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20 Must-Read MBA Essay Tips

Business essay tips

Business school admissions committees care about more than (just) your  GMAT scores and GPA —they want to know who you are and why you belong in their program . Your MBA essays are your best chance to sell the person behind the résumé. They should tie all the pieces of your business school application together and create a comprehensive picture of who you are, what you've done, and what you bring to the table.  Here's a roundup of our best MBA essay tips to keep in mind as you begin to write.

How to Write an Unforgettable B-School Essay

1. communicate that you are a proactive, can-do sort of person..

Business schools want leaders, not applicants content with following the herd.

2. Put yourself on ego-alert.

Stress what makes you unique, not what makes you number one.

3. Communicate specific reasons why you're great fit for each school.

Simply stating "I am the ideal candidate for your program" won't convince the admission committee to push you into the admit pile.

Read More: Find Your Business School

4. Bring passion to your writing.

Admissions officers want to know what excites you. And if you'll bring a similar enthusiasm to the classroom.

5. Break the mold.

Challenge perceptions with unexpected essays that say, "There's more to me than you think."

6. If you've taken an unorthodox path to business school, play it up.

Admissions officers appreciate risk-takers.

7. Talk about your gender, ethnicity, minority status or foreign background....

But only if it has affected your outlook or experiences.

8. Fill your essays with plenty of real-life examples.

Specific anecdotes and vivid details make a much greater impact than general claims and broad summaries.

9. Demonstrate a sense of humor or vulnerability.

You're a real person, and it's okay to show it!

BONUS: Don't Make These MBA Essay Mistakes

1. write about your high school glory days. .

Admissions committees don't care if you were editor of the yearbook or captain of the varsity team. They expect their candidates to have moved onto more current, professional achievements.

2. Submit essays that don't answer the questions.

An off-topic essay, or one that merely restates your résumé, will frustrate and bore the admissions committee. More importantly, it won't lead to any new insight about you.

Attend UNC's top-ranked online MBA program without putting your career on hold. See how.

3. Fill essays with industry jargon.

Construct your essays with only enough detail about your job to frame your story and make your point.

4. Reveal half-baked reasons for wanting the MBA.

Admissions officers favor applicants who have well-defined goals. However unsure you are about your future, it's critical that you demonstrate that you have a plan.

5. Exceed the recommended word limits.

This suggests you don't know how to follow directions, operate within constraints or organize your thoughts.

6. Submit an application full of typos and grammatical errors.

A sloppy application suggests a sloppy attitude.

7. Send one school an essay intended for another—or forget to change the school name when using the same essay for several applications.

Admissions committees are (understandably) insulted when they see another school's name or forms.

8. Make excuses.

If your undergraduate experience was one long party, be honest. Discuss how you've matured, both personally and professionally.

9. Be impersonal in the personal statement.

Many applicants avoid the personal like the plague. Instead of talking about how putting themselves through school lowered their GPA, they talk about the rising cost of tuition in America. Admissions officers want to know about YOU.

Read More: How to Ace Your MBA Interview

10. Make too many generalizations.

An essay full of generalizations is a giveaway that you don't have anything to say.

11. Write in a vacuum.

Make sure that each of your essays reinforce and build on the others to present a consistent and compelling representation of who you are, what you've done, and what you bring to the table.

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How to write powerful MBA essays that actually work

How to write MBA essays

Candidates often wonder what it takes to write strong MBA essays that work. It can be a scary and confusing process. Let’s try to figure out a step-by-step process to write a great MBA essay.

For many of us, writing an essay brings back memories of a hot, stuffy classroom on a sleepy summer afternoon, a strict English teacher keeping watch with hawk-like eyes, a mostly blank sheet of paper with the words “My Best Friend” written on top.

And in the middle of it all, you looking desperately at your friend seated next to you, hoping for some inspiration to strike. Or at the very least, for the school bell to strike, lest the English teacher see your as-yet blank sheet of paper and strike first.

In other words, you think of essays as boring. Perhaps even traumatizing, depending on how strict your English teacher was, and how inspiring your best friend was.

We’re here to tell you that that’s not what an essay should be.

An essay should be educating, entertaining, inspiring, thrilling, humorous, and heartbreaking.

Basically, anything but boring.

So if you’re writing boring essays, or if you think essays are boring, you’re doing them wrong.

What is the purpose of writing an MBA essay?

Everybody has seen The Wolf of Wall Street . Remember that famous scene where Leonardo di Caprio pulls out a pen from his coat pocket and tries to sell it to a spellbound, captivated audience hanging on to every word of his?

That’s how an essay should be.

Instead of the pen, you’re trying to sell your story. Your audience is the MBA admissions committee of your dream B-school, and at stake is your MBA dream.

But first, a word of caution – channelling your inner wolf of Wall Street does not mean that you throw form and formality to the wind. This is a B-school, and you’re still expected to wear a suit and tie.

An essay could be like a piece of classical music with multiple layers that merge seeamlessly. Or it could be like hip-hop with a catchy vibe and an impactful message.

But if you can demonstrate that you possess an aesthetic palette eclectic enough to accommodate both Beethoven and Busta Rhymes, that is impressive.

If however, you’re more of a Bollywood and Bhangra person with no appreciation or flair for classical music or hip-hop, you can still write a rocking MBA essay.

The point being, there’s no formula to create successful MBA essays. But you can still improve your odds of creating an essay that you’re proud of, if you follow these simple tips.

Here are 6 steps to writing an impressive MBA essay.

  • Start early
  • Understand the MBA essay prompts
  • Demonstrate your fit with the MBA program
  • Stick to the word count
  • Add a little X factor to it
  • Get someone to look over your essay

Let’s delve into each of them to understand the finer nuances.

How to write powerful MBA essays

1. start early.

Writing takes time. A slow cooked dish brings out the flavors of the food being cooked by allowing the spices to percolate, the aromas to emerge, and the textures to develop.

It’s the same with writing.

You need to let the thoughts in your head marinate on low simmer for days for them to develop into well-formed sentences that will delight your reader. Even if you think you’ve got it all sorted out in your head, putting it on paper is a different challenge altogether.

You’ll need a few days of contemplation to come up with points you want to put in. Jot these down as they strike you. Next, brainstorm with friends, foes, family – anyone willing to provide feedback, and whose judgement you trust.

Next, organize your ideas in a structured framework. What this means, in plain English, is that you need to be able to weave your ideas into a story your readers would love.

No, you don’t need a degree in creative writing to be able to do that.

It’s actually pretty simple. Every story has 3 parts – a beginning, a middle, and an end. In theater and film-making jargon, this is called the 3-act structure.

Act 1 is the set-up.

This is where we get to meet the protagonist (you!), and what is called the “inciting incident”, which is something that incites our protagonist into action. ( the need to do an MBA/ get into your dream B-school)

At this point, the stage is set for an exciting journey. The reader is now expecting an adventure of Tolkien-esque proportions. ( we’re kidding, this is an MBA application, not the Lord of the Rings)

Act 2 is the conflict

This is where our protagonist runs into challenges and obstacles. Their attempt to overcome these is the beating heart of the story. It’s the action that the reader started reading the story for, in the first place.

In your MBA essay, this is where you explain why you want to do an MBA, and why specifically from the B-school you are applying to, and how this will help you in achieving your career goals.

Act 3 is the resolution

This is the happy ending of the story. This is where you tie all the lose ends together, and the reader realizes that the protagonist has been transformed by the quest.

Remember that the journey from act 1 to act 3 is not any series of random actions strung together – it needs to be transformative. At the end of the story both the protagonist and the reader of the story get a sense of a change that has happened.

In the case of MBA essay, what this means is that your essay should convey a clear sense of how the MBA (and only this particular MBA from this particular school) will help you overcome the challenges you foresee in your career, and will thus be transformative.

Also keep in mind, that while it is important for your essay to be engaging, this does not mean by any stretch of imagination, that you invent incidents merely to spice things up. Always state facts and facts only.

Remember, facts are stranger than fiction, and the simplest stories are the most beautiful The novelist John Updike once said that the purpose of art is to give the mundane its beautiful due.

Any story can be made beautiful and exciting with the 3-step act. The journey of the caterpillar from egg to butterfly is a classic 3-step act.

There is no need to go chasing fantastic beasts and inventing imaginary islands; all the magic ingredients you need to write that rockstar MBA essay are already within you in the form of your own unique and wonderful life journey. Let the world hear it.

In the interest of time, some applicants may be tempted to use ChatGPT to write their MBA essays. Find out what should and shouldn’t be done if you are planning to use it, here .

2. Understand the MBA essay prompts

Most things in life come with user manuals. It’s the same with B-school essays.

Your school will usually provide instructions of what kind of essays they want, and what they are looking for in an essay. Make sure you follow these instructions to a T.

For instance, some B-schools might want one long essay, while others might want two to three shorter essays.

Often the essay would come with a question, or an essay statement, such as “state your short-term and long-term career goals, or “why do you want to pursue an MBA at this particular stage in your career”, and so on.

Pay close attention to what is being asked as what you write will depend on the question.

Unfortunately, most of us have a habit of tossing the user manual into trash unopened, and then call customer care when we can’t figure out how to operate the washing machine. Let this not be the case with your MBA essay.

Here’s an introduction to the most commonly used MBA essay questions

Why MBA now? MBA Essay question: Why this school? Long-term and short-term career goals essay Leadership in MBA essays Optional MBA essays – Career failure essay – career break , education gap, low GPA or any other aspects.

3. Demonstrate your fit with the MBA program

This is an exercise you need to perform as much for your own benefit, as for the admission committee’s. First and foremost, convince yourself that the particular MBA program is exactly what you need to meet your career goals.

Because MBAs are expensive, and confirmation bias is real.

Just because someone put it into our heads when we were 16 that xyz is a great B-school, it is entirely possible that we will psych ourselves into believing that this school is the perfect fit for us, even if it is not.

Then, at the other end of the spectrum are the cases where we just want to get into any B-school at all, and never really give a good thought into why we want to do an MBA.

If you’ve got USD 150,000 lying around the house, and all you want is to make more money, you’d be better off opening a post office savings account and living off the 7.5% interest you get on it.

An MBA is a different beast. It’ll take from you not just your money, but also two years off the prime of your life, a lot of energy (read pulling off all-nighters trying to crack case studies and making presentations), and time spent away from your loved ones.

If you’re going to be investing all this into an MBA, you need to be very sure of two things – why you want to do an MBA, and why you want to do it from the particular school you are applying to.

Once you have it all figured out, put it down in your MBA application. Remember, if you’re not convinced yourself, you will most certainly not be able to convince the admissions committee either.

Our MBA MAP process is a helpful tool used by many applicants to select the right business schools.

Read this: – How to write business school specific MBA essays – How to evaluate ‘Fit’ with MBA program

4. Stick to the word count

There’s an old bit of Jewish wisdom which says that a proverb has 3 characteristics – few words, good sense, and a fine image.

While the adage may be about proverbs, it is the hallmark of all good writing.

There’s a reason people remember proverbs but forget stories. Proverbs speak to us less with words, and more with sense and images.

Word counts exist for a reason. One of which, of course, is that admissions committees have to wade through a ton of applications, and their time is limited.

But, equally importantly, a word count tests your ability to communicate ideas effectively. If you can’t get your message across in a 1000 words, you definitely will not get it across in 10,000.

And a good manager is nothing if not a good communicator. So take the word count of your essay as another test that you must pass on your way to your dream B-school.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you obsessively start counting words after every sentence you type. A margin of (+/-) 5% to 10% is acceptable in most cases.

But even if the b-school’s online application form does not enforce a hard cut-off, we’d recommend erring on the conservative side and staying below the word count.

Try to fit in all you need to say within this. You really don’t need anything more than that to tell your story. You’re writing an essay, not an autobiography.

