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How to write declaration for academic projects (Undertaking by Candidate)

December 25, 2018 by studymumbai Leave a Comment

student projects

How to write a declaration for school/college projects and for assignments.

Every academic project has to follow a specific format as prescribed by the institution. In most cases, besides the usual parts (index, introduction, conclusion, etc), it also requires a declaration.


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The declaration states that the work is original and done by the efforts of the student, and has not been copied from any other work.

In case you are looking for some format, here is one. Here’s how to write a declaration for an academic project or for assignments.

I, the undersigned Mr. / Miss ……….declare that the work embodied in this project work hereby, titled “…………”, forms my own contribution to the research work carried out under the guidance of Mr./Dr………. is a result of my own research work and has not been previously submitted to any other University for any other Degree/ Diploma to this or any other University.

Wherever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has been clearly indicated as such and included in the bibliography.

I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct.


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How To Write An Effective Declaration Page For Your Thesis – Template

Published by Alvin Nicolas at March 13th, 2024 , Revised On April 5, 2024

A declaration page stands as a testament to the integrity and authenticity of a thesis. It is a succinct section at the beginning of the document and outlines key information and affirmations regarding the authorship and originality of the work. 

Essentially, it serves as a formal declaration of the author’s adherence to ethical standards and their acknowledgement of the contributions made towards the completion of the thesis. 

A declaration page acts as a cornerstone of academic integrity and helps reinforce the credibility of the research presented within the thesis or dissertation . 

By explicitly stating that the work is original and free from plagiarism, the author not only upholds the principles of honesty but also demonstrates their commitment to scholarly standards. 

Let’s explore this further. 

What Is A Thesis Declaration Page

The declaration page within a thesis serves as a foundational element, providing essential information and affirmations crucial for academic integrity. 

The declaration page, often positioned at the beginning of a thesis, is a formal section dedicated to asserting the authenticity, originality, and ethical adherence of the work presented within the document. It serves as a declaration of the author’s commitment to scholarly integrity and honesty.

This declaration is typically mandated by academic institutions as a requisite component of thesis submission, aimed at upholding rigorous standards of academic conduct.

Purpose Of A Dissertation Declaration

The primary purpose of the declaration page is twofold: to affirm the originality of the research and to acknowledge the contributions of individuals or sources that have assisted in the thesis’s completion. 

By formally declaring the work’s authenticity and adherence to ethical standards, the author establishes credibility and trustworthiness, essential qualities in academic discourse.

Moreover, the declaration page functions as a transparent record of the author’s involvement in the research process , delineating their contributions and attributions. 

It serves as a testament to the author’s accountability and responsibility for the content presented within the thesis, thus safeguarding against plagiarism and intellectual dishonesty.

Key Components To Include

Here are some of the key components to include in your declaration guide. 

Title Of The Thesis

The declaration page typically begins with the title of the thesis , serving as a concise identifier of the research topic or subject matter. The title should accurately reflect the scope and focus of the thesis, providing readers with a clear understanding of its contents.

Name Of The Author

Following the title, the declaration page includes the name of the author, affirming their authorship and responsibility for the research presented within the thesis.

The author’s name serves as a key identifier, linking them directly to the work and asserting their ownership of intellectual contributions.

Declaration Of Originality

Central to the declaration page is the declaration of originality, wherein the author asserts that the work presented within the thesis is their own original creation.

This declaration typically includes statements affirming that the research has not been plagiarised and that any sources or references utilised have been properly cited.

Statement Of Contributions

The statement of contributions provides an opportunity for the author to acknowledge the individuals or entities that have contributed to the completion of the thesis. This may include supervisors , advisors, collaborators, or funding agencies, among others. 

The statement should clearly delineate the specific contributions made by each party, highlighting their roles in the research process.

Acknowledgements (If Applicable)

In some cases, the declaration page may include a section for acknowledgements, wherein the author expresses gratitude to individuals or organisations who have provided support, guidance, or inspiration during the course of the research. 

Acknowledgements may include mentors, peers, family members, or institutions that have facilitated the author’s academic pursuits.

Date Of Submission

Finally, the declaration page concludes with the date of submission, indicating the date on which the thesis was formally submitted for evaluation or examination. 

The inclusion of the submission date serves as a record of the thesis’s completion and submission timeline, ensuring compliance with academic deadlines and requirements.

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How To Write A Declaration Page

Creating a declaration page that is both impactful and professional requires attention to detail and adherence to certain principles. 

Clear & Concise Language

One of the cardinal rules of crafting an effective declaration page is to use clear and concise language. Avoid ambiguity or verbosity, and strive for clarity in expressing your affirmations and acknowledgements. 

The declaration should be easily understandable to readers, conveying your commitment to academic integrity without unnecessary embellishment.

Formatting & Presentation Tips

Formatting plays a crucial role in the presentation of the declaration page. Ensure that the page layout is clean and organised, with consistent font styles and sizes. 

Use headings and subheadings to delineate different sections of the declaration, making it easier for readers to navigate. Additionally, pay attention to spacing and alignment to maintain a polished appearance.

Honesty & Integrity

Honesty and integrity are paramount when crafting a declaration page. It is essential to uphold the highest ethical standards and truthfully affirm the originality of your work. 

Avoid any misleading statements or exaggerations, as they can undermine the credibility of your thesis. Demonstrating integrity in your declaration not only reflects positively on your character but also reinforces the trustworthiness of your research.

Institutional Guidelines & Requirements

Every academic institution may have its own specific guidelines and requirements for declaration pages. Before crafting your declaration, familiarise yourself with these guidelines to ensure compliance. 

Pay attention to formatting specifications, word limits, and any specific language or statements that may be required. Adhering to institutional guidelines demonstrates your attention to detail and respect for academic conventions.

Writing The Declaration Of Originality

The declaration of originality is a crucial component of the declaration page, affirming the authenticity and uniqueness of your work. 

What Constitutes Original Work

Original work refers to content that is created by the author and has not been previously published or plagiarised from other sources. When writing the declaration of originality, it is important to understand what constitutes original work within the context of your field of study. 

This may include original research findings, innovative ideas, or creative interpretations of existing knowledge.

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious offence in academia and must be strictly avoided. When writing the declaration of originality, explicitly state that the work presented in your thesis is your own and properly acknowledge any sources or references used. 

Take care to cite all sources accurately and follow citation conventions prescribed by your institution. By demonstrating a commitment to academic honesty, you uphold the integrity of your research.

Declaration Template

I, [Your Name], hereby declare that this thesis entitled “[Title of Your Thesis]” is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or equivalent institution.

I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work, except to the extent that assistance from others in the project’s design and conception or in style, presentation, and linguistic expression is acknowledged. Where applicable, any part of this thesis containing materials prepared jointly with others has been explicitly identified.

Any views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of [University Name] or any other institution.

Signed: ____________________

Date: [Date]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of a declaration in a thesis.

An example of a declaration in a thesis might state: “I hereby declare that this thesis is my original work, conducted under the supervision of [supervisor’s name], and all sources used have been properly cited and acknowledged.”

Where does the declaration go in a thesis?

The declaration typically appears as a preliminary page in a thesis, preceding the abstract and acknowledgements. It is usually located after the title page and before the table of contents, providing a formal statement from the author regarding the originality and integrity of their work.

What is an example of a declaration statement?

An example of a declaration statement in a thesis could be: “I solemnly declare that this thesis is the result of my own research endeavours, conducted under the guidance of [supervisor’s name]. All sources used have been duly acknowledged and referenced according to the conventions of academic integrity and citation.”

What is the declaration format for Phd thesis?

The declaration format for a PhD thesis typically includes a statement asserting the author’s originality of work, acknowledgement of sources, compliance with ethical standards, and declaration of any assistance received. It’s usually structured in a formal, concise manner and is placed at the beginning of the thesis document.

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how to write a declaration for an assignment


What is plagiarism

Proper use of source material

Citation styles

Plagiarism and copyright violation

CUHK regulations on honesty in academic work

CUHK disciplinary guidelines and procedures

Guide for teachers and departments in handling cases of academic dishonesty

Recommended statement to be included in course outlines

Electronic submission of assignments via VeriGuide

Declaration to be attached to assignments

Detailed guidelines on proper use of source material

Proper use of online resources

Proper use of generative AI tools

Video on Academic Honesty (prepared by Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research)

Information on Training on Academic Honesty

Declaration to be attached to assignments

Every assignment handed in should be accompanied by a signed declaration as below.

Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.

Only the final version of assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.

I am submitting the assignment for:

an individual project or

a group project on behalf of all members of the group. It is hereby confirmed that the submission is authorized by all members of the group, and all members of the group are required to sign this declaration.

I/We declare that: (i) the assignment here submitted is original except for source material explicitly acknowledged/all members of the group have read and checked that all parts of the piece of work, irrespective of whether they are contributed by individual members or all members as a group, here submitted are original except for source material explicitly acknowledged; (ii) the piece of work, or a part of the piece of work has not been submitted for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration; and (iii) the submitted soft copy with details listed in the <Submission Details> is identical to the hard copy(ies), if any, which has(have) been / is(are) going to be submitted. I/We also acknowledge that I am/we are aware of the University's policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations, as contained in the University website http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy / academichonesty/ .

In the case of a group project, we are aware that all members of the group should be held responsible and liable to disciplinary actions, irrespective of whether he/she has signed the declaration and whether he/she has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the problematic contents.

I/we declare that I/we have not distributed/ shared/ copied any teaching materials without the consent of the course teacher(s) to gain unfair academic advantage in the assignment/ course.

I/we declare that I/we have read and understood the University’s policy on the use of AI for academic work.  I/we confirm that I/we have complied with the instructions given by my/our course teacher(s) regarding the use of AI tools for this assignment and consent to the use of AI content detection software to review my/our submission.

