Professions in Nigeria

Creative writing in nigeria: scope and opportunities.

Last Updated on January 26, 2024


Creative writing plays a significant role in Nigeria as it gives a platform for self-expression and cultural preservation.

The scope of creative writing in Nigeria is vast, including various genres like poetry, fiction, and drama, providing opportunities for both aspiring and established writers.

Creative writing in Nigeria holds immense significance, fostering cultural preservation, self-expression, and societal dialogue.

  • Literary Diversity: Nigeria’s rich cultural tapestry fuels a diverse range of themes, genres, and narratives.
  • Emerging Voices: A wave of young Nigerian writers is making global literary waves, amplifying fresh perspectives.
  • Multilingual Landscape: The nation’s linguistic variety offers avenues for storytelling in various languages, broadening outreach.
  • Historical Exploration: Creative writing delves into Nigeria’s history, unearthing untold stories and lessons for the present.
  • Digital Age: Online platforms and social media have democratized publishing, providing writers new channels for dissemination.
  • Academic Integration: Creative writing courses in Nigerian universities nurture future wordsmiths, blending academia with artistry.
  • Film and TV: Scripts and screenplays contribute to Nigeria’s booming film industry, Nollywood, shaping visual storytelling.
  • Civic Engagement: Writers address sociopolitical issues, sparking conversations that catalyze positive change.
  • Healing Through Words: Creative expression serves as a therapeutic outlet, aiding individuals and communities in healing.


  • Publishing: Traditional and digital publishing avenues grant exposure and recognition for literary works.
  • Content Creation: Advertising, branding, and content agencies seek skilled writers for marketing materials.
  • Freelancing: Writing for websites, blogs, and magazines offers freelancers flexibility and a global client base.
  • Literary Festivals: Festivals like Ake Arts and Book Festival provide platforms for networking and showcasing work.
  • Writing Workshops: Facilitating workshops and mentoring aspiring writers fosters a nurturing community.
  • Scriptwriting: Demand for scripts in film, television, and theater creates opportunities for narrative architects.
  • Academic Writing: Research institutions seek writers to communicate complex ideas to wider audiences.
  • Authorship: Publishing novels, poetry collections, and short stories establishes writers as literary voices.
  • Translation: Adapting Nigerian literature into different languages bridges cultural gaps and reaches broader readerships.

In summary, creative writing in Nigeria is a dynamic realm of artistic exploration, holding both cultural and economic value.

Its scope is vast, encompassing various mediums and genres, while opportunities are abundant for those willing to wield the pen.

Background on Creative Writing in Nigeria

The historical development of creative writing in nigeria.

Creative writing in Nigeria has a rich history that dates back to pre-colonial times. Oral literature was the primary form of storytelling, with folktales, myths, and proverbs being passed down through generations.

These stories were not only entertainment but also served as a means of preserving cultural identity and values.

With the advent of colonialism in the late 19th century, written literature began to emerge in Nigeria. The Nigerian literary tradition was heavily influenced by both European literature and indigenous oral traditions.

Early Nigerian writers, such as Amos Tutuola and Cyprian Ekwensi, fused these influences to create unique narratives that captured the essence of Nigerian life.

Renowned Nigerian authors and their contributions to the field

Nigeria has produced numerous renowned authors who have made significant contributions to the field of creative writing.

Chinua Achebe, often considered the father of modern African literature, gained international acclaim with his novel “Things Fall Apart.”

His works explored the complexities of colonialism and its impact on African societies.

Wole Soyinka, Nigeria’s first Nobel laureate in Literature, challenged societal norms and political oppression through his plays and poetry.

His work, such as “A Dance of the Forests” and “Death and the King’s Horseman,” exposed the flaws and hypocrisies of postcolonial Nigeria.

Other notable Nigerian authors include Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, whose novels “Half of a Yellow Sun” and “Americanah” have garnered critical acclaim worldwide, and Ben Okri, who won the Booker Prize for his novel “The Famished Road.”

The impact of Nigerian literature on the global literary scene

Literature has made a significant impact on the global literary scene. Nigerian authors have gained worldwide recognition, and their works have been translated into multiple languages, expanding their reach.

Nigerian literature has offered a unique perspective and narrative voice. It addresses themes and issues that resonate with readers globally, such as identity, race, colonialism, and postcolonialism.

Through their storytelling, Nigerian authors have shaped and enriched the global literary canon. Nigerian literature has also inspired a new generation of writers and readers.

The success of authors like Achebe and Adichie has encouraged aspiring writers in Nigeria and beyond to explore their creative potential.

It has also sparked a resurgence of interest in African literature as a whole, leading to increased publishing opportunities for African voices.

In the end, creative writing in Nigeria has a rich history and has made significant contributions to the global literary scene.

From the early fusion of oral tradition and European influences to the emergence of renowned Nigerian authors, the country’s literary tradition continues to thrive.

Nigerian literature offers a unique perspective that resonates with readers worldwide, and its impact extends beyond its borders.

As the field continues to grow, there are boundless opportunities for aspiring Nigerian writers to make their mark in the world of creative writing.

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Scope of Creative Writing in Nigeria

The various genres of creative writing practiced in nigeria.

  • Poetry: Poetry is a widely embraced genre in Nigerian creative writing, characterized by rich imagery and emotional depth.
  • Prose: Prose writing in Nigeria encompasses different forms such as novels, short stories, and essays.
  • Drama: Nigerian playwrights excel in creating compelling dramas that explore various societal issues.

Themes and subjects commonly explored in Nigerian creative writing

Nigerian creative writing delves into a wide range of themes and subjects, reflecting the nation’s diverse and vibrant culture.

The exploration of identity and cultural heritage is a recurring theme in Nigerian creative writing. Authors often depict the struggle of individuals to reconcile their traditional values with modern influences.

Socio-political issues are also prevalent in Nigerian literature. Writers shed light on corruption, inequality, and the challenges faced by ordinary citizens, providing social commentary and advocating for positive change.

Nigerian creative writing frequently highlights the strength and resilience of its people, celebrating the power of hope, perseverance, and community bonds.

Notable literary events, festivals, and awards in Nigeria

Nigeria has a thriving literary scene with several events, festivals, and awards that promote and celebrate creative writing.

The Ake Arts and Book Festival is a prominent literary event that brings together renowned authors, scholars, and book lovers from Nigeria and beyond. It offers a platform for discussions, readings, and performances.

The Lagos International Poetry Festival is a vibrant gathering of poets, spoken word artists, and enthusiasts. It features performances, workshops, and panel discussions, fostering a rich poetry community.

The Nigeria Prize for Literature is a prestigious literary award established by the Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) company.

It recognizes outstanding literary works in Nigeria, encouraging writers to produce exceptional creative works.

Other notable events and festivals include the Port Harcourt Book Festival, Kaduna Book and Arts Festival, and the Etisalat Prize for Literature.

In fact, creative writing in Nigeria encompasses various genres such as poetry, prose, and drama. It explores themes of identity, socio-political issues, and resilience.

Nigeria also hosts numerous literary events, festivals, and awards that contribute to the vibrant literary landscape of the country.

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creative writing workshops in nigeria

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Opportunities in Creative Writing in Nigeria

The growth of the publishing industry in nigeria.

The creative writing scene in Nigeria is experiencing a surge in opportunities due to the growth of the publishing industry.

Publishing houses have emerged as strong platforms for aspiring Nigerian writers to showcase their skills and gain recognition.

In recent years, there has been a remarkable increase in the number of Nigerian publishers who actively seek out new talents.

These publishers provide a platform for writers to share their work with a wider audience. As a result, aspiring writers are now able to publish their works and gain exposure, both locally and internationally.

Emergence of literary magazines and online platforms for writers

Alongside the growth of traditional publishing, Nigeria has witnessed the emergence of literary magazines and online platforms that serve as avenues for writers to showcase their creative abilities.

These platforms often invite submissions from writers, providing them with an opportunity to have their work featured.

Literary magazines such as Saraba, Brittle Paper, and Kalahari Review have gained popularity for publishing exceptional works by Nigerian writers.

Online platforms like OkadaBooks and have made it even easier for writers to share their stories with a wider audience, breaking down geographical barriers.

The availability of writing workshops, courses, and mentorship programs

Nigeria’s creative writing landscape offers numerous opportunities for writers to further develop their skills through workshops, courses, and mentorship programs.

These initiatives aim to nurture budding writers and enhance their potential.

Organizations such as the Farafina Trust, the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), and the Nigeria Writers Series (NWS) regularly organize workshops and training sessions conducted by renowned writers locally and internationally.

These programs provide an avenue for writers to learn from established authors, refine their craft, and network with fellow writers.

The rise of self-publishing and digital publishing platforms for aspiring writers

Self-publishing has become a viable option for aspiring writers in Nigeria. With the rise of digital publishing platforms, writers can independently publish their works and reach a global audience.

This opportunity gives writers creative control over their projects and eliminates the need for traditional publishing houses.

Platforms like OkadaBooks and Smashwords allow writers to publish their books digitally, ensuring their works are accessible to readers worldwide.

This democratization of the publishing process has empowered Nigerian writers to bring their stories to life without relying solely on traditional publishing channels.

Opportunities for collaboration with other creatives like illustrators, editors, and translators

In addition to the writing industry itself, creative writers in Nigeria are presented with opportunities for collaboration with other professionals.

Collaborating with skilled illustrators, editors, and translators can enhance the overall quality and marketability of their work.

Working with illustrators can enrich storytelling by adding visual elements that captivate readers. Editors provide essential feedback to polish the writing, ensuring it meets professional standards .

Translators help bridge the gap between Nigerian authors and international audiences by making their works accessible in different languages.

In a nutshell, the scope of creative writing opportunities in Nigeria expands beyond simply writing and publishing.

The growth of the publishing industry, the emergence of literary magazines and online platforms, the availability of workshops and mentorship programs, the rise of self-publishing and digital platforms, and opportunities for collaboration with other creatives greatly contribute to the flourishing creative writing scene in Nigeria.

Aspiring writers in Nigeria now have access to a wide range of avenues to showcase their talent and achieve success in the field of creative writing.

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Challenges Faced in Creative Writing in Nigeria

Lack of adequate funding and support for writers.

