English Academy

October 25, 2023 • 12 minutes read

English Practice 7th Grade

Dalam artikel ini, kita akan belajar latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 dan semester 2 lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya!

Dalam materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 kamu tentu sudah belajar tentang ekspresi minta maaf, farewell expression , fabel, anggota keluarga, perkenalan diri, dan masih banyak lagi. Nah, sekarang saatnya mengasah kemampuan pemahaman kamu akan materi-materi tersebut. 

Di sini, kamu akan mengerjakan 50 soal yang terdiri dari soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 dan soal Bahasa Inggris k elas 7 semester 2 dalam bentuk pilihan ganda dan esai. Yuk simak contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 dan jawabannya! Good luck!

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1

A. in this section, please choose one of the best answers for the questions.

1. Choose the correct farewell expression to complete the following sentence:

“Tom: I have to go now. Goodbye, everyone!

Sarah: ________, Tom!”

A. See you later B. Thank you C. How are you D. Have a nice day

2. What does the farewell expression “Take care” mean?

A. Silakan B. Selamat tinggal C. Hati-hati D. Terima kasih

3. Andi accidentally bumps into his friend at school. What should he say to apologize?

A. Hi, nice to meet you! B. Excuse me, I’m sorry. C. Goodbye, take care. D. Thank you for your help.

4. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank:

“I’m really _______ for being late to the meeting.”

A. happy B. tired C. sorry D. excited

5. Ekspresi yang tepat untuk disampaikan saat bertemu dengan orang baru adalah ….

A. “Hello, what’s your name?” B. “How are you doing?” C. “Nice to meet you!” D. “Where are you from?”

6. A: Hi, I’m Sarah. Nice to meet you!

    B: ____________

A. Hi, I’m John. Nice to meet you too! B. Sorry, I don’t know you. C. Goodbye! D. What’s your name?

7. A: How do you address your mother’s sister?

B: ____________.

A. aunt B. grandma C. sister D. cousin

8. How do you call your grandparents’ daughter?

A. Grandma B. Father C. Sister D. Aunt

9. A: I’m grateful for your assistance with my project. You really saved me.

B: ____________

A. You’re welcome. B. It’s nothing. C. I don’t know. D. I’m glad I could help.

10. A: I really appreciate your kindness. You’ve been a great friend.

      B: ____________

A. You’re welcome. B. No worries. C. I don’t know. D. Nice to meet you.

Baca Juga: 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 & 2 Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban!

11. Which of the following is an appropriate way to introduce yourself?

A. “Hey, I’m awesome!” B. “Hi, I’m John. Nice to meet you.” C. “I’m the best student in the class.” D. “Yo, I’m the boss around here.”

12. Hello, my __________ is Maya.

A. name B. age C. school D. address

13. Arrange this sentence correctly!

From – am – a – student – I – Jakarta.

A. I am a from student Jakarta. B. I am a student from Jakarta. C. I am from Jakarta a student. D. I am a Jakarta student from.

14. Arrange this sentence correctly!

My – is – favorite – purple – color.

A. My favorite color is purple. B. Purple is my favorite color. C. Color purple is my favorite. D. Is purple my color favorite

15. You should control …. words, because you may hurt people.

A. my B. her C. your D. their

Read the text below to answer questions 16-17!

I have a pet cat. Her name is Luna. Luna is a beautiful and playful cat. She has soft, fluffy fur and mesmerizing green eyes. I love spending time with her, playing with her favorite toys and cuddling with her on the couch. Luna enjoys chasing after little balls and catching them with her paws. She also likes to curl up in my lap and purr contentedly. Taking care of Luna is a responsibility I take seriously. I make sure she has plenty of food, fresh water, and a clean litter box. I give her regular check-ups at the veterinarian to keep her healthy. Luna brings so much joy and companionship into my life, and I’m grateful to have her as my furry friend.

16. How would you describe Luna’s eyes?

A. Blue B. Brown C. Green D. Black

17. What does the word “responsibility” in the paragraph refer to?

A. Taking care of Luna B. Playing with Luna’s favorite toys C. Cuddling with Luna on the couch D. Catching ball with her paws

Read the text below to answer questions 18-20!

Once upon a time, there was a clever fox who lived in a forest. The fox was known for being sly and cunning. One day, as the fox was walking through the forest, he spotted a juicy bunch of grapes hanging from a vine. The grapes were ripe and glistening in the sunlight. The fox’s mouth watered at the sight of them.

Excitedly, the fox jumped up to grab the grapes. But try as he might, he couldn’t reach them. The grapes were too high up on the vine. Undeterred, the fox decided to use his intelligence to come up with a plan. He thought to himself, “If I can’t reach the grapes, maybe I can convince myself that they are not worth having.”

With a confident smirk on his face, the fox walked away from the grapes, muttering, “Those grapes must be sour anyway. I bet they’re not even tasty.” The fox convinced himself that he didn’t want the grapes and that he didn’t need them. He continued on his way, acting as if the grapes were of no interest to him.

The moral of the story is that sometimes when we desire something but can’t attain it, we tend to devalue it to make ourselves feel better. Just like the fox convincing himself that the grapes were sour, we often try to convince ourselves that what we can’t have is not worth having. It’s important to recognize and appreciate the value of things, even if they are beyond our reach.

18. Why did the fox walk away from the grapes?

A. He couldn’t reach them. B. He didn’t like the taste of grapes. C. He was not hungry. D. He was cunning.

19. What does the word “they” in the paragraph refer to?

A. The foxes in the forest B. The grapes C. The vines D. The forest

20. What is the moral of the story?

A. Grapes are always sour. B. It’s important to recognize the value of things. C. Cunning foxes are clever animals. D. The fox is intelligent.

Baca Juga: Contoh Ungkapan Permintaan Maaf (Apologizing)

B. In this section, please write down the right answer for the questions!

Fill in the opposite word for questions number 21-23!

21. He is always late , while his brother is consistently __________.

22. The weather today is hot , but yesterday it was __________.

23. The movie was exciting , but the ending was __________.

24. Arrange the words to form a grammatically correct sentence:

house – I – live – in – a – small


Identify the correct term for each family member for questions 25-26!

25. What do we call a female sibling?

26. What do we call the daughter of our sibling?

27. Complete the dialogue with the appropriate expression of gratitude:

A: “I made dinner for us tonight.”

B: “That’s so kind of you! _______________”

Read the text below to answer questions 28-30!

Once upon a time, there was a clever tortoise who lived near a fast-flowing river. The tortoise was known for his wise and patient nature. One day, a speedy hare challenged the tortoise to a race. The tortoise, being slow and steady, accepted the challenge.

On the day of the race, all the forest animals gathered to watch. As the race began, the hare quickly darted ahead, leaving the tortoise far behind. The hare, confident in his speed, decided to take a nap under a shady tree.

Meanwhile, the tortoise continued plodding along at his slow but steady pace. He didn’t get discouraged by the hare’s initial lead. As the hare slept, the tortoise continued to move forward, determined to reach the finish line.

When the hare finally woke up and realized his mistake, he hurried back onto the race course. But it was too late. The tortoise had reached the finish line before him. The slow and steady tortoise emerged as the winner of the race.

The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race. It’s not always the fastest or the most talented who succeed, but those who persevere and keep moving forward. The hare’s overconfidence and complacency cost him the victory, while the tortoise’s persistence led him to triumph.

28. Why did the hare decide to take a nap during the race?


29. What did the tortoise do while the hare was sleeping?

30. What is the moral of the story?

Baca Juga: 50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1

  • On time/punctual
  • I live in a small house.
  • He underestimated the tortoise’s speed.
  • He continued moving forward at his slow pace.
  • Slow and steady wins the race.

Baca Juga: Tips Mengerjakan IELTS Academic Writing Section

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2

Nah, sekarang giliran soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2. Soal-soal dibawah ini terdiri dari 10 soal pilihan ganda dan 10 soal esai. Setelah mengerjakan, kamu bisa mencocokkan pilihan jawabanmu dengan kunci jawaban di akhir soal. Yuk langsung saja simak soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 2 beserta kunci jawabannya!

Read the text below to answer questions 1-4!

John is a tall and athletic man with a charming smile. He has short, dark hair and a well-groomed beard. His eyes are a vibrant shade of blue that sparkle when he laughs. John is always impeccably dressed, often seen in stylish suits or casual yet trendy attire. He exudes confidence and carries himself with an air of charisma. People are drawn to his friendly and approachable nature. 

John is known for his kind heart and willingness to lend a helping hand. He is a true gentleman, always courteous and polite to everyone he meets. Whether it’s his physical appearance or his personality, John leaves a lasting impression on those around him.

1. What is one physical characteristic of John mentioned in the paragraph?

A. He has long, blonde hair. B. He has a beard. C. He has green eyes. D. He has a round face.

2. What impression does John leave on people?

A. He is forgettable and unremarkable. B. He is arrogant and self-centered. C. He is kind-hearted and helpful. D. He is dull and boring.

3. How would you describe John’s fashion sense?

A. Outdated and boring. B. Trendy and fashionable. C. Sloppy and unkempt. D . Casual and careless.

4. How is John described in terms of his interactions with others?

A. Distant and aloof. B. Judgmental and critical. C. Aggressive and confrontational. D. Courteous and polite.

Read the text below to answer questions 5-7!

I have a favorite spot in my house, which is the backyard. It’s a wonderful outdoor space where I love to spend my time. The backyard is beautifully landscaped with a lush green lawn, vibrant flowers, and tall trees that provide ample shade. There is a cozy patio area with comfortable seating, perfect for relaxing and enjoying the fresh air. I often gather with my family and friends on warm evenings to have barbecues and enjoy outdoor meals. In one corner of the backyard, there is a charming little gazebo where I like to sit and read a book or simply unwind. 

The backyard also features a well-maintained vegetable garden, where I grow various herbs and vegetables. It’s incredibly rewarding to nurture the plants and later enjoy the delicious produce. The backyard is truly my oasis, a peaceful retreat where I can connect with nature and find tranquility. I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a lovely outdoor space that brings so much joy and relaxation to my life.

5. What is the favorite spot in the house mentioned in the paragraph?

A. Bedroom B. Attic C. Basement D. Backyard

6. What can be found in the backyard?

A. Vegetable garden and gazebo B. Washing machine and drying machine C. Garage and swimming pool D. Books and old toys

7. What is the purpose of the cozy patio area in the backyard?

A. To park the family car B. To keep old stuff C. To relax and enjoy outdoor meals D. To store books and toys

8. Which sentence is an example of an imperative sentence?

A. The dog is barking loudly. B. I am going to the store. C. Please pass me the salt. D. She is reading a book.

9. Choose the word that is a synonym for “angry”:

A. Happy B. Furious C. Calm D. Excited

10. Which part of the body is responsible for pumping blood?

A. Heart B. Lungs C. Stomach D. Brain

11. What is the primary organ of the respiratory system?

12. “The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking .” What is the synonym of the bold word?

13. Person 1: What would you like to have for dinner tonight?

Person 2: Hmm, how about we order some ________?