Oscar Wilde famously said that brevity is the soul of wit, and we have since come to accept that brevity is pretty much the soul of most forms of communication, MBA essays included. Be frugal with your words and fathomless in your meaning.

Read: How important is the word count for MBA essays

5. Add a little X factor to it

This one is a little difficult to pin down, since what this X factor means will differ from one candidate to another.

That little magic dust that you sprinkle on your application to make it stand out from the crowd.

This become more important when you’re fighting in very competitive applicant pools and your resume doesn’t have much that automatically grabs the admission officer’s attention.

Here are some examples of what you can look at.

A small aspect of your life-story that you may have overlooked could provide that X factor that converts a regular story into a memorable masterpiece.

Or it could be related to your extracurricular activities where you achieved or experienced something remarkable.

Or it could be your unique writing style, or the way you use analogies to bring your ideas to life.

With the right, structured introspection, you’ll find that there are several avenues to highlight that makes the essays unmistakably reflect the real you.

This is one of the reasons we strongly discourage MBA applicants from using sample MBA essays that worked for others.

At first glance, they may look impressive to a new applicant, but they weren’t designed for recycling.

Using sample MBA essays will kill the uniqueness of your essays and consequently the crucial X factor.

Read why sample MBA essays don’t work .

Before we share our 6th and final tip, let’s first delve a little into the reasons we kept it for the end.

Despite their best efforts, even the strongest applicants tend to make mistakes in their application. We invited a special guest from a top school to list them down.

Top 5 mistakes to avoid while writing MBA essays

By rebecca loades, director, career accelerator programs, esmt berlin.

Essay writing tips

Unfortunately, the following 5 mistakes are all too common:

  • Not being authentic . No matter how qualified you may be on paper, authenticity counts. The biggest mistake we see is when applicants tell us what they think we want to hear, rather than showing us who they actually are.
  • Not answering the question or going beyond the word count . There’s a reason we ask the questions we do and limit the word count. Ignoring the prompt makes you stand out for the wrong reasons
  • Not trying . You might have stellar credentials and a super high test score but that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a place. Being successful in an MBA program requires more than pure academics. The essays are where you can help us see beyond your CV so that we get a sense of you, the unique perspective you will bring, and what you want to achieve.
  • Spelling and grammar errors . Spellcheck is there for a reason, use it! Ditto for making sure that you’ve spelled the school’s name properly and/or are calling us by our name vs the last business school you applied to.

  With that context, it becomes apparent why this final tip is so important.  

6. Get someone to look over your essay

Once you’re done writing, take a break and get some one you trust to have a look at your essay.

Having a fresh set of eyes go over your writing is always helpful. This is the reason why editors even exist.

Even the most gifted writers – the madcap literary geniuses and the Nobel Prize winners – relied on editors to polish their rough drafts into the enduring literary classics we know them as today.

The thing with writing is that when you’ve been living with the ideas in your head for so long, and then you begin the long, slow, painful process of putting those ideas on paper, you become just too familiar with them to be your own critic.

Those words have been a part of you for so long, you can no longer tell whether they’re good or bad.

It’s like how when we stare at a screen too long without blinking we begin to see the fine pixels and dots that make up the picture, but lose sight of the picture itself?

That sort of a thing.

A good editor can make that draft shine like a lapidary polishes a rough diamond to brilliance.

A “good editor” does not mean you need to get in touch with the New York Times to ask if they can loan out their literary editor for a day.

Here’s a candidate who got a USA MBA admit despite a big mistake in application .

A friend or a mentor with the experience and knowledge of the admissions process can help.

If you don’t have anyone like that in your life, and if all this sounds a little overwhelming, consider hiring a good MBA application consultant .

MBA Crystal Ball has highly experienced admission consultants who can help you polish your application. Read more about our MBA essay editing services .

Drop us an email when you’re ready: info [at] mbacrystalball [dot] com

That’s all folks. Make sure you follow these steps, and we’re confident that you will be able to write an amazing MBA essay that with the potential to impress the admissions committee and to get you that elite MBA seat that could change your life.   Also read: – Top MBA application tips – Sample Harvard Stanford MBA essays using ChatGPT

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Personal MBA Coach

Essay Editing Services

As you are preparing to apply to MBA programs, our personalized MBA admissions essay editing and crafting service will ensure that your essays contribute as much value as they can to your applications, allowing your story to shine, increasing your chances of acceptance and helping you obtain the highest scholarships in the industry.

Schedule a Consultation

Personalized MBA Essay Consulting

Start your essay-writing process by working alongside Personal MBA Coach’s founder, Scott Edinburgh, or a former MBA admissions director who will help position your essays in the context of your whole application. We will make sure you have the support you need — from choosing essay topics that bring out your best qualities to very detailed editing — allowing you to develop essays that will impress the most discerning admissions director.

At Personal MBA Coach, our essay consulting services include:

mba essay editing

Essay Topic Brainstorming

No matter which top business school you are applying to, you will work with your MBA admissions consultant who will brainstorm topics and storyboard with you based on the most important elements of your singular personal and professional voyage, highlighting your values, accomplishments and complexities.

Our admissions consultants have the school-specific insider knowledge to help you select and develop topics that maximize your singular experiences and point of view while also addressing the school’s selection priorities. While the essay will be your own, we take the time to help you make detailed decisions about which content will distinguish your essays while providing essential information about you to the admissions committee.

Proprietary Essay Guides

Personal MBA Coach has developed proprietary essay guides for all top schools. After brainstorming essay topics, you will receive a detailed guide to reference as you draft your essays, which provides specific directions regarding how to approach each essay component. These guides go well beyond any guidance that is publicly available.

Schedule an Initial Consultation

Experience top MBA essay editing services with our comprehensive packages. At Personal MBA Coach, we have been helping our clients for over 16 years and have a 96% success rate. Last year our clients earned over $10M in scholarships.

Ready to begin your admissions process? Reach out today to  schedule a free 30-minute consultation .

MBA Essay Editing

Once you start writing, we review each essay as many times as necessary. Our MBA admissions essay editing includes honest feedback about the quality of your essays along with detailed in-line edits to help you refine your work and make sure you are fully answering the essay prompts. Your editor, who holds a PhD or a master’s degree from a leading university, will be in regular communication with your consultant.

They will push you to ensure that each essay tells a compelling story and expresses what you bring to the table to the fullest, while confirming that your essays include the information admissions directors are looking for. Finally, your editor will address any grammar and spelling mistakes before passing your essays to one of our proofreaders for a final review.

You will receive feedback within two days, seven days a week, ensuring your essay is ready for final submission and has what it takes to wow the application reviewers.

Pre- and Post- Interview Essay Editing

As part of our MBA admissions application services, we offer pre- and post-interview essay consulting to help with additional essays or reflections required pre-interview or post-interview by business schools such as MIT Sloan or Harvard.

We will provide guidance on topics and edit any additional application components to ensure quality, consistency and overall application excellence.

Video Essay Planning and Feedback

Many MBA programs, including Yale SOM, Kellogg, INSEAD and MIT Sloan require a video essay submission. To prepare, you will get the opportunity to practice sample video questions and have them reviewed through Personal MBA Coach’s video essay review services. With the software you need and guidance on how to use it, we will provide you with reviews of the video topics as well as feedback on your practice recordings to help you perfect your delivery and make sure the video complements the other parts of your application.

By the time you upload your final polished video or sit down to complete your video interview, your delivery will be confident and you will show off the full well-roundedness of your candidacy.

Benefits of Personalized Essay Consulting Services

At Personal MBA Coach, we understand that you have a lot to balance as a professional. This is why our one-on-one support is personalized both to your story and schedule. We will take the time to learn more about your life, motivations and goals to develop an essay consulting approach that works best for you.

With professional support and resources, you can clearly identify your objectives and move through each stage of the application process with confidence. Our comprehensive package, which includes essay consulting services and more, will equip you to succeed.

Find out why we are consistently ranked #1. Sign up for a 30-minute consultation today!

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We have over 200 5 Star Reviews. Find out WHY!

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Ellin Lolis Consulting

MBA Essay Editing Services To Help You Get Accepted

Cut through the noise. Tell your story. Get accepted.

Struggling With Your MBA Essays?


Are you almost finished with your essays but are still worried about them not being perfect enough to send?

Do you worry that your writing is just not good enough for the top rated MBA program?

Are you concerned you’re making grammar and spelling mistakes?

Do you worry that you are being too pushy, artificial—or missing your chosen programs’ values?

Do you know how to use storytelling to really stand out?

Is your story getting lost in translation and losing impact?

Turn your essay from average to attention-grabbing and impress the adcom.

Docs we can help with.

The MBA application process is challenging and requires time and proper preparation. You need to craft several outstanding documents to complete this stage, including your CV, recommendations, essays, and transcripts.

The stronger each element of your application is the higher your chance of being admitted. We can help.


Personal Statement

Personal statements can be challenging. Not only do you need to have a clear focus and flow but you also need to choose stories that simultaneously highlight your accomplishments and the unique things that make you you.

Our editors are experts and ensuring this part of your application aligns with your Statement of Purpose and really makes you shine!


Statement of Purpose

We have extensive experience helping Master’s and Ph.D. applicants from around the world write personal statements that perfectly clarify their career aspirations and study goals.

Our tailored approach has helped clients land spots at schools like Stanford, Harvard, and the London School of Economics.


Creative Essays

In today’s highly competitive world of elite admissions, you’re often required to write essays on more creative prompts to show the admissions committees what you bring to the table beyond an exceptional track record and clear goals.

With decades of experience, our team of editors can help you craft the perfect essay and strike the balance between content and style.


Cover Letters

In addition to admissions essays, we have extensive experience helping clients put their best foot forward when applying to jobs at some of the world’s most competitive companies.

Our Cover Letter editing service adapts your story to the specific job you’re applying to ensure you get an interview.


Letters of Recommendation

Many times, recommenders just aren’t sure how to write you a letter of recommendation that truly helps you stand out from the crowd.

We have extensive experience working directly with your recommender to guide them in writing a recommendation letter that really wows the admissions committee.


Whether you’re applying for a degree program or for your dream job, your résumé will be the first impression you make.

Ensuring your CV is perfect, from the formatting to the bullet points to the overall strategy, is the key to turning your plans into reality.

Award-winning Editors

Flawless edits every time, 98.9% client success rate, paul divet, admitted to hbs and gsb, elisa h., admitted to columbia, tatiana theoto, admitted to hbs, mateus loesch, admitted to berkeley haas, your path to flawless mba doc starts here, your essay is so much more than proper grammar.

When you think of editing, you probably have an image in mind that includes correcting grammar mistakes, polishing phrasing, emphasizing clarity, and ensuring your text meets all length requirements. While these elements – what we call technical editing – are an essential part of writing great essays, our editing services go far beyond that.

Our secret? Developmental editing! While we see it as the baseline of our job to correct your text for errors, developmental editing is how we can help you go above and beyond so that your writing can compete with that of your peers around the globe. Our developmental editing services not only help you decide what to highlight in your essays so that you present a consistent brand to the admissions committee but also show you how to do this in your voice through multiple revisions of your work. To help you develop your text, our editors investigate all the elements of your story to make sure that everything is clear, no essential detail is missing, and nothing is superfluous. Beyond that, our editing services help you find the thread that connects your experiences with your values and future ambitions and make sure it is clear throughout your draft. By helping you choose and structure your most powerful narrative, our iterative process can help you craft a text that does the job: persuade the admissions committee that you belong in their coveted program.

Clients Who Choose Us Get Accepted To Most Competitive Programs

Our attention to detail and award-winning team helped Alexandre Santiago secure his spot in the Kellogg Executive MBA program.

