Writing Guide

Professional social workers create a variety of documents, including proposals, case reports, and treatment itineraries. Social work programs prepare students for these tasks through writing assignments such as research papers and essays. To prepare for these writing assignments, students should have a basic understanding of grammar, punctuation, citation styles, and essay formats before entering a social work program.

Professional social workers create a variety of documents, including proposals, case reports, and treatment itineraries.

Social workers handle vital information, which makes the ability to communicate clearly in writing a crucial skill. For example, a child welfare worker gathers information concerning the wellbeing of a child. If the phrasing in the related case report is too complicated, the professional may overlook safety details, which could endanger the child. Additionally, concise wording is important. Wordy documents can take excessive amounts of time to read, which could prevent social workers from considering other cases on a suitable schedule. To master the social work writing style, students should learn to provide necessary information succinctly.

Social work programs may begin assessing writing abilities during the application process through personal statements, so applicants should polish their writing skills before applying.

Featured Programs in Social Work

Types of writing social workers will do in school, personal statements.

Many applications require a personal statement that provides in-depth information highlighting the candidate’s qualifications and positive traits. Whereas a resume may briefly reference a volunteer opportunity at an organization, a personal statement could describe lessons learned while volunteering or elaborate on personal contributions that benefited the organization.

Schools examine these qualifications while reviewing statements, but they also consider the statements as social work writing samples and evaluate each applicant’s writing skills. For this reason, candidates should proofread these documents and include the standard introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. By following these practices, applicants demonstrate their understanding of college-level writing concepts.

Applicants should focus on strengths and experiences related to social work and avoid vague statements and cliches. Instead of noting their lifelong passion for the field, a student could address a single incident that sparked interest in social work. The school may provide a prompt on which applicants should base their statements. These prompts may involve career goals or ambitions in the social work field.

If the school lists personal statements as optional, applicants should consider submitting a statement to demonstrate their work ethic. However, if the school makes no mention of personal statements, students should refrain from submitting one, given the amount of application materials each school must review each year.

Social work courses may include essay examinations during which learners must answer questions in a limited time frame. Students rarely see the questions in advance. To prepare, students should become familiar with all major course components by attending classes, taking clear notes, and keeping up with readings and assignments. Study groups may also be beneficial.

To prepare, students should become familiar with all major course components by attending classes, taking clear notes, and keeping up with readings and assignments.

During the exam, students should begin by outlining the thesis and supporting evidence. This outline guides the student through the writing process and ensures the response remains on-track. These assessments often require three main supporting points, so students may include five paragraphs within these outlines: the introduction, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion.

Learners should also use time-management techniques during these assessments. Students may allot a certain amount of time for each paragraph, plus time to proofread. Using this strategy, students can write and polish each paragraph.

Candidates should carefully answer the assigned question, ensuring they read the question correctly. A single word can alter the prompt’s meaning. For example, an essay explaining how an event happened is different than one detailing why the event happened.

Research Papers

Whereas an essay may include personal opinions, a research paper focuses on facts. For example, an essay discussing a novel could include the student’s thoughts about the work. A research paper would use scholarly evidence to examine aspects of the novel, such as themes, characters, and historical significance.

Essays and research papers also differ in length. An essay may require only five paragraphs. A research paper, however, may be 10 pages or longer.

Students in social work courses can research topics such as drug or alcohol issues, government policies, child welfare, community involvement, and mental wellness. Social work research papers often include sections for methodology, literature, and research results, as well as an abstract and a reference list that fulfills APA requirements.

Students should use a variety of primary and secondary sources when writing research papers. Citing multiple sources reinforces the student’s claims. However, students should refrain from relying too heavily on quoted material; excessive quotations implies the writer does not understand the topic well enough to paraphrase the source information.

Learners may also submit papers to tutoring services before submitting to reduce the chances of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

How Do You Write an Essay?

Social work programs may require various writing assignments to prepare students to complete professional writing for social work practice. Each form of academic writing serves a distinct purpose, and an understanding of various writing styles provides a foundation to help students during these assignments.

Narrative papers often depict personal experiences, such as memorable vacations or first attempts at hobbies. Narrative works also include opinion pieces, such as book reports. When writing a narrative essay, students should have a clear focus.

Expository writing explores a specific topic and requires the writer to carefully examine the topic. The facts presented in an expository piece can come from research or, if the assignment’s structure limits research time, through means such as logic or an example. Cause and effect pieces, compare and contrast works, and process descriptions may all qualify as expository writing if they are meant to present information. All expository pieces should include a thesis and logical transitions.

Persuasive writing requires students to take a stance on a topic and to support that stance with evidence. Research is crucial to persuasive writing, and students should incorporate multiple sources to support their thesis. Additionally, writers should present countering opinions and prove the instability of opposing viewpoints through facts, logic, and examples. Ultimately, persuasive writing should convince readers that the writer’s position is the accurate stance on the topic.


These assignments require students to compare two or more similar concepts, such as political positions, marketing plans, or fictional themes. Professors may assign topics or allow students to select their own. Before writing, learners should brainstorm similarities and organize them into body paragraphs. For instance, a student comparing two artistic pieces may construct paragraphs about color, medium, and setting.

