Business Cover Letter Example & How-To Guide in 2024

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You’re a master of negotiation.

You can analyze a balance sheet in your sleep, and you've got industry know-how down to a science.

But all your business acumen evaporates when you’re staring at a blank screen, trying to draft your cover letter.

Your career centers on effective communication and strategy, and yet this is the one place you’re lost.

Don’t worry. We know your struggle, and we’re here to help.

In this article, we’re going to teach you:

  • What a Job-Winning Business Cover Letter Looks Like
  • 5 Steps to Writing a Flawless Business Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Business Professionals

Let’s get started.

Business Cover Letter Example

Business Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Business Cover Letter

You've just seen a top-notch business cover letter that's sure to get noticed.

Now it's your turn to learn how to write a cover letter that shows off your skills and lands you that job! Just follow the steps we're about to dive into:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Start your business cover letter by putting your contact details at the top, just like you would on your resume header . Here's what you should have up there:

  • Full Name. Place your full name near the top corner of the page.
  • Job Title. Use the exact title mentioned in the job ad you're applying for. With hiring managers juggling multiple roles, being specific helps them, which helps you.
  • Email Address. Go with a professional email. Ditch quirky emails you might have had in your younger days. For example, [email protected] is a no-go, but [email protected] works just fine.
  • Phone Number. Make sure it's a number where you can be reached easily. If the job is international, include the dialing code.
  • Location. Your city and state (or country) are enough. But if you're looking for a remote role or planning to move, make that clear in both your resume and cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (optional). Adding links to any important websites or social media profiles, like LinkedIn, is always a good idea.

After sorting out your details, focus on the hiring manager's contact information :

  • Company Name. Write down the company's name.
  • Hiring Manager’s Name. Include the hiring manager’s name, if you can find it.
  • Hiring Manager’s Title. If you find out the hiring manager’s exact job title, say, the Director of Business Development , use that title instead of just "Hiring Manager."
  • Location. Add the city and state (or country) of the company, especially if they have multiple locations. You can add the street address if you want to be super specific.
  • Date (optional). Including the date you wrote the cover letter adds a professional flair.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've got all your contact details down, it's time to address the person who'll be reading your cover letter .

Trust us, "To Whom It May Concern" is not how you want to start your first impression.

Do a little homework first. Look up the company website, the job ad, or their LinkedIn profile to find the person who’s hiring for the job you’re after. You should be able to find their name somewhere and add it to your cover letter.

Then address them by using "Mr." or "Ms.", followed by their last name. If you're not certain about their gender or marital status, their full name works fine. For instance:

  • Dear Mr. Thompson  
  • Dear Alex Thompson

But if you couldn't find any information on the hiring manager or the head of the business department you’re looking to join, no worries. You can still address your letter to the team or the company at large:

  • Dear Business Department  
  • Dear Hiring Team  
  • Dear Human Resources Team  
  • Dear Head of Business

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers spend just a few seconds on each application before deciding if it’s worth reading more into it.

That's why nailing the start of your cover letter is key, especially when you're eyeing a business role. Lead with why this job catches your eye and some of the skills you’re bringing. Showing real enthusiasm for the role or the field can also make a hiring manager take a second look.

Doing your homework about the company pays off. The better you understand them, the more you can show how well you'd fit their culture. It's a strong signal that you're not just throwing applications left and right but are genuinely keen on this specific role.

Depending on your career stage, you might want to start your business cover letter with a standout achievement or any skills that make you a shoo-in for the job. Just keep it short and sweet. The goal here is to spark interest, so the hiring manager will read the rest of your letter.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The core part of your cover letter is your chance to shine as a business professional . Here, you want to go beyond the bullet points on your resume to really sell your skills and experience.

And don't just repeat your resume. Use this space to highlight what sets you apart from the competition. If you have any big wins in the business world, this is where you want to mention them. Take cues from the job ad to tailor your letter accordingly. 

For example, if you're applying for a role that requires strong analytical skills, focus on achievements from your past that prove you've got what it takes. Instead of talking about general leadership qualities, point out how you've used analytics to drive business growth.

Being knowledgeable about the company you're applying to can earn you extra points. If you're familiar with their market presence or have insights into their business model, weave that into your letter. It makes the hiring manager see you as a more suitable candidate when compared to the rest.

Make sure your enthusiasm shines through your entire letter, so it’s obvious you want this job, not just a job. Express your excitement for the role and be confident in stating how you can add value to their team with your unique skills and experience.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out our other cover letter examples !

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Nailing the conclusion of your cover letter is essential. You want to assure the hiring manager that they've made the right choice in reading your application to the end.

Write a brief conclusion to your cover letter so you can recap why you're the ideal candidate for the business role you’re targeting. Briefly reiterate some of your most relevant skills, but don’t go overboard. The idea here is to summarize your key selling points.

Then add a call to action. This could be an invitation for the hiring manager to further discuss your application or to arrange an interview. This leaves a lasting impression and nudges the hiring manager to do something, which increases your odds of progressing to the next step.

Lastly, sign your business cover letter like a real professional. Just pick an appropriate closing line and sign your name underneath. Here's a sample:

Feel free to contact me at your convenience so that we may arrange an interview and further discuss how I can contribute to your business goals.

Warm regards,

Alex Johnson

If "Warm regards" feels too clichéd, other professional yet approachable options include:

  • Yours sincerely,
  • Yours truly,
  • Thanks for your time,

business cover letter structure

3 Essential Business Cover Letter Tips

You already know the basics of crafting a solid business cover letter.

Now, let's take yours to the next level with some tailored cover letter tips for the business world.

#1. Match Your Resume

Your cover letter should echo the professionalism of your resume.

Presentation skills matter, and your application is the first place you get to showcase yours. If your resume and cover letter don’t pair well, you could come off as an unpolished candidate.

Make sure your text is positioned neatly on the page, and keep the font uniform all the way through. Just as you'd handle a business proposal, pay attention to those page margins and the line spacing. And while you’re at it, remember to keep it brief—an ideal cover letter is always one neat page.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Are you trying to get your application out there as soon as possible?

Our resume builder is a lifesaver. Use it to create the best business resume in minutes, and grab one of our matching cover letter templates to complete your application. 

Every one of our templates is designed with feedback from hiring managers from around the globe, so they meet all industry standards and give your application a sleek, professional look.

business cover letter examples

#2. Mention Skills

Hiring managers want to know what you can bring to the table, and there’s no better way to show them than by mentioning your skills.

Your business cover letter should always include the most essential skills from your resume . Your skills tell the hiring manager what you can do and how much they might need to train you. But only if you mention your skills in the right way.

Don’t just toss them in there randomly, like a salad. Connect the dots for the hiring manager by weaving a narrative that backs up every skill you mention. For example, if you're good at data analysis, explain how that skill helped improve a past employer's quarterly earnings. 

The key here is relevance. Discussing your skills in context shows you're not only skilled but also aware of how those skills can benefit the company. It paints a picture of you as a well-rounded candidate who’s both qualified and ready to hit the ground running.

#3. Proofread the Final Draft

Never underestimate the importance of proofreading your cover letter.

A single typo or grammatical error might seem small, but to many hiring managers, it can scream "carelessness”—a crucial cover letter mistake for any candidate who claims to have “an eye for detail”.

Hundreds of applications get tossed aside for the same reason. So, to make sure your business cover letter is spotless, take the time to read it multiple times. Consider asking a friend for a fresh perspective, just in case you missed something yourself.

We recommend you also use a spell-checking tool like Grammarly . Don’t trust it blindly, though - you should always take the time to decide for yourself if it’s correct. Clean and polished writing shows professionalism, which can make all the difference in your application's success.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to writing your business cover letter!

Hopefully, we’ve inspired you, and you’ve prepared your application for that job you’ve been eyeing.

But before we say goodbye, let’s do a brief recap of what we mentioned:

  • The top of your business cover letter should have a header where you include your contact information as well as the hiring manager’s. Just make sure it’s factually correct.
  • Your opening paragraph should be captivating, or else the hiring manager might not bother to read more of it. Mention why you’re writing and be enthusiastic, so it shows you’re genuinely interested.
  • The body of your cover letter should include the bulk of your sales pitch. Focus on your relevant achievements, qualifications, and skills and how they relate to the job you’re after.
  • Make sure your cover letter matches your resume. This shows a professional touch, and it helps the hiring manager pick out your application from all the rest.

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Business Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Creating a business cover letter that's convincing enough to provoke interest and spark curiosity requires a certain finesse. It's definitely not a walk in the park, but with the right guidance, you can pen an excellent cover letter that stands out. 

Account Executive Cover Letter Example

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll expose you to the secrets of crafting a compelling business cover letter that gets results. Filled with useful tips, examples, and well-articulated guidelines, this guide promises to be your trusty companion in your job hunt journey.

Now, let’s delve into:

  • Formatting your business cover letter properly
  • Writing an effective header
  • Crafting a compelling cover letter headline
  • Customizing the greeting of your cover letter
  • Building a strong introduction for your business cover letter
  • Making your business skills and accomplishments stand out
  • Writing a persuasive conclusion
  • Avoiding common mistakes on a business cover letter
  • Average salary and job outlook for business professionals
  • Business resources for job seekers

1. How to properly format your business cover letter

A well-structured business cover letter goes beyond impressive content. Equally crucial is how you package your message, here's how to do it right:

  • Consistent font and size: Stick to a single, professional font type throughout your cover letter. Typical business-standard fonts include Times New Roman, Arial, and Calibri at font sizes 10-12.
  • Appropriate margins: Set 1-inch margins on all sides to give plenty of white space, making your letter easier to read.
  • Single spacing: Ideally, keep the body of your cover letter single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. 
  • Contact information: At the top-left corner of your cover letter, include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. For email cover letters, this information can go after your signature.
  • Clear sections: Divide your cover letter into clear sections — introduction, body, and conclusion. This gives it a coherent and professional structure.

Lastly, don't forget to proofread your letter to catch any errors or typos. Remember, your business cover letter is your first impression. Make it count!

Keeping these formatting tips in mind will ensure your business cover letter is both smooth to read and easy to navigate.

Create your cover letter fast with artificial intelligence.

2. how to write an effective business cover letter header.

The header of your business cover letter sits at the topmost part of the document. It contains crucial contact details and sets the tone for your letter. So, what exactly should your header contain ? Let's delve in.

Your header should include:

  • Your full name
  • Your mailing address
  • Your phone number
  • Your professional email address
  • Date of the letter
  • Full name and title of the hiring manager
  • Company name
  • Company mailing address

Now, let's have a look at a couple of examples to differentiate the correct and incorrect ways of formatting:

Incorrect business cover letter header example

[email protected] 1234567 ABC Company Today’s date

Why is this a weak header? It lacks essential information such as your full name, your and the employer's address, and the proper positioning of these details. It's also missing the hiring manager's name and lacks structure.

