25 Essay Topics for American Government Classes

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If you are a teacher searching for essay topics to assign to your U.S. government or civics class or looking for ideas, do not fret. It is easy to integrate debates and discussions into the classroom environment. These topic suggestions provide a wealth of ideas for written assignments such as  position papers , compare-and-contrast essays , and  argumentative essays . Scan the following 25 question topics and ideas to find just the right one. You'll soon be reading interesting papers from your students after they grapple with these challenging and important issues.

  • Compare and contrast what is a direct democracy versus representative democracy. 
  • React to the following statement: Democratic decision-making should be extended to all areas of life including schools, the workplace, and the government. 
  • Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans. Explain how these led to the Great Compromise .
  • Pick one thing about the U.S. Constitution including its amendments that you think should be changed. What modifications would you make? Explain your reasons for making this change.
  • What did Thomas Jefferson mean when he said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants?" Do you think that this statement still applies to today's world? 
  • Compare and contrast mandates and conditions of aid regarding the federal government's relationship with states. For example, how has the Federal Emergency Management Agency delivered support to states and commonwealths that have experienced natural disasters?
  • Should individual states have more or less power compared to the federal government when implementing laws dealing with topics such as the legalization of marijuana  and abortion ? 
  • Outline a program that would get more people to vote in presidential elections or local elections.
  • What are the dangers of gerrymandering when it comes to voting and presidential elections?
  • Compare and contrast the major political parties in the United States. What policies are they preparing for upcoming elections?
  • Why would voters choose to vote for a third party, even though they know that their candidate has virtually no chance of winning? 
  • Describe the major sources of money that are donated to political campaigns. Check out the Federal Election Regulatory Commission's website for information.
  • Should corporations be treated as individuals regarding being allowed to donate to political campaigns?  Look at the 2010 Citizens United v. FEC ruling on the issue. Defend your answer. 
  • Explain the role of social media in connecting interest groups that have grown stronger as the major political parties have grown weaker. 
  • Explain why the media has been called the fourth branch of government. Include your opinion on whether this is an accurate portrayal.
  • Compare and contrast the campaigns of U.S. Senate and House of Representatives candidates.
  • Should term limits be instituted for members of Congress? Explain your answer.
  • Should members of Congress vote their conscience or follow the will of the people who elected them into office? Explain your answer.
  • Explain how executive orders have been used by presidents throughout the history of the U.S. What is the number of executive orders issued by the current president?
  • In your opinion, which of the three branches of the federal government has the most power? Defend your answer.
  • Which of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment do you consider the most important? Explain your answer. 
  • Should a school be required to get a warrant before searching a student's property? Defend your answer. 
  • Why did the Equal Rights Amendment fail? What kind of campaign could be run to see it passed?
  • Explain how the 14th Amendment has affected civil liberties in the United States from the time of its passage at the end of the Civil War.
  • Do you think that the federal government has enough, too much or just the right amount of power? Defend your answer.
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State and Local Government Descriptive Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The United States of America has three key levels of government. This paper discusses the land use planning process as a good illustration of Intergovernmental Relations and how they work. IGR defines or frames the relations between different departments or functional units in a government.

Intergovernmental relation is one of the major aspects of American federalism. America like any other country has strong and autonomous arms of government. Each arm of government or section of government has its own jurisdiction. The jurisdictions are well defined so that pertinent public issues are not misaddressed due to crossing of jurisdictional lines.

The relations between the local governments and the state illustrate precisely the extension of intergovernmental relations. To foster cohesive and mutually benefiting relationship between the federal and the local government, each of them has its own clearly delineated sphere of influence. However, although the spheres of influence are well outlined, they are paradoxically intertwined and connected in many ways.

Intergovernmental relations between the federal and the local government in the United States of America, focus on building mutual working relations. Mutual working relations are critical for the purpose of service delivery and fostering understanding between different levels of government structures. Fostering of mutual relations is done through negotiations, forums of information exchange that enable building of consensus around issues.

Not all levels of intergovernmental structures have been anchored in the constitution. However, the IGR mechanisms tend to evolve in response to the ever dynamic changes in the political atmosphere. Intergovernmental Relations have facilitated an array of services. The facilitation is enabled by communication channels between state and local governments.

Intergovernmental relations support proper functioning of state and local government by providing framework for comprehensive policy formulation in relation to say land usage or records modernization. Although issues to do with say land usage are dealt with at local government level, this is done in close liaison with the federal government. The federal government’s involvement concerns with general policy framework while the local governments remit a substantial share of taxes to the federal government to facilitate its operations.

One of the services that have been improved on at the local level because of intergovernmental relations is comprehensive planning. Comprehensive planning involves bringing together myriad aspects of the public sphere concerns and designing appropriate government responses.

It’s a method which helps communities to have information and policies that will help propel them to the desired future. A compressive local government plan contains a vision for the local community. The vision encapsulates the kind of society that is to be developed. To effectively carry out comprehensive planning at the local government level, a number of elements which are necessary have to be considered.

The Issue of equal opportunities for all is a major element in both local, state and central government’s comprehensive planning. For the federal government to plan properly, enough background information about the states and local counties has to be unearthed or analyzed.

The analysis establishes the position or major characteristics of each county and state in relation to others. The information about the local governments is retrieved from reports held by both the local and federal governments. Further, the local government’s comprehensive plan seeks to establish comparative facts i.e. position of local government unit in comparison with others. Such information is only attainable due to proper relations or interactions between federal government and local government.

Local governments (state and counties) derive their comprehensive plans from the federal or central government’s comprehensive plan. There are elements of the local government comprehensive plan that can only be developed in tandem with the federal compressive plans. This is because if the state, county and federal plans are not in synchrony, the operations of the two levels of government are paralyzed in a way.

Some of these elements include land use, population planning, housing related planning, and employment related planning. The comprehensive plan must state clearly the overall objectives, goals and programs to be undertaken by county governments and the role of the federal or state government in the same. It outlines the administrative structure as far as given public issues are concerned and serves as a guide to future development of the county (Crotty, 1991, p.69).

Land use is a major element that’s covered under comprehensive planning. IGR plays a critical role when it comes to land use because each level of government has a role to play towards proper land use. Land use planning involves formulation of policies by the federal government, in close consultation with the state and county governments, with the aim of ensuring proper use of land (Crotty, 1991, p.79).

The counties have a big role to play in land use management. Land is directly controlled by county governments. County governments execute land management with clear references to both general and specific guidelines by the respective state and federal government.

Land problems or issues differ from county to county. Due to difference in kind of issues or land problems at the local county levels, only county leadership is better placed at solving enforcing land related regulations. Therefore, county governments have the responsibilities of ensuring comprehensive plans that address local issues are in place. This is why state and federal plans are often general in nature.

The county plan should be specific and addressed to particular local characteristics or issues. The planners at the county level of governance, with proper reference to national policy and due consultation with relevant state authorities, arrive at derivations that address local needs (Crotty, 1991, p.80). The derivations that the counties come up with have to facilitate equitable use of land and making sure property is developed in an orderly way.

Conflicts are likely to occur if counties are not left to make the major decisions about land use. However, unless there are general guidelines from the state and federal government, other conflicts are likely to occur. For example, left alone or given total control, local county politics may jeopardize nationwide land use or resource use need and plans. Therefore, an inter-county approach that facilitates sharing of information between counties and involvement of both state and federal governments is very important.

The guidelines in place mandate states to prepare general land policies. A zoning approach is used to provide sort of county specific plans. However, the state plan only offers general guidelines that are referred to by the county governments in determining land use and resource management practice.

For the state and federal planning process to be meaningful, county representation in state and state representation in federal government planning process is crucial. State involvement in land issues is restricted to those lands that are of statewide interest. It involves directly in county land issues only but to safeguard statewide land interests. It also participates in land management by providing counties with enough funds that are used in safeguarding the state’s interest in the given county.

Just as the state gets involved in county affairs only to safeguard statewide interest so also does the federal government get involved in state and by extension county affairs to safeguard federal interests (Scott, 1971, p.87). Land use in a county has to be in line with general federal government policies.

The state policies should be derivations of the federal government policy but addressing local state issues. County comprehensive plans have to address local problems but take note or safeguard state interests. The federal government provides funding to support land and good resource management plans in states and by extension in the counties.

In conclusion, state and local governments have to work in synchrony for proper development and progress to be registered. When it comes to land use, the county governments understand the local characteristics better than the state and federal governments. The state involves itself in county land planning process to safeguard state interest in the county.

The federal government involves in county and state affairs to safeguard federal interests. Federal planning and state planning involves county stakeholders and the general public because acceptability of any plan depends on participation of all stakeholders.

Intergovernmental relations often necessitate the adoption of written protocols or procedures that augment mutual relations and full participation, in governance, by all relevant stakeholders (Wright, 1982, p.89).

Written procedures and protocols ensure proper consultations and report sharing processes for timely action by respective elements in nation’s governance system (Wright, 1982, p.94). As such, intergovernmental relations are an important element in governance that has to be well streamlined if governments are to be effective.

Reference List

Crotty W. J., (1991). Political Science: American Institutions. Illinois, IL: Northwestern University Press

Scott M., (1971). American City Planning Since 1890: a History Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the American Institute of Planner. California, CA: University of California Press

Wright, D. S., (1982). Understanding Intergovernmental Relations .California, CA: Brooks/Cole

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 28). State and Local Government. https://ivypanda.com/essays/state-and-local-government/

"State and Local Government." IvyPanda , 28 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/state-and-local-government/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'State and Local Government'. 28 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "State and Local Government." June 28, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/state-and-local-government/.

1. IvyPanda . "State and Local Government." June 28, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/state-and-local-government/.


IvyPanda . "State and Local Government." June 28, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/state-and-local-government/.

