methods, sampling, and procedures.

What is sampling in research?

Sampling is selecting a subset of individuals from a population to represent the entire group. It can be random or non-random.

What is data analysis?

Data analysis involves processing and interpreting data to draw meaningful conclusions. Techniques vary based on the research type.

How do you write a research paper?

A research paper includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Follow a clear and logical structure.

What is peer review?

Peer review is a process where experts evaluate a researcher’s work for quality, accuracy, and validity before publication.


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BOLD indicates blood oxygen level dependent. b1 indicates the direct effect of videogaming on BOLD signal. b2 and b3 represent for each covariate the direct effects on videogaming and BOLD signal, respectively. The dashed blue arrow and the black arrow represent the indirect and total effects of each covariate on BOLD signal, respectively. Circled arrows represent the variance of each variable in the model.

A-D, Adjusted means and standard errors from linear mixed models accounting for sociodemographic factors are visualized. F, A t score of 59 or less indicates nonclinical symptoms, a t score between 60 and 64 indicates that the child is at risk for problem behaviors, and a t score of 65 or greater indicates clinical symptoms. The t score of 60 is visually represented with a dashed blue line on the graph. Whiskers represent SEs. ADHD indicates attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; RT, reaction time; and SSRT, stop signal reaction time.

a Significant differences with false discovery rate–corrected P  < .05.

b D' was calculated as the z -transformed hit rate minus the z -transformed false alarm rate.

SST indicates stop signal task.

eMethods. Stop Signal Task (SST), n-back Task, and fMRI Acquisition and Preprocessing

eMethods and eResults. List Sorting and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test

Retracted Article With Errors Highlighted

Replacement Article With Corrections Highlighted

  • Clarifications for Variables and Findings and Corrections to Figures JAMA Network Open Correction August 8, 2023
  • Video Games—Cognitive Help or Hindrance? JAMA Network Open Invited Commentary October 24, 2022 Kirk M. Welker, MD

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Chaarani B , Ortigara J , Yuan D , Loso H , Potter A , Garavan HP. Association of Video Gaming With Cognitive Performance Among Children. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(10):e2235721. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.35721

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  • Permissions

Association of Video Gaming With Cognitive Performance Among Children

  • 1 Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont, Burlington
  • Invited Commentary Video Games—Cognitive Help or Hindrance? Kirk M. Welker, MD JAMA Network Open
  • Correction Clarifications for Variables and Findings and Corrections to Figures JAMA Network Open

Question   What is the association between video gaming and cognitive performance in children?

Findings   As part of the national Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study and after controlling for confounding factors, results of this cross-sectional study of 2217 children showed very small levels of enhanced cognitive performance measured on inhibitory control and working tasks in children who played video games vs those who did not, although the video gamers had significantly higher attention problems, depression, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder scores compared with the those who did not play video games. Functional MRI obtained clear blood oxygen level–dependent signal differences were associated with video gaming in task-related brain regions during inhibition control and working memory.

Meaning   These findings suggest that video gaming may be associated with very small cognitive performance enhancement involving response inhibition and working memory, and with alterations in underlying cortical pathways, but concerns about the association with mental health may warrant further study.

Importance   Although most research has linked video gaming to subsequent increases in aggressive behavior in children after accounting for prior aggression, findings have been divided with respect to video gaming’s association with cognitive skills.

Objective   To examine the association between video gaming and cognitive performance in children using data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.

Design, Setting, and Participants   In this cross-sectional study, cognitive performance and blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD) signal were compared in video gamers (VGs) and non–video gamers (NVGs) during response inhibition and working memory using task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a large data set of 9- and 10-year-old children from the ABCD study. A sample from the baseline assessment of the ABCD 2.0.1 release in 2019 was largely recruited across 21 sites in the US through public, private, and charter elementary schools using a population neuroscience approach aiming to mirror demographic variation in the US population. Children with valid neuroimaging and behavioral data were included, with adjustments performed for demographic, behavioral, and psychiatric confounding factors. Some exclusions included common MRI contraindications, history of major neurologic disorders, and history of traumatic brain injury. Collected data were analyzed between October 2019 and October 2020, with additional analyses in 2023.

Exposures   Participants completed a self-reported screen time survey, including an item asking children to report the time specifically spent on video gaming. All fMRI tasks were performed by all participants.

Main Outcomes and Measures   Cognitive performance, assessed with stop signal tasks (SST) and n-back tasks; and BOLD signal on fMRI during the tasks. Mental health symptoms were evaluated using the Child Behavior Checklist and included raw scores of behavioral (anxiety, depression, somatic, social, attention, rule breaking, and aggression concerns) and psychiatric categories ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition , diagnoses of depression, anxiety, somaticism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional-defiant disorder, and conduct disorder).