Correct business cover letter header example

John Doe 167 My Street My City, State, Zip Phone: (123) 456-7890 Email: [email protected] [Today’s Date]

To: Ms. Jane Smith ABC Company 123 Their Street Their City, State, Zip

Why is this a strong cover letter header? In this example, all necessary information is included. The contact information for both the jobseeker and hiring manager is well laid out with clear structure, making it easy for the recruiter to reach out if necessary. 

Remember that the header sets the stage for your business cover letter. And so, it’s definitely worth spending some time getting it right!

business cover letter header

3. How to write a compelling cover letter headline

After shaping a professional header, let's focus on the next crucial element: your cover letter headline . This component, particularly important in email applications, serves as your letter's "front door," enticing the reader to enter and explore further. Here's how to make it impactful:

  • Be brief but compelling
  • Clearly state your intent, including the job title or reference number if available
  • Be professional — avoid using slang, jargon or overly casual language

Now, let's look at a few examples of weak and strong cover letter headlines:

Weak business cover letter headline examples

  • Job Application
  • Resume Attached
  • Ready to Get to Work!

Why are these incorrect? They lack specificity. These examples don't mention the role you're applying for and are overly generic ("Job Application", "Resume Attached"). What’s more, "Hello! Ready to Get to Work!" is simply too informal and unprofessional. 

Strong business cover letter headline examples

  • Certified SEA Specialist John Doe Applying for Digital Marketing Role
  • Bilingual Customer Service Professional for Account Manager Role
  • Project Manager with 5 Years in Tech Seeking New Challenges

Why are these examples correct? These headlines are not only concise but also indicative of what's to come in the letter body. They mention the role targeted, offer a quick peek into the candidate's qualifications or unique selling points (certification, bilingual skills, industry specific experience), and thus add an intriguing layer to the professionalism. 

Remember, a powerful headline is essentially your “elevator pitch” — it should succinctly celebrate your most relevant strengths and hint at the potential value you could bring to the role.

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4. How to customize the greeting in your business cover letter

Personalizing the greeting in your business cover letter is more than just a polite formality — it's a subtle yet powerful way to convey respect and show that you've put in the effort to research the company . 

Why is it important? A personalized greeting creates a connection, demonstrating that you're not just sending a generic application but you've taken the time to tailor your letter to this specific job and company. 

But where do you find the name of the hiring manager? Here are some sources:

  • The job listing: Sometimes, the name of the hiring manager may be given in the job advertisement.
  • Company website: Many companies have a team page on their website where they list key personnel.
  • LinkedIn: This professional networking site is a treasure trove of such information.
  • Call or email: If you can't find the information online, it may be worth making a quick phone call or sending an email to the company to ask.

Let's look at examples of personalized greetings

  • Dear Hiring Manager Nelly Johnson,
  • Dear Mrs. Johnson,
  • Dear Nelly Johnson,

Now, what if you've searched everywhere and still can't find a name ? Here are some general, yet respectful, greetings you could use:

  • Dear Hiring Manager, — It's direct and applicable to any job application.
  • Dear [Company Name] Team, — Best used when you're unsure who'll be reading your cover letter, but know it'll be a team. 
  • To Whom It May Concern, — A traditional phrase for unknown recipients. Use it sparingly, as it can appear overly formal or outdated.

Remember, the goal of a personalized greeting is to start the letter on a respectful note, conveying your attention to detail and respect for the reader.

5. How to write a strong introduction to your business cover letter

The opening lines of your business cover letter carry a weighty task. They serve as a gateway into your professional story and set the stage for what's to follow. This section, typically includes:

  • A quick introduction of yourself, comprising a brief overview of your professional and academic history
  • A clear statement on why you're applying for this particular role
  • A mention of a mutual connection, if applicable

Let's delve into examples showcasing what to avoid and tips for both experienced professionals and fresh graduates:

Incorrect business cover letter introduction example

I'm writing to apply for the Business Analyst position. I have a degree in Business and I’d love to get this job.

Why is this a weak intro? This introduction lacks enthusiasm and fails to convey any unique skills or reasons why the candidate wants the specific job.

Correct introduction for an experienced professional

As a seasoned Business Analyst with a Master’s in Business Analytics and over 10 years of experience in improving operational efficiency, I was excited to find the opening at XYZ Corporation. Having long admired your commitment to innovation, I am eager to contribute my strategic insights and implement solutions that drive growth.

Why is this a strong cover letter introduction? This example showcases the candidate's qualifications, explains why they are applying, and reflects an understanding of the company's values, showing both purpose and passion.

Swinging the spotlight over to fresh graduates now, let's examine how your intro can become a dynamic showcase of your academic prowess and enthusiasm for professional growth:

Business cover letter introduction for a fresh graduate

Greetings, my name is Susan and as a recent Business Graduate from ABC University, top of my class, I am eager to apply my theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. The entry-level Business Analyst role at XYZ Corporation seems like the perfect opportunity because of your focus on mentorship and professional growth.

Why is this a great opening? Fresh graduates may not have much professional experience, but this intro turns that into a positive. It highlights academic credentials, explains why the specific role is appealing, and showcases understanding of the company's ethos.

Remember, your introduction isn't just about stating who you are. It's about grabbing attention, sparking interest, and compelling the hiring manager to continue reading.

Maersk Business Partner Cover Letter Example

6. How to highlight your top business skills and accomplishments

The heart of your business cover letter lies in its body — it's where the spotlight falls on your skills, achievements , and qualifications.

Format it as a concise and easy-to-read narrative, spanning one to two paragraphs. Make use of bullet points to showcase multiple achievements, but keep it down to a maximum of three to five. Your aim is to make a strong case for why you are the right person for the job.

When highlighting your skills , focus on those most relevant to the position you're applying for and which align with the main requirements listed in the job ad. 

Some relevant skills for a business professional might include

  • Strategic planning
  • Project management
  • Financial acumen
  • Business development
  • Analytical thinking
  • Collaboration & team leadership
  • Excellent communication

When it comes to achievements, quantify them wherever possible. Use numbers , percentages, or other specific metrics to demonstrate the impact you've made.

Cover letter body paragraph example for an experienced professional

In my role as Business Development Manager at ABC Corp, I implemented strategic initiatives that resulted in a 20% increase in annual revenue. My passion for fostering profitable relationships helped secure four major account contracts. I also led a team that successfully introduced a new product line, which boosted our market share by 15%.

Now, if you're a newbie without extensive experience, don't fret. Focus on your academic achievements, internships, or voluntary work that demonstrate transferable skills. Mention relevant coursework, projects, or case studies you've worked upon during your studies.

Cover letter body paragraph example for a fresh graduate

During my final year at XYZ University, my group won the top prize in the business strategy competition. We formulated a comprehensive go-to-market strategy for a hypothetical product, which was praised for its innovation and detailed understanding of market dynamics. Additionally, my internship at DEF Ltd. allowed me to work on a potentially disruptive business model and honed my analytical skills.

Remember, the body of your cover letter should not just echo your resume; it should supplement it with a narrative that brings out your passion, personality, and professional strengths .

business cover letter body paragraph example

7. How to craft a persuasive conclusion for your business cover letter

Wrapping up your business cover letter with a strong conclusion is as essential as a dynamic opening. It's your final pitch, your closing argument that reinforces your interest in the role and leaves a lasting, positive impression.

Your conclusion should include:

  • A reiteration of your interest in the role and the company
  • How and when you can be reached. This could be your email address, phone number, or both
  • A statement suggesting when you would like to hear from them, if applicable
  • Your plan to follow up
  • A formal and polite sign-off

Remember, the aim of this closing part is to reinforce your eagerness for the role, politely push for the next steps, and provide easy ways for the employer to contact you.

Here's an example of a strong cover letter conclusion

In conclusion, I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my unique mix of experience, skills, and passion to XYZ Corp as your new Business Analyst. I'm ready to leverage my analytical abilities and strategic insights for the growth and success of your team. 

You can reach me at [email protected] or (123) 456-7890. I hope to hear from you by next week, but if I don’t, I will take the initiative to follow up. 

Thank you once again for considering my application. 


[Your Name]

In essence, a conclusion is the ribbon that ties your cover letter together, creating a neat, persuasive, and memorable package for the recruiter. Make it count!

8. How to avoid common mistakes on a business cover letter

Despite good intentions, many business professionals unwittingly fall into traps that weaken their cover letters . But with a little caution, these common missteps can be avoided. Let's explore:

  • Using a generic template: While templates can be handy, if used indiscriminately, they rob your cover letter of individuality. Solution: Customize your letter for each application, reflecting the specific role and company values.
  • Repeating your resume: Your cover letter should complement your resume , not replicate it. Solution: Use your cover letter to share your story, explain context, or delve deeper into key achievements.
  • Neglecting company research: Failing to demonstrate an understanding of the company shows a lack of initiative. Solution: Do your homework about the company and articulate why you're a good match for not only the role, but also the company culture.
  • Making it all about you: While it’s important to showcase your skills and qualifications, the cover letter should balance this with how you'll add value to the company. Solution: Make the connection between your abilities and the company's needs clear.
  • Overlooking typos/mistakes: Even the smallest typo can suggest a lack of attention to detail. Solution: Proofread your cover letter multiple times. Consider using proofreading tools or having someone else review it for a fresh perspective.
  • Being overly formal: While maintaining a professional tone is crucial, an overly formal tone can make your letter seem impersonal. Solution: Use a conversational but professional tone to add warmth to your writing.
  • Writing lengthy paragraphs: Large blocks of text can deter the reader. Solution: Break down content into shorter paragraphs or bullet points for ease of reading.

Remember, an effective business cover letter is not just error-free, but also personalized, focused, and reflective of your professional brand.

9. Average salary and outlook for business professionals

For those angling their career compass towards business and financial sectors, the future looks promising. Drawing from the freshest data, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts a growth rate in this sector that outpaces the average across all professions from 2022 through 2032.

This positive trend signals a sea of job opportunities in the industry. The numbers speak volumes, with a whopping 911,400 job openings predicted annually on average in these fields.

Rewarding compensation comes hand in hand with these opportunities. As of May 2022, business and financial professionals could expect a median annual wage of $76,850 . As a comparison, this figure notably surpasses the median yearly wage for all occupations, which is pegged at $46,310. 

In a nutshell, for those looking at a career in business, the rising job prospects coupled with lucrative salaries make this sector a promising and fulfilling path to consider in the foreseeable future.