I/We also understand that assignments without a properly signed declaration by the student concerned and in the case of a group project, by all members of the group concerned, will not be graded by the teacher(s).




Signature(s) Date





Name(s) Student ID(s)



Course code Course title

Acknowledgement Letter

Get All Types Of Acknowledgement Samples.

Acknowledgement For Assignment

Post by Ruben Patel Leave a Comment

Are you looking for some of the best samples of acknowledgments for any assignment ? Or, are you confused about how to write an Acknowledgement for Assignment? If so, then this blog post is for you.

An acknowledgment is a crucial part of any assignment, as it is a brief section at the beginning or end of your paper where you express your gratitude to the people who helped you complete it.

Whether you are writing a math project, a biology project, an accounts project, a history project, or any project or research paper , it is important to include an acknowledgment. This is a way to show that you value the contributions of others and that you are aware of the effort that goes into creating a successful assignment.

Acknowledgement For Assignment

We have provided more than 10+ assignment acknowledgment samples below. I hope you can find the perfect one for your assignment.

You can make your own acknowledgments for any assignment by using the samples below as a guide. Be sure to change the acknowledgment to fit your specific assignment and the people who helped you finish it.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement Sample For Assignment

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Mr./Ms ______ (Professor name), for providing me the chance to work on this assignment and for having faith in me. Thanks to their invaluable feedback and their unwavering encouragement, I was able to stay motivated and produce my best work.

I would also like to thank Mr./Mrs. _______ (Name) for their supervision and direction, which helped me to obtain many of the resources I needed to finish my project.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of my friends & family members. The project would not have been successful without their help and ideas.

Short Acknowledgement For Assignment

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the completion of this project. Also, I would like to thank my professor, ______ (Your professor name), for his valuable feedback and suggestions on this assignment.

I am also thankful for the encouragement from my friends and family who believed in me. This project would not have been possible without the collective effort and positive energy of everyone involved.

Acknowledgement For University Assignment

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the completion of this assignment.

First and foremost, I extend my deepest appreciation to my professor, _______ (Your Professor’s Full Name), for their invaluable guidance and unwavering support throughout the duration of this project.

I am also grateful for the support and resources provided by ______ (Institution’s Name). The conducive academic environment has played a crucial role in the successful completion of this assignment.

Finally, I am grateful to my family members, classmates and friends for proofreading my work and catching several errors.

Student Acknowledgement For Assignment

I want to say a big thank you to my professor, _______ (Professor’s name), for helping me with this assignment. They gave me great advice, and their encouragement kept me going and helped me do my best.

Thanks also to my classmates. We always helped each other, and I appreciate their friendship and support.

And, of course, a special thanks to my family and friends. They loved and supported me through tough times and celebrated with me during the good times. I couldn’t have done this without them.

Acknowledgement For Group Assignment

We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work on this assignment with such a supportive and talented team. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our teammates, ______ (teammate’s name), _______ (teammate’s name), and _______ (teammate’s name). Their contributions were invaluable, and we are grateful for their hard work and dedication.

We would also like to thank our professor, _______ (Professor’s name), for their guidance and support throughout the assignment. Their feedback was helpful and constructive, and their encouragement helped us to stay motivated and on track.

Finally, we would like to thank our families and friends for their support and encouragement. They helped us to get through the tough times and celebrate our successes. We could not have done this without them.

Acknowledgement For Individual Assignment

I want to express my deepest thanks to Professor Rina Gupta . She helped me a lot with this assignment about the environment. She knows so much about this stuff, and she taught me how to do my research and understand data better. Her advice really made my work way better, and I learned so much from her. I feel lucky to have had her guidance.

Next, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the professionals who helped me to gather information. Also, I would especially like to thank the senior students for their great support and ideas for this assignment.

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents and friends who always provided feedback about the project at all levels.

Acknowledgement Example For Assignment

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professor, ______ (Professor’s name), for their guidance and support throughout this assignment. Their feedback was invaluable, and their encouragement helped me to stay motivated and on track.

I would also like to thank ______ (Teaching assistant’s name), who was always available to answer my questions and provide assistance. I am grateful for their patience and kindness. I am grateful for the resources provided by my school and library, which made it possible to complete this assignment.

Finally, I would like to thank my friends and family for their support and encouragement. They helped me to get through the tough times and celebrate my successes. I could not have done this without them.

Acknowledgement For Assignment PDF

Acknowledgement For Assignment PDF, Acknowledgement For Assignment Samples

Conclusion – Assignment Acknowledgment Samples

In conclusion, acknowledgment is a brief section at the beginning or end of your assignment where you express your gratitude to the people who helped you complete it. It is also a good opportunity to reflect on your own learning and growth. When writing an acknowledgment, be specific about the ways that each person helped you. Be sincere and genuine in your expression of gratitude. Avoid using clichés or overused phrases. Proofread your acknowledgment carefully to catch any errors in grammar or spelling.

I hope this blog post & those acknowledgment samples have given you some ideas for writing your own assignment acknowledgments. Remember to be specific, sincere, and grateful. And don’t forget to proofread!

Here Are Some Other Acknowledgment Samples For Different Assignment/projects – 

  • Acknowledgement For Project (20+ Examples)
  • Acknowledgement For English Project (12+ samples)
  • Acknowledgement For Maths Project (10+ Samples)
  • Acknowledgement For Geography Project
  • Acknowledgement For Computer Project
  • Master Thesis Acknowledgement Sample

FAQs on Acknowledgement Samples For Assignment

What is an acknowledgment for an assignment?

An acknowledgment for an individual assignment is a brief statement that expresses gratitude to the people who helped you complete your assignment. This could include your professor, classmates, teaching assistants, librarians, mentors, family, and friends . For example, you could thank your professor for their feedback and guidance, your classmates for their collaboration and support, or your family and friends for their emotional support.

How do I write Acknowledgement for my assignment?

To write an acknowledgment for your assignment, thank your professor, classmates, and anyone who helped. Mention the support from the library staff, appreciate your family and friends, and acknowledge the authors who inspired you. Write a brief sentence or two acknowledging each person’s contribution. Keep it concise and sincere.

How long should an Acknowledgement for an assignment be?

The length of an acknowledgement for an assignment depends on the type of assignment and how many people helped you complete it. For a simple assignment, such as a short essay or presentation, a few sentences may be sufficient. For a more complex assignment, such as a research paper or thesis, you may want to write a longer acknowledgement, thanking everyone who played a significant role in helping you complete your work. Usually, the acknowledgment can be anywhere between 150-300 words .

Where should I put my acknowledgment in my assignment?

You can place your acknowledgment at the beginning or end of your assignment . However, most people place it at the beginning, after the introduction. If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, you may want to place your acknowledgment in a separate section after the introduction. If placed at the end, it follows the conclusion or recommendations section.

Do I need to write an acknowledgment if I’m working on a group assignment?

Yes , even in a group assignment, acknowledgments are relevant. This is a way to show your appreciation for the contributions of your team members, as well as any other people who helped you with the assignment.

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how to write a declaration for an assignment

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Writing Assignments

Kate Derrington; Cristy Bartlett; and Sarah Irvine

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Assignments are a common method of assessment at university and require careful planning and good quality research. Developing critical thinking and writing skills are also necessary to demonstrate your ability to understand and apply information about your topic.  It is not uncommon to be unsure about the processes of writing assignments at university.

  • You may be returning to study after a break
  • You may have come from an exam based assessment system and never written an assignment before
  • Maybe you have written assignments but would like to improve your processes and strategies

This chapter has a collection of resources that will provide you with the skills and strategies to understand assignment requirements and effectively plan, research, write and edit your assignments.  It begins with an explanation of how to analyse an assignment task and start putting your ideas together.  It continues by breaking down the components of academic writing and exploring the elements you will need to master in your written assignments. This is followed by a discussion of paraphrasing and synthesis, and how you can use these strategies to create a strong, written argument. The chapter concludes with useful checklists for editing and proofreading to help you get the best possible mark for your work.

Task Analysis and Deconstructing an Assignment

It is important that before you begin researching and writing your assignments you spend sufficient time understanding all the requirements. This will help make your research process more efficient and effective. Check your subject information such as task sheets, criteria sheets and any additional information that may be in your subject portal online. Seek clarification from your lecturer or tutor if you are still unsure about how to begin your assignments.

The task sheet typically provides key information about an assessment including the assignment question. It can be helpful to scan this document for topic, task and limiting words to ensure that you fully understand the concepts you are required to research, how to approach the assignment, and the scope of the task you have been set. These words can typically be found in your assignment question and are outlined in more detail in the two tables below (see Table 19.1 and Table 19.2 ).

Table 19.1 Parts of an Assignment Question

Topic words These are words and concepts you have to research and write about.
Task words These will tell you how to approach the assignment and structure the information you find in your research (e.g., discuss, analyse).
Limiting words These words define the scope of the assignment, e.g., Australian perspectives, relevant codes or standards or a specific timeframe.

Make sure you have a clear understanding of what the task word requires you to address.

