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Junior Cycle Home Economics 2022 Past Paper.

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Examples of student work

Examples of students' learning in Home Economics can be viewed here.

The purpose of these examples is to support teachers' professional development. They are not to be used for any other purpose.

All examples of student work marked with TCA require a teacher account in order to be viewed. You can set up an account here using your Teaching Council registration number.

More examples will be added over time. 

CBA 1 Creative Textiles: Mobile

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CBA 1 Creative Textiles: Upcycled top

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How to succeed in your Junior Cycle Home Ec CBA 2

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

In this guide, Linda Dolan shares her top tips on how to do an exceptional CBA 2. Linda is an experienced home economics teacher who has corrected CBAs and exams.

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022


At this stage, you may have heard your teacher or other students mention CBAs or Classroom Based Assessments. Although they might sound a bit daunting, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Basically, they are two small projects that you have to complete for every subject in second year and third year. Your subject teacher will assign you a specific project or task and you will be awarded a descriptor for your work. I will talk more about descriptors later.

CBAs give teachers the chance to assess their students using these specific tasks which are set out in the curriculum specification for each subject. They are completed during class time within a certain time frame allocated through the NCCA guidelines.

There are two CBAs for home ec and they are common level.

CBAs are not something that should be feared. They offer you a brilliant opportunity to showcase your skills and creativity. Don’t overthink it as we have done all the thinking and planning for you. Follow this guide for a stress-free approach to 'exceptional' CBAs.

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022


There is a unique grading system for the CBAs where you will be awarded a descriptor for your work from your teacher. A descriptor is simply a short one-line description of how well you did the project and it is reported in your Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA).

There are four level descriptors of achievement for each CBA. Your teacher will use the Features of Quality of home ec to determine what descriptor you deserve.

The Features of Quality are the criteria used to assess your work as best fitting one of the following descriptors:

The outline of the student’s proposed solution to the brief is completed to a very high standard and is very comprehensive. The proposed solution demonstrates a very good interpretation of all aspects of the food literacy skills brief. The research and analysis are evidence-based and completed to a very high standard. The student reflection provides a very comprehensive summary of the feedback received and is evident in the student’s proposed solution.

The outline of the student’s proposed solution to the brief is completed to a high standard. The proposed solution demonstrates a good interpretation of most aspects of the food literacy skills brief with some scope for improvement. The research and analysis are evidence-based and are completed to a high standard. The student reflection provides a comprehensive summary of the feedback received and is evident in the student’s proposed solution.

The outline of the student’s proposed solution to the brief is completed to an acceptable standard. The proposed solution is a good interpretation of some aspects of the food literacy skills brief but has some omissions. The research and analysis are completed to an acceptable standard. The student reflection provides a satisfactory summary of the feedback received but may not be fully evident in the student’s proposed solution.

The outline of the student’s proposed solution to the brief process provides a basic summary of information. The proposed solution is a limited interpretation of many aspects of the food literacy skills brief and omits some information. The research and analysis are unsatisfactory and the student reflection is very limited.

Teacher breakdown

A piece of work that reflects the Features of Quality for the CBA to a very high standard. While not necessarily perfect, the strengths of the work far exceed its flaws, which are minor. You can easily address suggestions for improvement.

A piece of work that reflects the Features of Quality for the CBA very well. You have shown a clear understanding of how to complete each area of the task. Feedback from the teacher might show that it is necessary to address some aspect of the work in need of further attention or polishing but on the whole, the work is of a high standard.

A piece of work that reflects most of the Features of Quality for the CBA well. It shows a good understanding of the task at hand and does not have any big mistakes. Feedback might point to areas needing further attention or correction but the work is generally competent and accurate.

A piece of work that falls someway short of the demands of the CBA and its associated Features of Quality. You have made a good attempt but the task has not been grasped clearly or is marred by significant lapses. Feedback will draw attention to fundamental areas or omissions that need to be addressed.

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

Common Questions

What is this cba about.

This CBA is done in third year and is based on briefs/tasks that are sent out by the State Exams Commission (SEC) around November time.

There are three briefs but you will only pick one out of a hat (under the supervision of your teacher) and do research based on that topic. This CBA is directly linked to the cookery exam that you will do around Easter time in third year.

The CBA involves using the design brief process (just like in CBA 1) to demonstrate your culinary and creative food literacy skills and nutritional knowledge in the researching, analysing and planning of a food literacy skills brief for everyday living.

The briefs are usually based around some of the following broad areas:

Healthy family meals to reflect the current healthy eating guidelines.

A special dietary consideration or a diet-related disease.

A particular stage of the life cycle.

