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14 entry level data analyst cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Entry Level Data Analyst cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Entry Level Data Analyst Roles

Table of contents

  • Entry Level Data Analyst
  • Junior Data Scientist
  • Data Science Intern
  • Junior Data Analyst
  • Data Analyst Intern
  • Data Analytics Intern
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Entry Level Data Analyst resume examples

Entry Level Data Analyst Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, highlighting a relevant project.

This cover letter showcases a university project that directly relates to the job role. By sharing the project's impact, it demonstrates the candidate's ability to apply their skills in a real-world setting.

Demonstrating Impact with Numbers

Using specific numbers to highlight the candidate's accomplishments during their internship helps quantify their success. This shows the hiring manager the potential value they can bring to the company.

Personalize Your Journey

Relating your journey to the job you're applying for can immediately grab the reader's attention. For example, tracking baseball statistics as a child and predicting game outcomes shows your long-standing interest in data analysis. It makes your introduction personal and lets the recruiter know that you have a genuine passion for data analysis, not just a degree in it.

Highlight Achievements with Quantifiable Outcomes

When you mention specific outcomes of your work, like increasing product recommendations' accuracy by 30% and boosting sales by 18%, you are giving the hiring team solid proof of your skills. These numbers not only demonstrate your capabilities but also show your potential impact on their business.

Show Enthusiasm for the Company's Values

By expressing excitement about working on data-intensive projects at a company that values innovation and creativity, you are aligning yourself with the company's culture. This shows the hiring team that you understand and appreciate their values, which makes you a potentially great fit for their team.

Presenting Quantifiable Achievements

When you mention specific numbers like "increased recommendation accuracy by 35%", you're not just telling me you did well, you're showing me. It gives a clearer picture of what you accomplished and how you might perform at my company.

Demonstrating Knowledge in the Field

You show me you know your stuff when you talk about using machine learning to predict customer churn. As an entry-level applicant, it's so important to show you can handle the technical aspects of the job.

Showcasing Soft Skills

By saying you "translate complex datasets into actionable insights", you're showing that you can communicate well, and that's a skill we look for. A lot of people can analyze data, but not everyone can explain those findings in a way that makes sense to non-data people.

Aligning with Company Values

You nailed it when you said you're drawn to Google for its commitment to using data for social good. This shows you've done your homework about our company and its mission, and that you align with our values.

Show your passion for data analytics

Sharing your moment of discovery around data analytics is a good start. It tells me you have a genuine interest in the field, which is key for a long and successful career.

Research the company

Knowing about Nielsen’s work and expressing admiration for their approach shows you’ve done your homework. This is a sign of a serious candidate.

Highlight your achievement with numbers

Talking about a specific project where your analysis led to a significant improvement is impressive. It gives me a clear picture of the impact you can bring to the team.

Emphasize key skills for a data analyst role

Pointing out your analytical skills, attention to detail, and ability to explain complex ideas in simple terms is crucial. These are the traits I look for in a strong candidate.

Express enthusiasm for the role

Ending your letter by thanking me and showing eagerness to discuss your contribution further is polite and shows good initiative.

Does writing cover letters feel pointless? Use our AI

Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Share an engaging story

Starting with a personal anecdote about discovering Tableau draws us in and shows your enthusiasm for data analytics right from the start. It's a memorable way to begin.

Show impact with numbers

Detailing the results of your internship project with specific percentages demonstrates the tangible impact you've had. It’s compelling evidence of your ability to contribute meaningfully.

Highlight technical proficiency

Mentioning your skills in SQL, Python, and R, along with the types of projects you worked on, showcases your technical foundation. This is crucial for a data analyst role.

Express enthusiasm for diverse challenges

Your excitement about working with different clients and data sets shows adaptability and a keen interest in tackling varied problems. This versatility is attractive in a data analyst.

End with a forward-looking statement

Your closing remark reiterates your interest and opens the door for further discussion, demonstrating eagerness and initiative. It's a positive note to end on.

Show genuine enthusiasm for the data analyst role

Expressing real excitement about the job and how it aligns with your career goals makes your cover letter more compelling. It shows you're not just looking for any job, but this specific role.

Highlight specific project experience

Talking about a relevant project where you used SQL and Python to drive results demonstrates your hands-on experience and ability to contribute from day one.

Demonstrate impact with data visualization skills

Describing how you saved the team time by developing a dashboard illustrates your practical skills in data visualization and your understanding of its value in business.

Express eagerness to work with diverse industries

Your enthusiasm for working across different sectors shows adaptability and a keen interest in applying data analysis to various business challenges.

Convey anticipation to contribute to the company

Ending your cover letter with a forward-looking statement about contributing to the company's success leaves a positive, proactive impression.

Junior Data Scientist Cover Letter Example

Show admiration for the company's work.

Expressing admiration for Google's work in data science shows that you are not just interested in a job, but specifically in working for Google. This kind of enthusiasm is contagious and can make a recruiter excited about the prospect of having you on their team.

Display Your Impact on Business Growth

Numbers speak louder than words. So when you state that your predictive model helped increase the customer base by 25%, it's a clear indicator of your ability to drive business growth. This evidence of direct, measurable impact makes your skills more tangible and relevant to potential employers.

Express Passion for the Larger Impact

By saying that being part of Google's data science team is a dream come true and expressing your excitement for Google's commitment to using data for social good, you're showing that your values align with Google's. This not only shows your passion for the work but also your appreciation for the positive impact it can have on society.

Data Science Intern Cover Letter Example

Highlighting impact on business operations.

Improving accuracy of inventory demand forecasts by 40% doesn't just show your technical skills, it also shows you understand how your work impacts the business. I love to see that you're thinking about the bigger picture.

Showing Your Contribution to Business Growth

Increasing targeted marketing conversion rates by 15% tells me you're not just a data whiz, you're also someone who can help our business grow. It shows you can use your skills to directly impact the bottom line.

Signalling Enthusiasm for Specific Projects

When you express your keenness to contribute to personalizing customer experiences, it shows you're not just looking for any internship, but specifically want to add value to our company and the projects we are working on.

Connecting with Company Culture

Expressing that you resonate with Amazon's culture of innovation and customer-centric mission tells me that you're not just interested in doing the job, but you're also excited about the environment and the people you'll be working with.

Junior Data Analyst Cover Letter Example

Connect with the company’s mission.

Expressing why you’re drawn to the Junior Data Analyst role at Experian because of their innovative use of data shows alignment with their mission, making you a more attractive candidate.

Demonstrate impact through projects

Describing your successful project in reducing customer churn with a machine learning model showcases your hands-on experience and potential value to our team.

Detail your technical skills and passion

Mentioning your programming skills in SQL and Python, along with your passion for data, underlines your capability and enthusiasm for the job.

Show gratitude and openness to discuss

Acknowledging the time taken to review your application and inviting further discussion is respectful and shows you’re open to engaging in deeper conversations.

Maintain professionalism to the end

Signing off with a simple 'Best' keeps the tone of your cover letter professional and friendly, which is a good note to end on.

Discovering the value of data analysis

When you share a story about how you came to love data analysis, it shows your genuine interest and curiosity in the field. This is a good way to connect with the reader.

Real-world impact through data analytics

Talking about specific achievements, like improving a company's default rate, demonstrates your ability to apply data analytics skills to solve real problems. This is impressive to hiring managers.

Developing strong data analysis skills

Mentioning proficiency in tools like SQL, Tableau, and R, and the ability to communicate insights, highlights your technical skills and teamwork. These are key qualities for a junior data analyst.

Passion for making a difference with data

Expressing excitement about working on meaningful projects shows you're motivated by impact. This aligns well with companies looking for passionate individuals.

Eagerness to contribute to a data-driven culture

Stating your interest in learning and contributing to the company emphasizes your readiness to be part of the team. This is a strong closing statement for a cover letter.

Show your passion for junior data analyst role

Talking about your excitement for the job shows you’re not just looking for any job, but you are interested in this specific role because it matches what you love doing.

Use real examples from your data analysis experience

Describing a project where you applied your skills proves you have hands-on experience. It tells me you can handle real-world problems and have successfully used your skills before.

Highlight why the company attracts you

When you mention what draws you to the company, it shows you have done your homework. It also tells me you see a fit between your interests and what the company does, which is important for long-term success.

Express gratitude in your junior data analyst cover letter

Saying thank you is a simple but powerful way to make a positive impression. It shows you value the opportunity to apply and appreciate the time taken to read your letter.