Results   A total of 2217 children (mean [SD] age, 119 [7.6] months; 9.91 [0.62] years; 1399 [63.1%] female) participated in this study. The final sample used in the stop signal task analyses consisted of 1128 NVGs (0 gaming hours per week) and 679 VGs who played at least 21 hours per week. The final sample used in the n-back analyses consisted of 1278 NVGs who had never played video games (0 hours per week of gaming) and 800 VGs who played at least 21 hours per week. The NVG vs VG groups did not differ on age but did differ on sex, race and ethnicity, combined parental income, body mass index, and IQ. There were no differences in body mass index and IQ after adjusting for sociodemographic variables. The Child Behavior Checklist behavioral and mental health scores were higher in VGs, with attention problems, depression, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder scores significantly higher in the VGs compared with the NVGs. The VGs performed better on both fMRI tasks compared with the NVGs; the differences were statistically significant but very small. VGs had significantly faster stop signal reaction times compared with NVGs (adjusted means [SE]; 287.3 [9.8] vs 300.1 [9.6], standardized mean difference [SMD] 0.04 milliseconds; P  = .018) and correct go reaction times (adjusted means [SE], 514 [2.9] vs 552 [2.2] milliseconds; SMD 0.05; P  = .002). Following a similar pattern, 0-back D' measures of the n-back task were significantly higher in VGs compared with NVGs (adjusted means [SE], 2.33 [0.03] vs 2.18 [0.03]; SMD, 0.15; P  < .001). Similarly, adjusted means (SE) 2-back D′ scores were significantly higher in VGs relative to NVGs (1.87 [0.03] vs 1.72 [0.02]; SMD 0.15; P  < .002), and reaction times for correct responses during the 2-back conditions were faster in VGs relative to NVGs (adjusted means [SE]; 1025 [4.8] vs 1069 [3.7] milliseconds; P  < .002). Nonparametric analyses of fMRI data demonstrated a greater BOLD signal in VGs in the precuneus during inhibitory control. During working memory, a smaller BOLD signal was observed in VGs in parts of the occipital cortex and calcarine sulcus and a larger BOLD signal in the cingulate, middle, and frontal gyri and the precuneus.

Conclusions and Relevance   In this study, compared with NVGs, VGs were found to exhibit faster reaction times in measures of cognitive performance involving response inhibition and working memory and differences in fMRI BOLD signals in key regions of the cortex responsible for visual, attention, and memory processing. The very small differences in reaction times lack clinical relevance but were consistent with a potential association between videogaming and cognitive performance that involve response inhibition and working memory and the underlying cortical pathways. Concerns about the association with mental health symptoms may warrant further study.

Ask any parent how they feel about their child’s videogaming and you will almost certainly hear concerns about hours spent in a virtual world and the possibility of adverse effects on cognition, mental health, and behavior. A contributing factor to these concerns is the growth of video gaming within the last 20 years. In tandem, the demographic makeup of gamers has also been rapidly changing. In children aged 2 to 17 years, a large 2022 survey in the US showed that 71% play video games, an increase of 4 percentage points since 2018. 1 Given the substantial brain development that occurs during childhood and adolescence, these trends have led researchers to investigate associations between gaming and cognition and mental health. Most psychological and behavioral studies 2 suggest detrimental associations of video gaming, linking it to subsequent increases in depression, violence, and aggressive behavior in children after accounting for prior aggression. However, researchers have been divided with respect to whether playing video games is associated with cognitive skills and brain function. In contrast to the negative associations with mental health, video gaming has been proposed to enhance cognitive flexibility by providing skills that can be transferred to various cognitive tasks relevant for everyday life. One formulation for this broad transfer is that video gaming shares a number of perceptual and attentional demands (such as multiple object tracking, rapid attentional switches, and peripheral vision) with common cognitive tasks and can enhance reaction time (RT), creativity, problem solving, and logic. 3 , 4

In a previous review investigating video gaming and cognitive tasks, 3 gaming was found to be associated with attentional benefits, including improvements in bottom-up and top-down attention, optimization of attentional resources, integration between attentional and sensorimotor areas, and improvements in selective and peripheral visual attention. Video gamers (VGs) may also benefit from an enhanced visuospatial working memory capacity according to Boot et al, 5 who found that VGs outperformed non-VGs (NVGs) on various visuospatial working memory tasks, such as multiple object tracking, mental rotation, and change detection. Working memory improvements were similarly found after video game training in experimental vs control group research designs. 5 - 7 This finding is consistent with other studies suggesting that even short video game training paradigms can enhance cognitive control–related functions for long durations, such as reading abilities in dyslexic children 8 and, more particularly, working memory. 3

