
Gold Mining Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

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Mining Business

Do you want to start a gold mining company? If YES, here is a detailed sample small scale gold mining business plan template & feasibility report.

There are money spinning businesses that are monopolized by wealthy people and accredited investors and one of such businesses is operating a gold ore mine. The gold ore mining business is indeed a profitable business, but you must be ready to scale through very high barriers before launching this type of business.

If you have conducted your market research and feasibility studies, the next step to follow is to write a detailed blueprint of how you intend raising your seed capital, setting up the business, managing the flow of the business, sorting out tax and marketing your services amongst others.

Below is a sample gold mining company business plan template that will help you successfully launch your own business;

A Sample Gold Mining Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Players in the Gold and Silver Ore Mining industry primarily mine gold and silver-bearing ores. Mining activities include the development of mine sites and the on-site processing of ore into a concentrate or bullion. Gold and silver ore mining companies typically retain ownership of the semi-processed gold or silver products and pay for further refining on a toll-charge basis.

If you are an observer of the Gold and Silver Ore Mining industry, you will notice that the industry revenue is largely a function of production volume and commodity prices. For the Gold and Silver Ore Mining industry, output volumes and sales prices for both gold and silver have fallen over the past five years, leading to significant industry contraction.

Meanwhile, demand from manufacturers of electrical equipment, electronic products and jewelry, which comprises the industry’s primary markets, has stagnated or even declined over the past five years as a result of high import penetration and input costs. Overall, industry revenue is expected to decline over the five years to 2017.

In the united states of America, the industry generates over $9 billion annually from more than 162 gold and silver ore mining companies scattered all around the country. The industry is responsible for the employment of over 14,282 people.

Experts project the industry to grow at a -9.0 percent annual rate. Barrick, Kinross Gold and Newmont are the market leaders in this industry in the United States of America; they have the lion market share in the industry.

A recent report published by IBISWorld shows that the five years to 2017 have been volatile for the Gold and Silver Ore Mining industry. The report further stated that the industry revenue spiked until 2012, proving this industry to be one of the few that benefited from the financial crisis, as well as the years of economic instability that followed.

In times of economic turmoil, investors look to buy safe-haven assets such as gold and silver, causing gold and silver prices to surge. This helped industry revenue to grow through to 2012. In fact, strong demand from domestic and international investors drove gold prices to all-time highs.

Furthermore, an undersupply of gold due to decreased industry production in the 2000s further contributed to the spike in prices.

If you are considering starting a gold mining business whether on a small scale or on a large scale, then you should ensure that you obtain all the necessary permits from the local, state and federal government . The truth is that this type of business does pretty well when it is strategically positioned.

In summary, gold mining business is a profitable business venture and it is open for any aspiring entrepreneur to come in and establish his or her business; you can choose to start on a small scale on a large scale with robust distribution networks all across the United States of America and other countries of the world.

2. Executive Summary

TTK® Gold Mining Company is a standard and licensed gold and silver mining company that will be based in the Boise Basin in Boise County – Idaho, USA but we will own.

Our business goal as a gold mining company is to become the number one choice of jewelry making companies and other companies that make use of gold and silver in the United States and other countries of the world. As a business, we are willing to go the extra mile to invest in owning our own environmentally friendly gold and silver mines and also to hire efficient and dedicated employees.

We have been able to secure permits and licenses from all relevant departments both at the local government and state level in the United States of America. TTK® Gold Mining Company is set to redefine how a standard gold mining business should be run all across the world. This is why we have put plans in place for continuous training of all our staff .

The demand for gold and silver is not going to plummet any time soon which is why we have put plans in place to continue to explore all available market around the United States and other countries of the world. In the nearest future, we will ensure that we create a wide range of distribution channels all across the United States of America and other countries of the world.

TTK® Gold Mining Company will at all-time demonstrate her commitment to sustainability, both individually and as a firm, by actively participating in our communities and integrating sustainable business practices wherever possible. We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our customers’ needs precisely and completely.

TTK® Gold Mining Company is a partnership business that will be jointly owned by Tony Kenneth, Tyson Barker and Karis Murphy.

Tony Kenneth who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company has a Degree in Mining Technology with over 10 years’ experience working in related industry as a senior manager cum mining engineer prior to starting TTK® Gold Mining Company. He will be working with a team of professionals to build the business and grow it to enviably heights.

3. Our Product and Service Offerings

TTK® Gold Mining Company is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the gold and silver mining industry. We want to compete favorably with leaders in the industry which is why we have but in place a competent team that will ensure that our products are of high standard.

We will work hard to ensure that TTK® Gold Mining Company is not just accepted in the United States of America, but also in other countries of the world where we intend supplying our products. Our products are listed below;

  • Gold ore mining
  • Silver ore mining
  • Gold ore beneficiation
  • Silver ore beneficiation
  • gold and silver bullion , ore and concentrates

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision as a gold mining company is to own gold and silver mines all across the United States of America and other countries of the world; we want to become the number one brand in the gold and silver mining industry.
  • Our mission is to establish a standard gold mining company that in our own capacity will favorably compete with leaders in the industry at the global stage. We want to build a gold mining company that will be listed amongst the top 5 gold mining companies in the world.

Our Business Structure

As part of our plan to build a top flight gold mining company in Boise County – Idaho that will favorably compete with leaders in the industry, we have perfected plans to get it right from the onset which is why we are going the extra mile to ensure that we have competent employees to occupy all the available positions in our company.

In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions at TTK® Gold Mining Company;

  • Chief Executive Officer (Owner)
  • Gold Mine Manager

Human Resources and Admin Manager

  • Sales and Marketing Officer
  • Accountants/Cashiers

Gold and Silver Mining Casual Workers

Truck Drivers

  • Customer Service Executives

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO (Owner):

  • Increases management’s usefulness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; collaborating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; preparing, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Answerable for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Makes, connects, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Accountable for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization

Gold Mining Site Manager

  • Oversees the smooth running of operations in the mine
  • Makes sure that quality is maintained at all times
  • Maps out strategies that will lead to efficiency amongst workers in the organization
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of the workforce
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Ensures that our gold and silver mining site meets the expected safety and health standard at all times.
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily business activities.

Sales and Marketing Manager

  • Manages external research and coordinate all the internal sources of information to retain the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
  • Models demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data generated by customer purchases
  • Identifies, prioritize, and reach out to new partners, and business opportunities et al
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with customers
  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding sales
  • Documents all customer contact and information
  • Represents the company in strategic meetings
  • Helps to increase sales and growth for the company
  • Liable for operating excavators and other machines in the gold and silver mining site
  • Handles the mining of gold and silver
  • Assist in loading and offloading of our gold and silver into and out of the trucks


  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management , general ledger accounting, and financial reporting
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensures compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the organization
  • Serves as internal auditor for the organization
  • Assists in loading and unloading gold and silver et al
  • Maintains a logbook of their driving activities to ensure compliance with federal regulations governing the rest and work periods for operators.
  • Keeps a record of vehicle inspections and make sure the truck is equipped with safety equipment
  • Inspects vehicles for mechanical items and safety issues and perform preventative maintenance
  • Complies with truck driving rules and regulations (size, weight, route designations, parking, break periods etc.) as well as with company policies and procedures
  • Reports defects, accidents or violations

Client Service Executive

  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with customers on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the human resources and admin manager in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the organizations’ products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to customers when they make enquiries (answer customer queries regarding our gold and silver ore mining business)
  • Finds out the customer’s needs, recommend, select and help locate the right merchandise, describe a product’s features and benefits.
  • make suggestions and encourage purchase of products

6. SWOT Analysis

Due to our drive for excellence when it comes to running a standard gold mining company, we were able to engage some of the finest business consultants in the United States of America to look through our business concept and together we were able to critically examine the prospect of the business and to assess ourselves to be sure we have what it takes to run a standard gold mining business that can compete favorably in the industry.

In view of that, we were able to take stock of our strengths, our weakness, our opportunities and also the threats that we are likely going to be exposed to in the United States of America. Here is a of what we got from the critically conducted SWOT Analysis for TTK® Gold Mining Company;

Our strength lies in the fact that we have state of the art gold and silver mining equipment and trucks that has positioned us to meet the demand of our clients even if the demand tripled overnight.

