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Class 8 Essay Topics List for Students & Children | 8th Std English Essays

May 2, 2023 by Veerendra

Writing essays is one of the arts & teaches everyone to communicate with others professional with their own thoughts & ideas. Students of standard 8 should show some interest in writing essays and improve their writing skills. To aid in your practice sessions, we have compiled a variety of  essay writing topics for class 8  in a simple language for students to read and understand their own. Subject Specific Class 8 Essay Topics will help kids to improve their creativity and broaden their mindset and intellect.

List of Class 8 Essay Writing Topics for Kids & Children in English

Students who are looking for Class 8 Essay Topics & Ideas can stop your search right away and refer to this section. Here, we have curated the most & frequently asked  Essay Writing Topics for Class 8 Students  to understand and learn who to write down the imaginary views on the particular topic in just less time. Writing skills & vocabulary skills are the two eyes to complete an essay in an attractive way to engage the audience. So, check out the prevailing Short & Long Essays for 8th Std and add your creative writing ideas in essays.

  • Essay on School’s Surroundings and Examinations
  • Essay on Festivals
  • Essay on Persons We Come Across
  • Essay on About Myself
  • Essay on Relationships
  • Essay on Visits
  • Essay on Scenes, Sights, and Journeys
  • Essay on Health and Fitness
  • Essay on Personalities/People
  • Essay on Events
  • Essay on Monuments
  • Essay on Vacation/Holidays
  • Nature Essay
  • Essay on Sports
  • Essay on Cities
  • Essay on Life
  • Essay on Animals
  • General Essays
  • Global Warming
  • Essay on Environmental Issues & Awareness
  • Essay Topics Based on Proverbs
  • Essay on Moral Values
  • Education Essay
  • Essay on India
  • Essay on Science & Technology
  • Essay on Social Issues & Social Awareness
  • Argumentative Essay Topics

FAQs on Essay for Class 8 Students

1. How to become perfect at writing essays?

First and foremost, you should be strong at obtaining a solid understanding of grammar, punctuation. Utilize Vocabulary in a correct way and write down attractive Intro lines then go for topic-related body thesis and conclusion which aid your thoughts.

2. From where can I attain Class 8 Essay Topics in English?

You can attain different categories of grade 8 Essay Topics & ideas in English from the AplusTopper provided Class 8 Essay Topics page.

3. Is there any online web portal that offers the free 8th Grade Essays Writing Topics?

Yes, Aplustopper.com is a reliable and genuine online portal that offers the 8th Class Subject Specific Essay Writing Topics free of cost. These free resources will surely improve your writing skills.

Final Words

Hoping that the details and list of Class 8 Essay Topics shared above benefit you while writing essays at competitions. So, make use of these several ideas on  Essay Writing Topics for Class 8  & improve your analytical, writing, vocabulary skills. Want to give any suggestions or need to ask some other essay topics for Grade 8 students? Shoot your comments below and get the answers at the earliest. Meanwhile, visit Aplustopper.com & find different Classes and Topics of English Essays.

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Essay Writing For Class 8

Essay Writing For Class 8 Format, Topics, Examples, Exercises

Essay writing for class 8 worksheet.

Essay writing is an essential skill that students must develop to succeed academically. It is a form of writing that requires students to express their ideas and thoughts on a particular topic in a clear and concise manner. Class 8 is a crucial year for students as they begin to learn more complex writing skills, including essay writing.

In this article, the focus will be on essay writing for Class 8 students. The article will provide an overview of the different types of essays, including narrative, English Grammar , and descriptive essays. It will also discuss the importance of coherence of ideas, grammar, and spelling when writing an essay.

Furthermore, the article will provide a list of essay writing topics for Class 8 students to aid in their practice sessions. These topics will be presented in simple language for students to read and understand on their own. By the end of this article, Class 8 students will have a better understanding of essay writing and be equipped with the necessary skills to write an effective essay.

Also Check: How To go about writing an essay

Understanding The Essay Topic

When writing an essay, understanding the topic is crucial. It is the foundation upon which the entire essay is built. Without a clear understanding of the topic, the essay will lack direction and coherence. In this section, we will discuss how to understand an essay topic and what steps to take to ensure that you are on the right track.

The first step in understanding an essay topic is to read it carefully. It is essential to pay attention to the wording of the topic and to note any key terms or phrases. These can provide valuable clues as to what the essay is asking for and what approach to take.

After reading the topic, it is important to brainstorm ideas. This involves jotting down any thoughts or ideas that come to mind, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Brainstorming can help to generate ideas and to narrow down the focus of the essay.

Once the ideas have been generated, it is time to organize them. This can be done by creating an outline, which can help to structure the essay and ensure that all the important points are covered. An outline can also help to identify any gaps in the argument and to ensure that the essay flows logically.

It is also important to consider the audience when writing an essay. Who is the essay aimed at, and what do they already know about the topic? This can help to determine the level of detail to include and the tone to use.

In summary, understanding the essay topic is essential for writing a successful essay. By carefully reading the topic, brainstorming ideas, organizing them, and considering the audience, the writer can ensure that the essay is well-structured, coherent, and relevant to the topic at hand.

Research and Gathering Information

When it comes to writing an essay, research, and gathering information are crucial steps that should not be overlooked. This section will cover two essential sub-sections of research and gathering information: Using Reliable Sources and Note Taking Techniques.

Using Reliable Sources

Using reliable sources is crucial when conducting research for an essay. Reliable sources are those that provide accurate, trustworthy, and unbiased information. Examples of reliable sources include academic journals, books, and reputable websites.

It is important to note that not all sources are created equal. Sources such as personal blogs, Wikipedia, and social media posts may not always be reliable. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the credibility of sources before using them in an essay.

To evaluate the credibility of sources, one should consider the following factors:

  • Authorship: Who wrote the source? Are they an expert in the field?
  • Publication Date: How recent is the source? Is it up-to-date?
  • Objectivity: Is the source biased? Does it present a balanced view?
  • Evidence: Does the source provide evidence to support its claims?

Note Taking Techniques

Note-taking is an important part of the research process. Good note-taking techniques can help organize information and make it easier to write an essay.

One effective note-taking technique is to use a graphic organizer. A graphic organizer is a visual tool that helps organize information in a logical and structured manner. Examples of graphic organizers include mind maps, Venn diagrams, and flowcharts.

Another effective note-taking technique is to use bullet points. Bullet points are a concise and organized way to record information. They help break down complex information into smaller, more manageable pieces.

