Erfahrung mir Thesis-Seminar von Hochschulinitiative

  • Studienprofil IU Fernstudium Coaching Master of Arts (Fernstudium)
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Bremerhaven Lebensmitteltechnologie / Lebensmittelwirtschaft Bachelor of Engineering
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium Informatik Bachelor of Science (dual)
  • Studienprofil International School of Management International Management Master of Science
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Fresenius Immobilienwirtschaft Master of Science
  • Studienprofil Fliedner Fachhochschule Düsseldorf BWL – zukunftsfähiges Management in der Sozial- und Gesundheitswirtschaf Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium BWL - Handelsmanagement Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil AKAD University Digital Engineering und Angewandte Informatik Bachelor of Engineering (Fernstudium)
  • Studienprofil IU myStudium Kindheitspädagogik Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil IU myStudium Game Design Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Hannover Technisches Informationsdesign und Technische Redaktion Bachelor of Engineering
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Harz – Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Verwaltungsökonomie Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil IU myStudium Personalmanagement Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule Pflege Bachelor of Arts (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil Carl Remigius Medical School Krisen- und Notfallmanagement Master of Science (Berufserfahrung erforderlich)
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Konstanz - Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung International Management Asia - Europe Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Bremerhaven Transportwesen / Logistik Bachelor of Engineering
  • Studienprofil International School of Management Betriebswirtschaft · Brand, Retail & Fashion Management Bachelor of Science (dual)
  • Studienprofil Universität Bielefeld Bildungswissenschaften Bachelor [lehramtsorientiert], Master of Education
  • Studienprofil Universität Erfurt Kommunikationswissenschaft Bachelor of Arts [Hauptfach, Nebenfach]
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule Management & Digitalisierung Bachelor of Arts (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule Gesundheitspsychologie & Medizinpädagogik Bachelor of Arts (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil MSB Medical School Berlin – Hochschule für Gesundheit und Medizin Humanmedizin Staatsexamen
  • Studienprofil accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg Strategic Sustainability Management Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil Technische Hochschule Wildau Logistik Bachelor of Engineering
  • Studienprofil Zeppelin Universität Communication, Culture & Management | CCM Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Geisenheim University Gartenbau Bachelor of Science
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Macromedia Management Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil International School of Management Management - Family Business Master of Science (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil IU myStudium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Industrie 4.0 Bachelor of Engineering
  • Studienprofil Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Urbanistik Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Innovationsmanagement und Entrepreneurship Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Berufserfahrung erforderlich) (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil IU Fernstudium Information Technology Management Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil IU myStudium Kommunikation & PR Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil BSP Business and Law School Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bachelor of Science
  • Studienprofil AKAD University Wirtschaftsinformatik und IT-Management Master of Science (Fernstudium)
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Fresenius Kieferorthopädie und Alignertherapie Master of Science (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium Digitale Transformation Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil Universität Erfurt Romanistik Bachelor [Nebenfach]
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule Wirtschaftsrecht Master of Laws (Berufserfahrung erforderlich) (berufsbegleitend)

thesis seminar kosten

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Neue Forenbeiträge

  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium BWL - Sozialmanagement Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Reutlingen – Reutlingen University Global Management and Digital Competencies Master of Science
  • Studienprofil DIPLOMA Hochschule Psychologie Bachelor of Science (Fernstudium)
  • Studienprofil IU myStudium Online Marketing Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium Kindheitspädagogik Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil Brand University of Applied Sciences Brand Strategy Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule Big Data & Business Analytics Master of Science (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Geisenheim University Lebensmittelsicherheit Master of Science
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium Elektrotechnik Bachelor of Engineering (dual)
  • Studienprofil Universität Münster Erbrecht & Unternehmensnachfolge Master of Laws (Berufserfahrung erforderlich)
  • Studienprofil Universität Erfurt Literaturwissenschaft: Texte.Zeichen.Medien Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Ansbach Multimedia und Kommunikation Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil MSH Medical School Hamburg Musiktherapie Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil Universität Potsdam IT-Systems Engineering Master of Science
  • Studienprofil Provadis School of International Management and Technology Biopharmaceutical Science Bachelor of Science
  • Studienprofil IU Fernstudium Growth Hacking Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Harz – Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Business Consulting Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Harz – Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Technisches Innovationsmanagement Master of Engineering
  • Studienprofil Technische Hochschule Lübeck Angewandte Chemie Bachelor of Science
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Fresenius Gebärdensprachdolmetschen Bachelor of Arts (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium BWL - Logistikmanagement Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil International School of Management Luxury, Fashion & Sales Management Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil International School of Management Strategic Sports Management Master of Arts (Berlin)
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium Soziale Arbeit Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg Marketing and Event Management Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Macromedia Filmmaking Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule Pflegemanagement Bachelor of Arts (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium Immobilienwirtschaft Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule International Management Bachelor of Arts (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil International School of Management International Sports Management Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil Technische Hochschule Brandenburg Maschinenbau Master of Engineering
  • Studienprofil IU Duales Studium Tourismusmanagement Bachelor of Arts (dual)
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Macromedia Medien und Kommunikationsmanagement Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil International School of Management Management - Real Estate Management Master of Science (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil BSP Business and Law School Sports Management and Legal Skills Master of Science
  • Studienprofil Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management (HdWM) Wirtschaftspsychologie Bachelor of Science
  • Studienprofil Provadis School of International Management and Technology Informatik Bachelor of Science (Studium plus Beruf) (verkürzt)
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule Wirtschaftsinformatik Bachelor of Science (berufsbegleitend)
  • Studienprofil Universität Duisburg-Essen Wirtschaftsinformatik Master of Science
  • Studienprofil MSB Medical School Berlin – Hochschule für Gesundheit und Medizin Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (Master Psychotherapie) Master of Science
  • Studienprofil Hochschule Macromedia Musikproduktion Bachelor of Arts
  • Studienprofil College of Europe EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies Master of Arts
  • Studienprofil FOM Hochschule Soziale Arbeit Master of Arts (berufsbegleitend)


Thesis Seminar

You may initiate your Honors Thesis through a one- or two-semester Thesis Seminar.

The Thesis Seminar provides a structured framework, giving you the opportunity to work alongside fellow Honors College students as you develop your proposal and your Honors Thesis, as well as orally present the work within the class or at the Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference , or otherwise determined by the instructor. The format of the Honors Thesis will be similar to that required for the Individually Contracted Honors approach , but the exact requirements will be specified in the syllabus for the Thesis Seminar.

  • Current Honors Seminar Course Descriptions

Honors Thesis Formats

Creative portfolio.

The Creative Portfolio format involves a written document coupled with a creative artifact, such as a performance, musical score, architectural blueprint, engineering invention, screenplay, business case study, collection of original poetry, or art exhibition.

