resume format for experienced web developer

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resume format for experienced web developer

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15 Web Developer Resume Examples Built for 2024

Stephen Greet

Web Developer

Web Developer

Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

Web Developer Resume

  • Web Developer Resumes by Experience
  • Web Developer Resumes by Role

Writing Your Web Developer Resume

Whether you’re a front-end web developer or work across the full stack, you have what it takes to build a great website.

When it comes to landing a job, however, it takes more than just your web development skills to convince hiring managers to invite you for an interview. You must also be great at  writing resumes and writing cover letters which can often feel more challenging than debugging a Heisenbug under race conditions.

We know a thing or two when it comes to  resume making , and  we’ve scoured through tons of developer resumes to distill our wisdom into fifteen free web developer resume samples . We’ve also written a short guide on how to write an effective resume so you can land that crucial first-stage interview in 2024.

or download as PDF

Web developer resume example with 4 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • By learning the specific leadership traits, company values, and responsibilities the company desires, you can tailor your resume’s bullet points, as well as your web developer cover letter , to position yourself as a perfect candidate.
  • Always run your resume through a  resume checker  or spellcheck system, like Grammarly. These systems will scan your resume for errors and even suggest writing improvements, including active verbs.

Senior Web Developer Resume

Senior web developer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • For example, did you lead a team of developers on a massive project with a big budget? Did you train junior developers? Did you develop more efficient processes to improve production time? Include numbers when you can to further your impact!
  • Leave some white space and room for margins to give the recruiter’s eyes a break. We’d recommend one-half to one-inch margins for a professional appearance. You can also incorporate color and several font types to increase readability.

Junior Web Developer Resume

Junior web developer resume example with 4 years of experience

  • A  resume objective  is the quickest way to list your experience, abilities, and enthusiasm for the role. However, if you’ve held  more than two  junior web developer positions, omit the objective in favor of work experience.
  • We recommend adding  six to eight courses  to highlight your knowledge without wasting too much space on your  junior web developer resume .

Entry-Level Web Developer Resume

Entry-level web developer resume example

  • Always tailor your objective for each job application by including the name of the company and the specific title you’re seeking!
  • Start by listing any projects or internships you’ve done (more on internships in a bit). If you still need some filler, you can add a  resume objective  to state your skills, experience, and eagerness for the position.
  • Before you apply, just know that some companies require you to actively pursue a 4-year degree, while others require you to already have a diploma. Still, others might not even care. Make sure to check the  web developer job description  to see if the internship fits your experience.

Web Developer No Experience Resume

Web developer resume example with no experience in web development

  • Working as a graphic designer inspires creative uses of code—a skill you can easily apply to developing visually appealing websites.

Web Developer Intern Resume

Web developer intern resume example with projects' experience

  • Skip the generic candidacy train and craft a tailored objective that lets employers know you aim to support the firm’s mission while honing your craft in different tools. This shows you’re actually excited for the role and not applying to simply complete a university exam requirement. Web Developer Resume web developer resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Try avoiding extremely bright or dark colors like light red or pantone to potentially put off any employer. Rather, make your web developer resume elegant using a Minimalist template and a calm tone like medium orange which subtly distinguishes every resume section.

Self Taught Web Developer Resume

Self taught web developer resume example with graphic design experience

  • But hey, random numbers have never made any self taught web developer resume attractive so pay close attention to your wording. Use phrases like “minimized downtime” and “reduced user drop-off rate” that employers will be on the lookout for.

Web Application Developer Resume

Web application developer resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Now, be smart and show the level of commitment you have by adding any IT role during your graduation year. This shows that you’ve wasted no time and have kept up with all the necessary skills to excel in web development.

J2EE Web Developer Resume

J2EE web developer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • To achieve the same effect, go the extra mile by providing a detailed list of skills, quantifiable accomplishments, and a work history of reputed companies to create a winning resume.

Java Web Developer Resume

Java web developer resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Aiming for structure and a modern design can help you customize your resume and differentiate it from the same old-school style. To keep the ball rolling, add in notable skills and strong action words such as “Created” and “Enhanced” to grab the recruiter’s attention.

Freelance Web Developer Resume

Freelance web developer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • List any relevant skills or employment on your freelance web developer resume to build your credibility as you strike out on your own.

Front-End Web Developer Resume

Front-end web developer resume example with 5 years of experience

  • While it may sound boring, a template can help you format your resume according to industry standards and add some stylistic touches that will make your resume beautiful and easy to read.
  • For example, most front-end  web developer job descriptions  include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Unit Testing as desired skills.

Back-End Web Developer Resume

Back-end web developer resume example with 8 years of experience

  • To remedy this dilemma, highlight the skills you possess in the  skills section of your resume . Use specific keywords relating to both your hard and soft skills, as employers want to know you’re technically capable and great at working with others.
  • Then be sure to provide meaningful contextual examples of how you have utilized the skills that appear most frequently on job descriptions.

Web Developer/Programmer Resume

Web developer/programmer resume example with 2 years of experience

  • To combat freelancing’s slightly-negative reputation, you  must  have quantifiable results and client stories to validate the legitimacy of your experience. Be prepared to offer references if employers ask.
  • Check your resume  by copyediting each line in every section. For example, if your email address has a minor typo, the employer won’t be able to contact you, which is kind of essential to getting a job.

Related resume guides

  • Tableau Developer
  • Software engineer
  • Project Manager
  • Network Engineer

Overwhelmed job seeker at desk with hands in air questions how to write job materials

We don’t mean to state the obvious, but companies are flocking to  hire web developers . The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that demand for these roles will grow by 28 percent over the next eight years (significantly faster than average).

The demand for these roles (and the great salaries) leaves no question about why people pursue web development careers. Not to mention, developers get to solve really cool problems. Who wouldn’t want to do that?

However, with all candidates applying for web developer jobs, how can you demonstrate your technical prowess while highlighting your ability to make a meaningful impact? Frankly, it’s not easy.

We’ve had the distinct pleasure (and, at times, pain) of working directly with hiring managers at companies like Microsoft, Stripe, and Chegg to understand what they’re looking for in web developers. Furthermore, we want to pass along that knowledge to you so you’re no longer in the dark about the hiring process.

In short, here’s what you need to do to maximize your chances of getting a first-round interview:

  • Your technical skills need to be written such that they get you past the automated resume filters companies deploy AND satisfy the technical hiring manager who will review your resume.
  • Your  resume format  needs to be right. This is not the place to get creative with images and graphics. Keep it to one page, make it easy to read, and you’ll be fine.
  • Quantify the impact of your work and projects. Numbers speak louder than words, and that especially rings true on a resume.
  • Customize your resume for each job you apply to.

We know that writing a resume is just about as much fun as moving or going to the dentist. Our goal with BeamJobs is to simplify this process so you can focus on what you love doing, building web applications.

resume format for experienced web developer

How to highlight your web developer skills

The primary function of the  skills section of your resume  is to help you get past the automated keyword filters, known as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). These systems scan resumes to help hiring managers cut down on time. While they’re useful, they can also weed you out if you’re not careful.

As a web developer, you probably thought that the way to optimize your resume is by including as many keywords as possible. Unfortunately, the technical hiring manager will  also  review your resume, and a host of keywords isn’t appealing to read.

Nothing is a bigger red flag to someone who hires web developers than a candidate who claims to know 11 different programming languages and 23 different frameworks.  As a rule of thumb, if you won’t do well on a whiteboarding session for a given language, don’t include it on your resume.

You don’t want to burn bridges when applying for jobs. The only surefire way to burn a bridge is to outright lie about your qualifications. It’s just not worth it. With programming, there just isn’t much room to “fake it ’till you make it.”

For web developers specifically, it’s much more important to show a depth of understanding in a few languages and frameworks than it is to show breadth in a whole bunch of different things.

It seems like a new JavaScript framework comes out every week, and you would not be expected to be an expert in the flavor of the week by any reasonable employer.

Technical skills for your web developer resume

  • Programming languages: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Java, Python
  • Frameworks: JavaScript (NodeJS, ReactJS, Angular, jQuery), Ruby (Ruby on Rails), Python (Django)
  • Databases: SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite)
  • Cloud infrastructure: AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Heroku, DigitalOcean
  • Utilities: Git, Unix

Again,  you’re not expected to have all of these on your resume . In fact, including all of these skills would reflect poorly on your candidacy. What developer knows every single of these things well enough to be tested on them?

The skills you include on your resume are also a function of the kind of roles you’re applying to. For example, if you’re applying for a front-end web developer role, then your Rails experience likely won’t be as relevant.

Don’t mention your soft skills in your skills section!  Companies are not automatically filtering for soft skill keywords, and it’s not convincing to the hiring manager to see you have “communication” as a skill. What does that mean without context?

There are a few ways you can structure how you talk about your skills on your resume.

How to structure your technical skills on your web developer resume

  • Advanced: Python (Django), Java, Unix, Git
  • Familiar: JavaScript, SQL, HTML/CSS
  • Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS
  • Frameworks: Django, NodeJS, ReactJS
  • Tools: jQuery, Unix, Git, Selenium
  • Databases: SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL), AWS

If you’re an entry-level web developer, we recommend you use the “proficiency” skill breakdown because you won’t have a lot of work projects to demonstrate your proficiency in the skills you have. 

resume format for experienced web developer

Get your web developer resume format right

The formatting of your resume is pretty straightforward. The goal: keep it simple, and keep it easy to read. Here are the things you need to do to properly format your web developer resume:

  • If you brain dump on a  resume outline , you can make that document as long as you please.
  • Under your name, include the title of the role you want. So if you’re applying for a senior web developer job, make that your title.
  • Most likely, you  do not  need a resume objective or summary. Unless you’re an entry-level or senior candidate, omit this section.
  • If you’re entry-level, include relevant classes you took in school that make you a good fit for the web developer job you’re applying to.
  • Include any relevant demonstrations of your ability as a developer. Adding links like your GitHub profile or your personal portfolio site can encourage hiring managers to look you up and see your skills.
  • Do  not  have any typos or grammar errors on your resume !

Most of these tips are self-explanatory, but we’ll elaborate on a few just to make sure the points are clear.

To keep you on your toes, let’s talk about the last bullet point first. For any given web developer role (and this goes double for junior web developer roles), the hiring manager is reviewing, on average, over 60 resumes.

This means they’re essentially looking for a reason to say “no” to a given person instead of “yes” because they only have so much time to dedicate to resume review. Don’t let a silly grammar error or spelling mistake be the reason you get put in the “no” pile. 

Read your resume, then read it again. Then read it five more times. Then send it to your mom/friend/brother/cousin/colleague/whomever to make sure another human catches basic mistakes that a machine can’t catch.

Education for an entry-level web developer vs. an experienced web developer

Career objective on a web developer resume for a recent computer science graduate

You want to try to keep your resume to one page. We know that’s a tough pill to swallow since you want to include all your qualifications to help you get the job.

Sadly, hiring managers are busy, and they can’t spend as much time as they’d like reviewing all resumes they get for a given role. For that reason, your resume needs to be a one-page highlight reel.

Once you get an interview, you can spend more time expounding on your past experience and skills. Until then, keep your resume short. You’re more than your one-page resume, but you can’t overwhelm hiring managers at the start.

That one page of information will likely differ between candidates with more or less experience. A senior-level developer can’t afford to waste much space on their education section. Conversely, an entry-level web developer needs to convince the hiring manager they have the right skills and knowledge, so they might include relevant courses and their GPA.

Entry-level vs. experienced web developer education on resume

Entry-level web developers

  • Include all relevant programming or math classes you took in school to highlight your qualifications
  • Include your GPA if it’s above ~3.2
  • If you just finished a software engineering boot camp, include it in your education section

Senior web developers

  • Don’t waste space on classes you took in school. Use this to focus on the projects you worked on in your jobs.
  • Don’t include your GPA. It will have very little sway after you already have a few years of experience under your belt.
  • Consider a  resume summary , but only if you’re going to take the time to do it right (see our notes about the objective below). 

resume format for experienced web developer

Don’t include a resume objective

Most resume objectives we’ve seen from web developers should never be included in their resumes. What makes them so bad?

Picture this: you’re reading a resume, and the very first line says “I am a hard-working web developer looking to grow my skills.” It’s not terrible, but it’s not great. Would you hire someone based on that line?

Probably not.

A resume objective should be a two-to-three-sentence sales pitch explaining your experience, skills, and passion for the job. Most of the time, you don’t even need to include it!

There are two cases where it’s best to a resume objective:

  • You’re undergoing a career change
  • You have a particular interest or passion in the company or role you’re applying to
  • If you’re not customizing your objective for each job you’re applying to, then you’re better off not including a resume objective

Remember, real estate is valuable on a one-page resume. Don’t waste it by saying something that doesn’t improve your chances of getting an interview. To illustrate the point, here are a few resume objective examples.

WRONG – this resume objective doesn’t say anything new or valuable

Looking to utilize my skills as a front-end web developer to improve and iterate on the product for a customer-first organization.

RIGHT – specific, demonstrated interest in the company mission

As the daughter of small business owners, I’m really excited about the prospect of using my full-stack Python experience to further the Stripe mission of making payments accessible for companies of all sizes across the globe.

resume format for experienced web developer

Quantify your impact on your resume

Numbers speak louder than words. While there is no way to directly quantify the work of a web developer (and no, lines of code written do not count as a metric), you can try to quantify the impact of the projects you’ve worked on.

Whenever possible, include the tangible outcome of your projects. This doesn’t always have to mean that you’ve impacted revenue in some way. Here are some other ways that your work may have had an impact (and this is not all-encompassing, get creative):

Ways to quantify the impact of your work as a web developer

  • Reduced downtime by X%
  • Improved the speed of the application by X%
  • Implemented a product feature that improved customer retention by X%
  • Improved customer satisfaction (as measured by NPS) by X%
  • Built a feature that improved click-through rate by X%
  • Scaled a product that successfully handled X concurrent users
  • Automated a process that saved X hours of manual labor each week
  • Improved a product feature that increased usage by X%
  • Worked on a project that led to a cost savings of $X
  • Implemented unit tests that improved test coverage by X%
  • Fixed a bug that reduced customer complaints by X%

It’s okay if these impacts are rough estimates. As long as you can justify your metrics in an interview setting, go for it! Back-of-the-envelope math is totally acceptable here.

When a hiring manager is reviewing your resume, you want to make the case that you deserve an interview no matter where they focus their attention on your resume. To do that, you need to convince them that you will have a meaningful impact on their business.

After all, companies hire developers (and anyone, really) to have an appreciable impact on the business. What better way to demonstrate you can do this as a developer than showing you’ve had a huge impact in all of your past roles?

To hammer this home one more time, consider these two examples. They’re talking about the same work experience, and the only difference is that one candidate made their impact explicit numerically. Who would you hire?

WRONG – work experience not tied to outcomes

EdTech Company January 2015 – Present, New York NY Senior Web Developer

  • Worked alongside product managers to re-architect a multi-page web app into a single page web-app built in React
  • Built the logic for  a streamlined ad-serving platform that scaled to our 100M users

RIGHT – work tied to specific business impact

  • Worked alongside product managers to re-architect a multi-page web app into a single-page web app built in React resulting in a yearly revenue lift of $1.1M
  • Built the logic for  a streamlined ad-serving platform that scaled to our 100M users which improved the page speed by 14% after implementation

resume format for experienced web developer

Project ideas for entry-level web developers

If you’re an entry-level web developer (or fresher as the cool kids call it) then you won’t have any experience to talk about on your resume.

In this case, it’s essential that you include projects you’ve worked on to demonstrate to the hiring manager that you have the ability to function as an effective web developer on their team. More than that, you also want to show you have a genuine interest in web development. You might be interested in choosing our Student  Google Docs resume template  we created that specifically makes room for projects. 

The beauty of being a web developer is that you have the ability to create any website that you want! To be frank,  if you’re a junior web developer and you don’t have any projects you’ve worked on, you likely won’t get the job .

How can you come up with projects to work on? Here are a few ideas:

Web developer projects for your resume

  • Example: Created a web app to track how the food I consume the night before a run impacts my performance
  • Example: Built a recommendation engine to automatically recommend what movie I should watch next, reducing my average time spent selecting movies by 18 minutes
  • Example: Built an application for my local newspaper delivery person using the Google Maps API to help them optimize their route
  • Example: Built a Recaptcha test that was impossible for humans to solve so that websites could allow only bot traffic through
  • Example: Built a robust toy and food inventory management system for my local humane shelter that saved them 15 hours a month in manual data entry and ordering

As you can see, there are many types of projects you can include on your web developer resume.

If you already have projects to include, the same rules hold as if you were talking about your work experience. Try to quantify the impact of the project you worked on against your original goal! For example, for the nonsense Recaptcha test example listed above, you can state the rate that humans failed your test.

When it’s all put together, here’s what a project might look like on an entry-level web developer resume:

Poker Simulation

  • Built a full-stack web app to allow users to simulate and visualize outcomes of poker hands against opponents of different play styles using open-source cards.js on the front-end
  • Utilized  sci-kit learn in Python to simulate possible outcomes under different scenarios that the user chose
  • Used: JavaScript, Python, SQL, HTML/CSS

How to effectively customize your resume for each job

We know, we know. Customizing your resume for each job is a pain. However, it’s one of the best things you can do to get the job.  You need to customize your resume for each job whenever you can .

This is not to say you have to customize your resume if there is truly nothing unique you can say about your fit for a given role or company.

Instead, take this approach:

  • For example, if the job description mentions something about web scraping and you’ve used Selenium you can mention that if it’s not already on your resume.
  • For example, if you’re looking at a web developer role for a finance company and in a past role you helped your team manage the budget, you can talk about that.
  • If you have a specific interest in the mission of the company, craft a resume objective that talks to that interest (see above).

You shouldn’t spend too much time on this. If you’re a full-stack developer and you’re applying for a front-end role, then you should talk more about your experience on the front-end on your resume.

This step is the most intuitive. If there’s any connection that you have (no matter how tenuous) to the company or role you’re applying for, adjust your resume to talk about that connection.

Web Developer Resume FAQs

Job seeker holds letters "F-A-Q" to ask about writing resumes, cover letters, & other job materials

Forgo adding soft skills, like communication, to your web developer resume; you need to quickly make the case for your technical skillset. What programming languages does the job description talk about? JavaScript and Java are two different animals, after all! Think about not only the needs of the specific company but also what your true skills are. If a company works in DigitalOcean but you’ve only dabbled there, it’s probably best to leave that skill off your list.

Alternatively, you can also organize your skills list by level of proficiency. Using the example above, you could list DigitalOcean as a skill you’re familiar with while listing things like Django, Java, and AWS as advanced skills.

Numbers speak louder than words. Especially in technical roles like web development, metrics like percentages, money, and estimated totals add considerable weight to your job description bullet points. Rather than talk about mere job responsibilities in your work experience, tell employers about your accomplishments. If you improved the speed of an application by using a CDN and reducing the number of HTTP requests,  how much did you improve the speed ? And if you built a feature that increased the CTR,  how much did the CTR increase ? Even if you can only share guesstimates, you’re still providing proof of meaningful impact.

Projects are your best friend next to internships in web development. There’s a lot of competition out there for web developers, so while employers understand that you’ve got to gain real-world experience at some point, they also expect you to come to the table with evidence that you’re ready to rise to the challenge. Internships are a great way to gain valuable experience and skills while getting your foot in the door. Projects are also a highly valuable inclusion on your resume that a lot of candidates never consider adding.

Projects can be more personal in nature, or they can be an academic task or even a volunteer endeavor for a community, company, or friend. The point is that you can point to specific projects where you used web development skills that you’ll need on the job. For example, if running is your hobby, creating an app to track how your food intake impacts your performance is a project that demonstrates not only web development skills but also initiative and creativity.

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Web Developer Resume for 2024 - Guide & Examples

Background Image

It’s no secret that web developers are in high demand.

Highly skilled developers shouldn’t have too many problems.

Securing a role at a top company is no easy task.

You see, you’re competing with hundreds of other skilled developers.

With so much competition, you need a resume that works.

You’re in luck! This guide takes you through a simple step-by-step process of creating a web developer resume.

  • An example of a finished web developer resume that works
  • How to write a web developer resume that’ll fill up your interview diary
  • How to make your web developer resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

Before we get into the details, here’s a web developer example, created with our very own free resume builder :

web developer resume sample

Applying for a different job position in the computer science field? Go ahead and check out one of our related resume examples below:

  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Computer Science Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Data Analyst Resume
  • Data Entry Resume
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer Resume
  • Engineering Resume

How to Format a Web Developer Resume

Before you can reveal your coding expertise, you need pick the best format.

Doing so will allow your skills and experiences to be seen clearly. It will also be easier for the recruiter to read, which is always good. 

The most common resume format is “reverse-chronological”, and it’s for good reason. Essentially, it allows the hiring managers to immediately see how you can benefit the company. We recommend web developers start with this format ( tech resume template ):

web developer resume

The following resume formats can also work well:

  • Functional Resume – If your developer skills are stronger than your work experience, this format is recommended. It’s ideal for graduates who don’t have a lot of work experience or have gaps in their employment history.
  • Combination Resume – As the name suggests, this format combines both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological” formats. It focuses on skills AND work experience, so is ideal for developers who have some work experience.

With your format sorted, it’s time to arrange your resume layout .

Just like your web development, you need to create the best user experience possible.

For a professional web developer resume, we recommend:

  • Margins - One-inch margins on every side
  • Font - Pick a unique font that remains professional 
  • Font Size - Use a font size of 11-12pt for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length - Keep your resume to one page. For guidance, view our one-page resume templates .

Use a Web Developer Resume Template

As a web developer, you’re well-versed in producing clean code that has no bugs.

Similarly, you need your resume to be built in a way that can’t break.

The best way to do this is via a web developer resume template .

Use a text editor, and your entire resume layout may fall apart with just a small alteration!

What to Include in a Web Developer Resume

The main sections in a web developer resume are:

  • Work Experience
  • Contact Information

Want to go a step further? You can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

So, those are the sections to use, but what should you write for each of them? 

Read on to find out!

Want to know more about resume sections? View our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

You may be able to develop some slick websites, but your creativity is not needed for this section.

The only requirement is factually-correct information.

The contact information section must include:

  • Professional Title – Align this to the exact role you’re applying for, which is “Web Developer”
  • Phone Number – Check this for errors
  • Email Address – Use a professional email address ([email protected]), not your childhood email ([email protected])
  • (Optional) Location - Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location and that you are willing to relocate or work remotely.
  • Joe Paul - Web Developer. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Joe Paul - Web Development King. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Web Developer Resume Summary or Objective

Put yourself in the mind of the recruiter:

You’re in your office with 100+ resumes piled up in front of you.

Are you going to read each resume thoroughly or are you going to skim read?

The truth is, we have only a few seconds to hook the reader

The best way to do this is with a resume summary or objective .

These are short paragraphs found at the top of a resume, just under your contact information.

But what is the difference between these two sections?

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your professional experiences and achievements.

  • Experienced web developer with a strong background in developing award-winning applications for a diverse clientele. 5+ years of industry experience includes programming, debugging, and wireframes. Received 80%+ experience scores on every web application built for SoftwareX. 

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of what you want to achieve professionally.

  • Motivated junior web developer looking for a role as full-stack web developer at SoftwareX. Passionate about building first-class web applications. Developed an e-commerce website for a local fashion retailer while at University X. Relevant skills include DNS Management, Database, Debugging, and more.

Summary or objective – who is the winner?

Generally, we recommend web developers to use a summary.

How to Make Your Web Developer Work Experience Stand Out

Not much can beat a candidate with a wealth of relevant work experience .

As such, make sure you spend time making this section perfect. 

Here’s the best way to structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Web Developer 


03/2016 - 04/2020

  • Increased UX scores by 40%.
  • Accelerated load time by 22%.
  • Contributed to mobile app development for a 27% increase in eCommerce sales.
  • Trained over 20 staff members in internal website functions.

To separate your application from the competition, you should focus on your best achievements instead of your daily tasks. This will allow the recruiter to see the obvious benefits in hiring you.

Instead of saying:

“Developed mobile apps”

“Contributed to mobile app development for a 27% increase in eCommerce sales”

So, what’s the difference between the two examples?

To put it simply, the first example shows that you developed apps, but it doesn’t show the results of your work. 

The second example shows that your work had a direct benefit to the company you were working for. Hard numbers that prove your skills – yes please!

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Maybe you’re a graduate looking for your first developer job?

Whatever the reason for your lack of work experience, a recruiter will want a web developer that can do the job. 

The best way to do this is to create a portfolio of work that shows your skills.

Here are several ways you can create a rich portfolio (and even get paid for it):

  • Start freelancing
  • Ask your social circle if they need the help of a web developer 
  • If the above doesn’t work, you can become your own client! Show your skills by building your own website or app.

Are you recent web dev graduate? Make sure to check out our student resume guide !

Use Action Words to Make Your Web Developer Resume POP!

…are all common words that the recruiter sees time and time again.

However, you don’t want your resume to read like every other resume on the recruiter’s desk. The solution is to use power words to make your achievements stand out:

  • Conceptualized

How to Correctly List your Education

Once the experience section is the best it can be, it’s time to talk about your educational history to date.

