Fundraising Letters Blog

Donation Request Letters

Sending out a donation request letter is a great way to increase fundraising from your supporters. Check out our templates to help you get started.

How To Write a Donation Request Letter

If you help run a charitable or cause-based organization, you’ve likely sent out a donation request letter before. Donation request letters are nonprofit fundraising letters to be sent out to individuals or other organizations, like local businesses. While these letters can be sent out at any time of the year, they are particularly effective during the holiday season in November and December, when people are feeling more charitable. 

Donation request letters can be sent on their own, but some organizations also include additional information such as pamphlets or booklets. This can help your potential donor learn a little bit more about your organization and see if their ideals line up with your cause. These letters give you a chance to formally ask for donations and provide a space to clearly outline your needs and explain how a donation will benefit your mission.

Whether you’re a nonprofit organization, a school, or a church, you can send donation request letters whenever you need a little extra help fundraising for a project or if you’re in need of specific resources and supplies for an event. 

Though many different types of organizations send out donation request letters seeking different types of support, the main elements in each letter tend to stay consistent.

3 key elements of any good donation request letter

What should you always include in your donation request letter? Think of this as your checklist, so make sure you have them all:

  • Emotional appeal. Pull in your donors with an emotional story outlining your organization’s mission and what you’ve accomplished so far. Talk about how your organization has impacted constituents in a positive way. Whether you’re a nonprofit or you help run a faith-based organization, donors will want to know how you’ve been helping your surrounding community.
  • How the donor can help solve the problem. Make sure to explain to your donors how their specific donation will contribute to your cause. Give examples of the specific, physical impact the donation will have.
  • Donation information and details. Don’t forget to include information on how to send a donation, as well as details for further communication. Always provide a way for the donor to ask questions or request additional information.

Use these 3 key elements to guide your drafts as you write your donation request letters. For more specific templates, click below depending on what kind of organization you are. 

Formatting your donation request letter

While the content of your letter is most important, the format and overall design can make a major difference in someone’s decision to donate.

An overloaded or otherwise unreadable donation letter will quickly turn prospective donors away, so take the time to put it into an attractive format. Here are some of the essential design elements you’ll want to consider when creating your letter:

  • Letterhead: Include your nonprofit’s name, contact information, and branded logo .
  • Graphics: While you might like the simplicity of a traditional black-and-white letter, images can elevate your fundraising appeals. You might include images of beneficiaries and artistic graphics.
  • Typography: Choose one easily readable font and font sizes that are large enough.
  • Colors: Stick to black ink. If you want to incorporate colors, choose ones that fit your brand guidelines and have enough contrast against your background.
  • Envelope: While not technically part of the letter, the envelope is crucial since it’s the first impression prospects will have of your letter. Leveling up your envelopes could be as simple as including your organization’s logo in the corner or printing the text in your official brand colors.

Putting thought into your design will result in a more professional letter that inspires donors to actually read it. In any case, remember that the heart of your fundraising letter is the appeal. Because of that, you don’t want to overpower your text with an overloaded design and vice versa.

If you’re struggling with putting your letter into a compelling format, consider reaching out to a graphic designer to help. Those with experience designing letters, like Kwala , will know how to strike the perfect balance between text and graphics. That way, you can focus on perfecting the appeal itself while an expert graphic designer puts it into an appealing format that catches prospective donors’ eyes.

Take a look at this example donation request letter that Kwala’s team created:

Kwala designed this donation request letter for the Wildlife Rescue Group.

The text and graphics complement one another rather than compete with one another. The result is a professional, sleek design that keeps the recipient reeled into the message.

Sample Donation Request Letter for Nonprofits

Silent Auction Donation Letter

In-kind Donation Request Letter

Donation Request Letter for Event

Sample donation request letter to a company, donation request letter for school supplies, sample donation request letter for church, donation request letter for church building.

Donation Request for Temple

Corporate Donation Request Letter

PTA Donation Request Letter Template

Sample Food Donation Request Letter

Donation Request Letter for Sports Team

Donation Request Letter for Old Age Home

Subject: Help us raise money for [nonprofit mission]!

Dear [donor’s name],

I am [name] and I am the [position] of [nonprofit’s name]. At [nonprofit’s name], we seek to help [nonprofit mission] by [actions nonprofit has taken, use an emotional story about what your nonprofit has one so far and the lives they have changed. Give a specific example of your impact.]

While we have made some great strides, [nonprofit’s name] still has a lot to accomplish.

We need your support to [new project or event that you’re asking donations for].

Would you consider donating [donation amount, items, or services that you need] to help us achieve our mission?

If you have any questions, I would be happy to provide you with more information about how you can help support our work at [nonprofit’s name].

We greatly appreciate your donation, and it will be used to [insert how the donations will be used and the impact that this donation will have]. If you wish to contribute, please fill out the attached form or give us a call at [phone number].

Please join us! With your donation, we’re one step closer to [insert goal]!

[nonprofit website]

What makes this donation request letter effective?

Nonprofits depend on charitable donations in order to keep up their support for a cause, so writing an effective donation request letter is key. This donation request letter is effective because it immediately pulls in the potential donor with an emotionally appealing story describing who the nonprofit and its work.

Use this letter to explain that your nonprofit makes an actual difference in people’s lives with a specific example. This will show donors that this isn’t an empty request and that your organization wants to make a true difference. Be specific in what you’re asking for and what you want to do with that donation.

Silent Auction Donation Request

Subject: We need your help to make our auction a success!

My name is [name] and I’m a part of the team at [organization’s name]. Our organization was created to help [organization’s mission] and we have [stories of how your organization has helped your cause in the past. Talk about specific accomplishments you have made].

We’re hosting a silent auction on [date] as a way to raise funds and continue our work!

In order to make our auction a reality, we are seeking unique and interesting items to auction off. In previous years we’ve had contributions like [examples of items and experiences you’ve auctioned off in the past]. With our last auction, we were able to [positive physical impact of the previous auction, for example: broke a fundraising goal].

We would like to ask your company if you’d be willing to donate, [specific item or service]. If an in-kind donation isn’t possible, monetary donations are always greatly appreciated, as well.

Your contribution will be vital to helping us succeed in planning our auction. With your generous donation, [specific impact that their contribution will have on your event and organization].

If you’re interested in learning how you can help our auction, contact our procurement team at [phone number] or [email address]. Or feel free to fill out and send the attached donation form with your contribution.

As always, your contributions are valuable to the continuation of our cause.

[contact information]

Key Takeaway from This Donation Letter

Hosting a silent auction can be difficult, especially since it requires items that others will actually want to buy. Writing a donation request letter in order to procure these items can be a great way to ensure your auction is ready. This donation request letter is effective because it starts off by describing the silent auction and what your organization stands for.

Bringing up past accomplishments and previous auctions shows the potential donor that your organization has made differences in the past and that their contribution can do even more. Specifically mention successful past auction items to give your recipients a better idea of what they could donate. Let them know exactly how their donation or service can impact your organization’s event to incentivize them.

In-Kind Donation Request Letter

Subject: Do you have any [in-kind item] to help [organization’s mission]?

I work with [organization’s name] and since [year of founding] we’ve been working hard to help [organization’s mission]. [Describe your organization’s mission with an emotional story].

Each year we plan a fundraising event to help [the specific impact of the fundraiser, for example: bring supplies to homeless people]. Last year, with the help of our community and other supporters, we were able to [positive impact]. It was an incredible opportunity, and we are so thankful that we had the resources to help.

That is why we need your support for [new project or fundraiser]. Would you consider donating [items or service] to help us achieve our mission? With just [item or service], we would be able to accomplish [specific positive action]!

