UK Fast Food Industry

Executive summary.

UK Fast Food Industry is considered to be a vibrant and ever growing industry which has seen major contributions from major brands and large number of small fast food outlets. It has evolved, grown and has become one of the most culturally and socially diverse set up. Changing eating habits and lifestyles are major factors marking the expansion of the UK Fast Food Industry possible and every year millions of customers enjoy varied tastes and recipes served at fast food restaurants. There have been several researches which were previously carried out to consolidate useful information regarding the UK Fast Food Industry. In a similar manner this report will focus on the major attributes of the UK Fast Food Industry using a marketing tool of Porters Five Forces Model and it will attempt to present important findings regarding the industry, its major players, market shares, diversity in food menus, suppliers’ and customers’ profiles. Moreover, role of food regulatory bodies in the UK will be examined and their impact on the industry’s operations will be discussed.

UK Fast Food Industry – an overview

The inception of fast food industry in the UK could be traced back to the eighteen century when people living in the coastal areas started having oysters and jelly fishes as ready meals. The emergence of Fish & Chips as a popular dish back in the nineteen century actually laid grounds for the booming industry ever since. The industry typically follows the US model for food preparation and presentation and has developed and shared strong shared cultural affiliation with the US. This has allowed customers to experience a common fast food trend on both sides of Atlantic which created a major continuing response from consumers and created a synergy for companies like McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Starbucks etc.

The early years of these companies and many others in the UK were marked by huge turnout of customers who rushed to these quick service restaurants to experience the idea which was imported from the US and something that was going to influence their lifestyles and food habits forever. This rapid change in the UK food industry as suggested by Guthman (2003) could be viewed as ‘McDonaldisation’ of the UK society that accepted food culture from the US.

The major participants of the UK Fast Food Industry are all the famous major fast food chains and a large proportion constitutes of regional chains, restaurants, kiosks, drive ins. There is a great variety of food served in these outlets including American, British, Chinese, Indian, Vegetarian and Italian dishes and variations. Different regions of the UK also have slight variations in taste and way of presenting food. Every year a large number of tourists visit British Islands from different parts of the world that creates a high demand for fast food and the industry is flourishing as the demand for quicker, tastier and juicier foods is not slowing down any time sooner.

The UK fast food industry including coffee shops was worth £11.63bn in 2007 indicating a 4.28% rise over 2006 (Just-Food 2008). Despite of the slowdown in the economy and overall lesser consumer spending in 2008 and McDonalds recorded highest number of sales with 88 million customers visiting its stores which was up by 10 million customers compared to 2007(Hawkes 2008)

Despite of many decades of successful business by fast food companies in the UK there has been a recent shift in the trend where consumers are becoming cautious and concerned regarding the food served at these fast food chains and outlets. The major criticism has been from health experts who claim that individuals suffering from obesity have high intakes of fast food (Richardson and Aguiar 2004). A report published in UK Newspaper Telegraph concluded that seven largest fast food chains of the UK are not doing sufficient to inform their customers regarding the affects of the food they serve on their health (Allen 2008).

Porters Five Forces Model

The UK Fast Food Industry can be evaluated for determining its various elements and factors affecting its participants using a simple marketing tool of Porters Five Forces Model (Porter 1980).

Degree of Rivalry

The UK Fast Food Industry is not just limited to big names and restaurant chains but there is a tough competition from small restaurants, kiosks and even retail superstores that are serving ready cook meals. The top slab of the market consists of brands such as McDonalds, KFC, Starbucks, Pizza Hut and Burger King. They share the biggest proportion of the market and implement continuous and extensive branding strategies which benefit them in terms of higher sales and higher customer turnover. The degree of rivalry between major fast food chains is tough and rigorous but McDonalds remains ahead and often blamed to be involved in unethical spying on its competitors (Meek 2001) Also as the UK government endorsed a message for the public to avoid fast food items causing obesity the trend in eating habits has been shifting to healthier and greener foods. This allowed small restaurants and super markets carrying big names of well known chefs to create a newer market which enjoys high profit margins with a strategy mostly targeted at the niche market. In addition to these ethnic restaurants do have major business particularly in major cities of the UK which are able to attract enthusiastic customers who like to taste different flavors. On the whole the rivalry is majorly classified between players serving different market segments. However, as more people are attracted towards slow down foods the competition is likely to expand its base.

