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Lord Of The Flies - Alternative Ending

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Paul Walmsley, 10B                                                                   6 th  November 2007

Lord of the Flies: Alternate Ending

        “Ralph lay in a covert, wondering over his wounds.”

                The deep gash across his leg was exploding with sharp, searing pain, but with the current feelings of intent hatred towards him felt all over the island, stopping to treat his ailments was simply not a viable option for the long-suffering Ralph. So he limped along, walking on the edge of the beach, considering the choices that he had to make. He could, of course, hide in a cave until the tribe hunted him out and killed him, but that would have shown plain cowardice, and was certainly not the way a leader, a chief, would have been expected to act. He should do something bold, courageous and possibly a little vulgar, in order to win back the respect and trust of the other boys. But then his mind returned to Jack, who would always challenge him for leadership. Nothing would convince the other boys whilst he was there, able to sabotage any take over attempt.

                Ralph began working on a plan of action, sat in a cold, damp inset of the cliff. He was shivering, and found it impossible to concentrate on one idea for more than a few seconds. What would Piggy have said? No doubt suggested a rational solution that suited everybody, but Ralph was not able to do that. So eventually, he decided to launch an assault on Jack, and Jack alone when night fell, leaving the rest of the boys to sleep peacefully whilst their leader suffered his demise.

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                The evening sun slowly descended, until there was marginally enough light to see where one was about to step, and Ralph began to creep, ever cautiously, out of his hiding place, fearful that he would be seen. Gradually, he gained confidence, and began to walk around the edge of Castle Rock, making nought but the sound of his breathing. Over an hour passed, before Ralph saw a place to can access to the tribe without being seen; almost vertically up the steepest side of the cliff.

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                Using his spear as a leverage tool, Ralph silently eased himself up the edge of the cliff. He was making annoyingly slow progress, and his arms were screaming at him to stop, rest and let go. Alas, Ralph continued on, knowing that if he did as his arms were desperate for him to he would fall to an untimely death, and located another foothold in the cliff face. It was raining now, and although only lightly, the water made his task more difficult, as the rock became slippery.

                Eventually, just two feet away from a flat surface, Ralph made a final, surprisingly elegant leap onto his knees, but landed hard, and in immense pain. Stifling the desire to shout out in pain, he hurried to his feet. His sharpened spear still clasped firmly in his left hand, Ralph began to worm his way through the dense foliage that surrounded the edge of the plateau, conscious that one false step could lead him down the sheer drop onto the jagged rocks below.

                Finally, alongside feelings of almost utter despair, Ralph reached what must have been Jack’s shelter. It was guarded by armed members of the tribe at the entrance whilst Jack slept. It was a dark night, and although Jack thought he was making no noise at all, one of the guards flew around on his feet, and stared almost directly towards Ralph. Ralph could just make out a face, and the guard appeared to be Eric, or Sam, and Ralph could have sworn that the face mouthed some words of encouragement; At least Ralph had one supporter.

                Ralph found a small gap in the woodwork towards the rear of the enclosure, and entered it. Through the pitch blackness of the cold night air, he saw Jack, lying on a bed of twigs, coated with green leaves for some comfort, and approached him, his heart pounding violently, as it had never done before. For Ralph, even a near miss could lead to his discovery, and ultimately his death, so he knew that his accuracy must be absolutely perfect. After a long time spent aligning the spear, Ralph threw it, directly towards Jack’s torso, and scurried quickly out of the shelter. Seconds later, he was escaping, down the side of the mountain.

                Ralph ran, faster than ever before, down the edge of the mountainside, where the bushes and trees were barely traversable. About halfway down, he came to a halt, and looked back towards the top of the mountain. The tribe’s camp was teaming with life, and Ralph watched in silence as one by one, each of the boys learned of the attack from the rank outsider. The boys in the tribe called a meeting, Roger had appointed himself acting leader, and after what seemed like a lifetime, stood up. The conference was over. Three of the boys went into the enclosure where Jack’s body lay, coated with drying blood, his face for evermore stuck in an expression of mild surprise. The boys soon emerged from the shelter, carrying the body of Jack. Were they satisfied that their leader had been killed, or would they take revenge upon the savage who had destroyed their only hop of survival on the island?