Local Government Essay

local governance essay questions

Comparing The Local Government And The Power Of Government

Local government is the most basic government, mainly help citizens to make decisions on local financial issues, educational issues and social services (地球 182).Despite the wide range of local government functions, in all power, the right in tax policy is relatively important. There are many similarities between the local governments of European countries; however the decision-making organizations in modern Europe are still quite different. (地球书 172页). There are two different, but linked, decentralized

Economic Growth And Local Governments

In pursuit of economic growth, local governments in American often encounter the institutional collective action dilemma due to fragmentation of authorities in governance systems and fierce competitions in the context of economic development. City governments have to cooperate with either their neighbor cities or other cities to encourage economic growth. This is because individual city government might be too smaller to reach economies of scale, so that companies might be reluctant to make the investment

Empowering The Local Government As A Local Community

say that I have helped to create well rounded and broad policy for municipalities and local government at the smaller level to do exactly what they need for their specific unique community. Dustin: So empowering local government? Nicole: Yes. Dustin: That’s awesome. Nicole: And you know yeah I mean really, and I’m just going to talk to sort of randomly right now. When I think about empowering local governments and I think about this current mayoral campaign and I think about some of the council

Local Government And Public Government

LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local government is a form of public administration which, in a majority of contexts, exists as the lowest tier of administration within a given state. The term is used to contrast with offices at state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or (where appropriate) federal government and also to supranational government which deals with governing institutions between states. Local governments generally act within powers delegated to them by legislation

Challenges for Urban Local Governments in India

  • 46115 Words

Asia Research Centre Working Paper 19 Challenges for Urban Local Governments in India Written by Rumi Aijaz Rumi Aijaz was Visiting Research Fellow at Asia Research Centre in 2006. E-mail: [email protected] A section of this working paper has been accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Asian and African Studies, by Sage Publications Ltd. Copyright © Rumi Aijaz, 2007 All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of research

Local Self Government

Introduction Local government institutions have always existed in India in one form or another since ancient times. The present form of urban local government owes its genesis to the British rule. The initiation began with Samuel Laing, member of the Viceroy's Council, in the Budget Speech (1861-62) proposing that local services should be based on local resources. Lord Mayo's Resolution of 1870 introduced the concept of elected representatives in the municipalities. Lord Ripon is considered the founding

The Thoeries of Local Government in Nigeria.

decision making arrangement. The Nigerian state therefore created local government as the third tier of government whose objective is to ensure effective, measurable and efficient service delivery to the people. Local government is faced with various difficulties. The major concern of this paper is to dwell on these difficulties and illuminates the factors that are responsible for them. In achieving this, the paper relies

Case Study Of White Paper On Local Government

4.2 White Paper on Local Government According to the White Paper on Local Government, local authorities have the following responsibilities in terms of their obligation to economic development: ● Provide marketing and investment support in order to attract potential support to their locality. ● Small business support services should be providing to assist small entrepreneurs. ● To provide targeted assistance to a particular sector in the local economy that has to potential to expand. ● By supplementing

Union Parishad : The Lowest Tier Of The Local Government

Union Parishad (UP) The Union Parishad is the lowest tier of the local government unit. It is the entry level of the people’s political participation. The Union Parishad constituted under the Local Government (Union Parishads) Ordinance, 1983. It should be consisting twelve members, including three women members from reserving seats and on chairman. According to the Local Government Ordinance, 1983- the members and the chairman should be elected through direct election, based on adult franchise (Talukder

Relationship Between State and Local Government Essay

  • 5 Works Cited

Forms of Local Government The basis for county, city and special district governing and authority are laid out in the State Constitution and Government Code. Counties in California are responsible for providing limited services to unincorporated areas. The state Legislature created the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) in 1963 to control local government fragmentation. The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) gives counties the power to tax, create special districts and annex unincorporated

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Local government and tax incentives.

Local Government and Tax Incentives Like federal and state governments, local governments offer tax incentives to businesses to help solve economic and/or environmental problems. Conduct an Internet search and find an example of a state or local government (perhaps your own) that offers an incentive to businesses and cite your resource(s). Describe the tax incentive you found, determine what economic problem(s) government is trying to solve by offering the incentive you highlight, and do your best to evaluate the costs and benefits of the incentive. For business owners currently living in Philadelphia, PA, or those who hope to relocate their operations to the city, a wide selection of generous tax incentives have been provided on the federal, state, and municipal levels that are designed to incentivize this choice. According to the City of Philadelphia's Business Services division, there are more than a dozen tax incentives currently in place to alleviate operational costs….

City of Philadelphia, Business Services Division. (2009). Credits, grants & other incentives. Retrieved from website: https://business.phila.gov/pages/taxcreditsotherincentives.aspx?stage=start&type=all business types§ion=financing & incentives&bspcontentlistitem=tax credits, grants & other incentives

Illinois Department of Revenue, Office of Local Government Services. (2012). The illinois property tax system: A general guide to the local property tax cycle. Retrieved from website:  http://tax.illinois.gov/publications/localgovernment/ptax1004.pdf 

Mayes, E. (2013, March 13). Mayor's budget: No new taxes, slight spending hike. The Philadelphia Tribune. Retrieved from http://www.phillytrib.com/newsarticles/item/8165- mayor's-budget-no-new-taxes,-slight-spending-hike.html

Mikesell, J.L. (2010). Fiscal administration: Analysis and applications for the public sector. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Local Government Around the World Different Nations

Local Government Around the world, different nations, which are enclosed by their own geographical boundaries, adhere to various different styles of government. Those styles may either be democratic or dictatorial. Within democratic styles of government, there are other different sub-styles such as direct democracies, representative democracies, bi cameral houses, unicameral houses etc. These governments are setup on both federal and provincial or state level along with a local government for each local within a state or province. How these government structures are organized from federal to local level vary from country to country. Likewise, the degree to which individual states and/or provinces enjoy their respective administrative autonomy also vary from country to country. Introduction The United States of America is a constitutional republic constituting 52 states in itself and adheres to the representative democratic style of government. This means that the general public in the United States of America, on a federal….

Bowler, S., & Hanneman, R. (2006). Just How Pluralist Is Direct Democracy? The Structure of Interest Group Participation in Ballot Proposition Elections.Political Research Quarterly, 59(4), 557+. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Questia database:  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5035215406 

Cardozo, M.A. (2007). The Use of ADR Involving Local Governments: The Perspective of the New York City Corporation Counsel. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 34(2), 797+. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Questia database:  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5021427686 

Heidenreich, D.E. (2003). U.s. National Security and Party Politics: the Consensus on Louisiana, 1789-1803. The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, 62(4), 370+. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Questia database:  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5037713519 

Mauro, F.J. & Benjamin, G. (Eds.). (1989). Restructuring the New York City Government: The Reemergence of Municipal Reform / . New York: Academy of Political Science. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Questia database:  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=102263013

Local Governments the United States

Specifically, education is made accessible to all children by means of the public school system, which stretches across all states, cities and counties. Furthermore, the law requires all students to be enrolled in school once they reach a certain age, which could vary from state to state. The law does not allow any child to be prohibited from a school education (FatNewt, 2011). Although tertiary education is not free of charge, the government does promote further education by providing student loans, scholarships, and grants. Every student in the United States has the right to apply for such assistance by using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). While it is clear that the government cares deeply about both health and education, it is also true that the sheer scale of need sometimes makes it difficult to offer timely help to all who are in need, especially in terms of health care.….

FatNewt (2011). Government Services. Retrieved from:  http://government.fatnewt.com/government-services 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2011). Key Initiatives. Retrieved from:  http://www.hhs.gov/

Citizen Trust in Local Government Performance in

Citizen trust in Local government performance in Botswana_ Meaning and content of trust has kept changing because of the changing points of reference. Trust in government used to refer to the belief that the government will not become autocratic (Bouckaert & de Walle, 2003). It currently refers to down to earth matters such as reliability of service delivery or the expectation that policy will correspond to an individual's wishes (Hofstede, 1980). Factors that determine trust in a government are not universal (Light and Labiner, 2001). Political systems with impeccable public service do not have to rely on evaluation on public service to determine one's trust in government. Trust is related to performance. Citizens tend to distrust governments that underperform. Antigovernment context and negative images of bureaucrats are indicators that a government may not be performing well. To reverse declining trust, government institutions have integrated new public management and new public service into….

References List

Bouckaert, G. & Van de Walle, S. (2003). Comparing Measures of Citizen Trust and User

Satisfaction as Indicators of Good Governance: Difficulties in Linking Trust and Satisfaction Indicators. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69, 329.

Bouckaert, G., Kampen, J.K., Maddens, B. And Van de Walle, S. (2001)

Bij De Overheid: Eerste Rapport Burgergericht Besturen: Kwaliteit En

Citizen Perceptions of Local Government Performance in

Citizen Perceptions of Local Government Performance in Botswana When many people in the West hear the word, "Africa," they think of the kind of impoverishment and corruption that has kept much of the continent from joining the international community in meaningful ways in recent years. Indeed, for the majority of countries in Africa, this dismal perception holds true. One shining example that has managed to overcome the constraints and obstacles to development following its independence is Botswana. In fact, Botswana has combined its natural resources with an informed and enlightened approach to government that has facilitated the developmental process. Although major progress has been achieved in recent years in improving the quality of living for the people of Botswana, some observers, including Botswanian expatriates, are cautioning that the government is becoming too large and will inevitably suffer the same outcomes as its less fortunate neighbors. To determine the truth, this paper….

Bawa, K.A. & Mangope, B. (2011, March). Student teachers' attitudes and concerns about inclusive education in Ghana and Botswana. International Journal of Whole Schooling,

7(1), 20-23.

Beaulier, S.A. & Subrick, J.R. (2007, Fall). Limited government and economic growth in Botswana. Journal of Private Enterprise, 23(1), 52-55.

Botswana. (2012). CIA world factbook. Retrieved from  https://www.cia.gov/library/publications  / the-world-factbook/geos/bc.html.