In conclusion, research and gathering information are essential steps in writing an essay. Using reliable sources and effective note-taking techniques can help make the research process more efficient and organized.

Essay Structure

When it comes to writing an essay, it is important to have a clear structure in mind. This not only helps the writer to organize their thoughts and ideas but also makes it easier for the reader to follow along. The basic structure of an essay consists of three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.


The introduction is the opening paragraph of the essay and serves as a way to grab the reader’s attention and provide some background information on the topic. It should include a thesis statement, which is a sentence or two that summarizes the main point or argument of the essay.

The body of the essay is where the writer presents their main arguments and supporting evidence. It is important to organize the body of the essay in a logical and coherent manner, with each paragraph focusing on a specific point or idea. One effective way to do this is to use subheadings or bullet points to break up the text and make it easier to read.

The conclusion is the final paragraph of the essay and should summarize the main points and restate the thesis statement in a new way. It is also a good idea to leave the reader with a final thought or question to encourage further reflection on the topic.

Overall, a well-structured essay is essential for conveying ideas and arguments clearly and effectively. By following the basic structure of an introduction, body, and conclusion, writers can ensure that their essays are organized, coherent, and easy to follow.

Essay Structure

Drafting the Essay

Drafting is a crucial step in essay writing. It is the process of developing a complete first version of a piece of writing. Here are some tips for drafting an essay for Class 8:

Writing the Introduction

The introduction is the first part of the essay that the reader will see. It should be short, to the point, neat, and informative. The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide a clear idea of what the essay is about. One way to do this is to start with a hook, such as a surprising fact or a thought-provoking question. The introduction should also include a thesis statement that clearly states the main point of the essay.

Developing the Body

The body of the essay is where the writer presents their arguments and evidence to support the thesis statement. Each paragraph in the body should focus on a single idea or argument and should be well-organized. The writer should use transition words and phrases to connect the paragraphs and make the essay flow smoothly. It is also essential to provide evidence to support each argument, such as examples, statistics, or quotes from experts.

Concluding the Essay

The conclusion is the final part of the essay, where the writer summarizes the main points and restates the thesis statement. The conclusion should not introduce any new ideas but should provide a sense of closure to the essay. One way to do this is to end with a memorable statement or a call to action. The writer should also proofread the essay to check for any spelling or grammar errors.

In conclusion, drafting is an essential step in essay writing, and it requires careful planning and organization. By following these tips, students can improve their essay-writing skills and produce high-quality essays.

Revision and Proofreading

Revision and proofreading are essential steps in the essay writing process. These steps allow the writer to make necessary changes to their work, ensuring that the final product is error-free and of high quality. In this section, we will discuss the importance of revision and proofreading, and provide tips on how to effectively execute these steps.


Self-review is the process of reviewing one’s own work. This step is crucial because it allows the writer to identify areas that need improvement. When revising their work, the writer should consider the following:

  • Content: Does the essay address the topic? Is the thesis statement clear and concise? Are the supporting arguments relevant?
  • Structure: Are the paragraphs organized logically? Does the essay have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion?
  • Language: Is the language used appropriate for the target audience? Are there any grammatical errors? Are the sentences clear and concise?

Peer Review

Peer review is the process of having someone else review one’s work. This step is beneficial because it allows the writer to receive feedback from another perspective. When seeking feedback from a peer, the writer should consider the following:

  • Ask for specific feedback: Ask the peer to focus on specific aspects of the essay, such as the thesis statement or the organization of the paragraphs.
  • Be open to criticism: Accept constructive criticism and use it to improve the essay.
  • Consider the peer’s perspective: Consider the peer’s perspective and use it to improve the essay’s clarity and relevance.

In conclusion, revision and proofreading are essential steps in the essay writing process. By following the tips provided in this section, writers can ensure that their essays are error-free and of high quality.

Recommended Reading: Essay Writing For Class 8

Essay Presentation

When it comes to presenting an essay, there are certain guidelines that need to be followed in order to ensure that the essay is presented in a clear and professional manner. This section will cover the formatting guidelines, referencing, and citation for essay writing for Class 8.

Formatting Guidelines

The formatting guidelines for essay writing for Class 8 are as follows:

  • Use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial, with a font size of 12.
  • Use double spacing throughout the essay.
  • Include a header on each page with the student’s name, the title of the essay, and the page number.
  • Use one-inch margins on all sides of the page.
  • Use headings and subheadings to organize the essay and make it easier to read.


Referencing is an important part of essay writing, as it gives credit to the sources used in the essay. When referencing sources, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • Use in-text citations to indicate where information was obtained.
  • Include a reference list at the end of the essay, listing all sources used.
  • Use a recognized referencing style, such as APA or MLA.

Citation is another important part of essay writing. When citing sources, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • Use quotation marks to indicate direct quotes.
  • Paraphrase information obtained from sources, using one’s own words.

Overall, following these guidelines will ensure that the essay is presented in a clear and professional manner and that the sources used are properly credited.

CBSE Library

Class 8 Essay Topics List for Students & Children | 8th Std English Essays

Writing essays is one of the arts & teaches everyone to communicate with others professional with their own thoughts & ideas. Students of standard 8 should show some interest in writing essays and improve their writing skills. To aid in your practice sessions, we have compiled a variety of  essay writing topics for class 8  in a simple language for students to read and understand their own. Subject Specific Class 8 Essay Topics will help kids to improve their creativity and broaden their mindset and intellect.

List of Class 8 Essay Writing Topics for Kids & Children in English

Students who are looking for Class 8 Essay Topics & Ideas can stop your search right away and refer to this section. Here, we have curated the most & frequently asked  Essay Writing Topics for Class 8 Students  to understand and learn who to write down the imaginary views on the particular topic in just less time. Writing skills & vocabulary skills are the two eyes to complete an essay in an attractive way to engage the audience. So, check out the prevailing Short & Long Essays for 8th Std and add your creative writing ideas in essays.