Just like your code, keep this section clean and reduce bloat. 

Simply enter your education history in the following format:

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

B.A. in Computer Science

Boston State University

  • Relevant Courses: Algorithms, Compilers, Principles of Programming, Logic and Database Theory, Systems Engineering, Computer Systems

Now, you may still have questions on this section. If so, here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

What if I haven’t completed education yet?

  • Regardless of whether you’re a marketing graduate or still studying, you should still mention every year of education to date

Should I include my high school education?

  • The general rule is to only include your highest education. So, include your high school education if you don’t have a relevant degree for marketing.

What do I put first, my education or experience?

  • Experiences are the priority, so those go first. If you’re a recent graduate, you will likely need to start with education

Need further guidance? Check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 10 Skills for a Web Developer Resume

Most applications will have the same skills sections: a long list of programming languages. 

While this shows their skills, the hiring manager has seen this A LOT.

Yours should do two things:

  • Include the correct keywords to pass the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • List a mix of hard skills and soft skills that are targeted to the job description

Here are some of the most common web developer skills:

Languages for a Web Developer:

Hard skills for a web developer:.

  • Programming
  • DNS Management

Soft Skills for a Web Developer:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Adaptability

Generally, soft skills are really important, but, you see, any CS graduate can say they’re a team leader, but not many have an advanced knowledge of DNS management.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of 150+ must-have skills this year .

What Else Can You Include in Your Web Developer Resume?

That’s the essentials sorted – time to call it a day!

But wait, does your resume stand out?

Covering the essentials should be enough to get you shortlisted, but the following sections could be the deciding factor in whether you’re hired for the role or not.

Awards & Certifications

Have you won an award for your web development?

Have you completed any courses to improve your development skills?

Include any notable achievements in this section of your resume. 

Here’s an example:

Awards & Certificates

  • “Web Applications for Everbody” – Coursera Certificate
  • “Full-Stack Web Development with Stack” – Coursera Certificate
  • “Critical Thinking Masterclass” – MadeUpUniversity

Want to really impress the hiring manager?

Show that you live and breathe web development.

Showing off your own personal project is one of best ways to show how passionate you are about your craft.

For web development and programming, this is usually in the form of side hustles. Showing a website that you built with your coding knowledge will be impressive for all hiring managers.

Here are a few projects that you could mention:

  • Create a website from scratch
  • Create your own audio and video player with javascript
  • Create an online FTP client 

Here is what the projects section can look like on your resume…

As a web developer, you know many coding languages. 

However, here we are talking about vocal languages.

Those able to speak multiple languages may want to add a small languages section. 

Rank the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you may be wondering, “why does my rock climbing hobby matter?”

Well, your interests and hobbies reveal more of who you are. 

A few sentences about yourself is a great way to add instant personality to your resume. 

Here’s which hobbies & interests you may want to mention .

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

While some recruiters don’t need cover letters, others see them as essential.

And as you want the best chance of landing the job, we recommend writing one.

As well as great for creating interest in your resume, cover letters show that you have a desire to work for this specific company, instead of sending out a generic resume.

Here’s how to create a winning cover letter:

cover letter for web developer

You should complete the following sections:

Personal Contact Information

Your full name, profession, email, phone number, location, and website (or GitHub / Stack Overflow).

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email, phone number.

Opening Paragraph

As the recruiter will be skimming through your application, you need to hook them with the first few sentences. Use concise language to mention:

  • The exact position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievement to date

Once you have the recruiter interested, you can get deeper into the following specifics...

  • Why you chose this specific company
  • What you know about the company
  • How are your top skills relevant for the job
  • Which similar industries or positions have you worked in before

Closing Paragraph

Don’t just end the letter in an abrupt manner, you should:

  • Conclude the points made in the body paragraph
  • Thank the recruiter for the opportunity
  • Finish with a call to action to ignite a conversation. A simple “At your earliest opportunity, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help company X” will work.

Formal Salutations

End the letter with professionalism. We recommend something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely”.

For more inspiration, read our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

You now have everything you need to build a professional web development resume that really gets results.

Let’s quickly go over the most important points:

  • Format your web developer resume correctly. Prioritize the reverse-chronological format, and then follow the best practices on content layout
  • Use a resume summary or objective to catch the recruiter’s attention
  • Highlight your top achievements in your work experience section
  • Think about making a portfolio that shows your best work
  • Include a convincing cover letter with your resume 

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Ace Interviews with the STAR Method [9+ Examples]
  • How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”
  • What You Can Learn from Satya Nadella’s Rise to CEO

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  • Web Developer

Ivan Shovkoplias

Web Developer resume examples & templates

Web Developer resume examples & templates

The web developer job market

Recruiter psychology, the technical side, industry knowledge, posted job description, word clouds, the human side, bonus tip for junior developers and interns, what resume layouts are best for a web developer.

So, you need a web developer resume. Some people will tell you the job market has never been better. Others will say job hunting in the modern tech world is getting more and more difficult. Both claims are true. It’s a confusing paradox. 

Entry-level Web Developer Translation missing: en.examples.resume_example

Here’s a rock-solid fact though: your resume shouldn't be a blunt instrument to secure a basic position. It should be your secret weapon in getting your dream job. can help you achieve that result. As a leading international resource for job seekers, we’ve developed more than 300 occupation-specific resume guides and resume samples , along with professionally designed, field-tested templates and an easy-to-use resume builder tool. 

This resume writing guide, along with the corresponding web developer resume example, will show you how to write a resume that is both professional and engaging, ensuring it won't get lost in hundreds of others. You’ll find out how to present your most highly sought skills and win over HR specialists, opening the door to top-level companies. 

Above all, the tips, stats and hacks laid out here will help you make sure the hiring manager from your ideal company won't hit "delete" before even reaching the "skills" section. Instead, they'll rush to schedule an interview ahead of the competitors. 

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Role of web developers and the job market outlook
  • General writing tips for a web developer resume
  • The best format for structuring your web developer resume
  • Advice on each resume section: header, summary, work history, education and skills
  • Professional resume layout and design hints.

What does a web developer do?

Web developers design, create and maintain websites, using the latest industry software to provide a superior user experience that consistently delivers the customer/readership base that the website is seeking to attract.    

The web developer market is hot right now. Not only is it wide open for new candidates, but it’s projected to grow. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the number of web developer jobs will increase by 8% between 2019 and 2029, about twice as fast as the average for all occupations. 

Here's the traditional StackOverflow survey: in 2017, web developers made up 70% of all developer respondents.  In 2021 19, full stack, back-end, front-end, and desktop developers continued to account for the majority of all respondents. Web developer demand and popularity is high.

Positions are plentiful, but the growing number of specialists can translate into a bottleneck of hundreds of resumes per job listing. This results in short attention spans of recruiters and automate systems filtering applicants. 

What's the conclusion? There’s a serious need to make your resume stand out. But you must also make it clear, professional and visually appealing. 

For additional ideas and inspiration to help you prepare a job-winning web developer resume, check out these and other specific resume examples and writing guides in the information technology category:

  • Systems Analyst resume sample
  • Technical Project Manager resume sample
  • Computer Science resume sample
  • Network Engineer resume sample
  • IT Director resume sample
  • Software Engineer resume sample
  • Film and Video Editor resume sample
  • Motion Graphics Artists resume sample
  • Network Systems Analyst resume sample
  • 3D Animator resume sample
  • Software Developer resume sample
  • Web Developer resume sample
  • Programmer resume sample
  • Data Scientist resume sample
  • IT manager resume sample
  • Data Analyst resume sample
  • IT Project manager resume sample

How to write a web developer resume

Great resumes can change people’s lives. So, let’s dive right in. 

What your web developer should have in common with most resumes, regardless of occupation, is the structure. It should fit on a single page and include all of these elements:

  • Employment history section
  • Education section
  • Skills section

Before going through these sections in detail, one at a time, let’s look at some general considerations for your web developer resume.

Imagine crafting a resume, only to have it rejected by an automated system and never reach human eyes. Or losing the recruiter’s attention due to a technicality. Or not mentioning a programming language that was actually a huge “bonus point”. Or ... you get the picture.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) started out as a tool used only by the largest corporations. Today, it’s become a widespread way to streamline recruitment. In a nutshell, the ATS scans and scores your resume for keywords, skill placement, contact information and similar things to filter out (supposedly) unqualified candidates before passing the document on to HR. 

Different ATS have different configurations, so there is no catch- all trick to pass through them. But we'll go over some effective tips and methods to give you a serious advantage, especially pertaining to web developers.

U.S. survey results show that, in general, 75% of resumes are never seen by human eyes. It can become a resume black hole. So, understanding how the ATS works is important.

As noted previously, recruiters are constantly flooded by resumes, most of which are very similar. This leads to a lack of patience for confusing wording and layouts. Beyond that, HR professionals are almost never simultaneously tech specialists. 

So, it’s important to emphasize general human qualities and skills in addition to featuring your tech expertise. Later in this guide, we'll take a look at the specifics for each resume section.

Choosing the best resume format for a web developer

If your web developer or IT career has followed a linear path of employee positions, the most commonly used, failsafe chronological resume format is will be ideal. It provides the most straightforward overview of your work experience in the employment history section.

But if the web developer position you’re pursuing would be a radical departure, or if you have often worked as an independent consultant in contract positions, you might want to consider an alternative resume format . Functional resumes, for instance, emphasize specialized skills or specific industries. Other web developers might opt for a hybrid (combination) resume format blending both chronological and functional elements.

Resume summary example: Let your story shine through

The summary of your web developer resume provides the first professional and human impression you make on the employer. It's your introduction.  It's a confident statement with a dash of character.

Highlight your best accomplishments and projects in your summary (sometimes called a personal statement ). Present your key qualifications and talents. Show the image of a seasoned professional. Be objective, but be positive about yourself. Modesty is a great quality, but not in a professional "sales pitch."

An ATS-proof resume begins in the summary.

ATS software scans for keywords before sending your resume to a human. These keywords will encompass the skills (both hard and soft), qualities and experience relevant for the job. 

How do you know which keywords should be in your summary and resume? There are three main sources: industry knowledge, the listed job description and word clouds.

Tap into your industry knowledge to identify coding languages that are on the rise (we'll get to that later) or what additional interests may attract the recruiter's AND also ping the ATS screening algorithm. For example, a survey by IEEE Spectrum shows that encryption and blockchain are among the top areas of interest for developers of many specializations. The same goes for knowledge of databases, client-server architecture and the basics of software testing. You don’t always need to be an expert in these; but if you have them, flaunt them (space permitting).

This is your best friend when it comes to keywords. Most ATS tests are configured to correlate with the advertised job listing. The more similar terms and connections there are between the resume and the job description, the more likely you are to pass the bot scan (and impress the recruiter). So, give the job description some love.

Sometimes the keywords in the job listing aren't that obvious. Word is an excellent little tool to analyze the text (and there are others like it) and see what words are used the most. It also shows hidden patterns and logic. 

For example, if you see that the words "team" and "collaborate" are large in the word cloud, you'll know that describing yourself as a sociable team player is going to resonate with both the ATS and the recruiter. Likewise, if Python is very prominent and mentioned multiple times, it may be a great idea to note it first in your summary and skill list.

Don't overdo the keywords or make their placement too artificial. The ATS is just the first step. You still need the recruiter to sense that your resume was written by a living (and interesting) human being, not by AI.

It’s important to note that the principles and methods for finding and using the right keywords will help you even if this target employer doesn’t use an ATS algorithm. Analyzing job descriptions, using word clouds to find patterns and keeping up with industry stats — these are all powerful tools regardless of circumstances.

Most IT recruiters aren't technical specialists themselves. So, while they need you to present your qualifications, they also get bored by a litany of terms they don't always understand. A quick Google search will show you recruiter guides that start by explaining the difference between front-end and back-end. Or they might differentiate between a web designer and a web developer. You have to consider things from this perspective. 

Your web developer resume summary is your savior in this regard. Make sure it describes a professional but injects enough character to make you feel like a real person. Make yourself stand out from the crowd. Job-specific descriptions should incorporate powerful action verbs (words that imply mental or physical action — ideas of movement, energy and determination). Portray your interactions with people on a team or your personal productivity on important projects.

Below is a web developer resume example summary you can customize.

Experienced Web Developer adept in all stages of advanced web development. Knowledgeable in user interface, testing, and debugging processes. Bringing forth expertise in design, installation, testing and maintenance of web systems. Equipped with a diverse and promising skill set. Proficient in an assortment of technologies, including Java, ASP.NET, C#, IIS, Tomcat, and Microsoft SQL Server. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate in a team setting.

If you lack experience, don't give up, it isn't a game-ender. Talk about objectives and extra credit accomplishments in the summary. Highlight the passion projects you've worked on (even the small or non-profit ones). Describe your fields of extra study and research (such as encryption and blockchain). Mention the conferences, hackathons and developer meetups you've attended. 

But above all, be sincere about your goals, determination, productivity and desire to grow.

Here is a resume summary example for less experienced web developers.

Determined and productive web developer with a passion for creative solutions. Proficient in Java, C# and HTML. Dedicated to learning additional technologies and coding languages (currently enrolled in a C++ course). Regularly attend the Boston Morning Hackathon and various DevOps meetups. Created a non-profit website for a local arts project at the Boston Youth Gallery. Looking for an entry-level position at a great company to be a hard-working asset to any team, to learn, grow and develop long-term.

Employment history sample: A trail of success

There's a way to present your professional milestones that makes you look like a superhero, without exaggerations or half-truths. Here’s some good news: web development and coding has never been more accessible. This means you no longer need a decade of experience to apply for an awesome job. Consider that 20.5% of developers learned to code less than five years ago and 45% have less than 10 years of experience. However, there’s a golden rule you still need to follow for your resume’s employment history: put your best foot forward. 

List your most relevant and recent positions first. Many candidates searching for unicorn opportunities have companies like Google, Microsoft and the like on their resume. How do you compete with that?

Eye-tracking tests have shown that recruiters take around six seconds to decide if they should move on to the next resume. Conclusion: presenting your best achievements first is vital. Provide special attention and care when describing your duties and achievements in important positions.

Strive to provide better, more satisfying job descriptions than the others do. List duties, achievements, milestones and team accomplishments. Faced with a choice between someone who just dropped a big name and someone who actually painted a picture, HR managers will choose the latter. 

Illustrate with numbers, procedures and percentages if possible, as there's nothing more satisfying for a recruiter than seeing concrete data. If you don't have specific numbers to present, make sure to provide context. Did you work within a team? What policies and standards did you follow? Were there any specific features of your job that could be useful or that demonstrate your qualities? 

Project-based accomplishments are also great. They prove you can stick with a long-term goal until it's complete, get along with colleagues and meet deadlines. Be specific and note as many important achievements as you can (believe me, everyone has them, just take a minute to analyze your experience). Once again, insert some energy into the descriptions. Action verbs are always good for that.

Below is a web developer employment history resume sample you can use while writing your own.

  • Planned, developed, tested, deployed and maintained web applications.
  • Provided effective troubleshooting and remediation for web applications.
  • Wrote SQL statements and stored procedures.
  • Worked well independently and within a team setting.
  • Effectively translated client requirements into application designs and systems requirements.
  • Followed policies and procedures related to application methods and quality standards at all times.

Web developer education section: Intelligence and growth

Web developer jobs are not always strongly associated with formal education . But in your CV (which is what resumes are called outside the U.S. and Canada), don't miss the chance to present an image of intelligence and self-improvement. 

Data for 2019 shows that 45.3% of developers have the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree and 22% have a master’s degree. The same percentage of surveyed specialists have no higher education diploma at all. A staggering 85.5% taught themselves at least one language or framework without taking a formal course, including 60.1% who did so through an online program.

Does this mean formal education isn’t important? Not really. Take a look at a job listing for Google or Apple today and you’re likely to find a strong requirement for a BA or MA diploma. 

However, the takeaway point here is that web developers have a reputation and image as self-starters with a strong culture of learning things out of passion, sometimes without outside help. So, additional certificates, self-taught knowledge, online courses are not only a huge asset, but are almost expected by some HRs. 

For example, one of the common certificates that many companies would like to see from an IT specialist is a Scrum certification. When it comes to general rules, it's important to make the education section clean and easy to read.

Beyond that, here's some useful advice: adding extra accomplishments, grants, courses and similar things to an education section doesn't hurt (unless you're bloating your CV, of course). If I'm the hiring manager reading your resume, I'll always be glad to see someone who isn't satisfied with just a college degree. People who write papers, apply for grants, attend specialized seminars and receive professional certificates are seen as treasures to be snapped up quickly.

If you've got a college/university degree, including info about your high school isn't a necessary. Most recruiters won't pay much attention to that. Include it if you've got the space or don't have a degree higher than BA. 

Below is the education section from a web developer resume example.

  • 2004-2006 UCLA, Master of Computer Science, Los Angeles, CA
  • 2001-2004 UCLA, Bachelor of Computer Science, Los Angeles, CA

CV skills section resume example: Your superpowers

Your skill list is your arsenal, your talent pool. It satisfies the automated systems and presents a professional developer image for the recruiters. So, here’s how to beat the bots (the ATS) and impress the humans.

You already know how to pick out the keywords from a job listing. Your skills will be prominent among those terms. List them in the order of priority, depending on the job description. 

But what if you’re designing a general-purpose resume, or want to add some additional computing skills from your personal portfolio? On the coding side, you can take a look at current tech trends and match them to your competencies. Put the most important ones in your list first. 

According to Stack Overflow's 2021 developer survey , JavaScript completes its ninth year in a row as the most commonly used programming language, topping the skills list of 64.96% of developers. In second place is HTML/CSS (number one skill for 56.07% of developers). Python traded places with SQL to become the third most popular language (48.24%)  

If you’re interested in the top earning technologies , statistics show that Clojure, F#, Elixir, Erlang and Perl are the languages that are associated with the highest salaries (varying somewhat by country).

Check out a web developer resume sample for the skills section below.

  • Visual Design
  • User Interface
  • Database Management
  • Strong Leadership Skills
  • Programming

Once again, remember those soft skills for the sake of the recruiter. Even if you’re a technical guru, put yourself in the shoes of a layperson reading the resume. Most people look at developers as problem-solvers, creators and collaborative specialists. You want to underline that you’re focused, attentive to details, can work in teams and like finding creative solutions. 

This applies for the skills and employment sections, as well as the summary. Show that you have the technical knowledge , but also know how to apply it in a team/project setting. Remind your future colleagues that you're human, friendly and able to interact (unless you're looking at a remote position ... which, to be honest, requires teamwork and interaction too). 

To summarize, here are three golden rules:

  • Think your skill list through before putting it on your resume. This will prevent it from being chaotic or illogical. Use research if needed.
  • Make sure the skills correspond to the job description from the company (trust me, the hiring manager will appreciate your attention to detail).
  • Make sure your skills cross-reference with the descriptions of achievements, duties and talents listed in the other sections (summary and employment history).
  • Think about your list of talents and strong qualities before filling out the skills section.
  • Describe relatable social, teamwork and self-management skills in addition to coding languages and such.
  • Write your skills in a hurry, thinking of them for the first time when filling in your resume.
  • Make your skill list dry and technical with no soft skills.

Resume layout and design

The visual appearance of your resume is the key that opens the door to further consideration by recruiters. Make sure it's a skeleton key. There is no hard rule on what the layout/structure/format of your resume should be. Rather, there are some very important principles and tips to follow. 

The first and most important principle is this: make your resume layout and design visually clean, easy to read and symmetrical. I can't tell you how many amazing professionals weren't hired because their resume was cluttered and chaotic. A recruiter can read hundreds of CVs per day. Imagine not understanding what WebAssembly, Ruby, C++ or Powershell are, and reading a messy word-scramble of them all day. You tune out and think about Netflix. 

Of all resumes in the U.S. (the most lucrative developer market), 21% run into problems or don’t pass the ATS due to having confusing layouts, charts or images. Resumes created in text editors often have information "buried" in the header and footer. This can automatically fail the ATS test, as the system can't identify your location, contact info or skills.

Use field-tested resume templates backed by metrics. They are clean, crisp and attention-grabbing. They will also help you avoid hidden technical "traps." Otherwise, you risk spending countless hours trying to create a masterpiece and still misfire because you didn't know some obscure insider detail.

Layouts have character. No surprise there. Humans are visual beings and we draw conclusions from visual cues. Most recruiters expect web developer resumes to look "technical" or "technological." What does that imply? Progress bars, prominent skill lists, a clean, logical layout with structure.'s collection of field-tested resume templates gives you a wide variety of layouts to choose from. Those with a sectioned structure and visualized skills/experience align very well with web developer jobs. Choose one and make it your own using our builder tool.

Key takeaways for a web developer resume

  • Web developers are in high demand, but there is also a huge flow of applicants for great jobs. This means your resume needs to stand out and be of the highest quality.
  • Your summary is your story, your elevator pitch. Paint the image of a skilled technical developer, but remember that you’re human. Inject some social energy.
  • Your employment history should present your most recent jobs and impressive achievements first. Put your best foot forward and include details to compete with other developers.
  • The skills section is your superhero toolbox. Make it clear, concise and coordinate it with the other sections.
  • The resume layout is very important. It imparts "technological" character. It should be easy to read, clean and symmetrical.

And if you want the perfect tool to save yourself time and win your dream position, use our amazing resume builder with a professional templates.

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates

  • • Managed multiple large-scale projects, delivering all on time and within budget
  • • Used WordPress, Elementor, WPBakery, and other plugins to build and edit custom themes, improving website performance by 30%
  • • Collaborated with a team of developers, contributing to a 20% increase in team productivity
  • • Worked on multiple projects per week, all of which were delivered on time
  • • Used WordPress, Elementor, WPBakery, and other plugins to build and edit custom themes, contributing to a 20% increase in website performance
  • • Collaborated with a team of developers, contributing to a 15% increase in team productivity
  • • Developed and maintained code for 10 client websites primarily using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python
  • • Collaborated with a team of 4 developers, gaining valuable teamwork experience
  • • Worked on API integration and developed functionality for systems using APIs.

24 Web Developer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your web developer resume must highlight your technical skill set. Include proficiency in languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like Angular or React. Showcase your experience with responsive design and cross-platform compatibility. Also, emphasize your ability to work with version control systems like Git.

All resume examples in this guide

resume format for experienced web developer

Junior Web Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Senior Oracle Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Senior Web Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Entry-Level Web Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Angular Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Asp.Net Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

C Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Drupal Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Golang Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Hadoop Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Node JS Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Ruby On Rails Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

SAP Abap Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Snowflake Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Splunk Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Web Application Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Wordpress Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Freelance Web Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Front-End Web Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Back-End Web Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Web Application Developer (Programmer)

resume format for experienced web developer

PHP Web Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Full-Stack Web Developer

resume format for experienced web developer

Experienced Full Stack Web Developer resume example

Resume Guide

Web developer resume example.

Formatting your resume

Writing your experience section

Listing hard skills and soft skills

Listing certifications and education

Writing a summary or objective

Additional sections for your web developer resume

Key takeaways

By Experience

Web Developer resume example

Creating and maintaining websites is no small task. Whether you’re loyal to HTML/CSS or are navigating new technologies, you know the importance of keeping your programming skills sharp.

Those skills are evident in the impressive projects in your GitHub portfolio. Now you’re shifting your focus to developing something else.

Your web developer resume.

You’re a coding pro but don’t rely on your front-end skills to land you the job. Your web development resume needs to show recruiters that you have what it takes to identify problems, debug code, and develop a user-friendly site.

Our guide will show you how to do all of that and make a great first impression on your next potential employer with an outstanding web developer resume.

Read below to learn:

  • How to use web developer resume examples to find the best fit for your target job
  • How to impress hiring managers with your experience section by using quantifiable metrics
  • The skills recruiters look for that show your commitment to the job and industry specific knowledge
  • What other sections to add to your web developer resume that will make you stand out from other candidates

Additional job-specific developer resume examples that might be helpful to you:

  • Senior Web Developer Resume Example
  • Junior Web Developer Resume Example
  • Freelance Developer Resume Example
  • Front-End Web Developer Resume Example
  • Back-End Web Developer Resume Example
  • Web Application Developer (Programmer) Resume Example
  • PHP Web Developer Resume Example
  • Full-Stack Web Developer Resume Example

Experienced Full Stack Web Developer resume example

What makes this web developer resume example great:

How to format a web developer resume

The format of your web developer resume is just as important as the content. It is the first thing recruiters will notice when your resume comes across their desk.

Web development requires strong technical skills and clear organization. Show potential employers you’re the right candidate with a clean and professional design.

A few points to keep in mind when writing your web development resume are:

  • Use a reverse chronological order layout
  • Give a good first impression with a strong header and professional contact info
  • Highlight technical skills and quantifiable achievements that are valuable for web developers
  • Keep your web developer resume to one page and in PDF format

A reverse chronological resume is the most commonly recognized resume formats . As the name suggests, it lists work history in reverse chronological order and makes the experience section the main focus.

This is the ideal format for web developers with at least a few years of experience in the industry, especially upper-level positions like senior full-stack developer.

If you are just breaking into the field or have recently graduated from school, consider following a functional resume format. This puts the focus on skills rather than lack of experience.