American Preference to Local Government and Americans Traditional Distrust of Centralized Government

American Mistrust of Centralized Government This is a paper written in APA style that examines the traditional preference that Americans have for local government, the traditional distrust they have of centralized government, and the reasons behind these phenomena. Local Government: A Traditional American Preference There is a strong traditional preference for local government over centralized government in this country. This preference goes back all the way to the beginnings of our nation and can be plainly seen in the debates between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists over the ratification of the Constitution. It can still be seen going strong today in the never-ending cry of politicians to put an end to "big government." There is an obvious distrust for centralized government in this country, and our political history and current political climate proves this time and time again. Yet what are the reasons for this preference for local government and distrust of centralized….

Articles of Confederation. Philadelphia, PA. 1782.

Colonial Charters." (2000). Kuyper Institute. Retrieved on December 3, 2003 at http://capo.org/Charters.html.

Colonial Government." (2000). USGenNet. Retrieved on December 3, 2003 at http://www.usgennet.org/usa/topic/colonial/book/chap10_5.html.

Colonial Government." (2001). USA History. Retrieved on December 3, 2003 at  http://www.usahistory.info/colonial/government.html .

New York State Local Government Capital Project

New York State Comptroller Local Government Capital ProjectGovernment agencies involve a part that is devoted to capital projects. In most cases, there are residual effects and practices of budgeting in the future on a budget despite how well it is planned for. The local governments' infrastructure in these projects is a significant investment to the residents since it directly impacts them. The major projects are primarily complex and costly and require work with impact to be performed by the local governments. Having capital projects and investments that are successfully delivered is an excellent way of having quality services provided by the local governments. Long-term costs are reduced due to the overall efficiency of the local governments; hence long-lasting effects are experienced. The success is due to proper planning to avoid negative consequences on communities receiving these services. Therefore, these governments need to invest in significant resources to account for the….

Afonso, W. B. (2014). Local government capital spending during and after recessions: a cause for concern?. International Journal of Public Administration, 37(8), 494-505.  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01900692.2013.865646 

Kelly, J. M. (2015). Performance budgeting for state and local government. Me sharpe. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=mrXrstccSrsC&oi=fnd&pg=PR3&dq=a+state+or+local+government+capital+project,++the+operating+budget+for+the+agency.&ots=UQbN9GZWAB&sig=_QF9tzlq2z-q9b9zodLBlzOkOAg

Public Policy Directly Affects Local Government Area

public policy directly affects local government area organization located. You select a policy affects,, local government area work located. (I work Orlando, Fl). The private sector affected federal, state, local policies. Public policy: Healthcare in Orlando, Florida Public policy is a government's attempt to address a problem that affects the public or to improve citizens' lives through legislation. One example of public policy on a federal level is that of the government's efforts to reform both government-sponsored and private healthcare insurance and to curtail spiraling healthcare costs. On a state level, Florida has made an aggressive attempt to reform healthcare. The focus of the proposed Florida program to reform Medicaid, the government insurance program for low-income residents, has been to force healthcare entities to limit care by setting spending caps, increasing the emphasis on personal responsibility, and charging patients fees for procedures to reduce the use of services. Medicaid is partially funded….

Deslatte, Aaron. (2011, February 11). Florida Senate Medicaid bill would use HMO-like plans, ban illegal immigrants from care. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved February 19, 2011 at  http://www.orlandosentinel.com/health/os-mulling-medicaid-cuts-20110217,0,1932812.story

Breed Specific Bans State and Local Government

reed Specific ans State and Local Government Laws on reeding Dangerous Pets While some states and local government have breeding bans on dangerous pets, other states and local governments have failed to address this issue. Rather than a ban on breeding of dangerous pets, the law would be better served to hold owners of dangerous pets responsible for their pets. The purpose of the study proposed is to examine the state and local laws on breeding of dangerous pets and to determine if a federal law should be enacted on this issue. The significance of this study is the additional knowledge that will be added to the already existing base of knowledge in this area of inquiry. Research Questions The research questions addressed in this study include those as follows: (1) What types of laws have been enacted by state and local governments to address the issue of breeding dangerous pets? (2) Are any federal laws in….


Breed Specific Legislation (2012) ASPCA. Retrieved from:  http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/dog-fighting/breed-specific-legislation.aspx 

Review of the Viability of City of County Pre-Emption of Banning Certain Dog Breeds By Ordinance (2008) The Florida State Senate Interim Report 2009-102. Oct 2008. Retrieved from:  http://archive.flsenate.gov/data/Publications/2009/Senate/reports/interim_reports/pdf/2009-102ca.pdf 

Snyder, E. (2012) Dangerous Dog Breeds. Edgar Snyder and Associates Law Firm. Retrieved from:  http://www.edgarsnyder.com/dog-bite/dangerous-dogs.html

Why Italians Prefer Local Government

Disaster Management in ItalyIntroductionItaly is the one country in Europe most likely to be impacted by a disaster due to its geology. Yet it has a distinct character and cultural set of values that prevent it from adopting a standardized approach to disaster management. The various regions of Italy are historically more like independent and autonomous kingdom states than they are members of a unified nation. These various states have throughout the centuries fought with one anotherbut today they are all considered as part of Italy. It is because of this character of the various regions that Italy today is rather dependent upon local disaster management response than it is upon a centralized approacheven though centralized management procedures are there at least in theory. But another aspect of Italy worth remembering is that Italians care very little for rules and lawsthey are a people who respond to the needs of….

Alexander, D. (2008). Emergency command in Italy. Retrieved from  http://emergency-planning.blogspot.com/2008/11/emergency-command-in-italy.html 

Carnelli, F., & Frigerio, I. (2016). A socio-spatial vulnerability assessment for disaster management: Insights from the 2012 Emilia earthquake (Italy). A socio-spatial vulnerability assessment for disaster management: insights from the 2012 emilia earthquake (italy), 22-44.

Chaudhury, D. (2021). India, Italy sign MoU to share best practices in disaster management. Retrieved from https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/india-italy-sign-mou-to-share-best-practices-in-disaster-management/articleshow/83870870.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst

Fraud in Local Government

Fraud in local government is a critical issue that undermines the integrity of public institutions, erodes public trust, and results in significant financial losses. It encompasses a range of illicit activities including bribery, corruption, embezzlement, and procurement fraud. Across the globe, local governments grapple with the task of curtailing these malpractices, which unfortunately can be deeply ingrained in the political and administrative frameworks of municipalities (Graycar & Sidebottom, 2012). The susceptibility of local governments to fraud is often attributed to the close-knit relationships that can form among local officials, businesses, and citizens. These relationships may provide opportunities for the exchange of favors or the manipulation of policies and contracts to benefit a select few rather than serving the public interest (Smith, 2010). For example, contracts might be awarded to companies due to personal connections rather than through fair and open competitive processes (McCusker, 2006). Bribery and….

Graycar & Sidebottom, 2012

Smith, 2010

McCusker, 2006

Sampford et al., 2006

Fraud In Local Government

Introduction Fraud in local government is a serious and pervasive issue that can undermine public trust, waste taxpayer funds, and damage the integrity of public institutions. This illicit activity can take various forms, ranging from embezzlement and kickbacks to bribery and conflicts of interest. Local governments are particularly vulnerable to fraud due to a combination of factors, including: Limited resources: Local governments often operate with tight budgets and limited staff, making it difficult to implement robust anti-fraud measures. Empowerment of local officials: Elected officials and staff in local government can have significant authority and discretion, which can create opportunities for abuse. Lack of transparency: Local governments can sometimes be opaque in their operations, making it easier for fraudsters to conceal their activities. The consequences of fraud in local government can be severe. It can lead to: Financial losses: Fraud can directly deplete taxpayer funds and lead to increased costs for essential services. Damaged reputation:….

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. (2022). 2022 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse.  https://www.acfe.com/rttn2022 

KPMG. (2019). Fraud in Local Government: A Growing Concern. https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/us/en/pdf/2019/10/fraud-in-local-government-a-growing-concern.pdf

Introduction Background: Briefly introduce the prevalence and impact of fraud within local government contexts, highlighting its significance for public trust, financial stability, and governance quality. Objective: Define the scope of the review, including types of fraud (e.g., procurement fraud, embezzlement, corruption) and the aim to explore causes, detection strategies, consequences, and prevention measures. Conceptual Framework Definition of Fraud: Discuss various definitions of fraud as it pertains to local government, drawing from legal, economic, and ethical perspectives. Types of Fraud in Local Government: Provide a categorization of fraud types commonly encountered in local government settings, with examples from recent cases or studies. Theoretical Perspectives Criminological Theories: Examine theories explaining why fraud occurs in local governments, such as the Fraud Triangle, which includes pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. Governance and Accountability Theories: Discuss how governance structures and accountability mechanisms influence the occurrence and detection of fraud. Methodological Approaches Research Designs: Overview of the predominant research designs used in the study of local government….

Performance Qualities of Local Government Administration

Career Development and Advancement of Human Resources: How they Influence the Performance qualities of Local Government AdministrationAbstractThis paper analyzes career development and its effectiveness concerning organizational roles. It explains how career development must resonate with organizational goals to determine the performance attributes of the administration. In measuring these influences, career development acts as an independent variable and performance as the dependent variable. This requires the application of human resource structure for deployment and as a platform for assessing their performance. The research utilized questionnaires in data collection with a sample size of 154 from the service sector. The analysis applied the regression method, after which the findings demonstrated that human resource management serves as the best method of enhancing performance qualities. It happens through proper administration that is aimed at address career needs. Besides, the findings showed that career development influenced the commitment and loyalty of those employees towards the….

