Grad Coach

How To Write A Dissertation Or Thesis

8 straightforward steps to craft an a-grade dissertation.

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) Expert Reviewed By: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | June 2020

Writing a dissertation or thesis is not a simple task. It takes time, energy and a lot of will power to get you across the finish line. It’s not easy – but it doesn’t necessarily need to be a painful process. If you understand the big-picture process of how to write a dissertation or thesis, your research journey will be a lot smoother.  

In this post, I’m going to outline the big-picture process of how to write a high-quality dissertation or thesis, without losing your mind along the way. If you’re just starting your research, this post is perfect for you. Alternatively, if you’ve already submitted your proposal, this article which covers how to structure a dissertation might be more helpful.

How To Write A Dissertation: 8 Steps

  • Clearly understand what a dissertation (or thesis) is
  • Find a unique and valuable research topic
  • Craft a convincing research proposal
  • Write up a strong introduction chapter
  • Review the existing literature and compile a literature review
  • Design a rigorous research strategy and undertake your own research
  • Present the findings of your research
  • Draw a conclusion and discuss the implications

Start writing your dissertation

Step 1: Understand exactly what a dissertation is

This probably sounds like a no-brainer, but all too often, students come to us for help with their research and the underlying issue is that they don’t fully understand what a dissertation (or thesis) actually is.

So, what is a dissertation?

At its simplest, a dissertation or thesis is a formal piece of research , reflecting the standard research process . But what is the standard research process, you ask? The research process involves 4 key steps:

  • Ask a very specific, well-articulated question (s) (your research topic)
  • See what other researchers have said about it (if they’ve already answered it)
  • If they haven’t answered it adequately, undertake your own data collection and analysis in a scientifically rigorous fashion
  • Answer your original question(s), based on your analysis findings

 A dissertation or thesis is a formal piece of research, reflecting the standard four step academic research process.

In short, the research process is simply about asking and answering questions in a systematic fashion . This probably sounds pretty obvious, but people often think they’ve done “research”, when in fact what they have done is:

  • Started with a vague, poorly articulated question
  • Not taken the time to see what research has already been done regarding the question
  • Collected data and opinions that support their gut and undertaken a flimsy analysis
  • Drawn a shaky conclusion, based on that analysis

If you want to see the perfect example of this in action, look out for the next Facebook post where someone claims they’ve done “research”… All too often, people consider reading a few blog posts to constitute research. Its no surprise then that what they end up with is an opinion piece, not research. Okay, okay – I’ll climb off my soapbox now.

The key takeaway here is that a dissertation (or thesis) is a formal piece of research, reflecting the research process. It’s not an opinion piece , nor a place to push your agenda or try to convince someone of your position. Writing a good dissertation involves asking a question and taking a systematic, rigorous approach to answering it.

If you understand this and are comfortable leaving your opinions or preconceived ideas at the door, you’re already off to a good start!

 A dissertation is not an opinion piece, nor a place to push your agenda or try to  convince someone of your position.

Step 2: Find a unique, valuable research topic

As we saw, the first step of the research process is to ask a specific, well-articulated question. In other words, you need to find a research topic that asks a specific question or set of questions (these are called research questions ). Sounds easy enough, right? All you’ve got to do is identify a question or two and you’ve got a winning research topic. Well, not quite…

A good dissertation or thesis topic has a few important attributes. Specifically, a solid research topic should be:

Let’s take a closer look at these:

Attribute #1: Clear

Your research topic needs to be crystal clear about what you’re planning to research, what you want to know, and within what context. There shouldn’t be any ambiguity or vagueness about what you’ll research.

Here’s an example of a clearly articulated research topic:

An analysis of consumer-based factors influencing organisational trust in British low-cost online equity brokerage firms.

As you can see in the example, its crystal clear what will be analysed (factors impacting organisational trust), amongst who (consumers) and in what context (British low-cost equity brokerage firms, based online).

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Attribute #2:   Unique

Your research should be asking a question(s) that hasn’t been asked before, or that hasn’t been asked in a specific context (for example, in a specific country or industry).

For example, sticking organisational trust topic above, it’s quite likely that organisational trust factors in the UK have been investigated before, but the context (online low-cost equity brokerages) could make this research unique. Therefore, the context makes this research original.

One caveat when using context as the basis for originality – you need to have a good reason to suspect that your findings in this context might be different from the existing research – otherwise, there’s no reason to warrant researching it.

Attribute #3: Important

Simply asking a unique or original question is not enough – the question needs to create value. In other words, successfully answering your research questions should provide some value to the field of research or the industry. You can’t research something just to satisfy your curiosity. It needs to make some form of contribution either to research or industry.

For example, researching the factors influencing consumer trust would create value by enabling businesses to tailor their operations and marketing to leverage factors that promote trust. In other words, it would have a clear benefit to industry.

So, how do you go about finding a unique and valuable research topic? We explain that in detail in this video post – How To Find A Research Topic . Yeah, we’ve got you covered 😊

Step 3: Write a convincing research proposal

Once you’ve pinned down a high-quality research topic, the next step is to convince your university to let you research it. No matter how awesome you think your topic is, it still needs to get the rubber stamp before you can move forward with your research. The research proposal is the tool you’ll use for this job.

So, what’s in a research proposal?

The main “job” of a research proposal is to convince your university, advisor or committee that your research topic is worthy of approval. But convince them of what? Well, this varies from university to university, but generally, they want to see that:

  • You have a clearly articulated, unique and important topic (this might sound familiar…)
  • You’ve done some initial reading of the existing literature relevant to your topic (i.e. a literature review)
  • You have a provisional plan in terms of how you will collect data and analyse it (i.e. a methodology)

At the proposal stage, it’s (generally) not expected that you’ve extensively reviewed the existing literature , but you will need to show that you’ve done enough reading to identify a clear gap for original (unique) research. Similarly, they generally don’t expect that you have a rock-solid research methodology mapped out, but you should have an idea of whether you’ll be undertaking qualitative or quantitative analysis , and how you’ll collect your data (we’ll discuss this in more detail later).

Long story short – don’t stress about having every detail of your research meticulously thought out at the proposal stage – this will develop as you progress through your research. However, you do need to show that you’ve “done your homework” and that your research is worthy of approval .

So, how do you go about crafting a high-quality, convincing proposal? We cover that in detail in this video post – How To Write A Top-Class Research Proposal . We’ve also got a video walkthrough of two proposal examples here .

Step 4: Craft a strong introduction chapter

Once your proposal’s been approved, its time to get writing your actual dissertation or thesis! The good news is that if you put the time into crafting a high-quality proposal, you’ve already got a head start on your first three chapters – introduction, literature review and methodology – as you can use your proposal as the basis for these.

Handy sidenote – our free dissertation & thesis template is a great way to speed up your dissertation writing journey.

What’s the introduction chapter all about?

The purpose of the introduction chapter is to set the scene for your research (dare I say, to introduce it…) so that the reader understands what you’ll be researching and why it’s important. In other words, it covers the same ground as the research proposal in that it justifies your research topic.

What goes into the introduction chapter?

This can vary slightly between universities and degrees, but generally, the introduction chapter will include the following:

  • A brief background to the study, explaining the overall area of research
  • A problem statement , explaining what the problem is with the current state of research (in other words, where the knowledge gap exists)
  • Your research questions – in other words, the specific questions your study will seek to answer (based on the knowledge gap)
  • The significance of your study – in other words, why it’s important and how its findings will be useful in the world

As you can see, this all about explaining the “what” and the “why” of your research (as opposed to the “how”). So, your introduction chapter is basically the salesman of your study, “selling” your research to the first-time reader and (hopefully) getting them interested to read more.

How do I write the introduction chapter, you ask? We cover that in detail in this post .

The introduction chapter is where you set the scene for your research, detailing exactly what you’ll be researching and why it’s important.

Step 5: Undertake an in-depth literature review

As I mentioned earlier, you’ll need to do some initial review of the literature in Steps 2 and 3 to find your research gap and craft a convincing research proposal – but that’s just scratching the surface. Once you reach the literature review stage of your dissertation or thesis, you need to dig a lot deeper into the existing research and write up a comprehensive literature review chapter.

What’s the literature review all about?

There are two main stages in the literature review process:

Literature Review Step 1: Reading up

The first stage is for you to deep dive into the existing literature (journal articles, textbook chapters, industry reports, etc) to gain an in-depth understanding of the current state of research regarding your topic. While you don’t need to read every single article, you do need to ensure that you cover all literature that is related to your core research questions, and create a comprehensive catalogue of that literature , which you’ll use in the next step.

Reading and digesting all the relevant literature is a time consuming and intellectually demanding process. Many students underestimate just how much work goes into this step, so make sure that you allocate a good amount of time for this when planning out your research. Thankfully, there are ways to fast track the process – be sure to check out this article covering how to read journal articles quickly .

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Literature Review Step 2: Writing up

Once you’ve worked through the literature and digested it all, you’ll need to write up your literature review chapter. Many students make the mistake of thinking that the literature review chapter is simply a summary of what other researchers have said. While this is partly true, a literature review is much more than just a summary. To pull off a good literature review chapter, you’ll need to achieve at least 3 things:

  • You need to synthesise the existing research , not just summarise it. In other words, you need to show how different pieces of theory fit together, what’s agreed on by researchers, what’s not.
  • You need to highlight a research gap that your research is going to fill. In other words, you’ve got to outline the problem so that your research topic can provide a solution.
  • You need to use the existing research to inform your methodology and approach to your own research design. For example, you might use questions or Likert scales from previous studies in your your own survey design .

As you can see, a good literature review is more than just a summary of the published research. It’s the foundation on which your own research is built, so it deserves a lot of love and attention. Take the time to craft a comprehensive literature review with a suitable structure .

But, how do I actually write the literature review chapter, you ask? We cover that in detail in this video post .

Step 6: Carry out your own research

Once you’ve completed your literature review and have a sound understanding of the existing research, its time to develop your own research (finally!). You’ll design this research specifically so that you can find the answers to your unique research question.

There are two steps here – designing your research strategy and executing on it:

1 – Design your research strategy

The first step is to design your research strategy and craft a methodology chapter . I won’t get into the technicalities of the methodology chapter here, but in simple terms, this chapter is about explaining the “how” of your research. If you recall, the introduction and literature review chapters discussed the “what” and the “why”, so it makes sense that the next point to cover is the “how” –that’s what the methodology chapter is all about.

In this section, you’ll need to make firm decisions about your research design. This includes things like:

  • Your research philosophy (e.g. positivism or interpretivism )
  • Your overall methodology (e.g. qualitative , quantitative or mixed methods)
  • Your data collection strategy (e.g. interviews , focus groups, surveys)
  • Your data analysis strategy (e.g. content analysis , correlation analysis, regression)

If these words have got your head spinning, don’t worry! We’ll explain these in plain language in other posts. It’s not essential that you understand the intricacies of research design (yet!). The key takeaway here is that you’ll need to make decisions about how you’ll design your own research, and you’ll need to describe (and justify) your decisions in your methodology chapter.

2 – Execute: Collect and analyse your data

Once you’ve worked out your research design, you’ll put it into action and start collecting your data. This might mean undertaking interviews, hosting an online survey or any other data collection method. Data collection can take quite a bit of time (especially if you host in-person interviews), so be sure to factor sufficient time into your project plan for this. Oftentimes, things don’t go 100% to plan (for example, you don’t get as many survey responses as you hoped for), so bake a little extra time into your budget here.

Once you’ve collected your data, you’ll need to do some data preparation before you can sink your teeth into the analysis. For example:

  • If you carry out interviews or focus groups, you’ll need to transcribe your audio data to text (i.e. a Word document).
  • If you collect quantitative survey data, you’ll need to clean up your data and get it into the right format for whichever analysis software you use (for example, SPSS, R or STATA).

Once you’ve completed your data prep, you’ll undertake your analysis, using the techniques that you described in your methodology. Depending on what you find in your analysis, you might also do some additional forms of analysis that you hadn’t planned for. For example, you might see something in the data that raises new questions or that requires clarification with further analysis.

The type(s) of analysis that you’ll use depend entirely on the nature of your research and your research questions. For example:

  • If your research if exploratory in nature, you’ll often use qualitative analysis techniques .
  • If your research is confirmatory in nature, you’ll often use quantitative analysis techniques
  • If your research involves a mix of both, you might use a mixed methods approach

Again, if these words have got your head spinning, don’t worry! We’ll explain these concepts and techniques in other posts. The key takeaway is simply that there’s no “one size fits all” for research design and methodology – it all depends on your topic, your research questions and your data. So, don’t be surprised if your study colleagues take a completely different approach to yours.

The research philosophy is at the core of the methodology chapter

Step 7: Present your findings

Once you’ve completed your analysis, it’s time to present your findings (finally!). In a dissertation or thesis, you’ll typically present your findings in two chapters – the results chapter and the discussion chapter .