  • Essay on School’s Surroundings and Examinations
  • Essay on Festivals
  • Essay on Persons We Come Across
  • Essay on About Myself
  • Essay on Relationships
  • Essay on Visits
  • Essay on Scenes, Sights, and Journeys
  • Essay on Health and Fitness
  • Essay on Personalities/People
  • Essay on Events
  • Essay on Monuments
  • Essay on Vacation/Holidays
  • Nature Essay
  • Essay on Sports
  • Essay on Cities
  • Essay on Life
  • Essay on Animals
  • General Essays
  • Global Warming
  • Essay on Environmental Issues & Awareness
  • Essay Topics Based on Proverbs
  • Essay on Moral Values
  • Education Essay
  • Essay on India
  • Essay on Science & Technology
  • Essay on Social Issues & Social Awareness
  • Argumentative Essay Topics

FAQs on Essay for Class 8 Students

1. How to become perfect at writing essays?

First and foremost, you should be strong at obtaining a solid understanding of grammar, punctuation. Utilize Vocabulary in a correct way and write down attractive Intro lines then go for topic-related body thesis and conclusion which aid your thoughts.

2. From where can I attain Class 8 Essay Topics in English?

You can attain different categories of grade 8 Essay Topics & ideas in English from the AplusTopper provided Class 8 Essay Topics page.

3. Is there any online web portal that offers the free 8th Grade Essays Writing Topics?

Yes, Aplustopper.com is a reliable and genuine online portal that offers the 8th Class Subject Specific Essay Writing Topics free of cost. These free resources will surely improve your writing skills.

Final Words

Hoping that the details and list of Class 8 Essay Topics shared above benefit you while writing essays at competitions. So, make use of these several ideas on  Essay Writing Topics for Class 8  & improve your analytical, writing, vocabulary skills. Want to give any suggestions or need to ask some other essay topics for Grade 8 students? Shoot your comments below and get the answers at the earliest. Meanwhile, visit Aplustopper.com & find different Classes and Topics of English Essays.

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  • Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 20 Essay Writing

english essays for class 8 cbse

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 20 Essay Writing. An essay is a detailed piece of writing on a specific subject expressed in the required number of paragraphs. An essay usually has three parts: Introduction – This part of the essay must be short, to the point, neat and informative. Body – The body of an essay gives its reader a detailed account regarding the main theme of the essay, through a few paragraphs. This part of the essay needs to be detailed as well as inclusive, logically organized and well developed. Conclusion – This portion sums up the argument built through the body of the essay. Therefore, this must be convincing reasonable and impressive at the same time.

Grade 8 English Grammar Chapter 20 Essay Writing

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The realm of essay writing, as explored in Chapter 20 of Class 8 English Grammar, offers an enriching avenue for students to present their thoughts, arguments, and ideas in an organized and articulate manner. Renowned educational platforms like Tiwari Academy underscore the importance of essays, not only as an academic tool but also as a life skill that hones one’s ability to communicate effectively.

What exactly is an essay? It’s more than just a collection of words or a random assortment of ideas. An essay is a meticulously structured piece of writing that dives deep into a specific topic, providing readers with insights, arguments, and perspectives.

Class: 8English Grammar
Chapter: 20Essay Writing
Contents:Textbook and Revision Notes
Academic Session:2024-25

Essay 1 – A Picnic

  • Introduction : Time, Place and Company: It was a fine day in March last. A cool breeze was blowing. Some of my friends and 1 decided to go on a picnic to a nearby lake. It was a pleasant morning. We were a party of ten friends. We collected 20 rupees each. We bought fruits, sweets and some other eatables. We took our bikes and started at 7 a.m. We reached there in half an hour. We selected a beautiful grassy spot. We spread the carpet and rested for some time. First of all we ate apples.
  • What did we do? : Then we took off our clothes and jumped into the water. We swam, dived and played in the water. We came out of the water and put on our clothes. We soon felt hungry. We ate some fruits and sweets. We took tea. After taking tea ,we sat in a circle. We played cards. Mohan sang a song. Sohan played upon the flute. Ajit recited a poem. Ram told us a story. Manoj amused us with tit – bits. We laughed heartily. We sang and danced..
  • Conclusion : We again bathed in the lake. We had a jolly good time there. It was evening by then. We left for our homes. It was a nice picnic. It was really a happy day of my life.

The anatomy of a compelling essay can be broken down into three core segments:

  • Introduction : As the opening salvo, the introduction sets the stage for what’s to come. It’s essential to capture the reader’s attention right off the bat, making them eager to delve deeper. A well-crafted introduction is concise, intriguing, and provides a brief overview of the topic at hand.
  • Body : This is where the magic truly unfolds. The body of the essay, often spread across several paragraphs, delves deep into the topic, weaving together facts, arguments, and opinions. Every paragraph should be a structured entity in itself, presenting a particular point or idea and substantiating it with evidence or examples. Consistency in flow, logical sequencing, and coherent development of ideas are vital to keep the reader engaged.
  • Conclusion : As the curtain falls, the conclusion wraps up the discourse, encapsulating the essence of the essay. A compelling conclusion doesn’t just reiterate the points made but offers a fresh perspective or a thought-provoking statement, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Essay 1 – A Morning Walk

Introduction : A morning walk is a light exercise. It is very useful for health. It keeps us fresh and active the whole day. It makes us healthy and cheerful. Morning time is the best time of the day. It is calm and quiet. A cool breeze blows. The atmosphere is free from dust and smoke. There is a famous saying: “He, who walks a mile, will surely smile.”

Description : I am an early bird. Last Sunday, I got up at 4 O’clock. I called on my friend, Manish. Both of us left for the canal. The birds were chirping, We saw many people on the way. They were also going for a walk. Farmers were going to their fields. Women were going to fetch water. They were singing beautiful songs. A cool breeze was blowing. The sky was clear. Green field fields looked beautiful. Dew-drops on the grass looked like pearls.

What we saw and did : We reached the canal in half an hour. We sat on the bank and took rest. We saw some persons bathing in the canal. Some were praying to God. Some were walking along thè bank. Some were swimming. We took exercise. We had our bath. We felt fresh. We put on our clothes. We started for our homes. A morning walk costs nothing but gains are many. We should never miss it.

Essay 1 – A Scene at the Bus Stand

Introduction : A bus stand presents a very lively and busy scene. It is like a musceum of human faces and fashion. Last Monday, I went to see off my friend at the bus stand. There was a great rush. Buses were departing and arriving. The bus for Delhi had not yet arrived. So we had to wait.

Description : There was a great rush of passengers. They were waiting for their buses. The ladies were sitting in groups. The children were playing here and there. Vendors and hawkers : Vendors and hawkers were selling news papers and eatables. They were shouting at the top of their voice. There was a rush at the water tap, the tea stalls and the book stalls. We went to a tea stall. We took tea. We bought two books to pass time.