Cause and Effect

This type of paper explains a presumed cause for a specific occurrence. For example, a student may claim that limited health insurance options lead to untreated illnesses in the United States. With this topic, the student could divide supporting evidence into separate paragraphs, such as the cost of health insurance, the benefits of health insurance, and the process of finding insurance information. Using this strategy, the writer covers various health insurance problems to verify the paper’s main point.

Citations Guide for Social Work Students

Using source information without proper citation leads to plagiarism, the act of claiming a source’s ideas without giving the source due credit. Consequences for plagiarism can include failing assignments, failing courses, being expelled from school, and enduring a lawsuit. Since departments require different citation styles, degree candidates should ensure they use the proper citation format for each assignment.

American Psychological Association (APA) Style

APA format was established in 1929 to create a common format for writing. These guidelines allowed writers to more easily interpret one another’s findings. Professionals in fields including psychology, criminology, and business use APA style.

APA format requires specific headers, page numbers, a cover page, an abstract, divided sections, and a reference list. APA in-text citations specify the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number. Students may substitute these details for the work’s title, “n.d.” (“no date”), and a paragraph number or section title, respectively, if the primary information is not available.

The company decided that the new marketing policy was “their best idea in 20 years” (Simmons & Hatfield, 2016, p. 23).

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

In 1906, the Chicago University Press established this citation style, which professionals in fields including history and philosophy employ today. Students following Chicago style may use in-text citations but often use footnotes or endnotes instead. Chicago style also requires a specifically structured cover page, page numbers, and a bibliography.

Footnotes and endnotes resemble bibliography entries but have different punctuation. In a bibliography, students use periods to separate a book’s publisher, publication place, and publication year. In footnotes and endnotes, this information is in parentheses. Additionally, endnotes and footnotes should include page numbers.

The company decided that the new marketing policy was “their best idea in 20 years” (Simmons and Hatfield 2016, 23).

Modern Language Association (MLA) Format

Established in 1883, the Modern Language Association supplies guidelines that many English, literature, and communication departments adopt.

MLA format includes a works cited page at the end of the document and specific page headers and numbers in the upper right-hand corner of each page. Basic assignment information, such as the student’s name, the date, and the course title, appears in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. MLA does not require a cover page, which separates this format from other styles. MLA in-text citations include the author’s last name and the page number.

The company decided that the new marketing policy was “their best idea in 20 years” (Simmons and Hatfield 23).

Associated Press (AP) Style

This style, established in 1977, covers wording, organization, and source documentation. Journalists and news reporters often use this format.

AP style uses brief paragraphs and concise sentences to quicken the pace of the writing. The style requires writers to abbreviate certain words, use a person’s first name only on the initial mention, and eliminate titles. Writers should also replace vague words with more specific options.

Instead of using parenthetical citations, writers can reference the sources in dialogue format. This detail and the lack of reference list are AP style’s distinct elements.

The company decided that the new marketing policy was “their best idea in 20 years,” according to Simmons and Hatfield.

The Best Writing Style for Social Work Majors

Most types of writing in social work require learners and professionals to use APA format. This style is ideal for social work professionals, who often work with documents containing vital information. When dealing with these types of documents, clear details and concise wording are essential. The rigidness of APA style helps writers provide an organized overview of the document’s topic.

Common Writing Mistakes Students Make

Active vs. passive voice.

When writing in active voice, writers state the doer of the action before the sentence’s verb. An example of an active construction would be, “He wrote the book.” Passive voice places the object of the action prior to the verb: “The book was written by him.” Though the information remains the same, active voice states the message more concisely.

Passive voice is a style error, not a grammar issue, and can even be useful in certain situations. Writers may use passive voice when the noun or pronoun undergoing the action supplies the sentence’s emphasis, such as in the following sentence: “The U.S. was founded in 1776.” Because passive voice serves certain purposes and has no technical grammar flaws, using unnecessary passive constructions is a common error.

In most cases, students should choose active voice for concision and clarity. Consider the sentence, “The food was enjoyed.” The reader cannot tell who enjoyed the food, whereas an active sentence with an equal number of words answers this question: “Jane enjoyed the food.”


Punctuation marks include periods, commas, semicolons, dashes, and quotation marks, and confusing their purposes may lead to flawed sentence structures. For example, a semicolon joins two independent clauses, or phrases that can stand alone: “The dog barked; it was loud.” Using a comma in this situation constitutes a grammatical error called a comma splice: “The dog barked, it was loud.”

Punctuation missteps can also alter meaning. In the sentence, “Please stop, David,” the comma before the name directs David to stop. “Please stop David,” on the other hand, would instruct an unknown person to stop David from performing a task.

Writers may confuse colons and semicolons. Colons indicate a pause before an emphasized idea, such as in the sentence,”She knew where to drive: Montana.” The colon places importance on the destination, Montana. Semicolons, on the other hand, may separate nested lists, as in the following sentence.

“The attendants choose between hiking, swimming, and basketball; running, yoga, and tennis; or weightlifting, bicycling, and baseball.”

Writers should become familiar with punctuation rules to craft accurate and clear sentences.

Grammar refers to language rules for phrasing and wording, including concepts such as verb tense and noun-pronoun agreement. Students may struggle with grammatical details, since the language includes irregularities that alter guidelines. For example, constructing past tense verbs often involves adding “d” or “ed.” However, irregular verbs use different formats; the past tense of “eat” is “ate,” and the past tense of “go” is “went.”

