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Physics Personal Statement Examples

physics major essay

"Where have we come from and where are we going?" It was definitely a Eureka moment when a simple question directed by my Physics Professor at high school triggered in me the need to explore and led me to discover my aptitude for Astrophysics...

Why study physics?

Why Study Physics?

The goal of physics is to understand how things work from first principles.  We offer physics courses that are matched to a range of goals that students may have in studying physics -- taking elective courses to broaden one's scientific literacy, satisfying requirements for a major in the sciences or engineering, or working towards a degree in physics or engineering physics. Courses in physics reveal the mathematical beauty of the universe at scales ranging from subatomic to cosmological. Studying physics strengthens quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills that are valuable in areas beyond physics.

Where do I start?

  • Students who have never studied physics before and would like a broad introduction should consider one of the introductory seminar courses in Physics or Applied Physics. Those interested in astronomy and astrophysics might enjoy PHYSICS 15, 16 or 17, which is intended for nontechnical majors.
  • Students considering a career in science or engineering should start with the PHYSICS 20 & 40 series or PHYSICS 61, 71, 81 .
  • The PHYSICS 20 series assumes no background in calculus, and is intended primarily for those who are majoring in the biological sciences. However, such students who have AP credit in calculus or physics should consider taking the PHYSICS 40 series, which will provide a depth and emphasis on problem solving that is of significant value in biological research, which today involves considerable physics-based technology.
  • For those intending to major in engineering or the physical sciences, or simply wishing a stronger background in physics, the department offers the PHYSICS 40 series and PHYSICS 61, 71, 81 . Either of these series will satisfy the entry-level physics requirements of any Stanford major.  However, students majoring in Physics or Engineering Physics are required to take PHYSICS 61, 71, 81 -- possibly after completing PHYSICS 41 and 43. 
  • PHYSICS 61, 71, 81 courses are intended for those who have already taken a physics course at the level of PHYSICS 41 and 43, or at least have a strong background in mechanics, some background in electricity and magnetism, and a strong background in calculus. To determine whether you are prepared for PHYSICS 61, take the the Physics Placement Diagnostic .
  • The PHYSICS 40 series begins with PHYSICS 41 (mechanics), which is offered as a 4-unit course in both Autumn and Winter quarters, and continues with PHYSICS 43 (electricity and magnetism) in both Winter and Spring quarters, and PHYSICS 45 (thermodynamics and optics) in Autumn quarter.
  • Beginning in academic year 2023/2024, a five-unit version of PHYSICS 41 is offered in the Winter quarter: PHYSICS 41E (Extended). This course is designed to enable students who have had little or no high school physics background to succeed in physics. 
  • The PHYSICS 61, 71, 81 series begins in the Autumn quarter (only) with special relativity and a deeper dive into mechanics.   
  • While most students are recommended to begin with mechanics in the PHYSICS 40 series (PHYSICS 41 or 41E), those who have had strong physics preparation in high school (such as a score of at least 4 on the Physics Advanced Placement C exam) may be ready to start with PHYSICS 45 in Autumn quarter (and then take PHYSICS 43 in the Winter quarter), or to start with PHYSICS 61 in the Autumn. 
  • Students are individually advised on the best entry point into either the PHYSICS 40 series or PHYSICS 61, 71, 81 on the basis of their score on the Physics Placement Diagnostic , which is available online.
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Why Study Physics?

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There are hundreds of possible college majors and minors. So why should you study physics?

Physics is interesting.

Physics helps us to understand how the world around us works , from can openers, light bulbs and cell phones to muscles, lungs and brains; from paints, piccolos and pirouettes to cameras, cars and cathedrals; from earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes to quarks, DNA and black holes. From the prosaic . . . to the profound . . . to the poetic. . .

Physics helps us to organize the universe. It deals with fundamentals, and helps us to see the connections between seemly disparate phenomena.

Physics gives us powerful tools to help us to express our creativity , to see the world in new ways and then to change it.

Physics is useful.

Physics provides quantitative and analytic skills needed for analyzing data and solving problems in the sciences, engineering and medicine, as well as in economics, finance, management, law and public policy.

Physics is the basis for most modern technology , and for the tools and instruments used in scientific, engineering and medical research and development. Manufacturing is dominated by physics-based technology.

Physics helps you to help others. Doctors that don’t understand physics can be dangerous. Medicine without physics technology would be barbaric. Schools without qualified physics teachers cut their students off from a host of well-respected, well paying careers.

Students who study physics do better on SAT, MCAT and GRE tests. Physics majors do better on MCATs than bio or chem majors .

Majoring in physics provides excellent preparation for graduate study not just in physics, but in all engineering and information/computer science disciplines; in the life sciences including molecular biology, genetics and neurobiology; in earth, atmospheric and ocean science; in finance and economics; and in public policy and journalism.

Physics opens the door to many career options.

More options, in fact, than almost any other college subject. Conversely, not taking physics closes the door to more career options. You can't become an engineer or a doctor without physics; you’re far less likely to get a job in teaching; your video games will be boring and your animated movies won’t look realistic; and your policy judgments on global warming will be less compelling.

College and corporate recruiters recognize the value of physics training.

Although the number of job ads specifically asking for physicists is smaller than, e.g., for engineers, the job market for those with skills in physics is more diverse and is always strong .

Because physics encourages quantitative, analytical and “big picture” thinking, physicists are more likely to end up in top management and policy positions than other technical professionals. Of the three top science-related positions in the U.S. government, two - Energy Secretary and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy - are currently held by physicists.

Physics is challenging.

This is one aspect that scares off many students. But it is precisely one of the most important reasons why you should study physics!

All of us - including professional physicists - find college physics courses challenging, because they require us to master the many concepts and skills that make training in physics so valuable in such a wide range of careers.

This also means that physics is much harder to learn after college (on your own or on the job) than other subjects like history or psychology or computer programming. You’ll get the most bang for your college buck if you take physics and other hard-to-learn subjects in your undergraduate years. You don't need to earn As or even Bs. You just need to learn enough to have a basis for future learning and professional growth.

Learn more about Physics at Cornell .

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Why major in physics.

An essay by Patrick Madigan, Bates physics alum

I wanted to let you know how physics has helped me throughout my career. I’ve written below what is basically an historical account of what I’ve done since graduating and the items that I needed to become proficient in to be successful.  In all of these subjects, I relied on the basics that I learned in physics to help me quickly understand and apply the knowledge to solve the problem.  I hope this helps people who are considering majoring in physics.

I liked math in High School and took calculus as a senior but it was only when I took physics  that math had real value to me.  In physics class we put mathematics to work actually solving problems and with calculus the problems were much more real.  I never understood math for math’s sake.  I took a PG year at The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey where I took the BC version of AP Calculus and AP Physics.  I really enjoyed AP Physics at Lawrenceville because with calculus the problems became more interesting and the more difficult. I interviewed with George Ruff when I visited Bates and had a good feeling about the program.  My family wanted me to major in Geo-physics since the family knew someone that had a very prestigious job with Exxon.  I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do with a degree in physics but I didn’t have much interest in Geology.

My first job after graduation was at Hamilton Standard, a division of United Technologies which makes electronic engine and flight controls for military and commercial aircraft.  I was hired to perform EMI (Electromagnetic Interference), Lightning and Nuclear Hardness testing at the system, subsystem and in some cases the electronic component level.  I was chosen for the job because with my degree I understood the electromagnetic spectrum, how waves interact with different size apertures based on wavelength, how impedance is affected by frequency, and other general rules of E&M. We designed electronic engine controls which could withstand the plane being struck by lightning through a balance of countermeasures of shielding and peak voltage clamping at the inputs.  A lightning strike is comprised of high and low frequency components that require very different solutions, something that Electrical Engineers didn’t have much appreciation for.  The nuclear hardness testing consisted of bombarding electronic components with Gamma radiation or neutrons from the Sandia Pulse Reactor (SPUR) to determine survivability during a nuclear strike.  The bulk of this work was done for the Stealth Bomber and similar aircraft.

After four years I left Hamilton and started a company that manufactures plastic packaging.  In the early years the company primarily made aluminum molds so I learned how to design (CAD, Solid Modeling) and machine aluminum (CAM, CNC Machines).  Along the way my background in mechanics and E&M helped me quickly understand electronic data communications, how cutting tool geometries work, radial cutting speeds, chip loads etc.  The plastic forming process consists of heating sheet plastic material to the edge of liquid state, forming the material over the aluminum molds which are water cooled to remove the heat and therefore set the material in the formed shape.  This required installing large compressed air systems and chilled water systems.  Background knowledge in thermodynamics helped me better understand what was happening during the forming process because I understood heat flow, heat density, heat capacities of different materials etc.  When purchasing some of the larger systems I was able to push for more efficient designs and create systems that had two uses.  For example our compressed air system rejected enough thermal energy to heat the factory in the cooler months.

Along with installing manufacturing infrastructure I needed a system to keep track of manufactured items.  For example, the system needed to keep track of an order for 10,000 items manufactured over several days by two people, each on a different shift, with a specific amount of material.  How much total time did this take?  How much Material?  How much scrap was there?  Did the job run at the estimated level?  What was in inventory?   What was on order?  I found out years later that this is called an ERP system but 25 years ago I built an industry specific one out of need.  My physics background allowed me to take a systematic approach to solve complex business issues.

A great book I read along the way was The Goal. It was written by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt, a physicist and philosopher, and looks at business as a constraint problem making business seem more scientific ( http://www.goldratt.com ).  The approach is similar to the Lean Manufacturing principles made famous by the Toyota Production System (TPS).  Both of these approaches treat business as a system that first needs to be modeled and then can be improved by adjusting the model.  I think anyone who majors in physics would be extremely comfortable with this approach.  More and more businesses have realized that they need to approach their particular market this way if they are ever going to make progress in becoming “best in class”.

Finally, there are a lot of people in business that struggle with numbers.  Certainly any physics graduate can easily handle the kind of numbers and structures found on a Profit and Loss Statement.  With so much specialization these days, a typical physics student is the opposite with a background in how many things work.

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physics major essay

How to Write the “Why this Major” College Essay + Examples

What’s covered:.

  • What is the “Why This Major” Essay?
  • Examples of “Why This Major?” Essay Prompts
  • Tips for Writing the “Why This Major?” Essay
  • “Why This Major?” Essay Examples

What to Do If You’re Undecided

The “Why This Major?” essay is a common prompt that nearly every college applicant will have to answer at least once. In this post, we’ll go over the purpose of this essay, examples of real prompts, sample responses, and expert tips for writing your own essay. If one of the colleges on your list asks you to respond to this prompt, you’ll be well-prepared after reading this post. 

What is the “Why This Major” Essay? 

In the college admissions process, you’ll need to submit two main types of essays: the personal statement and supplemental essays. The personal statement is your main application essay that goes to every school you apply to. The goal of this essay is to share more about who you are and your development. 

On the other hand, supplemental essays only go to specific schools, and each school requests their own essays. The goal of these essays is to showcase your fit with the school. Common prompts include “ Why This College? ”, “ Describe an Extracurricular ,” and “Why This Major?” 

The “Why This Major?” prompt in particular asks you, unsurprisingly, to explain your interest in your intended major. Colleges want to understand where you’re coming from academically, what your intellectual passions are, and what you plan to do professionally (at least roughly). If you aren’t 100% sure about what you want to study, that’s totally fine, but you do want to show that you’re an overall curious, engaged student.

It’s also meant to gauge your academic fit with the college, so you should be sure to cover school-specific resources related to your intended major that will help you achieve your goals. In other words, this prompt should actually be considered “Why This Major at This School?” 

Examples of “Why This Major?” Essay Prompts 

Before we dive in, let’s first take a look at some real-life examples of these prompts. 

For example, Yale requests that students write a 200-word supplemental essay based on the following prompt: 

Similarly, Purdue asks applicants to write 250 words in response to the below statement:

Carnegie Mellon , another top college, requires students to discuss the evolution of their proposed field of study, in 300 words or less: 

Finally, the University of Michigan asks students to craft a slightly longer essay, up to 500 words, about the qualities that attracted them to the college or school they’re applying to and how the curriculum will support their interests.

Tips for Writing the “Why This Major?” Essay 

Answering the “Why This Major?” prompt may seem like a difficult task. However, there are tips to help simplify the process and ensure your response addresses the question fully and effectively. Here are three steps for writing a standout essay about your major of choice: 

1. Share how your academic interest developed.  

The first step in crafting an effective “Why This Major?” essay is explaining your emotional resonance with the subject, and your background in it. While you might be tempted to write about your passion for the subject in flowery language, it’s better to share specific experiences that show how your interest developed. You should cover both the coursework that you’ve done in the field and any relevant extracurricular experiences. If you have space, you can also add in the specific subtopics that interest you within the major (i.e. analyzing gender relations or racism within the broader topic of sociology). 

You might also consider sharing a short anecdote related to your interest in the major. This strategy is especially effective at the beginning of the essay, as telling a story will both draw in the reader and provide context for your academic interest. For example, if you’re interested in studying English at Yale, you could start your essay by describing a childhood ritual in which you and your dad went to the library every Saturday.  

However, while anecdotes are crucial components of a college essay, students should choose what details to include with care. The most impactful essays tell a story, so you should refrain from listing all of your extracurricular activities that relate to your chosen major. This is not a resume! Instead, find ways of connecting your initial anecdote with your desire to pursue your major. For example, perhaps your early experiences at the library led you to get a job at a local bookstore and organize author readings for the community.

