How to write a review or recommendation on any Facebook business page

  • You can write a review on Facebook to help others make an informed decision about a business.
  • To leave a review on Facebook, you can either recommend or not recommend a business. 
  • You can leave this recommendation directly on a Facebook business page.

If you've just been to a really great — or not so great — business, you probably want to tell someone about it. You could just post about it on social media, but that only goes to your friends. It would probably be more useful to let people who actually want the information know.

There are many ways to do that, but one way is to post on a business' Facebook page, if it has one. You don't have to leave a generic post on the page, and it's not the traditional star rating like you're used to either.

Facebook has changed their reviews to recommendations, which can include photos and tags in addition to text. Now, star ratings for a business are calculated by a combination of past reviews and customer recommendations. 

Here's everything you need to know about Facebook recommendations.

How are Facebook recommendations different from reviews?

While they serve a similar purpose, there are a few key differences between recommendations and reviews. 

First, Facebook reviews are visible to anyone on Facebook, while recommendations can be limited to just friends. Facebook reviews also have a star rating whilst recommendations do not.

What are the benefits of using Facebook recommendations?

When recommending a business, you can add photos to accompany your text and select tags to highlight key features about a business (like child-friendly or cozy atmosphere). 

Additionally, if one of your Facebook friends recommends a business, it will appear first on that Facebook page as well as on your friend's timeline.

How to write a review on Facebook

1. Go to the Facebook page of the business you want to review. 

2. Click the Reviews tab.

3. Underneath Do you recommend [Business Name]? click Yes or No .

4. Write your review about the business. Reviews must be at least 25 characters long.

5. In the Sharing section , select who will be able to see your review. You can choose just friends, or set it to public so that anyone can see it. When you're finished, click Post . 

how to leave facebook review

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How to Leave a Review on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leaving a review on Facebook is pretty simple and quick. First, you need to find the page of the business or service you want to review. Once you’re on the page, look for the reviews section. Click on “Write a Review,” rate the business, and write your thoughts. After you’re done, just hit “Post,” and your review will be live.

Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Leave a Review on Facebook

These steps will guide you through leaving a review on Facebook, ensuring your feedback is shared with others.

Step 1: Log in to Your Facebook Account

First, log in to your Facebook account using your username and password.

Make sure you have your login details handy. Without logging in, you won’t be able to leave a review.

Step 2: Search for the Business Page

Next, use the search bar at the top of the page to find the business or service you want to review.

Type the name of the business in the search bar and click on the correct page from the search results.

Step 3: Navigate to the Reviews Section

Once you’re on the business page, find the “Reviews” section. It is usually located on the left-hand side of the page.

Look for a tab labeled “Reviews” or a star icon. Click on it to proceed.

Step 4: Click on “Write a Review”

In the Reviews section, click on the button that says “Write a Review.”

This will open up a new window where you can write your review and rate the business.

Step 5: Rate the Business

Select a star rating for the business, ranging from 1 to 5 stars.

Your rating will help others gauge the quality of the business. Be honest!

Step 6: Write Your Review

Write your thoughts about the business in the text box provided.

Share your experience, what you liked or disliked, and any other details you think are important.

Step 7: Click “Post”

After writing your review, click the “Post” button to publish it.

Your review will now be visible to the public on the business’s Facebook page.

Once you complete these steps, your review will be live for others to see. It can help other potential customers make informed decisions.

Tips for Leaving a Review on Facebook

  • Be Honest: Always give truthful feedback based on your actual experience.
  • Be Specific: Provide specific details about what you liked or didn’t like.
  • Stay Respectful: Even if you had a bad experience, keep your language respectful.
  • Check Your Grammar: Make sure your review is easy to read by checking for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Use Relevant Keywords: This helps others find your review when they search for similar topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do i need a facebook account to leave a review.

Yes, you need to be logged in to your Facebook account to leave a review.

Can I edit my review later?

Yes, you can edit your review by going back to the Reviews section and clicking on your review.

What if the “Write a Review” button is missing?

Some businesses might have reviews disabled. In this case, you won’t be able to leave a review.

Are reviews on Facebook public?

Yes, reviews you post on Facebook are visible to anyone who visits the business’s page.

How do I delete my review?

You can delete your review by finding it in the Reviews section and clicking on the delete option.

  • Log in to your Facebook account.
  • Search for the business page.
  • Navigate to the Reviews section.
  • Click on “Write a Review.”
  • Rate the business.
  • Write your review.
  • Click “Post.”

Leaving a review on Facebook is a straightforward process that can have a big impact. Whether you had an amazing experience you want to share or encountered some hiccups, your review can help others make better decisions. Plus, businesses rely on feedback to improve and grow. So why not take a few minutes out of your day to leave a thoughtful review? It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference. For more tips on how to be an effective reviewer, check out our other articles. Happy reviewing!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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how to leave reviews on Facebook

How to Leave a Review on Facebook

Before visiting a business, most Facebook users look them up on Facebook to check their reviews. Customer reviews across platforms such as Yelp and Google show what past customers say about a business, offering social proof that you provide a good product or service. This makes managing a positive online presence an essential aspect of running a small or local business in the modern age.

Discover the difference between Facebook reviews and recommendations in this step-by-step guide on how to leave a review on Facebook .

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

What are facebook reviews vs. recommendations.

Facebook reviews and recommendations allow users to leave reviews on business pages. For years, Facebook used a traditional review system using a five-star review scale and an optional space for a comment supporting the given star rating. In 2018, however, they updated the star rating system to “Recommendations,” which asks users if they recommend a business, yes or no.

Facebook Reviews

Reviews on Facebook used a five-star rating and the option to leave an accompanying comment. Anyone could like and comment on reviews. Existing star ratings and Facebook reviews are still available for social media users to see, and Facebook will continue to display them; however, you can no longer leave a traditional review with a star ranking.