  • Insufficient financial backing and support hinders the growth of creative writing in Nigeria.
  • Many talented writers struggle to find resources and funding to pursue their craft.
  • Lack of government funding and private investments restricts the development of the writing industry.
  • Limited access to grants, scholarships, and fellowships further exacerbates the financial challenges faced by writers.
  • Adequate funding and support systems should be established to promote and nurture the talents of Nigerian writers.

Limited Availability of Literary Agents and Publishing Opportunities

  • The scarcity of literary agents in Nigeria poses a significant challenge for writers seeking representation.
  • Most writers face difficulties in finding literary agents who can help them market their work.
  • Limited publishing opportunities hinder the visibility and success of Nigerian writers.
  • The absence of a robust publishing industry restricts the availability of platforms for writers to showcase their work.
  • The establishment of more literary agencies and publishing houses could provide better opportunities for aspiring writers.

The Influence of Censorship on Creative Expression

  • Censorship in Nigeria negatively affects creative expression and limits the freedom of writers.
  • Government regulations often impose restrictions on topics, themes, and content that writers can explore.
  • Fear of censorship leads to self-censorship, where writers avoid controversial or sensitive subjects.
  • The stifling of creative expression hampers the development of diverse and thought-provoking writing.
  • Advocacy for artistic freedom and the relaxation of censorship policies can encourage creativity in Nigerian writing.

Need for Improved Infrastructure and Resources for Writers

  • Inadequate infrastructure and resources undermine the growth of creative writing in Nigeria.
  • Limited access to libraries, writing centers, and writing workshops impedes the development of writing skills.
  • Insufficient technological resources restrict writers’ ability to research, edit, and publish their work efficiently.
  • More writing retreats, residencies, and workshops should be established to provide a conducive environment for writers.
  • Investment in modern infrastructure and the provision of writing-related resources can elevate the quality of Nigerian literature.

In review, the challenges faced in creative writing in Nigeria are multidimensional and require attention and intervention.

Adequate funding and support, increased availability of literary agents and publishing opportunities, the reduction of censorship, and improved infrastructure and resources are crucial for the growth and success of Nigerian writers.

By addressing these challenges, Nigeria can unlock the full potential of its creative writing industry and contribute significantly to the literary landscape.

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Creative writing in Nigeria has a wide scope and numerous opportunities. It is crucial to recognize the importance of fostering creativity and supporting Nigerian writers.

Scope and Opportunities:

  • Diverse Genres: Nigeria’s creative writing spans poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama, reflecting its rich culture.
  • Emerging Authors: Young talents bring fresh perspectives to global literary conversations, shaping the future.
  • Multilingual Narratives: Writing in local languages preserves heritage and widens literary horizons.
  • Digital Age: Online platforms enable global reach, making publishing and sharing more accessible.
  • Film and TV: Scriptwriting fuels Nollywood, while storytelling takes visual and auditory forms.
  • Literary Festivals: Ake Arts, Lagos International Poetry Festival offer networking and learning platforms.
  • Freelancing: Writers craft content for businesses, websites, expanding professional opportunities.
  • Publishing Boom: Traditional, self-publishing avenues amplify voices, contributing to the literary tapestry.

Fostering Creativity and Support:

Nurturing creativity is vital. Supporting Nigerian writers means preserving culture, encouraging innovation.

Embrace the Literary Landscape:

Explore Nigerian literature. Contribute your stories. Engage in discussions. Enrich the vibrant literary tapestry.

I encourage readers to explore and contribute to the vibrant literary landscape in Nigeria.

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14 Places to Learn Creative Writing and Content Creation in Lagos

14 Places to Learn Creative Writing and Content Creation in Lagos

14 Places to Learn Creative Writing and Content Creation in Lagos – As Nigeria’s bustling commercial capital, Lagos boasts a vibrant literary scene that has produced globally acclaimed writers like Wole Soyinka, Ben Okri, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and more. Aspiring writers and content creators living in or visiting this energetic megacity have access to excellent resources to hone their craft. From distinguished university creative writing programs to intimate workshops led by literary masters, Lagos offers abundant options. Here are the top 15 destinations helping writers unlock their potential across Lagos.

The 14 places to learn Creative Writing and Content Creation in Lagos Are:

1. university of lagos – akoka, yaba.

The University of Lagos (UNILAG) is home to one of the most prestigious and comprehensive creative writing programs in West Africa. Aspiring novelists, poets, dramatists, screenwriters and more can earn BA, MA and PhD degrees focused entirely on developing their creative writing abilities here. The faculty features acclaimed authors like Hope Eghagha. Small classes, opportunities to contribute to one of Nigeria’s oldest campus literary journals The Muse, and public readings to showcase student works make for rewarding study. Notable alumni of UNILAG’s creative writing program include many leading contemporary Nigerian writers like Lola Shoneyin, who studied drama here. For those serious about a creative writing education and degree, UNILAG is easily one of the top destinations in Lagos. 14 Places to Learn Creative Writing and Content Creation in Lagos

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Location: Akoka, Yaba.

2. Farafina Trust Creative Writing Workshop – Victoria Island

Arguably Nigeria’s most eminent creative writing workshop, this intensive annual program led by experts like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Toni Kan provides a focused learning experience over 2 weeks in Lagos. Aspiring writers develop their work through intimate group classes, one-on-one manuscript consultations with instructors, and invaluable feedback and critiques from fellow participants. The workshop welcomes all genres of writing, from fiction, poetry and scripts to literary nonfiction. Past participants have gone on to publish novels, memoirs, and more. The exposure to other talented emerging writers and the by-application program ensures a motivated cohort. If you have a writing project you are looking to refine and polish, this is perhaps the prime workshop in Lagos.

Location: Victoria Island.

3. CORA Art & Creative Writers’ Workshop – Ikeja

The Committee for Relevant Art (CORA) has hosted this excellent annual creative writing workshop in Lagos for over a decade. It allows aspiring wordsmiths to gain wisdom and training directly from masters of the craft including Niyi Osundare, Odia Ofeimun, Femi Osofisan, Dulue Mbachu and more. The practical sessions offer invaluable guidance and tips on improving technique, expanding one’s skills as a writer, and strategizing how to get published. The opportunity to learn from legends who have won accolades like the NLNG Prize makes this a truly rewarding experience for any emerging creative writer in Lagos. JAMB portal

Location: Ikeja.

Itsekiri Education Trust Scholarship

4. Lantern Books – Gbagada

For personalized creative writing instruction, Lagos-based Lantern Books offers workshops, private manuscript critiques, internships and guidance on navigating the publishing world. Their workshops are facilitated by published authors and take an intimate approach to covering core elements of the writing craft across fiction and nonfiction. For developing writers seeking concentrated feedback in a small group or solo setting, Lantern Books is a great choice . Founder Enajite Efemuaye also runs the Narrative Landscape Press publishing house.

Location: Gbagada Phase 1.

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5. Purple Shelves Lagos Chapters – Ikeja, Victoria Island, Lekki

With active book club branches across Lagos, the literary organization Purple Shelves convenes critique sessions, open mics, competitions and workshops to help writers polish and exhibit their work. Their annual creative writing workshop and boot camp delivers in-depth training and manuscript review over a weekend. Members can also contribute to the group’s online magazine. Purple Shelves provides a supportive community for writers to improve through regular meetings in several Lagos neighbourhoods. Information guide Nigeria

Locations: Ikeja, Victoria Island, Lekki.

6. Freedom Park – Lagos Island

In addition to its greenery and historic ambience, Freedom Park on Lagos Island frequently hosts literary events and creative writing workshops featuring leading contemporary authors. A branch of the Lagos Book & Art Festival is also held annually here. The picturesque environment provides inspiration for attending writers. Freedom Park’s centralized location and cultural programming make it a writing destination in Lagos .

Location: Lagos Island.

7. Narrative Landscape Press – Lekki

This small independent press based in Lekki operates an intimate Writers’ Studio offering classes, workshops, coaching and manuscript critiques aimed at developing compelling fiction and nonfiction works. Sessions focus on elements of storytelling and publication. For personalized instruction, especially on completing a book project, the studio is ideal for focused learning. Good morning My Love Message

Location: Lekki Phase 1.

8. African Artists Foundation – Victoria Island

In addition to art exhibitions and cultural events, the African Artists Foundation (AAF) on Victoria Island occasionally offers creative writing workshops facilitated by acclaimed authors like Chika Unigwe. The AAF also has an excellent library that provides members a serene workspace conducive to writing. The AAF is worth checking for literary workshops and resident memberships .

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9. Dr. Bidemi Olaoba Literary Clinic – Yaba

This intimate learning space and writers’ support service founded by Dr Olaoba provides personalized manuscript critique services, query letter reviews, and group classes focused on improving writing techniques across fiction, nonfiction, poetry and more. For individualized literary guidance from a seasoned editor, the literary clinic is a fruitful option that has helped prepare many manuscripts for publication.

Location: 11A Kareem Akinreti Street, Off Adeniji Jones, Iwaya Yaba.

10. Awolowo Road Book Club – Ikoyi

Founded in 1995, this long-running members club convenes for critiquing sessions, training workshops, socials and author appearances. Their periodic creative writing workshops guide members through developing manuscripts and stories under the instruction of respected authors. The club offers opportunities to regularly share and refine work. Membership is required for most events .

Location: 16 Awolowo Road, Ikoyi.

11. James Hope College – Agbowa, Ikorodu

The liberal arts curriculum at this private tertiary college includes creative writing courses in its arts and humanities programs, even for students majoring in other disciplines. The school also has extracurricular student writing groups that meet to share work. For younger writers hoping to enhance their skills, James Hope provides supportive instruction. Romantic love message

Location: Agbowa, Ikorodu.

12. Soji Dehinsilu Workshops – Surulere

Highly regarded poet Soji Dehinsilu hosts private and small group poetry workshops focused on honing writing techniques and performance skills at his Surulere home studio. The intimate sessions receive rave reviews for strengthening participants’ talents and confidence. For burgeoning poets, this is a rewarding opportunity .

Location: 11 Adeniji Street, Surulere.

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13. Terra Kulture – Victoria Island

This expansive arts and culture centre hosts diverse creative writing workshops, critique sessions, author appearances, classes and programs aimed at nurturing new talents. Offerings range from short-term weekend intensives to 8-week courses. Terra Kulture provides a stellar space for immersive writing development. Location: Plot 1376 Tiamiyu Savage Street, Victoria Island .