14. She is a doctor, and she works at a _____ in the downtown area.

15. The chef is known for his culinary skills, and he works at a _____ in the city.

16. Choose the imperative word that completes the sentence: 

“______ the door when you leave.”

17. Which word is an imperative verb in the following sentence: 

“Please be quiet during the movie.”

18. The books _____ on the shelf.

19. We _____ going to the park.

20. What is a synonym for “beautiful”?

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2

  • Amazing/stunning

Gimana? Tidak sulit bukan? Dari 50 soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 di atas, berapa soal yang bisa kamu jawab? Agar semakin jago Bahasa Inggris, jangan lupa terus berlatih ya! Asah juga kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kamu bersama English Academy. Kamu juga bisa ikutan placement test untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kamu, lho!

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Contoh Soal Essay UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban

Ilustrasi : Contoh Soal Essay UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban ( Pixabay/ 14995841)

ASPIRASIKU - Simak contoh soal essay UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs semester 1 dan kunci jawaban.

Pada kesempatan ini, kita akan membahas contoh soal mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTts dalam tahun ajaran semester 1 untuk menghadapi Ujian Tengah Sekolah (UTS).

Selain itu, contoh soal mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs sebagai bahan referensi belajar agar percaya diri serta bisa menjawab soal-soal pertanyaan yang ada dalam ujian nanti.

Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs dalam tahun ajaran semester 1 terdapat beberapa soal yang terdiri dari 10 soal essay dan kunci jawaban.

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Berikut kumpulan contoh soal UTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs dalam tahun ajaran semester 1 dan kunci jawaban yang ada di bawah ini.

Isilah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang paling benar di bawah ini!

Read the text below to answer question number 1 – 5!

The Jackson Family

Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works in Denpasar. He teaches English at SMP 8. He is a very good teacher. His students like him. His wife is an Indonesian. She comes from Medan. They have one son and one daughter. Both of them are primary school student’s Mr. Jackson’s house is made of wood. It has five rooms; a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, and two bedrooms. The Jacksons have a housemaid to help Mrs. Jackson to do the house work. Their maid comes from Bantul.

1. What does Mr. Jackson do as a job?

Jawaban: Mr. Jackson is a teacher

2. Where do the Jacksons stay?

Jawaban: The Jacksons stay in Denpasar

3. She comes from medan (line 3) The underlined word refers to Mr. Jackson’s ....

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Bank Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka, Siswa Latihan Yuk!

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Siswa, sudah latihan untuk Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) belum? memasuki masa ujian PAS, siswa perlu berlatih soal-soal agar makin siap mengerjakan ujian.

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang tidak boleh ketinggalan adalah bahasa Inggris. Untuk siswa kelas 7, materi PAS bahasa Inggris semester 1 yang diujikan berfokus tentang diri (about me) dan hal-hal di sekitar seperti dijelaskan dalam Buku Panduan Guru English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII oleh Ika Lestari Damayanti.

Materi bahasa Inggris akan lebih paham jika terus dilatih. Maka dari itu, siswa bisa berlatih dengan 15 soal https://www.detik.com/tag/soal bahasa Inggris dari Modul Pembelajaran SMP Terbuka Bahasa Inggris kelas VII oleh Kemdikbud di bawah ini.



Bank Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka

Teks untuk soal nomor 1 dan 2

Arya : Hi, Eva. How are you? Eva : Hi, Arya. (1) .... By the way, who is with you? Arya : Oh, this is my new friend, Rama. Rama, this is my cousin, Eva. Rama : Hello, Eva, (2) .... Eva : Hello, Rama. Nice to meet you too.

1. A. How are you anyway? B. Glad to see you, too. C. Very well, thanks. D. How do you do?

Jawaban: C. Very well, thanks.

2. A. Let me introduce myself. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good morning. D. How are you.

Jawaban: B. Nice to meet you.

Teks untuk soal nomor 3-7

Mrs. Dewi: That's the bell. Time is up. Students: All right, Ma'am. Mrs. Dewi: We will discuss the next chapter next Friday. Please study the material at home. Students: Sure, Ma'am. Mrs. Dewi: See you. Bye. Students: See you, Ma'am. Bye.

3. Who is Mrs. Dewi? A. She is a student B. She is a principle C. She is a librarian D. She is a teacher

Jawaban: D. She is a teacher

4. Where does the dialog take place? A. at the schoolfield B. in the office C. In the library D. In the classroom

Jawaban: D. In the classroom

5. When will the next lesson be? A. Next Wednesday B. Next Thursday C. Next Friday D. Next Saturday

Jawaban: C. Next Friday

6. Mrs. Dewi says, "See you, Bye". What does she express? A. Apologizing B. Thanking C. Greeting D. Leave taking

Jawaban: D. Leave taking

7. Mrs. Dewi says, "Please 'study' the material at home". What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. Learn B. Look C. Inform D. Prepare

Jawaban: A. Learn

8. Bona : How old are you ? Dina : .............................. A. I am fine B. My brother C. I am twelve D. I'm in the seventh grade

Jawaban: A. I am fine

9. Bob : ....................... Tim : I have one elder brother. A. How is your elder brother? B. Where is your brother? C. How old is your elder brother? D. How many brothers do you have?

Jawaban: D. How many brothers do you have?

10. Dian : What is your address? Dani : .............................. A. I don't live here. B. I like to live here. C. I live alone. D. It's Pettarani Street No. 15.

Jawaban: D. It's Pettarani Street No. 15.

Teks untuk soal nomor 11 dan 12

Hello, I am Yogi from Kendari. I will stay for two months in Bali. I like sport, but my favourite is badminton. I join a badminton club in Kendari. I like travelling too. I want to learn Bali traditional dance. I hope you can teach me.

11. What are Yogi's hobbies? A. Playing badminton and traveling B. Playing badminton only C. Collecting book D. Drawing manga.

Jawaban: A. Playing badminton and traveling

12. The statement which is true based on the text? A. Yogi doesn't join a badminton club in Kendari. B. Yogi joins a badminton club in Bali. C. Yogi will stay in Bali for years. D. Yogi wants to learn Balinese dance.

Jawaban: D. Yogi wants to learn Balinese dance.

Teks untuk soal nomor 13-15

Tiur : Hi, come in. Rio : Hi, thanks. Your living room is clean. Tiur : My sister cleans it every day . Rio, Can you tell me about something? Rio : Sure. What is it? Tiur : About your new school. Are there any air conditioners in your classroom? Rio : Yes, there are. Tiur : How many air conditioner are there? Rio : There are two air conditioners. Tiur : It's amazing. And your classroom? Rio : There is no an air conditioner in my classroom. But, we have two fans. Tiur : I see.

13. Who are talking? A. Tiur and his friend. B. Tiur and his teacher. C. Eko and his brother. D. Tiur, Eko, and his teacher.

Jawaban: A. Tiur and his friend.

14. Where does the dialogue probably take place? A. at home B. at school C. at the canteen D. at Rio's home

Jawaban: A. at home

15. How many air conditioners are there in Tiur's classroom? A. three B. two C. one D. nothing

Jawaban: D. nothing

Nah, itulah bank soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka. Semoga membantu, detikers!

Adverb of Manner: Pengertian, Jenis, dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Cardinal number: pengertian, urutan, contoh penggunaan, 20 contoh soal tes tulis pps pilkada 2024 plus jawabannya, latihan yuk, 20 contoh soal tes tulis pps pilkada dan kunci jawaban, ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa inggris, personal dan penuh makna, self reward artinya apa ini dia pengertian dan contohnya, 40 ucapan hari ibu bahasa inggris yang bermakna dan menghibur, moge yang dipakai uas harganya nyaris rp 1 m, begini spesifikasinya.

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Ruang Seni

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 & Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 & Kunci Jawaban – Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa asing utama yang wajib dipelajari oleh para siswa. Pada tingkat sekolah menengah pertama (SMP), berbeda dengan tingkat sekolah dasar yang masih terpusat pada kosakata (vocabulary), para siswa di tingkat ini belajar lebih jauh mengenai grammar dan kalimat yang lebih kompleks. Latihan mengerjakan perlu untuk melatih kemampuan Bahasa Inggris. Berikut soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP semester 1.

Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, c, or d.

1. Shiva meets Lia, her old friend, on her way walking to her office. Shiva greets her.

Shiva : You are Lia, aren’t you? Hi … Lia : Hi, Shiva. Oh I am just fine. How about yourself? Shiva : I am fine, too. I am working for that office now. Lia : Really? How lucky you are!

a. Where do you live now? b. How have you been? c. Do you remember me? d. Do I look great?

2. Mr. Handoyo is eager to know about Anton’s condition. He is not cheerful as usual. Mr. Handoyo : Anton, what is the matter with you? You do not look well this morning. Anton : You are right, Sir. … I think I get cold. Mr. Handoyo : You’d better take a rest at home, then.

a. I am okay b. I am just fine c. I do not feel too well this morning d. I do not feel bad

3. The following expressions are commonly used to greet someone, except …

a. How’s life? b. How are you doing? c. What are you doing? d. How are things with you?

4. Mrs. Rossy : Good afternoon, students. Students : Good afternoon, Ma’am. Mrs. Rossy : Well, I cannot teach you this afternoon. I have a meeting with the headmaster. Students : That is alright. We will study by ourselves, Ma’am. The underlined utterance is an expression of …

a. Greeting b. Leave-taking c. Introduction d. Prohibition

5. Ruly : Hello, I am Ruly. … ? Adi : Hello. My name is Adi. Pleased to meet you. Ruly : Pleased to meet you too, Adi.

a. What is the matter with you b. What is your name c. How are you d. Are you a new student

6. Ferly : Romy, this is my sister, Vivian. Romy : … ? Vivian : How do you do. I have heard so much about you.

a. How do you do b. How are you c. How is your life d. What is up

7. Below are the expressions of introducing ourselves to others, except … a. Hello, I am Any b. It is the first time to meet you. I am Shelly c. Let me introduce myself to you d. I would like to introduce you to my friend, Franda

8. Excuse me, everybody. I would like to introduce Mr. Hakim to you all. He is a new employee in our office. The underlined expression is … a. Self-introducing b. Introducing someone to others c. Greeting d. Leave-taking

Number 9 – 15 are based on this list of things.

pillow fridge blanket sink jug wardrobe ruler dressing table map knife teacher’s desk microwave time table kettle frying pan juicer grater bolster eraser cooker

9. Which of the following things is NOT commonly found in the kitchen? a. Grater b. Kettle c. Ruler d. Jug

10. Which of the following things is used of keeping clothes? a. Wardrobe b. Bolster c. Fridge d. Dressing table

11. It is a type of container commonly used to hold liquid. It has an opening, often narrow, from which to pour our drink. What is it? a. Juicer b. Kettle c. Fridge d. Grater

12. Which of these things is not usually found in the bedroom? a. Dressing table b. Bolster c. Sink d. Pillow

13. This thing is usually found in the bedroom. It is a long narrow pillow or cushion filled with cutton, down or fibre. It is called … a. Pillow b. Bolster c. Blanket d. Jug

14. It is a kitchen utensil. It is a type of pot, typically metal, specialized for boiling water, with a lid, spout and handle. What is it? a. Jug b. Kettle c. Sink d. Grater

15. This thing is usually found in the classroom. It is usually brought by travelers. They look at it to find a place and to avoid being lost. What is it? a. Time table b. Eraser c. Map d. Teacher’s desk

Number 16 – 20 are not related to the text. 16. Faiza is a philatelist. She is very fond of collecting … a. Envelopes b. Letters c. Stamps d. Coins

17. Mother has put some … into the soup. a. Oil b. Paint c. Salt d. Butter

18. The hunter shot the tiger with a … a. Knife b. Scissors c. Sword d. Gun

19. My mom bought some oranges, … were very sour. The appropriate pronoun is … a. It b. They c. We d. He

20. James has a dog. James takes … for a walk everyday. a. It b. Him c. Them d. Its

Kunci Jawaban: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A

Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP semester 1. Dengan banyak berlatih soal, kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kita akan bertambah. Semoga bermanfaat!