What’s the difference between the results chapter and the discussion chapter?

While these two chapters are similar, the results chapter generally just presents the processed data neatly and clearly without interpretation, while the discussion chapter explains the story the data are telling  – in other words, it provides your interpretation of the results.

For example, if you were researching the factors that influence consumer trust, you might have used a quantitative approach to identify the relationship between potential factors (e.g. perceived integrity and competence of the organisation) and consumer trust. In this case:

  • Your results chapter would just present the results of the statistical tests. For example, correlation results or differences between groups. In other words, the processed numbers.
  • Your discussion chapter would explain what the numbers mean in relation to your research question(s). For example, Factor 1 has a weak relationship with consumer trust, while Factor 2 has a strong relationship.

Depending on the university and degree, these two chapters (results and discussion) are sometimes merged into one , so be sure to check with your institution what their preference is. Regardless of the chapter structure, this section is about presenting the findings of your research in a clear, easy to understand fashion.

Importantly, your discussion here needs to link back to your research questions (which you outlined in the introduction or literature review chapter). In other words, it needs to answer the key questions you asked (or at least attempt to answer them).

For example, if we look at the sample research topic:

In this case, the discussion section would clearly outline which factors seem to have a noteworthy influence on organisational trust. By doing so, they are answering the overarching question and fulfilling the purpose of the research .

Your discussion here needs to link back to your research questions. It needs to answer the key questions you asked in your introduction.

For more information about the results chapter , check out this post for qualitative studies and this post for quantitative studies .

Step 8: The Final Step Draw a conclusion and discuss the implications

Last but not least, you’ll need to wrap up your research with the conclusion chapter . In this chapter, you’ll bring your research full circle by highlighting the key findings of your study and explaining what the implications of these findings are.

What exactly are key findings? The key findings are those findings which directly relate to your original research questions and overall research objectives (which you discussed in your introduction chapter). The implications, on the other hand, explain what your findings mean for industry, or for research in your area.

Sticking with the consumer trust topic example, the conclusion might look something like this:

Key findings

This study set out to identify which factors influence consumer-based trust in British low-cost online equity brokerage firms. The results suggest that the following factors have a large impact on consumer trust:

While the following factors have a very limited impact on consumer trust:

Notably, within the 25-30 age groups, Factors E had a noticeably larger impact, which may be explained by…


The findings having noteworthy implications for British low-cost online equity brokers. Specifically:

The large impact of Factors X and Y implies that brokers need to consider….

The limited impact of Factor E implies that brokers need to…

As you can see, the conclusion chapter is basically explaining the “what” (what your study found) and the “so what?” (what the findings mean for the industry or research). This brings the study full circle and closes off the document.

In the final chapter, you’ll bring your research full circle by highlighting the key findings of your study and the implications thereof.

Let’s recap – how to write a dissertation or thesis

You’re still with me? Impressive! I know that this post was a long one, but hopefully you’ve learnt a thing or two about how to write a dissertation or thesis, and are now better equipped to start your own research.

To recap, the 8 steps to writing a quality dissertation (or thesis) are as follows:

  • Understand what a dissertation (or thesis) is – a research project that follows the research process.
  • Find a unique (original) and important research topic
  • Craft a convincing dissertation or thesis research proposal
  • Write a clear, compelling introduction chapter
  • Undertake a thorough review of the existing research and write up a literature review
  • Undertake your own research
  • Present and interpret your findings

Once you’ve wrapped up the core chapters, all that’s typically left is the abstract , reference list and appendices. As always, be sure to check with your university if they have any additional requirements in terms of structure or content.  

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Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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Derek Jansen

Great to hear that – thanks for the feedback. Good luck writing your dissertation/thesis.


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  • Data security guaranteed Clients trust our dissertation writing services and choose to return because they know that any personal information shared between us is kept safe.
  • Ensuring originality Many "do my dissertation" services use generic templates, resell pre-written essays, and often do both. At EssayPro, we go above and beyond by providing custom-written content that is highly original. Our writers start from scratch, avoiding the use of any templates or pre-made work. Additionally, we run every written paper through plagiarism detection tools to ensure that our work meets high standards of originality.
  • Committed to punctuality Meeting deadlines is a top priority at EssayPro. Our goal is to provide you with online dissertation help as quickly as possible while ensuring that it arrives before your required date. You can count on us to write a dissertation for you promptly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on other priorities.

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PhD Centre

Professional Academic

Phd writing service.

We provide help at every stage of your PhD.

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Need help with the application process? Let us know your background information, the programs you are looking to apply to, and we will write a strong, appealing personal statement or application letter that is tailored to your experience and needs.

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Our writers will compose a number of strong PhD topic options for you to choose from, which will be unique and well-researched. Once you have settled on a topic, a PhD proposal will be written for you to start your PhD journey.

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Whether you need help with one chapter, or the entire thesis, our PhD writing service will be perfect for you. Your requirements and proposal will be followed closely by the writer, to ensure you receive a piece of custom written work that is original and up to PhD standard.

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If you have completed your thesis, or specific chapters and you would like an expert to take a look, we can help you with this. Our professional PhD writers can proofread your work, correct any spelling or grammatical errors, and address and implement any feedback you have.

At PhD Centre, we provide custom Thesis writing and PhD editing services to students around the world. We can assist with a range of different stages of your PhD, from applications, to titles and proposals and assisting with the full thesis. Our team of expert writers have extensive experience in academic writing for a range of subject areas, including Business, Law, Nursing and Finance.

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When you order with us, a PhD expert will guide you through the entire process. All of our writers are professional, high quality, PhD educated and committed to helping students succeed.

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We offer a number of guarantees with each order, including plagiarism free, always on time, and a unique and personalised service. You can see a full list on our guarantees page.

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Our PhD agency specialises in a number of different subjects including Business, Marketing, Finance, Law, Nursing and more, allowing us to serve thousands of PhD students around the world.


The writer I had from PhD Centre did a great job of supporting me through my thesis. I would highly recommend

Sarah W , PhD Student

I got them to help with my proposal and it was accepted. Would recommend and will likely use again for some of my thesis chapters.

Ben D , PhD Student

My supervisor had a lot of feedback throughout the thesis, which is expected. My writer was extremely patient and accommodating.

Chi Yung , PhD Student


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<span>Top 1</span> Thesis Writing Service by Online Pro Thesis Writers

Top 1 Thesis Writing Service by Online Pro Thesis Writers

Rely on our professional thesis writing service to get custom help from qualified writers and graduate with honors.

  • 40+ Subjects and disciplines
  • 100% Confidentiality
  • Master’s & PhD assistance
  • 24/7 Customer support

Thesis Writing Service Packed With Benefits

Need expert help with thesis? Our seasoned writers, holding doctorate degrees, are here to assist. Experience the many perks our online thesis writing service has to offer and achieve outstanding results.

We're proud of our professional thesis writers, each boasting advanced degrees in their fields. Unlike other online services, our company performs a stringent manual verification process to recognize only the best talent. This has solidified our reputation as the go-to service for unparalleled assistance.

Obtain a custom thesis tailored to satisfy your individual requirements. Our thesis service covers everything from topic analysis and gathering evidence to creating the outline, title page, introduction, literature review, and methodology. We also handle discussions, analysis of results, and conclusions.

Plagiarism can greatly undermine academic work. When it comes to thesis writing, stolen content can significantly tarnish one's reputation. By rendering 100% original, human-written thesis papers, we guard graduates against any unwanted repercussions.

We understand the importance of punctual submissions.That's why we're unwavering in our commitment to delivering works promptly. Swift completion isn't just a goal; it's a promise. With the collective expertise of our master thesis writer team, get your project done in time without doubt.

Handling theses and dissertations is a delicate matter. We prioritize discretion and ensure that our collaboration remains confidential. Only you and your dedicated online thesis writer are privy to the fact that we're writing a thesis for you. This undisclosed cooperation lets you maintain peace of mind, knowing your privacy is valued.

Our Master thesis writing services are attainable 24/7/365. Our friendly support team is ready to address any questions or concerns you might have. Whether you're curious about our offerings, costs, writers, or payment methods, just drop us a line or contact via a Live Chat.

  • Best Writer $ 19.99 FREE
  • Paper Formatting $ 17.49 FREE
  • Titile Page $ 14.99 FREE
  • Table of Contents $ 3.49 FREE
  • Unlimited revision $ 6.99 FREE

Enjoy Thesis Help With Any Subject or Level

If you are searching for all-inclusive writing thesis help online, you're in the right place – just reach out! Our expert dissertation writers craft top-quality projects efficiently and to the highest standards. Whether it’s for a Master's or doctoral degree, count on us for prompt submissions, swift approvals, and a successful defense.

You can order

  • Academic Level
  • Undergraduate thesis
  • College thesis
  • Bachelor thesis
  • Senior thesis
  • Graduate thesis
  • Master's thesis
  • PhD thesis / dissertation
  • Postgraduate thesis / dissertation
  • Jurisprudence
  • Social Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Computer Sciences

Our Thesis Writing Services in Numbers

Our best thesis writing service is where proficiency meets excellence. We're not just saying we're the best – we have the numbers to prove it. Check out the statistics behind our online thesis writing help, and let the achievements speak for themselves.

  • + Papers delivered
  • + Happy customers
  • Online dissertation writers
  • /5 Satisfaction rate

Testimonials About Pro Thesis Writer

While stats give you an overall overview, it's our overjoyed customers who genuinely spotlight our dedication to quality. We are devoted to delivering first-rate thesis writing services and fulfilling our clients’ expectations. But don't just take our word for it – see what your fellow students have to say about our professional thesis writer team.

I came across many essay mills on the internet. After trying several online thesis writing services, only turned out not to be fake, basically it's the only site I can truly recommend, the price was reasonable given the extensive nature of the work. TY!

Where has this service been all my grad school life??? Affordable prices for custom thesis help that's of higher quality than I could have produced solo. Lifesaver!!

I was completely overwhelmed trying to balance my thesis research with my full-time job and family responsibilities. Pro Thesis Writer matched me with an expert in my field who understood exactly what I needed, the expert crafted an amazing dissertation that went above and beyond my expectations, I couldn't have done it without them!

Brilliant! Their project management system kept everything on track and on schedule. My assigned thesis writer had an incredible grasp of my topic and produced a dissertation far better than I could have managed on my own. I'd recommend them to any grad student in need of help!

When I saw the pricing at some of the big-name writing services I was shocked. Way too expensive! I was about to tackle it myself when I stumbled upon these guys, I couldn't believe the moderate rates this website offered, they were a fraction of what those other thesis writing companies charged! Better yet, the quality was outstanding!! Recommended!!

At first I was hesitant about hiring someone to write my thesis, I feared it could lead to problems. But looking back, I couldn't have been more wrong, even my research supervisor noted how well the chapters were laid out. Good job!

Fantastic service! Quick, efficient, and the support team is second to none, very attentive, feels like chatting with a friend, still all queries were answered

I sought out professional help primarily to show my parents how serious I was about my Doctoral program, they had their doubts about me, but I was determined to prove them wrong. After exploring various phd thesis writing services, I settled on this one, and it paid off! In front of the review committee, I stood out from the rest. Best decision I ever made!

My assigned writer was a total PRO, delivered an impeccable dissertation draft earlier than I requested, fascinated by the depth of the study, every idea was supported by foolproof facts, will use this thesis service again

This is hands down the best thesis writing company I've come across. I've never really used the word 'immaculate' before, but it perfectly sums up my experience here. This website really delivers while others just feel like noise

Liked the writer I cooperated with, speedy delivery, top-notch outcome, I'll definitely be coming back for more

Seriously impressed! My main concern was getting a writer who understood the US academic scene since that's where I'm from. Decided to give professional thesis writing online a shot here, and it went off without a hitch. BIG thanks from a super grateful customer!!!

Smooth communication, easy order process, and a dissertation that blew my professor away,can't advise pro thesis writer service enough – worth every penny!

How to Order Thesis Writing Help?

Requesting Master’s or Ph.D. thesis help has never been easier. In just a few minutes, you can reserve competent guidance and save tons of personal time. Simply share your requirements, and we will handle the rest.

Specify details

Complete our order form detailing your project instructions. Upload any samples or supplemental guidelines from your advisor so we can connect you with the most fitting specialist. Once everything's in place, you can proceed to a secure checkout to pay.

Meet your thesis writer

Next, you'll be introduced to a verified Ph.D. thesis writer and proficient in your academic domain. We encourage open communication, so contact them directly through your personal dashboard. Discuss your vision, refine details, and track progress.

Receive a custom thesis

Once the final product is fine-tuned, you will be notified. Carefully review the attached document. If any improvements are needed, feel free to ask for a free revision for up to 30 days. If you're happy with the outcome, consider leaving positive feedback for thesis assistance.