Ahmed, S., & Ke, X. (2016). Human resource MANAGEMENT: Employees career development impact on organizational performance. 2016 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), 1–5.  https://doi.org/10.1109/icsssm.2016.7538459 

Gerrish, E. (2014). The impact of performance management on performance in public organizations: A meta-analysis. SSRN Electronic Journal.  https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2500420 

Enacting Policies for the Wellbeing of Its Citizens Trusting the Government

Trusting the Government to Enact Policies for the Wellbeing of Its CitizensTrust in the government refers to the public holding a positive perception of its actions. The citizens subjective view of the government is based on their judgment of what is considered fair and right, and trust is at optimum at the point of unity with the governments actions are aligned to this perception. Trust is based on two foundational attributes that are delivering on the government policies with competence and at all times, and having good intentions for the public while doing so (Cheema & Popovski, 2010). Since the determination of what is fair and right varies among different individuals, the governments judgment needs to be compared with government functions (Eggers et al., 2021). The governments intent refers to the meaning leaders bear in mind for taking actions. The intention is perceived to come from empathy and taking a….

Beckman, L. (2019). Popular sovereignty facing the deep state. The rule of recognition and the powers of the people. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 1-23.  https://doi.org/10.1080/13698230.2019.1644583 

Cheema, G., & Popovski, V. (2010). Building trust in government. United Nations University Press.

Eggers, W., Chew, B., Knight, J., & Krawiec, R. (2021). Rebuilding trust in government. Deloitte Insights. Retrieved 24 November 2021, from  https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/industry/public-sector/building-trust-in-government.html .

Is there anything in the news related to literature review on missue of funds local government that would make a good essay subject?

There is currently a growing concern about the misuse of funds by local governments, which could be a potentially interesting and relevant essay subject. One example of this is the recent scandal in a small town where the local government officials were found to have misappropriated funds meant for community development projects. This could be explored in an essay focusing on the impact of corruption on local communities and the need for better accountability and transparency in government spending. Additionally, discussing potential solutions and ways to prevent such misuse of funds in the future could also be a worthwhile topic....

what is counter urbanisation

Counter urbanisation refers to the movement of people away from larger urban areas to smaller towns and rural areas. This phenomenon is often driven by factors such as high cost of living in cities, overcrowding, pollution, and lack of affordable housing. Individuals may choose to counter urbanise in search of a better quality of life, greater sense of community, or a desire to live closer to nature. Counter urbanisation can have both positive and negative impacts on the areas experiencing population growth, such as increased strain on infrastructure and services, but also potential economic benefits from new residents. One potential positive....

Need help generating essay topics related to Homelessness. Can you help?

Homelessness: A Social Crisis and Human Tragedy Introduction: Homelessness, a multifaceted issue that plagues countless lives, demands urgent attention and comprehensive understanding. It is a complex phenomenon with far-reaching consequences, affecting physical and mental health, socioeconomic well-being, and the stability of communities. This essay explores a range of topics related to homelessness, delving into its causes, effects, and potential solutions. Topic 1: Causes of Homelessness Socioeconomic factors: Poverty, unemployment, lack of affordable housing Personal factors: Mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence Systemic factors: Inadequate social support systems, discriminatory housing practices Topic 2: Effects of Homelessness Physical health: Increased risk of chronic diseases, malnutrition, injuries ....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on fraud in local government. Any ideas that stand out?

1. The rise of cryptocurrency fraud in local government: exploring how officials are using digital currencies to commit fraud and evade detection. 2. The impact of social media on government fraud: examining how social media platforms are being used to perpetrate fraud schemes within local governments. 3. Corruption in Tendering Processes: an analysis of how fraud is being committed in the awarding of government contracts and tenders at the local level. 4. The role of whistleblowers in exposing fraud in local government: investigating the importance of individuals coming forward to report fraudulent activities and the challenges they face in doing so. 5. The use....


Discussion Chapter

Local Government and Tax Incentives Like federal and state governments, local governments offer tax incentives to businesses to help solve economic and/or environmental problems. Conduct an Internet search and find…

Local Government Around the world, different nations, which are enclosed by their own geographical boundaries, adhere to various different styles of government. Those styles may either be democratic or…

Research Paper

Specifically, education is made accessible to all children by means of the public school system, which stretches across all states, cities and counties. Furthermore, the law requires all students…

Citizen trust in Local government performance in Botswana_ Meaning and content of trust has kept changing because of the changing points of reference. Trust in government used to refer to…

Literature - African

Citizen Perceptions of Local Government Performance in Botswana When many people in the West hear the word, "Africa," they think of the kind of impoverishment and corruption that has kept…

American Mistrust of Centralized Government This is a paper written in APA style that examines the traditional preference that Americans have for local government, the traditional distrust they have of…

New York State Comptroller Local Government Capital ProjectGovernment agencies involve a part that is devoted to capital projects. In most cases, there are residual effects and practices of budgeting…

public policy directly affects local government area organization located. You select a policy affects,, local government area work located. (I work Orlando, Fl). The private sector affected federal,…

Research Proposal

reed Specific ans State and Local Government Laws on reeding Dangerous Pets While some states and local government have breeding bans on dangerous pets, other states and local governments have…

Disaster Management in ItalyIntroductionItaly is the one country in Europe most likely to be impacted by a disaster due to its geology. Yet it has a distinct character and…

Fraud in local government is a critical issue that undermines the integrity of public institutions, erodes public trust, and results in significant financial losses. It encompasses a…

Introduction Fraud in local government is a serious and pervasive issue that can undermine public trust, waste taxpayer funds, and damage the integrity of public institutions. This illicit activity can…

Literature Review

Introduction Background: Briefly introduce the prevalence and impact of fraud within local government contexts, highlighting its significance for public trust, financial stability, and governance quality. Objective: Define the scope of the…

Article Review

Career Development and Advancement of Human Resources: How they Influence the Performance qualities of Local Government AdministrationAbstractThis paper analyzes career development and its effectiveness concerning organizational roles. It explains…

Trusting the Government to Enact Policies for the Wellbeing of Its CitizensTrust in the government refers to the public holding a positive perception of its actions. The citizens subjective…

332 American Government Essay Topics & Research Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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American Government essay topics present a comprehensive spectrum for exploration, each varying in depth and complexity. Some themes may include the functionality of constitutional democracy in the United States (U.S.), the examination of civil liberties and rights, or the intricacies of the federal system. Students may delve into the analysis of influential Supreme Court decisions, the evolving role of the Presidency, or the workings of Congressional lawmaking. Contemporary subjects, like campaign finance reform, immigration policy, or the impact of media on political discourse, are also important. Unraveling the politics of environmental policy or the checks and balances system’s practicality offers bright themes. In turn, investigating the role of lobbyists and interest groups or dissecting the dynamics of public opinion and voting behavior can give intriguing insights. Thus, American government essay topics not only foster a deeper understanding of the nation’s political landscape but also stimulate critical thinking and analytical skills.

Top Government Essay Topics

  • Privatization of Public Services: Merits and Criticisms
  • Freedom of Information Laws: Transparency and Accountability in Government
  • Understanding E-Governance: Potential and Pitfalls
  • Interrogating Federalism: Power Dynamics in Multi-Tier Governments
  • Political Polarization and Governance: A Detailed Analysis
  • Digital Surveillance: Privacy Concerns and State Interests
  • Immigration Policies: Comparative Analysis of Different Governments
  • Climate Change Policies: Effectiveness and Implementation Challenges
  • Political Accountability in the Age of Social Media
  • Public Health and Governance: Lessons From Pandemics
  • Decentralization in Government: A Thorough Examination
  • State Autonomy vs. Federal Overreach: Tensions and Resolutions
  • Analyzing the Concept of Sovereignty in the 21st Century
  • Justice System Reforms: Understanding the Need and Potential Approaches
  • Social Welfare Programs: Effectiveness and Public Reception
  • Education Policy and Governance: Ensuring Equal Opportunities
  • Tensions Between Civil Liberties and National Security
  • Emergency Powers: Necessary Tool or Slippery Slope to Authoritarianism
  • Campaign Finance Reforms: Balancing Transparency and Political Freedom
  • Understanding the Separation of Powers: Checks and Balances in Action

American Government Essay Topics & Research Ideas

Easy Government Essay Topics

  • Understanding Democracy: Basic Concepts and Principles
  • Different Types of Government: A Comparative Study
  • Voting Systems: Pros and Cons of First-Past-the-Post
  • Government’s Part in Economic Development: An Overview
  • Public Health: Government’s Responsibilities and Duties
  • Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: A Closer Look
  • Elections: Understanding the Electoral College System
  • Why Do We Need a Constitution? An Elementary Explanation
  • Importance of Civic Education in a Democracy
  • Federal vs. State Powers: An Introduction
  • Social Security: Functions and Challenges
  • Government Regulation of Media: Freedom vs. Responsibility
  • Public Transportation and Government’s Involvement: An Overview
  • Differences Between Presidential and Parliamentary Systems of Government
  • Local Governments: Responsibilities and Functions
  • Citizen Participation in Government: Why Does It Matter?
  • Understanding Public Policy: A Basic Analysis
  • Freedom of Speech: Government and Constitutional Protection
  • National Security and Individual Privacy: Striking a Balance

Interesting Government Essay Topics

  • Privatization vs. Public Ownership: Theoretical Considerations
  • Decentralization of Power: Unraveling Its Implications
  • State Surveillance: Dilemma of Privacy vs. Security
  • National Debts: Examining Their Economic and Political Effects
  • Monarchies in the 21st Century: An Analytical Perspective
  • Cryptocurrency Regulation: Assessing Different Government Approaches
  • Digital Governance: Opportunities and Pitfalls
  • Constitutional Interpretation: Originalism vs. Living Constitution Theory
  • Understanding Federalism: A Comparative Analysis
  • Emerging Role of Artificial Intelligence in Governance
  • Climate Change Policy: National vs. International Responsibilities
  • Democracy and Technology: Influence of Social Media on Governance
  • Public Administration Reforms: Lessons From Around the World
  • Immigration Policy: Factors Influencing Government Decisions
  • Separation of Powers: An Inquiry Into Its Real-World Implications
  • Fiscal Policy during Recessions: Strategies and Outcomes
  • Authoritarian Regimes in a Digital Age: Unpacking the Complexities
  • Intelligence Agencies: Examining Oversight and Control Mechanisms
  • Social Equity and Government Policy: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Political Dynasties: Assessing Their Influence on Democratic Governance