Panduan Sederhana Membuat Magnet Sederhana 20 Contoh Soal Pewarisan Sifat pada Makhluk Hidup & Kunci Jawaban 20 Contoh Soal Tentang Kemagnetan & Pemanfaatan dalam Produk Teknologi

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25 contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban.

foto: Pixabay/Geralt

Bisa jadi bahan latihan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1.

6 Oktober 2022 20:25

Brilio.net - Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sudah dipelajari sejak Sekolah Dasar (SD) hingga Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Itu artinya, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dipelajari selama 12 tahun atau wajib sekolahnya anak Indonesia.

Agar lebih mudah paham mengenai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, berikut ini brilio.net rangkumkan 25 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 disertai kunci jawaban, pada Kamis (6/10).

Dengan banyak berlatih soal, maka kesempatan dalam mendapatkan ilmu lebih cepat prosesnya. Contoh soal dan kunci jawaban dalam artikel ini ditujukan sebagai bentuk latihan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1. Semoga bermanfaat.

Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 pilihan ganda.

1. Manda: How are you, Salma? Salma: I'm good Manda. How about you? Manda: ..... Salma: Get well soon. Manda: Thanks a lot.

A. I have a mother finger B. I have a plant C. I have a headache D. I have a husband E. I have a esophagus

Jawaban: C. I have a headache

2. Two days before Sunday is...

A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday E. Saturday

Jawaban: D. Friday

3. Arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue. 1. Hello, Sinta! 2. Hello, Mr. Hartawan. Nice to meet you 3. His name’s Hartawan 4. Nice to meet you, Atiqah. 5. Hi, Atiqah 6. Atiqah, this is my father.

A. 5–1–4–3–2–6 B. 5–1–3–6–2–4 C. 5–1–6–3–2–4 D. 5–1–2–3–6-4 E. 5-1-6-4-3-2

Jawaban: C. 5-1-6-3-2-4

4. Anna: Hi, I'm Anna. ..... Mark: My name is Mark.

A. What about you? B. It's nice to see you C. What's your favorite food? D. See you later E. What's your name?

Jawaban: E. What's your name?

5. When we meet somebody at 5 p.m. we greet him...

A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night E. Good dawn

Jawaban: B. Good afternoon

6. Mother : Have a nice dream, my dear. Son : ….

Jawaban: C. Have a nice dream, mom

7. Nana : Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late? Rama : … I have a flat tire.

A. Thanks B. No problem C. I’m sorry D. Get well soon E. Sure

Jawaban: C. I'm sorry

8. I have friend. His name is Aliando Syarif. He was born in 2005. He comes from Pringsewu. He likes fried chicken.

Which statement is TRUE according to the text above..

A. Aliando is seventy years old B. Aliando is seventeen years old C. Aliando is an Artist D. Aliando is handsome boy E. Aliando is her friend

Jawaban: B. Aliando is seventeen years old

9. Chandra is a philatelist. She is very fond of collecting … A. Envelopes B. Letters C. Stamps D. Coins E. Paper

Jawaban: C. Stamps

10. Luke has a dog. James takes … for a walk everyday.

A. It B. Him C. Them D. Its E. That

Jawaban: A. It

11. My dad bought some oranges, … were very sour. The appropriate pronoun is …

A. It B. They C. We D. He E. That's

Jawaban: B. They

12. The hunter shot the tiger with a …

A. Knife B. Scissors C. Sword D. Gun E. Pan

Jawaban: D. Gun

Magang: Ricka Milla Suatin

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Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 dan Jawaban

Kherysuryawan.id – Download Soal dan Jawaban PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 Semester 1.

Sahabat pendidikan yang berbahagia, dalam dunia pendidikan tentunya ada sebuah kegiatan yang harus dilakukan baik oleh guru maupun oleh siswa yakni melakukan evaluasi atau ulangan. Hal tersebut di lakukan untuk mengukur seberapa besar kemampuan peserta didik dalam memahami materi yang telah dipelajari atau di berikan oleh guru mata pelajaran di sekolah.

soal essay bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester ganjil

Untuk kegiatan ulangan ada yang di sebut dengan ulangan harian, ulangan tengah semester, ulangan akhir semester dan ujian. Semua itu nantinya akan di lakukan mulai dari semester 1 hingga semester 2. Nantinya nilai dari hasil ulangan tersebut akan menjadi nilai yang sangat berpengaruh dalam penilaian di rapor siswa.

Berbicara mengenai ulangan maka pada kesempatan kali ini admin kherysuryawan.id akan membahas khusus tentang ulangan akhir semester(UAS) atau yang sering pula di sebut dengan penilaian akhir semester (PAS). Dalam pelaksanaan PAS/UAS maka guru harus bisa membuat soal ulangan dan menyiapkan pula kunci jawabannya untuk memudahkan dalam melakukan penilaian nantinya saat pelaksanaan ulangan akhir semester (UAS).

Guru dalam membuat soal PAS/UAS tentunya harus mengacu pada materi yang telah di berikan kepada siswanya. Membuat soal PAS/UAS juga biasanya akan di sesuaikan dengan tingkat kesukaran soal dan dapat di berikan dalam beberapa jenis soal seperti soal pilihan ganda atau soal essay. Hal itu biasanya akan di sesuaikan dengan keputusan hasil rapat di sekolah masing-masing saat akan melakukan pelaksanaan penilaian akhir semester (PAS).

Selain guru siswa juga mau tak mau harus bekerja keras untuk bisa mempersiapkan diri dalam mengikuti pelaksanaan ulangan akhir semester si sekolah. Siswa harus banyak belajar mulai dari materi awal hingga materi akhir sesuai dengan jenis materi yang telah di berikan oleh guru di sekolah masing-masing.

Berbicara mengenai penilaian akhir semester atau ulangan akhir semester maka pada kesempatan kali ini kherysuryawan.id akan membagikan sebuah referensi soal-soal PAS/UAS untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP. Adapun soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 yang akan di bagikan ini yaitu soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 untuk semester 1 kurikulum 2013.

Jika ada guru yang saat ini sedang mengajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas 7 SMP dan sedang membutuhkan kumpulan soal-soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 versi terbaru, maka postingan ini akan membantu untuk bisa menyiapkan soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 tersebut. Dengan adanya soal-soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP ini kiranya bisa menjadi bahan referensi bagi guru dalam memudahkan guru untuk membuat soal ulangan akhir semsester.

Selain guru siswa pun dapat memiliki file soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP ini, tujuannya yaitu untuk bisa menjadi bahan latihan dan pembelajaran bagi siswa yang akan menghadapi pelaksanaan ulangan akhir semester. Dengan banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal latihan maka tentunya akan semakin mempermantap pengetahuan siswa sehingga pada saat pelaksanaan PAS/UAS nantinya bisa memiliki pengetahuan yang baik.

Sebagai informasi pula bahwa selain soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 yang akan saya bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini, saya pun akan membagikan kunci jawabannya. Tentunya dengan adanya kunci jawaban maka akan memudahkan para guru dan siswa yang akan menggunakannya sebagai bahan latihan ataupun sebagai referensi dalam pembelajaran. Jika ternyata ada soal atau kunci jawaban yang dirasa masih belum tepat atau kurang sesuai maka dimohon untuk bisa melakukan perbaikan sesuai jawaban yang sebenarnya agar bisa lebih bermanfaat.

Seluruh file soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP semester 1 dan file kunci jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 yang akan di bagikan pada artikel ini tersimpan dalam format MS Word sehingga akan sangat mudah untuk digunakan serta jika para guru ataupun siswa yang akan melakukan pengeditan maka dapat melakukannya sesuai ke butuhan masing-masing.

Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP semester 1 yang ada ini terdiri atas beberapa jenis soal yakni ada soal pilihan ganda dan juga ada soal essay atau uraian namun semua soal yang di sajikan semuanya telah di lengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya.

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  • Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.1 - VERSI 1 ( DISINI )
  • Kunci Jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.1 - VERSI 1 ( DISINI )
  • Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.1 - VERSI 2 ( DISINI )
  • Kunci Jawaban  PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.1 - VERSI 2 ( DISINI )  
  • Soal & Jawaban Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka ( DISINI )

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Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 – Cardinal Numbers and Time


Halo! Sobat guru bahasa Inggris. Di postingan kali ini kami ingin berbagi kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7 dengan judul materi Cardinal Numbers and Times yang di lengkapi dengan jawaban. Disini dalam contoh soal ini ada jenis soal pilihan ganda (pg), short answer, essay, serta di lengkapi dengan tugas praktik dan proyek. Untuk jawabannya para sobat sekalian bisa di lihat di akhir postingan.

Baca Juga | Telling time, dates, days, and months

Bagi para peserta didik bisa di jadikan sebagai bahan latihan mengerjakan soal-soal bahasa Inggris dan bagi para sobat guru contoh-contoh soal ini bisa di jadikan referensi untuk membuat soal di sekolahnya masing-masing, silahkan bapak ibu guru bisa mengcopy dan paste soal soal berikut dan juga bisa di kembangkan oleh sobat guru bahasa Inggris semuanya. Dalam kumpulan contoh soal ini berhubungan dengan materi cardinal numbers, expression to ask about time , dan penggunaan “a.m” dan “p.m” . Langsung saja kita menuju soal:

Section A: Multiple Choice (PG)

Choose the correct answer!

1.      Handy : What time does Heni have breakfast?

Ghania : . . .

A.     She usually has breakfast at 06.00 p.m.

B.      She usually has breakfast in the afternoon.

C.      She usually has breakfast at 06.00 a.m.

D.     She usually has breakfast at night.

2.      Look at the picture!


Ghania : What time is it?

Aisyah : It is . . .

A.     half-past eight

B.      eight past half

C.      half past seven

D.     seven past half

3.      I go to school at   . . . (quarter past ten)

A.     10.45

B.      10.30

C.      10.15

D.     10.00

4.      Look at the picture!


I usually go to bed at . . .