Confidence is key for a junior data analyst

Stating your confidence in your ability to contribute to the company’s success demonstrates a positive attitude. It makes me believe you are ready to take on challenges and are enthusiastic about the role.

Data Analyst Intern Cover Letter Example

Show your passion for data analysis.

Your excitement about using data to find answers and solve problems tells me you're not just looking for any job—you want this one. It shows you have a genuine interest in the field.

Highlight your relevant education

Talking about your projects at university gives us a clear picture of your skills and what you've already accomplished. It's important to see that your education has prepared you for real-world tasks.

Demonstrate eagerness to learn and contribute

By expressing your desire to both offer your skills and grow with our team, you're showing that you're ready to be a valuable, team-oriented intern. This balance between giving and receiving knowledge is key for an intern role.

Make a personal connection

Asking to discuss how you can help our company succeed feels personal and shows you're serious about the role. It's a good way to end your cover letter on a proactive note.

Close with professionalism

Your polite sign-off shows respect and professionalism, which are important qualities for any team member. It sets the right tone for future interactions.

Show how the role aligns with your passions

Mentioning your draw to the company's mission and your passion for data emphasizes your alignment with the company's values and goals.

Illustrate your analytical skills with examples

Sharing a specific example of how your analysis led to actionable insights and positive outcomes showcases your ability to apply statistical techniques effectively.

Highlight your eagerness to tackle specific challenges

Expressing interest in working on projects related to credit risk modeling and fraud detection shows you have a clear idea of how you want to contribute and grow.

Data Analytics Intern Cover Letter Example

Initial fascination with data analytics.

Describing your first encounter with data analytics and its effects on your career choice shows a foundational passion. This helps create a personal connection with the reader.

Growing skills through academic projects

Detailing your involvement in relevant projects and the skills gained showcases your hands-on experience and readiness for the internship. It's a compelling way to demonstrate your practical knowledge.

Proficiency in data analytics tools

Listing relevant technical skills and your experience with large datasets proves you have the technical foundation required for a data analytics intern. This is what hiring managers look for in a candidate.

Desire to learn and contribute

Highlighting your eagerness to apply your skills and learn from the team shows humility and ambition. This balance is attractive to employers looking for team players.

Commitment to driving business growth with insights

Your closing statement focuses on how you can support the company's mission, demonstrating your understanding of the role's importance. It's a persuasive end to your application.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Entry Level Data Analyst Roles

  • Analytics Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Business Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Data Analyst Intern Cover Letter Guide
  • Entry Level Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Experienced Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Financial Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Healthcare Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Junior Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Marketing Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Power BI Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Senior Data Analyst Cover Letter Guide

Other Data & Analytics Cover Letters

  • Business Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Data Engineer Cover Letter Guide
  • Data Scientist Cover Letter Guide
  • Data Specialist Cover Letter Guide
  • Director of Analytics Cover Letter Guide
  • Intelligence Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Program Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • Reporting Analyst Cover Letter Guide
  • SQL Developer Cover Letter Guide
  • Supply Chain Planner Cover Letter Guide

cover letter for entry level analyst

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

cover letter for entry level analyst

Data Analyst Cover Letter Example & How-to Guide for 2024

Background Image

You’re a whiz when it comes to numbers, patterns, and all the data-driven insights that make businesses tick.

You've got the skills to turn complex data into clear, actionable strategies.

You’re a data analyst on the hunt for a job!

But when it comes to penning that perfect cover letter, your skills simply can’t help you.

Let's face it, crafting a compelling data analyst cover letter isn’t just about showcasing your analytical prowess; it's about telling your story in a way that resonates with recruiters.

But don't fret! We're here to guide you through the maze of cover letter writing. 

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • What a Fantastic Data Analyst Cover Letter Example Looks Like

5 Steps for the Perfect Data Analyst Cover Letter

9 essential data analyst cover letter tips.

Ready to transform your cover letter from a daunting task into a standout piece that opens doors? Let’s dive in!

Data Analyst Cover Letter Example

Data Analyst Cover Letter Example

Now that you've seen what a great cover letter looks like, you're all set to craft your own .

Just follow these five easy steps, and you’ll have a great data analyst cover letter in no time: 

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Begin your data analyst cover letter the right way by placing your essential contact details prominently at the top, much like on your data analyst resume .

Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Full Name. Place your full name at the top so it stands out.
  • Job Title. Tailor this to the specific data analyst role you're applying for. With hiring managers juggling multiple job applications, being clear about the role you're interested in is crucial.
  • Email Address. Use a professional email address. A good rule of thumb is to combine your first and last name, like [email protected] , rather than something informal like [email protected] .
  • Phone Number. Always include your phone number, and make sure there are no typos. If the job is abroad, remember to add the international dialing code.
  • Location. Listing your city and state/country is enough. However, if you're open to remote work or relocating for the position, make sure to mention that.
  • Relevant Links (Optional). Including links to professional online profiles, like your LinkedIn profile , or a personal website showcasing your work can be a great addition.

Once your details are in place, it's time to add the hiring manager's contact information :

  • Company Name. Start with the name of the company you’re applying for.
  • Hiring Manager's Name. Try to find out the name of the hiring manager and add it. You can check out the job ad or the company's LinkedIn profile.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. If you know their specific title, such as 'Director of Data Analytics,' use that instead of the generic 'Hiring Manager.'
  • Location. Include the city and country, especially if it's an international company. 
  • Email Address (optional). If you have the hiring manager's email, you can include it.
  • Date of Writing (optional). For a professional finish, you might want to add the date on which you wrote your cover letter.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

After you've lined up all your contact information, it's time to address your intended audience . 

Start by doing a little research. Check the job advertisement, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page to find the name of the person recruiting for the data analyst position.

Using formal titles like "Mr." or "Ms." followed by their surname is a respectful approach. Just make sure to avoid the outdated “To Whom It May Concern.” If you're unsure about their gender or prefer a more neutral option, simply use their full name. For example:

  • Dear Ms. Johnson,  
  • Dear Alex Johnson,

If your search doesn't turn up the specific details of the hiring manager, direct your letter towards the department or the company more broadly. 

  • Dear Data Analytics Team,
  • Dear Recruitment Department,
  • Dear Company X,

Need help creating your data analyst resume? Just check out our guide and learn how to write a resume like a pro!

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers spend very little time deciding whether an application is worth reading. 

This means that your opening statement should catch their attention from the get-go.

Start your cover letter by introducing yourself and explaining why you're interested in the data analyst role. Showing you’re enthusiastic about the field or the specific position can pique the hiring manager's interest in you.

Researching the company in advance is a great strategy. The more you know about it, the more effectively you’ll be able to convince the hiring manager that you'll fit into their team. This approach shows the hiring manager that you're genuinely interested in this particular role, not just throwing your resume at any available position.

If you’re a seasoned professional, lead with a notable accomplishment or a skill that makes you a standout candidate for the data analyst position.

However, remember to be concise. Your opening paragraph is meant to pique the hiring manager's curiosity, encouraging them to continue reading your cover letter.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your data analyst cover letter is your chance to expand on the information you’ve listed on your resume. This is where you can bring your qualifications and experiences to life.

It's important not to simply repeat what's on your resume. Instead, use this space to elaborate on how you achieved specific professional accomplishments or how you developed critical skills for the data analyst role.

Focus on accomplishments that underscore why you're a great fit for that particular position. Look at the job advertisement for guidance. For example, if the ad emphasizes the importance of "advanced data visualization," you might discuss a project where you transformed complex datasets into clear, impactful visual reports.

Tailoring your cover letter to the specific job is crucial. If the job stresses the need for experience with certain software or tools, talk about your proficiency in these areas and give concrete examples. If they highlight "strong analytical skills," share a time when your analysis significantly contributed to a business decision or strategy.

Being knowledgeable about the company you're applying to can also be a big advantage. If you're impressed by their innovative use of data or their commitment to ethical data practices, mention that. This demonstrates that you understand and share their values and vision.

And remember, enthusiasm matters. Make it clear that you're excited about the opportunity to work with them and confident in your ability to contribute meaningfully to their team.

Oh, and make sure to avoid these common cover letter mistakes while you’re at it.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Concluding your data analyst cover letter effectively is crucial.

It's your last chance to make an impression on the hiring manager by summarizing exactly why you're the right candidate for the role.

So, in your conclusion, quickly recap your strongest points, whether it’s your proven track record of translating complex data into actionable insights or how you’re particularly skilled in predictive analytics. This is your moment to remind the hiring manager why you stand out as the ideal candidate.

Next, include a call to action, such as inviting the hiring manager to talk about your application in depth. This shows initiative and your eagerness to progress in the application process.