After putting so much time and effort into perfecting the design of your resume, the last thing you want to happen is to lose the format by choosing the wrong file type.

For file type, choose PDF over doc. PDF files have more security and less compatibility issues across devices.

Send your PDF resume and rest assured that it will look exactly the same when opened on the other end.

Potential employers will expect that a web developer has the technical skills to make their resume file easily accessible. Don’t miss an opportunity by submitting a file that HR can’t open.

Select one of our ready-to-use web developer resume templates to easily add your own information and download it in PDF format.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The top sections on a web developer resume

What recruiters want to see on your resume, how to write your web developer resume experience section.

A good resume experience section lists your previous relevant work roles along with 3-4 bullets highlighting quantifiable achievements that are tailored to your target job.

Potential employers want to see how you will impact success at their company and your level of expertise in their current tech stack.

Let’s look at an example of a web developer experience section.

  • • Monitored website traffic and expanded reach to new users
  • • Fixed errors in back end code
  • • Wrote a new program to track sales in product department

What’s wrong with this example:

  • Does not include any measurable results
  • Unclear about whether initiatives were successful or not
  • No mention of specific technical skills or programming languages

A common mistake that candidates make on resumes is simply listing job duties without any achievements associated with them.

Don’t just tell potential employers what you did every day. Show them how you have achieved success in the role.

It’s important to always quantify your achievements. Don’t expect hiring managers to assume you reached excellent results just by writing “expanded reach”.

More on that later.

Now let’s look at an improved version of the same example.

  • • Increased website traffic by 42% and expanded reach to 1200 new users in Q1
  • • Located errors and debugged back end, improved customer satisfaction by 25%
  • • Wrote a new program using HTML/CSS that resulted in an additional $50K in sales

What works in this example:

  • Specific numbers and data quantify impact
  • Shows debugging and problem-solving skills that lead to success
  • Describes the use of HTML/CSS in target job tech stack

This improved web developer experience section is much more effective. It shows real data and measurable results. Evidence of industry-specific skills is provided.

Always tailor your resume to fit your target job and show hiring managers why you’re the right candidate for the role.

How to quantify impact on your resume

As mentioned above, it is crucial to quantify impact on your resume with measurable results.

Claims of “launching a successful app” or “reaching a wide audience” don’t really mean anything without evidence to back them up. This leaves too much open to interpretation and trusts the reader to take your word for it.

Cite accomplishments with specific goals using real numbers and metrics. Sharing hard data like “developed a website that generated $85K in revenue” shows exactly what you’re capable of.

Here are a few examples of quantifiable metrics that will strengthen your web developer resume:

  • Number of users using the web app you were responsible for
  • Increased profit/revenue through improved conversion
  • Increased web traffic on a page you updated
  • Increasing conversion rate on the website by X%
  • User experience improvement
  • Number of projects/pages/apps managed
  • Number of people led on a team
  • Increased productivity
  • Programming stack

Go through your previous work roles and use these metrics to quantify impact in your experience section.

How do I write a web developer resume with no experience

Writing a web developer resume with no experience is a common challenge. Whether you’re starting your first job or transitioning careers after finishing a coding bootcamp, everyone starts somewhere!

To write a web developer resume with no experience that gets callbacks, follow these steps:

  • Instead of using the reverse-chronological layout we mentioned above, choose a functional resume layout that focuses on skills instead of experience
  • Highlight transferable skills from relevant past experiences
  • Include additional resume sections where you learned relevant skills like projects, hobbies, and volunteer work

A functional resume allows you to showcase your relevant skills with less emphasis on work history. Come up with a list of transferable skills that apply to your target job.

For example, if you were an administrative assistant at your local library, you know how to “monitor customer metrics and improve productivity by 22%” and “debug errors in the inventorying program and increase customer satisfaction by 22%”.

Or, if you created the website for your college chess club, you can “increase conversion rate on an HTML website by 45%” and “increase customer engagement by 25% by launching a mobile app”.

Choose a functional layout for your web developer resume from our collection of resume examples to help you get started.

How to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume

Resume skills can be divided into two major categories - hard skills and soft skills.

Simply put, hard skills are the software, programs, and other technical tasks required to perform the role. Soft skills are the interpersonal communication and behavioral skills necessary for the job.

For a web developer, technical skills are crucial. Being proficient in the relevant tech stack is absolutely necessary to perform essential job functions.

Depending on your target role and your skill set, you might want to divide your hard skills into separate categories.

Here is an example of hard skills on a web developer resume categorized by front end and back end.

If you have been in the industry for over a decade and have a long list of tech skills to choose from, focus on the ones most relevant to the target job.

Select the technical skills that you’re most confident in and leave out any irrelevant information.

20 top hard skills for your web developer resume in 2024

Soft skills often require a bit more explanation as they can be applied and interpreted in different ways.

For your web developer resume, a good way to do this is to choose your top strengths and provide specific examples.

Let’s look at an example of soft skills on a web developer resume with supporting evidence.

Here is a list of some of the best soft skills hiring managers will look for on your web developer resume.

20 of the best soft skills for your web developer resume in 2024

How to list your certifications and education on your resume.

The typical education level for a web developer is a bachelor’s degree in computer science, web development, or similar programs.

A college degree is not always required for a web developer position. Education level requirements in job listings can range from a high school diploma to a bachelor’s degree.

Let’s take a look at a basic education section on a web developer resume.

Your web developer resume education section will be pretty basic. It should include the following:

  • Name of degree
  • Name of school
  • Years attended

There is no need to include additional information like GPA unless specifically requested in the job application.

If you are just breaking into the field and do not have a college degree or a relevant major, earning a certificate is a great way to enhance your resume.

This shows your commitment to the job and willingness to continuously develop new skills. Your web development certification section will be similarly basic.

Only the name of the certificate and issuing institution is fine. Completing a certification program is a great way to increase your value and employability.

Here is a list of certification programs to consider as a web developer.

10 of the best certifications for your web developer resume in 2024

How to write your web developer resume summary or objective.

Including a summary or objective at the top of your web developer resume is a great way to introduce yourself to potential employers.

A resume summary has been described as a brief overview of your best achievements and skills, where an objective is more focused on future goals.

However, today they are often used interchangeably. Both serve the same goal - to introduce yourself and your value as a candidate to potential employers.

Let’s look at an example of a web developer resume summary.

The example above is missing a few key elements. It uses blanket words like “passionate” and “skilled” without any quantifiable metrics.

It does not provide any evidence of key achievements, and there is no mention of forward-looking goals.

Let’s make a few changes and look at the updated summary.

This version is much better. It states a specific title of Full Stack Web Developer and includes the number of years of experience.

It shows evidence of success with an industry award and mentions the shared goals of the candidate and target company.

Research your target company and find out what issues they have. Show them how you will provide solutions in your web developer resume summary.

Additional sections for a web developer resume

Careers in web development often have different paths for different people. Your experience is unique and your resume should reflect what makes you stand out.

Consider including additional sections to your resume that show relevant experience outside the usual work history or education.

Some of the best additional sections for a web developer resume are projects , awards , and hobbies .

How to put a projects section on a resume

Projects are a great way to boost your web developer resume. If you worked on a school assignment, local project, or any other relevant project, include a section for it.

Similar to your experience section, list the name of the project, a brief description, and 3-4 bullets highlighting your top achievements.

  • • Increased foot traffic for 80% of shops on app
  • • Improved customer satisfaction rating by an average of 35% on top 5 ranking shops
  • • Voted Best Community App in Austin Magazine in 2022

How to put an awards section on a resume

An awards section is a great way to highlight achievements as a web developer.

If you’ve received awards from industry publications or other relevant entities, showcase them for potential employers.

Here is an example of how to highlight an award on your web developer resume.

How to put a hobbies section on a resume

A hobbies section on your resume may seem unusual, but there is a place for it if your interests are examples of relevant skills and achievements.

This is a good way to show your knowledge of relevant niche topics. For example, if the web developer role you’re applying for is at a travel agency.

Key takeaways for creating an effective web developer resume

Format your web developer resume in reverse chronological order to show steady career growth and commitment to the industry.

Quantify impact by showing measurable results and real data from past accomplishments.

Separate your skills section by hard skills and soft skills to show that you have the right technical knowledge to do the job.

Include additional sections on your web developer resume to show potential employers your unique skills and achievements.

Web Developer resume examples

Explore additional web developer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Junior Web Developer Resume Example

An Angular Developer needs to demonstrate proficiency in Angular and TypeScript. Showcase your projects where Angular was used to create responsive and efficient applications. Mention familiarity with RESTful APIs, and state management with tools like RxJS. Highlight problem-solving skills.

Asp.Net Developer Resume Example

Looking to build your own Web Developer resume?

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Web Developer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Web Developer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Resume Examples

How To Write a Web Developer Resume

  • Resume Text Examples

Web development is a rapidly growing industry with a continued need for experienced programmers, designers, and technology experts . Although many opportunities are available, web development is a highly competitive field, and you’ll need to craft an accomplishment-driven resume to stand out during the job search.

Companies are looking for multi-faceted candidates with strong technical backgrounds and leadership capabilities. As you build your resume, highlight accomplishments demonstrating your ability to collaborate with diverse teams and execute complex technical projects. We’ll provide expert tips to help translate your professional experience into a results-driven web developer resume.

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level


1. Write a dynamic profile summarizing your web developer qualifications

Your opening summary is often the first thing the hiring manager sees on your resume, and it’s important to grab the reader’s attention as quickly as possible. Start by detailing your job title, years of experience, and three to four specializations that align with the job description. The goal is to create a compelling snapshot of your career to draw the reader in. Hiring managers sometimes spend less than a minute reviewing your resume due to the high volume of applications they receive.

Professional Profile - Example #1

A results-driven web developer with over 10 years of experience in software engineering and web development. A proven track record of architecting, developing, and implementing interactive websites. Adept at leveraging search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and user-centered design principles to engage users and grow web traffic.

Professional Profile - Example #2

A web developer with three years of experience specializing in HTML5, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, database design, and front-end development. Adept at collaborating with dynamic teams to build high-quality websites and identify opportunities to enhance the user experience (UX).

2. Outline your web developer experience in a compelling list

Your professional experience section should highlight your most impactful projects and accomplishments from throughout your web development career. Quantifying specific achievements can also help hiring managers gain a clearer picture of your experience. Think about answering the questions “How much?” or “How many?” as you craft your bullet points.

For instance, if you were a lead developer, you might indicate how many people you were in charge of leading or the project size. If you successfully improved web page performance or user satisfaction, incorporate these data points into your resume. This will provide a sense of scope for your achievements and draw the reader’s eye.

Professional Experience - Example #1

Professional experience.

Senior Web Developer, MidWest Technologies, Detroit, MI October 2019 – present

  • Oversee a team of eight web developers to build, design, and launch over 30 new interactive websites, perform comprehensive HTML and CSS code reviews, and utilize user-centered design principles to improve website performance
  • Interface with client stakeholders to establish project scope and identify ideal digital solutions based on customer business needs, marketing objectives, and SEO strategy
  • Manage a project to redesign an existing website for a $300,000 client, identify opportunities to improve website functionality, and increase monthly web traffic by over 200%

Professional Experience - Example #2

Web Developer, Sysadmin Technologies, New York, NY June 2020 – present

  • Coordinate with a team of five web developers to design scalable database applications for clients, conduct code changes in HTML and CSS, and develop stems to import 1 million records into a new database
  • Provide support for the implementation of e-commerce websites, including wireframing, front-end development, mobile application development, and user interface (UI) design
  • Identify solutions to technical issues to enhance website functionality

3. Add your web developer-related education and certifications

On top of your education, consider pursuing additional certifications to bolster your job application. This is especially important for web development professionals, as companies will want to see you continue expanding your technical knowledge and capabilities throughout your career. Some certifications are even required for certain types of roles, so carefully evaluate the job posting before applying.

  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] [Dates Enrolled]
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Science
  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI September 2012 – June 2016


  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]
  • Full-Stack (MERN) Certificate, Kenzie Academy, 2017
  • Front-End Web Developer Certification, CodeAcademy, 2015

4. List key web developer skills and proficiencies

Most organizations utilize some form of Applicant Tracking System (ATS) during the hiring process. If your resume lacks a certain number of keywords, your application may be rejected before it reaches the hiring manager. To mitigate this risk, incorporate programming languages, leadership skills, and technical terms that match the job description. Below, you’ll find a list of keywords that you may encounter during the job hunt:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Agile methodology Application development
Back-end development CSS
Front-end development HTML5
JavaScript Mobile web development
PHP Prototyping
Python SEO strategy
Technical project management UI design
User-centered design UX design
Web development Website optimization

How To Pick the Best Web Developer Resume Template

Selecting the ideal template can be a challenge with such a variety of options available. Don’t overly stress here. As long as it’s structured in a way that properly highlights your qualifications and achievements, your choice won’t negatively impact your chances. It’s also best to avoid templates that overuse color, large bulky graphics, and large amounts of white space.

Web Developer Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

Joseph Corbin (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio New York, NY 12345

A web developer with three years of experience specializing in HTML5, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, database design, and front-end development. Adept at collaborating with dynamic teams to build high-quality websites and identify opportunities to enhance the UX.

  • Database design, MySQL, MS Access
  • Operating systems: Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac
  • Programming languages: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and CSS
  • Technical project management
  • Web development
  • Provide support for the implementation of e-commerce websites, including wireframing, front-end development, mobile application development, and UI design

Academic Projects 

Web Development Project, University of Syracuse, Syracuse, NY January 2020 – February 2020

  • Created a fully functional website featuring upcoming news updates for upcoming film productions, casting, and release dates, conducted coding in HTML and CSS, and ensured mobile functionality

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Web Development University of Syracuse, Syracuse, NY September 2016 – June 2020

Certified Web Professional – Web Developer, IWA, 2020

Amar Singh (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio Detroit, MI 12345

A senior web developer with seven years of experience building, designing, and launching high-quality websites for client businesses. A proven track record of leveraging Google Analytics and SEO marketing strategies to drive website traffic and enhance user engagement.

  • Programming languages: HTML5, CSS, Java, Ruby
  • Scripting languages: JavaScript, Python
  • Team management
  • UX and UI design
  • Web services: REST, SOAP, JSON

Web Developer, Ajax Web Design Inc., Detroit, MI June 2016 – October 2019 

  • Collaborated with a five-person team to create user-friendly, interactive websites using a variety of front-end programming languages, including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
  • Supported a redesign of an underperforming client website, proposed improvements to UI design, and identified solutions to resolve issues with mobile functionality
  • Employed version-control software to test, track, and update existing code
  • Preformed comprehensive unit tests to ensure compatibility across multiple web browsers

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Science University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI September 2012 – June 2016

Front-End Web Developer Certification, CodeAcademy, 2017

Certified Web Professional – Web Developer, IWA, 2016

Sarah Johnson (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio San Francisco, CA 12345

A results-driven web developer with over 10 years of experience in software engineering and web development. A proven track record of architecting, developing, and implementing interactive websites. Adept at leveraging SEO strategies and user-centered design principles to engage users and grow web traffic.

  • Programming languages: Python, JavaScript, C#
  • Scrum and agile methodology
  • User-centered design

Senior Web Developer, Accelerate Financial, San Francisco, CA February 2016 – present

  • Manage over 25 major web development projects for a $10 million loan provider related to business analysis, technical design, software implementation, and UX design
  • Oversee a team of over 15 developers and lead meetings with client stakeholders to ensure website alignment with business requirements
  • Create and maintain MySQL databases for collecting customer information submitted through the website, contributing to a 10% increase in sales conversions

Web Development Project, Sunrise Web Solutions Inc., San Francisco, CA June 2013 – February 2016

  • Built over 30 custom websites for a variety of industries, collaborated with UX and UI designers, and successfully increased overall web traffic for clients by 100% to 200%
  • Translated prototypes, designs, and wireframes into quality websites and web applications and identified opportunities to improve the UX, resulting in a 5% increase in time on page

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Science University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA September 2009 – June 2013

  • Certified Web Professional – Web Developer, IWA, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions: Web Developer Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for web developer resumes -.

Many job seekers struggle to differentiate their usage of action verbs during the resume-building process. Often, only a few verbs can describe your web development achievements and experience accurately. That being said, using the same verbs repeatedly can cause your bullet points to appear stale or redundant. We’ve compiled a list of action verbs to keep your content fresh and compelling:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Built
Collaborated Conducted
Coordinated Created
Designed Developed
Drove Enhanced
Evaluated Executed
Generated Identified
Implemented Improved
Integrated Led
Managed Oversaw
Performed Supported

How do you align your resume with a job description? -

Businesses rely on in-house or third-party web developers to create and maintain websites, which let customers and clients know about the business’s services. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , web developer jobs are projected to grow by 23% from 2021 to 2031. Despite this high growth rate, you’ll still need to tailor your resume to the job posting to differentiate yourself from the competition.

For instance, if you’re primarily a front-end web developer, you likely wouldn’t apply for a job that requires back-end development experience. They’re usually tasked with managing the site’s database, security, users, and overall site performance. A front-end developer focuses on how a website looks, so emphasize your knowledge of UI and UX design. Aligning your resume with the job description is the best way to market yourself effectively and increase your chances of landing an interview.

What is the best web developer resume format? -

Reverse chronological is the ideal resume format for web developers. This ensures your most recent web development projects and experiences are featured at the top of your resume. Functional resumes are generally considered outdated by most recruiters and hiring managers because skill-based formats aren’t equipped to explain your career accomplishments properly. This is true even for entry-level candidates and recent graduates, as you’d still provide details for your academic projects and internships.

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Crafting a matching cover letter provides you with an opportunity to highlight the nuances of your professional experience and further emphasize your personal brand. In the middle paragraphs, mention something specific about the company’s work culture or reputation and why this draws you to apply for the role. This will send a clear message to prospective employers that you’re a serious candidate who’s truly interested in the position. For more insights, view our web developer cover letter guide .

Frank Hackett headshot

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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Build a Resume to Enhance Your Career

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Click here to directly go to the complete Web Developer Resume Sample

How to write a web developer resume?

Writing a web developer resume is not a task but an art wherein you can add your web development skills to a resume like painting on canvas.

Now, if you want to write a resume that takes you where you want to be in the job market then you need to learn about all the elements that can make your resume shortlist-worthy.

Read on to write a stellar web developer resume and learn more about the following FAQs:

  • Why do you need an ATS-compliant web developer resume?
  • How to write a web development resume?
  • What should a web developer put on resume?
  • How do I write a web developer experience?
  • How to write a web developer resume for freshers?
  • How to create a web developer skills resume

How do you put a website on your resume?

  • Is it necessary to include details of your education and certifications
  • Whether to include web developer resume objective or summary

What Is an ATS-Compliant Web Developer Resume?

An ATS-compliant web developer resume is your entry ticket to the recruiter's radar.

Application Tracking System is a popular means that helps recruiters' in picking the most suitable resume that matches the job description of the targeted job profile.

To ensure that your resume gets past the ATS you need to ensure that relevant words and phrases from the job description are included in your junior web developer resume.

But make sure that anything you mention in your resume of web developer speaks of what you possess in real life.

The growth of web developer jobs seems high and hopeful so make sure to keep yourself updated with the advancing times.


Also Read: What are the dos and don'ts around resume writing

How to Write a Web Developer Resume?

Writing a web developer resume can really get on your nerves if you don't know the proper steps to write it.

The website developer resume-making process will take place in the following three stages:

  • Master Web Developer Resume
  • First Draft of Website Developer Resume
  • Final Web Developer Resume


Master Website Developer Resume: The master web developer resume stage is the one that will make the process of making website developer resume easier in the next two stages.

In this stage, you have to write all that you think should go into your web developer resume in a single place.

  • When writing things related to your website developer resume in the master web developer resume, do not worry at all about the number of pages.
  • A master website developer resume can extend up to 6-7 pages or even more and that's completely fine.

Also, when you're done compiling all your information in the master website developer resume, you can decide what all you need to keep and what to skip.

First Draft of Website Developer Resume: In this second stage of web developer resume-making, you will make the other sections of the website developer resume, namely: Headline, Personal Information, Profile Title, Professional Experience, Education, Certification, and Awards & Recognition.

Final Web Developer Resume: At this third stage, you simply need to draft the following sections:

First, make your key skills section by going through the entire professional experience section to look for skills written in them. Following this approach instead of writing the skills in the beginning will give you more skills to write and elaborate in the website developer resume-making process.

Second, compose your technical skills section by repeating the same process that you used for making the key skills section. It's better to club all your technical skills under relevant subheadings like Languages, Frameworks, Tools, etc.

Third, make your web developer resume summary or web developer resume objective section. For this, scan your entire website developer resume to find out points that are the highlight of your career. Now rephrase these points and write them in the web developer resume summary or web developer resume objective section.

Also Read: How to draft a junior web developer resume?

Web Developer Resume Sections

Following will be the order of your website developer resume sections:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Key Skills & Technical Skills
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards And Recognition (if any)


Also Read: How to professionally draft resume sections

Web Developer Resume: Professional Experience

The professional experience section demonstrates the professional trajectory of your career. Using the information that you give in this section, a recruiter makes a judgment call on if you are fit for the organization or not.

This is why this section needs to be perfected.

Here are three ways you can do this:

  • Use one-liner points
  • Arrange them by grouping & highlighting
  • Use the STAR format to structure each one-liner point


Framing Points

When it comes to writing resumes, you should always use one-liner points to talk about your roles and responsibilities of web developer in resume.

Most people tend to use paragraphs - something you shouldn't do.

Here are two web developer resume examples:


"As part of my roles & responsibilities as a web developer at company x, I was responsible for developing the website and revamping it as per the needs & requirements. My efforts led to a 40% increase in mobile users and a 50% increase in user clicks. This led to a subsequent increase in the purchase of services by 30% which dramatically increased the sales efforts of the company. I was also responsible for recruiting and mentoring a team of junior developers whom I personally mentored to ensure the timely delivery of my team. I was also responsible for training over 20 developers in internal web functions such as updating websites and fixing bugs".


  • Deployed responsive design to revamp the company's website leading to an increase in mobile users by 40%
  • Developed user-friendly e-commerce websites leading to improved user clicks by 50% and subsequent purchases by 30%
  • Recruited & mentored a team of ~10 developers to ensure timely team deliverables
  • Trained 20+ developers in internal web functions such as updating websites and fixing bugs

Framing Points: Analysis

Lengthy and takes time to readShort meaningful sentences that take less time to read
Does not make sense right awayEasy to read and comprehend

To conclude, you should use points instead of paragraphs when composing this section of your resume of web developer.

Grouping & Highlighting

When it comes to writing a perfect resume, good readability is not enough. You need to step up and create an impact on the way you present information.

While framing points makes your resume more readable, grouping & highlighting helps in enhancing the effectiveness of your web development resume.

It does this by using grouping & highlighting.

Here are two web developer resume examples to prove this:



Website Development & Project Management

Team Development

Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

Key achievements do not stand outEasy to identify both contributions and achievements
Not organizedEvery point is organized under relevant groups

You should use grouping & highlight alongside framing one-liner points to present your roles and responsibilities as a web developer in a resume effectively.

STAR Format

The STAR format is seen as the ideal web developer resume format for structuring resume statements.

It stands for:

S: Situation T: Task A: Action R: Results


The STAR format uses the cause-effect relationship to explain why you performed a certain task, and what the outcomes of your action are.

The results of your actions are endorsed using performance figures.

This makes your resume more meaningful and relevant to any recruiter who evaluates your web development resume as they're able to see how your contributions helped an organization grow.

To conclude, you should use the cause-effect relationship in all one-liner points to endorse your contributions in your professional experience section.

Web Developer Resume Sample for Professional Experience

Professional Experience section in a Web Developer resume

Also Read: How to add your work experience to a resume

How to Write a Web Developer Resume for Freshers?

Freshers usually don't have any experience to make a professional experience section. All they have are 2-3 internships done during their graduation.

So, in place of a professional experience section, freshers will make an internship section.

  • Internships and the professional experience section differ from each other in great ways.
  • An internship is when you work in a company for a few months, say 1-6 months, and seldom get paid for it.
  • However, when you are on-boarded as an employee at a company, you work for relatively long periods and get compensated in return.

So, the internship section will also be written in the same way that we have explained to write the professional experience section.

  • In this section also, you will write all the duties which you performed during your internship using the cause-effect, grouping, and highlighting methodologies.
  • Make sure that there are only one-liner points in your resume. It helps if you're beginning all your points with a power verb. That showcases you as a 'doer' and not as someone who merely did what was assigned.
Also Read: How to draft an entry level web developer resume?

Web Developer Resume: Key Skills

Now that we are in the last stage of web developer resume-making which is the final draft stage, the first thing to make is the key skills section.

Writing the key skills section at this stage will give you much more skills to write as you will be taking help from the professional experience section of the website developer resume that you made.

  • To write the key skills section, scan the entire professional experience section and pick out the skills that you wrote in that section.
  • Now include these skills in the key skills along with additional professional skills that you possess.

Some examples of web developer skills list are:

... And so forth.

Don't use phrases in the Key Skills section. Don't write 'experienced in end-to-end testing'. Just write 'end-to-end testing'. Follow the same approach throughout.