Research Manuscript

The Research Manuscript is the customary format for presenting extended investigation and research.

Final Presentation

The final presentation for a Thesis Seminar usually takes the form of a presentation to the entire class or at the Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference . The instructor will indicate the specific presentation format and expectations.

Credits and Scheduling

All Thesis Seminars are small courses focused on exploring a specific topic in a classroom setting with other Honors Thesis students. Seminars are graded by the course instructor and you do NOT have to submit a thesis proposal on CHC PATHS .

The Honors Thesis is traditionally completed over two semesters in the senior year, divided into two 499 Thesis Seminar courses of 3+ credits each, informally referred to as Honors Thesis Part 1 and Honors Thesis Part 2. In the first semester (Honors Thesis Part 1), you will develop the Honors Thesis proposal. In the second semester (Honors Thesis Part 2), you will complete the Honors Thesis. You will find the Thesis Seminar course descriptions online in the  Honors Course Guide .


You can register for most Thesis Seminars directly on SPIRE . Occasionally, you might need to get the instructor’s permission beforehand. You will find this information noted in the course descriptions online in the Honors Course Guide .

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - School of Business and Economics

Bachelor thesis seminar, seminar description.

The Bachelor thesis seminar takes place every semester in form of weekly or bi-weekly (summer term) sessions of 2 hours each. Participants are required to be accepted for writing their Bachelor thesis at the  Chair of Entrepreneurial and Behavioral Decision Making . (Please note the information on the application process for Bachelor theses).  Participation in all seminar sessions is mandatory.

During the first weeks of the term, there will be an introduction to basic methods of scientific writing (structure, literature research, quoting, etc.). In the following weeks, Bachelor candidates present and discuss part of their Bachelor thesis, which enables additional feedback and discussing additional aspects of their thesis. 

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General Information

The Finance Area will offer seminars for students every semester. There is a centralized allocation procedure for seminar topics in the Area of Finance.  On this website you can find information on the centralized allocation procedure of seminar topics. The actual topics, formal requirements and supervision specifics are subject to the policies of the individual chairs. Please refer to the respective chair websites for more information in these regards.

General Timeline

To enable the common allocation procedure, there is a fixed timline when it is possible to start writing a seminar paper and when to apply for topics. For a general timeline of this process please refer to this document . Note that the timeline cannot be changed due to individual requirements, e.g., due to time spent abroad or internships. As you can see in the document, it is possible to write the seminar and the master's thesis within one semester both in HWS and FSS.


You must have successfully completed at least one FIN 5XX course offered by one of the chairs of the Finance Area in order to participate. We typically can consider exam grades from the first exam date of the semester ending just before the start of the seminar. As most topics require to work empirically, some knowledge of statistics and econometrics is useful and participants should be motivated to undertake empirical work. You should write your seminar paper in English.

How Topics are allocated

The allocation of topics is carried out jointly for the participating chairs. Once the application period starts, you will be required to fill out an online application form indicating your contact details, your grades in FIN XXX courses as well as your preferences regarding the different topis offered. The assignment is competitive and based on the average grade of your FIN XXX courses and your priority list from the application form.

It can happen that some students that apply in a given semester cannot be assigned a topic.  If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available seminar slots, preference will be given to students with (in this order): higher semester counts, special program requirements and better average finance grades.  Note that the probability that you will be assigned a topic will depend on your semester count, your grades as well as the number and characteristics of other applicants. There is generally no guarantee to be able to complete the MMM program within 4 semesters with the exact course combination of your choice.

FIN 604 – Stata in Finance

Most of the topics in Finance require you to work empirically. If you apply for an empirical seminar topic at a chair of the Finance Area and your knowledge about STATA and financial databases is limited, you should also take the course FIN 604 – Stata in Finance that provides you with basic knowledge about programming with STATA and the use of financial databases. Please consult this website for more information. The tutorials typically take place around the start date of the writing phase.

Learning Goals and Outcomes

Students will learn how to independently work on a research paper. Thus, the seminar paper also serves as preparation for a master thesis. Furthermore, students learn how to present research results and how to contribute to scientific discussions. In an examplary seminar, students will present their own paper, discuss another student's paper, and participate actively in the classroom discussions. The detailed set-up of the seminar sessions is subject to the individual chairs' policies.

Process Guide and Schedule

What average grade do i need to surely get assigned one of the topics.

We cannot share information about the necessary grade as we do not know it ourselves in advance. The probability to be assigned a topic will not only depend on the FIN XXX grades but also on the number of applicants, the number of topics and the number of applicants with very high semester counts as well as how popular the topics on your preference list are in general. The assignment of a topic cannot be guaranteed.

I will still be doing an Intership (or going on vacation) for some time during the seminar writing phase. Will I still manage to write a good seminar paper?

We highly recommend to plan sufficient time to work on your seminar paper. Especially for empirical papers, the time constraint is generally very binding. Most students that don't work for the entire alloted time decide to not submit a paper (and thus fail the seminar) or don't manage to obtain very good grades.

Do I need to be present in Mannheim during and after the seminar?

Whether you need to be present physically before the submission deadline depends on chair and advisor specific policies as well as the chosen topic. E.g. some databases may only be physically accessible in Mannheim, and some advisor may only be willing to supervise in person. Not being in Mannheim for very few days right at the start of the seminar in early January typically is not an issue, as you could already start reading literature on your topic and think about the research question conceptually also from a remote location.

Are there mandatory meetings after the submission?

Yes, typically there will be at least one major presentation session after the submission of the papers.

Can I choose to work for 6 or 8 weeks on the paper?

No. The specific deadline will be determined by the chair and/ or the type of the topic.

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Making Your Thesis a Success

For most students, their final research paper is the first major work written during their degree program. It is much more comprehensive and demanding than term or seminar papers they have written during the course of their studies and, therefore, requires more planning.

thesis seminar kosten

Formalities: What regulations apply to the thesis?

Here, you will find information on the regulations governing the writing and submission of your thesis.  Formalities Please take note: These specifications apply for bachelor’s and master’s theses. You can find the regulations applying to the diploma thesis in the §§ of the ADPO (General Academic and Examination Regulations) and the FPSO (Departmental Study and Examination Regulations) of your degree program.

Tips and Tricks

Here, you will find some tips, literature and links we have compiled to help you succeed in writing your thesis. Tips and Tricks

Please note: The recently issued prohibition on the use of special characters in connection with gender-sensitive language in Bavarian schools, universities and authorities relates exclusively to the official tasks of the institutions themselves ; the prohibition does not extend to personal speech, documents, texts, and communication in study and teaching . 

Students are free to decide whether and in what form they want to use gender-sensitive language. The use or non-use of gender-sensitive language has no influence on the assessment of examinations, seminar papers, or theses .

