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Essays on Fever

Edith Wharton is an American creator who wrote ‘Roman Fever’, a short story that was featured in magazine Liberty earlier than being considered for a final short story series of Wharton’s The World Over. The story is concentrated on a pair of middle-aged American women and their daughters who are...

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Dengue Fever Essay: How to Write It Guide [2024 Update]

Dengue fever is a quite dangerous febrile disease that can even cause death. Nowadays, this disease can be found in the tropics and Africa. Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, and India are also vulnerable to this disease.

To write an essay on dengue fever, you need to do the following:

  • Research the disease to understand what you’re dealing with.
  • Find a relevant and appropriate issue to cover.
  • Determine the required essay type and change the topic accordingly.
  • Outline, write, and proofread your paper.
  • Double-check the facts and edit if necessary.
  • Make sure your dengue fever essay cannot hurt anyone.

What could the primary purpose of such a paper be? Usually, the goal of writing an essay on dengue fever is to tell about the ways to prevent this disease. Or you can introduce some new methods of treatment. To learn more, read the rest of the article prepared by our expert writers .

🦟 Dengue Fever: Facts You Should

💡 essay on dengue fever: quick hints, 🗃 choosing an essay type, 🤯 brainstorming, 🔎 researching, 🏗️ developing a thesis, 📜 outlining your essay, ✒ writing your essay, 📝 reviewing and editing your essay, 🔗 references.

As you probably know, dengue fever is a potentially lethal disease that can be found in subtropical and tropical regions around the world. It affects 50 million people a year and can cause permanent harm to an infected person.

For more information, see the following facts:

  • Dengue fever is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which also spreads such diseases as Chikungunya and yellow fever.
  • The Aedes mosquito is most active today, especially around dawn and dusk. However, you should remember that this insect can bite any time of day or night.
  • The first registered epidemic of dengue fever happened in 1779-1780 across Asia, Africa, and North America.
  • A global pandemic of dengue fever began in Southeast Asia after World War II.
  • Most dengue cases occur in urban areas.
  • Infected mosquitoes pass on the virus for the rest of their lives.
  • Only female mosquitoes are carriers of dengue fever.
  • There are four different strains of the virus that causes dengue fever.
  • There is no specific treatment for dengue fever.
  • Patients who have dengue fever should never take aspirin because it can intensify the bleeding. Instead, they should take paracetamol to relieve pain.
  • Between 2015 and 2016, the first dengue vaccine was licensed in several countries.
  • In most cases, dengue fever symptoms include muscle pain, skin rash, fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands, and blood vessels’ disintegration, leading to heavy bleeding.

Information for dengue fever essays.

Keep these facts in mind as you compose your essay on dengue fever. You may incorporate them in your writing or at least avoid mistakes.

After the facts and tips above, you may still be wondering about dengue essay writing. The issue is broad and multifaceted, having affected numerous people. Besides, you may be unfamiliar with the regions where it can be found.

Here are some hints on writing a dengue essay:

  • Essays on dengue fever may describe the symptoms of the disease first of all. It is an infectious disease, and many people confuse it with malaria . Thus, you should present the symptoms in your writing. They are a severe headache, pain in the muscles and joints, and a rash that can be described as small red spots. Some patients experience gastritis, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  • You can note that the diagnosis of the disease is made clinically in most cases. Thus, if a person has the above-described symptoms, he/she must go to the hospital immediately.
  • Tell about the methods of treatment in your dengue fever essay. The procedure is mostly based on supportive therapy. In cases when a patient is suspected of having melena, which is a sign of inner gastrointestinal bleeding , platelet transfusion may be necessary.
  • Your dengue essay can define the methods of disease prevention. Nowadays, the most reliable way is to control the mosquitoes that transmit the disease. Scientists are also trying to invent a vaccine against dengue fever, but now the research is only in the experimental stage.

So, these are the central arguments that a student can introduce in essays on dengue. You use them all or develop your approach. Just cover the essentials and remain unbiased like in an example below:

✍️ How to Write a Dengue Fever Essay

Learning to write good essays takes time and experience. If you need to nail your writing, you should go through several steps.

