
How to write a PhD thesis: a step-by-step guide

A draft isn’t a perfect, finished product; it is your opportunity to start getting words down on paper, writes Kelly Louise Preece

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Congratulations; you’ve finished your research! Time to write your PhD thesis. This resource will take you through an eight-step plan for drafting your chapters and your thesis as a whole. 

Infographic with steps on how to draft your PhD thesis

Organise your material

Before you start, it’s important to get organised. Take a step back and look at the data you have, then reorganise your research. Which parts of it are central to your thesis and which bits need putting to one side? Label and organise everything using logical folders – make it easy for yourself! Academic and blogger Pat Thomson calls this  “Clean up to get clearer” . Thomson suggests these questions to ask yourself before you start writing:

  • What data do you have? You might find it useful to write out a list of types of data (your supervisor will find this list useful too.) This list is also an audit document that can go in your thesis. Do you have any for the “cutting room floor”? Take a deep breath and put it in a separate non-thesis file. You can easily retrieve it if it turns out you need it.
  • What do you have already written? What chunks of material have you written so far that could form the basis of pieces of the thesis text? They will most likely need to be revised but they are useful starting points. Do you have any holding text? That is material you already know has to be rewritten but contains information that will be the basis of a new piece of text.
  • What have you read and what do you still need to read? Are there new texts that you need to consult now after your analysis? What readings can you now put to one side, knowing that they aren’t useful for this thesis – although they might be useful at another time?
  • What goes with what? Can you create chunks or themes of materials that are going to form the basis of some chunks of your text, perhaps even chapters?

Once you have assessed and sorted what you have collected and generated you will be in much better shape to approach the big task of composing the dissertation. 

Decide on a key message

A key message is a summary of new information communicated in your thesis. You should have started to map this out already in the section on argument and contribution – an overarching argument with building blocks that you will flesh out in individual chapters.

You have already mapped your argument visually, now you need to begin writing it in prose. Following another of Pat Thomson’s exercises, write a “tiny text” thesis abstract. This doesn’t have to be elegant, or indeed the finished product, but it will help you articulate the argument you want your thesis to make. You create a tiny text using a five-paragraph structure:

  • The first sentence addresses the broad context. This locates the study in a policy, practice or research field.
  • The second sentence establishes a problem related to the broad context you have set out. It often starts with “But”, “Yet” or “However”.
  • The third sentence says what specific research has been done. This often starts with “This research” or “I report…”
  • The fourth sentence reports the results. Don’t try to be too tricky here, just start with something like: “This study shows,” or “Analysis of the data suggests that…”
  • The fifth and final sentence addresses the “So What?” question and makes clear the claim to contribution.

Here’s an example that Thomson provides:

Secondary school arts are in trouble, as the fall in enrolments in arts subjects dramatically attests. However, there is patchy evidence about the benefits of studying arts subjects at school and this makes it hard to argue why the drop in arts enrolments matters. This thesis reports on research which attempts to provide some answers to this problem – a longitudinal study which followed two groups of senior secondary students, one group enrolled in arts subjects and the other not, for three years. The results of the study demonstrate the benefits of young people’s engagement in arts activities, both in and out of school, as well as the connections between the two. The study not only adds to what is known about the benefits of both formal and informal arts education but also provides robust evidence for policymakers and practitioners arguing for the benefits of the arts. You can  find out more about tiny texts and thesis abstracts on Thomson’s blog.

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Write a plan

You might not be a planner when it comes to writing. You might prefer to sit, type and think through ideas as you go. That’s OK. Everybody works differently. But one of the benefits of planning your writing is that your plan can help you when you get stuck. It can help with writer’s block (more on this shortly!) but also maintain clarity of intention and purpose in your writing.

You can do this by creating a  thesis skeleton or storyboard , planning the order of your chapters, thinking of potential titles (which may change at a later stage), noting down what each chapter/section will cover and considering how many words you will dedicate to each chapter (make sure the total doesn’t exceed the maximum word limit allowed).

Use your plan to help prompt your writing when you get stuck and to develop clarity in your writing.

Some starting points include:

  • This chapter will argue that…
  • This section illustrates that…
  • This paragraph provides evidence that…

Of course, we wish it werethat easy. But you need to approach your first draft as exactly that: a draft. It isn’t a perfect, finished product; it is your opportunity to start getting words down on paper. Start with whichever chapter you feel you want to write first; you don’t necessarily have to write the introduction first. Depending on your research, you may find it easier to begin with your empirical/data chapters.

Vitae advocates for the “three draft approach” to help with this and to stop you from focusing on finding exactly the right word or transition as part of your first draft.

Infographic of the three draft approach

This resource originally appeared on Researcher Development .

Kelly Louse Preece is head of educator development at the University of Exeter.

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PhD Projects – What is it & how to do one

When researching for your PhD program, you may encounter terms such as PhD projects, thesis, and more. What is a PhD project?

In this post, we explore what a PhD project is, and how is it different from say, PhD thesis and dissertation. We also look at what PhD students do to complete their project. 

What Is A PhD Project? What’s The Aim?

Diving into a PhD project is like embarking on a grand academic adventure at a university. It’s not just about getting that coveted title but about pushing the boundaries of knowledge in your chosen field.

The heart of a PhD lies in its project, a rigorous exploration led by you, the doctoral candidate, under the mentorship of seasoned faculty members.

A PhD project is usually documented down as a dissertation, thesis, or other research papers that would contribute to the current body of knowledge.

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Imagine working on a project that not only challenges you intellectually but also has the potential to transform how we understand a particular phenomenon.

A PhD in economics might dissect the intricate dance of market forces and policies, providing fresh insights that could inform better decision-making in corporate America or even shape public policy.

The PhD project isn’t a solitary journey. It thrives on diversity, drawing strength from a rich tapestry of backgrounds and perspectives.

Recognising the value of this diversity, initiatives like The PhD Project, founded in 1994, have been pivotal. They aim to:

  • increase the representation of minority groups in business schools,
  •  enriching the academic environment and, by extension,
  • the corporate landscape.

Through unique events and a robust support network, including partners like LinkedIn, these initiatives empower doctoral students, providing scholarships and resources to navigate the academic world.

These efforts underscore the importance of bringing historically underrepresented voices into academia.

By fostering a more diverse faculty, universities can inspire and educate the next generation of leaders, ensuring that the classroom reflects the diversity of the workforce and the customer base it serves.

What Do a PhD Student Do In A PhD Project?

When students are in their PhDs, they perform a myriad of tasks. Here are some that they do, as they complete their PhD programme: 

In-depth Research

At the core of a PhD project is the pursuit of new knowledge. Students engage in: 

  • rigorous investigation,
  • analyzing data, and
  • exploring vast literatures to uncover novel insights in their field.

Whether it’s deciphering historical manuscripts or applying complex mathematical models, this foundational activity is where innovation begins.

Building a broad and diverse network is crucial.

PhD students connect with peers, faculty, and professionals across various platforms like LinkedIn, and at academic conferences.

These connections provide support, foster collaborations, and open doors to opportunities in academia and industry.

Guided by experienced professors, PhD students receive invaluable:

  • direction, and

This mentor-mentee relationship is pivotal, offering insights from seasoned academics who’ve navigated similar paths and can share the nuances of academic and professional development.

Academic Writing

Crafting a dissertation is a monumental task that hones a student’s writing prowess. This extensive document encapsulates their research findings and contributions to the field, requiring clear, concise, and compelling communication.

PhD students spend hours learning how to write good academic writing. This is usually achieved by:

  • Attending workshops
  • Fixing drafts reviewed by more experienced academic
  • Reading many research papers.

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Presenting at Conferences and Seminars

Sharing research with the academic community is a key aspect of a PhD project. In fact, most PhD programs require their students to present papers.

Students present at conferences, engage in scholarly debates, and receive feedback, enhancing their research and building their reputation.

Many PhD students also take on teaching roles, leading undergraduate or graduate courses. This experience is not just about imparting knowledge but also about inspiring and guiding future generations, honing their own skills in communication and leadership in the process.

PhD Project vs PhD Dissertation

A PhD dissertation is the essence of your doctoral journey, distilled into a single, substantial document. It’s the narrative of your PhD project, a tale of discovery, challenge, and innovation.

In the world of academia, this dissertation is your passport to the realm of scholars. It’s where you present your research findings, meticulously compiled and critically analyzed, to your university and the wider scholarly community.

A PhD project as a voyage across the vast ocean of your field, where you chart unexplored territories and navigate through the complexities of your research question.

The dissertation, in contrast, is the logbook of this journey, capturing every eureka moment and every storm weathered. Faculty mentors, often guide you in weaving this narrative, ensuring your story not only contributes to academia but also enriches the diversity of thought within it.

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This is where the potential to inspire the next generation of researchers lies, especially those from historically underrepresented backgrounds, fostering a more inclusive and dynamic academic workforce.

PhD Projects Explained

A PhD project is a comprehensive research endeavour undertaken by doctoral students to contribute new knowledge to their field. Its aim is to develop critical thinking, research skills, and subject-matter expertise, culminating in a dissertation that showcases the student’s findings.

Through this rigorous process, PhD candidates are prepared to become the next generation of scholars, educators, and leaders, capable of addressing complex challenges and advancing their disciplines.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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How to Write a PhD Research Proposal

  • Applying to a PhD
  • A research proposal summarises your intended research.
  • Your research proposal is used to confirm you understand the topic, and that the university has the expertise to support your study.
  • The length of a research proposal varies. It is usually specified by either the programme requirements or the supervisor upon request. 1500 to 3500 words is common.
  • The typical research proposal structure consists of: Title, Abstract, Background and Rationale, Research Aims and Objectives, Research Design and Methodology, Timetable, and a Bibliography.

What is a Research Proposal?

A research proposal is a supporting document that may be required when applying to a research degree. It summarises your intended research by outlining what your research questions are, why they’re important to your field and what knowledge gaps surround your topic. It also outlines your research in terms of your aims, methods and proposed timetable .

What Is It Used for and Why Is It Important?

A research proposal will be used to:

  • Confirm whether you understand the topic and can communicate complex ideas.
  • Confirm whether the university has adequate expertise to support you in your research topic.
  • Apply for funding or research grants to external bodies.

How Long Should a PhD Research Proposal Be?

Some universities will specify a word count all students will need to adhere to. You will typically find these in the description of the PhD listing. If they haven’t stated a word count limit, you should contact the potential supervisor to clarify whether there are any requirements. If not, aim for 1500 to 3500 words (3 to 7 pages).

Your title should indicate clearly what your research question is. It needs to be simple and to the point; if the reader needs to read further into your proposal to understand your question, your working title isn’t clear enough.

Directly below your title, state the topic your research question relates to. Whether you include this information at the top of your proposal or insert a dedicated title page is your choice and will come down to personal preference.

2. Abstract

If your research proposal is over 2000 words, consider providing an abstract. Your abstract should summarise your question, why it’s important to your field and how you intend to answer it; in other words, explain your research context.

Only include crucial information in this section – 250 words should be sufficient to get across your main points.

3. Background & Rationale

First, specify which subject area your research problem falls in. This will help set the context of your study and will help the reader anticipate the direction of your proposed research.

Following this, include a literature review . A literature review summarises the existing knowledge which surrounds your research topic. This should include a discussion of the theories, models and bodies of text which directly relate to your research problem. As well as discussing the information available, discuss those which aren’t. In other words, identify what the current gaps in knowledge are and discuss how this will influence your research. Your aim here is to convince the potential supervisor and funding providers of why your intended research is worth investing time and money into.

Last, discuss the key debates and developments currently at the centre of your research area.

4. Research Aims & Objectives

Identify the aims and objectives of your research. The aims are the problems your project intends to solve; the objectives are the measurable steps and outcomes required to achieve the aim.

In outlining your aims and objectives, you will need to explain why your proposed research is worth exploring. Consider these aspects:

  • Will your research solve a problem?
  • Will your research address a current gap in knowledge?
  • Will your research have any social or practical benefits?

If you fail to address the above questions, it’s unlikely they will accept your proposal – all PhD research projects must show originality and value to be considered.

5. Research Design and Methodology

The following structure is recommended when discussing your research design:

  • Sample/Population – Discuss your sample size, target populations, specimen types etc.
  • Methods – What research methods have you considered, how did you evaluate them and how did you decide on your chosen one?
  • Data Collection – How are you going to collect and validate your data? Are there any limitations?
  • Data Analysis – How are you going to interpret your results and obtain a meaningful conclusion from them?
  • Ethical Considerations – Are there any potential implications associated with your research approach? This could either be to research participants or to your field as a whole on the outcome of your findings (i.e. if you’re researching a particularly controversial area). How are you going to monitor for these implications and what types of preventive steps will you need to put into place?

6. Timetable

PhD Project Plan - PhD research proposal

We’ve outlined the various stages of a PhD and the approximate duration of a PhD programme which you can refer to when designing your own research study.

7. Bibliography

Plagiarism is taken seriously across all academic levels, but even more so for doctorates. Therefore, ensure you reference the existing literature you have used in writing your PhD proposal. Besides this, try to adopt the same referencing style as the University you’re applying to uses. You can easily find this information in the PhD Thesis formatting guidelines published on the University’s website.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

Questions & Answers

Here are answers to some of the most common questions we’re asked about the Research Proposal:

Can You Change a Research Proposal?

Yes, your PhD research proposal outlines the start of your project only. It’s well accepted that the direction of your research will develop with time, therefore, you can revise it at later dates.

Can the Potential Supervisor Review My Draft Proposal?

Whether the potential supervisor will review your draft will depend on the individual. However, it is highly advisable that you at least attempt to discuss your draft with them. Even if they can’t review it, they may provide you with useful information regarding their department’s expertise which could help shape your PhD proposal. For example, you may amend your methodology should you come to learn that their laboratory is better equipped for an alternative method.

How Should I Structure and Format My Proposal?

Ensure you follow the same order as the headings given above. This is the most logical structure and will be the order your proposed supervisor will expect.

Most universities don’t provide formatting requirements for research proposals on the basis that they are a supporting document only, however, we recommend that you follow the same format they require for their PhD thesis submissions. This will give your reader familiarity and their guidelines should be readily available on their website.

Last, try to have someone within the same academic field or discipline area to review your proposal. The key is to confirm that they understand the importance of your work and how you intend to execute it. If they don’t, it’s likely a sign you need to rewrite some of your sections to be more coherent.

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How to Write a PhD Proposal in 7 Steps

Learn the key steps to crafting a compelling PhD proposal. This guide breaks down the process into 7 manageable parts to help you succeed.

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Derek Pankaew

Jun 11, 2024

How to Write a PhD Proposal in 7 Steps

How to Write a PhD Proposal in 7 Steps: A Proven Guide

Embarking on a PhD journey is a significant academic and personal commitment, and the first crucial step in this process is writing a compelling research proposal. A PhD research proposal serves as a detailed plan or 'blueprint' for your intended study.

It outlines your research questions, aims, methods, and proposed timetable, and it must clearly articulate your research question, demonstrate your understanding of existing literature, and outline your proposed research methodology. This guide will walk you through seven essential steps to craft a successful PhD research proposal.

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Understanding the Research Proposal

What is a research proposal.

A research proposal is a comprehensive plan that details your intended research project. It serves as a roadmap for your study, laying out your research questions, objectives, methods, and the significance of your proposed research. It is crucial for securing a place in a PhD program and for gaining the support of potential supervisors and funding bodies.

A PhD research proposal must clearly articulate your research question, and your research context, demonstrate your understanding of existing literature, and outline your proposed research methodology. This document showcases your ability to identify and address a research gap, and it sets the stage for your future research endeavors.

Importance of a Well-Written Research Proposal

A well-written research proposal can make a strong impression and significantly increase your chances of acceptance into a PhD program. It showcases your expertise and knowledge of the existing field, highlighting how your research will contribute to it. A successful research proposal convinces potential supervisors and funders of the value and feasibility of your project.