I would be happy to provide you with more information about how [you/your company] can help [organization’s name]. Feel free to contact me through [phone number] or [email], or look at the attached form we have provided. We would love to start this relationship with you. [organization’s name] cannot thank you enough.

Nonprofits write in-kind donation request letters when they would prefer items or volunteer services instead of financial support. These are usually written to corporations but can also be sent to specific individuals.

If you’re in need of something in large quantities, companies can provide a large resource of various supplies. On the other hand, if you need something like canned food or used clothing, the community of individuals around you are also great recipients for your donation request letter.

Make sure your letter clearly outlines what your organization is and the problem you are trying to solve. When you ask for specific items or services, the recipient needs to know why. Explain how these contributions will clearly impact your cause so that potential donors have a good idea about how they can help.

Subject: Help bring this year’s [event’s name] to life!

My name is [name], and I’m part of the team at [organization’s name]. We’re hosting our annual [event’s name]. This event not only helps raise funds for [organization’s cause], but it also will raise awareness for our cause across the community. Our previous events have [describe an emotional story speaking to the specific positive impact of event].

We’re proud to announce that this year’s event will be held on [date] at [location].

Since the event’s inception, we’ve raised over [fundraising amount], and this year, we plan on raising even more! So far, we are expecting approximately [number of attendees] participants.

However, this event wouldn’t be possible without the support of local companies who provide valuable products and services so that we can support our attendees and participants.

Would you be willing to donate [donation amount, in-kind donation, or volunteer service] to help make this year’s event possible? With your donation, we’d be able to [specific action].

If you wish to support us, I would be happy to provide you with more information and [incentive, for example: put your logo on our event materials]. Feel free to contact me at [phone number/email] or feel free to fill out and send the attached donation request form with your contribution and we can start our conversation.

Thank you for your consideration! With your help, we’re one step closer to [your goal]!

When planning an event, organizations will often send out donation request letters to supporters and local companies in an effort to raise enough money or supplies to bring their event to life. Make sure to clearly explain what your event is and mention if it has been successful in the past. It’s smart to initially reach out to corporations, as they will have the most resources for a bigger event.

Whether you’re in the search for physical supplies or want a generous monetary donation, contacting a business can be extremely beneficial. To further incentivize your recipients, you can offer to thank them publically at the event or display their brand name on event materials.

Tips and Tricks for Donation Request Letters: Segmentation

When your organization sends out donation request letters, it makes sense to reach out to your entire donor database and cover as much ground as possible. However, you don’t want to fall into the trap of writing the same letter to every person. You might attempt to at least personalize each letter with the recipient’s name, but that runs the risk of becoming a huge time waster.

Many online donation software and CRM systems have segmentation capabilities to group donors in your donor base into more specific categories. Using these segmented groups, you can more efficiently target your messages by:

  • Donation history.  Segment your donors based on whether they have donated to your organization in the past. For example, when requesting donations from those who donate every year and those who have never donated before, it makes sense to frame the content differently.
  • Location.  If you are hosting a local event or focus your on-the-ground work in a specific community, you can segment your donors based on where they’re located. When asking supporters who live in your neighborhood, begin your donation request letter with a reference to something beloved by the locals.
  • Demographic markers.  Your supporters are made up of individuals of many ages. With Millenials and Gen Z becoming older, they’re turning into the next generation of donors. For those who are younger, it makes sense to send a donation request email more so than a letter. Furthermore, you can develop other marketing strategies that are targeted for certain age groups. For example, an online peer-to-peer fundraiser will likely attract a younger, tech-savvy audience.

Subject: Would you be willing to help [organization’s name]?

Dear [donor’s name, for more effectiveness, find the business owner or CEO],

We are [organization’s name] and we work hard to support and bring awareness to [organization’s cause]. Ever since [year of founding], our team has been [hosting events, raising money, etc.] to help [specific positive impact of your organization].

We are currently planning [your next initiative] that will hopefully bring [impact of your efforts] to our community. That is why we are asking for your help. With your resources and [specific reason why this company should donate, for example: it is a local business and a member of the community], together we could make an incredible difference.

Would you be willing to donate [specific donation amount, in-kind donation, or service] to help our cause? We’d be happy to provide [incentive, for example: we will thank you publically, put your company’s name on our website or on event literature] in exchange to show how much we appreciate this.

If you’d like to begin this partnership, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [phone number], or feel free to fill out and send the attached donation request form with your contribution and we can start our conversation.

Thank you for your help,

[organization’s name]

Key Takeaway from This Donation Request Letter

Often times, nonprofits and other organizations will try and appeal to corporations, whether big or small, for donation requests. Although structured similarly to donation request letters for individuals, often people ask for in-kind donations (non-monetary) in addition to financial help.

Corporations and businesses have more resources, so sending them a donation request letter is smart if you’re in need of specific material or supplies. Keep in mind that businesses might want something in return, so it can be a good idea to offer an incentive. For example, offer to post their logo and business name on your literature or publicly thank them at your event. That gives them some positive exposure!

Subject: Be [school name]’s next hero!

Dear [donor’s name]

My name is [name] and I work at [school’s name] as [job position]. Each year we welcome a new class of eager and bright students that we’re so excited to get to know. We work hard to make sure we provide amazing learning opportunities and engaging events to bring our school’s community together.

This year, we are trying to [event or program you are raising money or supplies for]. [Attention grabbing story that explains why you’re raising funds. For instance, if you’re raising money to start an after school art program, share the story of a young student that needs the program to pursue his dream of becoming a graphic designer].

However, due to our school’s budgetary constraints, we had to cut back [school supplies/creative program/etc]. While we strive to offer our students the best education possible, we need the resources and supplies to keep our [program/club] running

We would like to ask that you help us continue [event or program] by donating [donation amount, specific item, or service].

If you choose to contribute to our school, you will give more than just [product or service]. You’ll be a hero to the students who will be able to [the positive result of your school reaching its goals].

Please feel free to contact me at [phone number] or by email [email address] if you have any additional questions about our program or if you’d like to support us in another way. If you would like to donate, please fill out and return the attached form with your in-kind donations.

All of us at [school’s name] thank you in advance for your support!

Warm regards,

[school’s name]

Pull at your potential donor’s heartstrings by talking about your school’s students. Mention the programs and events that your school hosts and write how your goal is to help these young students learn and grow into future leaders. Explain clearly what you’re asking the donor to contribute to, whether that is a specific program or end-of-year event.

Be specific in what you’re asking for as well, and give the recipient multiple options. Sometimes people would rather volunteer than donate monetary contributions, so it’s helpful for your donation request letter to include this as well. Make sure your donors know the specific impact of their donation to really solidify that donation!

Subject: Help lift our congregation higher!

As you know, we are [church’s name] and we are nothing without supporters like you. Thank you for continuing to keep us in your mind and contributing to our community. Every week we offer various services as well as host a number of programs and events to help empower and raise the people around us.

Lately, we’ve been trying to [talk about the reason why the church is requesting donations, for example: trying to provide clothes for those less fortunate or raising money to have a new youth program]. This will help our community by [talk about how specifically is the church going to make a positive impact].

Would you consider increasing your role in the church and donating [specific donation amount, in-kind donation, or service]? We would greatly appreciate any help you can provide, and our community will recognize your generous contribution.

If you’d like to continue this conversation and help us make the world a better place, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [phone number] or fill out the attached form. Additionally, our doors are always open and we’d love to talk to you in person at [church’s address]. [church leader’s name] is always available to discuss future steps.

[church’s name]

If you’re a church, the bulk of your support is going to come from the community around you. From tithes to other fundraising events, many churches write donation request letters to garner more personal contributions. This donation letter is effective because you’re only going to be asking your existing community of supporters.

