Université Paris Cité

Doctoral Studies

With its 21 doctoral schools, Université Paris Cité offers many doctoral students the opportunity to train through research in all major disciplinary fields. At the national level, once fully operational, Université Paris Cité will offfer 5% of all PhD degrees in France.

phd college de france

Université Paris Cité is committed to a doctoral policy aimed at research training and training by research. It trains future researchers and teacher-researchers as well as future high-level executives.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Ile-de-France – ED 127 Director : Mr. Thierry FOUCHET Contact : Mrs. Jacqueline PLANCY

Environmental Sciences Ile-de-France – ED 129 Director : Mrs Pascale BOURUET-AUBERTOT Contact : Mrs Laurence AMSILI-TOUCHON

Doctoral School of Computer Science, Telecommunications, Electronics of Paris (EDITE) – ED 130 Director : Mr. Carlos AGON Contact : Mrs Rose NAHAN

Language, Litterature and Imagery : civilisations and humanities – ED 131 Director : Mr. Mathieu DUPLAY Co-director : Mrs Emmanuelle ANDRE Contact : Mrs Robin CHEVALIER

Cognition, Brain, Behaviour (ED3C) – ED 158 Director : Mr Alain TREMBLEAU Deputy director UPCité   :Mrs Thérèse COLLINS Contact : Mrs Hélène JOUANNE

Cognition, Behaviour, Human behaviour (3CH) – ED 261 Director : Mrs Karine DORE-MAZARS Contact : Mrs Lucie ALEX

Legal, political sciences, economics and management – ED 262 Director  : Mrs Anémone CARTIER-BRESSON Contact : Mrs Josie YEYE

Mathematical science Paris Centre – ED 386 Director : M. Elisha FALBEL Co-director  : M. Pierre-Henri CHAUDOUARD Contact : Mrs Amina HARITI

Physical Chemistry and Analytical chemistry – ED 388 Director : Mrs Alexa COURTY Contact : Mrs Konnavadee SOOBRAYEN

Pierre Louis Doctoral School of Public Health in Paris : Epidemiology and Biomedical Information Sciences – ED 393 Director  : Mr. Pierre-Yves BOËLLE Contact : Mrs Koltoum BEN SAID

Research in Psychoanalysis – ED 450 Director : Mrs Mi-Kyung YI Co-director : Mr Thamy AYOUCH Contact : Mr Ali BRADOR

Frontiers of Innovation in Research and Education (FIRE) – ED 474 Director : Mrs Muriel MAMBRINI-DOUDET  Co-directeur David TARESTE Contact : Mrs Elodie KASLIKOWSKI

Earth and Environmental Sciences and Physics of the Universe – ED 560 Director : Mr. Fabien CASSE Contacts : Mrs Alissa MARTEAU

Hematology, Oncogenesis, and Biotherapies – ED 561 Director  : Mr. Raphaël ITZYKSON Contacts : Mr Maxime DA CUNHA / Mrs Aurélie BULTELLE

Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité – ED 562 Director : Mrs Caroline LE VAN KIM – Co-Director : Mrs Chantal DESDOUETS Contacts : Mr Louis DUVAL-KISTER

Drug Toxicology, Chemistry and Imaging (MTCI) – ED 563 Director  : Mrs Marie-Christine LALLEMAND Contact : Mrs Elisabeth HOMBRADOS

Physics in Ile de France – ED 564 Director  : Mr Frédéric CHEVY Co-director : Mr Philippe LAFARGE Contact : Mrs Monia MESTAR

Sports, Motricity and Humain mobility sciences (SSMMH) – ED 566 Director  : Mrs Isabelle SIEGLER Co-director : Mr. Bernard ANDRIEU Contact : Mrs Marie-Pierre RICHOUX

Language Sciences – ED 622 Director : Mrs Caterina DONATI Contact : Mrs Chafia AIT-HELAL

Knowledge, Science, Education – ED 623 Co-Director : Mr. Fabrice VANDEBROUCK Co-Director : Mrs Anne BARRERE Contact : Mrs Agathe TRAN

Social Sciences – ED 624

Department 1 Director : Mrs Véronique PETIT Contact : Mr. Jérôme BROCHERIOU

Department 2

Director : Mr Antoine REBERIOUX Contact : Mrs Sarah RAHMANI

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Doctoral School website for more information The following content is in French French higher education system chart
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Doctoral studies

[CHAPO] At the crossroads of higher education and research, doctoral studies provide candidates with both research training and professional research experience. After successfully defending their thesis, candidates are awarded a doctoral degree, which is the highest university degree in higher education.

Published on 30/06/2023 - Updated on 30/06/2023

Undertaking doctoral studies

Undertaking a PhD entails a personal and original research work, carried out in the communal setting of a research unit and a doctoral school, thus ensuring that the doctoral project of every young researcher runs smoothly. Doctoral students generate knowledge using innovative scientific methods and tools, while undertaking an ambitious professional project. Education through research enables doctoral students to develop scientific expertise and acquire a wide range of skills, which are not limited to academic research and can be applied to other fields. Thus, after defending their thesis, doctors will be able to access high-level management positions in all socio-economic sectors, anywhere in the world. Becoming a doctor means becoming a leading professional in a given discipline, able to manage complex projects and to grasp and understand the challenges of an ever-changing, globalised world. Thanks to their skills and scientific expertise, PhD holders will be able to provide innovative answers to the main issues of our world. Doing a PhD programme at Sorbonne University allows students to be trained in and through research at one of the best universities in the world, and to be mentored by renowned researchers to become a scientific expert with a wide array of generalist skills. It also means building a strategic vision of the world, allowing doctors to become key players in society.

Application process

The preparation of a PhD is based on a doctoral research project. This project defines the framework and contents of the training of doctoral students and specifies the conditions of completion. The project must enable doctoral candidates to aquire high-level scientific and professional skills. In order to apply for a PhD, applicants must hold a master's degree, an engineering degree or an equivalent qualification, and need to submit a doctoral research project. To start building a doctoral research project, you can:

  • visit the websites of the doctoral schools related to the scientific field you are interested in,
  • look up our doctoral programmes,
  • get in touch with a researcher or professor at Sorbonne University who is working in your field of interest.

Once you have defined a doctoral research project, it needs to be validated by a researcher or professor (your future thesis director) from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Then, you need to submit all the documents necessary to build your application file on the ADUM website. Doctoral admission procedures follow an open, fair and transparent recruitment process. It is a priority for Sorbonne University to recruit excellent and motivated doctoral candidates who will commit themselves to an original scientific research project offering the best career prospects. Once your application has been accepted, you will need to proceed with your administrative registration, first on the ADUM platform, and then on the IAWEB platform (the common administrative registration platform for all students at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities).   The full procedure is described on the webpage dedicated to registration procedure for doctorate candidates .

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Le Collège doctoral

Doctoral College and Schools

The doctoral college of Sorbonne University’s primary mission is to define the main scientific directions of the institution’s doctoral policy, by identifying shared strategic objectives and priorities across schools and faculties.

The college facilitates the exchange of best practices between doctoral schools, allows schools to share reflections on the evolution of the doctoral program at Sorbonne University, and submits recommendations to the Academic Council. It ensures the coordination and mutualizing of actions within doctoral schools and programs, and proposes educational programs that meet the needs generated by research projects and career pursuits.

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Notre politique doctorale

Our doctoral policy

Doctorat - Textes de référence

Reference texts

Les écoles doctorales

Doctoral schools

Doctorat - Les programmes doctoraux

Doctoral Programs

Être doctorant

Life as a doctoral candidate

Etre encadrant

Life as a supervisor

Doctorat - Le doctorat en chiffres

The Doctorate in numbers

Pourquoi s’associer au Collège doctoral de Sorbonne Université ?

Combining forces with the Doctoral College

  • UFR Droit Economie Management
  • UFR Médecine
  • UFR Pharmacie
  • UFR Sciences
  • UFR Sciences du Sport
  • AgroParisTech
  • CentraleSupélec
  • ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Institut d'Optique
  • Polytech Université Paris-Saclay
  • Accessibility

phd college de france

Prepare a PhD

The PhD degree attests skills acquired through research in the framework of the doctoral trainin g, which has a 3 years reference duration when the research work is carried out full-time, and a 3 to 6 years duration when the thesis is prepared part-time. The PhD degree can also be obtained by the validation of the acquired experience (VAE). 

The PhD degree - the highest internationnaly recognized by higher education - is awarded after the defense of a thesis or the presentation of a set of original scientific works. 

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The different frameworks to prepare a PhD

  • Initial traininf (IF in French)
  • Lifelong training, excluding initial training  (FTLVin French)
  • Validation of the experience acquired (VAE  in French)

phd college de france

Admission to PhD training

  • A procedure
  • Examination of an application 

Three regimes for three PhD preparation frameworks

Registration in initial training is possible as a continuation of a master or other equivalent degree. 

  • In initial training, the PhD is full time prepared  The preparation is initially set to last  3 years. Beyond this 3 years, extensions of the duration of preparation are possible, with derogation.
  • Funding dedicated to the preparation of the thesis is requested for a registration in initial training.  The reference amount of this funding corresponds to the remuneration of the PhD contract established by public law.  Derogations from this funding threshold can be requested from the head of the establishment. 

PhD students have a main research activity in one of the research team or unit of the doctoral school. 

They also have complementary PhD activities and training, intended to develop their scientific culture, their international openness and to prepare their professional future. The PhD program is personalized and defined with each doctoral school, in a framework commin to all PhD students at Université Paris-Sacaly. 

They can have complementary activities outside research, which contribute to the preparation of their professional future (teaching mission, scientific mediation, expertise of promotion of research), limited to one sixth of their time each year.

  • A thesis monitoring committee report must be submitted by the PhD student for each of their re-registrations.

Registration in lifelong training concerns two categories of people : 

  • Those who obtained their last diploma more than a year before the desired date of first enrollment in a PhD (whether the thesis is prepared full-time or part-time, and regardless of the financing conditions envisaged)
  • Those who plan to prepare their thesis at the same time as a main activitiy other than the preparation of thesis, regardless of the date of the obtention of the last degree. The main activity means that its provides more than half of the income. 
  • Lifelong training does not two types require a funding dedicated to the thesis preparation, but its comission ensures, before the first registration, that material and financial conditions are correct.  Ultimately, candidates who have no funding to prepare their thesis and have no income from their main activity could prepare a thesis, as long as the doctoral school and the commission can ensure that the material and financial resources conditions. 

In lifelong learning, the PhD can be prepared on a part-time basis . 

  • The duration initially fixed for the preparation of the thesis depends on the time that can be devoted to its preparation . It is between 3 and 6 years. 
  • A derogation must be  requested to extend the duration of the PhD beyond the one initially fixed . Its could be discussed during the monitoring committee taht takes place each abnd every year before re-registration.

PhD students prepare their thesis in one of the research teams or units of their doctoral school . The distributio of their time between the research unit and their non-research activities is fixed from the first registration. 