Calculate How Much It Costs to Hire a Thesis Writer Online

Before getting started, it's always a great idea to get a handle on the rates. Take a moment to use our price calculator and estimate the quote. Then, proceed to purchase academic work using your preferred payment method.

FAQ About Our Custom Thesis Writing Service

Have any queries about our custom thesis service? Browse answers to the most popular questions students ask about our service.

Is your thesis writing service legit?

Our thesis writing service operates legally as a registered business and lives up to the highest academic standards. When you opt for Pro Thesis Writer, you’re guaranteed a 100% authentic written piece composed with every detail in mind. Every paper is born from scratch and laser-focused on your specific prerequisites. Each work undergoes a rigorous quality confirmation procedure and, to date, none of our submissions have been flagged by platforms like Turnitin. Remarkably, our legitimacy is demonstrated by years of reputable service and positive reviews from real clients we're glad to collaborate with.

How do you hire professional thesis writers?

We employ solely accomplished thesis writers holding postgraduate degrees from accredited universities. Our recruiters thoroughly screen each candidate to affirm their proficiency skills supported by Master’s and Ph.D. diplomas and relevant experience in their subject. In addition to English writing prowess, every native speaker should present a competence in conducting original research and producing scholarly publications. This model allows you to partner with the first-class thesis writers for hire.

Can I speak with a thesis writer directly?

After purchasing any type of paper with our service, you'll have the opportunity to communicate directly with your online thesis writer. This open line of communication warrants that you're always in the loop. Every MA or Ph.D. writer regularly provides personalized responses to your inquiries at their earliest convenience.

How can I be sure that your thesis writers will follow my guidelines?

Our custom thesis writers don't just produce content on a whim. Instead, when students choose to hire a scholar to help write a thesis, we meticulously adhere to the established directions. Whatever specifications you include in your order, you can trust they'll be accurately reflected in your finalized piece. If you have additional elements to integrate later on, feel free to reach out and discuss them. Each writer focuses on one major project at a time, be it an essay or a dissertation, paying undivided attention to every component.

How quickly can you help with thesis writing?

Typically, prospective graduates plan their Master’s or doctorate projects well in advance. Being prepared and ordering help with Master thesis writing ahead of time is always the best approach. However, if you're in a rush, we suggest allocating at least one week for any urgent thesis or dissertation. For minor grad projects needing 72-hour turnaround, ProThesisWriter is one of the few places that might accommodate such a request.

I need PhD thesis writing services, can you help me?

Absolutely. Rendering PhD thesis writing service is one of our specialties. Our skillful writers all hold PhDs themselves and are well-versed in both Master’s and doctorate studies. Thousands of graduates have entrusted us with their dissertations and successfully earned their degrees with our support. No matter how complex your topic is, we will pair you with the finest guru in your particular subject area.

Professional Thesis Writing Service Loaded With Experience

You have just landed on a premier thesis writing service. For merely a decade, our well-trained wordsmiths have guided countless students and helped them reach academic milestones with distinction. Our writing department is backed by experienced academics with solid background and attested qualifications. All writers perform tasks with utmost professionalism and enthusiasm. This approach allows ProThesisWriter to supply top-quality writing pieces for everyone who requires help writing a thesis or dissertation. Our advisors know precisely how to transform your research into a stellar dissertation through meticulous development meeting all academic conventions. That’s why discerning scholars worldwide choose our professional thesis writing services, saving precious time while investing in their educational growth.

Why Students Need Thesis Services and Specialized Help?

Managing all the intricacies of thesis writing can be daunting. Our writing thesis service eases this pressure, turning potentially anxiety-filled presentations into confident dialogues. While many students find solace in the library's silence, the reality is that during their final academic year, many juggle jobs, families, and other responsibilities. Instead of burning the midnight oil, why not entrust your dissertation to professionals who can provide dependable online thesis help.

The most popular reasons students seek Masters thesis writing services are:

Seeking assistance with dissertation writing makes the entire process less stressful and demanding. Knowledgeable mentors stand by your side, offering advice all the way to the final defense.

Many students opt for custom thesis writing services over endless hours spent over books. With our help, they can prioritize important aspects of their lives without compromising their academic achievements.

From topic selection to sourcing references, drafting outlines, or integrating key quotations, we've got you covered. Just let us know your needs, and we will cope with your thesis online.

Our thesis writing company has supported thousands of learners in achieving their postgraduate goals. While skeptics might dismiss our venue, those who've benefited from our assistance see us as invaluable allies.

Our thesis writers are experts who can help students write high-quality dissertations that will earn an A+. We boost academic performance.

With keen attention to detail, we ensure dissertations meet all the grading rubric criteria set by institutions. Our thesis writing service produces works aligned to guidelines.

We can work efficiently to complete theses or dissertations on short notice so students can submit their work on time, even with pressing timeframes.

By handing over your dissertation to our writing thesis services online, you can take a significant load off your shoulders. We are equipped with insights and immense devotion necessary to tackle your challenges.

How We Select Thesis Writers to Join Our Team?

At ProThesisWriter, we go to great lengths to onboard only the strongest thesis writers, as our professionals are the backbone of our service. Candidates must sustain a rigid selection process beginning with an automated review of their application and credentials. Our employers conduct intensive interviews to deeply assess research and writing proficiency through probing questions and hypothetical scenarios. Applying thesis writers must also complete practical writing assignments on scholarly topics which our Quality Assurance team evaluates for style, accuracy, and compliance with academic criteria.

We further authenticate credentials by requiring transcript, diploma, and resume verification to confirm the highest level of expertise. An English test assessing grammar, clarity, vocabulary, and flow evaluates communication abilities, while our immersive training ensures every thesis writer for hire thoroughly understands our quality benchmark. Finally, we monitor performance during a probationary employment period to ascertain writers have mastered our obligations and are ready to help wiring thesis or dissertation.

This highly selective process allows us to curate a master thesis paper writing service comprising only the best talents. We invest heavily in recruitment because our network of PhD experts dedicated to student success is what sets our thesis writing service apart. Their passion empowers us to provide unparalleled assistance.

What Makes Our Thesis Writing Service the Best on the Market

At our website, you won't be linked with an inexperienced novice – our writers are consummate experts vetted for both skills and mindset. We proudly call our thesis writing services the best leaving competitors behind. Our professional thesis help service and dissertation assistance company is built on adeptness and eagerness.

Our Ph.D. writers are fiercely capable, armed with postgraduate degrees and years refining scholarly studies. They relish the challenge of complex research projects, applying intellectual curiosity and diligence.

But our writing service doesn’t just boil down to Master thesis help. Masters of lifelong learning, our academics constantly expand their knowledge, which makes them adept in different types of academic writing, be it a coursework, research paper or dissertation. This mastery and diligence make the top choice for the role of customized online thesis helper.

Hand-picked Ph.D. authors
No duplicate content
Adherence to deadlines
Good value for money
Individualized support
Extensive expertise

The above core highlights enable our service to deliver unrivaled help in thesis wiring. This unique blend of strengths accompanied by passion allows us to realize your intellectual aspirations without a hitch.

Ask for Master Thesis Help Online and Stay Safe

Purchasing qualified help with writing thesis understandably raises some concerns. Is it secure? Could I get in trouble if someone finds out? Rest assured, your safety is our priority number one.

At ProThesisWriter, we utilize the most firm security measures to keep your sensitive information fully confidential. Our thesis writing website is encrypted with advanced SSL protection, meaning all data transmitted is scrambled and indecipherable. We store all details on servers locked behind next-gen firewalls, multi-factor authentication, and frequent patching. Your identity and order details remain completely private.

Thesis assistance writing we provide follows ethical practices. Our writers are Masters at producing reference documents to guide your learning. We never resell copies or share anything to unauthorized identities.

While our thesis writing service takes care of your privacy, we also empower you to stay discreet. We encourage responsible use of our customized thesis writing help online to reach your intellectual goals without undermining them.

Pro Thesis Writer: Thesis Writing Service with Guaranteed Quality

ProThesisWriter is a trustworthy helper functioning according to the principles central to our thesis writing service doctrine. By carefully analyzing your instructions, we ensure a firm understanding of your project needs from the very beginning. We then cherry-pick a thesis paper writer who possesses topic expertise ideal for your dissertation. Our wizards conduct exhaustive research, leveraging resources from only the latest academic journals and databases. Through an iterative process, they polish arguments and flow based on your unique terms.

When shovel-ready, we double-check for any inadvertent plagiarism and grammar issues, and make corrections as required until you are fully satisfied. This multi-step strategy enables us to deliver remarkable Masters thesis help.

More Than Just Master Thesis Writing Service

Our company proffers more than standard MA thesis writing service. Our expertise also fully encompasses doctoral-level projects and is suited for PhD thesis help. Whether you are pursuing your Master’s or PhD, our veteran thesis writers have the sharpened research and writing aptitude to deliver dissertations. Their intimate knowledge of the demands at both levels allows them to provide tailored guidance based on your program’s unique requirements.

From adeptly handling complex statistical analysis to nailing down an innovative doctorate thesis fit for publication, our PhDs enable you to shine regardless of the academic stage you are at. Lean on our thesis writing services during your graduate career and let the same trusted consultants who supported your Master’s empower you to attain the coveted title of Doctor.

Custom Thesis Writing Done by Professional Masters & PhD Thesis Writers

Our custom thesis writing service can assist with individual chapters or entire projects. We can pick up where you left off, or handle an entire dissertation from A to Z. Here's an overview of key dissertation sections students often seek help with:

This is a summary of the overall dissertation. Abstracts are considered stand-alone texts. This section serves as a laconic synopsis of a lengthier paper. Oursource an abstract from our thesis writing services if concision isn't your strength.

Introductions highlight the topic, then lay out a context and thesis statement or research problem. This dissertation chapter is also frequently requested, since students often leave them for last.

Literature reviews familiarize the audience with the current state of research, identifying gaps and foundations for new insights. Our online thesis writers excel at synthesizing other studies relevant to your focus.

Methodology sections explain your practical and theoretical approach for conducting research. Our dissertation and thesis writing service is well-versed in describing data collection, analytics, surveys and more.

Results should align with earlier sections, concisely mentioning your key findings. It’s harder than it sounds, still it’s a simple endeavor for those who regularly write thesis online.

Implications, limitations, and recommendations are presented in this chapter. This is not the most exciting section, but our thesis services make it impactful nonetheless.

By the concluding chapter, most are drained. But tying everything together is crucial. Let our thesis writing experts handle this final stretch so you finish strong.

Whatever stage you're at, we have pros who can pick up the torch and create a custom written thesis or dissertation in line with your bids.

Online Thesis Writing Assistance with any Subject

We recognize how vital it is to acquire thesis writing help from experts well-versed in your specific arena. Students often ask, "Can you help me write a thesis in Biology?" Or “Do you assist with dissertations in Healthcare?” Our answer is a resolute yes. Our service can administer whatever exclusive writing thesis assistance online you need within your deadline.

Our top thesis paper writing services span all subjects. In case you don't see your exact area listed, simply choose "Other" and we'll cater accordingly. ProThesisWriter maintains specialists across numerous disciplines, even niche topics are rarely inquired. Be it business, economics, finance, psychology, philosophy, medicine or history, we’ve got your back.

Affordable and Cheap Thesis Writing Services

Our personnel understand budget limitations that students face and extend fairly-priced help with thesis writing. Unlike competitors claiming to be a cheap thesis writing service by cutting corners, we focus on true value through quality and service. Our optimal rates empower more to take advantage of top-level guidance and buy affordable thesis papers or dissertations. Moreover, as a student-friendly thesis writing service, we also grant discounts on your first order when you contact support, along with special loyalty bonuses and seasonal promotions.

For an affordable thesis writing service that won't compromise your graduate goals, count on our company. Our team works tirelessly to secure grants, refine processes, and reward return customers – keeping satisfaction high and prices as low as possible. We believe that professional thesis writing should be accessible to everybody, so cost never deters your undertakings.

Can Your Thesis Writing Service Help with Dissertations and Other Assignments?

The scope of our abilities expands far beyond Master’s thesis writing service. We accept any assignment you require, involving dissertations, research papers or simple essays. Our bureau of PhD scholars features large-scale experience crafting book reports, article reviews, term papers, research papers, quantitative and qualitative analyses, case study presentations, dissertations and various other graduate-level undertakings.

Whether you require assistance outlining a complicated 20-page critique of scholarly literature, articulating the methodology and outcomes of an empirical study, or composing an impactful capstone paper, we have the narrow-focused thesis writers to cooperate with. Any time you feel overwhelmed by a coursework or lack confidence in your erudition, let our esteemed mavens apply their wisdom to guide you. Our universal dissertation and thesis writing service is fully prepared to endorse preeminent educational missions across all fronts.