Oftentimes your church is going to need a little bit more funding, especially if you’re creating a new program or hosting an event. Those who support your church will want to show their altruism, so make sure to emphasize how much this donation will impact your church and help the community.

Subject: Help us build a new [church building name] for our community!

My name is [name] and I am a part of the community of [church’s name]. Recently, we have been working hard to [explain what needs repairing or building for the church]. [Explain why this project is urgent, for example: the building is supposed to be ready by a certain date, or you’re so close to your fundraising goal to finish construction].

Our community is looking forward to [creating or repairing] a place where we can all come together. We would really appreciate your support and that is why we are writing to you today. Would you be willing to donate [specific donation amount or in-kind donation or volunteer activity]? With your generous help, we’d be able to [explain specific positive impact the donation will bring]. Together we can reach our goal and bring [church building name] to life!

I’d like to thank you for any help you’d be able to offer. We’re so excited to get started and [details of the church project]. If you’d like to donate, please contact me at [phone number/email] or fill out the attached form and come by the church at [address]. I would love to start this relationship with you and begin the conversation.

Hope to see you soon,

Often times, churches will need extra funds or resources to help them finish a project. Whether you’re expanding your church or just want to make repairs, a donation request letter to your community members is a good idea.

Make sure to reach out to those who frequent your church as they are the ones who want to help the most. Let them know what your goal is with the construction project so they are aware of exactly what is going on. Since you are a faith-based organization, reach out in personal ways. Include specifically how they can help and invite them to talk in person to begin this positive relationship!

Donation Request Letter for Temple

Subject: [temple’s name] calls out to you for support.

My name is [name] and I work with our local temple, [temple’s name]. We have been active for [amount of years] and strive to engage our community in celebration of our shared history and traditions. More than ever it’s important that there is a safe, cultural place for us to come together and share experiences. Over the years, we have worked hard to [describe past events, past fundraisers, etc.]

Every week we host [weekly religious event, for example: shabbat] and see [amount] of families and individuals come through our door. Coming together to celebrate as a community is our core purpose and one of the main ways in which we give back, but we can’t do it alone. That is why we are writing to you today.

With a donation amount of [donation amount, in-kind donation, or volunteer service], it keeps [physical impact, for example: our lights on for a day], and a donation of [larger dollar amount, in-kind donation, or volunteer service] can [larger physical impact, for example: gives seven children the chance to join a program].

If you’d like to make a contribution, please contact our office at [phone number] or send the attached donation request form with your contribution and we can start our conversation. Additionally, we’d always love to talk in person, so feel free to visit us at [temple’s address].

Thank you again,

Temples and other faith-based establishments send out donation request letters in order to garner additional support from their community. A lot of temples rely on their community in order to perform many of their recurring events and religious services. With Shabbat services happening every weekend, it can take a lot to handle the logistics and costs.

It’s smart to send your temple donation request letter to people of the same faith, as they would likely be the most familiar with your religious events. Along with asking for financial gifts, you might want to ask for volunteer help from older, more experienced members, as well as in-kind donations such as clothes, food, and other resources.

Tips and Tricks for Donation Request Letters: Prospect Research

If your organization needs extra help, whether it is financial gift or an in-kind donation, it’s likely that you’ll send out a couple of donation request letters. But how does your team choose who will receive them? With prospect research tools, your organization can do research to find those who might have the ability to become major donors.

Major donors are those who make large contributions to your cause . For many organizations, a majority of their funds are provided by just a couple of those major donors. According to DonorSearch , on average, over 88% of all funds come from 12% of donors — your major donors.

Prospect research is a method used by any organization that deals with donors in order to learn more about them.  Filtering your past donors and the surrounding community, prospect research tools can look at a donor database and filter for:

  • Business affiliations.
  • Past giving history.
  • Personal information.
  • Real estate ownership.
  • More markers of financial ability and philanthropic tendencies.

These factors can help evaluate a prospect’s giving affinity (to indicate how much they care about the cause), giving capacity (to indicate if they have the means to make a major gift), and giving propensity (to indicate where they are likely to be philanthropic), make up the three key factors of major gift fundraising.

Sample Donation Request Letter for Animal Shelters

Subject: Help us find homes for [pet names].

We are [animal shelter’s name] and we have been in operation since [year of founding] to help [types of animals] who don’t have homes or need medical help. Earlier this year, we [emotional story about an animal you have saved or found a home for].

Furry friends like [pet names examples] are looking at shorter, harder lives without organizations like ours. We wish we could give each animal a home, but it’s always a challenge. We need funds for supplies like [food, medicine, shelter, etc] to keep them safe and healthy in the meantime. That’s why we are asking for your help.

With a donation of [donation amount or resources], you can help our shelter [physical impact of the donation, for example: help some kittens get vaccinated or help puppies stay warm for the winter]. We are able to provide these lovable animals with homes and love because of our community and supporters like you.

If you’d like to help in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [phone number] or visit our shelter at [address]. Additionally, you can fill out the form we’ve provided.We’d love any help you can provide, and we know [pet names examples] will be grateful.

[animal shelter’s name]

If you work for an animal shelter, you know that you can’t provide homes for or save every animal, even though you want to. If you’re looking for some extra help, sending out donation request letters to your community can be a good idea.

Pull donors in with an emotional story about an animal you have recently saved. This way they can get invested and you can prove that your animal shelter really does make a measurable difference. End your letter by giving the donation details. Let your donors know that they can help in other ways if they can. Pet supplies and volunteer work can also be a great help to your shelter.

Sample Donation Request Letter for Museums

Subject: [museum’s name] needs your help!

[museum’s age] years ago, we opened our doors to our first visitors and officially began operating as the [museum’s name]. Since we opened, we’ve seen [number] international exhibits, [number] first-time visitors, and [number] groups of schoolchildren come through our halls.

Did you know that [percentage]% of our budget comes from the donations of supporters just like you? We as an organization rely upon donations of all sizes, from the change in your pocket to much larger endowments and grants.

Our mission is to provide education about [museum’s focus] and bring joy to everyone from the youngest to the oldest members of our community, and we can’t continue to do that without your support.

A donation of just [dollar amount] keeps [physical impact, for example our lights on for a day], and a donation of [larger dollar amount] can [physical impact, for example: gives seven children the chance to join a program].

If you are able to donate at this time, you can do so by returning the form attached to this letter, calling us at [phone number], or by visiting us online at [museum webpage]. We also gratefully accept in-kind donations of office supplies and technology to help keep our administration running smoothly.

Please consider becoming a member, as well, to take advantage of year-round benefits and provide more stable support for our work.

We appreciate your support of the [museum], and hope you come visit us soon!

[museum website]

Museums often rely on their community of supporters to help them launch new exhibits or provide fantastical events showcasing a new artist. Major gifts make up a large part of the revenue for museums, so maybe look into some prospect research tools as well. Learn to write an effective donation request letter by starting out with a history of the successes of your museum.

Make sure to highlight your successes, whether it is the amount of exhibits you’ve hosted or the amount of schools you provided educational content to. Donors will want to know what your museum has done so they’ll have a better idea of what their money will be used for. Further explain how different donation amounts help impact your museum to show donors that any amount will help.

Sample Donation Request Letter for Theatres

Subject: The show must go on!

My name is [name] and I work at the [theatre name]. For the past [years] years, we’ve been putting on productions that showcase our talented actors and actresses and work hard to provide unforgettable experiences for our audience.

Currently, our cast and crew have been practicing and rehearsing to help bring [new show name] to life. We are so excited to bring [show details] to the community, and we know it’s going to be a special night.