Supplier Power

The suppliers of raw material for the fast food industry in the UK have very strong presence and affiliation with sellers. Leading fast food companies including McDonalds have suppliers in other countries which makes them dependent upon the factors affecting economies of those countries. In the UK there are large food suppliers which have made strong agreements to supply daily requirements of restaurants. In addition to these there are local wholesale markets from which small restaurants can purchase supplies at lower prices (Ryder and Fearne 2003).

Buyer Power

According to a research conducted by covering major fast food brands such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger King & Pizza Hut suggests that the UK Fast Food Industry is not moving as quickly to adapt to the changes in the consumer choice. There has been increasing change in the eating concepts and people are seeking healthier foods which are not available at most of the fast food outlets. Some of the fast food suppliers have realized the potential in this by adding new items on the menu list. However, there is still a need to do lots more by these companies. Food regulatory bodies such as DEFRA in the UK are also playing major role in educating public regarding the negative impacts on their health and further promoting food safety and sustainable environment affected by the food chain (DEFRA 2009). The prices of food items are controlled by the UK government to ensure that buyers are not charged high prices. Fast food vendors are often blamed by the society for not doing enough to stop litter on the streets as more than 80% of takeaway garbage comes from major fast food outlets and local restaurants and takeaways (Fernandez 2009) and the government is pushing these companies to prevent such widespread of waste. There is also a large number of tourists visiting the UK islands who prefer their local tastes or brands amongst restaurants.

Threats of Substitutes

The switching costs in fast food industry are negligible which allows consumers to try out different brands and flavors. Fast food industry suggested by the theme it follows does not have binding effect on its customers and they move freely between different vendors easily accessible to them. As understood the UK fast food industry is bifurcated into different food categories and services offered. Consumers are observed to switch between brands on a regular basis. The companies invest heavily in the several social programs and affiliate themselves with major sports in the UK to continue their linkage with their customers. Fewer market segments are easily differentiated based on their ethnic background and their customers are easily identifiable. However, amongst the leading fast food companies the differentiation between products is somewhat difficult however consumers’ do build loyal relationship with certain product / brand names such as Whooper ® of Burger King and Big Mac ® of McDonalds (AllExperts 2009).

Barriers to Entry

The barriers to entry vary according to the market segments within the industry. It has been observed that due to the nature of business models which resembles to duopoly (Toivanen and Waterson 2001) major companies follow the entry into that market segment is somewhat difficult for new comers. The competition between these companies is intense and a new company will find it very hard to penetrate in similar markets that these companies are catering to. Also the companies are able to generate variable profit in their outlets which makes it more difficult for new entrants. However, lower down in the market levels the competition is ever increasing with new comers in the form of regional chains of restaurants, individual restaurants, pubs, kiosks, mobile food vans etc. At these levels the barriers to entry are almost invisible due to which they are able to do good business throughout the year. Also there is plenty of room for those which can fill in the expectation gap that is created as major fast food companies fail to meet consumer demand for healthier food (Richardson and Aguiar 2004).

From the above analysis using Porter’s Five Forces Model important characteristics of the UK Fast Food Industry and elements contributing to its expansion are summarized. The UK Fast Food Industry is considered to be divided into well placed market segments with variations in food menu and pricing. All market segments face a unique set of challenges and the competition between them is tough. Also the major factors and conditions in the market are identified in this report which suggest long term growth expectations for the fast food industry despite of tougher regulations by the UK government regarding the quality of food and other hazards caused by companies in the industry on the society as a whole. Furthermore, it is less likely that the fast food companies will face any problems in the UK for years to come in light of their involvement in the UK society contributing to huge number of jobs for the public and tax collection.