The importance of a good research proposal extends beyond the application process. It serves as a foundation for your entire PhD journey, guiding your research and keeping you focused on your objectives. A clear and concise proposal ensures that you have a well-thought-out plan, which can save you time and effort in the long run.

Step 1: Conduct a Literature Review

Reviewing the current state of research in your field.

A literature review is a critical component of your next research study or proposal. It involves a comprehensive survey of all sources of scientific evidence related to your research topic. The review should be structured intelligently to help the reader grasp the argument related to your study about other researchers' work. Remember the five ‘C’s while writing a literature review: context, concept, critique, connection, and conclusion. This approach ensures that your literature review is thorough and well-organized.

To begin, search for relevant literature using databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, and PubMed. Read review articles and recent publications to get a sense of the current state of research in your field. Pay attention to the key themes, theories, and methodologies used in previous research by other researchers. This will help you identify gaps in the existing literature that your proposed research can address.

Identifying Gaps and Opportunities for Proposed Research

Your literature review should convey your understanding and awareness of the key issues and debates in the field. It should focus on the theoretical and practical knowledge gaps that your work aims to address. A well-written literature review not only demonstrates your expertise but also highlights the novelty and significance of your proposed research.

As you review the literature, take note of recurring findings, themes, and gaps in the research. Identify areas where there is a lack of empirical evidence or where existing theories have not been adequately tested. These gaps represent opportunities for your proposed research to make a meaningful contribution to the field.

Step 2: Define Your Research

Background and rationale: setting the context for your research.

The background and rationale section sets the stage for your research by specifying the subject area of your research and problem statement. This includes a detailed literature review summarizing existing knowledge surrounding your research topic. This section should discuss relevant theories, models, and bodies of text, establishing the foundation for your research question.

In this section, provide a brief overview of the historical and theoretical context of your research topic. Explain why this topic is important and how it fits into the broader field of study. Discuss any key debates or controversies that are relevant to your research problem. This will help to situate your research within the existing body of knowledge and demonstrate its significance.

Research Aims and Objectives: Clarifying the Purpose of Your Study

In this section, clearly state the problems your project intends specific aims to solve. Outline the measurable steps and outcomes required to achieve the aim. Explain why your proposed research is worth exploring, emphasizing its potential contributions to the field.

Your research aims and objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Clearly articulate the research question or hypothesis that you intend to investigate. Break down your research aims into specific objectives that will guide your study. This will provide a clear roadmap for your research and help to keep you focused on your actual research goals.

Step 3: Develop Your Research Design and Methodology

Research design: outlining your approach.

Your research design and methodology section should provide a clear explanation of your research methods and procedures. Discuss the structure of your research design, including potential limitations and challenges. This section should offer a robust framework for how you plan to conduct your study.

Describe the overall research design, including whether your study will be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods. Discuss the rationale for choosing this design and how it will help you address your research questions. Provide details on the specific methods you will use for data collection and analysis, and explain how these methods are appropriate for your study.

Methodology: Selecting the Right Methods for Your Study

Outline the methods you’ll use to answer each of your research questions. A strong methodology is crucial, especially if your project involves extensive collection and analysis of primary data. Demonstrate your awareness of the limitations of your research method, and qualify the parameters you plan to introduce.

Discuss the sampling methods, data collection techniques, and data analysis procedures you will use in your study. Provide a detailed plan for how you will collect and analyze your data, including any tools or instruments you will use. Address any potential ethical issues and explain how you will mitigate them. This will show that you have thoroughly considered the practical aspects of your research and are prepared to address any challenges that may arise.

Step 4: Consider Ethical Implications and Budget

Ethical considerations: addressing potential risks and concerns.

Ethical considerations are paramount, especially in medical or sensitive social research. Ensure that ethical standards are met, including the protection of participants' rights, obtaining informed consent, and the institutional review process (ethical approval). Addressing these issues upfront shows your commitment to conducting responsible research.

Discuss any potential risks to participants and how you will mitigate them. Describe the process for obtaining informed consent and ensuring confidentiality. If your research involves vulnerable populations or sensitive topics, provide additional details on how you will protect participants' rights and well-being. This will demonstrate your commitment to ethical research practices and help to build trust with potential supervisors and funders.

Budget: Estimating Costs and Resources for Your Research

When preparing a research budget, predict and cost all aspects of the research, adding allowance for unforeseen issues, delays, and rising costs. Justify all items in the budget to show thorough planning and foresight.

Provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with your research, including expenses for data collection, travel, equipment, and materials. Include any anticipated costs for hiring research assistants or consultants, as well as costs for data analysis and dissemination. Justify each item in the budget, explaining why it is necessary for your research. This will show that you have carefully considered the financial aspects of your project and are prepared to manage the resources required for your study.

Step 5: Create a Timetable and Appendices

Timetable: outlining milestones and deadlines.

The timetable section should outline the various stages of your research project, providing an approximate timeline for each stage, including key milestones. Summarize your research plan and provide a clear overview of your research timeline to demonstrate your ability to manage and complete the project within the allotted time.

Create a detailed timeline that outlines the major phases of your research, including literature review, data collection, data analysis, and writing. Include specific milestones and deadlines for each phase, and provide a realistic estimate of the time required for each task. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your research progresses smoothly.

Appendices: Supporting Documents and Materials

Appendices support the proposal and application by including documents such as informed consent forms, questionnaires, measurement tools, and patient information in layman’s language. These documents are crucial for providing detailed information that supports your research proposal.

Include any additional documents that support your research proposal, such as letters of support from potential supervisors, sample questionnaires, and data collection instruments. Provide detailed information on any measurement tools or protocols you will use in your study. This will show that you have thoroughly planned your research and are prepared to carry out the proposed study.

Step 6: Write Your Research Proposal

Crafting a clear and concise research proposal.

Your research proposal is a key document that helps you secure funding and approval for your research. It is a demonstration of your research skills and knowledge. A well-written proposal can significantly increase your chances of getting accepted into a PhD program.

Begin research proposals by writing a clear and concise introduction that provides an overview of your research topic and its significance. Summarize your research aims and objectives, and provide a brief outline of the structure of your proposal. Use clear and concise language throughout the proposal, and avoid jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to readers.

Ensuring Coherence and Consistency Throughout Your Proposal

Follow a logical and clear structure in your proposal, adhering to the same order as the headings provided above. Ensure that your proposal is coherent and consistent, following the format required by your university’s PhD thesis submissions. This consistency makes your proposal easier to read and more professional.

Use headings and subheadings to organize your proposal and make it easy to navigate. Ensure that each section flows logically from one to the next and that there is a clear connection between your research aims, objectives, and methods. Proofread your proposal carefully to ensure that it is free of errors and that the language is clear and concise.

Step 7: Finalize and Submit Your Research Proposal

Final checks: ensuring completeness and accuracy.

Before submitting your research proposal, ensure that you have adhered to the required format and that your proposal is well-written, clear, and concise. Double-check for completeness and accuracy to ensure that your proposal effectively communicates your research idea and methodology.

Review your proposal carefully to ensure that it includes all required sections and that each section is complete and accurate. Check for any inconsistencies or gaps in the information, and ensure that all references are properly cited. Ask a colleague or supervisor to review your proposal and provide feedback before submitting it.

Submitting Your Research Proposal: Tips for Success

A research proposal is a standard means of assessing your potential as a doctoral researcher. It explains the 'what' and 'why' of your research, showcasing your expertise and knowledge of the existing field, and demonstrating how your research will contribute to it. Ensure that your PhD research proposal clearly articulates your research question, demonstrates your understanding of existing literature, and outlines your proposed research methodology.

When submitting your research proposal, follow the guidelines provided by your university or funding body. Ensure that you have included all required documents and that your proposal is formatted correctly. Pay attention to any submission deadlines, and plan to ensure that you have enough time to complete and review your proposal before submitting it.

Writing a PhD proposal is a rigorous process that requires careful planning, detailed knowledge of your field, and a clear vision for your research project. By following these seven steps, you can craft a compelling and successful research proposal.

Remember to conduct a thorough literature review, define your research clearly, develop a robust research design and methodology, consider ethical implications and budget, create a detailed timetable and appendices, write a clear and concise proposal, and finalize and submit with confidence.

This guide provides a proven framework for prospective PhD students to write a strong and effective research proposal, increasing their chances of acceptance into a PhD program and securing the necessary support and funding for their research.

Embarking on a PhD journey is both challenging and rewarding. The process of writing a research proposal helps you to clarify your research goals, plan your study, and communicate your ideas to others. A well-crafted research proposal writing, not only increases your chances of acceptance into a PhD program but also sets the stage for a successful research project.

Throughout this guide, we have emphasized the importance of conducting a thorough literature review, defining your research aims and objectives, and developing a clear and robust research design and methodology. We have also highlighted the need to consider ethical implications and budget, create a detailed timetable and appendices, and write a clear and concise proposal. Finally, we have provided tips for finalizing and submitting your research proposal.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your research proposal is well-written, comprehensive, and compelling. This will not only help you to secure a place in a PhD program but also provide a solid foundation for your future research endeavors.

Remember, writing a research proposal is a process that takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent, and seek feedback from colleagues, supervisors, and mentors. Use the resources available to you, such as academic journals, databases, and online tools, to support your research and writing. With careful planning and dedication, you can write a successful research proposal that sets the stage for a rewarding and fulfilling PhD journey.

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PhD proposal, dissertation proposal, graduate school, research proposal, academic writing

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Reviewing a research proposal

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If you’ve already written the first draft of your proposal, our Content Review service will help you identify and resolve key issues within your document before you submit it, so that you can put your best foot forward.

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Have a question ?

Below we’ve listed some of the most popular proposal-related questions we receive, but you’re also welcome to get in touch if you have any other questions.

Dissertation Coaching

Can you write (or rewrite) my research proposal for me.

No. All writing must be your own – it’s your research proposal, after all.

We can hold your hand throughout the proposal development process (as well as the full research process), but we cannot write for you as that would constitute academic misconduct. We’re here to help you develop the best research proposal – but it needs to be your own.

Can you help me find relevant literature for my research proposal?

Yes. If you utilise our Topic Kickstarter service, this will by default include various resources that you can use as a theoretical base. Alternatively, if you have already defined a topic, you could consider using our Literature Kickstarter service to help build a solid base of credible literature.

Can you help me organise and structure my research proposal?

Yes, we can assist in structuring your research proposal to ensure that you have a clear, logical structure and flow that delivers a convincing argument as to why your study should be undertaken.

Can you review my work and give me feedback?

Absolutely. Our Content Review service is designed exactly for this purpose and is one of the most popular services here at Grad Coach. In a Content Review, we carefully read through your research proposal draft and provide detailed comments regarding the key issues/problem areas, why they’re problematic and what you can do to resolve the issues. You can learn more about Content Review here .

How long will it take to complete my proposal if I work with you?

There are multiple factors that can impact the timeline, including:

  • The complexity of your proposed study
  • How much of your proposal you’ve already completed
  • How much time you can dedicate to working on your proposal under our guidance
  • Turnaround times for feedback from your institution

The best starting point would be to book a free initial consultation , where we’ll assess your situation and advise on the timelines.

Do you offer editing and proofreading services?

Yes, we do provide language editing and proofreading services to ensure your research proposal is well-written, clear, and free from errors.

Please note that language editing and proofreading is something that should only be done once you have finished writing your proposal and is not the same as a content review . 

Can you help me with other aspects of my research project?

Yes. Proposal support is only one aspect of our offering at Grad Coach, and we typically assist students throughout their entire dissertation/thesis/research project. You can learn more about our full service offering here .

Can I get a coach that specialises in my topic area?

It’s important to clarify that our expertise lies in the research process itself , rather than specific research areas/topics (e.g., psychology, management, etc.).

In other words, the support we provide is topic-agnostic, which allows us to support students across a very broad range of research topics. That said, if there is a coach on our team who has experience in your area of research, as well as your chosen methodology, we can allocate them to your project (dependent on their availability, of course).

If you’re unsure about whether we’re the right fit, feel free to drop us an email or book a free initial consultation.

Can you help me find funding for my research project?

Unfortunately, this is not something we can assist with. Our focus is on the proposal development process, as well as the overall research process.

What qualifications do your coaches have?

All of our coaches hold a doctoral-level degree (for example, a PhD, DBA, etc.). Moreover, they all have experience working within academia, in many cases as dissertation/thesis supervisors. In other words, they understand what markers are looking for when reviewing a student’s work.

Can you help me with citations and referencing in my research proposal?

Yes, we can assist you in ensuring that the proper citation and referencing formatting is used throughout your research proposal, but please note that this is part of our language editing and proofreading service.

Is my proposal/topic kept confidential?

Yes, we prioritise confidentiality and data security. Your written work and personal information are treated as strictly confidential. We can also sign a non-disclosure agreement, should you wish.

I still have questions…

No problem. Feel free to email us or book an initial consultation to discuss.

What our clients say

We've worked 1:1 with 3000+ students . Here's what some of them have to say:

David's depth of knowledge in research methodology was truly impressive. He demonstrated a profound understanding of the nuances and complexities of my research area, offering insights that I hadn't even considered. His ability to synthesize information, identify key research gaps, and suggest research topics was truly inspiring. I felt like I had a true expert by my side, guiding me through the complexities of the proposal.

Cyntia Sacani (US)

I had been struggling with the first 3 chapters of my dissertation for over a year. I finally decided to give GradCoach a try and it made a huge difference. Alexandra provided helpful suggestions along with edits that transformed my paper. My advisor was very impressed.

Tracy Shelton (US)

Working with Kerryn has been brilliant. She has guided me through that pesky academic language that makes us all scratch our heads. I can't recommend Grad Coach highly enough; they are very professional, humble, and fun to work with. If like me, you know your subject matter but you're getting lost in the academic language, look no further, give them a go.

Tony Fogarty (UK)

So helpful! Amy assisted me with an outline for my literature review and with organizing the results for my MBA applied research project. Having a road map helped enormously and saved a lot of time. Definitely worth it.

Jennifer Hagedorn (Canada)

Everything about my experience was great, from Dr. Shaeffer’s expertise, to her patience and flexibility. I reached out to GradCoach after receiving a 78 on a midterm paper. Not only did I get a 100 on my final paper in the same class, but I haven’t received a mark less than A+ since. I recommend GradCoach for everyone who needs help with academic research.

Antonia Singleton (Qatar)

I started using Grad Coach for my dissertation and I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for them, I would have really struggled. I would strongly recommend them – worth every penny!

Richard Egenreider (South Africa)

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Dissertation & Thesis Coaching Awards

Unraveling the Mysteries of PhD Project Topics Selection

Blog Summary

A PhD requires distinct skill sets from a master’s and a bachelor’s. The biggest obstacle for PhD candidates is choosing a project subject or problem statement. This blog article aims to inform readers about how to select and complete their PhD projects. Your inner motivation and areas of interest should be the top considerations while selecting your specialization. Never start a PhD program without getting clarification on the research labs you should choose. For application alerts, while enrolled in your master’s program, register with PhD Portals. Select an interest-provoking subject, then read everything there is to know about it. A successful thesis requires adhering to the “Write, Rewrite, and Write” cycle.

How Do I Choose a PhD Project?

What makes a good phd project, tips to apply for a phd project, tips to write your phd thesis, why tsl-ucn, start your journey to obtaining a phd.

Pursuing a PhD, unlike your master’s or bachelor’s program, demands altogether different skill sets. You have a fixed set of subjects with some open elective and core-elective to study in those programs. But in a PhD program , you are aware of your stream of study like computer science, management, finance, humanities, etc.

But the PhD project topics on which you carry out research are wide open. You are supposed to narrow down to a particular thesis topic idea or field of study. Selecting a PhD project topic or problem statement is the biggest challenge for PhD students. This blog post attempts to educate scholars on selecting a PhD project of their choice and completing it.