Last year, our biggest production, [show name], brought in [amount] attendees in the audience. This year, we hope to bring in even  more  people to our seats. That is why we need your help. With the costs of [expenses, for example: stage materials, costumes] piling up, it’s getting harder to put on the show that we’ve all envisioned.

Would you be willing to donate [donation money amount or other in-kind donations] to help out our cast and crew? With that small gift, we would be able to [positive physical impact], and bring us so much closer to putting this show on the stage. We would appreciate any help that you can offer.

If you’d like to make a contribution of any kind, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [phone number] or to check out our website, [website URL]. We have also provided an attached form for you to fill out. Let’s start this conversation. The shows that we put on would not be possible without supporters of the arts like you.

Please, don’t hesitate to visit us!

Theatres often need support from their community so writing a donation request letter is a common occurrence. Whether you need financial help or specific materials and resources, reaching out to those around you is a great way to ensure that your productions are the best as possible.

This donation request letter is effective because it creates a connection between people who are inspired by the arts and possible donors. Pull them in with an emotional story about how your theatre came to be and some general history on it.

Subject: [organization’s name] needs you.

My name is [name] and I am in the [position] for [organization’s name]. Our team works hard to support and bring awareness to [organization’s cause]. Ever since [year of founding], our team has been [hosting events, raising money] to help [specific positive impact of your organization].

We are planning something new, so get excited. By [date], we are hoping to launch [upcoming project or event] that will bring [impact of event] to our community. That is why we are asking for your help.

As a leader of your community and business, you must know how difficult and costly large initiatives like ours can be. With the resources [corporation’s name] has and your incredible history of charity work, I know that together we can make a huge difference. [Bring up a common goal or mission of your organization with the corporation].

Would you be willing to donate [specific donation amount, in-kind donation, or service] to help our cause? We’d be happy to provide [incentive, for example: we will thank you publicly, put your company’s name on our website or on event literature] in exchange to show how much we appreciate your support.

If you’d like to begin this partnership, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [phone number/email]. We have also attached a form and other materials for you to review.

Hope to talk soon,

Corporations and other large businesses have a wealth of resources that individuals might not. If you’re planning an event that is in need of a large amount of supplies, whether that be uniforms or food, or support to rent a venue, a corporation is a good recipient of a donation request letter. It can certainly be a challenge to get a large corporation to send a donation, however, so that is why you have to frame your request letter carefully.

Find a corporation whose mission aligns with yours or who has helped other similar charities or fundraisers in the past. Bring up how they specifically, can help your cause. Additionally, talk about all the great impacts your organization has already made. Larger corporations will want to donate to an organization that already has a positive reputation.

Tips and Tricks for Donation Request Letters: Matching Gifts

Writing donation request letters can really help your organization raise some revenue if you send them out to your community of supporters. Oftentimes, you  will  receive donations, and whether they’re big or small, they make a huge impact. Each contribution adds up, but did you know there was a way to maybe double the impact of each donation with matching gift programs?

Corporate matching gift programs are a form of corporate philanthropy where businesses will financially match a donation that an employee gives to a charitable organization.  Whether you’re a charitable organization, a faith-based group, or an educational institution, you can potentially take advantage of these programs, depending on the individual rules set by each business.

To see if any past donations can be matched by employers, you should invest in a trusty  matching gift database.  This way, your team and your donors can look up employers’ guidelines and determine eligibility. For even stronger results,  Double the Donation , the largest and most accurate matching gift database, offers a robust automation tool called 360MatchPro . You can check your donors’ business affiliations as well as access the necessary forms and deadlines to see each matched gift through to completion.

PTA Dontation Request Letter Template

Subject: Let’s make this the best year yet for [school’s name]!

My name is [name] and I’m a part of the Parent Teachers Association at [school’s name]. As you probably know, we work hard each year to build strong relationships among parents, teachers, and the school, all while creating engaging programs for our students.

[describe the emotionally compelling reason why you’re reaching out to this donor. For example, they are a parent of a student, or they are an alumnus, or they are a local business]. You know how important the school experience is for students, which is why we are planning [new school event or program].

[new school event or program] is set to take place during [date]. [Describe the event/program, talk about what’s the event/program consists of and how it will help your students]. Working with the teachers of [school’s name], the PTA is so excited to bring this to our kids. However, with the costs of [school supplies, food, resources, venue], we need to reach out to our school’s community for the extra support to push us to the finish line.

Would you be willing to donate [specific donation amount, in-kind donation, or service] to help us bring this experience to the students? We would love to offer you an incentive and thank you during our event. Please contact our office at [school’s name] using this phone number, [phone number] or you can send us an email: [email address]. We have also provided a form which you can fill out.

We’d love to start this conversation with you and see how you can help make this year the best for our students!

If you’re a member of a school’s PTA, you are tasked with planning events and programs each year and work with both teachers and parents to engage your students. If you need extra funding or even some resources from local businesses, it’s smart to send out a donation request letter to the community.

Keep in mind that depending on who you are reaching out to, you can use their relationship with your school to create an emotionally compelling story. Reach out to parents, alumni, and local businesses, as they will connect to your school the strongest.

Also, don’t forget to describe the event or program your school is planning. Talk about the specific ways it will benefit your student life and engage them in educational and unique activities!

Subject: Help feed our community with [organization’s name]!

We are [organization’s name] and we work hard to provide awareness and support to [organization’s cause]. [Describe emotional story about how your organization started working towards this cause].

In the past, we have hosted a number of programs that have helped our community. [Describe past events or activities your organization has hosted in the past. Talk about the specific positive impact of these events]. We hope to break our own records this year with our new, upcoming event, [new event name]. Taking place on [date], we want to bring [details of what this new event will do for your community, explain how food plays into your event].

However, to make this event a true triumph and bring the best experience to our community, we want to ask for your help. Would you be willing to make a food donation to our organization? In order to [goal of event, for example: feed our attendees, help homeless people], we would love any help you can give. Look through your pantry, because just [small donation amount] will help us [small positive impact] whereas a [larger donation amount] will help us [large positive impact].

If you’d be willing to contribute a gift of any kind, please contact us at [phone number] or visit our website at [website]. There is also an attached form with additional information. We’d love to begin this conversation!

Whether your organization is a charitable nonprofit, a faith-based institution, or a local elementary school, oftentimes you will be in need of more in-kind donations rather than monetary donations. Donation request letters for food can be sent to either individual supporters or local businesses, depending on the gift that you’re looking for.

Make sure to mention specifically what your organization needs from the donor. It helps if you give specific amounts or a list of accepted items so they can look through their pantry and resources to gauge whether they can donate. Give them different donation levels to pick from with different impact levels as well, this way they can donate a smaller amount if that’s all they have and know it has made a difference.

Sample Donation Request Letter for Sports Team

Subject: Help [team name] bring home that trophy!

My name is [name] and I’m [describe your association with the sports team, for example: I am a coach, I am a parent] with [number] other amazing players and teammates. [Give a description of your sports team and how it started. Try to make your story emotionally investing, for instance, describe a specific player and their journey on your team].

Each year, this league brings players so much joy and enjoyment, allowing them to engage with others who are passionate about [sport]. We are beginning to prepare for the new season, and we are so excited to help [team name] bring home that championship trophy. However, with transportation, new uniforms, and equipment for over [amount] of individuals, the costs are adding up.

Since you are [describe the reason why you’re asking them for a donation, for example: you used to play in the league, you are a parent of the league, you are a local business], would you be willing to make a donation of [donation amount, equipment, food, other in-kind donations]? With just that contribution, we’d already [positive impact, for example: give a whole team of young girls new softball uniforms].