2. Detail your reasoning and goals.  

It’s not enough to express your passion for a particular subject. You also want to describe your goals and explain how majoring in your chosen field will help you achieve them. Perhaps your early experiences with authors inspired you to start a novel. You can further explain how majoring in English will enable you to study the great works of literature, thereby providing you with the background and foundation needed to find success as a writer.  

3. Explain your school choice.  

Finally, a “Why This Major?” essay should reveal how the college in question will help you achieve your goals. Your reasons should extend beyond “the college is highly ranked for this major,” as no matter how excellent the school’s reputation is, there are assuredly other colleges out there that are also strong in this department. Instead, dive into the curriculum, teaching methodology, specific classes, professors who are doing work in your area of interest, or other resources that can be found only at that school. 

For example, if you’re passionate about becoming a writer one day, take time to explain how Yale’s English program will set you on the road to success. Perhaps you’re interested in studying British greats through the famed Yale in London study abroad program. Or, maybe you plan on pursuing the Creative Writing Concentration as a senior to further refine your abilities to craft engaging narratives with compelling characters. 

You could also mention a desire to take a particular course, study with a certain professor, or work on the school newspaper. Just be careful not to “name-drop” professors⁠—only mention a specific faculty member if their work is highly relevant to your interests. Otherwise, your interest will look disingenuous.

“Why This Major?” Essay Examples 

To give you a better idea of what these essays should look like, below are a few example responses to the “Why This Major?” prompt.

One Christmas morning, when I was nine, I opened a snap circuit set from my grandmother. Although I had always loved math and science, I didn’t realize my passion for engineering until I spent the rest of winter break creating different circuits to power various lights, alarms, and sensors. Even after I outgrew the toy, I kept the set in my bedroom at home and knew I wanted to study engineering. Later, in a high school biology class, I learned that engineering didn’t only apply to circuits, but also to medical devices that could improve people’s quality of life. Biomedical engineering allows me to pursue my academic passions and help people at the same time.

Just as biology and engineering interact in biomedical engineering, I am fascinated by interdisciplinary research in my chosen career path. Duke offers unmatched resources, such as DUhatch and The Foundry, that will enrich my engineering education and help me practice creative problem-solving skills. The emphasis on entrepreneurship within these resources will also help me to make a helpful product. Duke’s Bass Connections program also interests me; I firmly believe that the most creative and necessary problem-solving comes by bringing people together from different backgrounds. Through this program, I can use my engineering education to solve complicated societal problems such as creating sustainable surgical tools for low-income countries. Along the way, I can learn alongside experts in the field. Duke’s openness and collaborative culture span across its academic disciplines, making Duke the best place for me to grow both as an engineer and as a social advocate. 

This student does a great job of sharing how their interest in biomedical engineering developed. They begin the essay with an anecdote, which is more engaging and personal than simply stating “I want to study X major because…” and then smoothly take us into the present, and show how their understanding of the field has become more sophisticated over time. It’s also clear this student has done their research on how Duke specifically can help them achieve their goal of being an engineer and social advocate, as they’re able to name several relevant resources at Duke, such as DUhatch, The Foundry, and the Bass Connections program. 

I woke up. The curtains filtered the sun’s rays, hitting my face directly. I got up, looked from the bathroom to the kitchen, but my dad wasn’t there. I plopped on the couch, then the door opened. My dad walked in, clutching a brown paper bag with ninety-nine cent breakfast tacos. After eating, we drove to a customer’s house. He sat me in a chair, lifted the floorboard, and crawled under the house to fix the pipes. As he emerged, he talked, but my mind drifted to the weight of the eleven-millimeter hex wrench in my hand. My interest in mechanical engineering originates from my dad, who was a plumber. When I was fifteen, my dad passed away from cancer that constricted his throat. Holding his calloused hand on his deathbed, I wanted to prevent the suffering of others from cancer. Two years later, when I was given a topic of choice for my chemistry research paper, I stumbled upon an article about gold nanoparticles used for HIV treatment. I decided to steer the topic of gold nanoparticles used for cancer treatment instead, entering the field of nanotechnology. After reading numerous articles and watching college lectures on YouTube, I was utterly captivated by topics like using minuscule devices to induce hyperthermia as a safe method of cancer treatment. Nanotechnology is multi-disciplinary, reinforcing my interest in pursuing mechanical engineering as a gateway to participate in nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the University of Texas at Austin. I have learned that nanotechnology is not limited to stories like mine, but to other issues such as sustainable energy and water development that I hope to work towards. It is important for me to continue helping others without forfeiting my interest in nanotechnology, working in collaboration with both engineering and the medical field.

The narrative style of this essay engages readers and keeps us eager to know what’s going to happen next. In terms of content, the student does a great job of sharing personal and specific details about themselves, the roots of their academic interests, and their motivation to pursue them in college. While this essay is very strong overall, it is missing the “Why nanotechnology at UT Austin?” element of this kind of prompt, and would be even more successful if the student mentioned a particular professor at UT Austin doing research in their area of interest, or a lab dedicated to work in the field of nanotechnology.

I held my breath and hit RUN. Yes! A plump white cat jumped out and began to catch the falling pizzas. Although my Fat Cat project seems simple now, it was the beginning of an enthusiastic passion for computer science. Four years and thousands of hours of programming later, that passion has grown into an intense desire to explore how computer science can serve society. Every day, surrounded by technology that can recognize my face and recommend scarily-specific ads, I’m reminded of Uncle Ben’s advice to a young Spiderman: “With great power comes great responsibility”. Likewise, the need to ensure digital equality has skyrocketed with AI’s far-reaching presence in society; and I believe that digital fairness starts with equality in education. 

The unique use of threads at the College of Computing perfectly matches my interests in AI and its potential use in education; the path of combined threads on Intelligence and People gives me the rare opportunity to delve deep into both areas. I’m particularly intrigued by the rich sets of both knowledge-based and data-driven intelligence courses, as I believe AI should not only show correlation of events, but also provide insight into why they occur. 

In my four years as an enthusiastic online English tutor, I’ve worked hard to help students overcome both financial and technological obstacles in hopes of bringing quality education to people from diverse backgrounds. For this reason, I’m extremely excited by the many courses in the People thread that focus on education and human-centered technology. I’d love to explore how to integrate AI technology into the teaching process to make education more available, affordable, and effective for people everywhere. And with the innumerable opportunities that Georgia Tech has to offer, I know that I will be able to go further here than anywhere else.

This essay has a great hook—it captures the reader’s attention and draws them into the story right away. Through this anecdote, the student shows their personality and interests, and then deftly transitions into talking about why Georgia Tech’s computer science program is the right match for them. The student explains how the College of Computing at Georgia Tech fits into their future by referencing “threads,” which are unique to the College of Computing’s curriculum and allow students to apply their CS coursework to particular areas. 

Just because you haven’t decided on a concentration doesn’t mean you’re out of luck when it comes to writing the “Why This Major?” essay. Ultimately, schools care less about knowing that you have your whole academic career planned out, and more about seeing that you are a genuinely curious, engaged student who does have intellectual passions, even if you’re still figuring out which one you want to pursue as a major. 

If you’re still undecided, you can opt to write about 1-3 potential majors (depending on the word count), while detailing how the school can help you choose one, as well as meet your broader academic goals. For best results, include personal anecdotes about a few academic subjects or courses that have inspired you, and share some potential career paths stemming from them. For more tips, see our post on how to write the “Why this major?” essay if you’re undecided . 

Where to Get Your “Why This Major?” Essay Edited 

Do you want feedback on your “Why This Major?” essay? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.  

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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physics major essay

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When declaring a major in Physics, students must submit an essay to their academic advisor for approval.  This essay should be 250 - 500 words and should include:

A statement of your goals in pursuing a physics major;

Areas of physics that represent your greatest interests (e.g., astrophysics);

A brief description of other academic concentrations you are planning (e.g., a minor in mathematics) and how those areas complement your interests in physics;

A description of your plans after graduation.

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Physics library

Welcome to the physics library, unit 1: one-dimensional motion, unit 2: two-dimensional motion, unit 3: forces and newton's laws of motion, unit 4: centripetal force and gravitation, unit 5: work and energy, unit 6: impacts and linear momentum, unit 7: torque and angular momentum, unit 8: oscillations and mechanical waves, unit 9: fluids, unit 10: thermodynamics, unit 11: electric charge, field, and potential, unit 12: circuits, unit 13: magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and faraday's law, unit 14: electromagnetic waves and interference, unit 15: geometric optics, unit 16: special relativity, unit 17: quantum physics, unit 18: discoveries and projects, unit 19: review for ap physics 1 exam.

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  • Graduate Studies in A&S

Your Personal Statement for Graduate School

Starting from scratch.

The personal statement is your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee about why they should accept you. This means you need to brag. Not be humble, not humblebrag, but brag. Tell everybody why you are great and why you’ll make a fantastic physicist (just, try not to come off as a jerk).

There are three main points you need to hit in your essay:

  • Your experience in physics.  Direct discussion of your background in physics and your qualifications for graduate studies should comprise the bulk of your essay. What research did you do, and did you discover anything? Did you take inspiring coursework or go to a cool seminar? What do you want to do in graduate school? There’s a ton to discuss.
  • Your personal characteristics.  What makes you stand out? You’ve probably done a lot in college that’s not physics research or coursework. You need to mention the most impressive or meaningful of these commitments and accomplishments, and you need to demonstrate how they will eventually make you a better physicist. Are you a leader? A fundraiser? A teacher? A competitive mathematician? A team player? An activist for social change?  All of these not-physics experiences may translate over to skills that will help you as a physics professor or researcher someday, and you can point this out!
  • Context for your accomplishments.  Is there anything else about your personal history or college experience that an admissions committee needs to know? The application form itself may only have space for you to list raw scores and awards, but graduate schools evaluate applications holistically. Thus they ask for the  essay  so you have a chance to tell your story and bring forth any personal details (including obstacles you overcame) to help the committee understand how great you truly are. Your application readers want to help you, and they’re giving you the chance to show how hard you’ve worked and how far you’ve come. But it’s up to you to connect the dots.

This type of essay is a lot more serious and a lot less creative than a college essay, a law school essay, or an essay for admission to a humanities PhD program. You’re basically trying to list a lot of facts about yourself in as small a space as possible. This is the place to tell everyone why you’re great. Do not hold back on pertinent information.

The following is going to be a general guide about how to write a first draft of your main graduate school essay. By no means think this is the only way to do it — there are plenty of possibilities for essay-writing! However, see this as a good way to get started or brainstorm.

If you’re completely stuck, a good way to start writing your essay is to compose each of the five main components separately.

  • Your research experience
  • Your outside activities or work experience
  • Personal circumstances
  • A story about you that can serve as a hook 
  • Your future goals + why you chose to apply to each school

At the end, we’ll piece these five different disjoint pieces together into one coherent essay.

1. Your research experience (and scientific industry employment)

This is the most important part of your essay, so it’s the place that we’ll start. We’ll pretend we’re structuring each research experience as its own paragraph (you can go longer or shorter, depending on how much time you spent in each lab or how much progress you made). Let’s see how it might work:

  • .Simple overview of research: what you worked on, the name of your primary supervisor (professor or boss), and the location (university + department or company + division). The first time you mention a professor, you call them by their first and last name: “I worked for Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown in Hill Valley.” All subsequent times, you address them by their title and last name: “Dr. Brown and I worked on time travel.”
  • “My research group was trying to build a time machine. My specific project was to improve the flux capacitor needed to make the machine work. I was able to make the capacitor exceed the 1.21 gigawatts needed for it to work. In addition, I helped do minor mechanical repairs on the DeLorean in which we built it.”
  • “When I came back, I decided to take two additional graduate-level courses on time travel, and I found a similar internship the following summer.”

Then you just jam it all together into a semi-coherent paragraph:

In 1985, I worked for Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown in Hill Valley. Dr. Brown’s research group was trying to build a time machine. My specific project was to improve the flux capacitor needed to make the machine work. I was able to make the capacitor exceed the 1.21 gigawatts needed for it to work. In addition, I helped do minor mechanical repairs on the DeLorean in which we built it. When I came back, I decided to take two additional graduate-level courses on time travel, and I found a similar internship the following summer .

You’re not a character from  Back to the Future , and it’s not beautiful prose, but you have to start somewhere. It’s more important to get all the facts you need down on the page before you work too hard on editing. Save that for after you have a well-structured and mostly-written essay.

2. (A) Your primary extracurricular activities or (B) your primary life experiences

(A) Tell the committee about any other major honors or experiences you’ve had in physics. Also write a paragraph or two about your interests outside of physics class and science research. Use this space to highlight the really impressive features of your activities:

  • a second major or minor
  • leadership positions in clubs, student representative to department/university committees, elected position in student government
  • science clubs: Society of Physics Students, Math Club, engineering organizations, societies for students underrepresented in the sciences, etc.
  • teaching activities: TA positions, tutoring, volunteer teaching commitments in any field of study, coaching a team, etc.
  • other regular volunteering activities
  • science advocacy and activism: political issues (government funding, global warming, nuclear policy, etc), improving diversity and inclusion in the sciences, science outreach on campus or in the local community
  • a significant time commitment: varsity sports, heavy school-year employment, etc.
  • other relevant skills: writing/publishing experience, public speaking, proficiency in other languages
  • major fellowships, scholarships, honors, prizes, or awards you’ve won and if needed, an explanation of their significance/meaning
  • attendance of physics conferences, symposia, summer schools, etc. that you haven’t already been able to mention in conjunction with the description of your research

If you have done many extracurricular activities, focus your 1-2 paragraphs on leadership positions, teaching, and service, particularly in the sciences.

