
Rush Medical College Secondary Application Essay Prompts

  • Cracking Med School Admissions

Every medical school student and alumnus we have met from Rush Medical College has absolutely loved his or her experience there! Rush Medical College is a very popular medical school students both from the Midwest and California apply to. It is important to convey why you would be a great fit for the Rush Medical School community on your Rush Medical College secondary application. Rush is a community-oriented schoo l, and it is important to talk about how you have been involved with your local community. Read our other Rush Medical College secondary application tips below for advice on how to answer each question. 

There have been a lot of changes in the Rush Medical College secondary recently. This would NOT be a secondary application we would suggest pre-writing before the official prompts are released by the medical school admissions office.

Our Cracking Med School Admissions team has a strong track record of helping our mentees receive acceptances to Rush Medical College for the past several years. Make sure to ask us any questions you have about what to emphasize on your Rush secondary application.  We can also help you personalize your secondary  through our  secondary essay editing packages . 

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Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts: 2023 – 2024

  • Rush Medical College is located on Chicago’s near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. Tell us about a life experience that has broadened your own world view or enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself and what you learned from this experience. (1,000 characters max)
  • As an anchor institution, Rush is embedded in its strategies to improve the societal and structural determinants of health, which improve the economic vitality of Chicago’s west side neighborhoods and help residents achieve better health. Using your own experiences, describe how you have impacted and/or changed a person or community. (1,000 characters max)
  • (Optional) If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. (1,000 characters max)
  • (Optional) Use this space to provide additional information, which is non-COVID related, you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application. (1,000 characters max)

One Rush Medical College secondary application essay removed from last year. 

Tips to Answer Rush Secondaries

Rush Medical College Secondary Pre-Writing Guidance: There have been a lot of changes to the Rush Medical College secondary recently. We would not pre-write the Rush secondaries early in the application process. This would NOT be a secondary application we would suggest pre-writing before the official prompts are released by the medical school admissions office.

Rush Medical College Secondary Application Tip #1: Rush Medical College greatly values community health. Medical students at Rush are extremely engaged in the surrounding community, participating in both patient care and non-patient care in the community. There is less of an emphasis on research when the Rush medical school admissions committee picks students to interview. In fact, many of our Cracking Med School Admissions mentees who receive interview invites at Rush Medical College do not necessarily have strong research backgrounds. Strong applicants will be able to convey their non-clinical and clinical work in the community.   After reading your entire Rush Medical College secondary application, the reader should understand: how are you committed to improving your community?  

Rush Medical College Secondary Application Tip #2: Answer the optional questions. Our Cracking Med School Admissions team does not view optional questions as optional, because it is a waste opportunity to discuss other aspects about your background and motivations to pursue medicine. 

  • For the COVID-19 question, incorporate your personal experiences as well as healthcare current issues you noticed throughout the COVID pandemic. We have an entire  healthcare current events  blog post here, where you can read more about healthcare disparities and COVID-19.
  • For the “additional information” question, we would prioritizing a story or experience that reflects your passion for Chicago, urban health, and community health. 

Rush Medical College Secondary Application Tip #4:  It is important to do your research on the Rush Medical College. Reference specific aspects the curriculum, projects, and community organizations you want to be involved with.

  • Read our HIGH-YIELD blog post about how to answer “Why this Medical School:”  Why this Medical School? Secondary Essay Example

Rush Medical College Secondary Application Tip #5: What should you write about for the Rush Medical School secondary application question, “ Use this space to provide additional information you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application? ” Literally anything! 

Topics our students who work with us through our application packages discuss:

  • Community projects and community volunteering
  • Leadership roles 
  • Interesting community-based classes and class projects
  • Poor grades or Institutional Actions
  • Non-traditional background
  • Affiliations with Rush University, Rush University Medical Center, and Chicago
  • Solving healthcare challenges with a team, because Rush emphasizes a diverse and dynamic learning community . 

In general, we advise students to discuss their involvement in the community, unless there are important challenges about personal challenges or academic blemishes.