List of References

Allen, N 2008,   Fast-food meals have a whole day’s worth of fat or salt.

AllExperts 2009, Fast food. Web.

DEFRA 2009, Food and drink . Web.

Fernandez, C 2009,  McDonald’s responsible for 29% of all Britain’s takeaway litter.

Guthman, J 2003, ‘Fast food/organic food: reflexive tastes and the making of yuppie chow’. Social & Cultural Geography , 45 – 58.

Hawkes, S 2008, New hunger for old favourites gets McDonald’s back in shape. Web.

Just-Food 2008, Fast food & home delivery outlets.

Meek, J 2001, May 16, Clowning around.

Porter, M 1980, Competitive Strategy, New York: Free Press.

Richardson, J and Aguiar, L K 2004, Consumer Change in Fast Food Preference, IFAMA Annual Conference 2004, College Station, Texas: International Food and Agribusiness Management Association.

Ryder, R and Fearne, A 2003, ‘Procurement best practice in the food industry: supplier clustering as a source of strategic competitive advantage’, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal , 12-16.

Toivanen, O and Waterson, M 2001, Market structure and entry: Where’s the beef? Discussion Paper, Coventry: University of Warwick, Department of Economics.

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SWOT Analysis of the Fast Food Industry in the UK - Essay Example

SWOT Analysis of the Fast Food Industry in the UK

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  • Author: jalen95

Extract of sample "SWOT Analysis of the Fast Food Industry in the UK"

The difference between fast food items and casual restaurants is blurred by many people over the time. Fast food has existed in the UK, since the Roman times. Here fast food is considered as meat pies and anything which is fried or battered. The number of fast food restaurants has increased during the past few years and has 25 per cent of fast food restaurants in the world. Fast food recipes have been adopted from other cultures, such as Pizzas, Noodles and Kebabs. (Fast Food Factsheet) A major strength for this industry is the growing market.

There are a lot of aspects of the market which can be covered and not many people have ventured into these markets. Also, once a customer is hooked onto fast food, not many other types of food taste good to him. He keeps coming back, thus brand loyalty is high in the fast food industry. The variety of fast food available makes this industry more attractive to the owners and the consumers. Eating out is not only about having food anymore, it is getting to know about other cultures and mixing around.

An individual can not possibly cook so many cuisines; the concept of fast food makes it possible for everyone to try something new. The prices are also not very high, which enables people from all backgrounds to be able to enjoy this food. Globalization has enable restaurant owners to diversify themselves by providing different types of food to individuals. For example; people are more willing to eat raw fish today than they were twenty years ago. (Stage Model Research) The market for food is very recession proof because of the need to eat on a daily basis and the relatively lower costs just add more to this situation.

Since fast food is not perceived as a luxury item, people are more willing to spend on it and will not think twice about it. (Food & Coffee Franchises) One of the major weaknesses for this industry is that obesity has become a growing problem for the

  • threat of new entrants in fast food industry
  • Cited: 1 times
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United Kingdom Fast Food Industry Commerce Essay

Author Victoria

The Fast Food in the United Kingdom industry profile is an indispensable source for advanced data and research wrapping the junk food industry. It protects complete facts on market structure and its segmentation, market size and segmentation, plus recorded and graphical evaluation of the main element tendencies and competitive record, leading companies and demographic information.

The market anticipate for the junk food industry in UK is to create total results of $2. 6

Billion by the finish of 2013, with an expected complicated annual expansion of 3. 5%. The marketplace is divided in to four sections: Quick Service Restaurants (QSR), Takeaways, Mobile & Block Sellers and Leisure Locations. Intrinsic and Extrinsic environmental factors have a remarkable consequence on fast food industry. Market segmentation in UK is really as leisure (48%), QRS (37. 2%), Eliminate (13. 4%) and road and mobile vendors (0. 9%), (Data monitor-B, 2009).