Finally, finish your cover letter on a professional note. Sign it with a respectful closing line and follow it with your full name.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or phone number to set up an interview. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application in more detail at your convenience.

Kind regards,

Lucrezia Rossi

If "Kind regards" doesn’t suit your taste, here are some alternative sign-offs:

  • Best regards,
  • Thank you for considering my application,

Need more inspiration? Check out these 21+ cover letter examples.

Data Analyst Cover Letter Structure

You now have all the essentials for crafting a standout data analyst cover letter.

It's time to fine-tune it with some key cover letter tips we've got up our sleeve:

  • Use a Matching Template. Use a cover letter template that complements your resume for a sleek look. We offer a free resume builder and matching cover letter templates you can choose from.
  • Tailor Your Letter. Customize your cover letter for each job application. Highlight how your data analyst skills and experiences align with the specific role and company.
  • Include Problem-Solving Skills. Mention how your analytical abilities solved a complex issue, emphasizing your critical thinking.
  • Add Your Industry Knowledge. Reference your understanding of the relevant industry, showing your ability to apply data analysis effectively.
  • Leverage Data Analysis Projects. Highlight a significant project where your analysis made a key impact, showcasing your technical skills.
  • Express Enthusiasm. Let your passion for data analysis shine through your cover letter. Enthusiasm can be a deciding factor for hiring managers.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language. Keep your language straightforward and easy to understand. Avoid using any industry jargon that might confuse the reader since they might not be a data analysis expert like you.
  • Proofread. Always proofread your cover letter. Spelling or grammatical errors detract from your professionalism and paint you as a sloppy candidate.
  • End with a Call to Action. Conclude your cover letter with a clear invitation for further discussion, indicating your eagerness to move forward in the application process.

Data Analyst Cover Letter Templates

Key Takeaways

And there you have it—everything you need to craft an outstanding data analyst cover letter.

We hope you feel confident about preparing your application, and we wish you luck in your job hunt!

Before you set off to write your cover letter, let's quickly recap what we talked about:

  • Matching your cover letter with your resume gives your application a clean, professional look. Use our free resume builder and cover letter templates to get that polished first impression downright.
  • Personalize your cover letter's introduction to grab the hiring manager's attention. Show your enthusiasm for the data analyst role and mention a key achievement or skill from the get-go.
  • Use the body of your cover letter to expand on specific achievements and skills that match what the company is looking for.
  • End your cover letter on a professional note and include a call to action that shows your initiative and eagerness for a follow-up with the hiring manager.
  • Always proofread your cover letter for errors and tailor it to the specific job and company you're applying to, showing them that you've done your homework.

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Data Analyst Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Data Analyst Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Jacob Meade

  • Cover Letter Examples

How To Write a Data Analyst Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter Text Examples

When writing your data analyst cover letter, focus on how you can inform and support high-level decisions for the company that posted the job. Describe your success at organizing, studying, and interpreting data sets for past employers . This guide offers cover letter examples and tips for landing your next data analyst position .

Data Analyst Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level


A good data analyst cover letter usually has five sections, outlined below. When possible, connect each section back to the employer and its stated hiring needs. The following advice and examples show how you can use this strategy to optimize your letter for each application.

At the top of the page, include:

  • Your resume contact header, which should give your full name, address , email, phone number, and LinkedIn or other social accounts if applicable
  • The recipient’s name, title, company, and contact information (when available)

Note: Feel free to omit this section when sending your cover letter as an email message as long as your contact details are part of your email signature. If you’re unsure whether to send your letter as an email message or attachment, first look for any instructions on the job posting. When the posting doesn’t specify, it’s your choice – just bear in mind that email messages are increasingly common, but an attachment is often still better for more formal applications to large employers.

Mallory Thompson Data Analyst | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Spokane, WA 99208 |

May 1, 2024

Roger Brown Hiring Manager Upward Labs (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

2. Salutation

Address your recipient by name – this is the quickest way to signal you’re sending a job-specific letter and not a boilerplate. If you can’t find the person’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager” so your greeting is still tailored somewhat to each job opening.

Note: While a colon is standard punctuation here, you can use a comma if you know your recipient or the company has a casual work culture (sometimes indicated by a company description on the job posting).

Dear Ms. Keith:

Dear ACLU Hiring Manager:

3. “Hook” or introduction

Catch the reader’s attention by citing an achievement from your resume or a key credential the employer seeks in applicants. Then, connect that highlight to your main strengths and overall candidacy for the advertised data analyst role. Refer to the hiring organization by name here to further convince the recipient you’re applying to them specifically.

As an alternative to the work highlight approach, you can set yourself apart by networking. Begin your letter by citing any personal or professional connections you have with the hiring manager. If someone at the company alerted you to the job, use a line like “I was excited to hear from your colleague [Name] about [Company]’s new data analyst opening.” Or, if you’ve already met your recipient, mention that with a line like “It was great speaking with you at the [event] last month.”

In my two years as a junior IT data analyst with AIC Holdings, I won “Employee of the Month” four times, thanks to my focus on accuracy and teamwork. I hope to bring the same dedication to Upward Labs as your next data analyst.

4. Job- or employer-specific paragraph(s)

This section is crucial, so think it through fully for each application in your job search.

On a separate document or sheet of paper, take 10 minutes to brainstorm why this data analyst position or employer interests you based on the job posting. (See tip No. 2 below for ideas.)

When you’re done brainstorming, review your notes: Do any stand out as important or persuasive? Adapt those points into one or two brief paragraphs that speak to the job opening at hand. By making this description a central part of your letter, you’ll more likely persuade the manager to give you a call.

Following this explanation, cite a few more of your data analyst skills or achievements , possibly as bullet points.

I’m excited by the chance to help your company develop its new suite of mobile wellness apps. I’d be an asset to your team based on my fluency in data management systems like SQL, Excel, Salesforce, and Infusionsoft. I’ve created more than 80 custom reporting solutions, and my forecasting work has helped improve cash flow cycles by 20%.

5. Conclusion

Finally, request an interview and thank the hiring manager for their time and attention. Consider briefly restating why this data analyst job interests you, again referring to the employer by name. To end your cover letter, use a simple closing like “Sincerely” or “Best regards” and then your name.

I would love to discuss how my leadership and data analysis skills can help the ACLU improve lives and opportunities in Florida. Please call or email me to schedule an interview. I appreciate your time and look forward to possibly hearing from you soon.

Elizabeth Tran

Data Analyst Cover Letter Tips

1. show you can help find data-backed solutions.

Start your letter by describing a key way you’ve found data insights and answers that would otherwise elude business leaders. Show how these insights helped guide strategic decisions and advance a company’s short- or long-term goals.

Recently, I was selected as my company’s data spokesperson to support public understanding of civil liberties issues. My clear explanations and infographics increased engagement and activism by 43% in 2023. I hope to apply my talent for clarifying data as a lead analyst at the ACLU of Florida.

2. Tell why you’re drawn to the opportunity

When brainstorming points for your cover letter, think about what this data analyst role has in common with your background or goals. For instance, maybe it focuses on predictive analytics, an area in which you have plenty of experience. Or perhaps it’s in finance, and you’re eager to return to that industry. Also, consider your skills as a leader or collaborator and how they overlap with the job posting’s description of the team or work culture.

As a seasoned analyst with more than eight years of experience in the sector, I’m drawn to ACLU’s mission to promote civil rights for Florida residents. Data is key to raising awareness of these important issues.

3. Display your overall skill set

Consider adding a short list of bullet points to show your success in the different stages of data analysis. For instance, you could mention a system you developed for faster data gathering and preparation. Or you might describe a final report you wrote and its influence on the company’s five-year plan. When possible, quantify each achievement in terms of a clear percentage, ranking, or dollar amount.

Below are three of my career highlights:

  • Automated a report for the sales department using calculated sets that reduced manual work, saving 42 hours each quarter
  • Developed a statistical analysis model of a large data set that grew online sales by 15% per product
  • Gained fluency in many data management systems including SPSS, Excel, Access, MySQL, Google Analytics, and Oracle11i

Data Analyst Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

Dear Mr. Brown:

In my two years as a junior information technology (IT) data analyst with AIC Holdings, I won “Employee of the Month” four times, thanks to my focus on accuracy and teamwork. I hope to bring the same dedication to Upward Labs as your next data analyst .

I’m excited by the chance to help your company develop its new suite of mobile wellness apps. Based on my fluency in data management systems like SQL, Excel, Salesforce, and Infusionsoft, I’d be an asset to your team. I’ve created more than 80 custom reporting solutions, and my forecasting work has helped improve cash flow cycles by 20%.