                With a final farewell, the boys tossed the lifeless body over the cliff side, in a way very reminiscent of Piggy’s downfall.

                Finally, the real beast on the island was no more.

                That night, Ralph claimed his triumphant return to power, in front of all the boys, including a significantly disgruntled Roger, and the tribe returned to normal island life, where priorities included the fire, shelter, and food. After a week, a large vessel appeared on the horizon. In the most organised manner, green leaves were loaded onto the fire to make smoke, just like times of old. The ship changed course, heading directly towards the island, and the boys rejoiced.  The ordeal, that regardless of how hard they tried, none of the boys would ever forget, would soon be over. Life could return to a state of normality, with values of structured leadership, and civilisation.

Lord Of The Flies - Alternative Ending

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  • Word Count 1041
  • Page Count 2
  • Subject English

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Lord of the Flies, Alternative Ending essay

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English 8 with Ms. Snowden

Thursday, december 13, 2012, lord of the flies alternate ending & epilogue, 12 comments:.

Alternate Ending (not that it's better- just a different possibility): When the boys are hunting Ralph, Jack and Ralph suddenly come face to face. They both freeze up- they aren't sure exactly what to do. Ralph suddenly begins to run for his life. Jack gives chase but trips and falls. The fire catches up to him and is about to engulf him. He can't get up, and he cries out to Ralph. Ralph has literally a second to decide before Jack is killed. Ultimatly, he decides to save him, thinking about the deaths of Simon and Piggy and the skull with the six-foot grin. He will not let evil win out this time, and he pulls Jack from the fire. Jack is now in a very awkward position. He must have some scrap of civilization in him yet, though, because he calls off the hunt. With a warning to Ralph to stay away from his tribe, he retreats back to Castle Rock. Ralph returns to the beach, powerless to stop the raging fire and overwhelmed by the events of the past few days. Then (much too conveniently), the rain comes back, peaceful this time but heavy all the same, and puts out the fire. This is how it ends, with Ralph living alone on the beach and Jack and his tribe on the other side of the island.

Alternate Ending(from the bottom of page 199): The savages were gaining on him. Ralph could hear the ululation that spread across the island. Suddenly, the forest in front of him burst into flames and he swerved to the left, and came face to face with a savage. Ralph spun around and ran, crashing through the forest even faster than before. The fire was now on his left, and the heat was scorching his skin. He burst out of the forest and onto the beach. Standing on the beach and glaring into Ralph's eyes was a savage with a painted face. The rest of the savages burst out onto the beach as the rest of the forest catches fire and they wait to see what the one with the painted face will do. Unexpectedly, a spear is hurled from behind Ralph and it pierces the savage with the painted face right in the throat. Ralph turns around and is stabbed with another spear from the same savage. "Roger. Why?" Ralph says in agony and crumples onto the warm sand. Roger claims the role of chief and the shocked savages follow obediently back to castle rock. The day turns to night and the fire still burns. The squeals of pigs could be heard from all over the island and the birds cry out and fly away. Slowly, the fire burns out and is left charred and black. As the tide rises, phosphorescent creatures come with the water and the two floating bodies are surrounded with these creatures. Slowly, Ralph and Jacks bodies float out to the open sea. Epilogue of the alternate ending: The sand around castle rock is littered with dead bodies. The savages that once lived here had starved to death. The fire that had ravaged the forest had eliminated their chance of survival. The fruit trees had been scorched, the stream had been evaporated, and the pigs had been kill and all that was left was their bones. And of all the bones that were left, the grin of the skull was now even wider.

lord of the flies alternate ending essay

Who wrote this? If you want to get credit for this, you need to make sure you put your first name, last initial on the post. Thanks!