As PhD student in initial training, PhD student in lifelong training also have PhD complementary activities and training, intended to develop their scientific culture, their international opennes, and to prepare their professional future. Still, their training courses are arranged to feet with the specificities of their situation. 

A thesis monitoring committee must stand each and evrey year, before re-registration. Among other things, it help to check whether the conditions of the lifelong training PhD are suitable, or deserve to be rearranged. 

Planning lifelong training arrangement procedure

Unlike initial training and lifelong training, registration for a validation of the experience acquired can only be done when the original scientific work constitutes a coherent whole, that what makes possible to consider a defense. Those works may have been carried out partly in a research unit of the doctoral school (for example, within the framework of a volunteer researcher agreement), or entirely outside the academic framework. 

  • PhD degree is awarded after a thesis defense or a presentation of the original scientific works .

To obtain a PhD degre by a validation of the experience acquired, the candidate must:

  • Write a thesis or a dissertation to assess the personal part of collective work . This dissertation or thesis will be evaluated by two rapporteurs and by a defense jury. Composition and expectations of the jury are the same as the ones for the initial training or the lifelong training PhD
  • As for the PhD students, the thesis or the dissertation will have to be legaly deposed and, if necessary published on the national portal www.theses.fr
  • An accompanying, chosen among the supervisors of the doctoral school, can be offered for the preparation of the thesis or the dissertation 
  • The work having been prepared before registration in the Validation of the experience acquired, the accompanying is not a thesis director. He does not ensure the scientific direction of the research work, but guides the candidate in the preparation of the dissertation or thesis.
  • He plays the role of thesis director for the defense (in particular to propose the defense)

Documents relating to the preparation of a validation of the experience acquired

  • Procedure  2016_05_25_procedure_de_doctorat_en_vae_0.pdf - ( 545.03 KB)
  • Admissibility file 2020_12_15_dossier_doctorat_en_vae.docx - ( 69.01 KB)
  • The vademecum "Validation of the experience acquired and PhD" vademecum_0.pdf - ( 1.76 MB)
  • The charges  tarifs-vae-complet.pdf - ( 46.2 KB)

Admission to a PhD Programme

A PhD application is a complete package that includes

  • A candidate with a research project
  • An original thesis topic
  • A thesis director
  • A team to host the research
  • A proposed funding or a proof that the material and financial conditions necessary for the successful completion of the doctoral thesis 

Candidates apply to the doctoral school that their research or team unit is attached to  via the Université Paris-Saclay application portal . Their PhD director must also be attached to that doctoral school. 

An application is considered to have been submitted only once it has been completed and finalised . To do this, candidates must : 

  • Have submitted all the documents requested by the doctoral school - A thesis subject - Information on the contions of the doctoral programme (thesis supervision, research unit) - CV - Transcripts - Other documents required by the doctoral school
  • Obtain a favourable opinion from the thesis director
  • Obtain a favourable opinion from the research or team unit director to wich the thesis directors responds

The application process is carried out via internet tool ADUM - an administrative tool for management of the PhD, from application to graduation.  Data recorded in ADUM are subjected to the RGPD regutions. 

Once the complete file has been submitted and the application has been finalised, it is examined by the doctoral school to which the applicant belongs. 

  • In case of a favorable opinion on the application file, the candidate then presents his/her doctoral project and previous research experience during an audition, in front of a admission committee organised by the doctoral scool. This hearing is required in both initial formation and lifelong training, and regardless the conditions of funding and the progress of the thesis preparation envisaged.
  • If the admissions committee gives a favourable opinion, the future PhD student may registered for the first time. 
  • Accessibility
  • Schools and divisions

PhD Studies

University of Lille welcomes you for your PhD in recognized research teams integrated in the 6 doctoral schools of the region. Welcome !

The PhD is the highest degree recognized internationally. 3% of students in France are enrolled in PhD studies.

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To be PhD student

The PhD student is a young researcher in the training step. S/He develops a doctoral project followed by a thesis supervisor and organized by the graduate school. The PhD student is trained in research through research, that is to say by the professional experience acquired within a research lab. At the end of her/his research work and the writing of a manuscript, the PhD student presents his original scientific work during a defense in presence of a committee. The doctoral student is the only author and her/his manuscript is the subject of a legal deposit.

phd college de france

Thesis funding

The PhD grants of the University of Lille are funding awarded to couples (subject, candidate) proposed by the candidates or laboratories and validated by the doctoral schools. Some grants may involve funding from the University, the Hauts-de-France Region, the ULNE I-Site, ADEME, CNRS, Inria, Inserm, ANR collaborative projects or European, etc. The salary is 1758 € gross / month in 2018. Some PhD students also arrive with their funding in the form of scholarships from their country. Activities complementary to research activities may be proposed with additional remuneration paid to granted PhD students. This supplement is calculated annually and paid monthly [ decree of August 29, 2016 ].

phd college de france

PhD with a company

A thesis can be considered in collaboration between a laboratory and a company. This allows the PhD student to be immersed in two worlds to carry out her/his research work.

The CIFRE agreements make it possible to carry out a research project between the laboratory and a company. The PhD student spends part of her/his time on each side. The minimum wage is € 23,484 gross annual in 2017 (see the website http://www.anrt.asso.fr/ ).


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Être conseillé et accompagné

Par des professionnels de la formation tout au long de la vie.

L’Université de Lille est constituée par deux types de membres, les composantes et les établissements-composantes. Retrouvez leur liste sur cette page .

  • Direction générale des services

Retrouvez les organigrammes des directions et services

Direction générale des services adjointe - projets transversaux Direction aide au pilotage et qualité Direction données personnelles et archives

Direction générale déléguée recherche et valorisation Direction appui à la recherche Direction valorisation de la recherche Direction transversale ingénierie et management de projets

Direction générale déléguée relations internationales Direction mobilités internationales Direction développement international et pilotage

Direction générale déléguée formation tout au long de la vie Direction ingénierie de formation Direction scolarité Direction formation continue et alternance Direction innovation pédagogique Observatoire de la direction des formations Direction entrepreneuriat étudiant Service universitaire d’aide, d’insertion et d’orientation (SUAIO) Bureau d’aide à l’insertion professionnelle (BAIP) Centre de langues de l’Université de Lille (CLIL)  (Rattachement fonctionnel - service commun)

Direction générale déléguée vie universitaire Direction vie étudiante Direction culture Direction développement durable responsabilité sociale Service universitaire médecine de prévention et de promotion de la santé (SUMPPS) (rattachement fonctionnel - service commun) Service universitaire activités physiques et sportives (SUAPS) (rattachement fonctionnel - service commun)

Direction générale déléguée relations humaines (DRH) Direction gestion des personnels enseignants Direction gestion des personnels BIATSS Direction développement et gestion prévisionnelle des compétences Direction environnement social au travail Direction pilotage et affaires générales RH Service inter universitaire des pensions Service social des personnels Service santé au travail Service commun affaires sociales (SCAS)(rattachement fonctionnel - service commun)

Direction générale déléguée immobilier logistique Direction stratégie, programmation et maîtrise d’ouvrage Service valorisation des installations sportives Imprimerie Direction campus Cité Scientifique Direction campus Pont-de-Bois Direction site Lille centre Direction site Roubaix-Tourcoing Direction site Grande région

Direction générale déléguée affaires financières (DAF) Direction commande publique Direction budget Direction gestion

Direction générale déléguée systèmes d’information (DSI) Direction développement et exploitation des systèmes d’information Direction infrastructure et support informatique

Services centraux - les directions : Direction communication Direction affaires juridiques Direction prévention des risques Direction U-link Direction sécurité défense Coordonnateur médecine de prévention  Conseiller de prévention Fonctionnaire sécurité défense Agence comptable Maison de la médiation Délégué à la protection des données

Les services communs (au sens de l'article 714-1 du code de l'éducation) Service commun de documentation Service universitaire d’activités physiques et sportives Service commun des affaires sociales Service universitaire de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santé Centre des langues de l'Université de Lille Institut Eric Weil

Environnement Numérique de Travail (E.N.T) Scolarité, inscriptions, webmail, cours, intranet..

Accéder à l'E.N.T

Anciens E.N.T

Les anciens E.N.T sont accessibles : - aux étudiant-e-s inscrits en 2017/2018 dans les établissements ex Lille1, ex Lille2, ex Lille3. - aux personnels disposant d'un compte ex Lille1, ex Lille2, ex Lille3

L'accès à ces E.N.T s'effectue avec les anciens identifiants et mots de passe (ex Lille1, ex Lille2, ex Lille3).

E.N.T Sciences et technologies (ex Lille1) E.N.T Droit et Santé (ex Lille2) E.N.T Sciences humaines et sociales (ex Lille3)

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • PhD student
  • Faculty member
  • Entrepreneur

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of École Polytechnique, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSTA Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSAE Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom SudParis

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom SudParis, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

  • PhD Programs

IP Paris Doctoral School

IP Paris Doctoral School

  • Presentation
  • Admission/registration /re-registration
  • Doctoral programs and funding
  • Monitoring Committee (CSI)
  • Complementary Training Courses
  • PhD Thesis Award
  • Directory of PhD students and Doctors
  • Supervisors
  • News and events
  • Useful documents

The doctoral school hosts around 900 doctoral students, supervised by more than 800 researchers (including 550 HDRs), in 30 research laboratories (UMR CNRS, INRIA, CEA), which offers a very important scientific strike force, demonstrated by their great national and international reputation and the high level of recognition achieved by the most eminent researchers. In addition to the academic environment of excellence, ED IP Paris also benefits from an important industrial connection (THALES, EDF, DANONE …), allowing the development of industrial partnership in particular with industrial R&D laboratories in Saclay. ED IP Paris offers a rich doctoral training through the research component ranging from basic research to applied research.The doctoral school of the lnstitut Polytechnique de Paris is extremely open to international recruitment (currently, foreign doctoral students represent 45% of PhD students). The PhD program at ED IP Paris prepares students for successful scientific career opportunities (research, teaching, project management, etc.) in universities and the private sector. For general information, please contact the Administrative Department of the ED IP Paris.

For all the general provisions relative to the role of the doctoral school and the organization of the doctorate program, each doctoral student and each thesis supervisor is subject to the thesis charter and all general procedures of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) or HEC Paris (according to the affiliation of the thesis supervisor). The purpose of the Rules of Procedure is to set down the practical terms for the implementation of these provisions and to specify the policy of the Doctoral School.

  • Consult the Rules of procedure (in french)

Consult the Doctoral Charter (in french)

The composition of the Council board is defined in Article 9 of the Decree of May 25, 2016 (modified by the Decree of August 26, 2022).

