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Medical Biosciences Personal Statement Example – Imperial College London

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Welcome to our collection of Medicine Personal Statement Examples! We’ve searched far and wide to find personal statements from successful applicants all around the UK and asked them to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their work for your own inspiration. Today’s subject is from Aneesha, who studies Medical Science at Imperial College London.

Aneesha had a applied to a selection of top medical schools in the UK before receiving an offer from both Imperial and King’s College London .

Of course, Aneesha chose the former, so let’s read the personal statement that got her a place at Imperial College London, or skip straight to her feedback to learn what made her personal statement a success!

Please be aware that these examples are meant purely for the sake of inspiration, and should absolutely NOT be used as a model around which to base your own personal statement. UCAS have a rather strict system that detects plagiarism .

Imperial Medicine Personal Statement Example

Whole personal statement.

Medical Science appeals to me because of its mutability. Particularly, the opportunity to continually learn and apply new innovations to help the human body function fascinates me. A teacher opened my eyes to how science is linked with all aspects of our life, prompting me to choose Biology at my A/Level. Human Biology in particular interested me. I realised how the various organ systems need to work in tandem to keep our bodies functioning.   Visiting a Surgical Intensive Care Unit opened my eyes to instances in which congenital disorders destabilised the functioning of the entire body, which I was not able to glean from my textbooks.

Seeing an ETU function highlighted how stressful a medical career can be. Often, a single doctor on shift had to prioritise among patients who had been waiting for hours, and were heckling the doctor. I was impressed by their ability to keep calm and make swift decisions based on a range of symptoms. A highlight of my work experience was being able to see a Caesarean section delivery. I saw how everyone from the nurses to the surgeons contributed towards the procedure. Observing how the team supported the mother, calmly explaining what she could expect, and holding her hand through the pain, opened my eyes to the level of empathy and reliability required in this profession.

Shadowing a consultant in a Paediatric Preliminary Care Unit, I witnessed her dismiss a child’s concerns about an abdominal pain, and spoke to the mother in medical terms which did not effectively communicate the problem to her. On the other hand, another demonstrated how good communication can work wonders in drawing a patient out, with relatively simple questions like, “Have you eaten lunch yet?” This proved to be a highly thought-provoking experience, highlighting the importance of communication in medical practice.

During a project to raise funds for a local orphanage, we visited and spent hours with the children. I realised that what made them happiest was not the items we donated, but the fact that we spent time with them. The realisation that care is more valued than material items was humbling.

I wish to study abroad as repeated closure of local universities due to student unrest is discouraging and challenging. I wish to study in England as I have previously lived in the UK for a period of 5 years, and I am acclimated to the culture and language. English is also the main language of instruction of my current school. I hence believe that England would be a solid environment to be in whilst away from home.

Ranking second in the country at my GCE O/Level and maintaining a high academic level in my A/Level years has given me the confidence that I am able to cope with the academic demands of a medical degree.

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Imperial Medicine Personal Statement Example Analysis

Now, let’s go section by section and see what Aneesha has to say about what she wrote:  



Beginning with what fascinates me about the course and including real life experience to back it up demonstrates my enthusiasm and excitement for my chosen degree, as well as an understanding of what a career in medicine could involve. An introduction needs to quickly get the point across that you have a genuine reason for joining this course and that you would be an asset to the university for this reason. This is especially true when your explanation dives deeper into actual subject knowledge rather than staying surface level. If you plan on specialising into a specific area, mention it (although you need to be careful not to come off as stuck in your ways and unable to explore new fields).

In terms of improvements, I could’ve introduced my other reason for studying medicine in my introduction. As I have chosen to write my personal statement in a narrative style, my motivation for studying medicine is laid out chronologically, however I feel that introducing these ideas earlier on could improve the overall structure of my personal statement and make me appear to be a more diverse candidate.

These two paragraphs both cover my ‘work experiences’ and generally have a similar format, so I felt it was best to discuss them together. In these paragraphs, I have reflected on my experiences in hospital and a clinical environment, which demonstrates that I am able to learn from experience. It also demonstrates a realistic understanding of a career in medicine and its challenges. A general rule of thumb is that any work experience like this needs to be discussed in-depth when writing a personal statement. It’s the most relevant and some of the most challenging work experience you can do pre-med school. It’s also good to focus more on what you learnt and witnessed compared to the work you actually did. The lessons learnt from the professionals are more valuable than any amount of assisting and busy-work you likely had to do during your time there!

The biggest flaw with this section is with the structure. I feel that these paragraphs may seem a little disjointed, as I have taken different experiences and written them without including any statement tying these experiences together. These experiences aren’t too different from each other, so it shouldn’t have been too hard to find a theme that links them together and explains how everything discussed helped me grow as a person.

In my “work in a local orphanage” paragraph, I have demonstrated that I am able to work in a professional capacity, which is always a sign of a good candidate early on ( voluntary work is always a good look as well). I have also reflected on this experience and tied it back to how this experience is of value to develop skills necessary in my career of choice. Best of all, it shows the humility that anyone needs when working in medicine, as it is primarily a human subject.

It’s a very short section though, so I could have brought in more examples of work placements and how these experiences have shaped me, and reflected further on how these experiences helped me develop my understanding of myself and my capabilities. These wouldn’t have had to have been as in-depth as my work experience discussion, but mention more examples of learning experiences will show a more well-rounded character on the page.

In my “why do I want to study abroad” paragraph, I have highlighted a few reasons why I have chosen to leave home and learn in a completely new environment. I have also demonstrated that I feel confident in being able to acclimatise myself to this new environment. This may not be the most relevant information to provide in a personal statement, although it does display a great strength of my character and the skill of perseverance.

However, I feel that I could have highlighted what about the education system and course delivery in the UK interests me, and how I feel that this academic environment would be the best place for me to complete my degree and develop my skills. One piece of advice I can definitely give is this: UK applicant’s don’t really need to add a section like this to their personal statements!

As a school prefect, dealing with my peers who faced issues such as stress, mental health concerns, and coming to terms with a horrific terrorist bombing, I was required to be an empathic listener and someone who was willing to actively help my fellow students. I understood my capacity to help, but knew my limitations. The emotional demand also taught me how to keep myself healthy whilst helping.

Music is my outlet, and I find time to play in a number of orchestras and sing chorally. Playing with the Sri Lanka Symphony Orchestra, I have been able to meet people of various social strata, ethnicities, religions and sexualities. As leader of my school orchestra, I learned the value of being organized and punctual, and how to lead a team, which I feel are transferable in my career of choice.

These paragraphs again link together fairly closely, so it’s easier to analyse them together. In this “school/extra-curricular activities” section, I have demonstrated my academic capabilities as well as the skills I have developed in teamwork, communication , leadership and resilience , all of which are invaluable . While I have not gone too in-depth into any of these, it’s not really that necessary as they are all just smaller things that combine into a larger selection of skills and life lessons.

This paragraph could have been improved if I had linked it back to my paragraph on my work experience, and how the characteristics I developed linked back to my observations and reflections of a clinical environment. Having many individual experiences only gets you so far in your personal statement, almost anyone can go and do some of these things. The strength of them come from what you learn from them and how you can use all these experiences together to become a better medical worker. There are also some areas here that aren’t strictly necessary. If I had needed more space in other areas of the statement, this would have been the first place to make cuts.