I look forward to telling you more about how I can help Upward Labs meet its goals. I am available to talk at your convenience. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Mallory Thompson

Elizabeth Tran Data Analyst | [email protected] | (432) 109-8765 | Tampa, FL 32109 |

March 18, 2024

Natalia Keith Senior Hiring Manager ACLU of Florida (890) 123-4567 [email protected]

As a seasoned analyst with more than eight years of experience in the sector, I’m drawn to ACLU’s mission to promote civil rights for Florida residents. I believe data is key to raising awareness of these important issues. My recent achievements also include:

  • Spearheading a data solutions project that influenced state policy on offender rehabilitation
  • Leading a large team to develop a tool for tracking the occurrence of hate crimes against immigrant populations
  • Creating a training program that improved staff members’ grasp of data verification and trend identification

Steven Holmes Data Analyst | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Jacksonville, FL 09876 |

March 1, 2024

Seth Brown HR Recruiter Hub Group (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

One of my main skills is translating complex data sets into a clear narrative for team members. I am interested in applying that skill at Hub Group.

My 12 years of data analysis experience have prepared me to provide various departments with insight for profitable business decisions. I am drawn to your reputation as a leading organization committed to excellence.

I look forward to discussing further with you how my skills can benefit Hub Group. Please contact me at your convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Steven Holmes

Data Analyst Cover Letter Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the most important part of a cover letter -.

Any explanation you give for why the specific job opening or employer interests you. These details distinguish the cover letter from your resume and other application materials. They let you prove you read the job posting and are responding to it specifically. Also, they set the stage for a good discussion about how you fit the role and the company’s work culture.

How do I write a data analyst cover letter with no work experience? -

Focus on data analysis skills you gained through any related internships, coursework, or volunteer activities. Give examples of how you applied your education, and spell out the impact of each project. Don't underestimate these experiences. As long as you’re up-front about their context, it’s best to emphasize their relevance to a data analyst role.

How long should my cover letter be? -

No more than one page, or around 250 words. Resist the urge to tell your whole career story, even if you’ve worked many years as a data analyst. Give just enough detail to intrigue hiring managers so they take a closer look at your resume.

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Jacob Meade headshot

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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data analyst

How to Write a Data Analyst Cover Letter

Are you a recently qualified data analyst? If so, you’ve made a good choice. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, data analytics roles will grow by 23% between 2021 and 2031. For context, this is much faster than the national average for all occupations, which is just 5%. 

However, to get your foot in the door for any data analytics role means making a good impression. And that’s where a strong data analyst cover letter comes in.

A well-crafted data analyst cover letter will showcase your skills and get your resume noticed. In this article, we provide tips on how to write a data analyst cover letter, along with examples and a template to get you started. Whether you’re an entry-level analyst or a seasoned professional, you’ll soon be ready to produce a cover letter that pops!

Read on, or use the clickable menu to jump to the topic of your choice:

  • Why do you need a data analyst cover letter?
  • How to write a data analyst cover letter (step-by-step)
  • Data analyst cover letter examples
  • Data analyst cover letter template

Ready? Then let’s get started!

1. Why do you need a data analyst cover letter?

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of writing your cover letter, it’s helpful to understand why you need one in the first place.

Besides being a front piece for any job application, the main benefit of a well-written cover letter is that it showcases your qualifications, skills, and experience in a way your resume cannot. You can introduce yourself and your skillset to an employer in a pithy paragraph or two.

Here’s a list of the benefits of sending a well-honed cover letter with your data analytics resume and portfolio:

  • A good data analytics cover letter establishes a connection with the hiring manager
  • It highlights the most relevant skills and experience for the job
  • You can use it to demonstrate your passion for the role
  • It’s an additional opportunity to show off your communication and writing skills
  • When executed well, it helps you to stand out from other applicants (especially those who don’t bother to include a letter at all, which is more common than you might think)

Now that you know why a data analyst cover letter is an essential part of your job search, let’s explore how to write one.

2. How to write a data analyst cover letter (step-by-step)

A data analyst cover letter shouldn’t typically include anything you haven’t mentioned elsewhere in your resume or portfolio. However, it’s an opportunity to zero in on the most salient aspects of your application, placing them front and center. 

In this section, we offer a step-by-step guide to writing your data analyst cover letter, exploring the basics of professional letter writing and the nuances of a letter for this specific role.

Let’s take a look.

Step 1: Layout your letter correctly

First up, structure! Don’t make your data analyst cover letter too wild or creative—save that for your portfolio. Instead, stick to the following standard professional letter format:

[Your contact details]

[A link to your portfolio/professional website]

Top Left (below the date)

[Name of recipient]

[Their job title]

[Their contact address]

[Reference, e.g. ‘Re: Application for role X’]

Next, begin your letter with a professional greeting, using the hiring manager’s name if you know it. If you don’t know their name, simply write ‘Dear Hiring Manager’.

Step 2: Open with a strong introduction

The opening sentence or two of your data analyst cover letter should, in effect, be a punchy summary of what the letter will then cover. This means ticking a few standard boxes while also making a good impression:

  • Include the title of the job you’re applying for
  • Include the name of the company you’re applying to work with
  • Briefly highlight why you’re the best candidate for the role (picking one or two of your most distinguishing features—don’t make it too long, though, as you can go into more detail later)

Beyond that, what exactly makes an introduction ‘strong’? The strongest intros typically use confident, evocative, yet concise language and include specific details about the role to demonstrate that you’ve researched the company. 

You might also want to include a ‘hook’ that captures the reader’s attention, such as an intriguing element of your data analysis expertise that others might not have. For example, maybe you have skills using specific data tools or have experience in a relevant industry.

Step 3: Explain why you’re interested in the role

In the second section/paragraph of your data analyst cover letter, hone in on why you’re the ideal candidate for the role. To show that you’re genuinely interested in the company, aim to mention any specific aspects of the position mentioned in the job description that you find attractive or intriguing.

For example, perhaps you’re particularly excited at the prospect of using your data analysis skills to work on the organization’s flagship project. Or maybe you’re passionate about the company’s mission or potential for career growth. This can be a sentence or two—you don’t need to go wild.

Step 4: Showcase your skills, experience, and qualification

The third section of your data analyst cover letter is typically the longest. It’s your chance to show that you have the skills and abilities to excel and is the place to highlight why you’re uniquely qualified for the job.

While you should avoid listing every skill or qualification, don’t be afraid to get specific—list relevant data analysis techniques that you’re proficient in, for example, or qualifications and experience with certain types of software. Perhaps you’ve worked on a project that closely mirrors the work described in the job description. If so, mention it.

This is also the place to namedrop any professional achievements or awards you’ve achieved. Always keep them relevant to the role, though. Nobody needs to know that you won the pie-eating award at the local town fair. Employee of the month, however, is a different matter.

Step 4: End with a strong closing statement and sign off

In the final sentence or two of your data analyst cover letter, wrap up your application and thank the reader for their time. Include a call to action, such as asking for a meeting or a phone call, if appropriate. If in doubt, just say that you look forward to having an opportunity to discuss the position in person (this sounds confident without being too self-assured).

Finally, include a professional sign-off. Traditionally, if a letter’s recipient is unnamed (e.g. ‘Hiring Manager’) you’ll use ‘Faithfully yours’ as a sign-off. Meanwhile, if you know the person’s name, ‘Sincerely yours’ is better. However, if you find these terms old-fashioned, that’s OK. Just stick with something like ‘Kind regards’ or ‘Warm wishes’, and you won’t go too far wrong. The main thing is to avoid being too casual.

Step 5: Proofread, proofread, proofread!

Once you’ve finished your data analyst cover letter, it’s vital to proofread it for errors before sending it off. As a bare minimum, sleep on it and review it in the morning. 

Ideally, you should ask a friend or family member—or better yet, someone working in the industry—to read through it, to ensure you’re not missing anything or have made any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Some general tips for writing your data analytics cover letter

In addition to the steps outlined, here are some additional tips for writing your data analytics cover letter:

  • Use active rather than passive language, e.g. ‘I achieved’ rather than ‘achievements were made’ (people often use passive language under the misguided notion that it sounds ‘professional’ when plain English is fine)
  • Use fresh adjectives to describe yourself rather than tired, overused ones, e.g. ‘versatile’, ‘meticulous’, and ‘ambitious’ over ‘experienced’ or ‘motivated’
  • Avoid jargon and technical language, unless you know for sure the person you’re sending it to will understand it, e.g. ‘I used predictive analytics to identify patterns in customer behavior’ is better than ‘I applied advanced ML algorithms to CX insights’
  • Always tailor your letter to the job description, and make sure you address the requirements they’ve outlined
  • Keep it concise; your letter should ideally be two or three short paragraphs (about 250-300 words) and certainly no more than a single page. This is probably the most challenging part, so expect to write a few drafts and then edit them down

Now that we’ve covered the basics of your data analyst cover letter, let’s take a look at some examples to highlight the best approach.