  • Consult the composition of the Council Board

Consult the composition of the Executive board

  • Consult the list of Scientifics field coordinators

Consult the PhD welcome Booklet

Adriana Tapus Head of Doctoral School IP Paris

Admission is subject to the submission of an application file via the ADUM platform

There are two possible ways to be admitted to a PhD program at IP Paris Doctoral School Establish contact with a researcher holding HDR (habilitation) at one of the laboratories of the Institute Polytechnique de Paris and develop a thesis project along with an application for funding. Typically, this process is initiated in the midst of the second year (M2), coinciding with the selection of a research internship. After compiling the necessary documents, including comprehensive details of the thesis project, CV, M2 transcript of grades, and a letter of motivated support from the thesis supervisor, agreements between the laboratory and the hosting doctoral school can be secured. Subsequently, the application is to be submitted through ADUM .

Consult the thesis research topics of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris Doctoral School  

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The academic period is from September 1st to August 31st of the year following your re-registration. Re-registrations must be completed between September 1st and August 31st, irrespective of the thesis starting date. Doctoral students in their 4th year who successfully defend their thesis before December 31st are exempt from re-registration, tuition fees, and the obligation to subscribe to the CVEC.

Full tuition fees will be charged for any academic year commenced, with no prorated fee, irrespective of the thesis start date.

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris implements a doctoral admission policy that aims to adhere to the following principles :  

Explicit and public criteria and procedures made known to all members of the institution and the potential doctoral candidates

Consideration of the personalized and high-quality supervision within the units and research teams

Recruitment that promotes gender equality, diversity, and openness, particularly on the international level

A recruitment encouraging the development of new research avenues and attentive to consider the professional integration prospects and career development of the doctors

Possible guidance or direction 

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris supports multiple types of funding : The programs financially supported or coordinated by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (For example : MESR, AMX, Hi! PARIS, EUR Plasmas, E4C and E4H).  

Supported funding by research organizations (For example : ONERA, CEA and CNRS)

Supported funding by other organizations  

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris organizes two calls :

The Doctoral School considers in the selection of the doctoral candidates :

The academic results previously obtained by the candidate, notably during the higher education period

The candidate’s research ability, particularly evaluated from the beginning of the research internship period

The alignment between the candidate’s education and the doctoral project

The originality and the feasibility of the doctoral project within the context of the research unit and its partners

The doctoral project’s alignment with the scientific policy of the research unit, through the approval of the director of the research unit during the registration

The availability and the capacity of the thesis directors and all supervisors to ensure the scientific guidance of the doctoral project

A career project expressed by the candidate and its coherence with the doctoral project

The terms of choice and selection of the doctoral candidates are subject to a procedure defined by the executive office and approved by the Doctoral School council.  

The candidate’s file requires the following information:

  • The application form
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter
  • M1 & M2 transcripts or other international diplomas
  • Two recommendation letters

Supervisors’ opinions for each application on its subject

Laboratory directors’ opinions for each application in their laboratory

Pre-selection of candidates’ applications by scientific domains of the Doctoral School for the interview, based on the application file

Each application will be examined by the jury, taking into account the academic background (including internships completed by the candidate), the quality of supervision, the alignment of the candidate’s profile with the thesis topic, and potential interdisciplinarity, and also providing an overall rating

The IP Paris Arbitration Board/Commission

 Interviews by scientific fields

The interviews can take place in French or English

The interviews shall include the following elements :

  • Briefly (~2’): Presentation of the Curriculum Vitae (academic course, internships…)
  • Presentation of the thesis subject (~5-10’): The candidates should be able to clearly explain the subject, its challenges and issues as a whole, including the aspects within the field of a discipline other than the candidate’s original subject if it is interdisciplinary
  • Briefly (~2’): Motivation for the subject and professional prospects/perspectives.
  • The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session (5-10 minutes) At the end of the auditions, the evaluations could be updated by the members of the disciplinary jury considering the candidates’ performance.  

The jury of the final arbitration will include:(the same person can represent several entities)

The Director of the IP Paris Doctoral School

The Director or Deputy Director representing the EDMH

The Research Vice-President of IP ParisA representative per institution whose thesis funding is concerned by the competition

A representative of each disciplinary jury

A representative of each IP Paris Doctoral School field

A representative of the jury of Hi! PARIS/E4C/E4H/etc  

Deadline for thesis subject deposits on ADUM: January 15, 2024

Deadline for applications on ADUM: February 15, 2024

Interview of candidates: From March 6-15, 2024

Publishing of the early call results: Beginning of April 2024 Final call

Deadline for thesis subject submission on ADUM: March 15, 2024

Deadline for applications on ADUM: April 15, 2024

Interview of candidates: From May 13-24, 2024

Publishing of the final call results: Beginning of June 2024  

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In addition to personalized training through research acquired during the activity within the research unit, the doctoral training also includes the participation in different collective drills intended : 

to fortify the scientific culture of the doctoral students, especially in their scientific field

to prepare their professional integration or the pursuit of their career in both the public and private sectors

to encourage their international exposure

These trainings are of three types: scientific, linguistic, and transversal. The latter including ethics and scientific integrity, is a part of the training obligations for all doctoral students, pursuant to the decree of 25 May 2016 (modified on 26 August 2022) on the PhD degree. The trainings should help the doctoral student on one hand to be more effective in his/her doctoral project and on the other hand to prepare his/her professional future. The training choice will have to be done according to these two objectives and will be able to rely on the earnest advice of the thesis supervisor.

Each doctoral student ought to pursue on the duration of his/her thesis at least 100 hours of training distributed as follows:

Scientific trainings: 40 to 60 hrs including 20 opening hrs (off thesis subject);

Transversal trainings: 40 to 60 hrs including mandatory ethics training.  

Language trainings : 0 to 20 hrs  

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris will award annually three prizes to the students who have produced the best PhD thesis and made the most outstanding contributions in one of the following fields: Physics; Biology and Chemistry; Information, Communications, Electronics; Computer Science, Data, and Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Mechanics, and Energetics; Economics, Management, and Social Sciences.

  • Consult the procedure

phd college de france

  • Consult the directory of PhD students
  • The directory of  Doctors
  • Ongoing thesis

The Golden Rules for PhD supervision provide a set of best practices for both PhD students and supervisors. These rules emphasise the shared responsibility and expectations of both the supervisor and PhD student. 

Consult the Golden Rules for PhD supervision

Submit an thesis subject

Download the report 

Consult the rules of procedure

Consult the Doctoral Charter

  • Support letter from thesis supervisor 
  • Master's degree derogation
  • Progress report
  • Report for the monitoring committee  
  • Derogation of the duration of the thesis

PhD defense

  • Request a transfer to another establishment 
  • Declaring a withdrawal from the preparation of a thesis
  • Request a "césure"  

If you need a letter of support from the doctoral school for your CIFRE thesis

  • Complete this form

Consult the Organization Chart Graduate School 

Graduate School IP Paris pôle Doctorat Télécom Paris 19, place Marguerite Perey 5ème étage - CS 20031 F-91123 Palaiseau Cedex

Access map

PhD in Computing, Data and Artificial Intelligence

Phd in Biology

Phd in Biology

PhD in Information, Communications and Electronics

PhD in Information, Communications and Electronics

Human sciences, arts, letters and languages

Human sciences, arts, letters and languages

PhD in Economics, Management and Social Sciences

PhD in Economics, Management and Social Sciences

PhD in Physics

PhD in Physics

PhD in Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry

PhD in Engineering, Mechanics and Energy

PhD in Engineering, Mechanics and Energy

Elie Kadoche, IP Paris candidate, qualified in the National Final of the MT 180 competition

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Doctoral training and HDR

Doctoral schools.

Doctoral schools are attached to higher education establishments and federate a number of research teams responsible for the training and future of doctoral students. They provide high-level scientific support for future PhDs, as well as preparation for professional integration.

Links with research and the scientific quality of laboratories, doctoral student recruitment procedures and thesis funding policies, supervisory potential and training policies, partnerships with the socio-economic world and incentives for mobility and European and international openness are all decisive criteria for doctoral school accreditation.

Careful implementation of the thesis charter, a moral contract between the doctoral student, his/her thesis supervisor, the doctoral school director and the director of the host laboratory, is a guarantee of quality insofar as it defines the rights and duties of each party. The preparation of a thesis must be part of a personal and professional project, with clearly defined objectives and means.

The Doctoral School of Law and Political Science is a bi-disciplinary school. Scientific activities are carried out in two main fields: law and political science. The doctoral school belongs to the Université Sud de France Montpellier - Perpignan doctoral college, and complements its training programs.

Doctoral students enrolled at the School can prepare 4 different doctorates:

  • Private law and criminal sciences ;
  • Public law ;
  • History of law and institutions ;
  • Political Science.

The Doctoral School of Law and Political Science organizes thesis defenses and, in collaboration with SCUIO-IP, monitors the professional integration of its doctoral students.

Management team

Director : Pr Jérôme Roux

Department manager : Sophie Segui

Secretariat : Iwona Brousse (04 34 43 27 92)

Doctoral School of Law and Political Science UFR Droit et Science politique 39 rue de l'Université 34060 Montpellier Cedex 2

Tel.: 04 34 43 27 92 E-mail Website

The Montpellier Doctoral School of Economics and Management (EDEG) is the only school offering doctoral training in economics and management sciences in the Languedoc-Roussillon region.

Research priorities are in the fields of economics and management. Management research focuses in particular on finance, marketing, accounting, information systems, human resources and strategy (especially for SMEs), some with a strong agri-food orientation.

EDEG's research activities are organized around three themes:

  • Agri-food management,
  • New technologies,
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation.

Director : Patrick Sentis Assistant Director : Philippe Mahenc Secretariat : Sabine de Bechevel

EDEG Faculty of Economics Espace Richter Av. Raymond Dugrand CS 79706-F 34960 Montpellier cedex 2 Tel: 04 34 43 24 60

Email Website

The I2S Doctoral School trains doctoral students in the broad field of hard sciences, covering mathematics, mechanics, physics and information science and technology, with significant exchanges with the life sciences. It brings together all doctoral students in the basic sciences related to information processing, the development of structures and theoretical concepts, or the study and design of systems in the Montpellier region. 7 doctoral specialties are offered within the I2S Doctoral School:

  • Biostatistics,
  • Electronic,
  • Mathematics and modeling,
  • Mechanical and civil engineering,
  • Automatic systems and microelectronics.

Director : Pr Pascal Nouet Executive secretariat : Caroline Drap-Mahou and Laetitia Bayle-Chabbert

I2S - ED 166 University of Montpellier cc444 Place Eugène Bataillon 34095 Montpellier cedex 05 Tel: +33 (0)4 67 14 97 12 Fax: +33 (0)4 67 14 93 16

ED 58 federates 11 research teams, bringing together some 440 teacher-researchers and researchers and 480 doctoral students. It prepares 34 doctoral specialties in the fields of Letters, Languages, Arts and Human and Social Sciences. In compliance with the decree of August 7, 2006, it ensures the best possible study conditions for doctoral students, from registration to defense and digital filing of the thesis. The ED council, supported by the SEED administrative structure, oversees thesis follow-up, offers mobility assistance, organizes specific scientific events and provides complementary training (disciplinary openness, research methodology, professional integration). It is the first ED in France to offer distance learning courses for isolated and/or salaried doctoral students.