To get a better idea of how to write the key skills section, see the website developer resume sample given below:

Key Skills section in a Web Developer resume

Also Read: What skills to put on a resume?

Technical Skills in Your Web Developer Resume

The next section to make at this stage is the technical skills section. This section is different than the key skills section as in the latter, only the hard skills are written, whereas, in the technical skills section, all the technical skills of a developer are written.

Further, the technical skills are divided into sub-categories like Languages, Frameworks, Tools, etc.

Also, just like the key skills are written using bullets before each skill, the technical skills will also be written in the same manner.

Look at the web developer resume example of the technical skills section given to get more clarity around the same:

Technical Skills in a Web Developer resume

Hiration Pro-tip: Don't just list out your technical skills. Always group them under relevant subheadings.

Web Developer Resume: Header

This is where you start your second stage of the website developer resume-making process. So, the first step of the first draft web developer resume-making is to make your resume header.

Let us first tell you what is the importance of a headline in a website developer resume.

The headline holds a lot of importance in a web developer resume. It gives your website developer resume an individual identity of its own, thus making sure that it is not confused with someone else's web developer resume.

The header is made up of your name. So, when making your website developer resume, make sure your header is error-free when it comes to not just the spelling but the spacing as well. God help you if there's a typo in your name.

Hiration Pro-tip: No need to write 'Resume' or 'CV' on the top. Just let your name be the topmost thing on your resume.

Errors and inconsistencies in the header leave a negative impact on the recruiter. The idea is that if you can't make a 1 (or 2) pager document, about yourself , without errors, it's unlikely that you'll be able to deliver on anything else.

  • In case you have a middle name, then do not write your complete middle name. Just write the first initial of your middle name and then put a full stop after it.
  • Also, the header is supposed to be the largest text in the whole of your web developer resume, written between the font size of 14-16 points.

Look at the website developer resume sample given below to see what a perfect web developer resume header should look like:

Header section in a Web Developer resume

Web Developer Resume: Personal Information

Next in line is the personal information section.

Let us first talk about what not to include in the personal information section before we move on to see what to include in it.

Any personal information like your religion, marital status, name of your parents, etc. is NOT required in this section.


Contact Number : First and foremost important thing is to provide a contact number on which you are available 24x7. Provide the right area code if required and ensure that the number you give out is error-free to avoid any missed opportunity for an interview.

E-mail Address : This is the second thing to be included in the personal information section. The e-mail address that you need to write in the website developer resume should be the one that you use daily because this is the second most important medium through which a recruiter might contact you.

Avoid unprofessional e-mail addresses like '[email protected]' but ensure that you provide an official email address that has your real name.

Current Location Of Residence : The last thing to be written in the personal information section is the current location of residence.

Writing your current location of residence is important as it lets the recruiter know if you'll be relocating in case you get that particular job.

Also, write the city followed by country pin if you are applying within the country and state and country pin if you are applying overseas.

Make sure to add links to your profiles on Kaggle, GitHub, LinkedIn, or any personal websites along with the above-mentioned details.

Simply add the URL links of your existing profiles on personal websites in your resume of web developer.

Have a look at the below-given web developer resume example to get a better idea of how to make the personal information section:

Personal Information section in a Web Developer resume

Also Read: What is the best way to draft the resume contact information section?

Web Developer Resume: Profile Title

Now you need to make the profile title of your web developer resume.

It is essential to include a profile title in the website developer resume so that the recruiter can just have one look at your profile and from itself know your area of expertise and the level of expertise that you have in the field.

The profile title is supposed to be the second-largest text in the whole of the web developer resume and should be written between the font size of ~14 points.

In addition to this, you can go for Hiration's Resume Reviewing Service wherein you can get a review of your web developer resume summary.

See the website developer resume sample of profile title below to get a better understanding of how to make it:

Profile Title section in a Web Developer resume

Also Read: How to draft a freelance web developer resume?

Web Developer Resume: Education

The Education section plays a major role in getting those coveted shortlists.

  • It provides information about the university/school you attended, courses pursued, their location, dates of enrollment and graduation, CGPA, etc.
  • This section is of prime importance as it helps the recruiter decide whether you are qualified enough for the job you have applied for.

Additionally, you can opt for Hiration's Online Resume Builder to make your website developer resume as these sections come pre-arranged in our design template so that you can have a hassle-free resume-making experience.

Have a glance at the web developer resume sample given below to get more clarity on how to write the education section of your website developer resume:

Education section in a Web Developer resume

Web Developer Resume: Certifications

The second last section to make in the first draft stage of website developer resume-making is the certifications section.

Including certifications in the web developer resume increases the value of the website developer resume.

These certifications can be in the field of UX, web design, web development, etc.

Use the below-given format to write the certifications section of your web developer resume.

{Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (month & year)

Also Read: How to add details of certifications on resume

Web Developer Resume: Awards & Recognition

The last step of the second stage is to make the awards and recognition section .

  • In this section, all those awards will be included which you got in school, college, or during your tenure in your previous companies.
  • But make sure that all the awards that you include in this section are relevant to the profile that you are applying for as well as should be able to add some value to your web developer resume.
  • Instead of just mentioning the name of the award, it helps if you also provide additional data to showcase the impact of the same.

For instance, if you've just written 'Received the Best Developer Award', how will the recruiter know if you got it out of 3 developers or 300?

Hiration Pro-tip: While mentioning your awards, always mention the approximate number of people out of which you received the same.

Additionally, it is also recommended that you write the parameters on the basis of which you received the award. Companies use metrics and data to decide who should be awarded.

If you received an award, suffice to say that you must have done something splendid. But if you don't write that, how do you expect the recruiter to know the same?

Quantifying your performance by detailing the parameters on the basis of which you received the award will go a long way in showcasing the depth of your contribution.

Web Developer Resume Objective & Web Developer Resume Summary

To write the web developer resume summary section of your website developer resume, go through the entire web developer resume and pick out the points that are the highlight of your career.

Then write these points in your web developer resume summary after rephrasing them while also keeping in mind the needs of the recruiter given in the job description.

Professionals with 2+ years of experience should write a web developer resume summary, whereas, professionals with less than 2 years of experience should opt for a web developer resume objective section.

When writing the web developer resume objective section, write what you can offer the organization, instead of writing what you expect the company to provide you with.

See the website developer resume sample given below to get more clarity on how to write the web developer resume summary section:

Summary section in a Web Developer resume

Also Read: How to draft the objective section of a resume

Web Developer Sample Resume

Click on the web developer sample resume below to edit and download the same on our AI resume builder!

  • Languages: JavaScript, CSS, HTML/XHTML, Perl, Unix
  • Framework: Ruby,Python, Java, ASP, ASP.Net
  • Database System: Oracle SQL
  • CMS & Graphic Editors: WordPress, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
  • Revered with ' Excellence Award ' out of 5 Project Managers for breakthrough efficiency and team competence
  • Revamped company's website via deploying responsive design & facilitated an increase in mobile users by 40%
  • Led a project to develop user-friendly e-commerce websites administering web development life cycle for 2 clients
  • Improved user-clicks by 50% and subsequent purchase by 30%
  • Hired, recruited, and trained a team of 5 developers and ensured that the team delivered maximum efficiency
  • Trained 40 existing developers in internal web functions such as updating websites and fixing bugs
  • Identified lags in a flight ticket booking website for a leading booking portal in the country
  • Deployed a multi-browser capability which resulted in revenue enhancement by 35%
  • Acquired 2 new projects worth USD 200K as a result of providing exceptional results
  • Won university level ' Codathon ' out of 200 participants
  • Languages: Spanish, French, and English

Download your web developer resume pdf or web developer resume doc in a word file through a minimal process.

Key Takeaways

  • All the points throughout your website developer resume should begin using a power verb . Using power verbs instead of normal verbs will communicate your message with a stronger impact on the recruiter.
  • Write all your points of the present profile in the present continuous tense and those of the past profiles in the past tense.
  • Refrain from writing redundant points in your web developer resume. So, to make sure your points are not repetitive, ensure that they reflect your contribution , the effect, and the impact that your duties had on the business.
  • Ensure that your website developer resume points don't exceed the limit of one line. In cases where they do, either make multiple points of that single point or write them as sub-points of the same point.
  • Another way to grab the recruiter's attention is to quantify your contributions .
  • Make sure you don't go overboard - either w.r.t highlighting or w.r.t including numbers.
  • Make sure you use the cause-effect methodology explained above in the article to write all our website developer resume points.
  • Instead of merely listing out your technical skills , group them under relevant subheadings.
  • When writing your professional experience section , your points must reflect what you did and its impact.

Go to Hiration resume builder where you can get 24x7 chat support and professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

You can also reach out to us at [email protected] .

resume format for experienced web developer

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resume format for experienced web developer


  • Career Blog

Web Developer Resume: Examples, Templates & Complete Guide

resume format for experienced web developer

As the world continues to grow increasingly dependent on technology, the demand for web developers continues to increase. However, with more people entering the field, it becomes increasingly important to have a strong web developer resume to stand out from the competition.

In this article, we will provide examples of effective web developer resumes and templates that you can use to create your own. We will also provide a complete guide on how to craft a winning resume, including tips on how to showcase your skills and experience.

At the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what makes a great web developer resume and the tools necessary to create one. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, this article will provide you with the necessary guidance to succeed.

Understanding the Role of a Web Developer

A web developer is a professional who is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining websites. They create websites from scratch or modify existing ones to satisfy their clients’ needs. They are also responsible for implementing and testing web applications and ensuring the website’s functionality.

To become a web developer, certain skills and qualifications are required. These skills include:

  • Proficient in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and PHP
  • Familiar with web development tools and frameworks such as React, Vue.js, and AngularJS
  • Experience with database management systems such as MySQL, MongoDB, and Oracle
  • Familiarity with version control tools like Git
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Experience with responsive design for mobile and desktop devices
  • Creativity and attention to detail.

These are some of the primary qualifications which web developers should possess.

resume format for experienced web developer

In general, there are three types of web developers to choose from based on their expertise:

Front-end Web Developers

Front-end web developers are responsible for designing and developing the visual components of a website. They are typically experts in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and various front-end frameworks. They also ensure that the website is user-friendly by testing it for responsiveness and performance issues.

Back-end Web Developers

Back-end web developers are responsible for creating server-side web applications, managing databases, ensuring site security, and working with API’s (Application Programming Interface). Their work builds on that of front-end developers and ensures the website runs as smoothly as possible.

Full-stack Web Developers

Full-stack web developers have expertise in both front-end and back-end web development. They can code the entire website from scratch by combining their knowledge of HTML/CSS, JavaScript, back-end languages, and frameworks like Node.js, RoR, or They can seamlessly integrate data management, communication with external APIs, and user interface development into a single cohesive website.

Web developers play an essential role in website design and development. Based on their skills and qualifications, they can work as front-end, back-end, or full-stack developers to create interactive, user-friendly websites. It is a demanding field, but one offering great opportunities for professional development, satisfaction, and good compensation.

Key Components of a Web Developer Resume

A web developer’s resume should be easy to read, concise, and highlight the essential aspects of their expertise. Below are the critical components of a successful web developer’s resume.

Contact information

Your contact information should be up-to-date and easily accessible, including your full name, phone number, email address, and location.

Objective or summary statement

Your objective or summary statement should succinctly summarize your experience, expertise, and the types of web development projects you are interested in pursuing.

Work experience

Your work experience section should highlight your professional experience and the specific responsibilities you have taken on in each role. Be sure to include your previous job titles, company names, employment dates, and any measurable results that you achieved in each position.

Education and certifications

Your education and certifications should be listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent accomplishments first. Include the name of the institution and degree or certificate earned, as well as any relevant coursework or GPA.

Technical skills

Your technical skills section should list all the programming languages, tools, and technologies you are proficient in. Use keywords that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Projects and portfolio

Your project and portfolio section should showcase your best web development work, including websites, applications, or other products you have created. Ensure that each project is thoroughly documented and includes visuals and technical specifications.

resume format for experienced web developer

In short, a successful web developer’s resume should bring focus to one’s experience, knowledge, and abilities. By following these guidelines for creating a compelling resume, you can greatly improve your chances of landing the job you want.

Resume Templates and Formats for Web Developers

When it comes to creating a web development resume, using the right format and template can make all the difference. Here are three common resume formats to consider:

Chronological Resume Format

This format lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. This is a great option if you have a strong work history in web development, as it allows employers to quickly see your experience in the field. However, if you have gaps in your work history or are switching careers, this may not be the best format for you.

Functional Resume Format

The functional format focuses on your skills and experience rather than your work history. It allows you to highlight specific skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for, which can be especially beneficial for those with less web development experience. This format may be less effective for those with an extensive work history, as it deemphasizes chronological experience.

Combination Resume Format

As the name suggests, the combination format is a blend of the chronological and functional formats. It highlights both your skills and work history, making it a good choice for web developers with a strong skillset and relevant work experience. However, keep in mind that this format can be longer than other options, so be sure to prioritize the most important information.

Tips for Choosing the Right Template

Once you’ve decided on a resume format, choosing the right template can help your resume stand out. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Look for templates that are tailored specifically to web development. This can help your resume look professional and showcase your skills effectively.
  • Consider the design elements of the template, such as font and color scheme. While it’s important to make your resume stand out, it should still look polished and professional.
  • Think about the type of company you’re applying to and tailor your template choice accordingly. For example, if you’re applying to a startup, a more creative design may be appropriate, while a more traditional company may prefer a classic design.
  • Make sure the template is easy to read and highlights the most important information. Avoid clutter or excessive design elements that can distract from your experience and skills.

By selecting the right resume format and template, you can create a web developer resume that effectively showcases your experience and skillset to potential employers.

Designing a Killer Web Developer Resume

When it comes to designing a killer web developer resume, the design can be just as important as the content. A well-designed resume can help you stand out from the competition and catch the attention of potential employers. Here are some tips for creating an eye-catching design that will make your web developer resume stand out:

Tips for creating an eye-catching design

Use plenty of white space: White space is essential for creating a clean, uncluttered design that is easy to read. Use plenty of white space throughout your resume to help your content stand out.

Keep it simple: Simplicity is key when it comes to resumes. Stick to a simple, clean design with easy-to-read fonts and a clear hierarchy of information.

Use a consistent color scheme: Choose a color scheme that complements your content and use it consistently throughout your resume.

Incorporate visual elements: Visual elements like icons or charts can help break up text-heavy sections and make your resume more visually appealing.

Best practices for layout and formatting

In addition to the design elements, following best practices for layout and formatting can make your resume even more impactful:

Use bullet points: Bullet points are a great way to break up information and make it easier to read.

Keep it concise: A good rule of thumb is to keep your resume to one or two pages maximum. Be concise and stick to the most important information.

Use headings and subheadings: Headings and subheadings are a great way to create a clear hierarchy of information and make it easy for employers to quickly find what they’re looking for.

Fonts, colors, and graphics to use and avoid

Choosing the right fonts, colors, and graphics can be a daunting task, but there are some general guidelines to follow:

Use easy-to-read fonts: Stick to standard and easy-to-read fonts like Arial or Verdana. Avoid using fancy or decorative fonts that may be difficult to read.

Limit your color palette: Choose a limited color palette that complements your content and use it consistently throughout your resume.

Avoid using too many graphics: While visual elements can be helpful, avoid using too many graphics or images that may distract from your content.

Designing a killer web developer resume requires a combination of a well-crafted content and attention-grabbing design. Following best practices for layout and formatting, choosing the right fonts, colors, and graphics can make all the difference in creating a resume that stands out from the competition.

Writing Effective Resume Content

When crafting a resume, it’s not just about showcasing your skills and experience. You also need to ensure that your resume can pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS). These systems scan resumes for keywords and phrases that match the job description. To increase your chances of passing through ATS, make sure to use relevant keywords and phrases throughout your resume.

However, don’t just stuff your resume with keywords. It still needs to be readable and engaging for human recruiters. That’s where power words come in. These are action verbs that describe your accomplishments, skills, and experience in a dynamic way. They can help your resume stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on recruiters.

Additionally, knowing how to write effective descriptions and bullet points is crucial for a successful resume. Use clear and concise language, quantify your achievements with specific numbers or percentages, and highlight your most relevant experience and skills. Remember to tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for, showcasing the skills and experience that directly relate to the position.

A well-crafted resume can make all the difference in landing your dream web developer job. By understanding ATS, using keywords and phrases, incorporating power words, and following best practices for writing descriptions and bullet points, you’ll be one step closer to getting noticed by recruiters and landing that interview.

Examples of Web Developer Resumes

In this section, we’ll provide sample resumes for entry-level, mid-career, and senior web developers. We’ll also analyze what makes each example strong and effective, and provide tips for customizing the samples to fit your own experience and goals.

Entry-Level Web Developer Resume Example

Recent computer science graduate with a focus on web development seeking an entry-level position.

  • Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Experience with responsive web design and web development frameworks
  • Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science XYZ University, GPA: 3.8/4.0


Web Development Intern ABC Company (Summer 2020)

  • Developed landing pages and responsive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Collaborated with team members to troubleshoot and problem-solve issues
  • Familiarized with industry-standard development practices and tools

This entry-level web developer resume example effectively showcases the candidate’s education, skills, and relevant internship experience. By highlighting relevant technical skills such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the candidate shows their proficiency in foundational web development languages. The resume also showcases the candidate’s ability to collaborate with a team and effectively troubleshoot issues, which are critical skills for any web developer.

Tips for Customization:

If you’re an entry-level web developer, consider emphasizing any relevant technical skills and internships on your resume. Be sure to highlight any collaborative team efforts and problem-solving skills as well.

Mid-Career Web Developer Resume Example

Experienced web developer seeking a challenging role with a forward-thinking company.

  • Over 5 years of experience in front-end web development
  • Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various web frameworks
  • Proven track record of developing complex web applications and solving technical issues

Senior Web Developer DEF Company (Jan 2017-Present)

  • Designed and developed web applications for clients using AngularJS, React, and Node.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to gather requirements and provide technical solutions Implemented responsive web design principles to optimize user experience
  • Mentored junior developers and conducted code reviews to ensure high-quality standards

Web Developer GHI Company (Feb 2013-Dec 2016)

  • Developed and maintained websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Integrated third-party APIs to enhance website functionality
  • Optimized website performance and implemented SEO best practices

This mid-career web developer resume example highlights the candidate’s extensive experience and technical expertise in front-end web development. The summary section provides a quick overview of their skills and experience, showcasing their proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various web frameworks. The experience section demonstrates their ability to work on complex projects, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and mentor junior developers. Overall, the resume presents a well-rounded profile of a mid-career web developer.

If you’re a mid-career web developer, focus on showcasing your depth of experience, technical skills, and achievements in your resume. Highlight any leadership or mentoring roles, as well as your ability to work on complex projects and collaborate with teams.

Senior Web Developer Resume Example

Highly skilled and experienced senior web developer seeking new opportunities to lead and contribute to innovative web development projects.

Over 10 years of experience in full-stack web development Expertise in front-end and back-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and SQL Proven track record of successfully delivering high-quality web applications and leading development teams

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Python Django React SQL

Lead Web Developer JKL Company (Mar 2010-Present)

Led a team of web developers in designing and developing web applications using Django, React, and other technologies Implemented agile development methodologies to improve project efficiency and collaboration Performed code reviews, conducted quality assurance testing, and ensured adherence to coding standards Collaborated with clients to gather requirements, provide technical expertise, and deliver customized solutions

Senior Web Developer MNO Company (Jan 2006-Feb 2010)

Developed and maintained websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python Designed and implemented database systems using SQL Optimized website performance and security through efficient coding practices and vulnerability assessments Contributed to the development of internal tools and frameworks to streamline the web development process

This senior web developer resume example showcases the candidate’s extensive experience and leadership skills in web development. The summary section highlights their years of experience, technical expertise in front-end and back-end technologies, and their track record of delivering high-quality web applications. The experience section demonstrates their ability to lead development teams, implement agile methodologies, and collaborate with clients. The resume presents a compelling profile of a senior web developer with a strong track record of success.

If you’re a senior web developer, focus on highlighting your leadership skills, extensive technical expertise, and successful project deliveries. Emphasize your ability to lead teams, implement development methodologies, and provide customized solutions to clients.

By using these examples as a guide, you can customize your web developer resume to effectively showcase your skills, experience, and achievements, positioning yourself as a strong candidate for the job. Remember to tailor the content to match the specific requirements of the position you’re applying for and highlight the aspects that make you stand out as a web developer.

Additional Tips and Tricks for Web Developer Resumes

When crafting your web developer resume, there are a few additional tips and tricks you can use to make it stand out.

Cover Letters and Reference Lists

While some employers may not require a cover letter or reference list, it’s always a good idea to have both prepared. A cover letter allows you to introduce yourself and highlight your qualifications for the position. A reference list can provide potential employers with additional information about your past work experience and skills.

When writing your cover letter, make sure to tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for. Use the job description and company information to highlight why you’re the best candidate for the position.

Tips for Networking and Job Searching

In addition to submitting your resume to job postings, it’s important to network and actively search for job opportunities. Attend industry events and meetups, participate in online forums and groups, and reach out to professionals in your field. You never know where your next job opportunity may come from.

When searching for job opportunities, make sure to use a variety of resources. Check job boards, company websites, and social media platforms for open positions.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

There are a few common mistakes that web developers make on their resumes that can hurt their chances of being hired. These include:

  • Using a generic or outdated resume template
  • Including irrelevant work experience or skills
  • Focusing too much on technical skills and not enough on soft skills and accomplishments
  • Neglecting to proofread for errors or typos

Make sure to avoid these mistakes and create a polished and professional resume.

Overcoming Employment Gaps or Other Challenges

If you have a gap in your employment history or other challenges that may raise red flags for potential employers, there are a few strategies you can use to address these issues on your resume:

  • Be honest and upfront about your employment gap or challenge. Explain the circumstances and how you’ve addressed the issue.
  • Focus on highlighting your skills and accomplishments, rather than dwelling on the gap or challenge.
  • Consider taking on freelance or volunteer work in your field to demonstrate your skills and commitment to your profession.

By using these strategies and highlighting your skills and accomplishments, you can overcome any challenges on your resume and land your dream web development job.

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Jobscan > Resume Examples > Computer Science and Engineering Resume Examples > Web Developer Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

Web Developer Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

As a web developer, you need to learn how to showcase your front-end and back-end skills effectively to land your dream job. The web developer resume samples and suggestions below will get you on the right track to impress any potential employers.

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Web developer resume sample

Most people spend around 145 minutes a day exploring their favorite websites and apps. Their experience wouldn’t be nearly as smooth and exciting if it weren’t for the zealous work of web developers like you. However, having all the web development training in the world will do you no good without a well-written resume.

In the web development world, the competition is fierce. Recruiters from the best companies receive hundreds of applications each day, and they cannot possibly go through all of them in detail. In fact, most of them rely on an applicant tracking system (ATS) to automate the filtering process. To differentiate yourself from all the other job seekers out there, you need to follow the right resume-writing strategy .

Composing a solid web developer resume is a must if you want to prove to potential employers that you can create functional and secure sites. Do you need some inspiration to get down to work? Check out the web developer resume examples below.

Seattle, WA 98101 • (555) 555-1234 • [email protected] •


Web Developer with more than 10 years experience enhancing user experience. Experienced in designing for several interfaces, as well as testing and debugging. Excels in optimizing the experience for users and improving workflows.

ASP.NET | JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX | Responsive Design | C# | SEO | Google Analytics | MVC | Microsoft SQL Server | Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE | nopCommerce SW | Microsoft Visual Studio | Adobe Photoshop | AspDotNetStorefront SW | HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 | Ecommerce | Engineering Management

Recruited to redesign the corporate web presence and initiate new online marketing strategies after successfully driving traffic and boosting sales via HDTV Labs’ website design. Increased visibility and credibility of OSI International, transforming both end-user and dealer websites to present a more professional and high-tech image using nopCommerce Ecommerce software. Responsible for all website decisions and implementation from design phase to launch and beyond.

  • Created themes, graphics and HTML for custom email campaigns and trade magazine ads. Interfaced directly with clients to resolve technical issues, promote sales, and provide information about OSI’s products and services.
  • Increased product visibility and promotion, quadrupling the number of products listed online, writing comprehensive technical descriptions, and highlighting key features to attract online customers.
  • Enhanced the visual appeal of the websites by shooting, Photoshopping and uploading over 1,300 product images to the sites, incorporating stunning visuals and integrating relevant audio and video components, all while employing cutting-edge design techniques.

Designed and developed the company website using AspDotNetStorefront Ecommerce software. Influenced product design decisions with core technology research and analysis. Initiated online marketing strategies and coordinated with national distributors to promote product sales.

  • Created additional corporate revenue stream by designing, developing and maintaining the company’s Ecommerce website with over 115 custom .aspx, .cs, and .html web pages. Developed custom xml web pages for downloading product specification sheets and manuals.
  • Set up online credit card transaction capability with the Authorize.Net payment gateway, Comodo SSL security software, and local commercial bank.
  • Integrated FedEx Ship Manager giving Ecommerce customers access to real-time shipping rates.

Achieved significant reduction in product development time through automated testing in support of all GSM Cellular Development and Cost Reduction programs.