Arrival and departure of the bus : There were long queues at the booking windows. Soon our bus arrived. I bought a ticket for my friend. He boarded the bus and got a seat near the window. The driver took his seat. The conductor gave a whistle and the bus started. I wished good-bye to my friend.

The journey of essay writing is both an art and a science, demanding creativity in expression and precision in structure. Chapter 20, as curated by leading educational institutions, empowers students with the techniques and nuances of essay writing, ensuring they are well-equipped to articulate their thoughts effectively for academic pursuits and beyond.

Essay 1 – My School

Name and Situation of the Building : I read in Tiwari Academy Sr. Sec. School, New Delhi. It is situated out side the town on the Bahadurgardh Highway. It has a very big building. It is in T shape. There are sixteen rooms and two big halls. All the rooms are airy, neat and clean. Each room has two fans. There is a library, two science rooms and a drawing – room. The staff room and the Principal’s office are well furnished. Garden and Play Grounds : In front of the school, there is a beautiful garden. It has flowerplants and fruit -trees. Sh. Ram Lai, the gardener of our school, looks after it. There are two big play grounds. We play games there daily. Our games teacher also plays with us. Teachers and Students : There are 50 teachers in our school. They are hard working. The school has 2000 students. All work hard. Our school shows good result every year. Sh. T.S. Chauhan is our Principal. He is an ideal Principal. The school is progressing under him. Our school is an ideal one. I am proud of it.

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 20 Essay Writing

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Class 8 English Writing Skills Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises


Welcome to the world of English writing skills! In this article, we will explore the significance of developing effective writing skills for Class 8 students. Strong writing abilities are essential for effective communication, creative expression, and critical thinking. By understanding the format, exploring examples, and practicing various writing exercises, students can enhance their skills and become confident writers.

Format Of Class 8 English Writing Skills:

To become proficient writers, Class 8 students need to understand the key elements of effective writing. Let’s explore the essential components of the writing skills format.

Structure and Organization

A well-structured piece of writing has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction grabs the reader’s attention, the body presents the main points, and the conclusion provides a concise summary. Organizing thoughts and ideas in a logical manner enhances the readability and impact of the written work.

Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar and vocabulary are the building blocks of good writing. Students should pay attention to sentence structure, punctuation, and proper word usage. A diverse vocabulary enables students to convey their thoughts accurately and add depth to their writing.

Coherence and Cohesion

Coherence refers to the logical flow of ideas within a piece of writing. Sentences and paragraphs should be connected seamlessly, ensuring a smooth reading experience. Cohesion is achieved through the effective use of transition words and phrases, which help link ideas and maintain a coherent narrative.

Also Read: Advanced Writing Skills Class 12

Examples Of Class 8 English Writing Skills:

Now, let’s explore different types of writing topics that Class 8 students can practice to develop their skills.

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing involves vividly portraying a person, place, object, or event. Students can describe their favorite vacation spot, a memorable family gathering, or a beloved pet. By incorporating sensory details and expressive language, descriptive writing brings the subject to life.

Narrative Writing

Narrative writing involves telling a story. Students can write about a personal experience, an imaginary adventure, or a historical event. By including well-developed characters, engaging plotlines, and descriptive settings, students can captivate their readers and create a memorable narrative.

Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing aims to convince the reader to adopt a specific viewpoint or take a particular action. Students can write persuasive essays on topics such as environmental conservation, the importance of reading, or the benefits of regular exercise. Persuasive writing requires strong arguments, supporting evidence, and a persuasive tone.

Exercises For Class 8 English Writing Skills:

To strengthen their writing skills, Class 8 students should engage in various writing exercises. Here are some exercises they can try:

Sentence Construction

Practice constructing grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. Experiment with different sentence structures, lengths, and types.

Paragraph Development

Develop paragraphs with clear topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentences. Ensure coherence and cohesion between paragraphs to maintain a smooth flow of ideas.

Essay Writing

Compose essays on a wide range of topics, focusing on proper essay structure, coherent arguments, and effective use of evidence. Practice writing introductory and concluding paragraphs that leave a lasting impression.

Conclusion On Class 8 English Writing Skills:

Mastering English writing skills are essential for Class 8 students. By understanding the writing format, exploring different examples, and practicing various exercises, students can develop their abilities and become proficient writers. Effective writing enhances communication, boosts creativity, and fosters critical thinking. So, start exploring, practicing, and refining your writing skills today!

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NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English 2024-25

  • NCERT Solutions


NCERT Solutions for English Class 8 FREE PDF Download: Honeydew and It So Happened Coursebooks

Looking for comprehensive solutions to enhance your understanding of English for Class 8? Look no further! Our free PDF downloads of NCERT Solutions for English Class 8 cover the Honeydew and It So Happened coursebooks, providing detailed explanations and answers to all exercises. These solutions are designed to help you grasp key concepts, improve your language skills, and excel in your studies. Whether you're preparing for exams or simply aiming to deepen your comprehension, our expertly crafted solutions are an invaluable resource for every Class 8 student. Download now and start mastering your English coursework today!


Links for NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Coursebooks

NCERT has prescribed the books Honeydew, and It So Happened for Class 8. Comprehensive book-wise solutions can be found for both the coursebooks on Vedantu. Here you can find the Links For NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Coursebooks:

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Coursebooks

Glance on NCERT Solutions Class 8 English

CBSE has prescribed 2 coursebooks for NCERT Class 8 English. These are the Honeydew textbook and the It So Happened supplementary reader

The ‘Honeydew’ English Reader Class 8 offers 8 different units. The ‘It So Happened’ supplementary reader also offers 8 Chapters

The NCERT English Class 8 solutions have been provided by the experts at Vedantu. Students can rely on these solutions to get proper guidance about the chapters. 

The NCERT Solutions Class 8 English contains everything from the summary of the chapter to different phrases, and their meanings have been included in these solutions. 

Students will also find the answers to their textbook questions in these NCERT solutions PDF Files . 

Download Class 8 NCERT English Solutions from Vedantu today.

In the image given below, you can see an overview of the course curriculum for Class 8 English:

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English - Coursebook Analysis

There are 2 coursebooks prescribed by NCERT for Class 8 English. The main coursebook is called the ‘Honeydew’ coursebook, which is supported by the ‘It So Happened’ supplementary reader. Each of these coursebooks covers a different set of topics, spanning a wide range of genres.  

Honeydew is the primary coursebook for Class 8 English. It spans 8 different units.