Healthy school lunches.

A healthy, homemade alternative to a commercial/takeaway meal.

Resourceful cookery/ethnic cookery.

A food enterprise/farmers market product.

When do I complete this CBA?

Your teacher will give you the guidelines on when your class will complete this CBA. It is usually over an 8-10 week period during class time in third year between November and March. The date by which the Food Literacy CBA is completed may vary from school to school, within schools and from teacher to teacher. The NCCA releases an annual 'CBA timetable' so the dates may vary slightly from year to year.

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

What format should this CBA take?

Again, like the written part of CBA 1, it is completely up to you as to what way you want to present this CBA 2. However, you should always take your teacher’s advice on board. Here are some ideas:

Typed/written booklet

Typed/written document in a display folder

Powerpoint presentation

Present your chosen solution (the dish that you have picked that best suits the brief) in a menu format.

How am I graded on this CBA?

Your teacher will use a set of guidelines called the Features of Quality to grade your work. This is similar to 'success criteria', a term you might be more familiar with. The main areas in the Features of Quality are:

Follow the headings for the design brief process (see template below) and make sure you address each one clearly. Give at least three possible solutions that are relevant to the brief.

Present your chosen solution in a menu format. Your chosen solution must demonstrate a very good interpretation of all aspects of your food literacy skills brief.

Read the brief really carefully (at least three times!) and highlight the most important words. Analyse the brief and be very clear on what you are being asked to do.

Take note of the sources of your information, such as any books or websites, that you used for researching and state these in your CBA. Your project must be evidence-based.

Be specific when giving your sources of information. For example, give the URL of the webpage and state the name of the book and the author, e.g. Nevin Maguire’s Home Economics for Life by Nevin Maguire.

Top tip: the use of technology in research is always encouraged for the most up-to-date information.

You will get the chance to give and receive feedback about the CBA from your peers and your teacher (this is the fun part).

Take note of all the comments and make sure to provide a written summary of all this feedback. Take this feedback onboard and reflect on it in relation to your CBA.

Your work is getting judged only against the Features of Quality and not against other students’ work. Make sure you are aware of these features and what they mean.

These elements are what your teacher will be looking for in the Features of Quality for this CBA in order to give you the highest descriptor possible.

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

Getting started

Below are the steps to follow to complete your CBA.

Draw the Brief

As we mentioned earlier, you will pick ONE brief (there are three options) out of a hat under the supervision of your teacher. This brief will be the basis of your CBA.

Don’t panic if you think your friend drew a brief that looks easier than yours. All three briefs require the same amount of planning and effort. They are just based on different topics.

Choose the Format

Have a look above under the heading “what format should this CBA take?” and choose an option that best suits you, your style and your ability. Follow your teacher’s advice and instructions.

Don’t feel under any pressure to type your piece if you do not have the facilities to do so. A handwritten piece is just as effective!

Analyse and Research (design brief process)

Read the brief multiple times and be very clear on what the task is, for example, are you planning a meal for a person with coeliac disease or a lunch for a school-going child? Make sure to:

  • highlight keywords in the brief;
  • brainstorm some initial ideas;
  • clarify with your teacher if there is anything you are unsure of.

Like CBA 1, you must follow the design brief process to give an account of your proposed solution. The following are headings and information you must  include:

The Design Brief Process

Statement of the brief.

All you have to do here is write/type your brief word for word.

Put the brief into your own words. What have you been asked to do? Ensure you have included all the words you highlighted in the brief in this description.

For example: " For this task, I must research different ways I can be sustainable when choosing and cooking food. Then I must..."

Three factors to be considered when choosing a possible solution

Explain three factors that you must think about before deciding on what dishes to choose. Always give a reason why and make sure at least two of these link directly to your brief.

For example: "I must be mindful of the methods of cooking that various dishes require. A “one pot wonder” style dish would be more sustainable and less damaging to our environment as it uses less electricity".

Two possible solutions

List a variety of possible dishes you could make to suit your brief. Refer back to your brief and be aware of what type of dish(es) you are asked to cater for.

For example: lunch and an accompaniment; starter and a dessert, etc.

Two sources of information

State where you got your information. Where did you go to find your ideas for the list of possible solutions?

If you use a book, give the name & author. If it's online, give the URL, for example:  

Peer and teacher feedback

Ask your teacher and classmates to have a look at your possible solutions and see what they think. Take note of the comments they make, for example: “I think the leek and potato soup fits the brief really well as these vegetables can be locally sourced, reducing the food miles".

Don’t forget to compile all the information you receive and summarise it.