Facebook Recommendations

Recommendations are an updated version of reviews on Facebook. The current “Review” tab does not show five-star ratings. Instead, it tells social media users whether their social network recommends a business. 

When users click the “Reviews” tab, Facebook sends them to the “Recommendations” feature, which asks, “Do you recommend (Business name)? ” Users respond yes or no and can add tags, photos, or a written recommendation. Facebook intends for recommendations to be more personal and allows users to see what friends in their network think of local businesses. All you need to know is that, in effect, reviews and recommendations on Facebook are one and the same. 

For the purpose of this article, and to avoid confusion, we will refer to reviews and recommendations as “reviews”, as some users might still call recommendations by their former name. 

Why Are Reviews on Facebook Important for Businesses?

Facebook reviews play an important role in the success of local businesses. Let’s look deeper into why they matter, with some examples to help along the way:

Enhance Online Presence

Think of reviews on Facebook as your business’s online billboard. More reviews mean more people can find you, just like how a well-lit sign on a popular street attracts passersby. For example, if you run a café and receive glowing reviews, say, for your lattes and friendly staff, people searching for a great coffee spot in town are more likely to discover and choose yours. That’s the kind of thing we are talking about.

Build Trust

Trust is truly a precious commodity—with that being said, positive reviews on Facebook are kind of like trust-building blocks. When someone leaves a heartfelt review praising your products or services, it’s akin to a friend recommending your business. Just as you’d trust a pal’s opinion about whether or not to go see a movie, potential customers trust these reviews to gauge whether or not to do business with you.

Customer Engagement

Customer reviews create an opportunity for direct and meaningful communication. When customers share their thoughts, it’s quite similar to having a conversation. You can respond to their reviews on Facebook, just as you would chat with friends (just a little more professional). This interaction shows your customers that you value their opinions and appreciate their feedback.

Also see: How to manage customer communications for your automotive shop

Social Proof

On social media, we are often drawn to what everyone else is talking about, and reviews on Facebook provide that extra nudge. When you see a product with lots of positive reviews, it’s like a group of friends giving it the seal of approval. For instance, if you’re looking for a new smartphone and find one with many five-star reviews talking about its great camera and long battery life, you’re more likely to choose that model over another.

Improve SEO

Consider reviews as your website’s hypemen. The more reviews you have, the more prominent Google will find you, and the higher your website will rank in search results. This means more and more people will likely visit your business online.

Valuable Feedback

Reviews on Facebook aren’t just compliments—they’re also a great source of feedback. They provide insights on how you can improve your operations or products. Suppose you own a clothing store, and customers leave reviews asking for a more extensive range of sizes. This feedback helps you make informed decisions to better serve your customers.

Competitive Edge

In a sea of similar businesses, a collection of great reviews is like a beacon guiding customers directly to you. It differentiates your business from others, making potential customers more likely to choose you. With a reputation built on positive reviews, your business can stand out and secure a larger share of the market.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Good reviews on Facebook can be the starting point of a chain reaction. One friend reads your reviews, decides to visit, and tells another friend about how great you are. Before you know it, this word-of-mouth marketing multiplies your customer base.

Customer Loyalty

Responding to reviews isn’t just about appreciation—it’s about building relationships. When you thank a customer for a positive review, it’s like inviting them to become a part of your brand’s community. Over time, this engagement fosters loyalty and long-term connections.

Monitor Customer Satisfaction

Think of reviews on Facebook as a barometer for customer happiness. They provide a continuous stream of feedback about how well your business is meeting the needs of your valued customers. You can use this feedback to refine your services and ensure your customers are always satisfied.

For example, if you run a tech support business and consistently receive reviews mentioning fast response times, it reassures potential customers that they can count on your quick assistance.

In a nutshell, Facebook reviews serve as advocates for your business. They not only enhance your online visibility but also provide valuable feedback and set you apart from competitors. Take steps to improve and nurture your online presence, and it will pay you back tenfold.

Did You Know: Google My Business and Facebook Messaging is Now Available in the Broadly App

How Do I Leave a Review on Facebook?

Leaving a review impacts a business’s online reputation. The more customers that leave reviews on your business page, the more social trust you build with new potential customers. 

If a Facebook user has a friend ask for recommendations, they can write a comment and tag your Facebook business page . Customers can also leave reviews directly on your page. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to leave a review on Facebook. 

  • Log into Facebook
  • Go to the page of the business you want to review
  • Click the “Reviews” tab in the left-hand corner
  • Click “Yes” or “No” when prompted at the bottom of the page under “Do you recommend (Business name)?” 
  • Write a recommendation of up to 25 characters
  • Add tags or photos
  • Post the recommendation 

Where Do I Find Facebook Reviews?

Facebook has made it easy to find reviews all in one place. Follow these straightforward steps to see what customers think of your local business. 

  • Log into your business Facebook account
  • Click “Reviews” to navigate to the recommendations and reviews 

How Do I Respond to Facebook Reviews?

Respond to all reviews on Facebook to show customers you appreciate their feedback. When responding to positive reviews, you can simply like the review or write a quick reply, personalizing it to their name and getting specific when thanking them for their feedback. 

  • To respond to recommendations and reviews on your business Facebook account, you need to first log in to your account. 
  • Once you are logged in, navigate to the “Reviews” section of your page. Here, you will be able to see all the recommendations and reviews left by your customers. 
  • To respond to a particular review, simply click on it. You will now be able to see the details of the review, including any comments left by other users. 
  • To comment on the review, type your response in the comment box just like you would on any other Facebook post. 
  • Once you are done, click “Post” to publish the comment. 

It’s important to respond to reviews in a timely and professional manner to show your customers that you value their feedback and care about their opinions.

It’s a good idea to respond to negative reviews to show customers you care about their experience. When responding to a negative review, customize your response to the reviewer. Acknowledge their feedback, give them your business phone number or email address, and offer to work toward a solution outside of the reviews page. 