The reader features serious themes such as grit, honesty, compassion, brotherhood and caring for one another. These themes introduce the young minds of Class 8 students to the real world and its values.

Chapters covered in the Class 8 English Honeydew reader are listed below:

Links for NCERT Solutions Class 8 English Honeydew

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

It So Happened

‘It So Happened’ is the supplementary coursebook prescribed for Class 8 English. It covers 8 different chapters.

The reader features abstract and intangible themes such as sci-fi, psychology, monetary values and more. 

The reader, using its well-crafted themes and chapters, goes the extra mile in opening up the young Class 8 minds to themes that are not resonated on usually.

The different chapters covered in this reader can be found below:

Links for NCERT Solutions Class 8 English (It So Happened)

Chapter 8 - Ancient Education System of India

Benefits of 8th Class English Textbook Solution

There are several ways in which NCERT Solution for Class 8 English proves beneficial for students like:

Well researched answers.

Deals with both MCQs and descriptive questions adequately.

Provides an understanding of literary devices.

Helps to learn meanings and synonyms of all 8th class English lessons

Easily comprehensible answers for a seamless learning process of students.

It helps students to score the maximum marks.

All the answers are written by English experts, having adequate teaching experience. Their answers are crisp and to the point. One can rely on them with confidence.

The answers strictly follow the NCERT Guidelines as prescribed by the Board. No unnecessary information is mentioned in Vedantu’s NCERT solutions for class 8 English.

All the Solutions on Vedantu are available for free download on the website as well as a mobile app.

Vedantu’s Solutions for Class 8 English can be downloaded and saved as a PDF. These solutions can later be accessed offline on any device. 

Therefore, NCERT Solution for Class 8 English is a must-have material that helps students understand the fundamentals of this chapter adequately.

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Today

The Class 8 English readers, ‘Honeydew’ and ‘It So Happened’, are both comprehensive coursebooks that take readers on a journey, spanning various worlds and genres within their stories and poems. Vedantu offers comprehensive solutions, Important Questions, sample papers and more which are vetted by the top professionals in the field with years of experience dealing with NCERT and CBSE syllabus.  

Important Related Study Material Links for NCERT Class 8

Related Links for NCERT Class 8


FAQs on NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English 2024-25

1. What is the Marking Scheme of CBSE class 8 English?

CBSE class 8 English paper is divided into two sections of language and literature. The language unit consists of comprehension questions of a total of 20 marks and consists of 3 reading passages. Next, there is a writing section divided into notice/article writing, short story writing and letter/diary writing comprising 5, 8 and 7 marks respectively. This is followed by the grammar unit which has a weightage of total 20 marks. Similarly, the literature section is divided into short, long, very long and “find the meaning” questions sections. They contain a marks distribution of 8, 6, 4 and 8 respectively.

2. What Does the Chapter Glimpse of the Past Deals With?

The glimpse of the past essentially deals with Indian history of freedom struggle against the imperial rule of the British government. The plot traces down the heritage of Indian history before it succumbed under the British colonial rule. It also deals with important incidents and dates like the 1818 act, revolt of 1857 which exposed the exploitation of the British government. The story is more about the history of India in the times when it faced hardship under the East India Company. It also celebrates the patriotic zeal of several freedom fighters who fought from the forefront.

3. What is the Poem Macavity the Mystery Cat About?

The poem Macavity is written by the famous poem T.S Eliot. It deals with the villainous activity of a wicked cat that ingeniously hides all evidence after committing a crime. It explains how the cat carries out its wicked activity but escapes the notice of the police. He is known as the "hidden paw" which metaphorically shows how subtly and swiftly he carries out his activities without leaving behind any trace. The poem is humorous in tone and has light rhythmic stanzas that effectively portray a ton of fun the mischievous activity of the cat.

4. How can I download the NCERT Books for Class 8 English PDF online?

To download NCERT books for Class 8 English PDF online, you must follow the given procedure.

Visit the page NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English.

You'll discover an array of chapters on the following webpage. From the provided list, choose the chapter of your wish for which you need the PDF explanations or notes and tap on the link.

The link will redirect you to the next webpage where you can download the study material.

5. Why should you study English via Vedantu?

Studying via Vedantu can aid good marks in your examinations. Here, you will get chapter-wise notes, explanations and solutions written in easy language, so you can understand crucial concepts thoroughly. Moreover, you may also practice multiple test papers to test your skills and preparation extent. This technique will allow you to make necessary alterations in your current studying strategy so you can perform well in your exams. Students can access study materials at free of cost from the Vedantu website or from the Vedantu app.

6. What is the syllabus for Class 8 English?

The syllabus for Class 8 English is divided into four different sections. These sections are as follows-

Honeydew Chapters - The section covers a total of ten units.

Honeydew Poems - The section contains seven poems.

It So Happened Chapters - It covers 11 chapters.

The grammatical section includes topics like indirect and direct speech, clauses and order of speech, verb, adverb, noun, etc.

The writing section covers topics like formal and informal letters, data entry, essay writing, etc.

7. How to score good marks in English in Class 8?

To score good marks in English in Class 8, you may follow the given tips.

Solve as many English sample papers as you can a month before the examination. This will assist you to examine your preparation.

Make a proper schedule to solve the previous year's question papers. This will aid time management, so you can finish the exam paper on time.

8. Is 8th  Standard’s English Difficult?

It depends on the students and their hold on the subject. However, with the right focus on their studies, students can understand the important concepts of different subjects easily. At the same time, teachers and parents should help students in making a proper timetable where they can allot time to study different subjects based on their preferences. 

9. Is the Honeydew Class 8 reader difficult to understand?

While English literature is a comparatively straightforward subject to read and understand, at least at the base level of understanding, it can certainly be difficult to grasp or understand certain concepts and topics. When in this situation, it is important to remember not to panic. Take a break, play some games, clear your mind and get back to studying.

10. Where can I find NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English chapters?

You can easily find comprehensive and accurate solutions for Class 8 English chapters here on Vedantu. These are vetted and curated by top professionals in the field with years of experience detailing the CBSE and NCERT syllabus


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Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English PDF Free Download

Class 8 English NCERT Solutions PDF Download  links are provided here for students. In order to make their preparation so effective & better, we have compiled detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English in pdf format for free. So, you all can download NCERT Solutions and prepare all questions and exercises covered in the NCERT 8th Class English Textbook. Access the Chapterwise CBSE NCERT Class 8 English Solutions provided by Learninsta.com through the quick links and ace up your exam preparation.