(B) If you came to college a few years after you left high school, or if you are coming to graduate school a few years after you left college, then you need to write a few paragraphs discussing those life experiences. What did you do during that time? What experiences led you to choose physics graduate school as your next step? If you applied earlier but your application was rejected, how have you become more qualified since the last time you applied? You can feel free to ignore some of the advice we give later about how much of the essay you should focus on discussing physics experiences — structure the essay however you need to, to get the pertinent information across. Also, use Google extensively to find advice from other people who were in a situation similar to yours.

3. Personal circumstances

Now, look back at the various disjoint pieces of your essay that you need to fit together. What else might be relevant about you that you haven’t been able to mention yet?

Are there any major shortcomings in your application package? You need to address these, but do so INDIRECTLY. If you point your own flaws out to the committee directly, you are setting yourself up for failure. However, it is possible to leave pointed explanations for them in plain sight in your essay.  For example, if you have a GPA that might seem low by normal graduate school standards, you could explain the significant amount of time you devoted to other major activities or a job, or describe any obstacles you have had to overcome (with the implication that you did so while still maintaining a GPA and completing your degree).

Even if your raw scores are perfect and your research excellent, you need to make your application stand out by letting the reader know who you are as a person. More specifically, you need to give some indication of how you will contribute to the diversity in background, experience, perspective, talents, and interests of students in the program.

  • To quote a CommonApp essay prompt, “Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.”
  • What makes you  you ? What makes you interesting/fun/cool? What makes you stand out that won’t already be visible from your transcripts, recommendation letters, and application forms? How might you contribute to the diversity in background, experience, perspective, talents, and interests of students in a graduate program?
  • How did you end up in physics? Why do you want to pursue physics? Is there some event, course, experience, or activity that was particularly meaningful for your life or that guided you into this path?
  • Was there an extenuating circumstance that affected your performance in college? Think carefully about how and where you will discuss it. For example, you could frame it in a positive light so that you come off as resilient. An example might be “Despite [this factor], I was still able to [accomplish that].” You can also ask a trusted professor to mention it in their reference letter.

4. The hook

The final major piece of writing we’re going to do is a hook to open your essay. Do you have some anecdote, story, or achievement that will really grab the reader’s attention right away? They’re reading through nearly a thousand applications in hopes of narrowing down the pile to under a hundred, so what will make you be among those who stand out? Think about this as you assemble the rest of your essay.

5. Your future goals and why you’re interested in each graduate school

For every school you’re applying to, you need to write 1-2 paragraphs (~10% of the essay) about why you’re applying to that school.

Now this can be tricky. You need to gather some information via the Google about each individual school beforehand:

  • What would you be interested in researching at that school? Are there particular professors who stand out?
  • Does the school prefer if you have a fairly defined idea of the 2-3 people you’d want to work for ahead of time, or do they favor applicants who aren’t certain yet?
  • Does the school evaluate all applications at the same time, or do they send your application to separate committees for the research subfield(s) you indicate on the application form?
  • Why are you going to graduate school and/or what do you want to do afterwards? How will your five to seven year experience doing a PhD at a certain place prepare you for that path?

Even if you definitely know what you want to do or even if you’re completely sure you need to explore a few areas of physics, you need to write this section of your essay to cater towards each school. This involves a few hours of research on each school’s website, looking up the research fields in which the department focuses and learning about the specialization of each professor.

Here’s a good way of compiling your first draft of this section:

  • I [am interested in/want to] work on [one or two research fields you might be interested in]. Specific professors whom I would want to work for are [three to four professors].
  • My life experiences that led me to pick these choices are [something].
  • I am especially excited about [university name]’s [resource/opportunity] in [something to do with physics].

6. Compiling your final essay

By now, you should have written (most of) the disjoint individual pieces of the puzzle. You might be under the expected word count, you might be over the expected word count, or you might be right on track. You can forget about all that for now — it’s more important to get something together, and we’ll fix all those details later.

Because you’re probably submitting about a dozen distinct essays, let’s ignore the “Future plans” piece of the essay and try to just get one main body of the essay put together with the other paragraphs. For each school, you’ll tack the “future plans” part of the essay either onto the end of the essay or in some spot you’ve chosen in the middle that helps everything flow. For now, ignore word count and just get words on the page. You can go back through and slice out sections of the main essay to meet smaller word counts for certain schools.

Look at the pieces of your life. How do they logically fit together? Is your story best told chronologically, with one research experience or activity falling logically after the other? Or is there something that makes you so unique and special that it belongs right at the very beginning of the essay? Sort the pieces so that they assemble in a good order.

Next, we need to check on the size of these pieces. At the very least, discussion of research activities/STEM work experience and your future goals in research should make up 75-80% of your essay. If you wrote many long, elaborate paragraphs about your time in your fraternity or on the women’s tennis team, now is the time to scale that back to only a sentence. Remember that the admissions committees truly only care about your potential to succeed in the future as a physicist. If you couldn’t give a clear explanation to your major advisor about how a tangential experience shows your potential to succeed in physics, you shouldn’t include it. (Note that “I got straight A’s in graduate courses while also involved in [major time commitment]”  is   an acceptable reason to include something and is beneficial to state.)

Did you talk about anything that happened in your childhood? (“I was interested in physics since in the womb”) Get rid of it. The only things that happened before college that are appropriate to mention are: (1)  some significant aspect of your personal background that your application would be incomplete without, or (2)  major college-level achievements: research leading to a publication, getting a medal in the International Physics/Math Olympiad, or dual-enrollment programs. However, mention items from (2) sparingly. You want to show that you’ve made major strides in the past four years; do not focus on your glory days in the past.

Do your paragraphs transition neatly from one to the next, or does your essay still feel off-kilter? A simple one sentence transition between paragraphs – either at the end of one or at the start of the next – can do wonders for your essay. Make sure it would make sense to someone who doesn’t know your background as well as you. Use the transition sentences to make your essay more interesting. Tell a story.

Congratulations. Now you have your first real draft of facts. Before you joyously run to your computer to submit your graduate application or run to your professor to give it a look over, go to one of your friends first.

The biggest danger with a graduate admissions essay is that you come off as really self-centered or boring. Nobody wants to read a thousand essays that merely list every single fact about a person’s life; they want to read a story. We helped you put together the bare bones of a graduate admissions essay, but did you tell a story? Did your personality shine through?

It’s a lot easier to go back and do an overhaul of an essay if you have something down on the piece of paper. Your friends might be able to help point out places that you can make your essay flow better or seem more interesting. They can tell you where to add more pizzazz in an otherwise boring research statement (“I worked on computational models of astrophysics during the month of July.” versus “I was so stoked when I found out I’d be modeling exploding stars that summer! That was the moment I knew I wanted to be a physicist.”). Take a day off, walk around, and then go back to your draft ready to show the world how excited you are to be a physicist and what an exciting physicist you are.

Our next section gives general tips for editing your personal statement, no matter whether you took our advice on how to start writing.  Go through these steps very carefully to make sure you have an essay you’re proud of to send off to the admissions committee. 

By the end of this process, you should have an impressive, interesting, factual draft of your qualifications that you’re ready to show a couple of trusted professors. You’ve worked super hard, and you’ve done a good job, we’re sure. However, professors are always critical, so don’t be upset if they tell you quite a few things to change. A young student reads an essay a lot differently than the older professors who are on the admissions committee, so it’s really important to get their perspective. Listen to what they say and truly consider making those changes. Edit once more, and repeat as many times as you need to.

At some point, you’ll finally be done with this long, difficult process and can proudly press “submit!”

General Tips for Editing

First things first: a step-by-step method for proofing your essay:.

Here’s what to do step-by-step once  you’ve followed our advice and have created a full first draft .

  • Read your essay aloud to yourself.  Is it interesting? Would everything make sense to someone who doesn’t know you? Probably not…  See our advice below for making your draft better . You’ll probably need to repeat step 1 many times before you get to something you think has pretty good content and is pretty interesting.
  • Check your grammar, spelling, and style. We have a guide to doing that at the very bottom of this page.  Also, pay attention to your word processor: if there are any bright red or bright green underlines, that should be your first warning sign!
  • Have a trusted friend (or two)   in the sciences  read the essay  for style and voice. Do you have a good opening hook? Are there any passages that make you come off as arrogant, whining, or annoying? (You absolutely have to brag about yourself, but don’t say it in a way that makes you come off as a jerk — scroll down for advice on that.) Have them proof your rewrite for any final errors.
  • Once you’ve gone through steps 1-3 and are completely certain that this is a nearly-perfect draft,  have a PHYSICS PROFESSOR or two read your nearly-final essay.  (D on’t send them an incomplete draft; they’ll get peeved. They’ll probably also only look over it once, so use your one shot wisely. They have a lot of students, you know. ) A graduate admissions essay is very different from a college essay. The physicists reading your application aren’t looking for the student with the most well-rounded course choices, the head of the most clubs, or the person who can write the most creative statement. They’re looking for evidence of the specific attributes that show you have the capability of being a future physicist. This is why you need to ask a  professor  in the field of  physics . Not just a biology professor, not just a physicist in industry; make sure you ask a  physics professor . Have we made this clear?
  • Listen to what you’re proofreaders say and amend your essay, but you don’t have to follow every last bit of advice. If your gut tells you to ignore one or two of their suggested changes, that’s okay. That is,  it’s fine to make sure your essay sounds like you and says everything you want it to say. 
  • Rinse and repeat. (redo steps 2-5)
  • At some point, you’ll either get right up close to the deadline or have a draft you think is final. READ IT ALOUD before you press submit.

General Content Advice

You’re applying to a physics program!

Don’t forget this! The people reading your application care most about your background in, preparation for, and involvement in activities related to physics research. You should be spending almost all of your essay demonstrating your interests and ability to do physics.

It’s okay to mention substantial time commitments and achievements outside physics; however, pay attention to how you do so.  Your capacity and potential to perform scientific research are what you are mainly being judged on,  so description of physics-related research, coursework, and goals should make up most of your main essay (you should aim for 75%+). If an application allows you to write separate research and personal statements, then the former statement needs to be 100% focused on physics, and the latter should frame your physics experiences/goals within the context of your personal life.

  • Absolutely mention  teaching and outreach experiences  if you have any. Grad schools  really do care  about these! It’s great too if some of your teaching experience is in a STEM field.
  • Also, don’t be shy about mentioning participation in  activism , particularly related to  diversity and inclusion  in STEM or higher education.  These are generally not seen as minuses on a physics application, and there are fellowships/ programs related to diversity at some graduate schools.
  • Mention of activities tangential/irrelevant to the sciences should only make up a small portion of your essay, and you should mainly highlight your biggest achievements/time commitments. For example, you shouldn’t make a long list of every one of the dozen intramural sports teams you participated on in college. However, it would be great to mention that you captained the club soccer team or that your volleyball team won a local championship.
  • You need to make sure it doesn’t seem like you would prefer to pursue one of these activities as a full-time career instead of physics research. Remember, you’re applying to a  physics  program! (Perhaps you could frame non-physics activities as demonstrating good aspects of your character: you’re hardworking, a leader, work well on a team, can balance multiple commitments, etc.)

Your essay isn’t meant to be a restatement of your CV. 

The essay illuminates the how and why of what’s on your CV, and connects the dots between experiences.

  • You need to describe your research experiences in depth. What did each of the labs you worked in generally do, and what were your specific contributions? What did you learn about physics in each lab or what new physics did you observe/discover/create? What skills did you develop that will be useful in graduate studies? What did you learn about your own interests and talents in each lab? Did you write any reports or publish any papers? Did you present the work anywhere? Were you listed as an author on someone else’s presentation? Do you have any papers in preparation for publication, or do you plan to in the near future?
  • Second of all, the essay should connect the dots. How did you choose to do what you did in college? How did you choose the research experiences in which you participated? What do you want to do in your graduate studies and further in the future? Why?

Make sure you’ve included information specific to the graduate school you’re writing about. 

Why are you applying to this specific program? What general research area are you leaning towards, and are there any specific professors you would be interested in?  This isn’t a binding commitment. But don’t make yourself seem too narrow: if you say you only would want to go to a certain school if you could work for one or two people, that will severely hurt your chances of getting in.

Have you addressed your shortcomings adequately?

Are there any major shortcomings in your application package? You need to address these, but do so INDIRECTLY. If you point your own flaws out to the committee directly, you are setting yourself up for failure. However, it is possible to leave pointed explanations for them in plain sight in your essay. For example, if you have a GPA that might seem low by normal graduate school standards, you could explain the significant amount of time you devoted to other major activities (with the implication that you did so while still maintaining a respectable GPA and completing your degree)…

Have you fully explained your personal background?

…but even if your raw scores are perfect and your research excellent, you need to make your application stand out by letting the reader know who you are as a person. More specifically, you need to give some indication of how you will contribute to the diversity in background, experience, perspective, talents, and interests of students in the program.

Your essay should contain the highlights of your college career: your experiences, your activities, your awards. But an essay shouldn’t be just a two-page-long list: a good essay conveys a sense of who you are as a person, your personality, and why you are unique or a unique fit for the program.

The application essay is your chance to explain any aspect of your background that is not reflected elsewhere, but that your application would be incomplete without. This is up to you: only you can fully explain your own story.

Along the same line, graduate school admissions committees don’t just admit the set of 22-year-olds who attended the top high schools, then the top-ranked colleges, where they got the top GPA in the toughest classes and were SPS president. Admissions committees consider all criteria in light of where each individual student started out and any circumstances he/she faced along the way.