Rush Medical College Secondary Application Tip #6: Get our help to edit your Rush Medical College secondary application essays and all your other secondary application materials. We can help you through our secondary essay packages . 

[ Read more secondary essay tips:  New York Medical College , Northwestern (Feinberg), Temple (Lewis Katz) ]

Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts: 2022 – 2023

  • Do you have direct patient care/contact experience beyond shadowing/observing? Answering “yes” demonstrates you have had active interactions with patients and/or clinical participation in their continuum of care. List and describe, in detail, each experience below. While activities can parallel those listed on the AMCAS application, the narratives should not. Instead, focus on detailing the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities you learned and applied during these experiences. Additionally, estimate the proportion of each role that was spent interfacing with patients. (400 characters each)

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Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts: 2021 – 2022

  • Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1,000 characters max)
  • Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1,000 characters max)
  • Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1,000 characters max)
  • What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1,000 characters max)
  • (Optional) Use this space to provide additional information you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application. (1,000 characters max)

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Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts: 2020 - 2021

  • If applicable , describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. (1,000 characters max)

Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts: 2019 – 2020

  • Were you employed during the time you were enrolled in your undergraduate studies? ( If Yes , selection of hours per week, and for how long)
  • Have you ever been involved in an institutional action related to academic dishonesty/integrity? Been convicted of a crime, or pleaded guilty and been placed on probation, court supervision or another reconviction program for an incident other than a minor traffic ticket?

Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts: 2018 – 2019

Rush medical college secondary essay prompts: 2017 – 2018.

  • Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values.  (1,000 characters max)
  • Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this.  (1,000 characters max)
  • Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected.  (1,000 characters max)
  • What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician?  (1,000 characters max)

Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts: 2016 – 2017

Rush medical college secondary essay prompts: 2015 – 2016.

  • (Community Service Activities) Based on these experiences, please describe what you have learned through your involvement, the attributes you would bring to Rush Medical College, and the impact you would have on the greater Rush Community. (2,000 characters max)
  • Please describe your most significant achievement outside the classroom. (750 characters max)
  • Describe your specific interest in Rush Medical College and what campus opportunities you would most look forward to as a student. (1,000 characters max)

Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts: 2014 – 2015

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Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for Rush Medical College. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page .

about Rush Medical College

Secondary Deadline : November 15, 2023 Secondary Fee : $100 FAP Waiver : Full Fee Waived CASPer Required : Yes Screens Applications : Yes Accepts Application Updates : Yes Waitlisted Applicants/Email

Through a supportive and dynamic learning community, Rush Medical College nurtures the development of empathic, proficient physicians dedicated to continuous learning, innovation, and excellence in clinical practice, education, research and service.
Rush Medical College will be the global leader in student-centered, future-oriented medical education.

All prompts have a 1,000 character limit except #3.

1. Rush Medical College is located on Chicago’s near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. Tell us about a life experience that has broadened your own world view or enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself and what you learned from this experience. 

2. As an anchor institution, Rush is embedded in its strategies to improve the societal and structural determinants of health, which improve the economic vitality of Chicago’s west side neighborhoods and help residents achieve better health. Using your own experiences, describe how you have impacted and/or changed a person or community. 

3. Do you have direct patient care/contact experience beyond shadowing/observing? Answering “yes” demonstrates you have had active interactions with patients and/or clinical participation in their continuum of care. (if yes, you fill out a 400 char description of activities for EACH experience)

4. If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. 

5. (Optional) Use this space to provide additional information, which is non-COVID related, you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application.

1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters)

Rush demonstrates with this question that they really

value diversity and being a champion for diverse populations. First think about what attributes you have that will allow you to effectively deal with diverse people. Consider communication, empathy, leadership as possible traits to discuss. Next, think back to an experiences during which you interacted with cultures other than your own. Perhaps you worked with homeless or underprivileged communities during undergrad. Was there a time during which you had to stand up for someone whom you might not otherwise interact with? Perhaps you spent an extended time abroad and learned a new language or culture. Use an anecdote to discuss the physician role as educator and advocate for the patient. This is a large responsibility for a doctor, to use their knowledge and resources to empower their patients and help them better themselves. Be sure to reflect on how these experiences influenced your beliefs and values, and try to connect this to how you see yourself as a future physician.