Purpose and Benefits:

PESTLE analysis is an essential apparatus for understanding hazards allied with market enlargement or turn down and as such the situation, position, capacity and pattern for a small business or corporation. This analysis examines the impact of each of the factors (and their connections with each other) on the business. And identifying opportinity for change assists top-level to give attention to pestle factors which are important and must given the primary concern.

By this analysis, we can certify that what we do is associated favorably with the factors of change which upset our global and also avoid taking action which directs towards malfunctioning and really helps to adapt in a fresh environment.


Political factors.

The regulations of the federal government have greater collision on a business in that particular country. Federal government decision such as deposition, diminution, alteration in things like policy and taxes has adverse influence in organizations founded for the reason that particular country. As well as the taxation insurance policy is 15-17. 5% in UK. Similarly, junk food industry is an inevitable. (G Johnson & K Scholes, 2005)


Corporation taxes is a primary tax which is performed by the government, and organisation or industry pay immediately depending on the profit. 30% is the standard corporation tax place for the business organisations but this rate is merely appropriate to the organisations whose twelve-monthly profit surpasses more than 1, 500, 000. In the entire year, 2010, 21% is requested those organizations that make profit significantly less than 300, 000 per 12 months.

It is and environmental taxes which is enforced because of the dangerous gases it emanates likes skin tightening and in the environment which affects environment. It really is imposed to impact to minimize the emission of gases by the market sectors to protect environment. The Conservatives are planning to impose a carbon taxes on United kingdom businesses in UK.

There should be labelling of genetically modified food as well and health insurance and safety rules from the government sector.


Market value of UK junk food is bid. The marketplace expectation for the junk food industry in UK is to engender total income of $2. 6 billion by the finish of 2013 with an expected sophisticated annual progress of 3. 5%.


This factor affect and has increased impact in every organisations performing in the country. The figure of people unemployed in the united kingdom has plummeted again, giving the jobless rate at 7. 8 %. Employees are perhaps agreeable to simply accept lower salary or shorter time frame stick to their jobs in junk food sectors. (BBC, 2010)

Affect of Inflation:

There are various ways where it affects business sectors. The inflation rate in UK is 5% in 2010 2010. When there is the rise in prices of the products it comes with an undesirable affect on the organisations including the fast food market sectors. Upsurge in inflation push employees to demand higher wages in their working places to be able to maintain their living standard and upsurge in the disposable income. Therefore, companies spend more on labours for well execution of their business. As a result, companies need to enhance their prices or products to keep up the profitability in the business. Recession also leads to increase sales of something of the firms.



Fast food influences a community in many aspects. It really is mainly geared towards the younger edge of the market. According to the census UK inhabitants is maturing and most of the fast food organisations are worried in this sector. So, junk food products are diminishing because people are worried about their health.

Busy Routine:

As we all know that UK has an extremely occupied life - style which has positive influence on the UK food industry by choosing junk food rather than cooking food in their own house for saving their time.

Health and Safeness:

Government are worried about public health and imposed rules on junk food industry that the foodstuffs that contains high sugar, salt or weight problems should be avoided in order to keep healthy life and safety from weight problems. ( M Purcell, 2008) A lot of people are being vegetarianism credited to health issues which affects junk food industry.

Animals right plan:

Fast food key players such as Apple pc Donalds, Burger Ruler, Pizza Hut, KFC etc are the key business for producing and ingestion of food from family pets all over the global. Thus pets right personnel are worried about the maltreatment into the animals that are supplied to the players of the fast industry.


Technology plays a vital role in junk food industries. It increases the speed and will save you time for the successful completion of its performance. For eg: systematic computerised system such as till counters really helps to perform their operation in exact time.

The use of online marketing about their products too has been very successful. The existence of the internet of the firms such as Mac Donald, KFC etc has been very sound factor to stick out in their business. The merchandise that are sent online also assist to a large total improve sales and earnings of the business enterprise.


Food safety act.