Students who followed nontraditional paths, came from disadvantaged backgrounds, or faced other extenuating circumstances during college might wish to either mention these in their essay or ask a trusted advisor to write about it in their letter. Some topics you may wish to address are:

  • Factors from before WashU.  Normally, you’re supposed to mention your pre-college experiences only sparingly (or not at all) in an admissions essay. However, there are circumstances in which it may be beneficial. Do you come from an under-resourced background, and you started out college in pre-calculus, which set back your study of physics to sophomore year? Were you hyper-accelerated in math or science, which makes your transcript look very strange and uneven? Did you transfer from a community college? From another college? Does a high school research experience relate to your future interests? Are you graduating early, and why? Anything else? If it’s important, mention it and explain how it affected you!
  • You’re not 22!  Did you take a few gap years to find yourself, work off loans, get married and have kids, or serve in the military? Are you super young? What exactly is your background? What would you want the committee to know to help them evaluate if you’re a good candidate for graduate school? What life experiences have you had that made you want to go to – and that will help you succeed in – graduate school? It would be  abnormal  if  everyone entering a PhD program were 22! If you came from a nontraditional background, explain it, and don’t take our advice too seriously. A different essay style/structure may be more suitable.
  • Personal circumstances.  A parent lost their job mid-college, which impacted your enrollment. You or a family member faced a major health problem. Your hometown suffered a natural disaster. You worked a full-time job while still in school. Another major event in your life. Tips we’ve seen online? You only need to mention the pertinent details, don’t make it the focus of your essay, and be positive — phrase it as what you were able to accomplish in light of a circumstance (instead of describing it in a way that might come off as a complaint).   Another option is to ask a close professor to mention the situation in their reference letter instead. 
  • You made a mistake.  You had trouble adjusting your freshman year of college, but things went up from there. You made bad choices on what to spend your time on a couple semesters. You faced university disciplinary action or committed a non-traffic crime. Talk to your four-year advisor, major advisor, or a trusted professor about what appears on your record, what you have to report on your application, and how to mitigate its negative effects on your future to the greatest extent possible through your personal statement and other minor essays on the application. Always be honest, but always be positive: show how you’ve moved forward and grown since then.
  • Anything else.  The list above was by no means comprehensive! If there is something an admissions committee needs to know in order to understand how great of a fit you are for their program, then mention it. If you have any questions about your essay and it’s contents, please ask a trusted professor.

Make your essay interesting!

The science graduate school application essay may not seem nearly as freeform or fun as your undergraduate CommonApp essay, the paper your roommate’s submitting to an MFA program, or a law school essay. However, the physics professors spending hours reading literally hundreds of essays will appreciate if you make yours more interesting than a list of your achievements. Make your essay stand out as one they’ll remember.

Showcase your personality.  Once you’ve gotten all the necessary facts together in your essay in some sort of coherent order, it’s time to make sure the essay is actually interesting to read. Read it aloud, and have a friend read it aloud. Does the essay convey who you really are, or does it sound like you’re reading some really dry, boring report? Most likely it’s the latter at this point.

Pull out another piece of paper or a new window on your computer screen, and start writing a new version of each paragraph that sounds a bit more interesting, enthusiastic about physics, and fun. It’ll take time, but you can do this without going over the word count. See how different these two sentences sound, even though they’re about the same length and convey the same content:

  • Boring phrasing:  In my sophomore spring, I worked in the theoretical kinematics laboratory of Sir Isaac Newton at Cambridge. We studied the manner in which balls roll down hills.
  • Better phrasing:  Sophomore spring, I enjoyed the opportunity to study the fascinating theoretical nature of how balls roll down hills with Sir Isaac Newton at Cambridge.

Both students convey the necessary facts the graduate committees are looking for: (1) the student worked abroad in a famous person’s lab, (2) the student did theoretical research, and (3) the specific project regarded how balls roll down hills. The first example sounds like a true but boring listing of facts. The second example not only tells what the student did, but also shows the student’s appreciation for the opportunity, as well as that the enthusiastic student found that they enjoyed work of a theoretical nature in this specific subject area.  Instead of directly writing “I love and care about physics,” show it through the way you phrase your essay. 

Don’t come off as unlikable

By now, you have probably been advised a thousand times about what not to write in an application like this one – insults, complaints, or bigoted remarks; opinions on polarized topics distant from physics; any trouble you got into in college that you wouldn’t want your parents to know about; etc.

But sometimes we still say things in personal statements that are meant with entirely good intentions but that other people read the completely wrong way. Your friends and professors should be able to pick some of these out in your essay, but here’s a simple guide to help yourself too.

(1) Don’t name-drop unless it has to do directly with your accomplishments in physics.  Look out for areas of your personal statement that may turn off a reader because you come off as arrogant, spoiled, or out of touch with reality. Also remember that life is not a complete meritocracy. It is much easier to get ahead if you have lots of connections that help you along the way — but despite this, you should not overtly use your personal statement to pull connections that are not directly physics-related.

Here are some exaggerated examples:

Bad:  The summer after junior year, my best friend’s father, Albert Einstein, hooked me up with an internship at Princeton with Eugene Wigner. Better:  The summer after junior year, I took a research internship at Princeton with Eugene Wigner. You don’t have to tell someone you got the internship because you happened to have a great connection (nobody will care that you’re friends with a famous person). It’s better to just say that you did the internship. They will, however, care about the name of the famous person you worked for.

Bad:  I did not do as well on the GRE as I hoped because I crashed my Lamborghini on the way to the test. Better:  I did not do as well on the GRE as I hoped because I got into a car accident on the way to the test. It might be easier to have a friend read for subtle (or not-so-subtle) phrasing and word choices that might read the wrong way to a reader. Here, the mention of the luxury car brand makes it look like the student is trying to show off (and probably doesn’t realize that the car costs more than they’ll earn from graduate school all five years total). 

Bad:  Your university’s biggest donor is a family friend, and five generations of my family have attended your physics graduate program. Better:  When I visited my physics PhD brother at your campus, I enjoyed seeing X, Y, and Z facilities, which I think will be greatly beneficial to my physics education. Also good:  I spent a summer in the laboratory of Professor — at your university, and I would love to continue working for her in graduate school. If you have a connection to the university, don’t just state it. Find a way to phrase it to make you seem more like a better fit for their graduate program.

(2) Please remember that the admissions committee does not owe you anything for any reason.  So, please don’t claim that you deserve admission, honor and recognition, or anything else from them. Do not even make the mistake of phrasing something badly so that it seems like you think that way. It will only make them dislike your application.

Bad:  Given the fact that I won a Fields Medal, a Wolf Prize in Physics, and the Nobel Peace Prize, I am clearly the best applicant out there. Better:  Some of the highlights of my college experience include a Fields Medal, the Nobel Peace Prize, and a Wolf Prize in Physics.

Bad:  I worked so hard in college that I clearly deserve the opportunity to attend your university. Better:  I found the time and effort I put into physics very worthwhile and fun, and I hope to keep working in this field in the future.

Bad:  I am a great fit for your program. Better:  Your program would be a great fit for me.

(3) You got where you are because of hard work, not just raw intelligence.  Or at least, frame it this way. Nobody wants to hear how naturally intelligent you think you are — instead, your personal statement should demonstrate the achievements that your intelligence has earned you. Leave it to your reference writers to provide an external evaluation of your mental capabilities. Just trust us on this one.  Using the same reasoning, don’t tell everyone about qualities of your character. Show them.  Graduate admissions committees are smart. They can infer these things.

Bad:  Because of my natural intelligence and talent for physics, I won the “Best Physicist” prize. Better:  Because of my research efforts, I won the “Best Physicist” prize.

Bad:  I am a super nice person because I help people with physics all the time with volunteer stuff. Better:  Every weekend for two hours, I enjoy showing small children the wonders of physics at the Volunteer Science Thing.

Bad:  I am super smart because I have published three papers. Better:  I have published three papers.

(4) Claim credit for your accomplishments, but give credit to others too where it’s due.  We’re sure you did a ton of hard work in college, and that’s great. However, you need to recognize that it wasn’t just you. Your research advisers, graduate student mentors, classroom professors, and many others helped you get where you are today.  Acknowledge your own successes, but give credit where it is due.

Bad:  Last summer I built the first-ever time travel machine. Better:  Last summer I worked at a secret government agency with a team of twenty scientists under the guidance of Aristotle to build the 21st century’s first-ever time machine.

Bad:  I wrote and published a particle physics paper myself, even though there are three authors. Better:  Professor — guided me through the process of writing and publishing my first-author particle physics paper.

(5)  Don’t be overly negative  or critical of any of your physics experiences.  That is, be yourself, and don’t give opinions that are completely untrue.   If you didn’t like doing theory research, then you don’t have to say you did. But it’s not a good idea to express extreme distaste for any area of physics in your essay — try to find something good about every experience and phrase it in a positive light. Here’s an example of a fib, the way you might be tempted to fix it, and an even better way of doing so:

  • Your original attempt to seem happy:  I worked on computational and analytical aspects of string theory at the Institute of Advanced Study. It was one of the most fascinating experiences of my life and I could see myself doing the exact same thing in graduate school at your great string theory program. I like experimental work too.
  • The way you actually feel about things:  I worked on a project about string theory at the Institute for Advanced Study. My research advisor had me split my time between computational work and pen-and-paper problems. I absolutely hated doing pen-and-paper math. It sucked!
  • A more positive way of phrasing the truth:  I loved the computational aspects of my string theory work at the Institute for Advanced Study. However, the next summer, I discovered that I more enjoyed applying my computational skills in a laboratory setting.

The mechanics of your writing: sentence and word choices

You can make a drastic difference in the quality of your essay just by checking on a few more mechanical aspects of your writing: sentence structures, phrasing, and even grammar. As you work on your drafts, continually try to improve these things. Here are a few of the many aspects to which you might want to pay attention…

Are all of your sentences good sentences?  Are all of your sentences complete? Do any of the sentences run on? Do all the sentences logically follow one another? Does your story make basic sense? Make sure that nothing you wrote sounds or seems awkward!

Make sure your sentence structures aren’t repetitive.  It’s very easy to get caught into the habit of writing, “I did this. I did that. I did the other thing.” Your essay is going to use the first-person pronouns “I” and “we” more than you’re probably used to, but that’s okay and not self-centered. You are writing about yourself, you know! However, there are ways to do it that seem less obnoxious or monotonous. Let’s look at a few examples of how we can rephrase or rearrange sentences so that we don’t get stuck in the same patterns too often.

  • I did research about nuclear reactors under the supervision of Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago last summer.
  • This past summer, I researched nuclear reactors with Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago.
  • Enrico Fermi taught me about building nuclear reactors last summer at the University of Chicago.
  • Nuclear reactors captivated me during my summer internship with Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago.
  • My first exposure to nuclear reactors was last summer, when I worked for Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago.
  • At the University of Chicago, I studied nuclear reactors with Enrico Fermi.
  • When I was at the University of Chicago last summer, I studied nuclear reactors with Enrico Fermi.
  • I want to study theoretical physics in graduate school.
  • At graduate school, I want to study theoretical physics.
  • My preferred area of graduate research would be theoretical physics.
  • My graduate research interests are in theoretical physics.
  • The theoretical physics research opportunities at [insert university here] excite me.
  • Theoretical research most attracts my interests for graduate studies.

As you can see, there are seemingly endless choices for rearranging the words in your sentences or finding ways you can rewrite them that carry across the same (or more!) information.

Make sure your word choices aren’t boring or repetitive.  You might find yourself using only commonplace adjectives over and over again (good, bad, happy, sad, etc.). Or perhaps you do the opposite — you have a plethora of repetitions of the same unusual adjective (like plethora) used multiple times in the same paragraph, one after the other.

Pull out a thesaurus and find some good synonyms! Or better yet, be more accurate about what you want to say. For example, consider word replacements in the overused phrases:

Professor Bender’s least favorite word: interesting. As in, “That research is/was/seems  interesting .”

  • intriguing, fascinating, inspiring, delightful
  • appealing, enticing, exciting, fun
  • novel, cutting-edge, exhilarating
  • challenging, thought-provoking, stimulating

The verb around which your essay is centered: research. “With Arthur Holly Compton, I  researched …”

  • worked on, studied, learned
  • examined, analyzed, investigated, probed, observed, experimented, tested
  • found [a result], discovered, came up with [an idea], unraveled, explained
  • calculated, computed, solved, answered, evaluated
  • formulated, designed, fabricated, planned, developed, created, invented, built, prepared

Be clear and concise.  Most graduate schools only give you two pages to tell your story, even if you think it would be easier to hand in a novel. If you find yourself sitting at your computer with an incredibly long draft, you’re going to need to take out some material.

Start with irrelevant details: you don’t need to tell us that last spring, you worked on a laptop with exactly 16 gigabytes of RAM, 2 terabytes of storage, manufactured by a small company from your homestate, that has exactly 6 bumper stickers decorating its case. Get rid of that paragraph!

Next, look at your research and activity descriptions. Only include the most relevant information. If you got second place in an international physics competition and fourth place in the local math contest, you can remove the latter from the main body of your essay. If you worked on four projects with your biophysics group, two of which led to a paper and two of which mainly consisted of cleaning your mentor’s Petri dishes, then it should be obvious which should deserve most (or all) of your essay’s attention. Don’t be afraid to be vicious with your red pen.

Once you’ve gotten rid of things that are very obviously unnecessary and have cut your essay down to a couple of paragraphs above the required word count, it’s time to start modifying the lengths of your sentences and paragraphs themselves. While it may seem like you’ve done everything right, and that every single thing in your essay is utterly necessary, think again! Remember the paragraph in which we discussed the many ways in which you could rewrite a sentence? (scroll up…) Time to use that same strategy to shorten sentences or combine two short sentences into one long, complex one. Also, if you’re trying to make your essay meet a page count, make sure that none of your paragraphs end with a single word on a line — try to fill up each line with as many characters as possible by changing word choices or phrasing. The best way to do this is to look at some examples.