2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters)

This is a unique question which you will have to answer carefully. Choose a scenario in which you went against the grain, but do not use an example where you blatantly broke a rule which would be morally questionable. Consider a time when a director or boss asked you to do something and instead you thought differently to create a better or more effective solution to the problem. Discuss and experience like this, or one in which you felt you had to break a rule in order to maintain right morals and values. Be sure to discuss how you dealt with the challenge of challenging authority.

3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters)

Consider discussing an experience which was particularly challenging at the time but in retrospect was very formative and important for your growth. Discuss what you gained and what lessons you learned.

4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters)

The first strategy to answering this question is to do some research on the program website to understand some of its nuances. Is it very strong in a particular field of research, or perhaps in community clinical work for the underserved? If one of these aspects aligns with your strengths or interests, explain how you are a great fit for this reason. Outline how these opportunities will help you grow toward your career goals as you envision them.

The secondary application essay prompts from this medical school application cycle are the same as above.

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on the medical school’s website. Med School Insiders does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this page.

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  • Secondary Essay Prompts

Secondary Essay Prompts – Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center

rush secondary essays

Secondary Essay Prompts for the Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center

Below are the secondary essay prompts for the Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL.

2019 – 2020

  • Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters)
  • Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters)
  • Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters)
  • What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters)
  • Were you employed during the time you were enrolled in your undergraduate studies? (if so, selection of hours per week, and for how long)
  • Have you ever been involved in an institutional action related to academic dishonesty/integrity? Been convicted of a crime, or pleaded guilty and been placed on probation, court supervision or another reconviction program for an incident other than a minor traffic ticket?

2018 – 2019

Below are the secondary essay prompts for the rush medical college of rush university medical center., 2017 – 2018.

  • The Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center strives to ensure that its students become respectful physicians who embrace all dimensions of caring for the whole person. Please describe how your personal characteristics or life experiences will contribute to the Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center community and bring educational benefits to our student body. (1000 characters)
  • Is there any further information that you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your file that you were not able to notate in another section of this or the AMCAS Application? (1000 characters)
  • Why have you chosen to apply to the Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center and how do you think your education at Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center will prepare you to become a physician for the future? (1 page, formatted at your discretion, upload as PDF)

2016 – 2017

MedEdits  advises against using outdated prompts for the current season.

  • Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (Limit to 1000 characters)
  • Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (Limit to 1000 characters)
  • Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (Limit to 1000 characters)
  • What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (Limit to 1000 characters)

Secondary essay webcast with Dr. Jessica Freedman, founder and president of MedEdits Medical Admissions.   Read more about Dr. Freedman.

Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center Secondary Essay, Rush Medical College Secondary Application

Rush Medical College Secondary Application

Topics covered in this presentation:

  • When should I submit my secondary essays?
  • Pay attention to the word/character limits.
  • Can I recycle secondary essay prompts for multiple schools?
  • Identify topics that you left out of your primary application.
  • And, much more.

Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center Admissions Requirements

Learn more about this school:

Secondary Essay Prompts for Other Schools

Do you want to see secondary essay prompts for other medical schools?

Select a school below:

Secondary Essay Prompts By School

*Data collected from MSAR 2022-2023, 2022 Osteopathic Medical College Information Book, and institution website.

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on each medical school’s website. MedEdits does not guarantee it’s accuracy or authenticity.


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Secondary Essay Prompts – Baylor College of Medicine

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Secondary Essay Prompts – University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine

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Secondary Essay Prompts – University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine

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Secondary Essay Prompts – Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts

Secondary Essay Prompts – Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN

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2016-2017 Rush Medical College Application Thread

  • Thread starter WedgeDawg
  • Start date Apr 30, 2016

Med School In Sight? Get in Or Your Money Back

not actually a dog

  • Apr 30, 2016


  • Jun 17, 2016

I love Rush, but I'm OOS. Do they favor in-state, even as a private school?  