A customer might edit their initial negative review or leave a second review explaining how you handled the situation. Potential customers might see your effort, and a negative review could benefit your business. 

Are Reviews on Facebook Public?

Yes, Facebook reviews are public on a business page’s “Reviews” tab for anyone to see. They cannot be made private. 

Can I Delete or Edit My Facebook Reviews?

Only review authors can delete their r eviews on Facebook . Business owners cannot delete individual comments, but you can report recommendations that go against the Facebook Community Standards . 

S ometimes Facebook takes down posts before you report them, and others will stay up even after Facebook admins review them. Facebook will review all reports and remove recommendations they deem to violate their rules. 

You can choose to disable the reviews tab of your Facebook business page by navigating to the “Settings” tab, clicking “Templates and Tabs ” and switching the “Reviews” section toggle from on to off. 

Taking down your reviews will also remove all positive reviews. If there are only a couple of negative or fake reviews on Facebook , it might be better to get more reviews from customers. There are several simple ways to ask customers to leave reviews :

  • Ask customers in person after they purchase something from your business
  • Send an email or text message with a direct link to your review page 
  • Place signs in your waiting room or lobby asking customers to leave a review and provide a QR code to your reviews page
  • Embed positive Facebook reviews on your website 
  • Offer an incentive to customers who check-in 

If you have enough positive reviews, the negative and fake ones will stand out as outliers. 

Also see: Here’s Why You Should Never Buy Reviews

How Do I Rate a Seller on Facebook?

Facebook goes beyond businesses and allows sellers to offer items on Facebook Marketplace where all Facebook users can see the post and interact with the seller. Buyers can only rate sellers after purchasing something or interacting with them. These are the steps to leaving a rating for a seller:

  • Log in to your Facebook account
  • Click the Marketplace tab
  • Next to the search icon at the top of the screen, click the person icon
  • Click “Buying” and find your chat with the seller
  • Click “Rate Seller”
  • You can rate the seller by choosing either a happy face or a sad face
  • If you would like, include the reason for your rating
  • Click “Done” to publish your rating

Manage Your Online Presence With Broadly

If you’re looking to streamline your online presence and engage with customers effectively on Facebook, Broadly might be the right partner for you.

With Broadly, you no longer have to regularly check multiple platforms to find reviews, compile insights manually, or remember to send individual review requests to customers. Work smarter, not harder, with our suite of automated solutions. Start your journey to success with Broadly today.

Watch your online reputation transform with Broadly

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  • For Small Business

How to Leave Reviews on Facebook: An Expert Guide for Small Businesses

  • November 27, 2023
  • by Tom Wells

how to leave facebook review

As a small business owner, positive online reviews can be invaluable for building credibility, driving sales, and improving your products and services. According to a BrightLocal survey, 91% of consumers read online reviews before visiting or purchasing from a local business. With over 1 billion monthly active Facebook users, reviews on Facebook Pages make a significant impact.

This comprehensive guide will teach you how customers can leave Facebook reviews, why they’re critical for small businesses, and how you as a Page admin can proactively manage them.

Step-by-Step: How Customers Leave Facebook Reviews

Leaving a review on Facebook only takes a few quick steps:

1. Navigate to the Business Page

From their news feed, customers can:

  • Search for your Page name or handle
  • Click on an ad or post leading to your Page
  • Visit your official website and click the Facebook icon

Once on your Page, they can scroll down to the Reviews section.

2. Leave a Rating & Written Review

They simply:

  • Rate your business from one to five stars
  • Click to give a recommendation
  • Write their review summary, feedback, experiences

Facebook suggests keeping reviews detailed, honest, and polite . Customers can also add photos of products, services, or experiences.

3. Submit the Published Review

They click the Post button to publish the review. It will then be visible to all visitors under your Reviews section.

Why Facebook Reviews Are Vital for Small Businesses

Positive and negative reviews have significant impacts on small businesses in terms of:

Reputation & Trust

  • 72% of customers will trust a business more if it has positive reviews [BrightLocal]
  • 64% are more likely to purchase if a business has four stars or more [BrightLocal]

Customer Experience & Loyalty

  • Rating products and services allows customers to share experiences
  • This feedback helps small businesses identify issues and opportunities for improvement
  • Responding to reviews demonstrates you value customers and their insights

Lead Generation & Sales

  • 72% of customers will probably book appointments or reservations after reading positive reviews [BrightLocal]
  • Consumers that view four or more online reviews convert at a 270% higher rate than those who don‘t read reviews [Yotpo]

In summary, online reviews significantly influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions – ignored at your own peril!

Proactively Managing Your Facebook Reviews

As a Page admin, you can turn reviews on or off and use tools to manage them appropriately:

Enable Reviews on Your Page

First, ensure the Reviews section is visible to customers. Under Settings > Templates & Tabs > Reviews, turn the toggle switch ON.

Encourage More Reviews

Occasionally posting asking happy customers to kindly leave an honest review gives positive social proof. Tag those who gave verbal feedback too.

Respond & Interact Thoughtfully

Replying to reviews shows customers you care and are listening. Thank them for taking time to provide feedback. For negative reviews, apologize for their poor experience and offer to make things right.

Monitor Review Content

Check new reviews at least weekly. Report seriously inappropriate or false reviews to Facebook as needed.

Analyze Review Patterns

Identify common complaints needing improvement or recognize employee rock stars going above-and-beyond from the content.

Proactively managing reviews demonstrates your commitment to customers while enabling small businesses to provide even better products, services and experiences over time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While honest feedback provides an opportunity to improve, avoid these common mistakes business owners make:

  • Deleting or hiding negative reviews
  • Paying for fake positive reviews
  • Arguing, blaming customers in responses
  • Ignoring review feedback altogether

These destroy consumer trust while damaging your brand reputation and integrity.