If you’d like to make a donation or want to help out in other ways, please call me at [phone number] or visit our website, [URL], for more information. We have attached a form for convenience as well. The players of [sports team] can’t thank you enough.

Best wishes,

[photo of sports team]

If you help manage a sports team, you’ve probably had to raise funds before. Funding transportation, snacks, uniforms, and other team necessities can be difficult without some help from your surrounding community. You can ask for donations from both individuals or local businesses, depending on what you’re trying to fundraise for.

Remember to be specific in asking for what you need and why you need it. For example, whether you need help with transportation costs in order for your team to go to a different town for a game or need a new set of baseball uniforms, write that down. Additionally, be specific with the resources you are asking for. If you want a financial donation, talk about the exact amount you’d want and how that donation will impact your cause!

Subject: Come and help out the residents of [old age home’s name]!

My name is [name] and I am on the [position/connection to old age home] for [retirement home’s name]. We support over [number] of elderly folk, some who have families and some who don’t. Ever since [year of creation], we’ve tried to help our older individuals be comfortable and engage with others in various activities. [Talk about a specific resident and how your old age home has helped them].

From day-to-day care, healthy meals, medical attention, and community programs, [old age home’s name] strives to create the best environment for our elderly to thrive in. However, the costs of looking after all these people can start to add up, especially since many of them don’t have any outside family. [old age home’s name] is proud to be a family to all residents and community members.

Currently, we have a shortage in [medical supplies, resources, etc.]. Would you be willing to donate [donation amount or in-kind donation or volunteer service time]? With your help, we’d be able to [positive impact on surrounding community and elderly residents].

If you’d like to make a gift, please contact our office at [phone number] or stop by the home. We can start talking about how you can best help. We have also attached a form to fill out for convenience. The elders of [old age home’s name] are so appreciative.

Thank you so much,

Old age homes help the elderly who don’t have a place to live or need extra day-to-day support. While they are an important institution in society, many forget about them unless they themselves have a relative at one. Many old age homes depend on their community for support, both with financial help and volunteer services, so it’s good to learn how to write a great old age home donation request letter.

Make sure you open up with an engaging story to really let your recipients know how crucial it is that your elderly residents receive help. Be specific, it can help to talk about a specific resident or patient you have and how your old age home has helped them in particular. Describe exactly what you need and the services you’re looking for, and give them a wide range of choices.

Sometimes your community members can’t give a financial gift but would be happy to volunteer!


cover letter asking for donations is a project put together by Nexus Marketing and ECardWidget  as a way to help individuals and organizations across the world effectively communicate with supporters. Feel free to use our fundraising letter templates for your organization.

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The Basics of Fundraising Letters

Donation eCards

Matching Gift Letters

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How to write a donation request letters + 6 sample letter templates you can use

In this article, we’ll cover how to write a donation letter. Use one of our six sample donation request letter templates to help get started.

In the age of social media fundraisers and crowdfunding campaigns, donation request letters may seem old-fashioned.

While they are a traditional form of fundraising, donation request letters are still a highly-effective and popular way to solicit donations. The letter format allows you to speak directly to your potential donors in a personal way, while giving them time to consider the request.

In this article, we’ll cover how to write a donation letter and the basics you need to include.

We’ve also made six sample donation request letter templates you can use for:

  • Individual fundraising letters
  • Church fundraising letters
  • Matching gift donation request letters
  • Sponsorship letters
  • Volunteer letters
  • Thank you letters

How do you write a donation request letter?

Donation letters are a fundraising tool used to reach prospective donors and ask for donations. They can be especially effective when you have a specific campaign or giving day, as it adds an extra level of urgency. 

Obviously, the format of your letter will depend on the donor contact information you have. If you have donor mailing addresses, you may want to send a letter. However, if you have email addresses, you can also opt to send your letter out electronically. Always remember to stick to the recipient's preferences too. Physical mail is more likely to be opened, however it is a more costly option. Emails have a lower open rate, but they allow you to link directly to donation pages, videos and photos for a very low cost. Bulk email software also allows you to track open rates, so you can easily resend the email to recipients who didn’t open it the first time.

When you start writing your donation request letter, always think about the potential donors you are writing to. The level of formality will vary if you are writing to a corporation, a student or a volunteer. Below, we have some different examples of donation request letters depending on who you are writing to.

When it comes to the content of the letter, imagine you are the one receiving it - what would make you want to donate? What stories or statistics can you include that really highlight the great work you do? Can you clearly explain what the money, or in-kind donations will be used for, and how many people it will help?

All these factors will determine how effective your letter is at raising funds from your donor base.

Donation request letter template

We’ll go into more specific examples below, but these are the basic elements your donation request letter should have, regardless if you’re sending a physical letter or an email:

  • Header: This should show your organization's name and logo. 
  • Contact information : List your address, phone number, email address, and website.
  • Salutation : Always aim to use the prospective donor’s first name, as the letter is more likely to be read if it’s personally addressed. ‘Dear Andrew’ is perfectly fine, or you could opt for a more formal greeting like ‘Dear Mr Jones’ for corporate letters.
  • Mission : Explain your organization's mission in a compelling way that captures the reader's attention. You should keep it concise, clarify why you’re reaching out and what your organization has achieved so far. 
  • Goal : Introduce your current project goal, and how much you are trying to raise to achieve the goal. Feel free to add a photo, or a link to a video, to further highlight your goal and add to the emotional appeal.
  • Call-to-action : Add a clear CTA, with an easy way to donate. If you want financial support, link to a donation page, or include your bank details along with a suggested amount. If you are requesting in-kind donations or sponsorship, include further information about what donors will receive in return. Include instructions on how to take the next step.
  • Additional information: Any additional information such as tax benefits, volunteer opportunities, or gift-matching days. 
  • Sign off: Add your signature, job title and name, and thank them again for their support. 

cover letter asking for donations

1. Individual fundraising donation request letters

The most common type of fundraising letter is the individual letter, sent to supporters, donors or volunteers on your database during major fundraising campaigns.

You might choose to send the letter ahead of Giving Tuesday (the Tuesday after Thanksgiving) or in celebration of a milestone, such as your organization's 5-year anniversary. Remember to personalize the greeting with their name, which you can track using a donor CRM such as Blackbaud .

You could also include a success story and a picture to deliver an even greater emotional appeal and impact.

Dear [Name],

[Start with an emotional story about someone your organization has helped. For example, this week, we are able to feed 500 hungry families, make breakfasts for 2000 school students and rescue over 1 ton of food from landfill]. That couldn’t have happened without your support!

We have only been able to do this thanks to generous supporters like you. That’s why we wanted to reach out to you today to talk about our next ambitious goals and how you can get involved.

[Talk about your next big project and fundraising goal . Give as much detail as possible in terms of how many people it will help, the timeline and how the funds will be spent]. 

With your support, we know we can achieve our goals. Are you willing to donate? With a gift of [$amount] we will be able to [$impact]. And don’t forget, all donations are fully tax-deductible.

Donations can be made easily via [information on how to donate]. You will receive a donation receipt sent to your inbox immediately.

Alternatively, [include other ways to donate]. Every dollar makes a difference!

You are truly making a difference in people's lives, and we wouldn’t be able to reach as many people as we do without your support. If you’d like to learn more about what we do, and how you can get involved, click on the links below.

  • Volunteer with us 
  • Read our blog
  • Follow us on social media

We would be so grateful if you could pass this letter on to three family members or friends so we can smash our goals and help even more people!

Thank you very much.


[Job title]

2. Church donation request letters

Churches rely on the generosity of their congregants to keep the doors open and the lights on, so fundraising is an essential year-round activity. On top of the regular in-person collections, fundraising letters can be used when you have a specific fundraising effort - such as the restoration of a building, a mission trip, or an upcoming event or raffle. 