Example 1 – using abbreviations

  • Old essay.  I worked in the Compton Group at Washington University my freshman summer…The next summer, I went to Fermilab to work on particle physics…In junior year, I worked in an optics laboratory at Washington University…As a senior, I worked on biophysics at Washington University.
  • New essay.   I worked in the Compton Group at Washington University (WU) my freshman summer…The next summer, I went to Fermilab to work on particle physics…In junior year, I worked in a WU optics lab..As a senior, I worked on biophysics at WU.

Example 2 – combining sentences

  • Old.  At graduate school, I would like to study particle physics. I am deeply interested in this topic because of my experience working in Professor Compton’s research group.
  • New.  My past work with Professor Compton has motivated me to study particle physics in graduate school.

Example 3 – choosing shorter words or phrases, even if you think they sound less fancy (scientists prefer clarity and conciseness over clunky phrasing)

  • Old.  My research provides incontrovertible evidence for this.
  • New.  My research proves this.
  • New.  My research demonstrates this.

Example 4 – condensing information that can be grouped together

  • Old.  Team experiences comprised a large and enjoyable part of my college years, both in the laboratory and outside.   My junior year, our math team was in the top ten in the Putnam competition. My senior year, my physics team got a gold medal in the University Physics Competition. I am also on the varsity underwater basket weaving team, which won the University Athletic Association title.
  • New.  During college I enjoyed working with teams both in and out of the lab. Some of my notable team achievements include a top-ten finish in the Putnam math contest, a gold medal in the University Physics Competition, and winning the division title in underwater basket weaving.

There are many other creative ways you can cut down on space in your essay. It may be difficult and time-consuming to cut down your composition to an appropriate length, so be sure to budget enough days before your essays are due!

Look out for silly mistakes!  Make sure you didn’t type something careless like “form” instead of “from.” Double-check that you didn’t confuse your/you’re or there/their/they’re. Are all your commas in the right places? Carefully and slowly read through your essay. If you accidentally had one mistake when you submitted, it probably won’t be a big deal. But if you have multiple careless errors in your essay, the admissions committees might get the wrong impression that you didn’t care enough to write your essay properly.

1.1 Physics: An Introduction

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between a principle and a law.
  • Explain the difference between a model and a theory.

The physical universe is enormously complex in its detail. Every day, each of us observes a great variety of objects and phenomena. Over the centuries, the curiosity of the human race has led us collectively to explore and catalog a tremendous wealth of information. From the flight of birds to the colors of flowers, from lightning to gravity, from quarks to clusters of galaxies, from the flow of time to the mystery of the creation of the universe, we have asked questions and assembled huge arrays of facts. In the face of all these details, we have discovered that a surprisingly small and unified set of physical laws can explain what we observe. As humans, we make generalizations and seek order. We have found that nature is remarkably cooperative—it exhibits the underlying order and simplicity we so value.

It is the underlying order of nature that makes science in general, and physics in particular, so enjoyable to study. For example, what do a bag of chips and a car battery have in common? Both contain energy that can be converted to other forms. The law of conservation of energy (which says that energy can change form but is never lost) ties together such topics as food calories, batteries, heat, light, and watch springs. Understanding this law makes it easier to learn about the various forms energy takes and how they relate to one another. Apparently unrelated topics are connected through broadly applicable physical laws, permitting an understanding beyond just the memorization of lists of facts.

The unifying aspect of physical laws and the basic simplicity of nature form the underlying themes of this text. In learning to apply these laws, you will, of course, study the most important topics in physics. More importantly, you will gain analytical abilities that will enable you to apply these laws far beyond the scope of what can be included in a single book. These analytical skills will help you to excel academically, and they will also help you to think critically in any professional career you choose to pursue. This module discusses the realm of physics (to define what physics is), some applications of physics (to illustrate its relevance to other disciplines), and more precisely what constitutes a physical law (to illuminate the importance of experimentation to theory).

Science and the Realm of Physics

Science consists of the theories and laws that are the general truths of nature as well as the body of knowledge they encompass. Scientists are continually trying to expand this body of knowledge and to perfect the expression of the laws that describe it. Physics is concerned with describing the interactions of energy, matter, space, and time, and it is especially interested in what fundamental mechanisms underlie every phenomenon. The concern for describing the basic phenomena in nature essentially defines the realm of physics .

Physics aims to describe the function of everything around us, from the movement of tiny charged particles to the motion of people, cars, and spaceships. In fact, almost everything around you can be described quite accurately by the laws of physics. Consider a smart phone ( Figure 1.3 ). Physics describes how electricity interacts with the various circuits inside the device. This knowledge helps engineers select the appropriate materials and circuit layout when building the smart phone. Next, consider a GPS system. Physics describes the relationship between the speed of an object, the distance over which it travels, and the time it takes to travel that distance. GPS relies on precise calculations that account for variations in the Earth's landscapes, the exact distance between orbiting satellites, and even the effect of a complex occurrence of time dilation. Most of these calculations are founded on algorithms developed by Gladys West, a mathematician and computer scientist who programmed the first computers capable of highly accurate remote sensing and positioning. When you use a GPS device, it utilizes these algorithms to recognize where you are and how your position relates to other objects on Earth.

Applications of Physics

You need not be a scientist to use physics. On the contrary, knowledge of physics is useful in everyday situations as well as in nonscientific professions. It can help you understand how microwave ovens work, why metals should not be put into them, and why they might affect pacemakers. (See Figure 1.4 and Figure 1.5 .) Physics allows you to understand the hazards of radiation and rationally evaluate these hazards more easily. Physics also explains the reason why a black car radiator helps remove heat in a car engine, and it explains why a white roof helps keep the inside of a house cool. Similarly, the operation of a car’s ignition system as well as the transmission of electrical signals through our body’s nervous system are much easier to understand when you think about them in terms of basic physics.

Physics is the foundation of many important disciplines and contributes directly to others. Chemistry, for example—since it deals with the interactions of atoms and molecules—is rooted in atomic and molecular physics. Most branches of engineering are applied physics. In architecture, physics is at the heart of structural stability, and is involved in the acoustics, heating, lighting, and cooling of buildings. Parts of geology rely heavily on physics, such as radioactive dating of rocks, earthquake analysis, and heat transfer in the Earth. Some disciplines, such as biophysics and geophysics, are hybrids of physics and other disciplines.

Physics has many applications in the biological sciences. On the microscopic level, it helps describe the properties of cell walls and cell membranes ( Figure 1.6 and Figure 1.7 ). On the macroscopic level, it can explain the heat, work, and power associated with the human body. Physics is involved in medical diagnostics, such as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasonic blood flow measurements. Medical therapy sometimes directly involves physics; for example, cancer radiotherapy uses ionizing radiation. Physics can also explain sensory phenomena, such as how musical instruments make sound, how the eye detects color, and how lasers can transmit information.

It is not necessary to formally study all applications of physics. What is most useful is knowledge of the basic laws of physics and a skill in the analytical methods for applying them. The study of physics also can improve your problem-solving skills. Furthermore, physics has retained the most basic aspects of science, so it is used by all of the sciences, and the study of physics makes other sciences easier to understand.

Models, Theories, and Laws; The Role of Experimentation

The laws of nature are concise descriptions of the universe around us; they are human statements of the underlying laws or rules that all natural processes follow. Such laws are intrinsic to the universe; humans did not create them and so cannot change them. We can only discover and understand them. Their discovery is a very human endeavor, with all the elements of mystery, imagination, struggle, triumph, and disappointment inherent in any creative effort. (See Figure 1.8 and Figure 1.9 .) The cornerstone of discovering natural laws is observation; science must describe the universe as it is, not as we may imagine it to be.

We all are curious to some extent. We look around, make generalizations, and try to understand what we see—for example, we look up and wonder whether one type of cloud signals an oncoming storm. As we become serious about exploring nature, we become more organized and formal in collecting and analyzing data. We attempt greater precision, perform controlled experiments (if we can), and write down ideas about how the data may be organized and unified. We then formulate models, theories, and laws based on the data we have collected and analyzed to generalize and communicate the results of these experiments.

A model is a representation of something that is often too difficult (or impossible) to display directly. While a model is justified with experimental proof, it is only accurate under limited situations. An example is the planetary model of the atom in which electrons are pictured as orbiting the nucleus, analogous to the way planets orbit the Sun. (See Figure 1.10 .) We cannot observe electron orbits directly, but the mental image helps explain the observations we can make, such as the emission of light from hot gases (atomic spectra). Physicists use models for a variety of purposes. For example, models can help physicists analyze a scenario and perform a calculation, or they can be used to represent a situation in the form of a computer simulation. A theory is an explanation for patterns in nature that is supported by scientific evidence and verified multiple times by various groups of researchers. Some theories include models to help visualize phenomena, whereas others do not. Newton’s theory of gravity, for example, does not require a model or mental image, because we can observe the objects directly with our own senses. The kinetic theory of gases, on the other hand, is a model in which a gas is viewed as being composed of atoms and molecules. Atoms and molecules are too small to be observed directly with our senses—thus, we picture them mentally to understand what our instruments tell us about the behavior of gases.

A law uses concise language to describe a generalized pattern in nature that is supported by scientific evidence and repeated experiments. Often, a law can be expressed in the form of a single mathematical equation. Laws and theories are similar in that they are both scientific statements that result from a tested hypothesis and are supported by scientific evidence. However, the designation law is reserved for a concise and very general statement that describes phenomena in nature, such as the law that energy is conserved during any process, or Newton’s second law of motion, which relates force, mass, and acceleration by the simple equation F = m a F = m a . A theory, in contrast, is a less concise statement of observed phenomena. For example, the Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Relativity cannot be expressed concisely enough to be considered a law. The biggest difference between a law and a theory is that a theory is much more complex and dynamic. A law describes a single action, whereas a theory explains an entire group of related phenomena. And, whereas a law is a postulate that forms the foundation of the scientific method, a theory is the end result of that process.

Less broadly applicable statements are usually called principles (such as Pascal’s principle, which is applicable only in fluids), but the distinction between laws and principles often is not carefully made.

Models, Theories, and Laws

Models, theories, and laws are used to help scientists analyze the data they have already collected. However, often after a model, theory, or law has been developed, it points scientists toward new discoveries they would not otherwise have made.

The models, theories, and laws we devise sometimes imply the existence of objects or phenomena as yet unobserved. These predictions are remarkable triumphs and tributes to the power of science. It is the underlying order in the universe that enables scientists to make such spectacular predictions. However, if experiment does not verify our predictions, then the theory or law is wrong, no matter how elegant or convenient it is. Laws can never be known with absolute certainty because it is impossible to perform every imaginable experiment in order to confirm a law in every possible scenario. Physicists operate under the assumption that all scientific laws and theories are valid until a counterexample is observed. If a good-quality, verifiable experiment contradicts a well-established law, then the law must be modified or overthrown completely.

The study of science in general and physics in particular is an adventure much like the exploration of uncharted ocean. Discoveries are made; models, theories, and laws are formulated; and the beauty of the physical universe is made more sublime for the insights gained.

The Scientific Method

Ibn al-Haytham (sometimes referred to as Alhazen), a 10th-11th century scientist working in Cairo, significantly advanced the understanding of optics and vision. But his contributions go much further. In demonstrating that previous approaches were incorrect, he emphasized that scientists must be ready to reject existing knowledge and become "the enemy" of everything they read; he expressed that scientists must trust only objective evidence. Al-Haytham emphasized repeated experimentation and validation, and acknowledged that senses and predisposition could lead to poor conclusions. His work was a precursor to the scientific method that we use today.

As scientists inquire and gather information about the world, they follow a process called the scientific method . This process typically begins with an observation and question that the scientist will research. Next, the scientist typically performs some research about the topic and then devises a hypothesis. Then, the scientist will test the hypothesis by performing an experiment. Finally, the scientist analyzes the results of the experiment and draws a conclusion. Note that the scientific method can be applied to many situations that are not limited to science, and this method can be modified to suit the situation.

Consider an example. Let us say that you try to turn on your car, but it will not start. You undoubtedly wonder: Why will the car not start? You can follow a scientific method to answer this question. First off, you may perform some research to determine a variety of reasons why the car will not start. Next, you will state a hypothesis. For example, you may believe that the car is not starting because it has no engine oil. To test this, you open the hood of the car and examine the oil level. You observe that the oil is at an acceptable level, and you thus conclude that the oil level is not contributing to your car issue. To troubleshoot the issue further, you may devise a new hypothesis to test and then repeat the process again.

The Evolution of Natural Philosophy into Modern Physics

Physics was not always a separate and distinct discipline. It remains connected to other sciences to this day. The word physics comes from Greek, meaning nature. The study of nature came to be called “natural philosophy.” From ancient times through the Renaissance, natural philosophy encompassed many fields, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and medicine. Over the last few centuries, the growth of knowledge has resulted in ever-increasing specialization and branching of natural philosophy into separate fields, with physics retaining the most basic facets. (See Figure 1.11 , Figure 1.12 , and Figure 1.13 .) Physics as it developed from the Renaissance to the end of the 19th century is called classical physics . It was transformed into modern physics by revolutionary discoveries made starting at the beginning of the 20th century.