A.     10.10

B.      09.50

C.      09.10

D.     08.50

5.      Look at the picture!


A.     It is four o’clock.

B.      It is half-past four.

C.      It is five o’clock.

D.     It is half-past five.

6.      Look at the picture!

Angga : What time do you get up?


Ari : At . . .

A.     four o’clock

B.      half past four

C.      five o’clock

D.     half past five

7.      Lukman : . . .

Handy : He goes to school at six?

A.     When Aal goes to school?

B.      When does Aal goes to school?

C.      When do Aal go to school?

D.     When does Aal go to the school?

8.      Look at the picture!


What time is it?

A.     It is ten sixteen.

B.      It is eight ten.

C.      It is six ten.

D.     It is ten eighty.

9.      Rkla : When does the Gangga Shop open?

Adit : . . .

A.     The Gangga Shop open at six-thirty.

B.      The Gangga Shop opening at six-thirty.

C.      The Gangga Shop opens at six-thirty

D.     The Gangga Shop opened at six-thirty.

10.          A half past nine if write in number is . . .

A.     09.45

B.      09.15

C.      09.30

D.     09.40

11.          Look at the picture!


What time is it? It is . . . (in analog time)

A.     three past ten

B.      three past three

C.      ten past three

D.     ten past ten

12.          Look at the picture!


A.     It is three o’clock.

B.      It is four o’clock.

C.      It is six o’clock.

D.     It is eight o’clock.

13.          Look at the picture!


When does the cafeteria open?

A.     At seven o’clock.

B.      At half-past six.

C.      At six o’clock.

D.     A quarter to six.

14.          Look at the picture!


When do you get up? (According to the picture)

A.     At half-past seven o’clock.

B.      At half-past four o’clock.

C.      At half-past six o’clock.

D.     At half-past five o’clock.

15.          Look at the picture!

soal essay bahasa inggris kelas 7 semester ganjil

What time does the school library open?

A.     It opens at half past seven.

B.      It opens at six o’clock.

C.      It opens at half past six.

D.     It opens at seven o’clock.

16.          Read the dialogue and answer the suitable respond!

  Najwa : What time do you go home?

  Andre : . . .

A.     I go home at two.

B.      I goes home at two.

C.      I going home at two.

D.     I gone home at two.

17.          Look at the picture!


  What time is the picture telling us?

A.     Ten fifty-five.

B.      Ten fifty.

C.      Ten fifteen.

D.     Ten five.

18.          English class always . . . at 08.00.

  The suitable word to complete the dialogue is?

A.     start

B.      starts

C.      starting

D.     strated

19.          Look at to the picture!


What time is it? It is   . . . (According to the picture)

A.     one twenty.

B.      twenty to two.

C.      twenty past two.

D.     a quarter past one.

20.          Mom asked Budi, what the time he will go home?.

  Mother : What time do you go home, Budi?

  Budi : . . .

Look at the picture. What is a suitable response according to the picture.


A.     I go home at three.

B.      I go home at quarter past three.

C.      I go home at quarter to four.

D.     I go home at half past three.

21.          Ghani usually . . . his home work after school.

  The suitable word to complete the sentence is . . .

A.     took

B.      takes

C.      to take

D.     taken

22.          What . . . you do on Sunday morning?

A.     does

B.      did

C.      do

D.     to

23.          It is a quarter to three. What picture is correct with it?









24.          Look at the picture!


  According to the picture, what time is it?

A.     It’s quarter past ten.

B.      It’s half-past ten.

C.      It’s twenty past ten.

D.     It’s ten past eight.

25.          The digital clock show quarter past eight. Which one the correct picture?





26.          Read the dialogue carefully.

  Jono : What . . . do you have breakfast, Handy?

  Handy : At half-past six.

A.     when

B.      hours

C.      clock

D.     time

27.          “11.53” change it to sentence!

A.     Quarter past eleven.

B.      Half to seven.

C.      Eleven fifty-three

D.     Five eleven

28.          It is . . . past two. (02.20)

A.     half

B.      twenty

C.      fifteen

D.     a quarter

29.        The clock show the time   is . . .


A.     seven o’clock.

B.      eight o’clock.

C.      nine o’clock.

D.     ten o’clock.

30.          What time is it?


A.     It is half past seven.

B.      It is half past eight.

C.      It is half past nine.

D.     It is half past ten.

31.          What time is it?


A.     It is quarter past seven.

B.      It is quarter past eight.

C.      It is quarter past nine.

D.     It is quarter past ten.

32.          How you say 03.03 a.m.?

A.     It is three past three in the morning.

B.      It is three past two in the morning.

C.      It is two past three in the evening.

D.     It is two past three in the afternoon.

33.          My brother goes out at 07.15 p.m. it means he goes   . . .

A.     in the morning

B.      in the afternoon

C.      in the evening

D.     at night

( note: baca tentang menggunakan good morning, afternoon, evening dan good night)

34.        My uncle comes at 02.30 p.m. it means he comes . . .

35.          The bus always comes at 08.00 a.m. it means the bus always comes . . .

36.          Seven plus three is . . .

A.     ten

B.      eleven

C.      nine

D.     twelve

37.          Sixteen minus eight is . . .

A.     six

B.      seven

C.      eight

D.     nine

38.          8 + 7 = 15

A.     Eight plus seven is fifty

B.      Eight plus seven is fifteen

C.      Eight plus seven is five

D.     Eight minus seven is five

39.          12 : 2 = 6

A.     Twelve divided by two is six

B.      Twelve devided by six is two

C.      Twelve minus six is two

D.     Twelve times two is six

40.          8 x 7 = 56

A.     Eight times seven is sixty-five

B.      Eight times seven is fifty-six

C.      Eight times seven is five-six

D.     Eight divided by seven is fifty-six

41.          Read the dialogue carefully!

  Tari : . . . kilograms of orange do you want to buy.

  Mother : Five kilograms, my dear.

What is the suitable expression to complete the dialogue?

A.     How price

B.      How much

C.      What price

D.     How many

42.          Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, . . .

  The next number is

A.     Twenty-two

B.      Twenty-four

C.      Twenty-six

D.     Twenty-seven

43.          Thirty-four minus nine equals . . .

A.     Thirty-one

B.      Fourty-three

C.      Twenty-five

D.     Twenty-nine

44.          47 + 32 = . . .

A.     Ninety-nine

B.      Seventy-nine

C.      Seventeen nine

D.     Nineteen nine

45.        How do you read 17 x 5 = 85?

A.     Seventy multiply five equals eighty-five.

B.      Seventy multiplied by five equals eighty-five

C.      Seventeen multiplied by five equals eighty-five

D.     Seventeen multiply eighty five is five

46.          40 devided by 8 is . .

A.     three

B.      four

C.      five

D.     six

47.          The number after eight is . . .

A.     nine

C.      ten

D.     eighty

Read the following text carefully, the text is for quesntions number 48-50!

Ghania’s Daily Activities

Ghania always gets up at four o’clock in the morning, then she takes a bath. At six o’clock she has breakfast. She goes to school at half past six. Ghania goes home at half past twelve. She has lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon. After school, she usually does her homework and then take a nap. She takes a bath at four o’clock. She has dinner at seven o’clock in the evening. She studies at half past seven at night. She prepares the book for tomorrow at nine o’clock at night. She prays before sleeping at half past nine.

48.          What is the text about?

A.     Ghania gets up at four o’clock in the morning.

B.      Ghania’s activities.

C.      Ghania has breakfast, lunch and dinner.

D.     Ghania prays before sleep.

49.          What time does Ghania study at home?

A.     07.30 a.m.

B.      08.30 a.m.

C.      07.30 p.m.

D.     08.30 p.m.

50.          What does Ghania do at nine o’clock?

A.     She studies.

B.      She plays.

C.      She has dinner.

D.     She prepares the book.

51.          Ghania : What time is it?

  Nova : . . . (19.10)

A.     It is ten past seven.

C.      It is ten past nine.

52.          How you say 16.55 p.m.?

A.     It is five past four in the afternoon.

B.      It is five past four in the morning.

C.      It is five to five in the afternoon.

D.     It is five to five in the morning.

53.          The teacher goes home at 15.20. it means they go home . . .

54.          My mother cooks at 05.00 a.m. it means she cooks . . .

55.          The train will come at 20.00. It means the train will come . . .

56.          Eight minus three is . . .

B.      nine

C.      seven

D.     five

57.        One plus eight is . . .

D.     ten

58.          4 x 2 = 8

A.     Four multiplied by two is two.

B.      Four multiplied by two is eight.

C.      Four divided by two is two.

D.     Four divided by two is eight.

59.          24 : 3 = 8

A.     Twenty-four divided by three is eight.

B.      Twenty-four divided by eight is three.

C.      Twenty-four minus three is eight.

60.          12 + 9 = 21

A.     Twelve times nine is twenty-one.

B.      Twelve plus nine is is twenty-one.

C.      Twelve minus nine is twenty-one.

D.     Twelve divided by nine is twenty-one.

61.          The number before thirty-four is . . .

A.     thirty-five

B.      thirty-three

C.      fourty-three

D.     fourty-four

62.          41, 43, 45,   . . .

The next number is . . .

A.     forty-two

B.      forty-four

C.      forty-six

D.     forty-seven

63.          Seventy-seven minus eleven equals . . .

A.     forty-one

B.      forty-three

C.      sixty-six

D.     sixty-nine

64.          7 x 12 = . . .

A.     ninety-nine

B.      eighty-four

C.      seventeen

D.     nineteen

65.          How do you read 65 : 5 = 13?

A.     Sixty-five divided by five equals thirteen.

B.      Thirteen divided by five equals sixty-five.

C.      Thirteen multiplied by five creates sixty-five.

D.     Sixty-five multiplied by five is five thirteen.

66.          54 divided by 9 is . . .

A.     Three

B.      Four

C.      Five

D.     Six

67.          The three numbers after nine is . . .

B.      ten

C.      twelve

68.          Read the dialogue carefully.

Ghania : What time do you . . . . , Handy?

Handy : At 06.00 a.m.

A.     take a nap

B.      sleep at night

C.      go home from school

D.     have breakfast

69.          What time is it? (21.20)

B.      It’s half to seven.

C.      It’s twenty past nine.

D.     It’s nine twelve.

70.          It is . . . past seven. (07.30)

C.      fiteen

D.     quarter

For number 71-75, fill in the cloze text by using the right answer!

Ghania is very busy (71) . . . . She gets up early at   (72) . . . and does the subuh praying. She makes her room tidy and takes a bath after that.

She has (73) . . . with family at six. She goes to school at half past sic and gets to xhool at seven o’clock. After school Ghania (74) . . . for an hour. She wakes up at three and does the Ashar praying. She helps her mother preparing dinner (75) . . ., After dinner, Ghania studies. She gets to bed at nine o’clock.

71.          A. every night

  B. everyday

  C. everybody

  D. everything

72.          A. half to four

  B. Half four

  C. Four past half

  D. Half past four

73.          A. breakfast

  B. lunch

  C. supper

  D. dinner

74.          A. takes a bath

  B. takes a nap

  C. have breakfast

  D. have lunch

75.          A. at noon

  B. in the morning

  C. int the afternoon

  D. in the evening

Section B: Fill the blanks using suitable words.