Manager : Christine Reynier

Administration : Carole Closel, Sylvie Fiorio, Corinne Gilbert, Anne Le-Perrot

Université Paul-Valéry Site Saint-Charles 34199 Montpellier Cedex 5 Telephone: 04 11 75 70 30

The Balard Chemical Sciences doctoral school is part of the Pôle Chimie Balard, which brings together the vast majority of chemists in Montpellier and the surrounding region. The doctoral school is mono-disciplinary. However, it has strong links with physics (materials), biology (biomolecules) and process engineering. The number of doctoral students is around 275, with 330 researchers and lecturers providing supervision.

The SCB doctoral school aims to train top-level researchers in all areas of chemistry: life chemistry, drug chemistry, materials chemistry, modeling, membranes, environment and marine chemistry, nuclear fuel cycle, etc. Doctoral training is aimed at all chemical professions in both the private and public sectors.

Director : Marc CRETIN Assistant Director : Claire LONGUET Secretariat : Charlène ERIMIAN

ENSCM 240 avenue du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau 34090 Montpellier Tel/Fax: 04 67 14 43 41

The CBS2 doctoral school trains doctors in all areas of Biology-Health, from drug chemistry to the clinic, from genes to behavior. It brings together the region's research potential in the fields of health-related biology and chemistry, supported by clinical teams and major laboratories and institutes. Backed by the Rabelais Cluster, two LABEXs and two Competitive Clusters, it offers training through and for research, and prepares students for careers in both academia and the private sector. With over 470 HDR supervisors and more than 380 doctoral students in nearly 40 laboratories, this doctoral school has been co-accredited since its creation in 1992 by the UM1 and UM2 universities.

The CBS2 Doctoral School is part of the Collège Doctoral Universités Sud de France Montpellier- Perpignan.

Manager : Sofia Kossida

Secretariat : Stéphanie Martinetti and Despoina Papadopoulou

CBS2 - ED 168 (Sciences Chimiques et Biologiques pour la Santé) Faculté de Pharmacie 15 avenue Charles Flahault BP 14491 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5 Secretariat : bâtiment I (3ème étage) bureau I313 Tel: 04 11 75 97 00

Doctoral School 463 Human Movement Sciences (SMH), co-accredited by Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), Université de Montpellier and Université Côté d'Azur, brings together researchers, teacher-researchers and doctoral students working on the unique theme of human movement and its nervous, physiological, mechanical, behavioral, cognitive and societal determinants. These fields are brought together under a single discipline, the "Sciences of Human Movement".

It brings together inter-regional research teams with complementary disciplinary backgrounds. The SMH doctoral school's thematic proximity and geographical reach ensure its strong positioning on the national map.

Director: Gilles MONTAGNE (AMU)

Assistant manager: Stéphane PERREY (UM)

Administrative manager: Nathalie ROUSTAN (AMU)

Site Marseille ED 463 Sciences du Mouvement Humain Université Aix-Marseille Université Faculté des Sciences du Sport 163, avenue de Luminy - Case 910 13288 Marseille cedex 09 Tél : 04 91 17 04 36

Montpellier site

ED 463 Sciences du Mouvement Humain UFR STAPS Université de Montpellier 700 avenue du Pic St Loup 34090 Montpellier Tél : 04 34 43 26 23

The GAIA Doctoral School (Biodiversity, Agriculture, Food, Environment, Earth, Water) was officially created in July 2015, the result of the merger of ED SIBAGHE (Systèmes intégrés en Biologie, Agronomie, Géosciences, Hydrosciences et Environnement, ED 477) and ED SPSA (Sciences des procédés et des Aliments, ED 306).

ED GAIA is a doctoral school of the University of Montpellier for Life and Environmental Sciences and Science and Technology. It is co-accredited with Montpellier SupAgro and AgroParisTech for Agronomic and Environmental Sciences, and with the Ecole des Mines d'Alès (EMA) for Technological Sciences in the fields of mass-produced materials and the Environment.

The GAIA Doctoral School has nearly 500 doctoral students, and will be supported by 6 doctoral programs (defined as the organizational structures of the Doctoral School):

  • Agroressources, Procédés, Aliments, Produits; APAB.
  • Biologie Des Interactions; BDI.
  • Integrative Biology, Plant Diversity and Improvement; BIDAP.
  • Ecology, Evolution, Genetic Resources, Paleobiology; EERGP.
  • Functional Ecology and Agronomic Sciences; EFSA.
  • Earth and Water Sciences; STE.

ED GAIA will position doctoral students as research players at the heart of global questions and issues surrounding Environmental Sciences, Science and Technology, and in tune with the major issues facing society and the socio-economic world as a whole. With this in mind, the ED GAIA will seek to develop doctoral students' capacity for innovation, in conjunction with researchers working at the frontiers of the disciplines developed within the doctoral programs.

Director: Valérie MICARD Assistant Directors: Soazig GUYOMARC'H, Eric BLANCHART, Sophie GAUDRIAULT, Patrice DAVID, Bruno DHUIME, Stéphane PEYRON Administration: Cendrine JAY-ALLEMAND, Aida LEFEVRE

GAIA - ED 584

Case Courrier 053 Place Eugène Bataillon Bâtiment 13 / 3ème étage 34095 Montpellier cedex 5 Tel: +33 (0) 4 67 14 36 00

The Territoires, Temps, Société et Développement doctoral school trains PhDs in Archaeology, Egyptology, Ethnology, Geography, Psychology, Management Sciences, Information and Communication Sciences, Political Science, Sociology and STAPS.

Its fields of expertise are Life and Environmental Sciences on the one hand, and Human and Social Sciences on the other.

It comprises 9 Research units, including 4 UMRs.

Manager: Nathalie BLANC

Administration: Carole CLOSEL, Sylvie FIORIO, Corinne GILBERT, Anne LE-PERROT

TTSD - ED 60 Université Paul-Valéry Site Saint-Charles Route De Mende 34199 Montpellier Cedex 5

University of Montpellier Doctoral College

The main mission of the Collège Doctoral de l'Université de Montpellier (CD-UM) is to support doctoral students throughout their doctoral research by providing them with cross-disciplinary professional training to help them identify their career plans at local, national and/or international level. One of the objectives is to enhance the career profiles of doctoral students in all socio-economic and cultural sectors. More specifically, the CD-UM aims to:

  • offer doctoral students excellent professional training, with the guarantee of quality training;
  • strengthen the interdisciplinarity and internationalization of doctoral training;
  • prepare doctoral students for their professional careers;
  • promote the doctorate to the socio-economic world and to civil society.

The doctoral schools have equipped themselves with a common digital tool that dematerializes the management of procedures related to doctoral training (from registration to defense) and enables doctoral students and PhD candidates to enhance their skills within the network. This digital management tool (ADUM: Accès Doctorat Unique et Mutualisé) also enables the CD-UM to organize all the training courses offered to doctoral students each year (tracking registrations, cancellations, validation, evaluation, etc.).

In this way, the Doctoral College of the University of Montpellier reinforces, complements, supports and develops the systems set up in the Doctoral Schools to meet the specifications of the missions defined in the decree of May 25, 2016.

Campus Triolet Place Eugène Bataillon Bâtiment 7 - 1er étage 34095 Montpellier cedex 5

PhD registration

Prepared within a Doctoral School, the doctorate is training for and through research. The doctoral student's research work is carried out under the responsibility of a thesis director within a research unit. The doctorate is prepared in accordance with the decree of May 25, 2016.

To enroll in a doctoral program, candidates must hold a master's degree or another diploma conferring the grade of master, and have completed a training program demonstrating their aptitude for research.

If this diploma requirement is not met, the President of the University of Montpellier may, by dispensation and on the recommendation of the Doctoral School Council, enroll in the doctoral program candidates who have completed studies at an equivalent level, or who have benefited from the validation of acquired experience. Registration for a doctorate is authorized by the President of the University of Montpellier on the recommendation of the Director of the Doctoral School, after consultation with the thesis director and the Director of the research unit.

As a general rule, doctoral studies take three years of full-time equivalent research time. In other cases, doctoral studies may take up to six years.

The Doctoral School Director verifies that the scientific, material and financial conditions are in place to ensure the smooth progress of the doctoral student's research and thesis preparation. Candidate admission procedures are defined by the Doctoral Schools.

  • Doctoral registration guide
  • Guide d'inscription en doctorat - Version française
  • Details of the organization of individual doctoral student monitoring committees (CSI) are available on the [doctoral school website.
  • Doctoral registration calendar

The annual registration fee for a national diploma is set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research Research.

  • For the 2023-2024 academic year, doctoral registration fees are : 380 €
  • Decree of April 19, 2019 on registration fees in public higher education establishments under the authority of the Minister for Higher Education

On the other hand, non-affiliated students enrolling for the first time in higher education in France must take the necessary steps. These students are :

  • residents of overseas collectivities (New Caledonia or Wallis and Futuna) or born abroad;
  • nationals of a country outside the European Union, Switzerland or the European Economic Area.

Once they have paid the CVEC and completed their administrative registration at the UM, they must register on the dedicated website: etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr

More information on the Assurance Maladie website and the etudiant.gouv.fr website.

CPAM documentation: Memo-etudiants and Memo-etudiants-etrangers

Students enrolling in higher education for the first time are automatically affiliated to a compulsory health insurance scheme.

What is the CVEC?

The CVEC is the Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus (Student and Campus Life Contribution). By law, it is collected by the CROUS. Depending on the case, you may be liable for it or exempt from it. The CVEC is a contribution "intended to promote the reception and social, health, cultural and sporting support of students and to bolster the preventive and health education actions carried out for their benefit" introduced on July 1, 2018.

Who is concerned (subject to CVEC)?

  • Doctoral students in initial training
  • Cotutelle PhD students who pay their tuition fees to the University of Montpellier (see cotutelle agreement).

A mandatory process

There are 2 different cases:

  • or the PhD student must pay a lump-sum CVEC fee before registering at the University of Montpellier.
  • or the doctoral student is exempt.

In both cases, a certificate will be issued, which must be produced at the time of registration .

Who is exempt?

  • Refugee doctoral students
  • Doctoral students benefiting from subsidiary protection
  • Doctoral students registered as asylum seekers and entitled to remain in France
  • French government doctoral students (BGF)

When should you take this step?

The doctoral student must pay this contribution upon receipt of the registration authorization e-mail sent by the Doctoral Studies Department. No refund of the CVEC will be made .

Where can I do this?

  • Step 1: Log on to the website cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr
  • Step 2: payment (except in the case of exemption). For payment details, consult the CROUS website .
  • Step 3: download the attestation you'll need when you register (even if you're exempt): it's compulsory .

Who is not concerned (not subject to the CVEC)?