Table 19.2 Task words

Give reasons for or explain something has occurred. This task directs you to consider contributing factors to a certain situation or event. You are expected to make a decision about why these occurred, not just describe the events. the factors that led to the global financial crisis.
Consider the different elements of a concept, statement or situation. Show the different components and show how they connect or relate. Your structure and argument should be logical and methodical. the political, social and economic impacts of climate change.
Make a judgement on a topic or idea. Consider its reliability, truth and usefulness. In your judgement, consider both the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing arguments to determine your topic’s worth (similar to evaluate). the efficacy of cogitative behavioural therapy (CBT) for the treatment of depression.
Divide your topic into categories or sub-topics logically (could possibly be part of a more complex task). the artists studied this semester according to the artistic periods they best represent. Then choose one artist and evaluate their impact on future artists.
State your opinion on an issue or idea. You may explain the issue or idea in more detail. Be objective and support your opinion with reliable evidence. the government’s proposal to legalise safe injecting rooms.
Show the similarities and differences between two or more ideas, theories, systems, arguments or events. You are expected to provide a balanced response, highlighting similarities and differences. the efficiency of wind and solar power generation for a construction site.
Point out only the differences between two or more ideas, theories, systems, arguments or events. virtue ethics and utilitarianism as models for ethical decision making.
(this is often used with another task word, e.g. critically evaluate, critically analyse, critically discuss) It does not mean to criticise, instead you are required to give a balanced account, highlighting strengths and weaknesses about the topic. Your overall judgment must be supported by reliable evidence and your interpretation of that evidence. analyse the impacts of mental health on recidivism within youth justice.
Provide a precise meaning of a concept. You may need to include the limits or scope of the concept within a given context. digital disruption as it relates to productivity.
Provide a thorough description, emphasising the most important points. Use words to show appearance, function, process, events or systems. You are not required to make judgements. the pathophysiology of Asthma.
Highlight the differences between two (possibly confusing) items. between exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Provide an analysis of a topic. Use evidence to support your argument. Be logical and include different perspectives on the topic (This requires more than a description). how Brofenbrenner’s ecological system’s theory applies to adolescence.
Review both positive and negative aspects of a topic. You may need to provide an overall judgement regarding the value or usefulness of the topic. Evidence (referencing) must be included to support your writing. the impact of inclusive early childhood education programs on subsequent high school completion rates for First Nations students.
Describe and clarify the situation or topic. Depending on your discipline area and topic, this may include processes, pathways, cause and effect, impact, or outcomes. the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the film industry in Australia.
Clarify a point or argument with examples and evidence. how society’s attitudes to disability have changed from a medical model to a wholistic model of disability.
Give evidence which supports an argument or idea; show why a decision or conclusions were made. Justify may be used with other topic words, such as outline, argue. Write a report outlining the key issues and implications of a welfare cashless debit card trial and make three recommendations for future improvements. your decision-making process for the recommendations.
A comprehensive description of the situation or topic which provides a critical analysis of the key issues. Provide a of Australia's asylum policies since the Pacific Solution in 2001.
An overview or brief description of a topic. (This is likely to be part of a larger assessment task.) the process for calculating the correct load for a plane.

The criteria sheet , also known as the marking sheet or rubric, is another important document to look at before you begin your assignment. The criteria sheet outlines how your assignment will be marked and should be used as a checklist to make sure you have included all the information required.

The task or criteria sheet will also include the:

  • Word limit (or word count)
  • Referencing style and research expectations
  • Formatting requirements

Task analysis and criteria sheets are also discussed in the chapter Managing Assessments for a more detailed discussion on task analysis, criteria sheets, and marking rubrics.

Preparing your ideas

Concept map on whiteboard

Brainstorm or concept map:  List possible ideas to address each part of the assignment task based on what you already know about the topic from lectures and weekly readings.

Finding appropriate information: Learn how to find scholarly information for your assignments which is

See the chapter Working With Information for a more detailed explanation .

What is academic writing?

Academic writing tone and style.

Many of the assessment pieces you prepare will require an academic writing style.  This is sometimes called ‘academic tone’ or ‘academic voice’.  This section will help you to identify what is required when you are writing academically (see Table 19.3 ). The best way to understand what academic writing looks like, is to read broadly in your discipline area.  Look at how your course readings, or scholarly sources, are written. This will help you identify the language of your discipline field, as well as how other writers structure their work.

Table 19.3 Comparison of academic and non-academic writing

Is clear, concise and well-structured Is verbose and may use more words than are needed
Is formal. It writes numbers under twenty in full. Writes numbers under twenty as numerals and uses symbols such as “&” instead of writing it in full
Is reasoned and supported (logically developed) Uses humour (puns, sarcasm)
Is authoritative (writes in third person- This essay argues…) Writes in first person (I think, I found)
Utilises the language of the field/industry/subject Uses colloquial language e.g., mate

Thesis statements

Essays are a common form of assessment that you will likely encounter during your university studies. You should apply an academic tone and style when writing an essay, just as you would in in your other assessment pieces. One of the most important steps in writing an essay is constructing your thesis statement.  A thesis statement tells the reader the purpose, argument or direction you will take to answer your assignment question. A thesis statement may not be relevant for some questions, if you are unsure check with your lecturer. The thesis statement:

  • Directly  relates to the task .  Your thesis statement may even contain some of the key words or synonyms from the task description.
  • Does more than restate the question.
  • Is specific and uses precise language.
  • Let’s your reader know your position or the main argument that you will support with evidence throughout your assignment.
  • The subject is the key content area you will be covering.
  • The contention is the position you are taking in relation to the chosen content.

Your thesis statement helps you to structure your essay.  It plays a part in each key section: introduction, body and conclusion.

Planning your assignment structure

Image of the numbers 231

When planning and drafting assignments, it is important to consider the structure of your writing. Academic writing should have clear and logical structure and incorporate academic research to support your ideas.  It can be hard to get started and at first you may feel nervous about the size of the task, this is normal. If you break your assignment into smaller pieces, it will seem more manageable as you can approach the task in sections. Refer to your brainstorm or plan. These ideas should guide your research and will also inform what you write in your draft. It is sometimes easier to draft your assignment using the 2-3-1 approach, that is, write the body paragraphs first followed by the conclusion and finally the introduction.

Writing introductions and conclusions

Clear and purposeful introductions and conclusions in assignments are fundamental to effective academic writing. Your introduction should tell the reader what is going to be covered and how you intend to approach this. Your conclusion should summarise your argument or discussion and signal to the reader that you have come to a conclusion with a final statement.  These tips below are based on the requirements usually needed for an essay assignment, however, they can be applied to other assignment types.

Writing introductions

Start written on road

Most writing at university will require a strong and logically structured introduction. An effective introduction should provide some background or context for your assignment, clearly state your thesis and include the key points you will cover in the body of the essay in order to prove your thesis.

Usually, your introduction is approximately 10% of your total assignment word count. It is much easier to write your introduction once you have drafted your body paragraphs and conclusion, as you know what your assignment is going to be about. An effective introduction needs to inform your reader by establishing what the paper is about and provide four basic things:

  • A brief background or overview of your assignment topic
  • A thesis statement (see section above)
  • An outline of your essay structure
  • An indication of any parameters or scope that will/ will not be covered, e.g. From an Australian perspective.

The below example demonstrates the four different elements of an introductory paragraph.

1) Information technology is having significant effects on the communication of individuals and organisations in different professions. 2) This essay will discuss the impact of information technology on the communication of health professionals.   3)  First, the provision of information technology for the educational needs of nurses will be discussed.  4)  This will be followed by an explanation of the significant effects that information technology can have on the role of general practitioner in the area of public health.  5)  Considerations will then be made regarding the lack of knowledge about the potential of computers among hospital administrators and nursing executives.  6)   The final section will explore how information technology assists health professionals in the delivery of services in rural areas .  7)  It will be argued that information technology has significant potential to improve health care and medical education, but health professionals are reluctant to use it.

1 Brief background/ overview | 2 Indicates the scope of what will be covered |   3-6 Outline of the main ideas (structure) | 7 The thesis statement

Note : The examples in this document are taken from the University of Canberra and used under a CC-BY-SA-3.0 licence.

Writing conclusions

You should aim to end your assignments with a strong conclusion. Your conclusion should restate your thesis and summarise the key points you have used to prove this thesis. Finish with a key point as a final impactful statement.  Similar to your introduction, your conclusion should be approximately 10% of the total assignment word length. If your assessment task asks you to make recommendations, you may need to allocate more words to the conclusion or add a separate recommendations section before the conclusion. Use the checklist below to check your conclusion is doing the right job.

Conclusion checklist 

  • Have you referred to the assignment question and restated your argument (or thesis statement), as outlined in the introduction?
  • Have you pulled together all the threads of your essay into a logical ending and given it a sense of unity?
  • Have you presented implications or recommendations in your conclusion? (if required by your task).
  • Have you added to the overall quality and impact of your essay? This is your final statement about this topic; thus, a key take-away point can make a great impact on the reader.
  • Remember, do not add any new material or direct quotes in your conclusion.

This below example demonstrates the different elements of a concluding paragraph.

1) It is evident, therefore, that not only do employees need to be trained for working in the Australian multicultural workplace, but managers also need to be trained.  2)  Managers must ensure that effective in-house training programs are provided for migrant workers, so that they become more familiar with the English language, Australian communication norms and the Australian work culture.  3)  In addition, Australian native English speakers need to be made aware of the differing cultural values of their workmates; particularly the different forms of non-verbal communication used by other cultures.  4)  Furthermore, all employees must be provided with clear and detailed guidelines about company expectations.  5)  Above all, in order to minimise communication problems and to maintain an atmosphere of tolerance, understanding and cooperation in the multicultural workplace, managers need to have an effective knowledge about their employees. This will help employers understand how their employee’s social conditioning affects their beliefs about work. It will develop their communication skills to develop confidence and self-esteem among diverse work groups. 6) The culturally diverse Australian workplace may never be completely free of communication problems, however,   further studies to identify potential problems and solutions, as well as better training in cross cultural communication for managers and employees,   should result in a much more understanding and cooperative environment. 

1  Reference to thesis statement – In this essay the writer has taken the position that training is required for both employees and employers . | 2-5 Structure overview – Here the writer pulls together the main ideas in the essay. | 6  Final summary statement that is based on the evidence.

Note: The examples in this document are taken from the University of Canberra and used under a CC-BY-SA-3.0 licence.

Writing paragraphs

Paragraph writing is a key skill that enables you to incorporate your academic research into your written work.  Each paragraph should have its own clearly identified topic sentence or main idea which relates to the argument or point (thesis) you are developing.  This idea should then be explained by additional sentences which you have paraphrased from good quality sources and referenced according to the recommended guidelines of your subject (see the chapter Working with Information ). Paragraphs are characterised by increasing specificity; that is, they move from the general to the specific, increasingly refining the reader’s understanding. A common structure for paragraphs in academic writing is as follows.