Looking for more support with your Personal Statement?

When you sign up to 6med’s Personal Statement Bundle, you’ll be getting guidance from expert Medics, alongside a tonne of insightful resources to teach you everything you need to know about personal statement writing.

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Having seen the emotional and intellectual demand associated with medicine I feel it is a career which is both stimulating and ultimately rewarding. This is why I hope to follow this discipline through my life.

In my conclusion, I have briefly summed up all of the ideas I brought out through my personal statement, which links my paragraphs together and highlights what I feel are the key aspects of this statement. This is exactly what a conclusion should do. There’s no need to add extra information or anything else in the last moments of you statement, all you need to do is reflect upon and summarise what you’ve said.

This conclusion could have been further strengthened if I had mentioned a few key areas of my statement more specifically, in order to further demonstrate my understanding of what I feel are the most important segments. The reader wants to know that you fully understand what you’ve written and are genuine about the points you’ve made. The conclusion is the perfect place to do this, so being more specific, although not overly detailed, is a good idea.

Final Thoughts

I think my personal statement is honest and reflective, and the narrative style I have written it in demonstrates my journey in arriving at the conclusion I have. I feel that I have addressed several important questions such as why I have chosen this degree, what I have done to further my understanding of my chosen career, and how my personal experiences have shaped me in a way that lead to my choices. I also feel the answers I have provided are effective and convincing, using my real world experience to prove my commitment and skill in the field of medicine.

I feel that the structure of my personal statement is a little disjointed at times, as I have written about a number of experiences without linking them together. Providing the links in your development is the best way to legitimise what you have said and make for a more believable and engaging story. This problem is highlighted in my conclusion, which could have pointed out the key points in my statement better. This would have helped round out the statement and make the important parts of what I said stick out in the reader’s mind after they finished reading.

So there you have it! This personal statement helped Aneesha get a place at imperial College London! Everyone has different experiences and abilities, so you may not be able to relate to everything that was said in this personal statement. However, the information and advice provided by Aneesha is universal and will help any applicant write a better personal statement!  

Be sure to check out more Medicine Personal Statement Analyses to see advice from all different kinds of applicants, including Ali Abdaal himself! Or if you want to get started on your own statement, check out 6med’s Personal Statement Bundle for all the support and resources you’ll ever need! If you want full support on every part of your application and a guaranteed place at med school, the Complete Bundle will be perfect for you.

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How to Write a Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Tips for starting your biomedical science personal statement.

Writing your personal statement can feel like a mammoth task and knowing where to start can be really tricky. It is important, however, to not get too wrapped up in what a perfect biomedical sciences personal statement should be and instead think about what will make you and your passion for the subject stand out .

Everyone’s personal statement will be different as there is no one way to write it, but there are some essential components that your biomed personal statement should include. Committing to a three or four year degree course at a top university is no walk in the park; you need to be invested in pursuing what you are applying to for at least the next 3/4 years, therefore showing your passion for biomedical sciences is one of the most important components of your personal statement.

But what does this mean and how do you portray this on one side of A4? Mention specific topics/ themes that you like about biomedical sciences , showcase some subject knowledge, highlight super-curriculars that you have engaged with as well as writing about any extracurriculars, personal interests and skills that you have that will make you a fantastic candidate to study biomedical sciences at a top uni.

checklist for Biomedical Science personal statement preparation

Showing My Passion for Biomedical Science?: The Importance of Super-Curriculars

Most top unis, including Oxbridge, will be less interested in your extracurricular activities and more interested in how you can prove your passion for biomedical sciences. Super-curriculars are the best pieces of evidence you can provide – they show that you have gone above and beyond your school syllabus and taken initiative to broaden your knowledge.

These may include things like reading books related to the subject, listening to podcasts, reading magazine and newspaper articles, completing MOOCs (massive online open courses), watching documentaries, attending taster days or any relevant work experience you have undertaken . By no means do you need to do all of these but having a couple of examples will be an excellent way to make your biomedical science statement standout.

Having said this, it is most important to engage with what you’re genuinely interested in rather than what you feel you should be reading, watching, listening to and so on – this way your pure interest will shine through naturally without it feeling forced. If invited to interview as well, this will make it much easier for you to talk about your personal statement as it will all be things you enjoyed.

Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Need to boost your super-curriculars?

Our co-curricular division, Minds Underground, was built out to support top students approaching university/ Oxbridge applications and looking to stretch beyond the curriculum. You could try:

Our University Prep Virtual Summer Schools (e.g. Medicine, Biology) - Each is hosted by 2 Oxbridge graduates and will provide loads of exciting content for personal statements and interviews

Online Research Experiences e.g. Research Projects with a PhD Researcher in Pharmacology & Biotechnology; AstraZeneca/ Cambridge

Medical/ STEM Extension Sessions : We run a weekly Medical and STEM Club, designed to give students exposure to exciting ‘beyond the syllabus’ topics they could mention in their personal statement

Book recommendations for Biomedical Sciences

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot – this book tells the story of a woman who died in 1951 from cervical cancer whose legacy continues to this day with the HeLa cell line. Taken from Henrietta’s tumour while she was still alive, it was cultured in a lab and found to be immortal. Having been used in an array of biomedical research since then, the ethical issues and dilemmas raised in this book provide insight into some of the arguments and discussions that are dominant within the field of bioethics.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks – this book by the neurologist Oliver Sacks provides a series of case studies of some of the most notable patients of Sacks’ career; despite this book being particularly fascinating to those interested in neuroscience and psychology, this is an interesting read for anyone entering the field of biomedical science.

The Epigenetic Revolution by Nessa Carey – epigenetics is the study of differences between genetically identical organisms which have non-identical phenotypes; this book provides a detailed and fascinating insight into the relatively new discipline of epigenetics.

Bad Science by Ben Goldacre – an engaging analysis of the current state of science; particularly recommended if you are interested in research and how science can often be “lost” behind money, media and business.

biomedical science personal statement book recommendations

Podcast Recommendations for Biomedical Sciences

New Scientist Weekly

Instant Genius

What about my extra-curriculars?

When it comes to extra-curriculars, it can be tempting to write a list of everything you’ve done to show how well-rounded you are, however, it is better to only mention a couple and relate it back to why you should be offered a place to study biomedical sciences. For example, being a prefect equips you with leadership and teamwork skills which would be useful during group project and practical classes; completing a Duke of Edinburgh award would provide you with problem solving skills, again important during practical classes and also when critically appraising primary papers.

Addressing the universities’ selection criteria

To make your whole personal statement shine even brighter you should address specific selection criteria from the course webpage on the universities’ websites. The University of Oxford’s Medical Sciences Division website says they are looking for biomed candidates who show “intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm” , as illustrated by your examples of seeking out super-curriculars for instance. Similarly, communication skills can be shown through jobs that you may have had – “I have worked in my local charity shop for 2 years, talking with customers and colleagues helped me to develop my interpersonal skills.”