10. Essential business resources for job seekers

In the competitive landscape of business, having a stellar resume and cover letter is just the starting point. To stay ahead, you need to tap into resources that can help you not only land your dream job but also pioneer your ongoing professional journey. Here are a few resources you should be considering:

  • LinkedIn: This professional networking platform is a treasure trove for job seekers, from connecting with potential employers to exploring job postings. What’s more, you can now turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume within a few seconds.
  • Job boards: Job boards such as Indeed or Glassdoor allow you to search for vacancies across industries and locations, offer company reviews, and even provide estimates on salary expectations.
  • Industry-related groups and forums: Joining groups and forums related to business and finance can give you insights into what's new in your field and who's hiring — for instance, groups on Facebook , Reddit , or LinkedIn .
  • Professional associations: Being a part of associations such as the American Business Women’s Association or Business Professionals of America can offer networking opportunities, job listings, and professional development resources.
  • Local chamber of commerce: Your local Chamber of Commerce can provide valuable networking opportunities, workshops, and information about local businesses. 
  • Career fairs: Attending career fairs puts you in direct contact with potential employers. Be prepared with your "elevator pitch" about who you are and your qualifications.
  • Online webinars and workshops: E-learning platforms such as Coursera , Udemy , or SkillShare  offer various business and finance related webinars and workshops. These platforms not only help you hone your skills but also often feature job opportunities, allowing industry professionals to connect directly with potential employers.

Remember, it’s vital to stay agile and open to opportunities in today’s dynamic business world. These resources can provide you with the edge you need to navigate the business career landscape successfully, keeping you informed, connected, and ready to seize opportunities with both hands.

Business Cover Letter FAQ

How long should my business cover letter be.

Keep your business cover letter concise and impactful; ideally, it should be no more than one page long and contain three to four short paragraphs.

Should I include a photo on my business cover letter?

No, it's typically not recommended to include a photo on your cover letter. Stay professional by focusing on your skills and qualifications.

What if the job advertisement does not ask for a business cover letter?

Even if not explicitly requested, it's a good idea to include a cover letter. A well-written cover letter provides an opportunity to showcase your motivation, skills and qualifications in a personalized narrative.

Should I use business jargon in my cover letter?

While it's good to demonstrate your knowledge of the industry, avoid using excessive jargon. Keep your language clear, professional, and accessible — remember, the person reading your letter might not be familiar with industry-specific terminologies.

Should I use the same cover letter for every job application?

No, it's important to tailor each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. Highlight skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job at hand, and take the opportunity to show your knowledge of and interest in the specific company.

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) and an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC™). She is also a passionate translator and graphic designer. Julia holds degrees in translation and interpretation and has international work experience in various countries across Europe, as well as in China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and contributed as a graphic designer to outlets such as The Business of Business. You'll often find her with a book in one hand and a specialty coffee in the other, always on the lookout for new insights.


  • Account Manager
  • Business Development
  • Entrepreneur / Business Owner
  • Procurement

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Business Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Business Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Cover Letter Examples

How To Write a Business Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter Text Examples

In today’s competitive job market, a strong business cover letter can make all the difference in securing interviews. As a business professional, think of your cover letter as a value proposition or proposal. Start by identifying the company’s needs and how your unique skills and industry knowledge can help the business grow and excel. Then, provide tangible examples of you successfully achieving positive business outcomes throughout your career. Below are business cover letter examples and expert tips to help translate your career into an impactful marketing document.

Business Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level


To write an engaging business cover letter, your content should reflect the potential value you can bring to prospective employers. Start by analyzing the job description and identifying the needs of the organization you’re applying to. For example, suppose a company is seeking a candidate for a business analyst position. In this situation, emphasize how you’ve leveraged data analytics to identify new business opportunities, financial trends, and potential risk factors. Below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to walk you through every section of a business cover letter:

1. Contact information and salutation

The header of your business cover letter should list all essential contact information, including your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL. It’s also important to address the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name]. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” This adds a personal touch to your business cover letter and shows that you’ve done your research before applying.

2. Introductory paragraph

Create a strong opening paragraph to introduce yourself and convey your interest in the position. Lead with an eye-catching achievement backed with a strong metric to draw the hiring manager in at the start of your business cover letter. Be sure to highlight specific skill sets or qualifications that match the job description.

For instance, if a company is seeking a candidate with a strong background in change management, you might include an example of you transforming business processes and strategy to drive long-term growth and profitability.

I’m reaching out regarding the Business Operations Director role with Brooklyn Beverage Co. As a senior business manager for New York Brewing, I defined pricing strategy and conducted business planning for a craft beverage product line generating over $20 million in annual revenue. I am confident that my expertise in business strategy will allow me to achieve similar results for your organization.

3. Body paragraphs

In the body paragraphs of your business cover letter, continue to showcase your qualifications for the position. Mention something specific about the company’s reputation, products, or culture and why this draws you to apply for the opportunity. This displays your genuine interest in the organization and can help your application stand out during the job search.

Next, create a list of bullet points featuring achievements from your work experience to demonstrate your financial and business expertise. Provide basic context for the accomplishment and include hard numbers for the results. If you can’t quantify an achievement, only list it if you can explain the value it brought to the company.

Brooklyn Beverage Co’s reputation for its innovative craft beer and seltzer products draws me to apply for this position. With over 10 years of experience within the food and beverage industry, I can offer unique insights to help you expand your market share. Below, you’ll find some of my prior career achievements:

  • Defined pricing strategy for a suite of craft beer beverage products based on competitor analysis and identified opportunities to enhance product efficiency, resulting in a 40% increase in sales
  • Negotiated with vendors to secure optimal pricing for production materials and ingredients, which reduced costs by $500,000 over two years
  • Managed P&L valued at over $10 million, analyzed company financials, defined strategies to aid the business in scaling operations, and improved margins by 5%

4. Key skills and qualifications

It’s not advisable to provide a list of key skills on your business cover letter, as this section should already be covered thoroughly in your resume. That said, it’s important to show hiring managers how you’ve applied your business knowledge to generate results throughout your career. As you build your content, be sure to infuse key terms from the job posting into your paragraphs. Below is a list of skills you may encounter while applying for business-related positions:

Key Skills and Qualifications
Business administration Business analytics
Business modeling Business strategy
Change management Data analytics
Data-driven decision making Finance
Financial analysis Financial reporting
Investment strategy MS Excel
P&L Project management
Sales strategy Tableau

5. Closing section

Think of your conclusion as a call to action. Invite the hiring manager to schedule you for an interview or for additional information on your background. Reinforce how your business knowledge could be a strong asset to their team. Be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration in the last sentence of the paragraph.

I hope to hear back from you soon for an interview to tell you more about how my expertise in the beverage industry can aid the growth of Brooklyn Beverage Co. Feel free to contact me at your convenience to schedule a time via phone or email. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Jake Robertson

Business Cover Letter Tips

1. emphasize your business acumen.

To make your cover letter stand out, focus on your business acumen and experience using tangible examples from your career. Demonstrate your ability to define business strategies based on market indicators and operational capabilities. Show potential employers that you can bring a fresh perspective to their organization and help their business scale.

2. Quantify your business achievements

When detailing your career achievements, be sure to incorporate hard numbers, metrics, and monetary figures to establish a sense of scope for your contributions. In addition to drawing the reader’s eye, numbers help to paint a clearer picture of your professional experience for the hiring manager. This is especially important for business-related roles, as companies will want to see you analyze and interpret financial data effectively.

3. Feature your leadership capabilities

Leadership and management skills are essential for many business occupations. As you craft your content, demonstrate your ability to manage personnel, interface with cross-functional teams, and communicate effectively with diverse clients. Provide examples of you mentoring team members and building strategic business partnerships. This shows you’re a dynamic candidate with both strong interpersonal and business management skills.

Business Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

Allison Rosenberg Financial Analyst Intern | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Seattle, WA 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Caleb Johnson Hiring Manager Fidelity (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Johnson,

As a financial analyst intern at Seattle Investments, I had the opportunity to work with a team of financial analysts to evaluate financial data for potential acquisitions. This experience allowed me to develop expertise in investment strategy and market analysis, making me an ideal candidate for the financial analyst position with your organization.

Fidelity’s reputation for challenging the status quo and driving innovation resonates with me as a business professional. I can bring a fresh perspective to Fidelity based on some of my early career experiences:

  • Supported the financial analysts in evaluating company financials and determining risk factors for potential acquisitions, which included conducting business modeling
  • Participated in meetings with the finance team and contributed to presentations outlining financial data on the growth potential of businesses
  • Received coaching and mentorship from seasoned financial analysts and expanded knowledge of investment strategies and risk management

I hope to schedule an interview with you to provide more insights into how my financial analysis experience can aid your organization. You can contact me at your convenience with any questions you have about my background. I appreciate your consideration.

Best regards,

Allison Rosenberg

Yaling Zhang Business Operations Analyst | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Portland, OR 12345 | LinkedIn

Roger Smith Hiring Manager Portland Med Device Inc. (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Smith,

I’m interested in applying for the business operations manager position with Portland Med Device Corporation. During my time with SouthWest Medical, I analyzed critical business operations and identified process improvement opportunities for a leading manufacturer of medical devices. My experience within the health care manufacturing space could be a strong asset to your organization.

Portland Med Device Corporation’s reputation for operational excellence is what draws me to apply for this opportunity. I am confident my ability to identify creative business solutions would bring value to your company based on my career achievements:

  • Evaluated critical business operations, identified process gaps, and proposed business solutions to streamline product delivery, which reduced costs by 10%
  • Analyzed resource allocation for manufacturing processes and recommended enhancements to staffing, which reduced labor costs by $60,000 per year
  • Developed financial reports for senior leadership on findings and attended meetings with the business operations team to discuss process improvement opportunities

I look forward to speaking with you regarding how my business analysis expertise can refine operations and reduce costs for your organization. You may contact me via phone or email for any additional questions you may have about my background. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yaling Zhang

Jake Robertson  Business Manager | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | New York, NY 98122 | LinkedIn

Jessica Rivera Senior Hiring Manager Brooklyn Beverage Co. (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Rivera,

I’m reaching out regarding the Business Operations Director role with Brooklyn Beverage Co. As a Senior Business Manager for New York Brewing, I defined pricing strategy and conducted business planning for a craft beverage product line generating over $20 million in annual revenue. I am confident that my expertise in business strategy will allow me to achieve similar results for your organization.

Brooklyn Beverage Co’s reputation for its innovative craft beer and seltzer products is what draws me to apply for this position. With over 10 years of experience within the food and beverage industry, I can offer unique insights to help you expand your market share. Below, you’ll find some of my prior career achievements:

  • Managed profit and loss (P&L) valued at over $10 million, analyzed company financials, defined strategies to aid the business in scaling operations, and improved margins by 5%

Business Cover Letter FAQs

How do i make my business cover letter stand out -.