  • Co-tutored doctoral students who do not pay their tuition fees to the University of Montpellier but to the partner institution (see co-tutoring agreement).
  • Erasmus student (incoming)
  • Doctoral students in continuing education, i.e. whose training is paid for by their employer or by a collecting body. For further information, please contact the Continuing Education Department
  • No formalities are required (no CVEC certificate to provide).

A complaint does not constitute an inquiry. For all inquiries, please contact your Doctoral School or the Doctoral Studies Department.

If you wish to file a claim, please complete the form via the following link:


An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the e-mail address you entered on the form.

  • Change of thesis direction
  • Request to stop PhD FR/ENG
  • Administrative registration power of attorney FR/ENG
  • Joint FR/ENG project
  • Supporting documents - Registration in 1st year of doctoral studies
  • Supporting documents - Exceptional registration in 1st year of doctoral studies
  • Supporting documents - Re-registration for doctoral studies (DSP / ED 58 / ED 60)
  • Supporting documents - Re-registration for doctoral studies (CBS2 / EDEG / GAIA / I2S / SCB / SMH)
  • Supporting documents - Exceptional re-registration for doctoral studies

Direction de la Research et des Études Doctorales Service des Etudes Doctorales Campus Triolet Bât. 7 - Case courrier 00404 Place Eugène Bataillon 34090 Montpellier cedex 5

Ludivine CABIT : 04 67 14 94 35 Thibaut MEISSONNIER : 04 67 14 40 23 Zoé FAURE : 04 67 14 94 40

Cotutelles internationales de thèse

You are a future doctoral student and would like to :

  • gain international experience,
  • carry out your research in two partner laboratories,
  • benefit from the supervision of two thesis directors, one from the University of Montpellier and the other from a foreign institution.

On the basis of a single thesis and a single defense, you can obtain the double title of doctor from the University of Montpellier and the partner university by registering as a cotutelle from your first year of thesis .

Research work is carried out in alternating periods at each of the two sites.

You will need to be registered at both establishments, but will be exempted from registration fees at one of the two establishments (with the obligation to pay registration fees at the University of Montpellier at least once during the 3-year period).

The International Relations Department's Cooperation Department is responsible for drafting, validating and monitoring the thesis co-supervision agreement.

The future doctoral student must also contact the Doctoral School of his/her thesis supervisor at the University of Montpellier to put together a doctoral registration file.

Service Coopération - Direction des Relations Internationales 163 rue auguste broussonnet 34090 Montpellier Tel: +33 (0)4 34 43 23 23 E-mail

Doctoral defense

In accordance with the decree of May 25, 2016 setting out the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma, authorization to present a thesis for defense is granted by the President of the University of Montpellier, after consultation with the director of the Doctoral School, on the proposal of the thesis director.

The candidate's work is examined beforehand by at least two referees, who draw up a written report. The President of the University of Montpellier will base his decision on the opinions of the rapporteurs to authorize the defense.

Organizing the defense is a time-consuming procedure.

The "request for authorization to defend a thesis" must be submitted to the Doctoral School no later than 8 weeks before the date of the defense.

This application includes :

  • appointment of rapporteurs: they are given 3 weeks to draw up their report;
  • appointment of jury members;
  • authorization to defend.

The application form is prepared via the Adum portal. Once all the mandatory fields have been completed and the doctoral student has validated his/her application, the defense forms will be accessible in his/her personal space.

Composition (Order of May 25, 2016)

The rapporteurs :

2 rapporteurs

  • habilitated to direct research (HDR) or equivalent ;
  • external to the supervisory team, the doctoral school and the University of Montpellier;
  • no co-publication with the doctoral student.

from 4 to 8 members

  • at least half of the professors or equivalent ;
  • at least half of the members are external to the doctoral school and the University of Montpellier;
  • the Chairman of the Jury is a Professor or equivalent.

The thesis director participates in the Jury but does not take part in the decision-making process. He or she is considered an "internal member" for the purposes of establishing the composition of the Jury.

In the case of a co-tutored thesis, the choice of referees and the composition of the jury must comply with the agreement between the partner universities.

After the defense

Admission (or deferral) is pronounced after deliberation by the jury.

The original defense documents, duly completed and signed, must be returned to the Doctoral Studies Department no later than 15 days after the defense:

  • the minutes of the examination;
  • the jury's opinion on the digital reproduction of the thesis;
  • the defense report ;
  • proxies for videoconference jury members (for members concerned).
  • Support process
  • Processus de soutenance - version française
  • Support guide
  • Guide de soutenance - Version française
  • University of Montpellier thesis cover

Collection from the Doctoral Studies Department: the doctor must present a valid form of identification.

By post: the doctor must send the " Diploma withdrawal form " to the Doctoral Studies Department, together with a copy of his/her valid ID.

Diplomas can be sent abroad to the French embassy or European delegation.

By proxy: the doctor must complete the " proxy for diploma collection " form. The proxy must present the power of attorney, a copy of the doctor's ID and his or her own ID to the Doctoral Studies Department.

  • C opening of a joint thesis with the University of Montpellier
  • Request for authorization to defend outside the premises of the University of Montpellier
  • Request for confidentiality / Request for permission to defend in camera
  • Jury member proxy by videoconference

Direction de la Research et des Etudes Doctorales Service des Etudes Doctorales Campus Triolet Bât. 7 - Case courrier 00404 Place Eugène Bataillon 34090 Montpellier cedex 5

Estelle LE GOFF : 04 67 14 49 60

Habilitation to supervise research (HDR)

The "habilitation à diriger des recherches" recognizes the candidate's high scientific level, the originality of his or her approach in a scientific field, his or her ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field, and his or her capacity to supervise young researchers. In particular, it qualifies candidates for admission to the corps of university professors. Decree of November 23, 1988 on the habilitation to direct research - modified by the decree of February 13, 1992, by the decree of July 13, 1995, by the decree of April 25, 2002.

The habilitation to direct research at the University of Montpellier is organized in two campaigns according to the following schedule:

Please note: bi-applicants and hospital practitioners from the Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology departments can only apply during the spring campaign.

  • Electronic submission, only, of the HDR application file by noon on November 27, 2023. No changes can be made after this date. We ask you to pay close attention to the completeness of your application by referring to the document "HDR application file - detailed list of documents to be provided".
  • The DRED forwards the application files to the doctoral schools for preliminary examination and proposal of rapporteurs on December 8, 2023.
  • Feedback from doctoral schools on applications to DRED mid-January 2024.
  • Examination of applications and proposal of rapporteurs to the President by the Research Commission sitting in a formation restricted to HDR holders on January 22, 2024.
  • DRED notifies candidates of registration decisions in early February 2024. The DRED sends the electronic version of the manuscript and the summary sheet to the referees and contacts the candidates to complete their administrative registration . Candidates send a paper version of their manuscript to the referees.
  • Reports received by March 6, 2024.
  • The "jury proposal" must be submitted to the Direction de la Research et des Études doctorales no later than 3 weeks before the defense.
  • Habilitation to direct research must be defended before the end of July 2024.

Bi-appointed staff and hospital practitioners from the Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology departments are eligible to apply for this campaign.

Spring campaign calendar 2024-2025

  • Electronic submission, only, of the HDR application file by April 15, 2024, noon, by e-mail . No changes can be made after this date. We ask you to pay particular attention to the completeness of your application by referring to the document "HDR application file - detailed list of documents to be provided".
  • The DRED forwards the application files for single doctoral school staff and dual doctoral school staff to the UFR advisory bodies for preliminary examination of the applications and proposal of rapporteurs in mid-May 2024.
  • Feedback on applications to DRED on June 17, 2024.
  • Examination of applications and proposal of rapporteurs to the President by the Research Commission sitting in a formation restricted to HDR holders on July 9, 2024.
  • DRED notifies candidates of registration decisions mid-July 2024. The DRED sends the electronic version of the manuscript and the summary sheet to the referees and contacts the candidates to complete their administrative registration . Candidates send a paper version of their manuscript to the referees.
  • Reports due by September 13, 2024.
  • Habilitation to direct research must be defended before the end of July 2025.

Staff with dual status are invited to contact their advisory body to prepare their application.

The application file must include the following documents (HDR application file - Detailed list of required documents ):

  • Diplomas allowing registration for the HDR.
  • Application for HDR registration.
  • Summary sheet in pdf format.
  • Dissertation in pdf format, including the text on scientific integrity inserted in the preliminary pages (see HDR application file - Detailed list of documents to be supplied )
  • Cover letter.
  • Proposed by the rapporteurs .
  • Proposal of rapporteurs. This document must contain only the names of the potential rapporteurs. It is imperative to ensure the availability of the persons proposed - The date for the return of the reports is common to all candidates. It will be communicated by the doctoral studies department. The composition of the jury will be requested at a later date .

Collecting the diploma from the Doctoral Studies Department: the diploma holder must present a valid form of identification.

By post : the holder of the diploma must send the document " [ formulaire de retrait du diplôme " to the Doctoral Studies Department, together with a copy of his/her valid identity document.

By proxy : the holder of the diploma must complete the proxy form for withdrawal of the diploma . The proxy must present the power of attorney, a copy of the diploma holder's ID and his/her ID to the Doctoral Studies Department.

  • For the year 2023-2024, the HDR registration fee is : 380 €
  • HDR application file - Detailed list of required documents
  • Application for HDR registration
  • Rapporteurs' proposal
  • Jury's proposal
  • Videoconference jury member proxy (HDR)
  • Power of attorney for administrative registration (HDR)
  • Contact details for advisory bodies
  • Input help appendix

Research and Doctoral Studies Department

Service des Etudes Doctorales Campus Triolet Bât. 7 - Case courrier 00404 Place Eugène Bataillon 34090 Montpellier cedex 5

Thibaut MEISSONNIER : 04 67 14 40 23 Barbara VASSENER : 04 67 14 94 39

National campaign for doctoral contracts for the disabled 2024

Are you a student holding a Master's degree or enrolled in a Master's program or equivalent, and eligible for compulsory employment*? Would you like to continue or resume your doctoral studies?

Since 2011, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research has been implementing a plan to award doctoral contracts to students with disabilities .

The University of Montpellier attaches great importance to the inclusion of people with disabilities, and is therefore involved in the "doctorat handicap 2024" campaign, showing its support for students with a Master's degree (or enrolled in a Master's degree or equivalent), presenting a thesis project and recognized as beneficiaries of the French Employment Obligation (BOE).

1. Presentation and terms of the doctoral contract

Successful candidates will benefit from a three-year (36-month) contract, subject to annual re-registration with the doctoral school.

The University of Montpellier is also committed to funding a PhD contract for disabled students from its own resources, in accordance with the provisions of the institution's multi-year Disability Master Plan.

The doctorate must be carried out in a research structure supervised by the University of Montpellier. Students must enroll in one of the 9 doctoral schools at the University of Montpellier. An information sheet lists the research units and doctoral specialties prepared at the UM.

- Interested candidates should contact a thesis supervisor as soon as possible to present their project.