Sorry, that was mine (Jordan Chan 8C). Jordan Chan 8C

Epilogue: 20 years later... Most of the littuns have committed suicide because of the trauma they had been through. Best of all though is that Jack and Roger who ended up with a life sentence in jail. Now you will find out why in a couple seconds but now we will have to backtrack. When the boys finally back to England the government had them start therapy lessons. Ralph's sessions would have to wait because when he got back to England he lost the ability to speak for all that happened. It came back about a year later but it had never been the same. During the therapy one day Ralph told the therapist that Jack killed Simon and Roger killed piggy. When this slipped out the therapist set up some special sessions to make sure Jack and Roger were alright. Let's put it this way they are never allowed in the same room with each other ever again and the specialist will be released from the hospital in the next month or two. Anyway it was decided that Roger and Jack were not safe. Ralph was put in a special security system the government set up to make sure he would stay safe. Samneric were also were put with Ralph to secure their safety. Most of the littluns came out ok because they were a bit to young to remember every graphic detail like the other ones. The one thing they did remember is the power Jack had so everday for the next 50 years until Jack died they visted him in jail everyday except for sundays inwhich they prayed they would step foot on the island every again. Other then that everything went back to normal. It all ended though when England was bombed by the Chinese where everyone died. ~ Eva Jacobs ~

Page 200 2nd Paragraph Revised ending. Ralph stumbled over a root and the cry that pursued him rose even higher. He saw a shelter burst into flames and the fire flapped at his right shoulder and there was a glitter of water. Then he was down, rolling over and over in the warm sand, crouching with arm to ward off, trying to cry for mercy. He staggered to his feet tensed with more terrors, and looked up at a flat Red’s cap. The fur covered garment sat upon the head of a man whose face was whiter than the sand that covered Ralph’s unclothed body. The mans hands collapsed firmly around the butt end of his sidearm. He drew out the small firearm and put it up the young boys forehead. The cry of the savage swept closer to Ralph’s location on the beach. The man quickly but so carefully swept the barrel away from the Ralph’s face and there was a blast of a cannon that skimmed past Ralph’s ear and went directly into the chest of a running savage. The cries were halted. There was no longer any sound that overwhelmed the sound of the restless sea or the sound of crackling burnt leaves. Ralph turned to see the savage who was now quite, hushed by the bullet in his heart. The boy had a head covered in red hair. His body was clothed only by the paint that he had worn since the first feast and the remains or a black cap on his head. One more savage, this one hair black as the paint that masked his face, came rushing out of the forest. Another cannon boomed behind Ralph. Without a sound the savage stopped in his tracks and collapsed with his face in the sand. Ralph now examined the body of the hunter. In his loose hands he held a spear sharpened at both ends. Ralph closed his eyes to try to return to a world without death. Slowly, one by one another painted faced boy came out of the tree line, and one by one another cannon boomed, until Ralph had heard a total of 13 burst of the small cannon the pale man held in his hand. Finally the man spoke. “What is your name?” “Ralph,” the addressed replied in an overwhelmed voice. “Well Ralph, what are all the names,” the man asked. Ralph squinted and let a single tear run onto his lip. “Jack Merridew, Roger, Johnny, Wilfred, Sam, Eric, Maurice, ... I forget the rest.” Ralph finally cracked. He started to feel his legs grow weak. “Who was the leader” “I was” His legs gave out from beneath him. His mouth had grown dry and his body dehydrated. The sand under his knees now hurt him. The sand stung him and each grain of sand felt like a large sharp pebble under his knee. Finally there was a small pressure on his temple. “What type of leader forgets his subject?” The voice broke the silence. Finally, the conversation was interrupted by one last boom of the cannon. The lifeless body fell forward. His head was turned on its left, so that his left cheek laid flat in the sand. The sand around the boys skull turned maroon to match the other patches red sand on the beach. The man looked down upon his work and smiled. He had done the work of his faint countrymen, so he thought. He finally replaced his firearm back into the empty space in his holster. He continued down the beach, past the burning and collapsed shelter, and whistled to the tune of a march. In the undergrowth of the forest line lay Percival, whimpering as usual, but this time softly. The true beast from the real world had left the beach, but Percival still stood in hiding. The last littluns, rested his head in a patch of moss, closed his eyes, and drifted off back the memories of the good times.