14. Palmgrove Literary Workshops – Ikoyi

The exclusive Palmgrove club hosts occasional creative writing workshops facilitated by distinguished authors for their members . The sessions allow attendees to sharpen skills and receive manuscript critiques in a small, high-end setting. Writers must inquire about membership to attend. NYSC Portal

Location: 2 Club Road, Ikoyi.

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For storytellers seeking to strengthen their abilities and connect with Lagos’ vibrant literary community, the city offers excellent options that can dramatically bolster their craft. Aspiring writers can find specialized creative writing education, intimate training sessions with professionals, extensive manuscript feedback, motivated peer groups and much more. With abundant literary resources, Lagos provides many rewarding ways for writers to unlock their potential.


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Nigerian Freelance Master

Writing workshops and courses worth taking in nigeria.

Last Updated on October 23, 2023


Writing workshops and courses are of immense importance for aspiring writers in Nigeria.

With the growing interest in writing, there is a need for guidance and development to enhance skills.

This blog post aims to provide recommendations on worthwhile writing workshops and courses in Nigeria.

Benefits of Writing Workshops and Courses in Nigeria

Writing workshops and courses are valuable resources for aspiring writers in Nigeria.

These opportunities offer numerous advantages that can help cultivate creativity, improve writing skills, enhance storytelling techniques, foster networking, and increase chances of publishing success.

Below are the specific benefits that attending these workshops and courses can provide:

Cultivating Creativity

  • By participating in writing workshops and courses, writers are exposed to new perspectives and ideas .
  • Interacting with fellow writers and instructors can inspire innovative thinking and creative approaches to storytelling.
  • Through various writing exercises and prompts, workshops encourage writers to explore different genres and styles, fostering creativity.

Improving Writing Skills

  • Writing workshops and courses provide a structured environment for learning and practicing various writing techniques.
  • Experienced instructors offer guidance on grammar, sentence structure, character development, plot building, and other essential writing skills.
  • Through writing assignments and feedback sessions, participants can identify their strengths and weaknesses as writers, allowing them to focus on improvement.

Enhancing Storytelling Techniques

  • Attending workshops and courses exposes writers to different storytelling techniques, helping them enhance their narrative abilities.
  • Learning from experienced industry professionals, writers can gain insights on effective storytelling elements such as pacing, dialogue, and conflict resolution.
  • Storytelling workshops often include sessions on structuring narratives, creating compelling characters, and developing engaging plotlines.

Networking and Feedback

  • Writing workshops and courses provide opportunities for writers to meet and connect with like-minded individuals in the literary community.
  • Interacting with fellow participants allows writers to build a supportive network, exchange ideas, and receive constructive criticism.
  • Industry professionals often lead workshops, offering valuable feedback on participants’ work and guiding them towards improvement.

Increasing Publishing Success

  • Attending writing workshops and courses enhances writers’ knowledge of the publishing industry.
  • Industry professionals share insights on manuscript submission, query letter writing, and navigating the publishing process.
  • Networking opportunities with publishers, literary agents, and editors can increase the chances of getting discovered and published.
  • Workshops often include sessions on marketing and promoting one’s writing, essential for achieving publishing success.

Participating in writing workshops and courses in Nigeria offers numerous benefits to aspiring writers.

These opportunities provide a platform for cultivating creativity, improving writing skills, enhancing storytelling techniques, fostering networking, and increasing the chances of publishing success.

Writers should take advantage of these workshops and courses to enhance their craft and propel their writing careers forward.

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Top Writing Workshops in Nigeria

List of reputable writing workshops held in nigeria,the organizers, duration, and focus of each workshop.

  • Akwaeke Emezi Creative Writing Workshop: Organized by award-winning author Akwaeke Emezi, this workshop focuses on storytelling and character development. It lasts for two weeks and has produced several published authors.
  • Farafina Trust Creative Writing Workshop: Established by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, this renowned workshop spans two months and covers various genres of writing. It has an impressive track record of nurturing upcoming Nigerian writers.
  • Ainehi Edoro’s Brittle Paper Workshop: Ainehi Edoro, founder of the popular literary website Brittle Paper, conducts this workshop. Over three weeks, participants learn about African literature, editing, and digital storytelling.
  • Eghosa Imasuen Creative Writing Workshop: Eghosa Imasuen, author of the critically acclaimed novel “Fine Boys,” runs this workshop. It focuses on fiction writing and has helped many aspiring writers improve their craft.
  • Abubakar Adam Ibrahim Creative Writing Workshop: This workshop, led by the acclaimed author Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, lasts for one month. It explores various aspects of writing, including plot development, dialogue, and setting.

Testimonials or success stories from previous participants

These workshops have garnered positive testimonials from previous participants:

  • John, a participant of the Akwaeke Emezi Workshop, said, “Thanks to Akwaeke’s workshop, I discovered my writing voice and gained the confidence to submit my work for publication. I am now a published author!”
  • Mary, who attended the Farafina Trust Workshop, exclaimed, “Chimamanda’s workshop was transformative! She challenged us to break free from conventional storytelling techniques, which completely elevated my writing.”

Renowned writers or industry experts associated with the workshops

Moreover, renowned Nigerian writers and industry experts are associated with these workshops:

  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a leading figure in modern African literature, actively teaches and mentors participants of the Farafina Trust Workshop, providing invaluable guidance.
  • Akwaeke Emezi, the brilliant author of “Freshwater” and “The Death of Vivek Oji,” shares personal writing techniques and insights during her workshop, inspiring aspiring writers.
  • Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, winner of the Nigeria Prize for Literature, imparts his wealth of knowledge and expertise to participants of his writing workshop.

Nigeria offers an array of reputable writing workshops that aspiring writers should consider attending.

Whether it’s Akwaeke Emezi’s character-driven approach, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s genre-spanning workshop, or Ainehi Edoro’s digital storytelling focus, these workshops provide invaluable opportunities for growth and learning.

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creative writing workshops in nigeria

Notable Writing Courses in Nigeria

Writing workshops and courses are essential for anyone looking to improve their writing skills and gain recognition in Nigeria.

These courses provide aspiring writers with the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed in their craft.

In this blog section, we will explore some notable writing courses offered in Nigeria, their curriculum, duration, specialization, learning outcomes, and any accreditation or recognition they have received.

The curriculum, duration, and specialization of each course

Farafina trust creative writing workshop.

The Farafina Trust Creative Writing Workshop is a highly esteemed course in Nigeria.

It is a two-week residential program that focuses on developing the writing skills of participants.

The curriculum covers various genres such as fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

Participants also learn about storytelling techniques, character development, and the publishing industry. By the end of the workshop, participants acquire the skills to write compelling literary works.

Purple Hibiscus Trust Creative Writing Workshop

The Purple Hibiscus Trust Creative Writing Workshop is organized by the award-winning author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

This workshop aims to provide a nurturing platform for young writers.

It spans ten days and covers topics such as storytelling, dialogue, and plot development.

Participants are encouraged to explore their creativity and develop their unique writing style.

The workshop concludes with a public reading where participants showcase their work.

Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) Creative Writing Workshop

The Association of Nigerian Authors conducts an annual Creative Writing Workshop that is open to writers at all levels of experience.

The workshop offers intense training in various forms of writing, including fiction, poetry, and playwriting.

Participants engage in writing exercises, critiquing sessions, and interact with established authors.

Upon completion, participants gain a deeper understanding of their chosen genre and improve their writing skills significantly.

Ebedi International Writers Residency

The Ebedi International Writers Residency is a one-month program that provides writers with a serene environment for uninterrupted writing. Writers from different literary backgrounds and countries come together to exchange ideas and enhance their craft.

The residency offers workshops, mentoring sessions, and opportunities to connect with literary agents and publishers.

It not only improves writing skills but also offers networking possibilities in the literary community.

Wole Soyinka International Cultural Exchange (WSICE) Creative Writing Workshop

The WSICE Creative Writing Workshop is a unique program that combines writing with cultural exchange.

This week-long workshop provides participants with the opportunity to interact with renowned writers, scholars, and artists from Nigeria and abroad.

The curriculum covers various writing styles, cultural influences, and the social responsibility of writers.

Participants engage in writing exercises, discussions, and present their work at the end of the workshop.

Accreditation or recognition received by the courses or the institutions offering them

These writing courses and workshops have received recognition for their contribution to the literary scene in Nigeria.

Many of them have produced successful published authors and have nurtured talented writers.

Some of the institutions offering these courses are also recognized by renowned literary associations and have collaborations with international organizations.

Taking writing workshops and courses in Nigeria is highly beneficial for aspiring writers.

These courses provide a structured learning environment, specialized knowledge, and opportunities to connect with the literary community.

By participating in these courses, writers can develop their writing skills, gain recognition, and improve their chances of success in the literature and publishing industry.

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Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Workshop or Course

Are you considering taking a writing workshop or course in Nigeria? It’s important to carefully evaluate your options before making a decision. Here are some key factors to consider:

Before committing to a workshop or course, consider its affordability.

Take into account not only the upfront cost but also any additional expenses, such as transportation and materials.

Think about the location of the workshop or course. Is it easily accessible for you? Consider both the physical location and whether it’s offered in-person or online.

Schedule Flexibility

Check the schedule of the workshop or course and see if it aligns with your availability.

Ensure that you can commit to the required time and that it won’t conflict with your other responsibilities.

Course Content

Examine the course content and syllabus to determine if it meets your specific writing goals.

Look for workshops or courses that cover topics or genres you’re interested in improving.

Reputation and Credibility

It’s important to choose a workshop or course from a reputable and credible organizer or institution. Look for testimonials and reviews from previous participants to get an idea of their experiences.

Reach out to Previous Participants

A valuable tip is to reach out to individuals who have previously attended the workshop or course you’re interested in.

Ask about their experience, what they learned, and if they would recommend it.

Conduct Online Research

Take advantage of the internet to conduct thorough research on the workshop or course.

Look for any red flags, such as negative reviews or complaints, and gather as much information as possible.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you’ll be able to make an informed decision when choosing a writing workshop or course in Nigeria.

Read: Using Fiverr: A Step-by-Step Guide for Nigerians

Attending writing workshops and courses in Nigeria can offer numerous benefits to aspiring writers.

Firstly, these workshops provide a platform for personal growth, enabling individuals to explore their creative potential.