Another factor that counts to our advantage is the background of our Chief Executive Office; he has a robust experience in the industry and also a pretty good academic qualification to match the experience acquired which has placed him amongst the top flight players in the gold and silver mining industry.

We are not ignoring the fact that our team of highly qualified and dedicated workers will also serve as strength for our organization.

We do not take for granted the facts that we have weaknesses. In fact, the reality that we are setting up a gold mining company in the United States might pose a little challenge. In essence our chosen location might be our weakness.

  • Opportunities:

The opportunities available to us are unlimited. There are loads of jewelry making companies and other manufacturing companies that make use of raw gold all across the globe and all what we are going to do to push our products to them is already perfected.

The threat that is likely going to confront us is the fact that we are competing with already established gold mining companies in the United States and other countries of the world. Of course, they will compete with us in winning over the available market. Another threat that we are likely going to face is unfavorable government policies and economic downturn.


  • Market Trends

Gold and silver mining is a lucrative business in the United States and Canada and in looking at the trends of these mega countries over the course of gold’s bull, it is apparent that the results vary quite substantially; and China and Russia that have experienced the biggest growth over this stretch.

China in particular has carved out an incredible growth story, with its production volume up a staggering 92 percent since 2001.

Talking about the two North American land giants, their gold-mining trends have been ugly over the last decade or so. Incredibly, both the US and Canada have seen output fall by nearly a third to 2011’s respective tallies of 237mt and 110mt.

Their mature gold-mining infrastructures were just decimated by the secular bear that preceded the current bull. Up until the 1990s the US and Canada’s gold-mining industries operated like well-oiled machines, with the miners consistently putting forth sizeable capital towards exploration and development.

Exploration was successful in renewing and growing the reserves that were being mined, and continual expansion and new development sustained and even grew production. It is common trend in the gold and silver ore mining line of business to find mining companies positioning their business in locations and communities where they can easily have access to mines and of course cheap labor.

If you make the mistake of positioning this type of business in a location where you would have to travel a distance before you can access gold and silver mines, then you would have to struggle to make profits and maintain your overhead and logistics.

Also, another trend in this line of business is that most registered and well organized mining companies look beyond the market within their locations or state; they ensure that they strike business deals with leading jewelry making companies in the United States of America and other countries of the world.

The truth is that if as a gold mining company you are able to become a vendor to one or more jewelry making giants in the United States of America or in other countries of the world, you will always continue to smile to the bank.

8. Our Target Market

When it comes to supplying product from gold and silver mines, there is indeed a well-defined market. This goes to show that the target market for products from gold mining companies is far reaching. In view of that, we have conducted our market research and we have ideas of what our target market would be expecting from us. We are in business to engage in supply of raw gold and silver to the following organizations;

  • Jewelry production companies
  • Electronic components manufacturing companies
  • Art and culture companies
  • Gold and silver merchant

Our Competitive Advantage

Some of our competitive advantages are availability of resource, ability to forward sell production when appropriate and of course the ability to comply with environmental laws.

As a standard and licensed gold mining company, we know that gaining a competitive edge requires a detailed analysis of the demographics of the surrounding area and the nature of the existing competitors. And even if you are successful at first, new competitors could enter your market at any time to steal your regular customers.

Hence we will not hesitate to adopt successful and workable strategies from our competitors. Another competitive advantage that we have is the vast experience of our management team; we have people on board who understand how to grow a business from the scratch to becoming a national phenomenon.

Our large and robust distribution network and of course our excellent customer service culture will definitely count as a strong strength for the business.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry, meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives.

We will also give good working conditions and commissions to freelance sales agents that we will recruit from time to time.


  • Sources of Income

TTK® Gold Mining Company will generate income by simply supplying the following;

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain when it comes to gold and silver mining, if your business is strategically positioned and you have good relationship with players in the jewelry manufacturing industry, you will always attract customers cum sales and that will sure translate to increase in revenue generation for the business.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in and around the United States of America and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough profits from the first six months of operation and grow the business and our clientele base.

We have been able to critically examine the gold and silver ore mining line of business, we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projections are based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to startups in the United States of America.

Below are the sales projections for TTK® Gold Mining Company, it is based on the location of our business and other factors as it relates to small scale and medium scale gold and silver mining company startups in the United States of America;

  • First Fiscal Year: $900,000
  • Second Fiscal Year: $2 million
  • Third Fiscal Year: $4.5 million

N.B : This projection was done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any major competitor offering same product and customer care services as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Before choosing a location to start TTK® Gold Mining Company, we conducted thorough market survey and feasibility studies in order for us to penetrate the available market in the United States of America. We have detailed information and data that we were able to utilize to structure our business to compete with other gold and silver mining companies.

We hired experts who have good understanding of the gold and silver ore mining line of business to help us develop marketing strategies that will help us achieve our business goal of winning a larger percentage of the available market. TTK® Gold Mining Company will adopt the following sales and marketing approach to sell our raw gold and silver;

  • Introduce our business by sending introductory letters to production companies and other stakeholders in and around the United States of America
  • List our business and products on yellow pages’ ads (local directories)
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our product cum business
  • Engage in direct marketing and sales
  • Encourage the use of Word of mouth marketing (referrals)

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Regardless of the fact that our gold mining company can favorably compete with other leading mining companies in the United States of America and in any part of the world, we will still go ahead to intensify publicity for all our products and brand.

TTK® Gold Mining Company has a long term plan of exporting our product all across the United States of America and other countries of the world. This is why we will deliberately build our brand to be well accepted in Boise County – Idaho before venturing out to other cities all across the United States of America and other countries of the world.

As a matter of fact, our publicity and advertising strategy is not solely for selling our products but to also effectively communicate our brand. Here are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise TTK® Gold Mining Company;

  • Place adverts on both print (community based newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, et al to promote our brand
  • Ensure that all our staff members wear our customized clothes, and all our official cars and distribution trucks are customized and well branded.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

At TTK® Gold Mining Company we will keep the prices of our products below the average market rate by keeping our overhead low and by collecting payment in advance from well – established jewelry manufacturing companies that would require constant supply of raw gold and silver.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by TTK® Gold Mining Company is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America. Here are the payment options that TTK® Gold Mining Company will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our clients make payment for our gold and silver without any stress on their part. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

From our market survey and feasibility studies, we have been able to come up with a detailed budget of how to achieve our aim of establishing a standard and highly competitive gold mining company in the United States of America and here are the key areas where we will spend our startup capital on;

  • The total fee for registering the business in the United States of America – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $3,300.
  • Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of TTK® Gold Mining Company in the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $3,580.
  • The cost for hiring business consultant – $2,500.
  • Insurance (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – ,400 .
  • The cost for payment of rent for a gold and silver ore mine – $500,000 (Per Annum)
  • The cost for acquiring gold and silver ore mine operating license fee – $500,000
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery ( $500 ) and phone and utility deposits ( $2,500 ).
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $150,000
  • The cost for start-up inventory (gold and silver ore mining equipment, trucks and other related gold and silver mining devices) – $250,000
  • The cost of launching a website – $600
  • Miscellaneous – $5,000

We would need an estimate of two million dollars ( $2 million ) to successfully set up a standard and highly competitive gold mining company in the United States of America.

Generating Startup Capital for TTK® Gold Mining Company

No matter how fantastic your business idea might be, if you don’t have the required money to finance the business, the business might not become a reality. Finance is a very important factor when it comes to starting a gold and silver mining business.

TTK® Gold Mining Company is a partnership business that is owned and financed by Tony Kenneth, Tyson Barker and Karis Murphy. They do not intend to welcome any external business partner which is why they decided to restrict the sourcing of startup capital to 3 major sources.

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings and sell of stocks
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from the Bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $500, 000 ( Personal savings $400, 000 and soft loan from family members $100, 000 ) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $1.5 million from our bank. All the papers and documents have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the number of loyal customers that they have the capacity and competence of their employees, their investment strategy and their business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business, then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.

