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Short Essay: Flood In Assam

Writing a short essay on the annual floods in Assam, a state in northeastern India, requires an understanding of its geographical, environmental, and socio-economic impacts. The Brahmaputra River, one of the largest rivers in the world, flows through Assam and is notorious for its seasonal floods. These floods affect thousands of people every year, making it a topic of significant relevance and concern. Here’s how to structure and write a concise and informative essay on this topic.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title:  Choose a compelling title that captures the essence of your essay, such as “The Perennial Challenge: Understanding the Floods in Assam.”

Causes of the Floods

Human Factors:  Highlight human activities that exacerbate the flooding, such as deforestation, unplanned urbanization, and poor drainage systems. Explain how these activities reduce the land’s natural capacity to absorb rainfall and control water flow.

Impacts of the Floods

Impact on Lives and Livelihoods:  Describe the direct impact on the people of Assam. Every year, floods lead to loss of life, displacement of communities, and damage to homes and infrastructure. Discuss how floods affect agriculture, a major livelihood in Assam, by either destroying crops or improving soil fertility in the long term.

Mitigation and Management Strategies

Government and Institutional Measures:  Outline the efforts taken by the government and local authorities to manage and mitigate the effects of floods. Mention structural solutions like embankments, dredging, and reservoirs, as well as non-structural measures like early warning systems and community-based disaster preparedness programs.

Flood In Assam Essay Example #1

Assam, one of the states in northeast India, is known for its lush green forests, tea gardens, and the mighty Brahmaputra river. However, every year, the state faces a devastating natural disaster – floods. The floods in Assam have become an annual phenomenon, causing immense damage to life and property. This essay will explore the causes and impact of floods in Assam.

Assam is located in the flood-prone Brahmaputra valley and receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. The state is also home to several rivers, including the Brahmaputra, which are prone to overflowing during the rainy season. The floods in Assam are characterized by the inundation of low-lying areas, damage to infrastructure, and displacement of people. The floods not only cause immediate damage but also have long-term effects on the economy and the environment.

The floods in Assam have a severe impact on the lives of people in the state. The floods cause loss of lives, displacement of people, and damage to infrastructure, crops, and livestock. The floods also lead to the spread of water-borne diseases and health hazards. The economic impact of floods is significant, with damage to crops and infrastructure leading to a loss of livelihoods for many people. The floods also have long-term environmental effects, such as soil erosion and loss of biodiversity.

In conclusion, the floods in Assam are a significant natural disaster that has severe consequences for the state’s people, economy, and environment. The causes of floods in Assam are a combination of natural and man-made factors, and addressing them requires a multi-pronged approach. The government and civil society organizations must work together to improve drainage systems, prevent deforestation and soil erosion, and provide relief and rehabilitation to those affected by floods. Only then can the state of Assam be better prepared to face the annual floods and mitigate their impact on the people and the environment.

Flood In Assam Essay Example #2

The causes of flooding in Assam are multifaceted. Firstly, heavy monsoon rainfall is a primary reason for the floods. The state receives an average of 2,500mm of rainfall annually, with most of it occurring between June and September. The rainfall causes the Brahmaputra River, which flows through the state, to overflow its banks, leading to severe flooding. Secondly, deforestation and soil erosion have also contributed to flooding in the region. The state has seen a significant loss of forest cover over the years, leading to soil erosion and reduced water retention capacity. This, coupled with poor land-use practices, has made the region more vulnerable to flooding. Lastly, inadequate drainage systems and infrastructure have also contributed to the problem. The drainage systems in the state are poorly designed and maintained, leading to waterlogging and flooding in low-lying areas.

The impact of flooding in Assam is not just limited to the loss of human lives and property. It also has significant environmental consequences. Floods lead to soil erosion, which can cause long-term damage to the soil and reduce its fertility. The floods also lead to the loss of biodiversity, as many animals and plants are unable to survive the extreme conditions. Additionally, floods can also lead to the spread of water-borne diseases, which can have severe health consequences for the people in the region.

In conclusion, flooding in Assam is a severe problem that needs urgent attention. The causes of flooding are multifaceted and require a holistic approach to address them. The impact of flooding is far-reaching and affects not just the people but also the environment. It is essential to invest in better infrastructure, drainage systems, and land-use practices to mitigate the effects of flooding in the region.

Flood In Assam Essay Example #3

Several factors contribute to the floods in Assam. The following are the primary causes of floods in the state: – Heavy rainfall and monsoon season: Assam receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season, which causes the Brahmaputra and its tributaries to overflow. The excess water causes flooding in the state. – Deforestation and soil erosion lead to a decrease in forest cover and soil quality. The loss of vegetation cover reduces the soil’s ability to absorb water, leading to floods. – Poor drainage system and river management: The drainage system in Assam is inadequate, and the state’s rivers are poorly managed. The lack of proper river management leads to the rivers changing their course, leading to flooding in some areas.

In conclusion, floods in Assam have a significant impact on the state’s economy and the lives of people. The primary causes of floods in the state are heavy rainfall, deforestation, soil erosion, and poor river management. To mitigate the impact of floods, the government needs to invest in better drainage systems, river management, and reforestation. The people of Assam also need to be aware of the dangers of floods and take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their property.

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essay on flood in assam in 200 words

Flood in Assam Essay: Assam Flood Essay for Students

Flood in Assam Essay: Assam, a state in northeastern India, is no stranger to the devastating impact of floods. Every year, heavy monsoon rains and the overflowing of rivers, particularly the mighty Brahmaputra, lead to widespread flooding in the region. The consequences are far-reaching, affecting the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. Here are a few steps to sample Flood in Assam Essay

essay on flood in assam in 200 words

Assam State Information for Flood in Assam Essay
Date of formation1912 (Assam Province – British India), 15 August 1947
GovernorGulab Chand Kataria
Chief MinisterHimanta Biswa Sarma
Tourist attractionsKamakhya temple, Umananda (Peacock Island), Navagraha (temple of nine planets), Basistha Ashram, Dolgobinda
FestivalsBihu, Sivaratri Mela, Baishagu
Major dance and music formsBihu
Arts and craftsJappi (traditional hat), toys made of clay, cork, wood and bamboo. Satras or monasteries to preserve art and culture.
LanguagesAssamese, Bodo, Karbi, Bengali
Size78,438 km2 (30,285 sq mi)
Population (Census 2011)31,169,272 (Census 2011)
RiversBrahmaputra, Manas, Subansiri, Sonai
Forests and wildlife sanctuariesKaziranga NP, Manas NP, Orang Sanctuary
State animalOne-horned rhinoceros
State birdWhite winged wood duck
State flowerRhynchostylis retusa
State treeDipterocarpus retusus
Major cropsRice, jute, tea
FactoidsTezpur was called the ‘city of blood’ after a mythical battle between Shiv and Vishnu filled it with blood.
No. of District34

Table of Contents

100 Words Flood in Assam Essay

Floods in Assam, are an annual occurrence, causing immense devastation. With heavy rainfall and the overflow of the Brahmaputra River, floods ravage the region, displacing thousands and damaging crops and infrastructure. The consequences are dire, leading to loss of life, destruction of homes, and disruption of essential services. The government and humanitarian organizations work tirelessly to provide relief and rescue operations, but the scale of the problem remains immense. Long-term solutions, such as the construction of embankments and reservoirs, as well as effective early warning systems, are crucial to mitigate the impact of floods and protect the lives and livelihoods of the people in Assam.

500 Words Flood in Assam Essay

Flood in Assam Essay Introduction I. Briefly introduce Assam and its geographical location Highlight the recurring issue of floods in Assa Causes of Floods in Assam Flood in Assam Essay: Floods in Assam have been an ongoing and devastating issue for the state located in northeastern India. Assam, known for its lush green landscapes and the mighty Brahmaputra River, experiences annual floods that wreak havoc on the lives and livelihoods of its people. The flood situation in Assam is a result of multiple factors, including heavy rainfall, geographical factors, and the overflowing of rivers. The Brahmaputra River, which flows through the state, is a major contributor to the flooding, causing extensive damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and the environment. Agriculture, which forms a significant part of Assam’s economy, suffers tremendously from floods. The fertile plains of Assam, ideal for cultivating crops, are submerged, leading to massive crop losses. The floodwaters not only destroy standing crops but also deposit silt and sand, rendering the soil less fertile for future cultivation. The agricultural sector takes a significant hit during the flood season, leading to food shortages, economic losses, and an adverse impact on the livelihoods of farmers and rural communities.

II. Discuss the primary cause: heavy rainfall in the region Explain the role of the Brahmaputra River in flooding Mention the impact of climate change on the frequency and intensity of floods The primary cause of floods in Assam is the region’s heavy rainfall. The state receives substantial precipitation during the monsoon season, which lasts from June to September. The combination of intense rainfall and the topography of Assam, characterized by its low-lying plains and numerous rivers, leads to water accumulation and subsequent flooding. The Brahmaputra River, originating in the Himalayas, is responsible for a significant portion of the floodwaters. The river, known for its enormous volume of water, often breaches its banks, submerging vast areas of land in its path.

III. Impact of Floods on Assam Discuss the devastation caused by floods, including loss of life and property Highlight the damage to infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and buildings Explain the economic consequences, such as crop destruction and loss of livelihoods Climate change has also exacerbated the flood situation in Assam. Changing weather patterns, increased intensity of rainfall, and rising temperatures have contributed to more frequent and severe floods. The changing climate has disrupted the delicate balance of the ecosystem in Assam, affecting both human and animal life. The impacts of floods are wide-ranging, affecting various aspects of the state’s socio-economic fabric.

IV. Government and Humanitarian Response Describe the efforts made by the government to tackle the flood situation Discuss the role of humanitarian organizations in providing relief and rescue operations Highlight the challenges faced in delivering aid to affected areas The government of Assam, along with various national and international humanitarian organizations, works tirelessly to provide relief and rescue operations during floods. Temporary shelters are set up to accommodate the displaced population, and efforts are made to ensure access to clean water, food, and medical assistance. The armed forces, disaster response teams, and volunteers play a crucial role in rescuing people stranded in flood-affected areas.

V. Long-term Solutions Discuss the importance of long-term solutions to address the flood issue Explain the construction of embankments and reservoirs as preventive measures Highlight the need for improved early warning systems and disaster preparedness While immediate relief efforts are essential, it is equally crucial to focus on long-term solutions to address the flood issue in Assam. Constructing embankments and reservoirs can help regulate the flow of water and prevent flooding in vulnerable areas. Additionally, effective early warning systems need to be established to provide timely alerts to communities at risk. Enhancing disaster preparedness and strengthening the capacity to respond to floods are vital components of long-term flood management strategies.