Reminder: don’t take any comments to heart! This feedback session is intended to be constructive and helpful. Take the information onboard and learn from it. Likewise, when you are giving feedback to your friends, don’t be mean!

Chosen solution

Pick one dish out of your list of 'possible solutions' and present it in a menu format. Make doubly sure it suits the requirements of your task.

Make sure the dish is within your level of ability and will best show your skills. Ensure it can be completed in 1.5 hours (the time allocated for the cookery exam). Be as detailed as possible, for example: "pan-fried salmon served on a bed of tenderstem broccoli and mash".

Don't forget: the dish you have chosen will be what you make in your cookery exam so make sure that you keep the recipe safe. Save it online or write it out and keep it in your Home Ec folder/notebook. This will save time and help avoid major panic.

Two reasons for your choice, incorporating all aspects of the brief

Give two clear reasons why you chose this dish, referring back to the brief. For example: "I chose this farmhouse vegetable soup as I can use the vegetables from my Grandad’s garden next door. This is sustainable as there are 0 food miles, no packaging involved and less electricity is used as it is all made in one pot".

Evidence of the research carried out

Include anything you used while you were researching for the brief.

For example: the Safefood Food Pyramid, a newspaper article, an informative leaflet, a picture of an online infographic, etc.

What headings and information do I need?

Now you are ready to go!

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

Complete the reflection

Like in CBA 1, reflection is a very important part of the design brief process and must be completed with time and care. Effective evaluation of your CBA is required by every student. Be as specific as possible and always give a reason why. Ask yourself the following questions:

What did I enjoy?

What did i find difficult, what did i learn from the peer and teacher feedback, what would i do differently next time, what changes will i make for the practical food skills exam.

Let's break this down in more detail...

Completing the Reflection

  • Giving feedback to my peers as I felt like I was playing a teacher role.
  • Picking the brief out of the hat because everyone in the class was excited.
  • Researching dishes as I love looking through different recipe books.
  • Trying to be as sustainable as possible with my dishes as I really want to try and protect the environment.
  • Trying to pick the perfect dish to suit the brief as I wanted every element of the dish to be sustainable.
  • Receiving feedback from my peers as I was worried that they would think my possible solutions wouldn’t suit the brief.
  • Analysing the brief as I found it difficult to figure out what I had to do initially.
  • Giving feedback to my friends sparked more ideas and really made me think about my own dishes.
  • The cooking of my dish was sustainable but the sourcing and buying of the ingredients were not.
  • I need to be more specific when describing my dishes as some of my peers were asking me what type of soup it was.
  • Type my CBA instead of handwriting it as it would be easier to modify.
  • Start researching earlier as I felt I ran out of time near the end.
  • Ask fewer people for feedback as too many opinions made me feel a little overwhelmed.
  • Bake the chicken instead of frying it to make it healthier.
  • Add milk to the smoothie to increase the calcium levels.
  • Use two different colours of peppers in the stir-fry to make it look more appealing.

The following are questions you should ask yourself.

Now you are all set!

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

Useful links

Below are some more research tips for each task being examined this year. There is also a scaffold template for your CBA that you can download. 

Want to know how to layout your CBA? Download our scaffold template. 

Read our research tips for Task 1: nutritious meals on a budget

Read our research tips for Task 2: fats and oils

Read our research tips for Task 3: culture

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

With more than 8 years of experience in teaching, Linda now teaches in Mercy College, Sligo and is a state examiner for JC Home Economics. Linda's motto is "Believe in yourself and you are halfway there".


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Junior Cycle - Home Economics

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Curriculum Resources

Welcome to the  CURRICULUM RESOURCES   section for Junior Cycle Home Economics. For ease of access, this section of the PDST website contains the following nodes.  Click on a link to access materials for that section of the syllabus.

4. Resource Management and Home Studies
5. Textile Studies
JC Coursework
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Other Resources

Geraldine Whitney has kindly shared quizlet and studystacks. Links are below

Quizlet Lipids
Quizlet Carbohydrates
Quizlet JC Minerals
Quizlet JC Protein
Quizlet JC Fats
Quizlet JC Carbohydrates
Quizlet JC Vitamins
Studystack Skin

Other quizlets are available from the PDST for home economics here

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Home Economics

Junior Cycle Home Economics develops the knowledge, understanding, skills and values necessary achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for every person as an individual, and as a member of families and society.

  • Early Enactment Review of Junior Cycle Home Economics
  • Specification
  • Subject Development

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is conducting an early enactment review of the junior cycle subjects Geography, History, Home Economics, Mathematics and Music specifications (Phase 4). The consultation consists of a number of components, including written submissions, a teacher survey and a school-based component. NCCA is seeking the views of a range of parties, including education stakeholders, practising teachers and students who are interested in contributing to this early enactment review.