Just like Alexandre, you can get accepted, too. Let us help you stand out from thousands of business school applicants worldwide so you can secure your spot.

Ready to start your MBA Success?

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Tips for Creating a Memorable MBA Application Essay

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Three simple steps you can take to ensure your MBA application essay is noticed and give your whole application a boost.

Amy Mitson is Senior Associate Director, Recruitment and Communications, Admissions at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth.

What if I did this blog post in haiku format? That might be fun. It might get me noticed and it could get me some style points with readers out there, but how much could I truly express?

On the flip side, what if I ignored all word limits and keep writing and writing? That might also get me noticed, too, but not in a good way.

When was the last time you tackled the task of essay writing for an audience? Perhaps you have not written an essay since your college applications or maybe you write every day, but only for yourself. Regardless of your writing fitness, we are likely asking a unique question for submission to a unique audience (the admissions committee). This may require reflection and inspiration. There are places I go for inspiration that help me set the stage for creative and focused thought. Find these places for yourself. Sometimes I let my mind wander while swimming laps during my morning workout, sometimes mid-afternoon I walk down the road to a food truck for a giant cookie (yes, food for thought), and sometimes I brainstorm with a colleague. These actions help shake up my thoughts so they eventually align on the page.

Over the years, many schools have changed the number of required essays as well as the content of essay questions, but most continue to ask for essays. Why? Because we value the expression of your candidacy in this format. Essays are a piece of the MBA application because we are truly interested in your answers. A memorable essay draws authentic connections between you and the school. This will not be a laundry list of buzz words or faculty names from our website. A memorable essay is clear and reflects who you are as a person, what you hope to get out of the program, and how you will be able to contribute.

There are many things to think about when crafting an essay for your MBA application, but I am going to keep it simple and focus on three:

1. Answering the question . This is tough because it requires focus. There are likely numerous details you would like to share with the committee about your candidacy. Through the many facets of the application, plus the interview, you will have the opportunity to do so. For now, though, the specific essay question you are looking at is your priority.

Essays are a chance for you to really tell your story. Be sure you understand the questions and that you answer the question that is asked. That may sound obvious, but many applicants try to make an essay they wrote for another school fit the question, or they may use the question as an opportunity to say what they want to say instead of what the committee has asked. Please leave your worries behind and answer the question being presented.

2. Use only your voice. Tell us your story in a natural and honest way. Tell us what you really think, not what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. Your response should be descriptive, straightforward and sincere. Take time to think, then write – these are not easy questions to answer.

3. Proofread . Typos create a poor impression, and inserting the wrong school name in your essay creates a very poor impression. Unfortunately, it happens. Find a friend who can give your essay a second look. You have probably read it a dozen times and might need a set of fresh eyes. Spell check and grammar check are a great start, but double check these checks… and then you will really be getting somewhere!

The Top 15+ MBA Essay Writing Services

Are you an MBA applicant struggling to write your application essays? The prompts and requirements for each essay can be overwhelming, especially if you want to stand out from a pool of competitive applicants. An MBA essay-writing service can help you write the most successful essays.

Posted March 11, 2024

mba essay editing

Table of Contents

The mba essays: an overview.

Most business schools require the submission of one or more essays for applications to their MBA programs. The most common types of essay questions ask you to explain who you are and why you want to pursue an MBA degree at a specific business school. These are commonly referred to as Personal Statement essays and Why This School essays. Other common essay questions and prompts include “How will you contribute to the community at this business school,” “What experiences have influenced your academic or professional journey,” or “Describe a time you had to overcome a challenge.”

In addition to these more traditional essay types, some schools require more creative submissions. For example, MIT Sloan requires a video essay and cover letter instead, and NYU Stern has a “Pick 6” portion that asks for six photos.

Most business schools have relatively short word count requirements. The M7 business schools–Stanford GSB, Harvard Business School, UPenn Wharton, UChicago Booth, Northwestern Kellogg, MIT Sloan, and Columbia Business School–have a word limit of between 300 and 900 words for their MBA essays, so applicants should make sure they use their essays to communicate who they are effectively and efficiently to the admissions committee.

Any great MBA essay will require self-reflection, concrete career goals, examples of professional achievements or experiences that fulfill the prompt, and a clear vision of your personal story. Working with an MBA application coach can help you better define your career aspirations, communicate your personal characteristics, and demonstrate how you will contribute to the incoming class of an MBA program to highly selective admissions committees through your MBA essays.

General MBA Essay Services

Mba essay-focused package.

  • Work with Ben : Stanford GSB alumnus, ex-McKinsey Consultant, writer, and former speechwriter who has helped hundreds of applicants with their essays
  • What’s included: One-on-one essay workshop, timeline tracking, and unlimited reviews and feedback

A five-star-rated coach, Ben has worked with many applicants in one-on-one and group settings to perfect their essays and impress admissions committees. With a background in speechwriting, Ben provides expert advice, timely feedback, and project management skills.

mba essay editing

The MBA Essay Perfectionist: Final Review & Proofreading

  • Work with Karla : M7 application expert with 10 years of admissions and coaching experience, including at the Harvard Kennedy School admissions office
  • What’s included: Initial consultation and assessment, essay drafting and revision with live debriefs, final editing and polishing

Have you already written your essay but want a second opinion from an experienced coach? Karla will help you take your MBA essay to the next level and assess how it aligns with your overall application with a 24-hour turnaround time on edits.

mba essay editing

Craft Your Winning Essay - 360° Package from Ideation to Submission

  • Work with Emilie : Current MBA student at Harvard Business School with experience in deferred MBA applications
  • What’s included: Brainstorming session, unlimited essay revisions, editing check-in, essay polishing

Unsure how to start your essay? Emilie will guide you through every step of the essay-writing process, from brainstorming compelling essay ideas to polishing a perfect final draft with a target timeline to keep you on track. Whether you’re working on a self-reflection essay, why this school essay, or anything else, Emilie has got you covered!

Perfect Your MBA Essay

  • Work with Ed : Wharton MBA alumnus, former BCG Consultant, and PE executive who has tons of experience helping applicants with essay prep
  • What’s included: Brainstorming session, essay editing and review

Ed is a Wharton alumnus with experience helping applicants approach business school applications from a strategic perspective and perfect their essays. Having transitioned from management consulting to private equity, Ed is a great choice if you’re also looking to take on business school as the first step of a new career path.

Full-Service Essay Writing & Editing Package

  • Work with Charlotte : Stanford GSB alumna who has helped clients gain admission to MIT Sloan and Kellogg, among other programs
  • What’s included: Brainstorming session and live essay editing sessions

If you’re looking for a hands-on approach with live sessions, Charlotte is a great choice. Charlotte will help you formulate a strong answer to the essay questions of your dream school and create a powerful MBA application essay.

mba essay editing

Ultimate MBA Essay Guide

See the MBA essay prompts, top tips from experts, and real examples from admits with this comprehensive guide.

School-Specific MBA Essay Services

If you’re looking for more targeted advice tailored to your dream business school, try a school-specific essay package. Our coaches can offer information on what each admissions committee is looking for and how you can write the best MBA essays for these highly competitive business schools.

mba essay editing

Chicago Booth Essay Review

  • Work with Timothy : Chicago Booth alumnus with admission committee experience, reviewing dozens of applications and interviewing candidates
  • What’s included: Brainstorming session, outline drafting, edits, live calls

Is Booth one of your dream schools? With experience working for the Booth admissions committee, Timothy is familiar with what admissions officers are looking for in an MBA application essay and will help you craft a top-notch essay.

mba essay editing

Stanford GSB Essay Editing | Exclusive Package

  • Work with Sowa : Former Stanford GSB MBA co-class president who has years of teaching, coaching, and essay-writing experience
  • What’s included: Brainstorming session, essay outlining, editing for up to 6 drafts

If you’re struggling to tackle the “What matters most and why” and “Why GSB” essay questions, Sowa has got you covered. She will help you brainstorm your personal story and present your career goals and future ambitions with an authentic voice, nailing these notoriously difficult prompts.

HBS Essay Review

  • Work with Regan : HBS alumna with admission committee experience
  • What’s included: Final editing and polishing

Looking for a second opinion from someone familiar with the HBS admissions process? Regan has helped dozens of prospective students navigate the application process and will edit your essay into a powerful component of your HBS application.

MBA Essay / Resume Review & Consultation

  • Work with Vanessa : A current Kellogg MBA student with two years of admission committee experience as a Kellogg admissions interviewer
  • What’s included: Brainstorming session, essay and/or resume editing, detailed feedback

Vanessa can help you perfect your essay and/or resume to blow away admissions officers, especially at Kellogg. With experience interviewing for Kellogg admissions, Vanessa knows how to make you stand out as a candidate.

For other school-specific essay services, including for schools like MIT Sloan that have a video essay and other non-traditional requirements, browse all MBA packages here .

Comprehensive MBA Application Help

Looking for help with more than just your essays? These MBA application coaching packages will guide you through every step of your MBA journey, including school selection, application strategy,MBA essay writing and editing, resume tailoring, interview preparation, and more.

MBA Admissions Success Package: Your Path to Academic Achievement

  • Work with Jeffrey : Columbia Business School deferred admit with experience helping applicants navigate the entire admissions process
  • What’s included: School selection strategy, test preparation study guides and practice exams, essay brainstorming and editing, admissions strategy, interview preparation

If you’re looking for expert guidance throughout the admissions process, Jeffrey is a great choice, with resources and advice for every step of your application. With sessions tailored to your application needs and goals, you’ll get personalized help to maximize your chances of admission.

Applicant-Specific MBA Essay Help

If you’re applying for special programs such as a deferred MBA program or joint degree program, or if you’re applying with a unique background, a more specialized coach may be right for you. A coach can help you present your personal story to admissions committees in a unique and compelling way that will help you craft the strongest application possible.

MBA Essay Services for Deferred Applicants

Deferred MBA programs are an increasingly popular choice for ambitious students who want to secure their spot at a top business school while also having opportunities for industry experience prior to matriculation. As these programs become more competitive year after year, an application coach can help you secure your spot and get ahead in your professional and academic journey.

mba essay editing

Complete Essay Review Package

  • Work with Smita : Deferred admit to Harvard, Columbia, and UVA who has helped applicants get into Wharton, Booth, HBS, and Yale
  • What’s included: Initial consultation and assessment, essay drafting and revision with live debriefs, final essay editing and polishing

Tackling application essays can be intimidating as a deferred applicant with less industry experience. Smita will walk you through each step of the essay-writing process and help you create a successful MBA essay that will impress admissions committees.

Deferred MBA Essay Workshop

  • Work with Sydney : Deferred admit to Stanford GSB with experience helping clients on essays and interviews
  • What’s included: brainstorming session, essay editing, detailed feedback

Sydney can help you effectively communicate your story as a deferred candidate and demonstrate your fit for a specific school to admissions officers through your business school essays. Having recently gone through the admissions process herself, Sydney provides an immersive and relatable perspective to coaching.

MBA Essay Services for International Applicants

If you’re applying to business school from another country, you face unique challenges that require more personalized attention. Coaches can help you navigate each step of the process and help you understand the admissions requirements at top MBA programs.

mba essay editing

European MBA Admissions Consulting

  • Work with Stetson : International admit to Oxford and London Business School with experience in the global MBA application process
  • What’s included: Resume review, behavioral and case interview prep, networking strategy, LinkedIn review, essay review and feedback, school selection strategy

With a deep understanding of what European business schools are looking for and experience helping students looking to go abroad in their studies, Stetson can help you put your best foot forward in your MBA application essay.

mba essay editing

MBA Package Step 2: CV & Essays Review

  • Work with Olga : Stanford GSB alumna with an international background and experience working with international applicants
  • What’s included: CV and essay review and editing, live debrief and Q&A call

If you are an international student looking to attend an MBA program in the United States, Olga is a great choice. Olga provides support and effective writing techniques to help you present your unique strengths to admissions officers.