To differentiate yourself from other applicants, highlight specific aspects of your business background that align with the job description. Generic content won’t make a lasting impression on the hiring manager. They want to see examples of how you can help their company reduce costs and improve profitability.

Why should I include a business cover letter? -

Not every job will ask for a cover letter, but including one is never a bad idea, especially if it’s properly tailored to the company you’re applying to. This allows you to convey why you’re the right fit for the organization’s culture and display the nuances of your industry expertise as a business professional.

How long should my business cover letter be? -

It’s best to keep your cover letter concise, limited to only three or four paragraphs. Think of your cover letter as a value proposition or business proposal. The goal is to capture the hiring manager’s attention by highlighting your most relevant and marketable skill sets. An overabundance of content can distort your sales pitch and make it difficult for the reader to see the value you can bring to the company.

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Frank headshot

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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Susan Shor

Business and management cover letter example

Business and management cover letter example

A well-written business and management cover letter leverages your best and puts you in line for the job. Recruiters are on the lookout for candidates who can show their business acumen and how they will add value to the companies for which they want to work.

You may dismiss the cover letter as secondary to your resume, and that may or may not be true, but rest assured that if your resume is impressive, your cover letter will be read. This is the document that may distinguish you from other qualified candidates.

So how do you increase your capital in the eyes of recruiters? Read on.

Our business and management cover letter examples coupled with this guide will detail following topics to help you design the best cover letter possible:

  • How to choose the best cover letter format and what paragraphs the cover letter should include
  • How to maximize the effect of each cover letter paragraph (header, greeting, intro, body and conclusion)
  • What approach to take when writing your cover letter
  • What mistakes to avoid when writing your business and management cover letter.

The guide below will analyze the details and give you ideas on how to make the most of this one-page addition to your application. (You can also check out our library of 125+ cover letter examples ).

Best format for a business and management cover letter

Before you start listing metrix, you need to understand the structure of your document. Every business and management cover letter should include the following elements:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

What are you trying to convey within this structure and what is the best way to do it? Maintain a consistent tone and make sure all the points you make relate directly to your main message.

For a general idea of how to go about writing an application, the comprehensive cover letter guide is a great read, but this text offers a focused approach to each section of business and management cover letter.

The business and management cover letter example below gives an overview of how to create your own application:

Dear Mr. Lopez, 

It is with great enthusiasm that I hope to be considered as a candidate for the Business Director position currently seeking fulfillment at the Foley Group. I bring forth experience, education, and the necessary skills to effectively carry out this role, drive new business, and resolve business challenges. In the last decade I have worked as a Director for Gradient and Action Force, where I worked hard to achieve business objectives. I am hoping to bring the same passion and energy to the Foley Group as a dedicated Business Director. 

I understand that you are looking for someone who specializes in strategy and solutions, and I can assure you that I have continuously provided my former places of employment with both. I am highly adept in creating risk assessments for new initiatives that outline business risk and operational impacts. As a Business Director for the Foley Group I will work tirelessly to evaluate business and operational impacts and design high level solutions.

Is there a time we can set aside to further discuss the value I can bring to the Foley Group as a Business Director? Please contact me at your earliest convenience. 

Most Sincerely,

Davina Matthews

If you’re looking for additional inspiration for cover letter writing, you can check out our related business and management cover letter samples: 

  • Manager cover letter sample
  • Business Analyst cover letter sample
  • Executive cover letter sample
  • Project Manager cover letter sample
  • Product Manager cover letter sample
  • Consulting cover letter sample
  • Project Coordinator cover letter sample
  • Executive Assistant cover letter sample
  • Supervisor cover letter sample
  • Assistant Manager cover letter sample
  • Program Coordinator cover letter sample
  • Brand Manager cover letter sample
  • McKinsey cover letter sample
  • CEO cover letter sample
  • Store Manager cover letter sample
  • Quality Assurance (QA) cover letter sample
  • Business Development Manager cover letter sample

Cover letter header

While it may be true that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, that doesn’t mean that human nature allows us to discount our first visual impression. That’s what makes the header so important. You need to present a professional, organized and analytic image. When you design the header of your cover letter, take that into account.

The main point of this section is to get your contact information in front of the recruiter. By that we mean your name, email and best phone number. No need to list your address unless it is pertinent to the job. If you want the job, you will make sure it’s easy to reach you by making sure this information is legible and accessible.

Aim for consistency

When you apply for a job, you’re making a presentation, so use the same principles you use then. Choose a consistent theme for both your resume and cover letter. This approach makes for a more polished application and ensures that your documents will be seen as a unit. 

The aim of this section: Present a businesslike image and get your contact information before the eyes of the recruiter.

Cover letter greeting

The greeting of your business and management cover letter sets the tone for the user experience. Recruiters are people, too, and they like to be addressed politely and by name. 

Therefore, we recommend “Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms. Surname.” 

This standard, but friendly, start will show that you did some homework before sitting down to compile your application and it will engage the reader who you addressed correctly. Remember to triple check that you have the spelling and honorific correct. There’s no quicker way to lose points than to misspell someone’s name or get their gender wrong.

Our cover letter samples typically use this style, but if you cannot get the name of a person, “to whom it may concern” is a fine alternative. If you are sure that a company has a casual culture, you can use “Dear _______ team,” or wording to that effect.

The aim of the cover letter greeting: Use the hiring manager’s name to set the tone for a friendly but professional letter.

Cover letter introduction

Think of your introduction as your elevator pitch. You have to pique the interest of the hiring manager quickly or they won’t read on. That means presenting your business philosophy or management style and following it up with your career highlight all within the first paragraph.

Jump right in with your core competency and offer an overview of your career. Show confidence that you are the right person for the job (and make sure you tell the recruiter exactly why). This is not a self performance review or time for reflecting on your errors. If you want the job, you need to make sure you show off your best.

Give recruiters an idea of what it’s like to work with you or for you and tease what’s coming up in your body paragraphs. Keep your tone professional, but confident.

The aim of the cover letter intro: State your business plan with confidence and show why you will exceed expectations while getting the job done.

Cover letter middle part (body)

Great managers engage their employees, value their talents and make room for their ideas. They motivate and reward excellence. (For the top 8 behaviors of great managers, check out this Gallup research .) The middle part of your business and management cover letter gives you the space to show how you do these things or, if you are not in a management role, how you respond to your manager’s style and take your work to the next level.

Choose the top two or three achievements of your career. You are trying to show that you can step into your new position with an understanding of what it takes to do a great job, so make sure your examples illustrate how you will solve a pain point in your new role. Use examples of your people skills and your business and technical knowledge.

Focus the recruiter’s eye on your biggest successes by using bullets, which also serves to break up big blocks of type. Use strong action words to begin each item. Data and details will make your point stronger.

The aim of the body of your cover letter:  Show exactly how you will use your skill to add value to the company you are applying to work at.

How to close a business and management cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

It’s time to close the deal. You have one final paragraph and recruiters are waiting for your big finish, so give it to them! 

Start by restating why you are the candidate for the job. Then, relate a story that gives this some weight. Maybe you had a great mentor and now you want to be one. Perhaps you pride yourself on your amazing spreadsheets or your financial modeling. Maybe you have an origin story for your great marketing campaign. This is the place to show those off. These items add a personal touch to your conclusion and may entice the recruiter to follow up during an interview.

Finally, you need a call to action. Don’t be shy to politely request an interview. Our business and management cover letter example offers one way to accomplish that. Sign off with “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”

Avoiding basic mistakes in a business and management application letter 

  • Spell check, grammar check, proofread! We can’t say this enough. If you show you don’t have great attention to detail in your application, how will you do on the job?
  • Use natural language. Keep the business jargon to a minimum. Your main goal is to get your message across clearly, so avoid confusing language or language that may mean different things to different people.
  • Keep your anecdotes to one or two sentences. If a story needs too much explanation, it’s best saved for the interview.

Key takeaways for a business and management cover letter

  • You need soft skills as well as a strong business sense and technical competence, so make sure you vary your examples to show you are well-rounded.
  • Use a confident tone to explain why you are an outstanding candidate for the job.
  • Define what it is like to work with your and/or for you.
  • Show off the biggest career success you have that will translate to a win in your new job.

With’s help, writing your cover letter is easy. After carefully planning out your strategy, click on one of our ready-made and carefully market-researched cover letter templates and start writing.

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How to Write a Job Application Letter (With Examples)

sample of a business application letter

What Is a Job Application Letter?

Tips for writing a job application letter, how to get started.

  • Writing Guidelines
  • What to Include in Each Section

Simple Formatting Using a Template

Tips for writing an effective letter, sample job application letter, sending an email application, review more letter examples.

Do you need to write a letter to apply for a job? Most of the time, the answer is yes. Even when employers don’t require a job application letter , writing one will help you highlight your skills and achievements and get the hiring manager’s attention. The only time not to send one is when the job listing says not to do so. It can help, and it definitely won't hurt to include an application letter with your resume.

A job application letter, also known as a cover letter , should be sent or uploaded with your resume when applying for jobs. While your resume offers a history of your work experience and an outline of your skills and accomplishments, the job application letter you send to an employer explains why you are qualified for the position and should be selected for an interview.

Writing this letter can seem like a challenging task. However, if you take it one step at a time, you'll soon be an expert at writing application letters to send with your resume.

Melissa Ling / The Balance

Before you begin writing your job application letter, do some groundwork. Consider what information you want to include, and keep in mind that space is limited.

Remember, this letter is making a case for your candidacy for the position. But you should do more than just regurgitate your resume. Instead, highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and abilities.

Analyze the Job Posting

To include the most convincing, relevant details in your letter, you'll need to know what the employer wants.

The biggest clues are within the job advertisement, so spend some time decoding the job listing . Next, match your qualifications with the employer's wants and needs.

Include Your Most Relevant Qualifications

Make a list of your relevant experience and skills. For instance, if the job ad calls for a strong leader, think of examples of when you've successfully led a team. Once you've jotted down some notes and have a sense of what you want to highlight in your letter, you're ready to start writing.

Writing Guidelines for Job Application Letters

Writing a job application letter is very different from a quick email to a friend or a thank-you note to a relative. Hiring managers and potential interviewers have certain expectations when it comes to the letter's presentation and appearance, from length (no more than a page) and font size to style and letter spacing . Keep these general guidelines in mind, but always stick to any explicit instructions in the job listing or application portal.

Length: A letter of application should be no more than one page long. Three to four paragraphs are typical.

Format and Page Margins: A letter of application should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use 1-inch margins and align your text to the left, which is the standard alignment for most documents.