3. Data analyst cover letter examples

In this section, we’ll get more specific, looking at how you might want to write each section of your data analyst cover letter. We’ve included a good example and a bad example for each of the points covered in section 2, before explaining why one is better than the other.

Example 1: Opening

Good example:

Dear Ellen,

I am writing to apply for the Business Intelligence Analyst role at Weyland-Yutani Corporation, as advertised on the Big Space Data Jobs Board. With 2 years of experience analyzing customer and business data, I have the necessary skills and qualifications to thrive in this role. I believe I would be a valuable asset to your insights team.

Bad example:

To Sir/Madam,

I am applying for the Data Analyst role at your company. I’m sure I’d be a great fit for this job, as I have a lot of experience in the field.

The first example is strong. It shows that the candidate has done their research (mentioning the job title, organization, and even the board where they found the role) and is confident in their skills and qualifications. It also shows respect to the recipient by addressing them by name.

Meanwhile, the second example is too generic. It doesn’t demonstrate any research or knowledge of the role. And while it’s not always possible to know the manager’s name, don’t open with ‘Dear sir/madam’ which presumes the recipient’s gender. It’s not worth offending the person that you want to give you a job!

Example 2: Explaining why you’re interested

I am especially excited about the prospect of using my data analysis skills to assist with Weyland-Yutani’s flagship project, which I know explores the potential product applications of new biological discoveries. As a lifelong advocate of xenobiology, I am particularly interested in how this area of study can potentially intersect with the customer experience.

I have a great deal of experience in data analysis and I’m sure that I would be a great asset to your team. In addition, I’m interested in this role because it pays a lot of money.

The good example here offers more than just generic platitudes; it provides a real insight into the candidate’s motivations for applying for the role while demonstrating their knowledge and enthusiasm for the company’s work. Obviously, we’ve used an imaginary example here, but it highlights the point.

Once again, the bad example is too generic. It shows no real knowledge or understanding of the company and it lacks enthusiasm. And while there’s nothing wrong with being money-driven, think about what the reader will want to see. It’s much more appealing to the hiring manager to hear about your ambition (which benefits them!) rather than your desire to get paid well (which benefits you!)

Example 3: Showcasing your skills, experience, and qualifications

My experience and qualifications make me an ideal candidate for this role. As a Business Intelligence Analyst at Hyperdyne Systems, I developed expertise in predictive analytics and machine learning, which I used to draw insights from large datasets about current product trends. I also lead a project to improve the accuracy of customer segmentation models, resulting in a 5% increase in marketing ROI.

As a data analyst, I have experience in data analysis, machine learning, predictive analytics, and working with large datasets. I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary for this role.

The good example provides specific examples of the candidate’s accomplishments, demonstrating their expertise and passion for data analytics. This is much more effective than listing generic skills.

The bad example, on the other hand, gives no information about the candidate’s accomplishments or achievements. And while it is OK to list skills in your resume, it’s a waste of your data analytics cover letter not to dig deeper to showcase how you used these skills.

Example 4: Closing

I look forward to discussing my experience and qualifications further and learning more about the opportunity on offer. I would welcome an invitation to discuss the position further.

I hope to hear from you soon.

The good example provides a strong closing statement. It’s polite and respectful, yet confident. It also shows that the candidate has done their research and is genuinely interested in the role.

The bad example is bland, lacks any genuine passion, and does nothing to demonstrate any knowledge of the role or company. Which one would you invite to an interview?

4. Data analyst cover letter template

Now that you’ve seen some examples of how to write a data analyst cover letter, here’s a template you can use to get started with your cover letter. This is, of course, a very generic template, and you should do more than simply fill in the gaps and send it off! 

Instead, use the template as a guideline, using the prompts provided to expand on the topics. Tailor the letter to each role you are applying for.

[Link to your portfolio]

[Contact address]

Dear [Name of recipient],

I am writing to apply for the [name of the job] role at [name of company], as advertised on [name of job board]. With [number of months/years] experience analyzing [type of data], I feel confident that I have the necessary skills and qualifications to become a valuable asset to your [team/department].

I am especially excited at the prospect of using my data analysis skills to [outline a specific task or project that the role involves]. As a [describe a personal/professional trait], I believe that this project has the potential to [outline a specific benefit that you think the project will bring].

My experience and qualifications make me an ideal candidate for this role. During my time as a [previous role] at [company], I developed expertise in [list relevant skills], which I used to [outline a project/task you’ve been involved in]. I was also able to [outline an accomplishment], resulting in a [describe the outcome].

I look forward to discussing my experience and qualifications further and hearing more about the opportunity that you’re offering.

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]

So there you have it, everything you need to know when writing a job-winning data analyst cover letter. Now that we’ve discussed how to write one, here’s a quick recap:

  • A data analyst cover letter is a great way to introduce yourself and your skillset to a potential employer
  • Structure your letter in a professional format, with a clear introduction and closing statement
  • Include specific details about the role and company in your introduction, and explain why you’re interested in the position
  • In the body of your letter, showcase your skills, experience, and qualifications, and explain why you’re the ideal candidate
  • Proofread your letter and get someone else to look it over before you send it off

Following this simple advice, you’ll soon have a data analyst cover letter that stands out. Before you know it, you’ll be preparing for that all-important interview!

To learn more about what a career in data analytics might involve, sign up for this free, 5-day data analytics short course . Prefer to read some more? Then check out the following beginner’s guides:

  •  What does a machine learning engineer do?  
  • Python pandas tutorial: An introduction for beginners
  • Data analytics for beginners: Jupyter Notebook tutorial

Entry Level Financial Analyst Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an entry level financial analyst cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for entry level financial analyst, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for entry level financial analyst, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for entry level financial analyst, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for entry level financial analyst, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for entry level financial analyst, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for entry level financial analyst.

Start your Entry Level Financial Analyst cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting to show you're actively seeking opportunities in this field. Next, briefly highlight your qualifications that make you a good fit for the role. For example, you could mention your degree in finance or a related field, any relevant internships or projects, and your analytical skills. Make sure to convey your enthusiasm for the role and the company. This will help you make a strong first impression and encourage the hiring manager to read the rest of your cover letter.

The best way for Entry Level Financial Analysts to end a cover letter is by expressing gratitude for the reader's time and consideration, reiterating their interest in the role, and conveying eagerness for the next steps. For example, "Thank you for considering my application. I am very interested in the Financial Analyst position and I am confident that my skills and passion make me a strong candidate. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further." This ending is professional, courteous, and shows enthusiasm for the role. It also opens the door for further communication, which is crucial in the job application process.

Entry Level Financial Analysts should include the following in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: Start with your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. 2. Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager by name if possible. If not, use a professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager". 3. Introduction: In the first paragraph, mention the job you're applying for and where you found the job listing. 4. Relevant Skills and Qualifications: In the body of the letter, highlight your relevant skills and qualifications. As an entry-level financial analyst, these might include your analytical skills, attention to detail, knowledge of financial software, and understanding of financial models and forecasting. 5. Education and Certifications: Mention your degree in finance, economics, or a related field. If you have any certifications like the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification, be sure to include them. 6. Internship or Project Experience: If you have any internship or project experience related to financial analysis, describe it in detail, focusing on your responsibilities and achievements. 7. Soft Skills: Don't forget to mention soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. These are important in any job, including financial analysis. 8. Enthusiasm for the Role: Show your enthusiasm for the role and the company. Explain why you're interested in the job and how you can contribute to the company's success. 9. Closing Statement: In the closing paragraph, thank the hiring manager for considering your application and express your interest in discussing your qualifications further. 10. Professional Closing: End the letter with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards" and your full name. Remember, your cover letter should complement your resume, not duplicate it. It's your chance to tell a story about your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role, making the hiring manager want to learn more about you.

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Try our ai cover letter generator.

entry level financial analyst cover letter

Professional Entry Level Business Analyst Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your entry level business analyst cover letter must demonstrate a keen analytical mindset. Highlight your proficiency in data interpretation and problem-solving abilities. Showcase your capability to translate complex data into actionable business insights. It is crucial that you also emphasize your strong communication skills, both written and verbal.