The island is silent. Ralph comes to and realizes that he is bleeding. He had just had the strangest dream. He had dreamt that all the boys had been rescued by a naval officer. He reslishes his dream as he looks around his surroundings. He then sees that he is bleeding from a cut on his head. He grimaces as he wraps a leaf around the cut. Suddenly, he hears a rustle in the undergrowth. He goes rigid, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly he hears an ululation and quickly spins around. He looks onward and sees a painted savage in the trees, scurrying away. He realizes that he is still being hunted by Jack and his tribe. Ralph hurriedly picks up the sharpened stick and runs in the opposite direction. As he runs, he looks back on better times, times before the death of Simon and Piggy and the fall of order. As he moves, he hears a faint trickle. He suddenly veers to the right and heads towards the trickle. He then stops near the edge of a cliff. As he looks down he sees waves crashing far below him. Without knowing, Ralph had doubled back to Castle Rock. As he looks around for an escape route, there are sounds of shuffling on the rocks behind him. Ralph turns around to see Samneric walking up to him. They each hold a spear in one hand and are apprehensive. They stare at each other for a moment. Ralph staring at them tries to speak. His throat is dry and not ready. He clears it and tries again, "Sam. Eric. Help me please. You don't have to do this. You can fight back against Jack." Samneric exchange a glance and reply," You don't know- Jack- he beats- and Roger- he's a- a monster- a beast. We have to- have to catch you. They's still looking in the forest. They set- set a fire- Look!" Ralph spins around and discovers this is true. In their hunt for Ralph, Jack and his hunters had set fire to the whole forest. Ralph, cursing under his breath, spins around and confronts Samneric again. "Don't they know what's gonna happen? They're going to die. They won't have food and there are no ships! Do they want to die?" Samneric look around and then cast down they're spears. They look at Ralph and then jump off the side of Castle Rock. Ralph, shocked by their actions, can only look as they're bodies pinwheel through the air. Ralph then climbs down Castle Rock and numbly walks along the beach. Jack having a suspicious thought, leads his tribe back to Castle Rock. They discover Ralph pacing the beach slowly, holding his head in his hands, gibbering. Jack cries, "Get him!" and charges Ralph with his tribe, aiming to bring him down. Suddenly a flash a light pushes them back. A shadow falls on Jack. He looks up into the face of Simon. However, this Simon is clad in black, has two twin swords strapped on his back and a kunai in a ready position. Jack attempts to stab Simon. Simon parries his strike and slashes with his kunai. Jack's body falls as blood gushes from his neck. Simon then unsheathes his two twin swords and then proceeds to slaughter everyone on the beach, save Ralph. After all the carnage, he then proceeds to sheath his swords and walks towards Ralph. Ralph who looks at the horror with uncomprehending eyes stands stock still. Simon then pulls out a kunai and then proceeds to stab Ralph in the heart. Ralph's body slowly keels over on the beach. Simon then slowly walks toward a boat, hidden carefully in the water. Epilouge: Soon after the war ends. The United States and the United Kingdom are destroyed. China is now in control of all the land ranging from the Phillipines to the Americas. Only a few pocketfuls of land are neutral. Simon is now in his thirties. As he sits down to read a story to his children, he remembers a time. A time of peace and happiness with a fat boy, boys that used to stand in straight rows and one boy in particular. He remembers how Ralph, chief of the tribe, lost control. He remembers the smell of blood and smoke and burning. ~Giorgio Shi~

While they are on the way back to their intended destination, Jack and Ralph stare at each other while the others either are crying or are in complete silence. When they arrive, they are questioned and Jack admits that several murders occurred, and everybody is shocked to hear that Jack would state this and they still are utterly stunned. Then later, they are put on trial for multiple cases of murder but are not convicted because they were adolescents. They were taken to a mental rehabilitation center, though because the images cast on that island scarred every survivor except perhaps some of the little-uns and they all kept that experience a secret for the rest of their lives. Ralph perhaps had the most trouble with forgetting this experience because his fear of paint and housing supplies stores still existed until the date of his death . Dean Steinman 8D