MBA Essay Services for Non-Traditional Applicants

It’s easy to feel intimidated as a non-traditional applicant without the same experiences as other candidates, but our experienced coaches can help you present your personal and professional growth in your essays and show admissions officers how your background makes you a unique candidate.

mba essay editing

MBA Essay Review (15% Discount)

  • Work with Claire : HBS alumna with a non-traditional background and admissions committee experience
  • What’s included: Live calls, detailed feedback, essay editing

As a former non-traditional candidate herself, Claire is familiar with the challenges faced by non-traditional applicants and will help you tell your story in a strong MBA essay. Claire’s background is in account management, product strategy and operations at Meta, and privacy. She’d love to help you nail your narrative.

MBA Essay Services for Veterans

While a military background is not the most conventional among applicants, an MBA coach can help you draw upon your own experience to demonstrate leadership capabilities and personal growth in your application essays.

mba essay editing

Comprehensive MBA Application Coaching

  • Work with Nils : A current HBS student with an extensive military background and experience helping students apply to M7 schools
  • What’s included: Resume editing, essay writing and feedback, interview prep, application timeline planning, guidance for requesting letters of recommendation

As an HBS student from a military background, Nils has experience navigating the application process as a veteran and will help you present your strengths to stand out from other students. Demonstrating professional development from military experience in a way that makes sense to the admissions committee can be tough, but Nils has got your back!

MBA Essay Services for Dual-Degree Applicants

As the intersections between business and other sectors grow, dual-degree programs are becoming increasingly popular. Applications can be highly competitive, as admitted cohorts are usually small and you may need to submit two separate applications, so an experienced coach can guide you through the application process.

Business & Environment Dual-Degrees

  • Work with Greg : A dual-degree alumnus from Stanford GSB specializing in climate-focus applications
  • What’s included: Resume template and editing, guidance for choosing recommenders, live essay review sessions, unlimited essay edits, interview prep, waitlist strategy

This comprehensive package is ideal for applicants to dual-degree programs, especially those interested in the environment. Greg will walk you through each step of the dual-degree application process with a personalized and collaborative approach.

Bonus: Free MBA Events

MBA coaching events can be a solid introduction to the application process. Led by one of our expert MBA coaches, these events are a great opportunity to dive into the different MBA programs out there, what admissions committees are looking for, and connect with other prospective applicants. Check out our Free MBA events here .

For more advice about writing a successful MBA essay, check out our free articles:

  • How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay—With Examples
  • A Guide to the Booth Essays
  • Craft a Powerful Essay for Stanford GSB: What Matters Most & Why?
  • A Guide to the HBS Essay
  • How to Nail Your Kellogg MBA Application Essays
  • A Guide to the Wharton MBA Essays
  • Expert Guide to the MIT Sloan Short Answer Question
  • A Guide to the Columbia Business School Essays (2023-2024)

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GMAT Prep Online Guides and Tips

7 tips for writing a winning mba application essay.

mba essay editing

Nervous about your MBA admissions essay? You’re not alone! Many applicants wonder how to put their best foot forward in a business school entrance essay.

In this article, I’ll tell you what admissions committees look for in application essays and offer MBA essay tips on how to make yours stand out. We’ll also take a look at the different kinds of business school essays and a few examples of MBA essay prompts.

Why Do Business Schools Ask for Essays? What Do They Look For?

Business schools ask for essays for several reasons, all of which help admissions committees determine whether you have the skills and traits to succeed in an MBA program.

First, MBA admissions committees want to see how you write. Communication skills—including concision, clarity, style, and fluency in English—will be essential to your success in business school. One way of discerning your level of writing ability is to require an original writing sample. In an MBA essay, you have to get your point across straightforwardly, elegantly, and concisely; being able to do this is a key element of succeeding in business school and the world of business in general.

Also, MBA admissions committees want to get a sense of who you are on a more personal level. MBA application essays tell admissions officials about you not only through what you say, but in how you say it. Are you self-aware, for example, and can you reflect on past challenges or mistakes in a thoughtful way? Do you demonstrate insight into who you are and your goals? How you answer questions about yourself, your career, and your journey can help MBA admissions officials discern your level of critical thinking and personal insight.

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You can have countless accomplishments, but to succeed in business school, you’ll also need to fit in with the campus climate, work well with your peers, and contribute to campus diversity in a meaningful way. The MBA essay is a place for you to talk about the background or experiences you have that are unique to you and that you believe could differentiate you from your colleagues and/or provide a fresh perspective to campus.

Finally, essays are a way for you to showcase the qualities that most MBA programs say they are looking for in applicants, such as leadership skills, community involvement, problem-solving skills, communication skills, clear goals, and a strong sense of ethics. Some of these traits might not be readily apparent from a resume alone, and an MBA essay can be a place for you to elaborate on how you’ve cultivated them in yourself.

The MBA essay is a great place for you to showcase your communication skills and dedication to community service.

MBA Entrance Essay Sample Prompts

Most MBA entrance essays ask you about one of several things. Many of them are variations on similar questions: the open-ended question, the leadership question, the personal growth question, questions on short- and long-term academic and career goals, and the diversity question. For each one, I’ll give an example of a real MBA essay prompt from 2016 or 2017.

#1: Open-Ended

The open-ended MBA application essay question is just that: open. It allows you to tell your own story, giving you quite a bit of freedom but also little to no guidance. For that reason, many applicants find it to be the most challenging MBA essay prompt.

Harvard Business School has only one essay for its MBA application, and it’s the quintessential open-ended MBA essay question. This is the prompt for 2017-2018 applicants.

As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?

Note that, as in other open-ended MBA admission essay prompts, this question asks you to decide what you’ll write about. Successful Harvard applicants and HBS admissions counselors have advised applicants to use the prompt as a chance to demonstrate their past use of an especially desired trait, such as problem-solving skills. For example, many successful applicants use the prompt to describe a scenario in which they faced and overcame a challenge, especially as a leader or alongside a team.

Notably, Harvard also doesn’t list a word limit, so you can decide the appropriate length for your essay. However, most admissions counselors will advise you to keep it concise and straightforward.

#2: Leadership

Another common MBA essay prompt asks you to demonstrate your experience and skills as a leader. Leadership qualities are listed by nearly all MBA admissions counselors as fundamental to a career in business and, thus, to a successful business school application.

Let’s look at a sample leadership MBA essay prompt from Kellogg.

Leadership and teamwork are integral parts of the Kellogg experience. Describe a recent and meaningful time you were a leader. What challenges did you face, and what did you learn? (450 words)

In a response to this kind of prompt, you should be as specific as possible. Name the company you were working for or specifically describe the project you were heading. Who was on your team? What were your objectives? Did you meet them? How could you have done so more effectively?

While you shouldn’t be overly self-deprecating, don’t be afraid to address the challenges you met and how you overcame them (or would overcome them now, with more experience and knowledge). Remember that one important aspect of leadership is accountability, so if there were problems, don’t solely blame your team for them. Instead, reflect on how you successfully worked with your team to solve the problems, and/or on how you could have done so more effectively or efficiently.

#3: Personal Growth

The personal growth MBA admission essay prompt will ask you how you’ve changed in the past and how you want to grow in the future. Here’s one example from the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.

Pursuing an MBA is a catalyst for personal and professional growth. How have you grown in the past? How do you intend to grow at Kellogg? (450 words)

Don’t be afraid to get a bit personal with these kinds of prompts . They’re meant to gauge something about your personality and who you are, rather than only what you’ve done.

Many successful MBA admission essays that respond to these kinds of questions follow a past/present/future format. Ask yourself what traits you’ve gathered over the years that have benefited you personally and professionally, how you’ve improved, and what you’ve learned. What experiences have shaped you? Be as specific as possible.

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Then, take stock of yourself now: your career, your education, and where you see yourself in the future. What do you need in order to get there?

Finally, most essay MBA prompts in this vein (like Kellogg’s) will ask you how they can help you move towards that personal or professional goal. Be as specific as you can, focusing on the particular strengths of the prospective MBA program and how they match up with what you want to improve about yourself as a person, colleague, and leader.

You can use the MBA essay to showcase how you've grown personally and achieved your goals.

#4: Your Plan

Some MBA application essay prompts will ask you about your career goals and how attendance at a particular business school will help you to achieve them. Let’s look at one from the USC Marshall School of Business.

Essay #1 (Required) – What is your specific, immediate short-term career goal upon completion of your MBA? Please include an intended position, function, and industry in your response. (word limit: 100)

As you can see, questions like these often request brief responses. So get straight to the point, and give details. Name a specific job you’d like to hold, what you’d like to do there, and even particular companies if you can.

Questions like this one will require some research. Research alumni from your prospective business school who’ve ended up in positions comparable to ones you’d like to hold in the future, particular companies and positions that match up with your personal and professional goals, and specific coursework or industry experiences offered by your prospective business school that would help you get there.

#5: Diversity, Culture, and Community

Finally, some MBA essay prompts will ask you how your unique background and experiences would contribute to the overall diversity and collegial atmosphere of a school’s campus climate and community. Here’s one example from USC.

Essay #2 (Required) – At Marshall, we take pride in the fact that our students work collaboratively, both inside and outside the classroom, to create a culture, a community, and an environment that truly defines what we call the Trojan Family. Please describe the contributions you expect to make to your classmates during your time at USC. How will they benefit from your presence in the program? (word limit: 500)

You can respond to questions like this, depending on the wording of the original prompt, by discussing your cultural background, identity, and/or personal experiences that have given you particular insight into a given community or that have lent you a unique perspective that could be valuable to your colleagues as you collaborate.

You can also discuss past community service projects or issues you’re passionate about and how you plan to carry those experiences and passions into your work at your prospective MBA program.

What makes you unique? Showcase it in your MBA essay.

7 MBA Essay Tips

Writing MBA essays takes a particular skill set. Let’s go over the top seven MBA essay tips for making your application essay shine.

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#1: Write Early and Often

Even though MBA entrance essays are brief, they take a lot of polishing. Writing MBA essays takes time.

Don’t expect to write yours at the last minute or knock out a quality essay in a day. Most students need several drafts to make sure they’re getting their points across as elegantly and clearly as possible.

Start your essay well before the application deadline, when you don’t yet feel any pressure. For several weeks, don’t try to write at all. Instead, before crafting your essay for MBA admission, take notes on your past, present, and future. What have you learned? What unique experiences have you had? What have been the most meaningful projects you’ve undertaken? Ask friends, family, and mentors to tell you what they value most about you or what they see as your greatest personal and professional assets.

Only once you’ve gathered this material should you begin your first draft of your MBA application essay. Start with an outline for each one that includes the story you want to tell and the main points you want to get across.

Once you have a clear outline, you can start drafting. Taking the writing process seriously from start to finish will give you a much better product in the end than trying to write something hastily right before the deadline.

#2: Show, Don’t Tell

MBA admissions committees want to be able to tell that you have the qualities that are necessary to succeed in business school, such as leadership skills and integrity.

Your MBA admissions essay can be a great place to showcase those qualities. However, remember to show, not tell. Saying “I have strong leadership skills” doesn’t tell an admissions committee much. Through an anecdote about, say, meeting a difficult deadline or overcoming an obstacle, a reader should be able to tell that you have the qualities of a strong leader without your having to say so explicitly.

#3: Research Your Goals

When describing your future goals, be as specific as possible. Business schools know that your goals may change in the future, but stating specific goals now will show that you’ve done your research and have an idea of what you want and how an MBA program can help you get there.