U.S. Government Research Paper Topics for College

  • Gun Control Policies: Analyzing the Effectiveness in the U.S.
  • Unraveling the Complexity of U.S. Immigration Reform
  • Affordable Care Act: A Comprehensive Analysis Post Implementation
  • Effects of Social Media on the U.S. Electoral Process
  • Campaign Finance Laws in the United States: A Closer Look
  • Government Shutdowns: Causes and Consequences in the U.S.
  • Federalism in the United States: Changing Dynamics
  • Dissecting the Patriot Act: Implications for Civil Liberties
  • Constitutional Rights and Digital Privacy: An American Perspective
  • Polarization in American Politics: Causes and Effects
  • U.S. Tax Reform: An Analysis of Recent Changes
  • Influence of Lobbying on Law-Making in the United States
  • Supreme Court Appointments: Politics and Consequences
  • Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy: A Comprehensive Review
  • Investigating the Role of Super PACs in U.S. Elections
  • American Infrastructure Spending: Assessing Need and Impact
  • Analyzing the U.S. Response to Climate Change
  • Understanding the U.S. Electoral College: Pros and Cons
  • U.S. Drug Policy: Lessons Learned From the War on Drugs

U.S. Government Research Paper Topics for University

  • Native American Treaties and U.S. Government: A Detailed Study
  • Rise of Partisanship: An Exploration Into U.S. Politics
  • Education Policy in the United States: A Critical Assessment
  • American Antitrust Legislation: A Review and Analysis
  • U.S. Military Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era: A Comprehensive Study
  • Housing Policy and Inequality in the United States: A Detailed Examination
  • U.S. Trade Agreements: Analyzing Their Success and Failures
  • Unfolding American Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific Region: An In-Depth Review
  • Citizens United Decision: An Analysis of Its Implications on U.S. Elections
  • Racial Profiling and Law Enforcement in the U.S.: A Study on Systemic Bias
  • Space Exploration Policies of the U.S.: A Comprehensive Overview
  • Gerrymandering in the United States: Analyzing Its Impacts on Representation
  • Public Health Policy in the U.S.: Lessons From the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Women in U.S. Politics: A Study on Representation and Influence
  • Privatization in the U.S.: A Critical Analysis of Its Effects on Public Services
  • U.S. Welfare Policy: An Evaluation of Its Efficacy and Inclusivity
  • Privacy Rights in the U.S.: Analyzing the Balance Between Security and Liberty
  • Minimum Wage Policies in the United States: A Comparative Study
  • U.S. Energy Policy: A Study of Transition towards Renewable Resources
  • Cybersecurity in the U.S.: Analyzing Government’s Role in Protecting National Infrastructure

American Government and Foreign Policy Essay Topics

  • Middle East Policies: A Review of U.S. Strategy and Diplomacy
  • Democratization and American Foreign Policy: A Critical Examination
  • China-U.S. Relations: A Study of Economic and Security Dilemmas
  • American Strategy in Containing North Korea’s Nuclear Ambition
  • Shifts in U.S.-Russia Relations: Post-Cold War Analysis
  • Climate Change and American Foreign Policy: An In-Depth Study
  • Human Rights in American Foreign Policy: Case Studies From the 21st Century
  • Evaluating U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan: A Retrospective Study
  • Cyber Warfare and U.S. Foreign Policy: Exploring Strategies and Consequences
  • U.S. and NATO: Analyzing the Changing Dynamics of Transatlantic Alliance
  • Latin America in U.S. Foreign Policy: A Historical Analysis
  • American Policy in the Indo-Pacific: Security, Diplomacy, and Economics
  • U.S. Foreign Aid: Analysis of Trends and Effectiveness
  • Arms Control and American Foreign Policy: A Review of Key Agreements
  • U.S.-EU Relations: Trade, Security, and Diplomatic Perspectives
  • American Policy Towards Israel and Palestine: A Critical Evaluation
  • The Iran Nuclear Deal and U.S. Foreign Policy: A Comprehensive Study
  • Global Health and American Foreign Policy: Priorities and Challenges
  • Climate Diplomacy in U.S. Foreign Policy: A Study of the Paris Agreement

American Government and Media Essay Topics

  • Media Influence on Presidential Elections: A Case Study
  • Influence of Media in Shaping Public Policy: An Analysis
  • The First Amendment: Press Freedom and Its Limits
  • Media Portrayal of U.S. Foreign Policy: A Critical Examination
  • Partisan Media and Polarization in American Politics: An Exploratory Study
  • Fake News and Its Influence on American Political Discourse
  • Public Broadcasting in America: A Historical Analysis
  • Digital Media and American Politics: Understanding the Shift
  • Social Media’s Influence on Political Mobilization: Case Studies From the U.S.
  • Media Bias in Coverage of Gun Control: A Comparative Study
  • Media Framing of Immigration Policies in the U.S.: A Discourse Analysis
  • Network News and Its Influence on Public Perception of the Presidency
  • The Power of Political Cartoons in Shaping Public Opinion
  • Censorship and Self-Censorship in American Media: A Comprehensive Study
  • Media Coverage of the Supreme Court: A Critical Review
  • Cable News and Polarization in U.S. Politics: A Longitudinal Study
  • The Role of Satirical News in American Political Discourse
  • Media and Public Perception of Climate Change Policies in America
  • Traditional Media vs. Social Media in U.S. Political Campaigns: A Comparative Analysis

American Political Parties and Elections Topics

  • Campaign Strategies in Modern American Elections: An Analysis
  • Transformative Elections in American History: Case Studies
  • Minor Political Parties in U.S. Electoral Politics: A Comparative Study
  • Influence of Lobbying on Election Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation
  • How Gerrymandering Shapes American Politics: A Comprehensive Review
  • American Presidential Primaries: A Historical Examination
  • The Electoral College: An Evaluation of Its Efficacy in Modern U.S. Politics
  • American Politics and the Issue of Voter Suppression: A Critical Study
  • Dynamics of Swing States in U.S. Presidential Elections: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Candidate Image Crafting in American Elections: A Semiotic Analysis
  • Polarization and Its Effect on American Elections: An Empirical Investigation
  • Public Financing in American Elections: A Comparative Study
  • Third-Party Candidates and Their Influence on U.S. Elections: An Exploratory Study
  • American Midterm Elections and Their Effect on Presidential Governance: An Analysis
  • Effects of Negative Campaigning in U.S. Elections: A Quantitative Study
  • Dynamics of Coalition Building in American Political Parties: A Case Study
  • Presidential Debates and Their Influence on Election Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation
  • Changes in Electoral Behavior in the American South: A Longitudinal Study
  • The Effect of Voter Turnout on Election Results: A Statistical Analysis
  • The Future of American Elections: Predicting Trends in the Digital Age

Government Research Paper Topics About the Executive Arm

  • Presidential Decision-Making in Times of Crisis: A Comparative Analysis
  • Foreign Policy Execution and the American President: A Critical Study
  • Cabinet Appointments and Policy Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation
  • Transformations in the Executive Office: A Historical Review
  • Executive Orders: A Quantitative Analysis of Their Use and Effectiveness
  • Exercise of Veto Power: A Comparative Study Across Presidential Administrations
  • War Powers and the U.S. Presidency: A Constitutional Analysis
  • American Presidency and the Pardon Power: A Legal Examination
  • Executive Privilege: Its Use and Misuse in American Politics
  • Presidential Succession and Continuity of Government: A Policy Analysis
  • Dynamics of Executive-Legislative Relations: An Interdisciplinary Study
  • The Vice Presidency: Evolution and Influence in Modern American Politics
  • Presidential Campaigns: Financing and Its Influence on Policy Outcomes
  • National Emergency Declarations and Presidential Power: A Constitutional Study
  • The Power of Persuasion: Rhetoric and the American Presidency
  • The Cabinet’s Influence on Presidential Decision-Making: A Qualitative Study
  • Presidential Nominations and the Confirmation Process: A Policy Analysis
  • Environmental Policy-Making in the Executive Branch: A Historical Review
  • Immigration Policy Execution and Presidential Discretion: A Comparative Analysis
  • National Security and the Use of Executive Power: A Critical Investigation

Legislative Branch of Government Essay Topics in American Politics

  • Committee Power in the U.S. Congress: A Quantitative Study
  • Bicameralism and Its Influence on Legislation: A Comparative Analysis
  • Parliamentary Procedure and Democratic Governance: A Policy Review
  • Policy-Making Dynamics in the Senate: A Historical Review
  • Congressional Oversight and Its Effect on Executive Power: A Qualitative Study
  • Gridlock in Congress: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • House Rules Committee and Its Influence on Legislation: An Empirical Investigation
  • Legislative Agendas: Partisanship and Its Effects on Lawmaking
  • Lobbying and Influence in the Lawmaking Process: A Critical Analysis
  • Congressional Elections: Campaign Financing and Electoral Outcomes
  • Redistricting and Its Effect on the Balance of Power in Congress: A Quantitative Analysis
  • Filibuster and Its Impact on Legislative Efficiency: A Policy Analysis
  • Political Polarization in the House of Representatives: A Comparative Study
  • Congressional Ethics and Conduct: A Legal Examination
  • Minority Representation in the U.S. Congress: A Quantitative Analysis
  • Leadership Dynamics in Congress: A Historical Review
  • Term Limits and Legislative Productivity: An Empirical Investigation
  • Congressional Budgeting Process: A Critical Examination
  • Lawmaking and the Influence of Interest Groups: A Comparative Analysis
  • Checks and Balances: The Role of Congress in National Security Policy-Making