One of our major goals of starting TTK® Gold Mining Company is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to supply our raw gold and silver a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are well prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

TTK® Gold Mining Company will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce is at the top burner.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit to operate gold and silver ore mines in the United Stated of America: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing of a facility and renovating the facility as well: In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Printing of Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed gold and silver mining machines and equipment, furniture, racks, shelves, computers, electronic appliances, office appliances and CCTV: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with Jewelry production companies and other stakeholders: In Progress
  • Purchase of tippers and delivery trucks: Completed

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SWOT Analysis for Airline Business Plan in Nigeria

Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan

  • Post author: Ane
  • Post published: May 2, 2020
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan – Gold mining is a lucrative business. This is because gold is highly valuable. In fact, the voluability of gold stems from its unique physical chemical characteristics.  Its ductility, malleability, quasi-indestructibility, and rarity gives gold its value. Therefore, if you are looking for a lucrative mining business, gold mining is the answer.

Scale of Operations:

Table of Contents

Furthermore, this Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan gives comprehensive details of both small and medium scale gold mining business plan. As a matter of fact, this piece is valuable for mining projects and investment proposals. In fact, this simplified edition of mining business plan is also good for other solid mineral business plans like copper, grannite, gypsun, coal, zinc and lead. In fact, this is a brief on how to start a mining business in Nigeria. The mining project profile, cost of setting up a mining business, marketing and management profile are covered here. Indeed, every aspect of the business forecast are covered in the detailed viability analysis embedded here.

INDUSTRY OVERVIEW For Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan

In addition, it’s worth overviewing the Nigerian mining industry for us to keep abreast with the trend of mining activities in Nigeria. As a matter of fact, Nigeria is endowed with numerous solid mineral resources. These include talc, iron ore, bitumen, gold, rock salt, gypsum, lead and zinc. Others are coal, gemstones, kaolin, tantalite, bentonite and baryte. These are located in different parts of the country in commercial quantity.

Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan

However, the ownership of the mineral resources is vested in the Federal Government of Nigeria. So, the state is the custodian on behalf of the citizens of the country. The state regulates this industry through its solid mineral development Act. This same Act defines title ownership, community relationship and solid mineral tax matters. For more on this contact us for your commercial information at minimal costs. Or ask for our solid mineral mining e-book.

Need for Foreign Investors:

Recently, the Nigerian government has recognized that the successful exploration and exploitation of its mineral resources may not be met by only the indigenous miners. That it requires both technical expertise and financial strength to a large extent which can be provided by foreign investors. This had led to evolving of certain mining incentives for all miner investors. This is detailed below.

Mining Titles:

In this regard, the government grants mineral titles to allow suitable investors to explore for, mine and market the mineral resources. In this connection, government is both the ‘owner-operator’ and ‘administrator-regulator’. In fact, the solid mineral cadastral office receives applications for mineral titles and licenses.

Investors are, therefore, free to apply for mining titles at any time for any area not covered by an existing title or not otherwise reserved by the government. You can own more than one title if you can afford it.

Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan

Mining Incentives:

Furthermore, government has evolved policies aimed at encouraging both domestic and foreign investors in the mining industry. These incentives include granting of a three-year tax holiday to new mining companies which may be extended for one further period of two years. In addition, mining operators are granted exemptions from payment of customs and import duties in respect of plant, machinery, equipment and accessories imported specifically and exclusively for mining operations.

Additionally, every holder of a mineral title is guaranteed free transferability of funds through the Central Bank of Nigeria. Again, they are also permitted to retain a portion of their foreign exchange in a foreign exchange domiciliary account for use in acquiring spare parts and other inputs required for the mining operation. But such must be those that would otherwise not be readily available without the use of such earning.

Furthermore, this sector includes such business activities as the importation and local marketing of modern mining equipment. In fact, you can invest into modern mineral testing and quality control technologies and reagents. Also you are allowed to invest in local sales and export of crude or processed solid minerals. These are all business opportunities in the solid mineral sector of Nigeria’s economy.

The executive summary of Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan now follows.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan

 This Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan is for Complete Gold Mining Company. Complete Gold Mining Company is a legally incorporated mining company based in Keffi, Nasarawa State of Nigeria. Currently, Complete Gold Mining Company has three gold mining licenses for three different locations in Nasarawa State.

As a matter of fact, this business plan is our business forecast for the next three years. In fact, it is our administration and mining operation manual for the period covered.  In this plan are our company profile, products, production flow chart, and our market and marketing strategies. The feasibility analysis of our operation for the period under consideration are also covered here. So, the feasibility analysis covers all the cost of operation, marketing, and turnover forecast. All of these are finally presented in the company income statements for projected gross income and net profit propositions. The balance sheet and the cash flow statement speaks volume for our capacity to operate seamlessly without any financial hitch in the next three years.

Our Vision Statement

Furthermore, our vision as a gold mining company is to own more gold mines in the North Central geopolitical zone of Nigeria. We want to become the number one brand in the gold mining industry in this geopolitical zone.

Mission Statement

In fact, establishing a world class gold mining company in Nigeria is our goal. Therefore, we want to build a gold mining company that will be listed amongst the top 10 gold mining companies in West Africa.

Our Business Structure:

As a matter of fact, we know that to establish a world class gold mining company our organisation must have in place a standard corporate governance structure. Such structure that are hierarchically linked right from the board of directors to the least commanding officer in the company. Therefore, we have perfected plans to get it right from the onset. In this wise, we have gone the extra mile to ensure that we have only competent employees to occupy all the available positions in our company.

In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions in Complete Gold Mining Company.

  • Chief Executive Officer – Principal Director
  • Gold Mine Manager – an incorporated second director.
  • Human Resources and Admin Manager
  • Sales and Marketing Officer
  • Accountants/Cashiers
  • Gold Mining Casual Workers
  • Truck Drivers
  • Customer Service Executives


In addition, Complete Gold Mining Company is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the gold mining industry. Therefore, we have taken time to define our products and services. In fact, with efficient management team in place, we are sure that our products are going to be of high standard.

As a matter of fact, we will work hard to ensure that Complete Gold Mining Company is not just accepted in Nigeria and West Africa alone but globally. Therefore, our products are listed below;

  • Gold ore mining
  • Gold ore beneficiation
  • And gold bullion, ore and concentrates
  • Gold mining Consultancy Services

THE MARKET For Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan

Furthermore, the market trend is encouraging. In fact, Gold mining in Nigeria has shown to be a lucrative business. Ghana has continued to maintain the market lead in West Africa for a long time and up to now. South Africa is another major producer in the Africa. Until recently, Nigeria’s gold-mining industries had witnessed poor investment. It failed to operate as well-oiled machines. In fact, the miners have not considered it wise to put forth sizeable capital towards exploration and development. But with recent government incentives in place, exploration will be successful and will extend to renewing and growing the reserves that were being mined.

In fact, it’s hoped that a continual expansion and new development of mining sites will be sustained leading to growth in production. It is common trend in the gold ore mining line of business to find mining companies positioning for business in locations and communities where they can easily have cheap access to mines and labour. This policy is like an industrial standard. It actually, enables miners make profits and maintain overhead and logistics.

sample small scale gold mining business plan pdf free download

Furthermore, is that there is an industrial trend in this line of business. Tha is, that most registered and well organized mining companies look for market beyond their locations, state or country. In fact, they enjoy economies of scale and with that ensure that they strike business deals with leading jewelry making companies globally beyond the countries of their operation. This is because if one becomes a vendor to one or more jewelry making giants in USA or other countries of the world, one will always smile to the bank.