Other Questions About Our Thesis Paper Writing Service

Does your thesis writing service have any free features.

As the leading thesis writing service, we provide many free offerings including:

  • Best thesis writers
  • Direct communication with your expert
  • Free title page
  • Table of contents
  • Unrestricted revisions within 30 days of delivery
  • 24/7 access to our support help center
  • Full reference listing formatted to your specifications.

These complementary additions come standard when you purchase a custom thesis or dissertation with

Can my online thesis helper make changes to the final draft?

Yes, your appointed thesis writer can make modifications after completing the final version of your dissertation. This option is subject to a free revision policy which is effective during 1 month after the last delivery without any limitations. We think that every work might adopt enhancements based on advisor or student feedback. Feel free to request any adjustments if you believe that the result doesn’t meet your objectives stipulated in the task.

Can you write a thesis for me in any citation format?

Absolutely, we can write your thesis for you and format citations in any style you need – with APA and MLA being the most popular. We are also well-trained in Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, ACS, AAA, AMS, and other formatting styles. Even if you have a highly specific or uncommon format, let us know and we will accommodate it for your project. We'll sort this proposition out in an individual fashion.

Does your dissertation help service have a money-back guarantee?

Yes, our thesis writing help service has a money-back guarantee. As a service, we are accountable for delivering the output within the timeframe and in compliance with your stipulations. While the highest quality is our standard, we want you to feel protected. Our Terms & Conditions are designated to guard your interests. As defined in the Money Back Guarantee, every customer is eligible to register for a reimbursement because of late delivery, quality concerns or originality issues. Should you ever require it, obtaining a refund is straightforward and swift.

Can I include more details after order placement at your thesis writing website?

Our thesis writing service aims to be as accommodating as possible. We understand that professors may adjust research directions or requirements may be clarified after checkout. In case you have additional info or exemplary material, please contact our support agents for a speedy solution.

How can I be sure that your online thesis writing help is not a scam?

Ensuring the legitimacy of a service providing online thesis help is crucial, especially when significant time, money, and your academic reputation are at stake. By choosing ProThesisWriter, you can be confident that you won’t be subjected to any fraudulent activities. Please take a minute to explore our site, read verified client testimonials and check our business history. Seeing our services in action and speaking with our helpful staff will assure you that we provide genuine assistance. Many graduates have trusted us over the years – we hope to earn your confidence as well!

Thesis deadline approaching?

Place your order now and have your thesis written by experts in no time!

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Custom academic paper writing, editing, online learning, and research services

If you're a graduate student who needs help with your work, you';ve come to the right place! My name is Madeline. My team of expert writers and researchers has been assisting graduate students with custom writing, research, editing, proofreading, and rewriting for over 20 years now.

Unlike many other freelance writers, we specialize in high-level academic work. While we are always happy to assist undergraduate students with their projects, most of our time, energy, and attention go into our work with graduate clients.

Our areas of specialty include English literature, education, psychology, sociology, anthropology, business, statistics, economics, finance, history, the fine arts, criminal justice studies, and even some of the hard sciences. Each of our team members holds at least one advanced degree.

More importantly, we've been researching and writing in these and other fields for over two decades. We focus almost exclusively upon larger projects: theses, dissertations, capstone projects, and action research projects, so you can be sure we'll be able to handle your project and help you navigate the tricky world of advisor and committee comments.

We also offer specialized assistance with online coursework! Whether you need help with assignments, discussion posts, responses, or all of the above, contact us to see how we can help!


  • We've eliminated automatic pricing! We've found that a customized approach to pricing allows us to more fairly represent the work involved in most of the projects we do, particularly line editing, developmental editing and large-scale rewrites.
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What will never change? Our focus upon producing phenomenal graduate-level academic work. When you complete the form and send us your inquiry , you can be confident we will do everything in our power to assist you to the best of our ability.

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Since 2006, Oxbridge Essays has been the UK’s leading paid essay-writing and dissertation service

We have helped 10,000s of undergraduate, Masters and PhD students to maximise their grades in essays, dissertations, model-exam answers, applications and other materials. If you would like a free chat about your project with one of our UK staff, then please just reach out on one of the methods below.

Writing a PhD thesis is a complicated and demanding process that involves rigorous research, detailed analysis, and structured writing. This guide provides an extensive overview of each step required to craft a successful PhD thesis, offering essential insights and strategies that benefit novice and seasoned researchers.

Step 1: Understand the Requirements

The initial step in crafting your PhD thesis is to thoroughly understand its specific requirements, which can vary widely between disciplines and institutions. A thesis must contribute new knowledge to its field, necessitating a deep familiarity with the expected structure, depth of analysis, and submission formalities. Your university guidelines should state how many words in a PhD thesis are needed within your discipline—usually ranging from 60,000 to 80,000 words.

Step 2: Choose Your Topic Wisely

Selecting a suitable topic is crucial and should be approached with great care. Your subject should interest you, fill a research gap, and be feasible within your available time and resources. Extensive preliminary reading and discussions with advisors are crucial at this stage to refine your topic and formulate precise research questions.

Step 3: Develop a Detailed Proposal

A detailed proposal acts as your thesis roadmap, outlining your research questions, the study's significance, methodologies, and a preliminary literature review. This document guides your research trajectory and is a reference point throughout your project.

Step 4: Conduct Rigorous Research

The research phase forms the backbone of your thesis. It involves systematic data collection, comprehensive literature review, and meticulous analysis. Effective research methods are crucial, and keeping organised, detailed records during this phase will facilitate a smoother writing process later on.

Step 5: Start Writing Early

Begin writing early in the research process. Starting with less complex sections like the literature review or methodology can help clarify your thoughts and identify gaps in your research. Early writing reduces the burden as the thesis deadline approaches.

Step 6: Structure Your Thesis

A PhD thesis usually has an introduction, a literature review, a methodology, findings, a discussion, a conclusion, and a list of references. Each section serves a distinct purpose: the introduction presents your research question and its significance, while the conclusion synthesises your findings and highlights their importance. But, how long is a PhD thesis typically? It usually ranges from 100 to 300 pages, varying by field and the nature of the research conducted.

Step 7: Seek Feedback Regularly

Regular feedback from your supervisor and peers is invaluable. Sharing drafts of chapters as you complete them ensures you remain on the correct path and integrates diverse perspectives that can enhance your work.

Step 8: Revise Thoroughly

Revision is a critical phase in which good writing is refined into excellent writing. Use feedback to enhance your arguments, clarify points, and refine your prose. Expect multiple rounds of revisions and be prepared to rework sections as needed.

Step 9: Proofread and Edit

Comprehensive proofreading and editing are crucial to ensure your thesis is error-free. Consider employing PhD thesis help from a PhD thesis writing service if needed. These professionals can provide detailed feedback and help polish your document to perfection.

Step 10: Prepare for the Viva

The final step is the viva, where you'll present your research to a panel of experts in your field. Thorough preparation, including a deep understanding of your research and readiness for potential questions, is essential. This presentation is your opportunity to highlight the significance and rigour of your work.

The Importance of a High-Quality PhD Thesis

A high-quality PhD thesis is not just a requirement for completing your doctorate; it significantly contributes to your field of study. Furthermore, it highlights your ability to conduct independent research, contribute original insights, and communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively. The calibre of your thesis can influence your academic and professional future, impacting job opportunities, postdoctoral positions, and the ability to publish your work in reputable journals.

Seeking Professional Help: Sources and Providers

When crafting your PhD thesis, seeking professional help can be a wise decision. Support can come from various sources:

University Resources : Most universities offer writing centres and libraries with professionals skilled in research methodologies, writing, and editing. PhD Thesis Writing Services : Specialised services can provide comprehensive help throughout the writing process. These services employ experienced PhD thesis writers familiar with the nuances of doctoral writing across various disciplines. Independent Consultants : Expert consultants or freelance PhD thesis writers can offer personalised guidance and feedback, focusing on specific areas of your thesis where you need extra help.

The Advantages of Professional PhD Thesis Help

Opting for professional PhD thesis help offers several advantages:

  • Expert Guidance : Professional writers and editors bring expertise that can help you improve your thesis. They understand the academic standards and can help ensure your thesis meets them.
  • Time Management : With the help of a PhD thesis writing service, you can manage your time more effectively. Professionals can speed up the research, writing, and revision processes, allowing you to focus on other important academic or personal commitments.
  • Reduced Stress : The process of writing a PhD thesis can be stressful. Having a professional by your side can alleviate much of this stress by ensuring you are on the right track and providing reassurance through expert feedback.

Key Takeaways

A high-quality PhD thesis is the masterpiece of your academic career, thus requiring meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of your research topic. When asking, "How many words are in a PhD thesis?" it's important to note that quality and depth of research often matter more than the word count.

Utilising professional help, whether through university resources, dedicated PhD thesis writing services, or independent consultants, can provide invaluable support. These professionals enhance the quality of your work and help streamline the entire thesis process, allowing you to present a polished, scholarly work that stands out in your field. By investing in professional help, you invest in your academic success and future career prospects.

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How Much Does It Cost To Write A Thesis? Get Complete Process & Tips

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Original PhD

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PhD Thesis Writing Service

A  PhD thesis is the most important piece of work that you will complete in your academic career, but it is also one of the toughest. Our professional  PhD thesis writing services  are designed to relieve some of the pressure and provide expert support from a specialist team of PhD writer. They will guide you through the process of writing your PhD thesis, from the title and initial proposal , right through to the conclusion . All of the PhD theses completed by the writers are original, and 100% free from plagiarism.

We only hire professional, high quality PhD writers who are dedicated to helping students achieve success. Upon placing your order, you will be allocated your own PhD expert who will guide you through the process of your order.

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  • A Guide to Writing a PhD Thesis

Written by Ben Taylor

A PhD thesis is a work of original research all students are requiured to submit in order to succesfully complete their PhD. The thesis details the research that you carried out during the course of your doctoral degree and highlights the outcomes and conclusions reached.

The PhD thesis is the most important part of a doctoral research degree: the culmination of three or four years of full-time work towards producing an original contribution to your academic field.

Your PhD dissertation can therefore seem like quite a daunting possibility, with a hefty word count, the pressure of writing something new and, of course, the prospect of defending it at a viva once you’ve finished.

This page will give you an introduction to what you need to know about the doctoral thesis, with advice on structure, feedback, submission and more.

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Beginning your PhD thesis

The first stage of your PhD thesis will usually be the literature review . We’ve already written a detailed guide to what the PhD literature review involves , but here’s what you need to know about this stage of your PhD:

  • The literature review is a chance for you to display your knowledge and understanding of what’s already been written about your research area – this could consist of papers, articles, books, data and more
  • Rather than simply summarising what other scholars have said about your subject, you should aim to assess and analyse their arguments
  • The literature review is usually the first task of your PhD – and typically forms the first part or chapter of your dissertation

After finishing your literature review, you’ll move onto the bulk of your doctoral thesis. Of course, you’ll eventually return to the lit review to make sure it’s up-to-date and contains any additional material you may have come across during the course of your research.

PhD thesis research

What sets your PhD thesis apart from previous university work you’ve done is the fact that it should represent an original contribution to academic knowledge . The form that this original contribution takes will largely depend on your discipline.

  • Arts and Humanities dissertations usually involve investigating different texts, sources and theoretical frameworks
  • Social Sciences are more likely to focus on qualitive or quantitative surveys and case studies
  • STEM subjects involve designing, recording and analysing experiments, using their data to prove or disprove a set theory

Depending on the nature of your research, you may ‘write up’ your findings as you go, or leave it until the dedicated ‘writing-up’ period, usually in the third year of your PhD. Whatever your approach, it’s vital to keep detailed notes of your sources and methods – it’ll make your life a lot easier when it comes to using references in your dissertation further down the line.

PhD thesis vs dissertation

It’s common to use the terms ‘thesis’ and ‘dissertation’ interchangeably, but strictly speaking there is a difference in meaning between them:

  • Your thesis is your argument. It’s the conclusions you’ve arrived at through surveying existing scholarship in your literature review and combining this with the results of your own original research.
  • Your dissertation is the written statement of your thesis. This is where you lay out your findings in a way that systematically demonstrates and proves your conclusion.

Put simply, you submit a dissertation, but it’s the thesis it attempts to prove that will form the basis of your PhD.

What this also means is that the writing up of your dissertation generally follows the formulation of your doctoral thesis (it’s fairly difficult to write up a PhD before you know what you want to say!).

However, it’s normal for universities and academics to use either (or both) terms when describing PhD research – indeed, we use both ‘thesis’ and ‘dissertation’ across our website.

Can I use my Masters research in my PhD thesis?

If you’re studying an MPhil, it’s normal to ‘ upgrade ’ it into a PhD. Find mroe information on our guide.

PhD thesis structure

Having completed your initial literature review and conducted your original research, you’ll move onto the next phase of your doctoral dissertation, beginning to sketch out a plan that your thesis will follow.