Instead, embrace authentic reviews as invaluable customer insights to drive positive changes in your business. Demonstrate professionalism and accountability in all public interactions.

Key Takeaways

  • Reviews significantly influence reputation and purchases
  • Leaving Facebook reviews takes mere minutes
  • Manage your Page‘s reviews proactively
  • Respond professionally to all reviews
  • Analyze patterns and trends in the feedback

Encouraging more reviews while carefully monitoring and thoughtfully engaging with customers on Facebook fosters increased visibility, trust and sales over the long-term.

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How to Leave A Review on Facebook (Things You Need to Know)

Hridi Paul Avatar

Have you had any experience with any product/service from a Facebook business page? Then, you might want to share it with others.

That’s great! Because you may have any good/bad experiences with a business, it’s good to share with others, too, as every customer review does matter!

However, social media is great for sharing opinions through user reviews. And Facebook is one of the best platforms for this. 66% of people share their thoughts and opinions on their purchases on Facebook.

If you’re looking for a guide on writing reviews on the Facebook page or a business owner, you should know why and how this has to be done properly. This article sums up everything about how to leave a review on a Facebook business page and the things that you need to know.

So, let’s get into how to leave reviews on Facebook;

Why Facebook review is important

When someone asks about the importance of leaving customer reviews on Facebook or why leave reviews on Facebook, what will you say on this?

We know the first thing that will come to your mind about the fact that people prefer to leave reviews on Facebook. But where does this preference come from? 

Well, the way people are engaged on Facebook, you can say these Facebook reviews work as an interpreter between customers and businesses!

Why Facebook review is important

Reviews on Facebook and other review websites for businesses are crucial for any brand. In order to help your customers choose about what to buy, 92.4% of customers read these online reviews and recommendations. And, to determine whether a good or service is worthwhile for their time and, more crucially, their money, consumers require social proof !

Social media reviews are very influential on popular platforms like Facebook, so you should use this to improve the user experience, draw attention to more clients, and stay ahead of the competition.

However, writing online reviews is not a difficult task. Followers can check these steps on how to leave a Facebook review;

Steps of how to leave a review on Facebook page (Example)

  • First, select the Facebook page where you want to leave your opinion.
  • Simply just choose the “Reviews” section. (In case you don’t find the Reviews option, check it from the “More” option).

How to leave a review on Facebook- Facebook reviews option

  • Besides writing reviews, you can recommend this page too. For that, choose “Yes”, under the line “Do you recommend”.

Facebook recommendation

  • Now, write your review, expressing your thoughts in one or two sentences or with a brief overview of the company’s goods or services.
  • You can determine who can see your review by making your selection in the Sharing section. You have the option of setting it to private for just your friends or public for everyone. 

How to leave a review on Facebook- Privacy setting

Click Post once you’re done.

How to leave a review on Facebook- write review

Bottom line

Isn’t it easy to leave your reviews on Facebook? Just the way you got your service, pay the same with a few good words through your Facebook reviews.

Read: How to Add Facebook Reviews on Your Website (Easy Steps)

By doing this, you assist your friends and other customers while ensuring businesses enhance their services and interactions with the local community!

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Anyway, we hope you liked the blog and found your answers. Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Also, you may overlook some of the frequently asked questions we received from viewers right here.

You can read the blog about the best Facebook reviews plugin: 5 Best Facebook Review Plugin for WordPress Websites

How do I leave a review on Facebook in 2024?

Tap Reviews to the right of the Page’s cover image. If you want to recommend the Page, tap Yes; if not, tap No. Then share Your experience and post it.

Can Facebook reviews be anonymous?

No, not at this time. Facebook requires users to sign into their accounts to submit a review or recommendation, making everything they post on a business page public.

How do I rate a seller on Facebook 2024?

If you want to rate a seller, you can do that after buying a product; if you have a conversation with the seller on Messenger, you’ll find the Rate the Seller option. 

Why did Facebook remove reviews?

By ensuring everyone has the same experience, Facebook hopes to ensure quality in the user experience. Because of this, reviews are being removed from some pages.

Is a recommendation as same as a review on Facebook?

No. Reviews include both comments and star ratings, whereas recommendations only include comments and likes. Anyone can leave a comment or “like” a review, but only people in the recommender’s network can do the same for their recommendations.

Why can I not leave a review on Facebook?

When you create a Page on Facebook, by default, the reviews feature is automatically turned on. You can manually enable it in the Manage Page area on the left side of the page if it isn’t already enabled when the Page is created for any reason. Go to your brand’s page to enable Facebook reviews.

Hridi Paul Avatar

Hridi here; a dreamer and ambivert who loves diving into exploring more. Wanna know what this slacker’s work cycle is? So, a cup of coffee, a good music and back to write!

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How to Write a Review on Facebook in 2024, 9 Easy Ways


Is it important to know how to write a review on Facebook?

Your local coffee house makes you a custom drink you love. Your handmade dress from Etsy arrived in perfect condition. And you can’t stop raving about the progress you’ve seen since working with a life coach. 

How can you show these businesses you care beyond continuing to make purchases?

What about leaving them a Facebook review?

If you have ever wondered, “How do I leave a review on Facebook,” this article is for you.

There are advantages of using Facebook to leave reviews.

With Facebook’s updates for Business Pages, it’s never been easier for people to interact with local businesses they love on social media . 

One of the main updates? 

Further developing the Recommendations feature, an enhanced version of the Facebook reviews system. 

Facebook understands people trust their online communities ’ input on where to shop, eat, or travel. With this feature, Facebook users can create an “ask for a recommendation” post and their friends can respond with live links to the Facebook business pages they recommend. 

In other words, when you leave a review on Facebook, that business becomes eligible to be “recommended” by others, too — a beautiful way to help your favorite local businesses move the needle faster toward sustainable growth. 

By reading this guide, you discover seven ways to leave a review on desktop and two additional guidelines.