Classical physics is not an exact description of the universe, but it is an excellent approximation under the following conditions: Matter must be moving at speeds less than about 1% of the speed of light, the objects dealt with must be large enough to be seen with a microscope, and only weak gravitational fields, such as the field generated by the Earth, can be involved. Because humans live under such circumstances, classical physics seems intuitively reasonable, while many aspects of modern physics seem bizarre. This is why models are so useful in modern physics—they let us conceptualize phenomena we do not ordinarily experience. We can relate to models in human terms and visualize what happens when objects move at high speeds or imagine what objects too small to observe with our senses might be like. For example, we can understand an atom’s properties because we can picture it in our minds, although we have never seen an atom with our eyes. New tools, of course, allow us to better picture phenomena we cannot see. In fact, new instrumentation has allowed us in recent years to actually “picture” the atom.

Limits on the Laws of Classical Physics

For the laws of classical physics to apply, the following criteria must be met: Matter must be moving at speeds less than about 1% of the speed of light, the objects dealt with must be large enough to be seen with a microscope, and only weak gravitational fields (such as the field generated by the Earth) can be involved.

Some of the most spectacular advances in science have been made in modern physics. Many of the laws of classical physics have been modified or rejected, and revolutionary changes in technology, society, and our view of the universe have resulted. Like science fiction, modern physics is filled with fascinating objects beyond our normal experiences, but it has the advantage over science fiction of being very real. Why, then, is the majority of this text devoted to topics of classical physics? There are two main reasons: Classical physics gives an extremely accurate description of the universe under a wide range of everyday circumstances, and knowledge of classical physics is necessary to understand modern physics.

Modern physics itself consists of the two revolutionary theories, relativity and quantum mechanics. These theories deal with the very fast and the very small, respectively. Relativity must be used whenever an object is traveling at greater than about 1% of the speed of light or experiences a strong gravitational field such as that near the Sun. Quantum mechanics must be used for objects smaller than can be seen with a microscope. The combination of these two theories is relativistic quantum mechanics, and it describes the behavior of small objects traveling at high speeds or experiencing a strong gravitational field. Relativistic quantum mechanics is the best universally applicable theory we have. Because of its mathematical complexity, it is used only when necessary, and the other theories are used whenever they will produce sufficiently accurate results. We will find, however, that we can do a great deal of modern physics with the algebra and trigonometry used in this text.

Check Your Understanding

A friend tells you they have learned about a new law of nature. What can you know about the information even before your friend describes the law? How would the information be different if your friend told you they had learned about a scientific theory rather than a law?

Without knowing the details of the law, you can still infer that the information your friend has learned conforms to the requirements of all laws of nature: it will be a concise description of the universe around us; a statement of the underlying rules that all natural processes follow. If the information had been a theory, you would be able to infer that the information will be a large-scale, broadly applicable generalization.

PhET Explorations

Equation grapher.

Learn about graphing polynomials. The shape of the curve changes as the constants are adjusted. View the curves for the individual terms (e.g. y = bx y = bx ) to see how they add to generate the polynomial curve.

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  • Authors: Paul Peter Urone, Roger Hinrichs
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: College Physics 2e
  • Publication date: Jul 13, 2022
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-physics-2e/pages/1-introduction-to-science-and-the-realm-of-physics-physical-quantities-and-units
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-physics-2e/pages/1-1-physics-an-introduction

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Collection  04 March 2020

Top 100 in Physics

This collection highlights our most downloaded* physics papers published in 2019. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers feature valuable research from an international community.

* Data obtained from SN Insights which is based on Digital Science’s Dimensions.

physics major essay

Arrow of time and its reversal on the IBM quantum computer

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Room-temperature Operation of Low-voltage, Non-volatile, Compound-semiconductor Memory Cells

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Emergent dynamics of neuromorphic nanowire networks

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Machine-learning guided discovery of a new thermoelectric material

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Beyond 30% Conversion Efficiency in Silicon Solar Cells: A Numerical Demonstration

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QAOA for Max-Cut requires hundreds of qubits for quantum speed-up

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How Quantum Mechanics can consistently describe the use of itself

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  • Mario Hubert

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Finding Hadamard Matrices by a Quantum Annealing Machine

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  • Yuichiro Minato

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Enhanced Grüneisen Parameter in Supercooled Water

  • Gabriel O. Gomes
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Laser-wakefield accelerators for high-resolution X-ray imaging of complex microstructures

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  • N. Senabulya
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QuEST and High Performance Simulation of Quantum Computers

  • Tyson Jones
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Improving solutions by embedding larger subproblems in a D-Wave quantum annealer

  • Shuntaro Okada
  • Masayuki Ohzeki
  • Shinichiro Taguchi

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Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Lanthanum and Strontium Doped Bismuth Ferrite: A First-Principles Study

  • Ayana Ghosh
  • Dennis P. Trujillo
  • Jian-Xin Zhu

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Quantum annealing for systems of polynomial equations

  • Chia Cheng Chang
  • Arjun Gambhir
  • Shigetoshi Sota

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High-temperature operation of a silicon qubit

  • Takahiro Mori
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Pore-scale characteristics of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media using the lattice Boltzmann method

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Linear and circular-polarization conversion in X-band using anisotropic metasurface

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Observation of Skyrmions at Room Temperature in Co 2 FeAl Heusler Alloy Ultrathin Film Heterostructures

  • Sajid Husain
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Successively accelerated ionic wind with integrated dielectric-barrier-discharge plasma actuator for low-voltage operation

  • Shintaro Sato
  • Haruki Furukawa
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Bulk and surface recombination properties in thin film semiconductors with different surface treatments from time-resolved photoluminescence measurements

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  • Benjamin Bissig
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Probability estimation of a Carrington-like geomagnetic storm

  • David Moriña
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Triggering The Birth of New Cycle’s Sunspots by Solar Tsunami

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  • Scott W. McIntosh
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Performance comparison of III–V//Si and III–V//InGaAs multi-junction solar cells fabricated by the combination of mechanical stacking and wire bonding

  • Yu-Cheng Kao
  • Hao-Ming Chou
  • Ray-Hua Horng

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Electron-Phonon Coupling as the Source of 1/f Noise in Carbon Soot

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Evidence for Crystalline Structure in Dynamically-Compressed Polyethylene up to 200 GPa

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Engineering preferentially-aligned nitrogen-vacancy centre ensembles in CVD grown diamond

  • Christian Osterkamp
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  • Fedor Jelezko

physics major essay

The Young-Feynman controlled double-slit electron interference experiment

  • Amir H. Tavabi
  • Chris B. Boothroyd
  • Giulio Pozzi

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Control of Multiferroic properties in BiFeO 3 nanoparticles

  • Diego Carranza-Celis
  • Alexander Cardona-Rodríguez
  • Juan Gabriel Ramírez

physics major essay

Visualization of unstained DNA nanostructures with advanced in-focus phase contrast TEM techniques

  • Yoones Kabiri
  • Raimond B. G. Ravelli
  • Henny Zandbergen

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Analog Coupled Oscillator Based Weighted Ising Machine

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Revisiting the optical bandgap of semiconductors and the proposal of a unified methodology to its determination

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Field-free Magnetization Switching by Utilizing the Spin Hall Effect and Interlayer Exchange Coupling of Iridium

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Zero-reflection acoustic metamaterial with a negative refractive index

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Switchable multifunctional terahertz metasurfaces employing vanadium dioxide

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Entanglement in a 20-Qubit Superconducting Quantum Computer

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Strong magnetoelectric coupling in mixed ferrimagnetic-multiferroic phases of a double perovskite

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Blueprint for nanoscale NMR

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  • Martin B. Plenio

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Realization of efficient quantum gates with a superconducting qubit-qutrit circuit

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  • L. B. Kristensen
  • N. T. Zinner

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Circuit-Based Quantum Random Access Memory for Classical Data

  • Daniel K. Park
  • Francesco Petruccione
  • June-Koo Kevin Rhee

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Laser- synthesized TiN nanoparticles as promising plasmonic alternative for biomedical applications

  • Anton A. Popov
  • Gleb Tselikov
  • Andrei V. Kabashin

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Improvement of Terahertz Photoconductive Antenna using Optical Antenna Array of ZnO Nanorods

  • Mohammad Bashirpour
  • Matin Forouzmehr
  • Mohammad Neshat

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Wave attenuation and trapping in 3D printed cantilever-in-mass metamaterials with spatially correlated variability

  • Danilo Beli
  • Adriano T. Fabro
  • José Roberto F. Arruda

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Study of CuO Nanowire Growth on Different Copper Surfaces

  • Gerhard Fritz-Popovski
  • Florentyna Sosada-Ludwikowska
  • Günther A. Maier

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Second-order topological insulators and loop-nodal semimetals in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides XTe 2 (X = Mo, W)

  • Motohiko Ezawa

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Positive non-linear capacitance: the origin of the steep subthreshold-slope in ferroelectric FETs

  • Md Nur K. Alam
  • J. Van Houdt

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Employing machine learning for theory validation and identification of experimental conditions in laser-plasma physics

  • A. Gonoskov

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Enhanced absorption in all-dielectric metasurfaces due to magnetic dipole excitation

  • Pavel D. Terekhov
  • Kseniia V. Baryshnikova
  • Alina Karabchevsky

physics major essay

Origin of ferromagnetism in Cu-doped ZnO

  • Budhi Singh
  • Subhasis Ghosh

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High-throughput Discovery of Topologically Non-trivial Materials using Spin-orbit Spillage

  • Kamal Choudhary
  • Kevin F. Garrity
  • Francesca Tavazza

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Frequency and Phase Characteristics of Candle Flame Oscillation

  • Jinghua Xiao

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Materials Selection and Mechanism of Non-linear Conduction in Chalcogenide Selector Devices

  • Huanglong Li
  • John Robertson

physics major essay

Enhanced room temperature ferromagnetism and green photoluminescence in Cu doped ZnO thin film synthesised by neutral beam sputtering

  • D. C. Agarwal
  • U. B. Singh
  • D. K. Avasthi

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Hybrid quantum linear equation algorithm and its experimental test on IBM Quantum Experience

  • Yonghae Lee
  • Soojoon Lee

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Effect of sodium diffusion on the properties of CIGS solar absorbers prepared using elemental Se in a two-step process

  • Selvaraj Venkataraj

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Density of bulk trap states of hybrid lead halide perovskite single crystals: temperature modulated space-charge-limited-currents

  • Jan Pospisil
  • Oldrich Zmeskal
  • Alexander Kovalenko

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Spin-momentum locked spin manipulation in a two-dimensional Rashba system

  • Makoto Kohda
  • Takanori Okayasu
  • Junsaku Nitta

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Carrier Transport and Recombination Mechanism in Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diode with Hosts Consisting of Cabazole- and Triazole-Moiety

  • Tian-You Cheng
  • Jiun-Haw Lee
  • Chi-Feng Lin

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Possible quantum critical behavior revealed by the critical current density of hole doped high- T c cuprates in comparison to heavy fermion superconductors

  • S. H. Naqib
  • R. S. Islam

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Plasmofluidic Microlenses for Label-Free Optical Sorting of Exosomes

  • Xiangchao Zhu
  • Ahmet Cicek
  • Ahmet Ali Yanik

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Research on the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with two independent sources

  • Chen-Xi Liu

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All semiconductor enhanced high-harmonic generation from a single nanostructured cone

  • Dominik Franz
  • Shatha Kaassamani
  • Hamed Merdji

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p -wave superconductivity in iron-based superconductors

  • E. F. Talantsev

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Lattice Discontinuities of 1T-TaS 2 across First Order Charge Density Wave Phase Transitions

  • Dirk Dietzel
  • André Schirmeisen

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Weak localization and small anomalous Hall conductivity in ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co 2 TiGe

  • Rajendra P. Dulal
  • Bishnu R. Dahal
  • John Philip

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Dirac gap opening and Dirac-fermion-mediated magnetic coupling in antiferromagnetic Gd-doped topological insulators and their manipulation by synchrotron radiation

  • A. M. Shikin
  • D. A. Estyunin

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Continuously Frequency-Tuneable Plasmonic Structures for Terahertz Bio-sensing and Spectroscopy

  • Xiangying Deng
  • Yukio Kawano

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Silver nanowires with optimized silica coating as versatile plasmonic resonators

  • Martin Rothe
  • Yuhang Zhao
  • Oliver Benson

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Full-surface emission of graphene-based vertical-type organic light-emitting transistors with high on/off contrast ratios and enhanced efficiencies

  • Byoungchoo Park
  • Won Seok Lee

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Fe-Sn nanocrystalline films for flexible magnetic sensors with high thermal stability

  • K. Fujiwara
  • A. Tsukazaki

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Light-emitting diodes with surface gallium nitride p–n homojunction structure formed by selective area regrowth

  • Ming-Lun Lee
  • Shih-Sian Wang
  • Jinn-Kong Sheu

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How a ferromagnet drives an antiferromagnet in exchange biased CoO/Fe(110) bilayers

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Efficient visible light modulation based on electrically tunable all dielectric metasurfaces embedded in thin-layer nematic liquid crystals

  • Arseniy I. Kuznetsov

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How to measure the local Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Skyrmion Thin-Film Multilayers

  • Mirko Baćani
  • Miguel A. Marioni
  • Hans J. Hug

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Simulation and design of folded perovskite x-ray detectors

  • Henning Mescher
  • Elias Hamann

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High-Electrical-Conductivity Multilayer Graphene Formed by Layer Exchange with Controlled Thickness and Interlayer

  • Hiromasa Murata
  • Yoshiki Nakajima

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Tunable Superconducting Cavity using Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Metamaterials

  • David Shrekenhamer
  • Jacob Alldredge

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RGB Magnetophotonic Crystals for High-contrast Magnetooptical Spatial Light Modulators