Choosing a PhD project topic is the primary work in pursuing a PhD program. It is not like choosing an undergraduate or postgraduate program. It demands patience. So, take your time.

Next, you should be in a position to decide what type of PhD project you want to pursue. Broadly there are three types of PhD projects:

  • Advertised PhD projects
  • Self-proposed PhD projects
  • Professional Doctorates

The Advertised Projects are common in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM) . Research groups and Well-established laboratories offer these programs.

The Self-proposed projects are common in the Humanities and Arts arena. Here, you are free to choose a thesis topic as long as it falls in the purview of a research topic.

Professional Doctorates in vocational subjects like Business and Management awarded to practitioners are not academic qualifications.

A PhD project should, first of all, have a clear goal. So, it starts with a proposal. A PhD proposal is a clear and concise document illustrating the problem statement and the goals of your work. It should also highlight why it is worth pursuing?

A typical PhD project involves Five steps:

  • Identifying a problem statement
  • Carrying out a comprehensive literature review
  • Conducting Original Research and finding out results
  • Producing a Thesis that documents your results
  • Writing the thesis and taking up Viva-Voce 

Tips for choosing a PhD project and topics

Here you have two sets of Tips:

  • Tips to Apply for a PhD project and choosing a PhD project topic

1. Be Aware of Your Niche

Just because you are a computer science postgraduate and AI or Data Science is the trend; You needn’t select these areas. What matters is your interest and inner drive that should be the priority in choosing your niche.

2. Your Comfort Level to Relocate to Another City

Once you have identified your niche and the University/Research Labs, you may have to relocate to a new city. Make up your mind to relocate and also be decisive in making your choice.

3. Identify the Departments and Research Labs Succinctly

You are supposed to conduct a lot of research before boiling it down to a particular Department or University. This is a necessity as it is crucial to identify your core interests and ideas.

4. Obtain Clarity from Your Research Supervisor

Never dive into a PhD program without seeking clarity about the Research labs you are supposed to join. If it is a funded project, get clarification about all facts that are not obvious. Have one to one discussion with your Research Supervisor over Skype or any messenger to seek clarity regarding questions like,

  • How many people work in the lab?
  • What are their designations?
  • Are you supposed to collaborate with any of them?

5. Register with PhD Portals to Get Application Alerts

During your Master’s Program, register with online portals that provide information on PhD programs offered by various Labs and Universities. This helps you to be informed about itineraries of multiple institutes.

6. Seek Seniors and Teachers Help

Ignorance is the biggest culprit that sinks your career ship. Regardless of how small your doubt is, get it clarified from your professors and seniors. Discuss issues like how to formulate an email, cover letter, resume, and other application procedures.

7. Understand the Team Well

It is not only the project that should create enthusiasm; it is also the team you will be working with. The team is vital to complete a project. Before diving into a project, try to understand whether you can get along with your teammates. 

8. Different Types of Funding Exists

When you apply for funded projects, you often come across various types. Some are not funded, while some are competition-funded also. Your enthusiasm for getting into the project plays a vital role in the supervisors picking you in competitive funding. So, Love your work to the core. 

9. Always Apply for More than One University/Institute

Prepare as many applications as possible and shoot them to different institutes. This process provides a wide array of experience in how to draft an application and approach the institutes. Such skills will help you in the long term.

10. Failure is the Stepping Stone to Success

You might fail once or twice in getting shortlisted or fail to perform in the interview. The number of interviews you have faced will help nurture your interpersonal skills.

Below are the general tips any PhD scholar should follow to be successful.

  • While choosing a PhD project topic most crucial parameter is to rely on a topic that is interesting for you.
  • Thoroughly read everything about the topic.
  • Find a theoretical basis to support your idea.
  • Be prepared to shift gears as the research progresses and your presumptions about the outcomes change.
  • Be open to taking inputs from others to fine-tune your views.
  • Formulate a committee of researchers,
  • Be diligent in gathering data.
  • The Panache for Effective Thesis Writing is Follow ing the “Write, Rewrite, and Write” Cycle. It doesn’t matter if your writing is good or bad; take tips from professional writers online. Most importantly, Good writing is all about Editing again and again. So, never feel daunted by Thesis writing; enjoy every bit of it.
  • Sit with your Research Supervisor and prepare well-structured content with a Table of Content adequately defined. Regardless of being an expert writer or novice, your first draft always needs tweaking. Never be disheartened by re-editing work patience is key here.
  • Thesis Writing needn’t be boring and monotony work. Bring in flair to your writing by inserting adjectives, says, expert writers.
  • A chronologically written thesis is a misconception. As soon as you complete a piece of experiment or research, document it neatly when it is fresh in your mind. Later it can be integrated into the Final Thesis as per the Table of Contents.
  • Once you research and write a chapter, take a break and come back with a critical perspective to discover possible mistakes. This always helps. Do not write in a marathon-style take breaks.
  • Plagiarism is the biggest enemy of any research document. Whenever you quote an existing work, paraphrase properly and provide references and citations. 
  • All universities have their Templates and Preferred Style of References . Religiously stick to the guidelines given by your university.
  • Follow the same house style of spellings does not club “-ize” with “-ise” styles. If you prefer to use “improvize,” use it in all places, do not mix up with “improvise.”
  • While quoting from other sources, ensure that you do not make spelling mistakes. Copy the quotes exactly.
  • Your thesis is the window to showcase both your professionalism and research abilities to the outer world. Work with diligence and give it a professional appeal.

Taksha Smartlabz in association with the University of Central Nicaragua (TSL-UCN) provides various PhD programs with an advanced blended learning system that is designed with working professionals in mind. It provides the opportunity to study from anywhere and at any time.

Taking up a PhD project involves various steps. Initially, you have to identify the domain of your interest and apply for a university or research lab. On getting selected, get involved in the meticulous work of carrying out research, documenting your findings, publishing papers, coming up with thesis work, and defending your work in research gathering.

The process of selecting your PhD project is the most crucial step in the entire process. Understanding whether you are looking out for Advertised/Self Proposed PhD projects or Professional Doctorates is vital in the initial stages.

Enroll now, to reap the benefits of this program, and obtain a PhD in your niche.

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Select Category School of Public Health and Social Work School of Business Management and Public Administration School of Research School of Nursing

Select Program Ph.D in Public Health Master of Public Health Doctor of Public Health Administration

Ph.D in Management Doctor of Business Administration

Ph.D in Clinical Research

Ph.D in Nursing

From Zambia to the World: Toddy Sinkamba’s Journey to a PhD in Nursing

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Design your own doctoral project

  • Jesko Becker 0

Jesko Becker is a doctoral candidate at the University of Freiburg in Germany.

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

Browsing for funded PhD positions on the Internet and beyond can be time-consuming and exhausting; the constellation of topic, supervisors and location must fit together to suit the individual candidate. Creating my own project from scratch allowed me to choose a topic, supervisor and location separately. But it is certainly not a path for everyone: self-doubt, setbacks and the risk of not getting enough support for your plans are inevitable. This undertaking also requires strong autonomy, determination and perseverance to overcome the initial obstacles alone.

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doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-00268-1

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12 Expert Tips for Organizing Your PhD Research work

Revolutionize Your Research Workflow with These Expert Organization Tips

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

The journey of pursuing a PhD can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be overwhelming at times. One of the keys to completing the PhD degree successfully is being organized and managing your time effectively.

Organizing PhD work can be a challenging task, but with proper plan and execution, one can effectively manage their time and progress. In this article, iLovePhD presented twelve practical tips and strategies to help you stay organized and productive during your PhD journey.

Whether you’re just starting or in the middle of your PhD journey, these tips will help you stay on track and make the most out of your time as a research scholar.

Tips to Revolutionize Your PhD Research Workflow

1. set clear goals.

The first step in organizing your PhD work is to set clear goals for yourself. Define the objectives of your research. Develop a clear and realistic plan for your PhD work, including milestones and deadlines for each task.

2. Develop a research plan

Once you have set your goals, develop a research plan that outlines the steps you need to take to achieve them. Your research plan should include the research questions you want to answer, the methods you will use to collect data, and the analysis techniques you will use to draw conclusions.

3. Create a schedule

Create a schedule that outlines the tasks you need to complete each week and the deadlines for completing them. Make sure you allocate enough time for each task and don’t forget to include time for reviewing and revising your work.

4. Use a project management tool

Consider using a project management tool like Trello, Asana, or Notion to help you organize your tasks, set deadlines, and to help you to stay on track.

5. Prioritize your tasks

Prioritize your work based on the importance and urgency of each task. This will help you to focus on the most critical work first.

Also Read: Suffering PhD Scholars in Academia

6. Break down large tasks into smaller ones

Divide large tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you to work more efficiently and achieve progress more quickly.

7. Manage your time effectively

Manage your time effectively by allocating specific time slots for each task. Avoid multitasking, which can reduce your productivity and increase your stress levels.

8. Stay organized

Keep your work organized by using folders, files, and notes. This will help you to easily find and access your work and prevent you from losing important documents. Use tools like Zotero or Mendeley to manage your references.

9. Communicate with your supervisor

Regular communication with your supervisor is crucial for staying on track with your PhD work. Schedule regular meetings with your supervisor to discuss your progress, get feedback, and ask for help if needed.

10. Seek support

Seek support from your peers, and other professionals when necessary. This can help you to overcome challenges and move forward in your research

11. Stay motivated

Stay motivated by setting realistic goals for yourself and celebrating your achievements.

12. Take breaks

Taking regular breaks is important to avoid burnout and stay focused. Make sure to schedule time for self-care. Engage in activities that you enjoy to maintain your mental health and well-being.

Organizing your PhD work is essential to ensure that you can work efficiently and effectively toward your research goals. It is an ongoing process, and you may need to adjust your plan as you go along.

50 Tips to Oranize PhD Research Work

  • Develop a system for managing your data.
  • Use a literature review matrix to stay organized.
  • Prioritize self-care to avoid burnout.
  • Use a task management tool to stay on top of deadlines.
  • Keep a research journal to track progress and ideas.
  • Stay organized by using folders and labels.
  • Create a clear and concise research plan.
  • Break larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones.
  • Use a citation management tool to keep track of sources.
  • Take breaks to avoid fatigue and maintain focus.
  • Back up your data regularly.
  • Use templates for reports and presentations to save time.
  • Stay on top of emails and communication.
  • Use an agenda or planner to schedule meetings and deadlines.
  • Collaborate with others to share ideas and resources.
  • Use software tools to help automate repetitive tasks.
  • Take advantage of library resources and research guides.
  • Use charts and graphs to visualize data.
  • Use cloud-based storage to access your work from anywhere.
  • Stay organized by color-coding notes and files.
  • Use checklists to ensure you complete all necessary tasks.
  • Make time for exercise and other forms of self-care.
  • Keep track of important dates and events.
  • Break down complex information into easy-to-understand summaries.
  • Use mind-mapping software to brainstorm ideas.
  • Take notes during meetings and discussions.
  • Create a filing system for physical documents.
  • Use an annotation tool to mark up documents.
  • Set aside designated time for writing.
  • Prioritize your most important tasks first.
  • Use keywords to organize your literature reviews.
  • Stay focused by eliminating distractions.
  • Use a backup system to protect your work.
  • Use templates to maintain consistent formatting.
  • Utilize peer feedback to improve your work.
  • Stay up-to-date on research trends and developments.
  • Use time blocking to schedule your day.
  • Maintain a consistent schedule to establish a routine.
  • Use a timer to help with time management.
  • Stay organized by using bookmarks and tags.
  • Make use of keyboard shortcuts to save time.
  • Take breaks to stretch and move your body.
  • Stay hydrated and well-rested for optimal productivity.
  • Use online forums to connect with other researchers.
  • Take care of your mental health to stay focused and motivated.
  • Keep your workspace clean and clutter-free.
  • Use a dictation tool to speed up your writing.
  • Create a backup plan in case of unexpected issues.
  • Use technology to stay organized on the go.
  • Celebrate your progress and accomplishments along the way!

By implementing the tips discussed in this article, you can establish a structured approach to your work that will help you stay focused and motivated. Be flexible and keep working towards your goals, and you will be on your way to completing your PhD successfully.

  • academic success
  • data management
  • Literature Review
  • productivity
  • research journal
  • research organization
  • research work
  • task management

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

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Navigating Your PhD Topic Choice

Embarking on an impactful research career, starting with your thesis.

We’ve compiled this guide to share the tools and frameworks we think will be most helpful to you if you’re searching for a meaningful thesis topic for your PhD.

About this guide

If you’re applying for a PhD, this guide can provide comprehensive assistance throughout your journey towards finding the best possible PhD for you. In the first part we focus on how you can decide whether to pursue a PhD, identify the values you want to guide your research and start generating research ideas. In the second half we will introduce a framework you can use to narrow your ideas down to a specific research question and ultimately create a PhD proposal. Finally, we will help you with finding the best possible supportive environment for your project and identifying the next steps of your PhD journey.

If you are not yet very familiar with core concepts like career capital and the ITN framework , we recommend reading the linked articles. We also recommend you read this article to understand why systematic approaches to career decisions are probably more useful than popular advice like “follow your passion”, and why helping others with your career will help you experience your job as more meaningful. 

How to use this guide

We recommend completing this guide over multiple sittings, e.g. working through one section per week. However, please adjust the pace to suit your circumstances. We think you will get the most out of this guide if you start from the beginning, but you might want to skip some sections if you’ve already thought deeply about the content.

After reading the articles linked in each step, take some time (5-10 minutes) to answer the prompts we list, or to complete the exercises we recommend. We find that writing your thoughts down on paper is a step that people often want to skip, but it can help tremendously in getting clarity for yourself. 

Is a PhD the right next step for you?

Lots of people “stumble” into PhDs. For example, they might see it as a default step in completing their education, or they might have been offered to continue with their previous supervisor. Before committing to a PhD programme, it is good to consider a broad range of alternatives in order to ensure that a PhD is the best path for you at this stage. Make sure you have done enough reflection and updated your plans based on your experiences thus far, instead of going down the “default” academic path.

We also recommend that you take some time to browse through these short descriptions of core concepts , particularly ‘Expected Value’, ‘Opportunity Cost’ and ‘Leverage’.  Perhaps note down a few takeaways that apply to your decision.

Reflection prompts

If you’re unsure whether a PhD is right for you, here are some prompts to consider.

  • Where do you envision yourself a few years after completing a PhD? 
  • How does a PhD align with your long-term goals and aspirations?
  • Are you genuinely interested and intrinsically motivated by the subject area you intend to pursue with your PhD? 
  • Have you carefully assessed whether obtaining a PhD is a necessary requirement for your desired career path? 
  • Are there alternative routes or professional qualifications that may lead you to your desired destination more efficiently, e.g. in less time/ with a better salary?
  • Have you talked to people who completed or are currently pursuing the kind of PhD you are considering?

Exercise: exploring career paths

One helpful activity to undertake could be to search for job opportunities that you find exciting. To start, do a job search (2-5 hours) and list the five most attractive options you can find. Now, check which job requirements you’re currently lacking. Do you need a PhD to get the role? Would you get there faster or be better prepared by taking a different route?

Here are some more articles if you are interested in the question ‘Who should do a PhD?’:

  • Survival Guide to a PhD – Andrej Karpathy
  • Why I’m doing a PhD – Jess Whittlestone
  • Pro and Cons of Applying for a PhD – Robert Wiblin

Reflect on your values and moral beliefs

Understanding your values and moral beliefs is an ongoing endeavour and you don’t need to have it figured out before choosing your topic. However, we do encourage reflection on this, as doing so might significantly shift your motivation to work on some problems over others. If that happens, the earlier you make this shift the better. What do we mean when we say doing good ? Most people agree that they want to “do good” with their lives. However, it is worth reflecting on what this actually means to you. We recommend reading the article linked above to learn more about some concepts we think are particularly relevant when reflecting on this question, such as impartiality, the moral circle, and uncertainty. This will help you to get a better understanding of what sort of thesis topics would align with your values and what kind of problems you want to contribute to solving with your research.