The exact structure and make-up of your doctoral thesis will vary between fields, but this is the general template that many dissertations follow:

  • Introduction – This sets out the key objectives of your project, why the work is significant and what its original contribution to knowledge is. At this point you may also summarise the remaining chapters, offering an abstract of the argument you will go on to develop.
  • Literature review – The introduction will generally lead into a write-up of your literature review. Here you’ll outline the scholarly context for your project. You’ll acknowledge where existing research has shaped your PhD, but emphasise the unique nature of your work.
  • Chapters – After you’ve finished introducing your research, you’ll begin the bulk of the dissertation. This will summarise your results and begin explaining the argument you have based on them. Some PhDs will also include specific chapters on methodology and / or a recreation of the data you have developed. Others will develop your argument over a series of stages, drawing on sources and results as relevant.
  • Conclusion – The dissertation will end with a final chapter that pulls together the different elements of your argument and the evidence you have provided for it. You’ll restate the significance of your project (and its all-important original contribution to knowledge). You may also take the opportunity to acknowledge the potential for further work or opportunities to apply your findings outside academia.
  • Bibliography and appendices – At the end of your thesis, you’ll need to include a full list of the books, articles and data you’ve referenced in a bibliography. You may also need to provide additional information in the form of an appendix.

How long is a PhD thesis?

The length of a PhD thesis varies from subject to subject, but all are far longer than those for undergraduate or Masters degrees. Your university will usually set an upper limit – typically between 70,000 and 100,000 words, with most dissertations coming in at around 80,000 words.

Generally speaking, STEM-based theses will be a little shorter than those in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Different universities (and departments) will have different policies regarding what counts towards the PhD thesis word count, so make sure you’re aware what is expected of you. Check with your supervisor whether references, the bibliography or appendices are included in the word count for your dissertation.

How many chapters should a PhD thesis have?

There’s no hard and fast rule for the numbers of chapters in a PhD thesis, but most will have four or five chapters (in addition to the introduction and conclusion). This is the sort of thing you’ll discuss with your supervisor when planning out your research.

Writing up your PhD thesis

Once you’ve conducted your research and settled upon your thesis, there’s only one thing left to do: get it down on paper. Appropriately enough, this final part of a PhD is often referred to as the ‘ writing up period ’.

This is when you produce the final dissertation, which will be submitted as the basis for your viva voce exam. The nature of this task can vary from PhD to PhD.

In some cases you may already have a large amount of chapter drafts and other material. ‘Writing up’ therefore becomes a process of re-drafting and assembling this work into a final dissertation. This approach is common in Arts and Humanities subjects where PhD students tend to work through stages of a project, writing as they go.

Alternatively, you may have spent most of your PhD collecting and analysing data. If so, you’ll now ‘write up’ your findings and conclusions in order to produce your final dissertation. This approach is more common in STEM subjects, where experiment design and data collection are much more resource intensive.

Whatever process you adopt, you’ll now produce a persuasive and coherent statement of your argument, ready to submit for examination.

PhD thesis feedback

Your supervisor will usually give you feedback on each chapter draft, and then feedback on the overall completed dissertation draft before you submit it for examination. When the thesis is a work-in-progress, their comments will be a chance for them to make sure your research is going in the right direction and for you to ask their advice on anything you’re concerned about. This feedback will normally be given in the form of a supervisory meeting.

Although your PhD supervisor will be happy to give you advice on your work, you shouldn’t expect them to be an editor – it’s not their responsibility to correct grammatical or spelling mistakes, and you should make sure any drafts you submit to them are as error-free as possible. Similarly, they won’t be willing to edit your work down to fit a particular word count.

Finishing your PhD thesis

When you’ve finished the final draft of your doctoral thesis and it’s been approved by your supervisor, you’ll submit it for examination. This is when it’s sent to the examiners who will conduct your viva.

Submitting your thesis involves printing enough copies for your examiners and the university’s repository. Don’t leave this until the last minute – printing multiple copies of a 300-page document is a substantial undertaking and you should always allow enough time to account for any possible glitches or issues with the printing process.

Your viva will usually take place within three months of submitting your thesis. You can find out more in our dedicated guide to the PhD viva . After your viva, your examiners will give you a report that confirms whether or not you need to make any changes to your thesis, with several different potential outcomes:

  • Pass – You’ve received your doctoral qualification!
  • Minor corrections – These are usually fairly small edits, tweaks and improvements to your thesis, which you’ll be given three months to implement
  • Major corrections – For these substantial changes, you may have to rewrite part of your dissertation or complete extra research, with a six-month deadline

Most PhD students will need to fix some corrections with their thesis (hopefully not major ones). It’s very rare for a dissertation to be failed.

Once you’ve made any necessary changes to your thesis, you’ll submit it one last time (usually electronically).

If you have plans to publish all or part of your work, you may want to request an embargo so that it won’t be visible to the public for a certain time. 12 months is a fairly standard time period for this, although you may want to ask for a longer embargo if you know that you want to turn your thesis into a book or monograph.

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Thesis Editing Service

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Thesis Editing Service

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We find the best thesis editing expert that matches your needs based on your field of study, choice of service, and preferences. The expert will work on your thesis and send you the edited thesis ready for submission. If our expert has queries or suggestions, they will let you know so you can implement them before submission.


Areas of Expertise


Our Services

You have put in years of hard work toward your Master’s or Ph.D.; the last thing you need is to have your work critiqued due to imperfect language and structure. Our editing experts help you eliminate grammar and language mistakes and enhance the overall presentation of your thesis.  Choose either Thesis Essentials or Thesis Pro service based on your unique requirements.

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Make your thesis error-free and submission-ready

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Thesis Editing

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Thesis Formatting

We will format your thesis according to your submission guidelines or designated style guide. This includes template application and implementation of page layout, heading, and numbering styles. We can also format your end-list references and check your cross-referencing.

Expert Comments

Our editors will insert comments with suggestions for enhancements and request clarifications at appropriate instances. They will also assess your strengths and weaknesses in the Thesis Rating Card and Thesis Expert Summary to help you sharpen your academic writing skills.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Should i choose thesis pro or thesis essentials +.

Thesis Essentials provides a thorough grammar and language revision, so you won't have to worry about basic language mistakes. It is suitable for students who are confident in their writing and/or under close guidance from their research advisers. Thesis Pro gives you more holistic editing that not only ensures your manuscript is free of error but also enhances its content presentation.

How is Thesis Editing different from other Enago editing services? +

Enago offers 3 academic editing services- Top Impact Scientific Editing ,  Substantive Editing , and  Copy Editing - targeting authors who wish to publish their research in international journals. Two to three editors edit each manuscript in the same research field for precise adherence to academic publishing conventions. These services also provide additional support for journal submission, including revision against peer reviewers' comments.

Will your experts fix issues in the content and structure of my thesis? +

Our thesis services may be equated to proofreading (Thesis Essentials) and copy editing (Thesis Pro). Neither of these services offers content edits or structural reviews. However, our experts will point out the issues they notice in Thesis Pro.

Can you format my thesis as per the required referencing style? Are your editors familiar with citation styles? +

Even though there are many distinct citation/reference formats, they all generally adhere to one of three basic principles: parenthetical, numerical, or note citations. Our thesis editors are well-versed with your institution's regulations and have over 10 years of experience in thesis editing & formatting.

Is there a thesis editing discount? I am a student. +

We offer a flat 15% off on our thesis editing services regardless of the word count of your paper, our thesis editing rates start at 18 cents/word because we understand that students are on a tight budget.

Can I get a Thesis Editing Samples? +

Yes, if your thesis is more than 10,000 words, you will receive a sample of about 200 words. This example edit gives you an idea of the editor's editing approach as well as an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. Alternatively, you can check our editing sample here .  How does the sample edit work? After placing your order via the free trial form , you will receive the sample edit within 24 hours. You will then have 24 hours to let us know if you are satisfied with the sample or if there is anything you would like the editor to change.  

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PhD Editing Services

Phd proofreading services.

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Expert Support Throughout Your PhD

A PhD is the sum of years of research and writing. And as well as your final thesis, you may need to prepare a lot of papers during your studies. But whatever stage of your PhD you’re at, your written work needs to be clear and concise so you can make a strong argument. And this is where  proofreading  can help. So to give yourself the best chance of success, try our expert PhD editing services today.

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Our team has a world of experience with academic research, making us experts at polishing PhD theses. And to ensure the best results possible, we can even match you with a specialist PhD editor who knows your subject area.

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As part of our service, your specialist PhD editor can help you:

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We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need.

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**For documents up to 3,000 words

How We Work With Academics

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 8,000 words long within 24 hours.

And if you need a faster turnaround, simply select your desired delivery speed when you submit your document. We have three options

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need. 

* For documents up to 8,000 words

** For documents up to 3,000 words

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From the first page of your research proposal, to the final footnotes on your PhD thesis, we get it done.

Kick things off with a persuasive, captivating proposal - one you can use as the core of your future dissertation.

Want a thesis with a clear logical structure and a well-stated argument? With a professional at the helm of your project, you will get both.

PhD Dissertation

Writing a dissertation is no picnic – your writer has enough knowledge and expert power in your subject to bring you the result you want.

Want a thesis with a clear logical structure and a well-stated argument? With a top 2% expert at the helm of your project, you will get both.

Writing a dissertation is no picnic – your writer has enough knowledge & power in your subject to bring you the result you want.

Excel with your projects like our other clients did.

I've been using this service for a while now, and I must say, this company is very client-oriented. If there's anything you don't like, they are more than willing to rewrite it to your satisfaction. Even after receiving your paper, if you feel that you need to make any changes, just ask, and they'll promptly fulfill your request. For every assignment I've had, they have assigned someone qualified, which was evident either from the flow of the paper or just in a chat with the writer.

Thanks for proofreading my thesis. First, I received a notification that my draft was ready. After confirming the editor's suggestions for improvement, he promptly made the corrections. Quick service and a user-friendly platform.

The website is very easy to navigate. Filling out the order form might take some time, but providing more details ensures that the paper will fit your requirements. One thing I didn't like is that there is no contact information for the writer, like a phone number or WhatsApp. It would be much easier to discuss everything in a 10-minute call rather than communicating solely through messages. Writing something and then waiting for a reply is a bit frustrating.

You did an excellent job! No AI system could compete with a live human when it comes to research, working with numbers, and making assumptions. I appreciate that there is still someone not too obsessed with implementing high-tech stuff. Being able to talk to a real person in a live chat and then discuss everything with the actual writer is great. Old school rocks.

I always stress a lot about my English. Incorrect or improper words can simply ruin the paper that you have been writing. Even the strongest thesis statement will lose its impact. I want to say thank you to my editor who has worked with my papers for quite a long time, proofreading everything and yet not making the text too complicated to read. May God bless you!

A Reliable Writing Company For Guaranteed Result

Why You Should Hire A Thesis Writer

Academic Disciplines That We Cover

The Ordering Process

Factors Affecting The Price Of A Thesis

Benefits That You Get

Top 3 Reasons To Order A Thesis Online

Reasons to Choose Our Thesis Writing Service

A thesis defense is the culmination of your hard work over the time you have spent on your scientific work. Regardless of your major or academic level, this process might be challenging. It’s great if you feel a lot of confidence to create this academic task by yourself and successfully defend it before the committee. For those who do not want to struggle, we have a solution. By choosing our custom thesis writing service, you free yourself from spending additional time on writing while ensuring success for your defense at the same time. But you may ask us why we are so confident about it.

Our thesis writing company has been helping students complete their educational path for over a decade. We set a goal to create a platform that would help every student looking for assistance with their defenses. Over the years, we have grown and created a community of experts whose main task is to create the best writing for our customers. Still not convinced? In this case, we suggest you continue reading and find out what makes us the best thesis writing company on the market.

Three-In-One Thesis Writing Service

The main reason that makes us the best thesis writing company is that we can help absolutely any student, starting with the future bachelor and finishing with the Ph.D. candidate. We can confidently say, that there is nothing impossible for us, because of the thousands of successfully defended theses prepared by our professional thesis writers. Fortunately, if you are looking for a professional thesis writing service, you have already found it.

We also named this section this way for a very specific reason. Even though we spread our focus to all academic levels, we manage to ensure the highest quality for students of all academic levels. Such an approach makes us the thesis writing service provider that can provide you with qualitative help for Ph.D. theses as well as for bachelor’s ones.

Our PhD thesis writing service guarantees top-notch results no matter your subject or topic. We know how to ensure your successful defense because we have been doing that for years. Our company made sure to engage experts, who have great academic experience in combination with their Ph.D. statuses. We appreciate your decision to buy PhD thesis online and ensure such a substantial task for us. Therefore, we consider it our main responsibility to provide you with the best help to receive the proud title of philosophical doctor after finishing our cooperation.