You may choose to send fundraising donation request letters exclusively to your church congregation or to the wider community.

Church Name

Greetings! We hope this letter finds you well and that you’ve had a relaxing, blessed holiday season. As an important member of our wonderful congregation, we wanted to keep you up to date with our big plans for the year ahead.

As we continue to welcome new members to our church family, we have felt the need for more space and events to accommodate everyone comfortably.

We are now in the early stages of planning the renovation of the hall in the churchyard. This will enable us to host events on-site such as kids club, wedding celebrations, and morning teas.

The expected costs of the works are [$amount] and are expected to be completed by [date].

We will be hosting a number of special fundraising events to pay for the works. 

The first one is a morning tea next Sunday 10th September at the church. 

[Further details about event]. Admission is [$amount] for adults, and [$amount] for children under 10.

We look forward to seeing you there, and sharing this exciting project with you over the coming months.

As always, have a blessed day. We hope to see you Sunday!

Good wishes,

[Pastor’s Signature]

[Pastor’s Name]

3. Matching gift donation request letters

These are emails sent to your donor base after they make a cash donation, to encourage them to check if their company offers a gift matching program.

Gift matching is a form of corporate giving that many large organizations use to encourage employees to give to their favorite charity (similar to volunteer grant programs ). After they’ve donated individually, they can submit a form to HR, and the company will then also give the same amount - essentially doubling the donation. 

Dear [Donor name],

Thank you for your recent donation. [Talk about how the donation will be used]. 

To make your donation go even further, check to see if your employer has a matching gift program. If they do, your donation may be instantly doubled!

We’d be so grateful for any extra support.

Click here [link] to access all the information you may need to apply..

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at [contact email or phone].

4. Sponsorship request letter

Sponsorship letters are used to find potential sponsors that may be willing to become a sponsor for a certain event or project, in return for marketing and promotion during the event. 

As well as writing a letter, you should also create a sponsorship document that goes into detail about what sponsors will receive at each sponsorship level. This can then be attached to the letter.

Dear (Name, Position, Organization),

[Start by introducing yourself. Share a compelling story about what your organization does and the impact you have made so far in the community. For example, this week, we are able to feed 500 hungry families, make breakfasts for 2000 school students and rescue over 1 ton of food from landfill].

We are getting prepared for our annual event [event name] on [date] at [location]. Last year’s event was such a huge success thanks to our generous sponsors and donors that we were able to raise [$amount] and [specific accomplishments you used the money for].

This year we’re hoping to raise even more! Our goal is [$amount], and we would love you to come aboard to help us reach that goal.

As a corporate sponsor, you’ll be able to help us achieve our goal of [goal].

In return, you will receive the following incentives and recognition:

Gold level, $2000+: [list perks]

Silver level, $1000+: [list perks]

Bronze level, $300+: [list perks]

All sponsors will be listed in our event program and a link to your website will be added to our event page.

We’re accepting cash donations as well as in-kind donations of goods or services for our charity auction. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

We’ve attached a Sponsorship Pack so you can find out more about becoming a corporate sponsor. If you’re ready to make a donation, [instructions].

Want to learn more about what we do, and how you can get involved? Click on the links below.

Thank you in advance for your generosity. Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at [phone number] or [email] if you have any questions.

5. Volunteer call out request letters

Along with donations, volunteers are the other major resource that non profits are constantly seeking. Research shows that volunteers are likely to also be donors, so tap into this trend by placing a call out for both. A volunteer call out letter can bring you both vital funds and new supporters!

[Start by sharing a compelling story about what your organization does and the impact you have made so far in the community. For example, this week, we are able to feed 500 hungry families, make breakfasts for 2000 school students and rescue over 1 ton of food from landfill].

As a valued supporter of [organization name], we wanted to get back in touch to share some news. [Talk about your next big project and fundraising goal. Give as much detail as possible including how many people it will help, the timeline and how the funds will be spent]. 

This year we’re hoping to raise even more! Our goal is [$amount].

Donations can be made easily via [information on how to donate]. You will receive a donation receipt sent to your inbox immediately. Every dollar makes a difference!

We are also seeking volunteers to help strengthen our existing team of [number] volunteers. We have a range of specific roles we are recruiting for, as well as seeking volunteers to help out on event day.

If you’re interested in finding out more about becoming a volunteer, click on the volunteer role descriptions below.

Our volunteers are truly making a difference in people's lives, and we wouldn’t be able to reach as many people as we do without them. Learn more about the benefits of volunteering here [link to volunteers page/video].

6. Thank you donation letter

At the end of the campaign, review your progress and the amount raised. Can you track the success of your letters? Did you achieve your goals?

If so, make sure to include that information in a thank you letter to all donors. Remember to highlight the amount of money raised, how it will be spent, and what progress you’ve already made towards achieving your goal. This will make donors feel appreciated, and encourage them to donate again in the future. 

[Start with a compelling story about someone your charity or non profit organization has helped. For example, this week, we are able to feed 500 hungry families, make breakfasts for 2000 school students and rescue over 1 ton of food from landfill]. That couldn’t have happened without your support!

Thank you for your recent generous donation of [$amount]. In total, we raised over [$amount], smashing our fundraising goal of [$target], which was simply incredible! Over the coming months, we will [detail plans on how the funds will be used].

You are truly making a difference in people's lives, and we wouldn't be able to reach as many people as we do without your support. If you’d like to learn more about what we do, and how you can get involved, click on the links below.

We will be sharing regular updates on our website and social media pages, so keep an eye out to see the impact your donation is making.

Hopefully you’ve found these fundraising donation request letters useful, and you can use them as a starting point for your next successful fundraising campaign. Keep reading more about fundraising on our blog:

  • 25 Easy Virtual Fundraising Ideas
  • 10 Important Steps to Planning a Fundraiser
  • GivenGain-Rosterfy partnership lets charities combine volunteering & fundraising

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Rosterfy exists to connect communities to events and causes they are passionate about through volunteer and paid workforce management technology. Our proven end to end technology allows charities, events and organizations to recruit, register, screen, train, manage and report with ease, replacing manual processes with automations to better engage and retain your volunteers and paid staff.

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cover letter asking for donations

  • This letter details about a donation for a good cause. Express your pleasure in donating and detail how you would like to use this amount. State the name of the person to whom you are addressing the donation. If you need any receipt of the acknowledgement, mention the details of it in brief.
  • Mention the details of the donation. Include whose name you are giving the donation in and how you would like the donation to be used.
  • Mention the reason for donation. If you expect any acknowledgement of the donation, mention that in brief.
  • End with a positive note.


[Letter Date]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

As a sign of me and my family's support to your organization's cause, I have enclosed a check that we ardently wish will help you in your campaign for building a better community. We look forward to supporting your cause in any way we can, and are eagerly awaiting any chance we can help you in furthering your cause. As a parent, I am thankful that an organization such as yours is present and is providing our children with healthy role models our kids can adore. We hope for more success in your future endeavors and keep up the good work!

Sincerely, [Senders Name] [Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional - cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Sample cover letter for a donation to an organization.

Further things to consider when writing cover letters to fundraisers

Further things to consider when writing cover letters to fundraisers

  • Cover Letters

Cover letters are letters written to explain the contents of other documents. In most cases, cover letters are sent together with resumes to provide additional information on the applicant's' skills and experience. They explain in detail why the applicants are qualified for the job they are applying for. A cover letter creates a critical first impression as it is often the earliest contact you will have with a potential employer. Employees use cover letters to screen applicants for available positions and to determine the ones that they would like to interview. Cover letters are an essential part of every job application. You, therefore, need to make sure that your cover letter sells your abilities and skills to recruiters. Do not just repeat what is on your resume, rather, explain in details why you feel that you are the best match for the applied job. Do this clearly and concisely, and in such a way that the recipient would want to meet you. Mention the employment position that you are applying for, how you learnt about it and how you are qualified for it. Request the recipient to contact you at the end of the letter.