The purpose of the review is to gather feedback from school management, teacher/educators and interested parties in relation to the experience of these subjects and their associated assessment arrangements in schools.

You can participate in this consultation by completing the online survey. 

  • Online Survey 

You can participate in this consultation by sending a written submission using this template.

  • Written Submission Template 

Please email the completed written submission to [email protected] and use “JC Phase 4 Early Enactment Review (Subject Name) Written Submission” in the subject line.

All of the feedback will be analysed and an Early Enactment Report will be published.

This review process will close on Thursday 29 February at 5pm.

Junior Cycle Home Economics develops the knowledge, understanding, skills and values necessary achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for every person as an individual, and as a member of families and society. It is studied through three interconnected strands: Food, Health and Culinary Skills; Responsible Family Living; and, Textiles and Craft. 

The Junior Cycle Home Economics specification was introduced in schools from September 2018. The specification, examples of student work and assessment guidelines are available at the link below:

  • Home Economics specification, examples of work and assessment guidelines

The consultation for the Early Enactment Review of junior cycle Home Economics is now open. The consultation consists of a number of components, including written submissions, a teacher survey and a school-based component. The purpose of the review is to gather feedback from school management, teacher/educators and interested parties in relation to the experience of these subjects and their associated assessment arrangements in schools.

You can participate in this consultation by completing the online questionnaire.

  • Online Survey 

You can also participate in this consultation by sending a written submission using this template. Please send it to [email protected] and use “JC Phase 4 Early Enactment Review (Subject Name) Written Submission” in the subject line.

The Junior Cycle Home Economics specification was introduced into schools in September 2018. The development of the specification began in March 2016.

The background paper for Junior Cycle Home Economics explored the development of the subject at junior cycle; highlighted good practice at home and abroad; and used evidence-based research to inform the revision of the specification.

  • Background Paper for Junior Cycle Home Economics
  • Consultation Report on the Background Paper for Home Economics

The Home Economics Development Group consisted of the nominees from a range of education stakeholders including teacher and management bodies, Department of Education and Skills, and the State Examinations Commission.

A draft Junior Cycle Home Economics specification was developed between May 2016 - March 2017. The draft specification is available here.

  • Draft Specification for Junior Cycle Home Economics
  • Consultation Report on the draft specification for Home Economics


Junior Cycle home economics: Stimulating, topical and relevant

First ever common level paper gets a broad welcome.

junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

Junior Cycle students faced the home economic exam on Wednesday morning. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

The Junior Cycle home economics paper was stimulating, topical and relevant to the lives of students, teachers have said.

Linda Dolan, a home economics teacher at Mercy College, Sligo, said that the questions reflected the broad home economics course.

“It drew on many different topics that are very relevant to today’s society, for example protecting children on the internet, food waste and [how] where clothes are made [has] an influence on a person’s choice of clothing,” said Ms Dolan, who is also a subject expert.

Mairead Tomkins, Teachers’ Union of Ireland subject representative for home economics and a teacher at Coláiste Eoin in Hacketstown, Co Carlow, said nobody was quite sure what to expect on the first ever common-level paper, but it was very learner-friendly.

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“It was very current, with questions on being an ethical consumer, fast fashion, sustainability and water conservation, as well as the usual questions on the digestive system,” she said.

Ms Tomkins said the questions were phrased reasonably and the level of English was pitched well.

“There were a lot of linkages between the topics. For instance, students were asked to make a meal plan for someone involved in sport, and then asked about the benefits of sport.

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“There was also a question about outdoor holidays, and then students were asked about saving for holidays and the benefits of vitamin D.”

Ms Dolan, however, said students may have been disappointed with the lack of focus on direct nutrition questions.

“Only two questions on vitamins appeared — a profile on Vitamin D and how to increase vitamin content in meals,” Ms Dolan said.

Students have already completed a cooking practical which accounted for 50 per cent of their overall marks.

Try this one at home:

Junior Cycle home economics, common level

Colm is a physically active, Junior Cycle student. He follows a healthy, balanced diet and drinks two litres of water every day.

a) (i) Design a healthy balanced three‐course breakfast menu for Colm to eat at the weekend.

(ii) Describe three meal planning guidelines you followed when planning Colm’s breakfast menu.


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Home Economics Exam Questions and Answers for JSS3

Home Economics Exam Questions and Answers for JSS3

Sample home economics exam questions and answers.

TOPIC: CLEANING AGENTS DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.