English Writing Center and Schreibberatung German as a Foreign Language

The English Writing Center and the Schreibberatung German as a Foreign Language offer free one-to-one consulting in English or German writing to all members of the TUM community. The Center is staffed by both professional language instructors and student peer tutors, all of whom are native English or German speakers. They help you develop long-term proficiency in English or German writing, while polishing your actual texts in the process.

Having trouble choosing a topic for your bachelor’s or master’s thesis? Our Themenbörse posts current thesis topics from across the spectrum of TUM’s academic departments.

Please observe the  e-mail etiquette .

Personal advising sessions with  General Student Advising  by appointment

Monday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Tuesday, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Student Information only) Wednesday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.


thesis seminar kosten

Will be announced after the first meeting on March 4 where the dates will be fixed.

How it works

Every candidate gives 3 presentations over 2 semesters: 1. presentation (10 min.): Motivation, overview, preliminary ideas, existing solutions, time schedule 2. presentation (25-30 min.): Progress report, current architecture, first results 3. presentation (25-30 min.): Final results

It is mandatory to attend the Master's thesis seminar even if you do not give a presentation. You are expected to participate in the discussions and to provide feedback to the presenters.

Normally, you need 2 minutes per slide. Avoid slides which consist only of text bullets. Rather, present your ideas, algorithms, architectures, and user interfaces with pictures and examples if possible. Don't forget that there is also a whiteboard that you can use.

Don't waste too much time with a formal introduction and come to the point quickly. Concentrate on the concepts of your work and don't talk too much about details unless necessary. Make the presentation understandable to colleagues who are not specialists in your field. Your goal should be that your colleagues get new insights into your work and can take something home from your talk.

Further information

  • List of available topics
  • Richtlinien für Diplomanden (still in German)
  • Guidelines for the Master or Bachelor Thesis
  • Hints for successful projects (also available in German )
  • Automatische Plagiatsprüfung für Masterarbeiten (still in German)
  • Schedule for the submission of Master's theses

Current Master students

Marindo Beka A Vue.js-based image editor for ad-hoc graphics on the web Supervisor: Dr. Weninger

Julian Garn Generation of Java Interfaces for Accessing Foreign Objects Supervisor: Dr. Angerer, Prof. Mössenböck

Gabriel Guldner Adding multi-tenancy and a flexible permission system to the online examination tool Xaminer Supervisor: Dr. Weninger

Valentin Jochinger Visualization of Complex Object Structures in Java Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Alexander Kainzinger Workflow enhancements for the online examination tool Xaminer Supervisor: Dr. Weninger

Abdo Shekh Khlil A comparative analysis of interactive coding Platforms and a Prototype of a new environment based on recording and replaying user interaction Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Dominik Mascherbauer Advanced Debugging of Native Images in GDB Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck , Paul Wögerer, Christian Wirth (Oracle Labs)

Milán Sándor An Android App for Tagging Music Collections Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Felix Schenk Realization of a JavaWiz backend system running on a JavaScript runtime Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Adrian Vinojcic A Tool for Creating Personalized Semester Schedules Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Christian Aistleitner A new Mark-and-Copy GC for GraalVM Native Image Supervisor: Dr. Hofer, Prof. Mössenböck

Mathias Wöß A Profiler for Java Programs Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Markus Hirth Analyzing Collection Staleness and Collection Usage Anti-Patterns that Lead to Memory Problems Supervisor: Dr. Weninger

Kathrin Kern JavaWiz – Visualisierung von Java-Programmausführungen Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Alexander Stummer ECMAScript’s Pipeline operator for Graal.js Supervisor: Dr. Wirth, Dr. Stadler, Prof. Mössenböck

Jevgenijs Protopopovs [email protected] Throughput Barrier Exploration for the Garbage-First Collector Supervisor: DI Schatzl, Prof. Mössenböck

Schedule WS 2022/23

Florian Huemer Full WASM Support for GraalVM Node.js Applications Supervisor: Dr. Wirth, Prof. Mössenböck

Martin Schütz [email protected] Fallstudie zur Korrelation von eingemeldeten SW-Fehlern zu Daten aus statischer Code-Analyse Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer , Prof. Plösch

Nikola Radic [email protected] Ein Prototyp eines Simulationssystems zur Lageroptimierung Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Wolfgang Kisling Qualitative Assessment of Compiler Metrics in a Predictive Machine Learning Task Supervisor: DI Mosaner , Prof. Mösenböck

Ante Dilber 01653625, [email protected] Visualizing Infrastructure Architectures with Time Series and Event Metadata Supervisor: DI Schörgenhumer

Oktay Akgül 1647998, [email protected] Exam Analytics - Visualisierung von Prüfungsergebnissen Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Markus Mülleder Daas: Debugging as a Service Supervisor: DI Weninger , Prof. Mössenböck

Clemens Bartl Domain-Specific Languages in Kotlin and Scala - A comparison Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Christoph Pichler Running Swift-compiled LLVM IR code on Sulong Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Simon Schuster On-the-fly Analysis of Just-in-time Compiled Code to Identify Anti-Patterns Supervisor: DI Kloibhofer , Prof. Mössenböck

Marcel Homolka A comparison of Thread-based and Reactive Server Programming Models and Technologies Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Christoph Schobesberger Ahead-of-time Optimizations in a Java to JavaScript Compiler Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck , Dr. Leopoldseder (Oracle Labs)

Daniel Schneider Memory Profiling Analysis for .NET Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Lukas Androsch Analysing Raw Process Dumps as Managed Java and .NET Dumps Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Philipp Schörkhuber A Persistency Layer for the ECCO Variation Control System based on JPA and JDO Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer , Lukas Linsbauer

Jakob Faschinger devmate: Entwicklung von Testfällen aus Java Code Signaturen Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Johannes Scheibl Work Stealing in the Hotspot VM Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck , DI Thomas Schatzl (Oracle Labs)

Thomas Pointhuber Symbolic Execution on GraalVM Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck , Dr. Leopoldseder

Christoph Gerstberger Reaktive und nicht-blockierende E-Mail Verarbeitung auf Basis von Reactive X. Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

-- nicht abgeschlossen Christian Niederer Pointer Tracing Support for Hotspot's G1 Garbage Collector in AntTracks Supervisor: DI Weninger

Simon Eilmsteiner Allocation Profiling Analysis Supervisor: DI Weninger

Michael Jäger A Truffle-based Compiler for IEC Languages Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Mario Kahlhofer Event Prediction in Multi-System Monitoring through Deep Learning Supervisor: DI Andreas Schörgenhumer

Daniel Pekarek A Truffle-based Interpreter for x86 Binary Code Supervisor: DI Rigger

Kevin Feichtinger Integration of Feature Modeling and Static Code Analysis in the FORCE Tool Environment Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Raphael Mosaner On-Stack Replacement for Sulong Supervisor: DI Rigger

Gabriel Schörghuber Implementation of a Register Allocation Verifier for the Graal Compiler Supervisor: DI Eisl

Josef Haider An ECMAScript 2015-Compliant Automata-based Regular Expression Engine for Graal.js Supervisor: DI Rigger, M.Phil.