  • How much do you value animal lives vs human lives ?
  • How important do you think is it to reduce existential risks for humanity?
  • How much do you value future generations ? How do you feel about improving existing lives vs lives that exist in the future?

This flowchart from the Global Priorities Project can help you navigate through this cause prioritisation process.

Here are two further resources that could help you with this reflection:

How to compare global problems for yourself – 80,000 Hours

World’s Biggest Problems Quiz | ClearerThinking.org

Getting inspired

Now it’s time to get inspired! You can read more about how research can change the world , and how academic research can be highly impactful . Finally, have a look at our thesis topic profiles for inspiration or, if you have no time constraints, sign up to our Topic Discovery Digest to receive biweekly inspirational emails. These emails cover a range of particularly impactful research areas, along with example research questions that are recommended by our experts and relevant to many different disciplines of study. We recommend you read the 3-5 profiles that interest you the most in depth.

  • Which of the topic profiles that sparked your interest are new to you? How could you quickly get a better understanding of what it is like to work on these topics?
  • How would disregarding your current skill set change your top choices? Would you consider taking some time out to “upskill” to switch to a new area of research, if possible?
  • What are the uncertainties that, if you could find an answer to them, would help you decide between your top choices?

See here if you want to learn more about how we go about writing our thesis topic profiles and why we prioritise these topics.

Side note: Because we try to feature problems that are particularly important, tractable, and neglected, you might see some problems listed on our site that it’s uncommon to see described as global problems, while others are not featured. As an example, in our “human health and wellbeing” category, we list anti-aging research but not cancer research. We think research on widely recognised problems such as cancer is highly important. However, because so many more researchers are already working on these problems, we think that – all else equal – you will probably have a bigger impact working on problems that are relatively neglected.

Generating ideas

After reading a few of our topic profiles , we recommend that you start a brainstorming document as an ongoing way of collecting research questions you’re interested in. This will help you keep track of and develop your ideas during your idea generation phase, and make it easier for others to give you feedback later on. 

In addition to exploring our topic profiles, you could also identify questions through a literature review and reach out to your supervisor or other researchers in the field(s) you’re interested in and ask what they think some of the most important and neglected open questions are. Moreover, you could contact some of the organisations listed on our topic profiles and ask if there are research projects you could undertake that would be decision-relevant for them. Reaching out to others at this stage can also help to discard unfeasible ideas early on, before you invest too much time in them.

Some tools that might be useful during the idea generation phase:

  • Connected papers – explore connections between research papers in a visual graph.
  • Elicit – an AI research assistant to help you automate research workflows, like parts of literature review.
  • Find more resources and tools for research here .

We recommend collecting at least 20 research questions, grouped into overarching topics or research fields, and then adding some context, e.g. relevant papers and researchers, why you think this question is worth addressing, what relevant expertise you already have, and how qualified you are to work on this compared to other options. 

NB : We think that many people feel too limited by their past work, so we think you should probably lean towards considering questions and topics that are slightly outside your comfort zone.

Exercise: create a brainstorming document

Use this template to create a brainstorming document.

Comparing options

Once you feel you have collected enough research questions in your brainstorming document, you can start comparing how these research questions score on the factors that are most important to you. We recommend you take 15-20 minutes to think about which factors are key to your decision of pursuing a PhD and write them down. Here are some factors (adapted from this post ) that you could consider:

  • Importance – How large in scale and/or severity is the problem your question would address? 
  • Tractability – How realistic is it that you would make progress? Is your research question concrete and manageable, and do you have a clear strategy to tackle it?
  • Neglectedness – Will others work on this question if you don’t?
  • Actionability – Would your research have a clear audience and could it inform positive actions? Will this project generate genuinely new and useful findings/data? Will it help to translate/ communicate important ideas that need more attention/ awareness?
  • Learning value – Will you learn useful things from working on the project? Will it help you build valuable research skills, build your model of how something important works, and/ or help you refine a vaguely defined concept into a crisp, important question?
  • Exploration value – Will this project help you decide what to do next? 
  • Personal fit & situational fit – Does your personal background make you a good fit for working on this question? Do you currently have or can you find support for working on it, e.g. excellent mentorship? 
  • Credentials and career capital – Will the output demonstrate your research competence? For example, if you could get a reference from a particularly prestigious researcher by working on one of the projects you’re interested in, this might be an important consideration. Will the project reflect well on you, and is it shareable with others (or could it be developed into something shareable/ a publication)? Will the project allow you to build relationships with people whom it will be helpful to know going forward? 
  • Intrinsic motivation   – Are you excited about working on this project?
  • Method efficacy – How well can a particular approach help solve the problem that you are trying to address?

Exercise: sketch theories of change for your research questions

Once you’ve considered which of these factors matter to you, take a few minutes to sketch a theory of change for each research question you’re considering. 

A theory of change is a step by step plan of how you hope to achieve a positive impact with your research, starting with the context you’d be working in, the research outputs you would plan to produce, and the short- and long-term impacts you would hope to achieve with your research. Sketching some theories of change will help you outline how your research ideas could have a positive impact, giving you something to get feedback on in the next step below.

phd project help

Consider whether your research could have negative outcomes too

When you’re considering the value of working on a particular research problem, it may also be important to remember that research isn’t a monolithic force for good. Research has done a lot of good, but there are many examples of it doing a lot of harm as well. There is a long history of research being biased by the discriminatory beliefs and blindspots of its time, as well as being used to justify cruelty and oppression . Research has made warfare more deadly and has facilitated the development of intensive factory farming . Dual-use biotechnology research is intended to help humanity, but could, for example, cause a catastrophic pandemic in the event of a lab accident or if the technology was misused. While some researchers are trying to increase the chance that future artificial intelligence is safe for humanity , many more researchers are focused on making AI more powerful. 

While it isn’t realistic for researchers to foresee every way their research could be (mis)used, many researchers are trying to create frameworks for thinking about how research can do harm and how to avoid this. For example, if you’re interested in working on biosecurity or AI safety, you could explore concepts such as differential progress and information hazards . If you’re working on global health questions, it may be important to educate yourself about the concept of parachute science .

Reach out to others for feedback

At this point, we think it could be helpful to identify some experts who might be interested in talking about your collection of potential research questions, and reach out to them for feedback. Getting feedback might then help you to prioritise between questions, develop your methodology further or discard projects before investing too much effort in them. You could seek feedback via two strategies – firstly, by sending your brainstorming document to people asking for general comments, and secondly, by seeking out people who have specialist knowledge on specific questions you’re considering and asking for their feedback on those ideas.

Here are some ways of connecting with other researchers:

  • Reach out to your existing connections
  • Attend research conferences related to your field of interest and speak to relevant people there, e.g. 1-1s at EAGs could be a great place to reach out to people for feedback on research ideas on directions that we recommend
  • Are there any local student and/ or reading groups in your area that focus on a research area that you are planning to work on? 
  • Public Slack channels on your research area, e.g. List of EA Slack workspaces

When preparing to reach out to experts, keep these key points in mind:

  • Give the expert relevant information about yourself (e.g. What is your background? What is the scope of the project you’re planning to work on?).
  • Prepare a short agenda if they’ve agreed to call you and share it with them beforehand (although they might not have time to read it, many people appreciate having the option to consider topics of discussion in advance).
  • Think about what your key uncertainties actually are and what kind of feedback you want from the expert. Would you like their overall reaction? Detailed comments? Feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your research ideas? Specific suggestions to improve your ideas? Feedback on how you plan to use the outputs of your research project? 
  • Consider having a brainstorming document ready to share with them.
  • You might want to have a look at this and this for more information about how to prepare.

Exercise: creating a weighted-factor model

Choosing which factors you want to base your thesis decision on will help you to reflect on what is important to you. Once you’ve done the exercise above and gathered some feedback from other people about your ideas, think about how much weight you want to give each factor. Lastly, try to evaluate how the research questions you’re considering score on each factor. The outcome of this ranking can serve as guidance for deciding on a question and can help clarify your intuitions about which questions would be the best fit for your dissertation. Here is an example of a ranking of potential thesis questions using a weighted-factor model (WFM).

Refining your research question

Once you have settled on a research question, it is time to develop a well-scoped and viable research proposal. The purpose of the proposal is to identify a relevant research topic, explain the context of the research, define concrete goals, and propose a realistic work plan to achieve them. If you’ve already built a Theory of Change for your research question, we recommend adding detail at this stage to help you create a proposal. We also think it’s important to reach out to your supervisor or other relevant people in the field of your research interests to ask for feedback, as this will help you develop an appropriate methodology. 

Here are a few more tips that could help you with narrowing the scope of your research project or refining your research question:

  • First, make sure you have a detailed model of the problem you are planning to address in your research. Who are the different actors involved? How can research help fill gaps in our current knowledge? What are the particularly neglected approaches and interventions for this problem?
  • You will only be able to make a valuable research contribution if your project is focused. Break down goals into discrete tasks and summarise what you are actually going to do. We suggest you create a detailed plan for the first few months of your project, a less detailed but fully coherent plan for the first year, describe a direction you might take in the second year, and generate some ideas for the following years. This will help you understand how much work is involved in every step and evaluate what is feasible in the available time frame.
  • Consider practical questions. What kind of facilities do you have? Do you meet the university requirements?
  • Try to develop the smallest possible question that can be answered and that data can be collected on, then have conditional upgrades/sub-questions based on that. This can be ambitious, but each stage should be developed enough to not be overwhelming or too vague.
  • Start with a research question that’s as simple as possible and that you’re confident will be successful. From there, you can slowly and incrementally work towards pursuing more complex research questions. 

Find the best possible supportive environment

There are many different types of PhD programmes available – from 3-year PhDs to which you apply with a very specific project idea, to 6-year PhD programmes in which the first years are dedicated to coursework. It is important to find the best environment for your studies, with crucial considerations including the university and its community, the supportiveness of the supervisor/lab and the availability of funding. This section has advice on these three points and aims to facilitate you reflecting on them.

How much does the reputation of the university where you study your PhD matter for an academic career?

This is a commonly asked question among students, and we have compiled a set of key insights based on conversations with 30 of our experts. 

  • The general advice is that you should pick the most prestigious university or research hub that you can get into.
  • The importance of your university’s reputation varies across regions, with the US and the UK placing more significance on it compared to Europe or Australia. For the US especially, you will likely get a much better education and teaching quality, as well as access to resources, from a more prestigious university.
  • It is worth noting that high-quality research labs (and supervisors) can be found outside of big-name universities, as specific research hubs may exist elsewhere. 
  • It is important to note that even researchers in the most prestigious universities can be poor supervisors. 
  • Ideally, you’ll find a great supervisor at a highly reputable institution. However, if you have to decide, finding an excellent supervisor seems to be the superior consideration – see below. 
  • The significance of the university’s reputation increases if your career aspirations involve influencing government, e.g. in policy roles.
  • Outstanding research, impactful contributions to the field, and a strong professional network could potentially outweigh the importance of a university’s reputation. 

Find a standout advisor

We think it is very important to find someone who genuinely cares about your research question and who will make a lot of time to supervise you well. Further, your supervisor will influence how effective you are in your work and how much you enjoy the research, as they will be the primary person guiding you throughout your whole research process. Especially at the PhD level, your advisor’s network matters tremendously for how well- connected you are and what sorts of opportunities will be open to you. So, here are some green flags to look out for in a supervisor:

  • They care about your research question (pitch your ideas to the supervisor and see how enthusiastic they are about the potential project).
  • They have the skills to supervise your project (check if they have experience in the methodologies you want to use).
  • They truly care about mentoring you well (ask questions about their mentoring style, get a feel for how you match as a person).
  • Their previous and current students are satisfied with them as a supervisor (ideally the person has a good track record of supervising other students – arrange a meeting with at least one current or past student). 
  • They are successful (e.g. based on their citation count and general prestige).

Sign up for access to our database of potential supervisors who work on the research directions we recommend. Here are more tips on finding the right person to supervise you. 

Financing your studies

Even if you get accepted to a programme, it does not automatically mean that you get funding as well. Here are some tips if you need to apply for funding independently:

Consider a wide range of funding sources, e.g. national scholarships, university scholarships, grants and foundations dedicated to specific causes, and excellence scholarships (e.g. Gates or Rhodes Scholarships). Here is our funding database which includes funding opportunities relevant to the research directions we recommend.

  • Consider the university environment – Would you be happy to live in the city of the programme you are applying to for 3-6 years? Do some university environments offer a more stimulating environment than others? Are there other researchers with similar values or motivations to you in this research hub?
  • Do you have any hard criteria for choosing the location for your PhD? For example, would you consider moving abroad for an exciting opportunity? 
  • What do you already know about the application process? What uncertainties do you have and how can you go about resolving them?

We recommend that you make a list of the programmes that best fit your research interests and other factors that are important to you. Then, check the requirements and deadlines for each of them and write down the next steps you need to take to apply. We also recommend reaching out to people who have gone through the PhD programme(s) you are applying to to hear about their experiences.

Set out your next steps

Take a few minutes now to write down your next steps for applying to the programs you’re interested in.

It could be helpful to sign up for some accountability buddy schemes, ask friends to check on your progress, or to set yourself a hard deadline on some important next steps that you want to take. You could schedule some time in your calendar right now, or make a note in your to-do list about a task that you want to complete soon.

Reflection prompts:

  • What information do you need to get right now?
  • What are you uncertain about? 
  • What is keeping you from advancing with your project and how could you concretely resolve this?

Examples for concrete next steps could be:

  • Reach out to people for feedback on your brainstorming document
  • Reach out to potential supervisors
  • Apply to an EAG or other academic conference and make a list of people you want to speak to 
  • Reach out to people who have gone through the program you are applying to
  • Reach out to current PhD students about proposal examples

Here are some further resources that could be helpful for you:

  • Tips on impactful research
  • Resources and tools for research
  • Looking after your mental health
  • Our Effective Thesis Community
  • Research internships and other opportunities

For more general career advice, there are some other organisations that could help you with 1:1 advising. We recommend the following:

  • 80,000 hours offers one-time 1:1 advising calls about using your career to help solve one of the world’s most pressing problems. They can help you choose your focus, make connections, and find a fulfilling job to tackle important problems.
  • Magnify Mentoring pairs mentees who are interested in pursuing high-impact careers with more experienced mentors for a series of one-on-one meetings.
  • Probably Good is running 1:1 advising calls to brainstorm career paths, evaluate options, plan next steps, and to connect you with relevant people and opportunities. 
  • Lastly, please leave us some feedback . Thank you! 

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The PhD Project - Life Changing Moments

Life Changing Moments Stories from PhD Project Business Faculty Members

Andrea Scott

Through conferences, mentoring, and networking, The PhD Project encourages and supports historically underrepresented candidates on their journey to acquiring a PhD. We are a critical bridge between businesses and our alumni PhDs and their students, providing connections to high-potential recruits. With demonstrated success in creating more diverse business faculty, we are doing more than transforming the face of business education. We are inspiring new generations of future leaders, bringing diversity to our workforce, and creating a better world for all of us.

Our History

Origins: How It Began

Living the dream a new generation of minority business school professors, following the dream, is this for me, sacrifice… or investment, finding a balance, living the dream, paying it forward creating tomorrow’s leader in business through academe, leading the way, changing the face of business education, changing the face of business research, influencing undergraduates, impacting the community.

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2024 PhD Project Annual Conference

March 21-22, 2024

The flagship event for The PhD Project is our annual conference for potential doctoral students. At this 2-day conference, you can network with doctoral students, business school representatives, professors and sponsor organizations, all in one place.