Master Thesis

As well as assisting you in receiving Ph.D. statuses, we are eager to help you with your master's thesis. With our assistance, you can hire a master thesis writer, who will suit all your needs and convey your long scientific work in a logical and well-written document. We believe that our thesis writing company stands out among the competitors due to our specific professional approach. We do not just pretend that we want to help you with your master thesis, but we indeed help you achieve this level. Therefore, receiving a master thesis in a company with a flawless reputation is no longer a dream but a reality.

Bachelor Thesis

Besides being an exceptional master thesis writing service, we are also dealing with bachelor theses for all academic majors. So, if you were looking for a decent bachelor thesis writing service, your search is finally over. As soon as you decide to buy custom thesis for your bachelor’s assessment, we guarantee you two things. First, you will receive a bachelor's degree by the end of our cooperation. And second, is that during our cooperation, we will provide you with the best service you could ever dream of.

Why You Should Hire A Thesis Writer From Us

Providing the best thesis writing help is not attainable without the presence of professional custom thesis writers. For that reason, we spared neither our time nor our efforts in attracting the best experts from all fields of science. Our hiring process includes a special selection system to ensure that the hired specialist can handle the average orders we usually receive. Therefore, once you purchase PhD thesis from ThesisGeek, we guarantee that your academic paper will be prepared by someone with the same level or even higher.

Our PhD Thesis Writers - Your Ticket to the Future

Your decision to buy PhD thesis from our service is a priceless investment into your flawless defense process. Instead of spending your time reading and reviewing your Ph.D. dissertation, you can rely on our PhD thesis writers. The chosen expert will make sure to review your paper, distinguish the essential purpose and ideas, check the used sources, and gather it all together in your Ph.D. thesis. In addition, we guarantee that our online thesis writer will make sure to format your work according to all academic requirements. So, for your defense, you will only have to read it and make sure to remain calm.

Receive Your Paper Done By Our Master Thesis Writer

The defense process for your master’s status will not be less anxious. However, you can make it much easier by placing an order on our master thesis writing service. As we have mentioned, our company implemented a special approach for the employment process of all our experts. Therefore, you can rest assured that during the creation of your master's thesis, the assigned expert will make sure to adhere to requirements that are specifically tailored to your level.

Buy Thesis For Any Academic Subject

We consider versatility to be one of the best qualities of our online thesis writing service. That means that you can bring your dissertation on any subject, topic, or question and we will manage to turn it into a well-written, logical paper for your defense. Still, we understand that your mind is filled with doubts regarding the possibility of hiring your thesis writer online. To make this choice easier for you, we’d like to present you with subjects with which we have been dealing lately.

Engineering Science

Feeling anxious before your defense in engineering? Allow us to make this process less stressful for you. Just place an order to purchase thesis online and allow our professional engineering experts to do the rest while you prepare mentally for your defense day. The assigned person will make sure to create a decent summary of your paper and format it according to the necessary academic level.

Medical Science and Nursing

The creation of a medical thesis is a challenging process, but not for our thesis writers for hire. The decision to buy a thesis from our service will be accompanied by receiving the best medical writing help that is available on the market. What is more important is that you can rely on us regardless of your academic level. We are also aware of all the pitfalls that may occur during the process of defense. That’s why your project will be flawless, to ensure the maximum evaluation of your performance.

Law and Legal Studies

Your law thesis defense may turn into a nightmare if the defense committee sees even the slightest uncertainty during your performance. To make your defense perfect, your scientific work should be impeccable. Fortunately, it’s something that we are eager to provide you once you decide to buy a thesis paper from us. Your writer will make sure to prepare you with decent legal research, shaped into a good-looking project. Long story short, the decision to order thesis online will give you confidence, as you are already a practicing attorney.

Looking forward to finally going through your defense process and getting right to the graduation ceremony? In this case, you have to pass through the defense before your committee. The good news is that our professional thesis writer will ensure the academic side of the defense. Our company includes finance experts of all academic levels, who have already successfully defended their finance diplomas. All that helps us to make sure that we provide you with decent assistance towards your defense process.

Placing an Order At ThesisGeek

When you type “best thesis writing service online in USA” and open the page of our website, you might get confused, especially if you haven't ordered thesis writing help before. However, we would like to assure you that there is nothing to worry about because you have already passed the hardest part.

The only thing left is to order your thesis and enjoy time stress-free until the day of your defense. We made sure to create a process that would require zero effort and will be quick at the same time. In any case, for your convenience, allow us to present you with an instruction on how to buy thesis on the website:

  • Register on the platform. The first essential step to buy thesis from our service is to go through a quick registration on our platform. To order thesis online we will ask you to provide us with your name, a valid email address, and your phone number. The last is optional but not required, still, we ask you to provide it to us because of security reasons;
  • Provide the order details. Our thesis writers online community consists of hundreds of people with different majors and academic levels. Therefore, to provide you with a suitable candidate, we require specific requirements for your term paper or dissertation. By that, we mean your subject, topic, volume, formatting style, etc. And of course, the file with the dissertation or term paper itself. It would help us to distinguish the writer who suits your professional and academic expectations;
  • Add specific requirements. During the next stage, we will provide you with the opportunity to add other specific requirements to your thesis order. For instance, you will get the opportunity to choose the language level of your thesis writer or purchase an opportunity to get the best specialist in your field to create a thesis for you. In any case, even if you decide to skip these offers, we guarantee the highest level of received document.
  • Submit the order and enjoy. The final and the most pleasant part of our cooperation is the ability to completely relax and rely on our experts. During the time our writers will spend preparing your thesis, you will get an opportunity to have a good night's sleep, go out with your classmates, and enjoy your free time as you please.

We believe that these instructions will provide you with a certain understanding of the necessary steps you have to complete to make an order from our service. We understand that a decision to buy thesis papers may be difficult. Therefore, we wanted to make it at least a bit easier for you.

What Determines The Thesis Price?

Do you still think that it’s not possible to combine democratic rates and exceptional quality? Well, we do not blame you, because, with the current level of average thesis writing services, it becomes only harder to believe that such things are not fantasies. Still, we would like to prove that for a company that puts customers’ satisfaction over the profit, there is nothing impossible. As you already have guessed this section will be completely dedicated to the questions of your future thesis cost. We will take a closer look at the factors that form your future thesis price, so by the end of this paragraph, you will know why it’s so beneficial to order thesis online only from “ThesisGeek”.

The Most Democratic Thesis Writing Price on the Market

Understandably, your final decision to order thesis online will be based on your current financial abilities. Since our main credo was to ensure qualitative writing help for all students, our team created a flexible pricing system that contributes to our greater purpose. Hence, you get a chance to buy PhD thesis and not feel any difference to your financial well-being. And of course, this approach applies to all academic levels that we are dealing with. Still can’t believe it? Then read the next section, where we describe in detail the process of price creation.

Thesis Editing Price That Will Suit Anybody

It’s essential to pay close attention toward the preparation of your scientific work. Without the slightest exaggeration, your defense will depend on it. Therefore, we suggest you start seeking assistance with your thesis editing as soon as possible. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, this decision will save you a lot of nerves, secondly, it will be more profitable financially. The truth is that the sooner you contact us, the lesser price you will pay in the end. This is the way it works at ThesisGeek.

Thesis Proofreading Cost That Doesn’t Bite

So what is the average thesis proofreading cost? The proofreading price will depend on multiple factors, such as your subject, topic, volume, requirements, additional services, and the amount of time you gave us for proofreading. For instance, an average proofreading PhD thesis price with an arranged two-week deadline will cost you only $18. We can also provide you with qualitative proofreading even within the range of twenty-four hours. Still, we suggest you not put off your request for assistance and reach out to us as soon as possible.

Additional Benefits From Best Thesis Writing Company

We hope that we didn’t convince you that our exceptional writing skills are the only reason to order a thesis from our service because it’s not. During our journey, we managed to create a community that consists of thousands of students around the United States. To make your experience even more special, we implement encouraging benefits regularly. Still, some of our benefits became a part of the regular order package. Well, we will not keep the intrigue any longer, so let us present you with our special beneficial list.

  • 60-day money-back guarantee. By taking the order into processing, we provide you with a guarantee that either your thesis will be delivered to you according to the settled agreement or the order will be refunded in full. We implemented such an approach to ensure the maximum satisfaction level from the received services. Still, it’s worth mentioning that refund requests are rare because our clients always end up satisfied with the received results;
  • Loyalty program. We have created this benefit to ensure that you will come back to us each time when you need any kind of writing help. What is the essence of this program you may ask. The sense of our loyalty program is as easy as pie and lies in the fact that each time when you purchase an order on our platform, you receive some amount of points for your next order. Once you collect the required quantity, you will be able to buy a bachelor thesis or any other writing almost free!
  • Free revisions. Another advantage of purchasing your thesis from us is our free revisions, which apply to all orders without the exceptions. That means that you will be able to receive a limitless amount of revisions if you will not be fully satisfied with the final result. Do not worry about asking your writer to revise, because his main goal is to make you satisfied with the final result.

This is not a complete list of our benefits, because our team makes sure to come up with new beneficial solutions. We will not tire of repeating that our main values are our community and our customers. Therefore, ThesisGeek continues to do everything to make you satisfied.

Three Main Reasons to Order a Thesis Online

In the final paragraph of our article, we’d like to gather situations that are practically screaming about the necessity to ensure your thesis preparation into the hands of our professionals. Therefore, if you recognize yourself even in one of the situations described, do not waste another minute and contact us immediately.

  • Anxiety before the defense. Anxiety is a common feeling before any public performance, especially if it’s your defense. However, it can be easily dealt with by taking proper action. In your particular case, your best action is to contact us and have a little bit of rest;
  • Uncertainty about the outcome. Feeling insecure about the outcome of your defense? In this case, your best choice is to reach out to us immediately. We will check your paper, create a thesis, and make you believe in yourself like never before;
  • Aspiration for the highest results. We do not tolerate mediocrity and average results. Therefore, if you are only aiming for exceptional results your only decision is to buy your thesis here.

We do not want you to feel limited by the mentioned reasons, because there are no good or bad reasons to ask for help. Meanwhile, the only right way is to listen to your inner voice and not shoulder yourself beyond one's strength.

Can I buy a thesis on your website?

Of course! You can purchase a thesis on our website. The first step is providing as much information as you can to our writer. The most basic are thesis objectives, word count, format, etc. Any notes, comments from your professors, or your ideas also count. This will give us a full understanding of the task.

The second step when you buy thesis online from us is to expect detailed research from our expert. This is the foundation of any successful scientific work. After gathering qualitative and quantitative data, our writers will form the most innovative ideas for your work. We understand how doubtful it is to leave someone to write such an important paper. The team of in-house editors rigorously review each scientific work before submitting them to customers.

What makes your thesis writing service special?

We believe that our reputation talks for ourselves. You can check dozens of thesis writing service reviews written about ThesisGeek and will not find a single negative word. All because we put your satisfaction and our reputation. Such a simple but rare action, that you will no longer be able to see in any other service, that regularly puts profit over everything.

Another thing that makes us special is our team and the community that we have created. You can no longer name us a regular MBA thesis writing service or master thesis service because our platform already surpassed this level a long time ago. Instead, we would like to be perceived as a service that sincerely values its community and respects the estimated goals. Finally, with the decision to buy master thesis from us, you're not only ensuring your defense but receiving a whole community rooting for your success.

How do I hire a thesis writer? Can I choose one?

We made sure to make the ordering process as simple as possible. We understand the priceless value of each minute of your time, so we do not want you to spend it struggling with complex registrations and long expectations. Instead, we have created our ordering process for nothing except pure convenience. To hire a writer for your thesis, we will ask you to enter your email address, provide the requirements, and move on to the writer selection process.

As for the selection process, we say yes right away, you can choose the writer who will be preparing your thesis. For example, if you want us to prepare you for your MBA defense, we will provide you with a list of MBA thesis writers, who will be experienced enough to handle the thesis, to surprise even the toughest business professor. To choose your writer, you will need to fill in the form and indicate the type of writer you are looking for.

How much does it cost? What exactly forms the final price?

The first thing that will pop up in your mind even before typing “buy a master thesis” in Google is doubt regarding the availability of such a service. If you are worried about the prices we want to mention that there are no more democratic rates rather than on ThesisGeek. The main purpose for the establishment of our platform was to ensure the ability to receive cheap and qualitative writing help. The same approach applies to the creation of theses for your defenses.

As for the factors that influence the final bill for your thesis, they will not include anything special. Of course, we are talking about your academic level, volume, type of formatting, desired writer, and definitely the deadline. All these factors together will contribute to the formation of your final bill. In any case, be assured that the price will pleasantly surprise you in the end.

Is it safe to use your thesis writing company?