Full member.

  • Jun 18, 2016

Tough secondary - the first and second questions are so similar!  


ChrisMack390 said: Tough secondary - the first and second questions are so similar! Click to expand...
rgrahul1234 said: I would say the first question is more your ability to work with people different from you (and your attributes relevant to that) while the second question is what characteristics you would bring to the school. Click to expand...
ChrisMack390 said: You're right, but for most other schools I have been using my numerous experiences working with people different as what I have to bring to the school! Click to expand...


Long live snugseal



how do u guys already know the secondary?  

Hasn't changed in several years. Look at the old threads on this site.  

  • Jun 21, 2016
flemtendo said: I love Rush, but I'm OOS. Do they favor in-state, even as a private school? Click to expand...

I don't think Rush cares about OOS/IS. If there is a discrepancy its more likely related to people from Chicago/IL wanting to stay in the area and being more familiar with Rush.  

  • Jul 2, 2016

Has anyone received a secondary yet? (If yes, then please post the essays and the character limit) Thanks!  


  • Jul 3, 2016

Are these the secondary questions? Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) (Regarding community service activities) Based on these experiences, please describe what you have learned through your involvement, the attributes you would bring to Rush Medical College, and the impact you would have on the greater Rush Community. (2000 characters) Please describe your most significant achievement outside the classroom. (750 characters) Describe your specific interest in Rush Medical College and what campus opportunities you would most look forward to as a student. (1000 characters)  

  • Jul 5, 2016

SECONDARY ESSAYS 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) 2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters) 3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters) 4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters) @WedgeDawg @Ismet  



Rushhhhhh why you change prompts noooooooo  


  • Jul 6, 2016

Secondary Received today.  

very interesting indeed, from what I have seen on the FAQ page, "The 2016 entering class had a mean undergraduate science GPA of 3.6, a mean MCAT score of 32 (old MCAT) or 511 (MCAT15), approximately 1650 healthcare exposure hours as well as 1650 hours of community service experience." 1650 hours? wow  

  • Jul 7, 2016
clippers50fan said: Rushhhhhh why you change prompts noooooooo Click to expand...


This is one of those secondaries that I have to save for the weekend.... why so many intense questions, Rush!?  

ChrisMack390 said: Ew I prewrote this one Click to expand...


According to their email, they screen applicants for 150 or more hours of community service and 150 hours or more of healthcare exposure. If we have less than that, should we not even consider filling out their secondary?  



Non-trad on a mission.

blacksweater said: According to their email, they screen applicants for 150 or more hours of community service and 150 hours or more of healthcare exposure. If we have less than that, should we not even consider filling out their secondary? Click to expand...


  • Jul 8, 2016

About the 150plus screening for both service and exposure, does anyone know if they count the hours you have forecasted for the year on AMCAS? For those who have begun their secondary, do they require that you list your service a second time in addition what is already listed on the primary?  



Nearly every one of my leadership activities listed in my primaries included volunteering but because I was an officer in those orgs I felt I should list it accordingly. Does anyone know if Rush gives another opportunity in their secondary to account for volunteering hours? Not verified yet (should be next week) and haven't received the secondary yet. Edit: I should add that in the descriptions I do discuss the volunteer aspects.  

  • Jul 9, 2016
JeanJ said: Nearly every one of my leadership activities listed in my primaries included volunteering but because I was an officer in those orgs I felt I should list it accordingly. Does anyone know if Rush gives another opportunity in their secondary to account for volunteering hours? Not verified yet (should be next week) and haven't received the secondary yet. Edit: I should add that in the descriptions I do discuss the volunteer aspects. Click to expand...


drpastry said: About the 150plus screening for both service and exposure, does anyone know if they count the hours you have forecasted for the year on AMCAS? For those who have begun their secondary, do they require that you list your service a second time in addition what is already listed on the primary? Click to expand...
Thank you for your email and interest in Rush Medical College. Unfortunately, if you do not have 150 hours of community service at the time of submission, your application will not be reviewed by the Committee. Additionally, we cannot accept application updates once an application has been submitted, therefore I would encourage you to wait until you have reached at least 150 hours of community service, before submitting your secondary application. Click to expand...