MARKETING STRATEGIES for Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan

In the light of the above, we have to define our target market. Indeed, when it comes to supplying product from gold mines, there must be a well-defined market. This goes to show that the target market for raw gold is far reaching. In view of the above, we have conducted our market research to take care of this. Now, we have ideas of what our target market would be expecting from us. In actual fact, we are in business to engage in supply of raw gold to the following organizations;

  • Gold merchants
  • Jewelry production companies
  • Electronic components manufacturing companies
  • Art and culture companies
  • Government agencies for promotional purposes

Our Competitive Advantage:

Some of our competitive advantages include:

  • availability of resource,
  • ability to forward sell production when appropriate and
  • the ability to comply with environmental laws.
  • vast experience of our management team
  • robust distribution network
  • excellent customer service culture
  • taking care of our personnel welfare and working conditions.  package

As a matter of fact, we have these competitive advantages through our ability to prepare detailed analysis of the demographics of our surrounding areas and the nature of our existing competitors.  In fact, we also have in place workable strategies to remain afloat even when new competitors enter our market at any time.

Marketing Strategies:

Our marketing strategies include:

  • Cause Marketing.
  • Direct Selling.
  • Co-Branding and Affinity Marketing.
  • Point-of-Purchase (POP) Marketing.
  • Internet Marketing.
  • Paid Media Advertising.
  • Word of Mouth Advertising.

This is our operational checklist. We intend to adhere to it to achieve our goals.

  • Business Name Availability Check
  • Business Registration
  • Obtaining TIN
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts – Regular & Mobile Money Accounts and Online Payment Platforms
  • Application for mining license and permit to mine and market gold
  • Insurance for the Business
  • Leasing essential facilities and renovating them 
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies
  • Generating capital from family members, Loan from the bank,
  • Writing of Business Plan

Further timelines;

  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents
  • Design of The Company’s Logo
  • Printing of Promotional Materials
  • Recruitment of employees
  • Procurement of the needed gold mining machines and equipment, furniture, racks, shelves, computers, electronic appliances, office appliances and CCTV
  • Creating Official Website for the Company
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community

Additional time lines;

  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License)
  • Launching party planning
  • Establishing business relationship with Jewelry production companies and other stakeholders
  • Purchase of tippers and delivery trucks


  • How to get your Mining Exploration Lease in Nigeria
  • Where & How to get Small Scale Mining Lease in Nigeria
  • Get a Quarry license here
  • A 25-Year Mining Lease in Nigeria
  • Small Scale Lead Mining BPlan
  • Mining Quarry Business Plan with Feasibility studies
  • Solid Mineral challenges for Artisinal Small scale Mining
  • How to be a millionnaire miner in Nigeria

At this juncture, we advise you to get a business consultant to assist you. What has been narrated above look simple reading them. But I tell you there are a lot of technicalities involved.

We recommend Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited, owners of this website. This firm is made up of experienced consultants.  As professional accountants and tax practitioners, they will do good jobs for you.


If contacted, they will ensure all your start-up challenges listed in the operational checklist above are taken care of.

Order this Simplified Gold Mining Business Plan from us. The feasibility analysis is a technical aspect of the business plan. We can do it for you.

Contact us via +234 8034347851 or  [email protected]


For your existing business outfits contact us also for the following, as a continuous validation of the above landmarks. And then;

  • Up-dating the certificates – Renewing Mining licences and others
  • Rendering statutory annual returns for C.A.C
  • Rendering statutory annual returns for FIRS
  • Obtaining Tax clearance certificates annually,
  • Making necessary changes in the CAC incorporated documents as need arises

Furthermore, are;

  • Obtaining the necessary contract bidding compliance certificate for ITF, NSITF, PENCOM and BPP
  • Updating management business plans
  • Updating contract agreements
  • Making Expansion business plan
  • And many others


Please, help us share to reach others. Thanks for reading through. author

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.

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Sample Gold Mining Business Plan

  • February 3, 2023

Do you need help starting a gold mining company? If YES, here is a sample gold mining Business Plan.

Gold mining is not only capital intensive but requires a thorough planning process to be successful. If you are reading this, chances are that you are looking for help on how to put together a good plan for your gold business.

The value of gold keeps rising even while faced with an economic crisis. Many individuals and companies are interested in starting their own gold mining business because of its continued popularity. This is more eminent in countries where there is gold to mine.

Businessmen and women are urged to start a gold mining business because it is much cheaper to produce, and they will gain more money once they’ve sold it. Some find it easier investing in quarry business .


Just like other types of businesses, gold mining investment opportunities are truthfully risky businesses to establish.

Though the income is high, many are still doubtful of opening this kind of business since there’s a huge possibility that it will not succeed.

This is a good reason why it is important to give yourself time to think about it before deciding to have your own gold mining business

GUIDE : Sand Mining Business Planning

Since this business isn’t one you just jump into anyhow, when looking for how to get into the gold mining business, you must check if it is possible to establish it in your country.

Most of the large companies you see today doing this kind of business choose to mine in other countries where there’s gold available.

So, if you want to have your own gold mining company, you need to do your researches appropriately. Gold prospectors who want to start a gold mine have choices to make when beginning to create a mining operation.

In fact, we were made to understand that besides choosing to rent a gold mine lease or pan for gold on public lands, a miner can claim land and start a gold mine on undeclared land.

Gold mining operations range from tiny to gigantic. Definitely, the location and size of the operation will determine how a miner will start a gold mine. All these must be captured in even a small-scale gold mining business proposal.

Here is a sample business plan for starting a gold mining company.

1. Prospect the site with a shovel and pan.

You must record the concentrations of naturally occurring gold in the gold ore on the claim. You are to dig where exposed bedrock is on the claim and where waterways collect gold in the beds of the river or stream around the inside bend of a corner in the water.

Prospecting accurately will increase the amount of gold you pull from the claim per hour of work.

2. You are to set up mining equipment that compliments the geography of the area. Though water is an important feature of many gold mines, some experts said it is not needed for separating the gold from the ore. Necessary things as sluice boxes and shakers can run by either water or air. You just develop the right mine for your site.

3. Ensure you provide living quarters for the miners and power the housing with a generator that can power the electrical mining equipment as well.

You should know that the larger the gold mine the more power, equipment, and housing you will need. If you can, ensure you separate the living quarters from the mill site.

Why? To avoid contaminating the water supply with human byproducts.

4. Excavate gold ore from the most productive sampling sites on the claim and collect the ore near the mining equipment. When enough ore has been stored to run a complete shift of mining operations you can begin to separate the gold from the ore and make money with a gold mine.

5. You should store pure gold and highly concentrated gold ore in separate containers for further processing.

Actually, the processing of gold is the most time-consuming task; eliminating all the debris from the gold can be better managed at a later time.

You should process the ore until all that is left is heavy black sand and gold; then store it for cleaning at a later time.

In conclusion, you should note that you might take some pounding from stronger competitors. In fact, you might make a business mistake or even face intricate gold business challenges like a change in government policy.


This gold mining business plan sample will help you achieve your desire. We simplify the whole process by including the most relevant sections every plan should have.

You should also not complicate the whole process. The simpler it is, the better. However, an essential requirement is a knowledge about gold mining. This information will be needed in putting your plan together.

  • Executive Summary

Buck Mining Corporation is a precious metal mining company involved in the commercial mining of gold. Our gold mining reserves are located in the fringes of Bridgeport, Connecticut.

The discovery of an additional gold reserve outfield has necessitated the expansion of our operations to cover this new location. This expansion will require sourcing the needed funding to cover these operations.

We have acquired the mineral mining rights to explore this new location. The combined size of our current site and our new location is over 4,000 acres.

Gold mining and explorations will commence immediately after we finalize the loan applications.

  • Our Products

We are a major gold mining business involved in the exploration and mining of precious minerals. Our team is made up of seasoned geologists, metallurgical and engineering professionals.

These skilled professionals oversee every aspect of gold mining that relates to their field.

Buck Mining Corporation has been in business for the past 5 years.

With the discovery of more gold deposits, our vision is to break into the major league of gold mining within the next 5 years. The expansion of our operations will help us achieve our target within this specified period.

  • Our Mission

The desirability of gold as a store value for wealth has only increased over the years.

As demand grows, we seek to supply mined gold to smelting companies to meet these demands. Our mission is to use safe mining practices in extracting these precious metals.

To achieve our expansion plans, a significant amount of funding is needed. We need the sum of $150,000,000.00.

Out of this total amount, $50,000,000.00 is available. This has been raised from profits. The sum of $100,000,000.00 will be sourced through loans from 4 banks.