We know that you will be double-checking all the information about our company before making your final decision. However, we have nothing to hide, since we have been a transparent and reliable company since our very establishment. And the best proof of our words are thousands of grateful students, to whom we provided our writing services. In any case, to dispel your possible doubts, we would like to make a statement that it’s safe to order your thesis from our service.

It is safe from digital, legal, and even ethical sides to use our service as your thesis provider. We will do everything to prove that you have made the right decision when you decided to order the thesis from us. We also make sure to create simple yet informative policies that ensure the legal part of our activity, so you can see for yourself, that you are dealing with a real professional.

What instructions do I need to provide if I want to buy a thesis?

You can greatly increase the process of your thesis preparation by providing us with detailed and comprehensive instructions. During the ordering of your thesis, we will allow you to upload your file with thesis requirements into the ordering form.

The requirements for your thesis should include the approximate volume, formatting style, title page, and other essential details. It will help the writer to ensure that the thesis will be accepted by the committee, and you will be allowed to defend.

How do I order a thesis online on the website? What is the process?

The ordering process of your thesis will be as easy as shelling pears. Since we wanted to avoid any confusion from our newcomers, we created a simple yet convenient order form on our web platform. There, we will suggest you log into your existing cabinet or sign up if you visit us for the first time. After that, the order form will pop up automatically. You will need to enter the paper details, such as level, major, subject, thesis title, and additional instructions that you have.

After entering the details into the form you will be redirected to the page with the final price. If there are any available discounts or bonuses, they will be added to your order automatically. And that’s it because the last thing that will be necessary from you is to make a purchase with a suitable payment method and wait for the final thesis in your email inbox.

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Thesis and Dissertation: Getting Started

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The resources in this section are designed to provide guidance for the first steps of the thesis or dissertation writing process. They offer tools to support the planning and managing of your project, including writing out your weekly schedule, outlining your goals, and organzing the various working elements of your project.

Weekly Goals Sheet (a.k.a. Life Map) [Word Doc]

This editable handout provides a place for you to fill in available time blocks on a weekly chart that will help you visualize the amount of time you have available to write. By using this chart, you will be able to work your writing goals into your schedule and put these goals into perspective with your day-to-day plans and responsibilities each week. This handout also contains a formula to help you determine the minimum number of pages you would need to write per day in order to complete your writing on time.

Setting a Production Schedule (Word Doc)

This editable handout can help you make sense of the various steps involved in the production of your thesis or dissertation and determine how long each step might take. A large part of this process involves (1) seeking out the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding specific document formatting requirements, (2) understanding research protocol limitations, (3) making note of deadlines, and (4) understanding your personal writing habits.

Creating a Roadmap (PDF)

Part of organizing your writing involves having a clear sense of how the different working parts relate to one another. Creating a roadmap for your dissertation early on can help you determine what the final document will include and how all the pieces are connected. This resource offers guidance on several approaches to creating a roadmap, including creating lists, maps, nut-shells, visuals, and different methods for outlining. It is important to remember that you can create more than one roadmap (or more than one type of roadmap) depending on how the different approaches discussed here meet your needs.

The PhD Proofreaders

How To Structure A PhD With Our PhD Writing Template

Feb 9, 2019

professional phd thesis writers

  • Introduction

Our   PhD Writing Template   is a way to visualise every element of your PhD on one page.  Once you have filled it in you will have an overview of each section of the thesis and an executive summary of the thesis as a whole. It’ll show you how to write a PhD. If you haven’t already download it for free now and then come back to this post. 

What is the PhD Writing Template?

The PhD Writing Template is a   way for you to visualise your PhD on one page.   It guides you through creating a   synopsis for each chapter   and an overall   outline of the thesis   using simple questions to structure and guide your thinking.  If you haven’t already download it for free now .

  • Acknowledgements
  • Literature review
  • Theoretical framework
  • Methodology
  • Empirical chapters
  • Discussion chapters

How do I write a PhD using the template?

It’s simple to use.  First, print it out.

Then, answer each of the questions in each section.

Answer on Post-it notes. One for each box. That way you can change your answers over time.

But aren’t Post-it notes too small? No! Small is good here. It means you have to be clear and concise. If you can’t fit your answers onto a Post-it note, you need to refine them.

To save space, use bullet points, but make sure you carefully think about and respond to each point.

Start with the ‘Aims and Objectives’ box, where you will list down the core headlines of the entire thesis. This is the  big-picture stuff.  You   should have this completed and refined before you move on. Without solid answers to these questions, the thesis will be disjointed and unclear.

Then, work through the boxes one by one. You may want to leave the abstract and acknowledgements to last. You may also want to work on the introduction last. That’s fine. Work in the way that suits you.

As you fill the template in, you will start to see the bigger picture. Each Post-it note will contain a synopsis for that particular element. Together, they can be combined to form an executive summary of the thesis as a whole.

Why do you need the template?

  • All of the elements required in a thesis.
  • Where they fit and how they relate to one another. 

Blog Posts That Can Help You

Hello, doctor….

Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Be able to call yourself Doctor sooner with our five-star rated How to Write A PhD email-course. Learn everything your supervisor should have taught you about planning and completing a PhD.

Now half price. Join hundreds of other students and become a better thesis writer, or your money back. 

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Dr. Max Lempriere

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Thank you so much You are doing a great job by helping PhD students like me to make it less stressful.

Have a great day

Thanks so much.


Hi, I withdrew from my PhD in the final months and am now planning to return to it and remodel it somewhat. This template will be really useful for restructuring what I already have and planning what I need to work on. Thank-you!


Gave my email to get template. No template. *sigh

Hi – I’ve just checked on our end and all the emails were sent out. They may be sitting in a spam folder. Get in touch if you’re still without them. [email protected]

Gerrard W Allen

This looks like it’s going to save my life. Let’s see!!

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  • Knowledge Base
  • Dissertation
  • What Is a Thesis? | Ultimate Guide & Examples

What Is a Thesis? | Ultimate Guide & Examples

Published on September 14, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on April 16, 2024.

A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master’s program or a capstone to a bachelor’s degree.

Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation , it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete. It relies on your ability to conduct research from start to finish: choosing a relevant topic , crafting a proposal , designing your research , collecting data , developing a robust analysis, drawing strong conclusions , and writing concisely .

Thesis template

You can also download our full thesis template in the format of your choice below. Our template includes a ready-made table of contents , as well as guidance for what each chapter should include. It’s easy to make it your own, and can help you get started.

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Table of contents

Thesis vs. thesis statement, how to structure a thesis, acknowledgements or preface, list of figures and tables, list of abbreviations, introduction, literature review, methodology, reference list, proofreading and editing, defending your thesis, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about theses.

You may have heard the word thesis as a standalone term or as a component of academic writing called a thesis statement . Keep in mind that these are two very different things.

  • A thesis statement is a very common component of an essay, particularly in the humanities. It usually comprises 1 or 2 sentences in the introduction of your essay , and should clearly and concisely summarize the central points of your academic essay .
  • A thesis is a long-form piece of academic writing, often taking more than a full semester to complete. It is generally a degree requirement for Master’s programs, and is also sometimes required to complete a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts colleges.
  • In the US, a dissertation is generally written as a final step toward obtaining a PhD.
  • In other countries (particularly the UK), a dissertation is generally written at the bachelor’s or master’s level.

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The final structure of your thesis depends on a variety of components, such as:

  • Your discipline
  • Your theoretical approach

Humanities theses are often structured more like a longer-form essay . Just like in an essay, you build an argument to support a central thesis.

In both hard and social sciences, theses typically include an introduction , literature review , methodology section ,  results section , discussion section , and conclusion section . These are each presented in their own dedicated section or chapter. In some cases, you might want to add an appendix .

Thesis examples

We’ve compiled a short list of thesis examples to help you get started.

  • Example thesis #1:   “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the ‘Noble Savage’ on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807” by Suchait Kahlon.
  • Example thesis #2: “’A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man’: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947″ by Julian Saint Reiman.

The very first page of your thesis contains all necessary identifying information, including:

  • Your full title
  • Your full name
  • Your department
  • Your institution and degree program
  • Your submission date.

Sometimes the title page also includes your student ID, the name of your supervisor, or the university’s logo. Check out your university’s guidelines if you’re not sure.

Read more about title pages

The acknowledgements section is usually optional. Its main point is to allow you to thank everyone who helped you in your thesis journey, such as supervisors, friends, or family. You can also choose to write a preface , but it’s typically one or the other, not both.

Read more about acknowledgements Read more about prefaces

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An abstract is a short summary of your thesis. Usually a maximum of 300 words long, it’s should include brief descriptions of your research objectives , methods, results, and conclusions. Though it may seem short, it introduces your work to your audience, serving as a first impression of your thesis.

Read more about abstracts

A table of contents lists all of your sections, plus their corresponding page numbers and subheadings if you have them. This helps your reader seamlessly navigate your document.

Your table of contents should include all the major parts of your thesis. In particular, don’t forget the the appendices. If you used heading styles, it’s easy to generate an automatic table Microsoft Word.

Read more about tables of contents

While not mandatory, if you used a lot of tables and/or figures, it’s nice to include a list of them to help guide your reader. It’s also easy to generate one of these in Word: just use the “Insert Caption” feature.

Read more about lists of figures and tables

If you have used a lot of industry- or field-specific abbreviations in your thesis, you should include them in an alphabetized list of abbreviations . This way, your readers can easily look up any meanings they aren’t familiar with.

Read more about lists of abbreviations

Relatedly, if you find yourself using a lot of very specialized or field-specific terms that may not be familiar to your reader, consider including a glossary . Alphabetize the terms you want to include with a brief definition.

Read more about glossaries

An introduction sets up the topic, purpose, and relevance of your thesis, as well as expectations for your reader. This should:

  • Ground your research topic , sharing any background information your reader may need
  • Define the scope of your work
  • Introduce any existing research on your topic, situating your work within a broader problem or debate
  • State your research question(s)
  • Outline (briefly) how the remainder of your work will proceed

In other words, your introduction should clearly and concisely show your reader the “what, why, and how” of your research.

Read more about introductions

A literature review helps you gain a robust understanding of any extant academic work on your topic, encompassing:

  • Selecting relevant sources
  • Determining the credibility of your sources
  • Critically evaluating each of your sources
  • Drawing connections between sources, including any themes, patterns, conflicts, or gaps

A literature review is not merely a summary of existing work. Rather, your literature review should ultimately lead to a clear justification for your own research, perhaps via:

  • Addressing a gap in the literature
  • Building on existing knowledge to draw new conclusions
  • Exploring a new theoretical or methodological approach
  • Introducing a new solution to an unresolved problem
  • Definitively advocating for one side of a theoretical debate

Read more about literature reviews

Theoretical framework

Your literature review can often form the basis for your theoretical framework, but these are not the same thing. A theoretical framework defines and analyzes the concepts and theories that your research hinges on.

Read more about theoretical frameworks

Your methodology chapter shows your reader how you conducted your research. It should be written clearly and methodically, easily allowing your reader to critically assess the credibility of your argument. Furthermore, your methods section should convince your reader that your method was the best way to answer your research question.

A methodology section should generally include:

  • Your overall approach ( quantitative vs. qualitative )
  • Your research methods (e.g., a longitudinal study )
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., interviews or a controlled experiment
  • Any tools or materials you used (e.g., computer software)
  • The data analysis methods you chose (e.g., statistical analysis , discourse analysis )
  • A strong, but not defensive justification of your methods

Read more about methodology sections

Your results section should highlight what your methodology discovered. These two sections work in tandem, but shouldn’t repeat each other. While your results section can include hypotheses or themes, don’t include any speculation or new arguments here.

Your results section should:

  • State each (relevant) result with any (relevant) descriptive statistics (e.g., mean , standard deviation ) and inferential statistics (e.g., test statistics , p values )
  • Explain how each result relates to the research question
  • Determine whether the hypothesis was supported

Additional data (like raw numbers or interview transcripts ) can be included as an appendix . You can include tables and figures, but only if they help the reader better understand your results.

Read more about results sections

Your discussion section is where you can interpret your results in detail. Did they meet your expectations? How well do they fit within the framework that you built? You can refer back to any relevant source material to situate your results within your field, but leave most of that analysis in your literature review.

For any unexpected results, offer explanations or alternative interpretations of your data.

Read more about discussion sections

Your thesis conclusion should concisely answer your main research question. It should leave your reader with an ultra-clear understanding of your central argument, and emphasize what your research specifically has contributed to your field.

Why does your research matter? What recommendations for future research do you have? Lastly, wrap up your work with any concluding remarks.

Read more about conclusions

In order to avoid plagiarism , don’t forget to include a full reference list at the end of your thesis, citing the sources that you used. Choose one citation style and follow it consistently throughout your thesis, taking note of the formatting requirements of each style.