KaBoom'd said: I emailed admissions yesterday and they replied that the hour requirement is a hard rule. Click to expand...
blacksweater said: I wonder if you can double count the hours, so like if I volunteer at a hospital, does that count towards both the community service and clinical exposure hours? Click to expand...


drpastry said: Thank you. I'm concerned about the hard line on clinical exposure hours, but perhaps I should assume the same. Click to expand...
al22al22 said: I wouldn't really call volunteering at a hospital clinical exposure, at least not the kind they are looking for. Definitely community service hours though! Click to expand...
yellowbottlesippin said: That is not true. It depends what @blacksweater really did! If they sorted papers, it would be a stretch to call clinical volunteering (but still could). If it was volunteering in the ER or going door to door providing blankets or something, that counts! Click to expand...
blacksweater said: I did a mix of both at different hospitals, but not sure if I have enough community service hours. Doesn't all volunteer hours serve as community service, and since most of my hours are healthcare exposure, I was wondering if I can double count my hours, so my hospital hours would count as both community service and healthcare? So technically I only need 150 hours to pass the screen? Click to expand...
  • Jul 10, 2016

What are you guys writing for: Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters) Having a difficult time with this.  

Does shadowing count as clinical exposure? I also put volunteering as a tutor under tutoring/teaching instead of community service so I hope they look through the descriptions before making a decision on the total hours.  

  • Jul 11, 2016



anyone know what to write about for the 2nd essay question. Been stuck on it for days now...  

yellowbottlesippin said: What are you guys writing for: Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters) Having a difficult time with this. Click to expand...
itsallgood92 said: Same! Click to expand...
  • Jul 12, 2016
ishiningstar said: Hospital volunteering definitely comes under clinical or medical volunteering, it does not come under non-clinical volunteering . Click to expand...
drpastry said: I think you must have been meaning to quote something else. But indeed it does. Click to expand...
  • Jul 13, 2016


Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 2.31.58 AM.png

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Rush University - Secondary Essay Prompts

Access our complete list of all Secondary Essay Prompts from Rush University in Chicago , IL for the 2018 - 2023 admissions cycles.

1 . Rush Medical College is located on Chicago’s near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. Tell us about a life experience that has broadened your own world view or enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself and what you learned from this experience.

2 . As an anchor institution, Rush is embedded in its strategies to improve the societal and structural determinants of health which improve the economic vitality of Chicago’s west side neighborhoods and help residents achieve better health. Using your own experiences, describe how you have impacted and/or changed a person or community.

3 . If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school.

4 . Use this space to provide additional information, which is non-COVID related, you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application.

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rush secondary essays

Rush University

Secondary essays, secondary essay prompts.

Essay Topics ('23 - '24)

1. Rush Medical College is located on Chicago’s near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. Tell us about a life experience that has broadened your own world view or enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself and what you learned from this experience. (1000 characters)

2. As an anchor institution, Rush is embedded in its strategies to improve the societal and structural determinants of health which improve the economic vitality of Chicago’s west side neighborhoods and help residents achieve better health. Using your own experiences, describe how you have impacted and/or changed a person or community. (1000 characters)

3. (Optional) If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. (1000 characters)

4. (Optional) Use this space to provide additional information, which is non-COVID related, you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application. (1000 characters)

Essay Topics ('22 - '23)

2. As an anchor institution, Rush is embedded in its strategies to improve the societal and structural determinants of health, which improve the economic vitality of Chicago’s west side neighborhoods and help residents achieve better health. Using your own experiences, describe how you have impacted and/or changed a person or community. (1000 characters)

3. Do you have direct patient care/contact experience beyond shadowing/observing? Answering "yes" demonstrates you have had active interactions with patients and/or clinical participation in their continuum of care. (if yes you fill out a 400 char description of activities for EACH experience)

4. If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. (1000 characters)

5. (Optional) Use this space to provide additional information, which is non-COVID related, you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application (1000 characters)