Writers may also struggle with homophones, which sound similar but have distinct meanings. Commonly confused homophones are “there,” “their,” and “they’re,” which indicates a place, shows possession, and is a contraction for “they are,” respectively. To avoid grammatical mistakes, learners should thoroughly study the language’s structure.

Writing Resources for Social Work Students

  • Paradigm Online Writing Assistant This website guides learners through various stages of the writing process, including topic selection, revisions, and idea organization. Additionally, students may find information on different types of writing, such as argumentative works and informal pieces.
  • Write Content Solutions This website provides tips on grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure and assists students with researching and citing sources. Students can improve their writing skills using practice worksheets available through the website.
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab The Purdue OWL offers information on the writing process and assists applicants to undergraduate and graduate programs. Students can explore MLA, APA, AP, and Chicago formats through the writing lab.
  • Writer’s Digest This website provides articles on creating pieces in specific genres, for individuals with particular levels of writing expertise. Topics include homophones and time management. The website also provides information about writing conferences and publications.
  • TutorMe This website assists students struggling with essay structure or citation format. Tutors may help learners polish their writing through grammar and punctuation checks and general proofreading.

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  • Guide to Field Education for MSW Students
  • Section 7: Evaluation and Grading in Field Practicum

7.1 Competency-Based Learning Agreements and Task Assignments

The learning agreement.

The competency-based Learning Agreement is a written understanding between the student, the field placement agency-based Field Instructor and the Field Consultant about the nature and content of the student's field experience. This written understanding provides a focus for mutual planning in the development of the placement, and serves as a reference point for ongoing evaluation of the student’s progress toward achieving expected competencies. The agreement is also a basis for the resolution of any disagreement that might later arise among the various stakeholders and partners in student field education.

The Field Instructor has lead responsibility for overseeing the development of the Learning Agreement. This means providing guidance throughout the process including initiating discussion about the agreement, selecting appropriate assignments with the student's input, and making sure that the document is completed in a timely manner.

The student is responsible for producing the Learning Agreement document, including preparation of drafts for discussion and submitting a final draft of the document to the Social Welfare MSW field education program on time.

The Field Consultant is responsible for meeting with the student and Field Instructor to review the Learning Agreement and approve it when it is finalized.

Discussions about field task assignments to include in the Learning Agreement should begin as soon as the student starts placement. The normal timeline for completing the required Learning Agreement is one month (please refer to the current Field Education Calendar for exact due dates each semester).

All Learning Agreement forms are available electronically through our online database, Sonia.

Field Task Assignments

Typically, several general types of assignments are developed each year. These assignments are selected by the Field Instructor, in discussion with the student, and should take into account the student's interests and readiness, the skills the student needs to acquire, and the range of available learning opportunities and activities in the agency.

Field placement tasks and duties should be identified that will advance student progress toward achieving each of the nine practice competencies established for the Social Welfare MSW field education program. All of the competencies should be addressed each year, although specific learning activities will differ for first and second year students.

  • Learning opportunities and activities for first-year students should reflect learning and performance at a beginning and foundational level of generalist social work practice.
  • Learning opportunities and activities for second-year students should approach performance levels appropriate for an entry-level practitioner in a specific area or method of specialized social work practice.

The agency may also require the student to perform additional tasks which are viewed as necessary for competent, ethical service and social work practice in the agency context. These additional tasks should be discussed with the student and Field Consultant, and explicitly noted in the Learning Agreement to clarify expectations and prevent potential misunderstandings.

The intention is for students to be assigned work in field placement that explicitly prepares them for master’s-level social work. Thoughtfully assigning duties located in the student’s proximal growth zone is essential. Students should not be regularly assigned clerical tasks beyond those normally required for successful work with their active clients or for completing assigned projects. We also request field placement settings refrain from assigning duties to students that are well beyond their expected skill or competency level, duties at which they already excel, or duties that are more commensurate with paraprofessional responsibilities.

Each student and Field Instructor are also asked to identify at least two to three assignments per academic year upon which feedback will be given based upon direct observation, audiovisual observation, or transcription/process recording review of the student’s work. For direct practice students, this may involve the Field Instructor observing the student conducting an intake, a counseling or case management session, or group; for a macro practice student, this may involve the Field Instructor observing the student leading a meeting, giving a public presentation, or interviewing or conferring with a stakeholder. Similarly, we ask each student and field instructor to identify at least two to three tangible deliverables or work products per academic year upon which competency-based feedback will be provided. This can include psychosocial assessments, court reports, case presentations, group curricula, written protocols, grant proposals, needs assessments, program evaluations, presentation slides and materials, and other work products related to their task assignments.

Learning Agreement Modifications in Extenuating Circumstances

If extenuating circumstances arise in or around field learning that are likely to impact a student’s or agency’s ability to fulfill commitments made in the Learning Agreement, the Social Welfare MSW field program may request or recommend that agreements be modified. In these instances, MSW students and their agency-based Field Instructor will interact to develop and propose modifications to the Learning Agreement that may allow the student to continue progress toward achieving all of the required competencies while balancing the protection of learning with any identified or emergent health or safety risks. 

When modifications to Learning Agreements are mandated due to extenuating circumstances, students and agencies should be candid, honest, and transparent with supervising field faculty about any concerns related to risk, health and safety, or the student’s ability to successfully continue with the field placement under current operating conditions. Students and agencies are further guided by field program policies on Suspension of In-Person Field Education and Safety and Security of Remote and Tele-Health Services.