How Do I Start Drafting and Structuring My Biomed Personal Statement?

You can never have too many drafts of your personal statement. It is best to start early so you have time to edit and adapt and improve. Often when you think you have a final copy you can go back and make even more improvements. Having a break and coming back with a fresh pair of eyes can help you spot gaps or errors or can even help you reduce the character count (as UCAS has a strict limit on characters so it is important to keep your paragraphs concise and to the point). Make sure to create links between each section/ paragraph to make the whole personal statement flow as one, instead of it reading like a list of what you’ve done and why you should be given a place to study biomedical sciences.

If you are struggling with the structure of the statement it is a good idea to simply write whichever paragraph you can and then come back at the end to order your paragraphs and create links. You may want to write your ending before you’ve written your introduction – there is no right or wrong way to do this, it just has to be yours.

How Do I End My Personal Statement?

Concluding your personal statement for biomedicine can feel just as hard as starting it but at this point you are almost there! If you can, it is good to conclude with a punchy sentence, something that nicely rounds up what you have been saying throughout: that you are a passionate biomedical scientist who is excited to pursue a biomedical sciences degree. You could refer back to what makes you the ideal biomed candidate and use keywords from the degree course webpages to help.

Here is an example:

In conclusion, my unwavering passion for biomedical science, coupled with my commitment to ongoing learning and contributing meaningfully to the field, drives my aspiration to embark on this transformative journey of academic growth, making me eager to bring my unique perspective, dedication, and skills to the vibrant and innovative community of biomedical researchers.

Applying to Oxford Biomed? Here's What You Should Also Do

Oxbridge and other top universities will use your personal statement as a component of their short-listing procedure. Oxford will use your personal statement to generate questions for the interview to which you may be invited. For biomed, these questions relating to your biomedical science personal statement are likely to be ice breakers as the interviewers will expect you to be comfortable talking about your personal statement and anything that you have mentioned within it. Therefore, it is important that you write your statement with the expectation that you will be asked to expand upon and explain every single sentence.

Biomedical Personal Statement Example

My fascination with the intricacies of life has propelled my journey towards understanding the complexities of the human body. The captivating narratives of Oliver Sacks' "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" ignited my interest in neuroscience, prompting me to explore the underlying mechanisms of neurological disorders. This curiosity laid the foundation for my journey into the field of biomedical science. As I delved into the world of biomedical science, Nessa Carey's "The Epigenetic Revolution" provided a profound insight into the dynamic interplay between genetics and the environment. This exploration sparked my curiosity about epigenetic modifications and their implications for human health. It served as a thematic link, bridging my interest in neuroscience to the broader realm of genetics and molecular biology. Eager to complement my theoretical knowledge with practical insights, I actively sought diverse experiences. I love the New Scientist weekly podcast, which offers a dynamic platform for me to stay abreast of cutting-edge discoveries and emerging trends in biomedical research. An episode titled "Decoding the Brain: Unravelling the Mysteries of Neurodegenerative Diseases" particularly resonated with me, connecting seamlessly with my earlier fascination with neuroscience and serving as a catalyst for my interest in the molecular underpinnings of neurodegenerative disorders. This exposure not only expanded my knowledge but also honed my ability to critically evaluate scientific discourse, a skill integral to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of biomedical sciences. My research experience in Dr. Smith's lab, underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in unravelling the complexities of biomedical challenges. The laboratory work, focusing on cellular signalling pathways, provided a tangible link between theoretical concepts and practical applications discussed in the podcast episode. Recognising the importance of staying at the forefront of scientific advancements, I undertook a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on advanced techniques in molecular biology. This experience not only deepened my understanding of molecular techniques but also acquainted me with the global community of aspiring scientists and researchers. The collaborative spirit within the online cohort mirrored the interdisciplinary approach I envision for my future in biomedical sciences, reinforcing the theme of collaboration and its pivotal role in scientific progress. Exploring topics through podcasts like "The Biomedical Odyssey" has been instrumental in contextualising classroom learning within the broader scope of real-world applications. For instance, I found a podcast episode on "CRISPR: Gene Editing and the Future of Medicine" particularly fascinating. The prospect of precise gene editing raises questions that extend beyond the laboratory into the realm of bioethics. Exploring the ethical considerations associated with CRISPR prompted me to grapple with fundamental questions about the balance between scientific progress and moral responsibility. In addition to my academic pursuits, I have actively sought opportunities to engage with the broader scientific community. Attending conferences, such as the International Conference on Biomedical Sciences, allowed me to interact with eminent researchers and gain insights into the multifaceted nature of contemporary biomedical challenges. These experiences have not only broadened my perspective but have also reinforced my commitment to contributing meaningfully to the field, connecting my academic endeavors to the broader scientific community. In conclusion, my journey in biomedical science has been marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, a commitment to hands-on learning, and an unwavering curiosity about the frontiers of scientific discovery. Armed with a solid foundation, a critical mindset, and an eagerness to contribute to the ever-evolving field, I am poised to embark on the next chapter of my academic journey in biomedical sciences.

The best biomedical personal statements are original and personal to you, showcasing your passion for pursuing a degree in biomedical sciences and encompassing what you are genuinely interested in.

By Evie (Biomedical Science, University of Oxford)

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Oxbridge Interview Questions and Examples

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Looking for a BioMed Personal Statement Tutor or Support For Your Wider Biomedical Science Application?

Biomed personal statement tutoring.

U2’s Oxbridge-educated mentors have a close insight into what admissions tutors like to see in a Biomedical personal statement, and can help students to convey their skills, motivations, and long term goals, in order to stand out from other applicants. The statement should be the candidates own work, but our mentors will provide direction and guide you through the process of content building and writing. We offer offline drafting as well as tuition sessions.

Oxford BioMed Tutoring

We also offer tutoring for students looking for support throughout the Oxford application process (book a free consultation to discuss options). We have a large team of Oxford Biomedical Science tutors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxford Biomed tutor and send their full CV for review. Our mentors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study Biomed at the University of Oxford and are well-placed to guide students through biomed personal statement curation, the BMAT and the interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour diagnostic session , where the tutor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular Biomedical Science application sessions: The main focus of tutorial sessions will be to explore material that can be discussed in the personal statement and at interview - this may sometimes stretch from A-Level standard to First Year Undergraduate. Mentors ensure each student refines their interests within Biomedical Science, and is exposed to a range of key themes and topics. Together, we build a case for the student, solidifying the stance and direction they will take during interview. We also provide extensive admissions test and interview preparation support.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and tutor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , Medicine or Biology Summer School and Oxbridge mock interview days . Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced.

Sessions from £75/h + VAT.

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biomedical sciences personal statement uk

SOP - BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science

  • Sample personal statement

biomedical sciences personal statement uk

05 August, 2022

Sop - bsc (hons) biomedical science share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I am aspiring to study a BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science Programme at the University of Bedfordshire It will provide knowledge as well as graduate-level analytical and transferable skills to prepare for a wide range of careers or further study. My goal in studying biomedical science is to gain a deeper understanding of the human body. This course provides a solid foundation in laboratory science used to research, diagnose, and treat disease. The course will enable me to gain an in-depth understanding of how the human body works, and the molecular, cellular and organ-level processes that take place in the human body. Moreover, I believe that this course will help me demonstrate my academic and intellectual abilities.