If you’re ready to give businesses some love on Facebook, but you’re not sure how, stick around to learn everything you need to know about how to write a review on Facebook. 

How to know which businesses you can review (and other important guidelines) 

Let’s get straight into it. 

If a business has turned on its “Reviews” setting, you can recommend them. 

Take a look at FusionAuth, a SaaS solution for developers interested in SAML vs OAuth systems: 

how to write a review on facebook

( Image Source )

On its Facebook business page, you can see it lists a “Reviews” tab in the red rectangle above. This indicates that FusionAuth is eligible for Facebook recommendations. 

One important note: If a business has turned off its “Reviews” setting, you can’t recommend them. 

Take a look at Leathercult, an apparel brand that specializes in selling leather pants : 

A screenshot showing a missing Reviews tab on Facebook.

If you look inside of the red rectangle, you’ll notice it’s missing a “Reviews” tab. This means Leathercult has turned off its reviews. 

If you’d like to recommend a business page that has reviews turned off, consider asking them to turn the feature on in their privacy settings so you can show your appreciation. 

Why would a business choose to turn off Facebook reviews?

Some businesses may choose to omit this setting from their Facebook page in an effort to prevent spammy messages, inappropriate comments from irate customers, and poor reviews. In this case, consider asking the business if there’s another review site you can use to leave a positive recommendation, such as Google or Yelp. 

How to Write a Review on Facebook

Here are a couple of other housekeeping duties you should keep in mind before attempting to write a review on Facebook.

Review Facebook character limits 

Your Facebook review will need to be at least 25 characters long. That’s about four to six words depending on letter count and spacing.

While there’s no max character limit listed that we could find, we decided to conduct our own test — but we stopped after 44,616 characters. 😂 So, it’s safe to say you have plenty of room to work with. 

Follow Facebook’s community guidelines 

As part of its community standards, Facebook asks that all reviewers follow its guidelines to prevent potential post removal.

While Facebook doesn’t verify user purchases, it does ask that you:

  • Focus on the product or service the business offers
  • Don’t manage the Page for the business you’re reviewing
  • Base your review on personal experience 

Related reading about the violation of community guidelines: Facebook Jail Release

Responding to a review request 

If you view an ad on Facebook via the iPhone app or the Android app , you may be asked to review your purchasing experience with that business — whether you made a purchase or not.  

If you didn’t buy anything, you can let Facebook know by following these two simple steps:

  • Access the review request in your Feed.
  • Tap “Didn’t make a purchase.”

If you did buy something and would like to leave a review, follow these four steps:

  • Choose the star rating you’d like to give the business. 
  • Click “Tell others what you liked or didn’t like” and write your review.
  • Tap “Finish”. 

Pro-Tip: Want to review a brand you love but don’t know what to say? Beat writer’s block and get inspired with brainstorming prompts from an AI text generator . Simply enter a few words about your experience and watch as the generator spits out some ideas for you. While this tool isn’t perfect, it’s a great resource to use when you’re feeling stuck on where to start.

What to include in your Facebook review 

Piggybacking on the guidelines from above, let’s draw up some mock review examples to help you brainstorm your upcoming Facebook review.

Here are three ideas you can use to help you focus your Facebook review:

Place a hyper-focus on the product or service 

If you can’t get enough of a particular product or service, let that be the star of your review. 


When you were planning your wedding, your groomsmen were worried their attire would be expensive, uncomfortable, and lack the proper fit.  

Luckily, you found a brand called StudioSuits that offers men’s suits at a generous discount and offers custom options. Score! 

Not only were your groomsmen pleased with their final cost, but they also loved their suits so much, that they’ve been wearing them to other weddings and formal events since then. 

With this in mind, here’s how you might place the spotlight on the products you ordered: 

“My groomsmen are still raving about the custom suits they purchased from StudioSuits for our Spring wedding last year. Not only were they happy with the fit and price, but they also can’t stop talking about how soft the fabric is. They even joke about starting a “tuxedo” or “suit” night just for an excuse to wear these beauties. Can’t say enough about StudioSuits!”

Highlight your epic customer experience 

Your entire experience was a dream. From initial contact to software consideration to purchase to onboarding . So, why not take potential customers on a ride to let them know what their experience could look like, too?

You’ve been on the hunt for an application tracking system (ATS) that can help you simplify and speed up your recruiting processes. For now, you’ve been relying on outdated HR software solutions and an overwhelming spreadsheet.  

After some digging and research, you found Matchr, a SaaS solution that offers ATS software in line with your specific goals. After signing up for a welcome call, choosing a solution, and completing the onboarding process, you’re over the moon impressed. 

Not only did the rep take their time to answer every question on your long list, but they also continued to follow up with you until your needs were met. A showstopping experience, to say the least.

With this in mind, here’s how you can highlight your customer experience in your review:

“Lisa and the team from Matchr were an absolute dream to work with. After signing up for a welcome call, Lisa and the team went the extra mile by answering all of my questions, without hesitation or a tinge of annoyance. They held my hand throughout the entire onboarding process and are still available anytime I get stuck or have additional questions. If you’re looking for an HR solution that’s not only effective but that also comes with a supportive onboarding team, look no further than Matchr.”

Beam about the tremendous value you’ve received 

When a product or solution is changing your business or life, you have to tell the world about it. 

You never knew you needed a portable filtered water bottle until you had to live without one on of your recent travels where tap water wasn’t safe to drink. 

But after finding ClearlyFiltered? Now your travels look different. Not only can you safely drink water from any spring, water fountain, or faucet, but you’re also looking into ways you can help these communities get access to safe water bottles, too. Now your body and your altruistic heart can thank you.