All modifications to a student’s field placement work requirements must be clearly documented in the Learning Agreement. Supervising Field Consultant faculty will approve all Learning Agreements and modifications, and facilitate addressing and responding to any concerns in a timely manner.

IGNOU MSW Solved Assignment Download 2023-2024

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We Provide All The IGNOU Books And Study Material Here. MSW Stands For Master of Social Work

IGNOU MSW Solved Assignment 2022 – 2023 Uploaded From Website, All Students must downloading assignments for their programmes on New Admission. Every assignment for the course is available here.

IGNOU BSCG Solved Assignment 2022-2023 Free Download

Download MSW Book
Download MSW Question PaperClick Here

To get good marks in the exam, Read Study Material  and Solved The Assignment carefully With The Properly.

MSW-01Origin and Development of Social Work
MSW-02Professional Social Work : Indian Perspective
MSW-05Social Work Practicum and Supervision
MSW-08Social Group Work: Working With Groups
MSW-09Community Organisation Management for Community Development
MSWL-46Social Work Practicum-IDownload
MSWL-47Block Placement JournalDownload
MSW-12Introduction to Life Characteristics and Challenges
MSW-13Introduction to the Psychological Basis of Counselling
MSW-14Relevance of Social Case Work in Counselling
MSW-15Basics of Counselling
MSW-16Fields of Counselling
MSWL-48Social Work Practicum-IIDownload
MSWL-49Internship RecordDownload

List of Available MSW Study Material in Hindi:

MSW-01समाज कार्य का उद्गम और विकास
MSW-02व्यावसायिक समाज कार्य: भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य
MSW-03आधारभूत सामाजिक विज्ञान की संकल्पनाएं
MSW-04समाज कार्य एवं सामाजिक विकास
MSW-05समाज कार्य प्रैक्टिकम
MSW-06समाज कार्य अनुसंधान
MSW-07 वैयक्तिक कार्य और परामर्श: व्यक्तियों के साथ कार्य करना
MSW-08 सामाजिक समूह कार्य: समूहों के साथ कार्य करना
MSW-09सामुदायिक विकास के लिए समुदाय संगठन प्रबंधन
MSWE-01एच आइ वी /एड्स: कलंक, भेदभाव एवं रोकथाम
MSWE-02महिला और बाल विकास
MSWE-03आपदा प्रबंधन

IGNOU MSW Assignment Compulsory to Submitting?

Yes, all candidates Submitting Their IGNOU Assignments to the relevant study center by the deadline. The IGNOU University would not allow a student to take the term end exam if they have not submitted.

Minimum and Weighted Marks for IGNOU MSW Assignments

Candidates cannot neglect assignments because they have a 30% weight in each IGNOU programme. They must submit the best assignment answer in order to receive higher marks in the final grade,

How To Submit the IGNOU MSW Assignment 2023-2024 ?

By scanning the paper assignments, we were able to answer questions about sending the IGNOU assignment by email.

FAQ On MSW Solved Assignment Free Download 2023-2024

IGNOU official website will open. Choose your Degree, Master, Bachelor, Certificate Click on “Assignments”. Assignment page will appear. Download the Assignment.

For the term-end examination, June 2022, the last date for submission of assignments is extended up to  15th June

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Learning contract and evaluation activities

Contact field education.

[email protected]

The School of Social Work currently is exploring and developing frameworks and applications of a trauma-informed and human rights (TI-HR) perspective across all levels of social work practice.

Trauma-Informed and Human Rights Perspective Activities

Please select a student type and learning objective to see a list of related Field Education activities. Activities relevant to a [TI-HR] perspective are labeled as such.

Student Type

  • 8/21/18 Advanced Year
  • 8/21/18 Foundation Year

Email us at [email protected]

Sample Learning Contract Projects for In-person or Remote Field Learning

These assignments can be useful adjuncts to in-person fieldwork as well as for when a disruption or stoppage in fieldwork occurs related to a public health issue or other event. They should be incorporated into student learning contracts and connected to relevant competencies.  

Examples include the following:

  • Development of agency trainings on topics of self-care, ethics, etc.
  • Development of curricula for groups or workshops on things like life skills, grief, trauma, intimate partner violence, etc.
  • Development of written materials, such as handouts, flyers or brochures, for service recipients or wider community on topics such as voting rights, informed consent, etc.
  • Agency-specific policy review with written recommendations on topics such as safety, use of social mediate, utilization of technology, etc. 
  • Legislative policy review paper on laws and policies impacting the population students work with (ex- Indian Child Welfare Act, Emergency Mental Health Holds, Homeless Camping Ban, etc.) and provide a synopsis of key takeaways or prepare advocacy materials (letter to editor, develop key talking points, etc.)  
  • Literature review on field-specific topics, i.e. effectiveness of an intervention, how interruption of services impacts mental health or economic stability, etc.
  • Grant work, including researching potential funding opportunities and/or preparing specific sections of a proposal. 
  • Community networking and Resource development, i.e. teleconferencing with various service providers, participating in resource mapping, and develop a list of resources for clients with services offered, referral process, etc. 
  • Completing on-line trainings and providing a certification of completion and/or a written reflection paper.
  • Engaging in volunteer work related to population served, or in response to community crisis and providing a written reflection paper. 