1. ______ is when the baby spits or vomits his feed frequently. A. Constipation B. Indigestion C. Diarrhea D. Colic E. Rashes

2. Severe deficiency of vitamin A results in _______. A. goiter B. long sightedness C. bow-leg D. short-sightedness E. night blindness

3. The joining of two or more pieces of material is called _______. A. satin B. stitch C. seam D. binding E. hemming

4. Which of these food is suitable for stewing? A. Corn B. Moi-moi C. Beef D. Bean balls E. Rice

5. An ox tail is cooked by_____. A. direct steaming B. indirect steaming C. stewing D. indirect stewing E. grilling

Click here to get the complete Home Economics questions for Primary 3

TOPIC: FOOD AND NUTRITION DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.

1. When sugar is heated to 200 degrees Centigrade, the colour changes to brown. This is known as ________. A. coagulation B. gelatinization C. browning D. caramelization E. none of the above

2. Which of these food items requires quick preservation? A. Beans B. Garri C. Margarine D. Onions E. Fresh fish

3. _______ is cooking food in hot oil. A. Drying B. Frying C. Radiant heat D. Moistening E. Caning

4. A family’s ______ needs are important for survival and the family cannot do without them. A. secondary B. primary C. tertiary D. total E. family

5. ________ is the second meal of the day. A. In-between B. Breakfast C. Brunch D. Lunch E. Take away

Home Economics Exam Questions and Answers for JSS3

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  • CPD Workshops 2017/2018
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  • CPD Workshops 2020/2021
  • CPD Workshops 2021/2022
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  • STE(A)M in Junior Cycle
  • Departmental Planning
  • Learning Outcomes in Action
  • Planning Resources
  • Home Economics
  • CPD Supports

CPD Workshops 2022/2023

This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources used during the 2022/2023 cluster cpd. the materials and resources will further support the professional learning of colleagues at school level, and of those teachers who are new or returning to the subject..

Online CPD Workshop Checklist

Booklet arrow_drop_down

You may find it helpful to download and print the booklet, as this will allow you to make notes and engage with some reflective questions..

Home Economics Online CPD Workshop 2022-2023 Booklet

Section 1: Aligning Assessment with Teaching and Learning Activities arrow_drop_down

The learning intentions for this session are t o plan for learning using a student-centred approach and t o align assessment with teaching and learning activities to enhance learning for all students..

Aligning Assessment with Teaching and Learning Activities

Other Resources

CPD Overview

Section 2: Facilitating and Supporting Peer Feedback arrow_drop_down

The learning intention for this session is to consider how we can facilitate and support peer feedback..

Facilitating and Supporting Peer Feedback

Section 3: Teacher Reflection throughout the Planning Process arrow_drop_down

The learning intention for this session is to consider the importance of teacher reflection throughout the planning process..

Teacher Reflection throughout the Planning Process

About G.C.S.

  • Principal's Message
  • Board of Management
  • Healthy Lunches For Teens
  • Current Officers
  • Hints and Tips for Flower Arranging
  • Parents' Council Leaving Cert Helpline
  • Mission Statement
  • Brochure in English
  • Brochure in Polish
  • Brochure in Latvian
  • Brochure in Lithuanian
  • Brochure in Russian
  • Virtual Tour of the School

School Information

  • Learning Support Policy
  • Attendance Policy
  • Critical Incident Management Plan
  • Homework Policy
  • Pastoral Care Policy
  • Substance Use Policy
  • I.C.T. Policy
  • Admissions Policy
  • Counter Bullying Policy
  • Partnership with Parents Policy
  • Code of Good Behaviour
  • Relationships and Sexuality Policy
  • Risk Assessment Statement
  • Child Safeguarding Statement
  • Past-Present-Future
  • Resource Department
  • School Canteen
  • Letter to Returning Students for 2022/2023
  • Open Night & Enrolment
  • iPads School Offer
  • School Building
  • Wood Technology
  • Awards 2011/12
  • Back to the 80's Musical
  • Merit Awards
  • President's Visit
  • Useful Links

Educational Programmes

  • Business Studies

Home Economics

  • Physical Education
  • Religious Education
  • Career Guidance
  • Agricultural Science
  • Computer Studies
  • Construction Studies
  • Design and Communication Graphics
  • Engineering
  • QQI PLC in Business Studies (5M2102)
  • Irish College
  • Young Science Innovators
  • Fifth Year Taster
  • French-History
  • Interdiscipline
  • New Junior Cycle(Level 3)