Simon Woisetschläger Playground Environment for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems Supervisor: Prof. Blaschek

Lukas Ehrenfellner A Framework for Teaching Programming with Gamification Supervisor: Prof. Blaschek

Vaishali Dhanoa Fork/Join Work-Stealing for Truffle without Sequential Overhead Supervisor: Dr. Marr , Dr. Bonetta

Jacob Kreindl Low-Overhead Debugging Support for an LLVM IR Interpreter Supervisor: Dr. Grimmer

Dominik Steinbinder , 1256335, d.steinbinder at Analysis and Visualization of Linux Core Dumps Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Michael Obermüller , 1255388, michael.obermueller at A Monitoring Agent for Go Supervisor: DI Lengauer

Thomas Böhm , 1257620, thomas.boehm_1 at Analysis and Model Abstraction of C Programs based on the Frama-C Tool Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Peter Feichtinger , 1056451 , peter.feichtinger at A Dependency Browser for Program Comprehension and Change Impact Analysis of PLC Programs Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Stefan Wurzinger , 1156176, stefan.wurzinger at Assigning Precise Allocation Events to a Sampled Call Context Tree Supervisor: Dr. Lengauer

Christina Rammerstorfer , 0855827, christina.r at Heap and Lifetime Visualization in a Memory Monitoring System Supervisor: Dr. Lengauer

Dominik Aumayr , 1255005, daumayr162 at Efficient Tracing of Actor Programs with Minimal Program Interference Supervisor: Dr. Marr

Daniel Hinterreiter , 1256143 , daniel.hinterreiter at Distributed and Feature-oriented Version Control within FORCE Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Markus Weninger , 1255632, markus.weninger at User-defined Visualizations for AntTracks Supervisor: Dr. Lengauer

Stefan Fitzek , 0556025, stefan.fitzek at Lightweight Allocation Sensor Supervisor: DI Lengauer

Florian Schröckeneder , 0956212, f.schroeckeneder at Implementation of a Graph Coloring Register Allocator for the Graal Compiler Supervisor: DI Eisl

Andreas Schörgenhumer , 1255275, andreas.schoergenhumer at Portable Tracing of Lock Contention in Java Applications Supervisor: DI Hofer

Markus Wagner , 1325321, wagnermarkus at Techniques for Measuring the Loading Speed of Web Pages Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Martin Lettner , 1057378, martin.lettner at jSpyder - ein Profiling API für Java Supervisor: DI Lengauer

Rainer Gutkas , 9355759, rainer.gutkas at Entwurf und Entwicklung einer interaktiven Programmiersprache Supervisor: Prof. Blaschek

Onur Kirkizoglu , 1255237, onurkirkizoglu at Migration einer Brand- und Explosionsschutzsoftware Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Christian Huber , huber at Realisierung eines Systems für die statische Analyse von SPS-Programmen der CoDeSys-Sprachfamilie Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

Heinz Huber , 9156526, jokster at Continous Integration of Architectural Analysis Supervisor: Prof. Prähofer

David Gnedt , 1055171, david.gnedt at Runtime Analysis of High-Level Java Synchronization Mechanisms on the Virtual Machine Level Supervisor: DI Hofer

Christian Humer , christian.humer at A DSL for Specializing AST Interpreters Supervisor: Dr. Stadler

Stefan Anzinger , 0956485, stefan.anzinger at SPARC Backend for Graal Supervisor: Dr. Stadler

Armin Weidinger , 0956173, armin.weidinger at Einbettung des Capture/Replay-Verfahrens in das Keba-Laufzeitsystem Supervisor: Dr. Prähofer

Helmut Rohregger , 0056851, helmut.rohregger at Smalltalk Interpreter in Java Supervisor: Dr. Stadler

Stefan Rumzucker , 0955324, stefan.rumzucker at Graal Inspect Supervisor: Dr. Stadler, DI Grimmer

Anamaria-Iulia Pascu , 1357394, iuli.pascu at Interactive Feedback for Programming Courses Supervisor: Prof. Blaschek , DI Lengauer

Elozino Ofualagba , 1357166, elozino.ofualagba at Interactive System for Live Voting Supervisor: Prof. Blaschek

David Leopoldseder , 1155182 , david.leo at A JavaScript Backend for Graal Supervisor: Dr. Stadler, DI Grimmer

Wolfgang Küllinger , 0955711, wolfgang.kuellinger at Online-Sammlung von Algorithmen Supervisor: Prof. Blaschek

Andreas Grimmer , andreas.grimmer at Analysis of PLC Programs Using the Program Analysis Framework SOOT Supervisor: Dr. Prähofer

Ingomar Wesp , [email protected] Dynamic Visualization of Compiler Graphs Betreuer: DI Grimmer

Johannes Pichler , 0725236, pichler.johannes at Refinements and Extensions for Ant Tracks to Support Multiple Garbage Collectors Supervisor: DI Lengauer

Thomas Feichtinger , t.feichtinger at TruffleClojure: An AST interpreter for Clojure Supervisor: Dr. Würthinger, DI Grimmer

Martin Ennemoser , 0855518, martin.ennemoser at Instrumentation of Ruby Web Applications Supervisor: Prof. Mössenböck

Verena Bitto , 0920146, verena.bitto at Post-Mortem Memory Profiling for Java Applications Advisor: DI Lengauer

Robert Ebetsberger , 0655706, robert.ebetsberger at String Optimizations for Graal Advisor: Dr. Stadler

Franz Schickermüller , 0757298, Franz.Schickermueller at Rapid Experimentation for High-Performance Computing Betreuer: Prof. Blaschek

Daniel Sturm , d.sturm42 at ARMv8 Backend for Graal Betreuer: DI Lukas Stadler

Manuel Rigger , 0956329, manuel.rigger at Truffle/C Interpreter Betreuer: DI Lukas Stadler

Hannes Bachmayr , 0356399, Bachmayr at Komponentenbasierte Spieleentwicklung Betreuer: Dr. Markus Löberbauer

Florian Kölbleiter , 0056442, florian_koelbleitner at CGI-Designer DSL -- Eine domänenspezifische Sprache für reaktive MMI-Verhaltensmodellierung Betreuer: Dr. Herbert Prähofer

Matthias Grimmer , 0955122, grimmer_m at Truffle/C Runtime Environment Betreuer: DI Lukas Stadler