- Interested candidates should contact the Handiversity department before 16/02/2024, deadline, which will help them to prepare their application:

  • Information and exchange interview: from 26/02 to 06/03/2024.
  • Deadline for applications to the Handiversity department: before 22/03/2024.
  • Communication of results by the Handiversity department: early July 2024.

Email Tel: 04 67 14 48 53 or 23

Download information notes and sample files :

  • 2024 Bid File
  • 2024 Candidature File
  • Request to extend a disabled doctoral contract
  • Information on extending a disabled doctoral contract
  • The completed application form, signed by the thesis supervisor, doctoral school and institution.
  • A curriculum vitae.
  • Thesis proposal (4 pages maximum) including a three-year timetable.
  • Copy of diploma (master's degree or equivalent).
  • A copy of the corresponding transcripts.
  • * Proof of status as a Beneficiary of the Obligation to Work (Bénéficiaire de l'Obligation d'Emploi): a copy of the notification of the decision to grant the RQTH or proof of an admissible file currently being processed by the Maison Départementale de l'Autonomie.
  • Research programs
  • Science & society
  • Research centers

Direction de la Research et des Études Doctorales Campus Triolet Bât. 7 - Case courrier 00404 Place Eugène Bataillon 34090 Montpellier cedex 5

Open to the public Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Doctoral registration Email

Doctoral dissertations Email

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Doctorate of Business Administration


Programme operated by Ascencia Business School

Take your career to the next level, and bring economic and social value to the international community.


The DBA program offered by Ascencia Business School / Collège de Paris, is a fully-fledged doctoral degree designed to provide professionals with the necessary tools to contribute to applied science in the various fields of management and business administration.

Our carefully tailored DBA program focuses on practical experience rather than pure academic research, making it suitable for individuals looking to advance their careers and bring economic and social value to the international community.

Navigate through this page to uncover the many facets of our dynamic program. Don’t forget to Download our DBA Booklet for an in-depth exploration of the program structure, educational methods, integration in the research community and the professional world, and more.


Our DBA program is designed to accommodate full-time professionals and offers a flexible structure that combines distance work with several on-site seminars and workshops, in addition to participation in relevant symposiums, colloquiums, or conferences.

The program emphasizes the ability to conduct original investigations, test ideas, and understand the wider field of knowledge related to the chosen research theme. It encourages independent thinking and the application of research findings to practical business scenarios. This is achieved through a tailor-made coaching and supervision by our doctoral faculty:

·       DE LAGARDE, Olivier – PhD in Management Sciences at the Paris-Dauphine University, France

·       CARTWRIGHT, Phillip – PhD in Economics at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

·       KREBS, Viola – PhD in Sciences of Information and Communications at University of Strasbourg, France

·       CHAPUIS, Jean-Michel – PhD in Management Science at Université de Bourgogne, HDR at La Rochelle Université, France

·       NG, Kwan Keung Steven – DBA, University of South Australia, Australia

·       FUNG, Kwok Hung Lobo – PhD in Business Administration, Bulacan State University, the Philippines

·       Fung Man Kam Leo – DBA, Southern Cross University, Australia

·       YU, Siu Yeung Andrew – PhD in Business Administration, Bulacan State University, the Philippines

·       PUN, Ki Wai David – DBA, Newcastle University, Australia

·       CHEN, Shu Ping Monica – PhD in English Language Education, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

·       WONG, Chi Mei – Doctor of Education, University of Technology, Australia

·       LUI, Yau Hang Edward – DBA, University of Wales Saint Trinity David, UK

The program is best suited for individuals who are seeking to enhance their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to advance their careers and make significant contributions to their respective fields. The following prerequisites are required for admission:

  • Master’s level degree
  • Detailed resume (CV) showcasing relevant professional experience.
  • List of publications (if applicable)
  • Preliminary research proposal (of at least 500 words in .doc / .docx format); and
  • Two letters of recommendation demonstrating the ability to conduct research work.

The DBA program is designed to be completed within a typical duration of 3 years; with fast-track options available for outstanding candidates who demonstrate exceptional progress.


The diploma is delivered by Ascencia Business School, founding member of Collège de Paris, and a private educational institution officially recognized by the French Government.

Contact us for more information on the program tuition fees and financing options.


Program structure

Our carefully tailored DBA program is available in English or French language and focuses on practical experience rather than pure academic research; making it suitable for individuals looking to advance their careers and bring economic and social value to the international community.

The core DBA program is structured around a comprehensive curriculum that comprises three interrelated core modules, which are essential for all candidates, and an optional research-focused module that allows individuals to specialize in their area of interest. These modules are delivered through intensive and interactive 3-day on-site seminars, providing a dynamic learning environment for participants.

The DBA candidate is required to show his or her ability to conduct original investigations; test, apply and examine his or her own ideas as well as others, and understand the relationship between his or her theme and a wider field of knowledge. As such, the degree will be granted based entirely on a personal thesis of approximately 50,000 words in length (and of no less than 40,000 words). Quality of research, however, is the single most important factor for awarding the DBA degree, not length.

The following diagram visualizes the milestones of the DBA project journey:

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It’s important to note that the timeframes mentioned for each milestone may vary depending on individual progress and program requirements. The program structure and milestones are designed to ensure a comprehensive and rigorous research experience for DBA candidate.

SPECIALIZED TRACK: Our DBA program also offers a specialized track in Performing Arts Management, in parallel and in complements to the core program. This specialization provides candidates with the opportunity to engage with esteemed academics and industry professionals in the fields of music, dance, and theater.

DOUBLE-DEGREE TRACK : In line with our commitment to excellence and international partnerships, our DBA program also features a double-degree initiative in collaboration with the American Imperial University (Florida, United States of America) through a special Doctor of Business Administration in Strategic Leadership program which allow candidates to explore some of the greatest strategic challenges and opportunities facing business today and start applying the findings to corporate scenarios. The double-degree track is reserved for a select number of qualifying eligible candidates and supplements the core DBA program with a focus on cultivating expertise in strategic leadership.

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Integration in Research

Ascencia Center for Applied Business and Management Research – CABMR – is an affiliated research center of Ascencia Business School, with an emphasis on applied research in the areas of management and business administration.

CABMR provide candidates enrolled in the DBA program with the opportunity to explore applied research opportunities, participate in relevant symposiums, colloquiums, and conferences to better integrate into applied research practices and the research community. It also provides DBA candidates with a “home” where they can meet and proactively deliberate their progress, and where they can have access to the necessary tools and functional resources to support them in their professional thesis project.

The CABMR is located at ISF campus, 2 place de la Défense, CNIT, 3rd floor – 92092 Puteaux.

You may find more information about the CABMR at the following link:



Program contents are indicative and subject to changes, as College de Paris constantly improves its curriculum according to evolutions in the business world.


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Principal investigator: prof. jean-jacques hublin, présentation.

The Paleoanthropology research group studies human evolution from a multidisciplinary perspective and by combining traditional field research with cutting-edge laboratory analysis. Through our external collaborations, we combine anthropology and archeology with other natural and social sciences to study how hominin biology, culture and ecology interacted during the Pleistocene and early Holocene in the structuring of various aspects of human evolution: speciation and extinction, the evolution of brain and neurocranial shape, bone growth patterns and dental development, variability in internal bone structure and its relation to behaviorally induced stress, human paleodemography and mobility, evolution of technology and cultural transmission, adaptation, subsistence, landscape use, response to environmental changes, etc. We are interested in issues specific to regions and time periods of interest, but also those that are broader in scope, and related to long-term evolutionary processes. In our approaches, we test hypotheses and formulate new ones.

We have three main objectives. One consists of confronting innovative methods of analyzing the fossil, archaeological and paleoenvironmental archives with anthropological, biological, evolutionary, social, economic and even philosophical theories. In doing so, we are guided by the very spirit of the Collège de France, where the emphasis is placed not on the acquisition and dissemination of data, but much more on creative engagement in the acquisition of knowledge "in the making". Our second goal which is related to the first is to provide truly paleoanthropological and paleoarchaeological models based on our data (instead of just applying theories of other social science to our field), which may be useful to biological and social sciences studying contemporary phenomena. Our third objective is to make the products of our research (publications and results obtained in excavated sites and explored landscapes) useful to the public and in particular to local communities. They are intended to become resources for education and information on the past human condition in the environmental context, which could have positive effects on the development of further environmental policies in the places where we work.

The research group leads and collaborates in a significant number of international field and laboratory projects in Africa, Europe and Asia. Thanks to these projects, we can place particular emphasis on training students in the most recent excavation, prospecting and laboratory techniques. Supported by numerous external collaborations, our research focuses on paleoproteomics, various isotopic analyses to study diet, mobility, climate and the paleoenvironment, the extraction of ancient DNA, the analysis of dental tartar residues, the environmental archives of speleothems, zooarchaeology, stone and bone technologies and their experimentation, archaeobotany, geoarchaeology, remote sensing, etc. Our research topics and ongoing projects are listed below.

Research themes

  • Origins, expansion, and comparative anatomy of Homo sapiens and related species.
  • Evolution and development of hominin skull, brain, and dentition.
  • Hominin cultural evolution and the evolution of human adaptation in the paleoenvironmental/paleoclimatic context.
  • Dating the key events in hominin biogeography, as well as behavioral and technological innovations (with our external collaborations).
  • Behavior and demise of the late Neanderthals in western Europe.
  • Ancient DNA and genetic contribution of archaic species to the emergence of Homo sapiens (with our external collaborations).
  • New methods of analysis of hominin fossils and their artifacts.

Grands projets en cours et travaux de terrain de l’équipe de recherche Current major projects and fieldwork of the research group

1. Analyse (morphologique, isotopique et génétique) de restes fossiles d'Homo sapiens d'Afrique du Nord, d'Europe et d'Asie. Analysis (morphological, isotopic, genetic) of Homo sapiens fossil remains from northern Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Paléoanthropologie Hublin 1

2. L'évolution de la structure du cerveau humain, du métabolisme et de la dépense énergétique. Étude des taux de flux sanguins cérébraux dans une série ontogénétique d'hommes de Néandertal immatures et d'humains actuels en analysant la taille et la forme du canal carotidien dans des crânes fossiles à l'aide d'une tomographie (micro-)calculée et d'images 3D haute résolution. The evolution of human brain structure, metabolism, and energetics expenditure. Investigation of the rates of cerebral blood flows in an ontogenetic series of immature Neanderthals and present-day humans by analyzing the size and shape of the carotid canal in fossil crania using (micro)computed tomography and high-resolution 3D images.

3. Analyse protéomique (zooarchéologique par spectrométrie de masse) des os fragmentés des sites de la transition du Paléolithique moyen au paléolithique supérieur en Eurasie occidentale. Proteomic analysis (zooarchaeology-by-mass-spectrometry) of fragmented bones from sites of the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in western Eurasia.