Creating a virtual social work office: an innovative way to engage clients (5-10 hours).

Social workers are finding new and creative ways to engage clients in the pandemic. One way is through creating a virtual office. Clients can "visit," see helpful resources and activities, and schedule appointments. In this activity, students will enhance their technology skills and create a product that will help them engage with clients at their field agency. To participate, you can:

  • View this presentation
  • View Bitmoji Classroom Tutorial [19:12 min YouTube video]
  • Create a virtual office using the instructions in the presentation
  • Send out links and instructions for the virtual office to stakeholders at your field site

Watch Creating a Virtual Social Work Office: An Innovative Way to Engage Clients [10:02 min]

Creating a Virtual Social Work Office: An Innovative Way to Engage Clients title slide.

To cite: Shanahan, M. & Lynch, M. (2020). Creating a Virtual Social Work Office: An Innovative Way to Engage Clients. Retrieved from  http://socialwork.buffalo.edu/field-educators-liaisons/field-educator-resources/orientation-and-training-new/learning-contracts-and-performance-evaluations/learning-contract-evaluation-activity-search.html .

Self-Care Assignment (4-5 Hours)

Self-care is an important component of social work practice (and life in general), especially in times of stress. While many of you will have already seen some of these resources, and certainly given thought to your personal self-care, it is important to regularly re-visit our self-care plans and activities. We are in a time of unprecedented uncertainty and we want to encourage and ensure that students are taking care of themselves in positive and healthy ways. For this assignment, we want to students to spend around five hours engaging in the study of self-care, and developing a personal plan for yourself.

Review the following:

  • Self-Care for Social Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic (NASW Podcast)
  • Six Domains of Self-Care: Attending to the Whole Person (Butler, et al. 2019)
  • Kristin Neff: The Three Components of Self-Compassion (Youtube video)
  • UBSSW Self-Care Starter Kit
  • Kristin Neff: The Three Componentsof Self-Compassion (Youtube video)

Field Podcast Assignment (35-40 Hours)

This assignment can be done individually or with a partner. The purpose of this assignment is to help students learn about assessment, evaluation, and/or intervention skills while also learning about technology tools and resources that will help them be informed about social work practice. In this assignment you will also demonstrate your ability to present yourself in a professional manner, self-awareness, and ability to engage in critical peer consultation.

An audio podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a portable media player, computer, or other device. The content of a podcast can inspire, inform, or entertain an audience. An audio format can be used as a way to capture people’s attention and direct their concern to the topic you cover in ways that you cannot do in writing. You will save your audio file in an mp3 or mp4 format, which is the default for most recording devices.

Before you record, edit, and upload your podcast, you will:

  • Listen to a podcast and rate it using the attached rubric
  • Review attached material about storytelling best practices and audio technology
  • Review YouTube videos related to creating podcasts
  • Listen to a podcast that is similar to the type of podcast you will create
  • Choose a topic, audience, and interview or discussion guide for your podcast. Draft your narrative: what’s the story you want to tell? What do you imagine will flow from this story? What will listeners want to know about your topic? How will you elicit or develop this information?

For your podcast - your podcast should focus on a topic that is relevant to your field agency, the podcast can then be shared with your field site to use as a resource. For example, if you are placed in a school, any topic about education and/or children and youth would be relevant. You could also highlight how your agency is adapting to the changes and stresses associated with the Corona Virus pandemic.

The podcast assignment has three parts:

1. Create a podcast between 15-20 minutes in length, including intro. 

  • The intro should be 1-4 minutes and identify you (name and your role as a social work student), and any other people, include the date of the recording, and explain what is talked about during the podcast. It should also mention any distractions (that can’t be edited out) that happen during the podcast. You might also discuss background or relevance of the topic to social work, and what audience might benefit from listening. For best results, this should be created after the podcast is recorded.
  • If you are conducting an interview, questions should help weave a story. If you are not interviewing, your narrative should still help weave a story. See story arc presentation handout.
  • The podcast should end with a thank you (if interview) or other clear ending (where to find more information on the topic, etc.)
  • The interview should be edited to cut distractions where possible, pauses, and add a very short (a few sec) intro/exit music or other appropriate sounds that enhance the recording.
  • If you have external references, mention the website/article/etc as “show notes” which will be posted alongside your podcast if shared widely.

2. Have a peer review your podcast using the attached rubric. After the review, you may choose to re-record or edit any part of the podcast to address changes. Complete the reflection portion of your assignment. Your reflection should answer these questions: (a) what did it take to create your podcast; (b) what did you learn from creating the podcast, about technology and your topic; (c) how is podcasting similar and different to writing a paper on the topic; (d) how will you use podcasts in the future; (e) if you worked with a partner, describe how you divided the work and who did what.

3. Complete a short survey about this assignment. This survey is worth one hour of field time. You will upload the last page of the survey (confirmation of submission) to receive the extra credit. Your answers to the survey will not impact your grade, but will be used to improve the assignment in the future, and the information will also be anonymized and used for research if you give consent. The survey will ask you about your learning and strengths/weaknesses of this assignment.

Complete a reflection paper that covers: (a) what did it take to create your podcast; (b) what did you learn from creating the podcast, about technology and your topic; (c) how is podcasting similar and different to writing a paper on the topic; (d) how will you use podcasts in the future; (e) if you worked with a partner, describe how you divided the work and who did what.