1.      05.30 a.m. = . . . in the morning.

2.      I usually have lunch at . . . (02.00 p.m.)



It’s . . .

4.      What do you . . . after breakfast?





7.      (04.30)

8.      (22.45)

9.      Ghania :

Aisyah : It is eight twenty.

10.        Dzakir : . . .

Galuh : I have luNch at 01 p.m.

Section C: Answer the following questions

1.      Write the following times into the sentence:

a.      04.15 : . . .

b.      14.55 : . . .

c.       07.30 : . . .

d.      20.45 : . . .

2.      Draw the clock showing these times.

a.      03.20

b.      14.55

3.      Create the dialogue asking what time it is now.

You                     : ………………

Your friend      : ………………

4.      Create the dialogue asking what time your friend get up.

5.      Create the dialogue asking what time you have dinner.


Untuk tugas praktik anda bisa menugaskan kegiatan rutin anak dengan menggambarkan jamnya dan tulisan waktunya,

Atau bisa di download dengan mengklik tautan ini : DOWNLOAD FORMAT TUGAS PRAKTIK


1.      Cari seorang teman di kelasmu.

2.      Tanyakan beberapa pertanyaan kegiatan sehari hari di rumahnya.

Contohnya: What time do get up every day?

3.      Tulis dan ceritakan kegiatan kegiatan teman kalian yang telah di tanyai dan presentasikan di depan kelas.


1.      Cari seorang teman di kelas kalian.

2.      Tanyakan kegiatan yang mereka lakukan selama liburan.

3.      Kemudian tuliskan aktifitas teman kamu di dalam sebuah teks singkat.

4.      Presentasikan di depan kelasmu

Untuk format portofolionya bisa di didownload: DOWNLOAD FORMAT TUGAS POYEK


1.      It is half past five o’clock / five thirty a.m.

2.      Two o’clock / two p.m.

3.      It is five past four o’clock / four five p.m.

4.      Do

5.      It is twenty-five past eight / eight twenty-five a.m.

6.      It is ten to three o’clock

7.      It is half past four

8.      It is quarter to eleven / ten foury-five p.m.

9.      What time is it?

10.        What time do you have lunch?

1.      Quarter past four o’clock, five to three o’clock, half past seven o’clock, quarter to nine o’clock.

2.      Gambar sesuai dengan waktu yang tertulis.

3.      You : What time is it?

4.      Your friend : tergantung jawabannya.

5.      You : What time do you usually get up in the morning?

6.      Your friend : tergantung jawabannya.

7.      You : What time do you usually have lunch?

8.      Your friend : tergantung jawabannya.

Handy 2020-08-17 Tags: Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris , English

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Latihan Soal

10 latihan soal essay bahasa inggris kelas 7 smp kurikulum merdeka 2024, lengkap kunci jawaban, 10 latihan soal essay bahasa inggris kelas 7 smp kurikul merdeka 2024, lengkap kunci jawaban, penulis: lulu aulia lisaholith | editor: ferri amiril.

10 Latihan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Kurikulum Merdeka 2024, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

TRIBUNPRIANGAN.COM - Ujian pertengan tahun atau setengah semester akan berlangsung sebentar lagi.

Maka dari itu para siswa sekolah harus mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin untuk menghadapi ujian pertengahan tahun ini.

Soal ini dipergunakan sebagai referensi untuk menghadapi Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) terutama untuk kelas 7 MTS pada semester genap tahun 2024, yang diketanl dengan Penilaian sumatif akhir tahun (SAT) atau SAS.

Penilaian sumatif akhir tahun (SAT) atau SAS adalah evaluasi pembelajaran yang di selenggarakan oleh tingkat satuan pendidikan dalam rangka mengukur ketercapaian dan keberhasilan standar kompetensi lulusan untuk semua mata pelajaran sebagai dasar penentuan kenaikan kelas dari satuan pendidikan

Baca juga: 40 Latihan Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 MTs Kurikulum Merdeka, Bahas Ejaan, Paragraf, dan Simpulan

SAT pada penerapan kurikulum merdeka disebut Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS), Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK) atau Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) pada kurikulum 2013 sebelumnya.

Soal dan jawaban yang dibahas sebagai referensi bahan belajar bagi siswa belajar dirumah.

Simak selengkapnya pembahasan soal dan jawaban Latihan UKK, SAT, UAS, UKK dan PAT untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP / MTs semester genap dilansir dari berbagai sumber:

Baca juga: 20 Latihan Soal Essay UAS Matematika Kelas 3 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka 2024, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

10 Latihan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris

1. Complete the dialog below with the suitable expression Cinta : Good afternoon, Maam.

Mrs. Lila : (a) How's life?

Cinta : (b) , Maam. Thanks. And you?

Mrs. Lila : Very well. Thank you. Sorry, I have to go now.(c) , Cinta. Cinta : Bye, Maam. (d)

Mrs. Lila : See you.

2. Complete the dialog below with the suitable expression Roni : (a) , Sir. I'm late.

Mr. Prapto : (b) , but don't do it again next. Roni : All right. (c) , Sir

Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah

Latihan soal, bahasa inggris, kurikulum merdeka bahasa inggris - smp, kurikulum merdeka 2024, kurikulum merdeka.

28 Daftar Skincare Halal dan Non-Halal yang Perlu Diketahui Sebelum Membelinya

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Bocoran 15 Soal Latihan Essay untuk UAS Matematika Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

20 latihan soal lengkap jawaban dan pembahasan uas matematika kelas 3 sd/mi kurikulum merdeka 2024.


20 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban UAS Kelas 10 Mapel KIMIA Pilihan Ganda Kurikulum Merdeka 2024


10 Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Essay PAS/UAS Bahasa Indonesia Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas 6 SD/MI Semester 2


10 Soal Essay UAS Kurikulum Merdeka Mapel Matematika Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

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Oct 31, 2017

Kumpulan soal bahasa inggris smp kelas 7 semester 1.

Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Semester 1

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Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester Ganjil

Multiple choice exercise.

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester ganjil

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Kunci Jawaban

60 latihan soal uas dan jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 7 dengan pembahasan pilihan ganda tahun 2024, berikut 60 pembahasan soal uas uts mapel bahasa inggris kelas 7 smp, lengkap dengan kisi-kisi dan kunci jawaban..

60 Latihan Soal UAS dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 dengan Pembahasan Pilihan Ganda Tahun 2024

TRIBUN-BALI.COM, DENPASAR – Berikut 60 pembahasan soal UAS UTS mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP, lengkap dengan kisi-kisi dan kunci Jawaban .

Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Ujian Sekolah memang sudah di depan mata.

Mengerjakan soal ujian Bahasa Inggris tak sulit lagi dengan ulasan ini.

Baca juga: 50 Latihan Soal UAS dan Jawaban IPA Kelas 7 SMP dengan Pembahasan Pilihan Ganda Tahun 2024

Berikut kunci jawaban yang berhasil dirangkum TribunBali.com dari berbagai sumber.

Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau ujian akhir semester (UAS) akan segera dimulai.

Oleh karena itu, siswa dianjurkan untuk mempersiapkan diri dalam mengerjakan soal-soal ujian agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih maksimal. 

Oleh karena itu, TribunBali sejumlah beberapa soal yang dapat membantu siswa dalam mempersiapkan diri sebelum dimulainya ujian .

Simak ulasan dan kunci jawaban selengkapnya di sini.

Kunci Jawaban UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP 

Berikut kunci jawaban disertai kisi-kisi dalam ulasan selengkapnya di sini.

Pilihan Ganda

1. Our schoolyard is very large. We can play …. here

Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Contoh soal uas bahasa inggris kelas 7, pembahasan soal, bahasa inggris.

7 Penyebab Lantai Kamar Mandi Menguning, Kualitas Air Sangat Berpengaruh


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BROSUR Pinjaman dan Tabel Angsuran KUR BRI, Simak Tata Cara Pengajuan dan Syaratnya!


Libur Panjang Hari Raya Waisak, Harga Bawang Putih, Cabai dan Bahan Pokok Lain Meroket


Harga BBM Non-Subsidi di Pulau Bali dan Jawa Terkini Per 28 Mei, Pertadex Rp 15.100/Liter, Dexlite?


Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 179: Text's Purpose

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50 Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Berikut 50 soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka yang bisa dipakai sebagai bahan belajar siswa.

tirto.id - Sebanyak 50 soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka berikut ini merupakan contoh pertanyaan yang bisa dipelajari untuk persiapan jelang ujian Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS). Sejumlah soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka itu terdiri atas pertanyaan pilihan ganda dan essay (isian jawaban).

PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 biasanya akan mengujikan sebagian materi yang sudah dipelajari oleh peserta didik selama bulan Januari-Maret. Mengkaji contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 tidak hanya penting untuk persiapan ujian, tetapi juga bisa membantu peserta didik lebih memahami materi.

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 dan Jawaban

Melalui latihan soal, siswa diharapkan mampu mengevaluasi penguasaannya terhadap materi. Sebanyak 50 soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 dan jawaban di bawah ini terbagi menjadi jenis pilihan ganda dan essay. Kunci jawaban PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 tersedia untuk membandingkan hasil latihan.

Berikut daftar 50 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 beserta jawabannya:

A. Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Pilihan Ganda

Lisa: Look at the giraffes. They have curly eyelashes.

Salsa: Yes, they do. Their eyelashes are adorable.

Sita: And look at the zebras. They have black and white stripes on their bodies.

Novan: Guys, do you know that each zebra has different pattern?

Lisa: They do? That’s very interesting!

What do they say about the animals?

A. Lisa says that giraffes have curly eyelashes

B. Novan says that each zebra has the same pattern

C. Lisa says that giraffes have black and white stripes

D. Salsa says that zebras have curly eyelashes

2. What is the synonym for 'adorable' in the sentences 'Their eyelashes are adorable'?

C. Beautiful

Read the paragraphs below to answer questions 3, 4, and 5!


Hello everybody ! My name is Dian. I live in a small village. I have a pet. His name is White. It is a rabbit. His fur is white and has black spots. It has long ears and a short tail. He also has big eyes. My rabbit likes to eat carrot and other vegetables. I bring White to a veterinarian when he does not look well. I love White very much.

3. How do White’s eyes look like?

4. What does 'White' eat?

A. Rice and fish

B. Carrot and other vegetables

C. Fruits and vegetables

5. When does the writer take 'White' to the veterinarian?

A. When she wants to do checkup.

B. When her mother asks her to.

C. When she has some money.

D. When White is not healthy.

Read the text below to answer questions 6, 7, 8, 9!


Hello! My name is a Andri and this is my house. My house is a quite big. It has got two floors; a ground floor and a first floor. It has also got an attic and a basement. On the ground floor there is the hall, the kitchen, a pantry, the living room, a big dining room and a toilet. On the first floor there are three bedrooms, one bathroom and a big corridor. My bedroom is between my parents’ bedroom and the bathroom. My sister’s bedroom is in front of mine.