The Food Security Act 1990 supplies the framework for many food legislation in Britain. It really is concerned with food protection and consumer safety in Great Britain. The main objectives of this legislation are the following:

To ensure that the food is safe to general population health and provide legality authority to the consumers. For e. g. : a child spills himself/ herself and he/she should be properly cared.

To ensure that the meals is dished up should meet the goals in (quantity and quality) forms

To ensure they advertise and label the product in a proper way which do not mislead consumers.


Fast food outlets have been responsible for high amount of litters and waste materials. For eg: we probably don't think that eating a burger emerges carbon, but it is true that whatever we do we contribute towards the resources we use. The business concerned with safeguard of environment has held, which is "keep Britain Tidy". And they found McDonalds which is in charge of most of the burger wrappers, condiment sachets and cheap straws.

. The litters found in the pavements have been divided one of the all the junk food brands or companies as listed below:

1. McDonald's - 29%

2. Unbranded fish and chips/kebab - 21%

3. Greggs -18%

4. KFC - 8%

5. Subway - 5% and other branded coffee 5%

Ultimately, the analytical tool helped us to comprehend the prons and cons of the junk food industry and their success and inability of the strategy. This analytical tool (PESTLE) helped to find out industry's attractiveness (profit probable) and can be important in general performance.


Porter's five causes is a platform for the industry analysis and strategy development created by Michael E. Porter in 1979. It really is a way of assessing the actual profit of different business which provide the starting point for strategic analysis even profit standards may well not apply.


Despite the populace of UK do not go for fast food, but many of the people plump for it or as consumers. Many of the big players in UK such as Mc Donald, KFC, Burger Ruler. Etc, spend hugely in the fast food industry through advertising and other promotional activities to boost brand image towards consumers because they're the essential area of the business to endure. And contributes to customer loyalty and lessens buying ability.

For e. g. : dairy in the grocery store sector in UK, where there is few sellers' dominance that means few large customers associate for the majority of sales. Thus, buying ability increases.

If such surprise items in fast food industries help to enhance some extent of customer loyalty, nonetheless, buying ability can be strengthened to some extent, low switching cost is insignificant.

In the fast food industry, the buying electric power can be utilized as sensible.


The factors increasing buying ability are the converse to those for buying power. It's very vital for the fast food industry for the constant, reliable way to obtain food with an excellent and low cost which does apply even in the junk food industry. By this we can figure out the dependability of fast food chains. As everybody knows, junk food industry aren't only involved with single type of food nevertheless they can also create profit by other types. Suppliers are the main source of company whenever there are few substitutes, they might also won't work with the firm, and therefore, it is vital for food industry to keep up good romantic relationship with one another to be able to get success.

The leading food industry in UK is 3663 because it surpasses its sales which surpasses 1 billion pound per annum.

For e. g. : superstar basketball players have been successful in elevating their plunder to tremendous levels but leading sports clubs, their potential buyers struggle.


Substitutes are services of products that give you a same benefit to a industry's products. For eg: trains are substitute of cars. Furthermore in junk food industry there are other varieties of food companies as well as food stores, eg: Sainsbury, ASDA, Somerfield, etc provides ready serve their food to the clients.

Fast foods are cheaper. Therefore, the substitutes do not have a power to dominate fast food industry in terms of varied foods and services they provide.

Eventually, the benefit which substitutes have with assessment with their substitutes is that they aid with diversity of products and there is the matter of health and safety towards fast food outlets which has been criticised by general population and government. As a result, substitutes in the whole market propose its consumers with an increase of liberty or alternatives to arrange their fast by providing various amounts of foods. The risk of substitutes has been reached as moderate in fast food industry.

Threats of entrants:

The entry in to the UK junk food market will not entail huge investment. Individuals can go into without recognized brand name. Some companies implement their job as a franchise which enables the franchisee or the investor to help functioning or totally operate an enterprise. The franchisee pays for the cost to the franchisor and produce profit from the business from different strategies used by franchisor. For e. g. Mc Donald's. , have many out lets across the world among them 25, 400 are operates by franchisee.