Before writing your essay for MBA admission, research the ins and outs of the industry you want to enter, the position you’d like to have, companies you might like to work for, and coursework and internships or fieldwork that could aid you on your way to those goals.

#4: Keep It Concise

Never, ever go over a stated word count limit when you’re writing your essay for MBA admission. It might be tempting, but business schools want to see that you can get your point across concisely and straightforwardly.This rule goes for MBA essay prompts that don’t have specific word counts, too: sometimes, less is more.

One of the biggest mistakes applicants make in writing an essay for MBA admission is to use too much flowery language to come across as more professional. If you do this, it can be distracting and cause the admissions committee to miss the main points you’re making.

Bottom line, trim anything extraneous from your essay —that is, anything that doesn’t actively support the main point(s) you’re trying to get across.

When it comes to an MBA essay, sometimes less is more.

#5: Show Self-Awareness

It might feel tempting to use the MBA admission essay as a space to list all of your accomplishments (and since your resume is already part of your application, this is unnecessary), but MBA admissions committees would rather see that you have insight into both your strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect, and in your essay for MBA admission, you shouldn’t try to come across as if you’ve never made a mistake or faced a challenge that you’ve had to learn from.

Also, in business school and the business world at large, bouncing back from failures, being flexible, and problem solving are all essential skills. All of them require a thick skin and awareness of what you could do better.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t showcase your achievements, but if you’re asked about personal growth or an obstacle you’ve overcome, be clear about what you could have done more effectively in the past (at a job or in your education, for example) and the steps you’ve taken or will take to sidestep that mistake in the future.

#6: Share Your Personal Journey

Many applicants would prefer to focus only on their professional backgrounds and goals in their MBA essays, but you shouldn’t be afraid to get personal in your essay. You don’t need to tell your whole life story, but especially in response to questions that ask about your growth over time, you should showcase your personality and give the admissions committee an idea of your personal background and experiences.

#7: Ask for Edits

It might seem obvious, but many applicants don’t do it: proofread your work! When writing MBA essays, revision is key. Turning in an MBA essay with typos and other errors will come off as thoughtless and unprofessional.

You should also get a second (and, perhaps, a third and fourth) pair of eyes on your essay to make sure it’s coming across as you want it to. Going through several rounds of drafts is a necessary part of the writing process to ensure that you’re putting your best foot forward in your MBA entrance essay.

Revise your MBA essay until it comes across exactly how you want.

What’s Next?

Worried about how your GMAT score matches up to other applicants’? Find out more in our list of average GMAT scores by school.

Concerned about your chances of getting into an MBA program? Our guide to business school acceptance rates will help.

Ready to apply to business school? Check out our top eight tips for applying to MBA programs here.

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mba essay editing

Author: Laura Dorwart

Laura Dorwart is a Ph.D. student at UC San Diego. She has taught and tutored hundreds of students in standardized testing, literature, and writing. View all posts by Laura Dorwart

Are you a good fit for colleges you are applying to?

Selecting Business Schools

Taking the GMAT

3 Steps to a Business School Admission There are some business schools that are more likely to offer you an admission compared to others. Our business school selection tool will shortlist MBA programs where you stand a good chance of admission.

You will improve your chances of admission when you apply with a firm strategy in mind. We help develop an effective strategy for your essays.

Finally, if you can translate your strategy into convincing essays, there is only one you can go: to the MBA program of your choice. Our guidance and editing service will assist you in communicating your personality and those subtle traits that can make the difference between success and failure, especially when you are aiming for the top business schools. Content Matters MBA Admissions are about differentiating your application while communicating your all-round personality to the admissions committee. Your application essays should talk about your goals and personal attributes that will help you achieve them: the person you are, your achievements and things that motivate you.

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Application Essay Editing Services

Get Top-Rated Essay Editing In 24 Hours or Less!

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Upload your college essay, including your essay prompt. We’ll match your application essay to one of our admissions essay editing experts.

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Let Our Expert Application Editors Revise Your Essay

You can communicate with your essay editor and ask any questions or provide instructions about how you would like them to edit your essay.

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Receive Your Edited Essay

Your essay editor will revise and share in-depth comments and suggestions to help you strengthen your message and impact.

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  • Choose your editing service type.
  • To calculate the word count of a specific selection of the document, highlight the text and then click [Word Count] .

Journal Manuscripts, Research Papers, Dissertations/Theses, Articles, Abstracts

Application Essays, Scholarship Essays, CVs/Resumes, Recommendation Letters

Extensive feedback, editing checklist, and review letter for admissions documents

High School & University Assignments, Term Papers, College Essays, Class Reports

Proposals, Reports, Press Releases, Marketing Materials, Blog & Website Content

Books, Scripts/Screenplays, Personal Essays & Opinion Pieces, Personal Blogs

Which Application Essays Is This Service For?

Which Application Essays Is This Service For?

  • Common Application Essays
  • MBA Admissions Essays
  • College Admissions Essays for US, UK, Canada, & Australia Schools
  • Graduate Application Essays (Personal Statements, SOPs)
  • Personal Statements & Letters of Recommendation
  • Grant & Scholarship Essays

Who Are Our Essay Editors?

Who Are Our Essay Editors?

Detailed features of our essay editing services, expert proofreading.

Essay proofreading includes:

  • Syntax and grammar error correction
  • Fixing spelling, punctuation, and mechanics issues
  • Formatting for English type (US/UK)

Wordvice guarantees 100% accuracy in grammar and spelling—your edited paper will be free of objective writing errors.

Enhancement of Language & Expression

Our editors enhance the style, readability, and tone of your essay in the following ways:

  • Changing vocabulary terms to strengthen language
  • Rephrasing to enhance clarity and expression
  • Providing feedback and comments to explain revisions

Our essay editing services focus on improving your message and impact in application essays to help you get accepted into your school of choice.

Premium Essay Editing Service

Our Premium Essay Editing Service includes more than just quality essay editing and proofreading and includes the following additional features:

  • Editor expertise in your paper’s subject area
  • Direct communication with your editor
  • A range of turnaround times (from 9 hours to 7 days)
  • Free English editing certificate

Our Premium Admissions Essay Editing Service is ideal for SOPs, personal statements, and other application essays that require multiple drafts.

English Editing for Any Application Essay

Students love our essay editing services.

Paper Editing Services Reviews

Essay Editing Services Reviews

  • Fiona S. "Essay content improved" It is great that the context of my essay was understood and the editor had provided revisions that could retain my authorial intent. Thank you for the overall feedback on my personal statement; I loved the vocabulary and sentence suggestions. The order process was simple and the staff helped me during the process. Overall, it seemed like the editor understood what I wanted to discuss and the focus of my essay.
  • Issa Ngoy "Helped me focus my ideas clearly" I had so many great ideas I wanted to discuss in my application essay, but I was very worried about my writing because English is not my first language. It was really nice to have an editor with experience with college admissions and could explain to me what I need to focus on and what I should not include. I really like my revised essay and I think now I have a much better chance to get accepted into my program!

Essay Editing Samples


Admission Editing Sample

mba essay editing

Resume Editing Sample

mba essay editing

Cover Letter

Cover letter editing sample.

Cover Letter

Essay Editing Services FAQ

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*Apply ACADEMIC50US for a 50% discount (up to $50).

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Editing Services

We can improve your MBA profile and boost your candidacy. Gain insight into the review process and eliminate weaknesses from your MBA application.

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Refine your written materials from good to great with the SBC editing service.

We fix what’s wrong. The purpose of editing is to polish your work grammatically without changing your voice unnecessarily or diminishing your authenticity.

Run by a team of experienced editors, we ensure your essay writing receives a professional makeover.

Why should you take this last step with SBC?


After an SBC review, your documents will be 100% error free. We guarantee it.

Many editing services will have you believe that all graduate school applications should be approached in the same way. However, business school is unique in many ways, and your approach must reflect that. The Stacy Blackman Consulting editing team is focused exclusively on business school – our time and resources are fully devoted to researching and understanding business school admissions.


Stacy Blackman Consulting has assembled an exceptional team of editors, and they intimately know grammar and structure.

Read what our clients have said about our superior service.

How Does it Work?

Step 1:  Select your edit package and pay . Step 2:   Upload your documents.

We will return your edited essay within the specified time.

Are you seeking input on content strategy, school-specific priorities, and differentiation relative to who you are competing against? This work is done by our consultant team via our hourly services and is outside the scope of editing work. Hourly is done by MBA grads or former MBA Admissions Officers. View our team here .


Learn about our all-in service.

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B-schooled podcast episode #212: getting into hbs and the gsb—advice from those who’ve done it, part 2 of 3.

Perhaps more than any MBA acceptance pair, many applicants dream of being admitted to both the Stanford Graduate School of Business (the GSB) and Harvard Business School (HBS). In this three-part B-Schooled series, two GSB and ... →

  • Admission Essay
  • Statement of Purpose Editing
  • Personal Statement Editing
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  • Graduate Statement of Purpose Examples
  • MBA Essay Examples
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  • MBA Recommendation Letter Examples
  • Medical School Personal Statement Examples
  • Medical School Recommendation Letter Examples
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MBA Essay Editing Service That Will Increase Your Enrollment Chances

Set yourself apart in a pool of MBA applicants by writing a perfect application essay.

Why Do You Need Professional MBA Admission Essay Editing?

Admission to a business school is a crucial step toward a successful career. It is an opportunity to get the required experience, skills, and knowledge in addition to an MBA degree. To start your road to success, you should impress the committee and enter the chosen university.

An impressive resume and high test scores are not enough to get into your dream educational institution. Thus, you need a brilliant MBA essay to demonstrate your unique personality and stand out from the crowd of competitors.

The matter is that an essay for MBA is not just a mere formality. Applicants often do not take this paper seriously, which, unfortunately, ruins their chances for admission. Therefore, this essay is your chance to present your personality and persuade the officers that you are the right candidate to get admitted.

The quality of the essay does matter, as even a minor mistake can spoil everything. The committee will consider the paper’s content, format, and structure. If your MBA admissions essay looks perfect, it means that you put time and effort into it. Be sure that the officers will appreciate your serious approach to the MBA degree application essay.

Even if your writing skills are good enough, proofreading is always a good idea. But professional editing is much more than just a quick check for a possible mistake. Our MBA essay editing service offers expert admission editing and proofreading to make your application papers look neat, well-organized, and free of any errors.

With our help, your unique story will be fully polished and ready to win the hearts of the top business school committees! You just need to choose the best fitting offer and start our cooperation. 

Impress the Pickiest Committee With a Polished MBA Essay

Cooperation with the gurus of MBA essay editing implies a wide range of benefits. After choosing the best specialist, who perfectly fits all your requirements, he/she will proofread your paper according to the instructions. We understand the significance of this document for your future, so our editors consider every specific detail related to your background, skills, and experience.

The chosen educational institution also affects the content of your MBA paper. Different schools search for a particular set of qualities and skills. The same refers to expectations—each university has its own list of the desired traits they want to see in future students. Thus, our editors share working tips and recommendations in our blog and podcasts on how to impress the committees of the most prestigious universities in the US. Additionally, the personal statement MBA samples (or other MBA application essay examples) are available to get some insights or compare the papers before and after our comprehensive editing and proofreading.