Task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies 4 , 9 - 11 have compared brain activity between VGs and NVGs. When presented with a complex visuomotor task, Granek et al 4 found that VGs exhibited more blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD) activity in the prefrontal cortex but less overall brain activity compared with NVGs. In 1 study using an fMRI attentional letter detection task, Richlan et al 9 found no significant behavioral performance differences between 14 VGs and 14 NVGs, but VGs showed more brain activation in multiple frontoparietal regions and different activation patterns, suggesting that VGs may recruit different regions of the brain to perform attentional tasks. In the same study, 9 no differences between the 2 groups were observed during a working memory visuospatial task in overall performance (in accuracy or RT) or in brain activation. In a more recent study, Trisolini and colleagues 10 investigated sustained performance between VGs and NVGs in 2 attentional tasks. The results indicated that although VGs displayed significantly stronger performance at the beginning of the task, a substantial decrease in performance was observed over time. By the end of the task, NVGs performed more accurately and quicker. Moreover, in a study 11 investigating the short-term impact of different activities performed during a break before an n-back working memory test in an fMRI scan, 27 young adults who played video games during the break displayed poorer working memory task performance and less BOLD activity in the supplementary motor area compared with those who had listened to music. However, VGs showed neither performance nor BOLD differences compared with those who spent the break resting. The authors reasoned that the video-gaming demands may have fatigued specific cognitive resources that rely on the supplementary motor area and reduced the ability of VGs to focus attention on the subsequent working memory task. 11 This finding is in contrast with another study 3 that suggested that even short video game training paradigms can enhance cognitive control–related functions, particularly working memory, with the enhancement linked to activity changes in prefrontal areas, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex.

In brief, although several studies have investigated the association between video gaming and cognitive behavior, the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the associations are not well understood because only a handful of neuroimaging studies have addressed this topic. In addition, findings from fMRI studies on video gaming in children and adolescents have not been replicated, which could be in part attributable to the relatively small sample sizes included in the analyses (N<80). In this study, we assess video-gaming associations with cognitive performance and brain activation during response inhibition and working memory using task-based fMRI in a large data set of 9- and 10-year-old children from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study, 12 the largest long-term study of brain development and child health in 21 research sites across the US. We hypothesized, based on the literature, that VGs would perform better on the tasks and have altered cortical activation patterns compared with NVGs in key areas of the brain involved in inhibitory control and working memory.

This cross-sectional study used data from the baseline assessment of the ABCD study 2.0.1 release in 2019, which recruited a large sample of 9- to 10-year-old children from whom neuroimaging and behavioral data were acquired and quality controlled according to standard operating procedures for the ABCD study consortium. 5 All measurements were collected at enrollment in the ABCD study. The fMRI paradigms were preprocessed with standard automated pipelines using Analysis of Functional NeuroImages and included the stop signal task (SST) and the n-back task. Children were asked to report how many hours per week they play video games on a computer, console, smart phone, or other devices. Consent (parents) and assent (children) were obtained from all participants. The ABCD study was approved by the appropriate institutional review boards: most ABCD research sites rely on a central Institutional Review Board at the University of California, San Diego for the ethical review and approval of the research protocol, with a few sites obtaining local IRB approval.

The ABCD sample was largely recruited through public, private, and charter elementary schools. The ABCD study adopted a population neuroscience approach to recruitment 13 , 14 by using epidemiologically informed procedures to ensure demographic variation in its sample that would mirror the variation in the US population of 9- and 10-year-olds. 15 A probability sampling of schools was conducted within the defined catchment areas of the study’s nationally distributed set of 21 recruitment sites in the US. All children in each sampled school were invited to participate after classroom-based presentations, distribution of study materials, and telephone screening for eligibility. Exclusions included common MRI contraindications (such as stainless steel braces, cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators, internal pacing wires, cochlear and metallic implants, and Swan-Ganz catheters), inability to understand or speak English fluently, uncorrected vision, hearing or sensorimotor impairments, history of major neurologic disorders, gestational age less than 28 weeks, birth weight less than 1200 g, birth complications that resulted in hospitalization for more than 1 month, current diagnosis of schizophrenia, moderate or severe autism spectrum disorder, history of traumatic brain injury, or unwillingness to complete assessments. The ABCD study sample also includes 2105 monozygotic and dizygotic twins. The ABCD study’s anonymized data, including all assessment domains, are released annually to the research community. Information on how to access ABCD study data through the National Institute of Mental Health Data Archive is available on the ABCD study data-sharing webpage. 16

Participants were administered a screen time survey that asked how much time they spend engaged in different types of screen time on a typical weekday and a typical weekend day. The different screen time categories were as follows: “Watch TV shows or movies?”; “Watch videos (such as YouTube)?”; “Play video games on a computer, console, phone, or other device (Xbox, Play Station, iPad)?”; “Text on a cell phone, tablet, or computer (eg, GChat, Whatsapp, etc.)?”; “Visit social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc?”; and “Video chat (Skype, Facetime, etc)?” For each of these activities, the participants responded with how much time they spent per day doing them. They could answer none, less than 30 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, or 4 hours. Answers were mostly none for the texting, social networking, and video chatting categories, as expected for this age range. For each participant, a total weekly video-gaming score was derived as the sum of (video-gaming hours per weekday × 5) + (video-gaming hours per weekend day × 2). A total weekly watching videos score was also derived for each participant. Using the video-gaming score, we defined a group of NVGs who never played video games (0 gaming hours per week) and a group of VGs who played a minimum of 3 hours per day (21 hours per week) or more. This threshold was selected because it exceeds the American Academy of Pediatrics screen time guidelines, 17 which recommends that video-gaming time be limited to 1 to 2 hours per day for older children.