With this in mind, here’s how you can highlight the value you received in your review:

“As a frequent traveler, I can’t say enough about the filtered water bottles ClearlyFiltered offers. After getting sick on one of my recent travels after drinking spring water, I knew I had to find a convenient way to help me get access to clean water, anywhere in the world. Since my purchase, I’ve been to three countries that didn’t offer potable drinking water and I was able to safely consume the water out of my filtered bottle. Not only has this water bottle changed my traveling experience and my health, but it’s also inspired me to donate filtered water bottles to communities in need.”

How to write a review on Facebook from start to finish (using a desktop computer) 

Now that we’ve covered our our bases, let’s leave a review!

Here’s how to use your computer to write and post a Facebook review:

Step one: Search for the brand you’d like to review 

Search for the brand you’d like to review using Facebook’s search bar at the top.

how to write a review on Facebook

(Image provided by Ioana)

Step two: Click “Reviews”

Choose the “Reviews” tab.

A screenshot showing the Facebook Reviews tab.

Step three: Answer “yes” to the recommendation prompt

Click “Yes” in the recommendation pop-up prompt.

A screenshot showing the Facebook recommendation pop-up.

Step four: Write your review 

Use the insights we shared previously to write your review. 

Writing a Facebook review screenshot.

Step five: Click “Post” 

Choose “Post”.

Choosing Post on a Facebook review.

Step six: Double-check your published review 

Make sure your review posted.

Facebook review screenshot.

Step seven: Edit your review if you catch any mistakes 

See any mistakes you didn’t notice prior to posting? 

You can easily edit them by clicking on the three dots at the top right of your review and choosing “Edit post”, like so:

How to edit a Facebook review screenshot.

You can also delete your review here if needed. Just click “Delete post” instead of “Edit post”.

PS: Want to leave a review using the Android app, iPhone app, or iPad app, instead? Here’s a quick Facebook review tutorial to help walk you through it.

How to Write a Review on Facebook: Frequently Asked Questions

How do i leave a review.

You can use Facebook to leave a business review. Make sure you follow the character limit and the Community Guidelines. Make sure the brand allows reviews. If so, click the Reviews tab on the brand’s Facebook Business Page.

Where is the review button on Facebook?

The Review button is not a button. To leave a review for a business, click the Review tab on the company’s Facebook Business Page.

Wrap Up: How to Write a Review on Facebook

And that’s it! You’ve officially written a review on Facebook. 

Now you know the answer to the question, “How do I leave a review on Facebook?”

Doesn’t it feel good to support the businesses you care so much about?

Don’t forget to save this post in case you’d like to review other businesses on Facebook!

Thanks so much for reading, and happy posting!

Readers, please share so happy customers discover how to write a review on Facebook.

Author Bio:

Ioana Wilkinson

Ioana is a Business, Digital Marketing, and SaaS content writer for B2B brands. Born in Transylvania and raised in Texas, Ioana has been living the digital nomad life since 2016. From Barcelona to Puerto Vallarta to her new abode in windy, Oklahoma City, you’ll never know where Ioana will head off to next.


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how to leave facebook review

Kate Bojkov

Mastering facebook reviews: the complete 2024 guide.

Activate the Facebook Reviews tab on your Facebook business Page and grow with customer feedback.

Epic guide to Facebook Reviews

Facebook reviews, or recommendations, are a vital part of a business’s online reputation.

After all, they provide the best type of social proof you can get, increase the visibility of your business, and help you convert visitors into dedicated customers.

Moreover, the impact customer reviews have on your business cannot be underestimated. The vast majority of U.S. adults (82%) say they check online reviews before a purchase. Also, over 18% of U.S. adults say they had bought something through Facebook.

So keep on reading as we tell you all about Facebook reviews, how to add them to your page, and how they help your business succeed in today’s day and age.

About Facebook recommendations former Facebook reviews

Facebook Recommendations are a feature on Facebook that allows users to provide feedback about their experiences with businesses, services, or products.

Unlike traditional star-rated reviews, Recommendations enable users to simply recommend or not recommend a business to their friends and network. These Recommendations can include written feedback, photos, and tags, creating a more comprehensive and social form of review. This feature integrates directly into a business’s Facebook Page, making it easier for potential customers to see authentic opinions and experiences shared by real users.

Note: Facebook’s ‘Recommendations’ feature is the evolution of the older ‘Reviews’ system, and you can still find it under the ‘Reviews’ tab of Facebook pages. However, instead of using the old star rating system, buyers recommend (or not) a product or a business, share a written opinion, and leave tags and images (should they choose to).

FYI: You can embed Facebook reviews widget  automatically with  EmbedReviews platform.  Start a free trial  and display your Facebook Page recommnedations now. 

Embed Facebook reviews widget

Embed Facebook Recommendations and Reviews on your Website

Try EmbedReviews , generate Facebook and Google reviews, and display a social media reviews widget on your website. Automatically and in seconds.

All PRO features | Cancel any time.

How to set up your Facebook business page reviews?

You can very quickly and very easily add your Facebook Reviews tab on your official page. Just complete these straightforward steps:

  • Log in to your account and go to your business Facebook page ;
  • Click on your profile image (top-right corner and tap ‘Settings & privacy’ ;

Enable Facebook reviews step 2

That’s it! Now, your ‘Reviews’ tab will be live on your official page, and your customers can share their experiences with your business for everyone to see.

Example of Facebook page reviews tab

Note: Once you activate the ‘Reviews’ tab and start getting feedback, you won’t be able to delete Facebook reviews yourself. You will have to flag innacurate reviews and Facebook’s team will deal with them if they violate Facebook’s Community Standards.

How to get your Facebook Reviews page link?

Google My Business has made getting a  Google review link  easy, but getting a Facebook review link will be a bit different. No worries, we’ll show you two easy ways to do it!

Option 1: Copy the reviews page URL

To get your Facebook Reviews link, you have to follow two simple steps:

  • Log in to your Facebook page —start by logging into your Facebook account and navigating to your official business page;
  • Add ‘/review’ to your page URL —find the browser address bar, click at the end of it, and then simply type ‘/review’ after your page URL;
  • Copy the URL to share it —simply copy the entire string you see in the address bar for future use. For instance, is EmbedSocial’s Facebook Reviews page link – as shown below:

facebook reviews url

Congratulations, you have it!