This loan application has reached an advanced stage already.

  • SWOT Analysis

An analysis of our state of health as a business has been done by a reputable business consultancy firm. Our performance has been measured against vital indices which have brought important facts to light;

Our gold mine business has experienced considerable patronage over the years. We have built a strong team of professionals consisting of geological and metallurgical experts in addition to engineers among many others.

These form the backbone of our operations.

We are a growing gold mining business with formidable competitors. The industry is pretty much dominated by these major players. Although there are regulations in place to check against monopolizing the gold mining sector, an increasing number of businesses like ours are underfunded to compete effectively.

  • Opportunities

The discovery of an additional gold deposit has enhanced our chances and market share. Our expansion drive seeks to take advantage of this discovery. We will commence exploration as soon as mining equipment is bought and installed.

By this find, our capacity to meet more demand is enhanced.

Threats to our business come in the form of multiple taxations and unfavorable government policies. The impact the latter has on our gold mining business is enormous. This can make it more difficult to do business.

  • Sales Projection

With an expansion of our gold mining operations, our profits are expected to witness a jump. We have a projected growth in sales that is expected to rise considerably over the next three years as shown in this chart;

  • First Financial Year $10,000,000.00
  • Second Financial Year $25,000,000.00
  • Third Financial Year $45,000,000.00
  • Competitive Advantage

There are advantages we hold over other gold mining businesses. Some of these include the quality of our workforce.

This is made up of experts with many years of experience in the gold mining industry. We have been careful to select only the best as we believe that this will reflect in our operations. The discovery of an additional gold mine and obtaining the operating license has further added to our reserves.

  • Marketing Strategy

We already have a network of existing clients who have proven to be valuable assets to our operations. These will be crucial to the take-off and smooth running of our new gold mine. Through the expansion of our current capacity, we will work with more major gold merchants to create a distribution channel for our products.

  • Operational Sustainability

The extraction/mining of gold from our reserves is expected to last a period of 3 decades. During this time, more explorations will be carried out in addition to gold processing which we will be embarking on within 2 years. These will enhance our sustainability and make our gold mining business a stable and highly profitable venture.

This gold mining business plan sample has attempted to provide you with the guidance you need. You mustn’t complicate things when writing your plan.

The better informed you are about this business; the easier it is to write a plan when you have a template to work with. It is believed that this will help entrepreneurs in no small measure.

I just need a BIG SCALE gold mine business plaN

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How To Write a Business Plan for Gold Mining in 9 Steps: Checklist

By henry sheykin, resources on gold mining.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan

Gold mining is a lucrative industry that continues to experience growth and demand worldwide. According to Statista, the global gold production amounted to 3,531 metric tons in 2019, with a projected increase to 3,700 metric tons by 2022. As the market expands, it is important for entrepreneurs to have a solid business plan in place.

If you're considering starting a gold mining operation, there are several crucial steps to take. Research is key to identifying potential locations and understanding legal and operational requirements. Conducting a thorough analysis of costs and securing financing is also critical to success.

The latest mining technologies and environmental standards must also be considered in developing a strategic plan, along with establishing a team of experienced professionals. Lastly, creating a strong marketing plan will generate interest and attract potential investors or customers.

Although the process can be complex, with careful planning and execution, a successful gold mining business can be established.

Research The Gold Mining Industry And Market Trends.

Before venturing into the gold mining business, it's crucial to conduct thorough research on the industry and market trends. The findings will provide valuable insights that will inform critical decisions during the start-up and operation of the business.

Start by gathering information on the history of gold mining and how it has evolved over the years. This knowledge will aid in understanding the current state of the industry and what to expect in the future. Familiarize yourself with the major players in the industry and how they operate.

  • What are the current market trends?
  • What are the factors driving the demand and supply of gold?
  • What are the challenges faced by the industry?
  • What are the opportunities available?

The research should also cover the international market for gold and its trends. Analyze the global demand and supply situation and the geopolitical factors affecting it. Furthermore, research the specific market segment you intend to serve. Identify the target audience, their interests, and purchasing behavior. This information will help tailor your marketing strategy and develop products that meet the needs of your customers.

Finally, study the gold mining regulations in the countries you plan to operate. Ensure you understand the laws that govern the industry and the regulatory bodies involved. Compliance with the laws and regulations is crucial for the success of the business and will help gain the confidence of investors and stakeholders.

Identify Potential Locations For Gold Mining Operations

One of the most important steps in starting a gold mining business is identifying potential locations for extraction. Here are some important factors to consider:

  • Geological surveys: Consult geological maps and surveys to identify areas with high potential for gold deposits. Look for areas with known gold deposits or geological formations that suggest the presence of gold.
  • Accessibility: Consider the accessibility of potential locations. Areas that are difficult to access or require significant infrastructure to reach may not be cost-effective for mining operations.
  • Environmental impact: Assess the potential environmental impact of mining operations in each location. Look for ways to minimize the impact on the environment, such as selecting sites away from sensitive ecosystems or implementing sustainable practices.
  • Infrastructure: Check the availability of necessary infrastructure, such as roads, power, and water, in each location. Locations with existing infrastructure may be more cost-effective for mining operations.
  • Political stability: Evaluate the political climate in each potential location. Look for stable countries with established mining industries and supportive government policies.
  • Consult with regulatory bodies and local communities to determine any regulatory hurdles for mining activities in potential locations.
  • Consider partnering with local communities to ensure the sustainable development of mining operations and minimize negative impacts on their livelihoods.
  • Research the demand for gold in potential markets and factor this into the decision-making process for selecting mining locations.

Once potential locations have been identified, further exploration and testing may be necessary to confirm the feasibility of mining operations in each location.

Determine The Legal Requirements For Starting A Gold Mining Business.

Before starting a gold mining business, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the legal requirements that must be met. This will help to avoid costly legal troubles and ensure compliance with local, state, and federal laws. Some important legal requirements to consider when starting a gold mining business include:

  • Obtaining necessary permits and licenses: Depending on the location of the mining operation, various permits and licenses may be required, such as environmental permits, water use permits, and land use permits. It is important to research and obtain all necessary permits and licenses before beginning the mining operation.
  • Complying with safety regulations: Mining can be a dangerous activity, and safety regulations are in place to protect workers. Compliance with regulations such as the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) standards is essential to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of all involved.
  • Following environmental regulations: Responsible mining practices aim to minimize the environmental impact of mining operations. Environmental regulations must be followed to ensure that the mining operation does not harm the environment or wildlife in the area.
  • Meeting labor laws: Hiring practices, working conditions, and wages must comply with local labor laws and regulations. Failure to do so can result in legal action against the company.
  • Consult with a lawyer who is experienced in mining law to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.
  • Keep up-to-date with any changes to relevant laws and regulations to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Consider obtaining insurance to cover potential legal problems.

Once all legal requirements have been met, the gold mining business can begin operations with peace of mind, knowing that all necessary precautions have been taken to ensure legal compliance.

Analyze The Costs Associated With Starting And Running A Gold Mining Operation

In order to start and run a successful gold mining operation, you must have a comprehensive understanding of the costs associated with it. You need to consider the capital expenses required for setting up mining sites, operational expenses such as salaries, equipment maintenance, and energy costs, as well as the variable costs that may arise during the mining process.

Capital Expenses

One of the most significant costs associated with starting a gold mining operation is the initial investment required for purchasing and installing the necessary equipment and infrastructure. You will need to conduct a feasibility study to determine the estimated capital expenditure required for purchasing machinery and equipment, acquiring mineral rights, and constructing necessary infrastructure such as roads and mine shafts.

Operational Expenses

Operational expenses are essential for running an efficient and profitable gold mining business. This includes salaries and wages, maintenance of mining and processing equipment, electricity and other utility costs, and insurance. Additionally, you must consider the cost of waste management and environmental protection measures that should be put in place to ensure sustainable mining operations.

Variable Costs

Variable costs associated with gold mining include the transportation costs of gold ore from the mining site to processing plants, refining and processing expenses, and other expenses that might arise during the mining process. You must consider these costs as they can have a significant impact on profitability and earnings.