Student Activities

  • Evening Study
  • Homework Club
  • Green Schools
  • 2010 Suessical the Musical
  • Fame the Musical
  • West Side Story
  • 2017 Beauty and the Beast
  • Many Young Men of Twenty
  • Second Year
  • First Years
  • Second Years
  • All Ireland Play-Offs
  • 1st Year Cycling
  • Student Council
  • Gaisce Awards
  • Public Speaking
  • School Prefects
  • Ranganna Gaelige
  • Belfast 2012
  • Killary 2012
  • Killary 2013
  • Killary 2015
  • Killary 2017
  • Killary 2018
  • Killary 2022
  • Pope John Paul II Awards
  • Young Social Innovators
  • Green Dragon Competition
  • Junior Cert
  • Leaving Cert
  • T.Y. Sculpture
  • Live Life Talk
  • Junk Kouture
  • K.Higgins/H.Shefflin Visits
  • Young Enterprise Competition
  • Playwright Competition
  • Horseriding
  • Awakening Concert
  • Knock Shrine
  • Solicitors of the Future
  • Angus Beef Competition
  • Skiing in Italy
  • Christmas Trip to Galway
  • Learning to Drive
  • Darkness into Light
  • CPR Training
  • Forest Walk
  • Errit Lake Trip
  • Cycle, Kayak & Camping
  • TY Enterprise Talk
  • Graduation 2023
  • Leaving Cert Resources
  • Junior Cert Science
  • Trip to Greyhound Track
  • St. Vincent de Paul Fundraiser
  • Marie Keating Fundraiser
  • You are here:  

Click on the images above to see samples of work done by our 2nd year Home Ecomonics class

First year Cushions 2018 Well done to all our creative first year students pictured here with their recently completed pillows. Absent from photo: Sarah Kelly and Holly Cunniffe.

2nd year interior design competition 2017.

Congratulations to Cara Arakelian, Amy Caulfield and Morgan Neary, winners of this years' competition. Many thanks to Heneghans Super Valu, Glenamaddy for sponsoring the generous prizes.

Third Year Home Economics Practical Exams 2017

Well done to all our third year Home Economics students who recently completed their culinary skills exam, here is selection of some of the dishes that individual students prepared, cooked and presented on the day of the exam.

First Year Cushions 2016

Well done to our First Year Home Economics students who recently completed their first sewing project. Both teachers were really impressed with the creativity of these young designers.

First Year Home Economics Poster Competition

Congrats to all the first year Home Economics students that submitted entries in this competition, students had to pick a theme from one of the following: (i) Hygiene (ii) Healthy eating (iii) Consumer rights.

Winners from each class are as follows: Class 1.1: 1st prize: Emma Mahe, 2nd prize: Shannon McHugh, 3rd prize: Morgan Neary, 4th prize: Cara Arakelian, Runners up prizes: Kristina Vacmane & Laura Nally.

Home Economics Interior Design Competition

Well done to all the second students who entered the "Design my ideal bedroom" Interior design competition. 1st prize- Maire Spellman, 2nd prize- Nicole Brandley, 3rd prize- Amy O Brien, 4th prize - Deirdre Croghan, Runners up prizes went to Niamh Donnelly and Kayley Simpson.

Many thanks to Heneghans Super Valu, Glenamaddy, for sponsoring the generous prizes.

First Year 2015/16

Pictured below are the two first year Home Economics classes, who recently completed their "Design a pillow" project as part of their textile studies course. Well done everyone!

First Year 2014/15

‘fine dine at mine’ cookery competition .

The picture above shows the 'Fine Dine at Mine' cookery competition certificate recipients in Glenamaddy Community School. Congratulations to all students that participated in the Fine Dine at Mine Competition 2014, all Second year Home Economics students that participated in the competition received a certificate for their participation. They all prepared, cooked and served their favourite meal served in restaurants and included a photograph of the meal with their application form. Well done to all involved!!

‘Fine Dine at Mine’ Cookery Competition February 2014

Our Second Year Home Economics students have been busy creating dishes for the ‘ FINE DINE AT MINE’ cookery competition. Closing date for entries is Friday 7th 2014 . Eighteen students who submitted entries cooked a main course dish for two people. Two key considerations when preparing their dishes were affordability and the healthy eating guidelines. As a reward for their hard efforts, all our Second Year Home economics students will be rewarded with a free cookery demonstration from an experienced chef affiliated to the Restaurant Association of Ireland (R.A.I).

Best of luck to all our entrants!

Ms. Lynn and Ms. O Neill.

Transition Year Christmas Jumpers

Cup cake competition.