Letters to Fundraisers

Letters to fundraisers are letters sent to people who seek financial support for charities, institutions, and/or other enterprises. If you have been requested to donate something to a fund, there are times when you may find yourself writing to the fundraiser. It could be to seek some clarification about the donation, to inquire about the venue and date, or even to cancel the invitation to the fundraiser. In all situations, letters to fundraisers should be sent well in advance so that all the involved parties can be on the same page. The best letters to fundraisers are short and to the point. Start the letter with the proper salutation making sure that it is addressed formally and to the right person. Clearly mention the purpose of the letter. If you are writing to cancel an invitation, for instance, state so and give the reason for cancellation. In instances where you are writing to request some information, mention exactly what you are requesting. Include any other details that you think could be of help to the recipient. Be polite and maintain a professional tone. Conclude on a positive note and with a statement that calls the recipient to action.

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Fundraising Letters: Asking for Donations Made Easy (+ Free Template)

Fundraising letters are used to request grants or endowments from institutions, request support for your nonprofit’s capital campaign ask for donations, in-kind contributions, volunteer time, sponsorships, and more. This type of fundraising letter is important because it can communicate your financial needs, give donors a chance to contribute towards the impact & gain support for…

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Fundraising letters are used to request grants or endowments from institutions, request support for your nonprofit’s capital campaign ask for donations, in-kind contributions, volunteer time, sponsorships, and more.

This type of fundraising letter is important because it can communicate your financial needs, give donors a chance to contribute towards the impact & gain support for your campaign.

While millennials respond to digital donation appeals, the baby boomer generation overwhelmingly prefers direct mail .

They can be sent out year-round or to fundraise for specific campaigns. Fundraising letters or solicitation letters usually detail your nonprofit organization’s needs and let the donors know how they can help. They give you a chance to tell potential donors your story, show the impact your organization is making, and rally support for your mission.

Fundraising letters generally fall into two separate categories: individual and corporate appeals.

In this article, we focus on individual appeals.

Table of Contents:

How to Write an Effective Nonprofit Fundraising Letter

Nonprofit fundraising letter examples.

  • Nonprofit Fundraising Letter Template

Crafting the Perfect Fundraising Letter

fundraising letter

  • Determine Your Goal
  • Think About Your Audience
  • Tell an Engaging Story
  • Keep it Donor-Centric
  • Make it Short and Sweet
  • Make it Easy to Read
  • Skip the Statistics
  • Emphasize Urgency and Call to Action
  • Thank and Sign
  • Rewrite, Revise
  • Keep it Simple

1. Determine Your Goal

First, take some time to review your mission and vision statements, as well as your organizational goals. Then, brainstorm and clarify the goal for the fundraising letter. Finally, connect the fundraising letter goal to the overall mission of your organization.

Before writing your fundraising letter, also determine what success will look like to you. How much money do you hope to raise and how will you use it? What are you hoping to achieve? The answers to these questions will help guide the content of your letter.

It’s also helpful to decide in advance how many request letters you want to send out, how often, and when is the best time to do so.

Pro tip: Start your first draft with: “I’m writing to you because…” Even if you eventually edit these words out, starting with them will help you clarify your goal and be on track to a relevant message!

2. Think About Your Audience

There are as many types of fundraising letters as there are fundraising projects and activities. All fundraising letters (solicit letters) that you send should be written in a manner that is likely to be persuasive to the target audience.

In order to do that, it’s usually helpful to segment your donors.

Segmenting your donors allows you to customize your tone and information and encourages your donors to engage with your nonprofit in a way that’s suitable for where they’re at in their donor journey.

A donor who has given to your organization repeatedly over the years should receive a different letter than someone who has just become a donor. Segmentation also helps build trust and enables your nonprofit to strategically grow your donations.

If you don’t have a good fundraising database, collect it through donor surveys. It’s essential that you know the demographics and psychographics of your audience.

3. Tell an Engaging Story

Storytelling is key to effective communication. Focus your fundraising letter on a story of a specific person or a situation that your nonprofit organization has helped.

Research has shown that people more by the plight of a single, identifiable person than by that of several people, or a general statement of need. Read more about why donors give and ‘don’t give’ here .

Start your fundraising letter with something that will captivate the reader: a bold question, a statement, or a play on words.

The main focus of your story should be on who or what is in need of help. Tell the story of a family struggling to pay for school for their four children or the animal in need of a forever home.

After writing about the need, outline the solution. State what your nonprofit organization is doing and how would success looks like.

Then, introduce the hero: your donor . The hero makes the change happen. Make your donor the hero of the story every time.

fundraising letter

4. Keep it Donor-Centric

Amongst several magic words that help nonprofit organizations increase donations, the word “you” stands out.

Donor-centric communication is the cornerstone of a successful fundraising campaign. Using the word “you” makes your donors feel valued and removes the walls between your donors and your organization.

Donors who feel appreciated are more likely to give again.

Replace the word “I” with “you” wherever possible to add human interest and emphasize the personal touch.

  • You  allowed us to employ 1000 homeless people last year – and your dedication makes all the difference.
Pro tip: Try not using the name of your organization anywhere in the body of your letter. By keeping it out of the body of writing, you are forced to focus on the donor.

5. Make it Short and Sweet

Most fundraising letters are one to two pages long. However, it’s best to ditch any rules when you’re just starting out. Let your content dictate the length of your letter. Keep writing for as long as you have something to say, then stop.

Don’t feel like you’ve got to add loads of extra information just to make up the word count.

Avoid foreign phrases and big words.

Use adjectives and adverbs sparingly, and avoid abbreviations or acronyms.

While your solicitation letter should be short and sweet, you should never compromise on quality. Always print your letters on high-quality paper and mail them in durable envelopes. And don’t forget to brand your letter to your organization. At the very least, include your logo in the header.

6. Make it Easy to Read

Think of your letter as yet another opportunity to inform your donor about what your organization does and why your work matters. For that to happen, your letter needs to be easy to read.

Using plenty of white space makes what you have to say more inviting to your audience.

Use short words, short sentences, short paragraphs, and get to the point quickly! Use the legible font in a font size of at least 12. Choose readability over nice design (if you can’t do both). Write in short, digestible paragraphs.

Help the donor see the important parts of your message by underlining keywords and phrases, or even highlighting them or using bold text. And avoid using overblown sales language. It will only make you sound fake.

Use plain English and don’t worry about dumbing down your message. Using simple language ensures that every one of your readers understands what you have to say.

Jeff Brooks suggests that fundraising letters should be somewhere between 4th and 6th-grade reading levels.

fundraising letter

7. Skip the Statistics

While many nonprofits use statistics to demonstrate impact and come off as more credible, statistics don’t usually move people to give.

Although nonprofit fundraisers have all the best intentions, fundraising letters can sometimes end up looking like this: We fed 88 children under the age of 5 and their Maths skills improved by 12%  and exactly 91.7% of your gift went directly to do that.

Instead, tell an emotional story your readers can relate to.

You can increase your credibility by relating the effect of a specific amount of money on a problem. Tell your donors what their $25 donation will do (e.g. buy school supplies for one kid for 3 months, buy food for 5 shelter cats for one month, etc.)

8. Emphasize Urgency and Call to Action

Donors respond better to urgent needs, not the ones that they can easily ignore until the next appeal. However, it’s not enough to just say “it’s urgent” or “ donate now ”, although using those words and expressions can help. You need to tell your donors why they need to give today. What’s at stake? What’s the risk? What are the consequences?