Here are some tips to keep the costs in check:

  • Choose the mining site wisely to reduce transportation and energy costs. Sites close to water and electricity sources are more affordable to run.
  • Invest in modern and energy-efficient mining and processing equipment that minimizes maintenance costs, lowers energy costs and provides a higher yield of gold.
  • Train your employees to carry out routine inspections and conduct maintenance tasks to reduce repair costs.
  • Consider outsourcing certain tasks such as waste management to reduce labor costs but still maintain high environmental standards.

By carefully analyzing and planning for the costs involved in starting and running a gold mining operation, you can make informed decisions that will ensure the long-term success and sustainability of your business.

Assess The Availability And Cost Of Necessary Equipment And Labor.

One of the key considerations when starting a gold mining business is assessing the availability and cost of necessary equipment and labor. The cost of equipment and labor can make or break a gold mining operation, so it is crucial to thoroughly assess and plan for these costs.

First and foremost, you will need to identify the specific equipment needed for your mining operation. This will depend on a variety of factors, including the size and scope of your operation, the type of mining you will be doing, and the location of your mine. Some equipment commonly used in gold mining includes excavators, rock trucks, crushers, and conveyors.

Once you have identified the necessary equipment, you will need to assess its availability and cost. This may involve contacting suppliers or manufacturers to obtain quotes, or researching leasing or financing options.

In addition to equipment, you will also need to evaluate the availability and cost of labor. Gold mining operations typically require skilled workers, such as miners, geologists, and engineers. It is important to determine the necessary staffing levels and qualifications, as well as the availability of labor in your chosen location.

  • Consider leasing or financing equipment to reduce upfront costs.
  • Research labor regulations and requirements in your chosen location to ensure compliance.
  • Consider utilizing contractors or outsourcing work to reduce labor costs.

Overall, assessing the availability and cost of necessary equipment and labor is a critical step when starting a gold mining business. Thorough research and planning can help ensure that your operation is equipped to succeed in the competitive and challenging world of gold mining.

Secure Financing Or Funding For The Operation.

Securing financing or funding is one of the most critical steps when starting a gold mining business. You will need substantial capital to cover the costs of obtaining and setting up equipment, hiring staff, legal fees, and other expenses. Here are some steps to help you secure financing or funding for your gold mining operation:

  • 1. Determine your budget and funding requirements: Before you approach investors or lenders, you need to have a clear understanding of your budget and the amount of funding required to start and run your gold mining operation successfully. This will help you narrow down your options and present a clear business proposition to potential investors.
  • 2. Identify potential funding sources: You can consider funding options such as bank loans, personal savings, venture capitalists, angel investors, and crowdfunding platforms. Conduct thorough research on the pros and cons of each option, and identify which sources align with your business goals and objectives.
  • 3. Develop a business plan: A business plan is essential when seeking financing or funding for any business. Your plan should demonstrate the viability of your gold mining business, outlining details about the industry, market trends, financial projections, and your strategy for success.
  • 4. Prepare a strong pitch: Make a compelling case to investors or lenders, emphasizing the potential ROI and risk mitigation strategies clearly. You can hire a professional writer to help you with the presentation and use graphs, charts, and other visuals to help you present your case better.

Tips for securing financing or funding for your gold mining operation:

  • Network with industry players: Attend industry events and network with other professionals in the field. This can help you gain valuable insights and connect with potential investors or lenders.
  • Show a track record of success: If you have previous experience in the mining industry, highlight your track record of success to build confidence with potential investors or lenders.
  • Be flexible: Consider alternative financing options or restructuring your business plan if you face challenges securing funding or financing.
  • Focus on responsible mining: Show that your mining operation will be responsible and sustainable, aligning with the interests of responsible investors.

Securing funding or financing for your gold mining operation can be a challenging process, but by following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of success. Remember to stay resilient and determined towards your business goals, and seek professional help if needed.

Develop A Strategic Plan And Timeline For The Start-Up And Operation Of The Business.

Once you have conducted thorough research on the gold mining industry and identified potential locations, determined the legal requirements, analyzed costs, assessed equipment and labor availability, and secured financing, it is time to develop a strategic plan for your gold mining business. A well-crafted plan is crucial for the successful start-up and operation of the business.

The first step in developing a strategic plan is to identify your business goals and objectives. In this case, you want to establish a successful gold mining operation that will supply clients across the globe while adhering to high environmental standards. This goal will guide your decision-making process and help you prioritize tasks.

Tip: Use the SMART method to set goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This method will ensure that your goals are clear, tangible, and achievable within a specific timeline.

  • Define Your Business Model: Develop a clear business model that outlines how you will source and mine gold, process gold, and deliver it to clients. This section also includes information on your value proposition, target market, competition, and marketing strategy.
  • Estimate Your Costs: Develop financial projections for the start-up costs, operational costs, and estimated revenues. This information should be included in your business plan, and it will help you decide how much funding you need to secure to start and operate your mining operation.
  • Develop A Timeline: Create a timeline that outlines the critical tasks and milestones for starting and operating your gold mining business. It includes a schedule for obtaining permits, securing financing, buying equipment, hiring personnel, and commencing mining operations.
  • Assess Risks: Identify potential risks and develop a risk management plan. This plan should include strategies for preventing risks, minimizing their impact, and recovering from them if they occur.
  • Establish Operational Procedures: Establish procedures for managing day-to-day operations, including monitoring mining activities, analyzing ore samples, refining gold, and delivering gold to clients.
  • Build A Support Team: Build a team of experienced professionals in the field, including geologists, miners, and engineers. This team will help you implement your strategic plan and contribute to the long-term success of your gold mining business.

Developing a strategic plan and timeline for a gold mining business is a complex process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. However, a well-crafted plan will help you maximize your chances of success and ensure that your operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Create A Marketing Plan To Generate Interest And Attract Potential Investors Or Customers.

The success of any business relies heavily on its ability to attract and retain customers. For gold mining businesses, the key to success is creating a solid marketing plan that will generate interest and attract potential investors or customers. The following are some steps to consider when creating a marketing plan:

  • Define your target market: Before developing a marketing plan, it is important to know who your target audience is. Is your business targeting individual investors or larger commercial clients? Knowing your audience will help you tailor your marketing efforts more effectively.
  • Develop a brand identity: Your brand identity should reflect the values and mission of your business, and convey a sense of trust and reliability. A strong brand identity will not only attract customers but also help retain them in the long run.
  • Use digital marketing: In today's digital age, it is important to have a strong online presence. Use social media, search engine optimization, and email marketing to reach your target audience and promote your business.
  • Attend relevant industry events: Attending industry events is a great way to network with potential investors and customers. Consider setting up a booth or presenting a keynote speech at such events to showcase your business and its services.
  • Partner with other businesses: Partnering with other businesses in related industries can help increase your reach and attract more investors and customers. For example, consider partnering with mining equipment manufacturers or refining companies to offer bundled services to customers.
  • Create a detailed marketing budget and track your expenses.
  • Periodically assess and adjust your marketing efforts based on their effectiveness.
  • Make sure your messaging is consistent across all marketing channels.
  • Consider offering promotional deals or discounts to attract new customers.

By following these steps and tips, businesses can create a marketing plan that will help generate interest and attract potential investors or customers. Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your target audience and tailoring your marketing efforts to address their needs and concerns.

Establish A Team Of Experienced Professionals In The Field, Including Geologists, Miners, And Engineers.

When building a business like gold mining, it is essential to have a team of experienced professionals who understand the nuances of mining, geology, and engineering. These professionals will form the backbone of your operation and help ensure its success.

Here are some important things to keep in mind when building your team:

  • Look for individuals with experience in gold mining and exploration. These individuals have the necessary knowledge and skills to help you navigate the unique challenges of the industry and succeed in your endeavors.
  • Don't overlook the importance of geologists in your operation. These individuals are crucial in the identification and verification of gold deposits, which is a key factor in the success of your operation.
  • Miners and engineers should also be a part of your team. They will help you design and implement an efficient and safe mining operation. It is crucial to ensure that they have the necessary experience and qualifications to carry out their functions effectively.
  • Consider hiring local talent to help you with your operations. These individuals have a better understanding of the region and can help you navigate local laws, customs, and regulations that may affect your business.