The child’s age, sex, and race and ethnicity were reported by the parent at the baseline assessment. Race and ethnicity categories included Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, and other (which included American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islander, and multiple racial and ethnic categories). A trained researcher measured children’s height (to the nearest inch) and weight (to the nearest 0.1 lb). Height and weight were assessed 2 times, and means were recorded. Height and weight were converted to body mass index (BMI) scores (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention BMI cutoffs 18 ). IQ scores were derived from the National Institutes of Health Toolbox cognition battery 19 as the mean of crystalized intelligence and fluid intelligence composite, age-corrected scores. The Pubertal Development Scale (PDS) 20 was used to assess the child’s pubertal stage. The PDS is a noninvasive measure that assesses current pubertal status in females and males, in which higher scores indicate further progression in puberty. Mental health symptoms were evaluated using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) 21 , and included raw scores of behavioral (anxiety, depression, somatic, social, attention, rule-breaking, and aggression concerns) and psychiatric categories ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, diagnoses of depression, anxiety, somaticism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], oppositional-defiant disorder, and conduct disorder).

The ABCD imaging protocol was designed to extend the benefits of high temporal and spatial resolution of imaging protocols of the Human Connectome Project 22 with the multiple scanner systems of participating sites. 23 High spatial and temporal resolution simultaneous multislice and multiband echo-planar imaging task-based fMRIs, with fast integrated distortion correction, were acquired to examine functional activity. For the 3-T scanners (Siemens and GE), the scanning parameters were as follows: matrix, 90 × 90; 60 slices; field of vision, 216 × 216; echo time/repetition time, 800/30 milliseconds; flip angle, 52°; and resolution, 2.4 × 2.4 × 2.4 mm. The fMRI acquisitions (2.4-mm isotropic with repetition time of 800 milliseconds) used multiband echo-planar imaging with slice acceleration factor 6. The order of fMRI tasks was randomized across participants. The fMRI preprocessing pipeline included a within-volume head motion estimation and correction and a correction for image distortions. Estimates of task-related activation strength (measured with BOLD activity levels of 10242 vertices/hemisphere) were computed at the individual participant level using a general linear model implemented in Analysis of Functional NeuroImages 3dDeconvolve, with additional nuisance regressors and motion estimates. Hemodynamic response functions were modeled in Analysis of Functional NeuroImages with 2 parameters using a γ-variate basis function plus its temporal derivative.

The SST and n-back task were selected from the ABCD imaging battery to probe inhibitory control and working memory, respectively. Participants practiced the 2 tasks before scanning to ensure they understood the instructions and were familiar with the response collection device. These 2 tasks yield robust neural activation patterns as demonstrated previously. 24 Quality control criteria included excluding participants based on poor image quality, motion, or task performance. The full details of the tasks and fMRI acquisition, preprocessing, and quality control are described in the eMethods in Supplement 1 and by Hagler et al. 22

The adaptive algorithm used in the SST allowed for calculation of the stop signal RT (SSRT; the time required to inhibit the motor response 24 ), which was used as the performance variable in analyses that assessed individual differences in response inhibition ability. The SSRT was computed by subtracting the median stop signal delay of all successful stop trials from the n th percentile go RT, where n represents the percentage of successful inhibitions (for details on the theoretical underpinnings for this estimation, see the study by Logan and Cowan 25 ). To evaluate behavioral task performance in the n-back task, D’ (calculated as the z -transformed hit rate minus the z -transformed false alarm rate) was computed for both the 2-back and 0-back conditions by calculating each participant’s hit rate (the proportion of targets for which the participant correctly indicated a match) and the false alarm rate (the proportion of nontargets for which the participant incorrectly indicated a match or did not respond). The hit and false alarm rates were then z transformed. Cognitive performance was also assessed with tasks not relying on visual-motor coordination (list sorting working memory task and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test), as described in the eMethods in Supplement 1 .

Participants were included if they had (1) 2 fMRI runs per task, (2) cortical vertex and subcortical voxel data available at the time of analysis, (3) hemispheric mean BOLD signal within 2 SDs of the sample mean for each task, (4) at least 200 df during the 2 scan runs, (5) mean framewise displacement less than 0.9 mm for both runs, (6) met task-specific performance criteria (described in the eMethods in Supplement 1 ), and (7) had complete information on the screen time survey and for all other variables (CBCL, age, sex, scanner serial number, puberty, race and ethnicity, and combined parental income).