For an excellent dengue essay writing process, you should:

  • Decide what kind of essay you will write.
  • Brainstorm your essay topic.
  • Do thorough research.
  • Develop a strong thesis.
  • Outline your essay.
  • Write your essay.
  • Proofread and edit.

Let’s break each of these steps down.

Your first step in writing a dengue fever essay is to decide what kind of essay to write. There are five major types of essays:

  • Narrative essays : Tell a story or impart information in an orderly manner.
  • Descriptive essays : Focus on describing the details of what is going on.
  • Persuasive essays: Convince your reader of some point of view.
  • Comparative essays: Compare two or more things.
  • Expository essays: Explain to your reader how to do some process.

Once you have decided what kind of essay you are going to write, you can do the rest.

It’s a simple fact. You cannot write your essay unless you have a good idea of what to write about. During the brainstorming phase, think of as many ideas as possible, writing down anything that comes to mind. After you have a long list of ideas, choose the best or most interesting one.

Dengue Fever Essay Topics

  • Ways of dealing with dengue disorder in the Middle East.
  • Is dengue fever a lethal disease?
  • Viruses that cause dengue fever.
  • Explore the influence of dengue outbreaks on the healthcare system in India .
  • A danger of dengue fever.
  • Describe the effective ways of mosquito control for dengue fever disease prevention .
  • What causes a dengue fever
  • Is the dengue fever transmitted by mosquitos?
  • Hospitalization with dengue fever symptoms.
  • Dengue fever: definition and brief description of the disorder.
  • Are the symptoms of dengue fever and malaria alike?
  • Ways to prevent dengue fever.
  • Is vaccination a panacea from dengue fever?
  • Analyze the importance of supportive therapy to recover from dengue fever.
  • The history of dengue fever.
  • The regions of dengue fever spread.
  • A pandemic of dengue fever in South Eastern Asia.
  • Discuss the necessity of dengue fever virus studies.
  • Examine the strains of the virus that can cause dengue fever.
  • How do you get the immunity to the dengue fever virus?
  • How to treat the skin rash during dengue fever.
  • The threat of taking aspirin during dengue fever.
  • Does the dengue vaccine exist?
  • Why dengue fever is the global health issue?
  • What medicines to take to manage pain during dengue fever.
  • The first symptoms of the dengue fever.
  • How can mosquito control help to fight dengue fever epidemy?
  • Analyze the reasons for the growth of the global incidents of dengue fever.
  • Ways to speed up the recovery from dengue fever.
  • The peculiarities of dengue fever treatment.
  • Describe the reasons of high dengue fever rates in Latin America.
  • Long term outcomes of dengue fever.
  • Discuss the connection between overpopulation of urban areas and increased risk of dengue fever outbreaks.
  • Blood vessels disintegration and heavy bleeding during dengue fever.
  • Ways of dengue fever virus transmission.
  • Examine laboratory diagnosis methods that can confirm dengue virus.
  • Timely access to healthcare is the best way to avoid dengue fever sequela.
  • Personal hygiene rules for dengue fever patients.
  • What food should a dengue fever patient eat to precipitate recovery?
  • The difference in symptoms of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever.
  • Analyze the importance of hydration for fast recovery from dengue fever.
  • Severe headache as the first symptom of dengue fever.
  • Is acute abdominal pain an obligatory symptom of dengue fever?
  • An incubation period and phases of dengue fever.
  • How to protect children from dengue fever.
  • How long does it take to recover from dengue fever?
  • Why is it prohibited to take anti-inflammatory medicines during dengue fever?
  • Describe and analyze the first outbreak of dengue fever.
  • How charity organizations help manage the financial burden of dengue fever.
  • Is it necessary to go to a hospital if you have dengue fever?

Doing research is an essential step if you want to write an original essay on dengue fever. Go to the library or find the necessary information on the Internet . Look for reputable sources not to misguide yourself and your readers.

Make sure to take notes of the quotes and sources while researching. You’ll have to use them to add credibility to your writing.

The thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. It should clearly outline the point that you hope to express in your essay. Include your thesis at the end of your introductory paragraph.

Writing an outline can help ensure that your essay is logical and well organized. You should start by writing the thesis at the top and then writing a topic sentence for each paragraph. You can add concluding sentences as well.

Fill in facts and quotes from your research under every part. Feel free to move supporting facts around and change your outline until you have a clear organization.

Start writing the outline first, including it in your essay, if possible. Then add an introduction where you use attention-grabber to hook your reader. State your thesis that you’ve composed before.

Developing your body paragraphs should go next. By giving precise arguments, detailed information, and examples, you ensure the success of your essay. Write a conclusion to reinforce your thesis and leave a final impression.

Read your essay on dengue fever again to see if it makes sense. Revise it for clarity, consistency, and structure. Make sure everything you have written flows together.

During this stage, revise your essay for technical errors. Check your grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Besides, you should provide a reference list at the bottom of your dengue essay. Mention every source that you’ve used for your argumentation.


By following these easy steps, you have just written an excellent essay. Use these tips to write a great essay about dengue fever that will impress your readers. Undoubtedly, if you work hard, you will succeed in essay writing and get the good grades you deserve.

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  • Dengue fever – including symptoms, treatment and prevention: SA Health
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Dengue fever is a quite dangerous febrile disease that can even cause death. Nowadays, this disease can be found in the tropics and Africa. Do not think that it is only thick forests where dengue fever can be found. The urban areas of many developed countries like…

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Home Essay Samples Health

Essay Samples on Fever

Symptoms, treatment and dangers of typhoid fever.

Introduction Typhoid fever is refered one of the world's main causes illness also death. This infectious disease is caused by Gram- negative bacteria called Salmonella. Infection with salmonella in humans can be classified into two wide kinds created by low- virulence serotypes of Salmonella enterica...

An Overview of Yellow Fever, A Dangerous African and South American Disease

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Typhoid Fever: Symptoms, Treatment and How to Prevent It

Typhoid fever is refered one of the world's main causes illness also death. This infectious disease is caused by Gram- negative bacteria called Salmonella. Infection with salmonella in humans can be classified into two wide kinds created by low- virulence serotypes of Salmonella enterica causing...

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2. An Overview of Yellow Fever, A Dangerous African and South American Disease

3. Typhoid Fever: Symptoms, Treatment and How to Prevent It

4. The Horrors of Scarlet Fever as Depicted in the Novel Frankenstein

5. The Symptoms of Q Fever, A Rare Deadly Disease

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Yellow Fever’ Causes, Symptoms and Effects Essay

Yellow fever is an acute viral disease caused by infected mosquitoes found in tropical regions and is usually characterized by such systemic symptoms as hemorrhaging, vomiting and yellowing skin. The yellow fever is common in tropical regions, but it is important to state that it is not the same as malaria despite the fact that the two diseases have similar symptoms.

Because of these similarities, many people think that yellow fever and malaria are the same disease. This essay will highlight the causes, symptoms and effects of yellow fever while trying to explain why yellow fever is not the same as malaria.

The areas of origin of the yellow fever virus are regions of East and Central Africa. The disease was originally referred to as black vomit since the most widespread symptom was vomiting of blood.

The yellow fever disease was first reported in the 15 th century, and that is when the world came to discover the fatal nature of it. The mosquito species that spread yellow fever are found in tropical climate and that is why many victims of this disease are from South America and Africa. Yellow fever is a viral disease and therefore its rate of infection is always very high compared to malaria.

The contagious nature of yellow fever made the authorities in affected areas put quarantine in place to stop further spread of the disease. The number of deaths associated with yellow fever has been brought under control by concerted efforts put in place by medical researchers who have developed various medications and vaccines. The yellow fever virus enters the host’s cells and replicates itself in form of a viral genome which later matures into an infectious virion that makes a person experience some initial symptoms.

The yellow fever virus is of the Flaviviridae family found mostly in female mosquitoes. These mosquito species act as a vector for the yellow fever virus which is transmitted to the victim through a byte. The incubation period of yellow fever is between three to six days.