VI. Conclusion Summarize the key points discussed in the post Emphasize the importance of concerted efforts to mitigate the impact of floods in Assam Call for greater awareness and support to protect the lives and livelihoods of the people in Assam.

In conclusion, the issue of floods in Assam demands urgent attention and comprehensive solutions. The recurring floods have wreaked havoc on the lives and livelihoods of the people in the region. The primary causes, including heavy rainfall and the overflow of rivers like the Brahmaputra, have been compounded by the effects of climate change. The devastating consequences range from loss of human life and displacement to the destruction of infrastructure and agriculture. While immediate relief efforts are crucial, long-term solutions are imperative. Constructing embankments, reservoirs, and early warning systems, along with promoting sustainable agricultural practices, can mitigate the impact of floods and enhance the resilience of communities. It is vital to prioritize the safety, well-being, and sustainable development of Assam to overcome the challenges posed by floods.

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Flood in Assam Essay – Find the Essays of 100, 200 & 300 words in English!

Flood in Assam Essay: Flooding happens when a significant amount of water spills and floods a large region, producing turmoil and devastation. Every year floods cause havoc in many places of the world. Excessive rains and an inadequate drainage system cause flooding. Several regions may experience differing degrees of devastation depending on the severity of the flood. Assam, in northeastern India, is a state that is prone to flooding during the monsoon season. The Brahmaputra River, which runs through the state, is the principal cause of flooding in Assam.

Table of Contents

100-Word Essay on Flood in Assam

Assam is vulnerable to natural disasters such as floods and erosion due to its wide river system, which has a negative impact on the state’s overall progress. The significant monsoon rainfall that Assam receives each year is the principal cause of floods. During the monsoon season, the Brahmaputra River, which runs through the state, receives a significant amount of water. The river bursts its banks, causing widespread flooding throughout the state. Additional factors that contribute to the river’s flow include deforestation, which increases the chance of soil erosion, and the construction of dams and reservoirs. The floods endanger both human lives and the environment, wreaking havoc on the state’s economy and infrastructure.

200-Word Essay on Flood in Assam

During the monsoon season, Assam experiences significant flooding, resulting in deaths, relocation, damage to infrastructure and agriculture, and the spread of water-borne diseases.


Floods have a tremendous influence in Assam. Thousands of people are forced from their homes each year, and many die as a result of drowning or waterborne infections. Floods also destroy crops, livestock, and infrastructure, resulting in major economic losses. The state’s road and rail networks are down, making it difficult to get crucial supplies and medical assistance. 

To lessen the impact of floods in Assam, the state administration has put in place a number of safeguards. Certain areas are protected against floods by the construction of embankments and dykes along the river’s banks. The government also provides relief measures such as food, housing, and medical assistance to flood victims. To coordinate rescue and relief efforts during floods, the state has established a disaster management authority.

Yet, more has to be done in Assam to prevent floods. The state government should take initiatives to maintain the natural environment and avoid deforestation. It should also regulate dam and reservoir building to ensure that they do not change the river’s flow.

300-Word Essay on Flood in Assam

Assam makes headlines in All-India media and papers at certain times of the year. It is the season of floods. Every year, the same old flood story is told almost in the same way.

With the arrival of the wet monsoon in May and June, it begins to rain in Assam and lasts for two to three months. This time of year is the rainy season in this region, and the main crop of paddy is sown on the Assam plains during this time. Rain is so quite welcome at this time.

However, due to heavy rains, particularly in the Himalayan foothills, the rivers in Assam are frequently unable to transport away all of the water, and the extra water submerges the low-lying portions of the two valleys. This is how floods in Assam occur.

Floods harm standing crops in fields as well as houses and properties in villages. Every year, floods cause major damage in certain locations such as Majuli. Erosion of various areas of the banks of certain rivers, particularly the huge Brahmaputra, is also common during floods. Several people have been homeless as a result of erosion.

The government has built embankments along the banks of various rivers, preventing flooding in particular locations. Yet, these embankments can sometimes pose a larger risk than conventional floods. Whenever there is a breach in the embankment, the water rushes forth at breakneck speed, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Houses, animals, and even people are frequently washed away by raging waves.

Floods, on the other hand, benefit cultivators. They leave a layer of salt on the fields, which fertilizes the soil. This allows them to reap a bountiful harvest. There is also plenty of fish accessible after the rains.

Floods have a significant impact on our state’s economy. The government must employ appropriate flood-control measures. The Brahmaputra Board has already been established by the Central Government. But, it has done relatively little up to this point. The government must take measures that will end the floods in Assam once and for all.

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Long Essay on Flood in Assam

Assam, located in the northeastern part of India, is a state that faces floods almost every year during the monsoon season. The floods in Assam are caused by the overflowing of the Brahmaputra River and its tributaries. The state is home to a large number of people, and the floods have severe consequences on their lives and livelihoods.

Causes of Floods in Assam:

The primary cause of floods in Assam is the heavy rainfall that the region receives during the monsoon season. The Brahmaputra River and its tributaries overflow their banks, leading to widespread flooding. Deforestation, erosion, and human activities like encroachment of riverbanks and construction of dams and embankments also contribute to the problem. Climate change has made the situation worse, and the frequency and severity of floods have increased in recent years.

Impact of Floods on Assam:

Floods have a severe impact on the people of Assam. The floods cause loss of life, displacement, and destruction of homes, property, and crops. Floods also affect the infrastructure of the region, including roads, bridges, and public facilities like hospitals and schools. The state’s economy is also severely affected as the floods damage crops, livestock, and agricultural land, leading to a decline in agricultural productivity and income. Floods also disrupt transportation and communication, which affects trade and commerce in the region.

Government Response to Floods:

The government of Assam and other organizations have taken several measures to address the flood situation in the region. These include the construction of embankments and dams, the restoration of wetlands and forests, and the creation of early warning systems. NGOs and other organizations are also working on relief and rehabilitation measures for the affected people. The government provides relief to the affected people in various forms, including temporary shelter, food, and medical care. The government also provides financial assistance to those who have suffered losses due to floods.

Community Response to Floods:

The community plays a crucial role in dealing with floods in Assam. People in flood-prone areas must be prepared for the floods and be ready to evacuate when necessary. They must also work together to minimize the impact of floods on their homes and communities. Community-level efforts such as building raised platforms for homes and livestock, planting trees, and maintaining water bodies can also help in reducing the impact of floods.

Long-Term Solutions:

Preventing floods in Assam requires a sustained effort to address the root causes of the problem. This includes measures to reduce deforestation, soil erosion, and human activities that contribute to the problem. It also involves investing in infrastructure such as embankments, dams, and early warning systems, and encouraging the restoration of wetlands and forests. Finally, it involves building community resilience to cope with floods and adapt to the changing climate.


Floods in Assam are a recurring problem, and the state needs a long-term solution to address the issue. It requires a concerted effort from the government, NGOs, and the community to tackle the root causes of floods and to build resilience to cope with the changing climate. With the right measures and community participation, it is possible to reduce the impact of floods in Assam and ensure a better future for the people of the state.

FAQs on Flood in Assam Essay

Assam is a flood-prone state, and floods are a recurring problem in the region. Every year, during the monsoon season, the Brahmaputra and its tributaries overflow, causing widespread flooding in many parts of the state.

The main cause of floods in Assam is the heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. The Brahmaputra river and its tributaries often overflow their banks, causing widespread flooding in the region. Deforestation, erosion, and human activities like encroachment of riverbanks and construction of dams and embankments also contribute to the problem.

Floods in Assam affect people in many ways. They cause loss of life, displacement, and destruction of homes, property, and crops. Floods also affect the infrastructure of the region, including roads, bridges, and public facilities like hospitals and schools.

The government of Assam and other organizations have taken several measures to address the flood situation in the region. These include the construction of embankments and dams, the restoration of wetlands and forests, and the creation of early warning systems. NGOs and other organizations are also working on relief and rehabilitation measures for the affected people.

The government of Assam provides relief to the affected people in various forms, including temporary shelter, food, and medical care. The government also provides financial assistance to those who have suffered losses due to floods.

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essay on flood in assam in 200 words


North-east India has been witnessing unusually heavy rainfall since the beginning of May. That has resulted in one of the worst floods ever recorded in Assam. As of 3 July, flood has affected 1,835,551 people in 26 out of the state’s 35 districts and it submerged 471.98 square kilometers (47,198.87 hectares) of cropland. [1] About 200 people have died so far. Earlier on 22 June the floods had affected 5,457,601 people in 32 districts and submerged 990.26 square kilometers (99,026 hectares) of cropland. [2] Recurring floods in Assam and their devastating impacts has raised serious questions about the efficacy of current flood adaptation measures that relies primarily on grey infrastructure (or engineering solutions) such as embankments. As floods are projected to intensify as the world gets warmer, a combination of grey infrastructure and green infrastructure (or nature-based solutions) can help Assam and other flood-prone states of India adapt to its impact more effectively in the coming years.

Floods and its Impact on Assam

Assam is one of the most flood-prone states in India and it experiences up to three to four waves of flooding every year. In all, 31,050 square kilometers (3,105,000 hectares) or 39.58% of its total land area is vulnerable to flooding each year. [3] Assam’s vulnerability to flood stems from a complex web of climatic, hydrological and social factors. The state is located in a region that is known for extreme rainfall. For example, while India received an average rainfall of 61.1 millimeters during the first 17 days of the current monsoon season from 1-17 June, the north-east region received 220.3 millimeters, 39% above normal. [4] In contrast, northwest India, central India and southern India reported deficit rainfall of 63%, 57% and 24% respectively. The high density of rivers further exacerbated Assam’s vulnerability to floods. The state has over 125 rivers, a significant numbers of which originated from the hills and mountains of Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya (both extreme rainfall hotspots) as well as countries like Bhutan and China. The most well-known among these rivers is the Brahmaputra which originated as the Yarlung Tsangpo in Southwest Tibet. Beyond this, a combination of other factors such as poor or inadequate drainage/channel capacity, high silt load in rivers, encroachment of riverine areas, deforestation/watershed degradation, loss/destruction of wetlands, corruption, etc. have contributed to Assam’s flood woes. Floods have a significant negative impact on Assam’s economy as it loses an estimated Rs. 200 crores every year due to it. [5] This is probably an underestimate and the true economic costs of floods are likely to be many times higher. Furthermore, floods have also washed away 4,270 square kilometers (4,27,000 hectares) of land or 7.40% of the Assam’s total land area since 1950. It continues to wash away 80 square kilometers (8,000 hectares) of land every year. It has also destroyed critical infrastructures that are essential for the maintenance of vital societal functions such as roads, bridges, railway tracks, etc.