Moreover, they offer opportunities for skill improvement, allowing participants to learn from experienced writers and industry professionals.

Networking is another advantage of these workshops, as they bring together individuals with similar interests, creating a supportive community.

This networking can open doors to collaborations, mentorship, and even publication opportunities.

It is essential for aspiring writers to take advantage of the resources available to them in Nigeria.

The country boasts a vibrant literary scene, with numerous workshops and courses offered by reputable organizations such as the Association of Nigerian Authors and the Creative Writing Academy.

These resources provide a wealth of knowledge and guidance.

Attending writing workshops and courses in Nigeria can have a transformative impact on aspiring writers.

They offer opportunities for personal growth, skill improvement, and networking.

Aspiring writers should seize these opportunities and explore suitable workshops or courses to enhance their writing skills, connect with like-minded individuals, and take their writing journey to new heights.

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At the School of Media and Communication (SMC) we aspire to be the hub of learning in media and Communication in the African continent.

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The Advanced Writing and Reporting Skills (A.W.A.R.E.S.) is a programme that focuses not only on improving writing skills but also on facilitating proficiency in research as well as critical and cognate skills.

Jul 29, 2024


The Advanced Writing and Reporting Skills (AWARES) programme of the School of Media and Communication (SMC) commences on 29th  July, 2024 and will run through 1st November, 2024.

AWARES is a flagship writing course of the School of Media and Communication (SMC), Pan-Atlantic University that focuses not only on improving writing skills but also on facilitating proficiency in research as well as critical and cognate skills.

The course will be of particular benefit to persons across fields in media and communication, including public relations, corporate and marketing communications, and those who wish to improve their general writing skills.

In addition to the core writing modules, participants will have the chance of specializing in one of the three available writing streams:

  • The Creative Writing Stream

The Business and Economic Writing stream

The reporting for the media stream.

For enquiries: 

Grace – 0806 638 5629; Isaac – 08033460440; Samsideen- 07010178911

Email: [email protected]

Programme Structure

Blended Run

Journalists, Correspondents and Reporters

Corporate/Marketing communications staff

Human resource and Public relations officers

Copywriters/Creative writers

Those aspiring to improve their writing proficiency


Executive Certificate in Advanced Writing and Reporting Skills

The Creative Writing stream

The Creative Writing stream is a practical course and will run principally in a workshop format. It will deal with the nature of creativity and creative writing as well as explore ways that lead to the generation of ideas, the development of story lines and storyboarding, the development of character and atmosphere as well as thematic development.

The Business and Economic Writing stream will provide adequate education in the requisites of business and economic reporting, and participants will develop skills to understand the discourse of corporate governance, financial markets, equity, privatization, and a wide range of macro and micro economic issues, as well as business practices. This stream will also highlight the creative trend of persuasive business communication with the use of the new informative technologies and tools to transform the stiffness in written communication.

The Reporting for the Media stream will focus on the essentials of reporting and will consider the various forms of reports. Participants will learn how to develop a creative sense for news and how to put together an effective story structure. The identification of angles, the targeting of readers and the planning of interviews are other topics that this stream will deal with.

Registration — N5,000

Graduation Fee —  To be Communicated

Course fee —  N930,000

Contact information

"the awares programme helped me to become a great communicator in just four months. this is a feat i have tried to achieve for more than 20 years. i certainly recommend this training to everyone struggling with verbal or writing communication.”    .

-Adetoun Funmilayo Agboola, Special Needs Coordinator, Greenspring School Lagos


Related Courses


Bespoke (Customized) Programmes at SMC


Certificate Course in Broadcasting (CCB)


Executive Programme in Advertising - accredited by the Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON)

Jul 15, 2024

Mar 18, 2024

₦ 1,012,000



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Creative Writing Course in Abuja

accredited by


  • Improve your skills with Creative Writing Course
  • Learn how to handle creative writing challenges
  • Understand the concepts of literary fiction and storymaking

Course information

  • Course syllabus
  • Who it’s for
  • What’s included
  • Why choose this course

Creative Writing Training Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Creative Writing

What is Creative Writing?

  • Main Elements of Creative Writing
  • Types of Creative Writing
  • Techniques Used in Creative Writing

Module 2: Challenges for Translation

  • Challenges to Writers
  • Challenges for Translation
  • Experiment Challenges
  • Design and Quality Challenges

Module 3: Composition and Creative Writing

  • Introduction to Composition Writing
  • Types of Composition Writing

Module 4: Seven Processes of Creative Writing

  • Planning or Prewriting
  • Drafting (or Writing the First Draft)
  • Sharing Your First Draft
  • Evaluating Your Draft
  • Revising Your Content
  • Publishing Your Final Product

Module 5: Writing Fiction

  • Literary Fiction
  • Form and Structure
  • Finding Characters
  • Basics of Story Making

Module 6: Creative Nonfiction

  • Meaning of Creative Nonfiction
  • Characteristics of Creative Nonfiction
  • Tips for Creative Nonfiction Writing
  • Common Literary Nonfiction Subgenres

Module 7: Basics of Writing Poetry

  • Listening to Language
  • Finding Language
  • Awakening and Shaping Language
  • Playing with Language

Module 8: Performing Writing

  • Introduction to Performing Writing

Module 9: Writing in the Academy and Community

  • Introduction

Module 10: Tips to Improve Creative Writing

  • Do Not Underestimate the Reader
  • Give Your Characters Life
  • Utilise Strong Words
  • Check Your Commas
  • Grab Attention from the Start
  • Give the Reader a Satisfactory Ending

Who should attend this Creative Writing Training Course?

The Creative Writing Training Course is designed for individuals eager to refine their creative writing skills. This course is ideal for aspiring writers, professionals in content creation, and anyone seeking to enhance their storytelling abilities. The following individuals can greatly benefit from attending this course:

  • Journalists
  • Content Creators
  • Copywriters
  • Teachers and Educators
  • Public Relations Professionals
  • Content Marketers

Prerequisites of the Creative Writing Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites for this Creative Writing Course.

Creative Writing Training Course Overview

Creative Writing is an art form that enables expression, storytelling, and communication in unique and imaginative ways. Among the Personal Development Courses, this course offers an introduction to the diverse world of creative writing, highlighting its importance in personal expression and professional communication. Understanding and developing creative writing skills can enhance one’s ability to engage and captivate audiences.

Professionals in fields such as marketing, advertising, journalism, and education will find this course particularly beneficial. It’s also ideal for aspiring writers and those in any role requiring narrative skills. Creative writing enhances one’s ability to convey messages compellingly and creatively, making it a valuable skill in many professions.

The Knowledge Academy’s 1-day Creative Writing Training Course is designed to unlock creativity and improve writing skills. The training covers various aspects of creative writing, from character development to plot structuring, providing delegates with the tools to express themselves more effectively through writing.

Course Objectives:

  • To explore the fundamentals of Creative Writing
  • To develop skills in character creation and development
  • To learn the art of crafting engaging narratives and plots
  • To enhance descriptive and expressive writing abilities
  • To understand various genres and styles in creative writing
  • To practice writing with feedback and guidance

Upon completion, delegates will have honed their creative writing skills, enabling them to craft more engaging and imaginative works. They will leave with a deeper understanding of storytelling techniques and the confidence to apply these skills in both personal and professional contexts.

What’s included in this Creative Writing Training Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • Creative Writing Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

Why choose us

Our abuja venue.

To make sure you’re always connected we offer completely free and easy to access wi-fi.

Air conditioned

To keep you comfortable during your course we offer a fully air conditioned environment.

Full IT support

IT support is on hand to sort out any unforseen issues that may arise.

Video equipment

This location has full video conferencing equipment.

Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria since 1991. It is one of the most populated city in the country with an estimated population of around 780,000 people living there. The unemployment rate in Nigeria increased between the first and second quarter of 2015. It went from 7.5 to 8.2 percent. Between 2006 and 2015 the unemployment rate averaged around 11.5 percent. The highest rate recorded was in 2011 when it stood at 23.9 percent. The lowest rate was 5.3 percent in 2006. Abuja is the home of the University of Abuja which was founded in 1988 that runs conventional and distance learning programs. The university has a number of faculties; Faculty of Education, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Management Sciences.

Aguiyi Ironsi St Abuja 900001 Nigeria

Ways to take this course

Online Instructor-led

Online Self-paced

Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led Creative Writing Course in Abuja. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey. Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning without compromising on the quality of interaction.

  • See trainer’s screen
  • Recording & transcripts
  • Virtual whiteboard
  • Share documents
  • Works on all devices


Unlock your potential with The Knowledge Academy's Creative Writing Course in Abuja, accessible anytime, anywhere on any device. Enjoy 90 days of online course access, extendable upon request, and benefit from the support of our expert trainers. Elevate your skills at your own pace with our Online Self-paced sessions.

  • Unlimited mock exam attempts --> Certificates provided online
  • Get immediate access on purchase


Experience the most sought-after learning style with The Knowledge Academy's Creative Writing Course in Abuja. Available in 490+ locations across 190+ countries, our hand-picked Classroom venues offer an invaluable human touch. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive, interactive experience with our expert-led Creative Writing Course in Abuja sessions.


Highly experienced trainers

Boost your skills with our expert trainers, boasting 10+ years of real-world experience, ensuring an engaging and informative training experience


State of the art training venues

We only use the highest standard of learning facilities to make sure your experience is as comfortable and distraction-free as possible


Small class sizes

Our Classroom courses with limited class sizes foster discussions and provide a personalised, interactive learning environment


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Streamline large-scale training requirements with The Knowledge Academy's In-house/Onsite at your business premises. Experience expert-led classroom learning from the comfort of your workplace and engage professional development.


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Team building opportunity

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The course know-how will help you track and evaluate your employees' progression and performance with relative ease

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What our customers are saying

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Many delivery methods

Flexible delivery methods are available depending on your learning style.


High quality resources

Resources are included for a comprehensive learning experience.

barclays Logo

"Really good course and well organised. Trainer was great with a sense of humour - his experience allowed a free flowing course, structured to help you gain as much information & relevant experience whilst helping prepare you for the exam"

Joshua Davies, Thames Water

bmw Logo

"...the trainer for this course was excellent. I would definitely recommend (and already have) this course to others."