I love my bedroom, but I also like the attic. In the attic I keep some of my books and my old toys. I like to spend my time there because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa there where I sometimes take a nap.

In the basement is where we keep the washing machine, the drying machine and old stuff. At the back of the house there is also the garage, where my parents park the family car, and a lovely garden, with many green spaces, flowers. Two swings and a small swimming pool. I love my house. It’s very comfortable and cozy.

6. How many floors are there?

A. There are two floors

B. There is one floor

C. There are two ground floors

D. There are three floors

7. Where is the living room?

A. On the first floor

B. On the basement

C. On the ground floor

D. On the second floor

8. Why does he like to be in the attic?

A. Because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa there where he sometimes take a nap.

B. Because there are two swings and he sometimes play there.

C. Because there is a lovely garden

D. because it is very spacious and his parents keep washing machine there.

9. In the sentence “It is very comfortable and cozy” (last paragraph), what does 'Cozy' mean?

A. Feeling interested in something.

B. Making somebody feel relaxed.

C. Making somebody feel sad.

D. Not knowing what to do.

Read the text below to answer questions 10, 11, 12, 13!


I have a favorite teacher in my school. He is Mr. Deni. He is my English teacher. He is 30 years old. He is tall and handsome. He has round eyes, a pointed nose, and thick lips. He has straight hair that always looks neat. He is the strict and discipline person. He also has long mustache and beard fairly dense. His skin is brown. He is very diligent. He is also smart and honest. He loves music very much. He is very good at playing a guitar. He is a good person and we love him very much.

10. Who is Mr. Deni?

A. The writer’s father

B. The writer’s head teacher

C. The writer’s uncle

D. The writer’s teacher

11. What does Mr. Deni look like?

A. He has round eyes, a flat nose, and thin lips. He has straight hair.

B. He has slant eyes, a pointed nose, and thick lips. He has wavy hair.

C. He has round eyes, a pointed nose, and thick lips. He has straight hair.

D. He has round eyes, a pointed nose, and thin lips. He has wavy hair.

12. Is Mr. Deni's skin brown?

A. Yes, it is

B. No, it is not

C. Yes, it does

D. No, he is not.

13. What do you think about Mr. Deni?

A. He is very diligent, smart and honest person

B. He is smart, honest but lazy person

C. He is the strict but not discipline person

D. He is smart teacher but not discipline person

14. You can put the food in the....to keep it fresh and cold.

A. Microwave

B. Refrigerator

D. Rice Cooker

15. My classmate always smiles and has many friends. She is....

C. Friendly

16. I join the Pencak Silat for my......activity in school.

B. Extracurricular

17. Complete the dialog below!

Waitress: “Good afternoon, Ma’am!”

Ms. Lia: “......!”

Waitress: “What do you like to order?”

Ms. Lia: “I’d like to have fried rice and tea.”

Waitress: “Alright. Please, wait for a while.”

C. Afternoon

D. Good afternoon, Miss

18. Complete the dialog below!

Jack: Hey. Morning, Rita!

Rita: ...., Jack!

Don: Pleased to meet you.

Rita: Pleased to meet you, too.

A. Hi. Morning

B. Hello. Morning

C. How do you do.

D. How have you been.

19. Read and complete the dialog below!

Dinda: Hello, Eddy. It’s been a long time.

Eddy: Hi, Dinda. How are you doing?

Dinda: .... How about you?

Eddy: Great. So happy to see you again.

B. I’m doing fine

C. I’m little bit sick

D. I have to go now

20. Complete the dialog below!

Ana: “Shinta, my mom is waiting at home. I’ll go home first.”

Shinta: “Okay, Ana. See you tomorrow.”

Bella: “......”

A. It’s very kind of you

B. I’m fine thank you

C. Nice to meet you

Read the text below to answer questions 21, 22, 23, 24, 25!

Today there is a school event in SMP Merdeka. There are many competitions to participate in. There is a basketball competition in the school field. There are also other competitions held in some classes. Galang and his friends want to join the basketball competition. They will compete with another class. Sinta likes to sing. She wants to join the singing competition. Her voice is so beautiful. Monita wants to participate in the storytelling competition. She goes to the library to register. There is also an art exhibition. There are many handicrafts like key rings and paintings to sell. Andre wants to buy a painting.

21. These are some competitions in SMP Merdeka’s school event, except....

A. A basketball competition.

B. A storytelling competition.

C. A painting competition.

D. A singing competition.

22. What kind of competition do Galang and his friends want to take part in?

A. A soccer competition.

B. A basketball competition.

C. A volleyball competition.

D. A badminton competition.

23. Why does Sinta want to participate in the singing competition?

A. Singing is her hobby.

B. The competition is held in the class.

C. The competition is held in the ield.

D. Sinta is registering for it in the library.

24. What is Andre going to do?

A. Watch the basketball competition.

B. Register for the art exhibition.

C. Buy a handicraft.

D. Join the painting competition.

25. Where do competitions take place?

A. In some classes, art exhibition, and library.

B. In the library, the school ield, and art exhibition.

C. In the art exhibition, some classes, and school ield.

D. In the school field, some classes, and library.

Read the text below to answer questions 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Galang attended an online class this afternoon. Prior to joining the class, he prepared a book and a pen to take notes. He also wore his school uniform. Upon joining the class, he promptly turned on his camera and turned off his microphone. During the class, one of Galang's friends, Andre, forgot to turn off his microphone, causing a lot of noise. The teacher instructed him to turn it off when not in use, and after doing so, the class continued. Despite this interruption, the students were able to enjoy the lesson. Galang had a question to ask at the end. The student clicked the 'raise hand' button and the teacher granted permission to speak. The class proceeded smoothly and Galang expressed satisfaction with the experience.

26. What preparations does Galang need to make before joining an online class?

A. A book, a pen, and an eraser.

B. A book, a pen, and a learning material.

C. A school uniform, a book, and a pen.

D. A pen, a book, and a microphone.

27. What does Andre forget to do?

A. Turn on his camera.

B. Turn off his computer.

C. Turn off his microphone.

D. Turn on the raise hand button.

28. What activity should avoid when joining an online class?

A. Prepare a book.

B. Click the raise hand button before speaking.

C. Wear a school uniform.

D. Turn on the microphone when it is not used.

29. What does Galang do when he wants to ask a question?

A. Turn on his microphone and ask the question.

B. Click the raise hand button and ask the question .

C. Ask the question and turn on his camera.

D. Turn on his camera and his microphone.

30. How does Galang feel about today’s online class?

A. The online class is fun. Galang is happy with it.

B. The online class is not well. Galang is happy with it.

C. The online class goes fast. Galang is not happy with it.

D. The online class goes slow. Galang is not happy with it.

31. Read the text below to answer questions!

Lia is going to make her own class schedule. Help Lia arrange the schedule in the correct order!

(1) On Wednesday, Lia has English to learn.

(2) Lia studies at school from Monday to Friday. Her school usually starts at 7 o’clock in the morning.

(3) She usually goes home by 3 o’clock. It is different on Friday because she only has two classes. On Friday, she goes back home before noon.

(4) On Monday, she usually has Maths, Bahasa Indonesia, and Natural Science. The three subjects are also learned on Thursday.

(5) On Tuesday, she learned Religious Education, Social Sciences, and a local language. While on Friday, she learned Arts and Sports. She has a really nice weekend on Saturday and Sunday.

Write the numbers to arrange Lia’s Class Schedule!

A. 3, 2, 4, 1, 5

B. 5, 3, 4, 2, 1

C. 1, 3, 4, 2, 5

D. 2, 3, 4, 1, 5

32. Complete the sentence below with the correct answer!

He studies for 25 minutes and takes a break for 5 minutes before......his study.

A. Continuing

33. Complete the sentence below with the correct answer.

Although he has many tasks to complete, he always finds time to relax and spend time with friends. He effectively ......his time.

34. Complete the following sentence by choosing the most suitable adverbs of frequency!

(1) Anton (never/always) does homework after school. Every day!

(2) Anton (usually/never) wastes his time. He uses it effectively!

(3) Anton (sometimes/seldom) asks his study buddy about a task. They work together!

A. Never (1), Usually (2), Seldom (3)

B. Never (1), Usually (2), Sometimes (3)

C. Always (1), Never (2), Sometimes (3)

D. Never (1), Never (2), Sometimes (3)

35. Put the words below into the correct order to make requests!

turn - microphone - could - the - you - ? - on

A. You Could turn on the microphone?

B. Could you turn on the microphone?

C. Could you on turn the microphone?

D. Could you the microphone turn on?

Read the text below to answer questions 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

English classes are taught by Ms. Lita every Tuesday and Thursday. During the pandemic, Ms. Lita taught English online using a video conferencing application. The students were able to meet and talk with Ms. Lita virtually, as well as participate in discussions and receive explanations of the materials. The students expressed their happiness and excitement about learning English online. At times, the students spoke simultaneously during the video conferencing sessions, causing noise in the class. Ms. Lita considered establishing rules for online learning.

36. Why does Ms. Lita teach English online?

A. Because of need to teach

B. Because of the pandemic end

C. Because of the pandemic time

D. Because of to explains materials

37. How many times does Ms. Lita teach per week?

A. Five times a week

B. Two times a week

C. Four times a week

D. Six times a week

38. Which application does Ms. Lita use for online teaching?

A. Microphone

B. Computer

C. A video conferencing application.

D. Teaching application.

39. What activities are included in Ms. Lita's online learning?

A. Discusses and Talk with her student

B. Talks and plays with her friends

C. Writing text and reading it

D. Reading book and explains it

40. Why Ms. Lita needs to make online learning rules?

A. Because sometimes the class is too noisy

B. Because sometimes the class is dirty

C. Because sometimes the classroom can be disorderly

D. Because sometimes the classroom is too quite

B. Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2

(a) They . . . . . flufy fur.

(b) She. . . . . a big dog.

(c) Does Bobby . . . a fish?

(d) Rabbits . . . . .long ears.

2. Fill in the gaps. Use the capital words!

(a) My uncle loves to tell jokes to make us laugh. He is...

(b) She never talks to a stranger. She is very ....

(c) I like doing sports and physical activities. I’m very .....

(d) Don’t just think of yourself, that’s so.....



3. Read the text below and answer the questions!

My name is Dini. I use the web only on weekends. I visit a lot of websites. My favorites websites are game websites and science websites. I’d like to know about all the latest inventions. I like science very much. Someday, I want to be a scientist.

(a) What does Dini want to be?

(b) What kind of websites does she like?

(c) When does she visit the websites?

(d) Why does she visit the science website ?

(a) She want to be a scientist

(b) She likes game website and science website

(c) On Weekends

(d) Because she like to know about the latest invention and she like science very much.

4. Read the text below to answer the question!

I’m proud of my school. Our teachers are smart. We have many good books and magazines in our school library. The classrooms are not big, and they are clean and tidy. But, the school yard is very small. There are not many plants, so it is very hot in the afternoon. We only have the terrace when we are not in

What Siti likes and does not like about her school?