Bernd Landgraf , 0556534, k0556534 at Webbasierte Applikation zur Unterstützung der Abwicklung von Patentanmeldungen Betreuer: Dr. Herbert Prähofer

Bernhard Schenkermayr , 0555615, berni-s at Ein komponentenbasierter Taschenrechner auf Basis von Plux Betreuer: Dr. Wolfinger

Bernhard Prügl , 0156212, Bernhard.Pruegl at Instrumentation of Dynamically Generated .NET Code for Performance Analysis Betreuer: Dr. Wolfinger

Andreas Wöß , 0555951, a.woess at JavaScript AST Interpreter in Java Betreuer: Dr. Thomas Würthinger

Nikolai Spasov Portierung der Plugin-Plattform Plux nach Java Betreuer: Dr. Wolfinger

Philipp Hörtler 0057607, hoertler_p at Editor für die einfache Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Vektorgrafiken Betreuer: Prof. Blaschek

Peter Hofer , 0855349, nor at Real-Time Automatic Detection of Stuck Transactions Betreuer: Prof. Mössenböck

Michael Herceg , 0555152, herceg.michael at Ein mobiles System zur Trainings-Verwaltung für Fußballspiele Betreuer: Prof. Blaschek

Andreas Bespaletz , 0056599, andi.bespaletz at Automatic Parameter Mining Betreuer: Dr. Thomas Würthinger

Reinhard Umgeher , 0555818, uni at Java X86 Structured Disassembler Betreuer: DI Thomas Würthinger

Dominik Lichtenauer , 0455935, lichtenauer at Practical Aspects of Massive-Scale Software Diversity Betreuer: Prof. Mössenböck, Prof. Franz

Robert Aichinger , 9555890, r.aichinger at Entwicklung eines Cross-Compilers für eine einfache und sichere Sprache Supervisor: Prof. Blaschek

Florian Schrögendorfer , 0656258, Florian.Schroegendorfer at Toolbox for Model Identification and Controller Design Betreuer: Dr. Prähofer

Andreas Rösch , 0056950, andreas.roesch at Ein Plug-in-System für Webanwendungen Betreuer: DI Markus Löberbauer

Matthias Rosensteiner , 0055321, m_rosensteiner at Just-in-Time Compilation of Mathematical Expressions Betreuer: DI Markus Löberbauer

Max Parzer , 0255850, max2.parzer at System zur papierlosen Übungsabwicklung Betreuer: DI Markus Löberbauer

Andreas Greilinger , 0556845, andreas.greilinger at Grammar-based Editor With Syntax Highlighting and Code Completion Betreuer: DI Markus Löberbauer

Thomas Hribernig , 0755842, hribernig at Retrofitting Security in Component-based Applications Betreuer: Dr. Reinhard Wolfinger

Jürgen Hartl , 9756179, juergen.hartl at Compiling Scheme Programs to the Multilanguage Virtual Machine Betreuer: DI Thomas Würthinger

Florian Angerer , 0657360, florianangerer at Statische Analyse von SPS-Programmen nach IEC 61131 Betreuer: Dr. Prähofer

Philipp Lengauer , 0656104, lengauer at Trace-based Debugger for Dynamically Composed Applications Betreuer: DI Markus Löberbauer

Thomas Reinthaler , 0755663, t.reinthaler at Deployment Assistant for Plux Betreuer: DI Markus Löberbauer

Michael Pecherstorfer , 0456439, michael.pecherstorfer at Automatisiertes Ausfüllen von Prüfungsrastern Betreuer: Prof. Mössenböck

Bernhard Pflug , 0856955, [email protected] User interface design of an agriculture-related application Betreuer: Prof. Blaschek

Rainer Pichler , 0555853, rainer.pichler at Konfigurationsmanagement für ein Gastronomie-Bezahlsystem Betreuer: Dr. Reinhard Wolfinger

Andreas Müller , 0555284, a_m at Automatic Dependency Reduction between Java Classes and Packages Betreuer: DI Thomas Würthinger

Kerstin Breiteneder , 0755946, kerstin.breiteneder at Dynamic Mixins for Java Betreuer: DI Thomas Würthinger

Richard Berger , 0555165, berger at Time-Travelling Debugger - Fehleranalyse bei SPS-Programmen nach IEC-61131-3 Betreuer: Dr. Prähofer

Richard Uttenthaler , 0256748, uttenthaler at Ein LR-Parser-Generator für EBNF-basierte Grammatiken Betreuer: DI Markus Löberbauer

Stefan Hauser , 0055964, mail at Automatisches Testen von Attributierten EBNF Grammatiken Betreuer: DI Markus Löberbauer

Christian Hochhold , 0056518, grue at Vergleich von JavaServer Faces mit ASP.NET Betreuer: Dr. Christian Wimmer

Florian Jäger , 0155823, 8273 at Analysis of Compilation Log Files Betreuer: Prof. Mössenböck, DI Thomas Würthinger

Klaus Kendlbacher , 0355520, klaus.kendlbacher at Ein Framework für dynamische Benutzeroberflächen in Plugin-basierten Systemen Betreuer: Dr. Reinhard Wolfinger

Manfred Waldl , 0256288, manfredwaldl at Active Text Elements in Eclipse Betreuer: DI Christian Wimmer

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Technical University of Munich

  • Institute for Communications Engineering
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Bachelor/Master Thesis Seminar

Tuesday, june 4, 2024.

These presentations will take place in Hybrid Mode

Monday, June 17, 2024

Directives for the speakers:.

  • Master's Thesis final presentation: max. 30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion (max. 20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion for COD)
  • Master's Thesis progress presentation : max. 10 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion
  • Bachelor's Thesis final presentation: max. 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion
  • Research Internship final presentation: max. 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion
  • Ingenieurpraxis final presentation: max. 5 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion

All students who give a presentation should appear 10 minutes before the beginning of the seminar.

For questions please contact

Lorenzo Zaniboni

[email protected]

  • For Students
  • Information Guide for Students

The purpose of the thesis is to develop your skills in critical thinking, application of knowledge, creativity, independent problem solving, and developing your own expertise, work, and professional field. With your thesis, you will demonstrate that you can operate in expert roles within your future profession.


Instructions, thesis templates, and master’s level evaluation criteria were updated on August 1, 2023, so it is advisable to read them carefully. The instructions, for example, provide more information about the reform related to the phasing of credits, meaning from August 1, 2023, onwards you will receive a ‘passed’ performance mark in three different stages in Pakki, which will change according to the final grade when the thesis is completed.

Instructions, links, and forms for completing the thesis

Writing guidelines and citation technique

The citation technique is now APA 7. In some technical fields, the number citation technique will be used. There’s a transition period for the adoption of the new writing guidelines; if you’ve already started your thesis, you can use the previous citation technique.