essay on flood in assam in 200 words

Limitations of Current Adaptation Measures

As is the case with other flood-prone states in India, grey infrastructure - so called because it is usually built with concrete - such as embankments (also known as levees or dykes) are the preferred form of flood adaptation in Assam. Embankments are walls constructed along the banks of rivers to prevent flooding. According to reports, since the 1950s, Assam has built 423 embankments along the Brahmaputra River and its tributaries. [6] Of these, 295 are believed to have outlived their intended lifespan. It is therefore not surprising that they are being breached regularly and are even damaged and destroyed. During the post-flood reconstruction phase, government agencies often resorted to simply fixing damaged or destroyed embankments and do not build them back better. As such, they continue to remain vulnerable to future floods. Embankments themselves are also known to exacerbate Assam’s flood problems. For example, floods caused by embankment breaches are often more severe than the regular flooding of rivers and it spread over a more expansive area. Embankments also obstruct flood waters from retreating back into rivers once floods have subsided. Despite these limitations, Assam continues to remain fixated on embankments. One major reason for this is the vested interests of engineers, contractors and politicians for whom embankments are “big business.” Alluding to this, one expertopined that “Assam has increasingly moved towards becoming an ‘embankment economy’ - the construction of embankments along the Brahmaputra has become a business involving contractors for construction, maintenance and repair.” [7] He further lamented that “Floods actually mean a lot of money to a lot of people and many feed off the contractor lobby.” [8]

Rethinking Adaptation

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) observed in the first installment of its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) that was released on 9 August 2021 that “…the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events have increased since the 1950s over most land area” and that “human-induced climate change is likely the main driver.” [9] Thus, as climate change tips toward full-blown crisis, north-east India faces the prospect of more extreme rainfall. For Assam, that meant more intense and severe flooding. In the face of this challenge, a diversified approach to flood adaptation that included both grey and green infrastructures should be explored. In other words, both engineering solutions and nature-based solutions should be a critical part of Assam’s flood defence toolbox. Nature-based solution is an umbrella term that refers to “actions to address societal challenges through the protection, sustainable management and restoration of ecosystems, benefiting both biodiversity and human well-being.” [10] Such solutions may include the following:

  • Protecting, restoring or managing natural forests in catchment areas (in upstream/headwaters and along rivers): Upstream forest slows and retains surface water runoff. It also reduces soil erosion and landslides.
  • Protecting and restoring wetlands: Wetlands act as natural sponges. They absorb floodwaters during wet periods and release them during dry periods.
  • Maintaining or enlarging natural floodplains: Floodplains are natural flooding outlets for rivers and provide more room to spread out.

Implementing these could prove to be challenging because it will require actions to be taken across jurisdictional boundaries. For example, managing floods in the Brahmaputra River effectively through nature-based solutions will necessitate the adoption of a basin-wide approach. That in turn will require greater cooperation and coordination of efforts between Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and other neighbouring states. However, the priorities, interests and values of these states may not align necessarily and may even be in conflict with each other. But this is not completely insurmountable. Although Arunachal Pradesh andMeghalaya are less vulnerable to flooding than Assam owing to their hilly terrain, they are highly vulnerable to extreme rainfall-induced landslides and mudslides. Given this, it is imperative that Assam and its neighbouring states convene a regional plan to jointly address the challenges of not only floods but also landslides and mudslides sustainably through nature-based solutions.

The ongoing floods in Assam should be seen as a wake-up call that finally galvanizes action on adaptation. Although engineering solutions such as embankments still have a role to play in mitigating floods, they are no longer sufficient. Nature-based solutions therefore have an obvious place in Assam’s flood defence toolbox and provide a powerful complement (or alternative) to engineering solutions. Working alongside engineering solutions, nature-based solutions will boost the overall resilience at all levels of flooding.

[1] “Assam Daily Flood Report as on 03-07-2022 at 4:00 PM.” Flood Reporting and Information Management System (FRIMS). Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA). July 3, 2022. [2] “Assam Daily Flood Report as on 17-06-2022 at 4:00 PM.” Flood Reporting and Information Management System (FRIMS). Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA). June 22, 2022. [3] Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. 2021. “Flood Management in the Country including International Water Treaties in the field of Water Resource Management with particular reference to Treaty/Agreement entered into with China, Pakistan and Bhutan.” Standing Committee on Water Resources (2020-2021). Seventeenth Lok Sabha. Lok Sabha Secretariat. August. New Delhi. [4] Kalita, Prabin. “Northeast rain: ‘Wettest places on earth’ live up to reputation with highest rain in 56 years.” Times of India. June 18, 2022. [5] “Assam Losing ₹200 Crore Annually Due to Floods: Economic Survey.”NDTV. August 20, 2014. [6] “Banking on national embankment policy.” The Sentinel. April 5, 2022. [7] Sharma, Ashima. “The Mising and the Miyah have learnt to live with the Brahmaputra. Can Assam?” The Third Pole. September 30, 2021. [8] Karmakar, Rahul. “In Assam, a trail of broken barriers.” The Hindu. August 2, 2020. [9] International Panel; on Climate Change (IPCC). 2021. “Summary for Policymakers.” In: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S.L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M.I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J.B.R. Matthews, T.K. Maycock, T. Waterfield, O. Yelekçi, R. Yu, and B. Zhou (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 3−32. [10] International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 2020. “Ensuring Effective Nature-based Solutions.” Issues Brief. July.

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Flood in Assam essay | Detailed Essay

Flood in Assam essay : Amidst the serene landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of India’s northeastern state, Assam, lies a recurring tragedy that has tested the resilience of its people for decades – the annual floods. Beyond the vibrant festivals and picturesque vistas, these floods bring a wave of devastation that leaves communities grappling with loss and displacement. In this essay, we embark on a journey to understand the multifaceted dimensions of the Assam floods, examining the underlying causes, the far-reaching consequences, and the valiant efforts to mitigate their impact. As we delve into the heart of this calamity, we shed light on the intricate interplay between nature’s forces and human determination, and how this juxtaposition shapes the narrative of a region’s struggle for survival.

So here is the detailed essay on Assam Floods:

Table of Contents

Flood in assam essay, introduction:.

Assam, a northeastern state of India, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich biodiversity, and diverse cultures. However, it also faces a recurring natural challenge – annual floods . These floods are primarily caused by the overflow of the Brahmaputra River and its tributaries, affecting millions of lives and causing extensive damage to property, infrastructure, and the environment.

Causes of Flooding :

The Brahmaputra River, one of the largest rivers in the world, originates in Tibet and flows through Assam. During the monsoon season, heavy rainfall in the region and in the upstream areas of the river basin leads to a massive inflow of water. The combination of heavy rainfall, the river’s considerable width, and the inadequate drainage infrastructure in many areas results in overflowing riverbanks and widespread inundation. Additionally, the region’s hilly terrain exacerbates the problem as water rushes downhill, overwhelming settlements and agricultural fields.

Impact on People:

The annual floods in Assam have a profound impact on the lives of the people. Thousands are displaced from their homes, forced to seek refuge in temporary relief camps. These camps often lack basic amenities, leading to health issues and a general decline in the quality of life. Loss of livelihoods is another significant concern, as farmlands are submerged, livestock is lost, and transportation and communication networks are disrupted. Furthermore, the floodwaters contaminate drinking water sources, leading to the outbreak of waterborne diseases.

flood in Assam essay

Environmental Consequences:

The floods not only affect human lives but also the rich biodiversity of the region. Assam is home to several endangered species like the one-horned rhinoceros, and their habitats are at risk due to the inundation caused by floods. The floodwaters erode soil and deposit sediment, which can alter the composition of the soil and impact agricultural productivity in the long term. Wetlands and forests also suffer from degradation, disrupting ecological balance and affecting the overall environment.

Response and Mitigation:

The Assam government, along with central agencies, undertakes various measures to mitigate the impact of annual floods. These include constructing embankments and flood control structures, improving drainage systems, and creating elevated roads to maintain connectivity during floods. Early warning systems are also deployed to alert communities about impending floods. However, challenges such as the scale of the problem, resource limitations, and the need for constant maintenance pose obstacles to effective mitigation.

Sustainable Solutions:

To address the issue of annual floods sustainably, a multi-faceted approach is required. This includes:

  • Integrated River Management: Developing a comprehensive approach to managing rivers and their basins, which involves not only flood control but also considering ecological and social aspects.
  • Improved Infrastructure: Building robust embankments and drainage systems, along with consistent maintenance, to ensure efficient water management during floods.
  • Ecosystem Restoration: Preserving and restoring natural ecosystems like wetlands and floodplains that can act as buffers during floods and contribute to biodiversity conservation.
  • Community Preparedness: Educating and training communities to be better prepared for floods, including developing evacuation plans, raising awareness about sanitation and health, and promoting sustainable livelihood options.
  • Climate Change Adaptation: Recognizing the influence of climate change on the frequency and intensity of floods, and integrating climate adaptation strategies into flood management plans.

Conclusion : Flood in Assam Essay

The annual floods in Assam present a significant challenge that requires both immediate relief measures and long-term sustainable solutions. By combining government efforts, community involvement, and innovative strategies, it is possible to reduce the impact of these floods on both people’s lives and the environment. Through holistic and adaptive approaches, Assam can navigate its way towards a more resilient future in the face of this recurring natural disaster.

This is our “Flood in Assam essay” with 600 words. You can use this essay as reference to your study and write your own essay or you can just copy the essay.

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Making sense of Assam floods: Why rivers turned violent in the 20th century and how climate change is making them more unpredictable

Arupjyoti saikia and jagdish krishnaswamy write: floods have played a key role in assam's ecology. but increasing human footprint has affected the ability of flood plains to absorb water and transport sediment.

essay on flood in assam in 200 words

This year’s floods in Assam have been merciless. In many parts of the state, both rural and urban, shoals of water drove people from their homes and forced many of them to seek shelter for their livestock. In many places, people failed to save standing crops. Granaries were damaged and mud houses were filled with sand brought by the rivers in spate. The retreating waters — before the onset of another flood cycle — could leave behind more wreckage. Ironically, however, they also offer hope for the depleted soil.