  • Soheila Kharratian
  • Mehmet C. Onbaşlı

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The actual electronic band structure of a rubrene single crystal

  • Kazumoto Miwa
  • Kazuyuki Sakamoto

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Three-dimensional resonating metamaterials for low-frequency vibration attenuation

  • D. Chronopoulos
  • R. K. Leach

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Ultra-high sensitive 1D porous silicon photonic crystal sensor based on the coupling of Tamm/Fano resonances in the mid-infrared region

  • Ashour M. Ahmed
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The Transition to Paschen’s Law for Microscale Gas Breakdown at Subatmospheric Pressure

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Ferroelectrics with a controlled oxygen-vacancy distribution by design

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The paradoxes of the Late Hesperian Mars ocean

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A universal constant for dark matter-baryon interplay

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Superconducting Diamond on Silicon Nitride for Device Applications

  • Henry A. Bland
  • Evan L. H. Thomas
  • Oliver A. Williams

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Perovskite ferroelectric tuned by thermal strain

  • O. Pacherova

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Radiation Tolerance of Nanopore Sequencing Technology for Life Detection on Mars and Europa

  • Mark A. Sutton
  • Aaron S. Burton
  • Sarah Stewart Johnson

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Laser-driven shock compression of “synthetic planetary mixtures” of water, ethanol, and ammonia

  • M. Guarguaglini
  • J.-A. Hernandez

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Detecting dynamic spatial correlation patterns with generalized wavelet coherence and non-stationary surrogate data

  • Mario Chavez
  • Bernard Cazelles

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Bulk superconductivity in a four-layer-type Bi-based compound La 2 O 2 Bi 3 Ag 0.6 Sn 0.4 S 5.7 Se 0.3

  • Rajveer Jha
  • Yosuke Goto
  • Yoshikazu Mizuguchi

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All Nonmetal Resistive Random Access Memory

  • Andrei Gismatulin
  • Albert Chin

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Improvements in structural and optical properties of wafer-scale hexagonal boron nitride film by post-growth annealing

  • Seung Hee Lee
  • Hokyeong Jeong
  • Jong Kyu Kim

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physics major essay

What You Can Do With a Physics Degree

A physics degree can lead to a career as an inventor, researcher or teacher.

What Can You Do With a Physics Degree?

Two colleagues can be seen interpreting a scientific image on a laptop screen.

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Physics contains many subfields including astrophysics, biophysics and chemical physics.

The real-world applications of physics – an area of science that focuses on the interplay between matter and energy – are so numerous that it is difficult to imagine a technology that doesn't involve physics in some way.

Physics degree recipients graduate with highly marketable skills in math, data analysis and predictive modeling, often finding lucrative employment in the business world.

The Influence of Physics on Society

Simple mechanical devices such as pulleys and levers, as well as complex modern machines like quantum computers and nuclear reactors, would be impossible to create without the use of physics .

Physics lies at the root of many inventions that have had an enormous impact on the everyday life of the average person. There are numerous ordinary objects that people use regularly that rely on the science of physics to function, including semiconductors, lasers, X-rays, GPS devices, radio transmitters and bar code scanners.

Transportation vehicles such as automobiles, airplanes and space shuttles could not be constructed without the help of physics experts. Physics is also useful for military purposes, informing the design of weapons. Many of the scientists responsible for inventing the atomic bomb were physicists, and today physicists are involved in the creation of nuclear weapons.

Physics is integral for space travel, so some astronauts have a credential in this field. This academic discipline is also necessary for explaining and investigating the origins and mechanics of the universe, so it should come as no surprise that legendary space scientists Stephen Hawking, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson all studied physics.

Physicists Who Changed the World

Anyone contemplating a physics degree who is wondering if he or she will be able to use that degree in a meaningful way should study a bit of history. Some of the most accomplished individuals of all time studied physics.

Famous physics degree recipients include legendary innovators such as two-time Nobel Prize laureate Marie Curie – who discovered radioactive elements along with her Nobel-winning husband Pierre Curie and contributed enormously to scientific understanding of radioactivity – and Nobel Prize recipient Albert Einstein, creator of the theory of relativity. Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate who transformed the way the world understands light, was also a physics scholar.

There are also influential living individuals who have physics degrees, such as serial entrepreneur Elon Musk – founder of the SpaceX aerospace company and co-founder of the Tesla electric automobile firm – and Lene Hau, an applied physicist who pioneered how to slow down and even stop the movement of light.

The Many Types of Physics

The field of physics has increased human understanding of sound, light and heat, and it has enhanced knowledge about electricity, gravity, magnetism and mechanical forces. Physicists can focus on topics ranging from tiny objects like atoms and subatomic particles to enormous things like planets and galaxies. It is a complicated academic discipline that addresses scientific inquiries ranging from the quest to discover the most minuscule particles within atoms to investigations into the behavior of black holes. The field also encompasses debates about the nature of dark matter and controversies about the nature of time.

"Broadly, the three areas of physics are theory, computation, and experiment," Effrosyni Seitaridou, an associate professor of physics at Emory University 's Oxford College in Georgia, explained in an email. "Each subfield of physics contains these three areas."

She notes that physics has many subfields including:

  • Astronomy and astrophysics.
  • Biophysics.
  • Chemical physics.
  • Engineering physics.
  • Geophysics.
  • Medical physics.
  • Particle physics.
  • Quantum computing.

Seitaridou notes that some interdisciplinary subfields of physics integrate natural science with social science, such as psychophysics. Psychophysics focuses on the influence of physical events on a person's perceptions and thought processes.

Physics Jobs

According to a PowerPoint presentation about physics careers published by Crystal Bailey, career programs manager at the nonprofit American Physical Society, physics degree-holders wind up in a wide range of jobs, many outside of academia. Physics grads often work in the private sector and sometimes at government laboratories.

Salary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the median annual salary among U.S. physicists as of May 2019 was $122,850.

Moreover, a report from the American Institute of Physics shows that workers with college degrees in physics routinely use the skills they acquired through their physics education, such as solving technical problems and working productively on a team.

Physics majors routinely collaborate with classmates when conducting lab experiments, and physics faculty say that this experience prepares students for group projects in the workplace. Individuals with physics degrees also tend to have strong quantitative abilities that make them attractive hires for profit-oriented employers, according to physics professors.

"Financial institutions are always on the lookout for physics majors since they have the perfect blend of strong math skills and the training in how to apply math to modeling real-life problems," Jed Macosko, a professor of physics at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, explained in an email.

He notes that physics majors have numerous career options. "The jobs available to physics graduates are more varied than what most science majors can find. They range from pure science, to engineering, to finance, to public policy, and, of course, to education."

The most lucrative employment opportunities for physics grads tend to involve either engineering or finance, Mocosko adds.

Here is a list of jobs where a physics degree might come in handy:

  • Business analyst.
  • Data analyst.
  • Patent attorney.
  • Physics researcher.
  • Physics teacher or professor.
  • Programmer.
  • Project manager.

Abhijeet Narvekar, CEO of The FerVID Group, a Houston-based executive recruiting firm wrote that the oil and gas industry tends to hire physics grads because their knowledge can be applied "to different aspects of extracting oil."

A bachelor's degree in physics can provide a solid foundation for graduate school in a different discipline such as business, law or medicine, notes Rainer Martini, associate dean for graduate studies and associate professor of physics in the school of engineering and science at Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey.

Having a technical background in physics is useful for professions that combine science with another field. For example, one of Martini's students ended up working for a hedge fund and was tasked with figuring out which technologies were promising and worth investing in.

An advantage of studying physics, he suggests, is that it is easy to switch from one branch of physics to another because they are so interconnected.

Physics training can also help someone become an inventor or businessperson in the tech sector, Martini suggests.

"A physics degree is a great way to become an entrepreneur," he says, adding that physics education enables a person "to see a solution to a technological problem" that others might not see. "Suddenly, you have a potential really great product – a new invention – that can solve a need."

Searching for a grad school? Access our complete rankings of Best Graduate Schools.

Top 11 Global Universities for Physics

Two men can be seen mid-discussion during a scientific seminar. Their focus is on a computer screen and the backgrounds is out of focus.

Tags: physics , education , students , graduate schools , colleges , STEM , STEM jobs

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Particle accelerator beam tube; credit to CERN.

Why study Physics?

What is physics.

One of the oldest academic disciplines, physics is a natural science whose goal is to understand how everything works at its most fundamental level. Physicists study nature on scales as small as an atomic nucleus to as large as the observable universe. Physics is the cornerstone of the other natural sciences (chemistry, geology, biology, astronomy) and is essential to understanding our modern technological society. At the heart of physics is a combination of experiment, observation and the analysis of phenomena using mathematical and computational tools.

Examples of what physicists study include:

  • The nature of fundamental particles (protons, quarks, electrons, neutrinos,…).
  • The behavior of dark matter, dark energy, galaxies and black holes.
  • The properties of matter in standard and exotic phases (solids, liquids, plasmas, superconductors, superfluids…).
  • The behavior of complex systems (the stock market, cellular locomotion, infectious disease transmission, the motion of galaxy clusters or distant planetary systems).

Physicists attempt to understand the fundamental mathematical relationships that govern natural phenomena and apply those relationships to interesting problems. The main reason to study physics is because you are curious about how the world works. In addition to that knowledge, you gain a set of incredibly useful skills that make you attractive to a wide range of employers.

A physics degree trains you to become an expert problem solver. You will learn to break down a problem into its component parts and apply advanced mathematics, computing, data analysis and experimental techniques to arrive at a solution. We also emphasize technical writing and presentation skills, as well as working in teams.

Physics majors are well-prepared for further graduate study in physics or astronomy, or employment in a wide-range of sectors including:

  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • Computer programming/software design
  • Finance and management consulting
  • Defense and aerospace industry
  • High school science teaching
  • Journalism or science writing
  • Law and government
  • Physics & Astronomy research

Employers understand the strong analytical skill set that physics majors bring; physicists get good job offers with salaries comparable to engineering and computer science majors. Among all disciplines, physics students have among the very highest average scores on the MCAT and LSAT examinations , indicating that a physics degree also provides excellent preparation for law and medical school.

  • Click here for more information on why you should study physics.
  • What can you do with a Physics degree?
  • Learn about our department degree programs.
  • Visit the Physics Careers Fact Sheet and  Career Toolbox to learn about job options for physicists. Also check out the APS Professional Development Guidebook .
  • Learn about preparing for a career in physics and the economics of a physics degree .
  • Physicists come in all colors, shapes, sizes, genders, ethnicities, and religious or political affiliations. Read about profiles of all kinds of physicists . Physics is for everyone!

Becoming a Physics Teacher

There is an extreme shortage in New Jersey of high school teachers with physics training. Physics majors become well-qualified to teach not only physics but also geoscience, chemistry and all levels of mathematics. Our graduates regularly get attractive offers from excellent high schools in the region. Learn more about becoming a physics teacher at the links below:

  • Becoming a physics teacher .
  • Why teach physics?
  • More information for prospective teachers.
  • More about the shortage of physics teachers.
  • Noyce Science Teacher Scholarship Program at Montclair State .
  • Learn about our teaching certificate and degree programs .

Why study physics at Montclair State?

Physics is a difficult subject, and pursuing a physics degree will require more than just a passing interest in physics or astronomy. You will be expected to work hard and dig deeply into the subject. If you are up for the challenge, we hope you’ll consider joining our department. Some of the advantages of studying with us include:

  • Our faculty size and number of majors allows for small classes and individual attention. Here, your professors will know you.
  • There are multiple opportunities for research with faculty, including as part of a group focused on the LIGO gravitational-wave detector , which helped discover the first black hole collisions and led to the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics .
  • Our active Physics Club connects you with other physics majors, weekly activities, and free food!
  • Our recently revised curriculum provides excellent preparation for STEM careers or graduate study.
  • Recently renovated lab spaces have state-of-the-art new equipment: learn about atomic/nuclear physics, optics, and more!
  • Two seminar courses prepare you for the physics major and set you on the path for post-graduation success.
  • Our students have a strong track record of acceptance to graduate schools, landing top high school teaching positions, and corporate employment. Multiple degree paths provide a range of options suited to your talents and interests.
  • Our department wants you to succeed and provides a community to help you do so! Join us!

To learn more, contact our department chairperson, Prof. Marc Favata .

See also our department flyer for additional information.

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Aristotle’s Physics A Collection of Essays

Aristotle’s Physics A Collection of Essays

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The Physics is one of Aristotle's masterpieces - a work of extraordinary intellectual power which has had a profound influence on the development of metaphysics and the philosophy of science, as well as on the development of physics itself. This collection of ten new essays by leading Aristotelian scholars examines a wide range of issues in the Physics and related works, including method, causation and explanation, chance, teleology, the infinite, the nature of time, the critique of atomism, the role of mathematics in Aristotle's physics, and the concept of self-motion. The essays offer fresh approaches to Aristotle's work in these areas, and important new interpretations of his thought. The book also contains an extensive bibliography.

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Why Study Physics?

Want to know “how” and “why” learn physics..

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Physics is crucial to understanding the world around us, the world inside us, and the world beyond us. It is the most fundamental science.

Physics challenges our imaginations with concepts like relativity and string theory. It leads to great discoveries that, in turn, bring life-changing technologies, like computers, GPS, and lasers. Physicists also work to solve some of the greatest challenges of our times by finding ways to cure cancer, heal joints, or develop solutions for sustainable energy.

Learn more about the work that physicists do by reading stories from real physicists on our Physicists Profiles and Career Options pages.