(a) Things she likes:

-The classroom are clean and tidy

-The school library has many good books and magazines

-The teachers are smart

(b) Things she does not like

- The school yard is very small

- There are not many plants, so it is very hot in the afternoon.

- The terrace is very crowded during the break

- The students only have the terrace when they are not in the classrooms.

5. Put the words below into the correct order to make requests!

(a) send - link - can - the - you - ?

(b) ? - can - read - I - your - text

(c) could - write - answer - you - your - in - box - chat - the - ?

(d) you - the - picture - ? - in - group - our - share - can

(a) Can you send the link?

(b) Can I read your text?

(c) Could you write your answer in the chat box?

(d) Can you share the picture in our group?

6. Write a request for each situations describe below

(a) You ask your friend to send an infographic file.

(b) You request your classmate to send a copy of the class schedule to you.

(c) You ask a friend to unmute his microphone.

(d) You request your friend to help you how to do the homework.

(e) You ask your classmate to reply to your chat quickly.

(a) Can you send an infographic file?

(b) Can you send a copy of the class schedule to me?

(c) Could you unmute your microphone?

(d) Could you help me how to do the homework, please?

(c) Can you reply to my chat quickly?

7. Point out the adverbs of frequency in the following sentences!

(a) Andre usually checks his class schedule.

(b) He frequently sets reminders for learning.

(c) I always do my homework right after school.

(d) Endi often takes notes while studying.

(e) She always writes down homework assignments.

(a) usually

(b) frequently

8. Complete the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate adverbs of frequency!

(a) Ana (never/always) does homework after school. Every day!

(b) Toni (usually/never) wastes his time. He uses it effectively!

(c) Heru (sometimes/seldom) asks his study buddy about a task. They work together!

(d) Rina (rarely/never) misses any assignment deadline. She doesn’t like it!

(e) I (usually/seldom) memorize new vocabulary. I do it on a daily basis!

(c) sometimes

(e) usually

9. Read the text below and answer the question!

Galang has joined the Eagle Merdeka Basketball club, an extracurricular activity he is participating in this semester. The club has over 30 members and their first and second uniforms are red and white, respectively. The team's mascot is an eagle. The members of the club practice once a week with their coach, who refers to them as 'eagles'. Practices take place on Wednesdays at 3 PM in the school yard. The Eagle Merdeka Basketball Club is scheduled to participate in a tournament next month in Banjarbaru. New players are being sought to join the tournament from seventh-grade students. The selection process for the new players will take place next week.

The questions is...

(a) What kind of extracurricular activity does Galang join?

(b) What is the mascot of SMP Merdeka basketball club? It is a/an …

(c) How many days do SMP Merdeka basketball club members practice in a week?

(d) When will SMP Merdeka basketball club join the basketball tournament in Banjarbaru?

(e) Who will join the selection for new players?

(d) Next Mont

(e) Seventh grader students

10. Match the verbs below with the corresponding extracurricular activities in school!

(a) camp - explore - track = ....

(b) read - speak - present = ....

(c) dribble - pass - shoot = ....

(d) kick - punch - block = ....

(e) move - wave - step = ....

(f) draw - color - sketch = ....

(a) camp - explore - track = Scout

(b) read - speak - present = English Club

(c) dribble - pass - shoot = Basketball

(d) kick - punch - block = Pencak Silat

(e) move - wave - step = Dancing

(f) draw - color - sketch = Painting.

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Kunci Jawaban

80 soal pat bahasa inggris kelas 7 smp mts, kunci jawaban asesmen sumatif akhir semester genap 2024, berikut selengkapnya  pembahasan soal dan jawaban latihan ukk, sat, uas, dan pat untuk pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 7 smp / mts semester genap..., penulis: dhita mutiasari | editor: dhita mutiasari.

80 SOAL PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs, Kunci Jawaban Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Semester Genap 2024

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID -   Inilah deretan soal - soal Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS) semester genap atau Sumatif Akhir Tahun (SAT) atau Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP / MTs Semester 2 (Genap) tahun 2024.

Penilaian sumatif akhir tahun (SAT) atau SAS adalah evaluasi pembelajaran yang di selenggarakan oleh tingkat satuan pendidikan dalam rangka mengukur ketercapaian dan keberhasilan standar kompetensi lulusan untuk semua mata pelajaran sebagai dasar penentuan kenaikan kelas dari satuan pendidikan

SAT pada penerapan kurikulum merdeka disebut Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS), Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK) atau Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) pada kurikulum 2013 sebelumnya.

Soal dan jawaban yang dibahas sebagai referensi bahan belajar bagi siswa belajar dirumah.

Siswa dapat menjawab soal baru kemudian mencocokkannya dengan jawaban yang disediakan.

Berikut selengkapnya  pembahasan soal dan jawaban Latihan UKK, SAT, UAS, dan PAT untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP / MTs semester genap dilansir dari berbagai sumber:

• 80 SOAL PAT Matematika Kelas 7 SMP MTs, Kunci Jawaban UKK Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Semester Genap 2024

1. The children play the yard. They ... always happy.

2.  My father ... a staff in the post office. He usually goes

there by bus

Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris

Soal uas bahasa inggris, bahasa inggris, kunci jawaban, sumatif akhir semester, soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa inggris, soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris, kelas 7 smp, bahasa inggris kelas 7, soal bahasa inggris.

7 Penyebab Lantai Kamar Mandi Menguning, Kualitas Air Sangat Berpengaruh


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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kumer (Kurikulum Merdeka) dan Kunci Jawaban

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WISLAH.COM – Dalam tulisan ini, kami akan menyajikan contoh soal Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 4 semester 2 sesuai dengan Kurikulum Merdeka (Kumer). Selain itu, kami juga akan memberikan rangkuman materi pembelajaran yang bisa dijadikan referensi belajar. Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk para guru, siswa, dan orang tua yang ingin mengetahui dan mempersiapkan diri dengan lebih baik menghadapi ujian Bahasa Inggris di kelas 4.

Tulisan ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para guru sebagai bahan ajar tambahan, oleh siswa untuk berlatih dan mengukur kemampuan, serta oleh orang tua untuk mendampingi anak-anak mereka dalam proses belajar. Dengan adanya contoh soal dan kunci jawaban, diharapkan dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas 4.

A. Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kumer (Kurikulum Merdeka)

Berikut di bawah ini, 20 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kumer (Kurikulum Merdeka):

1. What time do you usually wake up?

   a. At school 

   b. At 6 o’clock 

   c. By bike 

   d. Apples 

   Jawaban: b. At 6 o’clock

2. He always gets up at ______.

   a. morning 

   b. 5 o’clock 

   c. supermarket 

   d. strawberries 

   Jawaban: b. 5 o’clock

3. I go to school after having ______.

   a. breakfast 

   b. book 

   c. ship 

   d. towel 

   Jawaban: a. breakfast

4. How do you go to school?

   a. I like fruits 

   b. I go to school by bike 

   c. I go to the market 

   d. I eat apples 

   Jawaban: b. I go to school by bike

5. What do you do at six o’clock?

   a. I eat breakfast 

   b. I go to bed 

   c. I go to school 

   d. I get up 

   Jawaban: d. I get up

6. He goes to school by ______.

   a. bananas 

   b. bike 

   c. 5 o’clock 

   d. never 

   Jawaban: b. bike

7. I like ______.

   a. plate 

   b. oranges 

   c. soap 

   d. bus 

   Jawaban: b. oranges

8. Where does Kimi eat?

   a. By bus 

   b. At school 

   c. At 6 o’clock 

   d. After breakfast 

   Jawaban: b. At school

9. She usually goes to the ______.

   a. market 

   b. always 

   c. by car 

   d. 5 o’clock 

   Jawaban: a. market

10. They go to the ______ after school.

    a. sometimes 

    b. book store 

    c. frying pan 

    d. 5 o’clock 

    Jawaban: b. book store

11. What do you do at 7 o’clock?

    a. I go to school 

    b. I sleep 

    c. I play 

    d. I read 

    Jawaban: a. I go to school

12. I go to the supermarket by ______.

    a. always 

    b. after 

    c. bus 

    d. strawberries 

    Jawaban: c. bus

13. He likes ______.

    a. playing 

    b. mangoes 

    c. shampoo 

    d. stove 

    Jawaban: b. mangoes

14. I don’t like ______.

    a. apples 

    b. fork 

    c. watermelons 

    d. go to 

    Jawaban: c. watermelons

15. How do you go to the market?

    a. I go to the market by plane 

    b. I like fruits 

    c. I go to school 

    d. I get up 

    Jawaban: a. I go to the market by plane

16. She never eats ______.

    b. soap 

    c. strawberries 

    d. by bus 

    Jawaban: c. strawberries

17. We go to the paddy field by ______.

    a. bike 

    b. bus 

    c. helicopter 

    d. apples 

    Jawaban: c. helicopter

18. What do you usually do at 5 o’clock?

    b. I eat dinner 

    c. I get up 

    d. I go to bed 

    Jawaban: c. I get up

19. He likes to eat ______.

    a. book 

    b. toothpaste 

    c. bike 

    d. bananas 

    Jawaban: d. bananas

20. They go to the book store ______.

    a. at 6 o’clock 

    b. by bike  

    c. never 

    d. after school 

    Jawaban: d. after school

 B. Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kumer (Kurikulum Merdeka)

 Unit 8: Be on time


– Anak-anak dapat mengidentifikasi waktu.

– Anak-anak dapat berbicara tentang waktu.

Language Focus:

– “What do you do at six o’clock?”

– Anak mampu mengidentifikasi aktivitas sehari-hari.

– Anak mampu berbicara tentang aktivitas sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan waktu.

– Always, sometimes, usually, never

  Unit 10: He always gets up at 5 o’clock

– Anak-anak sudah dapat menggunakan kata keterangan frekuensi.

– Anak mampu membuat kalimat sederhana dengan menggunakan keterangan frekuensi.

– “How do you go to school?”

– Truck, plane, train, bus, pedicab, motorcycle, helicopter, boat, ship, bike

 Unit 11: How do you go to school?

– Anak-anak dapat mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis kendaraan.

– Anak mampu membuat kalimat sederhana tentang kendaraan.

– Supermarket, office, paddy field, book store, by, at, go to

 Unit 12: He goes to school by bike

– Anak mampu mengidentifikasi aktivitas sehari-hari dengan kendaraan yang digunakan.

– Anak sudah mampu menceritakan bagaimana caranya pergi ke tempat umum.

– Apples, mangoes, oranges, bananas, strawberries, watermelons

 Unit 13: I like fruits

– Anak sudah mampu menggunakan like dan likes untuk membicarakan buah kesukaan seseorang.

– “Where does Kimi eat?”

– Plate, spoon, fork, glass, bowl, pan, stove, frying pan, water, bathtub, soap, tooth paste, tooth brush, shampoo, towel, dipper, do, don’t


Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan membaca tulisan ini. Semoga contoh soal dan rangkuman materi yang disajikan dapat bermanfaat dalam membantu proses belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 4. Dengan latihan yang konsisten, diharapkan siswa dapat mencapai hasil yang optimal dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sesuai Kurikulum Merdeka.