Consider sharing your podcast with the Field Team at [email protected] and/or via social media. For example, your podcast can be published with accompanying text via Wordpress or other blogging site, and a link to your post can be shared on Twitter or other platform using the hashtag #UBSSW. 

  • Digital Storytelling: Tools, Techniques, and Traditions (Sage et al., 2020)
  • Three files posted below, Podcasting for Social Work, Consent Form, and Rubric and Checklist

Cultural Humility Assignment (9-15 Hours)

The online version of this module, Conversations About Culture: Video and Lesson Plan, can be found on this website .

The content is designed to facilitate skills for effective cross cultural communication and collaboration. The very important concept of cultural humility is a central focus. Cultural humility entails acknowledging difference, and positioning ourselves as people interested in learning and understanding. Cultural humility is particularly relevant to a trauma-informed, human-rights-based approach to social work practice; it underscores the dignity and value of the individual and empowers the client as expert in their experience.

Because the process of self-reflection is so important for the development of cultural humility, sample reflection exercises are provided. Learning objectives include the following:

  • Define the concept of cultural humility;
  • Discuss the difference between cultural competence and cultural humility;
  • Highlight the role cultural humility plays in social work practice;
  • Explore the dynamics of difference;
  • Reflect on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are associated with becoming culturally self-aware and valuing diversity;
  • Increase awareness of unconscious cultural stereotypes, and the impact of these on service recipients.
  • Introduction Video - This video defines the concept of cultural humility and highlights related components. Cultural humility is defined as an ongoing process of self- reflection and self-critique. It entails working collaboratively with clients, and embracing difference. Students, faculty and practitioners reflect on the role of cultural humility in their work and share their insights.
  • Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practice s Video
  • Standards and Indicators for Cultural Competence (NASW)
  • Retrieve from UB Libraries: Fisher-Borne, Jessie Montana Cain & Suzanne L. Martin (2015). From Mastery to Accountability: Cultural Humility as an Alternative to Cultural Competence, Social Work Education, 34:2, 165-181, DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2014.977244
  • Optional Additional Readings and Videos

Technology in a Pandemic Assignment (4-5 Hours)

The use of technology, both personally and professionally has profound impacts on our lives and our work. Recently, CSWE and NASW have put out standards for the ethical use of technology and making tech proficiency a critical component of social work education. This assignment allows students to explore various uses of technology and their implications for practice and self-care.

  • Listen to the following podcast: New York Times: Alone Together podcast (7 minutes)
  • Review at least 4 blog posts on Laurel Hitchcock’s Social Work Technology Blog
  • Read: The Tech That Could Be Our Best Hope for Fighting Covid-19—and Future Outbreaks
  • Watch: How Technology is Being Utilized to Mitigate the Covid-19 Virus
  • What ways are you using technology for self care and to stay connected to peers?
  • How have you been using technology in your field placement? Do you have any new or innovative ideas of ways that technology can be implemented in your field placement?
  • How can technology be used in social work to improve practice?
  • Do new technology (social media) pose any unique risks or threats in an environment that the Covid-19 pandemic?

Training or Volunteer Participation Reflection Assignment

This sample reflection paper assignment can be used in conjunction with training, volunteer or other activities assigned by the Field Educator. 

Write a Reflection Paper (at least 3-5 pages) on the training you attended, responding to the prompts below, and addressing where possible connections to competencies 1-9. 

Submission instructions: Students can submit their reflections, noting number of completed training hours plus time spent completing this reflection, directly to their Field Educator. 

(1-2 Pages) Respond to the following prompts

  • What I learned
  • What I would do differently
  • My thoughts going forward

(1-2 Pages) Next, consider any connections to the nine Social Work competencies.

  • Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
  • Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
  • Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
  • Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
  • Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice
  • Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  • Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  • Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  • Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities


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Indira Gandhi National Open University - [IGNOU]

New Delhi IGNOU Courses & Fees Master in Social Work [MSW]

Indira Gandhi National Open University - [IGNOU]

Master in Social Work [MSW] (Part Time) From IGNOU, New Delhi

Tution fees₹18000₹18000
Total Year Wise fees

IGNOU Upcoming Application Dates 2024

Expired events.

Last Date to Apply (MSW)Mar 31, 2024


Eligibility Criteria

The candidate should have passed Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University

Course Details

IGNOU MSW admission 2024 for the July session has been started. The last date to apply is June 30, 2024. Interested candidates can apply online on the official website of IGNOU @ignou.ac.in. Admissions will be granted based on marks secured in the qualifying examination. Check  IGNOU Admission 2024 

IGNOU  offers Master of Social Work program at the postgraduate level for a minimum duration of two years and it can be extended up to five years. Candidates having a bachelor’s degree from any recognized university are eligible for admission to the course. MSW is offered by the School of Social Work, IGNOU, is unique and innovative in many respects.  Check IGNOU Admission Status

  • I GNOU MSW Admission Dates
  • I GNOU MSW Course Details
  • IGNOU MSW Admission Keypoints

IGNOU MSW Program Structure

  • IGNOU MSW Study Material
  • IGNOU MSW Assignment
  • IGNOU MSW Application Process

IGNOU Admission Dates 

Event Dates
IGNOU admission 2023 July Session Last Date June 30, 2024

IGNOU MSW Course Details 

Masters in Social Work(MSW) is a postgraduate course that uses social sciences, sociology, psychology, political science, public health, community development, law, and economics to solve problems at individual and community levels. It encompasses 14 subjects for which there are annual exams.