If you’re an educator looking for resources to incorporate into your middle or high school classroom, review APS’s PhysicsQuest and STEP UP projects.

Like science? It begins with physics

Physics encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest (subatomic!) particles.

Moreover, physics is the basis for many other sciences, including chemistry, oceanography, seismology, and astronomy, as well as the applied sciences, like the various branches of engineering. The principles of physics are also applied in many areas of biology and biomedical science. Advanced education in all of these areas — and more! — is possible with a bachelor’s degree in physics.

Want to learn real-world skills? Study physics!

Physicists are problem solvers. Their analytical skills make them versatile and adaptable, so physicists often work interesting jobs in interesting places. You can find physicists in industrial and government labs, on college campuses, in the astronaut corps, and consulting for the special effects in TV shows and movies. In addition, many physics grads work for engineering or consulting firms, at newspapers and magazines, in government, for non-profits, in data science and app development roles, and even on Wall Street — places where their ability to think analytically is a great asset.

In general, though, most physics majors continue in STEM-related careers or careers that require strong problem-solving skills. Data shows that nearly 4 in 10 physics majors continue in engineering professions, while 1 in 4 go into computer or information systems. Another 1 in 4 physics majors continue in another STEM pathway or a non-STEM career where they regularly solve technical problems.

Want a job? People hire physicists

Physics brings a broad perspective to any problem. Because physicists learn how to critically analyze and breakdown even the most complex problems, they are not bound by context. This form of inventive thinking makes physicists desirable in any field. A bachelor’s degree in physics is a great foundation for careers in:

  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Engineering

Want a good salary? Physics tops the sciences

Even when the job market is slow, physicists get well-paying job offers. Employers know that a physicist brings additional skills and expertise — and they pay accordingly! That's why physics graduates can expect career salaries similar to those of computer science and engineering majors.

As of 2020, data shows the mean starting salary for a physics major taking a job in the STEM private sector was about $65k annually, with students who chose non-STEM technical pathways earning slightly less, at about $50k. But some physics majors, depending on their interests and skills acquired during college, start at much higher salaries — $80k or more.

Like most fields of STEM, if you pursue advanced education, your salary increases . After completing a master’s degree, physicists earn an average of about $90k annually, and after a doctorate, physicists earn a starting salary of roughly $120k.

View physics career statistical data

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Five Myths About High School Physics

There are a lot of misconceptions about taking physics in high school — here are the facts.

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Physicist Profiles

Discover how much you can do with a degree in physics by seeing how others have put theirs to use.

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Why You Can Hear the Temperature of Water

A science video maker in China couldn’t find a good explanation for why hot and cold water sound different, so he did his own research and published it.

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By Sam Kean

Most people are quite good at distinguishing between the sound of a hot liquid and the sound of a cold one being poured, even if they don’t realize it.

“Every time I give a talk and I say, ‘Surprisingly, adults can tell the difference between hot and cold water,’ people just go like this,” said Tanushree Agrawal, a psychologist who, during a video call, mimicked audience members shaking their heads no. But research she completed at the University of California at San Diego demonstrated that three-fourths of the participants in her experiments could in fact detect the difference.

You can try it yourself. Put on your headphones or listen closely to your computer or phone’s speaker and hit play on this audio recording.

Can You Hear the Temperature?

Could you tell which sound was hot and which was cold?

If you said the first one was cold, congratulations: You’re in Dr. Agrawal’s majority.

In general, cold water sounds brighter and splashier, while hot water sounds duller and frothier. But until recently no one really had evidence to explain the difference.

However, Xiaotian Bi, who earned a Ph.D. in chemical engineering last year from Tsinghua University in Beijing, offers a new explanation in a paper he and colleagues published in March on the arXiv website. It’s all about the size of the bubbles that form during pouring, he says, and this insight may have implications for how we enjoy everyday food and drink.

Dr. Bi’s paper has not yet been through peer review, and he acknowledges that much more research is needed. But Joshua Reiss, a professor of audio engineering at Queen Mary University of London, who has also studied the acoustics of hot and cold water, said he was “on the right track, for sure.”

Discussions of the varying sounds of hot and cold liquids usually point to differences in viscosity as the culprit. But Dr. Bi wasn’t satisfied with that reasoning. He produces and stars in his own popular science videos , and decided that the sounds water makes at different temperatures was a good topic . He poked around looking for published research on the subject and came away disappointed.

“None of them gave a precise explanation,” he said, adding that it was “an unsolved mystery.”

So Dr. Bi decided to do his own scientific investigation, which would inform his video. He used his expertise in fluid dynamics to explore the role played by bubbles, which actually create most of the sound we hear in moving water. You can observe this in waves, which glide along silently until they break, at which point they fall and trap air that produces noise as the bubbles resonate briefly within the water.

Previous research showed that larger air bubbles in liquids produce lower-frequency sounds. Dr. Bi also found that the acoustical spectrum of hot water has more low-frequency sounds than the spectrum of cold water. He wondered, then, whether pouring hot water into a container would trap larger bubbles than pouring cold would, and whether that might explain the difference in sounds.

His hunch proved correct. Dr. Bi purchased a container with a spigot to dispense water in a controlled fashion, first at 50 degrees Fahrenheit, then at 194 degrees. High-resolution videos and photographs revealed that hot water consistently produced bubbles 5 to 10 millimeters in size, while cold water produced bubbles around 1 to 2 millimeters.

(That’s why the cold water is on the left side of your screen in video above, and the hot water on the right)

In addition to offering an explanation of something that people hear, the research also provides insight into how we enjoy food and drink in general. Consider coffee.

Coffee tastes delicious when hot, but gunky and bitter when cold. That’s because aromatic flavor molecules jump off the surface of hot beverages more readily. And that link between flavor and temperature can produce a Pavlovian response in coffee drinkers.

This is consistent with an observation by Charles Spence, a psychologist who heads the Crossmodal Research Laboratory at Oxford and has won an Ig-Nobel Prize for research on the links between sound and taste when potato chips are consumed. In a 2021 paper, he wrote that “the sound of temperature likely helps to subtly set people’s aromatic flavor expectations,” even if unconsciously.

“Very often we taste what we predict,” he said. It’s all part of what he calls the hidden “sonic seasoning” of food and drinks.

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A wave of retractions is shaking physics

Grappling with problematic papers and poorly documented data, researchers and journal editors gathered in Pittsburgh to hash out the best way forward.

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Recent highly publicized scandals have gotten the physics community worried about its reputation—and its future. Over the last five years, several claims of major breakthroughs in quantum computing and superconducting research, published in prestigious journals, have disintegrated as other researchers found they could not reproduce the blockbuster results. 

Last week, around 50 physicists, scientific journal editors, and emissaries from the National Science Foundation gathered at the University of Pittsburgh to discuss the best way forward.“To be honest, we’ve let it go a little too long,” says physicist Sergey Frolov of the University of Pittsburgh, one of the conference organizers. 

The attendees gathered in the wake of retractions from two prominent research teams. One team, led by physicist Ranga Dias of the University of Rochester, claimed that it had invented the world’s first room temperature superconductor in a 2023 paper in Nature . After independent researchers reviewed the work, a subsequent investigation from Dias’s university found that he had fabricated and falsified his data. Nature retracted the paper in November 2023. Last year, Physical Review Letters retracted a 2021 publication on unusual properties in manganese sulfide that Dias co-authored. 

The other high-profile research team consisted of researchers affiliated with Microsoft working to build a quantum computer. In 2021, Nature retracted the team’s 2018 paper that claimed the creation of a pattern of electrons known as a Majorana particle, a long-sought breakthrough in quantum computing. Independent investigations of that research found that the researchers had cherry-picked their data, thus invalidating their findings. Another less-publicized research team pursuing Majorana particles fell to a similar fate, with Science retracting a 2017 article claiming indirect evidence of the particles in 2022.

In today’s scientific enterprise, scientists perform research and submit the work to editors. The editors assign anonymous referees to review the work, and if the paper passes review, the work becomes part of the accepted scientific record. When researchers do publish bad results, it’s not clear who should be held accountable—the referees who approved the work for publication, the journal editors who published it, or the researchers themselves. “Right now everyone’s kind of throwing the hot potato around,” says materials scientist Rachel Kurchin of Carnegie Mellon University, who attended the Pittsburgh meeting.

Much of the three-day meeting, named the International Conference on Reproducibility in Condensed Matter Physics (a field that encompasses research into various states of matter and why they exhibit certain properties), focused on the basic scientific principle that an experiment and its analysis must yield the same results when repeated. “If you think of research as a product that is paid for by the taxpayer, then reproducibility is the quality assurance department,” Frolov told MIT Technology Review . Reproducibility offers scientists a check on their work, and without it, researchers might waste time and money on fruitless projects based on unreliable prior results, he says. 

In addition to presentations and panel discussions, there was a workshop during which participants split into groups and drafted ideas for guidelines that researchers, journals, and funding agencies could follow to prioritize reproducibility in science. The tone of the proceedings stayed civil and even lighthearted at times. Physicist Vincent Mourik of Forschungszentrum Jülich, a German research institution, showed a photo of a toddler eating spaghetti to illustrate his experience investigating another team’s now-retracted experiment. ​​Occasionally the discussion almost sounded like a couples counseling session, with NSF program director Tomasz Durakiewicz asking a panel of journal editors and a researcher to reflect on their “intimate bond based on trust.”

But researchers did not shy from directly criticizing Nature , Science , and the Physical Review family of journals, all of which sent editors to attend the conference. During a panel, physicist Henry Legg of the University of Basel in Switzerland called out the journal Physical Review B for publishing a paper on a quantum computing device by Microsoft researchers that, for intellectual-property reasons, omitted information required for reproducibility. “It does seem like a step backwards,” Legg said. (Sitting in the audience, Physical Review B editor Victor Vakaryuk said that the paper’s authors had agreed to release “the remaining device parameters” by the end of the year.) 

Journals also tend to “focus on story,” said Legg, which can lead editors to be biased toward experimental results that match theoretical predictions. Jessica Thomas, the executive editor of the American Physical Society, which publishes the Physical Review journals, pushed back on Legg’s assertion. “I don’t think that when editors read papers, they’re thinking about a press release or [telling] an amazing story,” Thomas told MIT Technology Review . “I think they’re looking for really good science.” Describing science through narrative is a necessary part of communication, she says. “We feel a responsibility that science serves humanity, and if humanity can’t understand what’s in our journals, then we have a problem.” 

Frolov, whose independent review with Mourik of the Microsoft work spurred its retraction, said he and Mourik have had to repeatedly e-mail the Microsoft researchers and other involved parties to insist on data. “You have to learn how to be an asshole,” he told MIT Technology Review . “It shouldn’t be this hard.” 

At the meeting, editors pointed out that mistakes, misconduct, and retractions have always been a part of science in practice. “I don’t think that things are worse now than they have been in the past,” says Karl Ziemelis, an editor at Nature .

Ziemelis also emphasized that “retractions are not always bad.” While some retractions occur because of research misconduct, “some retractions are of a much more innocent variety—the authors having made or being informed of an honest mistake, and upon reflection, feel they can no longer stand behind the claims of the paper,” he said while speaking on a panel. Indeed, physicist James Hamlin of the University of Florida, one of the presenters and an independent reviewer of Dias’s work, discussed how he had willingly retracted a 2009 experiment published in Physical Review Letters in 2021 after another researcher’s skepticism prompted him to reanalyze the data. 

What’s new is that “the ease of sharing data has enabled scrutiny to a larger extent than existed before,” says Jelena Stajic, an editor at Science . Journals and researchers need a “more standardized approach to how papers should be written and what needs to be shared in peer review and publication,” she says.

Focusing on the scandals “can be distracting” from systemic problems in reproducibility, says attendee Frank Marsiglio, a physicist at the University of Alberta in Canada. Researchers aren’t required to make unprocessed data readily available for outside scrutiny. When Marsiglio has revisited his own published work from a few years ago, sometimes he’s had trouble recalling how his former self drew those conclusions because he didn’t leave enough documentation. “How is somebody who didn’t write the paper going to be able to understand it?” he says.

Problems can arise when researchers get too excited about their own ideas. “What gets the most attention are cases of fraud or data manipulation, like someone copying and pasting data or editing it by hand,” says conference organizer Brian Skinner, a physicist at Ohio State University. “But I think the much more subtle issue is there are cool ideas that the community wants to confirm, and then we find ways to confirm those things.”

But some researchers may publish bad data for a more straightforward reason. The academic culture, popularly described as “publish or perish,” creates an intense pressure on researchers to deliver results. “It’s not a mystery or pathology why somebody who’s under pressure in their work might misstate things to their supervisor,” said Eugenie Reich, a lawyer who represents scientific whistleblowers, during her talk.

Notably, the conference lacked perspectives from researchers based outside the US, Canada, and Europe, and from researchers at companies. In recent years, academics have flocked to companies such as Google, Microsoft, and smaller startups to do quantum computing research, and they have published their work in Nature , Science , and the Physical Review journals. Frolov says he reached out to researchers from a couple of companies, but “that didn’t work out just because of timing,” he says. He aims to include researchers from that arena in future conversations.

After discussing the problems in the field, conference participants proposed feasible solutions for sharing data to improve reproducibility. They discussed how to persuade the community to view data sharing positively, rather than seeing the demand for it as a sign of distrust. They also brought up the practical challenges of asking graduate students to do even more work by preparing their data for outside scrutiny when it may already take them over five years to complete their degree. Meeting participants aim to publicly release a paper with their suggestions. “I think trust in science will ultimately go up if we establish a robust culture of shareable, reproducible, replicable results,” says Frolov. 

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