Political Behavior and American Government Essay Topics

  • Identity Politics and Policy Preferences in American Government
  • Shifts in American Political Behavior: Historical Analysis
  • Public Opinion, Ideology, and Policy Change in U.S. Politics
  • Media Consumption and Its Influence on Political Preferences
  • Digital Democracy: How the Internet Has Transformed Political Participation
  • Voting Behavior and Electoral Outcomes: An Empirical Examination
  • Effects of Civic Education on Political Engagement: A Comparative Study
  • Partisan Realignment and Its Consequences for American Politics
  • Dynamics of Political Polarization in Contemporary America
  • Political Trust and Its Relationship With Government Performance
  • Cultural Factors and Their Influence on Political Attitudes
  • Citizen Engagement and Its Relationship With Political Accountability
  • Exploring the Nexus Between Socioeconomic Status and Political Behavior
  • Environmental Concerns and Their Influence on Voting Behavior
  • Political Socialization and Its Impact on Political Affiliation
  • Understanding Populism in the Context of American Politics
  • Racial Politics and Its Effect on the American Government
  • Religious Beliefs and Their Influence on Political Behavior
  • Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: A Historical Analysis

Political Theory and American Government Essay Topics

  • Applying Rawlsian Justice to American Policy Making
  • Hobbes and the Foundation of American Political Structure
  • Lockean Ideals in the American Declaration of Independence
  • Exploring the Influence of Machiavellian Theory on U.S. Politics
  • Marxist Interpretations of American Economic Policies
  • Application of Communitarianism in U.S. Social Welfare Policies
  • Classical Republicanism and Its Echoes in American Government
  • Neo-Conservatism and Its Theoretical Foundations in U.S. Politics
  • Postmodern Perspectives on American Democracy
  • Utilitarianism and Its Reflection on American Economic Policies
  • Feminist Political Theory and Its Relevance in U.S. Politics
  • Concepts of Liberty in American Political Discourse: A Theoretical Analysis
  • Civil Disobedience: From Thoreau to Modern American Protests
  • Pluralism and Interest Group Politics in America
  • Exploring Libertarianism in the Context of U.S. Government Policies
  • Populism as a Political Theory: Reflections in American Politics
  • Deliberative Democracy in Practice: U.S. Town Hall Meetings
  • Contractualism and the American Constitution: A Theoretical Analysis
  • Understanding Identity Politics through the Lens of Queer Theory in the U.S.
  • Anarchist Theories and Their Relevance to American Political Movements

Public Policy and Administration Topics

  • Understanding Policy Feedback and Its Implications on Program Sustainability
  • Public Administration Reforms: Comparative Analysis of Best Practices
  • Fiscal Federalism and Public Policy Making in Decentralized Systems
  • Emergent Public Policy Challenges in Cybersecurity
  • Public Administration and Crisis Management: Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Public Policy Responses to Technological Disruption
  • Transparency, Accountability, and Ethics in Public Administration
  • Policy Diffusion in Intergovernmental Relations: Patterns and Challenges
  • Incorporating Behavioral Insights Into Public Policy Design
  • Interrogating the Influence of Lobbying on Public Policy
  • Urban Planning Policies and Sustainable Development Goals
  • Gender Mainstreaming Strategies in Public Policy and Administration
  • Public Administration’s Adaptation to Digital Transformation
  • Healthcare Policy Reforms: Balancing Efficiency and Equity
  • Exploring the Nexus of Public Policy and Social Justice
  • Multiculturalism in Public Policy: Incorporating Diversity in Service Delivery
  • Trade Policy Negotiations and National Interests: A Diplomatic Tightrope
  • Fostering Innovation and Creativity through Education Policies
  • Public Policy Making in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges

Questions About the American Government

  • American Government System: Why Does It Operate on a Two-Party Structure?
  • Supreme Court Appointments: How Do They Influence the Balance of Power?
  • Understanding the Bill of Rights: Which Amendments Have Provoked the Most Controversy?
  • Federalism in America: How Does It Affect State Policies?
  • Impeachment Process in the United States: What Are the Criteria and Consequences?
  • Why Does the United States Employ an Electoral College in Presidential Elections?
  • American Government and Lobbying: Is There a Need for Stricter Regulations?
  • Deciphering the Role of Super PACs in American Politics: Are They a Necessity?
  • How Does Gerrymandering Influence Political Representation in America?
  • Citizens United Decision: What Are Its Implications on American Democracy?
  • Understanding the Powers and Limitations of the American Presidency: Is It Truly a Democratic Office?
  • How Does the American Constitution Protect Individual Rights?
  • Campaign Finance in American Elections: How Does It Affect Political Outcomes?
  • Functioning of the American Legislative Branch: What Makes It Efficient?
  • Why Do Executive Orders Play a Vital Part in the Functioning of the American Government?
  • Effect of Gridlock in Congress on American Policy Making: Is It Detrimental?
  • How Does Public Opinion Influence Government Decision-Making in the United States?
  • Influence of Interest Groups on American Government: Boon or Bane?
  • Bicameral Legislature in America: What Are Its Rationale and Significance?

State and Local Government Essay Topics in the American System

  • Decentralization Dynamics: A Study of Power Shifts in State and Local Governments
  • Strategizing Municipal Finance: Effective Revenue Generation Models
  • State Sovereignty vs. Federal Guidelines: An Examination of Conflict and Cooperation
  • Examining the Efficacy of Participatory Budgeting in Local Government
  • Local Governments and Environmental Sustainability: Policy Design and Implementation
  • Diversity in Local Government Leadership: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Education Policy Formulation at the State Level: A Comparative Study
  • Municipal Bond Market: Understanding Its Function in Infrastructure Development
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  • Historical Analysis of Constitutional Amendments: Understanding Their Significance
  • Cultural Shifts and Constitutional Interpretation: Exploring the Changing Landscape
  • Examining the Thirteenth Amendment: The Legacy of Abolition and Modern-Day Implications
  • Constitutional Equality: The Unratified Equal Rights Amendment
  • The Nineteenth Amendment and Beyond: Women’s Suffrage and Contemporary Gender Politics
  • Voting Rights: The Twenty-Sixth Amendment and Current Debates on Age and Citizenship
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The Judicial Branch of Government Essay Topics in American Politics

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  • Courts as Policy Makers: Exploring Activism Within the Judicial Branch
  • The Art of Interpretation: Statutory Construction in the Supreme Court
  • From Marbury to Modernity: The Evolution of Judicial Review
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  • Diversity in the Judiciary: Assessing Representation in Federal Courts
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local governance essay questions

Are you prepared to ignite change in your community? ICMA is on the lookout for innovators and visionaries with groundbreaking ideas for the future of local government. We're excited to announce that handpicked essays will be showcased in our forthcoming publication, "Future Proofing Local Government: Strategies for Sustainable Innovation."

Our aim is to spotlight these essays so that local government managers can explore inventive approaches to modernize and future-proof their organizations. Hence, we're seeking essays that are thought-provoking, audacious, and resonate with one of our five Local Government Reimagined themes.

Anyone can submit an essay topic! Do you have a bold idea that could transform local governance? We want to hear it!

How might local governments reimagine public spaces to foster community connection and well-being in an increasingly digital age? What unconventional methods can local governments employ to promote environmental sustainability and resilience within their communities?

Submit your audacious essays or essay topics by April 5, 2024, and not only will you shape the future, but selected authors will also receive a $1,000 honorarium for their remarkable contributions. Your essays will take center stage in "Future Proofing Local Government," amplifying your ideas to inspire others to think boldly. Learn more at the website . Questions? Contact Kaelan Boyd, senior program manager, at [email protected] .

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Local Government Discussion/Essay Questions

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These 5 questions cover these topics

-Services Provided

-Features of Town

-Types of City Governments

-County Managers

-Highway from one city to another

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Module 4 Lesson 33 Homework 5th Grade

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Some of the worksheets for this concept are Eureka math homework helper 20152016 grade 5 module 2, Module 3 lessons 116, Grade 5 module 5, Grade 4 module 3, Grade 5 module 4, Homework practice and problem solving practice workbook, Homework practice and problem solving practice workbook, Eureka math homework helper 20152016 grade 5.

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Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 33 Answer Key

Engage ny eureka math 4th grade module 3 lesson 33 answer key, eureka math grade 4 module 3 lesson 33 problem set answer key.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 33 Problem Set Answer Key 1

Explanation: Ursula solved the following division problem by drawing an area model as shown above of (400 + 400 + 80 + 12)  ÷ 4 = 892 ÷ 4 as (100 + 100 +20 +3) = 223.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 33 Answer Key-1

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 33 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 33 Exit Ticket Answer Key 2

Explanation: Given Anna solved the following division problem by drawing an area model of  747 ÷ 3 = (600 ÷ 3) + (120 ÷ 3) + (27 ÷ 3) = 200 + 40 + 9 = 249.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 33 Answer Key-10

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 33 Homework Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 3 Lesson 33 Homework Answer Key 3

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Grade 4 General Resources

A 4th grade resource for teachers using Eureka Math and EngageNY.

G4M1: Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction

G4m2: unit conversions and problem solving with metric measurement, g4m3: multi-digit multiplication and division, g4m4: angle measure and plane figures, g4m5: fraction equivalence, ordering, and operations, g4m6: decimal fractions, g4m7: exploring measurement with multiplication.

grade 4 module 5 lesson 33 homework

Engage NY Eureka Math 4th Grade Module 5 Lesson 33 Answer Key Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 33 Sprint Answer Key A Change Mixed Numbers to Fractions Answer: 2 + 1 = 3, ... Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 33 Homework Answer Key. Question 1. Write a related addition sentence. Subtract by counting on. Use a number line or the arrow way ...

It's homework time! Help for fourth graders with Eureka Math Module 5 Lesson 33.

EngageNY/Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 33For more Eureka Math (EngageNY) videos and other resources, please visit http://EMBARC.onlinePLEASE leave a me...