Free NCERT Class 8 English Solutions PDF Download for All Chapters

Students planning for the Class 8 English Subject preparation can refer to these comprehensive NCERT Solutions of Class 8 English. All Solutions are written by subject experts according to the Latest CBSE guidelines and the syllabus. So, students are advised to download them by clicking on the direct links prevailing here. Use downloaded pdf formatted  NCERT Textbook Solutions pdf of 8th English  and gain the highest marks in the final exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew

  • Class 8 English Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World
  • Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Tsunami
  • Class 8 English Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past
  • Class 8 English Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
  • Class 8 English Chapter 5 The Summit Within
  • Class 8 English Chapter 6 This is Jody’s Fawn
  • Class 8 English Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge
  • Class 8 English Chapter 8 A Short Monsoon Diary
  • Class 8 English Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face I
  • Class 8 English Chapter 10 The Great Stone Face II

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Poem

  • Class 8 English Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket
  • Class 8 English Chapter 2 Geography Lesson
  • Class 8 English Chapter 3 Macavity : The Mystery Cat
  • Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Last Bargain
  • Class 8 English Chapter 5 The School Boy
  • Class 8 English Chapter 6 The Duck and the Kangaroo
  • Class 8 English Chapter 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse
  • Class 8 English Chapter 8 On the Grasshopper and Cricket

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary It So Happened

  • Class 8 English Chapter 1 How the Camel Got His Hump
  • Class 8 English Chapter 2 Children at Work
  • Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant
  • Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Treasure Within
  • Class 8 English Chapter 5 Princess September
  • Class 8 English Chapter 6 The Fight
  • Class 8 English Chapter 7 The Open Window
  • Class 8 English Chapter 8 Jalebis
  • Class 8 English Chapter 9 The Comet I
  • Class 8 English Chapter 10 The Comet II

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Reading

Ncert solutions for class 8 english writing.

Short Composition

  • Chapter 1 Message
  • Chapter 2 Notice
  • Chapter 3 Postcard

Long Composition

  • Chapter 1 Paragraph
  • Chapter 2 Composition (Based on Verbal Input)
  • Chapter 3 Composition (Based on Visual Input)
  • Chapter 4 Letters
  • Chapter 5 Applications
  • Chapter 6 Stories
  • Chapter 7 E-mail
  • Chapter 8 Articles
  • Chapter 9 Speech

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar

  • Chapter 1 Determiners
  • Chapter 2 Nouns
  • Chapter 3 The Noun Phrase
  • Chapter 4 Phrasal Verbs
  • Chapter 5 The Participle
  • Chapter 6 The Pronouns
  • Chapter 7 The Adjective
  • Chapter 8 Agreement of Verb and Subject
  • Chapter 9 Use of Modals
  • Chapter 10 Preposition
  • Chapter 11 The Verb
  • Chapter 12 Nominalisation
  • Chapter 13 Tenses
  • Chapter 14 Active and Passive Voice
  • Chapter 15 Reported Speech

Benefits of Working with 8th Class NCERT Solutions for English

Go ahead and view some of the major benefits of solving & preparing from the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English. They are as follows:

  • The detailed explanation provided for English passages and grammar questions benefits you attempt the exams with full of confidence.
  • Class 8 English NCERT Solutions Pdf are prepared according to the latest CBSE Curriculum & syllabus.
  • NCERT Solutions of 8th class English provide in-depth subject knowledge & improve grammar skills.
  • You can revise quickly with the help of NCERT Solutions.
  • Also, it clears all the queries on fundamental concepts and has numerous exercises to practice English grammar skills.

Students of class 8 can also visit the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi from this page. You will find all chapters NCERT 8th Std Hindi Textbook Solutions.

FAQs on Class 8 English NCERT Solutions Free PDF

1. From where can I get all chapters NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Engish?

You can get all chapters NCERT Solutions of Class 8 English in pdf format from our page.

2. How to download NCERT Class 8 English Solutions?

By just hitting the direct links provided on this page helps you to download the NCERT Class 8 English Solutions in PDF Format & access them whenever you require for preparation.

3. Which is the best website to find NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English?

Learninsta.com is a genuine and reliable website that offers NCERT Class 8 English Solutions in pdf format for free of cost. So, accessing these NCERT Solutions and other materials is very easy from this site.

Hoping that the prevailing  NCERT Solution for Class 8 English PDF Download  links helo you more at the time of preparation. If you want an answer to any of your queries regarding NCERT Textbook Solutions pdf, kindly share with us via the below comment section. We’ll revert back to you asap with the best possible solution. Also, visit our site for the latest information on NCERT resources.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew
  • Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World
  • Chapter 2 The Tsunami
  • Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past
  • Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
  • Chapter 5 The Summit Within
  • Chapter 6 This is Jody’s Fawn
  • Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge
  • Chapter 8 A Short Monsoon Diary
  • Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face – I
  • Chapter 10 The Great Stone Face – II
  • Chapter 11 The Ant and the Cricket (Poem)
  • Chapter 12 Geography Lesson (Poem)
  • Chapter 13 Macavity – The Mystery Cat (Poem)
  • Chapter 14 The Last Bargain (Poem)
  • Chapter 15 The School Boy (Poem)
  • Chapter 16 The Duck and the Kangaroo (Poem)
  • Chapter 17 When I Set Out For Lyonnesse (Poem)
  • Chapter 18 On the Grasshopper and Cricket (Poem)

English Reading – Unseen Passages for Class 8

NCERT solutions for class 8 English Honeydew (Download PDF)

More CBSE Class 8 Study Material

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit

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NCERT Solutions Class 8 English PDF Download

NCERT Solutions Class 8 English PDF Free Download | Chapterwise NCERT 8th English Honeydew & It So Happened Book Solutions PD

The guide that you are looking for is here ie., NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English (Honeydew & It So Happened) PDF in chapterwise. Download all chapter’s questions and answers from the updated 2021-22 NCERT Solutions of 8th English honeydew and it so happened books and ace up your preparation. All the Solutions available here are explained in a simple manner, according to the latest CBSE syllabus by our subject experts.

So, access the detailed solutions of the “Honeydew” and Supplementary textbook “It So Happened” chapterwise for free from the NCERT Class 8 English Textbook Solutions PDF and score well in your final exams.