The story of this year’s floods starts in the Bay of Bengal. As we know, the Bay has a major influence on the monsoon in Northeast India. Two coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomena, one from the distant Pacific, La Niña and another in the tropical Indian Ocean, a negative dipole condition, combined to create high rainfall in the Bay of Bengal. Weeks before the usual monsoon season, rains had already drenched the basin. To add to that, a warmer atmosphere because of climate change can hold more moisture leading to intense bouts of rain. Parts of the Northeast experienced a month-and-a-half of rains in 10-12 days.

essay on flood in assam in 200 words

This is just one cycle of the annual floods — more are likely to come this month and in August, perhaps later as well. There are lessons to learn from the current cycle of flooding, which occurred in places that have not been flood-prone in recent years. This indicates that environmental factors unique to each locality are responsible for the floods.

Assam is hit by several rounds of floods every year. The lowlands and riverine areas bear the brunt of the deluge. The flooding pattern is usually repeated year-to-year. However, at times, this pattern is disturbed — this year for example. Such massive floods are also not unusual in Assam. But there is no standard pattern to the recurrence of mega, unpredictable floods. In the last century, they occurred in 1934, 1950, 1954, 1955, 1966, 1988 and 2004 – this list is by no means exhaustive.

The incidence of such megafloods depends on several variables like unusually high rainfall and the failure of critical embankments. Besides the toll they take, such floods can adversely reconfigure the landscape.

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How, then, do we make sense of these floods? We should begin by appreciating the key role of floods in the making of the floodplain environment and ecology of Assam. Floods cause disruption and damage but they also generate a bounty of fish and rejuvenate flood-plain ecosystems all along the Brahmaputra, including in the Kaziranga. This landscape has been shaped over millions of years with the help of an active monsoonal environment and mighty rivers that carry sediments weathered from the still-rising Himalaya. Every year, the Brahmaputra and its tributaries — which are at the centre of Assam’s environment — transport billions of tonnes of sediment, mainly from the Eastern Himalaya, making the landscape volatile.

The rivers and their surrounding hydrological landscapes interact in several ways and produce many effects. River bank erosion is one of them. Floods are among the mediators of these interactions. Flooding helps release waters to surrounding land and distribute sediments and nutrients across the floodplains and wetlands. Over millions of years, this depositing of sediment into the floodplains has produced at least two results: Raising the lowlands and regularly adjusting river beds. These ensured that impacts of flooding remained moderate. Such processes have been going on for centuries but certain historical circumstances, especially their low intensity on the floodplains, allowed humans to adapt to nature’s quirks. The prosperity and general well-being of a large majority of the population of Assam, especially in rural areas, critically depend on their ability to survive the capricious ways of floods. The annual floods were a natural way to enrich the soils, which have a propensity to get depleted.

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Things began to change rather drastically in the 20th century. As the human footprint intensified on the floodplains, the landscape was increasingly “developed and engineered”. The engineered and planned landscape has affected the floodplains in two ways: It has undermined their ability to store and absorb water and reduced their capacity to transport sediment.

This year’s floods took an especially worrying proportion in several urban areas. Silchar in southern Assam and Guwahati were badly hit. Guwahati has historically been a lowland and the city has been uniquely shaped by three hills that accumulate water during the monsoon. Its northern side faces one of the most turbulent rivers in the world. However, extensive swamps, channels and their tributaries worked in tandem to make the place habitable. A transformation, however, took place in the 20th century, especially in the later decades, when these natural features were forced to disappear. From an estimated 11,000 people in 1901, the city now is home to close to 1.1 million people. Such a population increase is bound to have several footfalls and not all of them could have been prevented. What has hit the city hardest is the disappearance of some of its critical environmental features. Today, like Guwahati, Assam’s floodplains and the people living there are even more vulnerable to severe flooding because of climate change.

Apart from embankment failures, a number of unofficial and media reports suggest that the devastation in the floodplains is also a consequence of the way the dams and reservoirs are operated. Such human interventions to “tame” rivers and “stabilise” hydrologically dynamic landscapes and riverscapes should be based on guidelines that account for the environmental conditions in Northeast India, especially the fragile geology, changing rainfall patterns, high seismicity and the risk of landslides. This, however, has not happened.

The rapid transformation in rainfall characteristics and flooding patterns demand building people’s resilience. A business-as-usual vision of infrastructure development will not help achieve this. Construction projects that impede the movement of water and sediment across the floodplain must be reconsidered. The region’s historical experiences offer several valuable lessons in adaptation to floods. At the same time, climate-imposed exigencies demand new paradigms of early-warning and response systems and securing livelihoods and economies.

Saikia is a Guwahati based environmental historian and Jagdish Krishnaswamy is a hydrologist and ecologist with the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru

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Problem of Flood in Assam Essay

March 10, 2022 by Souvik 2 Comments

 Assam is a land of river. The Brahmaputra and the Borak and their tributaries of flow over almost all the district of the State. At particular time f the year Assam makes news in the all Indian newspapers. It is the time of flood. The same old sad story of flood is repeated every year almost in the same way. 

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 With the start of the wet season in May and June it’s starts raining in Assam and continuous for two to three months. Because of excess rains particularly in the flood hells of the Himalayan the rivers in Assam cannot carry away all the water. Submerges the low lying area of the valley. This is how flood occur in Assam.

Problem of Flood in Assam Essay

Almost all the district in Assam comes under the grip of terrible flood every year. Flood  causes great damages to crops in the field and houses and properties in the village. The thousands of people are rendered homeless. Heavy erosions of same portions of the bank of certain river is usually cause at this time. The memory of the natives death and destruction caused blow by the flood in 1988 is still horrifying. Heavy erosion took place at Dibrugarh, Majuli and Nagaon. The govt. has built embankment the banks of the rivers and it has saved certain areas from floods. But some time this embankment proves to be a source of greater dangerous then normal flood. So, something must be done to make a permanent solutions of the problem. The steps taken by the Brahmaputra Flood Commission North East Region Council made prove quite helpful in checking the destruction caused by the flood in Assam.

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However, flood also d good to the cultivations. They leave large silt on the field that to  makes the land fertile. Plenty fish is also available after the floods. Flood causes great damage to the economic condition of our state. As it plays havoc with Sub esti the prevention of floods. The central govt. has already set up Brahmaputra Board. But till now it has been able to do very little. A parenthetic fund should be railed to issue the sufferings of the victims of flood. The govt. must solve the problem of floods n Assam for all.


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অসমৰ বানপানী – ৰচনা | Essay on Flood in Assam

This is an essay on Flood in Assam in the Assamese language. This essay is in about 300 words. This Assamese essay on Flood in Assam will be very helpful to Assamese medium students. Since the flood in Assam is a very important topic to discuss, so it has a great chance to come to the HSLC examination. This essay on flood in Assam in the Assamese language will be very easy to understand and remember for every student. ইয়াত অসমৰ বানপানী বিষয়ত এখন ৰচনা দিয়া হৈছে। ৰচনাখন সকলো ছাত্ৰ-ছত্ৰীয়ে সহজতে বুজি পোৱাকৈ ৩০০ শব্দৰ ভিতৰত লিখা হৈছে। এই অসমৰ বানপানীৰ উপৰত লিখা ৰচনাখন দশম মান শ্ৰেণীৰ ছাত্ৰ-ছত্ৰীৰ বাবেও উপযোগী হ’ব।

অসমৰ বানপানী - ৰচনা | Essay on Flood in Assam in Assamese language for SEBA

Essay on Flood in Assam in the Assamese Language | অসমৰ বানপানী – ৰচনা

This essay is written describing the reason for flood in Assam, Its effects and the prevention measures. এই ৰচনাখনত অসমৰ বানপানীৰ সমস্যা বিষয়ে সুন্দৰকৈ ব্যাখ্যা কৰা হৈছে। ইয়াৰ কাৰণৰ লগতে প্ৰতিকাৰ কথাও ইয়াত আলোচনা কৰা হৈছে।

অসমৰ বানপানী – Flood in Assam

অসম এখন নদীমাতৃক দেশ। নদ-নদীৰ সংখ্যা যি দেশত বেছি সেই দেশক নদীমাতৃক দেশ বোলে। ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ অসমৰ প্ৰধান নদ। ই দীঘলে প্ৰায় ২৮৮০ কিলোমিটাৰ। অসমৰ মাজেৰে প্ৰায় ৯২০ কিলোমিটাৰ প্ৰবাহিত হৈছে। পৃথিৱীৰ বৃহৎ নদীবোৰৰ ভিতৰত ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰয়েই আটাইতকৈ শেষৰ সৃষ্টি বুলি পণ্ডিতসকলে ঠাৱৰ কৰিছে। সেই কাৰণেই ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ গতিপথ এতিয়াও নিয়ন্ত্ৰিত হোৱা নাই – গৰাখহনীয়া প্ৰবল হৈ আছে। ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ নদী তিব্বত দেশত থকা মানস সৰোবৰ নামৰ হৃদৰপৰা উৎপত্তি হৈ অসমৰ সৌমাজেৰে পূবৰ পৰা পশ্চিমলৈ বৈ গৈ বংগোপসাগৰত পৰিছে।

বানপানী হোৱা কাৰণ:

ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ দুয়োপাৰে অসংখ্য নদী-উপনদী আছে। অসমৰ চাৰিওফালে থকা ওখচাপৰ পৰ্বত-পাহাৰৰপৰা ওলাই অহা উপনদীবোৰ ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰত পৰিছে। বৰষুণৰ বতৰত বা বাৰিষাকালত উপনদীবোৰ পানীৰে উপচি পৰে। নদীবোৰৰ অধিকসংখ্যকৰ মথাউৰি নথকা বাবে আৰু মথাউৰি থকাবোৰো বিজ্ঞানসন্মত নোহোৱা বাবে অসমে বানপানীৰ হাত সাৰিব নোৱাৰে। উপনদীবোৰৰ পাৰ বাগৰি নাইবা মথাউৰি ভাঙি পানী ওলাই আহি সমগ্ৰ দেশতে বানপানীৰ সৃষ্টি কৰে।

বানপানীৰ ফলত হোৱা ক্ষতি:

বানপানীৰ ফলত ৰাস্তা-ঘাট, আলি-পদূলি, ঘৰ-দুৱাৰ, খেতি-বাতি আদি ধ্বংস বা নষ্ট হোৱাৰ উপৰি মানুহকে আদি কৰি বহুতো জীৱ-জন্তুৱে প্ৰাণ হেৰুৱাব লগা হয়। অসম এখন কৃষিপ্ৰধান দেশ। কিন্তু বানপানীয়ে প্ৰতি বছৰে খেতিয়কৰ খেতি-বাতি নষ্ট কৰাৰ ফলত খেতিয়কসকলৰ পানীত হাঁহ নচৰা অৱস্থা হয়। বানপানীয়ে নষ্ট কৰা খেতি-বাতিবোৰৰ ভিতৰত ধান, মৰাপাট, কুঁহিয়াৰ আৰু বিবিধ শাক-পাচলি আছে।