Categories (a) Junior and (b) Senior

Prizes : 1 st €50 Sponsored by Londis

2 nd €25 Sponsored by Londis

3 rd €10

4 th €5 Lunch Vouchers

5 th €5 Lunch Vouchers

Entries will be judged and the top 5 from each category will be invited to a “cook off” on Thursday 28 th Feb .

Here are some photos from the day and the samples of the cakes created!

Bord Bia Presentation

Home Economics students from  second year, Transition year and Fifth year were treated to a Food presentation from Maire Dufficy, Bord Bia recently (Thursday 31 st January).

Maire spoke to the students about the importance of a balanced diet, giving the latest information on the revised food pyramid.

She also demonstrated how to make a range of simple, tasty and nutritious dishes including marinated pork chops, beef stir-fry, red pepper omelette, red onion marmalade, chilli jam and chick pea salad. She also showed the students a range of Irish speciality foods that are exported globally.

The presentation finished with a tasting session of all the dishes and students also got to taste a range of famous Irish farmhouse cheeses. We would like to thank Maire for her excellent presentation and of course, the students for their involvement.

Christmas Cakes 2012

Glenamaddy community school , church street, glenamaddy, via castlerea, co. galway, f45kf50 , telephone +353(0)94 9659315 | fax +353(0)94 9659354 | this email address is being protected from spambots. you need javascript enabled to view it. // '+addy_text1287+' '; //-->  , rcn:  20149543.


  1. Buy Junior Cert Home Economics Books

    junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022


    junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

  3. Home Economics Junior Cert Book List

    junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

  4. Educateie Junior Cycle Home Economics Common Level Exam Papers 2022 For

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    junior cert home economics practical assignments 2022

  6. First Year Home Economics Practical Summer Assessment Group 2

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  1. HOME EC PREDICTIONS 🏠 2024 Leaving Cert Exam

  2. Applied Technology Junior Cert 2024

  3. Home Economics(practical)

  4. fruit salad (Home Economics Practical Food-10)

  5. Home Economics Practical



  1. Home Economics

    Updates January 2023 . According to the State Examinations Commission Junior Cycle Examination Schedule of Examination Dates 2023 - the Junior Cycle Home Economics Practical Performance Tests will take place from Monday the 20th to Friday the 31st of March and from Monday the 17th to Friday the 21st of April. The SEC Home Economics Food Literacy Skills Examination Assignment Briefs and ...

  2. Home Economics

    CPD Workshops 2021/2022; CPD Workshops 2022/2023; Elective Workshops; STE(A)M in Junior Cycle; Planningarrow_drop_down. Departmental Planning; Planning Resources; Assessment; room ... This section contains information and resources to support you in engaging with the Specification for Junior Cycle Home Economics . Posters arrow_drop_down ...

  3. Home Economics

    Study better by viewing past junior cert Home Ec. exam papers listed by topic. On each topic you'll find Notes, Sample answers and Videos. ... Read more. Junior Cycle Home Economics remains a very popular subject with around 20,000 candidates sitting the paper each year, this comprises around 35% of all the students who sit the Junior Cycle in ...

  4. Junior Cycle 2022 Home Economics Past Paper & Mark scheme

    Junior Cycle 2022 Home Economics Free Past Papers, ... Get instant answers and explanations for all Junior Cycle Home Economics questions. ... Junior Cert. JC Subjects; JC Past Papers; JC Irish; JC English; JC Timetable 2024; JC Timetable 2025; Social. TikTok; Facebook; Instagram; Youtube;

  5. Home Economics

    All assessment in junior cycle, formative or summative, moment-in-time or ongoing, SEC, NCCA or teacher-designed, should have as its primary purpose, the support of student learning. A dual approach to assessment, involving classroom-based assessment across the three years and a final externally-assessed, state-certified examination can enable ...

  6. Home []

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  7. PDF Home Economics

    Lesson 24 2022 Exam Paper. Page. 1. 11. 17. 21. 27. 33. 39. 47. 61. 71. 75. 91. 99. 119. 129. 147. 157. 177. 1 Home Economics | Junior Cycle Subject : Junior Cycle Home Economics LESSON 1: Introduction to Home Economics and Cbas ... and planning of a food literacy skills brief for everyday living & will be directly linked to the Practical Food ...

  8. The Family

    The Family. Study better by viewing past junior cert Home Ec. exam papers listed by topic. On each topic you'll find Notes, Sample answers and Videos.

  9. How to succeed in your Junior Cycle Home Ec CBA 2

    Read our research tips for Task 1: nutritious meals on a budget. Read our research tips for Task 2: fats and oils. Read our research tips for Task 3: culture. By Linda Dolan. With more than 8 years of experience in teaching, Linda now teaches in Mercy College, Sligo and is a state examiner for JC Home Economics.