The updated writing guidelines, which are followed throughout the studies


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Thesis/Dissertation Seminars: Planning your Journey

Thursday, 06 Jun 2024 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

One Summer Session for 2024!

The Graduate College and the Center for Communication Excellence invite you to a seminar to  navigate the Graduate College requirements and deadlines, submission and review procedures, and writing support programs.  Attend a seminar to get an overview of the different aspects of the thesis/dissertation journey so that you can be better prepared. 

Watch the informational videos  in this playlist,  Thesis/Dissertation Seminar Series ,  BEFORE  attending the seminar.

  • Graduate College Requirements (1 video)
  • Submission and Review Process (2 videos)
  • Writing Support (1 video)

During the informational seminar sessions, Graduate College staff members will answer questions about deadlines, formatting guidelines, and provide other helpful hints for working on your thesis/dissertation. Register for one or more informational seminar sessions today! 

Click here to register  for the following session(s).

  • Thesis/Dissertation Informational Session I | June 6,  1pm - 2pm | ( *Virtual session,  WebEx)

*Links for connecting to virtual sessions via WebEx will be sent prior to the day of the session.

If you register late and need access to the session, please contact  [email protected]  to get connected. 

Bachelor's thesis

Objectives of a bachelor’s thesis and the supervisor’s responsibilities at the different stages of the thesis process.

With a bachelor’s thesis, students demonstrate their ability to apply their acquired knowledge and skills, engage in scientific or artistic thinking and activities and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, in their mother tongue. Students typically attend a bachelor's thesis seminar while working on their bachelor’s thesis.

Students write their bachelor’s thesis under the supervision of a member of teaching and research staff who holds at least a master’s degree and is familiar with the topic and field of the thesis and the relevant assessment criteria. The supervisor is expected to offer advice on the academic content of the work and the research process and support the student throughout the project.   

The stages of a bachelor’s thesis process are outlined below: 

The supervisor and student must discuss the student's goals and expectations for the thesis and the relevant assessment criteria. The role of a supervisor is to guide and support the student in the process of engaging in scientific inquiry and the development of scientific thinking. Students are entitled to a reasonable level of supervision. Supervisors and students should be familiar with their respective roles and responsibilities in the thesis process.

Academic guidance and counselling

The supervisor is a person who is a member of the University’s teaching and research staff, holds at least a master’s degree and is familiar with the field and topic of the thesis as well as the assessment criteria of theses. The supervisor’s task is to support the preparation of your thesis in terms of content and research process at the different stages of working on the thesis. In the seminar, you are assigned a thesis supervisor based on your topic.

Discuss with your supervisor the goals and assessment criteria of the thesis as well as your goals relative to the assessment criteria. As the supervisory process starts, you draw up a supervisory plan detailing the aims, schedule and language of the thesis. A common understanding of the scientific requirements of the thesis and of good scientific practice is also formed. The timing of supervision and the stages of the thesis process are also agreed upon.

Your own work and mastering the scientific thinking and practices supported by the supervision is at the core of the supervision process of a Bachelor’s thesis. You are entitled to a reasonable amount of supervision. A sensible number of supervisors is determined in accordance with the faculty’s guidelines and the work plans of the teaching staff.

Other help and support during the writing of a thesis

You are not alone with your thesis. Support is available, for example, on information searching and data management as well as writing and making progress . Support is offered by the University’s joint counselling services, Language Centre and Library and Data Service.

Thesis as work done in pairs or groups

Make an agreement with your supervisor if you want to do the thesis work in a pair or a group. If the thesis is undertaken in a pair or a group, each student must be able to demonstrate his/her own share of the work because the thesis is fundamentally about practising independent scientific work. The thesis is assessed for each student individually.

Language of the thesis

The language of the Bachelor’s thesis is either Finnish, the language defined in the curriculum or the main language used in the studies. The responsible supervisor decides on the use of other languages. 

A student studying in an English-language degree programme may write his/her thesis in Finnish. However, if the student wants his/her academic record to show that he/she has earned the degree in English, an English-language thesis may be required. 

Students must demonstrate language and communication skills in their field in connection to their thesis. The demonstration of language skills in relation to the thesis is described in more detail in the section on the maturity test.

Thesis seminar

The thesis seminar focuses on the scientific requirements and good scientific practices of the thesis, academic writing and language and communication skills, information seeking, and scientific debate through peer learning. The seminar, together with other supervision, supports the student’s independent work on the thesis. The aim should be to complete the thesis during the seminar. 

Adherence to good scientific practice

Learning outcomes related to good scientific practice are included in all theses and the seminars cover the topic. Review the guidelines for sound scientific practice and, if necessary, seek guidance from your supervisor. As part of supervising the writing process, the supervisor should ensure that you are familiar with good scientific practice and able to act accordingly.

Also remember the accessibility of the thesis.

The originality check of a thesis

During the writing process, you may use the originality check tool that is found on your supervisor’s Turnitin section on Moodle. It will give you a comparative report on your text that helps you to evaluate the appropriateness of your citation practices. You can always ask your thesis supervisor for advice on interpreting the comparison report.

The student and the thesis supervisor agree about the point when the thesis is ready for the official originality check and the subsequent assessment proper. You enter the text of your completed thesis in the originality checking software and the supervisor reviews the originality report. After the supervisor has checked the originality report, you may submit the thesis for the actual assessment process.

From 1 August 2019, the electronic originality check is done to all theses and dissertations at Tampere University.

Commissioned theses

The thesis can be done as a commissioned study for a principal that can be a company or another party. The thesis is a piece of scientific work that is evaluated according to academic criteria. Thus, the principal must also be aware of the academic nature of the work and the publicity of the completed thesis. The student, the supervisor and the principal agree on the topic, schedule and objectives of the thesis. The responsible supervisor at the University is in charge of the scientific supervision of the thesis. The principal may appoint a contact person to deal with matters related to the thesis. The principal may also participate in the supervision of the thesis. The student agrees in writing with the principal on any fee paid to the student. 

As a basis for such discussions, a guideline has been drawn up that applies to Master’s theses but which can also be applied to Bachelor’s theses.

Copyright of the thesis

Copyright issues are also related to the publicity of the thesis. The student is responsible for the contents of the thesis and ascertaining his/her rights to it. The author of a published thesis must have full copyright to the thesis, including any pictorial, table or other material included in it, or have the right to publish such material online. 

Further information on copyright is available on the Library’s Open Access guide and on the following website:  

  • ImagOA : Open science and use of images: a guide on the Aalto University website  

Publicity and confidentiality of the thesis

Under law, a thesis is a public document (1999/621). A thesis becomes public as soon as it has been approved. Confidential information cannot be included in a thesis. Publishing the thesis or its parts elsewhere – for example as articles – does not change the publicity requirement.  