প্ৰতি বছৰে বানপানীয়ে দুৰ্যোগ সৃষ্টি কৰি অহাৰ বাবে অসম অৰ্থনৈতিকভাৱে সদায় ক্ষতিগ্ৰস্ত হৈ আহিছে। খেতিয়কসকলে পৰিশ্ৰম অনুপাতে শস্য চপাবলৈ নাপায়।

ৰাজ্যিক চৰকাৰ আৰু কেন্দ্ৰীয় চৰকাৰে অসমৰ বানপানী প্ৰতিৰোধ, কৰাৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিব পাৰে। ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ আৰু উপনদীবোৰৰ পানী নিয়ন্ত্ৰিত কৰিব পাৰিলেই অসমৰ বানপানীও নিয়ন্ত্রিত হ’ব। ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ নদ অসমলৈ অৰ্থাৎ ভৈয়ামলৈ নমা ঠাইত বিজুলী উৎপাদন প্ৰকল্প স্থাপন কৰি বিজুলী শক্তি উৎপাদন আৰু বানপানী নিয়ন্ত্ৰণৰ দৰে আঁচনি গ্ৰহণ কৰি চৰকাৰে ৰাজ্যখনক বানপানীৰ কবলৰ পৰা ৰক্ষা কৰিব পাৰে।

উপনদীসমূহৰ মথাউৰি নিৰাপদ দূৰত্বত বিজ্ঞানসন্মতভাৱে নিৰ্মাণ কৰাৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিলে মথাউৰি ভাঙি বানপানীৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিব নোৱাৰিব। মথাউৰিৰ কাষ শিলেৰে বন্ধাই গছ ৰুই মজবুত কৰিলে মথাউৰি ভাঙিব নোবাৰিব। ৰাজ্য আৰু কেন্দ্ৰীয় চৰকাৰে অসমৰ বানপানী স্থায়ীভাবে নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰাৰ ব্যবস্থা কৰিলে অসমৰ অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নৰ বাট মুকলি হ’ব বুলি আশা কৰিব পাৰি।

24 thoughts on “অসমৰ বানপানী – ৰচনা | Essay on Flood in Assam”

Here 1 resion is absence that is How we get rid of flood

This is very helpful for me tnks dear sir

All the points are very good but you have missed a thing that “affected by the epidemic”. it is a main point . i hope you add this point as soon as possible.

Last paragraph is so disturbing. Why you add number in the last paragraph. I can’t understand those lines. Please tell me what are the lines where add numbers.

It is so helpful essay. I think one day Assam will get free from the flood escape.

উপনদীসমূহৰ মথাউৰি নিৰাপদ দূৰত্বত বিজ্ঞানসন্মতভাৱে নিৰ্মাণ কৰাৰ ব্যৱস্থা কৰিলে মথাউৰি ৩ ৬ বানপানীৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিব নোৱাৰিব। মথাউৰিৰ কাষ শিলেৰে বন্ধাই গছ ৰুই মজবুত কৰিলে মথাউৰি ৬ ঙব নোবাৰিব। ৰাজ্য আৰু কেন্দ্ৰীয় চৰকাৰে অসমৰ বানপানী স্থায়ীভাবে নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰাৰ ব্যবস্থা কৰিলে অসমৰ অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নৰ বাট মুকলি হ’ব বুলি আশা কৰিব পাৰি। aru olp val koi likhi diok sn….. Dhniya hoise likha khini

Oo sir val hoycha likha khini thank you for helping

Nice 👍👍👍👍 in this case is instead you can get it done 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Helpful Essay… But last paragraph was confused.. please write again the last paragraph. Thank you

Essay টো ভাল হৈছে কিন্তু আৰু অপল ধুনীয়া কৰাৰ চেষ্টা কৰিব।

Sir 3 6 mane ki buji powa nai

sir olp bhlk dibo sn lastr para tu

sir , essay is good but what does 3 6 mean ? ←

Tankyou sir

Please make a long and well explained verson of it


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Essay on Assam

Students are often asked to write an essay on Assam in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Assam


Assam, a state in northeast India, is known for its wildlife, archaeological sites, and tea plantations. It’s a region of rich biodiversity and vibrant culture.

Assam is surrounded by seven Indian states and shares international borders with Bhutan and Bangladesh. The Brahmaputra River flows through it, providing fertile land.

Assam’s culture is a blend of various communities like Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, and more. Bihu is the most significant festival celebrated here.

Assam’s economy is based on agriculture, oil, tea, and tourism. The state is the largest tea producer in India.

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250 Words Essay on Assam

Assam, a jewel in the crown of Northeast India, is a diverse and culturally rich state. Its geographical location, unique biodiversity, and varied culture make it a fascinating study.

Geographical Significance

Assam is nestled in the lap of the eastern Himalayas, bounded by Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh to the north, Nagaland and Manipur to the east, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram to the south, and Bangladesh and West Bengal to the west. The state is enriched by the mighty Brahmaputra river, contributing significantly to its fertile plains.

Biodiversity and Environment

Assam is renowned for its rich biodiversity. It houses two of India’s biodiversity hotspots, Kaziranga and Manas National Parks, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The state is also home to the one-horned rhinoceros, a species endemic to the region, symbolizing Assam’s biodiversity richness.

Cultural Diversity

Assam’s cultural landscape is as diverse as its geographical and biological features. It is a melting pot of various ethnic groups, each with its distinct traditions, languages, and cuisines. The Assamese New Year, Bihu, manifests this cultural diversity through music, dance, and food.

Assam’s economy is primarily agrarian, with tea and silk being significant contributors. Assam produces over half of India’s tea, making it a key player in the global tea industry. The state is also famous for its Assam Silk, particularly Muga, known for its durability and golden hue.

In essence, Assam is a microcosm of India’s diversity and cultural richness. Its geographical uniqueness, biodiversity, cultural vibrancy, and economic potential make it a compelling area of study, offering profound insights into India’s Northeastern frontier.

500 Words Essay on Assam

Assam, a northeastern state of India, is renowned for its rich biodiversity, cultural heritage, and historical significance. It is bordered by Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh to the north, Nagaland and Manipur to the east, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, and Bangladesh to the south, and West Bengal to the west.

Geographical Features

Assam is characterized by the majestic Brahmaputra River, which is the lifeline of the state, providing both water resources and fertile soil for agriculture. The state’s topography is defined by the Barail hill range and the North Cachar Hills. Assam is also home to the world’s largest river island, Majuli, and Asia’s smallest inhabited riverine island, Umananda.


Cultural heritage.

Assam’s cultural heritage is a blend of various ethnic groups and tribes, each with its unique traditions, rituals, and festivals. The state is famous for its Bihu dance, a folk dance performed during the Bihu festival. Assam’s music, predominantly Borgeet, and Ankia Naat (a form of one-act play), created by the 15th-century scholar, saint, and cultural icon Srimanta Sankardeva, are significant cultural contributions.

Assam’s economy primarily depends on agriculture, with tea and silk being the most significant contributors. Assam produces more than half of India’s tea and is also known for its unique Muga silk. Additionally, the state has substantial petroleum resources and is home to India’s oldest oil refinery in Digboi.

Challenges and Opportunities

Assam is a state of immense potential, with its rich natural resources, diverse cultural heritage, and strategic location. However, to fully realize this potential, it is essential to address the challenges it faces and invest in sustainable development. With the right approach, Assam can truly become a jewel in India’s crown.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

thank you so much it is helpful for me for my project

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essay on flood in assam in 200 words

Flood Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on flood.

Flood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. It happens when excessive water is collected in any area. It usually happens due to heavy rainfall. India is highly prone to flood. There are many regions in the country that face this natural disaster because of the overflowing of rivers. Moreover, it also happens because of the melting of snow. Another reason for floods is when the dam breaks down. If we look at the coastal areas, the hurricanes and tsunamis are held responsible for causing floods. In this essay on flood, we will see the prevention and after-affect of flood.

flood essay

In other words, whatever the cause may be, it is equally dangerous. It has a lot of harmful consequences. Flood damages the living conditions and it takes a lot of time to recover from this disaster. Therefore, the consequences of floods must be known and steps must be taken to prevent it.

After-effects of Flood

Floods interrupt with the day to day functioning of the affected area. The severe floods sometimes cause mass destruction. A lot of people and animals lose their lives due to floods. Several others are injured. Floods also bring a rise in diseases. The stagnant water attracts mosquitoes causing malaria , dengue, and more illnesses.

Furthermore, people face power cuts due to the danger of electrocution. They also have to face expensive pricing. As the supply of food and goods gets limited, the prices naturally grow higher. This creates a big problem for the common man.

Most importantly, the whole country faces economic loss. The resources needed to rescue people and tackle this disaster demands a hefty amount. Plus, the citizens lose their houses and cars which they worked all their lives for.

Subsequently, floods also hamper the environment. It causes soil erosion and this degrades the quality of the soil. We lose out on fertile soil. Similarly, floods also damage flora and fauna. They damage crops and displace trees. Thus, the measure should be taken to avoid these grave consequences.

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Ways to Prevent flood

The government and citizens must work together to formulate ways to prevent floods. Proper awareness must be spread about the steps to take when floods occur. Warning systems must be set up so people get sufficient time to save themselves. In addition, areas that are more likely to have floods must have tall buildings above the flood level.

essay on flood in assam in 200 words

Other than that, dams must be constructed strongly. The use of cheap materials causes dams to break. The government must ensure there is a quality building of dams to prevent floods.

In short, we cannot prevent natural causes like rain and the melting of glaciers. However, we can stop the manmade causes like breaking of dams, poor drainage system, installing warning systems and more. We should take inspiration from countries like Singapore that never experience floods despite having heavy rainfall for most time of the year.

FAQ on Flood Essay

Q.1 what are the consequences of a flood.

A.1 Floods cause immense destruction. They are responsible for the loss of human and animal lives. People lose their homes and cars in floods. They also cause soil erosion and uproot of trees.

Q.2 How can we prevent floods?

A.2 Governments must take up certain measures to prevent floods. We can install flood warning systems. Make people aware of what to do in times of flood. Moreover, we can also build a proper drainage system that will ensure no waterlogging.