Font: Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size should be between 10 and 12 points.

What to Include in Each Section of the Letter

There are also set rules for the sections included in the letter, from salutation to sign-off, and how the letter is organized. Here's a quick overview of the main sections included in a job application letter:

Heading: A job application letter should begin with both your and the employer's contact information (name, address, phone number, email), followed by the date. If this is an email rather than an actual letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature.

  •   Header Examples

Salutation: This is your polite greeting. The most common salutation is "Dear Mr./Ms." followed by the person's last name. Find out more about appropriate cover letter salutations , including what to do if you don't know the person's name or are unsure of a contact's gender.

Body of the letter: Think of this section as having three distinct parts.

In the first paragraph , you'll want to mention the job you are applying for and where you saw the job listing.

The next paragraph(s) are the most important part of your letter. Remember how you gathered information about what the employer was seeking, and how you could meet their needs? This is where you'll share those relevant details on your experience and accomplishments.

The third and last part of the body of the letter will be your thank you to the employer; you can also offer follow-up information.

Complimentary Close: Sign off your email or letter with a polite close, such as "Best," or "Sincerely," followed by your name.

  • Closing Examples

Signature: When you're sending or uploading a printed letter, end with your handwritten signature, followed by your typed name. If this is an email, simply include your typed name, followed by your contact information.

  • Signature Examples

Overwhelmed by all these formatting and organization requirements? One way to make the process of writing a job application easier is to use a template to create your own personalized letters. Having a template can help save you time if you are sending a lot of application letters.

Be sure that each letter you send is personalized to the company and position; do not send the same letter to different companies.

  • Always write one. Unless a job posting explicitly says not to send a letter of application or cover letter, you should always send one. Even if the company does not request a letter of application, it never hurts to include one. If they do ask you to send a letter, make sure to follow the directions exactly (for example, they might ask you to send the letter as an email attachment or type it directly into their online application system).
  • Use business letter format. Use a formal business letter format when writing your letter. Include your contact information at the top, the date, and the employer’s contact information. Be sure to provide a salutation at the beginning and your signature at the end.
  • Sell yourself. Throughout the letter, focus on how you would benefit the company. Provide specific examples of times when you demonstrated skills or abilities that would be useful for the job, especially those listed in the job posting or description. If possible, include examples of times when you added value to a company.

Numerical values offer concrete evidence of your skills and accomplishments.

  • Use keywords. Reread the job listing, taking note of any keywords (such as skills or abilities that are emphasized in the listing). Try to include some of those words in your cover letter. This will help the employer see that you are a strong fit for the job.
  • Keep it brief. Keep your letter under a page long, with no more than about four paragraphs. An employer is more likely to read a concise letter.
  • Proofread and edit. Employers are likely to overlook an application with a lot of errors. Read through your cover letter, and if possible, ask a friend or career counselor to review the letter. Proofread for any grammar or spelling errors.

This is a job application letter sample.  Download the letter template (compatible with Google Docs or Word Online) or read the example below.

Sample Job Application Letter (Text Version)

Elizabeth Johnson 12 Jones Street Portland, Maine 04101 555-555-5555

August 11, 2024

Mark Smith Human Resources Manager Veggies to Go 238 Main Street Portland, Maine 04101

Dear Mr. Smith,

I was so excited when my former coworker, Jay Lopez, told me about your opening for an administrative assistant in your Portland offices. A long-time Veggies to Go customer and an experienced admin, I would love to help the company achieve its mission of making healthy produce as available as takeout.

I’ve worked for small companies for my entire career, and I relish the opportunity to wear many hats and work with the team to succeed. In my latest role as an administrative assistant at Beauty Corp, I saved my employer thousands of dollars in temp workers by implementing a self-scheduling system for the customer service reps that cut down on canceled shifts. I also learned web design and timesheet coding, and I perfected my Excel skills. 

I’ve attached my resume for your consideration and hope to speak with you soon about your needs for the role.

Best Regards,

Elizabeth Johnson (signature hard copy letter)

Elizabeth Johnson

When you are sending your letter via email include the reason you are writing in the subject line of your message:

Subject Line Example

Subject: Elizabeth Johnson – Administrative Assistant Position

List your contact information in your signature, rather than in the body of the letter:

Email Signature Example

Elizabeth Johnson 555-555-5555

Review more examples of professionally written cover letters for a variety of circumstances, occupations, and job types.

CareerOneStop. " How Do I Write a Cover Letter? "

University of Maryland Global Campus. " Cover Letters ."

The Number 1 Letter Writing Website in the world

Business Application Letter

Last Updated On September 18, 2018 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

Business Application Letters are usually written to discuss professional matters. In today’s world, writing a business letter or application is very common. Whatever the discussions may be in business, until they are put in words, they do not have any value or legal relevance. A business application letter should be drafted accurately as it can be preserved as a document which is valid legally and used whenever required. All the information in the business application letter should be accurate.

Here are some business application letter format & sample that will guide you to write an application letter for employment to a company even if you are fresh graduates.

Business Application Letter Writing Tips

  • As it is a formal letter, it should be written carefully using simple and easy to understand words.
  • The content should be straightforward and precise.
  • This letter should be short and brief but should contain all necessary information.
  • Since it is a letter related to business, it should be as formal as possible.

Business Application Letter Template

Use our free Business Application Letter to help you get started.

Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)

Subject: _______________________(Mention the purpose)

Dear Mr. /Ms________ (name of the concerned person),

Your company has been our valuable customer for the past_________(mention years/period). Your approach towards business is very professional and we never encountered any problems all these years.

We are sending few business proposals related to………………(give details) on ……………….(annual/ quarterly/monthly) contract basis. Please go through them and make a final decision. All our various plans are devised in such a manner that they will be cheaper in the long run. We have introduced several new models of ………………(name of the product) this year. You have a wide choice to choose from as per your requirement. We hope you will make a right choice.

We thank you very much for continuing business with us and hope it will be done similarly in the coming years. We assure you of our best services always.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours Sincerely,

___________ (Your name)

Sample Letter

Gurumurthy, Tribhuvan Jewellers, Block 7, La Salette, MG Road.

25th September 2013

Girish Saxena, 23, Station Road, Hyderabad

Subject: Business Application

Dear Mr.Saxena,

For the past six years, you have remained our valuable customer utilizing our car rental services. We never encountered any problems with you all these years in business matters. Your cooperation in running our business is highly appreciated.

Now we are sending few proposals for using our cars on an annual contract basis. We have introduced new plans and new vehicles this year. Our fleet has increased to 100 cars in this city.

Please go through our proposals and decide the best option. All our plans work out to be cheaper in the long run. We assure you of our best services all the time.

We look forward to hearing from you at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Email Format

Given below is an email format of a Business Application Letter.

To: [email protected] From: [email protected]

Subject-Business Application Letter.

Your company has been our valuable customer for the past_________(mention years/period). Your approach towards business is very professional, and we never encountered any problems all these years.

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How to write a business letter: Formatting guide + template

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There may be no more comically vague term in the entire business world than the word "business." It means so many things that it really means nothing, and yet you're reading this right now because you probably have a specific business-related need.

You might argue that any letter composed in a business setting could be considered a business letter—and you'd be more or less correct. But with such an impossibly wide and unspecific range of applications, how are you supposed to do business lettering right?

Whatever purpose you have for engaging in this epistolary practice, there are certain rules, expectations, and formatting specs you need to know. Here's how to write a business letter of just about any type in a way that gets the job done.

What is a business letter?

Types of business letters.

There are a lot of different types of business letters because a lot of business things happen at businesses. That's just business facts.

But there are a handful of typical business letter purposes and structures for use cases, ranging from sales to hiring to procurement. Here are some of the most common ones. 

Sales letter: Sales teams use these to pitch a product or service to potential customers.

Business inquiry: This letter is a formal way to ask a company for more information about their products, services, or job openings.

Request for information: Called an RFI for short, this is used to gather detailed information about potential vendors' products or services.

Cover letter: This general introduction letter summarizes an attached document like a resume or job application.

Offer letter: A hiring company sends this to successful job applicants to formalize the hire and outline the details of the position.

Letter of recommendation: A more senior professional who knows you sends this with your job application to get the hiring committee hyped to hire you.

Acknowledgment letter: You can use this boilerplate letter to let someone know you've received something from them.

Letter of resignation: A more formal way to say "I'm quitting," this gives HR dated documentation of your timeline and possibly rationale for leaving.

Parts of a business letter

While the details will vary pretty widely depending on what you're writing it for, there are four essential parts of a business letter that will almost always be there: heading, salutation, body, and sign-off. Here's what goes into each.

sample of a business application letter

These basic details should open any business letter. They'll generally be left-justified at the top of the document, listing:

Your return address

Your contact information

The date the letter was/will be sent

Recipient's address (optional)

In some cases—particularly if you're sending a physical letter to a company—it can be helpful to include the recipient's address in the heading as well. In the digital age, it's not as important since you'll likely send this as an email or attachment. When in doubt, it doesn't hurt to include it, as it can also show you've done your homework. 

Letters don't usually have big title headers labeling them as something generic like "Business inquiry" or "Business letter." But if you're writing one for a well-defined purpose for documentation, like a letter of resignation or offer letter, you could consider it.

2. Salutation

Below your header, you can't just jump right into requesting a quote or quitting a job—you've got to greet the reader. This will go on its own line, equidistant from the heading to the body.

In a business context, you want to be formal but not stilted. "Hey!" won't be taken seriously, while "Greetings, Sir" comes across like an alien trying to act like a human. 

"Dear _____," is always a safe choice. Fill in the recipient's full name or replace their first name with a title like "Dr." or "Professor." Always use a name if you can find one. If you can't, use a generalized stand-in like "Dear [company name/department] hiring committee" or "Dear [company name] board of directors."

When in doubt, you could do worse than "To whom it may concern," but it's a little on the impersonal side and should be avoided if possible.

If the heading is the table and the salutation is the plate, the body of the business letter is the big steaming scoop of casserole. This is where you make your case, ask your question, or shoot your shot. This usually takes up the largest portion of the letter, which kind of muddies my analogy.

Body sections can be as short as one sentence—something like "We have received your request and will respond within two business days." But in most cases, they'll be upwards of a few paragraphs. Again, there are no rules for the number of paragraphs. But for longer messages, it can help to map out three:

Paragraph 1: Greet the reader, introduce yourself, and state the purpose of your letter.

Paragraph 2: Follow up with the details of your message. Any background info they need to know or extra context can go here as you make your point.

Paragraph 3: Wrap it up with a quick summary of your main point, let them know what they can do next or what you'll do next, thank them, and close out.