Topic Sentence 

This is the main idea of the paragraph and should relate to the overall issue or purpose of your assignment is addressing. Often it will be expressed as an assertion or claim which supports the overall argument or purpose of your writing.

Explanation/ Elaboration

The main idea must have its meaning explained and elaborated upon. Think critically, do not just describe the idea.

These explanations must include evidence to support your main idea. This information should be paraphrased and referenced according to the appropriate referencing style of your course.

Concluding sentence (critical thinking)

This should explain why the topic of the paragraph is relevant to the assignment question and link to the following paragraph.

Use the checklist below to check your paragraphs are clear and well formed.

Paragraph checklist

  • Does your paragraph have a clear main idea?
  • Is everything in the paragraph related to this main idea?
  • Is the main idea adequately developed and explained?
  • Do your sentences run together smoothly?
  • Have you included evidence to support your ideas?
  • Have you concluded the paragraph by connecting it to your overall topic?

Writing sentences

Make sure all the sentences in your paragraphs make sense. Each sentence must contain a verb to be a complete sentence. Avoid sentence fragments . These are incomplete sentences or ideas that are unfinished and create confusion for your reader. Avoid also run on sentences . This happens when you join two ideas or clauses without using the appropriate punctuation. This also confuses your meaning (See the chapter English Language Foundations for examples and further explanation).

Use transitions (linking words and phrases) to connect your ideas between paragraphs and make your writing flow. The order that you structure the ideas in your assignment should reflect the structure you have outlined in your introduction. Refer to transition words table in the chapter English Language Foundations.

Paraphrasing and Synthesising

Paraphrasing and synthesising are powerful tools that you can use to support the main idea of a paragraph. It is likely that you will regularly use these skills at university to incorporate evidence into explanatory sentences and strengthen your essay. It is important to paraphrase and synthesise because:

  • Paraphrasing is regarded more highly at university than direct quoting.
  • Paraphrasing can also help you better understand the material.
  • Paraphrasing and synthesising demonstrate you have understood what you have read through your ability to summarise and combine arguments from the literature using your own words.

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is changing the writing of another author into your words while retaining the original meaning. You must acknowledge the original author as the source of the information in your citation. Follow the steps in this table to help you build your skills in paraphrasing (see Table 19.4 ).

Table 19.4 Paraphrasing techniques

1 Make sure you understand what you are reading. Look up keywords to understand their meanings.
2 Record the details of the source so you will be able to cite it correctly in text and in your reference list.
3 Identify words that you can change to synonyms (but do not change the key/topic words).
4 Change the type of word in a sentence (for example change a noun to a verb or vice versa).
5 Eliminate unnecessary words or phrases from the original that you don’t need in your paraphrase.
6 Change the sentence structure (for example change a long sentence to several shorter ones or combine shorter sentences to form a longer sentence).

Example of paraphrasing

Please note that these examples and in text citations are for instructional purposes only.

Original text

Health care professionals   assist people often when they are at their most  vulnerable . To provide the best care and understand their needs, workers must demonstrate good communication skills .  They must develop patient trust and provide empathy   to effectively work with patients who are experiencing a variety of situations including those who may be suffering from trauma or violence, physical or mental illness or substance abuse (French & Saunders, 2018).

Poor quality paraphrase example

This is a poor example of paraphrasing. Some synonyms have been used and the order of a few words changed within the sentences however the colours of the sentences indicate that the paragraph follows the same structure as the original text.

Health care sector workers are often responsible for vulnerable  patients.   To understand patients and deliver good service , they need to be excellent communicators .  They must establish patient rapport and show empathy if they are to successfully care for patients from a variety of backgrounds  and with different medical, psychological and social needs (French & Saunders, 2018).

A good quality paraphrase example

This example demonstrates a better quality paraphrase. The author has demonstrated more understanding of the overall concept in the text by using the keywords as the basis to reconstruct the paragraph. Note how the blocks of colour have been broken up to see how much the structure has changed from the original text.

Empathetic   communication is a vital skill for health care workers.   Professionals in these fields   are often responsible for patients with complex medical, psychological and social needs. Empathetic   communication assists in building rapport and gaining the necessary trust   to assist these vulnerable patients  by providing appropriate supportive care (French & Saunders, 2018).

The good quality paraphrase example demonstrates understanding of the overall concept in the text by using key words as the basis to reconstruct the paragraph.  Note how the blocks of colour have been broken up, which indicates how much the structure has changed from the original text.

What is synthesising?

Synthesising means to bring together more than one source of information to strengthen your argument. Once you have learnt how to paraphrase the ideas of one source at a time, you can consider adding additional sources to support your argument. Synthesis demonstrates your understanding and ability to show connections between multiple pieces of evidence to support your ideas and is a more advanced academic thinking and writing skill.

Follow the steps in this table to improve your synthesis techniques (see Table 19.5 ).

Table 19.5 Synthesising techniques

1 Check your referencing guide to learn how to correctly reference more than one author at a time in your paper.
2 While taking notes for your research, try organising your notes into themes. This way you can keep similar ideas from different authors together.
3 Identify similar language and tone used by authors so that you can group similar ideas together.
4 Synthesis can not only be about grouping ideas together that are similar, but also those that are different. See how you can contrast authors in your writing to also strengthen your argument.

Example of synthesis

There is a relationship between academic procrastination and mental health outcomes.  Procrastination has been found to have a negative effect on students’ well-being (Balkis, & Duru, 2016). Yerdelen, McCaffrey, and Klassens’ (2016) research results suggested that there was a positive association between procrastination and anxiety. This was corroborated by Custer’s (2018) findings which indicated that students with higher levels of procrastination also reported greater levels of the anxiety. Therefore, it could be argued that procrastination is an ineffective learning strategy that leads to increased levels of distress.

Topic sentence | Statements using paraphrased evidence | Critical thinking (student voice) | Concluding statement – linking to topic sentence

This example demonstrates a simple synthesis. The author has developed a paragraph with one central theme and included explanatory sentences complete with in-text citations from multiple sources. Note how the blocks of colour have been used to illustrate the paragraph structure and synthesis (i.e., statements using paraphrased evidence from several sources). A more complex synthesis may include more than one citation per sentence.

Creating an argument

What does this mean.

Throughout your university studies, you may be asked to ‘argue’ a particular point or position in your writing. You may already be familiar with the idea of an argument, which in general terms means to have a disagreement with someone. Similarly, in academic writing, if you are asked to create an argument, this means you are asked to have a position on a particular topic, and then justify your position using evidence.

What skills do you need to create an argument?

In order to create a good and effective argument, you need to be able to:

  • Read critically to find evidence
  • Plan your argument
  • Think and write critically throughout your paper to enhance your argument

For tips on how to read and write critically, refer to the chapter Thinking for more information. A formula for developing a strong argument is presented below.

A formula for a good argument

A diagram on the formula for a ggood argument which includes deciding what side of argument you are on, research evidence to support your argument, create a plan to create a logically flowing argument and writing your argument

What does an argument look like?

As can be seen from the figure above, including evidence is a key element of a good argument. While this may seem like a straightforward task, it can be difficult to think of wording to express your argument. The table below provides examples of how you can illustrate your argument in academic writing (see Table 19.6 ).

Table 19.6 Argument

Introducing your argument • This paper will argue/claim that...
• ...is an important factor/concept/idea/ to consider because...
• … will be argued/outlined in this paper.
Introducing evidence for your argument • Smith (2014) outlines that....
• This evidence demonstrates that...
• According to Smith (2014)…
• For example, evidence/research provided by Smith (2014) indicates that...
Giving the reason why your point/evidence is important • Therefore this indicates...
• This evidence clearly demonstrates....
• This is important/significant because...
• This data highlights...
Concluding a point • Overall, it is clear that...
• Therefore, … are reasons which should be considered because...
• Consequently, this leads to....
• The research presented therefore indicates...

Editing and proofreading (reviewing)

Once you have finished writing your first draft it is recommended that you spend time revising your work.  Proofreading and editing are two different stages of the revision process.

  • Editing considers the overall focus or bigger picture of the assignment
  • Proofreading considers the finer details

Editing mindmap with the words sources, content,s tructure and style. Proofreading mindmap with the words referencing, word choice, grammar and spelling and punctuation

As can be seen in the figure above there are four main areas that you should review during the editing phase of the revision process. The main things to consider when editing include content, structure, style, and sources. It is important to check that all the content relates to the assignment task, the structure is appropriate for the purposes of the assignment, the writing is academic in style, and that sources have been adequately acknowledged. Use the checklist below when editing your work.

Editing checklist

  • Have I answered the question accurately?
  • Do I have enough credible, scholarly supporting evidence?
  • Is my writing tone objective and formal enough or have I used emotive and informal language?
  • Have I written in the third person not the first person?
  • Do I have appropriate in-text citations for all my information?
  • Have I included the full details for all my in-text citations in my reference list?

There are also several key things to look out for during the proofreading phase of the revision process. In this stage it is important to check your work for word choice, grammar and spelling, punctuation and referencing errors. It can be easy to mis-type words like ‘from’ and ‘form’ or mix up words like ‘trail’ and ‘trial’ when writing about research, apply American rather than Australian spelling, include unnecessary commas or incorrectly format your references list. The checklist below is a useful guide that you can use when proofreading your work.

Proofreading checklist

  • Is my spelling and grammar accurate?
  •  Are they complete?
  • Do they all make sense?
  • Do they only contain only one idea?
  • Do the different elements (subject, verb, nouns, pronouns) within my sentences agree?
  • Are my sentences too long and complicated?
  • Do they contain only one idea per sentence?
  • Is my writing concise? Take out words that do not add meaning to your sentences.
  • Have I used appropriate discipline specific language but avoided words I don’t know or understand that could possibly be out of context?
  • Have I avoided discriminatory language and colloquial expressions (slang)?
  • Is my referencing formatted correctly according to my assignment guidelines? (for more information on referencing refer to the Managing Assessment feedback section).