If confidential information is processed in relation to the thesis, its use should be prearranged with the supervisor and the possible principal. The actual thesis should be written in a manner that allows the publication of all parts. The possible confidential information should be incorporated in the appendices or background data that are not published. Such separate data is not archived at the University.

Submitting the thesis for assessment

Make an agreement with your supervisor on submitting the thesis for assessment. By submitting your Bachelor’s thesis for assessment, you also confirm that the originality check has also been completed. You also decide what kind of a publication permission you give for your thesis.

Submit the thesis for evaluation via the Library’s publishing archive Trepo . Use your tuni basic user account to login via Haka login. After the Library’s inspection (within 3 working days), the publication archive sends a message to both the student and the faculty saying that the thesis has been submitted. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the supervisor that he/she has submitted the thesis for evaluation. The supervisor gets the thesis from the publication archive. Please note that you must be registered as present in order to submit a thesis on Trepo.

If there is any suspicion of fraud in a thesis that has been submitted for examination, the matter is dealt with in line with the University’s protocol on suspected fraud. 

Maturity test

Visit the maturity test section for further information.

Assessment and grading of the thesis

The examiner of the thesis has 21 days to assess your thesis after you have submitted it for assessment (i.e. when you have sent the link from the Library to the examiner) or 28 days if you are taking the maturity test in connection with the examination of your thesis.  The results on theses submitted for examination during the period from 1 June to 31 August may take longer to be published. For justified reasons, the Dean may make an exception to the deadline. Students are informed about such exceptions in advance.   

The Faculty Council decides on the assessment criteria of theses. Bachelor’s theses are assessed with the grading scale of 0 – 5. In addition, the examiner issues a written statement. The grades are 1 (sufficient), 2 (satisfactory), 3 (good), 4 (very good) and 5 (excellent). 

A student cannot submit a new thesis to replace an already approved one.    

Rectification requests

See more information on the Appeals against grades page.

Electronic archiving and publishing of the thesis

All Bachelor’s theses are electronically archived and stored for ten years. Tampere University’s Library is in charge of archiving theses and dissertations on the university’s publication database. 

All theses and dissertations are public and stored on the university’s publication database Trepo. According to the University’s strategic alignment on open science, all theses and dissertations are openly published unless the publisher’s conditions prevent it. All theses may be read with the computers in the Library and online if the student has granted permission to publish on the internet.

After approval, all theses are stored in the comparison database of the originality checking software. 

Open How do I write an abstract about my thesis?

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Events Calendar

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  • Department of Physics and Astronomy

Physics & Astronomy Thesis Defense Seminar - Kenton Greene

Jun 5, 2024

Van Allen Hall, 301

30 North Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52242

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M.Sc. Thesis Seminar

Prior to writing their Master's thesis, the student is required to give a formal Thesis Seminar, during which they will explain the direction of their research and present their findings. After the successful completion of their seminar, the student is given permission to commence thesis writing, and is no longer required to organize Advisory Committee meetings.

The Master's Thesis Seminar must be attended by the student's supervisor (and co-supervisor, if applicable), all members of the Advisory Committee, and the Program Mentor who will chair the seminar. The seminar can be attended by other interested individuals as well. While social distancing remains in effect, your seminar should take place via zoom . Should you and your committee wish to make in-person arrangements, please contact room booking services in the building for which you plan to hold your event.

  • At least three weeks prior to the desired schedule for the seminar and only after your thesis proposal has been approved by your advisory committee , the student is responsible for arranging the date, time and venue of their Thesis Seminar, ensuring that their Advisory Committee members, Supervisor and mentor can attend. This should be done using a doodle poll .
  • When the poll is decided, the student must send an electronic calendar invitation on the McGill e-mail exchange system to their supervisor, exam committee members, mentor, and ipn [at] . The student will then attach the thesis seminar-related documents to this calendar invite and provide the committee with a zoom link. Please make sure to turn off the "Teams Meeting" link that gets automatically set up on the Outlook invite.

The seminar will take about 45 minutes, and will be followed by a question and answer period. At the end, the Advisory Committee members and Program Mentor will meet in closed session to review the student's file and the student's performance during the seminar, and will determine whether sufficient and satisfactory data is available to commence writing a successful thesis. The decision of the committee will be made by consensus on a pass/fail basis.

Template to be used:

Dear Members of my M.Sc. Seminar Committee:

This is a reminder that my M.Sc. Thesis Seminar will take place on:

Full date and time

The meeting will take place on zoom: insert zoom link

You will find detailed information on the M.Sc. seminar presentation on the following site: .

The following documents are attached:

  • Student Transcript - showing that I am in progress to, or have passed three courses and Neur 705
  • M.Sc. Seminar Poster


In the case of failure, one repeat will be permitted. 

The M.Sc. thesis seminar must be completed at least three (3) months before the end of your third year . Seminars cannot be scheduled during the summer season (July & August).

Important Notes

Neurology and Neurosurgery: Student's presentation of a thesis research seminar. In this seminar, the student shall explain the direction of his/her research and present his/her findings to date. The presentation shall take approximately 30 to 45 minutes and shall be followed by a question period. This seminar will be attended by the Graduate Studies Committee, the student's Advisory Committee, and interested observers.

Offered by: Neurology and Neurosurgery

  • This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
  • There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year

Should be in progress to, or have passed three courses and Neur 705:

Approved proposal from the student's Advisory Committee that he/she is ready for the seminar

Department and University Information

Integrated program in neuroscience (ipn).

  • The Montreal Neurological Institute
  • The Douglas Mental Health University Institute
  • Alan Edwards Center for Research on Pain
  • Center for Research in Neuroscience
  • Center for Research on Brain, Language and Music
  • McGill Vision Research
  • McGill Department of Biology
  • McGill Department of Pharmacology
  • McGill Department of Psychology
  • McGill Department of Physiology
  • The Brain@McGIll


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  1. Thesis-Seminar für die Abschlussarbeit

    In 30 Tagen zur Thesis - in 24 Stunden zur Hausarbeit. Damit du deine wissenschaftliche Arbeit motiviert und so effizient wie möglich abschließen kannst, bieten wir dir einen Workshop an. Du lernst, wie du schneller und einfacher dein Ziel erreichst und deinen Prof. überzeugst, dir die Bestnote zu geben.Such dir jetzt einen Termin für dein Online-Thesis-Seminar aus und sichere dir einen ...