  • Acted as liaison with multinational telecommunication corporations and international test houses to gain approvals for all cellular products, generating major global sales into new markets.
  • Saved millions of potentially lost unit sales, resolving a critical cellular phone software issue with the Chinese government that threatened shipment of all GPRS-capable cellular phones into China.

Why this resume works

Web developer resume skills and keywords

What are recruiters looking for on a web developer candidate? If you take a close look at the job description, you’ll find it’s packed with web developer resume keywords . Using them will help you bypass the ATS filters and ultimately make it to the interview stage. Here are the most common ‌web developer resume skills that can lead to your impending success:

Top Web Developer Resume Skills

  • Basic data types
  • Data structures
  • Conditional statements
  • Code restoration
  • Code merging
  • Code review
  • User interaction
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Code versioning
  • Graphic design
  • DB migration
  • Server health analytics
  • Web site optimization
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Time management
  • ‌Confidence
  • Project management
  • Accountability
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving

5 web developer resume writing tips

Knowing how to highlight your web developer skills will boost your chances of getting hired. Follow these five tips to make your web developer abilities stand out on your resume.

Tip # 1: Write a clear web developer professional profile

This short section aims to catch the recruiter’s eye and make them want to keep on reading. Introduce yourself with a concise paragraph at the beginning of your web developer resume. Pinpoint what makes you different from the other applicants. You can include your strengths, the web development projects that make you the proudest, or any other piece of information that’s crucial to get you hired. 

Be brief and quickly flaunt your best web development skills and accomplishments . Remember, you still have one or two pages ahead to elaborate on this information, so don’t delve too much into it. Here’s your chance to give the HR department a snapshot of your main contributions to the field. Make it count and talk about that unique website you helped design, or mention your countless years of experience creating seamless apps. 

Tip # 2: Show your human side and don’t make your resume too technical

Remember, web development isn’t always the HR department’s strongest suit. Trying to impress them by using complicated statements and extremely technical jargon might backfire on you. If there’s a simpler way to explain your qualifications, go for it, by all means. Doing so could be the fine line between hearing back from a potential employer or not. 

Mix things up a little bit and keep a balance between your soft and hard skills . If you can’t help using complicated terms to define a particular web development ability, describe the actions and ideas associated with it. Use a few words to expand on how that skill maybe helped you solve a coding problem or increased your team’s productivity. Keep your sentences short, and steer clear from using passive voice. Try adding action words and power verbs instead. 

Tip # 3: Be descriptive and provide tangible metrics on your web development accomplishments

Some recruiters might love name-dropping. It’s okay if you use your resume as an opportunity to show off those projects you’ve developed for big companies and high-profile clients. However, if you really want to get on the HR department’s radar, talk in numbers. Using concrete, measurable data to define your web development achievements will make your resume more engaging. 

Speak the recruiter’s language. Offer appealing job descriptions that will make your web developer resume pop by including:

  • Relevant duties
  • Success stories

Tip # 4: Get rid of irrelevant or outdated information

Be selective when writing your web developer resume. Remember that less is more and that you need to prioritize the information that makes more sense for a particular position. 

Most recruiters only spend about six seconds scanning through an applicant’s resume before deciding if they should move on to the next one. Cluttering yours with outdated coding courses and experience using unrelated software will decrease your chances of making a lasting impression. 

Do emphasize your recent projects and relevant training. Don’t go further back than 10–15 years when describing previous jobs. 

Tip # 5:  Proofread—and then proofread again

There’s nothing more off-putting to recruiters than finding poor grammar and typos all over a web developer’s resume. Believe it or not, it says a lot about you as an applicant. Your potential employer might think you’re not interested enough in the position or that you lack the attention to detail required for the role.

Adding all the right information to your web developer resume is not enough if you don’t invest a few extra minutes ensuring your text is spot on. When in doubt, have someone else proofread the whole document for you and give you feedback. You don’t want lousy writing to get between you and your dream job. 

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Web Development Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the web development job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Lead team responsible for building NBC Sports Group properties such as,, and
  • Coordinate QA/UAT and software releases with Project Managers and Release/QA Engineer
  • Provide feasibility reviews for potential new projects, including development effort estimates
  • Create or review software architecture and hardware infrastructure proposals for all new application builds
  • Coordinate implementation of all new CDN configurations and configuration rule changes
  • Oversee peer-reviews of web application code, ensuring that all code complies with team standards
  • Manages activities within the department and conducts full supervision in terms of project management, methods and staffing
  • To provide strategic and operational leadership to lead and prioritise web development activity acting as first point of contact for technical product owners
  • Identify new technologies and techniques that can improve our Platforms and development processes
  • Extensive knowledge of software architecture and development best practices including TDD, BDD, Test automation
  • Hire great people, mentor a great team, establish great relationships and build a great culture
  • Create efficient and effective software product delivery practices
  • Actively question established approaches and raise the level of innovation to excell in a fiercely contested market
  • To be the first point of contact within the business to gather requests for website development
  • Investigating/responding/resolving problems with connectivity, functionality or efficacy of the content management system
  • Consulting with internal systems development personnel on all aspects of the project, including feasibility, complexity, timing, issue resolution
  • Developing and coaching of a high performing team and work environment
  • Providing reporting and analysis on tests as well as proving recommendations on future tests
  • Monitoring effective benchmarks for measuring the impact of Digital Marketing programs, and analyze, review, and report on effectiveness
  • Liaising with technical staff to ensure proper prioritization of projects from a systems resourcing perspective
  • Researching and reporting on Internet services offered by competitors and other Canada/U.S. leaders in the development of Internet services
  • Ability to manage and coordinate the details of multiple concurrent projects; proficiency with project management practices and tools
  • Strong leadership and interpersonal communication skills; ability to interact with all levels within the organization
  • Develop highly scalable and efficient web applications that meet the goals of the NBC Sports Group
  • Ensure that all products launched by the Sports Group meet the organization’s best practices for scalability, stability, and security
  • Ability to work in a fast paced environment with many initiatives
  • Ability to manage a variety of business and vendor resources
  • Ability to communicate effectively in the virtual world
  • Ability to work independently and make sound decisions with minimal supervision and direction
  • Ability to use tact and sensitivity when working with others
  • Strategic thinker with the ability to develop and implement strategies

15 Web Development resume templates

Web Development Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, manager, web development resume examples & samples.

  • Assign projects and development tasks to developers and ensure that technical deliverables remain on schedule and on budget
  • Ensure that all products launched by the Sports Group meet the organization’s best practices for scalability, stability, and security
  • Minimum five (5) years developing web applications using PHP
  • Minimum three (3) years building and managing large-scale Drupal and/or WordPress environments
  • Understanding of agile methodologies and full software development lifecycle
  • Ability to manage own responsibilities while leading other developers
  • Highly organized and able to track multiple deliverables across projects and resources
  • Deep understanding of JavaScript libraries such as Node.js and AngularJS
  • Familiarity with hosting environments and best practices, knowledge of Content Delivery Network configuration
  • Ability to integrate into a large agile development project and manage rapid development cycles
  • Ability to clearly communicate ideas and status updates to both technical and non-technical resources
  • Able to delegate work effectively and assess and mitigate risks, and escalate appropriately
  • Passion for professional sports and an interest in digital media
  • Innovative and flexible thinker, comfortable suggesting solutions and willing to take risks
  • Enjoy working in a fast-paced environment with tight deadlines
  • Committed to quality in every assignment, large or small

Web Development Lead-digital Resume Examples & Samples

  • Engineer a world-class platform with an eye towards rapid iteration and creative problem solving
  • 6+ years experience working on Windows and Java platforms
  • Strong Java/J2EE or .Net, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Spring, AJAX, & JSON skills for implementing web technologies
  • Solid understanding of the AJAX and Spring frameworks

Web Development Summer Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • JavaScript, JavaScript, JavaScript - it's critically important to our web framework
  • Interest Backbone or other similar libraries
  • Interest in Node.js
  • Candidates should know a little about SQL or NoSQL databases
  • Some background with Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign and knowledge about producing web-ready assets is helpful
  • Computer Science, Math, or Computer Engineering or related studies
  • Background in either C, C++, or Objective C is desired
  • GIT workflow experience is a plus
  • OSX experience is a plus
  • Unix shell experience is a plus

Canon Insights Summer Internship Program Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify and collect customer requirements to ensure that web portals (dynamic sites) meet customers’ specifications
  • Develop, launch and maintain custom web portals to fulfill customer requirements
  • Maintain and update database(s) used in conjunction with customized web portals
  • Manage/update web applications
  • Create/update content on existing sites
  • Assist with miscellaneous marketing requests (Example: surveys/e-mail/brochure/flyer design)
  • Participate in User Acceptance Testing for new Canon Portal
  • Assist with data preparation as necessary
  • Assist with imageWARE management, Canon’s Document Management application
  • The ideal candidate would have a web development, design, and marketing background
  • Website development: PHP (or equivalent), CSS, HTML, MySQL, JavaScript and relation database management system
  • Graphic design as it relates to website development, and marketing collateral, knowledge of Adobe Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver)
  • MS Office: Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word
  • Nice to have: Basic Marketing Content Creation (writing)

Web Development Process Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Day to day leadership of a team of front end developers, some of whom are located remotely
  • Track resource spend (actuals), estimate future resource spend (projections), and provide detailed budget/spend reports to leadership
  • Identify and remove barriers that impede completion of project tasks by delivery team members
  • Identify and implement strategies to ensure efficiency in team/resource-level deliverables
  • Provide department leadership team with metrics on performance of delivery teams
  • Ensure delivery teams are meeting commitments and completing projects
  • Ensure teams are delivering features/sites that meet or standards for code quality, accessibility, and other identified areas of emphasis
  • Onboard resources
  • Support the release of new sites/features. This includes communication check-points with leadership, barrier removal for team members, support plan coordination/communication, and team recognition
  • Learn the drivers, processes, and nuances of the business areas with which you are aligned
  • Prior management experience
  • Experience with Front-End Development technologies (HTML, JavaScript, CSS)
  • Experience with Back-End Development technologies
  • Prior experience in the health care solutions industry
  • The ability to collaborate effectively with diverse individuals with separate goals and objectives
  • Understanding of Usability and User Experience
  • Understanding of Agile Software Development

Web Development / Software Engineer, Senior Resume Examples & Samples

  • 8+ years of experience with IT, including commercial software product development, such as UI integration, such as AngularJS, NodeJS, jquery, html5, css3, grunt, npm, and bower, Java and Scala frameworks, such as Spring Framework, Scalatra, Java Web development and related tools, such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Maven, Gradle Tomcat Server, and Apache Web Server, Linux, Unix, and Windows operating systems and related scripting languages, such as Yaml, Python, and Shell scripting, and SQL databases and newer Nosql databases, such as Oracle, MySql, ElasticSearch and Mongodb or Cassandra, CI or CD using Jenkins, SonarQube, Ansible or chef or puppet, and Docker
  • Ability to communicate technical and non-technical information
  • Ability to work with a diverse group of professionals and to balance multiple competing projects and needs
  • BA or BS degree in CS, Information Systems, or a related field

Head of Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proven experience of managing or team-leading software engineering teams (5+ developers)
  • Experience in architecting innovative, highly-available solutions based on leading-edge Java technologies
  • Proven experience in providing technical team leadership and mentoring
  • The ability to build partnerships with stakeholders and global colleagues
  • Demonstrable ability to consistently deliver high-quality services
  • A confident person - articulate, enthusiastic and outgoing
  • Pro-active, energetic professional with strong communication and networking skills
  • Ability to quickly grasp new concepts
  • Solid experience of working as a software engineering manager or team-lead in a fast-paced highly technical environment
  • Strong practical experience within an agile software development environment (preferably Scrum)
  • Experience of global, enterprise Intranet & Extranet web or E-Commerce applications
  • Good knowledge of RDMS technologies
  • Exposure to front-end technologies such as Angular or Node.js
  • Experience of complex, highly-available, web-based distributed applications
  • Ability to understand and translate complex business requirements into class-leading technology solutions

Web Development Internship, Di-summer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate with Product Managers and Backend Engineers to solve technical issues and build amazing content management experiences
  • Build and maintain extensible backend code that interact with frontend services
  • Demonstrate technical comprehension and passion for web related projects
  • Desire to learn and an interest in the web development space
  • Basic CS fundamentals, including data structures, algorithms, and data modeling
  • Basic knowledge of or experience with various modern programming languages: Java, Ruby, Python, etc
  • Knowledge of or experience with modern client web programming languages and standards: JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, etc
  • Understanding of basic web architecture (e.g. HTTP and REST protocols)
  • Ability to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical team members
  • Desire to learn and work in a fast-paced, iterative agile development environment
  • Basic knowledge of or experience with various web frameworks and libraries: jQuery, Dojo, Backbone, Knockout
  • Experience with web databases (MongoDB, Postgres, MySQL)
  • Team player with good attitude and passionate about building great products for Disney
  • Self-starter with the ability to learn new things quickly
  • Experience with Unix-like systems; e.g. init scripts, package creation, performance troubleshooting, the unix process model, etc
  • To support the online presentation of Pearson in the UK through the development and co-ordination of an effective, customer centric online sales and website strategy
  • To bring together a central working group across UK education businesses to align website development to improve customer experience and increase interest in online and digital customer engagement channels
  • To work closely with the Director of web strategy and digital marketing to input strategically to the UK website vision and domain name strategy, ensuring that the Pearson UK vision is aligned globally
  • To work closely with peers in marketing to gather development requirements and implement improvements to customer experience and marketing effectiveness
  • To work collaboratively with peers in Pearson Technology to identify economies of scale through common requirements and trends across businesses
  • To work with Pearson Technology to build annual budget for UK website development activities in order to deliver maximum value for money to the business and ensure that all investments are aligned with key strategic objectives
  • To manage a programme of competitor analysis, customer and usability research to evaluate market needs, buying behaviours and recommend improvements to online customer experience
  • To lead on the design, user and customer experience for UK websites
  • To lead on the monitoring and reporting of customer experience and identification of functional improvements
  • To work closely with marketing, branding and design teams to improve brand image and online reputation management and ensure UK websites are aligned with marketing and corporate branding objectives
  • To continuously evaluate current suppliers and organise tender processes for existing and additional services where appropriate
  • To review current web analytics and implement the use of a common analytics platform and KPIs across UK websites and eCommerce systems
  • To make improvements to the Adobe CQ interface and to assist with the roll-out of the system to colleagues in the business so that they can manage and update content

Web Development Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Apply modern methods of web development (frameworks, web services)
  • Apply modern methods of web design (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript)
  • Collaborate with team members on new projects and ideas
  • Develop web applications and sites that support real world marketing efforts
  • Experience with WordPress and PHP
  • A positive attitude and willingness to work with the team to achieve departmental goals
  • Ability to show initiative, multi-task, prioritize and meet deadlines

Web Development Internship Espn Fall Resume Examples & Samples

  • Apply web development principles using open source framework (iQuery, Bootstrap, etc.)
  • Background in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems or similar
  • Some experience with semantic HTML/XHTML and CSS
  • Some experience with JavaScript

Web Development Technical Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leading and coaching development teams
  • The technical design, delivery and quality of the codebase
  • Setting and ensuring the highest development standards are followed
  • Active monitoring of risks to code-based delivery
  • Engaging with the Enterprise Architecture team to find and solve gaps in technical direction
  • Identification and management of technical debt
  • Coordination with DevOps to ensure our platform delivery meets the needs of ourselves and our customers
  • Coordination with the Quality Assurance Team to support test activities
  • Experience developing solutions using platforms such as hybris, Adobe Experience Manager, Elastic Path, Demandware, ATG, Websphere, Magento,
  • Strong technical credentials with 7+ years development experience
  • Significant hands-on experience building server side technologies and platforms using Java, Spring, Maven
  • Hands-on experience with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
  • Extensive experience with services-based architecture and strong REST API background
  • Established track record of designing and developing simple solutions to complex problems
  • Experience with multiple approaches to data storage (relational, non-relational, graph) with a variety of technologies (i.e. Oracle, MongoDB, Riak, CouchDB, Memcached, Redis)
  • Experienced in designing scalable solutions, writing efficient code, optimizing performance and debugging issues
  • Knowledge and experience in implementing large scale commercial web applications
  • Comfortable working in a fast-paced, multi-tasking, dynamic environment
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to present complex technical information in a clear and concise manner to a variety of audiences, both technical and non-technical
  • Experience coaching and mentoring technology talent
  • A passion for technology and up-to-date with trends, new languages and design approaches in the IT space

Tech Lead, Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • BS degree or higher in computer science with 7+ years of broad engineering
  • Extensive experience in developing, deploying and supporting web applications
  • Expertise in all facets of web development including front and backend technologies
  • Experience building high performance and scalable web applications and services
  • Expertise in performance, scalability, security, architecture, and engineering best
  • Strong Communication skills (verbal and written) with an ability to work in a highly
  • Highly adaptive and capable of being an individual contributor and working as part of

Mgr., Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Server as a subject matter expert for a wide range of areas, applications, and technologies
  • Leads analysis and general architectural design across platforms towards the development of end-to-end solutions
  • Requires both technical leadership and collaboration skills with significant interaction with various business groups including Marketing and Operations. Participate on committees or projects to help define organization wide standards, processes, and guidelines
  • Completes performance appraisals and evaluates overall performance of team. Makes decisions on interviewing and selection of new employees. Sets goals and objectives for individuals and work groups. Motivates, mentors and coaches individuals, fostering a team environment
  • Manages a department or a functional area of importance. Implements operating procedures in conformance with annual budget. Has latitude to determine how to achieve objectives within budget
  • Typically does not perform the duties of individual contributors in the department. Often interacts with Divisional Leadership or Senior Management

Web Development / Infrastructure Resume Examples & Samples

  • Significant experience architecting and building enterprise MVC 4 web applications
  • HTML 5, CSS3 , JavaScript and JQuery experience
  • Microsoft .NET C#
  • Windows 2008 R2 Server knowledge
  • Citrix XenApp 5/6.5 administration
  • Understanding of performance analysis using perfmon counters
  • Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 database design, including stored procedures and CLR
  • Load Testing experience
  • Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI)
  • Microsoft App-V 5
  • Ability to work independently without intensive oversight – must be a go-getter and take initiative on a regular basis finding ways to avoid problems proactively rather than just fixing them after the fact)
  • Emphasis on sharing of knowledge through good communications, peer training and written documentation
  • Positive customer service and team attitude (helping others when required)
  • Focused on quality
  • Excellent Oral and written communication skills
  • Strong troubleshooting and documentation skills
  • Committed to continual improvement
  • Discipline to adhere to formal system lifecycle methodology
  • Strong Planning and organizing department activities skills
  • Detailed oriented and self-starter
  • Possess good judgment, ability to accept responsibility and handle confidential information
  • Proven success at problem solving, research, and decision-making

Director, Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1) Delivering custom code for including software written in-house, written in conjunction with external resources, and written entirely by third party consultancies
  • 2) Working closely with external development partners to build effective working relationships and ensure third party deliverables meet Saks’ standards
  • 3) Ensuring all code deliverables are of sufficient quality
  • 4) Implementing software development methodology, staying current with developments in the field, and applying this knowledge to optimize Saks Direct’s functionality
  • 5) Applying formalized software testing techniques
  • 6) Implementing reliable build and release practices
  • 7) Managing an Agile software development process
  • 8) Working with the Web Development team to identify and implement software development tools and techniques to increase quality and efficiency
  • 9) Allocating appropriate resources to the defect and enhancement pipeline and defining and maintaining metrics on workflow
  • 10) Ensuring that defects and enhancements are worked efficiently according to business stakeholder priorities
  • 11) Coordinating the response to day-of-production issues
  • 2) Experience in an enterprise software environment
  • 3) Expertise in Agile development methodologies
  • 4) Understanding of enterprise technologies such as ETL, queuing, caching, and system integration
  • 5) Full lifecycle experience on larger software development projects
  • 6) Expertise with Java, Scala, or Clojure
  • 7) Experience with an enterprise Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
  • 8) Demonstrated success in working across organizational boundaries

Web Development Team Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide and facilitate technical training, and inform development team of business context for team’s services
  • Establish business measurements for team effectiveness and improve performance over time
  • Close collaboration to product and business owners to manage risk, operational and business impact, in an ever changing environment
  • Closely monitor live IgnitionOne deployments and communicate any urgent issues to business owners with possible solutions
  • Assist operations in setting up and updating procedures for on-going maintenance of IgnitionOne products
  • Manage and grow team consisting of developers and QA
  • Experience from driving IT projects and to collaborate with IT organizations as well as marketing and communications organizations
  • In-depth experience performance marketing (notably SEO/SEM and programmatic) and social media
  • Experience in data analytics-driven continuous web development
  • Solid understanding of state-of-the art digital technologies and relevance in a global B2B marketing business environment
  • Strong people skills and ability to collaborate, inspire and get buy-in across an organization
  • Strong when it comes to execution and high ambitions to meet stakeholder expectations
  • Very strong business understanding and understanding of Ericsson’s business strategy, portfolio and competitive environment
  • Minimum of 5-10 years’ experience in IT development and digital marketing

Associate Director Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee the development, implementation and maintenance of key web applications for the WLS Business Unit including existing product delivery platforms such as EPIC, GAC, PAC,, etc.; future delivery platforms; and all products delivered and to be delivered via these platforms. Directs team members to deliver high quality products by allocating resources and coordinating timelines with the Product Development Team
  • Define and enforce development standards and uniform coding practices to promote efficiency, consistency, and code reuse while reducing development time, bugs and training efforts
  • Monitor end-to-end application performance on production systems and recommend hardware/software investments
  • Promote the design and development of new methodologies and programming techniques to support product development initiatives and c ontinually increase platform customer satisfaction and usage results
  • Promote the discovery and evaluation of new technologies and tools to reduce development costs and improve efficiency
  • Provide project management for technology enhancement initiatives as required. In other cases, work closely with PD project managers and oversee the web application development work to make sure it’s being completed per requirements and timelines
  • Assist with maintaining the data privacy requirements for each platform, ensuring implementation of required changes as necessary
  • Manage the Web Development team members in multiple locations to include

Director of Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee release management and change management processes
  • Partner with business to set issue prioritization
  • Create best-practice SDLC artifacts, policies and procedures
  • 8-10 years of experience in e-commerce development, web development or similar role
  • In depth experience with Sitecore CMS (Sitecore 7 and 8) and the Sitecore DMS
  • In depth experience with the .NET framework
  • Experience / Knowledge in design and development of multi lingual / multi region websites
  • Experience in content migration projects
  • Solid programming knowledge of the following databases (MS SQL Server and Mongo) and knowledge of IIS, Team Foundation Server
  • Experience in object-oriented programming
  • At least 4 years of experience in project life cycle activities on development and maintenance projects
  • At least 4years of experience in Design and architecture review
  • At least 4years of experience in software development life cycle
  • Ability to work on a team in diverse/multiple stakeholder environment
  • Solid understanding of business processes is a must and knowledge of SAP will be a solid plus
  • Strong and proven leadership skills including hands-on project management and ability to motivate
  • Good customer service orientation and attitude

Senior Manager Technical Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Validate the analysis of development applications related to the web application environment and the properties of Bell Media
  • Provide vision and technological intelligence in order to implement a technological innovation model internally
  • Collaborate to process definition and development methodology
  • In collaboration with the Production Manager and Principal Architect, contribute to the establishment of standards developing breast digital engineering team
  • Validate and supervised detailed functional and technical analysis
  • Management Team Developer in an evolutionary context multiplatform
  • Ensuring product quality and ensure its development / growth over time
  • Design, develop and implement programming standards
  • Providing solutions to the problems of information management websites and applications in a statistics intensive environment
  • Oversee the development of team development and integration of new members
  • Work in advisory mode with platform team and brand product teams
  • Work support / collaborative fashion with teams of project management, user experience and infrastructure
  • Maintain control of established processes and their improvement
  • 10 years of experience in web and application programming and DBA focus
  • 5 years experience managing web development and team management
  • 5 years experience in the media industry an asset
  • Excellent knowledge of Java, PHP, MySQL, Ajax, Json, JQuery, XML, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat-
  • Asset: Meaven, Git, Atlassian suite, Selenium RC,
  • Excellent communication skills required, both written and verbal. Must be able to manage communications effectively through a national organization
  • Must have strong organizational skills and be able to manage multiple competing products simultaneously
  • Analytical and conceptual
  • Methodology Agile, Scrum
  • Flexibility, thoroughness and resourcefulness
  • Attention to detail, conscientious

Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop front-end web application using HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Specification/wireframes will be provided
  • Develop back-end support for web application using PHP and Laravel
  • Attend requirements gathering meetings as needed

Web Development Practicum Resume Examples & Samples

  • Senior-level undergraduate, MS, or PhD student in a STEM-centric major with career aspirations in web development or DevOps
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to learn with minimal oversight
  • Intense focus on problem solving and rapid development of functional prototype applications
  • Strong programming skills (C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Django, etc) - Enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, fast-moving team environment
  • Experience with backend or frontend technologies and desire to master the full stack
  • Experience with software version control system (Git preferred)
  • Demonstrable contributions to open source software projects
  • Mobile development experience (Android, iOS)
  • Deep understanding of database technologies and web frameworks
  • Experience defining and building scalable APIs - Experience with code parallelization/optimization including GPU programming
  • Expertise in machine learning/statistical modeling