This chapter has examined the experience of writing assignments.  It began by focusing on how to read and break down an assignment question, then highlighted the key components of essays. Next, it examined some techniques for paraphrasing and summarising, and how to build an argument. It concluded with a discussion on planning and structuring your assignment and giving it that essential polish with editing and proof-reading. Combining these skills and practising them, can greatly improve your success with this very common form of assessment.

  • Academic writing requires clear and logical structure, critical thinking and the use of credible scholarly sources.
  • A thesis statement is important as it tells the reader the position or argument you have adopted in your assignment. Not all assignments will require a thesis statement.
  • Spending time analysing your task and planning your structure before you start to write your assignment is time well spent.
  • Information you use in your assignment should come from credible scholarly sources such as textbooks and peer reviewed journals. This information needs to be paraphrased and referenced appropriately.
  • Paraphrasing means putting something into your own words and synthesising means to bring together several ideas from sources.
  • Creating an argument is a four step process and can be applied to all types of academic writing.
  • Editing and proofreading are two separate processes.

Academic Skills Centre. (2013). Writing an introduction and conclusion . University of Canberra, accessed 13 August, 2013, http://www.canberra.edu.au/studyskills/writing/conclusions

Balkis, M., & Duru, E. (2016). Procrastination, self-regulation failure, academic life satisfaction, and affective well-being: underregulation or misregulation form. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31 (3), 439-459.

Custer, N. (2018). Test anxiety and academic procrastination among prelicensure nursing students. Nursing education perspectives, 39 (3), 162-163.

Yerdelen, S., McCaffrey, A., & Klassen, R. M. (2016). Longitudinal examination of procrastination and anxiety, and their relation to self-efficacy for self-regulated learning: Latent growth curve modeling. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 16 (1).

Writing Assignments Copyright © 2021 by Kate Derrington; Cristy Bartlett; and Sarah Irvine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Java: define terms initialization, declaration and assignment

I find the defs circular, the subjects are defined by their verbs but the verbs are undefined! So how do you define them?

The Circular Definitions

initialization: to initialize a variable. It can be done at the time of declaration.

assignment: to assign value to a variable. It can be done anywhere, only once with the final-identifier.

declaration: to declare value to a variable.

[update, trying to understand the topic with lambda calc]

  • initialization
  • declaration
  • variable-assignment
  • 2 Declaration , Initialization , and Assignment are all included in The Java Tutorials Trail: Learning the Java Language . –  jaco0646 Commented Aug 8, 2015 at 15:38

8 Answers 8

assignment : throwing away the old value of a variable and replacing it with a new one

initialization : it's a special kind of assignment: the first. Before initialization objects have null value and primitive types have default values such as 0 or false . Can be done in conjunction with declaration.

declaration : a declaration states the type of a variable, along with its name. A variable can be declared only once. It is used by the compiler to help programmers avoid mistakes such as assigning string values to integer variables. Before reading or assigning a variable, that variable must have been declared.

  • 3 SUMMARY? Initialization is a change from a starting value. Declaration is labeling with name and type. Assignment is a more general change in value, initialization a special type of assignment. –  hhh Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 17:09
  • 1 correct. Initialization is special just because it's the first assignment of a variable –  Silvio Donnini Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 17:15
  • 4 I don't think that primitives hold 0 or false values pre-initialization, given that fact that when you try to print an uninitialized variable, it produces a compile time error saying that the variable might not have been initialized, rather than printing their value. –  Adit A. Pillai Commented Dec 13, 2016 at 12:10
  • In Java, fields of an object are automatically initialized to "empty" values (null, zero, or false) if there is no explicit initializer clause. But local variables in a block of code are not automatically initialized, and any attempt to read the value of a local without writing a value to it first will result in a compile-time error. For more information, see chapter 16 of the Java Language Specification . –  Daniel Pryden Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 17:13

Declaration is not to declare "value" to a variable; it's to declare the type of the variable.

Assignment is simply the storing of a value to a variable.

Initialization is the assignment of a value to a variable at the time of declaration .

These definitions also applies to fields.

However, it should be mentioned that "initialization" also has a more relaxed definition of "the first assignment to a variable", regardless of where it happens.

This, however, compiles:

Here i can be "initialized" from two possible locations, by simple assignments. Because of that, if i was an array, you can't use the special array initializer shorthand syntax with this construct.

So basically "initialization" has two possible definitions, depending on context:

  • It allows, among other things, special array shorthand initializer syntax
  • The compiler would do its best to ensure that exactly one of those assignments can happen, thus "initializing" the final variable

There's also JVM-context class and instance initialization, OOP-context object initialization, etc.

  • "int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3 };" is arr-declared and {1,2,3}-assignment. It implies an initialization. Right? –  hhh Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 16:43
  • Yes, that is an example of the special array initializer syntax being used, so it is initialization. –  polygenelubricants Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 16:46

Here is a short explanation with some examples.

Declaration: Declaration is when you declare a variable with a name, and a variable can be declared only once.

Example: int x; , String myName; , Boolean myCondition;

Initialization: Initialization is when we put a value in a variable, this happens while we declare a variable.

Example: int x = 7; , String myName = "Emi"; , Boolean myCondition = false;

Assignment: Assignment is when we already declared or initialized a variable, and we are changing the value. You can change value of the variable as many time you want or you need.

int x = 7; x = 12; .......We just changed the value.

String myName = "Emi"; myName = "John" .......We just changed the value.

Boolean myCondition = false; myCondition = true; .......We just changed the value.

Note: In memory will be saved the last value that we put.

declaration : whenever you define a new variable with its type

assignment : whenever you change the value of a variable by giving it a new value

initialization : an assignment that is done together with the declaration, or in any case the first assignment that is done with a variable, usually it's a constructor call for an object or a plain assignment for a variable

  • I cannot understand the difference btw declaration and initialization. –  hhh Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 16:38
  • initialization = declaration + assignment ? –  hhh Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 16:40
  • it's more like initialization = first assignment (can be implicit for class fields, but has to be explicit for local variables) –  pablochan Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 16:51
  • Initalization is not dependent upon assignment. Unreferenced objects can be initialized. It just so happens that programmers often assign at the point of initialization. Initialization is the creation of a new Object. –  Finbarr Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 16:54
  • 2 @Finbarr: I think your confusing initialization with instantiation –  pablochan Commented Apr 10, 2010 at 22:12

I come from a C/C++ background, but the ideas should be the same.

Declaration - When a variable is declared, it is telling the compiler to set aside a piece of memory and associate a name (and a variable type) with it. In C/C++ it could look like this:

The compiler sees this and sets aside an address location for x and knows what methods it should use to perform operations on x (different variable types will use different access operations). This way, when the compiler runs into the line

It knows to put the integer value 8 (not the floating point value 8) into the memory location also known as 'x'.

Assignment - This is when you stuff a value into the previously declared variable. Assignment is associated with the 'equals sign'. In the previous example, the variable 'x' was assigned the value 8.

Initialization - This is when a variable is preset with a value. There is no guarantee that a variable will every be set to some default value during variable declaration (unless you explicitly make it so). It can be argued that initialization is the first assignment of a variable, but this isn't entirely true, as I will explain shortly. A typical initialization is a blend of the variable declaration with an assignment as follows:

The distinction between initialization and assignment becomes more important when dealing with constants, such as this...

When dealing with constants, you only get to assign their value at the time of declaration/initialization. Otherwise, they can't be touched. This is because constants are often located in program memory vs data memory, and their actual assignment is occurring at compile time vs run time.

Step 1: Declaration : int a;

Step 2: Initialization : a = 5;

Step 3: Assignment : a = b; (ex: int b = 10 ; now a becomes 10)

Simple program

it saves the value of 25.

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  • Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Published on May 3, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.


The acknowledgements section is your opportunity to thank those who have helped and supported you personally and professionally during your thesis or dissertation process.

Thesis or dissertation acknowledgements appear between your title page and abstract  and should be no longer than one page.

In your acknowledgements, it’s okay to use a more informal style than is usually permitted in academic writing , as well as first-person pronouns . Acknowledgements are not considered part of the academic work itself, but rather your chance to write something more personal.

To get started, download our step-by-step template in the format of your choice below. We’ve also included sample sentence starters to help you construct your acknowledgments section from scratch.

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Table of contents

Who to thank in your acknowledgements, how to write acknowledgements, acknowledgements section example, acknowledgements dos and don’ts, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about the acknowledgements section.

Generally, there are two main categories of acknowledgements: professional and personal .

A good first step is to check your university’s guidelines, as they may have rules or preferences about the order, phrasing, or layout of acknowledgements. Some institutions prefer that you keep your acknowledgements strictly professional.

Regardless, it’s usually a good idea to place professional acknowledgements first, followed by any personal ones. You can then proceed by ranking who you’d like to thank from most formal to least.

  • Chairs, supervisors, or defense committees
  • Funding bodies
  • Other academics (e.g., colleagues or cohort members)
  • Editors or proofreaders
  • Librarians, research/laboratory assistants, or study participants
  • Family, friends, or pets

Typically, it’s only necessary to mention people who directly supported you during your thesis or dissertation. However, if you feel that someone like a high school physics teacher was a great inspiration on the path to your current research, feel free to include them as well.

Professional acknowledgements

It is crucial to avoid overlooking anyone who helped you professionally as you completed your thesis or dissertation. As a rule of thumb, anyone who directly contributed to your research process, from figuring out your dissertation topic to your final proofread, should be mentioned.