Diane Gray, Shell

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creative writing workshops in nigeria

This covers elements of three major creative writing genres: short story, narrative essay, and memoir. Students will master the techniques that good writers use to compose a bracing story, populated with memorable characters in an interesting setting, written in a fresh descriptive style. They will analyze and constructively evaluate peer writing. In the Final project, they will draft, rewrite, and complete a substantial original story in the genre of their choosing about positive LAGOS.

We will cover the topics of why we write stories, fantastic first pages, character, dialogue, structure, the hero’s journey, memoir, the short story, top ten tips for writing and more.


creative writing workshops in nigeria

Xavier IGHORODJE is an award-winning screenwriter and producer resident in Nigeria. He is the screenwriter of the documentary short – A WILL OF IRON, which won a SUNDANCE award for short documentary in 2014, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. His short film – The truth about B.A.E, won best cinematography, best screenplay, best directing and best actress in a lead role in the Lagos 48-hr film challenge in 2015, which earnt him and his team the chance to represent Nigeria at the world-wide festival in Atlanta, Georgia, March 2016. With over 4000 + minutes of primetime Nigerian TV writing to his credit, he has worked on either creating, head writing or story editing 60,000+ minutes of story on primetime Nigerian TV, having worked on nearly all of MNET’s Africa Magic Showcase’s hit Telenovela series.

Currently, he is the creator and head writer of the dramatic political thriller – COVENANT, an MNET 260 episodes Telenovela that premiered on the 3rd of October, 2022, currently on air. He is the creator, head writer and co-writer of the highly anticipated Netflix original SHANTY TOWN. He is also the creator, head writer and show runner for the TV show “Big Book of Lies” premiering on Accelerate TV, last quarter of 2022. He is credited with creating and writing companion materials for Burna Boy’s Grammy award winning album – TWICE AS TALL, 2020. He has a particular passion for stories that explore African identity in various genres, especially its religions and spirituality.

creative writing workshops in nigeria

IFEANYI BARBARA CHIDI has worked on the development of widely known television shows on MNET’s Africa Magic. The shows include Riona and Unbroken where she was Head Writer, Battleground: The Final Showdown, Jemeji, and Hush where she was Story Editor. With responsibility for more than 50,000 minutes of TV under her belt, she is also Creator of television shows: Riona, Ajoche, and Co-Creator of Retreat and Head Over Heels.

She also has script writing credits on Jamestown, The Bachelors, Aduke Hotel, The Team, and Ebony Life TV’s Dowry. She is writer of web series – Our Best Friend’s Wedding Season 2, Love Like This on Ndani TV, Director on BukaFedGeeks’ Man of Her Dreams and Producer on Ndani TV’s One Chance. In 2020, Ifeanyi served as a Juror for the British Fantasy Awards in the Film and Television Category. Ifeanyi is also Creator and Head Writer on Africa Magic’s 260-episode Telenovela – Dilemma, which premiered in September 2021. She is also the creator of Showmax’s first Nigerian Original Drama series: Diiche – which premiered in September 2022.

creative writing workshops in nigeria

Jude Idada is the winner of the NLNG Nigeria Prize for Literature, an AMAA best screenplay award, ANA prize for Drama. He is also a Goethe Institut Afrika Projekt finalist and a long-listed and short-listed nominee of the NLNG Nigeria Prize for Literature for his plays Sankara and Oduduwa – King of the Edos. He was also a finalist in the New Directions Filmmakers of the future project by MNET in addition to being selected as one of the playwrights for the British Council’s Lagos Theatre Festival. Amongst many, Jude was also selected as one of the writers for the University of IOWA International Writers Program, the Toronto International Film Festival’s ‘ADAPT THIS!’ and the Afrinolly/Ford Foundation ‘Cinema4Change’ projects and was an inaugural participant in the Los Angeles based Relativity Media/AFRIFF Filmmaking project.

creative writing workshops in nigeria

Temilola is an industry expert with over 10 years in the entertainment industry as a media personality, broadcast journalist, and a TV producer. She created popular and award-winning web series Skinny Girl in Transit for NdaniTV. She also created and produced First Time Mom for Mnet Africa and DSTV, Things Men Say and The Cheat Sheet for BoxTV, and forthcoming medical dramedy series Clinically Speaking for Accelerate TV. Temilola’s work in film and tv production is inspired by a need to tell stories about the realities of women, especially Nigerian women, through a comedic lens. She has worked on several productions and has worked as a consultant for various television stations and production companies. She is the Co-founder and CEO of PICHR, a MediaTech company that simplifies access to funding for African Filmmakers.

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Bagudu: N62,000 Recommended Wage in National Interest, Based on Economic Realities  2 hours ago

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creative writing workshops in nigeria

Bagudu: N62,000 Recommended Wage in National Interest, Based on Economic Realities 

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Nigeria, Seven Other Nations Demand Immediate Halt to Arms Supply to Israel

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L’Oréal Paris Announces Multi-talented Temi Otedola New Ambassador for Africa

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Nigeria’s Currency in Circulation Hit All-time High at N3.97tn

Nal, lng, tetfund empower 60 participants for 2024 creative writing workshop.

creative writing workshops in nigeria

Kuni Tyessi in Abuja

The Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL), Nigeria Liquefied and Natural Gas Limited (LNG) and the Fertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) among other sponsors, have empowered 60 participants for the 2024 creative writing workshop from march 1-7 at the University of Abuja.

Delivering his keynote address on the theme ‘Empowering creative writers, shaping the future of Nigerian literature’, Prof. Emmanuel Sule of the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Minna, Niger State, said three traits- creativity, activism and individual talent- must be the hall mark of every aspiring creative writer who wants to succeed in the art.

He said a writer must be actively involved in the creation of change in the society and must be political in taking a stand concerning issues affecting the society, particularly one that catches their craft.

He said “creativity, activism and individual talent must be part of the life of a creative writer. You must have a talent for the craft and a bold conscience and temper for activism. These must be synthesized in your work. You must also have the creative power of imagination for therein is the domain of invention. This included breaking boundaries and interrogating complacency.

“You must find a niche, one that suits your individual talent, your craft must come first and this must not be compromised, be analytical and critical, take position in all that you have against the world and find time to write.”

In his goodwill message, the acting Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC), Chris Maiyaki, said the NAL’s commitment in nurturing the next generation of leaders, scholars and creative talents demonstrates an unwavering dedication to academic excellence and creative development that has emerged as a beacon of hope.

Represented by former Vice-Chancellor of Kogi State University, Lokoja, Prof. Angela Freeman Miri, Maiyaki urged the 60 participants of the maiden edition of the workshop to transform individual lives and shape the destinies of nations.

“The 60 shortlisted participants, as you embark on a journey that transforms individual lives and shapes nations’ destinies, you represent the embodiment of intellectual curiosity, resilience, and a commitment to positively impacting the creative economy of the world. You pursuit is not merely an academic endeavour, but a noble quest to contribute to the betterment of society,” he said.

creative writing workshops in nigeria

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creative writing workshops in nigeria

Founded on January 22, 1995, THISDAY is published by THISDAY NEWSPAPERS LTD., 35 Creek Road Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria with offices in 36 states of Nigeria , the Federal Capital Territory and around the world. It is Nigeria’s most authoritative news media available on all platforms for the political, business, professional and diplomatic elite and broader middle classes while serving as the meeting point of new ideas, culture and technology for the aspirationals and millennials. The newspaper is a public trust dedicated to the pursuit of truth and reason covering a range of issues from breaking news to politics, business, the markets, the arts, sports and community to the crossroads of people and society.

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Farafina Trust

Established to promote reading, writing, and a culture of social introspection and engagement through the literary arts.

Farafina Trust Creative Writing Workshop

This consists of intensive creative and / or editors’ workshops that will be organized every year for the next three years. These workshops will be run by established editors and writers and aim to impart editing and writing skills to selected attendees.

Farafina Trust has secured three years’ sponsorship for the creative writing workshop from Nigerian Breweries Plc, a subsidiary of the Heineken Group, a major producer of alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages. The maiden edition of our creative writing workshop took place in September 2009 and was facilitated by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

creative writing workshops in nigeria

Welcome to The Creative Writers Academy. My name is Sophia Ovonlen and I am the lead teacher here. I am an expert teacher and absolutely enjoy helping children achieve their maximum potential. I have been doing this for over 15 years and it is a wonderful privilege to be a vital part of children's learning journey.

In the last five years, my awesome team and I have organised several Creative Writing camps and workshops for children and teachers in Nigeria. Please look through the gallery to see the photos.

The arrival Covid-19 pandemic helped us reach even more people beyond borders. In August 2020, our Creative Writing Online Summer Camp had 62 children from four countries. This gave us the confidence and boost we needed to launch this Creative Writers Academy...

Our aim is to inspire children everywhere to express themselves creatively through writing. When they can find the right words to explain what is in their hearts, it can create a powerful impact and influence the world around them.

This academy is for writers of all abilities. All we ask is that the child is willing. We promise to nurture the willingness and help your child create writings that can be read and enjoyed by others.

See what other parents said about the Summer camp as this will give you a sneak peek of the amazing journey your child is about to embark on...

I have not seen my son so excited about writing in a long while. I like the emphasis on the use of punctuation. As a teacher, I have seen teachers freak out at teaching creative writing but you made it so easy like a walk in the park. I enjoyed how fun was brought into writing creatively and I have learnt a lot too. Well done Mrs O! You are awesome ...Mrs Evah

It's been an awesome experience all through for my children. I see them approach other aspects of life with great confidence! They are more conscious in using punctuation marks. They have been exposed to writing without stress.I am glad my children participated in the program. God bless Mrs.O for exposing our children to such an inspiring and life-changing Creative Writing Camp. ...Mrs Apere

The camp was very inspiring and fun for her though it has pushed her to come out of her comfort zone but it is really exposed her to more possibilities in writing. Seeing other children's writing has challenged her to put in more effort into her work knowing that being a child doesn't limit what you can achieve and the ideas you can come up with. She has been exposed to different genre and styles of writing and having a good one to model after and success criteria to use as a rubric to evaluate her work helped her to work independently. She has definitely enjoyed Mrs. O's teaching style which is quite different from what she is normally used to. The experience has been well worth the time and effort invested in it. I know it will be even better next time. ..Mrs Ekarika

Yes, I will love xxx to be part of the academy because xxx is very creative vocally and he is a boy with many words. He just struggles with putting his thoughts down on paper. You have done a wonderful job so far and with more guidance from you, I believe he will improve and eventually become a great writer. You have so many ways of keeping them engaged, bringing out the interest and making it fun. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication. You are such an incredible person with a high level of knowledge and skills in teaching. You selflessly gave back to the kids without holding anything back. xxx keeps going on about writing a book like your son, Sean. He was inspired when he found out he is an athlete. Congratulations To all your successes and keep on soaring. ..Mrs xxx


ENG312: Creative Writing II

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6 Best universities for Creative Writing in Nigeria

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
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  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Nigeria ranked based on their research performance in Creative Writing. A graph of 2.74K citations received by 1.5K academic papers made by 6 universities in Nigeria was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.