Collected data were analyzed between October 2019 and October 2020, with additional analysis in 2023. Unadjusted demographic characteristics (age, sex, race and ethnicity, household income), BMI and IQ, and scanner manufacturer were compared between VGs and NVGs using 2-tailed t tests and χ 2 analyses. To compare the 2 groups on IQ, BMI, and mental health as outcome measures, we use linear mixed models, controlling for sociodemographic factors (age, sex, puberty, race and ethnicity, and household income), and including site as a random effect. Linear mixed models were also used to compare VG and NVG on the 4 task-performance measures: SSRT, correct go RT in the SST, and 0-back and 2-back D′ in the n-back. These models included age, sex, race and ethnicity, IQ, puberty, and combined parental income as adjustment variables, and site as a random effect. Based on the fits of these models, group-specific estimated marginal means (referred to as adjusted means), standard errors and standardized mean differences (SMDs) were calculated for each performance measure. Analyses were carried out in SPSS (version 28.0).

Cortical task-fMRI BOLD signal contrasts (10242 vertices/hemisphere) were compared between VGs and NVGs using vertexwise permutation analyses via the fit of a Permutation Analysis of Linear Models (PALM) general linear model. 26 Task-fMRI contrasts included correct stop vs correct go and incorrect stop vs correct go conditions of the SST, as well as 0-back vs fixation and 2-back vs fixation conditions of the n-back test. Throughout age (months), sex, scanner serial number, race and ethnicity, IQ, puberty, and combined parental income were included as adjustment variables. Furthermore, nonindependence of siblings was acknowledged using sibling status as a nested covariate in the model using PALM’s exchangeability blocks, 27 which restrict the shuffling to only occur among the observations that share the same family index (ie, number of siblings). Note, sibling status was only included in the neuroimaging analyses because the permutation design with exchangeability blocks allows for optimal modeling of nested covariates, such as sibling status and site.

Additional task measurements not relying on visuomotor coordination included a list sorting working memory task and the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test and are described in the eMethods in Supplement 1 .

All statistical tests were 2-sided. False discovery rate (FDR) was assessed with the Benjamini and Hochberg procedure, and corrected P values and statistical maps were considered significant at P  < .05.

To investigate the potential mediating role that time spent watching videos, behavioral problems, or psychiatric disorders have in the association between video gaming with BOLD signal activation during SST and n-back tasks, we used structural equation modeling to model the association between video gaming (independent variable) and activation in the SST and n-back task (dependent variable), with video watching, behavioral problems, and psychiatric disorders scores included as covariates ( Figure 1 ). β Coefficients from the fMRI general linear model (model described in the eMethods in Supplement 1 ) were extracted using MATLAB (MathWorks) for each task and contrast from vertexes showing significant differences between NVGs and VGs in the vertexwise analyses. Mean β coefficients were computed for each contrast and included as the BOLD signal variable in the model. Total behavioral problems and psychiatric disorder scores were calculated from the CBCL 21 as the sum of the scores of all of the problem and psychiatric items, respectively. The direct effect of video gaming on BOLD signal (parameter b1) served to check whether any initial association remained significant after controlling for the covariates included in the model. This determination was accomplished by letting each covariate predict both video gaming and BOLD signal such that each covariate could have direct effects (represented as b2 and b3) as well as an indirect effect on BOLD signal via video gaming (b1 × b2) ( Figure 1 ). In this regard, video gaming could be interpreted as a mediator of the covariates’ effects. The total effect of covariates on the BOLD signal equals b1 × b2 + b3, whereas the covariate-corrected effect of video gaming on the BOLD signal equals b1. The root mean square error of approximation, comparative fit and Tucker-Lewis indices, defined as measures of the goodness-of-fit of statistical models, were also calculated for each model. The model was specified in R software, version 4.0.4 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing) using the structural equation modeling package lavaan, 28 version 0.6-7.

A total of 2217 children (mean [SD] age, 119 [7.6] months; 9.91 [0.62] years; 1399 [63.1%] females) participated in this study ( Table 1 ). The final sample used in the SST analyses consisted of 1128 NVGs who had never played video games (0 gaming hours per week) and 679 VGs who played 21 hours per week or more. The final sample used in the n-back analyses consisted of 1278 NVGs who had never played video games (0 hours per week of gaming) and 800 gamers who played 21 hours per week or more.

The NVG vs VG between-group comparisons showed that groups did not differ on age, but did differ on sex, race and ethnicity, combined parental income, and raw BMI and IQ measures ( Table 1 ). Comparison of NVGs and VGs using linear mixed models showed the adjusted means of BMI and IQ did not differ between the 2 groups ( Table 2 ). Although mental health and behavioral scores from the CBCL were consistently higher in VGs, these differences reached statistical significance for attention problems, depression, and ADHD scores (FDR P  < .05) ( Figure 2 ). The t scores from the CBCL were less than 56 in both groups and thus, none of the measures in either group was high enough to reach clinical significance ( Figure 2 ).