Welcome to Capella

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  • PhD in Business Management
  • Project Management

Project Management Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management

Capella's online PhD in Business Management, Project Management prepares you to strategize and lead projects in a wide range of global and complex business environments. Learn current and emerging project management methodologies, contemporary leadership theories and practices, and communications approaches to help you grow as an effective leader. Become a driving force in the field as you develop high-level research skills, culminating in a dissertation that advances project management as a whole.

The mission of Capella University’s PhD in Business Management specialization in Project Management is to promote the development of business-focused knowledge and research skills necessary to effectively lead projects in one’s professional career.


Virtual Residencies

Network with faculty and peers, and gain access to valuable resources to use during your program and beyond, through three doctoral virtual residencies.


Research mentor

Maintain progress through your dissertation; we’ll pair you with an academic mentor who can help you keep your momentum.

thumbs up

Stay on track with your academic goals and dissertation; we’ll help you organize your work into manageable segments.

Apply today with no application fee.

At a glance

  • 11 Core courses
  • 12 max transfer credits
  • 4 Specialization courses
  • 1 Elective course
  • 3 Virtual Residencies

Comprehensive exam


  • ACBSP-accredited

Reduce your tuition by $20,000

Enroll in a qualified program and apply for a $20K Capella Progress Reward, a scholarship to help fund your doctoral degree. Eligibility rules and exclusions apply. Connect with us for details.

Courses and skills

Explore project management courses.

  • This program requires a total of 90 quarter credits
  • You’ll need to complete 11 core courses, four specialization courses, one elective course, three virtual residencies, one comprehensive exam and one dissertation

View all courses


In this course, learners research literature to identify best practices and evaluate appropriate methodologies leading to successful outcomes for projects and programs ranging from simple to complex. The course emphasizes appropriate methods, tools, and techniques for the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Initiating and Planning processes based on organizational environments, cultural diversity, and global influences. Learners also evaluate expected project outcomes to assure alignment with strategic goals and objectives.

4 quarter credits

Learners in this course examine both seminal and current literature, such as complexity theory, to evaluate the successes and failures of projects and programs in complex and ambiguous environments. This course emphasizes Executing, Monitoring, and Controlling projects and programs based on multidisciplinary theories and applications as defined by the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Learners develop their professional, consultative, and leadership skills for successful project and program outcomes.

4 quarter credits

In this course, learners evaluate and synthesize the use of multidisciplinary theories based on the research and practice of project and program risk management. Learners explore emerging trends, concepts, and methods of project and program risk management systems and research. Topics include evaluating integrated approaches to identifying, analyzing, mitigating, and managing project risks, and identifying strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in project risk management research.

4 quarter credits

Learners in this course examine emerging trends, concepts, and methods for evaluating and applying program integration and portfolio management techniques and methods used to optimize their overall value. Topics include ethical approaches to program and portfolio management in alignment with business strategic goals and objectives within a global context.

4 quarter credits

What you'll learn

This program solidifies your ability to initiate, plan, execute, monitor, control, and close projects in a range of global business settings. You’ll learn how to evaluate different approaches to project management, develop your own research, and add critical knowledge to the field.

On successful completion of this program, you should be able to:

  • Synthesize multi-disciplinary theories that inform and shape the theory and practice of project management
  • Fuse research and practice to contribute new knowledge to the field
  • Apply ethical leadership strategies in diverse project management settings
  • Exhibit proficiency in communication, research, writing, and critical thinking skills for successful project management
  • Evaluate functional and cross-functional management approaches for projects, programs and portfolios ranging from operational to strategic, small to complex, and local to global

Review the Capella career exploration guide  to learn more about this program and professional paths to explore.

Tuition and learning format

How much does the phd in business management cost.

The total cost of your degree will depend on academic performance, transfer credits, scholarships and other factors. See GuidedPath cost information below.

A structured learning format with an active peer community and faculty guidance. We’ll set the schedule, you meet the deadlines.

  • Based on the quarter system; 1-2 courses per 10-week quarter
  • 1 semester credit = 1.5 quarter credits
  • Weekly assignments and courseroom discussions
  • Pay for what you take, price varies by courseload or term

$985 per credit,  $5,000  quarterly tuition max,  75  coursework credits, 12 max transfer credits

Learn more about GuidedPath »

Tuition breakdown

Program phases.

$985 Per quarter credit

75 coursework credits

Per quarter credit

$2955 Per quarter

Per quarter

Resource kit fee

$175 Per quarter

Coursework phase only; includes eBooks, textbooks, interactive media, software, course packs, articles, test kits, and other instructional materials

Application fee

$0 no application fee

no application fee

Tuition and program length are unique to you

Your total tuition and program length depend on a variety of factors:

  • The program specialization you choose
  • Scholarships and finances
  • Prior coursework
  • Transfer credits
  • Employer and/or military benefits
  • Number of quarters spent working on dissertation
  • Complexity of your capstone
  • Academic performance
  • School/work/life balance
  • Unexpected life events

About cost scenarios

The cost scenarios below are examples based on general program pricing and 2024–25 Capella tuition rates and assume the average number of transfer credits a student brings into the program. Pacing and pricing information is current as of Jan. 1, 2024. These rates are the same nationwide and may change depending on factors affecting program length and price. You are responsible for paying your own travel costs related to residencies, including plane, hotel, and food expenses.

To discuss whether the specialization you’re interested in has additional factors that may affect program cost and length, contact a Capella enrollment counselor.

Cost scenarios

Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each milestone at the pace of the fastest 25% of students

Coursework: $985/credit

13 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter


Dissertation: $2,955/quarter

6 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource kit fee: $175

13 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each milestone at the pace of the median 50% of students

Coursework: $985/credit

13 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter


Dissertation: $2,955/quarter

8 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource kit fee: $175

13 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each milestone at the pace of the slowest 75% of students

Coursework: $985/credit

13 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter


Dissertation: $2,955/quarter

12 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource kit fee: $175

13 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



*Eligibility rules apply. Connect with us for details.

Get the details

Connect with an enrollment counselor to further discuss the cost of the program and explore your eligibility for scholarships and discounts.

Scholarships and savings

Are there scholarships available for doctoral degrees.

Your education is an investment in your future that's within reach. There are  more ways to save  than you might think.


$5,000 quarterly tuition maximum

Maximize your courseload – take 6 or more credits per quarter and pay just $5,000.* *Cost of each residency is included in the $5,000 quarterly tuition maximum; books, resource kit, travel, lodging, meals, and other expenses are not included.

$20K toward your doctorate Apply for a $20K Capella Progress Reward , a scholarship to help fund your doctoral degree. Eligibility rules and exclusions apply. Connect with us for details.


10% military discount 

Capella offers a tuition discount to active-duty service members, guard and reserve members, veterans, their spouses** and dependents. **Starting in July, spouses of veterans can now benefit from a 10% discount on eligible certificates, master’s and doctoral programs and a 15% discount on eligible bachelor’s programs.

Accredited and recognized

Capella is accredited by the higher learning commission..

Accreditation and recognitions provide assurance that we meet standards for quality of faculty, curriculum, learner services, and fiscal stability.

The PhD in Business Management with a specialization in project management is accredited by the PMI Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs (GAC).*

See all our  accreditations  and  recognitions .

To meet a PMI-GAC accreditation requirement, student achievement data can be found here.

The GAC Accredited Program seal is a mark of Project Management Institute, Inc.

*The FlexPath option for the project management specializations are not accredited by PMI-GAC.

How to apply

Phd in business management admission requirements.

Applicants must provide the following information for  admission  to Capella programs and specializations:

  • A master’s degree from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or from an internationally recognized institution
  •  Your official master’s transcripts, with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
  • A valid, government-issued form of photo identification

GRE and GMAT are not required for admission.

International Student Requirements

If you completed your most recent academic coursework, degree, or credential at an institution outside the United States, regardless of your citizenship or where you currently live, you are considered an international applicant.

In addition to the above admission requirements, you will need to submit these materials:

  • Minimum score on acceptable test for proof of English proficiency
  • Transcript evaluation

Learn more about  international student admissions .

Faculty and support

What support does capella offer online students.

Our programs are designed to meet the unique needs of doctoral students. We’ve structured the experience in manageable pieces that build on one another to help you earn your doctorate. You’ll have support from faculty, staff, and online resources along the way.


Doctoral faculty

Work with faculty members who have years of experience and specialize in their areas of expertise throughout each phase of your program, including literature review and implementation planning.

Enrollment counselors

These experts will set you up for success. They’ll help you find the right degree program and answer all your questions about Capella.


Academic coaches

Through quarterly appointments and as-needed counseling sessions, these specialists introduce you to Capella and help you tailor your program to your personal goals and experiences.

Articles and resources

Expand your perspective on academic and career topics with articles and resources from Capella University.

Classroom instruction

10 qualities to look for in a career mentor

Finding a career mentor can really help as you develop your professional skills and move up the ladder.

cluttered desktop

5 Ways a Doctoral Degree May Strengthen Your Career

There’s plenty to think about when considering a doctorate. The ultimate question might be: What does it mean for your career?

Doctoral Journey

What’s it like to be a doctoral student?

What does it take to earn a doctoral degree? Learn more about the experience and explore each step of the journey.

Career exploration

What can you do with a phd in project management degree.

Your education can help you reach your goals, professionally and personally. Here are some of the jobs and employment settings to consider with a PhD in Project Management.

Related job titles to explore*

  • Adjunct or part-time project business faculty
  • Full-time business faculty
  • Dean or associate dean of business program
  • Business researcher
  • Program manager
  • Program director
  • Vice president of project management
  • Senior project manager
  • Director of project management
  • Director of program office

Employment settings to explore

  • Land-based or online college or university
  • Community college
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  • Consulting firm

*These are examples intended to serve as a general guide. Some positions may prefer or even require previous experience, licensure, certifications, and/or other designations along with a degree. Because many factors determine what position an individual may attain, Capella cannot guarantee that a graduate will secure any specific job title, a promotion, salary increase, or other career outcome. We encourage you to research requirements for your job target and career goals.

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  • PhD Applications - Information, Guidance & Advice

PhD Applications

PhD applications are different to other university courses. For one thing, you won’t be applying to a course.

We’re here to help you through the PhD application process. We've explained how PhD interviews work (and previewed some of the questions you might be asked). We've also looked at common postgraduate entry tests and provided some advice on eligibility criteria for doctoral research. The main thing to remember is that you’ll need to show that you’re the right candidate to fill an advertised position, or complete a research project that you designed and proposed yourself.

In the UK, most PhD application deadlines are between late December and mid January. This coincides with the deadlines set by UKRI Research Council funding bodies. Most students will begin work on their application in the autumn. Although less common, many PhD positions and funding opportunities are still available to apply for year round.

Outside of the UK, PhD applications may be accepted for both the autumn and winter intake. As well as the below, you can check out our advice for international students , as well as country-specific guides and language tests , which you will need as part of your PhD application.

All that's left is to wish you good luck. So... good luck!

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Understand what a successful PhD research proposal needs to include and how to go about writing one for your project application.

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Our guide explains how to contact a potential PhD supervisor to discuss your proposal or ideas with them before applying.

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What actually happens at a PhD interview? And how should you prepare for yours? Read our top tips.

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Some PhD applications require students to write a personal statement (also known as a statement of purpose) outlining their background, goals and academic interests.

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What questions will you be asked at a PhD interview? And how should you answer? Find out with our handy guide.

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Applying for a PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) often works a little different to other subjects. Here's everything you need to know about applying for a STEM PhD.

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#29: Help! How to find the topic for my PhD?

October 29, 2019 by Tress Academic

Are you puzzled as to how you’re supposed to find a topic for your PhD project? Feeling buried under a ton of scientific articles or books that you’ve read which only added to your confusion? If it’s been weeks since you started, and one idea after another is running through your head without any clue how to mold one into a project – you’re definitely feeling the pressure!

We’re here to help you cut through the noise and come up with a strategy for a  workable project idea. Plus, we have a detailed super-smart 6-step-guide “Identify your PhD topic” for download.

DON’T PANIC – You’re in good company

If you’re struggling to settle on a topic for your PhD, you’re not the only one. We know that for many PhD students this is their first great challenge. “How do I find my PhD topic” is also a question that we are regularly asked in our course “PhD Success Lab” . Being able to sort through a vast amount of information and then decide on a final topic for your dissertation is daunting! 

We recently listened to a podcast about the life and achievements of Professor Stephen Hawking, and learned that he, surprisingly, also suffered from this very problem! After arriving at the Cambridge Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in 1962, it took him an entire year of restless searching to identify and finally decide on the exact topic for his PhD! But, it doesn’t t have to be this way …!

A frequent reason for delay

Seagram et al. (1998) found that those PhD students who completed their programmes fast found the selection of their dissertation topic easier than those who delayed. Taken the other way round, if you take an overly long time to decide on your topic at the beginning, it can result in a delay for your entire PhD. A simple reason for this is that too much time is ‘lost’ in the beginning and there is no way to make up for that later on. That does not mean you should make the decision lightly or without thorough research. But you should not postpone the decision about your dissertation topic because you don’t feel ‘ready’, or you are afraid of making a decision. For more tips and tricks how to avoid delaying your PhD, see our “ Free expert guide “5 reasons why PhD students delay & how-to avoid”  and the SMART ACADEMICS blog post no. 2: So you want to finish your PhD on time?

What is the ‘PhD topic’?

There are some misunderstandings and ambiguity around the word ‘topic’, and many PhDs seem to think that all they need is the general topic to get started with their research. But that’s not quite right. It’s true that the topic of your PhD is the broad thematic umbrella within which you will carry out your project and write your dissertation. So if you have the topic, you have a clear idea about what your PhD project will be about. But you still have to hammer out concrete research questions that will help you to organise your research. In practice, deciding on a topic and working out your research questions goes hand-in-hand. 

You won’t ‘FIND’ your dissertation topic

It is a myth that you’re able to ‘FIND’ your topic as if one day it will fall out of the sky and manifest itself in front of you. It won’t! Identifying a thesis topic and then developing innovative research questions around it is hard work . It is the first intellectual challenge in your PhD, and it does not come for free! So get rid of the mindset ‘I’ll have to find my topic’ and replace it by the mindset ‘I’ll have to work out the exact topic of my PhD for myself’. If you ‘work’ on it and you invest a considerable amount of focused time, you will succeed in making one for yourself! 

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Is it up to me to decide on my PhD topic?

We know that you are not operating in a vacuum, but works together with other scientists. Clearly, how much freedom you have to decide your thesis topic depends on your situation, but it is to some degree influenced by how your PhD project is funded. Let us break this down for you:

a) Scholarship or stipend: 

If you apply for funding for your PhD project at a private or public research funding agency or organisation, you’ll likely have a lot of freedom. In this case, it is likely you who wrote the grant application and it’s you who had to suggest a topic in the proposal. If the funding is granted, then you’ll work on your own project. However, as can also be the case, a funding stream can be tied to a certain ‘call’ or purpose, where you may have to make your research fit that purpose in order to be eligible for funding. To give you an example: if a Dutch nature protection agency awards grants for projects working on flood prevention and mitigation in the Netherlands, your project has to do exactly that. 

b) Applying for a PhD position:

In this case you applied for a PhD position that was advertised with a particular thematic focus. The institution or person (professor, PI) who advertised the position has received funding already and they looked for the right person to carry out specific research tasks. Frequently, these are PhD positions within a bigger research project or programme, so yours is not the only PhD position that is part of it. If you apply for the position, the overall topic for the larger project is set, and sometimes the PhD projects are already defined within that framework. Nonetheless, you should still describe in more detail what exactly constitutes your PhD project, while making sure it aligns with the overall goals of the bigger programme. The type of narrowly pre-defined PhD projects occur more frequently in the natural sciences than in the social sciences or humanities. 