1. University of Ibadan

For Creative Writing

University of Ibadan logo

2. Obafemi Awolowo University

Obafemi Awolowo University logo

3. University of Nigeria

University of Nigeria logo

4. University of Calabar

University of Calabar logo

5. University of Lagos

University of Lagos logo

6. University of Ilorin

University of Ilorin logo

The best cities to study Creative Writing in Nigeria based on the number of universities and their ranks are Ibadan , Ife , Nsukka , and Calabar .

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10 Best Creative Writing Courses for 2024: Craft Authentic Stories

Learn how to tell your story and engage your readers with great storytelling.

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As a lifelong literature enthusiast, I decided to challenge myself in 2010 by participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), which tasks participants with writing a 50,000-word draft within a month. Although I’ve only achieved this goal twice since then, the experience has been invaluable. I’ve connected with a wonderful community of writers, both online and in person.

Through my experience, I can confidently say that creative writing is a skill that can be developed and honed, just like any other. While traditionally associated with literature, creative writing is increasingly being recognized as a powerful tool in various forms of writing, from copywriting and storytelling to novels and poetry. It has the ability to captivate readers and elevate the impact of written expression.

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If you’re searching for the best online Creative Writing courses and resources, you’ve come to the right place. This Best Courses Guide (BCG) is built from Class Central’s catalog of over 300 Creative Writing courses and selected according to a methodology that you can check below.

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What is Creative Writing?

Courses overview, why you should trust us, how we made our picks and tested them, here are our top picks.

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Creative writing is a genre of writing that seeks to evoke emotions and feelings in its readers. It surpasses the limits of traditional forms of literature and emphasizes narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes and poetic traditions. Creative writing finds application in various forms of writing, including screenplays, plays, novels, poems, and other written works. In this guide, I will delve into some of its most popular facets.

Enhancing resilience and creativity through writing

Research shows that the brains of professional writers work differently from those of novice writers. Moreover, creative writing has been found to boost resilience in students . If you want to enjoy the benefits of writing, it’s important to develop the habit of jotting down your thoughts and words. Doing so can help you overcome writer’s block.

Creative writing is so powerful that it’s used in prisons to give inmates a chance to express themselves in programs like PEN America . “By providing resources, mentorship, and audiences outside the walls, we help these writers to join and enrich the broader literary community.”

Creative writing is a skill that can be learned and practiced like any other. Techniques such as ABDCE structure, 1st or 3rd person point of view, “show don’t tell”, dialogues, and tropes can be easily learned through the online courses in this guide.

  • Together, they account for over 1M enrollments
  • Skillshare, with 2 courses, is the most featured provider
  • The single most popular course has nearly 400k enrollments
  • Three courses are entirely free or free-to-audit.

Best Fantasy And Short-Stories Writing Lessons For Beginners (Brandon Sanderson)

Besides being an awesome writer, Sanderson is an instructor with a very unique talent for keeping us engaged. He has also made available a full course in creative writing on YouTube , originally presented at Brigham Young University, which includes the most crucial tools for any beginner or even experienced writers. The course is comprehensive and rich in content, with great sound and video quality.

Each video discusses a specific tool or technique, so you can easily select the theme you want to explore next or watch it all in sequence. It’s up to you. I recommend you take your time, watch one video at a time and experiment with each concept, or even better, find a writing buddy or form a group to practice writing together.

What you’ll learn:

  • Plot construction, character development, and engaging storytelling
  • Techniques for crafting immersive worlds and believable viewpoints
  • Insights into the publishing industry, tailored for emerging writers
  • Strategies for writing compelling short stories and leveraging them for larger projects.
“Very informative! I’m a beginner writer looking to study writing for video games, and this class gave me a lot of helpful tools to start understanding how stories work/how to organize my ideas! Will definitely be returning to some of these lectures in the future for guidance 👍” – Paige Webster
Brigham Young University
Brandon Sanderson
15 hours
5/5 (6 reviews)

Best University-level Creative Writing Course (Wesleyan University)

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Creative Writing by Wesleyan University is a specialization for those looking for a way to improve their writing structure, scene and character creations and finding your style. Each course includes writing practice (for paying learners) and insightful interviews. It’s worth your time and effort if you are a disorganized writer like myself.

  • Techniques for crafting a bracing story with memorable characters and an interesting setting
  • How to employ a fresh descriptive style in your writing
  • Skills for analyzing and constructively evaluating peer writing
  • The ability to refine your writing, critique writing in general, and draw inspiration from existing literature
  • The process of drafting, rewriting, and completing an original story in the genre of your choosing.

It should be noted that the peer-grading system often lacks depth. However, the assignments are well-crafted and can be easily evaluated with minimal effort, providing some insights from other participants in the form of feedback or inspiration from their submissions.

“Great information about plot and scene structure. The information about revision was entirely new to me – thank you! The exercises were good and difficult in a good way that helped me hone my writing.” – Laura B, Coursera learner
Wesleyan University
Brando Skyhorse, Amity Gaige, Amy Bloom and Salvatore Scibona
40 hours
4.7 (5K)
Yes, paid

Best Course to Find Your Voice (Neil Gaiman)

Neil Gaiman is currently one the most prolific writers I know of: he’s written books , comics , movies and even TV shows . Even if you’re not a fan of his style, there is definitely something you can learn from him.

In Neil Gaiman Teaches The Art Of Storytelling you will discover Neil’s philosophy on what drives a story and learn to unlock new stories within yourself.

While MasterClass doesn’t sell single courses, a subscription provides access to their entire library, including other writing courses like Margaret Atwood Teaches Creative Writing , Dan Brown Teaches Writing Thrillers , Malcolm Gladwell Teaches Writing , and James Patterson Teaches Writing . If you are considering the purchase, you should definitely enjoy the rest of their catalog.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discover and develop your unique writing voice
  • Generate and develop original ideas
  • Create dynamic, well-rounded characters that come to life on the page.

This course includes a 94-page workbook that includes assignments and supplemental material.

Neil Gaiman
4-5 hours worth of lectures
Paid Certificate Available

Best Practical Writing Course With Support (Trace Crawford)

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I love it when a passionate teacher like Trace Crawford puts the effort into creating a comprehensive curriculum. COMPLETE Creative Writing – All Genres is a 12-hour course with 145 downloadable resources. In this course, you will learn how to write engaging fiction, poetry, drama, and creative non-fiction, helping you become the successful writer you want to be.

  • The four genres of creative writing: fiction, poetry, drama, and creative non-fiction
  • How to discover, refine, and share your unique writing voice
  • A series of authentic writing assignments designed to target the skills you need to develop
  • Writing techniques, literary devices, and specialized skills to enhance your writing
  • Opportunities for publishing, podcasts, and how to create a professional creative writing portfolio
  • Discover multiple public outlets to share your writing with others as you gain confidence and experience success in your writing ability.

This is a practical creative writing course that includes assignments reviewed by the instructor, though response time may vary.

“The short snippets of theory in combination with the short assignments suits my learning style. I don’t remember the last time I’ve written anything creative, but this course gave me the incentive to set some foundation and its actually quite enjoyable if you stick to it.” – Nikolaos-Stylianos Z., Udemy learner
Trace Crawford
12 hours
37 quizzes and  writing practice
4.7 (3.9K)
Available, paid

Best Course to Overcome Writer’s Block: 10-Day Journaling Challenge (Emily Gould)

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I couldn’t resist adding Creative Writing for All: A 10-Day Journaling Challenge to this guide. Emily Gould is a delightful instructor, and her approach to inviting you to participate in the challenge is impossible to decline. It’s the perfect course to overcome writer’s block, which is exactly what she proposes. In this 10-day creative writing challenge, filled with inspiring examples, observation prompts, and clever revision tricks, writers and enthusiasts will be able to express their creativity in a personal and artful way.

This course is the shortest one on the list, and it’s more about the challenge of keeping a journal. If you decide to subscribe to Skillshare, you can also enjoy their entire library of courses. In addition to the other two recommended courses on this list, you can also check out these other Skillshare courses: Writing Suspense: How to Write Stories That Thrill in Any Genre and The Writer’s Toolkit: 6 Steps to a Successful Writing Habit .

Emily Gould
26 min
99% (1K)
Available, paid

Best Course to Create Fiction From Personal Experience (Shaun Levin)

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Shaun’s approach to writing in Short Story Writing: Create Fiction from Personal Experience is an unusual one. It draws from your personal experience to create a compelling fictional story. I can say from experience that this technique will help you write with more depth and authenticity. Every time we bring our own life to the story, it becomes alive, believable and relatable. In a way, all fictional stories are based on the author’s life.

This course will help you with techniques and a series of practical exercises to start writing your scenes from a more philosophical point of view, creating compelling stories. You’ll learn how to delve into your imagination to find everything you’ll need to become a prolific writer, no matter where you are.

By the end of the course, you will have a final project that will receive feedback from Shaun and other learners as well. Actually, if you want to check it out, in the course page on Domestika you can open the submitted projects and read the comments.

Shaun’s other courses: Creative Writing for Beginners: Bringing Your Story to Life .

“A practical course. Shaun Levin talks about theory but also demonstrates his process, which was invaluable. The exercises got my creative juices flowing. Thinking about doing his other course in the future.” – Maya Dicheva
Shaun Levin
2 hours
99% (764)
Available, paid

Best Course to Make Writing Less Stressful with Best Practices (Jennie Nash)

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If you struggle to start or get stuck in your writing, Write Your Book: Start Strong and Get It Done can help. With good advice and emotional support, you’ll learn techniques to make writing less stressful. The accompanying workbook guides you to think methodically by asking the right questions to keep you focused on your story and not chasing your own tail.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Design every element of your novel or memoir, including the protagonist, plot, story structure and a project success plan
  • Define your narrator’s voice
  • Determine where your story begins and where it ends
  • Decide what point you’re making about human nature
  • Make sure you’re giving your ideal reader exactly what they want
  • Gain the confidence you need to push past any doubts and finish your book.