When building your team, look for professionals who have a proven track record of success in the industry. You want people who are reliable, experienced, and committed to your goals. It's crucial to have a coherent plan in place that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each team member and sets expectations for performance.

Remember that building a team is not a one-time event. You will need to continually evaluate your team's performance and make adjustments as necessary. Ensure that all team members have access to the latest training and resources so that they can continue to learn and grow.

Your team will be critical to the success or failure of your gold mining business. Keep these key considerations in mind as you build your team of experienced professionals in the field.


Establishing a gold mining business requires extensive research, careful planning, and a competent team of professionals. By following these 9 steps, you can create a comprehensive business plan that covers all the essential aspects of your operation.

From identifying potential locations to securing financing, analyzing costs, and developing a strategic timeline, you'll need to consider every detail and prepare for any challenges that may arise.

By establishing a business that focuses on responsible and innovative gold mining practices, you can set yourself apart from the competition and attract the attention of investors and customers alike. With the right strategy and team, your gold mining business can thrive in today's market.

  • Research the gold mining industry and market trends.
  • Identify potential locations for gold mining operations.
  • Determine the legal requirements for starting a gold mining business.
  • Analyze the costs associated with starting and running a gold mining operation.
  • Assess the availability and cost of necessary equipment and labor.
  • Secure financing or funding for the operation.
  • Develop a strategic plan and timeline for the start-up and operation of the business.
  • Create a marketing plan to generate interest and attract potential investors or customers.
  • Establish a team of experienced professionals in the field, including geologists, miners, and engineers.

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Business Plan for Small Scale Mining Entrepreneur

Recent estimates show that small-scale, entrepreneurial mining operations produce around 20 percent of the world’s gold, 20 percent of the total diamond weight, and about 80 percent of usable sapphires. 

Small Scale Mining Business Plan

Business planning is what we specialize in at wise.

Wisebusinessplans, a global leader in the business planning community, is now assisting small mine owners and operators in the quest for steady, sustainable growth through the use of effective Small Scale Mining Business plans  and goals mapping options.

“A small mining operation can make a healthy profit when managed carefully by following specific planning practices that lead to earnings protection and secure long-term business life.

” said Joseph Ferriolo,  Director of Wisebusinessplans.  “At Wise, we look at each client as an individual, one whose interests, ideas, and goals are unique to that business and we work one-on-one with every client.”

Wisebusinessplans’ custom-crafted mining business plan is tailor-made to showcase startup or expansion concepts as companies seek to acquire funding from investors , look to raise capital through venture capitalists, or work with private investors.

All plans include market research and custom financials that are developed for each individual company. Design experts give every mining business plan a unique, professional look and each client is entitled to a free revision to ensure the plan is done right.”

We feel privileged to assist men and women in the business world, such as mining entrepreneurs, who are working hard to not only make a better life for themselves but are also creating employment opportunities for others in their communities,” said Ferriolo.

Firms in this industry provide support services, on a fee or contract basis, for mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction. Firms may also provide services such as drilling ; taking core samples and making geological observations at prospective mine sites. Download our mining business plan sample and related business plan sample here.

Wisebusinessplans , staffed with professional MBA Business Plan writers , researchers, and financial experts, is a trusted partner for businesses across a broad spectrum of products and services. Our mission is to empower our clients to make the best possible business decisions, boost company performance and facilitate their funding success by laying the groundwork for strong businesses that excite, inspire and retain talented and exceptional employees.

A business plan for a small-scale mining entrepreneur should include sections on the executive summary, company overview, market analysis, marketing and sales strategies, operational plan, financial projections, and risk management. It should also outline the entrepreneur’s goals, target minerals, mining methods, and environmental considerations.

Market analysis for a small-scale mining business involves researching the demand for specific minerals, identifying target customers or industries, assessing competition, and understanding market trends and pricing dynamics. This information helps in determining the viability and profitability of the mining venture.

The operational plan should cover aspects such as the location and accessibility of the mining site, equipment and machinery needed, workforce requirements, safety protocols, environmental considerations, mining processes, and extraction techniques. It should also address permits, licenses, and compliance with mining regulations.

Financial projections for a small-scale mining business involve estimating startup costs, including equipment, permits, and infrastructure expenses. Additionally, projecting revenues based on expected mineral extraction volumes, pricing, and market demand. Cost considerations, such as labor, maintenance, and operational expenses, should also be factored in.

Common risks in small-scale mining include geological uncertainties, price volatility, regulatory changes, environmental impacts, and safety hazards. Risk management strategies may include conducting thorough geological surveys, maintaining diverse mineral portfolios, staying informed about market trends, complying with regulations, implementing safety protocols, and developing contingency plans for unexpected events.

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Free PDF Business Plan Templates and Samples

By Joe Weller | September 9, 2020

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We’ve gathered the most useful collection of business plan PDF templates and samples, including options for organizations of any size and type.

On this page, you’ll find free PDF templates for a simple business plan , small business plan , startup business plan , and more.

Simple Business Plan PDF Templates

These simple business plan PDF templates are ready to use and customizable to fit the needs of any organization.

Simple Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Business Plan Template

This template contains a traditional business plan layout to help you map out each aspect, from a company overview to sales projections and a marketing strategy. This template includes a table of contents, as well as space for financing details that startups looking for funding may need to provide. 

Download Simple Business Plan Template - PDF

Lean Business Plan Template PDF

Lean Business Plan Template

This scannable business plan template allows you to easily identify the most important elements of your plan. Use this template to outline key details pertaining to your business and industry, product or service offerings, target customer segments (and channels to reach them), and to identify sources of revenue. There is also space to include key performance metrics and a timeline of activities. 

Download Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template PDF

Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

This template is designed to help you develop and implement a 90-day business plan by breaking it down into manageable chunks of time. Use the space provided to detail your main goals and deliverables for each timeframe, and then add the steps necessary to achieve your objectives. Assign task ownership and enter deadlines to ensure your plan stays on track every step of the way.

Download Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

PDF | Smartsheet

One-Page Business Plan PDF Templates

The following single page business plan templates are designed to help you download your key ideas on paper, and can be used to create a pitch document to gain buy-in from partners, investors, and stakeholders.

One-Page Business Plan Template PDF

sample small scale gold mining business plan pdf free download

Use this one-page template to summarize each aspect of your business concept in a clear and concise manner. Define the who, what, why, and how of your idea, and use the space at the bottom to create a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) for your business. 

Download One-Page Business Plan Template

If you’re looking for a specific type of analysis, check out our collection of SWOT templates .

One-Page Lean Business Plan PDF

One Page Lean Business Plan Template

This one-page business plan template employs the Lean management concept, and encourages you to focus on the key assumptions of your business idea. A Lean plan is not stagnant, so update it as goals and objectives change — the visual timeline at the bottom is ideal for detailing milestones. 

Download One-Page Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

One Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

Use this business plan template to identify main goals and outline the necessary activities to achieve those goals in 30, 60, and 90-day increments. Easily customize this template to fit your needs while you track the status of each task and goal to keep your business plan on target. 

Download One-Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

For additional single page plans, including an example of a one-page business plan , visit " One-Page Business Plan Templates with a Quick How-To Guide ."

Small Business Plan PDF Templates

These business plan templates are useful for small businesses that want to map out a way to meet organizational objectives, including how to structure, operate, and expand their business.

Simple Small Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Small Business Plan Template

A small business can use this template to outline each critical component of a business plan. There is space to provide details about product or service offerings, target audience, customer reach strategy, competitive advantage, and more. Plus, there is space at the bottom of the document to include a SWOT analysis. Once complete, you can use the template as a basis to build out a more elaborate plan. 

Download Simple Small Business Plan Template

Fill-In-the-Blank Small Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Fill In The Blank Business Plan Template

This fill-in-the-blank template walks you through each section of a business plan. Build upon the fill-in-the-blank content provided in each section to add information about your company, business idea, market analysis, implementation plan, timeline of milestones, and much more.