Supervisor, Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Codes, tests, identifies, implementsand documents technical solutions to business challenges utilizing web and related technologies
  • Performs design and analysis for deliverables and may lead larger team design sessions
  • Identifies task associated significant development efforts
  • Researches and stays current on best practices in the technology industry as well as emerging technology
  • Serves as a subject matter expert for a wide range of areas, applications, and technologies
  • Provides effort estimates for large projects
  • Proactively recommends solutions which take into consideration costs, business needs, and system impacts
  • Facilitates technical decision making and when necessary act as the decision authoring considering input from all stakeholders
  • Establishes team standards for quality processes and methods
  • Requires both technical leadership and collaboration skills with significant interaction with various business groups including Marketing and Operations. Participates on committees or projects to help define organization wide standards, processes, and guidelines
  • Leads web development staff, including contract and off-shore developers and may have supervisory responsibility over employees
  • Evaluates overall performance of team as well as individuals
  • Coaches and counsels team members both individually and together toward improved performance
  • Participates in interviewing and selection of new employees
  • Oversees training and development of new employees

Web Development Adjunct Faculty Resume Examples & Samples

  • Delivers learning-centered instruction by establishing a classroom environment conducive to learning and student involvement as well as effectively planning and preparing for classes and student success
  • Promotes student success by showing flexibility in style and work schedule as well as exhibiting a passion for teaching and students and engaging students in the learning process
  • Manages the learning environment through keeping accurate records, submitting grades and other reports on time, and enforcing school/campus academic and attendance policies
  • Contributes to a learning culture by participating on curriculum and system task forces, supporting local campus events such as orientation and graduation, and participating in various other workshops and meetings
  • Relates professional/life/industry experience to learning by the continuation of professional/technical skills development, the introduction of industry perspective into courses, and the active awareness of professional/industry trends and opportunities
  • Masters degree in a field related to discipline of classes to be taught; terminal degree in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Web Design, Computer Science or related field preferred
  • One to two years experience in instruction or formalized education process, preferably in a post-secondary or college institution
  • Working knowledge of current practice and theory in interactive design, usability and design for mobile devices
  • Proficiency in and experience with HTML5/CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, and Action Script
  • Computer based skills (i.e., software, analytical, and report writing skills
  • Ability to learn from students’ participation, demonstrates fair and consistent behavior in all matters, and shows compassion without being ineffectual
  • 4-year degree from an accredited institution in computer science, marketing or related field, OR appropriate combination of education and significant experience
  • Minimum 5 years WordPress or other related open source content management system experience
  • Minimum 3 years mobile development experience for smartphones and tablets
  • Experience in HTML5, CSS, pHp and JQuery a must
  • Effective problem solver and decision maker
  • Manage a portfolio of User Experience programs and resources, with an emphasis on client management and financial management
  • Direct teams who create user interface designs for web, mobile, and multi-device software products
  • Champion and contribute user interface design patterns and other reusable assets that aid in efficient and effective user experience design
  • Collaborate closely with cross-functional product development teams to estimate, define, and execute User Experience programs as part of the software development lifecycle
  • Lead and mentor a team of experience User Experience Managers
  • Coordinate work activities with others
  • Direct cross-functional teams as appropriate
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience of 12+ years experience as a User Interface designer and usability practitioner
  • 3+ years of experience at manager or director level
  • Proven ability to lead teams working on multiple projects
  • Proven experience with financial management
  • Experience with web applications
  • Previous experience as a member of a cross-functional product team
  • Strong organizational skills and excellent relationship building skills
  • High level of energy and customer focus
  • Commercial software experience
  • Experience with Scrum or other Agile methodologies

Web Development Team Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design, develop, and test enterprise Java web applications in accordance with team standards
  • Analyze and resolve technical and application issues
  • Participate in scrum meetings, backlog grooming, and sprint planning sessions
  • Provide project oversight, technical guidance and mentoring to team members
  • Lead and motivate staff through continuous feedback and two-way communication
  • Set measurable goals and objectives for team members. Provide regular performance feedback to team members through formal and informal reviews
  • Participate on Web Architecture Team to help shape architectural roadmap, ensure system scalability, and enable continuous delivery
  • Maintain high standards of software quality within the team
  • Build relationships with cross-functional business partners
  • Ensure and promote secure coding practices and procedures
  • Advocate for team standards and processes
  • Promote a positive, challenging, and fun work environment
  • Collaborate with the global team in Lean and continuous improvement efforts
  • Proven experience in Information Technology industry or job function
  • Senior level, hands-on experience with software development methodologies, troubleshooting the Java EE stack,
  • Object Oriented design and development, EE integration with SOA and REST, databases and data modeling, and sever and network infrastructure
  • In-depth knowledge of Java EE web application servers, EE technologies (EJB, JSP, JMS, JNDI, etc.),
  • Open source frameworks (Spring, Spring MVC, and Hibernate), and open source tools (Log4j, Ant, Maven and Gradle)
  • In-depth knowledge of SQL databases (Oracle is a plus). In-depth knowledge of IDE's (Eclipse is a plus)
  • Familiarity with microservices (and Spring Boot) is a plus. Familiarity with JCR (Magnolia CMS is a plus)
  • Familiarity with Apache Solr is a plus. Experience in the Financial Services industry is a plus
  • Experience working with Agile software development is a plus. DevOps knowledge is a plus
  • Excellent verbal skills (must be capable of communicating clearly and effectively to senior business partners, IT management and internal team members),
  • And written skills (including ability to produce process flowcharting, user stories, and formal business solution documents)
  • Able to work in a global, multicultural environment. Able to influence and build relationships at all levels of staff
  • Must demonstrate a strong customer-focused attitude. Strong analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Strong technical presentation skills. Ability to manage multiple tasks and requests
  • Ability to manage conflict well. Structured, disciplined approach to work, with attention to detail
  • Good inter-personal skills combined with willingness to listen. Flexible – able to meet changing requirements and priorities
  • Self-motivated. Capable of working with little or no supervision. Ability to react positively under pressure to meet tight deadlines
  • Maintenance of up-to-date knowledge in the appropriate technical areas. Enjoy challenging and thought provoking work and have a strong desire to learn and progress
  • A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Computer Engineering, or equivalent experience

Web Development Project Technical Lead-fde Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead external development vendors through implementation of technical design, delivery, and stabilization efforts, coordinating with other Lilly IT groups as needed Ensure proper communication between all stakeholders throughout design and development
  • With development vendors, provide oversight and thought leadership on development and configuration methods and techniques
  • Develop and utilize a strong understanding and integration of business needs, application platforms, data architectures, development standards, and best practices
  • Seek and initiate improvements to program architectures, standards, and team processes, including opportunities for integration and replication with other Lilly IT teams and programs
  • Develop a deep understanding of business goals and methods to collaborate with them and external groups and pro-actively recommend, design, and implement Web analytics tracking and reporting solutions
  • Collaborate on some support and maintenance of existing applications
  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering or equivalent degree
  • 5+ years experience in technical roles on software development teams through the entire life cycle of the project (Project Initiation, Requirements, Design, Development, Deployment)
  • 2+ years experience developing modern Web applications
  • 1+ years experience configuring, collecting, and assessing web analytics packages (such as Google Analytics, Clicktale, or Webtrends)
  • 1+ years working with data flows, ETL, and database designs
  • Excellent communication skills (active listening, written, and verbal)
  • Understanding of digital marketing techniques and best practices
  • Learning agility - experience learning new business processes and priorities, technical architectures and developments, and companies and work teams
  • Experience developing or supporting public-facing IT solutions (such as Sales & Marketing)
  • Background in or understanding of Clinical development and operations
  • Architecture design experience on large complex projects
  • Experience working with development vendors
  • Experience developing or configuring on the Heroku or Contentful platforms
  • Demonstrated experience using Node.js, Express and other frameworks
  • Demonstrated experience using test automation frameworks
  • Collaborate with internal and external business partners to gain understanding of their business needs and adapt departmental plans and priorities to address business and operational challenges
  • Lead and Develop People - manage professional employees by setting team direction, resolving problems and providing guidance to members of your team
  • Manage and ensure compliance with IT structures / processes / technologies
  • Provide UI / UX leadership and design/development for complex, consumer-facing healthcare systems
  • 10+ years front end web development experience
  • 3+ years management and / or team lead experience
  • Application performance tuning experience
  • SQL Server experience
  • JavaScript experience
  • Continues integration and DevOps experience
  • Bootstrap experience
  • Java Services experience

Web Development, Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate in the Functional and UI design process as required, providing guidance and consultancy to team members and project stakeholders
  • Prepare screens web layouts, wireframes and/or prototypes for required upcoming project features, based on an existing desktop application
  • Possesses at least Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology, Science & Technology equivalent or 3 years of experience designing UI for web applications
  • Working experience w/ .Net, C#, ASP.NET, AJAX and MVC
  • Understanding and experience developing n-tier applications (using web services, WCF)
  • 1-2 years of experience working with Microsoft SQL Server
  • Web UI design experience CSS3/HTML5, jQuery
  • Responsive UI (Bootstrap)
  • Experience working with web UI frameworks like jQueryUI, Semantic-UI, AngularUI or similar
  • Good communication skills (Written and Oral)
  • Strong desire to learn and teach others
  • Ability to provide functional, usable and attractive designs for web applications for desktop usage
  • Solution-oriented and self-organized
  • Provide professional, clear, unambiguous, and complete written and verbal communication such that the intended audience receives information correctly
  • Possess a keen sense of personal ownership and accountability for delivering assigned tasks and deliverables within the established schedule
  • Facilitate a strong and supportive team environment that enables the team as well as individual team members to overcome any political, bureaucratic and/or resource barriers to participation
  • Previous experience working with Telerik/Kendo UI is a plus
  • Knowledge and experience setting up and configuring websites in IIS 7.5 and up
  • Manage and lead one or more Agile development teams
  • Foster high-performance, collaborative technical work resulting in high-quality output
  • Guide developers in making sound, sustainable, practical technical decisions
  • Lead the definition and implementatio Ability to converse and establish rapport at all levels
  • Interact skillfully with senior management, business stakeholders, and third-party technical organizations
  • Gather, analyze data to aide in informed decision-making, provide detailed, realistic estimates
  • Expertise with modern programming languages, systems, and architectures
  • Expertise with modern development /operations tools and practices, including Agile, TDD, DevOps, CI/CD, cloud computing, etc
  • Ability to quickly establish technical credibility
  • Proven experience delivering high-performance, scalable applications and teams
  • Engineering background
  • Track record of successfully juggling competing priorities simultaneously and deliver on-time and on-budget
  • Implementing Agile testing tools and practices
  • Experience with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5
  • Expertise in performance and scalability optimization
  • Knowledge of software security practices
  • Prior experience managing others with HR accountabilities
  • Experience with forecasting, budgeting and planning activities
  • Building and leading a team with expanded responsibilities in a service delivery environment

Mgr, Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Diagnoses and address issues on the live site as they arise and delegates as necessary
  • Manages projects in a fast-paced production environment
  • Communicates with stakeholders as well as team members, and work with them to achieve our vision
  • Follows best practices in unit testing, design patterns and component lifecycle development
  • Oversees front-end development in content management systems
  • Performs supervisory functions, including but not limited to, making employment decisions regarding hiring, promoting, demoting and terminating, conducting performance appraisals and coaching and developing associates

Web Development & Data Visualization Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience designing and implementing full-stack web applications on top of technologies like NoSQL(Cassandra or HBase) and Solr
  • Experience with at least one major language suited to web services programming (e.g. Java, Python, Node.js)
  • Experience with front end frameworks such as Angular, Polymer, React, or Backbone
  • Knowledge of best software practices and methodologies for writing web applications
  • Ability to quickly pick up, understand, and communicate complex concepts
  • Excellent communication skills and a strong desire to work with both technical and non-technical audiences
  • Experience designing back-end systems for integration with native mobile and/or desktop clients (Strongly Desired)

Director, Global Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Own the global roadmap and prioritization for the US web channel, partnering closely with other web channel owners, product owners and marketing teams
  • Lead the roll-out of new web framework in US; work closely with the Director leading International market deployments to accelerate a global code base; partner closely with digital product teams across Enterprise Digital and across other Business Units to integrate new features
  • Lead global E2E journey optimization and deployment strategy to improve discoverability and conversions across the channel, including the development of a customer segmentation driven user experience model
  • Lead global web development for key global features, such as Internal Search, Amex Maps, Membership (Account) Hub and additional prioritized features as needed
  • Lead and develop a team of 4-5 high performing product owners
  • Develops and champions a product vision, strategy and global roadmap for
  • Own metrics and drive results; passionate about the health of site conversions, ensuring any new product or feature will drive customer and financial KPIs
  • Indirectly lead multiple agile delivery teams, partnering closing with UXDr team, Engineering Directors and Scrum Masters
  • Partner closely with the other web, email, and mobile channel Directors to create integrated roadmaps that ensure cross-channel consistency for our customers
  • Effectively engage multiple stakeholders, business partners and dependent product owners to develop the overall web product strategy, identify opportunities, and define success metrics. Report and collaborate on roadmap and progress
  • Partner closely with Test & Learn team to make A/B testing a core part of the rapid iteration and delivery process
  • Partner closely with various teams on content marketing needs, as well as communication plans around new feature releases
  • Partner closely with user research and analytics team to integrate customer feedback program in product delivery lifecycle

Web Development Senior Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Typically requires bachelor's degree or equivalent and 12 to 15 years of related experience, including three to five years of supervisory/management experience
  • Previous development experience
  • Requires a minimum of an Active Top Secret clearance, although a TS/SCI with Ci Polygraph is preferred
  • Experience implementing development methodologies and structure

Software Engineer With Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develops, maintains and enhances complex and diverse software systems (e.g., processing-intensive analytics, novel algorithm development, manipulation of extremely large data sets, real-time systems and business management information systems) based upon documented requirements. Works individually and as part of a team
  • Reviews and tests software components for adherence to the design requirements and documents test results. Resolves software problem reports
  • Utilizes software development and software design methodologies appropriate to the development environment
  • Provides specific input to the software components of system design to include hardware/software trade-offs, software reuse, use of COTS/GOTS in place of new development and requirements analysis and synthesis from system level to individual software components
  • Bachelor of Science degree with 14+ years related experience.(may substitute additional four years’ experience in lieu of bachelors for a total of 18 years’ experience)
  • One year of experience directly supporting the intelligence community or a signals intelligence activity
  • Currently possess a TS/SCI with Polygraph security clearance
  • Six (6) years of experience in programming Java 2 Standard Edition (J 2SE) programming XML, Visual Basic Suite including Visual Source Safe, J Builder, Windows Development Environment and Windows Client
  • Three (3) years of software engineering supporting development of FPGAs and/or development of direction finding geolocation algorithms

Senior Manager Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Under the direction of the Lead, Digital Experience & UX, play a key role in the development and management of online and mobile technology projects for the Bank's Digital Marketing initiatives by
  • Developing and refining requirements for those projects where a significant technical aspect is a major part of the project
  • Designing a project plan to address these requirements within budgetary and timing constraints
  • Assisting in the preparation of a business case to obtain needed funding, if required
  • Managing the project through to timely completion by working with external developers and/or internal development as well as operations departments to ensure the required content is developed, tested and implemented consistent with the Bank's Internet and operating standards
  • Regularly evaluating public Internet systems to ensure they are up-to-date, secure, reflect current standards on the Internet and meet business requirements, and proactively recommend remedial action where necessary
  • Working with outside vendors and external partners to provide project direction for outsourced projects and resolving escalated issues
  • Seeking, identifying, researching and analyzing industry best practices and emerging trends, competitive activity, leading edge opportunities, past campaigns, other marketing initiatives, to identify digital marketing execution strategies and tactics
  • Investigating and responding to inquiries and suggestions from customers, the Office of the President, and other internal partners
  • Manage the support and enhancement of the content management system by
  • Acting as the lead liaison with the Bank's Information Technology & Solutions (IT&S) organization on all infrastructures, environments, related to digital marketing
  • Leading discussion with senior technical staff to develop standards for the digital business by balancing new technologies, risks and customer expectations and needs
  • Influencing internal stakeholders on the rationale/benefits behind the standardization of digital technology platforms and, when necessary, ensuring compliance with these standards
  • Writing requirements for new enhancements to the content management system as may be needed from time to time
  • Liaising with IT&S to have enhancements developed, tested and promoted into the production environment
  • Maintaining a superior knowledge of content management methodologies, theories and technologies
  • Leading the continuing evolution of the standards to ensure that they meet customer and Bank requirements, are competitive and take advantage of new opportunities in the market
  • Seek out, develop and own profitable relationships with external technology experts/providers
  • Manage the test and targeting activities of the Digital Channel Management group by
  • Managing the relationship with the service provider to ensure tests are developed in timely manner and according to established online standards
  • Working with other Test and Target groups within the bank to ensure alignment on tests and identify cross-sell opportunities
  • Presenting proposals to business lines with recommendations on rollout; influencing key stakeholders and business partners in the acceptance of test proposals
  • Lead, motivate and manage a high performance team of digital marketing specialists by
  • Contributing to development of a high performing team and work environment
  • Initiating appropriate training sessions and courses to develop strong skills within the team
  • On-going staff coaching meetings
  • Managing the team's HR details including contract renewals, performance reviews, discussions
  • Reporting and providing updates on milestones and progress on initiatives
  • Recruiting high potential management candidates as required
  • Developing staff by sharing knowledge/experience and providing opportunities for staff to share responsibility for achieving business objectives/goals
  • Staying informed on industry trends with regard to talent development, availability and retention with regard to direct and digital marketing resources
  • Assist the Lead in the formulation of objectives for the Banks public Internet services by
  • Monitoring trends in web site design principles and evaluating the Banks sites vis a vis these standards
  • Researching and evaluating market opportunities as well as problem areas
  • Maintaining knowledge as to the objectives of major competitors for the delivery of electronic financial services
  • Supporting other strategic Internet developments when required

Werkstudent Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Designing and developing responsive front-ends for web applications in the context of medical services for healthcare
  • Development of back-end web services
  • Any web UI technology, preferably AngularJS 2 (Typescript)
  • Any web application development technology, preferably Spring
  • Application of RESTful web services
  • Any automated test framework, preferably Jasmine
  • Take ownership for your team and your products and ensure technical and business health of the platform

Manager of Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • 7 years of Web development experience
  • 3 years of supervisory or management experience responsible for analysts and developers supporting enterprise wide applications
  • Minimum 3 years of hands on experience with most of the technology used: ColdFusion, Java, Java Script, CSS, HTML, XML, and JQuery in an enterprise level setting
  • Preferred Qualifications Master's Degree in Computer Science or related field PMI Certification

Knowledge Management Web Development Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum five (5) years of experience with SharePoint client-side custom development using SharePoint Designer and experience with various integrated development environments (e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver, etc) along with the ability to code in HTML, JavaScript, CAML, REST, XML,, and CSS
  • Staff experience researching and writing white papers, compliance reports and assessment reports in support of activities for defining policy
  • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office Suite

Analyst, Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage/Lead resource requirements, develop estimates and work on project plans and provide for deliverables, schedules, communications and quality of projects
  • Manage end to end implementation planning including project management, issue tracking communications and change management
  • Recommend changes in development, maintenance and system standards
  • Perform code/design reviews
  • Research, track and understand new web technologies to provide technical leadership in developing service applications and analyzing business requirements as they pertain to intranet and external Internet-related systems
  • Use experience with a variety of network technologies to lead internal and external clients with Internet-, intranet-, or extranet-based applications, including but not limited to .NET Java, J2EE, IIS, WebSphere, HTML, multimedia applications, database interactions and data modeling tools
  • Focused on development of forms, workflows, security, design and UX for SharePoint. Works with business users for design, user interface and process flows. Partner with SharePoint Administrator for deployment of Web Part/Workflows. Research and directs the vision of SharePoint for upgrades, new components and social capabilities
  • 5-8 Years of Related Experience including
  • 3 years of strong and broad business experience in their principal area
  • 3 year of direct programming experience (Web, Mobile , Collaboration, Data)
  • 2 years of strong and broad business experience in their principal area and/or
  • 2 year of direct programming experience (Web, Mobile , Collaboration, Data)
  • Experience in the related field (Web, Collaboration, Mobile or Database)
  • Show Improvement by learning on the fly and follow solid process management
  • Build applications using Internet and Windows Development tools. Provide written design documents, c onducts unit tests and participates in quality assurance testing
  • Play a direct role in programming, maintenance, technical support, documentation a
  • 1-3 Yearsof Related Experience including
  • 1year of strong and broad business experience and/or
  • 1year of direct programming experience (Web, Mobile , Collaboration, Data)

Web Development Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate in the global implementation of AEM including the design and definition of AEM Security Models, Content Type Models, Workflows, and Content Classifications to ensure a globally sustainable implementation of the AEM platform
  • Oversee the development of AEM templates and components leveraging current AEM software releases and ensure governance practices are in place to drive standardization and best practices globally throughout our web development initiatives
  • Liaise with the technology teams to promote standards and sustainable, re-usable designs of all AEM templates, components, and integrations
  • Oversee 3rd party integration development initiatives and other system integrations providing design specification oversight and vendor verification / direction
  • Propose technology solutions and translate marketing and web site needs into AEM specific recommendations and solutions to enable Digital Marketing to meet/exceed those goals
  • Work closely with Managed Service vendor to ensure sound practices regarding site architecture, performance and reliability, and content delivery are in place
  • Investigate and stay current on key emerging technologies related to Digital Marketing, to help push our processes and techniques forward
  • Participate in strategic vendor management activities including roadmap discussions to ensure collaboration related to solution evolution and system enhancements
  • Work in an agile, rapid development, and prototyping environment
  • Understand and ensure the use of GIT project management methodologies
  • Understand and ensure compliance of GIT Governance and Risk Management practices
  • Transition on-going support of project bundles to other divisional shared service organizations
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Mathematics, Engineering or Business
  • Minimum 8 Years of Experience in an IT role working with CMS platforms including developing components for eCommerce and/or web content management applications
  • Minimum of 2 years of full life cycle implementation experience using AEM 6.X
  • Minimum of 4 years of hands on Java & J2EE/JEE software development experience
  • Strong project management, communication and facilitation skills required
  • Strong analytical, problem solving & conceptual skills
  • Strong oral & written communication skills with an ability to express complex technical concepts in business terms
  • Ability to negotiate and manage difficult or ambiguous situations
  • Ability to adapt and work effectively with a variety of situations, individuals, and technologies
  • Ability to define, create, and complete a technical task with minimal guidance
  • Understanding of the broader Adobe Marketing Cloud product stack
  • Experience with Digital Asset Management (DAM) technologies including ADAM
  • Previous work experience for a consumer goods organization
  • 2-6 years of experience in systems integration and development, package implementation, and/or interactive design
  • 1-2 years of experience as a lead developer or manager of a small team
  • Experience in multiple web technologies including: XML, HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, AJAX / JavaScript, Web Services/SOAP, SQL
  • Experience with one or more Java concepts and patterns including: Java/J2EE, JSP, Spring, Sling, JMS, JUnit, AOP, MVC, Eclipse
  • Experience and full lifecycle involvement with Agile methodologies
  • Experience with multiple source control systems: CVS, SVN, Git
  • Working knowledge of multiple web and application tier technologies: Tomcat, WebSphere, Weblogic, Apache Http, Spring tc Server, Solr, open source packages
  • Experience with web application design and analysis, design patterns, and object oriented design

Web Development Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead and coordinate the provision of web application code, developer guidance and support for Government of Ontario websites
  • Provide support to the redesign/redevelopment activities of government websites
  • Identify, analyze, and evaluate project requirements, develop project activity plans and schedules, and coordinate resources
  • Maintain and support existing web standards
  • Prepare and present reports and briefings to senior officials on specific projects assigned
  • You have knowledge of website hosting and maintenance methods
  • You have knowledge of emerging web technologies and tools, open source web technologies, and web site usability and accessibility requirements
  • You have conceptual and operational knowledge of current and accepted technical Internet design, development and management methods, including experience with agile software development methodologies
  • You have knowledge and experience with “LAMP” (Linux, Apache or nginx, MySQL, PhP) environments, open source web technologies (especially WordPress, Lucene/Solr), distributed code management and Cloud deployment methodologies
  • You can identify and assess web technology, specific site planning and development requirements and resource needs as they relate to program and service delivery requirements
  • You can recommend and implement practical alternatives and solutions
  • You can prepare business cases
  • You can provide consultative assistance, technical expertise, advice and recommendations
  • You can prepare and present reports, plans and briefings
  • You can establish credibility and foster effective and collegial work relationships with committees, project teams, cluster staff and managers

Analyst, IT Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent communication: Verbal and written, technical and non-technical
  • Written analysis and evaluation
  • Excellent interpersonal and interview skills
  • Ability to learn and adapt to new technologies
  • Independent worker, yet able to take direction from management and provide regular status