  2. Erfahrung mir Thesis-Seminar von Hochschulinitiative

    Antworten. rey90 📅 31.01.2019 13:47:36. Erfahrung mir Thesis-Seminar von Hochschulinitiative. Hallo Leute. Da ich mit meiner Thesis ziemlich unter Zeitdruck bin, habe ich dieses Seminar gefunden und würde gern wissen, ob das Sinn macht. Anscheinend können die einen Techniken zeigen, womit man deutlich schneller schreibt.

  3. Thesis Seminar : Commonwealth Honors College : UMass Amherst

    The Honors Thesis is traditionally completed over two semesters in the senior year, divided into two 499 Thesis Seminar courses of 3+ credits each, informally referred to as Honors Thesis Part 1 and Honors Thesis Part 2. In the first semester (Honors Thesis Part 1), you will develop the Honors Thesis proposal.

  4. Bachelor Thesis Seminar

    Seminar Description. The Bachelor thesis seminar takes place every semester in form of weekly or bi-weekly (summer term) sessions of 2 hours each. Participants are required to be accepted for writing their Bachelor thesis at the Chair of Entrepreneurial and Behavioral Decision Making. (Please note the information on the application process for ...

  5. Thesis

    Thesis. JOIN.bsc Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar is a 10-credit study module that is completed during one study term (fall, spring, or summer) in the third year of studies. The work is divided across two periods to allow time for planning, conducting research, reading literature, writing & revising multiple drafts, and giving a thesis presentation.

  6. Partner für Studenten & Absolventen

    Bewerbungsseminar für Studenten & Absolventen. NEU: Wir bieten unsere kostenlose Seminare für Studenten jetzt auch digital an - du kannst also bequem vom aus Sofa teilnehmen. Was bringen unsere kostenlosen Online-Seminare? Ganz einfach: den Teilnehmer wird in unseren Online-Seminaren Wissen vermittelt, das in keiner Vorlesung behandelt wird.

  7. Seminar Thesis

    Most of the topics in Finance require you to work empirically. If you apply for an empirical seminar topic at a chair of the Finance Area and your knowledge about STATA and financial databases is limited, you should also take the course FIN 604 - Stata in Finance that provides you with basic knowledge about programming with STATA and the use of financial databases.

  8. Master thesis

    The thesis is usually the last thing you do in the programme. The course runs in the spring semester, but it is also possible to write in the autumn semester. A seminar is usually held in November to provide information about the Master's thesis course. This allows you to start thinking about the topic, supervisors and so on.

  9. What is a thesis

    A thesis is an in-depth research study that identifies a particular topic of inquiry and presents a clear argument or perspective about that topic using evidence and logic. Writing a thesis showcases your ability of critical thinking, gathering evidence, and making a compelling argument. Integral to these competencies is thorough research ...

  10. Theses

    Here, you will find information on the regulations governing the writing and submission of your thesis. Formalities. Please take note: These specifications apply for bachelor's and master's theses. You can find the regulations applying to the diploma thesis in the §§ of the ADPO (General Academic and Examination Regulations) and the FPSO ...

  11. Master's thesis

    In the thesis seminar, students especially gain peer supervision and peer learning skills as well as those on academic writing, information seeking and scientific debate. The seminar guides and supports working on an independent thesis and the parts it consists of, such as defining the research problem, outlining the topic, and structuring and ...

  12. Master's Thesis Seminar

    It is mandatory to attend the Master's thesis seminar even if you do not give a presentation. You are expected to participate in the discussions and to provide feedback to the presenters. Normally, you need 2 minutes per slide. Avoid slides which consist only of text bullets. Rather, present your ideas, algorithms, architectures, and user ...

  13. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Placement of the thesis statement. Step 1: Start with a question. Step 2: Write your initial answer. Step 3: Develop your answer. Step 4: Refine your thesis statement. Types of thesis statements. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

  14. Bachelor/Master Thesis Seminar

    Bachelor's Thesis final presentation: max. 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion. Research Internship final presentation: max. 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion. Ingenieurpraxis final presentation: max. 5 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion. All students who give a presentation should appear 10 minutes before the ...

  15. Bachelor's thesis seminar

    The Language Centre organises the teaching of academic writing and speech communication as part of the Bachelor's thesis seminars of the Schools and departments. The Language Centre share of the seminar consists of lectures and group work or personal feedback sessions. The teaching is given in a form adapted to the majors of the different ...

  16. Thesis

    Instructions, thesis templates, and master's level evaluation criteria were updated on August 1, 2023, so it is advisable to read them carefully. The instructions, for example, provide more information about the reform related to the phasing of credits, meaning from August 1, 2023, onwards you will receive a 'passed' performance mark in ...

  17. Guidelines for Writing a Thesis or Seminar Paper

    The scope of your work should not exceed 12 pages of main text for a seminar paper (see paragraph 3), 25 pages of main text for a bachelor's thesis, and 40 pages of main text for a master's thesis. Common thread: It is important to have a common thread, i.e., a central theme and line of thought throughout your entire work.

  18. What Is a Thesis?

    Revised on April 16, 2024. A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master's program or a capstone to a bachelor's degree. Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation, it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete.

  19. PDF The Fundamental Steps to Writing Thesis/Seminar Papers: A Review of

    The acronym IRB stands for: *Institutional Review Board which is an offshoot of the Federal Government Agency that upholds the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects. For any research endeavor on the campus of BSU to move forward, it must seek IRB approval. The Steps to submitting a proposal must: (a)

  20. Thesis/Dissertation Seminars: Planning your Journey

    One Summer Session for 2024! The Graduate College and the Center for Communication Excellence invite you to a seminar to navigate the Graduate College requirements and deadlines, submission and review procedures, and writing support programs. Attend a seminar to get an overview of the different aspects of the thesis/dissertation journey so that you can be better prepared.

  21. Bachelor's thesis

    Responsibilities of supervisors/examiners during a BSc thesis process. 1. consider potential topics in advance (for example, in the spring of their second year with the teacher tutor) 2. enroll on a bachelor's thesis seminar where the student is assigned a supervisor . The thesis seminars are held according to the curriculum of the degree ...

  22. Physics & Astronomy Thesis Defense Seminar

    Physics & Astronomy Thesis Defense Seminar - Kenton Greene Jun 5, 2024 . 12:00 PM Van Allen Hall, 301. 30 North Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52242. Save to My Events. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are ...

  23. M.Sc. Thesis Seminar

    The Master's Thesis Seminar must be attended by the student's supervisor (and co-supervisor, if applicable), all members of the Advisory Committee, and the Program Mentor who will chair the seminar. The seminar can be attended by other interested individuals as well. While social distancing remains in effect, your seminar should take place via ...

  24. (PDF) Seminar for Master's Thesis Projects: Promoting ...

    Abstract. This study presents a thesis seminar model aimed at pr omoting students' self-regulation. Students' perceptions. regarding the contribution of the sem inar to their learning process ...