To succeed in your application, you need to create the best impression of yourself. You will compete with hundreds of other applicants, so it’s crucial to win the committee’s attention. Our editors know how to polish your MBA admissions essay thoroughly, as they consider a wide range of issues while working on your order:

  • Error-free text. The editor will proofread your text and eliminate all possible errors. And you will be confident that you haven’t missed even a minor mistake.
  • Grammar and punctuation accuracy. Our specialists are acknowledged for every language nuance, so they will help improve the sentence structure and check the punctuation marks.
  • Well-ordered structure. The perfect structure is very important. The paragraphs and sentences should be coherent to make your application paper logically structured and easy to read and comprehend.
  • Perfect formatting and word count. EssayEdge professionals will provide expert recommendations on improving your MBA application essay format. Besides, the chosen editor will help to make the word count correspond to the requirements.
  • Interesting content. Your narration can boost your chances for successful admission. We know how to make your content engaging and intrigue the reader right from the first lines of the introduction.
  • Presentation of your unique personality. Your personality, unique academic background, and life experiences are the main things to highlight in your essay for MBA application. Your personal story is precious to us, and we will help to stand out from the rest.

Get Admitted to the Dream Business School Together With Us

A perfectly written MBA application essay that corresponds to all instructions and expectations is your chance to get into your dream university. However, even if you have an outstanding GPA and test scores, it’s not enough to impress the officers. The committee wants to ensure that you are able to present yourself and will provide reasons why you need this program.

Our custom MBA essay editing service online is the right thing you need to stay confident in the quality of your papers for application. Top editing specialists work to make your essays polished, neat, and professional. We provide professional MBA essay help in editing such papers:

MBA Personal Statement

To craft a perfect personal statement for an MBA application, you need to state your long-term and short-term goals clearly. Besides, do not forget to mention your strong sides, hard and soft skills relevant to the program, and unique experiences. Then, our editing masters will check everything and provide you with expert recommendations on enhancing the quality of your essay.

MBA Cover Letter

An MBA cover letter should show the relevant skills and experiences that support your academic background. Ask our editors for assistance if you do not know how to make it effectively and according to the formatting requirements. We will do our best to make your cover letter stand out from the crowd.

MBA Letter of Continued Interest

Even if you are waitlisted, you still have a chance to enter the institution of your dream. Do not give up and prepare an effective letter of continued interest to announce that you are interested in a particular university.

In addition to professional editing and proofreading, our experts share MBA application essay tips to make your letter of continued interest win the hearts of the committee members. Place an order to start cooperating with the best specialists in this field right now!

Why Should You Choose Us to Help With MBA Essays?

The New York Times called us the “world’s premier essay editing service.” Learn why we are the best MBA application essay editing service:

  • Best Team of Professionals. Our editors are native English speakers with, on average, 12 years of experience. Besides, our team unites graduates and professors from the Ivy League.
  • Variety of Services. Every client will find the best option ever, whether you need fast editing, online consultation, or complete guidance from brainstorming to business school essay submission. Also, different pricing plans are available, including a specific list of services. So all you need is just to choose the option depending on your needs.
  • Customized Approach to MBA Admission Essay Editing. Our editors pay attention to specific requirements provided by the Customer. What’s more, they consider a wide range of issues related to the chosen degree, subject, and educational institution.
  • Adherence to Academic Integrity Principles. Using our services is fully legal in the United States and around the world. Moreover, we do not violate any admission rules and adhere to the privacy policy. Finally, we do not write anything instead of you, so there is no plagiarism at all.

Preparing Documents for Admission Worldwide. Essay editing service MBA helps improve the quality of your application documents for various universities around the globe. Our specialists are acknowledged in specific issues related to the admission process in such universities as Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, and others. Click here to find expert advice to get into your dream university.

EssayEdge > MBA Essay Editing

Why Choose Us

Mba application.

Your MBA application essay should be concise and convincing. Why do you want an MBA, and why do you want to attend particular school? You have to answer these questions; and we can help you craft a catchy essay that hits all the key points.

You will need to show the admissions committee your genuine value to the program, being specific and clear about it. EssayEdge editors will make sure each word in your essay counts.

You write this essay to introduce yourself and show your potential contribution to the community. Personal statement brainstorming with our editors can help express your thoughts effectively.

This type of essay shows why you want to participate in a particular program or enter a specific business school. Professional brainstorming with our experts may help you define your goals and write them down.

Always submit additional admission essays if you have a chance to do so, focusing on your personality or the diversity that you will bring to the school. A well-written essay is your chance to stand out.

Most business schools ask for a resume, as it shows who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t transform a resume into your personal statement.

Every business school requests letters of recommendation. You can submit either professional or academic LOR. We can help you find out what kind of letter will work best for you.

A cover letter is an essential part of your application package, so try to invest enough time in writing it. Our editors will ensure that your letter covers all the information related to the business school of your choice.

Types of documents

Docs we can help with.

The application process is a challenging stage to secure your spot at a business school. You need to prepare several items to complete this stage, including your resume, recommendations, essays, and transcripts.

The stronger each element of your application is the higher your chance of being admitted.

Experienced MBA Essay Editors

Our customers come back to us because our editors do their best to see our students succeed. They provide unrivaled help, guiding students through the application process.

mba essay editing

"I am experienced editing undergraduate and graduate school application materials, academic papers and theses."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

Amy A. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"What started out as a part-time job to pay for my college tuition quickly grew into a passion for admissions essay editing and counseling."

College; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School; Premier package;

Anastasia M. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"My aim is to ensure your unique skills, experience, and attributes are highlighted and shine through in your essays."

College; Cover Letter; Dental; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School; Premier package;

Anna S. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I perfect a client's writing while also addressing critical areas that need improvement, all while maintaining the client's unique voice."

Ashley R. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I have a unique perspective on the college admissions process and on the job application process."

Brandon D. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I am excited to help take your writing to the next level."

College; Education; Graduate; Law; MBA;

Brian Pieragostini - Picture Online Bio 1

" I improve an essay through specific and constructive feedback."

Carl P.

“I’m here to help you unleash the power of your writing through clarity, language, and structure.”

College; Law; MBA; Medical School;

Cynthia C. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I pride myself on my detail-oriented and conscientious editing skills that I am sure to tailor to the individual needs of each client."

Helen M. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I can handle most tasks, including resumes and applications for college and graduate studies. "

James C. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I like to work on essays for graduate programs (Master’s and PhD) in any discipline."

College; Graduate; MBA;

John L. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I like to put my language skills to good use on essays from all fields, but especially those in Medicine and Business."

Law; MBA; Medical School;

Julia Z. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

I love supporting students with admissions essays, cover letters, academic essays, theses and dissertations.

College; Education; Graduate; Law; MBA; Premier package;

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"My approach focuses on clarity and conciseness"

Linda R. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I enjoy getting to know my customers and helping them reach their undergraduate and professional goals."

Lyra D. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I have a deep love for the written word and have thoroughly enjoyed my time working with high schoolers to strengthen their writing skills."

Mary F. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I have a great deal of experience assisting those applying to law school and LL.M. programs."

Cover Letter; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

Melissa S. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I find great joy and satisfaction in crafting precise language, and in helping people tell their stories with honesty and style"

Reid A. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I am well versed in working with both undergraduate and graduate application essays."

mba essay editing

"Send me your admissions essays, research proposals, academic papers, and theses. Let’s get to work!”

College; Education; Law; MBA; Medical School;

Scott J. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"My goal is to work with customers and help present their ideas in their own words in a professional and grammatically sound manner."

Shauna G.

"I love supporting students so they can achieve more in their academic writing, from theses to admissions materials like personal statements."

Susan L. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I enjoy helping clients tell their particular stories: who they are at heart and how they got to where they are now in their lives."

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"I am looking forward to helping countless new students achieve their academic aspirations."

College; Cover Letter; Graduate; Law; MBA; Medical School;

Yasmine B. - a member of the Team Essay Editors at EssayEdge

"I’m a hands-on writing and editing coach. Let's work together to create an essay that stands out from the pack! "

How it works

Getting started is easy.

Place order

Provide the files you need help with and choose the type of service. Select your editor or let us recommend an expert.

Complete payment

Pay online using our secure payment methods, such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Track your order

Log in to your personal customer area and track the process of transformation of your essay.

Download the final version of your essay, send it to an educational institution of your choice, enjoy a new chapter in your life.

Choose the Offer That Works Best for You


You did a great job and almost finished your essay, but you still need a final check. Our editor will proofread your work for typos and grammatical errors, providing you with minor constructive suggestions.

0 - 600 words $104

601 - 1,200 words $149

1,201 - 1,800 words $194

1.801 - 2,400 words $239

+2,400 words $15 per + 100 words

24-hour rush +$69

You have a half-finished essay, but you still need proofreading and expert critique to strengthen your writing. Our editor will help improve your style and will provide a detailed review of the essay structure, content, and tone.

0 - 600 words $179

601 - 1,200 words $239

1,201 - 1,800 words $287

1,801 - 2,400 words $335

Second reading +50% of order price

You need a package of documents that are consistent in style and complement each other. Submit 3+ documents in one order, and we will assign one editor to work on them. The editor will polish all your docs and add suggestions on style and tone.

1,800 - 2,400 words $275

2,401 - 3,000 words $347

3,001 - 3,600 words $479

3,601 - 4,200 words $551

4,201 - 4,800 words $623

72-hour rush $139

You need comprehensive assistance to start writing your admission essay. Our editor will guide you through the process, from topic brainstorming to the finished piece. The second reading is included in this package.

0 - 600 words $447

601 - 1,200 words $506

1,201 - 1,800 words $565

1,801 - 2,400 words $624

What Our Customers Say

Using such services as MBA personal statement brainstorming, editing, and proofreading, our customers have successfully submitted their applications.

Sarah J.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please check Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our service and the ways we can help with your school application.

How can I pay for my help with MBA essays?

Can the editor invent the story for my essay, can the editor check my essay within one day, is it possible to upload several essays at once.

Check our FAQ for more detailed information

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  • Description

Do you have more questions? We are always here for you.

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EssayEdge: Essay Editing & Proofreading Service.

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We are proud to be recognized by Poets & Quants as one of the top MBA admissions consulting firms in 2023!

MBA Prep School

  • Let’s Talk!

MBA Essay Editing

M BA Prep School’s team of professional essay editors understand the unique challenges of MBA application essays.

MBA Prep School is proud to have been recognized by Poets & Quants as one of the top MBA admissions consulting firms in 2023!

Professional MBA Essay Editors

Our Essay Prep™ experience will give you an edge in this critical aspect of your application. Because we’ve “seen it all” we can help you stand out from the competition with your answers. Our editors will ensure that you’ve answered every question in a thorough and convincing manner and will recommend targeted ways to improve the quality and content of your essays.

Beyond Wordsmithing

Your editor won’t just wordsmith what’s on the page, but will also pinpoint what your essays are missing. Best of all, our editors know how to improve the structure, ideas, and clarity of your work without compromising your ideas and distinctive voice. With their guidance on how to improve style and grammar, your essays will become a professional, polished representation of you.

Easy to Understand Pricing with No Hidden Fees!

Our Essay Prep™ Editing Service, which includes all of the benefits described above, starts at just $299 USD for up to 1,000 words with a 3-business-day turnaround.

Please note: all essays within a single order must be for the same school.

Fast Turn-Around

Depending on the service level you select, we’ll have your essay back to you either within three business days or one business day of receiving your payment.

Words 3 Days 1 Day
Up to 1,000 words $299 $399
1,001 – 2,000 words $399 $499
2,001 – 3,000 words $499 $599
3,001 – 4,000 words $599 $699
Please note: All prices are in US Dollars

One More Time?

If you’d like another round of edits on a new draft of the same essay set, we’ve got you covered. You’ll receive a 20% discount for a second review of the same set of essays.

Just Send It!

Save your essay questions and answers in a Microsoft Word compatible document and upload via our easy-to-use order form . Once we have received your payment, we will start working on your essays!

IMPORTANT: Please don’t forget to list the school name, complete essay question, and word limit for every essay you send us. You won’t be charged for those words, just the words that you’ve written.