Minimum Duration 2 years
Maximum Duration 5 years
Eligibility Any Bachelor Degree from any recognized university
Course Fee INR 32,400
Minimum Age No Bar
Maximum Age No Bar

Note: Course Fee: INR 32,400 for the full program to be paid year wise @ INR 16,200 per year (Subject to change from time to time as per University norms)

Check   IGNOU Courses

IGNOU MSW Admission Keypoints 

  • The candidates are advised to download the prospectus and read the instructions carefully before filling up the form
  • The candidates should remember their Username and Password for subsequent login
  • Credit Card (Master/Visa)
  • Debit Card (Master/Visa/Rupay)
  • Net Banking
  • ATM Card (PNB)

The University follows the credit system for its Master’s Degree Programme. Each credit amounts to 30 hours of study comprising all learning activities. Thus, a 4 credit course involves 120 study hours, a 6 credit course involves 180 study hours and 10 credit course involves 300 study hours. To successfully complete the MSW program, you will have to earn 66 credits over a period of 2 to 5 years depending on your convenience.

The Master’s Degree Programme in MSW has three major components: 1. Compulsory Papers 38 Credits 2. Optional Papers 8 Credits 3. Field Work 20 Credits Total 66 Credits

Compulsory Papers

The students have to earn 38 credits in Compulsory papers. The list of compulsory courses is given below.

Course Code Course Title Credit
MSW-001 Origin and Development of Social Work (Theory) 4
MSW-002 Professional Social Work: Indian Perspectives (Theory) 4
MSW-003 Basic Social Science Concepts 4
MSW-004 Social Work and Social Development (Theory) 4
MSW-005 Social Work Practicum and Supervision (Theory) 4
MSW-006 Social Work Research (Theory)  6
MSW-007 Case Work and Counselling: Working with individuals 4
MSW-008 Social Group Work: Working with groups 4
MSW-009 Community Organization Management for Community Development  4

Optional courses in social work

These courses are opted in second year of the MSW program.

Course Code Course Title Credit
MSWE-001 HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Discrimination, and Prevention 4
MSWE-002 Women and Child Development 4
MSWE-002 Disaster Management 4
MSW-010 Introduction to Philanthropic Social Work 4
MSWP-001 Dissertation (Project Work)  6

Course Code Course Title Credit MSWE-001 HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Discrimination, and Prevention 4 MSWE-002 Women and Child Development 4 MSWE-002 Disaster Management 4 MSW-010 Introduction to Philanthropic Social Work 4 MSWP-001 Dissertation (Project Work)  6 Course Code Course Title Credit MSWE-001 HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Discrimination, and Prevention 4 MSWE-002 Women and Child Development 4 MSWE-002 Disaster Management 4 MSW-010 Introduction to Philanthropic Social Work 4 MSWP-001 Dissertation (Project Work)  6

Additional optional courses will be offered at a later stage.

Field Work Components

The third component of the MSW program is the Field Work Practicum. The University has prepared two Field Work Journals for the 1st and 2nd year separately. Each year you are expected to successfully complete 10 credits of Field Work Practicum under the guidance of a professionally qualified Social Worker.

Therefore ensure from the coordinator at the study center that your supervisor has formal qualifications in social work at the post-graduation level. Completion of Field Work in MSW Ist year is mandatory for starting the social work practicum of the second year.

List of Field Work Components

Course_Code Year Title Credits
MSWL-001 1st year Social Work Practicum-I (Practical) 10
MSWL-002 2nd year Social Work Practicum-II (Practical) 10

“In case a student wants to have assignments, he/she can obtain a copy of the same from the Study Centre or Regional Centre or may download it from the IGNOU website.

Also check   IGNOU Result

IGNOU MSW Study Materials

IGNOU provides study material to students free of cost. Here are the links for MSW study materials that are tabulated below. Students can easily download or view the study material from here without any registration. It will help students to understand & get a clear idea about the course curriculum.

Course Name Click to Download

IGNOU MSW Assignments 

Assignments constitute continuous evaluation. The marks that you secure in the assignments will be counted in your final result. As mentioned earlier, an assignment of a course carries 30% weightage. You are therefore advised to take your assignment seriously. 

Non Submission of Assignment

The TMA for each semester can be downloaded from the Student Zone of the University website. You have to complete the assignment within the due dates specified in the assignment booklet. You will not be allowed to appear for the term-end examination for any course if you do not submit the assignment in time for that course. If you appear in the term-end examination, without submitting the assignments, the result of the term-end examination is liable to be canceled.

Read More:   IGNOU Assignment

IGNOU MSW Application Process 2023

IGNOU offers admission to MSW courses on basis of percentage scored in bachelor degree. The application procedure is online and one can get admission through online mode only.

Application steps in MSW Courses

  • Visit the IGNOU Website.
  • Fill the form for new registration if you are not a registered candidate.
  • Select your course, and note down its Course ID.
  • Next, click on “Application”
  • Fill the form for the candidate’s application.
  • Pay the course fees for one year.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Click on the submit button.
  • Your application is provisionally accepted. 

Note: After verifying all the details, and documents, your application will be finally accepted by the authorities and your admission will be confirmed.

Click here   IGNOU Admissions


Ques. How many credits are there in MSW Program?