Paléoanthropologie Hublin 3

4. Fouille de la grotte des Contrebandiers (Maroc) (Directeur Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin): Évolution biologique et culturelle humaine au cours du Middle et Later Stone Age dans leur contexte environnemental ; Taphonomie des fossiles d'Homo sapiens. Contrebandiers Cave (Morocco) excavations (Directed by Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin): Human biological and cultural evolution during the Middle and Later Stone Age in the environmental context; The depositional context of Homo sapiens fossils.

Paléoanthropologie Hublin 4

5. Fouille de la grotte de Dar Es-Soltan 2 (Maroc) (Directeur Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin): Évolution biologique et culturelle humaine au cours du Middle et Later Stone Age dans leur contexte environnemental ; Taphonomie des fossiles d'Homo sapiens. Dar Es-Soltan 2 (Morocco) excavations (Directed by Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin): Human biological and cultural evolution during the Middle and Later Stone Age in the environmental context; The depositional context of Homo sapiens fossils.

Paléoanthropologie Hublin 5

6. Fouille du site d’Ain Difla (Jordanie) (Directeur Dr. Zeljko Rezek): Adaptations humaines du Pléistocène moyen et supérieur dans la région de la mer Morte et l'évolution de la technologie. Ain Difla (Jordan) excavations (Directed by Dr. Zeljko Rezek): Middle and Late Pleistocene human adaptations in the Dead Sea region and the evolution of technology.

Paléoanthropologie Hublin 6

7. Fouille du paysage de Butana-nord (Soudan) et prospections archéologiques (Directeur Dr. Zeljko Rezek): Évolution de la diversité des usages du paysage du Middle Stone Age au Néolithique de la région saharienne du Nil. North Butana (Sudan) excavations and archaeological survey (Directed by Dr. Zeljko Rezek): Evolution of diversity in hominin landscape use from the Middle Stone Age to the Neolithic in the Saharan Nile region.

Paléoanthropologie Hublin 7

Jean-Jacques Hublin

Dorothea Mylopotamitaki

Dorothea Mylopotamitaki

Selim Natahi

Sélim Natahi

Zeljko Rezek

Zeljko Rezek

Karen Ruebens

Karen Ruebens

Group leader: Pr Jean-Jacques Hublin, Directeur

Senior researchers: Dr Zeljko Rezek Dr Karen Ruebens

Postdoctoral fellows & PhD students: Dr Selim Natahi, Postdoctoral fellow Hajar Alichane, PhD student Dorothea Mylopotamitaki, PhD student Pauline Raymond, PhD student


  • Accéder aux publications du groupe de recherche sur le site Ramus du Collège de France


Bannière illustrative des activités du CIRB

Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie (CIRB)

Solid-State Chemistry and Energy Lab

Research towards better energy storage and conversion systems

PhD students

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Jacques LOUIS

[email protected]

Double degree in engineering school at ESPCI Paris and Mines Paris with a formation in physico-chemistry and industrial processes. He started his PhD at Collège de France in October 2020 and he is working on the development of new materials with anionic redox for Li-ion batteries. Connect with him on LinkedIn .

Zhenying LI picture

Zhenying LI

[email protected]

Zhenying obtained her MSc in physical chemistry from Shanghai University, China and has been working on the Prussian blue analogs in energy storage systems by in-situ electrochemical and electrogravimetric methods since January 2021. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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[email protected]

Florian obtained his MSc in Chemistry from Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay in 2021 and has been working on hybrid water electrolysis since September 2021. Find out more about his research on ORCID and Google Scholar .

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[email protected]

Elisa obtained her MSc degree in materials science from Chimie ParisTech and PSL University and has been working on Na-ion cathode materials since October 2021. Connect with her on LinkedIin .

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[email protected]

John obtained his Masters in Chemistry (MChem) from the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland and has been working on water-in-salt electrolytes since October 2021.

Photo Simon REdOR


[email protected]

Simon obtained his MSc degree in materials science from Chimie ParisTech and Sorbonne University. He has been working on anodic electrochromic materials since October 2021.

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Cédric LEAU

[email protected]

Cédric obtained his French engineering degree from ESPCI Paris and PSL University, where he studied physics and chemistry with a strong emphasis on experimental teaching. He started his PhD at Collège de France in October 2021, joining non-invasive battery activities. He is currently working on embedding optic fibers directly inside batteries to perform infrared spectroscopy in operando . Connect with him on LinkedIn .

Marina Vlara picture

Marina VLARA

[email protected]

Marina obtained her MSc in Integrative Chemistry & Innovation (ICI) at PSL Research University, developing an interdisciplinary profile. As of October 2022, she has been working as a PhD student towards the investigation of the mechanisms leading to the appearance of a knee-point in the lifetime of large format batteries for stationary storage applications, in operando, with the use optical sensors. You can connect with her on LinkedIn .

Clémence Alphen Picture

Clémence ALPHEN

[email protected]

Clémence obtained her MSc in Chemistry and Physical Engineering from the Graduate School of Chemistry, Biology and Physics (ENSCBP) of Bordeaux, France and specialized in energy storage. She joined the sensing group in October 2022 and is currently working on monitoring the state of batteries during operation thanks to optical fibre Bragg grating sensors.

Conrad Quazza picture


[email protected]

Conrad obtained his MSc in Materials Science and Engineering from PSL University. He has been working on new oxide materials for battery and electrochromic applications since October 2023. You can connect with him on LinkedIn .

Horyung Ji photo

[email protected]

Horyung obtained his MSc in Materials Chemistry from Sorbonne University. He joined the Solid-State team at CSE in October 2023. He has been working on the halide-electrolyte/anode interface in all-solid-state halide-based lithium metal batteries.

Elisabeth bajard picture

Elisabeth BAJARD

[email protected]

Elisabeth obtained her MSc in Integrative Chemistry & Innovation (ICI) at PSL-ChimieParisTech University. She joined the sensing group in October 2023 and is currently working on developing an optical fiber-based sensing system for alkaline electrolyzers. You can connect with her on LinkedIn .

Mariia Platonova picture


[email protected]

In 2023, Mariia earned a double diploma in material science from the University of Rennes 1 and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. She joined the solid-state battery group for her master’s thesis, which concentrated on optimizing cathode composites for low-pressure all-solid-state batteries. Since October 2023, she has been studying all-solid-state batteries as a PhD student. You can connect with her on LinkedIn .

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Graduate Program in Economics

Program objectives.

The PSL Graduate Program in Economics offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced study and research, from the Master's to the Doctorate degree, in theoretical and applied economics. It equips the professional economist with the powerful tools required to understand the rapidly changing, complex, and uncertain modern world economy. Thanks to its association with 3 research departments (LEDa at Université Paris Dauphine, CERNA at Mines ParisTech and Center for the Economy of Innovation at Collège de France) with a high-level international reputation, if offers a training in which research plays a central role, starting at the Master level.

Skills acquired:

  • Advanced training in a large number of fields in economics: macoeconomics and finance, international and development economics, public policies, health economics, energy and environment, industrial organisation and economic theory.
  • Advanced skills in quantiative methods including econometrics, data sciences and statistics.
  • Making use of advanced economic theories and models as well as quantiative methods to the analyse complex problems relevant for economic and social policies.
  • Making policy recommendations based on state-of-art scientific knowledge regarding economic and social issues.

Job market candidates

The graduate program also offers dedicated training and financial support for students who are about to defend their PhD and want to go on the national or international job market.

Job market placement

When you enroll in a Graduate Program, you also join  Université PSL . Ranked in the top 50 universities in the world (THE and QS), PSL offers excellent graduate programs at the Master's and PhD level, which benefit from the scientific capabilities of its member institutions.

Organization of the Graduate Program

The research departments associated to the graduate program are :.

  • LEDa at Dauphine-PSL
  • CERNA, I3, at MINES Paris-PSL
  • Center for the Economy of Innovation at Collège de France

The degree is issued by Université PSL and taken at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL.

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Opportunities for students enrolled in the graduate program in economics.

Research Internships,  PhD Presentation Workshop, Job Market training program, International mobility program... For First and Second year Master and PhD students

Look for Opportunities

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Certificate of Advanced Quantitative Methods in Economics (AQME)

For master 1 and 2 students.

The Certificate of Advanced Quantitative Methods in Economics (AQME) is a specific course expanding over the first and second years of Master. It offers advanced training in quantitative methods particularly designed for Master students who want to proceed towards a PhD or work in research departments or institutions.

AQME Certificate graduate program


Professor of economics

Head of the program

Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Managing establishment

MINES ParisTech

Member Establishment

Collège de France

Lucie neuville.

Training Assistant

Executive board of the graduate program:

Sidartha Gordon

Head of international affairs of the Graduate Program in Economics and Job Market Officer

Anne Epaulard

University Professor

Head of the Doctoral Program in Economics of Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Najat El Mekkaoui-de Freitas

Associate Professor

Co-Head of the Master in International Economics and Development

Gianluca Orefice

Lise patureau.

Head of the Master in Quantitative Economic Analysis

  • Application
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Replay - Presentation of the Double Degree Research in Management

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Magister  /  Graduate Programs

New application session – Research in Management

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Call for applications  /  Certificate  /  PhD  /  Magister

15 days left to apply for the PhD Track of the Graduate Program in Finance

Deion's son Shilo Sanders facing legal mess after filing for bankruptcy

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Colorado football safety Shilo Sanders has been facing questions in court about his personal income and wealth after filing for bankruptcy last October with more than $11 million in debt, according to court records obtained by USA TODAY Sports.

The debt stems primarily from what a court in Texas says he owes to a security guard at his former school − a man who claimed Sanders assaulted him in 2015 and gave him severe and permanent injuries, including "neurological injuries and damage to his cervical spine." The security guard, John Darjean, sued Sanders for damages from this incident and won a $12 million judgment against him after Sanders failed to show up for trial in 2022.

Sanders, son of Colorado head coach Deion Sanders , filed for bankruptcy as a result in an effort to discharge this debt. But Darjean is still trying to collect on his judgment against Sanders and has raised questions in court about Shilo Sanders’ earnings from name, image and likeness (NIL) deals in college.

“Shilo is the honest but unfortunate debtor looking to get his fresh start in life, free from the oppressive burden of his debts, including the default judgement to the Plaintiff,” Shilo Sanders’ attorney wrote in a court filing in February.

The University of Colorado declined comment and said that Shilo and Deion Sanders declined comment as well.

What happened in 2015?

The incident in question also was the subject of a report Friday by Westword in Denver. It happened when Sanders was 15 and attending Triple A Academy in Dallas where Darjean was employed as a security guard, according to court records. Darjean said in his lawsuit that Sanders was using a cell phone on school property during school hours when he was told not to do so. Darjean said Sanders physically assaulted him after Sanders refused his requests to turn over the phone.

"Suddenly and without warning, Shilo Sanders physically assaulted John Darjean by elbowing Mr. Darjean in the chest and neck and striking Mr. Darjean several times in the chest area and neck area," Darjean's lawsuit stated.

A court in Dallas County then basically accepted Darjean’s version of events without Shilo Sanders there to contest it.