Performance on the SST was in the anticipated range (mean [SE] SSRT, 293.7 [9.7] milliseconds; mean [SE] go RT, 538 [1.82] milliseconds), with a mean (SE) rate of correct inhibitions of 51.5% (0.001%). The distributions for D′ were as expected, with children performing better on the 0-back task (mean [SE] D′ = 2.25 [0.03] milliseconds) than the 2-back task (mean [SE] D′ = 1.8 [0.03] milliseconds; P  < .001). Linear mixed models compared task performance measures between NVGs and VGs with age, sex, puberty, race and ethnicity, household income, and scanner site included as covariates. Analyses showed that videogaming was associated with small improvements in performance in the SST and n-back tasks ( Figure 2 ). In the SST, compared with NVGs, VGs had statistically significantly faster reaction times. The adjusted means (SE) times for SSRT were 287.3 (9.8) vs 300.1 (9.6) milliseconds (SMD 0.04 milliseconds; P  = .02), and the adjusted means (SE) times for correct go RT were 514 (2.9) vs 552 (2.2) milliseconds (SMD, 0.5 milliseconds; P  = .002). Following a similar pattern, the 0-back D' score was significantly higher in VGs relative to NVGs (adjusted means [SE], 2.33 [0.03] vs 2.18 [0.03]; P  < .001) ( Table 2 ). Similarly, 2-back D′ was significantly higher in VGs relative to NVGs (adjusted means [SE], 1.87 [0.03] vs 1.72 [0.02]; P  < .002). Reaction time for correct responses during the 2-back condition were significantly faster in VGs relative to NVGs (adjusted means [SE], 1025 [4.8] vs 1069 [3.7]; P  < .002) ( Table 2 and Figure 2 ). Compared with NVGs, VGs, scored lower on the list sorting working memory task, and there were no differences between groups on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (see eMethods and eResults in Supplement 1 ).

Families with 2 siblings consisted of less than 5% and families with 3 siblings of less than 0.1% in both fMRI samples. In the correct stop vs correct go condition of the SST, vertexwise analyses showed significantly greater BOLD signal in VGs compared with NVGs in the bilateral precuneus ( Figure 3 ). No significant differences were observed in the incorrect stop vs correct go condition of the SST.

In the 2-back vs fixation condition of the n-back task, a significantly greater BOLD signal was observed in VGs compared with NVGs in bilateral parts of the dorsal posterior cingulate gyrus, subparietal cortex, middle and superior frontal gyri, and precuneus ( Figure 3 ). Meanwhile, a smaller BOLD signal was observed in VGs in the 2-back vs fixation condition in bilateral parts of the occipital cortex and the calcarine sulcus ( Figure 3 ). The direction, anatomical label, cluster size, and peak vertex number for each cortical region showed significant changes between VGs and NVGs ( Table 3 ). Cortical clusters showing these differences in the n-back sample also survive a Bonferroni familywise error correction at P  < .05. Similar patterns of BOLD differences between VGs and NVGs were observed in male and female groups examined separately. No significant differences were observed in the 0-back vs fixation condition of the n-back task.

The two structural equation models (for the SST and n-back task) showed good fits with root mean square error of approximation less than 0.04, a comparative fit index greater than 0.9, and Tucker-Lewis Index greater than 0.9. Video watching was positively associated with video gaming for both models (estimates, 0.12 for SST and 0.14 for n-back tasks; P  ≤ .001). However, video watching and total behavioral and psychiatric problems did not have significant direct (b3), indirect (b1 × b2), or total ([b2 × b1] + b3) effects on the BOLD signal in either model. Of importance, the direct effect of video gaming on the BOLD signal remained significant in both models.

Data were missing or partially missing on the screen time questionnaire for 11 NVG participants (0.5% of the sample). We reran our analyses on both SST and n-back task-fMRI data, as well as behavioral and mental health measures with and without those participants, and there were no differences in the adjusted means or statistical significance of our findings.

To date and to our knowledge, this is the largest study to assess the association among video gaming, cognitive performance, and brain function. The behavioral performance findings showed that VGs performed better on both the SST and n-back task compared with NVGs; however, the differences were very small and measured in fractions of milliseconds. The fMRI findings demonstrated that VGs show a greater BOLD signal in bilateral parts of the precuneus, using an SST probing inhibitory control. Moreover, results showed a smaller BOLD signal in VGs in parts of the occipital cortex and calcarine sulcus and more activation in cingulate, subparietal, middle, and frontal gyri, and the precuneus during the n-back working memory task. In line with psychological and behavioral studies 2 that suggest detrimental associations of video gaming with mental health in children, we observed significantly higher attention problems, depression, and ADHD scores in VGs compared with NVGs. The marginally higher scores in VGs in the other CBCL categories leave open the possibility that VGs may be on a trajectory to show more mental health symptoms with time and more exposure to video gaming.