Essay Topics ('21 - '22)

1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters)

2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters)

3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters)

4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters)

5. If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. (1000 characters)


1. Use this space to provide additional information you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application (Optional,also 1000 characters)

Essay Topics (’20 – ’21) 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) 2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters) 3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters) 4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters) 7. If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. (1000 characters)

Essay Topics ('19 - '20) 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) 2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters) 3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters) 4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters) 5. Were you employed during the time you were enrolled in your undergraduate studies? (if so, selection of hours per week, and for how long) 6. Have you ever been involved in an institutional action related to academic dishonesty/integrity? Been convicted of a crime, or pleaded guilty and been placed on probation, court supervision or another reconviction program for an incident other than a minor traffic ticket? ‍

Essay Topics ('18 - '19) 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) 2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters) 3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters) 4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters) ‍

Essay Topics ('17 - '18) 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) 2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters) 3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters) 4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters)

‍ Essay Topics ('16 - '17) 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) 2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters) 3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters) 4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters) ‍

Essay Topics ('15 - '16) 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) 2. (Regarding community service activities) Based on these experiences, please describe what you have learned through your involvement, the attributes you would bring to Rush Medical College, and the impact you would have on the greater Rush Community. (2000 characters) 3. Please describe your most significant achievement outside the classroom. (750 characters) 4. Describe your specific interest in Rush Medical College and what campus opportunities you would most look forward to as a student. (1000 characters) ‍

Essay Topics ('14 - '15) 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters) 2a. Identify community service activities in which you have participated in during the last five years . Medical Activities AND Non-medical Activities Medical Activities Non-medical Activities No Community Service 3. Please describe your most significant achievement outside the classroom (750 characters). 4. Describe your specific interest in Rush Medical College and what campus opportunities you would most look forward to as a student. (1000 characters)

Essay Topics ('13 - '14) 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters)

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rush secondary essays

All work on this site is our own. The content for the Savvy med school search was found on the webpages of the respective medical schools.

rush secondary essays

Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center Secondary Essay Prompts

Below are the secondary prompts for Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center.  Want to maximize your chances for an interview invite? Work with our expert medical school admission consultants to put your best foot forward through our secondary application editing services .

1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. (1000 characters)

2. Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. (1000 characters)

3. Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters)

4. What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? (1000 characters)

rush secondary essays

Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts Database

Updating for 2023-2024 as Secondaries Come in!

ProspectiveDoctor has compiled a database of past and current medical school secondary essay prompts from past years to help you get a head start on your secondary applications. Select a school to discover their essay prompts.

Secondary Essay Editing


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Secondary rush is real, folks


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  1. 2023-2024 Rush

    12,836. Reaction score. 21,699. Mar 23, 2023. #1. 2023-2024 Rush Secondary Essay Prompts. 1. Rush Medical College is located on Chicago's near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background.

  2. Rush Medical College Secondary Application

    Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts (If you have updated prompts, please submit them at updatesecondaries.com) Prompts have been updated June 2023. (Older essays, if available are below) Prompts. Required. Rush Medical College is located on Chicago's near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians ...

  3. Rush Medical College Secondary Application Essay Prompts

    We would not pre-write the Rush secondaries early in the application process. This would NOT be a secondary application we would suggest pre-writing before the official prompts are released by the medical school admissions office. Rush Medical College Secondary Application Tip #1: Rush Medical College greatly values community health.

  4. Medical School Secondary Essays: The Complete Guide 2024 (Examples

    While secondary essay prompts vary in length and topic, there are two pieces of good news: Secondary essays are typically shorter than your personal statement. Some topics come up over and over and over again. You can use this second fact to your advantage by recycling certain "core essays" with a few modifications for multiple schools.

  5. Rush Medical College Secondary Questions

    Here are Rush Medical College's secondary questions. 2023-2024. 1. Rush Medical College is located on Chicago's near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. Tell us about a life experience that has ...