This course is more of a masterclass, so there are no assignments included but it teaches good practices and provides a very useful workbook.

Jennie Nash
5-6 hours
100% (29)

Best Course to Create A Compelling Story (Lisa Cron)

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Writing: The Craft of Story is a series of well-produced lectures covering the basic building blocks of a story. Taught by author Lisa Cron, you will learn how to create compelling stories based on the way the brain responds to storytelling. This course emphasizes the importance of capturing the reader’s attention through techniques such as suspense, exploring the protagonist’s inner issues and dreams, specificity, and cause and effect. Upon completion of the quizzes, you will receive a certificate for your LinkedIn profile. Additionally, you can watch all the videos without subscribing to the course.

“Learning the fundamentals of crafting a story was and is a fascinating experience. And yes, I would highly recommend writing to anyone interested in learning how to express the communication of feeling.” – Nicole Gillard, LinkedIn learner.
LinkedIn Learning
Lisa Cron
1-2 hours worth of material
4.7 (649)
Available, paid

Best Course to Write Personal Essays with Impact (Roxane Gay)

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Discover the art of crafting powerful personal essays with best-selling author Roxane Gay in her course, Creative Writing: Crafting Personal Essays with Impact . Through her honest and thoughtful approach, Roxane will help you find your story, craft your truth, and write to make a difference.

This master class offers eight video lessons that are filled with practical guidance, actionable tactics, and example essays to guide you from the first idea to a final, publication-ready work.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Find a specific purpose for telling your story
  • Connect your work to larger conversations and timely themes
  • Conduct crucial research to support your work
  • Navigate personal memories to write your truth
  • Write and revise your final work, and submit your work for publication.

Additionally, the class provides a downloadable worksheet to support your ongoing creative nonfiction writing practice, as well as links to additional resources.

If you enjoy creative nonfiction writing, you might consider this course that’s also on Skillshare: Creative Nonfiction: Write Truth with Style (Skillshare Original) by Susan Orlean

Roxane Gay
1 hour
100% (1.2K)
Available, paid.

Best Course to Develop Your Ideas And Research for Characters (The Open University)

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Start Writing Fiction explores the writing process, from journaling and idea development to reflection and editing. It features insights from established writers such as Louis de Bernières, Patricia Duncker, Alex Garland, Abdulrazak Gurnah, Tim Pears, Michèle Roberts, and Monique Roffey,  who share their approaches to research and turning events into plot. Led by Derek Neale, a novelist and short story writer, this course provides a comprehensive understanding of the writing rituals and techniques used by successful writers.

You’ll get to critique the work of other writers and receive feedback. This course is designed for individuals interested in starting or improving their fiction writing and does not require prior experience in the subject.

You’ll learn:

  • Creation of characters in fiction
  • Different sources and ways of presenting characters in stories
  • Reading as a writer
  • Writing practice including creativity, research, observation and editing
  • Peer reviewing, workshops and the importance of feedback.
“This course takes learners through many aspects of writing such as developing characters, observing and describing details, finding inspiration, writing and editing. It includes some peer reviews which can be varying in quality. I was lucky enough to have some of my writing reviewed by a reviewer who gave very helpful and positive feedback.” – Pat Bowden
The Open University
Future Learn
Derek Neale
24 hours
389,780 learners
4.7 (923)
Available, paid

What’s Next

Scribophile is one of the largest online writing communities. You can get feedback on your writing and join writing groups. If you decide to join with a free plan, you need to collect points by reviewing other writers’ work before submitting your own work for review. They also developed some advanced tools for evaluating work and guidelines to make sure you give/receive feedback that is actually meaningful.

NaNoWriMo started out as a month-long challenge where you invite your friends and join other writers in your region, be it online in their forums or in person, to challenge yourself in writing your first draft. Nowadays, they run all-year round writing challenges (but November is still the biggest one in terms of participation). What is cool about it is you actually get to meet people in real life with various writing skills and backgrounds. I was able to make some great friends over the years and even met a few professional writers that decided to join our local group just to support us.

If you have any resources you would like to have added here, leave a comment below.

Class Central , a Tripadvisor for online education, has helped 60 million learners find their next course. We’ve been combing through online education for more than a decade to aggregate a catalog of 200,000 online courses and 200,000 reviews written by our users. And we’re online learners ourselves: combined, the Class Central team has completed over 400 online courses, including online degrees.

Trying to find “the best” can be daunting, even for those of us who live and breathe online courses. Here’s how I approached this task.

First, I combed through Class Central’s Catalog and the internet to find a variety of free and paid open courses, some with certificates. You don’t need to enroll in a university to learn about creative writing.

When choosing courses, I considered the following factors:

  • Renowned Institutions : I looked for recognized institutions in creative writing
  • Instructor experience : I sought instructors with extensive experience in creative writing and engaging presentation styles
  • Popularity : I checked numbers of enrollments and views to find popular courses
  • Course content : I examined courses that covered a range of topics and presentation styles, including the basics and more advanced topics. I watched some course videos to sample courses I hadn’t already taken
  • Learner reviews : I read learner reviews (when available) to get a sense of the quality of each course, leveraging the Class Central database with its thousands of course ratings and reviews written by our users as well as available course provider reviews.

Then, I defined the scope for these recommendations. A creative writing course can cover various topics, so I chose top courses from a range of sub-fields.

Ultimately, I used a combination of data and my own judgment to make these picks. I’m confident these recommendations will be a reliable way to learn about creative writing.

Best Courses Guides. Start Learning, Stop Procrastinating.

Fabio Dantas

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Staying the Course: Navigating Each Stage of Your Writing and Publishing Journey with Focus and Persistence Zoom Seminar, Saturday, August 3rd, 2024

Staying the Course: Navigating Each Stage of Your Writing and Publishing Journey with Focus and Persistence Zoom Seminar, Saturday, August 3rd, 2024

Writing Our Way Into Story: A 4-Week Generative Workshop, Starts Wednesday, July 10th, 2024

Writing Our Way Into Story: A 4-Week Generative Workshop, Starts Wednesday, July 10th, 2024

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Formal Constraints: an 8-Week Poetry Intensive (Zoom) with CD Eskilson, Starts Monday, September 9th, 2024

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Twenty Different Ways (and More) to End a Story, Essay, Memoir, or Novel Zoom Seminar, Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Mastering Flash Fiction: 6 Weeks, 6 Stories Zoom Workshop, Starts Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

Mastering Flash Fiction: 6 Weeks, 6 Stories Zoom Workshop, Starts Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

Writing About Addiction 3-Week Nonfiction Zoom Seminar, Starts Tuesday, October 29th, 2024

Writing About Addiction 3-Week Nonfiction Zoom Seminar, Starts Tuesday, October 29th, 2024

Writing About Women's Sports 2-Week Nonfiction Zoom Seminar, Starts Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

Writing About Women's Sports 2-Week Nonfiction Zoom Seminar, Starts Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

Twelve Structure Ideas for Your Story, Essay, Memoir, or Novel Zoom Seminar, Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

Twelve Structure Ideas for Your Story, Essay, Memoir, or Novel Zoom Seminar, Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

Love and the Creative Life: How to Smoothly Navigate Your Relationship and a Writing Career Zoom Seminar, Sunday, July 14th, 2024

Love and the Creative Life: How to Smoothly Navigate Your Relationship and a Writing Career Zoom Seminar, Sunday, July 14th, 2024

Idea to First Draft: A Personal Essay 4-Week Zoom Workshop, Starts Thursday, September 26th, 2024

Idea to First Draft: A Personal Essay 4-Week Zoom Workshop, Starts Thursday, September 26th, 2024

Pitching Your Personal Essay Zoom Seminar, Saturday, October 26th, 2024

Pitching Your Personal Essay Zoom Seminar, Saturday, October 26th, 2024

The Funny Thing About Memory: 6-Week Nonfiction Zoom Class, Starts Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Funny Thing About Memory: 6-Week Nonfiction Zoom Class, Starts Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Writing Real Sex 4-Week Zoom Seminar, Starts Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Writing Real Sex 4-Week Zoom Seminar, Starts Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

YA Bestseller 101: How to Write a Propulsive Page-Turner 6-Week Zoom Workshop, Starts Saturday, September 7th, 2024

YA Bestseller 101: How to Write a Propulsive Page-Turner 6-Week Zoom Workshop, Starts Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Writing Young: Drawing from Personal Experience to craft YA Characters 2-Week Zoom Intensive, Wednesday July 17th & 24th, 2024

Writing Young: Drawing from Personal Experience to craft YA Characters 2-Week Zoom Intensive, Wednesday July 17th & 24th, 2024

Metaphor Magic: Creating Strong Metaphors to Transform Your Writing Zoom Seminar, Saturday, August 24th, 2024

Metaphor Magic: Creating Strong Metaphors to Transform Your Writing Zoom Seminar, Saturday, August 24th, 2024

Advanced Autofiction 6-Month Workshop with Victoria Costello, Starts Wednesday, August 14th, 2024

Advanced Autofiction 6-Month Workshop with Victoria Costello, Starts Wednesday, August 14th, 2024

(Re)Creating Genre: Blurring Lines & Labels 6-Week Zoom Class, Starts Thursday, July 11th, 2024

(Re)Creating Genre: Blurring Lines & Labels 6-Week Zoom Class, Starts Thursday, July 11th, 2024

Etched Memories: Body Marks & Scars Zoom Seminar, Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Etched Memories: Body Marks & Scars Zoom Seminar, Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Building Writer Confidence & Dealing with Self-Doubt Zoom Seminar, Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

Building Writer Confidence & Dealing with Self-Doubt Zoom Seminar, Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

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Land Big Bylines by Writing for Columns Zoom Seminar, Sunday, July 7th, 2024

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Bachelor of Commerce in Creative and Professional Writing

Bachelor of Commerce in Creative and Professional Writing

Bundoora , Australia

THE world university rank:  251

Course qualification

Bachelor Degree

Entry score

Bachelor of Science in English and Professional Writing

Bachelor of Science in English and Professional Writing

Bridgeport , United States

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Kent , United States

Masters Degree

Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation (C5383)

Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation (C5383)

Melbourne , Australia

Master of Arts in English - Creative Writing and Language and Literature

Master of Arts in English - Creative Writing and Language and Literature

Windsor , Canada

THE world university rank:  501

Master of Writing, Editing and Publishing

Master of Writing, Editing and Publishing

Brisbane , Australia

THE world university rank:  70

Masters Degree (Coursework)

MA Writing

Warwick , United Kingdom

THE world university rank:  106

Masters Degree (Taught)

Master of Writing and Publishing

Master of Writing and Publishing

Graduate Certificate of Communication

Graduate Certificate of Communication

Not Applicable , Australia

Graduate Certificate

Showing 1-10 of 506 courses

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Digital Marketing refers to the use of digital channels to market products and services in order to reach consumers. A degree i...