I have seen the course modules, syllabus, and learning outcomes of the BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science programme at the University of Bedfordshire this course provides the education, skills, and training required to pursue a career as a professional. The course supports meaningful learning through a curriculum that provides intellectually challenging and practical relevant competencies for future careers in the biomedical sciences. Laboratory-based practical skills are an essential part of this course and will help in developing various practical strategies for a career in biomedical sciences including various biomedical industries and biomedical research. This course teaching method includes practical classes, tutorials, seminars, workshops, Project work, Team- working, IT-based teaching and learning, Case studies and problem-based learning, and guided study. Moreover, the course demonstrates a thorough foundation in theory and practice in human anatomy, physiology and reproductive science, molecular and clinical genetics, clinical immunology, medical microbiology, cellular pathology, clinical biochemistry, hematology, and transfusion science. The assessment methods used across this course include opportunities for Coursework, examinations, Literature review, Research dissertation, Problem-based learning activities, oral presentations, and laboratory practical work. Having the opportunity to study this course I am looking forward to improving my skills and knowledge. This course will help me gain an understanding of the biomedical science method and provide career opportunities through the techniques and skills used. After completing this course, I would like to join the reputed institutes of my country as a Biomedical Scientist or Clinical Research Associate to build my professional career. So, I believe this course will be suitable for my career planning and professional development objectives.

I completed my Secondary and Intermediate from the science groups respectively. While I studied in school and college, I was involved in various types of curriculum activities such as Attend Seminars and Workshops, Debating, Volunteering, Socializing, and Fund Rising. Since I am interested to expand my knowledge in biomedical science, I have come to the conclusion that I need a higher degree from abroad that will enrich my knowledge and skills. I think I should gain more knowledge in the field of Biomedical Science so I decided to continue my further studies with this course. I think I should gain more knowledge in the field of Biomedical Science so I decided to continue my further studies with this course. It will help me develop a broader and more balanced understanding of basic Biomedical Science. In addition, I am eager to gain complete knowledge and skills from this course. Moreover, this course applies the standard method for understanding and evaluating risks and for working safely and solving problems with practical skills in the laboratory. So, I believe this course will be the right choice for me as I am looking for a successful career in this course.

It was difficult for me to choose a specialization as an alternative to the courses available to me, but I finally decided to pursue a career in Biomedical Science. As a science student, studying these course modules would not be difficult for me. The modules include Microbiology and Biochemistry, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Genetics, Skills in Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Skills in Science, Human Metabolism, Medical Physiology, Immunology, Medical Microbiology, Haematology & Transfusion Science, Genetics, Cellular Pathology, Biomedical Science Research Project, Applications of Microbiology, Clinical Biochemistry, Applications of Immunology, Human Genetics, Biology of Disease, and Molecular Biology. So, I hope my chosen course will make me better and further open doors for my profession.

There are several reasons I aspire to study in the UK because the UK is famous for profession. Because this country has had a great reputation for quality higher education since its inception. It is true that the UK is a well-known country and has huge popularity. The UK maintains a quality management system with high standards in all fields. In recent years, most reputed companies in Bangladesh are emphasizing hiring Bangladeshi graduates with degrees from abroad. Where the study environment in my country follows theoretical systems of education and no practical skills are gained. Academically the UK prepares students and provides soft skills that are useful for future careers. UK accommodation and living expenses, and tuition fees are also reasonable. The affordable tuition fees attracted me the most. Furthermore, an academic degree from the UK is recognized and appreciated by employers around the world. This is why I chose the UK as my preferred destination and goal. According to a recent study of international graduation results in 2019 by iGraduate by Universities UK International 82% of overseas graduates believe their UK degree is beneficial for financial investment, and a similar number of graduates said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their careers. Approximately 83% believe a UK degree helped them get a job. So, it will be a big achievement for me if I can study this course at the University of Bedfordshire .

The University of Bedfordshire is a specialty selection from the various options available to me as it is incredibly welcoming to international students. With more than 18,985 students, the university has a significant mature student body and provides outstanding higher education to people from more than 150 countries. University has invested heavily in their facilities to support students in order to create a physical and intellectual environment for learning. In addition, the University of Bedfordshire is dedicated to supporting international students to develop the skills, emotional intelligence, and creativity needed to thrive in a constantly changing world and the competitive job market. Universities have invested heavily in their facilities to support students in order to create a physical and intellectual environment for learning. Also, the university has a reputation for teaching, research, and business partnerships. Moreover, the university has a well-equipped campus. According to DLHE 2018, 91% of graduates are working and/or further studying within six months of graduation. So, if I get the chance to study this course at the University of Bedfordshire I will never look back and it will be a great achievement for me.

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Biomedical Science Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Biomedical Science
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5
  • Personal Statement Example 6

Ever been intrigued by the mysteries of human biology and disease? Fascinated by the scientific research that underpins medical breakthroughs and advancements?

If so, a degree in Biomedical Science could be your perfect pathway. This dynamic discipline will immerse you in the study of the human body at the molecular, cellular, and system levels, providing you with the skills to contribute to medical research and healthcare improvement.

Biomedical Science is an exciting and relevant university course for students interested in the medical field. It combines the study of biology, chemistry, and physics to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the human body and its various systems. The course covers topics such as anatomy, physiology, genetics, biochemistry, and pharmacology.

It also covers the application of these topics to medical diagnosis and treatment. By taking this course, students will gain a strong foundation in the science behind medicine and healthcare, which can be applied to a variety of medical fields. Additionally, they will learn how to use the latest technology and techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.

This course is an excellent choice for those interested in pursuing a career in the medical field, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the science behind medicine and healthcare.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

A degree in biomedical science can open up a variety of career opportunities. Depending on the individual’s interests, they can pursue a career in the medical field, research and development, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, or even teaching.

1. Medical Field: Biomedical scientists can pursue a career in the medical field, such as a medical technologist, medical laboratory scientist, or clinical laboratory scientist. These professionals are responsible for performing tests and analyzing samples to diagnose and treat diseases.

2. Research and Development: Biomedical scientists can also pursue a career in research and development, such as a research scientist or laboratory technician. These professionals are responsible for conducting experiments and analyzing data to develop new treatments and therapies.

3. Pharmaceuticals: Biomedical scientists can also pursue a career in the pharmaceutical industry, such as a pharmaceutical scientist or drug developer. These professionals are responsible for researching and developing new drugs and medications.

4. Biotechnology: Biomedical scientists can also pursue a career in biotechnology, such as a biotechnologist or genetic engineer. These professionals are responsible for researching and developing new technologies and techniques to improve human health.

5. Teaching: Biomedical scientists can also pursue a career in teaching, such as a professor or lecturer. These professionals are responsible for educating students about biomedical science and related topics.

Overall, a degree in biomedical science can open up a variety of career opportunities.