The yellow fever disease has three stages which are different from each other because of the varying symptoms. The initial stage is known as the infection stage and is associated with symptoms such as vomiting, fever, loss of appetite, headache and sudden fever. These symptoms tend to disappear after three or four days.

The second stage is known as the remission stage, as all the symptoms disappear. Victims of yellow fever can recover during the second stage or the situation can get worse if the initial symptoms go beyond the first day. The third and final stage of yellow fever is referred to as the intoxication stage. At this stage, the disease starts affecting body organs. The heart, liver, and kidney are the most affected organs. Severe symptoms such as delirium, seizures and bleeding disorders are normally experienced at this stage.

There are many symptoms of the yellow fever and most of them lead to severe complications. It is advisable to seek medical attention during the infection stage to avoid severe complications experienced at the intoxication stage. Some of the severe symptoms are blood vomiting, kidney and heart failure, yellow skin, liver failure and coma. It is important to note that yellow fever is an acute disease which effects should not be underestimated.

The severe symptoms associated with yellow fever have adverse effects on the ill person’s body. To begin with, symptoms, such as fever and vomiting, lead to dehydration and the situation worsens when person starts vomiting blood. During the final stage of yellow fever, vital body organs such as heart, kidney and liver may fail to function which leads to death. The treatment of heart and kidney conditions is very expensive and can therefore make the victim struggle economically.

Yellow fever has caused economic hardship and misery to those victims who are unable to afford medication. Yellow fever is a widespread disease in the third world countries because the funds meant for development projects are diverted to yellow fever treatment and prevention. The fatality rate of yellow fever is very high compared to malaria because malaria is not contagious.

The severity of yellow fever has made governments spend a lot on preventing the spread of the disease. The fact that yellow fever is a contagious disease makes its treatment even more expensive. Yellow fever has many direct and indirect effects on the lives of victims and it is therefore very important to initiate appropriate actions aimed at eradicating this disease.

In order to effectively deal with yellow fever, proper diagnosis should be done using the right methods to avoid misdiagnosis and misunderstanding. Misdiagnosis of yellow fever is a fatal error because the disease is contagious and can end up taking more lives that could have been saved through proper diagnosis of a suspected case.

Regional outbreaks of yellow fever can occur in a result of mild symptoms associated with the disease and it is therefore vital to treat suspected cases immediately. It takes six to ten days to confirm if a person has been infected with yellow fever or not. It necessary for doctors to conduct a direct clinical diagnosis that involves isolating the virus that causes yellow fever.

Indirect methods of diagnosing yellow fever are not very reliable since the yellow fever virus cross-reacts with other viruses. In order to differentiate the yellow fever virus from other viruses, special diagnosis is normally carried out. The majority of yellow fever cases are diagnosed by conducting a postmortem on a victim’s body.

Since yellow fever was first discovered, medical experts have come up with various forms of treatment. Vaccination is one of the main measures developed in order to prevent the spread of the disease. It has become compulsory in some regions which is a clear indication that some authorities take the disease seriously. Conventional methods of eliminating mosquitoes are also applied in order to deal with the yellow fever vector.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). Yellow Fever' Causes, Symptoms and Effects. https://ivypanda.com/essays/yellow-fever/

"Yellow Fever' Causes, Symptoms and Effects." IvyPanda , 6 Nov. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/yellow-fever/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Yellow Fever' Causes, Symptoms and Effects'. 6 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Yellow Fever' Causes, Symptoms and Effects." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/yellow-fever/.

1. IvyPanda . "Yellow Fever' Causes, Symptoms and Effects." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/yellow-fever/.


IvyPanda . "Yellow Fever' Causes, Symptoms and Effects." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/yellow-fever/.

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Fever Essay Examples

An overview of typhoid fever: symptoms, pathogenesis, and treatment.

Typhoid fever is refered one of the world's main causes illness also death. This infectious disease is caused by Gram-negative bacteria called Salmonella. Infection with salmonella in humans can be classified into two wide kinds created by low- virulence serotypes of Salmonella enterica causing food...

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