Eureka Essentials: Grade 4. An outline of learning goals, key ideas, pacing suggestions, and more! Fluency Games. Teach Eureka Lesson Breakdown. Downloadable Resources. Teacher editions, student materials, application problems, sprints, etc. Application Problems. Files for printing or for projecting on the screen.

EngageNY/Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 33For more videos, please visit http://bit.ly/eurekapusdPLEASE leave a message if a video has a technical diffic...

Problem Sets and Homework [ English] [ Spanish ] ... Grade 4 Module 5. Eureka Essentials: Grade 4. Fluency Games. Teach Eureka Lesson Breakdown. ... Lesson 31. Lesson 32. Lesson 33. Lesson 34. Topic G: Repeated Addition of Fractions as Multipl... Lesson 35. Lesson 36. Lesson 37. Lesson 38.

Grade 4; Gr4Mod5; Lesson 31; Homework Solutions; Homework Solutions. HW Solutions: Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 31. ... Grade 4 Module 5. Topic A: Decomposition and Fraction Equivalence. Lesson 1. Lesson 2. Lesson 3. Lesson 4. ... Lesson 32. Lesson 33. Lesson 34. Topic G: Repeated Addition of Fractions as Multipl... Lesson 35. Lesson 36.

Unit 1: Module 1: Place value, rounding, and algorithms for addition and subtraction. 0/2000 Mastery points. Topic A: Place value of multi-digit whole numbers Topic B: Comparing multi-digit whole numbers Topic C: Rounding multi-digit whole numbers. Topic D: Multi-digit whole number addition Topic E: Multi-digit whole number subtraction.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lessons 1-5 Fraction Equivalence, Ordering and Operations You can access videos for these lessons on the SCSD Website

Solve word problems, create story contexts for numerical expressions and tape diagrams

Homework Helpers is designed to help parents/guardians with Eureka homework. These Helpers explain, step by step, how to work problems similar to those found in Eureka Math assignments. There is a homework helper to go with every homework assignment. ... Grade 4 Module 5. Comments (-1) Grade 4 Module 6. Comments (-1) Grade 4 Module 7. Comments ...

Lesson 2 3: Add and multiply unit fractions to build fractions greater than 1 using visual models. esson 23 Homework 4•L 5 4. Multiply, as shown below. Write the product as a mixed number. Draw a number line to support your answer. a. 7 copies of 1 third 7 × 1 3 = 2×3 3 + 1 3 = 2 + 1 3 = 2 1 3 b. 7 copies of 1 fourth c. 11 groups of 1 fifth ...

HW Solutions: Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Lesson 1 ... Lesson PDF. Homework Solutions. Promethean Flipchart. Google Slides. Exit Ticket Solutions. Go Formative Exit Ticket. ... Lesson 32. Lesson 33. End-of-Module Review. Gr5Mod5. Gr5Mod6. General Information. Kindergarten. Grade 1. Grade 2. Grade 3. Grade 4.

Create story contexts for numerical expressions and tape diagrams and solve word problems, common core, help students, help teachers, help parents

Grade 4; Gr4Mod5; Lesson 5; Lesson PDF; Lesson PDF. This is the PDF for only this lesson. It includes teacher notes, problem set, exit ticket, homework, and all templates. ... Grade 4 Module 5. Topic A: Decomposition and Fraction Equivalence. Lesson 1. Lesson 2. Lesson 3. Lesson 4. Lesson 5. ... Lesson 33. Lesson 34. Topic G: Repeated Addition ...

Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions. Eureka Essentials: Grade 5. An outline of learning goals, key ideas, pacing suggestions, and more! Fluency Games. Teach Eureka Lesson Breakdown. Downloadable Resources. Teacher editions, student materials, application problems, sprints, etc. Application Problems.

Engage NY // Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Lesson 33 Homework. Engage NY // Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 4 Lesson 33 Homework.

Module 4 Lesson 33 Homework 5th Grade Worksheets - total of 8 printable worksheets available for this concept. Worksheets are Eureka math homework hel...

a. Solve 960 ÷ 4 using the area model. There is no remainder in this problem. Answer: Explanation: Solved 960 ÷ 4 using the area model as shown above. (960 ÷ 4) = (800 ÷ 4) + (160 ÷ 4) = 200 + 40 = 240. b. Draw a number bond and use the long division algorithm to record your work from Part (a).

A 4th grade resource for teachers using Eureka Math and EngageNY. G4M4: Angle Measure and Plane Figures. A 4th grade resource for teachers using Eureka Math and EngageNY. G4M5: Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations. A 4th grade resource for teachers using Eureka Math and EngageNY. G4M6: Decimal Fractions.


Essay On Local Government In The Philippines

THE PROBLEM Introduction More and more local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines are into best practices in governance. Some municipalities, cities and even in amalgamated ones are awardees for good administration or governance, socio-econ development, local legislation, and environmental management . And from their experiences, their good practices are emulated by smaller or even bigger LGUs. This is a sign that LGUs are learning from one another to maximize their fullest potentials in order to be of better services to their community. Meanwhile, recent years show increasing temperatures in various regions, and/or increasing extremities in weather patterns in our country. With diverse climate on one hand and species and their habitats dwindling, chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing. The climate is changing and …show more content…

These were felt in the flooding of cities in metro Manila, Cebu, Davao and not to spare the cities atop mountains like Baguio City. Drought in Isabela and Nueva Vizcaya destroyed valuable cash crops before harvesting. Fish kill were reported in cities of Dagupan, San Pablo and Tagaytay. The degree of impact from which cities suffer from CC will depend on the actions and initiatives local governments take now to build a resilient city. Ilagan City of Isabela distributed food and other supplies before the landing of typhoons in the city. Pasig intensified its river cleaning to avoid floods, San Jose City of Nueva Ecija and Los Banos City of Laguna collaborated with its state universities on developing rice technologies that are resistant to drought and certified rice that withstand flood. Siliman University through its extension programs helped the local city fishermen in identifying and protecting threatened fish species. Local governments understand this responsibility and are engaging with its partners to

Summary Of Flood Of Memories By Char Miller

In the west and south neighborhoods, the floods were severely harsh, damaging houses and took many lives. Miller then focuses to the north side and downtown part of San Antonio, where damage was still heavy but not as many deaths as the poorer sides of town. Office buildings and various other work and bank buildings were flooded, the city as a whole suffered from heavy damage costs. In the article, it is stated “the community’s response to the critical question of how to control future floods,” (217) was a great consequence. The reason being is that this response lead to the major question, what community would undergo rehabilitation.

Louisiana Floodplain Management Association Case Study

In 1983, representatives from regional planning commissions, parishes, municipalities, state agencies, and the private sector met in Lafayette, Louisiana. There they discussed the need for an organization focusing on flood damage reduction issues, the potential for success, and the goals of an association. As a result of this meeting, the first conference of the Louisiana Floodplain Management Association was held in Lake Charles, LA in 1984. After voting to formally organize; the participants established a constitution, bylaws, and a set of policies. Here is a synopsis of those established policies: Encourage plans, projects, and legislation for flood damage reduction in Louisiana; support comprehensive floodplain management; will work for free and open exchange of scientific information to the public and decision makers; provide and promote training and

Joaquin River Restoration

The reclamation of the San Joaquin River has improved the surrounding ecosystem drastically. With the river return came improvement in the aspects that were questioned before the restoration. Restoring the San Joaquin has revitalized the community, resurrected the salmon population, and catalyzed a change in California water management. The doubts of the people were settled by proving that the river renewal not only brought back salmon population, but rehabilitated the neighboring areas. Reconstruction of the San Joaquin river has been estimated to generate 11,000 new local jobs in the San Joaquin Valley this will help expand and strengthen the region’s economy.

In Cold Blood Dialectical Journal

As per that subsequent disaster, floods can now be prevented by forming a management committee set to prevent that from happenings in every county, they say prevention is better than cure and so the government is coming up with measures to control floods. This is done by sensitizing people who live on lower grounds to move to higher grounds to prevent landslides, digging dykes and also educating citizens on disaster

Dust Bowl Dbq

The drought’s direct effect is most often remembered as agricultural, many crops were damaged by deficient rainfall, high temperatures, and high winds, as well as insect infestations and dust storms that accompanied these conditions. This caused many migrant workers to not be feed, as the food source was very limited. In conclusion these three events play a huge role in

Dbq Essay On Climate Change

People may know about climate change and the drastic changes it is having on the environment, but what they may not be aware of is that another degree increase in the world’s average temperature will cause even bigger problems for people all over. Climate change is long term shifts in temperature and patterns in the weather. Greenhouse gasses, gasses that trap heat in the atmosphere causing it to warm up are at an all-time high due to humans and the amount of fossil fuels we use. The most crucial result of climate change is global health, but animal endangerment and the rise in sea levels are also very important effects.

Louisiana Geography Chapter 2 Summary

Flood control includes: levees, locks, dams, canals and reservoirs, which enable the people in Louisiana to live safely (p.64). Because of bad hurricanes, wetlands are beginning to vanish. To prevent vanishing coastlines, the government in Louisiana has made many precautions. Other environmental problems include hyacinth and nutria, which were brought to Louisiana to make life better, but it ended up being a burden (p.69). Now, nutria is out of control and is damaging most of Louisiana’s vegetation.

The Four Types Of Government In Texas

Local governments are most favorable by citizens because the easy access and control by people who are involved. You can call local government official in general and may personally know them. Local government is the most common government exist in the society. Definition for local government is a form of public administration which in a majority of contexts exists as the lowest tier of administration within a given state. Local government’s objective is to effectually use of land to product robust and complex ecosystems.