UK Admission Requirements

The University of Kent requires applicants for the Biomedical Science course to have a minimum of two A-Levels at grade C or above, or equivalent qualifications. Additionally, applicants should have a minimum of five GCSEs at grade C or above, including Maths and English.

This entry criteria is similar to other universities offering Biomedical Science courses. For example, the University of Manchester requires applicants to have at least two A-Levels at grade C or above, or equivalent qualifications, as well as five GCSEs at grade C or above, including Maths and English.

However, some universities may have additional entry criteria for Biomedical Science courses. For example, the University of Birmingham requires applicants to have a minimum of three A-Levels at grade C or above, or equivalent qualifications, as well as five GCSEs at grade C or above, including Maths and English.

UK Earnings Potential For Biomedical Science

The average earnings for someone with a degree in biomedical science can vary depending on the specific job and the country in which the job is located. In the UK, the average salary for a biomedical scientist is £33,000 per year, according to the Office for National Statistics. This salary can increase with experience and qualifications.

In terms of trends in the job market, the demand for biomedical scientists is expected to increase in the coming years due to the aging population and the need for more healthcare professionals. Additionally, the development of new technologies and treatments in the biomedical field is creating more job opportunities for biomedical scientists.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to biomedical science include:

1. Biomedical Engineering: This course focuses on the application of engineering principles and techniques to the medical field. It covers topics such as medical imaging, medical instrumentation, biomechanics, tissue engineering, and biomaterials. The key difference between this course and biomedical science is that biomedical engineering is more focused on the design and development of medical devices and technologies, while biomedical science focuses on the study of the biological processes that occur in the body.

2. Medical Science: This course covers a wide range of topics related to the medical field, including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, and biochemistry. The key difference between this course and biomedical science is that medical science focuses more on the clinical aspects of medicine, while biomedical science focuses on the underlying biological processes that occur in the body.

3. Clinical Science: This course focuses on the application of scientific knowledge to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It covers topics such as laboratory techniques, clinical research, and patient care. The key difference between this course and biomedical science is that clinical science focuses more on the clinical aspects of medicine, while biomedical science focuses on the underlying biological processes that occur in the body.

UK Curriculum

Biomedical Science is a highly interdisciplinary subject that covers a wide range of topics and modules. The core topics typically include anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, immunology, pathology, pharmacology, and medical microbiology.

In addition to these core topics, the course may also cover topics such as medical ethics, public health, medical informatics, medical statistics, and medical law. There may also be modules on specific medical specialties such as cardiology, neurology, oncology, and endocrinology.

Depending on the university, the course may also include practical work and hands-on experience. This may involve laboratory work, field trips, clinical placements, and/or research projects. These activities are designed to give students a better understanding of the theoretical material and to help them develop their practical skills.

Alumni Network

Notable alumni from the course in Biomedical Science include Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. He has been a leader in the fight against COVID-19, providing guidance and advice to the public and government officials. He has also been a strong advocate for research into infectious diseases and vaccines, and has been a major contributor to the development of treatments and vaccines for HIV, Ebola, and other infectious diseases.

Other notable alumni from the course include Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health, and Dr. David Baltimore, a Nobel Prize winner for his work in virology. Both have made significant contributions to the field of biomedical science, with Dr. Collins leading the Human Genome Project and Dr. Baltimore pioneering research into retroviruses.

Alumni events and networking opportunities are available through the university’s alumni association. These events provide alumni with the opportunity to connect with other alumni, learn about career opportunities, and stay connected to the university. Additionally, many universities offer alumni-specific networking events, such as career fairs, networking mixers, and alumni dinners. These events provide alumni with the opportunity to meet and network with other alumni, as well as potential employers.

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Biomedical sciences personal statement example 30.

The human body is a miraculous creation; it is a complex organism made of many diverse systems each working to maintain the life that we too often take for granted. Furthermore everyday life relies solely upon the biomedical sciences; it is an area of expertise that is constantly advancing out of necessity and as a result has shaped the lives of countless individuals. It is no exaggeration to say that the life expectancy and longevity of humans now far exceeds even the wildest dreams of those living even in our most recent history. Therefore the desire to contribute to such a specialty has long since fuelled my urge to study a biomedical science course at a higher level.

Acting on this desire to further understand my subject of choice, I was fortunate enough to land a work experience placement at my local hospital shadowing a vascular consultant. It was an amazing experience that allowed me to deepen my understanding of the subject and what it entailed.

I was astounded by the consultant's ability to diagnose the patients' illnesses with a high degree of accuracy simply by examining the patient's physical body. The surreal atmosphere of the problems faced by the patients, the challenges that tasked the consultant and also the heavy emotional impact I obtained from observing the surgeries and consultations, has all helped to strengthen my empathetic sensibility towards the career and solidify a desire to study biomedicine at University.

My fascination for Biology and the sciences are clearly shown by my A-level choices, where an understanding of self-motivation and a desire to succeed is highlighted. Biology and Chemistry have helped provide an insight to the analytical aspect of learning as well as to consolidate a deeper knowledge of the subject, while both Maths and Computing have led to the development of my problem solving skills and the ability to focus on a single point of error in order to fix a problem. My dedication to the subject is not limited to the classroom environment; I have read various articles on topics such as antibiotic resistance and genetics to further expand upon my passion for the subject and develop a higher level of understanding on current issues within the discipline.

At 6th Form I am an active member of the student council, often lending my time to help and assist in the various events scheduled by the school's staff and other members of the council.

Recently, I have also been asked to help the Year 12s that appear to be struggling in AS Maths. Tutoring the students has allowed me to obtain key interpersonal communication ability and valuable leadership skills. In addition being able to balance council work, prefect duty and my studies as well as hobbies has hopefully proved to show my adept ability in time keeping and a determination to not only do well in school but also to help others and inspire them to reach out to others in the same way.

I often play chess and this not only allows me to develop vital critical thinking under a logical setting but also build key communicative skills that are a must when considering a career in any scientific profession. The time constraint that is applied when playing at a competitive level has helped to build upon an ability to quickly adapt to any given situation in an effective manner. It is also a hobby of mine to sketch and while this is primarily a form of stress relief, I believe it also contributes to my innovative thinking which I find is an invaluable asset when ordinary methods do not appear to be applicable.

In conclusion it is my belief that science is a fragile balance between the facts developed from what we know and the hypotheses that form from what we have yet to discover, and that it's the duty of a biomedical specialist to work on this balance and turn the favour towards the facts. The ability to combine Biology based sciences to a medical field does nothing but give me another reason to pursue a career in this well-regarded profession.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by #Asian for application in 2014.

#Asian's university choices Northumbria University University of Newcastle Upon Tyne The University of Edinburgh University of Leeds

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

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Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

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Oxford Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

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Personal statements for every course

For a range of programmes, including Oxford Biomedical Sciences, our Oxbridge tutors have plenty of experience in crafting the perfect personal statement. Our tutors can help you write a successful Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, making sure that you include relevant experience, key points and write with the correct structure.

In a nutshell...

  • Personal statement evaluation within 48 hours
  • Reduce your word count by 20%
  • Analysed by Oxbridge Tutors

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How it Works...