Cover Letter Guide

Entry Level Business Analyst Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Entry Level Business Analyst Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Entry Level Business Analyst cover letter

Embarking on your journey as an entry-level business analyst can be exhilarating, but when faced with writing a cover letter, you might hit a stumbling block. It's not just a repeat of your resume; this is your chance to weave a professional story, showcasing a major accomplishment that you're genuinely proud of. Remember to keep it succinct and avoid well-worn phrases, crafting a one-page letter that balances formal tone with a personal touch. Let's start by conquering that all-important cover letter together.

  • Some inspiration from other professionals' job-winning cover letters;
  • The best structure and format for your entry level business analyst cover letter;
  • Insights on how to write about your best achievement to stand out;
  • A creative twist on your entry level business analyst cover letter intro.

Upload your entry level business analyst resume to Enhancv's AI, which will quickly scan and prepare a job-winning cover letter for you.

If the entry level business analyst isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Entry Level Business Analyst resume guide and example
  • Business Data Analyst cover letter example
  • Online Business Owner cover letter example
  • Servicenow Business Analyst cover letter example
  • Operations Analyst cover letter example
  • Casino Manager cover letter example
  • Implementation Manager cover letter example
  • Administrative General Manager cover letter example
  • Branch Operations Manager cover letter example
  • Business Project Manager cover letter example
  • Operations Associate cover letter example

Entry Level Business Analyst cover letter example

Harper Garcia

Los Angeles, California


[email protected]

  • Highlighting past achievements – The candidate specifically mentions leading an initiative at Accenture, resulting in a 10% improvement in the offered IT services, which illustrates a track record of tangible success and the ability to make a significant impact within an organization.
  • Demonstrating industry experience – By noting experience with established consultancy firms such as Accenture and Deloitte, the applicant emphasizes a strong background in the field, suggesting familiarity with the expectations and standards within top-tier business environments.
  • Matching skillset with company goals – The applicant reflects on the alignment between their professional skills and the company's articulated goals, implying a strategic approach to potential contributions within the prospective role.
  • Expressing willingness to further discuss – The invitation to schedule an interview not only shows eagerness but also opens the door for further dialogue, providing an opportunity to elaborate on how they can contribute to the company's success in person.

Structuring and formatting your entry level business analyst cover letter

Here's what the structure of your entry level business analyst cover letter should include:

  • Header (with your name, the position you're applying for, and the date);
  • Salutation (or greeting);
  • Introductory paragraph (or your opening statement);
  • Body paragraph (or further proof of your experience);
  • Closing paragraph (with a call to action);
  • Signature (that is optional).

Use the same font for your entry level business analyst resume and cover letter - modern fonts like Lato and Rubik would help you stand out.

Your entry level business analyst cover letter should be single-spaced and have a one-inch margins - this format is automatically set up in our cover letter templates and our cover letter builder .

When submitting your cover letter, always ensure it's in PDF, as this format keeps the information intact (and the quality of your document stays the same).

On one final note - the Applicant Tracker System (ATS or the software that is sometimes used to initially assess your application) won't read your entry level business analyst cover letter.

The top sections on a entry level business analyst cover letter

Header with Contact Information : Include your name, address, phone number, and email, along with the date and the employer's contact information. This is essential for the recruiter to easily know who you are and how to contact you, providing a professional appearance right from the start.

Greeting : Address the hiring manager by name if possible. Doing so shows you've taken the initiative to research who is in charge of hiring and sets a personalized tone for the letter. This can distinguish you from other candidates who may use a generic greeting.

Introduction : Mention the business analyst position you are applying for and express your enthusiasm about the opportunity. This is where you grab the reader’s attention and briefly state why you are interested in the role, setting the stage for your qualifications.

Body of the Cover Letter : In this section, mention your relevant academic background such as a degree in business administration or data analysis, any internships or projects related to business analysis, and specific analytical skills that are applicable, such as proficiency in Excel, SQL, or data visualization tools. This information is vital as it outlines your qualifications and the ways in which your skills align with the role of a business analyst.

Closing and Call to Action : Reaffirm your interest in the position, thank the recruiter for considering your application, and include a call to action, such as requesting an interview or a meeting to discuss your application further. This not only shows your eagerness for the position but also encourages a response from the recruiter.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Strong analytical skills: To interpret data trends and patterns, providing valuable insights for business strategy and decision-making.
  • Proficiency in data visualization and reporting tools: Such as Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, or Excel, to convey complex information in an understandable way.
  • Knowledge of business processes: Understanding how businesses operate and the ability to analyze workflows to recommend improvements.
  • Effective communication skills: To translate data-driven findings into clear, actionable language for stakeholders at all levels of the organization.
  • Experience with SQL or other database languages: To extract and manipulate data from various sources to inform analytics and reporting.
  • Attention to detail: To ensure accuracy in data analysis and to meticulously document findings and processes.

Kick off your entry level business analyst cover letter: the salutation or greeting

When writing your entry level business analyst cover letter, remember that you're not writing for some complex AI or robot, but for actual human beings.

And recruiters, while on the lookout to understand your experience, would enjoy seeing a cover letter that is tailored to the role and addresses them . Personally.

So, if you haven't done so, invest some time in finding out who's the hiring manager for the role you're applying to. A good place to start would be LinkedIn and the corporate website.

Alternatively, you could also get in touch with the company to find out more information about the role and the name of the recruiter.

If you haven't met the hiring manager, yet, your entry level business analyst cover letter salutation should be on a last-name basis (e.g. "Dear Mr. Donaldson" or "Dear Ms. Estephan").

A good old, "Dear HR Professional" (or something along those lines) could work as your last resort if you're struggling to find out the recruiter's name.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Specific Department] Team,
  • Dear [Company Name] Recruiter,
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear [Mr./Ms. Full Name],

Get creative with your entry level business analyst cover letter introduction

Recruiters are going to assess plenty of candidate profiles for the role. Thus, anything you do to stand out will win you brownie points.

Use your entry level business analyst cover letter introduction to share something memorable about your experience .

But before you go down the rabbit hole of creativity and humor, align your message with the company culture.

For example, if you are applying for a role in some startup, use those first two sentences to tell a funny story (about your experience) to quickly connect with the recruiter.

What to write in the middle or body of your entry level business analyst cover letter

Here's where it gets tricky.

Your entry level business analyst cover letter body should present you in the best light possible and, at the same time, differ from your resume.

Don't be stuck in making up new things or copy-pasting from your resume. Instead, select just one achievement from your experience.

Use it to succinctly tell a story of the job-crucial skills and knowledge this taught you.

Your entry level business analyst cover letter is the magic card you need to further show how any organization or team would benefit from working with you.

Closing paragraph basics: choose between a promise and a call to action

You've done all the hard work - congratulations! You've almost reached the end of your entry level business analyst cover letter .

But how do you ensure recruiters, who have read your application this far, remember you?

Most entry level business analyst professionals end their cover letter with a promise - hinting at their potential and what they plan on achieving if they're hired.

Another option would be to include a call for follow-up, where you remind recruiters that you're very interested in the opportunity (and look forward to hearing from them, soon).

Choose to close your entry level business analyst cover letter in the way that best fits your personality.

The zero experience entry level business analyst cover letter: shifting the focus to your unique value

Don't worry if you have no conventional professional experience . Within your whole experience, there's plenty more you can write about in your entry level business analyst cover letter.

Take, for example, your biggest achievement or award - dedicate your cover letter body to describe it and the job-relevant skills you've learned.

Your professional ambitions could also take center stage. Describe what you plan on achieving in the next five to ten years and the efforts you're making towards your dreams.

Key takeaways

Winning at your job application game starts with a clear and concise entry level business analyst cover letter that:

  • Has single-spaced paragraphs, is wrapped in a one-inch margin, and uses the same font as the entry level business analyst resume;
  • Is personalized to the recruiter (using their name in the greeting) and the role (focusing on your one key achievement that answers job requirements);
  • Includes an introduction that helps you stand out and show what value you'd bring to the company;
  • Substitutes your lack of experience with an outside-of-work success, that has taught you valuable skills;
  • Ends with a call for follow-up or hints at how you'd improve the organization, team, or role.

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Cover letter examples by industry

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AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

  • Content tailored to the job posting you're applying for
  • ChatGPT model specifically trained by Enhancv
  • Lightning-fast responses

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Entry Level Data Entry Analyst Cover Letter Sample

It is a myth that you can only write little in a cover letter for an entry-level data entry analyst position. In fact, you can write as much as you can.