Although it is not much expensive to perform a fast food industry but there's a hazard to the entrants because there are fundamental players who already established their brand images in front of the consumers. The already existing players are extremely strong founded for the new entrants to compete with (Data monitor-A, 2009).


As we are all concerned about fast food industry that they cover large market and give attention to large part of UK human population so that it has been mushrooming every year.

There is suprisingly low risk of business failing which because of this attracts more new entrants. Former junk food industry wishes to increase their range of outlets as a result they would like to survive on the market for longer time period by employing more employees and execute for longer period. Each industry wants to be better than each with their competition. Therefore, to float in the business, the key thing that the industry needs to maintain is attractiveness, i. e. profitability.

Eventually, UK is mushrooming with fast food industry, in recent globalisation. It isn't much better to enter into the marketplace. There are difficulties in getting into the junk food industry as well opportunities to get success.

Despite the dark cloud on the horizon, junk food industry is one of the most important food shops in the framework of UK.

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Published: Jan 29, 2024

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History and growth of the fast food industry, impact on public health, economic and societal implications, corporate accountability and responsibility, government regulation and intervention.

  • Statista. Fast food industry - statistics & facts.
  • Business Insider. These are the 10 countries that consume the most fast food in the world.
  • CDC. Adult Obesity Facts.
  • Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Food Advertising and Marketing Directed at Children and Adolescents in the US.
  • NELP. Getting by with a little help from our friends: The growth of the fast food industry's labor practices.
  • Climate Reality. Fast Food is Going Green—And That's Good News for the Planet.

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Table of contents, causes of fast food consumption, effects on physical well-being, cultural and societal impact, economic considerations, promoting healthier lifestyles, conclusion: balancing convenience and health.

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  • Story, M., Kaphingst, K. M., Robinson-O'Brien, R., & Glanz, K. (2008). Creating healthy food and eating environments: policy and environmental approaches. Annual Review of Public Health, 29, 253-272.
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The Fast Food Industry, Essay Example

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Present a reasoned argument for and against the fast food industry in the US. You may include the advantages such as economic and social advantages, along with the disadvantages including increases in obesity, types of employment, etc.

Fast food consumption in America has risen over the last decades. Consumers spend a good amount of money on fast food rather than cooking inside the home most of the time(Jekanowski, Binkley, & Eales, 2001). This lends to assumptions and research facts regarding the concept of advantages and disadvantages in the fast food industry.

Advantages of the Industry

Fast Food Businesses

The fast food industry offers advantages to businesses, individual consumers, and the economy in the U.S. Fast food businesses benefit from the industry in the way of profits received from the demand for fast food by the public. Fast food businesses use promotional strategies to increase sales and thus increase their profits. For example, McDonald’s is known for using “in-your-face” strategies that include having McDonald’s restaurants in many different locations where “people live, work, play, or gather”(Jekanowski, Binkley, & Eales, 2001, p. 59). According to an article in Forbes , fast food restaurants have very lucrative per-store profits every year. For instance, Chick-fil-A grosses an average $3.1 million per store each year. McDonald’s is in second place with $2.6 million in sales per store, and Jason’s Deli is in third place with $2.55 million per store(Tice, 2013).

Individual Consumers

While fast food businesses profit from consumer spending on fast food, the individual consumer benefits from the fast food industry in the way of convenience and accessibility. Consumers assess prices of food products, but they also assess the time it takes to obtain the food for consumption. This refers to “time costs incurred when purchasing and consuming food” (Jekanowski, Binkley, & Eales, 2001, p. 60).Time cost is important to consumers and they benefit from fast food because it allows them to get food faster than having to cook it at home. Also, there are so many fast food choices in the U.S. today that it is very accessible, so there is no fear of not having choices when it comes to fast food. Another advantage of the fast food industry for consumers is employment (HNC, 2014).