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Is it good to have a lot of freedom to define my PhD topic?

If the topic is more fixed, you have less room to manoeuvre, and we’ve had PhD students in our courses who find this advantageous. The day their PhD starts they have a project topic and a fairly clear idea what they are expected to do, so they can start with their research right away. 

Conversely, the advantage of having a great deal of freedom is that you can influence and decide what you’ll work on. You can mould your project to fit your personal research interests, skills and abilities. But we’ve encountered PhD students who find it overwhelming at the beginning, because there are so many choices and they feel they don’t know the consequences of picking a certain topic. 

So for everyone who finds it difficult to identify a topic for their PhD project, take the opportunity to download our free and failsafe 6-step-guide: “Identify your PhD topic.”

Below you’ll find a short summary of its key-points: 

Step 1. Research the state-of-the art in your field

  • Identify 5-10 relevant keywords for a literature search. 
  • Specify your search further regarding literature databases you search, publishing dates, geographic areas, or applied methods and approaches. 
  • Collect notes and summaries of the articles you read as you go, keeping reference numbers with your notes so you can always revisit articles.

Step 2. Brainstorm project ideas

  • Find a quiet spot and write out all project ideas that come to your mind. Just collect all your thoughts, without critically evaluating them.
  • A few days later revisit your ideas and start reviewing, crossing out ideas you don’t think are worth pursuing and highlighting those that are.
  • Continue adding ideas and refining your list, as you go on reading. 

Step 3. Narrow down your ideas

  • After working on this for a while, go through your brainstormed list and narrow it down to the best 2-3 ideas.
  • Expand on each promising idea, brainstorming on one per day. 
  • Jot down obvious research questions or knowledge gaps, ideas for experiments, how to gather empirical evidence, hypothesis you’re having etc.

Step 4. Prepare “project-sketches”

  • Create 1 page “project sketches” that flesh out more of the specifics of the project like the relevance, methods, projected outcomes. 
  • Use this stage as a test of how you feel about the topic – positively or indifferent? You’ve got to work on the final topic for the upcoming years. Ideally, you’re enthusiastic about it. 

Step 5. Discuss with supervisors

  • Give your supervisors a chance to look over your “project-sketches” and set a meeting.
  • Ask your supervisors for their opinion of the topic’s originality and feasibility (regarding time, funds, facilities & methods available).
  • Incorporate their feedback on your “project-sketches” to further refine them.

Step 6. Decide and develop into statement of objectives

  • During this process, one topic may start to stand out as the one with the most potential. Go for that one! If not, carefully weigh the pro’s and con’s of the remaining options. But eventually make a decision and move forward. 
  • For the final topic, create a “statement of objectives”: Elaborate 3-6 objectives of your topic which concisely add up to an overall project goal. Include research questions to answer or the hypothesis you’ll work with.

Make sure you’ll download our full 6-step-guide: “Identify your PhD topic” !

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If you’re among those PhD students who can or have to work out their project goals for themselves, you’ll likely fill the first weeks of your PhD focussing on that. As we always say: Until you’ve identified the goal for your PhD, identifying the goal is your goal! It won’t come down from heaven, and you won’t ‘find’ it (it’s not an easter egg hunt after all). We know that it is hard work to hammer it out, but with the six steps above you’ll definitely find it easier to crack and come up with a sweet topic! 

Related resources:

  • Smart Academics Blog #2: So you want to finish your PhD on time?  
  • Smart Academics Blog #24: New to the PhD? – 5 tips for a great start!
  • Smart Academics Blog #46: What makes PhD students succeed?
  • Smart Academics Blog #112: PhD project-planning quick-start
  • Expert guide “5 reasons why PhD students delay & how-to avoid”  
  • Seagram, B.C., Gould, J., Pyke, S. 1998. An investigation of gender and other variables on time to completion of doctoral degrees. Research in Higher Education. 39/3, 319-335

More information: 

Do you want to complete your PhD successfully? If so, please sign up to receive our free guides.  

© 2019 Tress Academic

Photographs by Philipp Mandler, Kachina-Lee at unsplash.com

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Where To Earn A Ph.D. In Project Management Online In 2024

Doug Wintemute

Published: Feb 22, 2024, 1:47pm

Where To Earn A Ph.D. In Project Management Online In 2024

Whether you’re looking to teach at the university level or advance to the highest position available in your business or industry, a Ph.D. in project management can help get you there. Advanced project management skills equip you to plan, lead and deliver successful projects of varying sizes.

Ph.D. programs typically focus on research and lead to academia. Because online project management degrees are relatively rare at the Ph.D. level, it’s uncommon for universities to offer Ph.D.s in project management online. We found one accredited, nonprofit university that offers this degree and meets our ranking criteria.

Keep reading to discover where you can earn an online Ph.D. in project management and how to decide whether online learning is right for you.

Why You Can Trust Forbes Advisor Education

Forbes Advisor’s education editors are committed to producing unbiased rankings and informative articles covering online colleges, tech bootcamps and career paths. Our ranking methodologies use data from the National Center for Education Statistics , education providers, and reputable educational and professional organizations. An advisory board of educators and other subject matter experts reviews and verifies our content to bring you trustworthy, up-to-date information. Advertisers do not influence our rankings or editorial content.

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Capitol Technology University

At Capitol Technology University , you can choose from more than 40 online doctoral programs, including an online Ph.D. in project management. In this program, you’ll learn to oversee projects from conception to completion in industries of all sizes and landscapes. You’ll complete the program asynchronously and 100% online, with no residency requirements at Capitol Tech’s Maryland campus.

The Ph.D. program offers two pathways: a dissertation track and a publication track. Learners in the dissertation track must produce and defend a doctoral dissertation to graduate. The publication track requires students to publish three academic journal articles.

Capitol Tech charges $950 per credit for its doctoral program courses. Retired military service members receive a tuition discount of $50 per credit, and active-duty military receive a $100-per-credit discount.

At a Glance

  • School Type: Private
  • Application Fee: $100
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 60 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Full-time
  • Notable Major-Specific Courses: Project management future demands, strategies for project management
  • Concentrations Available: N/A
  • In-Person Requirements: No

Degree Finder

How to find the right online ph.d. in project management for you.

How do you choose an online degree program? Let’s dive in.

Consider Your Future Goals

When deciding on an online doctorate in project management, you should compare schools, programs and degree types. To help guide you, consider how each option contributes to your specific project management career goals.

For example, if you hope to teach or work in research, a Ph.D. in project management would align best with your goals, whereas a D.B.A. in project management may better suit a project manager seeking to advance their career in business and management.

You can also compare how different schools and programs would support your career path. Does one school offer more interesting research opportunities or faculty with more relevant experience? What type of career services, mentorship opportunities and professional networks are available to doctoral students? Find a program that best serves your unique interests.

Understand Your Expenses and Financing Options

A Ph.D. in project management will test not only your commitment and work ethic but also your wallet. Capitol Technology University charges $950 per credit for its 60-credit Ph.D. in project management, bringing the total tuition cost to $57,000. Plus, the university does not offer fellowships or remote teaching assistantships as funding options.

To help fund your graduate education, apply for federal student aid by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). Along with federal loans and grants, the FAFSA may qualify you for national, institutional and third-party scholarships.

Should You Enroll in a Ph.D. of Project Management Online?

Online learning has made doctoral degrees more accessible, with fewer travel and schedule restrictions, but is distance learning right for you? To answer this, you need to think about your preferred learning style.

Many online programs, including Capitol Tech’s online Ph.D. in project management, feature asynchronous delivery, meaning there are no set class times. While this creates more flexibility, it also puts a greater demand on your time management and organization skills. Asynchronous programs also tend to have less interaction and structure than traditional on-campus programs.

If that doesn’t work for you, you may prefer a synchronous online program with scheduled and live classes. You can also look into hybrid programs that combine online and on-campus learning.

Accreditation for Online Ph.D.s in Project Management

Schools and programs may opt to undergo an accreditation process that evaluates their educational quality, processes and outcomes. Accreditation provides students and employers with quality assurance. Plus, you need to attend an accredited higher education institution to qualify for federal student aid.

Institutional accreditation must come from an accrediting organization approved by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). You can find a list of accredited colleges in CHEA’s database .

Doctoral programs in project management can also apply for programmatic accreditation. Project management programs typically fall under the business umbrella, so business-specific programmatic accreditors—including the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, and the International Accreditation Council for Business Education—may accredit project management degrees .

Featured Online Schools

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial credit and much more by clicking 'Visit Site'

Our Methodology

We scored one accredited, nonprofit college offering an online project management Ph.D. in the U.S. using 15 data points in the categories of credibility, affordability, student outcomes, student experience and application process. We pulled data for these categories from reliable resources such as the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ; private, third-party data sources; and individual school and program websites. Data is accurate as of January 2023.

We scored schools based on the following categories:

Student Outcomes:

  • Overall graduation rate
  • Median earnings 10 years after graduation


  • In-state graduate student tuition
  • In-state graduation student fees
  • Alternative tuition plans
  • Median federal loan debt
  • Percentage of students in loan deferment

Student Experience:

  • Student-to-faculty ratio
  • Socioeconomic diversity
  • Program being ranked has 100% coursework available online
  • Total graduate assistants
  • More than 50% of graduate students enrolled in at least some distance education


  • Fully accredited
  • Programmatic accreditation
  • Nonprofit status

We listed the only school in the U.S. that met our ranking criteria.

Find our full list of methodologies here .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Online Ph.D.s in Project Management

Can i do a ph.d. in project management.

Yes, you can earn a Ph.D. in project management. Online project management Ph.D. programs are rare, however.

Are online Ph.D.s respected?

Yes, an online Ph.D. is respected and accepted as long as it comes from a reputable, accredited institution. Distance programs typically cover the same content and award the same degrees as on-campus programs, just through a different delivery format.

What is the fastest online Ph.D. for project management?

The fastest online Ph.D. for project management depends on your course load and how quickly you can complete the thesis or publication requirements. Most Ph.D. programs take about five years to complete. The fastest doctoral program in project management, however, is a D.B.A., which takes about three years to complete.

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For nearly a decade, Doug Wintemute has specialized in helping students and professionals make sound education and career decisions. In addition to Forbes Advisor, his work has been featured on many online publications, including ZDNet, Bankrate and NurseJournal.

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The PhD Project was founded on the premise that advancements in workplace diversity could be propelled forward by increasing the diversity of business school faculty. Today, The PhD Project’s expansive network of supporters helps Black/African Americans, Latinx/Hispanic American and Native Americans attain their business PhD, and become the professors who will mentor the next generation of leaders.

Since its inception, The PhD Project has been responsible for the increase in the number of Black/African Americans, Latinx/Hispanic American and Native Americans earning a business PhD from 294 to 1,517, of whom 1,303 are teaching in U.S. colleges and universities today. There are close to 300 underrepresented minorities currently enrolled in doctoral programs, who will take their place at the front of the classroom over the next few years.

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Chanakya Research is India's premier research consulting organization, helping PhD and Master's students achieve academic excellence through innovative and customized support services. With nearly two decades of experience, we have earned a reputation as a trusted partner in the academic community. Our team of over 500 experts comprises talented researchers, analysts, and writers, who are dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards and delivering affordable, effective solutions tailored to your unique needs. As a division of ELK Education Consultants Pvt Ltd, we have been serving doctoral candidates since 2006, providing expert guidance and support at every stage of their research journey.

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Our PhD Services

The following preview showcases some of our most frequently requested PhD services.

Thesis Proposal Writing

Thesis Proposal Writing

Crafting a compelling thesis proposal is an essential first step in your PhD journey. If you're struggling with defining your research questions, identifying the most appropriate methodology, or putting together a persuasive argument for your thesis, we provide guidance and support to help you create a strong and effective proposal.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Data analysis is a critical part of many PhD projects, but it can be time-consuming and complex. If you need help with analyzing your data, interpreting statistical results, or visualizing your findings, we provide expert support and guidance to help you make sense of your data and draw meaningful conclusions.



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Our Master’s Services

The following preview showcases some of our most frequently requested Master’s services.

Literature Review

Literature Review

Writing a literature review is a critical component of many Master's programs. If you're struggling with identifying relevant sources, synthesizing information, or organizing your review, I can provide guidance and support to help you create a strong and effective literature review.

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Software Implementations

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Corrections as per Feedback

Corrections as per Feedback

Feedback from your supervisor or committee members is essential for improving the quality of your work. As an experienced editor, I can provide comprehensive feedback on your writing and assist you with making corrections as per feedback to help you enhance the quality of your work.

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Payment bank services and customer satisfaction.

  • Tag : Topics
  • Service : Topic Suggestions
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  • Description : Investigating the impact of payment Bank Services on technological, personal, and environmental aspects of customer satisfaction in Germany

49455 Topic Sample by Chanakya Research

Strategic Perspective of Organizational Ambidexterity

  • Tag : Proposal Synopsis
  • Service : Proposal Development
  • Area of Research : Strategic Perspective of Organizational Ambidexterity
  • Description : Proposal has been developed in ~3500 words

45070 Propopsal (1) by Chanakya Research

Data Analysis using STATA

  • Service : STATA Analysis
  • Area of Research : Finance: Leverage Ratios and SMEs
  • Description : Quantitative data analysis using STATA is done on financial data

STATA Analysis by Chanakya Research

Discussion and Conclusion Chapter Writing

  • Tag : Discussion Chapter Conclusion Chapter
  • Service : Chapter Writing
  • Area of Research : Microfinance and Economic Growth
  • Description : A short discussion and conclusion chapter written basis on the LR and Data analysis

Discussion and Conclusion C... by Chanakya Research

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PhD Projects Help will make the students focus only on the present. We will not only work with interest but also with a commitment. Moreover, our mentors will behold your project work with great care.

Markedly, we will make your PhD project glow bright!!!

What do We do?

PhD Projects Help has the weird habit of making things that you think are impossible. Despite hurdles, we will build the base for your valuable research castles. Our experts will abide by the proverb “ Leave no Stone Unturned ” in any project work.

By this time, we will play a crucial role in the execution of your research projects. Being that we will do your project using the following programming platforms.

  • JAVA and J2EE
  • Apache Hadoop
  • Rapid Miner
  • NS2 and NS3

PhD Projects Help  will have the immense determination to get success and never once had the thought of failure. We do believe that all true success depends upon oneself.  Then why do we help you??? The answer to this is really simple but interesting.   We will act as the catalyst and speed up your success.

Why Are We? Let’s know Facts about Us,

We have well-trained and skilled programming professionals in the modern technology and languages of various software tools and hardware components.  “We have plenty of skills and knowledge like an ocean.”

One has to be skilled in the programming languages and the software for successful execution. But due to time scarcity, many will look for external help. If you are with us, then you are in the right place for your project.


  • First of all, we have 100+ programmers
  • Evidently, we have got 3+ lakh fruitful stories
  • Our corpus of research has indexed thousands of novelties and growing
  • We have 150+ mentors who have familiarity in all research domains

Besides, we will also put up for the various research works. We have given some of our services here for you.


In any of our service, you can gain our help during our business hours. We will eagerly await your presence and to clarify all your qualms.

MILESTONE 1: Research Proposal

Finalize journal (indexing).

Before sit down to research proposal writing, we need to decide exact journals. For e.g. SCI, SCI-E, ISI, SCOPUS.

Research Subject Selection

As a doctoral student, subject selection is a big problem. Phdservices.org has the team of world class experts who experience in assisting all subjects. When you decide to work in networking, we assign our experts in your specific area for assistance.

Research Topic Selection

We helping you with right and perfect topic selection, which sound interesting to the other fellows of your committee. For e.g. if your interest in networking, the research topic is VANET / MANET / any other

Literature Survey Writing

To ensure the novelty of research, we find research gaps in 50+ latest benchmark papers (IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, MDPI, Hindawi, etc.)