A few things to keep in mind include:

  • Even if you feel your chair didn’t help you very much, you should still thank them first to avoid looking like you’re snubbing them.
  • Be sure to follow academic conventions, using full names with titles where appropriate.
  • If several members of a group or organization assisted you, mention the collective name only.
  • Remember the ethical considerations around anonymized data. If you wish to protect someone’s privacy, use only their first name or a generic identifier (such as “the interviewees”)/

Personal acknowledgements

There is no need to mention every member of your family or friend group. However, if someone was particularly inspiring or supportive, you may wish to mention them specifically. Many people choose to thank parents, partners, children, friends, and even pets, but you can mention anyone who offered moral support or encouragement, or helped you in a tangible or intangible way.

Some students may wish to dedicate their dissertation to a deceased influential person in their personal life. In this case, it’s okay to mention them first, before any professional acknowledgements.

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how to write a declaration for an assignment

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After you’ve compiled a list of who you’d like to thank, you can then sort your list into rank order. Separate everyone you listed into “major thanks,” “big thanks,” and “minor thanks” categories.

  • “Major thanks” are given to people who your project would be impossible without. These are often predominantly professional acknowledgements, such as your advisor, chair, and committee, as well as any funders.
  • “Big thanks” are an in-between, for those who helped you along the way or helped you grow intellectually, such as classmates, peers, or librarians.
  • “Minor thanks” can be a catch-all for everyone else, especially those who offered moral support or encouragement. This can include personal acknowledgements, such as parents, partners, children, friends, or even pets.

How to phrase your acknowledgements

To avoid acknowledgements that sound repetitive or dull, consider changing up your phrasing. Here are some examples of common sentence starters you can use for each category.

Common sentence starters
Major thanks Big thanks Minor thanks

Note that you do not need to write any sort of conclusion or summary at the end. You can simply end the acknowledgements with your last thank you.

Here’s an example of how you can combine the different sentences to write your acknowledgements.

A simple construction consists of a sentence starter (in purple highlight ), followed by the person or entity mentioned (in green highlight ), followed by what you’re thanking them for (in yellow highlight .)


Words cannot express my gratitude to my professor and chair of my committee for her invaluable patience and feedback. I also could not have undertaken this journey without my defense committee, who generously provided knowledge and expertise. Additionally, this endeavor would not have been possible without the generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, who financed my research .

I am also grateful to my classmates and cohort members, especially my office mates, for their editing help, late-night feedback sessions, and moral support. Thanks should also go to the librarians, research assistants, and study participants from the university, who impacted and inspired me.

Lastly, I would be remiss in not mentioning my family, especially my parents, spouse, and children. Their belief in me has kept my spirits and motivation high during this process. I would also like to thank my cat for all the entertainment and emotional support.

  • Write in first-person, professional language
  • Thank your professional contacts first
  • Include full names, titles, and roles of professional acknowledgements
  • Include personal or intangible supporters, like friends, family, or even pets
  • Mention funding bodies and what they funded
  • Appropriately anonymize or group research participants or non-individual acknowledgments


  • Use informal language or slang
  • Go over one page in length
  • Mention people who had only a peripheral or minor impact on your work

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In the acknowledgements of your thesis or dissertation, you should first thank those who helped you academically or professionally, such as your supervisor, funders, and other academics.

Then you can include personal thanks to friends, family members, or anyone else who supported you during the process.

Yes, it’s important to thank your supervisor(s) in the acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation .

Even if you feel your supervisor did not contribute greatly to the final product, you must acknowledge them, if only for a very brief thank you. If you do not include your supervisor, it may be seen as a snub.

The acknowledgements are generally included at the very beginning of your thesis , directly after the title page and before the abstract .

In a thesis or dissertation, the acknowledgements should usually be no longer than one page. There is no minimum length.

You may acknowledge God in your dissertation acknowledgements , but be sure to follow academic convention by also thanking the members of academia, as well as family, colleagues, and friends who helped you.

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/acknowledgements/

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Student declarations of independence.

I admire the way your students' voices are clearly influenced by the elevated language of the founding fathers but still ring with modern expressions. Thanks for sharing this great work. Gary Anderson

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  • Letter Writing
  • Acknowledgement For Assignment

Acknowledgement for Assignment │How to Write with Samples

If you are a student, you will have to do a lot of assignments. An acknowledgement is a write-up that expresses gratitude to all the people who are directly or indirectly involved in helping you complete your assignment. Read through the article to learn how to write an acknowledgement for your assignment.

Table of Contents

How to write acknowledgement for assignment, acknowledgement for college assignment – individual assignment, acknowledgement sample for assignment – group assignment, acknowledgement for assignment example – individual school assignment, frequently asked questions on acknowledgement for assignment.

An acknowledgement is an essential part of every assignment or project. An acknowledgement is a short write-up that is written with the motive of thanking all of the people who played an instrumental role in helping you or your group overcome the difficulties and complete the assignment. It is always considered an act of good manners to express your gratitude to the people who have directly or indirectly been involved in the process of your assignment.

Before you start writing the acknowledgement for your assignment, you have to make sure that you have the following details in hand.

  • Have a list of all the names of the people who have extended their support directly or indirectly and offered suggestions to help you finish the assignment.
  • See that you mention the names of the people in a logical order by putting the names of the most important people in the beginning of the acknowledgement.
  • Explain briefly how their support and encouragement have aided the completion of the assignment.
  • Try not to use many high sounding words in the acknowledgement. Keep it as simple as possible so that it is easy to understand.
  • Take care not to miss out on anyone who has been an integral part of the process, no matter how small a role they have played in helping you with the assignment. In case the list is long, you can thank all of them collectively.
  • Most importantly, make sure the acknowledgement sounds formal and professional.

Check out Letter Writing for different types of letter writing, including formal letters and informal letters .

Sample Acknowledgements for Assignment

Have a look at the sample acknowledgements for the assignment to have an idea of how you can write an acknowledgement for your assignment.

I would like to thank my Professor-in-charge, Dr. Neelaveni for guiding me throughout the course of this assignment. She was there to help me every step of the way, and her motivation is what helped me complete this assignment successfully. I thank all the teachers who helped me by providing the equipment that was necessary and vital, without which I would not have been able to work effectively on this assignment.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my friends and parents, who stood by me and encouraged me to work on this assignment.

First of all, we would like to thank our Class Teacher, Mrs. Lorraine, who was a constant source of inspiration. She encouraged us to think creatively and motivated us to work on this assignment without giving it a second thought. She expressed full support and provided us with the different teaching aids that were required to complete this assignment. She believed in us even when we could not believe that we could do it. We are also thankful to every member of this group. It was each and every individual’s contribution that made this assignment a success. We were always there to lift each other up, and that was what helped us stay together till the end.

We thank our parents for always trusting in us and teaching us to believe in our abilities and strengths and never give up until the goal is achieved. We are thankful to all our friends who extended their moral support, and above all, we are thankful to God for being with us and giving us the wisdom and ability to do this assignment.

First of all, I would like to thank God, who has always been my guidance and support all these years. I would like to thank my Class Teacher, Mrs. Sindhu Krishna, for giving me the opportunity to work on this assignment and for believing in me. I would like to thank my Science Teachers, Mrs. Agnes, Mrs. Antonette, Mrs. Usha and Ms. Latha, for helping me with the planning and working of this assignment. All of them were ever ready to clear my doubts and help me with all the necessary information and equipment. I would also like to thank my classmates who have extended their moral support throughout the course of this assignment.

My parents never ceased to believe in me. I thank them for encouraging me, guiding me and being there to strengthen me with confidence every time I felt weak or discouraged. I would also like to express my gratitude to all those who played a role directly and indirectly in the completion of this assignment.

What is an acknowledgement for an assignment?

An acknowledgement is usually a short or detailed write up that is written with the motive of expressing the individual’s/group’s gratitude to all those who played a part directly or indirectly in the completion of the said assignment. It is considered an essential and foremost part of an assignment.

What is an acknowledgement for an individual assignment?

I would like to thank my Professor-in-charge, Dr. Neelaveni for guiding me throughout the course of this assignment. She was there to help me every step of the way, and her motivation is what helped me complete this assignment successfully. I thank all the teachers who helped me by providing the equipment when necessary. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my friends and parents, who stood by me and encouraged me to work on this assignment.

How long should an acknowledgement for an assignment be?

The length of an acknowledgement for an assignment can be decided in accordance with the type of assignment. An acknowledgement for a simple school assignment can be anywhere between 200-400 words. For a more complex assignment, like a college project, the acknowledgement can be between 500-1000 words, and for a thesis, the acknowledgement can go on even for two pages.

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how to write a declaration for an assignment

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Declaration Letter | How To Write Declaration Letter?, Samples, Format

February 9, 2024 by Prasanna

Declaration Letter: A declaration letter of a letter of the declaration is a formal acknowledgment, knowledge or a statement about a particular event or entity. It is widely used in business and also has legal implications. Most often, declaration letters are written if certain information cannot be accessed from an individual due to various factors. For example, an employer may ask a candidate to furnish a self declaration letter format if their previous employer is inaccessible or the business is now closed.

Declaration letters can also be used in various industries to disclose the associated risks involved. For instance, a movie stuntman or even an actor may be required to sign a letter of declaration, explicitly agreeing to the risks involved. Immigration procedures in certain countries also require declaration letters to be furnished – for example, a legal citizen of a country will formally acknowledge that they will be ready to receive a visitor and acknowledge the required conditions for doing so.

Get Other Types of  Letter Writing  like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

Declaration Letter Tips & Guidelines

The following are certain important guidelines to be followed for How To Write A Declaration Letter.

  • From a legal perspective, declaration letters are required to be accurate to the best of the individual’s knowledge. This requires providing supporting documents or evidence
  • The individual is also required to be very specific and detailed about the facts they wish to furnish.
  • To make the letter legally binding, the individual is required to sign it.
  • Proofread the letter for content accuracy, spelling and grammar before sending it in.

Declaration Letter Samples

The following are some common scenarios where a sample of declaration letter format may need to be furnished.