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বানপানী ৰচনা | Flood Essay in Assamese

বানপানী হৈছে পুনৰাবৃত্তি হোৱা অতি ধ্বংসশালী প্ৰাকৃতিক দুৰ্যোগবোৰৰ ভিতৰত এটা, যি হৈছে প্ৰচুৰ বৰষুণ আৰু প্ৰতিটো জীৱিত এলেকাত অত্যাধিক পানী জমা হোৱাৰ ফলাফল। জলাশয়ৰ পৰা পানী উপচি পৰাৰ ফলত বা পানী ৰক্ষণাবেক্ষণ নকৰা ঠাইবোৰত বৰষুণৰ মুষলধাৰ বৰষুণৰ ফলত বানপানী হ’ব পাৰে। পানী ইমান ক্ষতিকাৰক আৰু শান্তিপূৰ্ণ যেন লাগিব পাৰে যেতিয়ালৈকে বৃহৎ পৰিমাণৰ বানপানীয়ে আমাক ক্ষতি নকৰে।

বানপানী ৰচনা Flood Essay in Assamese

বানপানী প্ৰাকৃতিকভাৱে হ’ব পাৰে, বা পানীৰ প্ৰবাহ ধ্বংস কৰা পাৰিপাৰ্শ্বিক কাৰকে সেইবোৰক সহজ কৰাত সহায় কৰিব পাৰে। জলবায়ু পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ ফলত, বানপানীৰ ঘটনা বৃদ্ধি পাইছিল। জলবায়ু পৰিৱৰ্তন হৈছে বনধ্বংসৰ এক ক্ষতিকাৰক ফলাফল, যি পৃথিৱীৰ পৃষ্ঠত তাপমাত্ৰা বৃদ্ধি কৰিব দিয়ে। গোলকীয় উষ্ণতা বৃদ্ধি তীব্ৰ জলবায়ু পৰিৱৰ্তন যেনে গধুৰ ধুমুহা, বৰফ আৰু বৰ্ধিত সাগৰৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত। এনে বায়ুমণ্ডলীয় পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ ফলত বানপানী হয়। বানপানী হৈছে শুকান মাটিৰ পৃষ্ঠত পানী ৰৈ যোৱা আৰু ডুব যোৱা। পানীৰ উৎসৰ পৰা স্বাভাৱিক সীমাৰ বাহিৰত পানী প্ৰবাহিত হোৱাৰ লগে লগে এনে হয়।

বানপানীৰ  কাৰণ | Couse’s of flood

Table of Contents

আটাইতকৈ গুৰুতৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক বিপদবোৰৰ ভিতৰত বানপানী উৎকৃষ্ট। এইটো প্ৰাকৃতিক দুৰ্যোগ প্ৰতিটো পৰিৱেশত হয় য’ত অত্যাধিক পানী জমা কৰা হয়। সাধাৰণতে, প্ৰচুৰ বৰষুণ হয়। ভাৰতৰ লগতে অসমতো বানপানী হোৱাৰ যথেষ্ট সম্ভাৱনা থাকে।

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ধাৰাসাৰ নদীৰ বৰষুণৰ বাবে, পৃথিৱীৰ কেইবাটাও ঠাই প্ৰাকৃতিক দুৰ্যোগৰ সন্মুখীন হৈছে। ইয়াৰ উপৰিও, নদী বান্ধবোৰ ভাঙি যোৱাটো বানপানীৰ আন এক কাৰণ। তদুপৰি, বৰফ গলি যোৱাৰ ফলতো বানপানীৰ আৰম্ভ হয়।

যদি আমি উপকূলীয় অঞ্চলবোৰলক্ষ্য কৰোঁ, বানপানী ধুমুহা বা চুনামিৰ বাবে দায়বদ্ধ। আমি বানপানীৰ বিষয়ে এই প্ৰবন্ধটোত বানপানী পৰিহাৰ আৰু ইয়াৰ দীৰ্ঘম্যাদী পাৰ্শ্বক্ৰিয়াবোৰ চোৱা উচিত। তথাপিও, ই সঁচাকৈয়ে সমানে বিপদজনক, কিন্তু যি কোনো কাৰণই হওঁক।

ইয়াৰ কিছুমান নেতিবাচক প্ৰভাৱ আছে। বানপানীৰ ফলত জীৱন ধাৰণৰ পৰিস্থিতিৰ ক্ষতি হয় বা এই দুৰ্ঘটনাৰ পৰা পুনৰুদ্ধাৰ হ’বলৈ বহুসময় লাগে। সেয়েহে বানপানীৰ প্ৰভাৱবোৰ বুজিব লাগে, আৰু সেইবোৰ পৰিহাৰ কৰিবলৈ পদক্ষেপ লোৱা উচিত।

বানপানীৰ প্ৰভাৱ | Effect of flood

বানপীড়িত অঞ্চলটোৰ দৈনন্দিন অভিযান ব্যাহত হৈছিল। অত্যাধিক বানপানীৰ ফলত প্ৰায়ে অপৰিসীম ধ্বংসহয়। বানপানীৰ ফলত, বহুতো ব্যক্তি বা জীৱ – জন্তুৰ   জীৱন বিপদত পৰে আৰু বহুতো লোক , জীৱ – জন্তু আহত হয় বা মৃত্যু মুখত পৰে।লগতে বানপানীয়ে ৰোগবৃদ্ধি কৰে। স্থিৰ বতৰ, মেলেৰিয়া, ডেংগু আৰু অধিক ৰোগৰ ফলত পোক-পতংগ আকৰ্ষিত হয়।

বানপানীৰ সৈতে পোনপটীয়াকৈ সম্পৰ্কিত মৃত্যু সাধাৰণতে ডুব যোৱাৰ ফলত হয়; বানপানীৰ পানী অতি গভীৰ আৰু তীব্ৰ প্ৰবাহ আছে।  মৃত্যু কেৱল ডুব যোৱাৰ ফলত নহয়, মৃত্যুবোৰ ডিহাইড্ৰেচন, হিট ষ্ট্ৰোক, হৃদআক্ৰমণ আৰু আন যিকোনো ৰোগৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত যাক প্ৰসৱ কৰিব নোৱাৰা চিকিৎসা সামগ্ৰীৰ প্ৰয়োজন হয়। 

বানপানী হ’লে আঘাতৰ ফলত অত্যাধিক পৰিমাণৰ ৰোগ হ’ব পাৰে। আঘাতবোৰ কেৱল তেওঁলোকৰ বাবে পৃথক নহয় যিসকল পোনপটীয়াকৈ বানপানীত আছিল, উদ্ধাৰকাৰী দল আৰু আনকি যোগান ধৰা লোকসকলেও আঘাত বজাই ৰাখিব পাৰে। বান প্ৰক্ৰিয়াৰ সময়ত যিকোনো সময়তে আঘাত প্ৰাপ্ত হ’ব পাৰে; আগতে, সময়ত আৰু পিছত। বানপানীৰ সময়ত দুৰ্ঘটনা বোৰ পানীত খহি পৰা ধ্বংসাৱশেষ বা বহুতো দ্ৰুত গতিত চলাচল কৰা বস্তুৰ যিকোনো এটাৰ সৈতে সংঘটিত হয়। বান উদ্ধাৰৰ প্ৰচেষ্টাৰ পিছত য’ত বৃহৎ সংখ্যক আঘাত হ’ব পাৰে। 

তদুপৰি, বৈদ্যুতিক বিপদাশংকাৰ বাবে, ব্যক্তিসকলে বিদ্যুৎ বিভ্ৰাটৰ সন্মুখীন হয়। তেওঁলোকেও ব্যয়বহুল ব্যয়ৰ সন্মুখীন হয়। বৃহৎ অৰ্থনৈতিক লোকচান হয়।। বানপানীৰ দ্বাৰা সম্পত্তি আৰু আন্তঃগাঁথনি ধ্বংস কৰাটো অপৰিসীম। অনুমান কৰা হৈছে যে খৰাং বাদ দি, প্ৰাকৃতিক দুৰ্যোগৰ ফলত বিশ্বব্যাপী প্ৰায় 90% ধ্বংস প্ৰত্যক্ষ বা পৰোক্ষভাৱে বানপানীৰ দ্বাৰা সংঘটিত হয়। আমেৰিকা যুক্তৰাষ্ট্ৰত প্ৰতি বছৰে 3.1 বিলিয়ন ডলাৰ বান-সম্পৰ্কীয় ব্যয় বহন কৰে । যোৱা শতিকাত  এছিয়াই 207 বিলিয়ন ডলাৰঅঞ্চলত অৰ্থনৈতিক লোকচানৰ সন্মুখীন হৈছিলখাদ্য আৰু সামগ্ৰীৰ উপলব্ধতা হ্ৰাস হোৱাৰ লগে লগে মূল্য অৱশ্যেই বৃদ্ধি হয়।    এয়া, সাধাৰণ মানুহৰ বাবে, এটা ডাঙৰ সমস্যা। জীৱন ৰক্ষা কৰিবলৈ আৰু এই দুৰ্ঘটনাৰ মোকাবিলা কৰিবলৈ, বৃহৎ পৰিমাণৰ সম্পদৰ প্ৰয়োজন। একে সময়তে, মানুহে তেওঁলোকৰ ঘৰ বা বাহন হেৰুৱাই , যাক তেওঁলোকে গোটেই জীৱন উৎসৰ্গা কৰিছে।

বানপানীয়ে অৱশেষত জলবায়ুৰ ক্ষতি কৰে। ই মাটিৰ খহনীয়া আৰম্ভ কৰে যি মাটিৰ স্থিৰতা হ্ৰাস কৰে। এক উৰ্বৰ গ্ৰহত, আমি ধ্বংস হৈ যাওঁ।বানপানীয়ে ও একেধৰণে জীৱজন্তু আৰু উদ্ভিদৰ ক্ষতি কৰে। শস্য ধ্বংস হয়, আৰু গছবোৰ স্থানচ্যুত হয়। এই গুৰুতৰ প্ৰভাৱবোৰ প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰাৰ পদক্ষেপো লোৱা উচিত।

যদিও সমগ্ৰ বিশ্বতে বানপানী বিস্তৃত হৈ আছে, এছিয়াই আটাইতকৈ বেছি ক্ষতিগ্ৰস্ত হৈছে; যোৱা শতিকাত ইয়াত 1,200 বানপানী হৈছিল, যাৰ ফলত 11.6 নিযুত লোকৰ  মৃত্যু হৈছিল। আমেৰিকা যুক্তৰাষ্ট্ৰত, যোৱা শতিকাত বানপানীৰ ফলত প্ৰায় 10,000 লোকৰ মৃত্যু হৈছিল; তেওঁলোকৰ প্ৰায় 80% বাহনত ধ্বংস হৈছিল ।