  6. Rush Medical College Secondary Essay Prompts

    2022-2023. All prompts have a 1,000 character limit except #3. 1. Rush Medical College is located on Chicago's near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background.

  7. Application Process and Timeline

    RUSH begins to extend secondary application invites: July 15, 2024: Deadline to submit AMCAS application as Early Decision and all additional required materials (secondary application, letters of recommendation, MCAT and Casper scores) Aug. 1, 2024: Interviews conducted: September 2024 to February 2025: Latest MCAT test date acceptable: Sept ...

  8. Secondary Essay Prompts

    Medical School Secondary Essay Help and Tutorial 2022-2023 | MedEdits. Secondary essay webcast with Dr. Jessica Freedman, founder and president of MedEdits Medical Admissions. Read more about Dr. Freedman. Rush Medical College Secondary Application.

  9. Rush Medical College Secondary Application

    The Premed Playbook: Guide to the Medical School Application Process; The Premed Playbook: Guide to the Interview; The Premed Playbook: Guide to the Medical School Personal Statement

  10. 2016-2017 Rush Medical College Application Thread

    SECONDARY ESSAYS 1. Describe personal attributes you possess or life experiences you have had that will enable you to better understand patients with a culture different from your own. Please include your self-reflection on how this experience has changed your insights, beliefs, and/or values. ... Does anyone know if Rush gives another ...

  11. Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center

    Access our complete list of all Secondary Essay Prompts from . Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL for the 2018-2023 admissions cycles. 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018. Copy all prompts. 1.Rush Medical College is located on Chicago's near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train ...

  12. How to Get Into RUSH Medical College: Requirements and Strategies

    In the rest of this section, we will review the specific secondary essay questions RMC asks and example responses. After these, we will also go into why these responses are effective. Question 1: RUSH Medical College is located on Chicago's near west side and serves a diverse patient population.

  13. Help with Rush secondary essay : r/premed

    Hey guys! I'm having a little trouble answering the following secondary prompt from Rush: Reflect on a time in which you personally gained more from an experience than what was expected. (1000 characters) I was thinking about fishkeeping, which is a hobby I picked up over the last year or so. When my friend graduated college, she moved back to ...

  14. Rush University

    Secondary Essay Prompts. Essay Topics ('23 - '24) 1. Rush Medical College is located on Chicago's near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. Tell us about a life experience that has broadened your own ...

  15. Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center Secondary Essay

    Get a head start on the Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center secondary application essays and maximize your interview invite chances by working with the best medical school admission consultants and editors.

  16. Rush Secondary Question : r/premed

    Rush has a secondary question: "Do you have direct patient care/contact experience? Answering "yes" demonstrates you have had active interactions with patients beyond shadowing/observing. ... For more information on secondary application essays, please visit our Essays Wiki and check out our Helpful Posts Wiki. I am a bot, and this action was ...

  17. Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts Database

    Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts Database. Updating for 2023-2024 as Secondaries Come in! ProspectiveDoctor has compiled a database of past and current medical school secondary essay prompts from past years to help you get a head start on your secondary applications. Select a school to discover their essay prompts.

  18. Should I even fill out my Rush secondary? : r/premed

    I need to be sending out my Rush secondary soon. Looking at the questions, I really don't want to fill it out. But I'm questioning I'm even qualified to apply? Wanted some opinions before I spend time/money on it. Thank you! cGPA = 3.64 sGPA = 3.52 MCAT = 510 Paid clinical experience (by matriculation) = ~1500 hours

  19. Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts (2023-2024)

    Rush Medical College of Rush University. 2023-2024. Rush Medical College is located on Chicago's near west side and serves a diverse patient population. We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background. ... There are no secondary essay prompts for the 2023-2024 ...

  20. Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program

    Submission of the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), a standardized test administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Submission of a Casper score. Submission of the RUSH secondary application. Submission of three letters of recommendation. Meet the RUSH technical standards for admission and promotion.

  21. Secondary rush is real, folks : r/premed

    Secondary rush is real, folks. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast ... This is better than the essay I read this week where the applicant sells their diversity by revealing they have a 6th toe and how hard their life was with a 6th toe.