The behavioral performance findings in the SST sample are in line with the behavioral findings of the studies by Chisholm et al 29 and Bavelier et al, 30 showing that VGs are less susceptible to attentional distraction and outperform NVGs on both selection-based and response-based processes, suggesting that enhanced attentional performance in VGs may be underpinned by a greater capacity to suppress or disregard irrelevant stimuli. However, these results contradict those obtained in previous studies 31 , 32 that used go/no-go tasks and those showing higher impulsivity levels to be associated with video gaming. These studies 31 , 32 adopted a different design and outcome measures, included young adult age ranges, and had small sample sizes (n < 56). The behavioral performance findings in the n-back task are also in accordance with previous studies showing enhanced visuospatial working memory performance in VGs compared with NVGs 5 , 33 and in experimental vs control groups after video game training sessions. 5 - 7 , 34 In both tasks, the significantly faster millisecond RTs in VGs compared with NVGs while simultaneously performing more accurately may reflect improved cognitive skills acquired through video gaming and not caused by impulsive responding. According to a previous EEG study, 35 earlier latencies in the visual pathways are another feature found in VGs, which may contribute to faster RTs in visual tasks after years of practice. The faster millisecond performance times on both the SST and n-back task is supported by previous studies showing that VGs outperform NVGs on a range of cognitive tasks 36 (a flanker task, an enumeration task, and 2 attentional blink tasks) and on crystallized and fluid intelligence measures assessed via the Youth National Institutes of Health Toolbox. 37 In addition, supporting our findings, research on video game training in groups of NVGs using action video games (mainly enhancing one’s attentional control) demonstrated that video game training consistently led to transferrable improvements in cognitive performance. 38

The imaging findings showing a greater BOLD signal associated with video gaming during the SST in the precuneus—a brain region involved in a variety of complex functions including attention, cue reactivity, memory, and integration of information—are consistent with previous fMRI studies 3 in children and young adolescents using response inhibition tasks showing more activation in VGs in parietal areas of the cortex, including the precuneus. More broadly, the findings agree with the evidence that VGs display enhanced overall neural recruitment in a range of attentional control areas during response inhibition tasks. 3 Of interest, in a previous study 39 investigating changes in resting state functional connectivity after video game practice in young participants using a test-retest design, the key finding was increased correlated activity during rest in the precuneus, suggesting that this area exhibits a practice effect associated with the cognitively demanding video games. 39 Advantages for VGs in various attention-demanding tasks have also been reported by Cardoso-Leite et al. 40 Moreover, in line with our findings, an electroencephalography study 41 showed that heavy-use VGs had larger event-related potential amplitudes relative to NVGs in response to numerical targets under high load conditions, suggesting that heavy-use VGs may show greater sensitivity than NVGs to task-relevant stimuli under increased load, which in turn may underpin greater BOLD changes and improved behavioral performance compared with mild-use VGs and NVGs.

Our finding of less activation in VGs in occipital areas while performing better on the n-back task is consistent with a previous fMRI study 33 that used a visuomotor task and showed less activation in occipitoparietal regions in VGs and improved visuomotor task performance; these findings suggest a reduction in visuomotor cognitive performance measures as a consequence of the video gaming practice. In addition, in line with our results, Granek et al, 4 using an increasingly complex visuomotor fMRI task, observed greater prefrontal activation in 13 VGs who played a mean (SD) of 12.8 (8.6) hours per week during the preceding 3 years compared with 13 NVGs, which the authors related to the increased online control and spatial attention required by VGs for processing complex, visually guided reaching. Similarly, Gorbet and Sergio 42 found that VGs showed less motor-related activity in the cuneus, middle occipital gyrus, and cerebellum, which they explained as an indicator that VGs have greater neural efficiency when conducting visually guided responses. In addition, previous fMRI research has found significantly greater activation related to video gaming in regions associated with working memory, including the subparietal sulcus and the precuneus. 43 , 44 In a more recent study, 45 changes in BOLD signal in the subparietal lobe, precentral gyrus, and precuneus from before to after training using a video game with a working memory component predicted changes in performance in an untrained working memory task, suggesting a practice-induced plasticity in these regions.

Although video watching is highly confounded with video gaming in our fMRI samples, our models indicate that the response inhibition and working memory effects remained significant when controlling for video watching (in addition to behavioral and psychiatric problems), suggesting that the observed BOLD alterations in the SST and n-back task are more specific to video gaming than video watching. This finding is important because it suggests that children must actively engage with a video’s content, as opposed to passively watching a video, to exhibit altered brain activation in key areas of the brain involved in cognition.