Read Also: পৰিৱেশ প্ৰদূষণ ৰচনা | Environmental Pollution Essay in Assamese

বানপানীৰ প্ৰকাৰ | Types of flood

বানপানী কেইবা প্ৰকাৰৰ  হয়। এই প্ৰকাৰ  সমূহ হৈছে-

  • আকস্মিক বানপানী (Flash Flood) হৈছে দ্ৰুত গতিত অহা পানী যি তেওঁলোকৰ পথৰ সকলোবোৰ কঢ়িয়াই আনে। গতিকে, আকস্মিক বানপানী কেনেদৰে সৃষ্টি হয়? এইবোৰ প্ৰচুৰ বৰষুণ বা দ্ৰুত বৰফ গলি যোৱাৰ ফলত হয়। আকস্মিক বানপানীয়ে সাধাৰণতে তুলনামূলকভাৱে সৰু এলেকা আৱৰি থাকে আৰু কোনো জাননী নিদিয়াকৈ হয়, সাধাৰণতে ছয় ঘণ্টাতকৈ কম। দ্ৰুত পানীৰ প্ৰবাহবোৰে গাড়ী, শিল আৰু গছৰ দৰে ডাঙৰ বস্তুবোৰ স্থানান্তৰ কৰিব পাৰে
  • উপকূলীয় বানপানী (Coastal flood) তীব্ৰ বতাহ বা ধুমুহাৰ ফলত হয় যি উচ্চ জোৱাৰৰ সময়ত উপকূলৰ ফালে আগবাঢ়ে। যেতিয়া শক্তিশালী ঢৌৱে উপকূলৰ টিউন বা ডাইক ভাঙি পেলায়, অঞ্চলটো সাধাৰণতে বানপানী হয়। কম প্ৰতিৰক্ষা আৰু নিম্ন উচ্চতা থকা উপকূলীয় অঞ্চলবোৰ আটাইতকৈ বেছি প্ৰভাৱিত হয়। ভাঙনিটো মেৰামতি কৰাৰ সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ সময় হৈছে কম জোৱাৰৰ সময়ত।
  • নদীৰ বানপানী (River Flood) নদীৰ বানপানীৰ বিশেষত্ব হৈছে এক বৰ্ধিত সময়ত ব্যাপক বৰষুণৰ ফলত ক্ৰমান্বয়ে নদীৰ পাৰ উপচি পৰে। নদীৰ বানপানীৰ দ্বাৰা আৱৰি থকা অঞ্চলবোৰ নদীৰ আকাৰ আৰু বৰষুণৰ পৰিমাণৰ ওপৰত নিৰ্ভৰ কৰে। নদীৰ বানপানীৰ ফলত কেতিয়াবাহে প্ৰাণহানি হয় কিন্তু অপৰিসীম অৰ্থনৈতিক ক্ষতি কৰিব পাৰে।
  • নগৰীয়া বানপানী (Urban flood) যেতিয়া চহৰ বা চহৰৰ নিষ্কাশন প্ৰণালীয়ে ধাৰাসাৰ বৰষুণৰ পৰা পানী শোষণ কৰাত বিফল হয়। নগৰঅঞ্চলত প্ৰাকৃতিক নিষ্কাশনৰ অভাৱেও বানপানীত অৰিহণা যোগাব পাৰে। পানী ৰাস্তালৈ ওলাই যায়, যাৰ ফলত গাড়ী চলোৱা টো অতি বিপদজনক হৈ পৰে। যদিও পানীৰ স্তৰ মাত্ৰ কেইইঞ্চিমান গভীৰ হ’ব পাৰে, নগৰীয়া বানপানীৰ ফলত গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ গাঁথনিগত ক্ষতি হ’ব পাৰে।
  •  প্লুভিয়েল বানপানী (Pluvial flood) এই প্রকাৰৰ বানপানী সমতল এলেকাত প্লুভিয়েল বানপানী সৃষ্টি হয় য’ত ভূখণ্ডে বৰষুণৰ পানী শোষণ কৰিব নোৱাৰে, যাৰ ফলত পুখুৰী আৰু পুখুৰী দেখা যায়। প্লুভিয়েল বানপানী নগৰীয়া বানপানীৰ দৰে, মুখ্যতঃ গ্ৰাম্য অঞ্চলত। যিবোৰ অঞ্চলত বানপানী হৈছে সেই অঞ্চলবোৰত কৃষি কাৰ্যকলাপ আৰু সম্পত্তিগুৰুতৰভাৱে প্ৰভাৱিত হ’ব পাৰে।

বান প্ৰতিৰোধ পদ্ধতি | Flood Prevention Methods

বানপানী প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰাৰ চাৰিটা পদ্ধতি আছে। প্ৰথম পদ্ধতিটো হ’ল পানী উপচি পৰাৰ পৰা ভূমিলৈ বাধা দিবলৈ ডিক আৰু লেভি নিৰ্মাণ কৰা। বিশ্বৰ মুখ্য বান সুৰক্ষা কৌশল ডিকচ প্ৰথমতে ওপৰৰ বানপানী অঞ্চলত নিৰ্মাণ কৰা হৈছিল কিন্তু পিছত নদীবোৰৰ ওপৰত আৰু ওচৰত নিৰ্মাণ কৰা হৈছিল।

লেভি নিৰ্মাণৰ ফলত সীমিত এলেকাবোৰৰ মাজেৰে পানীৰ প্ৰবাহৰ গতি বৃদ্ধি হয়, যাৰ ফলত অশুদ্ধিৰ জমা বৃদ্ধি হয় আৰু জমা হ্ৰাস হয়। দ্বিতীয় পদ্ধতিটো হ’ল বান্ধ নিৰ্মাণ কৰা। বানপানীৰ শৃংগ বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰা এই গাঁথনিবোৰে কৃত্ৰিমভাৱে জলাশয়ৰ অৱবাহিকা নিৰ্মাণ কৰিছে য’ত বানপানী সংৰক্ষণ কৰা হয়, যাৰ ফলত ইয়াক নদীবোৰত বানপানীৰ সৃষ্টি কৰাত বাধা দিয়ে।

এই পদ্ধতিআমেৰিকা যুক্তৰাষ্ট্ৰত বিশেষভাৱে জনপ্ৰিয়, আনহাতে দেশৰ প্ৰায় সকলো মুখ্য নদীতে প্ৰায় 50,000 বান্ধ নিৰ্মাণ কৰা হৈছে। তৃতীয় পদ্ধতিটো হ’ল প্ৰাকৃতিক চেনেলৰ উন্নতি।

সামগ্ৰিক লক্ষ্য হৈছে গছ-গছনি পৰিষ্কাৰ কৰি আৰু কাটঅফ, পোন কৰা, সম্প্ৰসাৰিত কৰা আৰু গভীৰ কৰাৰ দৰে কাৰ্যসম্পাদন কৰি চেনেল ডিচচাৰ্জ ক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধি কৰা।

এই পদ্ধতিটো জনপ্ৰিয় নহয় কিয়নো ই জলাশয়ত জলজ জীৱন বৃদ্ধি নকৰে। অন্তিম পদ্ধতিটো হ’ল বানপানীৰ পৰিৱৰ্তন। ইয়াত এটা চেনেল তৈয়াৰ কৰিবলৈ খাদ খনন কৰা অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত থাকে য’ত বানপানী নিৰ্দেশিত হয়। এই পদ্ধতিটো এটা পুৰণি পদ্ধতি যি আজিকালি জনপ্ৰিয় নহয় কিয়নো ই প্ৰাকৃতিক ভৌগোলিক অৱস্থাৰ ওপৰত যথেষ্ট নিৰ্ভৰশীল।

বানপানী সম্পৰ্কীয় জ্ঞান আৰু বান প্ৰতিৰোধৰ তথ্যৰ বিশাল পৰিমাণ আৰু উৎকৃষ্ট মানদণ্ডৰ পৰিপ্ৰেক্ষিতত, এই প্ৰাকৃতিক দুৰ্যোগে এতিয়াও বিশ্বক নিয়মীয়াকৈ পীড়িত কৰি আহিছে, যাৰ ফলত মৃত্যু আৰু ধ্বংসৰ এক ক্ৰমান্বয়ে বাঢ়ি আহিছে।ইয়াৰ মুখ্য কাৰণ হৈছে বানপ্ৰৱণ অঞ্চলসমূহত মানুহৰ অসংযত চলাচল -,, বিশেষকৈ উন্নয়নশীল দেশসমূহত।

যদিও এইটো স্বীকাৰ কৰে যে এনে আন্দোলন জীয়াই থকাৰ প্ৰয়োজনীয়তাৰ দ্বাৰা নিৰ্ধাৰিত হয়, লোকসকলক উপলব্ধি কৰিব লাগিব যে বানপানীৰ সতৰ্কবাণীবোৰ কোৱা উচিত, আৰু মৌলিক পৰামৰ্শ দিয়া সাৱধানতাবোৰ সঠিকভাৱে আৰু গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণভাৱে গ্ৰহণ কৰিব লাগে। বৰ্তমান পৰিস্থিতিত একমাত্ৰ সমাধান হৈছে বানপানীৰ ফলত হোৱা অধিক লোকচান প্ৰতিহত কৰাৰ লক্ষ্যৰে এক শক্তিশালী, ব্যাপক আৰু সুসমৰ্থিত শৈক্ষিক অভিযান পৰিচালনা আৰু বজাই ৰখা।চৰকাৰে বানপানী প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিবলৈ কিছুমান ব্যৱস্থা গ্ৰহণ কৰিব লাগিব। আমি বানপানীৰ সতৰ্কতা প্ৰণালী স্থাপন কৰিব পাৰোঁ। বানপানীৰ সময়ত কি কৰিব লাগে সেই বিষয়ে মানুহক সজাগ কৰিব। তদুপৰি, আমি এক সঠিক নিষ্কাশন প্ৰণালীও নিৰ্মাণ কৰিব পাৰোঁ যিয়ে পানী জমা নোহোৱাটো নিশ্চিত কৰিব।বানপানী পৰিহাৰ কৰাৰ বাবে সমাধান প্ৰস্তুত কৰিবলৈ, চৰকাৰ আৰু মানুহে একেলগে কাম কৰিব লাগিব। 

1. বানপানীৰ পৰিণাম কি?

উত্তৰ: বানপানীৰ ফলত অপৰিসীম ধ্বংস হয়। তেওঁলোক মানুহ আৰু জন্তুৰ জীৱন মৃত্যু মুখত পৰে। বানপানীত মানুহে তেওঁলোকৰ ঘৰ আৰু গাড়ী , সা- সম্পত্তি হেৰুৱায়। এইবোৰৰ ফলত মাটি খহনীয়া হয়।

2. আমি কেনেকৈ বানপানী প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিব পাৰোঁ?