Representative Testimonial

MBA Prep School reviewed and edited my essay for my MBA application and did an amazing job! I sent in my first draft of my essay that had a convoluted story with weak premises relating to my career goals. Mariah went well beyond fixing grammatical errors by combing the story making the essay much more rich and convincing. Their suggestions were extremely compelling and thorough throughout the document. However, essay edits were not the only thing impressive, she researched my targeted school deadline and completed the project ahead of schedule so that I could update the essay with her recommendations. Her communication was outstanding and she took obvious care in her work. I would definitely recommend MBA Prep School to anyone needing their essay revised or edited. 5/5 Stars!

Other Services

  • Admissions Consulting
  • Essay Editing
  • Resume Editing
  • Admissions Interviews
  • Admissions Predictor
  • Prepare to Apply
  • Video Tutorials & eBook
  • Consulting Terms & Conditions

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Which program are you applying to?

Complete mba admissions consulting services, mba application services.

You know you want to go to a leading MBA program so you can change careers or gain more business knowledge for your existing career, but there's one thing standing in your way... acceptance to your dream business school.

Applying to top business schools can be overwhelming. You have to ace the GMAT, GRE, or EA, write a variety of MBA application essays, revise your resume, choose and coach recommenders, and prepare for interviews. Top business schools are incredibly competitive and accept only the best of the best.

You may be wondering, "Am I good enough?," "Do I have what it takes to get accepted to an exclusive business school?," "How can I put forth my very best self in my applications?"

Your answer? The MBA admissions consulting experts at Accepted , who can guide you through the MBA admissions process and help you create the strongest possible MBA application.

Learn more about the MBA admissions consulting services we offer.

MBA/EMBA Application Packages

This flat-rate, comprehensive service includes the following:

  • School choice evaluation
  • Essay strategy and editing
  • Letters of recommendation guidance
  • Resume critique
  • Interview prep
  • Final application review
  • Waitlist support
  • Decision counseling

MBA Admissions Consulting Hourly Services

  • Is business school right for you?
  • Where should you apply?
  • How can you make the most of your achievements?
  • How can you overcome weaknesses in your profile?

Our hourly MBA admissions consulting services will help answer any and all questions you have about making this major decision. Your consultant will review your full profile and guide your approach to the business school application process.

MBA Application Essay Editing Services

These hourly plans will allow you to work with an expert MBA admissions consultant who will help you brainstorm and polish your essays so they shine. Your consultant will review your essays and check them for readability and interest, and you'll emerge with engaging, substantive, and compelling essays.

MBA Resume/LinkedIn Services

Our hourly resume plans will help you make a memorable first impression. Your admissions consultant will critique your resume or LinkedIn page, help you highlight key achievements, and give you suggestions for revision. They will also edit your resume for style, grammar, and clarity.

MBA Letters of Recommendation Services

Unsure what to write for an applicant you're recommending? Want an expert to review and polish your letter to ensure it hits all the high points? Our LOR packages pair you with an MBA admissions consultant who will review your recommendation letter, offer suggestions for improvement, and then polish the details.

MBA Application Final Check

Don't hit "submit" until you've had an Accepted MBA admissions consultant provide a final check of your business school application. We'll review and critique your essays, resume, and short answer and optional question responses to ensure your business school application is 100% ready to go! If any part of your application seems wobbly, we'll offer specific recommendations to get it on firmer ground.

MBA Interview Prep

Practice your MBA admissions  interview with a b-school admissions expert who understands the process. Our MBA Mock Interview Package includes a 20-30 minute mock interview with an admissions consultant, feedback and suggestions for improvement, and expert strategies and tips for your interviewing school. We also offer mock Wharton TBD services and special mock HBS interview services.

MBA Waitlist Strategy

Stuck on the waitlist? Our business school experts can help you move your application from the waitlist to the accepted list with our four-stage waitlist service including reviewing your application and then discussing, critiquing, and editing waitlist materials.

MBA Rejection Review

Don’t let a rejection letter dash your dreams of going to business school! We can help you reapply with confidence. Your MBA admissions consultant will review your admissions profile for areas of improvement, critique your application, and suggest a strategic plan to move forward and help you gain acceptance into your school of choice. You'll learn how to bolster your application essays, resume, and short answers, mitigate weaknesses and highlight your unique strengths, boosting your chances for acceptance in the next application cycle.

Want to speak with one of our MBA admissions consultants first? Not sure which admissions consulting service is best for you? We'd love to guide you through the process!

Meet Our MBA Admissions Experts

Get the support of an experienced advisor and dedicated personal coach. Our consulting experts are trained professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds, including former admissions directors, published authors, and PhDs. They know what works — and what doesn’t.

Kelly Wilson-1

Kelly Wilson

In her past roles as   executive director of admissions   at CMU Tepper and   assistant dean of admissions   at Georgetown McDonough and Pittsburgh Katz, Kelly oversaw admissions for 23 years for the MBA and master’s programs in management of information systems, computational finance, business analytics, and product management. Having approved more than 38,000 admissions decisions, she has a deep understanding of what top MBA programs value. Her working style is warm, supportive, straightforward, and organized.

Learn more about Kelly Wilson.

Christie St-John

Christie St-John

Dr. Christie St-John has a deep knowledge of MBA, specialized master’s, and EMBA admissions. With   more than 25 years of experience as MBA admissions director and career coach   at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business and Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management, she’s read thousands of essays and conducted thousands of interviews around the world. Her clients have been admitted to Columbia, Wharton, Harvard, Kellogg, UCLA, Berkeley, Michigan, Virginia, Oxford, INSEAD, and ESADE, among others.

Learn more about Dr. Christie St-John.

Esmeralda Cardenal

Esmeralda Cardenal

Esmeralda consistently receives five-star reviews on   Poets&Quants , GMATClub, and Trust Pilot for her personable coaching style, helping her clients present their best. Her   nine years in MBA admissions   as former Yale SOM associate director of admissions, Michigan State director of MBA admissions, and Cardiff Business School (United Kingdom) consultant prepared her to effectively help clients gain entry to elite MBA/EMBA programs and a wide range of master’s programs, as she’s done for more than eight years.

Learn more about Esmeralda Cardenal.


Natalie Grinblatt

A Michigan Ross MBA, Natalie has served as   admissions dean/director at Michigan Ross, Cornell Johnson, and ASU Carey . With almost two decades of admissions experience, she’s helped hundreds of clients get admitted to top U.S. and international business schools, graduate programs, colleges, and universities in her 15 years as a consultant. Described by her clients as strategic, engaged, creative, nurturing, and direct, she’s earned high ratings on   Poets&Quants , GMAT Club, and Trust Pilot.

Learn more about Natalie Grinblatt.

Michelle Stockman

Michelle Stockman

Former staff member with the Columbia Business School   admissions office, and broadcast journalist with 15 years experience coaching candidates

Learn more about Michelle >


Kara Keenan Sweeney

More than 15 years of experience in MBA admissions at Columbia Business School, INSEAD, and the Lauder Institute's joint MA/MBA and MA/JD programs.

Learn more about Kara >

Here is what some of our satisfied clients have to say:

"yesterday, i got the good news, and it was from harvard i am absolutely thrilled. amidst the euphoria, i want to take out a moment to thank accepted for all the help.".

Harvard Business School

"I found out that I got into Stanford and Wharton offered me [a grant]... One last thought I had regarding the grant: your help went beyond helping me obtain admission to actually increasing my chances of getting offered a merit-based fellowship - talk about unexpected ROI."

Stanford GSB and Wharton

" Esmerelda is truly the best and I don’t know if I would have been successful without her. I had purchased the complete application package, and found that Esme was incredibly dedicated to my process every step of the way. She helped me brainstorm essay topics, provided extensive support with writing, editing, and framing my story to make my essays as polished as possible. As such I was invited to interview with 4 out of the 5 schools I applied for. In the end, I got an accepted to UNC and received a sizable scholarship and I couldn’t be happier with my decision to work with Esme. "

UNC Kenan-Flagler

"I was accepted at Kellogg and Yale!!! Super excited!!!! I am very happy all the hard work paid off finally! Thank you so much for being supportive and helpful during the journey."

Northwestern Kellogg and Yale SOM

Some of the Business Schools Our Clients Have Been Accepted to...


3 Steps to MBA Admission Acceptance

Get accepted to a full-time MBA, part-time MBA, or EMBA Program.


Work with an MBA admissions expert.

Team up with a consultant with decades of experience.


Apply confidently to your top choice MBA programs.

Submit a strong application to stand out from your competition.


Get accepted to your dream MBA program.

Start the journey toward the education and career of your dreams.

Why Choose Accepted for MBA Application Consulting?

We know that applying to business school is a daunting process. With acceptance rates at top schools hovering around 10%, it is easy to be overwhelmed. That’s where Accepted comes in. We can help you get accepted to traditional MBA, PT MBA, or EMBA programs, and we have the facts to prove it.

  • At most top schools, our clients are accepted at rates 50% or more above the school's overall acceptance rate.
  • Over 80% of our MBA consultants are former admissions directors or worked in admissions-related positions in top colleges and universities around the world, including Columbia, Cornell Johnson, Kellogg, London Business School, Michigan Ross, UNC Kenan-Flagler, Wharton, and Yale.
  • Our MBA consulting experts have well over 100 years of collective experience in MBA admissions.
  • English not your native language? Our business school experts speak 5 languages other than English – Chinese, French, Hebrew, Japanese, and Spanish.

Why Choose Our MBA Application Experts?

  Experience, Approach, and Focus.

Experience:  Accepted’s mba consulting staff collectively has over a century of MBA admissions experience, and we are more than happy to share our insight with you. However, credentials and experience are necessary, but insufficient for Accepted’s clients. They get more.  

Approach:  You want to apply confidently and successfully. To do so you need someone at your side dedicated to giving you the guidance, support and constructive criticism so you can present yourself at your best. That’s our objective, too. Your MBA application consultant will be as determined as you are to help your realize your dreams and goals as he or she mentors you to acceptance.

Focus:  At Accepted, you work consistently with one MBA admissions professional, who becomes an expert in your story. Your consultant is devoted to helping you present that story compellingly and effectively. You will not be shunted between one consultant who does strategy and another who does editing and another who does something else as if your MBA application is a commodity on an assembly line. It is crucial that the MBA admissions committee at your dream schools meet you through your MBA application as a unique human being, not an assembly line outcome.

Don't Submit a Mediocre (or Worse) Application

To get into your top-choice business schools, having an application that shines is vital. Our MBA application consultants can help you create the well-written, cohesive, and impressive application that will catch the eye of the business school admissions committee.

Harvard Square Essays

Mba editing services, need assistance with your mba admissions essay.

Harvard Square Essays is a premier essay-editing service for your MBA personal statement .

A Master's in Business Administration from a top-tier school holds immense value for your career. In fact, the median base salary for a Harvard Business School class of 2020 MBA graduate was $150,000. With MBA admissions growing increasingly competitive, your personal statement plays a pivotal role in determining your admission success. Trust us to help you craft a compelling personal statement that enhances your chances of being admitted to your desired MBA program.

Our seasoned Harvard-educated editors , well-versed in the admissions process, have guided thousands of applicants to success. With their assistance, your refined refine essay and personal statement will leave a lasting impression. Within 24 or 48 hours , you can have your essay polished to perfection by one of our Harvard-educated editors.

Harvard Square Essays played an instrumental role in my successful admission to Columbia, Stanford, and the University of Chicago.

We only use Harvard-educated Editors

Crafting an exceptional residency personal statement requires meticulous attention to detail, insightful storytelling, and the ability to convey your passion for business. Our team of esteemed Harvard-educated editors are here to help you create a compelling personal statement that stands out from the competition.

With our personalized approach, we tailor our editing services to meet your specific needs. Whether you require assistance in enhancing the structure, refining the language, strengthening content, or ensuring coherence throughout your MBA personal statement, we have the expertise to make your essay shine.