The first thing to remember is to focus on your skills when crafting a cover letter for an entry-level data entry analyst resume.

Also, you must emphasize the fact that you are a great learner. If you have held an internship in a similar capacity, mention it.

For an entry-level data entry analyst position, the following cover letter sample will provide you with ideas:

Caleb Madrid (000) 999-9896 [Email]

January 19, 2022

Mr. Herman Pollock Human Resources Manager Technology Marketing Concepts 100 Pigeon Road Salt Lake City, UT 62569

Dear Mr. Pollock:

With a strong aptitude for numbers, accuracy, and analysis, I am writing to apply for a data entry analyst position at Technology Marketing Concepts.

I offer an excellent understanding of:

  • Preparing and sorting documents for data entry
  • Examining and auditing data for discrepancies and reconciling data
  • Reviewing source data and processing documents for data entry purposes
  • Researching data by using tools such as Google, Bing, and other related sites

Not only am I proficient in inputting data into predefined systems, but I can also analyze information, and place it into appropriate reports. Moreover, I am adept at filtering and cleaning data by reviewing associated reports.

Since I am a stickler for perfection, I ensure that inaccurate information is never used, no matter what the situation is. Besides data analysis, I have the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

It will be a pleasure to meet with you in person, in order to provide you with a more accurate view of my abilities as a data entry analyst. I will be in touch regarding an interview time and can be reached at (000) 999-9896 if required.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Caleb Madrid

Attachment: resume

  • Entry Level Data Entry Analyst Resume Sample
  • Data Entry Analyst Cover Letter Sample
  • 20 Best Companies for Entry Level Data Analyst
  • Entry Level Data Analyst Cover Letter No Experience (Sample & How-to Write)

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How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter [Example]

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How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter [Example] was originally published on Forage .

student sitting on couch with laptop open to half-written cover letter

Writing an entry-level cover letter — when you have little to no work experience — can be confusing and stressful. What do you write when you feel like you don’t have work to talk about? How do you show a company you want to work for them when you haven’t worked much before? In this guide, we’ll cover:

Entry-level Cover Letter Example

Breaking it down: what goes into a good cover letter.

  • Other Entry-level Cover Letter Writing Tips

>>MORE: How to Write a Resume With No Work Experience

Harriet Spacemen Brooklyn, NY 123-456-7890 [email protected]

January 3, 2023

Kate Norman Engineering Lead Example Company New York, NY

I’m writing to express my interest in the junior software engineer position at Company X. I’ve recently graduated with a computer science degree, and my technical skills and demonstrated passion for equity in health care make me an ideal candidate for this role.

During my time at Sample University, I deepened my understanding of software development through coursework in front-end engineering, programming, and quality assurance. In my senior year, I combined my advocacy for health care access and engineering skills by creating a web application — using Python and SQL — that helps patients find available doctor’s appointments near them that accept their insurance. Outside of my coursework, I volunteered at the local hospital and shadowed a nurse, giving me insight into hospital administration and patient pain points.

My experience working directly with health care patients and my passion for improving this sector give me an empathetic, patient-first focus in my engineering work. This focus aligns with your company’s mission, and I believe my engineering approach would be an asset to your team. I look forward to meeting with you and further discussing my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.

Best, Harriet Spacemen

cover letter for entry level analyst

The header of your cover letter contains all your crucial contact information: your name, number, and email. It should also include the date you’re sending in your application.

In addition, the header should contain information about the company. You want to include the company name and the hiring manager’s name (if you have it — more on how to find that in the next section). 

Many cover letter examples also include addresses for both the applicant and employer. However, including a full address is optional, especially if you’re applying for a remote role. You can include it in the header if you’re applying for a position that requires you to be in a particular city or state. (There’s no need to include your full street address — just your city and state should do.)

cover letter for entry level analyst

For the greeting, you’ll want to use a professional salutation like “Dear,” and address the hiring manager by name.

“If the job description states the title of the person you’d be reporting to, you can try to find their name from the company’s LinkedIn page,” Daniel Catalan, professional resume and cover letter builder, says. “You can click on a list of all of the employees and put the manager’s title into the filters.” 

>>MORE: What Is a Hiring Manager (and How to Talk to One)?

If you’ve done your due diligence and still can’t find the hiring manager’s name, Catalan recommends not using the traditional “to whom it may concern.” Instead, he suggests addressing the letter to “Team X at Company Y.” 

You want to show the hiring team you’ve done your research right from the start.

First Paragraph: Share Your Enthusiasm

cover letter for entry level analyst

Use the opening paragraph of a cover letter to express your excitement about this role. However, this is not just about flattering the employer. You also want to show them why you’re specifically excited about the opportunity and how it aligns with your experience and interests.

“Candidates need to explain why they want the job and what experience, volunteer work, or education they have that is relevant,” says Wendy Reimann, owner and writer at Lighthouse Writing, a writing and editing services company. “It confuses managers and recruiters when someone with a major in biology applies for a job in marketing . Tell them why.”

Second (and Third) Paragraph: Show Your Skills

cover letter for entry level analyst

In this next section, expand on the experience and interests you mentioned in the first section. Don’t worry if you don’t have years of experience behind you.

“Recruiters don’t expect entry-level applicants to have a wealth of professional experience,” Tim Toterhi, CHRO and ICF certified career coach , says. “We do, however, expect you to be adaptable, teachable, and able to solve problems. Volunteer work, school projects, even hobbies can help you demonstrate your skill set.”

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Consider how all your experiences, whether professional or not, have prepared you for this role and what hard and soft skills you’ve learned. Remember, this cover letter complements your resume, so you don’t need to worry about stuffing every experience and skill into a paragraph or two. Instead, focus on what’s most relevant to the company and its goals.

“Read up on what the company is actively working on and show you can bring unconventional solutions,” Catalan says.

Closing Paragraph: Call to Action

cover letter for entry level analyst

The last paragraph of an entry-level cover letter is meant to restate your qualifications for this role, discuss the next steps, and thank them for their time. In the first sentence or two, summarize why you’re excited about the role and what makes you specifically right for the position. 

Then, mention next steps with a call to action. For example, you might say that you look forward to meeting with them in an interview or remind them how they can best reach you to discuss your application.

Finally, thank the reader for their time reviewing your application. It’s essential to end on a high note, so make sure you share some gratitude.

cover letter for entry level analyst

You’ve made it to the last (and perhaps easiest!) part of the cover letter! Your signature should include a professional sign-off and your full name. 

>>MORE: Learn eight professional email sign-offs to use and six to avoid with How to End an Email Professionally (With Examples) .

Other Entry-Level Cover Letter Writing Tips

  • Write to the specific employer. It’s better to customize a cover letter for each application rather than use a general one. “Taking the time to write a targeted letter to a specific employer about a specific job demonstrates sincere interest,” Toterhi says. “Just be sure to keep it short and focused on how you can meet their needs. Remember, recruiters commonly receive hundreds of applicants for each open role. There’s no time to sift through fluff.”
  • Don’t copy your resume . “Let the resume do its job and use the space in the cover letter to introduce yourself,” Reimann says. Your cover letter should expand on the achievements you’ve listed in your resume and demonstrate your relevant skills.
  • Keep it short. While a cover letter is about sharing more in-depth details about your skills and experience, keep it concise. A single page (without fonts that are too small to read!) is standard. “If the text is too long or monotonous, it’ll lose the reader’s attention,” Catalan says. 
  • Stay positive. Your cover letter isn’t for over-explaining a gap in your resume. “Don’t bring up anything negative or over-explain work gaps or educational mistakes such as making a D in a single class or taking a semester off for illness,” Reimann says. “Focus on the positive only and let your qualities speak for themselves.”

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Image credit: Canva

The post How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter [Example] appeared first on Forage .

ATS Resume Templates

Download an ATS-friendly resume template for free. These templates can be edited in Microsoft Word and can be accurately scanned by an applicant tracking system.

cover letter for entry level analyst

If you’ve made it to this page, then you probably already know more about applicant tracking systems (ATS) than the average job seeker. That gives you an advantage! Why?

Many companies use ATS to manage resumes and applications. In fact, Jobscan research shows that over 97% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS.

If an ATS can’t read or understand the information on your resume, then your application might not be seen when a recruiter searches for candidates with specific skills or experience – even if you have those skills or the experience!

Your resume needs to be ATS-friendly in order to give you the best chance of getting a job interview. That means that you need an ATS resume template.