Here are a few pro tips for writing this section:

Focus paragraphs. Each paragraph after the introduction should have one specific focus. Bonus points if you can convey what each paragraph is about in the first sentence.

Be concise. Most professionals have a lot on their plates (to bring the analogy back). Stick to the point, and only include details that are absolutely necessary in the context of the letter.

Adapt the voice. Business communication should be formal and polite but not stilted or effusive. However, if the company you're writing to has a very clear voice and you're writing for a personal matter (e.g., applying for a job), consider adapting your voice to match theirs.

Close it out. Wrap up the body with a conclusion paragraph that succinctly summarizes everything you just said in a couple of sentences.

Next steps. Make sure your recipient knows what to do once they've finished reading. Include actions ("See attached…"), requests ("Please let me know…"), expectations ("I look forward to your response"), or suggestions ("Please consider…").

4. Sign-off

Once you've made your point, all that's left is to stick the landing and get out of there. Every business letter should have a closing section that shows you're finished and gives the recipient clarity on next steps.

Sign-off: Like "Dear" in the salutation, "Sincerely" is a safe sign-off to follow the body with. Depending on the context and familiarity, alternatives like "Best" or "Gratefully" can also work, but this isn't somewhere you want to take risks.

Typed name: Since most people's signatures are borderline unreadable, type up your name below the signature. This leaves no question as to who you are and how to spell your name.

Enclosures: Lastly, if you have any enclosed documents accompanying the letter, don't forget to include them.

How to write a business letter

So you know what a business letter is, what goes into it, and how to structure it. Now it's time to write it. Here's how to write a business letter for just about any occasion in six steps.

1. Identify your purpose

Once you have a defined purpose, translate it into words you can inject into your first body paragraph. Your purpose should encompass your needs, who you need to communicate those needs to, and why that person is relevant to those needs.

2. Find a contact

Every letter needs a recipient. While you can employ the generic "To whom it may concern," that lack of specificity also signals to the recipient that you're not invested enough to know who you're talking to.

3. Follow a consistent format

Business letter formatting should be like underwear: foundational but unnoticed. If the reader is thinking about your formatting, you've probably done something wrong.

The key to formatting is consistency. Maintain the same font, size, spacing, and margins throughout the document. When in doubt, left-justify all the text, but you can also consider these professional letter format options:

Block: Everything is left-justified with no additional indents to the first lines of paragraphs. Instead, you'll have an extra space between paragraphs. To avoid huge white spaces, you'll want to maintain 1"-1.5" paragraph spacing—ideally 1" or 1.15". This is a can't-miss standard option.

Modified block: A variation on block formatting, this one's a bit more dynamic. Start with block formatting, but add a twist: move non-paragraph elements like the heading, sign-off, and signature to the right margin. It's a small difference but a more visually engaging one.

Semi-block: Like block formatting, everything is left-justified in this format. The difference is that new paragraphs have indented first lines, generally 0.5". Since this visually differentiates new paragraphs, you should cut out any additional spaces between paragraphs. Keep this one at 1.5"-2" paragraph spacing, ideally double, to promote readability. This is a more formal option.

sample of a business application letter

4. Write with intention

You'll spend most of your time in the body section, and that's where you'll really drive your point home. Every paragraph should contribute to the purpose you identified from the outset, and every word should advance your goal. 

As you write your body paragraphs, it's crucial to maintain a consistent, professional tone. Keep it in the second person—since you're writing to an individual, address them as "you" when you need to refer to them.

Writing an effective introduction

Turning your rough ideas into full letter bodies

Giving you new phrasing options

Rephrasing your own words into a different tone

Adding humor or other personal touches

Giving you suggestions for improvement

5. Keep it short

This goes for your paragraphs and your letter as a whole. No one wants to sift through huge blocks of text to get to the point of a letter they know has an actionable intention.

There's no hard-and-fast rule here—it's really more of a feel. But generally try to limit paragraphs to four to six lines. If possible, keep the entire letter to one side of one page. 

6. Copy edit

Do I believe that meaning is fluid and grammar is a subjective construct? Yes and yes. Do I believe business letters should be as grammatically sound as possible? Also yes.

Business letter format example

By now, you may be wondering what a business letter looks like in practice. More specifically, you may be wondering what an AI-generated RFI about Guy Fieri's free Food Network cooking classes looks like. Incredibly, that's exactly what I've got for you in this very section.

For reference, I used standard block formatting.

sample of a business application letter

Business letter template

This simple business letter template should give you the foundation you need for just about any use case. Just replace the text with your information, delete the sections you don't need, copy edit, and you're ready to go.

Here are a few additional tips for customizing it:

Font: We opted for a Zapier-style font, which can suit more casual digital business messaging. But for an even more formal look, opt for the traditional Times New Roman.

Date: This should be the date sent, not necessarily the date you start the draft.

Recipient contact information: Exclude this if it's not available or relevant.

Enclosures: Exclude this if you're not enclosing any additional documents.

sample of a business application letter

How to write a business letter with automation

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Business letter FAQ

How do you write a simple business letter.

Here's how to write a simple business letter:

Put your name and address in the top-left corner.

Below that, type the full date.

Follow that with the recipient's contact information.

Start the message with a salutation like "Dear [name]."

Open the message body by introducing yourself and the purpose of your letter.

Write as many paragraphs as you need, but try to keep it to one page.

Below the body, write a sign-off like "Sincerely," followed by your signature and then your typed name.

If enclosing documents, list enclosures below that.

What is the correct format for a business letter?

Most business letters have a block format. This has 1" margins on all sides, standard 12-point font, single or 1.15" spacing, a space between paragraphs with no first-line indentations, and left justification for all text.

How do you start a professional letter?

A professional letter should start with "Dear" followed by the recipient's full name. If the recipient has a title like "Dr.", include that as well. If you don't have a specific recipient, use "To whom it may concern." 

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Bryce Emley

Currently based in Albuquerque, NM, Bryce Emley holds an MFA in Creative Writing from NC State and nearly a decade of writing and editing experience. His work has been published in magazines including The Atlantic, Boston Review, Salon, and Modern Farmer and has received a regional Emmy and awards from venues including Narrative, Wesleyan University, the Edward F. Albee Foundation, and the Pablo Neruda Prize. When he isn’t writing content, poetry, or creative nonfiction, he enjoys traveling, baking, playing music, reliving his barista days in his own kitchen, camping, and being bad at carpentry.

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10 Strong Scholarship Recommendation Letter Examples

Help make college more affordable for your students.

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Paying for college takes a lot of planning. Tuition costs rise every year and graduates are buckling under the weight of debt from loans. For some, the expense of higher education is prohibitive, with many talented students being forced to cut their dreams short. Scholarships can make getting a degree more affordable. Students qualify based on academic performance, special interests, or financial needs. If you’ve been asked to help with the process, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of sample recommendation letters for scholarship applications that best meet your students’ needs.

How To Write Scholarship Recommendation Letters

If you’ve been asked to write a recommendation letter for your student’s scholarship, you might feel overwhelmed. You want to help your student, but you’re worried your letter won’t be good enough. In the end, you can only do your best, so lead with your heart and consider the following suggestions:

  • Use letterhead and add your personal information (full name, title, school name, etc.) in the top left corner. 
  • Fill the whole page (at least 300 words) with an introduction, two or three paragraphs, and a conclusion. 
  • In the first paragraph, introduce your student, specify the scholarship for which they are applying, and share details about the nature and length of your relationship. 
  • In the body paragraphs, describe the ways your student is suitable and deserving of the scholarship. 
  • In your final section, pull everything together and emphasize your student’s strengths as well as the reasons why you are endorsing them. 

Here’s a quick video on how to craft an effective scholarship recommendation letter:

Don’t feel you can honestly provide a positive recommendation? Gently decline their request for a letter. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you will have to be insincere. You don’t want to write something negative because it could cost the student an opportunity to earn a scholarship. 

Sample Recommendation Letters for Scholarship Applications

1. general scholarship recommendation letter.

This is a great sample scholarship letter if you’re trying to offer a rounded view of a student’s performance in high school. You’ll include information about your experience with them as well as your thoughts on their potential success in a higher-education setting.

2. Sample Rhodes Scholarship letter 

If your student is a candidate for a prestigious award such as the Rhodes Scholarship, this sample scholarship letter will give you an idea of what to share with the selection committee. With these types of recommendation letters, you want to provide as much praise and positive information as possible.

3. Scholarship letter for math students

There are many great scholarship opportunities for strong math students. This sample recommendation letter outlines how to share not only your student’s math talents but the other traits that make them a good candidate as well.

4. Leadership scholarship sample letter

This helpful scholarship recommendation letter offers an example for highlighting leadership skills. Back up your endorsement by sharing specific situations as well as participation in any committees, programs, and events where your student excelled.

5. Scholarship letter for international studies

Does your student plan to go abroad? If so, review this sample for writing a strong letter of recommendation for this specific type of scholarship. Be sure to include evidence as to why you believe your student is well rounded and exceptional. 

6. Environmentalist scholarship letter

Has one of your students decided to pursue a degree in environmental sciences and wildlife? If so, this scholarship recommendation letter is a good example because it concisely highlights their strengths and shares why they would make a good candidate.

7. Scholarship letter for students who need financial assistance

No one should miss out on a college education because they can’t afford to pay. You can help them overcome this barrier! This excellent sample letter of recommendation shows the details to include for scholarships based on financial need. 

8. Scholarship recommendation letter for STEM students

There are many scholarships for students who plan to pursue a career in STEM fields. If you’ve been asked to write a letter of recommendation for this type of scholarship, this sample will give you a good idea of what to include. 

9. Greek society scholarship letter sample

Fraternities and sororities can be a great source of financial support for college and university students. Review this sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications for Greek society candidates.

10. Personal endorsement for scholarships

This sample recommendation letter for a scholarship application is best when you can’t vouch for the prospective student’s academic performance but want to share information about their personal character and how it relates to the scholarship program. 

Do you have a great sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications? Please share it in the comments below!

Plus, check out  the ultimate guide to college scholarships, want more articles like this be sure to subscribe to our newsletters ..

Help your students cover the high cost of tuition. Choose a sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications from this list!

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ATS Resume Templates

Download an ATS-friendly resume template for free. These templates can be edited in Microsoft Word and can be accurately scanned by an applicant tracking system.

sample of a business application letter

If you’ve made it to this page, then you probably already know more about applicant tracking systems (ATS) than the average job seeker. That gives you an advantage! Why?

Many companies use ATS to manage resumes and applications. In fact, Jobscan research shows that over 97% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS.

If an ATS can’t read or understand the information on your resume, then your application might not be seen when a recruiter searches for candidates with specific skills or experience – even if you have those skills or the experience!