  10. home economics junior cert Flashcards

    Unsaturated fats-help reduce cholesterol, omega fatty three acids reduce risk of heart disease, improve brain function. Hydrogenated fats- hardened veg.oils used in processed foods (biscuits,cakes,pastries) GDA. guided daily amount. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like nutrition, nutrient, balanced diet and more.

  11. PDF Junior Certificate Home Economics Practical Exam

    Pile dishes neatly to the left of the sink. Fill a basin of hot soapy water (never wash under a running tap) Washes in the following order Glass; crockery; cutlery; tins/metal (you may have to steep) Drain dishes to the right of the sink. Dry thoroughly with a clean tea towel and place on table Call examiner to inspect dishes before putting away.

  12. gov

    The State Examinations Commission has released the timetables for the 2022 certificate examinations which will commence on Wednesday 8 June. The Leaving Certificate examinations will run until Tuesday 28 June, the Leaving Certificate Applied examinations will conclude on Thursday 16 June and the Junior Cycle examinations will conclude on Monday 20 June.

  13. Home Economics

    Welcome to the Home Economics section of the Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) website. Home; Wellbeing. Civic, Social and Political Education. Physical Education. ... CPD Workshops 2021/2022; CPD Workshops 2022/2023; Elective Workshops; STE(A)M in Junior Cycle; Planningarrow_drop_down. Departmental Planning; Planning Resources; Assessment;

  14. Senior Cycle

    Ms Sheelan Home Economics: Junior Cycle JC Practical Exam Senior Cycle Photos ... Practical Coursework (Journals) Leaving Cert 2016. Food Studies Practical_coursework_journal.docx: File Size: 18 kb: File Type: ... Assignment 4 - afternoon tea: File Size: 174 kb: File Type: pdf:

  15. PDF Junior Certificate Home Economics Guidelines for Teachers (PDF ...

    1.0 Introduction. 1.1 The Junior Certificate Home Economics syllabus has been designed to prepare people in the important skills of living, as individuals and as members of a family. These skills will be of value in the establishment of a stable home environment and in employment and community-related activities.

  16. PDF Junior Cycle 2022 Marking Scheme Home Economics Common Level

    Accordingly, aspects of the structure, detail and application of the marking scheme for a particular examination are subject to change from one year to the next without notice. Home Economics Common level Marking scheme. Instructions. Therese are twosections in this examination paper. Section A 80 marks 10 questions Section B 240 marks 3 ...

  17. Junior Cycle

    Welcome to the CURRICULUM RESOURCES section for Junior Cycle Home Economics. For ease of access, this section of the PDST website contains the following nodes. Click on a link to access materials for that section of the syllabus. ... Other quizlets are available from the PDST for home economics here. Gaeilge; 14 Joyce Way, Park West Business ...

  18. Home Economics

    The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is conducting an early enactment review of the junior cycle subjects Geography, History, Home Economics, Mathematics and Music specifications (Phase 4). The consultation consists of a number of components, including written submissions, a teacher survey and a school-based component.

  19. Junior Cycle home economics: Stimulating, topical and relevant

    The Junior Cycle home economics paper was stimulating, topical and relevant to the lives of students, teachers have said. Linda Dolan, a home economics teacher at Mercy College, Sligo, said that ...

  20. Home Economics Exam Questions and Answers for JSS3

    Home Economics Exam Questions and Answers for JSS3. These Home Economics questions and answers were pulled from our book (Home Economics questions for Primary 3 ); Compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster. It could also help students assess their level of exam preparation.

  21. Home Economics

    Home Economics | Planning Resources | Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) Home; Wellbeing. Civic, Social and Political Education ... Home Economics Menu. Home; Key Documents; News/Events; CPD Supportsarrow ... CPD Workshops 2020/2021; CPD Workshops 2021/2022; CPD Workshops 2022/2023; Elective Workshops; STE(A)M in Junior Cycle; Planningarrow_drop ...

  22. Home Economics

    CPD Workshops 2022/2023. This section contains the professional learning materials and supporting resources used during the 2022/2023 cluster CPD. The materials and resources will further support the professional learning of colleagues at school level, and of those teachers who are new or returning to the subject. Checklist. File type: PDF.

  23. Home Economics

    First Year Home Economics students demonstrate their baking skills. Well done to our first year students on getting off to great start in Home Economics class. Well done to all our third year Home Economics students on the successful completion of their Junior Cert Home Economics Practical exams that took place on Friday 13th and Monday 16th.