This study has some limitations, and the findings should be interpreted with caution. The 2 groups were different in terms of sex, race and ethnicity, parental income, and mental health and behavioral scores. While the results show statistically different SSRTs (287.3 [9.8] vs 300.1 [9.6] milliseconds), these are very small differences without clear implications. In addition, video games regroup a variety of gaming categories that include action-adventure, shooters, puzzle solving, real-time strategy, simulation, and sports. These specific genres of video games may have different effects for neurocognitive development 46 because they do not all equally involve interactive (ie, multisensory and motor systems) and executive function processes. In addition, single vs multiplayer games may also have differential impacts on the brain and cognition. 46 Not including the video-gaming genre in our analyses is a limitation of the current study because the screen time survey in the ABCD database does not include additional information on the genre of video games played. Future large studies investigating the association between video gaming and cognition would benefit from including game genre as a moderating variable in analyses. Another limitation of the current study is the use of only cross-sectional study designs, which cannot provide enough evidence to resolve causality or the directionality of the associations among video gaming and other variables. For example, we cannot resolve whether mental health issues or brain function changes precede and drive video gaming or whether video gaming results in mental health symptoms or altered neuroplasticity. Future works benefiting from the longitudinal design of the ABCD study will enable researchers to move beyond association toward causation using causal approaches, such as discordant twin analyses, bayesian causal networks, and machine learning.

Overall, even with consideration of the correlational nature of these cross-sectional data, the current findings are consistent with video gaming being associated with faster performance on cognitive tests that involve response inhibition and working memory and altered BOLD signal on these tasks, although the differences in task performances were very small and measured in fractions of milliseconds. The results raise the possibility that video gaming may provide a cognitive training experience with measurable neurocognitive effects. However, the CBCL behavioral and mental health scores were higher in children who played video games for 3 or more hours a day, with attention problems, depression, and ADHD scores significantly higher in the VGs compared with the NVGs. Future ABCD data releases will allow researchers to test for longitudinal effects in which video gaming might improve response inhibition, working memory, and other cognitive functions, as previously suggested in a longitudinal intervention study 34 in which episodic and short-term memory gains were maintained during a 3-month follow-up period, as well as the association of mental health symptoms with exposure to video gaming. The longitudinal design of the ABCD study will enable within-participant testing for the correlates of accumulated video-gaming practice over the years. By using methods such as cross-lagged correlations or causal inference, researchers can assess whether video gaming is associated with subsequent mental health symptoms, behavioral issues, or neurocognitive development in adolescents.

Accepted for Publication: August 20, 2022.

Published: October 24, 2022. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.35721

Retraction and Replacement: This article was retracted on April 10, 2023, to fix errors in the analysis in the Key Points, Abstract, main text, Table 1 , and Figure 2 (see Supplement 2 for the retracted article with errors highlighted and Supplement 3 for the replacement article with corrections highlighted).

Correction: This article was corrected on August 8, 2023, to add clarifications to the text and Supplement 1 , report the demographic variables in Table 1 and the adjusted outcomes in Table 2 , and correct Figures 1 and 2 .

Open Access: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License . © 2022 Chaarani B et al. JAMA Network Open .

Corresponding Author: Bader Chaarani, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont, 1 S Prospect St, Burlington, VT 05405 ( [email protected] ).

Author Contributions: Drs Chaarani and Garavan had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.

Concept and design: Chaarani, Garavan.

Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors.

Drafting of the manuscript: Chaarani, Ortigara, Garavan.

Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Chaarani, Yuan, Loso, Potter, Garavan.

Statistical analysis: Chaarani, Ortigara, Yuan, Loso, Garavan.

Obtained funding: Chaarani, Potter, Garavan.

Administrative, technical, or material support: Chaarani, Ortigara, Potter.

Supervision: Chaarani, Garavan.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Potter reported receiving grants from the National Institutes of Health during the conduct of the study. No other disclosures were reported.

Additional Contributions: We thank Shana Adise, PhD, and Nicholas D. Allgaier, PhD (Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont, Burlington), for conducting independent statistical analyses for the corrected article.

Additional Information: Data used in the preparation of this article were obtained from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study ( https://abcdstudy.org ) held in the National Institute of Mental Health Data Archive. Computations were performed on the Vermont Advanced Computing Core supported in part by award OAC-1827314 from the National Science Foundation.

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    EXAMPLE RESEARCH SUMMARY . Danielle Wilson . Psych 100 Section 005 . Tuesday Thursday 1:00PM . Ms. Trich Kremer . 913553226 . Student ID Number You will be writing a summary of a PEER REVIEWED research article. Instructor's name Time/Day the class meets Class and Section Your Name Please read all of these boxes to make sure you are following ...

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  3. Research Summary

    Research Summary. Definition: A research summary is a brief and concise overview of a research project or study that highlights its key findings, main points, and conclusions. It typically includes a description of the research problem, the research methods used, the results obtained, and the implications or significance of the findings.

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    Summarize your thesis statement and the underlying meaning of the article. Adapted from "Guidelines for Using In-Text Citations in a Summary (or Research Paper)" by Christine Bauer-Ramazani, 2020. Additional Resources. All links open in a new window. How to Write a Summary - Guide & Examples (from Scribbr.com) Writing a Summary (from The ...

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    For example, you might need to cite the author of the original paper by name in your summary or the name of an author whose work the original cites. Similarly, do not simply repurpose the original author's words as your own—this is plagiarism. Example of a research paper summary. See a summary of a research paper example below.

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