Alternate Ending: Emily Ma 8B (Just wanted to say, these epilogues/alternate endings are amaazing!) Long after the hunt for Ralph began, Jack and Ralph now find themselves face to face. The fire is slowly closing in on them, and only the forest and the cliff assure safety from the flames. The two of them take each other in for a split second, but then they instantly break out into fight - Jack as a savage and Ralph for the sake of survival. They viciously tear and scratch and kick and bite - anything to better express the hatred for one another. However, the smoke soon becomes unbearable and they break apart to grasp a breath of oxygen. Ralph stumbles around and coughs, when Jack suddenly throws himself on Ralph's back, tightly gripping his neck. As a reflex, Ralph manages to fling Jack off of him. A gust of cool air swoops in, and the air surrounding the two, clears. Ralph watches as Jack staggers up and stumbles onto the ledge of the cliff. The weak and loose rock crumbles under the pressure, and suddenly Jack is falling when his hand miraculously catches on a ledge. "NOO! Augh!!!" With extreme madness, Jack climbs his way towards safety until he finds no more foot holds to prop himself up. When he realizes his situation, he brings himself to look at Ralph, with wide and scared eyes. At this moment Ralph goes through a serious of thoughts. At first he sees a happy trio of boys squandering about the island to their heart's content, and his heart tugs with an unusual yearning at the memory. However, once he takes a good look at what had become of Jack, his heart darkens and his hatred threatens to overpower him. Then he remembers the forest, and how he could run away and deny the immediacy of the presence. He stands so overwhelmed with his emotions that he slowly crumbles to the ground. Ralph starts to curl up into a ball, and his head pounds against his temple. Just as his first tears slip from his eyes, he catches a glimpse of Jack. Strangely enough, he is not glaring at Ralph, nor is he sympathetic towards him. No, Jack appears to be weary. The paint hardened and chipped to create deep lines etched across his face; his eyes no longer ablaze. His final three fingers relieve themselves from the pressure and the pain at last, and there is a finality to his fall. Meanwhile, Ralph is tired as well. No, he is empty. Is that the same? Ralph can no longer bear to process the events which had just occurred. He is only aware of the slight tugging in his heart and his heavy eyelids. There is grime covering his body and the fire has reached his toes, but strangely enough, Ralph can only think about the feel of fresh, linen sheets.

Alternate Ending: Christine Ralph ran through the forest, his heart racing and his lungs screaming for air. The fire was rushing quickly behind him, and the sound of ululations filled the air around him. Jack was close behind him, screaming at him and throwing rocks and spears, which came close but missed. Ralph burst out of the forest and onto the beach, but he tripped on a log on the way out and fell onto the sand. Jack ran up to him and raised his spear while laughing a maniac laugh, ready to impale Ralph, when the sound of a man calling his name reached Ralph. Ralph sat up screaming in bed in a room filled with beeping monitors. Next to him was his father, shouting “Ralph! Ralph! You’re awake! Everything’s going to be fine.” Ralph looked around in confusion. What happened to the island? Why was he in a hospital? Then another man, a doctor who had red hair just like Jack, appeared at his side. Ralph started screaming. “Everything’s going to be fine!” the doctor said. “You hit your head pretty hard in that accident and you were in a coma for a week. But you seem to be fine now.” At that moment, Ralph started sobbing, out of relief that it was all a dream.

LOTF Epilogue -by Ashley Phillips 8A 3 years have passed since the boys were rescued from the island Jack: Jack Meridew was put in a mental facility shortly after arriving back in England. He had gone crazy after realizing all he had done. However after he was released a year later he sent a letter to Ralph explaining how sorry he was for all he put them through. Jack also; felt that all of the deaths on the island were his fault. So he sent a letter to Simon’s parents and Piggy’s auntie explaining his grief and his sorrow. Ralph: Ralph had decided to write a book. He wrote two of them actually, he wrote “How to Survive When You are Stranded on an Island” and a memoir “The Time That I was Stranded on an Island” he also had memorials set for his two friends Piggy and Simon. Ralph felt pity toward jack and would often try to visit jack. 15 years later they all had a reunion. All the boys were in their twenty had graduated from college and had started to build their families. Jack: Jack had become a geographer trying to figure out what island him and his friends were on. He was married and his wife Jackie was expecting a child. Ralph: Ralph was married to Rose he had two kids a little girl, Jane, and a boy named Simon. Ralph had obviously become a writer who was making a lot of money. Roger: Oh Roger had become a fast food worker. He lived at home with his mother. He had become quite heavy. Roger doesn't have a wife or any significant other. However, he has 5 cats, 3 dogs, and 2 hamsters, and a parrot to keep him company. All of the boys still have night terrors of their days on the island. Most of them see a psychiatric one a week.