Ques. What to do if you do not receive the study material in time?

Ques. If a student does not appear for the first year exam, is he eligible to register for the second year examination?

Ques. What is the evaluation scheme for MSW Course in IGNOU?

Ques. What are the minimum marks required for passing theory marks?

Ques. What is the grading system for the evaluation of marks?

Master in Social Work [MSW] Comparison

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General Course Details 2 Years Part Time Part Time Distance Post Graduation Degree
EligibilityPass Graduation

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Popular courses:, ignou: 1 answered question, is an msw from ignou university beneficial or not.

No. If you want proper exposure you should opt for MSW from a regular college. Only bookish knowledge is not enough for MSW. This is because when you work on some real business you fail to connect the dots and apply the knowledge practically.

Proper practical exposure teaches you a lot more than just books. It prepares you for the worst-case scenario. The trick is to gain knowledge in the best possible way to gain the maximum benefits.

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IGNOU Download MSW (Master of Social Work) Study Material PDF

Download ignou msw study material, msw (master of social work) study material.

Name MSW
University IGNOU
Service Type Study Material (Soft Copy/PDF)
Course MSW (Master of Social Work)
Language ENGLISH and HINDI
Product Study Material of MSW (IGNOU)
MSWE-001 Download
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MSWE-003 Download
MSWE-007 Download
MSWE-010 Download
MSWL-013 Download
MSWL-014 Download
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MSWL-016 Download


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IGNOU MSW-32 Study Material

IGNOU MSW-32 Study Materials/Books – If you come to this page for download each course of MSW-32 Study Material so you come at right place. Here you will get everything for which you have come here. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of MSW-32 to our System and it is ready and available for all MSW-32 Students.

We provide all study materials to IGNOU MSW student with free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need.

List of Available MSW-32 Study Materials:

Block-01 Introduction to criminal justice
Block-02 Concept of criminal justice administration in India
Block-03 Criminal justice processes
Block-04 Prison processes

Is it required to download MSW-32 Materials?

For attend IGNOU MSW-32 TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your MSW-32 Assignments with using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of Examination and you can get good marks in your Master in Social Work Programme Annual Exam with a good grade.

3 thoughts on “IGNOU MSW-32 Study Material”

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Download from: https://www.ignouhelp.in/ignou-mswl-13-study-material/

I am very thankful to you sir/ma’am for providing the material

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    3 Origin and Development of Social Work ASSIGNMENT Course Code: MSW-001 Total marks: 100 Note: (i) Answer all the five questions. (ii) All questions carry equal marks. (iii) Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each. 1. Discuss about the historical milestones in the development of social work and social welfare.


    4. 4. 4. Professional Social Work: Indian Perspectives. ASSIGNMENT. Course Code: MSW-002 Total marks: 100 Note: (i) Answer all the five questions. (ii) All questions carry equal marks. (iii) Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each. 1) Give profiles of any 3 major NGOs involved actively in Social.

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  9. Engaging MSW students in policy advocacy practice: A sample assignment

    This article describes a creative graduate social work assignment designed to generate student enthusiasm for policy advocacy practice. The assignment, which requires students to interact with policy experts and develop a digital infographic and position statement informed by this interaction, is anchored by the Grand Challenges for Social Work ...

  10. IGNOU MSW Solved Assignment 2024

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    Subject code MSW- 1,2,4,5,6 assignments will be submit. Have you received your study material. Alfiya shaikh says: March 5, 2021 at 10:11 pm. Hello sir I can't able to study I can't get the study material of 010 social work in African context and 032 social work and criminal justice.

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    MSW Stands For Master of Social Work. IGNOU MSW Solved Assignment 2022 - 2023 Uploaded From Website, All Students must downloading assignments for their programmes on New Admission. Every assignment for the course is available here. To get good marks in the exam, Read Study Material and Solved The Assignment carefully With The Properly.

  13. PDF for Master's Degree in Social Work (MSW)

    "In case a student wants to have assignments, he/she can obtain a copy of the same from the ... Social Work Practicum-I (Practicals) (MSWL-001) 10 36 Credits IInd Year 1. Case Work and Counselling : working with individuals (MSW-007) 4 2. Social group work : working with groups (MSW-008) 4 3. Community Organization Management for Community ...

  14. Engaging MSW students in policy advocacy practice: A sample assignment

    This article describes a creative graduate social work assignment designed to generate student enthusiasm for policy advocacy practice. The assignment, which requires students to interact with policy experts and develop a digital infographic and position statement informed by this interaction, is anchored by the Grand ...


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    IGNOU MSW Assignments . Assignments constitute continuous evaluation. The marks that you secure in the assignments will be counted in your final result. As mentioned earlier, an assignment of a course carries 30% weightage. You are therefore advised to take your assignment seriously. Non Submission of Assignment

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    Last Date of Submission of Assignments to the Study Centre July, 2022 Session - Mar ch 31, 2023 January, 2023 Session - September. 30, 2023. Note : Kindly write the assignments for the courses you have opted. School of SocialWork Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068.

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  24. IGNOU MSW-32 Study Material

    We provide all study materials to IGNOU MSW student with free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need. List of Available MSW-32 Study Materials: MSW-32 Social work and criminal justice. Click to. Block-01. Introduction to criminal justice. Download. Block-02. Concept of criminal justice administration in India.