The Economy

The advantages of the fast food industry for the economy is that it promotes economic development, and consumer spending, which stimulates the economy. This is particularly true because fast food sales in the U.S. contribute to the buy local movement, which impacts the flow of money in the country. This has an economic impact by keeping the economy going. In addition, the economy benefits from the high volume of dollars spent in the fast food industry, because it stimulates currency circulation in the country by which more people can benefit, such as the restaurant owners and workers getting paid to take care of their expenses, families, and lifestyles(Schwartz, 2009).

Disadvantages in the Industry

As stated, the fast food industry also has it disadvantages, which largely affect consumers in the way of health problems that stem from the unhealthy contents of most fast foods. Fast food often has high levels of cholesterol, sodium, Trans fats and saturated fats, which lead to heart disease, obesity and other health issues(HNC, 2014). Eating fast food on the run has replaced traditional sit-down dinners that were cooked at home for the family. Unfortunately, many children are fed fast foods more often than having the benefits of home cooked meals(Jekanowski, Binkley, & Eales, 2001). Additionally, fast food consumption has been proven to contribute to obesity and the health conditions that stem from being obese. Studies show that consuming fast food two or more times a week is associated with a 31% higher risk of abdominal obesity in men and a 25% higher risk in women(Jaworowska, Blackham, Davies, & Stevenson, 2013). Another study by the Journal of the Medical Association (2010) revealed that the obesity rate in the United States has doubled since 1970 until now, which is now one-third of Americans. Additionally, the number of Americans who are overweight but not yet classified as obese is two-thirds of the people in the country(Hojjat, 2015). In other words, 60% of Americans are overweight and 30% have gone past that to obesity.

Health issues resulting from fast food consumption has a negative economic impact on the country, because it is associated with higher health and medical costs. Disease and conditions related to unhealthy diets and obesity raises healthcare and health insurance costs. In addition, it causes increased disability insurance premiums and premature deaths. It also causes work absenteeism and lost productivity in the working sector because people are sick. This is due to individual decisions to make unhealthy choices with poor diets and lack of exercise and other unhealthy life behaviors(Hojjat, 2015).

The fast food industry is both a blessing and a curse, it seems, as there are some advantages; however, the disadvantages seem to outweigh the advantages to individuals and the economy, as it pertains to healthcare costs. This is particularly true when the disadvantages affect the nation’s children. Research shows that the fast food industry has attempted to change some menu items to healthier choices, but the problems outlined here remain(Jaworowska, Blackham, Davies, & Stevenson, 2013).

HNC. (2014). Pros and Cons of Fast Food . Retrieved from

Hojjat, T. A. (2015). The Economic Analysis of Obesity. Review of Business & Finance Studies, 6 (1), 81-98.

Jaworowska, A., Blackham, T., Davies, I. G., & Stevenson, L. (2013, May). Nutritional challenges and health implications of takeaway and fast food. Nutrition Reviews, 71 (5), 310-318.

Jekanowski, M. D., Binkley, J. K., & Eales, J. (2001). Convenience, Accessibility, and the Demand for Fast Food. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 26 (1), 58-74.

Schwartz, J. D. (2009, June 11). Buying Local: How It Boosts the Economy . Retrieved from Time:,8599,1903632,00.html

Tice, C. (2013). Million-Dollar Burger — The Most Lucrative Fast-Food Restaurants . Retrieved from Forbes:

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Fast Food Industry in the US

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According to studies conducted in the last 30 years, America continues to lead other countries in the consumption of fast food. Indeed, it is no secret that the country has the largest industry in the world offering fast food to people in over 120 countries (Burstein 34). In the U.S., it is estimated that an average person eats more than three meals from a fast food joint in one week.

Most people rely on fast food because of the positive benefits associated with their consumption. However, rarely will people pause to reflect on the negative effects of eating such meals.

Although the fast food industry has numerous benefits to individuals and the economy, it has nonetheless several challenges that need urgent attention. This paper will discuss the fast food industry in the US with an emphasis on the positive as well as the negative impacts it has on American economy.

The fast food industry has placed America on the world map. The talk about burgers, hotdogs has become the iconic chat of the American culture. Indeed, it has made popular the lifestyle of America in the midst of other nations. In addition, the industry has been of immense benefit to the U.S economy.