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  • What Does the Plane Crash Symbolize in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does William Golding Present the Character of Jack in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does Golding Express His Ideas About Leadership in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does Roger Change in “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding?
  • How the Society Suppresses Evil in the Novel “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does Golding Create a Setting in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does the Author Present Human Nature in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does William Golding Show Evil at Work in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Anybody Could Regress Into Savagery in Golding’s “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Is the Author’s Characterisation and Language Attributed to the Novel of the “Lord of the Flies”?
  • Why Did William Golding Name His Novel “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does Golding Present Death in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does the Setting Affect the Story “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Children Are Treated in the Story of “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does Golding Make the Physical World Seem Important in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • What Is Ralph’s Attitude Toward Piggy in the First Chapter of “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Many Boys Are in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Golding Creates Tension in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does the Opening Prepare the Reader for the Rest of the Novel “Lord of the Flies”?
  • Why the Boys Were Doomed to Fail in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • What Influenced William Golding to Write “Lord of the Flies”?
  • Ways That Golding Presents the Island in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Golding Uses Symbols in “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does William Golding Use the Setting to Develop the Main Theme of His Novel “Lord of the Flies”?
  • How Does Piggy’s Character Develop Through Golding’s “Lord of the Flies”?
  • What Ruined Ralph and Jack’s Friendship in “Lord of the Flies”?
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IvyPanda. (2023, December 8). 89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 8 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 8 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 8, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 8, 2023.


IvyPanda . "89 Lord of the Flies Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 8, 2023.


  1. What is a plausible alternate ending for Lord of the Flies

    Expert Answers. The British naval officer's arrival at the end of the novel is considered a deus ex machina, which prevents Ralph from being brutally slaughtered by Jack and his group of savages ...

  2. The Alternate Ending Of The Lord Of The Flies

    The original ending to Lord of the Flies had Ralph running from the hunters, just to eventually find himself on the beach with a naval officer waiting to take the boys back to civilization. He had run from the hunters for fear of the stick sharpened on both ends as was stated by Samneric on page 273. The stick was going to be used for Ralph's ...

  3. Alternative Ending for Lord of the Flies Essay

    Open Document. Alternative Ending for Lord of the Flies. Ralph, half staggering, half crawling like a wounded dog, looked up into the sky for a resolution, a sign of hope. But it did not give any. The sounds of the enemy were growing closer, and Ralph's situation was becoming more urgent by the second. He had two choices: to carry on making his ...

  4. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies Essay

    Essay Thesis Statement For Lord Of The Flies Even as two of the most civilized characters in Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Piggy still show their capability to act violently. As Ralph, Jack, and the other older boys return to their shelters from the Castle Rock—which is where they suspect that the beast would live—the boys encounter a boar ...

  5. Lord Of The Flies Alternate Ending Analysis

    Lord of the Flies Alternative Ending. He could hear them crashing in the undergrowth and on the left was the hot, bright thunder of the fire. He forgot his wounds, his hunger and thirst, and became fear; hopeless fear on flying feet, rushing through the forest towards the open beach. Spots jumped before his eyes and turned into red circles that ...

  6. Lord Of The Flies

    Paul Walmsley, 10B 6 th November 2007. Lord of the Flies: Alternate Ending "Ralph lay in a covert, wondering over his wounds." The deep gash across his leg was exploding with sharp, searing pain, but with the current feelings of intent hatred towards him felt all over the island, stopping to treat his ailments was simply not a viable option for the long-suffering Ralph.

  7. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies

    Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies. Jack could remember that day like it was yesterday. The tightly strung emotions and memories filtering through his mind as he sat in the front pews for his sister's wedding. That day, 14 years ago, the boys had finally made it to the airport after being rescued. All the families were there.