Escape the sea of mediocre essays that inundate admissions officers and stand out with our boutique editing services. At Harvard Square Essays, we guarantee your application essays will be among the select few that capture and captivate the discerning eyes of top MBA admissions officers.

They helped me get into my dream grad school by optimizing my essay to the application. Good investment!

Make Your Essay Perfect

Since 2009, Harvard Square Essay has helped thousands of aspiring students achieve their dreams of attending the university of their dreams. Let our experienced team guide you in editing your statement of purpose and other critical admissions essays, ensuring your application stands out in the competitive landscape of MBA admissions.

Invest in your future today and let our dedicated team of editors assist you in perfecting your MBA personal statement. Together, we will work tirelessly to elevate your application.

Our clients have been admitted to the nation's top MBA programs, including:

mba essay editing

MBA Elite Editing Service

Our standard MBA service. Your personal editor tailors your narrative to emphasize strengths and cater to particular MBA programs.

  • Email us a draft version of your essay and we immediately assign you a personal editor.
  • Your editor crafts a polished, Harvard-level version of your essay and brings you under the word limit.
  • You receive both the revised essay and a detailed critique of how your essay has been improved.

Turnaround time: 24 or 48 hrs

Prices start at: $149.00+

MBA Veritas Editing Service

Our most comprehensive MBA service. Includes extra interaction with your editor and a full second edit.

  • An initial revision and critique of your work.
  • A week of access to your personal editor, who will work with you to further develop your essay.
  • A second complete revision of the same essay.

Prices start at: $199.00+

MBA Letter of Recommendation Editing Service

The equivalent of our Elite Service for a letter of recommendation. We ensure that you are portrayed in the best light possible.

Prices start at: $130.95+

MBA Scholarship Editing Service

An edit and critique of your essay by an editor experienced in the scholarship field.

MBA CV or Resume Service

The equivalent of our Veritas Service for your CV or resume.


Don’t just take our word for it: since 2009, we have worked with thousands of applicants to help them get into the programs of their dreams! Our clients have been admitted into the world's best universities.

Testimonial Image

--> Before, I was worried that my essay was something I would regret as the biggest weakness in my application. Now I feel like it's one of my greatest strengths. -->

Admitted, Princeton University

--> Your edits hugely improved my the verbiage and flow of my essay while leaving its core idea intact. I really appreciate it! -->

Admitted, London School of Economics

--> I wasn't sure if my essay really needed another edit, but when I saw the changes my editor made, I was so happy I had decided to try it out! -->

Admitted, Harvard University

mba essay editing


MBA Resources

Our Services

  • All In Package
  • Profile Building For MBA
  • Branding For MBA
  • Interview Preparation
  •  Essay Editing
  • MBA Ding Analysis
  •  Hourly Services

 Essay Editing

mba essay editing

Your essays are really the deciding factor as to whether or not you will get an interview invite from the business schools you are applying to. You need to have a stellar application to get an interview invite and your essays are the core of your application you are going to submit.

Who should opt for Essay Editing Services?

If you have written your essays and you need an expert to assess, review and improvise your essays before you go ahead and press that ‘submit’ button for your application. 

What to expect?

The essay editing service includes:

1) Reviewing your application 

Your consultant will review your application and identify areas for improvement.

2) Feedback session

During this session, your consultant will give you essay advice and share relevant sample essays for you to get some perspective. Your consultant will give you feedback and guide you on making your essays stellar. You will be asked to incorporate the changes based on the feedback. 

3) Second feedback session

After you have incorporated the changes in your essays as per the consultant’s feedback, your consultant will have a look at your essay and get on a call with you to further polish your essay and ask you to incorporate the final changes.

4) Finishing touch

Your consultant will get on a final call with you and give your essay a finishing touch so that your essays look stellar and are ready to go out. 

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New Essays And Key Admissions Dates

A woman in a white blazer sits in an office taking notes while looking at a web page on her laptop computer

As May comes to a close, the admissions team is excited to kick off the recruitment process for the incoming class next fall. We look forward to meeting you and other prospective students both on the road and at our virtual events. For more information on how you can connect with us and learn more about the Ross MBA Program, click here !

Key Admissions Dates

In the 2024-25 admissions cycle, we will continue with three application rounds. The application deadlines and decision releases for this year are below.


Sept. 9, 2024 Dec. 6, 2024
Jan. 6, 2025 March 14, 2025
March 24, 2025 May 2, 2025

New Essay Prompts

At the end of each admissions cycle, the admissions team assesses whether we should change our essay prompts based on the insights we gained from the previous year’s applicant responses. I am excited to share that after four years with the same essays, we are replacing our existing essays with a new set of prompts. This change will help to engage informative insights on our applicant base. Below are the new essays and word counts.

Part 1: Ross Experiences in Action-Based Learning (REAL)  

At Michigan Ross, we believe the best way to learn is by doing. In our Full-Time MBA Program, you will put your skills and knowledge to the test in real-world situations with real stakes. 

How will this learning environment benefit you, and how do you plan to contribute to the action-based learning experience? (300 words) 

Part 2: How will you make an impact at Michigan Ross?  

Michigan Ross is proud to support a community of leaders and impact makers. As a future member of this community, we want to know more about who you are and what drives you. Please choose 1   of the following prompts to tell us more about what makes you stand out beyond your academic and work experience. List the prompt you are answering at the top of your response. (200 words) 

● What makes you unique? 

● Can you provide a specific example of how you've overcome a personal challenge? 

● What makes you excited to get up each morning? 

● Describe a time when you made a difference in your community or with an individual. 

Part 3: Career Aspirations  

What is your short-term career goal, and how will Ross help you achieve it? (200 words) 

Optional Essay  

Is there something in your resume or application that needs a brief explanation? Appropriate uses of this essay would be the explanation of an employment gap, academic outliers, choice of recommender, completion of supplemental coursework, etc. You may use bullet points where appropriate. (250 words) 

Andrea McHale

"Be open to new experiences while embracing your true self."


  1. 20 Must-Read MBA Essay Tips

    Learn how to write unforgettable essays that showcase your unique qualities and fit for business school. Avoid common mistakes and get expert advice on structure, content, and style.

  2. How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay—With Examples

    Learn how to craft compelling MBA essays that showcase your authentic self and goals. Get tips, tricks, and real examples from admits with Leland's comprehensive guide.

  3. MBA Essay Editing Services

    Get professional feedback and editing for your MBA application essays. Choose from hourly plans or complete application packages with expert guidance and turnaround.

  4. Essential MBA Essay Tips

    Learn how to write a compelling MBA admission essay that demonstrates your qualities, goals, and achievements. Find out what to include, what to avoid, and how to proofread your essay effectively.

  5. Five Tips for Writing Your Best MBA Admissions Essays

    Learn how to write compelling MBA admissions essays that showcase your authentic voice, accomplishments, and passions. Find out how to answer the question, be succinct, use approachable language, and limit flowery prose.

  6. Essay Editing Tips from the Pros: Preparing for Your MBA Journey

    Learn how to edit your MBA essays effectively to impress the admissions committee. Find out the common mistakes to avoid, the key elements of a strong essay, and the proofreading techniques to polish your work.

  7. MBA Essays: How to Write & Edit Your Essay

    Learn how to write and edit your MBA essays with expert advice and resources from Find out how to avoid common mistakes, project professionalism, and stand out from the competition.

  8. MBA Essays: Everything You Need to Know

    Learn how to write compelling MBA essays for different types of questions and schools. Get tips from a Wharton MBA and MIT Sloan graduate who offers MBA admissions consulting and tutoring services.

  9. The Best MBA Essay Editing Coaches of 2023

    The Best MBA Essay Editing Coaches of 2023. MBA application essays are challenging and require substantial self-reflection and many iterations. These 10 coaches will help you brainstorm, write, edit, and polish as you find a story that wows the adcom. Posted January 9, 2024. Free Event.

  10. How to write powerful MBA essays that actually work

    But you can still improve your odds of creating an essay that you're proud of, if you follow these simple tips. Here are 6 steps to writing an impressive MBA essay. Start early. Understand the MBA essay prompts. Demonstrate your fit with the MBA program. Stick to the word count.

  11. Essay Editing Services

    Get personalized and professional help with your MBA admissions essays from experienced consultants and editors. Learn how to choose topics, craft stories, and refine your writing for top business schools.

  12. MBA Essay Editing Services

    Get expert feedback and guidance on your MBA essays, personal statements, cover letters, and more. Learn how to avoid rejection-worthy errors, tell your story, and impress the adcom with our award-winning editors.

  13. Learn How to Create a Memorable MBA Application Essay

    2. Use only your voice. Tell us your story in a natural and honest way. Tell us what you really think, not what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. Your response should be descriptive, straightforward and sincere. Take time to think, then write - these are not easy questions to answer. 3.

  14. The Top 15+ MBA Essay Writing Services

    The MBA Essay Perfectionist: Final Review & Proofreading. Work with Karla: M7 application expert with 10 years of admissions and coaching experience, including at the Harvard Kennedy School admissions office. What's included: Initial consultation and assessment, essay drafting and revision with live debriefs, final editing and polishing.

  15. 7 Tips for Writing a Winning MBA Application Essay

    Learn how to write a winning MBA application essay with these 7 tips and examples of common essay prompts. Find out what admissions committees look for in your writing, communication, and personal skills.

  16. EssayCom: MBA Essay Editing and Admissions Advice

    Through our Essay Advising and Editing Service, we assess your career progress, consider your future goals, help you differentiate your application and project your all-round skills. Loads of professional tips to help you start writing your own MBA essays for business school admissions. Know more and signup for free.

  17. Application Essay Editing Services

    Our Premium Essay Editing Service includes more than just quality essay editing and proofreading and includes the following additional features: Editor expertise in your paper's subject area. Direct communication with your editor. A range of turnaround times (from 9 hours to 7 days) Free English editing certificate.

  18. MBA Essay Help

    Refine your written materials from good to great with the SBC editing service. We fix what's wrong. The purpose of editing is to polish your work grammatically without changing your voice unnecessarily or diminishing your authenticity. Run by a team of experienced editors, we ensure your essay writing receives a professional makeover.

  19. MBA Admissions Essay Editing Service. Help With Business School Essay

    Our custom MBA essay editing service online is the right thing you need to stay confident in the quality of your papers for application. Top editing specialists work to make your essays polished, neat, and professional. We provide professional MBA essay help in editing such papers: MBA Personal Statement

  20. MBA Essay Editing

    Get your MBA application essays edited by professional editors who understand the challenges and requirements of MBA admissions. Choose from different service levels, pricing plans, and turnaround times to suit your needs.

  21. MBA Admissions Consulting Services

    Get expert help with your MBA application essays, resume, letters of recommendation, and more. offers hourly and package services with experienced MBA admissions consultants who can guide you through the process and improve your chances of acceptance.

  22. MBA Editing Services

    Harvard Square Essays is a premier essay-editing service for your MBA personal statement. A Master's in Business Administration from a top-tier school holds immense value for your career. In fact, the median base salary for a Harvard Business School class of 2020 MBA graduate was $150,000. With MBA admissions growing increasingly competitive ...

  23. Essay Editing

    The essay editing service includes: 1) Reviewing your application. Your consultant will review your application and identify areas for improvement. 2) Feedback session. During this session, your consultant will give you essay advice and share relevant sample essays for you to get some perspective. Your consultant will give you feedback and ...

  24. New Essays And Key Admissions Dates

    New Essay Prompts. At the end of each admissions cycle, the admissions team assesses whether we should change our essay prompts based on the insights we gained from the previous year's applicant responses. I am excited to share that after four years with the same essays, we are replacing our existing essays with a new set of prompts.