Now, share the Reviews link of your Facebook business page across the internet, such as on your website, in emails, in your newsletters, or on your social media platforms, i.e., anywhere you see a chance to invite your customers to review you.

Note: When sending the link, also add a brief explanation on  how your customers can leave you a Facebook review for your product and services.

Option 2: Build your own direct Facebook review link

What if your customers are not logged into their personal or business accounts? If you send them the above link, they’ll be asked to log into Facebook first, which may discourage them from reviewing your business. No worries, here’s a solution to that:

  • Utilize the Facebook login URL ->
  • Put a redirect to your reviews page by adding “next” ->
  • Convert your page URL into the corresponding equivalent in HTML and add it after the “next” component ->

As you can see, it’s not complicated at all! Just replace the colon (:) with %3A and the slash (/) with %2F. That way, whenever the customer logs in to their account, they’ll be redirected to your reviews page. Works like a charm every time!

How can your customers leave you Facebook reviews?

Since the introduction of the ‘Recommendations’ review system, your clients will no longer have to select a number of stars to describe your products and/or services. They only have to navigate to your page’s ‘Reviews’ tab or follow the above ‘Reviews’ link.

write facebook review

Once there, they only have to tap ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ under the ‘Do you recommend [your business name]’ message. Then, the ‘Recommendation’ box will open and prompt users to share their thoughts about your business. They’ll have to write at least 25 characters.

As users leave you new reviews, they will start appearing at the top of the ‘Reviews’ tab feed of your Facebook business page.

How to respond to your Facebook reviews?

You must respond to all (or most of) your Facebook reviews, both positive and negative. That’s the best way to maintain a strong online presence and build trust with your customers.

To respond to Facebook reviews, you will typically get a notification on Facebook or via email , and when you click on it, it will take you directly to that review, so you can check out the review, and provide your reply—it’s as easy as writing a comment on a Facebook post.

Here are some practical  review reply templates  for review responses:

Positive reviews response example:

Hello [Reviewer’s Name], Thank you so much for your kind review! We’re thrilled to hear that you had a great customer experience with our [product/service]. Our team works hard to provide excellent customer service, and we’re glad to see that it’s making a difference. We appreciate your support and would love for you to share your experience with your friends and family. If you have any other feedback or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to serving you again soon! Warm regards, [Your Name] [Business Name]

Negative reviews response example

Hello [Reviewer’s Name], We apologize for the less than satisfactory experience you had with our [product/service]. It’s essential for us to maintain high standards, and we’re sorry that we did not meet your expectations this time. We’d like to learn more about your experience and find a way to make things right. Please reach out to us at [contact information] or send us a private message so we can discuss this further and find a suitable resolution. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve and provide better service in the future. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Business Name]

How to report a Facebook review?

Sometimes you may receive fake negative reviews that affect your online reputation. Naturally, you have to deal with negative reviews as soon as possible. But, since you cannot outright delete them, you’ll have to report them for violating Facebook’s Community Standards :

  • Find the negative review in your ‘Reviews’ tab ;

report facebook review

  • Choose to receive notifications about the report and click ‘Submit’ ;

Here’s a brief video covering the entire process:

How to get new reviews for your Facebook business pages?

The fun part starts here: finding cool new ways to motivate your customers to leave you positive Facebook recommendations.

These are some of the strategies you can try out include:

  • Adding a physical ‘Review’ sign at your place of business— you can edit and place the official ‘ Facebook Review Us ‘ stickers anywhere from your counter to your tables, walls, shopping windows, or any other prominent sections of your premises;
  • Use the Facebook Wi-Fi feature— set up Facebook Wi-Fi in your business location to get more customer reviews, which will allow your visitors to hook up to your guest Wi-Fi for free once they check in to your Facebook business page and leave you a review;
  • Embed a digital ‘Review us on Facebook’ button— you can place this button anywhere from your homepage to your blog and social media sites;
  • Create a Facebook contest —you can always stage a discount contest for your customers, who will be able to participate if they leave you a Facebook review;
  • Asking your regular customers— you can always ask for a review outright, especially your regular visitors, which will be included to help you out. You can either ask them in person or send them an email such as this one, along with the promise of a discount:
“Thanks for stopping by again [customer name]”.  “Do you use Facebook? The reason I ask is that we have a Facebook Reviews section that we use to collect our customer’s comments. Would you be interested in posting one?”   Here is our link (link to Facebook reviews section) Thank you so much. [Your Name] [Your Company Name]

Need more strategies for getting Facebook reviews?

Check the detailed blog post covering 5 ways to get Facebook reviews for your business, or download the Facebook reviews guide:

How to display your Facebook reviews on your website?

One of the best ways to collect more reviews is to promote your existing recommendations across your website and add the relevant CTA buttons for review collection. Additionally, the ability to embed Facebook reviews on your website boosts trust and provides real-time evidence of the experiences shared by your real customers.

The Facebook reviews widget has a direct API integration with Facebook, and with just one click enables users to aggregate all their Facebook page reviews and display on their website with an embeddable code:

Here is an example:

The best part? The widget allows you to combine reviews from all popular social media platforms and review sources like Facebook, Yelp, and Google , into one stunning widget. Moreover, you can import third-party reviews and craft custom testimonials.

Check below the various widget layouts, including sliders, grids, and rating badges and pick one to signup and create yours.


Facebook Reviews Feed

Embed Facebook reviews in a slider.


Facebook Reviews Table

Show reviews in a full-page feed.


Facebook Reviews Popup

Display Facebook reviews in a popover widget.


Facebook Reviews Slider

Show Facebook reviews in a modern slider.