  8. Lord of the Flies, Alternative Ending Free Essay Example

    A few yards from the head sat a boy his orange hair falling over his eyes in a shaggy mess. The officers walked closer pushing the boy with their guns. He was mumbling to himself, slowly fading away. Around the boy lay masses of bones. He looked up making the officers gasp his dead blue eyes shaking them to the core.

  9. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies

    As clouds and battle cries draw closer, Ralph arms himself with a single spear. Split up the sleeve! Search every part of this land! He is here!". Jack cried. The crowd followed his orders and split into many squadrons. "What if we can't find him?". Roger asked. "We will, and when we do, I will let you do the honors.".

  10. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies

    The character Jack Merridew in Lord of the Flies is not evil like many would argue, but rather is ashamed of the fact that he is gay and closeted. This is supported by the hunter's casting off of religion and government, Jack's inability to hunt unless in front of other boys, and the beast as a symbol.

  11. Lord of the Flies Alternate Ending & Epilogue

    Slowly, the fire burns out and is left charred and black. As the tide rises, phosphorescent creatures come with the water and the two floating bodies are surrounded with these creatures. Slowly, Ralph and Jacks bodies float out to the open sea. Epilogue of the alternate ending: The sand around castle rock is littered with dead bodies.

  12. Alternate Ending To Lord Of The Flies

    Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies 392 Words | 2 Pages. ... Fear Taking Over Lord Of The Flies Essay 996 Words | 4 Pages. Fear of a dangerous creature on an island leads the boys to do unexpected things, from turning against each other to killing one another. Jack, a prideful boy, even took advantage of this to control others and guide them ...

  13. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies Epilogue Essay

    Lord of the Flies has the theme of civilization versus savagery, which can be seen through Jack and Ralph. There are many similarities between the alternate ending and the original ending, but there are also many differences that can be noted. Lord of the Flies is a complex novel with a complex ending that can be analyzed to find the deeper ...

  14. Alternate Ending To Lord Of The Flies Essay

    The Lord of the Flies explores the facts that some children can become savages and start to kill anything blindly that can get in their way. The Lord of the Flies starts out with Ralph meeting Piggy. Their conversation started out with the background of the situation and thinking they were the only ones on the island.

  15. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies

    More about Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies. What Are The Similarities Between Tlio And Miguel In The Road To Tehrado 529 Words | 3 Pages; How Does Jack Change In Lord Of The Flies 663 Words | 3 Pages; How Did Jack Merridew Change In Lord Of The Flies 1349 Words | 6 Pages; How Does The Power Change In Lord Of The Flies 877 Words | 4 Pages

  16. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies

    Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies. Improved Essays. 780 Words; 4 Pages; Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. He staggered to his feet, tensed for more terror, and looked up at a huge peaked cap. It was a white-topped cap, and above the green shade of the peak was a crown, an anchor, and gold foliage. He saw white ...

  17. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies Essay

    Simon Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay The sticks fell and the mouth of the new circle crushed and screamed" (152). The savagery and uncontrollable fear that they had, ended up making Simon become their scapegoat which proved Simon's indifference against the boys.

  18. 89 Lord of the Flies Essay Examples and Topics

    Lord of the Flies, an Allegorical Novel by William Golding. As the auction proceeds, the reader follows the heartbreaking events of the book. Boys hunt down a pig and place its head on a stick as an 'offering' to the 'beast'. Evil in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

  19. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies

    Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies. Satisfactory Essays. 523 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Desperate brothers kidnap a sick girl, but soon discover she may be possessed. BRIEF SYNOPSIS: Brothers, RALPH (20's) and SAL (30's), an insurance agent, kidnap a young girl JENNY (19) from a rehab. She appears to be very sick and unconscious.

  20. Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies

    Alternate Ending For Lord Of The Flies. In the awakening of dawn, Ralph sat up on the thin mattress set down on the hardwood floor. He barely got any sleep because of the thoughts that ran through his head during the night. It had been a week since they were rescued from the burning island, and he was finally in the comfort of his own home.