Web Development & Operations Director Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leads and participates in technology projects; to include, project planning, project management, status updates, requirements gathering, solution design, test planning, test execution, deployment, and post-deployment support
  • Partners with team members, cross-functional team leads, key stakeholders, and Provider Solutions leadership to define and manage the web product roadmap(s)
  • Coordinates with all stakeholders and development teams in the creation of website release plans and to define the scope of each release
  • Coordinates with business units in creation of website development plans that incorporate strategic and tactical business initiatives
  • Liaises with the assigned Enterprise IT development team on applicable website projects
  • Coordinates with various teams to ensure environmental readiness: stability, performance, optimization, and proper change management
  • Acts as the subject matter expert for the various business teams in presenting the web products in sales demonstrations, creating supporting collateral and providing input throughout the sales process
  • Responsible for assigning priorities to projects, maintains project assignments, deliverables and status files
  • Plans, develops and documents policies, procedures and standards relative to web development
  • Performs various associate relations activities such as hiring, training and development, performance management and disciplinary actions
  • Meets regularly with subordinates to discuss work in progress, resolves issues, establish priorities and ensures that standards for quality and quantity of work are achieved
  • Interacts with external contacts to include hardware and software vendors, trading partners, industry groups and trade associations
  • Manages capital and operational budgets for Provider Solutions website portfolio
  • A detailed knowledge of web development processes
  • Thorough knowledge and understanding of business principles, processes and technology
  • Detail oriented and organized
  • Good analytical, conceptual and problem solving skills
  • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; ability to communicate with sales, customers, engineers and management
  • Solid teamwork and interpersonal skills
  • Strong presentation skills; ability to present and discuss strategies and technical information in a manner that establishes rapport, persuades others, and gains understanding
  • Ability to give sales orientated presentations and product presentations
  • Well organized with demonstrated success in planning and managing multiple projects simultaneously in a fast paced organization
  • Some travel may be required- less than 15%
  • Experience in building and maintaining websites and portals, and web development with complex structures for business and technology colleagues, partners, vendors, clients
  • Experience working with responsive design principles, analytics and SEO
  • Solid knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Some exposure to Healthcare B2B or B2C is a plus
  • Visual requirement is for close vision, distance vision, peripheral vision and ability to adjust focus
  • 75% or more time is spent looking directly at a computer
  • Associate is frequently required to stand, walk (or otherwise be mobile)

Senior Sapui Web Development Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create technicalandgraphical Web-designs
  • Be responsible for the development of Gateway Servicesand SAPUI5 applications
  • Ensure Go-live support and bug fixing for stabilization
  • Ensure the updating of automated quality checks
  • Provide developer briefing on Infineon SAP systems, interface landscapes and SAP Framework
  • Provide trainings on SAPUI5/Gateway development
  • Develop/improve SAPGateway Services (OData) and SAPUI5 applications

Web Development Lead VP-budapest Resume Examples & Samples

  • Translate complex business and functional requirements into technical designs
  • Communicate with global stakeholders in multiple time zone
  • Plan, document and conduct unit testing
  • Follow and improve coding standards
  • Coordinate with Project Managers and Product Managers to draft project scope and compile delivery estimates
  • Focus on good HTML/JavaScript/CSS first-hand experience to deploy content in a CMS (SiteCore experience preferred)
  • CMS support: help out in executing, editing content / changes day to day
  • Quality control, testing, and advanced SiteCore feature deployment
  • A minimum of 4 years of customer website coding experience working on established, heavily trafficked, B2B/B2C websites
  • Bachelor’s degree preferred or industry related experience required
  • Experience with CMS (at least one), Adobe Photoshop and CRM systems as well (desirable)
  • Experienced using Google analytics and possible analytical experience within a specific CMS (preferred)
  • Graphic design skills (preferred)
  • Experience working with HTML
  • Experience with front facing CMS code preferred (CSS, Java script etc.)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology, Science & Technology equivalent or 3 years of experience designing UI for web applications
  • Working experience of 3 years minimum with: .Net, C#, ASP.NET, AJAX and MVC
  • Web UI design experience CSS3/HTML5, jQuery, Responsive UI (Bootstrap),
  • Advanced English Level B2
  • Knowledge and experience setting up and configuring websites in IIS 7.5

Web Development & Analytics Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proficient in Wordpress or similar CMS
  • Must be able to hand code pages using HTML5/CSS and JQuery
  • Understanding of the different design approaches and how they relate to user experience is key; fully versed in responsive web design
  • Exceptional knowledge of Google Analytics Suite, including Google Tag Manager
  • Ability to learn BrightEdge Technologies Platform and other SEO related platforms
  • Basic Photoshop understanding and ability to optimize photos for the web
  • Project Management: Must be able to maintain own project queue and stay on task
  • Bachelor’s degree in Web Design or equivalent experience
  • 2+ years advanced HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery
  • At least 1 year working with a content management system
  • Knowledge of software implementation best practices
  • Ability to interpret and present Google Analytics reporting and SEO insights
  • Ability to quickly learn new concepts and software
  • Candidate should be a self-motivated, independent, detail oriented, responsible team-player

Intern, Scientific Computing Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum GPA 3.2
  • Candidate must be enrolled in an advanced degree program if graduating in Spring 2017
  • The candidate should be working towards a degree in computer science, and have completed at least two semesters of hands-on software coding, in one or more of the areas listed below
  • Working knowledge of python, JavaScript, html, jquery
  • Basic understanding of MySQL databases, and writing SQL queries
  • Experience using one of the Python web frameworks: D’jango, Flask, or Pyramid, ExtJs, sql-alchemy is a plus

Web Development & Interface Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Spends more than 50% of time managing associates
  • Drives group strategy to ensure alignment with business imperatives
  • Demonstrates and develops commitment to service, processes, and quality
  • Assists in managing Human Resources tasks including hiring, performance evaluation, recognition, and disciplinary actions
  • Ensures proper utilization and availability of resources
  • Recognizes and develops career growth and competencies of associates
  • Provides effective situation management and escalation
  • Spends little time doing the daily work of the team; would perform this type of work on an occasional basis
  • Works in accordance with corporate and organizational security policies and procedures
  • Understands personal role in safeguarding corporate and client assets
  • Takes appropriate action to prevent and report any compromises of security within scope of role
  • Takes an active part in driving their Professional Development Plan (PDP) and career development
  • Drive application integeration and web development strategy
  • Manage architecture and programming language standards within the organization
  • Provide technical escalation and collaboration for team members
  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • Proven ability to meet project timelines and deliver the highest level of client service
  • Knowledge of ITIL
  • Ability to work across Cerner organizations
  • Basic computer skills, including Microsoft Office suite
  • Must be live in or willing to relocate to the Washington, D.C. area
  • 2 years of software development management experience
  • 1 years of leading teams leveraging the Agile development methodology
  • 2 years of experience with software design related to object-oriented concepts and design patterns
  • Hands-on experience with SharePoint
  • Experience with HL7-based application integration
  • Experience working in a Healthcare environment a plus
  • Hands-on experience deploying, supporting, and troubleshooting complex services and systems
  • Hands on experience with relational databases
  • Reviews independently system requirements and business processes; codes, tests, debugs; implements and maintains web solutions and is generally given more difficult technical challenges
  • Determines systems web design requirements
  • Designs, develops, tests, debugs and implements operating systems components, web tools and utilities
  • Develops security solutions for assignments increasing in complexity
  • Provides application web development services or technical support typically in a defined project
  • Develops program logic for new applications or analyzes and modifies logic in existing applications
  • Modifies existing internal web products to add to new functions, adapt to new hardware, improve performance or enhance product usability
  • Ensures that system improvements are successfully implemented and monitored to increase efficiency and makes changes as required
  • Ensures that applications are compatible across multiple platforms and browsers
  • May be developing as a generalist and become more involved in various aspects of a project including firmware, hardware, architecture, database warehouse and mining, database design and analysis, web development and testing
  • Skills in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (& jQuery)
  • Good understanding of XSLT and XML
  • Strong front-end development skills and good understanding of programming language, preferably PHP
  • Applies deep functional and technical expertise when completing work and to solve complex problems/issues and to answer questions
  • Develops skills in multiple technical areas to gain breadth of knowledge; identifies ways to use new skills and current trends to streamline processes and procedures

R&D Web Development Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to work 20+ hours (minimum) per week during the fall semester
  • Knowledge of Single Page Web applications and jQuery a
  • Advance knowledge and experience with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint functions

Co-op Software & Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with team members to understand the requirements and convert to design and code
  • Participate in test case design, review and execution
  • Provide clear and complete documentation and guideline for the tools
  • Knowledge of Web design and development tools and environment
  • Knowledge of Scrum/Agile development process and concept of continuous integration

Web Development Director Resume Examples & Samples

  • 50% Development fulfillment of web-based marketing solutions such as custom websites, email, etc
  • 25% Coordination with business development team to scope, price, articulate value and integrate with digital media solutions
  • 25% Coordination with Creative Team
  • Designs and/or develops functional and appealing webpages/applications based on usability, using a combination of markup languages to code web pages
  • Uses IA/UX abilities to create site map and wireframe documents
  • Understands how to implement online lead generation strategies
  • Designs and develops emails with CRM integration
  • Provides website maintenance and enhancements
  • Creates quality mock-ups and prototypes on tight timelines
  • Develops and tests across multiple browsers, platforms, and devices, including smartphones and tablets
  • Optimizes application for maximum speed and scalability
  • Consult with the client, account manager, designer and others on work requirements
  • Design and code visually appealing, user-friendly, and dynamic multimedia applications
  • Perform quality control on all factors relating to survey integrity: programming code, skip logic, appearance, data requirements and client ROI
  • 4-year degree and/or equivalent technical experience
  • Technical proficiency in web markup including HTML/HTML 5, CSS/CSS3

Web Development Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead team of developers with technical expertise ensuring team follows best practice in terms of: security, quality, simplicity, and future planning
  • Analyzes business needs and establishes priorities for protection of critical systems and operational policies
  • Works with management and staff to implement appropriate standards and criteria for hardware, software, email and web firewall, access and encryption requirements
  • Evaluates potential business impacts from security breaches and provides strategic and tactical guidance to business decision-makers
  • Selects, develops and evaluates personnel to ensure the efficient operation of the function
  • Supervises the activities of a team that provides technical expertise in identifying and evaluating IT Security solutions
  • Execute code reviews to ensure the highest quality product and ability to identify risks
  • Preferred Education
  • Manage and balance internal and external resources to support continuous availability of the site while meeting project timelines and agreed service levels
  • Manage multiple branded websites that showcase products, services, technical information from a marketing and eCommerce perspective
  • Manages delivery of small enhancements to large scale initiatives by monitoring project progress; tracking action items; conducting design and implementation reviews; examining, researching, and resolving issues; escalating issues to appropriate authority; responding to team members' concerns; coordinating requirements with interested departments
  • Assures quality by developing and completing test plans; maintaining project and technical documentation
  • Participates in all phases of projects including development, design, testing and production release. This requires familiarity with Web programming languages (such as Java, Spring, HTML, JavaScript, CSS)
  • Accomplishes work requirements by orienting, assigning, scheduling, coaching employees; following production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; identifying work process improvements
  • Participate in global web management board to align roadmap and prioritize enhancements requested by the business
  • Collaborate with Front End Developers to ensure website consistency
  • Establish and maintain departmental coding and documentation standards and ensures team is adhering to SDLC standards
  • Work with infrastructure team to design and implement web and application server infrastructure. Must be able to maintain high availability of all web systems by creating a redundant, fault tolerant systems
  • Work with customers and content syndicators to ensure data feeds meet requirements and content is disseminated as expected
  • Manage integration of new technologies into the application stack when required
  • Ensure team members participate in training and education to ensure knowledge base is in par with latest technologies and trends
  • Contribute to and/or adhere to all key departmental operating procedures around governance, project management, SDLC, change management and security
  • Manage all aspects related to site monitoring, operations and performance management
  • Guide the development of staff members, including setting objectives, coaching, delivering performance reviews, and advising management on compensation
  • Drive system platform consolidation and keep system footprint manageable and cost-effective
  • Maintain a secure environment by maintaining servers with application current patches, managing user access and ensuring SSL certificates are current
  • Bachelor degree in the field of business administration, computer science, accounting, or management information systems is preferred
  • Wide range of web technology experience, preferably including the following technologies: Java, Spring, Java based eCommerce platforms (such as Hybris), Apache SOLR, Tomcat, XML, ASP/.NET, CSS, HTML, XHTML, HTML5, Analytics
  • 4+ years of software management experience for consumer web applications or services, including UI and UX responsibility
  • 5+ years effective web coding, testing, implementation, maintenance and debugging skills
  • 5+ years demonstrated experience developing B2C and B2B web sites (full project life cycle) and managing large scale technology projects
  • 2 years of web development experience within CMS environments preferred
  • Experience of performance based engineering and the integration of Application Performance Management tools into the SDLC (i.e. New Relic)
  • Demonstrated success integrating code, applications and services across multiple technology platforms, including SasS application integration and workflow / process orchestration (i.e. SFDC, Cybersource, etc.)
  • Experience in responsive design and developing across digital devices, including desktop, mobile, tablet, etc
  • Coach, manage, hire and mentor a team of backend and frontend Drupal web developers
  • Help to set the engineering agenda through your technical product vision
  • Guide the team to solve complex engineering assignments. Instill a spirit of continuous improvement in the teams code, architecture, and processes
  • Lead the planning, execution and success of multiple projects working closely with Marketing, UX Design and other departments
  • Promote team consensus and buy in on all major decisions

Internship Magento / MVC web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • (own) Brands: sleeve7, shirtsofCotton and liefling
  • Online retail:, and
  • Define new online retail stack design (soft)
  • Apply new theming
  • Perfecting processes and code
  • Preparations for migration to Magento 2
  • Product and brand presentation
  • CRO improvements
  • Professional planning (knowing your limitations)
  • Interest in Fashion (you will write about fashion subjects)
  • Commercial and brand awareness (knowing what´s best for the brand)
  • Perfect communication skills (How to talk with consumers/partners/brands)
  • Problem solving, investigation skills and logical thought
  • Taking responsibility for the task at hand
  • Keen knowledge on Magento (or learn on the job)
  • Proven knowledge of PHP, JS and CSS
  • Proven knowledge of OOP and MVC
  • Understanding of VCS / GIT
  • Understanding of Joelonsoftware rules/checklist
  • A strong willingness to learn: what you don’t know today, you understand tomorrow
  • Preferably or learn on the job: Working with CMS, text editors
  • Preferably or learn on the job: Working with Photoshop (elements), image editing
  • Participate in software development using Agile/Scrum development process
  • Learn to analyze product requirements and propose solutions to them
  • Write design specifications and other development documentation
  • Implement the feature/functionality specified in the product requirements
  • Deliver solutions to the product requirements following the prescribed development processes
  • Basic experience with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Basic knowledge of jQuery, JSON and AJAX
  • Basic understanding of Java and object oriented programming
  • Familiarity with basic concepts of computer architecture, data structures and standard programming practices
  • Ability to follow standard engineering principles and practices
  • Strong aptitude for learning new technologies
  • Creative approach to problem solving
  • Provide leadership role in the development and support of custom websites and framework design of FLVS online courses
  • Lead the development and enforcement of development standards that allows for the maintainability of code in a manner that supports team development
  • Provide oversight and guidance to their team for the effective and timely development of technology solutions
  • Schedule and balance team activities to meet deadlines for deliverables and meetings
  • Provide periodic reviews of team member performance using both formal and informal mechanisms
  • Hire/terminate direct reports as well as approves staff reporting to the direct reports; included in this responsibility is the discipline, promotion, salary adjustment, etc., of staff
  • Assist in the review of contracts for software and web development services
  • Recommend the purchase of equipment and external consultants as necessary to assist in large development projects (within the guidelines established by the enterprise)
  • Apply best practices including change management, effective error handling and performance instrumentation
  • Manage development of course framework API and other applications and tools the team develops or supports
  • Analyze performance of courses and take action to correct deficiencies
  • Execute the development and/or configuration of software applications to resolve issues and plan for future growth
  • Develop and manage effective working relationships with other departments, groups and personnel with whom work must be coordinated to ensure high quality, on time and on budget deliveries
  • Demonstrate a high level of technical skill and understanding of technologies used within the team
  • Manage, control, direct, and supervise assigned direct reports, including general leadership, planning, organizing, and reviewing
  • All work responsibilities are subject to having performance goals and/or targets established
  • Seven years’ developing and supporting custom enterprise website solutions
  • Four years’ leading the development and support of custom websites
  • Three years’ supervision, management or leadership experience
  • Track record of successful, solution-based implementations utilizing contemporary programming languages
  • Advanced experience with client side technologies such as HTML5 JavaScript, CSS, DHTML and others
  • Experience with AJAX, XML, DOM, and JSON
  • Experience with cross browser, operating system and cross platform compatibility issues (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, PC, Mac, Android, iOS.)
  • Experience with Version Control Systems such as Git, Microsoft Visual Studio Online (VSO/VSTS), Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Visual SourceSafe, SVN, CVS or others
  • Experience in server side technologies such as PHP and databases is a plus
  • Ability to work with and through people to establish goals, objectives, and action plans
  • Understanding of database concepts
  • Strong creative and aesthetic with graphics arts, design and layout skills
  • HTML/CSS and JavaScript is required, and those technologies will make up the bulk of the tasks assigned to you
  • Wide range of technical interest, for example: * JavaScript, JavaScript, JavaScript - it's critically important to our web framework * Interest Backbone or other similar libraries *
  • Interest in Polymer projects * Candidates should know a little about SQL or NoSQL databases *
  • Must enjoy technical troubleshooting and exploration EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE & ABILITIES: * Computer Science, Math, or Computer Engineering or related studies * Background in either C, C++, Golang or Objective C or any other object-oriented languages desired. * GIT workflow experience is a plus * OSX experience is a plus * Unix shell experience is a plus

Manager Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Seven years of Web development experience
  • Three years of management experience
  • Hands-on experience with ColdFusion, Java, Java Script, CSS, HTML, XML, and JQuery in a enterprise level setting
  • Experience with implementation of enterprise wide upgrades, including operating systems, Content Management Systems (CMS), and server upgrades
  • Experience with software development methodologies (Waterfall, Agile, etc.) with large and complex projects
  • Master's Degree in Computer Science or related field

Steps Web Development & Maintenance Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1) Manage KWRRI and UKSRC websites using Dream Weaver and Drupal software respectively: KWRRI (Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute) : (University of Kentucky Superfund Research Center): www.uky.edi/superfund/
  • 2) Attend monthly meetings of KWRRI and UKSRC to keep abreast of ongoing activities of each center in order to help better inform and evaluate the websites content
  • 3) Assemble and log monthly informational updates to national Superfund Center data portal

Web Development Immersive Instructional Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with one or more Lead Instructors to guide students through a rigorous, transformational journey towards apprenticeship in software development
  • Become a better leader, and mentor as you learn from veteran instructors and our world-class instructional coaches
  • Inspire and support students as they identify their passions and drive their own continued learning beyond the curriculum
  • Facilitate a safe, supportive, and energetic community that welcomes the various needs and learning styles of your students
  • You are the person that your colleagues naturally gravitate to when they are trying to figure something out
  • You are eager to shape the skills, minds, and careers of the newest generation of web developers
  • You have experience working on a software development team
  • Must have at least 1 year relevant work experience
  • HTML and CSS
  • Full-stack JavaScript (strong JavaScript highly preferred)
  • At least one JS MV* framework (Angular, Backbone, or React preferred)
  • SQL databases (we generally use PosgreSQL)
  • NoSQL (we generally cover MongoDB and Redis)
  • At least one additional object-oriented language (JavaScript preferred)
  • NOTE: This role is based in Sydney, Australia. Please ensure you have the right to work in Australia before applying

Web Development, Summer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working application knowledge / experience with HTML, javascript, jQuery, and CSS
  • Experience implementing Java-related or C# .Net technologies
  • Familiarity with the Microsoft Office Suite
  • Prior experience working with a team in a collaborative environment
  • Strong interpersonal skills; ability to communicate/relate to all levels of an organization internally and externally
  • Working knowledge of source code archival tools such as TFS, CVS or SourceSafe
  • Ability to facilitate a collective team of business and technical personnel through event planning, event management and final resolution
  • Proficient in debugging through simulation and trouble tracking

Web Development Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1 year of relevant experience working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP or other web development, search engine optimization and design software/languages. Knowledge of Python, C#.Net and MySQL are a plus
  • Knowledge of social media a must
  • Experience with support of Windows desktops, Macintosh, and printers
  • Experience with Linux based systems is a plus
  • Experience with server hardware support is a plus

Co-op-software & Web Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate in all regular software development activities
  • Participate in maintenance of existing codes, bug fixes, and contents
  • Co-work with team members in software development activities using the Scrum/Agile development process
  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DB, Java
  • Knowledge of Web page layout and graphical design
  • Knowledge of RTC/Doors/SharePoint is a plus
  • Fundamental computer skills including working knowledge of MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Maintain and enhance existing Word Press websites and work with other internal teams (especially IT) to see that systems are properly integrated and that best practices are followed in line with the existing digital infrastructure
  • Develop websites using RWD and build in partnership with design in an agile team setting
  • Design and implement user-focused templates and interfaces to maximize usability, accessibility, and customer experience
  • Leverage internal and external APIs, databases, and other data sources
  • Develop in a Word Press environment (templates, themes, database tables, core files, etc.)
  • Passion for quality
  • Takes ownership of unit testing and collaboration with QA team to ensure high quality releases
  • Hands on experience in a LAMP stack
  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, MIS, or related experience
  • Minimum of 8-10 years experience working in web development
  • Prior supervisory experience, strong preferred
  • Proven experience with PL/SQL and relational databases
  • Expertise in Word Press, PHP, JSON
  • Experience any of the following a plus: Python, ESPs, and CRM integrations
  • Facilitate decision making around questions of architecture, scale, caching, security, hosting and configuration that relate to development projects
  • Experience with AWS CloudFront, Apache, NGINX, a plus
  • Experience with source control technologies (e.g. git)
  • Experience with Node.js, grunt, LESS/SASS, or other build automation
  • An understanding of Web-Services including an understanding of ecommerce
  • Familiarity of SEO best practices frontend and backend
  • Understanding and practice of standard UX concepts, progressive enhancement, etc
  • Hands on experience developing using JavaScript (JQuery, React, Vue, Ember, etc.)
  • Hands-on experience developing web based applications using HTML5/CSS, AJAX
  • Experience with responsive libraries like Foundation CSS, or Twitter Bootstrap
  • The ability to partner with stakeholders to aid in the definition and negotiation of work to be performed by the development team
  • The ability to communicate and guide/support non-technical users
  • Respond proactively to training, technical support and customer service needs in line with provided guidelines
  • Familiarity with the publishing industry nice but not necessary
  • Create a complete website for the DNA program
  • Assist in the activities related to IBM skills academy
  • Experienced in photoshop, HTML, CSS, Javascript & jQuery
  • Ability to work in a team

Web Development Developer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Implement and test marketing pixels
  • Implement and test solutions to measure web and mobile app activity
  • Implement third-party vendor solutions
  • Run analytics reports using online tools as well as with SQL queries
  • Solid understanding of front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Ability to write code with a text editor
  • Experience with basic SQL techniques
  • Detail oriented, with a focus on quality
  • Experience with web analytics tools (Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics)
  • Experience with marketing advertisement/conversion tracking
  • Experience with tag management systems (GTM, DTM, Ensighten, BrightTag/Signal)
  • Experience with JavaScript MV* frameworks or Single Page Applications (AngularJS, Knockout, Backbone.js, etc.)
  • Experience with responsive web development frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation)
  • Experience with B2C, high-traffic websites, focusing on ecommerce

Temporary Web Development Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Time management - Ability to prioritize and finish projects within established SLA
  • Problem solving – Ability to understand and figure out new and unique situations
  • Resource for others to resolve complex questions/problems
  • Ability to understand/modify domain DNS records and troubleshoot conflicts
  • Ability to adopt to changing requirements based on specific client needs
  • Ability to think creatively about process and system improvements
  • HTMS, CSS and Javascript knowledge