Case Study Writing

After literature survey, we get the main issue/problem that your research topic will aim to resolve and elegant writing support to identify relevance of the issue.

Problem Statement

Based on the research gaps finding and importance of your research, we conclude the appropriate and specific problem statement.

Writing Research Proposal

Writing a good research proposal has need of lot of time. We only span a few to cover all major aspects (reference papers collection, deficiency finding, drawing system architecture, highlights novelty)

MILESTONE 2: System Development

Fix implementation plan.

We prepare a clear project implementation plan that narrates your proposal in step-by step and it contains Software and OS specification. We recommend you very suitable tools/software that fit for your concept.

Tools/Plan Approval

We get the approval for implementation tool, software, programing language and finally implementation plan to start development process.

Pseudocode Description

Our source code is original since we write the code after pseudocodes, algorithm writing and mathematical equation derivations.

Develop Proposal Idea

We implement our novel idea in step-by-step process that given in implementation plan. We can help scholars in implementation.


We perform the comparison between proposed and existing schemes in both quantitative and qualitative manner since it is most crucial part of any journal paper.

Graphs, Results, Analysis Table

We evaluate and analyze the project results by plotting graphs, numerical results computation, and broader discussion of quantitative results in table.

Project Deliverables

For every project order, we deliver the following: reference papers, source codes screenshots, project video, installation and running procedures.

MILESTONE 3: Paper Writing

Choosing right format.

We intend to write a paper in customized layout. If you are interesting in any specific journal, we ready to support you. Otherwise we prepare in IEEE transaction level.

Collecting Reliable Resources

Before paper writing, we collect reliable resources such as 50+ journal papers, magazines, news, encyclopedia (books), benchmark datasets, and online resources.

Writing Rough Draft

We create an outline of a paper at first and then writing under each heading and sub-headings. It consists of novel idea and resources

Proofreading & Formatting

We must proofread and formatting a paper to fix typesetting errors, and avoiding misspelled words, misplaced punctuation marks, and so on

Native English Writing

We check the communication of a paper by rewriting with native English writers who accomplish their English literature in University of Oxford.

Scrutinizing Paper Quality

We examine the paper quality by top-experts who can easily fix the issues in journal paper writing and also confirm the level of journal paper (SCI, Scopus or Normal).

Plagiarism Checking

We at phdservices.org is 100% guarantee for original journal paper writing. We never use previously published works.

MILESTONE 4: Paper Publication

Finding apt journal.

We play crucial role in this step since this is very important for scholar’s future. Our experts will help you in choosing high Impact Factor (SJR) journals for publishing.

Lay Paper to Submit

We organize your paper for journal submission, which covers the preparation of Authors Biography, Cover Letter, Highlights of Novelty, and Suggested Reviewers.

Paper Submission

We upload paper with submit all prerequisites that are required in journal. We completely remove frustration in paper publishing.

Paper Status Tracking

We track your paper status and answering the questions raise before review process and also we giving you frequent updates for your paper received from journal.

Revising Paper Precisely

When we receive decision for revising paper, we get ready to prepare the point-point response to address all reviewers query and resubmit it to catch final acceptance.

Get Accept & e-Proofing

We receive final mail for acceptance confirmation letter and editors send e-proofing and licensing to ensure the originality.

Publishing Paper

Paper published in online and we inform you with paper title, authors information, journal name volume, issue number, page number, and DOI link

MILESTONE 5: Thesis Writing

Identifying university format.

We pay special attention for your thesis writing and our 100+ thesis writers are proficient and clear in writing thesis for all university formats.

Gathering Adequate Resources

We collect primary and adequate resources for writing well-structured thesis using published research articles, 150+ reputed reference papers, writing plan, and so on.

Writing Thesis (Preliminary)

We write thesis in chapter-by-chapter without any empirical mistakes and we completely provide plagiarism-free thesis.

Skimming & Reading

Skimming involve reading the thesis and looking abstract, conclusions, sections, & sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences & words and writing thesis chorological order of papers.

Fixing Crosscutting Issues

This step is tricky when write thesis by amateurs. Proofreading and formatting is made by our world class thesis writers who avoid verbose, and brainstorming for significant writing.

Organize Thesis Chapters

We organize thesis chapters by completing the following: elaborate chapter, structuring chapters, flow of writing, citations correction, etc.

Writing Thesis (Final Version)

We attention to details of importance of thesis contribution, well-illustrated literature review, sharp and broad results and discussion and relevant applications study.

How PhDservices.org deal with significant issues ?

1. novel ideas.

Novelty is essential for a PhD degree. Our experts are bringing quality of being novel ideas in the particular research area. It can be only determined by after thorough literature search (state-of-the-art works published in IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, ACM, ScienceDirect, Inderscience, and so on). SCI and SCOPUS journals reviewers and editors will always demand “Novelty” for each publishing work. Our experts have in-depth knowledge in all major and sub-research fields to introduce New Methods and Ideas. MAKING NOVEL IDEAS IS THE ONLY WAY OF WINNING PHD.

2. Plagiarism-Free

To improve the quality and originality of works, we are strictly avoiding plagiarism since plagiarism is not allowed and acceptable for any type journals (SCI, SCI-E, or Scopus) in editorial and reviewer point of view. We have software named as “Anti-Plagiarism Software” that examines the similarity score for documents with good accuracy. We consist of various plagiarism tools like Viper, Turnitin, Students and scholars can get your work in Zero Tolerance to Plagiarism. DONT WORRY ABOUT PHD, WE WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING.

3. Confidential Info

We intended to keep your personal and technical information in secret and it is a basic worry for all scholars.

  • Technical Info: We never share your technical details to any other scholar since we know the importance of time and resources that are giving us by scholars.
  • Personal Info: We restricted to access scholars personal details by our experts. Our organization leading team will have your basic and necessary info for scholars.


4. Publication

Most of the PhD consultancy services will end their services in Paper Writing, but our PhDservices.org is different from others by giving guarantee for both paper writing and publication in reputed journals. With our 18+ year of experience in delivering PhD services, we meet all requirements of journals (reviewers, editors, and editor-in-chief) for rapid publications. From the beginning of paper writing, we lay our smart works. PUBLICATION IS A ROOT FOR PHD DEGREE. WE LIKE A FRUIT FOR GIVING SWEET FEELING FOR ALL SCHOLARS.

5. No Duplication

After completion of your work, it does not available in our library i.e. we erased after completion of your PhD work so we avoid of giving duplicate contents for scholars. This step makes our experts to bringing new ideas, applications, methodologies and algorithms. Our work is more standard, quality and universal. Everything we make it as a new for all scholars. INNOVATION IS THE ABILITY TO SEE THE ORIGINALITY. EXPLORATION IS OUR ENGINE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION SO LET’S ALL GO EXPLORING.

Client Reviews

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I had not provided any specific requirements for my proposal work, but you guys are very awesome because I’m received proper proposal. Thank you!

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I had found this as a wonderful platform for scholars so I highly recommend this service to all. I ordered thesis proposal and they covered everything. Thank you so much!!!

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Best Doctorates in Project Management: Top PhD Programs, Career Paths, and Salaries

In the field of project management, a doctoral degree is the highest level of academic attainment. It may allow you to pursue career paths in business, government, or nonprofit and maintain professional freedom. Good knowledge of the best PhDs in Project Management will help you find a suitable school and program to help you achieve your goals.

To aid your research, this article will provide details on the best schools that offer a PhD in Project Management, lucrative project management jobs, and expected salaries, to help you decide if a project management PhD is worth it.

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What is a phd in project management.

A PhD in Project Management is a research-oriented graduate program also referred to as a Doctorate in Project Management. This program provides a curriculum covering advanced project and strategic management principles that prepare students for projects in the industry. This degree program takes an average of three to five years to complete.

How to Get Your PhD in Project Management

If you’re skilled at leadership, strategizing and critical thinking, then project management is most definitely in your wheelhouse. Project management experts are sought after in several industries because they are reliable leaders who can delegate work and push a project forward. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about earning a PhD in project management.

While a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the subject will teach you the fundamentals, a doctorate degree will take your career to the next level. From degree programs to financial aid or top project management institutes, CareerKarma has got you covered.

How to Choose a Project Management Doctorate Program

Today’s technology has influenced several aspects of our lives and has made it easier to send and receive information, which is why more and more students are turning toward online degrees. An online PhD is often more convenient and less expensive than a regular one. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning seems to be the only feasible way to continue your education.

Before enrolling for an online PhD, there are several factors you should consider. Firstly, you should try to pursue an affordable PhD program that doesn’t require arbitrary fees, such as graduation or assessment fees. You should also make sure that you are well-equipped with the resources you’ll need to earn your project management degree.

Furthermore, you should research whether your graduate program is asynchronous (self-paced) or not. A self-paced course is preferred by some because you do not have to worry about deadlines.

It is also important to make sure your program is accredited and legitimate so you don’t face issues down the road when it comes to transferring credits or seeking employment. You can do so by visiting school websites, checking program reviews or by contacting schools directly for further information.

How to Get Into a Project Management PhD Program: Admission Requirements

The requirements to get into a project management PhD program include a master’s degree from an accredited university, letters of recommendation that reflect your academic and professional experiences, and proof of funding for your doctorate. Alongside official transcripts, some programs require a statement of purpose as part of the admission requirements.

Depending on the university you are applying to, you may require a master’s degree relevant to your field of study. If they are part of the admission requirements, you may also need to provide GRE or GMAT scores. A completed application is also a vital part of the admission requirements.

PhD in Project Management Admission Requirements

  • A master’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Proof of funding
  • Official transcripts
  • Statement of purpose

Project Management PhD Acceptance Rates: How Hard Is It to Get Into a PhD Program in Project Management?

It is not very hard to get into a PhD program in project management. Although getting into a PhD program is statistically difficult , you may be accepted into a PhD program in project management if you meet the admission requirements of the school and program.

How to Get Into the Best Universities

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Best PhDs in Project Management: In Brief

School Program Online Option
DePaul University PhD in Business Administration No
George Fox University PhD in Business Administration Yes
George Washington University PhD in Business Administration No
Hampton University PhD in Business Administration Yes
Jacksonville University PhD in Business Administration Yes
Stevens Institute of Technology PhD in Business Administration No
The University of Arizona PhD in Management No
University at Buffalo PhD in Management Yes
University of Maryland PhD in Project Management No
University of Tennessee PhD in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations No

Best Universities for Project Management PhDs: Where to Get a PhD in Project Management

The best universities for project management PhDs are The University of Arizona, George Washington University, DePaul University, and the University of Tennessee. If you are wondering where to get a PhD in Project Management, explore the best schools below.

DePaul University , founded in December 1898, is the largest catholic university in the United States. This private research university offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, including doctorates in various disciplines. 

PhD in Business Administration

The Doctor of Business Administration program at DePaul University helps professionals increase their credentials, expertise, and experience. The curriculum blends intellectual rigor with a professional network and serves as a platform for career growth. This degree will assist you in advancing your career in the corporate world or higher education.

PhD in Business Administration Overview

  • Program Length: 3 years
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A
  • Tuition and Fees: $129,000
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Assistantships, Scholarships

PhD in Business Administration Admission Requirements

  • Official transcripts for bachelor's and master's degrees
  • Personal statement
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Current resume 

George Fox University is a private Christian university founded as a Quaker school in 1891. It now has over 4,000 students spread throughout its main campus and locations in Portland, Salem, and Redmond. The school offers online and onsite graduate and undergraduate programs to help students succeed in their chosen career paths.

The PhD in Business Administration with a project management focus is available at George Fox University. Human resource development, organizational theory and behavior, and strategic management are core courses in the management concentration specialized study. 

This program is for students interested in becoming professors or consultants and business professionals seeking enrichment, information, and opportunity to extend their leadership horizons in finance, management, and technology. Students can complete this online-hybrid program in four years. 

  • Program Length: 4 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $964/credit hour
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Grants, scholarships
  • Bachelor's and master's degrees with a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Five years of professional experience
  • Proof of completion of undergraduate or graduate-level courses in accounting, economics, and finance

Founded in 1821, George Washington University provides career-focused programs and equips students with job-ready skills with the aid of an expert faculty to help them achieve their goals. Popular majors at George Washington University include social sciences, business, management, engineering, and computer and information systems sciences. 

George Washington University's PhD in Business Administration program equips students for successful employment in the business world or at a top research university. Accountancy, International Business, Finance, Decision Sciences, Management, and Strategy are among the areas of study for a PhD in business administration.

Students gain skills in research and scholarship while working with a qualified faculty and learning to contribute as important members of a vibrant community of scholars. Graduates of this program may work as professors at prestigious business institutions across the world, balancing teaching and research.

  • Tuition and Fees: $1825/credit hour
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Tuition waiver, fellowships, travel support, teaching assistantship, research grants
  • A master's degree
  • Standardized test scores (GMAT or GRE)
  • Three recommendation letters

Hampton University , founded in 1868, is committed to promoting learning, developing character, and preparing promising students for leadership and service positions. The university's rich curriculum and qualified faculty offer online and on-campus programs to students from undergraduate to doctoral levels.

Hampton University's PhD in Business Administration is a hybrid online/offline doctoral program in business that includes two four-week summer residencies. Management, accounting, finance, and marketing courses are part of the Business Administration curriculum. 

This 60-credit-hour business program comprises a published article and a dissertation, held on campus, with a final dissertation defense. The program is for students who want to pursue advanced degrees to support leadership roles in companies or aspire to become researchers, consultants, or academicians.

  • Program Length: 3.5 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $695/credit hour
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Financial aid for those who qualify, scholarships, grants
  • Master's degree in an approved program
  • GMAT with a minimum score of 400
  • Three years of relevant work experience
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of career or professional plans
  • A copy of your state or federal identification
  • Official transcripts from all previously attended institutions 

Jacksonville University , founded in 1934, offers over 100 graduate and undergraduate programs, including degrees in business, marine science, engineering, physics, and nursing. With the support of a full-time faculty and small class sizes, you will find real-world learning experiences that will set you apart from other graduate students across the country.

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The PhD in Business Administration program at Jacksonville University is a flexible program for the working professional. Students can complete the program in three years with in-person classes for the first two years or entirely online. Students can enroll in the 63-credit DBA program with no concentration or the 75-credit DBA program with a concentration. 

Management, accounting, finance, and healthcare leadership are the key concentrations available in this degree. Students can take courses in responsible leadership, teamwork and organizational transformation, strategic thinking, and human resource management as part of the management concentration.

  • Tuition and Fees: $33,000/year
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Scholarships, teaching assistantships
  • Completed application 
  • Application fee
  • A master's degree 
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate coursework
  • A statement of purpose 
  • A resume detailing a deep professional understanding of business
  • GRE or GMAT scores
  • Corporate letter of support

Founded in 1870, the Stevens Institute of Technology provides research-based education to students who want to enhance their qualifications and participate in the global marketplace through collaboration with an experienced faculty. The private research university challenges both graduate and undergraduate students to succeed and achieve career goals.

The PhD in Business Administration program encourages students to perform creative and original research in one of the school's three major research concentrations. The concentrations include information systems and analytics, innovation and entrepreneurship, and finance. 

This 54-credit program gives students a solid foundation in fundamental areas such as management and economic theory, research technique, computing tools, and statistical methods. The faculty is dedicated to producing high-quality research and teaching and they are passionate about values and work ethic in the PhD in Business Administration students.

  • Program Length: 4.5 years
  • Acceptance Rate: 53%
  • Tuition and Fees: $19,704/semester
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Assistantships, fellowships, work-study
  • A bachelor's degree in a business discipline, computer science, information systems, or finance.
  • Valid GMAT or GRE scores
  • A statement of purpose
  • Current resume
  • Evidence of prior scholarly work

The University of Arizona is a public land-grant research university founded in 1885 by the 13th Arizona Territorial Legislature. The University of Arizona ensures that students are on the right track to attaining their goals by focusing on academic quality. The school offers a free tuition cost to the average student at the doctoral level and research grants for dissertation projects.  