Global Warming Rhetorical Analysis

In another article written by Amanda Macmillan summarizes the effects global warming has on nature due to the cause of overload of carbon dioxide and forest deforestation. First, the text states earth’s rising “temperatures are fueling longer and hotter heat waves, more frequent droughts, heavier rainfall, and more powerful hurricanes”, which is not good news for us living here on planet earth. And it doesn’t stop there-there are also the effects of global warming creating even more “intense allergy seasons”, and the frequent sea level rise happening around the world.obviously these problems are not convenient for us we shouldn’t ignore this any more change must come. Other major examples found on a website called livescience.com it states “heavier flooding and precipitation” will come in result of global warming, and over the last 100 years the global temp has gone up .4 degrees celsius. These stats might not seem like a lot but they are having drastic effects on our

Annexation Of The Philippines Essay

Deciding the Annexation of the Philippines Assessment: On Google Docs you need to write a three paragraph essay arguing whether or not the United States should or should not annex the Philippines. You need to use 2 pieces of evidence from the documents per paragraph. Americans might have thought that all war and chaos would have ended and stayed in the year of 1898, when we (America) won over the Spanish, in the Spanish-American war. Although, we were partially right with allowing us to have some sort of peace, we did not figure that we may have to have annex a whole different country, taking away from our “peace”.

Every year hundreds of species are diminishing due to the global temperature increase. From

Essay Effect Of Wildfires On The Environment

IMPACTS OF GLOBAL WARMING ON THE ENVIRONMENT SLINDILE.C MAZIBUKO 215011983 UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU NATAL WESTVILLE CAMPUS DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA ABSTRACT One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. It is evident that there is climate change around the world. In recent years, we have so many unusual hurricanes, typhoons, floods, droughts and earthquakes. Plants and animals that lived in the cold climates are now disappearing.

Polar Bears And Climate Change Essay

Earth’s climate has been changing over the last few decades, with the global temperatures rising at a high rate (Corell, 2006). Some of these climate changes are due to natural causes, although the strength at which temperatures are rising indicates human influences, such as increased carbon dioxide emission, as well as other greenhouse gases. Climate change particularly affects the Arctic region, where warmer temperatures are causing decrease in sea ice extent and thickness, permafrost thawing, coastal erosion, changes in ice sheets and shelves, and consequently, changes in the distribution and reproduction rates of Arctic species (Corell, 2006). Warmer temperatures have led to increased melting of glaciers and sea ice, and shortening of

Theoretical Approach To Food Security

They argued that the crop failures due to natural disasters often result in high food prices, increased demand to deal with uncertainties. The decline in purchasing power affects the poor and those who are in trouble by bad weather to become food insecure (Lin and Yang 2000, cited in Galunde,

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Government In The Philippines

INTRODUCTION We belong in a time where the world goes through constant changes. Life today is so fast-paced and dynamic that we sometimes knowingly ignore what 's happening around us since it may instantly change anyway. The Philippines specifically, have gone through great changes in the past several years. These changes have rooted from problems that made it impossible for us to develop and progress as a country.

More about Essay On Local Government In The Philippines

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Health department governance varies from state to state. In some states, local health departments are led by employees of the state (centralized governance), whereas in other states, local health departments are self-led (decentralized governance). Other states use a mixed or shared approach.

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The Essential Role of the Legislative Branch in Governance

This essay is about the crucial role of the legislative branch in democratic governance. It explains how the legislative branch is responsible for creating and passing laws, overseeing the executive branch, and controlling the national budget. The essay highlights the importance of representation, with legislators serving as the people’s voice in government, and emphasizes the branch’s role in fostering public debate and shaping national values. It also discusses the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the legislative branch, including the quality of its members, the structure of the legislative process, and the political environment. Overall, the essay underscores the legislative branch’s essential function in maintaining a balanced and responsive government.

How it works

The parliamentary branch stands as a cornerstone of democratic governance, tasked with a multitude of pivotal functions essential for the smooth operation of government machinery. Beyond its fundamental role in legislating, it serves as a conduit for the populace’s voice in governance, oversees executive actions, and wields authority over the national fiscal framework, among other imperatives. Delving into the breadth and depth of its purview unveils its indispensable contribution to fostering a balanced and representative governance structure.

Primary among the functions of the legislative arm is the enactment of laws.

Legislators undertake the arduous task of proposing, deliberating upon, and ratifying laws that address a myriad of societal facets, ranging from public welfare and safety to educational and infrastructural domains. This meticulous process, characterized by multiple readings, committee evaluations, and amendments, endeavors to ensure the thorough consideration of laws and the incorporation of diverse societal interests. In the United States, this legislative journey unfolds through a bicameral structure encompassing the House of Representatives and the Senate, each offering a distinct lens through which legislation is crafted, with the House focusing on localized concerns and the Senate adopting a broader, more contemplative stance.

In addition to its legislative mandate, the parliamentary branch assumes a pivotal oversight role. This oversight function entails vigilant monitoring and assessment of executive actions to ascertain the proper implementation of laws and the judicious utilization of public resources. Through a plethora of committees and hearings, legislators wield the authority to scrutinize governmental operations, interrogate officials, and hold them accountable for their deeds. Such oversight mechanisms serve as bulwarks against opacity and abuses of power, thereby fortifying the government’s integrity.

Another pivotal responsibility of the legislative arm is the stewardship of the national fiscal domain. Legislators undertake the onerous task of scrutinizing, amending, and sanctioning the executive-proposed budget, thereby dictating the allocation and utilization of public funds. This “power of the purse” represents a quintessential check on executive prerogative, ensuring that elected representatives have a decisive say in the appropriation of taxpayer monies. Budgetary deliberations, characterized by meticulous analysis and negotiation, are emblematic of legislators’ endeavor to reconcile resource constraints with societal needs and policy imperatives.

Furthermore, the legislative branch serves as a crucible for public discourse and the articulation of diverse viewpoints. It is here that myriad perspectives converge and diverge, fostering democratic engagement and participation. Through public fora and consultations, legislators solicit input from constituents, experts, and interest groups, endeavoring to ensure that policy formulation is informed by a multiplicity of voices. This deliberative ethos serves as the crucible for consensus-building and the formulation of robust, efficacious policies that serve the broader societal canvas.

Representation stands as another cornerstone of the legislative branch’s mandate. Elected representatives are entrusted with the solemn duty of championing the concerns, aspirations, and exigencies of their constituencies on the national stage. This representative ethos ensures the government’s responsiveness to the evolving needs of its populace. Regular electoral cycles and the prospect of ousting incumbents uphold legislators’ accountability to their constituents, underscoring the democratic tenet that government derives its legitimacy from the governed.

Moreover, the legislative branch assumes a cultural and symbolic mantle in shaping national ethos and values. Through its debates and pronouncements, it elucidates and espouses the foundational principles underpinning the nation’s identity, such as equity, parity, and liberty. Legislative actions possess the power to delineate societal mores and influence cultural mores, reflecting and shaping societal ethical and moral paradigms. This cultural cachet underscores the imperative of cultivating a legislature that is diverse and inclusive, reflective of the entire societal spectrum.

The efficacy of the legislative branch hinges on several variables, including the caliber of its members, the efficacy of the legislative process, and the prevailing political milieu. Effective legislators are characterized by erudition, probity, and a steadfast commitment to public welfare. A well-structured legislative process is distinguished by lucid regulations, transparency, and avenues for public engagement. The political ecosystem must foster open dialogue, respect for dissenting viewpoints, and a steadfast commitment to democratic ethos.

In summation, the legislative branch transcends its role as a mere legislative entity, assuming a pivotal institutional role in representing the populace, overseeing governmental actions, stewarding fiscal matters, and providing a platform for public discourse. Through these multifarious functions, it ensures governmental accountability, transparency, and responsiveness to citizen exigencies and values. Its centrality is paramount in nurturing a vibrant democracy where all voices find expression and reverence. As societies confront novel challenges and opportunities, the legislative branch must evolve, yet its fundamental mission—to serve the populace and uphold democratic ideals—endures unassailable.


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Home Rule for Millcreek? Residents favoring government study say that could mean tax hikes

local governance essay questions

Millcreek residents supporting a November government study commission referendum aren't interested in looking at Home Rule government for the township.

Pennsylvania municipalities and counties governed by locally written Home Rule charters might not have the caps on taxes included in the Second Class Township Code that currently regulates the operations of Millcreek and most of the state's 1,500-plus townships, residents said.

"Home Rule government would remove a lot of the restrictions on raising taxes that are included in the Second Class Township Code for property taxes and wage taxes. And we could have other, new taxes waged on us," said Art Oligeri.

A government study commission instead should look at Millcreek's existing form of government to determine if it meets township needs or should be replaced with another form of government operating under provisions of the Second Class Township Code, Oligeri said.

Millcreek's three elected supervisors are full-time employees who manage township operations. Other options include a mayor and council form of government, and government by a professional manager and non-employee supervisors.

A study commission could look at other forms of government operated under the Second Class Township Code, at Home Rule government, or at both, township solicitor Mark Shaw said.

"We do not want to muddy the waters looking at a Home Rule charter for the township," Oligeri said. Oligeri is a retired businessman who ran for Erie County executive in 2017.

"If people hear 'Home Rule,' they'd think of Erie County and would vote down a government study commission," former township Supervisor Sue Weber said.

Of the 25 Pennsylvania townships with the highest populations, most are governed by a professional manager and non-employee supervisors. Three have Home Rule governments, according to information compiled by Millcreek residents supporting a local government study. Locally, Erie County and Edinboro Borough operate under Home Rule charters.

Millcreek supervisors are expected to vote Tuesday on an ordinance authorizing a November ballot question on whether a seven-member study commission should investigate other forms of government for the township. If voters approve the study, they would also elect commission members.

Voters later would weigh in on any change recommended by a government study commission.

A government study commission elected by Millcreek voters in 2011  recommended  that the township continue to operate in accordance with Pennsylvania's Second Class Township Code. The code allows supervisors to decide whether to employ a manager, enlarge the board of supervisors or otherwise redesign township government. Township residents could affirm or overrule their decision by re-electing or failing to re-elect supervisors in the next election, commission members said in their report .

Supervisors to consider referendum: Should Millcreek create a new government study commission?

Contact Valerie Myers at [email protected] .


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