Which style you choose is often set by your department or your field, but common styles include MLA , Chicago , and APA.

Create APA citations Create MLA citations

In order to stay clear and concise, your thesis should include the most essential information needed to answer your research question. However, chances are you have many contributing documents, like interview transcripts or survey questions . These can be added as appendices , to save space in the main body.

Read more about appendices

Once you’re done writing, the next part of your editing process begins. Leave plenty of time for proofreading and editing prior to submission. Nothing looks worse than grammar mistakes or sloppy spelling errors!

Consider using a professional thesis editing service or grammar checker to make sure your final project is perfect.

Once you’ve submitted your final product, it’s common practice to have a thesis defense, an oral component of your finished work. This is scheduled by your advisor or committee, and usually entails a presentation and Q&A session.

After your defense , your committee will meet to determine if you deserve any departmental honors or accolades. However, keep in mind that defenses are usually just a formality. If there are any serious issues with your work, these should be resolved with your advisor way before a defense.

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Research bias

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  • Self-serving bias
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  • Citation Generator

The conclusion of your thesis or dissertation shouldn’t take up more than 5–7% of your overall word count.

If you only used a few abbreviations in your thesis or dissertation , you don’t necessarily need to include a list of abbreviations .

If your abbreviations are numerous, or if you think they won’t be known to your audience, it’s never a bad idea to add one. They can also improve readability, minimizing confusion about abbreviations unfamiliar to your reader.

When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

A thesis is typically written by students finishing up a bachelor’s or Master’s degree. Some educational institutions, particularly in the liberal arts, have mandatory theses, but they are often not mandatory to graduate from bachelor’s degrees. It is more common for a thesis to be a graduation requirement from a Master’s degree.

Even if not mandatory, you may want to consider writing a thesis if you:

  • Plan to attend graduate school soon
  • Have a particular topic you’d like to study more in-depth
  • Are considering a career in research
  • Would like a capstone experience to tie up your academic experience

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George, T. (2024, April 16). What Is a Thesis? | Ultimate Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

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Supporting Dissertation Writers Through the Silent Struggle

While we want Ph.D. students to be independent, our practices can signal that we’re not available to support them when they need it, writes Ramon B. Goings.

By  Ramon B. Goings

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Consider the following discussion. A student tells me, “I have so much going on right now. I’m trying to write this dissertation, take care of my mom and raise my kids. I’m giving to everyone else and have nothing left to write.”

“Thanks for sharing,” I respond. “Have you reached out to your adviser to discuss what is happening and see what resources you might be able to access?”

“My adviser said they will meet with me when I have a document ready for them to review. They are too busy,” the student says. “I’ve just been struggling in silence and don’t know what to do.”

This conversation highlights the reality for many doctoral students—they may experience hardships in silence. The doctoral journey is an interesting experience during which students are provided structure through coursework and then, once they enter the dissertation phase, that structure is removed. They usually are in a position where they have to manage everything themselves.

As faculty members, we try to provide the space of intellectual curiosity for our students and allow them to explore their dissertation topics. However, while we want students to be independent, our practices can signal that we are not available to support them when they need it. What are some strategies that we should consider implementing to support our students who too often struggle in silence? Below are three that I have implemented in my chairing process.

Create an environment where students can share. Students want to meet our expectations and standards. Yet in efforts to not burden us, some students may choose not to reach out to us when they are experiencing challenges. In some instances, they also do not come to us due to the fear—and, at times, the reality—that they will face adverse consequence for doing so. While that can occur during the coursework phase, it is even more common when students are writing their dissertations, because they believe they must be independent scholars and figure everything out on their own.

To combat those situations, we as dissertation chairs must first create an environment where students can feel comfortable to share what they are going through. One simple way to foster that type of relationship is to first ensure that you make time to meet regularly with your advisees. While that may seem to be an obvious practice, I often hear from doctoral students, like the one in the opening vignette of this article, that they find it challenging just to get on their chair’s calendar. That can unintentionally signal to them that we as faculty members are not available. As a faculty member, I know we have many demands on our time. To support my students, I have dedicated times each week when students can meet with me as needed. Making the time consistent on my calendar allows me to ensure other activities do not get in the way of meeting with students. To be more efficient, I created a special Calendly meeting link that has time slots open for students to schedule.

Programs should also have regular faculty meetings to discuss student academic progress, along with any well-being challenges such as mental health and/or life challenges. Sometimes a student is more comfortable talking with a faculty member who is not on their dissertation committee, and having such conversations can provide a space for all faculty members to learn what is going on and potentially troubleshoot before a student’s difficulties gets worse.

Choose your words with care. As dissertation chairs, our words hold significant power with our advisees. Those words become even more important when our students are experiencing personal and/or professional challenges. To illustrate this point, I offer you one word that, when used, can be a trigger for students: concern.

Students have told me that if we use the word “concern” when talking with them, it signals something is drastically wrong with what they are doing. So if I am relaying information—especially feedback—to students, I ask myself the following before I speak:

  • Is what I need to share truly a concern? For example, some students receive a concern comment when minor or moderate editorial changes—grammar, syntax, formatting and the like—are needed. While those must be fixed, they don’t usually rise to the level of concern that impacts the integrity of the study, a misalignment between the research questions and methodology.
  • Can I express my thoughts in a more detailed way rather than just expressing concern? In the example above, if I thought the student’s editorial work needed updates, I would explain that to them and provide examples on how the student can make the changes that I am requesting.

I am certainly aware that interpretation is important, but while students can take feedback from us on their work, I have learned to be reflective about what I say. It can influence their self-confidence, a key component for completing the dissertation process.

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Understand your role is not a problem solver but solution facilitator. When I talk with other faculty members, some are quick to declare they are scientists, not therapists, so supporting their students’ distinct life challenges isn’t in their job description. I also agree that it’s not our role as faculty members to solve students’ problems for them. But we can provide a listening ear and, most of all, connect students to the various resources that can support them in their decision making.

For instance, a chair I know was advising a doctoral student who was communicative when writing their proposal and moved through the process fairly quickly. Then, after the student collected their data, the chair noticed that the student slowed down their progress and that when they met the student exhibited some uncharacteristic behaviors. Fortunately, the two had established a positive rapport, so the faculty member was able to learn that the student was unexpectedly taking on caregiving responsibilities for a sibling while experiencing some housing instability. In that case, the faculty member was able to connect the student with a campus resource for caregivers and, through it, the student was able to find housing support.

I know many faculty members are already engaging in the practices that I’ve suggested, but I continue to encounter doctoral students at the dissertation phase who are suffering in silence.

I invite you to share with me in conversations on X any other successful strategies you’ve implemented to support your doctoral students. My mission is to bring to light some of these ideas so we can make our graduate programs spaces where our students can flourish.

Ramon B. Goings ( @ramongoings ) is an associate professor in the language, literacy and culture doctoral program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and founder of Done Dissertation .

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Sylvester Zhang awarded Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

Sylvester Zhang headshot photograph

MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (6/28/2024) – School of Mathematics PhD student Sylvester Zhang was recently awarded the Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the University of Minnesota. The Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF) gives the University's most accomplished Ph.D. candidates an opportunity to devote full-time effort to an outstanding research project by providing time to finalize and write their dissertation during the fellowship year.

Sylvester Zhang started the University of Minnesota Mathematics PhD program in Fall 2020, after completion of his undergraduate studies in Mathematics and Economics here at UMN. Zhang is interested in algebraic combinatorics. In particular he aims to explore topics like total positivity, cluster algebras, symmetric functions, and the flag manifold. Advised by Pavlo Pylyavskyy, Zhang is currently primarily focused on two distinct research topics: 1) an approach to Schubert polynomials using methods from mathematical physics, and 2) affine symmetric group and combinatorics of the affine flag variety. He says he is looking forward to continuing a career in academia and research after graduation.

The University of Minnesota DDF program aims to give the most accomplished Ph.D. candidates – those who have passed the written and oral preliminary examinations and their program coursework – an opportunity to devote full-time effort to an outstanding research project by providing time to finalize and write their dissertation during the fellowship year. The fellowship grants awardees a $25,000 stipend, academic year tuition, subsidized health insurance through the Graduate Assistant Health Plan for up to one calendar year, and a $1,000 conference grant. 

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    Thesis Editing. Our experienced editors will ensure proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and academic style while improving clarity, concision, and transitions in your writing. Your edited thesis/dissertation will have good readability and a proper academic tone, allowing your examiners to assess your research and studies easily. 02.

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    Whether we're proofreading and editing, checking for plagiarism or AI content, generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles, our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers. We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success.

  14. Tips for writing a PhD dissertation: FAQs answered

    A PhD thesis (or dissertation) is typically 60,000 to 120,000 words ( 100 to 300 pages in length) organised into chapters, divisions and subdivisions (with roughly 10,000 words per chapter) - from introduction (with clear aims and objectives) to conclusion. The structure of a dissertation will vary depending on discipline (humanities, social ...

  15. 10 tips for writing a PhD thesis

    10 tips for writing a PhD thesis. Ingrid Curl shares simple rules for keeping your work clear and jargon-free. April 6, 2016 . Ingrid Curl. Share on twitter; Share on facebook; ... but one's twenties should be a time for broad learning and professional development, not for burying oneself in detailed research, says Lincoln Allison.

  16. How to Write a Dissertation: Step-by-Step Guide

    Most dissertations run a minimum of 100-200 pages, with some hitting 300 pages or more. When editing your dissertation, break it down chapter by chapter. Go beyond grammar and spelling to make sure you communicate clearly and efficiently. Identify repetitive areas and shore up weaknesses in your argument.

  17. PhD Proofreading and Editing Services

    PhD Editing Services. As part of our service, your specialist PhD editor can help you: Perfect your punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Maintain an academic tone and vocabulary in your writing. Check that documents are clear and well structured. Make sure your referencing is correct. Improve your writing style via helpful feedback.

  18. Thesis Proofreading and Editing Service

    Overuse of passive voice. Subjective or inflated language. For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs. ⏰ Deadline. Same day delivery. 📄 Texts. Thesis. ⭐️ Rating. 4.6 based on 13,253 reviews.

  19. Thesis Writing Service That Knows a Shortcut to Your Degree

    Writing service offered by the team of professional thesis writers. Our company has helped thousands of students with writing a top-grade thesis. Toll-free: +1 (877) 401-4335. Order Now. ... you can rely on our PhD thesis writers. The chosen expert will make sure to review your paper, distinguish the essential purpose and ideas, check the used ...

  20. Getting Started

    Thesis and Dissertation: Getting Started. The resources in this section are designed to provide guidance for the first steps of the thesis or dissertation writing process. They offer tools to support the planning and managing of your project, including writing out your weekly schedule, outlining your goals, and organzing the various working ...

  21. How to write a PhD: A template

    The PhD Writing Template is a way for you to visualise your PhD on one page. It guides you through creating a synopsis for each chapter and an overall outline of the thesis using simple questions to structure and guide your thinking. If you haven't already download it for free now. Whilst no two PhDs are the same, they share a number of core ...

  22. PhD Thesis Writers For Hire

    Professional PhD Thesis Writing Service. Our writers are at the very heart of our company and our legitimate PhD paper writers are no exception. Following a thorough check of a writer's qualifications and an intense testing process, we know we hire only the most top rated writers. Our master's and PhD writers have done it all - high ...

  23. Advice for surviving your PhD dissertation

    Here, academics offer their insight on each step towards producing an original work of scholarship. Starting with choosing a supervisor and establishing healthy habits, the advice goes on to cover how to structure a PhD dissertation, establish a writing routine, write an abstract, prepare for a viva and beat procrastination when motivation flags.

  24. The Monash Doctoral Program

    Thesis including Published Works Thesis including Published Works ... Develop a broad range of skills and professional attributes, and; Make an impact in academia, industry, government or community after graduation. It is a PhD designed to prepare graduates with the skills and capabilities sought by employers, giving you a competitive edge in ...

  25. What Is a Thesis?

    Revised on April 16, 2024. A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master's program or a capstone to a bachelor's degree. Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation, it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete.

  26. Dissertation chairs can better support Ph.D. student writers (opinion)

    As dissertation chairs, our words hold significant power with our advisees. Those words become even more important when our students are experiencing personal and/or professional challenges. To illustrate this point, I offer you one word that, when used, can be a trigger for students: concern.

  27. Graduate throws huge, £6k "solo wedding" after finishing her PhD

    Alongside a new, full-time job paying £2.1k-a-month and thesis-writing, Aileen started planning a party for mid-June. She added: "We don't celebrate achievements enough.

  28. Sylvester Zhang awarded Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

    MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (6/28/2024) - School of Mathematics PhD student Sylvester Zhang was recently awarded the Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the University of Minnesota. The Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF) gives the University's most accomplished Ph.D. candidates an opportunity to devote full-time effort to an outstanding research project by providing time to finalize and ...