Class 8 English Honeydew & It So Happened NCERT Solutions Free PDF Download

Are you seeking homework help to finish your complex concepts tasks during learning? Then this NCERT 8th English Solution Book will help you in completing your homework within no time and make you understand the concept thoroughly. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew includes various units of prose and poems with exercise and activity-based questions based on the NCERT Class 8 English Textbook Syllabus.

The following are the pdf links to the unit-wise or chapter-wise NCERT 8th Class English Solutions of the main textbook Honeydew and the Supplementary textbook, It So Happened used for accessing online or download offline for further preparations.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter-wise

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 8. Here we have given CBSE English Honeydew Chapters and Poems NCERT Solutions Class 8 in PDF links. Hence, grab the opportunity of free download and start preparing for improving your knowledge and grammar skills.

  • Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World
  • Chapter 2 The Tsunami
  • Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past
  • Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
  • Chapter 5 The Summit Within
  • Chapter 6 This is Jody’s Fawn
  • Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge
  • Chapter 8 A Short Monsoon Diary
  • Chapter 9 The Great Stone Face I
  • Chapter 10 The Great Stone Face II

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Poem

  • Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket
  • Chapter 2 Geography Lesson
  • Chapter 3 Macavity: The Mystery Cat
  • Chapter 4 The Last Bargain
  • Chapter 5 The School Boy
  • Chapter 6 The Duck and the Kangaroo
  • Chapter 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse
  • Chapter 8 On the Grasshopper and Cricket

CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened

Here we have also curated the list of chapterwise solutions for NCERT Class 8 English supplementary It So Happened Textbook. Please go with these 10 chapters of It so Happened book and try to attempt all the questions asked in the exams after preparing the solutions from here. Also, you can Download Free  NCERT Textbooks PDF from our site Ncertbooks.Guru for all classes 1 to 12.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary It So Happened

  • Chapter 1 How the Camel Got His Hump
  • Chapter 2 Children at Work
  • Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant
  • Chapter 4 The Treasure Within
  • Chapter 5 Princess September
  • Chapter 6 The Fight
  • Chapter 7 The Open Window
  • Chapter 8 Jalebis
  • Chapter 9 The Comet I
  • Chapter 10 The Comet II

FAQs on NCERT Class 8 English Honeydew & It So Happened Solutions PDF

1. How many books are there in CBSE Class 8 English?

There are two books for 8th class English students which are prescribed by CBSE. They are:

1. English Reader – Honeydew 2. Supplementary Reader – It so happened

2. Where can I download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew & It So Happened Books?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English honeydew and it so happened books can be downloadable from our portal NCERTBooks.Guru online/offline in pdf format for free of cost. These solutions are prepared by our subject matter experts in a simple language for understanding the concepts easily to students and they are created as per the NCERT textbook for Class 8 English and the latest CBSE guidelines.

3. How many chapters are there in NCERT Class 8 English Supplementary Book It So Happened?

There are 10 chapters in NCERT Solutions of Class 8 English Supplementary Textbook, It So Happened Solutions. Unit 1- How The Camel Got His Hump, Unit 2- Children At Work, Unit 3- The Selfish Giant, Unit 4- The Treasure Within, Unit 5- Princess September, Unit 6- The Fight, Unit 7- The Open Window, Unit 8- Jalebis, Unit 9- The Comet — I, Unit 10- The Comet — II.

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  • CBSE Class 8
  • CBSE Class 8 Syllabus
  • Class 8 English Syllabus

CBSE Class 8 English Syllabus for 2023-24

CBSE Class 8 Syllabus of English covers prose, poetry, grammar, and composition. Knowing the latest syllabus of Class 8 English for the academic year 2023-2024 will make students more confident while writing the exam. English is a scoring subject for Class 8 CBSE students if they have good writing and proper grammatical skills.

Students are suggested to go through the CBSE syllabus for Class 8 English and start studying from the NCERT textbooks to know the concepts in a better way. Experts at BYJU’S have provided NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English to help students in their effective learning. The CBSE syllabus will not only help students in clearing their doubts instantly but also help them to plan their studies in advance. 

Students can make use of NCERT Class 8 English Grammar and score good marks in the examinations. They can also boost their writing section by practising unseen passages for Class 8 and essays on different topics.  Students can also find the precise answers to the Extra Questions for Class 8 English NCERT Chapter 1 to improve their learning process and score better academic performance. CBSE syllabus for Class 8 English will help students to grasp the concepts effectively. 

CBSE Class 8 English Syllabus for 2023-24 Academic Year

To download the CBSE English Syllabus for Class 8 students, click on the link given below.

Download CBSE Class 8 English Syllabus PDF 2023-24

For the benefit of students, we at BYJU’S provide the latest English Syllabus of CBSE Class 8 for the academic year 2023-24.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English (Honeydew – Textbook in English for Class VIII)

Chapter 1: The Best Christmas Present in the World

Poem: The Ant and the Cricket

Chapter 2: The Tsunami

Poem: Geography Lesson

Chapter 3: Glimpses of the Past

Chapter 4: Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory

Poem: The Last Bargain

Chapter 5: The Summit Within

Poem: The School Boy

Chapter 6: This is Jody’s Fawn

Chapter 7: A Visit to Cambridge

Chapter 8: A Short Monsoon Diary

Poem: On the Grasshopper and Cricket

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English (It So Happened – Supplementary Reader in English for Class VIII)

Chapter 1: How the Camel Got His Hump

Chapter 2: Children at Work

Chapter 3: The Selfish Giant

Chapter 4: The Treasure Within

Chapter 5: Princess September

Chapter 6: The Fight

Chapter 7: Jalebis

Chapter 8:  Ancient Education System of India

Students can also access the syllabus for other subjects by visiting CBSE Class 8 Syllabus page.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English Grammar

The English Grammar syllabus for CBSE Class 8 has the following topics:

a. Order of Words and Clauses

b. Direct and Indirect Speech

c. Active and Passive Voice

i. Prepositions

j. Conjunction

k. Phrases and Idioms

l. Vocabulary

m. Comprehension Reading

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English Composition (Writing)

This section tests your writing skills in English. The English Composition syllabus for CBSE Class 8 has the following topics:

c. Formal and Informal Letters

d. Diary Entry

Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE English Class 8 Syllabus 2023-24

In the class 8 cbse english composition syllabus, what are the concepts focused on, what are the readers prescribed in the cbse class 8 english syllabus is important to score well, in the cbse class 8 english syllabus, how many chapters are present in the honeydew textbook.