Download Fill-In-the-Blank Small Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page Small Business Plan Template PDF

One Page Business Plan For Small Business Template

Use this one-page template to create a scannable business plan that highlights the most essential parts of your organization’s strategy. Provide your business overview and management team details at the top, and then outline the target market, market size, competitive offerings, key objectives and success metrics, financial plan, and more.

Download One-Page Business Plan for Small Business - PDF

Startup Business Plan PDF Templates

Startups can use these business plan templates to check the feasibility of their idea, and articulate their vision to potential investors.

Startup Business Plan Template

Startup Business Plan Template

Use this business plan template to organize and prepare each essential component of your startup plan. Outline key details relevant to your concept and organization, including your mission and vision statement, product or services offered, pricing structure, marketing strategy, financial plan, and more.

‌Download Startup Business Plan Template

Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup

Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup

Startups can use this sample 30-60-90 day plan to establish main goals and deliverables spanning a 90-day period. Customize the sample goals, deliverables, and activities provided on this template according to the needs of your business. Then, assign task owners and set due dates to help ensure your 90-day plan stays on track.

‌Download Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup Template 

For additional resources to create your plan, visit “ Free Startup Business Plan Templates and Examples .”

Nonprofit Business Plan PDF Templates

Use these business plan PDF templates to outline your organization’s mission, your plan to make a positive impact in your community, and the steps you will take to achieve your nonprofit’s goals.

Nonprofit Business Plan Template PDF

Fill-in-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Use this customizable PDF template to develop a plan that details your organization’s purpose, objectives, and strategy. This template features a table of contents, with room to include your nonprofit’s mission and vision, key team and board members, program offerings, a market and industry analysis, promotional plan, financial plan, and more. This template also contains a visual timeline to display historic and future milestones.

Download Nonprofit Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organization PDF 

One Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organizations Template

This one-page plan serves as a good starting point for established and startup nonprofit organizations to jot down their fundamental goals and objectives. This template contains all the essential aspects of a business plan in a concise and scannable format, including the organizational overview, purpose, promotional plan, key objectives and success metrics, fundraising goals, and more.

Download One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organization Template - PDF

Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF Templates

Use these fill-in-the-blank templates as a foundation for creating a comprehensive roadmap that aligns your business strategy with your marketing, sales, and financial goals.

Simple Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF

The fill-in-the-blank template contains all the vital parts of a business plan, with sample content that you can customize to fit your needs. There is room to include an executive summary, business description, market analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, financial statements, and more. 

Download Simple Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan Template - PDF

Lean Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF

Fill-in-the-Blank Lean  Business Plan Template

This business plan is designed with a Lean approach that encourages you to clarify and communicate your business idea in a clear and concise manner. This single page fill-in-the-blank template includes space to provide details about your management team, the problem you're solving, the solution, target customers, cost structure, and revenue streams. Use the timeline at the bottom to produce a visual illustration of key milestones. 

Download Fill-In-the-Blank Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

For additional resources, take a look at " Free Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan Templates ."

Sample Business Plan PDF Templates

These sample business plan PDF templates can help you to develop an organized, thorough, and professional business plan.

Business Plan Sample 

Basic Business Plan Sample

This business plan example demonstrates a plan for a fictional food truck company. The sample includes all of the elements in a traditional business plan, which makes it a useful starting point for developing a plan specific to your business needs.

Download Basic Business Plan Sample - PDF

Sample Business Plan Outline Template

Simple Business Plan Outline Template

Use this sample outline as a starting point for your business plan. Shorten or expand the outline depending on your organization’s needs, and use it to develop a table of contents for your finalized plan.

Download Sample Business Plan Outline Template - PDF

Sample Business Financial Plan Template

Business Financial Plan Template

Use this sample template to develop the financial portion of your business plan. The template provides space to include a financial overview, key assumptions, financial indicators, and business ratios. Complete the break-even analysis and add your financial statements to help prove the viability of your organization’s business plan.

Download Business Financial Plan Template

PDF  | Smartsheet

For more free, downloadable templates for all aspects of your business, check out “ Free Business Templates for Organizations of All Sizes .”

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The Lampotal Plant is located on Ejido property in the Municipality of Veta Grande, Zacatecas, Mexico, in the town of Lampotal. The Plant’s original design was that of a 10 tank static vat leaching plant, which operated for approximately 30 years, processing approximately 200 tons a day, of material from the Spanish Colonial period, that was first processed by the mercury amalgamation process. In 1995, the Plant shut down due to continued increases in operating expenses, and the low spot market price of silver that came about in the later part of the 1980s. Each leaching tank can hold approximately 320 metric tons of tailings. Traditionally, static vat leaching plants processing this type of material, recover about 50% of the ore’s recoverable precious metals values. The final product would be a concentrated precipitate of silver, gold, mercury, copper, and other trash base metals and organic materials.


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Business-in-a-Box's Mining Business Plan Template

Mining Business Plan Template

Document description.

This mining business plan template has 25 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our mining business plan template:


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3,000+ templates & tools to help you start, run & grow your business, all the templates you need to plan, start, organize, manage, finance & grow your business, in one place., templates and tools to manage every aspect of your business., 8 business management modules, in 1 place., document types included.


Looking for a mining business plan for your new or existing enterprise in Nigeria or anywhere globally?

Download this mining business plan template which you can download to present to NIRSAL, BOI, BOA, and other investors.


1.0. Company Summary:

Core Ore is a mining company based in Shagamu, Ogun State. The location of the company was decisive as the location proved strategic for the operations of the business. The company will burden itself with the mining of minerals and ores from the earth.

The intention behind the establishment of the company was to make profits selling the mined minerals following all rules, regulations, and policies and all guiding bodies.

The company intends to lease lands that have mineral deposits of interest and will situate mines on these lands to extract the minerals and sell them to the open market where their use will be needed.

To ensure success in this business we have promised to offer high-quality products, employ the use of up-to-date and state-of-the-art equipment, employing skilled staff and maintain quality throughout the whole process from extraction to smelting and to packaging.

2.0. Goals and Objectives

The objectives set by our company are engineered towards making us one of the best companies in Africa while maintaining quality, ensuring job creation across the company and also using all means to ensure cost effectiveness during the course of the production.

Our objectives are as follows;

To establish a sound relationship with bulk purchasers and dealers

To achieve net profit of more than 250 million naira in one year

3.0. Materials and Equipment

This line of business is capital intensive and this is owed to the heavy-duty machinery used in the excavation of the metals, most of which are not manufactures within the bounds of the country and are imported which also consumes a substantial part of the capital.

Examples of the machinery needed are;

Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Also the company will have an administrative building which will be equipped with;

Office furniture


4.0. Our Competitive Advantage

As in other industries, there are other companies that offer the services we offer but in order to garner trust and rally consumers to our side we have taken into consideration a few points which we will work on so as to ensure uniqueness and make sure our services are sought amongst others;

  • We will make high quality metals readily available
  • We will ensure quality and make sure it is consistent throughout our production process
  • Quick and swift delivery
  • Customer-centric services
  • Fair and best prices

How To Download Minerals Mining Business Plan Template

Above is a part of the mineral mining business plan template in Nigeria. If you want the complete mining business plan with the full financial plan, calculations, and more, follow the procedures to download it. 

Pay the sum of N8000  ( eight thousand naira only)  to the account detail below: Bank: GTBank Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us) Ac/No: 0238933625 Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to  +234 701 754 2853 .  The text must contain the title of  the business plan  you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the mining business business plan template in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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  9. Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining Business Plan 2013

    This document outlines the goals and activities of the Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) partnership area of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Global Mercury Partnership. The partnership aims to complement existing programs to significantly reduce mercury use and releases from artisanal and small scale gold mining. Key priorities include supporting national ...

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    This guide provides in-depth knowledge about creating a mining business plan with step by step instructions, templates and more.

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    Above is a part of the mineral mining business plan template in Nigeria. If you want the complete mining business plan with the full financial plan, calculations, and more, follow the procedures to download it. Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853. The text must contain the title of the business plan ...