Your resume needs to be ATS-friendly in order to give you the best chance of getting a job interview. That means that you need an ATS resume template.

We’ve designed 15 ATS resume templates that can be downloaded as Microsoft Word files and easily edited. Download one for free or use our free resume builder to get a customized ATS-friendly resume in minutes.

Free ATS Resume Templates

Executive and Management ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

As a leader, you want your experience and accomplishments to shine. These resume templates give you opportunities to show the measurable results you’ve achieved, as well as your hard and soft skills .

Using correct formatting is critical here. The ATS needs to be able to parse all of that vital information and categorize it correctly. You also need your resume to be searchable by an ATS so that when a recruiter filters candidates by skills, your application stays on the list.

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Entry-Level ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

You might not think you have a lot to show on your resume, but you do! These templates provide sections where you can highlight your education, internships, volunteer experience , personal accomplishments, and more.

An ATS-friendly resume will help you get found by recruiters and hiring managers. This is important because an entry-level position could have hundreds of applicants! Use these templates to make sure the ATS picks up your skills and experience.

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Write your resume the free and easy way with the only resume builder designed specifically with ATS-compliant resume templates.

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ATS Resume Templates - What You Need to Know

How to make the perfect ats resume.

Remember, an ATS is just a computer filing system. It needs to be able to scan and understand the text on your resume in order to correctly parse the information and sort it properly.

An ATS will never auto-reject a resume, but an ATS optimized resume does make it easier for a recruiter to find you among the sea of applicants.

Even more importantly, an ATS-friendly resume naturally follows expert-recommended resume writing standards as well. That means that when the recruiter personally views your resume, it will include the relevant information they’re looking for and will be formatted in a way that makes it easier to read

Follow these tips for making the perfect ATS resume :

1. Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for

Focus on quality over quantity. Each job you apply for is unique, even if they all have the same title. Every company has different needs for that role. The job description will make it clear which hard skills, soft skills, experience, and education the company is looking for. So tailor your resume to show them that you are the perfect candidate.

Tailoring each and every resume can be time consuming, but it’s worth the effort!

You can speed up this process by using a tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner . Powered by AI-technology , this tool analyzes your resume against the job description and provides you with a resume score that tells you how closely your resume matches the job description. It also tells you exactly what you need to do to increase your score.

2. Match your resume keywords to skills found in the job description

Recruiters might use an ATS’ search function to find applicants with specific skills. How do you know what skills they will search for? By examining the job listing. Use a resume scanner to automatically pick out the hard and soft skills the recruiter might search for, and then include those on your resume.

Even if the recruiter doesn’t search applications for those skills, they’ll definitely be looking for mentions of them on each resume they review.

3. Use long-form and acronym versions of keywords

Some ATS will only return resumes with the exact keywords the recruiters would search for. For example, if you included “Search Engine Optimization” in your resume but the recruiter searched for “SEO,” your profile may not appear in the results. Try to include both the acronym and the unabbreviated form of the term.

Use a tool like Jobscan’s resume fixer to make sure your resume doesn’t contain mistakes that will eliminate you from consideration.

4. Use Chronological or Hybrid resume format to write your resume .

Recruiters do not like the functional resume format . Unless you’re making a career change, a functional resume is going to work against you. (And even then, we recommend you steer clear of the format for a career change resume .)

The best format for the ATS is traditional reverse chronological. You can also use chronological and hybrid resume formats as these are familiar to most recruiters.

5. Use an easy-to-read, traditional font

For readability, use a traditional serif or sans serif font. Untraditional or “fancy” fonts can cause parsing errors, which means the full text of your resume won’t be searchable.

6. Use standard resume section headings

Section headers like “Where I’ve Been” in place of “Work Experience” will confuse applicant tracking systems, causing them to organize information incorrectly.

7. Save your file as a .docx if possible

A docx file is most compatible with ATS.

What is the best resume format for ATS?

There are three standard resume formats to choose from in your job search. They shape your first impression and determine the way recruiters and hiring managers view your fit as an applicant.

Your resume formatting can also determine how well your resume is parsed within an applicant tracking system (ATS) and how likely you are to be noticed as a result.

Regardless of the format you use, the most important thing is to use standard section headings like Experience, Skills, and Education. That will make it easier for the ATS to categorize the text.

How to tailor your ATS-friendly resume to a job

Tailoring your resume proves to recruiters that you’re an experienced professional. Most importantly, it shows them that you’re the perfect fit for this role.

Follow these three steps for tailoring your resume to a job description:

1. Examine the specific job description of the position

Go line by line through the job description and ask yourself these questions:

  • “Does my resume experience section clearly state that I can do what’s required of this role?”
  • “Am I using the same language found in the job description or job posting?”

You might find several different or missing skills and keywords in your generic resume.

2. Match skills and keywords from the job description

Mirroring the language, keywords, and buzzwords found within the job description is the easiest way to demonstrate you’re a better match than the competition.

The best way to show you’re the best fit for the position is to take words from the job posting and strategically put them in your job descriptions and other resume sections. A resume scanner will automatically pull out these keywords in seconds and speed up this process.

3. Write your job title clearly

Recruiters might search for people who have done the job they’re hiring, so list your job titles clearly and match the titles to the one in the job posting when possible. If you haven’t held the job before, list it under your name at the top or as part of your summary section.

What is Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software used to assist with human resources, recruitment, and hiring. While each system offers a different package of features, applicant tracking systems are primarily used to help hiring companies organize and navigate large numbers of applicants.

For example, an ATS stores job candidate information like resumes, cover letters, references, and other recruitment and hiring data that HR teams can easily access and organize. It will also track job candidates and their application status throughout the hiring pipeline.

Ultimately, an ATS automates time-consuming administrative tasks such as manually screening applicants, reading resumes, scheduling interviews, and sending notifications and emails to job candidates and employees.

Can you add graphics to your resume?

When it comes to creating an ATS-friendly resume , the rule is: The simpler, the better. ATS are improving at scanning different formatting features, but not all of them are good at this.

Adding graphics and images could cause ATS parsing errors , which means the text on your resume won’t be fully searchable or accurately categorized by an ATS. We recommend that job seekers err on the side of caution. Avoid graphics, images, and photos.

Are Google Docs or Microsoft resume templates ATS-friendly?

They can be. We talked about some formatting features to avoid on your resume – fancy graphics and non-traditional fonts. Those features can trip up an ATS, even if they’re on a Word document or Google Docs file.

However, as long as you follow the guidelines on this page, or use one of these ATS resume templates, you’ll be fine.

How to get your cover letter past the ATS?

To increase your cover letter’s chances of passing an ATS, focus on using a clean format without complex formatting, incorporate relevant keywords and phrases from the job description, and ensure that your content is easy for the ATS to parse.

Consider using a tool like Jobscan’s cover letter generator to help you create an ATS-friendly cover letter. If you already have a cover letter, run it through our cover letter checker tool to get personalized feedback on how to improve your cover letter and make it more compelling to employers.

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I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

If you are inadmissible to the United States and are seeking an immigrant visa, adjustment of status, certain nonimmigrant statuses, or certain other immigration benefits, you must file this form to seek a waiver of certain grounds of inadmissibility. Please refer to the instructions to determine whether you should use this form.

You must submit all 11 pages.

Forms and Document Downloads

Form I-601 (PDF, 600.79 KB)

Instructions for Form I-601 (PDF, 490.51 KB)

Flowchart: Filing Certain Waivers of Inadmissibility (PDF, 578.67 KB)

Form Details

04/01/24 . You can find the edition date at the bottom of the page on the form and instructions.

Dates are listed in mm/dd/yy format.

If you complete and print this form to mail it, make sure that the form edition date and page numbers are visible at the bottom of all pages and that all pages are from the same form edition. If any of the form’s pages are missing or are from a different form edition, we may reject your form.

If you need help downloading and printing forms, read our instructions . 

The filing location depends on the immigration benefit you are seeking. To view a complete list of addresses, go to our  Direct Filing Addresses  page.

You can find the filing fee for Form I-601 by visiting our Fee Schedule page.

Through Sept. 30, 2024, there is no fee to file Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status , on the basis of classification as an Afghan special immigrant, or for any associated biometric services or to file an associated Form I-601.

Through Sept. 30, 2024, there is no fee to file Form I-601 individually with an approved Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative , filed with USCIS in the United States for an Afghan national (beneficiary) who has a visa immediately available.

You can pay the fee with a money order, personal check, cashier’s check or  pay by credit card or debit card using Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions . If you pay by check, you must make your check payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

When you send a payment, you agree to pay for a government service. Filing fees are final and non-refundable, regardless of any action we take on your application, petition, or request, or if you withdraw your request.   If you pay by credit card or debit card, you cannot later dispute the payment. Use our Fee Calculator to help determine your fee.

If you are submitting multiple forms, pay each filing fee separately. We are transitioning to electronically processing immigration benefit requests, which requires us to use multiple systems to process your package. We may reject your entire package if you submit a single, combined payment for multiple forms.

Please do not submit this checklist with your Form I-601. The checklist is an optional tool to use as you prepare your form, but does not replace statutory, regulatory, and form instruction requirements. We recommend that you review these requirements before completing and submitting your forms.  Do not send original documents unless specifically requested in the form instructions or applicable regulations.

If you submit any documents (copies or original documents, if requested) in a foreign language, you must include a full English translation along with a certification from the translator verifying that the translation is complete and accurate, and that they are competent to translate from the foreign language into English.

Did you provide the following?

  • Evidence that establishes why you may qualify for a waiver of inadmissibility, which depends on the ground(s) of inadmissibility that apply to you and should include evidence to show why we should grant you a waiver of inadmissibility as a matter of discretion. 
  • If applying for a waiver that requires you to a showing of extreme hardship to a spouse, parent, son, or daughter of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, you must submit evidence establishing the family relationship and evidence that shows the denial of admission would result in extreme hardship to your qualifying relative.
  • If you are a VAWA self-petitioner seeking a waiver for immigration fraud or misrepresentation, you may show how the denial of admission would result in extreme hardship to your qualifying relatives or yourself. 
  • Evidence to support a waiver for inadmissibility due to a communicable disease of public health significance (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support your request for a vaccination exemption (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver of inadmissibility due to physical or mental disorder and associated harmful behavior (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver of criminal grounds of inadmissibility found in INA section 212(a)(2) (if applicable)
  • Evidence to support waiver for immigration fraud or misrepresentation (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver for inadmissibility because of your membership in a totalitarian party (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver for inadmissibility due to alien smuggling (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver of inadmissibility due to being the subject of a civil penalty under INA section 212(a)(6)(F) (if applicable).
  • Evidence to support a waiver of the 3-or 10-year unlawful presence bar under INA section 212(a)(9)(B)(v) (if applicable).
  • If you are a TPS applicant, evidence that a waiver is warranted. 
  • Evidence that you warrant a waiver of inadmissibility based on factors that would be considered if you were seeking consent to reapply if you are seeking adjustment of status under NACARA section 202 or HRIFA section 902, and inadmissible under INA section 212(a)(9)(A) or (C). 
  • Evidence that shows connection between the battery or extreme cruelty that is the basis for the VAWA claim and the self-petitioner’s removal, departure from the United States, reentry or re-entries into the United States, or attempted reentry into the United States if you are an approved VAWA self-petitioner or child of an approved VAWA self-petitioner and inadmissible under INA section 212(a)(9)(C)(i).   
  • Evidence to support waiver if you are an applicant for adjustment of status as a Special Immigrant Juvenile (if applicable).