উত্তৰ:  চৰকাৰে বানপানী প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিবলৈ কিছুমান ব্যৱস্থা গ্ৰহণ কৰিব লাগিব। আমি বানপানীৰ সতৰ্কতা প্ৰণালী স্থাপন কৰিব পাৰোঁ। বানপানীৰ সময়ত কি কৰিব লাগে সেই বিষয়ে মানুহক সজাগ কৰিব। তদুপৰি, আমি এক সঠিক নিষ্কাশন প্ৰণালীও নিৰ্মাণ কৰিব পাৰোঁ যিয়ে পানী জমা নোহোৱাটো নিশ্চিত কৰিব।

3. বানপানী কি?

উত্তৰ: বানপানী হৈছে পুনৰাবৃত্তি হোৱা প্ৰাকৃতিক দুৰ্যোগবোৰৰ ভিতৰত এটা যি হৈছে গড়তকৈ অধিক বৰষুণ আৰু প্ৰতিটো বাসস্থানত অত্যাধিক পানী জমা হোৱাৰ ফলাফল।

4. কিহৰ ফলত বানপানী হয়?

উত্তৰ: স্বাভাৱিকতে, কিছুমান পাৰিপাৰ্শ্বিক কাৰক বানপানীৰ বাবে দায়বদ্ধ। পানীৰ প্ৰকাৰৰ উপচি পৰাৰ ফলত জলাশয়বোৰে ধাৰাসাৰ বৰষুণ ৰখাৰ কাৰণ হ’ব পাৰে। পানীৰ শৰীৰৰ সীমা যেনে নদীবা হ্ৰদৰ পাৰ ভংগ কৰা হয়। প্ৰচণ্ড বানপানীৰ ফলত চুনামি আৰু ধুমুহাৰ বিদ্ৰোহৰ দৰে দুৰ্যোগ হয়।


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Essay and Paragraph on Flood in Assam for Students of 3 to 10

Essay and Paragraph on Flood in Assam

Here, we are presenting long and short Essay and Paragraph on Flood in Assam in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches.

100 Words Essay and Paragraph on Flood in Assam


In Assam, floods is a persistent issue that results in extensive destruction. Millions are impacted annually when the Brahmaputra River overflows as a result of intense rains.

A lot of rain during the monsoon is the main cause. Floods result from the melting of the Himalayan snow and an increase in the water level of the Brahmaputra River.

Livestock, property, and lives are lost in floods. They also interfere with daily living and cause water-borne illnesses.

The impact can be reduced by erecting embankments, enhancing drainage, and putting early warning systems in place.

Assam floods demand quick attention. Reducing the harm requires the Brahmaputra River to be managed sustainably.

200 Words Essay and Paragraph on Flood in Assam

Assamese floods are a frequent natural disaster that seriously disrupt the socioeconomic structure of the state. The wrath of the Brahmaputra River upends lives and wreaks immense havoc annually. This essay investigates the origins, effects, and possible remedies for this enduring problem.

Causes of Floods

Floods in Assam are primarily caused by the Brahmaputra River overflowing, which is made worse by excessive monsoon rainfall. This problem is exacerbated by the river’s unstable character, deforestation, and increasing urbanization. Seismic activity in the Himalayan region also contributes, resulting in landslides that obstruct river courses and trigger flash floods.

Impacts of Floods

The environment, property, and human lives are severely damaged by floods. They interfere with livelihoods, particularly with agriculture, which is the main industry in Assam. Due to frequent flooding in Kaziranga National Park, which is home to the critically endangered one-horned rhino, the floods also cause a loss of biodiversity.

This problem requires a multifaceted solution to be solved. The construction of embankments and reservoirs, among other scientific river management techniques, can aid in regulating the river’s flow. Initiatives to reforest can lessen soil erosion, and thoughtful urban design can lessen the effects of growing urbanization. Early warning system implementation can also aid in preparing communities for approaching floods.

Although Assamese floods are a natural occurrence, human activity increases their effects. It is possible to lessen the devastating effects of these floods by concentrating on sustainable development and river management. By working together, society can turn this destructive force into a resource and turn hardship into opportunity.

500 Words Essay on Flood in Assam

North-East Indian state of Assam is well known for its abundant biodiversity and dynamic culture. But it also suffers most from an annual threat: flooding. Assamese floods are a frequent calamity that severely disrupt the state’s socioeconomic structure.

The Geographical Context

Situated in the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam is encircled by the Meghalaya Plateau, the Patkai Range, and the Eastern Himalayas. The center of Assam is traversed by the Brahmaputra River, one of the world’s biggest rivers. Because of the topography of the area and the river’s heavy water flow, Assam is susceptible to yearly flooding.

The Causes of Floods in Assam

The monsoon rains that Assam receives from June to September are the main source of floods in the state. The Brahmaputra River overflows its banks due to tributaries, submerging the surrounding areas. The issue is made worse by the catchment areas’ deforestation, which increases surface runoff. Furthermore, landslides brought on by seismic activity in the Himalayan region frequently obstruct river courses and result in flash floods.

Impacts of the Floods

Assam’s floods have far-reaching consequences. They result in the loss of human lives and livestock, the destruction of infrastructure, and the displacement of people. Agricultural lands, which are the primary source of income for many people, are being submerged, resulting in food insecurity and economic hardship. The floods also endanger the state’s rich biodiversity, particularly in Kaziranga National Park, which is home to the endangered one-horned rhinoceros.

Management and Mitigation Strategies

The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), has implemented a variety of flood-management strategies. These include embankment construction, river dredging, afforestation programs, and early warning systems. However, due to the magnitude of the problem and various implementation challenges, these strategies have not been entirely successful.

The Way Forward

An complete and long-term strategy is desperately needed to control floods in Assam. This strategy should combine non-structural elements like flood forecasts and community awareness campaigns with structural elements like reservoirs and embankments. A focus on ecological conservation and restoration is also necessary, given the close connection between floods and the environment. In addition, a proactive strategy that emphasizes risk mitigation and disaster preparedness should replace the reactive one.

The Assamese flood is a complicated problem with deep roots in the geographical and ecological dynamics of the state. Despite being a natural phenomenon, human activity has a significant impact on it. Therefore, to manage this yearly disaster and guarantee Assam’s socioeconomic resilience, a comprehensive, sustainable, and community-based approach is needed.

Also Read:  Disaster Management Essay and Paragraph For Students of Class 5 to 12

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Flood Essay

Floods are natural disasters that occur when a body of water, such as a river or ocean, overflows its banks and spills onto the surrounding land. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including heavy rainfall, melting snow, and storms . Here are a few sample essays on floods.

100 Words Essay on Floods

Floods are naturally occurring phenomena that are caused due to overflowing water bodies. A flood can be just a small occurrence that can cause some travel issues to highly destructive events that can cause significant damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure. In addition to physical damage, floods can also lead to loss of life and can have long-term impacts on the affected communities.

Flood Essay

To protect against floods, people can take steps such as building floodwalls and levees and elevating homes and other structures in flood-prone areas. It is also important for individuals to be prepared for floods by having an emergency plan in place and staying informed about potential flooding in their area.

200 Words Essay On Floods

Floods are natural disasters that occur due to overflowing water sources like ponds, oceans and rivers. The reasons for the occurrence of floods can be heavy rainfall, loose soil, melting of snow, breaking of dams etc.

Impact | The impacts of floods can be far-reaching and long-lasting. In addition to physical damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, floods can also lead to loss of life. Floodwaters can carry dangerous debris and pollutants, making them a health hazard for people and animals. Floods can also have economic impacts, as they can disrupt transportation and commerce, and can destroy crops and other sources of food.

Prevention | People living nearby water bodies take preventative measures to reduce the impact of flood damage. Building elevated homes, planting more trees to soak up an extra amount of water, having an escape plan in case of emergencies etc. It is also important for individuals to be prepared for floods by having an emergency plan in place and staying informed about potential flooding in their area. In the event of a flood, it is important to follow the advice of local authorities and evacuate if instructed.

Overall, floods are serious natural disasters that can have significant impacts on communities. By taking steps to protect against floods and being prepared for them, people can reduce the risks and impacts of this type of disaster.

500 Words Essay on Floods

Floods are a common natural disaster that occurs when excess water overflows onto land that is normally dry. This can happen for a number of reasons, including heavy rainfall, snowmelt, and coastal storms.

Types Of Floods

There are several different types of floods, each with its own characteristics and potential impacts. Flash floods, for example, are caused by sudden, intense rainfall and can happen within minutes or hours. They can be particularly dangerous because they often catch people off guard and can lead to flash flooding in urban areas.

On the other hand, river floods are caused by water flowing over the banks of rivers and streams. These floods can be more gradual, giving people time to evacuate and prepare, but they can also be very destructive.

Coastal floods, also known as storm surges, are caused by strong winds and high tides associated with coastal storms, such as hurricanes. These floods can be extremely destructive, as they can cause not only flooding but also strong winds and waves that can damage buildings and infrastructure.

Biggest Floods Recorded On Earth

One of the biggest floods in history was the 1931 China floods , also known as the Central China Floods . These floods were caused by heavy rainfall and the collapse of the Banqiao Dam. The floods affected an estimated 54 million people and resulted in the deaths of 145,000 people.

Another major flood was the 1993 Mississippi River Flood , which affected parts of the United States, including Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky . The floods were caused by heavy rainfall and resulted in the deaths of 50 people and caused billions of dollars in damages.

In 1998, the Yangtze River Flood in China also caused widespread destruction. The floods, which were the result of heavy rainfall, affected millions of people and resulted in the deaths of over 4,000 people. The floods also caused billions of dollars in damages.

Another recent and devastating flood was the 2010 Pakistan floods, which affected the Indus River Basin in Pakistan. The floods, which were caused by heavy monsoon rains, affected an estimated 20 million people and resulted in the deaths of over 1,700 people.

Forest To Prevent Floods

Forests play a critical role in preventing floods. Trees and other vegetation in forests can act as natural barriers which absorb water. Hence, reducing the speed of flowing water and thereby reducing the risk of flooding.

When it rains, the leaves and branches of trees absorb a significant amount of water. The roots of trees also help to hold the soil in place, preventing it from eroding and being carried away by the water. This helps to reduce the amount of water that flows over the surface and into rivers and streams, lowering the risk of flooding.

In addition to absorbing water, forests also help to regulate the flow of water by releasing it slowly into rivers and streams. This helps to prevent sudden, large increases in water levels that can lead to flooding. Trees and other vegetation can help to reduce the force of the water and protect against erosion, which can help to minimise the damage caused by floods.

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