Sample 1 – Letter of Declaration From A Stuntman for A Film

Letter of Declaration From A Stuntman for A Film

Sample 2 – Letter of Declaration Format for Immigration Purposes

Letter of Declaration for Immigration Purposes

Sample 3 – Letter of Declaration for Supplier

Letter of Declaration for Supplier

FAQ’s on Declaration Letter

Question 1. What is a declaration letter?

Answer: Also called a letter of declaration, it is a formal acknowledgment or a statement about a particular event or entity.

Question 2. Where are declaration letters used?

Answer: Declaration letters are widely used in business. However, it can also be used in various other fields that require disclosure to certain terms and conditions – such as films, medical forms, and even for immigration purposes.

Question 3. How To Write Self Declaration Letter?

Answer: Declaration letters are required to be accurate and truthful. Hence, supporting documents or evidence need to be provided. Furthermore, the individual is also required to be very specific and detailed about the facts they wish to furnish. Lastly, the individual has to ensure that the letter is as simple as possible without omitting relevant information. End the letter by signing it – thereby making the letter a legally binding document.

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Declare the Causes: The Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence: July 4th 1776

Declaration of Independence: July 4th 1776.

Library of Congress

Complaints! Complaints! Students have been known to complain at times. (So have their teachers.) Even the Founding Fathers of our country indulged in gripe sessions. In fact, a list of grievances comprises the longest section of the Declaration of Independence; however, the source of the document's power is its firm philosophic foundation. Through the lens of the human propensity to complain, you can encourage students to recognize the principles, motivations, and precedents that underlie the Declaration of Independence. Help your students understand the development of the Declaration as both a historical process and a compositional process through role play, creative writing, an introduction to important documents and a review of historic events.

Guiding Questions

What precedents exist for specific elements in the Declaration of Independence, both in previous documents and in historical events?

How is the Declaration structured?

Learning Objectives

Describe and list the sections of the Declaration of Independence and explain the purpose of each.

Give an example of a document that served as a precedent for the Declaration of Independence.

Identify and explain one or more of the colonists' complaints included in the Declaration of Independence.

Demonstrate an awareness of the Declaration of Independence as a historical process developed in protest of unfair conditions.

Lesson Plan Details

Opponents of the Stamp Act of 1765 declared that the act—which was designed to raise money to support the British army stationed in America after 1763 by requiring Americans to buy stamps for newspapers, legal documents, mortgages, liquor licenses, even playing cards and almanacs—was illegal and unjust because it taxed Americans without their consent. In protesting the act, they cited the following prohibition against taxation without consent:

"No scutage [tax] ... shall be imposed..., unless by common counsel..."

The source? The Magna Carta , written in 1215, 550 years earlier. American resistance forced the British Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act in 1766. In the succeeding years, similar taxes were levied by British Parliament and protested by many Americans. The American Revolution brewed in a context of Americans' concern over contemporary events as well as awareness of historic precedents. Mindful of both, the framers created the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, in which the colonies declared their freedom from British rule.

NCSS.D2.Civ.1.3-5. Distinguish the responsibilities and powers of government officials at various levels and branches of government and in different times and places.

NCSS.D2.Civ.2.3-5. Explain how a democracy relies on people’s responsible participation, and draw implications for how individuals should participate.

NCSS.D2.His.3.3-5. Generate questions about individuals and groups who have shaped significant historical changes and continuities.

NCSS.D2.His.4.3-5. Explain why individuals and groups during the same historical period differed in their perspectives.

Review the lesson plans. Bookmark or download and print out any materials you will use. Make copies of a transcript of the Declaration for every student. You may wish to provide students with a copy of the Written Document Analysis Worksheet , available through the Educator Resources section of the National Archives website, to guide them as they review primary source documents.

Activity 1. Complaints, Complaints...

Discuss with students that you have overheard them, at times, make various complaints about the treatment of young people. Complaints not unlike those motivated the Founding Fathers at the time of the American Revolution. Give the students a short time in small groups to list complaints they have about the treatment of young people. The complaints should be of a general nature (for example: recess should be longer, fourth graders should be able to see PG videos, etc.). Collect the list. Choose complaints to share with the class, so you can guide the discussion to follow. Save the lists for future reference.

There are moments when all of us are more eager to express what's wrong than we are to think critically about the problem and possible solutions. There is no reason to think people were any different in 1776. It's important to understand the complaints of the colonists as one step in a process involving careful deliberation and attempts to redress grievances. Ask questions to help your students consider their concerns in a deliberate way. WHO makes the rules they don't like, WHO decides if they are fair or not, HOW does one get them changed, WHAT does it mean to be independent from the rules, and finally, HOW does a group of people declare that they will no longer follow the rules?

Activity 2. So, What are You Going to Do About It?

Ask the students to imagine that, in hopes of effecting some changes, they are going to compose a document based on their complaints to be sent to the appropriate audience. As they begin to compose their document, they should consider the following questions. (Note to the teacher: The following questions correspond to the sections of the Declaration, as noted in parentheses, which will be discussed later. This discussion serves as a prewriting activity for the writing assignment.)

  • To whom would you send your complaints? Why? What reasons would you give for your decision to write out your complaints? (Preamble)  
  • What makes you think your complaints are worthwhile? Aren't there good reasons why things are the way they are? Why should things as they are be changed? Would it be possible to summarize the thinking behind your desire for change in a single sentence? (statement of beliefs, or the thinking behind the complaints)  
  • Is there anything in particular the reader should notice about your complaints? Is there anything you need to keep in mind to make sure your audience understands and appreciates your complaints? What kinds of events inspired your complaints? (the list of complaints)  
  • Have you already tried to make any changes in the treatment of young people? In what way? (prior attempts to redress grievances)  
  • Is it possible to say in a single sentence what it is you really want to happen? It would take time to change the system to accommodate all of your complaints. What should happen right away? (Declaration of Independence)  
  • Who would be willing to sign his/her name to this list of complaints even if it were going to be seen and read by many people? (the signatures)

Activity 3. The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America

The Declaration of Independence was created in an atmosphere of complaints about the treatment of the colonies under British rule. In this unit, students will be given the opportunity to compose a document based on their own complaints; however, the resulting "declarations" might be more convincing if based on some models already proven effective.

The above video from Schoolhouse Rock  is entitled "Fireworks" and focuses on the Declaration of Independence.  Provide every student with a transcript of the Declaration . There is no need to do a close reading of the entire document at this point. The immediate goal is to understand the structure of the document and the basic intent of each section. Discuss the Declaration with students, using the following section-by-section questions help students relate this overview of the Declaration to the previous discussion.

  • Preamble: the reasons for writing down the Declaration (from "WHEN, in the Course of human Events" to "declare the Causes which impel them to the Separation."). What reason(s) did the Founding Fathers give for their decision to write out a declaration?
  • Statement of beliefs: specifying what the undersigned believed, the philosophy behind the document (from "We hold these Truths to be self-evident" to "an absolute Tyranny over these States"). What beliefs did the Founding Fathers declare they held?
  • List of complaints: the offenses that impelled the declaration (from "To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World" to "unfit to be the ruler of a free people"). What are a few of the complaints? Are any specific events mentioned? If not, is the information given sometimes sufficient to figure out to which events the complaints refer?
  • Statement of prior attempts to redress grievances: (From "Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren," to "Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.") In what way(s) did the framers claim to have already tried in addressing the complaints?
  • Declaration of independence: (From "WE, therefore" to "and our sacred Honour.") What will change in the colonies as a result of the Declaration?
  • The signatures: Which signers do students recognize?

Activity 4. When, in the Course of Human Events ...

Working alone or in small groups, students draft their own declarations. The transcript of the Declaration of Independence will serve as a model; student documents should contain the same sections. They should start with their reasons for writing (preamble), as discussed above. Tell students they can model their statement after the Preamble to the Declaration. For example, they can begin with the words "When, in the course of human events ..."

Activity 5. What Experience Hath Shown

After a session of work on their declarations, introduce to students the idea of earlier documents that set a precedent for the Declaration. Let students know that the committee members who drafted our Declaration (John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston of New York and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia) were aware of documents from earlier years. Some of these documents served as models as the committee members wrote the Declaration. Perhaps seeing precedents for the Declaration will help students in composing theirs. Ask students to work in small groups to review some of the earlier documents and find common features between the historical documents and the Declaration. If desired and appropriate for your class, this would be a good time to read the entire Declaration. Students should look at the historical documents for similar structures (the document has a preamble, for instance) or phrases or passages that relate to the Declaration. As they read the excerpts, students should refer back to their transcript of the Declaration of Independence. Students should not attempt close readings of the documents. Instead, they scan key passages for similarities. (If you wish, you could have students locate documents on their own, using The Avalon Project At The Yale Law School website, accessible through EDSITEment.) The following documents are available through The Avalon Project unless otherwise noted.

  • The Magna Carta (June 1215). Of structural interest is the preamble and the last section (#63). What differences and similarities do the students notice? Section 1 and Section 12 also have relevant content. The National Archives website features a translation of its 1297 copy of the Magna Carta and videos about the document's conservation  and  encasement .  
  • The First Charter of Virginia  (April 10, 1606). A relevant section begins "And we do also ordain, establish, and agree, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, that each of the said Colonies shall have a Council" and ends "pass under the Privy Seal of our Realm of England;" a statement of the colonists' ability to pass laws. Also of interest is the section beginning, "Also we do, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, DECLARE" to "any other of our said Dominions."
  • The Mayflower Compact (November, 1621).
  • English Bill of Rights (1689) for comparison to the list of grievances (such as quartering troops, a standing army, suspending of laws).
  • The Royal Proclamation (October 7, 1763) issued at the conclusion of the French and Indian War. Look at the section beginning with "for the security of the Liberties and Properties" and ending with "and call General Assemblies."
  • The Resolutions of the Continental Congress , also known as The Stamp Act Congress (October 19, 1765). Especially relevant is the list of complaints (such as the complaint beginning "That the only representatives of the people of these colonies...").
  • The Articles of Association (October 20, 1774). For comparison to the list of grievances, look at the passage from "the present unhappy situation of our affairs is occasioned by a ruinous system of colony administration" to "whenever a wicked ministry shall chuse so to direct them." Students should also look at the statement beginning "To obtain redress of these grievances."
  • The Virginia Declaration of Rights (June 12, 1776), written by George Mason. Especially pertinent are the first three sections.