According to Schlosser, “Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars” (Schlosser 3). The industry had improved a great deal compared to what it was in 1945, when “cars, education, and farming were the largest sectors of the economy” (Schlosser 4). It is estimated that the fast food sector has created not less than 3.5 million jobs for American citizens.

The fast food industry has transformed towns, from small ones to busy cities. For example, the growth of Anaheim, from a small town to a huge and busy city, has been attributed to the advent of fast food. Another benefit of the industry is that it has rejuvenated competition within itself. Ray Kroc referred top the fast food industry as “the American way of survival of the fittest” (Schlosser 37).

This shows that, at its peak, the industry has created intense rivalry. This spirit of competition has been healthy for the American economy in that it has produced massive employment. In addition, it has helped several businesses to flourish with little risks (Burstein 37).

Despite the economic effects of the fast food industry, there are also numerous challenges that are prevalent in this sector. It has pushed the desire for more production of wheat as well as organic food products. The growth of companies such as ConAgra and IBP, have left many farmers jobless. From an historical background, it is well known that farmers play a key role in food security.

However, the growing number of agricultural companies has done away with the habitual notion of the village farmer and his small farm. From this perspective, it is clear that the fast food industry is slowly changing the American way of life (Jakle and Sculle 22).

The American culture has become a lazy one. Currently, many expectations are placed on households. This pushes people to spend long hours in their places of work or in family or other related commitments, all, which require peoples’ attention. Based on such demands of modern-day life, many people consider fast food convenient (Wilk, 12).

As a result, people are now living a lifestyle that can be christened as “a convenience culture” (Mooij and Mooij 324). Indeed, it is a fact that convenience has become the driving force behind many decisions. Therefore, as households spend more time on business or family related activities, fast food becomes an option as it saves time and energy.

However, the idea of convenience is diminished by the lazy culture that has infiltrated the American people. The time one takes to prepare a meal can contribute to exercising ones muscles. Nowadays, some people even purchase their meals from inside their cars (Lankford 8).

Another significant observation on fast food is that it has seen a dramatic increase in obesity cases. Foods such as burgers have high levels of fat. In addition, soft drinks that accompany fast food meals are saturated with sugar. These are taken in abundance in American society, and are the leading causes of obesity. Obesity is the newest killer threat in America, as it comes along with other health complications.

In conclusion, the fast food industry has been growing at a very fast rate in the American society. Many people cite convenience as a reason why they prefer fast food to traditional ones. As highlighted above, the negative effects of these foods are adverse. An obese nation is a lazy nation. Children are becoming obese at a very tender age, increasing chances of contracting diseases such as heat attack and diabetes.

The economic consequences of treating these diseases cannot be empathized. As discussed above, the industry is a key player in stimulating the economy.

However, it is also important to question the rationale of earning a decent salary, while at the same time sending people to graves at a very young age due to diseases that can be avoided. It is important that people are educated on the need to prepare their meals and take balanced diet. Education is the key to a healthy living, and this can mitigate the negative effects from this industry.

Works Cited

Burstein, John. Fast Food: Slowing Us All Down. New York: Crabtree Publishing Company, 2008. Print.

Jakle, John and Sculle Keith. Fast Food: Roadside Restaurants in the Automobile Age. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2007. Print.

Lankford, Ronnie. Junk Food. Michigan: Gale, 2010. Print.

Mooij, Marieke and Mooij, K. Marieke. Consumer Behavior and Culture: consequences for global marketing. New York: SAGE. Print.

Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006. Print.

Wilk, R. Richard. Fast Food/slow Food: the cultural economy of the global food system. New York: Rowman Altamira., 2009. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 6). Fast Food Industry in the US.

"Fast Food Industry in the US." IvyPanda , 6 June 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Fast Food Industry in the US'. 6 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Fast Food Industry in the US." June 6, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Fast Food Industry in the US." June 6, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Fast Food Industry in the US." June 6, 2019.

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