PhD in Management

The University of Arizona PhD in Management program equips students with the knowledge and skills to manage organizations effectively and comprehend organizational structures and processes. They will develop critical thinking skills and organizational leadership skills through the 66-credit-hour program. 

Organizational theory, management theory, strategy, judgment, and decision-making are among the fields of study in the program. Ideas and approaches from sociology, psychology, political science, economics, and management are all included in the study.

PhD in Management Overview

  • Program Length: 5 years
  • Acceptance Rate: 26%
  • Tuition and Fees: $0 (covered by the university)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Research assistantship, associateship stipend, dissertation support

PhD in Management Admission Requirements

  • 3.0 GPA with emphasis on upper-level undergraduate and prior graduate-level academic performance
  • Bachelor's degree (master's degree not required)
  • GRE or GMAT scores 
  • Completed online application
  • Official test scores

University at Buffalo , founded in 1846, is among the top-ranked universities in the nation. The university provides solid doctoral programs and assists students in accomplishing their goals with the support of a qualified faculty. It offers campus residencies and flexibility for students at every degree level. 

University at Buffalo’s PhD in Management program is classified into six specializations. They include accounting, finance, marketing, and management science and systems. Students also have the option to focus on operations management and strategy or organization and human resources.   

The program equips students for leadership positions by teaching strong business principles that can be applied across a wide range of industries. Students collaborate with qualified faculty to prepare for a career in project management positions such as senior project manager.  

  • Tuition and Fees: $7,194 (in state); $13,089 (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, financial aid, third-party financing
  • Master's degree 
  • Writing sample
  • Letters of recommendation 

The University of Maryland was established in 1856 as a public land-grant research university and has almost 300 degree-granting programs spread over different schools and colleges. It has a qualified faculty teaching many excellent programs. The University of Maryland consistently ranks among the top public research universities worldwide.

PhD in Project Management

The PhD in Project Management program at the University of Maryland is for advanced graduate students with outstanding academic credentials who want to specialize in a specific research topic. The program includes advanced-level courses and a PhD dissertation for the full-time student during the 36-credit degree.

PhD in Project Management Overview

  • Tuition and Fees: $1,269/semester (in state); $2,496/semester (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Teaching assistantship, research assistantship, fellowships, and internships
  • Master's degree from a regionally-accredited US institution or equivalent
  • A 3.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) in all prior undergraduate and graduate coursework
  • Three letters of recommendation 
  • Official Transcripts

The University of Tennessee , established in 1794, is a public land-grant research university with 10 undergraduate colleges and 11 graduate colleges. With a qualified faculty, the University of Tennessee provides undergraduates and graduates alike with quality education to advance career opportunities.

PhD in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and, Organizations

The PhD in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and, Organizations program at the University of Tennessee's Haslam College of Business focuses on studying entrepreneurial and established enterprises at the CEO, founder, and top-management levels. Students can complete this program in four to five years with a minimum of 69 credit hours.

Individual firms and industry innovation, financial, and other performance measures are also of significant interest to the program. The coursework includes organizational behavior, strategic management, and entrepreneurship theories. Students also complete a set of research methods courses that will help them during their advisor-approved dissertation.  

PhD in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations Overview

  • Program Length: 4 to 5 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $0 (tuition waiver) 
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Tuition waiver, research assistantship, doctoral student scholarships

PhD in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations Admission Requirements

  • Online application
  • Master's degree (MBA preferred)
  • GRE or GMAT
  • Undergraduate degree

What Courses Do These Programs Include?

A PhD in project management will help you master everything from risk management to information technology. Most programs include coursework that extensively covers topics such as advanced concepts in project management, complex adaptive systems, risk management systems and current field trends. Certain programs, like the one at Walden University, also require students to complete a doctoral writing project and on-campus residencies.

Other courses include operations management, advanced theory and practice in program management, and human resource development, among others.

This combination of practical and theoretical learning will give you keen insight into the workings of business management and information systems. As a result, you will emerge from the program prepared to handle high-level project management leadership roles with refined skills in analysis, measurement and problem-solving.

Can You Get a PhD in Project Management Online?

Yes, you can get a PhD in Project Management online. You can obtain an online doctorate if you study full-time and complete a total of 60 credit hours. The online project management doctorate covers coursework and a research-based dissertation. However, you may be able to earn your PhD in Project Management online in less time if your university offers an accelerated program.

Best Online PhD Programs in Project Management

School Program Length
Capella University Online Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management 3 years
Colorado Technical University Online Doctor of Management 3 years
Liberty University Online Doctor of Business Administration in Project Management 3 years
Northcentral University Online Project Management, PhD-BA 3 to 4 years
Walden University Online Doctor of Business Administration in Project Management 2 to 3 years

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Project Management?

It takes two to five years to get a PhD in Project Management. Generally, students will need to complete 60 credits, a dissertation, and a thesis to graduate from the program. Due to the level of research and specific study topics, the time it takes to complete the program can vary greatly.

Some programs require you to complete the core courses in the first two years and focus on your dissertation for the following year. Graduates of project management PhD programs work in various areas, including information technology, finance, and education.

Is a PhD in Project Management Hard?

No, a PhD in Project Management is not hard. A PhD in Project Management is not intellectually challenging, but it does require dedication and determination to complete your coursework and research dissertation.

Some of the challenges you may face while trying to earn a PhD in Project Management  include time management, funding issues, stress, and managing a work/life balance. If you can manage these issues during your program, you will complete the program with ease.

How Much Does It Cost to Get a PhD in Project Management?

It costs $19,314 per year to get a PhD in Project Management , according to the National Center for Education Statistics. According to these reports, private colleges have higher tuition rates and cost estimates for a project management doctoral degree than public institutions.

Different factors determine the cost of a project management degree. Just as schools vary, tuition rates also vary. Since many universities charge higher tuition for out-of-state students, state residency is an essential issue. On the other hand, some universities charge set tuition for online students regardless of their location.

How to Pay for a PhD in Project Management: PhD Funding Options

The PhD funding options that students can use to pay for a PhD in Project Management  include teaching assistantships, research fellowships, scholarships, student loans, and funding from universities. These funding options provide you with the opportunity to complete your program with ease, pursue your research effectively, develop skills, and achieve your goals.

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What Is the Difference Between a Project Management Master’s Degree and PhD?

The difference between a project management master’s degree and a PhD is that a Master’s Degree in Project Management is career-oriented, whereas a PhD is research-oriented and prepares you for a career in academic research. However, some students pursue a PhD in Project Management to enhance their qualifications and move up the professional ladder.

Another difference between a project management master’s degree and a PhD is the duration it takes to complete. A Master’s Degree in Project Management takes one to two years to complete, while it takes three to five years on average to complete a project management doctorate.

Master’s vs PhD in Project Management Job Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for a Master’s Degree in Project Management should increase by 17 percent from 2016 to 2026 , the fastest rate of any education level. PhD-level project management jobs are also likely to grow at around 13 percent, faster than the 7 percent average foreseen for all occupations.

Difference in Salary for Project Management Master’s vs PhD

The average yearly salary for a professional with a project management master’s degree is $85,000 , while a professional with a PhD in Project Management earns up to $96,000 in a year. The salaries often vary according to qualifications and years of experience.

A project management master’s degree holder could earn more than a professional with a PhD if he has more years of experience. Some of the experience levels in project management include early career level, mid-career level, and professional career level. While experience is an asset, a PhD holder will start at a higher salary than a master’s holder.

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[query_class_embed] https://careerkarma.com/blog/best-online-project-management-bachelors-degrees/ https://careerkarma.com/careers/project-management/ https://careerkarma.com/blog/best-online-project-management-masters-degrees/

Why You Should Get a PhD in Project Management

You should get a PhD in Project Management because it will boost your skillset and provide you with the necessary qualifications to pursue a project management career in an academic or professional field. Below are some specific reasons for getting a PhD in Project Management.

Reasons for Getting a PhD in Project Management

  • It gives you a competitive edge. A PhD in Project Management will provide you with an advantage in today’s job environment. It establishes exceptional credibility by demonstrating competence in your field and a lifelong dedication to learning, which will aid you in achieving your career goals in any field.
  • You can hone your skills. With a PhD in Project Management, you will learn new strategies for leading people and managing projects. You can also learn valuable skills that are transferable to any employment field. This project management degree can also help you make wholesome contributions to your job.
  • You can become a scholar-practitioner. A PhD in Project Management will give you the knowledge and confidence to attend and present at academic conferences. You will develop your scholarly voice, prepare a dissertation, and publish peer-reviewed publications in renowned journals in your field.
  • It makes you a better thinker. A good PhD program in project management encourages you to do more than just consume information. You’ll acquire new levels of strategic thinking by moving past passive learning, which you may apply in new and exciting ways in your job, company, and subject of interest.

Getting a PhD in Project Management: Project Management PhD Coursework

Colleagues working on a graduate degree project

Getting a PhD in Project Management requires doctoral students to take various courses within an area of concentration. Project management PhD coursework may include project risk management, operations management, and human resource management. Students will also learn about project-based strategic leadership and quality management and control.

Project Risk Management

Risk management is critical during projects’ conception, planning, and execution. In the project risk management course, you will learn how to analyze potential risks that may arise during the project management process. You will also discuss techniques to limit the influence risks have on the project’s outcome.

Operations Management

Operations management examines standard strategies for managing operations staff and business processes in for-profit and non-profit enterprises. Students will benefit from learning how to efficiently manage, control, and supervise commodities, services, and people.

Human Resource Management

This project management course examines core human resource management methods and discusses the use of training, development, and performance management. Human resource management is critical in shaping, strengthening, and changing an organization’s culture.

Project-based Strategic Leadership

The main goal of project-based strategic leadership is to motivate project managers to be the business leaders of their projects. This course provides them with the tools and knowledge they need in order to learn the formal approaches to strategic and business-oriented aspects of projects.

Quality Management and Control

Quality management and control are vital to maintaining a successful company that offers products that meet consumers’ expectations. This course covers strategies for evaluating and improving the quality of processes, manufacturing, and how quality affects customer relationships.

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How to Get a PhD in Project Management: Doctoral Program Requirements

It is vital to understand how to get a PhD in Project Management before beginning your journey toward a career in the project management profession. Below we have broken down the doctoral program requirements to help you understand what it will take to graduate with a PhD in Project Management.

Depending on your university, you will need to complete a certain amount of credit units to qualify for graduation. Credit units are a standard for measuring your efforts in your project management PhD program. A credit point value is assigned to each course based on various factors such as the student's workload, learning outcome, and contact hours.

It is essential to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0 during your PhD in Project Management program. In order to graduate, your CGPA must be maintained throughout your program. A PhD program requires vigorous work and dedication to complete. 

During your PhD program, you will need to pass any examinations for your courses in the relevant field. The exams may be related to quantitative research techniques, concentration options, or any other comprehensive exams related to aspects of project management. 

Throughout your program, you will need to complete an advisor-approved dissertation. This is an opportunity to create a theory or add to the existing knowledge in the field. You will write a dissertation proposal that proposes a question or an answer to a problem, then submit it to a review panel. You will then have an opportunity to defend your dissertation at a later date.   

Most project management PhD programs require a research-based project, such as a thesis. Students will choose various subjects in the field and compile the research to show what they have learned throughout the program. During the thesis, students will adequately answer any questions they posed during their program. 

Potential Careers With a Project Management Degree

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PhD in Project Management Salary and Job Outlook

An average PhD in Project Management salary can range from $82,360 to $126,230, depending on the career path. With a PhD, you can gain employment in high-demand managerial positions. Below are some examples of these jobs and their salaries.

What Can You Do With a PhD in Project Management?

With a PhD in Project Management, you can pursue many different career options, including leadership, project management, teaching, and research positions. With your degree, you can work as a management analyst, industrial production manager, human resources manager, operations manager, and operations research analyst.

Best Jobs with a PhD in Project Management

  • Management analyst
  • Industrial production manager
  • Human resources manager
  • Operations manager
  • Operations research analyst

What Is the Average Salary for a PhD in Project Management?

The average salary for a PhD in Project Management is $71,000 , according to PayScale. Specific salaries vary according to the profession, education level, the field of practice, and current field standards. With advanced training and competitive skills you’ll be able to advance into a higher annual salary.

Highest-Paying Project Management Jobs for PhD Grads

Project Management PhD Jobs Average Salary
Human Resource Managers
Operations Managers
Industrial Production Managers
Management Analysts
Operations Research Analysts

Best Project Management Jobs with a Doctorate

The best project management jobs with a doctorate degree are human resource managers, operations managers, industrial production managers, management analysts, and operation research analysts. Below is a detailed breakdown of these jobs.

Human resources managers are responsible for planning, coordinating, and directing an organization's administrative operations. They are in charge of recruiting, interviewing, and employing new personnel. They consult with top executives on strategic planning and act as a link between management and staff.

  • Salary with a Project Management PhD: $126,230
  • Job Outlook: 9% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 161,700
  • Highest-Paying States: New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Rhode Island

Operations managers oversee various departments or locations while planning, directing, or coordinating the operations of public or private sector enterprises. Duties include formulating policies, supervising daily operations, and organizing the use of materials and human resources. You may help systems managers or work as a program manager. 

  • Salary with a Project Management PhD: $115,250
  • Job Outlook: 25% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 104,100
  • Highest-Paying States: New Jersey, Delaware, District of Columbia, New York, Massachusetts

Industrial production managers coordinate manufacturing and related plant operations. In the project management field, they organize, coordinate, and direct the actions that go into making various items, such as vehicles, computers, and paper. They also make sure that they meet production targets.

  • Salary with a Project Management PhD: $103,150
  • Job Outlook: 5% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 189,300
  • Highest-Paying States: Colorado, Delaware, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts

Management analysts, sometimes known as project management consultants, make recommendations to increase the efficiency of a company. They advise executives on business strategy and budget management to make companies more lucrative by lowering costs and increasing revenues.

  • Salary with a Project Management PhD: $93,000
  • Job Outlook: 14% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 907,600
  • Highest-Paying States: Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Washington, Illinois

Operations research analysts utilize math and communication skills to assist businesses in making educated decisions on solving challenges. They gather information from various sources, including databases, sales records, and consumer feedback. They receive input from workers and subject-matter experts to discover solutions to the problems they identify.

  • Salary with a Project Management PhD: $82,360
  • Highest-Paying States: Virginia, Alabama, Maryland, Hawaii, New York

Is a PhD in Project Management Worth It?

Yes, a PhD in Project Management is worth it. With a doctorate, there is no limit on what you can achieve and how far your organization can go with your qualification and skills. You’ll be able to work in various fields and make a lucrative salary.

A bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Project Management will teach you the foundations, but a doctorate will propel your career forward. Project management professionals are in high demand across a wide range of organizations because they are dependable leaders who can delegate tasks and move projects forward.

Additional Reading About Project Management

[query_class_embed] https://careerkarma.com/blog/best-major-for-project-management/ https://careerkarma.com/blog/project-management-courses/ https://careerkarma.com/blog/how-to-get-a-job-in-project-management/

PhD in Project Management FAQ

Yes, project management is a good career choice. The profession provides high salaries and gives plenty of opportunities for advancement. However, a project management career can be quite demanding and stressful.

Project management has several drawbacks, including resource loss, security concerns, scheduling difficulties, and interpersonal conflicts. Furthermore, outsourcing work or recruiting new personnel to complete the project could result in hefty costs for your company.

Yes, project management is in demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in management occupations should increase by nine percent between 2020 and 2030 , which is roughly in line with the national average.

Some of the benefits of studying project management include gaining skills that give you a competitive advantage over others, standing out from the crowd, improving the quality of your job, working smarter, and achieving desired results.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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