The main purpose of your fundraising letter is to bring in donations, so reinforce that message. At the end of your donation letter, write a clear, compelling call-to-action, clearly asking the reader to give. Don’t assume that it’s clear.

Great calls to action are real questions that suggest real amounts for donors.  “Will you donate $25 to change a child’s life forever?”

Pro tip: Getting a partner to match the donations for a period of time helps to inspire giving and motivate donors to donate now instead of ‘later’ (which often turns to never).

9. Thank and Sign

Always thank your donors in the fundraising letter – whether it’s for considering a gift or for having been a donor for years.

Sign your fundraising letter, but ignore the temptation to sign as an organization (e.g. “The Red Cross”).  Instead, choose an employee, board member, or key volunteer to represent the organization.

This reinforces the sentiment of personal connection and adds a human touch to your fundraising communications.

While you’re at it, ensure you personalize the letter. “Dear Friend” or “Dear Valued Donor” should be avoided at all costs. Use the donor’s first or last name and address the letter to them (and not just outside on the envelope with the address).

And don’t misspell their name! To avoid that, keep the database of your donors and prospects updated at all times.

10. Rewrite, Revise

Before sending out your fundraising letter, have someone else look at it. When we read something too many times, our ability to pick up on mistakes and inconsistencies reduces.

Get feedback from your team members , as well as a member of your target audience on an early draft to make sure your letter is crystal clear.

Ideally, you’d allow time before drafting the first version and looking at it again. This lets you see the letter with fresh eyes and find things that can be improved on.

Don’t forget to properly proofread it before it reaches your supporters.

Pro tip: Don’t forget about the P.S. (post scriptum). Eye motion studies have shown that the first two things readers look at when opening a letter are their name and the postscript. Therefore, make sure your post scriptum reiterates your appeal.

fundraising letter

11. Keep it Simple

While preparing a package (teaser, letter, reply envelope, photos, various other inserts) can demonstrate the hard work and care you put into preparing it, the letter is ultimately the most important item in your package.

If you include too many inserts in your package, the donor won’t be able to focus on the letter, and might even get lost and discard the package as a whole.

Instead, keep the package minimal and only include those inserts that are of utmost value and will invite the donor to give.

Furthermore, some donors could be put off by fancy packages — wanting every penny possible to go to the cause.

If preparing a more elaborate package, think about how each of these items can persuade donors to take action now. Use a unifying theme, symbols, colors, and typefaces. Try to make it memorable.

12. Make it Easy to Give

After having spent hours, days, or even weeks crafting the best fundraising letter possible, it’s essential that you make it easy for your donors to give.

For optimal results, offer your donors the option to donate online and offline.

Sending a fundraising letter without a reply device is a waste of money.

Let your donors give online by setting up a simple, customized donation page dedicated solely to collecting donations from this specific appeal. Otherwise, lead your donors to a general donation page that you use to collect donations from all fundraising appeals .

Don’t leave out the online giving form as part of your direct mail process. Recent studies indicate that one of the best ways to drive online giving is to send a letter.

We have curated some of the best fundraising letters from the nonprofit market. These examples will give you a better insight into how you should write yours.

1. Tenement Museum in New York City

Like we mentioned earlier, storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to engage your donors. Tenement Museum implements it brilliantly by highlighting the impact of the museum in their fundraising letters.

Here’s how –

fundraising letter

The story of ‘Eleanor Roosevelts’ is inspiring. It clearly shows how exposure to the lives of immigrants can inspire the young generation to strive for a better world. People would love to give rise to more such inspiring characters through their donations.

Further, the mention of the number of students the museum is inspiring every year builds the donors’ trust in the organization. The CTA at the end of the letter is the perfect way to help donors take the plunge.

Stories built on exemplary characters always set good examples for the audience. Try this method to write your next fundraising letter.

2. Macmillan Cancer Support

A fundraising letter isn’t just about seeking donations but also about showing gratitude. Macmillan Cancer Support organization sets a good example of that by thanking their fundraiser Geoff Stonebanks.

Geoff’s extraordinary efforts helped the organization a lot in raising the required funds in the past. Now as he prepares to host another fundraiser, they have decided to show him the impact of the last one.

By doing that, the organization is showing gratitude and creating enthusiasm, both at the same time. They’re putting their faith and hope in the man’s work for the betterment of their cause.

This can be the best method to thank your donors , at the same time, let them know that you’re in need of their kind donations.

3. Save the Children

If your letter must be focused on the appeal for donations, then Save the Children is the example for you. One look at it, and you can tell what they expect from you as a donor.

fundraising letter

The heading is bold and direct. The body of the letter starts with showing the present condition of the South Sudan children’s hospitals. It is self-explanatory as to why they need to build a new one. Slowly, the tone shifts to that of appeal and the possible impact.

The picture to the right indeed speaks a thousand words. Even if you don’t read the entire letter, you can tell how every donation will help get a brick for the wall.

For donors open to donating by card and sharing the details, the attached form can work wonders. Save the Children has also added the gift-aid tax incentive feature of the UK government.

Simply put, this letter is packed with everything you need to write a good fundraising letter. 

Nonprofit Fundraising Letter Template (Downloadable)

Reviewing sample documents can serve as a useful resource and a basis for creating your own fundraising letters.

Use this sample letter as a guidance the next time you need to send a fundraising letter on behalf of your nonprofit organization.

Great fundraising is all about authentic, human connection, and not high-end art. If you want to genuinely reach people, tell stories. And tell them the way people tell them verbally.

While for-profit organizations can often afford to pay for professional copywriting, nonprofits often depend on in-house staff. This doesn’t mean you can’t craft a compelling and successful fundraising letter!

Follow these guidelines – adjusting them to suit your unique circumstances – and then experiment. Closely follow the results so that you can change up your game plan accordingly.

We hope that this has given you some insight into how to write an amazing fundraising letter.

Have you written one in the past? Which letters have you had the most success with? Let us know by tweeting at Donorbox .

At  Donorbox , we strive to make your nonprofit experience as productive as possible, whether through our online donation system or through resources on our  nonprofit blog .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have answered some of the common questions regarding fundraising letters.

cover letter asking for donations

1. How long should a fundraising letter be?

It depends on how much information you have got to share with your donors. The length should be ideally between 2-pages and 4-pages. But studies show that long fundraising letters outperform the shorter ones. So feel free to pour your heart out and share all the important details with your donors.

2. How should fundraising letters be sent?

You should directly mail the fundraising letters to your donors. It’s your wish whether you want to include anything else within the package. But it is advisable to keep it minimal and use a direct mail platform like GivingMail for ease and better results.

3. When should fundraising letters be used?

You can use fundraising letters to inspire donations at any time of the year. But considering the nature of giving, the end of the year, especially November and December, is a good time to send them out. The pre-tax season pushes more people to give during this time.

4. Why are fundraising letters important?

Fundraising letters are important to your nonprofit’s growth because you get to personally connect with your donors. You can thank them for the impact of their last donation, at the same time ask for more. Also, use it to talk about your upcoming events and fundraisers.

5. What different ways can I use the fundraising letters?

A fundraising letter can be used to seek donations, request sponsorship, invite supporters to volunteer, ask companies for donations, request auction items, and send out event invitations. The body and tone of the letter will vary depending on the type.

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Ilma Ibrisevic

Ilma Ibrisevic is a content creator and nonprofit writer. She’s passionate about meaningful work, sustainability, and social movements. If she’s not working, she’s obsessing over coffee or cooking. You can connect with her on Linkedin.

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