Web Development Team Lead-application Services Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist in the development of strategic planning for the department
  • Prepare and deliver informal and formal presentations to own team, department, other IT teams, and business partners
  • Coach team on how to deal with stress & frustrations & is a go to person for related discussions
  • Encourage others to strive for continuous improvement
  • Contribute to the environment and structure that nurtures drive and enthusiasm within a team
  • Participate in gathering and preparing performance feedback for team members
  • Proactively seek training and developmental opportunities related to software development and recommends for self and others
  • Work directly with external customers to ensure proper integration with WWT and to identify customer specific requirements
  • Team with IT product owner and IT program management to ensure team is focused on providing the correct customer experience
  • Work with third-party procurement systems such as Ariba and Oracle Supplier Network
  • Participate in governance committee meetings with various stakeholders across WWT's business
  • Have a passion for working to develop people to their full potential through coaching, mentoring, and servant leadership
  • Ability to think creatively and recognize & encourage creativity in others
  • Possess a solid understanding of Agile, Lean and Scrum principles
  • Experience with various development frameworks/technologies such as
  • Work as a team with other developers to produce Web applications / Web Service applications
  • Lead/mentor the work of other web developers
  • 5 or more years of experience with Visual Studio - Developing, deploying and supporting web based applications using Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment with a focus on C#
  • 5 or more years of experience using ASP.NET 4.0+ with Webforms and MVC (Model View Controller)
  • 5 or more years of experience with SQL Server - Development and maintenance of relational databases to work with Visual Studio web applications
  • 3 or more years using RESTful services - Writing, deploying and consuming Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Web APIs
  • 3 or more years of experience with Crystal Reports XI - Development and enhancement of business reports and charts using Crystal Reports using relational databases with a focus on SQL Server or Teradata
  • 3 or more years of experience with Javascript, JQuery, Javascript libraries and plugins, CSS Libraries like bootstrap and Ajax - Enhancing the user interface and experience of web based applications
  • 5 or more years of experience with Business analysis - Must be able to communicate and conduct business requirements and specifications meetings and prepare documentation for the development of web based solutions
  • 5 or more years as a Project Management / Project Lead - Direct and oversee work of web developers and business analysts, manage project deliverables, serve as liaison with project business owners
  • Experience using version control software (Subversion,GitHub)
  • Experience with the Telerik Control Toolkit
  • Experience developing Web Applications which utilize Teradata RDBMS
  • Experience with web application interface with LDAP, Microsoft SharePoint, Business Objects and FileNet
  • Experience with Internet Information Services (IIS) configuration and management
  • Networking experience using TCP/IP
  • Experience in using tools for web prototyping, including Protoshare
  • Experience in the Health Care Industry and/or State Government
  • Experience in Teradata, Oracle, MySQL, data warehousing, and Agile Development methodology
  • Experience with Unit Testing tools

Web Development Eng Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field, and 3+ years relevant professional experience in software/web development
  • Computer Science fundamentals in data structures, algorithm design, problem solving, concurrency and complexity analysis
  • Proficiency in, at least, one modern programming language such as Java, C, C++, C#, or Perl; and relational databases
  • Expert knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Knowledge of ReactJS, AngularJS or other MVC/MV* JavaScript frameworks
  • Expert knowledge of user interface design patterns
  • Knowledge of web security
  • Experience taking a lead role in user interface design, development and successful delivery
  • Knowledge of professional software engineering practices and the full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations
  • Proven success in communicating with users, other technical teams, and senior management to collect requirements, describe software product features, technical designs, and product strategy
  • Experience mentoring junior software engineers to improve their skills
  • Experience with Agile software development (scrum) is a plus but not required
  • Analyze Chamberlain's annual development plan and identifies resources required from campus and online teams
  • Manage course development teams and related implementation activities according to Chamberlain's annual development plan
  • Develop detailed course development work plans, which include key activities, timelines and resource requirements needed to achieve campus or online objectives while adhering to an appropriate systematic development process
  • Track and document completion of course development activities over the 24 week development cycle and initiate efforts to advance the work plan as needed
  • Train, mentor, coach and develop team members in support of achieving course development objectives
  • Manage multiple course development projects according to plan while monitoring, measuring and reporting on progress to ensure courses are delivered on time and with the highest level of quality
  • Provide input into evidence-based instructional methods during course development cycle to enhance course content, improve online teaching effectiveness, and increase instructor productivity
  • Communicate course development progress and issues to team members especially related to the impact of changes to project resources, scheduling scope and delivery
  • Anticipate needs of stakeholders for each development cycle and effectively communicateswith others to coordinate timelines, production of deliverables, review and sign-off of final course shells, and on time release of courses
  • Modify tasks, sequencing, and resourcing as appropriate to maintain progress including the off-cycle development of online courses
  • Identify and address obstacles ensuring appropriate resolution
  • Create and manage a document repository for online courses including course maps, syllabi, templates for learning platform and specific course materials
  • Maintain repository with user friendly file nomenclature and insures that shared documents are consistently updated
  • Manage quality of courses through maintenance, corrections and repairs
  • Attend Curriculum Committee meetings as a non-voting member; notes changes that impact online courses and integrates them into development
  • Attend meetings related to course development and quality; reviews quality standards against Chamberlain courses and implement changes where needed
  • Develop scholarly presentations that showcase Chamberlain as a leader in online nursing education
  • Attend all online team meetings, national faculty meetings and take an active role in support of Chamberlain’s goals
  • A Bachelor of Nursing degree is required
  • A Master’s degree (preferably in Nursing or Education) is required
  • A Doctorate of Nursing Practice is preferred
  • Minimum of 2 years of teaching experience; including online teaching experience
  • Deep understanding of the principles of online education
  • Online course development experience
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to resolve issues and determine effective business and alternative solutions
  • Capability to influence and instill credibility in administrative team peers and subordinates by meeting project milestones, deadlines and budget
  • Competency in the use of technology for virtual meetings, project management and training
  • Prepare screens web layouts, wireframes and/or prototypes for required upcoming project features, based on an existing desktop web application
  • Work successfully in a team environment and demonstrate a willingness to help team members in achieving their project goals if required
  • 3 - 5 years of experience designing UI for web applications
  • Strong understanding of HTML5, CSS3 standards and specifications and responsive web apps (Bootstrap)
  • A plus if the candidate has .net web development work experience

Web Development, Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide input to walkthroughs of Functional and Technical specifications and assist in the process of refining work estimates
  • Demonstrate the ability to present information effectively in communications with peers and senior project management
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or student of any similar
  • 0 - 2 years of experience designing UI for web applications
  • Good understanding of HTML5, CSS3 standards and specifications and responsive web apps (Bootstrap)
  • Focused on user experience: ability to provide functional, usable and attractive designs for web applications enabled for desktop and mobile usage
  • A plus if the candidate has previous experience on projects involving web progressive apps
  • Experience working with JavaScript frameworks (Angular, React, jQuery or related) is highly desirable
  • Candidates who provide online portfolio or any references of previous completed works / projects will be considered with higher priority

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Web Developer Resume Examples

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RC Team

Web Designer Resume Samples

1. Candidate seeking a web developer role:

  • Technical Skills
  • Front End:  HTML, TypeScript, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, Sublime Text
  • Back End:  PHP, Python, Apache, Ruby on Rails
  • Database Management:  MySQL, MongoDG, PostgreSQL
  • SEO Tools:  Yoast, EasyRedir, Ahrefs, Google Search Console, Moz

2. Candidate seeking web developer role

Webmaster,  (June 2010-Septemer 2013)

Allied Health Systems

  • Improved database design to improve compatibility with scalable APIs
  • Used Github and Jenkins to implement continuous data integration
  • Reduced debugging time by utilizing Log4j error statements
  • Streamlined data collection efficiency for client database of over 20,000 patients
  • Collaborated with actuaries, doctors, and hospital administrators to build a secure online customer portal

Web Developer Resume Vocabulary & Writing Tips

Using the right  keywords for web developer resumes  is an important way to make sure your document makes it through the initial screening process. Whether that initial review is done by automated applicant tracking systems (ATS) or a human reviewer, make sure to replicate the language used in the job advertisement where possible. In addition, use action verbs rather than passive language to describe your previous work history and skillsets.

As well as using the  vocabulary for web developers  listed below, it is critical to be as specific as possible when it comes to listing your hard skills on your resume. For example, include languages and programs as well as technical terms that you regularly use in your work. Examples include:

  • Graphic user interface
  • API endpoint

Words to Use

  • Website development
  • Frontend development
  • Applications
  • User-centered design
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Web security
  • Compatibility
  • CRS and CRM platforms
  • Data collection and management
  • Backend development
  • Brand positioning
  • Website performance
  • Web content
  • User-friendly interface
  • Market research

Action Verbs

  • Communicate
  • Collaborate

Web Developer Resume Tips and Ideas

Web developers, also known as webmasters, build websites for companies both large and small. Many professionals work as independent contractors or freelancers while others work as part of a web development team in a company setting. Either way, a  strong web developer resume  can boost your online visibility as well as help you land your next job working in this growing field.

Because of a strong reliance on  hard and soft skill sets, a web developer resume  is somewhat unique compared to other professions. Using the right sections to highlight your most important qualifications is critical. In addition, if you will be doing front-end design as part of your job responsibilities, the design elements you choose will also be an important factor in terms of how your resume is compared to other candidates’ documents.

Read on to learn more about which sections to include, what keywords to use, and  how to design a web developer resume . Or, consider jumping right into our  online resume builder  to get started with a  professionally designed resume template for webmasters .

  • Reverse chronological
  • Combination

Because design features in a web developer’s work skillset, your resume should showcase some of your design skills

Not required

  • Contact information
  • Work history
  • Technical skills
  • Soft skills
  • Education and certifications
  • Professional summary
  • Honors and awards
  • Hobbies and interests

Resume Length

What is the right format for a web developer resume?  Great question. The answer is that it really depends on which format will best highlight your fit for the position you are applying for. Let’s take a quick look at the three main styles with some tips on when to choose them.

Chronological Format :  If you have a strong work history doing web development in other roles in the past, then  this format will showcase your extensive experience . The centerpiece of this format is a  work history section  that starts with your most recent or current position. Within each subsection, you can use a bullet point list to highlight your responsibilities.

Functional Format:  This format places less focus on the work history section of your resume, and instead  focuses on specific skills , often presented in clustered groups. While previous jobs are still listed, they take up much less room and generally only include your title, the name of the company, and dates employed.

If you are a freelance web developer, then this may be your  best choice for increasing your online presence and for use on social media profiles,  where you will promote your services. By focusing on skills, you make sure that potential clients will be able to find the expertise they are looking for in a strong web developer.

Combination Format:  This is the most common format to choose for a web developer resume. It strikes a good balance between showcasing your specific  hard and soft skills  while also giving room to each of your work experiences to show your career trajectory.

Although not all web development roles include design work, most at least include extensive work with a web designer to maintain the look and feel of a website. Since this requires, at the very least, an aesthetically trained eye, the  design of your web developer resume  is important. Of course, this is even more important if you are a  frontend web developer . There is a little more room for  backend web developers resumes  to be information dense with less emphasis on design.

Choose design elements that bring  a consistent look and feel to your resume,  so that the document is both easily readable and visually appealing. Remember that you are representing your own personal brand, so choose fonts and layouts carefully.

To take some of the work out of designing your resume from scratch, consider using one of our professionally designed  resume templates . Once you create your resume, you will be able to customize it to new jobs from any device.

It is not recommended to include a  photograph on your web developer resume , particularly if you are applying for a job in the United States. Due to concerns about the potential for discrimination, many employers may reject resumes that introduce the race, age, and gender of the applicant prior to the review process.

Sections of a Web Developer Resume

The key to writing an impressive resume is to  choose the sections that will make excellent use of space on the page  while highlighting your most important skills and qualifications. For web developers, the following sections are strongly recommended:

  • Contact Information
  • Soft Skills
  • Work History

In some cases, the following sections may also be helpful to include. Only add these sections if you feel that they will highlight qualifications that you hold that might be particularly useful for the employer:

  • Professional Summary
  • Honors and Awards

For example, if you have a great deal of work experience, a professional summary is a way to let the hiring manager get a strong sense of how your career has oriented you to the open position as the next logical step in your professional growth. On the other hand,  if you have less experience, a professional summary is unlikely to be a good choice .

In most cases, the  length of your web developer resume  should fall between 1-3 pages. The length should be determined by how much space you need, rather than trying to make yourself look more qualified with a longer resume. Stick to relevant information, keep language short and concise, and use thoughtful sections and design elements to make the most of the space on the page.

Web Developer Resume Section Headings

As mentioned above,  choose section headings that best highlight your qualifications  for the job that you are applying for. It is important to customize your resume for each job you apply for, and sometimes that will involve tweaking the sections to showcase your fit for the role.

In most cases, it is wise to  include a section for listing your technical skills  since web developers require a long list of technical proficiencies. You can go even further with your technical skills section to group your skills to make them easier for the hiring manager to understand in context.

For example, consider a table that has columns listing scripts or languages, debugging tools, database management tools, and/or deployment tools. These technical groups will help emphasize  your special areas of expertise relative to the job responsibilities  you will hold in your new job.

Unless the position you are applying for specifically mentions  outdated technologies such as old languages, don’t list them on your resume  even if you are proficient with them. For example, no one uses AJAX anymore and listing it may make you look out of date.

Most web developers work as members of a team as well as coordinating closely with other teams such as sales and marketing departments.  It is important to showcase your soft skillset to potential employers as well . Emphasize communication, leadership, and your abilities to listen to people with other areas of expertise and translate their ideas into highly functional online infrastructure.

Certificates & courses

In addition to listing your degrees, be sure to include any official certifications that you may hold in this section if they are relevant to the job you are applying for. Example  certifications for web developers  include Adobe Certified Expert, Certified Web Development Professional, and Microsoft MCSD (among many others).

An optional section to include on your web developer resume is a Projects section. T his may be particularly helpful if you are using a functional format  since you won’t have a work history section to showcase specific projects you have worked on.

Think of the project section as a place to highlight the specific skills you used to design and implement websites that you are particularly proud of. In addition to  listing some of the tools you used and problem-solving that you did , you can also provide a link to the project which allows this section to act as a portfolio of your work.

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Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Web developer resume summary examples.

Approved by hiring managers, here are proven resume summary examples you can use on your Web Developer resume. Learn what real hiring managers want to see on your resume, and when to use which.

Kimberley Tyler Smith - Hiring Manager

  • Web Developer
  • Back-end Web Developer
  • Front-end Web Developer
  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Junior Web Developer
  • Senior Web Developer
  • Web Application Developer
  • Web Developer, Freelance
  • Web Developer resume templates
  • Similar summary examples

Web Developer Resume Summary Example

Showcasing transferable experience.

The first keyphrase highlights the candidate's past experience in a way that is directly transferable to the job being applied for. It's not just about the technicality of being a web developer, but also about having a proven track record of creating user-friendly websites. This gives an impression of competence and reliability, which any employer would value.

Detailing Technical Competency

The second keyphrase offers details about the applicant's technical skills. Listing specific technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React.js shows a clear understanding of the tools required for the job. It also helps with keyword optimization for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) which often screen for such skills.

Quantifying Achievements

The third keyphrase emphasizes a tangible impact - improving website performance by 25%. It's always strong to quantify achievements, as it provides a clear picture of the candidate's potential contribution. In a recruiter's eyes, this demonstrates a result-oriented approach.

Back-end Web Developer Resume Summary Example

Highlighting core skills.

The first keyphrase emphasizes the candidate's proficiency in building secure, scalable server-side applications - a core necessity for a back-end web developer. This shows that the candidate understands and can deliver on the primary responsibilities of the role.

Showcasing Team Experience

The second keyphrase highlights the candidate's experience in agile development teams of 10-20 people. This shows that the candidate can work in a team-oriented, fast-paced environment, which is common in many tech companies.

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Front-end Web Developer Resume Summary Example

Focusing on aesthetics and usability.

The first keyphrase underlines the candidate's knack for crafting visually appealing and intuitive websites - a crucial skill for a front-end web developer. This not only shows technical expertise but also an eye for design, which is crucial in enhancing user experience.

Adapting to Different Work Environments

The second keyphrase indicates the candidate's flexibility by highlighting their experience in both startups and established tech companies. This adaptability is a strong point, as it shows the candidate can thrive in different work cultures and environments.

Full Stack Web Developer Resume Summary Example

Demonstrating versatility.

The first keyphrase highlights the candidate's versatility as a full stack web developer. By being proficient across the entire web development stack, the candidate shows that they can handle a wide range of tasks, making them a highly valuable asset to any team.

Establishing Reliability

The second keyphrase establishes the candidate's reliability by highlighting their role in increasing website uptime to 99.9%. This demonstrates a high level of technical competence and shows that the candidate can be trusted with crucial tasks.

Managing Remote Teams

The third keyphrase highlights the candidate's experience in managing remote teams. With an increasing number of companies adopting remote work, this skill is highly relevant and shows that the candidate can adapt to modern work arrangements.

Junior Web Developer Resume Summary Example

Emphasizing readability and cleanliness of code.

The first keyphrase shows the candidate's awareness of the importance of clean, readable code. This not only indicates good coding practices but also reflects a consideration for future team members who may need to work on the code.

Dedication to User Experience

The second keyphrase shows a focus on enhancing user experience (UX/UI), a critical aspect of web development. By showcasing this skill, the candidate demonstrates an understanding of the end-user's needs and the ability to design with those needs in mind.

Senior Web Developer Resume Summary Example

Demonstrating ability to tackle complexity.

The first keyphrase in this summary shows the candidate's capability to handle complex tasks. It signals to recruiters that the candidate is not afraid of challenging tasks and can deliver even when presented with complexity.

Highlighting Leadership Skills

The second keyphrase emphasizes the candidate's leadership skills, an essential quality in a senior role. It shows the candidate's ability to manage and inspire a team, which is a valuable asset in a collaborative industry like web development.

Proving Efficiency

The third keyphrase underscores the candidate's efficiency, as they consistently deliver projects ahead of schedule. This can be a major selling point for employers who value timely delivery and efficiency.

Web Application Developer Resume Summary Example

Highlight your specialty.

Pointing out that you specialize in high-performance web applications shows you're more than a jack-of-all-trades developer. It indicates a deeper level of knowledge and expertise in a specific area, which can be a big plus for employers looking for specialists. Also, providing a hard stat like "improving patient management by 30%" makes your impact tangible and impressive.

Value of diverse team experience

Mentioning your experience with diverse teams across different continents shows that you're a team player with strong communication skills. It also implies that you can adapt to different work cultures and time zones, a valuable trait in today's globalized work environment.

Web Developer, Freelance Resume Summary Example

Demonstrate your hands-on experience.

Having a sizeable portfolio shows you've got practical experience, not just theoretical knowledge. It says you've tested your skills in the real world, on different projects with varying requirements. This is comforting for hiring managers - they know you can hit the ground running.

Showcase your adaptability

Stating that you're used to working in fast-paced, deadline-driven environments is a well-rounded way of saying you're adaptable and can handle pressure. It reassures potential employers that you can manage your time effectively, are reliable, and can deliver timely results.

Web Developer Resume Templates

An Oracle PL/SQL developer resume template that includes contact info, a brief description, and work history

SharePoint Developer

A senior SharePoint developer resume template that includes skills, education, and relevant experience.

Software Developer

Backend Developer resume with technical skills and database experience highlighted.

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Engineering Resume Objective Examples

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  • > Electrical Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Front End Developer Objective Examples
  • > IT Manager Objective Examples
  • > Java Developer Objective Examples
  • > Manufacturing Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Mechanical Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Network Administrator Objective Examples
  • > Python Developer Objective Examples
  • > Quality Assurance Tester Objective Examples
  • > Quality Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Scrum Master Objective Examples
  • > Software Developer Objective Examples
  • > Software Engineer Objective Examples
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  • > Electrical Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Front End Developer Resume Guides
  • > IT Manager Resume Guides
  • > Java Developer Resume Guides
  • > Manufacturing Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Mechanical Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Network Administrator Resume Guides
  • > Python Developer Resume Guides
  • > Quality Assurance Tester Resume Guides
  • > Quality Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Scrum Master Resume Guides
  • > Software Developer Resume Guides
  • > Software Engineer Resume Guides
  • > System Administrator Resume Guides

resume format for experienced web developer

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

resume format for experienced web developer

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How to Write Web Developer Resume: Examples and Tips

If you are a junior web developer and want to write a web developer resume, this article will help you a lot:

Because you will find a detailed explanation of how to create it:

- which resume format is the best one with an example

- how to analyze each job posting and insert keywords from the job posting to your resume. There is an example with a step-by-step explanation.

- where to find your first job experience as a web developer


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    Template 4 of 14: Front End Web Developer Resume Example. Front end web developers should aim to encompass each aspect of familiarity that experts in front end experiences are expected to have, from increasing user time on page, designing landing pages, improving conversion rates, and reducing customer complaints.

  2. 15 Web Developer Resume Examples Built for 2024

    Worked alongside product managers to re-architect a multi-page web app into a single-page web app built in React resulting in a yearly revenue lift of $1.1M. Built the logic for a streamlined ad-serving platform that scaled to our 100M users which improved the page speed by 14% after implementation.

  3. Web Developer Resume for 2024

    Web Developer Resume Summary Example. Experienced web developer with a strong background in developing award-winning applications for a diverse clientele. 5+ years of industry experience includes programming, debugging, and wireframes. Received 80%+ experience scores on every web application built for SoftwareX.

  4. Web Developer Resume Example & Writing Guide

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  5. Web Developer Resume Examples & Templates (2024)

    Resume Example: Web Developer Summary. Experienced Web Developer adept in all stages of advanced web development. Knowledgeable in user interface, testing, and debugging processes. Bringing forth expertise in design, installation, testing and maintenance of web systems. Equipped with a diverse and promising skill set.

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    A strong web developer resume is essential in today's competitive job market. With the increasing demand for highly skilled web developers, standing out from the crowd is key. A well-crafted resume can make all the difference in landing your dream job. In this article, we will showcase 10 web developer resume examples that are sure to impress employers. Each example highlights a unique skill ...

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  8. 24 Web Developer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Projects are a great way to boost your web developer resume. If you worked on a school assignment, local project, or any other relevant project, include a section for it. Similar to your experience section, list the name of the project, a brief description, and 3-4 bullets highlighting your top achievements. Projects.

  9. Web Developer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    A web developer with three years of experience specializing in HTML5, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, database design, and front-end development. Adept at collaborating with dynamic teams to build high-quality websites and identify opportunities to enhance the user experience (UX). 2. Outline your web developer experience in a compelling list.

  10. Web Developer Resume for 2024 [Examples & Writing Tips]

    With the right web developer resume format:. Choose the reverse-chronological resume format. It puts your flashiest achievements above the fold. Use the best resume fonts, 10-14pt, 1-inch margins, white space, and big headings. Always include a prominent portfolio link in your website developer resume.

  11. Web Developer Resume Examples (2024 Guide)

    Generally, this is the outline you should follow for your Web Developer resume: Header. Include your full name, email address, phone number, LinkedIn and portfolio. Profile/Summary. Include a brief statement that highlights your key skills and achievements. Work Experience. Include relevant web development experience.

  12. Web Developer Resume: The 2023 Guide With 10+ Samples & Examples

    Web Developer Resume Sample for Professional Experience. Also Read: How to add your work experience to a resume. ... 7+ years experienced Website Development Professional adept at engineering robust and user-centric solutions to drive breakthrough efficiency and enhance the overall client experience. Proficient in guiding teams in a variety of ...

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  14. Web Developer Resume Examples [Writing Tips & Guide]

    Your web developer resume's format is as important as how you write your resume. This sample resume demonstrates the best resume layout hacks to follow: 1-inch margins, bullet points and clear resume headings for each of the following sections. 1. 2. 3.

  15. Web Development Developer Resume Examples for 2024: Templates & Tips

    Here are some tips for making a freelance web developer resume: Create a separate section: Add a separate section titled "Freelance Work" or "Independent Projects" to highlight your freelance experience. Provide details: Briefly describe the projects you worked on and the skills you used for each project.

  16. Making a Web Developer Resume: Complete Guide

    The chronological resume format generally yields the best results with recruiters and the ATS.. The most important section of your web developer resume is usually the work experience section.You should demonstrate your competence here by highlighting your strongest achievements.. Since web development is a vast field, your skill list should be specifically tailored to the position that you ...

  17. Web Developer Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords

    The web developer resume samples and suggestions below will get you on the right track to impress any potential employers. ... Web Developer with more than 10 years experience enhancing user experience. Experienced in designing for several interfaces, as well as testing and debugging. Excels in optimizing the experience for users and improving ...

  18. Web Developer Resume Examples for 2024

    Web Developer Resume: Examples, Templates & Tips for 2024. Make your first impression as impressive as your code with our web developer resume examples. Being a web developer is a complex role. From crafting efficient code to staying updated on emerging technologies, you manage to do it all without breaking a sweat.

  19. 6 Great Web Developer Resume Examples

    Good example: " I am a web developer with 5+ years of experience in designing, developing, and maintaining web applications. I have a proven track record of success in creating highly efficient, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing websites that generate high levels of traffic.

  20. Web Development Resume Samples

    Web Development Director Resume Examples & Samples. 50% Development fulfillment of web-based marketing solutions such as custom websites, email, etc. 25% Coordination with business development team to scope, price, articulate value and integrate with digital media solutions. 25% Coordination with Creative Team.

  21. Web Developer Resume Sample and Guide

    What is the right format for a web developer resume? Great question. The answer is that it really depends on which format will best highlight your fit for the position you are applying for. ... then this format will showcase your extensive experience. The centerpiece of this format is a work history section that starts with your most recent or ...

  22. Web Developer Resume Summary Examples

    Summary. Back-end Web Developer, proficient in building secure, scalable server-side applications using Node.js and Express.js. Reduced server response time by 35% for a major news portal. Experience working in agile development teams of size 10-20, delivering high-quality code in fast-paced environments.

  23. How to Write Web Developer Resume: Examples and Tips : r/webdev

    Because you will find a detailed explanation of how to create it: - which resume format is the best one with an example. - how to analyze each job posting and insert keywords from the job posting to your resume. There is an example with a step-by-step explanation. - where to find your first job experience as a web developer. If you are a junior ...