We’ve designed 15 ATS resume templates that can be downloaded as Microsoft Word files and easily edited. Download one for free or use our free resume builder to get a customized ATS-friendly resume in minutes.

Free ATS Resume Templates

Executive and Management ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

As a leader, you want your experience and accomplishments to shine. These resume templates give you opportunities to show the measurable results you’ve achieved, as well as your hard and soft skills .

Using correct formatting is critical here. The ATS needs to be able to parse all of that vital information and categorize it correctly. You also need your resume to be searchable by an ATS so that when a recruiter filters candidates by skills, your application stays on the list.

White resume on big screen

Entry-Level ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

You might not think you have a lot to show on your resume, but you do! These templates provide sections where you can highlight your education, internships, volunteer experience , personal accomplishments, and more.

An ATS-friendly resume will help you get found by recruiters and hiring managers. This is important because an entry-level position could have hundreds of applicants! Use these templates to make sure the ATS picks up your skills and experience.

White resume on big screen

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ATS Resume Templates - What You Need to Know

How to make the perfect ats resume.

Remember, an ATS is just a computer filing system. It needs to be able to scan and understand the text on your resume in order to correctly parse the information and sort it properly.

An ATS will never auto-reject a resume, but an ATS optimized resume does make it easier for a recruiter to find you among the sea of applicants.

Even more importantly, an ATS-friendly resume naturally follows expert-recommended resume writing standards as well. That means that when the recruiter personally views your resume, it will include the relevant information they’re looking for and will be formatted in a way that makes it easier to read

Follow these tips for making the perfect ATS resume :

1. Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for

Focus on quality over quantity. Each job you apply for is unique, even if they all have the same title. Every company has different needs for that role. The job description will make it clear which hard skills, soft skills, experience, and education the company is looking for. So tailor your resume to show them that you are the perfect candidate.

Tailoring each and every resume can be time consuming, but it’s worth the effort!

You can speed up this process by using a tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner . Powered by AI-technology , this tool analyzes your resume against the job description and provides you with a resume score that tells you how closely your resume matches the job description. It also tells you exactly what you need to do to increase your score.

2. Match your resume keywords to skills found in the job description

Recruiters might use an ATS’ search function to find applicants with specific skills. How do you know what skills they will search for? By examining the job listing. Use a resume scanner to automatically pick out the hard and soft skills the recruiter might search for, and then include those on your resume.

Even if the recruiter doesn’t search applications for those skills, they’ll definitely be looking for mentions of them on each resume they review.

3. Use long-form and acronym versions of keywords

Some ATS will only return resumes with the exact keywords the recruiters would search for. For example, if you included “Search Engine Optimization” in your resume but the recruiter searched for “SEO,” your profile may not appear in the results. Try to include both the acronym and the unabbreviated form of the term.

Use a tool like Jobscan’s resume fixer to make sure your resume doesn’t contain mistakes that will eliminate you from consideration.

4. Use Chronological or Hybrid resume format to write your resume .

Recruiters do not like the functional resume format . Unless you’re making a career change, a functional resume is going to work against you. (And even then, we recommend you steer clear of the format for a career change resume .)

The best format for the ATS is traditional reverse chronological. You can also use chronological and hybrid resume formats as these are familiar to most recruiters.

5. Use an easy-to-read, traditional font

For readability, use a traditional serif or sans serif font. Untraditional or “fancy” fonts can cause parsing errors, which means the full text of your resume won’t be searchable.

6. Use standard resume section headings

Section headers like “Where I’ve Been” in place of “Work Experience” will confuse applicant tracking systems, causing them to organize information incorrectly.

7. Save your file as a .docx if possible

A docx file is most compatible with ATS.

What is the best resume format for ATS?

There are three standard resume formats to choose from in your job search. They shape your first impression and determine the way recruiters and hiring managers view your fit as an applicant.

Your resume formatting can also determine how well your resume is parsed within an applicant tracking system (ATS) and how likely you are to be noticed as a result.

Regardless of the format you use, the most important thing is to use standard section headings like Experience, Skills, and Education. That will make it easier for the ATS to categorize the text.

How to tailor your ATS-friendly resume to a job

Tailoring your resume proves to recruiters that you’re an experienced professional. Most importantly, it shows them that you’re the perfect fit for this role.

Follow these three steps for tailoring your resume to a job description:

1. Examine the specific job description of the position

Go line by line through the job description and ask yourself these questions:

  • “Does my resume experience section clearly state that I can do what’s required of this role?”
  • “Am I using the same language found in the job description or job posting?”

You might find several different or missing skills and keywords in your generic resume.

2. Match skills and keywords from the job description

Mirroring the language, keywords, and buzzwords found within the job description is the easiest way to demonstrate you’re a better match than the competition.

The best way to show you’re the best fit for the position is to take words from the job posting and strategically put them in your job descriptions and other resume sections. A resume scanner will automatically pull out these keywords in seconds and speed up this process.

3. Write your job title clearly

Recruiters might search for people who have done the job they’re hiring, so list your job titles clearly and match the titles to the one in the job posting when possible. If you haven’t held the job before, list it under your name at the top or as part of your summary section.

What is Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software used to assist with human resources, recruitment, and hiring. While each system offers a different package of features, applicant tracking systems are primarily used to help hiring companies organize and navigate large numbers of applicants.

For example, an ATS stores job candidate information like resumes, cover letters, references, and other recruitment and hiring data that HR teams can easily access and organize. It will also track job candidates and their application status throughout the hiring pipeline.

Ultimately, an ATS automates time-consuming administrative tasks such as manually screening applicants, reading resumes, scheduling interviews, and sending notifications and emails to job candidates and employees.

Can you add graphics to your resume?

When it comes to creating an ATS-friendly resume , the rule is: The simpler, the better. ATS are improving at scanning different formatting features, but not all of them are good at this.

Adding graphics and images could cause ATS parsing errors , which means the text on your resume won’t be fully searchable or accurately categorized by an ATS. We recommend that job seekers err on the side of caution. Avoid graphics, images, and photos.

Are Google Docs or Microsoft resume templates ATS-friendly?

They can be. We talked about some formatting features to avoid on your resume – fancy graphics and non-traditional fonts. Those features can trip up an ATS, even if they’re on a Word document or Google Docs file.

However, as long as you follow the guidelines on this page, or use one of these ATS resume templates, you’ll be fine.

How to get your cover letter past the ATS?

To increase your cover letter’s chances of passing an ATS, focus on using a clean format without complex formatting, incorporate relevant keywords and phrases from the job description, and ensure that your content is easy for the ATS to parse.

Consider using a tool like Jobscan’s cover letter generator to help you create an ATS-friendly cover letter. If you already have a cover letter, run it through our cover letter checker tool to get personalized feedback on how to improve your cover letter and make it more compelling to employers.

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  21. How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter [Example]

    Other Entry-Level Cover Letter Writing Tips. Write to the specific employer. It's better to customize a cover letter for each application rather than use a general one. "Taking the time to write a targeted letter to a specific employer about a specific job demonstrates sincere interest," Toterhi says. "Just be sure to keep it short and ...

  22. 15 Free ATS Resume Templates (Optimized for 2024)

    Entry-Level ATS-Friendly Resume Templates. You might not think you have a lot to show on your resume, but you do! These templates provide sections where you can highlight your education, internships, volunteer experience, personal accomplishments, and more.. An ATS-friendly resume will help you get found by recruiters and hiring managers. This is important because an entry-level position could ...

  23. What Is the CompTIA Security+ (Plus) Certification? 2024 Guide

    Security+ is the entry-level cybersecurity credential offered by non-profit trade association CompTIA. It's often the first certification in information security that an IT professional earns. ... What does the exam cover? ... Information security analyst: $114,570. Information systems architect: $142,213. Cyber threat hunter: $104,398.

  24. How To Write a Senior Business Analyst Cover Letter

    Senior business analyst cover letter example To help you learn about cover letters, here is a sample cover letter for a senior business analyst: Chuck Ferris Chicago, Illinois 304-555-0192 [email protected] March 14, 2023 Mr. Bob Richardson ABC Company Dear Bob Richardson, I am writing to express my interest in the senior business analyst position posted on your company's website.

  25. Cisco Learning & Certifications

    Prepare your team for critical job roles with training bootcamps, guided study groups, Cisco Modeling Labs, or a Cisco U. subscription. Whether you choose to immerse your teams in interactive, real-world environments or in group training led by experts, Cisco enterprise solutions take your team's productivity to the next level.