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25 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2, Lengkap!

25 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2, Lengkap!

Foto: Freepik

Soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 diberikan kepada siswa untuk menguji sejauh apa pemahaman dalam bahasa Inggris.

Nah, persiapan yang matang menjadi kunci dalam menghadapi Ujian PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 ini.

Jadi, Moms harus menemani Si Kecil dalam belajar dari latihan soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 di bawah ini, ya.

Baca Juga: 25 Soal PAT IPS Kelas 4 Semester 2, Essay dan Pilihan Ganda

Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2

Berikut contoh soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 yang bisa dijadikan bahan belajar sebelum ujian.

Why size of the window frame is wider than usual?

  • A. To provide expansion space for the glass when it's hot.
  • B. To making glass cracking.
  • C. For decoration.
  • D. The glass will look bigger.

Why glass filled with hot water suddenly breaks?

  • A. Because the glass melt.
  • B. Because of the uneven expansion of the glass.
  • C. Because glass is getting hotter.
  • D. Cracking class.

Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

Nando usually ... the window.

Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris 2

The children are playing ....

Energy can be received and released by an object. The bold word above in Indonesia language mean ....

  • B. dihilangkan
  • D. dilepaskan

I am very ..., So I buy a rice box in the store.

The kids are enjoying the food and drinks. They have plates of sandwiches, and slices of pizza . Some children are eating a few fruits, like strawberries and oranges. They also have small glasses of milk and some cans of soda. Everyone is having a great time eating and drinking together.

What are the kids enjoying?

  • A. Playing games
  • B. Watching a movie
  • C. Food and drinks
  • D. Painting pictures

What food are they eating?

  • A. Sandwiches and pizza
  • B. Oranges and strawberries
  • C. Milk and soda
  • D. Oranges and sandwiches

Baca Juga: Tips Wawancara Bahasa Inggris, Simak Cara Menjawabnya!

What are the kids drinking from the small glasses?

  • A. Lemonade
  • B. Cold milk
  • C. Oranges juice
  • D. Hot chocolate

We must wear ... to school

Edo is swimming in the river. He wears ....

Mother goes ... in the market every morning.

  • B. shopping

Choose the correct preposition: "She is standing ___ the tree."

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    Adapun soal adalah untuk latihan menghadapi Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) atau Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP / MTs Semester 1 (Ganjil) tahun 2021. Kunci jawaban dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi bahan belajar bagi siswa dan guru dan orang tua dalam membimbing anak-anak peserta didik.

  8. 20 Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 ...

    Nah,itulah 20 latihan soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP semester ganjil kurikulum merdeka. Untuk detikers siswa kelas 12, ada soal latihan PAS Kelas 12 semester ganjil yang bisa cek di sini. Di akhir pengerjaan detikers akan mendapatkan semacam raport hasil yang memuat jawaban benar dan salah serta nilainya.

  9. Bank Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka ...

    Untuk siswa kelas 7, materi PAS bahasa Inggris semester 1 yang diujikan berfokus tentang diri (about me) dan hal-hal di sekitar seperti dijelaskan dalam Buku Panduan Guru English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII oleh Ika Lestari Damayanti. Baca juga: 10 Contoh Soal PAS Biologi Kelas 10 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya.

  10. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 & Kunci Jawaban

    Latihan mengerjakan perlu untuk melatih kemampuan Bahasa Inggris. Berikut soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP semester 1. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, c, or d. 1. Shiva meets Lia, her old friend, on her way walking to her office. Shiva greets her.

  11. Lengkap

    14. 15. Untuk kunci jawaban dari 16 hingga 50 sudah tersedia di link downlaod!! Demikianlah informasi yang bisa kami sampaikan, mudah-mudahan dengan adanya 50+ Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil Terbaru ini para siswa akan lebih semangat lagi dalam belajar demi meraih prestasi yang lebih baik. Selamat belajar!!

  12. Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 dan Jawaban 2022/2023

    Websiteedukasi.com - Hallo sobat edukasi, pembahasan berikutnya kami bagikan Soal Akhir Penilaian (PAS) atau Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Jenjang SMP/MTs Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kurikulum 2013 secara gratis.. Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Terpadu Kelas 7 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Terbaru merupakan soal uji kemampuan peserta didik untuk mengetahui sejauhmana ...

  13. Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka & Jawaban

    Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka beserta jawabannya. Sejumlah siswa mengikuti Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) SMA di SMAN1 Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Senin (10/4). Sebanyak 55.887 siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), Madrasah Aliyah (MA), dan SMA Luar Biasa mengikuti UNBK di 719 sekolah di 23 ...

  14. 25 Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 dan kunci jawaban

    Brilio.net - Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sudah dipelajari sejak Sekolah Dasar (SD) hingga Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA).Itu artinya, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dipelajari selama 12 tahun atau wajib sekolahnya anak Indonesia. Agar lebih mudah paham mengenai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, berikut ini brilio.net rangkumkan 25 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 disertai kunci jawaban, pada ...

  15. Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 dan Jawaban

    Kherysuryawan.id - Download Soal dan Jawaban PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 Semester 1. Sahabat pendidikan yang berbahagia, dalam dunia pendidikan tentunya ada sebuah kegiatan yang harus dilakukan baik oleh guru maupun oleh siswa yakni melakukan evaluasi atau ulangan. Hal tersebut di lakukan untuk mengukur seberapa besar kemampuan peserta ...

  16. Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

    Halo! Sobat guru bahasa Inggris. Di postingan kali ini kami ingin berbagi kumpulan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7 dengan judul materi Cardinal Numbers and Times yang di lengkapi dengan jawaban. Disini dalam contoh soal ini ada jenis soal pilihan ganda (pg), short answer, essay, serta di lengkapi dengan tugas praktik dan proyek.

  17. 10 Latihan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Kurikulum Merdeka 2024

    Simak selengkapnya pembahasan soal dan jawaban Latihan UKK, SAT, UAS, UKK dan PAT untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP / MTs semester genap dilansir dari berbagai sumber: Baca juga: 20 Latihan Soal Essay UAS Matematika Kelas 3 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka 2024, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban. 10 Latihan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris. 1.

  18. Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Semester 1

    Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester Ganjil Kurikulum 2013. Pilihlah huruf A, B, C, atau D sebagai jawaban yang paling benar! There is a garden in my school. The garden is on the east side of the school building. Mr. Indarto is a gardener. He plants some fruit trees such as: mango, avocado, apple etc. he also plants some flowers such ...

  19. 10 Contoh Soal UTS Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 2

    MANTRA SUKABUMI - Lengkap dengan prediksi kunci jawaban, ini contoh soal essay Bahasa Inggris untuk Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) semester 2 jenjang kelas 7 SMP dan MTs. UTS Tahun 2022 semester 2 tidak lama lagi agar digelar di setiap jenjang sekolah, seprti tingkat SMP dan MTs kelas 7. Maka dari itu, untuk melancarkan pengetahuan para siswa, belajar materi contoh soal untuk UTS sangat dianjurkan.

  20. Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester Genap

    Semester genap sudah setengah jalan, mari kita cek dan evaluasi hasil belajar kita selama setengah semester ini dengan mengerjakan soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas VII semester genap Soal berikut terdiri dari 45 soal pilihan ganda dilengkapi kunci jawaban. Berikut soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas VII semester genap selengkapnya.

  21. Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester Ganjil

    Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester Ganjil. Spoiler alert!!! Soal-soal berikut telah diambil dari materi greeting, self introduction, pronouns, numbers, days month and date. Get ready for the test! Hampir semua orang pada zaman searang sudah tidak asing dengan video game. Dan tentunya juga sudah tidak asing dengan istilah " checkpoint ".

  22. 40 SOAL BAHASA Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Ulangan/Ujian UAS Semester 2

    (Lengkap soal dan kunci jawaban semua pelajaran Kelas 7 klik link) Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7: Number 1 - 5 are not related to the text. 1. Faiza is a philatelist. She is very fond of collecting … a. Envelopes b. Letters c. Stamps d. Coins. Jawaban : c. 2. Mother has put some … into the soup. a. Oil b. Paint c. Salt d. Butter. Jawaban ...

  23. 60 Latihan Soal UAS dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 dengan

    Ujian Sekolah memang sudah di depan mata. Mengerjakan soal ujian Bahasa Inggris tak sulit lagi dengan ulasan ini. Baca juga: 50 Latihan Soal UAS dan Jawaban IPA Kelas 7 SMP dengan Pembahasan Pilihan Ganda Tahun 2024 Berikut kunci jawaban yang berhasil dirangkum TribunBali.com dari berbagai sumber.. Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau ujian akhir semester (UAS) akan segera dimulai.

  24. 10 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

    Sumber: Pexels/Lizandro Flores. Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dapat digunakan sebagai bahan latihan di rumah. Contoh soal yang akan disajikan sudah diselaraskan dengan materi kurikulum Merdeka yang diterbitkan Kemdikbudiristek edisi 2022.

  25. 50 Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

    Sejumlah soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka itu terdiri atas pertanyaan pilihan ganda dan essay (isian jawaban). PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 biasanya akan mengujikan sebagian materi yang sudah dipelajari oleh peserta didik selama bulan Januari-Maret. Mengkaji contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 ...

  26. Kumpulan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Beserta ...

    Berikut adalah kumpulan contoh soal essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2, kamu tinggal "klik baca" dalam tabel dibawah ini: Note: Mohon maaf dalam tahap penyusunan akan dibuat segera. Esai Singkat "Manusia Tahu Cara Berterimakasih". Manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang memiliki kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama dengan ...

  27. TERBARU! 20 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

    Baca Juga: TERBARU! 20 Soal UAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 3 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawabannya, Sering Muncul dalam Ujian. Untuk dapat mengerjakan soal dengan baik, contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 3 berikut ini bisa dijadikan orang tua sebagai bahan latihan belajar anak dari rumah.

  28. 80 SOAL PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs, Kunci Jawaban Asesmen

    TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - Inilah deretan soal - soal Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS) semester genap atau Sumatif Akhir Tahun (SAT) atau Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP / MTs Semester 2 (Genap) tahun 2024.. Penilaian sumatif akhir tahun (SAT) atau SAS adalah evaluasi pembelajaran yang di selenggarakan oleh tingkat satuan pendidikan dalam rangka mengukur ...

  29. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kumer (Kurikulum Merdeka) dan

    Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan membaca tulisan ini. Semoga contoh soal dan rangkuman materi yang disajikan dapat bermanfaat dalam membantu proses belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 4. Dengan latihan yang konsisten, diharapkan siswa dapat mencapai hasil yang optimal dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sesuai Kurikulum Merdeka.

  30. 25 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2, Lengkap!

    Jadi, Moms harus menemani Si Kecil dalam belajar dari latihan soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 di bawah ini, ya. Baca Juga: 25 Soal PAT IPS Kelas 4 Semester 2, Essay dan Pilihan Ganda. Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2. Berikut contoh soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 yang bisa dijadikan bahan belajar sebelum ujian ...