For many applicants, the reason that they lose on out securing a place on the Oxford Biomedical Sciences course is because their personal statement just isn’t good enough. It can be difficult to know what to write in your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement and how to stand out to the admissions tutors. Watch this video to learn more about we can help you to craft the perfect Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement.

How Oxbridge Mind’s Personal Statement Check works

For many applicants, the reason that they lose on out securing a place on the Oxford Biomedical Sciences course is because their personal statement just isn't good enough.

Personal Statement Editing in 60 Seconds

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How we can help

Response in 48 hours.

You can send us your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, whether it's your first or fifth draft. Also, if you'd like us to focus on a specific aspect of your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, such as word count, structure or linking in your work experience, please let us know.

After carefully evaluating your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, our Oxbridge experts will provide an assessment of what you did well and where there's room to make some edits.

Once you've read your feedback, you'll be ready to improve your personal statement for Oxford Biomedical Sciences. If you'd like, you can also send us a new draft at this point.

After making any changes needed, you can now upload your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement to UCAS. What a relief!

Your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement will be attentively reviewed by our Oxbridge Biomedical Sciences tutors to make sure it matches our high standards.


Complete with an analysis summary

We will provide you with line-by-line analysis for your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, as well as comments on how you performed in each of the crucial areas that the Oxford Biomedical Sciences admissions team will be focusing on.

Write, revise and repeat

Consider the improvements we've recommended after reading our feedback for your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement. You are welcome to get in touch with us at any stage for more guidance or to ask for another Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement review!


1-1 sessions with Zoom Tutoring

  • Discuss & Rewrite LIVE

Your Oxbridge tutor will evaluate your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement and provide some initial feedback prior to your one-on-one meeting to make the most of the time you have together.

You can go over your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement with your tutor in real-time and receive continuous advice.

Following the session, you can revise your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement at your own pace and reach out to your tutor if you have any more questions.

Let’s work through an example

Reducing word count.

Our Oxbridge tutors will be able to help you condense your writing in order to ensure that you stay within the word limit.

Work Experience

You will be be able to link any relevant work experience with your fascination and enthusiasm for Biomedical Sciences with the help of your Oxbridge tutor.

Spelling and Grammar

Oxbridge Mind's expert tutors will provide a complete analysis of your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, including tone and spelling and grammar.

biomed PS example.001

Extra Reading

We will help you link books you've read and talks you've attended with specific modules and themes within the Oxford Biomedical Sciences course.

Motivation for Biomedical Sciences

You'll learn how to explain your reasons for studying Biomedical Sciences in the Oxbridge learning environment, and why you are an ideal candidate for the course.

Language Style

Your Oxford Biomedical Sciences tutor will help you to adjust the sentence structure, writing tone and fluidity of your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement.

How can we improve your Personal Statement?

Personal analysis.

We'll assess your writing and provide personalised feedback rather than just general guidance.

Reducing Word Count

As it can be challenging to stay inside the 4,000 character limit, we will teach you how to write more succinctly.

Improving Language

Our Oxbridge tutors are experts when it comes to writing outstanding Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statements. 

  • Grammar Checking

We'll check your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement for errors in spelling and language, making sure that it's perfect before you submit to UCAS.

Reviewed by Biomedical Sciences Tutors

Your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement will be proofread by our Oxbridge tutors who are familiar with the requirements of Oxbridge.

1-to-1 Feedback Lessons

To ensure that your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement is outstanding, you will receive ongoing support from your tutor

Our students love us


I'm so thankful for the help Shameena gave! She managed to cut out 1,000 characters from my medicine personal statement! She also gave some great insights into how I could improve.


Thanks to Oxbridge Mind's Personal Statement check I managed to get invited to 4 interviews! They were very quick in their turnaround, and were able to address the areas I needed to edit.


I was surprised by how detailed Oxbridge Mind were in their feedback - they noticed things my head of sixth form didn’t. I liked the fact that I could Skype the tutor and discuss the edits through with her.


I had my medicine personal statement reviewed 4 times by Oxbridge Mind and they went above and beyond what I expected! They are a group of enthusiastic and professional teachers!


October 2019

The feedback they gave was very constructive and helped me cut down words. They took extra care to make sure I understood the feedback they were giving, and implement it effectively.


September 2018

I would highly recommend the Oxbridge Mind medicine personal statement review. They made sure they didn't just rewrite my personal statement but instead gave some real individual feedback!


August 2017

I could not recommend this website more! I bought a medicine personal statement check from many companies but theirs was the best. They also responded within 24h before my UCAS deadline


August 2019

I had a two hour 1-1 session with Alice who was so helpful in cutting down my medicine personal statement. She helped me with my surgical work experience paragraph, which had a few lengthy sentences.


September 2019

The medicine personal statement check happened so quickly - I got it back instantly. I have no complaints at all! Speed was good - I got it back within 2 days. The analysis was detailed and clear to me.


At first I was reluctant as I was skeptical that it was cheaper than most providers. However, I was very happy! My editor, Shameena, spotted grammar mistakes and helped me cut my word count


If it wasn't for Oxbridge Mind, I would never have known how to write a medicine personal statement so well. They helped teach me how to make links between my work experience and my skills.

Our packages

An expert Oxbridge Mind tutor will analyse your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, and all of our packages include evaluation of your content, composition, and grammar. Regardless of the package you select, your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement review will be sent to you within 48 hours, or your money back.

  • 1 Personal Statement Check
  • Expert Feedback in 48h
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Analysis on Character Limit
  • Writing Suggestions
  • 2 Personal Statement Checks
  • 3 Personal Statement Checks

Our proven 4-Step Method

Step 1

Send us your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement

You can send us your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, whether it’s your first or fifth draft. Also, if you’d like us to focus on a specific aspect of your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, such as word count, structure or linking in your work experience, please let us know.

Step 2

We’ll analyse your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement

After carefully evaluating your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, our Oxbridge experts will provide an assessment of what you did well and where there’s room to make some edits.

Step 3

Write, Revise & Repeat

Once you’ve read your feedback, you’ll be ready to improve your personal statement for Oxford Biomedical Sciences. If you’d like, you can also send us a new draft at this point.

Step 4

Submit and Relax

Still got questions don’t worry, we’ve got you covered., frequently asked questions, i need my oxford biomedical sciences personal statement check back within 24 hours. can you help me.

Absolutely, we offer an express service upon request! If you need your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement back sooner, please let us know why in your email to us, and we'll be happy to help.

Can I ask you to write my Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement for me?

We can't write your personal statement for you. We will have to respectfully decline if this is requested for your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement.

Will my Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement be secure?

Your data will be encrypted and secured in accordance with our privacy policy, and only our Oxbridge tutors will be able to access your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement.

I'm worried about the word count for my Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement. Can you help?

Of course! If you would like to cut down on the number of words in your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, just let us know and we'll be more than happy to help!

I'm an international student - I'm worried my English isn't good enough for the Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement.

No worries! We can offer a tailored service to ensure that your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement meets the English language requirements for Oxbridge.