Want more cool stuff? Explore early products

Step-by-step guide on collecting Facebook reviews . Related article

In case you are using a web builder to build your website, the code works with the most popular CMS and website builders, so click on your specific website builder to proceed:

  • Facebook Reviews for WordPress
  • Facebook Reviews for Squarespace
  • Facebook Reviews for PageCloud
  • Facebook Reviews for Weebly
  • Facebook Reviews for Wix
  • Facebook Reviews for Shopify
  • Facebook Reviews for Webflow

What are the benefits of Facebook reviews?

Every serious business must collect Facebook reviews/recommendations nowadays as they come with several advantages, including but not limited to the following:

1. They increase your organic reach

Positive reviews and recommendations can help your business gain more visibility on Facebook, as they may appear in the Facebook Feeds of the reviewer’s friends or when someone asks for recommendations. This increased exposure can attract more potential customers.

How? When a customer recommends your bakery on Facebook, their friends might see the recommendation in their Feed, thus sparking interest in your products and driving more foot traffic to your bakery.

2. They boost your brand credibility

A collection of positive reviews and recommendations serves as  social proof , demonstrating that your business is reliable, trustworthy, and offers great experiences, which can influence potential customers to choose your products or services over your competitors.

How? A new user visiting your digital marketing agency’s Facebook page sees numerous glowing reviews from satisfied clients. This positive feedback instills confidence in the user, making them more likely to engage with your agency.

3. They improve your search engine ranking

Positive reviews can improve your search engine ranking, as search engines also consider  user-generated content about a certain business in their ranking algorithms.

How? Your restaurant has numerous positive reviews on Facebook. When someone searches for restaurants in your area, your restaurant is more likely to appear higher in the search results due to the positive feedback.

4. They help you gain your visitors’ trust

When potential customers see a high volume of positive reviews, they are more likely to trust your business and feel confident in their decision to engage with your products or services.

How? A potential client is considering hiring your home cleaning service. Upon seeing the numerous positive reviews on your Facebook page, they feel reassured that your service is reliable and trustworthy, making them more likely to hire you.

Hopefully, our guide on Facebook business reviews gives you specific directions on improving your  online reputation management  and leveling up your digital marketing strategy.

Remember, getting more reviews on Facebook (and other social media sites) can take a little effort, but it’s an investment that pays off in the long run. We promise!

FAQs about Facebook reviews

Yes, Facebook reviews still exist, but they have evolved into a new format called ‘ Facebook Recommendations ‘, which no longer uses the previous star-based system. Users now recommend (or not) a certain business or product and leave a text-based review. They also have the option to add various tags and relevant images. This new format allows for more context and encourages users to provide more valuable feedback for potential customers.

To see the reviews of your or other businesses, you will have to navigate to the official page and click on the ‘Reviews’ tab underneath the profile image. If the tab is not there, the ‘Reviews’ feature has to be activated through the page’s ‘Privacy’ section.

No, Facebook reviews are not private. When a user leaves a review on a business Page, it is publicly visible to anyone visiting said Page. This allows potential customers to read about the experiences of others, which can influence their decision to engage with the business.

As a business owner, you cannot directly delete Facebook Reviews left by users. However, you can report a review if it violates Facebook’s Community Standards or contains spam. Then, if Facebook determines the review is inappropriate, they may remove it. Alternatively, you can disable the ‘Reviews’ tab on your business Page, which will hide all reviews from your Page, but this will make it harder for potential customers to learn more about your business.

While you cannot directly remove a bad review on Facebook, you can take steps to address it. First, respond to the review professionally and empathetically, offering to address the issue and rectify the situation. If that doesn’t work and you believe the review is from a fake account, spam, or violates Facebook’s Community Standards, you can report it to Facebook for review.

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How to Leave a Facebook Review

how to leave facebook review

With more and more internet users reaping the rewards of their social media accounts, becoming holistic online portals where you can do almost anything, using the Facebook Reviews functionality is paramount. Free promotion is hard to come by, and as long as you treat your customers right and provide them with the best service that you can, those positive Facebook reviews and star ratings will shine brightly throughout the Facebook community, and ultimately drive more interactions and conversions.    

Step by step process to leave a Facebook Review

Thankfully, the process to leave a Facebook review is quite a simple process. Not everyone on the social platform is a social media/tech whiz, but everyone deserves the right to have their say! (within reason and Facebook Community Standards guidelines that is). So here is our step-by-step process for leaving a Facebook review:  

  • Go to the Business page on Facebook where you would like to leave a Facebook review.  
  • Click on the reviews tab towards the top of the page. 
  • You will be asked if you would recommend the Business – click Yes or No.   
  • If it’s a positive review, click Yes. If it’s a negative review, click No.   
  • Next to Sharing To, use the drop-down menu to choose who you would like to share your review with (public, friends, specific friends, or only you)   
  • Type out your review in the text box provided.   
  • Use the tags provided to provide further information about your experience.   

Facebook reviews must all follow the Facebook Community Standards guidelines, focus on the products or services offered by the business page, and be based on a truthful and personal experience. Reviews that don’t follow those guidelines may be removed immediately by Facebook administration, and the user that provided the review may be blocked from posting another.   

Don’t worry; Facebook’s got your back! While there is no way for a business to remove a review themselves (to maintain a fair and honest representation of customer opinion), there is the opportunity to respond to reviews and communicate with the customer. This empowers you to either give thanks for positive reviews, and acknowledge the not so positive ones with further discussion and investigation.   

When done correctly, responding to customer reviews can assist with new customer acquisition. Research shows that 53.3% of customers expect a response to their reviews within seven days. On one of the  worlds  largest social media platforms, reviews carry a lot of weight.   

It’s time to harness the power that Facebook Reviews come with, and encourage your social media community to come on over and have their say. Just don’t forget the importance of communication, and remember that they expect acknowledgement and appreciation, no matter what angle they’re coming from.  

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