Guide to Independent Searches for Precedent Setting Documents The Avalon Project contains many relevant documents and is fully searchable. Students can search for terms such as "rights" or "taxes" or "standing armies" within the Colonial Charters, Grants, and Early Constitution collection listed in the pull-down menu on the search page. Students should be aware that search results will include documents created after 1776, which are irrelevant to the task at hand. The Avalon Project website has amassed a list of documents under the title The American Constitution: A Documentary Record , including forerunners to the United States Constitution. There you may find additional relevant documents. Of special interest are the sections "The Roots of the Constitution" and "Revolution and Independence."

Activity 6. Share and Declare

Once student groups have analyzed the historical documents that preceded the Declaration of Independence, ask them to share their findings with the rest of the class. In what ways were the earlier documents similar to the Declaration? You may wish to create a display of the information students have uncovered. For example, on a large bulletin board, center the text of the Declaration. Highlight relevant excerpts. Use a colored strand of yarn to lead from each Declaration excerpt to a posting of the name and date of a related document. Classes with the necessary technology, skill, and computer access can do this same exercise on the computer, creating hyperlinks to the precedents. Students should continue to work on their declarations, either during class or as a homework assignment. They can use what they learned through the study of relevant documents created before the Declaration as a guide for the information they wish to include in their documents. By this time, students should be working on the statement of beliefs and the complaints section of their declarations.

Activity 7. Eighty-Six It: Changes to Jefferson's Draft

Now students can look at some drafts of the Declaration. Every class should view actual images of these drafts with corrections written in Jefferson's handwriting. Some classes might benefit from a closer look at the kinds of changes that occurred. The committee and Continental Congress are said to have made a total of 86 changes to the document. American Memory has a collection of Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789, containing many historic documents, including images and transcripts of original copies of various drafts of the Declaration. Students may be especially interested to view an image of a fragment of the Declaration and a transcript of the earliest known draft of the Declaration . You can also access an image and transcript of a later draft of the Declaration via this page at the Founding Documents section of the National Archives website. Reading just a small portion of the later draft will demonstrate the significant changes that took place as the Congress worked on the Declaration. Did the final version improve on the draft? If so, how? Students should continue to work on their declarations. They should be nearing completion of a first draft, including a statement of prior attempts to redress grievances, and a declaration of independence. Take some time to discuss the writing process within the student groups. How did they proceed? Did they ever go back and make changes? What kinds of changes? Did more than one person have input?

Activity 8. Publish and Declare

Now, the student groups should complete and present their "declarations." If typed on a computer, these can be printed out in an appropriately ornate font. The paper can be stained using tea to give the appearance of age. Students should sign the document on which they worked. If students have access to the necessary technology, they can create hyperlinks from sections of their computerized declaration to specific precedents in the Declaration. Students should now reflect on their experience writing a declaration and the process that created it. What part of their own declaration would they say most resembles the 1776 Declaration of Independence? Which complaint? Which part of their beliefs? What changes did they make in the course of writing their documents? How did the group decide how to proceed? Student declarations should be posted and, if practical, sent to the intended audience (parents, principal). For a culminating activity, the documents can be read in class in ceremonial fashion. The documents' reflection of the structure of the Declaration will help the teacher assess the success of the activity.

  • Have students conduct research into the historical events that led to the colonists' complaints and dissatisfaction with British rule. What were some of the specific complaints? After reviewing the complaints, the students look for specific events related to the grievances listed. They can use their own textbooks and other sources available at school. The historical events students choose could also be added to the bulletin board by connecting an excerpt of a particular complaint to a brief, dated summary of an event. The complaints relate to actual events, but the precise events were not discussed in the Declaration. Why do the students think the framers decided to do that? (Someone might notice that, in the fragment of the early draft discussed below, the complaint referred to a specific event.) Would the student declarations also be more effective without specific events tied to the complaints?
  • This unit can serve as a model for studying any of our nation's important historical documents. A study of the Constitution could begin with a role-play in which students imagine themselves marooned on a desert island, with little hope of rescue. Working in groups, students should come up with the 10 most important concepts for ensuring harmonious living in the new community and write them down in a list. After the initial round of listing, ask some "what if," "what about" and "what would happen" questions to help cover their omissions. Then post the revised lists on the classroom bulletin board or, if you have a computer in your classroom, post them electronically. At this point, you could introduce students to the Constitution, relating the concepts the students have come up with on their own to articles in the Constitution and talking about why a particular tenet is as important now as it was then. You could then compare your "living classroom constitution(s)" with the U.S. Constitution (especially the Bill of Rights) and selections from the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, etc, depending on the age and sophistication level of your students. The Avalon Project's The American Constitution - A Documentary Record contains many relevant documents for this type of study.
  • Students can now look at the American Declaration as a precedent for documents that came after it. Fruitful comparison can be made with the French Declaration of the Rights of Man—1789 , available through The Avalon Project. This declaration is also known as the French Declaration of Independence.
  • Students could attempt to conduct a Declaration Convention in which they use the small group declarations as the basis of a single document representing the entire class.
  • Volunteers could stage a dramatic reading of the entire Declaration.
  • Students may be interested in seeing an image of the original Declaration , now exhibited in the Rotunda of the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C. Unfortunately, this version has faded badly. The most frequently reproduced version of the Declaration is taken from the engraving made by printer William J. Stone in 1823 . This image also is available online and has not faded as much as the original Declaration.

Additional Resources

  • Here is an annotated version of the final draft of the Declaration , with links to an earlier draft and other materials such as Jefferson's letters. Passages in parentheses in the draft surround items that were crossed out; it is believed that some of those changes were made by John Adams.
  • The Continental Congress made important changes to the Declaration in two places. An analysis of these changes is accessible through the EDSITEment resource American Memory at the Library of Congress site.
  • American Memory's special collection A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation contains an annotated version of the Declaration with notes from Jefferson as to which committee member made specific changes (with which he apparently did not wholeheartedly agree) on pp. 491-502 of volume five of the Journals of the Continental Congress , 1774-1789, the record for Friday, June 28, 1776.
  • The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England (May 19, 1643). A precursor of the Constitution's requirement for a census is found here in Article 4, "that the Commissioners for each Jurisdiction from time to time, as there shall be occasion, bring a true account and number of all their males in every Plantation."
  • Ordinances for Virginia July 24-August 3, 1621, including article IV with its discussion of a representative assembly.
  • Articles of Confederation  (March 1, 1781)
  • The Madison Debates , James Madison's notes taken during the Federal Convention of 1787. 
  • Image of the original Declaration
  • Engraving of the Declaration made by William J. Stone, 1823

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Verilog assign statement

Hardware schematic.

Signals of type wire or a similar wire like data type requires the continuous assignment of a value. For example, consider an electrical wire used to connect pieces on a breadboard. As long as the +5V battery is applied to one end of the wire, the component connected to the other end of the wire will get the required voltage.


In Verilog, this concept is realized by the assign statement where any wire or other similar wire like data-types can be driven continuously with a value. The value can either be a constant or an expression comprising of a group of signals.

Assign Syntax

The assignment syntax starts with the keyword assign followed by the signal name which can be either a single signal or a concatenation of different signal nets. The drive strength and delay are optional and are mostly used for dataflow modeling than synthesizing into real hardware. The expression or signal on the right hand side is evaluated and assigned to the net or expression of nets on the left hand side.

Delay values are useful for specifying delays for gates and are used to model timing behavior in real hardware because the value dictates when the net should be assigned with the evaluated value.

  • LHS should always be a scalar or vector net or a concatenation of scalar or vector nets and never a scalar or vector register.
  • RHS can contain scalar or vector registers and function calls.
  • Whenever any operand on the RHS changes in value, LHS will be updated with the new value.
  • assign statements are also called continuous assignments and are always active

In the following example, a net called out is driven continuously by an expression of signals. i1 and i2 with the logical AND & form the expression.


If the wires are instead converted into ports and synthesized, we will get an RTL schematic like the one shown below after synthesis.

how to write a declaration for an assignment

Continuous assignment statement can be used to represent combinational gates in Verilog.

The module shown below takes two inputs and uses an assign statement to drive the output z using part-select and multiple bit concatenations. Treat each case as the only code in the module, else many assign statements on the same signal will definitely make the output become X.

Assign reg variables

It is illegal to drive or assign reg type variables with an assign statement. This is because a reg variable is capable of storing data and does not require to be driven continuously. reg signals can only be driven in procedural blocks like initial and always .

Implicit Continuous Assignment

When an assign statement is used to assign the given net with some value, it is called explicit assignment. Verilog also allows an assignment to be done when the net is declared and is called implicit assignment.

Combinational Logic Design

Consider the following digital circuit made from combinational gates and the corresponding Verilog code.


Combinational logic requires the inputs to be continuously driven to maintain the output unlike sequential elements like flip flops where the value is captured and stored at the edge of a clock. So an assign statement fits the purpose the well because the output o is updated whenever any of the inputs on the right hand side change.

After design elaboration and synthesis, we do get to see a combinational circuit that would behave the same way as modeled by the assign statement.

combinational gate schematic

See that the signal o becomes 1 whenever the combinational expression on the RHS becomes true. Similarly o becomes 0 when RHS is false. Output o is X from 0ns to 10ns because inputs are X during the same time.


Click here for a slideshow with simulation example !

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