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Successful Personal Statement For Natural Sciences (Biological) At Cambridge

Last Updated: 27th July 2020

Author: Adi Sen

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Biological Natural Sciences applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The Natural Sciences Course at Cambridge offers a wide range of physical and biological science subjects from 16 departments in a unique and demanding course.

Read on to see how this candidate wrote a Personal Statement that navigates the wide range of biological science subjects. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

Enrolling on our Cambridge Natural Sciences comprehensive Programme will give you access to Personal Statement redrafts. 

Your tutor will give you actionable feedback with insider tips on how to improve and make your Personal Statement Oxbridge quality for the best chances of success.  

Discover our Cambridge Natural Sciences Programmes today to find out how you can enrol and triple your chances of success. 

Biological Natural Sciences Personal Statement

When Theodore Roszak wrote that nature composes some of her loveliest poems for the microscope and the telescope, I feel he captures the way that science gives us greater understanding of the world in which we live. With this understanding come opportunities to influence the lives we lead. It is my strong interest in science coupled with my inquisitive nature, thirst for knowledge and analytical thinking that compels me to read Natural Sciences. I aspire to work with others at the forefront of scientific knowledge to see how we can apply this knowledge to meet the challenges that unfold in the twenty-first century.

My A level studies have confirmed my interest in a range of scientific areas. After studying cell organelles in biology, I was captivated by reading ‘Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life’ by Nick Lane, delving deeper into the role of mitochondria in cellular function. Continuing to explore beyond the syllabus, reading ‘Genome’ by Matt Ridley and ‘H2O a Biography of Water’ by Philip Ball has fuelled my interest in other areas such as genetics and molecular biology. My enthusiasm for biology was recognised by being awarded the school Year 12 biology prize. In chemistry, exploring carbon nanotubes was exhilarating as I could see that they have enormous potential in diverse applications such as carrying drugs into specific body cells. It was during work experience at a local hospital I saw that scientists provide the tools for doctors and the significance of research in developing new, improved treatments. To explore further the application of science in different contexts, I attended ‘Chemistry in Action’ lectures at the Institute of Education, London.

I was inspired by speaking with scientists at the forefront of research whilst attending the Summer Science Exhibition at the Royal Society. Intrigued by the development of a nanocell to store clean energy using sunlight and that the cell contained porphyrin which is involved in photosynthesis, I realised that studying the structure and function of plants may provide vital information in developing new ways of storing energy. Keen to experiment, it was exciting to make and identify graphene, the first two dimensional atomic material and to explore the potential uses of this strong, transparent and highly conductive material. It is enthralling to consider how these current scientific developments may be applied in the future. Finding great satisfaction in problem solving and thriving on challenge, I have enjoyed studying mathematics, particularly learning new concepts such as calculus. My study of history has enhanced my analytical and essay writing skills. Moreover, it has given me a perspective on the relationship between science and society over the years.

Balancing my extra-curricular activities with my studies has required good time-management. I enjoy playing the piano and a range of sports including netball, tennis and skiing. Playing in the school netball team for the past six years has shown me the value of good teamwork. I have enjoyed volunteering weekly at Strathmore School for children with disabilities and successfully sought permission to organise an Easter Party for them which required initiative, creativity and management skills. Volunteering on the Whitgift Special Needs Activity Project has enhanced my communication and leadership skills and has made me aware of the challenges faced by those with disabilities and their families.

I believe that I have the skills, scientific curiosity and motivation required to learn from, and contribute to, this diverse and challenging course. Studying Natural Sciences will give me the flexibility to explore a wide range of scientific areas and will enable me to develop the skills to work with colleagues at the cutting edge of science.

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

Very well-written with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion. This statement begins by setting the scene as to why Natural Science, and in particular, Biology, is important to both the world and the applicant. The student clearly explains their interest in Biology and then goes on to explain their interest in the other subjects covered as part of the Natural Sciences degree. Many prospective students forget to do this, and in this statement, every point is justified with examples from the student’s personal experiences which adds emphasis to the statement.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

At times this reads a bit like a list, and removing a few examples so that they could say more about those left would have produced a more impactful statement which would more adequately fulfil the requirements to show interest, ability, familiarity, ambition, and understanding of the course’s demands.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This is an excellent personal statement with a clear and logical structure. The student does not simply list their achievements but provides reasons for their academic interests. 

We’re giving this one 5/5 as it’s clearly a strong statement that made an impact on the admissions tutors reading it. 

And there we have it – a Cambridge Natural Sciences Personal Statement with feedback from our expert tutors. 

Remember, at Cambridge, the Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Biomedical Science Personal Statement

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Biomedical Science Personal Statement

I have always aspired to pursue a career that shows my passion for science. As my learning developed, I realised biology was the science I found the most interesting.  A complex subject requires a wealth of knowledge. I have a passion for studying organisms and the anatomy of our bodies. I believe that this is an excellent career path that I am keen to embark on. Reading current news within biology shows that there are constantly new techniques frequently surfacing such as Genetically Modified Organisms and bacteria such as how men and women alter a home’s bacteria differently. Learning about these new concepts is one that stimulates me to continue expanding my education. I do enjoy having new challenges as this leads to motivating me to excel in all that I undertake.

Currently, I am studying Applied Science. There are many units within my course, which relates to bioscience, although these are small previews of the wider spectrum it is very intriguing to learn the complexities. For example, I have carried out physiological investigations involving assessing the health of an individual and how food affected their blood sugar. This was an interesting study to carry out as I had the opportunity to test blood samples to see how much sugar was within blood by using a blood sugar monitor with the lancet. I also studied AS biology where we looked cells & their structures, enzymes, digestion system, cardiovascular system to name a few and I demonstrated my ability to apply biological knowledge to data from real scientific investigations.

I recently have had the privilege to attend a genetics workshop at Imperial College London, we tested foods to see if they were genetically modified by extracting DNA and using Polymerase chain reactions then analysing our results with gel electrophoresis. I gained a lot from this experience using equipment that I will be using if I was to study bioscience such as micropipettes & a thermal cycler.

I have also had the privilege to undertake pharmacy work experience for 2 weeks. This involved me shadowing a community pharmacist . I observed the pharmacist where I saw him create and distribute pharmacy-dispensing labels.  I observed a range of patients who came in to collect their medication such as the elderly for pain relief or antibiotics and drug addicts for their drug replacement medications such as methadone. The pharmacist explained the effects of certain medicines on the body, such as methadone which gives similar effects of heroin expect it does produce the same level of a high feeling as heroin itself. I also observed him manage the team of dispensers to ensure no mistakes were made. They had to work together to deliver patients medicines efficiently but safely which relates to laboratory settings as the team has to work together efficiently for mistakes not to be made.

I volunteered at an Acute District Hospital for 2 years every Saturday where I aided nurses in the care of the elderly. My role included feeding patients, changing beds, interacting with patients and their families and answering the ward-designated telephones. I had the opportunity to see nurses and doctors give patients medications and saw pharmacist come to ward to discuss patients medications with doctors.  In these 2 years I learned to manage my time appropriately as I went to the ward every Saturday morning for 3 hours, it taught me compassion as they were elderly patients a lot more time and attention is needed towards them. It also showed me how important teamwork is the nurses, doctors and healthcare assistants on the ward had to constantly be working together communicating clearly to ensure patients are delivered the best care.