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  1. Class 8 Essay Topics List for Students & Children

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  2. Essay Writing Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples

    This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts. Essay Writing Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

  3. Essay Writing For Class 8 Format, Topics, Examples

    Here are some popular topics for essay writing for class 8 students: 1. The benefits and drawbacks of social media. 2. The importance of education for a successful career. 3. The impact of technology on society. 4. The effects of climate change on the environment.

  4. Essay Topics, Essay Writing Ideas and Types for English Exam

    CBSE Class 8 English Syllabus; CBSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus; CBSE Class 8 Social Science Syllabus; CBSE Class 9 Syllabus. CBSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus; ... Usually, one essay is asked in the English paper. The essay writing question mainly comes under the writing section and comprises 5 to 10 marks. By having a look at the essays on the below ...

  5. Article Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples

    Each and every question of English grammar exercises for class 8 CBSE with answers have been answered with easy to download solutions in PDF format. Article Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples. An article is an expression of one's thoughts on an issue or a subject logically and coherently written in meaningful ...

  6. Essay Writing For Class 8 Format, Topics, Examples, Exercises

    The formatting guidelines for essay writing for Class 8 are as follows: Use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial, with a font size of 12. Use double spacing throughout the essay. Include a header on each page with the student's name, the title of the essay, and the page number.

  7. Class 8 Essay Topics List for Students & Children

    List of Class 8 Essay Writing Topics for Kids & Children in English. Students who are looking for Class 8 Essay Topics & Ideas can stop your search right away and refer to this section. Here, we have curated the most & frequently asked Essay Writing Topics for Class 8 Students to understand and learn who to write down the imaginary views on the ...

  8. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English (2023-24 Book)

    NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Prose. Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World. Chapter 2 The Tsunami. Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past. Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory. Chapter 5 The Summit Within. Chapter 6 This is Jody's Fawn. Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge.

  9. CBSE Class 8 English Sample Paper-1 with Solutions (2018-19)

    2. CBSE Class 8 English (Honeydew - Poem): The poems described by the CBSE Board in the syllabus of Class 8 English are: The Ant and the Cricket (Poem 1), Geography Lesson (Poem 2), Macavity: The Mystery Cat (Poem 3), The Last Bargain (Poem 4), The School Boy (Poem 5), When I set out for Lyonnesse (Poem 6) and On the Grasshopper and Cricket ...

  10. Description Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and

    Each and every question of English grammar exercises for class 8 CBSE with answers have been answered with easy to download solutions in PDF format. Description Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples. A description is a set of characteristics by which someone or something can be recognised. We can describe people ...

  11. Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 20 Essay Writing

    on October 25, 2023, 6:28 AM. Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 20 Essay Writing. An essay is a detailed piece of writing on a specific subject expressed in the required number of paragraphs. An essay usually has three parts: Introduction - This part of the essay must be short, to the point, neat and informative.

  12. Writing Skills Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    The format of writing skills in Class 8 generally follows a three-part structure: introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section serves a specific purpose in conveying information or presenting arguments. Introduction. The introduction sets the tone and provides a brief overview of the content. It should snare the anthology's attention and ...

  13. CBSE Class 8 English Paragraph Writing

    CBSE Class 8 English Paragraph Writing. 1. An Unexpected Gift. Fourteenth of August is my birthday. Each year I get gifts from my parents on this day. Last time however, I got a very unexpected gift. My father gave me an air ticket, passport and visa. He told me that I was to go to London for a week.

  14. Class 8 English Writing Skills Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    To strengthen their writing skills, Class 8 students should engage in various writing exercises. Here are some exercises they can try: Sentence Construction. Practice constructing grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. Experiment with different sentence structures, lengths, and types.

  15. CBSE Class 8 English: Study Material and Resources

    The CBSE Class 8 English curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of English. The syllabus covers a wide range of topics, including reading comprehension, writing, literature, and grammar. To give your CBSE Class 8 English preparation the boost it needs, schedule Vedantu's demo class today!

  16. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Updated for 2023-24 Exam

    The following list mentions chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 8 English (Honeydew) textbook 2023-24. The Open Window. The Comet — I. The Comet — II. Class 8 students would have a wonderful learning experience from all these NCERT Solutions for Class 8 and prepare them to write the exams effectively.

  17. NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English 2024-25

    CBSE class 8 English paper is divided into two sections of language and literature. The language unit consists of comprehension questions of a total of 20 marks and consists of 3 reading passages. ... Next, there is a writing section divided into notice/article writing, short story writing and letter/diary writing comprising 5, 8 and 7 marks ...

  18. CBSE Class 8 English Writing Skills

    Find the complete information for CBSE Class 8 English Writing Skills. Updated English Writing Skills Syllabus, detailed explanation of each chapter with examples , videos and QnA

  19. NCERT Class 8 English Book Honeydew, It So Happened & Supplementary

    NCERT Books Class 8 English: The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) publishes English textbooks for Class 8.The NCERT Class 8th English textbooks are well known for it's updated and thoroughly revised syllabus. The NCERT English Books are based on the latest exam pattern and CBSE syllabus.

  20. Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English PDF Free Download

    Class 8 English Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World. Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Tsunami. Class 8 English Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past. Class 8 English Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory. Class 8 English Chapter 5 The Summit Within. Class 8 English Chapter 6 This is Jody's Fawn.

  21. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew (2023-24 Book)

    NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew. Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World. Chapter 2 The Tsunami. Chapter 3 Glimpses of the Past. Chapter 4 Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory. Chapter 5 The Summit Within. Chapter 6 This is Jody's Fawn. Chapter 7 A Visit to Cambridge. Chapter 8 A Short Monsoon Diary.

  22. NCERT Solutions Class 8 English PDF Free Download

    NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Poem. Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket. Chapter 2 Geography Lesson. Chapter 3 Macavity: The Mystery Cat. Chapter 4 The Last Bargain. Chapter 5 The School Boy. Chapter 6 The Duck and the Kangaroo. Chapter 7 When I Set Out for Lyonnesse. Chapter 8 On the Grasshopper and Cricket.

  23. CBSE Class 8 English Syllabus for 2023-24

    CBSE Class 8 Syllabus of English covers prose, poetry, grammar, and composition. Knowing the latest syllabus of Class 8 English for the academic year 2023-2024 will make students more confident while writing the exam. English is a scoring subject for Class 8 CBSE students if they have good writing and proper grammatical skills.