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Digital journalism, also known as online journalism, is a contemporary form of journalism where editorial content is distribute...

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Creative Writing is the art of capturing the audience's attention and conveys a narrative. A degree in Creative Writing wil...

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The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.

The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives. The Purdue OWL offers global support through online reference materials and services.

A Message From the Assistant Director of Content Development 

The Purdue OWL® is committed to supporting  students, instructors, and writers by offering a wide range of resources that are developed and revised with them in mind. To do this, the OWL team is always exploring possibilties for a better design, allowing accessibility and user experience to guide our process. As the OWL undergoes some changes, we welcome your feedback and suggestions by email at any time.

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  1. Improving Writing Skills: Workshops & Courses in Nigeria

    creative writing workshops in nigeria

  2. Studying Creative Writing in Nigeria / 978-3-659-53248-1

    creative writing workshops in nigeria

  3. Studying Creative Writing in Nigeria, 978-3-659-53248-1, 3659532487

    creative writing workshops in nigeria

  4. Creative Writing in Nigeria: Scope and Opportunities

    creative writing workshops in nigeria

  5. Writing Workshops and Courses Worth Taking in Nigeria

    creative writing workshops in nigeria

  6. Writing Workshops and Courses Worth Taking in Nigeria

    creative writing workshops in nigeria


  1. These Amazing Art Works Created By Young Nigerians Will Wow You

  2. "Creative Writing Workshops: Unleash Your Imagination"

  3. S1E7: Adedeji Olalekan

  4. Six Ways Writing Workshops Ruin Your Work

  5. Announcing the WINNERS of the Readers to Writers 2023 creative writing competition


  1. Creative Writing in Nigeria: Scope and Opportunities

    Academic Integration: Creative writing courses in Nigerian universities nurture future wordsmiths, blending academia with artistry. ... Creative writing in Nigeria has a rich history that dates back to pre-colonial times. Oral literature was the primary form of storytelling, with folktales, myths, and proverbs being passed down through ...

  2. 14 Places to Learn Creative Writing and Content Creation in Lagos

    Farafina Trust Creative Writing Workshop - Victoria Island. Arguably Nigeria's most eminent creative writing workshop, this intensive annual program led by experts like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Toni Kan provides a focused learning experience over 2 weeks in Lagos. Aspiring writers develop their work through intimate group classes, one ...

  3. Writing Workshops and Courses Worth Taking in Nigeria

    Top Writing Workshops in Nigeria List of reputable writing workshops held in Nigeria,The organizers, duration, and focus of each workshop. Akwaeke Emezi Creative Writing Workshop: Organized by award-winning author Akwaeke Emezi, this workshop focuses on storytelling and character development. It lasts for two weeks and has produced several ...

  4. 2024 Creative Writers Empowerment Workshop/ How To Apply

    With a commitment to fostering the nation's creative economy, the workshop seeks to support emerging and established writers in Nigeria. Authors are encouraged to seize this opportunity to contribute to the vibrant literary landscape of the nation. ... It is designed as a platform for capacity building and empowerment within the Nigerian ...

  5. Advanced Writing and Reporting Skills (AWARES)

    For enquiries: Grace - 0806 638 5629; Isaac - 08033460440; Samsideen- 07010178911. Email: [email protected]. The Advanced Writing and Reporting Skills (A.W.A.R.E.S.) is a programme that focuses not only on improving writing skills but also on facilitating proficiency in research as well as critical and cognate skills.

  6. Creative Writing Training Course in Abuja

    The unemployment rate in Nigeria increased between the first and second quarter of 2015. It went from 7.5 to 8.2 percent. ... Online Creative Writing Courses provide the flexibility to learn these skills, potentially leading to diverse and fulfilling career paths. What is the cost/training fees for Creative Writing Course certification in Abuja?

  7. Creative Writing Workshop

    Our workshop gives you the opportunity be part of an engaged community of writers and readers. Creative Writing Workshop Our workshop is specifically tailored to adapt to your learning capacity.

  8. Creative Writing Courses in Nigeria

    90% Off for Laimoon Users! get this deal. NGN 34,234. NGN 222,786. Enrol now Add to wishlist. read more. Load more courses. See all current Creative Writing jobs in Nigeria Creative Writing careers in Nigeria. Find and compare Creative Writing Certificate and Diploma short courses in Nigeria, that will help you get started, or advance in your ...

  9. Creative Writing

    This covers elements of three major creative writing genres: short story, narrative essay, and memoir. Students will master the techniques that good writers use to compose a bracing story, populated with memorable characters in an interesting setting, written in a fresh descriptive style. They will analyze and constructively evaluate peer writing.

  10. ENG212: Creative Writing I

    Create and access rich educational media resources with the NOUN's Digital Asset Management Systems (DAM).

  11. NAL, LNG, TETFund Empower 60 Participants for 2024 Creative Writing

    The Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL), Nigeria Liquefied and Natural Gas Limited (LNG) and the Fertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) among other sponsors, have empowered 60 participants for the ...

  12. Farafina Trust Creative Writing Workshop

    Farafina Trust has secured three years' sponsorship for the creative writing workshop from Nigerian Breweries Plc, a subsidiary of the Heineken Group, a major producer of alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages. The maiden edition of our creative writing workshop took place in September 2009 and was facilitated by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

  13. The Creative Writers Academy

    In the last five years, my awesome team and I have organised several Creative Writing camps and workshops for children and teachers in Nigeria. Please look through the gallery to see the photos. The arrival Covid-19 pandemic helped us reach even more people beyond borders. In August 2020, our Creative Writing Online Summer Camp had 62 children ...

  14. Creative Writing Specialization [5 courses] (Wesleyan)

    Specialization - 5 course series. This Specialization covers elements of three major creative writing genres: short story, narrative essay, and memoir. You will master the techniques that good writers use to compose a bracing story, populated with memorable characters in an interesting setting, written in a fresh descriptive style.

  15. ENG312: Creative Writing II

    Create and access rich educational media resources with the NOUN's Digital Asset Management Systems (DAM).

  16. Jordan Hill Creative Writing & Reading Workshop

    Jordan Hill Creative Writing & Reading Workshop, Lagos, Nigeria. 52 likes · 8 were here. Building, Structuring and Empowering Educational Brands. Exciting children's enthusiasm for reading and...

  17. Creative Writing in Nigeria: 6 Best universities Ranked 2024

    Below is a list of best universities in Nigeria ranked based on their research performance in Creative Writing. A graph of 2.74K citations received by 1.5K academic papers made by 6 universities in Nigeria was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

  18. Creative Writing Courses in Lagos, Nigeria

    90% off through Laimoon! get this deal. NGN 36,725. Enrol now Add to wishlist. read more. Load more courses. See all current Creative Writing jobs in Lagos Creative Writing careers in Lagos. Find and compare Creative Writing Certificate and Diploma short courses in Lagos, Nigeria, that will help you get started, or advance in your chosen career.

  19. PDF National Open University of Nigeria Course Code : Eng 312 Course Title

    ENG 312: Creative Writing II is a 3 credit one semester undergraduate course. It comprises 20 study units subdivided into 5 modules. The materials have been developed with the aim of guiding you in writing your own poem, play, short story or novel. You should therefore ensure that you carry out all the assignments given in the self assessment

  20. 10 Best Creative Writing Courses for 2024: Craft Authentic Stories

    15 hours. Best University-level Creative Writing Course (Wesleyan University) 5-6 hours. Best Course to Find Your Voice (Neil Gaiman) 4-5 hours. Best Practical Writing Course With Support (Trace Crawford) 12 hours. Best Course to Overcome Writer's Block: 10-Day Journaling Challenge (Emily Gould) 1-2 hours.

  21. Upcoming Creative Writing Workshops on Zoom

    Mastering Flash Fiction: 6 Weeks, 6 Stories Zoom Workshop, Starts Thursday, August 22nd, 2024. $395.00. Writing About Addiction 3-Week Nonfiction Zoom Seminar, Starts Tuesday, October 29th, 2024. $225.00. Writing About Women's Sports 2-Week Nonfiction Zoom Seminar, Starts Tuesday, September 17th, 2024. $150.00.

  22. 505 Creative Writing courses abroad

    IDP assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. We always recommend that you speak to an IDP counsellor to get the latest and most accurate advice. 505 Creative Writing courses 📖 found on IDP Nigeria. Course price ranging from 0 with a max.Hurry the courses start from 08 Jul 2024.

  23. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  24. Best Writing Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular writing courses. Good with Words: Writing and Editing: University of Michigan. Creative Writing: Wesleyan University. Academic English: Writing: University of California, Irvine. Write Your First Novel: Michigan State University. Writing in the Sciences: Stanford University.

  25. Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers

    Students and Teachers. Introductory Pricing Terms and Conditions Creative Cloud Introductory Pricing Eligible students 13 and older and teachers can purchase an annual membership to Adobe® Creative Cloud™ for a reduced price of for the first year. At the end of your offer term, your subscription will be automatically billed at the standard subscription rate, currently at (plus applicable ...

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  27. Adobe Creative Cloud Plans, Pricing, and Membership

    For pricing call 888-649-2990. Includes: 100GB of cloud storage, per license, for easy file sharing. Deeper discounts on all purchases plus consolidated annual billing. Request consultation. Discover Adobe Creative Cloud membership plans and monthly prices for our full suite of applications including Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, and more.