I am excited to embark on the next stage of my life, which is gaining a career that I believe I will thoroughly enjoy, will challenge me and hopefully gain immensely from my contribution.

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Since studying science at primary school level, I have been compelled by the complex and dynamic nature of...

Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

Health is the most important aspect of life; without health all else is useless. Although often unseen, bi...

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A systematic analysis of the contribution of genetics to multimorbidity and comparisons with primary care data

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  • ORCID record for Louise M Allan
  • ORCID record for Frank Dudbridge
  • ORCID record for Luke C Pilling
  • ORCID record for João Delgado
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Background Multimorbidity, the presence of two or more conditions in one person, is increasingly prevalent. Yet shared biological mechanisms of specific pairs of conditions often remain poorly understood. We address this gap by integrating large-scale primary care and genetic data to elucidate potential causes of multimorbidity. Methods We defined chronic, common, and heritable conditions in individuals aged ≥65 years, using two large representative healthcare databases [CPRD (UK) N=2,425,014 and SIDIAP (Spain) N=1,053,640], and estimated heritability using the same definitions in UK Biobank (N=451,197). We used logistic regression models to estimate the co-occurrence of pairs of conditions in the primary care data. Linkage disequilibrium score regression was used to estimate genetic similarity between pairs of conditions. Meta-analyses were conducted across healthcare databases, and up to three sources of genetic data, for each condition pair. We classified pairs of conditions as across or within-domain based on the international classification of disease. Findings We identified N=72 chronic conditions, with 43.6% of 2546 pairs showing higher co-occurrence than expected and evidence of shared genetics. Notably, across-domain pairs like iron deficiency anaemia and peripheral arterial disease exhibited substantial shared genetics (genetic correlation Rg=0.45[95% Confidence Intervals 0.27:0.64]). N=33 pairs displayed negative genetic correlations, such as skin cancer and rheumatoid arthritis (Rg=-0.14[-0.21:-0.06]), indicating potential protective mechanisms. Discordance between genetic and primary care data was also observed, e.g., abdominal aortic aneurysm and bladder cancer co-occurred but were not genetically correlated (Odds-Ratio=2.23[2.09:2.37], Rg=0.04[-0.20:0.28]) and schizophrenia and fibromyalgia were less likely to co-occur but were positively genetically correlated (OR=0.84[0.75:0.94], Rg=0.20[0.11:0.29]). Interpretation Most pairs of chronic conditions show evidence of shared genetics and co-occurrence in primary care, suggesting shared mechanisms. The identified shared mechanisms, negative correlations and discordance between genetic and observational data provide a foundation for future research on prevention and treatment of multimorbidity. Funding UK Medical Research Council [MR/W014548/1].

Competing Interest Statement

ARL is now an employee of AstraZeneca and has interests in the company. The work undertaken here was prior to his appointment. SK's group has received funding support from Amgen BioPharma outside of this work. JB is a part time employee of Novo Nordisk Research Centre Oxford, limited, unrelated to this work. TF has consulted for several pharmaceutical companies. All other authors have no disclosures to declare.

Funding Statement

This work was supported by the UK Medical Research Council [grant number MR/W014548/1]. This study was supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Exeter Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), the NIHR Leicester BRC, the NIHR Oxford BRC, the NIHR Peninsula Applied Research Collaboration, and the NIHR HealthTech Research Centre. KB is partly funded by the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South-West Peninsula. JM is funded by an NIHR Advanced Fellowship (NIHR302270). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. CV acknowledges research funding by a "Contratos para la intensificacion de la actividad investigadora en el Sistema Nacional de Salud" contract (INT23/00040) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Author Declarations

I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.

The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:

This study was approved by the relevant ethics committees: SIDIAP Scientific and Ethical Committees (19/518-P) on 18/12/2019. The SIDIAP database is based on opt-out presumed consent. If a patient decides to opt out, their routine data would be excluded of the database. CPRD ISAC committee protocol number 23_003109. The Northwest Multi-Centre Research Ethics Committee approved the collection and use of UK Biobank data for health-related research (Research Ethics Committee reference 11/NW/0382). UKB was granted under Application Number 9072.

I confirm that all necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived, and that any patient/participant/sample identifiers included were not known to anyone (e.g., hospital staff, patients or participants themselves) outside the research group so cannot be used to identify individuals.

I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as ClinicalTrials.gov. I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).

I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines, such as any relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material, if applicable.

Data Availability

We cannot make individual-level data available. Researchers can apply to UK Biobank (https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/enable-your-research/), CPRD (https://www.cprd.com/research-applications), and SIDIAP (https://www.sidiap.org/index.php/en/solicituds-en). We have made our diagnostic code lists, code and results available on our GitHub (https://github.com/GEMINI-multimorbidity/) site and Shiny website (https://gemini-multimorbidity.shinyapps.io/atlas/). GWAS summary statistics will be available following acceptance at the GWAS Catalog (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/home).

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    This personal statement was written by #Asian for application in 2014. Statement rating: The human body is a miraculous creation; it is a complex organism made of many diverse systems each working to maintain the life that we too often take for granted. Furthermore everyday life relies solely upon the biomedical sciences; it is an area of ...

  19. Oxford Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

    Spelling and Grammar. Oxbridge Mind's expert tutors will provide a complete analysis of your Oxford Biomedical Sciences personal statement, including tone and spelling and grammar. Extra Reading. We will help you link books you've read and talks you've attended with specific modules and themes within the Oxford Biomedical Sciences course.

  20. Biomedical Science Personal Statement 12

    Biomedical Science Personal Statement. Since studying science at primary school level, I have been compelled by the complex and dynamic nature of the human body and the functions of all its subsystems. In addition to the theoretical facets of science, I have thoroughly enjoyed the practical aspect throughout my academic career.

  21. Successful Personal Statement For Cambridge Biological Natural Science

    Successful Personal Statement For Natural Sciences (Biological) At Cambridge. Writing a Natural Sciences (Biological) Personal Statement for Cambridge? If so, you're in the right place! In this post, we go through a REAL Personal Statement submitted to UCAS for a candidate wishing to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge.

  22. Biomedical Science Personal Statement 10

    There are many units within my course, which relates to bioscience, although these are small previews of the wider spectrum it is very intriguing to learn the complexities. For example, I have carried out physiological investigations involving assessing the health of an individual and how food affected their blood sugar.

  23. Biomedical sciences

    Biomedical science: This degree is specifically geared towards becoming a biomedical scientist, working in hospital and private clinical labs to help doctors diagnose and treat diseases.To work as a biomedical scientist in the UK, you'll need to register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). An Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) accredited degree is crucial for this.

  24. A systematic analysis of the contribution of genetics to multimorbidity

    Background Multimorbidity, the presence of two or more conditions in one person, is increasingly prevalent. Yet shared biological mechanisms of specific pairs of conditions often remain poorly understood. We address this gap by integrating large-scale primary care and genetic data to elucidate potential causes of multimorbidity. Methods We defined chronic, common, and heritable conditions in ...