“The Court finds that Shilo Sanders’ actions were the proximate cause of John Darjean’s injuries/damages,” said the final judgment signed by a Dallas County judge in May 2022. “The Court further finds that Shio Sanders actions were a substantial factor in bringing about the physical and mental injuries sustained by John Darjean, without which such injuries and damages would not have occurred.”

But Sanders has disputed Darjean’s version in subsequent court records. He said Darjean “cornered” him when he was talking to his mother on the phone. His attorney included witness statements in support of Sanders in a court filing.

“What I seen was the student didn’t want to give (Darjean) his phone so (Darjean) kept on asking for it,” one of those witness statements said. “Then (Darjean) reached for it and (Shilo) pushed the adult and (Darjean) began to push him and choked him. (Shilo) was yelling,`I can’t breathe,’ and was crying and yelling; and that’s when adults came over and pulled (Darjean) off of (Shilo).”

Why did Shilo Sanders lose his court case then?

He didn’t show up for trial, leading to a default judgment against him. His attorney said in court filings he wasn’t aware of the proceedings and didn't know about the judgment until 2023. Notices for it didn’t reach him or were sent to the wrong address, according to the court filings. He also didn't have an attorney representing him in the case at the time the trial notices were sent.

“In March 2022, a trial was convened in the State Court Case without Shilo’s knowledge or involvement,: his attorney explained in court filings. “Following the State Court convening the trial, a form of judgment was submitted by the Plaintiff and his workers’ compensation insurer and was entered by the state Court without any further notice, knowledge, or opportunity to present a defense by Shilo, including the existence of pre-existing substantial injuries resulting from the Plaintiff’s prior career as a (pro) baseball player. The total amount of the judgment was in excess of $11.8 million.”

What is going on in the case now?

Darjean is contesting the bankruptcy case filed by Shilo Sanders. He wants to get paid what the court says he is owed and has raised questions about where Sanders’ NIL money is going.

The bankruptcy filing in October said Sanders had $11.3 million in liabilities, including the court judgment against him. It also said Sanders had $478,000 in assets, including a 2023 Mercedes valued at $75,900 and necklaces valued at $75,000. His attorney then amended the value of his assets in December down to about $320,000 and removed the necklaces from the list of assets he owned, changing it to say he had $75,000 in necklaces that were on loan pursuant to an NIL deal with Saki Diamonds.

Darjean has alleged Sanders transferred NIL deals to his company, Big 21, LLC, as a way to hide them, according to court records. But Sanders' attorney said he didn't do anything wrong with that.

Sanders testified at a meeting of creditors that “all of the NIL agreements were with his company, Big 21, LLC, and all funds from those agreements went through the Big 21, LLC accounts,” Sanders’ attorney said in a court filing. “As the owner of the company, the Debtor (Sanders) received funds from the company, but the mere fact of receiving funds from the company does not create a transfer.”

Sanders’ attorney also stated Sanders “has taken no action to hide, transfer, destroy, or mutilate assets, either on a pre- or post-Petition Date basis, and even went so far as to voluntarily turnover over $210,000 to the (bankruptcy) Trustee without waiting for further order of the Bankruptcy Court, or even a stipulation for turnover.”

Shilo Sanders seeks a fresh start

Sanders, now 24, is entering his final college season at Colorado and was the team’s leading tackler in 2023. HIs bankruptcy filing said he had gross income of $193,713 in 2023 at the time of the filing in October. In 2022, when he played at Jackson State, it said he had gross income of $216,950.

"Given the size of the judgment and the fact that Shilo was an undergraduate college student looking towards graduate programs, the creation of a post-judgment receivership would have a permanent effect on his ability to start his life after graduation, and would likely result in the Debtor (Sanders) remaining subject to collection efforts from the Plaintiff for the rest of his life," his attorney wrote in the court filing from February. "As a result, the Debtor filed his voluntary petition for relief pursuant to Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code to allow him to get a fresh start, free from the oppressive burden of his debts."

Follow reporter Brent Schrotenboer @Schrotenboer . Email: [email protected]

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Today, UD. Tomorrow, the world

Article by Eric Ruth Photos by Kathy F. Atkinson and Evan Krape May 24, 2024

For doctoral graduates, getting the highest degree is just the start

From their perch in the arena’s front row, the family and friends of Rhonda Asplen seemed excited — but not all that surprised — that she was about to notch another hard-won life accomplishment. 

After all, the 51-year-old had already proved herself to be a tireless mom, precious daughter and seemingly age-defying CrossFit competitor. In 2013, she was named Maryland’s Teacher of the Year and ended up as a finalist for the national award. Today, she works to keep nearby Maryland schools at the top of the state’s rankings in literacy growth.

All those accolades and achievements will now have to make room for another: the big, leather-bound doctor of education in educational leadership degree that was bestowed on Asplen at the University of Delaware’s 2024 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony inside the Bob Carpenter Center.

“She’s tenacious,” noted her aunt, Nancy Boulden, at the May 22 event. “She has a goal, and she pursues it.”

“Movement — that’s her thing,” added daughter Olivia Blankenship. “She never stops moving.”

UD President Dennis Assanis follows Lou Rossi, dean of the Graduate College, in the processional that kicked off the 2024 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony.

The same could surely be said for the roughly 235 other doctoral candidates from the Class of 2024 who came to UD from 32 countries as part of their quest to change their world. The youngest of them is just 24 years old; the oldest is 64, opting to push for progress rather than slide smoothly into retirement. At the ceremony, the graduates represented eight University colleges and one school, having mastered fields of study ranging from applied mathematics to marine studies to interdisciplinary neuroscience.

Yet they shared a trait common to doctoral graduates everywhere: They had already pushed the cutting edge of progress a little further into the future, long before they got their degrees.

“Among our candidates are scholars who have developed new insights into the history of our country and others who have discovered new mathematical ideas that enrich our conceptual understanding of just about everything,” Lou Rossi, dean of UD’s Graduate College and vice provost for graduate and professional education, told the crowd.

After leading the processional into the Bob Carpenter Center, Graduate College Dean Lou Rossi told the gathering that graduates came from 32 countries, from Bangladesh to Vietnam, and from nearly every inhabited continent on our planet.

Now, the task is to use that degree as leverage, to fortify it with the power of their passion, and to help lift the world out of its many predicaments, UD leaders urged the students.

“There is no shortage of problems that need to be solved, conflicts that need to be settled, questions that need to be answered. They fill our news feeds every day,” UD President Dennis Assanis told the graduates. “In fact, there are so many grand challenges that sometimes we might want to give up.

“But I believe those are exactly the times when we need to lean into the grand challenges and come up with grand solutions, to fully engage with them,” Assanis added.

Assanis told the graduates that "collaboration sparks inspiration. It helps you open new doors of inquiry and understanding. Work together to go far. It’s the only way to really make progress that endures and benefits future generations."

At the same time, the graduates must be mindful that they alone cannot possibly comprehend the broader scope of these problems, much less solve them, Assanis said. The quest for progress demands collaboration, and the power to create change rests in many hands being joined together.

“Find the people in communities and organizations who are most affected by the big problems you are trying to solve,” Assanis said. “Listen to them and let their needs inform your research and scholarship. It is so crucial that you engage with each other and collaborate across disciplines and cultures.”

As a group, graduates with doctoral diplomas represent just 2% of American adults with college degrees. But the graduates were told that their relatively small numbers bely a more communal reality — that their knowledge was built on the wisdom of many scholars who came before them, and that their academic success was made possible by people who supported them.

“It is important to recognize the act of hooding, too, is a symbol — a symbol of the passing of knowledge, expertise and skill from your faculty mentor to you,” UD Provost Laura Carlson said.

The day represented a “formal welcome into a community of scholars — your discipline's community of scholars and our own community of scholars here at UD,” UD Provost Laura Carlson told the graduates. “Wherever your own pursuit of knowledge takes you from this day forward, please know how proud we are of you, and that you will always be part of our Blue Hen community.”

It’s also an achievement that relies on more than a few friends and family. Both were in plentiful supply at the ceremony — dads and moms, partners and babies, even soulmates and classmates.

“We went to school together literally from kindergarten through high school,” said Becca Ivers of bioinformatics data science graduate Rachel Ann Keown. The friendship has been so close through the years that the pair are now “practically sisters.”

“It’s been a journey that she never gave up,” Ivers said. “She’s been on vessels out in the ocean working for this degree. She really is amazing.”

A young supporter gives a thumbs up to UD’s newest doctors.

Those kinds of words become a sustenance of sorts for doctoral students who have spent four, five or even seven years earning the title of “doctor,” Rossi said.

“It’s hard to do that without having people who know you, who care about you and are there for you,” Rossi said. They may not leave the ceremony with a degree of their own, but they have earned their own sort of glory, the graduates were told.

“To the family and friends of our graduates, I want to say, ‘Thank you. Thank you for your support and encouragement.’ It has been absolutely essential to their success,” Assanis said.

None of those supporting actors may have made it to the stage, but they played their parts well from their seats in the cheering crowd. High above the floor at the Bob, amid the happy burbling of the baby that accompanied them, DeVonte Moore’s five friends were there to see him take his chemistry and biochemistry degree.

Happy waves to the crowd made the ceremony a place for memorable connections between graduates and the supportive family and friends that filled the stands.

One of them, former classmate and fellow UD chemistry and biochemistry doctoral degree recipient Patrick Beardslee, had few doubts that his California friend would be one of those change-makers that Assanis hailed.

“He’s committed,” he said of Moore, whose non-infant friends in attendance also included Stacie Beardslee, Christine Rourke, Joey Patria and Susanne Walker.

“He was in California, then drove back to Delaware” to resume his studies after a pause, Stacie Beardslee said.

The faculty members who served over the years as crucial advisors for the graduates were of course in attendance as well, taking the stage and draping their “mentees” with the 4-foot-long doctoral hood — lined with blue and gold, naturally — then standing by proudly as happy celebrations ensued.

The hood that was draped over graduates’ shoulders is lined in Blue Hen blue and gold. The ceremony gives graduates the right to wear the hood along with a graduation gown with the three doctoral stripes on the sleeve.

“Thanks for seeing her through,” communication graduate Emily Pfender’s family said to her advisor, professor Scott Caplan.

“We did it!” Caplan said to his newly minted doctor before offering her family some friendly academic advice. “Now that she’s a doctor, whatever she says, you have to listen to, especially if it’s about social media research.”

Pfender wasn’t so sure about that, but she was certain that her UD degree was time well spent: Next, she heads off for a job as a postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania, aiming to use her hard-earned expertise to examine the ways that information on social media can impact people’s health outcomes.

“I do know that doing a Ph.D. is one of the best decisions I ever made,” she said. “It’s been about the development of knowledge, and I don’t think there’s anything more important than that.”

The University of Delaware’s Graduate College bestowed degrees on 235 candidates at the 2024 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony, held May 22 at the Bob Carpenter Center.

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