Filing Tips for Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

Complete  all sections  of the form. We will reject the form if these fields are missing:

  • Family Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Date of Birth

Filing Tips:  Review our  Tips for Filing Forms by Mail  page for information on how to ensure we will accept your form.

Don’t forget to sign your form.  We will reject any unsigned form.

E-Notification:  If you want to receive an e-mail and/or text message that we have accepted your form at a USCIS lockbox, complete  Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance  and clip it to the first page of your form. 

Fee Waiver:  We will accept a fee waiver request from:

  • A VAWA self-petitioner;
  • An applicant for a T visa;
  • A battered spouse or child of a lawful permanent resident or U.S. citizen;
  • An applicant for Temporary Protected Status;
  • A Special Immigrant Juvenile; or
  • Any other noncitizen for whom  a determination of their likelihood of becoming a public charge under section 212(a)(4) is not required at the time of their application for admission or adjustment of status.

Please see our Fee Waiver page for more information.

  • Centralized Filing and Adjudication for Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility
  • Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility


  1. 95+ Best Free Application Letter Templates & Samples

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  2. Simple Application Letter

    sample of a business application letter

  3. Application Letter Examples

    sample of a business application letter

  4. 963 Best Application Letter Templates & Samples

    sample of a business application letter

  5. 49 Best Letter Of Application Samples (+"How to Write" Guide) ᐅ

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  6. FREE 8+ Example Business Letter in MS Word

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  1. Application Letter for Employment by Group 5 (Reading and Writing)

  2. Request Letter for Business Funding Assistance

  3. Business Communication letter-1 || Job application || Job acceptance

  4. How to write an Application Letter / Parts of Business Letter

  5. Types of business letters

  6. Letter Writing ✉️How to Write A Busines Letter ✉️Qualities Of a Good Letter 💌Steps of Writing letter


  1. Business Cover Letter Examples & Templates [2024 ready]

    First, see this sample business cover letter for a candidate with a few years of relevant professional experience as a business development consultant, Thomas. ... Dave is a career expert delivering a wide range of well-researched advice regarding the job hunting and application process. At ResumeLab, his data-driven resume and cover letter ...

  2. How To Write an Application Letter (With Template and Example)

    The image is titled Cover Letter vs Resume. An example cover letter is on the left with tips written below it. The cover letter reads: Malik Rabb (123)456-7891 [email protected] May 1, 2020 Dear Hiring Manager, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the associate marketing position at Retail Ocean. Storytelling through marketing is a true passion of mine, and I graduated with a four-year ...

  3. Business Cover Letter Example & Format to Use (+ Tips)

    Business Cover Letter Template. Here's how to write a business cover letter for a job application: 1. Use the proper business cover letter format. Set one-inch margins on all sides. Choose single or 1.15 line spacing. Use an elegant font in 11pt to 12pt size. Read more: The Only Proper Cover Letter Format. 2.

  4. Business Cover Letter Example & How-To Guide in 2024

    Top ↑ Business Cover Letter Example 5 Steps for the Perfect Business Cover Letter #1. Put Contact Information in the Header #2. Address the Hiring Manager #3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement #4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details #5. Wrap It Up and Sign It 3 Essential Business Cover Letter Tips #1.

  5. Business Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    Learn to write a business cover letter that means business! Take inspiration from our cover letter examples, templates, and samples, created for everyone — experienced executives, interns making their first moves, or business students. Create a cover letter that shows your passion for business, making your job application stand out from the rest.

  6. How to Write a Letter of Application (Example & Tips)

    No hard numbers. "I worked in a team and provided customer service to elderly residents". 5. Choose engaging words for your application letter. Your letter of application's length should be 250 to 400 words or 3 to 4 paragraphs — long enough to get your point across but short enough that the reader won't lose interest.

  7. Business Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

    1. Contact information and salutation. The header of your business cover letter should list all essential contact information, including your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL. It's also important to address the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name].

  8. How to Write a Letter of Application for 2024 (With Template)

    Introduce yourself as a professional. Mention the specific job title you're applying for. Explain why you want to join the company. Highlight how your skills and experience align with the job requirements. Indicate where you heard about the position. 3. Convince the employer you're the right person for the job.

  9. How to Write an Effective Application Letter [with Example & Tips]

    Choose an appropriate font for your application letter, like Calibri or Helvetica. Set the font size between 10 and 12 pt. Adjust margins to at least 1 inch on all sides. Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing and insert an additional line between paragraphs. Align text to the left or use justified alignment.

  10. How To Write a Business Cover Letter

    Consider the following steps when creating a professional, business cover letter: 1. Review the job posting. Before you begin writing your cover letter, it's important to refer to the job you're applying for. Make sure to note any skills, experience or education requirements that the employer has mentioned.

  11. Business and management Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips

    Use this Business and management cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast - no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Business and management positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes.

  12. 8+ Business Letter Examples & Business Letter Format Guide

    2. Add the date. The date should be the day on which you completed the letter, written in the standard US "month, date, year" format (e.g., October 28, 2017). Add it underneath the letterhead. 3. Include the addressee's details. Write the recipient's (or "addressee's") address on the top left side underneath the date.

  13. Business Manager Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Tom Jackson. Orlando, Florida. 407-555-0141. [email protected] May 10, 2023 Sun Central Management Dear Hiring Manager, I'm excited to apply for the Business Manager position and use my background in business operations at Sun Central Management.

  14. How to Write a Job Application Letter (With Examples)

    Tips for Writing an Effective Letter. Sample Job Application Letter. Sending an Email Application. Review More Letter Examples. Photo: Dan Dalton / Getty Images. Melissa Ling / The Balance. A job application letter is sent or uploaded with a resume when applying for jobs.

  15. Business Development Cover Letter Examples & Guide

    Definition. 2. Make a professional business development cover letter header. Write your full name and job title first. List your address, email, phone number, and LinkedIn profile. Skip a line. Add the date. Then skip another line. Add the managers' name, business name, and street address.

  16. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    Employer name. Company Name. Street address. City, State. Salutation. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], Opening Paragraph (Introduction) Your cover letter opening should contain a self-introduction. Write about who you are, where your expertise lies, where you found the job posting, and why you want to apply for the job.

  17. Business Application Letter

    Here are some business application letter format & sample that will guide you to write an application letter for employment to a company even if you are fresh graduates. Business Application Letter Writing Tips. As it is a formal letter, it should be written carefully using simple and easy to understand words.

  18. How to write a business letter: Format + template

    Start the message with a salutation like "Dear [name]." Open the message body by introducing yourself and the purpose of your letter. Write as many paragraphs as you need, but try to keep it to one page. Below the body, write a sign-off like "Sincerely," followed by your signature and then your typed name.

  19. The Short Cover Letter: What to Include & Why (with Examples)

    Hanna says that all cover letters—whether long or short—should be written using a professional tone and must contain the following elements: A header that contains your name and contact information. This information should match that on your resume. The date. A salutation, ideally with the hiring manager's name.

  20. Customer Service Representative Cover Letter Examples [2024]

    [email protected]. May 2, 2023. Alice Smith, Abbott Insurance. Orlando, FL 32866. Phone: 555-555-5555. E-Mail: [email protected]. Dear Alice Smith, I write in response to your advertisement seeking a customer service representative at Abbott Insurance.

  21. Application Letter Templates for Your Career

    Internship application. Dear [Hiring manager name], This letter is in reference to the [name of internship] opportunity at [company name], where I hope to start my career in [industry]. I'm interested in pursuing [career path] because [reasons for applying] and feel that I could contribute [list of skills] to your company during my internship.

  22. Sample Recommendation Letters for Scholarship Applications

    1. General scholarship recommendation letter. This is a great sample scholarship letter if you're trying to offer a rounded view of a student's performance in high school. You'll include information about your experience with them as well as your thoughts on their potential success in a higher-education setting. 2.

  23. What to Write in an Email When Sending a Resume [+ Examples & Tips]

    Job application email sample #1. Subject: Job Application - Operations Manager, Job ID #27423 - Michael Wilson. Dear Mr. Adams, ... If there are no specifications on formatting, follow the rules for general business letters when you send your resume via email. Remember, job application emails sent to HR for your job application should highlight ...

  24. Letters to Credit Unions and Other Guidance

    Letters to Federal Credit Unions — Provide guidance on specific NCUA policies and procedures, compliance, governance, and other timely issues that affect only credit unions with a federal charter. Risk Alerts — Detail practices or external threats that potentially are a significant risk to the safety and soundness of the credit union system ...

  25. 15 Free ATS Resume Templates (Optimized for 2024)

    ATS Resume Templates. Download an ATS-friendly resume template for free. These templates can be edited in Microsoft Word and can be accurately scanned by an applicant tracking system. If you've made it to this page, then you probably already know more about applicant tracking systems (ATS) than the average job seeker.

  26. Free Cover Letter Template for Your Resume (Copy & Paste)

    Pantheon. The "Pantheon" cover letter template's bold header projects confidence, making it ideal for executives. 2024. Designed for the modern job seeker, our "2024" cover letter template is perfect for people in any industry. Classic. "The Classic" cover letter template is clean, traditional, and the perfect format to start off your application.

  27. Business Letter Format (With Template and Example)

    Here's an example of a business letter format you can use when drafting your letter: Rachel Gomez, Sr. Project Manager. 555-555-5555 |[email protected] | Seattle, Washington98128 July 1, 2023 Vincent Prasad, Sr. Data Analyst. 123-456-7890 | [email protected] | New Orleans, Louisiana 70122 Dear Vincent Prasad, It's my pleasure to strongly ...

  28. Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

    You can find the filing fee for Form I-601 by visiting our Fee Schedule page.. Through Sept. 30, 2024, there is no fee to file Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, on the basis of classification as an Afghan special immigrant, or for any associated biometric services or to file an associated Form I-601.. Through Sept. 30, 2024, there is no fee to file Form ...